Hey guys! I posted this command about a year ago for 1.8.8, and is was one of the most popular commands! So I thought that I’d update it for Minecraft 1.12, since the old command doesn’t work anymore. Thanks guys! And also if you want to see more minecraft commands and trolling, even better than this, go to: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG6giNJQOvzY2kh75wFCbLg
Thank you so much! Comments are appreciated, thanks
U guys are the best. OLD COMMAND: https://minecraftcommand.science/commands/12692
Thanks again
Published Jun 1st, 2016, 6/1/16 1:58 pm
- 168,379 views, 165 today
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Level 55 : Grandmaster Hero
Bored? Want someone to troll?
/tellraw @a {«text»:»Herobrine joined the game»,»color»:»yellow»}
Herobrine joined the game
/tellraw @a {«text»:»Herobrine left the game»,»color»:»yellow»}
Herobrine left the game
You can also Change the color if you want. Here is the list:
Игроки знают мало безобидных розыгрышей, способных не обидеть друзей, а удивить и заставить рассмеяться. Данный способ — небольшая шутка, исполняемая на личном сервере Майнкрафт.
Слышали ли ваши друзья о таинственном мобе, именуемым Херобрин? Можно отправить им ссылку на гайд, а после, заняться розыгрышем. Понадобятся: сервер, возможность использовать чат (быть админом) и прилагаемые команды.
Разыграйте друзей и получите массу удовольствия! Розыгрыш представляет сообщение о зашедшем на сервер Херобрине. Представьте реакцию друзей, когда сервер посетит воплощение ужаса — призрак Херобрина. Друзья не смогут его обнаружить, так как моба в Minecraft на самом деле нет. Призрак способен покинуть сервер, за это отвечает вторая команда.
Команды для чата:
Достаточно просто скопировать одну из них в чат.
/tellraw @a {text:»Herobrine joined the game»,color:»yellow»}
/tellraw @a {text:»Herobrine left the game»,color:»yellow»}
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /tellraw command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.
You can use the /tellraw command to send a private JSON message to a player or group of players in Minecraft. This function allows you to format color, bold and italics for the message. Let’s explore how to use this cheat (game command).
Supported Platforms
The /tellraw command is available in the following versions of Minecraft:
Platform | Supported (Version*) |
Yes (1.7.2) | |
Yes (1.9.0) | |
No | |
Yes (1.9.0) | |
No | |
Yes (1.14.0) | |
No | |
Yes (1.9.0) | |
Yes (1.9.0) | |
Yes (1.9.0) |
* The version that it was added or removed, if applicable.
NOTE: Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10 Edition are now called Bedrock Edition. We will continue to show them individually for version history.
To run game commands in Minecraft, you have to turn cheats on in your world.
TellRaw Command
- Java
- PE
- Xbox
- PS
- Nintendo
- Win10
- Edu
TellRaw Command in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac)
In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), the syntax to send a private JSON message to a player is:
/tellraw <targets> <message>
- targets is the name of a player (or a target selector) to send the private message to.
message is the private message to send. It is formatted as raw JSON and most values (except
) must be enclosed in double quotes. It can have values such as:- text — message that appears in title screen (ie:
"text":"The End is Near"
). -
bold — true or false value to indicate whether the text is bolded (ie:
). - italic — true or false value to indicate whether the text is italicized (ie:
). - color — the color of the text that will appear (ie:
The color can be one of the following: red, dark_red, yellow, gold, green, dark_green, blue, dark_blue, aqua, dark_aqua, light_purple, dark_purple, gray, dark_gray, white, black
- text — message that appears in title screen (ie:
TellRaw Command in Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE)
In Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE), the syntax to send a private JSON message to a player is:
/tellraw <target> <raw json message>
- target is the name of a player (or a target selector) to send the private message to.
- raw json message is the private message to send. It must be in a rawtext object that contains an array with the message.
TellRaw Command in Minecraft Xbox One Edition
In Minecraft Xbox One Edition, the syntax to send a private JSON message to a player is:
/tellraw <target> <raw json message>
- target is the name of a player (or a target selector) to send the private message to.
- raw json message is the private message to send. It must be in a rawtext object that contains an array with the message.
TellRaw Command in Minecraft PS4 Edition
In Minecraft PS4 Edition, the syntax to send a private JSON message to a player is:
/tellraw <target> <raw json message>
- target is the name of a player (or a target selector) to send the private message to.
- raw json message is the private message to send. It must be in a rawtext object that contains an array with the message.
TellRaw Command in Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition
In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition, the syntax to send a private JSON message to a player is:
/tellraw <target> <raw json message>
- target is the name of a player (or a target selector) to send the private message to.
- raw json message is the private message to send. It must be in a rawtext object that contains an array with the message.
TellRaw Command in Minecraft Windows 10 Edition
In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, the syntax to send a private JSON message to a player is:
/tellraw <target> <raw json message>
- target is the name of a player (or a target selector) to send the private message to.
- raw json message is the private message to send. It must be in a rawtext object that contains an array with the message.
TellRaw Command in Minecraft Education Edition
In Minecraft Education Edition, the syntax to send a private JSON message to a player is:
/tellraw <target> <raw json message>
- target is the name of a player (or a target selector) to send the private message to.
- raw json message is the private message to send. It must be in a rawtext object that contains an array with the message.
- Java
- PE
- Xbox
- PS
- Nintendo
- Win10
- Edu
Example in Java Edition (PC/Mac)
To send the private message «Herobrine joined the game» in yellow text to the player called DigMinecraft in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):
/tellraw DigMinecraft {"text":"Herobrine joined the game","color":"yellow"}
To send the private message «Let’s Begin!» to a random player:
/tellraw @r {"text":"Let's Begin!","color":"light_purple","bold":true}
Example in Pocket Edition (PE)
To send the private message «Go to the Pillager Outpost» to the player called DigMinecraft in Minecraft PE:
/tellraw DigMinecraft {"rawtext":[{"text":"Go to the Pillager Outpost"}]}
Example in Xbox One Edition
To send the private message «Look behind you» to the player called Axe2Grind in Minecraft Xbox One Edition:
/tellraw Axe2Grind {"rawtext":[{"text":"Look behind you"}]}
Example in PS4 Edition
To send the private message «Look for a Bee Nest» to the player called Axe2Grind in Minecraft PS4 Edition:
/tellraw Axe2Grind {"rawtext":[{"text":"Look for a Bee Nest"}]}
Example in Nintendo Switch Edition
To send the private message «Go West» to the nearest player called TheEarthMover in Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition:
/tellraw TheEarthMover {"rawtext":[{"text":"Go West"}]}
Example in Windows 10 Edition
To send the private message «Meet me at the Village» to the player called DigMinecraft in Minecraft Windows 10 Edition:
/tellraw DigMinecraft {"rawtext":[{"text":"Meet me at the Village"}]}
Example in Education Edition
To send the private message «Run!» to the player called TheExcavator in Minecraft Education Edition:
/tellraw TheExcavator {"rawtext":[{"text":"Run!"}]}
How to Enter the Command
1. Open the Chat Window
The easiest way to run a command in Minecraft is within the chat window. The game control to open the chat window depends on the version of Minecraft:
2. Type the Command
In this example, we will send a private message to the player called DigMinecraft with the following command:
/tellraw DigMinecraft {"text":"Herobrine joined the game","color":"yellow"}
Type the command in the chat window. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. Press the Enter key to run the command.
Once the cheat has been entered, the message will be displayed to the targeted players.
In this example, the message «Herobrine joined the game» will be displayed in the Chat window of the player named DigMinecraft.
Congratulations, you just learned how to use the /tellraw command in Minecraft!
Other Game Commands
You can use other commands and cheats in Minecraft such as:
«Herobrine Joined The Game.» /tellraw Troll
«Herobrine Joined The Game.» /tellraw Troll for Minecraft by Zane1117
«Herobrine Joined The Game.» /tellraw Troll
/tellraw editor
by Zane1117
This Command Will Troll Your Friends To Make Them Think That Herobrine Joined The Game For Real.
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Как разыграть друга
В Майнкрафте масса веселых занятий, например, можно разыграть друга или друзей. Данный гайд поднимет настроение и заставит людей разбавить скучную атмосферу криками восторга, удивления и смеха. Однако, не стоит придумывать розыгрыши, способные обидеть друзей. Разыграть небольшую шутку — всегда весело.
Прочитайте о вызове Херобрина в Майнкрафте (ссылка на гайд), чтобы не пришлось объяснять, что розыгрыш в данной статье связан непосредственно с историей о жутком мобе. Чтобы разыграть друга в Майнкрафте понадобятся: собственный сервер, чтобы печатать команды в чате. Розыгрыш заключается в том, что игрок пугает друга нахождением на сервере Херобрина, но совершенно невидимого. Херобрин может и покинуть игру, второй командой, оставив друзей в недоумении. Подробнее смотрите в видео.
Команды для чата:
/tellraw @a {text:»Herobrine joined the game»,color:»yellow»}
/tellraw @a {text:»Herobrine left the game»,color:»yellow»}
Розыгрыш друга на видео
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Jun 12th, 2018
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/tp @p @e[type=snowball] (Repeating)
/tellraw @p {«text»:»Herobrine joined the game»,»color»:»yellow»}
/tellraw @p {«text»:»<Herobrine> Hello»,»color»:»white»}
/summon slime ~ ~ ~ {Size:10}
/execute @e[type=creeper] ~ ~ ~ /summon lightning_bolt ~ ~ ~
execute @e[type=creeper] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ fire -1 /entitydata @s {ignited:1b}
execute @e[type=snowball] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ grass -1 /setblock ~ ~ ~ snow_layer
/give @p minecraft:skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:»Herobrine»}
/summon Fireball ~ ~3 ~ {ExplosionPower:25,direction:[0.0,0.0,0.0]}
IT WAS /summon bat ~ ~ ~ {Passengers:[{id:»minecraft:minecart»}]}