Как написать на корейском меня зовут

how to introduce yourself in korean

Last updated:

January 10, 2023

You might say that karaoke is the universal language.

Anyone who has participated in karaoke knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Without exchanging names or even saying anything to each other, fellow singers can forge a deep connection.

All it takes are locked eyes and a shared passion for the power of music!

Karaoke may be the universal language, but at some point you’re going to have to learn how to say hello to the friends you make at 노래방 (noraebang/karaoke).

But never fear! Even though it can take years to master Korean, you can learn how to introduce yourself in less than 15 minutes.

In this article we’ll teach you how to say “Hello, my name is…” and some other useful phrases you can use when you first meet somebody. We’ll also provide you with a sample conversation and some resources you can use to help solidify what you’ve learned.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

How to Introduce Yourself in Korean: The 15-minute Guide

In English, when you first meet somebody, you probably say some variation of “Hello, my name is…” You can use the same phrase in English no matter who you’re talking to. In Korean, you need to change the phrase slightly depending on who you’re speaking with.

In case you’re not familiar with the different levels of formality in Korean, here’s a quick guide.

  • 반말 (Casual language): Used with people younger than you and close friends.
  • 존댓말 (Polite language): Used with strangers and people you don’t know well. It comes in two forms: informal and formal. Sentences that are written in the informal version usually end with a “요” on the verb. Sentences written in the formal version often end in (ㅡ)ㅂ니다.

For the sake of this article, we’re going to focus on the polite informal way of speaking. You can use this form in most day-to-day situations.

If you want to learn more about Korean politeness and how to introduce yourself like a pro, check out FluentU’s Korean YouTube channel.

The channel takes the best clips on the internet and transforms them into Korean grammar, vocabulary and cultural lessons.

A perfect example is the following video, which you can use as an audiovisual companion to this post:

Or this one, which will teach you everything you need to know about Korean honorifics:

If learning Korean with videos is your thing, you’re going to love FluentU’s Korean YouTube channel. Subscribe to it today and hit the notification bell so that you don’t miss out on any of the new content!

Basic Phrases for Introducing Yourself in Korean

How to Say “Hello, My Name Is…” in Korean

When you’re meeting somebody for the first time, you’ll use one of the following two phrases to say “Hello, my name is…”

You can use this phrase if your name ends in a vowel:

안녕하세요? 저는 _____예요.
Hello, my name is _____.

You can use this phrase if your name ends in a consonant:

안녕하세요? 저는 _____이에요.
Hello, my name is _____.

Just like in English, there are several ways to introduce yourself in Korean. You can also use one of the following phrases with no difference in meaning.

If your name ends in a vowel:

제 이름은 _____예요.
My name is _____.

And if your name ends in a consonant:

제 이름은 _____이에요.
My name is _____.

If you want to ask somebody else what their name is, you can say this:

이름이 뭐예요?
What is your name?

How to Say “Nice to Meet You” in Korean

There are several ways to say “nice to meet you” in Korean, but the following is one of the most simple:

만나서 반가워요.
Nice to meet you.

How to Say “I’m From…” in Korean

Shortly after meeting somebody, you might get asked about your background. You can use this phrase to tell somebody what country or city you come from:

저는 _____에서 왔어요.
I come from _____.

Korean speakers often drop the word “I” from sentences. Usually, when you can guess the subject of the sentence by the context, you can drop 저는 without changing the meaning.

Here’s a list of some countries you might be from. Most countries sound similar to their English counterpart, but some others such as America and Australia change.

  • Canada: 캐나다
  • England: 영국
  • America: 미국
  • Ireland: 아일랜드
  • Scotland: 스코틀랜드
  • Northern Ireland: 북아일랜드
  • New Zealand: 뉴질랜드
  • India: 인도
  • Australia: 호주
  • The Philippines: 필리핀
  • Jamaica: 자메이카
  • The Bahamas: 바하마 제도

How to Talk About Your Age in Korean

Asking and expressing your age in Korean is an essential skill. As we mentioned, there are different formalities of speech in Korean. When meeting somebody for the first time, you may want to ask them how old they are so you know how formal you should be when speaking.

Saying your age is easy. You can just say the following with your age in the blank:

I am _____ years old.

There are two different number systems in Korean. For saying your age, you should use native Korean numbers. If you need to brush up on your Korean numbers, here’s a reminder.

  • One: 하나 (한)
  • Two: 둘 (두)
  • Three: 셋 (세)
  • Four: 넷 (네)
  • Five: 다섯
  • Six: 여섯
  • Seven: 일곱
  • Eight: 여덟
  • Nine: 아홉
  • Ten: 열
  • Twenty: 스물 (스무)
  • Thirty: 서른
  • Forty: 마흔
  • Fifty: 쉰
  • Sixty: 예순
  • Seventy: 일흔
  • Eighty: 여든
  • Ninety: 아흔

If you want to ask someone how old they are, you can use either of the following expressions. The first is more formal, while the second sounds more casual:

나이가 어떻게 되세요?
How old are you? (Formal)

몇 살이에요?
How old are you? (Casual)

If you’re asking somebody older than you their age, you should say the following:

연세가 어떻게 되세요?
How old are you?

How to Talk About Your Job in Korean

If you want to tell somebody what you do for work, you can use the following expression, putting your job title in the blank:

저는 _____이에요/예요.
I am a _____.

And, here’s a quick refresher on some jobs you might have.

  • Teacher: 선생님
  • Student: 학생
  • Doctor: 의사
  • Nurse: 간호사
  • Scientist: 과학자
  • Athlete: 운동 선수

If you want to ask somebody what their job is, you can use the following expression. It loosely translates to “what is your profession?”

무슨 일 하세요?
What’s your job?

Sample Conversation for Introducing Yourself in Korean

Congratulations—you now have a solid foundation for introducing yourself and striking up a conversation in Korean! Now that you’ve learned some basic phrases, here’s an example of a basic conversation putting them together:

Ryan: 안녕하세요? 저는 Ryan이에요. 이름이 뭐예요?
Hello, I’m Ryan. What’s your name?

Min-Soo: 저는 Min-Soo예요. 한국에서 왔어요.
I’m Min-Soo. I’m from Korea.

Ryan: 만나서 반가워요.
Nice to meet you.

Min-Soo: 저도요. Ryan, 나이가 어떻게 되세요?
Same to you. How old are you, Ryan?

Ryan: 25살이에요. 무슨 일 하세요?
I’m 25 years old. What’s your job?

Min-Soo: 학생이에요.
I’m a student.

This is just one example of how this conversation might go. In order to really get the ball rolling, call up a classmate, conversation partner or Korean-speaking friend and run this dialogue several different times, with variations in how the two characters respond. Record yourself and then listen back for extra pronunciation practice.

Online Resources to Practice Introducing Yourself in Korean

Merely learning these phrases once isn’t enough. You have to make time to practice! Here are a few ways we recommend reinforcing what you’ve learned here:

Watch Authentic Korean Videos on FluentU

how to introduce yourself in korean

The FluentU app uses interactive videos from the real world to make learning Korean fun.

You can listen to movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks to improve your Korean language skills while being entertained at the same time. Because FluentU only uses authentic videos featuring native speakers, you’ll learn Korean as it’s really spoken in day-to-day life. Follow along with interactive subtitles, which allow you to easily look up any unfamiliar word.

Since introductory phrases like “Hello” and “How are you?” are so common, you’re sure to find them in a number of videos. For example, check out this video of Kim Yoo-Jung, a Korean actress, as she fields questions from fans. She starts by quickly introducing herself to her viewers, and you can follow her lead in learning the correct vocabulary and pronunciation to introduce yourself.

Connect with Native Speakers on HelloTalk

how to introduce yourself in korean

HelloTalk is a social media app that connects you with native speakers interested in learning your language. You can chat, ask questions and make corrections to each other’s speech and writing. This app is great for practicing introductions, because you’ll have to introduce yourself every time you connect with someone new!

Run Grammar Drills on How to Study Korean

how to introduce yourself in korean

If you want to improve your grammar and develop your fluency, How to Study Korean is one of the best free resources available on the internet. It has more than 150 lessons to help you improve your Korean language ability, plus games and activities to help you practice.

Work on Memorization with Korean Flashcards

If you want to learn even more phrases that you can use right away in the real world, this Quizlet card set can help. Once you have the phrases memorized, you can test yourself to see if you’ve retained them. If you want to customize your flashcards, you can also use the user-generated flashcard feature on FluentU to make a flashcard deck with all the words you want to learn. FluentU’s flashcards show you not only a word and its English translation, but also a definition, example sentences and an entertaining image to help you retain new vocabulary.

If you prefer your flashcards to be on paper, that’s great too: simply make some the old-fashioned way, on notecards. Writing these phrases down will help you practice spelling and may aid in memorization as well.

Chat with a Robot on MondlyAR

how to introduce yourself in korean

MondlyAR—part of the broader Mondly language-learning service—provides a virtual reality chatbox feature that can help you practice phrases you’ve learned. Try starting a conversation and practicing the phrases you’ve learned today. Chatting with a chatbot can be a great way to build confidence before reaching out to an actual native speaker.

See? 15 minutes of your time, and you’re already a more confident Korean speaker.

Now that you know some basic phrases, you can use them to kickstart your next conversation in Korean. This just might be the perfect moment to transform that karaoke partner into a new friend.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

how to introduce yourself in korean

Last updated:

January 10, 2023

You might say that karaoke is the universal language.

Anyone who has participated in karaoke knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Without exchanging names or even saying anything to each other, fellow singers can forge a deep connection.

All it takes are locked eyes and a shared passion for the power of music!

Karaoke may be the universal language, but at some point you’re going to have to learn how to say hello to the friends you make at 노래방 (noraebang/karaoke).

But never fear! Even though it can take years to master Korean, you can learn how to introduce yourself in less than 15 minutes.

In this article we’ll teach you how to say “Hello, my name is…” and some other useful phrases you can use when you first meet somebody. We’ll also provide you with a sample conversation and some resources you can use to help solidify what you’ve learned.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

How to Introduce Yourself in Korean: The 15-minute Guide

In English, when you first meet somebody, you probably say some variation of “Hello, my name is…” You can use the same phrase in English no matter who you’re talking to. In Korean, you need to change the phrase slightly depending on who you’re speaking with.

In case you’re not familiar with the different levels of formality in Korean, here’s a quick guide.

  • 반말 (Casual language): Used with people younger than you and close friends.
  • 존댓말 (Polite language): Used with strangers and people you don’t know well. It comes in two forms: informal and formal. Sentences that are written in the informal version usually end with a “요” on the verb. Sentences written in the formal version often end in (ㅡ)ㅂ니다.

For the sake of this article, we’re going to focus on the polite informal way of speaking. You can use this form in most day-to-day situations.

If you want to learn more about Korean politeness and how to introduce yourself like a pro, check out FluentU’s Korean YouTube channel.

The channel takes the best clips on the internet and transforms them into Korean grammar, vocabulary and cultural lessons.

A perfect example is the following video, which you can use as an audiovisual companion to this post:

Or this one, which will teach you everything you need to know about Korean honorifics:

If learning Korean with videos is your thing, you’re going to love FluentU’s Korean YouTube channel. Subscribe to it today and hit the notification bell so that you don’t miss out on any of the new content!

Basic Phrases for Introducing Yourself in Korean

How to Say “Hello, My Name Is…” in Korean

When you’re meeting somebody for the first time, you’ll use one of the following two phrases to say “Hello, my name is…”

You can use this phrase if your name ends in a vowel:

안녕하세요? 저는 _____예요.
Hello, my name is _____.

You can use this phrase if your name ends in a consonant:

안녕하세요? 저는 _____이에요.
Hello, my name is _____.

Just like in English, there are several ways to introduce yourself in Korean. You can also use one of the following phrases with no difference in meaning.

If your name ends in a vowel:

제 이름은 _____예요.
My name is _____.

And if your name ends in a consonant:

제 이름은 _____이에요.
My name is _____.

If you want to ask somebody else what their name is, you can say this:

이름이 뭐예요?
What is your name?

How to Say “Nice to Meet You” in Korean

There are several ways to say “nice to meet you” in Korean, but the following is one of the most simple:

만나서 반가워요.
Nice to meet you.

How to Say “I’m From…” in Korean

Shortly after meeting somebody, you might get asked about your background. You can use this phrase to tell somebody what country or city you come from:

저는 _____에서 왔어요.
I come from _____.

Korean speakers often drop the word “I” from sentences. Usually, when you can guess the subject of the sentence by the context, you can drop 저는 without changing the meaning.

Here’s a list of some countries you might be from. Most countries sound similar to their English counterpart, but some others such as America and Australia change.

  • Canada: 캐나다
  • England: 영국
  • America: 미국
  • Ireland: 아일랜드
  • Scotland: 스코틀랜드
  • Northern Ireland: 북아일랜드
  • New Zealand: 뉴질랜드
  • India: 인도
  • Australia: 호주
  • The Philippines: 필리핀
  • Jamaica: 자메이카
  • The Bahamas: 바하마 제도

How to Talk About Your Age in Korean

Asking and expressing your age in Korean is an essential skill. As we mentioned, there are different formalities of speech in Korean. When meeting somebody for the first time, you may want to ask them how old they are so you know how formal you should be when speaking.

Saying your age is easy. You can just say the following with your age in the blank:

I am _____ years old.

There are two different number systems in Korean. For saying your age, you should use native Korean numbers. If you need to brush up on your Korean numbers, here’s a reminder.

  • One: 하나 (한)
  • Two: 둘 (두)
  • Three: 셋 (세)
  • Four: 넷 (네)
  • Five: 다섯
  • Six: 여섯
  • Seven: 일곱
  • Eight: 여덟
  • Nine: 아홉
  • Ten: 열
  • Twenty: 스물 (스무)
  • Thirty: 서른
  • Forty: 마흔
  • Fifty: 쉰
  • Sixty: 예순
  • Seventy: 일흔
  • Eighty: 여든
  • Ninety: 아흔

If you want to ask someone how old they are, you can use either of the following expressions. The first is more formal, while the second sounds more casual:

나이가 어떻게 되세요?
How old are you? (Formal)

몇 살이에요?
How old are you? (Casual)

If you’re asking somebody older than you their age, you should say the following:

연세가 어떻게 되세요?
How old are you?

How to Talk About Your Job in Korean

If you want to tell somebody what you do for work, you can use the following expression, putting your job title in the blank:

저는 _____이에요/예요.
I am a _____.

And, here’s a quick refresher on some jobs you might have.

  • Teacher: 선생님
  • Student: 학생
  • Doctor: 의사
  • Nurse: 간호사
  • Scientist: 과학자
  • Athlete: 운동 선수

If you want to ask somebody what their job is, you can use the following expression. It loosely translates to “what is your profession?”

무슨 일 하세요?
What’s your job?

Sample Conversation for Introducing Yourself in Korean

Congratulations—you now have a solid foundation for introducing yourself and striking up a conversation in Korean! Now that you’ve learned some basic phrases, here’s an example of a basic conversation putting them together:

Ryan: 안녕하세요? 저는 Ryan이에요. 이름이 뭐예요?
Hello, I’m Ryan. What’s your name?

Min-Soo: 저는 Min-Soo예요. 한국에서 왔어요.
I’m Min-Soo. I’m from Korea.

Ryan: 만나서 반가워요.
Nice to meet you.

Min-Soo: 저도요. Ryan, 나이가 어떻게 되세요?
Same to you. How old are you, Ryan?

Ryan: 25살이에요. 무슨 일 하세요?
I’m 25 years old. What’s your job?

Min-Soo: 학생이에요.
I’m a student.

This is just one example of how this conversation might go. In order to really get the ball rolling, call up a classmate, conversation partner or Korean-speaking friend and run this dialogue several different times, with variations in how the two characters respond. Record yourself and then listen back for extra pronunciation practice.

Online Resources to Practice Introducing Yourself in Korean

Merely learning these phrases once isn’t enough. You have to make time to practice! Here are a few ways we recommend reinforcing what you’ve learned here:

Watch Authentic Korean Videos on FluentU

how to introduce yourself in korean

The FluentU app uses interactive videos from the real world to make learning Korean fun.

You can listen to movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks to improve your Korean language skills while being entertained at the same time. Because FluentU only uses authentic videos featuring native speakers, you’ll learn Korean as it’s really spoken in day-to-day life. Follow along with interactive subtitles, which allow you to easily look up any unfamiliar word.

Since introductory phrases like “Hello” and “How are you?” are so common, you’re sure to find them in a number of videos. For example, check out this video of Kim Yoo-Jung, a Korean actress, as she fields questions from fans. She starts by quickly introducing herself to her viewers, and you can follow her lead in learning the correct vocabulary and pronunciation to introduce yourself.

Connect with Native Speakers on HelloTalk

how to introduce yourself in korean

HelloTalk is a social media app that connects you with native speakers interested in learning your language. You can chat, ask questions and make corrections to each other’s speech and writing. This app is great for practicing introductions, because you’ll have to introduce yourself every time you connect with someone new!

Run Grammar Drills on How to Study Korean

how to introduce yourself in korean

If you want to improve your grammar and develop your fluency, How to Study Korean is one of the best free resources available on the internet. It has more than 150 lessons to help you improve your Korean language ability, plus games and activities to help you practice.

Work on Memorization with Korean Flashcards

If you want to learn even more phrases that you can use right away in the real world, this Quizlet card set can help. Once you have the phrases memorized, you can test yourself to see if you’ve retained them. If you want to customize your flashcards, you can also use the user-generated flashcard feature on FluentU to make a flashcard deck with all the words you want to learn. FluentU’s flashcards show you not only a word and its English translation, but also a definition, example sentences and an entertaining image to help you retain new vocabulary.

If you prefer your flashcards to be on paper, that’s great too: simply make some the old-fashioned way, on notecards. Writing these phrases down will help you practice spelling and may aid in memorization as well.

Chat with a Robot on MondlyAR

how to introduce yourself in korean

MondlyAR—part of the broader Mondly language-learning service—provides a virtual reality chatbox feature that can help you practice phrases you’ve learned. Try starting a conversation and practicing the phrases you’ve learned today. Chatting with a chatbot can be a great way to build confidence before reaching out to an actual native speaker.

See? 15 minutes of your time, and you’re already a more confident Korean speaker.

Now that you know some basic phrases, you can use them to kickstart your next conversation in Korean. This just might be the perfect moment to transform that karaoke partner into a new friend.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

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Вне зависимости от того, хотите ли вы отправиться в увлекательное путешествие в Южную Корею или просто изучаете корейский язык ради забавы, в этой статье мы научим вас основным фразам, с помощью которых можно представиться по-корейски.


  1. Изображение с названием Introduce Yourself in Korean Step 1


    Научитесь произносить Хангыль (корейский алфавит). Тренируйтесь правильно произносить буквы. Например, в корейском языке «b» произносится как «п», «j» — как «ч», «g» — как «к» (только если слово начинается с «g») и так далее.

  2. Изображение с названием Introduce Yourself in Korean Step 2


    Разговаривайте с уверенностью. Говорите громко и четко, чтобы человек, с которым вы общаетесь, мог вас лучше слышать и понимать.

  3. Изображение с названием Introduce Yourself in Korean Step 3


    Начните со слов 안녕하세요. Используйте эту фразу, когда обращаетесь к незнакомому человеку, своему начальнику, учителю, кому-то старше вас или вышестоящему по должности. Произносите 안녕하세요 как «ань-йо-ха-сэ-йо». Поздоровайтесь таким образом.

    • Вы также можете сказать 안녕, когда обращаетесь к своим друзьям, родным брату или сестре или кому-то младше вас. Произносите 안녕 как «ань-йонъ». Используйте это слово только в начале приветствия.
  4. Изображение с названием Be a Demiwolf Step 12


    Скажите 제 이름은 (ваше имя) 입니다. Произносите 제 이름은 입니다 как «дзе ирымын (ваше имя) имнида». Запомните, что ваше имя на корейском языке будет звучать по-другому, например: Дэвид — это Дейбидеу или Дейбит, так что не удивляйтесь, если житель Кореи произнесет ваше имя иначе.

  5. Изображение с названием Introduce Yourself in Korean Step 5


    Завершите приветствие фразой 만나서반가워요. Произносите 만나서반가워요 как «ман-на-со-пан-гауо-йо». Фраза означает «приятно познакомиться».

  6. Изображение с названием Introduce Yourself in Korean Step 6


    Спросите человека 이름이뭐에요?. Произносите 이름이뭐에요 как «илыми мео ейо?» Фраза означает “как вас зовут?”. Это поможет вам получше узнать человека.



  • В Корее, когда вы знакомитесь с новым человеком, всегда кланяйтесь, чтобы выразить свое уважение.
  • Запомните, что, если вы представляетесь кому-либо младше вас, нужно использовать разговорную речь. В данной статье приведен уважительный вариант. Чтобы говорить неформально, достаточно просто ставить yo (йо) в конце слова.



  • Никогда не используйте разговорную речь при общении со своим начальником, учителем или кем-либо старше вас, так как это неуважительно на любом языке!


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Разговорник корейского языка

Этот краткий разговорник был подготовлен нашими лингвистами. Надеемся, что он будет полезен Вам, если Вы соберетесь в деловую поездку или путешествие в Корею.



Кириллическая транскрипция

Базовые слова




До свидания

안녕히 계세요

Аннёнхи́ гесеё














Я не понимаю


Мот ихэхамнида́

Как вас зовут?

이름이 무엇입니까?

Ирыми́ муосимникка́?

Меня зовут …


Че ирымы́н …имнида́


문이 열어 있습니다

Муни́ ёро́ иссымнида́


금일 휴업

Кыми́ль хюо́п








Сколько это стоит?

이것은 얼마입니까?

Игосы́н ольмаимникка́?

Я куплю это

이것을 사고 싶습니다

Игосы́ль саго́ сипсымнида́

Вы можете написать цену?

가격을 있습니까?

Кагёгы́ль ссо́ джуль су́ иссымникка́?

Это дорого

너무 비쌉니다

Ному́ биссамнида́

Вы принимаете к оплате карты?

카드로 지불할 있습니까?

Кхадыро́ джибурха́ль су́ иссымникка́?



М: 아저씨!

Ж: 아가씨!

М: Аджосси́!

Ж: Агасси́!

У Вас есть свободные столики?

자리가 있습니까?

Пи́н джарига́ иссымникка́?

Счет, пожалуйста

계산서를 주십시오

Чо́м гесансоры́ль джусипсио́








버스 터미널

По́сы тхо́миноль

Автозаправочная станция







현금 자동 입출금기

Хёнгы́м джадо́н ипчхульгымги́




Где находится …?

어디 있습니까?

… оди́ иссымникка́?

Железнодорожный вокзал



Мне нужен билет

표가 필요합니다

Пхёга́ пхирёхамнида́

Мне нужна карта города

도시의 지도가 필요합니다

Тосиэ́ джидога́ пхирёхамнида́

Полицейский участок









Станция метро









Чрезвычайные ситуации

Вызовите врача

의사를 불러 주세요

Ыйсары́ль булло́ джусеё

Вызовите полицию

경찰을 불러 주세요

Кёнчхары́ль булло́ джусеё

Меня обокрали

저를 강탈했어요

Чоры́ль гантхархэссоё

Мне нужно позвонить

전화해야 해요

Чонхвахэя́ хэё





도와 주세요!

Това́ джусеё!

У меня потерялся ребенок

아이를 잃어버렸어요

Аиры́ль ироборёссоё

Я заблудился

길을 잃어버렸어요

Киры́ль ироборёссоё

Я потерял свой багаж

짐을 잃어버렸어요

Чимы́ль ироборёссоё























































Примеры как можно рассказывать о себе

안녕하세요! ( Другие варианты приветствия и примеры предложений о себе)

저는….( имя)….이에요  – Меня зовут  (имя)…. .

Если вы хотите сказать вашу национальность, то вы должны сказать:

( какая  ваша страна) 사람입니다. Например: я из поляк (полячка)  – 폴란드사람입니다. Слово 사람 значит человек.

저는대학생이에요.  – Я студент. 경제학공부해요. – Изучаю экономику.  Эти два предложения можно соединить в одно предложение. 저는 대학생이고 경제학 공부를 해요.

저는 외국어공부하는게조아요. – Мне нравится изучать иностранные языки 언젠가는한국어잘하고싶어요.  – Когда-нибудь я хорошо буду говорить по корейски.



제 이름은 …. 입니다.  – меня зовут

영화를보고 좋아합니다. – мне нравится смотреть фильмы.

제 생일이 10월 이고 제가 가장 좋아한 색 핑크 입니다. – мой день рождения в октябре и любимый цвет розовый.

과일을 먹고 저희 가족을 사랑합니다. Люблю кушать фрукты и мою семью.


저는  имя입니다. (제 이름은  имя입니다.)

저는 아랍인입니다   или 저는 아랍 사람입니다. – Я араб (ка).

저는 아랍사람인 동시에 미국 사람이기도 합니다. => Я араб и в тоже время я американец.

제 아버지는 아랍 사람입니다. – мой папа араб

제 어머니는 미국 사람입니다.  моя мама американка

저는 무슬림 여자입니다. Я мусульманка

주부입니다. Я домохозяйка

저는 한국어를 공부합니다. я учу корейский язык

  1. 저는 23살입니다.  Мне 23 года ( Смотрите урок числа и цифры)

제 생일은 5월 26일입니다. Мой день рождения 26 мая

  1. 제 취미는 비디오 게임하는 것과 독서입니다. Мое хобби играть в игры и чтение.

안녕하세요, 제 이름은 ……입니다.

전 한국 부산에서 왔어요. Я  приехал из Южной  Кореи,  Пусан ( город).

저는 비지아톰 닷 컴에서 일을 하고 있어요.

만나서 반갑습니다.

저는 선생님이에요 –  Я учитель.

저는 30살이에요.  – Мне 30 лет

저는 여동생이 있어요. – У меня есть младшая сестра

저는 취미가 수영이에요.  – Мое хобби плавание

from Easy Korean SHOHK http://ift.tt/1rzo6NF


  안녕! [аньён] Привет!При расставании может также означать "Пока".

안녕하십니까 (или 안녕하세요) [аньёнхащимникка/аньёнхасэйо] Приветствие, выражающее вопрос «всё ли у вас в порядке?» или «всё ли у вас благополучно?».

안녕히 주무세요 [аннёнхи чумусэйо] - Спокойной ночи.

안녕히 주무셨습니까? [аннёнхи чумущёсымникка?] Доброе утро/ как спалось?

(안녕히 주무셨어요? [аннёнхи чумущёссоё] Хорошо спалось?

고맙습니다 или 감사합니다 [комапсымнида/камсахамнида] Спасибо.
대단히 감사합니다 [тэданхи камсахамнида] Большое спасибо.

괜찮아요 ( или 괜찮습니다) - [кэнчханаё] Все в порядке, нормально. При выражении благодарности означает "не за что". Так же можно употребить при вежливом отказе, например: 아니요, 괜찮아요 ("нет, спасибо" или "спасибо, не нужно").

실례합니다 [cиллехамнида] Извините за беспокойство.
Также 실례합니다 употребляется как извинение за свое отсутствие длительное или краткое время.

미안합니다 [мианхамнида] Простите.

죄송합니다 [чвесонхамнида] Прошу прошения.

천만에요 [чхонманеё] Пожалуйста, не стоит. Ответ на извинения, комплименты, благодарности.

잘 가요 [чаль гайо] Счастливого пути, до свидания.Формальная (более официальная) форма прощания между хорошо знакомыми людьми.

Прощание, когда один человек уходит, а второй остается. Тому, кто уходит, говорят:
안녕히 가세요 [аннёнхи касэйо] До свидания, счастливого пути.
Тому, кто остается, говорят "до свидания" так:
안녕히계세요 [аннёнхи кэсэйо] Счастливо оставаться.

Эти же прощаниям с использованием повелительного наклонения:
안녕히 가십시오 [аннёнхи касипсио] ~ идите с миром
안녕히 계십시오 [аннёнхи кэсэипсио] оставайтесь.

또 만나요 [тто маннаё] Увидимся снова, еще встретимся.

어떻게 지내세요? [Оттокхе чинэсеё?] Как поживаете?

아주 좋습니다 [аджу чохсымнида] Очень хорошо.
나쁘지 않습니다 [наппынджиансымнида] Неплохо.

환영합니다! [хванёнхамнида] Добро пожаловать!
어서 오세요 [Осо осеё] Добро пожаловать.

사랑해요 [саранхейо] Я тебя люблю.
나도 사랑해요 [надо саранхейо] Я тоже тебя люблю.

이름이 무엇입니까? [ирыми муосымникка?] Как вас зовут?
제 이름은 *** 입니다 [че ирымын *ваше имя* имнида] Меня зовут ***  

  성공을 빕니다 [сонконыль пимнида] Желаю успехов.

수고하세요 [сугохасэйо] Спасибо за заботу/труд/беспокойство.
Значит "спасибо" или "до свидания". Так можно сказать обслуживающему персоналу при уходе из ресторана или водителю такси при выходе из машины.

수고하십니다. [сугохасимнида] "Вы усердно трудитесь!". Употребляется в настоящем времени, когда видите кого-либо усердно работающим.
수고했습니다. [cугохессымнида] Употребляется в прошедшем времени для выражения благодарности за выполненную работу или предоставленную услугу.
수고하새요. [сугохасейо] Употребляется, при прощании с кем-либо, кто в данный момент работает.

놀러 오십시오. [нолло ощипщио]
Это приглашение "Приходите (к нам) в гости". Носит формальный характер.
또 오십시오. [тто ощипщио] "Приходите еще". Используется, когда гость покидает ваш дом.

요즈음 재미가 어떠세요? [ёджыым чемига оттосейо] Вопрос при встрече "Как вы поживаете в последнее время?"

오래간만입니다. [орэканманимнида] Давно не виделись.

만나서 반갑습니다. [маннасо пангапсымнида] Рад вас видеть.
저도 만나서 반갑습니다. [чодо маннасо пангапсымнида] Я также рад видеть вас.

잘 지내십니다. [чаль джинэсимнида] Всё хорошо. Всё в порядке.

정말입니까? [чонмальимникка?] Правда? Можно так же сказать 그래? [кыре?] или 진짜?
진짜 [чинчча] Действительно, правда.

보고 싶었어요. [пого щипхосоё] Я хотел с вами встретиться/хотел вас увидеть.

오랜만이야! [орэн мания] Давно не виделись!
그래, 오랜만이야. [кырэ оренмания] Верно, давно.

어쩐 일이야? [оччон ирия?] Ты что здесь делаешь?
그냥. [кынъян] Ничего; имеет значение "просто так".

거짓말 하지마 [коджитмаль хаджима] Хватит врать.  

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