Как написать родителям учеников об увольнении

Ситуация такая: сейчас живем втроем с ребенком в однокомнатной квартире в Пышме, ребенку 6 лет, осенью в школу. Много лет разговариваю с мужем насчет ипотеки (т.к. все обязательства по оплате ложатся на него в большей степени), он говорил, что пока не готов морально, я и не давила на него. Тут получил повышение на работе и воодушевлено мне сообщил, что будем переезжать, нам одобрили ипотеку и мы запустили процесс продажи и подбора нового варианта. Все произошло как-то внезапно. Но я очень, очень рада, т.к. во-первых, мне опостылел район, в котором сейчас живем, не люблю его, во-вторых, нам реально тесно, стол даже ребенку некуда поставить, в-третьих, к 1 февраля сможем определиться со школой и ребенка не придется потом переводить в ту школу другого района, где будет недобор (т.е. явно не самую хорошую). Поедем в Юго-Западный, нам очень нравится район, муж там вырос, там живут родители мужа, они пенсионеры, готовы встречать ребенка из школы и т.п. Т.е. по всем пунктам для нас одни плюсы.

Но. Я учитель. У меня второй класс. Я

не смогу

не хочу ездить из Юго-Западного района в Пышму на работу. Машину не вожу. Дорога получается очень долгой, дорогОй, да еще возможные пробки… Вставать придется вообще ни свет ни заря. В общем, очевидно, что придется увольняться к новому году.
На работе я на хорошем счету, с родителями учеников отношения тоже хорошие, понимаю, что сообщение о том, что увольняюсь будет воспринято с шоком, неоднозначно, но отказаться от перспективы наконец-то переехать обратно в Екатеринбург, выделить ребенку отдельную комнату, иметь всегда на подхвате бабушку с дедушкой, избежать нервотрепки с переводом ребенка в другую школу я не могу. На другой чаше весов нет мотивации к тому, чтобы остаться. Понимаю, что надо говорить уже сейчас на работе, наметила разговор с директором на завтра. Буду говорить правду, как есть, меня будут уговаривать остаться до конца года, «как же вы нас так бросаете», «а как же дети, они же к вам привыкли» и т.п. Я ведь все это понимаю, конечно. Но ведь и учитель имеет право на приятные перемены в жизни.

Как помягче подать информацию, чтобы ситуацию максимально сгладить? (Предупреждаю, получается, за 2 месяца до увольнения)

This blog post will show you samples of “Daycare resignation letters to parents.”

Writing a “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”

When writing a “Daycare resignation letter to parents,” these are some of the things that you need to keep in mind.

  • The first step is to tell the parents about leaving and the final work date. Keep it short as the essential part of the letter is the Last Date of your work.
  • Indicate the reason you are leaving your job. It would be best to be polite as you will leave a positive impression on the parents. Maintain your composure when drafting the letter.
  • Finally, thank the parents for the position and the opportunities you have enjoyed during your work period.
  • Ensure you proofread your letter before sending it to the parents. You can send the letter to your family and friend to check for grammatical errors.

Sample 1: “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”

“Dear Parents,

This letter is to regretfully let you all know that I will be resigning from my position as teacher at ABC Daycare four weeks from now, on May 1, 2014. I will be moving with my family to Iowa this summer due to my husband’s work situation and will be looking for a new teaching job there. I will miss all of you and your wonderful children but look forward to what this new adventure will have in store.

Ms. Phyllis Thornton will be replacing me as your children’s teacher. She is a qualified elementary school teacher in whom I have every confidence. I trust that she will do a fine job shepherding the children and that you will all love her. She will be introducing herself to you as well and in the meantime, if any of you have any questions for me, please do not hesitate to contact me. My telephone number will remain (555)-555-5555 and my email address is as always [email]

Your children have all touched my heart greatly and I regret that I must leave them. I hope to have the opportunity to speak to each and every one of you personally before my resignation comes into effect. I have appreciated working with each one of you as we strive to give your children the best start possible and thank you for your time and effort.

Yours sincerely,

Robin Philips

Mrs. Robin G. Philips”

Sample 2: “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”

“Dear [ Insert the name of the receiver]

There is a mixture full of emotions running through me that I’m even finding so hard to express. I know you are feeling the same too. As I prepare myself to move to [ insert the relevant destination] to pursue my career, I wanted to write this letter to you, not to say my goodbye, but to remind you of the worth you both hold in my life.

From helping me set my first tiny steps when I was a toddler, to always ensuring my school rides were the most fun, to teaching me life’s best lessons, and providing for every need of mine; in this past [ insert the age of the sender] years of my life, we have had our set of joyful moments, differences in our opinions, a hard disk full of intellectual thoughts, and a lot of traveling.

Amid all this, one thing that has always remained constant is that you always supported me in every decision I have made to date, even when it cost you several sacrifices. Words would fail to express the gratitude I am filled with to have you both as my parents.

As I leave from here, I leave with you a promise that no matter wherever I go, whatever I do, I will strive to make you proud every single time.

Until the time we meet,                                              

[ Insert the Full Name of the Sender]

[ Insert the contact details]”

Sample 3: “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”


Dear [ mention the name ]

It is really heartbreaking to write this type of letter to you. I must appreciate the way you used to handle our kids when we were not present in the house. I don’t know if I am going to get good daycare parents for my kids in the place where we’re shifting right now.

My kids really enjoyed spending time with you and they are going to miss you so much. I will never regret my decision to choose you as daycare parents for my kids. Thank you so much for making my children’s childhood an amazing one. I know it is hard for you too to leave this job because you saw them growing and are really attached to them.

You supported me and loved them in every stage of their life. You never really made them realize that you are their daycare parents because you loved them the way real parents do. The way you care for them, teach them, make different food items for them and never scold them is so commendable.

The way you handled my kids for [ mention the years ] and in these years nothing bad happened to my kids, you really handled them so well. I was carefree knowing that my kids are safe in the house with you and it was really peaceful.

It would be so great if you come with us to the place we are shifting to, but it’s impossible for you and definitely I will not force you to do this. My kids as well as I will miss you. Goodbye and take care of yourself.

From [ mention the name of the sender ]”

Sample 4: “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”


Dear [ mention the name]

I never thought that I would be writing this letter to you. A few days ago I came to know the truth that my parents left me and you are the one who took responsibility to create a beautiful childhood for me and never made me realize that you are my daycare parents.

From the day when I didn’t know how to walk till today, you always showered me with love, and care and protected me from bad deeds. I never knew that I would be leaving you like this for my higher studies. You are the one who did everything for me, I know that your financial condition was not very good but for me, you worked day and night to ensure that my studies go well.

The way you did everything for me, maybe my real parents would never do the same. I am really going to miss you there and miss all the memories which we created. The bond we share is more than anything.

Your love and support are the reason for making me so strong and brave. There’s no word by which I can express how sad I am right now while saying goodbye to you. The way we laughed, played, and studied is really something I am gonna miss so much. Saying goodbye to you is the worst part of my life. Goodbye and promise me you will take care of yourself.

From [ mention the name of the sender]”

Sample 5: “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”


Dear [ mention the name]

It was really good to have you as a daycare parent for my kids. My children learned so many things from you. Without me also my children learned to read and write so well.

Like I have said before, we will be shifting anytime and the time has arrived. We are shifting to a different city and it’s time to say goodbye to you. My children are gonna miss you a lot for all the things you did for them. The way you took care of my children in my absence is something that really impressed me because nobody ever did this for my kids.

After seeing you I always wanted my kids to grow under your guidance because the way I trust you is really something rare. The way you enjoyed every moment with my kids but did not hamper their studies is so commendable.

I never knew that a daycare parent can be so good but after meeting you, my opinion changed. I just want daycare parents like you in a different city too. Having you really made me tension free because I know I have someone with whom my children are safe and sound. 

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Hope you will do good in your life and the kids under your guidance are so blessed, hope you will bless every kid like this. You are the best one and it’s really heartbreaking to say goodbye to you. Goodbye and take care of yourself.

From [ mention the name of the sender ]”

Frequently Asked Questions: Writing a “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”

Can you resign without giving Amazon notice?

No, you cannot resign without giving notice. In most organization, quitting a job without notice may attract a penalty fee. It may also affect your chances of being rehired by the company in the future. Giving notice before resigning from a job leaves a good impression.

When should you offer your resignation notice?

A 2-month notice gives your employer time to find your replacement so your position may not remain vacant when you leave the company. 

We hope the above blog post was helpful. Please leave your comments and questions below.


Goodbye Letter to Daycare Parents: 4 Types Templates


This blog post will show you samples of “Daycare resignation letters to parents.”

Writing a “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”

When writing a “Daycare resignation letter to parents,” these are some of the things that you need to keep in mind.

  • The first step is to tell the parents about leaving and the final work date. Keep it short as the essential part of the letter is the Last Date of your work.
  • Indicate the reason you are leaving your job. It would be best to be polite as you will leave a positive impression on the parents. Maintain your composure when drafting the letter.
  • Finally, thank the parents for the position and the opportunities you have enjoyed during your work period.
  • Ensure you proofread your letter before sending it to the parents. You can send the letter to your family and friend to check for grammatical errors.

Sample 1: “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”

“Dear Parents,

This letter is to regretfully let you all know that I will be resigning from my position as teacher at ABC Daycare four weeks from now, on May 1, 2014. I will be moving with my family to Iowa this summer due to my husband’s work situation and will be looking for a new teaching job there. I will miss all of you and your wonderful children but look forward to what this new adventure will have in store.

Ms. Phyllis Thornton will be replacing me as your children’s teacher. She is a qualified elementary school teacher in whom I have every confidence. I trust that she will do a fine job shepherding the children and that you will all love her. She will be introducing herself to you as well and in the meantime, if any of you have any questions for me, please do not hesitate to contact me. My telephone number will remain (555)-555-5555 and my email address is as always [email]

Your children have all touched my heart greatly and I regret that I must leave them. I hope to have the opportunity to speak to each and every one of you personally before my resignation comes into effect. I have appreciated working with each one of you as we strive to give your children the best start possible and thank you for your time and effort.

Yours sincerely,

Robin Philips

Mrs. Robin G. Philips”

Sample 2: “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”

“Dear [ Insert the name of the receiver]

There is a mixture full of emotions running through me that I’m even finding so hard to express. I know you are feeling the same too. As I prepare myself to move to [ insert the relevant destination] to pursue my career, I wanted to write this letter to you, not to say my goodbye, but to remind you of the worth you both hold in my life.

From helping me set my first tiny steps when I was a toddler, to always ensuring my school rides were the most fun, to teaching me life’s best lessons, and providing for every need of mine; in this past [ insert the age of the sender] years of my life, we have had our set of joyful moments, differences in our opinions, a hard disk full of intellectual thoughts, and a lot of traveling.

Amid all this, one thing that has always remained constant is that you always supported me in every decision I have made to date, even when it cost you several sacrifices. Words would fail to express the gratitude I am filled with to have you both as my parents.

As I leave from here, I leave with you a promise that no matter wherever I go, whatever I do, I will strive to make you proud every single time.

Until the time we meet,                                              

[ Insert the Full Name of the Sender]

[ Insert the contact details]”

Sample 3: “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”


Dear [ mention the name ]

It is really heartbreaking to write this type of letter to you. I must appreciate the way you used to handle our kids when we were not present in the house. I don’t know if I am going to get good daycare parents for my kids in the place where we’re shifting right now.

My kids really enjoyed spending time with you and they are going to miss you so much. I will never regret my decision to choose you as daycare parents for my kids. Thank you so much for making my children’s childhood an amazing one. I know it is hard for you too to leave this job because you saw them growing and are really attached to them.

You supported me and loved them in every stage of their life. You never really made them realize that you are their daycare parents because you loved them the way real parents do. The way you care for them, teach them, make different food items for them and never scold them is so commendable.

The way you handled my kids for [ mention the years ] and in these years nothing bad happened to my kids, you really handled them so well. I was carefree knowing that my kids are safe in the house with you and it was really peaceful.

It would be so great if you come with us to the place we are shifting to, but it’s impossible for you and definitely I will not force you to do this. My kids as well as I will miss you. Goodbye and take care of yourself.

From [ mention the name of the sender ]”

Sample 4: “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”


Dear [ mention the name]

I never thought that I would be writing this letter to you. A few days ago I came to know the truth that my parents left me and you are the one who took responsibility to create a beautiful childhood for me and never made me realize that you are my daycare parents.

From the day when I didn’t know how to walk till today, you always showered me with love, and care and protected me from bad deeds. I never knew that I would be leaving you like this for my higher studies. You are the one who did everything for me, I know that your financial condition was not very good but for me, you worked day and night to ensure that my studies go well.

The way you did everything for me, maybe my real parents would never do the same. I am really going to miss you there and miss all the memories which we created. The bond we share is more than anything.

Your love and support are the reason for making me so strong and brave. There’s no word by which I can express how sad I am right now while saying goodbye to you. The way we laughed, played, and studied is really something I am gonna miss so much. Saying goodbye to you is the worst part of my life. Goodbye and promise me you will take care of yourself.

From [ mention the name of the sender]”

Sample 5: “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”


Dear [ mention the name]

It was really good to have you as a daycare parent for my kids. My children learned so many things from you. Without me also my children learned to read and write so well.

Like I have said before, we will be shifting anytime and the time has arrived. We are shifting to a different city and it’s time to say goodbye to you. My children are gonna miss you a lot for all the things you did for them. The way you took care of my children in my absence is something that really impressed me because nobody ever did this for my kids.

After seeing you I always wanted my kids to grow under your guidance because the way I trust you is really something rare. The way you enjoyed every moment with my kids but did not hamper their studies is so commendable.

I never knew that a daycare parent can be so good but after meeting you, my opinion changed. I just want daycare parents like you in a different city too. Having you really made me tension free because I know I have someone with whom my children are safe and sound. 

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Hope you will do good in your life and the kids under your guidance are so blessed, hope you will bless every kid like this. You are the best one and it’s really heartbreaking to say goodbye to you. Goodbye and take care of yourself.

From [ mention the name of the sender ]”

Frequently Asked Questions: Writing a “Daycare resignation letter to parents.”

Can you resign without giving Amazon notice?

No, you cannot resign without giving notice. In most organization, quitting a job without notice may attract a penalty fee. It may also affect your chances of being rehired by the company in the future. Giving notice before resigning from a job leaves a good impression.

When should you offer your resignation notice?

A 2-month notice gives your employer time to find your replacement so your position may not remain vacant when you leave the company. 

We hope the above blog post was helpful. Please leave your comments and questions below.


Goodbye Letter to Daycare Parents: 4 Types Templates


3 января 2022 г.

Увольняясь с должности, большинство профессионалов подают заявление об увольнении своим руководителям в качестве уведомления об уходе. Если вы покидаете преподавательскую должность, вам также может потребоваться написать заявление об увольнении, адресованное родителям учащихся ваших классов. Эти письма часто позволяют учителям поделиться ключевыми подробностями об их отставке и наметить планы на будущее. В этой статье мы обсудим, почему важно написать заявление об увольнении учителя родителям и как это сделать, включая шаблон и пример письма.

Почему важно написать заявление об увольнении учителя родителям?

Важно написать родителям заявление об увольнении учителя, чтобы уведомить их о вашем уходе. В своем письме вы можете обсудить причину ухода, выразить благодарность за возможности, которые у вас были, и изложить планы, которые школа установила для продолжения образования своих учеников. Письма, содержащие эту важную информацию, могут помочь всем заинтересованным сторонам в школьной среде прийти к согласию и избежать путаницы в отношении вашего увольнения.

Как написать заявление на увольнение учителя родителям

Следуйте этому руководству, чтобы написать эффективное письмо об увольнении учителя, адресованное родителям:

1. Кратко и уважительно расскажите о причине написания письма.

В первом абзаце уважительно объясните, что вы покидаете свою должность. Это может помочь родителям легко понять причину, по которой вы написали, и убедиться, что они продолжают читать, чтобы получить более важную информацию. Отсюда вы можете кратко указать причину вашего ухода, если вам удобно поделиться ею.

2. Выразите благодарность за возможность учить своих детей

В следующем абзаце выразите благодарность за ваш опыт. Важно, чтобы вы были искренними в своем письме, чтобы ученики и их родители знали, что вы цените время, проведенное с ними. Постарайтесь составить хотя бы одно или два предложения, которые отражают ваши чувства по поводу ухода.

3. Обсудите планы на будущее и вашего преемника

После выражения благодарности обсудите свои планы на будущее. Вы можете объяснить, когда вы планируете уйти со своей должности и выбрала ли школа преемника на ваше место. Если вы обсуждаете своего преемника, постарайтесь включить некоторую информацию о его прошлом и о том, когда он планирует приступить к работе.

4. Предложите родителям возможность связаться с вами по любым вопросам

В заключительном абзаце пожелайте родителям и их ученикам успехов в их будущих начинаниях. Предложите им возможность связаться с вами по любым вопросам или опасениям, которые могут у них возникнуть в связи с вашим отъездом. Не забудьте указать свою контактную информацию, чтобы они знали, как с вами связаться.

5. Подпишитесь профессиональным приветствием

В конце письма подпишитесь профессиональным приветствием. Вы можете использовать такие выражения, как «С наилучшими пожеланиями» или «С уважением», чтобы закрыть письмо на уважительной ноте. После приветствия подпишите свое имя, а затем любую другую важную информацию, например, должность.

Образец письма

Вот образец заявления об увольнении, адресованного родителям, который вы можете использовать в качестве руководства при написании собственного:

Дорогие родители,

С искренней грустью я пишу вам это письмо, информирующее вас о моем уходе с должности [description of your current teaching role and school for which you work]. [ A one- to two-sentence explanation of your experiences in this role and expression of gratitude for the opportunities you’ve had.] К сожалению, в этом году мне нужно отвлечься от преподавания. [brief explanation about why you’re leaving your role].

Я так благодарен за возможность, в которой мне пришлось работать [school name] и стать частью сообщества здесь. Работа с вашими детьми была для меня такой полезной…[description of why you appreciated your students and what they did to make your career fulfilling]. Я всегда с теплотой вспоминаю своих учеников и [short sentimental statement to reflect your feelings about leaving your role].

[One to two sentences explaining how you or the school selected your replacement and when they might assume your position]. [One to two sentences describing your successor, including their name and details about their professional background.] [Successor’s name] рада познакомиться с вашими детьми, и я уверена, что они станут отличным дополнением к преподавательскому составу в [school name].

Я ценю каждого из вас и ваше понимание. Я буду скучать по своим ученикам и желаю вам всего наилучшего в ваших будущих начинаниях. Если вы хотите связаться со мной с вопросами или опасениями по поводу моего отъезда, вы можете написать мне напрямую по адресу [email address] или позвоните в школу по телефону [phone number].

[Your name]

Пример письма

Возможно, вам будет полезно ознакомиться с примером заявления об увольнении от учителя родителям. Вот пример письма, которое вы можете использовать в качестве справки, в котором используется структура из приведенного выше шаблона:

Дорогие родители,

С искренней грустью я пишу вам это письмо, в котором уведомляю вас о моем уходе с должности учителя социальных наук в девятом классе средней школы Вашингтона. Мои последние 15 лет преподавания в WHS были не чем иным, как вознаграждением, и я всегда планировал сделать это своей карьерой на всю жизнь. Однако, к сожалению, в этом году мне нужно отвлечься от преподавания, чтобы сосредоточиться на восстановлении своего здоровья и заботе о себе.

Я так благодарен за возможность работать в WHS и стать неотъемлемой частью академического сообщества здесь. Работа с вашими детьми изменила мою жизнь к лучшему — они невероятные, способные ученики, которые каждый день поражают меня своей любознательностью и творчеством. Я всегда буду хранить воспоминания об обучении ваших детей близко к сердцу и с любовью оглядываться на весь опыт, который у меня был.

Благодаря уникальному характеру моего положения я смог сыграть активную роль в выборе своего преемника. После каникул мистер Джонатон Берт займет мое место и начнет работать инструктором по общественным наукам для ваших детей. Г-н Берт пришел в WHS из средней школы в соседнем городе и имеет впечатляющий опыт преподавания гуманитарных предметов, таких как словесность и история. Он очень рад познакомиться с вашими детьми во второй половине учебного года, и я уверен, что он станет отличным дополнением к преподавательскому составу WHS.

Я ценю каждого из вас и ваше понимание. Я буду искренне скучать по всем моим ученикам и желаю вам всего наилучшего, когда вы продвигаетесь вперед в своем образовании и жизни. Если вы хотите связаться со мной по любым вопросам или проблемам, напишите мне напрямую по адресу msooner@email.com или позвоните в школьный офис по телефону 555-291-2233.

Мари Сунер

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