Как на английском пишется каршеринг

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Перевод «Каршеринг» на английский

car sharing





Ранее по теме: Каршеринг «Яндекс.Драйв» запустил междугородние поездки

previous topic: car sharing «Yandex.Drive» has launched long-distance rides

В Москве услуга «каршеринг» начала активно развиваться осенью 2015.

In Moscow car sharing service began actively develop in the autumn of 2015.

Такое интересное явление как каршеринг (саг sharing) уже стало весьма популярным на мировом и российском рынке.

Such an interesting phenomenon as car-sharing has already become very popular in the world markets.

В-третьих, каршеринг не выгоден для таких категорий населения, как семьи с детьми или маломобильными родственниками.

Third, car-sharing is not beneficial for such categories of population as families with children or relatives with limited mobility.

Так же и с автомобилями, сегодня молодые люди совершенно спокойно пересаживаются на каршеринг или пользуются такси, которое стоит очень дешево.

The same is true with cars, today young people quite calmly change to carsharing or use a taxi, which is very cheap.

Услугой каршеринг четко определены рамки, где вы можете оставлять транспортное средство и проводить списание финансовых средств за его использование.

The service of the carsharing clearly defines the borders where you can leave the vehicle and write-off the funds for its use.

Каршеринг увеличивает эффективность использования автомобилей и помогает сократить общее количество транспортных средств на дорогах в городских районах.

Carsharing increases vehicle utilization rates, helping to cut the overall number of cars on the roads in urban areas.

Каршеринг — это сервис по краткосрочной, поминутной аренде автомобилей, который может предоставить альтернативу личному транспорту.

Car sharing is a short-term, per-minute car rent that provide alternative to private transport.

Каршеринг увеличивает эффективность использования автомобилей и помогает сократить общее количество транспортных средств на дорогах в городских районах.

CarSharing enables better utilization of vehicles and thus helps reduce the total number of vehicles in cities.

Каршеринг — это услуга, которая дает возможность арендовать автомобиль на определенный промежуток времени.

Carsharing is therefore a service that allows you to rent a car for a limited period of time.

Каршеринг в США, счастье и ужасы рынка

Carsharing in the USA: happiness and horrors of the market

Каршеринг, как совместное использование транспорта находит свое продолжение в развитии рынка электромобилей в Европе.

Car sharing, as the public transport, develops the market of electric vehicles in Europe.

Каршеринг является частью геосервисов «Яндекса».

Carsharing is a component of Yandex geo-services.

Каршеринг позволяет сэкономить до 70 % совокупной стоимости транспорта для своих участников, так как они оплачивают только время, когда реально используют автомобиль.

Carsharing helps saving around 70% of the transport costs, as clients pay only for the time when they really use the car.

Каршеринг это аренда машины плюс вы получаете БЕСПЛАТНО (это включено в цену)

Car sharing it is a car rental plus additionally you get FOR FREE (it is included in price)

Каршеринг — это услуга, в большей степени основанная на доверии между компанией и потребителем, чем на строгом постулате из правил,…

Carsharing is a service based more on trust between the company and the consumer than on a strict postulate of the rules that both sides of the contract must observe.

Клиент самостоятельно без каких-либо уведомлений со стороны ООО «Каршеринг Руссия» знакомится с соответствующими Тарифами, Пакетами, Опциями.

The Client shall independently and without any notices from Carsharing Russia LLC read and understand the respective Rates, Packages, and Options.

В случае уступки прав по настоящему Договору ООО «Каршеринг Руссия» вправе не направлять Клиенту уведомление об этом.

In the event of assignment of rights under this Contract, Carsharing Russia LLC has the right not to notify the Client.

(д) Клиент вправе отозвать свое Согласие путем направления соответствующего письменного уведомления ООО «Каршеринг Руссия» не менее чем за З (три) месяца до момента отзыва Согласия.

The Client has the right to withdraw his Consent by sending a respective written notification to Carsharing Russia LLC not less than three (3) months prior to the withdrawal of the Consent.

(г) Клиент подтверждает, что данное Согласие действует в течение срока хранения ООО «Каршеринг Руссия» Персональных данных Клиента, составляющего семьдесят пять лет с момента их получения.

The Client confirms that this Consent is valid for the period of the Client’s Personal Data by Carsharing Russia LLC which is seventy five years from the date of receipt.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 149. Точных совпадений: 149. Затраченное время: 99 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • 1

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > car-sharing

См. также в других словарях:

  • Carsharing — [ˈkaː(r)ˌʃeərɪŋ] (englisch car „Auto“, to share „teilen“; auf deutsch etwa: „Autoteilen“, „Gemeinschaftsauto“; alternative Schreibweisen: Car Sharing oder (als Bild /Wortmarke) CarSharing) bzw. Teilauto ist die organisierte gemeinschaftliche …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CarSharing — [ˈkaː(r)ˌʃeərɪŋ] (engl. car = „Auto“, to share = „teilen“; auf deutsch etwa: „Autoteilen“, „Gemeinschaftsauto“ oder „Teilauto“; andere Schreibweisen: Car Sharing, Car Sharing, CarSharing) ist die organisierte gemeinschaftliche Nutzung eines oder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Carsharing — This article deals with the use of shared cars for public transport purposes. For the activity of private sharing arrangements between car owners, see Carpool Carsharing is a model of car rental where people rent cars for short periods of time,… …   Wikipedia

  • Carsharing — Car|sha|ring 〈[ ka:ʃɛrıŋ] n. 15; unz.〉 abwechselnde (leihweise) Nutzung eines Kraftfahrzeuges von mehreren Personen [<engl. car „Auto“ + share „teilen“] * * * Car|sha|ring, Car Sha|ring [ ka:ɐ̯ʃɛ:ɐ̯rɪŋ ], das; [s] [engl. carsharing, aus: car …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Carsharing — Autopartage  Ne doit pas être confondu avec covoiturage. Voitures en autopartage à Paris L autopartage ( …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Carsharing — Toyota Prius enchufable de Zipcar recargando en una estación en frente del Ayuntamiento de San Francisco. Car Sharing o autos compartidos, es un modelo de alquiler de automóviles en el que el usuario alquila el vehículo por cortos períodos de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Carsharing — Car sharing (по русски часто произносится как «каршеринг» или «каршаринг»)  альтернативная система владения, доступа к автомобилю и его использования. Затраты и проблемы при приобретении и обслуживании транспортного средства передаются… …   Википедия

  • Carsharing — Car|sha|ring 〈 [ka:ʃɛrıŋ] n.; Gen.: s; Pl.: unz.〉 abwechselnde (leihweise) Nutzung eines Kraftfahrzeugs von mehreren Personen [Etym.: <engl. car »Auto« + share »teilen«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • Carsharing — Car|sha|ring [ kɑ:ʃɛəriŋ] das; [s] <zu engl. car (vgl. ↑Car) u. sharing »das Teilen«, dies zu to share »teilen«> organisierte [gebührenpflichtige] Nutzung eines Autos von mehreren Personen …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Carsharing — D✓Car|sha|ring, Car Sha|ring [ ka:ɐ̯ʃɛ:ɐ̯rɪŋ], das; [s] <englisch> (organisierte Nutzung eines Autos von mehreren Personen) …   Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

  • Cambio CarSharing — Rechtsform Kommanditgesellschaft Gründung 2000 Sitz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

Перевод «каршеринг» на английский

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Poбин Чейз основала Zipcar, самую крупную компанию в мире, предоставляющую услуги каршеринга.

Robin Chase founded Zipcar, the worldв ™s biggest car-sharing business.



Poбин Чейз основала Zipcar, самую крупную компанию в мире, предоставляющую услуги каршеринга.
Robin Chase founded Zipcar, the worldв ™s biggest car-sharing business.

Даже когда-то хаотичная система парковки приведена теперь в порядок, при этом необходимость парковаться стала менее острой, благодаря распространению дешёвых и быстрых служб каршеринга.
Even its once-chaotic parking lots have been put in order – and the need to park has been reduced by the proliferation of cheap and rapid car-sharing services.


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This article is about the short-term rental of cars. For car owners driving passengers, see carpool. For the 2015 British sitcom, see Peter Kay’s Car Share.

A carsharing company’s logo-branded vehicles in their parking area.

Carsharing or car sharing (AU, NZ, CA, TH, & US) or car clubs (UK) is a model of car rental where people rent cars for short periods of time, often by the hour. It differs from traditional car rental in that the owners of the cars are often private individuals themselves, and the carsharing facilitator is generally distinct from the car owner. Carsharing is part of a larger trend of shared mobility.

Carsharing enables an occasional use of a vehicle or access to different brands of vehicles. The renting organization may be a commercial business. Users can also organize as a company, public agency, cooperative, or ad hoc grouping. The network of cars on the network becomes available to the users through a variety of means, ranging from the simplicity of using an app to unlock the car in real time, to meeting the owner of the car in order to exchange keys. As of January 2020 the world’s top city for car sharing is Moscow with more than 30,000 vehicles[1] (though in Moscow almost all carsharing cars are owned by large facilitators).


Early days[edit]

The first reference to carsharing in print identifies the Selbstfahrergenossenschaft carshare program in a housing cooperative that got underway in Zürich in 1948,[2][3] but there was no known formal development of the concept in the next few years. By the 1960s, as innovators, industrialists, cities, and public authorities studied the possibility of high-technology transportation – mainly computer-based small vehicle systems (almost all of them on separate guideways) – it was possible to spot some early precursors to present-day service ideas and control technologies.

The early 1970s saw the first whole-system carshare projects. The ProcoTip system in France lasted only about two years. A much more ambitious project called the Witkar was launched in Amsterdam by the founders of the 1965 white bicycles project. A sophisticated project based on small electric vehicles, electronic controls for reservations and return, and plans for a large number of stations covering the entire city, the project endured into the mid-1980s before finally being abandoned.

In July 1977, the first official British experiment in carsharing started in Suffolk. An office in Ipswich provided a Share-a-Car service for «putting motorists who are interested in sharing car journeys in touch with each other.»[4] In 1978, the Agricultural Research Council granted the University of Leeds £16,577 «for an investigation and simulation of carsharing».[5] The scheme was not intended for different drivers of a single car but for a driver offering seats in his car.

The 1980s and first half of the 1990s was a «coming of age» period for carsharing, with continued slow growth, mainly of smaller non-profit systems, many in Switzerland and Germany[6] but also on a smaller scale in Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States.[7]

Carsharing in North America was founded in Quebec City in 1994 by Benoît Robert, with a company called Communauto that is still a leader in carsharing globally. Cycling advocate and environmentalist Claire Morissette (1950–2007) played a major role in its evolution starting in 1995, when Communauto established itself in Montreal as a private company. The company goal is to provide a convenient and economical alternative to owning a car.

In 2005, a novel form of car sharing service, the «Libre Service Integral», later known as Free Floating, has been introduce by VULOG and tested from 2007 in Antibes CiteVU mobility service, on the French riviera. An electric car paid by minute, when and how long I need, where I want and where I go». This service was added to Communauto in 2012.

Boom in the United States[edit]

Carsharing growth in the United States

The first car-sharing company in the U.S. was CarSharing Portland, founded by Dave Brook in March by 1998 after a visit from Conrad Wagner of Mobility Switzerland. Conrad and Dave would also help establish Flexcar in Seattle, which launched in 2000, the same year as competitor Zipcar on the east coast. In April 2001 Carsharing Portland, then with 25 vehicles, merged with Flexcar, as its first expansion city. [8][9] Zipcar, (merged with Zipcar in 2007), and City Car Club were all started in 2000. City CarShare was founded in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2001, as a non-profit. Several car rental companies launched their own carsharing services beginning in 2008, including Avis on Location by Avis, Hertz on Demand (formerly known as Connect by Hertz[10]), operating in the U.S. and Europe; Uhaul Car Share owned by U-Haul, and WeCar by Enterprise Rent-A-Car.[11] By 2010, when various peer-to-peer carsharing systems were introduced. As of September 2012[12] Zipcar accounted for 80% of the U.S carsharing market[11][13] and half of all car-sharers worldwide[14] with 730,000 members sharing 11,000 vehicles.

In 2008, City CarShare introduced the first wheelchair carrying car share vehicle, the Access Mobile, specifically designed as a fleet vehicle shared with non-wheelchair users.

Carsharing is noted as a tool for achieving vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in the California Transport Plan (CTP) 2040 to reduce congestion and pollution.[15]

Development and growth[edit]

World cities by carshare fleet in 2018[16]

city fleet in units










Carsharing has also spread to other global markets with dense urban populations (such as Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Russia and Turkey) given that population density is often a critical determinant of success for carsharing.[17] Successful carsharing development has tended to be associated mainly with densely populated areas, such as city centers and more recently university and other campuses. There are some programs (mostly in Europe) for providing services in lower density and rural areas.[citation needed] Low-density areas are considered more difficult to serve with carsharing because of the lack of alternative modes of transportation and the potentially larger distance that users must travel to reach the cars.

Many building developers are now incorporating share-cars into their developments as an added value to tenants, and municipal government bodies around the world are starting to stipulate the implementation of a carsharing service in new buildings, as a sustainability initiative. These trends have created a demand for a new model of carsharing – residential, private-access share-cars that are typically underwritten by the Homeowner association.[citation needed] In Germany a pilot project has been started by the semiconductor manufacturer Infineon to replace regular pool vehicles with a corporate carsharing system.[18] Replacing private automobiles with shared ones directly reduces demand for parking spaces. The fact that only a certain number of cars can be in use at any one time may reduce traffic congestion at peak times. Even more important for congestion, the strong metering of costs provides a cost incentive to drive less. With owned automobiles many expenses are sunk costs and thus independent of how much the car is driven (such as original purchase, insurance, registration, and some maintenance).

According to Navigant Consulting, global carsharing services revenue is expected to grow to US$6.2 billion by 2020, with over 12 million members worldwide. The main factors driving the growth of carsharing are the rising levels of congestion faced by city dwellers; shifting generational mindsets about car ownership; the increasing costs of personal vehicle ownership; and a convergence of business models.[19][20] Carsharing operators increasingly opt to brand parts of their fleets with third-party advertising in order to increase revenue and improve competitiveness (Transit media).

For future applications, many carsharing companies invest in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) to reduce petroleum consumption. One idea is to calculate and compensate all emissions on behalf of your drivers according to the Kyoto protocol, e.g. via reforestation schemes. The world’s first certified carbon neutral carsharing service is Respiro carsharing in Madrid[21] and is also done by Australian p2p car sharing platform Car Next Door.

The most important technological innovation to affect the carsharing market is self-driving cars. It is expected that most self-driving vehicles won’t be owned by individuals, but will rather be shared. Some companies, like Ernst & Young, have also started to use blockchain technology to record ownership, usage of shared vehicles and insurance information.[22]

In July 2018, Volkswagen announced its intention to launch an all-electric car-sharing service by 2019.[23] In August 2018, the carsharing startup Getaround rose $300 million from Softbank.[24] According to Moscow’s authority, the number of carsharing journeys in the city averaged 30,000 a day between January and September 2018.[25]

Global development and comparison in urban regions[edit]

Car-sharing is growing in urban regions as more people around the world adopt it.[26] The world’s top cities for car-sharing in 2018 were
Tokyo (Japan) with 19.8K vehicles, Moscow (Russia) with 16.5K vehicles, Beijing (China) with 15.4K vehicles, Shanghai (China) with 13.9K vehicles, Guangzhou (China) with 4.2K vehicles.[27]

Types of carsharing[edit]

Generally, carsharing programs fall into one of four sharing models: round-trip, one-way, peer-to-peer, or fractional.

Round-trip carsharing[edit]

Members begin and end their trip at the same location, often paying by the hour, mile, or both.

One-way/free-floating carsharing[edit]

One-way carsharing enables users to begin and end their trip at different locations through free floating zones or station-based models with designated parking locations.[28] As of 2017, free-floating carsharing is available in 55 cities and 20 countries worldwide, with 40,000 vehicles and serving 5.6 million users, with Europe and North America representing the majority of the market. In Europe, free floating services took up more than 65 percent in carsharing membership.[29]

The service is expected to reach 14.3 million users with more than 100,000 vehicles by the end of 2022.[30]

By conventional companies[edit]

In corporate car sharing, the company shares the vehicles and allows multiple employees (rather than just one) to make use of a company car, at times when they actually need it. The vehicles are made available from a corporate car sharing pool, and shared for a fixed or flexible period of time.[31] One shared car could replace up to 8 non-shared cars. However, car-sharing does involves an additional processing and associated costs.[32] Still, it reduces fleet-related costs over the long term and allow employees to save not only on costs but also on time.[33][clarification needed]

Peer-to-peer carsharing[edit]

Peer-to-peer carsharing, sometimes referred to as P2P or Personal Vehicle Sharing,[28] operates similarly to round-trip carsharing in trip and payment type. However, the vehicles themselves are typically privately owned or leased with the sharing system operated by a third-party.

Fractional ownership[edit]

Fractional ownership allows users to co-own a vehicle and share its costs and use.[34]
Neighborhood fractional ownership carsharing is often promoted as an alternative to owning a car where public transit, walking, and cycling can be used most of the time and a car is only necessary for out-of-town trips, moving large items, or special occasions. It can also be an alternative to owning multiple cars for households with more than one driver.[35]

Difference from traditional car rentals[edit]

Carsharing differs from traditional car rentals in the following ways:

  • Carsharing is not limited by office hours
  • Reservation, pickup, and return is all self-service
  • Vehicles can be rented by the minute, by the hour, as well as by the day
  • Users are members and have been pre-approved to drive (background driving checks have been performed and a payment mechanism has been established).
  • Vehicle locations are distributed throughout the service area, and often located for access by public transport.
  • Insurance: (this section is US specific) state minimum liability insurance (only $5000 in some states), comprehensive and collision insurance. They do not provide uninsured, under-insured or personal injury protection insurance.
  • Fuel costs are included in the rates.
  • Vehicles are not serviced (cleaning, fueling) after each use, although certain programs (such as Car2Go or GoGet) continuously clean and fuel their fleet.

With carsharing, individuals have access to private cars without having costs and responsibilities associated with car ownership (except for fractional ownerships).[36] Some carshare operations (CSOs) cooperate with local car rental firms, in particular in situations wherein classic rental may be the cheaper option.

The insurance policies on carsharing greatly varies among companies, but all carsharing firms provide insurance that at least meets the legal minimum requirements for the given region of operation.[citation needed] Rob Lieber of The New York Times has criticized carsharing firms such as Zipcar for the paltry coverage afforded carsharing drivers.[37]


Yandex.Drive, the largest car sharing operator in Russia, uses mobile tankers to refuel its vehicle fleet. The company claims that specific cars for refueling are chosen by special algorithm as well as the most optimal routes to them.[38]

The technology of CSOs varies enormously, from simple manual systems using key boxes and log books to increasingly complex computer-based systems (e.g. partially automated and fully automated systems) with supporting software packages that handle a growing array of back office functions.[39] The simplest CSOs have only one or two pick-up points, but more advanced systems allow cars to be picked up and dropped off at any available public parking space within a designated operating area.

Once the reservations are completed and confirmed, the car will then be delivered at the time and place scheduled. There will be a small card reader mounted on the windshield. Once the customer places their membership card on the reader, it will use what is called blink technology to activate the time and unlock the car. The reader will not work until it is time for that specific reservation. The keys can then be found somewhere inside the car such as the glove compartment. Depending on the company, the customer may be provided with a key to a lock box that contains the ignition key itself.[40] In some cases the car can be unlocked using a mobile phone and the car can even be started using the phone as well.

Many car sharing networks price their services as a small start up fee and then a mileage fee for the distance driven in the car. Usually the app will include insurance, gas cards, and upkeep to their fleet of cars at no additional charge to the customer.

International terminology[edit]

See also[edit]

  • Sharing economy
  • Alternatives to car use
  • Car rental
  • Carpool
  • Ecoleasing
  • Fleet vehicle
  • List of carsharing organizations
  • Ridesharing company


  1. ^ Москва вышла в мировые лидеры по парку каршеринга
  2. ^ «The CarSharing Handbook (Part 1)». Rain Magazine. Archived from the original on 20 July 2007. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  3. ^ Shaheen, Susan; Sperling, Daniel; Wagner, Conrad (1998). «Carsharing in Europe and North America: Past, Present and Future» (PDF). 52 (3). Transportation Quarterly: 35–52. Archived from the original (PDF) on 20 March 2012. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  4. ^ Young, Robin (19 July 1977). «Experiment in car-sharing». The Times. p. 2.
  5. ^ The Times, 15 February 1978, p. 12
  6. ^ «The early days of car-sharing». Rain Magazine. 1994.
  7. ^ Shaheen, Susan; Sperling, Daniel; Wagner, Conrad (September 1999). «A Short History of Carsharing in the 90’s». Journal of World Transport Policy & Practice. Archived from the original on 7 February 2016. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  8. ^ Law, Steve. «Car-sharing got its start 20 years ago, here in Portland». Pamplin Media Group. Retrieved 21 December 2020.
  9. ^ Dave (6 April 2018). «Carsharing.US: Carsharing Portland Timeline». Carsharing.US. Retrieved 21 December 2020.
  10. ^ Loveday, Eric (20 July 2011). «Hertz on Demand is a bit like ZipCar without membership fees». Autoblog Green. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  11. ^ a b Belson, Ken (10 September 2010). «Car Sharing: Ownership by the Hour». New York Times. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  12. ^ «Zipcar Reports 2012 Third Quarter Results» (Press release). Ir.zipcar.com. 8 November 2012. Archived from the original on 22 January 2013. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  13. ^ «Wheels when you need them». The Economist. 2 September 2010. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  14. ^ «The connected car». The Economist. 4 June 2009. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  15. ^ Shaheen, Susan; Chan, Nelson; Bansal, Apaar; Cohen, Adam. «Shared Mobility: Definitions, Industry Developments, and Early Understanding» (PDF). Innovative Mobility Research.
  16. ^ «Here Is the Future of Car Sharing, and Carmakers Should Be Terrified». www.bloomberg.com.
  17. ^ Dhingra, Chhavi; Stanich, Rebecca (28 May 2013). «Car-Sharing Picking Up Speed in the Developing World». Sustainable Cities Collective. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  18. ^ Bartsche, Alina (9 October 2012). «How to Cut Costs Through Carsharing». CFO Insight. Archived from the original on 12 October 2012. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  19. ^ Martin, Richard (22 August 2013). «Carsharing Services Will Surpass 12 Million Members Worldwide by 2020». Navigant Consulting. Archived from the original on 10 February 2016. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  20. ^ Navigant Research (22 August 2013). «Navigant forecasts global carsharing services to grow to $6.2B by 2020». Green Car Congress. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  21. ^ Green, Caryn (16 September 2009). «Car-Sharing – Good for the Environment and the Budget». Organic Green and Natural. Archived from the original on 1 March 2012. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  22. ^ «EY debuts blockchain technology in carsharing and other news». 1 September 2017.[permanent dead link]
  23. ^ Kirsten Korosec (4 July 2018). «VW plans to launch an all-electric car-sharing service next year». Techcrunch.com. Retrieved 6 March 2019.
  24. ^ «Car-sharing startup Getaround raises $300 million in funding led by SoftBank». Reuters.com. 21 August 2018. Retrieved 6 March 2019.
  25. ^ «Moscow Residents Turn to Car-Sharing After Parking Crackdown». Themoscowtimes.com. 10 December 2018. Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  26. ^ Prieto, Marc; Baltas, George; Stan, Valentina (1 July 2017). «Car sharing adoption intention in urban areas: What are the key sociodemographic drivers?». Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 101: 218–227. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2017.05.012. ISSN 0965-8564.
  27. ^ News, Jelly. «Moscow : the transformation of The car-sharing capital of News». Jelly News. Retrieved 28 June 2019.
  28. ^ a b Shaheen, Susan; Chan, Nelson; Bansal, Apaar; Cohen, Adam (November 2015). «Shared Mobility: Definitions, Industry Developments, and Early Understanding» (PDF). Innovative Mobility Research.
  29. ^ «BMW–Daimler tie-up to bring ‘largest free-floating car sharing provider’«. Fleet World. 4 March 2019. Retrieved 1 April 2019.
  30. ^ «Berg Insight: Carsharing service membership reached 23.8 million worldwide in 2017 | the internet of things». www.theinternetofthings.eu. Retrieved 1 April 2019.
  31. ^ Corporate car sharing
  32. ^ Corporate car sharing requires a change of attitude
  33. ^ Corporate car sharing
  34. ^ Martin, Elliot; Shaheen, Susan (July 2016). «The Impacts of Car2go on Vehicle Ownership, Modal Shift, Vehicle Miles Traveled, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: An Analysis of Five North American Cities». Innovative Mobility Research. Archived from the original (PDF) on July 2016.
  35. ^ Cervero, Robert; Golub, Aaron; Nee, Brendan (2007). «City CarShare: Longer-Term Travel Demand and Car Ownership Impacts». Institute of Urban and Regional Development University of California at Berkeley. Retrieved 14 November 2015.
  36. ^ Shaheen, Susan; Sperling, Daniel; Wagner, Conrad (Summer 1998). «Carsharing in Europe and North America: Past, Present, and Future» (PDF). Transportation Quarterly. pp. 35–52. Archived from the original (PDF) on 21 October 2013. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  37. ^ Lieber, Ron (22 April 2011). «Consider the Worst Case With Zipcar». The New York Times.
  38. ^ Frolov, Andrey (8 August 2018). «Каршеринг «Яндекс.Драйв» договорился о поглощении стартапа мобильной заправки машин «Топливо в бак» – Транспорт на vc.ru». vc.ru.
  39. ^ Shaheen, Susan A.; Cohen, Adam P.; Roberts, J. Darious (2005). «Carsharing in North America: Market Growth, Current Developments, and Future Potential». Transportation Research Record. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  40. ^ Toothman, Jessika (16 May 2008). «How Car Sharing Works». howstuffworks. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  41. ^ «West Sussex County Council: Car clubs». West Sussex County Council. 11 December 2015. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  42. ^ «Car hire and car clubs – Driving your car». Which? Car. 2014. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  43. ^ Bergen, Mark (8 August 2013). «Indian Drivers Attract Larry Summers». The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 14 November 2015.

External links[edit]

  • Media related to Carsharing at Wikimedia Commons

Договор каршеринга образец

Договор аренды авто каршеринга

    Договор аренды

Каршеринг – разновидность аренды автомобиля. Особенностью такой услуги называют то, что срок пользования машиной исчисляется в минутах, часах. Соответственно, и оплата устанавливается поминутная или почасовая.

Чтобы воспользоваться данной услугой, необходимо подписать договор аренды авто. Как выглядит такой документ, можно поинтересоваться у компаний, специализирующихся на каршеринге. Почасовая аренда автомобиля – удобный вариант для тех, кому необходимо совершать периодические короткие поездки по городу.

Этот вариант эксплуатации машины постепенно набирает популярность и со временем может частично заменить общественный транспорт, в первую очередь, такси. Договор аренды автомобиля заключается в письменном виде в двух экземплярах, по одному для каждой из сторон. Стандартно документ включает следующие моменты: Пользовательское соглашение;

Как оспорить договор каршеринга

Когда человек берет автомобиль у Яндекс.Авто, Делимобиль, Белка кар (BelkaCar) или любой другой каршеринговой компании вряд ли он садится в спокойной обстановке, изучает договор, правила поминутной аренды и судебную практику.

Логика понятна – нашел ты в договоре каршеринга какой-то пункт и что? Кто его отменит? Никто – не согласен – не бери.

Ну а раз не читал значит можно ждать сюрпризов.

Неприятных сюрпризов, которые как известные «письма счастья» от «большого брата» настигают водителя спустя некоторое время после пользования каршеринговыми автомобилями. Причиной спора может стать даже резкое ускорение и торможение, «полицейские» развороты или дрифт, а сумма спора может достигать ста тысяч рублей.

Так называемое экстремальное вождение в действии.

Любой договор или оферта, безусловно, накладывают на стороны обязательства.

По договору каршеринга таких

Anytime — договор с каршерингом простыми словами

Каршеровод Иван Блинов продолжает исследовать договоры операторов каршеринга и делиться результатами в блогах. В этот раз, разбор договора Anytime на интересные положения. Снова возвращаюсь с циклом статей-обзоров на договора каршеринговых компаний.

Прошлый, вызвал целый вал обвинений в предвзятости: якобы, я подыгрываю некому конкуренту Дели, потому и вываливаю всю правду про нелицеприятные условия их договора. Жаль только, что никто из критиков так и не смог пояснить, в чем же выразилась предвзятость – что я умолчал, что приукрасил?

Правом на ответ, типичным для таких случаев, никто тоже не воспользовался. Тот пост был абсолютно объективным, правдивым, собственно, таким же будет и нынешний, про договор компании Энитайм.

Читать его мне было особенно интересно, потому что это единственная компания, в которой я зарегистрирован, и помню еще, как я подписывал бумажную версию их договора в офисе в «Барклай Плаза».

Каршеринг по русски: инструкция по применению

  1. СоциумФото hgunified.com Удивительно, но придуманный американцами каршеринг неплохо приживается в Москве и в Санкт-Петербурге. Хотя оно и понятно — при нынешних драконовских условиях, создаваемых городскими властями для автовладельцев, использование личного автотранспорта становится крайне дорогим. Более того, в некоторых случаях каршеринг даже выгоднее такси, которое сейчас работает буквально по депминговым ценам.

    Так что такое каршеринг и с чем его едят?

    Портал «Автовзгляд» проверил работу ведущих столичных сервисов по обмену автомобилями — «Делимобиль», Anytime, YouDrive и BelkaCar. Алексей Гусев Для начала во всех вышеперечисленных фирмах необходимо, понятное дело, зарегистрироваться.

  2. Общество

Хорошо ли арендаторы знают условия сделки, заключаемой ими с оператором каршеринга?

Каршеринг по английски как пишется

В Москве на дорогах встречается все больше автомобилей, имеющих специальную цветографическую окраску и опознавательный знак «московский каршеринг». Предложение и спрос растут, чему способствует размещенная на таких транспортных средствах информация о тарифах.

Сумма, уплачиваемая за перевозку пассажира легковым такси, обычно превышает стоимость такой же поездки, рассчитанную, исходя из тарифа «каршеринга».

В рекламе операторы рассказывают о простоте и относительной дешевизне использования предлагаемых ими транспортных средств. Доступность продукта обычно вызывают снижение внимания при заключении договора о его приобретении.

«ДОГОВОР Делимобиль Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Каршеринг Руссия», именуемое в дальнейшем «Арендодатель», с одной стороны, и Клиент, с .»

Pages: ||| — [ Страница 1 ] — Редакция утверждена Приказом Генерального директора ООО «Каршеринг Руссия» № ДД-1 от 28.12.2016 г.

Вряд ли большинство клиентов вдумчиво читает договор с оператором каршеринга. Поездки совершаются все чаще, а стоимость поездок не столь высока, чтобы клиент вникал в условия сделки.

ДОГОВОР Делимобиль Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Каршеринг Руссия», именуемое в дальнейшем «Арендодатель», с одной стороны, и Клиент, с другой стороны, при совместном упоминании в дальнейшем именуемые «Стороны», заключили настоящий Договор о нижеследующем.

ПРЕАМБУЛА Настоящий Договор не является договором проката. Настоящий Договор не является публичной офертой. В соответствии со ст. 421 Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации Арендодатель свободен в заключении Договора. Клиент в случае присоединения к настоящему Договору однозначно определил и оценил свою возможность и необходимость заключения настоящего Договора (присоединения к нему).

Настоящий Договор является договором присоединения постольку, поскольку его условия определены

Каршеринг или аренда авто?


Каршеринг по английски как пишется

Новое красивое слово отнюдь не всегда означает что-то принципиально новое. Можно назвать уборщицу красивым словом «клининг-менеджер», но суть-то от этого все равно не изменится. Вот еще одно новое понятие — «каршеринг».

Что несет оно бухгалтерским работникам?

С чем это «едят»? Как пишут в Википедии, каршеринг (от английского carsharing) — это вид краткосрочной аренды автомобилей с поминутной или почасовой оплатой, обычно используемый для коротких внутригородских поездок. Да, это аренда автомобилей, но с некоторыми важными особенностями: — пункты выдачи и возврата открыты 24 часа в сутки семь дней в неделю; — бронирование, взятие и возврат машины автоматизированы; — машины могут быть арендованы по минутам, часам или дням; — все клиенты должны иметь членские карты и быть предварительно

Хорошо ли арендаторы знают условия сделки, заключаемой ими с оператором каршеринга?

Каршеринг по английски как пишется

В Москве на дорогах встречается все больше автомобилей, имеющих специальную цветографическую окраску и опознавательный знак «московский каршеринг».

Предложение и спрос растут, чему способствует размещенная на таких транспортных средствах информация о тарифах. Сумма, уплачиваемая за перевозку пассажира легковым такси, обычно превышает стоимость такой же поездки, рассчитанную, исходя из тарифа «каршеринга». В рекламе операторы рассказывают о простоте и относительной дешевизне использования предлагаемых ими транспортных средств.

Доступность продукта обычно вызывают снижение внимания при заключении договора о его приобретении. Вряд ли большинство клиентов вдумчиво читает договор с оператором каршеринга.

Поездки совершаются все чаще, а стоимость поездок не столь высока, чтобы клиент вникал в условия сделки.

OlegShakirov › Блог › Будьте осторожны!

Каршеринг «Делимобиль»

Здравствуйте, друзья. Читали про скандал с московским каршерингом «Делимобиль»?По договору, если ДТП происходит по вине клиента «Делимобиля», то он обязан выплатить штраф 5000 рублей при размере ущерба до 10 000 рублей; 15 000 рублей при размере ущерба до 100 000 рублей; 20% от суммы ущерба, если он превышает 100 000 рублей (пункт 5.12).4 января 2016 года Александр Семенов попал в ДТП, будучи за рулем машины службы каршеринга «Делимобиль». Авария произошла по его вине: он проехал на перекрестке на красный свет.Через неделю «Делимобиль» прислал Семенову письмо с просьбой оплатить штраф за повреждение автомобиля в размере 15 000 рублей.

В письме компания предупредила, что сумма штрафа может быть увеличена, если у машины найдут дополнительные повреждения и сумма общего ущерба превысит 100 000 рублей.

Недавно в русском языке появилось диковинное слово “каршеринг”. Новое существительное настолько хорошо прижилось, что уже используется федеральными СМИ и даже властями. Тем не менее, для многих россиян слово каршеринг остается бессмысленной абракадаброй. Давайте разберемся!


  • Этимология и перевод слова каршеринг
  • Каршеринг. Что это такое простыми словами?
  • Виды каршеринга

Этимология и перевод слова каршеринг

Слово каршеринг является заимствованным из английского языка. В оригинале слово carsharing образовано от слов car – “машина” и sharing  – “делиться”. Ударение в слове каршеринг делается на второй слог – карше́ринг.

Итак, каршеринг. Что это такое простыми словами?

Если коротко, то каршеринг – это одна из разновидностей аренды автомобиля. Как правило, каршеринг предназначен для краткосрочной аренды, чаще всего – внутри конкретного города.

Одно из главных отличий каршеринга от традиционной арендой автомобилей – это упрощенная процедура. Все действия осуществляются через мобильное приложение на смартфоне, так что пользователю не нужно ехать в офис, подписывать договор и забирать ключи. Подробнее о том, как работает каршеринг и как им пользоваться, мы рассказывали в этой статье.

Интересный факт
Каршеринг является одним из глобальных трендов развития экономики совместного пользования (Sharing Economy), когда население отказывается от личной собственности, предпочитая совместное потребление. Услуги каршеринга доступны в более чем 1000 городах по всему миру.

Виды каршеринга

Каршеринг бывает двух разновидностей: B2C (Business to Customer, буквально – “бизнес для клиента”) и P2P (peer-to-peer, дословно – “равный с равным”). В первом случае все просто – пользователь арендует автомобиль у компании-оператора. Второй вариант предлагает больше возможностей – здесь  пользователи могут не только брать автомобили напрокат, но и сдавать свой личный транспорт в аренду.

На сегодняшний день большинство каршерингов работает в сегменте B2C. Именно поэтому в данной статье описана только эта модель. Про P2P каршеринг можно почитать в этой статье, ну а список таких каршерингов можно найти в здесь.

This article is about the short-term rental of cars. For car owners driving passengers, see carpool. For the 2015 British sitcom, see Peter Kay’s Car Share.

A carsharing company’s logo-branded vehicles in their parking area.

Carsharing or car sharing (AU, NZ, CA, TH, & US) or car clubs (UK) is a model of car rental where people rent cars for short periods of time, often by the hour. It differs from traditional car rental in that the owners of the cars are often private individuals themselves, and the carsharing facilitator is generally distinct from the car owner. Carsharing is part of a larger trend of shared mobility.

Carsharing enables an occasional use of a vehicle or access to different brands of vehicles. The renting organization may be a commercial business. Users can also organize as a company, public agency, cooperative, or ad hoc grouping. The network of cars on the network becomes available to the users through a variety of means, ranging from the simplicity of using an app to unlock the car in real time, to meeting the owner of the car in order to exchange keys. As of January 2020 the world’s top city for car sharing is Moscow with more than 30,000 vehicles[1] (though in Moscow almost all carsharing cars are owned by large facilitators).


Early days[edit]

The first reference to carsharing in print identifies the Selbstfahrergenossenschaft carshare program in a housing cooperative that got underway in Zürich in 1948,[2][3] but there was no known formal development of the concept in the next few years. By the 1960s, as innovators, industrialists, cities, and public authorities studied the possibility of high-technology transportation – mainly computer-based small vehicle systems (almost all of them on separate guideways) – it was possible to spot some early precursors to present-day service ideas and control technologies.

The early 1970s saw the first whole-system carshare projects. The ProcoTip system in France lasted only about two years. A much more ambitious project called the Witkar was launched in Amsterdam by the founders of the 1965 white bicycles project. A sophisticated project based on small electric vehicles, electronic controls for reservations and return, and plans for a large number of stations covering the entire city, the project endured into the mid-1980s before finally being abandoned.

In July 1977, the first official British experiment in carsharing started in Suffolk. An office in Ipswich provided a Share-a-Car service for «putting motorists who are interested in sharing car journeys in touch with each other.»[4] In 1978, the Agricultural Research Council granted the University of Leeds £16,577 «for an investigation and simulation of carsharing».[5] The scheme was not intended for different drivers of a single car but for a driver offering seats in his car.

The 1980s and first half of the 1990s was a «coming of age» period for carsharing, with continued slow growth, mainly of smaller non-profit systems, many in Switzerland and Germany[6] but also on a smaller scale in Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States.[7]

Carsharing in North America was founded in Quebec City in 1994 by Benoît Robert, with a company called Communauto that is still a leader in carsharing globally. Cycling advocate and environmentalist Claire Morissette (1950–2007) played a major role in its evolution starting in 1995, when Communauto established itself in Montreal as a private company. The company goal is to provide a convenient and economical alternative to owning a car.

In 2005, a novel form of car sharing service, the «Libre Service Integral», later known as Free Floating, has been introduce by VULOG and tested from 2007 in Antibes CiteVU mobility service, on the French riviera. An electric car paid by minute, when and how long I need, where I want and where I go». This service was added to Communauto in 2012.

Boom in the United States[edit]

Carsharing growth in the United States

The first car-sharing company in the U.S. was CarSharing Portland, founded by Dave Brook in March by 1998 after a visit from Conrad Wagner of Mobility Switzerland. Conrad and Dave would also help establish Flexcar in Seattle, which launched in 2000, the same year as competitor Zipcar on the east coast. In April 2001 Carsharing Portland, then with 25 vehicles, merged with Flexcar, as its first expansion city. [8][9] Zipcar, (merged with Zipcar in 2007), and City Car Club were all started in 2000. City CarShare was founded in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2001, as a non-profit. Several car rental companies launched their own carsharing services beginning in 2008, including Avis on Location by Avis, Hertz on Demand (formerly known as Connect by Hertz[10]), operating in the U.S. and Europe; Uhaul Car Share owned by U-Haul, and WeCar by Enterprise Rent-A-Car.[11] By 2010, when various peer-to-peer carsharing systems were introduced. As of September 2012[12] Zipcar accounted for 80% of the U.S carsharing market[11][13] and half of all car-sharers worldwide[14] with 730,000 members sharing 11,000 vehicles.

In 2008, City CarShare introduced the first wheelchair carrying car share vehicle, the Access Mobile, specifically designed as a fleet vehicle shared with non-wheelchair users.

Carsharing is noted as a tool for achieving vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in the California Transport Plan (CTP) 2040 to reduce congestion and pollution.[15]

Development and growth[edit]

World cities by carshare fleet in 2018[16]

city fleet in units










Carsharing has also spread to other global markets with dense urban populations (such as Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Russia and Turkey) given that population density is often a critical determinant of success for carsharing.[17] Successful carsharing development has tended to be associated mainly with densely populated areas, such as city centers and more recently university and other campuses. There are some programs (mostly in Europe) for providing services in lower density and rural areas.[citation needed] Low-density areas are considered more difficult to serve with carsharing because of the lack of alternative modes of transportation and the potentially larger distance that users must travel to reach the cars.

Many building developers are now incorporating share-cars into their developments as an added value to tenants, and municipal government bodies around the world are starting to stipulate the implementation of a carsharing service in new buildings, as a sustainability initiative. These trends have created a demand for a new model of carsharing – residential, private-access share-cars that are typically underwritten by the Homeowner association.[citation needed] In Germany a pilot project has been started by the semiconductor manufacturer Infineon to replace regular pool vehicles with a corporate carsharing system.[18] Replacing private automobiles with shared ones directly reduces demand for parking spaces. The fact that only a certain number of cars can be in use at any one time may reduce traffic congestion at peak times. Even more important for congestion, the strong metering of costs provides a cost incentive to drive less. With owned automobiles many expenses are sunk costs and thus independent of how much the car is driven (such as original purchase, insurance, registration, and some maintenance).

According to Navigant Consulting, global carsharing services revenue is expected to grow to US$6.2 billion by 2020, with over 12 million members worldwide. The main factors driving the growth of carsharing are the rising levels of congestion faced by city dwellers; shifting generational mindsets about car ownership; the increasing costs of personal vehicle ownership; and a convergence of business models.[19][20] Carsharing operators increasingly opt to brand parts of their fleets with third-party advertising in order to increase revenue and improve competitiveness (Transit media).

For future applications, many carsharing companies invest in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) to reduce petroleum consumption. One idea is to calculate and compensate all emissions on behalf of your drivers according to the Kyoto protocol, e.g. via reforestation schemes. The world’s first certified carbon neutral carsharing service is Respiro carsharing in Madrid[21] and is also done by Australian p2p car sharing platform Car Next Door.

The most important technological innovation to affect the carsharing market is self-driving cars. It is expected that most self-driving vehicles won’t be owned by individuals, but will rather be shared. Some companies, like Ernst & Young, have also started to use blockchain technology to record ownership, usage of shared vehicles and insurance information.[22]

In July 2018, Volkswagen announced its intention to launch an all-electric car-sharing service by 2019.[23] In August 2018, the carsharing startup Getaround rose $300 million from Softbank.[24] According to Moscow’s authority, the number of carsharing journeys in the city averaged 30,000 a day between January and September 2018.[25]

Global development and comparison in urban regions[edit]

Car-sharing is growing in urban regions as more people around the world adopt it.[26] The world’s top cities for car-sharing in 2018 were
Tokyo (Japan) with 19.8K vehicles, Moscow (Russia) with 16.5K vehicles, Beijing (China) with 15.4K vehicles, Shanghai (China) with 13.9K vehicles, Guangzhou (China) with 4.2K vehicles.[27]

Types of carsharing[edit]

Generally, carsharing programs fall into one of four sharing models: round-trip, one-way, peer-to-peer, or fractional.

Round-trip carsharing[edit]

Members begin and end their trip at the same location, often paying by the hour, mile, or both.

One-way/free-floating carsharing[edit]

One-way carsharing enables users to begin and end their trip at different locations through free floating zones or station-based models with designated parking locations.[28] As of 2017, free-floating carsharing is available in 55 cities and 20 countries worldwide, with 40,000 vehicles and serving 5.6 million users, with Europe and North America representing the majority of the market. In Europe, free floating services took up more than 65 percent in carsharing membership.[29]

The service is expected to reach 14.3 million users with more than 100,000 vehicles by the end of 2022.[30]

By conventional companies[edit]

In corporate car sharing, the company shares the vehicles and allows multiple employees (rather than just one) to make use of a company car, at times when they actually need it. The vehicles are made available from a corporate car sharing pool, and shared for a fixed or flexible period of time.[31] One shared car could replace up to 8 non-shared cars. However, car-sharing does involves an additional processing and associated costs.[32] Still, it reduces fleet-related costs over the long term and allow employees to save not only on costs but also on time.[33][clarification needed]

Peer-to-peer carsharing[edit]

Peer-to-peer carsharing, sometimes referred to as P2P or Personal Vehicle Sharing,[28] operates similarly to round-trip carsharing in trip and payment type. However, the vehicles themselves are typically privately owned or leased with the sharing system operated by a third-party.

Fractional ownership[edit]

Fractional ownership allows users to co-own a vehicle and share its costs and use.[34]
Neighborhood fractional ownership carsharing is often promoted as an alternative to owning a car where public transit, walking, and cycling can be used most of the time and a car is only necessary for out-of-town trips, moving large items, or special occasions. It can also be an alternative to owning multiple cars for households with more than one driver.[35]

Difference from traditional car rentals[edit]

Carsharing differs from traditional car rentals in the following ways:

  • Carsharing is not limited by office hours
  • Reservation, pickup, and return is all self-service
  • Vehicles can be rented by the minute, by the hour, as well as by the day
  • Users are members and have been pre-approved to drive (background driving checks have been performed and a payment mechanism has been established).
  • Vehicle locations are distributed throughout the service area, and often located for access by public transport.
  • Insurance: (this section is US specific) state minimum liability insurance (only $5000 in some states), comprehensive and collision insurance. They do not provide uninsured, under-insured or personal injury protection insurance.
  • Fuel costs are included in the rates.
  • Vehicles are not serviced (cleaning, fueling) after each use, although certain programs (such as Car2Go or GoGet) continuously clean and fuel their fleet.

With carsharing, individuals have access to private cars without having costs and responsibilities associated with car ownership (except for fractional ownerships).[36] Some carshare operations (CSOs) cooperate with local car rental firms, in particular in situations wherein classic rental may be the cheaper option.

The insurance policies on carsharing greatly varies among companies, but all carsharing firms provide insurance that at least meets the legal minimum requirements for the given region of operation.[citation needed] Rob Lieber of The New York Times has criticized carsharing firms such as Zipcar for the paltry coverage afforded carsharing drivers.[37]


Yandex.Drive, the largest car sharing operator in Russia, uses mobile tankers to refuel its vehicle fleet. The company claims that specific cars for refueling are chosen by special algorithm as well as the most optimal routes to them.[38]

The technology of CSOs varies enormously, from simple manual systems using key boxes and log books to increasingly complex computer-based systems (e.g. partially automated and fully automated systems) with supporting software packages that handle a growing array of back office functions.[39] The simplest CSOs have only one or two pick-up points, but more advanced systems allow cars to be picked up and dropped off at any available public parking space within a designated operating area.

Once the reservations are completed and confirmed, the car will then be delivered at the time and place scheduled. There will be a small card reader mounted on the windshield. Once the customer places their membership card on the reader, it will use what is called blink technology to activate the time and unlock the car. The reader will not work until it is time for that specific reservation. The keys can then be found somewhere inside the car such as the glove compartment. Depending on the company, the customer may be provided with a key to a lock box that contains the ignition key itself.[40] In some cases the car can be unlocked using a mobile phone and the car can even be started using the phone as well.

Many car sharing networks price their services as a small start up fee and then a mileage fee for the distance driven in the car. Usually the app will include insurance, gas cards, and upkeep to their fleet of cars at no additional charge to the customer.

International terminology[edit]

See also[edit]

  • Sharing economy
  • Alternatives to car use
  • Car rental
  • Carpool
  • Ecoleasing
  • Fleet vehicle
  • List of carsharing organizations
  • Ridesharing company


  1. ^ Москва вышла в мировые лидеры по парку каршеринга
  2. ^ «The CarSharing Handbook (Part 1)». Rain Magazine. Archived from the original on 20 July 2007. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  3. ^ Shaheen, Susan; Sperling, Daniel; Wagner, Conrad (1998). «Carsharing in Europe and North America: Past, Present and Future» (PDF). 52 (3). Transportation Quarterly: 35–52. Archived from the original (PDF) on 20 March 2012. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  4. ^ Young, Robin (19 July 1977). «Experiment in car-sharing». The Times. p. 2.
  5. ^ The Times, 15 February 1978, p. 12
  6. ^ «The early days of car-sharing». Rain Magazine. 1994.
  7. ^ Shaheen, Susan; Sperling, Daniel; Wagner, Conrad (September 1999). «A Short History of Carsharing in the 90’s». Journal of World Transport Policy & Practice. Archived from the original on 7 February 2016. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  8. ^ Law, Steve. «Car-sharing got its start 20 years ago, here in Portland». Pamplin Media Group. Retrieved 21 December 2020.
  9. ^ Dave (6 April 2018). «Carsharing.US: Carsharing Portland Timeline». Carsharing.US. Retrieved 21 December 2020.
  10. ^ Loveday, Eric (20 July 2011). «Hertz on Demand is a bit like ZipCar without membership fees». Autoblog Green. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  11. ^ a b Belson, Ken (10 September 2010). «Car Sharing: Ownership by the Hour». New York Times. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  12. ^ «Zipcar Reports 2012 Third Quarter Results» (Press release). Ir.zipcar.com. 8 November 2012. Archived from the original on 22 January 2013. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  13. ^ «Wheels when you need them». The Economist. 2 September 2010. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  14. ^ «The connected car». The Economist. 4 June 2009. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  15. ^ Shaheen, Susan; Chan, Nelson; Bansal, Apaar; Cohen, Adam. «Shared Mobility: Definitions, Industry Developments, and Early Understanding» (PDF). Innovative Mobility Research.
  16. ^ «Here Is the Future of Car Sharing, and Carmakers Should Be Terrified». www.bloomberg.com.
  17. ^ Dhingra, Chhavi; Stanich, Rebecca (28 May 2013). «Car-Sharing Picking Up Speed in the Developing World». Sustainable Cities Collective. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  18. ^ Bartsche, Alina (9 October 2012). «How to Cut Costs Through Carsharing». CFO Insight. Archived from the original on 12 October 2012. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  19. ^ Martin, Richard (22 August 2013). «Carsharing Services Will Surpass 12 Million Members Worldwide by 2020». Navigant Consulting. Archived from the original on 10 February 2016. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  20. ^ Navigant Research (22 August 2013). «Navigant forecasts global carsharing services to grow to $6.2B by 2020». Green Car Congress. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  21. ^ Green, Caryn (16 September 2009). «Car-Sharing – Good for the Environment and the Budget». Organic Green and Natural. Archived from the original on 1 March 2012. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  22. ^ «EY debuts blockchain technology in carsharing and other news». 1 September 2017.[permanent dead link]
  23. ^ Kirsten Korosec (4 July 2018). «VW plans to launch an all-electric car-sharing service next year». Techcrunch.com. Retrieved 6 March 2019.
  24. ^ «Car-sharing startup Getaround raises $300 million in funding led by SoftBank». Reuters.com. 21 August 2018. Retrieved 6 March 2019.
  25. ^ «Moscow Residents Turn to Car-Sharing After Parking Crackdown». Themoscowtimes.com. 10 December 2018. Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  26. ^ Prieto, Marc; Baltas, George; Stan, Valentina (1 July 2017). «Car sharing adoption intention in urban areas: What are the key sociodemographic drivers?». Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 101: 218–227. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2017.05.012. ISSN 0965-8564.
  27. ^ News, Jelly. «Moscow : the transformation of The car-sharing capital of News». Jelly News. Retrieved 28 June 2019.
  28. ^ a b Shaheen, Susan; Chan, Nelson; Bansal, Apaar; Cohen, Adam (November 2015). «Shared Mobility: Definitions, Industry Developments, and Early Understanding» (PDF). Innovative Mobility Research.
  29. ^ «BMW–Daimler tie-up to bring ‘largest free-floating car sharing provider’«. Fleet World. 4 March 2019. Retrieved 1 April 2019.
  30. ^ «Berg Insight: Carsharing service membership reached 23.8 million worldwide in 2017 | the internet of things». www.theinternetofthings.eu. Retrieved 1 April 2019.
  31. ^ Corporate car sharing
  32. ^ Corporate car sharing requires a change of attitude
  33. ^ Corporate car sharing
  34. ^ Martin, Elliot; Shaheen, Susan (July 2016). «The Impacts of Car2go on Vehicle Ownership, Modal Shift, Vehicle Miles Traveled, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: An Analysis of Five North American Cities». Innovative Mobility Research. Archived from the original (PDF) on July 2016.
  35. ^ Cervero, Robert; Golub, Aaron; Nee, Brendan (2007). «City CarShare: Longer-Term Travel Demand and Car Ownership Impacts». Institute of Urban and Regional Development University of California at Berkeley. Retrieved 14 November 2015.
  36. ^ Shaheen, Susan; Sperling, Daniel; Wagner, Conrad (Summer 1998). «Carsharing in Europe and North America: Past, Present, and Future» (PDF). Transportation Quarterly. pp. 35–52. Archived from the original (PDF) on 21 October 2013. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  37. ^ Lieber, Ron (22 April 2011). «Consider the Worst Case With Zipcar». The New York Times.
  38. ^ Frolov, Andrey (8 August 2018). «Каршеринг «Яндекс.Драйв» договорился о поглощении стартапа мобильной заправки машин «Топливо в бак» – Транспорт на vc.ru». vc.ru.
  39. ^ Shaheen, Susan A.; Cohen, Adam P.; Roberts, J. Darious (2005). «Carsharing in North America: Market Growth, Current Developments, and Future Potential». Transportation Research Record. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  40. ^ Toothman, Jessika (16 May 2008). «How Car Sharing Works». howstuffworks. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  41. ^ «West Sussex County Council: Car clubs». West Sussex County Council. 11 December 2015. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  42. ^ «Car hire and car clubs – Driving your car». Which? Car. 2014. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  43. ^ Bergen, Mark (8 August 2013). «Indian Drivers Attract Larry Summers». The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 14 November 2015.

External links[edit]

  • Media related to Carsharing at Wikimedia Commons

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