Общая структура доклада
Доклад состоит из трёх частей: вступление, основная часть и заключение. Основная часть делится, в свою очередь, еще на несколько частей (как правило, 2–3). При этом и сам доклад, и все его части должны иметь заголовки. Также можно включить дату, расположив её под заголовком доклада. Например:
Subject: Changing Compliment Patterns in Disney Movies
Date: 18th January 2017
(под этим заголовком располагается вступление)
Changes (вместо слова ‘changes’ нужно подставить свой заголовок)
(под этим заголовком располагается первая половина основной части)
Reasons (вместо слова ‘reasons’ нужно подставить свой заголовок)
(под этим заголовком располагается вторая половина основной части)
(под этим заголовком располагается заключение)
Примечания: вместо слова ‘purpose’ можно писать ‘introduction’. Вместо слова ‘conclusion’ можно писать ‘recommendation’, если вы пишете доклад-рекомендацию. На олимпиадах писать дату обычно не требуется. Можно переходить ко вступлению сразу после строки, на которой написана тема. Также не обязательно писать в теме слово Subject. Можно просто написать саму тему.
Главная задача вступления в докладе — дать читателю понять, о чём будет доклад и с какой целью он написан. Если вы собираетесь описывать какие-нибудь меняющиеся показатели и объяснять причины изменений, то так и говорите во вступлении: «Цель доклада — обозначить изменения и объяснить их причины». Говорить нужно максимально по делу, без абстрактных рассуждений.
Разберем пример. Вам дали табличку, в которой представлены результаты некоего опроса о местном ресторане, и нужно написать по ней доклад. Неправильное вступление в формате report будет звучать так:
- Eating out is a very popular way of spending free time. Many people in our district often visit a local restaurant — the Ivy, which provides them with both food and pleasant atmosphere.
Это вступление является неподходящим, потому что мы уходим в абстрактные рассуждения (они годятся для эссе) и описания (они годятся для статей). Подходящее для формата report вступление будет звучать так:
- The aim of this report is to analyse the results of a survey in which 250 residents were questioned about the local Ivy restaurant. Basing on this analysis, the report provides recommendations on how to improve the service at the restaurant.
В этом вступлении мы сразу переходим к делу и явным образом указываем, о чем будет доклад.
Основная часть
В основной части вы выполняете изложенные в задании требования. Если нужно сравнить данные двух таблиц — сравниваете, если нужно объяснить причины изменений — объясняете, если нужно проанализировать диаграммы — анализируете. При этом необходимо не просто перечислять факты один за другим, а структурировать, группировать информацию. Структурирование и группирование делает информацию проще для восприятия и благотворно влияет на баллы как за содержательную, так и за организационную часть.
Информация без группирования и анализа (просто перечислили цифры из табличек с заданием, потеряли баллы за организацию и содержание):
- In 2000 60% of schoolchildren traveled for tourist purposes, 25% did that to attend summer language courses, and only 15% had higher education among their travelling goals. In 2014 about 28% became interested in higher education, 38% wanted to attend summer language courses and only 34% travelled for pleasure.
Группированная информация с анализом (не просто перечислили цифры, а подумали, как связаны между собой 2000 и 2014 год, что и обобщили в тексте):
- While in 2000 the principal reason for going abroad was tourism (at 60%), its role plummeted to only 34% in 2014. In contrast, educational purposes significance rose by approximately 10%, reaching 28% for higher education and 38% for summer language courses.
Задача заключения — подвести итоги, суммировать всю изложенную информацию. В зависимости от того, какой у вас доклад, может также потребоваться выразить своё мнение или дать рекомендацию. Не пишите одно и то же шаблонное заключение к разным докладам — оно во многих случаях просто не выполнит своей функции. Как и в случае со вступлением, нужно писать по делу, не уходя в отвлеченные рассуждения.
Такое заключение не подойдет по формату (потому что содержит не относящиеся к делу общие рассуждения):
- To sum it all up, restaurants are an integral part of our life and the Ivy restaurant is not an exception. Although not everyone is satisfied with it, it still remains an attractive way to spend an evening with a friend.
А такое подойдет (потому что в нем все по делу):
- All points considered, some improvements evidently need to be made if clients are to be fully satisfied with the service provided by the restaurant.
Доклад пишется в формальном стиле. Следует заменять простые структуры более сложными, использовать продвинутую лексику, страдательный залог, подходящие средства логической связи. Не должно быть разговорных выражений и сокращений.
- The service there is so cool! The waiters are very polite.
- The majority of those surveyed find the service at the restaurant excellent and note the politeness of the waiters.
Пример работы в формате report
Напишем ответ на такое задание:
Imagine that you are a linguist doing research into the dialogues in children’s animated films. You have collected some data on the ways female characters are complimented (see the charts below). Write a brief report describing the changes you have noticed comparing Disney movies over the years.
Write 220–250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an opening statement;
- give some general information outlining the trend, analyze the information given in the charts;
- suggest possible reasons for the changes happening;
- make a conclusion.
Первое, что необходимо сделать — внимательно рассмотреть графики. Как только мы это сделаем, так сразу поймём, что есть две четко прослеживающиеся тенденции: комплиментов о внешности становится всё меньше, комплиментов о навыках и умениях — всё больше.
Уловив общее направление, найдем заметные, отличающиеся от остальных точки. Например, Snow White — ни одного комплимента, касающегося умений, зато 83% — о внешности. Pocahontas — первый женский персонаж в истории Диснея, у которого комплиментов о внешности меньше, чем комплиментов о талантах. Brave — максимальное количество комплиментов об умениях и навыках за всю историю. В общем, отмечаем для себя всё то, что сразу бросается в глаза. Причём отмечаем не в голове, а на бумаге:
Дальше мы видим, что временная шкала разделена на три периода: Classic Era, Renaissance, New Age. Эти периоды помогут в структурировании информации о комплиментах, так что берем их на заметку.
Проведя таким образом первичный анализ графиков, мы переходим к составлению плана (подробно о составлении плана можно почитать в статье «Как составить план?»). Для составления плана нам нужно понять, как группировать информацию. Разумеется, в отдельные абзацы выйдут вступление и заключение. Также отдельным абзацем будут причины изменений. Что касается описания самих изменений, тут единственно верного варианта нет, организовывать можно по-разному. Например, разбить описание на два абзаца: skills compliments, appearance compliments. Можно разбить на три, в соответствии с периодами: Classic Era, Renaissance, New Age. Можно вообще не разбивать.
Выбирая способ группировки, нужно помнить о лимите на количество слов. В данном задании мы ограничены 250 словами. Из них около 80 уйдёт на вступление с заключением. Останется примерно 170 слов на основную часть. Если мы выберем вариант описания по периодам, то абзацев в основной части будет четыре: три для периодов и один для описания причин изменений. То есть, в одном абзаце получится всего лишь около 40 слов. Писать такие короткие, но при этом логически безупречные и информативные абзацы весьма непросто. Поэтому целесообразнее будет не дробить на мелкие кусочки, а остановиться на более крупных частях.
Я выберу вариант разделения основной части всего на два абзаца: изменения и их причины. Плюс такого способа я вижу в том, что расположение всех изменений в одном абзаце даст мне возможность активно сравнивать их между собой.
Отражаем все наши мысли в базовом плане:
Когда базовый план готов, можно писать черновик, если на это хватает времени. Если времени мало, лучше детализировать план и, используя этот план, писать работу сразу начисто.
Напишем вступление. Во вступлении нужно обозначить цели и содержание доклада. Также нужно обозначить, откуда взялись данные, которые мы будем описывать.
The linguistic analysis of the dialogues from 12 Disney movies appearing over the period 1937–2013 has revealed certain alterations in the nature of the compliments paid to female characters. This report aims at outlining the discovered changes and explaining the reasons behind them.
Теперь напишем об изменениях. Для этого будем действовать по схеме обобщения и детализации. Как написано у нас в плане, в классических мультфильмах большинство комплиментов относится ко внешности. Примером служит Sleeping Beauty. Так и пишем:
In classic Disney animated films female characters receive several times the amount of praise for their appearance as for their skills and abilities. For instance, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty have respectively 83% and 58% compliments related to the way they look.
Проделываем аналогичную операцию со следующим периодом. Сначала обобщенно говорим о тенденции, потом даём пример:
The same trend generally remains during the renaissance Disney period, although it must be noted that it is then that a character appears (namely Pocahontas, 1995), who is given credit for her skills rather than attractiveness.
С последним периодом поступаем точно так же.
In most recent films the role of beauty-related compliments is noticeably lower — 20% on average, while showing respect for competence has risen in frequency, making up almost half of the total compliments in every film since 2009.
Обратите внимание, что хотя общая схема одинакова, при описании мы используем разные языковые структуры: several times the amount, respectively, the same trend remains, noticeably lower, on average, has risen in frequency. Чем они разнообразнее, тем выше будет оценена работа.
Также необходимо всеми силами избегать повторов. Например, чтобы не писать всё время ‘compliments on appearance’, мы используем синонимы: praise for their appearance, compliments related to the way they look, given credit, attractiveness, beauty-related compliments.
Следующий пункт — описание причин изменений. Это принципиально другой по своей сути текст. В отличие от предыдущего абзаца, он не просто передаёт объективные факты, взятые из графиков, а отражает личное мнение автора. Однако несмотря на это, он должен быть максимально обезличен в соответствии с особенностями формата report.
Differing compliment patterns might have been caused by the changing perception of women’s role in society. When a woman was primarily regarded as wife and mother, her value was mostly based on appearance. A shift towards engagement in activities other than household and motherhood was, in its turn, naturally followed by the increase in ability-related compliments.
Пассивные конструкции ‘might have been caused’, ‘was naturally followed’ позволяют добиться этого обезличивания.
Осталось написать заключение. Подведем итоги всему вышесказанному, кратко обозначив, что изменилось и почему.
To conclude, the quality of the compliments given to female characters in Disney movies has significantly altered, reflecting the ways the societal values have transformed over the past 76 years.
Наш report готов. Не забываем писать заголовки к каждому абзацу, а также к самому докладу.
Subject: Changing Compliments Patterns in Disney Movies
The linguistic analysis of the dialogues from 12 Disney movies appearing over the period 1937–2013 has revealed certain alterations in the nature of the compliments paid to female characters. This report aims at outlining the discovered changes and explaining the reasons behind them.
In classic Disney animated films female characters receive several times the amount of praise for their appearance as for their skills and abilities. For instance, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty have respectively 83% and 58% compliments related to the way they look. The same trend generally remains during the renaissance Disney period, although it must be noted that it is then that a character appears (namely Pocahontas, 1995), who is given credit for her skills rather than attractiveness. In most recent films the role of beauty-related compliments is noticeably lower — 20% on average, while showing respect for competence has risen in frequency, making up almost half of the total compliments in every film since 2009.
Differing compliment patterns might have been caused by the changing perception of women’s role in society. When a woman was primarily regarded as wife and mother, her value was mostly based on appearance. A shift towards engagement in activities other than household and motherhood was, in its turn, naturally followed by the increase in ability-related compliments.
To conclude, the quality of the compliments given to female characters in Disney movies has significantly altered, reflecting the ways the societal values have transformed over the past 76 years.
Подводные камни
Очень распространённая ошибка при написании доклада — несоответствие стиля. Использование личных местоимений (I think, I consider), сокращений (it’s, hasn’t), слишком простых предложений и разговорной лексики пагубно отражается на качестве доклада и на количестве получаемых за него баллов.
Writing is an essential skill that all of us should learn. It is used in every school, workplace, and community. It is sometimes the main basis on how our intellect can be measured. Whether we are going to send a letter to an institution, to a customer, or to government, the skills in writing is required. That is why it should be prioritized in schools. Everyone should learn how to write the right way. Formative assessment in writing is necessary so that we can assure that we have the right writing skills that we need to write a letter, proposal, academic papers, or agreement. So, the writing skills is polished from the time that we are in school. Teachers and peers do an assessment in our writing so our skills can have an evaluation report that can attest how good we are in writing. Sometimes, writing assessment report is made. It is good that our writing skills should be evaluated and assessed so that we can improve in this craft. Writing can be used wherever we go. It is better that we should accomplish a good skill in it. In everything that we do, writing is involved in the processes of the things that we need to adhere to. Since, we cannot avoid writing, we must be wise to invest some time in learning skills for it.
It will make us more decent in the eyes of other people if we will be good in writing. We can communicate better and we can get what we want more easily. So, writing is a skill that we should never neglect. We have to make our writing works to be assessed so that we will know how we can improve in it. In this article, you will learn some things about writing assessment report. You will know the principles of writing assessment. You will know some of its benefits. You will also know how to write a writing assessment report. So, be prepared to learn these things. Get yourself relaxed and keep on reading!
4+ Sample Writing Assessment Report
What is a Writing Assessment Report?
Writing assessment is the assistance that is given to students in grading them in their writing courses. It can be used in different purposes. It is done for the classroom or it can certify proficiency for the students that can be used on the outside. It is also used in grading the students for award purposes. This context has some sound principles on how the grade can be given. Usually, there is a writing assessment report that is done with it. A writing assessment report is the sum of the observation about the evaluation report of the writing ability of a student. The report tells the result of the measure of skills that is illustrated in writing. The written literacy is being evaluated by the current teachers and sometimes by future teachers that reinforce teaching practices on language learning. This report is important because we can discover our capacities that we actually have in writing. The criteria can give some reflection of the nature of our writing, whether it is good or bad. The report will be a performance review for our writing, showing how skilled we are in this thing. Peers can also give us an assessment and sometimes, self-assessment is possible. The assessment is a test that can assert whether we have enough ability to write effectively. That is why a writing assessment report is necessary in all writing and rhetoric courses.
Principles in Writing Assessment
There are some rules in giving an assessment report in writing. You will need to have some guide that you can use in assessing the writing skills of every student. Here are some principles that you need to follow:
Improvement of Teaching and Learning
The writing assessment’s first use is to go further with the teaching and learning. It should give implementation and dissemination on its outcome. It has curricular objectives that are influenced by the evaluation. Teachers should maintain the assessment in the context of its department. The objectives should give an assessment information that can give changes to writing practices. The evaluation practices should not have external pressures. The local community is the one that should give the evaluation materials and the assessment criteria. The student can expect professional opportunities after the assessment has been done.
Social Responsibility of Assessment
The assessment should lead to a meaningful writing. It should contextualize its purpose. The students and stakeholders should get a clear assessment. It should support research and should give harmony to the best ways in teaching writing skills. In assessment, you must consider the human readers. You should have discussion and you should seek feedback from others. Direct evaluation should give formative purposes. Every writer should know how to form ideas well. They should be organized, knowing how to make good sentences and knowing how to edit and proofread.
Sum of the Writing Ability
The writing skills of an individual has a diverse context. You must use different measures in your evaluation. Even with the performance review, you can see that every individual’s capacity is different. Also, one example of writing do not mean that it is the whole ability of a student. Assess writing using many pieces, with multiple genre, done using a variety of occasions, and with different target readers. Have respect to language and know that criteria vary with every purposes. Standardized tests deal with grammar and style rather than choices in rhetoric. So, consider the sum of the writing skills of the students.
Nature of Methods and Criteria
The consortium is the community of administrators who have knowledge in the context of assessment. All the tests should be designed and developed locally. The nature of the writing practices should not be distorted. Assess the ability of the piece to target various audiences. Consider the ability to have many sources, to make a multi-media example, and to use texts and images. Values should also affect the assessment. Help the students to demonstrate where they are best at writing.
Latest Research Assessment
It should have the latest approach when it comes to cost and benefits. Do not make an inexpensive and quick assessment. Learning and professional development can be the investments that you can get from direct assessment. Make the writing to be always on review and be cognizant of research and latest developments.
Benefits of Writing Assessment Report
Have you seen an example of writing assessment? Reading an assessment writing examples can give you an idea what a writing assessment report is all about and why it is done. In case, you want to know its benefits, here are some of them:
The student can learn from mistakes. The outcome of the assessment report can make students realize their actual score in writing. They will know whether they have been good or if they are not doing well. They may use some free writing assessment but the report of their teacher is what matters. Learning that they have some mistakes in writing will make them aware that they have to improve with their writing skills. As a teacher, you can properly advise them in the report the things that they can do. There, they will know where they have erred and they can do better next time.Your school can produce the best writers. Assessment can be the best tool that you can use to develop the language learning in your school or college. Writing assessment tools can help in having direct assessment, and you can give a more accurate assessment for students. Continually having an assessment report can make to bring out the best in the writing skills of all your students. It may be good for professional opportunities in the future. Your students will be good in writing and they can use that for future purposes. If anyone can see that they are from your school, and that they are good in writing, your school will have a good reputation. You have good writers that can come out from your school.You can pass on the writing course. The assessment can harness your skills. Through the report, you will know if you are lacking and you can act accordingly if that is the case. Before the semester can end, you will know what to do. You will know how to improve so that you can pass the course. The assessment will remind you what to do and how you can advance your writing skills. Remember also that even peer assessment and self-assessment can be helpful. And a writing assessment report can be vital so that you can pass the writing course.The aim of the writing course will be reached. Only through the assessment can you reach the objectives of the writing course. It is easy to neglect the course if you are not getting feedback for it. But if you can get a feedback, you will know the things that you have to change to be better. The aim of each course is to properly equipped each students with the knowledge of the course, and you can get it through the writing assessment report. You and the students can work things out so that they will have the best skills in writing.
How to Write a Writing Assessment Report
An assessment report sample or assessment report sample for students can make you to write a writing assessment report. But in case you do not have examples to use, you can use the following steps in making a writing assessment report:
Step 1: Check the portfolio.
Conduct a portfolio assessment so that you can assess the true writing skills of the students. Course portfolio may consists multiple writing examples from students and it can help you to evaluate their skills. One single piece of writing is not enough to grade a student’s ability. You may need more work so you can decide better. Ask for reflective letters or essays that can describe their capacity. The portfolio should consist of final drafts. The students can submit a printed portfolio or an electronic portfolio. The advantage of an electronic portfolio is that it has hyperlinks that can enhance their works. After the student submitted a portfolio, check it carefully and use the assessment criteria so that you can evaluate it rightfully.
Step 2: Give a timed-essay.
If you want to have an actual test of the ability of the students, you can give a timed-essay exam that can bring out their writing skills. Choose a good topic or subject for the essay. Give a word count for the essay, something that will be enough for the time that you will give. Before the student will start writing, you can tell them the criteria that you will use in grading the essay. Give enough time for the students to write at their best. After the test, you can use it with their portfolio to have a writing assessment for them. You have two best resources that you can use for assessment. One that can showcase their versatility, and one that mirrors their true skills. With the two resources, you may have enough evidence for their writing abilities.
Step 3: Use a rubric.
Rubric is a good thing that you can use in writing assessment. It includes criteria that can guide you on how to rate a writer. Even in the 20th century, rubrics are used to standardize education. There are five factors in rubric that is used in writing assessment. They are the following:
- Ideas – The relevance of the writing will be defined according to the topic. Persuasiveness is considered and the writing should be clear.
- Wording – You will rate the writing according to the choice of words and how the students arranged each sentences. You will rate the flow of sentences, whether they are written in a good way.
- Form – The way that the ideas are organized will also be graded. The writing should have right and proper analysis that is related to the topic.
- Mechanics – Of course, there is a criteria where you will grade the grammar and punctuation of the writing. It should be free from all errors or it can affect the rate that you can give for it.
- Style – You will rate the way on how the students write the concept. You will also grade the sincerity of the writing piece and the interests that it can share.
Step 4: Evaluate the writing piece.
The purpose of written assessment is to evaluate the skills of students. Any types of written assessment can be evaluated better after having the rubric and the materials that you have to evaluate. Using all the criteria, make an accurate assessment after reading the written pieces that the students have made. Evaluate the portfolio and grade the creative side of the students with the test. You can tell their performance through the pieces that they have submitted. Make a performance review using the resources that you have and rate them according to a rubric that can help you in assessment. Then, prepare a document and start to make a report about your assessment. Include the rate that you have come up with and put some feedback that can be helpful for the students. Read the report and ensure that it meets the standard of language learning. After you see that everything is fine, you can give the assessment to the faculty.
How is a College Writing Differs?
College writing is ‘academic writing’ that is done in college. It involves a great deal of analysis than other kinds of writing. Usually, you will make a research paper, academic essay, or multimedia report. It is more difficult and more comprehensive. You even have to follow some writing style. College writing may lead to professional writing opportunities.
What Can Make Me a Better Writer?
Practice can help you a lot to be a better writer. In your spare time, write and write so that you can train yourself. You should learn also how to heed to instruction. This will make you to write at your best always. You also have to be creative in reflection. You have to come up with good ideas that you can write. Good reflection can make you to write good words that can entertain any readers.
Learning writing skills is something that we cannot be sorry about. We can use it anywhere we go. We can communicate to other people better. Especially on formal things, we can write out perfectly. We can be decent in all matters. Well, do you need a template for writing assessment report? This post has 4+ SAMPLE Writing Assessment Report in PDF. You can choose on of them and use it as you make a writing assessment report. Download now!
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But once you’ve conducted the assessment, how can you easily convert the results into a good-looking, informative report for your respondents? That’s exactly what this article will teach you, including real-life examples you can steal 😉
But let’s start with some boring stuff–definitions.
An assessment evaluates a person or an organization using a series of questions. The answers are used to calculate a score, categorization or another type of outcome that provides value for the respondent.
There are many types of assessments, categorized by industry, objectives, methodology, etc. Have a look at this guide to select the right assessment tool for your business.
An assessment report will give respondents clear insights into their profile, company or situation and provide relevant recommendations.
This is made possible by formulas and calculations behind the preset questions in the assessment. They will turn the answers into tangible results, presented in the assessment report in the form of text, numbers, graphs, charts and other representations.
Let’s say you are a marketing consultant asking your client about their current marketing strategy. What are their objectives? Which marketing tools do they currently use? How much do they want to spend on marketing activities such as ads?
Based on their answers, you’ll get a first glance at their situation and be able to map out a strategy that you can present to them by showing them a personalized report, as if it were created especially for them.
Examples of assessment reports
I’ll give you real-life examples to help you get the most out of your assessment report.
I will rate every report example in terms of several criteria. Use this checklist to determine for yourself which report suits your purposes best.
Design: Is there a front page, a standard header, visuals, …? Are all of these components designed in a coherent structure? Is the report constructed within a clearly defined (branding) style? What about the quality of the visuals? Is the resolution satisfying? -
Introduction: Is the report clear about the objectives? Does it state what the reader can expect to read in the report? What will he/she learn? What method is used? How is the report structured? -
Readability: Is the report easy to read? Is there an optimal balance between text, graphs and visuals? Does the report make use of columns? -
Personalization: To what extent is the feedback personalized? Is the reader addressed by name? Do the results reflect his/her answers? Are personal recommendations included? How are they presented? -
Model/methodology: What methodology is used in the report?
Is the methodology applied consequently throughout the report? -
External resources: Does your report link to external sources or benchmarks? Are the respondent’s results compared to industry benchmarks or other reference numbers?
1. The Table Group
The Table Group is a firm dedicated to making companies more successful and making work more fulfilling.
Assessment report
The primary purpose of this team assessment report is to provide your team with a sense of its strengths and areas for improvement. While the assessment itself is certainly quantitative and data-driven, its most important aspect is the qualitative perspective it provides for the assessed team and the discussion that it provokes around specific issues.
Strengths and weaknesses
🟢 This report gives the respondents a clear understanding of what they may expect to read and learn thanks to the introduction and explanation of the used model.
The Table Group kicks off the report by presenting a summary of the findings, before going into more detail. This is a strong way to encourage the team to read on and discover why the results are the way they are.
🔴 The balance between text and visuals on the first pages leans towards text-heaviness, which is not helpful for readability. Images, graphics and examples could bring solace to the reader.
The same problem occurs later on in the report, where the results are discussed in more detail. It would be more illustrative to the reader if the variables in the result tables are presented in the form of charts. This improves the comparability of the different areas.
For example, the table “Areas of Key Differences” could be accompanied by a pie chart. These charts are used to represent the composition of an entity or group—in this case, the team and the different answers of the team members.
For feedback, the report refers in each category to the “Tips and Exercises” section. Including practical tips is indeed useful, but grabs more attention when they are presented within each category, not in a different section further on in the report.
2. Atlas Point
Atlas Point helps financial advisors and individual investors have better financial conversations with their clients.
Assessment report
To deliver financial advice at scale, Atlas Point digitized financial virtues assessments. Each report is tailored based on the response that each individual gives to the tool.
Strengths and weaknesses
🟢 The extent of personalization is very strong in this report.
On the cover page, both the advisor and the respondent/client are mentioned.
As formulated above, Atlas Point also generates two different reports from one assessment: one for the client and one for the advisor. This represents a very high extent of personalization.
There is a clear use of symbols and colors, which benefits the structure of the report. The reader will be able to navigate through the report easily.
🔴 The report jumps right into the insights, without giving an introduction of what you may expect as a reader, an overview of the possible outcomes, etc. This is not a problem for the advisor, who should know the content of the report, but the client might be interested to read what they may expect to learn throughout the report.
Atlas Point has addressed this concern by providing general information inline, which makes up for it largely.
3. Indaba Global
Indaba Global is a training and development company providing products and services in the management consulting field. They provide professional coaching for executives.
Assessment report
To help businesses, colleges and consultants to assess an individual’s behavioral tendencies, they have developed their own behavior assessment (DISCflex). This assessment comes with a DISC Assessment report.
Strengths and weaknesses
🟢 The assessment starts off well: there is a clear description of what the respondent may expect. The report makes good use of chart visualizations.
In their methodology, Indaba uses third party feedback to compare the respondent’s results to how others (co-workers, family and friends) see them. This is a very good approach to encourage deep introspection.
🔴 We can speak of clear customization based on the answers of the respondent. But apart from that there is little to no personalization, like the use of the respondent’s name.
The design looks very basic. It would look more professional if more attention was paid to the corporate identity. We recommend using a tool that supports you in graphic design.
Indaba provides a lot of text-based information, which is good, but there is a danger of information overload. Consequently, the reader might lose interest. The report is text-heavy and uses a small font which has a negative influence on the readability.
Make sure that, when you generate a PDF with variable text (i.e. text that varies according to the answers the respondent gave in the assessment), you take the presence of headers and footers into account. As you can see above, a part of the text disappears beyond the footer.
4. BDC
BDC is a Canadian business development bank. It’s a financial institution devoted exclusively to entrepreneurs. They help create and develop Canadian businesses through financing, consulting services and securitization, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises.
Assessment report
BDC created a digital maturity assessment to find out where the respondent’s business stands. The maturity assessment report shows how they compare with their industry peers, as well as to identify areas for improvement.
Strengths and weaknesses
🟢 The report is nicely designed, with a clear representation of their corporate identity. It reads easily, giving the respondent the opportunity to grasp the essence of his or her results.
If we look at the structure, we see no clear introduction. BDC immediately jumps into the results. Is this a problem? Not necessarily, in this case. The results are accompanied by charts and contextual information, enabling the respondents to see their results in a bigger picture.
Moreover, BDC applies a comparative model, allowing the respondents to compare their results with industry benchmarks.
🔴 Unfortunately, there is no cover page and no personalization. A cover page gives the report a more professional appearance in the eyes of the respondent.
The report is relatively short and the recommendations they share with the respondent are only personalized to a minimal extent. All insights are linked to the profile “conservative”, in this case, and the report doesn’t dig deeper into the separate answers given by the respondent.
Also the recommended reading is too general and, consequently, not engaging.
A step-by-step guide to create an assessment report yourself
The ideal structure of an assessment report depends on different factors. Let’s take a look at this example:
1. Cover page
- Start your assessment report with a cover page that clearly represents your brand and addresses the respondent.
- Make sure the cover page looks professional and attractive, suitable for your industry.
- Represent your brand by incorporating your branding color(s), font, logo, and style.
2. Explain what the respondent will encounter in the report
- Talk to the respondent as if you are having a real-life conversation.
- Explain the objective.
- Elaborate on the structure of the report.
- Use symbols to indicate the different sections of the report.
- Be transparent about the method you used to come up with the results and insights.
3. Provide a summary of the findings
Show the overall results of the respondent before you go more into detail in each separate section. Represent the results in a clear chart. A column chart is useful to show several results in one view.
Let respondents take a look at their results overview, followed by personalized recommendations based on their score. This will help the reader in preparing for the detailed discussion of the separate themes later in the report.
4. Discuss each theme separately
Show the respondents per theme how they scored, and what this means for them:
- Use a symbol or visual to clearly identify the different themes.
- Include custom scoring and visualize the personal score of the respondent with a gauge. You can use other charts as well, especially if you like to show how the respondent compares to peers, an industry average, etc. For the latter, you can use a bar chart.
- Make personalized recommendations based on the scoring of the respondent.
You can end the report with a short conclusion, a call-to-action, or general information about your company.
Let’s wrap it up
So, don’t forget to …
Personalize: Use the name of your respondent throughout the report. You can do that in the header, footer, in text-based blocks, or in chart titles. Include personalized feedback per aspect you’re discussing.
Visualize: Balance out text and visuals. Why explain results in text-form when you can present them in easy-to-digest charts or tables? Don’t forget your design: take your corporate identity into account, use your house font and colors.
It’s important to note that there is not one “ideal model” that can be applied to every assessment report. The report will be influenced by the structure in which the assessment is built, the industry in which the assessment report is used and the audience for whom the report is made.
However, these tips are applicable to every type of assessment report.
Useful language for a report
1. Stating the purpose of the report
The principal aim/objective/purpose of this report is to provide a description of… / to provide/to present results of /to assess the importance of …
In this report I will provide a description of … / I will provide/present results of …/ I will assess the importance of…
This report describes/provides an assessment of… / describes/provides/presents results of…
2. Describing how you got the information
I conducted a survey of / I conducted interviews with local council officers …
… responded to an online questionnaire.
I visited three of the most popular …
… were invited to attend a focus group…
3. Reporting your results
Most of those responding to the survey stated that/expressed the opinion that …
According to …
A large/considerable/significant/ proportion of respondents/informants/those surveyed said that …
Nearly three quarters of the …
4. Presenting a list
The arguments against … are the following:
The following were the main reasons given for supporting …: firstly, …, secondly, …
Points our informants mentioned in favour of/against … were:
There are several ways in which … might be … :
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Teaching Elementary Children To Read A Second Language Reports Example
Section A: Front-end Analysis .3
Target Audience Description 3
Procedure for Determining Information Processing Steps 3
Learning Objectives …. 7
Terminal Learning Objective .. 7
Enabling Objectives . 8
Section B: Instructional Strategies, Specifications, Documentation .. 13
Background .13
Terminal learning objective 13
Expanded Events of Instruction 14
Introduction . 14
Body . 15
Section 1: Basic Words 15
Section 2: Advanced Words 15
Conclusion 17
Teaching Elementary Children To Read A Second Language
Section A: Front-end Analysis
— Target Audience Description
The target audience is elementary school children. To learn any new language, children must start early. The …
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The Department of Defense Office of Naval Research
October 12, 2011
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Mission Statement
Mission of Marshfield clinic is to …
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Risk Identification, Assessment, and Management
Executive Summary
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Free Report About Hazard Management
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P9 Planning work orientation and job design
There are many reasons as to why team work program increases performance and employee satisfaction. One of them is application of motivation theories and empowerment techniques. Having worked at Tata consultancy and at the human resource department as a human resource officer, I know that team work is important especially where pressure mounts on due to workload. As it is evident in the Tata consultancy services for example, this team work program facilitates real world real people. …
Good Example Of Company Assessment Report
Company Assessment
[Institution’s Name]
Company Assessment
Executive Summary:
The importance of human capital cannot be under estimated from the perspective of organizational development. Human capital refers to the resource of human based knowledge and skills affiliated with organization to achieve its goals. The motivation, job satisfaction, employee engagement are the evident features that supplement the satisfaction and stress level of employee. Together these features construct the organization environment for constructive organizational development. In this lieu, strategies are essential to be adhered to boost the illustrated traits in organizational culture for constructive development. Presented is the organization assessment of the illustrated factors, …
Report On Needs Assessment Project
Introduction 3
Research Questions 3
Terms and Definitions 4
Health and Needs Assessment: 4
Significance of the Study 4
Need for Assessment 4
Proposal to the client 4
Objectives 5
Literature Review 5
Methodology 6
Research design: 7
Limitation of the study 7
Data Analysis 9
Negative Results 10
Summary 11
Recommendations 12
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Herzing University
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Identifying Family Data
The family to be discussed here is a nuclear family that includes a father …
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This paper documents the risk assessment procedures of Maryland Department of Information Technology otherwise known as DoIT. DoIT is an essential department providing technical assistance, advice, and recommendation concerning information technology aspects to the Executive Branch agencies and Government entities.
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Example Of Report On Evaluation Summary
Ratings on Individual Rubrics
— Planning and Preparation for Learning — Effective
— Classroom Management — Effective
— Delivery of Instruction – Highly Effective
— Monitoring, Assessment, and Follow-Up — Effective
— Family and Community Outreach – Effective (some criteria not observed)
— Professional Responsibilities – Effective (some criteria not observed)
Overall Rating: Effective
The learning context is a Mathematics lesson in a Kindergarten class. To evaluate the teacher, the Danielson Rubric and Marshall Rubric were used to note the performance of the teacher during instruction. The results of the evaluation prove that the teacher is an effective instructor, although improvements should be made in other …
Good Report On Delivery Of Housing Services
Bromford Group is an organization deeply committed to offer a variety of quality housing services that meet the needs of our clients. Our work always revolves around the aspect that we need to be dynamic and sensitive to consumer needs and as well as keep at par with the emerging trends and issues. We have engaged the services of revered professional to ensure we give the best. Over the past decade, we have improved steadily, a sure sign of our solid mastery of the social housing provision services. We hope to grow and become the leading housing organization globally.
Housing organizations
A tenancy …
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Free Report On Internal Auditing Process
This is a report on the internal auditing of information security carried out in the organization and the preparation for the external audit process that is aimed at attaining the ISO 27001 certification. Information security is a fundamental element of computer security that ensures that information in any organization is secure at all times. It is a vital component in any organization since information is important and should be relayed on time, in the correct format and to the correct persons thus its security is paramount.
Most companies and organizations use networking as a means of communication and information sharing. However, due …
Occupational Health Surveillance Paper Report Examples
Abstract 3
Introduction 3
Needs Analysis Based on a Health Risk Assessment 7
Lead and Lag Indicators 11
Abbreviations and Meanings 12
Conclusion 12
Recommendations 12
References 14
Managing occupational health is an essential part of managing a workforce, and on a larger scale, an entire organization. A healthy workforce may well lead to a productive one and hence a more profitable venture. An unhealthy workforce on the other hand would most likely lead to an unproductive and thus an unprofitable one. Occupational Health Surveillance is one of the direct interventions in keeping a healthy and productive workforce. The objective of this …
Free Report About Take Home Exam Paper
Q1a. Dental health goal and reasons for making it a health priorityGoal: Increase the number of patients receiving oral healthcare services by 150 percent to receive oral services such as preventive measures, risk assessment, and dental treatment.Reasons for making it a priority
Walls and Murray, (2013) provides the following approaches for making priority in oral care.Increase self-confidence- excellent oral care (flossing and brushing) reduces the plaque that leads to bad breath. Regular assessment and preventive measures help keep the smile in the best condition that leads to self-confidence.Detect and prevent oral cancer- early diagnosis has been proved to be the …
Report On Internal Briefing Paper
Doc. Ref. 2013:01
CapLand Real Estate Advisors Pvt Ltd
Target Audience:
Importance: High
Outcome Required: Response & Direction
Introduction of the company: The firm of CapLand Real Estate Advisors Pvt Ltd has been actively involved in providing services to the public in the field of real estate valuation. Their headquarters are located in the city of Queensland, Australia but they operate and provide their services throughout the country. It is a specialized company that combines the expertise of a commercial real estate agency, a development management platform and a real estate consulting team. Together with so many specialties they offer a …
Good Report On Critical Analysis Report And Recommendations
The primary purpose of any public health program is summarized in three fundamental functions, which are assessment, development of policies, and assurance. A community health assessment aims to provide information that will aid in the identification of both assets and problems as well as in the formulation of policies, their implementation, and their evaluation. The assessments also help in the measurement of the effectiveness with which a public health system is fulfilling its duty of assurance. Hence, the conduction of the community health assessment in the Don Mills Collegiate Institute purposes at identifying the primary health problem there, which …
Free Health And Safety Management Of A New Construction Site Report Sample
According to Hughes and Ferrett, “construction is the largest industry in the UK” (1). It accounts for approximately 8% of the country’s GDP (Hughes and Ferret 1). Hughes and Ferrett further state that the construction industry accounts for more than 10% of the jobs in the country (Hughes and Ferret 1). The implication is that the contribution of the construction industry to the country’s economy is immense.
In the year 2010, there were 300,000 construction companies employing more than 2.5 million workers (Hughes and Ferrett 1). However, despite its importance to the economy, the construction industry …
Sample Report On Global Business
Country: Russia
Macro Environment Analysis:
Secondary Research methods were used to determine the state of the macro environment in the country that has been chosen for analysis.
Politics, Legality and Economy:
The political environment of Russia is currently more inclined towards capitalism, after a long history of communism and the Soviet Union disintegration. This means that private ownerships are allowed and supported, paving the way for foreign investments. However, democracy is a missing phenomenon which may pose higher risks to doing business in the country. There have also been some activities increasing an alarm among the international society. This may have long-term implications for the nation …
Example Of Report On Strategic Management And Organizational Change
The objective of this project is to assess the importance of strategic management in the healthcare industry. In order to effectively do so, the reasons for the development of strategic management model to address change management for sustainability and growth are separately evaluated. In addition, the differences between organizational change and transformational change have also been evaluated. To gain significant understanding regarding the topic of interest, an example of successful leadership models in today’s healthcare industry has been provided along with the tools that can be used for the assessment of leadership effectiveness.
Healthcare organizations are highly complex …
Example Of Environmental Report
Oil exploration is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning. Environmental experts state that there is a need to conduct environmental impact assessment (EIA) prior to commencing the exploration process. Environmental impact assessment process begins with the identification of issues and impacts that are likely to be important and the establishment of terms of reference for the EIA. Secondly, there is the identification of alternatives; in this case, environmentally sound and benign options are identified. Thirdly, EIA involves impact analysis. This involves the identification and prediction of environmental, social and other effects of the exploration process. Fourthly, there is mitigation and …
Report On Paraphrase
— A client, in reviewing you proposal to develop training for his organization, questions the necessity of the needs assessment portion of your proposal and the cost. State at least three arguments you would use to support the importance of the needs assessment portion. (3 points)
If the implications from the needs assessment indicate the need for an instructional design, there has to be a process of conducting. Areas that will be addressed in conducting include the learning environment, the target learners, learning objective, and task. The learning environment will establish fundamentals that will use this training, venue of …
Nursing: Ltc310-Aging In America Report
Part 1: The Human Environment
Written Assignment 1-Description of five people
— Roles
— Age relation to age
— Analysis applying role theory
Written Assignment 11- On Golden Pond
— Description of Norman’s environment
— Selection of Theory
— Application of theory to Norman’s Human Environment interaction
— Reasons for selecting theory
— Credibility of theory
Part 11: Age related changes – Anticipatory Socialization
— Assessment of present adulthood career paterns
Assessment of financial needs
Description of leisure
Selection of retirement environment
— Anticipatory socialization plan
This document embraces two areas of study. They are human environment and age related changes. First, assessment of five persons in …
Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Report Sample
Hazard and risk assessment helps in the identification of health and safety hazard, which helps to engage appropriate measures that ensure high levels of health and safety in the workplace. There are several tools, processes and techniques that are available for conducting hazard and risk assessment in a workplace. In this paper, health and risk assessment is conducted for an office-based workplace using Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), workplace audit and analysis of injury and claims statistics. The workplace has 10 employees conducting a range of computer-based activities, such as website development, computer aided design, data entry, bulk printing and photocopying …
Report On Reflective Statement
When I started this assignment, I really thought that I had what it took to slide relatively easily into the job market. Even though I knew, on an objective level, that we are in a recession and that it will be difficult to market myself without strong connections, I figured that my results in my classes and my existing experience would help me land on my feet in a successful position.
While I feel that my CV is one of the stronger parts of my application package that I would be sending to a potential employer, I also realize that it shows some …
Example Of Overall Aim And Objectives Report
Executive Summary
Product or service design involves numerous advantages when it comes to an organization. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the company that a design should be tailored as per the requirements of clients and, it becomes true when a stylish product or service design fails to gain the attention of clients. Hence, it would not be wrong to assert that the preliminary things observed by the customers are the products and services offered by a company as they have a significant influence on customers. The purpose of this report is to design or modify a product or …
Home Healthcare Applications: Florida Hospital Case Analysis Report Example
1. Abstract
The emergence of home healthcare as an industry could be attributed to the growth of modern communication technology. As the term indicates, the concept refers to patients’ scope for getting quality care within their own comfort zone. Healthcare organizations today strive to meet customer requirements in this regard considering the growing completion and changing customer choices alike. Hence, innovations are likely that can enhance the quality of overall care provided. This paper will closely examine the implementation of home healthcare applications by Florida hospital. This will also give specific focus to the aspects like organization information, information …
Organisational Strategic Choice Report
Presented is the cautious strategic analysis of newly born bank in the UK. Factual research suggests that UK owns the largest banking industry in the world and federal measures of the company highly support businesses in the country with lesser intervention. Secondly, economic and social factors are providing evidence of promising growth in the businesses in UK. Further, competitive landscape suggests that rivalry is high in the industry that is attributed to industry size as well as competitive pressures in terms of suppliers and buyer are comparatively higher.
The internal analysis highlighted the distinctive capabilities of the firm …
Report On 24/7 Convenience Store
123 4th Avenue
New York, New York
USA 547890
Dear Mr. Green:
Safety and health is crucial in every endeavor. As such, conducting tasks analyses in a work setting is paramount to ensuring that the health condition and safety of all personnel are taken into utmost consideration. As such, in response to your request, I am hereby documenting the “Task Analysis – Ergonomics Report” which summarizes the results of the recently conducted task analysis – ergonomics assessment on a specific job at your convenience store, that of a Shelves Stacker, which was conducted on October 23, 2014. The report contains relevant information which includes a summary of …
Free Report About Rationale For The Above Selection
VW Group Strategy
Volkswagen (VW) is a global automotive industry based in Germany. The industry specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of vehicles in Germany and other parts of the world. With the current challenging business environment and the high competition in the automotive industry, VW group ought to come up with effective business strategies to make her succeed. The company composes of experienced employees that dedicate their time and efforts to produce unique products into the automobile market. VW Group has set a 2018 strategy aimed at positioning the company as a business leader among all automobile manufacturers globally (Volkswagen, 2014). The …
Free Report About Auditing
Audit Plan
In accordance to ISA 300, an audit plan refers to the general plan and detailed approach that the auditor intends to use in the process of conducting the audit with reference to the spread of the audit the scope and timing. Also, the plan takes into consideration matters that relates to risk and materiality concepts (Moeller, 2010). A plan is essential to the audit process since it is used to improve on the efficiency of carrying out the audit process hence ensuring that the process is concluded in a timely manner. However, the form and the nature of the audit …
Free Psychological Assessment Report Example
(Confidential Information)
Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian
Tests Administer: Advanced Assessment Student
Reason for Referral
CK is a 24 year old Caucasian male. He is the son to a close family friend and for sometime his family has raised a lot of concern about his behavior. CK has been showing difficulties in concentrating on either work of study. This has proven to be a major hurdle in his academic and vocational life. He was unable to complete his course successfully and is unable to hold down a job. Due to this, he was referred for psychological evaluation to determine his current mental status. The …
Sample Report On Organizational Assessment
Assessing a company or an organization can be a tricky job. This can only be truer if there is more than one or two areas or aspects of that company or organization that we need to consider. The objective of this paper is to present an overall assessment of the Church, emphasizing on some key aspects such as the word, the fellowship, the entire length of time of the service, the word taught, the altar call, the choir, and other related matters.
For this assessment report, there were several key areas that we assessed. All in all the areas reviewed …
Good Human Resource Management Report Example
This report is based on the experiences and facts obtained from Jardine Schindler Group (Jardine Schindler 2014), a South East Asian branch of Schindler Group (Schindler Group 2014) which is a multinational engineering company founded in Switzerland in the 19th century. This company is currently the leading global provider of related products and services of its kind. Jardine Schindler Group is composed of more than 300 field and office employees. The senior management is headed by its general manager and is operated by the heads of finance, maintenance, installation, technical, and human resources.
The Human Resource Department (HRD) of the …
Example Of Report On Justification
I intend to dedicate this report to Tekla Solutions where the security of the business will be the main focus in securing the safety of business data. Modern technology has impacted on the state of information systems and rendered them susceptible to both internal and external threats. With enhanced security, the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information stored in company information systems will be preserved. This will ensure that the trust of clients is also preserved translating to more …
Declaration Report Sample
In submitting this assessment I declare that;
— This assessment has been written by me and represents my own work.
— This work has not previously been submitted by myself or anyone else.
— All sourced information has been appropriately acknowledged and referenced.
— I have maintained and will continue to maintain the confidentiality of any persons/organisations referred to in this assessment.
— I permit this assessment to be copied for academic processes (such as moderation).
— I have retained a copy of this assessment electronically.
— Introduction
Community leaders in Auckland have accused my client and others for unfair …
Effects Of Pollution On Ecosystem In America Report Example
Biodiversity and sustainability, two of the major factors to determine if an ecosystem is habitable and sufficient for any life form, may it be fauna, fawn or human kind. However, there are only a few sites left around the globe which can be considered sustainable and contains biodiversity as climate change continues to affect the planet. Some areas have become barren, while a few remained arable but in the risk of being converted into commercial lands for homes or businesses. In the United States, the problem of pollution not only affected its once diverse ecosystem, which is considered the home of …
Free Report On Homeland Security
Understanding the Threats, Vulnerability and Consequences
Strategic National Risk Assessment
The United States Homeland security system is a complex environment with opposing necessities, which must be impartial to incentives and effectively administered by safety, security, and threatened by a selection of resilience nation.
This information asserts the national departments and agency policies to acknowledge the States current infrastructure and main assets for key protection from unwanted attacks.
Enemy are just in standby too seek an exploitation for critical actions and threaten the states to damage the morale and the complex society on major sector and local and even private governments, Critical …
Report On Effective Training And Development
Effective Training and Development
Effective training and development is an imperative aspect in human personnel management as it ensures that employees are equipped with suitable qualifications (both academic and professional skills). This means that employees can perform their duties effectively and be evaluated through performance appraisal to determine their weaknesses and strengths. The UK government has put in place various training programs that place an emphasis on lifelong learning and continuous development (Barrow, 2003, p.97). A focus will be placed on Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and National Vocational Qualifications in this document by highlighting their effectiveness in personnel training and development. The …
Teamwork And Collaboration Report Sample
How do the RAM Members vary in their Approaches?
In the past decades organizations have been experiencing a series of seemingly endless high profile shootings and this has formed them to implement various programs and also teams for assessing threats by assembling them in various types. These programs employ strategies on how to have access control, rapid response, detection, trainings in management of conflicts as well as mass notifications. The teams evaluate and investigate behaviors considered dangerous fulfilling their use of threat assessment. However, the strategies lack the emphasis though they are essential in forming comprehensive approaches to reducing these vulnerabilities and detecting signs and creating intervention programs (Borum, …
Report On Personal and Professional Development
This is a reflective account on the task undertaken by a group of six individuals under the banner GROUP C. The task involved the Systematic Review comparing the accuracy of Finger Rub Tests and Speech-in-Noise Tests for the screening of hearing loss in adults in primary care. It was an attempt to complete an assignment under the Audio-vestibular Assessment Strategy Assignment within the pursuit of completion of a master’s degree program in audiology.
From the review of this paper, as a student, I was able to realize that the finger-rub (21 cm) test validated by Ullhman et al (1989) had weak statistical …
My Family Health Portrait Reports Example
Judith Milien
Argosy University
Family Health Portrait
Essentially, a family health portrait facilitates recording of the family health history, which is a complete record of health information involving immediate members of a person’s family, such as the parents, brothers and sisters, children as well as uncles and aunts among other close relatives. Concerning health, close relatives share some of the factors that may give the lead to health professionals that include genes, shared environments and the ensuing lifestyle for the family. As such, family health history would enable the health professions to determine the genetic medical conditions that run in …
Free Effective Quality Management (Efqm) Report Sample
During many decades researchers are trying to identify the most effective ways of organizations’ management. It has been proven by a lot of investigations that the company’s success very significantly depends on its management strategy and actions. Management approach is considered to be a critical factor in organizations’ development. This report is devoted to the EFQM Model’s implementation in the financial services provider company (insurance broker).
Theoretical Background
Total Quality Management (TQM) is the method of managing organization for the future; it is significantly wider in its sense than providing service or product quality, TQM is a method of managing business processes …
Good Example Of Report On Leading For Change
Introduction for CMU Competencies Model
The crux of this report is to highlight my leadership competencies through the exploration of theories and models. Also, with the aids of the leadership development plan, I will be better off on preparing myself; a young undergraduate who is entering the workforce in the near future and have an aim to take up leadership role as an event manager in a major company.
The Central Michigan University (CMU) had developed a Leadership Competency Model which made up of five aspects, namely the social responsibility, innovation, task management, leading others and self-management. According to the model, leaders may not master all …
Example Of Report On Bsbohs407a Ed 1 — Monitor A Safe Workplace
Part 1Report introduction
The profile of the company is that it is an iron sheet manufacturing company located in the industrial area in the city. It has several branches in the town that are involved in the distribution of the iron sheets. The various departments are located at the branches due to the need to coordinate activities at a branch level. The manufacturing site has employees who work in shifts of the day and night. The history of the industry is that it has progressively shown an improvement in protection of workers. This is by providing them with the protective gears, which was …
Free Electrical Safety Mentoring Plan Report Example
Occupational health and safety involves the development of a culture that promotes health and safety within the workplace. Promotion of healthy and safe working conditions within the workplace is important both to the employees and to the employer, as well. To the employees, the probability of suffering harm from their line of occupation is reduced, additio0nally, the risk of contracting a medical condition from their occupation is minimized. To an employer, the damage to the organization occasioned from OHS failures is minimized. Some of the liabilities that an employer can accumulate from poor OHS practices is insurance claims from employees harmed …
Good Example Of Britvic Financial Analysis Report
Britvic Company Financial Analysis:
With operations in prominent countries of Europe like the Great Britain, Ireland and France, Britvic is renowned as one of the leading soft drink companies in the whole of Europe (Marketwatch.com, 2014).
The Company has been able and successful in setting up a definite portfolio across the markets where it operates. The brands of the Company that have captured its own market include Robinsons, Tango, J2O, drench, MiWadi, Ballygowan, Teisseire and Fruité. The Company also produces and sells famous drinks of PepsiCo Company such as Pepsi, 7UP and Mountain Dew Energy, in Britain and Ireland, as per …
Good Report About Law Relating To Use And Development Of Land
— What does ‘characterization’ mean in environmental planning law and what effect does s.106 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) have in relation to this? (300 Words)
In environmental planning law, “characterization” refers to a set of procedures used for formulating and determining applications for land use development. At its minimum interpretation, characterization with respect to the development is centrally concerned with the location and allocation of development about its characteristics on the land. In this minimalist interpretation, the role of characterization is to provide a framework within which efficient criteria for formulating and enforcing regulatory decisions …
Free Report On Self-Assessment
Career goals and expectations
I am a disciplined, kind, and energetic person who likes accomplishing what is of benefit to my future life. I have been anxious to join a career of my choice throughout my life, which is being a human resource (HR) manager. My goal is to pursue a better rewarding career, seeking to work in a challenging but healthy environment so that I can utilize my skills and knowledge in an effective manner, and promote organizational growth. In my current position as a senior HR manager in a food processing firm, I have dedicated my time and resources to make my career a success and achieve my goals …
Latest Technology In Education Report Sample
Research from Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) shows that the response from companies on the various digital solutions to be used for educational purposes in the US is positive. The findings obtained from three different market segments on digital revenues show that instructional content developers were the leading in developing technology solutions, at 42%, followed by software solutions used for instructional support, at 41%. The other market segment was the solutions for administration and platforms which had a market share of 17%. From the same research, the market share for educational technology solutions in the United States is estimated at $ …
4-APR-14 Report Examples
Administrative modification, powered by an extension of information technology, may have underwrote to the erosion of the previously established relationship between company size and the quantitative investment appraisal criteria selected. Seemingly, companies are by means of utilizing more methods composed, while the use of the more urbane discounted cash flow. However, systems are sophisticated, and that use of the less hypothetically sound accounting rate of return technique seems to be reduced, than aforementioned studies would have recommended of businesses .
Consequently, accounting modification may result from procedures ascending within an organization in which it is operational, while as of …
Good Report About Project Management
Data migration entails the procedures involved in the transfer of data between types of storage, format types as well as computer based systems as a major consideration in the implementation of systems, their upgrade or consolidation. Data migration is normally performed in a programmatic manner so as to attain automation in migration so as to free up human resources from taxing tasks (Sudipto. et al. 2010). Data migration may be undertaken for several reasons such as replacement of upgrade of server and storage equipment, consolidation of website platforms, maintaining of servers as well as relocation of data centers when the need …
Western USA Health And Safety Coordinator Report Examples
Cascades Tissue Group
1200 Forest St
Eau Claire, WI, United States 54703
Dear Mr. Senor,
Please find attached a report which details the results of an ergonomics assessment that was conducted at your facility in Cascades in October 2013. Also included with this report you will find a summary of some of the observations that were made during the assessment and the relevant conclusions and recommendations based on the same.
It was indeed a pleasure to serve your ergonomic consultation needs.
Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that ventures into analyzing the interactions between humans and the elements in their environment. By studying this discipline, it becomes easier to understand the importance of maintaining the correct posture …
Example Of Site Visit Report
In the recent past, California has emerged as one of the state in the US with many reported cases of fraud in workers’ compensation schemes. In actual sense, a quarter of all compensations extended to workers by insurers in California are false. The major types of frauds include internal, claimant and provider fraud, with the most rampant being claimant fraud. In order to minimize losses caused by falsified claims, relevant state stakeholders have structured policies meant to detect and punish compensation fraudsters. Unfortunately, existing policies have not been effective in addressing the issue. Matthew (2013) insinuates that what must be …
Risk IP 1 Report Example
A risk register is a document that records events that might possibly occur and whose occurrence will hinder the successful achievement of the goals and objectives of a particular project (CIO 2012). The register is managed through specific processes and is reviewed as part of the governance of the project at Project and Strategic Board level. Risk registers should be maintained for all contractual activities.
The risk appetite for each activity needs to be determined. This expresses how prepared Justine and Early Engineering, Inc is to accept and manage the risk. The risk elements fall into three categories (Hester, R. …
- Article navigation:
- B2 First (FCE) Report: Structure
- B2 First (FCE) Report: Writing Guide
- B2 First (FCE) Report: Example Answers
- B2 First (FCE) Report: Writing Topics
- B2 First (FCE) Report: Tips
- B2 First (FCE) Report: Grading
- B2 First (FCE) Report: Useful Language & Phrases
Many people believe that reports are boring and dry, but reports give you a great opportunity to score really high marks easily!
If you are not a creative person
(and that’s okay) then a report is a great choice for you in part two of the B2 First writing exam.
What is a report?
A report is a formal piece of writing similar in tone to an essay. You always write reports in B2 First (FCE) to a superior, this could be a teacher a director or anyone who you should be respectful.
A report
- analyses a present situation and often has recommendations
- is divided into sections and contains factual information
- is written in a formal style
- uses headings for each section
Check our Writing Guide in this article below to see how to write an FCE report.
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B2 First (FCE) Report: Structure
Introduction The purpose of this report is to…. |
Subheading + Paragraph Give the relevant facts |
Subheading + Paragraph Give the relevant facts |
Conclusion Make your recommendations |
B2 First (FCE) Report: Writing Guide
We will use the example FCE report topic below:
Last year a new sport and leisure centre opened in your home town. You have recently received the following letter from the manager of the centre:
I am writing to all members of the Active Leisure Club tgo thank you for your custom over the last year. We want to make the facilities even better this year! Please send a short report to us, telling us what you think are the best and worst aspects of the club. We also want to hear your suggestions for new facilities…
Write your report to the manager of the club (between 140-190 words).
Step 1: Find – key points, topic and target reader
You need to start writing your report by finding the key points/information, the subject and the person to whom you are writing
Last year a new sport and leisure centre opened in your home town. You have recently received the following letter from the manager of the centre:
I am writing to all members of the Active Leisure Club to thank you for your custom over the last year. We want to make the facilities even better this year! Please send a short report to us, telling us the best and worst aspects of the club. We also want to hear your suggestions for new facilities…
Topic: Active Leisure Club wants to improve their facilities
Main key points:
- describe the best aspects of the club
- describe the worst aspects of the club
- suggest new facilities
Target reader: manager of the centre:
As soon as we’ve analyzed the task and extracted all the information that we need we can start building the report structure and writing it.
Step 2: Title
Although the title is not obligatory, it is certainly an attractive addition and could be something like:
- Report on ……. + Topic
- Topic + : a report
If you remember in the previous step (Step 1) we found the topic.
Topic: Active Leisure Club wants to improve their facilities
Let’s use it now:
Title: Report on Active Leisure Club facilities
Title: Active Leisure Club facilities: a report
Step 3: Introduction
A good and equivalent introduction should contain two things:
Firstly, you have to state the purpose of the report as clearly as possible – this gives the reader a clear idea of what to expect and sets the tone for the rest of the report.
The purpose of the report is nothing more than three points you found (in step 1)
- describe the best aspects of the club
- describe the worst aspects of the club
- suggest new facilities
Let’s use them now:
The purpose of this report is to outline the best (point 1) and worst parts (point 2) of our club, as well as to recommend improvements to the facilities. (point 3)
Finally, you mention how you collected the data for your report this is not something that you have to do but it can help your report stand out a little bit.
The purpose of this report is to outline the best and worst parts of our club, as well as to recommend improvements to the facilities. The data for the report was collected based on the opinions of club members (source)
Complete and finished introduction with title:
Title: Report on Active Leisure Club facilities
The purpose of this report is to outline the best (point 1) and worst parts of (point 2) our club, as well as to recommend improvements to the facilities. (point 3) The data for the report was collected based on the opinions of club members. (source)
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Step 4: The body paragraphs (main content)
When we have a ready title and introduction to our report, we can move on to writing the proper content.
In the main content, you should answer the main key points that you discovered in the task (see step 1) under suitable subheadings, and each is placed in a separate section/paragraph.
Main key points (see step 1):
- describe the best aspects of the club
- describe the worst aspects of the club
- suggest new facilities
See the example main content below, with additional annotations you may find useful:
The best aspects of the club – add a heading
Most members seem to enjoy the swimming pool with its daily water exercise classes and the opportunity to swim in 50-metre lanes. It also appears that offering a child care programme is appreciated by the majority of our members since many of them have families, but still would like to use the facilities of the club.
[first key point answered -best aspects]
The worst aspects of the club – add heading
According to most of the members I have spoken to, the café does not meet their expectations with below-average food and slow service. Another problem is the state of the gymnasium which, in general, is avoided by many because of broken equipment and a lack of staff during peak times.
[second key point answered – worse aspects]
[…… here you can add one more paragraph and give suggestions, OR include them in the conclusion]
– formal/indirect language – official
– transitional words, expressions and conjunctions, which link the sentences and make the text more fluid
TIP: Headings are very important!
When you write a report every paragraph must have a title but don’t worry, these do not need to be creative titles. This is not an article!
Headings must be factual. They must only let the reader know what information will be contained in the paragraph.
So what is a very boring and factual title?
Introduction… , Positive aspects of… , Negative aspects of…, Improvements…, Recommendations…, Suggestions…
Step 5: Conclusion
After writing the entire content, we only have a summary where we can also include our suggestions or recommendations – to do this we can use some specific language that is there to persuade the manager of the centre to take up our idea and implement it.
Suggestions & conclusions – add a heading
In the final analysis, the best solutions seem to be to improve the quality of the menu and the service at the café as well as the maintenance schedule and number of staff at the gymnasium. If manager is decided to follow recommendations, the experience of members would improved
– persuasive language (recommendations)
– suggestions
Submit your B2 First (FCE) Report
Within 72 hours your B2 First (FCE) report will be reviewed and graded.
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See full report…
Report on Active Leisure Club facilities
The purpose of this report is to outline the best and worst parts of our club, as well as to recommend improvements to the facilities. The data for the report was collected based on the opinions of club members
The best aspects of the club
Most members seem to enjoy the swimming pool with it’s daily water exercise classes and the opportunity to swim in 50-metre lanes. It also appears that offering a child care programme is appreciated by the majority of our members since many of them have families, but still would like to use the facilities of the club.
The worst aspects of the club
According to most of the members I have spoken to, the café does not meet their expectations with below-average food and slow service. Another problem is the state of the gymnasium which, in general, is avoided by many because of broken equipment and a lack of staff during peak times.
Suggestions & conclusions
In the final analysis, the best solutions seem to be to improve the quality of the menu and the service at the café as well as the maintenance schedule and number of staff at the gymnasium. If manager is decided to follow recommendations, the experience of members would improved
To sum up….
A report is a formal paper, it has to be concise, well-organized, which makes it recommended to use bullet points and headings so that the reader can quickly find the information they are looking for in your text.
The language of a report is expected to be formal and objective. For this reason, you should avoid including yourself or your views in most of your sentences.
B2 First (FCE) Report: Example Answers
Your college has just published the first issue of the new college magazine. The organisers are interested in knowing what students thought about it, so they have asked you to write a report. In your report, you should talk about what the students liked and disliked about the articles, the sports section and the news section. Then, you should make suggestions on how to improve the magazine.
Write a report.
Student’s FCE Report Answer:
The New College Magazine
The purpose of this report is to outline students’ opinions about the new college magazine, and to make recommendations based on their views.
The articles
Most students thought the articles were interesting and well written. However, they did not talk about modern topics, so some students found this part of the magazine a little boring.
The sports section
It is thought that the sports section is good, but most articles were about football or basketball. This is not a good thing because most of our sporty students play rugby, not football or basketball.
The news section
Many students complained about the news section, because it only focused on news about the college. These students were expecting to read some news about the city, too.
In order to solve the problems above, I recommend taking some measures. Firstly, article writers should focus more on technology and other modern issues. Secondly, we should consider writing more about rugby and less about other sports. Finally, we should include some news about our city. If we do these things, the magazine will be more interesting to our students.
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The gym you work for has been losing members recently and would like to know why they are leaving. The gym manager has asked you to write a report about why these customers are leaving. In your report you should specify what the problems are and should give recommendations for improvement.
Student’s FCE Report Answer:
Improving Our Gym
The aim of this report is to explain the main reasons why members are leaving the gym. After interviewing some clients, we have identified some serious problems.
Limited opening hours
Some members have complained that the gym opens a little late for them. For this reason, workers cannot exercise before going to work. If the gym opened at 7 a.m., clients could exercise easily before going to work.
The changing rooms
Many of the lockers are broken so customers cannot leave their belongings in a safe place. Also, some of the showers are not working properly so members have to queue before having a shower. In order to solve this, I suggest replacing all lockers and showers immediately.
Lack of parking spaces
Some previous members have joined gyms which have a parking lot. Although we cannot build a parking lot, we can offer a parking area for bicycles. As a result, this might encourage members to use their bikes to come to the gym.
To sum up, I believe that if we take care of these problems, members will be happier and will decide to stay with us.
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B2 First (FCE) Report: Writing Topics
A group of students from Britain would like to visit your home town as part of an exchange programme. Their leader has asked you to write a report describing what there is to see and do in the town, and to describe some of the other services and facilities that would be available to them.
Write your report.
You have just come back from a visit to a local museum organised by your school the principal has asked you to write a report about the museum and what you saw there, saying whether it is of interest for all age groups in the school.
Write a report for the Principal
You have just come back from a two-day study trip to a historic town. Your teacher has asked you to write a report about your visit, saying what you saw during the two days and whether you would recommend a similar visit for other students.
Write your report
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B2 First (FCE) Report: Tips
- Begin by stating the purpose of your report.
- You may use invented statistics to provide a succinct summary of your results.
- Use headings. They will make it clear that your report is not an essay or review.
- Use lists of numbered points or bullets where appropriate.
- Divide your report into sections according to the input.
- Develop the ideas in the task input.
- Include a sentence summarising your opinion at the beginning of the final section of your report.
- Use an impersonal, formal style.
B2 First (FCE) Report: Grading
It might seem that it’s difficult to use advanced language in a Report. After all, the topics are usually so dry —what can you write to show your creativity? This is why being specific so important. The more specific your ideas, the more specific the language you have to use, and therefore the more advanced your language will seem. Don’t stop with ‘computer’ – think of ‘interactive whiteboard’, ‘webcam’ and so on. |
It’s not always easy to show links between paragraphs in a Report — especially since each paragraph addresses a single point. However, you can make sure to link your ideas in each paragraph, so that the sentences build up to a complete, fully-formed idea. Try to use different sentence patterns. For example, use an adverbial clause at the start of the sentence to introduce your idea— ‘It’s highly likely that…” for |
Reports should be written in formal register. It’s a good idea to use the passive voice (eg ‘This report has been written ….”) but not in every sentence – you will send the Target Reader to sleep if you rely on it too much. Introduce complex ideas as well as simple ones. Saying that there is a computer in every classroom is a simple one — but |
It’s important that you consider all of the content points. Everything you write must be relevant to the task. Don’t get distracted by something you think is more interesting. Add as much specific details as you can — this will make the Target Reader feel fully informed. |
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B2 First (FCE) Report: Useful Language & Phrases
We will finish it with some useful vocabulary mostly used to organize information. Although it is taking a shortcut, if you learn several expressions for each paragraph in each type of text that could be on your exam, you will certainly be able to create a very consistent and well-organized text.
Introduction (the goal of the report)
The aim of this report is to
As requested, I am writing this report to
This report aims to outline/assess
The purpose behind this report is to
The first observation to make concerns…
It has to been stressed that…
According to (the majority of respondents)…
In spite of (the fact that)…
Despite (the fact that)…
The outlook for …… is (far from) bright/optimistic/depressing/daunting
The future looks bleak/remains uncertain/is promising
This seems unlikely in the near/foreseeable future
I suggest/recommend
I would like to suggest/recommend
I therefore suggest
I advise you (not) to
I believe it would be beneficial
It would be advisable to
You may wish/want to consider
If you wish to…, you should
If we wish to…, we ought to
Provided that these recommendations are taken into consideration,…
In conclusion,…
From the research one can conclude that…
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