Как написать ахк скрипт для майнкрафт

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Майнкрафт бинд команды АХК

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1 2021-02-23 12:40:06 (изменено: neckitwin, 2021-02-23 12:45:36)

  • neckitwin
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Тема: Майнкрафт бинд команды АХК

Я хочу сделать так, чтобы при нажатии на определённую кнопку(например X), писалась команда(например /home).
Помогите пожалуйста, я просто не шарю. Как это сделать?

2 Ответ от BARRTE 2021-03-05 11:49:21

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Re: Майнкрафт бинд команды АХК

Send {t}
sleep 200
Send /home
sleep 100
Send {Enter}

Вроде как то так

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AutoHotkey, downloadable from AutoHotkey.com, is a program for executing scripted macro functions in Windows to issue a command with the press of a single hotkey, or combination of hotkeys.

AutoHotkey’s main use as it relates to the MinecraftOnline Server and its Players is to enable one button execution of commands that would otherwise require a player to stop what they are doing and manually type out the command.


In practice, a Moderator, Admin, or donator with the ability to use the /descend command could assign a hotkey to execute the /descend command instantaneously, saving the time they would otherwise have spent accessing the chat and typing the command to execute it manually.

For example, the macro q::Send t /home {enter} will send you to your /sethome location with the press of the button «q».

NOTE: this is a Windows program and will not work on Mac OS X nor any version of Linux.


Below is a sample script that can be edited by an end user to fit their button preferences, enabling them to assign keys to the commands available on the MinecraftOnline Server.

Template AutoHotkey script for basic MineraftOnline Server commands:

   SetKeyDelay, 0, 50
   <hotkey>::Send <chat button>/descend{enter}
   <hotkey>::Send <chat button>/ascend{enter}
   <hotkey>::Send <chat button>/thru{enter}
   <hotkey>::Send <chat button>/heal{enter}
   <hotkey>::Send <chat button>/jumpto{enter}
   <hotkey>::Send <chat button>/sethome{enter}
   <hotkey>::Send <chat button>/home{enter}
   <hotkey>::Send <chat button>/playerlist{enter}
   <hotkey>::Send <chat button>/compass{enter}
   <hotkey>::Send <chat button>/getpos{enter}
   <hotkey>::Send <chat button>/spawn{enter}

The sample script can be downloaded here: AutoHotkey.ahk

This script contains a SetKeyDelay to prevent the command being entered too quickly, ensuring the Minecraft Client registers the chat button being pressed. On faster or slower machines, this can be lowered and raised accordingly to fit the player’s needs.

Window selection

It’s possible to restrict autohotkey to only activate in specific windows. The below example demonstrates use of autohotkey restricted to windows having the title «Minecraft». The line starting with a semicolon is a comment. The ^e means ctrl+e.

#IfWinActive, Minecraft
^e::Send t/jumpto{ENTER}


Since the release of Minecraft 1.8, previous scripts often fail due to the delay in opening the chat window. As a result, a delay variable needs to be introduced in most cases. Below is an example script demonstrating this in action:

#IfWinActive, Minecraft

Delay = 200

Send, t
Sleep, %Delay%
Send, /jumpto{ENTER}

Send, t
Sleep, %Delay%
Send, /ascend{ENTER}

Send, t
Sleep, %Delay%
Send, /descend{ENTER}

Send, t
Sleep, %Delay%
Send, /thru{ENTER}

Send, t
Sleep, %Delay%
Send, /heal{ENTER}


You may have noticed that many lines that are repeated for each command. To make defining new commands less tedious, you can use functions to do the repetitive work for you. A function that sends a text to the chat looks like this:

   Send t
   Sleep 200
   Send %text%
   Send {Enter}

Now the list of commands from the previous section can be defined in a much more concise way:


See Also

  • Donation System
  • Macro / Keybind Mod

AHK Minecraft Tools

A simple AutoHotkey script created for Minecraft.


  • AFK-Fishing : Simply find a safe spot to fish, and let the script do the rest. What it differs from other AFK Fishing script is it’s efficiency. It will automatically reel-in the rod only if it caught something and quickly cast it again. It also gives a report on how many fish/items you acquired and the elapsed time in HH:MM:SS format.

  • Auto-Sweep Attack : Running a mob spawning farm that requires you to attack the mobs for exp while AFK? This is the answer for you. (see Limitations and Known Bugs for additional info.)

  • Nether Portal Calculator : No need to go online for Portal Calculators and typing in your coordinates in order to know your Nether Portal coordinates. This script does all the work in-game. Calculates coordinate in Overworld >> Nether and vice-versa.


  • Alt + C : Toggle Auto-Fishing
  • Alt + V : Toggle Auto-Sweep Attack
  • Alt + Z : Nether Portal Calculator

Important Reminders

  1. AutoHotkey must be installed before using this script, duh!
  2. This Script only works for the following window size: 1280 x 720.
  3. Caption (subtitle) must be turned ON in Minecraft’s setting.
  4. Gui scale must be set to 2 in Minecraft’s setting.
  5. Attack Indicator must be set to Crosshair in Minecraft’s setting.
  6. A good item hopper setup is essential for AFK-Fishing.
  7. Works for all applicable Minecraft versions up to the latest version.

Limitations and Known Bugs

  1. Auto-Sweep Attack only triggers when there’s a Sword Icon below the crosshair* (Attack Indicator setting is set to Crosshair) and works best when pointed at dark-colored mobs. Pointing the crosshair on light-colors (e.g. white, yellow etc.) will trigger the Auto-Sweep Attack continuously. The Sword Icon visibility is essential for it to work.

CrossHair Sword Icon w/ + below the crosshair.


Thanks to [just me] for simplifying SKAN’s work and created Image2Include.ahk +GUI.

Image2Include.ahk was used for converting image files to HBitmap.

Thanks to [SKAN] for creating a wonderful script.

Bitmap creation adopted from «How to convert Image data (JPEG/PNG/GIF) to hBITMAP?» by SKAN


  • #1

кликает до 21 кпс
активацию можете изменить, также можете изменить клавишу, которую скрипт будет кликать.
сурц открытый.
первый ахк скрипт на правую кнопку мыши, второй на левую.
Активация в первом: клавиша f.
Активация второго скрипта: клавиша h.

так как у меня лагает, кликер кликает чють помедленее

upd 28.03.2019
по многочисленным просьбам добавил 1 скрипт в котором автокликеры на правую и левую кнопку мыши
для тех у кого нету autohotkey залил exe

  • AutoHotkey Script.ahk

    125 байт

    · Просмотры: 8,544

  • AutoHotkey Script (2).ahk

    125 байт

    · Просмотры: 3,905

  • 2 in 1.ahk

    233 байт

    · Просмотры: 2,365

  • 2 in 1.exe

    808.5 KB

    · Просмотры: 1,419

Последнее редактирование: 28 Мар 2019

  • #2

кликает до 21 кпс
активацию можете изменить, также можете изменить клавишу, которую скрипт будет кликать.
сурц открытый.

На какую активация?


  • #3

по стандарту буква f. также не забывайте выключать когда выходите из игры, потому-что этот автокликер может работать и не в игре.

  • #4

по стандарту буква f. также не забывайте выключать когда выходите из игры, потому-что этот автокликер может работать и не в игре.

Добавь #IfWin



Software Developer & System Administrator

  • #5

А в один нельзя было засунуть?

  • #6

А в один нельзя было засунуть?

говнокодер, ему же легче. даже ифвин поленился поставить)9))


  • #7

говнокодер, ему же легче. даже ифвин поленился поставить)9))

Слыш, дядя, это не мой скрипт, я это в интернете нашёл, я даже не пытался что-то добавить, хули ты тут не по делу срёшь в моей теме?

А в один нельзя было засунуть?


будет сделано



Software Developer & System Administrator

  • #8

Какой смысл выкладывать это?

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3

Toggle := !Toggle
    If (!Toggle)
    Click Left
        Sleep 0


  • #9

Какой смысл выкладывать это?

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3

Toggle := !Toggle
    If (!Toggle)
    Click Left
        Sleep 0

а что нельзя?

upd 28.03.2019
добавил 1 скрипт в котором автокликеры на правую и левую кнопку мыши



Software Developer & System Administrator

  • #10

а что нельзя?

upd 28.03.2019
добавил 1 скрипт в котором автокликеры на правую и левую кнопку мыши

Вот видишь, всё ты можешь. Раз скрипт OpenSource, то можно и отредактировать перед публикацией.

  • #11

рандом кпс между 15 и 21?


  • #12

рандом кпс между 15 и 21?


  • #14

разве только F надо было думат ьгде юзаешь


  • #15

А как сделать что бы быстрее кликало?


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Joined: 09 Nov 2021, 09:38

Minecraft Scripts (for educational purposes)

Minecraft Scripts (for educational purposes)


Description of attached scripts below:
ahk_f05_mine_holddownrun.ahk hold down «w» key
ahk_f06_mine_holddownrunandjump.ahk hold down «w» key and spacebar
ahk_f07_mine_mouse-left_hold-down.ahk hold down left mouse button
ahk_f08_mine_mouse-right_hold-down.ahk hold down right mouse button
ahk_f09_mine_mouse-left_firerate-rapid.ahk click left mouse button REALLY fast
ahk_f10_mine_mouse-left_firerate-fast.ahk click left mouse button fast
ahk_f11_mine_mouse-right_firerate-rapid.ahk click right mouse button REALLY fast
ahk_f12_mine_mouse-right_firerate-fast.ahk click right mouse button fast

*keep in mind you can combine each of these scripts by hitting multiple hotkeys


ahk_f07_mine_mouse-left_hold-down.ahk hold down left mouse button
(206 Bytes) Downloaded 117 times
ahk_f06_mine_holddownrunandjump.ahk hold down «w» key and spacebar
(262 Bytes) Downloaded 85 times
ahk_f05_mine_holddownrun.ahk hold down «w» key
(201 Bytes) Downloaded 84 times


Posts: 6
Joined: 09 Nov 2021, 09:38

Re: Minecraft Scripts (for educational purposes)

09 Nov 2021, 10:07

Here are the remaining attached scripts since the forum has stripped the other scripts I tried to attach (2 of 3)

ahk_f08_mine_mouse-right_hold-down.ahk hold down right mouse button
ahk_f09_mine_mouse-left_firerate-rapid.ahk click left mouse button REALLY fast
ahk_f10_mine_mouse-left_firerate-fast.ahk click left mouse button fast


ahk_f10_mine_mouse-left_firerate-fast.ahk click left mouse button fast
(232 Bytes) Downloaded 90 times
ahk_f09_mine_mouse-left_firerate-rapid.ahk click left mouse button REALLY fast
(228 Bytes) Downloaded 80 times
ahk_f08_mine_mouse-right_hold-down.ahk hold down right mouse button
(219 Bytes) Downloaded 75 times


Posts: 6
Joined: 09 Nov 2021, 09:38

Re: Minecraft Scripts (for educational purposes)

09 Nov 2021, 10:08

Here are the remaining attached scripts since the forum has stripped the other scripts I tried to attach (3 of 3)

ahk_f11_mine_mouse-right_firerate-rapid.ahk click right mouse button REALLY fast
ahk_f12_mine_mouse-right_firerate-fast.ahk click right mouse button fast


ahk_f12_mine_mouse-right_firerate-fast.ahk click right mouse button fast
(245 Bytes) Downloaded 84 times
ahk_f11_mine_mouse-right_firerate-rapid.ahk click right mouse button REALLY fast
(245 Bytes) Downloaded 81 times


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Re: Minecraft Scripts (for educational purposes)

31 Dec 2022, 08:09

is the F12 script supposed to stop if you press the F12 key again? and is it supposed to start again if you press F12 another time?

Return to “[V1] Gaming Scripts”

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  • #1

    Oct 19, 2010


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    update 7. Desember: Bugfixed the Worldedit script and uploaded the script as a file.

    Autohotkey is a program that lets you create hotkeys for different commands. This is a thread for discussing use of autohotkey macros in minecraft. Do you have some good scripts you want to share with us? Also, if someone have questions, please ask.

    I will start off with posting the script I use right now for Minecraft. Half of it was written by fnordcircle of the Something Awful forums, the rest by me. What the script does:

    — Automine, toggled with mousebutton 4, your character will mine until the button is clicked again.
    — Autorun, toggled with mousebutton 5, no more holding down W for endless amounts of time.
    — Autocrouch, toggled with caps lock, you won’t fall down, as long as caps lock is down.
    — Ctrl-H Utilizes the /home command. I have the serveradmin commands I use the most, mapped up to other hotkeys. You can easily make your own, just by using this as a template.

    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    #IfWinActive, Minecraft
    ;; Gathering - Hold down Left Mouse Button
    ;; Toggled with Mouse button 5.
    If GetKeyState("Lbutton") 
       Send {Lbutton Up} 
       Send {Lbutton Down} 
    ;; Toggle Autorun
    ;; Toggled with Mouse button 4.
    If GetKeyState("w") 
       Send {w Up} 
       Send {w Down} 
    ;; Toggle crouch
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-R
    #IfWinActive, Minecraft
    GetKeyState, state, Shift
    if state = D 
       Send {LShift Up} 
       Send {LShift Down} 
    ;; use /home
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-H
    Send t/home {enter}

    I think that Worldedit and Autohotkey is a match made in heaven. Below is a script that gives hotkeys for the most common commands, for instance Ctrl-C to copy, Ctrl-V to paste and so on. Check it out and tell me what you think.

    Note that ^=Ctrl, so for example «^1» means you need to press Ctrl-1.

    ;;          WORLDEDIT SCRIPT 0.2 by Avien
    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    #singleinstance force
    #IfWinActive, Minecraft
    ;; Disable F11
    ;;Set pos1
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-1
    Send t//pos1 {enter}
    Send t//pos1 {enter}
    ;;Set pos2
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-2
    Send t//pos2 {enter}
    Send t//pos2 {enter}
    ;;Set (fill in number and press enter)
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-5
    Send t//set{space}
    Send t//set{space}
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-C
    Send t//copy{enter}
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-V
    Send t//paste{enter}
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Del
    Send t//set 0{enter}
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-X
    Send t//copy{enter}
    Send t//set 0{enter}
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Z
    Send t//undo{enter}
    ;;Delete all in radius 10
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Backspace
    Send t//sphere 0 10{enter}
    ;;Paste with air
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Ins
    Send t//pasteair{enter}
    ;;Smooth (tip: use 20 times)
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Home
    Send t//smooth{enter}
    ;;Fixwater in radius 10, good for swimming.
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Spacebar
    Send t/fixwater 10{enter}

  • #2

    Nov 4, 2010

    Dude, I registered just to let you know that you’re the man.
    This script has already alleviated the pain in my wrist.

    This program and Avien’s script are both HIGHLY recommended to anyone who is more than just a casual player.

  • #4

    Nov 8, 2010


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    I’ve made a few of my own Macro’s I’d never thought to make something that had the things along the lines of what yours has.

  • #5

    Nov 8, 2010

    Quote from cypher1024 »

    This script has already alleviated the pain in my wrist.

    Better solution is to actually take breaks from the game. If your getting pains it means you have been playing for more than 2 hours straight.

  • #6

    Nov 9, 2010


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    Quote from Stucuk »

    If your getting pains it means you have been playing for more than 2 hours straight.

    2 hours? That’s a rather arbitrary length of time. Many people can use a computer for much longer than 2 hours and not experience pain in their wrists.

    I use Keyboard Express for commonly used commands and have a bot to do repetitive things.

  • #7

    Nov 9, 2010


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    Quote from Stucuk »

    Quote from cypher1024 »

    This script has already alleviated the pain in my wrist.

    Better solution is to actually take breaks from the game. If your getting pains it means you have been playing for more than 2 hours straight.

    I’ve played 8 hours straight without wrist pain, what are you talking about

  • #9

    Nov 9, 2010

    I never said people would get pain on the 2 hour mark. 2 hours straight playing a game isn’t recommended (If im correct its meant to be something like every hour take a 10 minute break. Not that anyone does), let alone more. My whole point is that if the guy is getting pains in his wrists then he is playing the game too long without taking any kind of break. So taking breaks should solve his problem and be better than continuing to sit infront of a computer for too long.

  • #10

    Nov 13, 2010


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    I updated the script a little bit, to my current version. Changed toggle crouch from caps lock to Ctrl-P and cleaned up the code a bit.

    Quote from cypher1024 »

    Dude, I registered just to let you know that you’re the man.
    This script has already alleviated the pain in my wrist.

    This program and Avien’s script are both HIGHLY recommended to anyone who is more than just a casual player.

    Thanks, appreciate it!

  • #12

    Feb 22, 2011


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    My thanks, Avien.

    I have copied this script, with minor adaptations, but have given you attribution at the top of the file. You may want to alter that here yourself.

  • #13

    Mar 15, 2011

    I’m trying to figure out a script that’ll click mine while I’m holding down a specified key. I’m having trouble with the key hold-down part of it. Anyone have any suggestions?

  • #15

    Apr 16, 2011

    Umm… I’m trying to use an Autohotkey script that works in Minecraft, but it’s not. Can someone PM me a de-bugged version? Basically, all it does it execute some simple commands, like kicking my friends, or saying warnings like Creepers! The problem is, they don’t run at all. I don’t know what to do.

    Send t/kick arcticwolf15{Enter}
    Send t/kick pyrokitt{Enter}
    Send t/kick leafgren23{Enter}
    Send t/give arcticwolf15 46 64{Enter}t/give arcticwolf15 310{Enter}t/give arcticwolf15 311{Enter}t/give arcticwolf15 312{Enter}t/give arcticwolf15 313{Enter}t/give arcticwolf15 322 64{Enter}
    Send t/time set 1{Enter}
    Send t/Skeletons!{Enter}
    Send t/Creepers!{Enter}
    Send t/Spiders!{Enter}
    Send t/Mobs!{Enter}
    Numpad 8::
    Send t/Need heals!{Enter}
    Send t/AW YEAH!


    Quote from videofreak »

    Hosting images on MediaFire? Are you high on cat urine?

  • #18

    Apr 23, 2011

    I made a script like this:

    Send t/fly {enter}

    When I try pressing Ctrl + F, it doesn’t do anything.
    Does anyone know the problem here?

    EDIT — I found out that SCP had the «Bind» command, so I am using that instead.

    Instant Blocks Mod — 17 new blocks that generate structures upon right-click. Includes: Farm, Rainbow Skydive, Grinder, Escape Ladder, Water, Lava, Suction, and Statue Blocks.

  • #20

    Aug 26, 2011

    Um, I dont have a MOUSE4 or 5….how can i change this?

    Have a microsoft mouse, but it wont work for some reason, so I have to use this light up mouse that works fine but
    I want the keys to be B for auto walk and N for auto mine
    Please help!


  • #21

    Sep 20, 2011

    How would i go about making a script for move ford with mouse 4 and move back with mouse 5 in autohotkey?

  • #22

    Sep 20, 2011


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    I’ve played 8 hours straight without wrist pain, what are you talking about

    Seems you have a really huge addiction problem, you should see a doctor about that.

    Anyway, this looks like a nice idea. I’ve been checking all that WorldEdit thing, and it really has a lot of commands, so this will probably help a lot of newbies.

  • #23

    Sep 24, 2011

    I’m trying to make a script to open up an inputbox to ask what block you want, and then run the //set command with the block type set to what you type in the inputbox, however, the program won’t run past the first line of the script. Help?

  • #24

    Sep 24, 2011

  • #25

    Sep 26, 2011

    I have a strange problem with this. I can manage to get autohotkey to work fine with minecraft, activating the window, sending key clicks, sending number keys to switch between my inventory items…

    But if I send a «t», nothing happens. I get my chat bar if I press the t button in-game, but sending it from autohotkey — nada. I’ve tried remapping the key to something else and had no luck. Yet I see a whole lot of people posting scripts that contain that sort of code.

    Help? I’ve tried everything and can’t understand what the problem is. Running on Windows 7 64-bit, if that makes a difference. Tried both 64 bit and 32 bit versions of ahk.

  • #26

    Oct 2, 2011


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    Ahh, perhaps someone here can help me with my issue.

    Here is my script:

        RButton::N        ; reverse with Right Mouse Button
        SPACE::RButton  ; space to Place/Use/Split Stack
        send {F3 down}

    When MC 1.8 came out with the ability to bind functions to mouse keys, I thought I could get around using AHK (and the only reason I want to is because of the extra key-strokes for suspending/re-enabling the script). MC now lets me bind it’s own ‘use’ function to the space bar, but Worldedit’s ‘use’ (brushes, info, repl, pos2 etc) stays bound to mouse-button-2. I would like to bind both sets of functions to the space-bar.

    I’ve been using the same bindings for FPS-type games since Doom I. The above script works just fine, but what I would like to be able to do is eliminate the need to manually suspend the script when I want to type in the console.

    After seeing this thread I’m intrigued by some other things I see here, so really, the problem is my own disingenuousness.

    Can anyone here tell me how to do ALL of the following:

    1. Go backwards with mouse-button-2
    2. Place blocks, split stacks, shoot arrows, etc with the space bar
    3. Set pos2, use brushes, replace using the /repl tool, get info using /info tool etc with the space bar
    4. Type commands in the console (with spaces in them) WITHOUT having to hit another key to suspend AHK (and yet another to re-enable it)

    The extra key strokes may not seem like too much trouble to you, and I’ve almost got myself trained to do them, but as often as I use them it gets really annoying — even more so when I forget.

    Please try to refrain from suggesting I use another key configuration. If that was a solution then programs like AHK wouldn’t exist, and none of us would be here.

    Anyone? Thanks.

    Edit to add: I posted about this on the SinglePlayerCommands thread and realized it was more of a Worldedit issue than SPC, so I also posted in the Worldedit thread. I don’t mean to spam the forums, I just wasn’t sure who to ask.

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  • #1

    Oct 19, 2010


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    update 7. Desember: Bugfixed the Worldedit script and uploaded the script as a file.

    Autohotkey is a program that lets you create hotkeys for different commands. This is a thread for discussing use of autohotkey macros in minecraft. Do you have some good scripts you want to share with us? Also, if someone have questions, please ask.

    I will start off with posting the script I use right now for Minecraft. Half of it was written by fnordcircle of the Something Awful forums, the rest by me. What the script does:

    — Automine, toggled with mousebutton 4, your character will mine until the button is clicked again.
    — Autorun, toggled with mousebutton 5, no more holding down W for endless amounts of time.
    — Autocrouch, toggled with caps lock, you won’t fall down, as long as caps lock is down.
    — Ctrl-H Utilizes the /home command. I have the serveradmin commands I use the most, mapped up to other hotkeys. You can easily make your own, just by using this as a template.

    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    #IfWinActive, Minecraft
    ;; Gathering - Hold down Left Mouse Button
    ;; Toggled with Mouse button 5.
    If GetKeyState("Lbutton") 
       Send {Lbutton Up} 
       Send {Lbutton Down} 
    ;; Toggle Autorun
    ;; Toggled with Mouse button 4.
    If GetKeyState("w") 
       Send {w Up} 
       Send {w Down} 
    ;; Toggle crouch
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-R
    #IfWinActive, Minecraft
    GetKeyState, state, Shift
    if state = D 
       Send {LShift Up} 
       Send {LShift Down} 
    ;; use /home
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-H
    Send t/home {enter}

    I think that Worldedit and Autohotkey is a match made in heaven. Below is a script that gives hotkeys for the most common commands, for instance Ctrl-C to copy, Ctrl-V to paste and so on. Check it out and tell me what you think.

    Note that ^=Ctrl, so for example «^1» means you need to press Ctrl-1.

    ;;          WORLDEDIT SCRIPT 0.2 by Avien
    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    #singleinstance force
    #IfWinActive, Minecraft
    ;; Disable F11
    ;;Set pos1
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-1
    Send t//pos1 {enter}
    Send t//pos1 {enter}
    ;;Set pos2
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-2
    Send t//pos2 {enter}
    Send t//pos2 {enter}
    ;;Set (fill in number and press enter)
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-5
    Send t//set{space}
    Send t//set{space}
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-C
    Send t//copy{enter}
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-V
    Send t//paste{enter}
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Del
    Send t//set 0{enter}
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-X
    Send t//copy{enter}
    Send t//set 0{enter}
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Z
    Send t//undo{enter}
    ;;Delete all in radius 10
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Backspace
    Send t//sphere 0 10{enter}
    ;;Paste with air
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Ins
    Send t//pasteair{enter}
    ;;Smooth (tip: use 20 times)
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Home
    Send t//smooth{enter}
    ;;Fixwater in radius 10, good for swimming.
    ;; Toggled with Ctrl-Spacebar
    Send t/fixwater 10{enter}

  • #2

    Nov 4, 2010

    Dude, I registered just to let you know that you’re the man.
    This script has already alleviated the pain in my wrist.

    This program and Avien’s script are both HIGHLY recommended to anyone who is more than just a casual player.

  • #4

    Nov 8, 2010


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    I’ve made a few of my own Macro’s I’d never thought to make something that had the things along the lines of what yours has.

  • #5

    Nov 8, 2010

    Quote from cypher1024 »

    This script has already alleviated the pain in my wrist.

    Better solution is to actually take breaks from the game. If your getting pains it means you have been playing for more than 2 hours straight.

  • #6

    Nov 9, 2010


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    Quote from Stucuk »

    If your getting pains it means you have been playing for more than 2 hours straight.

    2 hours? That’s a rather arbitrary length of time. Many people can use a computer for much longer than 2 hours and not experience pain in their wrists.

    I use Keyboard Express for commonly used commands and have a bot to do repetitive things.

  • #7

    Nov 9, 2010


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    Quote from Stucuk »

    Quote from cypher1024 »

    This script has already alleviated the pain in my wrist.

    Better solution is to actually take breaks from the game. If your getting pains it means you have been playing for more than 2 hours straight.

    I’ve played 8 hours straight without wrist pain, what are you talking about

  • #9

    Nov 9, 2010

    I never said people would get pain on the 2 hour mark. 2 hours straight playing a game isn’t recommended (If im correct its meant to be something like every hour take a 10 minute break. Not that anyone does), let alone more. My whole point is that if the guy is getting pains in his wrists then he is playing the game too long without taking any kind of break. So taking breaks should solve his problem and be better than continuing to sit infront of a computer for too long.

  • #10

    Nov 13, 2010


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    I updated the script a little bit, to my current version. Changed toggle crouch from caps lock to Ctrl-P and cleaned up the code a bit.

    Quote from cypher1024 »

    Dude, I registered just to let you know that you’re the man.
    This script has already alleviated the pain in my wrist.

    This program and Avien’s script are both HIGHLY recommended to anyone who is more than just a casual player.

    Thanks, appreciate it!

  • #12

    Feb 22, 2011


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    My thanks, Avien.

    I have copied this script, with minor adaptations, but have given you attribution at the top of the file. You may want to alter that here yourself.

  • #13

    Mar 15, 2011

    I’m trying to figure out a script that’ll click mine while I’m holding down a specified key. I’m having trouble with the key hold-down part of it. Anyone have any suggestions?

  • #15

    Apr 16, 2011

    Umm… I’m trying to use an Autohotkey script that works in Minecraft, but it’s not. Can someone PM me a de-bugged version? Basically, all it does it execute some simple commands, like kicking my friends, or saying warnings like Creepers! The problem is, they don’t run at all. I don’t know what to do.

    Send t/kick arcticwolf15{Enter}
    Send t/kick pyrokitt{Enter}
    Send t/kick leafgren23{Enter}
    Send t/give arcticwolf15 46 64{Enter}t/give arcticwolf15 310{Enter}t/give arcticwolf15 311{Enter}t/give arcticwolf15 312{Enter}t/give arcticwolf15 313{Enter}t/give arcticwolf15 322 64{Enter}
    Send t/time set 1{Enter}
    Send t/Skeletons!{Enter}
    Send t/Creepers!{Enter}
    Send t/Spiders!{Enter}
    Send t/Mobs!{Enter}
    Numpad 8::
    Send t/Need heals!{Enter}
    Send t/AW YEAH!


    Quote from videofreak »

    Hosting images on MediaFire? Are you high on cat urine?

  • #18

    Apr 23, 2011

    I made a script like this:

    Send t/fly {enter}

    When I try pressing Ctrl + F, it doesn’t do anything.
    Does anyone know the problem here?

    EDIT — I found out that SCP had the «Bind» command, so I am using that instead.

    Instant Blocks Mod — 17 new blocks that generate structures upon right-click. Includes: Farm, Rainbow Skydive, Grinder, Escape Ladder, Water, Lava, Suction, and Statue Blocks.

  • #20

    Aug 26, 2011

    Um, I dont have a MOUSE4 or 5….how can i change this?

    Have a microsoft mouse, but it wont work for some reason, so I have to use this light up mouse that works fine but
    I want the keys to be B for auto walk and N for auto mine
    Please help!


  • #21

    Sep 20, 2011

    How would i go about making a script for move ford with mouse 4 and move back with mouse 5 in autohotkey?

  • #22

    Sep 20, 2011


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    I’ve played 8 hours straight without wrist pain, what are you talking about

    Seems you have a really huge addiction problem, you should see a doctor about that.

    Anyway, this looks like a nice idea. I’ve been checking all that WorldEdit thing, and it really has a lot of commands, so this will probably help a lot of newbies.

  • #23

    Sep 24, 2011

    I’m trying to make a script to open up an inputbox to ask what block you want, and then run the //set command with the block type set to what you type in the inputbox, however, the program won’t run past the first line of the script. Help?

  • #24

    Sep 24, 2011

  • #25

    Sep 26, 2011

    I have a strange problem with this. I can manage to get autohotkey to work fine with minecraft, activating the window, sending key clicks, sending number keys to switch between my inventory items…

    But if I send a «t», nothing happens. I get my chat bar if I press the t button in-game, but sending it from autohotkey — nada. I’ve tried remapping the key to something else and had no luck. Yet I see a whole lot of people posting scripts that contain that sort of code.

    Help? I’ve tried everything and can’t understand what the problem is. Running on Windows 7 64-bit, if that makes a difference. Tried both 64 bit and 32 bit versions of ahk.

  • #26

    Oct 2, 2011


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    Ahh, perhaps someone here can help me with my issue.

    Here is my script:

        RButton::N        ; reverse with Right Mouse Button
        SPACE::RButton  ; space to Place/Use/Split Stack
        send {F3 down}

    When MC 1.8 came out with the ability to bind functions to mouse keys, I thought I could get around using AHK (and the only reason I want to is because of the extra key-strokes for suspending/re-enabling the script). MC now lets me bind it’s own ‘use’ function to the space bar, but Worldedit’s ‘use’ (brushes, info, repl, pos2 etc) stays bound to mouse-button-2. I would like to bind both sets of functions to the space-bar.

    I’ve been using the same bindings for FPS-type games since Doom I. The above script works just fine, but what I would like to be able to do is eliminate the need to manually suspend the script when I want to type in the console.

    After seeing this thread I’m intrigued by some other things I see here, so really, the problem is my own disingenuousness.

    Can anyone here tell me how to do ALL of the following:

    1. Go backwards with mouse-button-2
    2. Place blocks, split stacks, shoot arrows, etc with the space bar
    3. Set pos2, use brushes, replace using the /repl tool, get info using /info tool etc with the space bar
    4. Type commands in the console (with spaces in them) WITHOUT having to hit another key to suspend AHK (and yet another to re-enable it)

    The extra key strokes may not seem like too much trouble to you, and I’ve almost got myself trained to do them, but as often as I use them it gets really annoying — even more so when I forget.

    Please try to refrain from suggesting I use another key configuration. If that was a solution then programs like AHK wouldn’t exist, and none of us would be here.

    Anyone? Thanks.

    Edit to add: I posted about this on the SinglePlayerCommands thread and realized it was more of a Worldedit issue than SPC, so I also posted in the Worldedit thread. I don’t mean to spam the forums, I just wasn’t sure who to ask.

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