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Osamu Dazai

太宰 治
Osamu Dazai.jpg

Dazai in 1948


Shūji Tsushima

June 19, 1909

Kanagi, Aomori, Empire of Japan

Died June 13, 1948 (aged 38)

Tokyo, Allied-occupied Japan

Cause of death Double suicide with Tomie Yamazaki by drowning
Occupation(s) Novelist, Short story writer
Notable work
  • The Setting Sun
  • No Longer Human
  • Otogi-zôshi
  • «Run, Melos!»
Movement I-Novel, Buraiha
Japanese name
Kanji 太宰 治
Hiragana だざい おさむ
Romanization Dazai Osamu

Shūji Tsushima (津島 修治, Tsushima Shūji, 19 June 1909 — 13 June 1948), known by his pen name Osamu Dazai (太宰 治, Dazai Osamu), was a Japanese novelist and author.[1] A number of his most popular works, such as The Setting Sun (Shayō) and No Longer Human (Ningen Shikkaku), are considered modern-day classics.[2]

His influences include Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Murasaki Shikibu and Fyodor Dostoyevsky. While Dazai continues to be widely celebrated in Japan, he remains relatively unknown elsewhere, with only a handful of his works available in English. His last book, No Longer Human, is his most popular work outside of Japan.

Early life[edit]

Tsushima in a 1924 high school yearbook photo

Shūji Tsushima was born on June 19, 1909, the eighth surviving child of a wealthy landowner[3] and politician[1] in Kanagi, a remote corner of Japan at the northern tip of Tōhoku in Aomori Prefecture. He was the tenth of eleven children by his parents. At the time of his birth, the huge, newly-completed Tsushima mansion, where he would spend his early years, was home to some thirty family members.[4] The Tsushima family was of obscure peasant origins, with Dazai’s great-grandfather building up the family’s wealth as a moneylender, and his son increasing it further. They quickly rose in power and, after some time, became highly respected across the region.[5]

Dazai’s father, Gen’emon, a younger son of the Matsuki family, which due to «its exceedingly ‘feudal’ tradition» had no use for sons other than the eldest son and heir, was adopted into the Tsushima family to marry the eldest daughter, Tane; he became involved in politics due to his position as one of the four wealthiest landowners in the prefecture, and was offered membership into the House of Peers.[5] This made Dazai’s father absent during much of his early childhood, and with his mother, Tane, being ill,[6] Tsushima was brought up mostly by the family’s servants and his aunt Kiye.[7]

Education and literary beginnings[edit]

In 1916, Tsushima began his education at Kanagi Elementary.[8] On March 4, 1923, Tsushima’s father Gen’emon died from lung cancer,[9] and then a month later in April Tsushima attended Hirosaki High School,[10] followed by entering Hirosaki University’s literature department in 1927.[8] He developed an interest in Edo culture and began studying gidayū, a form of chanted narration used in the puppet theaters.[11] Around 1928, Tsushima edited a series of student publications and contributed some of his own works. He also published a magazine called Saibō bungei (Cell Literature) with his friends, and subsequently became a staff member of the college’s newspaper.[12]

Tsushima’s success in writing was brought to a halt when his idol, the writer Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, committed suicide in 1927 at 35 years old. Tsushima started to neglect his studies, and spent the majority of his allowance on clothes, alcohol, and prostitutes. He also dabbled with Marxism, which at the time was heavily suppressed by the government. On the night of December 10, 1929, Tsushima committed his first suicide attempt, but survived and was able to graduate the following year. In 1930, Tsushima enrolled in the French Literature Department of Tokyo Imperial University and promptly stopped studying again. In October, he ran away with a geisha named Hatsuyo Oyama [ja] and was formally disowned by his family.

Dazai (right) and Oyama Hatsuyo (second from left)

Nine days after being expelled from Tokyo Imperial University, Tsushima attempted suicide by drowning off a beach in Kamakura with another woman, 19-year-old bar hostess Shimeko Tanabe [ja]. Tanabe died, but Tsushima lived, rescued by a fishing boat and was charged as an accomplice in Tanabe’s death. Shocked by the events, Tsushima’s family intervened to drop a police investigation. His allowance was reinstated, and he was released of any charges. In December, Tsushima recovered at Ikarigaseki and married Hatsuyo there.

Soon after, Tsushima was arrested for his involvement with the banned Japanese Communist Party and, upon learning this, his elder brother Bunji promptly cut off his allowance again. Tsushima went into hiding, but Bunji, despite their estrangement, managed to get word to him that charges would be dropped and the allowance reinstated yet again if Tsushima solemnly promised to graduate and swear off any involvement with the party. Tsushima accepted.

Leftist movement[edit]

In 1929, when its principal’s misappropriation of public funds was discovered at Hirosaki High School, the students, under the leadership of Ueda Shigehiko (Ishigami Genichiro), leader of the Social Science Study Group, staged a five-day allied strike, which resulted in the principal’s resignation and no disciplinary action against the students. Tsushima hardly participated in the strike, but in imitation of the proletarian literature in vogue at the time, he summarized the incident in a novel called Student Group and read it to Ueda. The Tsushima family was wary of Dazai’s leftist activities. On January 16 of the following year, the Special High Police arrested Ueda and nine other students of the Hiroko Institute of Social Studies, who were working as terminal activists for Seigen Tanaka’s armed Communist Party.

In college, Dazai met activist Eizo Kudo, and made a monthly financial contribution of ¥10 to the Communist Party. The reason why he was expelled from his family after his marriage with Hatsuyo Oyama was to prevent the accumulation of illegal activities on Bunji, who was a politician. After his marriage, Dazai was ordered to hide his sympathies and moved repeatedly. In July 1932, Bunji tracked him down, and had him turn himself in at the Aomori Police Station. In December, Dazai signed and sealed a pledge at the Aomori Prosecutor’s Office to completely withdraw from leftist activities.[13][14]

Early literary career[edit]

Tsushima kept his promise and settled down a bit. He managed to obtain the assistance of established writer Masuji Ibuse, whose connections helped him get his works published and establish his reputation. The next few years were productive for Tsushima. He wrote at a feverish pace and used the pen name «Osamu Dazai» for the first time in a short story called «Ressha» («列車», «Train») in 1933: His first experiment with the first-person autobiographical style that later became his trademark.[15]

However, in 1935 it started to become clear to Dazai that he would not graduate. He failed to obtain a job at a Tokyo newspaper as well. He finished The Final Years (Bannen), which was intended to be his farewell to the world, and tried to hang himself March 19, 1935, failing yet again. Less than three weeks later, Tsushima developed acute appendicitis and was hospitalized. In the hospital, he became addicted to Pavinal, a morphine-based painkiller. After fighting the addiction for a year, in October 1936 he was taken to a mental institution,[16] locked in a room and forced to quit cold turkey.

The treatment lasted over a month. During this time Tsushima’s wife Hatsuyo committed adultery with his best friend Zenshirō Kodate.[citation needed] This eventually came to light, and Tsushima attempted to commit double suicide with his wife. They both took sleeping pills, but neither died. Soon after, Dazai divorced Hatsuyo. He quickly remarried, this time to a middle school teacher named Michiko Ishihara (石原美知子). Their first daughter, Sonoko (園子), was born in June 1941.

Dazai and Ishihara Michiko at their wedding

In the 1930s and 1940s, Dazai wrote a number of subtle novels and short stories that are autobiographical in nature. His first story, Gyofukuki (魚服記, «Transformation», 1933), is a grim fantasy involving suicide. Other stories written during this period include Dōke no hana (道化の花, «Flowers of Buffoonery», 1935), Gyakkō (逆行, «Losing Ground», 1935), Kyōgen no kami (狂言の神, «The God of Farce», 1936), an epistolary novel called Kyokō no Haru (虚構の春, False Spring, 1936) and those published in his 1936 collection Bannen (Declining Years or The Final Years), which describe his sense of personal isolation and his debauchery.

Wartime years[edit]

Japan entered the Pacific War in December, but Tsushima was excused from the draft because of his chronic chest problems, as he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. The censors became more reluctant to accept Dazai’s offbeat work, but he managed to publish quite a bit regardless, remaining one of very few authors who managed to get this kind of material accepted in this period. A number of the stories which Dazai published during World War II were retellings of stories by Ihara Saikaku (1642–1693). His wartime works included Udaijin Sanetomo (右大臣実朝, «Minister of the Right Sanetomo», 1943), Tsugaru (1944), Pandora no hako (パンドラの匣, Pandora’s Box, 1945–46), and Otogizōshi (お伽草紙, Fairy Tales, 1945) in which he retold a number of old Japanese fairy tales with «vividness and wit.»[This quote needs a citation]

Dazai’s house was burned down twice in the American bombing of Tokyo, but his family escaped unscathed, with a son, Masaki (正樹), born in 1944. His third child, daughter Satoko (里子), who later became a famous writer under the pseudonym Yūko Tsushima (津島佑子), was born in May 1947.

Postwar career[edit]

In the immediate postwar period, Dazai reached the height of his popularity. He depicted a dissolute life in postwar Tokyo in Viyon no Tsuma (ヴィヨンの妻, «Villon’s Wife», 1947), depicting the wife of a poet who had abandoned her and her continuing will to live through hardships.

In 1946, Osamu Dazai released a controversial literary piece titled Kuno no Nenkan (Almanac of Pain), a political memoir of Dazai himself. It describes the immediate aftermath of losing the second World War, and encapsulates how Japanese people felt following the country’s defeat. Dazai reaffirms his loyalty to the Japanese Emperor of the time, Emperor Hirohito and his son Akihito. Dazai was a known communist throughout his career, and also expresses his beliefs through this Almanac of Pain.

Alongside this Dazai also wrote Jugonenkan (For Fifteen Years), another autobiographical piece. This, alongside Almanac of Pain, may serve as a prelude to a consideration of Dazai’s postwar fiction.[17]

In July 1947, Dazai’s best-known work, Shayo (The Setting Sun, translated 1956) depicting the decline of the Japanese nobility after the war, was published, propelling the already popular writer into celebrityhood. This work was based on the diary of Shizuko Ōta (太田静子), an admirer of Dazai’s works who first met him in 1941. She bore him a daughter, Haruko, (治子) in 1947.

A heavy drinker, Dazai became an alcoholic[18] and his health deteriorated rapidly. At this time he met Tomie Yamazaki (山崎富栄), a beautician and war widow who had lost her husband after just ten days of marriage. Dazai effectively abandoned his wife and children and moved in with Tomie.

Dazai began writing his novel No Longer Human (人間失格 Ningen Shikkaku, 1948) at the hot-spring resort Atami. He moved to Ōmiya with Tomie and stayed there until mid-May, finishing his novel. A quasi-autobiography, it depicts a young, self-destructive man seeing himself as disqualified from the human race.[19] The book is considered one of the classics of Japanese literature and has been translated into several foreign languages.

Dazai and Tomie’s bodies discovered in 1948

In the spring of 1948, Dazai worked on a novelette scheduled to be serialized in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, titled Guddo bai (the Japanese pronunciation of the English word «Goodbye») but it was never finished.


On June 13, 1948, Dazai and Tomie drowned themselves in the rain-swollen Tamagawa Canal, near his house. Their bodies were not discovered until six days later, on June 19, which would have been his 39th birthday. His grave is at the temple of Zenrin-ji, in Mitaka, Tokyo.

At the time, there was a lot of speculation about the incident, with theories of forced suicide by Tomie. Keikichi Nakahata, a kimono merchant who frequented the young Tsushima family, was shown the scene of the water ingress by a detective from the Mitaka police station. He also speculates that «Dazai was asked to die, and he simply agreed, but just before his death, he suddenly felt an obsession with life».[20]

Major works[edit]

Year Japanese Title English Title Translator(s) Comments
1928 Mugen naraku «Bottomless Hell»
Aware ga «The Pitiable Mosquitoes» Referenced in «Leaves.»
1930 Jinushi ichidai “A Landlord’s Life” incomplete
1933 列車


«The Train» McCarthy Wins prize from Tōō Nippō newspaper.[21] In The Final Years.


«Metamorphosis» or «Transformation»; also translated as «Undine» O’Brien In The Final Years.


«Memories» or «Recollections» Dunlop; Lyons; O’Brien First published in Kaihyō;[22] In The Final Years.
1934 Yonosuke no kien «Big Talk from Yonosuke» Partially ghost-written piece published under Ibuse Masuji’s name.[21]


«Leaves»[1] Gangloff In The Final Years.
猿面冠者Sarumenkanja «Monkey-Faced Youth» In The Final Years.

Kare wa mukashi no kare narazu

«He Is Not the Man He Used to Be» In The Final Years.
ロマネスコRomanesuku «Romanesque» Published in the first and only issue of Aoi Hana.[23] In The Final Years.
1935 逆行


«Losing Ground» First appeared in literary magazine Bungei.[24] Was submitted for the first Akutagawa Prize, but did not win. The story was judged by Yasunari Kawabata to be unworthy due to the author’s moral character, a pronouncement that prompted an angry reply from Dazai.[25] In The Final Years.
Dōke no Hana
«The Flowers of Buffoonery» In The Final Years.
Dasu gemaine «Das Gemeine» O’Brien
Kawabata Yasunari e «To Yasunari Kawabata»


«Monkey Island» O’Brien In The Final Years.


«Toys» O’Brien In The Final Years.


«Inka» (Will-o’-the-Wisp) In The Final Years.
1936 虚構の春
Kyokō no Haru
«False Spring»
The Final Years First collection of short stories.
1937 二十世紀旗手
Nijusseiki Kishu
«A Standard-bearer of the Twentieth Century»
1938 満願


«Fulfilment of a Vow» or «A Promise Fulfilled»[2] Brudnoy & Kazuko; McCarthy First appeared in the September 1938 issue of Bungakukai. In Schoolgirl.


«Putting Granny Out to Die» O’Brien First appeared in the October 1938 issue of Shinchō. In Schoolgirl.
Hino tori «The Firebird»
1939 I can speak «I Can Speak»[3] Brudnoy & Kazuko; McCarthy In Schoolgirl.
Fugaku Hyakkei
«One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji» McCarthy First appeared in Bungakukai, February & March 1939. In Schoolgirl.

Ōgon fūkei

«Golden Landscape» or «Seascape with Figures in Gold» Dunlop; McCarthy First appeared in Kokumin Shinbun, March 2–3 1939. In Schoolgirl.
Schoolgirl Powell Novella which first appeared in the April 1939 issue of Bungakukai; also the title of a collection of stories in which it appears. Winner of the Kitamura Tokoku Award[26]
懶惰の歌留多 «Slothful Utaruta» First appeared in the April 1939 issue of Bungei. In Schoolgirl.
Oshare doji «The Stylish Child»
1940 女の決闘
Onna no Kettō
«Women’s Duel»
Zokutenshi «Worldly Angel»
Anitachi «My Older Brothers» McCarthy; O’Brien
Haru no tozoku «A Burglar in Spring»
Zenzō o omou «Thinking of Zenzō» McCarthy
Kojiki gakusei «Beggar Student»
Kakekomi Uttae
«Heed My Plea» O’Brien
Hashire Merosu
«Run, Melos!» McCarthy; O’Brien
1941 Tokyo hakkei «Eight Views of Tokyo» Lyons; McCarthy; O’Brien
«New Hamlet»
Fukusō ni tsuite «On the Question of Apparel» O’Brien
1942 Hanabi «Fireworks» Censored by the authorities, but published after the war as «Before the Dawn» (Hinode mae).[27]
Seigi to Bisho
«Righteousness and Smiles»
Kikyorai «Going Home» Lyons
1943 Hibari no koe «Voice of the Lark» Marshall Published after the war in 1945 as «Pandora’s Box» (パンドラの匣 Pandora no Hako).[27]
Kokyō «Homecoming» O’Brien
Udaijin Sanetomo
«Sanetomo, Minister of the Right»
1944 Kajitsu «Happy Day» Filmed as Four Marriages Yottsu no kekkon).
Tsugaru Marshall; Westerhoven
Hin no iji «A Poor Man’s Got His Pride» O’Brien
Saruzuka «The Monkey’s Mound» O’Brien
1945 新釈諸国噺
Shinshaku Shokoku Banashi
New Tales of the Provinces
Regretful Parting
Fairy Tales Collection of short stories
Kobutori «Taking the Wen Away» O’Brien
1946 冬の花火
Fuyu no Hanabi
Fireworks in Winter Play
Niwa «The Garden» McCarthy
Kuno no Nenkan
Almanac of Pain Lyons Autobiography
For Fifteen Years Autobiography
Haru no kareha «Dry Leaves in Spring» Broadcast as a radio play on NHK the following year.[28]
Shin’yu kokan «The Courtesy Call»
Kahei «Currency» O’Brien
1947 Tokatonton «The Sound of Hammering» O’Brien

Viyon No Tsuma

«Villon’s Wife» McCarthy
Osan «Osan» O’Brien
The Setting Sun Keene
1948 如是我聞
Nyoze gamon
«Thus Have I Heard» Essay responding to Shiga Naoya’s criticism of his work[28]
«Cherries» McCarthy
Ningen Shikkaku
No Longer Human Gibeau; Keene (2018 English Translation/Variation: A Shameful Life)
Good-Bye Marshall incomplete
Katei no kofuku «The Happiness of the Home»
19?? Chikukendan «Canis familiaris» McCarthy


«Chikyūzu» Before 1937. In The Final Years.
Chiyojo «Chiyojo» Dunlop
Kachikachiyama «Crackling Mountain» O’Brien
Hakumei «Early Light» McCarthy
Sange «Fallen Flowers»[4] Swann
Chichi «The Father»[5] Brudnoy & Kazuko
Mesu ni tsuite «Female» McCarthy
Bidanshi to tabako «Handsome Devils and


Bishōjo «A Little Beauty» McCarthy

Mekura no sōshi

«Mekura no sōshi» «The Blind Book.» Title is intended as a parody of Makura no sōshi (The Pillow Book).[29] Before 1937. In The Final Years.
Merii kurisumasu «Merry Christmas» McCarthy
Asa «Morning»[6] Brudnoy & Yumi
Haha «Mother»[7] Brudnoy & Yumi
Zakyō ni arazu «No Kidding» McCarthy
«Shame»[8] Dunlop
Yuki no yo no hanashi «A Snowy Night’s Tale» Swann


«Suzumeko» Before 1937. In The Final Years.
Oya to iu niji «Two Little Words» McCarthy
Matsu «Waiting»[9] Brudnoy & Kazuko; Turvill
«Omoide» is an autobiography where Tsushima created a character named Osamu to use instead of himself to enact his own memories. Furthermore, Tsushima also conveys his perspective and analysis of these situations.[30]
The Flowers of Buffoonery
«The Flowers of Buffoonery» relates the story of Oba Yozo and his time recovering in the hospital from an attempted suicide. Although his friends attempt to cheer him up, their words are fake, and Oba sits in the hospital simply reflecting on his life.[31]
One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji
«One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji» shares Tsushima’s experience staying at Misaka. He meets with a man named Ibuse Masuji, a previous mentor, who has arranged an o-miai for Dazai. Dazai meets the woman, Ishihara Michiko, who he later decides to marry.[32]
The Setting Sun
The Setting Sun focuses on a small, formerly rich, family: a widowed mother, a divorced daughter, and a drug-addicted son who has just returned from the army and the war in the South Pacific. After WWII the family has to vacate their Tokyo home and move to the countryside, in Izu, Shizuoka, as the daughter’s uncle can no longer support them financially [33]
No Longer Human
No Longer Human focuses on the main character, Oba Yozo. Oba explains his life from a point in his childhood to somewhere in adulthood. Unable to properly understand how to interact and understand people he resorts to tomfoolery to make friends and hide his misinterpretations of social cues. His façade doesn’t fool everyone and doesn’t solve every problem. Due to the influence of a classmate named Horiki, he falls into a world of drinking and smoking. He relies on Horiki during his time in college to assist with social situations. With his life spiraling downwards after failing in college, Oba continues his story and conveys his feelings about the people close to him and society in general.[34]
An editor tries to avoid women with whom he had past sexual relations. Using the help of a female friend he does his best to avoid their advances and hide the unladylike qualities of his friend.[35]

Selected bibliography of English translations[edit]

  • The Setting Sun (斜陽 Shayō), translated by Donald Keene. Norfolk, Connecticut, James Laughlin, 1956. (Japanese publication: 1947).
  • No Longer Human (人間失格 Ningen Shikkaku), translated by Donald Keene. Norfolk, Connecticut, New Directions Publishers, 1958.
  • Dazai Osamu, Selected Stories and Sketches, translated by James O’Brien. Ithaca, New York, China-Japan Program, Cornell University, 1983?
  • Return to Tsugaru: Travels of a Purple Tramp (津軽), translated by James Westerhoven. New York, Kodansha International Ltd., 1985.
  • Run, Melos! and Other Stories. Trans. Ralph F. McCarthy. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1988. Tokyo: Kodansha English Library, 1988.
  • Crackling Mountain and Other Stories, translated by James O’Brien. Rutland, Vermont, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1989.
  • Self Portraits: Tales from the Life of Japan’s Great Decadent Romantic, translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Tokyo, New York, Kodansha International, Ltd., 1991.
  • Blue Bamboo: Tales of Fantasy and Romance, translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Tokyo and New York, Kodansha International, 1993.
  • Schoolgirl (女生徒 Joseito), translated by Allison Markin Powell. New York: One Peace Books, 2011.
  • Otogizōshi: The Fairy Tale Book of Dazai Osamu (お伽草紙 Otogizōshi), translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Fukuoka, Kurodahan Press, 2011.
  • Blue Bamboo: Tales by Dazai Osamu (竹青 Chikusei), translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Fukuoka, Kurodahan Press, 2012.
  • A Shameful Life: (Ningen Shikkaku) (人間失格 Ningen Shikkaku), translated by Mark Gibeau. Berkeley, Stone Bridge Press, 2018.
  • «Wish Fulfilled» (満願), translated by Reiko Seri and Doc Kane. Kobe, Japan, 2019.

In popular culture[edit]

Dazai’s literary work No Longer Human has received quite a few adaptations: a graphic novel written by the horror manga artist Junji Ito, a film directed by Genjiro Arato, the first four episodes of the anime series Aoi Bungaku, and a variety of mangas one of which was serialized in Shinchosha’s Comic Bunch magazine. It is also the name of an ability in the anime Bungo Stray Dogs and Bungo and Alchemist, used by a character named after Dazai himself.

The book is also the central work in one of the volumes of the Japanese light novel series Book Girl, Book Girl and the Suicidal Mime,[36] although other works of his are also mentioned. Dazai’s works are also discussed in the Book Girl manga and anime series. Dazai is often quoted by the male protagonist, Kotaro Azumi, in the anime series Tsuki ga Kirei, as well as by Ken Kaneki in Tokyo Ghoul.

See also[edit]

  • Dazai Osamu Prize
  • List of Japanese writers
  • Osamu Dazai Memorial Museum


  1. ^ a b «Dazai Osamu | Japanese author | Britannica». www.britannica.com. Retrieved 2022-12-07.
  2. ^ «Many of Japan’s most interesting creative writers cite ‘No Longer Human’ by Osamu Dazai as their favourite book or one that had a huge influence on them». Red Circle Authors. Retrieved 12 May 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ Lyons, Phyllis I; Dazai, Osamu (1985). The saga of Dazai Osamu: a critical study with translations. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 8, 21. ISBN 0804711976. OCLC 11210872.
  4. ^ O’Brien, James A. (1975). Dazai Osamu. Boston: Twayne Publishers. p. 18. ISBN 0805726640.
  5. ^ a b Lyons, pp. 21–22.
  6. ^ O’Brien 1975.
  7. ^ Lyons, pp. 21, 53, 57–58.
  8. ^ a b O’Brien 1975, p. 12.
  9. ^ 野原, 一夫 (1998). 太宰治生涯と文学 (in Japanese). p. 36. ISBN 4480033971. OCLC 676259180.
  10. ^ Lyons.
  11. ^ Lyons, p. 26.
  12. ^ Lyons, pp. 28–29.
  13. ^ Inose, Naoki; 猪瀬直樹 (2001). Pikaresuku : Dazai Osamu den = Picaresque. 猪瀬直樹 (Shohan ed.). Tōkyō: Shōgakkan. ISBN 4-09-394166-1. OCLC 47158889.
  14. ^ Nohara, Kazuo; 野原一夫 (1998). Dazai Osamu, shōgai to bungaku. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō. ISBN 4-480-03397-1. OCLC 41370809.
  15. ^ Lyons, p. 34.
  16. ^ Lyons, p. 39.
  17. ^ Wolfe, Alan Stephen (2014-07-14). Suicidal Narrative in Modern Japan: The Case of Dazai Osamu. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-1-4008-6100-2.
  18. ^ Sakanishi, Shio. «Publishing Trend.» Japan Quarterly 2.3 (1955): 384. «Dazai, a Bohemian and an alcoholic»
  19. ^ «The Disqualified Life of Osamu Dazai» by Eugene Thacker, Japan Times, 26 Mar. 2016.
  20. ^ 山内祥史 (1998). 太宰治に出会った日 : 珠玉のエッセイ集. Yumani Shobō. OCLC 680437760.
  21. ^ a b Lyons, p. 391.
  22. ^ Classe, Olive, ed. (2000). The Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English, Vol. I. London & Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. p. 347. ISBN 1884964362.
  23. ^ Lyons, p. 36.
  24. ^ Magill, Frank N., ed. (1997). Cyclopedia of World Authors, Vol. 2 (Revised 3rd ed.). Pasadena, California: Salem Press. p. 514. ISBN 0893564362.
  25. ^ Starrs, Roy (2021-10-01). Japanese Cultural Nationalism: At Home and in the Asia-Pacific. BRILL. ISBN 978-90-04-21395-1.
  26. ^ Lyons, p. 392.
  27. ^ a b Lyons, p. 393.
  28. ^ a b Lyons, p. 395.
  29. ^ James O’Brien (1983-06-01). O. Dazai Selected Stories And Sketches.
  30. ^ Lyons, pp. 79–83.
  31. ^ O’Brien, James; G.K. Hall & Company (1999). Dazai Osamu. New York: G.K. Hall & Co. pp. 55–58.
  32. ^ O’Brien, James; G.K. Hall & Company (1999). Dazai Osamu. New York: G.K. Hall & Co. pp. 74–76.
  33. ^ Dazai, Osamu; Keene, Donald (2002). The setting sun. Boston: Tuttle. ISBN 4805306726. OCLC 971573193.
  34. ^ Dazai, Osamu; Keene, Donald (1958). No longer human. New York: New Directions. ISBN 0811204812. OCLC 708305173.
  35. ^ O’Brien, James; G.K. Hall & Company (1999). Dazai Osamu. New York: G.K. Hall & Co. p. 147. OCLC 56775972.
  36. ^ «Book Girl and the Suicidal Mime». Contemporary Japanese Literature. 19 February 2011. Retrieved 14 January 2018.


  • O’Brien, James A., ed. Akutagawa and Dazai: Instances of Literary Adaptation. Cornell University Press, 1983.
  • Ueda, Makoto. Modern Japanese Writers and the Nature of Literature. Stanford University Press, 1976.
  • «Nation and Region in the Work of Dazai Osamu,» in Roy Starrs Japanese Cultural Nationalism: At Home and in the Asia Pacific. London: Global Oriental. 2004. ISBN 1-901903-11-7.

External links[edit]

  • e-texts of Osamu’s works at Aozora bunko
  • Osamu’s short story «Waiting» at the Wayback Machine (archived December 11, 2007)
  • Osamu Dazai’s grave
  • Synopsis of Japanese Short Stories (Otogi Zoshi) at JLPP (Japanese Literature Publishing Project) (in English)
  • Osamu Dazai at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database
  • Works by Osamu Dazai at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)

Osamu Dazai

太宰 治
Osamu Dazai.jpg

Dazai in 1948


Shūji Tsushima

June 19, 1909

Kanagi, Aomori, Empire of Japan

Died June 13, 1948 (aged 38)

Tokyo, Allied-occupied Japan

Cause of death Double suicide with Tomie Yamazaki by drowning
Occupation(s) Novelist, Short story writer
Notable work
  • The Setting Sun
  • No Longer Human
  • Otogi-zôshi
  • «Run, Melos!»
Movement I-Novel, Buraiha
Japanese name
Kanji 太宰 治
Hiragana だざい おさむ
Romanization Dazai Osamu

Shūji Tsushima (津島 修治, Tsushima Shūji, 19 June 1909 — 13 June 1948), known by his pen name Osamu Dazai (太宰 治, Dazai Osamu), was a Japanese novelist and author.[1] A number of his most popular works, such as The Setting Sun (Shayō) and No Longer Human (Ningen Shikkaku), are considered modern-day classics.[2]

His influences include Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Murasaki Shikibu and Fyodor Dostoyevsky. While Dazai continues to be widely celebrated in Japan, he remains relatively unknown elsewhere, with only a handful of his works available in English. His last book, No Longer Human, is his most popular work outside of Japan.

Early life[edit]

Tsushima in a 1924 high school yearbook photo

Shūji Tsushima was born on June 19, 1909, the eighth surviving child of a wealthy landowner[3] and politician[1] in Kanagi, a remote corner of Japan at the northern tip of Tōhoku in Aomori Prefecture. He was the tenth of eleven children by his parents. At the time of his birth, the huge, newly-completed Tsushima mansion, where he would spend his early years, was home to some thirty family members.[4] The Tsushima family was of obscure peasant origins, with Dazai’s great-grandfather building up the family’s wealth as a moneylender, and his son increasing it further. They quickly rose in power and, after some time, became highly respected across the region.[5]

Dazai’s father, Gen’emon, a younger son of the Matsuki family, which due to «its exceedingly ‘feudal’ tradition» had no use for sons other than the eldest son and heir, was adopted into the Tsushima family to marry the eldest daughter, Tane; he became involved in politics due to his position as one of the four wealthiest landowners in the prefecture, and was offered membership into the House of Peers.[5] This made Dazai’s father absent during much of his early childhood, and with his mother, Tane, being ill,[6] Tsushima was brought up mostly by the family’s servants and his aunt Kiye.[7]

Education and literary beginnings[edit]

In 1916, Tsushima began his education at Kanagi Elementary.[8] On March 4, 1923, Tsushima’s father Gen’emon died from lung cancer,[9] and then a month later in April Tsushima attended Hirosaki High School,[10] followed by entering Hirosaki University’s literature department in 1927.[8] He developed an interest in Edo culture and began studying gidayū, a form of chanted narration used in the puppet theaters.[11] Around 1928, Tsushima edited a series of student publications and contributed some of his own works. He also published a magazine called Saibō bungei (Cell Literature) with his friends, and subsequently became a staff member of the college’s newspaper.[12]

Tsushima’s success in writing was brought to a halt when his idol, the writer Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, committed suicide in 1927 at 35 years old. Tsushima started to neglect his studies, and spent the majority of his allowance on clothes, alcohol, and prostitutes. He also dabbled with Marxism, which at the time was heavily suppressed by the government. On the night of December 10, 1929, Tsushima committed his first suicide attempt, but survived and was able to graduate the following year. In 1930, Tsushima enrolled in the French Literature Department of Tokyo Imperial University and promptly stopped studying again. In October, he ran away with a geisha named Hatsuyo Oyama [ja] and was formally disowned by his family.

Dazai (right) and Oyama Hatsuyo (second from left)

Nine days after being expelled from Tokyo Imperial University, Tsushima attempted suicide by drowning off a beach in Kamakura with another woman, 19-year-old bar hostess Shimeko Tanabe [ja]. Tanabe died, but Tsushima lived, rescued by a fishing boat and was charged as an accomplice in Tanabe’s death. Shocked by the events, Tsushima’s family intervened to drop a police investigation. His allowance was reinstated, and he was released of any charges. In December, Tsushima recovered at Ikarigaseki and married Hatsuyo there.

Soon after, Tsushima was arrested for his involvement with the banned Japanese Communist Party and, upon learning this, his elder brother Bunji promptly cut off his allowance again. Tsushima went into hiding, but Bunji, despite their estrangement, managed to get word to him that charges would be dropped and the allowance reinstated yet again if Tsushima solemnly promised to graduate and swear off any involvement with the party. Tsushima accepted.

Leftist movement[edit]

In 1929, when its principal’s misappropriation of public funds was discovered at Hirosaki High School, the students, under the leadership of Ueda Shigehiko (Ishigami Genichiro), leader of the Social Science Study Group, staged a five-day allied strike, which resulted in the principal’s resignation and no disciplinary action against the students. Tsushima hardly participated in the strike, but in imitation of the proletarian literature in vogue at the time, he summarized the incident in a novel called Student Group and read it to Ueda. The Tsushima family was wary of Dazai’s leftist activities. On January 16 of the following year, the Special High Police arrested Ueda and nine other students of the Hiroko Institute of Social Studies, who were working as terminal activists for Seigen Tanaka’s armed Communist Party.

In college, Dazai met activist Eizo Kudo, and made a monthly financial contribution of ¥10 to the Communist Party. The reason why he was expelled from his family after his marriage with Hatsuyo Oyama was to prevent the accumulation of illegal activities on Bunji, who was a politician. After his marriage, Dazai was ordered to hide his sympathies and moved repeatedly. In July 1932, Bunji tracked him down, and had him turn himself in at the Aomori Police Station. In December, Dazai signed and sealed a pledge at the Aomori Prosecutor’s Office to completely withdraw from leftist activities.[13][14]

Early literary career[edit]

Tsushima kept his promise and settled down a bit. He managed to obtain the assistance of established writer Masuji Ibuse, whose connections helped him get his works published and establish his reputation. The next few years were productive for Tsushima. He wrote at a feverish pace and used the pen name «Osamu Dazai» for the first time in a short story called «Ressha» («列車», «Train») in 1933: His first experiment with the first-person autobiographical style that later became his trademark.[15]

However, in 1935 it started to become clear to Dazai that he would not graduate. He failed to obtain a job at a Tokyo newspaper as well. He finished The Final Years (Bannen), which was intended to be his farewell to the world, and tried to hang himself March 19, 1935, failing yet again. Less than three weeks later, Tsushima developed acute appendicitis and was hospitalized. In the hospital, he became addicted to Pavinal, a morphine-based painkiller. After fighting the addiction for a year, in October 1936 he was taken to a mental institution,[16] locked in a room and forced to quit cold turkey.

The treatment lasted over a month. During this time Tsushima’s wife Hatsuyo committed adultery with his best friend Zenshirō Kodate.[citation needed] This eventually came to light, and Tsushima attempted to commit double suicide with his wife. They both took sleeping pills, but neither died. Soon after, Dazai divorced Hatsuyo. He quickly remarried, this time to a middle school teacher named Michiko Ishihara (石原美知子). Their first daughter, Sonoko (園子), was born in June 1941.

Dazai and Ishihara Michiko at their wedding

In the 1930s and 1940s, Dazai wrote a number of subtle novels and short stories that are autobiographical in nature. His first story, Gyofukuki (魚服記, «Transformation», 1933), is a grim fantasy involving suicide. Other stories written during this period include Dōke no hana (道化の花, «Flowers of Buffoonery», 1935), Gyakkō (逆行, «Losing Ground», 1935), Kyōgen no kami (狂言の神, «The God of Farce», 1936), an epistolary novel called Kyokō no Haru (虚構の春, False Spring, 1936) and those published in his 1936 collection Bannen (Declining Years or The Final Years), which describe his sense of personal isolation and his debauchery.

Wartime years[edit]

Japan entered the Pacific War in December, but Tsushima was excused from the draft because of his chronic chest problems, as he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. The censors became more reluctant to accept Dazai’s offbeat work, but he managed to publish quite a bit regardless, remaining one of very few authors who managed to get this kind of material accepted in this period. A number of the stories which Dazai published during World War II were retellings of stories by Ihara Saikaku (1642–1693). His wartime works included Udaijin Sanetomo (右大臣実朝, «Minister of the Right Sanetomo», 1943), Tsugaru (1944), Pandora no hako (パンドラの匣, Pandora’s Box, 1945–46), and Otogizōshi (お伽草紙, Fairy Tales, 1945) in which he retold a number of old Japanese fairy tales with «vividness and wit.»[This quote needs a citation]

Dazai’s house was burned down twice in the American bombing of Tokyo, but his family escaped unscathed, with a son, Masaki (正樹), born in 1944. His third child, daughter Satoko (里子), who later became a famous writer under the pseudonym Yūko Tsushima (津島佑子), was born in May 1947.

Postwar career[edit]

In the immediate postwar period, Dazai reached the height of his popularity. He depicted a dissolute life in postwar Tokyo in Viyon no Tsuma (ヴィヨンの妻, «Villon’s Wife», 1947), depicting the wife of a poet who had abandoned her and her continuing will to live through hardships.

In 1946, Osamu Dazai released a controversial literary piece titled Kuno no Nenkan (Almanac of Pain), a political memoir of Dazai himself. It describes the immediate aftermath of losing the second World War, and encapsulates how Japanese people felt following the country’s defeat. Dazai reaffirms his loyalty to the Japanese Emperor of the time, Emperor Hirohito and his son Akihito. Dazai was a known communist throughout his career, and also expresses his beliefs through this Almanac of Pain.

Alongside this Dazai also wrote Jugonenkan (For Fifteen Years), another autobiographical piece. This, alongside Almanac of Pain, may serve as a prelude to a consideration of Dazai’s postwar fiction.[17]

In July 1947, Dazai’s best-known work, Shayo (The Setting Sun, translated 1956) depicting the decline of the Japanese nobility after the war, was published, propelling the already popular writer into celebrityhood. This work was based on the diary of Shizuko Ōta (太田静子), an admirer of Dazai’s works who first met him in 1941. She bore him a daughter, Haruko, (治子) in 1947.

A heavy drinker, Dazai became an alcoholic[18] and his health deteriorated rapidly. At this time he met Tomie Yamazaki (山崎富栄), a beautician and war widow who had lost her husband after just ten days of marriage. Dazai effectively abandoned his wife and children and moved in with Tomie.

Dazai began writing his novel No Longer Human (人間失格 Ningen Shikkaku, 1948) at the hot-spring resort Atami. He moved to Ōmiya with Tomie and stayed there until mid-May, finishing his novel. A quasi-autobiography, it depicts a young, self-destructive man seeing himself as disqualified from the human race.[19] The book is considered one of the classics of Japanese literature and has been translated into several foreign languages.

Dazai and Tomie’s bodies discovered in 1948

In the spring of 1948, Dazai worked on a novelette scheduled to be serialized in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, titled Guddo bai (the Japanese pronunciation of the English word «Goodbye») but it was never finished.


On June 13, 1948, Dazai and Tomie drowned themselves in the rain-swollen Tamagawa Canal, near his house. Their bodies were not discovered until six days later, on June 19, which would have been his 39th birthday. His grave is at the temple of Zenrin-ji, in Mitaka, Tokyo.

At the time, there was a lot of speculation about the incident, with theories of forced suicide by Tomie. Keikichi Nakahata, a kimono merchant who frequented the young Tsushima family, was shown the scene of the water ingress by a detective from the Mitaka police station. He also speculates that «Dazai was asked to die, and he simply agreed, but just before his death, he suddenly felt an obsession with life».[20]

Major works[edit]

Year Japanese Title English Title Translator(s) Comments
1928 Mugen naraku «Bottomless Hell»
Aware ga «The Pitiable Mosquitoes» Referenced in «Leaves.»
1930 Jinushi ichidai “A Landlord’s Life” incomplete
1933 列車


«The Train» McCarthy Wins prize from Tōō Nippō newspaper.[21] In The Final Years.


«Metamorphosis» or «Transformation»; also translated as «Undine» O’Brien In The Final Years.


«Memories» or «Recollections» Dunlop; Lyons; O’Brien First published in Kaihyō;[22] In The Final Years.
1934 Yonosuke no kien «Big Talk from Yonosuke» Partially ghost-written piece published under Ibuse Masuji’s name.[21]


«Leaves»[1] Gangloff In The Final Years.
猿面冠者Sarumenkanja «Monkey-Faced Youth» In The Final Years.

Kare wa mukashi no kare narazu

«He Is Not the Man He Used to Be» In The Final Years.
ロマネスコRomanesuku «Romanesque» Published in the first and only issue of Aoi Hana.[23] In The Final Years.
1935 逆行


«Losing Ground» First appeared in literary magazine Bungei.[24] Was submitted for the first Akutagawa Prize, but did not win. The story was judged by Yasunari Kawabata to be unworthy due to the author’s moral character, a pronouncement that prompted an angry reply from Dazai.[25] In The Final Years.
Dōke no Hana
«The Flowers of Buffoonery» In The Final Years.
Dasu gemaine «Das Gemeine» O’Brien
Kawabata Yasunari e «To Yasunari Kawabata»


«Monkey Island» O’Brien In The Final Years.


«Toys» O’Brien In The Final Years.


«Inka» (Will-o’-the-Wisp) In The Final Years.
1936 虚構の春
Kyokō no Haru
«False Spring»
The Final Years First collection of short stories.
1937 二十世紀旗手
Nijusseiki Kishu
«A Standard-bearer of the Twentieth Century»
1938 満願


«Fulfilment of a Vow» or «A Promise Fulfilled»[2] Brudnoy & Kazuko; McCarthy First appeared in the September 1938 issue of Bungakukai. In Schoolgirl.


«Putting Granny Out to Die» O’Brien First appeared in the October 1938 issue of Shinchō. In Schoolgirl.
Hino tori «The Firebird»
1939 I can speak «I Can Speak»[3] Brudnoy & Kazuko; McCarthy In Schoolgirl.
Fugaku Hyakkei
«One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji» McCarthy First appeared in Bungakukai, February & March 1939. In Schoolgirl.

Ōgon fūkei

«Golden Landscape» or «Seascape with Figures in Gold» Dunlop; McCarthy First appeared in Kokumin Shinbun, March 2–3 1939. In Schoolgirl.
Schoolgirl Powell Novella which first appeared in the April 1939 issue of Bungakukai; also the title of a collection of stories in which it appears. Winner of the Kitamura Tokoku Award[26]
懶惰の歌留多 «Slothful Utaruta» First appeared in the April 1939 issue of Bungei. In Schoolgirl.
Oshare doji «The Stylish Child»
1940 女の決闘
Onna no Kettō
«Women’s Duel»
Zokutenshi «Worldly Angel»
Anitachi «My Older Brothers» McCarthy; O’Brien
Haru no tozoku «A Burglar in Spring»
Zenzō o omou «Thinking of Zenzō» McCarthy
Kojiki gakusei «Beggar Student»
Kakekomi Uttae
«Heed My Plea» O’Brien
Hashire Merosu
«Run, Melos!» McCarthy; O’Brien
1941 Tokyo hakkei «Eight Views of Tokyo» Lyons; McCarthy; O’Brien
«New Hamlet»
Fukusō ni tsuite «On the Question of Apparel» O’Brien
1942 Hanabi «Fireworks» Censored by the authorities, but published after the war as «Before the Dawn» (Hinode mae).[27]
Seigi to Bisho
«Righteousness and Smiles»
Kikyorai «Going Home» Lyons
1943 Hibari no koe «Voice of the Lark» Marshall Published after the war in 1945 as «Pandora’s Box» (パンドラの匣 Pandora no Hako).[27]
Kokyō «Homecoming» O’Brien
Udaijin Sanetomo
«Sanetomo, Minister of the Right»
1944 Kajitsu «Happy Day» Filmed as Four Marriages Yottsu no kekkon).
Tsugaru Marshall; Westerhoven
Hin no iji «A Poor Man’s Got His Pride» O’Brien
Saruzuka «The Monkey’s Mound» O’Brien
1945 新釈諸国噺
Shinshaku Shokoku Banashi
New Tales of the Provinces
Regretful Parting
Fairy Tales Collection of short stories
Kobutori «Taking the Wen Away» O’Brien
1946 冬の花火
Fuyu no Hanabi
Fireworks in Winter Play
Niwa «The Garden» McCarthy
Kuno no Nenkan
Almanac of Pain Lyons Autobiography
For Fifteen Years Autobiography
Haru no kareha «Dry Leaves in Spring» Broadcast as a radio play on NHK the following year.[28]
Shin’yu kokan «The Courtesy Call»
Kahei «Currency» O’Brien
1947 Tokatonton «The Sound of Hammering» O’Brien

Viyon No Tsuma

«Villon’s Wife» McCarthy
Osan «Osan» O’Brien
The Setting Sun Keene
1948 如是我聞
Nyoze gamon
«Thus Have I Heard» Essay responding to Shiga Naoya’s criticism of his work[28]
«Cherries» McCarthy
Ningen Shikkaku
No Longer Human Gibeau; Keene (2018 English Translation/Variation: A Shameful Life)
Good-Bye Marshall incomplete
Katei no kofuku «The Happiness of the Home»
19?? Chikukendan «Canis familiaris» McCarthy


«Chikyūzu» Before 1937. In The Final Years.
Chiyojo «Chiyojo» Dunlop
Kachikachiyama «Crackling Mountain» O’Brien
Hakumei «Early Light» McCarthy
Sange «Fallen Flowers»[4] Swann
Chichi «The Father»[5] Brudnoy & Kazuko
Mesu ni tsuite «Female» McCarthy
Bidanshi to tabako «Handsome Devils and


Bishōjo «A Little Beauty» McCarthy

Mekura no sōshi

«Mekura no sōshi» «The Blind Book.» Title is intended as a parody of Makura no sōshi (The Pillow Book).[29] Before 1937. In The Final Years.
Merii kurisumasu «Merry Christmas» McCarthy
Asa «Morning»[6] Brudnoy & Yumi
Haha «Mother»[7] Brudnoy & Yumi
Zakyō ni arazu «No Kidding» McCarthy
«Shame»[8] Dunlop
Yuki no yo no hanashi «A Snowy Night’s Tale» Swann


«Suzumeko» Before 1937. In The Final Years.
Oya to iu niji «Two Little Words» McCarthy
Matsu «Waiting»[9] Brudnoy & Kazuko; Turvill
«Omoide» is an autobiography where Tsushima created a character named Osamu to use instead of himself to enact his own memories. Furthermore, Tsushima also conveys his perspective and analysis of these situations.[30]
The Flowers of Buffoonery
«The Flowers of Buffoonery» relates the story of Oba Yozo and his time recovering in the hospital from an attempted suicide. Although his friends attempt to cheer him up, their words are fake, and Oba sits in the hospital simply reflecting on his life.[31]
One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji
«One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji» shares Tsushima’s experience staying at Misaka. He meets with a man named Ibuse Masuji, a previous mentor, who has arranged an o-miai for Dazai. Dazai meets the woman, Ishihara Michiko, who he later decides to marry.[32]
The Setting Sun
The Setting Sun focuses on a small, formerly rich, family: a widowed mother, a divorced daughter, and a drug-addicted son who has just returned from the army and the war in the South Pacific. After WWII the family has to vacate their Tokyo home and move to the countryside, in Izu, Shizuoka, as the daughter’s uncle can no longer support them financially [33]
No Longer Human
No Longer Human focuses on the main character, Oba Yozo. Oba explains his life from a point in his childhood to somewhere in adulthood. Unable to properly understand how to interact and understand people he resorts to tomfoolery to make friends and hide his misinterpretations of social cues. His façade doesn’t fool everyone and doesn’t solve every problem. Due to the influence of a classmate named Horiki, he falls into a world of drinking and smoking. He relies on Horiki during his time in college to assist with social situations. With his life spiraling downwards after failing in college, Oba continues his story and conveys his feelings about the people close to him and society in general.[34]
An editor tries to avoid women with whom he had past sexual relations. Using the help of a female friend he does his best to avoid their advances and hide the unladylike qualities of his friend.[35]

Selected bibliography of English translations[edit]

  • The Setting Sun (斜陽 Shayō), translated by Donald Keene. Norfolk, Connecticut, James Laughlin, 1956. (Japanese publication: 1947).
  • No Longer Human (人間失格 Ningen Shikkaku), translated by Donald Keene. Norfolk, Connecticut, New Directions Publishers, 1958.
  • Dazai Osamu, Selected Stories and Sketches, translated by James O’Brien. Ithaca, New York, China-Japan Program, Cornell University, 1983?
  • Return to Tsugaru: Travels of a Purple Tramp (津軽), translated by James Westerhoven. New York, Kodansha International Ltd., 1985.
  • Run, Melos! and Other Stories. Trans. Ralph F. McCarthy. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1988. Tokyo: Kodansha English Library, 1988.
  • Crackling Mountain and Other Stories, translated by James O’Brien. Rutland, Vermont, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1989.
  • Self Portraits: Tales from the Life of Japan’s Great Decadent Romantic, translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Tokyo, New York, Kodansha International, Ltd., 1991.
  • Blue Bamboo: Tales of Fantasy and Romance, translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Tokyo and New York, Kodansha International, 1993.
  • Schoolgirl (女生徒 Joseito), translated by Allison Markin Powell. New York: One Peace Books, 2011.
  • Otogizōshi: The Fairy Tale Book of Dazai Osamu (お伽草紙 Otogizōshi), translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Fukuoka, Kurodahan Press, 2011.
  • Blue Bamboo: Tales by Dazai Osamu (竹青 Chikusei), translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Fukuoka, Kurodahan Press, 2012.
  • A Shameful Life: (Ningen Shikkaku) (人間失格 Ningen Shikkaku), translated by Mark Gibeau. Berkeley, Stone Bridge Press, 2018.
  • «Wish Fulfilled» (満願), translated by Reiko Seri and Doc Kane. Kobe, Japan, 2019.

In popular culture[edit]

Dazai’s literary work No Longer Human has received quite a few adaptations: a graphic novel written by the horror manga artist Junji Ito, a film directed by Genjiro Arato, the first four episodes of the anime series Aoi Bungaku, and a variety of mangas one of which was serialized in Shinchosha’s Comic Bunch magazine. It is also the name of an ability in the anime Bungo Stray Dogs and Bungo and Alchemist, used by a character named after Dazai himself.

The book is also the central work in one of the volumes of the Japanese light novel series Book Girl, Book Girl and the Suicidal Mime,[36] although other works of his are also mentioned. Dazai’s works are also discussed in the Book Girl manga and anime series. Dazai is often quoted by the male protagonist, Kotaro Azumi, in the anime series Tsuki ga Kirei, as well as by Ken Kaneki in Tokyo Ghoul.

See also[edit]

  • Dazai Osamu Prize
  • List of Japanese writers
  • Osamu Dazai Memorial Museum


  1. ^ a b «Dazai Osamu | Japanese author | Britannica». www.britannica.com. Retrieved 2022-12-07.
  2. ^ «Many of Japan’s most interesting creative writers cite ‘No Longer Human’ by Osamu Dazai as their favourite book or one that had a huge influence on them». Red Circle Authors. Retrieved 12 May 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ Lyons, Phyllis I; Dazai, Osamu (1985). The saga of Dazai Osamu: a critical study with translations. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 8, 21. ISBN 0804711976. OCLC 11210872.
  4. ^ O’Brien, James A. (1975). Dazai Osamu. Boston: Twayne Publishers. p. 18. ISBN 0805726640.
  5. ^ a b Lyons, pp. 21–22.
  6. ^ O’Brien 1975.
  7. ^ Lyons, pp. 21, 53, 57–58.
  8. ^ a b O’Brien 1975, p. 12.
  9. ^ 野原, 一夫 (1998). 太宰治生涯と文学 (in Japanese). p. 36. ISBN 4480033971. OCLC 676259180.
  10. ^ Lyons.
  11. ^ Lyons, p. 26.
  12. ^ Lyons, pp. 28–29.
  13. ^ Inose, Naoki; 猪瀬直樹 (2001). Pikaresuku : Dazai Osamu den = Picaresque. 猪瀬直樹 (Shohan ed.). Tōkyō: Shōgakkan. ISBN 4-09-394166-1. OCLC 47158889.
  14. ^ Nohara, Kazuo; 野原一夫 (1998). Dazai Osamu, shōgai to bungaku. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō. ISBN 4-480-03397-1. OCLC 41370809.
  15. ^ Lyons, p. 34.
  16. ^ Lyons, p. 39.
  17. ^ Wolfe, Alan Stephen (2014-07-14). Suicidal Narrative in Modern Japan: The Case of Dazai Osamu. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-1-4008-6100-2.
  18. ^ Sakanishi, Shio. «Publishing Trend.» Japan Quarterly 2.3 (1955): 384. «Dazai, a Bohemian and an alcoholic»
  19. ^ «The Disqualified Life of Osamu Dazai» by Eugene Thacker, Japan Times, 26 Mar. 2016.
  20. ^ 山内祥史 (1998). 太宰治に出会った日 : 珠玉のエッセイ集. Yumani Shobō. OCLC 680437760.
  21. ^ a b Lyons, p. 391.
  22. ^ Classe, Olive, ed. (2000). The Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English, Vol. I. London & Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. p. 347. ISBN 1884964362.
  23. ^ Lyons, p. 36.
  24. ^ Magill, Frank N., ed. (1997). Cyclopedia of World Authors, Vol. 2 (Revised 3rd ed.). Pasadena, California: Salem Press. p. 514. ISBN 0893564362.
  25. ^ Starrs, Roy (2021-10-01). Japanese Cultural Nationalism: At Home and in the Asia-Pacific. BRILL. ISBN 978-90-04-21395-1.
  26. ^ Lyons, p. 392.
  27. ^ a b Lyons, p. 393.
  28. ^ a b Lyons, p. 395.
  29. ^ James O’Brien (1983-06-01). O. Dazai Selected Stories And Sketches.
  30. ^ Lyons, pp. 79–83.
  31. ^ O’Brien, James; G.K. Hall & Company (1999). Dazai Osamu. New York: G.K. Hall & Co. pp. 55–58.
  32. ^ O’Brien, James; G.K. Hall & Company (1999). Dazai Osamu. New York: G.K. Hall & Co. pp. 74–76.
  33. ^ Dazai, Osamu; Keene, Donald (2002). The setting sun. Boston: Tuttle. ISBN 4805306726. OCLC 971573193.
  34. ^ Dazai, Osamu; Keene, Donald (1958). No longer human. New York: New Directions. ISBN 0811204812. OCLC 708305173.
  35. ^ O’Brien, James; G.K. Hall & Company (1999). Dazai Osamu. New York: G.K. Hall & Co. p. 147. OCLC 56775972.
  36. ^ «Book Girl and the Suicidal Mime». Contemporary Japanese Literature. 19 February 2011. Retrieved 14 January 2018.


  • O’Brien, James A., ed. Akutagawa and Dazai: Instances of Literary Adaptation. Cornell University Press, 1983.
  • Ueda, Makoto. Modern Japanese Writers and the Nature of Literature. Stanford University Press, 1976.
  • «Nation and Region in the Work of Dazai Osamu,» in Roy Starrs Japanese Cultural Nationalism: At Home and in the Asia Pacific. London: Global Oriental. 2004. ISBN 1-901903-11-7.

External links[edit]

  • e-texts of Osamu’s works at Aozora bunko
  • Osamu’s short story «Waiting» at the Wayback Machine (archived December 11, 2007)
  • Osamu Dazai’s grave
  • Synopsis of Japanese Short Stories (Otogi Zoshi) at JLPP (Japanese Literature Publishing Project) (in English)
  • Osamu Dazai at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database
  • Works by Osamu Dazai at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)

Shūji Tsushima (津島 修治, Tsushima Shūji, 19 June 1909 — 13 June 1948), known by his pen name Osamu Dazai (太宰 治, Dazai Osamu), was a Japanese novelist and author.[1] A number of his most popular works, such as The Setting Sun (Shayō) and No Longer Human (Ningen Shikkaku), are considered modern-day classics.[2]

Osamu Dazai

太宰 治
Osamu Dazai.jpg

Dazai in 1948


Shūji Tsushima

June 19, 1909

Kanagi, Aomori, Empire of Japan

Died June 13, 1948 (aged 38)

Tokyo, Allied-occupied Japan

Cause of death Double suicide with Tomie Yamazaki by drowning
Occupation(s) Novelist, Short story writer
Notable work
  • The Setting Sun
  • No Longer Human
  • Otogi-zôshi
  • «Run, Melos!»
Movement I-Novel, Buraiha
Japanese name
Kanji 太宰 治
Hiragana だざい おさむ
Romanization Dazai Osamu

His influences include Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Murasaki Shikibu and Fyodor Dostoyevsky. While Dazai continues to be widely celebrated in Japan, he remains relatively unknown elsewhere, with only a handful of his works available in English. His last book, No Longer Human, is his most popular work outside of Japan.

Early lifeEdit

Tsushima in a 1924 high school yearbook photo

Shūji Tsushima was born on June 19, 1909, the eighth surviving child of a wealthy landowner[3] and politician[1] in Kanagi, a remote corner of Japan at the northern tip of Tōhoku in Aomori Prefecture. He was the tenth of eleven children by his parents. At the time of his birth, the huge, newly-completed Tsushima mansion, where he would spend his early years, was home to some thirty family members.[4] The Tsushima family was of obscure peasant origins, with Dazai’s great-grandfather building up the family’s wealth as a moneylender, and his son increasing it further. They quickly rose in power and, after some time, became highly respected across the region.[5]

Dazai’s father, Gen’emon, a younger son of the Matsuki family, which due to «its exceedingly ‘feudal’ tradition» had no use for sons other than the eldest son and heir, was adopted into the Tsushima family to marry the eldest daughter, Tane; he became involved in politics due to his position as one of the four wealthiest landowners in the prefecture, and was offered membership into the House of Peers.[5] This made Dazai’s father absent during much of his early childhood, and with his mother, Tane, being ill,[6] Tsushima was brought up mostly by the family’s servants and his aunt Kiye.[7]

Education and literary beginningsEdit

In 1916, Tsushima began his education at Kanagi Elementary.[8] On March 4, 1923, Tsushima’s father Gen’emon died from lung cancer,[9] and then a month later in April Tsushima attended Hirosaki High School,[10] followed by entering Hirosaki University’s literature department in 1927.[8] He developed an interest in Edo culture and began studying gidayū, a form of chanted narration used in the puppet theaters.[11] Around 1928, Tsushima edited a series of student publications and contributed some of his own works. He also published a magazine called Saibō bungei (Cell Literature) with his friends, and subsequently became a staff member of the college’s newspaper.[12]

Tsushima’s success in writing was brought to a halt when his idol, the writer Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, committed suicide in 1927 at 35 years old. Tsushima started to neglect his studies, and spent the majority of his allowance on clothes, alcohol, and prostitutes. He also dabbled with Marxism, which at the time was heavily suppressed by the government. On the night of December 10, 1929, Tsushima committed his first suicide attempt, but survived and was able to graduate the following year. In 1930, Tsushima enrolled in the French Literature Department of Tokyo Imperial University and promptly stopped studying again. In October, he ran away with a geisha named Hatsuyo Oyama [ja] and was formally disowned by his family.

Dazai (right) and Oyama Hatsuyo (second from left)

Nine days after being expelled from Tokyo Imperial University, Tsushima attempted suicide by drowning off a beach in Kamakura with another woman, 19-year-old bar hostess Shimeko Tanabe [ja]. Tanabe died, but Tsushima lived, rescued by a fishing boat and was charged as an accomplice in Tanabe’s death. Shocked by the events, Tsushima’s family intervened to drop a police investigation. His allowance was reinstated, and he was released of any charges. In December, Tsushima recovered at Ikarigaseki and married Hatsuyo there.

Soon after, Tsushima was arrested for his involvement with the banned Japanese Communist Party and, upon learning this, his elder brother Bunji promptly cut off his allowance again. Tsushima went into hiding, but Bunji, despite their estrangement, managed to get word to him that charges would be dropped and the allowance reinstated yet again if Tsushima solemnly promised to graduate and swear off any involvement with the party. Tsushima accepted.

Leftist movementEdit

In 1929, when its principal’s misappropriation of public funds was discovered at Hirosaki High School, the students, under the leadership of Ueda Shigehiko (Ishigami Genichiro), leader of the Social Science Study Group, staged a five-day allied strike, which resulted in the principal’s resignation and no disciplinary action against the students. Tsushima hardly participated in the strike, but in imitation of the proletarian literature in vogue at the time, he summarized the incident in a novel called Student Group and read it to Ueda. The Tsushima family was wary of Dazai’s leftist activities. On January 16 of the following year, the Special High Police arrested Ueda and nine other students of the Hiroko Institute of Social Studies, who were working as terminal activists for Seigen Tanaka’s armed Communist Party.

In college, Dazai met activist Eizo Kudo, and made a monthly financial contribution of ¥10 to the Communist Party. The reason why he was expelled from his family after his marriage with Hatsuyo Oyama was to prevent the accumulation of illegal activities on Bunji, who was a politician. After his marriage, Dazai was ordered to hide his sympathies and moved repeatedly. In July 1932, Bunji tracked him down, and had him turn himself in at the Aomori Police Station. In December, Dazai signed and sealed a pledge at the Aomori Prosecutor’s Office to completely withdraw from leftist activities.[13][14]

Early literary careerEdit

Tsushima kept his promise and settled down a bit. He managed to obtain the assistance of established writer Masuji Ibuse, whose connections helped him get his works published and establish his reputation. The next few years were productive for Tsushima. He wrote at a feverish pace and used the pen name «Osamu Dazai» for the first time in a short story called «Ressha» («列車», «Train») in 1933: His first experiment with the first-person autobiographical style that later became his trademark.[15]

However, in 1935 it started to become clear to Dazai that he would not graduate. He failed to obtain a job at a Tokyo newspaper as well. He finished The Final Years (Bannen), which was intended to be his farewell to the world, and tried to hang himself March 19, 1935, failing yet again. Less than three weeks later, Tsushima developed acute appendicitis and was hospitalized. In the hospital, he became addicted to Pavinal, a morphine-based painkiller. After fighting the addiction for a year, in October 1936 he was taken to a mental institution,[16] locked in a room and forced to quit cold turkey.

The treatment lasted over a month. During this time Tsushima’s wife Hatsuyo committed adultery with his best friend Zenshirō Kodate.[citation needed] This eventually came to light, and Tsushima attempted to commit double suicide with his wife. They both took sleeping pills, but neither died. Soon after, Dazai divorced Hatsuyo. He quickly remarried, this time to a middle school teacher named Michiko Ishihara (石原美知子). Their first daughter, Sonoko (園子), was born in June 1941.

Dazai and Ishihara Michiko at their wedding

In the 1930s and 1940s, Dazai wrote a number of subtle novels and short stories that are autobiographical in nature. His first story, Gyofukuki (魚服記, «Transformation», 1933), is a grim fantasy involving suicide. Other stories written during this period include Dōke no hana (道化の花, «Flowers of Buffoonery», 1935), Gyakkō (逆行, «Losing Ground», 1935), Kyōgen no kami (狂言の神, «The God of Farce», 1936), an epistolary novel called Kyokō no Haru (虚構の春, False Spring, 1936) and those published in his 1936 collection Bannen (Declining Years or The Final Years), which describe his sense of personal isolation and his debauchery.

Wartime yearsEdit

Japan entered the Pacific War in December, but Tsushima was excused from the draft because of his chronic chest problems, as he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. The censors became more reluctant to accept Dazai’s offbeat work, but he managed to publish quite a bit regardless, remaining one of very few authors who managed to get this kind of material accepted in this period. A number of the stories which Dazai published during World War II were retellings of stories by Ihara Saikaku (1642–1693). His wartime works included Udaijin Sanetomo (右大臣実朝, «Minister of the Right Sanetomo», 1943), Tsugaru (1944), Pandora no hako (パンドラの匣, Pandora’s Box, 1945–46), and Otogizōshi (お伽草紙, Fairy Tales, 1945) in which he retold a number of old Japanese fairy tales with «vividness and wit.»[This quote needs a citation]

Dazai’s house was burned down twice in the American bombing of Tokyo, but his family escaped unscathed, with a son, Masaki (正樹), born in 1944. His third child, daughter Satoko (里子), who later became a famous writer under the pseudonym Yūko Tsushima (津島佑子), was born in May 1947.

Postwar careerEdit

In the immediate postwar period, Dazai reached the height of his popularity. He depicted a dissolute life in postwar Tokyo in Viyon no Tsuma (ヴィヨンの妻, «Villon’s Wife», 1947), depicting the wife of a poet who had abandoned her and her continuing will to live through hardships.

In 1946, Osamu Dazai released a controversial literary piece titled Kuno no Nenkan (Almanac of Pain), a political memoir of Dazai himself. It describes the immediate aftermath of losing the second World War, and encapsulates how Japanese people felt following the country’s defeat. Dazai reaffirms his loyalty to the Japanese Emperor of the time, Emperor Hirohito and his son Akihito. Dazai was a known communist throughout his career, and also expresses his beliefs through this Almanac of Pain.

Alongside this Dazai also wrote Jugonenkan (For Fifteen Years), another autobiographical piece. This, alongside Almanac of Pain, may serve as a prelude to a consideration of Dazai’s postwar fiction.[17]

In July 1947, Dazai’s best-known work, Shayo (The Setting Sun, translated 1956) depicting the decline of the Japanese nobility after the war, was published, propelling the already popular writer into celebrityhood. This work was based on the diary of Shizuko Ōta (太田静子), an admirer of Dazai’s works who first met him in 1941. She bore him a daughter, Haruko, (治子) in 1947.

A heavy drinker, Dazai became an alcoholic[18] and his health deteriorated rapidly. At this time he met Tomie Yamazaki (山崎富栄), a beautician and war widow who had lost her husband after just ten days of marriage. Dazai effectively abandoned his wife and children and moved in with Tomie.

Dazai began writing his novel No Longer Human (人間失格 Ningen Shikkaku, 1948) at the hot-spring resort Atami. He moved to Ōmiya with Tomie and stayed there until mid-May, finishing his novel. A quasi-autobiography, it depicts a young, self-destructive man seeing himself as disqualified from the human race.[19] The book is considered one of the classics of Japanese literature and has been translated into several foreign languages.

Dazai and Tomie’s bodies discovered in 1948

In the spring of 1948, Dazai worked on a novelette scheduled to be serialized in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, titled Guddo bai (the Japanese pronunciation of the English word «Goodbye») but it was never finished.


On June 13, 1948, Dazai and Tomie drowned themselves in the rain-swollen Tamagawa Canal, near his house. Their bodies were not discovered until six days later, on June 19, which would have been his 39th birthday. His grave is at the temple of Zenrin-ji, in Mitaka, Tokyo.

At the time, there was a lot of speculation about the incident, with theories of forced suicide by Tomie. Keikichi Nakahata, a kimono merchant who frequented the young Tsushima family, was shown the scene of the water ingress by a detective from the Mitaka police station. He also speculates that «Dazai was asked to die, and he simply agreed, but just before his death, he suddenly felt an obsession with life».[20]

Major worksEdit

Year Japanese Title English Title Translator(s) Comments
1928 Mugen naraku «Bottomless Hell»
Aware ga «The Pitiable Mosquitoes» Referenced in «Leaves.»
1930 Jinushi ichidai “A Landlord’s Life” incomplete
1933 列車


«The Train» McCarthy Wins prize from Tōō Nippō newspaper.[21] In The Final Years.


«Metamorphosis» or «Transformation»; also translated as «Undine» O’Brien In The Final Years.


«Memories» or «Recollections» Dunlop; Lyons; O’Brien First published in Kaihyō;[22] In The Final Years.
1934 Yonosuke no kien «Big Talk from Yonosuke» Partially ghost-written piece published under Ibuse Masuji’s name.[21]


«Leaves»[1] Gangloff In The Final Years.
猿面冠者Sarumenkanja «Monkey-Faced Youth» In The Final Years.

Kare wa mukashi no kare narazu

«He Is Not the Man He Used to Be» In The Final Years.
ロマネスコRomanesuku «Romanesque» Published in the first and only issue of Aoi Hana.[23] In The Final Years.
1935 逆行


«Losing Ground» First appeared in literary magazine Bungei.[24] Was submitted for the first Akutagawa Prize, but did not win. The story was judged by Yasunari Kawabata to be unworthy due to the author’s moral character, a pronouncement that prompted an angry reply from Dazai.[25] In The Final Years.
Dōke no Hana
«The Flowers of Buffoonery» In The Final Years.
Dasu gemaine «Das Gemeine» O’Brien
Kawabata Yasunari e «To Yasunari Kawabata»


«Monkey Island» O’Brien In The Final Years.


«Toys» O’Brien In The Final Years.


«Inka» (Will-o’-the-Wisp) In The Final Years.
1936 虚構の春
Kyokō no Haru
«False Spring»
The Final Years First collection of short stories.
1937 二十世紀旗手
Nijusseiki Kishu
«A Standard-bearer of the Twentieth Century»
1938 満願


«Fulfilment of a Vow» or «A Promise Fulfilled»[2] Brudnoy & Kazuko; McCarthy First appeared in the September 1938 issue of Bungakukai. In Schoolgirl.


«Putting Granny Out to Die» O’Brien First appeared in the October 1938 issue of Shinchō. In Schoolgirl.
Hino tori «The Firebird»
1939 I can speak «I Can Speak»[3] Brudnoy & Kazuko; McCarthy In Schoolgirl.
Fugaku Hyakkei
«One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji» McCarthy First appeared in Bungakukai, February & March 1939. In Schoolgirl.

Ōgon fūkei

«Golden Landscape» or «Seascape with Figures in Gold» Dunlop; McCarthy First appeared in Kokumin Shinbun, March 2–3 1939. In Schoolgirl.
Schoolgirl Powell Novella which first appeared in the April 1939 issue of Bungakukai; also the title of a collection of stories in which it appears. Winner of the Kitamura Tokoku Award[26]
懶惰の歌留多 «Slothful Utaruta» First appeared in the April 1939 issue of Bungei. In Schoolgirl.
Oshare doji «The Stylish Child»
1940 女の決闘
Onna no Kettō
«Women’s Duel»
Zokutenshi «Worldly Angel»
Anitachi «My Older Brothers» McCarthy; O’Brien
Haru no tozoku «A Burglar in Spring»
Zenzō o omou «Thinking of Zenzō» McCarthy
Kojiki gakusei «Beggar Student»
Kakekomi Uttae
«Heed My Plea» O’Brien
Hashire Merosu
«Run, Melos!» McCarthy; O’Brien
1941 Tokyo hakkei «Eight Views of Tokyo» Lyons; McCarthy; O’Brien
«New Hamlet»
Fukusō ni tsuite «On the Question of Apparel» O’Brien
1942 Hanabi «Fireworks» Censored by the authorities, but published after the war as «Before the Dawn» (Hinode mae).[27]
Seigi to Bisho
«Righteousness and Smiles»
Kikyorai «Going Home» Lyons
1943 Hibari no koe «Voice of the Lark» Marshall Published after the war in 1945 as «Pandora’s Box» (パンドラの匣 Pandora no Hako).[27]
Kokyō «Homecoming» O’Brien
Udaijin Sanetomo
«Sanetomo, Minister of the Right»
1944 Kajitsu «Happy Day» Filmed as Four Marriages Yottsu no kekkon).
Tsugaru Marshall; Westerhoven
Hin no iji «A Poor Man’s Got His Pride» O’Brien
Saruzuka «The Monkey’s Mound» O’Brien
1945 新釈諸国噺
Shinshaku Shokoku Banashi
New Tales of the Provinces
Regretful Parting
Fairy Tales Collection of short stories
Kobutori «Taking the Wen Away» O’Brien
1946 冬の花火
Fuyu no Hanabi
Fireworks in Winter Play
Niwa «The Garden» McCarthy
Kuno no Nenkan
Almanac of Pain Lyons Autobiography
For Fifteen Years Autobiography
Haru no kareha «Dry Leaves in Spring» Broadcast as a radio play on NHK the following year.[28]
Shin’yu kokan «The Courtesy Call»
Kahei «Currency» O’Brien
1947 Tokatonton «The Sound of Hammering» O’Brien

Viyon No Tsuma

«Villon’s Wife» McCarthy
Osan «Osan» O’Brien
The Setting Sun Keene
1948 如是我聞
Nyoze gamon
«Thus Have I Heard» Essay responding to Shiga Naoya’s criticism of his work[28]
«Cherries» McCarthy
Ningen Shikkaku
No Longer Human Gibeau; Keene (2018 English Translation/Variation: A Shameful Life)
Good-Bye Marshall incomplete
Katei no kofuku «The Happiness of the Home»
19?? Chikukendan «Canis familiaris» McCarthy


«Chikyūzu» Before 1937. In The Final Years.
Chiyojo «Chiyojo» Dunlop
Kachikachiyama «Crackling Mountain» O’Brien
Hakumei «Early Light» McCarthy
Sange «Fallen Flowers»[4] Swann
Chichi «The Father»[5] Brudnoy & Kazuko
Mesu ni tsuite «Female» McCarthy
Bidanshi to tabako «Handsome Devils and


Bishōjo «A Little Beauty» McCarthy

Mekura no sōshi

«Mekura no sōshi» «The Blind Book.» Title is intended as a parody of Makura no sōshi (The Pillow Book).[29] Before 1937. In The Final Years.
Merii kurisumasu «Merry Christmas» McCarthy
Asa «Morning»[6] Brudnoy & Yumi
Haha «Mother»[7] Brudnoy & Yumi
Zakyō ni arazu «No Kidding» McCarthy
«Shame»[8] Dunlop
Yuki no yo no hanashi «A Snowy Night’s Tale» Swann


«Suzumeko» Before 1937. In The Final Years.
Oya to iu niji «Two Little Words» McCarthy
Matsu «Waiting»[9] Brudnoy & Kazuko; Turvill
«Omoide» is an autobiography where Tsushima created a character named Osamu to use instead of himself to enact his own memories. Furthermore, Tsushima also conveys his perspective and analysis of these situations.[30]
The Flowers of Buffoonery
«The Flowers of Buffoonery» relates the story of Oba Yozo and his time recovering in the hospital from an attempted suicide. Although his friends attempt to cheer him up, their words are fake, and Oba sits in the hospital simply reflecting on his life.[31]
One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji
«One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji» shares Tsushima’s experience staying at Misaka. He meets with a man named Ibuse Masuji, a previous mentor, who has arranged an o-miai for Dazai. Dazai meets the woman, Ishihara Michiko, who he later decides to marry.[32]
The Setting Sun
The Setting Sun focuses on a small, formerly rich, family: a widowed mother, a divorced daughter, and a drug-addicted son who has just returned from the army and the war in the South Pacific. After WWII the family has to vacate their Tokyo home and move to the countryside, in Izu, Shizuoka, as the daughter’s uncle can no longer support them financially [33]
No Longer Human
No Longer Human focuses on the main character, Oba Yozo. Oba explains his life from a point in his childhood to somewhere in adulthood. Unable to properly understand how to interact and understand people he resorts to tomfoolery to make friends and hide his misinterpretations of social cues. His façade doesn’t fool everyone and doesn’t solve every problem. Due to the influence of a classmate named Horiki, he falls into a world of drinking and smoking. He relies on Horiki during his time in college to assist with social situations. With his life spiraling downwards after failing in college, Oba continues his story and conveys his feelings about the people close to him and society in general.[34]
An editor tries to avoid women with whom he had past sexual relations. Using the help of a female friend he does his best to avoid their advances and hide the unladylike qualities of his friend.[35]

Selected bibliography of English translationsEdit

  • The Setting Sun (斜陽 Shayō), translated by Donald Keene. Norfolk, Connecticut, James Laughlin, 1956. (Japanese publication: 1947).
  • No Longer Human (人間失格 Ningen Shikkaku), translated by Donald Keene. Norfolk, Connecticut, New Directions Publishers, 1958.
  • Dazai Osamu, Selected Stories and Sketches, translated by James O’Brien. Ithaca, New York, China-Japan Program, Cornell University, 1983?
  • Return to Tsugaru: Travels of a Purple Tramp (津軽), translated by James Westerhoven. New York, Kodansha International Ltd., 1985.
  • Run, Melos! and Other Stories. Trans. Ralph F. McCarthy. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1988. Tokyo: Kodansha English Library, 1988.
  • Crackling Mountain and Other Stories, translated by James O’Brien. Rutland, Vermont, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1989.
  • Self Portraits: Tales from the Life of Japan’s Great Decadent Romantic, translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Tokyo, New York, Kodansha International, Ltd., 1991.
  • Blue Bamboo: Tales of Fantasy and Romance, translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Tokyo and New York, Kodansha International, 1993.
  • Schoolgirl (女生徒 Joseito), translated by Allison Markin Powell. New York: One Peace Books, 2011.
  • Otogizōshi: The Fairy Tale Book of Dazai Osamu (お伽草紙 Otogizōshi), translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Fukuoka, Kurodahan Press, 2011.
  • Blue Bamboo: Tales by Dazai Osamu (竹青 Chikusei), translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Fukuoka, Kurodahan Press, 2012.
  • A Shameful Life: (Ningen Shikkaku) (人間失格 Ningen Shikkaku), translated by Mark Gibeau. Berkeley, Stone Bridge Press, 2018.
  • «Wish Fulfilled» (満願), translated by Reiko Seri and Doc Kane. Kobe, Japan, 2019.

In popular cultureEdit

Dazai’s literary work No Longer Human has received quite a few adaptations: a graphic novel written by the horror manga artist Junji Ito, a film directed by Genjiro Arato, the first four episodes of the anime series Aoi Bungaku, and a variety of mangas one of which was serialized in Shinchosha’s Comic Bunch magazine. It is also the name of an ability in the anime Bungo Stray Dogs and Bungo and Alchemist, used by a character named after Dazai himself.

The book is also the central work in one of the volumes of the Japanese light novel series Book Girl, Book Girl and the Suicidal Mime,[36] although other works of his are also mentioned. Dazai’s works are also discussed in the Book Girl manga and anime series. Dazai is often quoted by the male protagonist, Kotaro Azumi, in the anime series Tsuki ga Kirei, as well as by Ken Kaneki in Tokyo Ghoul.

See alsoEdit

  • Dazai Osamu Prize
  • List of Japanese writers
  • Osamu Dazai Memorial Museum


  1. ^ a b «Dazai Osamu | Japanese author | Britannica». www.britannica.com. Retrieved 2022-12-07.
  2. ^ «Many of Japan’s most interesting creative writers cite ‘No Longer Human’ by Osamu Dazai as their favourite book or one that had a huge influence on them». Red Circle Authors. Retrieved 12 May 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ Lyons, Phyllis I; Dazai, Osamu (1985). The saga of Dazai Osamu: a critical study with translations. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 8, 21. ISBN 0804711976. OCLC 11210872.
  4. ^ O’Brien, James A. (1975). Dazai Osamu. Boston: Twayne Publishers. p. 18. ISBN 0805726640.
  5. ^ a b Lyons, pp. 21–22.
  6. ^ O’Brien 1975.
  7. ^ Lyons, pp. 21, 53, 57–58.
  8. ^ a b O’Brien 1975, p. 12.
  9. ^ 野原, 一夫 (1998). 太宰治生涯と文学 (in Japanese). p. 36. ISBN 4480033971. OCLC 676259180.
  10. ^ Lyons.
  11. ^ Lyons, p. 26.
  12. ^ Lyons, pp. 28–29.
  13. ^ Inose, Naoki; 猪瀬直樹 (2001). Pikaresuku : Dazai Osamu den = Picaresque. 猪瀬直樹 (Shohan ed.). Tōkyō: Shōgakkan. ISBN 4-09-394166-1. OCLC 47158889.
  14. ^ Nohara, Kazuo; 野原一夫 (1998). Dazai Osamu, shōgai to bungaku. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō. ISBN 4-480-03397-1. OCLC 41370809.
  15. ^ Lyons, p. 34.
  16. ^ Lyons, p. 39.
  17. ^ Wolfe, Alan Stephen (2014-07-14). Suicidal Narrative in Modern Japan: The Case of Dazai Osamu. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-1-4008-6100-2.
  18. ^ Sakanishi, Shio. «Publishing Trend.» Japan Quarterly 2.3 (1955): 384. «Dazai, a Bohemian and an alcoholic»
  19. ^ «The Disqualified Life of Osamu Dazai» by Eugene Thacker, Japan Times, 26 Mar. 2016.
  20. ^ 山内祥史 (1998). 太宰治に出会った日 : 珠玉のエッセイ集. Yumani Shobō. OCLC 680437760.
  21. ^ a b Lyons, p. 391.
  22. ^ Classe, Olive, ed. (2000). The Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English, Vol. I. London & Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. p. 347. ISBN 1884964362.
  23. ^ Lyons, p. 36.
  24. ^ Magill, Frank N., ed. (1997). Cyclopedia of World Authors, Vol. 2 (Revised 3rd ed.). Pasadena, California: Salem Press. p. 514. ISBN 0893564362.
  25. ^ Starrs, Roy (2021-10-01). Japanese Cultural Nationalism: At Home and in the Asia-Pacific. BRILL. ISBN 978-90-04-21395-1.
  26. ^ Lyons, p. 392.
  27. ^ a b Lyons, p. 393.
  28. ^ a b Lyons, p. 395.
  29. ^ James O’Brien (1983-06-01). O. Dazai Selected Stories And Sketches.
  30. ^ Lyons, pp. 79–83.
  31. ^ O’Brien, James; G.K. Hall & Company (1999). Dazai Osamu. New York: G.K. Hall & Co. pp. 55–58.
  32. ^ O’Brien, James; G.K. Hall & Company (1999). Dazai Osamu. New York: G.K. Hall & Co. pp. 74–76.
  33. ^ Dazai, Osamu; Keene, Donald (2002). The setting sun. Boston: Tuttle. ISBN 4805306726. OCLC 971573193.
  34. ^ Dazai, Osamu; Keene, Donald (1958). No longer human. New York: New Directions. ISBN 0811204812. OCLC 708305173.
  35. ^ O’Brien, James; G.K. Hall & Company (1999). Dazai Osamu. New York: G.K. Hall & Co. p. 147. OCLC 56775972.
  36. ^ «Book Girl and the Suicidal Mime». Contemporary Japanese Literature. 19 February 2011. Retrieved 14 January 2018.


  • O’Brien, James A., ed. Akutagawa and Dazai: Instances of Literary Adaptation. Cornell University Press, 1983.
  • Ueda, Makoto. Modern Japanese Writers and the Nature of Literature. Stanford University Press, 1976.
  • «Nation and Region in the Work of Dazai Osamu,» in Roy Starrs Japanese Cultural Nationalism: At Home and in the Asia Pacific. London: Global Oriental. 2004. ISBN 1-901903-11-7.

External linksEdit

  • e-texts of Osamu’s works at Aozora bunko
  • Osamu’s short story «Waiting» at the Wayback Machine (archived December 11, 2007)
  • Osamu Dazai’s grave
  • Synopsis of Japanese Short Stories (Otogi Zoshi) at JLPP (Japanese Literature Publishing Project) (in English)
  • Osamu Dazai at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database
  • Works by Osamu Dazai at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)  

«Stop feeling sorry for yourself. As long as you do, your life will be an unending nightmare.«

— Osamu Dazai to Atsushi Nakajima.[1]

Osamu Dazai ( () (ざい) (おさむ), Dazai Osamu?) is a member of the Armed Detective Agency and former executive of the underworld organization, the Port Mafia. He has the Ability named No Longer Human.


Dazai is a young man with mildly wavy, short, dark brown hair and narrow dark brown eyes. His bangs frame his face, while some are gathered at the center of his forehead. He is quite tall and slim in terms of physique.

For his attire, Dazai wears a long sand-colored trench coat, the belt of which he leaves untied. Under it is a black vest over a striped dress shirt that is light blue in hue. He wears a bolo tie, which is held by a brown ribbon and a turquoise pendant. He also dons beige pants, dark brown shoes, and has bandages wrapped around his entire body; only his face, hands, and feet are left uncovered.

Back when he was in the Mafia, Dazai wore a black trench coat that reached under his knees. He also wore bandages over his right eye and his right arm is in a sling—presumably products of his suicidal pastimes. At some point, he was able to regain the use of his right arm.[11]

After the cannibalism, Dazai wears a formal suit during the Agency’s celebration.[12]

During the Yokohama fog incident, Dazai wears a white waistcoat over black long sleeves and a brown tie, together with white pants. A lapel pin can be also seen attached to his padded overcoat.[13]

After being arrested by the Hunting Dogs and taken to Meursault, Dazai is currently wearing white prison clothes.[14]

Dazai without his coat - Fifteen (Anime)

Dazai without his coat

Osamu Dazai Fifteen (Anime)

Dazai at fifteen years old

Osamu Dazai (Dark Era)

Dazai during Dark Era

Dazai's attire during the Yokohama fog incident (Anime)

Dazai’s attire during the Yokohama fog incident

Dazai's attire during the cannibalism aftermath celebration

Dazai’s attire during the cannibalism aftermath celebration

Dazai wearing prison clothes (manga)

Dazai wearing prison clothes


Osamu Dazai (Wan! Anime)

Wan! Appearance

Fifteen Dazai (Wan! Anime)

Wan! appearance — Fifteen Dazai

Teacher Dazai (Wan! Anime)

Wan! appearance — Teacher Dazai


Dazai is a mysterious person, his true intentions are never revealed unless he reveals them. The person who got closest to the truth of his personality, as acknowledged by Dazai himself, was his friend Sakunosuke Oda, who recognized that Dazai shall linger in the darkness forever, as there was nearly nothing that can surpass his mind. Regardless whether he is on the side of killing people or saving them, Oda knew that no place in the world could fill Dazai’s loneliness, which Oda thought Dazai knew in himself.[11]

Dazai as the youngest executive in Mafia history.

In addition, Dazai kept an enigmatic and dark façade, whose endeavors in the Mafia were unrivaled and eventually earned him the status as the youngest leader in the history of the Mafia ( (れき) (だい) (さい) (ねん) (しょう) (かん) (), reki daisainenshō kanbu?).[3] Because of his aptitude despite his youth, Dazai contributed to about half the Mafia’s profits for at least two years.[11] Eventually, Dazai’s ledger became tainted; Ichiyō Higuchi describes his blood to be «dark as the Mafia itself».[1] Even in his adulthood when he becomes an Agency member, when Kyōka Izumi showed remorse over having killed 35 people, Dazai remarked with a sinister face that such number is nothing.[15]

As a saying in the Mafia went, «The greatest misfortune for Dazai’s enemies is that they are Dazai’s enemies», for Dazai was aptly described to be «practically born to be in the Mafia». He was extremely confident and was a terrific planner, coming up with long-run strategies to subdue his enemies. For instance, he was able to lure Mimic operatives, who were previously trained soldiers, to fall under his trap.[11] Dazai is quite skilled in persuasion notably through his words, which he appeared to utilize in interrogations that broke targets who did not divulge anything under Kōyō Ozaki’s torture squad.[16]

Dazai advised by Oda to save others.

Behind this grim persona, Dazai admitted that he joined the Mafia to be exposed to death, violence, and people giving in to their urges and desires, expecting that—in this way—he would be able to see the inner nature of humankind firsthand in hopes of finding a reason to live.[11] Following Oda’s demise, Dazai defected from the Mafia and went underground in order to heed Oda’s final request for him to «be on the side that saves people». Admittedly, he reckoned that people change over time[1] where potential surfaces,[15] which apparently seems to apply to himself as well.

Upon joining the Agency, Dazai is usually called lazy, with Doppo Kunikida always scolding him for being unproductive and slacking off. Despite that, he has shown a sharp wit, deducing all the unlikely situations that led Atsushi Nakajima to believe he was being stalked by a tiger when he was the tiger in question.[17] He has complete confidence no matter what type of situation he is dealing with, be it combat or simply bad situations he formulated in the first place.[18][3]

Dazai eats a hallucinogenic mushroom.

In most occasions, Dazai is overly dramatic. He takes most of his actions as a joke, and, although they are very well-thought plans, he does not credit himself for most of what he has done. Dazai likes to tease anyone and everyone, especially if it means that he can get a laugh out of it.[3] As a suicide maniac, he often attempts to commit suicide in comical manners, but he oftentimes fails[6] or gives up on it when such methods are painful.[19]

Dazai’s typical approach to invite a woman in to join him in a double suicide.

Dazai, in particular, wishes to commit double suicide with a beautiful woman;[20][21][3] though he admits that he «likes all types of women», he possibly prefers the type who would die with him if he asked to.[11] Kunikida once wondered why Dazai is quite popular with women and called him a menace to women,[22] a sentiment Chūya Nakahara once used when he threatened to leak Dazai’s address to every woman he ever made cry, which Dazai soon asked him not to do.[2] Dazai also once had a run-in with a bomb threat instigated by a woman whom Dazai figured was obsessed with him.[22]

While his suicidal tendencies are initially comedic, they reveal a truly dark deep hole that Dazai has. Even as a teenage boy, Dazai questioned whether there was any value in life.[9] Thus, he soon tried to fill this hole and find a reason worth living for, choosing to live a life surrounded by bloodshed and war, but his friend Oda with his dying breath convinced him to choose the good side. He understood that even though good and evil mean little to Dazai, he may become a slightly better person if he were to choose well.

Dazai training Akutagawa.

In the past, while he was still suicidal, it was shown to be far less comedic. He even described the death as a way to free himself from the oxidizing world, but, strangely enough, he could not die no matter how hard he tried. Additionally, he was extremely brutal and methodical, setting up traps to catch captives alive to torture them for information, and he would often beat his then apprentice Ryūnosuke Akutagawa for disobeying orders and to push him to the limits to improve his abilities.[11]

Dazai allows suspicions to surround and frame him in order to outmaneuver the Azure Apostle.

While in the present he is more lighthearted and comical, he still retains some of his darker personality. He is still able and proficient at coming up with long-run strategies, though he doesn’t inform his teammates what they are until the time is right.[23] When he is able to see through the enemies’ schemes, no matter how complex, Dazai would sometimes plot to run along with a charade if he deems it necessary, which he did during his entrance exam in order to let Kunikida’s suspicions arouse over him as planted; in so doing, they were able to break free from their opponent’s ruse and eventually catch the mastermind behind.[6]

Dazai is also willing to use dirty means to achieve his goals, such as purposely deflating Ango Sakaguchi’s car seat airbag when they crashed so Ango would get injured and force him to cooperate with Dazai for pardoning Kyōka in exchange for having his wounds healed.[24]

Dazai advises a conflicted Atsushi.

Nonetheless, he does care for his teammates and watches out for them, especially Atsushi for whom he sees the greatest potential. Moreover, Dazai develops a sense of duty and utilizes his wit and intelligence to the Agency in their quest to help maintain Yokohama’s peace and order. As part of his various plans and well-calculated strategies, he even devised for Atsushi and Akutagawa to collaborate at times to become a new generation of Twin Dark who could take on the brewing evil lurking within the city.[25]


Main article: No Longer Human

No Longer Human ( (にん) (げん) (しっ) (かく), Ningen Shikkaku?) allows Dazai to nullify others’ abilities on contact. It relies on skin contact and is always active. As such, he can nullify any ability even while restrained as soon as it touches him.

No Longer Human ( (にん) (げん) (しっ) (かく), Ningen Shikkaku?)
No Longer Human.gif Manga Debut: Chapter 1
Anime Debut: Episode 1
Ability: Ability Neutralization


  • Intelligence: Dazai’s intelligence is his primary source of expertise as a Mafia executive in the past and as a detective at present. Ōgai Mori, a proficient tactician himself, widely trusted and relied on Dazai’s intelligence, whom he claimed to be his most worthy right-hand man should he have stayed in the Mafia.[26] Dazai is also recognized as one of the Agency’s sharpest detectives (双璧, Sōheki?, lit. «Double Jade») together with Ranpo,[4] who is proclaimed by others and himself as the world’s greatest detective. With his intelligence, he is able to go head-to-head against the formidable Fyodor Dostoevsky, an avatar of cunning who sees Dazai to be quite identical to him.[27] Even Ranpo once subtly admitted that going up against Fyodor is like going up against Dazai,[28] whom the great detective himself views to be quite an enigma even as his co-worker.[21] Dazai has an aptitude for predicting outcomes,[23][25] which he himself admits is one of his strong qualities, if not his strongest.[3][2]
    • Negotiation Skills: Dazai is an adept persuader, able to negotiate with others and consequently acquire his required outcomes. He is able to convince Kōyō, a Mafia executive, into letting Kyōka get arrested and even to stay in the Agency as their captive;[29][25] Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, a former enemy, into collaborating with him to catch Fyodor;[12] and even Akutagawa into tailing and potentially helping Atsushi—the latter’s sworn rival—before the outbreak of the Decay of the Angel’ terrorism plot.[30] He also once presumably persuaded Naomi Tanizaki to work with him behind her brother’s back, who both were secretly tasked by Kunikida into tricking Dazai, only for this scheme to backfire once Dazai realizes their clandestine arrangement.[22]
  • Dexterity: Dazai is proficient in lock picking, such as prying locked boxes[11] or handcuffs[18][13] open. Moreover, he was able to implant a bug in Higuchi’s pocket without being noticed by the mafioso.[31] He was also able to swipe Chūya Nakahara’s knife without even being seen.[2] Kunikida also once described Dazai to be «frighteningly dexterous», knowing that Dazai can pick a lock to a bank’s safe with a needle or easily switch out slips of paper with fake ones.[22]
  • Physical Prowess: Dazai had fair-to-middling hand-to-hand skills among the Mafia as Chūya recalled, which his nullification ability made up for. Dazai was able to briefly hold his own against Chūya, the most physically gifted in the Mafia, by predicting and defending against his moves and timing which he had memorized, though he got backed up on the wall soon after.[3] Dazai was also able to fend against a big man by utilizing his resources around him, albeit being overwhelmed later on.[6]
  • Heart Rate Manipulation: Using the device that monitors his vitals which is planted on him at Meursault, Dazai can vary his heart rate at will and digitize his messages in order to communicate to the outside world.[32]


During his time as a Mafia executive, Dazai held a record of 138 counts of conspiracy to murder, 312 counts of extortion, and 625 counts of assorted fraud, among other crimes.[33] After he defected from the Mafia and went underground, this ledger was wiped clean by the Seventh Agency, who were employed by Ango.[29][34]


Main article: List of Battles

Fifteen Arc

Azure Apostle Arc

Port Mafia Arc

The Guild Arc

The Guild Aftermath Arc


Manga Appearances

Chapters in order of appearance

Port Mafia Arc

  • Chapter 1 — Looking the Gift Tiger in the Mouth
  • Chapter 2 — A Certain Explosive
  • Chapter 3 — Yokohama Gangster Paradise, Part 1
  • Chapter 4 — Yokohama Gangster Paradise, Part 2
  • Chapter 6 — Murder on D Street
  • Chapter 7 — Kill A Man and Die Thee Too, Part 1
  • Chapter 8 — Kill A Man and Die Thee Too, Part 2
  • Chapter 9 — Beauty, Hushed Like a Statue
  • Chapter 10 — Detective Boys
  • Chapter 11 — Back in the Day…
  • Chapter 12 — Rashomon and the Tiger
  • Chapter 13 — The Rupturous Detective Agency

The Guild Arc

  • Chapter 15 — Constantly Pushed to the Past, Part 1
  • Chapter 19 — The Three-Way Battle
  • Chapter 21 — The Brother and the Devil (flashback)
  • Chapter 23 — The Grapes of Wrath Ripen in His Eyes, Part 1 (mentioned)
  • Chapter 24 — The Grapes of Wrath Ripen in His Eyes, Part 2
  • Chapter 25 — Q
  • Chapter 26 — Will of Tycoon (flashback)
  • Chapter 28 — The Emergancy Plan
  • Chapter 29 — Even If My Head Be Mistaken
  • Chapter 30 — The Silent Tower and the Raven’s Feast
  • Chapter 31 — The Twin Darkness
  • Chapter 33 — A White Whale, into the Oceans of Heaven
  • Chapter 34 — The Last Tycoon
  • Chapter 35 — Rashomon, the Tiger and the Last Tycoon
  • Chapter 36 — If I May Lay Down This Burden Today
  • Chapter 37 — Closing the Party

The Guild Aftermath Arc

  • Chapter 38 — Slap the Stick
  • Chapter 39 — Portrait of a Father
  • Chapter 40 — Walking Alone

Cannibalism Arc

  • Chapter 46 — The Masked Assassin
  • Chapter 47 — Mutual Destruction, Part 1 (cameo)
  • Chapter 49 — Mutual Destruction, Part 3 (flashback)
  • Chapter 50 — Mutual Destruction, Part 4
  • Chapter 51 — Echo, Part 1
  • Chapter 52 — Echo, Part 2
  • Chapter 53 — Echo, Part 3

Perfect Crime Arc

  • Chapter 56 — The Perfect Murder, The Perfect Killer, Part 3 (cameo)

Hunting Dogs Arc

  • Chapter 57 — Sunday Tragedy, Part 1
  • Chapter 63 — Enemies of Society
  • Chapter 64 — You and I, Children of Sin
  • Chapter 68 — The Sadness of Those Without Wings, Part 2

Sky Casino Arc

  • Chapter 70 — The Escape, Part 2 (mentioned/flashback)
  • Chapter 72 — Bungou Hound Dogs, Part 2
  • Chapter 76 — Skyfall, Part 3 (image)
  • Chapter 77 — Skyfall, Part 4
  • Chapter 78 — To Threaten God, Part 1 (image)

Kamui Revelation Arc

  • Chapter 80 — The Strongest Man, Part 1
  • Chapter 83.5 — Toward the Complete Answer, Part 2 (picture)
  • Chapter 84 — Hero vs. Criminal, Part 1 (flashback)
  • Chapter 85 — Hero vs. Criminal, Part 2 (flashback)
  • Chapter 86 — Hero vs. Criminal Part 3 (mentioned)
  • Chapter 87 — Hero vs. Criminal Part 4 (mentioned)

Vampire Infection Outbreak Arc

  • Chapter 89 — Hero War, Gang War (cover)
  • Chapter 95 — At the Portway to the Sky, Part 5
  • Chapter 95.5 — At the Portway to the Sky, Part 5.5
  • Chapter 97 — At the Portway to the Sky, Part 6
  • Chapter 101 — Sinking to the Bottom


  • (To Sakunosuke Oda) «For most things in life, it’s harder to succeed than fail. Wouldn’t you agree? […] That’s why I should attempt suicide rather than commit it! Committing suicide is difficult, but it should be relatively easier to fail at attempting suicide!«[11]
  • (To Sakunosuke Oda when asked how he got his injuries) «I was walking and reading a book called How to Not Get Hurt Out of the Blue and fell into a drainage ditch. […] I was speeding around a mountain path and drove off the cliff. […] I was trying to kill myself by slamming my head into the corner of a block of tofu.«[11]
  • (To Ango Sakaguchi and Sakunosuke Oda) «Who wouldn’t want to keep a relationship’s fire burning? Sounds wonderful if you ask me.«[11]
  • (To Ango Sakaguchi and Sakunosuke Oda) «I always lose the things I don’t want to lose the most. That’s why I don’t feel anything anymore. The moment you get your hands on something worth going after, you lose it. That’s just how things are. There is nothing worth pursuing at the cost of prolonging a life of suffering.«[11]
  • (To Sakunosuke Oda) «Hey, Odasaku, do you know why I joined the Mafia? I joined the Mafia because of an expectation I had. I thought if I was close to death and violence—close to people giving in to their urges and desires, then I would be able to see the inner nature of humankind up close. I thought if I did that… I would be able to find something—a reason to live.«[11]
  • (To Sakunosuke Oda) «You’re such an idiot, Odasaku. The biggest idiot I know. […] You didn’t have to do this. You didn’t have to die.«[11]
  • (To Ōgai Mori) «You were afraid, weren’t you, Mori-san? Afraid I’d cut out your windpipe and assume the boss’ seat. Just as you did to the last boss.«[26]
  • (To Fyodor Dostoevsky) «You said that we were two peas in a pod. You’re right, but there’s one key difference. ……It’s true that all of mankind is sinful and foolish. But what’s wrong with that?«[27]
  • (To Fyodor Dostoevsky) «You don’t really understand God one bit, do you? ‘Perfection and harmony’? God doesn’t give a single care about those. I’ve seen it so many times… His gimmicks are the accidental and the illogical. That’s… a weakness you and I both have. We thought of thousands of ingenious schemes, and we still ended up in here… in a prison at the ends of the earth. The ones who actually make the world turn… are those who scream within the storm of uncertainty and run with flowing blood.«[35]


  • The name «Osamu» (治) is a given name.[36]
  • The surname «Dazai» means «thick» (太) (ta/da) and «rule» (宰) (zai).


Main article: Real-life References#Osamu Dazai
Osamu Dazai (June 19, 1909– June 13, 1948)

DazaiRL Thumbnail.png

A brilliant writer who attempted suicide multiple times (before succeeding on his third try), Dazai is one of the most notable writers of «I-novels — first person, semi-autobiographical works emphasizing darkness of the self. His most famous novel, «No Longer Human» follows a man who goes through life feeling as if he is merely «acting» the part of a human.»[37]


  • The real life Osamu Dazai‘s birthname is Shūji Tsushima (津島 修治)
  • Dazai’s past with Fyodor likely refers to the influence Crime and Punishment had on Yōzō Ōba, the protagonist of the real-life Dazai’s No Longer Human.[38]
  • Dazai’s constant attempts to commit suicide with a beautiful woman could be an allusion to his real-life counterpart’s attempted double suicides with Shimeko Tanabe and Hatsuyo Oyama. His attempt with his lover Tomie Yamazaki was ultimately successful.[39]
    • It’s also possible that his suicide attempts serve as a reference to No Longer Human’s protagonist Ōba’s multiple suicide attempts throughout the story, which is considered to be a reflection of Dazai’s turbulent life.[39][40]

The real-life Dazai, Oda, and Ango photographed in Bar Lupin.

  • In real life, Dazai is often grouped together along with Ango Sakaguchi and Sakunosuke Oda as the Decadent School (無頼派, Buraiha?, lit. «school of irresponsibility and decadence»). This is often alluded in the series, because the trio’s actual counterparts used to meet in the actual Bar Lupin in Ginza.[41][42]
  • Dazai usually refers to himself by the gender-neutral pronoun «私» (watashi) rather than the more masculine pronouns like «僕» (boku) or «俺» (ore). This is likely because of the format of traditional novels, which the real Dazai specialized in, typically used formal watashi pronouns over its variants.[citation needed]
  • The book The Complete Suicide which Dazai owns in the series is a reference to The Complete Manual of Suicide written by Wataru Tsurumi published in 1993, filled with guides on methods of suicide along with the assessment of the pain it causes, preparation required, the appearance of the body and, lethality.[43]
    • In regards to suicide methods, Dazai have tried the following:
      • Slamming his head into the corner of a block of tofu[11]
      • Death by Poisoning: Mushrooms[6]
      • Asphyxiation[17]
      • Compressed death in a drum[19]
      • Cardiac arrest[4]
  • According to the first official guidebook:[44]
    • He recently spends his time doing nothing.
    • He has an irregular sleeping pattern and doesn’t sleep much.
    • He feels that he should think about new ways to harass Chūya in case they got paired up again.
    • He thinks that everything is his strengths
    • His ideal type is any person who is willing to commit double suicide with him.
    • His motto is «Have a pure, cheerful, and energetic suicide.»
    • According to him, there were no times when he thought he was dying the most.
  • According to the second official guidebook:[7]
    • His favorite type of woman is a woman who doesn’t ask any questions.
    • His favorite motto is «Death is a part of life.»
    • What he felt about the title of youngest executive: «It wasn’t something I was aiming for, so I didn’t feel anything.»
    • His memorable experience at the bar «Lupin»: «When the master remembered the three of us and our favorite drinks.»
  • Dazai is very bad at driving.[6]
  • Dazai seems to be unable to sleep if it is not completely dark.[45]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 25.

  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 31.

  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 11.

  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2
    Bungo Stray Dogs: 55 Minutes.

  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Volume 2.

  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5
    Bungo Stray Dogs: Osamu Dazai’s Entrance Exam.

  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3
    Bungo Stray Dogs Official Guidebook Shinkaroku.

  8. Bungo Stray Dogs: DEAD APPLE (Film).

  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2
    Bungo Stray Dogs: Dazai, Chūya, Age Fifteen.

  10. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 63.

  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14
    Bungo Stray Dogs: Osamu Dazai and the Dark Era.

  12. 12.0 12.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 53.

  13. 13.0 13.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs: DEAD APPLE (Film).

  14. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 63.

  15. 15.0 15.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 35.

  16. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 19.

  17. 17.0 17.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 1.

  18. 18.0 18.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 10.

  19. 19.0 19.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 2.

  20. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 3.

  21. 21.0 21.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 6.

  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3
    Bungo Stray Dogs: The Untold Origins of the Detective Agency.

  23. 23.0 23.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 36.

  24. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 33.

  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 37.

  26. 26.0 26.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 30.

  27. 27.0 27.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 46.

  28. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 47.

  29. 29.0 29.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 26.

  30. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 84.

  31. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 4.

  32. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 70.

  33. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 57.

  34. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 70.

  35. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 77.

  36. 治. Wikitionary

  37. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Volume 3,
    Author Guide.
  38. No Longer Human. Wikipedia.
  39. 39.0 39.1 Osamu Dazai. Wikipedia.
  40. Black Illumination: the disqualified life of Osamu Dazai. The Japan Times.
  41. Bar Lupin Ginza. Bar Lupin official website (in Japanese).
  42. Bungo Stray Dogs Bar in Ginza, Tokyo. Mipon.
  43. The Complete Manual of Suicide. Wikipedia.

  44. Bungo Stray Dogs Official Guidebook Kaikaroku.

  45. Bungo Stray Dogs Drama CD: Welcome to Hot Springs.

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Sub-Executive Randō
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Command Unit Ryūnosuke Akutagawa · Ichiyō Higuchi
Black Lizard Squad Leader Ryūrō Hirotsu
Battalion Leaders Gin Akutagawa · Michizō Tachihara
Members Elise · Karma · Kazuma Utagawa · Kurehito Umeki · Kyūsaku Yumeno · Miroku Ishige · Motojirō Kajii · Sakunosuke Oda · Shōkichi Saegusa
Former Leader Unnamed Previous Boss
Executive Osamu Dazai
Members Ango Sakaguchi · Kyōka Izumi

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Osamu Dazai is a character from the Anime Bungou Stray Dogs.

They have been indexed as Male Adult with Brown eyes and Brown hair that is To Neck length.


Ability name: No Longer Human

A member of the ‘Armed Detective Agency’, a group of ability users. He is a suicide enthusiast who seeks a place to die. Having said that, he would prefer it not to be painful, and if possible, he would like a lovers’ suicide with a beautiful woman. He is aloof and elusive, and his previous job, which no one can guess, is said to be ‘one of the Seven Wonders of the Detective Agency’.

Appears / (Official)
Gender Male
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Brown
Hair Length To Neck
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No


Appears in

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No Longer Human Power
Reverses other peoples powers
May 31, 2022 Weeb_Breathing



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Osamu anime.png

Osamu Dazai is one of the main characters from the Bungou Stray Dogs anime and manga.

The first member the Armed Detective Agency Atsushi meets. An extremely strange young man, he hopes to some day find a beautiful woman to commit suicide with. A former member of the Port Mafia, he has a history with Akutagawa and Chuuya.

In the AWA fics, Osamu is set to appear in a future AWA storyline.


Dazai is a handsome male with mildly wavy, short dark brown hair and narrow dark brown eyes. His bangs frame his face, while some are gathered at the center of his forehead. He is quite tall and slim in physique.

For his attire, Dazai wears a long sand-colored trench coat, the belt of which he leaves untied. Under it is a black vest over a striped dress shirt that is light blue in hue. He wears a bolo tie, which is held by a brown ribbon and a turquoise pendant. He also dons beige pants, dark brown shoes, and has bandages wrapped around his entire body; only his face, hands, and feet are left uncovered. The reasons for the bandages are yet to be discovered.

Back when he was in the mafia, Dazai wore a dark trench coat that reached under his knees. He also wore bandages over his right eye and his right arm is in a sling—presumably products of his suicidal pastimes. At some point, he was able to regain the use of his right arm; the same arm he then used to aim and fire a gun at Akutagawathree times.


Dazai is a mysterious person, his true intentions are never revealed unless he himself reveals them. The person who got closest to the truth of his personality, as acknowledged by Dazai himself, was his friend Sakunosuke Oda, who said to him, «it can’t be found. (…) You should know this yourself. No matter whether you’re on the side of killing people or saving people, there will never be anything that can surpass your mind. There is no place in this world that can fill your loneliness. You will linger in the darkness forever.»

Dazai is usually called lazy as Kunikida always scolds him for being unproductive and slacking off. Despite that, he has shown a sharp wit, deducing all the unlikely situations that led Atsushi to believe he was being stalked by a tiger when he actually was the tiger in question. He has complete confidence no matter what type of situation he is dealing with, be it combat or simply bad situations he himself created in the first place. In most occasions, Dazai is overly dramatic, he takes most of his actions as a joke, and, although they are very thought out plans, he does not credit himself for most of what he has done.

Aside from his quick thinking, Dazai is the comic relief in the series and at times Dazai’s soft side can be seen.

He is a suicide maniac, often trying to commit suicide in comical manners but often times failing. He, in particular, wishes to commit a double suicide with a beautiful woman (a nod to his real life counterpart who tried to commit double suicide with various women multiple times). However, while his suicidal tendencies are initially comedic, they reveal a truly dark deep hole that Dazai has and believes he cannot fill. He believed he could fill this hole and find a reason worth living for if he lived a life of bloodshed and war, but his friend Oda with his dying breath convinced him to choose the good side. He understood that even though good and evil mean little to Dazai, he may become a slightly better person if he were to choose good.

In the past, while he was still suicidal, it was shown to be far less comedic. He even described death as a way to free himself from the oxidizing world but strangely enough, he could not die no matter how hard he tried. In addition, he was extremely brutal and methodical, setting up traps to catch captives alive to torture the of information and often beat Akutagawa for disobeying orders and in order to push him to the limits to improve his abilities. He was extremely confident and was a terrific planner, coming up with long run strategies to subdue his enemies. Oda once noted that there was a saying in the Mafia that the worst thing for Dazai’s enemies was the fact they were his enemies.

While in the present he is more lighthearted and comical, he still retains some of his darker personality. He is still able and proficient at coming up with long run strategies though doesn’t inform his teammates what they are until the time is right. In addition, he is willing to use dirty means to achieve his goals, such as purposely deflating Ango’s car seat airbag when they crashed so Ango would have numerous broken injuries. This forced Ango to cooperate with Dazai for pardoning Kyouka in exchange for having his wounds healed. When Kyouka shows remorse over having killed 35 people, Dazai remarks with a sinister face that something like that is nothing. Nonetheless, he does care for his teammates and watches out for them, especially Atsushi for whom he sees the greatest potential.


No Longer Human (Ningen Shikkaku, literally «Human Disqualification»): This allows Dazai to nullify others Abilities on contact. His Ability relies on skin contact and is always active. As such, he can nullify any Ability even while restrained as soon as it touches him.


  • Dazai’s past with Fyodor Dostoyevsky likely refers to the influence Crime and Punishment had on Ōba, the protagonist of No Longer Human.
  • He, along with several other characters, made an appearance in the mobile game Love Heaven as a limited time character.
  • He and several other characters also made an appearance in the mobile game Kimito Lead Puzzle 18 as a limited time character.
  • He and several other characters made another appearance in the mobile game Yumeiro Cast as limited time characters.
  • His constant attempts to commit suicide with a beautiful woman could be an allusion to his real life counterpart’s attempted double suicide with Shimeko Tanabe and Hatsuyo Oyama. His attempt with his lover Tomie Yamazaki was ultimately successful.
    • It’s also possible that his suicide attempts serve as a reference to No Longer Human‘s protagonist Ōba Yōzō’s multiple suicide attempts throughout the story, which is considered to be a reflection of Osamu Dazai’s turbulent life.
  • He was the youngest Executive in Port Mafia history.
  • In real life, he is often grouped together along with Sakaguchi Ango and Oda Sakunosuke as the Buraiha or Decadent School.
    • And on the series, this is often alluded, because the three used to meet in a certain bar, as seen in Dazai and the Dark Era and illustrated on the calendar.
  • Dazai usually refers to himself by the gender neutral pronoun, «watashi,» rather than the more masculine pronouns like «boku» or «ore.» This is likely because of the format of traditional I novels, which the real Dazai specialised in, typically used formal «watashi» pronouns over its variants.
  • Dazai is very bad at driving, as shown in the first light novel «Dazai Osamu’s Entrance Exam».
  • His type is any woman who would like to commit suicide with him.


External Links

  • Osamu Dazai at Bungostraydogs Wiki

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