Загрузка …
Привет, друзья и коллеги, с вами снова Павел Ямб.
А не сходить ли нам в кино? Разговор этот я завожу не просто так. Изучая разные способы заработка на статьях, я пришел к выводу, что киноманы могут хорошо зарабатывать на своей любви к кинематографу. Давайте вместе разберемся, как писать отзыв о фильме, чтобы он принес не только пользу читателю, но и доход автору.
Содержание статьи
•О чем писать
•Для кого писать
•План отзыва
О чем писать
Как показывает практика, самый ходовой товар – отзывы о фильмах, которые должны вот-вот появиться или только что вышли на экраны. Если фильм уже идет, то постарайтесь в первых рядах попасть в кинотеатр и написать текст по свежим впечатлениям прямо в тот же вечер. Эмоции, которые вы получите от просмотра новинки, отразятся в тексте. Так у вас получится невероятно актуальная статья. Она точно не залежится в магазине биржи. Если же вы завели аккаунт на сайте платных отзывов (например, Otzovik.com), то можете быть уверены, что количество просмотров принесет вам деньги не только на следующий поход в кино. Таким способом можно и на домашний кинотеатр заработать.
Было бы отлично написать отзыв на фильм, который только готовится к выходу в свет. Но тут нужно провести исследовательскую работу: найти и изучить отзывы кинокритиков, которые имели доступ к закрытому показу. Собрав такую информацию из разных источников, можно написать менее эмоциональную, но очень интересную статью.
Вот посмотрите отзыв на фильм и одновременно трейлер.
Для кого писать
Впереди выходной. У кого-то намечается семейный ужин, кто-то собрался потусить с друзьями, кто-то просто решил поваляться на диване. Такие вечера обычно прекрасно проходят под интересное кино. А что посмотреть? В помощь – миллион киносайтов с описаниями и отзывами к любому фильму. Кто их пишет? Правильно, мы с вами, коллеги.
Или другая история. Уже полгода везде и всюду попадается реклама нового голливудского блокбастера «Мир юрского периода». Идти смотреть или не стоит тратить деньги? Вдруг, увлекшись спецэффектами, режиссер забыл о заманчивом сюжете? А может отправиться всей семьей на новый мультфильм «Головоломка»? Или там папе будет скучно?
Люди частенько задают себе такие вопросы, а ответы на них они привыкли искать в интернете. Зная это, мы легко представим себе своего читателя и напишем именно такой отзыв, который окажется для него полезным.
Боевики со спецэффектами любит смотреть мужская аудитория, молодежь, подростки. Ориентируясь на их интересы и используя привычную им речь, напишем отзыв в таком же динамичном взрывном стиле.
Для семей с детьми ближе фильмы о чуткости, верности, любви и других вечных ценностях. Значит, нужно именно вокруг этого выстраивать свою статью.
В итоге получается, «по Станиславскому» — вжиться в образ того человека, которому адресован наш отзыв, и написать именно ту иноформацию, которую он ищет. Такие статьи владельцы сайтов и блогов с удовольствием покупают на биржах copylancer.ru, Etxt, Text.ru. Нам остается только хорошо делать свою работу и снабжать их таким контентом.
План отзыва
Давайте договоримся сразу, что мы пишем не профессиональную рецензию, а отзыв для таких же обычных людей, как мы сами. Пусть кинокритики занимаются концептуальностью и актуальностью. Мы же будем писать о том, что нам понравилось или нет. Для своей работы вы можете использовать следующий план:
- Хороший заголовок нужен любой приличной статье. Постарайтесь придумать такой, в котором будет фигурировать название ленты.
- Вводный абзац подтверждает, что речь пойдет именно о фильме из заголовка. Обычно это пара предложений, чтобы ввести в курс дела. «Студия Pixar еще раз подтвердила свой статус производителя семейных мультфильмов с глубоким философским смыслом. В этом году увидел свет полнометражный мультипликационный фильм «Головоломка». Режиссеры Пит Доктер и Рональдо дель Кармен подарили нам возможность заглянуть во внутренний мир своих детей».
- Краткий сюжет. В этом блоке не нужно полностью раскрывать содержание фильма (спойлер). Достаточно обозначить основные его моменты и заинтриговать.«Эпизод из жизни одиннадцатилетней Райли Андерсон, которой пришлось переехать вместе с родителями из провинциального городка в Сан-Франциско стал основой мультфильма. Сложный период жизни отражается на ее эмоциях. В мультфильме пять основных эмоций девочки, Радость, Печаль, Страх и Отвращение, оказались главными героями, и учатся существовать в новом мире».
- О режиссере, актерах, интересных фактах. Содержание этой части всегда привлекает внимание читателей. Людям интересно знать, почему режиссеру пришло в голову снимать это кино. Можно рассказать об актерах, дублировавших иностранный фильм. Если вы сможете добавить сюда несколько киноляпов, количество просмотров вашего отзыва увеличится вдвое.«История рождения «Головоломки» проста и уникальна одновременно. Режиссер Пит Доктер решил «очеловечить» некоторые из эмоций своей дочери, когда понял, как нелегко ей подчас справляться с жизненными проблемами. Согласитесь, что не каждый взрослый может понять своего ребенка и вовремя протянуть руку помощи».
- Собственные впечатления не менее важны, чем факты и сюжетная линия. Тут вы можете поделиться своими ощущениями и помочь читателям определиться с выбором. «Нечасто мне удается проникнуться переживаниями главных героев мультфильмов! Обычно я чувствую себя сопровождающим, но тут невозможно было оторваться от экрана. Я вдруг понял, как глупо требовать от своих детей взрослых поступков, когда сам не справляешься с эмоциями! Задумался…»
- Вывод, совет, рекомендация. Не нужно особенно много писать. Просто скажите, стоит или не стоит, по-вашему, тратить время на поход в кинотеатр. Или расскажите, кому будет интересно, а кому нет.
«Если вы ждали повода, чтобы всей семьей сходить в кино, то он появился. Смело берите билеты, и удачного вам просмотра.». И если вы ждете повода прочитать еще и интересное произведение литературы, то вот вам статья о том, как писать отзывы на книгу.
Ну, а если вы посмотрели фильм, который вам показался неинтересным или даже глупым, если считаете, что за такое творчество жалко платить деньги, то пишите и об этом тоже. Обязательно приводите аргументы, почему так. Читатели сами решат, надо ли к вам прислушиваться. Зато точно прочитают ваш отзыв до конца.
Надеюсь, вам пригодится информация из моей статьи. Оставляйте комментарии, подписывайтесь на обновления. С вами был Павел Ямб. До скорой встречи.
Сочинение-отзыв — вид учебной работы, который преподаватели задают, чтобы узнать мнение школьников и студентов о прочитанной книге (просмотренном фильме/спектакле) и проверить понимание произведения. Это сочинение похоже на рецензию.
Рецензия — жанр журналистики, основанный на критической оценке объекта культуры.
Больше информации о видах учебных работ, советах о подготовке к сессии и т.д. вы найдете в нашем телеграм-канале. Подписывайтесь, мы делимся только важной информацией, никакого спама и рекламы.
Сочинение-отзыв о книге
Чаще всего педагоги предлагают написать сочинение-отзыв о прочитанной книге. В этом случае главная цель — показать, что учащийся читал это произведение и понимает его смысл, а также продемонстрировать собственное отношение к героям и их поступкам. Такое сочинение пишется по следующему плану:
- Характеристика автора книги и место конкретного произведения в его творчестве.
- Сюжет книги (основные события в 3-5 предложениях, не делайте слишком подробный пересказ).
- Личное отношение к прочитанному (это главная часть сочинения на тему «отзыв о книге»).
- Доказательства (аргументация собственного мнения: почему одни герои показались положительными, а другие – нет, какими поступками они это продемонстрировали).
- Заключение (чему учит чтение книги, какие нравственные вопросы поднимает и какие ответы на них дает писатель).
Этот план сочинения отзыва о произведении универсальный и подойдет для книг любых жанров. Образцы и примеры сочинений-отзывов с такой структурой легко найти в интернете.
Если учитель задает тему «сочинение-отзыв о любимой книге», дополнительным пунктом плана станет ответ на вопрос «почему эта книга нравится мне больше других».
Сочинение-отзыв по картине
С целью развития у учеников и студентов эстетических чувств педагоги иногда предлагают написать отзыв на произведение живописи. Если вы знаете, как написать сочинение-отзыв по книге, то и сочинение-отзыв по картине не вызовет трудностей. Их планы похожи:
- Краткая информация о художнике, его стиле и творческом периоде, к которому относится полотно.
- Изложение того, что зритель видит на картине (жанр и сюжет).
- Описание художественных особенностей полотна (композиция, ракурс, панорама, игра света, цвета и тени, символы).
- Ощущения, которые пробуждает художественное пространство картины.
- Вывод (что хотел отразить автор и насколько ему это удалось).
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Сочинение-отзыв о фильме
Некоторые современные учителя понимают, что сегодняшняя молодежь читает мало и вместо традиционной рецензии на книгу предлагают написать сочинение на тему «отзыв о фильме». Иногда в качестве объекта предлагают популярное кино последних лет, но чаще просят охарактеризовать фильм, снятый по художественному произведению.
Чтобы написать полное и аргументированное сочинение о фильме, рекомендуем делать заметки в то время, когда будете его смотреть: так вы сохраните первые впечатления об увиденном.
План сочинения-отзыва о фильме состоит из таких пунктов:
- Характеристика режиссера и его творческого наследия.
- Краткая информация о произведении-первоисточнике.
- Оценка кино: является ли оно пересказом книги или авторской трактовкой.
- Чем фильм похож на книгу, а чем отличается (какие сюжетные линии опущены или переданы иначе, совпадает ли внешность актеров с описанием героев).
- Личное мнение о фильме.
- Заключение (насколько полно фильм передает художественную основу).
Сочинение-отзыв о просмотренном фильме не должно напоминать профессиональную рецензию. При написании главное — не охарактеризовать игру актеров или уровень спецэффектов, а передать общее впечатление о фильме, свои размышления о сюжете.
Сочинение-отзыв о спектакле
Чаще всего для анализа также предлагают спектакли, основанные на классических произведениях русской литературы: пьесах А. С. Грибоедова, А. Н. Островского, А. П. Чехова и др.
План такого сочинения:
- Общие сведения о спектакле: в каком театре идет по чьему произведению поставлен.
- Совпадения/отличия сюжета спектакля от книжки-оригинала.
- Характеристика актерской игры (как основного художественного средства постановки).
- Личное мнение об увиденном.
- Вывод.
Можно заметить, что план сочинения-отзыва мало зависит от объекта. Главный ответ на вопрос «как писать сочинение-отзыв?» – совмещать изложение сюжета с обоснованным мнением о книге, картине, фильме или спектакле.
Надеемся, наши советы помогли вам освоить такой вид работы как сочинение-отзыв. Но если вы все еще сомневаетесь в том, что напишите хороший отклик, стоит обратиться в студенческий сервис. Его эксперты умеют писать эссе и сочинения любых типов и по любым предметам: языку и литературе, истории, обществознанию, английскому.
Карина – противоречивая натура: любит фильмы Ларса фон Триера и песни Михаила Шуфутинского. В активе – два высших образования и тысяча прочитанных книг.
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Whether a movie is a rotten tomato or a brilliant work of art, if people are watching it, it’s worth critiquing. A decent movie review should entertain, persuade and inform, providing an original opinion without giving away too much of the plot. A great movie review can be a work of art in its own right. Read on to learn how to analyze a movie like a professional film critic, come up with an interesting thesis, and write a review as entertaining as your source material.
Sample Movie Reviews
Start with a compelling fact or opinion on the movie. You want to get the reader hooked immediately. This sentence needs to give them a feel for your review and the movie – is it good, great, terrible, or just okay? – and keep them reading. Some ideas include:[1]
- Comparison to Relevant Event or Movie: «Every day, our leaders, politicians, and pundits call for «revenge»– against terrorist groups, against international rivals, against other political parties. But few of them understand the cold, destructive, and ultimately hollow thrill of revenge as well as the characters of Blue Ruin.«
- Review in a nutshell: «Despite a compelling lead performance by Tom Hanks and a great soundtrack, Forrest Gump never gets out of the shadow of its weak plot and questionable premise.»
- Context or Background Information: «Boyhood might be the first movie made where knowing how it was produced–slowly, over 12 years, with the same actors–is just as crucial as the movie itself.»
Give a clear, well-established opinion early on. Don’t leave the reader guessing whether you like the movie or not. Let them know early on, so that you can spend the rest of the time «proving» your rating.[2]
- Using stars, a score out of 10 or 100, or the simple thumbs-up and thumbs-down is a quick way to give your thoughts. You then write about why you chose that rating.
- Great Movie:ABC is the rare movie that succeeds on almost every level, where each character, scene, costume, and joke firing on all cylinders to make a film worth repeated viewings.»
- Bad Movie: «It doesn’t matter how much you enjoy kung-fu and karate films: with 47 Ronin, you’re better off saving your money, your popcorn, and time.»
- Okay Movie: «I loved the wildly uneven Interstellar far more than I should have, but that doesn’t mean it is perfect. Ultimately, the utter awe and spectacle of space swept me through the admittedly heavy-handed plotting and dialogue.»
Support your opinions with evidence from specific scenes. This is where taking notes during the movie really pays off. It’s hard to sway other people with your opinion if you can’t give facts that support your argument.[3]
- Great: «Michael B. Jordan and Octavia Spencer’s chemistry would carry Fruitvale Station even if the script wasn’t as good. The mid-movie prison scene in particular, where the camera never leaves their faces, shows how much they can convey with nothing but their eyelids, the flashing tension of neck muscles, and a barely cracking voice.»
- Bad: «Jurassic World’s biggest flaw, a complete lack of relatable female characters, is only further underscored by a laughably unrealistic shot of our heroine running away from a dinosaur – in heels.»
- Okay: «At the end of the day, Snowpiercer can’t decide what kind of movie it wants to be. The attention to detail in fight scenes, where every weapon, lightbulb, and slick patch of ground is accounted for, doesn’t translate to an ending that seems powerful but ultimately says little of substance.»
Create an original thesis based on your analysis. Now that you’ve thoroughly studied the movie, what unique insights can you bring to the table? Come up with a thesis, a central idea to discuss and back up with your observations on the various elements of the film. Your thesis should be discussed in the first paragraph of your review. Having a thesis will take your review beyond the plot summary stage and into the realm of film criticism, which is rightfully its own art form. Ask yourself the following questions to come up with a compelling thesis for your review:[4]
- Does the film reflect on a current event or contemporary issue? It could be the director’s way of engaging in a bigger conversation. Look for ways to relate the content of the film to the «real» world.
- Does the film seem to have a message, or does it attempt to elicit a specific response or emotion from the audience? You could discuss whether or not it achieves its own goals.
- Does the film connect with you on a personal level? You could write a review stemming from your own feelings and weave in some personal stories to make it interesting for your readers.
Follow your thesis paragraph with a short plot summary. It’s good to give readers an idea of what they’ll be in for if they decide to see the movie you’re reviewing. Give a brief summary of the plot in which you identify the main characters, describe the setting, and give a sense of the central conflict or point of the movie. Never break the number one rule of movie reviews: don’t give too much away. Don’t ruin the movie for your readers![5]
- When you name characters in your plot summary, list the actors’ names directly afterward in parenthesis.
- Find a place to mention the director’s name and the full movie title.
- If you feel you must discuss information that might «spoil» things for readers, warn them first.
Start to talk about the film’s technical and artistic choices. Plot is just one piece of a movie, and shouldn’t dictate your entire review. Some movies don’t have great or compelling plots, but that doesn’t mean the movie itself is bad. Other things to focus on include:[6]
- Cinematography: «Her is a world drenched in color, using bright, soft reds and oranges alongside calming whites and grays that both build, and slowly strip away, the feelings of love between the protagonists. Every frame feels like a painting worth sitting in.»
- Tone: «Despite the insane loneliness and high stakes of being stuck alone on Mars, The Martian’s witty script keeps humor and excitement alive in every scene. Space may be dangerous and scary, but the joy of scientific discovery is intoxicating.»
- Music and Sound: «No Country For Old Men’s bold decision to skip music entirely pays off in spades. The eerie silence of the desert, punctuated by the brief spells of violent, up-close-and-personal sound effects of hunter and hunted, keeps you constantly on the edge of your seat.»
- Acting: «While he’s fantastic whenever he’s on the move, using his cool stoicism to counteract the rampaging bus, Keanu Reeves can’t quite match his costar in the quiet moments of Speed, which falter under his expressionless gaze.»
Move into your analysis of the movie. Write several paragraphs discussing interesting elements of the movie that support your thesis. Discuss the acting, the direction, the cinematography, the setting, and so on, using clear, entertaining prose that keeps your readers engaged.[7]
- Keep your writing clear and easy to understand. Don’t use too much technical filmmaking jargon, and make your language crisp and accessible.
- Present both the facts and your opinion. For example, you might state something such as, «The Baroque background music was a jarring contrast to the 20th century setting.» This is a lot more informative then simply saying, «The music was a strange choice for the movie.»
Use plenty of examples to back up your points. If you make a statement about the movie, back it up with a descriptive example. Describe the way scenes look, the way a certain person acted, camera angles, and so on. You can quote dialogue to help you make your points as well. In this way you are giving your readers a feel for the movie and continuing to express your critique of the film at the same time.[8]
Give it some personality. You could treat your review like a formal college essay, but it’s more interesting if you make it your own. If your writing style is usually witty and funny, your review should be no exception. If you’re serious and dramatic, that works, too. Let your language and writing style reflect your unique perspective and personality — it’s much more entertaining for the reader.[9]
Bring your review full-circle in the ending. Give the review some closure, usually by trying back to your opening fact or thesis.[10]
Remember, people read reviews to decide whether or not they should watch a movie. End on a sentence that tells them whether it’s worth seeing. Try to make your conclusion entertaining, too![11]
- Great: «In the end, even the characters of Blue Ruin know how pointless their feud is. But revenge, much like every taut minute of this thriller, is far too addictive to give up until the bitter end.»»
- Bad: «Much like the oft-mentioned «box of chocolates», Forest Gump has a couple of good little morsels. But most of the scenes, too sweet by half, should have been in the trash long before this movie was put out.»
- Okay: «Without the novel, even revolutionary concept, Boyhood may not be a great movie. It might not even be «good.” But the power the film finds in the beauty of passing time and little, inconsequential moments – moments that could only be captured over 12 years of shooting – make Linklater’s latest an essential film for anyone interested in the art of film.»
Edit your review. Once you’ve finished the first draft, read it through (you can even read it out loud!) and decide whether it flows well and has the right structure. You may need to shift paragraphs around, delete sentences, or add more material here and there to fill out parts that are stunted. Give your review at least one editorial pass, and maybe two or three, before you consider it to be editorially sound.[12]
- Ask yourself whether your review stayed true to your thesis. Did your conclusion tie back in with the initial ideas you proposed?
- Decide whether your review contains enough details about the movie. You may need to go back and add more description here and there to give readers a better sense of what the movie’s about.
- Decide whether your review is interesting enough as a stand-alone piece of writing. Did you contribute something original to this discussion? What will readers gain from reading your review that they couldn’t from simply watching the movie?
Proofread your review. Make sure you’ve spelled all the actors’ names correctly and that you got all the dates right. Clean up typos, grammatical errors, and other spelling errors as well. A clean, proofread review will seem much more professional than one that’s full of silly mistakes.[13]
Publish or share your review. Post it on your blog, share it in a movie discussion forum, put it up on Facebook, or email it to your friends and family. Movies are the quintessential art form of our time, and like all art, they spark controversy, provide a venue for self-reflection, and greatly influence our culture. All this means they’re worth discussing, whether they’re flops or works of pure genius. Congratulations for contributing your valuable opinion to the discussion.
Gather basic facts about the movie. You can do this before or after you watch the movie, but you should definitely do it before you write the review, because you’ll need to weave the facts into your review as you write. Here’s what you need to know:[14]
- The title of the film, and the year it came out.
- The director’s name.
- The names of the lead actors.
- The genre.
Take notes on the movie as you watch it. Before you sit down to watch a film, get out a notepad or a laptop to take notes. Movies are long, and you can easily forget details or major plot points. Taking notes allows you to jot down little things you can return to later.[15]
- Make a note every time something sticks out to you, whether it’s good or bad. This could be costuming, makeup, set design, music, etc. Think about how this detail relates to the rest of the movie and what it means in the context of your review.
- Take note of patterns you begin to notice as the movie unfolds.
- Use the pause button frequently so you make sure not to miss anything, and rewind as necessary.
Analyze the mechanics of the movie. Analyze the different components that came together in the movie as you watch. During or after your viewing, ask yourself what impression the movie left with you in these areas:[16]
- Direction: Consider the director and how he or she choose to portray/explain the events in the story. If the movie was slow, or didn’t include things you thought were necessary, you can attribute this to the director. If you’ve seen other movies directed by the same person, compare them and determine which you like the most.
- Cinematography: What techniques were used to film the movie? What setting and background elements helped to create a certain tone?
- Writing: Evaluate the script, including dialogue and characterization. Did you feel like the plot was inventive and unpredictable or boring and weak? Did the characters’ words seem credible to you?
- Editing: Was the movie choppy or did it flow smoothly from scene to scene? Did they incorporate a montage to help build the story? And was this obstructive to the narrative or did it help it? Did they use long cuts to help accentuate an actor’s acting ability or many reaction shots to show a group’s reaction to an event or dialogue? If visual effects were used were the plates well-chosen and were the composited effects part of a seamless experience? (Whether the effects looked realistic or not is not the jurisdiction of an editor, however, they do choose the footage to be sent off to the compositors, so this could still affect the film.)
- Costume design: Did the clothing choices fit the style of the movie? Did they contribute to the overall tone, rather than digressing from it?
- Set design: Consider how the setting of the film influenced its other elements. Did it add or subtract from the experience for you? If the movie was filmed in a real place, was this location well-chosen?
- Score or soundtrack: Did it work with the scenes? Was it over/under-used? Was it suspenseful? Amusing? Irritating? A soundtrack can make or break a movie, especially if the songs have a particular message or meaning to them.
Watch it one more time. It’s impossible to fully understand a movie you’ve only seen one time, especially if you’re pausing it often to take notes. Watch it at least once more before you compose your review. Pay attention to details you might have missed the first time around. Pick new points of focus this time; if you took a lot of notes on the acting the first time you watched the movie, focus on the cinematography the second time around.[17]
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How do I format a student movie review?
This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Answer
Different instructors will have different expectations about how you format your review. Ask your instructor or take a look at the assignment handout to find out if they have specific instructions. Otherwise, you can search online for samples of student movie reviews online to get an idea. Make sure you look at examples that are appropriate to your school level (e.g., middle school, high school, or college).
What should I look for in a movie when writing a review?
This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Answer
There are a variety of factors you can look at. For example, if you’re interested in the more technical aspects of the movie, you might pay attention to things like the cinematography, lighting, and sound quality. If you want to take a more artistic approach, study things like the plot, pacing, and acting.
If the movie has a lot of main characters, should I write about all of them?
You would want to mention the ones that you think are the most important to the plot. Also, don’t give a full detail about their role in the movie—just a sneak peak.
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If you don’t like the movie, don’t be abusive and mean. If possible, avoid watching the movies that you would surely hate.
Understand that just because the movie isn’t to your taste, that doesn’t mean you should give it a bad review. A good reviewer helps people find movie’s they will like. Since you don’t have the same taste in movies as everyone else, you need to be able to tell people if they will enjoy the movie, even if you didn’t.
Structure is very important; try categorizing the different parts of the film and commenting on each of those individually. Deciding how good each thing is will help you come to a more accurate conclusion. For example, things like acting, special effects, cinematography, think about how good each of those are.
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Article SummaryX
To write a movie review, start with a compelling fact or opinion to hook your readers, like «Despite a great performance by Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump never overcomes its weak plot.» Then, elaborate on your opinion of the movie right off the bat so readers know where you stand. Once your opinion is clear, provide examples from the movie that prove your point, like specific scenes, dialogue, songs, or camera shots. To learn how to study a film closely before you write a review, scroll down!
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Whether a movie is a rotten tomato or a brilliant work of art, if people are watching it, it’s worth critiquing. A decent movie review should entertain, persuade and inform, providing an original opinion without giving away too much of the plot. A great movie review can be a work of art in its own right. Read on to learn how to analyze a movie like a professional film critic, come up with an interesting thesis, and write a review as entertaining as your source material.
Sample Movie Reviews
Start with a compelling fact or opinion on the movie. You want to get the reader hooked immediately. This sentence needs to give them a feel for your review and the movie – is it good, great, terrible, or just okay? – and keep them reading. Some ideas include:[1]
- Comparison to Relevant Event or Movie: «Every day, our leaders, politicians, and pundits call for «revenge»– against terrorist groups, against international rivals, against other political parties. But few of them understand the cold, destructive, and ultimately hollow thrill of revenge as well as the characters of Blue Ruin.«
- Review in a nutshell: «Despite a compelling lead performance by Tom Hanks and a great soundtrack, Forrest Gump never gets out of the shadow of its weak plot and questionable premise.»
- Context or Background Information: «Boyhood might be the first movie made where knowing how it was produced–slowly, over 12 years, with the same actors–is just as crucial as the movie itself.»
Give a clear, well-established opinion early on. Don’t leave the reader guessing whether you like the movie or not. Let them know early on, so that you can spend the rest of the time «proving» your rating.[2]
- Using stars, a score out of 10 or 100, or the simple thumbs-up and thumbs-down is a quick way to give your thoughts. You then write about why you chose that rating.
- Great Movie:ABC is the rare movie that succeeds on almost every level, where each character, scene, costume, and joke firing on all cylinders to make a film worth repeated viewings.»
- Bad Movie: «It doesn’t matter how much you enjoy kung-fu and karate films: with 47 Ronin, you’re better off saving your money, your popcorn, and time.»
- Okay Movie: «I loved the wildly uneven Interstellar far more than I should have, but that doesn’t mean it is perfect. Ultimately, the utter awe and spectacle of space swept me through the admittedly heavy-handed plotting and dialogue.»
Support your opinions with evidence from specific scenes. This is where taking notes during the movie really pays off. It’s hard to sway other people with your opinion if you can’t give facts that support your argument.[3]
- Great: «Michael B. Jordan and Octavia Spencer’s chemistry would carry Fruitvale Station even if the script wasn’t as good. The mid-movie prison scene in particular, where the camera never leaves their faces, shows how much they can convey with nothing but their eyelids, the flashing tension of neck muscles, and a barely cracking voice.»
- Bad: «Jurassic World’s biggest flaw, a complete lack of relatable female characters, is only further underscored by a laughably unrealistic shot of our heroine running away from a dinosaur – in heels.»
- Okay: «At the end of the day, Snowpiercer can’t decide what kind of movie it wants to be. The attention to detail in fight scenes, where every weapon, lightbulb, and slick patch of ground is accounted for, doesn’t translate to an ending that seems powerful but ultimately says little of substance.»
Create an original thesis based on your analysis. Now that you’ve thoroughly studied the movie, what unique insights can you bring to the table? Come up with a thesis, a central idea to discuss and back up with your observations on the various elements of the film. Your thesis should be discussed in the first paragraph of your review. Having a thesis will take your review beyond the plot summary stage and into the realm of film criticism, which is rightfully its own art form. Ask yourself the following questions to come up with a compelling thesis for your review:[4]
- Does the film reflect on a current event or contemporary issue? It could be the director’s way of engaging in a bigger conversation. Look for ways to relate the content of the film to the «real» world.
- Does the film seem to have a message, or does it attempt to elicit a specific response or emotion from the audience? You could discuss whether or not it achieves its own goals.
- Does the film connect with you on a personal level? You could write a review stemming from your own feelings and weave in some personal stories to make it interesting for your readers.
Follow your thesis paragraph with a short plot summary. It’s good to give readers an idea of what they’ll be in for if they decide to see the movie you’re reviewing. Give a brief summary of the plot in which you identify the main characters, describe the setting, and give a sense of the central conflict or point of the movie. Never break the number one rule of movie reviews: don’t give too much away. Don’t ruin the movie for your readers![5]
- When you name characters in your plot summary, list the actors’ names directly afterward in parenthesis.
- Find a place to mention the director’s name and the full movie title.
- If you feel you must discuss information that might «spoil» things for readers, warn them first.
Start to talk about the film’s technical and artistic choices. Plot is just one piece of a movie, and shouldn’t dictate your entire review. Some movies don’t have great or compelling plots, but that doesn’t mean the movie itself is bad. Other things to focus on include:[6]
- Cinematography: «Her is a world drenched in color, using bright, soft reds and oranges alongside calming whites and grays that both build, and slowly strip away, the feelings of love between the protagonists. Every frame feels like a painting worth sitting in.»
- Tone: «Despite the insane loneliness and high stakes of being stuck alone on Mars, The Martian’s witty script keeps humor and excitement alive in every scene. Space may be dangerous and scary, but the joy of scientific discovery is intoxicating.»
- Music and Sound: «No Country For Old Men’s bold decision to skip music entirely pays off in spades. The eerie silence of the desert, punctuated by the brief spells of violent, up-close-and-personal sound effects of hunter and hunted, keeps you constantly on the edge of your seat.»
- Acting: «While he’s fantastic whenever he’s on the move, using his cool stoicism to counteract the rampaging bus, Keanu Reeves can’t quite match his costar in the quiet moments of Speed, which falter under his expressionless gaze.»
Move into your analysis of the movie. Write several paragraphs discussing interesting elements of the movie that support your thesis. Discuss the acting, the direction, the cinematography, the setting, and so on, using clear, entertaining prose that keeps your readers engaged.[7]
- Keep your writing clear and easy to understand. Don’t use too much technical filmmaking jargon, and make your language crisp and accessible.
- Present both the facts and your opinion. For example, you might state something such as, «The Baroque background music was a jarring contrast to the 20th century setting.» This is a lot more informative then simply saying, «The music was a strange choice for the movie.»
Use plenty of examples to back up your points. If you make a statement about the movie, back it up with a descriptive example. Describe the way scenes look, the way a certain person acted, camera angles, and so on. You can quote dialogue to help you make your points as well. In this way you are giving your readers a feel for the movie and continuing to express your critique of the film at the same time.[8]
Give it some personality. You could treat your review like a formal college essay, but it’s more interesting if you make it your own. If your writing style is usually witty and funny, your review should be no exception. If you’re serious and dramatic, that works, too. Let your language and writing style reflect your unique perspective and personality — it’s much more entertaining for the reader.[9]
Bring your review full-circle in the ending. Give the review some closure, usually by trying back to your opening fact or thesis.[10]
Remember, people read reviews to decide whether or not they should watch a movie. End on a sentence that tells them whether it’s worth seeing. Try to make your conclusion entertaining, too![11]
- Great: «In the end, even the characters of Blue Ruin know how pointless their feud is. But revenge, much like every taut minute of this thriller, is far too addictive to give up until the bitter end.»»
- Bad: «Much like the oft-mentioned «box of chocolates», Forest Gump has a couple of good little morsels. But most of the scenes, too sweet by half, should have been in the trash long before this movie was put out.»
- Okay: «Without the novel, even revolutionary concept, Boyhood may not be a great movie. It might not even be «good.” But the power the film finds in the beauty of passing time and little, inconsequential moments – moments that could only be captured over 12 years of shooting – make Linklater’s latest an essential film for anyone interested in the art of film.»
Edit your review. Once you’ve finished the first draft, read it through (you can even read it out loud!) and decide whether it flows well and has the right structure. You may need to shift paragraphs around, delete sentences, or add more material here and there to fill out parts that are stunted. Give your review at least one editorial pass, and maybe two or three, before you consider it to be editorially sound.[12]
- Ask yourself whether your review stayed true to your thesis. Did your conclusion tie back in with the initial ideas you proposed?
- Decide whether your review contains enough details about the movie. You may need to go back and add more description here and there to give readers a better sense of what the movie’s about.
- Decide whether your review is interesting enough as a stand-alone piece of writing. Did you contribute something original to this discussion? What will readers gain from reading your review that they couldn’t from simply watching the movie?
Proofread your review. Make sure you’ve spelled all the actors’ names correctly and that you got all the dates right. Clean up typos, grammatical errors, and other spelling errors as well. A clean, proofread review will seem much more professional than one that’s full of silly mistakes.[13]
Publish or share your review. Post it on your blog, share it in a movie discussion forum, put it up on Facebook, or email it to your friends and family. Movies are the quintessential art form of our time, and like all art, they spark controversy, provide a venue for self-reflection, and greatly influence our culture. All this means they’re worth discussing, whether they’re flops or works of pure genius. Congratulations for contributing your valuable opinion to the discussion.
Gather basic facts about the movie. You can do this before or after you watch the movie, but you should definitely do it before you write the review, because you’ll need to weave the facts into your review as you write. Here’s what you need to know:[14]
- The title of the film, and the year it came out.
- The director’s name.
- The names of the lead actors.
- The genre.
Take notes on the movie as you watch it. Before you sit down to watch a film, get out a notepad or a laptop to take notes. Movies are long, and you can easily forget details or major plot points. Taking notes allows you to jot down little things you can return to later.[15]
- Make a note every time something sticks out to you, whether it’s good or bad. This could be costuming, makeup, set design, music, etc. Think about how this detail relates to the rest of the movie and what it means in the context of your review.
- Take note of patterns you begin to notice as the movie unfolds.
- Use the pause button frequently so you make sure not to miss anything, and rewind as necessary.
Analyze the mechanics of the movie. Analyze the different components that came together in the movie as you watch. During or after your viewing, ask yourself what impression the movie left with you in these areas:[16]
- Direction: Consider the director and how he or she choose to portray/explain the events in the story. If the movie was slow, or didn’t include things you thought were necessary, you can attribute this to the director. If you’ve seen other movies directed by the same person, compare them and determine which you like the most.
- Cinematography: What techniques were used to film the movie? What setting and background elements helped to create a certain tone?
- Writing: Evaluate the script, including dialogue and characterization. Did you feel like the plot was inventive and unpredictable or boring and weak? Did the characters’ words seem credible to you?
- Editing: Was the movie choppy or did it flow smoothly from scene to scene? Did they incorporate a montage to help build the story? And was this obstructive to the narrative or did it help it? Did they use long cuts to help accentuate an actor’s acting ability or many reaction shots to show a group’s reaction to an event or dialogue? If visual effects were used were the plates well-chosen and were the composited effects part of a seamless experience? (Whether the effects looked realistic or not is not the jurisdiction of an editor, however, they do choose the footage to be sent off to the compositors, so this could still affect the film.)
- Costume design: Did the clothing choices fit the style of the movie? Did they contribute to the overall tone, rather than digressing from it?
- Set design: Consider how the setting of the film influenced its other elements. Did it add or subtract from the experience for you? If the movie was filmed in a real place, was this location well-chosen?
- Score or soundtrack: Did it work with the scenes? Was it over/under-used? Was it suspenseful? Amusing? Irritating? A soundtrack can make or break a movie, especially if the songs have a particular message or meaning to them.
Watch it one more time. It’s impossible to fully understand a movie you’ve only seen one time, especially if you’re pausing it often to take notes. Watch it at least once more before you compose your review. Pay attention to details you might have missed the first time around. Pick new points of focus this time; if you took a lot of notes on the acting the first time you watched the movie, focus on the cinematography the second time around.[17]
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How do I format a student movie review?
This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Answer
Different instructors will have different expectations about how you format your review. Ask your instructor or take a look at the assignment handout to find out if they have specific instructions. Otherwise, you can search online for samples of student movie reviews online to get an idea. Make sure you look at examples that are appropriate to your school level (e.g., middle school, high school, or college).
What should I look for in a movie when writing a review?
This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Answer
There are a variety of factors you can look at. For example, if you’re interested in the more technical aspects of the movie, you might pay attention to things like the cinematography, lighting, and sound quality. If you want to take a more artistic approach, study things like the plot, pacing, and acting.
If the movie has a lot of main characters, should I write about all of them?
You would want to mention the ones that you think are the most important to the plot. Also, don’t give a full detail about their role in the movie—just a sneak peak.
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If you don’t like the movie, don’t be abusive and mean. If possible, avoid watching the movies that you would surely hate.
Understand that just because the movie isn’t to your taste, that doesn’t mean you should give it a bad review. A good reviewer helps people find movie’s they will like. Since you don’t have the same taste in movies as everyone else, you need to be able to tell people if they will enjoy the movie, even if you didn’t.
Structure is very important; try categorizing the different parts of the film and commenting on each of those individually. Deciding how good each thing is will help you come to a more accurate conclusion. For example, things like acting, special effects, cinematography, think about how good each of those are.
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About This Article
Article SummaryX
To write a movie review, start with a compelling fact or opinion to hook your readers, like «Despite a great performance by Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump never overcomes its weak plot.» Then, elaborate on your opinion of the movie right off the bat so readers know where you stand. Once your opinion is clear, provide examples from the movie that prove your point, like specific scenes, dialogue, songs, or camera shots. To learn how to study a film closely before you write a review, scroll down!
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Данная памятка по литературе «Правила написания рецензии на фильм, книгу» предназначена для студентов первых курсов педагогического отделения.За время обучения в колледже по дисциплине «Литература» студент должен изучить и освоить много произведений художественной литератур. В связи с этим перед студентом стоит большая и важная задача — в совершенстве овладеть рациональными приемами работы с книжным материалом. Памятка «Правила написания рецензии на фильм, книгу» поможет студенту при письменном ответе после прочтения книги или после просмотра фильма по мотивам произведений классической литературы.
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Как написать отзыв о фильме
Как написать отзыв о фильме так, чтобы он был интересен и понятен не только вам, но и читателю? Для этого нужно заинтриговать человека, не затягивать описание сюжета, намекнуть на финал, но не рассказывать полностью окончание фильма. Тогда ваш отзыв привлечет внимание и вызовет желание обязательно посмотреть кинокартину.
Первым делом вам нужно грамотно составить описание фильма. Для этого запомните или запишите актеров, которые играют главные роли. Обозначьте их персонажей. Укажите основную сюжетную линию. Будет нелишним покопаться в биографии звезд, задействованных в этом фильме. Возможно, когда-то в их карьере уже были съемки в подобном фильме. Тогда можно упомянуть об этом и провести параллели.
Найдите интересную информацию о съемочной группе и создании картины. Где снимался фильм, его бюджет — все будет интересно читателю. Если фильм находится в прокате уже неделю, добавьте справку о кассовых сборах. Уделите немного времени описанию фильмографии главного режиссера картины, особенно если это молодой специалист. Расскажите, какие картины он уже снял, а какие только планирует.
Если музыку для фильма сочинял модный известный композитор, обязательно упомяните это в отзыве. Если звуковое оформление придумал неизвестный сочинитель, это тоже можно обыграть в тексте, указав на появление новой звезды на небосклоне кинопроизводства. Укажите музыкальный жанр и интересные особенности озвучивания фильма.
После того, как вы описали главных персонажей картины, героев, которых они исполняют, обозначили главного режиссера, продюсера, композитора, можно приступать к описанию сюжета. Ни в коем случае не раскрывайте все секреты фильма. Зритель должен быть заинтригован вашим отзывом, а это значит, что нужно лишь немного приоткрыть завесу тайны, слегка обозначив интересные повороты сюжета.
Если финал неожиданный, это нужно указать в отзыве. Но не описывайте подробно, что сказали или сделали герои. Пусть читатель сходит в кинотеатр и узнает все сам. И если картина действительно стоящая, а ваш отзыв оставляет нужное впечатление, то ваш рейтинг на рынке кинокритиков моментально вырастет.
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