Эстель как пишется на английском

Транслит женсксого имени Эстель: Estel’

Написание имени Эстель в транслите или латиницей (латинскими или английскими буквами). Это может вам пригодиться, например, при написании имени Эстель в загранпаспорте, при бронировани билетов, при покупке по интернету и т.д.

Значение имени «Эстель»


Значение букв в имени «Эстель»

Э — любопытство, пронырливость

С — властность, нервозность, здравый смысл

Т — чувствительность, творческая личность, поиск идеала

Е — жизнестойкость, болтливость, проницательность

Л — логика, артистичность, мелочность

Ь — способность к анализу, раскладыванию по полочкам

Популярные женские имена

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Estelle is a female given name of Occitan origin, and means star.[1]


Mucha Evening star.jpg

The Evening Star, part of a 1902 Art Nouveau decorative panel by Alfons Mucha.

Gender female
Word/name Latin, Occitan, French
Meaning star
Other names
Related names Stella, Estella, Esther

Saint Estelle was a martyr who purportedly lived in Aquitania in the third century AD, although the earliest references to her date from the Middle Ages. The earliest formats of this Saint’s name, Eustella/Eustelle and Eustalia, morphed into Estelle by Provençal poet Frédéric Mistral due to association with Estela (Occitan for star, of which Estelle is essentially a phonetic rendering in French). Saint Estelle is the patron saint of the Felibrige, a literary and cultural association founded by Mistral and other Provençal writers to defend and promote their language.

Star is the meaning generally assigned the name Estelle, although the format Eustalia suggests the name’s true root is the Greek eustales: well-groomed.[2] Despite the reported popularity of the saint [3] the name Estelle was afforded little evident usage prior to the publication in 1788 of the pastoral Estelle by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian, the first famous historical namesake, Estelle Fornier (née Dubœuf), muse of the composer Berlioz, who was born in 1797.[4] Best-known overall in France due to model Estelle Lefébure (born 1966),[5][6] the name Estelle has proven substantially more popular in Belgium than France.[1]

Estelle came into vogue in the British Isles in the mid-19th century likely as a variant of the similar Stella which had recently become fashionable. Estelle was also promoted via utilization by a number of novelists who wrote in English, most notably Charles Dickens in variant form for the character Estella Havisham in his novel Great Expectations published in August 1861 after being serialized weekly from December 1860 with Estella being introduced in Chapter 8 on 19 January 1861. The general scholarly consensus is that in choosing Estella as the name of the remote love object of his novel’s focal character: Pip — whose full given name is Philip — , Dickens was evoking Sir Philip Sidney’s poetic wooing of the unattainable Stella in Astrophel and Stella (1591).
Several other widely read authors of the day gave the name Estelle to major characters in their novels, Catherine Gore in Romances of Real Life as early as 1829 although most examples date from mid-century, such as Annie Edwards in Creeds (1859), E.D.E.N. Southworth in The Lady of the Isle (1859), and Augusta Jane Evans in St. Elmo (1866).[13]

Estelle and Estella remained popular from roughly 1880 to 1930, with a marked decline in usage since 1960.[1] Estelle has overall been more popular in the United States than in the British Isles, with there being at least two prominent American namesakes: writer Estelle Anna Lewis (1824–1880) [14] and society woman Estelle Skidmore Doremus (1830–1905),[15] who significantly predate the name’s mid-19th century British vogue (although in Lewis’ case it is dubious if Estelle were her birth name rather than a literary affectation).[16]

Estelle is also used as an alternative form of Esther.[17]

The newborn Princess’ parents Crown Princess Victoria and her husband Prince Daniel chose their daughter’s names in consultation with King Carl Gustaf:[18] in announcing the Princess’ given name the King termed Estelle «a name which is very close to the heart of the Princess [Victoria] and also the family.»[19] It was widely speculated that to honor World War II hero Count Folke Bernadotte — great-great-uncle and godfather to King Carl Gustaf — the newborn Princess was named after the Count’s wife: the former Estelle Manville of Westchester County, New York,[20][19][21] an idea endorsed by Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg, longtime Stockholm Palace spokeswoman: (quote) «The Crown Princess was always interested in matters relating to ending conflictFolke Bernadotte in that area was a pioneer.»[22] However this has not been confirmed by any member of the Swedish Royal Family.

The name Estelle made headlines in February 2012 when King Carl Gustaf of Sweden announced Estelle as the given name chosen for his newborn granddaughter (see Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland). The choice of a French name with only a peripheral profile in Sweden — a 2012 year-end tally would estimate that a total of 663 Swedish residents bore the given name Estelle [23] — touched off a flurry of media debate with writer Herman Lindqvist, who has acted as a historical consultant to the Swedish Royal Family, expressing the extreme negative position thus: «Totally unexpected and inappropriateNo name for a future rulerEstelle sounds like the name of a nightclub queen.»[24] Conversely top Scandinavian royalty pundit Kjell Arne Totland (no) reacted positively, calling Estelle «a very nice name, rich in tradition yet modern.»[24]

People with the name EstelleEdit

  • Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland, Princess of Sweden
  • Estelle Akofio-Sowah, Scottish-born Ghanaian businesswoman
  • Estelle Alphand (born 1995), Swedish-French alpine skier
  • Estelle Mendell Amory (1845–?), American educator and author
  • Estelle Asmodelle, Australian transsexual model, dancer and actress
  • Estelle Axton (1918–2004), American record executive
  • Estelle Bajou, American actor, composer, musician, producer, and writer
  • Estelle Balet, Swiss champion snowboarder
  • Estelle Baskerville (born 1946), American athlete
  • Estelle Basor, American mathematician
  • Estelle Beauchamp, Canadian educator and writer
  • Estelle Beere (1875–1959), New Zealand dancing teacher
  • Estelle Bennett, American singer (the Ronettes)
  • Estelle Bernadotte (1904–1984), Countess of Wisborg
  • Estelle Blackburn, award-winning Australian journalist
  • Estelle Brody (1900–1995), American actress
  • Estelle Cascarino (born 1997), French football player
  • Estelle Chen, French model of Chinese descent
  • Estelle Bee Dagum, Argentine and Canadian economist and statistician
  • Estelle Denis (born 1976), French journalist and television presenter
  • Estelle Desanges (born 1977), stage name of a French pornographic actress
  • Estelle Elizabeth (born 1996), French ice dancer
  • Estelle Etterre (1899–1996), American actress
  • Estelle Evans (1906–1985), Bahamian-American actress
  • Estelle Freedman, American feminist scholar
  • Estelle Getty (1923–2008), American actress; star of The Golden Girls
  • Estelle Grelier (born 1973), French politician
  • Estelle Griswold (1900–1981), American civil rights activist and feminist
  • Estelle Harman (1922–1995), American acting coach
  • Estelle Harris, (1928–2022) American actress — Estelle Costanza in Seinfeld
  • Estelle Hemsley (1887–1968), African American actress of stage and screen
  • Estelle May Hurll (1863–1924), American writer
  • Estelle Ishigo (1899–1990), American water color artist
  • Estelle Muriel Kerr (1879–1971), Canadian painter, illustrator and writer
  • Estelle Klein (1930–2004), advocate and supporter of folk music in Canada
  • Estelle Kohler (born 1940), British theatre and television actress
  • Estelle Lawson (1907–1983), American amateur golfer
  • Estelle Lawton Lindsey, American journalist
  • Estelle Lazer, Australian archaeologist
  • Estelle Lefébure, French model
  • Estelle Anna Lewis (1824–1880) American poet and dramatist
  • Estelle Liebling, American vocal coach
  • Estelle M. H. Merrill (1858–1908), American journalist, editor
  • Estelle Nze Minko (born 1991), French handball player
  • Estelle Morris Baroness Morris of Yardley, British politician
  • Estelle Mossely (born 1992), French boxer
  • Estelle Massey Osborne (1901–1981), African American nurse and educator
  • Estelle Nathan, British painter
  • Estelle Nollet (born 1977), French writer
  • Estelle Parsons (born 1927), American actress
  • Estelle Perrossier (born 1990), French sprinter
  • Estelle Quérard (born 1979), French volleyball player
  • Estelle Ramey (1917–2006), American endocrinologist, physiologist and feminist
  • Estelle Reiner (1914–2008), American actress and singer
  • Estelle Ricketts (born 1871), American composer
  • Estelle Roberts (1889–1970), British spiritualist medium
  • Estelle Sapir, Polish Jewish Holocaust survivor and litigant
  • Estelle Sartini (born 1973), French rugby player
  • Estelle Skornik (born 1971), French actress
  • Estelle Swaray (born 1980), British singer/rapper
  • Estelle Turrell Smith (born 1854), social reformer
  • Estelle Taylor, American silent movie actress
  • Estelle Thomson (1894–1953), Australian naturalist and botanical artist
  • Estelle Thompson, Australian crime writer
  • Estelle Weigel (1914–1967), American figure skater
  • Estelle Winwood, British character actress
  • Estelle Yancey (1896–1986), American blues singer

See alsoEdit

  • Estella (disambiguation)
  • Esther (given name)
  • Stella (given name)


  1. ^ a b c «Estelle». BehindTheName.com. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  2. ^ Sabine Bring-Gould. The Lives of the Saints
  3. ^ Roberts, Margaret (1881). France. London: Gilbert & Rivington. p. 176.
  4. ^ «Berlioz in Meylan». The Hector Berlioz Website. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  5. ^ «Le prénom Estelle». JournalDesFemmes.com. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  6. ^ Blume, Mary (11 November 1995). «The Ins and Outs of French First Names». The New York Times. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  7. ^ Alexander, Michael (2013). A History of English Literature. NYC: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 95. ISBN 9780230368316.
  8. ^ Bauer, Matthias (2014). «Dickens and Sir Philip Sidney: desire, ethics and poetics». In Norbert Lennartz; Dieter Koch (eds.). Texts, Contexts and Intertextuality: Dickens as a reader. Göttingen de: V&R Unipress. pp. 21–38. doi:10.14220/9783737002868.21. ISBN 9783847102861.
  9. ^ Braun, Heather L. (2012). The Rise and Fall of the Femme Fatale in British Literature, 1790–1910. Lanham MD: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. p. 70. ISBN 9781611475623.
  10. ^ Meckier, Jerome (December 2009). «Great expectations, «a good name?»«. Dickens Quarterly. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. 26 (#4): 248.
  11. ^ Reed, Jon B. (Autumn 1990). «Astrophil and Estella: A Defense of Poesy». SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500–1900. Houston TX: Rice University. 30 (#4): 655–678. doi:10.2307/450565. JSTOR 450565.
  12. ^ Schor, Hilary M. (2004). Dickens and the Daughter of the House. Cambridge Cambs.: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521440769.
  13. ^ «Google Search».
  14. ^ «Estelle Anna Lewis». Portraits of American Women Writers. The Library Company of Philadelphia. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  15. ^ «Estelle Emma Skidmore». Ancestry.com. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  16. ^ «Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore — People — MRS. Sarah Anna Lewis».
  17. ^ Thomas W. Sheehan. Dictionary of Patron Saints (2001) OSV Inc Huntington IN p.103
  18. ^ «Prinsesse Estelle »lyder som en natklubdronning«» [Princess Estelle «sounds like a nightclub queen»]. Berlingske (in Danish). 24 February 2012. Retrieved 1 April 2016.
  19. ^ a b «The New Future Queen of Sweden’s Name & Title». TheRoyalPost.com. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  20. ^ «Naming Princess Estelle a ‘political statement’ by Swedish Royal Family». The Local. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  21. ^ «Sweden royal heir baptized as pomp dislodges scandal». Reuters.com. 22 May 2012. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  22. ^ «Estelle — Ärger um Namen von Schwedens kleiner Prinzessin». DerWesten.de. 24 February 2012. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  23. ^ Katharina Leibring. «Estelle — reactions to a royal name giving in Sweden» (PDF). Centrul de Onomastică. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  24. ^ a b Janine Schaller-Bøyum (24 February 2012). «Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary «Klingt wie der Name einer Nachtklub-Königin»» [Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary «Sounds like the name of a nightclub queen»] (in German). Focus Online. Retrieved 31 March 2016.


-Joey, it’s Estelle.

I was able to get you and one guest tickets to your premiere.

— Слушаю.

— Джоуи, это Эстель.

Отличные новости. Я достала билет для тебя и одного гостя на твою премьеру.

The two before that in Walker.

The Estelle unit has the cutest guys.

And I’m quoting, «My butt’s too big to get an Estelle guy.»

А оба работали до этого в Уокере.

В Эстелль самые красивые парни.

И, я цитирую: «У меня слишком большая попа для парня из Эстелль».

The Estelle unit has the cutest guys.

And I’m quoting, «My butt’s too big to get an Estelle guy.»

Ellis is 15 minutes out of town. We’ve got five and a half hours.

В Эстелль самые красивые парни.

И, я цитирую: «У меня слишком большая попа для парня из Эстелль».

Эллис в 15 минутах от города, так что у нас ещё 5.5 часов.

I can help myself.

And this girl from Montauban… this Estelle from Montauban who returned to Montauban…


Я сама себя обслужу.

И эта девушка из Монтабана… эта Эстель из Монтабана, которая вернулась в Монтабан…


— Hello?

— Joey, it’s Estelle.

— Hey.

— Алло?

— Джоуи, это Эстель.

— Привет.


Mrs Clement, Estelle speaking.

I don’t feel well, I’d like to be covered for.


Мадам Клемен, говорит Эстель.

Мне не хорошо, я бы хотела замену.



Can you come for a moment?



Можешь прийти на минутку?

A friend of Estelle’s.

Estelle, your friend.

My ex.

Друг Эстель.

Эстель. Ваша подруга.

Моя бывшая.

I wander around all sort of wrapped in my own little world, meanwhile you’ve probably made an omelette or something.


— What?

Я болтаюсь в своем каком-то собственном мирке, а ты, наверно, уже съела омлет, или типа того.

— Эстель!

— Что?

Dialling a number.

Hi, Estelle, it’s Ronnie.

I’m outside your house for our breakfast meet and that husband of yours has been a wee bit… you know…

Набирает номер.

Привет, Эстель, это Рони.

Я около твоего дома, насчет делового завтрака, но твой муж, мы немного,


Are you sure you’re not in there, Estelle?

— Any ideas?


Ты уверена что ты не там, Эстель?

Какие-нибудь идеи?

But it was midlife.

But you know, in many ways, I’m pleased to see you and Estelle so close.

It’s amazing really that her job has sort of brough us closer together.

Нет, это был возраст.

Но знаешь, во многом я рад видеть, что вы с Эстель так близки.

Удивительно даже, как ее работа будто сблизила нас вместе.

Are you all right, Paul?

I think Pilfrey has fallen in love with Estelle.

— You’re being paranoid.

Ты в порядке, Пол?

Мне кажется, Пилфри влюбился в Эстель.

— У тебя паранойя.

Is someone winding me up?

Estelle rang, she’s coming in to see dr.

Pilfrey. — Stake out the ground, live the life, be the man.

Кто-то прикалывается?

Эстель звонила, она придет сюда к доктору Пилфри.

Она что?

Have a good business meeting!

Hello, Estelle!

How’s work?

Удачной деловой встречи.

Привет, Эстель.

Как работа?

And see patients, presumably?

Let’s not talk about patients, Estelle.


И, по-видимому, принимаете пациентов?

Давайте не будем говорить о пациентах, Эстель, давайте говорить о том, что милее и ближе нашим сердцам.

А, карьера!


Naughty Estelle!

Naughty, naughty!

А, карьера!

Проказница Эстель.


Dr. Pilfrey!

You know what I’m talking about, Estelle, you saw it too!

I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re going on about!

Доктор Пилфри!

Вы знаете, о чем я говорю, Эстель. Вы сами все видели.

Я представления не имею, о чем вы говорите.

But you’re used to talking to roomfuls of high-achieving women.

Don’t play the little housewife, Estelle.

It’s very unsexy.

У вас есть опыт общения с полным залом успешных женщин.

Не изображай маленькую домохозяйку, Эстель.

Это совсем не сексуально.

I am flattered.

Estelle just rang me.

Did she?

Я польщена.

Мне только что звонила Эстель.


— Hi!

I was just wondering, is Estelle there or is she tied up?

It sounds terrible, doesn’t it?

— Привет.

Я хотел бы услышать Эстель, если она там не связана делами.

Звучит ужасно, да?

— You must be Paul.

— And you must be Estelle!

— Yes, that’s me.

А вы должно быть Пол.

А ты должно быть Эстель.

Да, это я.

Thighs, thighs, thighs, thighs, thighs.

Estelle, are you…?

— Am I what?


Эстель, ты,

Что я?

From now on, I’m sticking to women.

Thank you for those words, Estelle.

I think you surprised us there.

С этого момента я буду с женщинами.

Спасибо за эти слова, Эстель.

Я думаю, ты удивила всех.

He sees things, he’s having delusions.

Why would Estelle suddenly bust in here, demand to see one of his patients?

Rosie, Rosie! Is Paul seeing someone called Steve Norish?

ему мерещится, у него мания.

С чего вдруг Эстель должна ворваться и потребовать встречи с его пациентом?

Роузи, у Пола сегодня есть пациент по имени Стив Нориш?

— Paul, what’d you expect?

You don’t say no to Estelle.

But who are they?

Пол, а чего ты ожидал?

Невозможно сказать «нет» Эстель.

Но, кто они?

Paul, what is wrong with you?

And involving the children, Estelle, that is the lowest trick of all.

Let me tell you that I’m going home right now, and I’m gonna punch Jeff Shaw on the nose!

Пол, да что с тобой?

А детей в это впутывать, Эстель, это самая большая подлость.

Знай, я сейчас же еду домой и дам Джефу Шоу по морде.

Paul is not a violent man!

You have to face the truth, Estelle.

My husband’s an alcoholic.

Но Пол ведь не буйный.

Тебе придется взглянуть правде в глаза, Эстель.

Мой муж — алкоголик.

— Edwin? Jeff, are you there?

Jeff, it’s Estelle.

It’s about Paul, we’re extremely worried about him.

Джеф, ты там?

Джеф, это Эстель.

Я насчет Пола, я очень волнуюсь.

Do you think Paul continue chucking stuff about?

It’s very hard to say, Estelle.

It’s very hard to say anything really.

Думаешь, Пол так и продолжит ломать вещи?

Сложно сказать.

Сложно вообще что-то сказать.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «Эстель» на английский

Эстель, я не брал деньги.

Estelle, I didn’t take the money.

Не изображай маленькую домохозяйку, Эстель.

Don’t play the little housewife, Estelle.

Эстель, ты просто наша надежда.

Estel, you are simply our Hope.

Эстель поехала домой собирать свои вещи.

Estelle’s gone home to pick up her stuff.

Я не предлагаю тебе ничего кроме комнаты, Эстель.

I’m not offering you anything more than a room, Estelle.

Свидетель описал одного мужчину, с которым Эстель могло что-то связывать.

A witness described An older gentleman estelle may have had a relationship with.

Маленький брат Эстель, принц Оскар, идёт следующим в очереди преемственности.

Estelle’s new baby brother, Prince Oscar, comes next in the line of succession.

Эстель, мы об этом говорили.

Estelle, we talked about this.

Эстель, мы уже об этом говорили.

Estelle, we talked about this.

Эстель, уверен, тебе ничего не грозит.

Estelle, I’m sure you’ll be alright.

Эстель, мы никогда не были в…

Estelle, we were never an item…

Пищевое отравление рыбой-меч, приготовленной для вас Эстель?

The food poisoning from the swordfish Estelle prepared for you?

Вы не знали, что Эстель своровала остатки рыбы из мусорного ведра.

You didn’t know that Estelle had stolen some fish from your bin.

Может быть я и немного переборщила с вещами которые мне говорила Эстель.

Maybe I went a little overboard with the things Estelle told me.

Я напишу Эстель, чтобы они ждали нас у лестницы.

I’ll text Estelle to wait by the steps.

Я никогда не подумал бы, Эстель.

Like I’d ever say that, Estelle.

Представь, что это повторилось, а Эстель была дома одна.

Imagine R happening again, with Estelle alone at home this time.

Эстель пришла в мой кабинет, не обращая ни на кого внимания.

Estelle turned up at the office, demanding to see me, no regard for anyone…

Думаешь, он намеренно убил Эстель?

You think he really meant to kill Estelle?

Рози, Эстель все еще здесь?

Rosie, is… is Estelle still here?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 372. Точных совпадений: 372. Затраченное время: 51 мс


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