Записки в шкафчиках (англ. Notes) ― элемент геймплея, позволяющий позвать ученика в какое-либо место. Аяно не может позвать правонарушителей, членов студенческого совета и Сенпая.
Чтобы оставить записку, Аяно должна воспользоваться списком шкафчиков. Чтобы найти шкафчик определённого ученика, она должна иметь информацию о нём. Аяно может писать неограниченное количество записок в день.
Список шкафчиков.
Меню выбора учеников.
В записке она должна указать тему, о которой она хочет поговорить с учеником, а также время и место встречи. Если тема, указанная в записке, неинтересна ученику, он просто выкинет записку.
Ученица нашла записку.
Ученицу заинтересовала тема.
Ученицу не заинтересовала тема.
Аяно может сообщить ученику о том, что ему оставили записку.
Выбор темы.
Выбор места встречи.
Выбор времени встречи.
Интересы учеников[]
Тема | Кто откликнется | Доступность |
Предложение дружбы (Making friends) | Одиночки, сыщики и Трусы | Постоянно |
Низкие оценки (Low grades) | Любимчики учителя | Постоянно |
Борьба со злом (Fighting evil) | Герои, бывшие члены студенческого совета и Райбару Фумецу | Примечание: исключить ученицу из студенческого совета — одна из услуг Инфо-чан, доступная только в режиме миссии. |
Подозрительная активность (Suspicious activity) | Сыщики, доносчики | Постоянно |
Твои друзья (Your friends) | Социальная бабочка, Зависимые от телефона | Постоянно |
Социальные сети (Social media) | Зависимые от телефона | Постоянно |
Издевательства (Bullying) | Хоруда Пуресу, Злопамятные и Правонарушители | Если у Хоруды низкая репутация
Примечание: У Хоруды в режиме миссии, доступно сразу написать записку, не снижая репутацию. |
Паранормальное (The supernatural) | Трусы | Все кроме Хазу Кашибучи и Отохико Меичи |
«????» (Домашнее насилие) (Domestic abuse) | Кокона Харука | Если подслушать разговор Коконы и Саки (до удаления) |
«????» (Cталкеры и шантаж) (Stalkers & blackmail) | Осана Наджими | Если подслушать телефонный разговор Осаны и сталкера, а также разговор Осаны и Райбару на крыше |
Оплачиваемые свидания (Compensated dating) | Кокона Харука | Постоянно (до удаления) |
Твоя сестра (Your sister) | Инкью Басу и Сакью Басу | Постоянно (до удаления) |
Место встречи[]
Место | Где находится |
Класс 1-1 |
Класс 1-2 |
Класс 2-1 |
Класс 2-2 |
Класс 3-1 |
Класс 3-2 |
У фонтана |
За школой |
На крыше |
Возле уличного кафетерия |
- Возможно, в будущем Аяно сможет писать небольшие анонимные письма Сенпаю[1].
- ↑ …but, that’s actually not a really bad idea
Другие статьи про геймплей
Kokona Haruka receiving a note.
Notes are an important game mechanic in Yandere Simulator used for asking a student to come to a designated location at a specific time.
Notes play an important role in the faking suicide and befriending processes. However, they can also be used for other things such as leading a student to an isolated area.
The option to write a note is currently given after learning new information from an event. The information gathered must be used with the note to have the desired effect. Selecting a topic that the target is not interested in will result in the student throwing away the note. The player is able to write a note on a different day if the student rejects the original note.
The note is pink and written in black cursive. The note automatically comes with sentences that have blanks that the player can fill in.
The player can unlock the ability to write a note by listening to Kokona’s conversation with Saki Miyu on the northwestern side of the rooftop. Once the player gets the «Learned New Info» HUD, they are able to place the note in Kokona’s locker. This note will allow Kokona to meet up in any designated spot or time available. The note cannot choose a time that has already passed.
As of the February 20th, 2018 Build, Ayano can write a note to Horuda Puresu to talk about bullying.
As of the February 15th, 2019 Build, Ayano can leave a note in any student’s locker (Except Senpai). The Student Council and delinquents will not respond to any of the current topics. The faculty do not have lockers or another place to leave notes.
If Ayano picks the wrong topic, the student will crumple up the note and throw it onto the floor. If the topic is correct, the student will go to the designated location and time.
Before the February 15th, 2019 Build, the topics were as follows:
Topic | Currently usable? | Respondent |
Anime | No | None |
Manga | No | None |
The Internet | No | None |
Video Games | No | None |
My feelings | No | None |
Bullying | Yes | Horuda Puresu |
Low grades | No | None |
Pregnancy | No | None |
Drug Addiction | No | None |
Domestic Abuse | Yes | Kokona Haruka |
Before the May 1st, 2020 build, the topics were as follows:
Topic | Currently usable? | Respondent |
Making friends | Yes | Loners |
Low grades | Yes | Teacher’s Pets |
Fighting evil | Yes | Heroic students |
Suspicious activity | Yes | Sleuths |
Your Friends | Yes | Bullies and Social Butterflies |
Social media | Yes | Phone Addicts |
The supernatural | Yes | Occult Club members |
Compensated dating | Yes | Kokona Haruka (Cannot offer help) |
Domestic abuse (must be learnt
beforehand, appears as «??????????????» otherwise) |
Yes | Kokona Haruka (Can offer help) |
As of the May 1st, 2020 build, the topics are as follows:
Topic | Currently usable? | Respondent |
Making friends | Yes | Loners and Cowards |
Low grades | Yes | Teacher’s Pets |
Fighting evil | Yes | Heroics, Snitches, Sleuths, Student Council, and Raibaru Fumetsu, (the latter 2 in Mission Mode) |
Suspicious activity | Yes | Sleuths and Snitches |
Your friends | Yes | Bullies and Social Butterflies |
Social Media | Yes | Phone Addicts |
Bullying | Yes | Horuda Puresu (when she is bullied or in Mission Mode), Snitches, Spiteful students, and Delinquents (the latter 2 in Mission Mode). |
The Supernatural | Yes | Sakyu Basu, Inkyu Basu and Occult Club Members. |
Domestic abuse (must be learnt
beforehand, appears as «??????????????» otherwise) |
No | Kokona Haruka |
Stalkers and blackmail (must be learnt
beforehand, appears as «??????????????» otherwise) |
Yes | Osana Najimi |
This will determine where Ayano will meet their target, provided that she has selected the correct topic and time.
Ayano can either talk to the student about their issues, use an elimination method on them, or ignore them. Certain elimination methods require the target to go to specific locations.
- Main Article: Rooftop
If the player chooses to meet on the roof, Ayano can either offer help (If it is a rival) or can use the fake suicide elimination method on the chosen student. If Ayano has Rank 2 in the Language skill, she can leave a convincing suicide note and the police will write it off as a suicide and thus the case will be closed.
- Main Article: Fountain
If the player chooses to meet at the fountain, Ayano can either offer help or drown the chosen student by grabbing them and holding them under the water for ten seconds.
Storage Room
- Main Article: Storage Rooms
If the player chose to meet in the first floor storage room, Ayano can either offer help or kidnap the chosen student by using a syringe with a tranquilizer inside. This no longer works, as the storage box is no longer in this room, and this place can no longer be chosen.
The first floor storage room.
Behind the School
If the player chooses to meet behind the school, Ayano can either offer help or easily kill her chosen student, as there are currently no witnesses other than Shiromi Torayoshi, who patrols the exterior of the school before school and during lunchtime, Sakyu Basu and Inkyu Basu, who both patrol places around the outside of the school, the Occult Club, in which the members may go behind the school to go look at the basketball in the gym, and the Martial Arts Club, in which the members walk behind the school to go to sparring areas.
Offering help behind the school.
Outside Cafeteria
If the player chooses to meet at the outside cafeteria, Ayano can either offer help, pour a liquid her chosen student, kill her chosen student by Homicide or dumping weights on the student from above.
If the player chooses to meet at any classroom, Ayano can easily kill her chosen student, as long as no one else is in the classroom with the chosen student. She cannot offer help here.
Ayano will not be able to meet the chosen student at any time more than 15 minutes before the current time (it cannot be any before the current time if it is during Cleaning Time or After School). If the player selects a time, such as 3:30 PM, they will not receive the note until they arrive at their locker.
In the future, if the player asks a rival to meet when she has a scheduled event, they will react to the note by saying, «Too bad. I can’t meet them. I already have plans.»[1]
- In the future, Ayano may be able to write notes to Senpai explaining how much she loves him. They would have to be anonymous since Ayano is too shy to let Senpai know about her feelings. It is a low priority at the moment.[2]
- As of June 1st, 2021 Build, Ayano would now be able to send a note to Senpai in his desk (Just like sent a gift to Senpai’s desk as well), it currently has no purpose, but it would increase Senpai’s sanity in the future.
- The original plan for matchmaking was to place fake love letters in a rival’s and suitor’s lockers. This could not work, as both would realize that they never wrote letters to each other and the mission would fail.[3]
- There was a glitch that if the player presses the left arrow on Sakyu Basu’s icon quickly, the player would be able to send a note to Senpai (which means that it is possible to drop heavy objects to crush Senpai).
- As of the July 2nd 2022 Build, students won’t check their locker for a note while they are in a swimsuit.
A rejected note. January 3rd, 2016.
A suicide note next to a pair of shoes. February 17th, 2016.
“ | Hey, I saw someone putting a note in your locker… | ” |
— Ayano/Ryoba notifying a student that a note is in their locker.
“ | Really? That’s weird…I guess I’ll go take a look, then. | ” |
— A student after being notified a note is in their locker.
“ | No offense…but I’m not sure if I could trust you… | ” |
— Rival refusing to check their locker when the player didn’t befriend them and their reputation is low or average.
“ | Thanks for letting me know, but…I’m in a swimsuit right now. It’ll just have to wait. | ” |
— Student refuses to check their locker while wearing a swimsuit.
“ | Huh? What’s this? | ” |
— A student finding a note in their locker.
“ | Tch, lame. | ” |
— A student finding a note about a topic that they don’t care about.
“ | Maybe I should meet them… | ” |
— A student finding a note about a topic that they care about.
“ | Aghh. Was this just a prank? | ” |
— A student running out of patience if Ayano keeps them waiting too much.
- ↑ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IXbfSuJexGEFLRxcUdv_pTQTpC6iEhTqPYcsHTIA48k/mobilebasic?pli=1
- ↑ https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/657041408088408064
- ↑ https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/662055531830317056
Kokona Haruka receiving a note.
Notes are an important game mechanic in Yandere Simulator used for asking a student to come to a designated location at a specific time.
Notes play an important role in the faking suicide and befriending processes. However, they can also be used for other things such as leading a student to an isolated area.
The option to write a note is currently given after learning new information from an event. The information gathered must be used with the note to have the desired effect. Selecting a topic that the target is not interested in will result in the student throwing away the note. The player is able to write a note on a different day if the student rejects the original note.
The note is pink and written in black cursive. The note automatically comes with sentences that have blanks that the player can fill in.
The player can unlock the ability to write a note by listening to Kokona’s conversation with Saki Miyu on the northwestern side of the rooftop. Once the player gets the «Learned New Info» HUD, they are able to place the note in Kokona’s locker. This note will allow Kokona to meet up in any designated spot or time available. The note cannot choose a time that has already passed.
As of the February 20th, 2018 Build, Ayano can write a note to Horuda Puresu to talk about bullying.
As of the February 15th, 2019 Build, Ayano can leave a note in any student’s locker (Except Senpai). The Student Council and delinquents will not respond to any of the current topics. The faculty do not have lockers or another place to leave notes.
If Ayano picks the wrong topic, the student will crumple up the note and throw it onto the floor. If the topic is correct, the student will go to the designated location and time.
Before the February 15th, 2019 Build, the topics were as follows:
Topic | Currently usable? | Respondent |
Anime | No | None |
Manga | No | None |
The Internet | No | None |
Video Games | No | None |
My feelings | No | None |
Bullying | Yes | Horuda Puresu |
Low grades | No | None |
Pregnancy | No | None |
Drug Addiction | No | None |
Domestic Abuse | Yes | Kokona Haruka |
Before the May 1st, 2020 build, the topics were as follows:
Topic | Currently usable? | Respondent |
Making friends | Yes | Loners |
Low grades | Yes | Teacher’s Pets |
Fighting evil | Yes | Heroic students |
Suspicious activity | Yes | Sleuths |
Your Friends | Yes | Bullies and Social Butterflies |
Social media | Yes | Phone Addicts |
The supernatural | Yes | Occult Club members |
Compensated dating | Yes | Kokona Haruka (Cannot offer help) |
Domestic abuse (must be learnt
beforehand, appears as «??????????????» otherwise) |
Yes | Kokona Haruka (Can offer help) |
As of the May 1st, 2020 build, the topics are as follows:
Topic | Currently usable? | Respondent |
Making friends | Yes | Loners and Cowards |
Low grades | Yes | Teacher’s Pets |
Fighting evil | Yes | Heroics, Snitches, Sleuths, Student Council, and Raibaru Fumetsu, (the latter 2 in Mission Mode) |
Suspicious activity | Yes | Sleuths and Snitches |
Your friends | Yes | Bullies and Social Butterflies |
Social Media | Yes | Phone Addicts |
Bullying | Yes | Horuda Puresu (when she is bullied or in Mission Mode), Snitches, Spiteful students, and Delinquents (the latter 2 in Mission Mode). |
The Supernatural | Yes | Sakyu Basu, Inkyu Basu and Occult Club Members. |
Domestic abuse (must be learnt
beforehand, appears as «??????????????» otherwise) |
No | Kokona Haruka |
Stalkers and blackmail (must be learnt
beforehand, appears as «??????????????» otherwise) |
Yes | Osana Najimi |
This will determine where Ayano will meet their target, provided that she has selected the correct topic and time.
Ayano can either talk to the student about their issues, use an elimination method on them, or ignore them. Certain elimination methods require the target to go to specific locations.
- Main Article: Rooftop
If the player chooses to meet on the roof, Ayano can either offer help (If it is a rival) or can use the fake suicide elimination method on the chosen student. If Ayano has Rank 2 in the Language skill, she can leave a convincing suicide note and the police will write it off as a suicide and thus the case will be closed.
- Main Article: Fountain
If the player chooses to meet at the fountain, Ayano can either offer help or drown the chosen student by grabbing them and holding them under the water for ten seconds.
Storage Room
- Main Article: Storage Rooms
If the player chose to meet in the first floor storage room, Ayano can either offer help or kidnap the chosen student by using a syringe with a tranquilizer inside. This no longer works, as the storage box is no longer in this room, and this place can no longer be chosen.
The first floor storage room.
Behind the School
If the player chooses to meet behind the school, Ayano can either offer help or easily kill her chosen student, as there are currently no witnesses other than Shiromi Torayoshi, who patrols the exterior of the school before school and during lunchtime, Sakyu Basu and Inkyu Basu, who both patrol places around the outside of the school, the Occult Club, in which the members may go behind the school to go look at the basketball in the gym, and the Martial Arts Club, in which the members walk behind the school to go to sparring areas.
Offering help behind the school.
Outside Cafeteria
If the player chooses to meet at the outside cafeteria, Ayano can either offer help, pour a liquid her chosen student, kill her chosen student by Homicide or dumping weights on the student from above.
If the player chooses to meet at any classroom, Ayano can easily kill her chosen student, as long as no one else is in the classroom with the chosen student. She cannot offer help here.
Ayano will not be able to meet the chosen student at any time more than 15 minutes before the current time (it cannot be any before the current time if it is during Cleaning Time or After School). If the player selects a time, such as 3:30 PM, they will not receive the note until they arrive at their locker.
In the future, if the player asks a rival to meet when she has a scheduled event, they will react to the note by saying, «Too bad. I can’t meet them. I already have plans.»[1]
- In the future, Ayano may be able to write notes to Senpai explaining how much she loves him. They would have to be anonymous since Ayano is too shy to let Senpai know about her feelings. It is a low priority at the moment.[2]
- As of June 1st, 2021 Build, Ayano would now be able to send a note to Senpai in his desk (Just like sent a gift to Senpai’s desk as well), it currently has no purpose, but it would increase Senpai’s sanity in the future.
- The original plan for matchmaking was to place fake love letters in a rival’s and suitor’s lockers. This could not work, as both would realize that they never wrote letters to each other and the mission would fail.[3]
- There was a glitch that if the player presses the left arrow on Sakyu Basu’s icon quickly, the player would be able to send a note to Senpai (which means that it is possible to drop heavy objects to crush Senpai).
- As of the July 2nd 2022 Build, students won’t check their locker for a note while they are in a swimsuit.
A rejected note. January 3rd, 2016.
A suicide note next to a pair of shoes. February 17th, 2016.
“ | Hey, I saw someone putting a note in your locker… | ” |
— Ayano/Ryoba notifying a student that a note is in their locker.
“ | Really? That’s weird…I guess I’ll go take a look, then. | ” |
— A student after being notified a note is in their locker.
“ | No offense…but I’m not sure if I could trust you… | ” |
— Rival refusing to check their locker when the player didn’t befriend them and their reputation is low or average.
“ | Thanks for letting me know, but…I’m in a swimsuit right now. It’ll just have to wait. | ” |
— Student refuses to check their locker while wearing a swimsuit.
“ | Huh? What’s this? | ” |
— A student finding a note in their locker.
“ | Tch, lame. | ” |
— A student finding a note about a topic that they don’t care about.
“ | Maybe I should meet them… | ” |
— A student finding a note about a topic that they care about.
“ | Aghh. Was this just a prank? | ” |
— A student running out of patience if Ayano keeps them waiting too much.
- ↑ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IXbfSuJexGEFLRxcUdv_pTQTpC6iEhTqPYcsHTIA48k/mobilebasic?pli=1
- ↑ https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/657041408088408064
- ↑ https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/662055531830317056
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Подстроенный суицид – один из способов устранения соперниц в Yandere Simulator. Есть два способа подстроить самоубийство: первый — сбросить ученика с крыши и написать фальшивую предсмертную записку, и второй – убить ученика оружием, которое он сам держал в руке. На данный момент можно сбросить с крыши только Кокону Харуко.
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Подслушивание и записка в шкафчике
В обновлении 15 мая 2015 года Саки Мию и Кокона Харука будут в 1:00 РМ в понедельник идти на крышу, чтобы там поговорить о своих проблемах. Это можно использовать для написания записки для Коконы о просьбе встретиться. Для этого необходим 2 уровень навыка языка, а также полученная информация о Коконе. После того, как игрок прослушивает разговор, появится HUD после прослушивания, Яндере-чан сможет поместить записку в шкафчик Коконы с просьбой встретиться с ней на крыше. В зависимости от того, что будет написано в письме, Кокона может как согласиться на встречу, так и нет. Либо она придет в нужное время к месту, которое указано в записке, либо просто проигнорирует письмо. Во втором случае вы сможете увидеть скомканное письмо на шкафчиках или на полу. При написании письма будут указаны различные варианты места встречи, времени встречи, а также тема для разговора. Правильные варианты: место встречи – крыша, тема для разговора – домашнее насилие, время – любое, но только после школы. Записку нужно оставить в шкафчике Коконы.
Когда Кокона подойдет к перилам крыши и будет ждать вас, Яндере-чан должна подойти сзади и сбросить Кокону. При сбрасывании Яндере-чан оставит туфли девушки, которые она положит рядом с местом гибели. Вы можете оставить предсмертную записку в туфлях, если имеете навык языка 1 уровня. Если вы не оставите записку, то это создаст тайну вокруг смерти Коконы. Полиция будет подозрительно относиться к этому случаю, но в конечном итоге придет к выводу, что это было самоубийство. Если оставить записку, то никто не будет сомневаться в том, что это был суицид. Все это произойдет при условии, если вы не избавились от тела, в противном случае Кокона будет считаться пропавшей без вести.
Если Яндере-чан решит не трогать труп, то учитель найдет его и вызовет полицию. Полиция будет проводить расследование, а учитель решит, что крыша слишком опасна для других учеников и решит поставить высокую решетку. Эта решетка не будет позволять сбрасывать воду и других учеников.
Оставлен труп Оставлена записка
Нет. Нет.
Учитель будет ходить по школе и найдет пару обуви, которая заставит учителя беспокоиться, что произошло самоубийство. Поскольку учитель не найдет трупа, учитель не будет предпринимать каких-либо действий.
Труп. Записка
Нет. Да.
Учитель будет ходить по школе и найдет пару обуви и записку, которая заставит учителя подумать, что произошло самоубийство. Поскольку учитель не найдет трупа, он не будет предпринимать каких-либо действий.
Труп. Записка.
Да. Нет.
будет ходить по школе и найдет тело. Он вызовет полицию, которая будет рассматривать труп как дело об убийстве. Они будут искать любые оружия или трупы, поэтому, если игрок оставит доказательства другого убийства, Яндере-чан будет арестована. В противном случае полиция не будет иметь достаточных доказательств для осуществления ареста и уйдет.
Труп. Записка
Да. Да.
Если игрок оставит записку о самоубийстве с обувью, но труп не спрятан, полиция и школа, не задумываясь, будут верить в самоубийство. Школа затем решит, что крыша слишком опасна для студентов и загородят крышу крупным забором. С этим забором невозможно будет сбросить воду или вытолкнуть с крыши других студентов.
Спасибо, за прочтение данной статьи! Во второй части , я опишу построенное самоубийство с оружием!
NOTE: This list is made according to the US keyboard layout. Some controls may differ on other international keyboards variants.
Yandere Simulator
- Main Article: Yandere Simulator
Standard Keyboard Controls
High Atmosphere Low Atmosphere
In the future, it will be possible to completely customize all controls. [1]
- WASD to move the character.
- Move the mouse to move the camera angle.
- Scroll up to zoom in and down to zoom out.
- Hold down the right mouse button to take out Ayano’s smartphone. Click the left mouse button or press the Control button to snap a picture. Press Alt to detach the camera from Ayano and go into Cinematic Camera Mode.
- During a conversation with a student, move the mouse to highlight a dialogue option, and press the E key to make a selection.
- During a conversation with a student, the player can also highlight dialogue options using the W, A, S, and D keys to toggle through the options. For example, pressing W and D together will highlight the «Socialize» option, and W will highlight the «Apologize» option.
- E to move forward through the menus when the player is paused.
- Q to move back through the menus.
- Hold Left Shift to run.
- Tap Left Control repeatedly to laugh and continue to go through the tiers of laughter.
- Hold Left Control to activate «Yandere Vision». In this mode, the player can see certain NPCs and items through walls.
- T key to spawn a trail that leads to Ayano’s class.
- C key to crouch. Hold C while walking to crawl.
- F key to attack people when holding a weapon.
- Press the Space Bar while at school to open up a map.
- Enter key to access the pause menu.
- Use the 1, 2, and 3 keys to select a weapon. 1 will de-equip Ayano’s current weapon, or drop whatever item she is currently carrying. Holding 1 will have the protagonist take off their raincoat or gloves if they’re wearing any. Holding the other numbers when they are occupied with a hidden weapon will drop that weapon. Pressing 4 will make Ayano drop the cello case or weapon bag. 5 will make Ayano stop wearing a mask. 6 will make Ayano drop the bookbag.
- A key and D key, or Left Arrow and Right Arrow key, to scroll through different panties while browsing through her panties. This action may only be done at the start of the day.
- Escape key to quit the game.
Gamepad Controls
- Left Stick to move the protagonist.
- Right Stick to move the camera.
- Hold LB to run.
- Tap RB to laugh. Tap repeatedly to laugh louder.
- Hold down RB to activate Yandere Vision.
- Hold down LT to take out Ayano’s smartphone. Then use RT to snap a picture.
- Click on the Left Stick to spawn a trail that leads to class.
- Click on the Right Stick to crouch. Hold it down to crawl.
- Press Start to pause the game. Use the A button to move forward through the menus, and the B button to move back through the menus.
- When interacting with a student, use the Left Stick to highlight a dialogue option, and use the A button to make a selection.
- Use the D-pad to select a weapon. Down on the D-pad will de-equip the protagonist’s weapon, or drop whatever item she is currently carrying.
- Use the X button to attack students.
Debug Controls
Yandere Simulator Demo Debug menu, 23rd December 2020
In Yandere Simulator Demo to activate them you have to defeat the game once, that will unlock the Extras option in the menu. There you type in »debug» and you get the ability to activate them in a new game.
- Press the key to open and close the debug commands menu. Press it at the study points menu to raise study points.
- F1 to F6 to cycle through uniforms. This will also reset the day.
- 1 to change the day to Monday.
- 2 to change the day to Tuesday.
- 3 to change the day to Wednesday.
- 4 to change the day to Thursday.
- 5 to change the day to Friday.
- 6 to teleport in front of the school.
- 7 to teleport to Classroom 2-1, the player’s classroom, before or during classes, or the school front after all classes have ended.
- 8 to teleport to the Computer Lab.
- 9 to teleport to the rooftop. This will also set the time to 7:05 AM.
- 0 to teleport near the girl’s shower room.
- A to change School Atmosphere. This will also reset the day.
- R to change reputation. It goes to a high reputation the first time it’s pressed, then low, and then it resets to normal.
- S to max out Seduction, Strength, and fill out the Student Info Page.
- T key will cause the camera to switch to an “over-the-shoulder” viewpoint when fully zoomed.
- Backspace to end the day at 5:59 PM.
- ~ at the debug menu to reset all progress. Press it outside the debug menu while at school to restart the day. Pressing this key in Ayano’s bedroom will change the time from day to night, or night to day.
- + to speed up time and — to slow down time. Doesn’t affect time while in Ayano’s house. Pressing those at a Student’s Profile causes someone’s reputation to go up and down.
- N key to increase music volume, B to decrease music volume. Doesn’t work in some places, like the basement. The «N» key also spawns the pipe wrench, screwdriver, power strip, and salty snacks, which can all be used as part of the Electrocution method.
- M to mute any music. Pressing it at the debug menu will restart that day at the school gate at 7:00 AM.
- Take out the camera while pressing Alt key to activate Cinematic Camera Mode.
- G will cause Osana Najimi to appear on the rooftop so that the player can push her off or offer her help or pull her hair to the Vent.
- X will toggle between a high and low student population, adding or taking away several «blank» versions of Taro and Ayano. It will also change a tortured student’s sanity when looking at their sanity menu. The button will lower their sanity by 10% each time the button is pressed. When at 0% it goes back up to 100% and the cycle repeats.
- P causes the Physical Education stat to almost entirely max out when at the Study Points Menu.
- Left Control to teleport into the Occult Club. This fast-forwards time to 4:55 PM.
- Right Control to teleport to the Gardening Club.
- Q while pushing someone off the rooftop will make a second camera appear so that the player can see where the body lands. If pressed in the debug menu, it will censor the panties of all female students, as well as Ayano.
- Space Bar will teleport the player to the Martial Arts Club room with Budo Masuta at 4:55 PM, but only if he’s on school grounds. When pressed inside the Settings menu of the phone will toggle experimental graphics settings.
- Z to kill all students except Senpai.
- Left Alt will teleport Ayano to the Light Music Club, and will set the time to 7:05 AM.
- P will give the player 20 Info Points.
- O will allow the player to acquire their rival’s phone without needing to steal it first.
- K will cause a mind broken Sakyu Basu to appear at the front of the school gate. When pressed in Ayano’s home, it causes Musume Ronshaku to appear in the basement.
- B will reset the day and make Osana Najimi and Kyuji Konagawa a couple. Pressing it while holding a bucket of water will make the water become bloody.
- H key will reset the day and make Horuda Puresu spawn as a mind slave, and begin to stand up and kill Osana Najimi.
- W will give all students bookbags.
- Pause/Break will pause time. Press it again while viewing the debug menu to un-pause time. Once time is paused, students will go through their routines at that time repeatedly.
- F8 will censor all blood, replacing any blood with a photo of a daisy.
- F9 will censor almost all killing animations, blurring it out.
- Enter will teleport the player to rooftop in front of the bench where Senpai eats lunch. Time will fast-forward to lunch, and Senpai will be there with Osana if she is alive. Her lunch will be poisoned as well.
- R key enables a window that will allow the player to completely delete Yandere Simulator files registry entries.
Customization Options
- P key to cycle through eyewear.
- O key to cycle through different accessories.
- H key to cycle through different hairstyles.
- H key while holding Left Arrow key to cycle through the hairstyles in the opposite direction.
- Use < and > keys to decrease or increase Ayano’s bust size.
- Pressing the ? key opens the Easter Egg Menu. This shows the following options:
Easter Egg menu. December 23rd, 2020 Build.
- P key to activate Punished Mode
- U key to activate Bad Time Mode
- Q key to activate Huntress Mode
- Z key to activate Slender Mode
- S Key to activate Spooky Mode
- B key to activate Bancho Mode
- H key to activate Hateful Mode
- Y key to activate Cyborg Mode
- P key to take off the player’s helmet
- F key to activate Falcon Mode. Left Control or RB to punch
- O key to activate Punch Mode. Left Control or RB to punch
- C key to activate Cirno Mode. Left Control to shoot
- E key to activate Ebola Mode
- T key to activate Titan Mode
- G key to activate Galo Mode
- K key to activate DK Mode
- I key to disable gravity on corpses
- F1 key to activate an experimental weather event and raincoat model
- 2 key to activate Blade Hair Mode
- 4 key to activate Yanketsu Mode
- 7 key to activate Tornado Mode
- M key to activate Medusa Mode
- D key to activate Enigma Mode
- 6 key to activate Hunger Mode
- 8 key to activate Yandere-kun
- 1 key to activate Gazer Mode
- R key to activate Pose Mode
- L key to activate 47 Mode
- X key to activate X Mode
- F2 key to activate Horror Prototype Mode
- F3 key to activate Life Note Mode
- F4 key to activate Man Mode
- F5 key to activate Black Hole Mode
- F6 key to activate Lilium Mode
- F7 key to activate Berserker Mode
- F9 key to activate Camera Filters
- V key to activate Long Skirt Mode
- 3 key to activate «Security Camera Replacing Heads» Mode
- I key to disable the gravity on corpses
- D or M key to disable copyrighted music
- Numpad 5 key to change Ayano’s face
- A key to change Oka Ruto’s clothes
Yandere Clicker
Main Article: Yandere Clicker
- Click to stab.
- Hold down Control and drag the mouse to move the camera.
- Zoom in or out with the scroll wheel.
- Buy upgrades in the store to unlock better ways to stab Senpai.
- Click the «Toggle Knives» button if all the knives are slowing down the frame rate.
Kuudere Simulator
Main Article: Kuudere Simulator
- Move the mouse to move the camera angle.
- Press T to switch between modes.
- In Tsundere Mode, press B to make Tsundere-chan say «Baka!»
- Press E to give Kuudere-chan or Tsundere-chan an eyepatch.
Kuudere Simulator 2
Main Article: Kuudere Simulator 2
- Move the mouse to move the camera around.
- Press T to enter Tsundere Mode.
- Press H to enter Himedere Mode.
- Press L to look in different directions.
- Press W to change the color of the room.
- Press B as Kuudere-chan to blink and say «Blink.»
- Press B as Tsundere-chan to say «Baka!»
- Press B as Himedere-chan to say «Hmph!»
- Press E to give the character an eye patch.
Kuudere Simulator 3
Main Article: Kuudere Simulator 3
- Move the mouse to move the camera around.
- Press T to enter Tsundere Mode.
- Press H to enter Himedere Mode.
- Press O to spawn Osana Najimi.
- Press Space to kill Osana Najimi.
Super Yandere 64
- Main Article: Super Yandere 64
Keyboard Controls
- WASD to move the character.
- Space to jump.
- Return/Enter to punch.
- Control to crouch.
- Escape to pause.
- Arrow keys to move the camera around.
Yanvania: Senpai of the Night
- Main Article: Yanvania: Senpai of the Night
Keyboard Controls
- Move with the Left and Right keys.
- Run by double tapping the Left and Right keys.
- Crouch by holding the Down Arrow key.
- Jump with the X key.
- Attack with the Z key.
- Skip the aftermath speech with the Q key.
Gamepad Controls
- Move with the Left Control Stick.
- Run by double tapping the Left Control Stick.
- Crouch by holding on the Left Control Stick.
- Attack with the X button.
- Jump with the A button.
- Main Article: Yanderetale
- Z to progress.
- X to skip cutscenes.
- Arrow Keys to move.
- Up Arrow Key to jump when blue.
- N for next-generation graphics.
Midori Forest
- Main Article: Midori Forest
- Mouse to look.
- WASD to move.
- Shift to run.
- Space to jump.
- E to collect.
- H to activate hard mode.
- YandereDev does not want reports of bugs that can only occur through debug commands, since they will be removed from the final game.[2]
- In the future, YandereDev wants to allow players to remap the controls of Yandere Simulator.[3]
- Pressing M in Yanvania: Senpai of the Night used to cause Midori Gurin to read the epilogue.
- Holding down — on the menu will cause it to slow down to the point of freezing.
- In 1980s Mode, holding the right mouse button views Ryoba in first person mode. She can only walk and can’t run while the player is doing this.
- ↑ https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/651856282647838720
- ↑ https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/known-bugs/
- ↑ https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/685719878146195456
NOTE: This list is made according to the US keyboard layout. Some controls may differ on other international keyboards variants.
Yandere Simulator
- Main Article: Yandere Simulator
Standard Keyboard Controls
High Atmosphere Low Atmosphere
In the future, it will be possible to completely customize all controls. [1]
- WASD to move the character.
- Move the mouse to move the camera angle.
- Scroll up to zoom in and down to zoom out.
- Hold down the right mouse button to take out Ayano’s smartphone. Click the left mouse button or press the Control button to snap a picture. Press Alt to detach the camera from Ayano and go into Cinematic Camera Mode.
- During a conversation with a student, move the mouse to highlight a dialogue option, and press the E key to make a selection.
- During a conversation with a student, the player can also highlight dialogue options using the W, A, S, and D keys to toggle through the options. For example, pressing W and D together will highlight the «Socialize» option, and W will highlight the «Apologize» option.
- E to move forward through the menus when the player is paused.
- Q to move back through the menus.
- Hold Left Shift to run.
- Tap Left Control repeatedly to laugh and continue to go through the tiers of laughter.
- Hold Left Control to activate «Yandere Vision». In this mode, the player can see certain NPCs and items through walls.
- T key to spawn a trail that leads to Ayano’s class.
- C key to crouch. Hold C while walking to crawl.
- F key to attack people when holding a weapon.
- Press the Space Bar while at school to open up a map.
- Enter key to access the pause menu.
- Use the 1, 2, and 3 keys to select a weapon. 1 will de-equip Ayano’s current weapon, or drop whatever item she is currently carrying. Holding 1 will have the protagonist take off their raincoat or gloves if they’re wearing any. Holding the other numbers when they are occupied with a hidden weapon will drop that weapon. Pressing 4 will make Ayano drop the cello case or weapon bag. 5 will make Ayano stop wearing a mask. 6 will make Ayano drop the bookbag.
- A key and D key, or Left Arrow and Right Arrow key, to scroll through different panties while browsing through her panties. This action may only be done at the start of the day.
- Escape key to quit the game.
Gamepad Controls
- Left Stick to move the protagonist.
- Right Stick to move the camera.
- Hold LB to run.
- Tap RB to laugh. Tap repeatedly to laugh louder.
- Hold down RB to activate Yandere Vision.
- Hold down LT to take out Ayano’s smartphone. Then use RT to snap a picture.
- Click on the Left Stick to spawn a trail that leads to class.
- Click on the Right Stick to crouch. Hold it down to crawl.
- Press Start to pause the game. Use the A button to move forward through the menus, and the B button to move back through the menus.
- When interacting with a student, use the Left Stick to highlight a dialogue option, and use the A button to make a selection.
- Use the D-pad to select a weapon. Down on the D-pad will de-equip the protagonist’s weapon, or drop whatever item she is currently carrying.
- Use the X button to attack students.
Debug Controls
Yandere Simulator Demo Debug menu, 23rd December 2020
In Yandere Simulator Demo to activate them you have to defeat the game once, that will unlock the Extras option in the menu. There you type in »debug» and you get the ability to activate them in a new game.
- Press the key to open and close the debug commands menu. Press it at the study points menu to raise study points.
- F1 to F6 to cycle through uniforms. This will also reset the day.
- 1 to change the day to Monday.
- 2 to change the day to Tuesday.
- 3 to change the day to Wednesday.
- 4 to change the day to Thursday.
- 5 to change the day to Friday.
- 6 to teleport in front of the school.
- 7 to teleport to Classroom 2-1, the player’s classroom, before or during classes, or the school front after all classes have ended.
- 8 to teleport to the Computer Lab.
- 9 to teleport to the rooftop. This will also set the time to 7:05 AM.
- 0 to teleport near the girl’s shower room.
- A to change School Atmosphere. This will also reset the day.
- R to change reputation. It goes to a high reputation the first time it’s pressed, then low, and then it resets to normal.
- S to max out Seduction, Strength, and fill out the Student Info Page.
- T key will cause the camera to switch to an “over-the-shoulder” viewpoint when fully zoomed.
- Backspace to end the day at 5:59 PM.
- ~ at the debug menu to reset all progress. Press it outside the debug menu while at school to restart the day. Pressing this key in Ayano’s bedroom will change the time from day to night, or night to day.
- + to speed up time and — to slow down time. Doesn’t affect time while in Ayano’s house. Pressing those at a Student’s Profile causes someone’s reputation to go up and down.
- N key to increase music volume, B to decrease music volume. Doesn’t work in some places, like the basement. The «N» key also spawns the pipe wrench, screwdriver, power strip, and salty snacks, which can all be used as part of the Electrocution method.
- M to mute any music. Pressing it at the debug menu will restart that day at the school gate at 7:00 AM.
- Take out the camera while pressing Alt key to activate Cinematic Camera Mode.
- G will cause Osana Najimi to appear on the rooftop so that the player can push her off or offer her help or pull her hair to the Vent.
- X will toggle between a high and low student population, adding or taking away several «blank» versions of Taro and Ayano. It will also change a tortured student’s sanity when looking at their sanity menu. The button will lower their sanity by 10% each time the button is pressed. When at 0% it goes back up to 100% and the cycle repeats.
- P causes the Physical Education stat to almost entirely max out when at the Study Points Menu.
- Left Control to teleport into the Occult Club. This fast-forwards time to 4:55 PM.
- Right Control to teleport to the Gardening Club.
- Q while pushing someone off the rooftop will make a second camera appear so that the player can see where the body lands. If pressed in the debug menu, it will censor the panties of all female students, as well as Ayano.
- Space Bar will teleport the player to the Martial Arts Club room with Budo Masuta at 4:55 PM, but only if he’s on school grounds. When pressed inside the Settings menu of the phone will toggle experimental graphics settings.
- Z to kill all students except Senpai.
- Left Alt will teleport Ayano to the Light Music Club, and will set the time to 7:05 AM.
- P will give the player 20 Info Points.
- O will allow the player to acquire their rival’s phone without needing to steal it first.
- K will cause a mind broken Sakyu Basu to appear at the front of the school gate. When pressed in Ayano’s home, it causes Musume Ronshaku to appear in the basement.
- B will reset the day and make Osana Najimi and Kyuji Konagawa a couple. Pressing it while holding a bucket of water will make the water become bloody.
- H key will reset the day and make Horuda Puresu spawn as a mind slave, and begin to stand up and kill Osana Najimi.
- W will give all students bookbags.
- Pause/Break will pause time. Press it again while viewing the debug menu to un-pause time. Once time is paused, students will go through their routines at that time repeatedly.
- F8 will censor all blood, replacing any blood with a photo of a daisy.
- F9 will censor almost all killing animations, blurring it out.
- Enter will teleport the player to rooftop in front of the bench where Senpai eats lunch. Time will fast-forward to lunch, and Senpai will be there with Osana if she is alive. Her lunch will be poisoned as well.
- R key enables a window that will allow the player to completely delete Yandere Simulator files registry entries.
Customization Options
- P key to cycle through eyewear.
- O key to cycle through different accessories.
- H key to cycle through different hairstyles.
- H key while holding Left Arrow key to cycle through the hairstyles in the opposite direction.
- Use < and > keys to decrease or increase Ayano’s bust size.
- Pressing the ? key opens the Easter Egg Menu. This shows the following options:
Easter Egg menu. December 23rd, 2020 Build.
- P key to activate Punished Mode
- U key to activate Bad Time Mode
- Q key to activate Huntress Mode
- Z key to activate Slender Mode
- S Key to activate Spooky Mode
- B key to activate Bancho Mode
- H key to activate Hateful Mode
- Y key to activate Cyborg Mode
- P key to take off the player’s helmet
- F key to activate Falcon Mode. Left Control or RB to punch
- O key to activate Punch Mode. Left Control or RB to punch
- C key to activate Cirno Mode. Left Control to shoot
- E key to activate Ebola Mode
- T key to activate Titan Mode
- G key to activate Galo Mode
- K key to activate DK Mode
- I key to disable gravity on corpses
- F1 key to activate an experimental weather event and raincoat model
- 2 key to activate Blade Hair Mode
- 4 key to activate Yanketsu Mode
- 7 key to activate Tornado Mode
- M key to activate Medusa Mode
- D key to activate Enigma Mode
- 6 key to activate Hunger Mode
- 8 key to activate Yandere-kun
- 1 key to activate Gazer Mode
- R key to activate Pose Mode
- L key to activate 47 Mode
- X key to activate X Mode
- F2 key to activate Horror Prototype Mode
- F3 key to activate Life Note Mode
- F4 key to activate Man Mode
- F5 key to activate Black Hole Mode
- F6 key to activate Lilium Mode
- F7 key to activate Berserker Mode
- F9 key to activate Camera Filters
- V key to activate Long Skirt Mode
- 3 key to activate «Security Camera Replacing Heads» Mode
- I key to disable the gravity on corpses
- D or M key to disable copyrighted music
- Numpad 5 key to change Ayano’s face
- A key to change Oka Ruto’s clothes
Yandere Clicker
Main Article: Yandere Clicker
- Click to stab.
- Hold down Control and drag the mouse to move the camera.
- Zoom in or out with the scroll wheel.
- Buy upgrades in the store to unlock better ways to stab Senpai.
- Click the «Toggle Knives» button if all the knives are slowing down the frame rate.
Kuudere Simulator
Main Article: Kuudere Simulator
- Move the mouse to move the camera angle.
- Press T to switch between modes.
- In Tsundere Mode, press B to make Tsundere-chan say «Baka!»
- Press E to give Kuudere-chan or Tsundere-chan an eyepatch.
Kuudere Simulator 2
Main Article: Kuudere Simulator 2
- Move the mouse to move the camera around.
- Press T to enter Tsundere Mode.
- Press H to enter Himedere Mode.
- Press L to look in different directions.
- Press W to change the color of the room.
- Press B as Kuudere-chan to blink and say «Blink.»
- Press B as Tsundere-chan to say «Baka!»
- Press B as Himedere-chan to say «Hmph!»
- Press E to give the character an eye patch.
Kuudere Simulator 3
Main Article: Kuudere Simulator 3
- Move the mouse to move the camera around.
- Press T to enter Tsundere Mode.
- Press H to enter Himedere Mode.
- Press O to spawn Osana Najimi.
- Press Space to kill Osana Najimi.
Super Yandere 64
- Main Article: Super Yandere 64
Keyboard Controls
- WASD to move the character.
- Space to jump.
- Return/Enter to punch.
- Control to crouch.
- Escape to pause.
- Arrow keys to move the camera around.
Yanvania: Senpai of the Night
- Main Article: Yanvania: Senpai of the Night
Keyboard Controls
- Move with the Left and Right keys.
- Run by double tapping the Left and Right keys.
- Crouch by holding the Down Arrow key.
- Jump with the X key.
- Attack with the Z key.
- Skip the aftermath speech with the Q key.
Gamepad Controls
- Move with the Left Control Stick.
- Run by double tapping the Left Control Stick.
- Crouch by holding on the Left Control Stick.
- Attack with the X button.
- Jump with the A button.
- Main Article: Yanderetale
- Z to progress.
- X to skip cutscenes.
- Arrow Keys to move.
- Up Arrow Key to jump when blue.
- N for next-generation graphics.
Midori Forest
- Main Article: Midori Forest
- Mouse to look.
- WASD to move.
- Shift to run.
- Space to jump.
- E to collect.
- H to activate hard mode.
- YandereDev does not want reports of bugs that can only occur through debug commands, since they will be removed from the final game.[2]
- In the future, YandereDev wants to allow players to remap the controls of Yandere Simulator.[3]
- Pressing M in Yanvania: Senpai of the Night used to cause Midori Gurin to read the epilogue.
- Holding down — on the menu will cause it to slow down to the point of freezing.
- In 1980s Mode, holding the right mouse button views Ryoba in first person mode. She can only walk and can’t run while the player is doing this.
- ↑ https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/651856282647838720
- ↑ https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/known-bugs/
- ↑ https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/685719878146195456
Допустим вы смогли сбежать от вашего яндере и через некоторое время он нашёл ваш номер ( а заодно и местонахождение). Соответственно написав вам смс.
Чуя НакахараПривет, солнце. Ты думала что сможешь меня оставить, да? Но нет. Наверное ты думала что смогла успешно уйти от меня, но.. Ты для меня всегда находишься на открытом пространстве. Где бы ты ни была и где бы ты ни пряталась. Знаешь, я был так опечален когда не обнаружил тебя у нас в доме.. Ты так ранила меня.. Неужели я тебя чем-то обидел? В любом случае, когда ты вернёшься домой мы обязательно поговорим с тобой об этом. Кстати если ты не захочешь сама вернуться домой, то.. Я буду вынужден применить более неприятные методы. Не переживай на этот раз я готов простить тебе эту маленькую шалость). До скорой встречи, солнце! ~
К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое. Дазай Осаму
Ну привет, Т/И. Ты смогла сбежать от меня, хах. Это забавно. Но долго забавы продолжаться не могут. И потому я прошу тебя вернуться домой без сопротивления. В противном случае мне придётся говорить с тобой по другому. Выследить тебя было не так уж и тяжёлое как ты думала.. Но однако я удивлён что ты решилась забраться в самый отдалённый дом в Йокогаме. Цветочек, ты же не хочешь злить меня, верно? ~
Ты знаешь что правила моей игры просты, но видимо ты их позабыла. Так что позволь напомнить.
Будешь хорошей девочкой-я не буду злиться.
Будешь противиться и сбегать - я буду зол и тебе будет крайне неприятно.
Но если тебя и это не убедило, то жди моего скорейшего появления. А пока, до скорой встречи, цветочек! ~
К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое.