1927 на английском как пишется


one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven


0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9

Вариант для обозначения Года

nineteen twenty-seven

Количественное Числительное

1927 is the one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seventh number.

After a journey to the football club in Alexandria, Egypt in 1927 the General Assembly of 1928 decided the players showed that they were not just good footballers but also excellent track and field athletes.

Personalised services (first paragraph of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1927/2006)

O’Higgins was assassinated by a Republican gunman on 10 July 1927.

Local congregations of Christians arose in the area, but no church building was provided until 1927 when the old power station was converted into a Lutheran church and consecrated.

She remained in the United States until 1927, when she and her husband returned to France.

The current Saudi court system was created by King Abdul Aziz, who founded the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932, and was introduced to the country in stages between 1927 and 1960.

Jack Kubrick, whose parents and paternal grandparents were of Polish-Jewish, Austrian-Jewish, and Romanian-Jewish origin, was a doctor, graduating from the New York Homeopathic Medical College in 1927, the same year he married Kubrick’s mother, the child of Austrian-Jewish immigrants.

He also served on the Supreme Allied War Council from 1927 until his retirement in 1937.

Flawless first editions from the period 1927 to 1955.

Over the next 12 years, he played 13 times for Argentina and scored 3 goals, winning the 1927 Copa América and the silver medal at the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The original Fay hut was built in 1927 as a base for climbing in the Valley of the Ten Peaks area.

In 1927 he published the book «A royal adventurer» in English about his time in the Foreign Legion.

The era was characterized by profound social and technological changes. Consumer goods such as radio, cinema, and the automobile—whose use grew exponentially in the 1920s—became widespread. In 1927, Walter Chrysler’s automotive company, the Chrysler Corporation, became the third-largest car manufacturer in the United States, behind Ford and General Motors.

The Central European International Cup was an international football competition held by certain national teams from Central Europe between 1927 and 1960.

Edward Lawrence Bader (June 8, 1874 – January 29, 1927) was an American politician who served as Mayor of Atlantic City, New Jersey for much of the Roaring Twenties, when the city was arguably at the peak of its popularity as a vacation spot.

An all-rounder, he played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club between 1911 and 1927.

The first multilateral treaty exclusively concerned with the general aspects of disaster relief was the Convention and Statute of the International Relief Union (1927).

Wilhelm Johannsen (3 February 1857 – 11 November 1927) was a Danish botanist, plant physiologist, and geneticist.

After his 1927 divorce from Richardson, Hemingway married Pauline Pfeiffer; they divorced after he returned from the Spanish Civil War, where he had been a journalist.

This application complies with the requirements for determining the financial contributions as laid down in Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 1927/2006, therefore the Commission proposes to deploy an amount of EUR 386 114 .

Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1927/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 establishing the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (2), and in particular Article 12(3) thereof,

The Greek population of Turkey declined from 119,822 persons in 1927, to about 7,000 in 1978.

As president of the company, Wickman continued to expand it so that by 1927, his buses were making transcontinental trips from California to New York.

This application complies with the requirements for determining the financial contributions as laid down in Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 1927/2006, therefore the Commission proposes to deploy an amount of EUR 5 705 635.

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На месте уничтоженной землетрясением 1927 года дачи царского министра сейчас разбит розариум.

On a place of a summer residence destroyed by earthquake of 1927 of the imperial minister now rosarium is planted.

Раритетный автомобиль 1927 года найден практически нетронутым на заброшенной фабрике.

The rare car of 1927 was found practically untouched in an abandoned factory.

Какие-то люди наверняка продавали билеты до 1927 года.

There must have been some people selling tickets some time before 1927.

Он работает с 1927 года и неоднократно принимал участие в съемках различных кинофильмов.

It has been working since 1927 and has repeatedly taken part in the filming of various movies.

Осенью 1927 года правительство снизило закупочные цены на хлеб.

In autumn of 1927, the government reduced bread purchase prices.

Регулярные богослужения проходили до 1927 года.

Regular prayers were held by the local fans until 1971.

К концу 1927 года были выполнены инженерные изыскания трассы будущей автодороги от пос.

By the end of 1927 were carried out engineering survey route of the future highway from n.

С 1927 года обнаружено несколько сотен подобных черепов.

Since 1971, hundreds of such connections have been discovered.

Существует с 1927 года и проводится каждые 5 лет.

It was initiated in 1927 and has been held every five years since 1955.

Газета выходит ежедневно с 1927 года.

The journal has been published annually since 1927.

Для лечения артрита золото применяется с 1927 года.

And gold has been used to treat arthritis continuously since 1927.

Известные персонажи были частью парада с 1927 года.

They have been a signature element of the parade since 1927.

Возникший конфликт рассматривался на очередном главном собрании осенью 1927 года.

The conflict that arose was considered at the next main meeting in the fall of 1927.

Золото использовалось для лечения артрита с 1927 года.

Gold has been used to treat arthritis continuously since 1927.

Компания занимается системами охлаждения с 1927 года.

It has been protecting the vehicle cooling systems since 1927.

Известные персонажи были частью парада с 1927 года.

Well-known characters have been part of the parade since that 1927 outing.

Школа начала работать с 1927 года.

The school has been in operation since 1927.

Летом 1927 года настало время возвращаться домой.

In the summer of 1969, it was time to go home.

Землетрясение 1927 года разрушило часть храмов, расположенных на верхнем плато.

Earthquake in 1927 destroyed part of the temple, located on the upper plateau.

К концу 1927 года оппозиция была разгромлена.

At the end of 1927, the opposition was expelled from the party.

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Как будет 1927 на английском

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1927 год —  nineteen twenty-seven 

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1927 год —  nineteen twenty-seven 


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