Босфор на английском как пишется


  • 1

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > Босфор

  • 2

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Босфор

  • 3

    Русско-английский географический словарь > Босфор

  • 4

    Новый русско-английский словарь > Босфор

  • 5

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > Босфор

  • 6

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > Босфор

  • 7

    Американизмы. Русско-английский словарь. > Босфор

  • 8

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > Босфор

  • 9
    (прол.) Босфор

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > (прол.) Босфор

  • 10
    проливы Босфор и Дарданеллы

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > проливы Босфор и Дарданеллы

  • 11
    чистошёлковый армюр босфор

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > чистошёлковый армюр босфор

  • 12
    армюр Босфор

    Русско-английский текстильный словарь > армюр Босфор

  • 13
    бухта Золотой Рог

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > бухта Золотой Рог

См. также в других словарях:

  • БОСФОР — пролив, соединяет Черное и Мраморное моря, Турция. Др. греч. Bosporos скотий брод от bus скотина , poros брод . Возможные объяснения: узость пролива позволяет скоту переплывать его; по другой версии, плата за перевоз производилась скотом. Др.… …   Географическая энциклопедия

  • БОСФОР — БОСФОР, пролив между Европой и Азией, соединяет Черное и Мраморное моря. Длина 30 км, наименьшая ширина 0,7 3,8 км; наименьшая глубина 20 м. В Босфоре бухта Золотой Рог. Пересечен автомобильным мостом (длина около 2,8 км). Порт Стамбул (Турция) …   Современная энциклопедия

  • Босфор — (Bosphorus, Βόσπορος). Константинопольский пролив, получивший свое название, которое означает “Бычий брод”, от Ио, так как она, по преданию, переплыла через пролив в образе телки. (Источник: «Краткий словарь мифологии и древностей». М.Корш. Санкт …   Энциклопедия мифологии

  • БОСФОР — греч., от bus, бык, и poros, переезд. Пролив, соединяющий Черное море с Мраморным, иначе Константинопольский пролив. Назван так потому, что чрез него переплыла Ио, превращенная Юноной в корову. Объяснение 25000 иностранных слов, вошедших в… …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • босфор — сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • пролив (24) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Босфор — (турец. Истамбул Богази) или Константинопольский пролив,соединяющий Черное море с Мраморным или Понт Евксинский с Пропонтидой древних греков. Название свое, которое значит собственно бычачий брод ,получил от того, что в этом месте, по греческому… …   Энциклопедия Брокгауза и Ефрона

  • Босфор — БОСФОР, пролив между Европой и Азией, соединяет Черное и Мраморное моря. Длина 30 км, наименьшая ширина 0,7 3,8 км; наименьшая глубина 20 м. В Босфоре бухта Золотой Рог. Пересечен автомобильным мостом (длина около 2,8 км). Порт Стамбул (Турция).… …   Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь

  • Босфор — Пролив Босфор тур. İstanbul Boğazı …   Википедия

  • Босфор — (греч. Bósporos, тур. Karadeniz Boğazi), пролив между Европой и Азией, соединяет Чёрное и Мраморное моря. Длина 30 км, средняя ширина 2 км; наименьшая глубина на фарватере 20 м. В Босфоре  бухта Золотой Рог. Порт Стамбул (Турция), где Босфор… …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • Босфор — пролив, соединяет Черное и Мраморное моря, Турция. Др. греч. Bosporos скотий брод от bus скотина , poros брод . Возможные объяснения: узость пролива позволяет скоту переплывать его; по другой версии, плата за перевоз производилась скотом. Др.… …   Топонимический словарь

  • БОСФОР Европой — БОСФОР (греч. Bosporos тур. Karadeniz Bogazi), пролив между Европой и Азией, соединяет Черное и Мраморное моря. длина 30 км, средняя ширина 2 км; наименьшая глубина на фарватере 20 м. В Босфоре бухта Золотой Рог. Порт Стамбул (Турция), где Босфор …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

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Поскольку все мосты через Дунай взорваны, болгары теперь могут осуществлять морское грузосообщение с Европой только через Босфор.

With all bridges over the Danube blasted, Bulgarians can now ship to and from Europe only through the Bosporus.



Про голубую мечеть, Босфор, Сент-Мари.

About the Blue Mosque, Bosphorus, St. Marie.



Про голубую мечеть, Босфор, Сент-Мари.
About the Blue Mosque, Bosphorus, St. Marie.

Поскольку все мосты через Дунай взорваны, болгары теперь могут осуществлять морское грузосообщение с Европой только через Босфор.
With all bridges over the Danube blasted, Bulgarians can now ship to and from Europe only through the Bosporus.

Виктор, я хотела бы показать вам Босфор и голубую мечеть.
Victor, I would like to show you Bosphorus and the Blue Mosque.

Одна из них — через Черное море и Босфор, узкий водный путь, который находится под контролем Турции и может быть легко закрыт для России.
One is through the Black Sea and the Bosporus, a narrow waterway controlled by Turkey that can easily be closed to Russia.

Сейчас она в моей руке: я смотрю на пролив Босфор великолепным мартовским утром.
It’s in my hand on this occasion as I look out over the Bosphorus on a glittering March morning.


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Bosphorus, Bosporus Strait, Bosphorus Strait

Смотрите также: босфор 

- Bosphorus  — Босфор
- Bosporus Strait  — Босфор
- Bosphorus Strait  — Босфор

  • Босфор (пролив) — Координаты: 41°07′10″ с. ш. 29°04′31″ в. д. / 41.119444° с. ш. 29.075278° в. д.  …   Википедия

  • БОСФОР — пролив, соединяет Черное и Мраморное моря, Турция. Др. греч. Bosporos скотий брод от bus скотина , poros брод . Возможные объяснения: узость пролива позволяет скоту переплывать его; по другой версии, плата за перевоз производилась скотом. Др.… …   Географическая энциклопедия

  • БОСФОР — БОСФОР, пролив между Европой и Азией, соединяет Черное и Мраморное моря. Длина 30 км, наименьшая ширина 0,7 3,8 км; наименьшая глубина 20 м. В Босфоре бухта Золотой Рог. Пересечен автомобильным мостом (длина около 2,8 км). Порт Стамбул (Турция) …   Современная энциклопедия

  • Босфор — БОСФОР, пролив между Европой и Азией, соединяет Черное и Мраморное моря. Длина 30 км, наименьшая ширина 0,7 3,8 км; наименьшая глубина 20 м. В Босфоре бухта Золотой Рог. Пересечен автомобильным мостом (длина около 2,8 км). Порт Стамбул (Турция).… …   Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь

  • Босфор — Пролив Босфор тур. İstanbul Boğazı …   Википедия

  • Босфор Восточный — Пролив Босфор Восточный …   Википедия

  • Босфор — пролив, соединяет Черное и Мраморное моря, Турция. Др. греч. Bosporos скотий брод от bus скотина , poros брод . Возможные объяснения: узость пролива позволяет скоту переплывать его; по другой версии, плата за перевоз производилась скотом. Др.… …   Топонимический словарь

  • Пролив Невельского — Пролив Невельского …   Википедия

  • Пролив Лаперуза — 宗谷海峡 (Karafuto) …   Википедия

  • пролив — канал; босфор, ворота, большой бельт, скагеррак, симоносеки, каттегат, па де кале, хайнань, дарданеллы, шар, салма, горло, ламанш, карские ворота, маточкин шар, цугару, эресунн Словарь русских синонимов. пролив сущ., кол во синонимов: 24 • баб… …   Словарь синонимов

  • Босфор — (Bosphorus, Βόσπορος). Константинопольский пролив, получивший свое название, которое означает “Бычий брод”, от Ио, так как она, по преданию, переплыла через пролив в образе телки. (Источник: «Краткий словарь мифологии и древностей». М.Корш. Санкт …   Энциклопедия мифологии

  • Правильное написание слова босфор:

    Крутая NFT игра. Играй и зарабатывай!

    Количество букв в слове: 6

    Слово состоит из букв:
    Б, О, С, Ф, О, Р

    Правильный транслит слова: bosfor

    Написание с не правильной раскладкой клавиатуры: ,jcajh

    Тест на правописание

    Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

    Русско-английский перевод БОСФОР

    муж. ; геогр.


    Русско-Английский краткий словарь по общей лексике.

         Russian-English short dictionary of general vocabulary.





    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    В настоящее время через пролив Босфор переброшены два подвесных автодорожных моста — мост Султана Мехмета и Босфорский мост.

    Currently, the Straits of Bosphorus is spanned by two highway suspension bridges- the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge and the Bosphorus Bridge.

    Насладитесь видом на живописный пролив Босфор. Окунитесь в атмосферу спокойствия в своих собственных апартаментах.

    Take in the views across the Bosphorus Strait. Soak up the atmosphere from your very own apartment.

    Решающее значение имеет также экологическая безопасность этого железнодорожного проекта и то, что по завершении строительства он позволит разгрузить пролив Босфор.

    Crucially, the project is also environmentally sound due to its nature as a railroad, and when it is completed, it will alleviate traffic in the Bosporus Strait.

    Из большинства номеров отеля Faros Hotel Istanbul открывается вид на Собор Св. Софии, Голубую мечеть, дворец Топкапы и пролив Босфор.

    Enjoy views of Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, the Topkapi Palace and the Bosphorus waterway from most of the rooms of Faros Hotel Istanbul.

    Из 56 тысяч судов, проходящих ежегодно через пролив Босфор, 10 тысяч — танкеры, перевозящие 145 млн тонн сырой нефти.

    About 56,000 vessels pass yearly through the Istanbul Strait, among them 10,000 tankers carrying 145 million tons of crude oil.

    Мостовой переход на о. Русский через пролив Босфор Восточный

    Основными объектами строительства стали вантовый мост через пролив Босфор Восточный к острову Русскому, вантовый мост через бухту Золотой Рог, а также новый кампус Дальневосточного федерального университета.

    The main construction sites were the cable-stayed bridge across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait to Russky Island, the cable-stayed bridge across the Zolotoy Rog Bay, and the new campus of the Far Eastern Federal University.

    Себа и Жоайе. Вид на пролив Босфор и Замок Европы и Азии. Конец 1880-х

    Sebah & Joaillier. View on the Bosphorus with the Castles of Europe and Asia. 1880s

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 8. Точных совпадений: 8. Затраченное время: 26 мс


    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    «Bosphorus» redirects here. Not to be confused with Phosphorus.

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı is located in Istanbul

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı is located in Turkey

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı is located in Europe

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Coordinates 41°07′10″N 29°04′31″E / 41.11944°N 29.07528°ECoordinates: 41°07′10″N 29°04′31″E / 41.11944°N 29.07528°E
    Type Strait
    Part of Turkish Straits
    Basin countries Turkey
    Max. length 31 km (19 mi)
    Min. width 700 m (2,300 ft)
    Max. depth 110 m (360 ft)

    A map depicting the locations of the Turkish Straits, with the Bosporus in red, and the Dardanelles in yellow. The territory of Turkey is highlighted in green.

    Close-up satellite image of the Bosporus strait, taken from the International Space Station in April 2004. The body of water at the top is the Black Sea, the one at the bottom is the Marmara Sea, and the Bosporus is the winding waterway that connects the two. The western banks of the Bosporus constitute the geographic starting point of the European continent, while the banks to the east are the geographic beginnings of the continent of Asia. The city of Istanbul is visible along both banks.

    Aerial view of the Bosporus taken from its northern end near the Black Sea (bottom), looking south (top) toward the Marmara Sea, with the city center of Istanbul visible along the strait’s hilly banks.

    The Bosporus Strait (;[a] Ancient Greek: Βόσπορος Bosporos [bós.po.ros]; Turkish: İstanbul Boğazı ‘Istanbul strait’, colloquially Boğaz) or Bosphorus Strait is a natural strait and an internationally significant waterway located in Istanbul in northwestern Turkey. It forms part of the continental boundary between Asia and Europe, and divides Turkey by separating Anatolia from Thrace. It is the world’s narrowest strait used for international navigation.

    Most of the shores of the Bosporus Strait, except for the area to the north, are heavily settled, with the city of Istanbul’s metropolitan population of 17 million inhabitants extending inland from both banks.

    The Bosporus Strait and the Dardanelles Strait at the opposite end of the Sea of Marmara are together known as the Turkish Straits.

    Sections of the shore of the Bosporus in Istanbul have been reinforced with concrete or rubble and those sections of the Strait prone to deposition are periodically dredged.


    The name of the strait comes from the Ancient Greek Βόσπορος (Bósporos), which was folk-etymologised as βοὸς πόρος, i.e. «cattle strait» (or «Ox-ford»[b]), from the genitive of boûs βοῦς ‘ox, cattle’ + poros πόρος ‘passage’, thus meaning ‘cattle-passage’, or ‘cow passage’.[7] This is a reference to the Greek mythological story of Io, who was transformed into a cow and condemned to wander the Earth until she crossed the Bosporus, where she met the Titan Prometheus, who comforted her by telling her that she would be restored to human form by Zeus and become the ancestor of the greatest of all heroes, Heracles (Hercules).

    Io supposedly went ashore near Chrysopolis (present-day Üsküdar), which was named Bous ‘the Cow’. The same site was also known as Damalis (Δάμαλις), as it was where the Athenian general Chares had erected a monument to his wife Damalis, which included a colossal statue of a cow (the name δαμάλις translating to ‘heifer’).[8]

    The English spelling with -ph-, Bosphor is not justified by the ancient Greek name, and dictionaries prefer the spelling with -p-[a] but -ph- occurs as a variant in medieval Latin (as Bosphor, and occasionally Bosphorus or Bospherus), and in medieval Greek sometimes as Βόσφορος,[9] giving rise to the French form Bosphore, Spanish Bósforo and Russian Босфор. The 12th-century Greek scholar John Tzetzes calls it Damaliten Bosporon (after Damalis), but he also reports that in popular usage the strait was known as Prosphorion during his day,[10] the name of the most ancient northern harbour of Constantinople. In English the preferred spelling tends to be Bosphorus.

    Historically, the Bosporus was also known as the «Strait of Constantinople», or the Thracian Bosporus to distinguish it from the Cimmerian Bosporus in Crimea. These are expressed in Herodotus’s Histories, 4.83; as Bosporus Thracius, Bosporus Thraciae, and Βόσπορος Θρᾴκιος (Bósporos Thráikios), respectively. Other names used by Herodotus to refer to the strait include Chalcedonian Bosporus (Bosporus Chalcedoniae, Βοσπορος της Χαλκηδονιης [Bosporos tes Khalkedonies], Herodotus 4.87), or Mysian Bosporus (Bosporus Mysius).[11]

    The term eventually came to be used as the common noun βόσπορος, meaning «a strait», and was also formerly applied to the Hellespont in Classical Greek by Aeschylus and Sophocles.

    The link between Oxford and Bosporus as interchangeable terms has also been highlighted by Bosporus Press, a poetry imprint based in Oxford.[12]


    As a maritime waterway, the Bosporus specifically connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara and thence to the Aegean and Mediterranean seas via the Dardanelles. It also connects various seas along the Eastern Mediterranean, the Balkans, the Near East, and Western Eurasia. Thus, the Bosporus allows maritime connections from the Black Sea all the way to the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean via Gibraltar, and to the Indian Ocean through the Suez Canal, making it a crucial international waterway, in particular for the passage of goods coming from Russia.

    There is one very small island in the Bosporus just off Kuruçeşme. Now generally known as Galatasaray Island (Galatasaray Adası), this was given to the Armenian architect Sarkis Balyan by Sultan Abdülhamid II in 1880. The house he built on it was later demolished and the island became a walled garden and then a water sports centre before being given to the Galatsaray Sports Club, hence its name. [13]However, in the 2010s it was completely overbuilt with nightclubs which were torn down in 2017. It reopened to the public in the summer of 2022.[14]


    The exact cause and date of the formation of the Bosporus remain a subject of debate among geologists. One recent hypothesis, dubbed the Black Sea deluge hypothesis, which was launched by a study of the same name in 1997 by two scientists from Columbia University, postulates that the Bosporus was flooded around 5600 BCE (revised to 6800 BCE in 2003) when the rising waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Marmara broke through to the Black Sea, which at the time, according to the hypothesis, was a low-lying body of fresh water.

    Many geologists,[who?] however, claim that the strait is much older, even if relatively young on a geologic timescale.

    Present morphology[edit]

    The limits of the Bosporus are defined as the line connecting the lighthouses of Rumeli Feneri and Anadolu Feneri in the north, and between the Ahırkapı Feneri and the Kadıköy İnciburnu Feneri in the south («Fener» is Turkish for lighthouse). Between these limits, the strait is 31 km (17 nmi) long, with a width of 3,329 m (1.798 nmi) at the northern entrance and 2,826 m (1.526 nmi) at the southern entrance. Its maximum width is 3,420 m (1.85 nmi) between Umuryeri and Büyükdere Limanı, and minimum width 700 m (0.38 nmi) between Kandilli Point and Aşiyan.

    The depth of the Bosporus varies from 13 to 110 m (43 to 361 ft) in midstream with an average of 65 m (213 ft). The deepest point is between Kandilli and Bebek, at 110 m (360 ft). The shallowest locations are off Kadıköy İnciburnu at 18 m (59 ft) and off Aşiyan Point at 13 m (43 ft).[15]

    The southbound flow of water is 16 000 m3/s (fresh water at the surface) and the northbound flow is 11 000 m3/s (salt water near the bottom).[16] Dr. Dan Parsons and researchers at the University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment describe a Black Sea undersea river.

    The Golden Horn is an estuary off the main strait that historically acted as a moat to protect Constantinople from attack, as well as providing sheltered anchorage for the imperial navies of various empires until the 19th century, after which it became a historic neighbourhood at the heart of Istanbul.

    Newer explorations[edit]

    Before the 20th century it was already known that the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara flow into each other in a geographic example of «density flow». Then in August 2010, a continuous ‘underwater channel’ of suspension composition was discovered flowing along the floor of the Bosporus, which would be the sixth largest river on Earth if it were on land.[17] The 2010 team of scientists, led by the University of Leeds, used a robotic «yellow submarine» to observe detailed flows within this «undersea river», scientifically referred to as a submarine channel,[17] for the first time. Submarine channels are similar to land rivers, but they are formed by density currents—underwater flow mixtures of sand, mud and water that are denser than sea water and so sink and flow along the bottom. These channels are the main transport pathway for sediments to the deep sea where they form sedimentary deposits. [17]

    The team studied the detailed flow within these channels and its findings included that:

    The channel complex and the density flow provide the ideal natural laboratory for investigating and detailing the structure of the flow field through the channel. Our initial findings show that the flow in these channels is quite different to the flow in river channels on land. Specifically, as flow moves around a bend it spirals in the opposite direction in the deep sea compared to the spiral found in river channels on land. This is important in understanding the sedimentology and layers of sediment deposited by these systems.[18]

    The central tenet of the Black Sea deluge hypothesis is that as the ocean rose 72.5 metres (238 ft) at the end of the last Ice Age when the massive ice sheets melted, the sealed Bosporus was overwhelmed by a spectacular flood that increased the then fresh water Black Sea Lake by 50%, and drove people back from the shores for many months. This hypothesis was supported by the findings of undersea explorer Robert Ballard, who discovered settlements along the old shoreline; scientists dated the flood to 7500 BP or 5500 BC from fresh-salt water microflora. Driven out by the rapidly rising water, which must have been terrifying and inexplicable, people spread to all corners of the Western world carrying the story of a major flood. As the waters surged, they scoured a network of sea-floor channels less resistant to denser suspended solids in liquid, which remains a very active layer today.

    The first images of these submarine channels showing them to be of great size,[19] were obtained in 1999 during a NATO SACLANT Undersea Research project using jointly the NATO RV Alliance, and the Turkish Navy survey ship Çubuklu. In 2002, a survey carried out on board the Ifremer RV Le Suroit for BlaSON project (Lericolais, et al., 2003[20]) completed the multibeam mapping of this underwater channel fan-delta. A complete map was published in 2009[21] using these previous results together with high quality mapping obtained in 2006 (by researchers at Memorial University of Newfoundland who were project partners in the study).

    The project was led by Jeff Peakall and Daniel Parsons at the University of Leeds, in collaboration with the University of Southampton, Memorial University of Newfoundland, and the Institute of Marine Sciences. The survey was run and coordinated from the Institute of Marine Sciences research ship, the R/V Koca Piri Reis.


    The shores of the Bosporus were once lined with small fishing villages that had grown up since Byzantine times but really came into their own in the 19th century. Until the early 20th century most were only accessible by boat (known as caiques) along the Bosporus since there were no coast roads. Today the villages are no more than suburbs of Greater Istanbul but many retain the memory of their original village status in the suffix ‘-köy (village’ to their names. e.g Ortaköy, Yeniköy, Arnavutköy, Çengelköy and Vaniköy. These villages often had distinct identities associated with agriculture: Arnavutköy, for example, was associated with strawberry-growing while Çengelköy was famous for its sweet cucumbers.


    As part of the only passage between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, the Bosporus has always been of great importance from a commercial and military point of view, and it remains strategically important today. It is a major sea access route for numerous countries, including Russia and Ukraine. Control over it has been an objective of a number of conflicts in modern history, notably the Russo-Turkish War (1877–78), as well as of the attack of the Allied Powers on the Dardanelles during the 1915 Battle of Gallipoli in the course of World War I. In 2022 during the Russian invasion of Ukraine the Bosporus’ importance as a route by which grain reached the world was thrown into sharp profile. [22]

    Ancient Greek, Persian, Roman and Byzantine eras (pre-1453)[edit]

    Map of Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul), designed in 1422 by Florentine cartographer Cristoforo Buondelmonti. This is the oldest surviving map of the city, and the only surviving map that predates the Turkish conquest of 1453. The Bosporus is visible along the right-hand side of the map, wrapping vertically around the historic city.

    The strategic importance of the Bosporus dates back millennia. In the 5th century BC the Greek city-state of Athens, which depended on grain imports from the Black Sea ports of Scythia, maintained critical alliances with cities which controlled the straits, such as the Megarian colony of Byzantium.

    In an attempt to subdue the Scythian horsemen who roamed across the north of the Black Sea, the Persian King Darius I the Great (r. 522 BC – 486 BC) crossed the Bosporus, then marched towards the River Danube. His army crossed the Bosporus using an enormous bridge made by connecting boats.[23] This bridge essentially connected the farthest geographic tip of Asia to Europe, encompassing at least some 1,000 metres of open.[24] Years later, Xerxes I would construct a similar boat bridge across the Dardanelles (Hellespont) strait (480 BC), during his invasion of Greece.

    The Byzantines called the Bosporus «Stenon» and used the following major toponyms in the area:[25]

    • on the European side:
      • Bosporios Akra
      • Argyropolis
      • St. Mamas
      • St. Phokas
      • Hestiai or Michaelion
      • Phoneus
      • Anaplous or Sosthenion
    • on the Asian side:
      • Hieron tower
      • Eirenaion
      • Anthemiou
      • Sophianai
      • Bithynian Chrysopolis

    The strategic significance of the Strait was one of the factors in the decision of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great to found his new capital, Constantinople, there in AD 330. This then became the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.

    Ottoman era (1453–1922)[edit]

    The Bosphorus, with the Castles of Europe & Asia. 19th-century engraving by Thomas Allom. The castles are Rumelihisarı and Anadoluhisarı, respectively. The original is a watercolor available in the online collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum.[26]

    On 29 May 1453, the then-emergent Ottoman Empire conquered the city of Constantinople following a lengthy campaign during which the Ottomans constructed fortifications on each side of the strait, the Anadoluhisarı (Anatolian Castle, 1393) and the Rumelihisarı (European Castle, 1451), in preparation for not only the primary battle but to assert long-term control over the Bosporus and surrounding waterways. The final 53-day campaign, which resulted in Ottoman victory, constituted an important turn in world history. Together with Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to the Americas in 1492, the 1453 conquest of Constantinople is commonly noted as among the events that brought an end to the Middle Ages and marked the transition to the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.

    The event also marked the end of the Byzantines—the final remnants of the Roman Empire—and the transfer of the control of the Bosporus into Ottoman hands. The Ottomans then made Constantinople their new capital, and the base from which they expanded their empire in the centuries that followed.

    At its peak between the 16th and 18th centuries, the Ottoman Empire was able to use the strategic importance of the Bosporus to wrest control of the entire Black Sea area, which they regarded as an «Ottoman lake», from which Russian warships were prohibited.[27]

    Subsequently, several international treaties have governed access to the Strait. Under the Treaty of Hünkâr İskelesi of 8 July 1833, the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits were to be closed to the naval vessels of other powers on Russian demand.[28] By the terms of the London Straits Convention, concluded on 13 July 1841 between the Great Powers of Europe (Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Austria and Prussia), the «ancient rule» of the Ottoman Empire was re-established by closing the Turkish Straits to all warships, barring those of the Sultan’s allies during wartime. This benefited British naval power at the expense of the Russians, as the latter then lacked direct access to the Mediterranean.[29]

    Summer Embassies[edit]

    During the 19th century many of the foreign powers represented in Constantinople maintained second embassies up the Bosporus and would relocate their staff there during the hot, humid summer months. Most of these summer embassies were on the European shore at Yeniköy (Austrian), Tarabya (German, English, French, Italian) and Büyükdere (Spanish, Russian). Some of the buildings still survive today although the British Summer Embassy burnt down in 1911 and the Italian Summer Embassy, a fine building by Raimondo d’Aronco, survives in very dilapidated condition. [30]

    Turkish republican era (1923–present)[edit]

    Following the First World War, the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres demilitarised the Strait and made it an international territory under the control of the League of Nations. This was amended by the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), which restored the straits to Turkey but allowed all foreign warships and commercial shipping to traverse the straits freely. Turkey eventually rejected the terms of that treaty, and remilitarised the straits area. The reversion was formalised under the Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Turkish Straits of 20 July 1936. That convention — which is still in force — treats the straits as an international shipping lane except that Turkey retains the right to restrict the naval traffic of non–Black Sea states.

    Modern (2012) view of the European side of Istanbul from the southern entrance to the Bosporus

    Turkey was neutral in the Second World War until February 1945, and the straits were closed to the warships of belligerent nations during this time, although some German auxiliary vessels were permitted to transit. In diplomatic conferences, Soviet representatives had expressed an interest in obtaining naval bases on the straits. This, together with Stalin’s demands for the restitution of the Turkish provinces of Kars, Artvin and Ardahan to the Soviet Union (which were lost by Turkey in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878, but were regained with the Treaty of Kars in 1921), was a consideration in Turkey’s decision to abandon neutrality in foreign affairs. Turkey declared war against Germany in February 1945, but did not engage in offensive actions.[31][32][33]

    Turkey joined NATO in 1952, thus affording the straits even more strategic importance as a commercial and military waterway.

    During the early 21st century, the Turkish Straits have become particularly important for the oil industry. Russian oil, from ports such as Novorossiysk, was exported by tankers primarily to the U.S. via the Bosporus and the Dardanelles straits.

    Istanbul Canal[edit]

    In 2011, Turkey proposed to build a 50 km (31 mi) canal west of the Bosporus, suggesting that it would reduce the risk presented to the Bosporus by oil tankers and other cargo ships.[34][35] The project proved highly controversial and, as of 2022, work had not been started on building the canal even though a route for it had been established.[36]

    In mythology[edit]

    The Bosphorus takes its name from the Greek mythological story of Io, who was transformed into a cow and, pursued by a gadfly, was condemned to wander the Earth until she reached the Strait. There she met the Titan Prometheus, who comforted her by telling her that she would be restored to human form by Zeus and become the ancestor of the greatest of all heroes, Heracles (Hercules).

    According to ancient Greek mythology, it was said that colossal floating rocks known as the Symplegades, or Clashing Rocks, once guarded both sides of the Bosporus and destroyed any ship that attempted to pass through the strait by crushing them. Their destructive power was finally overcome by the Argonaut hero Jason who managed to pass between them unscathed, whereupon the rocks became fixed, opening Greek access to the Black Sea.



    The Bosporus is traversed by numerous passenger and vehicular ferries daily, as well as by recreational and fishing boats ranging from dinghies to yachts owned by both public and private entities.

    The Strait also serves a significant amount of international commercial shipping traffic in the form of freighters and tankers. Between its northern limits at Rumeli Feneri and Anadolu Feneri and its southern ones at Ahırkapı Feneri and Kadıköy İnciburnu Feneri, there are numerous dangerous points for large-scale maritime traffic that require sharp turns and management of visual obstructions. Famously, the stretch between Kandilli Point and Aşiyan requires a 45-degree course alteration in a location where the currents can reach 7 to 8 knots (3.6 to 4.1 m/s). To the south, at Yeniköy, the necessary course alteration is 80 degrees. Compounding these difficult changes in trajectory, the rear and forward sight lines at Kandilli and Yeniköy are also completely blocked prior to and during the course alteration, making it impossible for ships approaching from the opposite direction to see around the bends. The risks posed by this geography are further multiplied by the heavy ferry traffic across the Strait, linking the European and Asian sides of the city. As such, all the dangers and obstacles characteristic of narrow waterways are present and acute in this vital sea lane.

    In 2011, the Turkish Government started to discuss creating a man-made canal roughly 80 kilometres (50 mi) long that would run north–south through the western edges of Istanbul Province as a second route from the Black Sea to the Marmara. It was suggested that this would reduce the risk from shipping to the Bosporus.[34][35] The controverislal Kanal İstanbul project continues to be debated.[37][38][39]

    In 2022 the dues levied by Turkey for freight ships increased 500% to USD4 per ton, the first change since 1983.[40]

    Land bridges[edit]

    Two suspension bridges and a cable-stayed bridge cross the Bosporus. The first of these, the 1,074 m (3,524 ft) long 15th July Martyrs Bridge was completed in 1973 when it was called the Bosporus Bridge. The second, named Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Bosporus II) Bridge, is 1,090 m (3,576 ft) long, and was completed in 1988 about 5 km (3 mi) north of the first bridge. The first Bosporus Bridge forms part of the O1 Motorway, while the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge forms part of the Trans-European Motorway. The third and most recent bridge, the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, is 2,164 m (7,100 ft) long and was completed in 2016.[41][42] It is located near the northern end of the Bosporus, between the villages of Garipçe on the European side and Poyrazköy on the Asian side,[43] as part of the «Northern Marmara Motorway», integrated into the existing Black Sea Coastal Highway, and allowing transit traffic to bypass city traffic.[41][42]

    Name Opening date Design Total length Width Height Longest span Clearance below Lanes
    15 July Martyrs Bridge 30 October 1973 Suspension bridge 1,560 m (5,118 ft) 33.4 m (110 ft) 165 m (541 ft) 1,074 m (3,524 ft) 64 m (210 ft) 6 lanes of Motorway O1
    Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge 1988 Suspension bridge 1,510 m (4,950 ft) 39 m (128 ft) 105 m (344 ft) 1,090 m (3,580 ft) 64 m (210 ft) 8 lanes of Motorway O2
    Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge 26 August 2016 Hybrid cable-stayed, suspension bridge 2,164 m (7,100 ft) 58.4 m (192 ft) 322 m (1,056 ft) 1,408 m (4,619 ft) 8 lanes of Motorway O7 and 1 double-track railway


    The Marmaray project, featuring a 13.7 km (8.5 mi) long undersea railway tunnel, opened on 29 October 2013.[44] Approximately 1,400 m (4,593 ft) of the tunnel runs under the strait, at a depth of about 55 m (180 ft).

    An undersea water supply tunnel with a length of 5,551 m (18,212 ft),[45] named the Bosporus Water Tunnel, was constructed in 2012 to transfer water from the Melen Creek in Düzce Province (to the east of the Bosporus strait, in northwestern Anatolia) to the European side of Istanbul, a distance of 185 km (115 mi).[45][46]

    The Eurasia Tunnel is a 5.4 km (3.4 mi) undersea highway tunnel designed for vehicular traffic between Kazlıçeşme on the European side of Istanbul and Göztepe on the Asian side. Construction began in February 2011, and the tunnel opened on 20 December 2016.[47]

    Up to four submarine fibre optics lines (MedNautilus and possibly others) approach Istanbul, coming from the Mediterranean through the Dardanelles.[48][49]

    Strategic importance[edit]

    Russian fleet under the command of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, sailing through the Bosporus

    The Bosporus is the only way for Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia (south-western part) and Ukraine to reach the Mediterranean Sea and other seas. Thus sovereignty over the straits is an important issue for these countries, as well as Turkey, the state the Bosporus actually flows through.

    Turkey does not receive tolls from ships passing through the strait. Turkey’s military has broad powers in accordance with the terms of the Montreux Convention. As of 2021, the Bosporus Command is located on the shores of the Bosporus and the military ships connected to the Command are anchored in the Bosporus waters.

    Located on a peninsula at the intersection of the Black Sea, the Bosporus and the Marmara Sea, Istanbul has historically been one of the most protected and hardest-to-conquer cities from Roman times to the Ottoman Empire. Divided by the Bosporus, it is one of very few intercontinental cities in the world.


    The Bosporus has 620 waterfront houses (yalı) built during the Ottoman period along the Strait’s European and Asian shorelines. Ottoman palaces such as the Topkapı Palace, Dolmabahçe Palace, Yıldız Palace, Çırağan Palace, Feriye Palaces, Beylerbeyi Palace, Küçüksu Palace, Ihlamur Palace, Hatice Sultan Palace and Adile Sultan Palace also stand on or near its shores. Other buildings and landmarks on the Bosporus include the Kılıç Egyptian Consulate at Bebek, Bebek Mosque, Boğaziçi University, Robert College, Rumeli Castle (RumelihisarI), Borusan Museum of Contemporary Art, Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Sadberk Hanım Museum, Üsküdar Mihrimah Sultan Mosque, Şemsipaşa Mosque, Maiden’s Tower (Kızkulesi), Beylerbeyi Mosque, Anadolu Castle (Anadoluhisarı), Kuleli Military High School, Adile Sultan Palace, Küçüksu Pavilion, Khedive’s Villa, Beykoz Mecidiye Pavilion and Yoros Castle (Anadaolu Kavağı).

    Most of the public ferries that traverse the Strait leave from Eminönü on the historic peninsula of Istanbul and travel as far as Anadolu Kavağı near the Black Sea. On the way they call briefly at points on both the European and Asian shores. Private ferries, also leaving from Eminönü, travel only as far as one of the first two Bosporus bridges. Ferries from Eminönü also travel as far as Rumeli Kavaği, stopping only at points on the European shore, while other ferries from Üsküdar travel as far as Anadolu Kavağı, stopping only at points on the Asian shore. Frequent public ferries from Eminõnü, Karaköy, Beşiktaş, Kadıköy and Usküdar offer short hops from one side of the Bosporus to the other throughout the day. [50]

    Catamaran sea buses offer high-speed commuter services between the European and Asian shores of the Bosporus, but they stop at fewer ports and piers in comparison to the public ferries. Both the public ferries and the sea buses also provide commuter services between the Bosporus and the Prince Islands in the Sea of Marmara.

    Tourist cruises are available from various points along the Bosporus, including Ortaköy. The prices vary considerably, and some feature music and dining.


    The many yalı (waterside mansions) which were constructed along the shores of the Bosporus during the Ottoman period have long been synonymous with the Strait. Those that still preserve their original form are among the most expensive real estate in Turkey although sadly many have been lost to time, weather and ‘accidental’ fires. The oldest yalı on the European shore is the Şerifler Yalı at Emirgan which was built in the 18th century and belonged for a while to the Şerifs, the hereditary rulers of Mecca. It is still in good condition unlike the oldest yalı on the Asan side which is the Köprülü Amcazade Hüseyin Paşa Yalı at Anadolu Hisarı which was built in 1698. Only the central section of this yalı survives and it has been behind hoardings promising restoration since 2009.[51]

    Most of the yalıs originally sat right on the water’s edge and came with private docks and ports where boats (caiques) could be stored. On the Anatolian shore some yalıs are still right beside the water but on the European shore most now stand back behind a coast road built on reclaimed land.

    The yalı of Ahmet Rasim Pasha

    The original yalıs usually had two main sections: the selamlık which was the public area and the part of the house used by the men, and the haremlik which was the private part of the house reserved for women and the family. These were the luxurious dwellings of the wealthy and some came with their own private hamams (Turkish baths).

    Egyptian legacy[edit]

    During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Egyptian royal family took a great liking to the Bosporus and often spent their summers on its shores. They left behind a legacy of fine buildings on or overlooking its shores, including the building at Bebek that now houses the Egyptian Consulate and the Khedive’s Villa (Hıdiv Kasrı) high on the hill above Çubuklu.[52]

    See also[edit]

    • Black Sea trade and economy
    • Great Istanbul Tunnel, a proposed three-level road-rail undersea tunnel
    • Istanbul Canal
    • List of maritime incidents in the Turkish Straits
    • Public transport in Istanbul
    • Rail transport in Turkey
    • Eastern Bosphorus


    1. ^ a b The spelling Bosporus is listed first or exclusively in all major British and American dictionaries (e.g. Lexico.com,[1] Collins English Dictionary,[2] Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,[3] Merriam-Webster, American Heritage Dictionary,[4] and Random House) as well as the Encyclopædia Britannica and the Columbia Encyclopedia.[5] The American Heritage Dictionarys online version has only this spelling and its search function does not even find anything for the spelling Bosphorus. The Columbia Encyclopedia specifies that the pronunciation of the alternative spelling ph is also /p/, but dictionaries also list the pronunciation /f/.
    2. ^ There is a certain (Oxonian) tradition of equating the name «Oxford» with «Bosporus», see e.g. Wolstenholme Parr (1820), Memoir on the propriety of the word Oxford, esp. p. 18.[6]


    1. ^ «Bosporus». Lexico.com. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 29 July 2020.
    2. ^ «Bosporus». Collins English Dictionary. HarperCollins.
    3. ^ «Bosporus». Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Pearson.
    4. ^ «Bosporus». American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. HarperCollins.
    5. ^ «Bosporus». Columbia Encyclopedia. Columbia University Press.
    6. ^ Parr, Wolstenholme (1820). Memoir on the propriety of the word Oxford, as applied to a seminary of learning; read to the Instituto of Padoua, in the month of July last. Liverpool: William Grapel. p. 18. OCLC 47642720.
    7. ^ Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (1940). «Βόσπορος«. A Greek–English Lexicon. Oxford: Clarendon Press – via Perseus Digital Library.
    8. ^ Sickler, Friedrich (1824). Handbuch der alten Geographie für Gymnasien und zum Selbstunterricht (in German). Kassel: J. J. Bonné. p. 551. Die ihr entgegenstehende Landspitze hieß auch Bous oder Damalis, mit einer ehernen coloss. Bildsäule einer Kuh; aber hier war es auch, wo der Athen. Chares seiner Frau, der Damalis, ein Grabmal errichten ließ so dass die größere Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür ist, daß wenigstens diese Landspitze eher von der Frau Damalis als von der Prinzessin Jo ihren Namen erhalten habe.
    9. ^ Lewis, Charlton T.; Short, Charles (1879). «Bosporus». A Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press – via Perseus Digital Library.
    10. ^ Müller, Carl (1861). Geographi graeci minores (in Latin). Paris: Didot. p. 7. Herodotus (4, 85) nominat Bosporum Calchedoniæ (τῆς Καλχηδονίς τὸν Βόσπορον); Strabo, os Byzantiacum (p. 125 στόμα Βυζαντιακόν, p. 318 στόμα τὸ κατὰ Βυζάντιον); Joannes Tzetzes (Chil. 1, 886) appellat Bosporum Damaliten (τὸν Δαμαλίτην Βόσπορον) sua ætate nuncupatum vulgo Prosphorium.
    11. ^ Bischoff, Friedrich Heinrich Theodor (1829). Verleichendes wörterbuch der alten, mittleren und neuen geographie (in German). Gotha: Becker. pp. 195–196.
    12. ^ «About». bosporus press. 9 January 2023. Retrieved 8 February 2023.
    13. ^ Yale 1 Tonguç 2, Pat 1 Saffet Emre 2 (2010). Istanbul The Ultimate Guide (1st ed.). Istanbul: Boyut. p. 421. ISBN 9789752307346.
    14. ^ fanatik. «Galatasaray Adası hizmete açıldı». Fanatik. Retrieved 5 October 2022.
    15. ^ «Türk Boğazları ve Marmara Denizi’nin Coğrafi Konumu-İstanbul Boğazı» (in Turkish). Directorate-General of Maritime Affairs of Turkey. Archived from the original on 8 October 2011. Retrieved 18 September 2010.
    16. ^ Gregg, Michael C.; Özsoy, Emin (7 March 2002). «Flow, water mass changes, and hydraulics in the Bosphorus». Journal of Geophysical Research. 107 (C3): 3016. Bibcode:2002JGRC..107.3016G. doi:10.1029/2000JC000485.
    17. ^ a b c «Leeds Researchers Study Undersea Rivers with a Yellow Submarine» (Press release). University of Leeds. 2 August 2010. Archived from the original on 3 August 2010. Retrieved 22 June 2018.
    18. ^ «Robotic sub records flow of undersea river». Futurity. 2 August 2010.
    19. ^ Di Iorio, Daniela; Yüce, Hüseyin (15 February 1999). «Observations of Mediterranean flow into the Black Sea». Journal of Geophysical Research. 104 (C2): 3091–3108. Bibcode:1999JGR…104.3091D. doi:10.1029/1998JC900023.
    20. ^ Lericolais, G.; Le Drezen, E.; Nouzé, H.; Gillet, H.; Ergun, M.; Cifci, G.; Avci, M.; Dondurur, D.; Okay, S. (2002). «Recent canyon heads evidenced at the Bosporus outlet». AGU Fall Meeting Suppl. Eos: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. Vol. 83, no. 47. Abstract PP71B-0409.
    21. ^ Flood, Roger D.; Hiscott, Richard N.; Aksu, Ali E. (9 March 2009). «Morphology and evolution of an anastomosed channel network where saline underflow enters the Black Sea»«. Sedimentology. 56 (3): 807–839. Bibcode:2009Sedim..56..807F. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2008.00998.x. S2CID 128884071.
    22. ^ «Ukrainian grain to pass through Bosphorus on Tuesday under landmark deal». Reuters. 1 August 2022. Retrieved 4 October 2022.
    23. ^ Donald John Cochrane Welsh Murray (13 May 2010). «Darius at the Bosporus».
    24. ^ Herodotus (1859). The History of Herodotus: a new English version, Volume 3. Translated by George Rawlinson; Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson; Sir John Gardner Wilkinson. London: John Murray. p. 77.
    25. ^ Öztürk 2011, pp. 28–32.
    26. ^ «The Bosphorus, with the Castles of Europe & Asia. 1846 — Allom, Thomas». Collections. Victoria and Albert Museum. 2007.
    27. ^ Metz 1995, pp. 22–23
    28. ^ Metz 1995, pp. 23, 25
    29. ^ Rozakis, Christos L.; Stagos, Petros N. (1987). The Turkish Straits. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. pp. 24–25. ISBN 90-247-3464-9.
    30. ^ Yale 1 Tonguç 2, Pat 1 Saffet Emre 2 (2010). Istanbul The Ultimate Guide (1st ed.). Istanbul: Boyut. pp. 455, 460, 463. ISBN 9789752307346.
    31. ^ Torbakov, Igor (10 January 2003). «The Turkish Factor in the Geopolitics of the Post-Soviet Space». E-Notes. Foreign Policy Research Institute. Archived from the original on 31 July 2010. Retrieved 8 June 2010.
    32. ^ Cutler, Robert M. (28 March 1999). «[Russian and] Soviet Relations with Greece and Turkey: A Systems Perspective». Retrieved 8 June 2010.
    33. ^ Bulaç, Ali (4 May 2009). «Against who and where are we going to stand?». Today’s Zaman. Archived from the original on 4 May 2009. Retrieved 8 June 2010.
    34. ^ a b «Turkey to build Bosphorus bypass». New Civil Engineer. 20 April 2011. Retrieved 2 December 2014.
    35. ^ a b Marfeldt, Birgitte (29 April 2011). «Startskud for gigantisk kanal gennem Tyrkiet». Ingeniøren (in Danish). Retrieved 2 December 2014.
    36. ^ «Route of Canal Istanbul | Kanal İstanbul». www.kanalistanbul.gov.tr. Retrieved 4 October 2022.
    37. ^ «İstanbul Canal project to open debate on Montreux Convention». Today’s Zaman. 8 October 2010. Archived from the original on 30 April 2011.
    38. ^ «Turkey debates whether international treaty is obstacle to plan to bypass the Bosporus». The Washington Post. 29 April 2011. Archived from the original on 11 December 2018.
    39. ^ «Turkey’s Ambitious Infrastructure Projects». Worldview. Stratfor. 16 May 2013. Retrieved 16 May 2013.
    40. ^ «Five Fold Increase of Transit Fees for Bosphorus & Dardanelles». Retrieved 14 December 2022.
    41. ^ a b «3rd Bosphorus bridge opening ceremony». TRT World. 25 August 2016. Archived from the original on 28 August 2016.
    42. ^ a b «Istanbul’s mega project Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge to open in large ceremony». Daily Sabah. 25 August 2016. Archived from the original on 26 October 2016.
    43. ^ «Turkey Unveils Route for Istanbul’s Third Bridge». Anatolian Agency. 29 April 2010. Archived from the original on 19 June 2010.
    44. ^ «Turkey’s Bosporus tunnel to open sub-sea Asia link». BBC News. 29 October 2013.
    45. ^ a b «Melen hattı Boğaz’ı geçti». CNN Türk (in Turkish). 21 May 2012.
    46. ^ Nayır, Mehmet (19 May 2012). «Melen Boğaz’ı geçiyor». Sabah Ekonomi (in Turkish). Retrieved 11 June 2012.
    47. ^ «Eurasia Tunnel Project» (PDF). Unicredit — Yapı Merkezi, SK EC Joint Venture. Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 13 April 2014.
    48. ^ Yüce, Gülnazi (7–8 June 2016). Submarine Cable Projects (2-03) (PDF). First South East European Regional CIGRÉ Conference. Portorož, Slovenia. Archived from the original (PDF) on 9 April 2018. Retrieved 8 April 2018.
    49. ^ «Submarine Cable Map 2017». TeleGeography. Archived from the original on 28 September 2017. Retrieved 9 April 2018.
    50. ^ «Şehir Hatları A.Ş. ®». www.sehirhatlari.istanbul. Retrieved 5 October 2022.
    51. ^ Yale 1 Tonguç 2, Pat 1 Saffet Emre 2 (2010). Istanbul The Ultimate Guide (1st ed.). Istanbul: Boyut. pp. 442, 544. ISBN 9789752307346.
    52. ^ From the Shores of the Nile to the Bosphorus: Traces of Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Pasha Dynasty in Istanbul (in English and Turkish) (1st ed.). Istanbul: Istanbul Arıştırmaları Enstitüsü. 2011. ISBN 9789759123956.


    • Metz, Helen Chapin, ed. (1995). Turkey : a country study. Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. ISBN 0-8444-0864-6.
    • Öztürk, Özhan (2011). Pontus : Antikçağ’dan Günümüze Karadeniz’in Etnik ve Siyasi Tarihi (in Turkish). Ankara: Genesis Kitap. ISBN 978-605-5410-17-9.

    External links[edit]

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bosphorus.

    • «Bosphorus» . The New Student’s Reference Work . 1914.

    «Bosphorus» redirects here. Not to be confused with Phosphorus.

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı is located in Istanbul

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı is located in Turkey

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı is located in Europe

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Coordinates 41°07′10″N 29°04′31″E / 41.11944°N 29.07528°ECoordinates: 41°07′10″N 29°04′31″E / 41.11944°N 29.07528°E
    Type Strait
    Part of Turkish Straits
    Basin countries Turkey
    Max. length 31 km (19 mi)
    Min. width 700 m (2,300 ft)
    Max. depth 110 m (360 ft)

    A map depicting the locations of the Turkish Straits, with the Bosporus in red, and the Dardanelles in yellow. The territory of Turkey is highlighted in green.

    Close-up satellite image of the Bosporus strait, taken from the International Space Station in April 2004. The body of water at the top is the Black Sea, the one at the bottom is the Marmara Sea, and the Bosporus is the winding waterway that connects the two. The western banks of the Bosporus constitute the geographic starting point of the European continent, while the banks to the east are the geographic beginnings of the continent of Asia. The city of Istanbul is visible along both banks.

    Aerial view of the Bosporus taken from its northern end near the Black Sea (bottom), looking south (top) toward the Marmara Sea, with the city center of Istanbul visible along the strait’s hilly banks.

    The Bosporus Strait (;[a] Ancient Greek: Βόσπορος Bosporos [bós.po.ros]; Turkish: İstanbul Boğazı ‘Istanbul strait’, colloquially Boğaz) or Bosphorus Strait is a natural strait and an internationally significant waterway located in Istanbul in northwestern Turkey. It forms part of the continental boundary between Asia and Europe, and divides Turkey by separating Anatolia from Thrace. It is the world’s narrowest strait used for international navigation.

    Most of the shores of the Bosporus Strait, except for the area to the north, are heavily settled, with the city of Istanbul’s metropolitan population of 17 million inhabitants extending inland from both banks.

    The Bosporus Strait and the Dardanelles Strait at the opposite end of the Sea of Marmara are together known as the Turkish Straits.

    Sections of the shore of the Bosporus in Istanbul have been reinforced with concrete or rubble and those sections of the Strait prone to deposition are periodically dredged.


    The name of the strait comes from the Ancient Greek Βόσπορος (Bósporos), which was folk-etymologised as βοὸς πόρος, i.e. «cattle strait» (or «Ox-ford»[b]), from the genitive of boûs βοῦς ‘ox, cattle’ + poros πόρος ‘passage’, thus meaning ‘cattle-passage’, or ‘cow passage’.[7] This is a reference to the Greek mythological story of Io, who was transformed into a cow and condemned to wander the Earth until she crossed the Bosporus, where she met the Titan Prometheus, who comforted her by telling her that she would be restored to human form by Zeus and become the ancestor of the greatest of all heroes, Heracles (Hercules).

    Io supposedly went ashore near Chrysopolis (present-day Üsküdar), which was named Bous ‘the Cow’. The same site was also known as Damalis (Δάμαλις), as it was where the Athenian general Chares had erected a monument to his wife Damalis, which included a colossal statue of a cow (the name δαμάλις translating to ‘heifer’).[8]

    The English spelling with -ph-, Bosphor is not justified by the ancient Greek name, and dictionaries prefer the spelling with -p-[a] but -ph- occurs as a variant in medieval Latin (as Bosphor, and occasionally Bosphorus or Bospherus), and in medieval Greek sometimes as Βόσφορος,[9] giving rise to the French form Bosphore, Spanish Bósforo and Russian Босфор. The 12th-century Greek scholar John Tzetzes calls it Damaliten Bosporon (after Damalis), but he also reports that in popular usage the strait was known as Prosphorion during his day,[10] the name of the most ancient northern harbour of Constantinople. In English the preferred spelling tends to be Bosphorus.

    Historically, the Bosporus was also known as the «Strait of Constantinople», or the Thracian Bosporus to distinguish it from the Cimmerian Bosporus in Crimea. These are expressed in Herodotus’s Histories, 4.83; as Bosporus Thracius, Bosporus Thraciae, and Βόσπορος Θρᾴκιος (Bósporos Thráikios), respectively. Other names used by Herodotus to refer to the strait include Chalcedonian Bosporus (Bosporus Chalcedoniae, Βοσπορος της Χαλκηδονιης [Bosporos tes Khalkedonies], Herodotus 4.87), or Mysian Bosporus (Bosporus Mysius).[11]

    The term eventually came to be used as the common noun βόσπορος, meaning «a strait», and was also formerly applied to the Hellespont in Classical Greek by Aeschylus and Sophocles.

    The link between Oxford and Bosporus as interchangeable terms has also been highlighted by Bosporus Press, a poetry imprint based in Oxford.[12]


    As a maritime waterway, the Bosporus specifically connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara and thence to the Aegean and Mediterranean seas via the Dardanelles. It also connects various seas along the Eastern Mediterranean, the Balkans, the Near East, and Western Eurasia. Thus, the Bosporus allows maritime connections from the Black Sea all the way to the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean via Gibraltar, and to the Indian Ocean through the Suez Canal, making it a crucial international waterway, in particular for the passage of goods coming from Russia.

    There is one very small island in the Bosporus just off Kuruçeşme. Now generally known as Galatasaray Island (Galatasaray Adası), this was given to the Armenian architect Sarkis Balyan by Sultan Abdülhamid II in 1880. The house he built on it was later demolished and the island became a walled garden and then a water sports centre before being given to the Galatsaray Sports Club, hence its name. [13]However, in the 2010s it was completely overbuilt with nightclubs which were torn down in 2017. It reopened to the public in the summer of 2022.[14]


    The exact cause and date of the formation of the Bosporus remain a subject of debate among geologists. One recent hypothesis, dubbed the Black Sea deluge hypothesis, which was launched by a study of the same name in 1997 by two scientists from Columbia University, postulates that the Bosporus was flooded around 5600 BCE (revised to 6800 BCE in 2003) when the rising waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Marmara broke through to the Black Sea, which at the time, according to the hypothesis, was a low-lying body of fresh water.

    Many geologists,[who?] however, claim that the strait is much older, even if relatively young on a geologic timescale.

    Present morphology[edit]

    The limits of the Bosporus are defined as the line connecting the lighthouses of Rumeli Feneri and Anadolu Feneri in the north, and between the Ahırkapı Feneri and the Kadıköy İnciburnu Feneri in the south («Fener» is Turkish for lighthouse). Between these limits, the strait is 31 km (17 nmi) long, with a width of 3,329 m (1.798 nmi) at the northern entrance and 2,826 m (1.526 nmi) at the southern entrance. Its maximum width is 3,420 m (1.85 nmi) between Umuryeri and Büyükdere Limanı, and minimum width 700 m (0.38 nmi) between Kandilli Point and Aşiyan.

    The depth of the Bosporus varies from 13 to 110 m (43 to 361 ft) in midstream with an average of 65 m (213 ft). The deepest point is between Kandilli and Bebek, at 110 m (360 ft). The shallowest locations are off Kadıköy İnciburnu at 18 m (59 ft) and off Aşiyan Point at 13 m (43 ft).[15]

    The southbound flow of water is 16 000 m3/s (fresh water at the surface) and the northbound flow is 11 000 m3/s (salt water near the bottom).[16] Dr. Dan Parsons and researchers at the University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment describe a Black Sea undersea river.

    The Golden Horn is an estuary off the main strait that historically acted as a moat to protect Constantinople from attack, as well as providing sheltered anchorage for the imperial navies of various empires until the 19th century, after which it became a historic neighbourhood at the heart of Istanbul.

    Newer explorations[edit]

    Before the 20th century it was already known that the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara flow into each other in a geographic example of «density flow». Then in August 2010, a continuous ‘underwater channel’ of suspension composition was discovered flowing along the floor of the Bosporus, which would be the sixth largest river on Earth if it were on land.[17] The 2010 team of scientists, led by the University of Leeds, used a robotic «yellow submarine» to observe detailed flows within this «undersea river», scientifically referred to as a submarine channel,[17] for the first time. Submarine channels are similar to land rivers, but they are formed by density currents—underwater flow mixtures of sand, mud and water that are denser than sea water and so sink and flow along the bottom. These channels are the main transport pathway for sediments to the deep sea where they form sedimentary deposits. [17]

    The team studied the detailed flow within these channels and its findings included that:

    The channel complex and the density flow provide the ideal natural laboratory for investigating and detailing the structure of the flow field through the channel. Our initial findings show that the flow in these channels is quite different to the flow in river channels on land. Specifically, as flow moves around a bend it spirals in the opposite direction in the deep sea compared to the spiral found in river channels on land. This is important in understanding the sedimentology and layers of sediment deposited by these systems.[18]

    The central tenet of the Black Sea deluge hypothesis is that as the ocean rose 72.5 metres (238 ft) at the end of the last Ice Age when the massive ice sheets melted, the sealed Bosporus was overwhelmed by a spectacular flood that increased the then fresh water Black Sea Lake by 50%, and drove people back from the shores for many months. This hypothesis was supported by the findings of undersea explorer Robert Ballard, who discovered settlements along the old shoreline; scientists dated the flood to 7500 BP or 5500 BC from fresh-salt water microflora. Driven out by the rapidly rising water, which must have been terrifying and inexplicable, people spread to all corners of the Western world carrying the story of a major flood. As the waters surged, they scoured a network of sea-floor channels less resistant to denser suspended solids in liquid, which remains a very active layer today.

    The first images of these submarine channels showing them to be of great size,[19] were obtained in 1999 during a NATO SACLANT Undersea Research project using jointly the NATO RV Alliance, and the Turkish Navy survey ship Çubuklu. In 2002, a survey carried out on board the Ifremer RV Le Suroit for BlaSON project (Lericolais, et al., 2003[20]) completed the multibeam mapping of this underwater channel fan-delta. A complete map was published in 2009[21] using these previous results together with high quality mapping obtained in 2006 (by researchers at Memorial University of Newfoundland who were project partners in the study).

    The project was led by Jeff Peakall and Daniel Parsons at the University of Leeds, in collaboration with the University of Southampton, Memorial University of Newfoundland, and the Institute of Marine Sciences. The survey was run and coordinated from the Institute of Marine Sciences research ship, the R/V Koca Piri Reis.


    The shores of the Bosporus were once lined with small fishing villages that had grown up since Byzantine times but really came into their own in the 19th century. Until the early 20th century most were only accessible by boat (known as caiques) along the Bosporus since there were no coast roads. Today the villages are no more than suburbs of Greater Istanbul but many retain the memory of their original village status in the suffix ‘-köy (village’ to their names. e.g Ortaköy, Yeniköy, Arnavutköy, Çengelköy and Vaniköy. These villages often had distinct identities associated with agriculture: Arnavutköy, for example, was associated with strawberry-growing while Çengelköy was famous for its sweet cucumbers.


    As part of the only passage between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, the Bosporus has always been of great importance from a commercial and military point of view, and it remains strategically important today. It is a major sea access route for numerous countries, including Russia and Ukraine. Control over it has been an objective of a number of conflicts in modern history, notably the Russo-Turkish War (1877–78), as well as of the attack of the Allied Powers on the Dardanelles during the 1915 Battle of Gallipoli in the course of World War I. In 2022 during the Russian invasion of Ukraine the Bosporus’ importance as a route by which grain reached the world was thrown into sharp profile. [22]

    Ancient Greek, Persian, Roman and Byzantine eras (pre-1453)[edit]

    Map of Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul), designed in 1422 by Florentine cartographer Cristoforo Buondelmonti. This is the oldest surviving map of the city, and the only surviving map that predates the Turkish conquest of 1453. The Bosporus is visible along the right-hand side of the map, wrapping vertically around the historic city.

    The strategic importance of the Bosporus dates back millennia. In the 5th century BC the Greek city-state of Athens, which depended on grain imports from the Black Sea ports of Scythia, maintained critical alliances with cities which controlled the straits, such as the Megarian colony of Byzantium.

    In an attempt to subdue the Scythian horsemen who roamed across the north of the Black Sea, the Persian King Darius I the Great (r. 522 BC – 486 BC) crossed the Bosporus, then marched towards the River Danube. His army crossed the Bosporus using an enormous bridge made by connecting boats.[23] This bridge essentially connected the farthest geographic tip of Asia to Europe, encompassing at least some 1,000 metres of open.[24] Years later, Xerxes I would construct a similar boat bridge across the Dardanelles (Hellespont) strait (480 BC), during his invasion of Greece.

    The Byzantines called the Bosporus «Stenon» and used the following major toponyms in the area:[25]

    • on the European side:
      • Bosporios Akra
      • Argyropolis
      • St. Mamas
      • St. Phokas
      • Hestiai or Michaelion
      • Phoneus
      • Anaplous or Sosthenion
    • on the Asian side:
      • Hieron tower
      • Eirenaion
      • Anthemiou
      • Sophianai
      • Bithynian Chrysopolis

    The strategic significance of the Strait was one of the factors in the decision of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great to found his new capital, Constantinople, there in AD 330. This then became the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.

    Ottoman era (1453–1922)[edit]

    The Bosphorus, with the Castles of Europe & Asia. 19th-century engraving by Thomas Allom. The castles are Rumelihisarı and Anadoluhisarı, respectively. The original is a watercolor available in the online collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum.[26]

    On 29 May 1453, the then-emergent Ottoman Empire conquered the city of Constantinople following a lengthy campaign during which the Ottomans constructed fortifications on each side of the strait, the Anadoluhisarı (Anatolian Castle, 1393) and the Rumelihisarı (European Castle, 1451), in preparation for not only the primary battle but to assert long-term control over the Bosporus and surrounding waterways. The final 53-day campaign, which resulted in Ottoman victory, constituted an important turn in world history. Together with Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to the Americas in 1492, the 1453 conquest of Constantinople is commonly noted as among the events that brought an end to the Middle Ages and marked the transition to the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.

    The event also marked the end of the Byzantines—the final remnants of the Roman Empire—and the transfer of the control of the Bosporus into Ottoman hands. The Ottomans then made Constantinople their new capital, and the base from which they expanded their empire in the centuries that followed.

    At its peak between the 16th and 18th centuries, the Ottoman Empire was able to use the strategic importance of the Bosporus to wrest control of the entire Black Sea area, which they regarded as an «Ottoman lake», from which Russian warships were prohibited.[27]

    Subsequently, several international treaties have governed access to the Strait. Under the Treaty of Hünkâr İskelesi of 8 July 1833, the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits were to be closed to the naval vessels of other powers on Russian demand.[28] By the terms of the London Straits Convention, concluded on 13 July 1841 between the Great Powers of Europe (Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Austria and Prussia), the «ancient rule» of the Ottoman Empire was re-established by closing the Turkish Straits to all warships, barring those of the Sultan’s allies during wartime. This benefited British naval power at the expense of the Russians, as the latter then lacked direct access to the Mediterranean.[29]

    Summer Embassies[edit]

    During the 19th century many of the foreign powers represented in Constantinople maintained second embassies up the Bosporus and would relocate their staff there during the hot, humid summer months. Most of these summer embassies were on the European shore at Yeniköy (Austrian), Tarabya (German, English, French, Italian) and Büyükdere (Spanish, Russian). Some of the buildings still survive today although the British Summer Embassy burnt down in 1911 and the Italian Summer Embassy, a fine building by Raimondo d’Aronco, survives in very dilapidated condition. [30]

    Turkish republican era (1923–present)[edit]

    Following the First World War, the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres demilitarised the Strait and made it an international territory under the control of the League of Nations. This was amended by the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), which restored the straits to Turkey but allowed all foreign warships and commercial shipping to traverse the straits freely. Turkey eventually rejected the terms of that treaty, and remilitarised the straits area. The reversion was formalised under the Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Turkish Straits of 20 July 1936. That convention — which is still in force — treats the straits as an international shipping lane except that Turkey retains the right to restrict the naval traffic of non–Black Sea states.

    Modern (2012) view of the European side of Istanbul from the southern entrance to the Bosporus

    Turkey was neutral in the Second World War until February 1945, and the straits were closed to the warships of belligerent nations during this time, although some German auxiliary vessels were permitted to transit. In diplomatic conferences, Soviet representatives had expressed an interest in obtaining naval bases on the straits. This, together with Stalin’s demands for the restitution of the Turkish provinces of Kars, Artvin and Ardahan to the Soviet Union (which were lost by Turkey in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878, but were regained with the Treaty of Kars in 1921), was a consideration in Turkey’s decision to abandon neutrality in foreign affairs. Turkey declared war against Germany in February 1945, but did not engage in offensive actions.[31][32][33]

    Turkey joined NATO in 1952, thus affording the straits even more strategic importance as a commercial and military waterway.

    During the early 21st century, the Turkish Straits have become particularly important for the oil industry. Russian oil, from ports such as Novorossiysk, was exported by tankers primarily to the U.S. via the Bosporus and the Dardanelles straits.

    Istanbul Canal[edit]

    In 2011, Turkey proposed to build a 50 km (31 mi) canal west of the Bosporus, suggesting that it would reduce the risk presented to the Bosporus by oil tankers and other cargo ships.[34][35] The project proved highly controversial and, as of 2022, work had not been started on building the canal even though a route for it had been established.[36]

    In mythology[edit]

    The Bosphorus takes its name from the Greek mythological story of Io, who was transformed into a cow and, pursued by a gadfly, was condemned to wander the Earth until she reached the Strait. There she met the Titan Prometheus, who comforted her by telling her that she would be restored to human form by Zeus and become the ancestor of the greatest of all heroes, Heracles (Hercules).

    According to ancient Greek mythology, it was said that colossal floating rocks known as the Symplegades, or Clashing Rocks, once guarded both sides of the Bosporus and destroyed any ship that attempted to pass through the strait by crushing them. Their destructive power was finally overcome by the Argonaut hero Jason who managed to pass between them unscathed, whereupon the rocks became fixed, opening Greek access to the Black Sea.



    The Bosporus is traversed by numerous passenger and vehicular ferries daily, as well as by recreational and fishing boats ranging from dinghies to yachts owned by both public and private entities.

    The Strait also serves a significant amount of international commercial shipping traffic in the form of freighters and tankers. Between its northern limits at Rumeli Feneri and Anadolu Feneri and its southern ones at Ahırkapı Feneri and Kadıköy İnciburnu Feneri, there are numerous dangerous points for large-scale maritime traffic that require sharp turns and management of visual obstructions. Famously, the stretch between Kandilli Point and Aşiyan requires a 45-degree course alteration in a location where the currents can reach 7 to 8 knots (3.6 to 4.1 m/s). To the south, at Yeniköy, the necessary course alteration is 80 degrees. Compounding these difficult changes in trajectory, the rear and forward sight lines at Kandilli and Yeniköy are also completely blocked prior to and during the course alteration, making it impossible for ships approaching from the opposite direction to see around the bends. The risks posed by this geography are further multiplied by the heavy ferry traffic across the Strait, linking the European and Asian sides of the city. As such, all the dangers and obstacles characteristic of narrow waterways are present and acute in this vital sea lane.

    In 2011, the Turkish Government started to discuss creating a man-made canal roughly 80 kilometres (50 mi) long that would run north–south through the western edges of Istanbul Province as a second route from the Black Sea to the Marmara. It was suggested that this would reduce the risk from shipping to the Bosporus.[34][35] The controverislal Kanal İstanbul project continues to be debated.[37][38][39]

    In 2022 the dues levied by Turkey for freight ships increased 500% to USD4 per ton, the first change since 1983.[40]

    Land bridges[edit]

    Two suspension bridges and a cable-stayed bridge cross the Bosporus. The first of these, the 1,074 m (3,524 ft) long 15th July Martyrs Bridge was completed in 1973 when it was called the Bosporus Bridge. The second, named Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Bosporus II) Bridge, is 1,090 m (3,576 ft) long, and was completed in 1988 about 5 km (3 mi) north of the first bridge. The first Bosporus Bridge forms part of the O1 Motorway, while the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge forms part of the Trans-European Motorway. The third and most recent bridge, the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, is 2,164 m (7,100 ft) long and was completed in 2016.[41][42] It is located near the northern end of the Bosporus, between the villages of Garipçe on the European side and Poyrazköy on the Asian side,[43] as part of the «Northern Marmara Motorway», integrated into the existing Black Sea Coastal Highway, and allowing transit traffic to bypass city traffic.[41][42]

    Name Opening date Design Total length Width Height Longest span Clearance below Lanes
    15 July Martyrs Bridge 30 October 1973 Suspension bridge 1,560 m (5,118 ft) 33.4 m (110 ft) 165 m (541 ft) 1,074 m (3,524 ft) 64 m (210 ft) 6 lanes of Motorway O1
    Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge 1988 Suspension bridge 1,510 m (4,950 ft) 39 m (128 ft) 105 m (344 ft) 1,090 m (3,580 ft) 64 m (210 ft) 8 lanes of Motorway O2
    Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge 26 August 2016 Hybrid cable-stayed, suspension bridge 2,164 m (7,100 ft) 58.4 m (192 ft) 322 m (1,056 ft) 1,408 m (4,619 ft) 8 lanes of Motorway O7 and 1 double-track railway


    The Marmaray project, featuring a 13.7 km (8.5 mi) long undersea railway tunnel, opened on 29 October 2013.[44] Approximately 1,400 m (4,593 ft) of the tunnel runs under the strait, at a depth of about 55 m (180 ft).

    An undersea water supply tunnel with a length of 5,551 m (18,212 ft),[45] named the Bosporus Water Tunnel, was constructed in 2012 to transfer water from the Melen Creek in Düzce Province (to the east of the Bosporus strait, in northwestern Anatolia) to the European side of Istanbul, a distance of 185 km (115 mi).[45][46]

    The Eurasia Tunnel is a 5.4 km (3.4 mi) undersea highway tunnel designed for vehicular traffic between Kazlıçeşme on the European side of Istanbul and Göztepe on the Asian side. Construction began in February 2011, and the tunnel opened on 20 December 2016.[47]

    Up to four submarine fibre optics lines (MedNautilus and possibly others) approach Istanbul, coming from the Mediterranean through the Dardanelles.[48][49]

    Strategic importance[edit]

    Russian fleet under the command of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, sailing through the Bosporus

    The Bosporus is the only way for Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia (south-western part) and Ukraine to reach the Mediterranean Sea and other seas. Thus sovereignty over the straits is an important issue for these countries, as well as Turkey, the state the Bosporus actually flows through.

    Turkey does not receive tolls from ships passing through the strait. Turkey’s military has broad powers in accordance with the terms of the Montreux Convention. As of 2021, the Bosporus Command is located on the shores of the Bosporus and the military ships connected to the Command are anchored in the Bosporus waters.

    Located on a peninsula at the intersection of the Black Sea, the Bosporus and the Marmara Sea, Istanbul has historically been one of the most protected and hardest-to-conquer cities from Roman times to the Ottoman Empire. Divided by the Bosporus, it is one of very few intercontinental cities in the world.


    The Bosporus has 620 waterfront houses (yalı) built during the Ottoman period along the Strait’s European and Asian shorelines. Ottoman palaces such as the Topkapı Palace, Dolmabahçe Palace, Yıldız Palace, Çırağan Palace, Feriye Palaces, Beylerbeyi Palace, Küçüksu Palace, Ihlamur Palace, Hatice Sultan Palace and Adile Sultan Palace also stand on or near its shores. Other buildings and landmarks on the Bosporus include the Kılıç Egyptian Consulate at Bebek, Bebek Mosque, Boğaziçi University, Robert College, Rumeli Castle (RumelihisarI), Borusan Museum of Contemporary Art, Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Sadberk Hanım Museum, Üsküdar Mihrimah Sultan Mosque, Şemsipaşa Mosque, Maiden’s Tower (Kızkulesi), Beylerbeyi Mosque, Anadolu Castle (Anadoluhisarı), Kuleli Military High School, Adile Sultan Palace, Küçüksu Pavilion, Khedive’s Villa, Beykoz Mecidiye Pavilion and Yoros Castle (Anadaolu Kavağı).

    Most of the public ferries that traverse the Strait leave from Eminönü on the historic peninsula of Istanbul and travel as far as Anadolu Kavağı near the Black Sea. On the way they call briefly at points on both the European and Asian shores. Private ferries, also leaving from Eminönü, travel only as far as one of the first two Bosporus bridges. Ferries from Eminönü also travel as far as Rumeli Kavaği, stopping only at points on the European shore, while other ferries from Üsküdar travel as far as Anadolu Kavağı, stopping only at points on the Asian shore. Frequent public ferries from Eminõnü, Karaköy, Beşiktaş, Kadıköy and Usküdar offer short hops from one side of the Bosporus to the other throughout the day. [50]

    Catamaran sea buses offer high-speed commuter services between the European and Asian shores of the Bosporus, but they stop at fewer ports and piers in comparison to the public ferries. Both the public ferries and the sea buses also provide commuter services between the Bosporus and the Prince Islands in the Sea of Marmara.

    Tourist cruises are available from various points along the Bosporus, including Ortaköy. The prices vary considerably, and some feature music and dining.


    The many yalı (waterside mansions) which were constructed along the shores of the Bosporus during the Ottoman period have long been synonymous with the Strait. Those that still preserve their original form are among the most expensive real estate in Turkey although sadly many have been lost to time, weather and ‘accidental’ fires. The oldest yalı on the European shore is the Şerifler Yalı at Emirgan which was built in the 18th century and belonged for a while to the Şerifs, the hereditary rulers of Mecca. It is still in good condition unlike the oldest yalı on the Asan side which is the Köprülü Amcazade Hüseyin Paşa Yalı at Anadolu Hisarı which was built in 1698. Only the central section of this yalı survives and it has been behind hoardings promising restoration since 2009.[51]

    Most of the yalıs originally sat right on the water’s edge and came with private docks and ports where boats (caiques) could be stored. On the Anatolian shore some yalıs are still right beside the water but on the European shore most now stand back behind a coast road built on reclaimed land.

    The yalı of Ahmet Rasim Pasha

    The original yalıs usually had two main sections: the selamlık which was the public area and the part of the house used by the men, and the haremlik which was the private part of the house reserved for women and the family. These were the luxurious dwellings of the wealthy and some came with their own private hamams (Turkish baths).

    Egyptian legacy[edit]

    During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Egyptian royal family took a great liking to the Bosporus and often spent their summers on its shores. They left behind a legacy of fine buildings on or overlooking its shores, including the building at Bebek that now houses the Egyptian Consulate and the Khedive’s Villa (Hıdiv Kasrı) high on the hill above Çubuklu.[52]

    See also[edit]

    • Black Sea trade and economy
    • Great Istanbul Tunnel, a proposed three-level road-rail undersea tunnel
    • Istanbul Canal
    • List of maritime incidents in the Turkish Straits
    • Public transport in Istanbul
    • Rail transport in Turkey
    • Eastern Bosphorus


    1. ^ a b The spelling Bosporus is listed first or exclusively in all major British and American dictionaries (e.g. Lexico.com,[1] Collins English Dictionary,[2] Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,[3] Merriam-Webster, American Heritage Dictionary,[4] and Random House) as well as the Encyclopædia Britannica and the Columbia Encyclopedia.[5] The American Heritage Dictionarys online version has only this spelling and its search function does not even find anything for the spelling Bosphorus. The Columbia Encyclopedia specifies that the pronunciation of the alternative spelling ph is also /p/, but dictionaries also list the pronunciation /f/.
    2. ^ There is a certain (Oxonian) tradition of equating the name «Oxford» with «Bosporus», see e.g. Wolstenholme Parr (1820), Memoir on the propriety of the word Oxford, esp. p. 18.[6]


    1. ^ «Bosporus». Lexico.com. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 29 July 2020.
    2. ^ «Bosporus». Collins English Dictionary. HarperCollins.
    3. ^ «Bosporus». Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Pearson.
    4. ^ «Bosporus». American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. HarperCollins.
    5. ^ «Bosporus». Columbia Encyclopedia. Columbia University Press.
    6. ^ Parr, Wolstenholme (1820). Memoir on the propriety of the word Oxford, as applied to a seminary of learning; read to the Instituto of Padoua, in the month of July last. Liverpool: William Grapel. p. 18. OCLC 47642720.
    7. ^ Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (1940). «Βόσπορος«. A Greek–English Lexicon. Oxford: Clarendon Press – via Perseus Digital Library.
    8. ^ Sickler, Friedrich (1824). Handbuch der alten Geographie für Gymnasien und zum Selbstunterricht (in German). Kassel: J. J. Bonné. p. 551. Die ihr entgegenstehende Landspitze hieß auch Bous oder Damalis, mit einer ehernen coloss. Bildsäule einer Kuh; aber hier war es auch, wo der Athen. Chares seiner Frau, der Damalis, ein Grabmal errichten ließ so dass die größere Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür ist, daß wenigstens diese Landspitze eher von der Frau Damalis als von der Prinzessin Jo ihren Namen erhalten habe.
    9. ^ Lewis, Charlton T.; Short, Charles (1879). «Bosporus». A Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press – via Perseus Digital Library.
    10. ^ Müller, Carl (1861). Geographi graeci minores (in Latin). Paris: Didot. p. 7. Herodotus (4, 85) nominat Bosporum Calchedoniæ (τῆς Καλχηδονίς τὸν Βόσπορον); Strabo, os Byzantiacum (p. 125 στόμα Βυζαντιακόν, p. 318 στόμα τὸ κατὰ Βυζάντιον); Joannes Tzetzes (Chil. 1, 886) appellat Bosporum Damaliten (τὸν Δαμαλίτην Βόσπορον) sua ætate nuncupatum vulgo Prosphorium.
    11. ^ Bischoff, Friedrich Heinrich Theodor (1829). Verleichendes wörterbuch der alten, mittleren und neuen geographie (in German). Gotha: Becker. pp. 195–196.
    12. ^ «About». bosporus press. 9 January 2023. Retrieved 8 February 2023.
    13. ^ Yale 1 Tonguç 2, Pat 1 Saffet Emre 2 (2010). Istanbul The Ultimate Guide (1st ed.). Istanbul: Boyut. p. 421. ISBN 9789752307346.
    14. ^ fanatik. «Galatasaray Adası hizmete açıldı». Fanatik. Retrieved 5 October 2022.
    15. ^ «Türk Boğazları ve Marmara Denizi’nin Coğrafi Konumu-İstanbul Boğazı» (in Turkish). Directorate-General of Maritime Affairs of Turkey. Archived from the original on 8 October 2011. Retrieved 18 September 2010.
    16. ^ Gregg, Michael C.; Özsoy, Emin (7 March 2002). «Flow, water mass changes, and hydraulics in the Bosphorus». Journal of Geophysical Research. 107 (C3): 3016. Bibcode:2002JGRC..107.3016G. doi:10.1029/2000JC000485.
    17. ^ a b c «Leeds Researchers Study Undersea Rivers with a Yellow Submarine» (Press release). University of Leeds. 2 August 2010. Archived from the original on 3 August 2010. Retrieved 22 June 2018.
    18. ^ «Robotic sub records flow of undersea river». Futurity. 2 August 2010.
    19. ^ Di Iorio, Daniela; Yüce, Hüseyin (15 February 1999). «Observations of Mediterranean flow into the Black Sea». Journal of Geophysical Research. 104 (C2): 3091–3108. Bibcode:1999JGR…104.3091D. doi:10.1029/1998JC900023.
    20. ^ Lericolais, G.; Le Drezen, E.; Nouzé, H.; Gillet, H.; Ergun, M.; Cifci, G.; Avci, M.; Dondurur, D.; Okay, S. (2002). «Recent canyon heads evidenced at the Bosporus outlet». AGU Fall Meeting Suppl. Eos: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. Vol. 83, no. 47. Abstract PP71B-0409.
    21. ^ Flood, Roger D.; Hiscott, Richard N.; Aksu, Ali E. (9 March 2009). «Morphology and evolution of an anastomosed channel network where saline underflow enters the Black Sea»«. Sedimentology. 56 (3): 807–839. Bibcode:2009Sedim..56..807F. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2008.00998.x. S2CID 128884071.
    22. ^ «Ukrainian grain to pass through Bosphorus on Tuesday under landmark deal». Reuters. 1 August 2022. Retrieved 4 October 2022.
    23. ^ Donald John Cochrane Welsh Murray (13 May 2010). «Darius at the Bosporus».
    24. ^ Herodotus (1859). The History of Herodotus: a new English version, Volume 3. Translated by George Rawlinson; Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson; Sir John Gardner Wilkinson. London: John Murray. p. 77.
    25. ^ Öztürk 2011, pp. 28–32.
    26. ^ «The Bosphorus, with the Castles of Europe & Asia. 1846 — Allom, Thomas». Collections. Victoria and Albert Museum. 2007.
    27. ^ Metz 1995, pp. 22–23
    28. ^ Metz 1995, pp. 23, 25
    29. ^ Rozakis, Christos L.; Stagos, Petros N. (1987). The Turkish Straits. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. pp. 24–25. ISBN 90-247-3464-9.
    30. ^ Yale 1 Tonguç 2, Pat 1 Saffet Emre 2 (2010). Istanbul The Ultimate Guide (1st ed.). Istanbul: Boyut. pp. 455, 460, 463. ISBN 9789752307346.
    31. ^ Torbakov, Igor (10 January 2003). «The Turkish Factor in the Geopolitics of the Post-Soviet Space». E-Notes. Foreign Policy Research Institute. Archived from the original on 31 July 2010. Retrieved 8 June 2010.
    32. ^ Cutler, Robert M. (28 March 1999). «[Russian and] Soviet Relations with Greece and Turkey: A Systems Perspective». Retrieved 8 June 2010.
    33. ^ Bulaç, Ali (4 May 2009). «Against who and where are we going to stand?». Today’s Zaman. Archived from the original on 4 May 2009. Retrieved 8 June 2010.
    34. ^ a b «Turkey to build Bosphorus bypass». New Civil Engineer. 20 April 2011. Retrieved 2 December 2014.
    35. ^ a b Marfeldt, Birgitte (29 April 2011). «Startskud for gigantisk kanal gennem Tyrkiet». Ingeniøren (in Danish). Retrieved 2 December 2014.
    36. ^ «Route of Canal Istanbul | Kanal İstanbul». www.kanalistanbul.gov.tr. Retrieved 4 October 2022.
    37. ^ «İstanbul Canal project to open debate on Montreux Convention». Today’s Zaman. 8 October 2010. Archived from the original on 30 April 2011.
    38. ^ «Turkey debates whether international treaty is obstacle to plan to bypass the Bosporus». The Washington Post. 29 April 2011. Archived from the original on 11 December 2018.
    39. ^ «Turkey’s Ambitious Infrastructure Projects». Worldview. Stratfor. 16 May 2013. Retrieved 16 May 2013.
    40. ^ «Five Fold Increase of Transit Fees for Bosphorus & Dardanelles». Retrieved 14 December 2022.
    41. ^ a b «3rd Bosphorus bridge opening ceremony». TRT World. 25 August 2016. Archived from the original on 28 August 2016.
    42. ^ a b «Istanbul’s mega project Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge to open in large ceremony». Daily Sabah. 25 August 2016. Archived from the original on 26 October 2016.
    43. ^ «Turkey Unveils Route for Istanbul’s Third Bridge». Anatolian Agency. 29 April 2010. Archived from the original on 19 June 2010.
    44. ^ «Turkey’s Bosporus tunnel to open sub-sea Asia link». BBC News. 29 October 2013.
    45. ^ a b «Melen hattı Boğaz’ı geçti». CNN Türk (in Turkish). 21 May 2012.
    46. ^ Nayır, Mehmet (19 May 2012). «Melen Boğaz’ı geçiyor». Sabah Ekonomi (in Turkish). Retrieved 11 June 2012.
    47. ^ «Eurasia Tunnel Project» (PDF). Unicredit — Yapı Merkezi, SK EC Joint Venture. Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 13 April 2014.
    48. ^ Yüce, Gülnazi (7–8 June 2016). Submarine Cable Projects (2-03) (PDF). First South East European Regional CIGRÉ Conference. Portorož, Slovenia. Archived from the original (PDF) on 9 April 2018. Retrieved 8 April 2018.
    49. ^ «Submarine Cable Map 2017». TeleGeography. Archived from the original on 28 September 2017. Retrieved 9 April 2018.
    50. ^ «Şehir Hatları A.Ş. ®». www.sehirhatlari.istanbul. Retrieved 5 October 2022.
    51. ^ Yale 1 Tonguç 2, Pat 1 Saffet Emre 2 (2010). Istanbul The Ultimate Guide (1st ed.). Istanbul: Boyut. pp. 442, 544. ISBN 9789752307346.
    52. ^ From the Shores of the Nile to the Bosphorus: Traces of Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Pasha Dynasty in Istanbul (in English and Turkish) (1st ed.). Istanbul: Istanbul Arıştırmaları Enstitüsü. 2011. ISBN 9789759123956.


    • Metz, Helen Chapin, ed. (1995). Turkey : a country study. Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. ISBN 0-8444-0864-6.
    • Öztürk, Özhan (2011). Pontus : Antikçağ’dan Günümüze Karadeniz’in Etnik ve Siyasi Tarihi (in Turkish). Ankara: Genesis Kitap. ISBN 978-605-5410-17-9.

    External links[edit]

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bosphorus.

    • «Bosphorus» . The New Student’s Reference Work . 1914.

    Видите …

    Вы на Босфоре.

    Огибаете побережье Азии…

    You see …

    You are on the Bosphorous.

    You are skirting the coast of Asia…

    Прежде всего я разорву цепи, чтобы вы убедились, что ничто, ничто не может мне противостоять!

    Вот так турецкий султан заковывает своих пленных чтобы сбросить их в Босфор!

    — У него не получится.

    I shall first of all break these chains To prove to you that nothing Can restrain me!

    This is how the Sultan of Turkey Would enchain his prisoners Before throwing them

    — He’ll never do it.

    Он называется…

    Он называется «Объятия на Босфоре«.


    It’s called…

    It’s called the Bosphorus Hug.


    Проблема в том, что даже когда мы доберемся до Одессы, до дома нам еще ехать и ехать. Через Босфор и Дарданеллы.

    А я был на Босфоре.

    Да, когда был моряком.

    Well, the problem is, once in Odessa, we still have a hell of a trip ahead of us… across the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles.

    Hey, I was on the Bosphorus. — You?

    — Yeah, when I was a sailor.

    Помню ночью на небе было столько огней. Было прекрасно.

    Да, Босфора.

    Сколько дней нам еще плыть в Италию?

    I remember at night, with all the lights, it was beautiful, you know.

    Yes, yes, but after this, uh…

    — Bosphorus. — Bosphorus. Bosphorus.

    В Женвилье, в Малакоф.

    Однажды в Буживале он меня перенёс через Босфор.

    Я заснула, и мне приснился Сулейман Великолепный.

    In Gennevilliers, in Malakoff.

    Once he had me in Bougival moved through the Bosphorus.

    I fell asleep thinking of Suleymaniye the Magnificent.

    — Что ты ей рассказала?

    — Про голубую мечеть, Босфор, Сент-Мари.

    — Про снег не забыла?

    — What did you tell her?

    — About the Blue Mosque, Bosphorus, St. Marie.

    — Didn’t forget the snow?

    Все орут.

    Виктор, я хотела бы показать вам Босфор и голубую мечеть.

    Но у меня не такое богатое воображение.

    All scream.

    Victor, I would like to show you Bosphorus and the Blue Mosque.

    But I have no such a imagination.

    На вид я кажусь полноватым, но на самом деле я не слабак.

    Моя голова на ваших коленях напоминает мне ночь на Босфоре.

    Пока я гладил ваши волосы, меня мучил один вопрос:

    In view of this, do not say, but deep down I’m a man soft.

    I’m in your lap, as if one night in the Strait of Bosporus …

    I stroked your hair and thought … Maybe Alexander Dupre became a spy?

    В Стамбуле!

    Мы нашли маленькую гостиницу на Босфоре, да?

    Провели там 2 недели. Было здорово.


    We found a small hotel on the Bosphorus.

    We stayed two weeks.

    Это Стамбул.

    Пролив Босфор.

    Европа слева, Азия справа.

    This is Istanbul.


    Europe to the left, Asia to the right.

    В Одессе нас ждал корабль.

    Через Босфор и Дарданеллы.

    А я был на Босфоре.

    At Odessa, a ship was waiting for us.

    Well, the problem is, once in Odessa, we still have a hell of a trip ahead of us… across the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles.

    Hey, I was on the Bosphorus. — You?

    И поэтому он был осуждаем.

    менее, многие христиане так думали на протяжении 3 предшествующих столетий, не только здесь, на берегу Босфора

    Но Константин не мог позволить этой сеющей распри идее расколоть церковь и, как следствие, его империю.

    And so he was condemned.

    Yet the fact was many Christians had said the same over the previous three centuries, here on the shores of the Bosphorus as much as anywhere else.

    But Constantine couldn’t allow this divisive idea to split the Church and in the process, his Empire.

    Но у нас с тобой такого не случится, я знаю…

    Можно поехать через Грецию потом через Босфор Через Турцию, затем Иран, Афганистан…

    Да куда захотим…

    But this won’t happen to us, of course.

    From Greece over the Bosporus through Turkey, then Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, all the way to India.

    To Andhra Pradesh (Indian state).

    Мюзейен Абла, давайте завтра покатаемся на пароходе.

    Прокатимся по Босфору.

    Вы же еще не рассказали, как мы были в торговом центре.

    Let’s take a ferry tomorrow. In the daytime.

    We can see something of the Bosphorus.

    You haven’t mentioned the most important thing. The shopping mall. Alper, we got your mother a beautiful suit today.

    Тот бей, который, как все думали утонул, на самом деле сжег дотла минарет, ну, в общем, он не тонул, а согорел заживо.

    А потом вытащили другого бея из Босфора, утопленного, и теперь никто не знает, кто он на самом деле.

    А дома у нас все в порядке.»

    And that bey they thought had drowned, the one they said burnt down the minaret, well, he didn’t drown but burnt alive.

    Then they pulled a different bey from the Bosporus, drowned, but now they don’t know who he could be, this one.

    And at home everything is fine.»

    — Это что!

    Однажды на азиатской стороне Босфора на меня напали грабители и повалили в грязь.

    И тут я глазом не успел моргнуть, как она прострелила одному ногу, а другому живот.

    That’s nothing.

    Once, on the Asian side of the Bosphorus, I was jumped by a couple of thugs. We were rolling about in the dirt, we were.

    Then, before I knew it, she’d shot one in the leg and one in stomach.

    Место рождения римского императора Константина Великого.

    Каждый, кто пересекал Босфор, проходил через этот город.

    Даже крестоносцы, шедшие освобождать могилу Христа.

    The birthplace of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great.

    Whoever set off for Bosphorus had to pass this way.

    The crusaders too, on their way to liberate Chriss grave.

    Мы готовы к слишком острой реакции Петрова?

    У пролива Босфор базируется Шестой флот, и у нас есть патрульные суда в Северном море.

    — Напишите проект приказа.

    Are we prepared if Petrov overreacts?

    The Sixth Fleet has a presence near the Bosphorus, we have patrols in the North Sea.

    — Draft the order.

    Сегодня я это подтвердил.

    Я искал его на Босфоре.

    Когда разбился прибывший с визитом Президент Малави.

    Tonight, I made it official.

    I was looking for him in the Bosphorus.

    The same day, a car accident killed the visiting President of Malawi.

    Показать еще

    «Bosphorus» redirects here. Not to be confused with Phosphorus.

    The Bosporus Strait (;[a] Ancient Greek: Βόσπορος Bosporos [bós.po.ros]; Turkish: İstanbul Boğazı ‘Istanbul strait’, colloquially Boğaz) or Bosphorus Strait is a natural strait and an internationally significant waterway located in Istanbul in northwestern Turkey. It forms part of the continental boundary between Asia and Europe, and divides Turkey by separating Anatolia from Thrace. It is the world’s narrowest strait used for international navigation.

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı is located in Istanbul

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı is located in Turkey

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı is located in Europe

    Bosporus Strait İstanbul Boğazı

    Bosporus Strait
    İstanbul Boğazı

    Coordinates 41°07′10″N 29°04′31″E / 41.11944°N 29.07528°ECoordinates: 41°07′10″N 29°04′31″E / 41.11944°N 29.07528°E
    Type Strait
    Part of Turkish Straits
    Basin countries Turkey
    Max. length 31 km (19 mi)
    Min. width 700 m (2,300 ft)
    Max. depth 110 m (360 ft)

    A map depicting the locations of the Turkish Straits, with the Bosporus in red, and the Dardanelles in yellow. The territory of Turkey is highlighted in green.

    Close-up satellite image of the Bosporus strait, taken from the International Space Station in April 2004. The body of water at the top is the Black Sea, the one at the bottom is the Marmara Sea, and the Bosporus is the winding waterway that connects the two. The western banks of the Bosporus constitute the geographic starting point of the European continent, while the banks to the east are the geographic beginnings of the continent of Asia. The city of Istanbul is visible along both banks.

    Aerial view of the Bosporus taken from its northern end near the Black Sea (bottom), looking south (top) toward the Marmara Sea, with the city center of Istanbul visible along the strait’s hilly banks.

    Most of the shores of the Bosporus Strait, except for the area to the north, are heavily settled, with the city of Istanbul’s metropolitan population of 17 million inhabitants extending inland from both banks.

    The Bosporus Strait and the Dardanelles Strait at the opposite end of the Sea of Marmara are together known as the Turkish Straits.

    Sections of the shore of the Bosporus in Istanbul have been reinforced with concrete or rubble and those sections of the Strait prone to deposition are periodically dredged.


    The name of the strait comes from the Ancient Greek Βόσπορος (Bósporos), which was folk-etymologised as βοὸς πόρος, i.e. «cattle strait» (or «Ox-ford»[b]), from the genitive of boûs βοῦς ‘ox, cattle’ + poros πόρος ‘passage’, thus meaning ‘cattle-passage’, or ‘cow passage’.[7] This is a reference to the Greek mythological story of Io, who was transformed into a cow and condemned to wander the Earth until she crossed the Bosporus, where she met the Titan Prometheus, who comforted her by telling her that she would be restored to human form by Zeus and become the ancestor of the greatest of all heroes, Heracles (Hercules).

    Io supposedly went ashore near Chrysopolis (present-day Üsküdar), which was named Bous ‘the Cow’. The same site was also known as Damalis (Δάμαλις), as it was where the Athenian general Chares had erected a monument to his wife Damalis, which included a colossal statue of a cow (the name δαμάλις translating to ‘heifer’).[8]

    The English spelling with -ph-, Bosphor is not justified by the ancient Greek name, and dictionaries prefer the spelling with -p-[a] but -ph- occurs as a variant in medieval Latin (as Bosphor, and occasionally Bosphorus or Bospherus), and in medieval Greek sometimes as Βόσφορος,[9] giving rise to the French form Bosphore, Spanish Bósforo and Russian Босфор. The 12th-century Greek scholar John Tzetzes calls it Damaliten Bosporon (after Damalis), but he also reports that in popular usage the strait was known as Prosphorion during his day,[10] the name of the most ancient northern harbour of Constantinople. In English the preferred spelling tends to be Bosphorus.

    Historically, the Bosporus was also known as the «Strait of Constantinople», or the Thracian Bosporus to distinguish it from the Cimmerian Bosporus in Crimea. These are expressed in Herodotus’s Histories, 4.83; as Bosporus Thracius, Bosporus Thraciae, and Βόσπορος Θρᾴκιος (Bósporos Thráikios), respectively. Other names used by Herodotus to refer to the strait include Chalcedonian Bosporus (Bosporus Chalcedoniae, Βοσπορος της Χαλκηδονιης [Bosporos tes Khalkedonies], Herodotus 4.87), or Mysian Bosporus (Bosporus Mysius).[11]

    The term eventually came to be used as the common noun βόσπορος, meaning «a strait», and was also formerly applied to the Hellespont in Classical Greek by Aeschylus and Sophocles.

    The link between Oxford and Bosporus as interchangeable terms has also been highlighted by Bosporus Press, a poetry imprint based in Oxford.[12]


    As a maritime waterway, the Bosporus specifically connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara and thence to the Aegean and Mediterranean seas via the Dardanelles. It also connects various seas along the Eastern Mediterranean, the Balkans, the Near East, and Western Eurasia. Thus, the Bosporus allows maritime connections from the Black Sea all the way to the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean via Gibraltar, and to the Indian Ocean through the Suez Canal, making it a crucial international waterway, in particular for the passage of goods coming from Russia.

    There is one very small island in the Bosporus just off Kuruçeşme. Now generally known as Galatasaray Island (Galatasaray Adası), this was given to the Armenian architect Sarkis Balyan by Sultan Abdülhamid II in 1880. The house he built on it was later demolished and the island became a walled garden and then a water sports centre before being given to the Galatsaray Sports Club, hence its name. [13]However, in the 2010s it was completely overbuilt with nightclubs which were torn down in 2017. It reopened to the public in the summer of 2022.[14]


    The exact cause and date of the formation of the Bosporus remain a subject of debate among geologists. One recent hypothesis, dubbed the Black Sea deluge hypothesis, which was launched by a study of the same name in 1997 by two scientists from Columbia University, postulates that the Bosporus was flooded around 5600 BCE (revised to 6800 BCE in 2003) when the rising waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Marmara broke through to the Black Sea, which at the time, according to the hypothesis, was a low-lying body of fresh water.

    Many geologists,[who?] however, claim that the strait is much older, even if relatively young on a geologic timescale.

    Present morphologyEdit

    The limits of the Bosporus are defined as the line connecting the lighthouses of Rumeli Feneri and Anadolu Feneri in the north, and between the Ahırkapı Feneri and the Kadıköy İnciburnu Feneri in the south («Fener» is Turkish for lighthouse). Between these limits, the strait is 31 km (17 nmi) long, with a width of 3,329 m (1.798 nmi) at the northern entrance and 2,826 m (1.526 nmi) at the southern entrance. Its maximum width is 3,420 m (1.85 nmi) between Umuryeri and Büyükdere Limanı, and minimum width 700 m (0.38 nmi) between Kandilli Point and Aşiyan.

    The depth of the Bosporus varies from 13 to 110 m (43 to 361 ft) in midstream with an average of 65 m (213 ft). The deepest point is between Kandilli and Bebek, at 110 m (360 ft). The shallowest locations are off Kadıköy İnciburnu at 18 m (59 ft) and off Aşiyan Point at 13 m (43 ft).[15]

    The southbound flow of water is 16 000 m3/s (fresh water at the surface) and the northbound flow is 11 000 m3/s (salt water near the bottom).[16] Dr. Dan Parsons and researchers at the University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment describe a Black Sea undersea river.

    The Golden Horn is an estuary off the main strait that historically acted as a moat to protect Constantinople from attack, as well as providing sheltered anchorage for the imperial navies of various empires until the 19th century, after which it became a historic neighbourhood at the heart of Istanbul.

    Newer explorationsEdit

    Before the 20th century it was already known that the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara flow into each other in a geographic example of «density flow». Then in August 2010, a continuous ‘underwater channel’ of suspension composition was discovered flowing along the floor of the Bosporus, which would be the sixth largest river on Earth if it were on land.[17] The 2010 team of scientists, led by the University of Leeds, used a robotic «yellow submarine» to observe detailed flows within this «undersea river», scientifically referred to as a submarine channel,[17] for the first time. Submarine channels are similar to land rivers, but they are formed by density currents—underwater flow mixtures of sand, mud and water that are denser than sea water and so sink and flow along the bottom. These channels are the main transport pathway for sediments to the deep sea where they form sedimentary deposits. [17]

    The team studied the detailed flow within these channels and its findings included that:

    The channel complex and the density flow provide the ideal natural laboratory for investigating and detailing the structure of the flow field through the channel. Our initial findings show that the flow in these channels is quite different to the flow in river channels on land. Specifically, as flow moves around a bend it spirals in the opposite direction in the deep sea compared to the spiral found in river channels on land. This is important in understanding the sedimentology and layers of sediment deposited by these systems.[18]

    The central tenet of the Black Sea deluge hypothesis is that as the ocean rose 72.5 metres (238 ft) at the end of the last Ice Age when the massive ice sheets melted, the sealed Bosporus was overwhelmed by a spectacular flood that increased the then fresh water Black Sea Lake by 50%, and drove people back from the shores for many months. This hypothesis was supported by the findings of undersea explorer Robert Ballard, who discovered settlements along the old shoreline; scientists dated the flood to 7500 BP or 5500 BC from fresh-salt water microflora. Driven out by the rapidly rising water, which must have been terrifying and inexplicable, people spread to all corners of the Western world carrying the story of a major flood. As the waters surged, they scoured a network of sea-floor channels less resistant to denser suspended solids in liquid, which remains a very active layer today.

    The first images of these submarine channels showing them to be of great size,[19] were obtained in 1999 during a NATO SACLANT Undersea Research project using jointly the NATO RV Alliance, and the Turkish Navy survey ship Çubuklu. In 2002, a survey carried out on board the Ifremer RV Le Suroit for BlaSON project (Lericolais, et al., 2003[20]) completed the multibeam mapping of this underwater channel fan-delta. A complete map was published in 2009[21] using these previous results together with high quality mapping obtained in 2006 (by researchers at Memorial University of Newfoundland who were project partners in the study).

    The project was led by Jeff Peakall and Daniel Parsons at the University of Leeds, in collaboration with the University of Southampton, Memorial University of Newfoundland, and the Institute of Marine Sciences. The survey was run and coordinated from the Institute of Marine Sciences research ship, the R/V Koca Piri Reis.


    The shores of the Bosporus were once lined with small fishing villages that had grown up since Byzantine times but really came into their own in the 19th century. Until the early 20th century most were only accessible by boat (known as caiques) along the Bosporus since there were no coast roads. Today the villages are no more than suburbs of Greater Istanbul but many retain the memory of their original village status in the suffix ‘-köy (village’ to their names. e.g Ortaköy, Yeniköy, Arnavutköy, Çengelköy and Vaniköy. These villages often had distinct identities associated with agriculture: Arnavutköy, for example, was associated with strawberry-growing while Çengelköy was famous for its sweet cucumbers.


    As part of the only passage between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, the Bosporus has always been of great importance from a commercial and military point of view, and it remains strategically important today. It is a major sea access route for numerous countries, including Russia and Ukraine. Control over it has been an objective of a number of conflicts in modern history, notably the Russo-Turkish War (1877–78), as well as of the attack of the Allied Powers on the Dardanelles during the 1915 Battle of Gallipoli in the course of World War I. In 2022 during the Russian invasion of Ukraine the Bosporus’ importance as a route by which grain reached the world was thrown into sharp profile. [22]

    Ancient Greek, Persian, Roman and Byzantine eras (pre-1453)Edit

    Map of Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul), designed in 1422 by Florentine cartographer Cristoforo Buondelmonti. This is the oldest surviving map of the city, and the only surviving map that predates the Turkish conquest of 1453. The Bosporus is visible along the right-hand side of the map, wrapping vertically around the historic city.

    The strategic importance of the Bosporus dates back millennia. In the 5th century BC the Greek city-state of Athens, which depended on grain imports from the Black Sea ports of Scythia, maintained critical alliances with cities which controlled the straits, such as the Megarian colony of Byzantium.

    In an attempt to subdue the Scythian horsemen who roamed across the north of the Black Sea, the Persian King Darius I the Great (r. 522 BC – 486 BC) crossed the Bosporus, then marched towards the River Danube. His army crossed the Bosporus using an enormous bridge made by connecting boats.[23] This bridge essentially connected the farthest geographic tip of Asia to Europe, encompassing at least some 1,000 metres of open.[24] Years later, Xerxes I would construct a similar boat bridge across the Dardanelles (Hellespont) strait (480 BC), during his invasion of Greece.

    The Byzantines called the Bosporus «Stenon» and used the following major toponyms in the area:[25]

    • on the European side:
      • Bosporios Akra
      • Argyropolis
      • St. Mamas
      • St. Phokas
      • Hestiai or Michaelion
      • Phoneus
      • Anaplous or Sosthenion
    • on the Asian side:
      • Hieron tower
      • Eirenaion
      • Anthemiou
      • Sophianai
      • Bithynian Chrysopolis

    The strategic significance of the Strait was one of the factors in the decision of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great to found his new capital, Constantinople, there in AD 330. This then became the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.

    Ottoman era (1453–1922)Edit

    The Bosphorus, with the Castles of Europe & Asia. 19th-century engraving by Thomas Allom. The castles are Rumelihisarı and Anadoluhisarı, respectively. The original is a watercolor available in the online collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum.[26]

    On 29 May 1453, the then-emergent Ottoman Empire conquered the city of Constantinople following a lengthy campaign during which the Ottomans constructed fortifications on each side of the strait, the Anadoluhisarı (Anatolian Castle, 1393) and the Rumelihisarı (European Castle, 1451), in preparation for not only the primary battle but to assert long-term control over the Bosporus and surrounding waterways. The final 53-day campaign, which resulted in Ottoman victory, constituted an important turn in world history. Together with Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to the Americas in 1492, the 1453 conquest of Constantinople is commonly noted as among the events that brought an end to the Middle Ages and marked the transition to the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.

    The event also marked the end of the Byzantines—the final remnants of the Roman Empire—and the transfer of the control of the Bosporus into Ottoman hands. The Ottomans then made Constantinople their new capital, and the base from which they expanded their empire in the centuries that followed.

    At its peak between the 16th and 18th centuries, the Ottoman Empire was able to use the strategic importance of the Bosporus to wrest control of the entire Black Sea area, which they regarded as an «Ottoman lake», from which Russian warships were prohibited.[27]

    Subsequently, several international treaties have governed access to the Strait. Under the Treaty of Hünkâr İskelesi of 8 July 1833, the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits were to be closed to the naval vessels of other powers on Russian demand.[28] By the terms of the London Straits Convention, concluded on 13 July 1841 between the Great Powers of Europe (Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Austria and Prussia), the «ancient rule» of the Ottoman Empire was re-established by closing the Turkish Straits to all warships, barring those of the Sultan’s allies during wartime. This benefited British naval power at the expense of the Russians, as the latter then lacked direct access to the Mediterranean.[29]

    Summer EmbassiesEdit

    During the 19th century many of the foreign powers represented in Constantinople maintained second embassies up the Bosporus and would relocate their staff there during the hot, humid summer months. Most of these summer embassies were on the European shore at Yeniköy (Austrian), Tarabya (German, English, French, Italian) and Büyükdere (Spanish, Russian). Some of the buildings still survive today although the British Summer Embassy burnt down in 1911 and the Italian Summer Embassy, a fine building by Raimondo d’Aronco, survives in very dilapidated condition. [30]

    Turkish republican era (1923–present)Edit

    Following the First World War, the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres demilitarised the Strait and made it an international territory under the control of the League of Nations. This was amended by the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), which restored the straits to Turkey but allowed all foreign warships and commercial shipping to traverse the straits freely. Turkey eventually rejected the terms of that treaty, and remilitarised the straits area. The reversion was formalised under the Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Turkish Straits of 20 July 1936. That convention — which is still in force — treats the straits as an international shipping lane except that Turkey retains the right to restrict the naval traffic of non–Black Sea states.

    Modern (2012) view of the European side of Istanbul from the southern entrance to the Bosporus

    Turkey was neutral in the Second World War until February 1945, and the straits were closed to the warships of belligerent nations during this time, although some German auxiliary vessels were permitted to transit. In diplomatic conferences, Soviet representatives had expressed an interest in obtaining naval bases on the straits. This, together with Stalin’s demands for the restitution of the Turkish provinces of Kars, Artvin and Ardahan to the Soviet Union (which were lost by Turkey in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878, but were regained with the Treaty of Kars in 1921), was a consideration in Turkey’s decision to abandon neutrality in foreign affairs. Turkey declared war against Germany in February 1945, but did not engage in offensive actions.[31][32][33]

    Turkey joined NATO in 1952, thus affording the straits even more strategic importance as a commercial and military waterway.

    During the early 21st century, the Turkish Straits have become particularly important for the oil industry. Russian oil, from ports such as Novorossiysk, was exported by tankers primarily to the U.S. via the Bosporus and the Dardanelles straits.

    Istanbul CanalEdit

    In 2011, Turkey proposed to build a 50 km (31 mi) canal west of the Bosporus, suggesting that it would reduce the risk presented to the Bosporus by oil tankers and other cargo ships.[34][35] The project proved highly controversial and, as of 2022, work had not been started on building the canal even though a route for it had been established.[36]

    In mythologyEdit

    The Bosphorus takes its name from the Greek mythological story of Io, who was transformed into a cow and, pursued by a gadfly, was condemned to wander the Earth until she reached the Strait. There she met the Titan Prometheus, who comforted her by telling her that she would be restored to human form by Zeus and become the ancestor of the greatest of all heroes, Heracles (Hercules).

    According to ancient Greek mythology, it was said that colossal floating rocks known as the Symplegades, or Clashing Rocks, once guarded both sides of the Bosporus and destroyed any ship that attempted to pass through the strait by crushing them. Their destructive power was finally overcome by the Argonaut hero Jason who managed to pass between them unscathed, whereupon the rocks became fixed, opening Greek access to the Black Sea.



    The Bosporus is traversed by numerous passenger and vehicular ferries daily, as well as by recreational and fishing boats ranging from dinghies to yachts owned by both public and private entities.

    The Strait also serves a significant amount of international commercial shipping traffic in the form of freighters and tankers. Between its northern limits at Rumeli Feneri and Anadolu Feneri and its southern ones at Ahırkapı Feneri and Kadıköy İnciburnu Feneri, there are numerous dangerous points for large-scale maritime traffic that require sharp turns and management of visual obstructions. Famously, the stretch between Kandilli Point and Aşiyan requires a 45-degree course alteration in a location where the currents can reach 7 to 8 knots (3.6 to 4.1 m/s). To the south, at Yeniköy, the necessary course alteration is 80 degrees. Compounding these difficult changes in trajectory, the rear and forward sight lines at Kandilli and Yeniköy are also completely blocked prior to and during the course alteration, making it impossible for ships approaching from the opposite direction to see around the bends. The risks posed by this geography are further multiplied by the heavy ferry traffic across the Strait, linking the European and Asian sides of the city. As such, all the dangers and obstacles characteristic of narrow waterways are present and acute in this vital sea lane.

    In 2011, the Turkish Government started to discuss creating a man-made canal roughly 80 kilometres (50 mi) long that would run north–south through the western edges of Istanbul Province as a second route from the Black Sea to the Marmara. It was suggested that this would reduce the risk from shipping to the Bosporus.[34][35] The controverislal Kanal İstanbul project continues to be debated.[37][38][39]

    In 2022 the dues levied by Turkey for freight ships increased 500% to USD4 per ton, the first change since 1983.[40]

    Land bridgesEdit

    Two suspension bridges and a cable-stayed bridge cross the Bosporus. The first of these, the 1,074 m (3,524 ft) long 15th July Martyrs Bridge was completed in 1973 when it was called the Bosporus Bridge. The second, named Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Bosporus II) Bridge, is 1,090 m (3,576 ft) long, and was completed in 1988 about 5 km (3 mi) north of the first bridge. The first Bosporus Bridge forms part of the O1 Motorway, while the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge forms part of the Trans-European Motorway. The third and most recent bridge, the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, is 2,164 m (7,100 ft) long and was completed in 2016.[41][42] It is located near the northern end of the Bosporus, between the villages of Garipçe on the European side and Poyrazköy on the Asian side,[43] as part of the «Northern Marmara Motorway», integrated into the existing Black Sea Coastal Highway, and allowing transit traffic to bypass city traffic.[41][42]

    Name Opening date Design Total length Width Height Longest span Clearance below Lanes
    15 July Martyrs Bridge 30 October 1973 Suspension bridge 1,560 m (5,118 ft) 33.4 m (110 ft) 165 m (541 ft) 1,074 m (3,524 ft) 64 m (210 ft) 6 lanes of Motorway O1
    Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge 1988 Suspension bridge 1,510 m (4,950 ft) 39 m (128 ft) 105 m (344 ft) 1,090 m (3,580 ft) 64 m (210 ft) 8 lanes of Motorway O2
    Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge 26 August 2016 Hybrid cable-stayed, suspension bridge 2,164 m (7,100 ft) 58.4 m (192 ft) 322 m (1,056 ft) 1,408 m (4,619 ft) 8 lanes of Motorway O7 and 1 double-track railway


    The Marmaray project, featuring a 13.7 km (8.5 mi) long undersea railway tunnel, opened on 29 October 2013.[44] Approximately 1,400 m (4,593 ft) of the tunnel runs under the strait, at a depth of about 55 m (180 ft).

    An undersea water supply tunnel with a length of 5,551 m (18,212 ft),[45] named the Bosporus Water Tunnel, was constructed in 2012 to transfer water from the Melen Creek in Düzce Province (to the east of the Bosporus strait, in northwestern Anatolia) to the European side of Istanbul, a distance of 185 km (115 mi).[45][46]

    The Eurasia Tunnel is a 5.4 km (3.4 mi) undersea highway tunnel designed for vehicular traffic between Kazlıçeşme on the European side of Istanbul and Göztepe on the Asian side. Construction began in February 2011, and the tunnel opened on 20 December 2016.[47]

    Up to four submarine fibre optics lines (MedNautilus and possibly others) approach Istanbul, coming from the Mediterranean through the Dardanelles.[48][49]

    Strategic importanceEdit

    Russian fleet under the command of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, sailing through the Bosporus

    The Bosporus is the only way for Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia (south-western part) and Ukraine to reach the Mediterranean Sea and other seas. Thus sovereignty over the straits is an important issue for these countries, as well as Turkey, the state the Bosporus actually flows through.

    Turkey does not receive tolls from ships passing through the strait. Turkey’s military has broad powers in accordance with the terms of the Montreux Convention. As of 2021, the Bosporus Command is located on the shores of the Bosporus and the military ships connected to the Command are anchored in the Bosporus waters.

    Located on a peninsula at the intersection of the Black Sea, the Bosporus and the Marmara Sea, Istanbul has historically been one of the most protected and hardest-to-conquer cities from Roman times to the Ottoman Empire. Divided by the Bosporus, it is one of very few intercontinental cities in the world.


    The Bosporus has 620 waterfront houses (yalı) built during the Ottoman period along the Strait’s European and Asian shorelines. Ottoman palaces such as the Topkapı Palace, Dolmabahçe Palace, Yıldız Palace, Çırağan Palace, Feriye Palaces, Beylerbeyi Palace, Küçüksu Palace, Ihlamur Palace, Hatice Sultan Palace and Adile Sultan Palace also stand on or near its shores. Other buildings and landmarks on the Bosporus include the Kılıç Egyptian Consulate at Bebek, Bebek Mosque, Boğaziçi University, Robert College, Rumeli Castle (RumelihisarI), Borusan Museum of Contemporary Art, Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Sadberk Hanım Museum, Üsküdar Mihrimah Sultan Mosque, Şemsipaşa Mosque, Maiden’s Tower (Kızkulesi), Beylerbeyi Mosque, Anadolu Castle (Anadoluhisarı), Kuleli Military High School, Adile Sultan Palace, Küçüksu Pavilion, Khedive’s Villa, Beykoz Mecidiye Pavilion and Yoros Castle (Anadaolu Kavağı).

    Most of the public ferries that traverse the Strait leave from Eminönü on the historic peninsula of Istanbul and travel as far as Anadolu Kavağı near the Black Sea. On the way they call briefly at points on both the European and Asian shores. Private ferries, also leaving from Eminönü, travel only as far as one of the first two Bosporus bridges. Ferries from Eminönü also travel as far as Rumeli Kavaği, stopping only at points on the European shore, while other ferries from Üsküdar travel as far as Anadolu Kavağı, stopping only at points on the Asian shore. Frequent public ferries from Eminõnü, Karaköy, Beşiktaş, Kadıköy and Usküdar offer short hops from one side of the Bosporus to the other throughout the day. [50]

    Catamaran sea buses offer high-speed commuter services between the European and Asian shores of the Bosporus, but they stop at fewer ports and piers in comparison to the public ferries. Both the public ferries and the sea buses also provide commuter services between the Bosporus and the Prince Islands in the Sea of Marmara.

    Tourist cruises are available from various points along the Bosporus, including Ortaköy. The prices vary considerably, and some feature music and dining.


    The many yalı (waterside mansions) which were constructed along the shores of the Bosporus during the Ottoman period have long been synonymous with the Strait. Those that still preserve their original form are among the most expensive real estate in Turkey although sadly many have been lost to time, weather and ‘accidental’ fires. The oldest yalı on the European shore is the Şerifler Yalı at Emirgan which was built in the 18th century and belonged for a while to the Şerifs, the hereditary rulers of Mecca. It is still in good condition unlike the oldest yalı on the Asan side which is the Köprülü Amcazade Hüseyin Paşa Yalı at Anadolu Hisarı which was built in 1698. Only the central section of this yalı survives and it has been behind hoardings promising restoration since 2009.[51]

    Most of the yalıs originally sat right on the water’s edge and came with private docks and ports where boats (caiques) could be stored. On the Anatolian shore some yalıs are still right beside the water but on the European shore most now stand back behind a coast road built on reclaimed land.

    The yalı of Ahmet Rasim Pasha

    The original yalıs usually had two main sections: the selamlık which was the public area and the part of the house used by the men, and the haremlik which was the private part of the house reserved for women and the family. These were the luxurious dwellings of the wealthy and some came with their own private hamams (Turkish baths).

    Egyptian legacyEdit

    During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Egyptian royal family took a great liking to the Bosporus and often spent their summers on its shores. They left behind a legacy of fine buildings on or overlooking its shores, including the building at Bebek that now houses the Egyptian Consulate and the Khedive’s Villa (Hıdiv Kasrı) high on the hill above Çubuklu.[52]

    See alsoEdit

    • Black Sea trade and economy
    • Great Istanbul Tunnel, a proposed three-level road-rail undersea tunnel
    • Istanbul Canal
    • List of maritime incidents in the Turkish Straits
    • Public transport in Istanbul
    • Rail transport in Turkey
    • Eastern Bosphorus


    1. ^ a b The spelling Bosporus is listed first or exclusively in all major British and American dictionaries (e.g. Lexico.com,[1] Collins English Dictionary,[2] Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,[3] Merriam-Webster, American Heritage Dictionary,[4] and Random House) as well as the Encyclopædia Britannica and the Columbia Encyclopedia.[5] The American Heritage Dictionarys online version has only this spelling and its search function does not even find anything for the spelling Bosphorus. The Columbia Encyclopedia specifies that the pronunciation of the alternative spelling ph is also /p/, but dictionaries also list the pronunciation /f/.
    2. ^ There is a certain (Oxonian) tradition of equating the name «Oxford» with «Bosporus», see e.g. Wolstenholme Parr (1820), Memoir on the propriety of the word Oxford, esp. p. 18.[6]


    1. ^ «Bosporus». Lexico.com. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 29 July 2020.
    2. ^ «Bosporus». Collins English Dictionary. HarperCollins.
    3. ^ «Bosporus». Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Pearson.
    4. ^ «Bosporus». American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. HarperCollins.
    5. ^ «Bosporus». Columbia Encyclopedia. Columbia University Press.
    6. ^ Parr, Wolstenholme (1820). Memoir on the propriety of the word Oxford, as applied to a seminary of learning; read to the Instituto of Padoua, in the month of July last. Liverpool: William Grapel. p. 18. OCLC 47642720.
    7. ^ Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (1940). «Βόσπορος«. A Greek–English Lexicon. Oxford: Clarendon Press – via Perseus Digital Library.
    8. ^ Sickler, Friedrich (1824). Handbuch der alten Geographie für Gymnasien und zum Selbstunterricht (in German). Kassel: J. J. Bonné. p. 551. Die ihr entgegenstehende Landspitze hieß auch Bous oder Damalis, mit einer ehernen coloss. Bildsäule einer Kuh; aber hier war es auch, wo der Athen. Chares seiner Frau, der Damalis, ein Grabmal errichten ließ so dass die größere Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür ist, daß wenigstens diese Landspitze eher von der Frau Damalis als von der Prinzessin Jo ihren Namen erhalten habe.
    9. ^ Lewis, Charlton T.; Short, Charles (1879). «Bosporus». A Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press – via Perseus Digital Library.
    10. ^ Müller, Carl (1861). Geographi graeci minores (in Latin). Paris: Didot. p. 7. Herodotus (4, 85) nominat Bosporum Calchedoniæ (τῆς Καλχηδονίς τὸν Βόσπορον); Strabo, os Byzantiacum (p. 125 στόμα Βυζαντιακόν, p. 318 στόμα τὸ κατὰ Βυζάντιον); Joannes Tzetzes (Chil. 1, 886) appellat Bosporum Damaliten (τὸν Δαμαλίτην Βόσπορον) sua ætate nuncupatum vulgo Prosphorium.
    11. ^ Bischoff, Friedrich Heinrich Theodor (1829). Verleichendes wörterbuch der alten, mittleren und neuen geographie (in German). Gotha: Becker. pp. 195–196.
    12. ^ «About». bosporus press. 9 January 2023. Retrieved 8 February 2023.
    13. ^ Yale 1 Tonguç 2, Pat 1 Saffet Emre 2 (2010). Istanbul The Ultimate Guide (1st ed.). Istanbul: Boyut. p. 421. ISBN 9789752307346.
    14. ^ fanatik. «Galatasaray Adası hizmete açıldı». Fanatik. Retrieved 5 October 2022.
    15. ^ «Türk Boğazları ve Marmara Denizi’nin Coğrafi Konumu-İstanbul Boğazı» (in Turkish). Directorate-General of Maritime Affairs of Turkey. Archived from the original on 8 October 2011. Retrieved 18 September 2010.
    16. ^ Gregg, Michael C.; Özsoy, Emin (7 March 2002). «Flow, water mass changes, and hydraulics in the Bosphorus». Journal of Geophysical Research. 107 (C3): 3016. Bibcode:2002JGRC..107.3016G. doi:10.1029/2000JC000485.
    17. ^ a b c «Leeds Researchers Study Undersea Rivers with a Yellow Submarine» (Press release). University of Leeds. 2 August 2010. Archived from the original on 3 August 2010. Retrieved 22 June 2018.
    18. ^ «Robotic sub records flow of undersea river». Futurity. 2 August 2010.
    19. ^ Di Iorio, Daniela; Yüce, Hüseyin (15 February 1999). «Observations of Mediterranean flow into the Black Sea». Journal of Geophysical Research. 104 (C2): 3091–3108. Bibcode:1999JGR…104.3091D. doi:10.1029/1998JC900023.
    20. ^ Lericolais, G.; Le Drezen, E.; Nouzé, H.; Gillet, H.; Ergun, M.; Cifci, G.; Avci, M.; Dondurur, D.; Okay, S. (2002). «Recent canyon heads evidenced at the Bosporus outlet». AGU Fall Meeting Suppl. Eos: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. Vol. 83, no. 47. Abstract PP71B-0409.
    21. ^ Flood, Roger D.; Hiscott, Richard N.; Aksu, Ali E. (9 March 2009). «Morphology and evolution of an anastomosed channel network where saline underflow enters the Black Sea»«. Sedimentology. 56 (3): 807–839. Bibcode:2009Sedim..56..807F. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2008.00998.x. S2CID 128884071.
    22. ^ «Ukrainian grain to pass through Bosphorus on Tuesday under landmark deal». Reuters. 1 August 2022. Retrieved 4 October 2022.
    23. ^ Donald John Cochrane Welsh Murray (13 May 2010). «Darius at the Bosporus».
    24. ^ Herodotus (1859). The History of Herodotus: a new English version, Volume 3. Translated by George Rawlinson; Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson; Sir John Gardner Wilkinson. London: John Murray. p. 77.
    25. ^ Öztürk 2011, pp. 28–32.
    26. ^ «The Bosphorus, with the Castles of Europe & Asia. 1846 — Allom, Thomas». Collections. Victoria and Albert Museum. 2007.
    27. ^ Metz 1995, pp. 22–23
    28. ^ Metz 1995, pp. 23, 25
    29. ^ Rozakis, Christos L.; Stagos, Petros N. (1987). The Turkish Straits. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. pp. 24–25. ISBN 90-247-3464-9.
    30. ^ Yale 1 Tonguç 2, Pat 1 Saffet Emre 2 (2010). Istanbul The Ultimate Guide (1st ed.). Istanbul: Boyut. pp. 455, 460, 463. ISBN 9789752307346.
    31. ^ Torbakov, Igor (10 January 2003). «The Turkish Factor in the Geopolitics of the Post-Soviet Space». E-Notes. Foreign Policy Research Institute. Archived from the original on 31 July 2010. Retrieved 8 June 2010.
    32. ^ Cutler, Robert M. (28 March 1999). «[Russian and] Soviet Relations with Greece and Turkey: A Systems Perspective». Retrieved 8 June 2010.
    33. ^ Bulaç, Ali (4 May 2009). «Against who and where are we going to stand?». Today’s Zaman. Archived from the original on 4 May 2009. Retrieved 8 June 2010.
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    42. ^ a b «Istanbul’s mega project Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge to open in large ceremony». Daily Sabah. 25 August 2016. Archived from the original on 26 October 2016.
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    49. ^ «Submarine Cable Map 2017». TeleGeography. Archived from the original on 28 September 2017. Retrieved 9 April 2018.
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    51. ^ Yale 1 Tonguç 2, Pat 1 Saffet Emre 2 (2010). Istanbul The Ultimate Guide (1st ed.). Istanbul: Boyut. pp. 442, 544. ISBN 9789752307346.
    52. ^ From the Shores of the Nile to the Bosphorus: Traces of Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Pasha Dynasty in Istanbul (in English and Turkish) (1st ed.). Istanbul: Istanbul Arıştırmaları Enstitüsü. 2011. ISBN 9789759123956.


    • Metz, Helen Chapin, ed. (1995). Turkey : a country study. Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. ISBN 0-8444-0864-6.
    • Öztürk, Özhan (2011). Pontus : Antikçağ’dan Günümüze Karadeniz’in Etnik ve Siyasi Tarihi (in Turkish). Ankara: Genesis Kitap. ISBN 978-605-5410-17-9.

    External linksEdit

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bosphorus.

    • «Bosphorus» . The New Student’s Reference Work . 1914.

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