хусейн — перевод на английский
Саддам Хусейн бросил вызов и подставил под вопрос размер члена Джорджа Буша.
Saddam Hussein had challenged and questioned the size of George Bush’s dick.
Нас бомбит Саддам Хусейн!
Saddam Hussein is bombing’ us!
Саддам Хусейн говорит, что эта война будет «Матерью всех войн»
Saddam Hussein says it will be «The Mother of all Battles.»
Хусейн, отведи ребят в магазин.
Hussein, go and take the boys to shop.
Что ты сделал, Хусейн?
What have you done, Hussein?
Показать ещё примеры для «hussein»…
Я родился и вырос в Багдаде. Моя мать — англичанка, отец — уроженец Ирака. Моя семья покинула Ирак в конце 70-х… когда к власти пришел Саддам Хусейн.
I was born and grew up in Baghdad, to an English mother and an Iraqi father, but left Iraq with my family in the late ’70s when Sadam Hussain came to power.
Саддам Хусейн!
Saddam Hussain!
Дамы и господа! Удэй Саддам Хусейн!
Ladies and gentlemen, Uday Saddam Hussain.
— А про кого же Удэй Саддам Хусейн?
-About you, Uday Saddam Hussain.
Мой первенец — Хусейн был убит здесь.
My first son, Hussain, was slaughtered here.
Показать ещё примеры для «hussain»…
Хусейн хочет, чтобы я тебе помог.
Houcine wants it, and so do I.
Прощай, Хусейн!
Farewell, Houcine…
Прощай, Хусейн.
Farewell, Houcine.
— Добрый день, Хусейн
Good afternoon, Huseyin.
Хорошего дня, Хусейн
Have a nice day, Huseyin.
Хусейн сражался в Ракке с…
Huseyin fought in Raqqa with the…
Хусейн погиб в бою.
Huseyin. He die in battle.
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Транслит мужского имени Хусейн: Huseyn
Написание имени Хусейн в транслите или латиницей (латинскими или английскими буквами). Это может вам пригодиться, например, при написании имени Хусейн в загранпаспорте, при бронировани билетов, при покупке по интернету и т.д.
Значение имени «Хусейн»
Значение букв в имени «Хусейн»
Х — непостоянство чувств, законопослушность
У — пугливость, интуиция, ранимость
С — властность, нервозность, здравый смысл
Е — жизнестойкость, болтливость, проницательность
Й — непредсказуемость, импульсивность, порывистость
Н — критичность, амбиции, острый ум
Популярные мужские имена
- Захир
- Сакит
- Мардан
- Логман
- Комек
- Аасим
- Санан
- Фариз
- Эльсу
- Джарасат
- Бахир
- Эльгюр
- Убайда
- Ахри
- Бурхан
- Мурад
- Гаплан
- Эльгюн
- Максуд
- Умар
- Дженг
- Салих
- Сайфуддин
- Туркел
- Фахир
- Гачаг
- Рифат
- Ерфан
- Муаз
- Бегенч
- Таймулла
- Ареф
- Вахаб
- Сахидям
- Наиб
- Таахир
- Соялп
- Дауд
- Аслан
- Фаиль
- Ниязи
- Акбар
- Ариз
- Рузи
- Ильнур
- Афиф
- Сирадж
- Шенер
- Ялчин
- Вургун
Имена по национальностям
- Абхазские
- Калмыкские
- Аварские
- Китайские
- Азербайджанские
- Кхмерские
- Албанские
- Литовские
- Американские
- Норвежские
- Английские
- Осетинские
- Персидские
- Арабские
- Римские
- Арамейские
- Румынские
- Армянские
- Русские
- Ассирийские
- Афганские
- Сербские
- Африканские
- Сирийские
- Афроамериканские
- Скандинавские
- Ацтекские
- Славянские
- Бакские
- Словенские
- Болгарские
- Таджикские
- Бурятские
- Тайские
- Ведические
- Татарские
- Венгерские
- Тевтонские
- Гавайские
- Тибетские
- Германские
- Турецкие
- Голландские
- Тюркские
- Греческие
- Финские
- Грузинские
- Французские
- Дагестанские
- Халдейские
- Хорватские
- Датские
- Цыганские
- Еврейские
- Чаморро
- Египетские
- Чеченские
- Индийские
- Чешские
- Индиш
- Шведские
- Индонезийские
- Швейцарские
- Иранские
- Шотландские
- Ирландские
- Эсперанто
- Исландские
- Якутские
- Испанские
- Японские
- Казахские
Фамилии по национальностям
- Американские
- Английские
- Белорусские
- Болгарские
- Еврейские
- Индийские
- Испанские
- Итальянские
- Казахские
- Китайские
- Немецкие
- Русские
- Украинские
- Французские
- Японские
(Redirected from Husayn (name))
«Hussain» redirects here. For the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, see Husayn ibn Ali.
Calligraphic representation of Al-Hussain name |
Pronunciation | Arabic: [ħuˈsajn, -eːn, ħo-, ħʊ-] Egyptian Arabic: [ħeˈseːn, ħoˈseːn] Persian: [ho’sejn] Turkish: [hyˈsejin] |
Gender | Male |
Origin | |
Word/name | Arabic |
Meaning | Handsome |
Region of origin | Arabia (Middle East) |
Other names | |
Related names | Hassan |
Hussein, Hussain, Hossein, Hossain, Huseyn, Husayn, Husein or Husain (; Arabic: حُسَيْن Ḥusayn), coming from the triconsonantal root Ḥ-S-i-N (Arabic: ح س ی ن), is an Arabic name which is the diminutive of Hassan, meaning «good», «handsome» or «beautiful». It is commonly given as a male given name, particularly among Shias.[1]
In Persian language contexts, the transliterations Ḥosayn, Hosayn, or Hossein are sometimes used.[2]
In the transliteration of Indo-Aryan languages, the forms «Hussain» or «Hossain» may be used.
Other variants include Husên, Husejin, Husejn, Husain, Hisên, Hussain, Husayin, Hussayin, Hüseyin, Husseyin, Huseyn, Hossain, Hosein, Husseyn (etc.). The Encyclopaedia of Islam, which follows a standardized way for transliterating Arabic names, used the form «Ḥusain» in its first edition and «Ḥusayn» in its second and third editions.[3]
This name was not used in the pre-Islamic period,[6] and is recorded to have been first used by the Islamic prophet Muhammad when he named his grandson Husayn ibn Ali, saying he had been commanded to do so by Allah through the archangel Gabriel.[6]
Given name[edit]
- Hossein Alizadeh, Iranian musician
- Hossein Fekri, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Ghanbari, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Marashi, Iranian politician
- Hossein Namazi, Iranian economist and politician
- Hossein Navab, Iranian diplomat
- Hossein Nuri, Iranian artist
- Hossein Panahi, Iranian actor
- Hossein Rajabian, Iranian filmmaker
- Hossein Rezazadeh, Iranian weightlifter
- Hossein Tehrani, Iranian musician
- Hossein Valamanesh (1949–2022), Iranian-born Australian artist
- Houssein Rizk (born 1997), Lebanese footballer
- Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad
- Husayn (Safavid), former Safavid king of Persia
- Husayn Bayqarah, Timurid ruler of Herat from 1469 to his death
- Husayn ibn Hamdan, a general in the Abbasid Caliphate
- Husayn ibn Numayr, a general of the Umayyad Caliphate
- Husein Gradaščević, Bosniak 19th-century leader and rebel
- Husein Miljković, Bosnian military commander
- Husein Kavazović, Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Husein Alicajic, Australian filmmaker
- Hussain Ahmed, Emirati basketball player
- Hussain Sajwani (born 1952/53), Emirati billionaire property developer
- Hussain Karim (born 1974), Canadian filmmaker and cinematographer
- Hussein Adan Isack (born 1957), Kenyan naturalist, ethnobiologist and ornithology research scientist
- Hussein M. Adam (1943–2017), Somali professor of political science
- Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, Sherif and Emir of Mecca
- Hussein Chalayan, British/Turkish Cypriot fashion designer
- Hussein el-Husseini, former Lebanese Parliament Speaker
- Hussein Hasan, Somali poet and warrior
- Hussein Fatal, American rap artist from 2Pac’s Outlawz group
- Hussein Hamdan, Lebanese football player
- Hussein Ibish (born 1963), American academic
- Hussein ibn Ali, grandson of the prophet Muhammad and son of Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib
- Hussein Kamel al-Majid, son-in-law of Saddam Hussein
- Hussein Kamel of Egypt, Sultan of Egypt
- Hussein Naeem, Lebanese football player
- Hussein of Jordan, King of Jordan
- Hussein Onn, third Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Hussein Zedan (1953–2019), Egyptian computer scientist
- Hussein Zein (born 1995), Lebanese footballer
- Hüseyin Alkan (born 1988), Turkish Paralympian goalball player
- Hüseyin Avni (disambiguation), multiple people
- Hüseyin Çapkın (born 1951), Turkish police chief
- Hüseyin Dündar (born 1986), Turkish boxer
- Hüseyin Er (1985–2021), British-Turkish deaf football player
- Hüseyin Erkan (born 1958), Turkish high-ranking civil servant
- Hüseyin Hilmi Işık (1911–2001), Turkish Islamic scholar
- Hüseyin Kandemir (born 1986), Turkish rower
- Hüseyin Kıvrıkoğlu (born 1934), Turkish general
- Hüseyin Koç (born 1979), Turkish volleyball player
- Hüseyin Özer (born 1949), Turkish-British executive chef and restaurateur
- Hüseyin Sayram (1905–1988), Turkish politician
- Hüseyin Tavur (born 1972), Turkish football manager
- Hüseyin Yıldırım (born 1928), convicted Turkish spy of Cold War era
- Hüseyin Yıldız (born 1979), Turkish futsal player
- Huseyn Arablinski (1881–1919), Azerbaijani actor
- Huseyn Derya (1975–2014), Azerbaijani rapper and actor
- Huseyn Javid (1882–1941), Azerbaijani poet and playwright
- Huseyn Khan Nakhchivanski (1863–1919), Russian Cavalry General of Azerbaijani origin
- Huseyn Seyidzadeh (1910–1979), Azerbaijani film director
- Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (1892–1963), Bengali politician and statesman
- Hüseyin Gezer (1920–2013), Turkish sculptor
- Rubel Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mosaddek Hossain Saikat, Bangladeshi cricketer
Middle name[edit]
- Amin Hossein Rahimi (born 1968), Iranian politician
- Barack Hussein Obama II, 44th President of the United States
- Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., father of the forty-fourth US president
- Khadim Hussain Rizvi, Pakistani Muslim scholar and politician
- Saddam Hussein, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, fifth President of Iraq
Patronymic title[edit]
- Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin, Islamic scholar of the Umayyad era. He is considered 4th shia Imam by the Twelver, Zaydi and Isma’ili shia sects.
- Ali ibn Husayn, son of Husayn ibn Ali
- Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn
- Ruqayya bint Husayn, daughter of Husayn ibn Ali
- Fatimah bint Husayn, also known as Fatimah as-Sughra
- Fatimah bint Husayn was the daughter of Husayn ibn Ali and his wife Umm Ishaq bint Talha
- Tahir ibn Husayn, Abbasid general and governor under Al-Ma’mun (r. 813–833)
- Abdullah bin Hussein, also known as Abdullah I, was the King of Jordan from 25 May 1946 – 20 July 1951
- Abdul Mannan Hossain, Indian politician
- Adil Hussain, Indian actor
- Akbar Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Anwar Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Ashraf Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Delwar Hossain Sayeedi, Bangladeshi Islamic lecturer and politician
- Faisal Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Hasibul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Ismail Hossain Siraji, Bengali writer
- Kamal Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Makbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain Meherpuri, Bangladeshi politician
- Mehrab Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Mir Mosharraf Hossain, Bengali writer
- M Makbul Hossain, Bangladesh Navy rear admiral
- Mockbul Hossain, Bangladeshi businessman
- Mohammed Mosharref Hossain, Bangladeshi criminal
- Mohammad Nazmul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Mokbul Hossain Sujanagari, Bangladeshi politician
- Nina Hossain, English journalist and presenter
- Noor Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Saber Hossain Chowdhury, Bangladeshi politician
- Sadeque Hossain Khoka, Bangladeshi politician
- Sanwar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Selina Hossain, Bengali writer
- Shahadat Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Shahriar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Zakir Hossain (disambiguation), several people
Hosein / Hossein[edit]
- Farah Hussein (born 2001), Egyptian gymnast
- Mehnaz Hoosein (born 1973), Indian singer
- Robert Hossein, French actor, director and writer
- Imran N. Hosein, Islamic scholar specialising in Islamic eschatology
- Akeal Hosein, West Indian cricketer
- Abrar Hussain (1961–2011), Pakistani boxer
- Abrar Hussain, Pakistani military hero
- Hasib Hussain, British Islamic terrorist and perpetrator of the 7/7 attacks
- Ijaz Hussain, Pakistani cricketer
- Nasser Hussain, Essex and England cricketer
- Nauman Hussain, American businessman implicated in the Schoharie limousine crash
- Rashad Hussain, United States special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference
- Roquia Sakhawat Hussain, Bangladeshi feminist and social worker
- Rizwan Hussain, British Barrister of Bangladeshi Descent
- Syed Abdulla Hussain, Indian ornithologist
- Zakir Hussain (disambiguation), several people
- Muhammad Husayn Haykal, Egyptian writer, journalist, and politician
- Abdul Razak Hussein, Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Adnan Hussein (born 1954), Lebanese politician
- Ali bin Hussein of Hejaz, King of Hejaz and Grand Sharif of Mecca
- Ameena Hussein (born 1964), Sri Lankan writer, editor and sociologist
- Fouad Hussein, Jordanian journalist
- Mahmoud Hussein, Egyptian journalist
- Mohd Faizol Hussien, Malaysian football player
- Nedal Hussein, Australian boxer of the 1990s and 2000s
- Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, Danish gunman in the 2015 Copenhagen shootings
- Sadqa Hussein (1876–1961), rabbinical judge of the Iraqi Jews in Jerusalem
- Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein, Pretender to the Iraqi throne and the leader of the Iraqi Constitutional Monarchy political party
- Shelomo Bekhor Hussein (1843–1892), rabbi, author, and publisher in Baghdad, Ottoman Iraq
- Taha Hussein, Egyptian writer and Arabic literary scholar
- Youssef Hussein (born 1988), Egyptian comedian
Family of Saddam Hussein of Iraq[edit]
- Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq (1979–2003)
- Uday Hussein, son
- Qusay Hussein, son
- Raghad Hussein, daughter
- Rana Hussein, daughter
- Hala Hussein, daughter
Royal family of Jordan[edit]
- Abdullah II bin al-Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- Ali bin Hussein of Jordan, son of King Hussein of Jordan and his third wife
- Alia al Hussein, third wife of King Hussein of Jordan
- Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan (born 1994), son of Abdullah II
- Princess Muna al-Hussein, second wife of King Hussein of Jordan
Huseyin / Hüseyin[edit]
- Metin Hüseyin, English film director
Huseyn / Hüseyn[edit]
- Mehdi Huseyn (1909–1965), Azerbaijani and Soviet writer and critic
Huseynov / Guseynov / Гусейнов[edit]
- Abdusalam Guseynov, Lezgian philosopher and ethicist
See also[edit]
- Abdul Hussein, Arabic theophoric name
- Arabic name
- Houssin
- Husseini
- Al Hussein (missile), an Iraqi ballistic missile
- ^ Discovering Islam: Making Sense of Muslim History by Akbar S. Ahmed, 1988, page 57.
- ^
E.g. in Encyclopedia Iranica, the spelling Ḥosayn is found (Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, «Shahrbanu» in Encyclopedia Iranica (2005)
[1] Archived March 11, 2007, at the Wayback Machine) - ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, First Edition (1913-1936) — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE — Brill
- ^ a b al-Qarashi, Baqir Sharif (2007). The life of Imam Husain (‘a). Qum: Ansariyan Publications.
(Redirected from Husayn (name))
«Hussain» redirects here. For the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, see Husayn ibn Ali.
Calligraphic representation of Al-Hussain name |
Pronunciation | Arabic: [ħuˈsajn, -eːn, ħo-, ħʊ-] Egyptian Arabic: [ħeˈseːn, ħoˈseːn] Persian: [ho’sejn] Turkish: [hyˈsejin] |
Gender | Male |
Origin | |
Word/name | Arabic |
Meaning | Handsome |
Region of origin | Arabia (Middle East) |
Other names | |
Related names | Hassan |
Hussein, Hussain, Hossein, Hossain, Huseyn, Husayn, Husein or Husain (; Arabic: حُسَيْن Ḥusayn), coming from the triconsonantal root Ḥ-S-i-N (Arabic: ح س ی ن), is an Arabic name which is the diminutive of Hassan, meaning «good», «handsome» or «beautiful». It is commonly given as a male given name, particularly among Shias.[1]
In Persian language contexts, the transliterations Ḥosayn, Hosayn, or Hossein are sometimes used.[2]
In the transliteration of Indo-Aryan languages, the forms «Hussain» or «Hossain» may be used.
Other variants include Husên, Husejin, Husejn, Husain, Hisên, Hussain, Husayin, Hussayin, Hüseyin, Husseyin, Huseyn, Hossain, Hosein, Husseyn (etc.). The Encyclopaedia of Islam, which follows a standardized way for transliterating Arabic names, used the form «Ḥusain» in its first edition and «Ḥusayn» in its second and third editions.[3]
This name was not used in the pre-Islamic period,[6] and is recorded to have been first used by the Islamic prophet Muhammad when he named his grandson Husayn ibn Ali, saying he had been commanded to do so by Allah through the archangel Gabriel.[6]
Given name[edit]
- Hossein Alizadeh, Iranian musician
- Hossein Fekri, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Ghanbari, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Marashi, Iranian politician
- Hossein Namazi, Iranian economist and politician
- Hossein Navab, Iranian diplomat
- Hossein Nuri, Iranian artist
- Hossein Panahi, Iranian actor
- Hossein Rajabian, Iranian filmmaker
- Hossein Rezazadeh, Iranian weightlifter
- Hossein Tehrani, Iranian musician
- Hossein Valamanesh (1949–2022), Iranian-born Australian artist
- Houssein Rizk (born 1997), Lebanese footballer
- Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad
- Husayn (Safavid), former Safavid king of Persia
- Husayn Bayqarah, Timurid ruler of Herat from 1469 to his death
- Husayn ibn Hamdan, a general in the Abbasid Caliphate
- Husayn ibn Numayr, a general of the Umayyad Caliphate
- Husein Gradaščević, Bosniak 19th-century leader and rebel
- Husein Miljković, Bosnian military commander
- Husein Kavazović, Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Husein Alicajic, Australian filmmaker
- Hussain Ahmed, Emirati basketball player
- Hussain Sajwani (born 1952/53), Emirati billionaire property developer
- Hussain Karim (born 1974), Canadian filmmaker and cinematographer
- Hussein Adan Isack (born 1957), Kenyan naturalist, ethnobiologist and ornithology research scientist
- Hussein M. Adam (1943–2017), Somali professor of political science
- Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, Sherif and Emir of Mecca
- Hussein Chalayan, British/Turkish Cypriot fashion designer
- Hussein el-Husseini, former Lebanese Parliament Speaker
- Hussein Hasan, Somali poet and warrior
- Hussein Fatal, American rap artist from 2Pac’s Outlawz group
- Hussein Hamdan, Lebanese football player
- Hussein Ibish (born 1963), American academic
- Hussein ibn Ali, grandson of the prophet Muhammad and son of Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib
- Hussein Kamel al-Majid, son-in-law of Saddam Hussein
- Hussein Kamel of Egypt, Sultan of Egypt
- Hussein Naeem, Lebanese football player
- Hussein of Jordan, King of Jordan
- Hussein Onn, third Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Hussein Zedan (1953–2019), Egyptian computer scientist
- Hussein Zein (born 1995), Lebanese footballer
- Hüseyin Alkan (born 1988), Turkish Paralympian goalball player
- Hüseyin Avni (disambiguation), multiple people
- Hüseyin Çapkın (born 1951), Turkish police chief
- Hüseyin Dündar (born 1986), Turkish boxer
- Hüseyin Er (1985–2021), British-Turkish deaf football player
- Hüseyin Erkan (born 1958), Turkish high-ranking civil servant
- Hüseyin Hilmi Işık (1911–2001), Turkish Islamic scholar
- Hüseyin Kandemir (born 1986), Turkish rower
- Hüseyin Kıvrıkoğlu (born 1934), Turkish general
- Hüseyin Koç (born 1979), Turkish volleyball player
- Hüseyin Özer (born 1949), Turkish-British executive chef and restaurateur
- Hüseyin Sayram (1905–1988), Turkish politician
- Hüseyin Tavur (born 1972), Turkish football manager
- Hüseyin Yıldırım (born 1928), convicted Turkish spy of Cold War era
- Hüseyin Yıldız (born 1979), Turkish futsal player
- Huseyn Arablinski (1881–1919), Azerbaijani actor
- Huseyn Derya (1975–2014), Azerbaijani rapper and actor
- Huseyn Javid (1882–1941), Azerbaijani poet and playwright
- Huseyn Khan Nakhchivanski (1863–1919), Russian Cavalry General of Azerbaijani origin
- Huseyn Seyidzadeh (1910–1979), Azerbaijani film director
- Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (1892–1963), Bengali politician and statesman
- Hüseyin Gezer (1920–2013), Turkish sculptor
- Rubel Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mosaddek Hossain Saikat, Bangladeshi cricketer
Middle name[edit]
- Amin Hossein Rahimi (born 1968), Iranian politician
- Barack Hussein Obama II, 44th President of the United States
- Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., father of the forty-fourth US president
- Khadim Hussain Rizvi, Pakistani Muslim scholar and politician
- Saddam Hussein, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, fifth President of Iraq
Patronymic title[edit]
- Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin, Islamic scholar of the Umayyad era. He is considered 4th shia Imam by the Twelver, Zaydi and Isma’ili shia sects.
- Ali ibn Husayn, son of Husayn ibn Ali
- Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn
- Ruqayya bint Husayn, daughter of Husayn ibn Ali
- Fatimah bint Husayn, also known as Fatimah as-Sughra
- Fatimah bint Husayn was the daughter of Husayn ibn Ali and his wife Umm Ishaq bint Talha
- Tahir ibn Husayn, Abbasid general and governor under Al-Ma’mun (r. 813–833)
- Abdullah bin Hussein, also known as Abdullah I, was the King of Jordan from 25 May 1946 – 20 July 1951
- Abdul Mannan Hossain, Indian politician
- Adil Hussain, Indian actor
- Akbar Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Anwar Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Ashraf Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Delwar Hossain Sayeedi, Bangladeshi Islamic lecturer and politician
- Faisal Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Hasibul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Ismail Hossain Siraji, Bengali writer
- Kamal Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Makbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain Meherpuri, Bangladeshi politician
- Mehrab Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Mir Mosharraf Hossain, Bengali writer
- M Makbul Hossain, Bangladesh Navy rear admiral
- Mockbul Hossain, Bangladeshi businessman
- Mohammed Mosharref Hossain, Bangladeshi criminal
- Mohammad Nazmul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Mokbul Hossain Sujanagari, Bangladeshi politician
- Nina Hossain, English journalist and presenter
- Noor Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Saber Hossain Chowdhury, Bangladeshi politician
- Sadeque Hossain Khoka, Bangladeshi politician
- Sanwar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Selina Hossain, Bengali writer
- Shahadat Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Shahriar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Zakir Hossain (disambiguation), several people
Hosein / Hossein[edit]
- Farah Hussein (born 2001), Egyptian gymnast
- Mehnaz Hoosein (born 1973), Indian singer
- Robert Hossein, French actor, director and writer
- Imran N. Hosein, Islamic scholar specialising in Islamic eschatology
- Akeal Hosein, West Indian cricketer
- Abrar Hussain (1961–2011), Pakistani boxer
- Abrar Hussain, Pakistani military hero
- Hasib Hussain, British Islamic terrorist and perpetrator of the 7/7 attacks
- Ijaz Hussain, Pakistani cricketer
- Nasser Hussain, Essex and England cricketer
- Nauman Hussain, American businessman implicated in the Schoharie limousine crash
- Rashad Hussain, United States special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference
- Roquia Sakhawat Hussain, Bangladeshi feminist and social worker
- Rizwan Hussain, British Barrister of Bangladeshi Descent
- Syed Abdulla Hussain, Indian ornithologist
- Zakir Hussain (disambiguation), several people
- Muhammad Husayn Haykal, Egyptian writer, journalist, and politician
- Abdul Razak Hussein, Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Adnan Hussein (born 1954), Lebanese politician
- Ali bin Hussein of Hejaz, King of Hejaz and Grand Sharif of Mecca
- Ameena Hussein (born 1964), Sri Lankan writer, editor and sociologist
- Fouad Hussein, Jordanian journalist
- Mahmoud Hussein, Egyptian journalist
- Mohd Faizol Hussien, Malaysian football player
- Nedal Hussein, Australian boxer of the 1990s and 2000s
- Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, Danish gunman in the 2015 Copenhagen shootings
- Sadqa Hussein (1876–1961), rabbinical judge of the Iraqi Jews in Jerusalem
- Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein, Pretender to the Iraqi throne and the leader of the Iraqi Constitutional Monarchy political party
- Shelomo Bekhor Hussein (1843–1892), rabbi, author, and publisher in Baghdad, Ottoman Iraq
- Taha Hussein, Egyptian writer and Arabic literary scholar
- Youssef Hussein (born 1988), Egyptian comedian
Family of Saddam Hussein of Iraq[edit]
- Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq (1979–2003)
- Uday Hussein, son
- Qusay Hussein, son
- Raghad Hussein, daughter
- Rana Hussein, daughter
- Hala Hussein, daughter
Royal family of Jordan[edit]
- Abdullah II bin al-Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- Ali bin Hussein of Jordan, son of King Hussein of Jordan and his third wife
- Alia al Hussein, third wife of King Hussein of Jordan
- Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan (born 1994), son of Abdullah II
- Princess Muna al-Hussein, second wife of King Hussein of Jordan
Huseyin / Hüseyin[edit]
- Metin Hüseyin, English film director
Huseyn / Hüseyn[edit]
- Mehdi Huseyn (1909–1965), Azerbaijani and Soviet writer and critic
Huseynov / Guseynov / Гусейнов[edit]
- Abdusalam Guseynov, Lezgian philosopher and ethicist
See also[edit]
- Abdul Hussein, Arabic theophoric name
- Arabic name
- Houssin
- Husseini
- Al Hussein (missile), an Iraqi ballistic missile
- ^ Discovering Islam: Making Sense of Muslim History by Akbar S. Ahmed, 1988, page 57.
- ^
E.g. in Encyclopedia Iranica, the spelling Ḥosayn is found (Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, «Shahrbanu» in Encyclopedia Iranica (2005)
[1] Archived March 11, 2007, at the Wayback Machine) - ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, First Edition (1913-1936) — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE — Brill
- ^ a b al-Qarashi, Baqir Sharif (2007). The life of Imam Husain (‘a). Qum: Ansariyan Publications.
«Hussain» redirects here. For the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, see Husayn ibn Ali.
Hussein, Hussain, Hossein, Hossain, Huseyn, Husayn, Husein or Husain (; Arabic: حُسَيْن Ḥusayn), coming from the triconsonantal root Ḥ-S-i-N (Arabic: ح س ی ن), is an Arabic name which is the diminutive of Hassan, meaning «good», «handsome» or «beautiful». It is commonly given as a male given name, particularly among Shias.[1]
In Persian language contexts, the transliterations Ḥosayn, Hosayn, or Hossein are sometimes used.[2]
In the transliteration of Indo-Aryan languages, the forms «Hussain» or «Hossain» may be used.
Other variants include Husên, Husejin, Husejn, Husain, Hisên, Hussain, Husayin, Hussayin, Hüseyin, Husseyin, Huseyn, Hossain, Hosein, Husseyn (etc.). The Encyclopaedia of Islam, which follows a standardized way for transliterating Arabic names, used the form «Ḥusain» in its first edition and «Ḥusayn» in its second and third editions.[3][4][5]
Calligraphic representation of Al-Hussain name |
Pronunciation | Arabic: [ħuˈsajn, -eːn, ħo-, ħʊ-] Egyptian Arabic: [ħeˈseːn, ħoˈseːn] Persian: [ho’sejn] Turkish: [hyˈsejin] |
Gender | Male |
Origin | |
Word/name | Arabic |
Meaning | Handsome |
Region of origin | Arabia (Middle East) |
Other names | |
Related names | Hassan |
This name was not used in the pre-Islamic period,[6] and is recorded to have been first used by the Islamic prophet Muhammad when he named his grandson Husayn ibn Ali, saying he had been commanded to do so by Allah through the archangel Gabriel.[6]
Given nameEdit
- Hossein Alizadeh, Iranian musician
- Hossein Fekri, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Ghanbari, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Marashi, Iranian politician
- Hossein Namazi, Iranian economist and politician
- Hossein Navab, Iranian diplomat
- Hossein Nuri, Iranian artist
- Hossein Panahi, Iranian actor
- Hossein Rajabian, Iranian filmmaker
- Hossein Rezazadeh, Iranian weightlifter
- Hossein Tehrani, Iranian musician
- Hossein Valamanesh (1949–2022), Iranian-born Australian artist
- Houssein Rizk (born 1997), Lebanese footballer
- Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad
- Husayn (Safavid), former Safavid king of Persia
- Husayn Bayqarah, Timurid ruler of Herat from 1469 to his death
- Husayn ibn Hamdan, a general in the Abbasid Caliphate
- Husayn ibn Numayr, a general of the Umayyad Caliphate
- Husein Gradaščević, Bosniak 19th-century leader and rebel
- Husein Miljković, Bosnian military commander
- Husein Kavazović, Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Husein Alicajic, Australian filmmaker
- Hussain Ahmed, Emirati basketball player
- Hussain Sajwani (born 1952/53), Emirati billionaire property developer
- Hussain Karim (born 1974), Canadian filmmaker and cinematographer
- Hussein Adan Isack (born 1957), Kenyan naturalist, ethnobiologist and ornithology research scientist
- Hussein M. Adam (1943–2017), Somali professor of political science
- Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, Sherif and Emir of Mecca
- Hussein Chalayan, British/Turkish Cypriot fashion designer
- Hussein el-Husseini, former Lebanese Parliament Speaker
- Hussein Hasan, Somali poet and warrior
- Hussein Fatal, American rap artist from 2Pac’s Outlawz group
- Hussein Hamdan, Lebanese football player
- Hussein Ibish (born 1963), American academic
- Hussein ibn Ali, grandson of the prophet Muhammad and son of Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib
- Hussein Kamel al-Majid, son-in-law of Saddam Hussein
- Hussein Kamel of Egypt, Sultan of Egypt
- Hussein Naeem, Lebanese football player
- Hussein of Jordan, King of Jordan
- Hussein Onn, third Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Hussein Zedan (1953–2019), Egyptian computer scientist
- Hussein Zein (born 1995), Lebanese footballer
- Hüseyin Alkan (born 1988), Turkish Paralympian goalball player
- Hüseyin Avni (disambiguation), multiple people
- Hüseyin Çapkın (born 1951), Turkish police chief
- Hüseyin Dündar (born 1986), Turkish boxer
- Hüseyin Er (1985–2021), British-Turkish deaf football player
- Hüseyin Erkan (born 1958), Turkish high-ranking civil servant
- Hüseyin Hilmi Işık (1911–2001), Turkish Islamic scholar
- Hüseyin Kandemir (born 1986), Turkish rower
- Hüseyin Kıvrıkoğlu (born 1934), Turkish general
- Hüseyin Koç (born 1979), Turkish volleyball player
- Hüseyin Özer (born 1949), Turkish-British executive chef and restaurateur
- Hüseyin Sayram (1905–1988), Turkish politician
- Hüseyin Tavur (born 1972), Turkish football manager
- Hüseyin Yıldırım (born 1928), convicted Turkish spy of Cold War era
- Hüseyin Yıldız (born 1979), Turkish futsal player
- Huseyn Arablinski (1881–1919), Azerbaijani actor
- Huseyn Derya (1975–2014), Azerbaijani rapper and actor
- Huseyn Javid (1882–1941), Azerbaijani poet and playwright
- Huseyn Khan Nakhchivanski (1863–1919), Russian Cavalry General of Azerbaijani origin
- Huseyn Seyidzadeh (1910–1979), Azerbaijani film director
- Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (1892–1963), Bengali politician and statesman
- Hüseyin Gezer (1920–2013), Turkish sculptor
- Rubel Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mosaddek Hossain Saikat, Bangladeshi cricketer
Middle nameEdit
- Amin Hossein Rahimi (born 1968), Iranian politician
- Barack Hussein Obama II, 44th President of the United States
- Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., father of the forty-fourth US president
- Khadim Hussain Rizvi, Pakistani Muslim scholar and politician
- Saddam Hussein, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, fifth President of Iraq
Patronymic titleEdit
- Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin, Islamic scholar of the Umayyad era. He is considered 4th shia Imam by the Twelver, Zaydi and Isma’ili shia sects.
- Ali ibn Husayn, son of Husayn ibn Ali
- Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn
- Ruqayya bint Husayn, daughter of Husayn ibn Ali
- Fatimah bint Husayn, also known as Fatimah as-Sughra
- Fatimah bint Husayn was the daughter of Husayn ibn Ali and his wife Umm Ishaq bint Talha
- Tahir ibn Husayn, Abbasid general and governor under Al-Ma’mun (r. 813–833)
- Abdullah bin Hussein, also known as Abdullah I, was the King of Jordan from 25 May 1946 – 20 July 1951
- Abdul Mannan Hossain, Indian politician
- Adil Hussain, Indian actor
- Akbar Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Anwar Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Ashraf Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Delwar Hossain Sayeedi, Bangladeshi Islamic lecturer and politician
- Faisal Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Hasibul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Ismail Hossain Siraji, Bengali writer
- Kamal Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Makbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain Meherpuri, Bangladeshi politician
- Mehrab Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Mir Mosharraf Hossain, Bengali writer
- M Makbul Hossain, Bangladesh Navy rear admiral
- Mockbul Hossain, Bangladeshi businessman
- Mohammed Mosharref Hossain, Bangladeshi criminal
- Mohammad Nazmul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Mokbul Hossain Sujanagari, Bangladeshi politician
- Nina Hossain, English journalist and presenter
- Noor Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Saber Hossain Chowdhury, Bangladeshi politician
- Sadeque Hossain Khoka, Bangladeshi politician
- Sanwar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Selina Hossain, Bengali writer
- Shahadat Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Shahriar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Zakir Hossain (disambiguation), several people
Hosein / HosseinEdit
- Farah Hussein (born 2001), Egyptian gymnast
- Mehnaz Hoosein (born 1973), Indian singer
- Robert Hossein, French actor, director and writer
- Imran N. Hosein, Islamic scholar specialising in Islamic eschatology
- Akeal Hosein, West Indian cricketer
- Abrar Hussain (1961–2011), Pakistani boxer
- Abrar Hussain, Pakistani military hero
- Hasib Hussain, British Islamic terrorist and perpetrator of the 7/7 attacks
- Ijaz Hussain, Pakistani cricketer
- Nasser Hussain, Essex and England cricketer
- Nauman Hussain, American businessman implicated in the Schoharie limousine crash
- Rashad Hussain, United States special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference
- Roquia Sakhawat Hussain, Bangladeshi feminist and social worker
- Rizwan Hussain, British Barrister of Bangladeshi Descent
- Syed Abdulla Hussain, Indian ornithologist
- Zakir Hussain (disambiguation), several people
- Muhammad Husayn Haykal, Egyptian writer, journalist, and politician
- Abdul Razak Hussein, Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Adnan Hussein (born 1954), Lebanese politician
- Ali bin Hussein of Hejaz, King of Hejaz and Grand Sharif of Mecca
- Ameena Hussein (born 1964), Sri Lankan writer, editor and sociologist
- Fouad Hussein, Jordanian journalist
- Mahmoud Hussein, Egyptian journalist
- Mohd Faizol Hussien, Malaysian football player
- Nedal Hussein, Australian boxer of the 1990s and 2000s
- Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, Danish gunman in the 2015 Copenhagen shootings
- Sadqa Hussein (1876–1961), rabbinical judge of the Iraqi Jews in Jerusalem
- Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein, Pretender to the Iraqi throne and the leader of the Iraqi Constitutional Monarchy political party
- Shelomo Bekhor Hussein (1843–1892), rabbi, author, and publisher in Baghdad, Ottoman Iraq
- Taha Hussein, Egyptian writer and Arabic literary scholar
- Youssef Hussein (born 1988), Egyptian comedian
Family of Saddam Hussein of IraqEdit
- Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq (1979–2003)
- Uday Hussein, son
- Qusay Hussein, son
- Raghad Hussein, daughter
- Rana Hussein, daughter
- Hala Hussein, daughter
Royal family of JordanEdit
- Abdullah II bin al-Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- Ali bin Hussein of Jordan, son of King Hussein of Jordan and his third wife
- Alia al Hussein, third wife of King Hussein of Jordan
- Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan (born 1994), son of Abdullah II
- Princess Muna al-Hussein, second wife of King Hussein of Jordan
Huseyin / HüseyinEdit
- Metin Hüseyin, English film director
Huseyn / HüseynEdit
- Mehdi Huseyn (1909–1965), Azerbaijani and Soviet writer and critic
Huseynov / Guseynov / ГусейновEdit
- Abdusalam Guseynov, Lezgian philosopher and ethicist
See alsoEdit
- Abdul Hussein, Arabic theophoric name
- Arabic name
- Houssin
- Husseini
- Al Hussein (missile), an Iraqi ballistic missile
- ^ Discovering Islam: Making Sense of Muslim History by Akbar S. Ahmed, 1988, page 57.
- ^
E.g. in Encyclopedia Iranica, the spelling Ḥosayn is found (Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, «Shahrbanu» in Encyclopedia Iranica (2005)
[1] Archived March 11, 2007, at the Wayback Machine) - ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, First Edition (1913-1936) — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE — Brill
- ^ a b al-Qarashi, Baqir Sharif (2007). The life of Imam Husain (‘a). Qum: Ansariyan Publications.
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Перевод «Хусейн» на английский
Среди убитых был владелец отеля и бывший военный генерал, сказал Хусейн.
Among those killed was the hotel’s owner and a former military general, Hussein said.
Мой первенец — Хусейн был убит здесь.
My first son, Hussein, was slaughtered here.
Хусейн стал первым известным хакером, уничтоженным с американского беспилотника.
Hussain is the first known hacker targeted by a U.S. drone.
Хусейн должен прибыть в тюрьму 15 июня.
Hussain is scheduled to report to prison on June 15.
Хусейн заперся внутри цитадели города, оставив войско Тимура покинуть город.
Husayn shut himself up inside the citadel, leaving Timur’s men to sack the city.
После безуспешной попытки прятаться от людей Тимура Хусейн был захвачен и передан Тимуру.
After an unsuccessful attempt to hide from Timur’s men Husayn was finally captured and handed over to Timur.
Хусейн, отведи ребят в магазин.
Hussein, go and take the boys to shop.
Хусейн также надеется доработать используемую модель, чтобы получить дополнительные сведения в базовой физике.
Hussein also hopes to further refine the models he used to gain additional insight into the underlying physics.
Хусейн диктатор и не самый хороший человек.
Hussein is a dictator and not a good man.
Хусейн сражался с боевиками и погиб в 2000 году.
Hussein was fighting with the rebels when he was killed in 2000.
Король Хусейн все годы своего правления был неутомимым борцом за мир.
Throughout his reign, King Hussein was tireless in his pursuit of peace.
Король Хусейн скончался в 1999 году.
I just found out the King Hussein died in 1999.
Иорданский король Хусейн решает восстановить свою власть силой.
King Hussein of Jordan moved to restore his rule over the country.
Формально Хусейн был коронован 14 ноября 1953 в день его 18-летия.
Hussein was formally crowned on November 14, 1953, his 18th birthday.
Фуад Хусейн: РПК ведет мирный процесс.
Fuad Hussein: PKK is in a peace process.
История с попыткой поймать Рагад Хусейн длится уже несколько лет.
The story with attempts to capture Raghad Hussein continues for several years.
Хусейн был жителем Нью-Йорка всю свою взрослую жизнь.
Hussein has been a resident of New York City for all of his adult life.
Вскоре Рустам и Хусейн начали сражаться на стороне боевиков.
Not long after, Rustam and Hussein began fighting for the rebels.
Барак Хусейн Обама воспитывался под влиянием ряда коммунистических наставников с самых ранних лет.
Barack Hussein Obama has been influenced by a number of Communist mentors from his earliest years.
Этот маршрут использовал Саддама Хусейн в 1980-х годах.
This was the invasion route Saddam Hussein used in the 1980s.
Предложения, которые содержат Хусейн
Результатов: 1597. Точных совпадений: 1597. Затраченное время: 54 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Hossain)
«Hussain» redirects here. For the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, see Husayn ibn Ali.
Calligraphic representation of Al-Hussain name |
Pronunciation | Arabic: [ħuˈsajn, -eːn, ħo-, ħʊ-] Egyptian Arabic: [ħeˈseːn, ħoˈseːn] Persian: [ho’sejn] Turkish: [hyˈsejin] |
Gender | Male |
Origin | |
Word/name | Arabic |
Meaning | Handsome |
Region of origin | Arabia |
Other names | |
Related names | Hassan |
Hussein, Hussain, Hossein, Hossain, Huseyn, Husayn, Husein or Husain (; Arabic: حُسَيْن Ḥusayn), coming from the triconsonantal root Ḥ-S-N (Arabic: ح س ن), is an Arabic name which is the diminutive of Hassan, meaning «good», «handsome» or «beautiful». It is commonly given as a male given name, particularly among Shias.[1]
In Persian language contexts, the transliterations Ḥosayn, Hosayn, or Hossein are sometimes used.[2]
In the transliteration of Indo-Aryan languages, the forms «Hussain» or «Hossain» may be used.
Other variants include Husên, Husejin, Husejn, Husain, Hisên, Hussain, Husayin, Hussayin, Hüseyin, Husseyin, Huseyn, Hossain, Hosein, Husseyn (etc.). The Encyclopaedia of Islam, which follows a standardized way for transliterating Arabic names, used the form «Ḥusain» in its first edition and «Ḥusayn» in its second and third editions.[3]
This name was not used in the pre-Islamic period,[6] and is recorded to have been first used by the Islamic prophet Muhammad when he named his grandson Husayn ibn Ali, saying he had been commanded to do so by Allah through the archangel Gabriel.[6]
Given name[edit]
- Hossein Alizadeh, Iranian musician
- Hossein Fekri, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Ghanbari, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Marashi, Iranian politician
- Hossein Namazi, Iranian economist and politician
- Hossein Navab, Iranian diplomat
- Hossein Nuri, Iranian artist
- Hossein Panahi, Iranian actor
- Hossein Rajabian, Iranian filmmaker
- Hossein Rezazadeh, Iranian weightlifter
- Hossein Tehrani, Iranian musician
- Hossein Valamanesh (1949–2022), Iranian-born Australian artist
- Hossein Moghadami (2003-present), Iranian scientist based in italy
- Houssein Rizk (born 1997), Lebanese footballer
- Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad
- Husayn (Safavid), former Safavid king of Persia
- Husayn Bayqarah, Timurid ruler of Herat from 1469 to his death
- Husayn ibn Hamdan, a general in the Abbasid Caliphate
- Husayn ibn Numayr, a general of the Umayyad Caliphate
- Husein Gradaščević, Bosniak 19th-century leader and rebel
- Husein Miljković, Bosnian military commander
- Husein Kavazović, Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Husein Alicajic, Australian filmmaker
- Husein Balić, Austrian footballer
- Husein Beganović, Macedonian footballer
- Hussain Ahmed, Emirati basketball player
- Hussain Sajwani (born 1952/53), Emirati billionaire property developer
- Hussain Karim (born 1974), Canadian filmmaker and cinematographer
- Hussein Adan Isack (born 1957), Kenyan naturalist, ethnobiologist and ornithology research scientist
- Hussein M. Adam (1943–2017), Somali professor of political science
- Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, Sherif and Emir of Mecca
- Hussein Chalayan, British/Turkish Cypriot fashion designer
- Hussein el-Husseini, former Lebanese Parliament Speaker
- Hussein Hasan, Somali poet and warrior
- Hussein Fatal, American rap artist from 2Pac’s Outlawz group
- Hussein Hamdan, Lebanese football player
- Hussein Ibish (born 1963), American academic
- Hussein ibn Ali, grandson of the prophet Muhammad and son of Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib
- Hussein Kamel al-Majid, son-in-law of Saddam Hussein
- Hussein Kamel of Egypt, Sultan of Egypt
- Hussein Naeem, Lebanese football player
- Hussein of Jordan, King of Jordan
- Hussein Onn, third Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Hussein Zedan (1953–2019), Egyptian computer scientist
- Hussein Zein (born 1995), Lebanese footballer
- Hüseyin Alkan (born 1988), Turkish Paralympian goalball player
- Hüseyin Avni (disambiguation), multiple people
- Hüseyin Çapkın (born 1951), Turkish police chief
- Hüseyin Dündar (born 1986), Turkish boxer
- Hüseyin Er (1985–2021), British-Turkish deaf football player
- Hüseyin Erkan (born 1958), Turkish high-ranking civil servant
- Hüseyin Hilmi Işık (1911–2001), Turkish Islamic scholar
- Hüseyin Kandemir (born 1986), Turkish rower
- Hüseyin Kıvrıkoğlu (born 1934), Turkish general
- Hüseyin Koç (born 1979), Turkish volleyball player
- Hüseyin Özer (born 1949), Turkish-British executive chef and restaurateur
- Hüseyin Sayram (1905–1988), Turkish politician
- Hüseyin Tavur (born 1972), Turkish football manager
- Hüseyin Yıldırım (born 1928), convicted Turkish spy of Cold War era
- Hüseyin Yıldız (born 1979), Turkish futsal player
- Huseyn Arablinski (1881–1919), Azerbaijani actor
- Huseyn Derya (1975–2014), Azerbaijani rapper and actor
- Huseyn Javid (1882–1941), Azerbaijani poet and playwright
- Huseyn Khan Nakhchivanski (1863–1919), Russian Cavalry General of Azerbaijani origin
- Huseyn Seyidzadeh (1910–1979), Azerbaijani film director
- Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (1892–1963), Bengali politician and statesman
- Hüseyin Gezer (1920–2013), Turkish sculptor
- Rubel Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mosaddek Hossain Saikat, Bangladeshi cricketer
Middle name[edit]
- Amin Hossein Rahimi (born 1968), Iranian politician
- Barack Hussein Obama II, 44th President of the United States
- Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., father of the forty-fourth US president
- Khadim Hussain Rizvi, Pakistani Muslim scholar and politician
- Saddam Hussein, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, fifth President of Iraq
Patronymic title[edit]
- Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin, Islamic scholar of the Umayyad era. He is considered 4th shia Imam by the Twelver, Zaydi and Isma’ili shia sects.
- Ali ibn Husayn, son of Husayn ibn Ali
- Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn
- Ruqayya bint Husayn, daughter of Husayn ibn Ali
- Fatimah bint Husayn, also known as Fatimah as-Sughra
- Fatimah bint Husayn was the daughter of Husayn ibn Ali and his wife Umm Ishaq bint Talha
- Tahir ibn Husayn, Abbasid general and governor under Al-Ma’mun (r. 813–833)
- Abdullah bin Hussein, also known as Abdullah I, was the King of Jordan from 25 May 1946 – 20 July 1951
- Abdul Mannan Hossain, Indian politician
- Adil Hussain, Indian actor
- Akbar Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Anwar Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Ashraf Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Delwar Hossain Sayeedi, Bangladeshi Islamic lecturer and politician
- Faisal Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Hasibul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Ismail Hossain Siraji, Bengali writer
- Kamal Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Makbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain Meherpuri, Bangladeshi politician
- Mehrab Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Mir Mosharraf Hossain, Bengali writer
- M Makbul Hossain, Bangladesh Navy rear admiral
- Mockbul Hossain, Bangladeshi businessman
- Mohammed Mosharref Hossain, Bangladeshi criminal
- Mohammad Nazmul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Mokbul Hossain Sujanagari, Bangladeshi politician
- Nina Hossain, English journalist and presenter
- Noor Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Saber Hossain Chowdhury, Bangladeshi politician
- Sadeque Hossain Khoka, Bangladeshi politician
- Sanwar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Selina Hossain, Bengali writer
- Shahadat Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Shahriar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Zakir Hossain (disambiguation), several people
Hosein / Hossein[edit]
- Farah Hussein (born 2001), Egyptian gymnast
- Mehnaz Hoosein (born 1973), Indian singer
- Robert Hossein, French actor, director and writer
- Imran N. Hosein, Islamic scholar specialising in Islamic eschatology
- Akeal Hosein, West Indian cricketer
- Abrar Hussain (1961–2011), Pakistani boxer
- Abrar Hussain, Pakistani military hero
- Hasib Hussain, British Islamic terrorist and perpetrator of the 7/7 attacks
- Ijaz Hussain, Pakistani cricketer
- Nasser Hussain, Essex and England cricketer
- Nauman Hussain, American businessman implicated in the Schoharie limousine crash
- Rashad Hussain, United States special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference
- Roquia Sakhawat Hussain, Bangladeshi feminist and social worker
- Rizwan Hussain, British Barrister of Bangladeshi Descent
- Syed Abdulla Hussain, Indian ornithologist
- Zakir Hussain (disambiguation), several people
- Muhammad Husayn Haykal, Egyptian writer, journalist, and politician
- Abdul Razak Hussein, Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Adnan Hussein (born 1954), Lebanese politician
- Ali bin Hussein of Hejaz, King of Hejaz and Grand Sharif of Mecca
- Ameena Hussein (born 1964), Sri Lankan writer, editor and sociologist
- Fouad Hussein, Jordanian journalist
- Mahmoud Hussein, Egyptian journalist
- Mohd Faizol Hussien, Malaysian football player
- Nedal Hussein, Australian boxer of the 1990s and 2000s
- Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, Danish gunman in the 2015 Copenhagen shootings
- Sadqa Hussein (1876–1961), rabbinical judge of the Iraqi Jews in Jerusalem
- Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein, Pretender to the Iraqi throne and the leader of the Iraqi Constitutional Monarchy political party
- Shelomo Bekhor Hussein (1843–1892), rabbi, author, and publisher in Baghdad, Ottoman Iraq
- Taha Hussein, Egyptian writer and Arabic literary scholar
- Youssef Hussein (born 1988), Egyptian comedian
Family of Saddam Hussein of Iraq[edit]
- Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq (1979–2003)
- Uday Hussein, son
- Qusay Hussein, son
- Raghad Hussein, daughter
- Rana Hussein, daughter
- Hala Hussein, daughter
Royal family of Jordan[edit]
- Abdullah II bin al-Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- Ali bin Hussein of Jordan, son of King Hussein of Jordan and his third wife
- Alia al Hussein, third wife of King Hussein of Jordan
- Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan (born 1994), son of Abdullah II
- Princess Muna al-Hussein, second wife of King Hussein of Jordan
Huseyin / Hüseyin[edit]
- Metin Hüseyin, English film director
Huseyn / Hüseyn[edit]
- Mehdi Huseyn (1909–1965), Azerbaijani and Soviet writer and critic
Huseynov / Guseynov / Гусейнов[edit]
- Abdusalam Guseynov, Lezgian philosopher and ethicist
See also[edit]
- Abdul Hussein, Arabic theophoric name
- Arabic name
- Houssin
- Husseini
- Al Hussein (missile), an Iraqi ballistic missile
- ^ Discovering Islam: Making Sense of Muslim History by Akbar S. Ahmed, 1988, page 57.
- ^
E.g. in Encyclopedia Iranica, the spelling Ḥosayn is found (Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, «Shahrbanu» in Encyclopedia Iranica (2005)
[1] Archived March 11, 2007, at the Wayback Machine) - ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, First Edition (1913-1936) — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE — Brill
- ^ a b al-Qarashi, Baqir Sharif (2007). The life of Imam Husain (‘a). Qum: Ansariyan Publications.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Hossain)
«Hussain» redirects here. For the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, see Husayn ibn Ali.
Calligraphic representation of Al-Hussain name |
Pronunciation | Arabic: [ħuˈsajn, -eːn, ħo-, ħʊ-] Egyptian Arabic: [ħeˈseːn, ħoˈseːn] Persian: [ho’sejn] Turkish: [hyˈsejin] |
Gender | Male |
Origin | |
Word/name | Arabic |
Meaning | Handsome |
Region of origin | Arabia |
Other names | |
Related names | Hassan |
Hussein, Hussain, Hossein, Hossain, Huseyn, Husayn, Husein or Husain (; Arabic: حُسَيْن Ḥusayn), coming from the triconsonantal root Ḥ-S-N (Arabic: ح س ن), is an Arabic name which is the diminutive of Hassan, meaning «good», «handsome» or «beautiful». It is commonly given as a male given name, particularly among Shias.[1]
In Persian language contexts, the transliterations Ḥosayn, Hosayn, or Hossein are sometimes used.[2]
In the transliteration of Indo-Aryan languages, the forms «Hussain» or «Hossain» may be used.
Other variants include Husên, Husejin, Husejn, Husain, Hisên, Hussain, Husayin, Hussayin, Hüseyin, Husseyin, Huseyn, Hossain, Hosein, Husseyn (etc.). The Encyclopaedia of Islam, which follows a standardized way for transliterating Arabic names, used the form «Ḥusain» in its first edition and «Ḥusayn» in its second and third editions.[3]
This name was not used in the pre-Islamic period,[6] and is recorded to have been first used by the Islamic prophet Muhammad when he named his grandson Husayn ibn Ali, saying he had been commanded to do so by Allah through the archangel Gabriel.[6]
Given name[edit]
- Hossein Alizadeh, Iranian musician
- Hossein Fekri, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Ghanbari, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Marashi, Iranian politician
- Hossein Namazi, Iranian economist and politician
- Hossein Navab, Iranian diplomat
- Hossein Nuri, Iranian artist
- Hossein Panahi, Iranian actor
- Hossein Rajabian, Iranian filmmaker
- Hossein Rezazadeh, Iranian weightlifter
- Hossein Tehrani, Iranian musician
- Hossein Valamanesh (1949–2022), Iranian-born Australian artist
- Hossein Moghadami (2003-present), Iranian scientist based in italy
- Houssein Rizk (born 1997), Lebanese footballer
- Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad
- Husayn (Safavid), former Safavid king of Persia
- Husayn Bayqarah, Timurid ruler of Herat from 1469 to his death
- Husayn ibn Hamdan, a general in the Abbasid Caliphate
- Husayn ibn Numayr, a general of the Umayyad Caliphate
- Husein Gradaščević, Bosniak 19th-century leader and rebel
- Husein Miljković, Bosnian military commander
- Husein Kavazović, Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Husein Alicajic, Australian filmmaker
- Husein Balić, Austrian footballer
- Husein Beganović, Macedonian footballer
- Hussain Ahmed, Emirati basketball player
- Hussain Sajwani (born 1952/53), Emirati billionaire property developer
- Hussain Karim (born 1974), Canadian filmmaker and cinematographer
- Hussein Adan Isack (born 1957), Kenyan naturalist, ethnobiologist and ornithology research scientist
- Hussein M. Adam (1943–2017), Somali professor of political science
- Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, Sherif and Emir of Mecca
- Hussein Chalayan, British/Turkish Cypriot fashion designer
- Hussein el-Husseini, former Lebanese Parliament Speaker
- Hussein Hasan, Somali poet and warrior
- Hussein Fatal, American rap artist from 2Pac’s Outlawz group
- Hussein Hamdan, Lebanese football player
- Hussein Ibish (born 1963), American academic
- Hussein ibn Ali, grandson of the prophet Muhammad and son of Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib
- Hussein Kamel al-Majid, son-in-law of Saddam Hussein
- Hussein Kamel of Egypt, Sultan of Egypt
- Hussein Naeem, Lebanese football player
- Hussein of Jordan, King of Jordan
- Hussein Onn, third Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Hussein Zedan (1953–2019), Egyptian computer scientist
- Hussein Zein (born 1995), Lebanese footballer
- Hüseyin Alkan (born 1988), Turkish Paralympian goalball player
- Hüseyin Avni (disambiguation), multiple people
- Hüseyin Çapkın (born 1951), Turkish police chief
- Hüseyin Dündar (born 1986), Turkish boxer
- Hüseyin Er (1985–2021), British-Turkish deaf football player
- Hüseyin Erkan (born 1958), Turkish high-ranking civil servant
- Hüseyin Hilmi Işık (1911–2001), Turkish Islamic scholar
- Hüseyin Kandemir (born 1986), Turkish rower
- Hüseyin Kıvrıkoğlu (born 1934), Turkish general
- Hüseyin Koç (born 1979), Turkish volleyball player
- Hüseyin Özer (born 1949), Turkish-British executive chef and restaurateur
- Hüseyin Sayram (1905–1988), Turkish politician
- Hüseyin Tavur (born 1972), Turkish football manager
- Hüseyin Yıldırım (born 1928), convicted Turkish spy of Cold War era
- Hüseyin Yıldız (born 1979), Turkish futsal player
- Huseyn Arablinski (1881–1919), Azerbaijani actor
- Huseyn Derya (1975–2014), Azerbaijani rapper and actor
- Huseyn Javid (1882–1941), Azerbaijani poet and playwright
- Huseyn Khan Nakhchivanski (1863–1919), Russian Cavalry General of Azerbaijani origin
- Huseyn Seyidzadeh (1910–1979), Azerbaijani film director
- Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (1892–1963), Bengali politician and statesman
- Hüseyin Gezer (1920–2013), Turkish sculptor
- Rubel Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mosaddek Hossain Saikat, Bangladeshi cricketer
Middle name[edit]
- Amin Hossein Rahimi (born 1968), Iranian politician
- Barack Hussein Obama II, 44th President of the United States
- Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., father of the forty-fourth US president
- Khadim Hussain Rizvi, Pakistani Muslim scholar and politician
- Saddam Hussein, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, fifth President of Iraq
Patronymic title[edit]
- Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin, Islamic scholar of the Umayyad era. He is considered 4th shia Imam by the Twelver, Zaydi and Isma’ili shia sects.
- Ali ibn Husayn, son of Husayn ibn Ali
- Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn
- Ruqayya bint Husayn, daughter of Husayn ibn Ali
- Fatimah bint Husayn, also known as Fatimah as-Sughra
- Fatimah bint Husayn was the daughter of Husayn ibn Ali and his wife Umm Ishaq bint Talha
- Tahir ibn Husayn, Abbasid general and governor under Al-Ma’mun (r. 813–833)
- Abdullah bin Hussein, also known as Abdullah I, was the King of Jordan from 25 May 1946 – 20 July 1951
- Abdul Mannan Hossain, Indian politician
- Adil Hussain, Indian actor
- Akbar Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Anwar Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Ashraf Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Delwar Hossain Sayeedi, Bangladeshi Islamic lecturer and politician
- Faisal Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Hasibul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Ismail Hossain Siraji, Bengali writer
- Kamal Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Makbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain Meherpuri, Bangladeshi politician
- Mehrab Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Mir Mosharraf Hossain, Bengali writer
- M Makbul Hossain, Bangladesh Navy rear admiral
- Mockbul Hossain, Bangladeshi businessman
- Mohammed Mosharref Hossain, Bangladeshi criminal
- Mohammad Nazmul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Mokbul Hossain Sujanagari, Bangladeshi politician
- Nina Hossain, English journalist and presenter
- Noor Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Saber Hossain Chowdhury, Bangladeshi politician
- Sadeque Hossain Khoka, Bangladeshi politician
- Sanwar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Selina Hossain, Bengali writer
- Shahadat Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Shahriar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Zakir Hossain (disambiguation), several people
Hosein / Hossein[edit]
- Farah Hussein (born 2001), Egyptian gymnast
- Mehnaz Hoosein (born 1973), Indian singer
- Robert Hossein, French actor, director and writer
- Imran N. Hosein, Islamic scholar specialising in Islamic eschatology
- Akeal Hosein, West Indian cricketer
- Abrar Hussain (1961–2011), Pakistani boxer
- Abrar Hussain, Pakistani military hero
- Hasib Hussain, British Islamic terrorist and perpetrator of the 7/7 attacks
- Ijaz Hussain, Pakistani cricketer
- Nasser Hussain, Essex and England cricketer
- Nauman Hussain, American businessman implicated in the Schoharie limousine crash
- Rashad Hussain, United States special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference
- Roquia Sakhawat Hussain, Bangladeshi feminist and social worker
- Rizwan Hussain, British Barrister of Bangladeshi Descent
- Syed Abdulla Hussain, Indian ornithologist
- Zakir Hussain (disambiguation), several people
- Muhammad Husayn Haykal, Egyptian writer, journalist, and politician
- Abdul Razak Hussein, Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Adnan Hussein (born 1954), Lebanese politician
- Ali bin Hussein of Hejaz, King of Hejaz and Grand Sharif of Mecca
- Ameena Hussein (born 1964), Sri Lankan writer, editor and sociologist
- Fouad Hussein, Jordanian journalist
- Mahmoud Hussein, Egyptian journalist
- Mohd Faizol Hussien, Malaysian football player
- Nedal Hussein, Australian boxer of the 1990s and 2000s
- Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, Danish gunman in the 2015 Copenhagen shootings
- Sadqa Hussein (1876–1961), rabbinical judge of the Iraqi Jews in Jerusalem
- Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein, Pretender to the Iraqi throne and the leader of the Iraqi Constitutional Monarchy political party
- Shelomo Bekhor Hussein (1843–1892), rabbi, author, and publisher in Baghdad, Ottoman Iraq
- Taha Hussein, Egyptian writer and Arabic literary scholar
- Youssef Hussein (born 1988), Egyptian comedian
Family of Saddam Hussein of Iraq[edit]
- Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq (1979–2003)
- Uday Hussein, son
- Qusay Hussein, son
- Raghad Hussein, daughter
- Rana Hussein, daughter
- Hala Hussein, daughter
Royal family of Jordan[edit]
- Abdullah II bin al-Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- Ali bin Hussein of Jordan, son of King Hussein of Jordan and his third wife
- Alia al Hussein, third wife of King Hussein of Jordan
- Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan (born 1994), son of Abdullah II
- Princess Muna al-Hussein, second wife of King Hussein of Jordan
Huseyin / Hüseyin[edit]
- Metin Hüseyin, English film director
Huseyn / Hüseyn[edit]
- Mehdi Huseyn (1909–1965), Azerbaijani and Soviet writer and critic
Huseynov / Guseynov / Гусейнов[edit]
- Abdusalam Guseynov, Lezgian philosopher and ethicist
See also[edit]
- Abdul Hussein, Arabic theophoric name
- Arabic name
- Houssin
- Husseini
- Al Hussein (missile), an Iraqi ballistic missile
- ^ Discovering Islam: Making Sense of Muslim History by Akbar S. Ahmed, 1988, page 57.
- ^
E.g. in Encyclopedia Iranica, the spelling Ḥosayn is found (Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, «Shahrbanu» in Encyclopedia Iranica (2005)
[1] Archived March 11, 2007, at the Wayback Machine) - ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, First Edition (1913-1936) — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE — Brill
- ^ a b al-Qarashi, Baqir Sharif (2007). The life of Imam Husain (‘a). Qum: Ansariyan Publications.
(Redirected from Husayn (name))
«Hussain» redirects here. For the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, see Husayn ibn Ali.
Hussein, Hussain, Hossein, Hossain, Huseyn, Husayn, Husein or Husain (; Arabic: حُسَيْن Ḥusayn), coming from the triconsonantal root Ḥ-S-N (Arabic: ح س ن), is an Arabic name which is the diminutive of Hassan, meaning «good», «handsome» or «beautiful». It is commonly given as a male given name, particularly among Shias.[1]
In Persian language contexts, the transliterations Ḥosayn, Hosayn, or Hossein are sometimes used.[2]
In the transliteration of Indo-Aryan languages, the forms «Hussain» or «Hossain» may be used.
Other variants include Husên, Husejin, Husejn, Husain, Hisên, Hussain, Husayin, Hussayin, Hüseyin, Husseyin, Huseyn, Hossain, Hosein, Husseyn (etc.). The Encyclopaedia of Islam, which follows a standardized way for transliterating Arabic names, used the form «Ḥusain» in its first edition and «Ḥusayn» in its second and third editions.[3][4][5]
Calligraphic representation of Al-Hussain name |
Pronunciation | Arabic: [ħuˈsajn, -eːn, ħo-, ħʊ-] Egyptian Arabic: [ħeˈseːn, ħoˈseːn] Persian: [ho’sejn] Turkish: [hyˈsejin] |
Gender | Male |
Origin | |
Word/name | Arabic |
Meaning | Handsome |
Region of origin | Arabia |
Other names | |
Related names | Hassan |
This name was not used in the pre-Islamic period,[6] and is recorded to have been first used by the Islamic prophet Muhammad when he named his grandson Husayn ibn Ali, saying he had been commanded to do so by Allah through the archangel Gabriel.[6]
Given nameEdit
- Hossein Alizadeh, Iranian musician
- Hossein Fekri, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Ghanbari, Iranian footballer
- Hossein Marashi, Iranian politician
- Hossein Namazi, Iranian economist and politician
- Hossein Navab, Iranian diplomat
- Hossein Nuri, Iranian artist
- Hossein Panahi, Iranian actor
- Hossein Rajabian, Iranian filmmaker
- Hossein Rezazadeh, Iranian weightlifter
- Hossein Tehrani, Iranian musician
- Hossein Valamanesh (1949–2022), Iranian-born Australian artist
- Hossein Moghadami (2003-present), Iranian scientist based in italy
- Houssein Rizk (born 1997), Lebanese footballer
- Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad
- Husayn (Safavid), former Safavid king of Persia
- Husayn Bayqarah, Timurid ruler of Herat from 1469 to his death
- Husayn ibn Hamdan, a general in the Abbasid Caliphate
- Husayn ibn Numayr, a general of the Umayyad Caliphate
- Husein Gradaščević, Bosniak 19th-century leader and rebel
- Husein Miljković, Bosnian military commander
- Husein Kavazović, Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Husein Alicajic, Australian filmmaker
- Husein Balić, Austrian footballer
- Husein Beganović, Macedonian footballer
- Hussain Ahmed, Emirati basketball player
- Hussain Sajwani (born 1952/53), Emirati billionaire property developer
- Hussain Karim (born 1974), Canadian filmmaker and cinematographer
- Hussein Adan Isack (born 1957), Kenyan naturalist, ethnobiologist and ornithology research scientist
- Hussein M. Adam (1943–2017), Somali professor of political science
- Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, Sherif and Emir of Mecca
- Hussein Chalayan, British/Turkish Cypriot fashion designer
- Hussein el-Husseini, former Lebanese Parliament Speaker
- Hussein Hasan, Somali poet and warrior
- Hussein Fatal, American rap artist from 2Pac’s Outlawz group
- Hussein Hamdan, Lebanese football player
- Hussein Ibish (born 1963), American academic
- Hussein ibn Ali, grandson of the prophet Muhammad and son of Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib
- Hussein Kamel al-Majid, son-in-law of Saddam Hussein
- Hussein Kamel of Egypt, Sultan of Egypt
- Hussein Naeem, Lebanese football player
- Hussein of Jordan, King of Jordan
- Hussein Onn, third Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Hussein Zedan (1953–2019), Egyptian computer scientist
- Hussein Zein (born 1995), Lebanese footballer
- Hüseyin Alkan (born 1988), Turkish Paralympian goalball player
- Hüseyin Avni (disambiguation), multiple people
- Hüseyin Çapkın (born 1951), Turkish police chief
- Hüseyin Dündar (born 1986), Turkish boxer
- Hüseyin Er (1985–2021), British-Turkish deaf football player
- Hüseyin Erkan (born 1958), Turkish high-ranking civil servant
- Hüseyin Hilmi Işık (1911–2001), Turkish Islamic scholar
- Hüseyin Kandemir (born 1986), Turkish rower
- Hüseyin Kıvrıkoğlu (born 1934), Turkish general
- Hüseyin Koç (born 1979), Turkish volleyball player
- Hüseyin Özer (born 1949), Turkish-British executive chef and restaurateur
- Hüseyin Sayram (1905–1988), Turkish politician
- Hüseyin Tavur (born 1972), Turkish football manager
- Hüseyin Yıldırım (born 1928), convicted Turkish spy of Cold War era
- Hüseyin Yıldız (born 1979), Turkish futsal player
- Huseyn Arablinski (1881–1919), Azerbaijani actor
- Huseyn Derya (1975–2014), Azerbaijani rapper and actor
- Huseyn Javid (1882–1941), Azerbaijani poet and playwright
- Huseyn Khan Nakhchivanski (1863–1919), Russian Cavalry General of Azerbaijani origin
- Huseyn Seyidzadeh (1910–1979), Azerbaijani film director
- Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (1892–1963), Bengali politician and statesman
- Hüseyin Gezer (1920–2013), Turkish sculptor
- Rubel Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mosaddek Hossain Saikat, Bangladeshi cricketer
Middle nameEdit
- Amin Hossein Rahimi (born 1968), Iranian politician
- Barack Hussein Obama II, 44th President of the United States
- Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., father of the forty-fourth US president
- Khadim Hussain Rizvi, Pakistani Muslim scholar and politician
- Saddam Hussein, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, fifth President of Iraq
Patronymic titleEdit
- Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin, Islamic scholar of the Umayyad era. He is considered 4th shia Imam by the Twelver, Zaydi and Isma’ili shia sects.
- Ali ibn Husayn, son of Husayn ibn Ali
- Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn
- Ruqayya bint Husayn, daughter of Husayn ibn Ali
- Fatimah bint Husayn, also known as Fatimah as-Sughra
- Fatimah bint Husayn was the daughter of Husayn ibn Ali and his wife Umm Ishaq bint Talha
- Tahir ibn Husayn, Abbasid general and governor under Al-Ma’mun (r. 813–833)
- Abdullah bin Hussein, also known as Abdullah I, was the King of Jordan from 25 May 1946 – 20 July 1951
- Abdul Mannan Hossain, Indian politician
- Adil Hussain, Indian actor
- Akbar Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Anwar Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Ashraf Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Delwar Hossain Sayeedi, Bangladeshi Islamic lecturer and politician
- Faisal Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Hasibul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Ismail Hossain Siraji, Bengali writer
- Kamal Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Makbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Md. Mokbul Hossain Meherpuri, Bangladeshi politician
- Mehrab Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Mir Mosharraf Hossain, Bengali writer
- M Makbul Hossain, Bangladesh Navy rear admiral
- Mockbul Hossain, Bangladeshi businessman
- Mohammed Mosharref Hossain, Bangladeshi criminal
- Mohammad Nazmul Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Mokbul Hossain, Bangladeshi politician
- Mokbul Hossain Sujanagari, Bangladeshi politician
- Nina Hossain, English journalist and presenter
- Noor Hossain (disambiguation), several people
- Saber Hossain Chowdhury, Bangladeshi politician
- Sadeque Hossain Khoka, Bangladeshi politician
- Sanwar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Selina Hossain, Bengali writer
- Shahadat Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Shahriar Hossain, Bangladeshi cricketer
- Zakir Hossain (disambiguation), several people
Hosein / HosseinEdit
- Farah Hussein (born 2001), Egyptian gymnast
- Mehnaz Hoosein (born 1973), Indian singer
- Robert Hossein, French actor, director and writer
- Imran N. Hosein, Islamic scholar specialising in Islamic eschatology
- Akeal Hosein, West Indian cricketer
- Abrar Hussain (1961–2011), Pakistani boxer
- Abrar Hussain, Pakistani military hero
- Hasib Hussain, British Islamic terrorist and perpetrator of the 7/7 attacks
- Ijaz Hussain, Pakistani cricketer
- Nasser Hussain, Essex and England cricketer
- Nauman Hussain, American businessman implicated in the Schoharie limousine crash
- Rashad Hussain, United States special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference
- Roquia Sakhawat Hussain, Bangladeshi feminist and social worker
- Rizwan Hussain, British Barrister of Bangladeshi Descent
- Syed Abdulla Hussain, Indian ornithologist
- Zakir Hussain (disambiguation), several people
- Muhammad Husayn Haykal, Egyptian writer, journalist, and politician
- Abdul Razak Hussein, Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Adnan Hussein (born 1954), Lebanese politician
- Ali bin Hussein of Hejaz, King of Hejaz and Grand Sharif of Mecca
- Ameena Hussein (born 1964), Sri Lankan writer, editor and sociologist
- Fouad Hussein, Jordanian journalist
- Mahmoud Hussein, Egyptian journalist
- Mohd Faizol Hussien, Malaysian football player
- Nedal Hussein, Australian boxer of the 1990s and 2000s
- Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, Danish gunman in the 2015 Copenhagen shootings
- Sadqa Hussein (1876–1961), rabbinical judge of the Iraqi Jews in Jerusalem
- Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein, Pretender to the Iraqi throne and the leader of the Iraqi Constitutional Monarchy political party
- Shelomo Bekhor Hussein (1843–1892), rabbi, author, and publisher in Baghdad, Ottoman Iraq
- Taha Hussein, Egyptian writer and Arabic literary scholar
- Youssef Hussein (born 1988), Egyptian comedian
Family of Saddam Hussein of IraqEdit
- Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq (1979–2003)
- Uday Hussein, son
- Qusay Hussein, son
- Raghad Hussein, daughter
- Rana Hussein, daughter
- Hala Hussein, daughter
Royal family of JordanEdit
- Abdullah II bin al-Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- Ali bin Hussein of Jordan, son of King Hussein of Jordan and his third wife
- Alia al Hussein, third wife of King Hussein of Jordan
- Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan (born 1994), son of Abdullah II
- Princess Muna al-Hussein, second wife of King Hussein of Jordan
Huseyin / HüseyinEdit
- Metin Hüseyin, English film director
Huseyn / HüseynEdit
- Mehdi Huseyn (1909–1965), Azerbaijani and Soviet writer and critic
Huseynov / Guseynov / ГусейновEdit
- Abdusalam Guseynov, Lezgian philosopher and ethicist
See alsoEdit
- Abdul Hussein, Arabic theophoric name
- Arabic name
- Houssin
- Husseini
- Al Hussein (missile), an Iraqi ballistic missile
- ^ Discovering Islam: Making Sense of Muslim History by Akbar S. Ahmed, 1988, page 57.
- ^
E.g. in Encyclopedia Iranica, the spelling Ḥosayn is found (Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, «Shahrbanu» in Encyclopedia Iranica (2005)
[1] Archived March 11, 2007, at the Wayback Machine) - ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, First Edition (1913-1936) — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition — Brill
- ^ Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE — Brill
- ^ a b al-Qarashi, Baqir Sharif (2007). The life of Imam Husain (‘a). Qum: Ansariyan Publications.