Как написать breakcore

A Guide to Breakcore Production

This blog is intended as a guide to producing Breakcore on a computer. New readers may want to head to the end and read backwards, to get the introductory lessons first. This blog should be usefull to anyone producing ‘edgy’ dance music, such as DnB, Techno, IDM or Gabba.

Friday, September 14, 2007

So, here we are, ready to get started on that crazy breakbeat. The break is going to provide the driving force and energy behind the song, and is perhaps the single most important part of a Breakcore track. The techniques we’re going to be using to create it hark back to the days of hardware samplers, such as the Akai MPC2000. In the early days of Jungle and DnB, these provided a way to cut up and rearrange samples of beats from records, and it was a lengthy and time consuming process. Fortunately, nowadays a break can be created in a relatively short time using your DAW. In this lesson, and all the subsequent lessons, I’ll be using Ableton Live, but the methods used are applicable to just about any DAW you might have. Where possible, I’ll briefly discuss the differences in how each DAW achieves a given technique.

A break beat is essentially a small snippet of a song, usually a drum solo that can be sampled out, rearranged, sped up, mashed up with FX or have just about any process you can dream of applied to it. Many of the more famous Breaks are sampled from old soul and funk records; James Brown records are a particularly popular source of Breaks, although anywhere you can get a snippet of a funky drum solo should suit you fine. The most famous and most used Break comes from a relatively obscure B-side by The Winstons, from the song Amen Brother. It is commonly reffered to as ‘The Amen Break’. This is the break I’m going to be using in this example, and I would reccomend any budding Breakcore producer familiarise themselves with it, it is the bread and butter of many Breakcore artists. This break can be downloaded from many sample sites, though a good place to start would be www.junglebreaks.co.uk This site has many Breaks as well as the name of the song it was taken from, and examples of songs it has been used in. I would also reccomend getting a copy of Amen Brother so as to hear it in context, it’s a damn funky song and well worth a listen.

So now we have a Break, where to from here? The first thing you’ll want to do is get a good loop going. You will notice that the first and last bars of the Amen Break still have some of the orchestration in them, so we probably want to avoid those. To get a nice tight loop, you want to start on the first beat of the second bar (the kick drum) and end nicely just before the third bar kicks in. This takes a bit of practice, and is all about using your ears to determine when it is looping smoothly. In Ableton, this is usually quite easy, given its automatic tempo definition and looping abilities. This is reffered to as ‘Warping’. In Cubase, the ‘Time Stretch’ feature will help you to tighten up your loop and adjust your tempo. Sticking with Ableton for the minute, you may have to adjust your warp markers a little to ensure the loop starts and ends in the right places, as shown in the screenshot. There are plenty of good guides on the internet about how to use warp markers, so unless I get a lot of requests, I’m not going to get into that too deeply here. Suffice to say that a lot of breaks will loop with 95% accurracy from the off with Ableton. Now we have our Break looping nicely, it’s time to start having some fun with it.

Before we start mangling our beats crazy style, it’s a good idea to separate out the parts of the loop onto different tracks, so that they can be processed independantly. For the Amen Break, I’m going to split my loop across three tracks, one for the kick drum, one for the snare drum, and one for the hi-hats and cymbals. This will allow me to give them a bit more character and definition later in the mix, for example, I might want to put a little distortion on the kick drum to fatten it up a bit. By selecting the hits so they go yellow, I can drag them around onto different tracks cut and paste style. This is a nice quick way to do it, and one of the reasons I prefer Ableton for quickly editing a beat. Users of other DAW’s may need to go for the more traditional approach of selecting a beat, then cutting and pasting it across other tracks. As a simple rule of thumb, kick drums tend to look medium height in the waveform, and quite thick, while snare drums have a very high bit at the start of the wave which tails off in a long triangle. Hi-hats look like smaller versions of the snare drum, and are often grouped in small, busy sections. I’m going to seperate out these three main types of beats before I go further into processing them. Once we’ve got the parts spread across our tracks we can start to have some fun.

Now comes the really good bit, taking that beat and creating our own, unique, crazy break with it. And better still, this is really, really easy. All were going to do is change the order of the beats across our track. Start by copying your loop to make four bars. Now cut out a couple of those hi-hats and copy and paste the snare to fill in the gaps you’ve left. Starting to hear it? Try the same with the kick drum so that it has two kicks at the start of the bar. Sounds pretty good doesn’t it. You’ll want to have some fun experimenting here, so copy and paste parts all over the place to make that toe-tapping Breakbeat come alive. A useful tip to remember is that in DnB, the kick is on the first beat, and the snares are one the 2nd and 4th beat. If you keep to roughly that structure, you’re already winning.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pro-Tools: Another grand old beast, this is aimed more squarely at producing more traditional styles of music such as rock and blues, and more closely matches the environment of a traditional studio. Not commonly used for Dance music, this one is best avoided unless you are planning to produce a variety of styles and need to record lots of live instruments. Also very pricey owing to the fact that dedicated hardware is needed to run it.

Reason: Not strictly a DAW in the truest sense, this is a collection of instruments and FX that run in one program, with a window to layout and arrange these tracks. It supports MIDI input and can be run standalone or in ‘ ReWire ‘ mode. ReWire mode basically means that the program can run alongside other DAW’s enabling you to record Reason’s instruments through other programmes. The biggest drawback of Reason is that is does not support audio importing or recording, which basically means that you have to have another piece of software if you want to include samples or ‘real’ instruments.

First of all we’re going to need a computer. As you’re probably reading this on a computer, it’s safe to assume you already have one, or at least access to one. Almost any modern computer can handle music production, albeit with varying levels of success. A minimum spec requirement would be a processor of 1.5 ghz, at least 1 GB of RAM and a 50 GB hard drive. The higher your specs, the more virtual tracks, FX and software synthesisers you will be able to run at once. For this reason, PC’s and laptops aimed at the gaming market are ideal, as they tend to be fairly ‘pimped out’ on the CPU and RAM side of things. One thing you wont need however is a fancy video card, pretty much anything goes here as this kind of software is fairly basic with its’ visual needs.

The second thing we need is a soundcard. Pretty much every computer these days has one, but sadly they’re not all created equal. You can make music with just about any sound card, but with the cheap ones installed as standard you’ll soon run into problems. Firstly, they will only be able to handle playing a limited number of tracks at once, and secondly they will have very poor latency. Latency as it refers to computer music is basically the amount of time between say, pressing a key on a keyboard, or turning a virtual knob, and the note or effect being audible. For example, lets say we’ve plugged a USB keyboard into our computer and loaded up a software synthesiser. With good (low) latency the sound will ring out at almost the instant the key is pressed, so soon in fact that you’ll hear it simultaneously. With bad (high) latency, the key is depressed and the sound may take a second or more to play. This makes playing an instrument virtually impossible. The latency will also affect the time it takes for a movement made with the mouse on say an effect knob or volume slider to register audibly. This can be frustrating at the writing stage, and completely unuseable at the performance stage.
To counter these problems were going to need a soundcard that supports the ASIO driver. This is a specially designed driver that runs with very little latency and supports high numbers of virtual tracks. These start at as little s £50, and run into the thousands depending on quality. For begginners, I would reccomend something cheap and cheerful, as long as it has ASIO you should be onto a winner. If you’re using a laptop, you will probably need an external card that plugs in via USB or Firewire. These start at around £100. If you’re planning on playing real intruments through the soundcard, you will also want one that has audio inputs. Pretty much any ASIO soundcard will have these, but again the quality varies with price. For guitars and mic’s the best option is to go for something with a built in preamp. If you’re just planning on using a keyboard, USB options are available that require no audio input, at a very reasonable price. For the purposes of these lessons however, I will show you that no external instruments are required at all, as everything can be ‘programmed’ in with the mouse. It is also worth noting that modern Macs use the ASIO driver as standard, so if you’re a Mac user, you’re alredy winning!

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly is the actual software were going to use. This is SO important I’m going to devote an entire post to it, coming up.

The purpose of this blog is to provide step by step instructions on how to make your own Breakcore tracks. If you’re unsure as to what Breakcore is, think crazy speeded up Drum n Bass breaks, intense Gabba kicks, insanely thick basslines and a host of cheesy pop culture samples, all thrown into a supersized blender and mashed up to the point of oblivion. Obviously that’s not to everyones taste, but it’s certainly to mine. The lessons here should also be applicable to various styles of music, with Drum n Bass and Gabba being the obvious ones, but they should also be usefull to those creating IDM, Techno, Glitch or any other form of ‘edgy’ dance music.

If you’re curious and want to hear some Breakcore, check out some of these artists: DJ Shitmat, Ebola, Venetian Snares and DJ Scotch Egg. You may want to head over to www.wrongmusic.com to check out some of the free net EPs they put out on a regular basis.

So where to start? To get going you’re going to need a computer (laptops are just fine), and a decent-ish soundcard (you can get going with any soundcard but one that supports ASIO, a sepecially designed driver for Windows is reccomended. More on this later.) The last thing you’re going to need is some multi-tracking software. This is basically a computer equivalent of the mixing desks found in big studios. Even the largest proffessional studio now runs on software, and prices can range from anywhere between free and millions of pounds. For the purposes of simplicity, I’ll refer to this software as a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), which is the industry standard term.

These lessons are going to start as simply as possible, and with little or no knowledge of formal musical training. My apologies to those who are familiar with musical terminology, but I hope this blog will be accessible to all. The complexity of the lessons will develop, and I will be rating them on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the simplest to give you an idea of the difficulty of the lesson.

So that’s the intro over with, let’s start having some fun! The first lesson concerns choosing the right equipment, and after that we’ll move on to creating the heart of a Breakcore track, the breakbeat.

How to make breakcore

How to make breakcore How to make breakcore

How to make breakcoreHow to make breakcore How to make breakcoreHow to make breakcore How to make breakcoreHow to make breakcore How to make breakcoreHow to make breakcore How to make breakcoreHow to make breakcore How to make breakcore

1. trawl for mad funny odd evil samples
youtube downloader allows you to download files in
flash video format then convert it to mp3 format
great for sampling odd tv/science/commercials/horror

also there are several online resources for odd samples

2.find a program you love making music on
i use ableton 7 and fruityloops 8
but dont be afraid to make some elements on
one program then switch to another.
mix it up

different progs lead you in different directions

4.if a song ends up sounding wrong. or you get bored with it
leave it for a week. start a new tune[s] then return to it..if you still hate it
break it down. try retempo-ing it. try messing with the elements
. make the bass a melody. and the synths a bass etc.
or just make a loop then can be used in another tune

3. play and enjoy yourself
innovate to comminicate

good luck to you!

Just open fruityloops and randomly click some buttons.
add a lot of distortion on the master.
And as final touch: put the vst dblue glitch the master.
be sure that the whole mp3 is clipped during the whole song!

make a myspace and find an artist name.
something that looks like another artist always works well in the «Breakcore scene».
so choose a name like: Duran duran duran, judith priest, cunt eastwood, donna plumber or tina tuner.

Make a netrelease every week! and post it on every forum you can find.
It always looks nice if you promote your 395 internet releases with your first post on a forum!
Add enormous ammounts of friends on myspace, facebook, virb and youtube.
Post every friend every 2 days with a new video and some new tracks!

Make sure your internet promotion is very aggressive and close to anoying.

This makes you the perfect breakcore artist!

but breakcore is like anything else.
open to interpretation

it appears to be both
home to musical snobs
and anarchic destroyers of musical norms

can you only make ‘proper’ punk music with 6 strings on your guitar?

dblue’s glitch is raped by almost every «amateur» breakcore artists. Make sure you mask your use of the glitch vst, as it can be a real turnoff.

fuckin takes all the joy out of life

smash the 80’s love with the axe till there is nothing left. except for the hi-hat. bass. kick. ghost snares. and the snare.

and then start yopu riddim.

This tutorial is not about, how to mix your breakcore, not on how to stack effects, neither is about what program you should use, or I think is best. This tutorial is on how It works in your mind, or in this case, my mind when I make a breakcore song.

Ok this part is about how you can get a hold of good samples which will fit in your music.

First of the drums
The samples I use are a mix of samples from library’s, breaks, and just music from the radio.
To get samples it’s easy to have a program which allows you to cut samples out music.
You’ll have to expiriment with this a bit, and sometimes some effects need to be used to make the sample sound full.
Also something that works good for me, when you’re having a hard time getting your hands on some good ghost snares, try and put up a mic and just tab your fingers on objects. This also counts for effect sounds.
Also try to think out of the box, this is what breakcore is about.
Use anything you can think of and sample it to use in your drum tracks, don’t be lazy!
If you want some groundbreaking stuff you’ve got to work hard!
Some examples, I’ve used a breaking glass bottle as a snare drum ones, my keys as hihats and my fist smashing on a table for a kickdrum.
The good thing is, there are so many objects in the world, this sampling technique will never grow old.

What I do with the samples, when I start of with a song, I get some CD’s from different genre’s. jazz, hardrock, that kind of stuff.
I just scroll trough the song, when I hear a sound which I like, I load it in my program and I cut it out.
Just basic stuff.

To get some more life in your music you should have a lot effect sounds,
Same as for the drums, sample anything around you, a car starting, a woman in high heels walking trough a large hall,
a chair scraping over the floor.. anything can really be used, you can even Re-use samples if you put some effects and stuff over them.
You can also use your own mouth for some great effects.

The Discipline.
When you are in the process of making a nice tune, and it sounds OK, it’s ok.
But do you want OK songs?
You want perfect songs.
You shouldn’t push it too far, like spending 5 months on a song which only takes 10 seconds, if this happens, you are being to perfectionistic.
But of course a little perfectionism is good for us all.
When you make a song, don’t be lazy, when something doesn’t sound right, don’t put it in, and don’t be afraid to delete it, from the song.
Although when it has a current feeling to it, you should keep it, maybe it’s good stuff for another song right?
When you come at the point your composition is perfect, and the mix isn’t, work hard to get the mix as you want it to sound,.
People want your soungs to be able to be listened to at any volume.
Also when working on a song, and it doesn’t work out, don’t be dicouraged, just save what you have and wait for that magic moment that your thoughts tell you; ‘OH I have to but this and that there and put this effect over that sample’
If this moment doesn’t come just start on something new.

The Network:
Try to expand your network not only by people you don’t really know on myspace, try to find active and interesting musicians in your area.
Maybe you can cooperate with them?
Singers, drummers, pianists, guitarists, anything is possible.
Also don’t be afraid to step to proffesionals with your music, just to ask them some tips on the mixing, or composition.
Another thing, when you’ve made something you’re not completely satisfied with, DON’T realease it in anyway, the first impression is the one people will keep, when they hear something and it sounds like crap, there most likele;y to look your music up again.

The composition.
How I do it?
I make patterns in fruity loops. Plain from effects.
My drums go trough a tape recorder, for that old vintage sound that I am looking for, my synths and basses go trough an analog delay put to 1 for a phat sound.
When this all is done, I put them together in cool edit pro, and then I process them, mix them and master them to finally export them.
This is just one of the million ways you can make your songs.
First off, use a program that works for you, don’t use a program because, ‘Everyone uses it’
don’t use a program because, someone tells you you should.
And especially, don’t use a program because your favorite musician uses it.
Use a program that fits with you, and second, it’s not wrong to use multiple programs, this happens a lot in the industry too.
Don’t be afraid to try new things, and be creative, also make sure the place where you are making your music comforts you, for instance I wouldn’t like making the music I make in my parrents living room, you catch my drift?

Keep in mind you can use anything and use it in anyway to make your music. Don’t be a clone of some respected musician, do your OWN thing.
Also, everytime you make a song, it’s not aquired to do it the same way everytime.
As I put above:
I quote: ‘My drums go trough a tape recorder, for that old vintage sound that I am looking for, my synths and basses go trough an analog delay put to 1 for a phat sound’
Of course I don’t do this to every single song, I do this to some of the songs I make when the sound I have doesn’t satisfy me, and even then I don’t always do that.

Some general tips/FAQ
I have problem making my drums sound ‘breakcoreish’
First of all, take the time to write your drums and be patient, don’t expect to be able to make the nastyest breaks in the time of a day.
A second tip, turn the BPM down a bit, make your drums sound funky, and if you have enough patterns speed them up, and you’ll notice they’ll sound a lot more breakcorish then you expected.

Making cool leads, basses etc.:
You can use plugins, keyboards, but also parial melodies from other songs,
from only one sound, you could make a whole melody, by just pitchbending it now and then, and putting it down rhytmically.

Bringing structure in your songs.
Ok, so you made a song, the loose patterns sound brutal as hell, but when you put them together it sounds like random noise.
To me, the drums need little structure, I use the lead and the bass to bring the structure in my songs, for everyone it’s personal, just find this one part in your music which you can listen to more then 3 seconds straight and bring it back in your soungs.
Also try to call back to the old rules of making music, try and make a verse, a bridge, intro, outro, breakdown and that kind of stuff, and put those in whole parts together to make your song more structured.

Also a good tip:
When you want to improve your skills in a curtain instrument, try to look in to that instrument, do some research and make sure you understand the instrument so you can make it sound that little bit more musical.

But always keep in mind, music has no official rules, you set your own rules and you make your own music, feedback is usefull but when you don’t want to do something, don’t do it.
Only do things you support 100% yourself.

Just open fruityloops and randomly click some buttons.
add a lot of distortion on the master.
And as final touch: put the vst dblue glitch the master.
be sure that the whole mp3 is clipped during the whole song!

make a myspace and find an artist name.
something that looks like another artist always works well in the «Breakcore scene».
so choose a name like: Duran duran duran, judith priest, cunt eastwood, donna plumber or tina tuner.

Make a netrelease every week! and post it on every forum you can find.
It always looks nice if you promote your 395 internet releases with your first post on a forum!
Add enormous ammounts of friends on myspace, facebook, virb and youtube.
Post every friend every 2 days with a new video and some new tracks!

Make sure your internet promotion is very aggressive and close to anoying.

This makes you the perfect breakcore artist!

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How To Make Your FIRST Breakcore Song In FL Studio 20 Using Default Plugins Instruments

28:51 37.97 MB 32.3K


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How To Ambient Breakcore Jungle Like SEWERSLVT Samples

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How To Make Breakcore How To Find Breakcore Samples

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How To Make Breakcore DNB Sewerslvt Style Samples

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Amen Break Other Drums Loops

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Для вашего поискового запроса Breakcore Samples мы нашли 50 песен, соответствующие вашему запросу. Теперь мы рекомендуем загрузить первый результат How To Make Your FIRST Breakcore Song In FL Studio 20 Using Default Plugins Instruments который загружен Vergence размером 37.97 MB, длительностью 28 мин и 51 сек и битрейтом 192 Kbps.

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how do i make breakcore or dnb music

    10 3

How to make breakcoreDead rose 2017-11-14

i really need help making this any and all comments are appreciated

Panas Dalam

oK, i’m seeing the advice to use an Amen break or something like it. I’ve noticed that some of the tracks people are making are using some of the classic jungle breaks. What is ok to upload? Is the Amen break fair game on this platform? I have samples of an Amen break time stretched with an akai to create a certain sound to the break. Is that ok to use? Other classic breaks that are so common they seem to now be in the public domain are ok to upload? I’m definitely seeing people making tracks that are almost entirely samples and I know they aren’t making all the material themselves (as some I recognize). Can we take a classic break and chop it to the point it is distinct from the orginal? Someone please fill me in on the finer points of this issue. Thx.

Jordi Moragues

A version of the Amen Break is available in Probe (https://probe.audiotool.com/) after clicking the Beat Demo button in the welcome dialogue. I guess that’s fine to use.

How to make breakcoreHow to make breakcore

Cal Lycus

How to make breakcore

Sacred Prime

I’ve got a few simple tips here, and one of my tracks to study. No, it’s not EXACTLY Venetian Snares, because that’s not what I was going for, but you could use these methods to make that. First thing is use a very fast tempo. Somewhere between 170 and 180 sounds best to me. Next thing is use something very similar to the amen break loop, or make it. Google the amen break if you don’t know it. You’ll find PLENTY of information on that. Lastly, and most important for what you’re looking for, use the stutter on the Rasslebock to move into different areas of your drop, and automate it to ascend and descend in varying bursts. Try to create a long pattern as to avoid too much repetition in the effect. This enhances how much of a «glitch» it feels like. I hope I was helpful, because I had this same question when I first started here and spent a good while trying to figure it out myself. Here’s that track. The Nihilist

Sacred Prime

Also, loops are a better option than making your own for a more Venetian snares sound rather than a modern DnB style. Mainly, because you can use actual recordings of real drum kits that sound very consistent rather than samples from different environments. This is a huge part of VS’s sound, and part of the reason the classic amen break sounds so damn good in that genre. Real drums resampled.

How to make breakcoreHow to make breakcore

Cal Lycus

Depends on the type of dnb.

However, start with the beat, then the bassline.

I tend to throw in a simple dnb beat sample, make a bassline. Then make some new drums to fit with the bass tonally.

Is a pretty standard beat.

You can add pitched snares/hats/other percs to fit whatever style of dnb you’re going for around those simple beats.

Cal Lycus

(link is only visible to registered users)

This is by no means how I would make a beat. But it gives you the markers for what can work as dnb.

pattern 1 is simple

pattern 2 is more complex.

How to make breakcoreHow to make breakcore

Cal Lycus

That kind of dnb has that first beat as the standard and then performs variations around that.

The use of hats and silence are what create the glitchy feel.

How to make breakcore

Dead rose

would this work for like a glitchy dnb track?

maybe something like Venetian snares

How to make breakcore

PC (gone)

probably just look up DnB and it will pop up.


How to make breakcore


How to make breakcore

quick + easy «breakcore» how to :)СкачатьПодробнее

How to make breakcore

How to make breakcore

HOW TO MAKE BREAKCORE/GLITCHCORE (it’s stupidly easy lol)СкачатьПодробнее

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How to make breakcore

How to make breakcore

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How to make breakcore


How to make breakcore

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How to make breakcore

How to make a breakcore. СкачатьПодробнее

How to make breakcore

small simple breakcore i made in 2 hours using 2 samples (flp in desc.)СкачатьПодробнее

How to make breakcore

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Как Сделать Glitchcore Бит для 17 SEVENTEEN x SQWORE в Fl studioСкачатьПодробнее

Источники информации:

  • http://www.breakcore.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2368
  • http://mp3crown.cc/music/breakcore-samples.html
  • http://www.audiotool.com/board/arranging/how_do_i_make_breakcore
  • http://abesu.org/kak-sdelat-prostoy-breykkor-how-to-make-simple-breakcore

Posted by

The Lord of Gabber Kicks

3 years ago

level 1

you ever used Renoise?

I’m curious as I just got of my lazy ass and started to learn it, and wondered if you picked FL over Renoise or already used FL when you started producing

level 2

Not him, but renoise is fun, and easy to get started even with the demo

level 2

Op · 3 yr. agoThe Lord of Gabber Kicks

ive never used Renoise, the closest I have come to an actual tracker was on the Gameboy software called LSDJ.

i did however start using Fruity loops back in 2001.

i luh dat mess forever!

level 1

Pretty basic stuff, but thanks anyway for sharing.

level 2

Op · 3 yr. agoThe Lord of Gabber Kicks

you’re totally welcome, homie!

level 1

I wonder if soulseek is still alive .

level 2

man soulseek is my go to for finding weird shit haha

level 2

Not too long ago, 2 to 3 months, I was uploading and downloading files like crazy from it, so I guess so.


Дружно пишем брейккор

Команда для конкурса (musicgame.promodj.ru/blog/6722… и тут musicgame.promodj.ru/blog/6568…)


1. Final Sketch (копетан + ударые)

2. Маста Майкс (основная мелодичная составляющая)

3. Gloomу (тссцшшпщщ, атмосфера в общем)

4. Бэээээтман! (мастер на все руки)

5. Namynnuz (бит/глитчи)

Стиль: брейккор/айдиэм.

Темп: 210бпм 

Структура: как получится) примерно 32 квадрата интро, потом мейн, яма, ещё мейн и аутро.

Гамма: F# — G# — A — B — C# — D — E — F#

Майкс пишет основную мелодию, инструмент на твой вкус. также желательно фоновые тональные пады (если надо) и дополнительные синты. думаю длиннее минуты отдельную партию делать ни к чему)

 Gloomу ответственный за фксы и всякие шум в яме и интро. также желательно сделать разные краши и свипы.

Бэтман делает всё что захочет) предлагал лютую гитару, можно и её, только чтобы из партий можно было достать всё, что может понадобиться в процессе сведения с основной мелодией, то есть..мм..удары на всех (или почти всех) нотах различной продолжительности. и желательно побольше низов, чтобы под бит подходила. Также неплохо будет если подкинешь немного лупов ударных)

Ну а енот попробует поэкспериментировать с ударными и глитчами. Ориентироваться лучше на днб-звучание.

И да,  не надо делать лупы из 4 одинаковых киков, этого же кика и снейра, и того же самого с хэтами. Ну вы поняли)

Главная » Drum Kits / Samples » Breakcore Drum Kit

Теги: drums, samples, pack

Breakcore Drum Kit

Важно! Перед началом скачивания и установки необходимо ОТКЛЮЧИТЬ АНТИВИРУС, иначе кейген может быть удалён.

Breakcore Drum Kit — Breakcore Kit скачать торрент [1 MB]

Breakcore Drum Kit скачать торрент [309 MB]

Видео-инструкция — как добавить Breakcore Drum Kit в FL Studio 20/12

Процедура установки для всех драм-китов, лупов и сэмпл-паков выглядит практически одинаково, поэтому не буду записывать новую видео-инструкцию, а покажу весь процесс установки Breakcore Drum Kit на примере MZ Drum Kit 2019.

Если видео не работает, обновите страницу или сообщите об этом в комментариях, поправлю.

Ссылка на видео: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/_X7d4Gykn8-hlg

How to make breakcore | Как написать брейккор



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  • карабабай1133

    карабабай1133  +5

    После этого мне захотелось эксперименты Лэйн посмотреть

  • leeck

    leeck Před rokem +3


  • sorrow


    какие сэмплпаки использовал?

  • Loowu!


    почему так мало просмотров……

  • fsdffsdfsdf fsdfsd

    fsdffsdfsdf fsdfsd  +2

    ребятки что за лид akas p4 не могу найти :/

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