Как написать мицубиси лансер

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Mitsubishi Lancer (русск. Мицубиси Лансер) — автомобиль, выпускаемый японской корпорацией Mitsubishi с 1973 года. Mitsubishi Lancer выпускался в различных кузовах и модификациях.В различное время в разных странах был известен под такими названиями как Colt Lancer, Dodge/Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueast Lioncel, Mitsubishi Carisma и Mitsubishi Mirage, с 2007 года на «родном» рынке Японии продаётся под маркой Galant Fortis. Также с 15 сентября 2007 года он продаётся в Тайване под маркой Lancer Fortis с модифицированной внешностью Galant Fortis-а.

Первый Mitsubishi Lancer был выпущен в 1973 году. Первоначально существовало 12 модификаций автомобиля с объёмом двигателя от 1,2 до 1,6 литра. Первоначально Лансер был модификацией другой популярной линейки автомобилей Мицубиси и назывался он тогда Mitsubishi Colt Lancer.
В 70-х годах XX века Лансер выпускался и в кузове купе.

Mitsubishi Lancer 1973 года

С это самой машинки и началась история Mitsubishi Lancer. Первый Lancer – это массовый автомобиль с современным элегантным дизайном, комфортным салоном и, что естественно для того времени – задним
приводом. Салон автомобиля был довольно-таки просторным и комфортным. Для удобства водителя и пассажиров были предоставлены: система регулирования температуры (формата: печка вентилятор), складная рулевая колонка, большой по тем мерка топливный бак, рассчитанный на 45 литров бензина. Выпускался в 3 кузовах: 2-дверные купе, 4-дверные седаны, и, редко встречаемые, 5-дверные универсалы.

Lancer 1600GSR

Эта спортивная модель Lancer`a была представлена также в 1973 году. 400-метровую дистанцию ей удавалось «пролететь» всего 16,4 секунды, что по тем временам являлось феноменальной скоростью для машин этого класса. Команды, участвующие на Lancer 1600GSR в ралли, на протяжении нескольких лет являлись постоянными призёрами.

Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1979 года

В 1979 году Lancer EX был показан в Японии, лишь с тремя типами двигателей:
1,4 л MCA-JET, с фирменной технологией «Mitsubishi’s Silent Shaft Technology» (русск. Mitsubishi технология тихих валов) производивший 80 л.с. (60 кВт).
1,6 л, мощностью 85 л.с. (63 кВт)
1,6 л, мощностью100 л.с. (75 кВт)
Двигатель 1.8 л Sirius 80 был добавлен в ассортимент в 1980 году, вместе с новым 1,2 литровым (70 л.с. [52 кВт]) двигателем. Также в 1980 году был представлен турбированный 135-сильный (99 кВт) двигатель для спортивных модификаций, в 1983 году — 165-сильный (121 кВт) с турбонаддувом и интеркулером.
Японские модификации и доработка автомобиля
1400SL — 4-дверный седан, c двигателем 1.4L, с 4-х ступенчатой механической коробкой передач. 5-ступенчатая коробка также была ввдедена. (1979—1987)
1200SL — То же что SL, с двигателем 1.2. (1979—1983)
1400GL — SL с 3-х скоростной автоматической коробкой (1979—1983)
1400SL A/T — То же самое как SL, с незначительными изменениями. (1983—1987)
1600XL — 4-дверный седан, с двигателем 1.6L, с автоматической коробкой передач с 3 скоростями. (1979—1983)
1600XL Высшего качества — То же самое как XL, с незначительными изменениями. (1983—1987)
1800SE — 4-дверный седан, приведенный в действие 1.8L производство 100 hp двигателей, и доступный с Механической коробкой передач с 5 скоростями или Автоматической коробкой передач с 3 скоростями. (1981—1983)
1800GSR Турбо — 4-дверный седан, приведенный в действие с турбинным двигателем 1.8L двигатель, производящий 135 hp, с эстетическими модернизациями. (1981—1983)
1800GT Турбо — То же самое как GSR, но с различным аккуратным телом. (1981—1983)
1800GSR Турбо Промежуточный теплообменник — Межохлажденная версия первой турбо версии, производя 160 hp, и с незначительными изменениями к эстетике. (1983—1987)
1800GT Турбо Промежуточный теплообменник — То же самое как Турбо Промежуточный теплообменник GSR, снова с различным аккуратным телом. (1983—1987)
1800GSL Турбо — То же самое как Турбо Промежуточный теплообменник GSR, только это использовало двигатель от Турбо GSR/GT, и оборудовало Au с 3 скоростями.

Mitsubishi Lancer Fiore 1983 года

Lancer Fiore – автомобиль для активного образа жизни. Отлично подходил для загородных уикендов, поездок на дачу и любых семейных поездок. Основным нововведением этой машинки можно, безусловно, назвать переход Lancer`a на передний привод. Также стоит отметить большую мощность этой модели: 120 л.с. Братиком–близнецом Lancer`a Fiore является Mitsubishi MIRAGE, который и послужил основой для этой модели. Fiore часто продавалась на мировых рынках как Lancer и Mirage Sedan, а также в виде пятидверной модификации хэтчбек, остававшейся в производстве большую часть 1980-ых. В Австралии Lancer третьей версии временами продавался под наименованием Mitsubishi Colt Sedan, претерпевшему лишь косметические изменения. Таким образом, у Mitsubishi было две модели одного класса, конкурирующих в одном и том же сегменте рынка.
В следующем году, линейки Mirage и Lancer были обновлены до третьего поколения. Четырехдверный Mirage и Lancer седан стали одним и тем же автомобилем. Модификации с инжектором и турбонаддувом стали неотъемлемой частью линейки. В 1985 был добавлена модификация в кузове универсал, и она породила набирающую обороты полноприводную версию. Часто наименования Mirage (или Colt) использовались для обозначения трёхдверного хэтчбека, а наименование Lancer использовалось по остаточному принципу.

Mitsubishi Lancer Wagon 1985 года

По большому счёту, это модель является некой модификацией Mitsubishi Lancer Fiore 1983 года. Из внешних дизайнерских изменений стоит отметить уклон фар, которые теперь как бы сливаются с радиаторной решёткой и передней частью боковых крыльев и высокую посадку, которая была обеспечена установкой новой подвески. Раз уж заговорили о внутренних изменениях Mitsubishi Lancer Wagon 1985 года упомянем и установку нового более экономичного двигателя 1500 Orion II. Так же имелась версия с дизельным двигателем 1800 Sirius

Mitsubishi Lancer 1991 года

Абсолютно новый виток в эволюции Lancer`a. Lancer 1991 года это уже более современны, более элегантный и более комфортный автомобиль. К модели Mitsubishi Lancer 1991 года, как и к большинству предшественников предлагались различный варианты двигателей, но уже в этот раз абсольтно вся серия была оснащена автоматической коробкой передач.

Mitsubishi Lancer 1995 года

Lancer 1995 года является братиком Mirage и «папой», что ли, Evolution`a IV версии. А разработка это версии проходила под проектом «тотальной эволюции» всего модельного ряда Mitsubishi Motors. Стандартным оснащением стала подушка безопасности водителя, а пассажирская подушка предлагалась за доплату. В Европе «восьмой» Lancer вынужденно конкурировал с чуть более крупным седаном Mitsubishi Carisma, производство которого на заводе в Голландии было налажено в том же году. Европейским покупателям предлагались два бензиновых мотора объемом 1,3 и 1,6 л. В других странах выбор силовых агрегатов был гораздо шире.

Mitsubishi Lancer IX 2003 года

Ну что тут сказать, версия Lancer IX безусловно оригинальна и по-своему хороша. По задумке производителей ориентирована на европейский рынок. Тем не менее именно эта модель стала самой популярной за всю историю Lancer`a и самой награждаемой различными автомобильными премиями мира.

Mitsubishi Lancer X 2007 года

В 2005-м году Mitsubishi Motors Corporation представила два концепта — Concept-cX на токийском мотор-шоу и Concept-Sportback на автосалоне во Франкфурте. Именно эти концептуальные модели легли в основу нового Lancer X. Новый Lancer был официально представлен в январе 2007-го на автомобильном шоу в Детройте, и появился в продаже на североамериканском рынке в марте 2007-го года как модель 2008-го модельного года. В новом Lancer используется разработанный Mitsubishi безопасный кузов следующего поколения RISE.
На внутреннем рынке Японии Lancer десятого поколения известен как Mitsubishi Galant Fortis (исключение составляет модификация Lancer Evolution X).
Lancer X — мечта, есть мечта. Ещё за полгода до официальной презентации этот поистине красивейший Lancer X навёл шума, появлением фотографий с тестдрайвов. И вот Lancer X вышел в свет. Недовольны остались только поклонники европейцев и «хондоводы», ну ничего – пусть завидуют.

Текст был взят lancerx.com и ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitsubishi_Lancer

Mitsubishi Lancer
2007-2009 Mitsubishi Lancer (CJ) VR sedan 01.jpg

2007–2009 Mitsubishi Lancer VR sedan (Australia)

Manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors
Production 1973–2017 (worldwide)[1]
1991–present (Taiwan and China)
Body and chassis
Class Subcompact car (1973–1995)
Compact car (1996–present)
Layout Front-engine, rear-wheel-drive (1973–1987)
Front-engine, front-wheel-drive (1982–present)
Front-engine, four-wheel-drive (2007–2017)
Predecessor Mitsubishi Colt 1200/1500
Hindustan Contessa (India)
Release timeline

1973 Lancer 1
1979 Lancer 2
1982 Lancer 3
1983 Lancer 4
1988 Lancer 5
1991 Lancer 6
1995 Lancer 7
2000 Lancer 8
2007 Lancer 9
2017 Lancer ended production
Lancer 10

The Mitsubishi Lancer is an automobile produced by the Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors since 1973.

The Lancer has been marketed as the Colt Lancer, Dodge Colt, Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueast Lioncel, and Mitsubishi Mirage in various countries at different times, and has been sold as the Mitsubishi Galant Fortis in Japan since 2007. It has also been sold as Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis in Taiwan with a different facelift than the Galant Fortis. In Japan, it was sold at a specific retail chain called Car Plaza.

Between its introduction in 1973 and 2008, over six million units were sold.[2] There have been nine generations of Lancers before the current model.[3]

Mitsubishi ended production of the Lancer in August 2017 worldwide, with the exception of Taiwan and China.[4] An extensive facelift was given to the car by Pininfarina’s Chinese offices.

First generation (A70; 1973)[edit]

The first Lancer (A70) was launched in February 1973. It served to fill the gap between the Minica kei car and the larger Galant. The sporting 1600 GSR model began the Lancer’s long and successful rally history, winning the Safari Rally twice and the Southern Cross Rally four times.

There were four body styles, two- and four-door sedans, a two-door hardtop coupe and a long-running five-door station wagon (built until replaced by the front-wheel drive Lancer/Mirage Van in March 1984). Engines were different 1.2-liter, 1.4-liter, and 1.6-liter fours.

This car was marketed under a variety of names: Dodge Colt in the United States, Plymouth Colt in Canada, Dodge Lancer in some Latin American countries, Chrysler Valiant Lancer in Australia, and Colt Lancer in some European markets.


Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

In February 1975, the Lancer was complemented by a hatchback called the Lancer Celeste, succeeding the Galant FTO. It was also called the Mitsubishi Celeste (New Zealand) or Colt Celeste in some markets; and sold as the Chrysler Lancer in Australia,[5] the Dodge Lancer Celeste in El Salvador, the Plymouth Arrow in the United States, and the Dodge Arrow in Canada.

Four-door Lancer assembly began in New Zealand in 1975, supplementing the larger English Hillman Avengers also built locally by importer Todd Motors. The Celeste was imported built-up from Japan initially and assembly of a single 1.6- liter, manual transmission model began in 1978 followed by a minor facelift about a year later.

The Celeste was originally available with 1.4- and 1.6-liter options, while a bigger 2.0-liter model was added later. An even larger 2.6-liter four was available in the US-market Plymouth Fire Arrow.[6] The Celeste was facelifted in 1978, receiving square headlights and bigger squarer bumpers.[7] Production of the Lancer Celeste ended in July 1981 and it was replaced by the front-wheel drive Cordia in early 1982.

Second generation (EX/A170; 1979)[edit]

Second generation
1980 Mitsubishi Lancer 1.2 Saloon (7786492708).jpg
Also called Colt Lancer (UK)
Production 1979–1987
  • Japan: Okazaki (Nagoya Plant)
  • New Zealand: Todd Park
  • Philippines: Cainta
  • Thailand: Laem Chabang (Mitsubishi Motors Thailand)
  • Indonesia: Pademangan, North Jakarta (PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor)
  • Aldo Sessano (design)
  • Rakuzo Mitamura (engineering)[8]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Front-engine, rear-wheel drive
  • Petrol engines:
  • 1244 cc 4G11 I4 (A171A)
  • 1410 cc 4G12 I4 (A172A)
  • 1439 cc 4G33 I4 (A173A; Indonesia)
  • 1597 cc 4G32 I4 (A174A)
  • 1795 cc 4G62 I4 (A175A; Japan)
  • 1795 cc 4G62T turbo I4 (A175A; Japan)
  • 1997 cc 4G63T turbo I4 (A176A; Europe)
  • 4-speed manual
  • 5-speed manual
  • 3-speed automatic
Wheelbase 2,440 mm (96.1 in)
Length 4,225–4,230 mm (166.3–166.5 in)
Width 1,620 mm (63.8 in)
Height 1,380–1,390 mm (54.3–54.7 in)
Curb weight 895–1,070 kg (1,973–2,359 lb)


Special grill and fog lights only for Japanese market Lancer 1800 models

First facelift

Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800 GSR Turbo

Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800 GSR Turbo with second facelift styling

In 1979, the all new Lancer EX was unveiled in Japan. Its new, clean and aerodynamic styling with integrated plastic bumpers reflected that of the recently introduced Galant and Sapporo. It was of a more European appearance than earlier Mitsubishi vehicles.[9]

This generation is only available as 4-door sedan, the 2-door sedan was axed while the previous generation Celeste coupé and wagon/van were continued for a few more years. Considerably more spacious, it grew in all dimensions.[9] Only two engines were offered at first, a 1.4-litre MCA-Jet equipped engine paired with Mitsubishi’s Silent Shaft Technology, which generated 80 PS (79 hp; 59 kW) and a 1.6-litre engine that generated 85 PS (84 hp; 63 kW). The MCA-Jet system was an entirely new concept when compared with the previously used carburetor system. The MCA stands for Mitsubishi Clean Air which meant that the EX passed both Japan and US emission standards, while the new cylinder head design of the engine gave way for a Jet valve which introduced an extra swirl of air to the combustion chamber, swirling the fuel-air mixture for a cleaner, efficient and more thorough burn.

In addition to these improvements, another breakthrough in the Lancer lineup was the Silent Shaft Technology, which was actually two counterbalancing shafts that rotated in opposite directions, cancelling the power pulses inherent in an inline four-cylinder engine. This reduced both engine noise and vibration, and provided a smoother driving experience. The 1.8-litre Sirius 80 engines were then introduced in the Lancer in 1980, expanding the Lancer’s range of engines. Also, a turbocharged, 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW) engine was added in 1980 for sportier performance, and an intercooler system was also integrated in the existing turbocharged engine to produce 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW) in 1983.

In 1980, The Lancer EX was introduced with a 1.8-litre turbocharged inline-four option known as the 1800GSR and GT Turbo. The first generation 1800GSR and GT were only available with a turbocharged, non-intercooled 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW).

New Zealand importer Todd Motors assembled the new Lancer EX from 1980 with 1.6-liter carburetor gasoline engine and a choice of manual or automatic transmission. The model was also a popular base for rally cars in that market, with some success. It was replaced by the front-drive Tredia in 1982 with the Cordia coupé equivalent effectively replacing the earlier Celeste.

This generation was manufactured locally in Indonesia by Mitsubishi’s partner, PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor at their plant in Jakarta. Unique for this market, this generation was fitted with a 1.4-litre (1439 cc) 4G33 engine, inherited from the previous generation Lancer (never offered in the country) and possibly the only market that received this engine in this generation. It was only offered with a single trim called SL.


European market Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo

In Europe, the Lancer EX sold well as its restrained styling better matched the desires of European buyers than its somewhat fussy predecessor. Other considerations concerned handling and also the demand for more passenger room, as Mitsubishi tailored the Lancer towards European consumers. It went on sale locally after making its European premier at the 1979 Frankfurt Show.[10]

Unlike in Japan at the time of introduction, European buyers could get a 1.2-litre option which suited local tax conditions. This engine later did become available in Japan as well, beginning in May 1981, but was discontinued in 1983 after the introduction of the smaller Lancer Fiore. Claimed outputs in Europe were lower than in the domestic market because of the net rating, with the 1200, 1400, and 1600 being good for 40, 50, and 60 kW (54, 68, and 82 PS; 54, 67, and 80 hp) respectively.[9] Here, the Lancer EX was also offered with a turbocharged 2.0-litre SOHC engine, known as the Lancer EX2000 Turbo. It achieved a maximum output of 170 PS (168 hp; 125 kW) and managed a top speed of 200 km/h (124 mph). This model was equipped with Electronically Controlled Injection (ECI).

Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo rally car

A rally version of the Lancer 2000 Turbo was made and homologated for Group 4 and Group B, made out 280 PS (276 hp; 206 kW). At home, sales of the turbo model were low because of emission regulations Japan imposed at that time.


While the export was stopped in 1983, this generation was continued to be available in Japan until 1987. Sold together with Mirage-based front-wheel drive Lancer Fiore.

  • 1200 Custom, GL – Powered by a 1.2-liter engine, with a four or five-speed manual transmission (1981–1983).
  • 1400 EL, GL, SL – Same as the 1200 but with a 1.4-litre engine option. The EL was the lowest priced version with very little equipment (1979–1987).
  • 1600 GT – The lowest sporty variant with 86 PS (85 hp; 63 kW) 1.6-litre engine (1979–1983).
  • 1600 XL – Powered by the same 1.6-litre engine as the 1600 GT, also available with a three-speed automatic transmission (1979–1987).
  • 1800 GSR – Similar to 1600 GT but powered with 100 PS (99 hp; 74 kW) 1.8-litre engine (1981–1984).
  • 1800 SE – Powered by a 1.8-litre engine and available with a 5 speed manual transmission or a three-speed automatic transmission (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GSR Turbo – Performance model powered by a turbocharged 1.8-litre engine producing 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW), with aesthetic upgrades (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GT Turbo – Same as the GSR Turbo, but with a different body trim (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GSR Turbo Intercooler – Intercooler version of the first turbo version, producing 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW), and with minor changes to the aesthetics (1983–1987).
  • 1800 GT Turbo Intercooler – Same as the GSR Turbo Intercooler, again with different body trim (1983–1987).
  • 1800 GSL Turbo – Same as the GSR Turbo Intercooler, only it used the engine from the GSR/GT Turbo, and equipped with a three-speed automatic transmission, and with a more luxurious interior along with an AM/FM multi-cassette stereo system (1983–1987).


Power rating:
JIS (gross) = Japanese market
DIN (net) = Export market


  • ECI turbocharged SOHC 1997 cc inline-four, 170 PS (168 hp; 125 kW) & 245 N⋅m (181 lb⋅ft; 25 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • ECI turbocharged with intercooler «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW) & 220 N⋅m (162 lb⋅ft; 22 kg⋅m) (JIS)
  • ECI turbocharged «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW) & 200 N⋅m (148 lb⋅ft; 20 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 100 PS (99 hp; 74 kW) & 147 N⋅m (108 lb⋅ft; 15 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1597 cc inline-four, 86–88 PS (85–87 hp; 63–65 kW) & 132–135 N⋅m (97–100 lb⋅ft; 13–14 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1597 cc inline-four high compression (9.5:1), 82–84 PS (81–83 hp; 60–62 kW) & 116–120 N⋅m (86–89 lb⋅ft; 12–12 kg⋅m) (DIN)
  • Carburetor SOHC 1597 cc inline-four low compression (8.5:1), 75 PS (74 hp; 55 kW) & 116 N⋅m (86 lb⋅ft; 12 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1439 cc inline-four, 88 PS (87 hp; 65 kW) & 112 N⋅m (83 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (JIS) / 70 PS (69 hp; 51 kW) & 104 N⋅m (77 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1410 cc inline-four, 82 PS (81 hp; 60 kW) & 121 N⋅m (89 lb⋅ft; 12 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1410 cc inline-four, 68 PS (67 hp; 50 kW) & 105 N⋅m (77 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1244 cc inline-four, 72 PS (71 hp; 53 kW) & 107 N⋅m (79 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1244 cc inline-four, 54 PS (53 hp; 40 kW) & 90 N⋅m (66 lb⋅ft; 9 kg⋅m) (DIN)

Third to seventh generations (1982–2003: Mirage-based Lancers)[edit]

Between 1982 and 2003, the Lancer in Japan derived from the subcompact Mirage—itself sold in many export markets under the name Colt. Mitsubishi had originally launched the Mirage in 1978 as a front-wheel drive hatchback, with a sedan variant later released in 1982—and a version of which sold in Japan as Lancer Fiore. Five generations of Mirage were manufactured by Mitsubishi up until 2003, with new generations released in 1983 and 1987 (with the equivalent Lancer delayed until 1988), 1991 to 1995. It was not until 1988—with the 1979 to 1987 Lancer now departed—that the Mirage-based Lancer eschewed the Fiore suffix in the home market.

Between 1982 and 1987, the aforementioned Mirage sedan with minor styling modifications sold as the Lancer Fiore through Japanese retail channels. The Fiore spanned two generations, the second of which came to the market in 1983. Internationally, the Fiore sedan often sold under the abbreviated name Lancer, and sometimes as the «Lancer F» (for example, in Germany). Thus, with the rear-wheel drive Lancer as introduced in 1979 and the front-wheel drive Lancer Fiore, Mitsubishi had two similarly sized models competing in the same market segment, sometimes even while sharing the Lancer badge.

Although naming conventions varied, for all generations, sedan versions of the Mirage were typically badged as Lancer in export markets such as the Philippines, although notably not in the United States. In Japan, sedan variants of the Mirage and Lancer sold alongside one another with minor differences in trim. The station wagon, part of the 1983 and 1991 iterations, was typically known as the Lancer in export markets. Likewise, the Mirage coupe variant, available with the 1991 and 1995 generations, also became part of the Lancer lineup in some regions.

Mitsubishi introduced replacements for the Mirage starting in 2000, with a new generation of Lancer sedan—now larger and having moved up to the compact segment. Then in 2002, a subcompact five-door hatchback badged Colt internationally became available, thus substituting the Mirage hatchback. By 2003, the Mirage had been completely phased out of mainstream Japanese production and Lancer became the primary title for Mitsubishi’s compact offerings.



Eighth generation (2000)[edit]

Eighth generation
2002-2003 Mitsubishi Lancer (CG) LS sedan (2011-10-25).jpg

Mitsubishi Lancer LS sedan (Australia; pre-facelift)

Also called Mitsubishi Cedia
Mitsubishi Lancer Cedia (Japan & Thailand)
Mitsubishi Virage (Taiwan)
Soueast Lioncel II
Mitsubishi Lancer Gala (Vietnam)
  • 2000–2010 (Japan)
  • 2002–2012 (Indonesia)
  • 2006-2013 (India)
  • 2000–2007 (US)
  • 2002–2015 (Venezuela)[11]
Assembly Japan: Okazaki (Nagoya Plant)
India: Tiruvallur (Hindustan)
Indonesia: Pademangan, North Jakarta (PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor) (until June 2005)
Philippines: Cainta (2008–2012)
China: Fuzhou (Soueast)
Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)[12]
Thailand: Laem Chabang (MMTh)
Malaysia: Shah Alam, Selangor
Venezuela: Barcelona (MMC Automotriz)
Vietnam: Dĩ An, Bình Dương (Vinastar)
Designer Shuzo Akamine (1997)[13]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
5-door station wagon
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform CS2A–CS9W
Related Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII–IX
  • Gasoline:
  • 1.3 L 4G13 I4
  • 1.5 L 4G15 I4
  • 1.6 L 4G18 I4
  • 1.8 L 4G93 I4
  • 1.8 L 4G93T turbo I4
  • 2.0 L 4G94 I4
  • 2.0 L 4G63 I4
  • 2.4 L 4G69 I4
Transmission 5-speed manual
4-speed automatic
4-speed INVECS-II automatic
CVT automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,600 mm (102.4 in)
Length 4,495–4,605 mm (177.0–181.3 in)
Width 1,695 mm (66.7 in)
Height 1,375–1,425 mm (54.1–56.1 in)
Curb weight 1,399 kg (3,084 lb)

Lancer sedan (pre-facelift)

Lancer ES sedan (facelift)

Station wagon


May 2000 saw the release in Japan of the Lancer Cedia (meaning CEntury DIAmond); though in most markets the previous 1995 vintage Mirage-based Lancer soldiered on for a while longer, built at Mitsubishi’s Mizushima plant in Japan. The new model was available in sedan and station wagon forms. In Europe, the Lancer was not offered in some countries, being too close to the size of the Dutch-built Mitsubishi Carisma, so the Evo VII model sold there bore the Carisma name. This series of Lancer was still sold in Japan for 3 years alongside the 2007 onwards generation Lancer, sold there as the «Galant Fortis».

In February 2003, for the 2004 model year, a heavily restyled Lancer surfaced with a front styling that brought it into line with the Mitsubishi corporate look, as well as a restyled rear, to further differentiate itself from the Lancer Evolution. The car’s grille was then redesigned again in 2005 for the 2006 model year.



In Japan, the Lancer Cedia was offered with many different trim levels and engines, including some options never exported, such as a cargo variant of the station wagon, which was replaced by a rebranded Nissan AD. It was also one of the first models to use the INVECS-III CVT transmission. There was also a Ralliart version of the Sportswagon which was powered by a turbocharged 1.8-liter GDI engine. Until 2010, it was still sold alongside the 9th generation, known in Japan as the Galant Fortis.

In Taiwan, the Mitsubishi Lancer was produced and marketed by China Motor Corporation, and the car was slightly restyled in the beginning with larger front grilles, extra chrome trims, and the rear license plate located on the trunk lid instead of the rear bumper. Later, following the internationally sold facelift version, the front lamps were restyled and reshaped to be triangular while the tail lamps extended onto the trunk lid which is different from the version sold in other parts of the world. An additional facelift was added again in 2005 with white marker lights in the front replacing the amber ones and restyled tail lamps.

  • Sedan front (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan front (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

  • Sedan rear (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan rear (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

  • Sedan rear (facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan rear (facelift; Taiwanese spec)

In Indonesia, the Lancer was available in GLXi and SEi trims. It was assembled locally and sold from 2002 until 2012.

In Malaysia, the Lancer was made available after Mitsubishi had sold all its shares in Malaysian carmaker Proton, marking the return of Mitsubishi in the Malaysian market after being absent since 1985 due to the agreement with Proton. The Lancer sold in Malaysia was powered by the 4G18 engine which also powered the early 1.6-liter Proton Waja model.

In the Philippines, the Lancer Cedia was originally launched in 2003, sourced from Mitsubishi’s Thailand plant until 2008, with 2008 to 2012 models assembled in Mitsubishi’s production plant in Cainta, Rizal.[14] It was offered with three trim levels; GLX, GLS and MX. Both GLX and GLS were powered with a 1.6-litre 4G18 SOHC engine with 110 PS (81 kW).[15] The MX was powered with a 1.8-litre 4G93 SOHC engine. Transmission choices were a 5-speed manual (GLX and GLS) or INVECS-III CVT (GLS and MX). In 2005 and 2007 respectively, the Lancer received its first and second facelifts: featuring new headlights, tail lights, front fascia, trunk lid, rear bumper and wheel designs. In 2008, it got also a third facelift; featuring new tail lights, black smoked headlights, new wheel designs and front fascia. In 2007, Mitsubishi Philippines also marketed GT and GSR trims. Both were powered with a 2.0-litre 4G63 engine and mated with a 4-speed INVECS-II transmissions. The GT received semi-bucket seats and a Momo steering wheel while the GSR had leather seats and only came in Glaire Beige (champagne).

In Pakistan, this variant was launched in 2005 with cosmetic changes from the front and the back. Thai production was switched to the new model, and in all markets except for India the previous model was no longer marketed, four years after the Cedia’s introduction. In India, it was first introduced at the 2006 Auto Expo in New Delhi as the Lancer Cedia, complementing the lower-priced Lancer.[16] All Lancer variants were built by Mitsubishi’s Indian partner Hindustan Motors. From 2009 on, it was sold under the Cedia name alone, available as the Cedia Select and the Cedia Sports.[16] In order to comply with the emissions regulations and to accommodate lower quality petrol, it used a slightly detuned version of the SOHC 16-valve 4G94 found on the Lancer, having 115 PS (85 kW; 113 hp) at 5250 rpm and 175 N⋅m (129 lb⋅ft) at 4250 rpm. The Cedia, a rather expensive car for Indian conditions, was discontinued without a direct successor in June 2013 as Mitsubishi India chose to focus on SUVs. Production was reported to have ended in November 2012.[17]


In Australia, this series of Lancer was introduced as the CG series in July 2002 with the 2.0-liter 4G94 engine. The 2003 facelift, designated the CH series,[18] introduced a heavily updated VR-X, which included new 16″ alloys, stiffer suspension, body styling kit, and gear shifter borrowed from the Lancer Evolution. In 2004, the new Lancer wagon was introduced as a direct replacement for its ageing circa 1992 predecessor.

In August 2005, all Lancers were upgraded to the 2.4-liter 4G69 engine, producing 115 kW (154 hp) and 220 N⋅m (162 lb⋅ft) of torque. The upgraded engine also saw a change in trim levels and upgraded equipment—the ES and LS models now featured a more upmarket looking black interior, while the VR-X gained a new black grille to closer resemble the Lancer Evolution IX. The equipment levels of all models were also upgraded, with the LS and VR-X gaining climate control, and a premium audio system sourced from the luxury Mitsubishi Verada. The Exceed model was discontinued, and all updated models now used JDM sized rear bumpers instead of the larger USDM sized versions. Additionally, the wagon also saw these changes; and as of 2007, continues to be sold alongside the sedan.

The ES and LS models were given a minor facelift for the 2007 model year; this time gaining the same front grille as the US models, and putting it into line with the current corporate look—similar to that of the Colt and the locally built 380. A limited edition ES model dubbed «Velocity» went on sale prior to this generation being replaced. This package included VR-X grille, rear spoiler, leather/Alcantara bolstered seats, sports pedals, 15-inch alloy wheels and chrome exhaust tip—all for the same price as the previous standard ES.


In some European markets, the Lancer began to take the place of the Carisma in 2004. It is powered by a 1.3-liter SOHC 16-valve 4G13 engine producing 82 PS (60 kW) at 5,000 rpm and 120 N⋅m (89 lb⋅ft) of torque at 4,000 rpm. The next engine in the range is the 1.6-liter SOHC 4G18 engine producing 98 PS (72 kW) at 5,000 rpm and 150 N⋅m (111 lb⋅ft) at 4,000 rpm. Finally, there is the 2.0-liter DOHC 4G63 producing 135 PS (99 kW) at 5,750 rpm and 176 N⋅m (130 lb⋅ft) at 4,500 rpm.

North America[edit]

In North America, the Lancer was introduced in 2001 for the 2002 model year as a direct replacement for the Mirage. In the United States, Chrysler had offered an unrelated Dodge Lancer at various stages between the 1950s and 1980s. However, when Daimler, who owned Chrysler at the time, briefly controlled Mitsubishi through the DaimlerChrysler-Mitsubishi alliance from 2000 through to 2004, the rights to the «Lancer» name were relinquished to Mitsubishi for usage in North America. Consequently, after Mitsubishi discontinued the 1995 series Mirage for North America in 2001, the replacement model adopted the Lancer name for the first time.

North American Lancers were powered by a 2.0-liter 4G94 engine producing 120 hp (89 kW) and 130 lb⋅ft (176 N⋅m) of torque. In Mexico, the Lancer sedan was available in DE, ES, LS and GS trims with a 2.0-liter DOHC 4G63 engine.

2006 Mitsubishi Lancer ES (North American spec)

Mitsubishi Lancer LS wagon (US)

In addition to the facelift, North America received three additional models to the Lancer line in 2004—Lancer Ralliart, LS Sportback and Ralliart Sportback. Ralliart slots in between the base models and high-performance Evolution. These cars came equipped with Mitsubishi’s 2.4-liter 4G69 engine (rated at 160 hp (119 kW)/ 162 lb⋅ft (220 N⋅m) for the Sportback, and 162 hp (121 kW)/ 162 lb⋅ft (220 N⋅m) for the Ralliart). The power gain was due to a tuned muffler for the Ralliart, and also included a new, stiffer suspension package that improved handling and lowered for Ralliart and lifted the LS Sportback by 2.9 inches. The LS Sportback had 15-inch steel or optional 15-inch alloy wheels. The Ralliart came with 16-inch alloy wheels, front bucket seats borrowed from Japan’s Mitsubishi Evolution GT-A, optional fog lamps, and a new aerodynamic ground package for Ralliart. The LS Sportback and Ralliart Sportback were equipped with a four-speed INVECS-II automatic transmission, while the Ralliart came with a five-speed manual transmission with an option for the four-speed automatic.

For the 2005 model year, the grille was changed to include more fins to reflect a closer similarity to the North American Galant. For the 2006 model year, the fascia was changed again from a bridged fascia to one with an open vent after Mitsubishi received complaints from current owners regarding its similarity in appearance to General Motors Division Pontiac’s corporate look, and to bring the appearance closer to its bigger brother, the Evolution.

The Lancer Sportback wagon was cancelled in the United States one year after its release, but the Mitsubishi Lancer wagon was sold in Canada for a while longer.

Ninth generation (2007)[edit]

Ninth generation
2007-2009 Mitsubishi Lancer (CJ) VR sedan 02.jpg

Mitsubishi Lancer VR sedan (Australia; pre-facelift)

Also called Mitsubishi Galant Fortis (Japan)
Mitsubishi Galant
Proton Inspira (Malaysia)
Mitsubishi Lancer EX
Production 2007–2017
Model years 2008–2017
Assembly Japan: Kurashiki (Mizushima Plant)
Brazil: Catalão (MMC Automotores)
China: Fuzhou (Soueast)
Philippines: Cainta (2008–2014) (MMPC)
Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)
Thailand: Laem Chabang (MMTh)
Malaysia: Shah Alam, Selangor (Proton)
Designer Omer Halilhodžić (2004)[19]
Norihiko Yoshimine[20]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
5-door hatchback
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform Mitsubishi GS platform
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X
  • Mitsubishi ASX[21]
  • Mitsubishi Outlander (second generation)[21]
  • Mitsubishi Outlander (third generation)[21]
  • Gasoline:
  • 1.5 L 4A91 I4
  • 1.6 L 4A92 I4
  • 1.8 L 4B10 I4
  • 1.8 L 4J10 I4
  • 2.0 L 4B11 I4
  • 2.0 L 4B11T turbo I4
  • 2.4 L 4B12 I4
  • Diesel:
  • 1.8 L 4N13 turbo I4
  • 2.0 L VW BWC turbo I4
  • 5/6-speed manual
  • 6-speed Ralliart dual-clutch automatic
  • 4-speed automatic (INVECS-II)
  • CVT automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,635 mm (103.7 in)
Length Sedan: 4,570 mm (179.9 in)
4,625 mm (182.1 in) (2016 facelift)
Sportback: 4,585 mm (180.5 in)
Width 1,760 mm (69.3 in)
Height Sedan: 1,490 mm (58.7 in)
Sportback: 1,515 mm (59.6 in)
Curb weight 1,230–1,415 kg (2,712–3,120 lb)
1,570–1,593 kg (3,461–3,512 lb) (Ralliart)

In 2005, Mitsubishi revealed the «Concept X» model car at the Tokyo Motor Show and its «Concept Sportback» model at the Frankfurt Motor Show. The new Lancer was previewed by these two concepts. The new Lancer was officially revealed in January 2007 at the North American International Auto Show and went on sale in North American markets in March 2007 as a 2008 model. New Lancer features Mitsubishi’s next-generation RISE safety body.



With the exception of the Lancer Evolution X, the Lancer is marketed as the Galant Fortis (Latin for strong, brave and resolute) in the Japanese domestic market because the sixth generation of Lancer is still in production at that time.[22] It comes in three trim levels: Exceed, Super Exceed, and Sport.[23]

Due to the popular demand for the previous 2000-era Lancer in Singapore, it continued to be sold alongside the new 2007 era Lancer which was called «Lancer EX» to differentiate itself from the former for two years. The 1.5- and 2.0-liter engine sizes and a flagship GT trim level were available in Singapore. For model year 2009, the design was refreshed all around with an updated front grille, darkened clear tail lamps, and chrome lining with an additional floor console internally. The rear for the 2.0-liter variants had disc brakes for better stopping power. From 2014 models onwards, only a 1.6-liter engine was offered in Elegance and Sports trim with factory AM/FM radio, ducktail spoiler, and 16” black gloss 10-spoke chrome rims or 16” Spaco gunmetal rims. For a limited period between 2015 and 2017, the Lancer EX had a slightly revamped rear with double rectangular “C-shaped” LED tail lamp clusters and had its Lancer badge positioned to the center of the boot.

In Malaysia, the Lancer was first launched in August 2007 with a sole variant known as GT.[24] The Lancer was then updated in 2009[25] and an EX variant was launched in July 2010.[26] In October 2010, the Sportback bodystyle was launched in October 2010.[27] The Lancer was then updated in August 2012[28] and April 2014.[29] Also, Proton had renewed cross-licensing and technology transfer agreements with Mitsubishi as of October 2008 and lead to the Proton Inspira which is a badge-engineered 2007–2017 Lancer.[30]

In Indonesia, only the GT is sold and it utilizes the 2.0-liter 4B1 engine and is sold alongside the Evolution X. The previous generation Lancer was still sold, marketed as the Cedia using the 1.8-liter 4G9 engine.

Hong Kong received its unique edition of the Lancer in 2008, dubbed the Lancer 2.0. The car comes in two trim levels, without a name for either of them. Both are equipped with the 4B11 2.0-liter engine, seven airbags, eight-speaker stereo system, adaptive front-lighting system (AFS) with HID as well as 18-inch alloy wheels. The upper trim has a Ralliart style body kit which includes a revised front bumper, side skirt, rear bumper with diffuser, and the addition of a correct-to-Evolution X rear spoiler, while the lower trim makes do without the above-mentioned features.

In the Philippines, the 9th generation Lancer was launched in mid-2008 as the «Lancer EX» to differentiate it from the previous generation Lancer sold alongside it, which would be discontinued by 2012. It was initially available only with a 2.0-litre 4B11 powerplant. The top-of-the-line GT and GT-A were added into the lineup in 2008. The GT and GT-A were essentially the same, both coming with rear spoilers, side skirts, and 18″ alloy wheels, the only difference being that the GT came with a 5-speed manual, while the GT-A came with a CVT transmission with paddle shifters. A Ralliart version was also available, with a 2.0-litre single turbo engine making 240 hp paired to a 6-speed dual clutch automatic transmission. Like the Evolution X, it came with an all-wheel-drive system featuring active yaw control and an active center differential.[31]

In 2011, 3 trim levels were available: the base GLX which had no fog lights and three-beam headlights. It came with a 1.6-litre 4A92 MIVEC engine, making 117 hp, paired to a 5-speed manual or a 4-speed automatic.[32] The mid-range GLS has fog lights, GPS navigation with touchscreen. The same transmission options as the GLX were available. The top-of-the-line MX adds HID headlights, a blue LCD monitoring screen beneath the speedometer, and paddle-shifters. In 2010 the GT trim was phased out, while in 2012, the GLS was phased out.

Between August 2015 and August 2017, GHK Motors (Mitsubishi Brunei) had offered a version of the Lancer Sportback under the name Mitsubishi Galant in Brunei.[33] The Galant is equipped with the 2.4-liter engine, 18-inch alloy wheels, a Ralliart style front grille, side skirts, rear spoiler, and sports front seats.[34][35]


The Lancer was released in Australia in October 2007, designated the CJ series, and was initially available in ES, VR and VRX trim. The ES included cruise control, driver, passenger, and knee airbags, stability and traction control as standard. The VR added alloy wheels, fog lights, side skirts, boot lip spoiler, rain-sensing wipers, automatic headlights, six-disc CD changer, as well as curtain and side airbags. The VRX received extra skirts including front aprons, a larger rear spoiler, 18-inch alloys, 9-speaker Rockford Fosgate sound system, keyless entry, keyless engine start, and Bluetooth connectivity with voice control. All three models shared the same 4B11 2.0-litre engine and can be found with a manual gearbox or CVT. The Sportback body followed the sedan and has been available for all variants except the Aspire.

In July 2008, the Lancer Evolution X (officially just «Lancer Evolution» at the time) became available for orders in Australia.[36]

In September 2008, another variant, the Aspire, was introduced.[37] The Aspire was based on the 2009 model VRX, which had a new 4B12 2.4-litre engine. The Aspire included more luxury features and only came with a CVT, whereas the VRX maintained a manual gearbox option.

In late 2008, the Ralliart variant became available.[38] It featured a single turbocharged version of the 4B11 engine, all-wheel drive (AWD) and a twin-clutch six-speed (TC-SST) gearbox.

In 2010, the limited edition ACTiV was added to the lineup.[39] The ACTiV was based on the ES and added features such as 16-inch alloy wheels, side skirts, rear spoiler, hands-free Bluetooth and multi-function leather steering wheel.

Various special models have also been introduced, such as the Platinum Edition, which is based on the VR but added a chrome grille, window surrounds (sedan only), MMCS satellite navigation, and Bluetooth. The RX version is derived from the ES but comes with standard alloy wheels. Another model introduced in 2010 was the SX coming with factory alloys, leather steering wheel, and gear shifter as well as factory spoiler.

From model year 2013 onward (introduced in late 2012), the Aspire was dropped.


In Europe, a diesel model was also available from 2007 to September 2010. This was a 2.0-liter PD-TDI 103 kW (138 hp) engine sourced from Volkswagen, with engine code BWC.[40] From September 2010, it was also available with Mitsubishi’s own 1.8-liter 4N1 engine.[41] This engine has an aluminium cylinder block, four valves per cylinder and a common rail injection system with variable geometry turbocharger and variable valve timing. It develops 85 kW (116 PS; 114 bhp) and 300 N⋅m (221 lb⋅ft).[42]

In Ireland, the specifications are different from those of models sold in the United Kingdom. The Lancer is available in five-door hatchback (Sportback) or four-door sedan body styles. Engines are the 1.5- and 1.8-liter petrol and the 2.0-liter diesel—all available in the United Kingdom until 2012. Trim levels are GS2, GS3, and GS4 for the saloon, and GS2, GS3, and Juro (satellite navigation and rear-view camera) for the Sportback. The Sportback Juro model marked a temporary end to the line in the UK and was the most generously equipped. A Ralliart version (petrol), a detuned version of the Evolution, was also available. Mitsubishi intended to supply the UK with 400 further Lancers in late 2014.

North America[edit]

2011 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart sedan (US)

2009 Mitsubishi Lancer GTS (Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico) with aftermarket roof, grille and rims paint

For the United States, the Lancer was initially available in DE, ES, and GTS trim levels.[43] DE, ES, and GTS models are powered by a GEMA based 4B11, 2.0-liter DOHC engine producing 152 hp (113 kW) (except for California models which have been detuned to 143 hp (107 kW) to meet regulations). Transmission options include a brand new F1CJA continuously variable transmission (CVT), sourced from Jatco, alongside a regular F5MBB five-speed manual sourced from Aisin Seiki. GTS models get a six-speed paddle shift version of the CVT.

In Canada, a fourth model (SE) was introduced to the Lancer lineup. The SE model is a cross between the ES and GTS models. Features not included in the SE model that is found in the GTS are the FAST key, automatic climate control, carbon-fiber trim pieces, leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, and 18-inch wheels.

For US markets, starting with the 2009 model year, an ES Sport version was released similar to the SE model for the Canadian market. Externally the ES Sport is similar in appearance to the GTS—with side skirts, rear spoiler, etc. (with the exception of the wheels, the ES Sport retains the ES wheelset). The ES Sport also uses the 2.0-liter engine.[44]

For 2009, the GTS is powered by a 2.4-liter 4B12 engine producing 168 hp (125 kW) and 167 lb⋅ft (226 N⋅m).[44]

For 2012, A new trim level called SE was added. The SE model features the 2.4-liter 4B12 engine and Mitsubishi’s all-wheel-drive system. The SE is only available with a CVT transmission. For 2013, another trim level called GT was added. Based on the all-wheel-drive SE trim level, excluding the all-wheel control system, the GT features sportier suspension, upmarket options, and an available manual transmission.

The five-door hatchback version, known as the Sportback, was introduced for the Canadian market in spring 2009, and in the US for the 2010 model year in mid-2009.[45][46]

A detuned and cheaper version of the Evolution X was announced at the 2008 North American International Auto Show. This model became available for purchase in the United States in October 2008.

For 2009, the Ralliart is available exclusively with the TC-SST transmission.[47] The TC-SST transmission equipped in the Ralliart offers two modes (Normal, Sport) rather than the three modes the same transmission offers in the Lancer Evolution X MR (Normal, Sport, S-Sport). The car also includes a simplified version of the Evolution X’s AWD system, with a simple «mechanical limited-slip» rear differential.[48]

South America[edit]

To differentiate it from the previous model, still, on sale, this model is marketed as «Lancer Serie R» in Chile. For the same reason, in El Salvador, depending on the engine and trim, this series is titled «Lancer EX» or «Lancer GT».

In Brazil, Lancer was officially sold by Mitsubishi Motors 2007–2017. Between 2015 and 2017 was produced in Catalão Mitsubishi’s factory. It was sold in four versions: MT, HL, HLE, and GT. All versions come with the 2.0-liter 4B11 l4 engine (gasoline). The Lancer Sportback was sold until 2013 in a single version, signed by Ralliart, and the Lancer Evolution X is also sold, although not produced locally.


Mitsubishi Lancer ES Sport sedan (Australia; facelift)

In October 2015, Mitsubishi released details of the model year 2016 Lancer facelift for North America.[49] The MY16 update was announced and released for Australia in December 2015.[50] It sports a mildly altered front and does without the Ralliart-style grille of the MY15 version, now with a cleaner front bumper with integrated chrome upper and lower grilles. New C-shaped LED daytime running lamps surrounding the foglights and side skirts complete the exterior changes, while the cabin gains a high-contrast instrument cluster, a new front centre console with silver and black accents, and a new colour touchscreen audio system with DAB digital radio.[51] It was also released in the Philippines in April 2016 and it came in two trims; GLS and GT-A.[52]


Mitsubishi Motors North America’s executive vice president and CEO, Don Swearingen, confirmed in January 2017 that Mitsubishi would end the Lancer’s production in August 2017, without a successor.[53] Mitsubishi’s main focus was to be on crossovers and SUVs, but production of the Mirage hatchback and the G4 sedan will continue due to ongoing popular demand for the Mirage nameplate in the North American market.

Lancer Fortis / Lancer iO[edit]

2007–2013 Lancer Fortis (grey)
2008–2011 Lancer iO (white)

The Lancer Fortis and Lancer iO are derivatives of the global Lancer model. Both models were developed primarily for the Taiwanese market, historically a stronghold for Mitsubishi vehicles.[54] The Lancer Fortis and iO are locally assembled in Taiwan and China by CMC and Soueast respectively. CMC also exported the Lancer Fortis to the Middle East.[55]

The Lancer Fortis made its debut in Taiwan in August 2007. The Fortis has a unique exterior design, but its interior styling and mechanical underpinnings are largely identical to the global Lancer model.[54] Early models of the Lancer Fortis were powered by the 157 PS (115 kW), 2.0-litre 4B11 engine paired to the INVECS-III CVT gearbox.[56] Later variants were offered with the 143 PS (105 kW), 1.8-litre 4B10 plant, while the 2.0-litre Fortis models were discontinued by 2010.[57]

In April 2008, Mitsubishi launched the Lancer iO in Taiwan. The iO was pitched as a sportier version of the Lancer Fortis, featuring a more aggressive front grille and bumper combination.[58] In February 2012, Mitsubishi discontinued the Fortis-based iO, and launched the global Lancer locally under the iO nameplate.[59] The Taiwanese colloquial term for the 2012 Lancer iO and the global Lancer is ‘shark head’ (鯊魚頭).[60]

The Lancer Fortis made its Chinese debut at the 2013 Shanghai Motor Show.[61] The Chinese market Lancer Fortis features a different front grille and bumper design in addition to other minor cosmetic changes. The base models are powered by the 113 hp (84 kW), 1.6-litre 4A92 engine, and the range topping variants received the 1.8-litre 4B10.[62] The Lancer Fortis in China is positioned in between the more expensive Lancer EX, and the cheaper Lancer Classic.[63]

The Taiwanese market Lancer Fortis and iO were simultaneously facelifted in May 2014. The design of the front grille and bumper combination on both models became more aggressive, while the Fortis adopted the ‘shark head’ design and the headlamps from the global Lancer. The rear lamps on both models were also revised, and the interior designs received minor cosmetic enhancements. The powerplant configuration for both models was refined for better fuel efficiency but was otherwise largely unchanged.[64] The Chinese market Lancer EX was later updated in line with the Lancer iO design.[63]

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift front

    Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift front

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift rear

    Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift rear

Tenth generation (2017)[edit]

Tenth generation
2017 CMC-Mitsubishi Lancer.jpg
Manufacturer China Motor Corporation
Also called Mitsubishi Grand Lancer (Taiwan)
Production 2017–present
Assembly Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)
Designer Sin Ko at Pininfarina (2015)
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform Mitsubishi GS platform
Engine 1.8 L 4J10 I4
Transmission Jatco CVT8 automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,635 mm (103.7 in)
Length 4,615 mm (181.7 in)
Width 1,770 mm (69.7 in)
Height 1,490 mm (58.7 in)
Curb weight 1,330–1,415 kg (2,932–3,120 lb)

Rear view


In January 2017, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to continue the Lancer nameplate in certain Asian markets such as Taiwan and China after 2017, due to ongoing popular demand for the Lancer nameplate within the Chinese-speaking world. The development of the new Grand Lancer in Taiwan was led and designed by the Taiwanese China Motor Corporation (CMC). Part of the design was partnered with Pininfarina Shanghai. Due to the international version being discontinued, the new generation Lancer is built on the same platform as the existing model as an extensive facelift. It comes with the new Mitsubishi Dynamic Shield grille and redesigned creases over the side body panels. The interior, front hood, front bumpers, front fenders, front and rear door panels including the rear passenger door window, the boot lid, and the rear bumper have been completely redesigned for the new generation, while the rest is carried over from the pre-2017 model.[65]



Since 2007, the Lancer has regularly featured within the Top 10 and Top 20 vehicle sales charts. Prior to the discontinuation of Lancer production in 2017, John Signoriello, CEO of Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd, decided to stockpile as many Lancers as possible, in order to sell them in succeeding years.[66] The following table shows sales since 2006.

Year Units sold Australian Sales Rank
2006 15,500< 14
2008 19,688 8
2009 21,362 7
2010 23,064 9
2011 10
2012 16
2016 7,272
2017 7,560
Total 94,446<

See also[edit]

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Cargo
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
  • Mitsubishi Lancer WRC
  • Mitsubishi Racing Lancer
  • Proton Inspira
  • Proton Jebat


  1. ^ Ewing, Stephen. «Mitsubishi will end Lancer production in August». motor1.com. Motorsport Network. Retrieved 7 January 2017.
  2. ^ «All new 2008 Lancer» (PDF). AllNewLancer.ca. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-09-29.
  3. ^ «Lancer EX» (PDF). New-Lancer.com. 9 May 2013. p. 13. Retrieved 1 July 2015. Mitsubishi Lancer first hit the streets in 1973 and has never looked back. Over the past three decades, Lancer has evolved into a sports machine like no other, turning heads on city streets and rally courses alike. After nine generations of development, Mitsubishi’s passion for driving has created a blend of power, performance and aerodynamics that will have sports driving connoisseurs instantly hooked, all combined with a style that is undeniably Lancer.
  4. ^ «Mitsubishi is killing the Lancer this summer». AutoBlog.com.
  5. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer (Chrysler LB Lancer Hatchback )». GoAuto. John Mellor. Retrieved 8 October 2010.
  6. ^ Flammang, James M. (1994). Standard Catalog of Imported Cars, 1946-1990. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, Inc. pp. 503–504. ISBN 0-87341-158-7.
  7. ^ Car Graphic: Car Archives Vol. 11, ’80s Japanese Cars. Tokyo: Nigensha. 2007. p. 214. ISBN 978-4-544-91018-6.
  8. ^ Long, Brian (2007). Mitsubishi Lancer Evo: The Road Car & WRC Story. Dorchester: Veloce Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84584-055-6.
  9. ^ a b c Rombauts, Walter, ed. (15 September 1979). «Volledig veranderd, maar nog steeds dezelfde naam» [Completely changed, but still with the same name]. Keesings Auto Magazine (in Dutch). Antwerp, Belgium. 2 (17): 20–21.
  10. ^ Rombauts, Walter, ed. (15 September 1979). «Salon van Frankfurt is aanklacht tegen politieke machthebbers» [Frankfurt Show is an indictment of political leaders]. Keesings Auto Magazine (in Dutch). Antwerp, Belgium. 2 (17): 18.
  11. ^ «Lancer GLX». Mitsubishi Motors Venezuela. Archived from the original on 14 July 2013.
  12. ^ «Facts & Figures Mitsubishi Motors Corporation 2001» (PDF). Mitsubishi Motors. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 June 2012. Retrieved 22 March 2011. Production facilities outside Japan – China Motor Corp. (CMC), Yang Mei Factory, 49 Shio Tsai Rd., Yang Mei Taoyuan, Taiwan
  13. ^ Long, Brian; Kurihara, Shinichi (February 2007). Mitsubishi Lancer EVO I to X: The Road Car and WRC Story. Veloce Publishing. ISBN 9781845840556.
  14. ^ «Mitsubishi launches first salvo for the year». Motorista News. 2003-02-05. Archived from the original on 2003-03-01.
  15. ^ «2003 Lancer — Technical Specifications». Motorista News. 2003-02-05. Archived from the original on 2003-02-28.
  16. ^ a b «Fer de Lance(r)». CarWale. 2009-11-10. Archived from the original on 2022-06-08.
  17. ^ Ravi, Anjan (2013-06-26). «Official: Mitsubishi India discontinues the Cedia Sports». Indian Autos Blog. Archived from the original on 2020-11-26.
  18. ^ «CH Lancer Prices Released». AutoWeb. Archived from the original on 12 October 2010. Retrieved 30 December 2008.
  19. ^ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:JPS_001298845.pdf[dead link]
  20. ^ «Contents CHAPTER ONE Early living». 11 January 2009.
  21. ^ a b c «Mitsubishi ASX Review». CarAdvice.com. Retrieved 2021-05-13.
  22. ^ «Mitsubishi unveils «design study» shots of the production Evo X». Autoblog.
  23. ^ «Mitsubishi Galant Fortis Launched». World Car Fans.
  24. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2007-08-07. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  25. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT facelifted in Malaysia!». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2009-07-30. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  26. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer EX – a very different kind of Lancer». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2010-07-16. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  27. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback 2.4 launched in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2010-10-21. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  28. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT updated in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2012-08-09. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  29. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GTE detailed – now priced at RM118,888». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2014-04-11. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  30. ^ Tan, Paul. «Proton Inspira now officially open for bookings». PaulTan.org. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  31. ^ «Review: 2012 Mitsubishi Lancer EX Ralliart». CarGuide.PH. 25 April 2012. Retrieved 20 March 2022.
  32. ^ «Review: 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer EX GLX A/T». CarGuide.PH. 12 March 2013. Retrieved 20 March 2022.
  33. ^ Agus, Raghadah (7 August 2015). «Mitsubishi Galant’s sporty revamp». The Brunei Times. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  34. ^ Roslan, Wani (8 August 2015). «GHK Motors introduces Mitsubishi Galant Sportback». Borneo Bulletin. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  35. ^ «Galant». GHK Motors. 2015. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  36. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution». CarSales.com.au. 11 Sep 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  37. ^ «Mitsubishi plugs gap with Lancer Aspire». CarSales.com.au. 17 Sep 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  38. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart». CarSales.com.au. 11 Nov 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  39. ^ «Mitsubishi gets ACTiV with new Lancer». CarSales.com.au. 5 Mar 2010. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  40. ^ Ross, David (26 March 2008). «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 Di-D GS4». Auto Express. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  41. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer – 4-doors, sedan». Auto-Types.com. 28 November 2010. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  42. ^ Zevedei, Daniel. «Mitsubishi Lancer 1.8 DI-D ClearTec Edition Two – 4-doors, sedan». Auto-Types.com. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  43. ^ «2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Review». JB car pages. Retrieved 25 February 2009.
  44. ^ a b «2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Review». JB car pages. Retrieved 25 February 2009.
  45. ^ «2010 Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback coming to America five+door style». Jalopnik.
  46. ^ «First Drives » First Drive: 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback». CanadianDriver. 30 March 2009. Retrieved 3 April 2010.
  47. ^ «2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Specs». JB car pages. Retrieved 25 February 2009.
  48. ^ «2008 Detroit Auto Show: 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart». Edmunds.
  49. ^ Maric, Paul (1 October 2015). «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer update revealed: Australia confirmed and Ralliart dumped». CarAdvice. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  50. ^ «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer busts out». Motoring. 16 December 2015. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  51. ^ Beissmann, Tim (16 December 2015). «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer facelift brings extra equipment to ageing small car». CarAdvice. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  52. ^ Andres, Anton (11 April 2016). «MIAS 2016: Mitsubishi quietly unveils updated Lancer». AutoIndustriya.com. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
  53. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer production to be discontinued in August». 6 January 2017. Retrieved 14 Feb 2017.
  54. ^ a b 張之杰 (30 August 2007). «國產7氣囊,Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis 64.5萬起». News.U-Car.com.tw (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  55. ^ «Lancer Fortis Launch». CMC-Motor.com. 19 March 2017. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  56. ^ 蔡致堅 (31 August 2007). «MITSUBISHI Lancer Fortis 2.0全面升級,國產中型房車再創話題». AutoNet.com.tw (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  57. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis». U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  58. ^ 九重葛 (9 June 2008). «史上最強運動性格-Mitsubishi Lancer iO» [The Most Athletic Personality: Mitsubishi Lancer iO]. U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  59. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer iO». U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  60. ^ 葉毓中 (10 April 2012). «Mitsubishi【試車報導】遲到,總比不到好!Lancer iO風格終一致» (in Chinese). carstuff.com.tw. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  61. ^ «Shanghai Motor Show 2013 (4)». MarkLines.com. 17 June 2013. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  62. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis». ChinaAutoWeb.com. 19 March 2017. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  63. ^ a b Wang, Joey (29 July 2016). «Spy Shots: This Is The New Mitsubishi Lancer EX For China». CarNewsChina.com. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  64. ^ 梁尚倫 (22 May 2014). «形貌變更,Mitsubishi Lancer雙車系64.5萬元起改款登場» (in Chinese). news.u-car.com.tw. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  65. ^ Karkafiris, Michael (2017-03-23). «New 2018 Mitsubishi Grand Lancer Targets China And Other Asian Markets». Carscoops. Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  66. ^ Wallis, Robbie (2017-11-28). «Mitsubishi Australia hopeful Lancer will survive». GoAuto. Retrieved 2019-02-20.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • Mitsubishi Grand Lancer website Archived 2018-12-02 at the Wayback Machine (Taiwan Mitsubishi Motors)
  • Mitsubishi Lancer official history from archive.org (archived 22 November 2004)
Mitsubishi Lancer
2007-2009 Mitsubishi Lancer (CJ) VR sedan 01.jpg

2007–2009 Mitsubishi Lancer VR sedan (Australia)

Manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors
Production 1973–2017 (worldwide)[1]
1991–present (Taiwan and China)
Body and chassis
Class Subcompact car (1973–1995)
Compact car (1996–present)
Layout Front-engine, rear-wheel-drive (1973–1987)
Front-engine, front-wheel-drive (1982–present)
Front-engine, four-wheel-drive (2007–2017)
Predecessor Mitsubishi Colt 1200/1500
Hindustan Contessa (India)
Release timeline

1973 Lancer 1
1979 Lancer 2
1982 Lancer 3
1983 Lancer 4
1988 Lancer 5
1991 Lancer 6
1995 Lancer 7
2000 Lancer 8
2007 Lancer 9
2017 Lancer ended production
Lancer 10

The Mitsubishi Lancer is an automobile produced by the Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors since 1973.

The Lancer has been marketed as the Colt Lancer, Dodge Colt, Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueast Lioncel, and Mitsubishi Mirage in various countries at different times, and has been sold as the Mitsubishi Galant Fortis in Japan since 2007. It has also been sold as Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis in Taiwan with a different facelift than the Galant Fortis. In Japan, it was sold at a specific retail chain called Car Plaza.

Between its introduction in 1973 and 2008, over six million units were sold.[2] There have been nine generations of Lancers before the current model.[3]

Mitsubishi ended production of the Lancer in August 2017 worldwide, with the exception of Taiwan and China.[4] An extensive facelift was given to the car by Pininfarina’s Chinese offices.

First generation (A70; 1973)[edit]

The first Lancer (A70) was launched in February 1973. It served to fill the gap between the Minica kei car and the larger Galant. The sporting 1600 GSR model began the Lancer’s long and successful rally history, winning the Safari Rally twice and the Southern Cross Rally four times.

There were four body styles, two- and four-door sedans, a two-door hardtop coupe and a long-running five-door station wagon (built until replaced by the front-wheel drive Lancer/Mirage Van in March 1984). Engines were different 1.2-liter, 1.4-liter, and 1.6-liter fours.

This car was marketed under a variety of names: Dodge Colt in the United States, Plymouth Colt in Canada, Dodge Lancer in some Latin American countries, Chrysler Valiant Lancer in Australia, and Colt Lancer in some European markets.


Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

In February 1975, the Lancer was complemented by a hatchback called the Lancer Celeste, succeeding the Galant FTO. It was also called the Mitsubishi Celeste (New Zealand) or Colt Celeste in some markets; and sold as the Chrysler Lancer in Australia,[5] the Dodge Lancer Celeste in El Salvador, the Plymouth Arrow in the United States, and the Dodge Arrow in Canada.

Four-door Lancer assembly began in New Zealand in 1975, supplementing the larger English Hillman Avengers also built locally by importer Todd Motors. The Celeste was imported built-up from Japan initially and assembly of a single 1.6- liter, manual transmission model began in 1978 followed by a minor facelift about a year later.

The Celeste was originally available with 1.4- and 1.6-liter options, while a bigger 2.0-liter model was added later. An even larger 2.6-liter four was available in the US-market Plymouth Fire Arrow.[6] The Celeste was facelifted in 1978, receiving square headlights and bigger squarer bumpers.[7] Production of the Lancer Celeste ended in July 1981 and it was replaced by the front-wheel drive Cordia in early 1982.

Second generation (EX/A170; 1979)[edit]

Second generation
1980 Mitsubishi Lancer 1.2 Saloon (7786492708).jpg
Also called Colt Lancer (UK)
Production 1979–1987
  • Japan: Okazaki (Nagoya Plant)
  • New Zealand: Todd Park
  • Philippines: Cainta
  • Thailand: Laem Chabang (Mitsubishi Motors Thailand)
  • Indonesia: Pademangan, North Jakarta (PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor)
  • Aldo Sessano (design)
  • Rakuzo Mitamura (engineering)[8]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Front-engine, rear-wheel drive
  • Petrol engines:
  • 1244 cc 4G11 I4 (A171A)
  • 1410 cc 4G12 I4 (A172A)
  • 1439 cc 4G33 I4 (A173A; Indonesia)
  • 1597 cc 4G32 I4 (A174A)
  • 1795 cc 4G62 I4 (A175A; Japan)
  • 1795 cc 4G62T turbo I4 (A175A; Japan)
  • 1997 cc 4G63T turbo I4 (A176A; Europe)
  • 4-speed manual
  • 5-speed manual
  • 3-speed automatic
Wheelbase 2,440 mm (96.1 in)
Length 4,225–4,230 mm (166.3–166.5 in)
Width 1,620 mm (63.8 in)
Height 1,380–1,390 mm (54.3–54.7 in)
Curb weight 895–1,070 kg (1,973–2,359 lb)


Special grill and fog lights only for Japanese market Lancer 1800 models

First facelift

Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800 GSR Turbo

Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800 GSR Turbo with second facelift styling

In 1979, the all new Lancer EX was unveiled in Japan. Its new, clean and aerodynamic styling with integrated plastic bumpers reflected that of the recently introduced Galant and Sapporo. It was of a more European appearance than earlier Mitsubishi vehicles.[9]

This generation is only available as 4-door sedan, the 2-door sedan was axed while the previous generation Celeste coupé and wagon/van were continued for a few more years. Considerably more spacious, it grew in all dimensions.[9] Only two engines were offered at first, a 1.4-litre MCA-Jet equipped engine paired with Mitsubishi’s Silent Shaft Technology, which generated 80 PS (79 hp; 59 kW) and a 1.6-litre engine that generated 85 PS (84 hp; 63 kW). The MCA-Jet system was an entirely new concept when compared with the previously used carburetor system. The MCA stands for Mitsubishi Clean Air which meant that the EX passed both Japan and US emission standards, while the new cylinder head design of the engine gave way for a Jet valve which introduced an extra swirl of air to the combustion chamber, swirling the fuel-air mixture for a cleaner, efficient and more thorough burn.

In addition to these improvements, another breakthrough in the Lancer lineup was the Silent Shaft Technology, which was actually two counterbalancing shafts that rotated in opposite directions, cancelling the power pulses inherent in an inline four-cylinder engine. This reduced both engine noise and vibration, and provided a smoother driving experience. The 1.8-litre Sirius 80 engines were then introduced in the Lancer in 1980, expanding the Lancer’s range of engines. Also, a turbocharged, 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW) engine was added in 1980 for sportier performance, and an intercooler system was also integrated in the existing turbocharged engine to produce 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW) in 1983.

In 1980, The Lancer EX was introduced with a 1.8-litre turbocharged inline-four option known as the 1800GSR and GT Turbo. The first generation 1800GSR and GT were only available with a turbocharged, non-intercooled 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW).

New Zealand importer Todd Motors assembled the new Lancer EX from 1980 with 1.6-liter carburetor gasoline engine and a choice of manual or automatic transmission. The model was also a popular base for rally cars in that market, with some success. It was replaced by the front-drive Tredia in 1982 with the Cordia coupé equivalent effectively replacing the earlier Celeste.

This generation was manufactured locally in Indonesia by Mitsubishi’s partner, PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor at their plant in Jakarta. Unique for this market, this generation was fitted with a 1.4-litre (1439 cc) 4G33 engine, inherited from the previous generation Lancer (never offered in the country) and possibly the only market that received this engine in this generation. It was only offered with a single trim called SL.


European market Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo

In Europe, the Lancer EX sold well as its restrained styling better matched the desires of European buyers than its somewhat fussy predecessor. Other considerations concerned handling and also the demand for more passenger room, as Mitsubishi tailored the Lancer towards European consumers. It went on sale locally after making its European premier at the 1979 Frankfurt Show.[10]

Unlike in Japan at the time of introduction, European buyers could get a 1.2-litre option which suited local tax conditions. This engine later did become available in Japan as well, beginning in May 1981, but was discontinued in 1983 after the introduction of the smaller Lancer Fiore. Claimed outputs in Europe were lower than in the domestic market because of the net rating, with the 1200, 1400, and 1600 being good for 40, 50, and 60 kW (54, 68, and 82 PS; 54, 67, and 80 hp) respectively.[9] Here, the Lancer EX was also offered with a turbocharged 2.0-litre SOHC engine, known as the Lancer EX2000 Turbo. It achieved a maximum output of 170 PS (168 hp; 125 kW) and managed a top speed of 200 km/h (124 mph). This model was equipped with Electronically Controlled Injection (ECI).

Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo rally car

A rally version of the Lancer 2000 Turbo was made and homologated for Group 4 and Group B, made out 280 PS (276 hp; 206 kW). At home, sales of the turbo model were low because of emission regulations Japan imposed at that time.


While the export was stopped in 1983, this generation was continued to be available in Japan until 1987. Sold together with Mirage-based front-wheel drive Lancer Fiore.

  • 1200 Custom, GL – Powered by a 1.2-liter engine, with a four or five-speed manual transmission (1981–1983).
  • 1400 EL, GL, SL – Same as the 1200 but with a 1.4-litre engine option. The EL was the lowest priced version with very little equipment (1979–1987).
  • 1600 GT – The lowest sporty variant with 86 PS (85 hp; 63 kW) 1.6-litre engine (1979–1983).
  • 1600 XL – Powered by the same 1.6-litre engine as the 1600 GT, also available with a three-speed automatic transmission (1979–1987).
  • 1800 GSR – Similar to 1600 GT but powered with 100 PS (99 hp; 74 kW) 1.8-litre engine (1981–1984).
  • 1800 SE – Powered by a 1.8-litre engine and available with a 5 speed manual transmission or a three-speed automatic transmission (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GSR Turbo – Performance model powered by a turbocharged 1.8-litre engine producing 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW), with aesthetic upgrades (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GT Turbo – Same as the GSR Turbo, but with a different body trim (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GSR Turbo Intercooler – Intercooler version of the first turbo version, producing 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW), and with minor changes to the aesthetics (1983–1987).
  • 1800 GT Turbo Intercooler – Same as the GSR Turbo Intercooler, again with different body trim (1983–1987).
  • 1800 GSL Turbo – Same as the GSR Turbo Intercooler, only it used the engine from the GSR/GT Turbo, and equipped with a three-speed automatic transmission, and with a more luxurious interior along with an AM/FM multi-cassette stereo system (1983–1987).


Power rating:
JIS (gross) = Japanese market
DIN (net) = Export market


  • ECI turbocharged SOHC 1997 cc inline-four, 170 PS (168 hp; 125 kW) & 245 N⋅m (181 lb⋅ft; 25 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • ECI turbocharged with intercooler «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW) & 220 N⋅m (162 lb⋅ft; 22 kg⋅m) (JIS)
  • ECI turbocharged «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW) & 200 N⋅m (148 lb⋅ft; 20 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 100 PS (99 hp; 74 kW) & 147 N⋅m (108 lb⋅ft; 15 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1597 cc inline-four, 86–88 PS (85–87 hp; 63–65 kW) & 132–135 N⋅m (97–100 lb⋅ft; 13–14 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1597 cc inline-four high compression (9.5:1), 82–84 PS (81–83 hp; 60–62 kW) & 116–120 N⋅m (86–89 lb⋅ft; 12–12 kg⋅m) (DIN)
  • Carburetor SOHC 1597 cc inline-four low compression (8.5:1), 75 PS (74 hp; 55 kW) & 116 N⋅m (86 lb⋅ft; 12 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1439 cc inline-four, 88 PS (87 hp; 65 kW) & 112 N⋅m (83 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (JIS) / 70 PS (69 hp; 51 kW) & 104 N⋅m (77 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1410 cc inline-four, 82 PS (81 hp; 60 kW) & 121 N⋅m (89 lb⋅ft; 12 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1410 cc inline-four, 68 PS (67 hp; 50 kW) & 105 N⋅m (77 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1244 cc inline-four, 72 PS (71 hp; 53 kW) & 107 N⋅m (79 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1244 cc inline-four, 54 PS (53 hp; 40 kW) & 90 N⋅m (66 lb⋅ft; 9 kg⋅m) (DIN)

Third to seventh generations (1982–2003: Mirage-based Lancers)[edit]

Between 1982 and 2003, the Lancer in Japan derived from the subcompact Mirage—itself sold in many export markets under the name Colt. Mitsubishi had originally launched the Mirage in 1978 as a front-wheel drive hatchback, with a sedan variant later released in 1982—and a version of which sold in Japan as Lancer Fiore. Five generations of Mirage were manufactured by Mitsubishi up until 2003, with new generations released in 1983 and 1987 (with the equivalent Lancer delayed until 1988), 1991 to 1995. It was not until 1988—with the 1979 to 1987 Lancer now departed—that the Mirage-based Lancer eschewed the Fiore suffix in the home market.

Between 1982 and 1987, the aforementioned Mirage sedan with minor styling modifications sold as the Lancer Fiore through Japanese retail channels. The Fiore spanned two generations, the second of which came to the market in 1983. Internationally, the Fiore sedan often sold under the abbreviated name Lancer, and sometimes as the «Lancer F» (for example, in Germany). Thus, with the rear-wheel drive Lancer as introduced in 1979 and the front-wheel drive Lancer Fiore, Mitsubishi had two similarly sized models competing in the same market segment, sometimes even while sharing the Lancer badge.

Although naming conventions varied, for all generations, sedan versions of the Mirage were typically badged as Lancer in export markets such as the Philippines, although notably not in the United States. In Japan, sedan variants of the Mirage and Lancer sold alongside one another with minor differences in trim. The station wagon, part of the 1983 and 1991 iterations, was typically known as the Lancer in export markets. Likewise, the Mirage coupe variant, available with the 1991 and 1995 generations, also became part of the Lancer lineup in some regions.

Mitsubishi introduced replacements for the Mirage starting in 2000, with a new generation of Lancer sedan—now larger and having moved up to the compact segment. Then in 2002, a subcompact five-door hatchback badged Colt internationally became available, thus substituting the Mirage hatchback. By 2003, the Mirage had been completely phased out of mainstream Japanese production and Lancer became the primary title for Mitsubishi’s compact offerings.



Eighth generation (2000)[edit]

Eighth generation
2002-2003 Mitsubishi Lancer (CG) LS sedan (2011-10-25).jpg

Mitsubishi Lancer LS sedan (Australia; pre-facelift)

Also called Mitsubishi Cedia
Mitsubishi Lancer Cedia (Japan & Thailand)
Mitsubishi Virage (Taiwan)
Soueast Lioncel II
Mitsubishi Lancer Gala (Vietnam)
  • 2000–2010 (Japan)
  • 2002–2012 (Indonesia)
  • 2006-2013 (India)
  • 2000–2007 (US)
  • 2002–2015 (Venezuela)[11]
Assembly Japan: Okazaki (Nagoya Plant)
India: Tiruvallur (Hindustan)
Indonesia: Pademangan, North Jakarta (PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor) (until June 2005)
Philippines: Cainta (2008–2012)
China: Fuzhou (Soueast)
Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)[12]
Thailand: Laem Chabang (MMTh)
Malaysia: Shah Alam, Selangor
Venezuela: Barcelona (MMC Automotriz)
Vietnam: Dĩ An, Bình Dương (Vinastar)
Designer Shuzo Akamine (1997)[13]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
5-door station wagon
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform CS2A–CS9W
Related Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII–IX
  • Gasoline:
  • 1.3 L 4G13 I4
  • 1.5 L 4G15 I4
  • 1.6 L 4G18 I4
  • 1.8 L 4G93 I4
  • 1.8 L 4G93T turbo I4
  • 2.0 L 4G94 I4
  • 2.0 L 4G63 I4
  • 2.4 L 4G69 I4
Transmission 5-speed manual
4-speed automatic
4-speed INVECS-II automatic
CVT automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,600 mm (102.4 in)
Length 4,495–4,605 mm (177.0–181.3 in)
Width 1,695 mm (66.7 in)
Height 1,375–1,425 mm (54.1–56.1 in)
Curb weight 1,399 kg (3,084 lb)

Lancer sedan (pre-facelift)

Lancer ES sedan (facelift)

Station wagon


May 2000 saw the release in Japan of the Lancer Cedia (meaning CEntury DIAmond); though in most markets the previous 1995 vintage Mirage-based Lancer soldiered on for a while longer, built at Mitsubishi’s Mizushima plant in Japan. The new model was available in sedan and station wagon forms. In Europe, the Lancer was not offered in some countries, being too close to the size of the Dutch-built Mitsubishi Carisma, so the Evo VII model sold there bore the Carisma name. This series of Lancer was still sold in Japan for 3 years alongside the 2007 onwards generation Lancer, sold there as the «Galant Fortis».

In February 2003, for the 2004 model year, a heavily restyled Lancer surfaced with a front styling that brought it into line with the Mitsubishi corporate look, as well as a restyled rear, to further differentiate itself from the Lancer Evolution. The car’s grille was then redesigned again in 2005 for the 2006 model year.



In Japan, the Lancer Cedia was offered with many different trim levels and engines, including some options never exported, such as a cargo variant of the station wagon, which was replaced by a rebranded Nissan AD. It was also one of the first models to use the INVECS-III CVT transmission. There was also a Ralliart version of the Sportswagon which was powered by a turbocharged 1.8-liter GDI engine. Until 2010, it was still sold alongside the 9th generation, known in Japan as the Galant Fortis.

In Taiwan, the Mitsubishi Lancer was produced and marketed by China Motor Corporation, and the car was slightly restyled in the beginning with larger front grilles, extra chrome trims, and the rear license plate located on the trunk lid instead of the rear bumper. Later, following the internationally sold facelift version, the front lamps were restyled and reshaped to be triangular while the tail lamps extended onto the trunk lid which is different from the version sold in other parts of the world. An additional facelift was added again in 2005 with white marker lights in the front replacing the amber ones and restyled tail lamps.

  • Sedan front (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan front (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

  • Sedan rear (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan rear (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

  • Sedan rear (facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan rear (facelift; Taiwanese spec)

In Indonesia, the Lancer was available in GLXi and SEi trims. It was assembled locally and sold from 2002 until 2012.

In Malaysia, the Lancer was made available after Mitsubishi had sold all its shares in Malaysian carmaker Proton, marking the return of Mitsubishi in the Malaysian market after being absent since 1985 due to the agreement with Proton. The Lancer sold in Malaysia was powered by the 4G18 engine which also powered the early 1.6-liter Proton Waja model.

In the Philippines, the Lancer Cedia was originally launched in 2003, sourced from Mitsubishi’s Thailand plant until 2008, with 2008 to 2012 models assembled in Mitsubishi’s production plant in Cainta, Rizal.[14] It was offered with three trim levels; GLX, GLS and MX. Both GLX and GLS were powered with a 1.6-litre 4G18 SOHC engine with 110 PS (81 kW).[15] The MX was powered with a 1.8-litre 4G93 SOHC engine. Transmission choices were a 5-speed manual (GLX and GLS) or INVECS-III CVT (GLS and MX). In 2005 and 2007 respectively, the Lancer received its first and second facelifts: featuring new headlights, tail lights, front fascia, trunk lid, rear bumper and wheel designs. In 2008, it got also a third facelift; featuring new tail lights, black smoked headlights, new wheel designs and front fascia. In 2007, Mitsubishi Philippines also marketed GT and GSR trims. Both were powered with a 2.0-litre 4G63 engine and mated with a 4-speed INVECS-II transmissions. The GT received semi-bucket seats and a Momo steering wheel while the GSR had leather seats and only came in Glaire Beige (champagne).

In Pakistan, this variant was launched in 2005 with cosmetic changes from the front and the back. Thai production was switched to the new model, and in all markets except for India the previous model was no longer marketed, four years after the Cedia’s introduction. In India, it was first introduced at the 2006 Auto Expo in New Delhi as the Lancer Cedia, complementing the lower-priced Lancer.[16] All Lancer variants were built by Mitsubishi’s Indian partner Hindustan Motors. From 2009 on, it was sold under the Cedia name alone, available as the Cedia Select and the Cedia Sports.[16] In order to comply with the emissions regulations and to accommodate lower quality petrol, it used a slightly detuned version of the SOHC 16-valve 4G94 found on the Lancer, having 115 PS (85 kW; 113 hp) at 5250 rpm and 175 N⋅m (129 lb⋅ft) at 4250 rpm. The Cedia, a rather expensive car for Indian conditions, was discontinued without a direct successor in June 2013 as Mitsubishi India chose to focus on SUVs. Production was reported to have ended in November 2012.[17]


In Australia, this series of Lancer was introduced as the CG series in July 2002 with the 2.0-liter 4G94 engine. The 2003 facelift, designated the CH series,[18] introduced a heavily updated VR-X, which included new 16″ alloys, stiffer suspension, body styling kit, and gear shifter borrowed from the Lancer Evolution. In 2004, the new Lancer wagon was introduced as a direct replacement for its ageing circa 1992 predecessor.

In August 2005, all Lancers were upgraded to the 2.4-liter 4G69 engine, producing 115 kW (154 hp) and 220 N⋅m (162 lb⋅ft) of torque. The upgraded engine also saw a change in trim levels and upgraded equipment—the ES and LS models now featured a more upmarket looking black interior, while the VR-X gained a new black grille to closer resemble the Lancer Evolution IX. The equipment levels of all models were also upgraded, with the LS and VR-X gaining climate control, and a premium audio system sourced from the luxury Mitsubishi Verada. The Exceed model was discontinued, and all updated models now used JDM sized rear bumpers instead of the larger USDM sized versions. Additionally, the wagon also saw these changes; and as of 2007, continues to be sold alongside the sedan.

The ES and LS models were given a minor facelift for the 2007 model year; this time gaining the same front grille as the US models, and putting it into line with the current corporate look—similar to that of the Colt and the locally built 380. A limited edition ES model dubbed «Velocity» went on sale prior to this generation being replaced. This package included VR-X grille, rear spoiler, leather/Alcantara bolstered seats, sports pedals, 15-inch alloy wheels and chrome exhaust tip—all for the same price as the previous standard ES.


In some European markets, the Lancer began to take the place of the Carisma in 2004. It is powered by a 1.3-liter SOHC 16-valve 4G13 engine producing 82 PS (60 kW) at 5,000 rpm and 120 N⋅m (89 lb⋅ft) of torque at 4,000 rpm. The next engine in the range is the 1.6-liter SOHC 4G18 engine producing 98 PS (72 kW) at 5,000 rpm and 150 N⋅m (111 lb⋅ft) at 4,000 rpm. Finally, there is the 2.0-liter DOHC 4G63 producing 135 PS (99 kW) at 5,750 rpm and 176 N⋅m (130 lb⋅ft) at 4,500 rpm.

North America[edit]

In North America, the Lancer was introduced in 2001 for the 2002 model year as a direct replacement for the Mirage. In the United States, Chrysler had offered an unrelated Dodge Lancer at various stages between the 1950s and 1980s. However, when Daimler, who owned Chrysler at the time, briefly controlled Mitsubishi through the DaimlerChrysler-Mitsubishi alliance from 2000 through to 2004, the rights to the «Lancer» name were relinquished to Mitsubishi for usage in North America. Consequently, after Mitsubishi discontinued the 1995 series Mirage for North America in 2001, the replacement model adopted the Lancer name for the first time.

North American Lancers were powered by a 2.0-liter 4G94 engine producing 120 hp (89 kW) and 130 lb⋅ft (176 N⋅m) of torque. In Mexico, the Lancer sedan was available in DE, ES, LS and GS trims with a 2.0-liter DOHC 4G63 engine.

2006 Mitsubishi Lancer ES (North American spec)

Mitsubishi Lancer LS wagon (US)

In addition to the facelift, North America received three additional models to the Lancer line in 2004—Lancer Ralliart, LS Sportback and Ralliart Sportback. Ralliart slots in between the base models and high-performance Evolution. These cars came equipped with Mitsubishi’s 2.4-liter 4G69 engine (rated at 160 hp (119 kW)/ 162 lb⋅ft (220 N⋅m) for the Sportback, and 162 hp (121 kW)/ 162 lb⋅ft (220 N⋅m) for the Ralliart). The power gain was due to a tuned muffler for the Ralliart, and also included a new, stiffer suspension package that improved handling and lowered for Ralliart and lifted the LS Sportback by 2.9 inches. The LS Sportback had 15-inch steel or optional 15-inch alloy wheels. The Ralliart came with 16-inch alloy wheels, front bucket seats borrowed from Japan’s Mitsubishi Evolution GT-A, optional fog lamps, and a new aerodynamic ground package for Ralliart. The LS Sportback and Ralliart Sportback were equipped with a four-speed INVECS-II automatic transmission, while the Ralliart came with a five-speed manual transmission with an option for the four-speed automatic.

For the 2005 model year, the grille was changed to include more fins to reflect a closer similarity to the North American Galant. For the 2006 model year, the fascia was changed again from a bridged fascia to one with an open vent after Mitsubishi received complaints from current owners regarding its similarity in appearance to General Motors Division Pontiac’s corporate look, and to bring the appearance closer to its bigger brother, the Evolution.

The Lancer Sportback wagon was cancelled in the United States one year after its release, but the Mitsubishi Lancer wagon was sold in Canada for a while longer.

Ninth generation (2007)[edit]

Ninth generation
2007-2009 Mitsubishi Lancer (CJ) VR sedan 02.jpg

Mitsubishi Lancer VR sedan (Australia; pre-facelift)

Also called Mitsubishi Galant Fortis (Japan)
Mitsubishi Galant
Proton Inspira (Malaysia)
Mitsubishi Lancer EX
Production 2007–2017
Model years 2008–2017
Assembly Japan: Kurashiki (Mizushima Plant)
Brazil: Catalão (MMC Automotores)
China: Fuzhou (Soueast)
Philippines: Cainta (2008–2014) (MMPC)
Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)
Thailand: Laem Chabang (MMTh)
Malaysia: Shah Alam, Selangor (Proton)
Designer Omer Halilhodžić (2004)[19]
Norihiko Yoshimine[20]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
5-door hatchback
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform Mitsubishi GS platform
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X
  • Mitsubishi ASX[21]
  • Mitsubishi Outlander (second generation)[21]
  • Mitsubishi Outlander (third generation)[21]
  • Gasoline:
  • 1.5 L 4A91 I4
  • 1.6 L 4A92 I4
  • 1.8 L 4B10 I4
  • 1.8 L 4J10 I4
  • 2.0 L 4B11 I4
  • 2.0 L 4B11T turbo I4
  • 2.4 L 4B12 I4
  • Diesel:
  • 1.8 L 4N13 turbo I4
  • 2.0 L VW BWC turbo I4
  • 5/6-speed manual
  • 6-speed Ralliart dual-clutch automatic
  • 4-speed automatic (INVECS-II)
  • CVT automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,635 mm (103.7 in)
Length Sedan: 4,570 mm (179.9 in)
4,625 mm (182.1 in) (2016 facelift)
Sportback: 4,585 mm (180.5 in)
Width 1,760 mm (69.3 in)
Height Sedan: 1,490 mm (58.7 in)
Sportback: 1,515 mm (59.6 in)
Curb weight 1,230–1,415 kg (2,712–3,120 lb)
1,570–1,593 kg (3,461–3,512 lb) (Ralliart)

In 2005, Mitsubishi revealed the «Concept X» model car at the Tokyo Motor Show and its «Concept Sportback» model at the Frankfurt Motor Show. The new Lancer was previewed by these two concepts. The new Lancer was officially revealed in January 2007 at the North American International Auto Show and went on sale in North American markets in March 2007 as a 2008 model. New Lancer features Mitsubishi’s next-generation RISE safety body.



With the exception of the Lancer Evolution X, the Lancer is marketed as the Galant Fortis (Latin for strong, brave and resolute) in the Japanese domestic market because the sixth generation of Lancer is still in production at that time.[22] It comes in three trim levels: Exceed, Super Exceed, and Sport.[23]

Due to the popular demand for the previous 2000-era Lancer in Singapore, it continued to be sold alongside the new 2007 era Lancer which was called «Lancer EX» to differentiate itself from the former for two years. The 1.5- and 2.0-liter engine sizes and a flagship GT trim level were available in Singapore. For model year 2009, the design was refreshed all around with an updated front grille, darkened clear tail lamps, and chrome lining with an additional floor console internally. The rear for the 2.0-liter variants had disc brakes for better stopping power. From 2014 models onwards, only a 1.6-liter engine was offered in Elegance and Sports trim with factory AM/FM radio, ducktail spoiler, and 16” black gloss 10-spoke chrome rims or 16” Spaco gunmetal rims. For a limited period between 2015 and 2017, the Lancer EX had a slightly revamped rear with double rectangular “C-shaped” LED tail lamp clusters and had its Lancer badge positioned to the center of the boot.

In Malaysia, the Lancer was first launched in August 2007 with a sole variant known as GT.[24] The Lancer was then updated in 2009[25] and an EX variant was launched in July 2010.[26] In October 2010, the Sportback bodystyle was launched in October 2010.[27] The Lancer was then updated in August 2012[28] and April 2014.[29] Also, Proton had renewed cross-licensing and technology transfer agreements with Mitsubishi as of October 2008 and lead to the Proton Inspira which is a badge-engineered 2007–2017 Lancer.[30]

In Indonesia, only the GT is sold and it utilizes the 2.0-liter 4B1 engine and is sold alongside the Evolution X. The previous generation Lancer was still sold, marketed as the Cedia using the 1.8-liter 4G9 engine.

Hong Kong received its unique edition of the Lancer in 2008, dubbed the Lancer 2.0. The car comes in two trim levels, without a name for either of them. Both are equipped with the 4B11 2.0-liter engine, seven airbags, eight-speaker stereo system, adaptive front-lighting system (AFS) with HID as well as 18-inch alloy wheels. The upper trim has a Ralliart style body kit which includes a revised front bumper, side skirt, rear bumper with diffuser, and the addition of a correct-to-Evolution X rear spoiler, while the lower trim makes do without the above-mentioned features.

In the Philippines, the 9th generation Lancer was launched in mid-2008 as the «Lancer EX» to differentiate it from the previous generation Lancer sold alongside it, which would be discontinued by 2012. It was initially available only with a 2.0-litre 4B11 powerplant. The top-of-the-line GT and GT-A were added into the lineup in 2008. The GT and GT-A were essentially the same, both coming with rear spoilers, side skirts, and 18″ alloy wheels, the only difference being that the GT came with a 5-speed manual, while the GT-A came with a CVT transmission with paddle shifters. A Ralliart version was also available, with a 2.0-litre single turbo engine making 240 hp paired to a 6-speed dual clutch automatic transmission. Like the Evolution X, it came with an all-wheel-drive system featuring active yaw control and an active center differential.[31]

In 2011, 3 trim levels were available: the base GLX which had no fog lights and three-beam headlights. It came with a 1.6-litre 4A92 MIVEC engine, making 117 hp, paired to a 5-speed manual or a 4-speed automatic.[32] The mid-range GLS has fog lights, GPS navigation with touchscreen. The same transmission options as the GLX were available. The top-of-the-line MX adds HID headlights, a blue LCD monitoring screen beneath the speedometer, and paddle-shifters. In 2010 the GT trim was phased out, while in 2012, the GLS was phased out.

Between August 2015 and August 2017, GHK Motors (Mitsubishi Brunei) had offered a version of the Lancer Sportback under the name Mitsubishi Galant in Brunei.[33] The Galant is equipped with the 2.4-liter engine, 18-inch alloy wheels, a Ralliart style front grille, side skirts, rear spoiler, and sports front seats.[34][35]


The Lancer was released in Australia in October 2007, designated the CJ series, and was initially available in ES, VR and VRX trim. The ES included cruise control, driver, passenger, and knee airbags, stability and traction control as standard. The VR added alloy wheels, fog lights, side skirts, boot lip spoiler, rain-sensing wipers, automatic headlights, six-disc CD changer, as well as curtain and side airbags. The VRX received extra skirts including front aprons, a larger rear spoiler, 18-inch alloys, 9-speaker Rockford Fosgate sound system, keyless entry, keyless engine start, and Bluetooth connectivity with voice control. All three models shared the same 4B11 2.0-litre engine and can be found with a manual gearbox or CVT. The Sportback body followed the sedan and has been available for all variants except the Aspire.

In July 2008, the Lancer Evolution X (officially just «Lancer Evolution» at the time) became available for orders in Australia.[36]

In September 2008, another variant, the Aspire, was introduced.[37] The Aspire was based on the 2009 model VRX, which had a new 4B12 2.4-litre engine. The Aspire included more luxury features and only came with a CVT, whereas the VRX maintained a manual gearbox option.

In late 2008, the Ralliart variant became available.[38] It featured a single turbocharged version of the 4B11 engine, all-wheel drive (AWD) and a twin-clutch six-speed (TC-SST) gearbox.

In 2010, the limited edition ACTiV was added to the lineup.[39] The ACTiV was based on the ES and added features such as 16-inch alloy wheels, side skirts, rear spoiler, hands-free Bluetooth and multi-function leather steering wheel.

Various special models have also been introduced, such as the Platinum Edition, which is based on the VR but added a chrome grille, window surrounds (sedan only), MMCS satellite navigation, and Bluetooth. The RX version is derived from the ES but comes with standard alloy wheels. Another model introduced in 2010 was the SX coming with factory alloys, leather steering wheel, and gear shifter as well as factory spoiler.

From model year 2013 onward (introduced in late 2012), the Aspire was dropped.


In Europe, a diesel model was also available from 2007 to September 2010. This was a 2.0-liter PD-TDI 103 kW (138 hp) engine sourced from Volkswagen, with engine code BWC.[40] From September 2010, it was also available with Mitsubishi’s own 1.8-liter 4N1 engine.[41] This engine has an aluminium cylinder block, four valves per cylinder and a common rail injection system with variable geometry turbocharger and variable valve timing. It develops 85 kW (116 PS; 114 bhp) and 300 N⋅m (221 lb⋅ft).[42]

In Ireland, the specifications are different from those of models sold in the United Kingdom. The Lancer is available in five-door hatchback (Sportback) or four-door sedan body styles. Engines are the 1.5- and 1.8-liter petrol and the 2.0-liter diesel—all available in the United Kingdom until 2012. Trim levels are GS2, GS3, and GS4 for the saloon, and GS2, GS3, and Juro (satellite navigation and rear-view camera) for the Sportback. The Sportback Juro model marked a temporary end to the line in the UK and was the most generously equipped. A Ralliart version (petrol), a detuned version of the Evolution, was also available. Mitsubishi intended to supply the UK with 400 further Lancers in late 2014.

North America[edit]

2011 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart sedan (US)

2009 Mitsubishi Lancer GTS (Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico) with aftermarket roof, grille and rims paint

For the United States, the Lancer was initially available in DE, ES, and GTS trim levels.[43] DE, ES, and GTS models are powered by a GEMA based 4B11, 2.0-liter DOHC engine producing 152 hp (113 kW) (except for California models which have been detuned to 143 hp (107 kW) to meet regulations). Transmission options include a brand new F1CJA continuously variable transmission (CVT), sourced from Jatco, alongside a regular F5MBB five-speed manual sourced from Aisin Seiki. GTS models get a six-speed paddle shift version of the CVT.

In Canada, a fourth model (SE) was introduced to the Lancer lineup. The SE model is a cross between the ES and GTS models. Features not included in the SE model that is found in the GTS are the FAST key, automatic climate control, carbon-fiber trim pieces, leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, and 18-inch wheels.

For US markets, starting with the 2009 model year, an ES Sport version was released similar to the SE model for the Canadian market. Externally the ES Sport is similar in appearance to the GTS—with side skirts, rear spoiler, etc. (with the exception of the wheels, the ES Sport retains the ES wheelset). The ES Sport also uses the 2.0-liter engine.[44]

For 2009, the GTS is powered by a 2.4-liter 4B12 engine producing 168 hp (125 kW) and 167 lb⋅ft (226 N⋅m).[44]

For 2012, A new trim level called SE was added. The SE model features the 2.4-liter 4B12 engine and Mitsubishi’s all-wheel-drive system. The SE is only available with a CVT transmission. For 2013, another trim level called GT was added. Based on the all-wheel-drive SE trim level, excluding the all-wheel control system, the GT features sportier suspension, upmarket options, and an available manual transmission.

The five-door hatchback version, known as the Sportback, was introduced for the Canadian market in spring 2009, and in the US for the 2010 model year in mid-2009.[45][46]

A detuned and cheaper version of the Evolution X was announced at the 2008 North American International Auto Show. This model became available for purchase in the United States in October 2008.

For 2009, the Ralliart is available exclusively with the TC-SST transmission.[47] The TC-SST transmission equipped in the Ralliart offers two modes (Normal, Sport) rather than the three modes the same transmission offers in the Lancer Evolution X MR (Normal, Sport, S-Sport). The car also includes a simplified version of the Evolution X’s AWD system, with a simple «mechanical limited-slip» rear differential.[48]

South America[edit]

To differentiate it from the previous model, still, on sale, this model is marketed as «Lancer Serie R» in Chile. For the same reason, in El Salvador, depending on the engine and trim, this series is titled «Lancer EX» or «Lancer GT».

In Brazil, Lancer was officially sold by Mitsubishi Motors 2007–2017. Between 2015 and 2017 was produced in Catalão Mitsubishi’s factory. It was sold in four versions: MT, HL, HLE, and GT. All versions come with the 2.0-liter 4B11 l4 engine (gasoline). The Lancer Sportback was sold until 2013 in a single version, signed by Ralliart, and the Lancer Evolution X is also sold, although not produced locally.


Mitsubishi Lancer ES Sport sedan (Australia; facelift)

In October 2015, Mitsubishi released details of the model year 2016 Lancer facelift for North America.[49] The MY16 update was announced and released for Australia in December 2015.[50] It sports a mildly altered front and does without the Ralliart-style grille of the MY15 version, now with a cleaner front bumper with integrated chrome upper and lower grilles. New C-shaped LED daytime running lamps surrounding the foglights and side skirts complete the exterior changes, while the cabin gains a high-contrast instrument cluster, a new front centre console with silver and black accents, and a new colour touchscreen audio system with DAB digital radio.[51] It was also released in the Philippines in April 2016 and it came in two trims; GLS and GT-A.[52]


Mitsubishi Motors North America’s executive vice president and CEO, Don Swearingen, confirmed in January 2017 that Mitsubishi would end the Lancer’s production in August 2017, without a successor.[53] Mitsubishi’s main focus was to be on crossovers and SUVs, but production of the Mirage hatchback and the G4 sedan will continue due to ongoing popular demand for the Mirage nameplate in the North American market.

Lancer Fortis / Lancer iO[edit]

2007–2013 Lancer Fortis (grey)
2008–2011 Lancer iO (white)

The Lancer Fortis and Lancer iO are derivatives of the global Lancer model. Both models were developed primarily for the Taiwanese market, historically a stronghold for Mitsubishi vehicles.[54] The Lancer Fortis and iO are locally assembled in Taiwan and China by CMC and Soueast respectively. CMC also exported the Lancer Fortis to the Middle East.[55]

The Lancer Fortis made its debut in Taiwan in August 2007. The Fortis has a unique exterior design, but its interior styling and mechanical underpinnings are largely identical to the global Lancer model.[54] Early models of the Lancer Fortis were powered by the 157 PS (115 kW), 2.0-litre 4B11 engine paired to the INVECS-III CVT gearbox.[56] Later variants were offered with the 143 PS (105 kW), 1.8-litre 4B10 plant, while the 2.0-litre Fortis models were discontinued by 2010.[57]

In April 2008, Mitsubishi launched the Lancer iO in Taiwan. The iO was pitched as a sportier version of the Lancer Fortis, featuring a more aggressive front grille and bumper combination.[58] In February 2012, Mitsubishi discontinued the Fortis-based iO, and launched the global Lancer locally under the iO nameplate.[59] The Taiwanese colloquial term for the 2012 Lancer iO and the global Lancer is ‘shark head’ (鯊魚頭).[60]

The Lancer Fortis made its Chinese debut at the 2013 Shanghai Motor Show.[61] The Chinese market Lancer Fortis features a different front grille and bumper design in addition to other minor cosmetic changes. The base models are powered by the 113 hp (84 kW), 1.6-litre 4A92 engine, and the range topping variants received the 1.8-litre 4B10.[62] The Lancer Fortis in China is positioned in between the more expensive Lancer EX, and the cheaper Lancer Classic.[63]

The Taiwanese market Lancer Fortis and iO were simultaneously facelifted in May 2014. The design of the front grille and bumper combination on both models became more aggressive, while the Fortis adopted the ‘shark head’ design and the headlamps from the global Lancer. The rear lamps on both models were also revised, and the interior designs received minor cosmetic enhancements. The powerplant configuration for both models was refined for better fuel efficiency but was otherwise largely unchanged.[64] The Chinese market Lancer EX was later updated in line with the Lancer iO design.[63]

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift front

    Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift front

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift rear

    Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift rear

Tenth generation (2017)[edit]

Tenth generation
2017 CMC-Mitsubishi Lancer.jpg
Manufacturer China Motor Corporation
Also called Mitsubishi Grand Lancer (Taiwan)
Production 2017–present
Assembly Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)
Designer Sin Ko at Pininfarina (2015)
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform Mitsubishi GS platform
Engine 1.8 L 4J10 I4
Transmission Jatco CVT8 automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,635 mm (103.7 in)
Length 4,615 mm (181.7 in)
Width 1,770 mm (69.7 in)
Height 1,490 mm (58.7 in)
Curb weight 1,330–1,415 kg (2,932–3,120 lb)

Rear view


In January 2017, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to continue the Lancer nameplate in certain Asian markets such as Taiwan and China after 2017, due to ongoing popular demand for the Lancer nameplate within the Chinese-speaking world. The development of the new Grand Lancer in Taiwan was led and designed by the Taiwanese China Motor Corporation (CMC). Part of the design was partnered with Pininfarina Shanghai. Due to the international version being discontinued, the new generation Lancer is built on the same platform as the existing model as an extensive facelift. It comes with the new Mitsubishi Dynamic Shield grille and redesigned creases over the side body panels. The interior, front hood, front bumpers, front fenders, front and rear door panels including the rear passenger door window, the boot lid, and the rear bumper have been completely redesigned for the new generation, while the rest is carried over from the pre-2017 model.[65]



Since 2007, the Lancer has regularly featured within the Top 10 and Top 20 vehicle sales charts. Prior to the discontinuation of Lancer production in 2017, John Signoriello, CEO of Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd, decided to stockpile as many Lancers as possible, in order to sell them in succeeding years.[66] The following table shows sales since 2006.

Year Units sold Australian Sales Rank
2006 15,500< 14
2008 19,688 8
2009 21,362 7
2010 23,064 9
2011 10
2012 16
2016 7,272
2017 7,560
Total 94,446<

See also[edit]

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Cargo
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
  • Mitsubishi Lancer WRC
  • Mitsubishi Racing Lancer
  • Proton Inspira
  • Proton Jebat


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  7. ^ Car Graphic: Car Archives Vol. 11, ’80s Japanese Cars. Tokyo: Nigensha. 2007. p. 214. ISBN 978-4-544-91018-6.
  8. ^ Long, Brian (2007). Mitsubishi Lancer Evo: The Road Car & WRC Story. Dorchester: Veloce Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84584-055-6.
  9. ^ a b c Rombauts, Walter, ed. (15 September 1979). «Volledig veranderd, maar nog steeds dezelfde naam» [Completely changed, but still with the same name]. Keesings Auto Magazine (in Dutch). Antwerp, Belgium. 2 (17): 20–21.
  10. ^ Rombauts, Walter, ed. (15 September 1979). «Salon van Frankfurt is aanklacht tegen politieke machthebbers» [Frankfurt Show is an indictment of political leaders]. Keesings Auto Magazine (in Dutch). Antwerp, Belgium. 2 (17): 18.
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  12. ^ «Facts & Figures Mitsubishi Motors Corporation 2001» (PDF). Mitsubishi Motors. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 June 2012. Retrieved 22 March 2011. Production facilities outside Japan – China Motor Corp. (CMC), Yang Mei Factory, 49 Shio Tsai Rd., Yang Mei Taoyuan, Taiwan
  13. ^ Long, Brian; Kurihara, Shinichi (February 2007). Mitsubishi Lancer EVO I to X: The Road Car and WRC Story. Veloce Publishing. ISBN 9781845840556.
  14. ^ «Mitsubishi launches first salvo for the year». Motorista News. 2003-02-05. Archived from the original on 2003-03-01.
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  22. ^ «Mitsubishi unveils «design study» shots of the production Evo X». Autoblog.
  23. ^ «Mitsubishi Galant Fortis Launched». World Car Fans.
  24. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2007-08-07. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  25. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT facelifted in Malaysia!». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2009-07-30. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  26. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer EX – a very different kind of Lancer». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2010-07-16. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  27. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback 2.4 launched in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2010-10-21. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  28. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT updated in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2012-08-09. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  29. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GTE detailed – now priced at RM118,888». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2014-04-11. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  30. ^ Tan, Paul. «Proton Inspira now officially open for bookings». PaulTan.org. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  31. ^ «Review: 2012 Mitsubishi Lancer EX Ralliart». CarGuide.PH. 25 April 2012. Retrieved 20 March 2022.
  32. ^ «Review: 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer EX GLX A/T». CarGuide.PH. 12 March 2013. Retrieved 20 March 2022.
  33. ^ Agus, Raghadah (7 August 2015). «Mitsubishi Galant’s sporty revamp». The Brunei Times. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  34. ^ Roslan, Wani (8 August 2015). «GHK Motors introduces Mitsubishi Galant Sportback». Borneo Bulletin. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  35. ^ «Galant». GHK Motors. 2015. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  36. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution». CarSales.com.au. 11 Sep 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  37. ^ «Mitsubishi plugs gap with Lancer Aspire». CarSales.com.au. 17 Sep 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  38. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart». CarSales.com.au. 11 Nov 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  39. ^ «Mitsubishi gets ACTiV with new Lancer». CarSales.com.au. 5 Mar 2010. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  40. ^ Ross, David (26 March 2008). «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 Di-D GS4». Auto Express. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  41. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer – 4-doors, sedan». Auto-Types.com. 28 November 2010. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  42. ^ Zevedei, Daniel. «Mitsubishi Lancer 1.8 DI-D ClearTec Edition Two – 4-doors, sedan». Auto-Types.com. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  43. ^ «2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Review». JB car pages. Retrieved 25 February 2009.
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  47. ^ «2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Specs». JB car pages. Retrieved 25 February 2009.
  48. ^ «2008 Detroit Auto Show: 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart». Edmunds.
  49. ^ Maric, Paul (1 October 2015). «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer update revealed: Australia confirmed and Ralliart dumped». CarAdvice. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  50. ^ «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer busts out». Motoring. 16 December 2015. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  51. ^ Beissmann, Tim (16 December 2015). «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer facelift brings extra equipment to ageing small car». CarAdvice. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  52. ^ Andres, Anton (11 April 2016). «MIAS 2016: Mitsubishi quietly unveils updated Lancer». AutoIndustriya.com. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
  53. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer production to be discontinued in August». 6 January 2017. Retrieved 14 Feb 2017.
  54. ^ a b 張之杰 (30 August 2007). «國產7氣囊,Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis 64.5萬起». News.U-Car.com.tw (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  55. ^ «Lancer Fortis Launch». CMC-Motor.com. 19 March 2017. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  56. ^ 蔡致堅 (31 August 2007). «MITSUBISHI Lancer Fortis 2.0全面升級,國產中型房車再創話題». AutoNet.com.tw (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  57. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis». U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  58. ^ 九重葛 (9 June 2008). «史上最強運動性格-Mitsubishi Lancer iO» [The Most Athletic Personality: Mitsubishi Lancer iO]. U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  59. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer iO». U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  60. ^ 葉毓中 (10 April 2012). «Mitsubishi【試車報導】遲到,總比不到好!Lancer iO風格終一致» (in Chinese). carstuff.com.tw. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  61. ^ «Shanghai Motor Show 2013 (4)». MarkLines.com. 17 June 2013. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  62. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis». ChinaAutoWeb.com. 19 March 2017. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  63. ^ a b Wang, Joey (29 July 2016). «Spy Shots: This Is The New Mitsubishi Lancer EX For China». CarNewsChina.com. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  64. ^ 梁尚倫 (22 May 2014). «形貌變更,Mitsubishi Lancer雙車系64.5萬元起改款登場» (in Chinese). news.u-car.com.tw. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  65. ^ Karkafiris, Michael (2017-03-23). «New 2018 Mitsubishi Grand Lancer Targets China And Other Asian Markets». Carscoops. Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  66. ^ Wallis, Robbie (2017-11-28). «Mitsubishi Australia hopeful Lancer will survive». GoAuto. Retrieved 2019-02-20.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • Mitsubishi Grand Lancer website Archived 2018-12-02 at the Wayback Machine (Taiwan Mitsubishi Motors)
  • Mitsubishi Lancer official history from archive.org (archived 22 November 2004)


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    Mitsubishi Assistance Package

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  • 2
    Mitsubishi Atomic Power Industries, Inc.

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi Atomic Power Industries, Inc.

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    Mitsubishi Common Modules

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi Common Modules

  • 4
    Mitsubishi Corporation

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi Corporation

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    Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

  • 6
    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

    Sakhalin energy glossary: MHI

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

  • 7
    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

  • 8
    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

  • 9
    Mitsubishi Machine Tools

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi Machine Tools

  • 10
    Mitsubishi Motors Corporation

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi Motors Corporation

  • 11
    Mitsubishi Power Sound System

    Automobile industry: MPSS

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi Power Sound System

  • 12
    Mitsubishi Racing

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi Racing

  • 13
    Mitsubishi S340-10 color sublimation printer file

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi S340-10 color sublimation printer file

  • 14
    Mitsubishi extensive large scale array

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mitsubishi extensive large scale array

  • 15
    Bank Tokyo- Mitsubishi, LTD.

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Bank Tokyo- Mitsubishi, LTD.

  • 16
    Fluor Daniel + Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

    Sakhalin energy glossary: FMH

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Fluor Daniel + Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

  • 17
    добровольное объединение восьми фирм Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Mitsubishi Chemical, Philips, Ricoh, Sony, Thomson и Yamaha

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > добровольное объединение восьми фирм Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Mitsubishi Chemical, Philips, Ricoh, Sony, Thomson и Yamaha

  • 18

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > мицубиси

  • 19

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > MAPI

  • 20
    Digital Versatile Disk + ReWritable

    Information technology: DVD+RW , DVDRW

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Digital Versatile Disk + ReWritable

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Mitsubishi — Tipo Conglomerado Fundación 1870 Sede …   Wikipedia Español

  • Mitsubishi eK — Manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors Also called Nissan Otti …   Wikipedia

  • MITSUBISHI — L’un des principaux regroupements d’entreprises, spécifiques de l’économie japonaise, nommés zaibatsu (littéralement cliques financières). L’histoire de Mitsubishi est moins ancienne que celle de Mitsui, ce qui explique la position respective des …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Mitsubishi i — photographiée en 2005 au 39ème salon automobile de Tokyo, juste avant le lancement de la voiture sur le marché japonais …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mitsubishi i — Mitsubishi i …   Википедия

  • Mitsubishi F-1 — F 1 at Iwakuni Base Role Fighter aircraft Manufacturer …   Wikipedia

  • Mitsubishi T-2 — Mitsubishi T 2 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mitsubishi f-1 — Pour les articles homonymes, voir F 1. Mitsubishi F 1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mitsubishi F-1 — Un F 1 en la Base Iwakuni. Tipo Avión de caza Fabricantes …   Wikipedia Español




11 лет назад

Японская буква し не похожа не на «си» не на «ши», это что-то среднее. «По-английски» пишется «shi», потому что такова система транслитерации Хепбёрна (ромадзи) . В России используют систему Поливанова (киридзи) , и поэтому правильно пишется «Мицубиси»(Mitsubishi).

Источник: Люди не знакомые с этим, естественно читают так, как написано на их языке.




11 лет назад

. а название марки чьё? английское? правильно — японское, поэтому исходя из первоисточника, правильно будет Мицубиси, к тому же официалы себя обзывают Мицубиси…. так что, правильно Мицубиси, также как правильно суси и Такеси. Мицубиши — английское/американское искажение произношения.
Правильное произношение соответственно стране-производителю:
— Mazda = «Мацда» (изначально «Мацуда»);
— Lamborgini = «ЛамборГини» (можно просто «Ламбо» :), но не «…Джини»)
— Mitsubishi = «…Биши» на англ. и «…Си» на японском.

Александр Михеев



4 года назад

Любой умник из 5-го класса вам скажет: «SH читается [ш], а кто этого не знает тот дебил». Однако не всегда это так. Надо правильно говорить МИЦУБИСИ.
Внесу и я свою лепту. В языках, где алфавит — латинский, буква «h» не всегда произносится или участвует в образовании буквосочетаний: иногда она является разделительной. Как в русском языке есть разделительный мягкий знак (например в слове ОБЕЗЬЯНА) Если бы в слове MITSUBISHI не было бы буквы «h» (например так: MITSUBISI), то данное слово читалось бы МИЦУБИЗИ — Здесь буква «h» отделяет букву S от последующей гласной, чтобы она читалась как звук [с].
Так же и в слове lamborghini есть разделительная буква «h». Она тоже не читается и не участвует в звукообразовании, зато отделяет букву «g» от гласной. Без буквы «h» буква «g»читалась бы [дж], а так — ламборгини правильно.
Вообще все эти непонятности идут от американцев, которым наплевать на правильность произношения имён из других наций. Они как видят так и читают названия из других стран и сильно не парятся. А мы как обезьяны за ними повторяем, потому что нас в школе недоучили, что в любом правиле всегда есть исключения, которые тоже являются правилами для всех (кроме американцев). 06:26, 20 октября 2009 (UTC)Раньше в толковом словаре я читал что MITSUBISHI это сокращенное название трех алмазов которые точно не помню принадлежали аснователю или аснователям (правильно писАть — основАтелю, от оснОва) [ещё правильнее «Основателю»] фирмы.приводилось полное названия каждого алмаза.

Вообще-то, это не алмазы и не бриллианты, как можно подумать из английского перевода three diamonds, а три ромба или три бубны — собственно то, что и есть на логотипе. К алмазам слово «хиси» даже не имеет отношения: это название растения с ромбовидными плодами. — Ob ivan 15:29, 15 марта 2009 (UTC)

Тоже не совсем правильно: и то и другое толкование верно, по официальной версии эмблема является синтезом изображения листа водяного каштана и ромба. Кстати перевод три бриллианта тоже не противоречит истине, по крайней мере сами японские сотрудники этой компании вполне нормально к этому переводу относятся, ведь ромб в том числе является стилизованным изображением бриллианта. Описание происхождения эмблемы на оф. сайте — DIMMIS 07:38, 16 августа 2010 (UTC)





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

And a year later, both pilots are synchronously transplanted to the higher-class vehicles — all-wheel drive Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.

А годом позже оба пилота синхронно пересаживаются на технику более высокого класса — полноприводные Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.

The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution won Consumer Search’s best Aggressive sports sedan in Best Sports Sedans in June 2006.

В июне 2006 года Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution получил на ConsumerSearch звание «Лучшего агрессивного спортивного седана» среди «Лучших спортивных седанов».

The car was immediately competitive against such opposition as the Subaru Impreza WRC, the Ford Focus WRC, and the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.

Автомобиль сразу оказался конкурентоспособен против такой оппозиции как Subaru Impreza WRC, Ford Focus WRC и Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.

The rally cars provided for these driver trainings are different generations of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution (briefly the Mitsu EVO), exactly from the EVO 5 model to the EVO 8 model.

это Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution (сокращенно Mitsu EVO) представлены в различных эволюционных ступенях. Мы предлагаем тренировки по технике вождения с машинами от EVO 5 до EVO 8.

His Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 9 started in the Star Fortetsya rally and easily won the victory with a tremendous advantage over the second prize-winner.

Старт в ралли Стара Фортеця на Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 9, где экипаж легко оформил победу с огромным преимуществом над вторым призером гонки.

The user manual Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX.

Drives a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.

Yokohama A13C tires are standard equipment on the new 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, introduced during the recent Greater Los Angeles Auto Show.

Шина Dueler H/L 400, принадлежащая бренду Bridgestone стала элементом первичной комплектации новенькой модели нового поколения внедорожников Toyota Highlander SUV.

UPDATE: Production of Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X skipped for 2009 in U.S.

Toyo Tire Europe is supplying its Proxes R19 on the UK version of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X FQ-400 (U.K. version).

Компания Kia Motors выбрала Michelin, как эксклюзивного поставщика шин первичной комплектации для обновленного модельного ряда Kia Cee’d.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 10. Точных совпадений: 10. Затраченное время: 35 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Release timeline

1973 Lancer 1
1979 Lancer 2
1982 Lancer 3
1983 Lancer 4
1988 Lancer 5
1991 Lancer 6
1995 Lancer 7
2000 Lancer 8
2007 Lancer 9
2017 Lancer ended production
Lancer 10

The Mitsubishi Lancer is an automobile produced by the Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors since 1973.

The Lancer has been marketed as the Colt Lancer, Dodge Colt, Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueast Lioncel, and Mitsubishi Mirage in various countries at different times, and has been sold as the Mitsubishi Galant Fortis in Japan since 2007. It has also been sold as Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis in Taiwan with a different facelift than the Galant Fortis. In Japan, it was sold at a specific retail chain called Car Plaza.

Between its introduction in 1973 and 2008, over six million units were sold.[2] There have been nine generations of Lancers before the current model.[3]

Mitsubishi ended production of the Lancer in August 2017 worldwide, with the exception of Taiwan and China.[4] An extensive facelift was given to the car by Pininfarina’s Chinese offices.

First generation (A70; 1973)

Mitsubishi Lancer sedan

Mitsubishi Lancer sedan

Mitsubishi Lancer coupe

Mitsubishi Lancer coupe

The first Lancer (A70) was launched in February 1973. It served to fill the gap between the Minica kei car and the larger Galant. The sporting 1600 GSR model began the Lancer’s long and successful rally history, winning the Safari Rally twice and the Southern Cross Rally four times.

There were four body styles, two- and four-door sedans, a two-door hardtop coupe and a long-running five-door station wagon (built until replaced by the front-wheel drive Lancer/Mirage Van in March 1984). Engines were different 1.2-liter, 1.4-liter, and 1.6-liter fours.

This car was marketed under a variety of names: Dodge Colt in the United States, Plymouth Colt in Canada, Dodge Lancer in some Latin American countries, Chrysler Valiant Lancer in Australia, and Colt Lancer in some European markets.


Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

In February 1975, the Lancer was complemented by a hatchback called the Lancer Celeste, succeeding the Galant FTO. It was also called the Mitsubishi Celeste (New Zealand) or Colt Celeste in some markets; and sold as the Chrysler Lancer in Australia,[5] the Dodge Lancer Celeste in El Salvador, the Plymouth Arrow in the United States, and the Dodge Arrow in Canada.

Four-door Lancer assembly began in New Zealand in 1975, supplementing the larger English Hillman Avengers also built locally by importer Todd Motors. The Celeste was imported built-up from Japan initially and assembly of a single 1.6- liter, manual transmission model began in 1978 followed by a minor facelift about a year later.

The Celeste was originally available with 1.4- and 1.6-liter options, while a bigger 2.0-liter model was added later. An even larger 2.6-liter four was available in the US-market Plymouth Fire Arrow.[6] The Celeste was facelifted in 1978, receiving square headlights and bigger squarer bumpers.[7] Production of the Lancer Celeste ended in July 1981 and it was replaced by the front-wheel drive Cordia in early 1982.

Second generation (EX/A170; 1979)

Second generation
1980 Mitsubishi Lancer 1.2 Saloon (7786492708).jpg
Also called Colt Lancer (UK)
Production 1979–1987
  • Japan: Okazaki (Nagoya Plant)
  • New Zealand: Todd Park
  • Philippines: Cainta
  • Thailand: Laem Chabang (Mitsubishi Motors Thailand)
  • Indonesia: Pademangan, North Jakarta (PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor)
  • Aldo Sessano (design)
  • Rakuzo Mitamura (engineering)[8]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Front-engine, rear-wheel drive
  • Petrol engines:
  • 1244 cc 4G11 I4 (A171A)
  • 1410 cc 4G12 I4 (A172A)
  • 1439 cc 4G33 I4 (A173A; Indonesia)
  • 1597 cc 4G32 I4 (A174A)
  • 1795 cc 4G62 I4 (A175A; Japan)
  • 1795 cc 4G62T turbo I4 (A175A; Japan)
  • 1997 cc 4G63T turbo I4 (A176A; Europe)
  • 4-speed manual
  • 5-speed manual
  • 3-speed automatic
Wheelbase 2,440 mm (96.1 in)
Length 4,225–4,230 mm (166.3–166.5 in)
Width 1,620 mm (63.8 in)
Height 1,380–1,390 mm (54.3–54.7 in)
Curb weight 895–1,070 kg (1,973–2,359 lb)



Special grill and fog lights only for Japanese market Lancer 1800 models


First facelift


Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800 GSR Turbo


Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800 GSR Turbo with second facelift styling

In 1979, the all new Lancer EX was unveiled in Japan. Its new, clean and aerodynamic styling with integrated plastic bumpers reflected that of the recently introduced Galant and Sapporo. It was of a more European appearance than earlier Mitsubishi vehicles.[9]

This generation is only available as 4-door sedan, the 2-door sedan was axed while the previous generation Celeste coupé and wagon/van were continued for a few more years. Considerably more spacious, it grew in all dimensions.[9] Only two engines were offered at first, a 1.4-litre MCA-Jet equipped engine paired with Mitsubishi’s Silent Shaft Technology, which generated 80 PS (79 hp; 59 kW) and a 1.6-litre engine that generated 85 PS (84 hp; 63 kW). The MCA-Jet system was an entirely new concept when compared with the previously used carburetor system. The MCA stands for Mitsubishi Clean Air which meant that the EX passed both Japan and US emission standards, while the new cylinder head design of the engine gave way for a Jet valve which introduced an extra swirl of air to the combustion chamber, swirling the fuel-air mixture for a cleaner, efficient and more thorough burn.

In addition to these improvements, another breakthrough in the Lancer lineup was the Silent Shaft Technology, which was actually two counterbalancing shafts that rotated in opposite directions, cancelling the power pulses inherent in an inline four-cylinder engine. This reduced both engine noise and vibration, and provided a smoother driving experience. The 1.8-litre Sirius 80 engines were then introduced in the Lancer in 1980, expanding the Lancer’s range of engines. Also, a turbocharged, 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW) engine was added in 1980 for sportier performance, and an intercooler system was also integrated in the existing turbocharged engine to produce 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW) in 1983.

In 1980, The Lancer EX was introduced with a 1.8-litre turbocharged inline-four option known as the 1800GSR and GT Turbo. The first generation 1800GSR and GT were only available with a turbocharged, non-intercooled 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW).

New Zealand importer Todd Motors assembled the new Lancer EX from 1980 with 1.6-liter carburetor gasoline engine and a choice of manual or automatic transmission. The model was also a popular base for rally cars in that market, with some success. It was replaced by the front-drive Tredia in 1982 with the Cordia coupé equivalent effectively replacing the earlier Celeste.

This generation was manufactured locally in Indonesia by Mitsubishi’s partner, PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor at their plant in Jakarta. Unique for this market, this generation was fitted with a 1.4-litre (1439 cc) 4G33 engine, inherited from the previous generation Lancer (never offered in the country) and possibly the only market that received this engine in this generation. It was only offered with a single trim called SL.


European market Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo
European market Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo

European market Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo

In Europe, the Lancer EX sold well as its restrained styling better matched the desires of European buyers than its somewhat fussy predecessor. Other considerations concerned handling and also the demand for more passenger room, as Mitsubishi tailored the Lancer towards European consumers. It went on sale locally after making its European premier at the 1979 Frankfurt Show.[10]

Unlike in Japan at the time of introduction, European buyers could get a 1.2-litre option which suited local tax conditions. This engine later did become available in Japan as well, beginning in May 1981, but was discontinued in 1983 after the introduction of the smaller Lancer Fiore. Claimed outputs in Europe were lower than in the domestic market because of the net rating, with the 1200, 1400, and 1600 being good for 40, 50, and 60 kW (54, 68, and 82 PS; 54, 67, and 80 hp) respectively.[9] Here, the Lancer EX was also offered with a turbocharged 2.0-litre SOHC engine, known as the Lancer EX2000 Turbo. It achieved a maximum output of 170 PS (168 hp; 125 kW) and managed a top speed of 200 km/h (124 mph). This model was equipped with Electronically Controlled Injection (ECI).

Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo rally car

Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo rally car

A rally version of the Lancer 2000 Turbo was made and homologated for Group 4 and Group B, made out 280 PS (276 hp; 206 kW). At home, sales of the turbo model were low because of emission regulations Japan imposed at that time.


While the export was stopped in 1983, this generation was continued to be available in Japan until 1987. Sold together with Mirage-based front-wheel drive Lancer Fiore.

  • 1200 Custom, GL – Powered by a 1.2-liter engine, with a four or five-speed manual transmission (1981–1983).
  • 1400 EL, GL, SL – Same as the 1200 but with a 1.4-litre engine option. The EL was the lowest priced version with very little equipment (1979–1987).
  • 1600 GT – The lowest sporty variant with 86 PS (85 hp; 63 kW) 1.6-litre engine (1979–1983).
  • 1600 XL – Powered by the same 1.6-litre engine as the 1600 GT, also available with a three-speed automatic transmission (1979–1987).
  • 1800 GSR – Similar to 1600 GT but powered with 100 PS (99 hp; 74 kW) 1.8-litre engine (1981–1984).
  • 1800 SE – Powered by a 1.8-litre engine and available with a 5 speed manual transmission or a three-speed automatic transmission (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GSR Turbo – Performance model powered by a turbocharged 1.8-litre engine producing 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW), with aesthetic upgrades (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GT Turbo – Same as the GSR Turbo, but with a different body trim (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GSR Turbo Intercooler – Intercooler version of the first turbo version, producing 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW), and with minor changes to the aesthetics (1983–1987).
  • 1800 GT Turbo Intercooler – Same as the GSR Turbo Intercooler, again with different body trim (1983–1987).
  • 1800 GSL Turbo – Same as the GSR Turbo Intercooler, only it used the engine from the GSR/GT Turbo, and equipped with a three-speed automatic transmission, and with a more luxurious interior along with an AM/FM multi-cassette stereo system (1983–1987).


Power rating:
JIS (gross) = Japanese market
DIN (net) = Export market


  • ECI turbocharged SOHC 1997 cc inline-four, 170 PS (168 hp; 125 kW) & 245 N⋅m (181 lb⋅ft; 25 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • ECI turbocharged with intercooler «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW) & 220 N⋅m (162 lb⋅ft; 22 kg⋅m) (JIS)
  • ECI turbocharged «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW) & 200 N⋅m (148 lb⋅ft; 20 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 100 PS (99 hp; 74 kW) & 147 N⋅m (108 lb⋅ft; 15 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1597 cc inline-four, 86–88 PS (85–87 hp; 63–65 kW) & 132–135 N⋅m (97–100 lb⋅ft; 13–14 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1597 cc inline-four high compression (9.5:1), 82–84 PS (81–83 hp; 60–62 kW) & 116–120 N⋅m (86–89 lb⋅ft; 12–12 kg⋅m) (DIN)
  • Carburetor SOHC 1597 cc inline-four low compression (8.5:1), 75 PS (74 hp; 55 kW) & 116 N⋅m (86 lb⋅ft; 12 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1439 cc inline-four, 88 PS (87 hp; 65 kW) & 112 N⋅m (83 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (JIS) / 70 PS (69 hp; 51 kW) & 104 N⋅m (77 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1410 cc inline-four, 82 PS (81 hp; 60 kW) & 121 N⋅m (89 lb⋅ft; 12 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1410 cc inline-four, 68 PS (67 hp; 50 kW) & 105 N⋅m (77 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1244 cc inline-four, 72 PS (71 hp; 53 kW) & 107 N⋅m (79 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1244 cc inline-four, 54 PS (53 hp; 40 kW) & 90 N⋅m (66 lb⋅ft; 9 kg⋅m) (DIN)

Third to seventh generations (1982–2003: Mirage-based Lancers)

Between 1982 and 2003, the Lancer in Japan derived from the subcompact Mirage—itself sold in many export markets under the name Colt. Mitsubishi had originally launched the Mirage in 1978 as a front-wheel drive hatchback, with a sedan variant later released in 1982—and a version of which sold in Japan as Lancer Fiore. Five generations of Mirage were manufactured by Mitsubishi up until 2003, with new generations released in 1983 and 1987 (with the equivalent Lancer delayed until 1988), 1991 to 1995. It was not until 1988—with the 1979 to 1987 Lancer now departed—that the Mirage-based Lancer eschewed the Fiore suffix in the home market.

Between 1982 and 1987, the aforementioned Mirage sedan with minor styling modifications sold as the Lancer Fiore through Japanese retail channels. The Fiore spanned two generations, the second of which came to the market in 1983. Internationally, the Fiore sedan often sold under the abbreviated name Lancer, and sometimes as the «Lancer F» (for example, in Germany). Thus, with the rear-wheel drive Lancer as introduced in 1979 and the front-wheel drive Lancer Fiore, Mitsubishi had two similarly sized models competing in the same market segment, sometimes even while sharing the Lancer badge.

Although naming conventions varied, for all generations, sedan versions of the Mirage were typically badged as Lancer in export markets such as the Philippines, although notably not in the United States. In Japan, sedan variants of the Mirage and Lancer sold alongside one another with minor differences in trim. The station wagon, part of the 1983 and 1991 iterations, was typically known as the Lancer in export markets. Likewise, the Mirage coupe variant, available with the 1991 and 1995 generations, also became part of the Lancer lineup in some regions.

Mitsubishi introduced replacements for the Mirage starting in 2000, with a new generation of Lancer sedan—now larger and having moved up to the compact segment. Then in 2002, a subcompact five-door hatchback badged Colt internationally became available, thus substituting the Mirage hatchback. By 2003, the Mirage had been completely phased out of mainstream Japanese production and Lancer became the primary title for Mitsubishi’s compact offerings.



Eighth generation (2000)

Eighth generation
2002-2003 Mitsubishi Lancer (CG) LS sedan (2011-10-25).jpg

Mitsubishi Lancer LS sedan (Australia; pre-facelift)

Also called Mitsubishi Cedia
Mitsubishi Lancer Cedia (Japan & Thailand)
Mitsubishi Virage (Taiwan)
Soueast Lioncel II
Mitsubishi Lancer Gala (Vietnam)
  • 2000–2010 (Japan)
  • 2002–2012 (Indonesia)
  • 2006-2013 (India)
  • 2000–2007 (US)
  • 2002–2015 (Venezuela)[11]
Assembly Japan: Okazaki (Nagoya Plant)
India: Tiruvallur (Hindustan)
Indonesia: Pademangan, North Jakarta (PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor) (until June 2005)
Philippines: Cainta (2008–2012)
China: Fuzhou (Soueast)
Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)[12]
Thailand: Laem Chabang (MMTh)
Malaysia: Shah Alam, Selangor
Venezuela: Barcelona (MMC Automotriz)
Vietnam: Dĩ An, Bình Dương (Vinastar)
Designer Shuzo Akamine (1997)[13]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
5-door station wagon
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform CS2A–CS9W
Related Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII–IX
  • Gasoline:
  • 1.3 L 4G13 I4
  • 1.5 L 4G15 I4
  • 1.6 L 4G18 I4
  • 1.8 L 4G93 I4
  • 1.8 L 4G93T turbo I4
  • 2.0 L 4G94 I4
  • 2.0 L 4G63 I4
  • 2.4 L 4G69 I4
Transmission 5-speed manual
4-speed automatic
4-speed INVECS-II automatic
CVT automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,600 mm (102.4 in)
Length 4,495–4,605 mm (177.0–181.3 in)
Width 1,695 mm (66.7 in)
Height 1,375–1,425 mm (54.1–56.1 in)
Curb weight 1,399 kg (3,084 lb)
Lancer sedan (pre-facelift)

Lancer sedan (pre-facelift)

Lancer sedan (pre-facelift)
Lancer sedan (pre-facelift)

Lancer ES sedan (facelift)

Lancer sedan (pre-facelift)

Station wagon

Lancer sedan (pre-facelift)


May 2000 saw the release in Japan of the Lancer Cedia (meaning CEntury DIAmond); though in most markets the previous 1995 vintage Mirage-based Lancer soldiered on for a while longer, built at Mitsubishi’s Mizushima plant in Japan. The new model was available in sedan and station wagon forms. In Europe, the Lancer was not offered in some countries, being too close to the size of the Dutch-built Mitsubishi Carisma, so the Evo VII model sold there bore the Carisma name. This series of Lancer was still sold in Japan for 3 years alongside the 2007 onwards generation Lancer, sold there as the «Galant Fortis».

In February 2003, for the 2004 model year, a heavily restyled Lancer surfaced with a front styling that brought it into line with the Mitsubishi corporate look, as well as a restyled rear, to further differentiate itself from the Lancer Evolution. The car’s grille was then redesigned again in 2005 for the 2006 model year.



In Japan, the Lancer Cedia was offered with many different trim levels and engines, including some options never exported, such as a cargo variant of the station wagon, which was replaced by a rebranded Nissan AD. It was also one of the first models to use the INVECS-III CVT transmission. There was also a Ralliart version of the Sportswagon which was powered by a turbocharged 1.8-liter GDI engine. Until 2010, it was still sold alongside the 9th generation, known in Japan as the Galant Fortis.

In Taiwan, the Mitsubishi Lancer was produced and marketed by China Motor Corporation, and the car was slightly restyled in the beginning with larger front grilles, extra chrome trims, and the rear license plate located on the trunk lid instead of the rear bumper. Later, following the internationally sold facelift version, the front lamps were restyled and reshaped to be triangular while the tail lamps extended onto the trunk lid which is different from the version sold in other parts of the world. An additional facelift was added again in 2005 with white marker lights in the front replacing the amber ones and restyled tail lamps.

  • Sedan front (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan front (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

  • Sedan rear (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan rear (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

  • Sedan rear (facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan rear (facelift; Taiwanese spec)

In Indonesia, the Lancer was available in GLXi and SEi trims. It was assembled locally and sold from 2002 until 2012.

In Malaysia, the Lancer was made available after Mitsubishi had sold all its shares in Malaysian carmaker Proton, marking the return of Mitsubishi in the Malaysian market after being absent since 1985 due to the agreement with Proton. The Lancer sold in Malaysia was powered by the 4G18 engine which also powered the early 1.6-liter Proton Waja model.

In the Philippines, the Lancer Cedia was originally launched in 2003, sourced from Mitsubishi’s Thailand plant until 2008, with 2008 to 2012 models assembled in Mitsubishi’s production plant in Cainta, Rizal.[14] It was offered with three trim levels; GLX, GLS and MX. Both GLX and GLS were powered with a 1.6-litre 4G18 SOHC engine with 110 PS (81 kW).[15] The MX was powered with a 1.8-litre 4G93 SOHC engine. Transmission choices were a 5-speed manual (GLX and GLS) or INVECS-III CVT (GLS and MX). In 2005 and 2007 respectively, the Lancer received its first and second facelifts: featuring new headlights, tail lights, front fascia, trunk lid, rear bumper and wheel designs. In 2008, it got also a third facelift; featuring new tail lights, black smoked headlights, new wheel designs and front fascia. In 2007, Mitsubishi Philippines also marketed GT and GSR trims. Both were powered with a 2.0-litre 4G63 engine and mated with a 4-speed INVECS-II transmissions. The GT received semi-bucket seats and a Momo steering wheel while the GSR had leather seats and only came in Glaire Beige (champagne).

In Pakistan, this variant was launched in 2005 with cosmetic changes from the front and the back. Thai production was switched to the new model, and in all markets except for India the previous model was no longer marketed, four years after the Cedia’s introduction. In India, it was first introduced at the 2006 Auto Expo in New Delhi as the Lancer Cedia, complementing the lower-priced Lancer.[16] All Lancer variants were built by Mitsubishi’s Indian partner Hindustan Motors. From 2009 on, it was sold under the Cedia name alone, available as the Cedia Select and the Cedia Sports.[16] In order to comply with the emissions regulations and to accommodate lower quality petrol, it used a slightly detuned version of the SOHC 16-valve 4G94 found on the Lancer, having 115 PS (85 kW; 113 hp) at 5250 rpm and 175 N⋅m (129 lb⋅ft) at 4250 rpm. The Cedia, a rather expensive car for Indian conditions, was discontinued without a direct successor in June 2013 as Mitsubishi India chose to focus on SUVs. Production was reported to have ended in November 2012.[17]


In Australia, this series of Lancer was introduced as the CG series in July 2002 with the 2.0-liter 4G94 engine. The 2003 facelift, designated the CH series,[18] introduced a heavily updated VR-X, which included new 16″ alloys, stiffer suspension, body styling kit, and gear shifter borrowed from the Lancer Evolution. In 2004, the new Lancer wagon was introduced as a direct replacement for its ageing circa 1992 predecessor.

In August 2005, all Lancers were upgraded to the 2.4-liter 4G69 engine, producing 115 kW (154 hp) and 220 N⋅m (162 lb⋅ft) of torque. The upgraded engine also saw a change in trim levels and upgraded equipment—the ES and LS models now featured a more upmarket looking black interior, while the VR-X gained a new black grille to closer resemble the Lancer Evolution IX. The equipment levels of all models were also upgraded, with the LS and VR-X gaining climate control, and a premium audio system sourced from the luxury Mitsubishi Verada. The Exceed model was discontinued, and all updated models now used JDM sized rear bumpers instead of the larger USDM sized versions. Additionally, the wagon also saw these changes; and as of 2007, continues to be sold alongside the sedan.

The ES and LS models were given a minor facelift for the 2007 model year; this time gaining the same front grille as the US models, and putting it into line with the current corporate look—similar to that of the Colt and the locally built 380. A limited edition ES model dubbed «Velocity» went on sale prior to this generation being replaced. This package included VR-X grille, rear spoiler, leather/Alcantara bolstered seats, sports pedals, 15-inch alloy wheels and chrome exhaust tip—all for the same price as the previous standard ES.


In some European markets, the Lancer began to take the place of the Carisma in 2004. It is powered by a 1.3-liter SOHC 16-valve 4G13 engine producing 82 PS (60 kW) at 5,000 rpm and 120 N⋅m (89 lb⋅ft) of torque at 4,000 rpm. The next engine in the range is the 1.6-liter SOHC 4G18 engine producing 98 PS (72 kW) at 5,000 rpm and 150 N⋅m (111 lb⋅ft) at 4,000 rpm. Finally, there is the 2.0-liter DOHC 4G63 producing 135 PS (99 kW) at 5,750 rpm and 176 N⋅m (130 lb⋅ft) at 4,500 rpm.

North America

In North America, the Lancer was introduced in 2001 for the 2002 model year as a direct replacement for the Mirage. In the United States, Chrysler had offered an unrelated Dodge Lancer at various stages between the 1950s and 1980s. However, when Daimler, who owned Chrysler at the time, briefly controlled Mitsubishi through the DaimlerChrysler-Mitsubishi alliance from 2000 through to 2004, the rights to the «Lancer» name were relinquished to Mitsubishi for usage in North America. Consequently, after Mitsubishi discontinued the 1995 series Mirage for North America in 2001, the replacement model adopted the Lancer name for the first time.

North American Lancers were powered by a 2.0-liter 4G94 engine producing 120 hp (89 kW) and 130 lb⋅ft (176 N⋅m) of torque. In Mexico, the Lancer sedan was available in DE, ES, LS and GS trims with a 2.0-liter DOHC 4G63 engine.

2006 Mitsubishi Lancer ES (North American spec)

2006 Mitsubishi Lancer ES (North American spec)

Mitsubishi Lancer LS wagon (US)

Mitsubishi Lancer LS wagon (US)

In addition to the facelift, North America received three additional models to the Lancer line in 2004—Lancer Ralliart, LS Sportback and Ralliart Sportback. Ralliart slots in between the base models and high-performance Evolution. These cars came equipped with Mitsubishi’s 2.4-liter 4G69 engine (rated at 160 hp (119 kW)/ 162 lb⋅ft (220 N⋅m) for the Sportback, and 162 hp (121 kW)/ 162 lb⋅ft (220 N⋅m) for the Ralliart). The power gain was due to a tuned muffler for the Ralliart, and also included a new, stiffer suspension package that improved handling and lowered for Ralliart and lifted the LS Sportback by 2.9 inches. The LS Sportback had 15-inch steel or optional 15-inch alloy wheels. The Ralliart came with 16-inch alloy wheels, front bucket seats borrowed from Japan’s Mitsubishi Evolution GT-A, optional fog lamps, and a new aerodynamic ground package for Ralliart. The LS Sportback and Ralliart Sportback were equipped with a four-speed INVECS-II automatic transmission, while the Ralliart came with a five-speed manual transmission with an option for the four-speed automatic.

For the 2005 model year, the grille was changed to include more fins to reflect a closer similarity to the North American Galant. For the 2006 model year, the fascia was changed again from a bridged fascia to one with an open vent after Mitsubishi received complaints from current owners regarding its similarity in appearance to General Motors Division Pontiac’s corporate look, and to bring the appearance closer to its bigger brother, the Evolution.

The Lancer Sportback wagon was cancelled in the United States one year after its release, but the Mitsubishi Lancer wagon was sold in Canada for a while longer.

Ninth generation (2007)

Ninth generation
2007-2009 Mitsubishi Lancer (CJ) VR sedan 02.jpg

Mitsubishi Lancer VR sedan (Australia; pre-facelift)

Also called Mitsubishi Galant Fortis (Japan)
Mitsubishi Galant
Proton Inspira (Malaysia)
Mitsubishi Lancer EX
Production 2007–2017
Model years 2008–2017
Assembly Japan: Kurashiki (Mizushima Plant)
Brazil: Catalão (MMC Automotores)
China: Fuzhou (Soueast)
Philippines: Cainta (2008–2014) (MMPC)
Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)
Thailand: Laem Chabang (MMTh)
Malaysia: Shah Alam, Selangor (Proton)
Designer Omer Halilhodžić (2004)[19]
Norihiko Yoshimine[20]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
5-door hatchback
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform Mitsubishi GS platform
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X
  • Mitsubishi ASX[21]
  • Mitsubishi Outlander (second generation)[21]
  • Mitsubishi Outlander (third generation)[21]
  • Gasoline:
  • 1.5 L 4A91 I4
  • 1.6 L 4A92 I4
  • 1.8 L 4B10 I4
  • 1.8 L 4J10 I4
  • 2.0 L 4B11 I4
  • 2.0 L 4B11T turbo I4
  • 2.4 L 4B12 I4
  • Diesel:
  • 1.8 L 4N13 turbo I4
  • 2.0 L VW BWC turbo I4
  • 5/6-speed manual
  • 6-speed Ralliart dual-clutch automatic
  • 4-speed automatic (INVECS-II)
  • CVT automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,635 mm (103.7 in)
Length Sedan: 4,570 mm (179.9 in)
4,625 mm (182.1 in) (2016 facelift)
Sportback: 4,585 mm (180.5 in)
Width 1,760 mm (69.3 in)
Height Sedan: 1,490 mm (58.7 in)
Sportback: 1,515 mm (59.6 in)
Curb weight 1,230–1,415 kg (2,712–3,120 lb)
1,570–1,593 kg (3,461–3,512 lb) (Ralliart)

In 2005, Mitsubishi revealed the «Concept X» model car at the Tokyo Motor Show and its «Concept Sportback» model at the Frankfurt Motor Show. The new Lancer was previewed by these two concepts. The new Lancer was officially revealed in January 2007 at the North American International Auto Show and went on sale in North American markets in March 2007 as a 2008 model. New Lancer features Mitsubishi’s next-generation RISE safety body.



With the exception of the Lancer Evolution X, the Lancer is marketed as the Galant Fortis (Latin for strong, brave and resolute) in the Japanese domestic market because the sixth generation of Lancer is still in production at that time.[22] It comes in three trim levels: Exceed, Super Exceed, and Sport.[23]

Due to the popular demand for the previous 2000-era Lancer in Singapore, it continued to be sold alongside the new 2007 era Lancer which was called «Lancer EX» to differentiate itself from the former for two years. The 1.5- and 2.0-liter engine sizes and a flagship GT trim level were available in Singapore. For model year 2009, the design was refreshed all around with an updated front grille, darkened clear tail lamps, and chrome lining with an additional floor console internally. The rear for the 2.0-liter variants had disc brakes for better stopping power. From 2014 models onwards, only a 1.6-liter engine was offered in Elegance and Sports trim with factory AM/FM radio, ducktail spoiler, and 16” black gloss 10-spoke chrome rims or 16” Spaco gunmetal rims. For a limited period between 2015 and 2017, the Lancer EX had a slightly revamped rear with double rectangular “C-shaped” LED tail lamp clusters and had its Lancer badge positioned to the center of the boot.

In Malaysia, the Lancer was first launched in August 2007 with a sole variant known as GT.[24] The Lancer was then updated in 2009[25] and an EX variant was launched in July 2010.[26] In October 2010, the Sportback bodystyle was launched in October 2010.[27] The Lancer was then updated in August 2012[28] and April 2014.[29] Also, Proton had renewed cross-licensing and technology transfer agreements with Mitsubishi as of October 2008 and lead to the Proton Inspira which is a badge-engineered 2007–2017 Lancer.[30]

In Indonesia, only the GT is sold and it utilizes the 2.0-liter 4B1 engine and is sold alongside the Evolution X. The previous generation Lancer was still sold, marketed as the Cedia using the 1.8-liter 4G9 engine.

Hong Kong received its unique edition of the Lancer in 2008, dubbed the Lancer 2.0. The car comes in two trim levels, without a name for either of them. Both are equipped with the 4B11 2.0-liter engine, seven airbags, eight-speaker stereo system, adaptive front-lighting system (AFS) with HID as well as 18-inch alloy wheels. The upper trim has a Ralliart style body kit which includes a revised front bumper, side skirt, rear bumper with diffuser, and the addition of a correct-to-Evolution X rear spoiler, while the lower trim makes do without the above-mentioned features.

In the Philippines, the 9th generation Lancer was launched in mid-2008 as the «Lancer EX» to differentiate it from the previous generation Lancer sold alongside it, which would be discontinued by 2012. It was initially available only with a 2.0-litre 4B11 powerplant. The top-of-the-line GT and GT-A were added into the lineup in 2008. The GT and GT-A were essentially the same, both coming with rear spoilers, side skirts, and 18″ alloy wheels, the only difference being that the GT came with a 5-speed manual, while the GT-A came with a CVT transmission with paddle shifters. A Ralliart version was also available, with a 2.0-litre single turbo engine making 240 hp paired to a 6-speed dual clutch automatic transmission. Like the Evolution X, it came with an all-wheel-drive system featuring active yaw control and an active center differential.[31]

In 2011, 3 trim levels were available: the base GLX which had no fog lights and three-beam headlights. It came with a 1.6-litre 4A92 MIVEC engine, making 117 hp, paired to a 5-speed manual or a 4-speed automatic.[32] The mid-range GLS has fog lights, GPS navigation with touchscreen. The same transmission options as the GLX were available. The top-of-the-line MX adds HID headlights, a blue LCD monitoring screen beneath the speedometer, and paddle-shifters. In 2010 the GT trim was phased out, while in 2012, the GLS was phased out.

Between August 2015 and August 2017, GHK Motors (Mitsubishi Brunei) had offered a version of the Lancer Sportback under the name Mitsubishi Galant in Brunei.[33] The Galant is equipped with the 2.4-liter engine, 18-inch alloy wheels, a Ralliart style front grille, side skirts, rear spoiler, and sports front seats.[34][35]


The Lancer was released in Australia in October 2007, designated the CJ series, and was initially available in ES, VR and VRX trim. The ES included cruise control, driver, passenger, and knee airbags, stability and traction control as standard. The VR added alloy wheels, fog lights, side skirts, boot lip spoiler, rain-sensing wipers, automatic headlights, six-disc CD changer, as well as curtain and side airbags. The VRX received extra skirts including front aprons, a larger rear spoiler, 18-inch alloys, 9-speaker Rockford Fosgate sound system, keyless entry, keyless engine start, and Bluetooth connectivity with voice control. All three models shared the same 4B11 2.0-litre engine and can be found with a manual gearbox or CVT. The Sportback body followed the sedan and has been available for all variants except the Aspire.

In July 2008, the Lancer Evolution X (officially just «Lancer Evolution» at the time) became available for orders in Australia.[36]

In September 2008, another variant, the Aspire, was introduced.[37] The Aspire was based on the 2009 model VRX, which had a new 4B12 2.4-litre engine. The Aspire included more luxury features and only came with a CVT, whereas the VRX maintained a manual gearbox option.

In late 2008, the Ralliart variant became available.[38] It featured a single turbocharged version of the 4B11 engine, all-wheel drive (AWD) and a twin-clutch six-speed (TC-SST) gearbox.

In 2010, the limited edition ACTiV was added to the lineup.[39] The ACTiV was based on the ES and added features such as 16-inch alloy wheels, side skirts, rear spoiler, hands-free Bluetooth and multi-function leather steering wheel.

Various special models have also been introduced, such as the Platinum Edition, which is based on the VR but added a chrome grille, window surrounds (sedan only), MMCS satellite navigation, and Bluetooth. The RX version is derived from the ES but comes with standard alloy wheels. Another model introduced in 2010 was the SX coming with factory alloys, leather steering wheel, and gear shifter as well as factory spoiler.

From model year 2013 onward (introduced in late 2012), the Aspire was dropped.


In Europe, a diesel model was also available from 2007 to September 2010. This was a 2.0-liter PD-TDI 103 kW (138 hp) engine sourced from Volkswagen, with engine code BWC.[40] From September 2010, it was also available with Mitsubishi’s own 1.8-liter 4N1 engine.[41] This engine has an aluminium cylinder block, four valves per cylinder and a common rail injection system with variable geometry turbocharger and variable valve timing. It develops 85 kW (116 PS; 114 bhp) and 300 N⋅m (221 lb⋅ft).[42]

In Ireland, the specifications are different from those of models sold in the United Kingdom. The Lancer is available in five-door hatchback (Sportback) or four-door sedan body styles. Engines are the 1.5- and 1.8-liter petrol and the 2.0-liter diesel—all available in the United Kingdom until 2012. Trim levels are GS2, GS3, and GS4 for the saloon, and GS2, GS3, and Juro (satellite navigation and rear-view camera) for the Sportback. The Sportback Juro model marked a temporary end to the line in the UK and was the most generously equipped. A Ralliart version (petrol), a detuned version of the Evolution, was also available. Mitsubishi intended to supply the UK with 400 further Lancers in late 2014.

North America

2011 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart sedan (US)

2011 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart sedan (US)

2011 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart sedan (US)

2009 Mitsubishi Lancer GTS (Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico) with aftermarket roof, grille and rims paint

For the United States, the Lancer was initially available in DE, ES, and GTS trim levels.[43] DE, ES, and GTS models are powered by a GEMA based 4B11, 2.0-liter DOHC engine producing 152 hp (113 kW) (except for California models which have been detuned to 143 hp (107 kW) to meet regulations). Transmission options include a brand new F1CJA continuously variable transmission (CVT), sourced from Jatco, alongside a regular F5MBB five-speed manual sourced from Aisin Seiki. GTS models get a six-speed paddle shift version of the CVT.

In Canada, a fourth model (SE) was introduced to the Lancer lineup. The SE model is a cross between the ES and GTS models. Features not included in the SE model that is found in the GTS are the FAST key, automatic climate control, carbon-fiber trim pieces, leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, and 18-inch wheels.

For US markets, starting with the 2009 model year, an ES Sport version was released similar to the SE model for the Canadian market. Externally the ES Sport is similar in appearance to the GTS—with side skirts, rear spoiler, etc. (with the exception of the wheels, the ES Sport retains the ES wheelset). The ES Sport also uses the 2.0-liter engine.[44]

For 2009, the GTS is powered by a 2.4-liter 4B12 engine producing 168 hp (125 kW) and 167 lb⋅ft (226 N⋅m).[44]

For 2012, A new trim level called SE was added. The SE model features the 2.4-liter 4B12 engine and Mitsubishi’s all-wheel-drive system. The SE is only available with a CVT transmission. For 2013, another trim level called GT was added. Based on the all-wheel-drive SE trim level, excluding the all-wheel control system, the GT features sportier suspension, upmarket options, and an available manual transmission.

The five-door hatchback version, known as the Sportback, was introduced for the Canadian market in spring 2009, and in the US for the 2010 model year in mid-2009.[45][46]

A detuned and cheaper version of the Evolution X was announced at the 2008 North American International Auto Show. This model became available for purchase in the United States in October 2008.

For 2009, the Ralliart is available exclusively with the TC-SST transmission.[47] The TC-SST transmission equipped in the Ralliart offers two modes (Normal, Sport) rather than the three modes the same transmission offers in the Lancer Evolution X MR (Normal, Sport, S-Sport). The car also includes a simplified version of the Evolution X’s AWD system, with a simple «mechanical limited-slip» rear differential.[48]

South America

To differentiate it from the previous model, still, on sale, this model is marketed as «Lancer Serie R» in Chile. For the same reason, in El Salvador, depending on the engine and trim, this series is titled «Lancer EX» or «Lancer GT».

In Brazil, Lancer was officially sold by Mitsubishi Motors 2007–2017. Between 2015 and 2017 was produced in Catalão Mitsubishi’s factory. It was sold in four versions: MT, HL, HLE, and GT. All versions come with the 2.0-liter 4B11 l4 engine (gasoline). The Lancer Sportback was sold until 2013 in a single version, signed by Ralliart, and the Lancer Evolution X is also sold, although not produced locally.


Mitsubishi Lancer ES Sport sedan (Australia; facelift)
Mitsubishi Lancer ES Sport sedan (Australia; facelift)

Mitsubishi Lancer ES Sport sedan (Australia; facelift)

In October 2015, Mitsubishi released details of the model year 2016 Lancer facelift for North America.[49] The MY16 update was announced and released for Australia in December 2015.[50] It sports a mildly altered front and does without the Ralliart-style grille of the MY15 version, now with a cleaner front bumper with integrated chrome upper and lower grilles. New C-shaped LED daytime running lamps surrounding the foglights and side skirts complete the exterior changes, while the cabin gains a high-contrast instrument cluster, a new front centre console with silver and black accents, and a new colour touchscreen audio system with DAB digital radio.[51] It was also released in the Philippines in April 2016 and it came in two trims; GLS and GT-A.[52]


Mitsubishi Motors North America’s executive vice president and CEO, Don Swearingen, confirmed in January 2017 that Mitsubishi would end the Lancer’s production in August 2017, without a successor.[53] Mitsubishi’s main focus was to be on crossovers and SUVs, but production of the Mirage hatchback and the G4 sedan will continue due to ongoing popular demand for the Mirage nameplate in the North American market.

Lancer Fortis / Lancer iO

2007–2013 Lancer Fortis (grey)2008–2011 Lancer iO (white)
2007–2013 Lancer Fortis (grey)2008–2011 Lancer iO (white)

2007–2013 Lancer Fortis (grey)
2008–2011 Lancer iO (white)

The Lancer Fortis and Lancer iO are derivatives of the global Lancer model. Both models were developed primarily for the Taiwanese market, historically a stronghold for Mitsubishi vehicles.[54] The Lancer Fortis and iO are locally assembled in Taiwan and China by CMC and Soueast respectively. CMC also exported the Lancer Fortis to the Middle East.[55]

The Lancer Fortis made its debut in Taiwan in August 2007. The Fortis has a unique exterior design, but its interior styling and mechanical underpinnings are largely identical to the global Lancer model.[54] Early models of the Lancer Fortis were powered by the 157 PS (115 kW), 2.0-litre 4B11 engine paired to the INVECS-III CVT gearbox.[56] Later variants were offered with the 143 PS (105 kW), 1.8-litre 4B10 plant, while the 2.0-litre Fortis models were discontinued by 2010.[57]

In April 2008, Mitsubishi launched the Lancer iO in Taiwan. The iO was pitched as a sportier version of the Lancer Fortis, featuring a more aggressive front grille and bumper combination.[58] In February 2012, Mitsubishi discontinued the Fortis-based iO, and launched the global Lancer locally under the iO nameplate.[59] The Taiwanese colloquial term for the 2012 Lancer iO and the global Lancer is ‘shark head’ (鯊魚頭).[60]

The Lancer Fortis made its Chinese debut at the 2013 Shanghai Motor Show.[61] The Chinese market Lancer Fortis features a different front grille and bumper design in addition to other minor cosmetic changes. The base models are powered by the 113 hp (84 kW), 1.6-litre 4A92 engine, and the range topping variants received the 1.8-litre 4B10.[62] The Lancer Fortis in China is positioned in between the more expensive Lancer EX, and the cheaper Lancer Classic.[63]

The Taiwanese market Lancer Fortis and iO were simultaneously facelifted in May 2014. The design of the front grille and bumper combination on both models became more aggressive, while the Fortis adopted the ‘shark head’ design and the headlamps from the global Lancer. The rear lamps on both models were also revised, and the interior designs received minor cosmetic enhancements. The powerplant configuration for both models was refined for better fuel efficiency but was otherwise largely unchanged.[64] The Chinese market Lancer EX was later updated in line with the Lancer iO design.[63]

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift front

    Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift front

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift rear

    Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift rear

Tenth generation (2017)

Rear view

Rear view

Rear view


In January 2017, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to continue the Lancer nameplate in certain Asian markets such as Taiwan and China after 2017, due to ongoing popular demand for the Lancer nameplate within the Chinese-speaking world. The development of the new Grand Lancer in Taiwan was led and designed by the Taiwanese China Motor Corporation (CMC). Part of the design was partnered with Pininfarina Shanghai. Due to the international version being discontinued, the new generation Lancer is built on the same platform as the existing model as an extensive facelift. It comes with the new Mitsubishi Dynamic Shield grille and redesigned creases over the side body panels. The interior, front hood, front bumpers, front fenders, front and rear door panels including the rear passenger door window, the boot lid, and the rear bumper have been completely redesigned for the new generation, while the rest is carried over from the pre-2017 model.[65]



Since 2007, the Lancer has regularly featured within the Top 10 and Top 20 vehicle sales charts. Prior to the discontinuation of Lancer production in 2017, John Signoriello, CEO of Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd, decided to stockpile as many Lancers as possible, in order to sell them in succeeding years.[66] The following table shows sales since 2006.

Year Units sold Australian Sales Rank
2006 15,500< 14
2008 19,688 8
2009 21,362 7
2010 23,064 9
2011 10
2012 16
2016 7,272
2017 7,560
Total 94,446<

See also

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Cargo
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
  • Mitsubishi Lancer WRC
  • Mitsubishi Racing Lancer
  • Proton Inspira
  • Proton Jebat


  1. ^ Ewing, Stephen. «Mitsubishi will end Lancer production in August». motor1.com. Motorsport Network. Retrieved 7 January 2017.
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  62. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis». ChinaAutoWeb.com. 19 March 2017. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  63. ^ a b Wang, Joey (29 July 2016). «Spy Shots: This Is The New Mitsubishi Lancer EX For China». CarNewsChina.com. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  64. ^ 梁尚倫 (22 May 2014). «形貌變更,Mitsubishi Lancer雙車系64.5萬元起改款登場» (in Chinese). news.u-car.com.tw. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  65. ^ Karkafiris, Michael (2017-03-23). «New 2018 Mitsubishi Grand Lancer Targets China And Other Asian Markets». Carscoops. Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  66. ^ Wallis, Robbie (2017-11-28). «Mitsubishi Australia hopeful Lancer will survive». GoAuto. Retrieved 2019-02-20.

External links

  • Official website
  • Mitsubishi Grand Lancer website Archived 2018-12-02 at the Wayback Machine (Taiwan Mitsubishi Motors)
  • Mitsubishi Lancer official history from archive.org (archived 22 November 2004)

This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 00:57

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Седан Mitsubishi Lancer десятого поколения выпускается без существенных изменений с 2007 года.

Седан Mitsubishi Lancer десятого поколения выпускается без существенных изменений с 2007 года.

Другие результаты

В июне 2006 года Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution получил на ConsumerSearch звание «Лучшего агрессивного спортивного седана» среди «Лучших спортивных седанов».

The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution won Consumer Search’s best Aggressive sports sedan in Best Sports Sedans in June 2006.

В июне 2006 года Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution получил на ConsumerSearch звание «Лучшего агрессивного спортивного седана» среди «Лучших спортивных седанов».

The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution won ConsumerSearch’s best Aggressive sports sedan in Best Sports Sedans in June 2006.

Mitsubishi Lancer X (2016-2017) — рестайлинговая версия седана Митсубиси Лансер 10 поколения для североамериканского рынка.

Mitsubishi Lancer X (2017) — restyled version of the sedan Mitsubishi Lancer 10 generations for the North American market.

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX — спортивный полноприводный вариант модели Лансер 9. который выпускался в кузовах седан и универсал (только девятого поколения).

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX — sporty four-wheel drive version of the model Lancer 9, which was issued in sedan and wagon (only ninth-generation).

В течение почти двух десятилетий Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution (обычно более известный как просто «Evo») был эталонным спортивным седаном во всем мире.

For nearly two decades, the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution (more commonly known as just the ‘Evo’) has been the benchmark sports sedan around the world.

Рынки других стран часто использовали название Mitsubishi Colt, а варианты седана Mirage продавались под названием Mitsubishi Lancer (в том числе и на рынке в Японии).

However, other markets often utilized the name Mitsubishi Colt and sedan variants of the Mirage have been widely sold as the Mitsubishi Lancer-including in Japan where the two retailed alongside one another.

Рынки других стран часто использовали название Mitsubishi Colt, а варианты седана Mirage продавались под названием Mitsubishi Lancer в том числе и на рынке в Японии.

However, other markets often utilized the name Mitsubishi Colt and sedan variants of the Mirage have been widely sold as the Mitsubishi Lancer including in Japan where the two retailed alongside one another.

Разработчики нового Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X называют новинку не иначе, как «следующее поколение высокоэффективного полноприводного глобального седана, который позволяет водителю на всех режимах наслаждаться скоростью автомобиля с непринужденностью вождения, и высокой безопасностью».

The development concept for the all-new Lancer Evolution X specifies a «new-generation high-performance 4WD global sedan that allows all levels of driver to enjoy the car’s speed and handling with ease and in safety».

Эти Mirage продавались в различных моделях, на многих рынках как Mitsubishi Lancer, в Европе с шильдиком Colt, как правило, модели ограничивались вариантом хэтчбек; седаны и универсалы были доступны под названием Lancer.

These Mirage derivatives were sold in various forms as the Mitsubishi Lancer in many markets, with the Colt nameplate in Europe typically restricted to the hatchback variants; sedans and station wagons were relegated to the Lancer name.

Рынки других стран часто использовали название Mitsubishi Colt, а варианты седана Mirage продавались под названием Mitsubishi Lancer в том числе и на рынке в Японии.

The markets of other countries often used the name Mitsubishi Colt, and versions of the sedan Mirage were sold under the name Mitsubishi Lancer including the market in Japan.

Наиболее известные примеры подобных систем это «Toyota Land Cruiser» включая «Prado», «Нива», «Outlander», а также на таких спортивных седанах как например «Subaru Impreza» и «Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution».

The most famous examples of such systems are «Toyota Land Cruiser» including «Prado», «Niva», «Outlander», and also on such sports sedans as, for example, «Subaru Impreza» And Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.

Mitsubishi Mirage в кузовах хэтчбек, выпущенные между 1987 и 2002 г. классифицировались как малолитражные автомобили, в то время как кузов седан и универсал наряду с Mitsubishi Lancer входил в компактный класс.

The Mitsubishi Mirage in hatchback bodies produced between 1987 and 2002 were classified as small cars, while the sedan and station wagon along with the Mitsubishi Lancer were part of the compact class.

Самыми молодыми оказались владельцы Mitsubishi Lancer — их средний возраст составляет 34 года.

The youngest were the owners of Mitsubishi Lancer — their average age is 34 years.

Долгожданная замена Mitsubishi Lancer постепенно становится ближе к реальности.

Mitsubishi Lancer признан самым надежным автомобилем за последние 15 лет.

The Mitsubishi Lancer has been named the most reliable car in the last 15 years by a survey.

Mitsubishi Lancer признан самым надежным автомобилем за последние 15 лет.

The Mitsubishi Lancer was found to be the most reliable car on the road in the past 15 years.

Производство Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV закончилось января 1998 года.

Production of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV lasted until January 1998.

До нынешней модели у Mitsubishi Lancer было девять поколений развития.

According to Mitsubishi, there were nine generations of development before the current model.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 148. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 134 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Mitsubishi Lancer
2007-2009 Mitsubishi Lancer (CJ) VR sedan 01.jpg

2007–2009 Mitsubishi Lancer VR sedan (Australia)

Manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors
Production 1973–2017 (worldwide)[1]
1991–present (Taiwan and China)
Body and chassis
Class Subcompact car (1973–1995)
Compact car (1996–present)
Layout Front-engine, rear-wheel-drive (1973–1987)
Front-engine, front-wheel-drive (1982–present)
Front-engine, four-wheel-drive (2007–2017)
Predecessor Mitsubishi Colt 1200/1500
Hindustan Contessa (India)

Release timeline

1973 Lancer 1
1979 Lancer 2
1982 Lancer 3
1983 Lancer 4
1988 Lancer 5
1991 Lancer 6
1995 Lancer 7
2000 Lancer 8
2007 Lancer 9
2017 Lancer ended production
Lancer 10

The Mitsubishi Lancer is an automobile produced by the Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors since 1973.

The Lancer has been marketed as the Colt Lancer, Dodge Colt, Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueast Lioncel, and Mitsubishi Mirage in various countries at different times, and has been sold as the Mitsubishi Galant Fortis in Japan since 2007. It has also been sold as Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis in Taiwan with a different facelift than the Galant Fortis. In Japan, it was sold at a specific retail chain called Car Plaza.

Between its introduction in 1973 and 2008, over six million units were sold.[2] There have been nine generations of Lancers before the current model.[3]

Mitsubishi ended production of the Lancer in August 2017 worldwide, with the exception of Taiwan and China.[4] An extensive facelift was given to the car by Pininfarina’s Chinese offices.

First generation (A70; 1973)[edit]

The first Lancer (A70) was launched in February 1973. It served to fill the gap between the Minica kei car and the larger Galant. The sporting 1600 GSR model began the Lancer’s long and successful rally history, winning the Safari Rally twice and the Southern Cross Rally four times.

There were four body styles, two- and four-door sedans, a two-door hardtop coupe and a long-running five-door station wagon (built until replaced by the front-wheel drive Lancer/Mirage Van in March 1984). Engines were different 1.2-liter, 1.4-liter, and 1.6-liter fours.

This car was marketed under a variety of names: Dodge Colt in the United States, Plymouth Colt in Canada, Dodge Lancer in some Latin American countries, Chrysler Valiant Lancer in Australia, and Colt Lancer in some European markets.


Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

In February 1975, the Lancer was complemented by a hatchback called the Lancer Celeste, succeeding the Galant FTO. It was also called the Mitsubishi Celeste (New Zealand) or Colt Celeste in some markets; and sold as the Chrysler Lancer in Australia,[5] the Dodge Lancer Celeste in El Salvador, the Plymouth Arrow in the United States, and the Dodge Arrow in Canada.

Four-door Lancer assembly began in New Zealand in 1975, supplementing the larger English Hillman Avengers also built locally by importer Todd Motors. The Celeste was imported built-up from Japan initially and assembly of a single 1.6- liter, manual transmission model began in 1978 followed by a minor facelift about a year later.

The Celeste was originally available with 1.4- and 1.6-liter options, while a bigger 2.0-liter model was added later. An even larger 2.6-liter four was available in the US-market Plymouth Fire Arrow.[6] The Celeste was facelifted in 1978, receiving square headlights and bigger squarer bumpers.[7] Production of the Lancer Celeste ended in July 1981 and it was replaced by the front-wheel drive Cordia in early 1982.

Second generation (EX/A170; 1979)[edit]

Second generation
1980 Mitsubishi Lancer 1.2 Saloon (7786492708).jpg
Also called Colt Lancer (UK)
Production 1979–1987
  • Japan: Okazaki (Nagoya Plant)
  • New Zealand: Todd Park
  • Philippines: Cainta
  • Thailand: Laem Chabang (Mitsubishi Motors Thailand)
  • Indonesia: Pademangan, North Jakarta (PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor)
  • Aldo Sessano (design)
  • Rakuzo Mitamura (engineering)[8]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Front-engine, rear-wheel drive
  • Petrol engines:
  • 1244 cc 4G11 I4 (A171A)
  • 1410 cc 4G12 I4 (A172A)
  • 1439 cc 4G33 I4 (A173A; Indonesia)
  • 1597 cc 4G32 I4 (A174A)
  • 1795 cc 4G62 I4 (A175A; Japan)
  • 1795 cc 4G62T turbo I4 (A175A; Japan)
  • 1997 cc 4G63T turbo I4 (A176A; Europe)
  • 4-speed manual
  • 5-speed manual
  • 3-speed automatic
Wheelbase 2,440 mm (96.1 in)
Length 4,225–4,230 mm (166.3–166.5 in)
Width 1,620 mm (63.8 in)
Height 1,380–1,390 mm (54.3–54.7 in)
Curb weight 895–1,070 kg (1,973–2,359 lb)


Special grill and fog lights only for Japanese market Lancer 1800 models

First facelift

Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800 GSR Turbo

Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800 GSR Turbo with second facelift styling

In 1979, the all new Lancer EX was unveiled in Japan. Its new, clean and aerodynamic styling with integrated plastic bumpers reflected that of the recently introduced Galant and Sapporo. It was of a more European appearance than earlier Mitsubishi vehicles.[9]

This generation is only available as 4-door sedan, the 2-door sedan was axed while the previous generation Celeste coupé and wagon/van were continued for a few more years. Considerably more spacious, it grew in all dimensions.[9] Only two engines were offered at first, a 1.4-litre MCA-Jet equipped engine paired with Mitsubishi’s Silent Shaft Technology, which generated 80 PS (79 hp; 59 kW) and a 1.6-litre engine that generated 85 PS (84 hp; 63 kW). The MCA-Jet system was an entirely new concept when compared with the previously used carburetor system. The MCA stands for Mitsubishi Clean Air which meant that the EX passed both Japan and US emission standards, while the new cylinder head design of the engine gave way for a Jet valve which introduced an extra swirl of air to the combustion chamber, swirling the fuel-air mixture for a cleaner, efficient and more thorough burn.

In addition to these improvements, another breakthrough in the Lancer lineup was the Silent Shaft Technology, which was actually two counterbalancing shafts that rotated in opposite directions, cancelling the power pulses inherent in an inline four-cylinder engine. This reduced both engine noise and vibration, and provided a smoother driving experience. The 1.8-litre Sirius 80 engines were then introduced in the Lancer in 1980, expanding the Lancer’s range of engines. Also, a turbocharged, 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW) engine was added in 1980 for sportier performance, and an intercooler system was also integrated in the existing turbocharged engine to produce 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW) in 1983.

In 1980, The Lancer EX was introduced with a 1.8-litre turbocharged inline-four option known as the 1800GSR and GT Turbo. The first generation 1800GSR and GT were only available with a turbocharged, non-intercooled 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW).

New Zealand importer Todd Motors assembled the new Lancer EX from 1980 with 1.6-liter carburetor gasoline engine and a choice of manual or automatic transmission. The model was also a popular base for rally cars in that market, with some success. It was replaced by the front-drive Tredia in 1982 with the Cordia coupé equivalent effectively replacing the earlier Celeste.

This generation was manufactured locally in Indonesia by Mitsubishi’s partner, PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor at their plant in Jakarta. Unique for this market, this generation was fitted with a 1.4-litre (1439 cc) 4G33 engine, inherited from the previous generation Lancer (never offered in the country) and possibly the only market that received this engine in this generation. It was only offered with a single trim called SL.


European market Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo

In Europe, the Lancer EX sold well as its restrained styling better matched the desires of European buyers than its somewhat fussy predecessor. Other considerations concerned handling and also the demand for more passenger room, as Mitsubishi tailored the Lancer towards European consumers. It went on sale locally after making its European premier at the 1979 Frankfurt Show.[10]

Unlike in Japan at the time of introduction, European buyers could get a 1.2-litre option which suited local tax conditions. This engine later did become available in Japan as well, beginning in May 1981, but was discontinued in 1983 after the introduction of the smaller Lancer Fiore. Claimed outputs in Europe were lower than in the domestic market because of the net rating, with the 1200, 1400, and 1600 being good for 40, 50, and 60 kW (54, 68, and 82 PS; 54, 67, and 80 hp) respectively.[9] Here, the Lancer EX was also offered with a turbocharged 2.0-litre SOHC engine, known as the Lancer EX2000 Turbo. It achieved a maximum output of 170 PS (168 hp; 125 kW) and managed a top speed of 200 km/h (124 mph). This model was equipped with Electronically Controlled Injection (ECI).

Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo rally car

A rally version of the Lancer 2000 Turbo was made and homologated for Group 4 and Group B, made out 280 PS (276 hp; 206 kW). At home, sales of the turbo model were low because of emission regulations Japan imposed at that time.


While the export was stopped in 1983, this generation was continued to be available in Japan until 1987. Sold together with Mirage-based front-wheel drive Lancer Fiore.

  • 1200 Custom, GL – Powered by a 1.2-liter engine, with a four or five-speed manual transmission (1981–1983).
  • 1400 EL, GL, SL – Same as the 1200 but with a 1.4-litre engine option. The EL was the lowest priced version with very little equipment (1979–1987).
  • 1600 GT – The lowest sporty variant with 86 PS (85 hp; 63 kW) 1.6-litre engine (1979–1983).
  • 1600 XL – Powered by the same 1.6-litre engine as the 1600 GT, also available with a three-speed automatic transmission (1979–1987).
  • 1800 GSR – Similar to 1600 GT but powered with 100 PS (99 hp; 74 kW) 1.8-litre engine (1981–1984).
  • 1800 SE – Powered by a 1.8-litre engine and available with a 5 speed manual transmission or a three-speed automatic transmission (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GSR Turbo – Performance model powered by a turbocharged 1.8-litre engine producing 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW), with aesthetic upgrades (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GT Turbo – Same as the GSR Turbo, but with a different body trim (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GSR Turbo Intercooler – Intercooler version of the first turbo version, producing 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW), and with minor changes to the aesthetics (1983–1987).
  • 1800 GT Turbo Intercooler – Same as the GSR Turbo Intercooler, again with different body trim (1983–1987).
  • 1800 GSL Turbo – Same as the GSR Turbo Intercooler, only it used the engine from the GSR/GT Turbo, and equipped with a three-speed automatic transmission, and with a more luxurious interior along with an AM/FM multi-cassette stereo system (1983–1987).


Power rating:
JIS (gross) = Japanese market
DIN (net) = Export market


  • ECI turbocharged SOHC 1997 cc inline-four, 170 PS (168 hp; 125 kW) & 245 N⋅m (181 lb⋅ft; 25 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • ECI turbocharged with intercooler «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW) & 220 N⋅m (162 lb⋅ft; 22 kg⋅m) (JIS)
  • ECI turbocharged «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW) & 200 N⋅m (148 lb⋅ft; 20 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 100 PS (99 hp; 74 kW) & 147 N⋅m (108 lb⋅ft; 15 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1597 cc inline-four, 86–88 PS (85–87 hp; 63–65 kW) & 132–135 N⋅m (97–100 lb⋅ft; 13–14 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1597 cc inline-four high compression (9.5:1), 82–84 PS (81–83 hp; 60–62 kW) & 116–120 N⋅m (86–89 lb⋅ft; 12–12 kg⋅m) (DIN)
  • Carburetor SOHC 1597 cc inline-four low compression (8.5:1), 75 PS (74 hp; 55 kW) & 116 N⋅m (86 lb⋅ft; 12 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1439 cc inline-four, 88 PS (87 hp; 65 kW) & 112 N⋅m (83 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (JIS) / 70 PS (69 hp; 51 kW) & 104 N⋅m (77 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1410 cc inline-four, 82 PS (81 hp; 60 kW) & 121 N⋅m (89 lb⋅ft; 12 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1410 cc inline-four, 68 PS (67 hp; 50 kW) & 105 N⋅m (77 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1244 cc inline-four, 72 PS (71 hp; 53 kW) & 107 N⋅m (79 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1244 cc inline-four, 54 PS (53 hp; 40 kW) & 90 N⋅m (66 lb⋅ft; 9 kg⋅m) (DIN)

Third to seventh generations (1982–2003: Mirage-based Lancers)[edit]

Between 1982 and 2003, the Lancer in Japan derived from the subcompact Mirage—itself sold in many export markets under the name Colt. Mitsubishi had originally launched the Mirage in 1978 as a front-wheel drive hatchback, with a sedan variant later released in 1982—and a version of which sold in Japan as Lancer Fiore. Five generations of Mirage were manufactured by Mitsubishi up until 2003, with new generations released in 1983 and 1987 (with the equivalent Lancer delayed until 1988), 1991 to 1995. It was not until 1988—with the 1979 to 1987 Lancer now departed—that the Mirage-based Lancer eschewed the Fiore suffix in the home market.

Between 1982 and 1987, the aforementioned Mirage sedan with minor styling modifications sold as the Lancer Fiore through Japanese retail channels. The Fiore spanned two generations, the second of which came to the market in 1983. Internationally, the Fiore sedan often sold under the abbreviated name Lancer, and sometimes as the «Lancer F» (for example, in Germany). Thus, with the rear-wheel drive Lancer as introduced in 1979 and the front-wheel drive Lancer Fiore, Mitsubishi had two similarly sized models competing in the same market segment, sometimes even while sharing the Lancer badge.

Although naming conventions varied, for all generations, sedan versions of the Mirage were typically badged as Lancer in export markets such as the Philippines, although notably not in the United States. In Japan, sedan variants of the Mirage and Lancer sold alongside one another with minor differences in trim. The station wagon, part of the 1983 and 1991 iterations, was typically known as the Lancer in export markets. Likewise, the Mirage coupe variant, available with the 1991 and 1995 generations, also became part of the Lancer lineup in some regions.

Mitsubishi introduced replacements for the Mirage starting in 2000, with a new generation of Lancer sedan—now larger and having moved up to the compact segment. Then in 2002, a subcompact five-door hatchback badged Colt internationally became available, thus substituting the Mirage hatchback. By 2003, the Mirage had been completely phased out of mainstream Japanese production and Lancer became the primary title for Mitsubishi’s compact offerings.



Eighth generation (2000)[edit]

Eighth generation
2002-2003 Mitsubishi Lancer (CG) LS sedan (2011-10-25).jpg

Mitsubishi Lancer LS sedan (Australia; pre-facelift)

Also called Mitsubishi Cedia
Mitsubishi Lancer Cedia (Japan & Thailand)
Mitsubishi Virage (Taiwan)
Soueast Lioncel II
Mitsubishi Lancer Gala (Vietnam)
  • 2000–2010 (Japan)
  • 2002–2012 (Indonesia)
  • 2006-2013 (India)
  • 2000–2007 (US)
  • 2002–2015 (Venezuela)[11]
Assembly Japan: Okazaki (Nagoya Plant)
India: Tiruvallur (Hindustan)
Indonesia: Pademangan, North Jakarta (PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor) (until June 2005)
Philippines: Cainta (2008–2012)
China: Fuzhou (Soueast)
Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)[12]
Thailand: Laem Chabang (MMTh)
Malaysia: Shah Alam, Selangor
Venezuela: Barcelona (MMC Automotriz)
Vietnam: Dĩ An, Bình Dương (Vinastar)
Designer Shuzo Akamine (1997)[13]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
5-door station wagon
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform CS2A–CS9W
Related Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII–IX
  • Gasoline:
  • 1.3 L 4G13 I4
  • 1.5 L 4G15 I4
  • 1.6 L 4G18 I4
  • 1.8 L 4G93 I4
  • 1.8 L 4G93T turbo I4
  • 2.0 L 4G94 I4
  • 2.0 L 4G63 I4
  • 2.4 L 4G69 I4
Transmission 5-speed manual
4-speed automatic
4-speed INVECS-II automatic
CVT automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,600 mm (102.4 in)
Length 4,495–4,605 mm (177.0–181.3 in)
Width 1,695 mm (66.7 in)
Height 1,375–1,425 mm (54.1–56.1 in)
Curb weight 1,399 kg (3,084 lb)

Lancer sedan (pre-facelift)

Lancer ES sedan (facelift)

Station wagon


May 2000 saw the release in Japan of the Lancer Cedia (meaning CEntury DIAmond); though in most markets the previous 1995 vintage Mirage-based Lancer soldiered on for a while longer, built at Mitsubishi’s Mizushima plant in Japan. The new model was available in sedan and station wagon forms. In Europe, the Lancer was not offered in some countries, being too close to the size of the Dutch-built Mitsubishi Carisma, so the Evo VII model sold there bore the Carisma name. This series of Lancer was still sold in Japan for 3 years alongside the 2007 onwards generation Lancer, sold there as the «Galant Fortis».

In February 2003, for the 2004 model year, a heavily restyled Lancer surfaced with a front styling that brought it into line with the Mitsubishi corporate look, as well as a restyled rear, to further differentiate itself from the Lancer Evolution. The car’s grille was then redesigned again in 2005 for the 2006 model year.



In Japan, the Lancer Cedia was offered with many different trim levels and engines, including some options never exported, such as a cargo variant of the station wagon, which was replaced by a rebranded Nissan AD. It was also one of the first models to use the INVECS-III CVT transmission. There was also a Ralliart version of the Sportswagon which was powered by a turbocharged 1.8-liter GDI engine. Until 2010, it was still sold alongside the 9th generation, known in Japan as the Galant Fortis.

In Taiwan, the Mitsubishi Lancer was produced and marketed by China Motor Corporation, and the car was slightly restyled in the beginning with larger front grilles, extra chrome trims, and the rear license plate located on the trunk lid instead of the rear bumper. Later, following the internationally sold facelift version, the front lamps were restyled and reshaped to be triangular while the tail lamps extended onto the trunk lid which is different from the version sold in other parts of the world. An additional facelift was added again in 2005 with white marker lights in the front replacing the amber ones and restyled tail lamps.

  • Sedan front (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan front (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

  • Sedan rear (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan rear (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

  • Sedan rear (facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan rear (facelift; Taiwanese spec)

In Indonesia, the Lancer was available in GLXi and SEi trims. It was assembled locally and sold from 2002 until 2012.

In Malaysia, the Lancer was made available after Mitsubishi had sold all its shares in Malaysian carmaker Proton, marking the return of Mitsubishi in the Malaysian market after being absent since 1985 due to the agreement with Proton. The Lancer sold in Malaysia was powered by the 4G18 engine which also powered the early 1.6-liter Proton Waja model.

In the Philippines, the Lancer Cedia was originally launched in 2003, sourced from Mitsubishi’s Thailand plant until 2008, with 2008 to 2012 models assembled in Mitsubishi’s production plant in Cainta, Rizal.[14] It was offered with three trim levels; GLX, GLS and MX. Both GLX and GLS were powered with a 1.6-litre 4G18 SOHC engine with 110 PS (81 kW).[15] The MX was powered with a 1.8-litre 4G93 SOHC engine. Transmission choices were a 5-speed manual (GLX and GLS) or INVECS-III CVT (GLS and MX). In 2005 and 2007 respectively, the Lancer received its first and second facelifts: featuring new headlights, tail lights, front fascia, trunk lid, rear bumper and wheel designs. In 2008, it got also a third facelift; featuring new tail lights, black smoked headlights, new wheel designs and front fascia. In 2007, Mitsubishi Philippines also marketed GT and GSR trims. Both were powered with a 2.0-litre 4G63 engine and mated with a 4-speed INVECS-II transmissions. The GT received semi-bucket seats and a Momo steering wheel while the GSR had leather seats and only came in Glaire Beige (champagne).

In Pakistan, this variant was launched in 2005 with cosmetic changes from the front and the back. Thai production was switched to the new model, and in all markets except for India the previous model was no longer marketed, four years after the Cedia’s introduction. In India, it was first introduced at the 2006 Auto Expo in New Delhi as the Lancer Cedia, complementing the lower-priced Lancer.[16] All Lancer variants were built by Mitsubishi’s Indian partner Hindustan Motors. From 2009 on, it was sold under the Cedia name alone, available as the Cedia Select and the Cedia Sports.[16] In order to comply with the emissions regulations and to accommodate lower quality petrol, it used a slightly detuned version of the SOHC 16-valve 4G94 found on the Lancer, having 115 PS (85 kW; 113 hp) at 5250 rpm and 175 N⋅m (129 lb⋅ft) at 4250 rpm. The Cedia, a rather expensive car for Indian conditions, was discontinued without a direct successor in June 2013 as Mitsubishi India chose to focus on SUVs. Production was reported to have ended in November 2012.[17]


In Australia, this series of Lancer was introduced as the CG series in July 2002 with the 2.0-liter 4G94 engine. The 2003 facelift, designated the CH series,[18] introduced a heavily updated VR-X, which included new 16″ alloys, stiffer suspension, body styling kit, and gear shifter borrowed from the Lancer Evolution. In 2004, the new Lancer wagon was introduced as a direct replacement for its ageing circa 1992 predecessor.

In August 2005, all Lancers were upgraded to the 2.4-liter 4G69 engine, producing 115 kW (154 hp) and 220 N⋅m (162 lb⋅ft) of torque. The upgraded engine also saw a change in trim levels and upgraded equipment—the ES and LS models now featured a more upmarket looking black interior, while the VR-X gained a new black grille to closer resemble the Lancer Evolution IX. The equipment levels of all models were also upgraded, with the LS and VR-X gaining climate control, and a premium audio system sourced from the luxury Mitsubishi Verada. The Exceed model was discontinued, and all updated models now used JDM sized rear bumpers instead of the larger USDM sized versions. Additionally, the wagon also saw these changes; and as of 2007, continues to be sold alongside the sedan.

The ES and LS models were given a minor facelift for the 2007 model year; this time gaining the same front grille as the US models, and putting it into line with the current corporate look—similar to that of the Colt and the locally built 380. A limited edition ES model dubbed «Velocity» went on sale prior to this generation being replaced. This package included VR-X grille, rear spoiler, leather/Alcantara bolstered seats, sports pedals, 15-inch alloy wheels and chrome exhaust tip—all for the same price as the previous standard ES.


In some European markets, the Lancer began to take the place of the Carisma in 2004. It is powered by a 1.3-liter SOHC 16-valve 4G13 engine producing 82 PS (60 kW) at 5,000 rpm and 120 N⋅m (89 lb⋅ft) of torque at 4,000 rpm. The next engine in the range is the 1.6-liter SOHC 4G18 engine producing 98 PS (72 kW) at 5,000 rpm and 150 N⋅m (111 lb⋅ft) at 4,000 rpm. Finally, there is the 2.0-liter DOHC 4G63 producing 135 PS (99 kW) at 5,750 rpm and 176 N⋅m (130 lb⋅ft) at 4,500 rpm.

North America[edit]

In North America, the Lancer was introduced in 2001 for the 2002 model year as a direct replacement for the Mirage. In the United States, Chrysler had offered an unrelated Dodge Lancer at various stages between the 1950s and 1980s. However, when Daimler, who owned Chrysler at the time, briefly controlled Mitsubishi through the DaimlerChrysler-Mitsubishi alliance from 2000 through to 2004, the rights to the «Lancer» name were relinquished to Mitsubishi for usage in North America. Consequently, after Mitsubishi discontinued the 1995 series Mirage for North America in 2001, the replacement model adopted the Lancer name for the first time.

North American Lancers were powered by a 2.0-liter 4G94 engine producing 120 hp (89 kW) and 130 lb⋅ft (176 N⋅m) of torque. In Mexico, the Lancer sedan was available in DE, ES, LS and GS trims with a 2.0-liter DOHC 4G63 engine.

2006 Mitsubishi Lancer ES (North American spec)

Mitsubishi Lancer LS wagon (US)

In addition to the facelift, North America received three additional models to the Lancer line in 2004—Lancer Ralliart, LS Sportback and Ralliart Sportback. Ralliart slots in between the base models and high-performance Evolution. These cars came equipped with Mitsubishi’s 2.4-liter 4G69 engine (rated at 160 hp (119 kW)/ 162 lb⋅ft (220 N⋅m) for the Sportback, and 162 hp (121 kW)/ 162 lb⋅ft (220 N⋅m) for the Ralliart). The power gain was due to a tuned muffler for the Ralliart, and also included a new, stiffer suspension package that improved handling and lowered for Ralliart and lifted the LS Sportback by 2.9 inches. The LS Sportback had 15-inch steel or optional 15-inch alloy wheels. The Ralliart came with 16-inch alloy wheels, front bucket seats borrowed from Japan’s Mitsubishi Evolution GT-A, optional fog lamps, and a new aerodynamic ground package for Ralliart. The LS Sportback and Ralliart Sportback were equipped with a four-speed INVECS-II automatic transmission, while the Ralliart came with a five-speed manual transmission with an option for the four-speed automatic.

For the 2005 model year, the grille was changed to include more fins to reflect a closer similarity to the North American Galant. For the 2006 model year, the fascia was changed again from a bridged fascia to one with an open vent after Mitsubishi received complaints from current owners regarding its similarity in appearance to General Motors Division Pontiac’s corporate look, and to bring the appearance closer to its bigger brother, the Evolution.

The Lancer Sportback wagon was cancelled in the United States one year after its release, but the Mitsubishi Lancer wagon was sold in Canada for a while longer.

Ninth generation (2007)[edit]

Ninth generation
2007-2009 Mitsubishi Lancer (CJ) VR sedan 02.jpg

Mitsubishi Lancer VR sedan (Australia; pre-facelift)

Also called Mitsubishi Galant Fortis (Japan)
Mitsubishi Galant
Proton Inspira (Malaysia)
Mitsubishi Lancer EX
Production 2007–2017
Model years 2008–2017
Assembly Japan: Kurashiki (Mizushima Plant)
Brazil: Catalão (MMC Automotores)
China: Fuzhou (Soueast)
Philippines: Cainta (2008–2014) (MMPC)
Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)
Thailand: Laem Chabang (MMTh)
Malaysia: Shah Alam, Selangor (Proton)
Designer Omer Halilhodžić (2004)[19]
Norihiko Yoshimine[20]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
5-door hatchback
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform Mitsubishi GS platform
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X
  • Mitsubishi ASX[21]
  • Mitsubishi Outlander (second generation)[21]
  • Mitsubishi Outlander (third generation)[21]
  • Gasoline:
  • 1.5 L 4A91 I4
  • 1.6 L 4A92 I4
  • 1.8 L 4B10 I4
  • 1.8 L 4J10 I4
  • 2.0 L 4B11 I4
  • 2.0 L 4B11T turbo I4
  • 2.4 L 4B12 I4
  • Diesel:
  • 1.8 L 4N13 turbo I4
  • 2.0 L VW BWC turbo I4
  • 5/6-speed manual
  • 6-speed Ralliart dual-clutch automatic
  • 4-speed automatic (INVECS-II)
  • CVT automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,635 mm (103.7 in)
Length Sedan: 4,570 mm (179.9 in)
4,625 mm (182.1 in) (2016 facelift)
Sportback: 4,585 mm (180.5 in)
Width 1,760 mm (69.3 in)
Height Sedan: 1,490 mm (58.7 in)
Sportback: 1,515 mm (59.6 in)
Curb weight 1,230–1,415 kg (2,712–3,120 lb)
1,570–1,593 kg (3,461–3,512 lb) (Ralliart)

In 2005, Mitsubishi revealed the «Concept X» model car at the Tokyo Motor Show and its «Concept Sportback» model at the Frankfurt Motor Show. The new Lancer was previewed by these two concepts. The new Lancer was officially revealed in January 2007 at the North American International Auto Show and went on sale in North American markets in March 2007 as a 2008 model. New Lancer features Mitsubishi’s next-generation RISE safety body.



With the exception of the Lancer Evolution X, the Lancer is marketed as the Galant Fortis (Latin for strong, brave and resolute) in the Japanese domestic market because the sixth generation of Lancer is still in production at that time.[22] It comes in three trim levels: Exceed, Super Exceed, and Sport.[23]

Due to the popular demand for the previous 2000-era Lancer in Singapore, it continued to be sold alongside the new 2007 era Lancer which was called «Lancer EX» to differentiate itself from the former for two years. The 1.5- and 2.0-liter engine sizes and a flagship GT trim level were available in Singapore. For model year 2009, the design was refreshed all around with an updated front grille, darkened clear tail lamps, and chrome lining with an additional floor console internally. The rear for the 2.0-liter variants had disc brakes for better stopping power. From 2014 models onwards, only a 1.6-liter engine was offered in Elegance and Sports trim with factory AM/FM radio, ducktail spoiler, and 16” black gloss 10-spoke chrome rims or 16” Spaco gunmetal rims. For a limited period between 2015 and 2017, the Lancer EX had a slightly revamped rear with double rectangular “C-shaped” LED tail lamp clusters and had its Lancer badge positioned to the center of the boot.

In Malaysia, the Lancer was first launched in August 2007 with a sole variant known as GT.[24] The Lancer was then updated in 2009[25] and an EX variant was launched in July 2010.[26] In October 2010, the Sportback bodystyle was launched in October 2010.[27] The Lancer was then updated in August 2012[28] and April 2014.[29] Also, Proton had renewed cross-licensing and technology transfer agreements with Mitsubishi as of October 2008 and lead to the Proton Inspira which is a badge-engineered 2007–2017 Lancer.[30]

In Indonesia, only the GT is sold and it utilizes the 2.0-liter 4B1 engine and is sold alongside the Evolution X. The previous generation Lancer was still sold, marketed as the Cedia using the 1.8-liter 4G9 engine.

Hong Kong received its unique edition of the Lancer in 2008, dubbed the Lancer 2.0. The car comes in two trim levels, without a name for either of them. Both are equipped with the 4B11 2.0-liter engine, seven airbags, eight-speaker stereo system, adaptive front-lighting system (AFS) with HID as well as 18-inch alloy wheels. The upper trim has a Ralliart style body kit which includes a revised front bumper, side skirt, rear bumper with diffuser, and the addition of a correct-to-Evolution X rear spoiler, while the lower trim makes do without the above-mentioned features.

In the Philippines, the 9th generation Lancer was launched in mid-2008 as the «Lancer EX» to differentiate it from the previous generation Lancer sold alongside it, which would be discontinued by 2012. It was initially available only with a 2.0-litre 4B11 powerplant. The top-of-the-line GT and GT-A were added into the lineup in 2008. The GT and GT-A were essentially the same, both coming with rear spoilers, side skirts, and 18″ alloy wheels, the only difference being that the GT came with a 5-speed manual, while the GT-A came with a CVT transmission with paddle shifters. A Ralliart version was also available, with a 2.0-litre single turbo engine making 240 hp paired to a 6-speed dual clutch automatic transmission. Like the Evolution X, it came with an all-wheel-drive system featuring active yaw control and an active center differential.[31]

In 2011, 3 trim levels were available: the base GLX which had no fog lights and three-beam headlights. It came with a 1.6-litre 4A92 MIVEC engine, making 117 hp, paired to a 5-speed manual or a 4-speed automatic.[32] The mid-range GLS has fog lights, GPS navigation with touchscreen. The same transmission options as the GLX were available. The top-of-the-line MX adds HID headlights, a blue LCD monitoring screen beneath the speedometer, and paddle-shifters. In 2010 the GT trim was phased out, while in 2012, the GLS was phased out.

Between August 2015 and August 2017, GHK Motors (Mitsubishi Brunei) had offered a version of the Lancer Sportback under the name Mitsubishi Galant in Brunei.[33] The Galant is equipped with the 2.4-liter engine, 18-inch alloy wheels, a Ralliart style front grille, side skirts, rear spoiler, and sports front seats.[34][35]


The Lancer was released in Australia in October 2007, designated the CJ series, and was initially available in ES, VR and VRX trim. The ES included cruise control, driver, passenger, and knee airbags, stability and traction control as standard. The VR added alloy wheels, fog lights, side skirts, boot lip spoiler, rain-sensing wipers, automatic headlights, six-disc CD changer, as well as curtain and side airbags. The VRX received extra skirts including front aprons, a larger rear spoiler, 18-inch alloys, 9-speaker Rockford Fosgate sound system, keyless entry, keyless engine start, and Bluetooth connectivity with voice control. All three models shared the same 4B11 2.0-litre engine and can be found with a manual gearbox or CVT. The Sportback body followed the sedan and has been available for all variants except the Aspire.

In July 2008, the Lancer Evolution X (officially just «Lancer Evolution» at the time) became available for orders in Australia.[36]

In September 2008, another variant, the Aspire, was introduced.[37] The Aspire was based on the 2009 model VRX, which had a new 4B12 2.4-litre engine. The Aspire included more luxury features and only came with a CVT, whereas the VRX maintained a manual gearbox option.

In late 2008, the Ralliart variant became available.[38] It featured a single turbocharged version of the 4B11 engine, all-wheel drive (AWD) and a twin-clutch six-speed (TC-SST) gearbox.

In 2010, the limited edition ACTiV was added to the lineup.[39] The ACTiV was based on the ES and added features such as 16-inch alloy wheels, side skirts, rear spoiler, hands-free Bluetooth and multi-function leather steering wheel.

Various special models have also been introduced, such as the Platinum Edition, which is based on the VR but added a chrome grille, window surrounds (sedan only), MMCS satellite navigation, and Bluetooth. The RX version is derived from the ES but comes with standard alloy wheels. Another model introduced in 2010 was the SX coming with factory alloys, leather steering wheel, and gear shifter as well as factory spoiler.

From model year 2013 onward (introduced in late 2012), the Aspire was dropped.


In Europe, a diesel model was also available from 2007 to September 2010. This was a 2.0-liter PD-TDI 103 kW (138 hp) engine sourced from Volkswagen, with engine code BWC.[40] From September 2010, it was also available with Mitsubishi’s own 1.8-liter 4N1 engine.[41] This engine has an aluminium cylinder block, four valves per cylinder and a common rail injection system with variable geometry turbocharger and variable valve timing. It develops 85 kW (116 PS; 114 bhp) and 300 N⋅m (221 lb⋅ft).[42]

In Ireland, the specifications are different from those of models sold in the United Kingdom. The Lancer is available in five-door hatchback (Sportback) or four-door sedan body styles. Engines are the 1.5- and 1.8-liter petrol and the 2.0-liter diesel—all available in the United Kingdom until 2012. Trim levels are GS2, GS3, and GS4 for the saloon, and GS2, GS3, and Juro (satellite navigation and rear-view camera) for the Sportback. The Sportback Juro model marked a temporary end to the line in the UK and was the most generously equipped. A Ralliart version (petrol), a detuned version of the Evolution, was also available. Mitsubishi intended to supply the UK with 400 further Lancers in late 2014.

North America[edit]

2011 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart sedan (US)

For the United States, the Lancer was initially available in DE, ES, and GTS trim levels.[43] DE, ES, and GTS models are powered by a GEMA based 4B11, 2.0-liter DOHC engine producing 152 hp (113 kW) (except for California models which have been detuned to 143 hp (107 kW) to meet regulations). Transmission options include a brand new F1CJA continuously variable transmission (CVT), sourced from Jatco, alongside a regular F5MBB five-speed manual sourced from Aisin Seiki. GTS models get a six-speed paddle shift version of the CVT.

In Canada, a fourth model (SE) was introduced to the Lancer lineup. The SE model is a cross between the ES and GTS models. Features not included in the SE model that is found in the GTS are the FAST key, automatic climate control, carbon-fiber trim pieces, leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, and 18-inch wheels.

For US markets, starting with the 2009 model year, an ES Sport version was released similar to the SE model for the Canadian market. Externally the ES Sport is similar in appearance to the GTS—with side skirts, rear spoiler, etc. (with the exception of the wheels, the ES Sport retains the ES wheelset). The ES Sport also uses the 2.0-liter engine.[44]

For 2009, the GTS is powered by a 2.4-liter 4B12 engine producing 168 hp (125 kW) and 167 lb⋅ft (226 N⋅m).[44]

For 2012, A new trim level called SE was added. The SE model features the 2.4-liter 4B12 engine and Mitsubishi’s all-wheel-drive system. The SE is only available with a CVT transmission. For 2013, another trim level called GT was added. Based on the all-wheel-drive SE trim level, excluding the all-wheel control system, the GT features sportier suspension, upmarket options, and an available manual transmission.

The five-door hatchback version, known as the Sportback, was introduced for the Canadian market in spring 2009, and in the US for the 2010 model year in mid-2009.[45][46]

A detuned and cheaper version of the Evolution X was announced at the 2008 North American International Auto Show. This model became available for purchase in the United States in October 2008.

For 2009, the Ralliart is available exclusively with the TC-SST transmission.[47] The TC-SST transmission equipped in the Ralliart offers two modes (Normal, Sport) rather than the three modes the same transmission offers in the Lancer Evolution X MR (Normal, Sport, S-Sport). The car also includes a simplified version of the Evolution X’s AWD system, with a simple «mechanical limited-slip» rear differential.[48]

South America[edit]

To differentiate it from the previous model, still, on sale, this model is marketed as «Lancer Serie R» in Chile. For the same reason, in El Salvador, depending on the engine and trim, this series is titled «Lancer EX» or «Lancer GT».

In Brazil, Lancer was officially sold by Mitsubishi Motors 2007–2017. Between 2015 and 2017 was produced in Catalão Mitsubishi’s factory. It was sold in four versions: MT, HL, HLE, and GT. All versions come with the 2.0-liter 4B11 l4 engine (gasoline). The Lancer Sportback was sold until 2013 in a single version, signed by Ralliart, and the Lancer Evolution X is also sold, although not produced locally.


Mitsubishi Lancer ES Sport sedan (Australia; facelift)

In October 2015, Mitsubishi released details of the model year 2016 Lancer facelift for North America.[49] The MY16 update was announced and released for Australia in December 2015.[50] It sports a mildly altered front and does without the Ralliart-style grille of the MY15 version, now with a cleaner front bumper with integrated chrome upper and lower grilles. New C-shaped LED daytime running lamps surrounding the foglights and side skirts complete the exterior changes, while the cabin gains a high-contrast instrument cluster, a new front centre console with silver and black accents, and a new colour touchscreen audio system with DAB digital radio.[51] It was also released in the Philippines in April 2016 and it came in two trims; GLS and GT-A.[52]


Mitsubishi Motors North America’s executive vice president and CEO, Don Swearingen, confirmed in January 2017 that Mitsubishi would end the Lancer’s production in August 2017, without a successor.[53] Mitsubishi’s main focus was to be on crossovers and SUVs, but production of the Mirage hatchback and the G4 sedan will continue due to ongoing popular demand for the Mirage nameplate in the North American market.

Lancer Fortis / Lancer iO[edit]

2007–2013 Lancer Fortis (grey)
2008–2011 Lancer iO (white)

The Lancer Fortis and Lancer iO are derivatives of the global Lancer model. Both models were developed primarily for the Taiwanese market, historically a stronghold for Mitsubishi vehicles.[54] The Lancer Fortis and iO are locally assembled in Taiwan and China by CMC and Soueast respectively. CMC also exported the Lancer Fortis to the Middle East.[55]

The Lancer Fortis made its debut in Taiwan in August 2007. The Fortis has a unique exterior design, but its interior styling and mechanical underpinnings are largely identical to the global Lancer model.[54] Early models of the Lancer Fortis were powered by the 157 PS (115 kW), 2.0-litre 4B11 engine paired to the INVECS-III CVT gearbox.[56] Later variants were offered with the 143 PS (105 kW), 1.8-litre 4B10 plant, while the 2.0-litre Fortis models were discontinued by 2010.[57]

In April 2008, Mitsubishi launched the Lancer iO in Taiwan. The iO was pitched as a sportier version of the Lancer Fortis, featuring a more aggressive front grille and bumper combination.[58] In February 2012, Mitsubishi discontinued the Fortis-based iO, and launched the global Lancer locally under the iO nameplate.[59] The Taiwanese colloquial term for the 2012 Lancer iO and the global Lancer is ‘shark head’ (鯊魚頭).[60]

The Lancer Fortis made its Chinese debut at the 2013 Shanghai Motor Show.[61] The Chinese market Lancer Fortis features a different front grille and bumper design in addition to other minor cosmetic changes. The base models are powered by the 113 hp (84 kW), 1.6-litre 4A92 engine, and the range topping variants received the 1.8-litre 4B10.[62] The Lancer Fortis in China is positioned in between the more expensive Lancer EX, and the cheaper Lancer Classic.[63]

The Taiwanese market Lancer Fortis and iO were simultaneously facelifted in May 2014. The design of the front grille and bumper combination on both models became more aggressive, while the Fortis adopted the ‘shark head’ design and the headlamps from the global Lancer. The rear lamps on both models were also revised, and the interior designs received minor cosmetic enhancements. The powerplant configuration for both models was refined for better fuel efficiency but was otherwise largely unchanged.[64] The Chinese market Lancer EX was later updated in line with the Lancer iO design.[63]

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift front

    Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift front

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift rear

    Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift rear

Tenth generation (2017)[edit]

Tenth generation
2017 CMC-Mitsubishi Lancer.jpg
Manufacturer China Motor Corporation
Also called Mitsubishi Grand Lancer (Taiwan)
Production 2017–present
Assembly Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)
Designer Sin Ko (of Pininfarina) (2015)
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform Mitsubishi GS platform
Engine 1.8 L 4J10 I4
Transmission Jatco CVT8 automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,635 mm (103.7 in)
Length 4,615 mm (181.7 in)
Width 1,770 mm (69.7 in)
Height 1,490 mm (58.7 in)
Curb weight 1,330–1,415 kg (2,932–3,120 lb)

Rear view


In January 2017, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to continue the Lancer nameplate in certain Asian markets such as Taiwan and China after 2017, due to ongoing popular demand for the Lancer nameplate within the Chinese-speaking world. The development of the new Grand Lancer in Taiwan was led and designed by the Taiwanese China Motor Corporation (CMC). Part of the design was partnered with Pininfarina Shanghai. Due to the international version being discontinued, the new generation Lancer is built on the same platform as the existing model as an extensive facelift. It comes with the new Mitsubishi Dynamic Shield grille and redesigned creases over the side body panels. The interior, front hood, front bumpers, front fenders, front and rear door panels including the rear passenger door window, the boot lid, and the rear bumper have been completely redesigned for the new generation, while the rest is carried over from the pre-2017 model.[65]



Since 2007, the Lancer has regularly featured within the Top 10 and Top 20 vehicle sales charts. Prior to the discontinuation of Lancer production in 2017, John Signoriello, CEO of Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd, decided to stockpile as many Lancers as possible, in order to sell them in succeeding years.[66] The following table shows sales since 2006.

Year Units sold Australian Sales Rank
2006 15,500< 14
2008 19,688 8
2009 21,362 7
2010 23,064 9
2011 10
2012 16
2016 7,272
2017 7,560
Total 94,446<

See also[edit]

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Cargo
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
  • Mitsubishi Lancer WRC
  • Mitsubishi Racing Lancer
  • Proton Inspira
  • Proton Jebat


  1. ^ Ewing, Stephen. «Mitsubishi will end Lancer production in August». motor1.com. Motorsport Network. Retrieved 7 January 2017.
  2. ^ «All new 2008 Lancer» (PDF). AllNewLancer.ca. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-09-29.
  3. ^ «Lancer EX» (PDF). New-Lancer.com. 9 May 2013. p. 13. Retrieved 1 July 2015. Mitsubishi Lancer first hit the streets in 1973 and has never looked back. Over the past three decades, Lancer has evolved into a sports machine like no other, turning heads on city streets and rally courses alike. After nine generations of development, Mitsubishi’s passion for driving has created a blend of power, performance and aerodynamics that will have sports driving connoisseurs instantly hooked, all combined with a style that is undeniably Lancer.
  4. ^ «Mitsubishi is killing the Lancer this summer». AutoBlog.com.
  5. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer (Chrysler LB Lancer Hatchback )». GoAuto. John Mellor. Retrieved 8 October 2010.
  6. ^ Flammang, James M. (1994). Standard Catalog of Imported Cars, 1946-1990. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, Inc. pp. 503–504. ISBN 0-87341-158-7.
  7. ^ Car Graphic: Car Archives Vol. 11, ’80s Japanese Cars. Tokyo: Nigensha. 2007. p. 214. ISBN 978-4-544-91018-6.
  8. ^ Long, Brian (2007). Mitsubishi Lancer Evo: The Road Car & WRC Story. Dorchester: Veloce Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84584-055-6.
  9. ^ a b c Rombauts, Walter, ed. (15 September 1979). «Volledig veranderd, maar nog steeds dezelfde naam» [Completely changed, but still with the same name]. Keesings Auto Magazine (in Dutch). Antwerp, Belgium. 2 (17): 20–21.
  10. ^ Rombauts, Walter, ed. (15 September 1979). «Salon van Frankfurt is aanklacht tegen politieke machthebbers» [Frankfurt Show is an indictment of political leaders]. Keesings Auto Magazine (in Dutch). Antwerp, Belgium. 2 (17): 18.
  11. ^ «Lancer GLX». Mitsubishi Motors Venezuela. Archived from the original on 14 July 2013.
  12. ^ «Facts & Figures Mitsubishi Motors Corporation 2001» (PDF). Mitsubishi Motors. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 June 2012. Retrieved 22 March 2011. Production facilities outside Japan – China Motor Corp. (CMC), Yang Mei Factory, 49 Shio Tsai Rd., Yang Mei Taoyuan, Taiwan
  13. ^ Long, Brian; Kurihara, Shinichi (February 2007). Mitsubishi Lancer EVO I to X: The Road Car and WRC Story. Veloce Publishing. ISBN 9781845840556.
  14. ^ «Mitsubishi launches first salvo for the year». Motorista News. 2003-02-05. Archived from the original on 2003-03-01.
  15. ^ «2003 Lancer — Technical Specifications». Motorista News. 2003-02-05. Archived from the original on 2003-02-28.
  16. ^ a b «Fer de Lance(r)». CarWale. 2009-11-10. Archived from the original on 2022-06-08.
  17. ^ Ravi, Anjan (2013-06-26). «Official: Mitsubishi India discontinues the Cedia Sports». Indian Autos Blog. Archived from the original on 2020-11-26.
  18. ^ «CH Lancer Prices Released». AutoWeb. Archived from the original on 12 October 2010. Retrieved 30 December 2008.
  19. ^ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:JPS_001298845.pdf[dead link]
  20. ^ «Contents CHAPTER ONE Early living». 11 January 2009.
  21. ^ a b c «Mitsubishi ASX Review». CarAdvice.com. Retrieved 2021-05-13.
  22. ^ «Mitsubishi unveils «design study» shots of the production Evo X». Autoblog.
  23. ^ «Mitsubishi Galant Fortis Launched». World Car Fans.
  24. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2007-08-07. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  25. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT facelifted in Malaysia!». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2009-07-30. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  26. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer EX – a very different kind of Lancer». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2010-07-16. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  27. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback 2.4 launched in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2010-10-21. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  28. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT updated in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2012-08-09. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  29. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GTE detailed – now priced at RM118,888». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2014-04-11. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  30. ^ Tan, Paul. «Proton Inspira now officially open for bookings». PaulTan.org. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  31. ^ «Review: 2012 Mitsubishi Lancer EX Ralliart». CarGuide.PH. 25 April 2012. Retrieved 20 March 2022.
  32. ^ «Review: 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer EX GLX A/T». CarGuide.PH. 12 March 2013. Retrieved 20 March 2022.
  33. ^ Agus, Raghadah (7 August 2015). «Mitsubishi Galant’s sporty revamp». The Brunei Times. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  34. ^ Roslan, Wani (8 August 2015). «GHK Motors introduces Mitsubishi Galant Sportback». Borneo Bulletin. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  35. ^ «Galant». GHK Motors. 2015. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  36. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution». CarSales.com.au. 11 Sep 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  37. ^ «Mitsubishi plugs gap with Lancer Aspire». CarSales.com.au. 17 Sep 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  38. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart». CarSales.com.au. 11 Nov 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  39. ^ «Mitsubishi gets ACTiV with new Lancer». CarSales.com.au. 5 Mar 2010. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  40. ^ Ross, David (26 March 2008). «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 Di-D GS4». Auto Express. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  41. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer – 4-doors, sedan». Auto-Types.com. 28 November 2010. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  42. ^ Zevedei, Daniel. «Mitsubishi Lancer 1.8 DI-D ClearTec Edition Two – 4-doors, sedan». Auto-Types.com. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  43. ^ «2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Review». JB car pages. Retrieved 25 February 2009.
  44. ^ a b «2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Review». JB car pages. Retrieved 25 February 2009.
  45. ^ «2010 Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback coming to America five+door style». Jalopnik.
  46. ^ «First Drives » First Drive: 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback». CanadianDriver. 30 March 2009. Retrieved 3 April 2010.
  47. ^ «2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Specs». JB car pages. Retrieved 25 February 2009.
  48. ^ «2008 Detroit Auto Show: 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart». Edmunds.
  49. ^ Maric, Paul (1 October 2015). «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer update revealed: Australia confirmed and Ralliart dumped». CarAdvice. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  50. ^ «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer busts out». Motoring. 16 December 2015. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  51. ^ Beissmann, Tim (16 December 2015). «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer facelift brings extra equipment to ageing small car». CarAdvice. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  52. ^ Andres, Anton (11 April 2016). «MIAS 2016: Mitsubishi quietly unveils updated Lancer». AutoIndustriya.com. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
  53. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer production to be discontinued in August». 6 January 2017. Retrieved 14 Feb 2017.
  54. ^ a b 張之杰 (30 August 2007). «國產7氣囊,Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis 64.5萬起». News.U-Car.com.tw (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  55. ^ «Lancer Fortis Launch». CMC-Motor.com. 19 March 2017. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  56. ^ 蔡致堅 (31 August 2007). «MITSUBISHI Lancer Fortis 2.0全面升級,國產中型房車再創話題». AutoNet.com.tw (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  57. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis». U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  58. ^ 九重葛 (9 June 2008). «史上最強運動性格-Mitsubishi Lancer iO» [The Most Athletic Personality: Mitsubishi Lancer iO]. U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  59. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer iO». U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  60. ^ 葉毓中 (10 April 2012). «Mitsubishi【試車報導】遲到,總比不到好!Lancer iO風格終一致» (in Chinese). carstuff.com.tw. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  61. ^ «Shanghai Motor Show 2013 (4)». MarkLines.com. 17 June 2013. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  62. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis». ChinaAutoWeb.com. 19 March 2017. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  63. ^ a b Wang, Joey (29 July 2016). «Spy Shots: This Is The New Mitsubishi Lancer EX For China». CarNewsChina.com. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  64. ^ 梁尚倫 (22 May 2014). «形貌變更,Mitsubishi Lancer雙車系64.5萬元起改款登場» (in Chinese). news.u-car.com.tw. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  65. ^ Karkafiris, Michael (2017-03-23). «New 2018 Mitsubishi Grand Lancer Targets China And Other Asian Markets». Carscoops. Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  66. ^ Wallis, Robbie (2017-11-28). «Mitsubishi Australia hopeful Lancer will survive». GoAuto. Retrieved 2019-02-20.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • Mitsubishi Grand Lancer website Archived 2018-12-02 at the Wayback Machine (Taiwan Mitsubishi Motors)
  • Mitsubishi Lancer official history from archive.org (archived 22 November 2004)
Mitsubishi Lancer
2007-2009 Mitsubishi Lancer (CJ) VR sedan 01.jpg

2007–2009 Mitsubishi Lancer VR sedan (Australia)

Manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors
Production 1973–2017 (worldwide)[1]
1991–present (Taiwan and China)
Body and chassis
Class Subcompact car (1973–1995)
Compact car (1996–present)
Layout Front-engine, rear-wheel-drive (1973–1987)
Front-engine, front-wheel-drive (1982–present)
Front-engine, four-wheel-drive (2007–2017)
Predecessor Mitsubishi Colt 1200/1500
Hindustan Contessa (India)

Release timeline

1973 Lancer 1
1979 Lancer 2
1982 Lancer 3
1983 Lancer 4
1988 Lancer 5
1991 Lancer 6
1995 Lancer 7
2000 Lancer 8
2007 Lancer 9
2017 Lancer ended production
Lancer 10

The Mitsubishi Lancer is an automobile produced by the Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors since 1973.

The Lancer has been marketed as the Colt Lancer, Dodge Colt, Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueast Lioncel, and Mitsubishi Mirage in various countries at different times, and has been sold as the Mitsubishi Galant Fortis in Japan since 2007. It has also been sold as Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis in Taiwan with a different facelift than the Galant Fortis. In Japan, it was sold at a specific retail chain called Car Plaza.

Between its introduction in 1973 and 2008, over six million units were sold.[2] There have been nine generations of Lancers before the current model.[3]

Mitsubishi ended production of the Lancer in August 2017 worldwide, with the exception of Taiwan and China.[4] An extensive facelift was given to the car by Pininfarina’s Chinese offices.

First generation (A70; 1973)[edit]

The first Lancer (A70) was launched in February 1973. It served to fill the gap between the Minica kei car and the larger Galant. The sporting 1600 GSR model began the Lancer’s long and successful rally history, winning the Safari Rally twice and the Southern Cross Rally four times.

There were four body styles, two- and four-door sedans, a two-door hardtop coupe and a long-running five-door station wagon (built until replaced by the front-wheel drive Lancer/Mirage Van in March 1984). Engines were different 1.2-liter, 1.4-liter, and 1.6-liter fours.

This car was marketed under a variety of names: Dodge Colt in the United States, Plymouth Colt in Canada, Dodge Lancer in some Latin American countries, Chrysler Valiant Lancer in Australia, and Colt Lancer in some European markets.


Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste liftback

In February 1975, the Lancer was complemented by a hatchback called the Lancer Celeste, succeeding the Galant FTO. It was also called the Mitsubishi Celeste (New Zealand) or Colt Celeste in some markets; and sold as the Chrysler Lancer in Australia,[5] the Dodge Lancer Celeste in El Salvador, the Plymouth Arrow in the United States, and the Dodge Arrow in Canada.

Four-door Lancer assembly began in New Zealand in 1975, supplementing the larger English Hillman Avengers also built locally by importer Todd Motors. The Celeste was imported built-up from Japan initially and assembly of a single 1.6- liter, manual transmission model began in 1978 followed by a minor facelift about a year later.

The Celeste was originally available with 1.4- and 1.6-liter options, while a bigger 2.0-liter model was added later. An even larger 2.6-liter four was available in the US-market Plymouth Fire Arrow.[6] The Celeste was facelifted in 1978, receiving square headlights and bigger squarer bumpers.[7] Production of the Lancer Celeste ended in July 1981 and it was replaced by the front-wheel drive Cordia in early 1982.

Second generation (EX/A170; 1979)[edit]

Second generation
1980 Mitsubishi Lancer 1.2 Saloon (7786492708).jpg
Also called Colt Lancer (UK)
Production 1979–1987
  • Japan: Okazaki (Nagoya Plant)
  • New Zealand: Todd Park
  • Philippines: Cainta
  • Thailand: Laem Chabang (Mitsubishi Motors Thailand)
  • Indonesia: Pademangan, North Jakarta (PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor)
  • Aldo Sessano (design)
  • Rakuzo Mitamura (engineering)[8]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Front-engine, rear-wheel drive
  • Petrol engines:
  • 1244 cc 4G11 I4 (A171A)
  • 1410 cc 4G12 I4 (A172A)
  • 1439 cc 4G33 I4 (A173A; Indonesia)
  • 1597 cc 4G32 I4 (A174A)
  • 1795 cc 4G62 I4 (A175A; Japan)
  • 1795 cc 4G62T turbo I4 (A175A; Japan)
  • 1997 cc 4G63T turbo I4 (A176A; Europe)
  • 4-speed manual
  • 5-speed manual
  • 3-speed automatic
Wheelbase 2,440 mm (96.1 in)
Length 4,225–4,230 mm (166.3–166.5 in)
Width 1,620 mm (63.8 in)
Height 1,380–1,390 mm (54.3–54.7 in)
Curb weight 895–1,070 kg (1,973–2,359 lb)


Special grill and fog lights only for Japanese market Lancer 1800 models

First facelift

Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800 GSR Turbo

Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800 GSR Turbo with second facelift styling

In 1979, the all new Lancer EX was unveiled in Japan. Its new, clean and aerodynamic styling with integrated plastic bumpers reflected that of the recently introduced Galant and Sapporo. It was of a more European appearance than earlier Mitsubishi vehicles.[9]

This generation is only available as 4-door sedan, the 2-door sedan was axed while the previous generation Celeste coupé and wagon/van were continued for a few more years. Considerably more spacious, it grew in all dimensions.[9] Only two engines were offered at first, a 1.4-litre MCA-Jet equipped engine paired with Mitsubishi’s Silent Shaft Technology, which generated 80 PS (79 hp; 59 kW) and a 1.6-litre engine that generated 85 PS (84 hp; 63 kW). The MCA-Jet system was an entirely new concept when compared with the previously used carburetor system. The MCA stands for Mitsubishi Clean Air which meant that the EX passed both Japan and US emission standards, while the new cylinder head design of the engine gave way for a Jet valve which introduced an extra swirl of air to the combustion chamber, swirling the fuel-air mixture for a cleaner, efficient and more thorough burn.

In addition to these improvements, another breakthrough in the Lancer lineup was the Silent Shaft Technology, which was actually two counterbalancing shafts that rotated in opposite directions, cancelling the power pulses inherent in an inline four-cylinder engine. This reduced both engine noise and vibration, and provided a smoother driving experience. The 1.8-litre Sirius 80 engines were then introduced in the Lancer in 1980, expanding the Lancer’s range of engines. Also, a turbocharged, 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW) engine was added in 1980 for sportier performance, and an intercooler system was also integrated in the existing turbocharged engine to produce 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW) in 1983.

In 1980, The Lancer EX was introduced with a 1.8-litre turbocharged inline-four option known as the 1800GSR and GT Turbo. The first generation 1800GSR and GT were only available with a turbocharged, non-intercooled 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW).

New Zealand importer Todd Motors assembled the new Lancer EX from 1980 with 1.6-liter carburetor gasoline engine and a choice of manual or automatic transmission. The model was also a popular base for rally cars in that market, with some success. It was replaced by the front-drive Tredia in 1982 with the Cordia coupé equivalent effectively replacing the earlier Celeste.

This generation was manufactured locally in Indonesia by Mitsubishi’s partner, PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor at their plant in Jakarta. Unique for this market, this generation was fitted with a 1.4-litre (1439 cc) 4G33 engine, inherited from the previous generation Lancer (never offered in the country) and possibly the only market that received this engine in this generation. It was only offered with a single trim called SL.


European market Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo

In Europe, the Lancer EX sold well as its restrained styling better matched the desires of European buyers than its somewhat fussy predecessor. Other considerations concerned handling and also the demand for more passenger room, as Mitsubishi tailored the Lancer towards European consumers. It went on sale locally after making its European premier at the 1979 Frankfurt Show.[10]

Unlike in Japan at the time of introduction, European buyers could get a 1.2-litre option which suited local tax conditions. This engine later did become available in Japan as well, beginning in May 1981, but was discontinued in 1983 after the introduction of the smaller Lancer Fiore. Claimed outputs in Europe were lower than in the domestic market because of the net rating, with the 1200, 1400, and 1600 being good for 40, 50, and 60 kW (54, 68, and 82 PS; 54, 67, and 80 hp) respectively.[9] Here, the Lancer EX was also offered with a turbocharged 2.0-litre SOHC engine, known as the Lancer EX2000 Turbo. It achieved a maximum output of 170 PS (168 hp; 125 kW) and managed a top speed of 200 km/h (124 mph). This model was equipped with Electronically Controlled Injection (ECI).

Mitsubishi Lancer 2000 Turbo rally car

A rally version of the Lancer 2000 Turbo was made and homologated for Group 4 and Group B, made out 280 PS (276 hp; 206 kW). At home, sales of the turbo model were low because of emission regulations Japan imposed at that time.


While the export was stopped in 1983, this generation was continued to be available in Japan until 1987. Sold together with Mirage-based front-wheel drive Lancer Fiore.

  • 1200 Custom, GL – Powered by a 1.2-liter engine, with a four or five-speed manual transmission (1981–1983).
  • 1400 EL, GL, SL – Same as the 1200 but with a 1.4-litre engine option. The EL was the lowest priced version with very little equipment (1979–1987).
  • 1600 GT – The lowest sporty variant with 86 PS (85 hp; 63 kW) 1.6-litre engine (1979–1983).
  • 1600 XL – Powered by the same 1.6-litre engine as the 1600 GT, also available with a three-speed automatic transmission (1979–1987).
  • 1800 GSR – Similar to 1600 GT but powered with 100 PS (99 hp; 74 kW) 1.8-litre engine (1981–1984).
  • 1800 SE – Powered by a 1.8-litre engine and available with a 5 speed manual transmission or a three-speed automatic transmission (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GSR Turbo – Performance model powered by a turbocharged 1.8-litre engine producing 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW), with aesthetic upgrades (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GT Turbo – Same as the GSR Turbo, but with a different body trim (1981–1983).
  • 1800 GSR Turbo Intercooler – Intercooler version of the first turbo version, producing 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW), and with minor changes to the aesthetics (1983–1987).
  • 1800 GT Turbo Intercooler – Same as the GSR Turbo Intercooler, again with different body trim (1983–1987).
  • 1800 GSL Turbo – Same as the GSR Turbo Intercooler, only it used the engine from the GSR/GT Turbo, and equipped with a three-speed automatic transmission, and with a more luxurious interior along with an AM/FM multi-cassette stereo system (1983–1987).


Power rating:
JIS (gross) = Japanese market
DIN (net) = Export market


  • ECI turbocharged SOHC 1997 cc inline-four, 170 PS (168 hp; 125 kW) & 245 N⋅m (181 lb⋅ft; 25 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • ECI turbocharged with intercooler «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 160 PS (158 hp; 118 kW) & 220 N⋅m (162 lb⋅ft; 22 kg⋅m) (JIS)
  • ECI turbocharged «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 135 PS (133 hp; 99 kW) & 200 N⋅m (148 lb⋅ft; 20 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1795 cc inline-four, 100 PS (99 hp; 74 kW) & 147 N⋅m (108 lb⋅ft; 15 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1597 cc inline-four, 86–88 PS (85–87 hp; 63–65 kW) & 132–135 N⋅m (97–100 lb⋅ft; 13–14 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1597 cc inline-four high compression (9.5:1), 82–84 PS (81–83 hp; 60–62 kW) & 116–120 N⋅m (86–89 lb⋅ft; 12–12 kg⋅m) (DIN)
  • Carburetor SOHC 1597 cc inline-four low compression (8.5:1), 75 PS (74 hp; 55 kW) & 116 N⋅m (86 lb⋅ft; 12 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1439 cc inline-four, 88 PS (87 hp; 65 kW) & 112 N⋅m (83 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (JIS) / 70 PS (69 hp; 51 kW) & 104 N⋅m (77 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1410 cc inline-four, 82 PS (81 hp; 60 kW) & 121 N⋅m (89 lb⋅ft; 12 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1410 cc inline-four, 68 PS (67 hp; 50 kW) & 105 N⋅m (77 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (DIN)


  • Carburetor «MCA-Jet» SOHC 1244 cc inline-four, 72 PS (71 hp; 53 kW) & 107 N⋅m (79 lb⋅ft; 11 kg⋅m) (JIS)


  • Carburetor SOHC 1244 cc inline-four, 54 PS (53 hp; 40 kW) & 90 N⋅m (66 lb⋅ft; 9 kg⋅m) (DIN)

Third to seventh generations (1982–2003: Mirage-based Lancers)[edit]

Between 1982 and 2003, the Lancer in Japan derived from the subcompact Mirage—itself sold in many export markets under the name Colt. Mitsubishi had originally launched the Mirage in 1978 as a front-wheel drive hatchback, with a sedan variant later released in 1982—and a version of which sold in Japan as Lancer Fiore. Five generations of Mirage were manufactured by Mitsubishi up until 2003, with new generations released in 1983 and 1987 (with the equivalent Lancer delayed until 1988), 1991 to 1995. It was not until 1988—with the 1979 to 1987 Lancer now departed—that the Mirage-based Lancer eschewed the Fiore suffix in the home market.

Between 1982 and 1987, the aforementioned Mirage sedan with minor styling modifications sold as the Lancer Fiore through Japanese retail channels. The Fiore spanned two generations, the second of which came to the market in 1983. Internationally, the Fiore sedan often sold under the abbreviated name Lancer, and sometimes as the «Lancer F» (for example, in Germany). Thus, with the rear-wheel drive Lancer as introduced in 1979 and the front-wheel drive Lancer Fiore, Mitsubishi had two similarly sized models competing in the same market segment, sometimes even while sharing the Lancer badge.

Although naming conventions varied, for all generations, sedan versions of the Mirage were typically badged as Lancer in export markets such as the Philippines, although notably not in the United States. In Japan, sedan variants of the Mirage and Lancer sold alongside one another with minor differences in trim. The station wagon, part of the 1983 and 1991 iterations, was typically known as the Lancer in export markets. Likewise, the Mirage coupe variant, available with the 1991 and 1995 generations, also became part of the Lancer lineup in some regions.

Mitsubishi introduced replacements for the Mirage starting in 2000, with a new generation of Lancer sedan—now larger and having moved up to the compact segment. Then in 2002, a subcompact five-door hatchback badged Colt internationally became available, thus substituting the Mirage hatchback. By 2003, the Mirage had been completely phased out of mainstream Japanese production and Lancer became the primary title for Mitsubishi’s compact offerings.



Eighth generation (2000)[edit]

Eighth generation
2002-2003 Mitsubishi Lancer (CG) LS sedan (2011-10-25).jpg

Mitsubishi Lancer LS sedan (Australia; pre-facelift)

Also called Mitsubishi Cedia
Mitsubishi Lancer Cedia (Japan & Thailand)
Mitsubishi Virage (Taiwan)
Soueast Lioncel II
Mitsubishi Lancer Gala (Vietnam)
  • 2000–2010 (Japan)
  • 2002–2012 (Indonesia)
  • 2006-2013 (India)
  • 2000–2007 (US)
  • 2002–2015 (Venezuela)[11]
Assembly Japan: Okazaki (Nagoya Plant)
India: Tiruvallur (Hindustan)
Indonesia: Pademangan, North Jakarta (PT. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motor) (until June 2005)
Philippines: Cainta (2008–2012)
China: Fuzhou (Soueast)
Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)[12]
Thailand: Laem Chabang (MMTh)
Malaysia: Shah Alam, Selangor
Venezuela: Barcelona (MMC Automotriz)
Vietnam: Dĩ An, Bình Dương (Vinastar)
Designer Shuzo Akamine (1997)[13]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
5-door station wagon
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform CS2A–CS9W
Related Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII–IX
  • Gasoline:
  • 1.3 L 4G13 I4
  • 1.5 L 4G15 I4
  • 1.6 L 4G18 I4
  • 1.8 L 4G93 I4
  • 1.8 L 4G93T turbo I4
  • 2.0 L 4G94 I4
  • 2.0 L 4G63 I4
  • 2.4 L 4G69 I4
Transmission 5-speed manual
4-speed automatic
4-speed INVECS-II automatic
CVT automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,600 mm (102.4 in)
Length 4,495–4,605 mm (177.0–181.3 in)
Width 1,695 mm (66.7 in)
Height 1,375–1,425 mm (54.1–56.1 in)
Curb weight 1,399 kg (3,084 lb)

Lancer sedan (pre-facelift)

Lancer ES sedan (facelift)

Station wagon


May 2000 saw the release in Japan of the Lancer Cedia (meaning CEntury DIAmond); though in most markets the previous 1995 vintage Mirage-based Lancer soldiered on for a while longer, built at Mitsubishi’s Mizushima plant in Japan. The new model was available in sedan and station wagon forms. In Europe, the Lancer was not offered in some countries, being too close to the size of the Dutch-built Mitsubishi Carisma, so the Evo VII model sold there bore the Carisma name. This series of Lancer was still sold in Japan for 3 years alongside the 2007 onwards generation Lancer, sold there as the «Galant Fortis».

In February 2003, for the 2004 model year, a heavily restyled Lancer surfaced with a front styling that brought it into line with the Mitsubishi corporate look, as well as a restyled rear, to further differentiate itself from the Lancer Evolution. The car’s grille was then redesigned again in 2005 for the 2006 model year.



In Japan, the Lancer Cedia was offered with many different trim levels and engines, including some options never exported, such as a cargo variant of the station wagon, which was replaced by a rebranded Nissan AD. It was also one of the first models to use the INVECS-III CVT transmission. There was also a Ralliart version of the Sportswagon which was powered by a turbocharged 1.8-liter GDI engine. Until 2010, it was still sold alongside the 9th generation, known in Japan as the Galant Fortis.

In Taiwan, the Mitsubishi Lancer was produced and marketed by China Motor Corporation, and the car was slightly restyled in the beginning with larger front grilles, extra chrome trims, and the rear license plate located on the trunk lid instead of the rear bumper. Later, following the internationally sold facelift version, the front lamps were restyled and reshaped to be triangular while the tail lamps extended onto the trunk lid which is different from the version sold in other parts of the world. An additional facelift was added again in 2005 with white marker lights in the front replacing the amber ones and restyled tail lamps.

  • Sedan front (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan front (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

  • Sedan rear (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan rear (pre-facelift; Taiwanese spec)

  • Sedan rear (facelift; Taiwanese spec)

    Sedan rear (facelift; Taiwanese spec)

In Indonesia, the Lancer was available in GLXi and SEi trims. It was assembled locally and sold from 2002 until 2012.

In Malaysia, the Lancer was made available after Mitsubishi had sold all its shares in Malaysian carmaker Proton, marking the return of Mitsubishi in the Malaysian market after being absent since 1985 due to the agreement with Proton. The Lancer sold in Malaysia was powered by the 4G18 engine which also powered the early 1.6-liter Proton Waja model.

In the Philippines, the Lancer Cedia was originally launched in 2003, sourced from Mitsubishi’s Thailand plant until 2008, with 2008 to 2012 models assembled in Mitsubishi’s production plant in Cainta, Rizal.[14] It was offered with three trim levels; GLX, GLS and MX. Both GLX and GLS were powered with a 1.6-litre 4G18 SOHC engine with 110 PS (81 kW).[15] The MX was powered with a 1.8-litre 4G93 SOHC engine. Transmission choices were a 5-speed manual (GLX and GLS) or INVECS-III CVT (GLS and MX). In 2005 and 2007 respectively, the Lancer received its first and second facelifts: featuring new headlights, tail lights, front fascia, trunk lid, rear bumper and wheel designs. In 2008, it got also a third facelift; featuring new tail lights, black smoked headlights, new wheel designs and front fascia. In 2007, Mitsubishi Philippines also marketed GT and GSR trims. Both were powered with a 2.0-litre 4G63 engine and mated with a 4-speed INVECS-II transmissions. The GT received semi-bucket seats and a Momo steering wheel while the GSR had leather seats and only came in Glaire Beige (champagne).

In Pakistan, this variant was launched in 2005 with cosmetic changes from the front and the back. Thai production was switched to the new model, and in all markets except for India the previous model was no longer marketed, four years after the Cedia’s introduction. In India, it was first introduced at the 2006 Auto Expo in New Delhi as the Lancer Cedia, complementing the lower-priced Lancer.[16] All Lancer variants were built by Mitsubishi’s Indian partner Hindustan Motors. From 2009 on, it was sold under the Cedia name alone, available as the Cedia Select and the Cedia Sports.[16] In order to comply with the emissions regulations and to accommodate lower quality petrol, it used a slightly detuned version of the SOHC 16-valve 4G94 found on the Lancer, having 115 PS (85 kW; 113 hp) at 5250 rpm and 175 N⋅m (129 lb⋅ft) at 4250 rpm. The Cedia, a rather expensive car for Indian conditions, was discontinued without a direct successor in June 2013 as Mitsubishi India chose to focus on SUVs. Production was reported to have ended in November 2012.[17]


In Australia, this series of Lancer was introduced as the CG series in July 2002 with the 2.0-liter 4G94 engine. The 2003 facelift, designated the CH series,[18] introduced a heavily updated VR-X, which included new 16″ alloys, stiffer suspension, body styling kit, and gear shifter borrowed from the Lancer Evolution. In 2004, the new Lancer wagon was introduced as a direct replacement for its ageing circa 1992 predecessor.

In August 2005, all Lancers were upgraded to the 2.4-liter 4G69 engine, producing 115 kW (154 hp) and 220 N⋅m (162 lb⋅ft) of torque. The upgraded engine also saw a change in trim levels and upgraded equipment—the ES and LS models now featured a more upmarket looking black interior, while the VR-X gained a new black grille to closer resemble the Lancer Evolution IX. The equipment levels of all models were also upgraded, with the LS and VR-X gaining climate control, and a premium audio system sourced from the luxury Mitsubishi Verada. The Exceed model was discontinued, and all updated models now used JDM sized rear bumpers instead of the larger USDM sized versions. Additionally, the wagon also saw these changes; and as of 2007, continues to be sold alongside the sedan.

The ES and LS models were given a minor facelift for the 2007 model year; this time gaining the same front grille as the US models, and putting it into line with the current corporate look—similar to that of the Colt and the locally built 380. A limited edition ES model dubbed «Velocity» went on sale prior to this generation being replaced. This package included VR-X grille, rear spoiler, leather/Alcantara bolstered seats, sports pedals, 15-inch alloy wheels and chrome exhaust tip—all for the same price as the previous standard ES.


In some European markets, the Lancer began to take the place of the Carisma in 2004. It is powered by a 1.3-liter SOHC 16-valve 4G13 engine producing 82 PS (60 kW) at 5,000 rpm and 120 N⋅m (89 lb⋅ft) of torque at 4,000 rpm. The next engine in the range is the 1.6-liter SOHC 4G18 engine producing 98 PS (72 kW) at 5,000 rpm and 150 N⋅m (111 lb⋅ft) at 4,000 rpm. Finally, there is the 2.0-liter DOHC 4G63 producing 135 PS (99 kW) at 5,750 rpm and 176 N⋅m (130 lb⋅ft) at 4,500 rpm.

North America[edit]

In North America, the Lancer was introduced in 2001 for the 2002 model year as a direct replacement for the Mirage. In the United States, Chrysler had offered an unrelated Dodge Lancer at various stages between the 1950s and 1980s. However, when Daimler, who owned Chrysler at the time, briefly controlled Mitsubishi through the DaimlerChrysler-Mitsubishi alliance from 2000 through to 2004, the rights to the «Lancer» name were relinquished to Mitsubishi for usage in North America. Consequently, after Mitsubishi discontinued the 1995 series Mirage for North America in 2001, the replacement model adopted the Lancer name for the first time.

North American Lancers were powered by a 2.0-liter 4G94 engine producing 120 hp (89 kW) and 130 lb⋅ft (176 N⋅m) of torque. In Mexico, the Lancer sedan was available in DE, ES, LS and GS trims with a 2.0-liter DOHC 4G63 engine.

2006 Mitsubishi Lancer ES (North American spec)

Mitsubishi Lancer LS wagon (US)

In addition to the facelift, North America received three additional models to the Lancer line in 2004—Lancer Ralliart, LS Sportback and Ralliart Sportback. Ralliart slots in between the base models and high-performance Evolution. These cars came equipped with Mitsubishi’s 2.4-liter 4G69 engine (rated at 160 hp (119 kW)/ 162 lb⋅ft (220 N⋅m) for the Sportback, and 162 hp (121 kW)/ 162 lb⋅ft (220 N⋅m) for the Ralliart). The power gain was due to a tuned muffler for the Ralliart, and also included a new, stiffer suspension package that improved handling and lowered for Ralliart and lifted the LS Sportback by 2.9 inches. The LS Sportback had 15-inch steel or optional 15-inch alloy wheels. The Ralliart came with 16-inch alloy wheels, front bucket seats borrowed from Japan’s Mitsubishi Evolution GT-A, optional fog lamps, and a new aerodynamic ground package for Ralliart. The LS Sportback and Ralliart Sportback were equipped with a four-speed INVECS-II automatic transmission, while the Ralliart came with a five-speed manual transmission with an option for the four-speed automatic.

For the 2005 model year, the grille was changed to include more fins to reflect a closer similarity to the North American Galant. For the 2006 model year, the fascia was changed again from a bridged fascia to one with an open vent after Mitsubishi received complaints from current owners regarding its similarity in appearance to General Motors Division Pontiac’s corporate look, and to bring the appearance closer to its bigger brother, the Evolution.

The Lancer Sportback wagon was cancelled in the United States one year after its release, but the Mitsubishi Lancer wagon was sold in Canada for a while longer.

Ninth generation (2007)[edit]

Ninth generation
2007-2009 Mitsubishi Lancer (CJ) VR sedan 02.jpg

Mitsubishi Lancer VR sedan (Australia; pre-facelift)

Also called Mitsubishi Galant Fortis (Japan)
Mitsubishi Galant
Proton Inspira (Malaysia)
Mitsubishi Lancer EX
Production 2007–2017
Model years 2008–2017
Assembly Japan: Kurashiki (Mizushima Plant)
Brazil: Catalão (MMC Automotores)
China: Fuzhou (Soueast)
Philippines: Cainta (2008–2014) (MMPC)
Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)
Thailand: Laem Chabang (MMTh)
Malaysia: Shah Alam, Selangor (Proton)
Designer Omer Halilhodžić (2004)[19]
Norihiko Yoshimine[20]
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
5-door hatchback
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform Mitsubishi GS platform
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X
  • Mitsubishi ASX[21]
  • Mitsubishi Outlander (second generation)[21]
  • Mitsubishi Outlander (third generation)[21]
  • Gasoline:
  • 1.5 L 4A91 I4
  • 1.6 L 4A92 I4
  • 1.8 L 4B10 I4
  • 1.8 L 4J10 I4
  • 2.0 L 4B11 I4
  • 2.0 L 4B11T turbo I4
  • 2.4 L 4B12 I4
  • Diesel:
  • 1.8 L 4N13 turbo I4
  • 2.0 L VW BWC turbo I4
  • 5/6-speed manual
  • 6-speed Ralliart dual-clutch automatic
  • 4-speed automatic (INVECS-II)
  • CVT automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,635 mm (103.7 in)
Length Sedan: 4,570 mm (179.9 in)
4,625 mm (182.1 in) (2016 facelift)
Sportback: 4,585 mm (180.5 in)
Width 1,760 mm (69.3 in)
Height Sedan: 1,490 mm (58.7 in)
Sportback: 1,515 mm (59.6 in)
Curb weight 1,230–1,415 kg (2,712–3,120 lb)
1,570–1,593 kg (3,461–3,512 lb) (Ralliart)

In 2005, Mitsubishi revealed the «Concept X» model car at the Tokyo Motor Show and its «Concept Sportback» model at the Frankfurt Motor Show. The new Lancer was previewed by these two concepts. The new Lancer was officially revealed in January 2007 at the North American International Auto Show and went on sale in North American markets in March 2007 as a 2008 model. New Lancer features Mitsubishi’s next-generation RISE safety body.



With the exception of the Lancer Evolution X, the Lancer is marketed as the Galant Fortis (Latin for strong, brave and resolute) in the Japanese domestic market because the sixth generation of Lancer is still in production at that time.[22] It comes in three trim levels: Exceed, Super Exceed, and Sport.[23]

Due to the popular demand for the previous 2000-era Lancer in Singapore, it continued to be sold alongside the new 2007 era Lancer which was called «Lancer EX» to differentiate itself from the former for two years. The 1.5- and 2.0-liter engine sizes and a flagship GT trim level were available in Singapore. For model year 2009, the design was refreshed all around with an updated front grille, darkened clear tail lamps, and chrome lining with an additional floor console internally. The rear for the 2.0-liter variants had disc brakes for better stopping power. From 2014 models onwards, only a 1.6-liter engine was offered in Elegance and Sports trim with factory AM/FM radio, ducktail spoiler, and 16” black gloss 10-spoke chrome rims or 16” Spaco gunmetal rims. For a limited period between 2015 and 2017, the Lancer EX had a slightly revamped rear with double rectangular “C-shaped” LED tail lamp clusters and had its Lancer badge positioned to the center of the boot.

In Malaysia, the Lancer was first launched in August 2007 with a sole variant known as GT.[24] The Lancer was then updated in 2009[25] and an EX variant was launched in July 2010.[26] In October 2010, the Sportback bodystyle was launched in October 2010.[27] The Lancer was then updated in August 2012[28] and April 2014.[29] Also, Proton had renewed cross-licensing and technology transfer agreements with Mitsubishi as of October 2008 and lead to the Proton Inspira which is a badge-engineered 2007–2017 Lancer.[30]

In Indonesia, only the GT is sold and it utilizes the 2.0-liter 4B1 engine and is sold alongside the Evolution X. The previous generation Lancer was still sold, marketed as the Cedia using the 1.8-liter 4G9 engine.

Hong Kong received its unique edition of the Lancer in 2008, dubbed the Lancer 2.0. The car comes in two trim levels, without a name for either of them. Both are equipped with the 4B11 2.0-liter engine, seven airbags, eight-speaker stereo system, adaptive front-lighting system (AFS) with HID as well as 18-inch alloy wheels. The upper trim has a Ralliart style body kit which includes a revised front bumper, side skirt, rear bumper with diffuser, and the addition of a correct-to-Evolution X rear spoiler, while the lower trim makes do without the above-mentioned features.

In the Philippines, the 9th generation Lancer was launched in mid-2008 as the «Lancer EX» to differentiate it from the previous generation Lancer sold alongside it, which would be discontinued by 2012. It was initially available only with a 2.0-litre 4B11 powerplant. The top-of-the-line GT and GT-A were added into the lineup in 2008. The GT and GT-A were essentially the same, both coming with rear spoilers, side skirts, and 18″ alloy wheels, the only difference being that the GT came with a 5-speed manual, while the GT-A came with a CVT transmission with paddle shifters. A Ralliart version was also available, with a 2.0-litre single turbo engine making 240 hp paired to a 6-speed dual clutch automatic transmission. Like the Evolution X, it came with an all-wheel-drive system featuring active yaw control and an active center differential.[31]

In 2011, 3 trim levels were available: the base GLX which had no fog lights and three-beam headlights. It came with a 1.6-litre 4A92 MIVEC engine, making 117 hp, paired to a 5-speed manual or a 4-speed automatic.[32] The mid-range GLS has fog lights, GPS navigation with touchscreen. The same transmission options as the GLX were available. The top-of-the-line MX adds HID headlights, a blue LCD monitoring screen beneath the speedometer, and paddle-shifters. In 2010 the GT trim was phased out, while in 2012, the GLS was phased out.

Between August 2015 and August 2017, GHK Motors (Mitsubishi Brunei) had offered a version of the Lancer Sportback under the name Mitsubishi Galant in Brunei.[33] The Galant is equipped with the 2.4-liter engine, 18-inch alloy wheels, a Ralliart style front grille, side skirts, rear spoiler, and sports front seats.[34][35]


The Lancer was released in Australia in October 2007, designated the CJ series, and was initially available in ES, VR and VRX trim. The ES included cruise control, driver, passenger, and knee airbags, stability and traction control as standard. The VR added alloy wheels, fog lights, side skirts, boot lip spoiler, rain-sensing wipers, automatic headlights, six-disc CD changer, as well as curtain and side airbags. The VRX received extra skirts including front aprons, a larger rear spoiler, 18-inch alloys, 9-speaker Rockford Fosgate sound system, keyless entry, keyless engine start, and Bluetooth connectivity with voice control. All three models shared the same 4B11 2.0-litre engine and can be found with a manual gearbox or CVT. The Sportback body followed the sedan and has been available for all variants except the Aspire.

In July 2008, the Lancer Evolution X (officially just «Lancer Evolution» at the time) became available for orders in Australia.[36]

In September 2008, another variant, the Aspire, was introduced.[37] The Aspire was based on the 2009 model VRX, which had a new 4B12 2.4-litre engine. The Aspire included more luxury features and only came with a CVT, whereas the VRX maintained a manual gearbox option.

In late 2008, the Ralliart variant became available.[38] It featured a single turbocharged version of the 4B11 engine, all-wheel drive (AWD) and a twin-clutch six-speed (TC-SST) gearbox.

In 2010, the limited edition ACTiV was added to the lineup.[39] The ACTiV was based on the ES and added features such as 16-inch alloy wheels, side skirts, rear spoiler, hands-free Bluetooth and multi-function leather steering wheel.

Various special models have also been introduced, such as the Platinum Edition, which is based on the VR but added a chrome grille, window surrounds (sedan only), MMCS satellite navigation, and Bluetooth. The RX version is derived from the ES but comes with standard alloy wheels. Another model introduced in 2010 was the SX coming with factory alloys, leather steering wheel, and gear shifter as well as factory spoiler.

From model year 2013 onward (introduced in late 2012), the Aspire was dropped.


In Europe, a diesel model was also available from 2007 to September 2010. This was a 2.0-liter PD-TDI 103 kW (138 hp) engine sourced from Volkswagen, with engine code BWC.[40] From September 2010, it was also available with Mitsubishi’s own 1.8-liter 4N1 engine.[41] This engine has an aluminium cylinder block, four valves per cylinder and a common rail injection system with variable geometry turbocharger and variable valve timing. It develops 85 kW (116 PS; 114 bhp) and 300 N⋅m (221 lb⋅ft).[42]

In Ireland, the specifications are different from those of models sold in the United Kingdom. The Lancer is available in five-door hatchback (Sportback) or four-door sedan body styles. Engines are the 1.5- and 1.8-liter petrol and the 2.0-liter diesel—all available in the United Kingdom until 2012. Trim levels are GS2, GS3, and GS4 for the saloon, and GS2, GS3, and Juro (satellite navigation and rear-view camera) for the Sportback. The Sportback Juro model marked a temporary end to the line in the UK and was the most generously equipped. A Ralliart version (petrol), a detuned version of the Evolution, was also available. Mitsubishi intended to supply the UK with 400 further Lancers in late 2014.

North America[edit]

2011 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart sedan (US)

For the United States, the Lancer was initially available in DE, ES, and GTS trim levels.[43] DE, ES, and GTS models are powered by a GEMA based 4B11, 2.0-liter DOHC engine producing 152 hp (113 kW) (except for California models which have been detuned to 143 hp (107 kW) to meet regulations). Transmission options include a brand new F1CJA continuously variable transmission (CVT), sourced from Jatco, alongside a regular F5MBB five-speed manual sourced from Aisin Seiki. GTS models get a six-speed paddle shift version of the CVT.

In Canada, a fourth model (SE) was introduced to the Lancer lineup. The SE model is a cross between the ES and GTS models. Features not included in the SE model that is found in the GTS are the FAST key, automatic climate control, carbon-fiber trim pieces, leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, and 18-inch wheels.

For US markets, starting with the 2009 model year, an ES Sport version was released similar to the SE model for the Canadian market. Externally the ES Sport is similar in appearance to the GTS—with side skirts, rear spoiler, etc. (with the exception of the wheels, the ES Sport retains the ES wheelset). The ES Sport also uses the 2.0-liter engine.[44]

For 2009, the GTS is powered by a 2.4-liter 4B12 engine producing 168 hp (125 kW) and 167 lb⋅ft (226 N⋅m).[44]

For 2012, A new trim level called SE was added. The SE model features the 2.4-liter 4B12 engine and Mitsubishi’s all-wheel-drive system. The SE is only available with a CVT transmission. For 2013, another trim level called GT was added. Based on the all-wheel-drive SE trim level, excluding the all-wheel control system, the GT features sportier suspension, upmarket options, and an available manual transmission.

The five-door hatchback version, known as the Sportback, was introduced for the Canadian market in spring 2009, and in the US for the 2010 model year in mid-2009.[45][46]

A detuned and cheaper version of the Evolution X was announced at the 2008 North American International Auto Show. This model became available for purchase in the United States in October 2008.

For 2009, the Ralliart is available exclusively with the TC-SST transmission.[47] The TC-SST transmission equipped in the Ralliart offers two modes (Normal, Sport) rather than the three modes the same transmission offers in the Lancer Evolution X MR (Normal, Sport, S-Sport). The car also includes a simplified version of the Evolution X’s AWD system, with a simple «mechanical limited-slip» rear differential.[48]

South America[edit]

To differentiate it from the previous model, still, on sale, this model is marketed as «Lancer Serie R» in Chile. For the same reason, in El Salvador, depending on the engine and trim, this series is titled «Lancer EX» or «Lancer GT».

In Brazil, Lancer was officially sold by Mitsubishi Motors 2007–2017. Between 2015 and 2017 was produced in Catalão Mitsubishi’s factory. It was sold in four versions: MT, HL, HLE, and GT. All versions come with the 2.0-liter 4B11 l4 engine (gasoline). The Lancer Sportback was sold until 2013 in a single version, signed by Ralliart, and the Lancer Evolution X is also sold, although not produced locally.


Mitsubishi Lancer ES Sport sedan (Australia; facelift)

In October 2015, Mitsubishi released details of the model year 2016 Lancer facelift for North America.[49] The MY16 update was announced and released for Australia in December 2015.[50] It sports a mildly altered front and does without the Ralliart-style grille of the MY15 version, now with a cleaner front bumper with integrated chrome upper and lower grilles. New C-shaped LED daytime running lamps surrounding the foglights and side skirts complete the exterior changes, while the cabin gains a high-contrast instrument cluster, a new front centre console with silver and black accents, and a new colour touchscreen audio system with DAB digital radio.[51] It was also released in the Philippines in April 2016 and it came in two trims; GLS and GT-A.[52]


Mitsubishi Motors North America’s executive vice president and CEO, Don Swearingen, confirmed in January 2017 that Mitsubishi would end the Lancer’s production in August 2017, without a successor.[53] Mitsubishi’s main focus was to be on crossovers and SUVs, but production of the Mirage hatchback and the G4 sedan will continue due to ongoing popular demand for the Mirage nameplate in the North American market.

Lancer Fortis / Lancer iO[edit]

2007–2013 Lancer Fortis (grey)
2008–2011 Lancer iO (white)

The Lancer Fortis and Lancer iO are derivatives of the global Lancer model. Both models were developed primarily for the Taiwanese market, historically a stronghold for Mitsubishi vehicles.[54] The Lancer Fortis and iO are locally assembled in Taiwan and China by CMC and Soueast respectively. CMC also exported the Lancer Fortis to the Middle East.[55]

The Lancer Fortis made its debut in Taiwan in August 2007. The Fortis has a unique exterior design, but its interior styling and mechanical underpinnings are largely identical to the global Lancer model.[54] Early models of the Lancer Fortis were powered by the 157 PS (115 kW), 2.0-litre 4B11 engine paired to the INVECS-III CVT gearbox.[56] Later variants were offered with the 143 PS (105 kW), 1.8-litre 4B10 plant, while the 2.0-litre Fortis models were discontinued by 2010.[57]

In April 2008, Mitsubishi launched the Lancer iO in Taiwan. The iO was pitched as a sportier version of the Lancer Fortis, featuring a more aggressive front grille and bumper combination.[58] In February 2012, Mitsubishi discontinued the Fortis-based iO, and launched the global Lancer locally under the iO nameplate.[59] The Taiwanese colloquial term for the 2012 Lancer iO and the global Lancer is ‘shark head’ (鯊魚頭).[60]

The Lancer Fortis made its Chinese debut at the 2013 Shanghai Motor Show.[61] The Chinese market Lancer Fortis features a different front grille and bumper design in addition to other minor cosmetic changes. The base models are powered by the 113 hp (84 kW), 1.6-litre 4A92 engine, and the range topping variants received the 1.8-litre 4B10.[62] The Lancer Fortis in China is positioned in between the more expensive Lancer EX, and the cheaper Lancer Classic.[63]

The Taiwanese market Lancer Fortis and iO were simultaneously facelifted in May 2014. The design of the front grille and bumper combination on both models became more aggressive, while the Fortis adopted the ‘shark head’ design and the headlamps from the global Lancer. The rear lamps on both models were also revised, and the interior designs received minor cosmetic enhancements. The powerplant configuration for both models was refined for better fuel efficiency but was otherwise largely unchanged.[64] The Chinese market Lancer EX was later updated in line with the Lancer iO design.[63]

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift front

    Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift front

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift rear

    Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis second facelift rear

Tenth generation (2017)[edit]

Tenth generation
2017 CMC-Mitsubishi Lancer.jpg
Manufacturer China Motor Corporation
Also called Mitsubishi Grand Lancer (Taiwan)
Production 2017–present
Assembly Taiwan: Yangmei (China Motor)
Designer Sin Ko (of Pininfarina) (2015)
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform Mitsubishi GS platform
Engine 1.8 L 4J10 I4
Transmission Jatco CVT8 automatic (INVECS-III)
Wheelbase 2,635 mm (103.7 in)
Length 4,615 mm (181.7 in)
Width 1,770 mm (69.7 in)
Height 1,490 mm (58.7 in)
Curb weight 1,330–1,415 kg (2,932–3,120 lb)

Rear view


In January 2017, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to continue the Lancer nameplate in certain Asian markets such as Taiwan and China after 2017, due to ongoing popular demand for the Lancer nameplate within the Chinese-speaking world. The development of the new Grand Lancer in Taiwan was led and designed by the Taiwanese China Motor Corporation (CMC). Part of the design was partnered with Pininfarina Shanghai. Due to the international version being discontinued, the new generation Lancer is built on the same platform as the existing model as an extensive facelift. It comes with the new Mitsubishi Dynamic Shield grille and redesigned creases over the side body panels. The interior, front hood, front bumpers, front fenders, front and rear door panels including the rear passenger door window, the boot lid, and the rear bumper have been completely redesigned for the new generation, while the rest is carried over from the pre-2017 model.[65]



Since 2007, the Lancer has regularly featured within the Top 10 and Top 20 vehicle sales charts. Prior to the discontinuation of Lancer production in 2017, John Signoriello, CEO of Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd, decided to stockpile as many Lancers as possible, in order to sell them in succeeding years.[66] The following table shows sales since 2006.

Year Units sold Australian Sales Rank
2006 15,500< 14
2008 19,688 8
2009 21,362 7
2010 23,064 9
2011 10
2012 16
2016 7,272
2017 7,560
Total 94,446<

See also[edit]

  • Mitsubishi Lancer Cargo
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
  • Mitsubishi Lancer WRC
  • Mitsubishi Racing Lancer
  • Proton Inspira
  • Proton Jebat


  1. ^ Ewing, Stephen. «Mitsubishi will end Lancer production in August». motor1.com. Motorsport Network. Retrieved 7 January 2017.
  2. ^ «All new 2008 Lancer» (PDF). AllNewLancer.ca. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-09-29.
  3. ^ «Lancer EX» (PDF). New-Lancer.com. 9 May 2013. p. 13. Retrieved 1 July 2015. Mitsubishi Lancer first hit the streets in 1973 and has never looked back. Over the past three decades, Lancer has evolved into a sports machine like no other, turning heads on city streets and rally courses alike. After nine generations of development, Mitsubishi’s passion for driving has created a blend of power, performance and aerodynamics that will have sports driving connoisseurs instantly hooked, all combined with a style that is undeniably Lancer.
  4. ^ «Mitsubishi is killing the Lancer this summer». AutoBlog.com.
  5. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer (Chrysler LB Lancer Hatchback )». GoAuto. John Mellor. Retrieved 8 October 2010.
  6. ^ Flammang, James M. (1994). Standard Catalog of Imported Cars, 1946-1990. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, Inc. pp. 503–504. ISBN 0-87341-158-7.
  7. ^ Car Graphic: Car Archives Vol. 11, ’80s Japanese Cars. Tokyo: Nigensha. 2007. p. 214. ISBN 978-4-544-91018-6.
  8. ^ Long, Brian (2007). Mitsubishi Lancer Evo: The Road Car & WRC Story. Dorchester: Veloce Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84584-055-6.
  9. ^ a b c Rombauts, Walter, ed. (15 September 1979). «Volledig veranderd, maar nog steeds dezelfde naam» [Completely changed, but still with the same name]. Keesings Auto Magazine (in Dutch). Antwerp, Belgium. 2 (17): 20–21.
  10. ^ Rombauts, Walter, ed. (15 September 1979). «Salon van Frankfurt is aanklacht tegen politieke machthebbers» [Frankfurt Show is an indictment of political leaders]. Keesings Auto Magazine (in Dutch). Antwerp, Belgium. 2 (17): 18.
  11. ^ «Lancer GLX». Mitsubishi Motors Venezuela. Archived from the original on 14 July 2013.
  12. ^ «Facts & Figures Mitsubishi Motors Corporation 2001» (PDF). Mitsubishi Motors. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 June 2012. Retrieved 22 March 2011. Production facilities outside Japan – China Motor Corp. (CMC), Yang Mei Factory, 49 Shio Tsai Rd., Yang Mei Taoyuan, Taiwan
  13. ^ Long, Brian; Kurihara, Shinichi (February 2007). Mitsubishi Lancer EVO I to X: The Road Car and WRC Story. Veloce Publishing. ISBN 9781845840556.
  14. ^ «Mitsubishi launches first salvo for the year». Motorista News. 2003-02-05. Archived from the original on 2003-03-01.
  15. ^ «2003 Lancer — Technical Specifications». Motorista News. 2003-02-05. Archived from the original on 2003-02-28.
  16. ^ a b «Fer de Lance(r)». CarWale. 2009-11-10. Archived from the original on 2022-06-08.
  17. ^ Ravi, Anjan (2013-06-26). «Official: Mitsubishi India discontinues the Cedia Sports». Indian Autos Blog. Archived from the original on 2020-11-26.
  18. ^ «CH Lancer Prices Released». AutoWeb. Archived from the original on 12 October 2010. Retrieved 30 December 2008.
  19. ^ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:JPS_001298845.pdf[dead link]
  20. ^ «Contents CHAPTER ONE Early living». 11 January 2009.
  21. ^ a b c «Mitsubishi ASX Review». CarAdvice.com. Retrieved 2021-05-13.
  22. ^ «Mitsubishi unveils «design study» shots of the production Evo X». Autoblog.
  23. ^ «Mitsubishi Galant Fortis Launched». World Car Fans.
  24. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2007-08-07. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  25. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT facelifted in Malaysia!». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2009-07-30. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  26. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer EX – a very different kind of Lancer». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2010-07-16. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  27. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback 2.4 launched in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2010-10-21. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  28. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT updated in Malaysia». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2012-08-09. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  29. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GTE detailed – now priced at RM118,888». Paul Tan’s Automotive News. 2014-04-11. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  30. ^ Tan, Paul. «Proton Inspira now officially open for bookings». PaulTan.org. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  31. ^ «Review: 2012 Mitsubishi Lancer EX Ralliart». CarGuide.PH. 25 April 2012. Retrieved 20 March 2022.
  32. ^ «Review: 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer EX GLX A/T». CarGuide.PH. 12 March 2013. Retrieved 20 March 2022.
  33. ^ Agus, Raghadah (7 August 2015). «Mitsubishi Galant’s sporty revamp». The Brunei Times. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  34. ^ Roslan, Wani (8 August 2015). «GHK Motors introduces Mitsubishi Galant Sportback». Borneo Bulletin. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  35. ^ «Galant». GHK Motors. 2015. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.
  36. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution». CarSales.com.au. 11 Sep 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  37. ^ «Mitsubishi plugs gap with Lancer Aspire». CarSales.com.au. 17 Sep 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  38. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart». CarSales.com.au. 11 Nov 2008. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  39. ^ «Mitsubishi gets ACTiV with new Lancer». CarSales.com.au. 5 Mar 2010. Retrieved 21 Mar 2017.
  40. ^ Ross, David (26 March 2008). «Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 Di-D GS4». Auto Express. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  41. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer – 4-doors, sedan». Auto-Types.com. 28 November 2010. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  42. ^ Zevedei, Daniel. «Mitsubishi Lancer 1.8 DI-D ClearTec Edition Two – 4-doors, sedan». Auto-Types.com. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  43. ^ «2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Review». JB car pages. Retrieved 25 February 2009.
  44. ^ a b «2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Review». JB car pages. Retrieved 25 February 2009.
  45. ^ «2010 Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback coming to America five+door style». Jalopnik.
  46. ^ «First Drives » First Drive: 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback». CanadianDriver. 30 March 2009. Retrieved 3 April 2010.
  47. ^ «2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Specs». JB car pages. Retrieved 25 February 2009.
  48. ^ «2008 Detroit Auto Show: 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart». Edmunds.
  49. ^ Maric, Paul (1 October 2015). «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer update revealed: Australia confirmed and Ralliart dumped». CarAdvice. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  50. ^ «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer busts out». Motoring. 16 December 2015. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  51. ^ Beissmann, Tim (16 December 2015). «2016 Mitsubishi Lancer facelift brings extra equipment to ageing small car». CarAdvice. Retrieved 25 May 2016.
  52. ^ Andres, Anton (11 April 2016). «MIAS 2016: Mitsubishi quietly unveils updated Lancer». AutoIndustriya.com. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
  53. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer production to be discontinued in August». 6 January 2017. Retrieved 14 Feb 2017.
  54. ^ a b 張之杰 (30 August 2007). «國產7氣囊,Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis 64.5萬起». News.U-Car.com.tw (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  55. ^ «Lancer Fortis Launch». CMC-Motor.com. 19 March 2017. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  56. ^ 蔡致堅 (31 August 2007). «MITSUBISHI Lancer Fortis 2.0全面升級,國產中型房車再創話題». AutoNet.com.tw (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  57. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis». U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  58. ^ 九重葛 (9 June 2008). «史上最強運動性格-Mitsubishi Lancer iO» [The Most Athletic Personality: Mitsubishi Lancer iO]. U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  59. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer iO». U-CAR.com.tw (in Chinese). MediaBrilliance System Corporation. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  60. ^ 葉毓中 (10 April 2012). «Mitsubishi【試車報導】遲到,總比不到好!Lancer iO風格終一致» (in Chinese). carstuff.com.tw. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  61. ^ «Shanghai Motor Show 2013 (4)». MarkLines.com. 17 June 2013. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  62. ^ «Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis». ChinaAutoWeb.com. 19 March 2017. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  63. ^ a b Wang, Joey (29 July 2016). «Spy Shots: This Is The New Mitsubishi Lancer EX For China». CarNewsChina.com. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  64. ^ 梁尚倫 (22 May 2014). «形貌變更,Mitsubishi Lancer雙車系64.5萬元起改款登場» (in Chinese). news.u-car.com.tw. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
  65. ^ Karkafiris, Michael (2017-03-23). «New 2018 Mitsubishi Grand Lancer Targets China And Other Asian Markets». Carscoops. Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  66. ^ Wallis, Robbie (2017-11-28). «Mitsubishi Australia hopeful Lancer will survive». GoAuto. Retrieved 2019-02-20.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • Mitsubishi Grand Lancer website Archived 2018-12-02 at the Wayback Machine (Taiwan Mitsubishi Motors)
  • Mitsubishi Lancer official history from archive.org (archived 22 November 2004)

Попытавшись поставить точку в этом вопросе, мы внезапно оказались под перекрестным огнем жаркой дискуссии физиков и лириков. Точнее, лингвистов-переводчиков и официального представительства. Не все так просто, как может показаться.
Чтобы определиться, какой же все-таки вариант правильный — «Мицубиси» или «Мицубиши» — для начала подойдем к вопросу с научной, лингвистической точки зрения. Но не пугайтесь, тут все просто и очень даже интересно.

В 1917 году русский лингвист и востоковед Евгений Дмитриевич Поливанов первым разработал систему записи японских слов кириллицей, которая активно используется и поныне и известна как система Поливанова.

Вы уже знаете о приключениях человека-антиаварии в интернете?
Все сводные таблицы можно легко найти в интернете, да и взрывать вам мозги фактами о том, что японский алфавит – силлабический, мы не будем. Нам сейчас важно выяснить, как должны читаться спорные слоги. А читаться они, по версии Поливанова, должны как «си», а не «ши», «ти», а не «чи», «ся», а не «ша», «сю», а не «шу» и так далее. Таким образом, правильнее будет произносить все-таки «Мицубиси».

И все было бы просто и понятно, если бы не еще один лингвист, товарищ Джеймс Кертис Хэпберн, который еще в конце XIX века предложил свой вариант для транскрибирования японского языка. В соответствии с ним корректнее читать «Митсубиши». И вот именно тут кроется главная причина нынешних разночтений: система Поливанова создавалась под кириллицу, а систему Хэпберна – под латиницу.

Из этого тунца можно навертеть очень много суси. Да-да, именно суси.
Казалось бы – да пусть за океаном произносят как хотят со своим Хэпберном! Но почему же тогда в русском языке так прочно укоренился хэпберновский вариант? Все просто. Еще до того, как народ начал вникать в нюансы произношения, названия поступавших на наш рынок импортных товаров были представлены на латинице, и под лавиной компьютеров Toshiba и аудиосистем Nakamichi народ как-то не особо задумывался о происхождении и правильном чтении этих названий – учили же в школе на уроках английского, что sh читается как «ш», ну и все! Какие вопросы? При этом, что интересно, конкретно с «Мицубиси» поначалу ситуация была лучше – оба варианта существовали в русской речи примерно на равных. Но потом мода на англоязычные названия взяла верх, в том числе – и над рекламщиками, которые из каждого утюга убеждали, что надо произносить «ши». Контрольным выстрелом стал переход на хэпберновское произношение официального представительства Mitsubishi. Поливанов устал в гробу вертеться, одним словом.

Ну а дальше включается в дело такое беспощадное лингвистическое явление, как передача по традиции – это когда народ так долго, упорно и массово произносит слово неправильно, что этот неправильный вариант в итоге принимают за норму. Например, национальное московское блюдо «суши» уже никогда в жизни никого не заставишь произносить как «суси» — остается только смириться.

Лучик света в этом темном царстве проливают географические названия – они, как правило, укоренялись в русском языке еще до нашествия зарубежных брендов. Мы же называем Хиросиму Хиросимой, хотя по логике должны говорить «Хирошима» — по-английски этот город пишется как Hiroshima.

Ноутбуки Toshiba нормально работают только у тех, кто знает, как произность их название.
В таком случае логично было бы обратиться к носителям языка и послушать, как они произносят спорные звуки, однако японцы в этом деле не помощники: если прислушаться внимательно, то они вообще выдают какой-то своеобразный звук, что-то между «с» и «ш», «т» и «ч». Видимо, чтобы никого не обидеть. Хотя еще до окончания Второй мировой войны японцы были на «нашей» стороне: для транскрибирования японских названий буквами латинского алфавита самой Японией была введена официальная система «кунрэй-сики», которая предписывала и на латинице передавать спорные звуки так же, как предлагает уже знакомый вам товарищ Поливанов. Но все мы помним, чем закончилась Вторая мировая для японцев, а американцам твердые «с» и «т» произносить неудобно, так что Хэпберн с его «комфортной» транскрипцией подвернулся как нельзя кстати. Вооружившись такой теоретической базой, мы обратились к российскому представительству Mitsubishi, чтобы узнать их мнение на этот счет.

ООО «ММС Рус» – эксклюзивный дистрибьютор автомобилей Mitsubishi в России — придерживается в своей коммуникации следующего варианта произношения бренда Mitsubishi – «Митсубищи». В оригинале, в японском языке, произношение звукового окончания бренда звучит как «ЩИ» — «МитсубиЩИ». Таким образом звучание гораздо ближе к «ШИ» и почти ничего общего с «СИ». С фонетической точки зрения наиболее близко к оригинальному ( японскому) звучанию бренда именно «МитсубиШИ».

Екатерина Колесникова, старший менеджер по связям с общественностью Mitsubishi Motors Россия

Мнения представительства и языковедов, как видите, разошлись. Так где же правда? Может, все эти теоретические выкладки Поливанова уже устарели? Чтобы это выяснить, мы обратились к человеку, который о живом японском языке знает не понаслышке. Корреспондент информагентства ТАСС Алексей Заврачаев, дипломированный японист и большой любитель автомобилей, уже давно живет и работает в Японии и как никто другой разбирается в тонкостях произношения японских названий.

«Если вдаваться в действующие правила русского языка, то правильно транскрибировать это слово как «Мицубиси». Здесь все просто: существует так называемая система Поливанова, согласно которой каждому слогу в японском языке соответствует аналог в русском. Таким образом, варианты вроде «Митсубиши» отметаются сразу. Хочется привести в пример суси и суши, но тут получается другая история: суши разгромно победили, поскольку, как говорил мой преподаватель русского языка в университете, норма запрещает, а узус (общество) реализует», — встает Алексей на сторону Поливанова.
Одним словом, произносите «Мицубиси», но в драку за «суси» не лезьте – традиции сильны, что уж тут поделаешь.

Итак, еще раз:

via auto.vesti.ru


  1. Компания Mitsubishi решила, как ее правильно называть по-русски
  2. lancer
  3. См. также в других словарях:
  4. avtoexperts.ru
  5. Ответы (2)
  6. lancer
  7. См. также в других словарях:
  8. Mitsubishi Lancer X. Все о Мицубиси Лансер 10

Компания Mitsubishi решила, как ее правильно называть по-русски

Положен конец многолетним дискуссиям о том, как правильно произносить по-русски название японской компании Mitsubishi: «Митсубиси» или «Митсубиши». Головной офис в Токио распорядился сменить в России латинское название марки и дилерского центра на русское. Отныне Mitsubishi Motors превратится в более понятное и однозначное «Митсубиши Моторс».

Изначально путаница возникла из-за разницы подходов в лингвистике, которые используются при транскрибировании на европейские языки японских слов и названий. Существуют две системы – Хэпбёрна и Поливанова.

В конце 19 века протестантский священник Джеймс Кёртис Хэпбёрн предложил свой вариант латинизации японского языка. Позднее, в начале 20-го века российский востоковед Евгений Поливанов разработал систему записи японских слов кириллицей. Именно поэтому в России японское название компании было принято читать, как «Митсубиси».

Несмотря на неоднократные разъяснения японской стороны о том, что Mitsubishi следует читать с «ши» на конце, многие по привычке продолжали использовать прежний вариант с «си». Поэтому руководство компании было вынуждено пойти на беспрецедентные меры и ввести единый глобальный стандарт для своих представительств по всему миру.

Теперь название марки и дилерского центра должны быть на языке той страны, в которой они находятся. Поэтому в России компания меняет официальное название с Mitsubishi Motors на «Митсубиши Моторс».

В ООО «ММС Рус» надеются, что споры о произношении названия, наконец, прекратятся, а японская марка обретет в России новых преданных сторонников.



1 lancer

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См. также в других словарях:

lancer — Lancer. v. a. Darder, jetter de force & de roideur avec la main. Lancer un trait. lancer un javelot. On dit, que Dieu lance le tonnerre, lance la foudre, que le soleil lance ses rayons sur la terre. Lancer, se dit encore de certaines machines de… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

lancer — Lancer, act. acut. Est jetter d effort une arme de traict ou d haste, Vibrare, Iaculari, Hastilia contorquere, Iactare, Veget. lib. 1. c. 14. car il ne vient pas de Lance comme le François la nomme, ains de Lança, comme l Espagnol l appelle qui… … Thresor de la langue françoyse

Lancer — ist: das englische Wort für Ulan der Name des Bombers Rockwell B 1 der Name einer rumänischen Version der Mikojan Gurewitsch MiG 21 der Name des Autos Dodge Lancer der Name des Autos Mitsubishi Lancer … Deutsch Wikipedia

Lancer — Lan cer, n. [Cf. F. lancier.] 1. One who lances; one who carries a lance; especially, a member of a mounted body of men armed with lances, attached to the cavalry service of some nations. Wilhelm. [1913 Webster] 2. A lancet. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

lăncer — LĂNCÉR s.m. v. lăncier. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 … Dicționar Român

lancer — 1580s, soldier armed with a lance, from Fr. lancier, from O.Fr. lance (see LANCE (Cf. lance)) … Etymology dictionary

lancer — ► NOUN 1) a soldier of a cavalry regiment armed or formerly armed with lances. 2) (lancers) (treated as sing. ) a quadrille for eight or sixteen pairs … English terms dictionary

lancer — [lans′ər] n. [Fr lancier < LL lancearius] a cavalry soldier armed with a lance or a member of a cavalry regiment originally armed with lances … English World dictionary

lancer — 1. lancer [ lɑ̃se ] v. tr. <conjug. : 3> • 1080; bas lat. lanceare « manier la lance » I ♦ 1 ♦ Envoyer loin de soi et généralement dans une direction déterminée, en imprimant une impulsion. ⇒ jeter, projeter. Lancer des pierres (contre, sur … Encyclopédie Universelle

lancer — (lan sé. Le c prend une cédille devant a et o : lançant, lançons) v. a. 1° Jeter avec force une lance, et, par extension, toute sorte de trait ou objet quelconque. • Termine, juste ciel, ma vie et mon effroi, Et lance ici des traits qui n… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré

LANCER — v. tr. Jeter en avant avec force, avec raideur, pour atteindre au loin. Lancer un trait, un dard, un javelot. Lancer une pierre, des pierres, une grêle de pierres, de traits, etc. Lancer une balle contre un mur. Les balistes, les catapultes… … Dictionnaire de l’Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)



Ответы (2)

С французского языка Lancer переводится, как запуск, другие смыслы — метать, забросить, метнуть, бросить.


AIRTRECK — Полное приключений путешествие (англ.)
ASPIRE — Стремление, желание (англ.)
BRAVO — Превосходный, достигший совершенства (итал.)
CANTER — Легкий галоп (англ.)
CANTER GUTS — Полный энергии (англ.)
CARISMA — Харизма, Божье благословение (греч.)
CHALLENGER — Кандидат, претендент (англ.)
CHARIOT — Колесница (франц.)
CHARIOT GRANDIS — Громадный (франц.)
COLT — Жеребенок (англ.)
CORDIA — Сверкающий бриллиант (англ. couscate + diamond)
DEBONAIR — Обходительный, вежливый, жизнерадостный (англ.)
DELICA — Перевозчик грузов
DELICA SPACEGEAR — Просторный (англ.)
D:5 — Delica 5-го поколения
DIAMANTE — Бриллиант, алмаз (испан.)
DIGNITY — Достоинство, гордость (англ.)
DINGO — Бриллиант (символ фирмы MITSUBISHI) + бинго — игра, в которой обычно разыгрываются призы; современный вариант лото (англ. Diamond + bINGO)
DION — Дионисий – греческий бог развлечений ECLIPSE — Скаковая лошадь (Англия, 18 век)
EK-ACTIVE — Активный (англ.)
EK-CLASSY — Первоклассный (англ.)
EK-SPORT — Спортивный (англ.)
EK-WAGON — Легкий фургон (англ.)
EMERAUDE — Изумруд (франц.)
ETERNA — Вечность, бесконечность (итал.)
ETERNA LAMBDA (Λ) — Буква греческого алфавита. Яркий, оригинальный.
ETERNA SIGMA (Σ) — Буква греческого алфавита. Математический знак «сумма»
FIGHTER — Боец (англ.)
FIGHTER NX — Следующее поколение (англ.)
FORTE — Сильная сторона (англ.)
FTO — Свежесть + туризм + начало, происхождение (англ. Fresh Touring Origination)
GALANT — Храбрый, мужественный, галантный (франц.)
GALANT LAMBDA (Λ) — Буква греческого алфавита. Яркий, оригинальный
GALANT SIGMA (Σ) — Буква греческого алфавита. Математический знак «сумма»
GALANT FORTIS — героичнский, величественный, храбрый (лат.)
GTO — Автомобиль, который можно использовать для туристических поездок (итал. Gran Turisumo Omorogata)
I — 1. Я (англ. I) 2. Новое, инновация (англ. Innovation)
JEEP — Автомобиль общего назначения (англ. general purpose)
JUPITER — Юпитер (англ.)
LANCER — Улан, всадник с пикой (англ.)
LANCER 6 — 6 — количество цилиндров в двигателе
LANCER CEDIA — Век + бриллиант (англ. CEntury + DIAmond)
LANCER CELESTE — Лазурь, голубое небо (лат.)
LEGNUM — Трон, монархия (лат.)
LIBERO — Свобода (итал.)
MINICA — Маленький автомобиль (англ. mini + car)
MINICA SKIPPER — Шкипер, капитан небольшого судна; командир корабля или старший пилот (англ.) MINICAB — Маленький кеб, повозка (англ.)
MIRAGE — Мираж (англ.)
MIRAGE ASTI — Находящийся в движении, оживленный (англ.)
OUTLANDER — Искатель приключений в далеких странах (англ.)
PAJERO — Дикая кошка, живущая в Южной Америке (итал.)
PAJERO IO — Дружелюбный (итал.)
PAJERO Jr — Младший брат (англ.)
PAJERO MINI — Маленький (англ.)
PROUDIA — Гордый + бриллиант (англ. proud + diamond)
ROSA — Роза (итал.)
RVR — Автомобиль для отдыха (англ. Recreational Vehicle Runner)
STARION — Звезда + прекрасная лошадь (star + arion)
STRADA — Дорога (итал.)
THE GREAT — Великий, большой (англ.)
TOP BJ — Высокая крыша + большая радость (англ. top + big joy)
TOWNBEE — Рабочая пчела (англ.)
TOWNBOX — Предназначенный для города (англ.)
TREDIA — Три бриллианта (итал. tre + diamond)
TRITON — Три (три бриллианта Mitsubishi) + ton — пикап (1 тонна); преемник STRADA



1 lancer

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3 lancer

4 lancer

5 lancer

6 lancer

7 lancer

8 lancer

9 lancer

10 lancer

11 lancer

12 lancer

13 lancer

14 lancer

15 lancer

16 lancer

17 Lancer

18 lancer

19 lancer

20 lancer

См. также в других словарях:

lancer — Lancer. v. a. Darder, jetter de force & de roideur avec la main. Lancer un trait. lancer un javelot. On dit, que Dieu lance le tonnerre, lance la foudre, que le soleil lance ses rayons sur la terre. Lancer, se dit encore de certaines machines de… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

lancer — Lancer, act. acut. Est jetter d effort une arme de traict ou d haste, Vibrare, Iaculari, Hastilia contorquere, Iactare, Veget. lib. 1. c. 14. car il ne vient pas de Lance comme le François la nomme, ains de Lança, comme l Espagnol l appelle qui… … Thresor de la langue françoyse

Lancer — ist: das englische Wort für Ulan der Name des Bombers Rockwell B 1 der Name einer rumänischen Version der Mikojan Gurewitsch MiG 21 der Name des Autos Dodge Lancer der Name des Autos Mitsubishi Lancer … Deutsch Wikipedia

Lancer — Lan cer, n. [Cf. F. lancier.] 1. One who lances; one who carries a lance; especially, a member of a mounted body of men armed with lances, attached to the cavalry service of some nations. Wilhelm. [1913 Webster] 2. A lancet. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

lăncer — LĂNCÉR s.m. v. lăncier. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 … Dicționar Român

lancer — 1580s, soldier armed with a lance, from Fr. lancier, from O.Fr. lance (see LANCE (Cf. lance)) … Etymology dictionary

lancer — ► NOUN 1) a soldier of a cavalry regiment armed or formerly armed with lances. 2) (lancers) (treated as sing. ) a quadrille for eight or sixteen pairs … English terms dictionary

lancer — [lans′ər] n. [Fr lancier < LL lancearius] a cavalry soldier armed with a lance or a member of a cavalry regiment originally armed with lances … English World dictionary

lancer — 1. lancer [ lɑ̃se ] v. tr. <conjug. : 3> • 1080; bas lat. lanceare « manier la lance » I ♦ 1 ♦ Envoyer loin de soi et généralement dans une direction déterminée, en imprimant une impulsion. ⇒ jeter, projeter. Lancer des pierres (contre, sur … Encyclopédie Universelle

lancer — (lan sé. Le c prend une cédille devant a et o : lançant, lançons) v. a. 1° Jeter avec force une lance, et, par extension, toute sorte de trait ou objet quelconque. • Termine, juste ciel, ma vie et mon effroi, Et lance ici des traits qui n… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré

LANCER — v. tr. Jeter en avant avec force, avec raideur, pour atteindre au loin. Lancer un trait, un dard, un javelot. Lancer une pierre, des pierres, une grêle de pierres, de traits, etc. Lancer une balle contre un mur. Les balistes, les catapultes… … Dictionnaire de l’Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)


Mitsubishi Lancer X. Все о Мицубиси Лансер 10

Тюнинг и ремонт Лансер 10. Форум автовладельцев Lancer X. Клуб Лансер 10



#1 Непрочитанное сообщение tarkey » Чт ноя 17, 2016 6:57 pm

В 1917 году русский лингвист и востоковед Евгений Дмитриевич Поливанов первым разработал систему записи японских слов кириллицей, которая активно используется и поныне и известна как система Поливанова.

И все было бы просто и понятно, если бы не еще один лингвист, товарищ Джеймс Кертис Хэпберн, который еще в конце XIX века предложил свой вариант для транскрибирования японского языка. В соответствии с ним корректнее читать «Митсубиши». И вот именно тут кроется главная причина нынешних разночтений: система Поливанова создавалась под кириллицу, а систему Хэпберна – под латиницу.

Из этого тунца можно навертеть очень много суси. Да-да, именно суси.
Казалось бы – да пусть за океаном произносят как хотят со своим Хэпберном! Но почему же тогда в русском языке так прочно укоренился хэпберновский вариант? Все просто. Еще до того, как народ начал вникать в нюансы произношения, названия поступавших на наш рынок импортных товаров были представлены на латинице, и под лавиной компьютеров Toshiba и аудиосистем Nakamichi народ как-то не особо задумывался о происхождении и правильном чтении этих названий – учили же в школе на уроках английского, что sh читается как «ш», ну и все! Какие вопросы? При этом, что интересно, конкретно с «Мицубиси» поначалу ситуация была лучше – оба варианта существовали в русской речи примерно на равных. Но потом мода на англоязычные названия взяла верх, в том числе – и над рекламщиками, которые из каждого утюга убеждали, что надо произносить «ши». Контрольным выстрелом стал переход на хэпберновское произношение официального представительства Mitsubishi. Поливанов устал в гробу вертеться, одним словом.

Ноутбуки Toshiba нормально работают только у тех, кто знает, как произность их название.
В таком случае логично было бы обратиться к носителям языка и послушать, как они произносят спорные звуки, однако японцы в этом деле не помощники: если прислушаться внимательно, то они вообще выдают какой-то своеобразный звук, что-то между «с» и «ш», «т» и «ч». Видимо, чтобы никого не обидеть. Хотя еще до окончания Второй мировой войны японцы были на «нашей» стороне: для транскрибирования японских названий буквами латинского алфавита самой Японией была введена официальная система «кунрэй-сики», которая предписывала и на латинице передавать спорные звуки так же, как предлагает уже знакомый вам товарищ Поливанов. Но все мы помним, чем закончилась Вторая мировая для японцев, а американцам твердые «с» и «т» произносить неудобно, так что Хэпберн с его «комфортной» транскрипцией подвернулся как нельзя кстати. Вооружившись такой теоретической базой, мы обратились к российскому представительству Mitsubishi, чтобы узнать их мнение на этот счет.

Екатерина Колесникова, старший менеджер по связям с общественностью Mitsubishi Motors Россия

Мнения представительства и языковедов, как видите, разошлись. Так где же правда? Может, все эти теоретические выкладки Поливанова уже устарели? Чтобы это выяснить, мы обратились к человеку, который о живом японском языке знает не понаслышке. Корреспондент информагентства ТАСС Алексей Заврачаев, дипломированный японист и большой любитель автомобилей, уже давно живет и работает в Японии и как никто другой разбирается в тонкостях произношения японских названий.

Итак, еще раз:


Проблемы с содержанием статьи

Возможно, эта статья содержит оригинальное исследование.

Добавьте ссылки на источники, в противном случае она может быть выставлена на удаление.
Дополнительные сведения могут быть на странице обсуждения. (25 мая 2011)

Mitsubishi Lancer

Mitsubishi Lancer

Общие данные

Годы пр-ва: 1973—настоящее время
Иные обозначения: Colt Lancer
Dodge Colt
Plymouth Colt
Chrysler Valiant Lancer
Chrysler Lancer
Eagle Summit
Hindustan Lancer
Soueast Lioncel
Mitsubishi Carisma
Galant Fortis
Mitsubishi Mirage
Lancer Fortis]
Mitsubishi Libero (Для Японского рынка)

На рынке


Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 3
Производитель: Mitsubishi
Годы производства: 1979—1988
Тип кузова: 4‑дв. седан
Компоновка: переднемоторная, заднеприводная
Двигатель: 4G62 1.8 L SOHC Turbo[неизвестный термин][неоднозначно] I4
4G62 1.8 L SOHC I4
4G33 / 4G12 1.4 L SOHC I4
4G32 1.6 L SOHCl4
4G11 1.2 L SOHC l4
4G63 2.0 L OHC Turbo l4 (EX 2000 Turbo)
Колёсная база: 2440 мм
Длина: 4230 мм
Ширина: 1620 мм
Высота: 1380 мм
Масса: 1170 кг
Объём бака: 50 л
Дизайнер: Aldo Sessano (дизайн)
Rakuzo Mitamura (инженеринг)[1]
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 4
Lancer 4gen.jpg
Производитель: Mitsubishi
Годы производства: 1982—1987
Другое имя: Mitsubishi Champ
Тип кузова: 3‑дв. хетчбэк
4‑дв. седан
5‑дв. хетчбэк
5‑дв. универсал
Компоновка: переднемоторная, переднеприводная
Двигатель: 1,2 л I4
1,5 л I4
1,8 л I4 дизельный
Связанные: Mitsubishi Mirage
Proton Saga
Proton Iswara
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer IV Hatchback
Mitsubishi Colt Utrecht.JPG
Производитель: Mitsubishi
Годы производства: 1988—1992
Другое имя: Mitsubishi Colt 5-door
Модификации кузова: 3-дверный
4-дверный седан
Похожие: Mitsubishi Lancer 5
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 6
Mitsubishi Lancer (Chiang Mai, Thailand).jpg
Производитель: Mitsubishi
Годы производства: 1991—1995
Другое имя: Mitsubishi Super Lancer
Преемник: Mitsubishi Carisma
Тип кузова: 2‑дв. купе
4‑дв. седан
5‑дв. хетчбэк
5‑дв. универсал
Компоновка: переднемоторная, переднеприводная
Двигатель: 1,2 л I4
1,5 л I4
1,8 л I4 дизельный
Связанные: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Carisma
Mitsubishi Mirage
Mitsubishi Chariot/Space Wagon/Expo
Dodge Colt
Plymouth Colt
Eagle Summit
Eagle Vista
Proton Wira
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 7
97-02 Mitsubishi Mirage.jpg
Производитель: Mitsubishi
Годы производства: 1995—2000
Компоновка: переднемоторная, переднеприводная
Двигатель: 1,3 л I4
1,6 л I4
1,8 л I4 дизельный
Колёсная база: 2510
Длина: 4350 мм
Ширина: 1770 мм
Высота: 1415 мм
Связанные: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Carisma
Mitsubishi Mirage
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 9
Производитель: Mitsubishi
Годы производства: 2003—настоящее время
Предшественник: Mitsubishi Carisma (Европа)
Mitsubishi Mirage (США)
Платформа: Lancer
Класс: малоразмерный седан среднего класса
Тип кузова: 4‑дв. седан
5‑дв. универсал
Модификации кузова: седан,универсал.
Компоновка: переднемоторная, переднеприводная
Двигатель: 1,3 л I4
1,6 л I4
2,0 л I4
Длина: 4535
Ширина: 1715
Высота: 1445
Клиренс: 165 мм
Расход топлива на 100 км: 1.6 ат: город 10.6, загородний цикл 6.6, комбинированный 8.0
Объём бака: 50 л
Макс. скорость: 171 (1.3 мт), 183 (1.6 мт), 176 (1.6 ат)
Время разгона до 100 км/ч: 13.6(1.6 ат),13.7 (1.3 мт), 11.8 (1.6 мт)
Связанные: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, Mitsubishi Outlander
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 10
Производитель: Mitsubishi
Годы производства: 2007—настоящее время
Другое имя: Galant Fortis (Япония), Lancer Fortis (Тайвань) Lancer EX (Сингапур, Филиппины и Ближний Восток), Lancer Serie R (Чили)
Предшественник: Mitsubishi Carisma (Европа)
Mitsubishi Mirage (США)
Тип кузова: 5‑дв. хетчбэк
4‑дв. седан
Компоновка: переднемоторная, переднеприводная переднемоторная, полноприводная
Двигатель: 1,5 л I4
1,8 л I4
2,0 л I4
Связанные: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Outlander
2010 Proton Waja

Mitsubishi Lancer (яп. 三菱・ランサー) — семейство автомобилей, выпускаемые Mitsubishi Motors с 1973 года. Mitsubishi с 1973 года. Также выпускались под названиями: Colt Lancer, Dodge/Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueast Lioncel, Mitsubishi Carisma, Galant Fortis, и Mitsubishi Mirage в разных странах и в разное время. Кроме того, продавался как Lancer Fortis в Тайване с небольшими отличиями в экстерьере по сравнению с Galant Fortis.

С момента своего введения в производство в 1973 и 2008 году были проданы более шести миллионов машин.[2]


  • 1 Первое поколение (1973—1979)
    • 1.1 Celeste
  • 2 Третье поколение
    • 2.1 Японские модификации и доработка автомобиля
  • 3 Четвертое поколение[6]
  • 4 Шестое поколение[6]
  • 5 Седьмое поколение[6]
    • 5.1 Австралия (1992—1996)
    • 5.2 Филиппины (1993—1996)
  • 6 Восьмое поколение[6]
  • 7 Девятое поколение[6]
  • 8 Десятое поколение[6]
  • 9 Безопасность
  • 10 Интересные факты
  • 11 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
  • 12 Примечания
  • 13 Ссылки

Первое поколение (1973—1979)

Основная статья: Mitsubishi Lancer (A70)

1973-1976 Mitsubishi Lancer (A70) two-door sedan

Первый Lancer (A70) впервые был выпущен в феврале 1973 года. Он служил для заполнения разрыва между Minica и большим Galant. Спортивная модель GSR 1600 начала долгую и успешную историю в ралли, выиграв Ралли Сафари дважды, и Ралли Southern Cross четыре раза.

Существовали три типа кузова: двух-дверный седан, четырех-дверный седан и пятидверный универсал. Двигатели отличаются объемом: 1,2 литра, 1,4 литра, и 1,6 литра.

Этот автомобиль продавался под такими названиями как:

  • Dodge Colt (США, 1977—1979)
  • Dodge Lancer (В некоторых странах Латинской Америки)
  • Colt Lancer (Некоторые европейские рынки)
  • Chrysler Lancer/Valiant Lancer LA/LB (Австралия, 1974—1979)
  • Plymouth Colt (Канада)


1975-1977 Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste (A70) liftback

В феврале 1975 Lancer был дополнен купе под названием «Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste», заменив Galant FTO. Также назывался «Mitsubishi Celeste» или «Colt Celeste» на некоторых рынках, а также продавался Chrysler Lancer Coupe (LB/LC) в Австралии,[3] Dodge Lancer Celeste в Сальвадоре, Plymouth Arrow в США, и Dodge Arrow в Канаде.

Celeste первоначально был доступен с 1,4-и 1,6-литровыми двигателями, 2,0-литровый был добавлен позднее. Plymouth Fire Arrow с 2.6-литровым двигателем был доступен на рынке США.[4] Celeste была обновленна в 1978 году, получив угловатые фары и большие бампера.[5] Производство Lancer Celeste закончилось в июле 1981 года, так как была заменена на передне-приводную Cordia в начале 1982 года.

Третье поколение

В 1979 году Lancer EX был показан в Японии, лишь с тремя типами двигателей:

1,4 л MCA-JET, с фирменной технологией «Mitsubishi’s Silent Shaft Technology» (рус. Mitsubishi технология тихих валов) производивший 80 л.с. (60 кВт).
1,6 л, мощностью 85 л.с. (63 кВт)
1,6 л, мощностью100 л.с. (75 кВт)

MCA-JET система была более новой технологией, чем карбюраторные двигатели. MCA (от англ. Mitsubishi Clean Air — рус. Mitsubishi чистый воздух) — система улавливания топливных паров, а также устройство сокращения выброса картерных газов, созданная в целях охраны окружающей среды была использована оригинальная система снижения токсичности отработавших газов, делала автомобиль полностью соответствующим всем экологическим стандартам Японии и США, в то время как новая конструкция головок цилиндров двигателя позволяла разместить третий клапан (или Jet-клапан), который обеспечивал дополнительный приток воздуха в камеру сгорания, повышая эффективность процесса окисления (сгорания) топлива. Другая новинка Lancer-а — технология Silent Shaft (рус. тихий вал), которая представляет собой два уравновешивающих друг друга вала, вращающихся в разных направлениях, снижая тем самым уровень вибраций и шума и обеспечивая более плавный ход. MCA-JET позволила добиться высокой экономичности (4,54 л/100 в 10-режимном тесте топливной экономичности, и 3,12 л/100 км при движении со скоростью 60 км/ч при испытании на динамометрическом стенде).

Двигатель 1.8 л Sirius 80 был добавлен в ассортимент в 1980 году, вместе с новым 1,2 литровым (70 л.с. [52 кВт]) двигателем. Также в 1980 году был представлен турбированный 135-сильный (99 кВт) двигатель для спортивных модификаций, в 1983 году — 165-сильный (121 кВт) с турбонаддувом и интеркулером.

Японские модификации и доработка автомобиля

  • 1400SL — 4-дверный седан, c двигателем 1.4L, с 4-х ступенчатой механической коробкой передач. 5-ступенчатая коробка также была введена. (1979—1987)
  • 1200SL — То же что SL, с двигателем 1.2. (1979—1983)
  • 1400GL — SL с 3-х скоростной автоматической коробкой (1979—1983)
  • 1400SL A/T — То же самое как SL, с незначительными изменениями. (1983—1987)
  • 1600XL — 4-дверный седан, с двигателем 1.6L, с автоматической коробкой передач с 3 скоростями. (1979—1983)
  • 1600XL Высшего качества — То же самое как XL, с незначительными изменениями. (1983—1987)
  • 1800SE — 4-дверный седан, приведенный в действие 1.8L производство 100 hp двигателей, и доступный с Механической коробкой передач с 5 скоростями или Автоматической коробкой передач с 3 скоростями. (1981—1983)
  • 1800GSR Турбо — 4-дверный седан, приведенный в действие с турбинным двигателем 1.8L двигатель, производящий 135 hp, с эстетическими модернизациями. (1981—1983)
  • 1800GT Турбо — То же самое как GSR, но с различным аккуратным телом. (1981—1983)
  • 1800GSR Турбо Промежуточный теплообменник — Межохлажденная версия первой турбо версии, производя 160 hp, и с незначительными изменениями к эстетике. (1983—1987)
  • 1800GT Турбо Промежуточный теплообменник — То же самое как Турбо Промежуточный теплообменник GSR, снова с различным аккуратным телом. (1983—1987)
  • 1800GSL Турбо — То же самое как Турбо Промежуточный теплообменник GSR, только это использовало двигатель от Турбо GSR/GT, и оборудовало Au с 3 скоростями

Четвертое поколение[6]

1987 Mitsubishi Lancer универсал

Dodge Colt 3-дв. (США)

В 1982, был начат выпуск новой модели, названной Lancer Fiore, также известной как третья версия, основанная на Mitsubishi Mirage. Fiore часто продавалась на мировых рынках как Lancer и Mirage Sedan, а также в виде пятидверной модификации хэтчбек, остававшейся в производстве большую часть 1980-ых. В Австралии Lancer третьей версии временами продавался под наименованием Mitsubishi Colt Sedan, претерпевшему лишь косметические изменения. Таким образом, у Mitsubishi было две модели одного класса, конкурирующих в одном и том же сегменте рынка.

В следующем году, линейки Mirage и Lancer были обновлены до третьего поколения. Четырехдверный Mirage и Lancer седан стали одним и тем же автомобилем. Модификации с инжектором и турбонаддувом стали неотъемлемой частью линейки. В 1985 был добавлена модификация в кузове универсал, и она породила набирающую обороты полноприводную версию. Часто наименования Mirage (или Colt) использовались для обозначения трёхдверного хэтчбека, а наименование Lancer использовалось по остаточному принципу.

Эта модель стала базой для седана Saga марки Proton, который производился вплоть до начала 2008.

Шестое поколение[6]

В 1988-м году Lancer получил новую, более аэродинамичную форму кузова, выполненную в стилистике модели Galant. В программу был добавлен пятидверный хэтчбэк. Деление на Mirage и Lancer продолжилось. Универсал по-прежнему производился на старой платформе и в старом корпусе, представленный на некоторых рынках, как пятидверная версия Mirage. В Австралии все модели продавались как Mitsubishi Lancer, изначально обозначенные, как CA series, и с 1990-го, как CB series. В Северной Америке автомобиль носил название Dodge Lancer. В Японии седан продавался как Mirage Aspire.

На некоторых рынках была представлена версия «фургон» — трехдверный хэтчбек без задних боковых окон

Седьмое поколение[6]

Начал выпускаться только в 1991, чем вызвал еще больший разрыв между Миражом и Ланцером. Хотя оба были построены на той же самой платформе, седан Ланцер получил отличающиеся от четырехдверного Миража боковые панели кузова. Вариант Миража продавался в Северной Америке под именем Eagle Summit. Модели микроавтобуса, такие как Mitsubishi Space Runner и Mitsubishi Chariot, были соплатформенными. В 1993, универсал на базе Ланцера, названный Libero в Японии, был поставлен на конвейер. Электрическая версия также выпускалась под названием Libero EV, работавшая на батареях NiCd. Вариант с шестицилиндровым двигателем V6 начинался только с 1.6 L, что делало это, наименее выпускающимся серийно V6. Заряженная версия GSR с турбированным двигателем сформировала основу для Lancer Evolution (или ‘Ланцер Эво’), была запущена с сентября 1993, используя трансмиссию успешного автомобиля Galant 4.

Mirage Asti Coupé в Японии, продавался как Lancer-купе на многих внешних рынках.

Ланцер пятого поколения продавался под маркой Протон Wira с кузовами седан и 5-дверными модификациями автомобиля с открывающейся вверх задней дверью (универсал), в Малайзии в 1993 с двигателями рабочим объемом 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 и 1.8 L. Некоторое время двухлитовые дизельные модели также можно было приобрести. В настоящее время, автомобиль снят с производства, как наиболее долго бывший на конвейере моделей марки Proton в Малайзии после Proton Saga, которая также основана на предыдущей модели Lancer. Proton Wira был недавно заменен последней моделью Proton, Proton Person.

Австралия (1992—1996)

В Австралии это поколение официально называлось «серия CC» [5]. Продавался в следующих модификациях: 2-дверный двухместный закрытый кузов (купе), 4-дверный седан, универсал и 5-дверный хэтчбек (по существу перенесенный от предыдущего поколения). Модель варианта Glossary была последним Lancer’ом, который использовал карбюраторный двигатель внутреннего сгорания. Последующие модели были оборудованы двигателями с системой электронного впрыска топлива. Это поколение продавалось до 1996, когда оно было заменено популярной моделью серии CE.

Модель и уровни отделки салона:

  • GL — 2-дверный двухместный закрытый кузов(купе? или хэтчбэк?), 4-дверный седан и автомобиль с кузовом «универсал». Приводились в действие 1.5 литровыми двигателями (67 кВт)
  • GLXi — 2-дверный двухместный закрытый кузов, 4-дверный седан и универсал. Приведенный в действие 1.8L двигателями (4G93 SOHC — 86 кВт) (продававшийся с 1.8 вместо 1.6литрового вариантов, из-за низкого качества 91 го топлива в Австралии)
  • Business — 4-дверный седан и универсал. Оснащались 1.8L двигателями (4G93 SOHC — 86 кВт)
  • GSR — 4-дверный седан. Оснащался 1.8L турбированным двигателем (4G93t DOHC — 141 кВт)

Филиппины (1993—1996)

Описанный как «Lancer itlog» (также известный как Lancer «hot dog»), из-за формы его корпуса и его задних фонарей.

Модель и уровни отделки салона

  • L — 4-дверный седан (отсутствовал тахометр). Оснащался 1.3L Cyclone карбюраторным двигателем (4G13 SOHC) (59 кВт)
  • GLi — 4-дверный седан. Оснащался 1.5 литровыми карбюраторными/или оснащенными моновпрыском ECI двигателями (4G15 SOHC) (66 кВт)
  • GLXi — 4-дверный седан. Оснащался 1.6 литровыми карбюраторными/или оснащенными моновпрыском ECI двигателями (4G92 SOHC) (86 кВт)
  • Expect — 4-дверный седан. Те же самые модификации как у L, выпускался до 1996.

Восьмое поколение[6]

В марте 1995 года дебютировал Mitsubishi Lancer восьмого поколения. Из доступных кузовов остался только седан, хотя на некоторых рынках предлагалось и купе.[как?] Стандартным оснащением стала подушка безопасности водителя, а пассажирская подушка предлагалась за доплату. В Европе «восьмой» Lancer вынужденно конкурировал с чуть более крупным седаном Mitsubishi Carisma, производство которого на заводе в Голландии было налажено в том же году. Европейским покупателям предлагались два бензиновых мотора объемом 1,3 и 1,6 л. В других странах выбор силовых агрегатов был гораздо шире.

Девятое поколение[6]

Весной 2000 года в Японии был представлен Mitsubishi Lancer девятого поколения, получивший собственное имя Cedia (от слов Century Diamond — «бриллиант века»). Европейский дебют состоялся в августе 2003 года на автосалоне в Москве. «Девятый» Lancer стал больше и предлагался с кузовами седан и универсал, а от японской версии Lancer Cedia отличался иным оформлением передка. Гамма моторов для Европы включала три бензиновые версии рабочим объемом 1,3, 1,6 и 2,0 л. Для японского рынка Лансер оснащали двигателями объемом 1,5 и 1,8 л, а в Северной Америке предлагалась модификация с четырехцилиндровым мотором объемом 2,4 л (164 л.с.).

Десятое поколение[6]

В 2005-м году Mitsubishi Motors Corporation представила два концепта — Concept-cX на токийском мотор-шоу и Concept-Sportback на автосалоне во Франкфурте. Именно эти концептуальные модели легли в основу нового Lancer X. Новый Lancer был официально представлен в январе 2007-го на автомобильном шоу в Детройте, и появился в продаже на североамериканском рынке в марте 2007-го года как модель 2008-го модельного года. В новом Lancer используется разработанный Mitsubishi безопасный кузов следующего поколения RISE.Имеется полноприводная версия (автоматически подключаемый полный привод позаимствован у Outlander XL).

На внутреннем рынке Японии Lancer десятого поколения известен как Mitsubishi Galant Fortis (исключение составляет модификация Lancer Evolution X).


В 1998 году Mitsubishi Lancer прошёл тестирование по методике EuroNCAP и получил рейтинг две звезды для пассажиров и несовместим с жизнью:

Euro NCAP[7]
Рейтинги    Пассажир Star*.svgIcone2 no.svgEmpty Star.svgEmpty Star.svgEmpty Star.svg 14
Пешеход Heraldic pentacle.svgHeraldic pentacle.svgEmpty Star.svgEmpty Star.svg 14
Протестированная модель:
Mitsubishi Lancer (1998)

В 2009 году новый Lancer прошёл тестирование EuroNCAP по новой методике, получив в нём 5 из 5 звезд:

Euro NCAP[8][9]
Orange star.svgOrange star.svgOrange star.svgOrange star.svgOrange star.svg
общий рейтинг

YellowE9C91E circle 100%.svg


Blue2F8CC2 circle 100%.svg


Green8ABF3C circle 100%.svg


Purple circle 100%.svg


ребёнок пешеход активная
Протестированная модель:
Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback 1.8 Invite, LHD (2009)

Интересные факты

  • По данным страховой компании «РОСНО» автомобиль Mitsubishi Lancer X занял первое место в списке страховых выплат у страховых компаний по угону за первое полугодие 2009 года. Именно на эту модель приходится 13,6 % всех угонов[10]. Однако, представленная статистика не учитывает угоны автомобилей, не застрахованных от угона.
  • По данным статистики МВД России Mitsubishi Lancer самая угоняемая иномарка в России.[11]

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution (рус. Мицубиси Лансер Эволюшн) или Mitsubishi Lancer Evo — спортивный вариант Лансера. Выполнен в кузове седан. Внешне отличается от стандартного Лансера — бампером, радиаторной решеткой, расширенными колёсными арками, капотом, спойлером. Имеет более мощный двигатель(до 10-го поколения ставился легендарный 4G63, он славится своей работоспособностью в тяжелых условиях), более жесткий кузов, полный привод и только механическую коробку переключения передач (кроме Evolution 10, а также более ранних версий для японского рынка (Evolution 7 GTA)).

Существует 10 поколений Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution:

1992 — Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution I

1993 — Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution II

1995 — Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution III

1996 — Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV

1998 — Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V

1999 — Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI

2001 — Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII

2003 — Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII

2005 — Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX

2007 — Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X

Спортивная версия Mitsubishi Lancer X. Отличается усиленным кузовом, новым турбированным двигателем, наличием постоянного дифференциального полного привода и спортивного обвеса[12][13].


  1. Long Brian Mitsubishi Lancer Evo: The Road Car & WRC Story. — Dorchester: Veloce Publishing Ltd, 2007. — ISBN 1-84584-055-0
  2. All new 2008 Lancer  (англ.). AllnewLancer.ca.(недоступная ссылка — история)
  3. Mitsubishi Lancer (Chrysler LB Lancer Liftback ). GoAuto. Mama-Y. Архивировано из первоисточника 4 марта 2012. Проверено 6 мая 2011.
  4. James M. Flammang Standard Catalog of Imported Cars, 1946-1990. — Iola, WI: Mama-Y, 1994. — P. 503–504. — ISBN 0-87341-158-7
  5. Car Graphic: Car Archives Vol. 11, ’80s Japanese Cars. — Tokyo: Mama-Y, 2007. — P. 214. — ISBN 978-4-544-91018-6
  6. Ошибка в сносках?: Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок katana не указан текст
  7. Результаты Euro NCAP теста (1998) (англ.)
  8. Результаты Euro NCAP теста (2009) (англ.)
  9. Результаты Euro NCAP теста (2009) (рус.)
  10. Названы самые угоняемые автомобили в России
  11. http://auto.newsru.com/article/30Dec2010/reiting_ugonov auto.newsru.com: Названы самые угоняемые автомобили в России за 2010 год
  12. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X, обзор Джереми Кларксона
  13. Обзор Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X GSR


  • Worldwide launch site
  • Lancer project
  • Melbourne’s The Age reveals the next generation Mitsubishi Lancer
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
  • Лансер 2004 в «Авторевю»
  • Статья «Катана» в «Авторевю»
  • Автомобиль Лансер Х SE версия
  • mitsubishi lancer 9- технические характеристики, руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию на http://avtobab.ru/
  • Митсубиси Лансер 9- советы по ремонту, эксплуатации и тюнингу Mitsubishi Lancer IX
Mitsubishi Lancer
2011 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart sedan -- 06-30-2011.jpg
Общие данные
Производитель Mitsubishi
Годы производства 1973 — настоящее время
Сборка Япония Токио/Осака, Япония
Китай Пекин, Китай
Великобритания Глазго/Лондон, Великобритания (начиная с 9 го поколения)[1]
ФилиппиныКаинта, Рисаль, Филиппины
Класс Субкомпактный (1973-2000)
Компактный (с 2000)
Иные обозначения Eagle Summit
Hindustan Lancer
Soueast Lioncel
Mitsubishi Carisma
Galant Fortis
Mitsubishi Mirage
Lancer Fortis
Mitsubishi Libero (Для Японского рынка)
Дизайн и конструкция
Компоновка переднемоторная, заднеприводная (до 1978)
переднемоторная, переднеприводная
Колёсная формула 4 × 2
На рынке
Похожие модели Citroën DS4, Ford Focus, Toyota Corolla
Сегмент C-сегмент
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer A70
Mitsubishi Lancer 1973 - 79 Hyde Park in Fall.jpg
Производитель Mitsubishi
Годы производства 1973—1979
Другое имя Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Colt Lancer, Dodge Colt, Plymouth Colt, Colt Celeste, Dodge Lancer, Mitsubishi Celeste, Plymouth Arrow
Платформа A71A-A78A, A141A-A149V
Тип кузова 3‑дв. хетчбэк (4‑мест.)
4‑дв. седан (5‑мест.)
2‑дв. купе (4‑мест.)
5‑дв. универсал (5‑мест.)
Двигатель 4G62 1,8 L SOHC Turbo[неизвестный термин][неоднозначно] I4
4G62 1,8 L SOHC I4
4G33 / 4G12 1,4 L SOHC I4
4G32 1,6 L SOHC l4
4G11 1,2 L SOHC l4
4G63 2,0 L OHC Turbo l4 (EX 2000 Turbo)
Колёсная база 2340
Длина 3960 – 4105 мм
Ширина 1525 – 1545 мм
Высота 1360 – 1385 мм
Масса 765 – 900 кг
Объём бака 50 л
Дизайнер Синъити Ямамура, Манэтика Намба
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer EX
Lancer EX.jpg
Производитель Mitsubishi
Годы производства 1979—1987
Другое имя Mitsubishi Champ
Заводы Япония Токио, Япония
Платформа A172A–A176A
Тип кузова 4‑дв. седан (5‑мест.)
Двигатель 1,2 л I4
1,5 л I4
1,8 л I4 дизельный
Колёсная база 2440
Длина 4230
Ширина 1620
Высота 1380 — 1390 мм
Масса 1170 — 1295 кг
Дизайнер Альдо Сезано, Ракудза Митамура
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 3 (Fiore)
Lancer 4gen.jpg
Производитель Mitsubishi
Годы производства 1982—1988
Тип кузова 4‑дв. седан (5‑мест.)
Двигатель 1,2 л I4
1,4 л I4
1,6 л I4
Колёсная база 2380
Длина 3790 мм (до 1983)
4005 мм
Ширина 1585 мм (до 1983)
1635 мм
Высота 1350 мм (до 1983)
1360 мм
Масса 900 кг (до 1983)
880 кг
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 4
1988-1990 Mitsubishi Lancer (CA) SE sedan (2011-04-22) 02.jpg
Производитель Mitsubishi
Годы производства 1988—1991
Заводы Япония Токио, Япония
Тип кузова 4‑дв. седан (5‑мест.)
Колёсная база 2455
Длина 4320
Ширина 1670
Высота 1340
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 7
Mitsubishi Lancer (Chiang Mai, Thailand).jpg
Производитель Mitsubishi
Годы производства 1991—1995
Другое имя Mitsubishi Super Lancer
Заводы Япония Токио, Япония
Двигатель 1,2 л I4
1,5 л I4
1,8 л I4 дизельный
Связанные Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Carisma
Mitsubishi Mirage
Mitsubishi Chariot/Space Wagon/Expo
Dodge Colt
Plymouth Colt
Eagle Summit
Eagle Vista
Proton Wira
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 8
97-02 Mitsubishi Mirage.jpg
Производитель Mitsubishi
Годы производства 1995—2000
Заводы Япония Токио, Япония
Двигатель 1,3 л I4
1,6 л I4
1,8 л I4 дизельный
Колёсная база 2510
Длина 4350 мм
Ширина 1770 мм
Высота 1415 мм
Связанные Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Carisma
Mitsubishi Mirage
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 9
Производитель Mitsubishi
Годы производства 2003—2007
Заводы Япония Токио/Осака, Япония
Великобритания Глазго/Лондон, Великобритания
Двигатель 1,3 л I4
1,6 л I4
2,0 л I4
Длина 4535
Ширина 1715
Высота 1445
Клиренс 165
Масса 1210 кг седан. 1310 кг универсал
Расход топлива на 100 км 1.6 ат: город 10.6, загородний цикл 6.6, комбинированный 8.0
Объём бака 50 л
Максимальная скорость 171 (1.3 мт), 183 (1.6 мт), 176 (1.6 ат)
Время разгона до 100 км/ч 13.6(1.6 ат),13.7 (1.3 мт), 11.8 (1.6 мт)
Связанные Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, Mitsubishi Outlander
Gnome-go-next.svg  Mitsubishi Lancer 10
Производитель Mitsubishi
Годы производства 2007—2018
Другое имя Galant (Бруней), Galant Fortis (Япония), Lancer Fortis (Тайвань) Lancer EX (Сингапур, Филиппины и Ближний Восток), Lancer Serie R (Чили)
Заводы Китай Пекин, Китай
Великобритания Глазго/Лондон, Великобритания
ФилиппиныКаинта, Рисаль, Филиппины
Платформа Mitsubishi GS
Двигатель 1,5 л I4
1,6 л I4
1,8 л I4
2,0 л I4
Связанные Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Outlander
2010 Proton Waja

Mitsubishi Mirage (для Северной Америки)

Логотип Викисклада Медиафайлы на Викискладе

Mitsubishi Lancer (яп. 三菱・ランサー) — семейство автомобилей, выпускаемых Mitsubishi Motors с 1973 года по 2018 год. Также выпускались под названиями: Colt Lancer, Dodge/Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueast Lioncel, Mitsubishi Carisma, Galant Fortis, и Mitsubishi Mirage в разных странах и в разное время. Кроме того, продавался как Lancer Fortis на Тайване с небольшими отличиями в экстерьере по сравнению с Galant Fortis. Название Lancer переводится как улан или копьеносец.

С момента своего введения в производство в 1973 и 2008 году были проданы более шести миллионов машин.[2]

Первое поколение

Основная статья: Mitsubishi Lancer (A70)

1973-1976 Mitsubishi Lancer (A70) two-door sedan

1973-1976 Mitsubishi Lancer (A70) two-door sedan

Первый Lancer (A70) впервые был выпущен в феврале 1973 года. Он служил для заполнения разрыва между Minica и большим Galant.

Существовали три типа кузова: двухдверный седан, четырёхдверный седан и пятидверный универсал. Двигатели отличаются объёмом: 1,2 литра, 1,4 литра, и 1,6 литра.

Этот автомобиль продавался под такими названиями как:

  • Dodge Colt (США, 1977—1979)
  • Dodge Lancer (В некоторых странах Латинской Америки)
  • Colt Lancer (Некоторые европейские рынки)
  • Chrysler Lancer/Valiant Lancer LA/LB (Австралия, 1974—1979)
  • Plymouth Colt (Канада)


1975-1977 Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste (A70) liftback

1975-1977 Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste (A70) liftback

В феврале 1975 года Lancer был дополнен купе под названием «Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste», заменив Galant FTO. Также назывался «Mitsubishi Celeste» или «Colt Celeste» на некоторых рынках, а также продавался Chrysler Lancer Coupe (LB/LC) в Австралии,[3] Dodge Lancer Celeste в Сальвадоре, Plymouth Arrow в США, и Dodge Arrow в Канаде.

Celeste первоначально был доступен с 1,4-и 1,6-литровыми двигателями, 2,0-литровый был добавлен позднее. Plymouth Fire Arrow с 2.6-литровым двигателем был доступен на рынке США.[4] Celeste была обновлена в 1978 году, получив угловатые фары и большие бампера.[5] Производство Lancer Celeste закончилось в июле 1981 года, так как была заменена на переднеприводную Cordia в начале 1982 года.

Второе поколение

Mitsubishi Lancer II 1979 года выпуска

Mitsubishi Lancer II 1979 года выпуска

В 1979 году Lancer EX был показан в Японии лишь с тремя типами двигателей:

1,4 л MCA-JET, с фирменной технологией «Mitsubishi’s Silent Shaft Technology» (рус. Mitsubishi технология тихих валов) производивший 80 л. с. (60 кВт).
1,6 л, мощностью 85 л. с. (63 кВт)
1,6 л, мощностью100 л. с. (75 кВт)

MCA-JET система была более новой технологией, чем карбюраторные двигатели. MCA (от англ. Mitsubishi Clean Air — рус. Mitsubishi чистый воздух) — система улавливания топливных паров, а также устройство сокращения выброса картерных газов, созданная в целях охраны окружающей среды. Была использована оригинальная система снижения токсичности отработавших газов, делая автомобиль полностью соответствующим всем экологическим стандартам Японии и США, в то время как новая конструкция головок цилиндров двигателя позволяла разместить третий клапан (или Jet-клапан), который обеспечивал дополнительный приток воздуха в камеру сгорания, повышая эффективность процесса окисления (сгорания) топлива. Другая новинка Lancer-а — технология Silent Shaft (рус. тихий вал), которая представляет собой два уравновешивающих друг друга вала, вращающихся в разных направлениях, снижая тем самым уровень вибраций и шума и обеспечивая более плавный ход. MCA-JET позволила добиться высокой экономичности (4,54 л/100 в 10-режимном тесте топливной экономичности, и 3,12 л/100 км при движении со скоростью 60 км/ч при испытании на динамометрическом стенде).

Двигатель 1.8 л Sirius 80 был добавлен в ассортимент в 1980 году, вместе с новым 1,2-литровым (70 л. с. [52 кВт]) двигателем. Также в 1980 году был представлен турбированный 135-сильный (99 кВт) двигатель для спортивных модификаций, в 1983 году — 165-сильный (121 кВт) с турбонаддувом и интеркулером.

Японские модификации и доработка автомобиля

  • 1400SL — четырёхдверный седан, c двигателем 1.4L, с четырёхступенчатой механической коробкой передач. пятиступенчатая коробка также была введена (1979—1987)
  • 1200SL — то же что SL, с двигателем 1.2 (1979—1983)
  • 1400GL — SL с трёхскоростной автоматической коробкой (1979—1983)
  • 1400SL A/T — то же самое как SL, с незначительными изменениями (1983—1987)
  • 1600XL — четырёхдверный седан, с двигателем 1.6L, с автоматической коробкой передач с тремя скоростями (1979—1983)
  • 1600XL Высшего качества — то же самое как XL, с незначительными изменениями (1983—1987)
  • 1800SE — четырёхдверный седан, приведённый в действие, 1.8L производство 100 hp двигателей, с механической коробкой передач с пятью скоростями или автоматической коробкой передач с тремя скоростями (1981—1983)
  • 1800GSR Турбо — четырёхдверный седан, приведённый в действие с турбинным двигателем 1.8L двигатель, производящий 135 hp, с эстетическими модернизациями (1981—1983)
  • 1800GT Турбо — То же самое, что и GSR (1981—1983)
  • 1800GSR Турбо Промежуточный теплообменник — Межохлажденная версия первой турбо версии, производя 160 hp (1983—1987)
  • 1800GT Турбо промежуточный теплообменник — то же самое, что турбо промежуточный теплообменник GSR (1983—1987)
  • 1800GSL Турбо — то же самое, что турбо промежуточный теплообменник GSR, только это использовало двигатель от Турбо GSR/GT и оборудовало Au с тремя скоростями

Третье поколение

1987 Mitsubishi Lancer универсал

1987 Mitsubishi Lancer универсал

Dodge Colt 3-дв. (США)

Dodge Colt 3-дв. (США)

В 1982 году был начат выпуск новой модели, названной Lancer Fiore, также известной как третья версия, основанная на Mitsubishi Mirage. Fiore часто продавалась на мировых рынках как Lancer и Mirage Sedan, а также в виде пятидверной модификации хэтчбек, остававшейся в производстве большую часть 1980-х годов. В Австралии Lancer третьей версии временами продавался под наименованием Mitsubishi Colt Sedan, претерпевшему лишь косметические изменения. Таким образом, у Mitsubishi было две модели одного класса, конкурирующих в одном и том же сегменте рынка.

В следующем году линейки Mirage и Lancer были обновлены. Четырёхдверный Mirage и Lancer седан стали одним и тем же автомобилем. Модификации с инжектором и турбонаддувом стали неотъемлемой частью линейки. В 1985 была добавлена модификация в кузове универсал, которая породила набирающую обороты полноприводную версию. Часто наименования Mirage (или Colt) использовались для обозначения трёхдверного хэтчбека, а наименование Lancer использовалось по остаточному принципу.

Эта модель стала базой для седана Saga марки Proton, который производился вплоть до начала 2008.

Пятое поколение

Mitsubishi Lancer 5 (кузов CB4A)

Mitsubishi Lancer 5 (кузов CB4A)

В 1988-м году Lancer получил новую, более аэродинамичную форму кузова, выполненную в стилистике модели Galant. В программу был добавлен пятидверный хэтчбэк. Деление на Mirage и Lancer продолжилось. Универсал по-прежнему производился на старой платформе и в старом корпусе, представленный на некоторых рынках как пятидверная версия Mirage. В Австралии все модели продавались как Mitsubishi Lancer, изначально обозначенные, как CA series, и с 1990-го, как CB series. В Северной Америке автомобиль носил название Dodge Lancer. В Японии седан продавался как Mirage Aspire.

На некоторых рынках была представлена версия «фургон» — трёхдверный хэтчбек без задних боковых окон.

Двигатели ставились 16-ти клапанные, объемом 1.3, 1.6 и 2.0, дизельные, с двумя клапанами на цилиндр. Работали эти агрегаты в паре с пятиступенчатой механической КПП или четырехступенчатой автоматической КПП.

Шестое поколение

Начало выпуска пришлось только в 1991, что вызвало ещё больший разрыв между Mirage и Lancer. Хотя оба были построены на той же самой платформе, седан Lancer получил отличающиеся от четырёхдверного Mirage боковые панели кузова. Вариант Mirage продавался в Северной Америке под именем Eagle Summit. Модели микроавтобуса, такие как Mitsubishi Space Runner и Mitsubishi Chariot, были соплатформенными. В 1993 году универсал на базе Lancer, названный Libero в Японии, был поставлен на конвейер. Электрическая версия также выпускалась под названием Libero EV, работавшая на батареях NiCd. Вариант с шестицилиндровым двигателем V6 начинался только с 1.6 L, что делало это наименее выпускающимся серийно V6. Заряженная версия GSR с турбированным двигателем сформировала основу для Lancer Evolution и была запущена с сентября 1993, используя трансмиссию успешного автомобиля Galant VR4 (Galant шестого поколения).

Mirage Asti Coupé в Японии продавался как Lancer-купе на многих внешних рынках.

Lancer шестого поколения продавался под маркой Протон Wira с кузовами седан и пятидверными модификациями автомобиля с открывающейся вверх задней дверью (универсал) в Малайзии в 1993 с двигателями рабочим объёмом 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 и 1.8 л. Некоторое время двухлитровые дизельные модели также можно было приобрести. В настоящее время автомобиль снят с производства как наиболее долго бывший на конвейере моделей марки Proton в Малайзии после Proton Saga, которая также основана на предыдущей модели Lancer. Proton Wira был недавно заменён последней моделью Proton Person.


В Австралии это поколение официально называлось «серия CC» (1992—1996). Продавался в следующих модификациях: двухдверный двухместный закрытый кузов (купе), четырёхдверный седан, универсал и пятидверный хэтчбек (по существу перенесённый от предыдущего поколения). Модель варианта Glossary была последним Lancer’ом, который использовал карбюраторный двигатель внутреннего сгорания. Последующие модели были оборудованы двигателями с системой электронного впрыска топлива. Это поколение продавалось до 1996, когда оно было заменено популярной моделью серии CE.

Модель и уровни отделки салона:

  • GL — двухдверный двухместный закрытый кузов, четырёхдверный седан и автомобиль с кузовом «универсал». Приводились в действие 1.5 литровыми двигателями (67 кВт)
  • GLXi — двухдверный двухместный закрытый кузов, четырёхдверный седан и универсал. Приведённый в действие 1.8L двигателями (4G93 SOHC — 86 кВт) (продававшийся с 1.8 вместо 1.6-литрового вариантов, из-за низкого качества 91-го топлива в Австралии)
  • Business — четырёхдверный седан и универсал. Оснащались 1.8L двигателями (4G93 SOHC — 86 кВт)
  • GSR — четырёхдверный седан. Оснащался 1.8L турбированным двигателем (4G93t DOHC — 141 кВт)


Описанный как «Lancer itlog» (также известный как Lancer «hot dog») из-за формы его корпуса и его задних фонарей. Модель и уровни отделки салона (1993—1996).

  • L — четырёхдверный седан (отсутствовал тахометр). Оснащался 1.3L Cyclone карбюраторным двигателем (4G13 SOHC) (59 кВт)
  • GLi — четырёхдверный седан. Оснащался 1.5-литровыми карбюраторными/или оснащёнными моновпрыском ECI двигателями (4G15 SOHC) (66 кВт)
  • GLXi — четырёхдверный седан. Оснащался 1.6-литровыми карбюраторными/или оснащёнными моновпрыском ECI двигателями (4G92 SOHC) (86 кВт)
  • Expect — четырёхдверный седан. Те же самые модификации как у L, выпускался до 1996.

Седьмое поколение

В марте 1995 года дебютировал Mitsubishi Lancer седьмого поколения (CJ, CK, CL, CM, CN, CP) в кузовах CK (седан) и CJ (купэ/хэтчбэк). Стандартным оснащением стала подушка безопасности водителя, а пассажирская подушка предлагалась за доплату. В Европе Lancer вынужденно конкурировал с чуть более крупным седаном Mitsubishi Carisma, производство которого на заводе в Голландии было налажено в том же году. Европейским покупателям предлагались 1,3 и 1.6 моторы. Также на выбор предлагалась механическая и автоматическая адаптивная КПП. В других странах выбор силовых агрегатов был гораздо шире. В Японии также продавались полноприводные модификации в кузовах 3dr хэтчбэк и 4dr седан с моторами 1.5 и 1.8 литра.

Девятое поколение

Весной 2000 года в Японии был представлен Mitsubishi Lancer (CS,CT) в кузове CS, получивший собственное имя Cedia (от слов Century Diamond — «бриллиант века»). На европейский рынок вышел под названием Lancer 9. Дебют состоялся в марте 2003 года на автосалоне в Москве. Lancer стал больше и предлагался с кузовами седан и универсал, а от японской версии Lancer Cedia отличался иным оформлением передней и задней части кузова автомобиля, более дешёвой отделкой салона, отсутствием полного привода и автоматической (CVT) трансмиссией. Гамма моторов для Европы включала три бензиновые версии рабочим объёмом 1,3, 1,6 и 2,0 л. Для японского рынка Lancer оснащали более экономичными двигателями (GDI) объёмом 1,5 и 1,8 л. (100 л. с. и 130—137 л. с.), в кузове универсал оснащался турбированным двигателем объёмом 1,8 л. (165 л. с.) и автоматической четырёхступенчатой трансмиссией. Северной Америке предлагалась модификация с четырёхцилиндровым мотором объёмом 2,4 л. (164 л. с.).

Десятое поколение

В 2005-м году Mitsubishi Motors Corporation представила два концепта — Concept-cX на токийском мотор-шоу и Concept-Sportback на автосалоне во Франкфурте. Именно эти концептуальные модели легли в основу нового Lancer (CY, CZ) в кузове CY и его заряженного брата EVO X в кузове CZ. Новый Lancer был официально представлен в январе 2007 года на автомобильном шоу в Детройте и появился в продаже на североамериканском рынке в марте того же года как модель 2008 модельного года. В новом Lancer используется разработанный Mitsubishi безопасный кузов следующего поколения RISE. Имеется полноприводная версия (автоматически подключаемый полный привод позаимствован у Outlander XL).

На внутреннем рынке Японии Lancer десятого поколения известен как Mitsubishi Galant Fortis (исключение составляет модификация Lancer Evolution X). В 2018 году Дон Сверинген (вице-президент автокомпании) сообщил, что модель снимают с производства. У неё нет преемника, и теперь силы компании сосредоточены на иных перспективных сегментах. В скором времени производитель должен представить кроссовер городского типа.


В 1998 году Mitsubishi Lancer прошёл тестирование по методике Euro NCAP и получил рейтинг две звезды для пассажиров и несовместим с жизнью для пешеходов.

Euro NCAP[6]
Рейтинги    Пассажир Star*.svgIcone2 no.svgEmpty Star.svgEmpty Star.svgEmpty Star.svg 14
Пешеход Heraldic pentacle.svgHeraldic pentacle.svgEmpty Star.svgEmpty Star.svg 14
Протестированная модель:
Mitsubishi Lancer (1998)

В 2009 году новый Lancer прошёл тестирование Euro NCAP по новой методике, получив в нём 5 из 5 звёзд:

Euro NCAP[7]

общий рейтинг





ребёнок пешеход активная
Протестированная модель:
Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback 1.8 Invite, LHD (2009)

Интересные факты

  • По данным страховой компании «РОСНО» автомобиль Mitsubishi Lancer X занял первое место в списке страховых выплат у страховых компаний по угону за первое полугодие 2009 года. Именно на эту модель приходится 13,6 % всех угонов[8]. Однако представленная статистика не учитывает угоны автомобилей, незастрахованных от угона.
  • По данным статистики МВД России Mitsubishi Lancer самая угоняемая иномарка в России за 2010 год.[9]

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution или Mitsubishi Lancer Evo — спортивный вариант Lancer. Выполнен в кузове седан. Внешне, начиная с шестого поколения, отличается от стандартного Lancer бампером, радиаторной решёткой, расширенными колёсными арками, капотом, спойлером. Имеет более мощный двигатель (до 10-го поколения ставился 4G63, славившийся своей работоспособностью в тяжёлых условиях), более жёсткий кузов, полный привод и только механическую коробку переключения передач (кроме Evolution 10, а также более ранних версий для японского рынка (Evolution 7 GTA).

Существует 10 поколений Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. Спортивная версия Mitsubishi Lancer X отличается усиленным кузовом, расширенной базой, новым турбированным двигателем, наличием постоянного дифференциального полного привода и спортивного обвеса.

Lancer Cedia 00-02

Lancer Cedia 00-02


  1. HIGHLIGHTS OF MITSUBISHI GREAT BRITAN;. Media.mitsubishi.com. Дата обращения: 13 ноября 2016. (недоступная ссылка)
  2. All new 2008 Lancer (англ.). AllnewLancer.ca. Архивировано из оригинала 29 сентября 2007 года.
  3. Mitsubishi Lancer (Chrysler LB Lancer Liftback ). GoAuto. Mama-Y. Дата обращения: 6 мая 2011. Архивировано 4 марта 2012 года.
  4. James M. Flammang. Standard Catalog of Imported Cars, 1946-1990 (англ.). — Iola, WI: Mama-Y, 1994. — P. 503—504. — ISBN 0-87341-158-7.
  5. Car Graphic: Car Archives Vol. 11, ’80s Japanese Cars (англ.). — Tokyo: Mama-Y, 2007. — P. 214. — ISBN 978-4-544-91018-6.
  6. Результаты Euro NCAP теста (1998) (англ.)
  7. Результаты Euro NCAP теста (2009) (англ.)
  8. Названы самые угоняемые автомобили в России. Дата обращения: 28 июля 2009. Архивировано 31 июля 2009 года.
  9. http://auto.newsru.com/article/30Dec2010/reiting_ugonov Архивная копия от 4 января 2011 на Wayback Machine auto.newsru.com: Названы самые угоняемые автомобили в России за 2010 год


  • Mitsubishi Lancer

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