Как на английском пишется яху

Поисковая система Яндекс — самый популярный поисковик российского сегмента глобальной сети. Как и многие другие поисковые системы, она предоставляет своим пользователям большое количество интернет-сервисов: почта, облачное хранилище, онлайн-карты, видео, платежная система и многое другое. Исходя из этого, у многих пользователей возникает вопрос — как именно пишется Яндекс на английском языке.

Пишем Яндекс на английском правильно

Откуда взялось название Яндекс

Фразу Yet Another indexer, что в переводе с английского языка звучит как «еще один индексатор», придумал будущий директор компании Яндекс Илья Сегалович и Аркадий Волож (гендиректор). В то время слово выглядело как «Яndex». Перед тем, как к нему прийти Илья выписывал различные варианты для названия своей новоиспеченной поисковой системы. Ему сразу же стало понятно, что англоязычное слово search (поиск) в произношении на русский манер звучит, мягко говоря, не очень. Поэтому ему достаточно быстро пришла на ум фраза «yet another index». Немного позже Яндекс в адресной строке записывали просто Yandex. Так система пишется на английском языке и сегодня.

Дизайн и логотип Яндекс

С самых ранних этапов появления компании и поисковой системы Yandex владельцы сотрудничали со студией Артемия Лебедева. Специалисты разрабатывали для Яндекс большую часть дизайна сайта. Больше всего для компании сделал Рома Воронежский — дизайнер студии. Дизайн разрабатывали и другие специалисты области, например, для проекта «Лето» от Яндекс дизайн был создан организацией «Болоtov.ru». Последнее время компания все чаще обходится без услуг Артемия Лебедева.

Сервисы Яндекс

Логотип Яндекса, который практически не изменился и сегодня, появился еще в 1996 году. Впервые он фигурировал в Яndex.CD и Яndex.Site. Это произошло еще од появления самого поисковика. Логотип также был разработан студией Лебедева. В 3.0 версии логотип отбросил первую букву кириллицы (Яndex) и стал выглядеть как Yandex. Видимо первая буква «Я» у разработчиков была как кость в горле, ведь практически любой язык программирования понимает только латиницу. На английском языке Яндекс пишется — Yandex.

Нюансы при поиске в Яндекс

В поисковой системе Яндекс есть возможность настраивать поиск. Эта функция реализуется за счет гибкости языка при запросе. При поиске можно задавать область действия, например, включив в строку запроса А ~~ Г. В этом случае система найдет все результаты, где присутствует первый оператор (А), но исключит все результаты со вторым (Г). Другой оператор & найдет список ключевых слов в тексте, а двойной амперсанд будет искать «ключи» во всем документе.

Восклицательный знак в роли оператора поможет отключить морфологию определенного слова или фразы. Таким образом, если формы слова будут совпадать с другими, поисковая система выдаст дополнительные страницы. И наоборот, оператор «!!» уберет ненужные слова из результатов.

Сайты, которые не проходят индексацию в Яндекс

Есть несколько причин, по которым поисковая система Yandex не индексирует сайты и не показывает их в результаты в поиске.

  1. Сайты, которые крадут информацию или контент с других ресурсов.
  2. Редиректы — сайты, единственной целью которых является перенаправлять посетителей на другие ресурсы.
  3. Сайт, чей контент был сгенерирован программно, набор бессмысленного текста.
  4. И другие.

Как писать Яндекс на английском в почтовом адресе

Компания Яндекс предоставляет всем своим зарегистрированным пользователям бесплатный почтовый адрес. Более того, при входе в систему этот адрес по умолчанию является логином.

Вход в Яндекс.Почта

Поэтому каждый пользователь должен знать, как писать слово Яндекс на английском языке. К примеру, example@yandex.ru, ivan_ivanov@yandex.ru и так далее.

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Yandex N.V.

Yandex headquarters, Moscow

Native name Яндекс
Type Public company
ISIN NL0009805522 10px-OOjs_UI_icon_edit-ltr-progressive.svg.png
Industry InternetSearch engine
Founded 1997 (1997) (Yandex search launched by CompTek)2000 (Yandex company founded)
Founder Arkady VolozhArkady BorkovskyIlya Segalovich
Headquarters ul. Lva Tolstogo, 16, Moscow, Russia, 119021
Area served Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Israel and Estonia
Key people Arkady Volozh (CEO)
Products Alisa (virtual assistant)Yandex.SearchYandex.DirectYandex.DiskYandex.MailYandex.BrowserYandex.MapsYandex.MarketYandex.EdaYandex.MetroYandex.NewsYandex.VideoYandex.Map editorYandex.MoneyYandex.MusicYandex.AfishaYandex.PanoramasYandex.TimetableYandex.TrafficYandex.TranslateYandex.TaxiYa.ru
Revenue $2.19 billion[1] (2018)
Operating income $358 million[2] (2018)
Net income $816 million[3] (2018)
Total assets $4.17 billion[3] (2018)
Total equity $3.5 billion[3] (2018)
Number of employees 8,854 (2018)
Footnotes / references[4]

Yandex N.V. (; Russian: Яндекс, IPA: [ˈjandəks]) is a Russian multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related products and services, including transportation, search and information services, eCommerce, navigation, mobile applications, and online advertising. Yandex provides over 70 services in total.[5][6] Incorporated in the Netherlands, Yandex primarily serves audiences in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The company founders and most of the team members are located in Russia. The company has 18 commercial offices worldwide.[7][8] It is the largest technology company in Russia[9] and the largest search engine on the internet in Russian, with a market share of over 52%.[10] The Yandex.ru home page is the 4th most popular website in Russia.[11] It also has the largest market share of any search engine in the Commonwealth of Independent States and is the 5th largest search engine worldwide after Google, Baidu, Bing, and Yahoo!.

Yandex’s main competitors on the Russian market are Google, Mail.ru, and Rambler.

According to the company, one of its biggest advantages for Russian-language users is the ability to recognize Russian inflection in search queries.[12]

Yandex has invested in companies including Vizi Labs, Face.com, Blekko, Seismotech, Multiship, SalesPredict, and Doc+.[13]


Yandex has offices in 17 countries.[14] Yandex Labs was opened in Silicon Valley in 2008,[15] and also in Istanbul in 2011.[16]

The company opened a sales office in Lucerne in 2012 to serve its European advertising clients,[17]while opening a research and development office in Berlin in 2014.[18]

Yandex opened its first office in Shanghai during 2015 to work with Chinese companies that work in the Russian language market.[19]



Yandex traces its roots to 1990, when Arkady Volozh and Arkady Borkovsky founded Arkadia, a company that developed MS-DOS software for use in patents and goods classification. Their software featured a full-text search with Russian morphology support. In 1993, Arkadia became a subdivision of Comptek International, another company founded by Volozh in 1989.

In 1993, Arkady Volozh and Ilya Segalovich, friends since their school days and by then working together to develop search software,[20] invented the word «Yandex» to describe their search technologies. The name initially stood for «Yet Another iNDEXer».[21] The Russian word «Я» («Ya») corresponds to the English personal pronoun «I», making «Яndex» a bilingual pun on «index». Another pun is based on the yin and yang contrast (Russian: инь – индекс, ян – яндекс).

Between 1993 and 1996, the company continued developing its search technologies and released software for searching through the Bible.[21]

The Yandex.ru search engine was launched on September 23, 1997, and was publicly presented at the Softool exhibition in Moscow.[22] Initially, the search engine was developed by Comptek. In 2000, Yandex was incorporated as a standalone company by Arkady Volozh.[21]

In 1998, Yandex launched contextual advertisement on its search engine.


In 2001, it launched the Yandex.Directonline advertising network.[23]

The company became profitable in November 2002. In 2004, Yandex sales increased to $17 million, up 1000% in 2 years. The net income of the company in 2004 was $7 million. In June 2006, the weekly revenue of Yandex.Direct context ads system exceeded $1 million. The company’s accounting has been audited by Deloitte since 1999.

In September 2005, Yandex opened an office in Ukraine[24] and launched www.yandex.ua.[25] In 2007, Yandex introduced a customized search engine for Ukrainian users;[26] Yandex also opened its development center in Kiev in May 2007. In 2008, Yandex extended its presence in Ukraine by increasing bandwidth between Moscow data centers and UA-IX in Ukraine fivefold.[27] In 2009, all services of www.yandex.ua were localized for the Ukrainian market.[28] In 2010, Yandex launched its «Poltava» search engine algorithm for Ukrainian users, based on its MatrixNet technology.[29]

In March 2007, Yandex acquired moikrug.ru, a Russian social networking service.[30]

On June 16, 2008, Yandex acquired SMILink, a Russian road traffic monitoring agency, to merge it with Yandex. Maps services.[31]

On June 20, 2008, Yandex announced the formation of Yandex Labs in Silicon Valley. The main objective of the division is to foster «innovation in search and advertising technology».[15]

In September 2008, Yandex acquired the rights to the Punto Switcher software program, an automatic Russian to English keyboard layout switcher.[32]

In January 2009, Mozilla Firefox 3.5, replaced Google with Yandex as the default search provider for Russian-language builds.[33]

In August 2009, Yandex introduced a player of free legal music in its search results.


In September 2010, Yandex launched the Yandex Music service and significantly extended its music catalogue to 800,000 tracks from 58,000 performers.[34]

On May 19, 2010, Yandex launched an English-only web search engine.[35][36][37]

In September 2010, Yandex invested in a $4.3 million financing round by Face.com.[38] The company was acquired by Facebook in 2012.

In December 2010, Yandex launched Yandex.Start to find startups and to work with them systematically. As a result of the program, Yandex purchased WebVisor’s behavior analysis technology in December 2010.[39][40]

On January 26, 2011, Yandex introduced premium placement opportunity in its Business directory; advertisers’ local small businesses are highlighted on a map for relevant queries.[41]

On January 27, 2011, the company acquired single sign-in service Loginza.[42]

On May 3, 2011, as part of a disclosure on the «legal and political risks» of investing in Russia, before the listing on NASDAQ, Yandex revealed that it had passed private customer information to the Federal Security Service, including that of users who had donated money via Yandex to an anti-corruption website set-up by Alexei Navalny.[43]

On May 24, 2011, Yandex raised $1.3 billion in an initial public offering on NASDAQ. It was the biggest initial public offering for a dot-com company since Google’s offering in 2004.[44] Among the largest investors in Yandex were Baring Vostok Capital Partners, which owned a 30% stake, and Tiger Management, which owned a 15% stake.[45]

In August 2011, Yandex acquired The Tweeted Times, a news delivery startup.[46]

In September 2011, Yandex launched a search engine and a range of other services in Turkey. The company also opened an office in Istanbul.[16]

In September 2011, the company invested in Blekko as part of a $30 million financing round.[47][48]

In November 2011, Yandex acquired SPB Software, a software developer, for $38 million.[49][50]

In June 2012, Yandex acquired a 25% stake in Seismotech, a company that provides services in the area of interpretative processing of seismic data and software development, for $1 million.[51][52]

In March 2013, the company added an English user interface to its translation mobile app.[53]

In July 2013, Mail.Ru started placing Yandex.Direct ads on its search result pages.[54]

In October 2013, Yandex acquired KinoPoisk, the biggest Russian movie search engine.[55][56][57]

In 2013, Yandex became the largest media property in Russia by revenue.[58]

In February 2014, Yandex invested several million dollars in MultiShip.[59][60]

In March 2014, Yandex acquired Israeli geolocation startup KitLocate and opened a research and development office in Israel.[61][62][63]

In April 2014, a movie called Startup, about the history of Yandex was released.[64]

In June 2014, Yandex acquired Auto.ru, an online marketplace and classified advertising website for automobiles, for $175 million.[65][66]

In December 2015, Yandex acquired Agnitum, an internet security company.[67]

On June 1, 2017, Yandex closed its offices in Kiev and Odessa, Ukraine after the Security Service of Ukraine raided the offices and accused the company of illegally collecting Ukrainian users’ data and sending it to Russian security agencies.[68] Yandex denied any wrongdoing.

On June 6, 2017, the company invested in a $5 million financing round by Doc+.[69]

In August 2017, all Yandex services were banned in Ukraine by Presidential Decree No. 133/2017.[70]

On October 10, 2017, Yandex introduced its intelligent personal assistant, Alisa (Alice) for Android, iOS, and Microsoft Windows.[71][72][73]

In December 2017, the company acquired Foodfox, a food delivery service.[74]

In 2017, within the framework of a joint anti-phishing project of the Bank of Russia and search engine Yandex, a special check mark (a green circle with a tick and ‘Реестр ЦБ РФ’ (Bank of Russia Register) text box) appeared in the search results, informing the consumer that the website is really owned by a legally registered company licensed by the Bank of Russia.[75][76]

On February 7, 2018, Uber and Yandex NV merged their businesses in Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus and Georgia. Uber invested $225 million and owns 36.6% stake in the venture while Yandex invested $100 million and owns a 59.3% stake.[77]

On February 16, 2018, the company showed off the first tests of its autonomous cars in Moscow.[78][79]

In May 2018, Sberbank and Yandex completed joint venture deal to develop a B2C eCommerce ecosystem.[80]

In October 2018, Yandex acquired Edadil (Russian: Едадил, lit. «grocery deals»), a deal aggregator service.[81]

In 2019 the company announced that it was being forced to hand over the encryption keys to the Russian FSB, exposing private communication of its users. The company responded that it was possible to comply without compromising the privacy of personal data[82].

In October and November 2018, hackers used malware called Regin to steal technical information from Yandex’s research and development unit.[83] The hack was attributed to the Five Eyes by Kaspersky Lab.[83]

See also[edit]

Используемые источники:

  • https://lifehacki.ru/kak-pishetsya-yandeks-na-anglijskom-yazyke/
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/yandex

Page semi-protected

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yahoo! (2019).svg
Type of business Subsidiary

Type of site

Web portal and online services
Founded January 1994; 29 years ago

Sunnyvale, California


United States

Area served Worldwide
  • Apollo Global Management (90%)
  • Verizon Communications (10%)
  • Jerry Yang
  • David Filo
Products List of products
Revenue $7.4 billion (2020)[1]
Employees 8,600 (2017)[2]
  • Yahoo! Inc. (1995–2017, 2021–present)
  • Verizon Communications (2017–2021)
URL yahoo.com
Advertising Yahoo! Ad Tech[3]
Registration Optional
Current status Active

Yahoo! (, styled yahoo! in its logo)[4][5] is an American web services provider. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and operated by the namesake company Yahoo! Inc., which is 90% owned by investment funds managed by Apollo Global Management and 10% by Verizon Communications.

It provides a web portal, search engine Yahoo Search, and related services, including My Yahoo!, Yahoo Mail, Yahoo News, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Sports and its advertising platform, Yahoo! Native.

Yahoo was established by Jerry Yang and David Filo in January 1994 and was one of the pioneers of the early Internet era in the 1990s.[6] However, usage declined in the late 2000s as some services discontinued and it lost market share to Facebook and Google.[7][8]



The Yahoo home page in 1994, when it was a directory. A search engine was added in 1995.

In January 1994, Yang and Filo were electrical engineering graduate students at Stanford University, when they created a website named «Jerry and David’s guide to the World Wide Web».[9][10][11][12] The site was a human-edited web directory, organized in a hierarchy, as opposed to a searchable index of pages. In March 1994, «Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web» was renamed «Yahoo!» and became known as the Yahoo Directory.[10][13][14][15][16] The «yahoo.com» domain was registered on January 18, 1995.[17]

The word «yahoo» is a backronym for «Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle»[18] or «Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle».[19] The term «hierarchical» described how the Yahoo database was arranged in layers of subcategories. The term «oracle» was intended to mean «source of truth and wisdom», and the term «officious», rather than being related to the word’s normal meaning, described the many office workers who would use the Yahoo database while surfing from work.[20] However, Filo and Yang insist they mainly selected the name because they liked the slang definition of a «yahoo» (used by college students in David Filo’s native Louisiana in the late 1980s and early 1990s to refer to an unsophisticated, rural Southerner): «rude, unsophisticated, uncouth.»[21] This meaning derives from the Yahoo race of fictional beings from Gulliver’s Travels.

Yahoo was incorporated on March 2, 1995. In 1995, a search engine function, called Yahoo Search, was introduced. This allowed users to search Yahoo Directory.[22][23] Yahoo soon became the first popular online directory and search engine on the World Wide Web.[24]


Map showing localized versions of Yahoo! web portals, as of 2022

Yahoo grew rapidly throughout the 1990s. Yahoo became a public company via an initial public offering in April 1996 and its stock price rose 600% within two years.[25] Like many search engines and web directories, Yahoo added a web portal, putting it in competition with services including Excite, Lycos, and America Online.[26] By 1998, Yahoo was the most popular starting point for web users,[27] and the human-edited Yahoo Directory the most popular search engine,[15] receiving 95 million page views per day, triple that of rival Excite.[25] It also made many high-profile acquisitions. Yahoo began offering free e-mail from October 1997 after the acquisition of RocketMail, which was then renamed to Yahoo Mail.[28] In 1998, Yahoo replaced AltaVista as the crawler-based search engine underlying the Directory with Inktomi.[29] Yahoo’s two biggest acquisitions were made in 1999: Geocities for $3.6 billion[30] and Broadcast.com for $5.7 billion.[31]

Its stock price skyrocketed during the dot-com bubble, closing at an all-time high of $118.75/share on January 3, 2000. However, after the dot-com bubble burst, it reached a post-bubble low of $8.11 on September 26, 2001.[32]

Yahoo began using Google for search in June 2000.[33][34] Over the next four years, it developed its own search technologies, which it began using in 2004 partly using technology from its $280 million acquisition of Inktomi in 2002.[35] In response to Google’s Gmail, Yahoo began to offer unlimited email storage in 2007. In 2008, the company laid off hundreds of people as it struggled from competition.[36]

In February 2008, Microsoft made an unsolicited bid to acquire Yahoo for $44.6 billion.[37][38] Yahoo rejected the bid, claiming that it «substantially undervalues» the company and was not in the interest of its shareholders. Although Microsoft increased its bid to $47 billion, Yahoo insisted on another 10%+ increase to the offer and Microsoft cancelled the offer in May 2008.[39][40][41][42]

Carol Bartz, who had no previous experience in Internet advertising, replaced Yang as CEO in January 2009.[43][44] In September 2011, after failing to meet targets, she was fired by chairman Roy J. Bostock; CFO Tim Morse was named as Interim CEO of the company.[45][46]

In April 2012, after the appointment of Scott Thompson as CEO, several key executives resigned, including chief product officer Blake Irving.[47][48] On April 4, 2012, Yahoo announced 2,000 layoffs,[49] or about 14% of its 14,100 workers by the end of year, expected to save around $375 million annually.[50] In an email sent to employees in April 2012, Thompson reiterated his view that customers should come first at Yahoo. He also completely reorganized the company.[51]

On May 13, 2012, Thompson was fired and was replaced on an interim basis by Ross Levinsohn, recently appointed head of Yahoo’s new Media group. Several associates of Third Point Management, including Daniel S. Loeb were nominated to the board of directors.[52][51][53][54] Thompson’s total compensation for his 130-day tenure with Yahoo was at least $7.3 million.[55]

On July 15, 2012, Marissa Mayer was appointed president and CEO of Yahoo, effective July 17, 2012.[56][57]

In June 2013, Yahoo acquired blogging site Tumblr for $1.1 billion in cash, with Tumblr’s CEO and founder David Karp continuing to run the site.[58][59][60][61] In July 2013, Yahoo announced plans to open an office in San Francisco.[62]

On August 2, 2013, Yahoo acquired Rockmelt; its staff was retained, but all of its existing products were terminated.[63]

Data collated by comScore during July 2013 revealed that, during the month, more people in the U.S. visited Yahoo websites than Google; the first time that Yahoo outperformed Google since 2011.[64] The data did not count mobile usage, nor Tumblr.[65]

Mayer also hired Katie Couric to be the anchor of a new online news operation and started an online food magazine. However, by January 2014, doubts about Mayer’s progress emerged when Mayer fired her own first major hire, Henrique de Castro.[66]

On December 12, 2014, Yahoo acquired video advertising provider BrightRoll for $583 million.[67]

On November 21, 2014, Yahoo acquired Cooliris.[68]

Decline, security breaches, and sale

By December 2015, Mayer was criticized as performance declined.[69][70][71][72] Mayer was ranked as the least likable CEO in tech.[73][74]

On February 2, 2016, Mayer announced layoffs amounting to 15% of the Yahoo! workforce.[75]

On July 25, 2016, Verizon Communications announced the acquisition of Yahoo’s core Internet business for $4.83 billion.[76][77][78][79] The deal excluded Yahoo’s 15% stake in Alibaba Group and 35.5% stake in Yahoo Japan.[80][81]

On February 21, 2017, as a result of the Yahoo data breaches, Verizon lowered its purchase price for Yahoo by $350 million and reached an agreement to share liabilities regarding the data breaches.[82][83]

On June 13, 2017, Verizon completed the acquisition of Yahoo and Marissa Mayer resigned.[84][85]

Yahoo, AOL, and HuffPost were to continue operating under their own names, under the umbrella of a new company, Oath Inc., later called Verizon Media.[86][87]

The parts of the original Yahoo! Inc. which were not purchased by Verizon Communications were renamed Altaba, which later liquidated, making a final distribution in October 2020.[88]

In September 2021, investment funds managed by Apollo Global Management acquired 90% of Yahoo.[89][90]

In November 2021, Yahoo announced that it was ceasing its operations in mainland China due to an increasingly challenging business and legal environment.[91] Previously, the company has discontinued China Yahoo! Mail on August 20, 2013.[92]

In 2023, Yahoo announced that it would be cutting 20% of its workforce. The move follows mass layoffs from other tech giants including Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Inc, Meta, and Amazon. The company is set to lay off roughly 1,000 staff members of their 8,600 workers.[93]

Chief Executive Officers

Eleven chief executives and interim leaders have led the Yahoo companies since 1995. They are:

  • Jim Lanzone, CEO of Yahoo Inc. (2021–present)[94]
  • Guru Gowrappan, CEO of Oath Inc., Verizon Media, and Yahoo (2018–2021)[95][96]
  • Tim Armstrong, CEO of Oath Inc. (2017–2018)[97]
  • Marissa Mayer (2012–2017)[98]
  • Ross Levinsohn Interim (2012)
  • Scott Thompson (2012)
  • Tim Morse Interim (2011–2012)
  • Carol Bartz (2009–2011)
  • Jerry Yang (2007–2009)
  • Terry Semel (2001–2007)
  • Timothy Koogle (1995–2001)

Products and services

For a list of all current and defunct services offered by Yahoo, see: List of Yahoo-owned sites and services.

Data breaches

On September 22, 2016, Yahoo disclosed a data breach that occurred in late 2014, in which information associated with at least 500 million user accounts,[99][100] one of the largest breaches reported to date.[101] The United States indicted four men, including two employees of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), for their involvement in the hack.[102][103] On December 14, 2016, the company revealed that another separate data breach had occurred in 2014, with hackers obtaining sensitive account information, including security questions, to at least one billion accounts.[104] The company stated that hackers had utilized stolen internal software to forge HTTP cookies.[105][106]

On October 3, 2017, the company stated that all 3 billion of its user accounts were affected by the August 2013 theft.[107][108][109][110][111]


DMCA notice to whistleblower

On November 30, 2009, Yahoo was criticized by the Electronic Frontier Foundation for sending a DMCA notice to whistleblower website «Cryptome» for publicly posting details, prices, and procedures on obtaining private information pertaining to Yahoo’s subscribers.[112]

Censorship of private emails affiliated with Occupy Wall Street protests

After some concerns over censorship of private emails regarding a website affiliated with Occupy Wall Street protests were raised, Yahoo responded with an apology and explained it as an accident.[113][114][115]

Partners and sponsorships

The 2015 Dublin LGBTQ Pride Festival, sponsored by Yahoo

On September 11, 2001, Yahoo! announced its partnership with FIFA for the 2002 FIFA World Cup and 2006 FIFA World Cup tournaments. It was one of FIFA’s 15 partners at the tournaments. The deal included co-branding the organization’s websites.[116]

Yahoo! sponsored the 2012 Sundance Film Festival.[117]
NBC Sports Group aligned with Yahoo Sports the same year with content and program offerings on mobile and desktop platforms.[118]

Yahoo announced television video partnerships in 2013 with Condé Nast,[119] WWE, ABC NEWS, and CNBC.[120] Yahoo entered into a 10-year collaboration in 2014, as a founding partner of Levi’s Stadium, home of the San Francisco 49ers.[121]

The National Basketball Association partnered with Yahoo Sports to stream games, offer virtual and augmented-reality fan experiences, and in 2018 NBA League Pass.[122][123] Yahoo Sportsbook launched in November 2019, a collaboration with BetMGM.[124][125]

BuzzFeed acquired HuffPost from Yahoo in November 2020, in a stock deal with Yahoo as a minority shareholder.[126][127] The NFL partnered with Yahoo in 2020, to introduce a new «Watch Together» function on the Yahoo Sports app for interactive co-viewing through a synchronized livestream of local and primetime NFL games.[128] The Paley Center for Media collaborated with Verizon Media to exclusively stream programs on Yahoo platforms beginning in 2020.[129]

Yahoo became the main sponsor for the Pramac Racing team and the first title sponsor for the 2021 ESport/MotoGP Championship season.[130] Yahoo, the official partner for the September 2021 New York Fashion Week event also unveiled sponsorship for the Rebecca Minkoff collection via a NFT space.[131] In September 2021, it was announced that Yahoo partnered with Shopify, connecting the e-commerce merchants on Yahoo Finance, AOL and elsewhere.[132]

See also

  • List of Yahoo!-owned sites and services
  • List of search engines
  • Yahoo! litigation


  1. ^ «Fortune 500: Yahoo company profile». Fortune. Archived from the original on April 12, 2022. Retrieved March 8, 2022.
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External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Yahoo!.

Wikiquote has quotations related to Yahoo!.

  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata
  • Yahoo! Products and Services
  • ALTABA and Yahoo! EDGAR Filing History

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yahoo! (2019).svg
Type of business Subsidiary

Type of site

Web portal and online services
Founded January 1994; 29 years ago

Sunnyvale, California


United States

Area served Worldwide
  • Apollo Global Management (90%)
  • Verizon Communications (10%)
  • Jerry Yang
  • David Filo
Products List of products
Revenue $7.4 billion (2020)[1]
Employees 8,600 (2017)[2]
  • Yahoo! Inc. (1995–2017, 2021–present)
  • Verizon Communications (2017–2021)
URL yahoo.com
Advertising Yahoo! Ad Tech[3]
Registration Optional
Current status Active

Yahoo! (, styled yahoo! in its logo)[4][5] is an American web services provider. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and operated by the namesake company Yahoo! Inc., which is 90% owned by investment funds managed by Apollo Global Management and 10% by Verizon Communications.

It provides a web portal, search engine Yahoo Search, and related services, including My Yahoo!, Yahoo Mail, Yahoo News, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Sports and its advertising platform, Yahoo! Native.

Yahoo was established by Jerry Yang and David Filo in January 1994 and was one of the pioneers of the early Internet era in the 1990s.[6] However, usage declined in the late 2000s as some services discontinued and it lost market share to Facebook and Google.[7][8]



The Yahoo home page in 1994, when it was a directory. A search engine was added in 1995.

In January 1994, Yang and Filo were electrical engineering graduate students at Stanford University, when they created a website named «Jerry and David’s guide to the World Wide Web».[9][10][11][12] The site was a human-edited web directory, organized in a hierarchy, as opposed to a searchable index of pages. In March 1994, «Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web» was renamed «Yahoo!» and became known as the Yahoo Directory.[10][13][14][15][16] The «yahoo.com» domain was registered on January 18, 1995.[17]

The word «yahoo» is a backronym for «Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle»[18] or «Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle».[19] The term «hierarchical» described how the Yahoo database was arranged in layers of subcategories. The term «oracle» was intended to mean «source of truth and wisdom», and the term «officious», rather than being related to the word’s normal meaning, described the many office workers who would use the Yahoo database while surfing from work.[20] However, Filo and Yang insist they mainly selected the name because they liked the slang definition of a «yahoo» (used by college students in David Filo’s native Louisiana in the late 1980s and early 1990s to refer to an unsophisticated, rural Southerner): «rude, unsophisticated, uncouth.»[21] This meaning derives from the Yahoo race of fictional beings from Gulliver’s Travels.

Yahoo was incorporated on March 2, 1995. In 1995, a search engine function, called Yahoo Search, was introduced. This allowed users to search Yahoo Directory.[22][23] Yahoo soon became the first popular online directory and search engine on the World Wide Web.[24]


Map showing localized versions of Yahoo! web portals, as of 2022

Yahoo grew rapidly throughout the 1990s. Yahoo became a public company via an initial public offering in April 1996 and its stock price rose 600% within two years.[25] Like many search engines and web directories, Yahoo added a web portal, putting it in competition with services including Excite, Lycos, and America Online.[26] By 1998, Yahoo was the most popular starting point for web users,[27] and the human-edited Yahoo Directory the most popular search engine,[15] receiving 95 million page views per day, triple that of rival Excite.[25] It also made many high-profile acquisitions. Yahoo began offering free e-mail from October 1997 after the acquisition of RocketMail, which was then renamed to Yahoo Mail.[28] In 1998, Yahoo replaced AltaVista as the crawler-based search engine underlying the Directory with Inktomi.[29] Yahoo’s two biggest acquisitions were made in 1999: Geocities for $3.6 billion[30] and Broadcast.com for $5.7 billion.[31]

Its stock price skyrocketed during the dot-com bubble, closing at an all-time high of $118.75/share on January 3, 2000. However, after the dot-com bubble burst, it reached a post-bubble low of $8.11 on September 26, 2001.[32]

Yahoo began using Google for search in June 2000.[33][34] Over the next four years, it developed its own search technologies, which it began using in 2004 partly using technology from its $280 million acquisition of Inktomi in 2002.[35] In response to Google’s Gmail, Yahoo began to offer unlimited email storage in 2007. In 2008, the company laid off hundreds of people as it struggled from competition.[36]

In February 2008, Microsoft made an unsolicited bid to acquire Yahoo for $44.6 billion.[37][38] Yahoo rejected the bid, claiming that it «substantially undervalues» the company and was not in the interest of its shareholders. Although Microsoft increased its bid to $47 billion, Yahoo insisted on another 10%+ increase to the offer and Microsoft cancelled the offer in May 2008.[39][40][41][42]

Carol Bartz, who had no previous experience in Internet advertising, replaced Yang as CEO in January 2009.[43][44] In September 2011, after failing to meet targets, she was fired by chairman Roy J. Bostock; CFO Tim Morse was named as Interim CEO of the company.[45][46]

In April 2012, after the appointment of Scott Thompson as CEO, several key executives resigned, including chief product officer Blake Irving.[47][48] On April 4, 2012, Yahoo announced 2,000 layoffs,[49] or about 14% of its 14,100 workers by the end of year, expected to save around $375 million annually.[50] In an email sent to employees in April 2012, Thompson reiterated his view that customers should come first at Yahoo. He also completely reorganized the company.[51]

On May 13, 2012, Thompson was fired and was replaced on an interim basis by Ross Levinsohn, recently appointed head of Yahoo’s new Media group. Several associates of Third Point Management, including Daniel S. Loeb were nominated to the board of directors.[52][51][53][54] Thompson’s total compensation for his 130-day tenure with Yahoo was at least $7.3 million.[55]

On July 15, 2012, Marissa Mayer was appointed president and CEO of Yahoo, effective July 17, 2012.[56][57]

In June 2013, Yahoo acquired blogging site Tumblr for $1.1 billion in cash, with Tumblr’s CEO and founder David Karp continuing to run the site.[58][59][60][61] In July 2013, Yahoo announced plans to open an office in San Francisco.[62]

On August 2, 2013, Yahoo acquired Rockmelt; its staff was retained, but all of its existing products were terminated.[63]

Data collated by comScore during July 2013 revealed that, during the month, more people in the U.S. visited Yahoo websites than Google; the first time that Yahoo outperformed Google since 2011.[64] The data did not count mobile usage, nor Tumblr.[65]

Mayer also hired Katie Couric to be the anchor of a new online news operation and started an online food magazine. However, by January 2014, doubts about Mayer’s progress emerged when Mayer fired her own first major hire, Henrique de Castro.[66]

On December 12, 2014, Yahoo acquired video advertising provider BrightRoll for $583 million.[67]

On November 21, 2014, Yahoo acquired Cooliris.[68]

Decline, security breaches, and sale

By December 2015, Mayer was criticized as performance declined.[69][70][71][72] Mayer was ranked as the least likable CEO in tech.[73][74]

On February 2, 2016, Mayer announced layoffs amounting to 15% of the Yahoo! workforce.[75]

On July 25, 2016, Verizon Communications announced the acquisition of Yahoo’s core Internet business for $4.83 billion.[76][77][78][79] The deal excluded Yahoo’s 15% stake in Alibaba Group and 35.5% stake in Yahoo Japan.[80][81]

On February 21, 2017, as a result of the Yahoo data breaches, Verizon lowered its purchase price for Yahoo by $350 million and reached an agreement to share liabilities regarding the data breaches.[82][83]

On June 13, 2017, Verizon completed the acquisition of Yahoo and Marissa Mayer resigned.[84][85]

Yahoo, AOL, and HuffPost were to continue operating under their own names, under the umbrella of a new company, Oath Inc., later called Verizon Media.[86][87]

The parts of the original Yahoo! Inc. which were not purchased by Verizon Communications were renamed Altaba, which later liquidated, making a final distribution in October 2020.[88]

In September 2021, investment funds managed by Apollo Global Management acquired 90% of Yahoo.[89][90]

In November 2021, Yahoo announced that it was ceasing its operations in mainland China due to an increasingly challenging business and legal environment.[91] Previously, the company has discontinued China Yahoo! Mail on August 20, 2013.[92]

In 2023, Yahoo announced that it would be cutting 20% of its workforce. The move follows mass layoffs from other tech giants including Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Inc, Meta, and Amazon. The company is set to lay off roughly 1,000 staff members of their 8,600 workers.[93]

Chief Executive Officers

Eleven chief executives and interim leaders have led the Yahoo companies since 1995. They are:

  • Jim Lanzone, CEO of Yahoo Inc. (2021–present)[94]
  • Guru Gowrappan, CEO of Oath Inc., Verizon Media, and Yahoo (2018–2021)[95][96]
  • Tim Armstrong, CEO of Oath Inc. (2017–2018)[97]
  • Marissa Mayer (2012–2017)[98]
  • Ross Levinsohn Interim (2012)
  • Scott Thompson (2012)
  • Tim Morse Interim (2011–2012)
  • Carol Bartz (2009–2011)
  • Jerry Yang (2007–2009)
  • Terry Semel (2001–2007)
  • Timothy Koogle (1995–2001)

Products and services

For a list of all current and defunct services offered by Yahoo, see: List of Yahoo-owned sites and services.

Data breaches

On September 22, 2016, Yahoo disclosed a data breach that occurred in late 2014, in which information associated with at least 500 million user accounts,[99][100] one of the largest breaches reported to date.[101] The United States indicted four men, including two employees of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), for their involvement in the hack.[102][103] On December 14, 2016, the company revealed that another separate data breach had occurred in 2014, with hackers obtaining sensitive account information, including security questions, to at least one billion accounts.[104] The company stated that hackers had utilized stolen internal software to forge HTTP cookies.[105][106]

On October 3, 2017, the company stated that all 3 billion of its user accounts were affected by the August 2013 theft.[107][108][109][110][111]


DMCA notice to whistleblower

On November 30, 2009, Yahoo was criticized by the Electronic Frontier Foundation for sending a DMCA notice to whistleblower website «Cryptome» for publicly posting details, prices, and procedures on obtaining private information pertaining to Yahoo’s subscribers.[112]

Censorship of private emails affiliated with Occupy Wall Street protests

After some concerns over censorship of private emails regarding a website affiliated with Occupy Wall Street protests were raised, Yahoo responded with an apology and explained it as an accident.[113][114][115]

Partners and sponsorships

The 2015 Dublin LGBTQ Pride Festival, sponsored by Yahoo

On September 11, 2001, Yahoo! announced its partnership with FIFA for the 2002 FIFA World Cup and 2006 FIFA World Cup tournaments. It was one of FIFA’s 15 partners at the tournaments. The deal included co-branding the organization’s websites.[116]

Yahoo! sponsored the 2012 Sundance Film Festival.[117]
NBC Sports Group aligned with Yahoo Sports the same year with content and program offerings on mobile and desktop platforms.[118]

Yahoo announced television video partnerships in 2013 with Condé Nast,[119] WWE, ABC NEWS, and CNBC.[120] Yahoo entered into a 10-year collaboration in 2014, as a founding partner of Levi’s Stadium, home of the San Francisco 49ers.[121]

The National Basketball Association partnered with Yahoo Sports to stream games, offer virtual and augmented-reality fan experiences, and in 2018 NBA League Pass.[122][123] Yahoo Sportsbook launched in November 2019, a collaboration with BetMGM.[124][125]

BuzzFeed acquired HuffPost from Yahoo in November 2020, in a stock deal with Yahoo as a minority shareholder.[126][127] The NFL partnered with Yahoo in 2020, to introduce a new «Watch Together» function on the Yahoo Sports app for interactive co-viewing through a synchronized livestream of local and primetime NFL games.[128] The Paley Center for Media collaborated with Verizon Media to exclusively stream programs on Yahoo platforms beginning in 2020.[129]

Yahoo became the main sponsor for the Pramac Racing team and the first title sponsor for the 2021 ESport/MotoGP Championship season.[130] Yahoo, the official partner for the September 2021 New York Fashion Week event also unveiled sponsorship for the Rebecca Minkoff collection via a NFT space.[131] In September 2021, it was announced that Yahoo partnered with Shopify, connecting the e-commerce merchants on Yahoo Finance, AOL and elsewhere.[132]

See also

  • List of Yahoo!-owned sites and services
  • List of search engines
  • Yahoo! litigation


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  126. ^ Spangler, Todd (November 19, 2020). «Buzzfeed buying Huffpost from Verizon Media». Variety. Archived from the original on February 20, 2022. Retrieved January 13, 2022.
  127. ^ Hagey, Benjamin Mullin and Keach (November 19, 2020). «BuzzFeed to Acquire HuffPost in Stock Deal With Verizon Media». The Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on November 19, 2020. Retrieved January 14, 2022.
  128. ^ Levine, Andrew (September 9, 2020). «NFL Partners With Verizon, Yahoo On Co-Viewing Experience». Sports Business Journal. Archived from the original on August 8, 2022. Retrieved January 13, 2022.
  129. ^ Ushe, Naledi (September 15, 2020). «Verizon Media, Paley Center for Media partner for an exclusive streaming deal». Fox Business. Archived from the original on March 24, 2022. Retrieved January 13, 2022.
  130. ^ «YAHOO NUOVO MAIN SPONSOR DI PRAMAC RACING NEL MOTOMONDIALE E TITLE NEL CAMPIONATO ESPORT». SportEconomy.it. May 16, 2021. Archived from the original on April 12, 2022. Retrieved November 1, 2021.
  131. ^ Barber, Kayliegh; Lee, Andrew (September 10, 2021). «Cheat sheet: Yahoo is selling sponsors on NFTs, starting with Rebecca Minkoff». DigiDay. Archived from the original on December 15, 2021. Retrieved December 16, 2021.
  132. ^ Wood, Chris (September 24, 2021). «Yahoo partners with Shopify in ad deal». Martech. Archived from the original on October 9, 2021. Retrieved December 17, 2021.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Yahoo!.

Wikiquote has quotations related to Yahoo!.

  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata
  • Yahoo! Products and Services
  • ALTABA and Yahoo! EDGAR Filing History
  • 1

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > yahoo

  • 2

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > yahoo

  • 3

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Yahoo

  • 4

    1) ие́ху [слово, созданное Свифтом в романе «Путешествие Гулливера»]

    2) отврати́тельное существо́, га́дина



    дереве́нщина, мужла́н

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > yahoo

  • 5

    Персональный Сократ > yahoo

  • 6

    поисковик (поисковая система) !

    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > Yahoo!

  • 7


    yahoo амер. деревенщина, мужлан yahoo иеху yahoo отвратительное существо, гадина

    English-Russian short dictionary > yahoo

  • 8


    2) (yahoo) свинья, скотина, гадина ()

    2. (yahoo)


    пренебр. деревенщина, мужлан

    2) мракобес, обскурант; зубр, динозавр ()

    НБАРС > yahoo

  • 9

    [jeɪ’huː], [jɑː-]

    2) ; пренебр. деревенщина, мужлан, невоспитанный человек


    3) орангутанг


    Англо-русский современный словарь > Yahoo

  • 10

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > Yahoo!

  • 11

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > yahoo

  • 12

    , = yet another hierarchical organized oracle

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > Yahoo

  • 13

    йеху́ м нескл » Yahoo! » «Э-ге-ге́й!»

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > yahoo

  • 14

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > yahoo

  • 15

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > Yahoo

  • 16

    1) Шутливое выражение: Y Are Hobos On Ones, Yet Another Hasty Organizer Of Opportunity, Yet Another Helpful Operation Origin, Yet Another Hierarchical Offensive Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchical Organizational Order, Yet Another Hierarchically Odiferous Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchically Organised Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Object, Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle, Yet Another Hypertext Online Organizer, You Are Hazy Over Oranges

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > YAHOO

  • 17

    1) Шутливое выражение: Y Are Hobos On Ones, Yet Another Hasty Organizer Of Opportunity, Yet Another Helpful Operation Origin, Yet Another Hierarchical Offensive Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchical Organizational Order, Yet Another Hierarchically Odiferous Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchically Organised Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Object, Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle, Yet Another Hypertext Online Organizer, You Are Hazy Over Oranges

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Yahoo

  • 18

    1) Шутливое выражение: Y Are Hobos On Ones, Yet Another Hasty Organizer Of Opportunity, Yet Another Helpful Operation Origin, Yet Another Hierarchical Offensive Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchical Organizational Order, Yet Another Hierarchically Odiferous Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchically Organised Oracle, Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Object, Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle, Yet Another Hypertext Online Organizer, You Are Hazy Over Oranges

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > yahoo

  • 19

    1. ура

    2. иеху (слово, придуманное Свифтом («Путешествие Гулливера»))

    3. свинья, скотина, отвратительное существо, гадина (о человеке)


    амер. пренебр.

    деревенщина, мужлан

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Yahoo

  • 20

    1. ура

    2. иеху (слово, придуманное Свифтом («Путешествие Гулливера»))

    3. свинья, скотина, отвратительное существо, гадина (о человеке)


    амер. пренебр.

    деревенщина, мужлан

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > yahoo


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • Yahoo — Yahoo! Inc. Rechtsform Corporation ISIN US9843321061 Gründung 1995 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • YAHOO — Yahoo! « Yahoo » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Yahoo (homonymie). Logo de Yahoo! …   Wikipédia en Français

  • YAHOO! — « Yahoo » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Yahoo (homonymie). Logo de Yahoo! …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Yahoo — Yahoo! « Yahoo » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Yahoo (homonymie). Logo de Yahoo! …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Yahoo.fr — Yahoo! « Yahoo » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Yahoo (homonymie). Logo de Yahoo! …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Yahoo: — Yahoo! « Yahoo » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Yahoo (homonymie). Logo de Yahoo! …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Yahoo ! — Yahoo! « Yahoo » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Yahoo (homonymie). Logo de Yahoo! …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Yahoo! — Inc. Unternehmensform Corporation Gründung 1995 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Yahoo.de — Yahoo! Inc. Unternehmensform Corporation Gründung 1995 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Yahoo — Yahoo! Inc. Год основания 1995 Ключевые фигуры Джерри Янг Тип Публичная компания Девиз компании …   Википедия

  • Yahoo! Go — is a mobile website suite operated by Yahoo! worldwide for users of the company s services to use them on their phones. It is currently supported on a growing number of phones. Yahoo! considers Go as Beta software.Yahoo! Go is a software for… …   Wikipedia

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Американское Самоа






Антигуа и Барбуда
























Британская Территория в Индийском Океане



Британские Виргинские Острова



Буркина Фасо









Виргинские Острова (США)















Демократическая Республика Конго









Доминиканская республика















Королевство Эсватини




































Нидерландские Антильские острова









Новая зеландия






Остров Мэн



Остров Норфолк



Остров Рождества



Остров Святой Елены



Острова Кайман



Острова Кука



Папуа Новая Гвинея









Республика Конго












Сан-Томе и Принсипи









Сен-Пьер и Микелон






Сент-Винсент и Гренадины



Сент-Китс и Невис









Соединенное Королевство



Соединенные Штаты Америки



Соломоновы Острова









Теркс и Кайкос



Тринидад и Тобаго



Фолклендские острова






Французская Гвиана



Французская Полинезия



Французские Южные и Антарктические территории



Центрально-Африканская Республика



Шпицберген и Ян-Майен



Экваториальная Гвинея



Южная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы Острова



Южный Судан



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