Этсетера как пишется

Etc означает «и так далее». Это сокращение от латинских слов Et cetera — «и другие». Ставится в конце неполного перечисления. Русские синонимы — «и т.д.», «и т.п.» «и другие», «и прочее».

Выражение широко известно и используется без перевода. В частности, его можно встретить в научной литературе, в прессе, даже в обычном разговоре образованных людей.

Etc может повторяться несколько раз, указывая на большое количество «прочих» вещей. Например: «С легкой ручки мамзель Лолотты я пустился читать без выбора, без устали, понимая, не понимая, старое и новое, трагедии Сумарокова, “Россиаду”, “Российский феатр” etc. , etc.» (А.И, Герцен, «Записки одного молодого человека»).

В англоязычных источниках иногда встречается сокращение &c.

Как это произносить?

Et cetera и сокращение etc произносятся «эт цэтэра». Ударение можно делать и на первом слоге главного слова («эт цэтэра» — на латинский манер), и на последнем слоге («эт цэтэра» — на французский манер). Оба варианта считаются правильными.

Et cetera и etc. Примеры использования

Ах, слушай, Ленской; да нельзя ль
Увидеть мне Филлиду эту,

Предмет и мыслей, и пера,

И слез, и рифм et cetera?..

А.С. Пушкин, «Евгений Онегин»

Нынче нас принял весь клир монастырский в Эчмядзине, с крестами, иконами, хоругвями, пением, курением etc.

А.С. Грибоедов. Письма

Когда я завел типографию, у нас было решено так — все расходы книгопечатания (бумага, набор, наем места, работа и etc.) падали на мой счет.

А.И. Герцен. «Былое и думы»

Пиши рассказы в 50-80 строк, мелочи etc…

А.П. Чехов. Письма

Итак, по истечении месяца рабочий подходит ко мне с отчетом: в такой-то день выпито того-то и столько-то, в другой — столько-то, et cetera.

В. Ерофеев. «Москва-Петушки»

Рассуждая логически, здесь можно было бы увидеть гобелен, однако стены, помимо одной, занятой стеллажом со всякой всячиной (журналы, электрочайник, картонные коробки, шнуры, книги etc).

П. Крусанов. «Перекуем орала на свистела»

Папа и мама говорили примерно одно и то же, как по выученному тексту: угрозы по почте, ночные телефонные звонки, нападения на улице перед подъездом, et cetera.

М. Шишкин. «Венерин волос»

Театр «Et cetera». За что его ругают?

«Et cetera» — еще и название московского театра под управлением Александра Калягина. негласный топ-10 архитектурных уродов столицы. «Эта композиция выглядит так, будто перед нами студенческая работа на тему авангарда 20-х… Будто триумфальными арками и величественными римскими колоннами решили украсить цирк-шапито, причем, пока украшали, настоящие колонны и арки сперли, и вместо них штатный художник шапито что-то такое сварганил по мотивам», — писал беспощадный архитектурный критик Григорий Ревзин в 2005 году на страницах «Коммерсанта».

Et cetera


и прочее, и так далее [ — авт. ]

Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык.


Смотреть что такое «Et cetera» в других словарях:

  • cetera — CETERÁ, céter, vb. I. (reg.) 1. intranz. A cânta din ceteră, p. ext.. din alt instrument muzical sau din gură. 2. tranz. fig. A bate pe cineva la cap; a plictisi, a sâcâi. – Din ceteră. Trimis de valeriu, 12.12.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  ceterá vb …   Dicționar Român

  • ceteră — CÉTERĂ, ceteri, s.f. (reg.) Vioară. – lat. cithera (= cithara). Trimis de valeriu, 03.03.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  CÉTERĂ s. v. scripcă, vioară, violină. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime  céteră s. f., g. d …   Dicționar Român

  • Cetèra tedesca — (ital., spr. Tschetera t ….), Laute, Instrument mit 10 Saiten, Körper rund u. platt …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • cetera — v. cetra …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • cetera desunt — /setˈə rə dēˈsunt or kāˈte ra dāˈsŭnt/ (Latin) The rest are missing …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cetera Algorithm — The Cetera technology makes the hearing aid almost non existent to the wearer s brain by removing some of the barriers that interfere with the brain signals. The Cetera technology is based on an algorithm. Cetera’s algorithm can almost match the… …   Wikipedia

  • Cetera — Peter Cetera, Los Angeles 2004 Peter Paul Cetera (* 13. September 1944 in Chicago, Illinois) ist ein amerikanischer Sänger, Songwriter und Bassist. Bekannt wurde er mit der Rockband Chicago, die er 1985 verließ, seitdem ist er als Solokünstler… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cetera — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cetera (homonymie). La cetera est un instrument de musique corse à cordes pincées. C est une variété de cistre. Au XVIIIe siècle cet instrument était pratiqué par les classes aisées et se jouait dans toute l …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cetera (homonymie) — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Et cetera, ou Etc., locution latine utilisée pour montrer qu une liste n est pas exhaustive ; Cetera, instrument de musique corse ; Peter Cetera …   Wikipédia en Français

  • @cetera — etcetera Beschreibung Literatur Zeitschrift Sprache deutsch Erstausgabe 1999 Erscheinungsweise …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cetera — 1cé·te·ra, cè·te·ra s.f. 1. TS mus. strumento a corde della famiglia dei liuti, con cassa a forma di pera e manico molto lungo, diffuso spec. nei secoli XVI e XVII 2. LE cetra {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1304 08 nell accez. 2. ETIMO: dal lat.… …   Dizionario italiano

Значение слова «ET CETERA» найдено в 27 источниках


и так далее, и

т. д.

; и прочее; и тому подобное

всякая всячина, разное; несущественные дополнения

ряд людей


etc., и так далее, эт сетера

et cetera
нареч, кол-во синонимов: 3
• etc. (2)
• и так далее (6)
• эт сетера (2)
Словарь синонимов ASIS.В.Н. Тришин.2013.
etc., и так далее, эт сетера

et cetera: übersetzung

und so weiter; etc.; usw.

* * *

et ce|te|ra [ɛt ‘ts̮e:tera]:

und so weiter (Abkürzung: etc.).

* * *

et cẹ|te|ra 〈Abk.: etc.〉 und so weiter [lat., „und das übrige“]

* * *

et ce|te|ra [

lat. eigtl.

= und die übrigen (Dinge)]:

und so weiter (


: etc.)

* * *

ẹt cetera

[lateinisch eigentlich »und die übrigen Dinge«], Abkürzung etc., und so weiter. — etc. pp. [pp., Abkürzung von lateinisch perge, perge »fahre fort, fahre fort«], und so weiter, und so weiter.

* * *

et ce|te|ra [lat. eigtl. = und die übrigen (Dinge)]: und so weiter; Abk.: etc.

et cetera

лат. (etc.) (эт цэтэра)
и прочее, и так далее.

Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина.- М: Русский язык,1998.


etc., и так далее, эт сетера


и прочее, и так далее [ — авт. ]


etc., и так далее, эт сетера

et cetera: translation

Synonyms and related words:

and all, and all that, and everything else, and other things, and others, and so forth, and so on, and suchlike, and the following, and the like, and the rest, and then some, and what not, et alii, et seq, et sequens, in the majority, und so weiter

et cetera: translation

et cetera et cet‧e‧ra [et ˈsetrə] adverb

the full form of etc

нареч.; лат.; — etcetera 1) и так далее, и т. д.; и прочее; и тому подобное Syn: etc 2) мн. а) всякая всячина, разное; несущественные дополнения Syn: sundry 2. б) ряд людей Milton, Spenser, and a long et cetera of illustrious names. — Мильтон, Спенсер и далее длинный список знаменитых имен.

(сокр. etc.)

и так далее


etc., и так далее, эт сетера

et cetera, etcetera [etˊsetrə]

лат. adv

и так да́лее, и про́чее


etc., и так далее, эт сетера

( — сокр. etc.) и так далее (и т. д.)


etc., и так далее, эт сетера

; = et cætera


etc., и так далее, эт сетера

et cetera: übersetzung

et cetera (etc.) et cetera, und so weiter

et cetera {-‘tse:-} книжн.

и так далее

et cetera (etc.)


и так далее (и т. д.), и прочее


etc., и так далее, эт сетера

et cetera (etc.)


и так далее (и т. д.), и прочее


etc., и так далее, эт сетера


loc adv; = et cætera

и прочее


etc., и так далее, эт сетера

et cetera: übersetzung



und so weiter

лат.і т. д., і т. п., і т. ін

см. eccetera
Итальяно-русский словарь.2003.
etc., и так далее, эт сетера

и так далее, и прочее (pl.) всякая всячина; несущественные дополнения

лат.; сокр. etc.
и так далее; и прочее; и тому подобное

(0) и так далее; и тому подобное

etc (et cetera)і таке інше

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You might think that it’s easy to use et cetera, which translates to «and others» or, more literally, «and the other things», and is abbreviated as «etc.» Surely everyone knows how to use «etc.» correctly, right? Well, it’s not all straightforward––et cetera can be commonly misspelled, improperly punctuated and even mispronounced! The use of et cetera isn’t usually taught in schools or tutoring because it’s considered to be just an abbreviation. Regardless, it’s important to know how to use it properly. See Step 1 to get started.


  1. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 1


    Use «et cetera» to mean «and so forth» as well as «all items of the same class.» Et cetera is used as a short way to say, «and so forth», «and so on», or «and other things», and is also used to describe a list without listing everything.[1]
    However, it’s important that the items in the list are of the same kind so that «etc.» does not confuse the reader.[2]

    • For example, you can say, «We could use cupcakes, cookies, etc.» This shows that they can use any kind of dessert, and it could be rewritten by, «We could use cupcakes, cookies, and so on.»
    • However, you cannot say, «Bring hamburger buns, paper plates, cupcakes, etc.», because the items on the list are not the same and the person you’re talking to would not know what you are referring to.
    • Items of the same class do not need to be physical items. They can be emotions, or other forms of «things.» For example, you could say, «Please write down your three primary emotions today (sadness, anger, fear, etc.)»
  2. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 2


    Do not use an introductory phrase for a list, such as «such as» or «for example,» along with etc. You cannot say, «Bring items such as cake, chocolates, ice cream, etc. to the party,» because «such as» already implies that you are not talking about a complete list. You can simply say, «Bring items such as cake, chocolates, and ice cream to the party» or «Bring cake, chocolates, ice cream, etc. to the party.»[3]


  3. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 3


    Do not use «etc.» more than once in a sentence. Though some people think it’s cute to use «etc.» more than once in a sentence to stress the fact that many additional items are needed, just one «etc.» will suffice. Saying something like, «I have to do the dishes, wash the car, clean my room, etc., etc., etc., before the party» is never correct.

  4. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 4


    Do not use «and» before «etc.» Since the «et» in «et cetera» already means «and,» it would be redundant to use the phrase «and etc.» because you’ll really be saying, «and and the rest.» Make sure to avoid using «and» when using «etc.»[4]

  5. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 5


    Do not use «etc.» if you’re discussing a specific list of items that are needed and not anything more. If you only need cookies, cake, and donuts for the party, writing «cookies, cake, donuts, etc.» will not be appropriate because it will give the reader the assumption that he can bring another dessert.

  6. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 6


    Do not use «etc.» to refer to people. «Etc.» can only refer to things; «et al.» is used to refer to people. You cannot say, «I can’t help but get annoyed by my younger cousins – Mary, Joe, Sue, etc. – though I try to be nice to them.» Instead, you can say, «I can’t help but get annoyed by my younger cousins – Mary, Joe, Sue et al. – though I try to be nice to them.» In this example, you are using «et al.», which means «and others,» to refer to the other annoying younger cousins.[5]

  7. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 7


    Use the correct spelling. You can write it either way, «Et Cetera», or «etc.» Some other versions of etc. include et caetera, et cœtera or et coetera, but its usual spelling can be etc. Remember exactly how it’s spelled, because when it’s misspelled, it can look very obvious. Don’t spell it, «ect» or «cet» or anything, although it can be spelled &e., &/c., or &ct. You don’t need to learn all of these spellings, but choose one that you can rely on to use.

    • Be careful how you pronounce et cetera. If you’re in the habit of saying «ek-SET-ra», it’s time to kick out the «k» sound! The real pronunciation is «eht-SEHT-er-uh.»[6]
  8. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 8


    Punctuate «etc.» correctly. At the end of «etc», there should be a period. (This does not apply if you are using modern «open punctuation», which dispenses with periods for eg, ie etc). That’s obvious, right? However, when you still have more to say in the sentence, you should put a comma after the period. If you are finished with the sentence, end with that period, don’t put anything else, but if you still have more to say, put a comma at the end and finish.[7]
    For example:

    • «They ate cookies, cakes, peanuts, fairy floss, etc., and it’s little wonder they ended up with stomach aches.»
  9. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 9


    Learn how to put in the punctuation around it. Yes, you should use a period and a comma, but when you also work with semicolons, question marks, and exclamation points, «etc.» can be confusing. Here are a few examples:

    • Put a question mark after the period in «etc.»
    • Put an exclamation point immediately after the period.
    • Put the semicolon in right after the period and put a space between it and the next word.
    • Put parentheses around the items you are using along with etc. when necessary. For example: «Students should not pack liquids in their carry-on bags (water, shampoo, makeup remover, etc.)»
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  • Question

    Would you use «etc.» in a formal, literary context? Or would you prefer «and so on», «and so forth» or something similar?

    Community Answer

    In written usage generally, «etc.» is perfectly fine and it is also fine to write «and so on» and «and so forth». You may like to mix them up if a paragraph would be saying «etc.» too many times. In written dialogue, if a character were to say «etc.», spell it as «et cetera», for the full word is always spoken; people don’t actually say «etc.».

  • Question

    Should there be period after «etc.» in the middle of sentence in parentheses?

    Community Answer

    Yes, there is always a period at the end of «etc.» no matter where it appears in a sentence.

  • Question

    Can I use «including» with etc.?

    Community Answer

    Yes, if you say something like: Some animals are mammals, including polar bears, giraffes, elephants, kangaroos, etc.

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  • Use your best judgement when using et cetera. Sometimes, writing the words «and so on» or typing «…» can be more appropriate or may simply look better in the context.

  • Learn the other possibilities for saying the same thing as et cetera. You could say, «and so on», but you could also write «…». Whichever way you use, it will serve the same purpose and will work to convey the correct meaning.

  • According to William Strunk in the canonical text, The Elements of Style, «etc.» is «equivalent to and the rest, and so forth, and hence not to be used if one of these would be insufficient, that is, if the reader would be left in doubt as to any important particulars.» By this definition, you shouldn’t use «etc.» unless the person you’re addressing would know exactly which item or items you’re referring to, but most people today would find this definition a bit extreme. The objection here is that «etc.» is not precise enough, and should therefore be avoided.

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  • While the rule is not always observed, et cetera is usually used for things. For omission of a list of people, et alii, or et al. is preferred. The same punctuation rules apply, except that there is always a space in et al.



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Article SummaryX

To use «etc.» correctly, use it in instances where you would say «and so forth.» For example, if you are making a list of possible desserts and want to express that there could be more items than the ones you have listed, write «cakes, cupcakes, ice cream, etc.» Do not use «etc.» more than once and do not use «etc.» to refer to people. Try to avoid using «etc.» if you already have a comprehensive list and there is actually nothing to add. For more instances of when to use and when to avoid «etc.,» keep reading!

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    Kaushik Majumdar

    Nov 6, 2017

    «I’ve seen people confused with the word ‘et cetera’. When asked about how to use it correctly, they are found to be…» more

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You might think that it’s easy to use et cetera, which translates to «and others» or, more literally, «and the other things», and is abbreviated as «etc.» Surely everyone knows how to use «etc.» correctly, right? Well, it’s not all straightforward––et cetera can be commonly misspelled, improperly punctuated and even mispronounced! The use of et cetera isn’t usually taught in schools or tutoring because it’s considered to be just an abbreviation. Regardless, it’s important to know how to use it properly. See Step 1 to get started.


  1. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 1


    Use «et cetera» to mean «and so forth» as well as «all items of the same class.» Et cetera is used as a short way to say, «and so forth», «and so on», or «and other things», and is also used to describe a list without listing everything.[1]
    However, it’s important that the items in the list are of the same kind so that «etc.» does not confuse the reader.[2]

    • For example, you can say, «We could use cupcakes, cookies, etc.» This shows that they can use any kind of dessert, and it could be rewritten by, «We could use cupcakes, cookies, and so on.»
    • However, you cannot say, «Bring hamburger buns, paper plates, cupcakes, etc.», because the items on the list are not the same and the person you’re talking to would not know what you are referring to.
    • Items of the same class do not need to be physical items. They can be emotions, or other forms of «things.» For example, you could say, «Please write down your three primary emotions today (sadness, anger, fear, etc.)»
  2. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 2


    Do not use an introductory phrase for a list, such as «such as» or «for example,» along with etc. You cannot say, «Bring items such as cake, chocolates, ice cream, etc. to the party,» because «such as» already implies that you are not talking about a complete list. You can simply say, «Bring items such as cake, chocolates, and ice cream to the party» or «Bring cake, chocolates, ice cream, etc. to the party.»[3]


  3. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 3


    Do not use «etc.» more than once in a sentence. Though some people think it’s cute to use «etc.» more than once in a sentence to stress the fact that many additional items are needed, just one «etc.» will suffice. Saying something like, «I have to do the dishes, wash the car, clean my room, etc., etc., etc., before the party» is never correct.

  4. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 4


    Do not use «and» before «etc.» Since the «et» in «et cetera» already means «and,» it would be redundant to use the phrase «and etc.» because you’ll really be saying, «and and the rest.» Make sure to avoid using «and» when using «etc.»[4]

  5. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 5


    Do not use «etc.» if you’re discussing a specific list of items that are needed and not anything more. If you only need cookies, cake, and donuts for the party, writing «cookies, cake, donuts, etc.» will not be appropriate because it will give the reader the assumption that he can bring another dessert.

  6. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 6


    Do not use «etc.» to refer to people. «Etc.» can only refer to things; «et al.» is used to refer to people. You cannot say, «I can’t help but get annoyed by my younger cousins – Mary, Joe, Sue, etc. – though I try to be nice to them.» Instead, you can say, «I can’t help but get annoyed by my younger cousins – Mary, Joe, Sue et al. – though I try to be nice to them.» In this example, you are using «et al.», which means «and others,» to refer to the other annoying younger cousins.[5]

  7. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 7


    Use the correct spelling. You can write it either way, «Et Cetera», or «etc.» Some other versions of etc. include et caetera, et cœtera or et coetera, but its usual spelling can be etc. Remember exactly how it’s spelled, because when it’s misspelled, it can look very obvious. Don’t spell it, «ect» or «cet» or anything, although it can be spelled &e., &/c., or &ct. You don’t need to learn all of these spellings, but choose one that you can rely on to use.

    • Be careful how you pronounce et cetera. If you’re in the habit of saying «ek-SET-ra», it’s time to kick out the «k» sound! The real pronunciation is «eht-SEHT-er-uh.»[6]
  8. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 8


    Punctuate «etc.» correctly. At the end of «etc», there should be a period. (This does not apply if you are using modern «open punctuation», which dispenses with periods for eg, ie etc). That’s obvious, right? However, when you still have more to say in the sentence, you should put a comma after the period. If you are finished with the sentence, end with that period, don’t put anything else, but if you still have more to say, put a comma at the end and finish.[7]
    For example:

    • «They ate cookies, cakes, peanuts, fairy floss, etc., and it’s little wonder they ended up with stomach aches.»
  9. Image titled Use "Etc." Correctly Step 9


    Learn how to put in the punctuation around it. Yes, you should use a period and a comma, but when you also work with semicolons, question marks, and exclamation points, «etc.» can be confusing. Here are a few examples:

    • Put a question mark after the period in «etc.»
    • Put an exclamation point immediately after the period.
    • Put the semicolon in right after the period and put a space between it and the next word.
    • Put parentheses around the items you are using along with etc. when necessary. For example: «Students should not pack liquids in their carry-on bags (water, shampoo, makeup remover, etc.)»
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  • Question

    Would you use «etc.» in a formal, literary context? Or would you prefer «and so on», «and so forth» or something similar?

    Community Answer

    In written usage generally, «etc.» is perfectly fine and it is also fine to write «and so on» and «and so forth». You may like to mix them up if a paragraph would be saying «etc.» too many times. In written dialogue, if a character were to say «etc.», spell it as «et cetera», for the full word is always spoken; people don’t actually say «etc.».

  • Question

    Should there be period after «etc.» in the middle of sentence in parentheses?

    Community Answer

    Yes, there is always a period at the end of «etc.» no matter where it appears in a sentence.

  • Question

    Can I use «including» with etc.?

    Community Answer

    Yes, if you say something like: Some animals are mammals, including polar bears, giraffes, elephants, kangaroos, etc.

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  • Use your best judgement when using et cetera. Sometimes, writing the words «and so on» or typing «…» can be more appropriate or may simply look better in the context.

  • Learn the other possibilities for saying the same thing as et cetera. You could say, «and so on», but you could also write «…». Whichever way you use, it will serve the same purpose and will work to convey the correct meaning.

  • According to William Strunk in the canonical text, The Elements of Style, «etc.» is «equivalent to and the rest, and so forth, and hence not to be used if one of these would be insufficient, that is, if the reader would be left in doubt as to any important particulars.» By this definition, you shouldn’t use «etc.» unless the person you’re addressing would know exactly which item or items you’re referring to, but most people today would find this definition a bit extreme. The objection here is that «etc.» is not precise enough, and should therefore be avoided.

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  • While the rule is not always observed, et cetera is usually used for things. For omission of a list of people, et alii, or et al. is preferred. The same punctuation rules apply, except that there is always a space in et al.



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Article SummaryX

To use «etc.» correctly, use it in instances where you would say «and so forth.» For example, if you are making a list of possible desserts and want to express that there could be more items than the ones you have listed, write «cakes, cupcakes, ice cream, etc.» Do not use «etc.» more than once and do not use «etc.» to refer to people. Try to avoid using «etc.» if you already have a comprehensive list and there is actually nothing to add. For more instances of when to use and when to avoid «etc.,» keep reading!

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  • Kaushik Majumdar

    Kaushik Majumdar

    Nov 6, 2017

    «I’ve seen people confused with the word ‘et cetera’. When asked about how to use it correctly, they are found to be…» more

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Что означает «Et cetera (etc.)» на русском? Известную фразу можно понять, обратившись переводу. Давайте ниже рассмотрим русский перевод и транскрипцию крылатого выражения «Et cetera (etc.)».

Транскрипция и перевод на русский язык

[эт цэ́тэра] – И так далее; и другое.


– источник отсутствует.

Другие крылатые выражения

Перевод и транскрипция других крылатых выражений на латинском языке:

Et fumus patriae dulcis

Et gaudium et solatium in litteris

Et miseriarum portus est patientia

Et singula praeduntur anni

Etiam parvulae serpentes nocent

Et cetera может означать:

  • Et cetera (обычно сокращается: etc.) — латинское выражение, означающее «и другие», «и тому подобное», «и так далее».
  • Et cetera — московский драматический театр под руководством Александра Калягина. Образован в 1993 году.
  • Et Cetera[en] — манга.
  • Etcetera Records[en] — лейбл звукозаписи (Нидерланды).
  • Етсетера — украинская рок-группа. Образована в 2003 году.
  • Et Cetera — песня, представленная Ирландией на конкурсе «Евровидение 2009».
  • Et Cetera — сингл японской рок-группы One Ok Rock.
  • Etcetera — композиция с альбома «R.» (1998) американского музыканта Ар Келли.

См. также

  • Etc

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