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3. Нажмите Настройки и конфиденциальность.
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5. Следуйте инструкциям в приложении, чтобы отправить сообщение в поддержку.
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If you need to contact somebody at TikTok for support or other inquiries, you have several options. TikTok’s contact information isn’t the easiest to find on their website, so we’ve compiled this helpful list of every way you can get a hold of somebody at TikTok. We’ll show you how to contact TikTok using Twitter, web-based forms, and even email regarding account problems, legal issues, abuse, media inquiries, and much more.

Things You Should Know

  • The easiest way to reach TikTok Support is on Twitter. Tweet @TikTokSupport or send a direct message with your concern.
  • To submit feedback, report bugs, or address a ban or suspension, use the feedback form at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/feedback.
  • Report problematic users and videos directly in the TikTok app. Just tap and hold a video (or tap the three-dots on a profile) and select «Report.»
  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 1

    TikTok’s official support team is reachable on Twitter. If you’re looking for technical support or customer service, you can send a direct message to @TikTokSupport and describe your issue. The support team is available 7 days a week between 8 AM and 5 PM PST, and they do reply to messages.[1]

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  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 2

    TikTok’s feedback form is another official way to contact TikTok. You can use the feedback form if your account was suspended or banned, bug reports, feature requests, Effect House help, TikTok Shopping and Business, Creator Fund, TikTok on TV, and more. You’ll find the form at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/feedback.

  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 3

    While there’s no guarantee you’ll get a response, you can send an email to TikTok. TikTok no longer lists most of their contact email addresses on their website, but some addresses do appear on their Facebook and Twitter account profiles, as well as on the Creator Marketplace website. If you write to any of these addresses for a reason other than its intended purpose, you probably won’t get a response.

    • Feedback, suggestions, and general questions: feedback@tiktok.com
    • Media and PR: pr@tiktok.com
    • Report Tik-Tok related phishing attempts and website: reports@tiktok.com
    • Creator Marketplace support in the United States and Canada: creator-marketplace-support@tiktok.com
    • Creator Marketplace support in Europe: eu-creator-marketplace@tiktok.com
    • Creator Marketplace support in India: TCM_IN@tiktok.com
    • Creator Marketplace support in Japan: TCM-JP@tiktok.com
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  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 4

    If you find content that’s abusive or otherwise violates TikTok’s policies, report it. When you report a user, comment, video, sound, or other content in the app, you can type your own feedback and include your email address. TikTok may not send you a direct reply, but they will definitely review your report. To report:

    • A TikTok user: Go the person’s profile, tap the three-dot icon, and then tap Report.
    • A TikTok video: Tap and hold the video and select Report.[2]
    • A LIVE video: Tap Share, and then tap Report.
    • A comment: Tap and hold the comment and select Report.
    • Multiple comments at once: Tap and hold a comment, tap Manage multiple comments, select up to 100 comments, select More, and then tap Report comments.[3]
    • A direct message: Open the message, tap the three-dot icon at the top-right, and then tap Report.
    • A search suggestion: Tap and hold the suggested content and tap Report.
    • A sound: Tap the sound, tap Share, and select Report sound.
    • A hashtag: Tap the hashtag, tap Share, and then tap Report.
  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 5

    If you’re having trouble with any features of TikTok, you can report the issue in the app. TikTok’s support system will try to guide you through troubleshooting. If their steps don’t work, you’ll be able to type your own explanation of the issue and send it to TikTok.[4]
    Here’s how:

    • Tap Profile at the bottom-right to open your profile.
    • Tap the three horizontal lines at the top-right.
    • Tap Report a problem under «SUPPORT.»
    • Select a topic.
    • Select a suggested category or choose Other.
    • Try the troubleshooting steps. If they don’t help, tap No when asked if your issue is resolved.
    • Tap Still have a problem and fill out the form. Include your email address if you want a response.
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  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 6

    If a TikTok user shared content that violates your intellectual property rights, report it to TikTok. There are two separate forms—one for copyright infringement, and one for trademark infringement.[5]
    If you report infringement on a trademark, you’ll have to include your trademark registration information and upload a scan of your certificate.

    • Copyright infringement form: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/Copyright
    • Trademark infringement form: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/Trademark
  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 7

    If somebody erroneously reported you for unauthorized content, you can challenge it. Just visit https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/counternotification, fill out the form, and upload evidence if available. TikTok will contact you if they need further information, and/or to provide updates.

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  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 8

    ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, is reachable via email. While ByteDance wont provide support for or handle issues related to the TikTok platform, you can contact them through email for media inquiries, jobs, placing ads, and software development for businesses.[6]

    • Media inquiries: press@bytedance.com
    • Careers: hr@bytedance.com
    • Business development: bd@bytedance.com
    • Advertising: advertise@bytedance.com
  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 9

    TikTok cooperates with law enforcement and does reply to requests. If you are legally permitted to request subscriber information, login and logout data, interaction information, or other content, submit your request via email to lert@tiktok.com.[7]
    Your request must:

    • Be sent from an official domain or email address.
    • Include the name and location of the law enforcement authority or court judge/magistrate.
    • Contain the name and badge number of the requesting officer, as well as their phone number.
    • Contain TikTok username, phone number, email address, or video ID of the user in question.
    • Describe the scope of the data requested, as well as the range of dates required.
    • Describe the context or offense under investigation.
    • Include the relevant article or section of an act, statute, or code that authorizes law enforcement to request this data.
    • Say whether it’s okay for TikTok to notify the user.
    • If the inquiry is a part of an emergency and requires priority, type Emergency Disclosure Request into the Subject line, and describe why the request is time-sensitive.
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  • Question

    How do you get in touch with TikTok support?

    A.J. Aldana

    A.J. Aldana is a social media specialist who has been using platforms such as Tik Tok, Instagram, and YouTube for over 5 years. A.J. has worked with brands to curate content that has garnered thousands of interactions for various social media campaigns and is passionate about contributing to innovative and trending articles on wikiHow. He holds a BS in Product Design from Stanford University.

    A.J. Aldana

    Social Media Specialist

    Expert Answer

    With most social media platforms, you can reach out via direct message through their support page. Go to TikTokApp.com/contact and find out how to get contact from there.

  • Question

    Is it possible to have two accounts?


    Yes you can. To do so, go to your profile, then click on your display name at the top, then tap on «Add account». Or you can add an account in TikTok settings.

  • Question

    Can you make money through the TikTok platform?


    No, not unless you are part of TikTok Creators. This requires that the user be 18 and older and have a certain follower count. TikTok Creators members get opportunities to be sponsored by major companies. Also, anyone can create a business account to advertise on the TikTok platform.

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About This Article

Article SummaryX

The best ways to contact TikTok are to send a direct message to @TikTokSupport on Twitter or fill out the feedback form at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/feedback.

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 413,218 times.

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If you need to contact somebody at TikTok for support or other inquiries, you have several options. TikTok’s contact information isn’t the easiest to find on their website, so we’ve compiled this helpful list of every way you can get a hold of somebody at TikTok. We’ll show you how to contact TikTok using Twitter, web-based forms, and even email regarding account problems, legal issues, abuse, media inquiries, and much more.

Things You Should Know

  • The easiest way to reach TikTok Support is on Twitter. Tweet @TikTokSupport or send a direct message with your concern.
  • To submit feedback, report bugs, or address a ban or suspension, use the feedback form at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/feedback.
  • Report problematic users and videos directly in the TikTok app. Just tap and hold a video (or tap the three-dots on a profile) and select «Report.»
  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 1

    TikTok’s official support team is reachable on Twitter. If you’re looking for technical support or customer service, you can send a direct message to @TikTokSupport and describe your issue. The support team is available 7 days a week between 8 AM and 5 PM PST, and they do reply to messages.[1]

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  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 2

    TikTok’s feedback form is another official way to contact TikTok. You can use the feedback form if your account was suspended or banned, bug reports, feature requests, Effect House help, TikTok Shopping and Business, Creator Fund, TikTok on TV, and more. You’ll find the form at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/feedback.

  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 3

    While there’s no guarantee you’ll get a response, you can send an email to TikTok. TikTok no longer lists most of their contact email addresses on their website, but some addresses do appear on their Facebook and Twitter account profiles, as well as on the Creator Marketplace website. If you write to any of these addresses for a reason other than its intended purpose, you probably won’t get a response.

    • Feedback, suggestions, and general questions: feedback@tiktok.com
    • Media and PR: pr@tiktok.com
    • Report Tik-Tok related phishing attempts and website: reports@tiktok.com
    • Creator Marketplace support in the United States and Canada: creator-marketplace-support@tiktok.com
    • Creator Marketplace support in Europe: eu-creator-marketplace@tiktok.com
    • Creator Marketplace support in India: TCM_IN@tiktok.com
    • Creator Marketplace support in Japan: TCM-JP@tiktok.com
  2. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 4

    If you find content that’s abusive or otherwise violates TikTok’s policies, report it. When you report a user, comment, video, sound, or other content in the app, you can type your own feedback and include your email address. TikTok may not send you a direct reply, but they will definitely review your report. To report:

    • A TikTok user: Go the person’s profile, tap the three-dot icon, and then tap Report.
    • A TikTok video: Tap and hold the video and select Report.[2]
    • A LIVE video: Tap Share, and then tap Report.
    • A comment: Tap and hold the comment and select Report.
    • Multiple comments at once: Tap and hold a comment, tap Manage multiple comments, select up to 100 comments, select More, and then tap Report comments.[3]
    • A direct message: Open the message, tap the three-dot icon at the top-right, and then tap Report.
    • A search suggestion: Tap and hold the suggested content and tap Report.
    • A sound: Tap the sound, tap Share, and select Report sound.
    • A hashtag: Tap the hashtag, tap Share, and then tap Report.
  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 5

    If you’re having trouble with any features of TikTok, you can report the issue in the app. TikTok’s support system will try to guide you through troubleshooting. If their steps don’t work, you’ll be able to type your own explanation of the issue and send it to TikTok.[4]
    Here’s how:

    • Tap Profile at the bottom-right to open your profile.
    • Tap the three horizontal lines at the top-right.
    • Tap Report a problem under «SUPPORT.»
    • Select a topic.
    • Select a suggested category or choose Other.
    • Try the troubleshooting steps. If they don’t help, tap No when asked if your issue is resolved.
    • Tap Still have a problem and fill out the form. Include your email address if you want a response.
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  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 6

    If a TikTok user shared content that violates your intellectual property rights, report it to TikTok. There are two separate forms—one for copyright infringement, and one for trademark infringement.[5]
    If you report infringement on a trademark, you’ll have to include your trademark registration information and upload a scan of your certificate.

    • Copyright infringement form: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/Copyright
    • Trademark infringement form: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/Trademark
  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 7

    If somebody erroneously reported you for unauthorized content, you can challenge it. Just visit https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/counternotification, fill out the form, and upload evidence if available. TikTok will contact you if they need further information, and/or to provide updates.

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  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 8

    ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, is reachable via email. While ByteDance wont provide support for or handle issues related to the TikTok platform, you can contact them through email for media inquiries, jobs, placing ads, and software development for businesses.[6]

    • Media inquiries: press@bytedance.com
    • Careers: hr@bytedance.com
    • Business development: bd@bytedance.com
    • Advertising: advertise@bytedance.com
  1. Image titled Contact TikTok Step 9

    TikTok cooperates with law enforcement and does reply to requests. If you are legally permitted to request subscriber information, login and logout data, interaction information, or other content, submit your request via email to lert@tiktok.com.[7]
    Your request must:

    • Be sent from an official domain or email address.
    • Include the name and location of the law enforcement authority or court judge/magistrate.
    • Contain the name and badge number of the requesting officer, as well as their phone number.
    • Contain TikTok username, phone number, email address, or video ID of the user in question.
    • Describe the scope of the data requested, as well as the range of dates required.
    • Describe the context or offense under investigation.
    • Include the relevant article or section of an act, statute, or code that authorizes law enforcement to request this data.
    • Say whether it’s okay for TikTok to notify the user.
    • If the inquiry is a part of an emergency and requires priority, type Emergency Disclosure Request into the Subject line, and describe why the request is time-sensitive.
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  • Question

    How do you get in touch with TikTok support?

    A.J. Aldana

    A.J. Aldana is a social media specialist who has been using platforms such as Tik Tok, Instagram, and YouTube for over 5 years. A.J. has worked with brands to curate content that has garnered thousands of interactions for various social media campaigns and is passionate about contributing to innovative and trending articles on wikiHow. He holds a BS in Product Design from Stanford University.

    A.J. Aldana

    Social Media Specialist

    Expert Answer

    With most social media platforms, you can reach out via direct message through their support page. Go to TikTokApp.com/contact and find out how to get contact from there.

  • Question

    Is it possible to have two accounts?


    Yes you can. To do so, go to your profile, then click on your display name at the top, then tap on «Add account». Or you can add an account in TikTok settings.

  • Question

    Can you make money through the TikTok platform?


    No, not unless you are part of TikTok Creators. This requires that the user be 18 and older and have a certain follower count. TikTok Creators members get opportunities to be sponsored by major companies. Also, anyone can create a business account to advertise on the TikTok platform.

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About This Article

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The best ways to contact TikTok are to send a direct message to @TikTokSupport on Twitter or fill out the feedback form at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/feedback.

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