Как красиво написать i miss you

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Вы часто могли видеть и слышать выражение “I miss you” в песнях, фильмах и сериалах на английском. “I miss you” широко используется в контексте романтических и дружественных отношений, потому что переводится как «Я скучаю по тебе». Само слово miss не несет в себе никакой романтики, в разных контекстах оно может переводиться совершенно по-разному. Например, miss a chance — упустить шанс, miss the train — опоздать на поезд, miss my sister — скучаю по своей сестре, miss you more and more every day — с каждым днем все больше и больше скучаю по тебе. Последний вариант, как раз, и считается примером использования слова miss в романтичном контексте. Рассмотрим и другие варианты выражения “I miss you”, которые помогут выразить чувства на английском языке.

I am counting the days until I see you again — Я считаю дни, когда снова увижу тебя.
I long for you — Я скучаю по тебе.

NB! Long в английском языке используется не только в качестве наречия (долго) или прилагательного (длинный). Глагол long переводится как хотеть чего-то очень сильно или тосковать. Например, как в английских идиомах: to long for somebody — тосковать по кому-то; long for a change — жаждать перемены чего-либо.

I wish you were here — Как бы я хотел, чтобы ты был(а) здесь.
I look forward to seeing you again — С нетерпением жду нашей следующей встречи.
I think about you all the time — Я постоянно думаю о тебе
You occupy my thoughts — Ты занимаешь все мои мысли.
All I do is think of you — Все, что я делаю, только и думаю о тебе.
I want you here with me now — Я очень хочу, чтобы ты был(а) рядом со мной сейчас.
Your presence makes me a happy person — Твое присутствие делает меня счастливым.
IMY (I miss you) — это сокращение от предложения “I miss you”, которое часто используется в качестве английского сленга в переписке.

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I Miss You Message: Spending each and every moment with your significant other is a dream come true! But when he/she is not by your side, it can be difficult to explain the depth of your feelings. If your man or lady is away from you, don’t hesitate to put in some extra effort and let your partner know how much you’re missing him/her! Make your love aware of the lengths you would go to meet them right now! And if you are looking for romantic missing you messages that will surely melt your lover’s heart, check the sample I miss you texts below!

I miss you! You are a blessing in my life, and I don’t want to live without you any longer.

I am so fortunate to have you, but I am also miserable to be so far away. I’m really missing you.

I’m sending you lots of love and kisses! We may be apart now, but my heart is always with you. Thinking of you every second until we meet again!

I Miss You Messages

I can’t stop thinking about you. Every time I think about you, my heart cries for you. I miss you so much.

Every moment without you feels like an eternity, and I can’t bear this loneliness anymore. I miss you so much, baby.

Nothing is more painful than you not being here. Come back soon and hug me tightly. I miss you so much, my love.

In the dewy morning, on a sunny afternoon, in the gloomy evening, or on a lonely night, if you ever think of me, know that someone is thinking of you too. I miss you so much.

I want you by my side. You have no idea how much I miss you. This pain is unbearable. Not a single second passes by when you aren’t in my thoughts. 

No matter how much I try to put you out of my mind, I can’t pull myself away from thinking about you. My sole desire is to once more be in your company. I love you and miss you so love!

The only thing I want to do right now is put my arms around you and embrace you so tightly that you can feel my heartbeat. I’m missing you.

i miss you message for her

My dear, I will never be able to bear the pain of being away from you. Without you, my world feels so empty!

I wish I could teleport myself to you out there. Missing my dearest from the core of my heart.

It hurts so much not seeing you every day, and you have become a habit for me. I miss you so much.

Missing you from the depth of my heart. You are my king, and there will be no kingdom without you.

It’s hard waking up when you’re not in my arms. I miss you, love!

Missing you has become a part of me, like breathing and sleeping. Your presence lingers lovey heart everywhere I go, everywhere I look. Miss you so much, my love!

It aches in my heart that we can’t be together now, but I know this won’t last forever. I can’t wait to wrap my arms around you and tell you how much I’ve missed you.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself in the meantime! I’m sending lots of hugs and love kisses your way! I Miss you, honey! I Love you forever and always. Let me know when you come back; I’m counting the days!

i miss you image

When you’re not by my side, the world loses its beauty! Missing you so much!

Baby, you are a home for my wounded soul and I’m homesick now!

I want to hold your hand, hold you close, hug you tightly, kiss you softly, and let you rest your head on my chest so that you can hear my heartbeat just for you. I miss you.

I can’t figure out why I miss you so much. And I have no idea why my heart wants to see you so much. Maybe, it’s because I love you.

Going through a day without seeing your pretty smile is the biggest torture! Missing you!!

The ugliest feeling in the world is missing you and not being able to see you. Come back soon.

When you aren’t by my side, my heart feels lonely. Would you please return home soon? I miss you.

I am missing the warm hug you used to give me every time we saw each other. It hurts me that you are not around, and I miss you so much.


Even though I’m with a lot of people, I still feel empty when I’m not with the person I love. I wish you were here my love. Missing you too badly!

I hope to be with you as soon as possible because the loneliness I felt is already unbearable. I miss you so bad.

How I wish I could be in your arms right now! I miss you to death, honey!

The space between my fingers feel too big when yours are not intertwined! I miss you!

Romantic Miss You Messages for Love

Missing you has become regular, but I love this feeling as well because it associates with you. Miss you, my love.

I miss you; my life has become so mundane with you. Anything that makes me think of you makes me miss you even more than before.

My heart aches whenever you cross my mind. I keep on reliving those beautiful moments inside my head over and over again. Wherever you are, I want you to know that I’ll always love you, and no one can replace you.

Even if we are physically failover, our hearts will remain joined no matter the distance between us. Always in my thoughts is the wonderful person you are. Miss you, my love!

I wish missing the most handsome boy on this earth was a disease and there was a cure for it because I am having this syndrome now. Missing you dearly.

The moments are giving me a chance to miss you more and more, and I hate them purely. Would you please come and shower me with your lovely kisses?

I love you more than I love me. In my world, it is forever you and me. I love you and I miss you.

missing you message for her

Longing for you is a great feeling, but I wish you were here to hug me right now. Love you.

You are the most wonderful song that I will always listen to; keep playing on repeat for forever. Missing you so much, babe.

‘Missing you’ is a very understatement to express my current feelings for you. I want my handsome boyfriend by my side 24/7. No compromise.

When I miss you, it’s not just a habit; it’s a big addiction. I’m missing you terribly; please return soon.

You are the last puzzle piece that completes my life and makes it look perfect with your charm and love. Miss you to the moon and back, dear hubby.

I always find myself longing for your smile, the sound of my name on your lips, and your laugh. Please come back to me soon!

My life is incomplete without you and your love. I will be waiting for you to come back and complete my life again. I love you and I miss you.

Distance can affect our minds, not our hearts, not our love. Missing you, my love.

romantic miss u messages

My tears have dried up, and my emotions have gone numb. My smile has disappeared, my life has become glum. Meet me soon, wipe away my sorrows. Hug me tightly baby, pull me out of these woes. I miss you.

Being away for a few days from you is harder for me than I thought. I miss you. I can’t wait to hug you tightly.

Hurry back to me before I get super lonely and sad. Hurry back to me to make me feel warmth and love. Missing you a lot, my soulmate!

I Miss You Messages For Her

Darling, goodbyes are always hard but bidding farewell to you is the most crucial! I miss you so much right now! Wish you could be here!

Every second without your arms around me, without your hands holding mine, without your sweet smile before my eyes take my breath away! I miss you!

My life feels so incomplete when my soulmate is not by my side. Baby, missing you more than I can put into words! Please be back soon!

How do I explain how my heart aches when I’m apart from you? Honey, will you come and soothe the pain? Because I’m missing you so much!

I can’t wait to be in your arms again, and until then, I have memories of us together to keep me company. I miss you, my love! Come back soon. I’m waiting with all my love!

My sweetheart, my world, I love more than words can say. Every day apart from you feels like an eternity, and I’m counting the seconds until we’re together again. Whenever I think of you, my heart aches with missing you.


Sweetheart, you are someone whom I can love fiercely, whom I can hug comfortably, whom I can trust endlessly. You’re my everything and I miss you!

Even if we’re far away from each other, my heart only beats for you and my soul calls for your presence. I love you so much and I miss you, Baby.

Every moment I breathe without having you by my side is every moment lost! Darling, I miss you more than the flowers miss the sun!

If you are feeling the wind on your face, Be sure that I have sent you a thousand kisses, Coz I am missing you each day!

You were the reason why I smile every day. So how can I smile if my only reason is not here beside me? How I wish to smile again. I miss you.

I miss you to pieces, The hugs and the sweet kisses, The love and the attention, The care and the affection; I miss you, I can’t pay attention!

Missing you is one of the hardest feelings, I can’t work, I can’t eat, I can’t live my old self. Bring back the happiness and come back. I miss you very much!

The sweetest part of my day is thinking of you. But the hardest part is missing you. How I wish to be with you again.

miss you messages for love

When I close my eyes, I can only see one face. When I am lost in thoughts, It’s only you, and I am really missing you much dear!

I love hugging you but I hate letting go. I love saying hello but I hate saying goodbye. I love watching you come towards me but I hate watching you walk away. I miss you.

How many days have passed? I still cannot stop thinking about you. What would I not give to go back to the old days again? How can I explain to you what’s going on in my mind?

It has been a long since we last talked. Sometimes tears come to my eyes when I think of you, and I miss you so much. But when I think of my favorite moment with you again, I laugh with tears in my eyes.

Sometimes your memories make me cry a lot. There is no end to the desire of humans in life. There is no end to longing, but for me, my desire is only you.

I am lost in a sea of thoughts whenever I think of you. I cannot forget you for a single second. Can you please come back soon? I miss you.

My mind is crazy and wants to hear your sweet voice. How to tell you the language of the mind? How do I show you the depths of my passion? If only you knew how much I miss you.

I cannot take the distance between you and me anymore. I cannot think of anything else without you. I miss you.

Read More: Missing You Messages For Girlfriend

I Miss You Messages For Him

I suddenly heard someone talking to me. I looked and saw no one. Then I realized it was my heart that was saying, “I miss you.”

Honey, I crave for your touch, I yearn for your love, I miss your smile and I cannot possibly live one moment without you! I miss you so much!

When I miss you so much, I look at the sky. I know I won’t see you there, but I get comfort thinking that we are both under one sky. Why are you so far away from me?

I saw you on a sunny day; I saw you on a rainy day; I saw you under a sky full of stars. These days come and go and remind me of you. I miss you, dear.

When I’m awake, I think about you. When I’m asleep, I dream about you. You are embedded in every essence of my life! How can I not miss you?

Missing You Messages

I feel sad and lost whenever I think about you because you’re not here to make me happy! Can you come to me so I can stop missing you?

Dying in your love is better than the life without you. I miss you so much my dear; I love you. Come back to me!

When I say that, I miss you. You should consider it an understatement. You have no idea how am I feeling right now and how much I am missing you.

Sometimes I wish you were the moon and I am the stars so that missing you will no longer be an issue. But right now, I am totally missing you.

I hope there is a medicine for missing someone because I need it now. I think my only medicine is you. I need you now honey.


You know, there is a huge hole in my heart, and it can only be filled by the love you give me every day. So consider it an emergency and come over to me. I am in need of your love. I miss you so much.

I’m like a puzzle with missing pieces when you’re not here. Complete me and fill the emptiness Missing you, baby.

I am missing that sweet hug you give me every time you see me. I want to be with you right now. I miss you so much.

My pillow can no longer compensate for your shoulder to rest my head on and your arms that wrap around me tightly. I miss you.

I have gone to the doctor for this “missing you” disease I have. He prescribed me two hugs and one kiss three times daily from you. Now you have to provide me my medicine. I miss you!

I never thought I could have a feeling more than pain, I never thought I could have this hitching more than hurts, Thinking about you not being here, I am losing myself. Losing myself because I am missing you.

There is nothing more painful than being ignored by you. Please come to me and give me your tight hug. I miss you so much.

missing you love messages

I feel exposed to worldly problems, difficulties, and misfortunes when you are not around. I miss you, baby. I miss you so much.

A home without you is not a home. I recall our sweet memories whenever I miss you. No one can replace you, my love. Your absence makes my life dull, unhappy, and sad. I miss you.

When I wake up in the morning and can’t see your face, my heart agonizes. I feel like running and hugging you in those moments, but I cannot because you are not here. I miss you so much, dear.

The defeated mind is lost somewhere thinking of you. I cannot forget you, no matter how much I try. My heart is expecting to spend time with you right now. I miss you.

The illusion of the mind is a great illusion; now, I know that. That’s why I keep looking for you. No matter how busy I am, I miss you.

Read More: I Miss You Messages For Him

I Miss You Love Message

Whenever I’m feeling down, all I need to do is to think of you and your charming look, and my mood immediately brightens up, and I feel better. I miss seeing your face.

My sweet love, I miss you so much! Every day feels like too long without your presence. You make my heart flutter with the thought of you, and I can’t help but smile when I think of all we have shared together.

Your touch, your laughter, your smile – they all make me feel happy. I can’t wait to be with you again and hold you in my arms love.

i miss you love message

Your beautiful smile and warm hugs are what I long for most. You fill me with joy, and your presence is the light of my life. I can’t wait to be reunited in each other’s arms; until then, know that I love you and miss you more than anything. All my love, loveys.

My sweetheart, I miss you so much. Every day without you is like an eternity, and I want to be with you again. You fill my heart with joy and happiness, and when we’re apart, I feel like a part of me is missing. Nothing can compare to our love – it’s so special and unique.

I’m here thinking about you and all the great moments we shared. You make me feel loved – like no other feeling in this world. I miss you so much and can’t wait to hold you in my arms again!

There is not a single day in which you are not on my mind. I have high hopes that we will be able to spend some time together very soon. I think about you all the time, my dear Queen! Miss You, love.

Emotional Missing You Message

Life seems pretty boring and incomplete without your sweet presence. Rescue me from this eternal boredom and be my adventure partner. Missing you a lot.

I suffocate without you when you are not here with me. I miss you with all my heart. I wish you were here with me.

You not being here by my side makes me feel like a big part of me is missing. I miss you so much.

I miss my babe so much that my heart could burst into hundred pieces anytime now. Come back to me please.

I do not know what the hell looks like, but when you are not with me, I can guess about it. Missing you, my love.

We may live oceans apart but our hearts are always attached. It’s crazy how much I miss you.

You took an oath to be my side till death does us apart. Just a friendly reminder. Missing you, dear husband.

emotional missing you message

I feel empty when you are not here by my side. Life is so mundane without you. I wish you were here, I miss you.

I hope you come back soon. Not being able to see you hurts me like crazy. I miss you so much.

You not being the first thing I see every morning after I wake up hurts so much. I miss you.

My heart aches whenever I realize you are not beside me. Come back soon, love!

A day seems like a decade without you; home seems like purgatory. Dear wifey, take my undying love and please come back. Missing you.

Being away from you restores coldness in my heart, and I need to get rid of it soon. Would you please take away all the icky feelings with your touch? Miss you.

I can’t imagine how many nights I’ve stayed up late in my chilly bed since your warmth has vanished from my life. I miss you!

You are on my mind 24/7. I can’t stop thinking about you. My life has become empty without you. I miss you!

Also Read: Missing You Messages For Boyfriend

When you are in love with someone, the other person is always on your mind and that’s what makes love so special and unique! And it’s a must to express these deep feelings to that person who’s engraved on your heart and soul. If you are away from your lover for a short or long time, sweet emotional messages or cute flirty messages will bear the love to him/her! Sending ‘I miss you’ messages will let the other person feel the sincerity of your emotions. This will take your relationship to another level of love and trust and deepen the bond between you two more than you can think! So if you’re looking for messages to send to your significant other, don’t miss these unique ones above!

Last updated on January 21, 2023

If you’re here, you’re probably physically separated from a very special someone.

Perhaps you’re in a long distance relationship.

Perhaps you’ve been dating for a while.

Maybe you’re on a break.

Whatever your situation, you’re about to get 70 I miss you text examples that’ll make her miss you too.

Plus, you get:

  • 20 I miss you texts for someone you’re exclusively dating
  • 1 Simple tip that will increase your attraction and make her miss you even more
  • The absolute best way to reply if she says she misses you first
  • 30 text examples for when you miss the woman you love
  • The ONLY time you want to text your ex and how to do it (copy paste my line)

Important: I know you’re sometimes unsure what to text. So I’ve put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

Don’t send anything until you read this

An ‘I miss you’ text is incredibly touching.

But it can also be very dangerous for your relationship.

After all, ‘I miss you’ implies a deep emotional connection to someone.

And if that someone doesn’t feel the same level of connection, she could interpret that as you being needy or clingy. Even creepy.

Which can spell disaster for your relationship.

So before you send an ‘I miss you text’ you MUST know if the person on the other end is likely to feel the same way.

That’s why I only recommend sending ‘I miss you’ texts to:

  • Someone you’ve been dating exclusively
  • Someone you’re in a relationship with (even if it’s on a break)
  • Someone who’s told you they love you
  • Someone you’ve known for a very long time

Here come the 70 texts.

20 I miss you texts for someone who you’re dating exclusively



I just had a dream about you


I can smell your scent on my bed sheets and it’s cute


Sending you a big fat hug


There’s nothing I’d like to do more than snuggle with you right now



I can’t wait to hold you again


I wish I could copy and paste you into my arms


I wish you we were both wearing Pokémon pajamas in bed right now


I can’t stop listening to our songs

Holy Tip:

If you have a specific song or playlist that you both loved to listen to, share that!


I can’t wait to see you again


Beep boop. That’s robot for: miss you


Seeing your photo makes me smile


Eating by myself makes me realize how much I miss you


Waking up sucks, so I thought you could use a little help


Good luck with your presentation today

Replace ‘presentation’ with any big job she’s getting ready for.


Here’s a virtual hug to start your day


Did the sun just come out or did you smile at me?


Wish I was with you to kiss you good morning


Even the food tastes less good without you

Advice that’ll improve any long distance relationship

It’s a fact:

We’re more likely to get into a long distance relationship today, than any other time in history.

We’re traveling more, working abroad, and connecting with far away people through dating apps and social media.

(Ever wondered how to meet girls through social media? Click this link to find out how you can successfully slide into a girl’s DMs.)

So we have lots more access to people who aren’t in our local area.


Suddenly you’re in a long distance relationship.

So how do you make it work?

Well, without going too in depth, you at the very least want to do this…

Keeping the emotional momentum going.

And the best way to do that is not a text message.

It’s a voice note.

  • It sets you apart. In a world of grey text messages, your voice brings color and leaps off the screen
  • You can say much more in the same time it takes you to type up a text
  • It shows your humanity. Text messages are nice, but they’re a far cry from your true self

While I don’t recommend you ALWAYS send voice notes.

That’s annoying.

I do recommend you send voice messages occasionally.

Like when you want to say you miss her.

Here’s a video where I explain exactly how best to use your voice:

Now back to the ‘I miss you’ texts.

20 I miss you texts for someone you’re in a relationship with

#21: Cake is good, mmmm’kay

I miss you like a fat kid misses cake

#22: When you’re a ghost

The only time I ever think about you is always

#23: A sweet puppers

#24: When you want to play it cool

Life’s much more sucky without you

#25: Error 404

I think my brain’s broken. It can’t stop thinking of you

#26: It’s just too much

I know you’ve only been away for a week, but it feels like forever

#27: The toofer

Whenever I miss you I open up your Insta and feel a little better

A slightly more private pic might make me feel even more happy though 😉

#28: The sophisticated gentleman

Miss, I don’t wish to alarm you. But your absence bothers me quite a lot

#29: The anime geek

Okay, it’s been too long. I’m going to collect the seven dragon balls to bring you back

#30: When you want to get the law involved

I’m THIS close to calling the police and reporting you as missing

#31: The classic

I miss you a little more each day

#32: The poetic

Being without you is like living life in black and white

#33: When you’re jelly

I’m jealous of the people who get to see you every day

#34: The exaggerator

Did you feel that earthquake? That was my heart exploding from sadness

#35: When food just isn’t doing it anymore

I miss you more than a chicken sandwich from Popeyes

Replace with your favorite take-away meal.

By the way, if you don’t know what to send in the morning, check out these 100+ ‘good morning’ texts!

#35: Pets don’t cut it

I miss that you’re not around to laugh at my stupid jokes, because the cat doesn’t get it

#35: When you’ve been watching too much Bob Ross

#36: When you spend a lot of time on the internet

Is it time to come back yet? *cries in lonely*

#37: If you’re both Harry Potter fans

I hate how the Department of Magical Transportation took away my Apparating license

Now I just have to wait for you to come back like a mudblood

#38: The truth

Really struggling to get by today without you

#39: Truth Part 2

I hope we’ll never be this far apart again

#40: For when you’re on a break

I know we’re on a break, but I still think about you

How to respond if she says I miss you first

Congrats! She told you she misses you first.

But how the heck do you reply?


You respond with the truth.

If you miss her too, tell in a way that best reflects your feelings.

Don’t you miss her back?

Tell her nicely that you don’t feel the same way.

Which is not easy to do, but it’s best for everyone in the long run.

  • 5 Ways to reject a girl over text without breaking her heart

Good luck.

30 Texts for when you miss the person that loves you

You can obviously use the previous ‘I miss you’-texts to send to the person you love too.

But if you want to get a little more lovey-dovey, go with these:

#41: Ouchy

I’ve never missed anyone as much as I miss you

#42: A sobering moment

I was having such a good day today until I realized I couldn’t share it with you

#43: When everything isn’t enough

Sitting in a full house with anything a man could want

But it still feels empty without you

#44: Pet peeves become pet pleasures

I always thought I couldn’t stand it

But when I lie in bed now I even miss feeling your cold feet

#45: You want your friend back

I miss you. I just have so many things I want to share and do with you

#46: Sweet or infuriating?

I miss you so much that I’ve started to spray your perfume on the bed sheets

#47: When your hand isn’t enough

Showering on the weekends is so boring without you

#48: Girls smell good

I miss how you smell when you get out of the bath

#49: When your heart steps in

Please come back soon, he’s not the same without you – his heart

#50: How you’re feeling

#51: Your heart got in the way

I thought I could handle you being away from me, but my heart seriously misses you

#50: You can’t use your favorite sandwich spread

I miss you more than peanut butter misses jelly

#51: She pulled a fast one

When you left, you never said that I’d miss you this badly!

#52: She forgot something

Hey, I think you left something important at home

#53: Love can really be that simple

You know you badly miss someone when all you need is something as simple as the sound of their voice

#54: A curveball

I’ve always been ready to overcome the obstacles life throws in my way

But I never expected that one of the obstacles would be missing the woman I love

#55: You don’t know what you have until it’s gone

You being away really makes me realize how much I miss you

#56: Your heart is malfunctioning

My heart DGAF that I’m a man

It’s making me miss you so bad right now, babes

#57: Even the little things

The sound of your laugh, your smell, even our little fights, I want them all back

#58: When she’s kinesthetic

My arms need you in them right now

#59: If given two options

It’s really hard not having you here

But it would be heartbreaking if I didn’t have you in my life

I’d choose you every time, baby

#60: Songwriters know what’s up

I can’t believe all those love songs were true

The world really is more colorful when you’re with the person you love

#61: Only special people

I’m around people all day

But I still feel lonely not have you with me

#62: The difference

When you’re with me, I’m perfectly fine just sitting together saying nothing

Now we’re apart, I keep having to fight the urge to call and talk to you

#63: The one

The only thing that’s making this any easier is because I know you miss me just as badly as I miss you


I’ve got tacos (her favorite food). You better come over here before it’s all in my belly

#65: How you’re feeling

All I first wanted was to date a sexy nurse (replace with her profession)

Now I’m in love and missing you?

#66: What you want to do

I can’t stop thinking about all the fun things we’re going to do when we’re together again

#67: It hurts

Being away from you made it painfully obvious just how much I love you

#68: She’s your favorite

Ugh, my heart. Being apart from your favorite person in the whole world sucks!

#69: Not just any hole

There’s a huge hole in my heart shaped like you. Miss you!

#70: Feeling under the weather

I thought I was getting ill, but then I realized I’m sick of missing you

5 I miss you texts for someone you’ve known for a very long time

You’re about to get some ‘I miss you’ texts for a platonic friend.

As it is now, they’re directed to a male friend.

So if your friend happens to be a woman, just make a few minor adjustments.

Holy Tip:

Are you about to send an I miss you text to a girl that you’re secretly crushing on or in love with?


Saying you miss her will only get you pulled into the friendzone even further.

If you want to eventually date her, you want to do something else.


Find out in this free article of mine:

5 Easy steps to get out of the friendzone

#71: When you don’t hang out as much

I know we don’t see each other as much as we used to, but I just wanted to let you know that you’re still on my mind. Thanks for all the good memories, bud

#72: A reminder

I know I never say it, but thanks for being a great friend

#73: When the friendship has been going on MAD long

I just realized that I’ve known you for over 20 years. Thanks for sticking by me for so long, dude

#74: A token of appreciation

I’ve had many friends come and go throughout my life. But you’ve always stayed by my side. Thanks man, seriously

#75: Out of sight, but not out of mind

I know we don’t hang like we used to, but if you ever need someone to talk to, you can count on me

1 Text how to tell your ex you miss her

When you break up with someone you love or have loved, you spend a lot of time agonizing over that person.

Agonize over that person enough and you may reach the conclusion you want that person back.

Which can be a good idea depending on the reason.

Do you feel lonely? Bad idea.

Do you have a great connection? Better idea, if… that person has the same standards in life as you. If that person has value systems totally different to your own, getting back together is a horrible idea.

What’s the best reason to want your ex back and say you miss her?

If you’re right for each other in every aspect, but the relationship fizzled due to a timing issue.

Is that the case?

Then you can rekindle your lost love.

Otherwise I strongly suggest moving on.


I was just in the park where we always used to go to and the memory of you brought a smile to my face

Anyway, I’ve been doing great lately and I hope you have been too. If you’re open for it, I’d love to hear about what you’ve been up to over a cup of coffee

What makes this text so good?

  • It’s positive without being desperate (instead of losing sleep over her, you only mention that your memory of her made you smile)
  • You’re doing great
  • You cut to the chase and show her you want to catch up

Now the ball is in her court.

Let’s hope she comes back to you with some good news.

Other ways to show you miss her

We just discussed 77 texts on how to tell you miss her.

But that’s not the only way to show her how you’re feeling.

Pick up a pen and write her a letter.

Send her some flowers.

And most simple and personal of all, arrange a video chat!

Anyway, bro. Before we finish up today’s article on ‘I miss you’ text examples, two more gifts.

The 10 Texts That Always Work.

A collection of text messages for when you don’t know what to say and you want to be funny, flirty, or witty.

Aaaaaaaaand I have a Tinder opener for you that’s so good I should be charging you money.

So if you’re in an open relationship, be sure to grab it.


Louis Farfields

And don’t forget your download below ;)

I Miss You quotes!!! In the quest of being more romantic, why don’t you try your hand and say the phrase “I miss you” in different ways? This is a sure-shot way to impress your loved one. Check out our list of 50 sweet ways for saying “I miss you” in English.

I Miss You Quotes – Here are romantic ways to say “I miss you” in English.

  1. I wish you were here right now.
  2. I’ve been thinking of you.
  3. I can’t work because all I do is think of you.
  4. The world is not the same when you are away.
  5. I miss you like a fat kid on diet misses cake.
  6. I hope to see you again.
  7. You’ve been on my mind.
  8. I can’t sleep because I have been thinking of you so much.
  9. I just want to be where you are.
  10. When can I see you again?
  11. I need you now.
  12. I miss you all the way to the moon and back.
  13. I’m counting the days until I see you again.
  14. My life has avoided when you are not with me.
  15. I started missing you as soon as we said goodbye.
  16. I can’t stop thinking about you.
  17. I’m jealous of people who get to see you every day.
  18. Your picture makes me smile.
  19. I didn’t know it was possible to miss someone this much.
  20. I feel sad without you.
  21. Can you feel me missing you?
  22. I can’t wait to be with you again.
  23. All I do is think of you.
  24. You should be here.
  25. I think of you night and day
  26. You’ve been running through my head all night.
  27. I miss you too much for words.
  28. I would like to be with you again.
  29. I can’t wait to see your beautiful face.
  30. My life is meaningless without you.
  31. I have never missed anyone as much as I miss you.
  32. I think about you all the time.
  33. I can’t wait to talk to you again.
  34. Every piece of me misses you.
  35. You crossed my mind.
  36. I just miss you, that’s all.
  37. I smile when I think of the time we spent together.
  38. I can’t breathe without you.
  39. I will stop missing you when I’m with you.
  40. You occupy my thoughts.
  41. I miss you so much it hurts.
  42. I miss your laugh.
  43. I can’t wait to see your face again.
  44. I’m incomplete without you.
  45. I yearn for you.
  46. Your presence makes me a happy person.
  47. I’m so unhappy without you.
  48. I look forward to seeing you again.
  49. I feel empty without you.
  50. I can feel your smell everywhere around me.

I Miss You Quotes Infographic

I Miss You Quotes in English

I Miss You Quotes

Are you being lonely, bored and looking for I Miss You Messages for your husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend?

These list of cute I miss you messages and quotes will help you make Him or Her easily know how you miss them.

So, here you go!

I Miss You Messages Him (My Boyfriend)

Below is a list of cute I Miss You Messages for your Boyfriend.

1. I miss your touch, your smell and all. I need to see you badly my sweet boyfriend.

2. The thought of being alone, without you at the moment is one big reason why I cringe at myself. Please, come and pay me a visit, my sweet boyfriend.

3. Boyfriend, not seeing you every single second around makes me feel sick. I love you.

4. All my life has been a lonesome one. But then, my lifestyle changed the very minute I bumped into you. I am now missing you, dear.

5. Not hearing your comely voice is really a cause to worry about your absence my sweet boyfriend.

6. I miss you every second of my life. Please come home soon.

7. My heart, I can’t see my life going the way I want because you are yet to be back. Miss you.

8. My heartthrob, you make me fly even when I feel low. I miss you.

9. I miss you, my boyfriend, every now and then. please, when are you coming back? Don’t you know your absence makes me sad? I Miss You.

10. I even feel jealous of those who get to see and feel your touch every day. I miss you.

11. I miss you so much, just like the shelf of a snake that has been shed off.

12. Whenever I dream, I see us smiling at each other and happy, but what dismays me the most is opening my eyes to confirm that exciting experience just to find out that you are not there. I am missing you dearly.

13. I miss you so much that I feel so depressed like an outcast, that has nowhere to run to.

14. You are my love, and no iota of wealth can make me feel so happy and forget your touch.

15. Missing you makes me reconfirm my statement on how I said “I love you” my boyfriend.

16. Often, constant, always and every day. Your absence makes me cry and feel dejected. I really miss you, my boyfriend.

17. I miss you so much; as in your face, smile, warmth and deep voice. Come back soon.

18. Missing you feels like drowning in a sea, it makes me die from inside.

19. Every time I hear someone call your name, I feel so depressed that the one I love is not around to hold me tight.

20. The truth still remains that I miss you more than what you think.

21. A room is still empty without the other half of its inhibitor – YOU. Because I Miss You.

22. You used to be somewhere, in my heart. But now… I will just say I miss you.

23. After all the time we spend together, I still feel like I only had a crush on you, without loving you even for a second.

24. Most times, I stare at my face and cry while facing the mirror. Because you were my joy.

25. I can’t imagine not having you around me again, Because, you are like a new sprouting mango that has been plugged from its branch.

26. I miss you my boyfriend, every time and second that I breathe.

27. I can’t and don’t even know how to use words to make you know how much I Miss You.

28. You know, I can’t say I don’t miss you. Because you have been plugged out of my life right now. And I wonder if you will reconsider coming back to me again.

29. You are one of its kind, that I can’t find anyone again, please before I commit suicide, would you mind staying back for some time? I miss you already.

30. I can’t even think straight to actually say whether it’s missing you or pretending that hurts me more.

31. I miss every single second that we spend and shared together; when you were still here with me.

32. Even the most admired garden looks boring and ugly without your presence. I miss you, my boyfriend.

33. I once thought of hurting myself with a knife just to show you how I miss you daily.

34. A day without you, Is more like a bunch of 24 hours not worth living in it. I miss you.

35. You may not know how sad I feel, but I hope that these few words give you a glimpse of how I miss you, my boyfriend.

36. I will prefer to be slapped beside you than being petted without you again. Boy, I really miss you.

37. I once thought that I could stay without you happily, but then, just the moment you left. My heart broke into pieces.

38. Missing you is one sure way to remember how I genuinely love you. Come back soon, please.

39. I feel like I am no more walking with my heart again because you have left me.

40. All I crave for is to hold you tight, every little moment I have in my life. I miss you.

41. Even those things I complained of when you were here makes me miss you, right now. Please, come back.

42. The cleft that you have engraved in my heart with your love is so big that no one can fill its vacuum.

43. I miss you my sweet and lovely boyfriend. Every single millisecond of my life.

44. I really doubt if the words my diction contains can actually paint how unhappy I feel about your absence, my boyfriend.

45. I know that you will come back to be my lover, But right now, I miss you so much.

46. Oh! How sacrificial and sincere your love was. But I was so selfish that I demanded more than enough. I, miss you, my boyfriend.

47. I will just keep dying from the inside if I keep thinking of how I miss you, my boyfriend.

48. It would have been an hour hug if only I knew that will be the end of us been together. I miss you so dearly.

49. If only wishes are templates for the future, I will smile even when I know I won’t see you for some time. Because you will still come back again.

50. We were a team, but now. I can only reminisce and say “I miss you”.

I Miss You Messages for Her (My Girlfriend)

Your girlfriend is not around and you need to let her know how you miss her so badly with some I miss you messages, right?

Now, below is a list of cute I miss you Messages for her – quotes for her.

1. You were the one who was filling the space that makes me feel empty right now.

I Miss You Messages for My Girlfriend

I Miss You Messages for My Girlfriend

2. I miss the to-be eve of my life so much – You.

3. I sometimes wonder if you actually feel how bad I miss you dearly.

4. I am now and will just be like a wreck, without you by my side every day.

5. You have hardly been out of my mind ever since you left me, girlfriend. I really miss you.

6. Dear girlfriend, I really miss the way you effortlessly make me smile. Every day of my life.

7. You are still a delicate part of me, even though you have left me since. I am daily missing you, my girlfriend.

8. You are one whose absence makes me feel that I am a loser already. I miss you.

9. Sometimes, I have a mixed feeling that I either love or hate you. But, missing you is a thing I daily feel.

10. I actually want to write a lot in this message. But, I am not strong enough to write that much. I Miss You.

11. My heart aches like an open sore that is prickled by flies. I miss you, dear.

12. Coming back to me is a thing I am sure of, even though I miss you. But I am sure you will come back.

13. At this moment missing you is all I feel unhappy about, but I know it’s temporal.

14. I miss you girl, so much that I can’t help it but cry every moment I think of you.

15. You still matter to me, even though there is a big distance between us right now. I miss you, my girlfriend.

16. You are the only one is crave for, my girlfriend. I miss you so much.

17. The same way the sand admires and misses the blue sky, so do I miss you due to the distance between the two of us.

18. Whenever I breathe I still feel like there is an obstruction in the air track, that makes me feel like I am living an incomplete life.

19. Missing you has become the very cause of my unhappiness, my cute girlfriend.

20. It seems like the sun stops shining it faces, whenever you leave me, my girlfriend, I miss you.

21. The universe becomes entirely off balance for me, every time I see you go away. I miss you so much, my sweet girlfriend.

22. Even when I release a sea of tears, I still feel like nothing about this loneliness is reduced. No, not even the memories of our initial companionship.

23. Times seems like it’s not moving again since you left. I miss you.

24. It makes me die within, anytime you smile but I know that you are not smiling for me. I miss you badly.

25. They say, “when you look at a picture of your lost lover” that will make you smile a bit. But, I have tried so much but still cry and hardly smile.

26. I really doubt the saying that; “time heals” because I die the more I live. Life sucks for me without you.

27. Life sucks for me without you my girlfriend, I miss you so much.

28. Nothing is still same without your love, I still crave for your touch. I miss you.

29. You are the missing portion that makes me feel uncared for. I miss you.

30. Loving you has been easy, but missing you makes me find life uneasy the more.

31. My love, I miss you so much like the sky feels whenever the sun leaves its hanging point.

32. The worst thing was not when you once called and insulted me, it is when you left and didn’t come back again. I miss you, my girlfriend.

33. You are supposed to be inside the space I carved for you behind my chest. But, you left and that makes me feel empty.

34. Missing you for months, knowing that I can’t see you close, hold you tight and know you are okay, makes me feel unhappy.

35. I loathe knowing that I miss you but can’t find you anywhere again my girlfriend.

36. Most Times, I miss you and wonder if you actually feel the same for me.

37. Milliseconds seem like years as soon as you left. Please, come back to me.

38. How I wished you taught me how to cope when you were about to go. I miss you.

39. I never knew it is this uneasy to contend with your absence, my cute girlfriend. Miss you…

40. I hate to know that you are not missing me the way I do. It makes cry.

41. I never experienced been lone until I saw you leave me without remorse.

42. It’s pretty hard to stop thinking and missing the one who gave you so much to remember in your life. Miss you, my girlfriend.

43. Missing your love without any hope that you are coming back makes me feel dejected. I miss you so much, my girlfriend.

44. Every little portion of my body aches so badly because of your absence. I miss you, my girlfriend.

45. I sometimes hug my pillow and assume it’s you and it’s because I miss you.

46. I always try my best to pretend but I can’t help it. I miss you.

47. I never knew life could be so unhappy until you left.

48. You came, you loved but left me broken. Dear girlfriend, I miss you so much.

49. How I wish time is reversible, I would have turned it backwards so that I will do the needful and not make you leave me.

50. You used to be my joy and source of happiness, but you left me, and I Miss You so badly.

I Miss You Messages for My Husband

Below is a list of cute I Miss You Quotes to send your husband when you miss him but want to send him sweet romantic messages to make him know that you’ve been thinking about him and missing his love.

1. My king, you seem to have tugged my entire heart that I can’t feel okay about anything again. I miss you love.

2. I miss you, my sweet husband, that I can’t breathe for a moment without feeling completely dejected. I miss you.

I Miss You Messages for My Husband

I Miss You Messages for My Husband

3. My drive, you have been the one whose companionship had made me feel good about life, but I have lost all confidence and hope that I can’t feel happy again since you left.

4. If only you will let go of my misdeeds, I guess our love will come back in shape without many hiccups. I really miss you.

5. I always do my best to see that I don’t look worried about your absence before my children, but I still do that subconsciously, please come home to me, please.

6. Come back to me, please. Remember the promises we have made from way back.

7. Try and let go of my wrong deeds, I have decided to do away with anything that used to rile you up. I miss you so much, my husband.

8. I can’t feel happy and satisfied, even with the tons of possessions I have got. I still need your company to feel okay.

9. You make me feel like a queen, but as you leave my life became a pitiful story. I miss you, my husband.

10. Dear husband, please let’s forgive and forget all that happened between us before and settle down again, I miss you.

11. You have gone away with my heart, I feel emptiness behind my chest anytime I lie on my bed. Miss you.

12. I really long for that day that I will feel better and not miss you.

13. My heart has felt the worst form of loneliness since you left me. I miss you, my husband.

14. Missing you my husband is a chronic ache I can’t help but, cry and wish for the day that I will not be unhappy.

15. I can only stop missing you when you – my husband is back again.

16. Please, don’t forget that I crave and cry for your absence, my sweet husband.

17. I only long for two things in life; to be healthy and most importantly – hug and kiss you my cute husband.

18. I have missed your touch, kiss, and smell ever since you left for work.

19. Come back soon, I have been missing you every single millisecond I breathe in.

20. My cutest husband, may you be granted a safe trip back home because I have missed you, baby.

21. I long for you, and I miss you badly.

22. I can’t actually determine whether you miss or have completely forgotten about me, as for me, I miss you love.

23. Not talking to you very close is killing me inside, that I still feel like I have lost you to someone else.

24. Even if it’s for a second, I wish to see you badly my husband.

25. See, my husband. To be honest, I have missed everything about you since you left me.

26. I always get reminded of how much I Miss You by this text; anytime I think of you my Husband.

27. Even a billion miles away can’t stop me from missing you every single day, husband.

28. I love to dream that we both miss each other at night, my husband.

29. I find almost no comfort, even when I watch the most comic video to lessen the depression.

30. I don’t always say it, but I miss you like crazy every day, my husband.

31. Life is just boring. If not, what will I say about your absence? I really miss you, my husband.

32. I know you miss me too, but I miss you badly my sweet husband.

33. Life stings me right now, that I can’t pretend to not miss you.

34. Sometimes, when I read through our old chats, I just cringe and begin to cry. I Miss You, My Husband.

35. Some say that nobody controls your happiness, but I can’t pretend that I can help it because I’m one of the few who miss their husbands.

36. You are like a star that has left the sky, and I can’t lie to you. Because I Miss You so Much.

37. They say if you want to make someone miss you. Then, try and pretend that you don’t miss them so as to get their attention. For me, I can’t help but send you an I Miss You text.

38. All I know is that can’t hide my emotions dear, and to be honest. I miss you, my husband.

39. Just like unintelligent people miss the point of getting things right, so do I Miss You, my Husband.

40. I hardly overcome heartbreaking incidents, and one of such is missing you, my husband.

41. My king, whenever you get a leave at your workplace, please come home. Because I miss you so much.

42. I miss you so much that I feel so empty an depressed right now.

43. Despite the short distance, I still miss you like crazy my husband.

44. There is a big thing that I lost in your absence too – my heart.

45. Husband, if travelling without me is not really an emergency, please don’t. Because you make me feel dejected like an outcast.

46. You are the one I am still waiting for to fill the emptiness in my heart, my husband.

47. I want to hug, touch and kiss you. But I Miss You more, dear Husband.

48. Until when time ceases to exist, I will keep loving and missing you my husband.

49. Life feels empty without you again, I miss you badly dear.

50. May this sadness I am feeling be short-lived by your presence because I miss you, husband.

50 I Miss You Messages for My Wife

Sending one or some of these I Miss You Messages for Wife, will help in making her think of you.

And make her feel and care more about you especially now that you want to send a romantic I miss you quote for her.

1. I never knew how delicate your presence is to me, until now. I miss you so much, my lovely wife.

2. Being away from you has taught me how best to appreciate even your flaws, I miss you, my cute wife.

I Miss You Message for My Wife

I Miss You Message for My Wife

3. From the vacuum you created and left in my heart, I feel so empty and I miss you, my wife.

4. It hurts so badly to miss the love of your life and not find them anywhere by to hug and end the boredom. Because that’s how I feel dear.

5. My night has been filled up with mares and nothing, ever since you left me, my sweet wife.

6. The only place I can behold you again is when I dream. I miss you so much, my romantic wife.

7. I hug my pillow so tight, thinking that will help me find comfort but I can’t help it, dear. I Miss You.

8. The joy of my life, I miss you like a bee feels when it sees a dry flower it used to suck nectar from.

9. Had it been your workplace is transferable, I would pack every bit of task you do over there and bring it home because I always feel empty whenever you resume.

10. I feel so lonely and depressed, would you mind coming back to stay with me for some time? I miss you, my wife.

11. My lovely wife, I feel so lonely and not too happy like Adam when he was yet to meet eve. LOl, but I really miss you, dear.

12. My joy is like a matchbox that only feels okay when it’s been stroked by a match-stick because I can only feel it when I am with you, my wife.

13. I miss you so dearly my wife, I can’t really feel okay without your touch.

14. My heart is filled with nothing but endless wishes of your return. I miss you.

15. Life seems like a long pitiful story without you in my life. I Miss You, my Wife.

16. I currently feel more than dejection just because of your absence. I can’t wait to see and let you know how horrible it had been for me without you my wife.

17. There has been no one to talk to since you left, not even the kids, they are always busy with play and school. I miss you so much.

18. All I crave for is you right here, and nothing else.

19. A delicate part of my heart is always not there whenever you are not here with me – I miss you, my wife.

20. From now, I have changed. I will always find time for you. Because you have made me realize that I can’t find true joy without making you feel that first. I miss you.

21. Until the day I will sleep right next to you, I can’t feel okay about anything. I miss you so much.

22. Even if this entire year is spent with you at every single millisecond, I will still miss your touch the moment you leave.

23. How I wish that you are currently holding me tight like we’ve been glued together. I miss you so much.

24. I can’t stop musing about you my sweet angel and heart drive.

25. Been away from you is the hardest thing I have ever experienced right now. I miss you, dear wife.

26. I miss your beautiful face, smile, warmth and all. My dear.

27. All I want to behold and stay with is you, right now I am missing you badly dear.

28. My wife, I miss you so much. That I can’t find anything interesting or exciting again.

29. Even to see you walk out of the door is enough to make me miss you. Because I need you every single second of my life.

30. Do you want to read the sincere thing on my mind right now? I Miss You, My Cute Wife.

31. What I want to hear is not your recorded voice, but your real charming voice. I miss you, my wife.

32. My life looks bleak the moment you left me, like a dark night sky that is void of stars.

33. You are my muse, my inspiration and joy-inducer even at times of distress, But now, you are no more close to me, and I miss you, dear.

34. My eyes are always heavy because I can’t see you again, I miss you, dear.

35. Even the few hours you spend away makes me feel like I am already missing you forever.

36. I am missing you so much already, for having to stay back and close the day’s job late.

37. I loathe being away from you – my sweet wife.

38. I am desperately in want of your company. I miss you, dear wife.

39. I still feel lonely despite the people around me here. It’s still a boring experience for me.

40. If only I can behold you again, I won’t let you go even for a second dear. I Miss you.

41. I passed through boring moments since you went for that trip, I have had no companion to talk to. I really miss you so much, my wife.

42. Now, I really understand what you mean when you say, it’s going to be a long distance journey. I miss you so much.

43. I didn’t really understand what it means to miss a loved one until you left me alone at home. I miss you so much my best half.

44. Every passing second and minute you’re in my thoughts. Dear wife, I need you to return here because I miss your touch baby.

45. What else can be so hard to deal with like this? I never knew that until you stole my heart away. I really miss you, dear wife.

46. A day without you is like dross, I’m missing you every second already, come back, please.

47. The sky will be entirely void of stars if they were to drop down any moment I feel bad about your absence. I miss you, my cute wife.

48. I know how it feels to be in love, but to miss the one whom your heart craves for is horrible. I Miss You.

49. It’s been long since I felt this way, but here am I, missing you badly my wife.

50. All I have to say is get here soon. I want you home. Because I Miss You, my Wife.

So often when you are missing someone you love, you want to find different ways to say “I miss you.   

What are different ways to say I miss you?

There are many ways to say I miss you not only with words but with actions. It can become overkill to tell someone “I miss you” everyday.

So we are going to mix it up. Whether you are in a long distance relationship or just apart for work or any other reasons we put together some ideas for you to use.

What can I say instead of  I miss you?

There are multiple ways to stay connected when you are missing someone you love. One way would be if you are apart for an amount of time, to have some date nights over Facetime or Skype.

We want to have many ways to stay connected including, texting, making phone calls and creating  extra special moments when you are together.

That means putting more effort into everything that you do, especially having great and insightful  conversations.

Start your virtual dates by picking the type of date that will work with the available time that you have.

different ways to say i miss you

  1. Have a “Nostalgia night”

 Recreate a special night that you both have enjoyed. Maybe it was a special anniversary dinner or a memorable meal on vacation.

Find similar recipes, light the candles and cook together over Facetime or Skype while reminiscing. After your meal you could change into a sexy outfit to spice things up.

  1. “How well do you know me”? Questions

Have an insightful evening asking your partner questions. The goal when you are in a long distance relationship or missing someone is to feel connected. 

Hearing how well someone knows you will make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

  1. “Open when” Letters

This is great when you are apart for longer periods. Each “open when” letter is meant to be opened at different times. Use the letters or packages to fit each theme. Some examples could be… 

 “Open when you need a hug & kiss” and filling the envelope with a heartfelt note, a lipstick print and Hershey’s kisses.

“Open when you want to feel close” and filling with a sweet note sprayed with your perfume.

“Open when you are missing home” and fill with a local favorite candy or specific plans for a date night when they  come back home.

You get the idea, fill the letter or package with something that is cute or meaningful for you both.

  1. Small notes hidden within their items

Get some sticky notes and attach to their items for a nice surprise! This is simple and sweet. 

  1. Get fluent in emoji

Since you are trying to find different ways to tell someone that you miss them, why not try  

getting creative with emojis. Make it interesting by having each other try to figure out your “code.” 😴🐑💑💔

  1. Find cute  “I miss you” memes

Most people smile when they see cute animal memes and there are plenty  memes available for when you are missing someone that you love.

 If you Google “Missing you memes” you will find some perfect things to send to your love.

cute ways to say i miss you

How do you say I miss you in a cute way?

Sending a cute “I miss you” text is a great way to stay connected when you just want to touch base throughout the day and to make them smile. 

Ways to say “I miss you” in texts 

1. I wish I was in your arms right now

2. I miss you more than a Popeye’s chicken sandwich (Or whatever your favorite food craving is.)

3. The thought of you makes me smile.

4. When will we be able to see each other again?

5. I may not be great at many things, but I am really good at missing you.

6. I miss the warmth of your body next to mine. 

7. You are my happy place.

8. Whenever I am at work and you cross my mind, I truly smile.

9. I miss not being able to joke with you when we are watching a stupid or funny show. 

10. I miss you so much today, that it hurts.

11. I am counting down the days until we can be together.

12. I love that I can close my eyes and you are right next to me.

13. At least when we talk, I can imagine that there is no distance between us.

14. It’s so hard to focus at work because I am always thinking about you.

15. Everything feels different when I am missing you.

16. You are always on my mind.

17. I miss you more than my favorite glass of win.e

18. I feel your presence even when you are not with me.

19. I know that we will be together soon, and I cannot wait.

20. You are very lucky to be missed so much by me 😁

21. I am missing you so much that my heart  💔hurts.

22. Even when you are away, the thought of you makes me happ.y

23. I miss you in French- Tu me manques

24. I miss you in Italian- Mi manchi 

25. I miss you in Spanish- Te echo de menos 

6 creative ways to say” I miss you”

“I Miss You” Song lyric excerpts

I miss you so much- TLC

Oh I miss you so much

I long for your love

It’s scares me

Cause my heart gets so weak

That I can’t even breathe

How can you take things so easily

Baby why aren’t you missing me?

I Miss You -Sade

I step off the train

I’m walking down your street again

And past your door,

But you don’t live there anymore.

It’s years since you’ve been there,

But now you’ve disappeared somewhere

Like outer space…

You’ve found some better place

And I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain

And I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain

I Miss You Songs- Blink 182

Where are you?

And I’m so sorry

I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight

I need somebody and always

This sick strange darkness

Comes creeping on so haunting every time

And as I stared I counted

The Webs from all the spiders

Catching things and eating their insides

Like indecision to call you

And hear your voice of treason

Will you come home and stop the pain tonight

Stop this pain tonight

I miss you- Elvis Presley

Still I recall all the good times together

The love we shared, the fun and the laughter

How I wish you could feel what my heart says tonight dear

I miss you and I wish you were here

Dreams that I had they lay broken in sorrow

The plans I made the hopes for tomorrow

If I could I would tell you I’m lonesome tonight dear

Oh I miss you and I wish you were here

I miss you- Beyonce

I miss you, like everyday

Wanna be with you, but you’re away

Said I miss you, missing you insane

But if I got with you, could it feel the same

I miss you- Adele

I miss you when the lights go out

It illuminates all of my doubts

Pull me in, hold me tight

Don’t let go, baby give me light

I miss you- Incubus

You do something to me that I can’t explain

So would I be out of line if I said

I miss you?

I see your picture

I smell your skin on the empty pillow next to mine

You have only been gone ten days

But already I’m wasting away

I know I’ll see you again

Whether far or soon

But I need you to know that I care

And I miss you

cute i miss you texts

Does missing someone means that you love them?

To miss someone means that there was something that this person brought to your life that now is gone. That can be either good or bad. 

Sometimes we miss the idea of a person, what we thought or hoped our relationship would or could be. 

We tend to fantasize about people and think that they have potential, so we put effort into someone that doesn’t give that same effort back.

You should not put more effort into a relationship than the other person actually puts into it also. 

Of course if you’ve had a reciprocal relationship and they had a special part in your life, then of course that could mean that you love them. 

Sometimes we yearn for what we had and other times we yearn for things that we wish we had.

Conclusion Ways to say “I miss you” 

Try keeping things interesting by having many ways to let your partner or crush know that they are missed. Send a letter, a text or spend time together on video chat.

 Relationships take effort to keep that spark alive, so use our texts & ideas to say “I miss you” to keep your relationship on track.

They may only take a second but are a great way to express yourself especially when you are missing someone you love.

Cute I Miss You Quotes & Texts to Tell Them How You Feel

101 “I miss you” Quotes for When You are Missing Someone You Love

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