Перейти к содержимому
- Карват Владимир Николаевич (посмертно)
начальник воздушно-огневой подготовки 61-й истребительной авиационной базы Западного оперативно-тактического командования Военно-воздушных сил, подполковник.
Указ Президента РБ № 484 от 21 ноября 1996. - Мариев Павел Лукьянович
генеральный директор производственного объединения БелАЗ.
Указ Президента РБ № 360 от 29 июня 2001. - Дубко Александр Иосифович (посмертно)
председатель Гродненского облисполкома.
Указ Президента РБ № 361 от 30 июня 2001. - Карчмит Михаил Александрович
председатель правления коллективного предприятия — агрокомбината «Снов» Несвижского района.
Указ Президента РБ № 362 от 30 июня 2001. - Кремко Виталий Ильич
председатель сельскохозяйственного коллективного предприятия «Октябрь» Гродненского района.
Указ Президента РБ № 362 от 30 июня 2001. - Высоцкий Михаил Степанович
генеральный директор Научно-инженерного республиканского унитарного предприятия «Белавтотракторостроение» Национальной академии наук Беларуси.
Указ Президента РБ № 135 от 1 марта 2006. - Прокопович Пётр Петрович
Председатель Правления Национального банка Республики Беларусь.
Указ Президента РБ № 135 от 1 марта 2006. - Ревяко Василий Афанасиевич
председатель сельскохозяйственного производственного кооператива «Прогрес – Вертелишки».
Указ Президента РБ № 135 от 1 марта 2006. - Савицкий Михаил Андреевич
руководитель государственного учреждения культуры «Творческие академические мастерские живописи, графики и скульптуры».
Указ Президента РБ № 135 от 1 марта 2006. - Филарет (Вахромеев Кирилл Варфоломеевич)
Митрополит Минский и Слуцкий, Патриарший Экзарх всея Беларуси.
Указ Президента РБ № 137 от 1 марта 2006. - Домрачева Дарья Владимировна
спортсмен-инструктор национальной команды Республики Беларусь по биатлону, заслуженный мастер спорта Республики Беларусь.
Указ Президента РБ № 66 от 17 февраля 2014. - Куконенко Никита Борисович (посмертно)
летчик учебно-боевого авиационного звена учебно-боевой авиационной эскадрильи 116-й гвардейской штурмовой авиационной базы Военно-воздушных сил и войск противовоздушной обороны Вооруженных Сил, лейтенант.
Указ Президента РБ № 457 от 24 ноября 2021. - Ничипорчик Андрей Владимирович (посмертно)
командир учебно-боевого авиационного звена учебно-боевой авиационной эскадрильи 116-й гвардейской штурмовой авиационной базы Военно-воздушных сил и войск противовоздушной обороны Вооруженных Сил, майор.
Указ Президента РБ № 457 от 24 ноября 2021.
Герой Беларуси | |
Оригинальное название | Герой Беларусі |
Страна |
Тип | звание |
Кому вручается | граждане Республики Беларусь, иностранные граждане, лица без гражданства |
Основания награждения | за исключительные заслуги перед государством и обществом, связанные с подвигом, совершенным во имя свободы, независимости и процветания Республики Беларусь |
Статус | вручается |
Статистика | |
Параметры | диаметр — 33 мм, материал — золото 585 пробы |
Дата учреждения | 13 апреля 1995 года |
Первое награждение | 21 ноября 1996 года |
Количество награждений | 11 |
Герой Беларуси (белор. Герой Беларусі) — государственная награда Белоруссии — высшее звание, присваиваемое за заслуги, связанные с совершением подвига.
Учреждена Постановлением Верховного Совета Республики Беларусь № 3726-XII от 13 апреля 1995 г.[1] На сегодняшний день данное Постановление заменено Законом Республики Беларусь от 18 мая 2004 года № 288-З[2]. Присваивается указом Президента за исключительные заслуги перед государством и обществом[2]. Медаль изготавливается в г. Гомель (завод «Ювелир», филиал гомельского производственного объединения «Кристалл»[3]).
Звание «Герой Беларуси» присваивается только один раз. Лицам, удостоенным звания «Герой Беларуси», вручается знак особого отличия — медаль Героя Беларуси[2].
- 1 Медаль Героя Беларуси
- 1.1 Медаль с 1996 года по 1999 год
- 1.2 Медаль с 1999 года
- 2 История
- 3 Представление к награде и награждение
- 4 Награждения
- 4.1 Список Героев Беларуси
- 5 Привилегии
- 6 Ношение
- 7 Примечания
- 8 Литература
- 9 Ссылки
Медаль Героя Беларуси
Медаль Героя Беларуси вручается лицам, удостоенным звания «Герой Беларуси».
Медаль с 1996 года по 1999 год
Описание медали до 1999 года было изложено в Указе Президента Республики Беларусь от 15 января 1996 № 26. Согласно данному нормативному правовому акту, медаль представляла собой пятиконечную звёздочку, вписанную в окружность диаметром 33 мм, изготавливалась из золота 585-й пробы и весила 14 грамм. На внутренних тупых углах звезды в радиальном направлении были расположены стрелоподобные вставки из искусственного рубина. Оборотная сторона медали имела гладкую поверхность, в центре находился номер медали. Подвеска представляла собой трапециевидную колодку, к которой медаль крепилась при помощи ушка и кольца. Колодка была обтянута муаровой лентой красного цвета с продольной зеленой полоской с правого края. Колодка изготавливалась из серебра с позолотой[4]. Такой дизайн медали просуществовал до вступления в силу Указа Президента Республики Беларусь от 6 сентября 1999 года № 516[5].
Медаль с 1999 года
Современное описание медали регулируется Указом Президента Республики Беларусь от 8 апреля 2005 года № 168, сменившим указ от 1999 года. В двух последних указах описание медали одинаковое. Отличия от медали до 1999 года незначительные: на тупые углы звезды не крепятся искусственные рубины, колодка стала прямоугольной формы и теперь изготавливается из золота, как и медаль[5][6].
Современное описание медали можно увидеть на марке, выпущенной в обращение Министерством связи и информатизации Республики Беларусь в 2008 году[7].
Ленточка в подвеске медали Героя Беларуси красно-зелёная, символизирующая флаг Республики Беларусь, в то время как у медали Героя Советского Союза — красная. На задней стороне медали Героя Беларуси ставится номер медали, а в медали Героя Советского Союза — не только номер медали, но и надпись «Герой СССР». Колодка медали Героя Советского Союза изготавливалась из серебра, колодка медали Героя Беларуси — из золота 585 пробы. Сама медаль Героя Советского Союза была на 3 мм меньше медали Героя Беларуси и изготавливалась из золота 950 пробы[8][9].
Звание было введено 13 апреля 1995 года как часть новой системы государственных наград независимой Беларуси[10]. Белорусская наградная система стала логическим продолжением наградной системы СССР. Звание «Герой Беларуси» аналогично званию «Герой Советского Союза». Основное отличие заключается в том, что звание Героя Советского Союза присваивалось в основном за совершение подвига или выдающиеся заслуги во время боевых действий, тогда как звание «Герой Беларуси» присваивается в том числе и за достижения в экономической, социальной и культурной сферах[11][12].
Впервые звание было присвоено (посмертно) в 1996 году подполковнику авиации Владимиру Карвату, отведшему падающий самолет от деревни. На данный момент звание Героя Беларуси носят 11 человек[13].
Представление к награде и награждение
Марка 2008 года с изображением медали
Согласно Конституции Республики Беларусь, награждение государственными наградами — одна из функций Президента Республики Беларусь[14].
Более подробно процесс присвоения звания и награждения рассмотрен в Законе Республики Беларусь от 18 мая 2004 года № 288-З «О государственных наградах Республики Беларусь».
По закону, каждый коллектив работников, а также государственные органы всех уровней и руководящие органы общественных объединений в Республике Беларусь имеют право возбудить ходатайство о присвоении звания. На каждое лицо, представляемое к награждению, в коллективе работников после предварительного обсуждения кандидатуры на собрании составляется наградной лист, в котором излагаются данные о личности кандидата и его заслуги. Данный наградной лист сначала подписывается руководителем организации, к которой принадлежит коллектив, а затем руководителями вышестоящих организаций.
Ходатайства о награждении коллективы работников направляют на согласование в соответствующий местный исполнительный и распорядительный орган, затем соответственно в областной или Минский городской исполнительный комитет.
Согласованные ходатайства направляются по подчиненности в соответствующие министерства, другие республиканские органы государственного управления, руководящие органы общественных объединений, в которых рассматриваются коллегиальными органами этих организаций.
После рассмотрения ходатайства коллегиальными органами республиканских органов государственного управления либо общественных организаций ходатайство направляется в Совет Министров Республики Беларусь.
После получения заключения в Государственном секретариате Совета Безопасности Республики Беларусь представление о награждении вносится Президенту Республики Беларусь через Администрацию Президента Республики Беларусь.
Присвоение звания «Герой Беларуси» осуществляется Президентом Республики Беларусь. Решение о присвоении звания оформляется путём принятия Указа Президента Республики Беларусь[2].
Вручение медали Героя Беларуси осуществляется, как правило, Президентом Республики Беларусь либо, по его поручению, другими должностными лицами, список которых установлен в статье 65 Закона[2]. Вручение производится в торжественной обстановке не позднее, чем через два месяца со дня подписания указа[2].
Согласно статье 3 Закона Республики Беларусь от 18 мая 2004 года № 288-З «О государственных наградах Республики Беларусь», звание может быть присвоено не только гражданам республики, но и иностранным гражданам и лицам без гражданства[2]. На сегодняшний день звание было присвоено только гражданам Беларуси. Гражданин России, умерший Герой Российской Федерации Водолажский Василий Александрович, был приравнен к Героям Беларуси за заслуги перед Республикой Беларусь. Звание «Герой Беларуси» ему не было присвоено, но на членов его семьи были распространены льготы, установленные для членов семей Героев Беларуси[15].
Список Героев Беларуси
№ п/п |
Фото | Фамилия Имя Отчество |
Профессия либо должность на момент награждения |
Дата награждения |
Номер Указа Президента Республики Беларусь |
За что награждён | Даты жизни |
1 | Карват, Владимир Николаевич (посмертно) |
Подполковник авиации | 21 ноября 1996 | 484[16] | Погиб при выполнении учебно-тренировочного полёта, отведя падающий самолёт от населённого пункта[17] | 28.11.1958—23.05.1996 | |
2 | Мариев, Павел Лукьянович | Генеральный директор производственного объединения «БелАЗ» |
29 июня 2001 | 360[18] | За работу на предприятии «БелАЗ» (Жодино)[17] | 16.06.1938 | |
3 | Дубко, Александр Иосифович (посмертно) |
Председатель Гродненского облисполкома | 30 июня 2001 | 361[19] | За вклад в развитие сельского хозяйства Гродненской области[17] | 14.01.1938—04.02.2001 | |
4 | Карчмит, Михаил Александрович | Председатель агрокомбината «Снов» Несвижского района |
30 июня 2001 | 362[20] | За вклад в развитие сельского хозяйства Несвижского района Минской области, а также за работу в Комиссии по региональной политике Совета Республики Национального собрания Республики Беларусь[17] | 01.02.1949—22.05.2004 | |
5 | Кремко, Виталий Ильич | Председатель сельскохозяйственного коллективного предприятия «Октябрь» Гродненского района |
30 июня 2001 | 362[20] | За выдающиеся заслуги в развитии сельского хозяйства, работу в колхозе «Прогресс» и СПК «Октябрь-Гродно» Гродненского района Гродненской области[17] | 15.02.1941—03.04.2009 | |
6 | Высоцкий, Михаил Степанович | Генеральный директор Научно-инженерного республиканского унитарного предприятия «Белавтотракторостроение» Национальной академии наук Беларуси |
1 марта 2006 | 135[21] | За вклад в развитие белорусского автомобилестроения[17] | 10.02.1928—25.02.2013 | |
7 | Прокопович, Пётр Петрович | Глава Правления Национального банка Республики Беларусь |
1 марта 2006 | 135[21] | За работу в банковской системе Республики Беларусь[17] | 03.11.1942 | |
8 | Ревяко, Василий Афанасьевич | Глава сельскохозяйственного производственного кооператива «Прогресс — Вертелишки» |
1 марта 2006 | 135[21] | За работу в СПК «Прогресс — Вертелишки» Гродненского района Гродненской области[17] | 15.07.1948 | |
9 | Савицкий, Михаил Андреевич | Руководитель государственного учреждения культуры «Творческие академические мастерские живописи, графики и скульптуры» |
1 марта 2006 | 135[21] | За развитие белорусской живописи[17] | 18.02.1922—08.11.2010 | |
10 | Филарет (Вахромеев) | Митрополит Минский и Слуцкий, Почётный Патриарший Экзарх всея Беларуси |
1 марта 2006 | 136[22] | За исключительный личный вклад в духовное возрождение белорусского народа[17] | 21.03.1935 | |
11 | Домрачева, Дарья Владимировна | Биатлонистка, четырёхкратная олимпийская чемпионка | 17 февраля 2014 | 66[23] | За высокое профессиональное мастерство и исключительные спортивные достижения[23] | 03.08.1986 |
Первоначально социальные льготы и привилегии для лиц, получивших звание «Герой Беларуси», согласно Постановлению Верховного Совета Республики Беларусь от 13 апреля 1995 года № 3727-XII, приравнивались к льготам Героев Советского Союза, Героев Социалистического Труда, а также полных кавалеров Славы и Трудовой Славы[24]. Это было также написано в Положении о Герое Беларуси, утверждённом в Законе Республики Беларусь от 2 июля 1997 года № 49-З[25]. Эти льготы описаны в Законе Республики Беларусь от 21 февраля 1995 года № 3599-XII[26].
На сегодняшний день данный вопрос регулируется Законом Республики Беларусь от 14 июня 2007 года № 239-З «О государственных социальных льготах, правах и гарантиях для отдельных категорий граждан». Согласно этому закону, Герои Беларуси имеют право:
- на бесплатное обеспечение лекарственными средствами, выдаваемыми по рецептам врачей в пределах перечня основных лекарственных средств (Глава 2, статья 10);
- на бесплатное изготовление и ремонт зубных протезов в государственных организациях здравоохранения по месту жительства и право на бесплатное обеспечение иными техническими средствами реабилитации в соответствии с Государственным реестром технических средств социальной реабилитации (Глава 2, статья 11). Данный реестр утвержден Постановлением Совета Министров Республики Беларусь от 11 декабря 2007 года № 1772[27];
- на получение денежной помощи на оздоровление либо, вместо денежной помощи, на внеочередное бесплатное санаторно-курортное лечение или оздоровление (Глава 2, статья 12). Денежная помощь, её размеры и условия её получения, регулируется Постановлением Совета Министров Республики Беларусь от 31 января 2008 года № 146[28];
- на бесплатный проезд на всех видах городского пассажирского транспорта (кроме такси) независимо от места жительства, а для проживающих в сельской местности — также на автомобильном транспорте общего пользования регулярного междугородного сообщения в пределах административного района по месту жительства (Глава 3, статья 13);
- на бесплатный проезд на железнодорожном, водном и автомобильном пассажирском транспорте общего пользования регулярного пригородного сообщения (кроме такси) (Глава 3, статья 14);
- на бесплатный проезд (по талонам, выдаваемым соответствующими государственными органами Республики Беларусь) один раз в год (туда и обратно) на внутренних линиях водного, воздушного, автомобильного пассажирского транспорта общего пользования регулярного междугородного сообщения либо в пассажирских поездах или вагонах формирования Белорусской железной дороги во внутриреспубликанском сообщении (Глава 3, статья 15);
- освобождение от платы и (или) пользование жилым помещением в пределах 20 квадратных метров общей площади занимаемого жилого помещения (Глава 4, статья 16);
- освобождение от платы за коммунальные услуги (горячее и холодное водоснабжение, канализация, газ, электрическая и тепловая энергия, вывоз и обезвреживание твердых бытовых отходов, пользование лифтами) по установленным законодательством Республики Беларусь тарифам в пределах утверждённых норм потребления, а для проживающих в домах без центрального отопления — от платы за топливо, приобретаемое в пределах норм, установленных для продажи населению Беларуси (Глава 4, статья 16);
- на первоочередную однократную бесплатную установку квартирного телефона при протяженности абонентской линии не более 500 метров (Глава 4, статья 17);
- на бесплатное пользование квартирным телефоном (кроме междугородных и международных разговоров) (Глава 4, статья 18).
Финансирование расходов, связанных с предоставленными выше льготами, осуществляется за счет средств республиканского и местного бюджетов, а также за счет средств государственного социального страхования[29].
Согласно статье 5 Закона № 288-З, медаль Героя Беларуси носится на левой стороне груди над орденами и медалями. Согласно статье 69 того же Закона, при наличии у лица государственных наград СССР, БССР, награды СССР, БССР и иностранных государств располагаются после медали Героя Беларуси. Вместо орденов и медалей Республики Беларусь награждённые могут носить символы государственных наград Республики Беларусь, образцы и порядок ношения которых устанавливаются Президентом Республики Беларусь[2].
- ↑ Закон Республики Беларусь от 13 апреля 1995 года № 3726-XII «О государственных наградах Республики Беларусь» (рус.). Bankzakonov.com. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Закон Республики Беларусь от 18 мая 2004 года № 288-З «О государственных наградах Республики Беларусь» (рус.). Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 26 октября 2011 года.
- ↑ Герои Беларуси. Фильм седьмой (рус.) (недоступная ссылка — история). Столичное телевидение (Минск). Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 26 октября 2011 года.
- ↑ Указ Президента Республики Беларусь от 15 января 1996 года № 26 (рус.). Bankzakonov.com. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- ↑ 1 2 Указ Президента Республики Беларусь от 6 сентября 1999 года № 516 «Об утверждении описания орденов, медалей и нагрудных знаков к почетным званиям Республики Беларусь» (рус.). Bankzakonov.com. Проверено 10 марта 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- ↑ Указ Президента Республики Беларусь от 8 апреля 2005 года № 168 (рус.). Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 26 октября 2011 года.
- ↑ Государственные награды Республики Беларусь (англ.). Белпочта. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 26 октября 2011 года.
- ↑ Указ Президиума Верховного Совета СССР от 16 октябре 1939 г. (Ведомости Верховного Совета СССР, 1939 г., № 35)
- ↑ Звание Героя Советского Союза и медаль «Золотая Звезда». Ордена и медали России. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- ↑ А.В. Тетерник. Наградная система Республики Беларусь (1991—2004 гг.) (рус.) // Крынiцазнаўства i спецыяльныя гiстарычныя дысцыплiны. — Мiнск: БДУ, 2008. — Т. 4. — С. 216—221. — ISBN 978-985-485-903-3.
- ↑ Василий Рогов. Просто ли в Беларуси получить государственную награду?. websmi.by. Проверено 3 июля 2013. Архивировано 5 июля 2013 года.
- ↑ Руслан Горбачев. Что нужно сделать, чтобы заслужить в Беларуси орден? (рус.). gazetaby.com. Проверено 3 июля 2013. Архивировано 5 июля 2013 года.
- ↑ Государственные награды Республики Беларусь. Награждения. belawards.narod.ru. Проверено 27 ноября 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- ↑ Конституция Республики Беларусь 1994 года (с изменениями и дополнениями, принятыми на республиканских референдумах 24 ноября 1996 г. и 17 октября 2004 г.). — Минск: Амалфея, 2008. — 48с. ISBN 978-985-441-712-7. (рус.)
- ↑ Указ Президента Республики Беларусь от 15 июля 2002 г. № 377 «О распространении на членов семьи Героя Российской Федерации полковника Водолажского В. А. льгот, установленных для членов семей Героев Беларуси» (рус.). Bankzakonov.com. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- ↑ Указ Президента Республики Беларусь от 21 ноября 1996 года № 484. Bankzakonov.com. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Герои Беларуси (рус.). Детский правовой сайт Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- ↑ Указ Президента Республики Беларусь от 29 июня 2001 года № 360 (белор.) (недоступная ссылка — история). Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 9 сентября 2012 года.
- ↑ Указ Президента Республики Беларусь от 30 июня 2001 года № 361 (белор.) (недоступная ссылка — история). Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 8 сентября 2012 года.
- ↑ 1 2 Указ Президента Республики Беларусь от 30 июня 2001 года № 362 (белор.) (недоступная ссылка — история). Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. Проверено 15 февраля 2010. Архивировано 14 сентября 2012 года.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 Указ Президента Республики Беларусь от 1 марта 2006 года № 135 (белор.) (недоступная ссылка — история). Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 4 декабря 2012 года.
- ↑ Указ Президента Республики Беларусь от 1 марта 2006 года № 137 (белор.) (недоступная ссылка — история). Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 13 сентября 2012 года.
- ↑ 1 2 Дарья Домрачева (рус.). Официальный сайт Республики Беларусь.
- ↑ Постановление Верховного Совета Республики Беларусь от 13 апреля 1995 г. №3727-XII «Об утверждении Положений о звании «Герой Беларуси», орденах и медалях Республики Беларусь» (рус.). Bankzakonov.com. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- ↑ Закон Республики Беларусь от 2 июля 1997 г. №49-З «Об утверждении Положений о звании «Герой Беларуси», орденах, медалях и почетных званиях Республики Беларусь» (рус.). Bankzakonov.com. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- ↑ Закон Республики Беларусь от 21 февраля 1995 года № 3599-XII «О статусе Героев Советского Союза, Героев Социалистического Труда, полных кавалеров орденов Славы, Трудовой Славы» (рус.) (недоступная ссылка — история). Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 9 декабря 2012 года.
- ↑ Постановление Совета Министров Республики Беларусть от 11 декабря 2007 года № 1722 (рус.) (недоступная ссылка — история). Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 9 сентября 2012 года.
- ↑ Постановление Совета Министров Республики Беларусь от 31 января 2008 года № 146 «Об утверждении Положения о порядке выплаты денежной помощи на оздоровление отдельным категориям граждан» (рус.) (недоступная ссылка — история). Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 11 сентября 2012 года.
- ↑ Закон Республики Беларусь от 14 июня 2007 г. № 239-З «О государственных социальных льготах, правах и гарантиях для отдельных категорий граждан» (рус.) (недоступная ссылка — история). Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 15 сентября 2012 года.
- Исаева И.К. Награды Республики Беларусь. — Мн.: Беларусь, 2007. — 120 с.
- Сымон Барыс. Героі Беларусі // Беларускі гістарычны часопіс. — Мінск: Інстытут гісторыі Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі, Беларускі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт, Беларускае таварыства «Веды», 2008. — № 4. — С. 54—55.
Герой Беларуси на Викискладе |
- Ордена и медали Республики Беларусь (рус.). Государственные награды Республики Беларусь. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- Герои Беларуси Минской области (рус.). Минский областной исполнительный комитет. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- Митрополиту Филарету присвоено звание «Герой Беларуси» (рус.). Официальный портал Белорусской Православной Церкви. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
- Hero of the Republic of Belarus (англ.). ODM of Belarus. Проверено 26 февраля 2010. Архивировано 28 января 2012 года.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hero of Belarus | |
Type | Medal |
Awarded for | those who «perform great deeds in the name of freedom, independence and prosperity of the Republic of Belarus«. |
Presented by | Belarus |
Status | Currently awarded |
Established | April 13, 1995 |
First awarded | Uladzimir Karvat |
Total awarded posthumously | 4[1] |
Total recipients | 13[1] |
Hero of Belarus (Belarusian: Герой Беларусі, Łacinka Hieroj Biełarusi; Russian: Герой Беларуси, romanized: Geroj Belarusi) is the highest title that can be bestowed on a citizen of Belarus. The title is awarded to those «who perform great deeds in the name of freedom, independence and prosperity of the Republic of Belarus».[2] The deed can be for military performance, economic performance or great service to the State and society. The design of the medal is similar to that of its predecessor, Hero of the Soviet Union. Similar titles to the Hero of Belarus include the Hero of the Russian Federation, Hero of Ukraine, and Hero of Uzbekistan. Since its creation, the title has been awarded to eleven people.
The title and other Belarusian state awards, their creation, nomination and awarding, are regulated by a set of legal documents: Belarusian Constitution, Law N 288-З «About state awards of the Republic of Belarus» and presidential decrees.
The title was created by the Belarus Supreme Soviet on April 13, 1995, with the passage of Resolution N 3726-XII, titled «System of State Awards for the Republic of Belarus». Alongside the Hero of Belarus title, the resolution authorized the creation of medals, orders, and titles that can be presented by the Belarusian government. The creation of the awards was a way to honor those who have made valuable contributions to Belarus, irrespective of whether they were performed by a citizen or a foreigner.[3]
This resolution was outlawed and replaced by Law N 288-З on May 18, 2004.
Recommendation process and awarding[edit]
To be considered for title, a person must perform a deed that greatly benefits the state and Belarusian society at large. The title can be awarded to those serving in the military, public service or private enterprise. It can only be awarded once to an individual, and can be awarded posthumously. The official criteria are stated in Chapter 2, Article 5 of Law N 288-З. Chapter 3, Article 60 of Law N 288-З allows any group (association) of workers to submit a recommendation (petition) for an individual to be awarded the title. Governmental bodies, the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers, cabinet officials and public unions, among others, are also eligible to submit nominations for the title. The candidate is evaluated, and if deemed worthy, the nomination is forwarded to the Council of Ministers and then, after having been allowed by the Governmental Secretariat of the Belarusian Security Council, to the President of the Republic.
Under the Belarus Constitution (Part 4, Chapter 3, Article 84), the President of the Republic has the power to bestow state awards. To announce an award, the President issues a decree conferring the title to a person.[4] Within two months, the title will be presented by the President in a formal setting, usually at the Independence Palace in the capital city of Minsk. A certificate (gramota) will also be presented to the recipient, signed by the President of the Republic.
Initially, social privileges for those, who achieved Hero of Belarus, according to the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus under April 13, 1995 N 3727-XII,[5] were equal to the privileges for people, whom Hero of Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labour, Order of Glory or Order of Labor Glory was given. These privileges are regulated by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus under February 21, 1995 N 3599-XII.[2]
Now this question is regulated by Law of the Republic of Belarus under June 14, 2007 N 239-З «About social privileges, rights and guarantees to a definite category of citizens».[6]
According to it, Heroes of Belarus have rights:
- of free supplying with medicines in the list of main medicines, which are given under recipes in hospitals;
- of free production and repairing of dentures in governmental organizations domiciliary and of free supplying with other technical means of rehabilitation in accordance with the Governmental register of technical means of social rehabilitation;
- of pecuniary aid for recovery or, instead of pecuniary aid, of free out-of-turn sanitary-resort recovery;
- of free trip on all kinds of urban transport (except taxi) irrespective of domicile;
- of free trip on the transport (railway, water, auto, but not taxi) of suburban traffic;
- of one free roundtrip by rail, airplane, or truck per year of interurban traffic;
- rent-free housing, utilities, and services within 20 square meters of living space;
- of free home phone installation if the extension of the subscriber line is less than 500 meters;
- of free usage of the home phone (except interurban and international talks).
The consumptions, connected with these privileges, are financed from means of republican and local budgets and of governmental social insurance.
Construction and display[edit]
The recipient of the title is given a medal called the Medal of the Hero of Belarus (Belarusian: медаль Героя Беларусі, Russian: медаль Героя Беларуси). The star and suspension are made of gold, and thus it is nicknamed «Gold Star», as was its predecessor, the Hero of the Soviet Union. The star has a total diameter of 33 millimeters, and is attached to a rectangular suspension device (boot tree). In the center of the rectangle is a ribbon of two sections of red and one section of green. The red and green bars on the ribbon evoke the design and colors of the national flag. The amount of gold is set at 585–1 Test, with the total weight of the medal being 19 grams.[7] The present design was enacted into law by Presidential Decree Number 516 on September 6, 1999.[8]
The design of the medal is modeled after one used for the Hero of the Soviet Union. Unlike the Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor and the Hero of the Russian Federation titles, there is no engraving on the reverse of the star. The ribbon also copies the Soviet Hero medal’s ribbon, since a flag design was also used to make the ribbon of that medal. The medal is always worn in full on the left side of the breast above all other medals and orders. Chapter 4, Article 69 of Law N 288-З states that any awards and titles presented by the Soviet Union and the Byelorussian SSR must be placed after awards from the Republic of Belarus.
1996 medal[edit]
When the title was created, a suggested medal was drafted and designed by the government. The major difference between this medal and the current medal is the design of the suspension and the star medallion at the bottom: the top suspension is longer than the bottom, and the bottom star is outlined differently and is adorned with rubies. The suspension was made from gold-plated silver, while the suspension of the current medal is made from gold, as the medal. The design of the star evokes the Marshal’s Star, which Soviet Marshals wore around their necks. This medal was adopted by Presidential Decree Number 26 on May 15, 1996.[9][10]
The first award in history was given to Uladzimir Karvat (posthumous) in 1996. The first «group awarding» took place on June 30, 2001 to Pavel Mariev, Mikhail Karchmit, Vital Kramko and Alaksandar Dubko (posthumous),[11] while Kirill Vakhromeev, Mikhail Savicki, Mikhail Vysotsky, Pyotr Prakapovich and Vasily Revyako were presented their titles on March 1, 2006.[1]
Uladzimir Karvat, a military pilot, was flying his training aircraft Sukhoi Su-27 on May 23, 1996. The plane caught fire and Karvat was ordered to eject to safety. Unknown to the ground crew, the plane would have crashed in an area full of civilians. Seeing the civilians on the ground, Karvat steered the plane away until it crashed one kilometer from the Brest Voblast settlements of Arabawshchyna and Vyalikaye Hatsishcha, killing him instantly. President Alexander Lukashenko issued Decree Number 484 on November 21, 1996, which posthumously awarded Karvat the title Hero of Belarus.[12][13] The crash site has been converted to a memorial for Karvat, where a copy of Lukashenko’s decree is on the tail fin of the Sukhoi Su-27p.[14]
Pavel Mariev was awarded the title for his work in the automobile industry as manager of Belarusian Auto Works, a leading producer of Belarusian automobiles.[15]
Vital Kramko and Mikhail Karchmit were awarded for their work in the agriculture industry. Kramko is the chairman of the Hrodna Voblast agricultural collective «October», while Karchmit was the director of the Minsk Voblast cooperative «Snov» until his death in 2004.[16][17]
Alaksandar Dubko was posthumously awarded the hero title for his long service to the Belarusian and Soviet governments.[1][18]
Kirill Vakhromeev, the emeritus Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, was awarded the hero title for his work to restore spirituality among the Belarusian population.[19]
Mikhail Savicki was awarded the hero title for his long contributions to the Belarusian arts and for helping to set up art academies in the republic.[20]
Mikhail Vysotsky was awarded for running the research enterprise «Belavtotraktorostroyeniye», a part of the National Academy of Sciences.[20]
Pyotr Prakapovich was awarded for his work as the chairman of the National Bank of Belarus.[20]
Vasily Revyako was awarded for his work at the Hrodna Voblast agricultural co-op «Progress-Vertelishki».[20][21]
Darya Domracheva was awarded for her progress in biathlon after the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, where Darya won 3 gold medal in personal starts.
On May 19, 2021 lieutenant Nikita Kukonenko and major Andrei Nichiporchik were died during a Yak-130 training flight in Baranovichi. Their plane crashed near apartment buildings on Rosa Luxemburg Street. Later, the commission investigating the crash said that the pilots tried to take the plane away from home and therefore catapulted late. On november 24, 2021 they were posthumously awarded for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty.[22]
In culture[edit]
The medal was featured on a stamp, released by Belposhta, commemorating the 3rd year of Karvat’s death. Designed by V. Volynets, the 25,000 rouble stamp featured the medal on the left and Karvat’s photo on the right in full color. In the white text below the medal, it says «Hero of Belarus, Uładzimir Mikalaevič Karvat, (28.11.1958 – 23.05.1996)». It was issued on August 12, 1999, and had a print run of 90,000.[23]
The hero title was also featured in a set of stamps released by BELPOST in December 2006, depicting the state awards of Belarus. On the first issue card, the medal is displayed in full color next to drawings of the state emblem, state flag and the Presidential Palace. A first day postal marking from Minsk also uses an outline of the medal, which is adorned with wreaths and the text «National Decorations of the Republic of Belarus» written in the Belarusian language.
Another set of stamps, devoted to orders and medals of Belarus, was put into circulation by Ministry of Communications and Informatization of Belarus in August 2008. The designers are Ivan Lukin and Oleg Gaiko. The printing is offset and full-color. Paper is chalk-overly and rubberized. The size of stamps are 29,6 × 52 mm.[24]
Television channel «CTV (Minsk)» released a film, devoted to the Heroes of Belarus.[25]
See also[edit]
- Gold star
- Hero (title)
- Orders, decorations, and medals of Belarus
- State decoration
- ^ a b c d «List of Heroes of Belarus» (in Russian). Archived from the original on January 30, 2020. Retrieved May 17, 2005.
- ^ a b National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus Resolution N 3599-XII. Retrieved May. 16 2005. (in Russian)
- ^ «О государственных наградах Республики Беларусь». Bankzakonov.com. Archived from the original on March 14, 2016. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ President of the Republic of Belarus Constitution of Belarus – Duties of the President Archived December 17, 2007, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved November 25, 2006.
- ^ [1][dead link]
- ^ «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ President of the Republic of Belarus Medal – Hero of Belarus design Archived October 5, 2006, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved November 25, 2005. (in Russian)
- ^ «Президент Республики Беларусь — Об утверждении описания орденов, меда…». Archived from the original on August 11, 2007.
- ^ Belarusian Awards History of the Hero of Belarus Archived February 4, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved May 14, 2005. (in Russian)
- ^ Президент Республики Беларусь – Об утверждении описания орденов. Old.bankzakonov.com (in Russian). Archived from the original on March 5, 2014. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ Soviet Byelorussia New Heroes of Belarus Archived December 10, 2005, at the Wayback Machine. July 5, 2001. Retrieved May 19, 2005. (in Russian)
- ^ «IXBT Drivers». Archived from the original on October 27, 2005. Retrieved 2005-05-15.
- ^ «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ Памятник В.Карвату. Airforce.ru (in Russian). Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ «Официальный интернет-портал Президента Республики Беларусь/24-31 мая». Archived from the original on December 29, 2007. Retrieved 2006-11-26.
- ^ «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ The National State Teleradiocompany Filaret celebrates birthday Archived August 26, 2014, at the Wayback Machine. Aired March 21, 2006. Retrieved November 25, 2006.
- ^ a b c d «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ President of the Republic of Belarus Head of State Confers the “Hero of Belarus” Title Archived December 29, 2007, at the Wayback Machine. Printed March 2, 2006. Retrieved November 25, 2006.
- ^ President of the Republic of Belarus Pilots Andrei Nichiporchik, Nikita Kukonenko awarded Hero of Belarus title posthumously https://president.gov.by/en/events/pilots-andrei-nichiporchik-nikita-kukonenko-awarded-hero-of-belarus-title-posthumously. Printed November 24, 2021.
- ^ «1999 – Belpost». Belpost.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ «State Awards of the Republic of Belarus». Belpost.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ «Проекты СТВ | НОВОСТИ БЕЛАРУСИ». Archived from the original on January 11, 2012. Retrieved 2010-01-28.
External links[edit]
- ODM of Belarus – Hero of the Republic of Belarus
- www.awards.by History and Facts about the title Hero of Belarus (in Russian)
- Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus Orders and Medals of the Republic of Belarus (in Russian)
- National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Biography of Maryjaŭ (with a photo wearing his medal) (in English and Russian)
- Marat Kazey secondary school of general education (Stankof) Biographies of all Heroes of Belarus Archived July 29, 2013, at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hero of Belarus | |
Type | Medal |
Awarded for | those who «perform great deeds in the name of freedom, independence and prosperity of the Republic of Belarus«. |
Presented by | Belarus |
Status | Currently awarded |
Established | April 13, 1995 |
First awarded | Uladzimir Karvat |
Total awarded posthumously | 4[1] |
Total recipients | 13[1] |
Hero of Belarus (Belarusian: Герой Беларусі, Łacinka Hieroj Biełarusi; Russian: Герой Беларуси, romanized: Geroj Belarusi) is the highest title that can be bestowed on a citizen of Belarus. The title is awarded to those «who perform great deeds in the name of freedom, independence and prosperity of the Republic of Belarus».[2] The deed can be for military performance, economic performance or great service to the State and society. The design of the medal is similar to that of its predecessor, Hero of the Soviet Union. Similar titles to the Hero of Belarus include the Hero of the Russian Federation, Hero of Ukraine, and Hero of Uzbekistan. Since its creation, the title has been awarded to eleven people.
The title and other Belarusian state awards, their creation, nomination and awarding, are regulated by a set of legal documents: Belarusian Constitution, Law N 288-З «About state awards of the Republic of Belarus» and presidential decrees.
The title was created by the Belarus Supreme Soviet on April 13, 1995, with the passage of Resolution N 3726-XII, titled «System of State Awards for the Republic of Belarus». Alongside the Hero of Belarus title, the resolution authorized the creation of medals, orders, and titles that can be presented by the Belarusian government. The creation of the awards was a way to honor those who have made valuable contributions to Belarus, irrespective of whether they were performed by a citizen or a foreigner.[3]
This resolution was outlawed and replaced by Law N 288-З on May 18, 2004.
Recommendation process and awarding[edit]
To be considered for title, a person must perform a deed that greatly benefits the state and Belarusian society at large. The title can be awarded to those serving in the military, public service or private enterprise. It can only be awarded once to an individual, and can be awarded posthumously. The official criteria are stated in Chapter 2, Article 5 of Law N 288-З. Chapter 3, Article 60 of Law N 288-З allows any group (association) of workers to submit a recommendation (petition) for an individual to be awarded the title. Governmental bodies, the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers, cabinet officials and public unions, among others, are also eligible to submit nominations for the title. The candidate is evaluated, and if deemed worthy, the nomination is forwarded to the Council of Ministers and then, after having been allowed by the Governmental Secretariat of the Belarusian Security Council, to the President of the Republic.
Under the Belarus Constitution (Part 4, Chapter 3, Article 84), the President of the Republic has the power to bestow state awards. To announce an award, the President issues a decree conferring the title to a person.[4] Within two months, the title will be presented by the President in a formal setting, usually at the Independence Palace in the capital city of Minsk. A certificate (gramota) will also be presented to the recipient, signed by the President of the Republic.
Initially, social privileges for those, who achieved Hero of Belarus, according to the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus under April 13, 1995 N 3727-XII,[5] were equal to the privileges for people, whom Hero of Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labour, Order of Glory or Order of Labor Glory was given. These privileges are regulated by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus under February 21, 1995 N 3599-XII.[2]
Now this question is regulated by Law of the Republic of Belarus under June 14, 2007 N 239-З «About social privileges, rights and guarantees to a definite category of citizens».[6]
According to it, Heroes of Belarus have rights:
- of free supplying with medicines in the list of main medicines, which are given under recipes in hospitals;
- of free production and repairing of dentures in governmental organizations domiciliary and of free supplying with other technical means of rehabilitation in accordance with the Governmental register of technical means of social rehabilitation;
- of pecuniary aid for recovery or, instead of pecuniary aid, of free out-of-turn sanitary-resort recovery;
- of free trip on all kinds of urban transport (except taxi) irrespective of domicile;
- of free trip on the transport (railway, water, auto, but not taxi) of suburban traffic;
- of one free roundtrip by rail, airplane, or truck per year of interurban traffic;
- rent-free housing, utilities, and services within 20 square meters of living space;
- of free home phone installation if the extension of the subscriber line is less than 500 meters;
- of free usage of the home phone (except interurban and international talks).
The consumptions, connected with these privileges, are financed from means of republican and local budgets and of governmental social insurance.
Construction and display[edit]
The recipient of the title is given a medal called the Medal of the Hero of Belarus (Belarusian: медаль Героя Беларусі, Russian: медаль Героя Беларуси). The star and suspension are made of gold, and thus it is nicknamed «Gold Star», as was its predecessor, the Hero of the Soviet Union. The star has a total diameter of 33 millimeters, and is attached to a rectangular suspension device (boot tree). In the center of the rectangle is a ribbon of two sections of red and one section of green. The red and green bars on the ribbon evoke the design and colors of the national flag. The amount of gold is set at 585–1 Test, with the total weight of the medal being 19 grams.[7] The present design was enacted into law by Presidential Decree Number 516 on September 6, 1999.[8]
The design of the medal is modeled after one used for the Hero of the Soviet Union. Unlike the Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor and the Hero of the Russian Federation titles, there is no engraving on the reverse of the star. The ribbon also copies the Soviet Hero medal’s ribbon, since a flag design was also used to make the ribbon of that medal. The medal is always worn in full on the left side of the breast above all other medals and orders. Chapter 4, Article 69 of Law N 288-З states that any awards and titles presented by the Soviet Union and the Byelorussian SSR must be placed after awards from the Republic of Belarus.
1996 medal[edit]
When the title was created, a suggested medal was drafted and designed by the government. The major difference between this medal and the current medal is the design of the suspension and the star medallion at the bottom: the top suspension is longer than the bottom, and the bottom star is outlined differently and is adorned with rubies. The suspension was made from gold-plated silver, while the suspension of the current medal is made from gold, as the medal. The design of the star evokes the Marshal’s Star, which Soviet Marshals wore around their necks. This medal was adopted by Presidential Decree Number 26 on May 15, 1996.[9][10]
The first award in history was given to Uladzimir Karvat (posthumous) in 1996. The first «group awarding» took place on June 30, 2001 to Pavel Mariev, Mikhail Karchmit, Vital Kramko and Alaksandar Dubko (posthumous),[11] while Kirill Vakhromeev, Mikhail Savicki, Mikhail Vysotsky, Pyotr Prakapovich and Vasily Revyako were presented their titles on March 1, 2006.[1]
Uladzimir Karvat, a military pilot, was flying his training aircraft Sukhoi Su-27 on May 23, 1996. The plane caught fire and Karvat was ordered to eject to safety. Unknown to the ground crew, the plane would have crashed in an area full of civilians. Seeing the civilians on the ground, Karvat steered the plane away until it crashed one kilometer from the Brest Voblast settlements of Arabawshchyna and Vyalikaye Hatsishcha, killing him instantly. President Alexander Lukashenko issued Decree Number 484 on November 21, 1996, which posthumously awarded Karvat the title Hero of Belarus.[12][13] The crash site has been converted to a memorial for Karvat, where a copy of Lukashenko’s decree is on the tail fin of the Sukhoi Su-27p.[14]
Pavel Mariev was awarded the title for his work in the automobile industry as manager of Belarusian Auto Works, a leading producer of Belarusian automobiles.[15]
Vital Kramko and Mikhail Karchmit were awarded for their work in the agriculture industry. Kramko is the chairman of the Hrodna Voblast agricultural collective «October», while Karchmit was the director of the Minsk Voblast cooperative «Snov» until his death in 2004.[16][17]
Alaksandar Dubko was posthumously awarded the hero title for his long service to the Belarusian and Soviet governments.[1][18]
Kirill Vakhromeev, the emeritus Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, was awarded the hero title for his work to restore spirituality among the Belarusian population.[19]
Mikhail Savicki was awarded the hero title for his long contributions to the Belarusian arts and for helping to set up art academies in the republic.[20]
Mikhail Vysotsky was awarded for running the research enterprise «Belavtotraktorostroyeniye», a part of the National Academy of Sciences.[20]
Pyotr Prakapovich was awarded for his work as the chairman of the National Bank of Belarus.[20]
Vasily Revyako was awarded for his work at the Hrodna Voblast agricultural co-op «Progress-Vertelishki».[20][21]
Darya Domracheva was awarded for her progress in biathlon after the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, where Darya won 3 gold medal in personal starts.
On May 19, 2021 lieutenant Nikita Kukonenko and major Andrei Nichiporchik were died during a Yak-130 training flight in Baranovichi. Their plane crashed near apartment buildings on Rosa Luxemburg Street. Later, the commission investigating the crash said that the pilots tried to take the plane away from home and therefore catapulted late. On november 24, 2021 they were posthumously awarded for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty.[22]
In culture[edit]
The medal was featured on a stamp, released by Belposhta, commemorating the 3rd year of Karvat’s death. Designed by V. Volynets, the 25,000 rouble stamp featured the medal on the left and Karvat’s photo on the right in full color. In the white text below the medal, it says «Hero of Belarus, Uładzimir Mikalaevič Karvat, (28.11.1958 – 23.05.1996)». It was issued on August 12, 1999, and had a print run of 90,000.[23]
The hero title was also featured in a set of stamps released by BELPOST in December 2006, depicting the state awards of Belarus. On the first issue card, the medal is displayed in full color next to drawings of the state emblem, state flag and the Presidential Palace. A first day postal marking from Minsk also uses an outline of the medal, which is adorned with wreaths and the text «National Decorations of the Republic of Belarus» written in the Belarusian language.
Another set of stamps, devoted to orders and medals of Belarus, was put into circulation by Ministry of Communications and Informatization of Belarus in August 2008. The designers are Ivan Lukin and Oleg Gaiko. The printing is offset and full-color. Paper is chalk-overly and rubberized. The size of stamps are 29,6 × 52 mm.[24]
Television channel «CTV (Minsk)» released a film, devoted to the Heroes of Belarus.[25]
See also[edit]
- Gold star
- Hero (title)
- Orders, decorations, and medals of Belarus
- State decoration
- ^ a b c d «List of Heroes of Belarus» (in Russian). Archived from the original on January 30, 2020. Retrieved May 17, 2005.
- ^ a b National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus Resolution N 3599-XII. Retrieved May. 16 2005. (in Russian)
- ^ «О государственных наградах Республики Беларусь». Bankzakonov.com. Archived from the original on March 14, 2016. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ President of the Republic of Belarus Constitution of Belarus – Duties of the President Archived December 17, 2007, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved November 25, 2006.
- ^ [1][dead link]
- ^ «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ President of the Republic of Belarus Medal – Hero of Belarus design Archived October 5, 2006, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved November 25, 2005. (in Russian)
- ^ «Президент Республики Беларусь — Об утверждении описания орденов, меда…». Archived from the original on August 11, 2007.
- ^ Belarusian Awards History of the Hero of Belarus Archived February 4, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved May 14, 2005. (in Russian)
- ^ Президент Республики Беларусь – Об утверждении описания орденов. Old.bankzakonov.com (in Russian). Archived from the original on March 5, 2014. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ Soviet Byelorussia New Heroes of Belarus Archived December 10, 2005, at the Wayback Machine. July 5, 2001. Retrieved May 19, 2005. (in Russian)
- ^ «IXBT Drivers». Archived from the original on October 27, 2005. Retrieved 2005-05-15.
- ^ «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ Памятник В.Карвату. Airforce.ru (in Russian). Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ «Официальный интернет-портал Президента Республики Беларусь/24-31 мая». Archived from the original on December 29, 2007. Retrieved 2006-11-26.
- ^ «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ The National State Teleradiocompany Filaret celebrates birthday Archived August 26, 2014, at the Wayback Machine. Aired March 21, 2006. Retrieved November 25, 2006.
- ^ a b c d «ЭТАЛОН-ONLINE». Pravo.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ President of the Republic of Belarus Head of State Confers the “Hero of Belarus” Title Archived December 29, 2007, at the Wayback Machine. Printed March 2, 2006. Retrieved November 25, 2006.
- ^ President of the Republic of Belarus Pilots Andrei Nichiporchik, Nikita Kukonenko awarded Hero of Belarus title posthumously https://president.gov.by/en/events/pilots-andrei-nichiporchik-nikita-kukonenko-awarded-hero-of-belarus-title-posthumously. Printed November 24, 2021.
- ^ «1999 – Belpost». Belpost.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ «State Awards of the Republic of Belarus». Belpost.by. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
- ^ «Проекты СТВ | НОВОСТИ БЕЛАРУСИ». Archived from the original on January 11, 2012. Retrieved 2010-01-28.
External links[edit]
- ODM of Belarus – Hero of the Republic of Belarus
- www.awards.by History and Facts about the title Hero of Belarus (in Russian)
- Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus Orders and Medals of the Republic of Belarus (in Russian)
- National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Biography of Maryjaŭ (with a photo wearing his medal) (in English and Russian)
- Marat Kazey secondary school of general education (Stankof) Biographies of all Heroes of Belarus Archived July 29, 2013, at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)
Биографическая справка о героях Беларуси
Биографические справки о Героях Беларуси — что это за люди, чем занимались в жизни и за какие заслуги им вручили звание Героя.
Владимир Николаевич Карват (1958-1996)
Награжден 21.11.1996 (посмертно) (указ №484 от 21.11.1996).
Подполковник авиации. Пожертвовав собственной жизнью отвел падающий самолет от населенного пункта. Награжден за мужество и героизм, проявленные при исполнении воинского долга.
Павел Лукьянович Мариев (род. 1938)
Награжден 29.06.2001 (указ №360 от 29.06.2001).
Генеральный директор ПО БелАЗ. Награжден за самоотверженную работу и исключительные заслуги в развитии отечественного автомобилестроения.
Александр Иосифович Дубко (1938-2001)
Награжден 30.06.2001 (посмертно) (указ №361 от 30.06.2001).
Председатель Гродненского облисполкома. Награжден за за исключительные заслуги перед государством и обществом.
Михаил Александрович Карчмит (1949-2004)
Награжден 30.06.2001 (указ №362 от 30.06.2001).
Председатель агрокомбината «Снов». Награжден за самоотверженный труд, исключительные заслуги в развитии сельскохозяйственного производства.
Виталий Ильич Кремко (1941-2009)
Награжден 30.06.2001 (указ №362 от 30.06.2001).
Председатель сельскохозяйственного коллективного предприятия «Октябрь». Награжден за самоотверженный труд, исключительные заслуги в развитии сельскохозяйственного производства.
Михаил Степанович Высоцкий (1928-2013)
Награжден 01.03.2006 (указ №135 от 01.03.2006).
Генеральный директор Научно-инженерного республиканского предприятия «Белавтотракторостроение». Награжден за значительные заслуги перед государством и обществом, личный вклад в становление и развитие национального автомобиле- и автобусостроения, белорусской научной школы механики и комплексного проектирования мобильных машин, проведение фундаментальных и прикладных научных исследований, подготовку научных кадров.
Петр Петрович Прокопович (род. 1942)
Награжден 01.03.2006 (указ №135 от 01.03.2006).
Председатель Национального банка Беларуси. Награжден за значительный вклад в обеспечение устойчивых темпов экономического роста в Беларуси и повышение на этой основе уровня жизни населения республики.
Василий Афанасьевич Ревяко (род.1948)
Награжден 01.03.2006 (указ №135 от 01.03.2006).
Глава сельскохозяйственного производственного кооператива «Прогресс-Вертелишки». Награжден за исключительные заслуги в социально-экономическом развитии страны.
Михаил Андреевич Савицкий (1922-2010)
Награжден 01.03.2006 (указ № 35 от 01.03.2006).
Руководитель государственного учреждения культуры «Творческие академические мастерские живописи, графики и скульптуры». Награжден за исключительные заслуги в социально-экономическом развитии нашей страны.
Кирилл Варфоломеевич Вахромеев (Филарет) (1935-2021)
Награжден 01.03.2006 (указ №137 от 01.03.2006).
Митрополит Минский и Слуцкий, Патриарший Экзарх всея Беларуси. Награжден за исключительный личный вклад в духовное возрождение белорусского народа, укрепление дружбы и братских связей между народами, развитие межконфессионального диалога.
Дарья Владимировна Домрачева (род. 1986)
Награждена 17.02.2014 (указ №66 от 17.02.2014).
Спортсмен-инструктор национальной команды Беларуси по биатлону. Награждена за высокое профессиональное мастерство и завоевание трех золотых медалей на ХХІІ зимних Олимпийских играх.
Андрей Владимирович Ничипорчик (1987-2021)
Награжден 24.11.2021 (посмертно) (указ № 457 от 24.11.2021).
Военный летчик, майор. Награжден за за мужество и героизм, проявленные при исполнении воинского долга.
Никита Борисович Куконенко (1998-2021)
Награжден 24.11.2021 (посмертно) (указ Указ № 457 от 24.11.2021).
Военный летчик, лейтенант. Награжден за за мужество и героизм, проявленные при исполнении воинского долга.
За всю историю Беларуси 13 человек удостаивались звания Героя. Первым посмертно был награжден летчик Владимир Карват в 1996 году. Последними, также посмертно, звание получили летчики Андрей Ничипорчик и Никита Куконенко.
Среди всех награжденных: руководители предприятий (в том числе сельскохозяйственных) — 5; военные — 3; государственные служащие — 2; культурные деятели — 2; спортсмены — 1.
Четыре человека награждены званием Герой Беларуси посмертно.
Также может быть интересно:
Льготы для Героев Беларуси
Все белорусские ордены
Высшие награды в других странах
Hero of Belarus | |
Awarded by Belarus | |
Type | Medal |
Awarded for | those who «perform great deeds in the name of freedom, independence and prosperity of the Republic of Belarus«. |
Status | Currently awarded |
Statistics | |
Established | 1995-04-13 |
First awarded | V. Karvat |
Posthumous awards |
2[1] |
Distinct recipients |
10[1] |
Hero of Belarus (Belarusian language: Герой Беларусi; Łacinka: Hieroj Biełarusi; Russian: Герой Беларуси, transliterated Geroy Belarusi) is the highest title that can be bestowed on a citizen of Belarus. The title is awarded to those «who perform great deeds in the name of freedom, independence and prosperity of the Republic of Belarus».[2] The deed can be for military performance, economic performance or great service to the State and society. The design of the medal is similar to that of its predecessor, Hero of the Soviet Union. Similar titles to the Hero of Belarus include the Russian Hero of the Russian Federation and the Ukrainian Hero of Ukraine. Since its creation, the title has been awarded to ten people.
The title and other Belarusian state awards, their creation, nomination and awarding, are regulated by a set of legal documents: Belarusian Constitution, Law N 288-З «About state awards of the Republic of Belarus» and presidential decrees.
The title was created by the Belarus Supreme Soviet on April 13, 1995, with the passage of Resolution N 3726-XII, titled «System of State Awards for the Republic of Belarus». Alongside the Hero of Belarus title, the resolution authorized the creation of medals, orders, and titles that can be presented by the Belarusian government. The creation of the awards was a way to honor those who have made valuable contributions to Belarus, irrespective of whether they were performed by a citizen or a foreigner.[3]
This resolution was outlawed and replaced by Law N 288-З on May 18, 2004.[2]
Recommendation process and awarding
To be considered for title, a person must perform a deed that greatly benefits the state and Belarusian society at large. The title can be awarded to those serving in the military, public service or private enterprise. It can only be awarded once to an individual, and can be awarded posthumously. The official criteria are stated in Chapter 2, Article 5 of Law N 288-З.[2] Chapter 3, Article 60 of Law N 288-З allows any group (association) of workers to submit a recommendation (petition) for an individual to be awarded the title. Governmental bodies, the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers, cabinet officials and public unions, among others, are also eligible to submit nominations for the title. The candidate is evaluated, and if deemed worthy, the nomination is forwarded to the Council of Ministers and then, after having been allowed by the Governmental Secretariat of the Belarusian Security Council, to the President of the Republic.[2]
Under the Belarus Constitution (Part 4, Chapter 3, Article 84), the President of the Republic has the power to bestow state awards. To announce an award, the President issues a decree conferring the title to a person.[4] Within two months, the title will be presented by the President in a formal setting, usually at the Presidential Palace in the capital city of Minsk. A certificate (gramota) will also be presented to the recipient, signed by the President of the Republic.
Initially, social privileges for those, who achieved Hero of Belarus, according to the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus under April 13, 1995 N 3727-XII,[5] were equal to the privileges for people, whom Hero of Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labour, Order of Glory or Order of Labor Glory was given. These privileges are regulated by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus under February 21, 1995 N 3599-XII.[6]
Now this question is regulated by Law of the Republic of Belarus under June 14, 2007 N 239-З «About social privileges, rights and guarantees to a definite category of citizens».
According to it, Heroes of Belarus have rights:
- of free supplying with medicines in the list of main medicines, which are given under recipes in hospitals;
- of free production and repairing of dentures in governmental organizations domiciliary and of free supplying with other technical means of rehabilitation in accordance with the Governmental register of technical means of social rehabilitation;
- of pecuniary aid for recovery or, instead of pecuniary aid, of free out-of-turn sanitary-resort recovery;
- of free trip on all kinds of urban transport (except taxi) irrespective of domicile;
- of free trip on the transport (railway, water, auto, but not taxi) of suburban traffic;
- of one free roundtrip by rail, airplane, or truck per year of interurban traffic;
- rent-free housing, utilities, and services within 20 square meters of living space;
- of free home phone installation if the extension of the subscriber line is less than 500 meters;
- of free usage of the home phone (except interurban and international talks).
The consumptions, connected with these privileges, are financed from means of republican and local budgets and of governmental social insurance.
Construction and display
1996–1999 medal
The recipient of the title is given a medal called the Medal of the Hero of Belarus (Belarusian: медаль Героя Беларусі, Russian: медаль Героя Беларуси). The star and suspension are made of gold, and thus it is nicknamed «Gold Star», as was its predecessor, the Hero of the Soviet Union. The star has a total diameter of 33 millimeters, and is attached to a rectangular suspension device (boot tree). In the center of the rectangle is a ribbon of two sections of red and one section of green. The red and green bars on the ribbon evoke the design and colors of the national flag. The amount of gold is set at 585-1 Test, with the total weight of the medal being 19 grams.[8] The present design was enacted into law by Presidential Decree Number 516 on September 6, 1999.[9]
The design of the medal is modeled after one used for the Hero of the Soviet Union. Unlike the Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor and the Hero of the Russian Federation titles, there is no engraving on the reverse of the star. The ribbon also copies the Soviet Hero medal’s ribbon, since a flag design was also used to make the ribbon of that medal. The medal is always worn in full on the left side of the breast above all other medals and orders. Chapter 4, Article 69 of Law N 288-З states that any awards and titles presented by the Soviet Union and the Byelorussian SSR must be placed after awards from the Republic of Belarus.[2] The same one can reed in the Presidential decree N 168 on April 8, 2005.[10]
1996 medal
When the title was created, a suggested medal was drafted and designed by the government. The major difference between this medal and the current medal is the design of the suspension and the star medallion at the bottom: the top suspension is longer than the bottom, and the bottom star is outlined differently and is adorned with rubies. The suspension was made from gold-plated silver, while the suspension of the current medal is made from gold, as the medal. The design of the star evokes the Marshal’s Star, which Soviet Marshals wore around their necks. This medal was adopted by Presidential Decree Number 26 on May 15, 1996.[11][12]
The first award in history was given to Uladzimir Karvat (posthumous) in 1996. The first «group awarding» took place on June 30, 2001 to Pavel Mariev, Mikhail Karchmit, Vital Kramko and Alaksandar Dubko (posthumous),[13] while Kirill Vakhromeev, Mikhail Savicki, Mikhail Vysotsky, Piotr Prokopovich and Vasily Revyako were presented their titles on March 1, 2006.[14]
Uladzimir Karvat, a military pilot, was flying his training aircraft Sukhoi Su-27p on May 23, 1996. The plane caught fire and Karvat was ordered to eject to safety. Unknown to the ground crew, the plane would have crashed in an area full of civilians. Seeing the civilians on the ground, Karvat steered the plane away until it crashed one kilometer from the Brest Voblast settlements of Arabawshchyna and Vyalikaye Hatsishcha, killing him instanly. President Alexander Lukashenko issued Decree Number 484 on November 21, 1996, which posthumously awarded Karvat the title Hero of Belarus.[15][16] The crash site has been converted to a memorial for Karvat, where a copy of Lukashenko’s decree is on the tail fin of the Sukhoi Su-27p.[17]
Pavel Mariev was awarded the title for his work in the automobile industry as manager of Belarusian Auto Works, a leading producer of Belarusian automobiles.[18]
Vital Kramko and Mikhail Karchmit were awarded for their work in the agriculture industry. Kramko is the chairman of the Hrodna Voblast agricultural collective «October», while Karchmit was the director of the Minsk Voblast cooperative «Snov» until his death in 2004.[19][20]
Alaksandar Dubko was posthumously awarded the hero title for his long service to the Belarusian and Soviet governments.[14][21]
Kirill Vakhromeev, the current Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, was awarded the hero title for his work to restore spirituality among the Belarusian population.[22]
Mikhail Savicki was awarded the hero title for his long contributions to the Belarusian arts and for helping to set up art academies in the republic.[23]
Mikhail Vysotsky was awarded for running the research enterprise «Belavtotraktorostroyeniye», a part of the National Academy of Sciences.[23]
Piotr Prokopovich was awarded for his work as the chairman of the National Bank of Belarus.[23]
Vasily Revyako was awarded for his work at the Hrodna Voblast agricultural co-op «Progress-Vertelishki».[23][24]
In culture
Uładzimir Karvat
The medal was featured on a stamp, releazed by BELPOST, commemorating the 3rd year of Karvat’s death. Designed by V. Volynets, the 25,000 rouble stamp featured the medal on the left and Karvat’s photo on the right in full color. In the white text below the medal, it says «Hero of Belarus, Uładzimir Mikalaevič Karvat, (28.11.1958 – 23.05.1996)». It was issued on August 12, 1999, and had a print run of 90,000.[25]
The hero title was also featured in a set of stamps released by BELPOST in December 2006, depicting the state awards of Belarus. On the first issue card, the medal is displayed in full color next to drawings of the state emblem, state flag and the Presidential Palace. A first day postal marking from Minsk also uses an outline of the medal, which is adorned with wreaths and the text «National Decorations of the Republic of Belarus» written in the Belarusian language.
Another set of stamps, devoted to orders and medals of Belarus, was put into circulation by Ministry of communication and informatization of Belarus in August 2008. The designers are Ivan Lukin and Oleg Gaiko. The printing is offset and full-color. Paper is chalk-overly and rubberized. The size of stamps are 29,6х52 mm.[26]
Television channel «CTV (Minsk)» released a film, devoted to the Heroes of Belarus.[27]
See also
- Orders, decorations, and medals of Belarus
- Gold star
- title
- Hero of the Russian Federation
- Hero of Ukraine
- State decoration
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Герои Беларуси
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus Law N 288-З on May 18, 2004. Retrieved January 25, 2010.(Russian)
- ↑ Bankzakonov.com [1]. Retrieved November 15, 2011. (Russian)
- ↑ President of the Republic of Belarus Constitution of Belarus -Duties of the President. Retrieved November 25, 2006. (English)
- ↑ Bankzakonov.com Resolution N 3727-XII on April 13, 1995 Retrieved February 2, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus Resolution N 3599-XII. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Repbulic of Belarus Law N 239-З Retrieved February 2, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ President of the Republic of Belarus Medal — Hero of Belarus design. Retrieved November 25, 2005. (Russian)
- ↑ Bankzakonov.com The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N516 on September 6,1999 Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 168 on April 8, 2005. Retrieved January 25, 2010.
- ↑ Belarusian Awards History of the Hero of Belarus. Retrieved May 14, 2005. (Russian)
- ↑ Bankzakonov.com The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 26 on January 15, 1996 Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ Soviet Byelorussia New Heroes of Belarus. July 5, 2001. Retrieved May 19, 2005. (Russian) Archived December 10, 2005 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Belarusian Awards List of Heroes of Belarus. Retrieved May 17, 2005. (Russian)
- ↑ Biography of Karvat. Retrieved May 17, 2005. (Russian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 484 on November 21, 1996. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ Airforce.ru Memorial to Karvart. Retrieved November 25, 2006. (Russian).
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 360 on June 29, 2001. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Belarusian)
- ↑ President of the Republic of Belarus Karčmit passes away[dead link]
. Printed May 25, 2004. Retrieved November 25, 2006. (Russian) - ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 362 on June 30, 2001. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Belarusian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 361 on June 30, 2001. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Belarusian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 137 on March 1, 2006. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Belarusian)
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 135 on March 1, 2006(Belarusian)
- ↑ President of the Republic of Belarus Head of State Confers the «Hero of Belarus» Title. Printed March 2, 2006. Retrieved November 25, 2006. (English)
- ↑ BELPOST The first Hero of the Republic of Belarus — lieutenant colonel V. N. Karvat. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (English)
- ↑ BELPOST State Awards of the Republic of Belarus. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (English)
- ↑ CTV Heros of Belarus. Film N 7 Retrieved 25 January 2010. (Russian)
External links
- Belawards.com History and Facts about the title Hero of Belarus (Russian)
- Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus Orders and Medals of the Republic of Belarus (Russian)
- National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Biography of Maryjaŭ (with a photo wearing his medal) (English) (Russian)
- Marat Kazey secondary school of general education (Stankof) Biographies of all Heroes of Belarus (Russian)
- ODM of Belarus — Hero of the Republic of Belarus (English)
Hero of Belarus | |
Awarded by Belarus | |
Type | Medal |
Awarded for | those who «perform great deeds in the name of freedom, independence and prosperity of the Republic of Belarus«. |
Status | Currently awarded |
Statistics | |
Established | 1995-04-13 |
First awarded | V. Karvat |
Posthumous awards |
2[1] |
Distinct recipients |
10[1] |
Hero of Belarus (Belarusian language: Герой Беларусi; Łacinka: Hieroj Biełarusi; Russian: Герой Беларуси, transliterated Geroy Belarusi) is the highest title that can be bestowed on a citizen of Belarus. The title is awarded to those «who perform great deeds in the name of freedom, independence and prosperity of the Republic of Belarus».[2] The deed can be for military performance, economic performance or great service to the State and society. The design of the medal is similar to that of its predecessor, Hero of the Soviet Union. Similar titles to the Hero of Belarus include the Russian Hero of the Russian Federation and the Ukrainian Hero of Ukraine. Since its creation, the title has been awarded to ten people.
The title and other Belarusian state awards, their creation, nomination and awarding, are regulated by a set of legal documents: Belarusian Constitution, Law N 288-З «About state awards of the Republic of Belarus» and presidential decrees.
The title was created by the Belarus Supreme Soviet on April 13, 1995, with the passage of Resolution N 3726-XII, titled «System of State Awards for the Republic of Belarus». Alongside the Hero of Belarus title, the resolution authorized the creation of medals, orders, and titles that can be presented by the Belarusian government. The creation of the awards was a way to honor those who have made valuable contributions to Belarus, irrespective of whether they were performed by a citizen or a foreigner.[3]
This resolution was outlawed and replaced by Law N 288-З on May 18, 2004.[2]
Recommendation process and awarding
To be considered for title, a person must perform a deed that greatly benefits the state and Belarusian society at large. The title can be awarded to those serving in the military, public service or private enterprise. It can only be awarded once to an individual, and can be awarded posthumously. The official criteria are stated in Chapter 2, Article 5 of Law N 288-З.[2] Chapter 3, Article 60 of Law N 288-З allows any group (association) of workers to submit a recommendation (petition) for an individual to be awarded the title. Governmental bodies, the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers, cabinet officials and public unions, among others, are also eligible to submit nominations for the title. The candidate is evaluated, and if deemed worthy, the nomination is forwarded to the Council of Ministers and then, after having been allowed by the Governmental Secretariat of the Belarusian Security Council, to the President of the Republic.[2]
Under the Belarus Constitution (Part 4, Chapter 3, Article 84), the President of the Republic has the power to bestow state awards. To announce an award, the President issues a decree conferring the title to a person.[4] Within two months, the title will be presented by the President in a formal setting, usually at the Presidential Palace in the capital city of Minsk. A certificate (gramota) will also be presented to the recipient, signed by the President of the Republic.
Initially, social privileges for those, who achieved Hero of Belarus, according to the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus under April 13, 1995 N 3727-XII,[5] were equal to the privileges for people, whom Hero of Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labour, Order of Glory or Order of Labor Glory was given. These privileges are regulated by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus under February 21, 1995 N 3599-XII.[6]
Now this question is regulated by Law of the Republic of Belarus under June 14, 2007 N 239-З «About social privileges, rights and guarantees to a definite category of citizens».
According to it, Heroes of Belarus have rights:
- of free supplying with medicines in the list of main medicines, which are given under recipes in hospitals;
- of free production and repairing of dentures in governmental organizations domiciliary and of free supplying with other technical means of rehabilitation in accordance with the Governmental register of technical means of social rehabilitation;
- of pecuniary aid for recovery or, instead of pecuniary aid, of free out-of-turn sanitary-resort recovery;
- of free trip on all kinds of urban transport (except taxi) irrespective of domicile;
- of free trip on the transport (railway, water, auto, but not taxi) of suburban traffic;
- of one free roundtrip by rail, airplane, or truck per year of interurban traffic;
- rent-free housing, utilities, and services within 20 square meters of living space;
- of free home phone installation if the extension of the subscriber line is less than 500 meters;
- of free usage of the home phone (except interurban and international talks).
The consumptions, connected with these privileges, are financed from means of republican and local budgets and of governmental social insurance.
Construction and display
1996–1999 medal
The recipient of the title is given a medal called the Medal of the Hero of Belarus (Belarusian: медаль Героя Беларусі, Russian: медаль Героя Беларуси). The star and suspension are made of gold, and thus it is nicknamed «Gold Star», as was its predecessor, the Hero of the Soviet Union. The star has a total diameter of 33 millimeters, and is attached to a rectangular suspension device (boot tree). In the center of the rectangle is a ribbon of two sections of red and one section of green. The red and green bars on the ribbon evoke the design and colors of the national flag. The amount of gold is set at 585-1 Test, with the total weight of the medal being 19 grams.[8] The present design was enacted into law by Presidential Decree Number 516 on September 6, 1999.[9]
The design of the medal is modeled after one used for the Hero of the Soviet Union. Unlike the Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor and the Hero of the Russian Federation titles, there is no engraving on the reverse of the star. The ribbon also copies the Soviet Hero medal’s ribbon, since a flag design was also used to make the ribbon of that medal. The medal is always worn in full on the left side of the breast above all other medals and orders. Chapter 4, Article 69 of Law N 288-З states that any awards and titles presented by the Soviet Union and the Byelorussian SSR must be placed after awards from the Republic of Belarus.[2] The same one can reed in the Presidential decree N 168 on April 8, 2005.[10]
1996 medal
When the title was created, a suggested medal was drafted and designed by the government. The major difference between this medal and the current medal is the design of the suspension and the star medallion at the bottom: the top suspension is longer than the bottom, and the bottom star is outlined differently and is adorned with rubies. The suspension was made from gold-plated silver, while the suspension of the current medal is made from gold, as the medal. The design of the star evokes the Marshal’s Star, which Soviet Marshals wore around their necks. This medal was adopted by Presidential Decree Number 26 on May 15, 1996.[11][12]
The first award in history was given to Uladzimir Karvat (posthumous) in 1996. The first «group awarding» took place on June 30, 2001 to Pavel Mariev, Mikhail Karchmit, Vital Kramko and Alaksandar Dubko (posthumous),[13] while Kirill Vakhromeev, Mikhail Savicki, Mikhail Vysotsky, Piotr Prokopovich and Vasily Revyako were presented their titles on March 1, 2006.[14]
Uladzimir Karvat, a military pilot, was flying his training aircraft Sukhoi Su-27p on May 23, 1996. The plane caught fire and Karvat was ordered to eject to safety. Unknown to the ground crew, the plane would have crashed in an area full of civilians. Seeing the civilians on the ground, Karvat steered the plane away until it crashed one kilometer from the Brest Voblast settlements of Arabawshchyna and Vyalikaye Hatsishcha, killing him instanly. President Alexander Lukashenko issued Decree Number 484 on November 21, 1996, which posthumously awarded Karvat the title Hero of Belarus.[15][16] The crash site has been converted to a memorial for Karvat, where a copy of Lukashenko’s decree is on the tail fin of the Sukhoi Su-27p.[17]
Pavel Mariev was awarded the title for his work in the automobile industry as manager of Belarusian Auto Works, a leading producer of Belarusian automobiles.[18]
Vital Kramko and Mikhail Karchmit were awarded for their work in the agriculture industry. Kramko is the chairman of the Hrodna Voblast agricultural collective «October», while Karchmit was the director of the Minsk Voblast cooperative «Snov» until his death in 2004.[19][20]
Alaksandar Dubko was posthumously awarded the hero title for his long service to the Belarusian and Soviet governments.[14][21]
Kirill Vakhromeev, the current Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, was awarded the hero title for his work to restore spirituality among the Belarusian population.[22]
Mikhail Savicki was awarded the hero title for his long contributions to the Belarusian arts and for helping to set up art academies in the republic.[23]
Mikhail Vysotsky was awarded for running the research enterprise «Belavtotraktorostroyeniye», a part of the National Academy of Sciences.[23]
Piotr Prokopovich was awarded for his work as the chairman of the National Bank of Belarus.[23]
Vasily Revyako was awarded for his work at the Hrodna Voblast agricultural co-op «Progress-Vertelishki».[23][24]
In culture
Uładzimir Karvat
The medal was featured on a stamp, releazed by BELPOST, commemorating the 3rd year of Karvat’s death. Designed by V. Volynets, the 25,000 rouble stamp featured the medal on the left and Karvat’s photo on the right in full color. In the white text below the medal, it says «Hero of Belarus, Uładzimir Mikalaevič Karvat, (28.11.1958 – 23.05.1996)». It was issued on August 12, 1999, and had a print run of 90,000.[25]
The hero title was also featured in a set of stamps released by BELPOST in December 2006, depicting the state awards of Belarus. On the first issue card, the medal is displayed in full color next to drawings of the state emblem, state flag and the Presidential Palace. A first day postal marking from Minsk also uses an outline of the medal, which is adorned with wreaths and the text «National Decorations of the Republic of Belarus» written in the Belarusian language.
Another set of stamps, devoted to orders and medals of Belarus, was put into circulation by Ministry of communication and informatization of Belarus in August 2008. The designers are Ivan Lukin and Oleg Gaiko. The printing is offset and full-color. Paper is chalk-overly and rubberized. The size of stamps are 29,6х52 mm.[26]
Television channel «CTV (Minsk)» released a film, devoted to the Heroes of Belarus.[27]
See also
- Orders, decorations, and medals of Belarus
- Gold star
- title
- Hero of the Russian Federation
- Hero of Ukraine
- State decoration
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Герои Беларуси
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus Law N 288-З on May 18, 2004. Retrieved January 25, 2010.(Russian)
- ↑ Bankzakonov.com [1]. Retrieved November 15, 2011. (Russian)
- ↑ President of the Republic of Belarus Constitution of Belarus -Duties of the President. Retrieved November 25, 2006. (English)
- ↑ Bankzakonov.com Resolution N 3727-XII on April 13, 1995 Retrieved February 2, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus Resolution N 3599-XII. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Repbulic of Belarus Law N 239-З Retrieved February 2, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ President of the Republic of Belarus Medal — Hero of Belarus design. Retrieved November 25, 2005. (Russian)
- ↑ Bankzakonov.com The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N516 on September 6,1999 Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 168 on April 8, 2005. Retrieved January 25, 2010.
- ↑ Belarusian Awards History of the Hero of Belarus. Retrieved May 14, 2005. (Russian)
- ↑ Bankzakonov.com The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 26 on January 15, 1996 Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ Soviet Byelorussia New Heroes of Belarus. July 5, 2001. Retrieved May 19, 2005. (Russian) Archived December 10, 2005 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Belarusian Awards List of Heroes of Belarus. Retrieved May 17, 2005. (Russian)
- ↑ Biography of Karvat. Retrieved May 17, 2005. (Russian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 484 on November 21, 1996. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Russian)
- ↑ Airforce.ru Memorial to Karvart. Retrieved November 25, 2006. (Russian).
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 360 on June 29, 2001. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Belarusian)
- ↑ President of the Republic of Belarus Karčmit passes away[dead link]
. Printed May 25, 2004. Retrieved November 25, 2006. (Russian) - ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 362 on June 30, 2001. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Belarusian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 361 on June 30, 2001. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Belarusian)
- ↑ National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 137 on March 1, 2006. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (Belarusian)
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N 135 on March 1, 2006(Belarusian)
- ↑ President of the Republic of Belarus Head of State Confers the «Hero of Belarus» Title. Printed March 2, 2006. Retrieved November 25, 2006. (English)
- ↑ BELPOST The first Hero of the Republic of Belarus — lieutenant colonel V. N. Karvat. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (English)
- ↑ BELPOST State Awards of the Republic of Belarus. Retrieved January 25, 2010. (English)
- ↑ CTV Heros of Belarus. Film N 7 Retrieved 25 January 2010. (Russian)
External links
- Belawards.com History and Facts about the title Hero of Belarus (Russian)
- Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus Orders and Medals of the Republic of Belarus (Russian)
- National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Biography of Maryjaŭ (with a photo wearing his medal) (English) (Russian)
- Marat Kazey secondary school of general education (Stankof) Biographies of all Heroes of Belarus (Russian)
- ODM of Belarus — Hero of the Republic of Belarus (English)