103 на английском как пишется


one hundred and three


0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9

Количественное Числительное

103 is the one hundred and third number.


102 104

1 — 10
1 — 20
1 — 100
100 — 200
200 — 300
1 — 1000


  • serega
  • 2017-03-03 08:51:07
  • 1-4
  • Английский язык
  • 5+3 б

сто три по-английски как написать?

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    Аватар пользователя greg

    • greg
    • Хорошист
    • 2017-03-03 08:51:07

    103 на английском языке пишется вот так: one hundred and three.

    Ответ: 103 по-английски — one hundred and three

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    As you’ve noted, 103, can be pronounced as «one hundred three» or «one hundred and three». Additionally it can be pronounced beginning with an «a» instead of «one». My research into this question has been both confusing and enlightening. I thought that one of the things that distinguished BrE from AmE was that in BrE «and» is spoken before saying numbers 1 through 99 after saying «hundred», «thousand», «million», «billion» etc. Here’s a chart from mathisfun.com to illustrate (I have highlighted the extra «and»s in BrE).:

    US: one hundred one
    UK: one hundred and one

    US: nine hundred ninety-nine
    UK: nine hundred and

    US: one thousand, one hundred one
    UK: one thousand, one
    hundred and one
    US: fifteen thousand, sixteen
    UK: fifteen thousand, and sixteen
    US: one
    hundred twelve thousand, six hundred twenty-one
    UK: one hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and twenty-one

    Millions and More

    US: one hundred ninety-one million, two hundred
    thirty-two thousand, eight hundred ninety-one
    UK: one hundred
    and ninety-one million, two hundred and thirty-two thousand, eight hundred and ninety-one

    This phenomenon is also attested in the Wikipedia article on English numerals:

    nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand (inclusively British
    English, Irish English, Australian English, and New Zealand

    nine hundred ninety-nine thousand (American English)
    English numerals (Wikipedia)

    And if you want another source, check out the text to speech examples for both American and British speakers at this site. I recommend you type the number «111» because the difference is hard to discern with certain numbers, and «111» is clear. You can see that for the speakers of English from Canada, Australia, Britain and India the «and» is clearly audible, whereas in the American version it isn’t.

    However, this practice of not using «and» when reading out numbers by Americans is not universal:

    In American English, many students are taught not to use the word and
    anywhere in the whole part of a number, so it is not used before the
    tens and ones. It is instead used as a verbal delimiter when dealing
    with compound numbers. Thus, instead of «three hundred and
    seventy-three,» «three hundred seventy-three» would be said. Despite
    this rule, some Americans use the and in reading numbers containing
    tens and ones as an alternative variant.
    English Numerals (Wikipedia)

    Illinois Democratic candidate: «I am running for the hundred and seventh district…»
    WTHR (Indianapolis-based) anchor says «one hundred and seven»

    All this information has made me uncertain, but it’s clear many Americans say the «and» in numbers like this. I don’t speak for all people, I can only tell you what I hear.

    As you are specifically asking about an ordinal number and not a cardinal number, I’ll give some information I’ve found about this topic specifically. See this question and answer on a Word Reference forum thread:

    Question: Is this a way to say ordinal numbers for large numbers?
    one billion two hundred thirty-four million two
    hundred ninety-five thousand three hundred forty-fifth?

    There are only two answers, both American users, and both seem to agree that the OP is correct. Note, no «and» before the «forty-fifth»
    Word Reference forum link

    You can also go to the text to speech site I linked and type in 103rd or 111th and see that the «and» is not pronounced.

    On the other hand, there are plenty of examples of the opposite.

    In many other text to speech programs the American speaker says «hundred and third»

    American saying the «Hundred and First Airborne»
    American saying «There is no organisation in the world that can do what the Hundred and First does»
    American saying «Hundred and Seventy Third Airborne
    American saying «hundred and tenth anniversary», talking about a Harley Davidson
    American saying «hundred and tenth anniversary»

    So this question is way outside my knowledge of how people around the world do or should pronounce 103rd. From my experience in BrE you can say it:

    A hundred and third
    One hundred and third

    and in AmE I have heard examples of both the above with and without the «and».

    There may also be more informal vernacular ways of saying it such as «one oh third».

    As you’ve noted, 103, can be pronounced as «one hundred three» or «one hundred and three». Additionally it can be pronounced beginning with an «a» instead of «one». My research into this question has been both confusing and enlightening. I thought that one of the things that distinguished BrE from AmE was that in BrE «and» is spoken before saying numbers 1 through 99 after saying «hundred», «thousand», «million», «billion» etc. Here’s a chart from mathisfun.com to illustrate (I have highlighted the extra «and»s in BrE).:

    US: one hundred one
    UK: one hundred and one

    US: nine hundred ninety-nine
    UK: nine hundred and

    US: one thousand, one hundred one
    UK: one thousand, one
    hundred and one
    US: fifteen thousand, sixteen
    UK: fifteen thousand, and sixteen
    US: one
    hundred twelve thousand, six hundred twenty-one
    UK: one hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and twenty-one

    Millions and More

    US: one hundred ninety-one million, two hundred
    thirty-two thousand, eight hundred ninety-one
    UK: one hundred
    and ninety-one million, two hundred and thirty-two thousand, eight hundred and ninety-one

    This phenomenon is also attested in the Wikipedia article on English numerals:

    nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand (inclusively British
    English, Irish English, Australian English, and New Zealand

    nine hundred ninety-nine thousand (American English)
    English numerals (Wikipedia)

    And if you want another source, check out the text to speech examples for both American and British speakers at this site. I recommend you type the number «111» because the difference is hard to discern with certain numbers, and «111» is clear. You can see that for the speakers of English from Canada, Australia, Britain and India the «and» is clearly audible, whereas in the American version it isn’t.

    However, this practice of not using «and» when reading out numbers by Americans is not universal:

    In American English, many students are taught not to use the word and
    anywhere in the whole part of a number, so it is not used before the
    tens and ones. It is instead used as a verbal delimiter when dealing
    with compound numbers. Thus, instead of «three hundred and
    seventy-three,» «three hundred seventy-three» would be said. Despite
    this rule, some Americans use the and in reading numbers containing
    tens and ones as an alternative variant.
    English Numerals (Wikipedia)

    Illinois Democratic candidate: «I am running for the hundred and seventh district…»
    WTHR (Indianapolis-based) anchor says «one hundred and seven»

    All this information has made me uncertain, but it’s clear many Americans say the «and» in numbers like this. I don’t speak for all people, I can only tell you what I hear.

    As you are specifically asking about an ordinal number and not a cardinal number, I’ll give some information I’ve found about this topic specifically. See this question and answer on a Word Reference forum thread:

    Question: Is this a way to say ordinal numbers for large numbers?
    one billion two hundred thirty-four million two
    hundred ninety-five thousand three hundred forty-fifth?

    There are only two answers, both American users, and both seem to agree that the OP is correct. Note, no «and» before the «forty-fifth»
    Word Reference forum link

    You can also go to the text to speech site I linked and type in 103rd or 111th and see that the «and» is not pronounced.

    On the other hand, there are plenty of examples of the opposite.

    In many other text to speech programs the American speaker says «hundred and third»

    American saying the «Hundred and First Airborne»
    American saying «There is no organisation in the world that can do what the Hundred and First does»
    American saying «Hundred and Seventy Third Airborne
    American saying «hundred and tenth anniversary», talking about a Harley Davidson
    American saying «hundred and tenth anniversary»

    So this question is way outside my knowledge of how people around the world do or should pronounce 103rd. From my experience in BrE you can say it:

    A hundred and third
    One hundred and third

    and in AmE I have heard examples of both the above with and without the «and».

    There may also be more informal vernacular ways of saying it such as «one oh third».

    Число Прописью
    Число 103 дробное прописью сто три
    Число 103 округленное прописью сто три
    Число 103 в рублях. с копейками сто три рубля 00 копеек
    Число 103 на английском языке one hundred three
    Число 103 на немецком ein­hundert­drei
    Число 103 на итальянском cento­tré

    Сайт на Битрикс

    Как вы просили, я проведу вас на 103 этаж?

    As you requested, may I guide you to the 103rd floor?

    Политическая стабильность и отсутствие терроризма 103.


    Political stability and absence of violence/terrorism 103rd.


    Сборник лекций по философии( краткий курс).- АГУ К. Жубанова РББ,-

    2015.- 103 с.

    Collection of lectures on philosophy(short course).- ASU K. Zhubanov RBB,

    Конституционный суд Испании в решениях№ 103/ 1990 и 22/ 1990 заявил, что.


    In decisions Nos. 103/1990 and 22/1990, the Spanish Constitutional Court stated that.


    В альбоме After the Carnaval Zuco 103 вновь удивляет слушателей новым оригинальным звучанием.


    So again- of course- Zuco 103’s magical music cocktail adopts a new flavour on After the Carnaval.


    Общая длина 103 будет разной из-за разного хода.

    Total length 103will be differentdue to differentstroke.

    AL 103: Восточный армянский для начинающих( на русском): 3 кредита.


    AL 102: Beginners Eastern Armenian(in English): 3 credits.


    И дополнительные расходы 3 103,


    Freight and support costs 3 103.0.


    И 103, 7% к плану на 10 месяцев(

    2137, 7 млн. грн.).

    And 88.5% of the plan for 4 months(132 7 min.).

    Вес 103, 12 ГАБА молекулярный.

    Господь творит правду и суд всем обиженным. Псалтирь 103: 6.

    The Lord works vindication and justice for all who are oppressed.”Ps 103:6.

    Моему дедушке Манхайму 103 года, и он до сих пор ошивается где-то в Аргентине.

    My grandpa Mannheim is 103, and still puttering around down in Argentina.

    Текст цитат из Библии этой проповеди вы найдете в Исайя 33: 22;

    Псалтырь 103: 4.

    The text of this sermon is found in Isa 33:22;

    Финансовые и институциональные средства реализации 103.


    Financial and institutional means of implementation ACSAD.


    Производство опиума 103 31.


    Opium production 104 26.


    Европейская система управления железнодорожным движением( ЕСУЖД);

    отобрано 15 проектов с финансированием в объеме 103, 3 млн.


    European Rail Traffic Management System(ERTMS)-

    15 projects selected, Euro103.3 million in funding.


    В случае коррекции, цена может достигнуть уровня 103, 90 и 103, 40.


    In case


    correction, the price can reach the level of 103.90 and 103.40.


    Резолюции 14( I), 173( II), 32/ 103 и 64/ 243 Генеральной Ассамблеи.


    General Assembly resolutions 14(I), 173(II), 32/103 and 64/243.


    Защита моральных и материальных интересов, вытекающих из научной работы 494-


    Protection of the moral and material interests resulting from scientific work 494-


    Доклад Генерального секретаря и просьбы о созыве заседания 103.


    Report of the Secretary-General and requests for a meeting. 101.


    В стандартных блоках выходной ток ограничен значением 103% максимального номинального тока.


    Standard units limit at 103% of maximum rated output current.


    Увеличивается мощность двигателя кВт( л. с.): было 103( 140) стало 115( 156);


    Increased engines’ power kWt(HP): from 103(140) to 115(156);


    Полномочия исполняющего обязанности Председателя 103.


    Powers of the Acting Chairman 91.


    Тридцать пятой сессиях 627- 646 103.


    And thirtyfifth sessions 627 646 83.


    Предложение делегаций Италии, Республики Корея и

    Нидерландов A/ CN. 9/ WG. III/ WP. 103.


    A proposal by the delegations of Italy, the Republic of Korea and the Netherlands A/CN.9/WG. III/WP.103.


    Резолюция 14( I), 173( II), 32/ 103 и 64/ 243 Генеральной Ассамблеи.


    General Assembly resolutions 14(I), 173(II), 32/103 and 64/243.


    Статья III. Подотчетность: правила 103. 1с и d;


    Article III. Accountability: Rules 103.1(c) and d.


    II. Образование и правоприменительная деятельность 438- 452 103.


    II. Education and law enforcement activity 438- 452 97.


    Результатов: 3612,
    Время: 0.0978

    • 1


      Запись римскими цифрами: CIII.



      English-Russian dictionary designations > 103

    • 2


    • 3


    • 4



      японская [широкополосая] бычья акула f, широкополосый разнозуб m


    • 5



      стрелка f зеленоватая [вооружённая]


    • 6


    • 7
      103-obvious-type double patenting

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > 103-obvious-type double patenting

    • 8
      103-obvious-type double patenting


      двойное патентование, нарушающее требование неочевидности

      Англо-русский юридический словарь > 103-obvious-type double patenting

    • 9
      Article 103

      1. The jurisdiction of the State Duma includes:

      a) approving the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation by the President of the Russian Federation;

      b) solution of the issue of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation;
      c) appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
      d) appointment and dismissal of the Chairman and half of the auditors of the Accounting Chamber;
      e) appointment and dismissal of the Commissioner for human rights, who acts according to the federal constitutional law;
      f) proclamation of amnesty;
      g) advancing of charges against the President of the Russian Federation for his impeachment.

      2. The State Duma shall adopt resolutions on the issues referred to its authority by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

      3. Resolutions of the State Duma shall be adopted by a majority of the total number of the deputies of the State Duma, if other rules for adopting decisions are not stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
      <На русском языке см. [ref dict=»The Constitution of Russia (Russian)»]Статья 103[/ref]>
      <На немецком языке см. [ref dict=»The Constitution of Russia (German)»]Artikel 103[/ref]>
      <На французском языке см. [ref dict=»The Constitution of Russia (French)»]Article 103[/ref]>

      The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 103

    • 10

      OV-103, Orbiter Vehicle 103 (Discovery)

      English-Russian dictionary of program «Mir-Shuttle» > OV-103

    • 11
      Orbiter Vehicle 103 (Discovery)

      OV-103, Orbiter Vehicle 103 (Discovery)

      English-Russian dictionary of program «Mir-Shuttle» > Orbiter Vehicle 103 (Discovery)

    • 12
      transactinide elements (beyond atomic number 103)


      трансактинидные элементы

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > transactinide elements (beyond atomic number 103)

    • 13
      Bell 103

      американский стандарт дуплексной модемной связи с частотной модуляцией и частотным разделением каналов со скоростью 300 бит/с; протокол Bell 103

      English-Russian electronics dictionary > Bell 103

    • 14
      Bell 103

      американский стандарт дуплексной модемной связи с частотной модуляцией и частотным разделением каналов со скоростью 300 бит/с; протокол Bell 103

      The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > Bell 103

    • 15
      Bahirah (A class of cattle liberated in honour of idols and reverenced by the pagan Arabs; it is mentioned in the Qur’an in 5/103)

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Bahirah (A class of cattle liberated in honour of idols and reverenced by the pagan Arabs; it is mentioned in the Qur’an in 5/103)

    • 16
      Bell 103

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Bell 103

    • 17
      Hami (A class of cattle liberated in honour of idols and reverenced by the pagan Arabs; it is mentioned in the Qur’an in 5/103)

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Hami (A class of cattle liberated in honour of idols and reverenced by the pagan Arabs; it is mentioned in the Qur’an in 5/103)

    • 18
      SWIFT message (often SWIFT MT 103)

      Банковское дело:


      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > SWIFT message (often SWIFT MT 103)

    • 19
      Sa’ibah (A class of cattle liberated in honour of idols and reverenced by the pagan Arabs; it is mentioned in the Qur’an in 5/103)

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Sa’ibah (A class of cattle liberated in honour of idols and reverenced by the pagan Arabs; it is mentioned in the Qur’an in 5/103)

    • 20
      Wasilah (A class of cattle liberated in honour of idols and reverenced by the pagan Arabs; it is mentioned in the Qur’an in 5/103)

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Wasilah (A class of cattle liberated in honour of idols and reverenced by the pagan Arabs; it is mentioned in the Qur’an in 5/103)


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • 103.3 — – Ihr Lokalradio Allgemeine Informationen Empfang analog terrestrisch, Kabel analog Internet Sendegebiet …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • 103 av. J.-C. — 103 Années : 106 105 104   103  102 101 100 Décennies : 130 120 110   100  90 80 70 Siècles : IIIe siècle …   Wikipédia en Français

    • 103 AH — is a year in the Islamic calendar that corresponds to 721 ndash; 722 CE.yearbox width = 500 in?= cp=1st century AH c=2nd century AH cf=3rd century AH| yp1=100 AH yp2=101 AH yp3=102 AH year=103 AH ya1=104 AH ya2=105 AH ya3=106 AH dp3=70s AH… …   Wikipedia

    • 103.9 FM — is a radio frequency. It may refer to:Current StationsIn Australia * ABC Classic FM in Adelaide, South Australia * Good News Radio in Ballarat, Victoria * Life FM in Latrobe ValleyIn Canada * CBBP FM in Peterborough, ON * CBRF FM in Calgary, AB * …   Wikipedia

    • 103.5 FM — is a radio frequency. It may refer to:Current StationsIn Australia * ABC Classic FM in Armidale, New South Wales * Rhema FM in Orange, New South Wales * SBS Radio in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales * Mix FM in Maryborough, Queensland * Hot FM in… …   Wikipedia

    • 103.7 FM — is a radio frequency. It may refer to:Current StationsIn Australia * 2KY in Moree, New South Wales * 2NUR in Newcastle, New South Wales * ABC Classic FM in Broken Hill, New South Wales * 4MBS in Brisbane, Queensland * Radio TAB in Longreach,… …   Wikipedia

    • 103.1 FM — is a radio frequency. It may refer to:Current StationsIn Australia * ABC Classic FM in Tamworth, New South Wales * Rhema FM in Grafton, New South Wales * Hot FM in Townsville, Queensland * Radio National in Rockhampton, Queensland * 5EBI in… …   Wikipedia

    • 103.3 FM — is a radio frequency. It may refer to:Current StationsIn Australia * 2GCR in Goulburn, New South Wales * 2KY in Muswellbrook, New South Wales * 2TLP in Taree, New South Wales * Triple J in Darwin, Northern Territory * Radio TAB in Cooktown,… …   Wikipedia

    • 103 — Cette page concerne l année 103 du calendrier julien. Pour l année 103, voir 103. Pour le nombre 103, voir 103 (nombre). Pour la voiture, voir Peugeot 103 Années : 100 101 102  103  104 105 106 …   Wikipédia en Français

    • -103 — Années : 106 105 104   103  102 101 100 Décennies : 130 120 110   100  90 80 70 Siècles : IIIe siècle av. J.‑C.   …   Wikipédia en Français

    • 103 — Portal Geschichte | Portal Biografien | Aktuelle Ereignisse | Jahreskalender ◄ | 1. Jahrhundert | 2. Jahrhundert | 3. Jahrhundert | ► ◄ | 70er | 80er | 90er | 100er | 110er | 120er | 130er | ► ◄◄ | ◄ | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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