- 2023
Relax video | with gorgeous Arina and Nissan Skyline ECR33.
- Пример абзаца
- Крюк и Тема предложения
- Вспомогательные предложения
- Завершительное предложение
- Дополнительное переходное предложение для эссе и более длительного письма
- викторина
- Упражнение
Есть две структуры для изучения на английском языке, которые важны в письменной форме: предложение и параграф. Абзацы можно описать как набор предложений. Эти предложения объединяются, чтобы выразить определенную идею, главное, тему и так далее. Несколько абзацев затем объединяются, чтобы написать отчет, эссе или даже книгу. Это руководство по написанию параграфов описывает основную структуру каждого параграфа, который вы напишите.
В целом, цель параграфа состоит в том, чтобы выразить один главный момент, идею или мнение. Конечно, авторы могут предоставить несколько примеров в поддержку своей точки зрения. Однако любые вспомогательные детали должны поддерживать основную идею абзаца.
Эта основная идея выражена в трех разделах параграфа:
- Начало — представьте свою идею с помощью тематического предложения
- Середина — Объясните свою идею через вспомогательные предложения
- Конец — снова сформулируйте свою точку зрения с заключительным предложением и, при необходимости, перейдите к следующему абзацу.
Пример абзаца
Вот параграф, взятый из эссе о различных стратегиях, необходимых для общего улучшения успеваемости учащихся. Компоненты этого параграфа анализируются ниже:
Задумывались ли вы, почему некоторые студенты не могут сосредоточиться в классе? Студентам требуется больше времени для отдыха, чтобы лучше сосредоточиться на уроках в классе. Фактически, исследования показали, что учащиеся, которые наслаждаются перерывом продолжительностью более 45 минут, неизменно получают лучшие результаты на тестах сразу после периода перерыва. Клинический анализ также предполагает, что физические упражнения значительно улучшают способность фокусироваться на академических материалах. Более длительные периоды перерыва явно необходимы, чтобы дать студентам наилучшие шансы на успех в учебе. Очевидно, что физические упражнения являются лишь одним из необходимых компонентов для улучшения результатов учащихся по стандартным тестам.
Для построения абзаца используются четыре типа предложений:
Крюк и Тема предложения
Абзац начинается с необязательного хука и тематического предложения. Крюк используется для рисования читателей в абзаце. Хук может быть интересным фактом или статистикой, или вопросом, чтобы заставить читателя задуматься. Хотя это не является абсолютно необходимым, ловушка может помочь вашим читателям задуматься о вашей главной идее. Тема предложения, в котором изложена ваша идея, точка зрения или мнение. Это предложение должно использовать сильный глагол и сделать смелое утверждение.
(крючок) Задумывались ли вы, почему некоторые студенты не могут сосредоточиться в классе? (тематическое предложение) Студенты требуют больше времени для отдыха, чтобы лучше сосредоточиться на уроках в классе.
Обратите внимание на сильный глагол «требовать», который является призывом к действию. Более слабая форма этого предложения может быть: Я думаю, что студентам, вероятно, нужно больше времени для отдыха … Эта более слабая форма не подходит для тематического предложения.
Вспомогательные предложения
Вспомогательные предложения (обратите внимание на множественное число) обеспечивают объяснения и поддержку тематического предложения (основной идеи) вашего абзаца.
Фактически, исследования показали, что учащиеся, которые наслаждаются перерывом продолжительностью более 45 минут, неизменно получают лучшие результаты на тестах сразу после периода перерыва. Клинический анализ также предполагает, что физические упражнения значительно улучшают способность фокусироваться на академических материалах.
Вспомогательные предложения служат доказательством для вашей темы предложения. Поддерживающие предложения, которые включают факты, статистику и логические рассуждения, гораздо более убедительны, чем простые высказывания.
Завершительное предложение
Заключительное предложение повторяет основную идею (найденную в предложении вашей темы) и подкрепляет точку зрения или мнение.
Более длительные периоды перерыва явно необходимы, чтобы дать студентам наилучшие шансы на успех в учебе.
Заключительные предложения повторяют основную идею вашего абзаца разными словами.
Дополнительное переходное предложение для эссе и более длительного письма
Переходное предложение готовит читателя к следующему абзацу.
Очевидно, что физические упражнения являются лишь одним из необходимых компонентов для улучшения результатов учащихся по стандартным тестам.
Переходные предложения должны помочь читателям логически понять связь между вашей текущей основной идеей, точкой зрения или мнением и основной идеей вашего следующего абзаца.В данном случае фраза «только один из необходимых компонентов …» готовит читателя к следующему абзацу, в котором будет обсуждаться еще один необходимый компонент для успеха.
Определите каждое предложение в соответствии с той ролью, которую оно играет в абзаце. Это крюк, тематическое предложение, вспомогательное предложение или заключительное предложение?
- Подводя итог, преподаватели должны стараться, чтобы студенты практиковали письмо, а не просто проходили тесты с несколькими вариантами ответов.
- Тем не менее, из-за давления в больших классных комнатах, многие учителя пытаются срезать углы, задавая вопросы с несколькими вариантами ответов.
- В настоящее время учителя понимают, что студенты должны активно практиковать свои навыки письма, хотя также требуется пересмотр основных понятий.
- Удалось ли вам когда-нибудь хорошо пройти тест с несколькими вариантами ответов, только чтобы понять, что вы не совсем понимаете тему?
- Реальное обучение требует практики, а не просто стилевых упражнений, направленных на проверку их понимания.
- Заключительное предложение — фразы, такие как «Подводить итоги», «В заключение» и «Наконец», вводят заключительное предложение.
- Вспомогательное предложение. Это предложение дает основание для нескольких вариантов выбора и поддерживает основную идею абзаца.
- Вспомогательное предложение. Это предложение содержит информацию о текущей практике преподавания в качестве средства поддержки основной идеи.
- Крюк — это предложение помогает читателю представить проблему с точки зрения их собственной жизни. Это помогает читателю лично заняться темой.
- Тезис. Смелое утверждение дает общий смысл абзаца.
Напишите причинно-следственный абзац, чтобы объяснить одно из следующего:
- Трудности в поиске работы
- Влияние технологий на обучение
- Причины политических волнений
- Важности английского языка
Есть две структуры для изучения на английском языке, которые важны в письменной форме: предложение и параграф. Абзацы можно описать как набор предложений. Эти предложения объединяются, чтобы выразить определенную идею, главное, тему и так далее. Несколько абзацев затем объединяются, чтобы написать отчет, эссе или даже книгу. Это руководство по написанию параграфов описывает основную структуру каждого параграфа, который вы напишите.
В целом, цель параграфа состоит в том, чтобы выразить один главный момент, идею или мнение. Конечно, авторы могут предоставить несколько примеров в поддержку своей точки зрения. Однако любые вспомогательные детали должны поддерживать основную идею абзаца.
Эта основная идея выражена в трех разделах параграфа:
- Начало — представьте свою идею с помощью тематического предложения
- Середина — Объясните свою идею через вспомогательные предложения
- Конец — снова сформулируйте свою точку зрения с заключительным предложением и, при необходимости, перейдите к следующему абзацу.
Пример абзаца
Вот параграф, взятый из эссе о различных стратегиях, необходимых для общего улучшения успеваемости учащихся. Компоненты этого параграфа анализируются ниже:
Задумывались ли вы, почему некоторые студенты не могут сосредоточиться в классе? Студентам требуется больше времени для отдыха, чтобы лучше сосредоточиться на уроках в классе. Фактически, исследования показали, что учащиеся, которые наслаждаются перерывом продолжительностью более 45 минут, неизменно получают лучшие результаты на тестах сразу после периода перерыва. Клинический анализ также предполагает, что физические упражнения значительно улучшают способность фокусироваться на академических материалах. Более длительные периоды перерыва явно необходимы, чтобы дать студентам наилучшие шансы на успех в учебе. Очевидно, что физические упражнения являются лишь одним из необходимых компонентов для улучшения результатов учащихся по стандартным тестам.
Для построения абзаца используются четыре типа предложений:
Крюк и Тема предложения
Абзац начинается с необязательного хука и тематического предложения. Крюк используется для рисования читателей в абзаце. Хук может быть интересным фактом или статистикой, или вопросом, чтобы заставить читателя задуматься. Хотя это не является абсолютно необходимым, ловушка может помочь вашим читателям задуматься о вашей главной идее. Тема предложения, в котором изложена ваша идея, точка зрения или мнение. Это предложение должно использовать сильный глагол и сделать смелое утверждение.
(крючок) Задумывались ли вы, почему некоторые студенты не могут сосредоточиться в классе? (тематическое предложение) Студенты требуют больше времени для отдыха, чтобы лучше сосредоточиться на уроках в классе.
Обратите внимание на сильный глагол «требовать», который является призывом к действию. Более слабая форма этого предложения может быть: Я думаю, что студентам, вероятно, нужно больше времени для отдыха … Эта более слабая форма не подходит для тематического предложения.
Вспомогательные предложения
Вспомогательные предложения (обратите внимание на множественное число) обеспечивают объяснения и поддержку тематического предложения (основной идеи) вашего абзаца.
Фактически, исследования показали, что учащиеся, которые наслаждаются перерывом продолжительностью более 45 минут, неизменно получают лучшие результаты на тестах сразу после периода перерыва. Клинический анализ также предполагает, что физические упражнения значительно улучшают способность фокусироваться на академических материалах.
Вспомогательные предложения служат доказательством для вашей темы предложения. Поддерживающие предложения, которые включают факты, статистику и логические рассуждения, гораздо более убедительны, чем простые высказывания.
Завершительное предложение
Заключительное предложение повторяет основную идею (найденную в предложении вашей темы) и подкрепляет точку зрения или мнение.
Более длительные периоды перерыва явно необходимы, чтобы дать студентам наилучшие шансы на успех в учебе.
Заключительные предложения повторяют основную идею вашего абзаца разными словами.
Дополнительное переходное предложение для эссе и более длительного письма
Переходное предложение готовит читателя к следующему абзацу.
Очевидно, что физические упражнения являются лишь одним из необходимых компонентов для улучшения результатов учащихся по стандартным тестам.
Переходные предложения должны помочь читателям логически понять связь между вашей текущей основной идеей, точкой зрения или мнением и основной идеей вашего следующего абзаца.В данном случае фраза «только один из необходимых компонентов …» готовит читателя к следующему абзацу, в котором будет обсуждаться еще один необходимый компонент для успеха.
Определите каждое предложение в соответствии с той ролью, которую оно играет в абзаце. Это крюк, тематическое предложение, вспомогательное предложение или заключительное предложение?
- Подводя итог, преподаватели должны стараться, чтобы студенты практиковали письмо, а не просто проходили тесты с несколькими вариантами ответов.
- Тем не менее, из-за давления в больших классных комнатах, многие учителя пытаются срезать углы, задавая вопросы с несколькими вариантами ответов.
- В настоящее время учителя понимают, что студенты должны активно практиковать свои навыки письма, хотя также требуется пересмотр основных понятий.
- Удалось ли вам когда-нибудь хорошо пройти тест с несколькими вариантами ответов, только чтобы понять, что вы не совсем понимаете тему?
- Реальное обучение требует практики, а не просто стилевых упражнений, направленных на проверку их понимания.
- Заключительное предложение — фразы, такие как «Подводить итоги», «В заключение» и «Наконец», вводят заключительное предложение.
- Вспомогательное предложение. Это предложение дает основание для нескольких вариантов выбора и поддерживает основную идею абзаца.
- Вспомогательное предложение. Это предложение содержит информацию о текущей практике преподавания в качестве средства поддержки основной идеи.
- Крюк — это предложение помогает читателю представить проблему с точки зрения их собственной жизни. Это помогает читателю лично заняться темой.
- Тезис. Смелое утверждение дает общий смысл абзаца.
Напишите причинно-следственный абзац, чтобы объяснить одно из следующего:
- Трудности в поиске работы
- Влияние технологий на обучение
- Причины политических волнений
- Важности английского языка
Decide what the main topic of the paragraph will be. Before you begin writing your paragraph, you must have a clear idea of what the paragraph will be about. This is because a paragraph is essentially a collection of sentences that all relate to one central topic.[1]
Without a definite idea of what the main topic is, your paragraph will lack focus and unity. To determine the exact topic of your paragraph, you should ask yourself many questions:- What is the prompt I have been given? If you are writing a paragraph as a response or answer to a particular prompt, such as «You have decided to donate money to charity. Which charity do you choose and why?» or «Describe your favorite day of the week,» you will need to think carefully about that prompt and make sure you are directly addressing it, rather than going off-topic.
- What are the main ideas or topics that I need to address? Think about the topic you are being asked or have decided to write about, and consider what the most relevant ideas or s relating to that topic are. As paragraphs are usually relatively short, it is important that you try to hit on all the main ideas, without going off-topic.
- Who am I writing for? Think about whom the intended readership of this paragraph or paper will be. What is their prior knowledge? Are they familiar with the topic at hand, or will it require many explanatory sentences?
- If your paragraphs are part of a larger essay, writing an essay outline can help you define the major ideas or goals of each paragraph.
Write down information and ideas relating to that topic. Once you have a clearer idea of what you want to address in your paragraph, you can start organizing your thoughts by writing down your ideas on a notepad or word document. There’s no need to write out full sentences just yet, just jot down some keywords and phrases. Once you see everything on paper, you may get a clearer idea of which points are essential to include in your paragraph, and which points are superfluous.
- At this point, you may realize that there’s a gap in your knowledge and that it will be necessary to look up some facts and figures to support your argument.
- It’s a good idea to do this research now, so you will have all the relevant information easily at hand when it comes to the writing stage.
Figure out how you want to structure your paragraph. Now that all of your thoughts, ideas, facts, and figures are laid out clearly in front of you, you can start to think about how you would like to structure your paragraph. Consider each of the points you wish to address and try to arrange them in a logical order — this will make your paragraph more coherent and easier to read.[2]
- This new order may be chronological, may put the most important information first, or may just make the paragraph easier and more interesting to read — it all depends on the topic and style of the paragraph you wish to write.[2]
- Once you have decided where you want everything to go, you can rewrite your points according to this new structure — this will help to make the writing process a lot faster and more straightforward.
- This new order may be chronological, may put the most important information first, or may just make the paragraph easier and more interesting to read — it all depends on the topic and style of the paragraph you wish to write.[2]
Write a topic sentence. The first sentence of your paragraph needs to be the topic sentence. A topic sentence is an introductory line that addresses what the main idea or thesis of the paragraph will be. It should contain the most significant and relevant point you wish to make regarding your topic, thus summarizing the paragraph as a whole.[1]
Don’t: use an obvious fact as your topic sentence.
Do: feel free to start with a vague idea if you feel stuck, and improve it once you’ve finished the paragraph.- Every other sentence you write should support the topic sentence and provide further detail and discussion of the s or ideas it raises. If any sentence you write cannot be directly related to the topic sentence, it should not be included in this particular paragraph.
- More experienced writers can include their topic sentence at any point in the paragraph; it doesn’t necessarily need to be the first line. However, writers who are new or less comfortable with paragraph writing should stick with having the topic sentence first, as it will help to guide you throughout the rest of the paragraph.[1]
- Your topic sentence should not be too broad or too narrow. If your topic sentence is too broad, you will not be able to discuss its ideas adequately in your paragraph. If it’s too narrow, you won’t have enough to discuss.
Fill in the supporting details. Once you have written and are happy with your topic sentence, you can start to fill in the rest of your paragraph. This is where the detailed, well-structured notes you wrote earlier will come in handy. Make sure that your paragraph is coherent, which means that it is easy to read and understand, that each sentence connects with the next, and that everything flows nicely as a whole. To achieve this, try to write clear, simple sentences that express exactly what you want to say.[2]
- Link each sentence with transition words that form a bridge between one sentence and the next. Transition words can help you compare and contrast, show sequence, show cause, and effect, highlight important ideas, and progress smoothly from one idea to the next. Such transition words include “furthermore”, “in fact” and “in addition to”. You can also use chronological transitions, such as “firstly”, “secondly” and “thirdly”.[2]
- The supporting sentences are the meat of your paragraph, so you should fill them with as much evidence to support your topic sentence as possible. Depending on the topic, you can use facts, figures, statistics, and examples, or you can use stories, anecdotes, and quotes. Anything goes, as long as it is relevant.[1]
- In terms of length, three to five sentences will usually be enough to cover your main points and adequately support your topic sentence, but this will vary greatly depending on the topic and the length of the paper you are writing. There is no set length for a paragraph. It should be as long as it needs to be adequate to cover the main idea.[2]
- Link each sentence with transition words that form a bridge between one sentence and the next. Transition words can help you compare and contrast, show sequence, show cause, and effect, highlight important ideas, and progress smoothly from one idea to the next. Such transition words include “furthermore”, “in fact” and “in addition to”. You can also use chronological transitions, such as “firstly”, “secondly” and “thirdly”.[2]
Write a concluding sentence. The concluding sentence of your paragraph should tie everything together. A good concluding sentence will reinforce the idea outlined in your topic sentence, but now it has all the weight of the evidence or arguments contained in your supporting sentences behind it. After reading the concluding sentence, the reader should have no doubt as to the accuracy or relevance of the paragraph as a whole.
Don’t disagree with your evidence: Despite these comments, the report was a failure.
Do qualify the conclusion if it transitions to the next paragraph: These quotes prove the report had major support, but this does not mean it led to major change.- Don’t just reword the topic sentence. Your concluding sentence should acknowledge the discussion that has come before it and remind your reader of the relevance of this discussion.[4]
- For example, in a paragraph dealing with the topic «Why is Canada a great place to live?» The concluding sentence might look something like «From all the evidence provided above, such as Canada’s fantastic health care provisions, its top-notch education system, and its clean, safe cities, we can conclude that Canada is indeed a great place to live.»
- Don’t just reword the topic sentence. Your concluding sentence should acknowledge the discussion that has come before it and remind your reader of the relevance of this discussion.[4]
Know when to move on to a new paragraph. Occasionally, it can be difficult to tell where one paragraph should end and another begin. Luckily, there are many guidelines you can follow, which can decide to move on to a new paragraph an obvious one. The most basic guideline to follow is that every time you start to discuss a new idea, you should move on to a new paragraph. Paragraphs should never contain more than one central idea. If a given idea has multiple points or facets, then each individual aspect of the idea should be given its paragraph.[1]
- A new paragraph is also used each time you are contrasting two points or presenting each side of an argument. For example, if your topic is «should civil servants receive lower salaries?» one paragraph would deal with the arguments supporting lower pay for civil servants, while the other paragraph would provide arguments against it.[1]
- Paragraphs make a piece of writing easier to comprehend and give readers a “break” between new ideas to digest what they have just read. If you feel that the paragraph you are writing is becoming too complex, or contains a series of complex points, you may want to think about splitting it up into individual paragraphs.[1]
- When writing a paper, the introduction, and conclusion should always be given their paragraphs. The introductory paragraph should define the aim of the paper and what it hopes to achieve, while also giving a brief outline of the ideas and s it will go on to discuss.[15]
The concluding paragraph provides a summary of the information and arguments contained in the paper and states in clear terms what the paper has shown and/or proven. It may also introduce a new idea, one that opens the reader’s mind to the questions raised by the paper.[16]
- If you’re writing fiction, you need to start a new paragraph in dialogue to show a new speaker.[17]
- A new paragraph is also used each time you are contrasting two points or presenting each side of an argument. For example, if your topic is «should civil servants receive lower salaries?» one paragraph would deal with the arguments supporting lower pay for civil servants, while the other paragraph would provide arguments against it.[1]
Check your paragraph for spelling and grammar. Once you have finished writing, you must re-read your paragraph two or three times to check it for misspelled words and poor grammar. Spelling mistakes and bad grammar can significantly impact the perceived quality of your paragraph, even if the ideas and arguments it contains are of high quality. It is effortless to overlook small mistakes when writing, so don’t skip this step, even if you’re in a rush.
- Ensure that each sentence has a subject and that all proper nouns are capitalized. Also, make sure that all the subjects and verbs agree with each other and that you use the same tense across the entire paragraph.
- Use a dictionary to double-check the spelling of words that you are unsure about, don’t just assume that they are correct.
- Check your paragraph for the proper use of punctuation, making sure that you use marks such as commas, colons, semicolons, and ellipses in the correct context.
Check your paragraph for coherency and style. Not only should the technical aspects of your writing be spot on, but you should also try to achieve clarity in your writing, as well as stylistic flow. You can do this by varying the length and format of your sentences, and by using transitional words and a varied vocabulary.[18]
Don’t: use long words or «thesaurus finds» for their own sake.
Do: use well-known synonyms to vary your writing rather than repeat the same word many times.- The point of view of your writing should remain consistent throughout the paragraph, and indeed, the entire paper. For example, if you are writing in the first person (e.g., «I believe that…») you should not switch to a passive voice («it is believed that») halfway through.
- However, you should also try to avoid beginning every sentence with «I think…» or «I contend that…» Try to vary the format of your sentences, as this will make the paragraph more interesting for the reader and help it to flow more naturally.
- For beginner writers, it is better to stick to short, to-the-point sentences which clearly express your point. Long, rambling sentences can rapidly become incoherent or fall victim to grammatical errors, so try to avoid them until you gain more experience as a writer.
Decide if your paragraph is complete. Once you have re-read the paragraph and fixed any grammatical or stylistic errors, you should have one more glance over it to determine whether it is complete. Try to look at the paragraph objectively and decide whether it sufficiently supports and develops your topic sentence, or whether it needs a few more details or additional evidence to back up your claims.[19]
Don’t: get bogged down in minor edits before you’ve finished your essay.
Do: make sure your point is crystal clear before you move on.- If you feel that the main claim of your topic sentence is sufficiently supported and well-developed by the contents of the rest of your paragraph, then your paragraph is probably complete. However, if any important aspect of the topic remains unexplored or unexplained or if the paragraph is shorter than three sentences, it likely needs a little more work.[20]
- On the other hand, you may decide that your paragraph is too long and contains superfluous or tangential content. If this is the case, you should edit the paragraph, so it contains only the most relevant information.
- If you feel that all the content is necessary to your point, but the paragraph is still too long, you should think about breaking it up into several smaller, more specific paragraphs. For Example: Instead of writing- ‘So we say that if people are negative to you just be friendly to them.’ You could write- ‘So, to conclude, just be friendly to the people who are negative to you.’
- If you feel that the main claim of your topic sentence is sufficiently supported and well-developed by the contents of the rest of your paragraph, then your paragraph is probably complete. However, if any important aspect of the topic remains unexplored or unexplained or if the paragraph is shorter than three sentences, it likely needs a little more work.[20]
Paragraph Help
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How do you write an introduction paragraph?
Jake Adams
Academic Tutor & Test Prep Specialist
Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University.
Academic Tutor & Test Prep Specialist
Expert Answer
Start with a hook that really grabs the reader’s attention. Once you have their attention, give them context about what you’re going to talk about, how you’re going to talk about it, and why they should care. At the end, state the claim that you’re going to prove. You have to commit to a particular side of an argument if you’re doing a persuasive essay.
What is different between a paragraph and an essay?
A paragraph expresses a single idea. An essay consists of several paragraphs. It typically consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
What tense should be used in a paragraph?
It depends on the tense of the whole piece. it’s for a formal essay for a class like English or literature, past or present is fine, as long as it remains consistent. For a scientific paper, past is almost always the tense you should be using.
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A paragraph should consist of:
- Topic sentence
- Supportive sentence(s)
- Concluding sentence
When you are reading, notice how paragraphs are divided. If you learn what a paragraph is by experience, you can divide writing into appropriate parts by feel.
There are no hard-and-fast rules for how long a paragraph should be.Instead, make sure there are natural breaks. Each paragraph should contain one main idea and whatever writing supports it.
Show More Tips
Don’t wait until the last minute if this is for a school assignment. Give yourself plenty of time to plan out and write each paragraph. Your assignment will be of a much higher quality as a result.
About This Article
Article SummaryX
To write a great paragraph, start with a topic sentence that states the subject and main idea. In the next 3-5 sentences, present evidence, like facts, examples, or even short anecdotes, to back up your main idea. Use transition phrases, like “in addition to,” or “however,” to help your paragraph flow well. Finish the paragraph with a concluding sentence that reinforces the main idea, briefly sums up the evidence, and hints at the ideas to come in the next paragraph. To learn more from our English Ph.D. co-author, such as when to start a new paragraph or revise your writing, keep reading!
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Mushtakhusen S. M.
Jul 24, 2019
«I found the literature on writing a paragraph very informative and easy to understand. Relevant examples and sample…» more
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Decide what the main topic of the paragraph will be. Before you begin writing your paragraph, you must have a clear idea of what the paragraph will be about. This is because a paragraph is essentially a collection of sentences that all relate to one central topic.[1]
Without a definite idea of what the main topic is, your paragraph will lack focus and unity. To determine the exact topic of your paragraph, you should ask yourself many questions:- What is the prompt I have been given? If you are writing a paragraph as a response or answer to a particular prompt, such as «You have decided to donate money to charity. Which charity do you choose and why?» or «Describe your favorite day of the week,» you will need to think carefully about that prompt and make sure you are directly addressing it, rather than going off-topic.
- What are the main ideas or topics that I need to address? Think about the topic you are being asked or have decided to write about, and consider what the most relevant ideas or s relating to that topic are. As paragraphs are usually relatively short, it is important that you try to hit on all the main ideas, without going off-topic.
- Who am I writing for? Think about whom the intended readership of this paragraph or paper will be. What is their prior knowledge? Are they familiar with the topic at hand, or will it require many explanatory sentences?
- If your paragraphs are part of a larger essay, writing an essay outline can help you define the major ideas or goals of each paragraph.
Write down information and ideas relating to that topic. Once you have a clearer idea of what you want to address in your paragraph, you can start organizing your thoughts by writing down your ideas on a notepad or word document. There’s no need to write out full sentences just yet, just jot down some keywords and phrases. Once you see everything on paper, you may get a clearer idea of which points are essential to include in your paragraph, and which points are superfluous.
- At this point, you may realize that there’s a gap in your knowledge and that it will be necessary to look up some facts and figures to support your argument.
- It’s a good idea to do this research now, so you will have all the relevant information easily at hand when it comes to the writing stage.
Figure out how you want to structure your paragraph. Now that all of your thoughts, ideas, facts, and figures are laid out clearly in front of you, you can start to think about how you would like to structure your paragraph. Consider each of the points you wish to address and try to arrange them in a logical order — this will make your paragraph more coherent and easier to read.[2]
- This new order may be chronological, may put the most important information first, or may just make the paragraph easier and more interesting to read — it all depends on the topic and style of the paragraph you wish to write.[2]
- Once you have decided where you want everything to go, you can rewrite your points according to this new structure — this will help to make the writing process a lot faster and more straightforward.
- This new order may be chronological, may put the most important information first, or may just make the paragraph easier and more interesting to read — it all depends on the topic and style of the paragraph you wish to write.[2]
Write a topic sentence. The first sentence of your paragraph needs to be the topic sentence. A topic sentence is an introductory line that addresses what the main idea or thesis of the paragraph will be. It should contain the most significant and relevant point you wish to make regarding your topic, thus summarizing the paragraph as a whole.[1]
Don’t: use an obvious fact as your topic sentence.
Do: feel free to start with a vague idea if you feel stuck, and improve it once you’ve finished the paragraph.- Every other sentence you write should support the topic sentence and provide further detail and discussion of the s or ideas it raises. If any sentence you write cannot be directly related to the topic sentence, it should not be included in this particular paragraph.
- More experienced writers can include their topic sentence at any point in the paragraph; it doesn’t necessarily need to be the first line. However, writers who are new or less comfortable with paragraph writing should stick with having the topic sentence first, as it will help to guide you throughout the rest of the paragraph.[1]
- Your topic sentence should not be too broad or too narrow. If your topic sentence is too broad, you will not be able to discuss its ideas adequately in your paragraph. If it’s too narrow, you won’t have enough to discuss.
Fill in the supporting details. Once you have written and are happy with your topic sentence, you can start to fill in the rest of your paragraph. This is where the detailed, well-structured notes you wrote earlier will come in handy. Make sure that your paragraph is coherent, which means that it is easy to read and understand, that each sentence connects with the next, and that everything flows nicely as a whole. To achieve this, try to write clear, simple sentences that express exactly what you want to say.[2]
- Link each sentence with transition words that form a bridge between one sentence and the next. Transition words can help you compare and contrast, show sequence, show cause, and effect, highlight important ideas, and progress smoothly from one idea to the next. Such transition words include “furthermore”, “in fact” and “in addition to”. You can also use chronological transitions, such as “firstly”, “secondly” and “thirdly”.[2]
- The supporting sentences are the meat of your paragraph, so you should fill them with as much evidence to support your topic sentence as possible. Depending on the topic, you can use facts, figures, statistics, and examples, or you can use stories, anecdotes, and quotes. Anything goes, as long as it is relevant.[1]
- In terms of length, three to five sentences will usually be enough to cover your main points and adequately support your topic sentence, but this will vary greatly depending on the topic and the length of the paper you are writing. There is no set length for a paragraph. It should be as long as it needs to be adequate to cover the main idea.[2]
- Link each sentence with transition words that form a bridge between one sentence and the next. Transition words can help you compare and contrast, show sequence, show cause, and effect, highlight important ideas, and progress smoothly from one idea to the next. Such transition words include “furthermore”, “in fact” and “in addition to”. You can also use chronological transitions, such as “firstly”, “secondly” and “thirdly”.[2]
Write a concluding sentence. The concluding sentence of your paragraph should tie everything together. A good concluding sentence will reinforce the idea outlined in your topic sentence, but now it has all the weight of the evidence or arguments contained in your supporting sentences behind it. After reading the concluding sentence, the reader should have no doubt as to the accuracy or relevance of the paragraph as a whole.
Don’t disagree with your evidence: Despite these comments, the report was a failure.
Do qualify the conclusion if it transitions to the next paragraph: These quotes prove the report had major support, but this does not mean it led to major change.- Don’t just reword the topic sentence. Your concluding sentence should acknowledge the discussion that has come before it and remind your reader of the relevance of this discussion.[4]
- For example, in a paragraph dealing with the topic «Why is Canada a great place to live?» The concluding sentence might look something like «From all the evidence provided above, such as Canada’s fantastic health care provisions, its top-notch education system, and its clean, safe cities, we can conclude that Canada is indeed a great place to live.»
- Don’t just reword the topic sentence. Your concluding sentence should acknowledge the discussion that has come before it and remind your reader of the relevance of this discussion.[4]
Know when to move on to a new paragraph. Occasionally, it can be difficult to tell where one paragraph should end and another begin. Luckily, there are many guidelines you can follow, which can decide to move on to a new paragraph an obvious one. The most basic guideline to follow is that every time you start to discuss a new idea, you should move on to a new paragraph. Paragraphs should never contain more than one central idea. If a given idea has multiple points or facets, then each individual aspect of the idea should be given its paragraph.[1]
- A new paragraph is also used each time you are contrasting two points or presenting each side of an argument. For example, if your topic is «should civil servants receive lower salaries?» one paragraph would deal with the arguments supporting lower pay for civil servants, while the other paragraph would provide arguments against it.[1]
- Paragraphs make a piece of writing easier to comprehend and give readers a “break” between new ideas to digest what they have just read. If you feel that the paragraph you are writing is becoming too complex, or contains a series of complex points, you may want to think about splitting it up into individual paragraphs.[1]
- When writing a paper, the introduction, and conclusion should always be given their paragraphs. The introductory paragraph should define the aim of the paper and what it hopes to achieve, while also giving a brief outline of the ideas and s it will go on to discuss.[15]
The concluding paragraph provides a summary of the information and arguments contained in the paper and states in clear terms what the paper has shown and/or proven. It may also introduce a new idea, one that opens the reader’s mind to the questions raised by the paper.[16]
- If you’re writing fiction, you need to start a new paragraph in dialogue to show a new speaker.[17]
- A new paragraph is also used each time you are contrasting two points or presenting each side of an argument. For example, if your topic is «should civil servants receive lower salaries?» one paragraph would deal with the arguments supporting lower pay for civil servants, while the other paragraph would provide arguments against it.[1]
Check your paragraph for spelling and grammar. Once you have finished writing, you must re-read your paragraph two or three times to check it for misspelled words and poor grammar. Spelling mistakes and bad grammar can significantly impact the perceived quality of your paragraph, even if the ideas and arguments it contains are of high quality. It is effortless to overlook small mistakes when writing, so don’t skip this step, even if you’re in a rush.
- Ensure that each sentence has a subject and that all proper nouns are capitalized. Also, make sure that all the subjects and verbs agree with each other and that you use the same tense across the entire paragraph.
- Use a dictionary to double-check the spelling of words that you are unsure about, don’t just assume that they are correct.
- Check your paragraph for the proper use of punctuation, making sure that you use marks such as commas, colons, semicolons, and ellipses in the correct context.
Check your paragraph for coherency and style. Not only should the technical aspects of your writing be spot on, but you should also try to achieve clarity in your writing, as well as stylistic flow. You can do this by varying the length and format of your sentences, and by using transitional words and a varied vocabulary.[18]
Don’t: use long words or «thesaurus finds» for their own sake.
Do: use well-known synonyms to vary your writing rather than repeat the same word many times.- The point of view of your writing should remain consistent throughout the paragraph, and indeed, the entire paper. For example, if you are writing in the first person (e.g., «I believe that…») you should not switch to a passive voice («it is believed that») halfway through.
- However, you should also try to avoid beginning every sentence with «I think…» or «I contend that…» Try to vary the format of your sentences, as this will make the paragraph more interesting for the reader and help it to flow more naturally.
- For beginner writers, it is better to stick to short, to-the-point sentences which clearly express your point. Long, rambling sentences can rapidly become incoherent or fall victim to grammatical errors, so try to avoid them until you gain more experience as a writer.
Decide if your paragraph is complete. Once you have re-read the paragraph and fixed any grammatical or stylistic errors, you should have one more glance over it to determine whether it is complete. Try to look at the paragraph objectively and decide whether it sufficiently supports and develops your topic sentence, or whether it needs a few more details or additional evidence to back up your claims.[19]
Don’t: get bogged down in minor edits before you’ve finished your essay.
Do: make sure your point is crystal clear before you move on.- If you feel that the main claim of your topic sentence is sufficiently supported and well-developed by the contents of the rest of your paragraph, then your paragraph is probably complete. However, if any important aspect of the topic remains unexplored or unexplained or if the paragraph is shorter than three sentences, it likely needs a little more work.[20]
- On the other hand, you may decide that your paragraph is too long and contains superfluous or tangential content. If this is the case, you should edit the paragraph, so it contains only the most relevant information.
- If you feel that all the content is necessary to your point, but the paragraph is still too long, you should think about breaking it up into several smaller, more specific paragraphs. For Example: Instead of writing- ‘So we say that if people are negative to you just be friendly to them.’ You could write- ‘So, to conclude, just be friendly to the people who are negative to you.’
- If you feel that the main claim of your topic sentence is sufficiently supported and well-developed by the contents of the rest of your paragraph, then your paragraph is probably complete. However, if any important aspect of the topic remains unexplored or unexplained or if the paragraph is shorter than three sentences, it likely needs a little more work.[20]
Paragraph Help
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How do you write an introduction paragraph?
Jake Adams
Academic Tutor & Test Prep Specialist
Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University.
Academic Tutor & Test Prep Specialist
Expert Answer
Start with a hook that really grabs the reader’s attention. Once you have their attention, give them context about what you’re going to talk about, how you’re going to talk about it, and why they should care. At the end, state the claim that you’re going to prove. You have to commit to a particular side of an argument if you’re doing a persuasive essay.
What is different between a paragraph and an essay?
A paragraph expresses a single idea. An essay consists of several paragraphs. It typically consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
What tense should be used in a paragraph?
It depends on the tense of the whole piece. it’s for a formal essay for a class like English or literature, past or present is fine, as long as it remains consistent. For a scientific paper, past is almost always the tense you should be using.
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A paragraph should consist of:
- Topic sentence
- Supportive sentence(s)
- Concluding sentence
When you are reading, notice how paragraphs are divided. If you learn what a paragraph is by experience, you can divide writing into appropriate parts by feel.
There are no hard-and-fast rules for how long a paragraph should be.Instead, make sure there are natural breaks. Each paragraph should contain one main idea and whatever writing supports it.
Show More Tips
Don’t wait until the last minute if this is for a school assignment. Give yourself plenty of time to plan out and write each paragraph. Your assignment will be of a much higher quality as a result.
About This Article
Article SummaryX
To write a great paragraph, start with a topic sentence that states the subject and main idea. In the next 3-5 sentences, present evidence, like facts, examples, or even short anecdotes, to back up your main idea. Use transition phrases, like “in addition to,” or “however,” to help your paragraph flow well. Finish the paragraph with a concluding sentence that reinforces the main idea, briefly sums up the evidence, and hints at the ideas to come in the next paragraph. To learn more from our English Ph.D. co-author, such as when to start a new paragraph or revise your writing, keep reading!
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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 2,569,342 times.
Reader Success Stories
Mushtakhusen S. M.
Jul 24, 2019
«I found the literature on writing a paragraph very informative and easy to understand. Relevant examples and sample…» more
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Paragraph writing has been a part of the writing process in every student’s life. Not only for any examination but also in our personal lives, we will need to write about different topics. Paragraph writing is a simple process, and yet it needs special attention as you have to be short, precise and to the point.
Table of Contents
- What Is Paragraph Writing?
- How to Write a Paragraph?
- Types of Paragraph Writing
- Paragraph Writing Topics
- English Paragraph Writing Format
- Frequently Asked Questions on Paragraph Writing
What Is Paragraph Writing?
As we all know, a paragraph is a group of sentences that are connected and make absolute sense. While writing a long essay or letter, we break them into paragraphs for better understanding and to make a well-structured writing piece. Paragraph writing on any topic is not only about expressing your thoughts on the given topic, but it is also about framing ideas about the topic and making it convenient for the readers to follow it. In English paragraph writing, it is essential to focus on the writing style, i.e., the flow and connection between the sentences.
Therefore, a paragraph must be written in simple language in order to avoid any interruption while reading. In order to write a paragraph on any topic, you can refer to the samples given below and write a paragraph without any hindrance.
In order to determine how to write a paragraph, you will have to find a good topic and collect enough information regarding the topic. Once you find the supporting details, you can start framing the sentences, connect the sentences following a sequence, and find a perfect concluding sentence. To understand it better, we have provided a few paragraph writing examples for your reference.
- Find a Topic Sentence: It is the first sentence which is an introduction to the given topic. It gives the main idea of what the paragraph would be about.
- Supporting details: These are the details that can be collected from various sources. It comprises information related to the topic that gives strong support to the main topic.
- Closing sentence: It is the last sentence that ends the paragraph and restates the whole idea of the paragraph. It is basically the concluding sentence that gives the basic idea of the whole topic.
Types of Paragraph Writing
It is essential to know the types of paragraph writing before you write about any given topic. Therefore, check the below information to understand the various types of paragraph writing.
Majorly, there are four types of paragraph writing, i.e., narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive.
- Descriptive: This kind of writing basically describes the topic and appeals to the five senses.
- Narrative: These kinds of writing are basically a narration of a story or a situation that includes a sequence.
- Expository: These kinds of writing are a definition of something. These paragraphs require a lot of research.
- Persuasive: These kinds of writing aim to make the audience admit a writer’s point of view. These are mostly used by the teachers to provide a strong argument.
Paragraph Writing Topics
A paragraph can be written on various topics. For example, a student of Class 1–3 would write a paragraph on topics like ‘A Cow’, ‘My School’, ‘My Mother’, etc. With classes, the topics may vary, and when writing for yourself, the topics can be anything that comes to your mind. Check the various paragraph writing topics provided below and refer to the paragraph writing samples for a better understanding of the writing style.
- Paragraph On Online Classes
- An Ideal Student Paragraph
- Paragraph On Noise Pollution
- Mother Teresa Paragraph
- Newspaper Paragraph
- A Visit To A Zoo Paragraph
- Paragraph About Doctor
- Paragraph About Technology
- My Best Friend Paragraph
- Paragraph on Diwali
- A Rainy Day Paragraph
- Health is Wealth Paragraph
- Paragraph on Holi
- Paragraph on Trees
- Friendship Paragraph
- Paragraph on Mahatma Gandhi
- Paragraph on Discipline
- Paragraph on Christmas
- Paragraph on Save Water
A paragraph can be written on various topics depending on the type of topic you wish to write on. You can refer to the topics here or write on topics as per your wish.
English Paragraph Writing Format
There is no specific format for writing a paragraph, as it is a narration of your own thoughts, ideas, and vision. Also, there are no restrictions to your writing. But a paragraph is called a well-written paragraph when this sequence is maintained — a topic sentence, then the description, and then the concluding statement.
Following the English paragraph writing format shall be helpful to the readers to understand your point of view.
Frequently Asked Questions on Paragraph Writing
What is meant by paragraph writing?
Paragraph writing is a process of writing a self-contained unit on a particular idea or topic. A paragraph is a group of sentences making absolute sense which has a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a conclusion statement.
How can I write a good paragraph?
A good paragraph can be written if it is well-researched and has sufficient data related to the topic. The paragraph should have a good introduction sentence and a well-explained description regarding the topic and must end with a good concluding sentence that summarises the whole paragraph.
Is there any word limit for paragraph writing?
At times there can be word limits or word restrictions, especially in schools or assignments. But, there is always the freedom to write as per your skills.
Ставим знак параграфа в Word
Рассмотрим 3 способа печати знака параграфа в Word и других текстовых редакторах. Символ отсутствует на клавиатуре, поэтому воспользуемся методами преобразования числового кода в «§».
Начнем с появления символа из кодировки «ASCII». Зажимаем левый Alt и на цифровом блоке клавиш вводим «21». Отпускаем Alt и код превращается в знак параграфа.
Alt + 2 1 = §
Код необходимо вводить на цифровом блоке клавиатуры, поэтому на ноутбуках следует использовать другой подход.
Следующий способ основан на вставке поля «QUOTE» в редакторе «Word». Нажимаем одновременно Ctrl и F9. Появятся фигурные скобки. Пишем в них «QUOTE 167» и нажимаем F9. Поле преобразуется в знак параграфа.
Если всё осталось без изменений, то нажмите Alt + F9. Эта комбинация клавиш переключает режим отображения полей — показывать код или значение.
И в заключение обратимся к кодировке «Unicode». На английской раскладке клавиатуры печатаем «A7» без кавычек и нажимаем одновременно Alt и X.
A 7 ➟ Alt + X = §
Первый способ может применяться для «Excel» и других текстовых редакторов, вплоть до блокнота. Остальные работают только в «Word» под управлением Windows.
Для успешного освоения целого необходимо познать его части, а важнейшей частью письменной работы является абзац. Структура абзаца в свернутом виде продублирована во всех видах письменных работ: в аннотациях, в эссе, в курсовых и дипломных работах. Ссылки представляют собой описание строения абзаца, его элементов, а также соединение абзацев между собой. Заключительный, но обязательный подпункт – требования по грамматике и структуре.
Structural Elements of Paragraphs
Purdue University
определение абзаца, информация по основным его характеристикам — связности, ясности, вводному предложению и адекватному развитию мысли
University of New England
об абзацах с наглядным объяснением его частей и в чем состоит функция абзаца; на остальных вкладках (ниже) — о типах абзацев, вводных и заключительных абзацах
Regent University
наглядная схема, объясняющая строение академического абзаца: главная мысль (topic sentence), основные пункты (main points) и их опорные предложения (supporting sentences)
Victoria University of Wellington
практические упражнения по распознаванию частей абзаца, пониманию процесса конструирования абзацев, также информация и упражнения по разным типам абзацев – вводным, главным, заключительным (introductory, body and concluding paragraphs)
Thesis Statements
Texas A&M University
рекомендации по правильному выбору тезиса письменной работы, как сформулировать тезис, какие бывают типы тезисов и где они должны быть расположены в письменной работе (видео)
Purdue University
формулировка тезиса в зависимости от характера письменной работы — аналитического, объяснительного или аргументативного; примеры каждого случая
Dartmouth College
построение аргумента, исходящее из принципа “все взаимосвязано”: предлагается последовательно собрать мысли, набросать аргумент, написать параграфы и вводное предложение, а после этого найти факты для укрепления аргумента и др.
University of Richmond
роль правильного анализа, что позволяет выстроить сильную аргументацию, необходимость правильного рассуждения, основные ошибки при выводе, в построении причинно-следственной связи, в обобщении и др.
Purdue University
процесс построения сильной аргументации с использованием обращения к фактам, а также роль логики в построении аргумента, примеры использования логики в академическом письме, распространенные логические ошибки
Designing a Paragraph
University of Toronto
о том, как связывать вводное предложение (topic sentence) с остальной частью абзаца, какие связки можно использовать и какую длину абзаца выбрать
Purdue University
почему так важны переходы между предложениями (с примерами), также предлагаются разные виды переходов — добавление, сравнение, доказательство, повторение, заострение и т.д.
University of Richmond
о различных возможностях произвести переход; приводятся фразы и слова, которые помогают это сделать (см. вкладку focusing and connecting ideas)
Grammar Requirements
Purdue University
большая коллекция грамматических правил с примерами на все виды грамматических элементов
University of Richmond
подробный разбор различных ошибок стиля:обстоятельств, согласования существительного и местоимения, подлежащего и глагола, советы по выбору времени (настоящее/прошедшее), по использованию аббревиатур, написанию заголовков и использованию цифр
Знак параграфа (§) используется для обозначения параграфа в документах.
Типографика знака §
Знак параграфа (§) отбивается от цифр в тексте обычным междусловным пробелом.
Правильно: § 5
Неправильно: §5
Знак параграфа (§) применяют только вместе с относящейся к нему цифрой.
Правильно: в § 5 или в предыдущем параграфе
Неправильно: в предыдущем §
Если указываются несколько параграфов, то знаки параграфа набираются вплотную друг к другу (сдваиваются), а от последующих чисел (и предшествующего текста) отбиваются обычными междусловными пробелами.
Читайте §§ 5—7 и далее... или см. §§ 3, 7, 12, 15 и 16.
Если надо указать сразу несколько или много параграфов идущих друг за другом (без пропуска каких-либо номеров параграфов), то вместо длинной записи «см. §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5» набирают укороченную запись в виде «Предела» через длинное тире, которое заменяет собой слова «ОТ» и «ДО».
Петров К. Е. «Типографский компьютерный набор и верстка», Радиософт, 2015.
М. В. Шульмейстер «Ручной набор», Книга, 1967 г.
Параграф §
На клавиатуре клавиши с параграфом нет, поэтому для его написания применяются различные методы.
Знак параграфа в Word
При работе в ворде устанавливаем курсор в нужное место → вкладка Вставка → Символ → Другие символы… (если значка параграфа нет в готовом наборе) → Набор: дополнительная латиница-1. Выделяем символ параграфа → Вставить.
Символ § в таблице символов Windows
В Windows существует своя таблица с символами — программа charmap.exe. Для её вызова нажимаем Пуск → Выполнить → charmap.exe → ОК.
В окне таблицы найдите значок параграфа. Выделите его, нажмите кнопку Выбрать и Копировать.
Остаётся лишь вставить символ в нужное место сочетанием клавиш Ctrl и V.
Сочетания клавиш Alt+21 (или Alt+0167)
Для написания символа параграфа в Windows следует одной рукой нажать клавишу Alt и, удерживая её, другой рукой ввести на клавиатуре цифры 2 1 (или 0167).
Отпустите Alt — получится знак параграфа.
Для ноутбуков, у которых на клавиатуре нет цифрового блока, нужно дополнительно нажать клавишу Fn и использовать функциональные клавиши с цифрами.
Данное сочетание клавиш будет работать и в ворде.
На компьютерах Mac OS символ параграфа можно вставить, нажав клавиши ⌥ + 6 в английской раскладке.
Знак параграфа на iPhone и iPad
Нажмите и удерживайте клавишу с амперсандом & — появится дополнительный символ §.
HTML и CSS-код §
// html
// css
content: "0A7";