Как написать разрешение от родителей на пирсинг


  1. Что говорит закон
  2. Почему существуют ограничения
  3. Как получить согласие на татуировку от родителей
  4. Татуировка, пирсинг, подросток – что делать?
  5. Что делать?
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Нанесение татуировок – популярный способ украшения своего тела, иногда даже таких его необычных участков как полость рта, а именно, языка или вн.

Перманентный макияж позволяет свести к минимуму использование декоративной косметики и чувствовать себя комфортно в любое время и в любой ситуации. Он.

Времена, когда шрамы украшали мужское тело, однозначно прошли. А женское тело они не делали лучше и привлекательнее никогда. Поэтому желание как-то ск.

Заживление татуировок – процесс длительный и требующий некоторых усилий по уходу с вашей стороны, но с помощью специальной пленки этот период пр.

После нанесения татуировки у некоторых их счастливых обладателей возникает вопрос – а может ли от нее быть аллергия? К сожалению, нередко о подо.

Клиенты тату-салонов часто спрашивают, можно ли загорать после нанесения татуировки, и немалая их доля очень удивляются, узнав, что первое время нельз.

Иногда после установки пирсинга рядом с местом прокола образуется шишка или уплотнение. Как правило, такое происходит после пробивания хрящевых структ.

Можно ли бить тату на родинках и родимых пятнах? Это довольно частый вопрос. Кто-то хочет скрыть некрасивую деталь рисунком, у кого-то родинка появила.

Пирсинг – украшение носа, ушей, бровей, сосков, пупка и других частей тела различными ювелирными изделиями. При выполнении пирсинга происходит н.

Перед созданием тату нужно не только выбрать мастера, но и учесть нюансы, ведь исправить рисунок после сложно. Какой бы эскиз, стиль нанесения ни был .

Пирсинг является малоинвазивной процедурой, которая сопровождается повреждением хрящей, мягких тканей. Прокол может привести к развитию осложнений, непредсказуемых реакций организма.
Для процедуры существуют свои требования и ограничения. Например, если идеей загорелся подросток, нужно учитывать, со скольки лет делают пирсинг.

Что говорит закон

Согласно требованиям законодательства процедура запрещена для людей младше 14 лет. Пирсинг возможен с 16 лет, но только с разрешения родителей, которые заполняют документ в письменном виде.

Самостоятельные решения человек может принимать в возрасте 18 лет. Необходимо предъявить паспорт или права, чтобы мастер мог удостовериться в возрасте.

Почему существуют ограничения

Многие подростки возмущаются, когда узнают, с какого возраста можно делать пирсинг. Причиной запрета является высокий риск негативных последствий. В подростковый период организм растет, существует вероятность, что отверстие растянется, появится рубец.

Можно ли людям до 18 лет делать пирсинг без разрешения родителей? Нельзя. Законодательством предусмотрено наказание для мастеров, пренебрегающих правилом. Специалисту выписывают штраф, также руководство салона несет материальную ответственность.

Можно ли делать пирсинг в 16 лет и не ждать до 18 лет, ведь подросток сам принимает решение о медицинских вмешательствах? В законе четко разграничены медицинские и косметические процедуры.

Как получить согласие на татуировку от родителей

Не секрет, что для нанесения тату несовершеннолетнему человеку в подавляющем большинстве случаев придется принести согласие (или по-простому – разрешение) от родителей на татуировку в письменном виде. Безусловно, можно найти мастера, который перенесет вожделенный эскиз на кожу без всяких бумажек. Но это, по большому счету, исключение из правил, а не закономерность.

Как получить разрешение на татуировку от родителей?

Самый сложный этап. Письменное согласие от законного опекуна – это только пол беды. Сначала надо уговорить родителей, чтобы они морально склонились на Вашу сторону, пошли Вам на встречу.

А это не так просто, ведь любой здравомыслящий родитель старается уберечь своего ребенка от необдуманных и незрелых действий. Но так как наша цель – это получить согласие опекуна на тату, причем в задокументированном виде, то вот несколько советов, которые помогут повысить Ваши шансы на успех:

  1. Определитесь с местом нанесения татуировки, её эскизом и размером. Внимательно проанализируйте все плюсы и минусы Вашего решения. Будут вопросы и их будет много, на которые надо будет отвечать четко и уверенно. Ответы по типу «Просто хочу» могут отложить появление нательного рисунка до совершеннолетия.
  2. После того как Вы определились с эскизом, размером и местом нанесения татуировки, ни в коем случае не стоит сразу бежать к родителям со словами «Хочу тату!». Начинайте постепенно «обрабатывать почву», обращая их внимание на людей с татуировками, интересуясь их мнением в общем по этому вопросу и каждому конкретному человеку с тату на теле. При этом старайтесь избегать негативных восприятий, ведите беседы сугубо в позитивном ключе. Положительное или даже нейтральное отношение к татуировкам – это Ваш козырь, который может помочь в достижении заветной цели.
  3. Выжидайте подходящего момента для решающего шага. Не вовремя начатый разговор может свести на «нет» всю ранее проделанную работу. Вы знаете своих родителей и знаете, когда наступает наиболее благоприятный момент для Ваших просьб. Именно тогда и стоит поднимать тему тату, а ранее проделанная работа поможет в достижении требуемого результата.

Зачем писать согласие на тату от родителей?

Итак, получив устное разрешение на татуировку от опекуна, следует его задокументировать. И чем раньше Вы это сделает, тем меньше вероятность, что они передумают и Ваши мечты рассыплются. А само письменное согласие на татуировку от родителей Вам понадобится в тату-салоне.

Без него Вас там попросту не станут обслуживать. И этому факту есть весьма серьезные причины.

Любое воздействие на физическое или психологическое состояние здоровья несовершеннолетнего ребенка защищается законодательством. И при проведении подобных процедур всегда требуется согласие от законного представителя. Это, с одной стороны.

С другой же, любой салон, любой мастер старается минимизировать риски не только от нарушения законодательства, но и от возможных «разборок» с родителями… По этой причине отказываются обслуживать несовершеннолетних без письменного согласия от родителей. Мало того, мастер может потребовать не только согласия на татуировку, но и непосредственного присутствия опекуна во время сеанса.

Как правильно написать согласие на татуировку от родителей?

Очень важно правильно оформить документ и указать в нем максимально точную информацию. Письменное согласие на татуировку от родителей должно содержать:

  • ФИО опекуна;
  • Паспортные данные опекуна
  • ФИО несовершеннолетнего
  • Место нанесения тату;
  • Описание татуировки;
  • Размер татуировки.

Это тот минимум, которые следует указать.

Пример письменного согласия на татуировку от родителей

“Я, Дрожкина Альбина Игнатьевна 21.03.1978 года рождения паспорт серия 4344 номер 123456 выдан 12.01.2003, являясь законным опекуном Дрожкина Ивана Андреивича 23.08.2005 года рождения даю свое согласие на нанесение татуировки в виде кинжала размером 10см на 3см в области правого предплечья моего сына. Эскиз татуировки прилагается.

Татуировка, пирсинг, подросток – что делать?

Ребёнку 14 – 15 лет, а он требует от родителей разрешения нанести татуировку или сделать пирсинг, или хуже того – уже всё сделал сам. Очень знакомая ситуация! Что делать родителям в таких случаях?

Пирсинг и татуировки прочно вошли в моду: молодёжь, да и люди среднего возраста балуют себя подобными украшениями. Если это сделано мастерски и эстетично, то вызывает интерес и одобрение. Подростки в своих увлечениях противоречивы и способны впадать в крайности, они хотят следовать моде и выделяться среди других, поэтому от родителей требуют разрешения на подобные «штучки».

Что делать?

  • Вспомним, что этот возраст – возраст пубертатного кризиса: сложный, противоречивый, нестабильный во всех отношениях. Трудно подростку – трудно родителям. Но так как родители должны этот период пережить с наименьшими «потерями», необходимо помнить, что терпение, понимание, объяснение помогут лучше всего разобраться в этом вопросе.
  • Если подросток просит разрешения на пирсинг или тату – это уже хорошо. Значит есть возможность объяснить, какие проблемы со здоровьем могут возникнуть: при несоблюдении норм гигиены – гепатит, СПИД, аллергическое воспаление кожи, столбняк.
  • Объясните, что прокалывать брови, нос или язык нельзя, потому что со временем пирсинг выйдет из моды, а шрамы на лице останутся (будущую женщину это совсем не украсит). При прокалывании языка могут возникнуть серьёзные заболевания полости рта.
  • Сводите подростка к врачу, не пожалейте время, он подробно объяснит, чем опасны татуировка и пирсинг, да и мнение специалиста всегда авторитетней.
  • Проконсультируйтесь, какую прививку следует поставить ребёнку перед процедурой, чтобы снизить риски для здоровья (как правило, врачи советуют прививку против гепатита).
  • Если подросток всё же стоит на своём (что в большинстве случаев так и бывает), и вы склонны разрешить, то найдите салон с хорошей репутацией и специалистами.
  • Примите участие в процедуре нанесения татуировки или пирсинга: обсудите вместе, на какой части тела и какой рисунок будет нанесён, выберите вместе серьги для пирсинга и убедите, что менее безопасно прокалывать уши.
  • Если ребёнок всё уже сделал самостоятельно, то остается одно: принять как свершившийся факт. Но, выяснить в каком салоне это действо происходило, какие там специалисты и каков инструментарий, а затем следить за состоянием здоровья вашего «модного чада».

Если вы сами имеете татуировки или пирсинг, то никакие ваши запреты действовать не будут («не надобно другого образца, когда в глазах пример отца» ).

Для справки

В Древнем Египте пирсинг считался украшением лишь для избранных: цариц, дочерей фараонов и прочих знатных особ.

Героям – воинам Древнего Рима прокалывали соски, как доказательство мужества, отваги и нечувствительности к боли.

В Индии женщины после замужества прокалывали крыло носа, а мужчины – язык, как показатель клятвы молчания.

Моряки и пираты использовали пирсы как украшения и привезли эту традицию из Востока в Европу. Достаточно длительное время христианская церковь отвергала эту дань восточным традициям и считала, что люди с пирсингом не достойны приличного общества и не заслуживают ни уважения, ни доверия.

Предлагаю вашему вниманию видео. Без русского перевода всё достаточно понятно: молодежь старается быть неординарной, непохожей на других. Это разнообразие увлечений и направлений в молодёжной моде шокирует и удивляет (с ними «спорить напрасно, всё им кажется просто и ясно» ).

Сегодня это в Японии, завтра будет у нас. Считаю эту информацию полезной для родителей («предупреждён – значит вооружён» ). Выводы делать вам.

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Новостная рассылка

Уведомления о новых и популярных статьях месяца. Подборка будет приходить не чаще двух раз в месяц . Посмотреть пример письма можно по ссылке.

Татуировки и пирсинг – разрешить нельзя запретить

Татуировки и пирсинг – разрешить нельзя запретить

  • Теги:
  • Рекомендации специалистов
  • подростки
  • воспитание в семье
  • эпатаж
  • самовыражение

Татуировки и пирсинг – разрешить нельзя запретить

Вопрос о том, разрешать подросткам делать татуировки/пирсинг или нет, вызывает много споров. Одни считают, что это личное дело каждого человека, включая подростков, другие же утверждают, что это может иметь отрицательные последствия, и родители должны запрещать такие процедуры.

Давайте рассмотрим «за» и «против» татуажа и пирсинга в подростковом возрасте, а также приведем аргументы, которые помогут родителям и детям принять правильное решение.

Пирсинг: быть или не быть

Эмоции – под контроль. Подросток очень хочет проколоть пупок, бровь, нос или сделать татуировку? Не спешите «рвать и метать»: чем яростнее выразить протест, тем выше вероятность, что подросток не оставит эту затею. Запрет надо «железно» аргументировать.

Оперируем фактами. Если чадо упрашивает вас дать разрешение на пирсинг, потому что он ему «жизненно необходим», нужно спокойно с ним побеседовать и постараться донести имеющиеся в вашем арсенале факты. Кричать и приказывать не имеет смысла — запрет надо «железно» аргументировать.

Расскажите, что кожа со временем деформируется, и нанесенное на юное тело изображение со временем может превратиться в непонятно что. В качестве подтверждения найдите фото в интернете, там их предостаточно.

Поговорите о здоровье. Есть случаи, когда после нанесения татуировки появляются зуд, жжение, гнойники, прыщи. Нередко бывают и аллергические высыпания. И тогда требуется удаление рисунка хирургическим путем, после чего остаются шрамы и рубцы, которые очень сложно убрать или замаскировать. Риск есть даже при использовании качественного материала, соблюдении всех правил в салоне с хорошей репутацией. И не только у подпольных мастеров существует вероятность занести инфекцию и даже «подцепить» гепатит и СПИД.

Все проколы долго заживают, а при нерегулярном или недобросовестном уходе могут привести к развитию серьезных осложнений. В Сети можно найти истории о подобных экспериментах, поищите фото — лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать.

Хороший способ воздействия – предупреждение о возможном несоответствии внешнего вида и профессиональной деятельности. Если подросток мечтает о государственной службе, то тело без татуировок и проколов — весомый аргумент. Кандидат с татуировками попросту не пройдет отбор — работники госучреждений и правоохранительной системы не могут иметь рисунки на теле. А если татуировки обнаружатся позже, то придётся их убирать, иначе можно потерять работу — такой довод может сработать, если ребенок амбициозный и уже определился с будущей профессией.

Да и при приеме на любую работу при всех достоинствах выбор будет сделан в пользу более скромного соискателя. Эпатаж редко вызывает приятные эмоции у окружающих людей, а пословица «встречают по одёжке — провожают по уму» и сейчас актуальна.

Читайте также

Выясняем причины. Расспросите ребенка: что им движет? Если он хочет сделать тату или пирсинг как у кумира, попробуйте убедить, что бездумное копирование публичных людей может лишить его своей индивидуальности и неповторимости, которой природа наградила каждого из нас. Хорошо бы найти материал, где та или иная знаменитость упоминает, что рисунок был ошибкой юности или был нанесён в сознательном возрасте.

Если ребенок хочет выделиться, расскажите о других способах – этот далеко не единственный. Например, творчество, спорт, общественная работа, самодеятельность дают возможность выразить себя и получить правильные установки в жизни. Если всё-таки хочется сделать акцент на внешности, можно посоветовать пойти к крутому имиджмейкеру или парикмахеру.

Ищем «здоровую альтернативу». Если никакие доводы не действуют, предложите подростку попробовать боди-арт. Вместо пирсинга можно сделать, например, яркие локоны, летом — дреды. Возможно, такой эксперимент остудит пыл креативных подростков.

Используем метод наглядности. Найдите видео с демонстрацией процесса нанесения тату, но не рекламное, где все улыбаются и делают вид, что им не больно, а реальное. Если речь идет о пирсинге, тоже найдите подходящий тематический ролик — пусть увидит, как удаляют вросшие в тело «игрушки». Если сын или дочь боятся уколов, крови, боли, вероятно, такая «прививка» заставит отложить затею.

Поднимаем финансовый вопрос. Позвоните в хороший салон красоты вместе, чтобы узнать, сколько стоит нанесение и выведение татуировок, проколы пупка, брови. Если подросток продолжает настаивать на своем решении, предложите ему украсить тело в осознанном возрасте и на заработанные лично деньги, тем более по закону до 18 лет подросток не имеет возможности сделать тату или прокол без письменного согласия родителей или опекунов.

Постарайтесь построить с детьми хорошие отношения, чтобы как можно лучше понимать их проблемы. Пусть ваш ребенок «знает себе цену», знает, где и как можно самоутвердиться, и тогда у вас получится свести к минимуму «симптомы» пубертатного периода и удачно преодолеть их вместе со своими дочками и сыночками!

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Around the ages of 10-16 is when boys and girls usually go through puberty, and want to change something about themselves. Piercings allow a person to express themselves, add a new dimension to their outfit, and change up their individual style. However, getting a piercing at a young age requires permission from your parents. While this seems difficult, it is in fact very easy. In no time you will get your parents permission to get a piercing!

  1. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 1


    Conduct research into piercings. The very first step in convincing your parents to let you get a piercing, is to know exactly what piercing you want. Some of the more popular piercings are ear, belly-button, lip, and/or tongue. Each of these piercings comes in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Lists can be found online, or at a nearby piercing facility.[1]

    • For example, if you were to get a piercing in your ear, there are about 10-15 different places on your ear where the piercing could be located. This includes the lobe, tragus, inner conch, etc. Know exactly what type of piercing you want, and where you want it located.
    • In terms of jewelry, you might want a barbell, a closed circle, an open circle, a plug, a flesh tunnel, etc.

      Don’t: start with a large or unusual piercing your parents are unlikely to allow.
      Do: consider piercings you’ve seen on your parents or their friends.

  2. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 2


    Find a high-quality piercing facility. Use phone books, or advertisement lists online to find a nearby facility. Look for ratings as given by customers, usually on a «5 Star» scale. Facilities that have lower than 4 stars should not even be considered. After you find one, go to the place in person to check it out. Note the cleanliness of the facility, and the attitude of the workers. Ask some customers in the store about their past experiences there, and write them down.[4]


    Roger Rodriguez, also known as Roger Rabb!t, is the Owner of Ancient Adornments Body Piercing, a piercing studio based in the Los Angeles, California area. With over 25 years of piercing experience, Roger has become the co-owner of several piercing studios such as ENVY Body Piercing and Rebel Rebel Ear Piercing and teaches the craft of body piercing at Ancient Adornments. He is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers (APP).

    Roger Rodriguez

    Our Expert Agrees: Research the piercing process, the studios in your area, and any local laws. Your parents will be more apt to want to take you somewhere reputable, rather than just any neighborhood tattoo and piercing studio, so choose a studio with a solid reputation. Finally, every state has its own individual laws when it comes to piercing a minor, so you’ll need to research that as well.


  3. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 3


    Ask your friends about their experiences with piercings. Some of your friends have likely had experiences, either getting piercings, and/or having to convince their parents to get a piercing. They will be able to give you first hand knowledge about pain levels involved with the piercing, their preferences when it comes to jewelry, and where they have gone to get a piercing before.

    • Make sure to write this information down on a sheet of paper. You will want to add tidbits of what they had to say to your argument later on.

      Don’t: mention a friend your parents consider a «bad influence.»
      Do: relay the facts you’ve learned from these conversations.

  4. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 4


    Write down why getting the piercing is important to you. Using clear and concise language, create a list of main reasons you feel you need and want a piercing. They can range from the mundane, to the very serious. Acknowledge both aesthetic (jewelry is pretty) and emotional (makes me feel good inside) reasons. After you have created a list, cross off anything that might be off-putting to your parents, and those which are not that important. Form those thoughts into coherent sentences, with nouns, adjectives, and verbs.[5]

    • For example: I want a black plug on my earlobe. This is because it is a beautiful addition and makes me feel more independent as a person.
  5. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 5


    Practice reciting your argument. You can do this in front of a mirror, or in front of some of your friends. Try to memorize as much of the argument as you can so that it seems more convincing to your parents. Use a forceful, yet non-confrontational tone, when using specific words and/or points. Rather than just memorizing a script, add in additional phrases as you practice. Make the argument sound as convincing as possible. Practice at least 3-4 times.

  6. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 6


    Gather together materials to present to your parents. You will want have a picture of the exact piercing you want to get. Pictures of the facility you want to get your piercing at. Pamphlets and brochures concerning piercings. Medical statistics that cite the rate of infections among pierced individuals. The idea is to be more prepared than you have to be. If your parents have a question or inquiry, you want the information either in your head or at your fingertips.[6]

    • Note, you do not want to present medical statistics that run contrary to your argument. If you find that all the medical statistics are negative for a particular piercing, you should perhaps get it somewhere else.
  7. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 7


    Wait until you know the time is right. Your parents should be in a good mood when you sit them down. You will also want some time to yourself. Think about the research you have conducted. A rash or ill-advised decision is almost never a good one. Waiting an extra week, month, or year can give you time to prepare and think about what you are about to do.[7]

    • If you notice that they are yelling a lot, do not confront them yet. If they are dealing with a traumatic problem themselves, do not overburden them.
  8. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 8


    Tell your parents you want to have a serious conversation. Let them know that this is no joking manner. Use forceful language, and be assertive. Leaving notes is not as good as initially confronting your parents to let them know you want to talk. Set a time and day with them. You do not want to bombard them with information, but rather, set aside a particular time in which serious discussion can take place.[8]

    Don’t: mention the piercing yet. Give them time to wonder what it’s about, and most parents will end up relieved.
    Do: say «I want to talk to you about something serious. It’s nothing bad, but it is important.»

  2. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 9


    Sit them down in a comfortable space. A great place to have a serious talk is in a living room or a bedroom. Dim the lighting so as to not distract. You also want to make sure your phones are off and put away. The T.V. should also not be on, which can be a major distraction as well. Make sure that you and your parents are seated close together so the talk isn’t awkward.

    • You might want pillows around, which can feel better when you sit down. You want yourself, and your parents to be as comfortable as possible.
  3. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 10


    Begin by describing your achievements. You can list off your academic success, events you have volunteered at, or family members you have helped out. This is a great way to break the ice, and show your parents what you have achieved. This will ease the conversation into something more controversial like getting a piercing. After you have your parents warmed up, and reminded of your good deeds, they may be more receptive to what you are about to ask of them.

    • List all the A’s and B’s you have received recently in school. Tell them about the book reports you have written. Tell them that you are helping other kids with their schoolwork as well.
    • Volunteer activities, such as at a blood drive, or cleaning a road, show your parents that you are a responsible young adult.

      Don’t: go on for more than a few sentences, which can sound suspicious.
      Do: move on if your parents ask what this is about.

  4. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 11


    Lay out your case. Either read from your prepared statements, or speak from memory. Use your arms when you speak as to show emotion and engagement. Use clear, logical sentences. Remember to stay on point, and do not stray into other areas of conversation. If your parents interrupt, remind them that they will have a turn to ask questions later on. State your argument, give evidence, and then repeat your argument again.[10]

    Don’t: talk over your parents or patronize them.
    Do: say «I know you have questions, I’d just like to tell you the details first.»

  5. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 12


    Avoid irrational behavior and emotions. Crying, weeping, and/or frowning shows your parents that you are unable to handle your emotions and, therefore, not mature enough to get a piercing. You want to be calm, cool, and collected. Speak with heart, but don’t let it get to you. Present yourself as a clear thinking, rational adult, whom has facts to back up his/her argument.[11]

  6. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 13


    Present your parents with materials. Give your parents the pictures and pamphlets you have collected. You can either disperse them individually as they come about during your argument, or give them to your parents at the end of your talk. Point out which item is which so that your parents are not confused. You want them to come back to these materials later on and know what to expect.[12]

    • If you want, you can read the pamphlets with them, or let them read and then ask you questions.
  7. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 14


    Ask your parents for questions and/or responses. The conversation is not one-sided. You want to get your parents engaged in a dialogue. Every time they ask a question, have a clear response ready. If your parents sense weakness, or a lack of research, they will seriously doubt your readiness to get a piercing. If you do not know an answer, you should refer them to specific websites where they can find the answer they are looking for. Do not leave them wondering, with doubt in their minds.[13]

  8. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 15


    Take your parents to the piercing facility. A little extra push is sometimes needed to convince parents you are ready. Show them where the facility is. Take them inside, and introduce the person whom would be piercing you. Demonstrate to them how clean the place is. Show them pictures inside of the facility of people’s past piercings. You can even let your parents talk to some of the customers there to get their comments about the facility and it’s level of professionalism.[14]

  2. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 16


    Create a contract or an agreement. Your parents might be okay with you getting a piercing if you can agree to some stipulations. This might involve boosting your grades in school, doing more chores around the house, or treating your siblings better. Together, write down on paper exactly the terms of the contract, and when you have to accomplish the goals by. If you meet the goals, you should be guaranteed a piercing.[15]

  3. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 17


    Consistently remind them this is important to you. Sometimes one talk is not enough. Some parents are stubborn, while others are simply bad at listening to their children. However, don’t let this get you down. Always remind them throughout the following days and weeks that a piercing is still important to you. Write them notes, perhaps better explaining your arguments. You can even schedule more serious talks in the future, and engage in further open dialogue with your parents.[16]

    Don’t: bring up piercings when your parents are in a bad mood.
    Do: show them new information, such as blogs written by parents in the same situation.

  4. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 18


    Invite them to come get a piercing with you. Instead of having them wonder about the «dangers» of getting a piercing, bring them along with you. They will feel more comfortable standing by your side as you are getting a piercing. They might even want to get a piercing as well, thereby creating a family bonding moment.

  5. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 19


    Save up money to purchase the piercing. A sign of maturity is that you are taking responsibility for at least some of your finances. Many parents live paycheck to paycheck, and don’t have the extra money to shell out for a piercing. Apply for a job, and save up your own money. Make sure you have enough to cover the piercing and the piece of jewelry you want. Tell your parents that you are willing to pay for part of, or the whole procedure out of pocket.[17]

  6. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 20


    Go above and beyond with your daily chores. You don’t even have to talk with your parents to demonstrate your level of maturity. Do the laundry or the dishes without being asked. Volunteer to take out the trash, or pick up your brother from his soccer game. Spend more time with the family at game night, and/or go out to dinner with them. Be a real part of the family and show them you are taking on responsibility. They might then reciprocate, and reward you for your newfound level of maturation and standing.[18]

    Don’t: mention the piercing every time you do a chore.
    Do: continue to do extra chores for at least a short time after the piercing.

  7. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How can I persuade my mom to let me get my ears pierced on my birthday?

    Community Answer

    Use your birthday as an opportunity to remind your mom that you’re older now and mature enough to get your ears pierced. Also, tell your mom this is the only present you want for your birthday.

  • Question

    My mom thinks all piercings are ugly, and even though she has pierced her ears twice, she says she regrets it. What should I do?

    Community Answer

    Try to reason with her. Tell her you’d get a subtle piece of jewelry, and show her what you have in mind. Have a calm discussion about why you want the piercing, and explain that, while she doesn’t like piercings, you are a different person with your own opinions and feelings. Just because she regrets something doesn’t mean you will. If all else fails, you’ll just have to wait until you’re 18.

  • Question

    One of my mothers has a lot of piercings and obviously has some experience with them. Could I possibly ask her?

    Community Answer

    Definitely, and if you can convince her, she might help you persuade your other mom. Even if she doesn’t let you get the piercing now, she can give you good advice for when you are older.

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  • After your initial talk, take a break. Come back in a month to give your parents time to mull it over.[19]

  • Speak clearly when you talk with your parents. Stay focused on the goal.

  • Your research should be thorough. You should know the type of piercing you want, the jewelry you want, the facility you want to go to, and the potential medical consequences.

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  • Piercings, depending on the type, cause a wide range of pain. It is best to consult with a doctor and a piercing professional to get their opinion about what type of pain to expect.

  • Do not whine, cry, argue or yell. That’s just showing your parents how immature you are.

  • Do not «bug» your parents. While persistence is notable, constantly nagging can lead to even further distrust. Don’t give your parents an excuse for denying you your piercing.

  • Be careful of infections. New piercings have to be properly maintained, so always clean and disinfect the newly pierced area.

  • Be ready for rejection. Some parents are so stubborn that they are unwilling to budge.



About This Article

Article SummaryX

Convincing your parents to let you get a piercing might not be easy, but if you do your research, stay calm, and choose a good time to bring it up, you’ll have a much better chance. Before you talk to your parents, look online for a piercing shop with good reviews and hygiene standards. You should also think about the reasons you want a piercing, so you can make a clearer argument. For example, you might want a piercing to look unique and to make you more confident. When you’re ready to talk to your parents, wait for a time when they’re both relaxed and in a good mood. Then, make your case for getting a piercing, and show them pictures and the website of your chosen shop. If they’re not happy with the idea, try to stay calm and don’t let your emotions show, since this will only hurt your case. Instead, wait a week or 2 and try again. For more tips, including how to offer your parents something in exchange for you getting a piercing, read on!

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  • Lynne Blackwood

    Lynne Blackwood

    Oct 17, 2016

    «Learned different ways to get my goal of a piercing. It really has helped. Thanks to this advice, I have about all…» more

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Around the ages of 10-16 is when boys and girls usually go through puberty, and want to change something about themselves. Piercings allow a person to express themselves, add a new dimension to their outfit, and change up their individual style. However, getting a piercing at a young age requires permission from your parents. While this seems difficult, it is in fact very easy. In no time you will get your parents permission to get a piercing!

  1. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 1


    Conduct research into piercings. The very first step in convincing your parents to let you get a piercing, is to know exactly what piercing you want. Some of the more popular piercings are ear, belly-button, lip, and/or tongue. Each of these piercings comes in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Lists can be found online, or at a nearby piercing facility.[1]

    • For example, if you were to get a piercing in your ear, there are about 10-15 different places on your ear where the piercing could be located. This includes the lobe, tragus, inner conch, etc. Know exactly what type of piercing you want, and where you want it located.
    • In terms of jewelry, you might want a barbell, a closed circle, an open circle, a plug, a flesh tunnel, etc.

      Don’t: start with a large or unusual piercing your parents are unlikely to allow.
      Do: consider piercings you’ve seen on your parents or their friends.

  2. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 2


    Find a high-quality piercing facility. Use phone books, or advertisement lists online to find a nearby facility. Look for ratings as given by customers, usually on a «5 Star» scale. Facilities that have lower than 4 stars should not even be considered. After you find one, go to the place in person to check it out. Note the cleanliness of the facility, and the attitude of the workers. Ask some customers in the store about their past experiences there, and write them down.[4]


    Roger Rodriguez, also known as Roger Rabb!t, is the Owner of Ancient Adornments Body Piercing, a piercing studio based in the Los Angeles, California area. With over 25 years of piercing experience, Roger has become the co-owner of several piercing studios such as ENVY Body Piercing and Rebel Rebel Ear Piercing and teaches the craft of body piercing at Ancient Adornments. He is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers (APP).

    Roger Rodriguez

    Our Expert Agrees: Research the piercing process, the studios in your area, and any local laws. Your parents will be more apt to want to take you somewhere reputable, rather than just any neighborhood tattoo and piercing studio, so choose a studio with a solid reputation. Finally, every state has its own individual laws when it comes to piercing a minor, so you’ll need to research that as well.


  3. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 3


    Ask your friends about their experiences with piercings. Some of your friends have likely had experiences, either getting piercings, and/or having to convince their parents to get a piercing. They will be able to give you first hand knowledge about pain levels involved with the piercing, their preferences when it comes to jewelry, and where they have gone to get a piercing before.

    • Make sure to write this information down on a sheet of paper. You will want to add tidbits of what they had to say to your argument later on.

      Don’t: mention a friend your parents consider a «bad influence.»
      Do: relay the facts you’ve learned from these conversations.

  4. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 4


    Write down why getting the piercing is important to you. Using clear and concise language, create a list of main reasons you feel you need and want a piercing. They can range from the mundane, to the very serious. Acknowledge both aesthetic (jewelry is pretty) and emotional (makes me feel good inside) reasons. After you have created a list, cross off anything that might be off-putting to your parents, and those which are not that important. Form those thoughts into coherent sentences, with nouns, adjectives, and verbs.[5]

    • For example: I want a black plug on my earlobe. This is because it is a beautiful addition and makes me feel more independent as a person.
  5. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 5


    Practice reciting your argument. You can do this in front of a mirror, or in front of some of your friends. Try to memorize as much of the argument as you can so that it seems more convincing to your parents. Use a forceful, yet non-confrontational tone, when using specific words and/or points. Rather than just memorizing a script, add in additional phrases as you practice. Make the argument sound as convincing as possible. Practice at least 3-4 times.

  6. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 6


    Gather together materials to present to your parents. You will want have a picture of the exact piercing you want to get. Pictures of the facility you want to get your piercing at. Pamphlets and brochures concerning piercings. Medical statistics that cite the rate of infections among pierced individuals. The idea is to be more prepared than you have to be. If your parents have a question or inquiry, you want the information either in your head or at your fingertips.[6]

    • Note, you do not want to present medical statistics that run contrary to your argument. If you find that all the medical statistics are negative for a particular piercing, you should perhaps get it somewhere else.
  7. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 7


    Wait until you know the time is right. Your parents should be in a good mood when you sit them down. You will also want some time to yourself. Think about the research you have conducted. A rash or ill-advised decision is almost never a good one. Waiting an extra week, month, or year can give you time to prepare and think about what you are about to do.[7]

    • If you notice that they are yelling a lot, do not confront them yet. If they are dealing with a traumatic problem themselves, do not overburden them.
  8. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 8


    Tell your parents you want to have a serious conversation. Let them know that this is no joking manner. Use forceful language, and be assertive. Leaving notes is not as good as initially confronting your parents to let them know you want to talk. Set a time and day with them. You do not want to bombard them with information, but rather, set aside a particular time in which serious discussion can take place.[8]

    Don’t: mention the piercing yet. Give them time to wonder what it’s about, and most parents will end up relieved.
    Do: say «I want to talk to you about something serious. It’s nothing bad, but it is important.»

  2. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 9


    Sit them down in a comfortable space. A great place to have a serious talk is in a living room or a bedroom. Dim the lighting so as to not distract. You also want to make sure your phones are off and put away. The T.V. should also not be on, which can be a major distraction as well. Make sure that you and your parents are seated close together so the talk isn’t awkward.

    • You might want pillows around, which can feel better when you sit down. You want yourself, and your parents to be as comfortable as possible.
  3. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 10


    Begin by describing your achievements. You can list off your academic success, events you have volunteered at, or family members you have helped out. This is a great way to break the ice, and show your parents what you have achieved. This will ease the conversation into something more controversial like getting a piercing. After you have your parents warmed up, and reminded of your good deeds, they may be more receptive to what you are about to ask of them.

    • List all the A’s and B’s you have received recently in school. Tell them about the book reports you have written. Tell them that you are helping other kids with their schoolwork as well.
    • Volunteer activities, such as at a blood drive, or cleaning a road, show your parents that you are a responsible young adult.

      Don’t: go on for more than a few sentences, which can sound suspicious.
      Do: move on if your parents ask what this is about.

  4. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 11


    Lay out your case. Either read from your prepared statements, or speak from memory. Use your arms when you speak as to show emotion and engagement. Use clear, logical sentences. Remember to stay on point, and do not stray into other areas of conversation. If your parents interrupt, remind them that they will have a turn to ask questions later on. State your argument, give evidence, and then repeat your argument again.[10]

    Don’t: talk over your parents or patronize them.
    Do: say «I know you have questions, I’d just like to tell you the details first.»

  5. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 12


    Avoid irrational behavior and emotions. Crying, weeping, and/or frowning shows your parents that you are unable to handle your emotions and, therefore, not mature enough to get a piercing. You want to be calm, cool, and collected. Speak with heart, but don’t let it get to you. Present yourself as a clear thinking, rational adult, whom has facts to back up his/her argument.[11]

  6. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 13


    Present your parents with materials. Give your parents the pictures and pamphlets you have collected. You can either disperse them individually as they come about during your argument, or give them to your parents at the end of your talk. Point out which item is which so that your parents are not confused. You want them to come back to these materials later on and know what to expect.[12]

    • If you want, you can read the pamphlets with them, or let them read and then ask you questions.
  7. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 14


    Ask your parents for questions and/or responses. The conversation is not one-sided. You want to get your parents engaged in a dialogue. Every time they ask a question, have a clear response ready. If your parents sense weakness, or a lack of research, they will seriously doubt your readiness to get a piercing. If you do not know an answer, you should refer them to specific websites where they can find the answer they are looking for. Do not leave them wondering, with doubt in their minds.[13]

  8. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 15


    Take your parents to the piercing facility. A little extra push is sometimes needed to convince parents you are ready. Show them where the facility is. Take them inside, and introduce the person whom would be piercing you. Demonstrate to them how clean the place is. Show them pictures inside of the facility of people’s past piercings. You can even let your parents talk to some of the customers there to get their comments about the facility and it’s level of professionalism.[14]

  2. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 16


    Create a contract or an agreement. Your parents might be okay with you getting a piercing if you can agree to some stipulations. This might involve boosting your grades in school, doing more chores around the house, or treating your siblings better. Together, write down on paper exactly the terms of the contract, and when you have to accomplish the goals by. If you meet the goals, you should be guaranteed a piercing.[15]

  3. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 17


    Consistently remind them this is important to you. Sometimes one talk is not enough. Some parents are stubborn, while others are simply bad at listening to their children. However, don’t let this get you down. Always remind them throughout the following days and weeks that a piercing is still important to you. Write them notes, perhaps better explaining your arguments. You can even schedule more serious talks in the future, and engage in further open dialogue with your parents.[16]

    Don’t: bring up piercings when your parents are in a bad mood.
    Do: show them new information, such as blogs written by parents in the same situation.

  4. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 18


    Invite them to come get a piercing with you. Instead of having them wonder about the «dangers» of getting a piercing, bring them along with you. They will feel more comfortable standing by your side as you are getting a piercing. They might even want to get a piercing as well, thereby creating a family bonding moment.

  5. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 19


    Save up money to purchase the piercing. A sign of maturity is that you are taking responsibility for at least some of your finances. Many parents live paycheck to paycheck, and don’t have the extra money to shell out for a piercing. Apply for a job, and save up your own money. Make sure you have enough to cover the piercing and the piece of jewelry you want. Tell your parents that you are willing to pay for part of, or the whole procedure out of pocket.[17]

  6. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing Step 20


    Go above and beyond with your daily chores. You don’t even have to talk with your parents to demonstrate your level of maturity. Do the laundry or the dishes without being asked. Volunteer to take out the trash, or pick up your brother from his soccer game. Spend more time with the family at game night, and/or go out to dinner with them. Be a real part of the family and show them you are taking on responsibility. They might then reciprocate, and reward you for your newfound level of maturation and standing.[18]

    Don’t: mention the piercing every time you do a chore.
    Do: continue to do extra chores for at least a short time after the piercing.

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    How can I persuade my mom to let me get my ears pierced on my birthday?

    Community Answer

    Use your birthday as an opportunity to remind your mom that you’re older now and mature enough to get your ears pierced. Also, tell your mom this is the only present you want for your birthday.

  • Question

    My mom thinks all piercings are ugly, and even though she has pierced her ears twice, she says she regrets it. What should I do?

    Community Answer

    Try to reason with her. Tell her you’d get a subtle piece of jewelry, and show her what you have in mind. Have a calm discussion about why you want the piercing, and explain that, while she doesn’t like piercings, you are a different person with your own opinions and feelings. Just because she regrets something doesn’t mean you will. If all else fails, you’ll just have to wait until you’re 18.

  • Question

    One of my mothers has a lot of piercings and obviously has some experience with them. Could I possibly ask her?

    Community Answer

    Definitely, and if you can convince her, she might help you persuade your other mom. Even if she doesn’t let you get the piercing now, she can give you good advice for when you are older.

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  • After your initial talk, take a break. Come back in a month to give your parents time to mull it over.[19]

  • Speak clearly when you talk with your parents. Stay focused on the goal.

  • Your research should be thorough. You should know the type of piercing you want, the jewelry you want, the facility you want to go to, and the potential medical consequences.

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  • Piercings, depending on the type, cause a wide range of pain. It is best to consult with a doctor and a piercing professional to get their opinion about what type of pain to expect.

  • Do not whine, cry, argue or yell. That’s just showing your parents how immature you are.

  • Do not «bug» your parents. While persistence is notable, constantly nagging can lead to even further distrust. Don’t give your parents an excuse for denying you your piercing.

  • Be careful of infections. New piercings have to be properly maintained, so always clean and disinfect the newly pierced area.

  • Be ready for rejection. Some parents are so stubborn that they are unwilling to budge.



About This Article

Article SummaryX

Convincing your parents to let you get a piercing might not be easy, but if you do your research, stay calm, and choose a good time to bring it up, you’ll have a much better chance. Before you talk to your parents, look online for a piercing shop with good reviews and hygiene standards. You should also think about the reasons you want a piercing, so you can make a clearer argument. For example, you might want a piercing to look unique and to make you more confident. When you’re ready to talk to your parents, wait for a time when they’re both relaxed and in a good mood. Then, make your case for getting a piercing, and show them pictures and the website of your chosen shop. If they’re not happy with the idea, try to stay calm and don’t let your emotions show, since this will only hurt your case. Instead, wait a week or 2 and try again. For more tips, including how to offer your parents something in exchange for you getting a piercing, read on!

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  • Lynne Blackwood

    Lynne Blackwood

    Oct 17, 2016

    «Learned different ways to get my goal of a piercing. It really has helped. Thanks to this advice, I have about all…» more

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