Затем он обратился в гостиничный бизнес и специализировался на кулинарии. После Travaille в нескольких лондонских ресторанах (включая знаменитый Harvey’s), Gordon Ramsay переехал в Париж, где он работа наряду с такими великими шеф-поварами, как Жоэль Робюшон и Ги Савой.
Во-вторых, какой национальности Гордон Рамзи?
Gordon Ramsay В 2006. Гордон Джеймс Рамсей, родился 8 ноября 1966 года в Джонстоне, Шотландия, является un шеф-повар Британский повар и ресторатор.
Плюс, где готовит Гордон Рамзи?
Его перфекционизм и растущая известность позволяют ему открывать несколько ресторанов по всему миру: Дубай, Токио, Нью-Йорк, Лос-Анджелес, Уиклоу в Ирландии, Gordon Ramsay во дворце Трианон в Версале, а недавно перешел на кухню ресторана изысканной кухни Le pressoir d’Argent в…
Итак, как написать Гордону Рамзи? Как связаться Обслуживание клиентов Gordon Ramsay в Трианоне из-за границы? Если вы находитесь за пределами Франции, за границей, вы можете контакт служба поддержки клиентов по телефону +33130845018, звонок оплачивается по цене звонка на материковую часть Франции.
Почему известен Гордон Рамзи?
ГОРДОН РАМСАЙ известен быть отличным шеф-повар, чьи навыки принесли ему три звезды Мишлен за его знаменитый ресторан Chelsea. Il есть другие рестораны, отмеченные звездами, среди которых Gordon Ramsay из…
Кто лучший повар в мире?
1 / Мишель Бра-о-Сюке, избран Meilleur глава Monde.
Кто самый богатый повар в мире?
Ален Дюкасс: богаче.
Кто самые звездные повара в мире?
Ален Дюкасс, шеф-повар Французский самый звездный в мире, покинет ресторан парижского дворца Le Plaza Athénée, которым он управляет с 2000 года и где он ввел самую авангардную концепцию «естественности».
У кого больше всего звезд Мишлен?
Ален Дюкасс, шеф-повар Французский более звездный в мире покинет ресторан парижского дворца Le Plaza Athénée, которым он управляет с 2000 года и где он навязал самую авангардную концепцию «естественности».
Кто лучший французский повар?
Жоэль Робюшон: шеф-повар повар, автор справочников по кулинарии и лидер глобальной империи ресторанов для гурманов, он является обладателем самого важного списка наград в истории кулинарного искусства с 32 звездами в гиде Мишлен!
Кто лучший повар в мире в 2020 году?
2019Мауро Колагреко является избран шеф-поваром 2019 года своими коллегами по версии журнала Le Chef. 2019Мауро Колагреко является избран Meilleur Повар в Monde аналогами мирового рейтинга «100 поваров». 2020, журнала Le Chef.
Кто лучший повар всех времен?
Автор культовых кулинарных произведений, повар Присутствующий в телевизионных шоу, во главе настоящей мировой империи ресторанов изысканной кухни, Жоэль Робюшон остается шеф-поваром с самым высоким рейтингом в истории кулинарного искусства.
Каково состояние Поля Бокюза?
Производные продукты, школы, рестораны, «папа французской гастрономии», Поля Бокюза, était во главе империи, оцениваемой в 100 миллионов евро.
Кто первый повар в мире?
Джоэл Робюшон
рождение | 7 апреля 1945 г. Пуатье (Вена) |
Различия | 32 звезды в гиде Мишлен (2016) Шеф-повар века Gault et Millau Лучший ресторан в Monde 1994 International Herald Tribune Четыре колоды с Gault et Millau Meilleur Ouvrier de France Офицер Почетного легиона |
Как повару может быть 32 звезды?
Из Meilleur Ouvrier de France в 1976 году шеф-повар Жоэль Робюшон стал Поваром века в 1990 году. Его многочисленные рестораны и его легендарное месиво позволили ему получить 32 звезд(ы) во время его карьеры. … Снова в необыкновенное путешествие этого шеф-повар исключительный.
Что такое шеф-повар с множеством звезд?
Un Главный, кто заставить уважать
Чрезмерно дотошное блюдо, qu‘он доволен до совершенства, до такой степени что это это блюдо здесь заработал ему свой первый Звезда.
В каком ресторане больше всего звезд?
Глава здесь держать больше звезд Мишлен: Ален Дюкасс. В отсутствие Робюшона Ален Дюкасс является шеф более звездный в мире. Шеф-повар из Монако Ален Дюкасс родился во Франции. звезды в СЭС рестораны.
Какое максимальное количество звездочек у ресторана?
Во Франции действует официальная система классификации гостиничных заведений. a измененный в 2010 году, он позволяет создать новый класс «5 Число звезд: .
Кто такие трехзвездочные повара?
Среди ста повара тройной звезды в мире всего 7 женщин являются частью элиты.
Которые 7 трехзвездочных поваров мира?
- Элен Дарроз. Январь был полон эмоций для Элен Дарроз. …
- Анн-Софи Пик. …
- Доминик Кренн. …
- Клэр Смит. …
- Анни Феольд. …
- Елена Арзак. …
- Надя Сантини.
Кто повар?
название | повар |
Статус | Сотрудник, ИП |
Сектор | Питание |
Соседние сделки | Мясник, мясник, поставщик провизии |
Какой повар был певцом?
Приехал снимать возле Брион, певец Дэйв также повар гурман! Вот несколько дней в Сен-Пьер-де-Салерн, Луана Бельмондо, сейчас на Моем канале кухня, устроил на съемках своего шоу певец Дэйв, всем известный.
Кто покончил жизнь самоубийством повар?
Бернар Луазо, родился 13 января 1951 года в Шамальере (Пюи-де-Дом) и умер 24 февраля 2003 года в Сольё (Кот-д’Ор), является un повар и французский ресторатор гастрономического ресторана Relais Bernard Loiseau в Сольё.
В какой стране лучше всего готовят?
Вот 10 meilleures кухни по толпе:
- Индия.
- Испания. …
- Греция. …
- Мексика. …
- Япония. …
- Китай. …
- Ливан. …
- Таиланд. В кухня Тайский язык с его бесчисленным количеством вкусов и специй не для всех. …
Для получения дополнительных статей посетите наш раздел Руководство и не забудьте поделиться статьей!
Шеф-повар Гордон Рамзи известен в России, прежде всего, как ведущий увлекательного тв-шоу «МастерШеф» (MasterChef US). Гордон – фигура штучная и запоминающееся. Расскажем о его жизни, характере и пристрастиях поподробнее.
1. Гордон Рамзи – входит в тройку богатейших шеф-поваров в мире. В настоящее время он владеет 35 ресторанами по всему миру, а его состояние – от 63 до 118 миллионов долларов по разным данным.
2. Гордон Рамзи – шотландец, но вырос в Англии. Он родился в шотландском Джонстоне недалеко от Глазго, 8 ноября 1966 года. Его семья переехала в Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне, родной город Шекспира, когда Рамзи было 5 лет.
3. Рамзи – второй из четырёх детей. У него есть старшая сестра, младший брат, который в подростковом возрасте отбыл срок за хранение героина, и младшая сестра. Отец Рамзи, Гордон Джеймс старший, в разное время работал сварщиком и директором магазина, мама – Хелен, урожденная Косгроув – была медсестрой.
4. В одном из интервью Рамзи описал своё детство и юность как жизнь «безнадежно странствующую». Его семья постоянно переезжала из-за неудач отца. Он недолго задерживался на одном месте, поскольку был алкоголиком и бабником. После того, как семья поселилась в Стратфорде-на-Эйвоне и Гордон подрос, будущий шеф работал посудомойщиком в местном индийском ресторане. В возрасте 16 лет Рамзи стал жить отдельно от своего семейства.
5. Рамзи мог сделать отличную карьеру в профессиональном футболе. Гордон самозабвенно играл в футбол с детства. В 15 лет он присоединился к профессиональному футбольному клубу «Глазго Рейнджерс» и отработал там три года, пока травма колена не разрушила его мечты стать профессиональным футболистом.
6. Прежде чем стать поваром, после завершения спортивной карьеры, в 1997 году Рамзи получил профессиональное образование в области гостиничного менеджмента. Своё решение о выбранном образовании позже Рамзи опишет, как «несчастный случай».
7. В середине 1980-х он работал поваром в отеле Wroxton House, затем руководил кухней и столовой на 60 мест в Wickham Arms, пока его сексуальные отношения с женой владельца не усложнили ситуацию, и он был вынужден уволиться.
8. Гордон стал шеф-поваром в 27 лет. В начале своей кулинарной карьеры Рамзи учился у Марко Пьера Уайта, Джоэля Робюшона и Гая Савоя. В 1993 году он – шеф-повар только что открытого ресторана Aubergine («Баклажан») в Лондоне. Всего за три года Рамзи заработал ресторану две звезды Мишлен и получил 25% акций ресторана. Уже в 1995 году 29-летний Гордон был признан «Новичком года» на престижной премии Catey Awards.
Гордон Рамзи с женой и дочерьми (вторая справа девочка – одноклассница младшей дочери Матильды). Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния, 28 марта 2015, форум Kids Choice Awards
9. В 1998 году Рамзи открыл свой собственный ресторан в Челси, Restaurant Gordon Ramsay, с помощью тестя Криса Хатчесона и бывших коллег по Aubergine.
10. Рамзи прославился своим вспыльчивым характером и использованием ругательств. Шеф однажды выгнал со скандалом из своего ресторана известного кулинарного критика А.А. Гилла. После чего критик заявил прессе, что «Рамзи – прекрасный повар, просто второсортный человек». На это Гордон ответил, что не возражает, если Гилл оскорбляет его еду, но личное оскорбление он не собирается терпеть. У Рамзи также были столкновения со своим кухонным персоналом. Например, однажды случился инцидент, после которого один из кондитеров даже вызвал полицию. При всём этом, в интервью 2005 года сообщалось, что Рамзи в течение почти 10 лет умудрился сохранить 85% своих постоянных штатных сотрудников.
11. В 2013 году американский журнал TV Guide включил Рамзи в свой список 60 самых отвратительных злодеев всех времён.
12. Несмотря на свирепый нрав и прозвище «высокомерный самовлюбленный хулиган», Гордон стал самым лучшим ведущим для детского кулинарного тв-шоу MasterСhef Junior. Во время съёмок – на площадке и вне её, когда Рамзи общался с детьми, он был чрезвычайно терпелив и внимателен к юным участникам. И они отвечали ему взаимностью.
13. Рамзи очень часто и громко выражал неприязнь к вегетарианству и веганству. В 2003 году, когда его спросили о последнем обмане, которое он допустил, шеф сказал: «Вегетарианцы заказали суп из артишоков. Я сказал им, что он был приготовлен из овощного бульона, когда на самом деле это был куриный бульон». Из интервью 2007 года: «Самый большой мой кошмар будет, если дети когда-нибудь подойдут ко мне и скажут: “Папа, я – вегетарианец”». В 2016 году, когда его спросили в Твиттере, есть ли у него аллергия на что-нибудь, он написал «На веганов», потом добавил: «Это шутка, не на веганов! На вегетарианцев».
14. При такой нелюбви к людям, отказавшимся от натурального животного белка, в 2006 году в одном из тв-шоу Рамзи смягчил свою категоричную позицию. Это случилось после того, как он узнал о современных интенсивных методах свиноводства, включая кастрацию и купирование хвоста. Увиденное шеф прокомментировал: «Этого достаточно, чтобы любой стал вегетарианцем. Я всегда «нокаутировал» вегетарианцев и веганов за то, что они упускают самый удивительный – настоящий мясной – вкус. Но увиденное показывает, что множество людей способны отказаться и от него». В 2019 году Гордон запустил веганское меню в своих ресторанах Veganuary и ввёл в других заведениях веганское жаркое.
Гордон Рамзи (справа) участвует в лондонском марафоне. Апрель 2009 год
15. Гордон считает, что лишний вес мешает повару выполнять свою работу на отлично. Он – очень подвижный и всегда в движении. Часто участвует в марафонах (на его счету уже более 15 забегов) и в соревнованиях по триатлону. Кроме того, Гордон ест очень мало во время работы. Говорит, что это привычка, выработанная им благодаря плотному графику. У него есть и чёрный пояс по карате.
16. Рамзи женат на своей жене Тане 24 года и у них пятеро детей. Кайетана (Тана) Элизабет Хатчесон (Cayetana Elizabeth (Tana) Hutcheson) – бывшая школьная учительница, практикующая учение Монтессори и дочь бывшего управляющего ресторанной империей Рамзи. Почему бывшего? В 2017 году тесть шефа отсидел полгода в тюрьме за многократные попытки взлома бизнес-файлов Гордона.
17. Матильда Рамзи – 18-летняя дочка Рамзи и Тани тоже любит готовить. Матильда, которую также называют Тилли, – самый известный ребёнок Гордона. У неё большое количество подписчиков в социальных сетях, например, в инстаграме – более 579 тысяч и собственное кулинарное шоу. Матильда Рамзи также была гостьей на MasterChef Junior и на нескольких ночных ток-шоу вместе со своим отцом.
18. Рамзи не планирует оставлять детям свое многомиллионное состояние. Шеф сообщил в интервью Telegraph, что согласно завещанию, он не оставит своим детям ни цента из заработанных миллионов. Причина? Он не хочет испортить детей деньгами. Гордон объяснил, что дети не останутся полностью без его финансовой помощи. «Они получат 25% залога за квартиру, но не всю квартиру».
19. Рамзи написал более 20 книг.
20. Времени и сил у Гордона хватает и на благотворительность. В 2014 году совместно с женой он основал Фонд Гордона и Таны Рамзи в поддержку детской больницы. В 2006 году шеф был удостоен звания кавалера Ордена Британской империи. В 2013 году занесён в Зал кулинарной славы.
21. Рамзи сказал, что, если бы он мог выбрать свою последнюю еду на Земле, это была бы говядина Веллингтон. Рамзи – большой поклонник английской кухни и многие считают его собственный рецепт говядины Веллингтон самым лучшим из всех.
22 Он никогда ничего не ест в самолётах: «Я много лет проработал на авиалиниях, поэтому знаю, как готовится для них еда и сколько времени прошло, прежде чем блюда попадают на борт». Когда дома смотрит кино, «закусывает» его куриными крылышками. Часто ест традиционное американское блюдо – поленту с креветками и сыром и признаётся в любви к гамбургерам, особенно в почёте у Рамзи гамбургер с горчицей, солёными огурцами и жареным луком. Он ненавидит гавайскую пиццу с ананасами.
23. Рамзи считает, что каждый должен знать, как приготовить отличный гамбургер, полезный завтрак, блюдо для тушения, блюдо из курицы и «восхитительный торт».
Ethan Miller/Getty Images
Gordon Ramsay and controversy have gone hand in hand ever since the potty-mouthed celebrity chef took London’s culinary scene by storm back in the 1990s. Owner of numerous restaurants and host of a legion of hit television shows, there has rarely been a dull moment from the perpetually hot-headed star of such series as Kitchen Nightmares, MasterChef, and many more.
Over the years, the tabloids have had a field day chronicling Ramsay’s exploits, which have involved lawsuits, allegations of shady dealings in his restaurants, and claims that he’s faked his TV shows. Throw in accusations of cultural appropriation, racist remarks, ripoffs, and randy rudeness to a sexy female TV star during an infamous talk show appearance, and that’s only scratching the scandalous surface of the controversial chef who’s built an empire based on good food and bad behavior.
So get ready to take a deep dive into some of the many, many scandals that have plagued Gordon Ramsay over the years.
Gordon Ramsay was arrested and charged with indecency
Stephane De Sakutin/Getty Images
Long before Gordon Ramsay was a household name, he was already getting in trouble for the bad-boy antics that would become his hallmark. In 2004, an old incident resurfaced that spelled embarrassment for the celebrity chef. As the Daily Mail reported, Ramsay had been arrested back in 1993, along with two other male chefs, caught in «various stages of undress» in a tube station lavatory.
While the three were cited for «gross indecency,» a spokesperson for Ramsay insisted the incident was just a little booze-fueled tomfoolery. The spokesperson described the boozy hijinks of three men who’d had a bit too much to imbibe and were «horsing around» in a public bathroom after a celebratory evening.
After talking with Ramsay about what transpired all those years ago, the spokesperson explained that «one of them was having a pee in the sink. The other one was running around with his trousers around his ankles and Gordon was actually just at a urinal with his head slumped on the wall.» The spokesperson emphasized that there was no court appearance, dismissing the whole thing as «a complete boys’ lark» while maintaining «there was nothing sexual involved.»
Gordon Ramsay denied claims of infidelity from a «professional mistress»
In 2008, Gordon Ramsay was accused of infidelity by self-described «professional mistress» Sarah Symonds (via HuffPost), who claimed she’d had a seven-year affair with the married chef. Sharing details of the alleged affair with now-defunct News of the World (via New Zealand Herald), Symonds claimed to be Ramsay’s «confidante» and «‘soulmate,» and described him as «someone who lives on the edge. He loves the risk and needs that adrenaline rush.»
Ramsay, however, denied everything, even joking about the allegations while filming a cooking show — with his mother in the audience. «What a week I’ve had,» Ramsay declared. «My mum is in here tonight so I’m on my best behavior, ooh la la. Oh f**k it. I didn’t do it, mum, I love you.»
In an interview with Men’s Journal, Ramsay restated his innocence, and graphically explained why he would never cheat on his wife. «She’s a nut crusher,» said Ramsay of his spouse. «If I ever f**ked up, she’d have my balls in a vise and turn them into a f**king crêpe suzette thinner than the frilliest knickers Paris Hilton’s ever worn.»
Gordon Ramsay admitted to serving frozen food in his high-end restaurants
Amy Sussman/Getty Images
In 2009, several of Gordon Ramsay’s London gastropubs were found to be serving previously prepared frozen food to oblivious customers. The revelation came about thanks to a sting orchestrated by The Sun tabloid, reported The Guardian, which revealed that the eateries were supplied with boil-in-the-bag coq au vin supplied by Ramsay-owned kitchen facility GR Logistics. When heated and served, the food was sold to unsuspecting diners at a markup of around 500 percent.
As Daily Mail reported, a spokesperson admitted that GR Logistics did indeed «prepare components of dishes devised and produced to the highest Gordon Ramsay standards.» These menu items, the spokesperson continued, «are sealed and transported daily in refrigerated vans and all menu dishes are then cooked in the individual kitchens.» This, the spokesperson asserted (via The Guardian), allowed the gastropubs to «control the consistency and the quality of the food served.»
Helen Hokin, food editor for Food and Travel Magazine, didn’t buy that explanation. She told The Scotsman that this was just another example of «an ever-increasing discrepancy between what Gordon Ramsay says and what Gordon Ramsay does. I think he’s going to lose the trust of his adoring public.»
Gordon Ramsay was accused of cultural appropriation
In 2019, Ramsay opened London’s Lucky Cat, described in its press materials as an «authentic Asian eating house» that was «inspired by the drinking dens of 1930s Tokyo and the Far East.» Food critic Angela Hui, however, took issue with just how «authentic» it was, slamming the eatery in her review as «a real life Ramsay kitchen nightmare.»
After Hui’s scathing critique (and her accompanying social media posts) called out Ramsay for cultural appropriation, Ramsay issued a statement on Instagram. Acknowledging that critics shouldn’t be prevented from providing their honest opinions, Ramsay insisted Hui was biased against him and his restaurants, pointing to «the slew of derogatory and offensive social media posts» she had written about him. Ramsay concluded by stating if a reviewer is «going to be critical, then I expect them to be professional and have some integrity.»
Hui wasn’t the only one to criticize Lucky Cat. Chef and restaurateur George Chen tweeted that while «every chef has the right to interpret another cuisine,» the line is crossed when that cuisine becomes «WHITEwashed for marketing purposes.»
Gordon Ramsay was sued over accusations of faking it for Kitchen Nightmares
Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares was a big hit on U.S. television, but created a legal nightmare for Gordon Ramsay when one of the restaurateurs featured on the show took him to court. Martin Hyde was manager of Manhattan eatery Dillons, until being fired during an episode in which Ramsay called him out for such infractions as rat droppings on the floor and rotten hamburger meat in the fridge.
Hyde launched a lawsuit, reported The Guardian, alleging that «unknown to the viewing audience, some or all of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares shows are fake and the so-called ‘problems uncovered and solved’ by Ramsay are, for the most part, created by Ramsay and his staff for the purpose of making it appear that Ramsay is improving the restaurant.»
A judge subsequently tossed the lawsuit, and ordered both sides to enter arbitration. In an interview with TV Week cited (via BBC America), Ramsay denied Hyde’s allegations. «I would never-ever-ever dream of setting anything up. I want to sleep at night,» he said. «We were issued a writ because, God bless America, if the toilet paper is not thick enough and you come out with a rash on your ass [you’ll get sued].»
Why Gordon Ramsay’s neighbors in Cornwall call his over-the-top mansion «a monstrosity»
Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images
Back in 2015, Gordon Ramsay purchased an oceanfront five-bedroom home in the English seaside resort of Cornwall. He then demolished the property and began construction on two new structures — a mansion and a garden house — and that’s when problems began.
According to the Daily Mail, the new homes boast modern, box-like architecture that Ramsay’s ticked-off neighbors have described as «a monstrosity» resembling «a stack of containers.»
Ramsay’s next-door neighbor, Andrew Nisbet, told Cornwall Live that the chef made no effort to meet with neighbors about their concerns. In fact, Nisbet said he attempted to contact Ramsay but never received a response. «Considering the scale of the development and the detrimental effect it will have on the enjoyment of our property and others it is disappointing and demonstrates a lack of consideration for local residents’ concerns,» Nisbet griped.
Another neighbor, Gerard Manley, shared his concerns about Ramsay’s garden house. «The unnatural height increase of the garden will considerably alter an area of outstanding natural beauty,» he said.
Gordon Ramsay was slammed over his creepy comments about a female broadcaster
Gordon Ramsay nearly caused an international incident when, as The Guardian reported, he publicly insulted an Australian female broadcaster. During a 2009 live appearance in Melbourne, Australia, Ramsay displayed a Photoshopped image of a naked woman on all fours with multiple breasts and a pig’s face, declaring, «That’s Tracy Grimshaw. I had an interview with her yesterday, holy crap. She needs to see Simon Cowell’s Botox doctor.» He also claimed she was a lesbian.
«Obviously Gordon thinks that any woman who doesn’t find him attractive must be gay. For the record, I don’t. And I’m not,» responded Grimshaw on her show, reported the Sydney Morning Herald. «I’m not going to sit meekly and let some arrogant narcissist bully me.»
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd even weighed in, describing Ramsay’s remarks as «a new form of low life. I just think that’s off and offensive. Good on Tracy Grimshaw for coming out and giving him a left upper cut.»
Ramsay’s spokesperson later issued an apology, admitting his intention «was to make a joke» but «with hindsight he realizes that his comments were inappropriate and offensive…»
Gordon Ramsay’s swearing led Australian lawmaker to call for new TV regulations
While Gordon Ramsay’s frequent profanity is bleeped out on American television, this is not the case in Australia, where his colorful language remains uncensored. According to The Hollywood Reporter, this captured the attention of Australian legislators in 2008 when a single episode of Kitchen Nightmares was said to have contained an impressive 80 F-words.
After numerous viewer complaints, an Australian senator launched an inquiry into the nation’s broadcasting standards, calling for more stringent regulations (Australia’s TV broadcasters, noted THR, are self-regulated and follow a code of conduct registered with Australia’s Communications and Media Authority).
Ramsay responded to the controversy, telling critics of his show that if they are that upset by his swearing, they’re free to change channels and watch something else. «Turn over [the TV channel]; isn’t it easier?” he said in an interview with Nine Network, as reported by Associated Press. «I don’t mean to swear, it’s just the muppets I have to work with sometimes,” he said of his tendency to unleash profanity on his TV shows. «It’s high pressure, high energy and, more importantly, real — that’s how we keep it every day.»
Gordon Ramsay infuriated Scots by claiming to be English
Gordon Ramsay was just 5 when he and his family moved to Stratford-upon-Avon in England, but he was born in Scotland. Ramsay may consider himself English, given that he’s lived there for the vast majority of his life, but Scotland claims him as their own.
This explains why a 2011 episode of Kitchen Nightmares cooked up controversy in the land of his birth, when Ramsay was seen conversing with the British-born owner of a failing Florida restaurant. As the Daily Record reported, Ramsay compares himself to the restaurateur, stating, «We’re both English, and we both studied in Paris, but there’s one thing we don’t share in common. I care about my customers. He clearly doesn’t give a f**k.»
The first part of the statement raised some serious Scottish ire. Inverness politician Don Lawson became so riled he demanded Ramsay apologize to the people of Scotland. «If he’d said this a few hundred years ago, he’d have had his head chopped off,» declared Lawson, insisting that Ramsay «should always remember where he came from, even if some of his American TV audience don’t know the difference between Scottish, English and Chinese.»
Gordon Ramsay denied chef Marcus Samuelson’s claim of racist rant
John Lamparski/Getty Images
Chef Marcus Samuelsson is no fan of Gordon Ramsay, and in his 2012 memoir writes about a conversation with the Hell’s Kitchen star that allegedly ended with some racist remarks.
In his book Yes Chef, reported the Daily Mail, Samuelsson writes of answering the phone and hearing the voice of a furious Ramsay, who was apparently unhappy that Samuelsson didn’t name him when asked which chefs he admired. After about five minutes of yelling, wrote Samuelsson, Ramsay ended his rant with these words: «I’m going to make sure you have a f**king miserable time here. This is my city, you hear? Good luck, you f**king black b*stard.»
Ramsay denied Samuelsson’s claim, and issued a response through a spokesperson. «We’re shocked by these completely false and extremely offensive accusations,» said the statement, suggesting «We can only think… these malicious comments have been made in order to garner publicity for Mr. Samuelsson’s book» and promising to «pursue such actions as we deem appropriate against Mr. Samuelsson and his publishers.»
Samuelsson, however, didn’t back down. «Mr. Samuelsson stands by his statement regarding Mr. Ramsay and has no further comment,» read a statement from his publisher, Random House.
Gordon Ramsay was accused of ripping off Anthony Bourdain
Anthony Bourdain was a true television trailblazer with such series as No Reservations and Parts Unknown, which found the adventurous celebrity chef exploring foreign cultures and sampling exotic cuisine in far-flung locales throughout the planet.
In 2019, just a few months after Bourdain’s tragic 2018 death, the National Geographic channel announced a new series with a near-identical premise starring Gordon Ramsay. As soon as Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted was announced, Bourdain’s fans accused Ramsay of ripping off the concept. Numerous social media users took to Twitter to slam Ramsey, including celebrity chef Eddie Huang, who tweeted, «the last thing the food world needs right now is Gordon Ramsay going to foreign countries ‘showing locals he can cook their cuisines better than they can.'»
Ramsay responded to the furor during an appearance at the Television Critics Association press tour, reported ET Canada. «We took a lot of flak on the announcements with Nat Geo about rivalling Tony Bourdain, and that was incorrect,» Ramsay said. «Judge the program, and the integrity, and the team that’s gone to hell and back to make this work.»
Gordon Ramsay faced backlash for shooting a goat
Not only did Gordon Ramsay face scorn from those who accused him of ripping off Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown with his Nat Geo show Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted, he took even more when he did something on the show that left many viewers downright horrified. In a scene that took place in the debut season’s second episode, Ramsay is in New Zealand to discover the secrets of Maori cuisine. This involved Ramsay picking up a rifle, taking aim, and then shooting and killing a goat. The episode followed his progress as he prepared the carcass before roasting it in traditional Maori style.
While Ramsay explained in the episode that the locals consider the goats to be «a pest» that a few years back were «right out of control,» the goat wasn’t the only thing to get roasted as viewers took to Twitter to lambaste Ramsay. While one viewer blasted Ramsay for «profiting from the fear, misery, suffering and murder of innocent animals,» another claimed to be channel-surfing when she stumbled upon the goat-shooting scene, writing «I hate you… you are the worst.»
Neither Ramsay nor Nat Geo responded to the outcry.
Gordon Ramsay was hit with backlash for sexual comments to Sofia Vergara
A video of a 2010 Tonight Show appearance resurfaced in 2019 and led to some serious backlash for Gordon Ramsay due to the outrageous behavior and sexist attitude the celebrity chef displayed toward Modern Family‘s Sofia Vergara. When she tells Leno that a scream she let out was «all acting,» Ramsay touches her on the arm and asks, «Only in the bedroom?» In response, Vergara inches away as her face takes on a pained expression.
Later, Vergara is showing off photos from a recent vacation, including one of her eating pizza. «You seem like you’re enjoying that. You had a whole wedge in your mouth at one time? You haven’t heard of a knife and fork?» Ramsay tells her. After she insists «you don’t eat pizza with a knife and fork,» Ramsay lewdly quips, «You just pick it up and stick it in?»
Things got worse when Ramsay sampled her favorite treat from her native Colombia, which he described as «sh*t fudge» before spitting it out and telling her to «take it back to f**king Colombia.» He also mocked the name of Vergara’s son, Manolo, telling her it «sounds like a paint.»
Ethan Miller/Getty Images
Gordon Ramsay and controversy have gone hand in hand ever since the potty-mouthed celebrity chef took London’s culinary scene by storm back in the 1990s. Owner of numerous restaurants and host of a legion of hit television shows, there has rarely been a dull moment from the perpetually hot-headed star of such series as Kitchen Nightmares, MasterChef, and many more.
Over the years, the tabloids have had a field day chronicling Ramsay’s exploits, which have involved lawsuits, allegations of shady dealings in his restaurants, and claims that he’s faked his TV shows. Throw in accusations of cultural appropriation, racist remarks, ripoffs, and randy rudeness to a sexy female TV star during an infamous talk show appearance, and that’s only scratching the scandalous surface of the controversial chef who’s built an empire based on good food and bad behavior.
So get ready to take a deep dive into some of the many, many scandals that have plagued Gordon Ramsay over the years.
Gordon Ramsay was arrested and charged with indecency
Stephane De Sakutin/Getty Images
Long before Gordon Ramsay was a household name, he was already getting in trouble for the bad-boy antics that would become his hallmark. In 2004, an old incident resurfaced that spelled embarrassment for the celebrity chef. As the Daily Mail reported, Ramsay had been arrested back in 1993, along with two other male chefs, caught in «various stages of undress» in a tube station lavatory.
While the three were cited for «gross indecency,» a spokesperson for Ramsay insisted the incident was just a little booze-fueled tomfoolery. The spokesperson described the boozy hijinks of three men who’d had a bit too much to imbibe and were «horsing around» in a public bathroom after a celebratory evening.
After talking with Ramsay about what transpired all those years ago, the spokesperson explained that «one of them was having a pee in the sink. The other one was running around with his trousers around his ankles and Gordon was actually just at a urinal with his head slumped on the wall.» The spokesperson emphasized that there was no court appearance, dismissing the whole thing as «a complete boys’ lark» while maintaining «there was nothing sexual involved.»
Gordon Ramsay denied claims of infidelity from a «professional mistress»
In 2008, Gordon Ramsay was accused of infidelity by self-described «professional mistress» Sarah Symonds (via HuffPost), who claimed she’d had a seven-year affair with the married chef. Sharing details of the alleged affair with now-defunct News of the World (via New Zealand Herald), Symonds claimed to be Ramsay’s «confidante» and «‘soulmate,» and described him as «someone who lives on the edge. He loves the risk and needs that adrenaline rush.»
Ramsay, however, denied everything, even joking about the allegations while filming a cooking show — with his mother in the audience. «What a week I’ve had,» Ramsay declared. «My mum is in here tonight so I’m on my best behavior, ooh la la. Oh f**k it. I didn’t do it, mum, I love you.»
In an interview with Men’s Journal, Ramsay restated his innocence, and graphically explained why he would never cheat on his wife. «She’s a nut crusher,» said Ramsay of his spouse. «If I ever f**ked up, she’d have my balls in a vise and turn them into a f**king crêpe suzette thinner than the frilliest knickers Paris Hilton’s ever worn.»
Gordon Ramsay admitted to serving frozen food in his high-end restaurants
Amy Sussman/Getty Images
In 2009, several of Gordon Ramsay’s London gastropubs were found to be serving previously prepared frozen food to oblivious customers. The revelation came about thanks to a sting orchestrated by The Sun tabloid, reported The Guardian, which revealed that the eateries were supplied with boil-in-the-bag coq au vin supplied by Ramsay-owned kitchen facility GR Logistics. When heated and served, the food was sold to unsuspecting diners at a markup of around 500 percent.
As Daily Mail reported, a spokesperson admitted that GR Logistics did indeed «prepare components of dishes devised and produced to the highest Gordon Ramsay standards.» These menu items, the spokesperson continued, «are sealed and transported daily in refrigerated vans and all menu dishes are then cooked in the individual kitchens.» This, the spokesperson asserted (via The Guardian), allowed the gastropubs to «control the consistency and the quality of the food served.»
Helen Hokin, food editor for Food and Travel Magazine, didn’t buy that explanation. She told The Scotsman that this was just another example of «an ever-increasing discrepancy between what Gordon Ramsay says and what Gordon Ramsay does. I think he’s going to lose the trust of his adoring public.»
Gordon Ramsay was accused of cultural appropriation
In 2019, Ramsay opened London’s Lucky Cat, described in its press materials as an «authentic Asian eating house» that was «inspired by the drinking dens of 1930s Tokyo and the Far East.» Food critic Angela Hui, however, took issue with just how «authentic» it was, slamming the eatery in her review as «a real life Ramsay kitchen nightmare.»
After Hui’s scathing critique (and her accompanying social media posts) called out Ramsay for cultural appropriation, Ramsay issued a statement on Instagram. Acknowledging that critics shouldn’t be prevented from providing their honest opinions, Ramsay insisted Hui was biased against him and his restaurants, pointing to «the slew of derogatory and offensive social media posts» she had written about him. Ramsay concluded by stating if a reviewer is «going to be critical, then I expect them to be professional and have some integrity.»
Hui wasn’t the only one to criticize Lucky Cat. Chef and restaurateur George Chen tweeted that while «every chef has the right to interpret another cuisine,» the line is crossed when that cuisine becomes «WHITEwashed for marketing purposes.»
Gordon Ramsay was sued over accusations of faking it for Kitchen Nightmares
Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares was a big hit on U.S. television, but created a legal nightmare for Gordon Ramsay when one of the restaurateurs featured on the show took him to court. Martin Hyde was manager of Manhattan eatery Dillons, until being fired during an episode in which Ramsay called him out for such infractions as rat droppings on the floor and rotten hamburger meat in the fridge.
Hyde launched a lawsuit, reported The Guardian, alleging that «unknown to the viewing audience, some or all of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares shows are fake and the so-called ‘problems uncovered and solved’ by Ramsay are, for the most part, created by Ramsay and his staff for the purpose of making it appear that Ramsay is improving the restaurant.»
A judge subsequently tossed the lawsuit, and ordered both sides to enter arbitration. In an interview with TV Week cited (via BBC America), Ramsay denied Hyde’s allegations. «I would never-ever-ever dream of setting anything up. I want to sleep at night,» he said. «We were issued a writ because, God bless America, if the toilet paper is not thick enough and you come out with a rash on your ass [you’ll get sued].»
Why Gordon Ramsay’s neighbors in Cornwall call his over-the-top mansion «a monstrosity»
Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images
Back in 2015, Gordon Ramsay purchased an oceanfront five-bedroom home in the English seaside resort of Cornwall. He then demolished the property and began construction on two new structures — a mansion and a garden house — and that’s when problems began.
According to the Daily Mail, the new homes boast modern, box-like architecture that Ramsay’s ticked-off neighbors have described as «a monstrosity» resembling «a stack of containers.»
Ramsay’s next-door neighbor, Andrew Nisbet, told Cornwall Live that the chef made no effort to meet with neighbors about their concerns. In fact, Nisbet said he attempted to contact Ramsay but never received a response. «Considering the scale of the development and the detrimental effect it will have on the enjoyment of our property and others it is disappointing and demonstrates a lack of consideration for local residents’ concerns,» Nisbet griped.
Another neighbor, Gerard Manley, shared his concerns about Ramsay’s garden house. «The unnatural height increase of the garden will considerably alter an area of outstanding natural beauty,» he said.
Gordon Ramsay was slammed over his creepy comments about a female broadcaster
Gordon Ramsay nearly caused an international incident when, as The Guardian reported, he publicly insulted an Australian female broadcaster. During a 2009 live appearance in Melbourne, Australia, Ramsay displayed a Photoshopped image of a naked woman on all fours with multiple breasts and a pig’s face, declaring, «That’s Tracy Grimshaw. I had an interview with her yesterday, holy crap. She needs to see Simon Cowell’s Botox doctor.» He also claimed she was a lesbian.
«Obviously Gordon thinks that any woman who doesn’t find him attractive must be gay. For the record, I don’t. And I’m not,» responded Grimshaw on her show, reported the Sydney Morning Herald. «I’m not going to sit meekly and let some arrogant narcissist bully me.»
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd even weighed in, describing Ramsay’s remarks as «a new form of low life. I just think that’s off and offensive. Good on Tracy Grimshaw for coming out and giving him a left upper cut.»
Ramsay’s spokesperson later issued an apology, admitting his intention «was to make a joke» but «with hindsight he realizes that his comments were inappropriate and offensive…»
Gordon Ramsay’s swearing led Australian lawmaker to call for new TV regulations
While Gordon Ramsay’s frequent profanity is bleeped out on American television, this is not the case in Australia, where his colorful language remains uncensored. According to The Hollywood Reporter, this captured the attention of Australian legislators in 2008 when a single episode of Kitchen Nightmares was said to have contained an impressive 80 F-words.
After numerous viewer complaints, an Australian senator launched an inquiry into the nation’s broadcasting standards, calling for more stringent regulations (Australia’s TV broadcasters, noted THR, are self-regulated and follow a code of conduct registered with Australia’s Communications and Media Authority).
Ramsay responded to the controversy, telling critics of his show that if they are that upset by his swearing, they’re free to change channels and watch something else. «Turn over [the TV channel]; isn’t it easier?” he said in an interview with Nine Network, as reported by Associated Press. «I don’t mean to swear, it’s just the muppets I have to work with sometimes,” he said of his tendency to unleash profanity on his TV shows. «It’s high pressure, high energy and, more importantly, real — that’s how we keep it every day.»
Gordon Ramsay infuriated Scots by claiming to be English
Gordon Ramsay was just 5 when he and his family moved to Stratford-upon-Avon in England, but he was born in Scotland. Ramsay may consider himself English, given that he’s lived there for the vast majority of his life, but Scotland claims him as their own.
This explains why a 2011 episode of Kitchen Nightmares cooked up controversy in the land of his birth, when Ramsay was seen conversing with the British-born owner of a failing Florida restaurant. As the Daily Record reported, Ramsay compares himself to the restaurateur, stating, «We’re both English, and we both studied in Paris, but there’s one thing we don’t share in common. I care about my customers. He clearly doesn’t give a f**k.»
The first part of the statement raised some serious Scottish ire. Inverness politician Don Lawson became so riled he demanded Ramsay apologize to the people of Scotland. «If he’d said this a few hundred years ago, he’d have had his head chopped off,» declared Lawson, insisting that Ramsay «should always remember where he came from, even if some of his American TV audience don’t know the difference between Scottish, English and Chinese.»
Gordon Ramsay denied chef Marcus Samuelson’s claim of racist rant
John Lamparski/Getty Images
Chef Marcus Samuelsson is no fan of Gordon Ramsay, and in his 2012 memoir writes about a conversation with the Hell’s Kitchen star that allegedly ended with some racist remarks.
In his book Yes Chef, reported the Daily Mail, Samuelsson writes of answering the phone and hearing the voice of a furious Ramsay, who was apparently unhappy that Samuelsson didn’t name him when asked which chefs he admired. After about five minutes of yelling, wrote Samuelsson, Ramsay ended his rant with these words: «I’m going to make sure you have a f**king miserable time here. This is my city, you hear? Good luck, you f**king black b*stard.»
Ramsay denied Samuelsson’s claim, and issued a response through a spokesperson. «We’re shocked by these completely false and extremely offensive accusations,» said the statement, suggesting «We can only think… these malicious comments have been made in order to garner publicity for Mr. Samuelsson’s book» and promising to «pursue such actions as we deem appropriate against Mr. Samuelsson and his publishers.»
Samuelsson, however, didn’t back down. «Mr. Samuelsson stands by his statement regarding Mr. Ramsay and has no further comment,» read a statement from his publisher, Random House.
Gordon Ramsay was accused of ripping off Anthony Bourdain
Anthony Bourdain was a true television trailblazer with such series as No Reservations and Parts Unknown, which found the adventurous celebrity chef exploring foreign cultures and sampling exotic cuisine in far-flung locales throughout the planet.
In 2019, just a few months after Bourdain’s tragic 2018 death, the National Geographic channel announced a new series with a near-identical premise starring Gordon Ramsay. As soon as Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted was announced, Bourdain’s fans accused Ramsay of ripping off the concept. Numerous social media users took to Twitter to slam Ramsey, including celebrity chef Eddie Huang, who tweeted, «the last thing the food world needs right now is Gordon Ramsay going to foreign countries ‘showing locals he can cook their cuisines better than they can.'»
Ramsay responded to the furor during an appearance at the Television Critics Association press tour, reported ET Canada. «We took a lot of flak on the announcements with Nat Geo about rivalling Tony Bourdain, and that was incorrect,» Ramsay said. «Judge the program, and the integrity, and the team that’s gone to hell and back to make this work.»
Gordon Ramsay faced backlash for shooting a goat
Not only did Gordon Ramsay face scorn from those who accused him of ripping off Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown with his Nat Geo show Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted, he took even more when he did something on the show that left many viewers downright horrified. In a scene that took place in the debut season’s second episode, Ramsay is in New Zealand to discover the secrets of Maori cuisine. This involved Ramsay picking up a rifle, taking aim, and then shooting and killing a goat. The episode followed his progress as he prepared the carcass before roasting it in traditional Maori style.
While Ramsay explained in the episode that the locals consider the goats to be «a pest» that a few years back were «right out of control,» the goat wasn’t the only thing to get roasted as viewers took to Twitter to lambaste Ramsay. While one viewer blasted Ramsay for «profiting from the fear, misery, suffering and murder of innocent animals,» another claimed to be channel-surfing when she stumbled upon the goat-shooting scene, writing «I hate you… you are the worst.»
Neither Ramsay nor Nat Geo responded to the outcry.
Gordon Ramsay was hit with backlash for sexual comments to Sofia Vergara
A video of a 2010 Tonight Show appearance resurfaced in 2019 and led to some serious backlash for Gordon Ramsay due to the outrageous behavior and sexist attitude the celebrity chef displayed toward Modern Family‘s Sofia Vergara. When she tells Leno that a scream she let out was «all acting,» Ramsay touches her on the arm and asks, «Only in the bedroom?» In response, Vergara inches away as her face takes on a pained expression.
Later, Vergara is showing off photos from a recent vacation, including one of her eating pizza. «You seem like you’re enjoying that. You had a whole wedge in your mouth at one time? You haven’t heard of a knife and fork?» Ramsay tells her. After she insists «you don’t eat pizza with a knife and fork,» Ramsay lewdly quips, «You just pick it up and stick it in?»
Things got worse when Ramsay sampled her favorite treat from her native Colombia, which he described as «sh*t fudge» before spitting it out and telling her to «take it back to f**king Colombia.» He also mocked the name of Vergara’s son, Manolo, telling her it «sounds like a paint.»