Сбылась моя мечта задал вопрос Джеки Чану! Думал ли я что когда то смогу лично пообщаться со своим кумиром?!
Первые фильмы с Джеки Чаном я смотрел еще в далекие восьмидесятые.
За 1 рубль можно было посмотреть в видео-салоне один фильм. «Доспехи бога» 1 и 2 части , «Закусочная на колесах» были ПЕРЕсмотрены по несколько раз!
Самое интересное, начиналось в конце фильмов. Там показывались неудачные дубли, смешные ситуации со съемок.
Это было фирменным знаком в фильмах Джеки Чана!
Фото из Фейсбук Джеки Чана
Видео. Успел задать Джеки Чану вопрос про съемки с Брюс Ли
Такого Ажиотажа на пресс-конференции я давно не видел!
Все начиналось на крыше Риц Карлтон, где собралось около семидесяти фото корреспондентов.
Было холодно… Кто то крикнул А ЗАВТРА НАПИШУТ: «семьдесят замерзших фотографов найдены в центре Москвы» Да, это не летом на фото-куле!
После 40 минутного ожидания в окружении шкафов-охранников вышел Джеки Чан!
И сразу стало жарко от блеска вспышек.
Лук ет ми! Кричали фотографы пытаясь привлечь внимание актера и что бы снимок у них получился когда ДЖЕКИ СМОТРИТ ПРЯМО В КАМЕРУ!
Затем в руках Джеки Чана оказались мишки панды (он не расставался с ними и в зале где проходила пресс-конференция).
Джамп, джамп кричали фотографы в надежде на красивый снимок и ожидая от актера-каскадера каких то замысловатых трюков.
Джеки действительно решил всех удивить и взобрался на столбик в стеклянном ограждении.
Не помню, что бы кто то из известных актеров пытался так балансировать на крыше!
Затем надо было решить кейс –попасть в первый лифт, что бы успеть вернуться в зал для пресс-конференции и занять удобное место для фотографирования.
Вот так выглядят журналисты в лифте (как килька в банке)…
Мне удалось занять место в первом ряду, это повышало шансы оказаться заметным и задать вопрос Джеки Чану. Пока ехал на метро обдумывал КАКОЙ ЖЕ ВОПРОС ЗАДАТЬ Джеки Чану?!
Первые фильмы с Джеки Чаном я смотрел еще в далекие восьмидесятые году. За 1 рубль можно было посмотреть в видео-салоне один фильм. «Доспехи бога» 1 и 2 части , «Закусочная на колесах» были ПЕРЕсмотрены по несколько раз! Самое интересное, начиналось в конце фильмов. Там показывались неудачные дубли, смешные ситуации со съемок. Это было фирменным знаком в фильмах Джеки Чана!
Итак, тяну руку что бы привлечь внимание ведущего и взять в руки заветный микрофон-дорогу к Личному вопросу своему кумиру.
Как выделится среди журналистов? Практически вырываю микрофон и согласия ведущего задаю вопрос:
про съемки вместе с Брюс Ли, КАКОВО ЭТО БЫЛО?!
Джеки Чан отвечает:
Мне очень повезло и я рад, что работал с Брюс Ли! Я был молодым человеком и каскадером.
И конечно теперь все каскадеры говорят Я ХОЧУ РАБОТАТЬ РАБОТАТЬ С ДЖЕКИ ЧАНОМ!
Джеки Чан и Брюс Ли
Джеки Чан и Брюс Ли
Pictures of Jackie Chan (2006-09-09) |
Jackie Chan | |
Actor | Picture gallery |
Get an alert when there are new pictures | |
成龍 |
Forum |
Date of birth:
April 07, 1954 |
View all autographs posted for Jackie Chan |
Official website | Post the response to your fan letter |
Email address: Add It | Send me an email next time someone posts an autograph |
Last feedback received on: 3/17/2020 >>> |
Fan mail address:
Jackie Chan Not an updated address? |
Address information:
Jackie & Willie Productions Ltd. |
View larger map
How to send your fan mail and autograph requests to Jackie Chan?: |
If you want to request an autograph, follow the guidelines bellow. If you just want to mail a letter with the address above, and do not want anything back, then you can stop reading!
If you live in China send a properly stamped and self addressed envelope (minimum size 8.5″ x 4″) with your request letter and a photo. You can include a piece of cardboard to keep the photo from bending in shipping and also add «Do Not Bend» on the envelopes. Send your letter and wait. On average, there is going to be a 3+ month wait for a response. If you do not live in China, add several* International Reply Coupons. The International Reply Coupons (IRC) will be used by the receiver to purchase chinese stamps. You can only get them at your post office. Place the IRCs into the envelope, not on it. For more information on reply coupons click here. |
Feedback received: |
Jackie Chan Unsuccessful — May 18th, 2022 Sent: 15/05/2021 — I sent a letter with 5 photos, SAE, IRC Received: No answer received. Address: Jackie Chan Jackie & Willie Productions Ltd. 70 Pak To Avenue Clear Water Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong China |
Jackie Chan Success — March 21st, 2020 Sent: 21/11/2019 — LOR, Q&A, 3 photos, SAE, IRC Received: 17/03/2020 — 3 signed photos Address: http://surfmypictures.com/image/91463f007ad046d6/52zg6.htmlrl http://surfmypictures.com/image/91463f007ad046d6/1eixy.htmlrl Photo is on my website: https://autograph-world.blogspot.com/2020/03/137-jackie-chan.html |
Jackie Chan- Success — March 12th, 2020 Sent LOR, SASE, IRC and a photo to be signed and received it back today Address used: Jackie Chan Sent: 16/09/2019 https://ibb.co/nRYyhCgrl |
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Jackie Chan Contact Number, Mailing Address, and Email Address are given here in this article. Chan Kong-sang is an Actor, producer, film director, screenwriter, stuntman, martial artist, action choreographer and singer. He is professionally known as Jackie Chan. He has been appeared in the several films, television films, documentaries and so on.
He has been honored with the awards like Academy Awards, American Choreography Awards, Britannia Awards and so on. He has been considered as the World’s second-highest paid actor. In order to buy the footwear like Jackie Chan in the United States, then they are available at reasonable amount at e-commerce website.
Jackie Chan Fan Mail Address
If you are seeking for the fan mail address of Jackie Chan for sending him a letter, the you are at the right place. We are representing it here for you. The address is Jackie Chan, Jackie & Willie Productions Ltd., 70 Pak To Avenue, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
Office Address and Contact Info of Jackie Chan
This section will provide you the office address of Jackie Chan. If you find the office address of Jacie Chan quite easy to contact him, then you can use it. The address is Jackie & Willie Productions Ltd., (Production Company), 70 Pak To Avenue, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
Contact Numbers of Jackie Chan
We all are wishing to have a direct talk with the Jackie Chan. To fulfill this wish, here we have found out the contact number of Jackie Chan. You can ring up at the given number. The office contact number is + 852 2794 0388. The office fax number is + 852 2794 4274.
Further details are available at this website http://jackiechan.com/.
Quick Facts
- Spouse: Joan Lin (m. 1982)
- Born: 7 April 1954
- Net Worth: US$400 Million
- Birth Place: Victoria Peak, British Hong Kong
Also Read: Anthony Hopkins Phone Number
Social Media Platforms
Lets have a look at the social media platforms of Jackie Chan. He is active on some of the social media platforms. He used to post on the social media platforms for his fans. The social media platforms are Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Article first published on September 17, 2020.
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As a movie star and philanthropist, Jackie Chan is a busy man. Fortunately, you still have a chance to meet him at film premiers and other events. If you want to meet him, watch for any news indicating where he will appear. Get to the event early and stay ahead of the crowd. Although it isn’t guaranteed, with a little luck you may get to meet Jackie Chan face-to-face.
Visit Jackie Chan’s official website for appearance dates. Check the website’s news and announcements sections frequently. Be on the lookout for any mention of public appearances such as charity events or movie promos. Once you know where Jackie Chan is, you may be able to meet him by going there.
- The official website is http://www.jackiechan.com/.
- If you are lucky, Jackie Chan might come to an area near you so you don’t have to travel.
Read Jackie Chan’s official Facebook page. The Facebook page is also updated on occasion by Jackie Chan and his representatives. Keep an eye out for posts mentioning where Jackie Chan currently is or where he plans on going. Use the information to have a shot at meeting him.[1]
- The official Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/jackie/.
Follow Jackie Chan on Twitter. Follow Jackie Chan’s official account for posts regarding his whereabouts. He posts a lot about movies he is involved with as well as some personal updates. You may be able to find out where Jackie Chan is in the world so you can meet him there.[2]
- His verified account is at https://twitter.com/eyeofjackiechan.
Visit Jackie Chan’s Instagram page. Jackie Chan sometimes posts photos when he travels and goes to events. Visit his Instagram page regularly for updates. Sometimes you can get an idea of where he is or where he is going next.[3]
- The official page is located at https://www.instagram.com/jackiechanl.
Connect with a Jackie Chan fan club. Search online to find some of the active fan clubs scattered across the world. These clubs also maintain social media pages on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Connecting with these fan clubs can help you find out where Jackie Chan is and how you can meet him.
- Some fan clubs may offer a membership option. Research the club’s history first to make sure it’s legitimate before you pay any membership fees.
Find out where Jackie Chan is filming a movie. Jackie Chan is still very active in filming new kung fu movies. Look online to find information on where and when the movie is filmed. This information is usually reported by media outlets in nearby cities. You may have a chance to meet Jackie Chan during a break or after the work is done.[4]
- To find this info, search for “Jackie Chan news” or “Jackie Chan movie filming” online. Click the “news” tab at the top of the page of whichever search engine you use.
- Avoid interrupting the filming. Make sure you get there early and stay in front of the crowd.
Go to meet-and-greet events after filming. Sometimes cities or film companies sponsor a meet-and greet-event or a special ceremony after the filming. This will be reported online or by local media outlets. These events are crowded, so prepare for the crowds by arriving early, bringing everything you need, and staying patient.[5]
- Be respectful of the event rules. There will most likely be a lot of people and the main area will be cordoned off by security guards.
Travel to film festivals and movie premiers. Jackie Chan makes appearances at these events to promote his new movies. Follow the news about the movie filming. These events are often shared on movie sites as well as Jackie Chan’s official pages.[6]
- Try sites like Star2 or Today Online to find more information.
- Premiers and film festivals take place in large cities like L.A. and Shanghai, so you may need to travel to meet Jackie Chan there.
Hang out in a town Jackie Chan travels to. You may run into Jackie Chan while you’re in the same city as him. When Jackie Chan travels somewhere, such as for filming or an appearance, spend some time outside. You may run into him if he goes out to see the sights or get a bite to eat.
- Watch social media and news sites. Other people may post updates letting you know where Jackie Chan is.
- Jackie Chan is from Hong Kong, so you may have better luck finding him there or in China.
Go to benefit concerts Jackie Chan attends. Jackie Chan sometimes sings at public events, which you can follow in the news or his official site. You may need to purchase tickets for these events when they are announced. You may then be able to talk to Jackie Chan during the event or around the city afterwards.
Contribute to Jackie Chan’s charity efforts. Jackie Chan does a lot of charity work, so you may be able to meet him at a charity event. Look for posts on his website about these events and volunteer if you can. He often raises funds after natural disasters and helps underprivileged children and the elderly.[7]
- For example, Jackie Chan’s foundation builds schools in rural China, but he has also done some work in Europe.
- If you volunteer, meeting Jackie Chan is not guaranteed. If you are lucky, he may make a public appearance.
Book Jackie Chan for a public speaking appearance. Jackie Chan has made appearances at schools and other locations. If you really want to meet Jackie Chan, you could book an appearance through an agency. Look online for celebrity speaker bureaus that have Jackie Chan listed as a client and send them a message to discuss the fees.
- Search “Book Jackie Chan for an appearance” to find a few agencies. Make sure feel comfortable with the agency before sending any money.
- This is a pretty expensive option, so you may need some help from big businesses and schools to raise funds.
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Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.
For the best chance of meeting Jackie Chan, keep up with news and media about where he is traveling.
Remember, Jackie Chan is a busy movie star with a lot of fans. Be respectful to everyone at events.
Meeting Jackie Chan takes some luck. Even if you travel and attend events, you may have a hard time meeting him.
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As a movie star and philanthropist, Jackie Chan is a busy man. Fortunately, you still have a chance to meet him at film premiers and other events. If you want to meet him, watch for any news indicating where he will appear. Get to the event early and stay ahead of the crowd. Although it isn’t guaranteed, with a little luck you may get to meet Jackie Chan face-to-face.
Visit Jackie Chan’s official website for appearance dates. Check the website’s news and announcements sections frequently. Be on the lookout for any mention of public appearances such as charity events or movie promos. Once you know where Jackie Chan is, you may be able to meet him by going there.
- The official website is http://www.jackiechan.com/.
- If you are lucky, Jackie Chan might come to an area near you so you don’t have to travel.
Read Jackie Chan’s official Facebook page. The Facebook page is also updated on occasion by Jackie Chan and his representatives. Keep an eye out for posts mentioning where Jackie Chan currently is or where he plans on going. Use the information to have a shot at meeting him.[1]
- The official Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/jackie/.
Follow Jackie Chan on Twitter. Follow Jackie Chan’s official account for posts regarding his whereabouts. He posts a lot about movies he is involved with as well as some personal updates. You may be able to find out where Jackie Chan is in the world so you can meet him there.[2]
- His verified account is at https://twitter.com/eyeofjackiechan.
Visit Jackie Chan’s Instagram page. Jackie Chan sometimes posts photos when he travels and goes to events. Visit his Instagram page regularly for updates. Sometimes you can get an idea of where he is or where he is going next.[3]
- The official page is located at https://www.instagram.com/jackiechanl.
Connect with a Jackie Chan fan club. Search online to find some of the active fan clubs scattered across the world. These clubs also maintain social media pages on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Connecting with these fan clubs can help you find out where Jackie Chan is and how you can meet him.
- Some fan clubs may offer a membership option. Research the club’s history first to make sure it’s legitimate before you pay any membership fees.
Find out where Jackie Chan is filming a movie. Jackie Chan is still very active in filming new kung fu movies. Look online to find information on where and when the movie is filmed. This information is usually reported by media outlets in nearby cities. You may have a chance to meet Jackie Chan during a break or after the work is done.[4]
- To find this info, search for “Jackie Chan news” or “Jackie Chan movie filming” online. Click the “news” tab at the top of the page of whichever search engine you use.
- Avoid interrupting the filming. Make sure you get there early and stay in front of the crowd.
Go to meet-and-greet events after filming. Sometimes cities or film companies sponsor a meet-and greet-event or a special ceremony after the filming. This will be reported online or by local media outlets. These events are crowded, so prepare for the crowds by arriving early, bringing everything you need, and staying patient.[5]
- Be respectful of the event rules. There will most likely be a lot of people and the main area will be cordoned off by security guards.
Travel to film festivals and movie premiers. Jackie Chan makes appearances at these events to promote his new movies. Follow the news about the movie filming. These events are often shared on movie sites as well as Jackie Chan’s official pages.[6]
- Try sites like Star2 or Today Online to find more information.
- Premiers and film festivals take place in large cities like L.A. and Shanghai, so you may need to travel to meet Jackie Chan there.
Hang out in a town Jackie Chan travels to. You may run into Jackie Chan while you’re in the same city as him. When Jackie Chan travels somewhere, such as for filming or an appearance, spend some time outside. You may run into him if he goes out to see the sights or get a bite to eat.
- Watch social media and news sites. Other people may post updates letting you know where Jackie Chan is.
- Jackie Chan is from Hong Kong, so you may have better luck finding him there or in China.
Go to benefit concerts Jackie Chan attends. Jackie Chan sometimes sings at public events, which you can follow in the news or his official site. You may need to purchase tickets for these events when they are announced. You may then be able to talk to Jackie Chan during the event or around the city afterwards.
Contribute to Jackie Chan’s charity efforts. Jackie Chan does a lot of charity work, so you may be able to meet him at a charity event. Look for posts on his website about these events and volunteer if you can. He often raises funds after natural disasters and helps underprivileged children and the elderly.[7]
- For example, Jackie Chan’s foundation builds schools in rural China, but he has also done some work in Europe.
- If you volunteer, meeting Jackie Chan is not guaranteed. If you are lucky, he may make a public appearance.
Book Jackie Chan for a public speaking appearance. Jackie Chan has made appearances at schools and other locations. If you really want to meet Jackie Chan, you could book an appearance through an agency. Look online for celebrity speaker bureaus that have Jackie Chan listed as a client and send them a message to discuss the fees.
- Search “Book Jackie Chan for an appearance” to find a few agencies. Make sure feel comfortable with the agency before sending any money.
- This is a pretty expensive option, so you may need some help from big businesses and schools to raise funds.
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Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.
For the best chance of meeting Jackie Chan, keep up with news and media about where he is traveling.
Remember, Jackie Chan is a busy movie star with a lot of fans. Be respectful to everyone at events.
Meeting Jackie Chan takes some luck. Even if you travel and attend events, you may have a hard time meeting him.
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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 25,459 times.