Как написать символ пробела

Пробел — это расстояние между буквами, разделяющее слова.

Первые письменности были пиктографическими и идеографическими. Каждый символ обозначал слово, и разделять их не требовалось. С переходом на алфавитные системы, читать слитный текст стало очень неудобно. Тогда и появились значки разделяющие слова. Стандартный ныне символ пробела придумали далеко не сразу. В латинских и греческих текстах он применяется около тысячи лет, хотя встречался и ранее. В кириллических — прижился только в XVII веке, а в арабице в XX веке.

Кроме особого символа, указать разделение слов можно и другими способами. Например, с помощью специальных форм букв для конца или начала слова. В арабском алфавите, ряд букв существует в четырёх вариантах начертания (для начала, конца, середины, отдельно стоящей). Хотя, арабы применяют пробел, буквы по-прежнему имеют разный вид. Ещё одна альтернатива — линия над буквами. Сами слова идут без пробелов, а линия прерывается. В некоторых письменностях, разделяться могут не слова, а предложения, словосочетания или слоги. Настоящий пробел употребляется почти во всех современных системах письма. Тайцы разделяют пробелом только предложения.

В Юникоде несколько видов пробела. Есть, например, неразрывный пробел. Также, несколько символов пробела лежат в разделе

знаки пунктуации2000–206F


Другие символы для разделения слов:

· Интерпункт. Латинский. Применялся до 600-800 годов.

𐎟 Угаритский клинописный.

𐏐 Персидский клинописный.

𒑰 Ассирийский клинописный.



𐤟 Финикийский.


Символ «Пробел» был утвержден как часть Юникода версии 1.1 в 1993 г.

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Adding extra space between words and paragraphs in HTML is very different than in apps like Microsoft Word. But don’t tear out your hair just yet—we’ll show you the easiest ways to control spacing between words and lines of text, as well as how to add extra space to the beginning of each paragraph so they are properly indented on the page. This wikiHow article teaches you different ways you can add spaces to your HTML code.

  1. Image titled 593311 1


    Open your HTML code in a text editor. You can use any text editor, such as Notepad for Windows, or TextEdit for macOS, to edit your code. If you press the spacebar multiple times to add extra space between words or characters, you won’t see those extra spaces on your webpage—HTML automatically converts multiple spaces into a single space. You can fix this by using non-breaking space characters instead of pressing the spacebar.

  2. Image titled 593311 2


    Type   where you want to insert an extra space. Add one non-breaking space character for every space you want to add. Unlike pressing the spacebar multiple times in your HTML code, typing   more than once creates as many spaces as there are instances of  .[1]

    • For example, let’s say you want three spaces between the words «What will you learn» and «today?» Instead of pressing the spacebar three times, just type     between the two segments. Here’s an example:
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
      <p>What will you learn&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;today?</p>
    • Basically, &nbsp; just translates to «one space» in HTML.


  3. Image titled 593311 3


    Use other spacing characters as shortcuts. If you want to insert two spaces, four spaces, or indent the beginning of a line, you don’t have to type &nbsp; multiple times:

    • Two spaces: Type &ensp;
    • Four spaces: Type &emsp;
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  1. Image titled 593311 4


    Open your HTML code. Another way to add more spaces to your code is to use the HTML <pre> tag. This tag essentially displays the text exactly as you type or paste it, spaces and all. Start by opening your code in a text editor like Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for macOS.

  2. Image titled 593311 5


    Type <pre> </pre> tags in the body of your document. Any text you want to keep preformatted with a particular amount of spaces and/or line breaks will go between these tags:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
    <pre>  </pre>
  3. Image titled 593311 6


    Type or paste text exactly as intended between the «<pre>» and »<pre>» tags. In this example, we’re creating three spaces between words, as well as a line break. When pre-formatting text, any spaces between words, as well as line breaks you create by pressing «Enter» or «Return,» will be displayed on the webpage.[2]

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
    <pre>What   will   you   
    learn   today?</pre>
  4. Advertisement

  1. Image titled 593311 7


    Open your HTML code in a text editor. Do you want to add extra space between paragraphs or other elements on the page? Pressing Enter or Return a bunch of times in your code won’t do the trick, but adding a line break tag <br> will! Start by opening the HTML code of the page you want to edit.

  2. Image titled 593311 8


    Type <br> on each line you want to make blank. For example, if you want to insert just one extra blank horizontal line between two paragraphs, you’d just type one <br> once. But if you wanted to add three line breaks, you could type it three times: <br><br><br>.

    • In this example, we’re adding two lines of extra space between our sentences:
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
      <pre>What   will   you  
      learn   today?</pre>
      <p>You will learn a lot!</p>
  3. Advertisement

  1. Image titled 593311 9


    Open an HTML document. Let’s say you want to indent the beginning a paragraph with some space—let’s say 10 pixels. The best way to do this would be to use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). We’ll cover two ways to do this—one lets you indent each paragraph manually, and another indents all paragraphs at once. Start by opening up your HTML document in a text editor.

  2. Image titled 593311 10


    Indent a single paragraph. If we want to indent the paragraph in our example, we can do so by adding the text-indent property to its <p> tag. In this example, we’ll be indenting our paragraph by 10px:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
    <p style="text-indent:10px">Welcome to wikiHow, the most trusted how-to site on the internet. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together.</p>
    <p> Since 2005, wikiHow has helped billions of people learn how to solve problems large and small. We work with credentialed experts, a team of trained researchers, and a devoted community to create the most reliable, comprehensive and delightful how-to content on the Internet.</p>
    • Since we added the text-indent property to just the first paragraph, that is the only paragraph that will be indented. Read on to learn how to indent all paragraphs on the page the same way instead of just one!
  3. Image titled 593311 11


    Create a style section for your CSS. If we want to indent all paragraphs on our page, we can do so by defining the paragraph style in CSS. The style section goes into the head of your HTML code, or on a separate style sheet. Let’s add ours to the head, which is between the <head> and </head> tags:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
    <p style="text-indent:10px">Welcome to wikiHow, the most trusted how-to site on the internet. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together.</p>
    <p>Since 2005, wikiHow has helped billions of people learn how to solve problems large and small. We work with credentialed experts, a team of trained researchers, and a devoted community to create the most reliable, comprehensive and delightful how-to content on the Internet.</p>
  4. Image titled 593311 12


    Type the indenting code into the style area. So, we want every paragraph to begin with 10px of space, not just one. This means we’ll need to create a style for the paragraph tag (<p>) that automatically adds 10px of space to the beginning of the first word in each paragraph. We’ll also want to remove the text-indent property from our original example, as it won’t be needed anymore. The property should look like this:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
    p { 
    	text:indent: 10px;
    <p>Welcome to wikiHow, the most trusted how-to site on the internet. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together.</p>
    <p>Since 2005, wikiHow has helped billions of people learn how to solve problems large and small. We work with credentialed experts, a team of trained researchers, and a devoted community to create the most reliable, comprehensive and delightful how-to content on the Internet.</p>
    • You can adjust the number of spaces by typing a different number after «text-indent:».
    • You can use unites other than pixels to define the size of your indent, such as percentage (i.e. «text-indent: 15%;») or measurements (e.g., «text-indent: 3mm;»).
  5. Image titled 593311 13


    Type <p> at the beginning of each paragraph. Since we’ve added specific instructions to indent the <p> tag, every paragraph on the page will be indented 2.5em. This goes for our existing paragraphs, and any new paragraphs we add to the page.

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    Sample HTML Code

    Add New Question

    • Question

      If I define lines of text as individual paragraphs, I get a blank space between lines. How do I get rid of that space?

      Community Answer

      Use a line break instead of the paragraph break.

    • Question

      Can I specify more than one CSS class for any HTML element?

      Community Answer

      Yes, it’s very simple too. Inside the class attribute, add all the classes you want the element to have, separated by a space. For example, if you had a tag needing the classes «blueFont» and «underline,» the class attribute would be:

      class=»blueFont underline»

    • Question

      How do I space HTML code vertically?

      Community Answer

      The most basic is to simply style it with margin and/or padding. Alternatively, read into absolutely positioning an element, then you can specify exactly where on the page you want in, pixel for pixel.

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    • If your spaces turn into strange symbols on the web browser, it’s most likely caused by extra data stored in the word processing format not intended for online display. Avoid this by using a plaintext editor like Notepad or TextEdit.

    • CSS is a much more powerful and predictable way to lay out your page, including the spacing of your text.

    Thanks for submitting a tip for review!


    About This Article

    Article SummaryX

    1. Type «&nbsp» to add a single space.
    2. Type «&ensp» to add 2 spaces.
    3. Type «&emsp» to add 4 spaces.
    4. Use the non-breaking space (nbsp) 4 times to insert a tab.
    5. Use «br» to add a line break.

    Did this summary help you?

    Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 5,934,247 times.

    Is this article up to date?

    Download Article

    Download Article

    Adding extra space between words and paragraphs in HTML is very different than in apps like Microsoft Word. But don’t tear out your hair just yet—we’ll show you the easiest ways to control spacing between words and lines of text, as well as how to add extra space to the beginning of each paragraph so they are properly indented on the page. This wikiHow article teaches you different ways you can add spaces to your HTML code.

    1. Image titled 593311 1


      Open your HTML code in a text editor. You can use any text editor, such as Notepad for Windows, or TextEdit for macOS, to edit your code. If you press the spacebar multiple times to add extra space between words or characters, you won’t see those extra spaces on your webpage—HTML automatically converts multiple spaces into a single space. You can fix this by using non-breaking space characters instead of pressing the spacebar.

    2. Image titled 593311 2


      Type &nbsp; where you want to insert an extra space. Add one non-breaking space character for every space you want to add. Unlike pressing the spacebar multiple times in your HTML code, typing &nbsp; more than once creates as many spaces as there are instances of &nbsp;.[1]

      • For example, let’s say you want three spaces between the words «What will you learn» and «today?» Instead of pressing the spacebar three times, just type &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; between the two segments. Here’s an example:
        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
        <p>What will you learn&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;today?</p>
      • Basically, &nbsp; just translates to «one space» in HTML.


    3. Image titled 593311 3


      Use other spacing characters as shortcuts. If you want to insert two spaces, four spaces, or indent the beginning of a line, you don’t have to type &nbsp; multiple times:

      • Two spaces: Type &ensp;
      • Four spaces: Type &emsp;
    4. Advertisement

    1. Image titled 593311 4


      Open your HTML code. Another way to add more spaces to your code is to use the HTML <pre> tag. This tag essentially displays the text exactly as you type or paste it, spaces and all. Start by opening your code in a text editor like Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for macOS.

    2. Image titled 593311 5


      Type <pre> </pre> tags in the body of your document. Any text you want to keep preformatted with a particular amount of spaces and/or line breaks will go between these tags:

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
      <pre>  </pre>
    3. Image titled 593311 6


      Type or paste text exactly as intended between the «<pre>» and »<pre>» tags. In this example, we’re creating three spaces between words, as well as a line break. When pre-formatting text, any spaces between words, as well as line breaks you create by pressing «Enter» or «Return,» will be displayed on the webpage.[2]

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
      <pre>What   will   you   
      learn   today?</pre>
    4. Advertisement

    1. Image titled 593311 7


      Open your HTML code in a text editor. Do you want to add extra space between paragraphs or other elements on the page? Pressing Enter or Return a bunch of times in your code won’t do the trick, but adding a line break tag <br> will! Start by opening the HTML code of the page you want to edit.

    2. Image titled 593311 8


      Type <br> on each line you want to make blank. For example, if you want to insert just one extra blank horizontal line between two paragraphs, you’d just type one <br> once. But if you wanted to add three line breaks, you could type it three times: <br><br><br>.

      • In this example, we’re adding two lines of extra space between our sentences:
        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
        <pre>What   will   you  
        learn   today?</pre>
        <p>You will learn a lot!</p>
    3. Advertisement

    1. Image titled 593311 9


      Open an HTML document. Let’s say you want to indent the beginning a paragraph with some space—let’s say 10 pixels. The best way to do this would be to use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). We’ll cover two ways to do this—one lets you indent each paragraph manually, and another indents all paragraphs at once. Start by opening up your HTML document in a text editor.

    2. Image titled 593311 10


      Indent a single paragraph. If we want to indent the paragraph in our example, we can do so by adding the text-indent property to its <p> tag. In this example, we’ll be indenting our paragraph by 10px:

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
      <p style="text-indent:10px">Welcome to wikiHow, the most trusted how-to site on the internet. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together.</p>
      <p> Since 2005, wikiHow has helped billions of people learn how to solve problems large and small. We work with credentialed experts, a team of trained researchers, and a devoted community to create the most reliable, comprehensive and delightful how-to content on the Internet.</p>
      • Since we added the text-indent property to just the first paragraph, that is the only paragraph that will be indented. Read on to learn how to indent all paragraphs on the page the same way instead of just one!
    3. Image titled 593311 11


      Create a style section for your CSS. If we want to indent all paragraphs on our page, we can do so by defining the paragraph style in CSS. The style section goes into the head of your HTML code, or on a separate style sheet. Let’s add ours to the head, which is between the <head> and </head> tags:

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
      <p style="text-indent:10px">Welcome to wikiHow, the most trusted how-to site on the internet. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together.</p>
      <p>Since 2005, wikiHow has helped billions of people learn how to solve problems large and small. We work with credentialed experts, a team of trained researchers, and a devoted community to create the most reliable, comprehensive and delightful how-to content on the Internet.</p>
    4. Image titled 593311 12


      Type the indenting code into the style area. So, we want every paragraph to begin with 10px of space, not just one. This means we’ll need to create a style for the paragraph tag (<p>) that automatically adds 10px of space to the beginning of the first word in each paragraph. We’ll also want to remove the text-indent property from our original example, as it won’t be needed anymore. The property should look like this:

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>wikiHow: How-to instructions you can trust.</title>
      p { 
      	text:indent: 10px;
      <p>Welcome to wikiHow, the most trusted how-to site on the internet. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together.</p>
      <p>Since 2005, wikiHow has helped billions of people learn how to solve problems large and small. We work with credentialed experts, a team of trained researchers, and a devoted community to create the most reliable, comprehensive and delightful how-to content on the Internet.</p>
      • You can adjust the number of spaces by typing a different number after «text-indent:».
      • You can use unites other than pixels to define the size of your indent, such as percentage (i.e. «text-indent: 15%;») or measurements (e.g., «text-indent: 3mm;»).
    5. Image titled 593311 13


      Type <p> at the beginning of each paragraph. Since we’ve added specific instructions to indent the <p> tag, every paragraph on the page will be indented 2.5em. This goes for our existing paragraphs, and any new paragraphs we add to the page.

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      Sample HTML Code

      Add New Question

      • Question

        If I define lines of text as individual paragraphs, I get a blank space between lines. How do I get rid of that space?

        Community Answer

        Use a line break instead of the paragraph break.

      • Question

        Can I specify more than one CSS class for any HTML element?

        Community Answer

        Yes, it’s very simple too. Inside the class attribute, add all the classes you want the element to have, separated by a space. For example, if you had a tag needing the classes «blueFont» and «underline,» the class attribute would be:

        class=»blueFont underline»

      • Question

        How do I space HTML code vertically?

        Community Answer

        The most basic is to simply style it with margin and/or padding. Alternatively, read into absolutely positioning an element, then you can specify exactly where on the page you want in, pixel for pixel.

      See more answers

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      200 characters left

      Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.



      • If your spaces turn into strange symbols on the web browser, it’s most likely caused by extra data stored in the word processing format not intended for online display. Avoid this by using a plaintext editor like Notepad or TextEdit.

      • CSS is a much more powerful and predictable way to lay out your page, including the spacing of your text.

      Thanks for submitting a tip for review!


      About This Article

      Article SummaryX

      1. Type «&nbsp» to add a single space.
      2. Type «&ensp» to add 2 spaces.
      3. Type «&emsp» to add 4 spaces.
      4. Use the non-breaking space (nbsp) 4 times to insert a tab.
      5. Use «br» to add a line break.

      Did this summary help you?

      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 5,934,247 times.

      Is this article up to date?

        &nbsp;   неразрывный пробел &ensp;   узкий пробел (еn-шириной в букву n) &emsp;   широкий пробел (em-шириной в букву m) – &ndash; – узкое тире (en-тире) — &mdash; — широкое тире (em -тире) ­ &shy; ­ мягкий перенос а́   ́ ударение, ставится после «ударной» буквы © &copy; © копирайт ® &reg; ® знак зарегистрированной торговой марки ™ &trade; ™ знак торговой марки º &ordm; º копье Марса ª &ordf; ª зеркало Венеры ‰ &permil; ‰ промилле π &pi; π пи (используйте Times New Roman) ¦ &brvbar; ¦ вертикальный пунктир § &sect; § параграф ° &deg; ° градус µ &micro; µ знак «микро» ¶ &para; ¶ знак абзаца … &hellip; … многоточие ‾ &oline; ‾ надчеркивание ´ &acute; ´ знак ударения №   № знак номера 🔍   🔍 Лупа (наклонённая влево) 🔎   🔎 Лупа (наклонённая вправо) ☎   ☎ Телефон ✉   ✉ Конверт, email, почта 💾   💾 Дискета 🛠   🛠 Молоток и гаечный ключ, настройка 🔒   🔒 Замок закрыт 🔓   🔓 Замок открыт 🔔   🔔 Колокольчик 🔕   🔕 Колокольчик перечеркнутый 🗑   🗑 Урна 🔥   🔥 Огонь 🛇   🛇 Запрещено ⛔   ⛔ Вход запрещен (кирпич) ⛳   ⛳ Фраг в воронке, местоположение, место встречи, гольф знаки арифметических и математических операций × &times; × умножить ÷ &divide; ÷ разделить < &lt; < меньше > &gt; > больше ± &plusmn; ± плюс/минус ¹ &sup1; ¹ степень 1 ² &sup2; ² степень 2 ³ &sup3; ³ степень 3 ¬ &not; ¬ отрицание ¼ &frac14; ¼ одна четвертая ½ &frac12; ½ одна вторая ¾ &frac34; ¾ три четверти ⁄ &frasl; ⁄ дробная черта − &minus; − минус ≤ &le; ≤ меньше или равно ≥ &ge; ≥ больше или равно ≈ &asymp; ≈ приблизительно (почти) равно ≠ &ne; ≠ не равно ≡ &equiv; ≡ тождественно √ &radic; √ квадратный корень (радикал) ∞ &infin; ∞ бесконечность ∑ &sum; ∑ знак суммирования ∏ &prod; ∏ знак произведения ∂ &part; ∂ частичный дифференциал ∫ &int; ∫ интеграл ∀ &forall; ∀ для всех (видно только если жирным шрифтом) ∃ &exist; ∃ существует ∅ &empty; ∅ пустое множество Ø &Oslash; Ø диаметр ∈ &isin; ∈ принадлежит ∉ &notin; ∉ не принадлежит ∋ &ni; ∗ содержит ⊂ &sub; ⊂ является подмножеством ⊃ &sup; ⊃ является надмножеством ⊄ &nsub; ⊄ не является подмножеством ⊆ &sube; ⊆ является подмножеством либо равно ⊇ &supe; ⊇ является надмножеством либо равно ⊕ &oplus; ⊕ плюс в кружке ⊗ &otimes; ⊗ знак умножения в кружке ⊥ &perp; ⊥ перпендикулярно ∠ &ang; ∠ угол ∧ &and; ∧ логическое И ∨ &or; ∨ логическое ИЛИ ∩ &cap; ∩ пересечение ∪ &cup; ∪ объединение знаки валют € &euro; € Евро ¢ &cent; ¢ Цент £ &pound; £ Фунт ¤ &current; ¤ Знак валюты ¥ &yen; ¥ Знак йены и юаня ƒ &fnof; ƒ Знак флорина ₽   ₽ Знак рубля маркеры, птички, галочки, check mark, крестики • &bull; • простой маркер ○   ○ круг · &middot; · средняя точка †   † крестик ‡   ‡ двойной крестик ♠ &spades; ♠ пики ♣ &clubs; ♣ трефы ♥ &hearts; ♥ червы ♦ &diams; ♦ бубны ◊ &loz; ◊ ромб ❤   ❤ жирное сердце ✓   ✓ Символ галочка ✔   ✔ Жирная отметка галочкой 𐄂   𐄂 Крестик 🗸   🗸 Тонкая галочка ✅   ✅ Жирная незакрашенная отметка галочка ☑   ☑ Галочка в квадрате 🗹   🗹 Жирная галочка в квадрате ⚠   ⚠ Внимание! ❌   ❌ X, знак умножения, крестик, удалить ❎   ❎ белый крест в квадрате ✖   ✖ Крест, жирный знак умножения ⨻   ⨻ Знак умножения в треугольнике, пересечение равнозначных дорог 🔁   🔁 Разомкнутый круг из стрелок вправо и влево по часовой стрелке 📍   📍 Булавка, метка, маркер местоположения, геолокацияе 👥   👥 Люди, два человека карандаши, перья, кисти ✍   ✍ пишущая рука ✎   ✎ карандаш, направленный вправо-вниз ✏   ✏ карандаш ✐   ✐ карандаш, направленный вправо-вверх ✑   ✑ незакрашенное острие пера ✒   ✒ закрашенное острие пера 🖌   🖌 кисть, направленная влево-вниз кавычки » &quot; " двойная кавычка & &amp; & амперсанд « &laquo; « левая типографская кавычка (кавычка-елочка) » &raquo; » правая типографская кавычка (кавычка-елочка) ‹   ‹ одиночная угловая кавычка открывающая ›   › одиночная угловая кавычка закрывающая ′ &prime; ′ штрих (минуты, футы) ″ &Prime; ″ двойной штрих (секунды, дюймы) ‘ &lsquo; ‘ левая верхняя одиночная кавычка ’ &rsquo; ’ правая верхняя одиночная кавычка ‚ &sbquo; ‚ правая нижняя одиночная кавычка “ &ldquo; “ кавычка-лапка левая ” &rdquo; ” кавычка-лапка правая верхняя „ &bdquo; „ кавычка-лапка правая нижняя ❛   ❛ одиночная английская кавычка открывающая ❜   ❜ одиночная английская кавычка закрывающая ❝   ❝ двойная английская кавычка открывающая ❞   ❞ двойная английская кавычка закрывающая стрелки ← &larr; ← стрелка влево ↑ &uarr; ↑ стрелка вверх → &rarr; → стрелка вправо ↓ &darr; ↓ стрелка вниз ↔ &harr; ↔ стрелка влево и вправо ↕   ↕ стрелка вверх и вниз ↵ &crarr; ↵ возврат каретки ⇐ &lArr; ⇐ двойная стрелка влево ⇑ &uArr; ⇑ двойная стрелка вверх ⇒ &rArr; ⇒ двойная стрелка вправо ⇓ &dArr; ⇓ двойная стрелка вниз ⇔ &hArr; ⇔ двойная стрелка влево и вправо ⇕   ⇕ двойная стрелка вверх и вниз ▲   ▲ треугольная стрелка вверх ▼   ▼ треугольная стрелка вниз ►   ► треугольная стрелка вправо ◄   ◄ треугольная стрелка влево звездочки, снежинки, шестеренки ☃   ☃ Снеговик ❄   ❄ Снежинка ❅   ❅ Зажатая трилистниками снежинка ❆   ❆ Жирная остроугольная снежинка ★   ★ Закрашенная звезда ☆   ☆ Незакрашенная звезда ✪   ✪ Незакрашенная звезда в закрашенном круге ✫   ✫ Закрашенная звезда с незакрашенным кругом внутри ✯   ✯ Вращающаяся звезда ⚝   ⚝ Начерченная белая звезда ⚪   ⚪ Средний незакрашенный круг ⚫   ⚫ Средний закрашенный круг ⚹   ⚹ Секстиле (типа снежинка) ✵   ✵ Восьмиконечная вращающаяся звезда ❉   ❉ Звёздочка с шарообразными окончаниями ❋   ❋ Жирная восьмиконечная каплеобразная звёздочка-пропеллер ✺   ✺ Шестнадцатиконечная звёздочка ✹   ✹ Двенадцатиконечная закрашенная звезда ✸   ✸ Жирная восьмиконечная прямолинейная закрашенная звезда ✶   ✶ Шестиконечная закрашенная звезда ✷   ✷ Восьмиконечная прямолинейная закрашенная звезда ✴   ✴ Восьмиконечная закрашенная звезда ✳   ✳ Восьмиконечная звёздочка ✲   ✲ Звёздочка с незакрашенным центром ✱   ✱ Жирная звёздочка ✧   ✧ Заострённая четырёхконечная незакрашенная звезда ✦   ✦ Заострённая четырёхконечная закрашенная звезда ⍟   ⍟ Звезда в круге ⊛   ⊛ Снежинка в круге ⚙   ⚙ Шестерёнка часы, время ⏰   ⏰ Будильник ⌚   ⌚ Наручные часы ⌛   ⌛ Песочные часы ⏳   ⏳ Песочные часы 🕰   🕰 Каминные часы

      Серёжа Сыроежкин

      Серёжа СыроежкинКопирайтер

      Бывают случаи, когда не хочется менять стили ради какого-то одного элемента, или необходимо вставить несколько пробелов в тексте из соображений эстетики или стилистики форматирования текста. И тут встает вопрос: «Как сделать пробел в HTML, чтобы текст красиво отображался, и при этом избежать избыточности кода?» Для этого рассмотрим виды пробелов и примеры их использования в HTML-коде.

      Неразрывный пробел HTML

      В случаях, когда нужно не отрывать части текста друг от друга, поможет неразрывный пробел, код которого выглядит следующим образом:


      Это так называемый, «non breaking space».

      Примеры использования неразрывного пробела:

      11&nbsp;тыс. рублей

      Тонкий пробел

      Код пробела HTML, который мы рассмотрели выше, является повсеместным. Но бывают случаи, когда обычный пробел оказывается слишком «большим». Тогда на смену ему приходит тонкий пробел. Это пробел, ширина которого составляет четверть кегля используемого шрифта. Обозначается тонкий пробел следующим образом:


      и используется, по большей части, для разбиения разрядов чисел, например, «15 000 000 долларов» стоит записать так:

      15&thinsp;000&thinsp;000 долларов

      Примечание: Тонкий пробел может некорректно отображаться в старых версиях некоторых из браузеров, но во всех последних версиях работает на «ура».

      Другие типы пробелов в языке HTML

      Помимо наиболее актуальных видов, что мы рассмотрели выше, существуют и другие.

      • &ensp; — пробел длины буквы N;
      • &ensp; — пробел длины буквы M;
      • &zwnj; — несоединяющий символ нулевой длины;
      • &zwj; — соединяющий символ нулевой длины.

      Примечание: Если вам нужно поставить несколько пробелов подряд, обрамите текст тегом <pre>:

      <pre>Конструктор сайтов        «Нубекс»</pre>

      Пробел при помощи CSS

      Вариант создания табуляции (отступа) с помощью CSS можно решить с помощью следующего приёма:

      <span style="padding: 0px 20px;">&nbsp;</span>Конструктор сайтов «Нубекс»

      Смотрите также:

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      «Dot space» redirects here. For the animated film, see Dot in Space.

      «␣» redirects here. Not to be confused with ⌴.

      In computer programming, whitespace is any character or series of characters that represent horizontal or vertical space in typography. When rendered, a whitespace character does not correspond to a visible mark, but typically does occupy an area on a page. For example, the common whitespace symbol U+0020   SPACE (also ASCII 32) represents a blank space punctuation character in text, used as a word divider in Western scripts.


      Relative widths of various spaces in Unicode

      With many keyboard layouts, a whitespace character may be entered by pressing spacebar. Horizontal whitespace may also be entered on many keyboards with the Tab ↹ key, although the length of the space may vary. Vertical whitespace may be input by typing Return, which creates a ‘newline’ code sequence in most programs. In some systems ↵ Enter has a separate meaning but in others the two are conflated. Many early computer games used whitespace characters to draw a screen (e.g. Kingdom of Kroz).

      The term «whitespace» is based on the appearance of the characters on ordinary paper. However, within an application, whitespace characters can be processed in the same way as any other character code and different programs may define their own semantics for the characters.


      The table below lists the twenty-five characters defined as whitespace («WSpace=Y», «WS») characters in the Unicode Character Database.[1] Seventeen use a definition of whitespace consistent with the algorithm for bidirectional writing («Bidirectional Character Type=WS») and are known as «Bidi-WS» characters. The remaining characters may also be used, but are not of this «Bidi» type.

      Note: Depending on the browser and fonts used to view the following table, not all spaces may be displayed properly.

      • v
      • t
      • e

      Unicode characters with property


      Name Code point Width box May break? In
      Script Block General
      character tabulation U+0009 9 Yes No Common Basic Latin Other,
      HT, Horizontal Tab. HTML/XML named entity: &Tab;, LaTeX: tab, C escape: t
      line feed U+000A 10 Is a line-break Common Basic Latin Other,
      LF, Line feed. HTML/XML named entity: &NewLine;, C escape: n
      line tabulation U+000B 11 Is a line-break Common Basic Latin Other,
      VT, Vertical Tab. C escape: v
      form feed U+000C 12 Is a line-break Common Basic Latin Other,
      FF, Form feed. C escape: f
      carriage return U+000D 13 Is a line-break Common Basic Latin Other,
      CR, Carriage return. C escape: r
      space U+0020 32 Yes No Common Basic Latin Separator,
      Most common (normal ASCII space). LaTeX:  
      next line U+0085 133 Is a line-break Common Latin-1
      NEL, Next line. LaTeX: \
      no-break space U+00A0 160   No No Common Latin-1
      Non-breaking space: identical to U+0020, but not a point at which a line may be broken. HTML/XML named entity: &nbsp;, &NonBreakingSpace; LaTeX: ~
      ogham space mark U+1680 5760 Yes No Ogham Ogham Separator,
      Used for interword separation in Ogham text. Normally a vertical line in vertical text or a horizontal line in horizontal text, but may also be a blank space in «stemless» fonts. Requires an Ogham font.
      en quad U+2000 8192   Yes No Common General
      Width of one en. U+2002 is canonically equivalent to this character; U+2002 is preferred.
      em quad U+2001 8193 Yes No Common General
      Also known as «mutton quad». Width of one em. U+2003 is canonically equivalent to this character; U+2003 is preferred.
      en space U+2002 8194 Yes No Common General
      Also known as «nut». Width of one en. U+2000 En Quad is canonically equivalent to this character; U+2002 is preferred. HTML/XML named entity: &ensp;, LaTeX: enspace (the LaTeX en space is a no-break space)
      em space U+2003 8195 Yes No Common General
      Also known as «mutton». Width of one em. U+2001 Em Quad is canonically equivalent to this character; U+2003 is preferred. HTML/XML named entity: &emsp;, LaTeX: quad
      three-per-em space U+2004 8196 Yes No Common General
      Also known as «thick space». One third of an em wide. HTML/XML named entity: &emsp13;, LaTeX: ; (the LaTeX thick space is a no-break space)
      four-per-em space U+2005 8197 Yes No Common General
      Also known as «mid space». One fourth of an em wide. HTML/XML named entity: &emsp14;
      six-per-em space U+2006 8198 Yes No Common General
      One sixth of an em wide. In computer typography, sometimes equated to U+2009.
      figure space U+2007 8199 No No Common General
      Figure space. In fonts with monospaced digits, equal to the width of one digit. HTML/XML named entity: &numsp;
      punctuation space U+2008 8200 Yes No Common General
      As wide as the narrow punctuation in a font, i.e. the advance width of the period or comma.[2] HTML/XML named entity: &puncsp;
      thin space U+2009 8201 Yes No Common General
      Thin space; one-fifth (sometimes one-sixth) of an em wide. Recommended for use as a thousands separator for measures made with SI units. Unlike U+2002 to U+2008, its width may get adjusted in typesetting.[3] HTML/XML named entity: &thinsp;, &ThinSpace;, LaTeX: , (the LaTeX thin space is a no-break space)
      hair space U+200A 8202 Yes No Common General
      Thinner than a thin space. HTML/XML named entity: &hairsp; &VeryThinSpace; (does not work in all browsers)
      line separator U+2028 8232 Is a line-break Common General
      paragraph separator U+2029 8233 Is a line-break Common General
      narrow no-break space U+202F 8239 No No Common General
      Narrow no-break space. Similar in function to U+00A0 No-Break Space. When used with Mongolian, its width is usually one third of the normal space; in other context, its width sometimes resembles that of the Thin Space (U+2009). LaTeX: ,
      medium mathematical space U+205F 8287 Yes No Common General
      MMSP. Used in mathematical formulae. Four-eighteenths of an em.[4] In mathematical typography, the widths of spaces are usually given in integral multiples of an eighteenth of an em, and 4/18 em may be used in several situations, for example between the a and the + and between the + and the b in the expression a + b.[5] HTML/XML named entity: &MediumSpace;, LaTeX: : (the LaTeX medium space is a no-break space)
      ideographic space U+3000 12288   Yes No Common CJK Symbols
      As wide as a CJK character cell (fullwidth). Used, for example, in tai tou.
      • v
      • t
      • e

      Related Unicode characters with property


       Name  Code point Width box May break? In
      Script Block General
      mongolian vowel separator U+180E 6158 Yes No Mongolian Mongolian Other,
      MVS. A narrow space character, used in Mongolian to cause the final two characters of a word to take on different shapes.[6] It is no longer classified as space character (i.e. in Zs category) in Unicode 6.3.0, even though it was in previous versions of the standard.
      zero width space U+200B 8203 Yes No ? General
      ZWSP, zero-width space. Used to indicate word boundaries to text processing systems when using scripts that do not use explicit spacing. It is similar to the soft hyphen, with the difference that the latter is used to indicate syllable boundaries, and should display a visible hyphen when the line breaks at it. HTML/XML named entity: &ZeroWidthSpace;[7][c]
      zero width non-joiner U+200C 8204 Yes Context-dependent[12] ? General
      ZWNJ, zero-width non-joiner. When placed between two characters that would otherwise be connected, a ZWNJ causes them to be printed in their final and initial forms, respectively. HTML/XML named entity: &zwnj;
      zero width joiner U+200D 8205 Yes Context-dependent[13] ? General
      ZWJ, zero-width joiner. When placed between two characters that would otherwise not be connected, a ZWJ causes them to be printed in their connected forms. Can also be used to display joining forms in isolation. Depending on whether a ligature or conjunct is expected by default, can either induce (as in emoji and in Sinhala) or suppress (as in Devanagari) substitution with a single glyph, whilst still permitting use of individual joining forms (unlike ZWNJ). HTML/XML named entity: &zwj;
      word joiner U+2060 8288 No No ? General
      WJ, word joiner. Similar to U+200B, but not a point at which a line may be broken. HTML/XML named entity: &NoBreak;
      zero width non-breaking space U+FEFF 65279  No No ? Arabic
      Zero-width non-breaking space. Used primarily as a Byte Order Mark. Use as an indication of non-breaking is deprecated as of Unicode 3.2; see U+2060 instead.
      1. ^ White_Space is a binary Unicode property.[14]
      2. ^ «Unicode 15.0 UCD: PropList.txt». 2022-08-05. Retrieved 2022-09-16.
      3. ^ Although &ZeroWidthSpace; is one HTML5 named entity for U+200B, the additional names NegativeMediumSpace, NegativeThickSpace, NegativeThinSpace and NegativeVeryThinSpace (which are names used in the Wolfram Language for negative-advance spaces, which it maps to the Private Use Area)[8][9][10][11] are also defined by HTML5 as aliases for U+200B (e.g. &NegativeMediumSpace;).[7]

      Substitute images[edit]

      Unicode also provides some visible characters that can be used to represent various whitespace characters, in contexts where a visible symbol must be displayed:

      Unicode space-illustrating characters (visible)

      Code Decimal Name Block Display Description
      U+00B7 183 Middle dot Latin-1 Supplement · Interpunct
      Named entity: &middot;
      U+21A1 8609 Downwards two headed arrow Arrows ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for form feed (page break)[15]
      U+2261 8810 Identical to Mathematical
      Amongst other uses, is the ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for line feed[15]
      U+237D 9085 Shouldered open box Miscellaneous Technical Used to indicate a NBSP
      U+23CE 9166 Return symbol Miscellaneous Technical Symbol for a return key, which enters a line break
      U+2409 9225 Symbol for horizontal tabulation Control Pictures Substitutes for a tab character
      U+240A 9226 Symbol for line feed Control Pictures Substitutes for a line feed
      U+240B 9227 Symbol for vertical tabulation Control Pictures Substitutes for a vertical tab (line tab)
      U+240C 9228 Symbol for form feed Control Pictures Substitutes for a form feed (page break)
      U+240D 9229 Symbol for carriage return Control Pictures Substitutes for a carriage return
      U+2420 9248 Symbol for space Control Pictures Substitutes for an ASCII space
      U+2422 9250 Blank symbol Control Pictures aka «substitute blank»,[16] used in BCDIC,[16] EBCDIC,[16] ASCII-1963[16][17] etc. as a symbol for the word separator
      U+2423 9251 Open box Control Pictures Used in block letter handwriting at least since the 1980s when it is necessary to explicitly indicate the number of space characters (e.g. when programming with pen and paper). Used in a textbook (published 1982, 1984, 1985, 1988 by Springer-Verlag) on Modula-2,[18] a programming language where space codes require explicit indication. Also used in the keypad[n 1] of the Texas Instruments’ TI-8x series of graphing calculators.
      Named entity: &blank;
      U+2424 9252 Symbol for newline Control Pictures Substitutes for a line break
      U+25B3 9651 White up-pointing triangle Geometric Shapes Amongst other uses, is the ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for the ASCII space[15]
      U+2A5B 10843 Logical Or with middle stem Supplemental
      Amongst other uses, is the ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for vertical tab (line tab)[15]
      U+2AAA 10922 Smaller than Supplemental
      Amongst other uses, is the ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for carriage return[15]
      U+2AAB 10923 Larger than Supplemental
      Amongst other uses, is the ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for the tab character[15]
      U+3037 12343 Ideographic Telegraph Line Feed
      Separator Symbol
      CJK Symbols
      and Punctuation
      Graphic used for code 9999 in Chinese telegraph code, representing a line feed
      1. ^ Above the zero «0» or negative «(‒)» key.
      Exact space
      • The Cambridge Z88 provided a special «exact space» (code point 160 aka 0xA0) (invokable by key shortcut +SPACE[19]), displayed as «…» by the operating system’s display driver.[20][21] It was therefore also known as «dot space» in conjunction with BBC BASIC.[20][21]
      • Under code point 224 (0xE0) the computer also provided a special three-character-cells-wide SPACE symbol "SPC" (analogous to Unicode’s single-cell-wide U+2420).[20][21]

      Non-space blanks[edit]

      • The Braille Patterns Unicode block contains U+2800 BRAILLE PATTERN BLANK, a Braille pattern with no dots raised. Some fonts display the character as a fixed-width blank, however the Unicode standard explicitly states that it does not act as a space.[22]
      • Unicode’s coverage of the Korean alphabet includes several code points which represent the absence of a written letter, and thus do not display a glyph:
        • Unicode includes a Hangul Filler character in the Hangul Compatibility Jamo block (U+3164 HANGUL FILLER). This is classified as a letter, but displayed as an empty space, like a Hangul block containing no jamo. It is used in KS X 1001 Hangul combining sequences to introduce them or denote the absence of a letter in a position, but not in Unicode’s combining jamo system.[23]
        • Unicode’s combining jamo system uses similar Hangul Choseong Filler and Hangul Jungseong Filler characters to denote the absence of a letter in initial or medial position within a syllable block, which are included in the Hangul Jamo block (U+115F HANGUL CHOSEONG FILLER, U+1160 HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER).[24]
        • Additionally, a Halfwidth Hangul Filler is included in the Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (U+FFA0 HALFWIDTH HANGUL FILLER), which is used when mapping from encodings which include characters from both Johab (or Wansung) and N-byte Hangul (or its EBCDIC counterpart), such as IBM-933, which includes both Johab and EBCDIC fillers.[25][26]

      Whitespace and digital typography[edit]

      On-screen display[edit]

      Text editors, word processors, and desktop publishing software differ in how they represent whitespace on the screen, and how they represent spaces at the ends of lines longer than the screen or column width. In some cases, spaces are shown simply as blank space; in other cases they may be represented by an interpunct or other symbols. Many different characters (described below) could be used to produce spaces, and non-character functions (such as margins and tab settings) can also affect whitespace.

      Many of the Unicode space characters were created for compatibility with classic print typography.[27]

      Even if digital typography has algorithmic kerning and justification, those space characters can be used to supplement the electronic formatting when needed.

      Variable-width general-purpose space[edit]

      In computer character encodings, there is a normal general-purpose space (Unicode character U+0020) whose width will vary according to the design of the typeface. Typical values range from 1/5 em to 1/3 em (in digital typography an em is equal to the nominal size of the font, so for a 10-point font the space will probably be between 2 and 3.3 points). Sophisticated fonts may have differently sized spaces for bold, italic, and small-caps faces, and often compositors will manually adjust the width of the space depending on the size and prominence of the text.

      In addition to this general-purpose space, it is possible to encode a space of a specific width. See the table below for a complete list.

      Hair spaces around dashes[edit]

      Em dashes used as parenthetical dividers, and en dashes when used as word joiners, are usually set continuous with the text.[28] However, such a dash can optionally be surrounded with a hair space, U+200A, or thin space, U+2009. The hair space can be written in HTML by using the numeric character references or , or the named entity &hairsp;, but is not universally supported in browsers yet, as of 2016.[which?] The thin space is named entity &thinsp; and numeric references or . These spaces are much thinner than a normal space (except in a monospaced (non-proportional) font), with the hair space being the thinner of the two.

      Normal space versus hair and thin spaces (as rendered by your browser)

      Normal space with em dash left — right
      Thin space with em dash leftright
      Hair space with em dash left — right
      No space with em dash left—right

      Computing applications[edit]

      Programming languages[edit]

      In programming language syntax, spaces are frequently used to explicitly separate tokens. In most languages multiple whitespace characters are treated the same as a single whitespace character (outside of quoted strings); such languages are called free-form. In a few languages, including Haskell, occam, ABC, and Python, whitespace and indentation are used for syntactical purposes. In the satirical language called Whitespace, whitespace characters are the only valid characters for programming, while any other characters are ignored.

      Excessive use of whitespace, especially trailing whitespace at the end of lines, is considered a nuisance. However correct use of whitespace can make the code easier to read and help group related logic.

      Most languages only recognize ASCII characters as whitespace, or in some cases Unicode newlines as well, but not most of the characters listed above. The C language defines whitespace characters to be «space, horizontal tab, new-line, vertical tab, and form-feed».[29] The HTTP network protocol requires different types of whitespace to be used in different parts of the protocol, such as: only the space character in the status line, CRLF at the end of a line, and «linear whitespace» in header values.[30]

      Command line user interfaces[edit]

      In commands processed by command processors, e.g., in scripts and typed in, the space character can cause problems as it has two possible functions: as part of a command or parameter, or as a parameter or name separator. Ambiguity can be prevented either by prohibiting embedded spaces, or by enclosing a name with embedded spaces between quote characters.

      Markup languages[edit]

      Some markup languages, such as SGML, preserve whitespace as written.

      Web markup languages such as XML and HTML treat whitespace characters specially, including space characters, for programmers’ convenience. One or more space characters read by conforming display-time processors of those markup languages are collapsed to 0 or 1 space, depending on their semantic context. For example, double (or more) spaces within text are collapsed to a single space, and spaces which appear on either side of the «=» that separates an attribute name from its value have no effect on the interpretation of the document. Element end tags can contain trailing spaces, and empty-element tags in XML can contain spaces before the «/>«. In these languages, unnecessary whitespace increases the file size, and so may slow network transfers. On the other hand, unnecessary whitespace can also inconspicuously mark code, similar to, but less obvious than comments in code. This can be desirable to prove an infringement of license or copyright that was committed by copying and pasting.

      In XML attribute values, sequences of whitespace characters are treated as a single space when the document is read by a parser.[31] Whitespace in XML element content is not changed in this way by the parser, but an application receiving information from the parser may choose to apply similar rules to element content. An XML document author can use the xml:space="preserve" attribute on an element to instruct the parser to discourage the downstream application from altering whitespace in that element’s content.

      In most HTML elements, a sequence of whitespace characters is treated as a single inter-word separator, which may manifest as a single space character when rendering text in a language that normally inserts such space between words.[32] Conforming HTML renderers are required to apply a more literal treatment of whitespace within a few prescribed elements, such as the pre tag and any element for which CSS has been used to apply pre-like whitespace processing. In such elements, space characters will not be «collapsed» into inter-word separators.

      In both XML and HTML, the non-breaking space character, along with other non-«standard» spaces, is not treated as collapsible «whitespace», so it is not subject to the rules above.

      File names[edit]

      Such usage is similar to multiword file names written for operating systems and applications that are confused by embedded space codes—such file names instead use an underscore (_) as a word separator, as_in_this_phrase.

      Another such symbol was U+2422 BLANK SYMBOL. This was used in the early years of computer programming when writing on coding forms. Keypunch operators immediately recognized the symbol as an «explicit space».[16] It was used in BCDIC,[16] EBCDIC,[16] and ASCII-1963.[16]

      See also[edit]

      • Carriage return
      • Em (typography)
      • En (typography)
      • Form feed
      • Indent style
      • Line feed
      • Newline
      • Programming style
      • Prosigns for Morse code
      • Regular expression#Character classes for the white-space character class.
      • Space bar
      • Space (punctuation)
      • Tab key
      • Trimming (computer programming)
      • Whitespace (programming language)
      • Zero-width space


      1. ^ «The Unicode Standard». Unicode Consortium.
      2. ^ «Character design standards – space characters». Character design standards. Microsoft. 1998–1999. Archived from the original on August 23, 2000. Retrieved 2009-05-18.
      3. ^ The Unicode Standard 5.0, printed edition, p. 205; also available at «Chapter 6 — Writing Systems and Punctuation» (PDF). The Unicode Standard 5.0, electronic edition. Unicode Consortium. 2006-07-14. p. 11 (205). Retrieved 2022-12-22.
      4. ^ «General Punctuation» (PDF). The Unicode Standard 5.1. Unicode Inc. 1991–2008. Retrieved 2009-05-13.
      5. ^ Sargent, Murray III (2006-08-29). «Unicode Nearly Plain Text Encoding of Mathematics (Version 2)». Unicode Technical Note #28. Unicode Inc. pp. 19–20. Retrieved 2009-05-19.
      6. ^ Gillam, Richard (2002). Unicode Demystified: A Practical Programmer’s Guide to the Encoding Standard. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-70052-2.
      7. ^ a b Hickson, Ian. «12.5 Named character references». HTML Standard. WHATWG.
      8. ^ Wolfram. «[NegativeThickSpace]». Wolfram Language Documentation.
      9. ^ Wolfram. «[NegativeMediumSpace]». Wolfram Language Documentation.
      10. ^ Wolfram. «[NegativeThinSpace]». Wolfram Language Documentation.
      11. ^ Wolfram. «[NegativeVeryThinSpace]». Wolfram Language Documentation.
      12. ^ Faltstrom, P., ed. (August 2010). «Zero Width Non-Joiner». The Unicode Code Points and Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA). IETF. sec. A.1. doi:10.17487/RFC5892. RFC 5892. Retrieved September 4, 2019.
      13. ^ Faltstrom, P., ed. (August 2010). «Zero Width Joiner». The Unicode Code Points and Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA). IETF. sec. A.2. doi:10.17487/RFC5892. RFC 5892. Retrieved September 4, 2019.
      14. ^
        «Unicode Standard Annex #44, Unicode Character Database».
      15. ^ a b c d e f European Computer Manufacturers Association (1968-11-28). Graphic Representation of the Control Characters of the ECMA 7-Bit Coded Character Set for Information Interchange (PDF). ECMA-17.
      16. ^ a b c d e f g h Mackenzie, Charles E. (1980). Coded Character Sets, History and Development. The Systems Programming Series (1 ed.). Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. pp. 41, 47, 52, 102–103, 117, 119, 130, 132, 141, 148, 150–151, 212, 424. ISBN 978-0-201-14460-4. LCCN 77-90165. Retrieved 2016-05-22. [1]
      17. ^ «American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ASA X3.4-1963». American Standards Association (ASA). 1963-06-17.
      18. ^ Niklaus Wirth, Programming in Modula-2
      19. ^ «Cambridge Z88 User Guide». 4.7 (4th ed.). Cambridge Computer Limited. 2016 [1987]. Basic concepts — The keyboard. Archived from the original on 2016-12-12. Retrieved 2016-12-12.
      20. ^ a b c «Cambridge Z88 User Guide». 4.0 (4th ed.). Cambridge Computer Limited. 1987. Appendix D. Archived from the original on 2016-12-12. Retrieved 2016-12-12.
      21. ^ a b c «Cambridge Z88 User Guide». 4.7 (4th ed.). Cambridge Computer Limited. 2015 [1987]. Appendix D. Archived from the original on 2016-12-12. Retrieved 2016-12-12.
      22. ^ Unicode chart U+2800, braille patterns
      23. ^ Chung, Jaemin (2017-03-30). Proposal to add an informative note to U+3164 HANGUL FILLER (PDF). Unicode Consortium. UTC L2/17-081.
      24. ^ Hangul Jamo (PDF). Unicode Consortium. 2020-10-25.
      25. ^ «ibm-933_P110-1995». ICU Demonstration — Converter Explorer. International Components for Unicode.
      26. ^ «ibm-933_P110-1995 (lead bytes 0E84)». ICU Demonstration — Converter Explorer. International Components for Unicode.
      27. ^ «Chapter 6 — Writing Systems and Punctuation» (PDF). The Unicode Standard 15.0, electronic edition. Unicode Consortium. 2022-09-13. pp. 12-13 (267-268). Retrieved 2022-12-23. The fixed-width space characters (U+2000..U+200A) are derived from conventional (hot lead) typography. Algorithmic kerning and justification in computerized typography do not use these characters. However, where they are used (for example, in typesetting mathematical formulae), their width is generally font-specified, and they typically do not expand during justification. The exception is U+2009 thin space, which sometimes gets adjusted.
      28. ^ Usage of the different dash types is illustrated, e.g., in The Chicago Manual of Style, §§ 6.80, 6.83–6.86
      29. ^ http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1548.pdf Section 6.4, paragraph 3
      30. ^ Fielding, R.; et al. (June 1999), «2.2 Basic Rules», Hypertext Transfer Protocol—HTTP/1.1, doi:10.17487/RFC2616, RFC 2616
      31. ^ «3.3.3 Attribute-Value Normalization». Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition). World Wide Web Consortium.
      32. ^ «9.1 Whitespace». W3CHTML 4.01 Specification. World Wide Web Consortium.

      External links[edit]

      • Property List of Unicode Character Database

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      «Dot space» redirects here. For the animated film, see Dot in Space.

      «␣» redirects here. Not to be confused with ⌴.

      In computer programming, whitespace is any character or series of characters that represent horizontal or vertical space in typography. When rendered, a whitespace character does not correspond to a visible mark, but typically does occupy an area on a page. For example, the common whitespace symbol U+0020   SPACE (also ASCII 32) represents a blank space punctuation character in text, used as a word divider in Western scripts.


      Relative widths of various spaces in Unicode

      With many keyboard layouts, a whitespace character may be entered by pressing spacebar. Horizontal whitespace may also be entered on many keyboards with the Tab ↹ key, although the length of the space may vary. Vertical whitespace may be input by typing Return, which creates a ‘newline’ code sequence in most programs. In some systems ↵ Enter has a separate meaning but in others the two are conflated. Many early computer games used whitespace characters to draw a screen (e.g. Kingdom of Kroz).

      The term «whitespace» is based on the appearance of the characters on ordinary paper. However, within an application, whitespace characters can be processed in the same way as any other character code and different programs may define their own semantics for the characters.


      The table below lists the twenty-five characters defined as whitespace («WSpace=Y», «WS») characters in the Unicode Character Database.[1] Seventeen use a definition of whitespace consistent with the algorithm for bidirectional writing («Bidirectional Character Type=WS») and are known as «Bidi-WS» characters. The remaining characters may also be used, but are not of this «Bidi» type.

      Note: Depending on the browser and fonts used to view the following table, not all spaces may be displayed properly.

      • v
      • t
      • e

      Unicode characters with property


      Name Code point Width box May break? In
      Script Block General
      character tabulation U+0009 9 Yes No Common Basic Latin Other,
      HT, Horizontal Tab. HTML/XML named entity: &Tab;, LaTeX: tab, C escape: t
      line feed U+000A 10 Is a line-break Common Basic Latin Other,
      LF, Line feed. HTML/XML named entity: &NewLine;, C escape: n
      line tabulation U+000B 11 Is a line-break Common Basic Latin Other,
      VT, Vertical Tab. C escape: v
      form feed U+000C 12 Is a line-break Common Basic Latin Other,
      FF, Form feed. C escape: f
      carriage return U+000D 13 Is a line-break Common Basic Latin Other,
      CR, Carriage return. C escape: r
      space U+0020 32 Yes No Common Basic Latin Separator,
      Most common (normal ASCII space). LaTeX:  
      next line U+0085 133 Is a line-break Common Latin-1
      NEL, Next line. LaTeX: \
      no-break space U+00A0 160   No No Common Latin-1
      Non-breaking space: identical to U+0020, but not a point at which a line may be broken. HTML/XML named entity: &nbsp;, &NonBreakingSpace; LaTeX: ~
      ogham space mark U+1680 5760 Yes No Ogham Ogham Separator,
      Used for interword separation in Ogham text. Normally a vertical line in vertical text or a horizontal line in horizontal text, but may also be a blank space in «stemless» fonts. Requires an Ogham font.
      en quad U+2000 8192   Yes No Common General
      Width of one en. U+2002 is canonically equivalent to this character; U+2002 is preferred.
      em quad U+2001 8193 Yes No Common General
      Also known as «mutton quad». Width of one em. U+2003 is canonically equivalent to this character; U+2003 is preferred.
      en space U+2002 8194 Yes No Common General
      Also known as «nut». Width of one en. U+2000 En Quad is canonically equivalent to this character; U+2002 is preferred. HTML/XML named entity: &ensp;, LaTeX: enspace (the LaTeX en space is a no-break space)
      em space U+2003 8195 Yes No Common General
      Also known as «mutton». Width of one em. U+2001 Em Quad is canonically equivalent to this character; U+2003 is preferred. HTML/XML named entity: &emsp;, LaTeX: quad
      three-per-em space U+2004 8196 Yes No Common General
      Also known as «thick space». One third of an em wide. HTML/XML named entity: &emsp13;, LaTeX: ; (the LaTeX thick space is a no-break space)
      four-per-em space U+2005 8197 Yes No Common General
      Also known as «mid space». One fourth of an em wide. HTML/XML named entity: &emsp14;
      six-per-em space U+2006 8198 Yes No Common General
      One sixth of an em wide. In computer typography, sometimes equated to U+2009.
      figure space U+2007 8199 No No Common General
      Figure space. In fonts with monospaced digits, equal to the width of one digit. HTML/XML named entity: &numsp;
      punctuation space U+2008 8200 Yes No Common General
      As wide as the narrow punctuation in a font, i.e. the advance width of the period or comma.[2] HTML/XML named entity: &puncsp;
      thin space U+2009 8201 Yes No Common General
      Thin space; one-fifth (sometimes one-sixth) of an em wide. Recommended for use as a thousands separator for measures made with SI units. Unlike U+2002 to U+2008, its width may get adjusted in typesetting.[3] HTML/XML named entity: &thinsp;, &ThinSpace;, LaTeX: , (the LaTeX thin space is a no-break space)
      hair space U+200A 8202 Yes No Common General
      Thinner than a thin space. HTML/XML named entity: &hairsp; &VeryThinSpace; (does not work in all browsers)
      line separator U+2028 8232 Is a line-break Common General
      paragraph separator U+2029 8233 Is a line-break Common General
      narrow no-break space U+202F 8239 No No Common General
      Narrow no-break space. Similar in function to U+00A0 No-Break Space. When used with Mongolian, its width is usually one third of the normal space; in other context, its width sometimes resembles that of the Thin Space (U+2009). LaTeX: ,
      medium mathematical space U+205F 8287 Yes No Common General
      MMSP. Used in mathematical formulae. Four-eighteenths of an em.[4] In mathematical typography, the widths of spaces are usually given in integral multiples of an eighteenth of an em, and 4/18 em may be used in several situations, for example between the a and the + and between the + and the b in the expression a + b.[5] HTML/XML named entity: &MediumSpace;, LaTeX: : (the LaTeX medium space is a no-break space)
      ideographic space U+3000 12288   Yes No Common CJK Symbols
      As wide as a CJK character cell (fullwidth). Used, for example, in tai tou.
      • v
      • t
      • e

      Related Unicode characters with property


       Name  Code point Width box May break? In
      Script Block General
      mongolian vowel separator U+180E 6158 Yes No Mongolian Mongolian Other,
      MVS. A narrow space character, used in Mongolian to cause the final two characters of a word to take on different shapes.[6] It is no longer classified as space character (i.e. in Zs category) in Unicode 6.3.0, even though it was in previous versions of the standard.
      zero width space U+200B 8203 Yes No ? General
      ZWSP, zero-width space. Used to indicate word boundaries to text processing systems when using scripts that do not use explicit spacing. It is similar to the soft hyphen, with the difference that the latter is used to indicate syllable boundaries, and should display a visible hyphen when the line breaks at it. HTML/XML named entity: &ZeroWidthSpace;[7][c]
      zero width non-joiner U+200C 8204 Yes Context-dependent[12] ? General
      ZWNJ, zero-width non-joiner. When placed between two characters that would otherwise be connected, a ZWNJ causes them to be printed in their final and initial forms, respectively. HTML/XML named entity: &zwnj;
      zero width joiner U+200D 8205 Yes Context-dependent[13] ? General
      ZWJ, zero-width joiner. When placed between two characters that would otherwise not be connected, a ZWJ causes them to be printed in their connected forms. Can also be used to display joining forms in isolation. Depending on whether a ligature or conjunct is expected by default, can either induce (as in emoji and in Sinhala) or suppress (as in Devanagari) substitution with a single glyph, whilst still permitting use of individual joining forms (unlike ZWNJ). HTML/XML named entity: &zwj;
      word joiner U+2060 8288 No No ? General
      WJ, word joiner. Similar to U+200B, but not a point at which a line may be broken. HTML/XML named entity: &NoBreak;
      zero width non-breaking space U+FEFF 65279  No No ? Arabic
      Zero-width non-breaking space. Used primarily as a Byte Order Mark. Use as an indication of non-breaking is deprecated as of Unicode 3.2; see U+2060 instead.
      1. ^ White_Space is a binary Unicode property.[14]
      2. ^ «Unicode 15.0 UCD: PropList.txt». 2022-08-05. Retrieved 2022-09-16.
      3. ^ Although &ZeroWidthSpace; is one HTML5 named entity for U+200B, the additional names NegativeMediumSpace, NegativeThickSpace, NegativeThinSpace and NegativeVeryThinSpace (which are names used in the Wolfram Language for negative-advance spaces, which it maps to the Private Use Area)[8][9][10][11] are also defined by HTML5 as aliases for U+200B (e.g. &NegativeMediumSpace;).[7]

      Substitute images[edit]

      Unicode also provides some visible characters that can be used to represent various whitespace characters, in contexts where a visible symbol must be displayed:

      Unicode space-illustrating characters (visible)

      Code Decimal Name Block Display Description
      U+00B7 183 Middle dot Latin-1 Supplement · Interpunct
      Named entity: &middot;
      U+21A1 8609 Downwards two headed arrow Arrows ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for form feed (page break)[15]
      U+2261 8810 Identical to Mathematical
      Amongst other uses, is the ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for line feed[15]
      U+237D 9085 Shouldered open box Miscellaneous Technical Used to indicate a NBSP
      U+23CE 9166 Return symbol Miscellaneous Technical Symbol for a return key, which enters a line break
      U+2409 9225 Symbol for horizontal tabulation Control Pictures Substitutes for a tab character
      U+240A 9226 Symbol for line feed Control Pictures Substitutes for a line feed
      U+240B 9227 Symbol for vertical tabulation Control Pictures Substitutes for a vertical tab (line tab)
      U+240C 9228 Symbol for form feed Control Pictures Substitutes for a form feed (page break)
      U+240D 9229 Symbol for carriage return Control Pictures Substitutes for a carriage return
      U+2420 9248 Symbol for space Control Pictures Substitutes for an ASCII space
      U+2422 9250 Blank symbol Control Pictures aka «substitute blank»,[16] used in BCDIC,[16] EBCDIC,[16] ASCII-1963[16][17] etc. as a symbol for the word separator
      U+2423 9251 Open box Control Pictures Used in block letter handwriting at least since the 1980s when it is necessary to explicitly indicate the number of space characters (e.g. when programming with pen and paper). Used in a textbook (published 1982, 1984, 1985, 1988 by Springer-Verlag) on Modula-2,[18] a programming language where space codes require explicit indication. Also used in the keypad[n 1] of the Texas Instruments’ TI-8x series of graphing calculators.
      Named entity: &blank;
      U+2424 9252 Symbol for newline Control Pictures Substitutes for a line break
      U+25B3 9651 White up-pointing triangle Geometric Shapes Amongst other uses, is the ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for the ASCII space[15]
      U+2A5B 10843 Logical Or with middle stem Supplemental
      Amongst other uses, is the ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for vertical tab (line tab)[15]
      U+2AAA 10922 Smaller than Supplemental
      Amongst other uses, is the ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for carriage return[15]
      U+2AAB 10923 Larger than Supplemental
      Amongst other uses, is the ECMA-17 / ISO 2047 symbol for the tab character[15]
      U+3037 12343 Ideographic Telegraph Line Feed
      Separator Symbol
      CJK Symbols
      and Punctuation
      Graphic used for code 9999 in Chinese telegraph code, representing a line feed
      1. ^ Above the zero «0» or negative «(‒)» key.
      Exact space
      • The Cambridge Z88 provided a special «exact space» (code point 160 aka 0xA0) (invokable by key shortcut +SPACE[19]), displayed as «…» by the operating system’s display driver.[20][21] It was therefore also known as «dot space» in conjunction with BBC BASIC.[20][21]
      • Under code point 224 (0xE0) the computer also provided a special three-character-cells-wide SPACE symbol "SPC" (analogous to Unicode’s single-cell-wide U+2420).[20][21]

      Non-space blanks[edit]

      • The Braille Patterns Unicode block contains U+2800 BRAILLE PATTERN BLANK, a Braille pattern with no dots raised. Some fonts display the character as a fixed-width blank, however the Unicode standard explicitly states that it does not act as a space.[22]
      • Unicode’s coverage of the Korean alphabet includes several code points which represent the absence of a written letter, and thus do not display a glyph:
        • Unicode includes a Hangul Filler character in the Hangul Compatibility Jamo block (U+3164 HANGUL FILLER). This is classified as a letter, but displayed as an empty space, like a Hangul block containing no jamo. It is used in KS X 1001 Hangul combining sequences to introduce them or denote the absence of a letter in a position, but not in Unicode’s combining jamo system.[23]
        • Unicode’s combining jamo system uses similar Hangul Choseong Filler and Hangul Jungseong Filler characters to denote the absence of a letter in initial or medial position within a syllable block, which are included in the Hangul Jamo block (U+115F HANGUL CHOSEONG FILLER, U+1160 HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER).[24]
        • Additionally, a Halfwidth Hangul Filler is included in the Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (U+FFA0 HALFWIDTH HANGUL FILLER), which is used when mapping from encodings which include characters from both Johab (or Wansung) and N-byte Hangul (or its EBCDIC counterpart), such as IBM-933, which includes both Johab and EBCDIC fillers.[25][26]

      Whitespace and digital typography[edit]

      On-screen display[edit]

      Text editors, word processors, and desktop publishing software differ in how they represent whitespace on the screen, and how they represent spaces at the ends of lines longer than the screen or column width. In some cases, spaces are shown simply as blank space; in other cases they may be represented by an interpunct or other symbols. Many different characters (described below) could be used to produce spaces, and non-character functions (such as margins and tab settings) can also affect whitespace.

      Many of the Unicode space characters were created for compatibility with classic print typography.[27]

      Even if digital typography has algorithmic kerning and justification, those space characters can be used to supplement the electronic formatting when needed.

      Variable-width general-purpose space[edit]

      In computer character encodings, there is a normal general-purpose space (Unicode character U+0020) whose width will vary according to the design of the typeface. Typical values range from 1/5 em to 1/3 em (in digital typography an em is equal to the nominal size of the font, so for a 10-point font the space will probably be between 2 and 3.3 points). Sophisticated fonts may have differently sized spaces for bold, italic, and small-caps faces, and often compositors will manually adjust the width of the space depending on the size and prominence of the text.

      In addition to this general-purpose space, it is possible to encode a space of a specific width. See the table below for a complete list.

      Hair spaces around dashes[edit]

      Em dashes used as parenthetical dividers, and en dashes when used as word joiners, are usually set continuous with the text.[28] However, such a dash can optionally be surrounded with a hair space, U+200A, or thin space, U+2009. The hair space can be written in HTML by using the numeric character references or , or the named entity &hairsp;, but is not universally supported in browsers yet, as of 2016.[which?] The thin space is named entity &thinsp; and numeric references or . These spaces are much thinner than a normal space (except in a monospaced (non-proportional) font), with the hair space being the thinner of the two.

      Normal space versus hair and thin spaces (as rendered by your browser)

      Normal space with em dash left — right
      Thin space with em dash leftright
      Hair space with em dash left — right
      No space with em dash left—right

      Computing applications[edit]

      Programming languages[edit]

      In programming language syntax, spaces are frequently used to explicitly separate tokens. In most languages multiple whitespace characters are treated the same as a single whitespace character (outside of quoted strings); such languages are called free-form. In a few languages, including Haskell, occam, ABC, and Python, whitespace and indentation are used for syntactical purposes. In the satirical language called Whitespace, whitespace characters are the only valid characters for programming, while any other characters are ignored.

      Excessive use of whitespace, especially trailing whitespace at the end of lines, is considered a nuisance. However correct use of whitespace can make the code easier to read and help group related logic.

      Most languages only recognize ASCII characters as whitespace, or in some cases Unicode newlines as well, but not most of the characters listed above. The C language defines whitespace characters to be «space, horizontal tab, new-line, vertical tab, and form-feed».[29] The HTTP network protocol requires different types of whitespace to be used in different parts of the protocol, such as: only the space character in the status line, CRLF at the end of a line, and «linear whitespace» in header values.[30]

      Command line user interfaces[edit]

      In commands processed by command processors, e.g., in scripts and typed in, the space character can cause problems as it has two possible functions: as part of a command or parameter, or as a parameter or name separator. Ambiguity can be prevented either by prohibiting embedded spaces, or by enclosing a name with embedded spaces between quote characters.

      Markup languages[edit]

      Some markup languages, such as SGML, preserve whitespace as written.

      Web markup languages such as XML and HTML treat whitespace characters specially, including space characters, for programmers’ convenience. One or more space characters read by conforming display-time processors of those markup languages are collapsed to 0 or 1 space, depending on their semantic context. For example, double (or more) spaces within text are collapsed to a single space, and spaces which appear on either side of the «=» that separates an attribute name from its value have no effect on the interpretation of the document. Element end tags can contain trailing spaces, and empty-element tags in XML can contain spaces before the «/>«. In these languages, unnecessary whitespace increases the file size, and so may slow network transfers. On the other hand, unnecessary whitespace can also inconspicuously mark code, similar to, but less obvious than comments in code. This can be desirable to prove an infringement of license or copyright that was committed by copying and pasting.

      In XML attribute values, sequences of whitespace characters are treated as a single space when the document is read by a parser.[31] Whitespace in XML element content is not changed in this way by the parser, but an application receiving information from the parser may choose to apply similar rules to element content. An XML document author can use the xml:space="preserve" attribute on an element to instruct the parser to discourage the downstream application from altering whitespace in that element’s content.

      In most HTML elements, a sequence of whitespace characters is treated as a single inter-word separator, which may manifest as a single space character when rendering text in a language that normally inserts such space between words.[32] Conforming HTML renderers are required to apply a more literal treatment of whitespace within a few prescribed elements, such as the pre tag and any element for which CSS has been used to apply pre-like whitespace processing. In such elements, space characters will not be «collapsed» into inter-word separators.

      In both XML and HTML, the non-breaking space character, along with other non-«standard» spaces, is not treated as collapsible «whitespace», so it is not subject to the rules above.

      File names[edit]

      Such usage is similar to multiword file names written for operating systems and applications that are confused by embedded space codes—such file names instead use an underscore (_) as a word separator, as_in_this_phrase.

      Another such symbol was U+2422 BLANK SYMBOL. This was used in the early years of computer programming when writing on coding forms. Keypunch operators immediately recognized the symbol as an «explicit space».[16] It was used in BCDIC,[16] EBCDIC,[16] and ASCII-1963.[16]

      See also[edit]

      • Carriage return
      • Em (typography)
      • En (typography)
      • Form feed
      • Indent style
      • Line feed
      • Newline
      • Programming style
      • Prosigns for Morse code
      • Regular expression#Character classes for the white-space character class.
      • Space bar
      • Space (punctuation)
      • Tab key
      • Trimming (computer programming)
      • Whitespace (programming language)
      • Zero-width space


      1. ^ «The Unicode Standard». Unicode Consortium.
      2. ^ «Character design standards – space characters». Character design standards. Microsoft. 1998–1999. Archived from the original on August 23, 2000. Retrieved 2009-05-18.
      3. ^ The Unicode Standard 5.0, printed edition, p. 205; also available at «Chapter 6 — Writing Systems and Punctuation» (PDF). The Unicode Standard 5.0, electronic edition. Unicode Consortium. 2006-07-14. p. 11 (205). Retrieved 2022-12-22.
      4. ^ «General Punctuation» (PDF). The Unicode Standard 5.1. Unicode Inc. 1991–2008. Retrieved 2009-05-13.
      5. ^ Sargent, Murray III (2006-08-29). «Unicode Nearly Plain Text Encoding of Mathematics (Version 2)». Unicode Technical Note #28. Unicode Inc. pp. 19–20. Retrieved 2009-05-19.
      6. ^ Gillam, Richard (2002). Unicode Demystified: A Practical Programmer’s Guide to the Encoding Standard. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-70052-2.
      7. ^ a b Hickson, Ian. «12.5 Named character references». HTML Standard. WHATWG.
      8. ^ Wolfram. «[NegativeThickSpace]». Wolfram Language Documentation.
      9. ^ Wolfram. «[NegativeMediumSpace]». Wolfram Language Documentation.
      10. ^ Wolfram. «[NegativeThinSpace]». Wolfram Language Documentation.
      11. ^ Wolfram. «[NegativeVeryThinSpace]». Wolfram Language Documentation.
      12. ^ Faltstrom, P., ed. (August 2010). «Zero Width Non-Joiner». The Unicode Code Points and Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA). IETF. sec. A.1. doi:10.17487/RFC5892. RFC 5892. Retrieved September 4, 2019.
      13. ^ Faltstrom, P., ed. (August 2010). «Zero Width Joiner». The Unicode Code Points and Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA). IETF. sec. A.2. doi:10.17487/RFC5892. RFC 5892. Retrieved September 4, 2019.
      14. ^
        «Unicode Standard Annex #44, Unicode Character Database».
      15. ^ a b c d e f European Computer Manufacturers Association (1968-11-28). Graphic Representation of the Control Characters of the ECMA 7-Bit Coded Character Set for Information Interchange (PDF). ECMA-17.
      16. ^ a b c d e f g h Mackenzie, Charles E. (1980). Coded Character Sets, History and Development. The Systems Programming Series (1 ed.). Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. pp. 41, 47, 52, 102–103, 117, 119, 130, 132, 141, 148, 150–151, 212, 424. ISBN 978-0-201-14460-4. LCCN 77-90165. Retrieved 2016-05-22. [1]
      17. ^ «American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ASA X3.4-1963». American Standards Association (ASA). 1963-06-17.
      18. ^ Niklaus Wirth, Programming in Modula-2
      19. ^ «Cambridge Z88 User Guide». 4.7 (4th ed.). Cambridge Computer Limited. 2016 [1987]. Basic concepts — The keyboard. Archived from the original on 2016-12-12. Retrieved 2016-12-12.
      20. ^ a b c «Cambridge Z88 User Guide». 4.0 (4th ed.). Cambridge Computer Limited. 1987. Appendix D. Archived from the original on 2016-12-12. Retrieved 2016-12-12.
      21. ^ a b c «Cambridge Z88 User Guide». 4.7 (4th ed.). Cambridge Computer Limited. 2015 [1987]. Appendix D. Archived from the original on 2016-12-12. Retrieved 2016-12-12.
      22. ^ Unicode chart U+2800, braille patterns
      23. ^ Chung, Jaemin (2017-03-30). Proposal to add an informative note to U+3164 HANGUL FILLER (PDF). Unicode Consortium. UTC L2/17-081.
      24. ^ Hangul Jamo (PDF). Unicode Consortium. 2020-10-25.
      25. ^ «ibm-933_P110-1995». ICU Demonstration — Converter Explorer. International Components for Unicode.
      26. ^ «ibm-933_P110-1995 (lead bytes 0E84)». ICU Demonstration — Converter Explorer. International Components for Unicode.
      27. ^ «Chapter 6 — Writing Systems and Punctuation» (PDF). The Unicode Standard 15.0, electronic edition. Unicode Consortium. 2022-09-13. pp. 12-13 (267-268). Retrieved 2022-12-23. The fixed-width space characters (U+2000..U+200A) are derived from conventional (hot lead) typography. Algorithmic kerning and justification in computerized typography do not use these characters. However, where they are used (for example, in typesetting mathematical formulae), their width is generally font-specified, and they typically do not expand during justification. The exception is U+2009 thin space, which sometimes gets adjusted.
      28. ^ Usage of the different dash types is illustrated, e.g., in The Chicago Manual of Style, §§ 6.80, 6.83–6.86
      29. ^ http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1548.pdf Section 6.4, paragraph 3
      30. ^ Fielding, R.; et al. (June 1999), «2.2 Basic Rules», Hypertext Transfer Protocol—HTTP/1.1, doi:10.17487/RFC2616, RFC 2616
      31. ^ «3.3.3 Attribute-Value Normalization». Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition). World Wide Web Consortium.
      32. ^ «9.1 Whitespace». W3CHTML 4.01 Specification. World Wide Web Consortium.

      External links[edit]

      • Property List of Unicode Character Database

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