Если эссе — обязательный вариант первой части CAE Writing, то во второй можно сделать выбор из трех. В идеале нужно знать требования к четырем заявленным в CAE текстам: report, proposal, review и letter. Но достаточно выбрать два-три и работать над ними вместо гонки за всеми зайцами.
Все критерии Cambridge официально поместил в шкалу оценивания и показал, как анализируют работы письменные экзаменаторы.
Из «Cambridge English Advanced. Handbook for Teachers» от 2016 года
Самостоятельно пробираться по этим терминам и описаниям — тот ещё квест. Такая таблица в чистом виде больше парализует, чем сдвинет с места. Поэтому своим студентам я выдаю базовые моменты, от которых мы отталкиваемся, чтобы написать самый первый текст:
- Объем — 220-260 слов.
- Время на экзамене — 45 минут на один текст. Но в начале подготовки можно посидеть и подольше.
- Всего можно получить 20 баллов по пять баллов максимум на каждый критерий —
– Content, верно выполненное задание,
– Communicative Achievement, уместность информации и нужный жанр,
– Organization, логика и связность текста,
– Language, разнообразие слов и грамматики, их верное применение; - Примеры на нужный и/или возможный сейчас балл;
- Структура каждого текста;
- Минимальный список клишированных фраз.
Тaк называемые samples на 17-20 баллов создают прекрасный ориентир на высший Pass A именно за письмо, когда за эссе и вторую часть выходит 34-40 баллов. Но у меня был случай, когда мы со студенткой добирали баллы на Pass за счет Speaking и довольствовались средним результатом 12-14 баллов за каждый письменный текст. Вдруг у вас тоже такой случай. Поэтому я публикую здесь самые разные примеры.
Мне нравятся подробные задания в CAE Writing. Если к ним присмотреться, выделить ключевые слова в предложениях, то проблем с начальными идеями для текста быть не должно. Остается только их развить по правилам жанра, которые я здесь привожу вместе с образцами. К сожалению, я не могу по пунктам расписать языковые и логические требования к письменной работе на Pass, Pass B или Pass A. Предпочитаю делать подробные рекомендации, отталкиваясь от самого первого текста студента.
- Report — это текст, в котором нужно оценить событие в прошлом.
- Кто читает — начальник, официальное лицо или коллега.
- Стиль — нейтральный или официальный.
- Используйте заголовки. Вы можете встретить примеры без них. Но ими удобно разделять идеи, которые вы возьмете из самого задания. К тому же, текст не будет выглядеть как эссе.
– Introduction остается неизменным — The purpose/ objective of this report is to…,
– Следующие два-три заголовка зависят от ключевых слов.
– Обязательный заголовок Suggestions/ Recommendations идет в конце, когда в задании есть просьба о пожелании на будущее. Бывает, что нужно просто объяснить причину, почему проект или идея должны и дальше существовать, предложений никаких не надо. Тогда такой заголовок не нужен.
Пример на 16 баллов из 20. Ключевые слова выделены.
You have just finished a three-week study and work programme in an English-speaking country. You have studied English in the mornings and worked for a local company in the afternoons. The programme organizer has asked you to write a report about your experience. In your report, you should evaluate the programme, explaining which part of the program was more useful, and suggest changes you would recommend for next year’s programme.
16 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 4, Organisation 4, Language 3
- Proposal тестирует способность убедить что-то менять или не менять в будущем, в перспективе. Во всем остальном он похож на report.
- Кто читает — начальник, официальное лицо или коллега.
- Стиль — нейтральный или официальный.
- Нужны заголовки, иначе вы рискуете сорваться в официальное письмо. Они такие же, как и в report.
Пример ниже на 12 баллов. Адрес писать не нужно, как в примере. Так proposal становится похож на formal letter.
There are plans to demolish an old and unused building in the town where you are a student. You feel that the building should be saved. You decide to write a proposal for the town council explaining why you think the building should be preserved, suggesting what could be done to modernize it and saying how the building could benefit the local people.
12 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 2, Organisation 3, Language 2
- Review — впечатления о фильме, книге, приложении, сайте, пьесе или концерте и рекомендация, стоит ли все это внимания, времени и денег.
- Кто читает — аудитория журнала или сайта, такие же пользователи, как и вы.
- Стиль — больше нейтральный, можно где-то взять чуть неформально и эмоционально.
- В образце параграфов нет. Но лучше с ними.
– Introduction. Общие впечатления.
– Содержание/цель сайта, приложения, книги, фильма.
– Впечатления.
– Рекомендация. Почему, стоит или не стоит обратить внимание на предмет разговора.
Пример на 14 баллов.
You see the following announcement on a website, «Great Lives»:
Reviews wanted.
Send us a review of a book or a film that focuses on somebody who has made an important contribution to society. Did you learn anything new about the person’s life the book or film? Did the book or film help you understand why this person made their important contribution?
14 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 3, Organisation 3, Language 3
Letter/ email
Письма бывают самые разные. В результате, приходится готовить много видов с разными целями, а не один, как в предыдущих заданиях. Книга «Successful Writing. Proficiency» by Virginia Evans дает исчерпывающие материалы. Вот основные виды писем в CAE, которые стоит из нее взять:
- a letter of request,
- a letter giving information,
- a letter of advice,
- a letter making suggestions or recommendations,
- a letter to the authorities or editor.
Здесь пример письма другу на 17 баллов. Задача — посоветовать.
My new job is great, and next month I get to travel on business. Guess what — I’m actually coming to your town for a week!
I’ll be free some evenings and one weekend. I want to make the most of this opportunity, so I’d like your advice please: where to go, what to do, and why?
17 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 4, Organisation 4, Language 4
Фото — Cambridge English: Advanced. Handbook for Teachers и Pixabay.
This proposal is intended to highlight the current problems with nonefficient work of the company and give ideas for improving productivity.
Current situation
A number of concerns with regards to lack of productivity were expressed by employees and the head of department. The main apprehension is failure to properly and thoroughly train employees. Once the corporate compliance program is in place, it must be effectually communicated to personnel throughout the organization.Another issue is poor communication which negatively effects on the whole business.Company goals could also be the problem which has to be solved. Currently the company runs the risk of not making its goals.
Lack of training programs for employees is due to/ on account of the fact/ that the company doesn’t have proper program management to deal with training survey. Poor communication issue is caused by the deficiency of modern technologies to present important content and plan regular meetings. One main cause of the problem with company’s goals is disconnection between employees’ goals and company’s goals. Without a sense of ownership, workers feel disengaged and unmotivated.
It would be advantageous to make some changes in optimization of training survey.
Improve training content and curriculum
Optimize the costs of training
Target specific instructional methods
In order to improve communication problem, it is recommended to give employees the opportunities to
· Incorporate mobile technologies
· Place importance on regular content creation
· Schedule daily status meetings
To deal with company goals it would be beneficial to implement the following steps:
· Align employee goals with company goals
· Make goals challenging
· Incorporate personal goals
The following implementation will be performed to head off the problems and fix performance issues by providing solutions.
Effective program management would be useful for optimization of training survey. By working closely with training managers, we will create a successful training program, which will improve content, regulate cost and goal instructional procedures. In order to advance communication daily status meetings can be held either in person, via teleconferencing or via the web. Creating content for blogs and wikis can also help in both internal and external implications. Finally, making apps specific to our business or using mobile technology for conferencing is expected to be positive for the company. To create company’s goals goal-setting methods such as SMART and OKR’s will be used.
If these recommendations are implemented the current undesirable situation is bound to improve the efficiency of the company as a basis of successful business.
New Proficiency Gold,
Пример ответа:
This proposal is written with the view of analyzing and commenting on the current situation with the curriculum in school Z. Judging by the recently published letter, not every parent is fully satisfied with the way the school works, which means that changes might be in order.
Current Situation
In accordance with the established tradition, virtually all the learning time at school is devoted to academic subjects such as history, social studies, geography and something along those lines. Though undoubtedly useful, they do not equip the youngsters with any practical skills, which renders them unemployable at the market.
Though fully admitting the importance of academic subjects for development of a versatile person, I believe it might be reasonable to provide lessons that would allow the pupils to function efficiently in the real world.
Admittedly, young learner’s abilities and aptitudes vary, and the choice of a single course might pose an insoluble problem. Therefore, it would make sense to offer a range of courses that would satisfy everyone. By way of example, it might be desirable to provide such courses as cooking, time management, basic mechanics and web design.
At the same time, in my opinion teachers are more valuable an asset than facilities in any school. It is their professionalism that determines whether young minds gain knowledge and acquire skills they are being taught. Therefore, I suggest that practical lessons are given by highly skilled tutors as well as mostly devoted professionals.
It is of utmost importance for schools to move with the times and to integrate practical oriented lessons into the school curriculum. If my ideas were implemented, it would greatly enhance the quality of our education.
- Читая задание, подчеркиваем ключевые слова. В процессе письма, возвращаемся к заданию и проверяем, все ли аспекты мы охватили.
Важно: если читатель, НЕ зная задание, сможет достаточно точно его (задание) восстановить по вашему письму, значит, ваше письмо соответствует критерию content. - Используем формальный стиль.
- Разбиваем текст на параграфы, используем заголовки.
- Не забываем про a wide range of grammar (некоторые грамматические структуры выделены синим цветом)
- Используем less common lexis (некоторые примеры выделены красным цветом)
- Используем a wide range of cohesive devices (некоторые примеры выделены зеленым цветом)
Похожие записи:
На многих международных экзаменах по английскому языку (FCE, CAE, CPE) Вас могут попросить написать официальное предложение властям / совету директоров / общественной органгизации с целью улучшить что-либо.
При написании предложения необходимо соблюдать строгий формат. Должен быть заголовок — «Proposal to…», например, Proposal to increase the level of tourism in this area.
Далее следует короткое и четкое введение, где отражается цель предложения. Выглядит оно примерно так:
I would like to put forward the following proposal, which I believe would help to attract more visitors to our area. (New Proficiency Writing, Longman).
Затам структурировано с подзаголоками выражаете в официальном стиле Ваши идеи.
Наконец, заключение. Вот неплохой пример:
This proposal will involve substantial initial expenditure. However, the income generated by higher levels of tourism will very quickly offset this. I therefore hope my proposal will be given due consideration. (New Proficiency Writing, Longman).
Полезные фразы
Our city is of particular importance / relevance because of its excellent sport facilities.
Of equal merit is the centre’s thriving nightlife.
Not only can we provide sate-of-the-art conference rooms, but we can also offer a wide range of reasonably-priced hotels.
Above all the city is easy to get to.
It is beyond dispute / widely recognised / commonly known that the people living here are the friendliest in the whole country.
The city’s good reputation for live music and performance theatre makes it eminently suitable.
I would like to stress / underline / remind our total commitment to this project.
We believe wholeheartedly in / are totally committed to our ability to get our details right.
The city boasts over 30,000 hotel rooms to suit every taste and price.
We would urge you to consider our proposal seriously.
Метки: CAE, английское письмо, международный экзамен, письмо на английском, письмо на английском языке, подготовка к CPE в Ярославле, подготовка к сдаче CAE в Ярославле, подготовка к сдаче CPE в Ярославле, подготовка к сдаче FCE в Ярославле, подготовка к сдаче IELTS, подготовка к сдаче международного экзамна по английском
A proposal letter is a formal business letter in which the sender intends to sell his product or services to the recipient. The proposal can also be that of a project or a deal or to convince the recipient to invest in a project. Nowadays, digital marketing, accounting, and other services are also offered by businesses through a proposal.
Format of a Proposal Letter
The format of this letter is very much like a regular business formal letter. It begins with the name and details of the sender and after that, the date is mentioned. After the date, you will see the name and address of the organization or individual to whom the letter is addressed.
It follows with the subject line and after that, the recipient is addressed in a polite and formal way in the body of the letter. The letter ends with the name and signature of the sender. Usually, this letter has to be crisp and to the point but you also have to ensure that all the details of your proposal are mentioned clearly in the letter itself.
How to write a proposal letter?
A proposal is almost like a request letter. The only difference is that you are requesting the recipient to accept your proposal instead of expecting any favor or reference from him/her. Therefore, the language of the letter must be always polite and respectful towards the recipient and you must also try to be as formal as possible.
Here are a few tips that you can follow while writing a letter for Proposal:
If you are a beginner, then you need to see some samples first before drafting the body of the letter. There are numerous samples available on the internet that would shed light on how a letter is written. Also, while choosing a sample as a reference, be sure that it is the correct sample and its purpose matches with the intent of your letter.
Avoid making spelling mistakes and grammatical errors at all times. Cross check for the same after preparing the final draft of the letter.
Use a polite language in the letter but also make sure that you sound confident while explaining the details of the proposal. Do not forget to mention all the details of the proposal precisely so that you need not draft a second letter for the same.
The reason and subject of your proposal should be accurate and clear enough for the recipient to understand. Try to convince the recipient in a formal way and do not be too aggressive as well.
How to make a proposal letter?
A letter can be sent via an e-mail or you can also mail a physical copy of the letter to the mailing address of the recipient by post. If you are writing the letter on behalf of a company or sending the proposal for a project, then you can also use the letter of the company for writing.
Follow the format of the formal letter perfectly and address the recipient properly. Give the details of your background and mention the purpose of the letter clearly. Also, do not forget to request a prompt response or follow-up letter by the recipient after he/she receives the proposal. Moreover, add necessary documents and other attachments along with your letter that supports your idea of the proposal.
How to write a proposal Email?
The structure and format of a letter remain the same irrespective of whether you are sending a physical copy of the letter or an e-mail. The only difference is that you can directly send to the recipient on his/her e-mail address instead of mentioning the mailing address.
Also, you can provide your contact information, address and other details after concluding the letter when you are writing a proposal e-mail. If you are writing the letter on behalf of your company you can use the company letterhead which already has the contact details and address of your company at the bottom.
The body, language, and size of the letter remain the same while writing a proposal e-mail as well.
Sample Proposal Letter with Example
There are different samples of proposal floating on the internet. Therefore, you can choose a sample if you are writing a business proposal for the first time. The letter can be written for a different business or professional purposes. You can write a proposal for a job or request an appointment with your potential client.
A proposal is usually used to address business issues and nowadays IT companies that provide sales and marketing services are using it on a persistent basis to promote their services. However, sometimes a proposal can also be used for informal purposes such as a proposal for marriage, bridesmaid proposal, etc.
A proposal for services is used to offer services to a particular person or company. Here’s a sample for your perusal:
Developing a proposal is overwhelming, and creating a compelling proposal letter requires a lot of planning and strategy. It’s easy to think that your letter is simply a formality, but smart companies use the proposal letter as a way to position their solution against the competition. Read on for tips on how to create a proposal letter (with examples!).
Why Include a Cover Letter in Your Proposal
Many RFPs require a cover letter, but even if it isn’t required, it’s a good idea to include a letter anyway (unless explicitly asked not to). The cover letter is the first real section of text the reader will see in your proposal, and this is the perfect opportunity to set the tone for the rest of your proposal. You can use the cover letter to showcase key wins, client stories, or key features that make your company stand out. Make the letter function as the opening to the story you highlight throughout your proposal and inspire the reader to learn more.
Key Content to Include in a Proposal Letter
Oftentimes, companies include a short proposal letter with simple content. An example of a simple letter that can be improved is below.
Don’t do this.
Dear John Doe,
Thank you for the opportunity to provide our proposal for this project. We have included information on our proposed solution throughout this proposal.
We look forward to working with you and appreciate this opportunity.
Jane CEO
While this is a perfectly acceptable cover letter, it definitely reads as a formality and misses the chance to form a more real connection with the reader. Instead of following a template like this, make sure you include the following information.
Overview of Benefits
Use the cover letter to hook the reader by highlighting what benefits they will receive from your solution. Make it really easy to read by listing these out in bullets with a short description for each.
Key Qualifications
If you’ve been doing this for 20 years or have helped customers save millions of dollars, include this in your cover letter. This is the perfect opportunity to “wow” them and make them want to read your proposal.
Value Added Benefits
Also consider including any value added benefits in your cover letter. You don’t have to go into detail, but you can use the cover letter as a place to introduce the idea and spark interest.
When to Write the Proposal Letter
While it’s tempting to write the proposal letter first, you’ll actually find it much easier if you wait to write it last. Create your entire proposal with all of the details, and then once you have a deep understanding of what exactly you’re offering, write that into the cover letter.
Example Proposal Letters
Here are a few example proposal letters to inspire you as you create your own.
Note: These letters have been amended to remove any company-specific solutions and information. In your letter, make sure to replace the generic language (i.e. “experience in your industry”) with specific information (i.e. “experience in the healthcare industry”).
Dear John Doe,
The Client LLC (Client) seeks to establish a competitively awarded annual contract with a high-performance vendor to satisfy the needs of your end users. With extensive experience managing contracts of similar complexity and size, Company LLC (Company) has the skills and knowledge needed to successfully manage this contract for Client. In fact, Company currently manages over 300 related contracts.
We offer Client highly-qualified, tenured implementation engineers and project managers to fulfill the wide range of project lifecycle requirements for Client. These resources include the over 50 coworkers based at Company’s two local offices located 2.3 miles from Client’s main offices. The close proximity means we are always a 5 minute drive away to help you with any problem, no matter how big or small.
The combination of our experience managing similar contracts and knowledgeable project team allows us to offer Client a best valued, all-encompassing solution for Client’s full lifecycle. Growing our relationship to better support your business is our top priority. Should you have questions regarding our proposal, please contact me at (555) 555-5555 or jane@company.com. We look forward to developing our long-term business partnership.
Jane CEO
Example 2
Dear John Doe,
Client LLC (Client) seeks a company to transform your administrative services. Having supported prior projects with Client on operational, technology, and financial initiatives, Company LLC (Company) has thought seriously about Client’s current situation, and we applaud this initiative to help Client improve its administrative effectiveness and efficiency to better support your mission.
As demonstrated in our proposal, we possess the full spectrum of attributes to support your efforts – including an extremely seasoned team with extensive experience in all aspects of the functions included in this assessment, a track record of developing collegial working relationships at all levels of your organization, and proven approaches to facilitating successful implementation. Our business is your business, and we are passionate about the opportunities to help similar organizations succeed in transformations to achieve greater service levels and efficiencies.
There are a few key benefits that make Company uniquely qualified to partner with the Client on this important initiative.
Our industry experience, including our work with more than 85 similar organizations in the United States as well as previous projects with Client. We are proud of the successes our clients have achieved with our assistance and we encourage you to reach out to them.
The vast experience of our team. The team of project leaders and senior staff that we will bring to this engagement have more than 150 years of collective experience dedicated to serving similar organizations across all functional areas.
Our methodology and approach. The initial focus of our approach is to identify fact-based opportunities to solve your most pressing issues, but our process prioritizes the development of sustainable solutions that are grounded in the realities of your operating environment. This approach to project delivery is what will make the Client-Company partnership successful.
Our many successful partnerships with you. As a result of working with Client on a variety of engagements across various business functions, we understand how to work in your environment, the need to engage directly with your personnel, and the best means to achieve sustainable, meaningful change.
The combination of these benefits will allow Client’s project to achieve success with limited roadblocks. Our industry experience and experience with your environment means we can begin this project immediately and make real progress without having to overcome any differences in working styles. We look forward to continuing our partnership together. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at (555) 555-5555 or jane@company.com.
Jane CEO
Example 3
Dear John Doe,
Company LLC (Company) is pleased to respond to Client LLC’s (Client) Request for Proposal (RFP) for advanced data analytics for operational systems. We understand the importance of this project to Client and your customers. While this represents a significant opportunity for Client to achieve real and significant cost savings, it is also an opportunity to assess other policies, operations, organization and technology to maximize benefits and sustain long term value for your customers.
Our resources have extensive experience in all areas of data and analytics. We are dedicated to developing insights from data in your industry, and Company has worked with more than 64 clients on over 200 related projects. Our long track record of helping clients achieve substantial cost savings through advanced analysis allows us to provide immediate savings and other benefits, as well as to position you for ongoing sustainable savings results.
Throughout many years of serving numerous clients on related projects, we are always very flexible to align our scope and level of involvement with client needs and budgets, and we welcome the opportunity to engage in direct conversation with your strategic advisors to define a solution to help you maximize the success of this important initiative.
While our focus is primarily in your industry, which enables us to provide realistic, sustainable solutions in this environment, our perspective on best practices and the experience of our team members includes experience across several other industries, including healthcare, education, finance, and government.
Should you have any questions or require additional clarification on any part of our proposal, please feel free to contact me at the phone number or email address below. We look forward to next steps as we work with you to maximize the value from this initiative.
Jane Doe
Example 4
Dear John Doe,
Client LLC (Client) aims to implement a comprehensive system that improves the customer experience for your customers. Having worked with hundreds of clients in the past 5 years on similar projects, Company LLC (Company) is uniquely positioned to support this project.
Company differentiates our offering through our commitment to flawless project execution and we are known for conducting projects within the structure and rigor of our proprietary methodologies. Working with Company on this project significantly increases the likelihood of an on-time, high quality, in-budget implementation with consistent, dependable outcomes and measurable results.
At Company, we approach every client project with a flexible and adaptable mindset. We focus on our client’s needs, emphasize teamwork, and develop a solution that will achieve your specific business goals. We have relevant integrations within your state, including at Madison, just two towns over. In addition, we have relevant large-scale credentials in the commercial and federal space. This experience includes work across health care segments, such as government health, payer, provider, and provider networks, and the development of complex, interagency systems similar in size and scope that is required by Client.
Once again, Company has a long and successful track record of delivering projects for public and private sector clients that meet or exceed expectations, and we are happy to do the same for Client. Please contact me at (555) 555-5555 should you have any questions regarding this submission or require additional information. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you.
Jane CEO
Proposal Letter Template
Now that you have a few examples of proposal letters, it’s time to write your own! If you’re not sure where to start or need a little bit more guidance, download our proposal letter template, which walks you through the steps to write your letter.
Download the Proposal Cover Letter Template
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- C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Structure / Format
- C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Writing Guide
- C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Sample Aswers
- C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Writing Topics
- C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Mark Scheme
- C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Useful Phrases & Expressions
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A proposal may be written for a peer group (such as colleagues or club members), or for a supervisor (such as a boss or a college principal). You will be expected to make one or more suggestions, supported by factual information and evaluation, in order to persuade the reader of a course of action.
How to write a proposal?
Begin by stating the purpose of your proposal.
- Use an impersonal, semi-formal style.
- Use a clear layout with headings.
- Express opinions and make recommendations in the last section of your proposal.
- Include a final sentence summarising your opinion.
Report vs Proposal:
Proposals are often structured in a similar way to reports. Reports are based on current circumstances or situations whereas in proposals you give more space to recommendations for future actions in a proposal.
C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Structure / Format
1. Title (optional) + Introduction The aims of this proposal are to… |
2. Main body: 1st – 2nd paragraph
Subheading 1 Subheading 2 |
3. Final Recommendations Make your recommendations. Write at least 2-3 sentences |
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C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Writing Guide
1. Title + Introduction
The title is advisable but optional.
Title: How to improve the quality of language classes: a proposal
Start the proposal with an introduction and a clear sentence that states the purpose/aim: The aims of this proposal are to…Introduction: The principal objectives of this proposal are to describe the current state of language teaching at the Pennsylvania State University, identify areas for improvement, and offer recommendations on exactly what improvements can be achieved.
2. Main body: 1st – 2nd paragraph
Group your ideas under headings for each section of your proposal. Remember to answer all the questions that you were asked. Write in a formal and impersonal style similar to a report.
Paragraph 1:
Subheading 1: Current situation
Paragraph 1: At the present moment, Penn State offers courses of several languages on three different levels. One can study modern languages such as French, German, Italian Russian as a beginner, intermediate or upper-intermediate student.
Paragraph 2:
Subheading 2: Issues
Paragraph 2: Following a final year survey among students taking language courses, the following areas for improvement can be highlighted … (here you continue)
3. Final Recommendations
Express opinions and make recommendations in the last section/paragraph of your proposal. Include a final sentence summarising your opinion.
This is a vital part of a proposal, make sure you give enough space to recommendations for future actions in a proposal. Write at least 3 sentences.
I would like to make the following recommendations:
- Invite students who are starting out at the university to a quick and informative seminar to demonstrate how to use the site.
- Provide language help and some useful resources for language learning and assistance.
- Provide a survival pack for students to take with them and know how to combat technological issues.
If these recommendations are in place, young people are bound to feel more prepared for their experience and take full advantage of this unique experience.
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C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Sample Aswers
Proposal subject:
Language students – let us improve what we do for you!
Unfortunately, we can’t spend much money, but we’d like to improve what we provide for our language students. Submit proposals to us explaining what is useful about the current facilities we provide, describe any problems you have with them and make recommendations for how we can improve them, giving reasons to support your ideas.
Student’s CAE Proposal Answer:
How to improve the quality of language classes: a proposal
The principal objectives of this proposal are to describe the current state of language teaching at the Pennsylvania State University, identify areas for improvement, and offer recommendations on exactly what improvements can be achieved.
Current situation
At the present moment, Penn State offers courses of several languages on three different levels. One can study modern languages such as French, German, Italian Russian as a beginner, intermediate or upper-intermediate student.
Following a final year survey among students taking language courses, the following areas for improvement can be highlighted:
1. the number of languages in offer: undoubtedly narrow and restricted to European languages;
2. the structure of the courses is flat: no advanced level
3. little innovation in the language methods utilized: simple, old-fashioned grammar-translation method still reigns supreme.
It is vital to address the issues raised in the student survey. Therefore, the following actions ought to be performed with a view to improving the quality of the courses and their reception:
A. The offer should be increased to include other widely-spoken languages, especially non-European ones, such as Chinese, Arabic and Hindi. These languages are real challenges for the speakers of European languages.
B. It is advisable to expand the course options by offering lessons for advanced students. Only comprehensive offer can motivate students to immerse themselves in language learning.
C. Last but not least, some variety needs to be introduced into the array of teaching methods available to students, e.g. online multimedia lessons. The best method of language learning is using many various methods.
All of these measures, if promptly implemented, are surely going to increase student satisfaction in the area of language courses.
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Proposal subject:
You go to a university that has a high amount of international students and you have realised that the website is not up to scratch. Write a proposal for the University Dean about how it could be improved.
Student’s CAE Proposal Answer:
This proposal is aimed at outlining the way in which the university website could be improved so that it is more user friendly for international students. It will suggest what improvements can be made and also set out how this would benefit the students themselves.
Problems with using the site
A recent study into how easy it is to get around the site has revealed that 70% of students whose second language is English find it difficult to find specific information about their courses. Because of the language barrier, they find it hard to make their search terms clear and this has become a cause for concern. Translating the site is not an option and this can be a big problem, especially at the beginning of the academic year.
Ways the site could address these issues
It has been well documented that the university website has neither a site map nor an introduction video to help novice students to find their way around it. It would make a huge difference if there were some simple instructions to indicate where to find information. It is a delicate balance as we, of course, want international students to learn English, but also want them to navigate the site with ease.
I would like to make the following recommendations:
- Invite students who are starting out at the university to a quick and informative seminar to demonstrate how to use the site.
- Provide language help and some useful resources for language learning and assistance.
- Provide a survival pack for students to take with them and know how to combat technological issues.
If these recommendations are in place, young people are bound to feel more prepared for their experience and take full advantage of this unique experience.
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C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Writing Topics
There are plans to demolish an old and unused building in the town where you are a student. You feel that the building should be saved. You decide to write a proposal for the town council explaining why you think the building should be preserved, suggesting what could be done to modernise it and saying how the building could benefit the local people.
Your college currently doesn’t provide enough support for students planning to spend time studying in another country. You see this notice in the library.
The college is planning to introduce a special course for students planning to spend time studying in-country. The college principal invites students to send a proposal outlining any problems students may face when studying abroad and suggesting ways in which the course could address these problems. A decision can then be made about what to include on the course.
Students at your college have to give a spoken presentation as part of their final assessment and need some help. The school director has invited you to send a proposal outlining any problems students have with presentations and suggesting how these problems could be overcome.
The company you work for is considering the idea of a flexible working day, where staff are able to vary their starting and finishing time. The manager of your department has asked you to write a proposal explaining why introducing a flexible working day could benefit both the company and its employees. You should also suggest how a flexible working day could operate in your own department.
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C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Mark Scheme
It is likely that the proposal will need to include accurate use of modals such as would, could, etc to talk about possibilities and arrangements for the event. Appropriate structures for recommending and suggesting should be used accurately. Vocabulary connected with the kind of event suggested should be used accurately. |
The proposal should be appropriately organized in paragraphs or sections, which may each be given a title. These should deal with different aspects, for example the background, the nature of the proposed event and reasons for choosing it, and suggestions for how it can be organized. Appropriate linking of points should be present. |
The proposal should be fairly formal or neutral because the context is fairly formal – the writer is submitting a proposal to people who are in charge. The reader would understand clearly the kind of event being proposed, what that event would involve and how it could be organized. |
The proposal must contain details of what the event would be, where it would take place, what it would involve and how it would be organized. It should also make clear what the scenario is, for example the kind of establishment that is celebrating its anniversary. |
C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Useful Phrases & Expressions
We will finish it with some useful vocabulary mostly used to organize information. Although it is taking a shortcut, if you learn several phrases for each paragraph in each type of text that could be on your exam, you will certainly be able to create a very consistent and well-organized proposal.
Stating the purpose of the proposal
The principal objectives of this proposal are to
The objective of this proposal is to…
The purpose of this proposal is to examine / evaluate / explain / describe / analyse / present…
This proposal aims to…
Rhetorical phrases:
Have you ever ……..?
What do you think about ……..?
Are you one of those people who thinks that ……?
Are you one of those people who …….?
What would life be like if ……?
Will the future bring us ….. ?
Background information
At the present moment,…
Comments made at the end of the questionnaires suggest…
Following a survey among…
Concerned members of the local community were invited to attend…
A number of concerns with regard to XYZ were expressed by…
The following areas for improvement can be highlighted
Introducing your first point:
In the first place
First of all
The first thing to consider is
One thing to consider is
To begin with
Introducing more points:
Another consideration
Yet another consideration
Another thing to consider is
Added to that
Apart from that
In addition to this
Making recommendations and suggestions
A working group should be set up by…
There should be an enquiry into…
It would be advantageous to…
It is recommended that…
I recommend that a larger survey should be conducted before a final decision is reached…
Final recommendations
Implementation of the above ideas would result in…
A working group should be set up by…
There should be an enquiry into…
I recommend that a larger survey should be conducted before a final decision is reached…
The following actions ought to be performed with a view to (improving the quality of…)
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