Иврит как пишут справа налево или слева направо

October 26 2017, 11:00


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Почему евреи и арабы пишут справа налево?

Сколько же еще казалось бы банальных вопросов, которые буквально постоянно у нас на глазах. Однако, ответы на них мы никогда не пытались найти потому что не замечали этого вопроса — привыкли к нему. А ведь зачастую такие вопросы скрывают интересные, глубокие и иногда просто изящные ответы.

Задумывались ли вы когда-нибудь, почему еврейская и арабская письменность имеют одну явную особенность, а именно написание справа налево? Оказывается, тому есть вполне практичное объяснение.

Семитские языки, в число которых входит и арабский, и иврит, одни из древнейших на планете. Они зарождались в то время, когда никто даже и мечтать не мог о бумаге, ведь она появилась лишь в около двух тысяч лет назад. Еврейская и арабская письменность возникла на основе древневавилонского клинописного письма, а западная традиция письма — из древнеегипетского папирусного письма.

Чтобы объяснить наглядно, в чем же между ними отличие, включим воображение. Представьте, что перед вами лежит папирус, а в руках у вас стило (тонкий ножичек). Мы нарезаем иероглифы правой рукой (85% людей — правши). При этом, то, что написано справа от нас, закрыто, зато прекрасно видно то, что слева. Возникает вопрос: как вам удобнее писать? Конечно, слева направо, поскольку так удобно видеть, что уже написано.

А теперь возьмите в руки камень, молоток и зубило. Молоток в правую руку (85%), зубило — в левую. Начнем высекать клинописные иероглифы. Левая рука с зубилом нам надежно закрывает то, что написано слева, зато то, что справа, нам хорошо видно. Как нам удобнее писать? В этом случае — справа налево.

Кстати, если внимательнее присмотреться к буквам еврейского алфавита, то можно заметить, что их своеобразная конфигурация свидетельствует о том, что изначально буквы высекались на чем-то твердом. Такие буквы гораздо проще изобразить зубилом, а не пером.

Конечно, с тех пор камень перестал быть единственным долговечным хранителем информации, но правила письма уже сформировались, так что было принято решение не менять правила письменности кардинальным образом.

Согласны с такой версией?

Почему евреи пишут справа налево?

Всё-то у евреев не как у нормальных людей! И даже пишут они в обратном направлении. В еженедельной рубрике «Нас забыли спросить» отвечаем на вопросы о евреях, которые люди обычно задают «Яндексу» и «Гуглу». Сегодня разбираемся, почему чтение и написание в иврите справа налево

«Почему евреи пишут справа налево?» — этот вопрос часто гуглят именно в такой формулировке, однако надо признать, что он не совсем корректен. Евреи уже пару тысяч лет как рассеялись по миру и до сих пор живут в разных странах. Сегодня большинство из них использует в повседневной жизни языки, в которых принято написание слева направо или даже сверху вниз: русский, английский, грузинский, японский и др. 

Справа налево пишут евреи, чей повседневный язык — иврит или идиш. А также арабский, урду, фарси и др. Ведь именно в этих языках направление письма — справа налево.

А вот теперь вполне законный вопрос: как же так получилось? 

Доподлинно учёным неизвестно. Наиболее известная теория гласит, что всё дело в материалах, которые использовались для нанесения надписей. 

Иврит и арабский — это древние языки семитской группы. Алфавиты обоих восходят к арамейскому письму, а оно, в свою очередь, к финикийскому. В стародавние времена, когда формировалось финикийское и древнееврейское письмо, бумагу и пергамент ещё не изобрели. Первые надписи зачастую высекали на камнях: в одной руке гравёр держал резец, а в другой — молоток. Помните, Моисей получил от Б-га каменные скрижали с 10 заповедями.

Так вот, этот способ письма был сопряжён с риском травмы: когда долбишь молотком по резцу, немудрено попасть по руке! Большинство людей уже тогда были правшами — поэтому они предпочитали держать молоток в правой, более сильной руке, а буквы вырезать левой. При таком раскладе писать удобней справа налево. 

Выходит, что «справаналевное» написание — признак древности. Тогда вопросики скорее не к ивриту, а к нашему более молодому, «слеванаправному» письму: с чего это оно вообще поменяло направление? 

Дело, скорее всего, в распространении новых материалов: пергамента, глины, папируса и чернил.

Правши могли легко размазать чернила, если писали справа налево. Поэтому писать начали наоборот — но это был постепенный процесс.

Например, в древнейших греческих надписях встречаются разные направления письма: слева направо, справа налево и бустрофедоном (змейкой в обоих направлениях). Но в конце концов, как мы знаем, победил «слеванаправный» вариант. Ну а латиница и кириллица основывались на греческом письме. 

Конечно, со временем и у евреев появились пергамент и чернила. Однако иврит и другие семитские языки уже, так сказать, «застыли в камне», поэтому в них продолжали писать справа налево. 

Духовный смысл 

Впрочем, иудаизм предлагает своё объяснение.

Третий Любавичский ребе, рабби Менахем Мендель, говорит, что письмо справа налево отражает общее правило иудаизма, согласно которому мы отдаём предпочтение правой стороне. Например, сначала надеваем правый ботинок и сначала моем правую руку.

Написав первую букву на краю правой стороны страницы, мы переходим к следующему свободному месту с правой стороны — оно находится сразу слева от только что написанной буквы. Соответственно, мы пишем справа налево.

Ну а почему в иудаизме предпочтение отдаётся правой стороне? В каббалистическом учении правая сторона олицетворяет доброту (хесед), а левая — силу и строгость (гевура). В еврейской жизни существует общее правило, согласно которому правая сторона имеет приоритет — и когда нужно выбирать между добротой и строгостью, на первом месте должна быть доброта.

Подготовила Аня Субич

Почему текст на арабском и иврите пишут справа налево?

Те, кто встречал тексты, написанные на арабском и иврите, возможно, заметили, что они читаются не слева направо, а справа налево. Арабский и иврит – не единственные языки с таким написанием: персидский, синдхи и урду также пишутся и читаются справа налево. Но почему?

Почему текст на арабском и иврите пишут справа налево?


Существует убедительная теория, объясняющая это, но у нее нет весомых доказательств

Известно, что современные языки переняли стили письма от стилей письма исходного языка, на котором они основаны. К примеру, в основе западных языков лежат греческий и латинский. Оба этих языка пишутся слева направо, и поэтому западные цивилизации пишут слева направо. С другой стороны, такие языки как арабский, иврит и персидский основаны на прото-ханаанском алфавите – предке финикийского письма, — которое писалось справа налево, поэтому они переняли такой стиль письма.


Ученые точно не знают, как так получилось, что греческий и латинский языки пишутся слева направо, а прото-ханаанский – справа налево. Однако есть одна убедительная теория.

Направление написания (и чтения) текста, возможно, связано с материалом, на котором эти тексты записывались. Когда до 1050 г. до н.э. сформировался прото-ханаанский алфавит, люди писали только на камне. Так как большинство людей правши, было естественно писать справа налево. В левой руке держали долото, а в правой – молот.

Но когда около 900 г. до н.э. сформировался греческий язык, появились и другие материалы для записи текстов, такие как высушенные шкуры животных (пергамент) и папирус. Писать на них удобнее было слева направо, так как правши могли легко размазать чернила, если бы они писали наоборот.

Однако и здесь есть большое «но». Понимание – это одно, а подкрепление теории доказательствами – совсем другое. Историкам еще предстоит найти убедительных исторических доказательств этой гипотезы.

This article is about the alphabet derived from the Aramaic alphabet (CE 135 – present). For the original Hebrew alphabet derived directly from the Phoenician alphabet (10th century BCE – CE 135), see Paleo-Hebrew alphabet. For the descendant script of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet, see Samaritan script. For the insect, see Hebrew character.

Hebrew alphabet
Alefbet ivri.svg
Script type


Time period

2nd–1st century BCE to present[1]
Direction right-to-left script Edit this on Wikidata
Official script  Israel
Languages Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, Mozarabic, Levantine Arabic, Aramaic
Related scripts

Parent systems

Egyptian hieroglyphs

  • Proto-Sinaitic script
    • Phoenician alphabet
      • Aramaic alphabet
        • Hebrew alphabet

Child systems

  • Yiddish alphabet
  • Square Aramaic Alphabet

Sister systems

  • Arabic
  • Nabataean
  • Syriac
  • Palmyrene
  • Mandaic
  • Pahlavi scripts
  • Sogdian
ISO 15924
ISO 15924 Hebr (125), ​Hebrew

Unicode alias


Unicode range

  • U+0590 to U+05FF
  • U+FB1D to U+FB4F
    Alphabetic Presentation Forms
 This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see Help:IPA. For the distinction between [ ], / / and ⟨ ⟩, see IPA § Brackets and transcription delimiters.

The Hebrew alphabet (Hebrew: אָלֶף־בֵּית עִבְרִי,[a] Alefbet ivri), known variously by scholars as the Ktav Ashuri, Jewish script, square script and block script, is an abjad script used in the writing of the Hebrew language and other Jewish languages, most notably Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo-Arabic, and Judeo-Persian. It is also used informally in Israel to write Levantine Arabic, especially among Druze.[2][3][4] It is an offshoot of the Imperial Aramaic alphabet, which flourished during the Achaemenid Empire and which itself derives from the Phoenician alphabet.

Historically, two separate abjad scripts have been used to write Hebrew. The original, old Hebrew script, known as the paleo-Hebrew alphabet, has been largely preserved in a variant form as the Samaritan alphabet. The present «Jewish script» or «square script», on the contrary, is a stylized form of the Aramaic alphabet and was technically known by Jewish sages as Ashurit (lit. «Assyrian script»), since its origins were alleged to be from Assyria.[5]

Various «styles» (in current terms, «fonts») of representation of the Jewish script letters described in this article also exist, including a variety of cursive Hebrew styles. In the remainder of this article, the term «Hebrew alphabet» refers to the square script unless otherwise indicated.

The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters. It does not have case. Five letters have different forms when used at the end of a word. Hebrew is written from right to left. Originally, the alphabet was an abjad consisting only of consonants, but is now considered an «impure abjad». As with other abjads, such as the Arabic alphabet, during its centuries-long use scribes devised means of indicating vowel sounds by separate vowel points, known in Hebrew as niqqud. In both biblical and rabbinic Hebrew, the letters יוהא‎ can also function as matres lectionis, which is when certain consonants are used to indicate vowels. There is a trend in Modern Hebrew towards the use of matres lectionis to indicate vowels that have traditionally gone unwritten, a practice known as «full spelling».

The Yiddish alphabet, a modified version of the Hebrew alphabet used to write Yiddish, is a true alphabet, with all vowels rendered in the spelling, except in the case of inherited Hebrew words, which typically retain their Hebrew consonant-only spellings.

The Arabic and Hebrew alphabets have similarities because they are both derived from the Aramaic alphabet, which in turn derives either from paleo-Hebrew or the Phoenician alphabet, both being slight regional variations of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet used in ancient times to write the various Canaanite languages (including Hebrew, Moabite, Phoenician, Punic, et cetera).


Paleo-Hebrew alphabet containing 22 letters, period, geresh, and gershayim

The Canaanite dialects were largely indistinguishable before around 1000 BCE.[6] An example of related early Semitic inscriptions from the area include the tenth-century Gezer calendar over which scholars are divided as to whether its language is Hebrew or Phoenician and whether the script is Proto-Canaanite or paleo-Hebrew.[7][8][9][10][11][12]

A Hebrew variant of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, called the paleo-Hebrew alphabet by scholars, began to emerge around 800 BCE.[13] An example is the Siloam inscription (c. 700 BCE).[14]

The paleo-Hebrew alphabet was used in the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Following the exile of the Kingdom of Judah in the 6th century BCE (the Babylonian captivity), Jews began using a form of the Imperial Aramaic alphabet, another offshoot of the same family of scripts, which flourished during the Achaemenid Empire. The Samaritans, who remained in the Land of Israel, continued to use the paleo-Hebrew alphabet. During the 3rd century BCE, Jews began to use a stylized, «square» form of the Aramaic alphabet that was used by the Persian Empire (and which in turn had been adopted from the Assyrians),[15] while the Samaritans continued to use a form of the paleo-Hebrew script called the Samaritan alphabet. After the fall of the Persian Empire in 330 BCE, Jews used both scripts before settling on the square Assyrian form.

The square Hebrew alphabet was later adapted and used for writing languages of the Jewish diaspora – such as Karaim, the Judeo-Arabic languages, Judaeo-Spanish, and Yiddish. The Hebrew alphabet continued in use for scholarly writing in Hebrew and came again into everyday use with the rebirth of the Hebrew language as a spoken language in the 18th and 19th centuries, especially in Israel.



In the traditional form, the Hebrew alphabet is an abjad consisting only of consonants, written from right to left. It has 22 letters, five of which use different forms at the end of a word.


In the traditional form, vowels are indicated by the weak consonants Aleph (א‎), He (ה‎), Waw/Vav (ו‎), or Yodh (י‎) serving as vowel letters, or matres lectionis: the letter is combined with a previous vowel and becomes silent, or by imitation of such cases in the spelling of other forms. Also, a system of vowel points to indicate vowels (diacritics), called niqqud, was developed. In modern forms of the alphabet, as in the case of Yiddish and to some extent Modern Hebrew, vowels may be indicated. Today, the trend is toward full spelling with the weak letters acting as true vowels.

When used to write Yiddish, vowels are indicated, using certain letters, either with niqqud diacritics (e.g. אָ‎ or יִ‎) or without (e.g. ע‎ or י‎), except for Hebrew words, which in Yiddish are written in their Hebrew spelling.

To preserve the proper vowel sounds, scholars developed several different sets of vocalization and diacritical symbols called nequdot (נקודות‎‎, literally «points»). One of these, the Tiberian system, eventually prevailed. Aaron ben Moses ben Asher, and his family for several generations, are credited for refining and maintaining the system. These points are normally used only for special purposes, such as Biblical books intended for study, in poetry or when teaching the language to children. The Tiberian system also includes a set of cantillation marks, called trope or te’amim, used to indicate how scriptural passages should be chanted in synagogue recitations of scripture (although these marks do not appear in the scrolls). In everyday writing of modern Hebrew, niqqud are absent; however, patterns of how words are derived from Hebrew roots (called shorashim or «triliterals») allow Hebrew speakers to determine the vowel-structure of a given word from its consonants based on the word’s context and part of speech.


Unlike the Paleo-Hebrew writing script, the modern Ashuri script has five letters that have special final forms,[c] called sofit (Hebrew: סופית, meaning in this context «final» or «ending») form, used only at the end of a word, somewhat as in the Greek or in the Arabic and Mandaic alphabets.[b] These are shown below the normal form in the following table (letter names are Unicode standard[16][17]). Although Hebrew is read and written from right to left, the following table shows the letters in order from left to right.



Gimel Dalet



Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf
א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ
Lamed Mem


Samech Ayin


Tsadi Qof Resh


ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת
ם ן ף ץ



The descriptions that follow are based on the pronunciation of modern standard Israeli Hebrew.

letter IPA Name of letter Pronunciation
Unicode[16][17] Hebrew[18] Modern Hebrew
Yiddish / Ashkenazi


Approximate western European equivalent[19]
א [ʔ], Alef אָלֶף /ʔalɛf/ /ʔaləf/ /ʔalɛf/ (silent)
בּ [b] Bet בֵּית /bet/ /bɛɪs/, /bɛɪz/ /bɛt/ b as in black
ב [v] בֵית /vet/ /vɛɪs/, /vɛɪz/ /vɛt/ v as in vogue
גּ [ɡ] Gimel גִּימֵל /ˈɡimel/ /ˈɡɪməl/ /ˈɡimɛl/ g as in gourd
ג [ɣ]~[ʁ] גִימֵל /ɣɪmεl/ gh as in Arabic ghoul
דּ [d] Dalet דָּלֶת /ˈdalɛt/, /ˈdalɛd/ /ˈdaləd/, /ˈdaləs/ /ˈdalɛt/ d as in doll
ד [ð] דָלֶת /ðalεt/ th as in this
ה [h]~[ʔ], He הֵא /he/, /hej/ /hɛɪ/ /he/ h as in hold
ו [v], [w] Vav וָו /vav/ /vɔv/ /vav/ v as in vogue
ז [z] Zayin זַיִן /ˈzajin/, /ˈza.in/ /ˈzajɪn/ /ˈzajin/ z as in zoo
ח [x]~[χ] Chet חֵית /χet/ /χɛs/ /ħɛt/ ch as in bach (IPA is [χ͡ʀ̥])
ט [t] Tet טֵית /tet/ /tɛs/ /tɛt/ t as in tool
י [j] Yod יוֹד /jod/, /jud/ /jʊd/ /jud/ y as in yolk
כּ [k] Kaf כַּף /kaf/ /kɔf/ /kaf/ k as in king
כ [x]~[χ] כַף /χaf/ /χɔf/ /χaf/ ch as in bach (IPA is [χ͡ʀ̥])
ךּ [k] כַּף סוֹפִית /kaf sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə kɔf/ /kaf sofit/ k as in king
ך [x]~[χ] כַף סוֹפִית /χaf sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə χɔf/ /χaf sofit/ ch as in bach (IPA is [χ͡ʀ̥])
ל [l] Lamed לָמֶד /ˈlamɛd/ /ˈlaməd/ /ˈlamɛd/ l as in luck
מ [m] Mem מֵם /mem/ /mɛm/ /mɛm/ m as in mother
ם מֵם סוֹפִית /mem sofit/ /ˈʃlɔs mɛm/ /mɛm sofit/ m as in mother
נ [n] Nun נוּן /nun/ /nʊn/ /nun/ n as in night
ן נוּן סוֹפִית /nun sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə nʊn/ /nun sofit/ n as in night
ס [s] Samekh ְסָמֶךְ /ˈsamɛχ/ /ˈsaməχ/ /ˈsamɛχ/ s as in sight
ע [ʔ]~[ʕ], Ayin עַיִן /ʔajin/, /ʔa.in/ /ʔajɪn/ /ʕajin/ When ʔ, as in button [ˈbʌʔn̩] or clipboard [ˌklɪʔ⁠ˈbɔɹd]. When ʕ, no English equivalent.
פּ [p] Pe פֵּא, פֵּה /pe/, /pej/ /pɛɪ/ /pe/ p as in pool
פ [f] פֵא, פֵה /fe/, /fej/ /fɛɪ/ /fe/ f as in full
ףּ [p] פֵּא סוֹפִית,
פֵּה סוֹפִית
/pe sofit/, /pej sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə pɛɪ/ /pe sofit/ p as in pool
ף [f] פֵא סוֹפִית,
פֵה סוֹפִית
/fe sofit/, /fej sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə fɛɪ/ /fe sofit/ f as in full
צ [t͡s] Tsadi צָדִי /ˈtsadi/ /ˈtsadi/, /ˈtsadɪk/ /ˈtsadik/ ts as in cats
ץ צָדִי סוֹפִית /ˈtsadi sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə ˈtsadɪk/, /ˈlaŋɡə ˈtsadək/ /ˈtsadik sofit/ ts as in cats
ק [k] Qof קוֹף /kuf/, /kof/ /kʊf/ /kuf/ k as in king
ר [ɣ]~[ʁ] Resh רֵישׁ /ʁeʃ/ /ʁɛɪʃ/ /reʃ/ r as in French «r» ([ɣ~ʁ]-[ʁ͡ʀ])
שׁ [ʃ] Shin שִׁין /ʃin/ /ʃɪn/ /ʃin/ sh as in shop
שׂ [s] שִׂין /sin/ /sɪn/ /sin/ s as in sight
תּ [t] Tav תָּו /tav/, /taf/ /tɔv/, /tɔf/ /tav/ t as in tool
ת [θ] תָו /sɔv/, /sɔf/ /θav/ th as in thought

By analogy with the other dotted/dotless pairs, dotless tav, ת, would be expected to be pronounced /θ/ (voiceless dental fricative), and dotless dalet ד as /ð/ (voiced dental fricative), but these were lost among most Jews due to their not existing in the countries where they lived (such as in nearly all of Eastern Europe). Yiddish modified /θ/ to /s/ (cf. seseo in Spanish), but in modern Israeli Hebrew, it is simply pronounced /t/. Likewise, historical /ð/ is simply pronounced /d/.

Shin and sin[edit]

Shin and sin are represented by the same letter, ש‎, but are two separate phonemes. When vowel diacritics are used, the two phonemes are differentiated with a shin-dot or sin-dot; the shin-dot is above the upper-right side of the letter, and the sin-dot is above the upper-left side of the letter.

Symbol Name Transliteration IPA Example
שׁ (right dot) shin sh /ʃ/ shower
שׂ (left dot) sin s /s/ sour

Historically, left-dot-sin corresponds to Proto-Semitic *ś, which in biblical-Judaic-Hebrew corresponded to the voiceless alveolar lateral fricative /ɬ/, as evidenced in the Greek transliteration of Hebrew words such as balsam (בֹּשֶׂם‎) (the ls – ‘שׂ’) as is evident in the Targum Onkelos.[citation needed]


Historically, the consonants בbet, גgimmel, דdaleth, כkaf, פpe and תtav each had two sounds: one hard (plosive), and one soft (fricative), depending on the position of the letter and other factors. When vowel diacritics are used, the hard sounds are indicated by a central dot called dagesh (דגש‎), while the soft sounds lack a dagesh. In modern Hebrew, however, the dagesh only changes the pronunciation of בbet, כkaf, and פpe, and does not affect the name of the letter. The differences are as follows:

Name With dagesh Without dagesh
Symbol Transliteration IPA Example Symbol Transliteration IPA Example
bet/vet בּ b /b/ bun ב v, ḇ /v/ van
kaf [20]כּ ךּ k /k/ kangaroo כ ך kh, ch, ḵ, x /χ/ loch
pe פּ ףּ p /p/ pass פ ף f, p̄, ph /f/ find

In other dialects (mainly liturgical) there are variations from this pattern.

  • In some Sephardi and Mizrahi dialects, bet without dagesh is pronounced [b], like bet with dagesh
  • In Syrian and Yemenite Hebrew, gimel without dagesh is pronounced [ɣ].
  • In Yemenite Hebrew, and in the Iraqi pronunciation of the word «Adonai», dalet without dagesh is pronounced [ð] as in «these»
  • In Ashkenazi Hebrew, as well as Krymchaki Hebrew, tav without dagesh is pronounced [s] as in «silk»
  • In Iraqi and Yemenite Hebrew, and formerly in some other dialects, tav without dagesh is pronounced [θ] as in «thick»

Sounds represented with diacritic geresh[edit]

The sounds [t͡ʃ], [d͡ʒ], [ʒ], written ⟨צ׳‎⟩, ⟨ג׳‎⟩, ⟨ז׳‎⟩, and [w], non-standardly sometimes transliterated ⟨וו‎⟩, are often found in slang and loanwords that are part of the everyday Hebrew colloquial vocabulary. The symbol resembling an apostrophe after the Hebrew letter modifies the pronunciation of the letter and is called a geresh.

Hebrew slang and loanwords
Name Symbol IPA Transliteration Example
Gimel with a geresh ג׳ [d͡ʒ] ǧ[21] ǧáḥnun [ˈd͡ʒaχnun] גַּ׳חְנוּן
Zayin with a geresh ז׳ [ʒ] ž[21] koláž [koˈlaʒ] קוֹלַאז׳
Tsadi with a geresh צ׳ [t͡ʃ] č[21] čupár (treat) [t͡ʃuˈpar] צ׳וּפָּר
Vav with a geresh
or double Vav
וו or ו׳ (non standard)[] [w] w awánta (boastful act) [aˈwanta] אַוַונְטַה

The pronunciation of the following letters can also be modified with the geresh diacritic. The represented sounds are however foreign to Hebrew phonology, i.e., these symbols mainly represent sounds in foreign words or names when transliterated with the Hebrew alphabet, and not loanwords.

Transliteration of non-native sounds
Name Symbol IPA Arabic letter Example Comment
Dalet with a geresh ד׳ [ð] Dhāl (ذ)
Voiced th
Dhū al-Ḥijjah (ذو الحجة)‎ ד׳ו אל-חיג׳ה * Also used for English voiced th
* Often a simple ד‎ is written.
Tav with a geresh ת׳ [θ] Thāʼ ()
Voiceless th
Thurston ת׳רסטון
Chet with a geresh ח׳ [χ] Khāʼ (خ‎) Sheikh (شيخ)‎ שייח׳ * Unlike the other sounds in this table, the sound [χ] represented by ח׳‎ is indeed a native sound in Hebrew; the geresh is however used only when transliteration must distinguish between [χ] and [ħ], in which case ח׳‎ transliterates the former and ח the latter, whereas in everyday usage ח without geresh is pronounced [ħ] only dialectically but [χ] commonly.
Ayin with a geresh
Resh with a geresh
[ʁ] Ghayn (غ) Ghajar (غجر);
Ghalib (غالب)
The guidelines specified by the Academy of the Hebrew Language prefer Resh with a geresh (ר׳‎); however, this guideline is not universally followed

Geresh is also used to denote an abbreviation consisting of a single Hebrew letter, while gershayim (a doubled geresh) are used to denote acronyms pronounced as a string of letters; geresh and gershayim are also used to denote Hebrew numerals consisting of a single Hebrew letter or of multiple Hebrew letters, respectively. Geresh is also the name of a cantillation mark used for Torah recitation, though its visual appearance and function are different in that context.

Identical pronunciation[edit]

In much of Israel’s general population, especially where Ashkenazic pronunciation is prevalent, many letters have the same pronunciation. They are as follows:

Letters Transliteration Pronunciation (IPA)
Usually when in medial word position:
(separation of vowels in a hiatus)
When in initial or final word position, sometimes also in medial word position:
ʼ /ʔ/
(glottal plosive)
Bet (without dagesh) Vet
v /v/
Kaf (without dagesh)
kh/ch/h /χ/
t /t/
Kaf (with dagesh)
k /k/
Sin (with left dot)
s /s/
and תשׂ
ts/tz /ts/
Tsadi (with geresh)
and תשׁ
ch/tsh (chair) /tʃ/

* Varyingly

Ancient Hebrew pronunciation[edit]

Some of the variations in sound mentioned above are due to a systematic feature of Ancient Hebrew. The six consonants /b ɡ d k p t/ were pronounced differently depending on their position. These letters were also called BeGeD KeFeT letters . The full details are very complex; this summary omits some points. They were pronounced as plosives /b ɡ d k p t/ at the beginning of a syllable, or when doubled. They were pronounced as fricatives /v ɣ ð x f θ/ when preceded by a vowel (commonly indicated with a macron, ḇ ḡ ḏ ḵ p̄ ṯ). The plosive and double pronunciations were indicated by the dagesh. In Modern Hebrew the sounds ḏ and ḡ have reverted to [d] and [ɡ], respectively, and ṯ has become [t], so only the remaining three consonants /b k p/ show variation. רresh may have also been a «doubled» letter, making the list BeGeD KePoReT. (Sefer Yetzirah, 4:1)

  • חchet and עayin represented pharyngeal fricatives, צtsadi represented the emphatic consonant /sˤ/, טtet represented the emphatic consonant /tˤ/, and קqof represented the uvular plosive /q/. All these are common Semitic consonants.
  • שׂsin (the /s/ variant of שshin) was originally different from both שׁshin and סsamekh, but had become /s/ the same as סsamekh by the time the vowel pointing was devised. Because of cognates with other Semitic languages, this phoneme is known to have originally been a lateral consonant, most likely the voiceless alveolar lateral fricative /ɬ/ (the sound of modern Welsh ll) or the voiceless alveolar lateral affricate /tɬ/ (like Náhuatl tl).

Regional and historical variation[edit]

The following table contains the pronunciation of the Hebrew letters in reconstructed historical forms and dialects using the International Phonetic Alphabet. The apostrophe-looking symbol after some letters is not a yud but a geresh. It is used for loanwords with non-native Hebrew sounds. The dot in the middle of some of the letters, called a «dagesh kal», also modifies the sounds of the letters ב, כ and פ in modern Hebrew (in some forms of Hebrew it modifies also the sounds of the letters ג, ד and/or ת; the «dagesh chazak» – orthographically indistinguishable from the «dagesh kal» – designates gemination, which today is realized only rarely – e.g. in biblical recitations or when using Arabic loanwords).

Symbol Pronunciation
Israeli Ashkenazi Sephardi Yemenite Reconstructed Arabic equivalent
Tiberian Mishnaic Biblical
א [ʔ, -] [ – ] [ʔ, -] [ʔ, -] [ʔ, -] [ʔ, -] [ʔ] ا / ء
בּ [b] [b] [b] [b] [b] [b] [b] ب
ב [v] [v~v̥] [b~β~v] [β] [v] [β]
גּ [ɡ] [ɡ~ɡ̊] [ɡ] [dʒ] [ɡ] [ɡ] [ɡ] ج
ג [ɡ~ɣ] [ɣ] [ɣ] [ɣ] غ
דּ [d] [d~d̥] [d̪] [d̪] [d̪] [d̪] [d̪] د
ד [d̪~ð] [ð] [ð] [ð] ذ
ה [h~ʔ, -] [h, -] [h, -] [h, -] [h, -] [h, -] [h] ه
ו [v] [v~v̥] [v] [w] [w] [w] [w] و
וּ [uː] [uː] [uː] [əw] ? ? ? ـُو
וֹ [o̞ː] [əʊ, ɐʊ] [oː] [œː] ? ? ? ـُو
ז [z] [z~z̥] [z] [z] [z] [z] [z] ز
ח [x~χ] [x] [ħ] [ħ] [ħ] [ħ] [ħ, χ] ح
ט [t] [t] [t̪] [t̴̪] (1) [t̴̪] [t̪ˤ] (2) [t̪ʼ] (3) ط
י [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] ي
ִי [iː] [iː] [iː] [iː] ? ? ? ـِي
כּ ךּ [k] [k] [k] [k] [k] [k] [k] ك
כ ך [x~χ] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] خ
ל [l] [l~ɫ] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] ل
מ ם [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] م
נ ן [n] [n] [n̪] [n̪] [n̪] [n̪] [n̪] ن
ס [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] س / ض[a]
ע [ʕ, — ] [ – ] [ʕ, ŋ, — ] [ʕ] [ʕ] [ʕ] [ʕ, ʁ] ع
פּ ףּ [p] [p] [p] [p] [p] [p] [p] پ
פ ף [f] [f] [f] [f] [f] [ɸ] ف
צ ץ [t͡s] [t͡s] [t͡s] [s̴] (1) [s̴] [sˤ] (2) [sʼ, ɬʼ, θʼ] (3) ص
ק [k] [k] [k] [ɡ], [ɢ], [q] [q] [q] [kʼ] (3) ق
ר [ɣ~ʁ] [ɹ]~[ʀ] [r]~[ɾ] [r]~[ɾ] [ʀ] [r] [r] ر
שׁ [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ] ش
שׂ [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [ɬ] س
תּ [t] [t] [t] [t̪] [t̪] [t̪] [t̪] ت
ת [s] [θ] [θ] [θ] ث
  1. velarized or pharyngealized
  2. pharyngealized
  3. sometimes said to be ejective but more likely glottalized.


Matres lectionis[edit]

אalef, עayin, וwaw/vav and יyod are letters that can sometimes indicate a vowel instead of a consonant (which would be, respectively, /ʔ/, /ʕ/, /v/ and /j/). When they do, ו‎ and י‎ are considered to constitute part of the vowel designation in combination with a niqqud symbol – a vowel diacritic (whether or not the diacritic is marked), whereas א‎ and ע‎ are considered to be mute, their role being purely indicative of the non-marked vowel.

Letter Name
of letter
when letter
Name of
vowel designation
א alef /ʔ/ ê, ệ, ậ, â, ô
ע ayin /ʔ/ or /ʕ/ ê, ệ, ậ, â, ô
ו waw/vav /w/ or /v/ וֹ ḥolám malé ô
וּ shurúq û
י yud /j/ ִ י ḥiríq malé î
ֵ י tseré malé ê, ệ

Vowel points[edit]

Niqqud is the system of dots that help determine vowels and consonants. In Hebrew, all forms of niqqud are often omitted in writing, except for children’s books, prayer books, poetry, foreign words, and words which would be ambiguous to pronounce. Israeli Hebrew has five vowel phonemes, /i e a o u/, but many more written symbols for them:

Name Symbol Written Position Israeli Hebrew
IPA Transliteration English
Hiriq Hebrew Hiriq.svg vowel written below consonant [i] i meet
Tsere Hebrew Zeire.svg vowel written below consonant [e̞], ([e̞j] with
succeeding yod)
eh (precise pronunciation); ei (imprecise due to modern pronunciation, even if with succeeding yod – see Note 2) bed, penguin
Segol Hebrew Segol.svg vowel written below consonant [e̞] e men
Patach Hebrew Patah.svg vowel written below consonant [ä] a father
Kamatz Hebrew Qamaz.svg vowel written below consonant [ä], (or [o̞]) ah, (or oh) father, loɡin
Holam Haser Hebrew Holam.svg vowel written above consonant [o̞] o home
Holam Male וֹ isolated vowel written on its own
Shuruk וּ isolated vowel written on its own [u] u food
Kubutz Hebrew Backslash Qubuz.svg vowel written below consonant

Note 1: The circle represents whatever Hebrew letter is used.
Note 2: The pronunciation of tsere and sometimes segol – with or without the letter yod – is sometimes ei in Modern Hebrew. This is not correct in the normative pronunciation and not consistent in the spoken language.[22]
Note 3: The dagesh, mappiq, and shuruk have different functions, even though they look the same.
Note 4: The letter ו (waw/vav) is used since it can only be represented by that letter.


By adding a vertical line (called Meteg) underneath the letter and to the left of the vowel point, the vowel is made long. The meteg is only used in Biblical Hebrew, not Modern Hebrew.


By adding two vertical dots (called Sh’va) underneath the letter, the vowel is made very short. When sh’va is placed on the first letter of the word, mostly it is «è» (but in some instances, it makes the first letter silent without a vowel (vowel-less): e.g. וְ to «w»)

Name Symbol Israeli Hebrew
IPA Transliteration English
Shva Tilde Schwa.svg [e̞] or apostrophe, e,
or silent
met or silent
Reduced Segol Hataf Segol.svg [e̞] e met
Reduced Patach Hataf Patah.svg [ä] a cat
Reduced Kamatz Hataf Qamaz.svg [o̞] o on
Comparison table[edit]
Vowel comparison table [23]

Vowel length
(phonetically not manifested in Israeli Hebrew)
IPA Transliteration English
Long Short Very Short
ָ ַ ֲ [ä] a fall
ֵ ֶ ֱ [e̞] e men
וֹ ֹ ֳ [o̞] o joke
וּ ֻ [u] u duty
ִ י ִ [i] i media
Note I: By adding two vertical dots (sh’va) ְ
the vowel is made very short.
Note II: The short o and long a have the same niqqud.
Note III: The short o is usually promoted to a long o
in Israeli writing for the sake of disambiguation
Note IV: The short u is usually promoted to a long u
in Israeli writing for the sake of disambiguation


The symbol ״‎ is called a gershayim and is a punctuation mark used in the Hebrew language to denote acronyms. It is written before the last letter in the acronym, e.g. ר״ת‎. Gershayim is also the name of a cantillation mark in the reading of the Torah, printed above the accented letter, e.g. א֞‎.

Stylistic variants[edit]

The following table displays typographic and chirographic variants of each letter. For the five letters that have a different final form used at the end of words, the final forms are displayed beneath the regular form.

The block (square, or «print» type) and cursive («handwritten» type) are the only variants in widespread contemporary use. Rashi is also used, for historical reasons, in a handful of standard texts.

Contemporary Early modern Ancestral
Block serif Block sans-serif Cursive Rashi Phoenician Paleo-Hebrew Aramaic
Alef א א Hebrew letter Alef handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Alef Rashi.png 𐤀 Alef Aleph.svg
Bet ב ב Hebrew letter Bet handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Bet Rashi.png 𐤁 Bet Beth.svg
Gimel ג ג Hebrew letter Gimel handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Gimel Rashi.png 𐤂 Gimel Igimel.png
Dalet ד ד Hebrew letter Daled handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Daled Rashi.png 𐤃 Daled Daleth.svg
He ה ה Hebrew letter He handwriting.svg Hebrew letter He Rashi.png 𐤄 Heh He0.svg
Vav (Unicode)[16] / Waw ו ו Hebrew letter Vav handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Vav Rashi.png 𐤅 Vav Waw.svg
Zayin ז ז Hebrew letter Zayin handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Zayin Rashi.png 𐤆 Zayin Zayin.svg
Chet ח ח Hebrew letter Het handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Het Rashi.png 𐤇 Khet Heth.svg
Tet ט ט Hebrew letter Tet handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Tet Rashi.png 𐤈 Tet Teth.svg
Yod י י Hebrew letter Yud handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Yud Rashi.png 𐤉 Yud Yod.svg
Kaf כ כ Hebrew letter Kaf handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Kaf-nonfinal Rashi.png 𐤊 Khof Kaph.svg
Final Kaf ך ך Hebrew letter Kaf-final handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Kaf-final Rashi.png
Lamed ל ל Hebrew letter Lamed handwriting.svg Lamed (Rashi-script - Hebrew letter).svg 𐤋 Lamed Lamed.svg
Mem מ מ Hebrew letter Mem handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Mem-nonfinal Rashi.png 𐤌 Mem Mem.svg
Final Mem ם ם Hebrew letter Mem-final handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Mem-final Rashi.png
Nun נ נ Hebrew letter Nun handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Nun-nonfinal Rashi.png 𐤍 Nun Nun.svg
Final Nun ן ן Hebrew letter Nun-final handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Nun-final Rashi.png
Samekh ס ס Hebrew letter Samekh handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Samekh Rashi.png 𐤎 Samekh Samekh.svg
Ayin ע ע Hebrew letter Ayin handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Ayin Rashi.png 𐤏 Ayin Ayin.svg
Pe פ פ Hebrew letter Pe handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Pe-nonfinal Rashi.png 𐤐 Pey Pe0.svg
Final Pe ף ף Hebrew letter Pe-final handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Pe-final Rashi.png
Tsadi צ צ Hebrew letter Tsadik handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Tsadik-nonfinal Rashi.png 𐤑 Tzadi Sade 1.svg, Sade 2.svg
Final Tsadi ץ ץ Hebrew letter Tsadik-final handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Tsadik-final Rashi.png
Qof ק ק Hebrew letter Kuf handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Kuf Rashi.png 𐤒 Quf Qoph.svg
Resh ר ר Hebrew letter Resh handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Resh Rashi.png 𐤓 Resh Resh.svg
Shin ש ש Hebrew letter Shin handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Shin Rashi.png 𐤔 Shin Shin.svg
Tav ת ת Hebrew letter Taf handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Taf Rashi.png 𐤕 Tof Taw.svg

Yiddish symbols[edit]

Symbol Explanation
װ ױ ײ ײַ These are intended for Yiddish. They are not used in Hebrew, aside from in loan words[d]. They are possible to visually recreate using a sequence of letters, וו וי יי‎, except when a diacritic is inserted underneath that it would not appear in the middle.
בֿ The rafe (רפה‎) diacritic is no longer regularly used in Hebrew. In Masoretic Texts and some other older texts, lenited consonants and sometimes matres lectionis are indicated by a small line on top of the letter. Its use has been largely discontinued in modern printed texts. It is still used to mark fricative consonants in the YIVO orthography of Yiddish.

Numeric values of letters[edit]

Following the adoption of Greek Hellenistic alphabetic numeration practice, Hebrew letters started being used to denote numbers in the late 2nd century BC,[24] and performed this arithmetic function for about a thousand years. Nowadays alphanumeric notation is used only in specific contexts, e.g. denoting dates in the Hebrew calendar, denoting grades of school in Israel, other listings (e.g. שלב א׳, שלב ב׳ – «phase a, phase b»), commonly in Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) in a practice known as gematria, and often in religious contexts.

letter numeric value letter numeric value letter numeric value
א 1 י 10 ק 100
ב 2 כ 20 ר 200
ג 3 ל 30 ש 300
ד 4 מ 40 ת 400
ה 5 נ 50
ו 6 ס 60
ז 7 ע 70
ח 8 פ 80
ט 9 צ 90

The numbers 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 are commonly represented by the juxtapositions ק״ת, ר״ת, ש״ת, ת״ת, and ק״תת respectively.
Adding a geresh («׳») to a letter multiplies its value by one thousand, for example, the year 5778 is portrayed as ה׳תשע״ח, where ה׳ represents 5000, and תשע״ח represents 778.

Transliterations and transcriptions[edit]

The following table lists transliterations and transcriptions of Hebrew letters used in Modern Hebrew.


  • For some letters, the Academy of the Hebrew Language offers a precise transliteration that differs from the regular standard it has set. When omitted, no such precise alternative exists and the regular standard applies.
  • The IPA phonemic transcription is specified whenever it uses a different symbol from the one used for the regular standard Israeli transliteration.
  • The IPA phonetic transcription is specified whenever it differs from IPA phonemic transcription.

Note: SBL’s transliteration system, recommended in its Handbook of Style,[25] differs slightly from the 2006 precise transliteration system of the Academy of the Hebrew Language; for «צ» SBL uses «ṣ» (≠ AHL «ẓ»), and for בג״ד כפ״ת with no dagesh, SBL uses the same symbols as for with dagesh (i.e. «b», «g», «d», «k», «f», «t»).

Click «show» to view extended table including examples.
Hebrew letter example Translation Standard
example standard
example IPA phonemic
example IPA phonetic

consonantal, in
initial word

אִם if none[A1] im [ʔ] [ʔim]

consonantal, in
non initial word

שָׁאַל asked sha’ál ʾ shaʾál /ʔ/ /ʃaˈʔal/


רִאשׁוֹן first none[A2] rishón
בּ בֵּן son b ben
ב טוֹב good v tov
גּ גַּג roof g gag g gaḡ
ג׳ ג׳וּק roach ǧ[B1][21] ǧuk /d͡ʒ/ /d͡ʒuk/
דּ דּוּד boiler d dud d duḏ


הֵד echo h hed


פֹּה here none[A3] po


וָו hook v vav w waw
וּ הוּא he u hu
וֹ לוֹ to him o lo [o̞] or [ɔ̝] [lo̞, lɔ̝]
ז זֶה this z ze
ז׳ זָ׳רְגוֹן jargon ž[B2][21] žargón /ʒ/ /ʒarˈɡon/
ח חַם hot [C1] ẖam ḥam /x/ or /χ/ /xam/ [χ] [χam]
ט קָט tiny t kat kaṭ


יָם sea y yam /j/ /jam/

part of hirik male
(/i/ vowel)

בִּי in me i bi

part of tsere male
(/e/ vowel or
/ei/ diphthong)

מֵידָע information e medá é médá /e/ or /ej/ /meˈda/ or /mejˈda/ [e̞] or /e̞j/ [me̞ˈda] or [me̞jˈda]
כּ, ךּ[20] כֹּה so k ko
כ, ך סְכָךְ branch-roofing kh [C2] skhakh sḵaḵ /x/ or /χ/ /sxax/ [χ] [sχaχ]
ל לִי to me l li
מ, ם מוּם defect m mum
נ, ן נִין great-grandson n nin
ס סוֹף end s sof

in initial or final
word positions

עַדְלֹאיָדַע Purim-parade none[A4] adloyáda ʿ ʿadloyádaʿ only in initial
word position

in medial
word positions

מוֹעִיל useful mo’íl ʿ moʿíl /ʔ/ /moˈʔil/
פּ[D] טִיפּ tip p tip
פ, ף פִסְפֵס missed f fisfés
צ, ץ צִיץ bud ts tsits ẓiẓ /t͡s/ /t͡sit͡s/
צ׳, ץ׳ ריצ׳רץ׳ zip č[B3][21] ríčrač /t͡ʃ/ /ˈrit͡ʃrat͡ʃ/
ק קוֹל sound k kol q qol
ר עִיר city r ir [ʀ] or [ʁ] [iʀ] or [iʁ]
[r] or [ɾ]
[ir] or [iɾ]
שׁ שָׁם there sh sham š šam /ʃ/ /ʃam/
שׂ שָׂם put s sam ś śam
תּ תּוּת strawberry t tut t tuṯ
Hebrew letter Standard
IPA phonemic
IPA phonetic

consonantal, in
initial word

none[A1] [ʔ]

consonantal, in
non initial word

ʾ /ʔ/


בּ b
ב v
גּ g g
ג׳ ǧ[B1][21] /d͡ʒ/
דּ d d






v w
וּ u
וֹ o [o̞] or [ɔ̝]
ז z
ז׳ ž[B2][21] /ʒ/
ח [C1] /x/ or /χ/ [χ]
ט t


y /j/

part of hirik male
(/i/ vowel)


part of tsere male
(/e/ vowel or
/ei/ diphthong)

e é /e/ or /ej/ [e̞] or [e̞j]/
כּ, ךּ[20] k
כ, ך kh[C2] /x/ or /χ/ [χ]
ל l
מ, ם m
נ, ן n
ס s

in initial or final
word positions

none[A4] ʿ only in initial
word position

in medial
word positions

ʿ /ʔ/
פּ[D] p
פ, ף f
צ, ץ ts /t͡s/
צ׳, ץ׳ č[B3][21] /t͡ʃ/
ק k q
ר r [ʀ] or [ʁ]
[r] or [ɾ]
שׁ sh š /ʃ/
שׂ s ś
תּ t t

A1^ 2^ 3^ 4^ In transliterations of modern Israeli Hebrew, initial and final ע (in regular transliteration), silent or initial א, and silent ה are not transliterated. To the eye of readers orientating themselves on Latin (or similar) alphabets, these letters might seem to be transliterated as vowel letters; however, these are in fact transliterations of the vowel diacritics – niqqud (or are representations of the spoken vowels). E.g., in אִם («if», [ʔim]), אֵם («mother», [ʔe̞m]) and אֹם («nut», [ʔo̞m]), the letter א always represents the same consonant: [ʔ] (glottal stop), whereas the vowels /i/, /e/ and /o/ respectively represent the spoken vowel, whether it is orthographically denoted by diacritics or not. Since the Academy of the Hebrew Language ascertains that א in initial position is not transliterated, the symbol for the glottal stop  ʾ  is omitted from the transliteration, and only the subsequent vowels are transliterated (whether or not their corresponding vowel diacritics appeared in the text being transliterated), resulting in «im», «em» and «om», respectively.

B1^ 2^ 3^ The diacritic geresh – «׳» – is used with some other letters as well (ד׳, ח׳, ט׳, ע׳, ר׳, ת׳), but only to transliterate from other languages to Hebrew – never to spell Hebrew words; therefore they were not included in this table (correctly translating a Hebrew text with these letters would require using the spelling in the language from which the transliteration to Hebrew was originally made). The non-standard «ו׳» and «וו» [e1] are sometimes used to represent /w/, which like /d͡ʒ/, /ʒ/ and /t͡ʃ/ appears in Hebrew slang and loanwords.

C1^ 2^ The Sound /χ/ (as «ch» in loch) is often transcribed «ch», inconsistently with the guidelines specified by the Academy of the Hebrew Language: חם /χam/ → «cham»; סכך /sχaχ/ → «schach».

D^ Although the Bible does include a single occurrence of a final pe with a dagesh (Book of Proverbs 30, 6: «אַל-תּוֹסְףְּ עַל-דְּבָרָיו: פֶּן-יוֹכִיחַ בְּךָ וְנִכְזָבְתָּ.‎»), in modern Hebrew /p/ is always represented by pe in its regular, not final, form «פ», even when in final word position, which occurs with loanwords (e.g. שׁוֹפּ /ʃop/ «shop»), foreign names (e.g. פִילִיפּ /ˈfilip/ «Philip») and some slang (e.g. חָרַפּ /χaˈrap/ «slept deeply»).

Religious use[edit]

The letters of the Hebrew alphabet have played varied roles in Jewish religious literature over the centuries, primarily in mystical texts. Some sources in classical rabbinical literature seem to acknowledge the historical provenance of the currently used Hebrew alphabet and deal with them as a mundane subject (the Jerusalem Talmud, for example, records that «the Israelites took for themselves square calligraphy», and that the letters «came with the Israelites from Ashur [Assyria]»);[27] others attribute mystical significance to the letters, connecting them with the process of creation or the redemption. In mystical conceptions, the alphabet is considered eternal, pre-existent to the Earth, and the letters themselves are seen as having holiness and power, sometimes to such an extent that several stories from the Talmud illustrate the idea that they cannot be destroyed.[28]

The idea of the letters’ creative power finds its greatest vehicle in the Sefer Yezirah, or Book of Creation, a mystical text of uncertain origin which describes a story of creation highly divergent from that in the Book of Genesis, largely through exposition on the powers of the letters of the alphabet. The supposed creative powers of the letters are also referenced in the Talmud and Zohar.[29][30]

Another book, the 13th-century Kabbalistic text Sefer HaTemunah, holds that a single letter of unknown pronunciation, held by some to be the four-pronged shin on one side of the teffilin box, is missing from the current alphabet. The world’s flaws, the book teaches, are related to the absence of this letter, the eventual revelation of which will repair the universe.[31] Another example of messianic significance attached to the letters is the teaching of Rabbi Eliezer that the five letters of the alphabet with final forms hold the «secret of redemption».[31]

In addition, the letters occasionally feature in aggadic portions of non-mystical rabbinic literature. In such aggada the letters are often given anthropomorphic qualities and depicted as speaking to God. Commonly their shapes are used in parables to illustrate points of ethics or theology. An example from the Babylonian Talmud (a parable intended to discourage speculation about the universe before creation):

Why does the story of creation begin with bet?… In the same manner that the letter bet is closed on all sides and only open in front, similarly you are not permitted to inquire into what is before or what was behind, but only from the actual time of Creation.

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Hagigah, 77c

Extensive instructions about the proper methods of forming the letters are found in Mishnat Soferim, within Mishna Berura of Yisrael Meir Kagan.

Mathematical use[edit]

See aleph number and beth number and gimel function.

In set theory, aleph _{0}, pronounced aleph-naught or aleph-zero, is used to mark the cardinal number of an infinite countable set, such as mathbb {Z} , the set of all integers. More generally, the aleph _{alpha } (aleph) notation marks the ordered sequence of all distinct infinite cardinal numbers.

Less frequently used, the {displaystyle beth _{alpha }} (beth) notation is used for the iterated power sets of aleph _{0}. The 2nd element beth _{1} is the cardinality of the continuum. Very occasionally, gimel is used in cardinal notation.

Unicode and HTML[edit]

An example of a Hebrew keyboard.

The Unicode Hebrew block extends from U+0590 to U+05FF and from U+FB1D to U+FB4F. It includes letters, ligatures, combining diacritical marks (Niqqud and cantillation marks) and punctuation.[16] The Numeric Character References is included for HTML. These can be used in many markup languages, and they are often used in Wiki to create the Hebrew glyphs compatible with the majority of web browsers.

Standard Hebrew keyboards have a 101-key layout. Like the standard QWERTY layout, the Hebrew layout was derived from the order of letters on Hebrew typewriters.

See also[edit]

  • Hebrew braille
  • Hebrew diacritics
  • Cursive Hebrew
  • Hebrew punctuation
  • Hebrew spelling
  • Help:Hebrew
  • Inverted nun
  • Koren Type
  • Ktiv hasar niqqud («spelling lacking niqqud»)
  • Significance of numbers of Judaism


a^ «Alef-bet» is commonly written in Israeli Hebrew without the maqaf (מקף, «[Hebrew] hyphen»), אלפבית עברי, as opposed to with the hyphen, אלף־בית עברי.

b^ The Arabic letters generally (as six of the primary letters can have only two variants) have four forms, according to their place in the word. The same goes with the Mandaic ones, except for three of the 22 letters, which have only one form.

c^ In forms of Hebrew older than Modern Hebrew, כ״ף, בי״ת and פ״א can only be read b, k and p, respectively, at the beginning of a word, while they will have the sole value of v, kh and f in a sofit (final) position, with few exceptions.[20] In medial positions, both pronunciations are possible. In Modern Hebrew this restriction is not absolute, e.g. פִיזִיקַאי /fiziˈkaj/ and never /piziˈkaj/ (= «physicist»), סְנוֹבּ /snob/ and never /snov/ (= «snob»). A dagesh may be inserted to unambiguously denote the plosive variant: בּ = /b/, כּ = /k/, פּ =/p/; similarly (though today very rare in Hebrew and common only in Yiddish) a rafé placed above the letter unambiguously denotes the fricative variant: בֿ = /v/, כֿ = /χ/ and פֿ = /f/. In Modern Hebrew orthography, the sound [p] at the end of a word is denoted by the regular form «פ», as opposed to the final form «ף», which always denotes [f] (see table of transliterations and transcriptions, comment[D]).

d^ However, וו (two separate vavs), used in Ktiv male, is to be distinguished from the Yiddish ligature װ (also two vavs but together as one character).

e1^ e2^ e3^ e4^ e5^ The Academy of the Hebrew Language states that both [v] and [w] be indistinguishably represented in Hebrew using the letter Vav.[26] Sometimes the Vav is indeed doubled, however not to denote [w] as opposed to [v] but rather, when spelling without niqqud, to denote the phoneme /v/ at a non-initial and non-final position in the word, whereas a single Vav at a non-initial and non-final position in the word in spelling without niqqud denotes one of the phonemes /u/ or /o/. To pronounce foreign words and loanwords containing the sound [w], Hebrew readers must therefore rely on former knowledge and context.

Explanatory footnotes

  1. ^ Possibly rooted from Ancient Egyptian ḏ or dj.


  1. ^ «Hebrew alphabet.» Encyclopedia Britannica. «Square Hebrew became established in the 2nd and 1st centuries bce and developed into the modern Hebrew alphabet over the next 1,500 years.»
  2. ^ Abu Elhija, Dua’a (23 January 2014). «A new writing system? Developing orthographies for writing Arabic dialects in electronic media». Writing Systems Research. Informa UK Limited. 6 (2): 190–214. doi:10.1080/17586801.2013.868334. ISSN 1758-6801. S2CID 219568845.
  3. ^ Gaash, Amir. «Colloquial Arabic written in Hebrew characters on Israeli websites by Druzes (and other non-Jews).» Jerusalem studies in Arabic and Islam 43 (2016): 15.
  4. ^ Shachmon, Ori, and Merav Mack. “Speaking Arabic, Writing Hebrew. Linguistic Transitions in Christian Arab Communities in Israel.” Wiener Zeitschrift Für Die Kunde Des Morgenlandes, vol. 106, 2016, pp. 223–239. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/26449346. Accessed 15 July 2021.
  5. ^ Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 21b–22a); Jerusalem Talmud (Megillah 10a). Cf. Mishnah (Megillah 1:8): «The Books [of Scripture] differ from phylacteries and Mezuzahs only in that the Books may be written in any language, while phylacteries and Mezuzahs may be written in the Assyrian writing only.» See: The Mishnah (ed. Herbert Danby), Oxford University Press: London 1977, p. 202.
  6. ^ Naveh, Joseph (1987), «Proto-Canaanite, Archaic Greek, and the Script of the Aramaic Text on the Tell Fakhariyah Statue», in Miller; et al. (eds.), Ancient Israelite Religion.
  7. ^ Smith, Mark S. (2002). The Early History of God: Yahweh and the other deities in ancient Israel. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-8028-3972-5.
  8. ^ The Calendar Tablet from Gezer, Adam L Bean, Emmanual School of Religion Archived March 2, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
  9. ^ Is it “Tenable”?, Hershel Shanks, Biblical Archaeology Review Archived December 25, 2010, at the Wayback Machine
  10. ^ Spelling in the Hebrew Bible: Dahood memorial lecture, By Francis I. Andersen, A. Dean Forbes, p56
  11. ^ Pardee, Dennis. «A Brief Case for the Language of the ‘Gezer Calendar’ as Phoenician». Linguistic Studies in Phoenician, ed. Robert D. Holmstedt and Aaron Schade. Winona Lake: 43.
  12. ^ Chris A. Rollston (2010). Writing and Literacy in the World of Ancient Israel: Epigraphic Evidence from the Iron Age. Society of Biblical Lit. pp. 30–. ISBN 978-1-58983-107-0.
  13. ^ Saénz-Badillos, Angel (1993). A History of the Hebrew Language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 16.
  14. ^ Saénz-Badillos, Angel (1993). A History of the Hebrew Language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 61–62.
  15. ^ A History of the Hebrew Language. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 1993. ISBN 978-0-521-55634-7.
  16. ^ a b c d «Hebrew» (character code chart). The Unicode Standard. Unicode, Inc.
  17. ^ a b Unicode names of Hebrew characters at fileformat.info.
  18. ^ Kaplan, Aryeh. Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation. pp. 8, 22.
  19. ^ «The Hebrew Alphabet (Aleph-Bet)». www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org. Retrieved 4 October 2020.
  20. ^ a b c d «ךּ» is rare but exists, e.g. last word in Deuteronomy 7 1 (דברים פרק ז׳ פסוק א׳) in the word «מִמֶּךָּ‎» – see תנ״ך מנוקד, דברים פרק ז׳. There is a single occurrence of «ףּ», see this comment[D].
  21. ^ a b c d e f g h i Transliteration guidelines preceding 2006-update Archived 2011-11-16 at the Wayback Machine, p. 3 Academy of the Hebrew Language
  22. ^ Laufer, Asher (2008). Chapters in Phonetics and Phonetic Transcription. Jerusalem: Magnes. pp. 207–211. ISBN 978-965-493-401-5.
  23. ^ «Hebrew lessons for Christians».
  24. ^ Sirat, Colette (1976), Ecriture et civilisations, Paris: Editions du CNRS.
  25. ^ «Resources for New Testament Exegesis – Transliteration Standards of The SBL Handbook of Style».
  26. ^ a b c d e «Transliteration guidelines» (PDF). Academy of the Hebrew Language. November 2006. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 July 2014.
  27. ^ Jerusalem Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 21b
  28. ^ Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Pesach 87b, Avodah Zarah 18a.
  29. ^ Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Berachot 55c
  30. ^ Zohar 1:3; 2:152
  31. ^ a b The Book of Letters. Woodstock, Vermont: Jewish Lights Publishing, Woodstock. 1990


  • Wikisource-logo.svg Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar, §5 ff.
  • Hoffman, Joel M. 2004. In the Beginning: A Short History of the Hebrew Language. New York: New York University Press.
  • Saenz-Badillos, Angel. 1993. A History of the Hebrew Language. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
  • Steinberg, David. History of the Hebrew Language.
  • Mathers table

External links[edit]


  • How to draw letters
  • Official Unicode standards document for Hebrew
  • Unicode collation charts—including Hebrew letters, sorted by shape


  • LiteType.com – Virtual & Interactive Hebrew Keyboard
  • Mikledet.com – For typing Hebrew with an English keyboard (Hebrew keyboard|Hebrew layout)
  • Prize Find: Oldest Hebrew Inscription Archived 2012-02-29 at the Wayback Machine Biblical Archaeology Review

This article is about the alphabet derived from the Aramaic alphabet (CE 135 – present). For the original Hebrew alphabet derived directly from the Phoenician alphabet (10th century BCE – CE 135), see Paleo-Hebrew alphabet. For the descendant script of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet, see Samaritan script. For the insect, see Hebrew character.

Hebrew alphabet
Alefbet ivri.svg
Script type


Time period

2nd–1st century BCE to present[1]
Direction right-to-left script Edit this on Wikidata
Official script  Israel
Languages Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, Mozarabic, Levantine Arabic, Aramaic
Related scripts

Parent systems

Egyptian hieroglyphs

  • Proto-Sinaitic script
    • Phoenician alphabet
      • Aramaic alphabet
        • Hebrew alphabet

Child systems

  • Yiddish alphabet
  • Square Aramaic Alphabet

Sister systems

  • Arabic
  • Nabataean
  • Syriac
  • Palmyrene
  • Mandaic
  • Pahlavi scripts
  • Sogdian
ISO 15924
ISO 15924 Hebr (125), ​Hebrew

Unicode alias


Unicode range

  • U+0590 to U+05FF
  • U+FB1D to U+FB4F
    Alphabetic Presentation Forms
 This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see Help:IPA. For the distinction between [ ], / / and ⟨ ⟩, see IPA § Brackets and transcription delimiters.

The Hebrew alphabet (Hebrew: אָלֶף־בֵּית עִבְרִי,[a] Alefbet ivri), known variously by scholars as the Ktav Ashuri, Jewish script, square script and block script, is an abjad script used in the writing of the Hebrew language and other Jewish languages, most notably Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo-Arabic, and Judeo-Persian. It is also used informally in Israel to write Levantine Arabic, especially among Druze.[2][3][4] It is an offshoot of the Imperial Aramaic alphabet, which flourished during the Achaemenid Empire and which itself derives from the Phoenician alphabet.

Historically, two separate abjad scripts have been used to write Hebrew. The original, old Hebrew script, known as the paleo-Hebrew alphabet, has been largely preserved in a variant form as the Samaritan alphabet. The present «Jewish script» or «square script», on the contrary, is a stylized form of the Aramaic alphabet and was technically known by Jewish sages as Ashurit (lit. «Assyrian script»), since its origins were alleged to be from Assyria.[5]

Various «styles» (in current terms, «fonts») of representation of the Jewish script letters described in this article also exist, including a variety of cursive Hebrew styles. In the remainder of this article, the term «Hebrew alphabet» refers to the square script unless otherwise indicated.

The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters. It does not have case. Five letters have different forms when used at the end of a word. Hebrew is written from right to left. Originally, the alphabet was an abjad consisting only of consonants, but is now considered an «impure abjad». As with other abjads, such as the Arabic alphabet, during its centuries-long use scribes devised means of indicating vowel sounds by separate vowel points, known in Hebrew as niqqud. In both biblical and rabbinic Hebrew, the letters יוהא‎ can also function as matres lectionis, which is when certain consonants are used to indicate vowels. There is a trend in Modern Hebrew towards the use of matres lectionis to indicate vowels that have traditionally gone unwritten, a practice known as «full spelling».

The Yiddish alphabet, a modified version of the Hebrew alphabet used to write Yiddish, is a true alphabet, with all vowels rendered in the spelling, except in the case of inherited Hebrew words, which typically retain their Hebrew consonant-only spellings.

The Arabic and Hebrew alphabets have similarities because they are both derived from the Aramaic alphabet, which in turn derives either from paleo-Hebrew or the Phoenician alphabet, both being slight regional variations of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet used in ancient times to write the various Canaanite languages (including Hebrew, Moabite, Phoenician, Punic, et cetera).


Paleo-Hebrew alphabet containing 22 letters, period, geresh, and gershayim

The Canaanite dialects were largely indistinguishable before around 1000 BCE.[6] An example of related early Semitic inscriptions from the area include the tenth-century Gezer calendar over which scholars are divided as to whether its language is Hebrew or Phoenician and whether the script is Proto-Canaanite or paleo-Hebrew.[7][8][9][10][11][12]

A Hebrew variant of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, called the paleo-Hebrew alphabet by scholars, began to emerge around 800 BCE.[13] An example is the Siloam inscription (c. 700 BCE).[14]

The paleo-Hebrew alphabet was used in the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Following the exile of the Kingdom of Judah in the 6th century BCE (the Babylonian captivity), Jews began using a form of the Imperial Aramaic alphabet, another offshoot of the same family of scripts, which flourished during the Achaemenid Empire. The Samaritans, who remained in the Land of Israel, continued to use the paleo-Hebrew alphabet. During the 3rd century BCE, Jews began to use a stylized, «square» form of the Aramaic alphabet that was used by the Persian Empire (and which in turn had been adopted from the Assyrians),[15] while the Samaritans continued to use a form of the paleo-Hebrew script called the Samaritan alphabet. After the fall of the Persian Empire in 330 BCE, Jews used both scripts before settling on the square Assyrian form.

The square Hebrew alphabet was later adapted and used for writing languages of the Jewish diaspora – such as Karaim, the Judeo-Arabic languages, Judaeo-Spanish, and Yiddish. The Hebrew alphabet continued in use for scholarly writing in Hebrew and came again into everyday use with the rebirth of the Hebrew language as a spoken language in the 18th and 19th centuries, especially in Israel.



In the traditional form, the Hebrew alphabet is an abjad consisting only of consonants, written from right to left. It has 22 letters, five of which use different forms at the end of a word.


In the traditional form, vowels are indicated by the weak consonants Aleph (א‎), He (ה‎), Waw/Vav (ו‎), or Yodh (י‎) serving as vowel letters, or matres lectionis: the letter is combined with a previous vowel and becomes silent, or by imitation of such cases in the spelling of other forms. Also, a system of vowel points to indicate vowels (diacritics), called niqqud, was developed. In modern forms of the alphabet, as in the case of Yiddish and to some extent Modern Hebrew, vowels may be indicated. Today, the trend is toward full spelling with the weak letters acting as true vowels.

When used to write Yiddish, vowels are indicated, using certain letters, either with niqqud diacritics (e.g. אָ‎ or יִ‎) or without (e.g. ע‎ or י‎), except for Hebrew words, which in Yiddish are written in their Hebrew spelling.

To preserve the proper vowel sounds, scholars developed several different sets of vocalization and diacritical symbols called nequdot (נקודות‎‎, literally «points»). One of these, the Tiberian system, eventually prevailed. Aaron ben Moses ben Asher, and his family for several generations, are credited for refining and maintaining the system. These points are normally used only for special purposes, such as Biblical books intended for study, in poetry or when teaching the language to children. The Tiberian system also includes a set of cantillation marks, called trope or te’amim, used to indicate how scriptural passages should be chanted in synagogue recitations of scripture (although these marks do not appear in the scrolls). In everyday writing of modern Hebrew, niqqud are absent; however, patterns of how words are derived from Hebrew roots (called shorashim or «triliterals») allow Hebrew speakers to determine the vowel-structure of a given word from its consonants based on the word’s context and part of speech.


Unlike the Paleo-Hebrew writing script, the modern Ashuri script has five letters that have special final forms,[c] called sofit (Hebrew: סופית, meaning in this context «final» or «ending») form, used only at the end of a word, somewhat as in the Greek or in the Arabic and Mandaic alphabets.[b] These are shown below the normal form in the following table (letter names are Unicode standard[16][17]). Although Hebrew is read and written from right to left, the following table shows the letters in order from left to right.



Gimel Dalet



Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf
א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ
Lamed Mem


Samech Ayin


Tsadi Qof Resh


ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת
ם ן ף ץ



The descriptions that follow are based on the pronunciation of modern standard Israeli Hebrew.

letter IPA Name of letter Pronunciation
Unicode[16][17] Hebrew[18] Modern Hebrew
Yiddish / Ashkenazi


Approximate western European equivalent[19]
א [ʔ], Alef אָלֶף /ʔalɛf/ /ʔaləf/ /ʔalɛf/ (silent)
בּ [b] Bet בֵּית /bet/ /bɛɪs/, /bɛɪz/ /bɛt/ b as in black
ב [v] בֵית /vet/ /vɛɪs/, /vɛɪz/ /vɛt/ v as in vogue
גּ [ɡ] Gimel גִּימֵל /ˈɡimel/ /ˈɡɪməl/ /ˈɡimɛl/ g as in gourd
ג [ɣ]~[ʁ] גִימֵל /ɣɪmεl/ gh as in Arabic ghoul
דּ [d] Dalet דָּלֶת /ˈdalɛt/, /ˈdalɛd/ /ˈdaləd/, /ˈdaləs/ /ˈdalɛt/ d as in doll
ד [ð] דָלֶת /ðalεt/ th as in this
ה [h]~[ʔ], He הֵא /he/, /hej/ /hɛɪ/ /he/ h as in hold
ו [v], [w] Vav וָו /vav/ /vɔv/ /vav/ v as in vogue
ז [z] Zayin זַיִן /ˈzajin/, /ˈza.in/ /ˈzajɪn/ /ˈzajin/ z as in zoo
ח [x]~[χ] Chet חֵית /χet/ /χɛs/ /ħɛt/ ch as in bach (IPA is [χ͡ʀ̥])
ט [t] Tet טֵית /tet/ /tɛs/ /tɛt/ t as in tool
י [j] Yod יוֹד /jod/, /jud/ /jʊd/ /jud/ y as in yolk
כּ [k] Kaf כַּף /kaf/ /kɔf/ /kaf/ k as in king
כ [x]~[χ] כַף /χaf/ /χɔf/ /χaf/ ch as in bach (IPA is [χ͡ʀ̥])
ךּ [k] כַּף סוֹפִית /kaf sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə kɔf/ /kaf sofit/ k as in king
ך [x]~[χ] כַף סוֹפִית /χaf sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə χɔf/ /χaf sofit/ ch as in bach (IPA is [χ͡ʀ̥])
ל [l] Lamed לָמֶד /ˈlamɛd/ /ˈlaməd/ /ˈlamɛd/ l as in luck
מ [m] Mem מֵם /mem/ /mɛm/ /mɛm/ m as in mother
ם מֵם סוֹפִית /mem sofit/ /ˈʃlɔs mɛm/ /mɛm sofit/ m as in mother
נ [n] Nun נוּן /nun/ /nʊn/ /nun/ n as in night
ן נוּן סוֹפִית /nun sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə nʊn/ /nun sofit/ n as in night
ס [s] Samekh ְסָמֶךְ /ˈsamɛχ/ /ˈsaməχ/ /ˈsamɛχ/ s as in sight
ע [ʔ]~[ʕ], Ayin עַיִן /ʔajin/, /ʔa.in/ /ʔajɪn/ /ʕajin/ When ʔ, as in button [ˈbʌʔn̩] or clipboard [ˌklɪʔ⁠ˈbɔɹd]. When ʕ, no English equivalent.
פּ [p] Pe פֵּא, פֵּה /pe/, /pej/ /pɛɪ/ /pe/ p as in pool
פ [f] פֵא, פֵה /fe/, /fej/ /fɛɪ/ /fe/ f as in full
ףּ [p] פֵּא סוֹפִית,
פֵּה סוֹפִית
/pe sofit/, /pej sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə pɛɪ/ /pe sofit/ p as in pool
ף [f] פֵא סוֹפִית,
פֵה סוֹפִית
/fe sofit/, /fej sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə fɛɪ/ /fe sofit/ f as in full
צ [t͡s] Tsadi צָדִי /ˈtsadi/ /ˈtsadi/, /ˈtsadɪk/ /ˈtsadik/ ts as in cats
ץ צָדִי סוֹפִית /ˈtsadi sofit/ /ˈlaŋɡə ˈtsadɪk/, /ˈlaŋɡə ˈtsadək/ /ˈtsadik sofit/ ts as in cats
ק [k] Qof קוֹף /kuf/, /kof/ /kʊf/ /kuf/ k as in king
ר [ɣ]~[ʁ] Resh רֵישׁ /ʁeʃ/ /ʁɛɪʃ/ /reʃ/ r as in French «r» ([ɣ~ʁ]-[ʁ͡ʀ])
שׁ [ʃ] Shin שִׁין /ʃin/ /ʃɪn/ /ʃin/ sh as in shop
שׂ [s] שִׂין /sin/ /sɪn/ /sin/ s as in sight
תּ [t] Tav תָּו /tav/, /taf/ /tɔv/, /tɔf/ /tav/ t as in tool
ת [θ] תָו /sɔv/, /sɔf/ /θav/ th as in thought

By analogy with the other dotted/dotless pairs, dotless tav, ת, would be expected to be pronounced /θ/ (voiceless dental fricative), and dotless dalet ד as /ð/ (voiced dental fricative), but these were lost among most Jews due to their not existing in the countries where they lived (such as in nearly all of Eastern Europe). Yiddish modified /θ/ to /s/ (cf. seseo in Spanish), but in modern Israeli Hebrew, it is simply pronounced /t/. Likewise, historical /ð/ is simply pronounced /d/.

Shin and sin[edit]

Shin and sin are represented by the same letter, ש‎, but are two separate phonemes. When vowel diacritics are used, the two phonemes are differentiated with a shin-dot or sin-dot; the shin-dot is above the upper-right side of the letter, and the sin-dot is above the upper-left side of the letter.

Symbol Name Transliteration IPA Example
שׁ (right dot) shin sh /ʃ/ shower
שׂ (left dot) sin s /s/ sour

Historically, left-dot-sin corresponds to Proto-Semitic *ś, which in biblical-Judaic-Hebrew corresponded to the voiceless alveolar lateral fricative /ɬ/, as evidenced in the Greek transliteration of Hebrew words such as balsam (בֹּשֶׂם‎) (the ls – ‘שׂ’) as is evident in the Targum Onkelos.[citation needed]


Historically, the consonants בbet, גgimmel, דdaleth, כkaf, פpe and תtav each had two sounds: one hard (plosive), and one soft (fricative), depending on the position of the letter and other factors. When vowel diacritics are used, the hard sounds are indicated by a central dot called dagesh (דגש‎), while the soft sounds lack a dagesh. In modern Hebrew, however, the dagesh only changes the pronunciation of בbet, כkaf, and פpe, and does not affect the name of the letter. The differences are as follows:

Name With dagesh Without dagesh
Symbol Transliteration IPA Example Symbol Transliteration IPA Example
bet/vet בּ b /b/ bun ב v, ḇ /v/ van
kaf [20]כּ ךּ k /k/ kangaroo כ ך kh, ch, ḵ, x /χ/ loch
pe פּ ףּ p /p/ pass פ ף f, p̄, ph /f/ find

In other dialects (mainly liturgical) there are variations from this pattern.

  • In some Sephardi and Mizrahi dialects, bet without dagesh is pronounced [b], like bet with dagesh
  • In Syrian and Yemenite Hebrew, gimel without dagesh is pronounced [ɣ].
  • In Yemenite Hebrew, and in the Iraqi pronunciation of the word «Adonai», dalet without dagesh is pronounced [ð] as in «these»
  • In Ashkenazi Hebrew, as well as Krymchaki Hebrew, tav without dagesh is pronounced [s] as in «silk»
  • In Iraqi and Yemenite Hebrew, and formerly in some other dialects, tav without dagesh is pronounced [θ] as in «thick»

Sounds represented with diacritic geresh[edit]

The sounds [t͡ʃ], [d͡ʒ], [ʒ], written ⟨צ׳‎⟩, ⟨ג׳‎⟩, ⟨ז׳‎⟩, and [w], non-standardly sometimes transliterated ⟨וו‎⟩, are often found in slang and loanwords that are part of the everyday Hebrew colloquial vocabulary. The symbol resembling an apostrophe after the Hebrew letter modifies the pronunciation of the letter and is called a geresh.

Hebrew slang and loanwords
Name Symbol IPA Transliteration Example
Gimel with a geresh ג׳ [d͡ʒ] ǧ[21] ǧáḥnun [ˈd͡ʒaχnun] גַּ׳חְנוּן
Zayin with a geresh ז׳ [ʒ] ž[21] koláž [koˈlaʒ] קוֹלַאז׳
Tsadi with a geresh צ׳ [t͡ʃ] č[21] čupár (treat) [t͡ʃuˈpar] צ׳וּפָּר
Vav with a geresh
or double Vav
וו or ו׳ (non standard)[] [w] w awánta (boastful act) [aˈwanta] אַוַונְטַה

The pronunciation of the following letters can also be modified with the geresh diacritic. The represented sounds are however foreign to Hebrew phonology, i.e., these symbols mainly represent sounds in foreign words or names when transliterated with the Hebrew alphabet, and not loanwords.

Transliteration of non-native sounds
Name Symbol IPA Arabic letter Example Comment
Dalet with a geresh ד׳ [ð] Dhāl (ذ)
Voiced th
Dhū al-Ḥijjah (ذو الحجة)‎ ד׳ו אל-חיג׳ה * Also used for English voiced th
* Often a simple ד‎ is written.
Tav with a geresh ת׳ [θ] Thāʼ ()
Voiceless th
Thurston ת׳רסטון
Chet with a geresh ח׳ [χ] Khāʼ (خ‎) Sheikh (شيخ)‎ שייח׳ * Unlike the other sounds in this table, the sound [χ] represented by ח׳‎ is indeed a native sound in Hebrew; the geresh is however used only when transliteration must distinguish between [χ] and [ħ], in which case ח׳‎ transliterates the former and ח the latter, whereas in everyday usage ח without geresh is pronounced [ħ] only dialectically but [χ] commonly.
Ayin with a geresh
Resh with a geresh
[ʁ] Ghayn (غ) Ghajar (غجر);
Ghalib (غالب)
The guidelines specified by the Academy of the Hebrew Language prefer Resh with a geresh (ר׳‎); however, this guideline is not universally followed

Geresh is also used to denote an abbreviation consisting of a single Hebrew letter, while gershayim (a doubled geresh) are used to denote acronyms pronounced as a string of letters; geresh and gershayim are also used to denote Hebrew numerals consisting of a single Hebrew letter or of multiple Hebrew letters, respectively. Geresh is also the name of a cantillation mark used for Torah recitation, though its visual appearance and function are different in that context.

Identical pronunciation[edit]

In much of Israel’s general population, especially where Ashkenazic pronunciation is prevalent, many letters have the same pronunciation. They are as follows:

Letters Transliteration Pronunciation (IPA)
Usually when in medial word position:
(separation of vowels in a hiatus)
When in initial or final word position, sometimes also in medial word position:
ʼ /ʔ/
(glottal plosive)
Bet (without dagesh) Vet
v /v/
Kaf (without dagesh)
kh/ch/h /χ/
t /t/
Kaf (with dagesh)
k /k/
Sin (with left dot)
s /s/
and תשׂ
ts/tz /ts/
Tsadi (with geresh)
and תשׁ
ch/tsh (chair) /tʃ/

* Varyingly

Ancient Hebrew pronunciation[edit]

Some of the variations in sound mentioned above are due to a systematic feature of Ancient Hebrew. The six consonants /b ɡ d k p t/ were pronounced differently depending on their position. These letters were also called BeGeD KeFeT letters . The full details are very complex; this summary omits some points. They were pronounced as plosives /b ɡ d k p t/ at the beginning of a syllable, or when doubled. They were pronounced as fricatives /v ɣ ð x f θ/ when preceded by a vowel (commonly indicated with a macron, ḇ ḡ ḏ ḵ p̄ ṯ). The plosive and double pronunciations were indicated by the dagesh. In Modern Hebrew the sounds ḏ and ḡ have reverted to [d] and [ɡ], respectively, and ṯ has become [t], so only the remaining three consonants /b k p/ show variation. רresh may have also been a «doubled» letter, making the list BeGeD KePoReT. (Sefer Yetzirah, 4:1)

  • חchet and עayin represented pharyngeal fricatives, צtsadi represented the emphatic consonant /sˤ/, טtet represented the emphatic consonant /tˤ/, and קqof represented the uvular plosive /q/. All these are common Semitic consonants.
  • שׂsin (the /s/ variant of שshin) was originally different from both שׁshin and סsamekh, but had become /s/ the same as סsamekh by the time the vowel pointing was devised. Because of cognates with other Semitic languages, this phoneme is known to have originally been a lateral consonant, most likely the voiceless alveolar lateral fricative /ɬ/ (the sound of modern Welsh ll) or the voiceless alveolar lateral affricate /tɬ/ (like Náhuatl tl).

Regional and historical variation[edit]

The following table contains the pronunciation of the Hebrew letters in reconstructed historical forms and dialects using the International Phonetic Alphabet. The apostrophe-looking symbol after some letters is not a yud but a geresh. It is used for loanwords with non-native Hebrew sounds. The dot in the middle of some of the letters, called a «dagesh kal», also modifies the sounds of the letters ב, כ and פ in modern Hebrew (in some forms of Hebrew it modifies also the sounds of the letters ג, ד and/or ת; the «dagesh chazak» – orthographically indistinguishable from the «dagesh kal» – designates gemination, which today is realized only rarely – e.g. in biblical recitations or when using Arabic loanwords).

Symbol Pronunciation
Israeli Ashkenazi Sephardi Yemenite Reconstructed Arabic equivalent
Tiberian Mishnaic Biblical
א [ʔ, -] [ – ] [ʔ, -] [ʔ, -] [ʔ, -] [ʔ, -] [ʔ] ا / ء
בּ [b] [b] [b] [b] [b] [b] [b] ب
ב [v] [v~v̥] [b~β~v] [β] [v] [β]
גּ [ɡ] [ɡ~ɡ̊] [ɡ] [dʒ] [ɡ] [ɡ] [ɡ] ج
ג [ɡ~ɣ] [ɣ] [ɣ] [ɣ] غ
דּ [d] [d~d̥] [d̪] [d̪] [d̪] [d̪] [d̪] د
ד [d̪~ð] [ð] [ð] [ð] ذ
ה [h~ʔ, -] [h, -] [h, -] [h, -] [h, -] [h, -] [h] ه
ו [v] [v~v̥] [v] [w] [w] [w] [w] و
וּ [uː] [uː] [uː] [əw] ? ? ? ـُو
וֹ [o̞ː] [əʊ, ɐʊ] [oː] [œː] ? ? ? ـُو
ז [z] [z~z̥] [z] [z] [z] [z] [z] ز
ח [x~χ] [x] [ħ] [ħ] [ħ] [ħ] [ħ, χ] ح
ט [t] [t] [t̪] [t̴̪] (1) [t̴̪] [t̪ˤ] (2) [t̪ʼ] (3) ط
י [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] ي
ִי [iː] [iː] [iː] [iː] ? ? ? ـِي
כּ ךּ [k] [k] [k] [k] [k] [k] [k] ك
כ ך [x~χ] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] خ
ל [l] [l~ɫ] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] ل
מ ם [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] م
נ ן [n] [n] [n̪] [n̪] [n̪] [n̪] [n̪] ن
ס [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] س / ض[a]
ע [ʕ, — ] [ – ] [ʕ, ŋ, — ] [ʕ] [ʕ] [ʕ] [ʕ, ʁ] ع
פּ ףּ [p] [p] [p] [p] [p] [p] [p] پ
פ ף [f] [f] [f] [f] [f] [ɸ] ف
צ ץ [t͡s] [t͡s] [t͡s] [s̴] (1) [s̴] [sˤ] (2) [sʼ, ɬʼ, θʼ] (3) ص
ק [k] [k] [k] [ɡ], [ɢ], [q] [q] [q] [kʼ] (3) ق
ר [ɣ~ʁ] [ɹ]~[ʀ] [r]~[ɾ] [r]~[ɾ] [ʀ] [r] [r] ر
שׁ [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ] ش
שׂ [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [ɬ] س
תּ [t] [t] [t] [t̪] [t̪] [t̪] [t̪] ت
ת [s] [θ] [θ] [θ] ث
  1. velarized or pharyngealized
  2. pharyngealized
  3. sometimes said to be ejective but more likely glottalized.


Matres lectionis[edit]

אalef, עayin, וwaw/vav and יyod are letters that can sometimes indicate a vowel instead of a consonant (which would be, respectively, /ʔ/, /ʕ/, /v/ and /j/). When they do, ו‎ and י‎ are considered to constitute part of the vowel designation in combination with a niqqud symbol – a vowel diacritic (whether or not the diacritic is marked), whereas א‎ and ע‎ are considered to be mute, their role being purely indicative of the non-marked vowel.

Letter Name
of letter
when letter
Name of
vowel designation
א alef /ʔ/ ê, ệ, ậ, â, ô
ע ayin /ʔ/ or /ʕ/ ê, ệ, ậ, â, ô
ו waw/vav /w/ or /v/ וֹ ḥolám malé ô
וּ shurúq û
י yud /j/ ִ י ḥiríq malé î
ֵ י tseré malé ê, ệ

Vowel points[edit]

Niqqud is the system of dots that help determine vowels and consonants. In Hebrew, all forms of niqqud are often omitted in writing, except for children’s books, prayer books, poetry, foreign words, and words which would be ambiguous to pronounce. Israeli Hebrew has five vowel phonemes, /i e a o u/, but many more written symbols for them:

Name Symbol Written Position Israeli Hebrew
IPA Transliteration English
Hiriq Hebrew Hiriq.svg vowel written below consonant [i] i meet
Tsere Hebrew Zeire.svg vowel written below consonant [e̞], ([e̞j] with
succeeding yod)
eh (precise pronunciation); ei (imprecise due to modern pronunciation, even if with succeeding yod – see Note 2) bed, penguin
Segol Hebrew Segol.svg vowel written below consonant [e̞] e men
Patach Hebrew Patah.svg vowel written below consonant [ä] a father
Kamatz Hebrew Qamaz.svg vowel written below consonant [ä], (or [o̞]) ah, (or oh) father, loɡin
Holam Haser Hebrew Holam.svg vowel written above consonant [o̞] o home
Holam Male וֹ isolated vowel written on its own
Shuruk וּ isolated vowel written on its own [u] u food
Kubutz Hebrew Backslash Qubuz.svg vowel written below consonant

Note 1: The circle represents whatever Hebrew letter is used.
Note 2: The pronunciation of tsere and sometimes segol – with or without the letter yod – is sometimes ei in Modern Hebrew. This is not correct in the normative pronunciation and not consistent in the spoken language.[22]
Note 3: The dagesh, mappiq, and shuruk have different functions, even though they look the same.
Note 4: The letter ו (waw/vav) is used since it can only be represented by that letter.


By adding a vertical line (called Meteg) underneath the letter and to the left of the vowel point, the vowel is made long. The meteg is only used in Biblical Hebrew, not Modern Hebrew.


By adding two vertical dots (called Sh’va) underneath the letter, the vowel is made very short. When sh’va is placed on the first letter of the word, mostly it is «è» (but in some instances, it makes the first letter silent without a vowel (vowel-less): e.g. וְ to «w»)

Name Symbol Israeli Hebrew
IPA Transliteration English
Shva Tilde Schwa.svg [e̞] or apostrophe, e,
or silent
met or silent
Reduced Segol Hataf Segol.svg [e̞] e met
Reduced Patach Hataf Patah.svg [ä] a cat
Reduced Kamatz Hataf Qamaz.svg [o̞] o on
Comparison table[edit]
Vowel comparison table [23]

Vowel length
(phonetically not manifested in Israeli Hebrew)
IPA Transliteration English
Long Short Very Short
ָ ַ ֲ [ä] a fall
ֵ ֶ ֱ [e̞] e men
וֹ ֹ ֳ [o̞] o joke
וּ ֻ [u] u duty
ִ י ִ [i] i media
Note I: By adding two vertical dots (sh’va) ְ
the vowel is made very short.
Note II: The short o and long a have the same niqqud.
Note III: The short o is usually promoted to a long o
in Israeli writing for the sake of disambiguation
Note IV: The short u is usually promoted to a long u
in Israeli writing for the sake of disambiguation


The symbol ״‎ is called a gershayim and is a punctuation mark used in the Hebrew language to denote acronyms. It is written before the last letter in the acronym, e.g. ר״ת‎. Gershayim is also the name of a cantillation mark in the reading of the Torah, printed above the accented letter, e.g. א֞‎.

Stylistic variants[edit]

The following table displays typographic and chirographic variants of each letter. For the five letters that have a different final form used at the end of words, the final forms are displayed beneath the regular form.

The block (square, or «print» type) and cursive («handwritten» type) are the only variants in widespread contemporary use. Rashi is also used, for historical reasons, in a handful of standard texts.

Contemporary Early modern Ancestral
Block serif Block sans-serif Cursive Rashi Phoenician Paleo-Hebrew Aramaic
Alef א א Hebrew letter Alef handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Alef Rashi.png 𐤀 Alef Aleph.svg
Bet ב ב Hebrew letter Bet handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Bet Rashi.png 𐤁 Bet Beth.svg
Gimel ג ג Hebrew letter Gimel handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Gimel Rashi.png 𐤂 Gimel Igimel.png
Dalet ד ד Hebrew letter Daled handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Daled Rashi.png 𐤃 Daled Daleth.svg
He ה ה Hebrew letter He handwriting.svg Hebrew letter He Rashi.png 𐤄 Heh He0.svg
Vav (Unicode)[16] / Waw ו ו Hebrew letter Vav handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Vav Rashi.png 𐤅 Vav Waw.svg
Zayin ז ז Hebrew letter Zayin handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Zayin Rashi.png 𐤆 Zayin Zayin.svg
Chet ח ח Hebrew letter Het handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Het Rashi.png 𐤇 Khet Heth.svg
Tet ט ט Hebrew letter Tet handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Tet Rashi.png 𐤈 Tet Teth.svg
Yod י י Hebrew letter Yud handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Yud Rashi.png 𐤉 Yud Yod.svg
Kaf כ כ Hebrew letter Kaf handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Kaf-nonfinal Rashi.png 𐤊 Khof Kaph.svg
Final Kaf ך ך Hebrew letter Kaf-final handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Kaf-final Rashi.png
Lamed ל ל Hebrew letter Lamed handwriting.svg Lamed (Rashi-script - Hebrew letter).svg 𐤋 Lamed Lamed.svg
Mem מ מ Hebrew letter Mem handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Mem-nonfinal Rashi.png 𐤌 Mem Mem.svg
Final Mem ם ם Hebrew letter Mem-final handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Mem-final Rashi.png
Nun נ נ Hebrew letter Nun handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Nun-nonfinal Rashi.png 𐤍 Nun Nun.svg
Final Nun ן ן Hebrew letter Nun-final handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Nun-final Rashi.png
Samekh ס ס Hebrew letter Samekh handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Samekh Rashi.png 𐤎 Samekh Samekh.svg
Ayin ע ע Hebrew letter Ayin handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Ayin Rashi.png 𐤏 Ayin Ayin.svg
Pe פ פ Hebrew letter Pe handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Pe-nonfinal Rashi.png 𐤐 Pey Pe0.svg
Final Pe ף ף Hebrew letter Pe-final handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Pe-final Rashi.png
Tsadi צ צ Hebrew letter Tsadik handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Tsadik-nonfinal Rashi.png 𐤑 Tzadi Sade 1.svg, Sade 2.svg
Final Tsadi ץ ץ Hebrew letter Tsadik-final handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Tsadik-final Rashi.png
Qof ק ק Hebrew letter Kuf handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Kuf Rashi.png 𐤒 Quf Qoph.svg
Resh ר ר Hebrew letter Resh handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Resh Rashi.png 𐤓 Resh Resh.svg
Shin ש ש Hebrew letter Shin handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Shin Rashi.png 𐤔 Shin Shin.svg
Tav ת ת Hebrew letter Taf handwriting.svg Hebrew letter Taf Rashi.png 𐤕 Tof Taw.svg

Yiddish symbols[edit]

Symbol Explanation
װ ױ ײ ײַ These are intended for Yiddish. They are not used in Hebrew, aside from in loan words[d]. They are possible to visually recreate using a sequence of letters, וו וי יי‎, except when a diacritic is inserted underneath that it would not appear in the middle.
בֿ The rafe (רפה‎) diacritic is no longer regularly used in Hebrew. In Masoretic Texts and some other older texts, lenited consonants and sometimes matres lectionis are indicated by a small line on top of the letter. Its use has been largely discontinued in modern printed texts. It is still used to mark fricative consonants in the YIVO orthography of Yiddish.

Numeric values of letters[edit]

Following the adoption of Greek Hellenistic alphabetic numeration practice, Hebrew letters started being used to denote numbers in the late 2nd century BC,[24] and performed this arithmetic function for about a thousand years. Nowadays alphanumeric notation is used only in specific contexts, e.g. denoting dates in the Hebrew calendar, denoting grades of school in Israel, other listings (e.g. שלב א׳, שלב ב׳ – «phase a, phase b»), commonly in Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) in a practice known as gematria, and often in religious contexts.

letter numeric value letter numeric value letter numeric value
א 1 י 10 ק 100
ב 2 כ 20 ר 200
ג 3 ל 30 ש 300
ד 4 מ 40 ת 400
ה 5 נ 50
ו 6 ס 60
ז 7 ע 70
ח 8 פ 80
ט 9 צ 90

The numbers 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 are commonly represented by the juxtapositions ק״ת, ר״ת, ש״ת, ת״ת, and ק״תת respectively.
Adding a geresh («׳») to a letter multiplies its value by one thousand, for example, the year 5778 is portrayed as ה׳תשע״ח, where ה׳ represents 5000, and תשע״ח represents 778.

Transliterations and transcriptions[edit]

The following table lists transliterations and transcriptions of Hebrew letters used in Modern Hebrew.


  • For some letters, the Academy of the Hebrew Language offers a precise transliteration that differs from the regular standard it has set. When omitted, no such precise alternative exists and the regular standard applies.
  • The IPA phonemic transcription is specified whenever it uses a different symbol from the one used for the regular standard Israeli transliteration.
  • The IPA phonetic transcription is specified whenever it differs from IPA phonemic transcription.

Note: SBL’s transliteration system, recommended in its Handbook of Style,[25] differs slightly from the 2006 precise transliteration system of the Academy of the Hebrew Language; for «צ» SBL uses «ṣ» (≠ AHL «ẓ»), and for בג״ד כפ״ת with no dagesh, SBL uses the same symbols as for with dagesh (i.e. «b», «g», «d», «k», «f», «t»).

Click «show» to view extended table including examples.
Hebrew letter example Translation Standard
example standard
example IPA phonemic
example IPA phonetic

consonantal, in
initial word

אִם if none[A1] im [ʔ] [ʔim]

consonantal, in
non initial word

שָׁאַל asked sha’ál ʾ shaʾál /ʔ/ /ʃaˈʔal/


רִאשׁוֹן first none[A2] rishón
בּ בֵּן son b ben
ב טוֹב good v tov
גּ גַּג roof g gag g gaḡ
ג׳ ג׳וּק roach ǧ[B1][21] ǧuk /d͡ʒ/ /d͡ʒuk/
דּ דּוּד boiler d dud d duḏ


הֵד echo h hed


פֹּה here none[A3] po


וָו hook v vav w waw
וּ הוּא he u hu
וֹ לוֹ to him o lo [o̞] or [ɔ̝] [lo̞, lɔ̝]
ז זֶה this z ze
ז׳ זָ׳רְגוֹן jargon ž[B2][21] žargón /ʒ/ /ʒarˈɡon/
ח חַם hot [C1] ẖam ḥam /x/ or /χ/ /xam/ [χ] [χam]
ט קָט tiny t kat kaṭ


יָם sea y yam /j/ /jam/

part of hirik male
(/i/ vowel)

בִּי in me i bi

part of tsere male
(/e/ vowel or
/ei/ diphthong)

מֵידָע information e medá é médá /e/ or /ej/ /meˈda/ or /mejˈda/ [e̞] or /e̞j/ [me̞ˈda] or [me̞jˈda]
כּ, ךּ[20] כֹּה so k ko
כ, ך סְכָךְ branch-roofing kh [C2] skhakh sḵaḵ /x/ or /χ/ /sxax/ [χ] [sχaχ]
ל לִי to me l li
מ, ם מוּם defect m mum
נ, ן נִין great-grandson n nin
ס סוֹף end s sof

in initial or final
word positions

עַדְלֹאיָדַע Purim-parade none[A4] adloyáda ʿ ʿadloyádaʿ only in initial
word position

in medial
word positions

מוֹעִיל useful mo’íl ʿ moʿíl /ʔ/ /moˈʔil/
פּ[D] טִיפּ tip p tip
פ, ף פִסְפֵס missed f fisfés
צ, ץ צִיץ bud ts tsits ẓiẓ /t͡s/ /t͡sit͡s/
צ׳, ץ׳ ריצ׳רץ׳ zip č[B3][21] ríčrač /t͡ʃ/ /ˈrit͡ʃrat͡ʃ/
ק קוֹל sound k kol q qol
ר עִיר city r ir [ʀ] or [ʁ] [iʀ] or [iʁ]
[r] or [ɾ]
[ir] or [iɾ]
שׁ שָׁם there sh sham š šam /ʃ/ /ʃam/
שׂ שָׂם put s sam ś śam
תּ תּוּת strawberry t tut t tuṯ
Hebrew letter Standard
IPA phonemic
IPA phonetic

consonantal, in
initial word

none[A1] [ʔ]

consonantal, in
non initial word

ʾ /ʔ/


בּ b
ב v
גּ g g
ג׳ ǧ[B1][21] /d͡ʒ/
דּ d d






v w
וּ u
וֹ o [o̞] or [ɔ̝]
ז z
ז׳ ž[B2][21] /ʒ/
ח [C1] /x/ or /χ/ [χ]
ט t


y /j/

part of hirik male
(/i/ vowel)


part of tsere male
(/e/ vowel or
/ei/ diphthong)

e é /e/ or /ej/ [e̞] or [e̞j]/
כּ, ךּ[20] k
כ, ך kh[C2] /x/ or /χ/ [χ]
ל l
מ, ם m
נ, ן n
ס s

in initial or final
word positions

none[A4] ʿ only in initial
word position

in medial
word positions

ʿ /ʔ/
פּ[D] p
פ, ף f
צ, ץ ts /t͡s/
צ׳, ץ׳ č[B3][21] /t͡ʃ/
ק k q
ר r [ʀ] or [ʁ]
[r] or [ɾ]
שׁ sh š /ʃ/
שׂ s ś
תּ t t

A1^ 2^ 3^ 4^ In transliterations of modern Israeli Hebrew, initial and final ע (in regular transliteration), silent or initial א, and silent ה are not transliterated. To the eye of readers orientating themselves on Latin (or similar) alphabets, these letters might seem to be transliterated as vowel letters; however, these are in fact transliterations of the vowel diacritics – niqqud (or are representations of the spoken vowels). E.g., in אִם («if», [ʔim]), אֵם («mother», [ʔe̞m]) and אֹם («nut», [ʔo̞m]), the letter א always represents the same consonant: [ʔ] (glottal stop), whereas the vowels /i/, /e/ and /o/ respectively represent the spoken vowel, whether it is orthographically denoted by diacritics or not. Since the Academy of the Hebrew Language ascertains that א in initial position is not transliterated, the symbol for the glottal stop  ʾ  is omitted from the transliteration, and only the subsequent vowels are transliterated (whether or not their corresponding vowel diacritics appeared in the text being transliterated), resulting in «im», «em» and «om», respectively.

B1^ 2^ 3^ The diacritic geresh – «׳» – is used with some other letters as well (ד׳, ח׳, ט׳, ע׳, ר׳, ת׳), but only to transliterate from other languages to Hebrew – never to spell Hebrew words; therefore they were not included in this table (correctly translating a Hebrew text with these letters would require using the spelling in the language from which the transliteration to Hebrew was originally made). The non-standard «ו׳» and «וו» [e1] are sometimes used to represent /w/, which like /d͡ʒ/, /ʒ/ and /t͡ʃ/ appears in Hebrew slang and loanwords.

C1^ 2^ The Sound /χ/ (as «ch» in loch) is often transcribed «ch», inconsistently with the guidelines specified by the Academy of the Hebrew Language: חם /χam/ → «cham»; סכך /sχaχ/ → «schach».

D^ Although the Bible does include a single occurrence of a final pe with a dagesh (Book of Proverbs 30, 6: «אַל-תּוֹסְףְּ עַל-דְּבָרָיו: פֶּן-יוֹכִיחַ בְּךָ וְנִכְזָבְתָּ.‎»), in modern Hebrew /p/ is always represented by pe in its regular, not final, form «פ», even when in final word position, which occurs with loanwords (e.g. שׁוֹפּ /ʃop/ «shop»), foreign names (e.g. פִילִיפּ /ˈfilip/ «Philip») and some slang (e.g. חָרַפּ /χaˈrap/ «slept deeply»).

Religious use[edit]

The letters of the Hebrew alphabet have played varied roles in Jewish religious literature over the centuries, primarily in mystical texts. Some sources in classical rabbinical literature seem to acknowledge the historical provenance of the currently used Hebrew alphabet and deal with them as a mundane subject (the Jerusalem Talmud, for example, records that «the Israelites took for themselves square calligraphy», and that the letters «came with the Israelites from Ashur [Assyria]»);[27] others attribute mystical significance to the letters, connecting them with the process of creation or the redemption. In mystical conceptions, the alphabet is considered eternal, pre-existent to the Earth, and the letters themselves are seen as having holiness and power, sometimes to such an extent that several stories from the Talmud illustrate the idea that they cannot be destroyed.[28]

The idea of the letters’ creative power finds its greatest vehicle in the Sefer Yezirah, or Book of Creation, a mystical text of uncertain origin which describes a story of creation highly divergent from that in the Book of Genesis, largely through exposition on the powers of the letters of the alphabet. The supposed creative powers of the letters are also referenced in the Talmud and Zohar.[29][30]

Another book, the 13th-century Kabbalistic text Sefer HaTemunah, holds that a single letter of unknown pronunciation, held by some to be the four-pronged shin on one side of the teffilin box, is missing from the current alphabet. The world’s flaws, the book teaches, are related to the absence of this letter, the eventual revelation of which will repair the universe.[31] Another example of messianic significance attached to the letters is the teaching of Rabbi Eliezer that the five letters of the alphabet with final forms hold the «secret of redemption».[31]

In addition, the letters occasionally feature in aggadic portions of non-mystical rabbinic literature. In such aggada the letters are often given anthropomorphic qualities and depicted as speaking to God. Commonly their shapes are used in parables to illustrate points of ethics or theology. An example from the Babylonian Talmud (a parable intended to discourage speculation about the universe before creation):

Why does the story of creation begin with bet?… In the same manner that the letter bet is closed on all sides and only open in front, similarly you are not permitted to inquire into what is before or what was behind, but only from the actual time of Creation.

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Hagigah, 77c

Extensive instructions about the proper methods of forming the letters are found in Mishnat Soferim, within Mishna Berura of Yisrael Meir Kagan.

Mathematical use[edit]

See aleph number and beth number and gimel function.

In set theory, aleph _{0}, pronounced aleph-naught or aleph-zero, is used to mark the cardinal number of an infinite countable set, such as mathbb {Z} , the set of all integers. More generally, the aleph _{alpha } (aleph) notation marks the ordered sequence of all distinct infinite cardinal numbers.

Less frequently used, the {displaystyle beth _{alpha }} (beth) notation is used for the iterated power sets of aleph _{0}. The 2nd element beth _{1} is the cardinality of the continuum. Very occasionally, gimel is used in cardinal notation.

Unicode and HTML[edit]

An example of a Hebrew keyboard.

The Unicode Hebrew block extends from U+0590 to U+05FF and from U+FB1D to U+FB4F. It includes letters, ligatures, combining diacritical marks (Niqqud and cantillation marks) and punctuation.[16] The Numeric Character References is included for HTML. These can be used in many markup languages, and they are often used in Wiki to create the Hebrew glyphs compatible with the majority of web browsers.

Standard Hebrew keyboards have a 101-key layout. Like the standard QWERTY layout, the Hebrew layout was derived from the order of letters on Hebrew typewriters.

See also[edit]

  • Hebrew braille
  • Hebrew diacritics
  • Cursive Hebrew
  • Hebrew punctuation
  • Hebrew spelling
  • Help:Hebrew
  • Inverted nun
  • Koren Type
  • Ktiv hasar niqqud («spelling lacking niqqud»)
  • Significance of numbers of Judaism


a^ «Alef-bet» is commonly written in Israeli Hebrew without the maqaf (מקף, «[Hebrew] hyphen»), אלפבית עברי, as opposed to with the hyphen, אלף־בית עברי.

b^ The Arabic letters generally (as six of the primary letters can have only two variants) have four forms, according to their place in the word. The same goes with the Mandaic ones, except for three of the 22 letters, which have only one form.

c^ In forms of Hebrew older than Modern Hebrew, כ״ף, בי״ת and פ״א can only be read b, k and p, respectively, at the beginning of a word, while they will have the sole value of v, kh and f in a sofit (final) position, with few exceptions.[20] In medial positions, both pronunciations are possible. In Modern Hebrew this restriction is not absolute, e.g. פִיזִיקַאי /fiziˈkaj/ and never /piziˈkaj/ (= «physicist»), סְנוֹבּ /snob/ and never /snov/ (= «snob»). A dagesh may be inserted to unambiguously denote the plosive variant: בּ = /b/, כּ = /k/, פּ =/p/; similarly (though today very rare in Hebrew and common only in Yiddish) a rafé placed above the letter unambiguously denotes the fricative variant: בֿ = /v/, כֿ = /χ/ and פֿ = /f/. In Modern Hebrew orthography, the sound [p] at the end of a word is denoted by the regular form «פ», as opposed to the final form «ף», which always denotes [f] (see table of transliterations and transcriptions, comment[D]).

d^ However, וו (two separate vavs), used in Ktiv male, is to be distinguished from the Yiddish ligature װ (also two vavs but together as one character).

e1^ e2^ e3^ e4^ e5^ The Academy of the Hebrew Language states that both [v] and [w] be indistinguishably represented in Hebrew using the letter Vav.[26] Sometimes the Vav is indeed doubled, however not to denote [w] as opposed to [v] but rather, when spelling without niqqud, to denote the phoneme /v/ at a non-initial and non-final position in the word, whereas a single Vav at a non-initial and non-final position in the word in spelling without niqqud denotes one of the phonemes /u/ or /o/. To pronounce foreign words and loanwords containing the sound [w], Hebrew readers must therefore rely on former knowledge and context.

Explanatory footnotes

  1. ^ Possibly rooted from Ancient Egyptian ḏ or dj.


  1. ^ «Hebrew alphabet.» Encyclopedia Britannica. «Square Hebrew became established in the 2nd and 1st centuries bce and developed into the modern Hebrew alphabet over the next 1,500 years.»
  2. ^ Abu Elhija, Dua’a (23 January 2014). «A new writing system? Developing orthographies for writing Arabic dialects in electronic media». Writing Systems Research. Informa UK Limited. 6 (2): 190–214. doi:10.1080/17586801.2013.868334. ISSN 1758-6801. S2CID 219568845.
  3. ^ Gaash, Amir. «Colloquial Arabic written in Hebrew characters on Israeli websites by Druzes (and other non-Jews).» Jerusalem studies in Arabic and Islam 43 (2016): 15.
  4. ^ Shachmon, Ori, and Merav Mack. “Speaking Arabic, Writing Hebrew. Linguistic Transitions in Christian Arab Communities in Israel.” Wiener Zeitschrift Für Die Kunde Des Morgenlandes, vol. 106, 2016, pp. 223–239. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/26449346. Accessed 15 July 2021.
  5. ^ Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 21b–22a); Jerusalem Talmud (Megillah 10a). Cf. Mishnah (Megillah 1:8): «The Books [of Scripture] differ from phylacteries and Mezuzahs only in that the Books may be written in any language, while phylacteries and Mezuzahs may be written in the Assyrian writing only.» See: The Mishnah (ed. Herbert Danby), Oxford University Press: London 1977, p. 202.
  6. ^ Naveh, Joseph (1987), «Proto-Canaanite, Archaic Greek, and the Script of the Aramaic Text on the Tell Fakhariyah Statue», in Miller; et al. (eds.), Ancient Israelite Religion.
  7. ^ Smith, Mark S. (2002). The Early History of God: Yahweh and the other deities in ancient Israel. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-8028-3972-5.
  8. ^ The Calendar Tablet from Gezer, Adam L Bean, Emmanual School of Religion Archived March 2, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
  9. ^ Is it “Tenable”?, Hershel Shanks, Biblical Archaeology Review Archived December 25, 2010, at the Wayback Machine
  10. ^ Spelling in the Hebrew Bible: Dahood memorial lecture, By Francis I. Andersen, A. Dean Forbes, p56
  11. ^ Pardee, Dennis. «A Brief Case for the Language of the ‘Gezer Calendar’ as Phoenician». Linguistic Studies in Phoenician, ed. Robert D. Holmstedt and Aaron Schade. Winona Lake: 43.
  12. ^ Chris A. Rollston (2010). Writing and Literacy in the World of Ancient Israel: Epigraphic Evidence from the Iron Age. Society of Biblical Lit. pp. 30–. ISBN 978-1-58983-107-0.
  13. ^ Saénz-Badillos, Angel (1993). A History of the Hebrew Language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 16.
  14. ^ Saénz-Badillos, Angel (1993). A History of the Hebrew Language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 61–62.
  15. ^ A History of the Hebrew Language. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 1993. ISBN 978-0-521-55634-7.
  16. ^ a b c d «Hebrew» (character code chart). The Unicode Standard. Unicode, Inc.
  17. ^ a b Unicode names of Hebrew characters at fileformat.info.
  18. ^ Kaplan, Aryeh. Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation. pp. 8, 22.
  19. ^ «The Hebrew Alphabet (Aleph-Bet)». www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org. Retrieved 4 October 2020.
  20. ^ a b c d «ךּ» is rare but exists, e.g. last word in Deuteronomy 7 1 (דברים פרק ז׳ פסוק א׳) in the word «מִמֶּךָּ‎» – see תנ״ך מנוקד, דברים פרק ז׳. There is a single occurrence of «ףּ», see this comment[D].
  21. ^ a b c d e f g h i Transliteration guidelines preceding 2006-update Archived 2011-11-16 at the Wayback Machine, p. 3 Academy of the Hebrew Language
  22. ^ Laufer, Asher (2008). Chapters in Phonetics and Phonetic Transcription. Jerusalem: Magnes. pp. 207–211. ISBN 978-965-493-401-5.
  23. ^ «Hebrew lessons for Christians».
  24. ^ Sirat, Colette (1976), Ecriture et civilisations, Paris: Editions du CNRS.
  25. ^ «Resources for New Testament Exegesis – Transliteration Standards of The SBL Handbook of Style».
  26. ^ a b c d e «Transliteration guidelines» (PDF). Academy of the Hebrew Language. November 2006. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 July 2014.
  27. ^ Jerusalem Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 21b
  28. ^ Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Pesach 87b, Avodah Zarah 18a.
  29. ^ Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Berachot 55c
  30. ^ Zohar 1:3; 2:152
  31. ^ a b The Book of Letters. Woodstock, Vermont: Jewish Lights Publishing, Woodstock. 1990


  • Wikisource-logo.svg Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar, §5 ff.
  • Hoffman, Joel M. 2004. In the Beginning: A Short History of the Hebrew Language. New York: New York University Press.
  • Saenz-Badillos, Angel. 1993. A History of the Hebrew Language. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
  • Steinberg, David. History of the Hebrew Language.
  • Mathers table

External links[edit]


  • How to draw letters
  • Official Unicode standards document for Hebrew
  • Unicode collation charts—including Hebrew letters, sorted by shape


  • LiteType.com – Virtual & Interactive Hebrew Keyboard
  • Mikledet.com – For typing Hebrew with an English keyboard (Hebrew keyboard|Hebrew layout)
  • Prize Find: Oldest Hebrew Inscription Archived 2012-02-29 at the Wayback Machine Biblical Archaeology Review

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