Всех приветствую, в этом гайде мы напишем свой Bhop для игры CS:GO, на это у нас уйдёт максимум 10 минут.
Нам понадобится:
- Библиотека для работы с памятью: Memory.dll(Кликабельно).
- Скачанная Visual Studio со всеми драйверами для работы с C#.
- Знание языка на начальном уровне.
Сначала делаем чтение «Флагов», они служат для определения где находится игрок, на земле или в воздухе:
public static int Flags()
int localplayer = mem.Read<Int>(client_dll + Offsets.dwLocalPlayer);
int flags = mem.Read<Int>(localplayer + Offsets.m_fFlags);
return flags;
После этого пишем основном код Баннихопа:
public static void Bhop()
if (BhopProperty) // Отвечает за проверку включена ли функция (сюда вписываем свою переменную типа Bool).
if (GetAsyncKeyState(32) != 0) // Выполнение проверку нажал ли пользователь пробел. 32 - виртуальный код клавиши "Пробел".
if (Flags() == 257 || Flags() == 263) // Проверка флагов, 257- игрок на земле и не в присяде, 263 - игрок на земле но в присяде.
mem.Write<int>(client_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 5); // Запись в память игры команды прыжка. 5 - Нажатие.
mem.Write<int>(client_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 4); // 4 - Отжатие прыжка.
Так же не забываем добавить импорт метода GetAsyncKeyState() из user32.dll:
public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);
В моём коде нет цикла While потому что метод запускается в отдельном потоке, я рассказывал об этом тут : Как написать Glow Esp | Как написать чит #3.
Вот и всё, наш Bhop готов.
Ну а если я тебе помог, напиши комментарий и поставь лайк под темой.
Последнее редактирование: 24.05.2021
Разве GetAsyncKeyState используется в c#?
Последнее редактирование: 24.05.2021
Разве GetAsyncKeyState используется в c#?
Посмотреть вложение 471
Забыл указать что этот метод нужно импортировать :
public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);
Забыл указать что этот метод нужно импортировать :
[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);
Можно узнать узнать по подробней как правильно импортировать?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using static VandalHack.ProcesManager;
using static VandalHack.Proporti;
namespace VandalHack
static class Program
static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //---> [DllImport("user32.dll")] <---- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //---> public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey); <----!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
public static void esp()
int localplayer = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwLocalPlayer);
int myteam = mem.Read<int>(localplayer + Offsets.m_iTeamNum);
for (byte i = 0; i < 64; i++)
int enlist = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwEntityList + i * 0x10);
int emyteam = mem.Read<int>(enlist + Offsets.m_iTeamNum);
float EnyHp = mem.Read<int>(enlist + Offsets.m_iHealth) / 100f;
if (enlist != 0)
if (emyteam != 0 && emyteam != myteam)
int glowindex = mem.Read<int>(enlist + Offsets.m_iGlowIndex);
if (HpBase)
DrawEnity(glowindex, EnyHp);
DrawEnity(glowindex, 225, 0, 0);
static void DrawEnity(int GlowIndex, int red, int green, int blue)
int GlowObject = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwGlowObjectManager);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 4, red / 100f);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 8, green / 100f);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 12, blue / 100f);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x10, 225 / 100f);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x24, true);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x25, false);
} // GLOW
static void DrawEnity(int GlowIndex, float hp)
int GlowObject = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwGlowObjectManager);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 4, 1 - hp);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 8, hp);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 12, 0);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x10, 225 / 100f);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x24, true);
mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x25, false);
} // HP
public static int Flags()
int localplayer = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwLocalPlayer);
int flags = mem.Read<int>(localplayer + Offsets.m_fFlags);
return flags;
public static void Bhop()
if (Buhhop)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(32) != 0)
if (Flags() == 257 || Flags() == 263)
mem.Write<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 5);
mem.Write<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 4);
Можно узнать узнать по подробней как правильно импортировать?
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using static VandalHack.ProcesManager; using static VandalHack.Proporti; namespace VandalHack { static class Program { [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new Form1()); } !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //---> [DllImport("user32.dll")] <---- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //---> public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey); <----!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! public static void esp() { while(true) { Thread.Sleep(1); int localplayer = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwLocalPlayer); int myteam = mem.Read<int>(localplayer + Offsets.m_iTeamNum); for (byte i = 0; i < 64; i++) { int enlist = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwEntityList + i * 0x10); int emyteam = mem.Read<int>(enlist + Offsets.m_iTeamNum); float EnyHp = mem.Read<int>(enlist + Offsets.m_iHealth) / 100f; if (GLOWESP) { if (enlist != 0) { if (emyteam != 0 && emyteam != myteam) { int glowindex = mem.Read<int>(enlist + Offsets.m_iGlowIndex); if (HpBase) { DrawEnity(glowindex, EnyHp); } else { DrawEnity(glowindex, 225, 0, 0); } } } } } } } static void DrawEnity(int GlowIndex, int red, int green, int blue) { int GlowObject = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwGlowObjectManager); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 4, red / 100f); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 8, green / 100f); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 12, blue / 100f); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x10, 225 / 100f); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x24, true); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x25, false); } // GLOW static void DrawEnity(int GlowIndex, float hp) { int GlowObject = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwGlowObjectManager); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 4, 1 - hp); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 8, hp); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 12, 0); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x10, 225 / 100f); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x24, true); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x25, false); } // HP public static int Flags() { int localplayer = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwLocalPlayer); int flags = mem.Read<int>(localplayer + Offsets.m_fFlags); return flags; } public static void Bhop() { if (Buhhop) { if (GetAsyncKeyState(32) != 0) { return; } if (Flags() == 257 || Flags() == 263) { mem.Write<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 5); Thread.Sleep(49); mem.Write<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 4); } } } } }
static class Program
// вставлять тут
static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
Можно узнать узнать по подробней как правильно импортировать?
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using static VandalHack.ProcesManager; using static VandalHack.Proporti; namespace VandalHack { static class Program { [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new Form1()); } !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //---> [DllImport("user32.dll")] <---- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //---> public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey); <----!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! public static void esp() { while(true) { Thread.Sleep(1); int localplayer = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwLocalPlayer); int myteam = mem.Read<int>(localplayer + Offsets.m_iTeamNum); for (byte i = 0; i < 64; i++) { int enlist = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwEntityList + i * 0x10); int emyteam = mem.Read<int>(enlist + Offsets.m_iTeamNum); float EnyHp = mem.Read<int>(enlist + Offsets.m_iHealth) / 100f; if (GLOWESP) { if (enlist != 0) { if (emyteam != 0 && emyteam != myteam) { int glowindex = mem.Read<int>(enlist + Offsets.m_iGlowIndex); if (HpBase) { DrawEnity(glowindex, EnyHp); } else { DrawEnity(glowindex, 225, 0, 0); } } } } } } } static void DrawEnity(int GlowIndex, int red, int green, int blue) { int GlowObject = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwGlowObjectManager); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 4, red / 100f); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 8, green / 100f); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 12, blue / 100f); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x10, 225 / 100f); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x24, true); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x25, false); } // GLOW static void DrawEnity(int GlowIndex, float hp) { int GlowObject = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwGlowObjectManager); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 4, 1 - hp); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 8, hp); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 12, 0); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x10, 225 / 100f); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x24, true); mem.Write(GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x25, false); } // HP public static int Flags() { int localplayer = mem.Read<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwLocalPlayer); int flags = mem.Read<int>(localplayer + Offsets.m_fFlags); return flags; } public static void Bhop() { if (Buhhop) { if (GetAsyncKeyState(32) != 0) { return; } if (Flags() == 257 || Flags() == 263) { mem.Write<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 5); Thread.Sleep(49); mem.Write<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 4); } } } } }
Ты точно по гайду писал?
public static void Bhop()
if (Buhhop)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(32) != 0) // ты делаешь проверку нажат ли пробел и выполняешь прыжки в игре, а из-за return после того как нажат пробел ты пропускаешь итерацию цикла и прыгаешь когда он не нажат.
return; // зачем?
if (Flags() == 257 || Flags() == 263)
mem.Write<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 5);
mem.Write<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 4);
Ты точно по гайду писал?
public static void Bhop() { if (Buhhop) { if (GetAsyncKeyState(32) != 0) // ты делаешь проверку нажат ли пробел и выполняешь прыжки в игре, а из-за return после того как нажат пробел ты пропускаешь итерацию цикла и прыгаешь когда он не нажат. { return; // зачем? } if (Flags() == 257 || Flags() == 263) { mem.Write<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 5); Thread.Sleep(49); mem.Write<int>(clinet_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 4); } } }
Спасибо тебе большое
Всех приветствую, в этом гайде мы напишем свой Bhop для игры CS:GO, на это у нас уйдёт максимум 10 минут.
Нам понадобится:
- Библиотека для работы с памятью: Memory.dll(Кликабельно).
- Скачанная Visual Studio со всеми драйверами для работы с C#.
- Знание языка на начальном уровне.
Сначала делаем чтение «Флагов», они служат для определения где находится игрок, на земле или в воздухе:
public static int Flags() { int localplayer = mem.Read<Int>(client_dll + Offsets.dwLocalPlayer); int flags = mem.Read<Int>(localplayer + Offsets.m_fFlags); return flags; }
После этого пишем основном код Баннихопа:
public static void Bhop() { if (BhopProperty) // Отвечает за проверку включена ли функция (сюда вписываем свою переменную типа Bool). { if (GetAsyncKeyState(32) != 0) // Выполнение проверку нажал ли пользователь пробел. 32 - виртуальный код клавиши "Пробел". { if (Flags() == 257 || Flags() == 263) // Проверка флагов, 257- игрок на земле и не в присяде, 263 - игрок на земле но в присяде. { mem.Write<int>(client_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 5); // Запись в память игры команды прыжка. 5 - Нажатие. Thread.Sleep(49); mem.Write<int>(client_dll + Offsets.dwForceJump, 4); // 4 - Отжатие прыжка. } } } }
Так же не забываем добавить импорт метода GetAsyncKeyState() из user32.dll:
[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);
В моём коде нет цикла While потому что метод запускается в отдельном потоке, я рассказывал об этом тут : Как написать Glow Esp | Как написать чит #3.
Вот и всё, наш Bhop готов.
Ну а если я тебе помог, напиши комментарий и поставь лайк под темой.
у меня memory.dll использует не mem.Write<int>(…); , а mem.WriteMemory(string + string, «int», «0») и из-за этого у меня не получается, что делать?
Я не буду объяснять, как создавать проекты в VisualStudio и тому подобное, будем считать, что те, кто читают этот гайд, хотя бы немного разбираются в том, как создавать и работать с проектами в визуалке.
1)Первым делом нужно скачать библиотеку на GitHub:NativeManager
2)Скомпилируйте эту библиотеку у себя на компьютере
3)Создайте свой проект с будущим читом
4)Через ссылки добавьте NativeManager в свой проект
5)Приступаем к разработке!!!!
Чит мы будем создавать на примере игры CS:GO
1)После того как мы создали проект с читом, нам нужно добавить ссылки на пространства имен нашего NativeManager’a
using System.MemoryInteraction;
2)В NativeManager есть 2 класса для работы с памятью
- SimpleMemoryManager
- MemoryManager(Производный класс от SimpleMemoryManager)
Мы будем использовать класс MemoryManager, так как в нем реализованы методы, которые позволяют нам без дополнительных усилий прочитать данные из памяти процесса.
3)Пишем код для присоединения к процессу игры
Игра должна быть запущена раньше чита, иначе мы словим исключение, что такого процесса не существует!
Process process = Process.GetProcessesByName("csgo")[0];
MemoryManager memory = process.GetMemoryManager();
В первой строчке кода мы указали, что нам нужен процесс с именем «CSGO».
Во второй строчке кода мы указали, что нам нужно получить экземпляр MemoryManager для работы с виртуальной памятью процесса.
4)Следующим этапом нам нужно получить модули процесса, с которыми нам нужно работать, что бы прочитать нужные нам данные
IntPtr client = process.GetModule("client.dll").BaseAddress;
5)Создаем бесконечный цикл для того, что бы наш чит постоянно читал данные из игры и мог так же в нее записывать.
6)Теперь нам нужно получить локального игрока из игры. Для этого в цикле нам нужно написать вот такой код
IntPtr localPlayer = memory.Read<IntPtr>(client + 0xD3FC5C);
Число 0xD3FC5C может меняться с каждым обновлением игры. Следить за обновлением оффсетов можно на GitHub по этой ссылке:hazedumper
7)Мы получили локального игрока, теперь нам нужно получить его флаг. С помощью него мы будем понимать в прыжке он или нет
int flag = memory.Read<int>(localPlayer + 0x104);
8)Для начала сделаем проверку на нажатие кнопки пробела
Этот код нужно добавить в любой из классов
static extern bool GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);
А этот код в наш цикл после получения флага
if (GetAsyncKeyState(32))
9)Теперь нам нужно сделать проверку, находится игрок в воздухе или на земле. Для этого нужно добавить этот код в условие проверки нажатия клавиши пробел
if(flag == 256 || flag == 262)
10)В этом условии нам нужно сделать запись в память игры, что бы делать прыжок, когда мы оказываемся на земле
if (flag == 256 || flag == 262)
memory.Write(client + 0x51FE22C, 4);
memory.Write(client + 0x51FE22C, 5);
На этом все. Мы написали такой маленький и легкий код, с помощью которого наш персонаж может прыгать без остановок.
Надеюсь, я объяснил все доходчиво и понятно. Если будут какие то вопросы, то с удовольствием отвечу вам на них в комментариях.
А вот подарок тем, кто не хочет копировать код по частям.
Process process = Process.GetProcessesByName("csgo")[0];
MemoryManager memory = process.GetMemoryManager();
IntPtr client = process.GetModule("client.dll").BaseAddress;
IntPtr localPlayer = memory.Read<IntPtr>(client + 0xD3FC5C);
int flag = memory.Read<int>(localPlayer + 0x104);
if (GetAsyncKeyState(32))
if (flag == 256 || flag == 262)
memory.Write(client + 0x51FE22C, 4);
memory.Write(client + 0x51FE22C, 5);
Authenticator Code |
Thread Tools |
[C++] Creating your first cheat (Bunnyhop) |
#1 |
Depris A God Join Date: Dec 2016
Reputation: 847 Points: 5,992, Level: 8 Level up: 54%, 508 Points needed Activity: 2.5% Last Achievements |
In this tutorial, I will show the basics in creating your first C++ external cheat in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Memory Reading/Writing Requirements Download ProcMem here: http://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/do…=file&id=13249 Writing it up If you look inside ProcMem you will see that the functions are inside a class named ProcMem. Type «ProcMem» (Name of the class) followed by a shortcut to access the functions inside the class. I have chosen to use Mem. Now lets define the entry point of the application. By default this is stated by: Code: int main() { return 0; } After that we are going to want to choose which process we are wanting to attach to and which process we want to read/write memory from. Access our memory class and choose the function Process. The function accepts a char input so we simply put the name of the process. In this case it would be «csgo.exe». Now we need to choose which module we want to read from. Again access the memory class and choose the function Module. Again it accepts a char and simple put the name of the module. We want to use the client.dll. This function returns a value so assign the function to a variable with the type DWORD. Now we need some offsets. I’m not going to go into detail into what offsets are but basically the determine the distance to find the memory that we are interested in reading/writing. For a bunnyhop cheat we need the following offsets.
In the past offsets were found using external tools such as Cheat Engine. Nowadays, they are easily found all over the internet. Go to the last page of: Global Offensive Structs/Offsets And take note of the Offsets we need. Code: - - - - - - Tool by Y3t1y3t ( uc ) - - - - - - | -> http://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/counterstrike-global-offensive/100856-cs-go-offset-dumper-small-one.html | -> Thu Dec 15 11:37:55 2016 - - DT_BasePlayer -> m_fFlags: _____________________ 0x00000100 LocalPlayer -> m_dwLocalPlayer: ________________ 0x00AA5834 Extra -> m_dwForceJump: ________________________ 0x04F5EB58 Simple define these variables in your solution. It even tells you what variable type is needed for each offsets. We are going to use a struct to contain this information. Code: struct sOffsets{ DWORD dwFlags = 0x100; DWORD dwLocalPlayer = 0x00AA5834; DWORD dwForceJump = 0x04F5EB58; }Offsets;
We can access these variables using Offsets.<name> Simple use: Mem.Read<data type>(Addresses); and assign the value of the function to a variable. We are going to find the Local Base by adding the LocalPlayer offset to our already round Client address. Code: DWORD dwLocalBase = Mem.Read<DWORD>(Offsets.dwLocalPlayer + dwClientDLL); Next we are going to read our player flags Code: BYTE dwFlags = Mem.Read<DWORD>(dwLocalBase + Offsets.dwFlags); Put this in a loop so that it constantly reads the memory so we know when it changes. Code: From MSDN - Shift Operators: >> and << The left-shift operator causes the bit pattern in the first operand to be shifted to the left by the number of bits specified by the second operand. Bits vacated by the shift operation are zero-filled. This is a logical shift instead of a shift-and-rotate operation. This means that the user is taking the bits value of 1 and shifting the bits to the left based on the right number. For CS:GO when our bit flags are 1 << 0 are player is at rest / on the ground. Other flags Code: #define FL_ONGROUND (1<<0) // At rest / on the ground #define FL_DUCKING (1<<1) // Player flag -- Player is fully crouched #define FL_WATERJUMP (1<<2) // player jumping out of water #define FL_ONTRAIN (1<<3) // Player is _controlling_ a train, so movement commands should be ignored on client during prediction. #define FL_INRAIN (1<<4) // Indicates the entity is standing in rain #define FL_FROZEN (1<<5) // Player is frozen for 3rd person camera #define FL_ATCONTROLS (1<<6) // Player can't move, but keeps key inputs for controlling another entity #define FL_CLIENT (1<<7) // Is a player #define FL_FAKECLIENT (1<<8) // Fake client, simulated server side; don't send network messages to them #define FL_INWATER (1<<9) // In water Basically we want to jump every time our player is touching the ground for PERFECT hops. Therefore define FL_ONGROUND in our solution. We use an if statement to check that when our player in on the ground to write 6 to the jump address. We could write 1 but it means we also have to write 0 again. Writing 6 is much easier and write 1 and then 0 for you. Before we write memory, make sure to add the memory writing template to your ProcMem. So just place: Mem.Write<DWORD>(dwClientDLL + Offsets.dwForceJump, 6); into the code executed in your if statement. Code: // Memory Writing Template template<class t> BOOL Write(DWORD dwAddress, t ValueToWrite) { return WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)dwAddress, &ValueToWrite, sizeof(t), NULL); } Lets use && GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) to check if space is pressed. And we should have a perfect BHOP cheat. Code: #include "ProcMem.h" #define FL_ONGROUND (1 << 0) struct sOffsets{ DWORD dwFlags = 0x100; DWORD dwLocalPlayer = 0x00AA5834; DWORD dwForceJump = 0x04F5EB58; }Offsets; ProcMem Mem; int main() { Mem.Process("csgo.exe"); DWORD dwClientDLL = Mem.Module("client.dll"); while (true) { DWORD dwLocalBase = Mem.Read<DWORD>(Offsets.dwLocalPlayer + dwClientDLL); BYTE dwFlags = Mem.Read<DWORD>(dwLocalBase + Offsets.dwFlags); if (dwFlags & FL_ONGROUND && GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) { Mem.Write<DWORD>(dwClientDLL + Offsets.dwForceJump, 6); } } return 0; } Simple press the green play button to run your program. Make sure you’re running VB using admin privileges. |
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#2 |
legitplayer1337 The Legendary Cheater Join Date: Jan 2016 Location: Czech Republic
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Its not bad tutorial just 1 thing. Stop using ProcMem we are not in 2013. __________________ Code: C:UsersMax KunesDocumentsVisual Studio 2015ProjectsCSGO-SDK-Example-masterReleasesource.pdb record x;stop (top forceupdate method) |
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#3 |
GDPR_Anonymous MVP Join Date: Sep 2005
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Originally Posted by Depris And we should have a perfect BHOP cheat. that eats 100% cpu I recommend sleeping in that infinite loop. And why this weird use of the struct? An enum class/global constexpr variables have it’s uses too. Personally I would rewrite it like this if you’re not using the sdk: Code: enum class Entity_flags : unsigned int { on_ground = (1 << 0), ducking = (1 << 1), water_jump = (1 << 2), on_train = (1 << 3), in_rain = (1 << 4), frozen = (1 << 5), at_controls = (1 << 6), client = (1 << 7), fake_client = (1 << 8), in_water = (1 << 9) }; enum class Entity_offsets : DWORD { flags = 0x100 }; enum class Client_offsets : DWORD { local_player = 0x00AA5834, force_jump = 0x04F5EB58 };
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#4 |
Depris A God
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Originally Posted by legitplayer1337 Its not bad tutorial just 1 thing. Stop using ProcMem we are not in 2013. Obviously I don’t use ProcMem in my own cheat. This is more for beginners. I’ll possibly discuss how to make a memory class in my next tutorial. Thanks for the feedback. |
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#5 |
JStyler 1337 H4x0!2 Join Date: May 2013
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You forgot dw_mouseEnable, else you will bhop while chatting and pressing space in pausemenu. Nice tutorial but next time you do it, make it properly. |
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#6 |
zxcvbnm12345 n00bie Join Date: Dec 2016
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Good tutorial. Thank you |
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#7 |
olsarets7 UC Supporter Join Date: Mar 2014
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Originally Posted by legitplayer1337 Its not bad tutorial just 1 thing. Stop using ProcMem we are not in 2013. ^ This. |
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#8 |
llefty n00bie Join Date: Sep 2016
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Thank you so much dude, this is really useful. |
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#9 |
synthfx A Forum Hero Join Date: Aug 2014 Location: Germany
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An advice regarding your memory write function: — it should be universal, hence also a template function. Why not make the parameters also as universal as possible? Code: template < typename T > bool Write( std::uintptr_t address, T const& val ) { return !!WriteProcessMemory( proc, reinterpret_cast< LPVOID >( address ), reinterpret_cast< LPCVOID >( &val ), sizeof( val ), nullptr ); }
uintptr_t is, depending on the configuration of your solution, either 32-bits or 64-bits long ‘T const& val’ is useful because of when the template’s deduced/passed type is larger than Also use bool instead of BOOL. Instead of copying 4 bytes you are only copying 1 byte. —- Other than mentioning and using ProcMem, nice tutorial
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#10 |
fisherprice UnKnoWnCheaTeR Join Date: May 2016 Location: China
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gj. just stay good old basic winapi call and include. procmem mean user stuck ask question here when tutorial finish. cannot progress if noob. __________________ Quote: Recent completed projects: EFIPM — EFI Physmeme / ApexBot / ValorantBot null#0740 |
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#11 |
Burak DatLife Member Join Date: Jul 2015
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Nice tutorial for begginers. but why you are writing memory for bhop |
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#12 |
Depris A God
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Originally Posted by Burak DatLife Nice tutorial for begginers. but why you are writing memory for bhop In terms of detection doesn’t make any difference. Also less chance of fail.
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#13 |
user2plus Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2016 Location: Ukraine, Kyiv
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Why u using lib’s for first hack? Only full code in your hax, because VAC has db with all yours libs… |
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#14 |
ReactiioN Junior Forum Moderator Join Date: Sep 2012 Location: ∞ DevOps
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Originally Posted by user2plus Why u using lib’s for first hack? Only full code in your hax, because VAC has db with all yours libs… What for a lib? He’s just using a fucking (low coded) header file. Thats not a library __________________ My contributions: Jabber(XMPP): [email protected] | rule 7. |
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#15 |
Depris A God
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If you have experience in coding anything with the windows API, you can recreate your own memory class. |
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#16 |
m1se The Legendary Cheater Join Date: Jul 2015
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As you fucking stated, isn’t this supposed to be for «beginners», what makes you think that most people that read this thread, which I may state again «is for beginners», know how to use the windows API???!!! |
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#17 |
Depris A God
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Originally Posted by m1se As you fucking stated, isn’t this supposed to be for «beginners», what makes you think that most people that read this thread, which I may state again «is for beginners», know how to use the windows API???!!! Which is why I suggested to use ProcMem. |
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#18 |
balto The Legendary Cheater Join Date: Dec 2014
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Originally Posted by Burak DatLife Nice tutorial for begginers. but why you are writing memory for bhop it’s actuality fails a lot |
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#19 |
ReactiioN Junior Forum Moderator Join Date: Sep 2012 Location: ∞ DevOps
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btw I wouldn’t call that ‘c++’ __________________ My contributions: Jabber(XMPP): [email protected] | rule 7. |
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[C++] How to make a simple external bunnyhop hack!
Hello everyone, gonna teach you guys how to make a simple bunnyhop today.
To get started you need to learn C++, if you do not know C++ i recommend you to read my Tutorial for getting started with gamehacking, which can be found Here!
Credits for helping me ALOT with game hacking: @jkfauvel When you feel comfortable enough to create a hack you can continue with this tutorial!
First of all, you need 2 files, ProcMem.h and ProcMem.cpp.
Open a Project and Add a header file called ProcMem.h. Within this header file paste the content from this pastebin:
After that you will need to add a source file called ProcMem.cpp, paste the content from this pastebin into it:
After you are done copy pasting theese 2, create a new source folder and name it main.cpp, after you are done adding all of theese your project should look like this:
After you have gotten all of the things sorted, we can start working on the code!Now we need to make our declarations!
#include "ProcMem.h" // including the header we just made! #include <iostream> // Used for ALOT of features. #include <Windows.h> // let us do stuff like keybd_event, sleep and alot of other stuff! // Not gonna need to use namespace std here, we have nothing to use it on! :) ProcMem Mem; // Shortcut for our Memory reading function!
Once thoose are done, we need to start defining some things we are gonna need, such as key codes and key scans!
Just under that type in:
#define key_space 0x20 // key_space is space button. #define key9 0x39 // key 9 is the button 9 (Not to be confused with numpad 9) #define key9_sc 0x0A // Scan code so we can use it in a keybd_event() void bhopFunc(); // This is where we are going to put our bunnyhop function!
After you have gotten your declaration done, you need to get the latest offsets for csgo, you can get theese by using cheat engine or searching around! (Currently theese offsets are up to date as of 2015-02-24)
const DWORD localBase = 0xA6C90C // This is our localBase. const DWORD flagOffset = 0x100 // This is our m_fFlags offset!
Now we have all our Offsets and declarations done, we can start working on our actual bunnyhop!
We are now gonna make our bhopFunc and start reading the games memory!Code:
void bhopFunc() { int FL_ONGROUND = 257; // When player is on ground this value is 257, 256 when in air. Mem.Process("csgo.exe"); // Process we are reading from. DWORD ClientDLL = Mem.Module("client.dll"); // This is the module we are reading from. }
After you have choosen the Process and Module we’re reading from, you wanna add this which is our localPlayer and m_fFlags:
DWORD localPlayer = Mem.Read<DWORD>(ClientDLL + localBase); // This is our local player. int m_fFlags = Mem.Read<DWORD>(localPlayer + flagOffset); // this is m_fFlags.
Now we have everything we need to create our bhop, we need to actually make it jump when holding space bar!
To do this we must add this line:
if (GetAsyncKeyState(key_space) & 0x8000 && m_fFlags == FL_ONGROUND) { /* If player is holding space, and m_fFlags is equal to 257 press space.*/ keybd_event(KEY9, KEY9SC, 0, 0); keybd_event(KEY9, KEY9SC, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); }
Everything we need is in the bunnyhop function, all we need to do is add a loop to our main function which calls our bhopFunc! Which can be done like this:
int main() { while(true) { bhopFunc(); } }
Now, hopefully you have your very own working bunnyhop hack. This exact method is probably detected, but have fun creating hacks guys!
If you get banned using this method, dont blame me. I have warned you
Make sure to click that «Thanks» button if helped you!
Im gonna be heading to sleep now, if there are any issues you want help with, I’ll reply tomorrow!
Edit: (Was tired when i made this, sorry for small misstakes!)
Since this only spams a bunch of 9’s when holding down space you will have to open console and type the following:
1. unbind space
2. bind 9 «+jump»
3. ?
4. ProfitLast edited by Yemiez; 02-24-2015 at 01:00 AM.
Reason: Spelling issues.
The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Yemiez For This Useful Post:
980322091 (05-15-2015),Adrenaline (10-07-2015),Galaxyxd (02-26-2015),OscR (04-05-2015),Qw1Kkb3an85 (05-03-2015),WolfLordSky (04-24-2015),Zugatti (06-08-2015)
Correct me if I’m wrong but from what I’ve seen, the cout ambiguous error is a bug that happens when you use cout too often. You are not using any iostream functions though… Consider placing credits….
Last edited by jkfauvel; 02-23-2015 at 10:10 PM.
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.
Usually Dead
Originally Posted by jkfauvel
Correct me if I’m wrong but from what I’ve seen, the cout ambiguous error is a bug that happens when you use cout too often. You are not using any iostream functions though… Consider placing credits….
I was very tired when i made this, and forgot alot of stuff, im try and edit in some stuff now before i head off to school, will do the rest later
Last edited by Yemiez; 02-24-2015 at 01:06 AM.
Reason: spelling misstake
The Following User Says Thank You to Yemiez For This Useful Post:
Why the fuck should you unbind space to jump and use 9 for it? You can just send space.
m_fFlags == FL_ONGROUND
m_fFlags & 0x1 == 1
If you have any questions regarding my hacks, add me on *******: Merccy#8314
Originally Posted by Merccy2
m_fFlags == FL_ONGROUND
m_fFlags & 0x1 == 1
Excuse my ignorance, but what does this changes in practical means?
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.
Originally Posted by jkfauvel
Excuse my ignorance, but what does this changes in practical means?
m_fFlags is a bitmasked value.
The first bit (2 ^ 0 = 1) is the bit that is 1 when you are on the ground.
The second bit (2 ^ 1 = 2) is the bit that is 1 when you are crouching.If you are checking m_fFlags to 257 it won’t work when you are on fire (1 of the bits will change hence changing the complete value).
If you have any questions regarding my hacks, add me on *******: Merccy#8314
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Usually Dead
Originally Posted by Merccy2
m_fFlags is a bitmasked value.
The first bit (2 ^ 0 = 1) is the bit that is 1 when you are on the ground.
The second bit (2 ^ 1 = 2) is the bit that is 1 when you are crouching.If you are checking m_fFlags to 257 it won’t work when you are on fire (1 of the bits will change hence changing the complete value).
I’ve been using a modified version of this method in my multi hack, it works, but maybe changing that will make it go faster? It does work perfectly still, so yea
Edit: Just read your post abit more, what you mean by being on fire you, do you mean stuff like a molotov?Originally Posted by Requiii
Why the fuck should you unbind space to jump and use 9 for it? You can just send space.
Because it wont actually work with this method otherwise. if you have space bound it wont work, just sending space will do nothing, i’ve tried it
It does spam space, but it wont actually jump!Last edited by Yemiez; 02-24-2015 at 07:30 AM.
Originally Posted by PsychoBitch
I’ve been using a modified version of this method in my multi hack, it works, but maybe changing that will make it go faster? It does work perfectly still, so yea
Edit: Just read your post abit more, what you mean by being on fire you, do you mean stuff like a molotov?Because it wont actually work with this method otherwise. if you have space bound it wont work, just sending space will do nothing, i’ve tried it
It does spam space, but it wont actually jump!Onfire, I actually have no idea :P.
Try to crouch and then bhop won’t work because the second bit has changed as well.
You could just write 5 to client.dll + JUMP_OFFSET, sleep and write 4 to client.dll + JUMP_OFFSET.
If you have any questions regarding my hacks, add me on *******: Merccy#8314
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Merccy2 For This Useful Post:
Block4o (05-31-2015),Yemiez (02-24-2015)
Originally Posted by PsychoBitch
Because it wont actually work with this method otherwise. if you have space bound it wont work, just sending space will do nothing, i’ve tried it
It does spam space, but it wont actually jump!That’s not true. If you set the bhop to send space when player is on ground and when space key is held it will work. Yet, you need to know the scan code (0x39) and virtual key code for space (0x20) (here is a table [I usually use the hex code, even though the decimal works]) then:
keybd_event(key_code, scan_code, 0, 0); keybd_event(key_code, scan_code, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
Where key_code is the virtual key code you wanna use (in this case 0x20) and scan_code is the scan code for the key you wanna use (in this case 0x39). Normally we don’t need the scan code when sending a key(windows that are not games often don’t use DirectInput), but CS:GO uses DirectInput so we need the scan code(don’t kill me if this isn’t entirely wrong).
@Requiii This method works, but it’s not good, it does not jump in the right time and it’s slow.The workaround I came up with was setting the jump key to a different one(you can do this in several different ways), like 9. Then send the jump key when player is on ground and when space is held, same way you did with the example I gave. This method works completely fine.
There’s for sure other workarounds that are way better, but haven’t got the time to think of it and it’s only a bhop, this was the easiest method I found…
Last edited by jkfauvel; 02-24-2015 at 02:40 PM.
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.
The Following User Says Thank You to jkfauvel For This Useful Post:
so confused, how do you guys determine where all the spaces go, the ()’s etc etc. i will probs do this tut soon but it all looks so complicated— — — Updated — — —
p.s can you post the full code below? or give a dl link so we can test it and everything
Originally Posted by PvPGod_
so confused, how do you guys determine where all the spaces go, the ()’s etc etc. i will probs do this tut soon but it all looks so complicated
— — — Updated — — —
p.s can you post the full code below? or give a dl link so we can test it and everything
If you have any questions regarding my hacks, add me on *******: Merccy#8314
The Following User Says Thank You to Merccy2 For This Useful Post:
Tip: put «-insecure» in the starting parameters of cs.
You will can not get banned that way
Originally Posted by PsychoBitch
I’ve been using a modified version of this method in my multi hack, it works, but maybe changing that will make it go faster? It does work perfectly still, so yea
Edit: Just read your post abit more, what you mean by being on fire you, do you mean stuff like a molotov?Because it wont actually work with this method otherwise. if you have space bound it wont work, just sending space will do nothing, i’ve tried it
It does spam space, but it wont actually jump!Why does it work with my public hack? (inb4 everybody c&p’s this and complains about bans or not working)
#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: Author: Requi Script Function: Bunnyhop Script for CS:GO #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #RequireAdmin #include <SendMessage.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <NomadMemoryPF.au3> $playerBase = 0x4A0E024 $flagOffset = 0x100 $pHandle = 0 $pID = 0 $clientDll = 0 $hwnd = 0 $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") $pID = ProcessExists("csgo.exe") If $pID <> 0 Then $pHandle = _MemoryOpen($pID) $clientDll = _ProcessGetModuleBaseAddress($pID, "client.dll") $hwnd = WinGetHandle("Counter-Strike: Global Offensive") If @error Then MsgBox(0, "", "An error occured getting handle of window") EndIf BunnyHop() EndIf Func _IsPressed($sHexKey, $vDLL = 'user32.dll') Local $a_R = DllCall($vDLL, "short", "GetAsyncKeyState", "int", '0x' & $sHexKey) If @error Then Return SetError @error, @extended, False) Return BitAND($a_R[0], 0x8000) <> 0 EndFunc Func BunnyHop() While True If(_IsPressed("20", $hDLL)) Then $localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer() $fFlag = GetEntityFlag($localPlayer) If $fFlag = 257 And _WinAPI_GetForegroundWindow() = $hwnd Then _SendMessageA($hwnd, 0x100, 0x20, 0x390000) Sleep(30) _SendMessageA($hwnd, 0x101, 0x20, 0x390000) Sleep(30) EndIf EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func GetLocalPlayer() Return _MemoryRead($clientDll + $playerBase, $pHandle) EndFunc Func GetEntityFlag($ent) Return _MemoryRead($ent + $flagOffset, $pHandle) EndFunc
Usually Dead
Originally Posted by Requiii
Why does it work with my public hack? (inb4 everybody c&p’s this and complains about bans or not working)
#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: Author: Requi Script Function: Bunnyhop Script for CS:GO #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #RequireAdmin #include <SendMessage.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <NomadMemoryPF.au3> $playerBase = 0x4A0E024 $flagOffset = 0x100 $pHandle = 0 $pID = 0 $clientDll = 0 $hwnd = 0 $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") $pID = ProcessExists("csgo.exe") If $pID <> 0 Then $pHandle = _MemoryOpen($pID) $clientDll = _ProcessGetModuleBaseAddress($pID, "client.dll") $hwnd = WinGetHandle("Counter-Strike: Global Offensive") If @error Then MsgBox(0, "", "An error occured getting handle of window") EndIf BunnyHop() EndIf Func _IsPressed($sHexKey, $vDLL = 'user32.dll') Local $a_R = DllCall($vDLL, "short", "GetAsyncKeyState", "int", '0x' & $sHexKey) If @error Then Return SetError @error, @extended, False) Return BitAND($a_R[0], 0x8000) <> 0 EndFunc Func BunnyHop() While True If(_IsPressed("20", $hDLL)) Then $localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer() $fFlag = GetEntityFlag($localPlayer) If $fFlag = 257 And _WinAPI_GetForegroundWindow() = $hwnd Then _SendMessageA($hwnd, 0x100, 0x20, 0x390000) Sleep(30) _SendMessageA($hwnd, 0x101, 0x20, 0x390000) Sleep(30) EndIf EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func GetLocalPlayer() Return _MemoryRead($clientDll + $playerBase, $pHandle) EndFunc Func GetEntityFlag($ent) Return _MemoryRead($ent + $flagOffset, $pHandle) EndFunc
Did you read what jkfauvel said at all?
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/* http://pastebin.com/WyaR6ACM — ProcMem.h
* http://pastebin.com/A6uG024r — ProcMem.cpp */
/* by jkfauvel MPGH.net
* Thanks to the one who have made ProcMem class
* Not using namespace std; because it may make ambiguous, thus give you an error
#include <Windows.h> //All KeyState func and a lot more
#include <iostream> //Shit ton of things
#include «ProcMem.h» //Set up permissions, creates byte array, allowing us to read memory
#define PRESSED 0x8000 //Determines key press(highest bit)
#define SPACE 0x20 //Virtual Key Code ‘SPACE’
#define KEY9 0x39 //Virtual Key Code ‘9’ (not to confuse with keypad 9)
#define KEY9SC 0x0A //Scan Code *You usually don’t need this, but CS:GO uses DirectInput so we need to use this*
ProcMem Mem; //Creates object of ProcMem class
void endProgram(); //Declaring some funcs
//Changes when CS:GO updates:
const DWORD playerBase = 0xA6B91C; //OUTDATED OFFSET *client.dll*
//Does not change when CS:GO updates:
const DWORD healthOffset = 0xFC; //*client.dll*
const DWORD m_fFlags = 0x100; //*client.dll*
const DWORD EntLoopDist = 0x10; //Distance between entities in Entity array *You don’t need this, BHOP only uses our player info*
struct PlayerLocal_t //Struct to hold our player’s data
int Flags; //State of our player *Is he jumping, crouching….*
int Health; //Health
DWORD ClientDLL; //Module to read from
DWORD LocalPlayer; //Get our player’s information
void ReadInfo() //Func to read memory
Mem.Process(«csgo.exe»); //Set process name
ClientDLL = Mem.Module(«client.dll»); //Module to read from
LocalPlayer = Mem.Read<DWORD>(ClientDLL + playerBase); //Get our player’s information
Flags = Mem.Read<int>(LocalPlayer + m_fFlags); //Get flag state
Health = Mem.Read<int>(LocalPlayer + healthOffset); //Get health
BOOL findWindow(LPCSTR Window) //Func to find our CS:GO window
HWND hWnds = FindWindow(NULL, TEXT(Window));
if (hWnds == NULL)
return false;
return true;
BOOL compareWnd(char AWnd[323]) //Func to compare active window with CS:GO window
char wnd_title[256];
HWND hwnd = GetForegroundWindow();
GetWindowText(hwnd, wnd_title, sizeof(wnd_title));
if (strcmp(wnd_title, AWnd) == 0)
return true;
return false;
BOOL keyState(int vKey, int vState) //I don’t like writing GetAsyncKeyState every time
return GetAsyncKeyState(vKey) & vState;
void sendKeys() //Func to send KEY9 to active window
keybd_event(KEY9, KEY9SC, 0, 0);
Sleep(10); //Delay to diminush number of times key is sent and diminush CPU usage
keybd_event(KEY9, KEY9SC, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
void endProgram() //Func to end program *Makes code cleaner*
std::cout << «Exiting… « << std::endl;
void searchWindow() //Will search for CS:GO window
std::cout << «by jkfauvel» << std::endl;
std::cout << «—————————————————————— « << std::endl;
std::cout << «Searching for process…»;
LPCSTR Wnd = «Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»; //Check if there is a window named as stated
if (!findWindow(Wnd)) //If window is not found then print ‘something’ and call EndProgram() func
std::cout << » PROCESS: Process Not Found! « << std::endl;
else if (findWindow(Wnd)) //If windows is found then continue with the code
std::cout << » PROCESS: Process Found! « << std::endl;
void optionsList() //List of BHOP options
std::cout << «—————————————————————— « << std::endl;
std::cout << «Set your jump hotkey to Keyboard 9 ‘NOT KEYPAD 9’ (Game options) « << std::endl;
std::cout << «Press END to exit « << std::endl;
std::cout << «Hold SPACE to Bunnyhop « << std::endl;
std::cout << «—————————————————————— « << std::endl;
void bhop() //Func to determine if sendKeys() func will be called *essentially func to BHOP*
PlayerLocal.ReadInfo(); //Read player’s info
char wndCsgo[33] = «Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»; //Set the window we want to compare
/*Check if player is on ground *257 is on ground 256 is on air*;
*Check if player’s health is more or equal to 1 *1 means dead for some reason*;
*Call compareWnd() to compare active window with that of CS:GO;
*Check if space is held
if (PlayerLocal.Flags == 257 && PlayerLocal.Health >= 1 && compareWnd(wndCsgo) && keyState(SPACE, PRESSED))
sendKeys(); //Call sendKeys() func
int main() //main() func *tie all of the program*
optionsList(); //»Load options list *Call optionsList() func*»
while (true) //Infinite loop
if (keyState(0x23, PRESSED)) //0x23 = ENDK