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- 2017-03-01 15:50:32
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- Английский язык
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- nikolaj-dzhavahishvili
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- 2017-03-01 15:50:32
144 на английском языке пишется вот так: one hundred and forty-four.
Ответ: 144 по-английски — one hundred and forty-four
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143 |
one hundred and forty-four |
145 |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ← |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ↵ |
Количественное Числительное
144 is the one hundred and forty-fourth number.
The Member State in whose territory the ginners are established shall approve the organisation that respects the criteria to be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 144(2).
30 Next, as regards the purpose of the provisions of Article 132 of Directive 2006/112, it must be recalled that that article aims to exempt from VAT certain activities in the public interest with a view to facilitating access to certain services and the supply of certain goods by avoiding the increased costs that would result if they were subject to VAT (see, to that effect, judgment of 26 February 2015, VDP Dental Laboratory and Others, C‐144/13, C‐154/13 and C‐160/13, EU:C:2015:116, paragraphs 43 and 45 and the case-law cited).
8. Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 1997 on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts (OJ L 144, 4.6.1997, p.
The Special Rapporteur notes, however, that this law would not free those accused of “terrorism” — most of the Kosovo Albanian political prisoners, including the 144 individuals from Djakova who were convicted on the basis of “collective” guilt with no individual responsibility established.
The penalty shall be between forty-eight (48) and one hundred and forty-four (144) months and the fine shall be between sixty-six point six six (66.66) and three hundred (300) times the current minimum statutory monthly wage if any of the above actions causes the release of nuclear energy or radioactive elements that endanger peoples’ lives, health or property.
144 It must be concluded that in participating in the meetings during which that set of measures was adopted (in particular those of 13 May, 2 and 21 September 1982 (main statement of objections, Appendices 24, 29, 30)), the applicant subscribed to it, since it has not adduced any evidence to prove the contrary.
The present report transmits information received by the Office of the High Commissioner pursuant to the implementation of General Assembly resolution 60/144.
[7] For instance in Granular polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) originating in Russia and the People’s Republic of China, OJ L 144, 8.6.2005, p. 11, and in Peroxosulphates (persulphates) originating in the United States of America, the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, ,OJ L 97, 12.4.2007, p.
Isolated house on the outskirts of Breda, 144 m2, 350 m2 plot.
As already mentioned in connection with the previous provision, Article 145 of Law No. 144/99, of 31 August, gives some examples of what mutual legal assistance may cover.
In another embodiment, a magnetic stator configuration with two spaced apart magnetic elements (142, 144) is used whose poles (N, N) have substantially the same active direction.
33 Under the provisions of Article 242 EC and Article 243 EC read in conjuction, and Article 4 of Council Decision 88/591/ECSC, EEC, Euratom of 24 October 1988 establishing a Court of First Instance of the European Communities (OJ 1988 L 319, p. 1), as amended by Council Decision 93/350/Euratom, ECSC, EEC of 8 June 1993 (OJ 1993 L 144, p. 21) the Court of First Instance may, if it considers that the circumstances so require, order that application of the contested act be suspended or prescribe any necessary interim measures.
Now that Amendment No 142 has been accepted, we do not, I think, need to vote on Amendment No 144, because it deals with the same issue.
95/144/EC of 7 April 1995, on common information technology security evaluation criteria (ITSEC), as last amended, OJEC No. L 93, 26/04/1995.
Based on the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Case C‐144/15, the Union would classify the product in heading 23.09.
A toner mark is produced on a electrographic support for intermediate images (4, 130, 144). Said toner mark is at least partially scanned on the support for intermediate images (4, 122, 136) and then removed from the support for intermediate images (4, 122, 136).
Paolo Virno and Michael Hardt (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996), p. 144. The computer is the key instrument allowing for this industrial organization of the author function, in constant feedback relations with the communicating public.
Emperor Shun died in 144.
How do they breathe there, squashed together worse than 144 sardines in a tin?
101 It is settled case-law that by virtue of that the principle of proportionality laid down in the third paragraph of Article 3b of the EC Treaty (now Article 5 EC) the measures adopted by Community institutions must not exceed what is appropriate and necessary for attaining the objective pursued (see, in particular, the judgments of the Court of Justice in Case 15/83 Denkavit Nederland [1984] ECR 2171, at paragraph 25, and of the Court of First Instance in Case T-260/94 Air Inter v Commission [1997] ECR II-997, at paragraph 144).
The estate essentially consisted of capital assets, of which DEM 144 255 were invested in Germany, and the remainder – an amount equivalent to DEM 994 494 – with financial institutions in Spain.
144 Relevant considerations in this respect include factors such as the length of time for which the breach of obligations complained of has persisted since the judgment establishing it was delivered, and the seriousness of the infringement (see Case C-496/09 Commission v Italy, paragraph 94).
referred to in Articles 143 and 144, by the next reference date following the date of the communication referred in Articles 143(4) and 144(2);
1970 – The Soviet Tupolev Tu-144 becomes the first commercial transport to exceed Mach 2.
The Maddox family now numbers 144 and are wonderful examples of being “all in.”
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Например, число 144 (квадрат 12) имеет простыемножители
For example, the number 144 (the square of 12) has the prime factors
Существует 7 способов, которыми число 144 можно записать в виде произведения 4 различных положительных целых чисел
There are 7 ways in which 144 can be written as a product of 4 distinct positive integers
Вы оценили ответ, уменьшая число 144?
Did you produce your estimate by adjusting down from 144?
Вы включены в число 144 тысяч?
Предположим, вместо этого, я скажу, что у меня есть число 144, и мне нужно узнать, какие пары целых чисел я умножил, чтобы получить это число.
Now suppose, instead, that I tell you that I have a number, 35, and I need you tell me which pair of prime numbers I multiplied together to obtain that number.
Поскольку все эльфы были найдены в группах, численность которых была кратна 12, их система счисления была 12-ричной, а число 144 стало самым большим числом на очень долгое время.
Because all elves had been found in groups of twelve, twelve becomes their base number and 144 their highest number (for a long time).
Вы включены в число 144 тысяч?
Нет на то воли Господа, чтобы Его люди вступали в споры по вопросам, которые не помогают им в духовном росте; например: кто войдет в число 144 тысяч?
It is not His will that they shall get into controversy over questions which will not help them spiritually, such as, Who is to compose the hundred and forty four thousand?
Они не входят в это число 144 тысяч, которые спасутся.
That doesn’t leave many of the 144,000 left.
Доступ в число 144 тысяч будто бы был прекращен в 1935 году.
He did say the 144000 calling stopped in 1935.
Другие результаты
Представлен анализ результатов хирургического лечения 232 больных с атеросклеротическими стенозами и окклюзиями сонных артерий, в том числе 144 с двусторонними поражениями.
Presented herein is an analysis of surgical treatment of 232 patients with atherosclerotic stenoses and occlusions of the carotid arteries, including 144 persons with bilateral lesions.
До выведения из эксплуатации, девять лет спустя, он совершил 590 рейсов, в том числе 144 трансокеанских переходов.
Before it was decommissioned nine years later, it made 590 flights, including 144 ocean crossings.
Было подано 4565 заявлений, в том числе 144 от представителей меньшинств и 221 заявление женщин.
As a result, 4,565 applications have been submitted, of which 144 were from minorities and 221 from females.
знать делители и множители чисел до числа 144 (12×12).
Know division and factors for numbers up through 144 (12×12).
ДОС ограничивает число файлов на диске числом 144, вне зависимости от числа свободных блоков, так как каталог имеет фиксированный размер, а подкаталоги не поддерживаются.
The DOS limits the number of files per disk to 144 regardless of the number of free blocks on the disk because the directory is of a fixed size, and the file system does not allow for subdirectories.
В течение февраля корпус пополнился 35 новыми членами, в результате чего его общая численность в настоящее время составляет 4663 члена, в том числе 144 человека из числа этнических меньшинств.
Thirty-five new members were included in the Corps establishment during the month of February, the total now being 4,663 members, with 144 from ethnic minorities.
По состоянию на 14 сентября 2006 года в 10 странах мира было зарегистрировано 246 случаев заболевания людей птичьим гриппом, в том числе 144 летальных исхода.
As of 14 September 2006, there have been 246 human cases of avian influenza and 144 deaths in 10 countries.
И вновь это заставляет нас верить, что время, измеряемое либо скоростью Света, либо секундой, является функцией простой движущейся вибрации, в данном случае гармониками числа 144.
So again, all of this leads us to believe that time as we know it, either measured by the speed of Light or even the second itself, are all functions of simple vibration in movement, in this case harmonics of the number 144.
Результатов: 185. Точных совпадений: 12. Затраченное время: 143 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
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- Muscle are the active part of the motor
- How much are those shoes ?
- сколько варенье он может взять
- He lives in a small house in New York Ci
- Muscle are the active part of the motor
- THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Respiration occur
- Главная торговая улица Франкфурта-на-Май
- Muscle are the active part of the motor
- посмотри в статистке моей
- я живу в семье
- Welcome To My World (
- я живу в семье
- You can view the Milky Way with the nake
- так є парк по обидві сторони будинку
- I was just thinking about the trip in Au
- мне десять лет
- как его зовут
- На территории России проживает
- я плохо понимаю вас
- ведь у вас есть время.
- Read and write the words
- THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Respiration occur
- ведь у вас есть время.
- исконно русские традиции
число n
f-число n
число π n
число M n
число RAW n
число 300 n
число 1054 n
число Fl n
число Ff n
число 1 n
число 1010100 n
число 12*5 n
число 1E+72 n
число e n
число 12**-1 n
число 12**-2 n
число 12**-3 n
F-число n
число 13 n
число 22 n
число CSRC n
число 1090 n
число 1033 n
число 250 000 n
число 1043 n
число e = 2, 71828 n
число 124 n
число 144 n
число 12**3 n
число 12**-6 n
число 12**-4 n
число 12**-5 n
число 1E+60 n
число g n
INTEGER число n
число «11» n
число 55 n
числа n
Числа n
числа n
общее число n
число из числа специалистов, обладающих … = from a pool of specialists who have … n
Число n
числом n
подсчитанное число n
число n
«Число» n