Как написать актерское резюме

Сложная и интересная профессия актёра требует профессиональных умений, о которых непросто рассказать в строгих рамках анкеты. Выгодно подать себя, лаконично рассказав о достижениях, поможет актёрское резюме, образец представленный на сайте.

Пример резюме актера

резюме актера образец

Оцените резюме:

в среднем 4,33 (24 голосов)


Примеры резюме в смежных специализациях:

  • Телеведущий
  • Аниматор
  • Диджей
  • Режиссер
  • Звукорежиссёр
  • Сценарист
  • Журналист
  • Хореограф
  • Фотограф
  • Менеджер по туризму
  • Видеооператор
  • Продюсер

Общие рекомендации для актера и актрисы

Цель резюме на работу актёра – представить работодателю максимально полную и конкретную информацию о сфере работы, амплуа и репертуаре кандидата. Актёрское мастерство приходит с опытом. Лучшей рекомендацией станут роли в сыгранных спектаклях и кино.


Желательны такие качества, как стрессоустойчивость, харизматичность, умение работать с партнёрами, раскрепощённость, грамотная речь, абстрактное мышление.

Заработная плата – то, о чём в последнюю очередь вспоминают люди творческих профессий. Укажите приблизительную сумму заработка с помощью предлога «от». Конкретизируйте цифру во время личной беседы.

Яркая внешность – это две трети успеха на сцене. Загрузите в резюме артиста образец профессионального художественного фото, подчёркивающего ваше обаяние. Избегайте фотографий в полный рост, ограничьтесь изображением лица.

Опыт работы и достижения в резюме актера

Перечисляя предыдущие места работы, вспомните роли, которые способствовали личностному росту, спектакли, раскрывшие ваш талант с новой стороны. Если мест работы было много, сосредоточьтесь на главных.

Длинный послужной список, сформировавшийся за короткие сроки, заставит работодателя задуматься, умеет ли актёр взаимодействовать с труппой.

Выгодно выглядит место работы, ставшее для кандидата полноценной творческой площадкой, сцена, позволившая раскрыть потенциал. Актёр-творец – желанная добыча для режиссёра. Укажите авторские проекты, личный опыт в области сценарного и режиссёрского искусства, перечислите новаторские идеи, повлиявшие на работу коллектива.

Пример опыта работы из резюме актрисы:

  • Период:

    Апрель 2017 — н.в.

  • Организация:

    Музей-театр им. М. А. Булгакова

  • Должность:

    Актриса театра

  • Обязанности:

    — читка и разбор ролей;
    — подготовка спектаклей по произведениям М. Булгакова и писателей-современников;
    — организация театрализованных экскурсий.

  • Достижения:

    — разработала сценарии двух театрализованных экскурсий Булгаковского Дома;
    — стала инициатором проекта «Киноклуб «Пятница 13-е»;
    — в течение трёх лет курировала акцию «Ночь искусств» в Доме-музее М. Булгакова.

Проверить подлинность сведений актёрского резюме помогут ссылки на сайты учреждений, в которых работал соискатель. Видеозаписи спектаклей, фотографии, афиши и театральные рецензии дополнят портфолио. Оставьте телефоны арт-директора, кадровых специалистов с предыдущего места работы. В случае ухода по причине конфликтов, воздержитесь от этого шага.

Что делать, если нет опыта работы

Назовите достижения и навыки, полученные за годы учёбы в театральном университете. Упомяните титулованных актёров, у которых брали уроки. Преимуществом будет обучение в школе-студии.

А также:

К опыту работы относятся проекты, демонстрирующие профессиональные компетенции: перформенсы, капустники, любительские спектакли, шоу-программы, кинопробы, а также умение писать сценарии этих мероприятий.

Образование в резюме актера

При знакомстве с резюме актёра, образец которого представлен на сайте, чрезвычайно важен статус учебного заведения. Принадлежность к ВУЗу с устойчивыми традициями демонстрирует следование сложившейся театральной школе, свидетельствует о глубине творческого поиска актёра.

Участию в международных проектах поспособствует знание иностранных языков. Это определит горизонты соискателя: востребованность в спектаклях по произведениям зарубежных драматургов, готовность выезжать на гастроли.

После получения диплома квалификацию иногда приходится менять. К примеру, актёр решает заняться режиссурой и монтажом. Студент-театрал подрабатывает аниматором и проходит курсы переподготовки. Не следует стесняться этого. Наличие нескольких специализаций увеличивает ценность кадра.

Перечислите курсы повышения квалификации, профессиональные стажировки. Упомяните симпозиумы, фестивали, биеннале. Назовите конкурсы актёрского мастерства, специальные награды. Приготовьте дипломы, сертификаты и прочие свидетельства побед, чтобы продемонстрировать на собеседовании.

Пример образования в резюме актера:

  • Учебное заведение:

    Всероссийский государственный университет кинематографии имени С.А. Герасимова

  • Факультет:

    Актёрского искусства

  • Специальность:


  • Год окончания:


Подобным образом описываются пройденные курсы:

  • Год окончания:


  • Название курса:

    Курс экскурсоводов

  • Проводившая организация:

    Институт коммуникативных технологий

Навыки в резюме актёра

Чем лаконичней сформулированы профессиональные навыки, тем легче работодателю найти человека для конкретных проектов. Форма шаблона позволяет представить данную запись списком.

Общепрофессиональные навыки дополните приобретёнными специфическими умениями. Исходите из собственного опыта. Зачтётся даже организация театрализованной вечеринки.


Не стоит подменять перечень навыков описанием личных качеств. Работодателю не важно, умеет ли будущая актриса вышивать бисером и ездить верхом, зато хороший голос, любовь к танцам, гимнастике, музыке, живописи, литературе выделят соискательницу среди прочих.

Пример профессиональных навыков актера:

Ораторское мастерство Идеальная артикуляция
Хореография Вживание в образ
Владение вокалом Знание психологии
Сценическое обаяние Способность к созданию образа

Что писать о себе в резюме актера

Актриса – разносторонняя творческая профессия. Дополнить информацию раздела «Навыки» поможет рассказ о личных проектах соискателя. Подчеркните личный вклад в работу театра. Перечислите лучшие роли, авторские постановки. Упомяните отзывы с упоминанием вашего имени в СМИ, полученные награды.

Актёры всегда на виду. Не афишируйте семейное положение, наличие детей, домашних животных.

В резюме актера есть пример:

  • Исполняла роль Фриды в спектакле «Мастер и Маргарита», роль Клэр в спектакле «Ночные дороги» (по мотивам произведений Г. Газданова), роль Аллы Вадимовны в пьесе «Зойкина квартира». Разработала сценарии пешеходных экскурсий «Особняки Маргариты», «Мистическая Москва или Территория призраков» и участвовала в их организации.

Как заполнить контакты в резюме

Укажите действующую электронную почту, телефон для постоянной связи, аккаунты в соцсетях.

Публичные страницы должны выгодно представлять свою владелицу, иначе давать ссылки на аккаунты нет смысла.

Пример заполнения контактных данных:

  • Телефон:

    +7 817 000-00-01

  • Mail:



Актёр – это человек, который умеет перевоплощаться и вдохновлять. Резюме – это тоже представление, рассказ о себе, вдохновляющий работодателя на творческие идеи. Пусть знакомство с вами станет для будущих коллег началом новой эры искусства.

Грамотно составленное резюме будет первым шагом к профессиональной состоятельности.

Познакомьтесь с рекомендациями и пройдите по ссылке вверху страницы, чтобы скачать актёрское резюме.

Данный образец резюме актера — отличный пример того, как следует подавать информацию о себе будущему работодателю в сфере кино и театра. Образец можно скачать в форматах DOC (WORD) и PDF.

Мы также предлагаем скачать стандартный образец хорошего резюме, составленный профессионалами в сфере HR. Для удобства создания резюме мы также подготовили чистый бланк и 50 примеров документа для разных распространенных профессий. Чтобы представить свою кандидатуру в лучшем виде перед работодателем, ознакомьтесь со всеми доступными материалами.

Как выглядит образец резюме актера

Пример профессионального резюме актера для устройства на работу

Срочно нужна работа?

Реальные вакансии от ведущих компаний России с хорошим доходом и быстрым выходом на работу

    Отправить анкету

    Отправить анкету

Хотите посмотреть еще 2 вакансии?

Правильный образец резюме актера

Фото для образец резюме учитель

Лавров Иван

Желаемая должность: актер
Желаемый уровень дохода: 150 тыс. рублей

Дата рождения: 13.05.1990 г.

Проживание: г. Москва, м. «Партизанская»
Готов к командировкам. Готов к переезду.

Контактная информация:
Телефон: +7 (9хх) ххх-хх-хх
Электронная почта: lavrov.i@ххх.ru

Ключевые знания и навыки:

  • Профессиональная актерская игра в театре и кино.
  • Опыт исполнения комических и драматических ролей.
  • Крепкое телосложение, хорошая дикция, вокальные навыки (баритон).
  • Опыт в съемках сценического боя.


  • Был награжден премией «Актерский прорыв — 2014» за роль Григория в фильме «На троих» (2014).
  • Был награжден премией «Молодой актер — 2013» за роль Роллера в «Разбойниках» Шиллера.

Опыт работы:
03.2013 – н. в. Актер киноиндустрия России
Сфера деятельности: киноискусство
Исполненные роли:

  • Степан в фильме «Обреченные» (2017) — главная роль.
  • Михаил Одинцов в фильме «В тылу» (2015) — главная роль.
  • Григорий в фильме «На троих» (2014).
  • Официант в кафе в фильме «Самовнушение» (2014).
  • Брат Кристофера в фильме «Ее жизнь» (2013).

09.2013 – 06.2015 Актер
Московский новый драматический театр, г. Москва
Сфера деятельности: культурное учреждение
Исполненные роли:

  • Второй служка Лэйб в «Тойбеле и ее демон» Зингера.
  • Роллер в «Разбойниках» Шиллера.
  • Татарин в «Шутниках» Островского.
  • Витька Борзенков в «Материнском сердце» Шукшина.

2014 Киностудия «Ленфильм»
Курс «Профессиональный актер», сертификат

2013 Российский институт театрального искусства, г. Москва
Специальность: «Артист театра и кино», высшее образование, диплом

Дополнительная информация:
Иностранные языки: английский язык — средний уровень (B1).
Знание ПК: уверенный пользователь (MS Office).

Рекомендации предоставляются по запросу.

Для вашего удобства вы можете скачать наш образец резюме актера в формате DOC (WORD) или PDF:

  • Скачать образец резюме актера в формате DOC (WORD)
  • Скачать образец резюме актера в формате PDF

Еще вакансии с быстрым выходом на работу

Специалист офиса продаж

Возможный доход

50 000 — 80 000 руб. (для Санкт-Петербурга)


Санкт-Петербург, Воронеж, Новокузнецк

    Отправить анкету


Средний доход

3 400 руб. в день


Москва, Санкт-Петербург и другие города России

    Отправить анкету

Lights, camera, action—the perfect acting resume is about to enter the spotlight. Your drama training is top-notch, and you continuously work on your acting skills. So why would you need a professional resume for acting?

Landing a part is a challenging affair. After all, an actor’s or actresses’ resume is like a film treatment. Disappoint the recruiter, and your acting resume will be pulled off the desk with a Vaudeville hook. Get it right, and you might soon say, “I’d like to thank the Academy”.

This guide will show you:

  • An acting resume example better than 9 out of 10 other resumes.
  • How to write an actor resume that will land you more auditions.
  • Tips and examples of how to put skills and achievements on an acting resume.
  • How to describe your experience on a resume for an actor to get any role you want.

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.

acting resume templates

Sample Acting Resume—See more resume examples here.

Have a look at some acting-related resume guides here:

  • Theater Resume
  • Model Resume
  • Music Resume
  • Dance Resume
  • Photography Resume
  • Film Resume
  • Filmmaker Resume
  • Video Producer Resume
  • Fashion Resume
  • Production Coordinator Resume
  • Fashio Designer Resume
  • Fashion Stylist Resume
  • Production Assistant Resume
  • Performing Arts Resume
  • Flight Attendant Resume Sample
  • Professional Resume Examples

Now, here’s how to write an acting resume: 


Format Your Acting Resume

What is an Actor Resume?

An acting resume is a resume format for actors seeking a role in film, television, theater or other acting media. An acting resume usually includes the actor’s headshot and has to fit on a single sheet of paper.

Even more so than your headshot, your actor resume is what shows your casting directors the seriousness that you lend to your craft.

A poorly-formatted resume for acting jobs is just like a bad soap opera, it never makes it to a second season, aka another audition.

Don’t aim for second tier resume game, aim for number one.

By choosing a respected resume layout like the reverse-chronological format, you’ll get to show your past performances under the best light.

Make sure you use clear, legible resume fonts and that stuff aren’t crowded: no one wants to read a script that hurts the eyes.

Finally, make sure you save it as PDF so it’s compatible with any device it ends up being read on.

What to Include in an Acting Resume Template?

Your resume is as much of an asset as your looks and talents.

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, there are guidelines to follow to build the best acting resume.

If you need a clearer picture of an acting resume template, you should include the following sections:

  1. Contact Information
  2. Your Agent’s Contact Information
  3. Resume Objective or Resume Summary
  4. Acting Credits
  5. Education
  6. Workshops and Trainings
  7. Special Skills
  8. Awards and Accolades
  9. Additional References (links of past work, testimonials, reviews, etc.)
  10. Your Headshot

To create the best acting resume layout, your resume should be eight inches by ten. The same as your headshot since it gets attached to the back.

As you gain more experience, start to eliminate the amateur credits. Keep in mind that professional credits go first, then your educational credits and then your community theatre credits.

Pro Tip: Just like last looks, getting your resume checked for spelling mistakes is what seals the deal—the perfect take before someone screams “CUT”, in this case “RESUME SENT.”

Want to see the reverse-chronological format in action? See the free acting resume template above. Also, reference our guides: Best Resume Format: How to Choose the Right One for Your Job [+Templates] and How to Write a Resume.


Write an Acting Resume Summary or Resume Objective

Now let’s get on with it.

If your dream is to be grilled by Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes then we’ll give you the ins and outs of what will help you get there: your acting resume.

The opening, is your resume summary or resume objective.

It’s what tells your casting directors not to flick through other actors’ resumes, it’s what sets the stage for what’s coming, what peaks their interest enough to want to know more about you.

So how do you know if you should go with a resume summary or resume objective?

A resume summary proves you’re ready for the big break, with lots of experience to support your case.

A resume objective is perfect to show your passion and commitment, ideal for resume with no experience.

Check out these two very different acting resume examples (for child actors):

Professional Actor Resume Summary


Talented child actor with over 7 years professional experience in commercial, stage and film acting. Highly-energetic and collaborative team player, accustomed to the most demanding sets such as Game of Thrones. Award-winning theatre performances in Hamilton and Matilda.


Child actor with extensive experience on set. Talented and nice vocals with roles in Broadway plays and prime time TV shows.

Just like a movie script, that first one tells a compelling story. And you’re the lead without any doubt!

Not really besties with The Queen of Dragons? Write an acting resume objective statement.

Acting Resume Objective for an Actor with No Experience


Actor seeking breakthrough role. I’ve had a few appearances in My High School Play and Another Unknown Low Budget Film That Never Aired.

This does look like an awful intro, doesn’t it? Instead, follow our resume example for actors with little experience.


Passionate actor combining top-rated BFA education and substantial professional work in stage and television acting. Backed by a network of stage and screen contacts and reputation for artistic integrity.

Ok, this does sound a lot better. Like someone we could actually trust with the role of a lifetime.

Pro Tip: Just like drying on stage, writing your acting resume summary or objective can be a nightmare. Leave it last, so you avoid any rushed flubbed lines.

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check. Start building a professional resume template here for free.

Create the perfect resume

When you’re done, Zety’s resume builder will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make it better.

Want more tips to make an experienced or beginner actor resume? See our guides: How To Write A Resume Summary: 21 Best Examples You Will See and +20 Resume Objective Examples — Use Them on Your Resume (Tips)


Include a Headshot with a Resume for Actors or Actresses

Attaching your headshot is probably the only time you’ll get to tell your casting director to point the camera at the money. Well, sort of…

If you’re auditioning for roles in big markets, you don’t only want you resume to adhere to the industry format but your headshot too. Otherwise, it just screams “Hey guys, just came in from out of town!”

Photographers in larger markets always stay on top of the current ever-changing trends. The “in” look used to be glossy 8×10 borderless close-ups, then it was thumbnails with all the online casting frenzy, and now it’s…well, your best bet is to ask around in your local market.

You want to be really sure of the current requirements and references of casting directors.

And I mean really sure.

Don’t go with a photographer from out of town, your headshot will just seem off and you don’t want to be flagged as a newbie right of the start.

You only get one shot at a first impression, so make it count to get in the room.

Adding a Headshot to an Acting Resume

Your resume and headshot for acting gigs should be attached, back-to-back. You may do this using staples at all 4 corners or glue, or you may print your resume on the back of your headshot. Don’t even think about using a paper clip to attach them, they’ll just end up separated.

Pro Tip: If you choose to print your resume on the back of your headshot, make sure you print it in small quantities so you don’t end up with good quality photos printed and wasted when you want to update your resume. You don’t want to throw good shots in the trash!


Add an Actor Experience Description for a Resume

It’s said that drama is based on the Mistake.

An effective resume that gets you the acting job you’ve been drooling on, is based on accuracy.

Acting requires adapting your skills to a certain role or character. Listing your acting credits is too.

Remember to group credits together by category. Let’s say you’re auditioning for a theatre play, then list your theatre credits first. Don’t worry so much about chronological order.

Within each category, put your most impressive acting credits first. Don’t bother mentioning dates of credits as it’s not the custom.

Here’s how to list your acting credits on an audition resume:

Acting Resume Template with Experience 





  • Played Laertes in the Hamlet production in Gotham Film Festival
  • Worked with Award Winning Director John Snow
  • Assisted the cast with various activities

HAMLET      Laertes      Gotham Film Festival (John Snow, Director)

New York, NY

This is where it all seems confusing. When it comes to acting resume for experienced actors, no casting director cares if you helped the lighting crew or you show great team work skills.

At least, not in writing.

So don’t get too wordy in providing details.

The industry norm is to use columns to list the play title, the role played (character’s name), theatre company, and director. You may also wish to list the city and state where the play was produced (especially if it was outside of your current state.)

If you’re still fresh blood, and have very little actual credits, don’t panic!

You may list scene work from acting classes.

Here’s a beginner acting resume template:

Acting Resume Template with No Experience


HAMILTON    Angelica Rambo    Drama Workshop

(dir. Sylvester Stallone)

If you’re more into NCIS and Law & Order, that’s fine too.

Using columns, you can list the show or film title, role type, production company and director.

Film Acting Resume Sample for Experienced Actors


BOSTON FIVE-O    supporting    Tasty Shrimp Productions,

LLC (dir. Steve McGarett)

Film and Television Resume Sample for Beginner Actors

If you’re still not very familiar with car chasing scenes and have still to appear in a catchy show featuring sleepy cops sipping bad coffee, you can list scene work from acting classes.


scenes from SEINFELD  lead Advanced Acting for Film Class (dir. Susan Ross)

If you’ve worked closely with a well-known actor, you may include their name following the project title. For example:


THE WILD WEST (w/Robert de Niro) supporting GF Pictures Inc. (dir. Louis Dreyfus)

As you earn more credits and you progress in your acting career, you’ll want to create multiple acting resumes targeting specific industries or types of jobs.

If you’re a beginner actor, you may need to put all your credits into one category, theatre. If you’re more experienced, you’ll want to separate credits into different categories:

  • Broadway
  • Off-Broadway
  • Regional Theatre
  • Shakespeare
  • Musicals
  • Etc…

Same goes for Film. Resumes of actors with very little experience might include only Film as a stand alone category, but more experienced actors can organize their credits into:

  • Feature Film
  • Short Film
  • Documentary
  • TV Series
  • TV Movies
  • Soaps
  • Etc…

Finally, let’s not forget the rule of honor: you don’t need to list the name of the character you played.

Instead you can list the role type. Below is a list of film role types for your acting resume:

Speaking Roles to Include in your Professional Acting Resume:

  • Lead: female or male, protagonist or antagonist, most important character in the show or movie.
  • Principal: with recurring scenes opposite lead to progress storyline.
  • Supporting or Day Player: usually limited to no more than a few lines.
  • The Voice-Over Artist: unseen person who does the voice-over.

Non-Speaking Roles To Include in your Professional Acting Resume:

  • Featured: non-speaking, to lend credibility to a scene (driver, bartender, SWAT team, etc.)
  • Extra: generally used to liven up a scene (pedestrians, office worker, audience member, etc.)
  • Stunt Performer: specialist actor who performs stunts.
  • Stand-In: same physical properties of an actor, and takes the actor’s place during the lengthy setup of a scene.
  • Body Double: usually, body doubles are used for shots requiring nudity or depictions of physical fitness.
  • Stunt Double: performer who specifically takes the part of another actor for a stunt.

Pro Tip: Consider removing high school (or community theater) credits once you’re in an undergraduate program. Then, remove college credits after the first couple of years of professional work.

Want some tips to custom-fit your professional actor resume? See our guide: 6 Tips on How to Tailor Your Resume to a Job Description (Examples)


Mention Your Education Section

You’re an actor. You don’t need an education nor do you need to mention it.

That my friend, can’t be further from the truth.

You have to mention any formal education and training in your acting resume.

Just like a man-maker, your education section is here to give you the extra height in the eyes of the casting director. Especially when you have little to show for in terms of acting credits.

New actors, I’m looking at you!

Start your education section with the basics:

  • College Name and Location.
  • Years in School.
  • Degree.

This is the only section in your actor resume where you need to mention dates. Then add details that show your acting chops.

Acting Resume Education Section 


2010-2014, BA in Film Studies

New York University, New York

  • Received Degree in Arts
  • Took acting and filmmaking classes
  • GPA 3.5

This is very second tier isn’t it. Add a few details and we’re back at Number One status, with all the glam squad cheering you.


2010-2014, BA in Film Studies

New York University, New York

  • Pursued my passion for film directing and acting
  • Won “Best Short Movie Award” in NYU’s Student Film Competition
  • Starred in four college theatre productions

Passion and engagement is what transpires from this. Number One, indeed!

If you don’t have a formal college education, include any:

  • Acting-related workshops
  • Seminars
  • Ongoing studio classes
  • Masterclasses
  • Private coaching received outside of a university setting.

You may also include training in related fields such as music, singing, dancing, martial arts, stunts, or any other. Make sure you’re specific. Accuracy is key!

You might also want to add further training even if you went through a formal acting related college education.

Pro Tip: To make your acting resume shine brighter, list well-known studios, teachers, or coaches with whom you’ve studied. You can also include the number of years you trained in a particular area, technique, or discipline.

Make your acting resume less Kim Kardashian and more Clint Eastwood with our guide: How to Put Your Education on a Resume [Tips & Examples]


Put Special Skills to a Resume for an Actor

As an actor, you must have a good understanding of what responsibilities come with the role you’re targeting.

Past experiences may have already helped you in that endeavor, but it’s important to look and recognize those nuances that come with different roles at different levels.

When writing your resume for acting jobs, honesty is your friend. Casting directors rarely torture actors into proving every skill they mention but beware of a long list of quirky special skills that you can’t execute.

Stunt doubles are meant for the actual movie, not the audition…

Don’t simply list hobbies.

Accents and dialects are tricky but good ones to have. Don’t include them unless you have received proper training. Watching the British version of The Office doesn’t count as proficient in the English accent! Stretching the truth will only question your integrity and put you in trouble.

Read the role requirements and specs and list the most important skills in a special section of your actor resume. You need to prove you fit the role’s requirement like Spider Man’s suit!

When you’re an actor, and specifically an actor without experience, you need to find ways to stand out.

Let’s roll with the actor resume skills list below.

Find more skills online, and search your work history for others.

Examples of Special Skills for an Acting Resume

  • Accents
  • Combat Training
  • Level of Fitness
  • Singing
  • Fluency in another Language
  • Dancing
  • Musical Instrument

What if Channing Tatum couldn’t dance or Olivia Munn wasn’t fluent in Japanese?

None of the roles that launched their careers would’ve been realities for them.

So make sure you highlight and cultivate your unique special skills, and keep an eye for projects that can skyrocket your career for what makes you different.

Pro Tip: Don’t get cheeky. Stay professional at all times. Sun tanning, shopping, or kissing are not special skills.

Want to make your skills section Oscar worthy? Use the acting resume template at the top of this guide. Also, use this article: +30 Best Examples of What Skills to Put on a Resume (Proven Tips)


Add the Award Section to an Actor Resume

Awards are nice.

Especially if you’re one of the lucky ones to go home with a fancy goodie bag.

So how do you know which awards to include and which ones belong in the trash?

Steer away from social media driven awards that are driven by actors begging friends and family to vote for their performances (possibly never seen by the majority of voters.)

Only mention awards where voters are industry peers vetted for professional related experience and credentials.

Here is a list of U.S. Acting Awards to include on an Actors Resume:

  • Academy Award
  • Emmy
  • TONY
  • Golden Globe
  • Drama Desk
  • Drama League
  • Outer Critics Circle
  • Obie
  • Lucille Lortel
  • Grammy (Only for a spoken, solo recorded performance of a role.)

Here is a list of Regional Acting Awards to include on an Actor Resume:

  • Joseph Jefferson (Chicago)
  • Ovation (Los Angeles)
  • Carbonell (Florida)
  • Helen Hayes (Wash, DC.)
  • Barrymore (Philadelphia)
  • Elliot Norton (Boston)
  • IRNE (New England / Boston)
  • Ivey Awards (Minneapolis – St. Paul)
  • Kevin Klein (St. Louis)

If the award is prominent, it’s advised to place it directly under the related credit in italic in your professional acting resume. This way, it’s not overlooked by the casting director.

Let’s go back to one of our examples.


HAMLET Laertes Gotham Film Festival (John Snow, Director) New York, NY

(Best Actor, Play — Carbonell)

Pro Tip: High school acting awards are just borderline offending to demanding casting directors. So if you don’t have a prominent accolade, please don’t bother mentioning any!

If you’re writing a beginner actor resume, you can add a hobbies section. Nobody does it, but it works so well. See our guide: +20 Best Examples of Hobbies & Interests To Put on a Resume (5 Tips)


Write a Cover Letter

“No actor needs a cover letter to get casted.”

Plus, according to the BLS, the job outlook for actors is way better than most jobs, and the average salary is at 44k.

I hate to break it to you, but if you’re a beginner actor, you do need a cover letter.

To ace your audition, your good looks and great acting skills aren’t enough.

If you don’t have any agent, and don’t know any industry professionals, it still is essential to introduce yourself by submitting a headshot and resume. With any submission, you should also write a short cover letter.

Don’t start your letter with the fact that you’re an actor. Who else would send them a headshot with an acting resume? Skip the obvious and go straight to major roles you played and prominent actors you’ve played with.

Bonus points for talking about your type and brand: spy, college guy, girl next door, etc…

It shows you’re savvy and know how to get cast.

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here. Here’s what it may look like:

matching set of resume and cover letter

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Make sure they get a clear picture of your past experiences but also where you’re headed next. What are your projects and what are your aspirations. Let them know and let you passion transfuse from your writing.

If you believe in yourself, there is no reason they won’t believe in you!

Pro Tip: Don’t threaten to call your agent to follow up. Instead, send them a note reminding them that you sent your headshot and resume for consideration. If you tell them you’re booking work, they’ll respond.

Need more help for your all-star actor cover letter? See our guide: How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job &  Acting Cover Letter [with Examples]

Key Takeaway

Even when you’ve got creative chops under your sleeves, writing your own actor resume can be challenging.

It really helps to have a superstar resume so keep in mind these last recommendations:

  • Don’t bother listing your physical stats like hair and eye color, height, skin tone, etc…All of that any casting crew can see. If you’re working with an agent, ask about their preference.
  • Listing personal websites or Youtube videos of performances is absolutely fine and sometimes even required, but don’t go overboard with the links!
  • Before your audition, refresh your memory by reading your acting resume. You don’t want to forget names or confuse directors.
  • Type «Represented by,» followed by your agent’s name and the agency name, two lines under your name. Typically this is at the very top of your acting resume. Then, type your agent’s contact info. Double check, it would be a shame to miss out on a role because of a typo!

Writing an inexperienced talent resume? Proud parent of a child actor extraordinaire? Wondering how to put acting experience on a resume for a different job? Give us a shout out in the comments!

Lights, camera, action—the perfect acting resume is about to enter the spotlight. Your drama training is top-notch, and you continuously work on your acting skills. So why would you need a professional resume for acting?

Landing a part is a challenging affair. After all, an actor’s or actresses’ resume is like a film treatment. Disappoint the recruiter, and your acting resume will be pulled off the desk with a Vaudeville hook. Get it right, and you might soon say, “I’d like to thank the Academy”.

This guide will show you:

  • An acting resume example better than 9 out of 10 other resumes.
  • How to write an actor resume that will land you more auditions.
  • Tips and examples of how to put skills and achievements on an acting resume.
  • How to describe your experience on a resume for an actor to get any role you want.

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.

acting resume templates

Sample Acting Resume—See more resume examples here.

Have a look at some acting-related resume guides here:

  • Theater Resume
  • Model Resume
  • Music Resume
  • Dance Resume
  • Photography Resume
  • Film Resume
  • Filmmaker Resume
  • Video Producer Resume
  • Fashion Resume
  • Production Coordinator Resume
  • Fashio Designer Resume
  • Fashion Stylist Resume
  • Production Assistant Resume
  • Performing Arts Resume
  • Flight Attendant Resume Sample
  • Professional Resume Examples

Now, here’s how to write an acting resume: 


Format Your Acting Resume

What is an Actor Resume?

An acting resume is a resume format for actors seeking a role in film, television, theater or other acting media. An acting resume usually includes the actor’s headshot and has to fit on a single sheet of paper.

Even more so than your headshot, your actor resume is what shows your casting directors the seriousness that you lend to your craft.

A poorly-formatted resume for acting jobs is just like a bad soap opera, it never makes it to a second season, aka another audition.

Don’t aim for second tier resume game, aim for number one.

By choosing a respected resume layout like the reverse-chronological format, you’ll get to show your past performances under the best light.

Make sure you use clear, legible resume fonts and that stuff aren’t crowded: no one wants to read a script that hurts the eyes.

Finally, make sure you save it as PDF so it’s compatible with any device it ends up being read on.

What to Include in an Acting Resume Template?

Your resume is as much of an asset as your looks and talents.

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, there are guidelines to follow to build the best acting resume.

If you need a clearer picture of an acting resume template, you should include the following sections:

  1. Contact Information
  2. Your Agent’s Contact Information
  3. Resume Objective or Resume Summary
  4. Acting Credits
  5. Education
  6. Workshops and Trainings
  7. Special Skills
  8. Awards and Accolades
  9. Additional References (links of past work, testimonials, reviews, etc.)
  10. Your Headshot

To create the best acting resume layout, your resume should be eight inches by ten. The same as your headshot since it gets attached to the back.

As you gain more experience, start to eliminate the amateur credits. Keep in mind that professional credits go first, then your educational credits and then your community theatre credits.

Pro Tip: Just like last looks, getting your resume checked for spelling mistakes is what seals the deal—the perfect take before someone screams “CUT”, in this case “RESUME SENT.”

Want to see the reverse-chronological format in action? See the free acting resume template above. Also, reference our guides: Best Resume Format: How to Choose the Right One for Your Job [+Templates] and How to Write a Resume.


Write an Acting Resume Summary or Resume Objective

Now let’s get on with it.

If your dream is to be grilled by Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes then we’ll give you the ins and outs of what will help you get there: your acting resume.

The opening, is your resume summary or resume objective.

It’s what tells your casting directors not to flick through other actors’ resumes, it’s what sets the stage for what’s coming, what peaks their interest enough to want to know more about you.

So how do you know if you should go with a resume summary or resume objective?

A resume summary proves you’re ready for the big break, with lots of experience to support your case.

A resume objective is perfect to show your passion and commitment, ideal for resume with no experience.

Check out these two very different acting resume examples (for child actors):

Professional Actor Resume Summary


Talented child actor with over 7 years professional experience in commercial, stage and film acting. Highly-energetic and collaborative team player, accustomed to the most demanding sets such as Game of Thrones. Award-winning theatre performances in Hamilton and Matilda.


Child actor with extensive experience on set. Talented and nice vocals with roles in Broadway plays and prime time TV shows.

Just like a movie script, that first one tells a compelling story. And you’re the lead without any doubt!

Not really besties with The Queen of Dragons? Write an acting resume objective statement.

Acting Resume Objective for an Actor with No Experience


Actor seeking breakthrough role. I’ve had a few appearances in My High School Play and Another Unknown Low Budget Film That Never Aired.

This does look like an awful intro, doesn’t it? Instead, follow our resume example for actors with little experience.


Passionate actor combining top-rated BFA education and substantial professional work in stage and television acting. Backed by a network of stage and screen contacts and reputation for artistic integrity.

Ok, this does sound a lot better. Like someone we could actually trust with the role of a lifetime.

Pro Tip: Just like drying on stage, writing your acting resume summary or objective can be a nightmare. Leave it last, so you avoid any rushed flubbed lines.

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check. Start building a professional resume template here for free.

Create the perfect resume

When you’re done, Zety’s resume builder will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make it better.

Want more tips to make an experienced or beginner actor resume? See our guides: How To Write A Resume Summary: 21 Best Examples You Will See and +20 Resume Objective Examples — Use Them on Your Resume (Tips)


Include a Headshot with a Resume for Actors or Actresses

Attaching your headshot is probably the only time you’ll get to tell your casting director to point the camera at the money. Well, sort of…

If you’re auditioning for roles in big markets, you don’t only want you resume to adhere to the industry format but your headshot too. Otherwise, it just screams “Hey guys, just came in from out of town!”

Photographers in larger markets always stay on top of the current ever-changing trends. The “in” look used to be glossy 8×10 borderless close-ups, then it was thumbnails with all the online casting frenzy, and now it’s…well, your best bet is to ask around in your local market.

You want to be really sure of the current requirements and references of casting directors.

And I mean really sure.

Don’t go with a photographer from out of town, your headshot will just seem off and you don’t want to be flagged as a newbie right of the start.

You only get one shot at a first impression, so make it count to get in the room.

Adding a Headshot to an Acting Resume

Your resume and headshot for acting gigs should be attached, back-to-back. You may do this using staples at all 4 corners or glue, or you may print your resume on the back of your headshot. Don’t even think about using a paper clip to attach them, they’ll just end up separated.

Pro Tip: If you choose to print your resume on the back of your headshot, make sure you print it in small quantities so you don’t end up with good quality photos printed and wasted when you want to update your resume. You don’t want to throw good shots in the trash!


Add an Actor Experience Description for a Resume

It’s said that drama is based on the Mistake.

An effective resume that gets you the acting job you’ve been drooling on, is based on accuracy.

Acting requires adapting your skills to a certain role or character. Listing your acting credits is too.

Remember to group credits together by category. Let’s say you’re auditioning for a theatre play, then list your theatre credits first. Don’t worry so much about chronological order.

Within each category, put your most impressive acting credits first. Don’t bother mentioning dates of credits as it’s not the custom.

Here’s how to list your acting credits on an audition resume:

Acting Resume Template with Experience 





  • Played Laertes in the Hamlet production in Gotham Film Festival
  • Worked with Award Winning Director John Snow
  • Assisted the cast with various activities

HAMLET      Laertes      Gotham Film Festival (John Snow, Director)

New York, NY

This is where it all seems confusing. When it comes to acting resume for experienced actors, no casting director cares if you helped the lighting crew or you show great team work skills.

At least, not in writing.

So don’t get too wordy in providing details.

The industry norm is to use columns to list the play title, the role played (character’s name), theatre company, and director. You may also wish to list the city and state where the play was produced (especially if it was outside of your current state.)

If you’re still fresh blood, and have very little actual credits, don’t panic!

You may list scene work from acting classes.

Here’s a beginner acting resume template:

Acting Resume Template with No Experience


HAMILTON    Angelica Rambo    Drama Workshop

(dir. Sylvester Stallone)

If you’re more into NCIS and Law & Order, that’s fine too.

Using columns, you can list the show or film title, role type, production company and director.

Film Acting Resume Sample for Experienced Actors


BOSTON FIVE-O    supporting    Tasty Shrimp Productions,

LLC (dir. Steve McGarett)

Film and Television Resume Sample for Beginner Actors

If you’re still not very familiar with car chasing scenes and have still to appear in a catchy show featuring sleepy cops sipping bad coffee, you can list scene work from acting classes.


scenes from SEINFELD  lead Advanced Acting for Film Class (dir. Susan Ross)

If you’ve worked closely with a well-known actor, you may include their name following the project title. For example:


THE WILD WEST (w/Robert de Niro) supporting GF Pictures Inc. (dir. Louis Dreyfus)

As you earn more credits and you progress in your acting career, you’ll want to create multiple acting resumes targeting specific industries or types of jobs.

If you’re a beginner actor, you may need to put all your credits into one category, theatre. If you’re more experienced, you’ll want to separate credits into different categories:

  • Broadway
  • Off-Broadway
  • Regional Theatre
  • Shakespeare
  • Musicals
  • Etc…

Same goes for Film. Resumes of actors with very little experience might include only Film as a stand alone category, but more experienced actors can organize their credits into:

  • Feature Film
  • Short Film
  • Documentary
  • TV Series
  • TV Movies
  • Soaps
  • Etc…

Finally, let’s not forget the rule of honor: you don’t need to list the name of the character you played.

Instead you can list the role type. Below is a list of film role types for your acting resume:

Speaking Roles to Include in your Professional Acting Resume:

  • Lead: female or male, protagonist or antagonist, most important character in the show or movie.
  • Principal: with recurring scenes opposite lead to progress storyline.
  • Supporting or Day Player: usually limited to no more than a few lines.
  • The Voice-Over Artist: unseen person who does the voice-over.

Non-Speaking Roles To Include in your Professional Acting Resume:

  • Featured: non-speaking, to lend credibility to a scene (driver, bartender, SWAT team, etc.)
  • Extra: generally used to liven up a scene (pedestrians, office worker, audience member, etc.)
  • Stunt Performer: specialist actor who performs stunts.
  • Stand-In: same physical properties of an actor, and takes the actor’s place during the lengthy setup of a scene.
  • Body Double: usually, body doubles are used for shots requiring nudity or depictions of physical fitness.
  • Stunt Double: performer who specifically takes the part of another actor for a stunt.

Pro Tip: Consider removing high school (or community theater) credits once you’re in an undergraduate program. Then, remove college credits after the first couple of years of professional work.

Want some tips to custom-fit your professional actor resume? See our guide: 6 Tips on How to Tailor Your Resume to a Job Description (Examples)


Mention Your Education Section

You’re an actor. You don’t need an education nor do you need to mention it.

That my friend, can’t be further from the truth.

You have to mention any formal education and training in your acting resume.

Just like a man-maker, your education section is here to give you the extra height in the eyes of the casting director. Especially when you have little to show for in terms of acting credits.

New actors, I’m looking at you!

Start your education section with the basics:

  • College Name and Location.
  • Years in School.
  • Degree.

This is the only section in your actor resume where you need to mention dates. Then add details that show your acting chops.

Acting Resume Education Section 


2010-2014, BA in Film Studies

New York University, New York

  • Received Degree in Arts
  • Took acting and filmmaking classes
  • GPA 3.5

This is very second tier isn’t it. Add a few details and we’re back at Number One status, with all the glam squad cheering you.


2010-2014, BA in Film Studies

New York University, New York

  • Pursued my passion for film directing and acting
  • Won “Best Short Movie Award” in NYU’s Student Film Competition
  • Starred in four college theatre productions

Passion and engagement is what transpires from this. Number One, indeed!

If you don’t have a formal college education, include any:

  • Acting-related workshops
  • Seminars
  • Ongoing studio classes
  • Masterclasses
  • Private coaching received outside of a university setting.

You may also include training in related fields such as music, singing, dancing, martial arts, stunts, or any other. Make sure you’re specific. Accuracy is key!

You might also want to add further training even if you went through a formal acting related college education.

Pro Tip: To make your acting resume shine brighter, list well-known studios, teachers, or coaches with whom you’ve studied. You can also include the number of years you trained in a particular area, technique, or discipline.

Make your acting resume less Kim Kardashian and more Clint Eastwood with our guide: How to Put Your Education on a Resume [Tips & Examples]


Put Special Skills to a Resume for an Actor

As an actor, you must have a good understanding of what responsibilities come with the role you’re targeting.

Past experiences may have already helped you in that endeavor, but it’s important to look and recognize those nuances that come with different roles at different levels.

When writing your resume for acting jobs, honesty is your friend. Casting directors rarely torture actors into proving every skill they mention but beware of a long list of quirky special skills that you can’t execute.

Stunt doubles are meant for the actual movie, not the audition…

Don’t simply list hobbies.

Accents and dialects are tricky but good ones to have. Don’t include them unless you have received proper training. Watching the British version of The Office doesn’t count as proficient in the English accent! Stretching the truth will only question your integrity and put you in trouble.

Read the role requirements and specs and list the most important skills in a special section of your actor resume. You need to prove you fit the role’s requirement like Spider Man’s suit!

When you’re an actor, and specifically an actor without experience, you need to find ways to stand out.

Let’s roll with the actor resume skills list below.

Find more skills online, and search your work history for others.

Examples of Special Skills for an Acting Resume

  • Accents
  • Combat Training
  • Level of Fitness
  • Singing
  • Fluency in another Language
  • Dancing
  • Musical Instrument

What if Channing Tatum couldn’t dance or Olivia Munn wasn’t fluent in Japanese?

None of the roles that launched their careers would’ve been realities for them.

So make sure you highlight and cultivate your unique special skills, and keep an eye for projects that can skyrocket your career for what makes you different.

Pro Tip: Don’t get cheeky. Stay professional at all times. Sun tanning, shopping, or kissing are not special skills.

Want to make your skills section Oscar worthy? Use the acting resume template at the top of this guide. Also, use this article: +30 Best Examples of What Skills to Put on a Resume (Proven Tips)


Add the Award Section to an Actor Resume

Awards are nice.

Especially if you’re one of the lucky ones to go home with a fancy goodie bag.

So how do you know which awards to include and which ones belong in the trash?

Steer away from social media driven awards that are driven by actors begging friends and family to vote for their performances (possibly never seen by the majority of voters.)

Only mention awards where voters are industry peers vetted for professional related experience and credentials.

Here is a list of U.S. Acting Awards to include on an Actors Resume:

  • Academy Award
  • Emmy
  • TONY
  • Golden Globe
  • Drama Desk
  • Drama League
  • Outer Critics Circle
  • Obie
  • Lucille Lortel
  • Grammy (Only for a spoken, solo recorded performance of a role.)

Here is a list of Regional Acting Awards to include on an Actor Resume:

  • Joseph Jefferson (Chicago)
  • Ovation (Los Angeles)
  • Carbonell (Florida)
  • Helen Hayes (Wash, DC.)
  • Barrymore (Philadelphia)
  • Elliot Norton (Boston)
  • IRNE (New England / Boston)
  • Ivey Awards (Minneapolis – St. Paul)
  • Kevin Klein (St. Louis)

If the award is prominent, it’s advised to place it directly under the related credit in italic in your professional acting resume. This way, it’s not overlooked by the casting director.

Let’s go back to one of our examples.


HAMLET Laertes Gotham Film Festival (John Snow, Director) New York, NY

(Best Actor, Play — Carbonell)

Pro Tip: High school acting awards are just borderline offending to demanding casting directors. So if you don’t have a prominent accolade, please don’t bother mentioning any!

If you’re writing a beginner actor resume, you can add a hobbies section. Nobody does it, but it works so well. See our guide: +20 Best Examples of Hobbies & Interests To Put on a Resume (5 Tips)


Write a Cover Letter

“No actor needs a cover letter to get casted.”

Plus, according to the BLS, the job outlook for actors is way better than most jobs, and the average salary is at 44k.

I hate to break it to you, but if you’re a beginner actor, you do need a cover letter.

To ace your audition, your good looks and great acting skills aren’t enough.

If you don’t have any agent, and don’t know any industry professionals, it still is essential to introduce yourself by submitting a headshot and resume. With any submission, you should also write a short cover letter.

Don’t start your letter with the fact that you’re an actor. Who else would send them a headshot with an acting resume? Skip the obvious and go straight to major roles you played and prominent actors you’ve played with.

Bonus points for talking about your type and brand: spy, college guy, girl next door, etc…

It shows you’re savvy and know how to get cast.

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here. Here’s what it may look like:

matching set of resume and cover letter

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Make sure they get a clear picture of your past experiences but also where you’re headed next. What are your projects and what are your aspirations. Let them know and let you passion transfuse from your writing.

If you believe in yourself, there is no reason they won’t believe in you!

Pro Tip: Don’t threaten to call your agent to follow up. Instead, send them a note reminding them that you sent your headshot and resume for consideration. If you tell them you’re booking work, they’ll respond.

Need more help for your all-star actor cover letter? See our guide: How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job &  Acting Cover Letter [with Examples]

Key Takeaway

Even when you’ve got creative chops under your sleeves, writing your own actor resume can be challenging.

It really helps to have a superstar resume so keep in mind these last recommendations:

  • Don’t bother listing your physical stats like hair and eye color, height, skin tone, etc…All of that any casting crew can see. If you’re working with an agent, ask about their preference.
  • Listing personal websites or Youtube videos of performances is absolutely fine and sometimes even required, but don’t go overboard with the links!
  • Before your audition, refresh your memory by reading your acting resume. You don’t want to forget names or confuse directors.
  • Type «Represented by,» followed by your agent’s name and the agency name, two lines under your name. Typically this is at the very top of your acting resume. Then, type your agent’s contact info. Double check, it would be a shame to miss out on a role because of a typo!

Writing an inexperienced talent resume? Proud parent of a child actor extraordinaire? Wondering how to put acting experience on a resume for a different job? Give us a shout out in the comments!

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An acting resume is a snapshot of who you are and the experience you have—but what should you include, especially if you’re just starting out? Whether you’re a beginner actor with no experience or a seasoned thespian, a professional-looking resume that showcases what you can do can help you land your dream role. We’ve put together a guide with all the information you need to include and how to format it for success. If you’re ready to go out there and break a leg, read on!

  1. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 1


    Include your name and contact information at the top of your resume. Use your stage name if it’s different from your real name since that’s how you will be known. Center and bold your name on its own line at the top of the page, then add your contact information in 1 line beneath it. Include a phone number and email address that you check regularly so casting agents can contact you with questions (or offer you a role!).[1]

    • If you have an agent, include their name (or the agency name) along with a phone number and email address where they can be reached on a new line beneath your contact information.[2]
    • If you are working through an agent, remember that legitimate agencies and agents do not charge you. They take a percentage of whatever they book you for.[3]
    • Include the URL to your professional acting website if you have one.[4]
  2. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 2


    List your professional or union affiliations. If you’re a union actor, indicate this near the top of your resume beneath your contact information. This is important because union or equity actors are not allowed to audition for non-union or non-equity roles. If you don’t have an affiliation like this, you don’t have to list anything.[5]

    • Unions you might list include SAG-AFTRA or Equity/AEA.
    • List your union after your name (John Smith, SAG-AFTRA) or on a separate line (Union: SAG-AFTRA).


  3. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 3


    Describe your basic physical attributes. Even though you’ll include a headshot with your resume, include your height (to help the casting team envision a stage picture) and your hair and eye color. Weight is rarely important and should only be included if the casting call specifies a weight range or you’re asked to fill out a size card for a role.[6]

    • If you’re auditioning for a singing role, include your voice type (soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, or bass) and your vocal range if you know your lowest and highest notes (for example, C3–A4).
    • Do not list your age or date of birth unless you’re under 18 years old. Keeping your age vague increases the number of roles you could be a good fit for.
    • List your traits with the attribute bolded (Height: 5’11” Voice Type: Tenor) in one line beneath your contact information.
  4. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 4


    Include the most notable roles you’ve played. Divide your experience by type—stage, television, and film—and list your roles in either reverse-chronological order or in order of most to least impressive. If you have an established acting career, include only your most prominent roles from the last 10 years. If you’re just getting started, list anything you’ve got (community theater and college productions count!).[7]

    • Leave out the dates of your roles to avoid exposing your age.
    • Don’t include modeling or extra work—stick with relevant acting experience.
  5. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 5


    List your role experience in a 3-column layout. For stage, television, and film roles, the first column will always be the name of the production, show, or movie. The second column will be the character’s name or type of role. The third column will list the production company or network, location, and director.[8]
    Here are some examples:

    • Stage: Hello, Dolly! — Dolly — Lyceum Theatre, Manhattan, NY

      • Only list the director if they’re very well-known (you can put their name alongside the company’s name or in place of the location if you’re short on space).
    • TV: 8 Simple Rules — Recurring — ABC/James Widdoes

      • Types of roles in TV credits are series regular, recurring, guest star, or co-star.
    • Film: The Mummy — Lead — Universal Studios/Stephen Sommers

      • Types of roles in film credits are lead, supporting, principal, or featured.
  6. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 6


    Mention your acting education and training. If you have a degree in acting, list the title of your degree and your major, the school’s name, and the school’s location (city and state) in a 3-column layout. Also include any workshops, masterclasses, seminars, or training you’ve had outside of a school setting (a list or 3-column layout will both work). [9]

    • For example: “BFA, Acting — New York University — New York City, NY”
    • Mention any specialized training or certifications related to acting, like stunt coordination or choreography, and any well-known teachers or coaches you’ve studied with.
    • Your graduation dates are optional. To keep your age vague, leave them out.
    • List any training in acting-related fields like music (especially singing), dance, improv, or stunts.
  7. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 7


    Highlight special skills that make you stand out from other applicants. After your education, make a simple list of anything you can do that would catch a casting agent’s attention. These might be things like juggling, acrobatics, dancing, foreign languages and accents, musical instruments, or stunts. Only list things you can do well and at a moment’s notice.[10]

    • For example: “Special Skills: aerial acrobatics, singing (classical and pop), dance (tap and contemporary), guitar, piano, French accent, German accent, juggling.”
    • Some more special skills casting agents might look for are crying on cue, voiceover acting, improvisation, stage combat or weapons handling experience, clowning, or miming.
    • The more unique or specialized your skill sets are, the more you’ll stand out. For example, instead of “dance,” you could put “ballet and samba.”
  8. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 8


    Add any awards or accolades you’ve received for your acting. Show casting or hiring agents you’ve been recognized for your talent, work ethic, and dedication to make them want to work with you. List awards, scholarships, nominations, and honorary mentions you’ve received in acting or a related field. If you haven’t received a notable award yet, leave this section out.[11]

  9. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 9


    Customize your resume for specific roles or auditions. Decide which roles, experiences, and special skills are the most relevant to the role you’re auditioning for. For example, if you’re trying out for a stage role, list your live theater experience first instead of TV or film roles (and vice versa). If you have enough experience, consider separate resumes for stage auditions and on-camera auditions.[12]

    • Save your resume in an easy-to-access location on your computer for fast editing and updating. If you’re submitting electronically, save it as a PDF file so it’s readable on any device.
  10. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 10


    Arrange your resume so it fits on one 8×10 inch (20×25 cm) page. If you’re struggling to make everything fit, edit down your information so you’re only including the most relevant and impressive roles and awards. A smaller font can help fit everything—just make sure it’s no smaller than size 10 for easy readability.[13]

    • Stick with a clean, professional font like Times New Roman or Arial.
    • Stick with one font color (black).
    • Make your resume stand out by keeping it super clean and readable. Bold your headers and leave plenty of white space on the page so it’s easy to skim quickly.
  2. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 11


    Include a good headshot with your resume. A headshot is an 8×10 inch (20×25 cm) color photo of you from the shoulders up. It shows what you currently look like and helps casting agents remember you and your audition. A professional photo shoot looks the best, but you can take your own headshot if you have the right equipment and want to save some money.[14]
    Here are some tips for a fantastic headshot:

    • Wear a simple, solid-colored shirt. Dark colors photograph better than light colors, and white should be avoided.
    • Wear your hair in a simple, everyday style and keep your makeup to a minimum (the photographer can make touch ups during editing if necessary).
    • Pose in a natural position. Your shot shouldn’t include your hands or any props.
    • Remember, casting agents want to see the natural you. Wild clothing, makeup, hair, or poses will distract them (and hurt your chances of getting the role).
  3. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 12


    Staple your resume to the back of your headshot. If your printed resume is larger than 8×10 inches (20×25 cm), trim the excess paper away so it fits—just make sure you’re not cutting off any text. Staple the top 2 corners to securely attach the resume to the headshot.[15]

    • Stapling ensures your resume and headshot don’t get separated. Avoid using paper clips or tape.
    • Don’t print your resume on the back of your headshot. It’s costly and inconvenient to print large photos every time you update your resume.
  4. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do you succeed in acting auditions?

    Patricia Chukerman

    Patricia Chukerman is an Image Consultant & Marketing Specialist and the Owner of Paperworks Image Consulting and Stoned on Rocks. With more than 36 years of experience, she specializes in helping companies decide how to market themselves. In addition to her work with businesses, she also has more than four years of acting experience and more than five years of crafting experience. Patricia earned her BA from The University of Illinois Chicago. Patricia is also the President of the Dania Beach Chamber of Commerce and the President of the Hollywood Florida Scholarship Foundation.

    Patricia Chukerman

    Image Consultant & Marketing Specialist

    Expert Answer

    Have the confidence to know that if your agent didn’t think you could handle the audition, they would not have proposed you for the part! Do your best!

  • Question

    How can I become an actor?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    There are lots of different ways people become actors. Most people go through some kind of training (college or other acting programs), put together a resume and a headshot, and take auditions until they land a role. Getting an agent can help you find more acting experience to fill out your resume and get you noticed.

  • Question

    How long should an audition reel be for a commercial?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Usually 60-90 seconds (2 minutes max). Only include your strongest material. 3 clips that are great will have a better impact than 5 clips that are not as great, even if the reel is shorter.

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  • Always be honest on your resume. Lies or fabrications will come out when you’re asked to demonstrate a special skill or if a hiring agent tries to speak with a director you listed but haven’t actually worked with.

  • Only list directors, teachers, or co-stars you’ve worked with if they’re very well-known or relevant to the role you want. Saving space is important, and too many names can make your resume look crowded and hard to skim.

  • Update your resume as you gain experience. When you’re first starting out, it might only contain college or community theater roles. As you grow into a professional, replace amateur productions with more high-profile or reputable ones.



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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 421,210 times.

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  • Vincent Ritz

    Vincent Ritz

    Aug 17, 2017

    «These articles helped broaden my mind to the intricate details of acting and the extensive process it takes to…» more

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An acting resume is a snapshot of who you are and the experience you have—but what should you include, especially if you’re just starting out? Whether you’re a beginner actor with no experience or a seasoned thespian, a professional-looking resume that showcases what you can do can help you land your dream role. We’ve put together a guide with all the information you need to include and how to format it for success. If you’re ready to go out there and break a leg, read on!

  1. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 1


    Include your name and contact information at the top of your resume. Use your stage name if it’s different from your real name since that’s how you will be known. Center and bold your name on its own line at the top of the page, then add your contact information in 1 line beneath it. Include a phone number and email address that you check regularly so casting agents can contact you with questions (or offer you a role!).[1]

    • If you have an agent, include their name (or the agency name) along with a phone number and email address where they can be reached on a new line beneath your contact information.[2]
    • If you are working through an agent, remember that legitimate agencies and agents do not charge you. They take a percentage of whatever they book you for.[3]
    • Include the URL to your professional acting website if you have one.[4]
  2. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 2


    List your professional or union affiliations. If you’re a union actor, indicate this near the top of your resume beneath your contact information. This is important because union or equity actors are not allowed to audition for non-union or non-equity roles. If you don’t have an affiliation like this, you don’t have to list anything.[5]

    • Unions you might list include SAG-AFTRA or Equity/AEA.
    • List your union after your name (John Smith, SAG-AFTRA) or on a separate line (Union: SAG-AFTRA).


  3. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 3


    Describe your basic physical attributes. Even though you’ll include a headshot with your resume, include your height (to help the casting team envision a stage picture) and your hair and eye color. Weight is rarely important and should only be included if the casting call specifies a weight range or you’re asked to fill out a size card for a role.[6]

    • If you’re auditioning for a singing role, include your voice type (soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, or bass) and your vocal range if you know your lowest and highest notes (for example, C3–A4).
    • Do not list your age or date of birth unless you’re under 18 years old. Keeping your age vague increases the number of roles you could be a good fit for.
    • List your traits with the attribute bolded (Height: 5’11” Voice Type: Tenor) in one line beneath your contact information.
  4. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 4


    Include the most notable roles you’ve played. Divide your experience by type—stage, television, and film—and list your roles in either reverse-chronological order or in order of most to least impressive. If you have an established acting career, include only your most prominent roles from the last 10 years. If you’re just getting started, list anything you’ve got (community theater and college productions count!).[7]

    • Leave out the dates of your roles to avoid exposing your age.
    • Don’t include modeling or extra work—stick with relevant acting experience.
  5. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 5


    List your role experience in a 3-column layout. For stage, television, and film roles, the first column will always be the name of the production, show, or movie. The second column will be the character’s name or type of role. The third column will list the production company or network, location, and director.[8]
    Here are some examples:

    • Stage: Hello, Dolly! — Dolly — Lyceum Theatre, Manhattan, NY

      • Only list the director if they’re very well-known (you can put their name alongside the company’s name or in place of the location if you’re short on space).
    • TV: 8 Simple Rules — Recurring — ABC/James Widdoes

      • Types of roles in TV credits are series regular, recurring, guest star, or co-star.
    • Film: The Mummy — Lead — Universal Studios/Stephen Sommers

      • Types of roles in film credits are lead, supporting, principal, or featured.
  6. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 6


    Mention your acting education and training. If you have a degree in acting, list the title of your degree and your major, the school’s name, and the school’s location (city and state) in a 3-column layout. Also include any workshops, masterclasses, seminars, or training you’ve had outside of a school setting (a list or 3-column layout will both work). [9]

    • For example: “BFA, Acting — New York University — New York City, NY”
    • Mention any specialized training or certifications related to acting, like stunt coordination or choreography, and any well-known teachers or coaches you’ve studied with.
    • Your graduation dates are optional. To keep your age vague, leave them out.
    • List any training in acting-related fields like music (especially singing), dance, improv, or stunts.
  7. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 7


    Highlight special skills that make you stand out from other applicants. After your education, make a simple list of anything you can do that would catch a casting agent’s attention. These might be things like juggling, acrobatics, dancing, foreign languages and accents, musical instruments, or stunts. Only list things you can do well and at a moment’s notice.[10]

    • For example: “Special Skills: aerial acrobatics, singing (classical and pop), dance (tap and contemporary), guitar, piano, French accent, German accent, juggling.”
    • Some more special skills casting agents might look for are crying on cue, voiceover acting, improvisation, stage combat or weapons handling experience, clowning, or miming.
    • The more unique or specialized your skill sets are, the more you’ll stand out. For example, instead of “dance,” you could put “ballet and samba.”
  8. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 8


    Add any awards or accolades you’ve received for your acting. Show casting or hiring agents you’ve been recognized for your talent, work ethic, and dedication to make them want to work with you. List awards, scholarships, nominations, and honorary mentions you’ve received in acting or a related field. If you haven’t received a notable award yet, leave this section out.[11]

  9. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 9


    Customize your resume for specific roles or auditions. Decide which roles, experiences, and special skills are the most relevant to the role you’re auditioning for. For example, if you’re trying out for a stage role, list your live theater experience first instead of TV or film roles (and vice versa). If you have enough experience, consider separate resumes for stage auditions and on-camera auditions.[12]

    • Save your resume in an easy-to-access location on your computer for fast editing and updating. If you’re submitting electronically, save it as a PDF file so it’s readable on any device.
  10. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 10


    Arrange your resume so it fits on one 8×10 inch (20×25 cm) page. If you’re struggling to make everything fit, edit down your information so you’re only including the most relevant and impressive roles and awards. A smaller font can help fit everything—just make sure it’s no smaller than size 10 for easy readability.[13]

    • Stick with a clean, professional font like Times New Roman or Arial.
    • Stick with one font color (black).
    • Make your resume stand out by keeping it super clean and readable. Bold your headers and leave plenty of white space on the page so it’s easy to skim quickly.
  2. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 11


    Include a good headshot with your resume. A headshot is an 8×10 inch (20×25 cm) color photo of you from the shoulders up. It shows what you currently look like and helps casting agents remember you and your audition. A professional photo shoot looks the best, but you can take your own headshot if you have the right equipment and want to save some money.[14]
    Here are some tips for a fantastic headshot:

    • Wear a simple, solid-colored shirt. Dark colors photograph better than light colors, and white should be avoided.
    • Wear your hair in a simple, everyday style and keep your makeup to a minimum (the photographer can make touch ups during editing if necessary).
    • Pose in a natural position. Your shot shouldn’t include your hands or any props.
    • Remember, casting agents want to see the natural you. Wild clothing, makeup, hair, or poses will distract them (and hurt your chances of getting the role).
  3. Image titled Create Your Acting Resume Step 12


    Staple your resume to the back of your headshot. If your printed resume is larger than 8×10 inches (20×25 cm), trim the excess paper away so it fits—just make sure you’re not cutting off any text. Staple the top 2 corners to securely attach the resume to the headshot.[15]

    • Stapling ensures your resume and headshot don’t get separated. Avoid using paper clips or tape.
    • Don’t print your resume on the back of your headshot. It’s costly and inconvenient to print large photos every time you update your resume.
  4. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do you succeed in acting auditions?

    Patricia Chukerman

    Patricia Chukerman is an Image Consultant & Marketing Specialist and the Owner of Paperworks Image Consulting and Stoned on Rocks. With more than 36 years of experience, she specializes in helping companies decide how to market themselves. In addition to her work with businesses, she also has more than four years of acting experience and more than five years of crafting experience. Patricia earned her BA from The University of Illinois Chicago. Patricia is also the President of the Dania Beach Chamber of Commerce and the President of the Hollywood Florida Scholarship Foundation.

    Patricia Chukerman

    Image Consultant & Marketing Specialist

    Expert Answer

    Have the confidence to know that if your agent didn’t think you could handle the audition, they would not have proposed you for the part! Do your best!

  • Question

    How can I become an actor?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    There are lots of different ways people become actors. Most people go through some kind of training (college or other acting programs), put together a resume and a headshot, and take auditions until they land a role. Getting an agent can help you find more acting experience to fill out your resume and get you noticed.

  • Question

    How long should an audition reel be for a commercial?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Usually 60-90 seconds (2 minutes max). Only include your strongest material. 3 clips that are great will have a better impact than 5 clips that are not as great, even if the reel is shorter.

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  • Always be honest on your resume. Lies or fabrications will come out when you’re asked to demonstrate a special skill or if a hiring agent tries to speak with a director you listed but haven’t actually worked with.

  • Only list directors, teachers, or co-stars you’ve worked with if they’re very well-known or relevant to the role you want. Saving space is important, and too many names can make your resume look crowded and hard to skim.

  • Update your resume as you gain experience. When you’re first starting out, it might only contain college or community theater roles. As you grow into a professional, replace amateur productions with more high-profile or reputable ones.



About This Article

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 421,210 times.

Reader Success Stories

  • Vincent Ritz

    Vincent Ritz

    Aug 17, 2017

    «These articles helped broaden my mind to the intricate details of acting and the extensive process it takes to…» more

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Воспользуйтесь нашим образцом профессионального актерского резюме и подробными советами по написанию, чтобы составить идеальное резюме и получить больше отзывов.

Актерское резюме

Убедитесь, что вы выбрали правильный формат резюме, соответствующий вашему уникальному опыту и жизненной ситуации.


Электронная почта: [email protected]
Телефон: 661 537 1290
Адрес: 581 Del Monte Drive
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Веб-сайт: www.tom.myers.com


Джульярдская драматическая школа — Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк

Преподаватель актерского мастерства на степень бакалавра искусств
: Дэвид Лэмпер,
инструкция по импровизации

Актерская студия Марианны — Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк

Инструктор: Марианна Апре


Цвет глаз
: карий Рост: 5 футов 6 дюймов
Цвет волос: каштановый
Вес: 115 фунтов


Дети 2: Возвращение | Поддержка | Аллен Ским/Paramount Films
Делавэр горит | Актер | Грег Плинки/ABC
Citizen Pain | Главный | Том Стетсон / Rockcount Studios
Билл, мой папа: Сезоны 2-4 | Повторяющийся | Хэм Левин/NBC Studios
Приходи и смотри 3: Воскрешение | Главный | Дэвид Манн/Lighthouse Pictures

Голосовые кредиты

Мак и Милдред Сезоны 3-6 | Поддержка | Kids Toons Inc.
Банк Северной Звезды | Голос компании | North Star Financial
Iron Gears: Возмездие | Актер | Игры TenCents


Свободное владение испанским языком. Разговорный французский. Пение (баритон)
. Акценты: французский, испанский, итальянский, русский, кокни, австралиец, северная Англия.

3 совета по созданию впечатляющего актерского резюме

Прежде чем приступить к написанию, убедитесь, что вы знаете, как написать резюме так, чтобы оно лучше всего подчеркивало ваши сильные стороны.

Переполненный театр, вызов новой роли, волна волнения — ни для кого не секрет, что актерское мастерство — одна из самых приносящих удовлетворение профессий. Для многих успешная карьера в музыкальном театре, кино или на телевидении — это сбывшаяся мечта.

Съемочная группа готовится к съемкам сцены.

Но ни для кого не секрет, что в актерское мастерство сложно пробиться. Даже самые талантливые исполнители изо всех сил пытаются получить обратный звонок.

Так как же выделиться и привлечь внимание директора по кастингу, если одних только актерских способностей недостаточно? Хорошо написанное резюме, подчеркивающее ваши сильные стороны , — отличный первый шаг.

Даже если вы новичок с небольшим формальным опытом или вообще без него, не волнуйтесь. Эти три экспертных совета помогут вам составить впечатляющее актерское резюме и повысят ваши шансы на получение обратного звонка.

1. Не бойтесь пустого пространства

Если вы молоды или у вас нет опыта, создание резюме может показаться пугающим. Как заставить себя выглядеть впечатляюще без достаточного количества кредитов, чтобы заполнить всю страницу?

Чего вы не хотите делать, так это дополнять свое резюме не относящейся к делу информацией или чепухой. Директора по кастингу обычно просматривают любое резюме менее десяти секунд, поэтому заполнение его информацией, которую они не хотят видеть, только затруднит его чтение.

Пустое место в актерском резюме — это нормально и даже хорошо, в зависимости от того, что ищет кастинг-директор. Многие режиссеры рассматривают скудное резюме как возможность представить свою работу со свежим взглядом и представить потенциальную звезду прорыва.

Тем не менее, если вы изо всех сил пытаетесь найти что-то для своего резюме, не бойтесь перечислять любой свой опыт (даже если он кажется незначительным). Сыграть роль, которую вы играли в школьном или студенческом спектакле, все же лучше, чем ничего, и показать режиссерам по кастингу, что вы знакомы с индустрией.


Правильный формат резюме может сделать даже самую неоднородную историю работы великолепной. Перед выбором шаблона убедитесь, что вы рассмотрели свои варианты.

2. Подчеркните свои навыки

Поскольку ваше актерское резюме, скорее всего, не требует большого опыта, чем стандартное резюме, включение раздела о надежных навыках — отличный способ выделиться и показать директорам по кастингу, что делает вас уникальным.

Для типичного актерского или театрального резюме вы хотите включить любые языки, на которых вы говорите, акценты, которыми вы овладели, или музыкальные таланты, которыми вы обладаете.

Все эти навыки очень важны для актерской профессии и могут дать вам преимущество перед конкурентами , если режиссер ищет что-то конкретное.

Например, кандидат из нашей выборки решил подчеркнуть свой акцент и знание языка:

Имейте в виду, что вы по-прежнему хотите, чтобы ваш раздел навыков был кратким. Даже если вы умеете говорить с сотней разных акцентов, постарайтесь сузить круг до пяти-десяти тех, на которых вы специализируетесь.


Не можете придумать нужные навыки для включения в резюме ? Вы всегда можете посмотреть несколько примеров кастингов онлайн и посмотреть, что популярно в наши дни.

3. Будьте проще

Хотя может возникнуть соблазн продемонстрировать свою творческую сторону при составлении резюме, в конце концов, удобочитаемость является ключевым фактором. Наш шаблон резюме актера аккуратно упорядочивает информацию о кандидате, делая ее легко усваиваемой директорами по кастингу.

Большинство кастинг-директоров просто ищут ваши кредиты и любую информацию, которая дает им представление о ваших основных способностях. Остальная часть процесса зависит от вашего фактического прослушивания.

Так что будьте проще и перечислите свой опыт в ясной и прямой форме. Типичное актерское резюме перечисляет опыт в управляемом формате, состоящем из трех частей: название, роль и режиссер/студия.

Вот как наш образец кандидата перечислил свой актерский опыт:

В конечном счете, ваши прошлые роли — это то, что интересует большинство кастинг-директоров. Так что пусть ваше резюме будет кратким и легко читаемым — таким образом, основное внимание будет сосредоточено на том, что и должно быть: на вашем прослушивании.

Следующий шаг

Следуя этим ключевым советам по резюме, вы можете получить больше отзывов и получить свою следующую роль.

Если вам не нравится формат резюме нашего кандидата, ознакомьтесь с нашим полным набором шаблонов резюме и выберите тот, который подходит именно вам.

А если вы хотите еще больше упростить процесс подачи заявления о приеме на работу , взгляните на наш простой в использовании конструктор резюме и создайте идеальное резюме всего за несколько минут.

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