Как написать блог на английском

Last updated:

December 9, 2022

One of the Coolest Ways to Improve Your Written English: How to Become a Blogger Today

Blog posts are somewhat like diary entries online. They can be informative or silly, personal or academic. You can blog about anything!

There are blogs that help people learn English and funny travel blogs written in very casual English.

And while reading blogs is an excellent and entertaining way to learn English, starting your own blog is a unique way to get much better at writing in English.

So if you want to get better at writing, here are five clever ways to improve your written English by starting a blog!


  • How Writing a Blog Can Improve Your Written English
  • Where to Create a Blog
  • Useful Tips for Setting Up a Blog in English
  • How to Improve Your Written English: 6 Ways to Get Better Through Blogging
    • 1. Incorporate newly learned information into your writing.
    • 2. Proofread and edit your writing.
    • 3. Use writing prompts.
    • 4. Try lots of different things.
    • 5. Start conversations.
    • 6. Look back and rewrite.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

How Writing a Blog Can Improve Your Written English

Have you heard the phrase “practice makes perfect”? It’s absolutely true! The more you practice something, the better you will get. Whether you’re playing a sport or writing in English, practicing will help you improve.

Practice on its own is not always very exciting or interesting. That’s why writing on a blog is such an excellent method of practice. It gets you writing in a way that’s enjoyable and entertaining.

Through blogging, you can…

  • Practice using vocabulary words and grammar rules correctly.
  • Learn new vocabulary words and grammar rules by writing about a variety of (many different) topics.
  • Get feedback (responses that help you improve) on your writing from other people.
  • Challenge yourself to try new structures.
  • Discover which parts of your English skills you still need to work on.
  • Write and learn about a topic you find interesting.

Want to get started? Let’s look at how to create a blog.

Where to Create a Blog

There are many free blogging platforms that don’t require any special knowledge or skills. Just make an account, click on “new blog” and start writing! It’s pretty simple and anyone can get into it.

Three of the most popular and simplest platforms are:

  • Blogger — Blogger was more popular a few years ago, but it’s still going strong with a loyal group of users. This platform is part of Google, so you can access it with your Google account. It’s simple to use, perfect for this type of blog.
  • WordPress.com — This is one of the most popular and powerful blogging websites available for free. You can use just the very basics (write and publish your posts), or you can use the extra features—like linking your posts to social media.
  • Tumblr — If WordPress is the most powerful blogging platform, Tumblr is the easiest to use. Tumblr is mostly used for image-based posts, but you can decide how to use it. The community on Tumblr is usually friendly and talkative, so it’s a great place to join a conversation.

Once you pick a home for your new blog, you can start setting it up.

Useful Tips for Setting Up a Blog in English

There’s a little bit more to blogging than just the writing. If you just jump into writing, you might miss out on some of the best parts of having a blog.

When you first set up your blog, here are some tips to follow:

  • Pick a topic. What will your blog be about? (Cooking? Movies? Knitting? Your daily life? Learning English?) Think about why you’re learning English. Your blog should be about something that you enjoy writing about, but it should also match with your goal for learning English. The theme of your blog could affect how you design it and what you name it, so take some time to think about this.
  • Start writing. On the other hand, don’t let the first tip slow you down. The most important part of having this type of blog is to write regularly. So if you can’t think of a topic for your blog, you don’t have to limit yourself to one topic. (In fact, it will be most helpful if you write about a wide variety of topics.) If you don’t want to design the blog (or if you’re spending too much time on the design), just use a pre-made template/theme that comes with your blogging platform. Write your first post the same day you create your blog.
  • Create a schedule. Writing in English regularly might seem easy, but it can be tough when you first start out. You don’t always “feel like” writing, and you might find yourself procrastinating (putting things off until a later time). To prevent this problem, create a schedule for yourself when you first start. Maybe you will write every Saturday at 7 p.m. for a half hour, for example. Pick whatever works for you, as long as you stick to it.
  • Read other people’s blogs. This is a good tip to follow even after you’ve created the blog. Reading other blogs will get you more practice reading in English. It will also help you find inspiration, ideas and new friends (and readers) for your own blog.
  • Make connections. As you read other blogs, leave comments and join the conversation. Invite friends and other English learners to read your blog. Connect with teachers and native speakers in person, online or through their own blogs. Find people who enjoy reading what you’ll be writing about, so your blog can have an audience. Once you have readers, ask them to correct your English and you will see some amazing growth as an English learner.
  • Use the blog to branch out to other Internet resources. A blog is not the only place online where you can learn English. But it can be a great place to start! Use your blogging to help you join English learning communities around the Internet, on social media or in online forums.
  • Learn authentic English. Instead of depending on the technical English you’d learn from textbooks, try to also learn and use more casual, natural-sounding English. It’s the kind you would hear in everyday conversations and native English media, and yes, in blogs as well. One resource that can help is FluentU. It’s a language learning program that uses authentic English videos made for and by native speakers. Each clip has interactive subtitles so you can see and learn formal and informal English words, phrases and expressions.

Now that you’re all set up and ready to go, here are some tips on how to use your blog to improve your written English:

1. Incorporate newly learned information into your writing.

Did you learn a new English word today? Use it in your blog post. Are you having trouble with a new grammar rule? Use it in your blog post. Did you hear a native speaker use an awesome new phrase today? That’s right, write about it on your blog.

A blog is a place to practice, and the sooner you practice newly learned information, the better you learn it. By using new knowledge in a blog post, you are making the connection stronger between the knowledge and your mind.

Writing is also an effective method of remembering things (this is why we write shopping lists, for example). Writing a blog post is a much more interesting way to reinforce your learning than rewriting your notes!

2. Proofread and edit your writing.

Nobody is perfect. Your favorite book was probably edited and rewritten many times before it ended up in your hands. You will probably make many mistakes when you write, and that’s fine! You’re supposed to. The important thing is that you learn from them.

So before you publish a new blog post, proofread it. That means you should read through it carefully and correct any mistakes you notice. It can be helpful to use a checklist when you’re proofreading, like this excellent one. If you’re not using a checklist (and we really recommend that you do!) be sure to watch out for correct:

  • Spelling. Use your browser or blog’s spell checker, but remember that it might not correct misused homonyms (words that sound the same but have different meanings). It might check for grammar mistakes too.
  • Punctuation. Each sentence should end with a punctuation mark like a period (.), exclamation point (!), or question mark (?).
  • Capitalization. Each sentence and all proper nouns (like the names of people and places) should begin with a capital letter.
  • Sentence length. The easiest way to catch sentence fragments and run-on sentences is to look closely at any sentences that seem too long or too short.
  • Grammar. Do all your sentences follow correct grammar rules? All verbs and subjects should agree (i.e. the dog barks but the dogs bark), and your verb tenses should be consistent.

Remember that a blog post can easily be edited even after you publish it. If you or one of your readers notice a mistake, or you decide a sentence would sound better if you changed it, you can edit your post.

Proofreading and editing will make you more aware of your own writing. You may notice, for example, that you keep misspelling one specific word every time you write it. Now you know what areas you need to work on!

3. Use writing prompts.

No matter how much you love writing or how creative you are, one day you will stare at an empty page and you won’t be able to write. This is called writer’s block, and it happens to everyone at some point or another. When it happens to you, don’t just give up—try using writing prompts to give your mind the spark it needs to start writing.

Writing prompts are ideas and beginnings that are meant to get you thinking and writing. They can help you start when you can’t think of something to write about. But they’re also useful for your writing in general. A writing prompt can challenge you to write about a new topic, which will require you to use new words and phrases that you wouldn’t use otherwise.

Here are a few simple writing prompts to get you thinking and writing:

  • What would you do with a million dollars?

This prompt will help you practice the conditional (sentences that talk about imaginary situations and usually start with the word “if”). Hint: You might respond with, “If I had a million dollars, I would…”

  • Write a letter to whoever stole your umbrella on a rainy day.

This prompt will help you practice formal letter writing, as well as sarcasm. Sarcasm is when you say one thing but clearly mean the opposite. For example, it would be sarcastic to write, “I love getting rained on after a hard day of work,” because you obviously didn’t love getting wet!

  • Start a post with the words “The happiest day of my life was…”

This prompt can help you practice using the past tense, as well as casual written English. (You can pretend you’re writing an email to a friend.)

Here are a ton of sites with neat writing prompts or you can search online for prompts that relate to the topic you chose for your blog.

4. Try lots of different things.

Your blog is your playground; you can do whatever you want here. That means you can experiment with your writing and blogging style. There are many different kinds of posts for you to try writing. You can do a numbered list (“the top 5 best…”), a story with dialogue, a review of a product or a book you read, a poem, a short story… anything!

Changing up the style helps you in two ways: (1) It helps keep your creativity alive (nothing kills creativity faster than repetition), and (2) it challenges you to try something new.

Think of your blog like a gym and your skills as muscles. Different kinds of blog posts work on strengthening different writing skills. Writing a dialogue, for example, can help you learn punctuation rules (i.e. Should you put that period before or after the quotation mark?), as well as casual English and slang (i.e. Would someone say “I have to” or “I gotta” when speaking?).

For more formal writing practice, you can write a review of an English movie or book. This will also help you remember and understand the movie or book better.

The more different types of posts and writing styles you try, the more skills you will improve!

5. Start conversations.

You might have already left some comments on another blog. Now it’s time to turn your blog into a conversation too. As we mentioned before, you should always encourage people to respond to your posts with corrections and helpful feedback. Your blog can—and should—also be a place for conversations of your own.

Try ending your blog posts with a question for the readers. Then when you receive a comment, be sure to respond to them. Before long you’ll be practicing your English conversation skills as well as your writing skills.

Joining conversations in the comments will also give you a better understanding of the similarities and differences between written and spoken conversational English. For example, many people shorten and abbreviate more words when writing online than when speaking. That’s because writing takes more time, and we love to save as much time as possible! What other comparisons can you make?

6. Look back and rewrite.

Once you’ve been writing regularly for several months, go back to your earlier entries. Do they seem different now? The more time that passes, the better your writing will be… and the worse your older entries will seem.

After you’ve been blogging for many months, pick an old blog post every other week and rewrite it with your newly learned skills.

Rewriting old blog posts shows you how much you’ve learned over time. It also gives you a chance to correct your own mistakes. Teaching someone else is one of the best ways to learn (even if it’s just you from a few weeks ago).

Now stop reading our blog and go create your own!

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Last updated:

December 9, 2022

One of the Coolest Ways to Improve Your Written English: How to Become a Blogger Today

Blog posts are somewhat like diary entries online. They can be informative or silly, personal or academic. You can blog about anything!

There are blogs that help people learn English and funny travel blogs written in very casual English.

And while reading blogs is an excellent and entertaining way to learn English, starting your own blog is a unique way to get much better at writing in English.

So if you want to get better at writing, here are five clever ways to improve your written English by starting a blog!


  • How Writing a Blog Can Improve Your Written English
  • Where to Create a Blog
  • Useful Tips for Setting Up a Blog in English
  • How to Improve Your Written English: 6 Ways to Get Better Through Blogging
    • 1. Incorporate newly learned information into your writing.
    • 2. Proofread and edit your writing.
    • 3. Use writing prompts.
    • 4. Try lots of different things.
    • 5. Start conversations.
    • 6. Look back and rewrite.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

How Writing a Blog Can Improve Your Written English

Have you heard the phrase “practice makes perfect”? It’s absolutely true! The more you practice something, the better you will get. Whether you’re playing a sport or writing in English, practicing will help you improve.

Practice on its own is not always very exciting or interesting. That’s why writing on a blog is such an excellent method of practice. It gets you writing in a way that’s enjoyable and entertaining.

Through blogging, you can…

  • Practice using vocabulary words and grammar rules correctly.
  • Learn new vocabulary words and grammar rules by writing about a variety of (many different) topics.
  • Get feedback (responses that help you improve) on your writing from other people.
  • Challenge yourself to try new structures.
  • Discover which parts of your English skills you still need to work on.
  • Write and learn about a topic you find interesting.

Want to get started? Let’s look at how to create a blog.

Where to Create a Blog

There are many free blogging platforms that don’t require any special knowledge or skills. Just make an account, click on “new blog” and start writing! It’s pretty simple and anyone can get into it.

Three of the most popular and simplest platforms are:

  • Blogger — Blogger was more popular a few years ago, but it’s still going strong with a loyal group of users. This platform is part of Google, so you can access it with your Google account. It’s simple to use, perfect for this type of blog.
  • WordPress.com — This is one of the most popular and powerful blogging websites available for free. You can use just the very basics (write and publish your posts), or you can use the extra features—like linking your posts to social media.
  • Tumblr — If WordPress is the most powerful blogging platform, Tumblr is the easiest to use. Tumblr is mostly used for image-based posts, but you can decide how to use it. The community on Tumblr is usually friendly and talkative, so it’s a great place to join a conversation.

Once you pick a home for your new blog, you can start setting it up.

Useful Tips for Setting Up a Blog in English

There’s a little bit more to blogging than just the writing. If you just jump into writing, you might miss out on some of the best parts of having a blog.

When you first set up your blog, here are some tips to follow:

  • Pick a topic. What will your blog be about? (Cooking? Movies? Knitting? Your daily life? Learning English?) Think about why you’re learning English. Your blog should be about something that you enjoy writing about, but it should also match with your goal for learning English. The theme of your blog could affect how you design it and what you name it, so take some time to think about this.
  • Start writing. On the other hand, don’t let the first tip slow you down. The most important part of having this type of blog is to write regularly. So if you can’t think of a topic for your blog, you don’t have to limit yourself to one topic. (In fact, it will be most helpful if you write about a wide variety of topics.) If you don’t want to design the blog (or if you’re spending too much time on the design), just use a pre-made template/theme that comes with your blogging platform. Write your first post the same day you create your blog.
  • Create a schedule. Writing in English regularly might seem easy, but it can be tough when you first start out. You don’t always “feel like” writing, and you might find yourself procrastinating (putting things off until a later time). To prevent this problem, create a schedule for yourself when you first start. Maybe you will write every Saturday at 7 p.m. for a half hour, for example. Pick whatever works for you, as long as you stick to it.
  • Read other people’s blogs. This is a good tip to follow even after you’ve created the blog. Reading other blogs will get you more practice reading in English. It will also help you find inspiration, ideas and new friends (and readers) for your own blog.
  • Make connections. As you read other blogs, leave comments and join the conversation. Invite friends and other English learners to read your blog. Connect with teachers and native speakers in person, online or through their own blogs. Find people who enjoy reading what you’ll be writing about, so your blog can have an audience. Once you have readers, ask them to correct your English and you will see some amazing growth as an English learner.
  • Use the blog to branch out to other Internet resources. A blog is not the only place online where you can learn English. But it can be a great place to start! Use your blogging to help you join English learning communities around the Internet, on social media or in online forums.
  • Learn authentic English. Instead of depending on the technical English you’d learn from textbooks, try to also learn and use more casual, natural-sounding English. It’s the kind you would hear in everyday conversations and native English media, and yes, in blogs as well. One resource that can help is FluentU. It’s a language learning program that uses authentic English videos made for and by native speakers. Each clip has interactive subtitles so you can see and learn formal and informal English words, phrases and expressions.

Now that you’re all set up and ready to go, here are some tips on how to use your blog to improve your written English:

1. Incorporate newly learned information into your writing.

Did you learn a new English word today? Use it in your blog post. Are you having trouble with a new grammar rule? Use it in your blog post. Did you hear a native speaker use an awesome new phrase today? That’s right, write about it on your blog.

A blog is a place to practice, and the sooner you practice newly learned information, the better you learn it. By using new knowledge in a blog post, you are making the connection stronger between the knowledge and your mind.

Writing is also an effective method of remembering things (this is why we write shopping lists, for example). Writing a blog post is a much more interesting way to reinforce your learning than rewriting your notes!

2. Proofread and edit your writing.

Nobody is perfect. Your favorite book was probably edited and rewritten many times before it ended up in your hands. You will probably make many mistakes when you write, and that’s fine! You’re supposed to. The important thing is that you learn from them.

So before you publish a new blog post, proofread it. That means you should read through it carefully and correct any mistakes you notice. It can be helpful to use a checklist when you’re proofreading, like this excellent one. If you’re not using a checklist (and we really recommend that you do!) be sure to watch out for correct:

  • Spelling. Use your browser or blog’s spell checker, but remember that it might not correct misused homonyms (words that sound the same but have different meanings). It might check for grammar mistakes too.
  • Punctuation. Each sentence should end with a punctuation mark like a period (.), exclamation point (!), or question mark (?).
  • Capitalization. Each sentence and all proper nouns (like the names of people and places) should begin with a capital letter.
  • Sentence length. The easiest way to catch sentence fragments and run-on sentences is to look closely at any sentences that seem too long or too short.
  • Grammar. Do all your sentences follow correct grammar rules? All verbs and subjects should agree (i.e. the dog barks but the dogs bark), and your verb tenses should be consistent.

Remember that a blog post can easily be edited even after you publish it. If you or one of your readers notice a mistake, or you decide a sentence would sound better if you changed it, you can edit your post.

Proofreading and editing will make you more aware of your own writing. You may notice, for example, that you keep misspelling one specific word every time you write it. Now you know what areas you need to work on!

3. Use writing prompts.

No matter how much you love writing or how creative you are, one day you will stare at an empty page and you won’t be able to write. This is called writer’s block, and it happens to everyone at some point or another. When it happens to you, don’t just give up—try using writing prompts to give your mind the spark it needs to start writing.

Writing prompts are ideas and beginnings that are meant to get you thinking and writing. They can help you start when you can’t think of something to write about. But they’re also useful for your writing in general. A writing prompt can challenge you to write about a new topic, which will require you to use new words and phrases that you wouldn’t use otherwise.

Here are a few simple writing prompts to get you thinking and writing:

  • What would you do with a million dollars?

This prompt will help you practice the conditional (sentences that talk about imaginary situations and usually start with the word “if”). Hint: You might respond with, “If I had a million dollars, I would…”

  • Write a letter to whoever stole your umbrella on a rainy day.

This prompt will help you practice formal letter writing, as well as sarcasm. Sarcasm is when you say one thing but clearly mean the opposite. For example, it would be sarcastic to write, “I love getting rained on after a hard day of work,” because you obviously didn’t love getting wet!

  • Start a post with the words “The happiest day of my life was…”

This prompt can help you practice using the past tense, as well as casual written English. (You can pretend you’re writing an email to a friend.)

Here are a ton of sites with neat writing prompts or you can search online for prompts that relate to the topic you chose for your blog.

4. Try lots of different things.

Your blog is your playground; you can do whatever you want here. That means you can experiment with your writing and blogging style. There are many different kinds of posts for you to try writing. You can do a numbered list (“the top 5 best…”), a story with dialogue, a review of a product or a book you read, a poem, a short story… anything!

Changing up the style helps you in two ways: (1) It helps keep your creativity alive (nothing kills creativity faster than repetition), and (2) it challenges you to try something new.

Think of your blog like a gym and your skills as muscles. Different kinds of blog posts work on strengthening different writing skills. Writing a dialogue, for example, can help you learn punctuation rules (i.e. Should you put that period before or after the quotation mark?), as well as casual English and slang (i.e. Would someone say “I have to” or “I gotta” when speaking?).

For more formal writing practice, you can write a review of an English movie or book. This will also help you remember and understand the movie or book better.

The more different types of posts and writing styles you try, the more skills you will improve!

5. Start conversations.

You might have already left some comments on another blog. Now it’s time to turn your blog into a conversation too. As we mentioned before, you should always encourage people to respond to your posts with corrections and helpful feedback. Your blog can—and should—also be a place for conversations of your own.

Try ending your blog posts with a question for the readers. Then when you receive a comment, be sure to respond to them. Before long you’ll be practicing your English conversation skills as well as your writing skills.

Joining conversations in the comments will also give you a better understanding of the similarities and differences between written and spoken conversational English. For example, many people shorten and abbreviate more words when writing online than when speaking. That’s because writing takes more time, and we love to save as much time as possible! What other comparisons can you make?

6. Look back and rewrite.

Once you’ve been writing regularly for several months, go back to your earlier entries. Do they seem different now? The more time that passes, the better your writing will be… and the worse your older entries will seem.

After you’ve been blogging for many months, pick an old blog post every other week and rewrite it with your newly learned skills.

Rewriting old blog posts shows you how much you’ve learned over time. It also gives you a chance to correct your own mistakes. Teaching someone else is one of the best ways to learn (even if it’s just you from a few weeks ago).

Now stop reading our blog and go create your own!

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)


Как стать блогером с миллионной аудиторией, создать успешный стартап, покорить Америку, если ты девочка из обычной семьи [litres]
Могилко Марина Дмитриевна

Когда вы начинаете вести блог на неродном языке, главное – не бояться. Очень многие ведут блоги на английском, говоря с акцентом и иногда допуская ошибки в речи. Например, Mimi Ikonn. И зрители все равно любят такой контент и смотрят.

Если вам тяжело говорить по-английски на камеру, попробуйте сначала вести Instagram на английском. Можете попробовать такой формат, когда вы пишете сначала на английском, а потом на русском. Эти тексты, возможно, будут немного различаться, потому что у англоязычной и русскоязычной аудитории разные реалии.

Предоставляемая информация должна быть достоверной, текст – качественным, без ошибок и опечаток. Для проверки английского текста используйте сервис Fluent.Express. Там за несколько минут в режиме реального времени носитель языка откорректирует ваш английский и сделает текст более читабельным.

К ноябрю 2015 года на русскоязычном канале у меня было уже 20 000 подписчиков. Потихоньку стали появляться мысли о канале на английском языке. Моя тема – обучение за рубежом – довольно узкая. Мне хотелось вещать на более широкую аудиторию, для ребят со всего мира.

Английский канал я завела только в 2016 году, когда закончилась эпопея с моей американской рабочей визой и я смогла сосредоточиться на бизнесе и творчестве. В марте я запустила свой первый англоязычный канал linguamarina.

Выходить на международные рынки проще, если есть опыт и база на родном языке и в знакомой культуре – это правило для меня работает как в бизнесе, так и в блоге.

Я выбрала следующую стратегию для развития английского канала: я переводила, перезаписывала и заливала туда самые успешные видео с русского канала. Первый ролик на английском канале назывался How to Score 117 out of 120 on TOEFL: Reading and Listening Tips. Я начала выпускать видео про экзамены, экспериментировать с другими темами.

Канал органически рос – я дала небольшой толчок первым видео, опубликовав ссылки на них ссылки на форумах и на сервисе Quora. И начался стабильный рост.

A blog post / Публикация в блоге

Как и при написании неформального письма, при написании поста в личный блог допустимо использовать неформальный стиль. 

Так, например, мы можем использовать:

  • сокращения, такие как I’m, that’s, there’s, you’d и т.д.;
  • фразовые глаголы, например, come across, go out, и т.д.;
  • восклицательные предложения.

Не забывай давать имена своим заметкам, пиши заголовки своим постам.

Для выражения последовательности действий используем такие слова, как:

at first – сначала

first of all – в первую очередь, во-первых

thеn – далее/после

next – следом

inthe end – в конце концов, в завершении

finally – наконец, в конце концов

Для обозначения времени или временного отрезка, в котором произошло событие, можем использовать следующие слова и фразы: 

yеstеrdау – вчера 

whеn – когда

suddenly – вдруг, внезапно

а few minutеs/hоurs/dауs later – спустя несколько минут/часов/дней

the next day – на следующий день.

При написании истории, чаще всего, используются Past Simple для обозначения действия и Past Continuous для описания экспозиции.

An example



Did уоu see me in the newsрареrs yesterday?! 

Yesterday evening I went out with my friend Dan. We wеrе going home when we came across а bag at the bus station. At first, we didn’t know what to do. But then we decided to open it, to see who it belonged to. When we opened it, we couldn’t believe it. It was full of money! Тhеrе wеrе also passports and plane tickets. We found out that there was $7,000 in there! We went to the local police station but it was closed. Suddenly, we saw а police саr. We decided to stop it as it was passing by. We eхрlаinеd the whole story. Тhе police wеrе а bit surprised, but vеry grateful. Тhеу contacted the owner. Не was haрру, too. In the end, hе didn’t give us а rеwаrd, but that doesn’t matter because Dan and I knew we did the right thing.

Предыдущий урок

An informal email. Неформальное электронное письмо


Следующий урок

A language biography. История изучения языка


Этот пост предназначен для всех тех, кто не является носителем английского языка.

Как вы могли понять из заголовка (и подзаголовка) к данному посту, английский не мой родной язык, так что писать на английском для меня не простая задача. После восьми с половиной лет ведения блогов — в основном моего личного блога и unadocenade.com — я решилась открыть для себя новые возможности, новые сообщества и новые инструменты.

Как я уже говорила, писать на неродном языке означает прилагать дополнительные усилия. В большей или меньшей степени я понимаю, о чем хочу написать, однако я не хочу звучать слишком односторонне или слишком расплывчато, поэтому мне приходится делать больше рисерчей, и, кончено же, тратить больше времени на то, чтобы подумать обо всем в другом ракурсе, отличном от того, как я обычно думаю на испанском, для того чтобы у меня получилось передать именно то, что я хотела.

В любом случае, писать на английском – это замечательный опыт и я рекомендую каждому этим заняться.

Вы практикуете свой английский

Как и с любым другим навыком в жизни, чем больше вы практикуетесь, тем лучше вы в этом становитесь. Вы узнаете новые слова, изучаете различные способы построения предложений… Вы, в какой-то степени, можете даже найти свой собственный голос в другом языке!

Вы расширяете свой словарный запас

Нет. Это не повторение первого пункта. Практика языка – это одно (сюда непременно входит и изучение всего нового), но другое дело когда у вас под рукой блокнот, в то время как вы печатаете, чтобы записывать туда новые слова, или новые значения слов, которые вам уже знакомы, или новые идиомы, или новые грамматические конструкции.

Вы по-другому структурируете ваши мысли

Перед тем, как начать писать на другом языке, вам необходимо научиться думать на этом языке, и когда это происходит, вы осознаете, что мысли, которые приходят вам в голову, структурированы совершенно иначе, чем это было бы на вашем родном языке. Это все равно, что иметь точку зрения другого человека, но оставаться самим собой. Это непередаваемое ощущение.

Вы увеличиваете аудиторию читателей

В моем случае, когда я пишу на испанском, я могу охватить аудиторию в 222 миллиона человек. Использование английского языка открывает для меня аудиторию в 800 миллионов человек. Достаточно сказано.


Вы знакомитесь с новыми людьми

Новая аудитория означает новые связи: использование английского языка расширяет ваши горизонты, увеличивает круг общения практически моментально и открывает доступ к читателям со всех стран мира.

Помните, как у вас стали появляться новые друзья благодаря блогу на вашем родном языке? Это произойдет снова.

Вы больше читаете (в том числе на английском)

Когда вам нужно найти информацию на какую-либо тему или вы хотите посмотреть примеры использования определенных грамматических конструкций, вам приходится это искать и затем читать. Вы будете читать очень много и, конечно же, на английском тоже! Гиперссылки, которые вы используете в качестве дополнительной информации к вашим постам, также будут в основном на английском языке (за некоторым исключением).

Это поможет вашей карьере

До настоящего момента исключительно те, с кем вы работаете, знают, что вы можете говорить и писать на английском (если, конечно, вы пользуетесь английским на работе). Когда вы создаете блог, все узнают о том, что вы умеете. И, в то же время, вы делаете свой профессиональный профайл международным.

Не только ради самого языка

Если вы ведете профессиональный блог, вы сможете также улучшить свое резюме. Вы создаете онлайн портфолио, пост за постом, благодаря тому, что пишете на неродном языке. Если раньше вы указывали блог в вашем резюме, то сейчас это принесет вам двойную пользу.

Вас начинают интересовать различные темы

Когда вы пишите блог на английском, вам приходится читать на английском и думать на английском — происходит естественная эволюция вашего писательского мастерства. И более того, вам приходится мыслить глобально, а не только локально. Или, если вам будет необходимо поднять какой-либо региональный вопрос, то вам придется сделать это так, чтобы было понятно каждому. Это непременно заставит вас интересоваться топиками, отличными от тех, которые заботили вас раньше.

Как насчет дублирования контента?

В самом деле! Это не является обязательным условием, если вам не хочется этим заниматься, но блог на двух языках может стать неплохой возможностью. В моем случае, я обычно не дублирую контент. Каждый из моих блогов имеет свою цель, свою аудиторию, свое сообщество.

Вы сами становитесь лучше

Это происходит всегда, как только вы открываетесь для чего-то нового. Когда вы мыслите глобально, думаете на другом языке, когда вы структурируете свои мысли другим способом, вы становитесь лучшей версией себя.

Начинать с нуля (опять) — это весело

Интересно начинать новый проект с нуля, когда вы уже были вовлечены в тысячи проектов ранее. Потому что все уже знакомо и неизведанно в одно и то же время.

Теперь назовите свои причины, для чего вы пишете на английском.

Лучшие инструменты для написания статей и постов на английском

Время на прочтение
2 мин

Количество просмотров 4.5K

В эпоху технологических инноваций писатели теперь не ждут, пока вдохновение придет к ним в голову в течение нескольких дней. Сегодня, с помощью инструментов для письма вы можете начать писать на любую тему и легко редактировать написанное.

Не верите? Посмотрите AI для Notion. Этот парень реально пишет блог за вас, не всегда правильно, но все же…

С помощью инструментов для письма авторы статей, блогов создают высококачественный контент. Стоит отметить, что наиболее важным элементом в написании статей сегодня является его логическое и правильное изложение. Говоря про написание статей, исключая труднозаходимый для России Notion, на английском языке, мне в голову в первую очередь приходят следующие инструменты.

В общем, давайте посмотрим на 7 лучших инструментов для письма, которые я использую для написания и систематизации статей.

1. ProWriting Aid


Лучший инструмент для письма, который я использую при написании любого текста. Это лучшая альтернатива Grammarly, которая к тому же бесплатна.


  • Проверьте грамматику и правописание;

  • Ясность и словарный запас;

  • Помогает сделать стиль письма уникальным и убедительным.

2. Hemmingway Editor


Отличный инструмент, позволяющий сделать письмо более эффективным.


  • Выделяет сложные предложения;

  • Пассивный залог;

  • Предложения по улучшению читабельности контента.

3. Счетчик слов (Word Counter)


Я использую счетчик слов, чтобы проверить количество слов и частоту повторного использования слов.


  • Помогает стереть повторяющиеся термины;

  • Используйте этот инструмент для создания контента для постов в социальных сетях.

4. Power Thesaurus


Инструмент помогает находить варианты слов, а также помогает в поиске синонимов и антонимов.


  • Помогите отполировать ваши статьи;

  • Увеличьте свой словарный запас;

  • Найдите глаголы и существительные.

5. Focus Writer


Простой инструмент для письма для таких писателей, которые ненавидят отвлекаться.


  • Идеально подходит для записи мыслей и идей;

  • Помогите установить цели или количество слов;

  • Вы можете установить таймер для слов, которые хотите написать.

6. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer


Для писателей, блоггеров и контент-маркетологов этот инструмент для заголовков является лучшим. Заголовки — важная часть контента. Без эффективного заголовка читатели не осознают важность вашего контента.


  • Анализ грамматики и структур;

  • Плотность ключевых слов;

  • Читаемость заголовков;

  • Кликабельность и результаты поиска.

7. SciSource


Последние время использую для поиска статей. По сути API для телеги для поиска статей с возможностью уведомления о новых статьях на заданную тему. Так как я сосредоточен на одной теме, софт довольно полезный для введения в привычку чтение по теме исследований.


  • Помогает быть в курсе о новых темах в научном сообществе;

  • Удобный поиск для поиска по ключевым словам;

  • Есть возможность скачать текст статьи, если она OpenAccess.

Есть много инструментов для письма. Эти 7 инструментов я использую и получаю удовольствие от процесса письма.

А какие инструменты используете вы для написания и редактирования текста на русском и других языках?

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Пишу блог на английском

На платформе блоггинга WordPress.com буду немного тренироваться писать на английском. Просто так для практики. Сегодня написал первую более менее адекватную статью.

Пишу блог на английском: 2 комментария

  1. А зачем отдельным блогом? Можно же было прямо здесь или вордпресс.ком лучше, чем селфхостед?


    1. Требую дублирования статей тут!!!
      На случай, если WordPress хостинг загнётся!
      Не сложно же скопипастить…


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