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Modern technology has made it easier than ever before to design your own card games. The hardest part is now mustering the creativity to come up with something new and fun. However, once you understand what makes a game fun, the process will become easier. The more you experiment with new design, the better your designs will get.
Get a set of cards. You can start out with a standard deck of 52 cards or you can use something more experimental, like a tarot card set. You can even design your own cards.
- When creating your own cards, you can purchase a sturdy, firm paper and draw your own designs. Alternatively, look online for free design software.
Figure out how to win. The most important thing any game requires is a clear objective, like winning a certain number of hands, collecting all the chips, matching pairs, or getting cards with a certain numerical value in your hand. If you are creating your own card deck, you can even make each card representative of characters, who fight by rolling the dice.
- One of the important things to ask when picking a goal is how hard is to achieve. If the game is not particularly engaging, people probably won’t want a single hand to last several hours.[1]
- One of the important things to ask when picking a goal is how hard is to achieve. If the game is not particularly engaging, people probably won’t want a single hand to last several hours.[1]
Think about how players interact. In most cases, the real fun in a game is how it encourages you to interact with other people. Generally, card games are meant to be competitive, but sometimes players can cooperate. Some games, like rook, require teams, so that you are both cooperating with someone and competing against another team. [2]
- Consider the social dynamics that the card game creates or the social skills that it requires. For example, in poker, betting requires that you be able to read other people’s emotions and disguise your own. In rook, you need to be able to communicate with your partner using non-verbal cues. Can you design a game that forces you to interact with the other players in interesting ways?
- To make things interesting in a competitive game, ask yourself if there is any way you can directly impact your competitors. It can be fun to ruin your opponent’s hand and it can also keep things competitive when one person is falling behind.
- There are also some games, particularly Solitaire that you can play by yourself. To make this sort of game interesting, it is imperative that you design a system of rules that makes it difficult for you to obtain your end.
Design the rules. This can be one of the most difficult parts of designing a game. The rules should be make it difficult to obtain the winning conditions that you designed earlier. You want a system of rules that makes the game challenging, without being overly complicated.
- This is the point at which you really need to ask yourself what you want the challenge to be. Should players be trying to memorize cards that have already been played? Should they be trying to figure out the probability of a particular card coming up? Maybe the game will test reflexes by rewarding the player who can slap a pair quickest when one comes up.[3]
- A good place to start out is with the rules of games you like. Try to mix and modify rules from other games to make them new and interesting.
- Although usually you want the rules to be relatively easy to understand, sometimes getting a full understanding of a complex set of rules can also be engaging. If mastering a complex set of rules is the challenge of the game, consider starting with a basic design that is easy to understand, but then adding special situations and maneuvers where those with a full understanding of the rules have an advantage.
- This is the point at which you really need to ask yourself what you want the challenge to be. Should players be trying to memorize cards that have already been played? Should they be trying to figure out the probability of a particular card coming up? Maybe the game will test reflexes by rewarding the player who can slap a pair quickest when one comes up.[3]
Keep all players in the game. Your game won’t be very engaging if, after a person takes the lead, they are destined to win. You need to design the game so that a player who is down and out can get back in the game.[4]
- Maybe after a certain point a player can have the option of trading his worst card with the other player. Alternatively, a lot of good games become progressively harder as you approach the end. For example, in the first round you might only be required to get a pair, but in the final round you might need to get three of a kind and a pair. This allows players who are behind time to catch up.
- One good method is to have the player who is ahead dispose of all of his cards during the course of the game. If he needs to finish the game with only one card in his hand, it’ll be harder for him to match his card with the other card he needs.
Write a rule-book. It can be easy to forget the rules of a complex game, especially when you’re still working them out. Write them down to make sure that you have a record of what you have come up with.
Have fun! Playing isn’t just about having a good time, it’s also part of the creative process. The more you play the more you’ll be able to understand what works and what doesn’t. From there you can make the game better over time, or you can bring what you’ve learned to making your next game.
Experiment with a lot of games. A good place to start when designing a game is with understanding what has worked before. Play a lot of a varieties of games to see how they work and what makes the interesting. Find which ones you like and figure out what it is that you enjoy about them.
- Try different categories of games to determine what your options are.
- Remember, card games don’t necessarily just need to be about cards. You can throw in dice and a board as well.
Try strategy games. Good examples of strategy games include «Risk» and «Settlers of Catan.»[5]
Strategy games are meant to test intelligence. They often last for an hour or more and involve slowly accumulating an advantage over your opponent by making astute choices.- While strategy games are typically about gathering strength over time, to make things interesting you should have a method of winning that is quick and unpredictable. So, for example, in chess you can gain a huge strategic advantage over your opponent by taking their pieces. However, one wrong move can always put you in checkmate, so it is possible for a player to come from behind to win.
Try betting games. In many betting games, like blackjack and poker, you have very little control over whether you win or lose. The point is to calculate how high your probability of winning is and bet according. Sometimes you can scare your opponent into giving up their hand by betting more than they are willing to pay, effectively allowing you to win on the basis of your interactions with the other player, rather than your actual hand.
Try fishing games. Fishing games, like dominoes or casino, give each player a set of cards that they need to lay down. Sometimes there is a deck that is pulled from randomly to create uncertainly. The objective is usually to find a card that matches one that has already been laid down and thereby either allowing you to get rid of or add to the cards in your hand.[6]
Think about common variations on games. Often, small changes in rule systems can alter a game significantly. Many games are based on such small variations from other games. Common ways to change games include making certain cards wild, taking some cards out of the deck, and adding or subtracting cards from your hand.
Experiment with your game. Even professional game makers usually start off with a dud. Before you seriously consider publishing a game, play it a lot. Ask other people what they think its strengths and weaknesses are. You might be biased toward believing that it is better than it is.[7]
- When experimenting make sure that there aren’t any situations where the rules are unclear or simply don’t work. Be sure that games don’t go on for an agonizingly long time or that they don’t stop being competitive before the game is over.
- When new people play the game, see if they can understand the rules. If it takes more than one game to understand how things work, the rules might be too complicated.[8]
Use design software. If you want to mass produce your cards, a simple drawing won’t be sufficient, though it might be a good place to start. There are free software programs online that you can use to create jpeg image files that can be sent to publishers for easy and affordable production.[9]
Find a publisher. There are now websites like that will produce card sets made from jpeg images that you send them. The process is affordable, approximately $7-$25 for a single card set. It can even cost less if you order in large quantities.[10]
- Alternatively, look online for a list of board game conventions. Here you can meet some major publishers who might be interested in picking up your game. However, you will need to approach them with a very professional looking game in hand and a good pitch about what makes your game special.[11]
- Alternatively, look online for a list of board game conventions. Here you can meet some major publishers who might be interested in picking up your game. However, you will need to approach them with a very professional looking game in hand and a good pitch about what makes your game special.[11]
Add New Question
How do I make it without cards?
You really can’t, since it’s a card game, but you could make your own cards out of cardstock, index cards, cardboard, etc.
In one of the parts of the instructions, a fellow with the name of «Joe» is mentioned. Just out of curiosity, I was wondering who this «Joe» character is?
From the pictures, it looks as though he is a player, and has a score of four. He is clearly losing to Jim, and I hope he gets better at the game soon, or Jim will definitely win.
Can it be a hard game?
That would make it more satisfying to win. But in order to keep players from becoming frustrated, shoot for a balance between challenging and difficult.
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Article SummaryX
To make your own card game, start by playing different games to gather ideas, including strategy games like Risk or betting games like Poker. Then, decide which cards you’ll use to play, such as a standard pack of 52 or a set of tarot cards. Additionally, you’ll want to come up with a challenging way to win the game, like winning all the hands or matching pairs. Next, adapt rules from your favorite games to make your game competitive and engaging for all players. For tips on how to write a rulebook and create the final design for your game, read on!
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Modern technology has made it easier than ever before to design your own card games. The hardest part is now mustering the creativity to come up with something new and fun. However, once you understand what makes a game fun, the process will become easier. The more you experiment with new design, the better your designs will get.
Get a set of cards. You can start out with a standard deck of 52 cards or you can use something more experimental, like a tarot card set. You can even design your own cards.
- When creating your own cards, you can purchase a sturdy, firm paper and draw your own designs. Alternatively, look online for free design software.
Figure out how to win. The most important thing any game requires is a clear objective, like winning a certain number of hands, collecting all the chips, matching pairs, or getting cards with a certain numerical value in your hand. If you are creating your own card deck, you can even make each card representative of characters, who fight by rolling the dice.
- One of the important things to ask when picking a goal is how hard is to achieve. If the game is not particularly engaging, people probably won’t want a single hand to last several hours.[1]
- One of the important things to ask when picking a goal is how hard is to achieve. If the game is not particularly engaging, people probably won’t want a single hand to last several hours.[1]
Think about how players interact. In most cases, the real fun in a game is how it encourages you to interact with other people. Generally, card games are meant to be competitive, but sometimes players can cooperate. Some games, like rook, require teams, so that you are both cooperating with someone and competing against another team. [2]
- Consider the social dynamics that the card game creates or the social skills that it requires. For example, in poker, betting requires that you be able to read other people’s emotions and disguise your own. In rook, you need to be able to communicate with your partner using non-verbal cues. Can you design a game that forces you to interact with the other players in interesting ways?
- To make things interesting in a competitive game, ask yourself if there is any way you can directly impact your competitors. It can be fun to ruin your opponent’s hand and it can also keep things competitive when one person is falling behind.
- There are also some games, particularly Solitaire that you can play by yourself. To make this sort of game interesting, it is imperative that you design a system of rules that makes it difficult for you to obtain your end.
Design the rules. This can be one of the most difficult parts of designing a game. The rules should be make it difficult to obtain the winning conditions that you designed earlier. You want a system of rules that makes the game challenging, without being overly complicated.
- This is the point at which you really need to ask yourself what you want the challenge to be. Should players be trying to memorize cards that have already been played? Should they be trying to figure out the probability of a particular card coming up? Maybe the game will test reflexes by rewarding the player who can slap a pair quickest when one comes up.[3]
- A good place to start out is with the rules of games you like. Try to mix and modify rules from other games to make them new and interesting.
- Although usually you want the rules to be relatively easy to understand, sometimes getting a full understanding of a complex set of rules can also be engaging. If mastering a complex set of rules is the challenge of the game, consider starting with a basic design that is easy to understand, but then adding special situations and maneuvers where those with a full understanding of the rules have an advantage.
- This is the point at which you really need to ask yourself what you want the challenge to be. Should players be trying to memorize cards that have already been played? Should they be trying to figure out the probability of a particular card coming up? Maybe the game will test reflexes by rewarding the player who can slap a pair quickest when one comes up.[3]
Keep all players in the game. Your game won’t be very engaging if, after a person takes the lead, they are destined to win. You need to design the game so that a player who is down and out can get back in the game.[4]
- Maybe after a certain point a player can have the option of trading his worst card with the other player. Alternatively, a lot of good games become progressively harder as you approach the end. For example, in the first round you might only be required to get a pair, but in the final round you might need to get three of a kind and a pair. This allows players who are behind time to catch up.
- One good method is to have the player who is ahead dispose of all of his cards during the course of the game. If he needs to finish the game with only one card in his hand, it’ll be harder for him to match his card with the other card he needs.
Write a rule-book. It can be easy to forget the rules of a complex game, especially when you’re still working them out. Write them down to make sure that you have a record of what you have come up with.
Have fun! Playing isn’t just about having a good time, it’s also part of the creative process. The more you play the more you’ll be able to understand what works and what doesn’t. From there you can make the game better over time, or you can bring what you’ve learned to making your next game.
Experiment with a lot of games. A good place to start when designing a game is with understanding what has worked before. Play a lot of a varieties of games to see how they work and what makes the interesting. Find which ones you like and figure out what it is that you enjoy about them.
- Try different categories of games to determine what your options are.
- Remember, card games don’t necessarily just need to be about cards. You can throw in dice and a board as well.
Try strategy games. Good examples of strategy games include «Risk» and «Settlers of Catan.»[5]
Strategy games are meant to test intelligence. They often last for an hour or more and involve slowly accumulating an advantage over your opponent by making astute choices.- While strategy games are typically about gathering strength over time, to make things interesting you should have a method of winning that is quick and unpredictable. So, for example, in chess you can gain a huge strategic advantage over your opponent by taking their pieces. However, one wrong move can always put you in checkmate, so it is possible for a player to come from behind to win.
Try betting games. In many betting games, like blackjack and poker, you have very little control over whether you win or lose. The point is to calculate how high your probability of winning is and bet according. Sometimes you can scare your opponent into giving up their hand by betting more than they are willing to pay, effectively allowing you to win on the basis of your interactions with the other player, rather than your actual hand.
Try fishing games. Fishing games, like dominoes or casino, give each player a set of cards that they need to lay down. Sometimes there is a deck that is pulled from randomly to create uncertainly. The objective is usually to find a card that matches one that has already been laid down and thereby either allowing you to get rid of or add to the cards in your hand.[6]
Think about common variations on games. Often, small changes in rule systems can alter a game significantly. Many games are based on such small variations from other games. Common ways to change games include making certain cards wild, taking some cards out of the deck, and adding or subtracting cards from your hand.
Experiment with your game. Even professional game makers usually start off with a dud. Before you seriously consider publishing a game, play it a lot. Ask other people what they think its strengths and weaknesses are. You might be biased toward believing that it is better than it is.[7]
- When experimenting make sure that there aren’t any situations where the rules are unclear or simply don’t work. Be sure that games don’t go on for an agonizingly long time or that they don’t stop being competitive before the game is over.
- When new people play the game, see if they can understand the rules. If it takes more than one game to understand how things work, the rules might be too complicated.[8]
Use design software. If you want to mass produce your cards, a simple drawing won’t be sufficient, though it might be a good place to start. There are free software programs online that you can use to create jpeg image files that can be sent to publishers for easy and affordable production.[9]
Find a publisher. There are now websites like that will produce card sets made from jpeg images that you send them. The process is affordable, approximately $7-$25 for a single card set. It can even cost less if you order in large quantities.[10]
- Alternatively, look online for a list of board game conventions. Here you can meet some major publishers who might be interested in picking up your game. However, you will need to approach them with a very professional looking game in hand and a good pitch about what makes your game special.[11]
- Alternatively, look online for a list of board game conventions. Here you can meet some major publishers who might be interested in picking up your game. However, you will need to approach them with a very professional looking game in hand and a good pitch about what makes your game special.[11]
Add New Question
How do I make it without cards?
You really can’t, since it’s a card game, but you could make your own cards out of cardstock, index cards, cardboard, etc.
In one of the parts of the instructions, a fellow with the name of «Joe» is mentioned. Just out of curiosity, I was wondering who this «Joe» character is?
From the pictures, it looks as though he is a player, and has a score of four. He is clearly losing to Jim, and I hope he gets better at the game soon, or Jim will definitely win.
Can it be a hard game?
That would make it more satisfying to win. But in order to keep players from becoming frustrated, shoot for a balance between challenging and difficult.
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Article SummaryX
To make your own card game, start by playing different games to gather ideas, including strategy games like Risk or betting games like Poker. Then, decide which cards you’ll use to play, such as a standard pack of 52 or a set of tarot cards. Additionally, you’ll want to come up with a challenging way to win the game, like winning all the hands or matching pairs. Next, adapt rules from your favorite games to make your game competitive and engaging for all players. For tips on how to write a rulebook and create the final design for your game, read on!
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Вы искали увлекательную коллекционную карточную игру, в которую можно было бы играть с друзьями, но когда нашли, осознали, что она не стоит потраченных денег? Если это так, у нас есть отличная новость — вы можете создать игру сами, потратив на нее менее тысячи рублей. Если вы хотите узнать, как это сделать — эта статья для вас.
Определитесь с общим жанром игры.( Фэнтези? Научная Фантастика? Вестерн? Наши дни?)
Спланируте игру. Выработайте свод правил и придумайте захватывающие цели. Совсем не интересно играть в карточную игру, в которой нет никаких правил, так же как и в том случае, когда их слишком много. Во всех играх правила разные. В одних они строгие, тогда как в других — более свободные. Поэкспериментируйте и определитесь с тем, что подходит именно вам. Планируя игру, вы должны подобрать хорошее игровое поле. Вы так же должны продумать, какие ходы будут проигрышными, а какие — выигрышными, как вообще можно победить в игре.
Продумайте различные виды карт. У вас должен быть широкий ассортимент различных карт.Усилители, бонусные карты и «исцеляющие» карты могут сделать вашу игру более интересной. Вы так же можете создать карты — реверсы, которые меняют правила игры. Это так же привнесет свою изюминку. Если у вас есть желание, вы можете сгруппировать карты по видам, элементам или классам. Но на всех них должно быть графическое изображение. Очень немногим людям понравится играть в игру просто глядя на слова, написанные на картах. Если необходимо, воспользуйтесь услугами художника.
Подберите подходящий под концепцию стиль и временные рамки. Было бы странно, если бы создатель игры Yu-Gi-Oh назвал свою игру «История в современном Риме». Если у вас в игре действуют персонажи из разных эпох, вы можете пропустить этот шаг.
Придумайте название игры. Оно должно быть запоминающимся и оригинальным, чтобы людям захотелось поиграть в эту игру. (Не стоит использовать названия других карточных игр, такие как Yu-Gi-Oh или же Pokemon).
Установите программу наподобие MS Pain и обзаведитесь блокнотом. Из графических редакторов следует остановить свой выбор на Photoshop. Нарисуйте шаблоны в программе, затем напишите на картах их значения, цвета, названия и так далее. Вы так же можете нарисовать карты вручную на бумаге, но это займет очень много времени.
Напечатайте шаблоны на картоне или бумаге, после чего обратитесь к своему художнику и попросите нарисовать образцы по этим шаблоном, или же сделайте эскизы в блокноте, а затем нарисуйте их на компьютере.
Играйте со своими друзьями и веселитесь.
- Если вам действительно понравится ваша игра, создайте игровое поле, на которое вы сможете класть карты, или создайте руководство, разъясняющее правила игры. Вы никогда не можете знать наверняка, к чему придете в итоге.
- Если объяснение правил занимает больше минуты, создайте читабельную книжечку с правилами. Лучше всего набрать ее на компьютере.
- Не нужно воровать идеи у других людей(будь то компания по созданию видеоигр вроде Nintendo или лучший друг), лучше черпать у них вдохновение.
- Первой крупной коллекционной игрой была Магия: Собрание. Она остается одной из наиболее популярной по сей день. Убедитесь, что ваша игра не является ее клоном.
- Конечно, некая схожесть может быть, ведь даже если вы никогда не слышали о подобной игре, это не значит, что ее не существует — их очень много, на самом-то деле.
- Если вы не умеете рисовать, это совсем не значит, что ваша игра будет обречена на провал. Парень, создавший карты игры Pokemon, не рисовал их самостоятельно. Пытайтесь изготавливать карты даже до того, как они будут качественно оформлены. Для создания карт игры «Магия» до того как она вышла в тираж использовались готовые изображения, которые порой даже не соответствовали фэнтезийной тематике игры. Вы можете поработать над художественным оформлением карт уже после апробации игры( на практике некоторые карты могут оказаться бесполезными).
- Если ваша игра покажется вам достаточно хорошей, можете начать продавать ее в своем городе, в парке, школе, в книжном магазине.
- Если ваши карты получились слишком сильными усильте другие карты в игре, ослабляя остальные.
- Совсем не просто создать отличную карточную игру в одиночку. Попросите друзей или братьев и сестер помочь вам.
- Оберните коллекционные карты в обертку. Если вы не можете найти ничего подходящего, используйте дешевые конверты с красивым дизайном. Пускай конверты или обертки будут разными.
- Вы можете приобрести 4000 карт по цене до 1 тысячи рублей. Если вы разрежете их на половинки, они могут стать достаточно хрупкими. Чтобы избежать этого, вы можете покрыть карты перевязочными ленточками, а затем обрезать лишнее. Это улучшит их внешний вид и сделает их более презентабельными и сверкающими.
- Не используйте все удачные идеи для карт за один раз. Если вы с самого начала сделаете все самые лучшие карты, у вас могут иссякнуть идеи для последующих.
- Обязательно сделайте свои карты цветными.
- Коллекционные карточные игры отличаются от других двумя вещами: сбалансированностью и отсутствием смешивания. Убедитесь в том, что каждая карта чем-то уравновешивается. К примеру, самые сильные карты могут иметь какую-то цену или недостаток. Так же удостоверьтесь, что правила и карточные эффекты не приведут к тому, что все карты окажутся в колоде или у оппонента, иначе вы будете долго и нудно их рассортировывать.
- Прежде чем воплощать какую-то идею в жизнь хорошенько ее обдумайте.
- Не делайте больше 50 карт за раз. Начните с нескольких карт и посмотрите насколько они удачные. Если они будут иметь успех, вы можете постепенно добавлять новые карты.
- По возможности старайтесь печатать карты на фотобумаге. Она более жесткая, цвета на ней выглядят более яркими, к тому же карты получатся глянцевыми.
- Если идея вашей карточной игры действительно очень удачная, вы можете разместить ее на сайте, для продажи и публикации. Кто знает, возможно вы сможете сколотить состояние.
- Придумайте красивую предысторию. Это сделает игру более красочной. Уникальная тематика( а не просто банальная фантастика или космические приключения) делает игру еще более привлекательной.
- Постарайтесь продать их через интернет или сделайте стартовую колоду для пробы или что-то в этом роде. Вы можете даже сделать плакаты и развесить их в округе. Тогда люди, возможно, захотят приобрести ваши карты.
*Если ваша игра предназначена только для друзей, не нужно давать никаких объявлений.
- Приклейте карты на карточную доску или воспользуйтесь специальной бумагой для печати.
- Не выдумывайте новые правила посреди игры. Это разрушит веселую атмосферу и может привести к ссорам.
- Не нужно делать себя непобедимым королем игры. Будет нечестно, если вы сделаете сто копий самых сильных карт для себя. Это убивает механику игры.
- Помните о том, что если вы планируете продавать карты, вам может понадобиться патент или авторские права на игру, чтобы никто не мог ее скопировать. Кроме того, если вы предложите свою идею компании, которая специализируется на выпуске игр, будьте готовы к тому, что вас могут игнорировать или вами могут манипулировать, потому что крупные компании могут отказаться брать вас на работу. Но не стоит унывать! Вы можете создать свою собственную фирму, которая будет выпускать коллекционные карточные игры, если у вас есть такое желание. Но это будет требовать определенного правового регулирования.
Что вам понадобится
- Друзья-помощники
- Хорошая идея
- Бумага высокого качества( листочки размером 3.5х5, разрезанные напополам, вполне подойдут)
- Так же вы можете создать шаблоны размером 4х7 в программе Indesign, и разделить их на половинки. Таким образом, вы получите две карты размеров 2х3.5. После этого вы можете отправиться в местную типографию и напечатать их на бумаге 4х7. Это позволит вам получить более качественные карты, чем те, которые будут изготовлены в домашних условиях.
- Компьютер и доступ к интернету для продвижения своей игры
- Магазин или площадка для продажи
- Проверенный коммерческий сайт для заказа материалов
- Вам необходимо будет запастись терпением и, возможно, попросить членов семьи обратиться в крупные компании. Так же рекомендуем вам печатать на фольге, чтобы сделать карты более яркими.
- Заведите место для хранения карт
Об этой статье
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Была ли эта статья полезной?
Поначалу работа с холстом в Unity 2D может показаться сложной, особенно если вы одновременно пытаетесь изучить редактор и сам язык C#.
Также может быть непросто превратить однопользовательскую игру в многопользовательскую — для нескольких игроков появляется много новых концепций, которые нужно рассмотреть, и несколько сторонних пакетов, из которых нужно выбирать.
В первой части этого видео урока мы создаем простую 2D-карточную игру на Unity с рандомизированными колодами, перетаскиваемыми/сбрасываемыми картами, с использованием canvas, сценариев C#, префабов и т.д.:
Во второй части мы продолжим разработку, очистив вложенные префабы и включив предварительный просмотр карты при наведении курсора мыши:
В третьей части мы добавим базовую многопользовательскую функциональность с помощью Mirror:
А в четвертой продолжим работу с Mirror над улучшением многопользовательского опыта:
Хороших игр!
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