Асгард как пишется на английском

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «Асгард» на английский

Он потерял Асгард, половину людей.

First, they lost Asgard, then half their people.

Другие миры, такие как Асгард, существуют.

Other worlds, with names like Asgard, do exist.

Я буду доволен, когда вернусь в Асгард.

I’ll be satisfied when I’m back in Asgard.

Он должен вернутся в родной Асгард, чтобы остановить его уничтожение.

He must escape to get back to Asgard to stop the destruction of his home world.

Тор приведет ее в Асгард, чтобы защитить.

Soon, Thor brings her to Asgard for her protection.

Нам нужно было вернуть Тора обратно в Асгард как можно быстрее.

We needed to get Thor pushing back to Asgard as fast as possible.

Фандрал позже помог вернуть Асгард от сил Тюра.

Fandral later helped retake Asgard from the forces of Tyr.

Ледяные гиганты пытались захватить вашу Землю тысячелетие назад, но Асгард их прогнал.

The Frost giants tried to conquer your Earth a millennia ago, but Asgard drove them away.

В результате удачных военных походов, Асгард превратился в сильнейшее государство (город-государство).

As a result of successful military campaigns, Asgard turned into the strongest state (city-state).

Дани и её команда были в конечном итоге перевезены в Асгард.

Dani and her team were eventually brought over to Asgard.

Асгард не находится под прямым контролем игрока, но его боевые действия могут быть запрограммированным.

Asgard is not under direct player control, but its combat actions can be preprogrammed.

Я буду защищать Асгард и все миры до последнего вздоха,

I will protect Asgard and all the realms with my last and every breath,

Он так влюбился, что когда его армия вернулась в Асгард, он остался.

He fell so much in love that when his army returned to Asgard, he stayed behind.

В результате битвы Асгард был уничтожен, вместе со всеми его жителями.

The entirety of Asgard and its inhabitants are destroyed in the resulting battle.

Я должен отправляться в Асгард, но даю слово:

I must go back to Asgard, but I give you my word,

Он сказал, если мы вернемся в Асгард, он нас убьет.

He said if we ever returned to Asgard, he will kill us.

Хочешь сказать, что этот Асгард объявляет нашей планете войну?

You’re saying that this Asgard is declaring war on our planet?

Что может дать Асгард своему новому королю?

What can Asgard offer its new king in return?

Правда в том, что Асгард — вымирающая раса.

The truth is, the Asgard are a dying race.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 311. Точных совпадений: 311. Затраченное время: 54 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • 1

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Асгард

См. также в других словарях:

  • АСГАРД — (др. исл. Asgar ðr, «ограда асов»), в скандинавской мифологии небесное селение, крепость богов асов (в «Саге об Инглингах» А. в качестве столицы асов помещается на земле восточное Дона). В «Младшей Эдде» рассказывается о строительстве А. неким… …   Энциклопедия мифологии

  • АСГАРД — (др. исл. ограда асов) в скандинавской мифологии место обитания богов асов, небесная крепость, построенная великаном …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • АСГАРД — (др. исл. ограда асов), в скандинавской мифологии место обитания богов асов (см. АСЫ (боги)), небесная крепость, построенная великаном …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • асгард — сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • обитель (13) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Асгард — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Азгард. Асгард (др. исл. Ásgarðr  «ограда асов»)  в скандинавской мифологии небесный город, обитель богов асов. Асы  существа порядка, ведя войну с ванами  существами природы,… …   Википедия

  • Асгард (нефтегазовое месторождение) — Асгард, Блоки 6507/11 и 6407/2 группа нефтегазоконденсатных месторождении, расположено на территории континентального шельфа Норвегии. Открыто в 1981 году. Разработка началось 19 мая 1999 году. Нефть Асгарда разрабатывает с платформа Åsgard A, а… …   Википедия

  • Асгард (Marvel Comics) — Эта статья  о локации комиксов. О локации германо скандинавской мифологии см. Асгард. Страница из комикса: изображение чертога Хаймдалла и его самого, стоящего на радужном мосту. Асгард …   Википедия

  • Асгард — небесное жилище Азов, см. Скандинавская мифология …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • Асгард —     (Сканд.) Царство и обитель древнескандинавских богов, скандинавский Олимп; расположен выше Дома Эльфов Света , но на одном плане с Етунхеймом жилищем Етунов, злых великанов, сведущих в магии, с которыми боги находятся в постоянной вражде.… …   Религиозные термины

  • Асгард —          в сканд. миф. небесное селение, крепость богов асов. В «Младшей Эдде» рассказыв. о стр ве А. неким великаном, к рому помогает конь по имени Свадильфари. Асы должны отдать за это строителю А. солнце, луну и богиню Фрейю, но благодаря… …   Древний мир. Энциклопедический словарь

  • АСГАРД — (Сканд.) Царство и обитель древнескандинавских богов, скандинавский Олимп; расположен выше Дома Эльфов Света , но на одном плане с Етунхеймом жилищем Етунов, злых великанов, сведущих в магии, с которыми боги находятся в постоянной вражде.… …   Теософский словарь

Выделите текст, чтобы посмотреть примеры

Закончилось время сессии

Обновите, пожалуйста, страницу. Набранный текст и перевод не потеряются.

Не удалось открыть подборки

Переводчик не смог соединиться с базой данных браузера. Если ошибка повторяется из раза в раз, пожалуйста, напишите в поддержку. Обратите внимание, что подборки могут не работать в режиме инкогнито.

Чтобы подборки заработали, перезапустите браузер

Перевод Asgard с английского на русский сделан онлайн Яндекс.Переводчиком — сервисом автоматического перевода слов, фраз, текстов и веб-страниц. Сервис сопровождает переводы примерами использования и транскрипцией, озвучивает слова. В режиме сайта переводит всё текстовое содержимое страниц. Знает Английский, Русский и ещё 98 языков.

Правильное написание слова житель Асгарда:

житель Асгарда

Крутая NFT игра. Играй и зарабатывай!

Правильный транслит слова: zhitel Аsgarda

Написание с не правильной раскладкой клавиатуры: ;bntkm Аcufhlf

Неправильное написание слова с ошибкой: жытель Асгарда

Тест на правописание

Natalia Lambroso



12 лет назад

у этого слова в принципе много переводов
Please — употребляется в просьбах и предложениях сделать что-либо

Sure Here you are — «пожалуйста» в смысле «надержи»

You are welcome — как реакция на благодарность

— Give a cigarette, please.
— Here you are.
— Thank you.
— You are welcome.

Источник: English X-files for Russians

Dima Lepetov



12 лет назад

В английском есть 2 разных перевода слова «пожалуйста»:

1. Пожалуйста, помогите = Help, please (пожалуйста = please)
2. Спасибо! — Пожалуйста! = Thank you! — You are welcome! (пожалуйста = you are welcome)





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Он также использовал эликсир восстановления, медицинское зелье Асгарда.

He has also used the Elixir of Recovery, an Asgardian medical potion.

В 0-8-4 данные, оружие Асгарда создание портала, Погодная машина Денни

The 0-8-4 specs, Asgardian weaponry, portal creation, Donnie’s weather machine.

Могилы врагов Асгарда заполнены людьми, которые недооценили Сиф.

The graves of Asgard’s enemies are littered with men who underestimated Sif.

Здесь я больше не представляю угрозы для Асгарда.

Here I will no longer pose a threat to Asgard.

Владыка Анубис, пленный Асгарда сбежал.

Lord Anubis, the Asgard prisoner is gone.

Малекит пожертвовал своим народом в отчаянной попытке уничтожить армию Асгарда.

Malekith sacrificed his own people in a desperate attempt to lay waste to Asgard’s army.

На месте уничтоженного города Асгарда Даарийского был отстроен город Асгард Ирийский.

On a place of destroyed city of Asgard of Da’Arias city of Asgard Irij has been built up.

Они добираются до Асгарда и она помогает выжившему населению эвакуироваться.

They make it to Asgard and she helps the surviving population evacuate.

Много раз он участвовал в защите Асгарда.

He has fought in the defense of Asgard numerous times.

Корг помогает в эвакуации Асгарда и становится частью экипажа Тора.

Korg aids in the evacuation of Asgard and becomes part of Thor’s crew.

Брунгильда была убита в битве незадолго до уничтожения Локи Асгарда.

Brunnhilde was killed in battle just before Loki’s destruction of Asgard.

Они отступают в общежитие в глухой глуши Асгарда.

They retreat to a hostel deep in the wintry wilderness of Asgard.

Все мы должны сплотиться во благо Асгарда.

All of us must stand together for the good of Asgard.

Живет Перун на планете Урай-Земля в Сварге Небесной возле города Асгарда Небесного.

There lives Perun on a planet the Paradise-ground in Svarga Heavenly near the city of Asgard Heavenly.

Я — Леди Сиф из Асгарда, друг ЩИТа.

I am Lady Sif of Asgard, friend of the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Приготовьтесь встретится с Высшим Советом Асгарда.

Prepare to meet the Asgard High Council.

Так они делали на Прометее, пока ни получили сенсоры Асгарда.

It’s what they used to do on the Prometheus before they had Asgard sensors.

Тем не менее в 42 главе говорится, что людям на этих планетах нельзя оказывать помощь продвинутыми технологическими средствами Асгарда.

However, subsection 42 states that the people on those planets cannot be artificially advanced through Asgard technological means.

В результате начавшегося боя Корабль Асгарда был уничтожен.

The Asgard ship was destroyed in the ensuing battle.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 126. Точных совпадений: 126. Затраченное время: 64 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


  • 1

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Асгард

См. также в других словарях:

  • АСГАРД — (др. исл. Asgar ðr, «ограда асов»), в скандинавской мифологии небесное селение, крепость богов асов (в «Саге об Инглингах» А. в качестве столицы асов помещается на земле восточное Дона). В «Младшей Эдде» рассказывается о строительстве А. неким… …   Энциклопедия мифологии

  • АСГАРД — (др. исл. ограда асов) в скандинавской мифологии место обитания богов асов, небесная крепость, построенная великаном …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • АСГАРД — (др. исл. ограда асов), в скандинавской мифологии место обитания богов асов (см. АСЫ (боги)), небесная крепость, построенная великаном …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • асгард — сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • обитель (13) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Асгард — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Азгард. Асгард (др. исл. Ásgarðr  «ограда асов»)  в скандинавской мифологии небесный город, обитель богов асов. Асы  существа порядка, ведя войну с ванами  существами природы,… …   Википедия

  • Асгард (нефтегазовое месторождение) — Асгард, Блоки 6507/11 и 6407/2 группа нефтегазоконденсатных месторождении, расположено на территории континентального шельфа Норвегии. Открыто в 1981 году. Разработка началось 19 мая 1999 году. Нефть Асгарда разрабатывает с платформа Åsgard A, а… …   Википедия

  • Асгард (Marvel Comics) — Эта статья  о локации комиксов. О локации германо скандинавской мифологии см. Асгард. Страница из комикса: изображение чертога Хаймдалла и его самого, стоящего на радужном мосту. Асгард …   Википедия

  • Асгард — небесное жилище Азов, см. Скандинавская мифология …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • Асгард —     (Сканд.) Царство и обитель древнескандинавских богов, скандинавский Олимп; расположен выше Дома Эльфов Света , но на одном плане с Етунхеймом жилищем Етунов, злых великанов, сведущих в магии, с которыми боги находятся в постоянной вражде.… …   Религиозные термины

  • Асгард —          в сканд. миф. небесное селение, крепость богов асов. В «Младшей Эдде» рассказыв. о стр ве А. неким великаном, к рому помогает конь по имени Свадильфари. Асы должны отдать за это строителю А. солнце, луну и богиню Фрейю, но благодаря… …   Древний мир. Энциклопедический словарь

  • АСГАРД — (Сканд.) Царство и обитель древнескандинавских богов, скандинавский Олимп; расположен выше Дома Эльфов Света , но на одном плане с Етунхеймом жилищем Етунов, злых великанов, сведущих в магии, с которыми боги находятся в постоянной вражде.… …   Теософский словарь

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Перевод и значение ASGARD в английском и русском языках

transcription, транскрипция: [ ʹæsgɑ:d,ʹæsgɑ:ðr,ʹæsgɑ:ð ]

n сканд. миф.

Асгард ( обитель богов и павших героев )

Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики, сборник из лучших словарей.

     English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries.

Перевод «Асгард» на английский

Asgard — это перевод «Асгард» на английский.
Пример переведенного предложения: Мы считаем, что он Асгард, это очень развитая культура. ↔ We assume he’s a member of the Asgard, a very advanced culture.

  • Мы считаем, что он Асгард, это очень развитая культура.

    We assume he’s a member of the Asgard, a very advanced culture.

  • Glosbe

  • Google

  • Mount Asgard

Мы считаем, что он Асгард, это очень развитая культура.

We assume he’s a member of the Asgard, a very advanced culture.

Мужчина, которого в Асгарде ждёт место – место за столом в зале Одина

A man with a seat waiting for him in Asgard, a seat at a table in Odin’s own hall.

– «Север, север, север… в Асгард», – пропел он.

«‘»»North, north, north … to Asgard,'»» he sang.»

Она встречается в центре Асгарда, где она просит помочь игроку найти женщин асгардских воинов, чтобы присоединиться к её армии Валькирий.

She is found in the Asgard hub where she requests help from the player into finding female Asgardian warriors to join her Valkyrior army.

Асгарды не ответили на предпринятые нами попытки связаться.

The Asgard haven’t responded to our attempted communications.

Мы вошли в контакт с Асгардами.

We made contact with the Asgard.

Объясняется, что Материнская буря, разумный шторм размером с галактику, когда-то угрожал всему Асгарду.

It is explained that the Mother Storm, a sentient storm the size of a galaxy, had once threatened all of Asgard.

Три корабля Асгардов.

Three Asgard ships.

Убийство и нанесение увечий, которые в вашем мире случаются каждый день, на Асгарде неизвестны.

The sort of killing and mayhem that occur every day in your world are unknown on Asgard.”

Затем Тюр вернулся в Асгард.

Tyr then returned to Asgard.

Мы хотели бы поговорить с кем-нибудь из Асгардов.

We’d like to talk to the real Asgard.

Возвращайся в Асгард.

Return to Asgard.

Потому что королевский титул в Асгарде в этом мире ничего не значит.

Because being royalty in Asgard is kind of irrelevant in this world.

На данный момент они тестируют гипердвигатель Асгардов.

Well, they’re already testing the Asgard hyperdrive.

Здесь, в Асгарде, дни были длиннее.

Days were longer here in Asgard.

Пытаясь удалить зараженное место из собственной галактики, творцы Асгарда попросту перенесли его в вашу.

In trying to remove a centre of infection from their own galaxy, the masters of Asgard simply brought it into yours.

Гюльви, который был, как утверждается, королем Швеции, посетил Асгард.

Gylfe, who was, we are told, A king of Sweden in the ancient days, visited Asgard.

Там, например, была целая галерея, посвященная богам Асгарда – комиксы, книги, постеры, компьютерные игры.

I found a gallery devoted to the gods of Asgard—comics, books, posters, games, you name it.

Я включила прямую связь с Асгардом и забыла об инопланетянах, прислушиваясь к похоронам друга.

I accepted the live link from Asgard, and forgot about aliens while I listened to the funeral of a friend.

— Во время солнечной супербури преподаватель Плейдон был на Асгарде.

‘During the solar super storm, Lecturer Playdon was away on Asgard.

Его диаметральная противоположность — Асгард, является местом жизни и тотального света.

Its diametrical opposite is Asgard, which is the place of life, and total light.

– «Север, север, север, она плыла в Асгард и дальше на север, север, север», – бодро пропел Тор

«»»‘North, north, north, she sailed to Asgard and on to the north, north, north,’ «» he sang lustily.»

Тор ищет богов и богинь Асгарда, которые возродились в теле смертных мужчин и женщин.

Thor then goes about restoring the Asgardians, who have been reborn in the bodies of mortal men and women.

Он так влюбился, что когда его армия вернулась в Асгард, он остался.

He fell so much in love that, when his army returned to Asgard, he stayed behind.

Наверное, все остальные жители Асгарда собрали отряд и заставили великана вернуть молот!

“Surely the other people who lived in this Asgard banded together to make the giant give back the hammer!”

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the location in Nordic Mythology. For other uses, see Asgard (disambiguation).

Look up Asgard in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Asgard and Bifrost in Otto Schenk’s interpretation of Wagner’s drama Das Rheingold

In Nordic mythology, Asgard (Old Norse: Ásgarðr [ˈɑːsˌɡɑrðz̠]; «enclosure of the Æsir») is a location associated with the gods. It appears in a multitude of Old Norse sagas and mythological texts.[1] It is described as the fortified home of the Æsir gods, often associated with gold imagery. Many of the best-known Nordic gods are Æsir or live in Asgard such as Odin, Thor, Loki, and Baldr.


The word Ásgarðr is a compound formed from Old Norse: āss («god») and Old Norse: garðr («enclosure»).[1] Possible anglicisations include: Ásgarthr, Ásgard, Ásegard, Ásgardr, Asgardr, Ásgarth, Asgarth, Esageard, and Ásgardhr.[2]


The Poetic Edda[edit]

Asgard is named twice in Eddic poetry.[3] The first case is in Hymiskviða, when Thor and Týr journey from Asgard to Hymir’s hall to obtain a cauldron large enough to brew beer for a feast for Ægir and the gods.[4][5][6] The second instance is in Þrymskviða when Loki is attempting to convince Thor to dress up as Freyja in order to get back Mjölnir by claiming that without his hammer to protect them, jötnar would soon be living in Asgard.[5]

Grímnismál contains among its cosmological descriptions, a number of abodes of the gods, such as Álfheim, Nóatún and Valhall, which some scholars have identified as being in Asgard. It is to be noted, however, that Asgard is not mentioned at any point in the poem.[7][8] Furthermore, Völuspá references Iðavöllr, one of the most common meeting places of Æsir gods, which in Gylfaginning, Snorri locates in the centre of Asgard.[9][10]

The Prose Edda[edit]


The Prose Edda’s euhemeristic prologue portrays the Æsir gods as people that travelled from the East to northern territories.[11] According to Snorri, Asgard represented the town of Troy before Greek warriors overtook it. After the defeat, Trojans moved to northern Europe, where they became a dominant group due to their “advanced technologies and culture”.[11] Eventually, other tribes began to perceive the Trojans and their leader Trór (Thor in Old Norse) as gods.[1]


In Gylfaginning, Snorri Sturluson describes how during the creation of the world, the gods made the earth and surrounded it with the sea. They made the sky from the skull of Ymir and settled the jötnar on the shores of the earth. They set down the brows of Ymir, forming Midgard, and in the centre of the world they built Asgard, which he identifies as Troy:[12]

Old Norse text[13] Brodeur translation[14]

Þar næst gerðu þeir sér borg í miðjum heimi, er kölluð er Ásgarðr. Þat köllum vér Trója. Þar byggðu goðin ok ættir þeira, ok gerðust þaðan af mörg tíðendi ok greinir bæði á jörðu ok í lofti. Þar er einn staðr, er Hliðskjálf heitir, ok þá er Óðinn settist þar í hásæti, þá sá hann of alla heima ok hvers manns athæfi ok vissi alla hluti, þá er hann sá.

Next they made for themselves in the middle of the world a city which is called Ásgard; men call it Troy. There dwelt the gods and their kindred; and many tidings and tales of it have come to pass both on earth and aloft. There is one abode called Hlidskjálf, and when Allfather sat in the high-seat there, he looked out over the whole world and saw every man’s acts, and knew all things which he saw.

After Asgard is made, the gods then built a hof named Glaðsheimr at Iðavöllr, in the centre of the burg, with a high seat for Odin and twelve seats for other gods.[10] It is described as like gold both on the inside and the outside, and as the best of all buildings in the world.[15] They also built Vingólf for the female gods, which is described as both a hall and a hörgr, and a forge with which they crafted objects from gold.[10] After Ragnarök, some gods such as Váli and Baldr will meet at Iðavöllr where Asgard once stood and discuss matters together. There they will also find in the grass the golden chess pieces that the Æsir had once owned.[16]

Later, the section describes how an unnamed jötunn came to the gods with his stallion, Svaðilfari and offered help in building a burg for the gods in three winters, asking in return for the sun, moon, and marriage with Freyja. Despite Freyja’s opposition, together the gods agree to fulfill his request if he completes his work in just one winter. As time goes on, the gods grow desperate as it becomes apparent that the jötunn will construct the burg on time. To their surprise, his stallion contributes much of the progress, swiftly moving boulders and rocks. To deal with the problem, Loki comes up with a plan whereupon he changes his appearance to that of a mare, and distracts Svaðilfari to slow down construction.[17] Without the help of his stallion, the builder realises he cannot complete his task in time and goes into a rage, revealing his identity as a jötunn. Thor then kills the builder with Mjöllnir, before any harm to the gods is done.[18] The chapter does not explicitly name Asgard as the fortress but they are commonly identified by scholars.[19]

In Gylfaginning, the central cosmic tree Yggdrasil is described as having three roots that hold it up; one of these goes to the Æsir, which has been interpreted as meaning Asgard. In Grímnismál, this root instead reaches over the realm of men.[20][21] The bridge Bifröst is told to span from the heavens to the earth and over it the Æsir cross each day to hold council beneath Yggdrasil at the Urðarbrunnr. Based on this, Bifröst is commonly interpreted as the bridge to Asgard.[22]


Asgard is mentioned briefly throughout Skáldskaparmál as the name for the home of the Æsir, as in Gylfaginning.[3] In this section, a number of locations are described as lying within Asgard including Valhalla, and in front of its doors, the golden grove Glasir.[23] It also records a name for Thor as ‘Defender of Ásgard’ (Old Norse: verjandi Ásgarðs).[24][25]

Ynglinga Saga[edit]

In the Ynglinga saga, found in Heimskringla, Snorri describes Asgard as a city in Asia, based on a perceived, but erroneous, connection between the words for Asia and Æsir. Odin then leaves to settle in the northern part of the world and leaves his brothers Vili and Vé to rule over the city. When the euhemerised Odin dies, the account states that the Swedes believed he had returned to Asgard and would live there forever.[26]

Interpretation and discussion[edit]

Cosmology in Old Nordic religion is presented in a vague and often contradictory manner when viewed from a naturalistic standpoint. Snorri places Asgard in the centre of the world, surrounded by Midgard and then the lands inhabited by jötnar, all of which are finally encircled by the sea. He also locates the homes of the gods in the heavens. This had led to the proposition of a system of concentric circles, centred on Asgard or Yggdrasil, and sometimes with a vertical axis, leading upwards towards the heavens. There is debate between scholars over whether the gods were conceived of as living in the heavens, with some aligning their views with Snorri, and others proposing that he at times presents the system in a Christian framework and that this organisation is not seen in either Eddic or skaldic poetry. The concept of attempting to create a spatial cosmological model has itself been criticised by scholars who argue that the oral traditions did not form a naturalistic, structured system that aimed to be internally geographically consistent. An alternative proposal is that the world should be conceived of as a number of realms connected by passages that cannot be typically traversed. This would explain how Asgard can be located both to the east and west of the realm of men, over the sea and over Bifröst.[27]

It has been noted that the tendency to link Asgard to Troy is part of a wider European cultural practice of claiming Trojan origins for one’s culture, first seen in the Aeneid and also featuring in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia regum Britanniae for the founding of Britain.[28]

Depictions in popular culture[edit]

Thor first appeared in the Marvel Universe within comic series Journey into Mystery in the issues #83 during August 1962. Following this release, he becomes one of the central figures in the comics along with Loki and Odin. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor and Loki make their first appearance together in the 2011 film Thor. After that, Thor becomes a regular character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and reappears in several films, including the Avengers series. Asgard becomes the central element of the film Thor: Ragnarok, where it is destroyed following the Old Norse mythos. These and other Norse mythology elements also appear in video games, TV series, and books based in and on the Marvel Universe, although these depictions do not closely follow historical sources.[29]

Asgard is an explorable realm in the video game God of War: Ragnarök, a sequel to 2018’s soft reboot Norse-themed God of War.[30]

In the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla video game, Asgard is featured as part of a «vision quest».[31]

See also[edit]

  • Mount Olympus — home of the Olympian gods


  1. ^ a b c Lindow 2002.
  2. ^ Encyclopedia Britannica, Asgard.
  3. ^ a b Simek 2008, p. 20.
  4. ^ Orchard 2011, p. 77, Hymiskvida: The song of Hymir, stanza 7.
  5. ^ a b Bellows 1923, Þrymskviða, stanza 17.
  6. ^ Simek 2008, p. 167-169.
  7. ^ Simek 2008, pp. 8, 235, 329.
  8. ^ Mattioli 2018, p. 102.
  9. ^ Boult 1948.
  10. ^ a b c Sturluson 2018, Gylfaginning, chapter 14.
  11. ^ a b Sturluson & Byock 2005.
  12. ^ Sturluson 2018, Gylfaginning, chapter 8, 9.
  13. ^ Gylfaginning (ON), Chapter 9.
  14. ^ Sturluson 2018, Gylfaginning, chapter 9.
  15. ^ Simek 2008, p. 112.
  16. ^ Sturluson 2018, Gylfaginning, chapter 53.
  17. ^ Fontenrose 1983.
  18. ^ Sturluson 2018, Gylfaginning, chapter 42.
  19. ^ Simek 2008, p. 108.
  20. ^ Crawford 2015.
  21. ^ Simek 2008, p. 375.
  22. ^ Simek 2008, p. 36.
  23. ^ Simek 2008, p. 113.
  24. ^ Sturluson 2018, 11. Kennings for Thor.
  25. ^ Skáldskaparmál, Chapter 11.
  26. ^ Laing 1961, pp. 8–13.
  27. ^ Heide 2014, pp. 103–104, 125–127.
  28. ^ Fontenrose 1983, p. 56.
  29. ^ Syam & Prakash 2019.
  30. ^ God Of War Interview.
  31. ^ PC Games AC.



  • Bellows, Henry Adams, ed. (1923). «Lays of the Gods: Voluspo». The Poetic Edda. Scandinavian classics, vols. 21, 22. Translated by Bellows, Henry Adams. New York: American-Scandinavian Foundation (published 1926). p. 3. Retrieved 9 August 2021.
  • Crawford, Jackson (2015). The Poetic Edda : stories of the Norse Gods and heroes. Chicago: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. pp. 12–14, 47–58, 68, 95. ISBN 978-1-62466-358-1. OCLC 905921490.
  • Laing, Samuel (1961). Heimskringla. Part two, Sagas of the Norse Kings. London: Dent. ISBN 0460008471.
  • Orchard, Andy (2011). The Elder Edda : a book of Viking lore. London: Penguin Books. ISBN 9780141393728.
  • Sturluson, Snorri; Byock, Jesse L. (2005). The prose Edda: Norse mythology. London: Penguin Classics. pp. 30–48, 55–78, 80–83, 93–94, 97. ISBN 0-14-044755-5. OCLC 59352542.
  • Sturluson, Snorri (2018). The Prose Edda. Translated by Brodeur, Arthur Gilchrist. Franklin Classics Trade Press. ISBN 9780344335013.
  • «Gylfaginning (Old Norse)». heimskringla.no. Retrieved 4 October 2022.
  • «Skaldskáparmál (Old Norse)». heimskringla.no. Retrieved 8 October 2022.


  • Boult, Katherine (1948). Asgard and the Norse Heroes. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Library. pp. 21, 56–59, 72, 82–90, 121–123. ISBN 978-1176204492.
  • Fontenrose, Joseph (1983). «The Building of the City Walls: Troy and Asgard». The Journal of American Folklore. 96 (379): 53–63. doi:10.2307/539834. ISSN 0021-8715. JSTOR 539834.
  • Heide, Eldar (2014). «Contradictory cosmology in Old Norse myth and religion – but still a system?». Maal og Minne (in Norwegian). 106 (1). ISSN 1890-5455. Retrieved 23 April 2022.
  • Lindow, John (2002). Norse mythology : a guide to the Gods, heroes, rituals, and beliefs. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 13, 37, 54–56. ISBN 9786610532490. OCLC 1136323846.
  • Mattioli, Vittorio (2018). «Grímnismál : a critical edition». University of St Andrews.
  • Simek, Rudolf (2008). A Dictionary of Northern Mythology. Translated by Hall, Angela. BOYE6. ISBN 9780859915137.
  • Syam, Niveditha; Prakash, Manjima T. (2019). «Norse Mythology in Popular Culture: A Study of the Thor Trilogy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe» (PDF). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication. 8 (7C): 161–164. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2022-10-09.
  • «Asgard | Norse mythology». Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2020-06-03.
  • «You can visit Asgard and Jotunheim in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla». PCGamesN. 15 October 2020.
  • God Of War Ragnarök Developer Interview. IGN. 9 September 2021.

External Links[edit]

  • MyNDIR (My Norse Digital Image repository) illustrations of Asgard from Victorian and Edwardian retellings of Norse Mythology. Clicking on the thumbnail will give you the full image and information concerning it.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the location in Nordic Mythology. For other uses, see Asgard (disambiguation).

Look up Asgard in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Asgard and Bifrost in Otto Schenk’s interpretation of Wagner’s drama Das Rheingold

In Nordic mythology, Asgard (Old Norse: Ásgarðr [ˈɑːsˌɡɑrðz̠]; «enclosure of the Æsir») is a location associated with the gods. It appears in a multitude of Old Norse sagas and mythological texts.[1] It is described as the fortified home of the Æsir gods, often associated with gold imagery. Many of the best-known Nordic gods are Æsir or live in Asgard such as Odin, Thor, Loki, and Baldr.


The word Ásgarðr is a compound formed from Old Norse: āss («god») and Old Norse: garðr («enclosure»).[1] Possible anglicisations include: Ásgarthr, Ásgard, Ásegard, Ásgardr, Asgardr, Ásgarth, Asgarth, Esageard, and Ásgardhr.[2]


The Poetic Edda[edit]

Asgard is named twice in Eddic poetry.[3] The first case is in Hymiskviða, when Thor and Týr journey from Asgard to Hymir’s hall to obtain a cauldron large enough to brew beer for a feast for Ægir and the gods.[4][5][6] The second instance is in Þrymskviða when Loki is attempting to convince Thor to dress up as Freyja in order to get back Mjölnir by claiming that without his hammer to protect them, jötnar would soon be living in Asgard.[5]

Grímnismál contains among its cosmological descriptions, a number of abodes of the gods, such as Álfheim, Nóatún and Valhall, which some scholars have identified as being in Asgard. It is to be noted, however, that Asgard is not mentioned at any point in the poem.[7][8] Furthermore, Völuspá references Iðavöllr, one of the most common meeting places of Æsir gods, which in Gylfaginning, Snorri locates in the centre of Asgard.[9][10]

The Prose Edda[edit]


The Prose Edda’s euhemeristic prologue portrays the Æsir gods as people that travelled from the East to northern territories.[11] According to Snorri, Asgard represented the town of Troy before Greek warriors overtook it. After the defeat, Trojans moved to northern Europe, where they became a dominant group due to their “advanced technologies and culture”.[11] Eventually, other tribes began to perceive the Trojans and their leader Trór (Thor in Old Norse) as gods.[1]


In Gylfaginning, Snorri Sturluson describes how during the creation of the world, the gods made the earth and surrounded it with the sea. They made the sky from the skull of Ymir and settled the jötnar on the shores of the earth. They set down the brows of Ymir, forming Midgard, and in the centre of the world they built Asgard, which he identifies as Troy:[12]

Old Norse text[13] Brodeur translation[14]

Þar næst gerðu þeir sér borg í miðjum heimi, er kölluð er Ásgarðr. Þat köllum vér Trója. Þar byggðu goðin ok ættir þeira, ok gerðust þaðan af mörg tíðendi ok greinir bæði á jörðu ok í lofti. Þar er einn staðr, er Hliðskjálf heitir, ok þá er Óðinn settist þar í hásæti, þá sá hann of alla heima ok hvers manns athæfi ok vissi alla hluti, þá er hann sá.

Next they made for themselves in the middle of the world a city which is called Ásgard; men call it Troy. There dwelt the gods and their kindred; and many tidings and tales of it have come to pass both on earth and aloft. There is one abode called Hlidskjálf, and when Allfather sat in the high-seat there, he looked out over the whole world and saw every man’s acts, and knew all things which he saw.

After Asgard is made, the gods then built a hof named Glaðsheimr at Iðavöllr, in the centre of the burg, with a high seat for Odin and twelve seats for other gods.[10] It is described as like gold both on the inside and the outside, and as the best of all buildings in the world.[15] They also built Vingólf for the female gods, which is described as both a hall and a hörgr, and a forge with which they crafted objects from gold.[10] After Ragnarök, some gods such as Váli and Baldr will meet at Iðavöllr where Asgard once stood and discuss matters together. There they will also find in the grass the golden chess pieces that the Æsir had once owned.[16]

Later, the section describes how an unnamed jötunn came to the gods with his stallion, Svaðilfari and offered help in building a burg for the gods in three winters, asking in return for the sun, moon, and marriage with Freyja. Despite Freyja’s opposition, together the gods agree to fulfill his request if he completes his work in just one winter. As time goes on, the gods grow desperate as it becomes apparent that the jötunn will construct the burg on time. To their surprise, his stallion contributes much of the progress, swiftly moving boulders and rocks. To deal with the problem, Loki comes up with a plan whereupon he changes his appearance to that of a mare, and distracts Svaðilfari to slow down construction.[17] Without the help of his stallion, the builder realises he cannot complete his task in time and goes into a rage, revealing his identity as a jötunn. Thor then kills the builder with Mjöllnir, before any harm to the gods is done.[18] The chapter does not explicitly name Asgard as the fortress but they are commonly identified by scholars.[19]

In Gylfaginning, the central cosmic tree Yggdrasil is described as having three roots that hold it up; one of these goes to the Æsir, which has been interpreted as meaning Asgard. In Grímnismál, this root instead reaches over the realm of men.[20][21] The bridge Bifröst is told to span from the heavens to the earth and over it the Æsir cross each day to hold council beneath Yggdrasil at the Urðarbrunnr. Based on this, Bifröst is commonly interpreted as the bridge to Asgard.[22]


Asgard is mentioned briefly throughout Skáldskaparmál as the name for the home of the Æsir, as in Gylfaginning.[3] In this section, a number of locations are described as lying within Asgard including Valhalla, and in front of its doors, the golden grove Glasir.[23] It also records a name for Thor as ‘Defender of Ásgard’ (Old Norse: verjandi Ásgarðs).[24][25]

Ynglinga Saga[edit]

In the Ynglinga saga, found in Heimskringla, Snorri describes Asgard as a city in Asia, based on a perceived, but erroneous, connection between the words for Asia and Æsir. Odin then leaves to settle in the northern part of the world and leaves his brothers Vili and Vé to rule over the city. When the euhemerised Odin dies, the account states that the Swedes believed he had returned to Asgard and would live there forever.[26]

Interpretation and discussion[edit]

Cosmology in Old Nordic religion is presented in a vague and often contradictory manner when viewed from a naturalistic standpoint. Snorri places Asgard in the centre of the world, surrounded by Midgard and then the lands inhabited by jötnar, all of which are finally encircled by the sea. He also locates the homes of the gods in the heavens. This had led to the proposition of a system of concentric circles, centred on Asgard or Yggdrasil, and sometimes with a vertical axis, leading upwards towards the heavens. There is debate between scholars over whether the gods were conceived of as living in the heavens, with some aligning their views with Snorri, and others proposing that he at times presents the system in a Christian framework and that this organisation is not seen in either Eddic or skaldic poetry. The concept of attempting to create a spatial cosmological model has itself been criticised by scholars who argue that the oral traditions did not form a naturalistic, structured system that aimed to be internally geographically consistent. An alternative proposal is that the world should be conceived of as a number of realms connected by passages that cannot be typically traversed. This would explain how Asgard can be located both to the east and west of the realm of men, over the sea and over Bifröst.[27]

It has been noted that the tendency to link Asgard to Troy is part of a wider European cultural practice of claiming Trojan origins for one’s culture, first seen in the Aeneid and also featuring in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia regum Britanniae for the founding of Britain.[28]

Depictions in popular culture[edit]

Thor first appeared in the Marvel Universe within comic series Journey into Mystery in the issues #83 during August 1962. Following this release, he becomes one of the central figures in the comics along with Loki and Odin. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor and Loki make their first appearance together in the 2011 film Thor. After that, Thor becomes a regular character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and reappears in several films, including the Avengers series. Asgard becomes the central element of the film Thor: Ragnarok, where it is destroyed following the Old Norse mythos. These and other Norse mythology elements also appear in video games, TV series, and books based in and on the Marvel Universe, although these depictions do not closely follow historical sources.[29]

Asgard is an explorable realm in the video game God of War: Ragnarök, a sequel to 2018’s soft reboot Norse-themed God of War.[30]

In the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla video game, Asgard is featured as part of a «vision quest».[31]

See also[edit]

  • Mount Olympus — home of the Olympian gods


  1. ^ a b c Lindow 2002.
  2. ^ Encyclopedia Britannica, Asgard.
  3. ^ a b Simek 2008, p. 20.
  4. ^ Orchard 2011, p. 77, Hymiskvida: The song of Hymir, stanza 7.
  5. ^ a b Bellows 1923, Þrymskviða, stanza 17.
  6. ^ Simek 2008, p. 167-169.
  7. ^ Simek 2008, pp. 8, 235, 329.
  8. ^ Mattioli 2018, p. 102.
  9. ^ Boult 1948.
  10. ^ a b c Sturluson 2018, Gylfaginning, chapter 14.
  11. ^ a b Sturluson & Byock 2005.
  12. ^ Sturluson 2018, Gylfaginning, chapter 8, 9.
  13. ^ Gylfaginning (ON), Chapter 9.
  14. ^ Sturluson 2018, Gylfaginning, chapter 9.
  15. ^ Simek 2008, p. 112.
  16. ^ Sturluson 2018, Gylfaginning, chapter 53.
  17. ^ Fontenrose 1983.
  18. ^ Sturluson 2018, Gylfaginning, chapter 42.
  19. ^ Simek 2008, p. 108.
  20. ^ Crawford 2015.
  21. ^ Simek 2008, p. 375.
  22. ^ Simek 2008, p. 36.
  23. ^ Simek 2008, p. 113.
  24. ^ Sturluson 2018, 11. Kennings for Thor.
  25. ^ Skáldskaparmál, Chapter 11.
  26. ^ Laing 1961, pp. 8–13.
  27. ^ Heide 2014, pp. 103–104, 125–127.
  28. ^ Fontenrose 1983, p. 56.
  29. ^ Syam & Prakash 2019.
  30. ^ God Of War Interview.
  31. ^ PC Games AC.



  • Bellows, Henry Adams, ed. (1923). «Lays of the Gods: Voluspo». The Poetic Edda. Scandinavian classics, vols. 21, 22. Translated by Bellows, Henry Adams. New York: American-Scandinavian Foundation (published 1926). p. 3. Retrieved 9 August 2021.
  • Crawford, Jackson (2015). The Poetic Edda : stories of the Norse Gods and heroes. Chicago: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. pp. 12–14, 47–58, 68, 95. ISBN 978-1-62466-358-1. OCLC 905921490.
  • Laing, Samuel (1961). Heimskringla. Part two, Sagas of the Norse Kings. London: Dent. ISBN 0460008471.
  • Orchard, Andy (2011). The Elder Edda : a book of Viking lore. London: Penguin Books. ISBN 9780141393728.
  • Sturluson, Snorri; Byock, Jesse L. (2005). The prose Edda: Norse mythology. London: Penguin Classics. pp. 30–48, 55–78, 80–83, 93–94, 97. ISBN 0-14-044755-5. OCLC 59352542.
  • Sturluson, Snorri (2018). The Prose Edda. Translated by Brodeur, Arthur Gilchrist. Franklin Classics Trade Press. ISBN 9780344335013.
  • «Gylfaginning (Old Norse)». heimskringla.no. Retrieved 4 October 2022.
  • «Skaldskáparmál (Old Norse)». heimskringla.no. Retrieved 8 October 2022.


  • Boult, Katherine (1948). Asgard and the Norse Heroes. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Library. pp. 21, 56–59, 72, 82–90, 121–123. ISBN 978-1176204492.
  • Fontenrose, Joseph (1983). «The Building of the City Walls: Troy and Asgard». The Journal of American Folklore. 96 (379): 53–63. doi:10.2307/539834. ISSN 0021-8715. JSTOR 539834.
  • Heide, Eldar (2014). «Contradictory cosmology in Old Norse myth and religion – but still a system?». Maal og Minne (in Norwegian). 106 (1). ISSN 1890-5455. Retrieved 23 April 2022.
  • Lindow, John (2002). Norse mythology : a guide to the Gods, heroes, rituals, and beliefs. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 13, 37, 54–56. ISBN 9786610532490. OCLC 1136323846.
  • Mattioli, Vittorio (2018). «Grímnismál : a critical edition». University of St Andrews.
  • Simek, Rudolf (2008). A Dictionary of Northern Mythology. Translated by Hall, Angela. BOYE6. ISBN 9780859915137.
  • Syam, Niveditha; Prakash, Manjima T. (2019). «Norse Mythology in Popular Culture: A Study of the Thor Trilogy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe» (PDF). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication. 8 (7C): 161–164. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2022-10-09.
  • «Asgard | Norse mythology». Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2020-06-03.
  • «You can visit Asgard and Jotunheim in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla». PCGamesN. 15 October 2020.
  • God Of War Ragnarök Developer Interview. IGN. 9 September 2021.

External Links[edit]

  • MyNDIR (My Norse Digital Image repository) illustrations of Asgard from Victorian and Edwardian retellings of Norse Mythology. Clicking on the thumbnail will give you the full image and information concerning it.

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