Что означает имя Цирилла? Что обозначает имя Цирилла? Что значит имя Цирилла для человека? Какое значение имени Цирилла, происхождение, судьба и характер носителя? Какой национальности имя Цирилла? Как переводится имя Цирилла? Как правильно пишется имя Цирилла? Совместимость c именем Цирилла — подходящий цвет, камни обереги, планета покровитель и знак зодиака. Полная характеристика имени Цирилла и его подробный анализ вы можете прочитать онлайн в этой статье совершенно бесплатно.
Анализ имени Цирилла
Имя Цирилла состоит из 7 букв. Семь букв в имени – это люди канона. Они безоговорочно принимают внушенные в процессе воспитания правила и искренне верят в то, что их неукоснительное соблюдение – единственно возможный путь к счастью. Поэтому часто проявляют упрямство и нетерпимость даже в тех случаях, когда это никак логически не обосновано. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в имени Цирилла можно понять его тайный смысл и скрытое значение.
Значение имени Цирилла в нумерологии
Нумерология имени Цирилла может подсказать не только главные качества и характер человека. Но и определить его судьбу, показать успех в личной жизни, дать сведения о карьере, расшифровать судьбоносные знаки и даже предсказать будущее. Число имени Цирилла в нумерологии — 8. Девиз имени Цирилла и восьмерок по жизни: «Я лучше всех!»
- Планета-покровитель для имени Цирилла — Сатурн.
- Знак зодиака для имени Цирилла — Лев, Скорпион и Рыбы.
- Камни-талисманы для имени Цирилла — кальцит, киноварь, коралл, диоптаза, слоновая кость, черный лигнит, марказит, мика, опал, селенит, серпентин, дымчатый кварц.
«Восьмерка» в качестве одного из чисел нумерологического ядра – это показатель доминанантного начала, практицизма, материализма и неистребимой уверенности в собственных силах.
«Восьмерка» в числах имени Цирилла – Числе Выражения, Числе Души и Числе внешнего облика – это, прежде всего, способность уверенно обращаться с деньгами и обеспечивать себе стабильное материальное положение.
Лидеры по натуре, восьмерки невероятно трудолюбивы и выносливы. Природные организаторские способности, целеустремленность и незаурядный ум позволяют им достигать поставленных целей.
Человек Восьмерки напоминает сейф, так сложно его понять и расшифровать. Истинные мотивы и желания Восьмерки с именем Цирилла всегда скрыты от других, трудно найти точки соприкосновения и установить легкие отношения. Восьмерка хорошо разбирается в людях, чувствует характер, распознает слабости и сильные стороны окружающих. Любит контролировать и доминировать в общении, сама не признает своих ошибок. Очень часто жертвует своими интересами во имя семьи. Восьмерка азартна, любит нестандартные решения. В любой профессии добивается высокого уровня мастерства. Это хороший стратег, который не боится ответственности, но Восьмерке трудно быть на втором плане. Цирилла учится быстро, любит историю, искусство. Умеет хранить чужие секреты, по натуре прирожденный психолог. Порадовать Восьмерку можно лишь доверием и открытым общением.
- Влияние имени Цирилла на профессию и карьеру. Оптимальные варианты профессиональной самореализации «восьмерки – собственный бизнес, руководящая должность или политика. Окончательный выбор часто зависит от исходных предпосылок. Например, от того, кто папа – сенатор или владелец ателье мод — зависит, что значит число 8 в выборе конкретного занятия в жизни. Подходящие профессии: финансист, управленец, политик.
- Влияние имени Цирилла на личную жизнь. Число 8 в нумерологии отношений превращает совместную жизнь или брак в такое же коммерческое предприятие, как и любое другое. И речь в данном случае идет не о «браке по расчету» в общепринятом понимании этого выражения. Восьмерки обладают волевым характером, огромной энергией и авторитетом. Однажды разочаровавшись в человеке, они будут предъявлять огромные требования к следующим партнерам. Поэтому им важны те, кто просто придет им на помощь без лишних слов. Им подойдут единицы, двойки и восьмерки.
Планета покровитель имени Цирилла
Число 8 для имени Цирилла означает планету Сатурн. Люди этого типа одиноки, они часто сталкиваются с непониманием со стороны окружающих. Внешне обладатели имени Цирилла холодны, но это лишь маска, чтобы скрыть свою природную тягу к теплу и благополучию. Люди Сатурна не любят ничего поверхностного и не принимают опрометчивых решений. Они склонны к стабильности, к устойчивому материальному положению. Но всего этого им хоть и удается достичь, но только своим потом и кровью, ничего не дается им легко. Они постоянны во всем: в связях, в привычках, в работе. К старости носители имени Цирилла чаще всего материально обеспечены. Помимо всего прочего, упрямы, что способствует достижению каких-либо целей. Эти люди пунктуальны, расчетливы в хорошем смысле этого слова, осторожны, методичны, трудолюбивы. Как правило, люди Сатурна подчиняют себе, а не подчиняются сами. Они всегда верны и постоянны, на них можно положиться. Гармония достигается с людьми второго типа.
Знаки зодиака имени Цирилла
Для имени Цирилла подходят следующие знаки зодиака:
Цвет имени Цирилла
Розовый цвет имени Цирилла. Люди с именем, носящие розовый цвет, — сдержанные и хорошие слушатели, они никогда не спорят. Хотя всегда имеют своё мнение, которому строго следуют. От носителей имени Цирилла невозможно услышать критики в адрес других. А вот себя они оценивают люди с именем Цирилла всегда критично, из-за чего бывают частые душевные стяжания и депрессивные состояния. Они прекрасные семьянины, ведь их невозможно не любить. Положительные черты характера имени Цирилла – человеколюбие и душевность. Отрицательные черты характера имени Цирилла – депрессивность и критичность.
Как правильно пишется имя Цирилла
В русском языке грамотным написанием этого имени является — Цирилла. В английском языке имя Цирилла может иметь следующий вариант написания — Cirilla.
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Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (known as Ciri or the Lion Cub of Cintra), born in 1252,[1] during the Belleteyn holiday — a princess of Cintra, daughter of Pavetta and Duny (Urcheon of Erlenwald) and granddaughter of queen Calanthe.
After witcher Geralt lifted the curse from her father, he demanded from Duny what he had but didn’t know he did (see: Law of Surprise), which turned out to be Ciri (as Pavetta was already pregnant with the child). Six years to the day after her birth, Geralt went back to Cintra for her, but did not take her with him to Kaer Morhen at that time. In fact, he didn’t even lay eyes on her[2] and only spoke with Calanthe, and the queen divulged no information to him, not even the child’s gender.
Early life[]
While she was still an infant, Ciri’s parents were both lost in a storm at sea and presumed dead. She spent her youth in Cintra and the Skellige Islands in the care of her grandmother and her uncle.
«The Sword of Destiny in Sword of Destiny[]
Ciri was supposed to marry Kistrin of Verden, but she eloped into the Brokilon. Freixenet, a regional governor in Verden, followed her into the forest. He also is an old acquaintance of Witcher Geralt. Ciri met Geralt when she was lost in the forest of Brokilon and the Witcher saved her from a Giant centipede. She was nearly taken by the dryads, who almost made her one of their own, but the queen of the dryads, Eithné unexpectedly let the girl choose her own future. Ciri chose Geralt and tried to stay with him after they left Brokilon, but the Witcher would not take her with him. Instead, he left her with the druid Mousesack who was working for Calanthe. The short story already mentions the brewing war with Nilfgaard.
In «Something More» in Sword of Destiny[]
«Something More» is the next story after «Sword of Destiny» and tells about how Geralt and Ciri finally meet after the fall of Cintra. This story unfolds in various feverish flashbacks of Witcher Geralt after he was wounded in a fight with monsters.
- Ultimately, Ciri was adopted by a kindly merchant’s wife, Goldencheeks and it is at Goldencheeks’ and Yurga’s farm, that Geralt was reunited with her. (This event overlaps slightly with the events in Blood of Elves).
In Blood of Elves[]
Then came the slaughter of Cintra.
During the Nilfgaardian invasion of Cintra, Ciri was kidnapped by a Nilfgaardian knight called Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach (though his identity was not known at the time), but she managed to escape and wandered aimlessly for some time through Sodden until she was ultimately adopted by a merchant’s family.
Coincidentally, Geralt had been helped by that same merchant and transported to his home. So once again Ciri and Geralt were reunited. This time the witcher took her with him to Kaer Morhen, where under the supervision of Triss Merigold she underwent partial witcher training (but not the mutations) with Geralt, Vesemir, Lambert, Eskel and Coën. It was also there that it was confirmed that she was a source.
Geralt and Triss later took her to the Temple of Melitele in Ellander where she received instruction at first from Nenneke, and then from Yennefer, who began Ciri’s magical training in earnest.
‘She is not a child,’ the voice repeated. ‘She is the Flame, the White Flame which will set light to the world. She is the Elder Blood, Hen Ichaer. The blood of elves. The seed which will not sprout but burst into flame. The blood which will be defiled . . . When Tedd Deireadh arrives, the Time of End. Va’esse deireadh aep eigean!’
In Time of Contempt[]
As news of war began to spread, Ciri and Yennefer left Ellander for Gors Velen and ultimately Thanedd Island and Aretuza where the sorceress intended to enrol the girl as well as attend the Conclave of mages.
Things did not work out as planned though, not by a long shot. There was a coup during the Conclave and several individuals including Vilgefortz and Cahir tried to capture Ciri once again, and once again failed with the girl escaping through an unstable magical portal in Tor Lara. Because of the portal’s nature, Ciri was simply ejected in mid-air over the Korath desert.
Unaware of where she was and without obvious recourse, the girl decided to make her way out of the wasteland by heading west. Unfortunately she wandered around in circles for some time before deciding to use the stars as a guide. She nearly died of exhaustion, dehydration and starvation. Luckily she met a unicorn whom she nicknamed Little Horse that helped her out of the Frying Pan (a folk name for the deadly desert).
During the events in the desert, Ihuarraquax was severely wounded by a creature hidden in the sand, which then is killed by Ciri. Ciri then saw the agony of the little horse and decided to heal the unicorn colt’s wound, but there was no magical source to draw from. Finally, and out of desperation, she drew (magical) power from a fire she was able to start. Yennefer always had forbidden her to do that and the power overwhelmed her, which lead to her abjuration of the magical power. She was able to save the unicorn, and because of this, some much higher entities (other unicorns?) were eventually willing to let Ciri go on and follow her destiny.
Completely down and out, she finally was captured by the Trappers and brought to the village of Glyswen where she finally escaped along with a group of young brigands known as «the Rats».
In Baptism of Fire[]
Ciri then joined the Rats band under the name Falka. Bounty hunter Leo Bonhart was hired by Stefan Skellen to kill Ciri and by baron Casadei to capture her alive. Bonhart killed the Rats and cut off their heads after their deaths. He neither killed Ciri, nor brought her to baron Casadei, therefore not fullfilling his contracts. Bonhart imprisoned her for some time, beating her, mistreating and forcing her to kill in the arena at Claremont, which belonged to his cousin Houvenaghel.
Ciri managed to escape with the help of Neratin Ceka when Bonhart had taken her to the village of Unicorn on the eve of the equinox. He had gone to meet with Skellen and Rience and possibly negotiate some terms to release Ciri. Bonhart then killed Neratin Ceka, and Skellen seriously wounded Ciri, disfiguring her with an orion as she fled the village on her mare, Kelpie.
Later, she was found, near death by Vysogota of Corvo, who hid and healed at his hermitage in the Pereplut swamp. She stayed with Vysogotha until shortly after Saovine when she set off to find The Tower of the Swallow.
Together with Skellen and Rience, Bonhart tried to hunt her down on the order of Vilgefortz. Eventually, she escaped to Tor Zireael.
Being a twin tower to Tor Lara, Tor Zireael had a portal which led Cirilla to the world of the Aen Elle elves.
In The Tower of the Swallow[]
There she was greeted by Avallac’h, an Aen Saevherne. He explained to her that she had to ‘pay the debt’ referring to the perceived loss to the Aen Elle when Lara Dorren took Cregennan of Lod as her lover. The elves believed that the latter had ‘stolen’ Elder Blood from them by marrying Lara. To atone for that ‘crime’ Avallac’h wanted Ciri to beget a child with Auberon Muircetach, the king of the Aen Elle. That being the only way Avallac’h would let her return to her own world. On their way to Tir ná Lia, the Aen Elle capital, they met Eredin and his Dearg Ruadhri. Ciri was initially quite infatuated with him — he realised that and tried to use it to control her. They also came across a pack of unicorns which appeared to be at war with Aen Elle.
In Tir na Lia Ciri finally met Auberon, who many times tried to conceive a child with her, however he could not — to him she was just a human, a being of no interest for an Aen Elle. Nevertheless, he was very proud and refused to admit it. Eredin suggested using a ‘potion’ which would improve Auberon’s performance and allow him to conceive a child with Cirilla. He also told her the truth (probably to gain her trust) — that Avallac’h would never let her go. Knowing this, Ciri found help with the unicorns where she also met Little Horse/Ihuarraquax, by then fully grown. The unicorns explained that both Fox and Sparrowhawk had once possessed The Gate of the Worlds, a mystical power known only to those of the Elder Blood but they had lost it. Now they wanted these powers back and for that they needed Ciri. This could not be allowed, however and the unicorns explained to Cirilla how she should escape.
That same day Ciri once again visited Auberon only to find that he had drunk the ‘potion’ given to him by Eredin. Unknown to Sparrowhawk it happened to be too strong and killed Auberon. That night Ciri attempted to escape Tir na Lia and its barrier by using a boat and swimming with the river’s current. She was stopped by Eredin who then revealed his true intentions, being the same as Avallac’h’s. The two battled and Ciri proved victorious due to the elf’s underestimation of her abilities — she wounded him and threw him into the river. Later on she mounted Kelpie and rode away from Tir na Lia. She met Little Horse who offered his help (actually his being by Ciri’s side was a part of her bargain with the other unicorns). They came across a huge pile of bones. To her horror, Ciri realised that the skulls had human teeth making them a pile of human bones. Ihuarraquax explained that it had been a human world until the elves led by Fox and Sparrowhawk arrived and killed them all — this also would be the fate of other worlds, including Ciri’s own, should Avallac’h and Eredin succeed in once again harnessing the power of time and space. Nevertheless, Ihuarraquax and Ciri realised that they were being chased. Little Horse urged Ciri to jump to another world — the only way to escape. She, however didn’t know how. The unicorn became her guide and they jumped. This led to the manifestation of Ciri’s strongest power, giving her the title of The Lady of the Worlds. That power allowed her to traverse space and time at will. Not being able to control it, however, Ciri had to journey through many different worlds to finally find her own.
At the Stygga castle, Bonhart died at the hand of Ciri.
According to Blood of Elves, her name is derived from the Elder Speech word Zireael, Swallow.
In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]
Ciri is a playable character in The Witcher 3, but only during certain quests and not generally. She appears in the opening quest, as a child and Geralt’s search for her as an adult is the main thrust of the game plot.
Prior to the game release[]
In the Sword of Destiny trailer, while speaking to Geralt, Emhyr var Emreis claims that Ciri has returned to the mortal lands and is being followed by the Wild Hunt. Supposedly, the King of the Wild Hunt also refers to her and there is a white-haired woman seen running who has been confirmed to be Ciri. The next shred of information came in the 35min gameplay demo, the Crones appear to be the first to find Ciri after she came back into the world through a portal. She was exhausted and apparently injured. The three witches helped her as best they could, discovering she has the Elder blood flowing in her veins in the process. Cirilla didn’t stay with them, she escaped her grotesque saviors.
On 15 Dec 2014 it was revealed that Ciri would be a playable character. The player is not able to switch between her and Geralt at will but rather assumes control over her actions during some crucial points of the plot. It was also disclosed that one of Ciri’s unique abilities will be one called blink.[3] See the short video snippet on the right for an example.
Ciri’s powers[]
- Blink
- Charge
- Energy
- Magic amulet (given to her by Triss)
Journal entry[]
- Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon — what can I possibly say about her? That we call her Ciri for short, that she was born in 1251, that she has ashen hair and a scar on her cheek?
- All true, and that’s the Cirilla I know best, the one I first laid eyes upon those many years ago, the one who seemed thoroughly, well, not ordinary, but certainly not as extraordinary as she in fact is.
- For Cirilla is also a highly-skilled witcher, heiress to several thrones, the last bearer of the Elder Blood, a powerful Source endowed with exceptional magic talent and the Lady of Time and Space. Her hair color and date of birth seem… rather incidental now, don’t they?
- I could also tell you she is Geralt’s adopted daughter — but that would be a gross simplification. Ciri is much more. She is his Destiny, his Unexpected Child, someone bound to the witcher by Fate’s most inextricably tangled fetters.
- Following age-old witcher tradition, Geralt took Ciri to Kaer Morhen when she came into his care. There he and Vesemir taught her in the ways of the professional monster slayer. It was then that her magic talents were first revealed, and they discovered she was a Source.
- Ciri’s gift proved a curse as well. Because of it, she would one day have to hide from the entire world — even Geralt.
- Ciri’s biography contained one more great secret. Her natural father was none other than the emperor of Nilfgaard, Emhyr var Emreis. His words confirmed the fears swirling in Geralt’s mind. Ciri had returned and was in mortal danger, for the unrelenting Wild Hunt was on her trail.
- Yennefer made it clear why the Wild Hunt wanted Ciri: Eredin wanted the power latent in her Elder Blood. She also let Geralt know that Ciri had been seen in war-ravaged Velen as well as in Novigrad, the largest city in the world.
- Reports that Ciri has spent time at Crow’s Perch proved true. She was there as the guest of the local warlord, Phillip Strenger, also known as the Bloody Baron. Despite his violent monicker, this man treated Ciri with kindness and respect.
- It seemed that during Ciri’s time in Velen she got into a quarrel with some sort of witch or witches in the swamps.
- Geralt learned the truth of Ciri’s time in the swamps from the mouths of the hideous Crones themselves. Even Ciri, better able to hold her own than most anyone in existence, was lucky to escape from these powerful beings alive and intact.
Associated quests[]
- Bald Mountain
- The Battle of Kaer Morhen
- Blood on the Battlefield
- Bloody Baron
- Child of the Elder Blood
- Ciri’s Story: Fleeing the Bog
- Ciri’s Story: Out of the Shadows
- Ciri’s Story: The King of the Wolves
- Ciri’s Story: The Race
- Ciri’s Story: Visiting Junior
- Final Preparations
- The Isle of Mists
- Kaer Morhen
- Payback
- Skjall’s Grave
- Something Ends, Something Begins
- Bald Mountain
- The Battle of Kaer Morhen
- Blood on the Battlefield
- Bloody Baron
- Child of the Elder Blood
- Ciri’s Story: Fleeing the Bog
- Ciri’s Story: Out of the Shadows
- Ciri’s Story: The King of the Wolves
- Ciri’s Story: The Race
- Ciri’s Story: Visiting Junior
- Final Preparations
- The Isle of Mists
- Kaer Morhen
- Payback
- Skjall’s Grave
- Something Ends, Something Begins
In The Witcher computer game[]
In the game, the innkeeper at the Country Inn in the village of Murky Waters can tell Geralt the tale of «Cirilla».
Innkeeper: «Ahem… Long ago, in a valley far away, lived a girl. She was a true princess, sorceress and witcheress…» Geralt: «All three? Isn’t that a bit much?» Innkeeper: «Don’t interrupt. You want to hear the story or not?» Geralt: «I won’t interrupt again.» Innkeeper: «A story about destiny might prove useful, witcher. She was born a princess who wanted for nothing, had loving parents and a grandmother who was a great queen. She lived in palaces guarded by hundreds of knights. Everyone thought she’d become a powerful queen. But fate had other plans. Her parents died. Enemies butchered her grandmother and took the kingdom. Still, the princess survived. Her fate became bound to one particular witcher. She gained a new family at Kaer Morhen, the hold of the witchers. She learned to fight. Yet destiny once again made noise.
The lass had magical talent. She was a source. The witchers afeared the uncontrolled power of a source and needed a sorceress to assist them. She studied arcane magic. The sorceress loved a witcher and the two adopted the girl. She was truly happy and could have become a powerful sorceress…
But war broke out and fate separated the family. Aggrieved, the lass disawoved magic and became a huntress, learning to love killing. Death followed her — everyone she’d loved had died. Only the witcher and the sorceress denied Death’s calling. Fate cast her to foreign shores, yet she returned. The worst assassin tailed her, yet she emerged victorious. Agents of all kingdoms pursued her, yet none caught her.
When she killed all her enemies and peace descended upon the world, she rejoined the witcher and sorceress, only to have destiny sneer at her again.»
Geralt: «What happened?» Innkeeper: «A peasant unskilled in arms killed the witcher. The sorceress died trying to revive him. The girl could do nothing for she’d disawoved magic. So the princess who would not rule, the witcheress who fought humans, and the sorceress who cast no spells used her power as a means to leave this world.» Geralt: «I sense you haven’t told all.» Innkeeper: «All but one. Her name was Cirilla. What’s that matter?»
In the Polish Movie and TV series[]
Heritage Films[]
Marta Bitner as Ciri in The Hexer TV series
In The Hexer movie and TV series, Ciri was played by Marta Bitner. Unlike in the books, in the series she first met Geralt in the Temple of Melitele in Ellander. She is also not depicted during her teenage years in the series.
- 09: «Świątynia Melitele» (The Temple of Melitele)
- 10: «Mniejsze zło» (The Lesser Evil)
- 12: «Falwick»
- 13: «Ciri»
In the Netflix-Version, Ciri is portrayed by Freya Allan.
Ciri makes her first appearance in Season 1/Episode 1: The End’s Beginning. The production team decided to add some changes to her story to make it work with the concept of the three different timelines in the show. The meeting of a much younger Ciri and Geralt in the Brokilon forest (as described in the «The Sword of Destiny» short story) was omitted because of that change. Ciri still enters the forest in the show (shown in Episode 4: Of Banquets, Bastards and Burials and Episode 5: Bottled Appetites) and spends some time there during her escape from the Nilfgaardian henchmen. In the show, Geralt can briefly spot Ciri in Cintra when he tries to take on his destiny in Episode 7: Before a Fall, but Calanthe’s intervention and the sudden attack of Nilfgaard prevent their meeting in Cintra, resulting in Ciri’s escape during the siege while Geralt is captured in the gatehouse. This significantly differs from the short story events, because according to the books, Geralt wasn’t in the area when the attack on Cintra happened.
She finally meets Geralt in Episode 8: Much More, which is also the last episode of Season 1. Ciri will reappear in Season 2, which is expected to be released 2021.
- ↑ The novels are not clear when it comes to dates. In Blood of Elves, when Ciri is leaving Kaer Morhen in early spring 1266, she says she is almost 13 — which indicates that the date is 1253; the same date can be inferred from Time of Contempt (which takes place in 1267), when it is said she is 14. On the other hand, there are a few mentions in The Tower of the Swallow and Lady of the Lake (respectively 1267 and 1268) about her being 15 or 16 years old. Andrzej Sapkowski creates even more confusion in The Tower of the Swallow and Dynastic descriptions describing her crush on Hjalmar which she had at the age of 12 — which is impossible due to fact that the Slaughter of Cintra took place in 1263 and she went to Kaer Morhen in 1264.
- ↑ At least not consciously. In the short story «Something more», before Geralt meets Calanthe, he notices a group of children running around in the courtyard. Leader of them all seems to be a thin girl with a bright braid.
- ↑ «The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will let you play as Ciri», retrieved on 15 Dec 2014.
Ciri in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Ciri art
Ciri by Aliapkin.
Ciri fighting General Caranthir (Elder Blood Trailer).
Young Ciri concept art
Young Ciri and witchers
Ciri journal image
Young Ciri journal image
v · d · eCintran monarchs | ||||||
Cerbin • Correl • Coram I • Coram II • Corbett • Dagorad • Calanthe • Roegner • Eist Tuirseach • Emhyr var Emreis
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Перевод «Цирилла» на английский
Цирилла девушка, которая является наследницей давно утраченных эльфийских кровей.
Выясняется, что принцесса ждет ребенка, и ее будущая дочь Цирилла связана с ведьмаком Предназначением.
It turned out that the princess was pregnant and her future daughter, Cirilla, and the witcher became forever connected.
Другие результаты
Данные события наложили огромный отпечаток на Цириллу и на всю будущую историю, которая описана в книгах Анджея Сапковского.
These events left a huge imprint on Cyril and on the whole future history, which is described in the books of Andrzej Sapkowski.
Она была изобретена в 1980-х Франческо Цирилло.
It was created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo.
Мы слышим это от «Bloomberg» в новостях от Генри Майера и Кевина Цирилли.
We hear it from Bloomberg news from the presstitutes Henry Meyer and Kevin Cirilli.
Благодаря сочувствию и расположению великому к юной императрице Цирилле Фионе (см.), кою ровно дочь собственную любила, была шуточно «матушкою-императрицею» именована.
Owing to her great affection for the young Empress Cirilla Fiona (see also), whom she loved like her own daughter, she was jokingly called the ’empress mother’.
Это стало одной из причин того, что на роль Цириллы была выбрана 17-летняя Фрейя Аллан.
That explains why 17-year-old Freya Allan has been cast as Ciri.
Это означает, что зрителей ожидает еще больше Геральта, Йеннифера и Цириллы, когда Ведьмак вернется в 2021 году, но кто к ним присоединится?
That means we can expect to see more of Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri when ‘The Witcher’ returns in 2021 but who will join them?
Разумеется, как и любая империя, она ведет захватнические войны, в числе которых и, так называемая, Первая Северная война, во время которой армия Нильфгаарда двинулась на северное королевство и на его столицу Цинтру, родину Цириллы.
Of course, like any empire, it wages wars of conquest, including the so-called First Northern War, during which the army of Nilfgaard moved to the northern kingdom and its capital Cintra, the birthplace of Cyril.
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This article’s content is marked as Mature The page Ciri contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | You don’t know how it is. To see someone you love die. Because of you, for you. | „ |
~ Ciri to Geralt. |
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, or commonly known simply as Ciri, is the deuteragonist of the Witcher franchise, serving as the deuteragonist of the novels and the games and one of the three protagonists (alongside Geralt and Yennefer) of the 2019 Netflix adaptation. She’s a princess of Cintra and the daughter of Pavetta and Duny, which was an alias used by Emhyr var Emreis, the emperor of Nilfgaard, as well as the adopted daughter of Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer of Vengerberg. Throughout the game, Ciri is being chased by The Wild Hunt led by Eredin Bréacc Glas, the king of Aen Elle elves and the Wild Hunt who wants to harness the power of of Elder Blood running through Ciri’s veins to cause the Conjunction of Spheres to bring the Aen Elle elves into the world of humans. She notably becomes playable multiple times throughout The Witcher 3, making her the only other playable character in the games other than Geralt himself.
She is voiced by Jo Wyatt. In the 2019 TV series, she is played by Freya Allan.
Ciri’s most distinguishing features are her ashen hair and the scar on her cheek. She has emerald-green eyes. As a child, she wore her hair short and had a white-and-brown outfit with light brown boots and dark green leggings. As a young adult, her appearance and attire is very different; she now wears her hair past her shoulders, and has a white shirt with black leggings, black trousers and dark brown trousers. She has grown quite tall, being almost as tall as Yennefer.
After the Witcher Geralt of Rivia lifted a curse from Duny, the Urcheon of Erlenwald, he demanded from Duny his wife Pavetta’s firstborn child, a child he had but didn’t know he had, due to the Law of Surprise. Six years to the day after the child’s birth, Geralt went back to Cintra for her, but did not take her with him to Kaer Morhen at that time. In fact, he didn’t even lay eyes on her and only spoke with Calanthe. The Queen divulged no information to him, not even the child’s gender. This child was named Cirilla.
While she was still an infant, Ciri’s parents were both lost in a storm at sea. They were presumed dead. She spent her youth in Cintra and the Skellige Islands, cared for by her grandmother. Ciri first met Geralt when she was lost in the forest of Brokilon. She was nearly taken by the dryads, who wished to make her one of their own. The Queen of the dryads, Eithné, unexpectedly let the girl choose her own future. Ciri chose Geralt, and wished to stay with him after they left Brokilon. However, the Witcher would not take her with him. Instead, he left her with the druid Mousesack who was working for Calanthe. Then came the slaughter of Cintra.
During the Nilfgaardian invasion of Cintra, Ciri was kidnapped by a Nilfgaardian knight named Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, though his identity was not known at the time. She managed to escape and wandered aimlessly for some time through Sodden until she was ultimately adopted by a merchant’s family.
Coincidentally, Geralt had been helped by that same merchant and transported to his home. Thus, Ciri and Geralt were once again united. This time the Witcher took her with him to Kaer Morhen, where, under the supervision of Triss Merigold she underwent partial Witcher training, sans mutations, with Geralt, Vesemir, Lambert, Eskel and Coën. It was there that it was confirmed that Ciri was a source.
Geralt and Triss later took her to the Temple of Melitele in Ellander where she received instruction from Nenneke, and then from Yennefer, who began Ciri’s magical training in earnest. As news of war began to spread, Ciri and Yennefer left Ellander for Gors Velen and ultimately Thanedd Island and Aretuza where the sorceress intended to enroll the girl as well as attend a conference of mages.
Things did not work out as planned though, not by a long shot. There was a coup during the conference and several individuals including Vilgefortz and Cahir tried to capture Ciri once again, and once again failed with the girl escaping through an unstable magical portal in Tor Lara. Because of the portal’s nature, Ciri was simply ejected in mid-air over the Korath desert.
Unaware of where she was and without obvious recourse, the girl decided to make her way out of the wasteland by heading west. Unfortunately she wandered around in circles for some time before deciding to use the stars as a guide. She nearly died of exhaustion, dehydration and starvation. Luckily to her she met a unicorn whom she nicknamed Horsey that helped her out of the Frying Pan (a folk name for the deadly desert).
Ciri, who was still undergoing an emotional tribulation, then joined the Rats, a group of ne’er-do-wells she met when they were rescuing one of their members, under the name Falka. Bounty hunter Leo Bonhart was hired by Stefan Skellen to kill Ciri and by baron Casadei to capture her alive. Bonhart killed the Rats and cut off their heads after their deaths. He neither killed Ciri, nor brought her to baron Casadei, therefore not fullfilling his contracts. Bonhart imprisoned her for some time, beating her, mistreating and forcing her to kill in the arena at Claremont, which belonged to his cousin Houvenaghel.
Ciri managed to escape with the help of Neratin Ceka when Bonhart had taken her to the village of Unicorn on the eve of the equinox. He had gone to meet with Skellen and Rience and possibly negotiate some terms to release Ciri. Bonhart then killed Neratin Ceka, and Skellen seriously wounded Ciri, disfiguring her with an orion as she fled the village on her mare, Kelpie.
Later, she was found, near death by Vysogota of Corvo, who hid and healed at his hermitage in the Pereplut swamp. She stayed with Vysogotha until shortly after Saovine when she set off to find the Swallow’s tower.
Together with Skellen and Rience, Bonhart tried to hunt her down on the order of Vilgefortz. Eventually, she escaped to Tor Zireael.
Being a twin tower to Tor Lara, Tor Zireael had a portal which led Cirilla to the world of the Aen Elle elves. There she was greeted by Avallac’h, an Aen Saevherne. He explained to her that she had to ‘pay the debt’ referring to the perceived loss to the Aen Elle when Lara Dorren took Cregennan of Lod as her lover. The elves believed that the latter had ‘stolen’ Elder Blood from them by marrying Lara. To atone for that ‘crime’ Avallac’h wanted Ciri to beget a child with Auberon Muircetach, the king of the Aen Elle. That being the only way Avallac’h would let her return to her own world. On their way to Tir ná Lia, the Aen Elle capital, they met Eredin and his Dearg Ruadhri. Ciri was initially quite infatuated with him — he realised that and tried to use it to control her. They also came across a pack of unicorns which appeared to be at war with Aen Elle.
In Tir na Lia Ciri finally met Auberon, who many times tries to conceive a child with her, however he could not — to him she was just a human, a being of no interest for an Aen Elle. Nevertheless he was very proud and refused to admit it. Eredin suggested using a ‘potion’ which would improve Auberon’s performance and allow him to conceive a child with Cirilla. He also told her the truth (probably to gain her trust) — that Avallac’h would never let her go. Knowing this, Ciri found help with the unicorns where she also met Horsey/Ihuarraquax, by then fully grown. The unicorns explained that both Fox and Sparrowhawk had once possessed The Gate of the Worlds, a mystical power known only to those of the Elder Blood but they had lost it. Now they wanted these powers back and for that they needed Ciri. This could not be allowed, however and the unicorns explained to Cirilla how she should escape.
That same day Ciri once again visited Auberon only to find that he had drunk the ‘potion’ given to him by Eredin. Unknown to Sparrowhawk it happened to be too strong and killed Auberon. That night Ciri attempted to escape Tir na Lia and its barrier by using a boat and swimming with the river’s current. She was stopped by Eredin who then revealed his true intentions, being the same as Avallac’h’s. The two battled and Ciri proved victorious due to the elf’s underestimation of her abilities — she wounded him and threw him into the river. Later on she mounted Kelpie and rode away from Tir na Lia. She met Horsey who offered his help (actually his being by Ciri’s side was a part of her bargain with the other unicorns). They came across a huge pile of bones. To her horror, Ciri realised that the skulls had human teeth making them a pile of human bones. Ihuarraquax explained that it had been a human world until the elves led by Fox and Sparrowhawk arrived and killed them all — this also would be the fate of other worlds, including Ciri’s own, should Avallac’h and Eredin succeed in once again harnessing the power of time and space. Nevertheless, Ihuarraquax and Ciri realised that they were being chased. Horsey urged Ciri to jump to another world — the only way to escape. She, however didn’t know how. The unicorn became her guide and they jumped. This led to the manifestation of Ciri’s strongest power, giving her the title of The Lady of the Worlds. That power allowed her to traverse space and time at will. Not being able to control it, however, Ciri had to journey through many different worlds to finally find her own.
At the Stygga castle, Bonhart died at the hand of Ciri.
In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
In the prologue, Geralt experiences a dream where he trains a younger Ciri at Kaer Morhen. However, the dream turns into a nightmare, as the Wild Hunt appears, freezing everyone, including Ciri, with Geralt helpless to act.
Having hidden in another world for over half a year the Wild Hunt found Ciri forcing her to flee. At some point Ciri discovered that Geralt had been captured by the Wild Hunt and managed to free him and send him to the forests outside of Kaer Morhen although he lost his memory in the process.
Several months later Ciri along with an elf called Avallac’h returned from another world ending up in Skellige where the Wild Hunt found and attacked them cursing Avallac’h and forcing Ciri to teleport away. This lead her to appear in Crookback Bog where she collapsed and was found by the Crones. The Crones intended to give her to the Wild Hunt however knew that she possessed Elder blood and could not decide whether to cut her up for her blood or not. Ciri realising this escaped and fled into the nearby forest, narrowly evading Imlerith. Traveling west into Velen, she encountered a young girl who was lost and rescued her as well as a local man from a werewolf. She was then taken to Crow’s Perch and taken in by Philip Strenger (known as the Bloody Baron) who alongside with his men she befriended. During a race with Philip the two are attacked by a monster and Ciri was forced to use her powers to save him. However, Ciri realised that Wild Hunt would sense her powers so she left Crow’s Perch and headed to Novigrad.
Ciri tracked down Dandelion to enlist his help in repairing a phylactery to lift the curse on Avallac’h, though she excluded the identity of her friend. Dandelion suggested going to Cyprian «Whoreson Junior» Willy. Willy later turned on them, capturing and torturing their friend Dudu. Ciri managed to rescue Dudu but her activities got the attention of the Temple Guard, who chased her towards Temple Isle. Just as an crossbowman took a shot at her, Ciri teleported herself to safety.
Ciri teleported all the way to Skellige, where she fell unconscious, dropping into a lake. Avallac’h found her and gave her to the safety of a native Skelliger, Skjall, and his family. When she came to, Ciri accepted the invitation to heal at the local sauna. But soon as she prepared to depart, the Wild Hunt descended on the village, forcing Ciri to flee once more. She found her way to Avallac’h, who was waiting with a boat. But upon seeing Skjall being cut down by a Red Rider, she attempted to turn back to help him, but Avallac’h stunned her with a sleeping spell and took her to the Isle of Mists to hide her from the Hunt.
Ciri was taken in by a company of seven dwarves, who were also stranded on the Isle. She is later found by Geralt, who had managed to lift the curse on Avallac’h, who gave him a magical firefly to lead him to the Isle. After gaining the trust of the dwarves, whose number had been reduced to five, Geralt is allowed to see Ciri. Seeing her prone form, he assumed her dead, until the firefly merges with her, stirring the young woman awake. Geralt and Ciri catch up on what happened to the latter. Ciri reveals Eredin’s motive for pursuing her, explaining that the Aen Elle world faces annihilation, so the King of the Hunt seeks to use her to power the portal to allow his army to conquer the Continent, even at the risk of Ciri’s life.
As they prepare to leave, they discover the dwarves had taken Geralt’s boat and fled the Isle, before spotting the Wild Hunt’s flagship, the Naglfar, in the distance, forcing Ciri to teleport them directly to Kaer Morhen. Upon arrival, Ciri is happily reunited with Vesemir, Yennefer and Triss.
However, the time for celebration was cut short, as the Hunt would soon assault the aging keep. Ciri was ordered to remain inside the keep while everyone else defended her. Triss provided Ciri with a magical amulet to call down a magical fireball. However, Ciri defies orders and goes to help Triss when she came under attack by Hunt warriors. She later assisted Eskel against Caranthir, before the Hunt general hears a war horn signalling him to retreat.
Ultimately, the Hunt breaches Kaer Morhen, freezing everyone except for Ciri and Vesemir. They are then attacked by Imlerith, allowing Eredin to finally get a hold of Ciri. But as he dragged her towards a portal, Vesemir breaks off from Imlerith and engages Eredin, forcing the elf to release Ciri. As Imlerith charged at the elderly witcher, Vesemir used Aard to push Ciri away as the large elf lifts him up by the throat. Surrounded by the Wild Hunt and with her mentor held hostage, Ciri dropped her sword in surrender. However, Vesemir stabbed Imlerith, prompted the general to snap his neck, killing him. In grief and anguish, Ciri unleashed a magical scream that affected the Hunt. Calanthir conjured a portal, which Imlerith fled through, but Eredin desperately stumbled towards Ciri. Calanthir recognized his king would die in the attempt and forcibly dragged Eredin through the portal. But Ciri’s power had gone out of control, threatening to kill everyone in Kaer Morhen had not Avallac’h intervened and stopped her.
While cremating Vesemir, Ciri started to regret returning to Kaer Morhen, despite Geralt’s attempts to calm her, as she snatched Vesemir’s medallion off the pyre. Subsequently, Ciri tried to involve herself in a discussion between Geralt, Avallac’h, Yennefer and Triss over reassembling the Lodge of Sorceresses to fight the Hunt. She becomes angry that decisions are being made without her and departs their company.
A few days later, Ciri becomes disheartened that her training with Avallac’h hadn’t be progressing well. Geralt can either cheer her up with a snowball fight or sour her with Lambert’s famous home brew.
Ciri later stirs Geralt early in the morning, revealing she had discovered Imlerith was attending a sabbath on Bald Mountain in Velen, as would the Crones, though she hadn’t told Avallac’h of her plans. Geralt can suggest visiting her biological father, Emperor Emhyr var Emreis, in Vizima first or go to Bald Mountain immediately.
If Geralt and Ciri go to meet Emhyr, the latter addresses her by all her titles as nobles and soldiers kneel before her. He then presents the second half of Geralt’s payment as thanks for finding his daughter. Whether Geralt accepts or not affects Ciri. Ciri then engages in private conversation with Emhyr but later stormed out, angry at his attempts to buy her.
A few weeks later, Geralt and Ciri arrive at Bald Mountain and are forced to contend with the local celebration, which ends in them being sent to a sylvan named Fugas for execution. After slaying the monster, Ciri plays a game of rock, paper, scissors, to decide who will face the Crones and who would slay Imlerith. Ciri lost the game and thus went to confront the Crones. She interrupts them while they were stirring a cauldron full of human remains, prompting them to transform from beautiful women into their true, hideous forms. Ciri managed to slay Brewess and Whispess but Weavess managed to escape with Vesemir’s medallion.
Their mission a success, the pair head for Novigrad, where Ciri had a multitude of personal matters to take care of. With Geralt, she revisits all the people she had encountered in the city. She was also present when Geralt and Avallac’h bring Ge’els from the world of the Aen Elle to show him proof that Eredin murdered the previous Aen Elle king, Auberon Muircetach, so he’d stop supporting the regicide. Ge’els attempts to sow animosity between Ciri and Avallac’h, but it fails. Corinne Tilly, an oneiromancer, shows everyone through dreams of Eredin’s regicide.
After Philippa Eilhart and Margarita Laux-Antille are gathered, they ask to meet with Ciri. If Geralt accompanies Ciri to the meeting, it undermines her confidence. The sorceresses extended an invitation for Ciri to join the Lodge as an equal partner.
The party then travels to Skellige to find an elven artifact called the Sunstone to lure Eredin into a trap. Ciri then expresses her desire to investigate Avallac’h secret laboratory in the isles, suspecting the elf to be hiding something from her. She goes ahead with Yennefer to await Geralt’s arrival. After penetrating the laboratory, they find a genealogical chart of Elder Blood descendants; Avallac’h was studying all paths of Lara Dorren, even those thought extinct. They soon encounter a she-elf, claiming to be Avallac’h’s lover, who proceeds to insult Ciri, calling her a degenernate half-breed and that Avallac’h despises that he needs her. Her words anger Ciri so much that she wants to tear up the lab. Geralt can support her and aid in the ransacking, cheering her up, or calm her down and fasten Lara Dorren’s necklace around her neck, depressing her.
Once outside, Ciri asks to go to Hindersfjall to see Skjall, only to be told of his death. If Geralt refuses, it depresses her. If he agrees to accompany her, they either meet up later or teleport there. Upon arrival, Ciri learns that Skjall was never buried, instead thrown on a corpse heap. After finding his corpse and giving it a proper burial, they are accosted by a band of villagers, who take issue with their defiance against their elders’ writ, as Skjall was dishonoured and his name stricken. Ciri threatens retaliation if Skjall’s grave is disturbed and reveals Skjall’s role in saving her from the Hunt, restoring his honor.
The party then sail to Undvik to spring the trap, with the Nilfgaardian fleet preventing the Naglfar from fleeing by sea and the sorceresses blocking their attempts to teleport. As the battle started, though advised to remain on shore, Ciri realized that Geralt and his Nilfgaardian detachment were frozen and decided to go out and assist. Avallac’h advised her to find Caranthir and break the jewel on his staff to lift the spell. After fighting through Hunt warriors and hounds did Ciri engage Caranthir, eventually destroying his staff, though the effort seemingly knocked her unconscious. Caranthir then attempted to grab Ciri, only for her to teleport away.
After Geralt mortally wounded Eredin, the elven king stated that Avallac’h had tricked them both, pitting them against each other while he made off with Ciri. When Geralt confronts Avallac’h as another Conjunction of the Spheres begins, but Avallac’h drops his sword proving that he did not betray them but was just following Ciri’s wish to come here. Geralt then confronts Ciri who tells him that she has to go inside the portal to stop the White Frost. Depending on Geralt’s interactions with her, Ciri may either survive or die stopping the White Frost.
Final Fate
Depending on Geralt’s interactions with her on crucial points, Ciri will either survive or die during her final battle against the White Frost. There are three possible endings for Ciri.
Ciri dies
If Geralt has made three out of five negative decisions with Ciri, like assisting her to her meeting with the Lodge of Sorceresses or telling her to calm down when she loses her temper after visiting Avallac’h’s laboratory, Ciri will feel unconfident of herself during her final battle. She will still defeat the White Frost but will die in the process. Geralt will hunt down and slay the last Crone who escaped Ciri’s wrath previously. After killing the last Crone, Geralt will furiously search for the medallion that the Crone stole from Ciri. He will find the medallion but will also be consumed by grief while the hut he’s in gets surrounded by monsters. Geralt’s fate is left unknown at that point.
Ciri becomes a witcher
If Geralt has made three out of five positive decisions with her, like letting her trash Avallac’h’s laboratory or encouraging her to meet the Lodge alone and did not bring her to Emhyr var Emreis, Ciri will defeat the White Frost and survive in process. Later Geralt will pay a last visit to the emperor and lie to him about Ciri’s fate, telling that Ciri has stopped the White Frost but paid the ultimate price for it. Emhyr will send Geralt away and tell him that he does not wish to see him ever again. Geralt makes his way to White Orchard where he will recieve a unique silver sword for someone in particular. He will then make his way to the inn to meet with the mysterious person, who turns out to be Ciri. Ciri will accept Geralt’s gift and will officially become a witcher.
Ciri becomes the Empress of Nilfgaard
Combat Style
In certain parts of the story, the player will take control of Ciri. Due to her witcher training at Kaer Morhen, Ciri fights nearly identical to Geralt, though there are differences as well. Unlike Geralt, Ciri is unable to cast signs, cannot drink potions, cannot parry or use strong attacks and does not possess Witcher senses. Ciri instead posssesses three special abilities as a result of her Elder Blood. One of them is called «blink,» which allows Ciri to teleport behind her foes and hit multiple enemies in a row, sometimes going in a killstreak. Another ability is called «magic stone,» which is recieved during the Battle of Kaer Morhen. It allows Ciri to summon a fireball towards her position, which could however hurt her if she does not move away. The third ability is called «charge,» which allows Ciri to dash at enemies and deal a colossal amout of damage to any enemy on her path.
Ciri as a child
Ciri and Geralt
Ciri and Yennefer
Ciri with her adopted parents, Geralt and Yennefer
Witcher Heroes |
Angoulême | Avallac’h | Cahir | Crach an Craite | Cerys an Craite | Ciri | Corinne Tilly |
This Article Contains Spoilers —
This article’s content is marked as Mature The page Ciri contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | You don’t know how it is. To see someone you love die. Because of you, for you. | „ |
~ Ciri to Geralt. |
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, or commonly known simply as Ciri, is the deuteragonist of the Witcher franchise, serving as the deuteragonist of the novels and the games and one of the three protagonists (alongside Geralt and Yennefer) of the 2019 Netflix adaptation. She’s a princess of Cintra and the daughter of Pavetta and Duny, which was an alias used by Emhyr var Emreis, the emperor of Nilfgaard, as well as the adopted daughter of Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer of Vengerberg. Throughout the game, Ciri is being chased by The Wild Hunt led by Eredin Bréacc Glas, the king of Aen Elle elves and the Wild Hunt who wants to harness the power of of Elder Blood running through Ciri’s veins to cause the Conjunction of Spheres to bring the Aen Elle elves into the world of humans. She notably becomes playable multiple times throughout The Witcher 3, making her the only other playable character in the games other than Geralt himself.
She is voiced by Jo Wyatt. In the 2019 TV series, she is played by Freya Allan.
Ciri’s most distinguishing features are her ashen hair and the scar on her cheek. She has emerald-green eyes. As a child, she wore her hair short and had a white-and-brown outfit with light brown boots and dark green leggings. As a young adult, her appearance and attire is very different; she now wears her hair past her shoulders, and has a white shirt with black leggings, black trousers and dark brown trousers. She has grown quite tall, being almost as tall as Yennefer.
After the Witcher Geralt of Rivia lifted a curse from Duny, the Urcheon of Erlenwald, he demanded from Duny his wife Pavetta’s firstborn child, a child he had but didn’t know he had, due to the Law of Surprise. Six years to the day after the child’s birth, Geralt went back to Cintra for her, but did not take her with him to Kaer Morhen at that time. In fact, he didn’t even lay eyes on her and only spoke with Calanthe. The Queen divulged no information to him, not even the child’s gender. This child was named Cirilla.
While she was still an infant, Ciri’s parents were both lost in a storm at sea. They were presumed dead. She spent her youth in Cintra and the Skellige Islands, cared for by her grandmother. Ciri first met Geralt when she was lost in the forest of Brokilon. She was nearly taken by the dryads, who wished to make her one of their own. The Queen of the dryads, Eithné, unexpectedly let the girl choose her own future. Ciri chose Geralt, and wished to stay with him after they left Brokilon. However, the Witcher would not take her with him. Instead, he left her with the druid Mousesack who was working for Calanthe. Then came the slaughter of Cintra.
During the Nilfgaardian invasion of Cintra, Ciri was kidnapped by a Nilfgaardian knight named Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, though his identity was not known at the time. She managed to escape and wandered aimlessly for some time through Sodden until she was ultimately adopted by a merchant’s family.
Coincidentally, Geralt had been helped by that same merchant and transported to his home. Thus, Ciri and Geralt were once again united. This time the Witcher took her with him to Kaer Morhen, where, under the supervision of Triss Merigold she underwent partial Witcher training, sans mutations, with Geralt, Vesemir, Lambert, Eskel and Coën. It was there that it was confirmed that Ciri was a source.
Geralt and Triss later took her to the Temple of Melitele in Ellander where she received instruction from Nenneke, and then from Yennefer, who began Ciri’s magical training in earnest. As news of war began to spread, Ciri and Yennefer left Ellander for Gors Velen and ultimately Thanedd Island and Aretuza where the sorceress intended to enroll the girl as well as attend a conference of mages.
Things did not work out as planned though, not by a long shot. There was a coup during the conference and several individuals including Vilgefortz and Cahir tried to capture Ciri once again, and once again failed with the girl escaping through an unstable magical portal in Tor Lara. Because of the portal’s nature, Ciri was simply ejected in mid-air over the Korath desert.
Unaware of where she was and without obvious recourse, the girl decided to make her way out of the wasteland by heading west. Unfortunately she wandered around in circles for some time before deciding to use the stars as a guide. She nearly died of exhaustion, dehydration and starvation. Luckily to her she met a unicorn whom she nicknamed Horsey that helped her out of the Frying Pan (a folk name for the deadly desert).
Ciri, who was still undergoing an emotional tribulation, then joined the Rats, a group of ne’er-do-wells she met when they were rescuing one of their members, under the name Falka. Bounty hunter Leo Bonhart was hired by Stefan Skellen to kill Ciri and by baron Casadei to capture her alive. Bonhart killed the Rats and cut off their heads after their deaths. He neither killed Ciri, nor brought her to baron Casadei, therefore not fullfilling his contracts. Bonhart imprisoned her for some time, beating her, mistreating and forcing her to kill in the arena at Claremont, which belonged to his cousin Houvenaghel.
Ciri managed to escape with the help of Neratin Ceka when Bonhart had taken her to the village of Unicorn on the eve of the equinox. He had gone to meet with Skellen and Rience and possibly negotiate some terms to release Ciri. Bonhart then killed Neratin Ceka, and Skellen seriously wounded Ciri, disfiguring her with an orion as she fled the village on her mare, Kelpie.
Later, she was found, near death by Vysogota of Corvo, who hid and healed at his hermitage in the Pereplut swamp. She stayed with Vysogotha until shortly after Saovine when she set off to find the Swallow’s tower.
Together with Skellen and Rience, Bonhart tried to hunt her down on the order of Vilgefortz. Eventually, she escaped to Tor Zireael.
Being a twin tower to Tor Lara, Tor Zireael had a portal which led Cirilla to the world of the Aen Elle elves. There she was greeted by Avallac’h, an Aen Saevherne. He explained to her that she had to ‘pay the debt’ referring to the perceived loss to the Aen Elle when Lara Dorren took Cregennan of Lod as her lover. The elves believed that the latter had ‘stolen’ Elder Blood from them by marrying Lara. To atone for that ‘crime’ Avallac’h wanted Ciri to beget a child with Auberon Muircetach, the king of the Aen Elle. That being the only way Avallac’h would let her return to her own world. On their way to Tir ná Lia, the Aen Elle capital, they met Eredin and his Dearg Ruadhri. Ciri was initially quite infatuated with him — he realised that and tried to use it to control her. They also came across a pack of unicorns which appeared to be at war with Aen Elle.
In Tir na Lia Ciri finally met Auberon, who many times tries to conceive a child with her, however he could not — to him she was just a human, a being of no interest for an Aen Elle. Nevertheless he was very proud and refused to admit it. Eredin suggested using a ‘potion’ which would improve Auberon’s performance and allow him to conceive a child with Cirilla. He also told her the truth (probably to gain her trust) — that Avallac’h would never let her go. Knowing this, Ciri found help with the unicorns where she also met Horsey/Ihuarraquax, by then fully grown. The unicorns explained that both Fox and Sparrowhawk had once possessed The Gate of the Worlds, a mystical power known only to those of the Elder Blood but they had lost it. Now they wanted these powers back and for that they needed Ciri. This could not be allowed, however and the unicorns explained to Cirilla how she should escape.
That same day Ciri once again visited Auberon only to find that he had drunk the ‘potion’ given to him by Eredin. Unknown to Sparrowhawk it happened to be too strong and killed Auberon. That night Ciri attempted to escape Tir na Lia and its barrier by using a boat and swimming with the river’s current. She was stopped by Eredin who then revealed his true intentions, being the same as Avallac’h’s. The two battled and Ciri proved victorious due to the elf’s underestimation of her abilities — she wounded him and threw him into the river. Later on she mounted Kelpie and rode away from Tir na Lia. She met Horsey who offered his help (actually his being by Ciri’s side was a part of her bargain with the other unicorns). They came across a huge pile of bones. To her horror, Ciri realised that the skulls had human teeth making them a pile of human bones. Ihuarraquax explained that it had been a human world until the elves led by Fox and Sparrowhawk arrived and killed them all — this also would be the fate of other worlds, including Ciri’s own, should Avallac’h and Eredin succeed in once again harnessing the power of time and space. Nevertheless, Ihuarraquax and Ciri realised that they were being chased. Horsey urged Ciri to jump to another world — the only way to escape. She, however didn’t know how. The unicorn became her guide and they jumped. This led to the manifestation of Ciri’s strongest power, giving her the title of The Lady of the Worlds. That power allowed her to traverse space and time at will. Not being able to control it, however, Ciri had to journey through many different worlds to finally find her own.
At the Stygga castle, Bonhart died at the hand of Ciri.
In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
In the prologue, Geralt experiences a dream where he trains a younger Ciri at Kaer Morhen. However, the dream turns into a nightmare, as the Wild Hunt appears, freezing everyone, including Ciri, with Geralt helpless to act.
Having hidden in another world for over half a year the Wild Hunt found Ciri forcing her to flee. At some point Ciri discovered that Geralt had been captured by the Wild Hunt and managed to free him and send him to the forests outside of Kaer Morhen although he lost his memory in the process.
Several months later Ciri along with an elf called Avallac’h returned from another world ending up in Skellige where the Wild Hunt found and attacked them cursing Avallac’h and forcing Ciri to teleport away. This lead her to appear in Crookback Bog where she collapsed and was found by the Crones. The Crones intended to give her to the Wild Hunt however knew that she possessed Elder blood and could not decide whether to cut her up for her blood or not. Ciri realising this escaped and fled into the nearby forest, narrowly evading Imlerith. Traveling west into Velen, she encountered a young girl who was lost and rescued her as well as a local man from a werewolf. She was then taken to Crow’s Perch and taken in by Philip Strenger (known as the Bloody Baron) who alongside with his men she befriended. During a race with Philip the two are attacked by a monster and Ciri was forced to use her powers to save him. However, Ciri realised that Wild Hunt would sense her powers so she left Crow’s Perch and headed to Novigrad.
Ciri tracked down Dandelion to enlist his help in repairing a phylactery to lift the curse on Avallac’h, though she excluded the identity of her friend. Dandelion suggested going to Cyprian «Whoreson Junior» Willy. Willy later turned on them, capturing and torturing their friend Dudu. Ciri managed to rescue Dudu but her activities got the attention of the Temple Guard, who chased her towards Temple Isle. Just as an crossbowman took a shot at her, Ciri teleported herself to safety.
Ciri teleported all the way to Skellige, where she fell unconscious, dropping into a lake. Avallac’h found her and gave her to the safety of a native Skelliger, Skjall, and his family. When she came to, Ciri accepted the invitation to heal at the local sauna. But soon as she prepared to depart, the Wild Hunt descended on the village, forcing Ciri to flee once more. She found her way to Avallac’h, who was waiting with a boat. But upon seeing Skjall being cut down by a Red Rider, she attempted to turn back to help him, but Avallac’h stunned her with a sleeping spell and took her to the Isle of Mists to hide her from the Hunt.
Ciri was taken in by a company of seven dwarves, who were also stranded on the Isle. She is later found by Geralt, who had managed to lift the curse on Avallac’h, who gave him a magical firefly to lead him to the Isle. After gaining the trust of the dwarves, whose number had been reduced to five, Geralt is allowed to see Ciri. Seeing her prone form, he assumed her dead, until the firefly merges with her, stirring the young woman awake. Geralt and Ciri catch up on what happened to the latter. Ciri reveals Eredin’s motive for pursuing her, explaining that the Aen Elle world faces annihilation, so the King of the Hunt seeks to use her to power the portal to allow his army to conquer the Continent, even at the risk of Ciri’s life.
As they prepare to leave, they discover the dwarves had taken Geralt’s boat and fled the Isle, before spotting the Wild Hunt’s flagship, the Naglfar, in the distance, forcing Ciri to teleport them directly to Kaer Morhen. Upon arrival, Ciri is happily reunited with Vesemir, Yennefer and Triss.
However, the time for celebration was cut short, as the Hunt would soon assault the aging keep. Ciri was ordered to remain inside the keep while everyone else defended her. Triss provided Ciri with a magical amulet to call down a magical fireball. However, Ciri defies orders and goes to help Triss when she came under attack by Hunt warriors. She later assisted Eskel against Caranthir, before the Hunt general hears a war horn signalling him to retreat.
Ultimately, the Hunt breaches Kaer Morhen, freezing everyone except for Ciri and Vesemir. They are then attacked by Imlerith, allowing Eredin to finally get a hold of Ciri. But as he dragged her towards a portal, Vesemir breaks off from Imlerith and engages Eredin, forcing the elf to release Ciri. As Imlerith charged at the elderly witcher, Vesemir used Aard to push Ciri away as the large elf lifts him up by the throat. Surrounded by the Wild Hunt and with her mentor held hostage, Ciri dropped her sword in surrender. However, Vesemir stabbed Imlerith, prompted the general to snap his neck, killing him. In grief and anguish, Ciri unleashed a magical scream that affected the Hunt. Calanthir conjured a portal, which Imlerith fled through, but Eredin desperately stumbled towards Ciri. Calanthir recognized his king would die in the attempt and forcibly dragged Eredin through the portal. But Ciri’s power had gone out of control, threatening to kill everyone in Kaer Morhen had not Avallac’h intervened and stopped her.
While cremating Vesemir, Ciri started to regret returning to Kaer Morhen, despite Geralt’s attempts to calm her, as she snatched Vesemir’s medallion off the pyre. Subsequently, Ciri tried to involve herself in a discussion between Geralt, Avallac’h, Yennefer and Triss over reassembling the Lodge of Sorceresses to fight the Hunt. She becomes angry that decisions are being made without her and departs their company.
A few days later, Ciri becomes disheartened that her training with Avallac’h hadn’t be progressing well. Geralt can either cheer her up with a snowball fight or sour her with Lambert’s famous home brew.
Ciri later stirs Geralt early in the morning, revealing she had discovered Imlerith was attending a sabbath on Bald Mountain in Velen, as would the Crones, though she hadn’t told Avallac’h of her plans. Geralt can suggest visiting her biological father, Emperor Emhyr var Emreis, in Vizima first or go to Bald Mountain immediately.
If Geralt and Ciri go to meet Emhyr, the latter addresses her by all her titles as nobles and soldiers kneel before her. He then presents the second half of Geralt’s payment as thanks for finding his daughter. Whether Geralt accepts or not affects Ciri. Ciri then engages in private conversation with Emhyr but later stormed out, angry at his attempts to buy her.
A few weeks later, Geralt and Ciri arrive at Bald Mountain and are forced to contend with the local celebration, which ends in them being sent to a sylvan named Fugas for execution. After slaying the monster, Ciri plays a game of rock, paper, scissors, to decide who will face the Crones and who would slay Imlerith. Ciri lost the game and thus went to confront the Crones. She interrupts them while they were stirring a cauldron full of human remains, prompting them to transform from beautiful women into their true, hideous forms. Ciri managed to slay Brewess and Whispess but Weavess managed to escape with Vesemir’s medallion.
Their mission a success, the pair head for Novigrad, where Ciri had a multitude of personal matters to take care of. With Geralt, she revisits all the people she had encountered in the city. She was also present when Geralt and Avallac’h bring Ge’els from the world of the Aen Elle to show him proof that Eredin murdered the previous Aen Elle king, Auberon Muircetach, so he’d stop supporting the regicide. Ge’els attempts to sow animosity between Ciri and Avallac’h, but it fails. Corinne Tilly, an oneiromancer, shows everyone through dreams of Eredin’s regicide.
After Philippa Eilhart and Margarita Laux-Antille are gathered, they ask to meet with Ciri. If Geralt accompanies Ciri to the meeting, it undermines her confidence. The sorceresses extended an invitation for Ciri to join the Lodge as an equal partner.
The party then travels to Skellige to find an elven artifact called the Sunstone to lure Eredin into a trap. Ciri then expresses her desire to investigate Avallac’h secret laboratory in the isles, suspecting the elf to be hiding something from her. She goes ahead with Yennefer to await Geralt’s arrival. After penetrating the laboratory, they find a genealogical chart of Elder Blood descendants; Avallac’h was studying all paths of Lara Dorren, even those thought extinct. They soon encounter a she-elf, claiming to be Avallac’h’s lover, who proceeds to insult Ciri, calling her a degenernate half-breed and that Avallac’h despises that he needs her. Her words anger Ciri so much that she wants to tear up the lab. Geralt can support her and aid in the ransacking, cheering her up, or calm her down and fasten Lara Dorren’s necklace around her neck, depressing her.
Once outside, Ciri asks to go to Hindersfjall to see Skjall, only to be told of his death. If Geralt refuses, it depresses her. If he agrees to accompany her, they either meet up later or teleport there. Upon arrival, Ciri learns that Skjall was never buried, instead thrown on a corpse heap. After finding his corpse and giving it a proper burial, they are accosted by a band of villagers, who take issue with their defiance against their elders’ writ, as Skjall was dishonoured and his name stricken. Ciri threatens retaliation if Skjall’s grave is disturbed and reveals Skjall’s role in saving her from the Hunt, restoring his honor.
The party then sail to Undvik to spring the trap, with the Nilfgaardian fleet preventing the Naglfar from fleeing by sea and the sorceresses blocking their attempts to teleport. As the battle started, though advised to remain on shore, Ciri realized that Geralt and his Nilfgaardian detachment were frozen and decided to go out and assist. Avallac’h advised her to find Caranthir and break the jewel on his staff to lift the spell. After fighting through Hunt warriors and hounds did Ciri engage Caranthir, eventually destroying his staff, though the effort seemingly knocked her unconscious. Caranthir then attempted to grab Ciri, only for her to teleport away.
After Geralt mortally wounded Eredin, the elven king stated that Avallac’h had tricked them both, pitting them against each other while he made off with Ciri. When Geralt confronts Avallac’h as another Conjunction of the Spheres begins, but Avallac’h drops his sword proving that he did not betray them but was just following Ciri’s wish to come here. Geralt then confronts Ciri who tells him that she has to go inside the portal to stop the White Frost. Depending on Geralt’s interactions with her, Ciri may either survive or die stopping the White Frost.
Final Fate
Depending on Geralt’s interactions with her on crucial points, Ciri will either survive or die during her final battle against the White Frost. There are three possible endings for Ciri.
Ciri dies
If Geralt has made three out of five negative decisions with Ciri, like assisting her to her meeting with the Lodge of Sorceresses or telling her to calm down when she loses her temper after visiting Avallac’h’s laboratory, Ciri will feel unconfident of herself during her final battle. She will still defeat the White Frost but will die in the process. Geralt will hunt down and slay the last Crone who escaped Ciri’s wrath previously. After killing the last Crone, Geralt will furiously search for the medallion that the Crone stole from Ciri. He will find the medallion but will also be consumed by grief while the hut he’s in gets surrounded by monsters. Geralt’s fate is left unknown at that point.
Ciri becomes a witcher
If Geralt has made three out of five positive decisions with her, like letting her trash Avallac’h’s laboratory or encouraging her to meet the Lodge alone and did not bring her to Emhyr var Emreis, Ciri will defeat the White Frost and survive in process. Later Geralt will pay a last visit to the emperor and lie to him about Ciri’s fate, telling that Ciri has stopped the White Frost but paid the ultimate price for it. Emhyr will send Geralt away and tell him that he does not wish to see him ever again. Geralt makes his way to White Orchard where he will recieve a unique silver sword for someone in particular. He will then make his way to the inn to meet with the mysterious person, who turns out to be Ciri. Ciri will accept Geralt’s gift and will officially become a witcher.
Ciri becomes the Empress of Nilfgaard
Combat Style
In certain parts of the story, the player will take control of Ciri. Due to her witcher training at Kaer Morhen, Ciri fights nearly identical to Geralt, though there are differences as well. Unlike Geralt, Ciri is unable to cast signs, cannot drink potions, cannot parry or use strong attacks and does not possess Witcher senses. Ciri instead posssesses three special abilities as a result of her Elder Blood. One of them is called «blink,» which allows Ciri to teleport behind her foes and hit multiple enemies in a row, sometimes going in a killstreak. Another ability is called «magic stone,» which is recieved during the Battle of Kaer Morhen. It allows Ciri to summon a fireball towards her position, which could however hurt her if she does not move away. The third ability is called «charge,» which allows Ciri to dash at enemies and deal a colossal amout of damage to any enemy on her path.
Ciri as a child
Ciri and Geralt
Ciri and Yennefer
Ciri with her adopted parents, Geralt and Yennefer
Witcher Heroes |
Angoulême | Avallac’h | Cahir | Crach an Craite | Cerys an Craite | Ciri | Corinne Tilly |
Цирилла: перевод на английский язык, синонимы, примеры предложений, антонимы
Предложения со словом «Цирилла»
Кэлен промокнула лоб сестры влажным полотенцем, и Цирилла схватила ее за руку. |
Cyrilla clutched Kahlan’s arm as Kahlan wiped the cool cloth over her brow. |
Цирилла вздрогнула от внезапной боли, пронзившей все ее тело. |
Cyrilla flinched with the sudden flash of pain coursing through every joint in her body. |
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Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 7 июля 2021 года; проверки требуют 3 правки.
Цирилла Фиона Элен Рианнон польск. Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon |
Вселенная | Мир «Ведьмака» |
Появления | Произведения: «Меч Предназначения», «Кровь эльфов», «Час Презрения», «Крещение огнём», «Башня Ласточки», «Владычица Озера», «Что-то кончается, что-то начинается» Фильм: «Ведьмак» (2001) Компьютерные игры: «Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота» Сериалы: «Ведьмак» (2002), «Ведьмак» (2019 – …) |
Создатель | Анджей Сапковский |
Исполнение |
Кинематограф: Дарья Пронина (Фильм-мюзикл «Дорога без возврата») Театр: |
Прозвище | Цири, Львёнок из Цинтры, Фалька, Zireael, Ласточка |
Раса | Человек |
Пол | Женщина |
Статус | княжна Цинтры |
Возраст | 16 лет («Владычица Озера»)[1] |
Дата рождения | ок. 1252 года (летоисчисление саги) |
Место рождения | Цинтра |
Родственники |
Паветта из Цинтры (мать), Геральт (приёмный отец), |
Цирилла Фиона Элен Рианнон (польск. Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon) или Цири (польск. Ciri), также известная, как Zireael (с языка Старшей Речи – Ласточка) — персонаж цикла «Ведьмак» Анджея Сапковского — королева Цинтры, принцесса Бругге, герцогиня Соддена, наследница Инис Ард Скеллиг и Инис Ан Скеллиг, сюзерен Аттре и Абб Ярра, также известная как Львёнок из Цинтры, внучка королевы Калантэ. Она является одним из главных персонажей цикла наряду с Геральтом и Йеннифэр.
Биография[править | править код]
Цири, дочь Паветты, принцессы Цинтры, и герцога Дани (имя, под которым скрывался наследный принц Нильфгаардской Империи Эмгыр вар Эмрейс), родилась в мае 1252 года (по летосчислению Саги)[1]. Она стала ребёнком-неожиданностью (Предназначением) ведьмака Геральта.
Когда Цири была совсем маленькой, её родители без вести пропали во время морского шторма в месте, называемом бездна Седны. С этого момента они считались погибшими, а Цири стала наследницей престола после своей бабушки, королевы Калантэ. Во время нападения Нильфгаарда на Цинтру юную княжну спасает от гибели во время пожара нильфгаардский рыцарь Кагыр Маур Дыффин аэп Кеаллах, порученец императора Эмгыра, которому было приказано привезти её в Нильфгаард, но в итоге девочка попадает в одну из деревушек граничащего с Цинтрой государства, где её находит ведьмак Геральт: сокращая путь через Мехунские Урочища, он встречается с купцом средней руки по имени Йурга, наткнувшимся на логово местных чудовищ и не желавшим бросать телеги с добром. После недолгих колебаний ведьмак всё же помог купцу, но сам пострадал в бою с монстрами. Тяжело раненного Геральта Йурга вывез на одной из своей телег, в благодарность за спасение дав Геральту клятву отдать то, чего не ожидает увидеть дома, не совсем понимая её судьбоносного значения. По прибытии в свою деревню в Заречье купец узнал от супруги, что она приютила маленькую девочку, по её словам, одну из жертв недавней войны с Нильфгаардом. Этой девочкой и была Цири, их с Геральтом встреча произошла буквально на глазах у ошеломлённого купца, подспудно понявшего, что он каким-то образом прикоснулся к Предназначению.
Примечательно, что Предназначение, к которому Геральт долгое время относился довольно иронично, считая его вымыслом и излишней для него философией, довольно скоро показало ему, насколько он был не прав. Судьба весьма жестоко отнеслась ко многим из тех, кто, пусть даже ненадолго, попал в его окружение.
— Ты смеешься над Предназначением. Насмехаешься над ним, играешь с ним. У Меча Предназначения два острия. Одно из них — ты. Другое — смерть? Но это умираем мы, умираем из-за тебя. Тебя смерть не может достать, поэтому довольствуется нами. Смерть следует за тобой по пятам, Белый Волк. Но умирают другие. Из-за тебя.
Семья купца Йурги, приютив девочку-Исток, наследницу Старшей Крови, которой впоследствии суждено было стать Владычицей Времени и Пространства, не пережила знакомства с девочкой и ведьмаком. Спустя какое-то время Риенс, фактотум чародея Вильгефорца, охотившегося за Цири, разыскал семью Йурги с целью узнать о Цирилле всё, что им было известно. Учитывая жестокость и садистские наклонности Риенса — ни сам купец, ни члены его семьи не пережили допроса.
После захвата Нильфгаардом Цинтры Геральт забирает Цири с собой в замок Каэр Морхен, чтобы сделать из неё ведьмачку. Цирилла воспитывалась под руководством двух чародеек — сначала Трисс Меригольд, которая приехала в Каэр Морхен; затем ведьмакам приходится распрощаться с воспитанницей и передать её на воспитание в храм Мэлителе в Элландере, где её начнёт обучать Йеннифэр. В храме Цири продолжает своё обучение. Таким образом она получила азы ведьмачьего мастерства, так и не подвергаясь мутации, а затем — элементарное образование при храме и основы магии, которым её обучала Йеннифэр.
На протяжении всей Саги за Цири охотится Вильгефорц, шпион Дийкстры, эльфы Aen Elle, разведки всех правящих королей и нильфгаардские ловчие. Во время событий на острове Танедд она была разлучена с Йеннифэр и Геральтом: используя испорченный портал полуразрушенной башни Тор Лара (со Старшей Речи Башня Чайки), Цири перенеслась в пустыню Корат, где спаслась от гибели благодаря встрече с молодым единорогом, затем — добровольно отказалась от магической силы, над пробуждением и управлением которой с ней работала Йеннифэр. Благодаря этому отказу ей удалось спасти жизнь единорогу, что впоследствии сыграло свою роль.
На границе пустыни с одним из завоёванных империей княжеств Цири была найдена нильфгаардскими ловчими. Бежала от них, присоединившись к банде под названием Крысы, стала разбойничать с ними под именем Фалька. В это же время сошлась с бандиткой Мистле. После уничтожения Крыс Бонартом была захвачена им в плен и против своей воли выступала на арене для боёв города Клармон. После того как её попытались передать Вильгефорцу, к ней спонтанно вернулись магические способности и она перенеслась на болота Переплюта, попав в итоге к старому отшельнику Высоготе. Тот вылечил её и направил на верный путь к Башне Ласточки. К Башне Ласточки изначально вёл портал Башни Чайки, испорченный при частичном разрушении последней.
В Башне Ласточки перед Цири открывается возможность выхода в один из параллельных миров, населённых одним из племён эльфов — Народом Ольх, которые также собираются использовать её в своих целях. Она оказывается пойманной в ловушку, из которой ей помогает выбраться спасённый ранее единорог. В Цири просыпаются способности воздействовать на пространство и время, в результате чего она начинает своё путешествие по мирам в поисках своего родного.
После скитаний по другим мирам Цири попадает в замок Стигга, убежище Вильгефорца из Роггевеена — мага ренегата, который хотел использовать её ген Старшей Крови для собственных целей, но не успел это сделать, так как был убит Геральтом[2].
Старшая Кровь[править | править код]
Генеалогия Цири прослеживается в книге «Крещение огнём». Неоднократно подчеркивается, что в её жилах течет Старшая Кровь (кровь Эльфов), о чём свидетельствуют телосложение и миндалевидные зелёные глаза. Ген, связанный с магическими способностями, передался ей от предков, среди которых была знаменитая эльфийская чародейка Лара Доррен аэп Шиадаль. От союза Лары и мага-человека родилась прапрабабушка Цири, Рианнон.
По пророчеству эльфийской предсказательницы Итлинны, от крови Лары Доррен появится некий Мститель, которому суждено разрушить привычный мир и спасти тех, кто за ним пойдёт, от Белого Хлада (видимо, имеется в виду глобальное оледенение).
По подсчётам, Мстителем должен был стать ребенок Цири, чем обусловлена охота за ней многими значительными политическими фигурами — нильфгаардским императором Эмгыром вар Эмрейсом, чародеем Вильгефорцем, представителями Народа Ольх, Дикой Охотой, разведками королей Севера.
Персонаж вне книги[править | править код]
Рок-опера «Дорога без возврата»[править | править код]
«…Когда я начала играть Цириллу мне было 9 лет. Благодаря опере я начала быстро взрослеть»
Цирилла — главная героиня фильма-мюзикла Дорога без возврата 2011 — 2012 года — экранизации сценической постановки одноимённой рок-оперы созданной симфо-рок группой «ESSE» (Ростов-на-Дону) по мотивам саги «Ведьмак» Анджея Сапковского[4]. Цирила — княжна королевства Цинтра, юная чародейка, дочь принцессы Паветты и Эмгыра вар Эмрейса — императора Нильфгаарда, внучка Калантэ–королевы Цинтры, далёкий потомок Лары Доррэн аэп Шиадаль и Крегеннана из Леда, носитель гена «Старшей крови» (Hen Icher). Согласно пророчеству Итлины, она должна произвести на свет ребёнка-мстителя, который разрушит мир, и построит его заново.
[5][4]. В рок-опере и фильме-мюзикле «Дорога без возврата» роль княжны Цириллы исполняет Дарья Пронина.[6].
В композиции «Владычица озера». Цирилла, перемещаясь во времени в поисках «своего», «правильного» времени, попадает на берег озера, где встречает друга-единорога.Он помогает ей найти путь к её предназначению, её времени, её друзьям. Путь к спасению чародейки Йеннифэр из темницы замка волшебника Вильгефорца. Путь помощи ведьмаку Геральту, который пытаясь найти исчезнувших с Таннедда Цириллу и чародейку Йеннифэр идёт в расставленную чародеем-Вильгефорцем ловушку, где приманка — Йеннифэр, а жертва — сама Цирилла.[7]
Телевидение[править | править код]
В телесериалах 2002 и 2019 года роль Цири исполнили соответственно Марта Битнер и Фрейя Аллан.
Примечания[править | править код]
Что означает имя Цирилла? Что обозначает имя Цирилла? Что значит имя Цирилла для человека? Какое значение имени Цирилла, происхождение, судьба и характер носителя? Какой национальности имя Цирилла? Как переводится имя Цирилла? Как правильно пишется имя Цирилла? Совместимость c именем Цирилла — подходящий цвет, камни обереги, планета покровитель и знак зодиака. Полная характеристика имени Цирилла и его подробный анализ вы можете прочитать онлайн в этой статье совершенно бесплатно.
Анализ имени Цирилла
Имя Цирилла состоит из 7 букв. Семь букв в имени – это люди канона. Они безоговорочно принимают внушенные в процессе воспитания правила и искренне верят в то, что их неукоснительное соблюдение – единственно возможный путь к счастью. Поэтому часто проявляют упрямство и нетерпимость даже в тех случаях, когда это никак логически не обосновано. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в имени Цирилла можно понять его тайный смысл и скрытое значение.
Значение имени Цирилла в нумерологии
Нумерология имени Цирилла может подсказать не только главные качества и характер человека. Но и определить его судьбу, показать успех в личной жизни, дать сведения о карьере, расшифровать судьбоносные знаки и даже предсказать будущее. Число имени Цирилла в нумерологии — 8. Девиз имени Цирилла и восьмерок по жизни: «Я лучше всех!»
- Планета-покровитель для имени Цирилла — Сатурн.
- Знак зодиака для имени Цирилла — Лев, Скорпион и Рыбы.
- Камни-талисманы для имени Цирилла — кальцит, киноварь, коралл, диоптаза, слоновая кость, черный лигнит, марказит, мика, опал, селенит, серпентин, дымчатый кварц.
«Восьмерка» в качестве одного из чисел нумерологического ядра – это показатель доминанантного начала, практицизма, материализма и неистребимой уверенности в собственных силах.
«Восьмерка» в числах имени Цирилла – Числе Выражения, Числе Души и Числе внешнего облика – это, прежде всего, способность уверенно обращаться с деньгами и обеспечивать себе стабильное материальное положение.
Лидеры по натуре, восьмерки невероятно трудолюбивы и выносливы. Природные организаторские способности, целеустремленность и незаурядный ум позволяют им достигать поставленных целей.
Человек Восьмерки напоминает сейф, так сложно его понять и расшифровать. Истинные мотивы и желания Восьмерки с именем Цирилла всегда скрыты от других, трудно найти точки соприкосновения и установить легкие отношения. Восьмерка хорошо разбирается в людях, чувствует характер, распознает слабости и сильные стороны окружающих. Любит контролировать и доминировать в общении, сама не признает своих ошибок. Очень часто жертвует своими интересами во имя семьи. Восьмерка азартна, любит нестандартные решения. В любой профессии добивается высокого уровня мастерства. Это хороший стратег, который не боится ответственности, но Восьмерке трудно быть на втором плане. Цирилла учится быстро, любит историю, искусство. Умеет хранить чужие секреты, по натуре прирожденный психолог. Порадовать Восьмерку можно лишь доверием и открытым общением.
- Влияние имени Цирилла на профессию и карьеру. Оптимальные варианты профессиональной самореализации «восьмерки – собственный бизнес, руководящая должность или политика. Окончательный выбор часто зависит от исходных предпосылок. Например, от того, кто папа – сенатор или владелец ателье мод — зависит, что значит число 8 в выборе конкретного занятия в жизни. Подходящие профессии: финансист, управленец, политик.
- Влияние имени Цирилла на личную жизнь. Число 8 в нумерологии отношений превращает совместную жизнь или брак в такое же коммерческое предприятие, как и любое другое. И речь в данном случае идет не о «браке по расчету» в общепринятом понимании этого выражения. Восьмерки обладают волевым характером, огромной энергией и авторитетом. Однажды разочаровавшись в человеке, они будут предъявлять огромные требования к следующим партнерам. Поэтому им важны те, кто просто придет им на помощь без лишних слов. Им подойдут единицы, двойки и восьмерки.
Планета покровитель имени Цирилла
Число 8 для имени Цирилла означает планету Сатурн. Люди этого типа одиноки, они часто сталкиваются с непониманием со стороны окружающих. Внешне обладатели имени Цирилла холодны, но это лишь маска, чтобы скрыть свою природную тягу к теплу и благополучию. Люди Сатурна не любят ничего поверхностного и не принимают опрометчивых решений. Они склонны к стабильности, к устойчивому материальному положению. Но всего этого им хоть и удается достичь, но только своим потом и кровью, ничего не дается им легко. Они постоянны во всем: в связях, в привычках, в работе. К старости носители имени Цирилла чаще всего материально обеспечены. Помимо всего прочего, упрямы, что способствует достижению каких-либо целей. Эти люди пунктуальны, расчетливы в хорошем смысле этого слова, осторожны, методичны, трудолюбивы. Как правило, люди Сатурна подчиняют себе, а не подчиняются сами. Они всегда верны и постоянны, на них можно положиться. Гармония достигается с людьми второго типа.
Знаки зодиака имени Цирилла
Для имени Цирилла подходят следующие знаки зодиака:
Цвет имени Цирилла
Розовый цвет имени Цирилла. Люди с именем, носящие розовый цвет, — сдержанные и хорошие слушатели, они никогда не спорят. Хотя всегда имеют своё мнение, которому строго следуют. От носителей имени Цирилла невозможно услышать критики в адрес других. А вот себя они оценивают люди с именем Цирилла всегда критично, из-за чего бывают частые душевные стяжания и депрессивные состояния. Они прекрасные семьянины, ведь их невозможно не любить. Положительные черты характера имени Цирилла – человеколюбие и душевность. Отрицательные черты характера имени Цирилла – депрессивность и критичность.
Как правильно пишется имя Цирилла
В русском языке грамотным написанием этого имени является — Цирилла. В английском языке имя Цирилла может иметь следующий вариант написания — Cirilla.
Видео значение имени Цирилла
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