хён — перевод на английский
Ли Чжон Хён был здесь…
Lee Jung Hyun came.. What?
Ли Чжон Хён!
Lee Jung Hyun!
Лучше узнай, что Ли Чжон Хён спрашивал у господина Чона.
Go up and ask what Lee Jung Hyun asked him
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Знаем, вы — глава отдела Пён Хён Тхэ.
We know you, Section Head Byun Hyung Tae.
Хён Тхэ будет в восторге, когда его попробует.
Hyung Tae will be so ecstatic to see this sea urchin soup.
О Гап Су, Чон Хён Гу, Ким У Чжин.
Oh Gak So, Jung Hyung Gu, Kim Woo Jin
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Хён и Юн Чжу… Тётя, просто дай им своё благословение.
Hyeong and Yun Ju… give them your permission, aunt.
Я — Верховный С, Джун Хён.
I’m the Supreme S, Jun Hyeong.
Хён Гю, отнеси дяде.
Wait a minute. Hyeong Kyu. Give this to ajussi.
Хён Гю, тебе придётся ещё разок пробежаться.
Hyeong Kyu, bring this over there.
Нам с Хён Гю надо купить закусок.
Hyeong Kyu and I have to buy snacks.
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Вы предприняли попытку убить третьего короля Ли Джэ Кана и королеву Пак Хён Джу?
Did you attempt to kill Korean King the 3rd Lee Jae Gang and Queen Bak Hyeon Ju?
Хён Ги Чжун и я… никогда не были женаты.
Hyeon Gi Jun and I were never married.
А как же Хён Ги Чжун?
Then… how was Hyeon Gi Jun involved?
Нет. Дом действительно был Хён Ги Чжуна.
No, he was really Hyeon Gi Jun.
Как… почему Хён Ги Чжун сделал это?
How is it possible? Why did Hyeon Gi Jun do it?
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Господин Кан Хён Су…
Mr. Kang Hyun-soo.
Хён Су, ты с нами?
Hyun-soo, you want in?
Хён Су, спасибо заранее за Омегу.
Thank you so much, Hyun-soo.
Кан Хён Су.
I’m Kang Hyun-soo.
В переводе с кор. Тебя Кан Хён Су зовут?
Your name was Kang Hyun-soo, right?
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Скорее всего, Чжи Хён попросила дождаться ее.
Ji-hyon probably asked him to wait still she got here waiting for.
Я старшая сестра Чжи Хён.
I’m Ji-hyon’s big sister.
Чжи Хён не упоминала об этом.
Ji-hyon never mentioned that.
Жених Чжи Хён.
Ji-hyon’s fiance.
Чжи Хён, это ты?
Is that you, Ji-hyon?
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Чжун Хён Чхэ!
Jung Hyun-chae!
Хён Чхэ, ты здесь?
Hyun-Chae’s here?
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— Ким Ю Чжин Чо Хён Чжу
— KIM Youjin CHO Hyun-ju
Я продолжал говорить об устрицах, и Хён Чжу предложила купить их в рыбном магазине
Since I kept talking about oysters, Hyun-ju suggested that we buy some at a seafood store.
Ты к Хён Чжу?
Are you here to see Hyun-ju?
Приходи попозже с Хён Чжу
Come with Hyun-ju later.
Сначала мы встретились с художником, которого знала Хён Чжу
First, we met the painter Hyun-ju knows.
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Это заслуга Хён У.
Hyun Woo put in a lot of effort.
Во время операции Су Ён случайно подставляется под пулю Хён У.
During that process, Soo Yun accidentally gets shot by Hyun Woo.
Хён У. Дай мне поговорить с Су Ён на минутку.
Hyun Woo. Let me talk to Soo Hyun for a minute.
Со Хён У пострадал гораздо сильнее.
Actually, Seo Hyun Woo has been injured more.
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Случайно, не Ю Хён Сон угрожал?
Yoo Hyun-sung made the threats?
Ю Хён Сон? Значит, так его звали?
Yoo Hyun-sung… was that his name?
Убийца — Ю Хён Сон
Killer, Yoo Hyun-sung
«Убийца Ю Хён Сон — Чжан Су Ён»
«Killer Yoo Hyun-sung, Jang Soo-young»
Ю Хён Сон убил жену судьи, а через несколько дней и всю остальную семью.
Yoo Hyun-sung killed the judge’s wife and killed the rest of the family a few days later
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- ji-hyon: phrases, sentences
- hyun-chae: phrases, sentences
- hyun-ju: phrases, sentences
- hyun woo: phrases, sentences
- hyun-sung: phrases, sentences
hen 1. курица; 2. самка птицы
clocking hen, clucking hen 1. наседка; 2. арама, Aramus guarauna
English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > hen
hen в сложных словах означает самку птицы; напр.: peahen пава hen шутл. женщина; like a hen with one chicken хлопотливо; = как курица с яйцом hen курица hen тетерка; куропатка hen шутл. женщина; like a hen with one chicken хлопотливо; = как курица с яйцом hen в сложных словах означает самку птицы; напр.: peahen пава peahen: peahen пава
English-Russian short dictionary > hen
1. 1) курица
2) самка некоторых птиц; тетёрка, куропатка
hen pheasant, pheasant hen — самка фазана
, презр. женщина; жена
like a hen with one chicken — ≅ носиться как курица с яйцом
НБАРС > hen
— egg laying hen
— spackled hen
— hen’s breast
— keep hens
— set a hen on eggs
— hens cackle
— hens hatch eggsCHOICE OF WORDS:
Русское существительное «куры» (в значении «живая домашняя птица: куры, утки, гуси, индюшки») соответствует английскому hens и fowl: I must go and feed hens. Мне надо накормить кур. We keep a lot of fowl. Мы держим много птицы. Русское существительное «куры» в значении «птица, содержащаяся для мяса и яиц (куры, утки, гуси)», соответствует английскому существительному poultry: poultry farm птицефабрика/птицеводческое хозяйство/птичий двор; Frozen poultry is very reasonably priced at the moment. Мороженая птица сейчас недорога. Существительное «куры» в значении «куриное мясо» — chicken — chicken meat, chicken soup: I’d like roast chicken for dinner. Я хочу на обед жареную курицу/жареного цыпленка. Куриное/птичье мясо, предназначенное или находящееся в продаже, соответствует английскому собирательному существительному poultry
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > hen
1) ку́рица
3) тетёрка; куропа́тка
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > hen
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > -hen
hens cackle, cluck — куры кудахчут
а) тетёрка; куропатка
б) болтушка, квочка
Англо-русский современный словарь > hen
тетерка; куропатка
самка омара или рыбы
женщина, жена
болтушка, квочка
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > hen
Персональный Сократ > hen
English-russian biological dictionary > hen
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > hen
1. n курица
2. n самка некоторых птиц; тетёрка, куропатка
3. n разг. самка
4. n шутл. презр. женщина; жена
hen frigate — судно, на котором плавает жена капитана
5. n разг. трус
Синонимический ряд:
bird (noun) bird; Christmas bird; cock; domestic turkey; fowl; gobbler; thanksgiving bird; turkey; wild turkey
English-Russian base dictionary > hen
1) курица
2) тетерка; куропатка
like a hen with one chicken хлопотливо;
как курица с яйцом
* * *
(n) жена; женщина; курица; куропатка; самка; тетерка; трус
* * *
* * *
[ hen]
домашняя птица, курица, курочка, тетерка, куропатка; женщина* * *
* * *
1) курица
2) а) тетерка
б) самка омара или рыбы
3) а) шутл. женщина
б) болтушкаНовый англо-русский словарь > hen
Large English-Russian phrasebook > hen
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > hen
The new dictionary of modern spoken language > hen
black-tailed water [black-tailed native] hen
Англо-русский технический словарь > hen
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > HEN
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Hen
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
Hen — Hen, n. [AS. henn, hen, h[ae]n; akin to D. hen, OHG. henna, G. henne, Icel. h?na, Dan. h[ o]na; the fem. corresponding to AS. hana cock, D. haan, OHG. hano, G. hahn, Icel. hani, Dan. & Sw. hane. Prob. akin to L. canere to sing, and orig. meaning … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hen — may refer to: *Hen (bird), a female bird, a female of any member of the bird family, including species of poultry, duck, fowl, ostrich or emu. *Hen, specifically a female adult chicken *Hen, a female octopus or lobster *Hen (slang), a woman *Hen … Wikipedia
hen — O.E. henn, from W.Gmc. *khannjo (Cf. O.Fris. henn, M.Du. henne, O.H.G. henna), fem. of *han(e)ni male fowl, cock (Cf. O.E. hana cock ), lit. bird who sings (for sunrise), from PIE root *kan to sing (see CHANT (Cf … Etymology dictionary
hen — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}przysł. {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} wyraz o zabarwieniu emocjonalnym, czasem powtórzony, zwykle wzmacniający znaczenie innego określenia przestrzennego użytego w zdaniu, oznaczający znaczne oddalenie tego, o czym mowa, od jakiegoś… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
hen — adv.; hen ad el. henad aften (jf. henad); hen imod el. henimod de tres (jf. henimod); hen ved el. henved klokken fem (jf. henved); hen under el. henunder aften (jf. henunder); siden hen el. sidenhen … Dansk ordbog
Hen — 変 Type seinen Genre romance Manga : Strange Auteur Hiroya Oku Éditeur … Wikipédia en Français
hen ad — hen ad; gå hen ad el. henad vejen; hen ad el. henad aften (jf. § 19. Skrivemåden uafhængig af udtalen.1.a) … Dansk ordbog
hen — [ hen ] noun count 1. ) a female chicken 2. ) often before noun the female of any type of bird: a hen pheasant … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hen — ► NOUN 1) a female bird, especially of a domestic fowl. 2) (hens) domestic fowls of either sex. ● as rare (or scarce) as hen s teeth Cf. ↑as scarce as hen s teeth ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
Hen — (griech ἓν), eins; hen kai pān (ἓν ϰαὶ πᾶν) eins und alles … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Hen- — [griech. hén = einer]: Zahlwort mit der Bed. »eins« in zusammengesetzten Zahlwortstämmen, z. B. Henicos , Hentriacont (Ausnahme: C11; ↑ Undec ) … Universal-Lexikon
Произношение Хён
Ваш броузер не поддерживает аудио
Хён – 30 результатов перевода
Как его зовут?
Лим Хён Чхоль.
Я выучила несколько фраз по корейски.
His name?
Lim Hyun Chul.
I’ve prepared some Korean phrases.
Поза рычащего льва!
В ролях: Чха Тхэй Хён
Им Чхэ Му
The red lion goes roar!
CHA Tae-Hyun
RIM Chai-Moo
Их вчера обнаружил его школьный учитель.
Ён Хён Джик сообщает.
and they were discovered by his school teacher yesterday.
Jung Hyun Jick is reporting.
Хо Ги! — Да?
Проверь купол вместо Хён Ву.
— Yes.
Go inside the dome instead of Hyun-woo.
Что здесь делал?
Hey, Ki-hyun!
What’s going on?
Ты ненормальный!
Хён Чхэ!
— А, привет.
You’re insane!
— Um, hi.
Если вы искренни ко мне, то покажитесь сейчас.
Ваша Хён Чхэ.
{pos(300,180)}Сцена 9 [Ответ Винсента]
If you are sincere about me show yourself now.
I’m willing to meet you, too Yours, Hyun-chae
Section 9 [Vincent’s answer]
Это Чжун Хён Чхэ.
Следующая остановка — станция любви.
This is Jung Hyun-chae.
Next stop is Lover’s station.
Что ты, чёрт побери, делаешь?
Хён Чхэ!
У тебя была не та копия.
What the hell are you doing?
You had the wrong copy.
Как дерево может там расти?
Ким Чжун Хён.
Вон Ён!
How can a tree grow there?
Kim Junghyun
Хён Чхэ.
Я вернулся в Сеул, чтобы быть рядом с тобой.
I came to Seoul to be near you. This is fate.
Потому что ты не человек…
Хён Чхэ, ты здесь?
Когда ты приехала?
Because you’re not human…
Hyun-Chae’s here?
When did you arrive?
Благодаря слою из чистого хлопка ощущаешь себя более комфортно…
— Хён Чхэ!
— Да, могу я вам…
Its pure cotton cover makes it Feel better than other brands…
— Hyun-chae!
— Yes, how may I…
Она милая и честная, и ещё она часть Вандербра…
— Хён Чхэ.
— А? Я хотел сегодня поговорить о тебе.
She’s pretty and honest, although she is part Wonderbra…
— Hyun-chae — huh?
I want to talk about you today.
Пришло время нам встретиться.
{pos(110,150)}Сцена 8 [Записка Хён Чхэ]
Северный полюс?
Now it’s time to meet you.
Section 8 [Hyun-chae’s note]
The North Pole?
Станция любви!
Хён Чхэ, готово!
Достань кимчи!
It’s Lover’s station!
Hyun-chae, it’s done!
Take out the kimchi!
— Кто?
— Чу Хён Сон.
— А вы кто?
— Who?
— Joo Hyungsun
— Who’re you?
Не время сейчас об этом думать.
как это сделал Хён Бан.
как Хён Бан смог так быстро сделать выбор?
This is not the time to keep worrying like this.
Now, it’s the time for us to make up our minds to choose the line, just like Hyeongbang did.
Geez, how could Hyeongbang choose the line that quickly?
как это сделал Хён Бан.
как Хён Бан смог так быстро сделать выбор?
Следует все хорошо взвесить.
Now, it’s the time for us to make up our minds to choose the line, just like Hyeongbang did.
Geez, how could Hyeongbang choose the line that quickly?
There are so many things to consider.
При представлении доказательств король прибегал к уловкам или подталкивал к примирению?
Вы предприняли попытку убить третьего короля Ли Джэ Кана и королеву Пак Хён Джу?
После случившегося я понял только одно. просто не нужно проявлять лишних эмоций.
When the proof was filmed, was there any trap or conciliation from the current King?
Did you attempt to kill Korean King the 3rd Lee Jae Gang and Queen Bak Hyeon Ju?
After this matter, I’ve only learned one thing. That is, a person like me, simply shouldn’t have the extra emotions.
Я старшая сестра Чжи Хён.
Без проблем.
Uh, how are you?
I’m Ji-hyon’s big sister.
No problem.
Су Хён меня долго преследовала. Шучу.
На самом деле, я увидел ее в школьной библиотеке.
So-hyon followed me all over the place-well, just kidding.
Actually, I saw her in the library at school.
Значит тебе уже 38.
Возможно, ты уже в курсе, Чжи Хён, но не следует ожидать слишком многого.
Пары не всегда живут в любви.
That means you’re already 38.
You probably already know this, Ji-hyon, but… You shouldn’t expect too much.
Couples can’t live on love alone.
Я только о тебе и думаю!
Думаешь, сейчас я смогу женится на Чжи Хён?
Тогда, что ты собираешься делать?
I can think of nothing but you.
Do you think I can marry Ji-hyon now?
Then what are you going to do?
Where are you?
Все хорошо?
Чжи Хён, я закончил здесь все свои дела.
Собираюсь вернуться в Штаты. Один.
Everything okay?
Uh-huh. Ji-hyon, I’ve wrapped everything up here.
I’m going back to the States… alone.
Что собираешься делать с интервью?
это Гён Хён… это Гён Хён… это я…
— Пятое сообщение.
What are you going to do with the interview?
Second message… Miss Song, it’s Kyung-Hyun… Third message…
Fifth message…
Неужели это так трудно?
Гён Хён!
Гён Хён!
Is that so hard?
Вот фотографии Ким Мин Чжу.
Хан Гён Хён уволился.
Ему предложили работу получше.
Photos of Min Joo Kim
Kyung-Hyun quit
He got a better offer
Тхэ-Хён умер.
Тхэ-Хён был братом моего отца.
Tae-Hyun died.
Tae-Hyun was my dad’s brother.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pronunciation | |
Origin | |
Word/name | Korean |
Meaning | Different depending on Hanja |
Other names | |
Alternative spelling | Hyeon, Hyon, Hyoun |
Hyun | |
Hangul |
현 |
Hanja |
賢, 炫, 玄, 顯, and others |
Revised Romanization | Hyeon |
McCune–Reischauer | Hyŏn |
IPA | [hjʌn] |
Hyun, also spelled Hyeon or Hyon, Hyoun, is a Korean surname, a single-syllable Korean given name, and an element in many two-syllable Korean given names.[1] As given name meaning differs based on the hanja used to write it. There are 42 hanja with the reading «hyun«[2] on the South Korean government’s official list of hanja which may be used in given names.
As a surname[edit]
The family name Hyun is written with only one hanja (玄; 검을 현 geomeul hyeon) meaning «dark» or «mysterious». The 2000 South Korean Census found 81,807 people and 25,547 households with this family name.[3] In a study by the National Institute of the Korean Language based on 2007 application data for South Korean passports, it was found that 80.5% of people with this surname spelled it in Latin letters as Hyun in their passports. Another 14.9% spelled it as Hyeon, and 2.2% as Hyoun. Rarer alternative spellings (the remaining 2.4%) included Heon and Hyean.[4]
The surviving bon-gwan (origin of a clan lineage, not necessarily the actual residence of the clan members) as of 2000 included:
Family seal of the Yeonju Hyon clan
- Yeonju (Nyongbyon County), North Pyongan Province: 59,096 people and 18,686 households.[3] Yeonju is an old name of Nyongbyon County, and is located in territory which became part of North Korea after the division of Korea. The clan members claim descent from Hyeon Dam-yun (현담윤; 玄覃胤), who held the position of munha sirang pyeongjangsa (문하시랑평장사; 門下侍郞平章事) in the Secretariat-Chancellery under Myeongjong of Goryeo (r. 1170–1197).[5][6]
- Seongju, North Gyeongsang Province: 4,938 people and 1,438 households.[3] They are a branch of the Yeonju clan, claiming descent from Hyeon Dam-yun via Hyeon Gyu (현규; 玄珪), who held the position of gunsu (군수; 郡守) for Gobu County (고부군; 古阜郡), Jeolla Province (today Jeongeup, North Jeolla Province) under Sejong of Joseon (r. 1418–1450).[7][8]
- Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang Province: 3,534 people and 1,099 households.[3] They claim descent from Hyeon Myeong (현명, 玄命), an official under Injo of Joseon (r. 1623–1649).[9]
- Yeongju, North Gyeongsang Province: 1,724 people and 531 households.[3]
- Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province: 1,261 people and 376 households.[3] They are a branch of the Yeonju clan, claiming descent from Hyeon Dam-yun via his son Hyeon Deok-yu (현덕유; 玄德裕), who was also an official under Myeongjong of Goryeo.[10]
- Other bon-gwan: 12,343 people and 3,387 households.[3]
- Unknown bon-gwan: 172 people and 30 households.[3]
People with the surname Hyun include:
- Hyun Jae-myung (1902–1960), South Korean composer
- Hyun Soong-jong (1919–2020), South Korean politician
- Hyon Chol-hae (1934–2022), North Korean general
- Hyon Yong-chol (1949–2015), North Korean general
- Hyun Kil-un (1940–2020), South Korean writer
- Hyun Ki-young (born 1941), South Korean author
- Hyun Jae-hyun (born 1949), South Korean businessman
- Hyun In-taek (born 1954), South Korean politician
- Hyeon Taeghwan (born 1964), South Korean scientist
- Hyun Jong-yeol(born 1984), South Korean data scientist
- Hyun Jung-hwa (born 1969), South Korean table tennis player
- Insoo Hyun (born c. 1970), Korean American bioethics professor
- Hyun Jin-young (born Huh Hyun-seok, 1971), South Korean singer
- Hyun Sook-hee (born 1973), South Korean judo practitioner
- Hyun Joo-yup (born 1975), South Korean basketball player
- Hyon Song-wol (born 1977), North Korean pop singer
- Martin Hyun (born 1979), German ice hockey player and writer
- Hyun Woo-sung (born 1979), South Korean actor
- Hyun Young-min (born 1979), South Korean football player
- Hyun Hye-sung (born 1986), South Korean field hockey player
- Hyun Jyu-ni (born 1985), South Korean actress
- Hyun Seung-hee (born 1996), main singer of the South Korean girl group Oh My Girl
- Hyun Seung-min (born 1999), South Korean actress
- Hyon Hak-bong, North Korean diplomat
As a given name[edit]
As name element[edit]
Many names containing this syllable have been popular for newborn children in South Korea, for newborn girls in the 1950s through the 1990s, and for newborn boys from the 1980s up through the 2010s:[11]
- Newborn boys
- Hyun-jun (8th place in 2008 and 2009)[12][13]
- Hyun-woo (5th place in 1980, 2nd place in 1990, 3rd place in 2008, 5th place in 2009)[11][12][13]
- Do-hyun (9th place in 2008, 10th place in 2011)[12][14]
- Dong-hyun (8th place in 1980, 9th place in 1990, 10th place in 2008)[11][12]
- Seung-hyun (10th place in 1990)[11]
- Sung-hyun (4th place in 1990)[11]
- Newborn girls
- Hyun-joo (4th place in 1970)[11]
- Hyun-jung (2nd place in 1970, 8th place in 1980)[11]
- Hyun-sook (6th place in 1950, 8th place in 1960[11]
- Ji-hyun (9th place in 1990)[11]
Other given names containing this element include:
People with the single-syllable given name Hyun include:
- Joo Hyun (born Joo Il-choon, 1943), South Korean actor
- Woo Hyun (born 1964), South Korean actor
- Lee Hyun (born 1983), South Korean singer
- Cho Hyun (born 1974), South Korean midfielder (K-League)
- Choi Hyun (born 1978), South Korean goalkeeper (K-League)
- Yoo Hyun (born 1984), South Korean goalkeeper (K-League)
- Park Hyun (born 1988), South Korean midfielder (K-League Challenge)
- Kim Hyun (footballer) (born 1993), South Korean striker (K-League 2)
- Choe Hyon (1907–1982), North Korean general and politician
- Yoon Hyun (born 1966), South Korean judo practitioner
- Joh Hyun (born 1969), South Korean novelist
- Jung Hyun (born 1994), South Korean baseball player
- Chung Hyeon (born 1996), South Korean tennis player
- Na Hyun, South Korean screenwriter and director
Fictional characters[edit]
- Guido-Hyun, a protagonist from Shinbi’s Haunted House [simple] anime
See also[edit]
- List of Korean family names
- List of Korean given names
- ^ List of Korean given names
- ^ 대법원 인명용 : 네이버 한자사전 «현»
- ^ a b c d e f g h «행정구역(구시군)/성씨·본관별 가구 및 인구» [Family names by administrative region (district, city, county): separated by bon-gwan, households and individuals]. Korean Statistical Information Service. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ 성씨 로마자 표기 방안: 마련을 위한 토론회 [Plan for romanisation of surnames: a preparatory discussion]. National Institute of the Korean Language. 25 June 2009. p. 61. Retrieved 22 October 2015.
- ^ 연주현씨(延州玄氏) [Yeonju Hyeon clan]. Academy of Korean Studies, Digital Encyclopedia of Korean Rural Literature. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ «연주 현씨» [Yeonju Hyeon clan]. JoongAng Ilbo. 20 February 1982. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ «연주 현씨(延州玄氏)» [Yeonju Hyeon clan]. Bucheon: Jokbo Library. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ «성주현씨(星州玄氏)» [Seongju Hyeon clan]. Bucheon: Jokbo Library. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ «경주현씨(慶州玄氏)» [Gyeongju Hyeon clan]. rootsinfo.co.kr. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ «창원 현씨» [Changwon Hyeon clan]. Academy of Korean Studies, Digital Encyclopedia of Rural Korean Literature. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i «한국인이 가장 줗아하는 이름은 무엇일까?». babyname.co.kr. Retrieved 2012-11-09.
- ^ a b c d 이진희 (Yi Jin-hui) (2009-01-28). «너도 민준이니… 어! 또 서연이야». Hankook Ilbo. Archived from the original on January 22, 2011. Retrieved 2012-10-27.
- ^ a b «남자 → ‘민준’ 여자 → ‘서연’ 가장 많아». Law Times. 2010-01-20. Retrieved 2011-09-19.
- ^ 2011년 인기 이름 리포트 (in Korean). Johnson’s Baby Center. Archived from the original on 2013-10-23. Retrieved 2013-10-22.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pronunciation | |
Origin | |
Word/name | Korean |
Meaning | Different depending on Hanja |
Other names | |
Alternative spelling | Hyeon, Hyon, Hyoun |
Hyun | |
Hangul |
현 |
Hanja |
賢, 炫, 玄, 顯, and others |
Revised Romanization | Hyeon |
McCune–Reischauer | Hyŏn |
IPA | [hjʌn] |
Hyun, also spelled Hyeon or Hyon, Hyoun, is a Korean surname, a single-syllable Korean given name, and an element in many two-syllable Korean given names.[1] As given name meaning differs based on the hanja used to write it. There are 42 hanja with the reading «hyun«[2] on the South Korean government’s official list of hanja which may be used in given names.
As a surname[edit]
The family name Hyun is written with only one hanja (玄; 검을 현 geomeul hyeon) meaning «dark» or «mysterious». The 2000 South Korean Census found 81,807 people and 25,547 households with this family name.[3] In a study by the National Institute of the Korean Language based on 2007 application data for South Korean passports, it was found that 80.5% of people with this surname spelled it in Latin letters as Hyun in their passports. Another 14.9% spelled it as Hyeon, and 2.2% as Hyoun. Rarer alternative spellings (the remaining 2.4%) included Heon and Hyean.[4]
The surviving bon-gwan (origin of a clan lineage, not necessarily the actual residence of the clan members) as of 2000 included:
Family seal of the Yeonju Hyon clan
- Yeonju (Nyongbyon County), North Pyongan Province: 59,096 people and 18,686 households.[3] Yeonju is an old name of Nyongbyon County, and is located in territory which became part of North Korea after the division of Korea. The clan members claim descent from Hyeon Dam-yun (현담윤; 玄覃胤), who held the position of munha sirang pyeongjangsa (문하시랑평장사; 門下侍郞平章事) in the Secretariat-Chancellery under Myeongjong of Goryeo (r. 1170–1197).[5][6]
- Seongju, North Gyeongsang Province: 4,938 people and 1,438 households.[3] They are a branch of the Yeonju clan, claiming descent from Hyeon Dam-yun via Hyeon Gyu (현규; 玄珪), who held the position of gunsu (군수; 郡守) for Gobu County (고부군; 古阜郡), Jeolla Province (today Jeongeup, North Jeolla Province) under Sejong of Joseon (r. 1418–1450).[7][8]
- Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang Province: 3,534 people and 1,099 households.[3] They claim descent from Hyeon Myeong (현명, 玄命), an official under Injo of Joseon (r. 1623–1649).[9]
- Yeongju, North Gyeongsang Province: 1,724 people and 531 households.[3]
- Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province: 1,261 people and 376 households.[3] They are a branch of the Yeonju clan, claiming descent from Hyeon Dam-yun via his son Hyeon Deok-yu (현덕유; 玄德裕), who was also an official under Myeongjong of Goryeo.[10]
- Other bon-gwan: 12,343 people and 3,387 households.[3]
- Unknown bon-gwan: 172 people and 30 households.[3]
People with the surname Hyun include:
- Hyun Jae-myung (1902–1960), South Korean composer
- Hyun Soong-jong (1919–2020), South Korean politician
- Hyon Chol-hae (1934–2022), North Korean general
- Hyon Yong-chol (1949–2015), North Korean general
- Hyun Kil-un (1940–2020), South Korean writer
- Hyun Ki-young (born 1941), South Korean author
- Hyun Jae-hyun (born 1949), South Korean businessman
- Hyun In-taek (born 1954), South Korean politician
- Hyeon Taeghwan (born 1964), South Korean scientist
- Hyun Jong-yeol(born 1984), South Korean data scientist
- Hyun Jung-hwa (born 1969), South Korean table tennis player
- Insoo Hyun (born c. 1970), Korean American bioethics professor
- Hyun Jin-young (born Huh Hyun-seok, 1971), South Korean singer
- Hyun Sook-hee (born 1973), South Korean judo practitioner
- Hyun Joo-yup (born 1975), South Korean basketball player
- Hyon Song-wol (born 1977), North Korean pop singer
- Martin Hyun (born 1979), German ice hockey player and writer
- Hyun Woo-sung (born 1979), South Korean actor
- Hyun Young-min (born 1979), South Korean football player
- Hyun Hye-sung (born 1986), South Korean field hockey player
- Hyun Jyu-ni (born 1985), South Korean actress
- Hyun Seung-hee (born 1996), main singer of the South Korean girl group Oh My Girl
- Hyun Seung-min (born 1999), South Korean actress
- Hyon Hak-bong, North Korean diplomat
As a given name[edit]
As name element[edit]
Many names containing this syllable have been popular for newborn children in South Korea, for newborn girls in the 1950s through the 1990s, and for newborn boys from the 1980s up through the 2010s:[11]
- Newborn boys
- Hyun-jun (8th place in 2008 and 2009)[12][13]
- Hyun-woo (5th place in 1980, 2nd place in 1990, 3rd place in 2008, 5th place in 2009)[11][12][13]
- Do-hyun (9th place in 2008, 10th place in 2011)[12][14]
- Dong-hyun (8th place in 1980, 9th place in 1990, 10th place in 2008)[11][12]
- Seung-hyun (10th place in 1990)[11]
- Sung-hyun (4th place in 1990)[11]
- Newborn girls
- Hyun-joo (4th place in 1970)[11]
- Hyun-jung (2nd place in 1970, 8th place in 1980)[11]
- Hyun-sook (6th place in 1950, 8th place in 1960[11]
- Ji-hyun (9th place in 1990)[11]
Other given names containing this element include:
People with the single-syllable given name Hyun include:
- Joo Hyun (born Joo Il-choon, 1943), South Korean actor
- Woo Hyun (born 1964), South Korean actor
- Lee Hyun (born 1983), South Korean singer
- Cho Hyun (born 1974), South Korean midfielder (K-League)
- Choi Hyun (born 1978), South Korean goalkeeper (K-League)
- Yoo Hyun (born 1984), South Korean goalkeeper (K-League)
- Park Hyun (born 1988), South Korean midfielder (K-League Challenge)
- Kim Hyun (footballer) (born 1993), South Korean striker (K-League 2)
- Choe Hyon (1907–1982), North Korean general and politician
- Yoon Hyun (born 1966), South Korean judo practitioner
- Joh Hyun (born 1969), South Korean novelist
- Jung Hyun (born 1994), South Korean baseball player
- Chung Hyeon (born 1996), South Korean tennis player
- Na Hyun, South Korean screenwriter and director
Fictional characters[edit]
- Guido-Hyun, a protagonist from Shinbi’s Haunted House [simple] anime
See also[edit]
- List of Korean family names
- List of Korean given names
- ^ List of Korean given names
- ^ 대법원 인명용 : 네이버 한자사전 «현»
- ^ a b c d e f g h «행정구역(구시군)/성씨·본관별 가구 및 인구» [Family names by administrative region (district, city, county): separated by bon-gwan, households and individuals]. Korean Statistical Information Service. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ 성씨 로마자 표기 방안: 마련을 위한 토론회 [Plan for romanisation of surnames: a preparatory discussion]. National Institute of the Korean Language. 25 June 2009. p. 61. Retrieved 22 October 2015.
- ^ 연주현씨(延州玄氏) [Yeonju Hyeon clan]. Academy of Korean Studies, Digital Encyclopedia of Korean Rural Literature. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ «연주 현씨» [Yeonju Hyeon clan]. JoongAng Ilbo. 20 February 1982. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ «연주 현씨(延州玄氏)» [Yeonju Hyeon clan]. Bucheon: Jokbo Library. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ «성주현씨(星州玄氏)» [Seongju Hyeon clan]. Bucheon: Jokbo Library. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ «경주현씨(慶州玄氏)» [Gyeongju Hyeon clan]. rootsinfo.co.kr. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ «창원 현씨» [Changwon Hyeon clan]. Academy of Korean Studies, Digital Encyclopedia of Rural Korean Literature. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i «한국인이 가장 줗아하는 이름은 무엇일까?». babyname.co.kr. Retrieved 2012-11-09.
- ^ a b c d 이진희 (Yi Jin-hui) (2009-01-28). «너도 민준이니… 어! 또 서연이야». Hankook Ilbo. Archived from the original on January 22, 2011. Retrieved 2012-10-27.
- ^ a b «남자 → ‘민준’ 여자 → ‘서연’ 가장 많아». Law Times. 2010-01-20. Retrieved 2011-09-19.
- ^ 2011년 인기 이름 리포트 (in Korean). Johnson’s Baby Center. Archived from the original on 2013-10-23. Retrieved 2013-10-22.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Перевод «ХЁН» на английский
Хен после появления чрезвычайные меры, скрытые отличные динамические характеристики.
Hyun following the appearance of extraordinary action, hidden excellent dynamic performance.
Ким Хен Джун установил еще один рекорд.
Kim Hyun Joong has set another record for himself.
Вскоре он поднялся на вершину Амон Хен и остановился, отдуваясь.
Soon he came out alone on the summit of Amon Hen, and halted, gasping for breath.
Хен сказал, что даже если немного пробраться через закрытое окно, это вряд ли повлияет на тебя.
Even if a little snuck through the closed window, Hen said, it would barely affect you.
Что удобно, данные уже существовали до того, как Хен и его соавторы решили заняться этим исследованием.
Conveniently, the data already existed before Heng and his co-authors decided to tackle this study.
Хен Сви Кит, ныне министр образования и науки, был лучшим из моих главных личных секретарей.
Heng Swee Keat, now Education Minister, was the best Principal Private Secretary I ever had.
Это потому, что базовая модель ядерной физики уже учитывает множество пар ближнего действия, описанных Хен.
That’s because the basic model of nuclear physics already accounts for a lot of the short-range pairing Hen describes.
Эти взаимодействия разрушают стены, разделяющие кварки внутри отдельных протонов или нейтронов, сказал Хен.
These interactions break down the walls separating quarks inside individual protons or neutrons, Hen said.
Это заставляет протоны (или нейтроны, в зависимости от обстоятельств) растягиваться и размываться, сказал Хен.
This causes the protons (or neutrons, as the case may be) to stretch and blur, Hen said.
Ир Хен Глин, на аукционе 9 месяцев назад, с намерением расширить лесозаготовительный бизнес и обновить земли.
Yr Hen Glyn, at an auction nine months ago, with the intention of expanding the logging business and re-generating the land.
Хен и Клоет оба сказали, что результаты экспериментов в ближайшие несколько лет могут решить этот вопрос.
Hen and Cloët both said the results of experiments in the next few years could resolve the question.
Пожалуйста, оставьте нас ненадолго, Секретарь Хен.
Please, if you could step aside for a while, Secretary Hyun.
Хен, вы с Баком спуститесь на верёвке вниз, закрепите этот надувной дом.
Hen, I want you and Buck to rappel down, anchor that bouncy house.
Однажды он решает отправиться в путешествие за границу, где он встречает Ча Су Хен.
One day, he decides to take a trip abroad, where he meets Cha Soo Hyun.
Хен Чжэ, почему ты грубая со мной?
Hyun Jae, why are you being coarse with me?
Я иногда подрабатывал в Ир Хен Глин, выполнял работу, все что необходимо.
I helped down at Yr Hen Glyn on and off, did odd jobs, whatever needed doing.
И Миллер, который работал с Хен в некоторых ключевых исследованиях, согласился.
And Miller, who worked with Hen on some of the key research, agreed.
Кстати, земля пошла с молотка после банкротства Ир Хен Глин.
Anyway, the land came up for auction after the farm Yr Hen Glyn went bankrupt.
В довершение топ-10 самых популярных и красивых корейских актеров в 2013 году Бен Хен.
Hyun Bin To crown the top 10 most popular and handsome Korean actors in 2013 is Hyun Bin.
Жнец известный как «планировщик» дает Чжи Хен второй шанс жить.
A reaper known as Scheduler gives Ji Hyun a second chance to live.
Результатов: 351. Точных совпадений: 351. Затраченное время: 70 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200