Как написать слово китай на китайском языке



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Китай; китайский

Написание традиционными иероглифами:


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Примеры использования 中国


rújīn zhōngguó de xiǎo huángdì yuè lái yuè duō, zhè jiāng chéngwéi zhōngguó wèilái de yīgè shèhuì wèntí.

В настоящее время в Китае все больше и больше маленьких императоров. В будущем это станет социальной проблемой.


wǒ bù zhīdào zhōngguó de chǐcùn.

Я не знаю китайских размеров.


nín néng jièshào jǐ gè hào chī de zhōngguó cài ma?

Вы могли бы порекомендовать нам какие-нибудь вкусные китайские блюда?


qǐngwèn, qù zhōngguó yínháng zěnme zuòchē?

Простите, какой автобус идет до Банка Китая?


wǒ lái zhōngguó gōngzuò.

Я приехал на работу / по делу.


xièxiè, nǐ kěyǐ rùjìngle. huānyíng lái zhōngguó!

Спасибо. Теперь вы можете въехать в страну. Добро пожаловать в Китай!


shì de, wǒ qùguò zhōngguó de hěnduō dìfāng.

Да, я объездил много мест в Китае.

при поиске по пиньиню ü = v, например, nv

База данных II. Найдено в русско-китайском словаре:

中国 zhōngguó

Китайская Народная Республика — 中华人民共和国 zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó

База данных I. Найдено в китайско-русском словаре:



— центр, середина; центральный, средний; посередине; на половине

— внутри; в; среди

— в ходе; в процессе (какого-либо действия)

сокр. Китай; китайский



— мужчина

Китай; китайский

— (династия) Хань


Китай; китайский

традиц.: 中國

Северный Китай

традиц.: 華北

Западный Китай

традиц.: 華西

Центральный Китай

традиц.: 華中

Восточный Китай

традиц.: 華東


Я еду в Китай.


Ты хочешь поехать в Китай?


Я очень хочу поехать в Китай.


Они ездят в Китай каждый год

Китай на китайском

Как и у всякой другой страны, у Китая и его жителей есть оригинальные самоназвания, которые не для специалистов узкого круга, китаеведов, историков и географов, до сих остаются если не той самой тайной за семью печатями, то уж точно малоизвестными.


  • 1 Как по-китайски Китай
    • 1.1 Как пишется иероглифами
    • 1.2 Произношение
    • 1.3 Дословный перевод
  • 2 Другие самоназвания китайцев
  • 3 Как по-китайски «Китаец»

Как по-китайски Китай

китайский язык

Таких оригинальных самоназваний у Китая и его жителей, как минимум два, и они, Китай и китайцы, не испытав за несколько тысяч лет самобытной своей истории ни малейшего влияния извне, сумели донести эти названия до наших дней.

Как пишется иероглифами

Самое древнее или, точнее, одно из самых древних самоназваний Китая – Поднебесная и восходит оно ещё к временам знаменитого Конфуция. 天下. Пока смотрим, запоминаем. Это самоназвание носит скорее поэтический оттенок, хотя и нередко встречается в числе неофициальных имён Китая в публикациях иностранных, в том числе русскоязычных СМИ.

Второе, не менее древнее самоназвание – Чжунго, 中国. И снова смотрим, запоминаем.

天下 иероглиф


А теперь произношение этих терминов, самоназваний, по правилам пиньинь – официально признанной в Китайской Народной Республике и Китайской Республике (Тайвань) системе транскрибирования, романизации путунхуа – китайского разговорного языка.

Итак, Поднебесная: 天下 – Tiānxià, Тянься.

То же, для Чжунго (подробнее о значении этого термина чуть ниже): 中国, Zhōngguó.

Дословный перевод

Современный дословный перевод сочетания пары иероглифов 天下, Tiānxià – «мир».

Такой же перевод для второго термина, 中国, Zhōngguó – «Срединное государство», официальное отображение географического наименования «Китай» иероглифами при письме байхуа – письменном стандарте современного китайского языка.

Другие самоназвания китайцев

Разумеется, за три тысячи лет своей непростой истории такая огромная территория не могла обойтись только двумя самоназваниями, хотя бы уже потому, что издревле помимо государствообразующих ханьцы, которых наши соотечественники называют китайцами, здесь проживают более полусотни других народностей. Да и собственно Китай долгое время оставался разрозненным, пока, в Тёмное время и Средневековье, на его землях существовали отдельные государства.

Из числа других сегодняшних официальных и неофициальных (само-)названий Китая и китайцев упомянем следующие:

华夏 – Huáxià или Хуася, что можно перевести как «цветущий», «пышный». А иероглиф , Xià или Ся относит читающего его к одному из самых прекрасных времён года – лету и одновременно напоминает китайцам о древней императорской династии Ся.

Сами же китайцы, в первую очередь те самые ханьцы, которых в Поднебесной насчитывается на сегодня, как минимум, до 92%, ощущают себя 国家, Guójiā – Годзя или одной большой семьёй, страной. Что только способствует их дальнейшей консолидации перед лицом возможных военных и политических угроз извне и, вне всякого сомнения, не нуждается в каких-то официальных партийных лозунгах, спускаемых сверху.

Ещё об одном таком самоназвании китайцев – в следующем разделе.

китайский язык

Как по-китайски «Китаец»

И в заключение разберём, как по-китайски будет самоназвание носителя этого замечательного во всех отношениях языка и официальное наименование его северного соседа.

Итак, «китаец» – 中国人, что в той же транскрипции пиньинь звучит как Zhōngguó rén. Всего три иероглифа, а сколько счастья – полные штаны! Тут тебе и собственно «китаец», и сразу целая толпа его соплеменников – «китайский народ».

Сразу бросается в глаза, что данное понятие, состоящее из трёх иероглифов中国人– Zhōng, Guó и Rén, буквально может также означать «люди Срединного государства». Но кто будет воспринимать это сочетание настолько буквально? Опять же сегодня «люди Срединного государства» с их тысячелетними традициями конфуцианства и прочими достоинствами мыслят несколько иными категориями и образами, нежели современный среднестатистический «цивилизованный» европеец, откуда бы таковой не происходил.

China (Chinese characters).svg

«China» in Simplified (top) and Traditional (bottom) Chinese characters

Chinese name
Traditional Chinese 中國
Simplified Chinese 中国
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōngguó
Literal meaning Middle or Central State[1]
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōngguó
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ   ㄍㄨㄛˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Jonggwo
Wade–Giles Chung¹-kuo²
Tongyong Pinyin Jhongguó
Yale Romanization Jūnggwó
MPS2 Jūngguó
IPA [ʈʂʊ́ŋ.kwǒ]
other Mandarin
Xiao’erjing ﺟْﻮﻗُﻮَع
Dungan Җунгуй
Sichuanese Pinyin Zong1 gwe2
Romanization Tson-koh
Romanization Tung-koe̍t
IPA Tan33-kwɛ24/
Romanization Dung24-gued2
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-koet
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Jùnggwok or Jūnggwok
Jyutping Zung1gwok3
IPA [tsôŋ.kʷɔ̄ːk̚] or [tsóŋ.kʷɔ̄ːk̚]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-kok
Tâi-lô Tiong-kok
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-guók
Pu-Xian Min
Hinghwa BUC De̤ng-go̤h
Northern Min
Jian’ou Romanized Dô̤ng-gŏ
Common name
Traditional Chinese 中華
Simplified Chinese 中华
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ   ㄏㄨㄚˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Jonghwa
Wade–Giles Chung¹-hua²
Tongyong Pinyin Jhonghuá
Yale Romanization Jūnghwá
MPS2 Jūnghuá
IPA [ʈʂʊ́ŋ.xwǎ]
other Mandarin
Xiao’erjing ﺟْﻮ ﺧُﻮَ
Romanization tson gho
Romanization tung1 fa4 or
Romanization dung24 fa11
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-fà
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Jùng’wàh or Jūng’wàh
Jyutping Zung1waa4
IPA [tsôŋ.wȁː] or [tsóŋ.wȁː]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-hôa
Tâi-lô Tiong-huâ
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-huà
Tibetan name
Tibetan ཀྲུང་གོ་
Tibetan Pinyin Krung-go
Zhuang name
Zhuang Cungguek
Mongolian name
Mongolian script ᠳᠤᠮᠳᠠᠳᠤ
SASM/GNC Dumdadu ulus
Uyghur name
Uyghur جۇڭگو
Latin Yëziqi Junggo
Manchu name
Manchu script ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ
Romanization Dulimbai gurun

The names of China include the many contemporary and historical appellations given in various languages for the East Asian country known as Zhōngguó (中國/中国, «middle country») in its national language, Standard Mandarin. China, the name in English for the country, was derived from Portuguese in the 16th century, and became common usage in the West in the subsequent centuries.[2] It is believed to be a borrowing from Middle Persian, and some have traced it further back to Sanskrit. It is also thought that the ultimate source of the name China is the Chinese word «Qin» (Chinese: ), the name of the dynasty that unified China but also existed as a state for many centuries prior. There are, however, other alternative suggestions for the origin of the word.

Chinese names for China, aside from Zhongguo, include Zhōnghuá (中華/中华, «central beauty»), Huáxià (華夏/华夏, «beautiful grandness»), Shénzhōu (神州, «divine state») and Jiǔzhōu (九州, «nine states»). Hàn (/) and Táng () are common names given for the Chinese ethnicity, despite the Chinese nationality (Zhōnghuá Mínzú) not referencing any singular ethnicity. The People’s Republic of China (Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó) and Republic of China (Zhōnghuá Mínguó) are the official names for the two contemporary sovereign states currently claiming sovereignty over the traditional area of China. «Mainland China» is used to refer to areas under the jurisdiction of the PRC, usually excluding Hong Kong and Macau.

There are also names for China used around the world that are derived from the languages of ethnic groups other than the Han; examples include «Cathay» from the Khitan language and «Tabgach» from Tuoba.

Sinitic names[edit]



The brocade armband with the words «Five stars rising in the east, being a propitious sign for Zhongguo (中國)», made in the Han dynasty.

The Nestorian Stele 大秦景教流行中國碑 entitled «Stele to the propagation in Zhongguo (中國) of the luminous religion of Daqin (Roman Empire)», was erected in China in 781 during Tang dynasty.

The most important Korean document, Hunminjeongeum, dated 1446, where it compares Joseon’s speech to that of Zhongguo (中國) (Middle Kingdom; China), which was during the reign of Ming dynasty at the time. Korean and other neighbouring societies have addressed the various regimes and dynasties on the Chinese mainland at differing times as the «Middle Kingdom».

Zhōngguó (中國) is the most common Chinese name for China in modern times. The earliest appearance of this two-character term is on the bronze vessel He zun (dating to 1038–c. 1000 BCE), during the early Western Zhou period. The phrase «zhong guo» came into common usage in the Warring States period (475–221 BCE), when it referred to the «Central States»; the states of the Yellow River Valley of the Zhou era, as distinguished from the tribal periphery.[3] In later periods, however, Zhongguo was not used in this sense. Dynastic names were used for the state in Imperial China and concepts of the state aside from the ruling dynasty were little understood.[2] Rather, the country was called by the name of the dynasty, such as «Han» (), «Tang» (), «Great Ming» (Da Ming 大明), «Great Qing» (Da Qing 大清), as the case might be. Until the 19th century when the international system came to require a common legal language, there was no need for a fixed or unique name.[4]

As early as the Spring and Autumn period, Zhongguo could be understood as either the domain of the capital or used to refer the Chinese civilization (zhuxia 諸夏 «the various Xia»[5][6] or zhuhua 諸華 «various Hua»[7][8]), and the political and geographical domain that contained it, but Tianxia was the more common word for this idea. This developed into the usage of the Warring States period when, other than the cultural-civilizational community, it could be the geopolitical area of Chinese civilization, equivalent to Jiuzhou. In a more limited sense it could also refer to the Central Plain or the states of Zhao, Wei, and Han, etc., geographically central amongst the Warring States.[9] Although Zhongguo could be used before the Song dynasty period to mean the transdynastic Chinese culture or civilization to which Chinese people belonged, it was in the Song dynasty when writers used Zhongguo as a term to describe the transdynastic entity with different dynastic names over time but having a set territory and defined by common ancestry, culture, and language.[10]

There were different usages of the term Zhongguo in every period. It could refer to the capital of the emperor to distinguish it from the capitals of his vassals, as in Western Zhou. It could refer to the states of the Central Plain to distinguish them from states in outer regions. The Shi Jing defines Zhongguo as the capital region, setting it in apposition to the capital city.[11][12] During the Han dynasty, three usages of Zhongguo were common. The Records of the Grand Historian uses Zhongguo to denote the capital,[13][14] and also uses the concept zhong («center, central») and zhongguo to indicate the center of civilization: «There are eight famous mountains in the world: three in Man and Yi (the barbarian wilds), five in Zhōngguó.» (天下名山八,而三在蠻夷,五在中國。)[15][16] In this sense, the term Zhongguo is synonymous with Huáxià (華夏/华夏) and Zhōnghuá (中華/中华), names of China that were first authentically attested since Warring States period[17] and Eastern Jin period,[18][19] respectively.

«Middle Kingdom’s Common Speech» (Medii Regni Communis Loquela, Zhongguo Guanhua, 中國官話), the frontispiece of an early Chinese grammar published by Étienne Fourmont in 1742[20]

From the Qin to Ming dynasty literati discussed Zhongguo as both a historical place or territory and as a culture. Writers of the Ming period in particular used the term as a political tool to express opposition to expansionist policies that incorporated foreigners into the empire.[21] In contrast foreign conquerors typically avoided discussions of Zhongguo and instead defined membership in their empires to include both Han and non-Han peoples.[22]


Zhongguo appeared in a formal international legal document for the first time during the Qing dynasty in the Treaty of Nerchinsk, 1689. The term was then used in communications with other states and in treaties. The Manchu rulers incorporated Inner Asian polities into their empire, and Wei Yuan, a statecraft scholar, distinguished the new territories from Zhongguo, which he defined as the 17 provinces of «China proper» plus the Manchu homelands in the Northeast. By the late 19th century the term had emerged as a common name for the whole country. The empire was sometimes referred to as Great Qing but increasingly as Zhongguo (see the discussion below).[23]

Dulimbai Gurun is the Manchu name for China, with «Dulimbai» meaning «central» or «middle,» and «Gurun» meaning «nation» or «state.»[24][25][26] The historian Zhao Gang writes that «not long after the collapse of the Ming, China [Zhongguo] became the equivalent of Great Qing (Da Qing)—another official title of the Qing state», and «Qing and China became interchangeable official titles, and the latter often appeared as a substitute for the former in official documents.»[27] The Qing dynasty referred to their realm as «Dulimbai Gurun» in Manchu. The Qing equated the lands of the Qing realm (including present day Manchuria, Xinjiang, Mongolia, Tibet and other areas) as «China» in both the Chinese and Manchu languages, defining China as a multi-ethnic state, rejecting the idea that China only meant Han areas; both Han and non-Han peoples were part of «China». Officials used «China» (though not exclusively) in official documents, international treaties, and foreign affairs, and the «Chinese language» (Manchu: Dulimbai gurun i bithe) referred to Chinese, Manchu, and Mongol languages, and the term «Chinese people» (中國人; Zhōngguórén; Manchu: Dulimbai gurun i niyalma) referred to all Han, Manchus, and Mongol subjects of the Qing.[28] Ming loyalist Han literati held to defining the old Ming borders as China and using «foreigner» to describe minorities under Qing rule such as the Mongols, as part of their anti-Qing ideology.[29]

Chapter China (中國) of «The Manchurian, Mongolian and Han Chinese Trilingual Textbook» (滿蒙漢三語合璧教科書) published in Qing dynasty: «Our country China is located in East Asia… For 5000 years, culture flourished (in the land of China)… Since we are Chinese, how can we not love China.»

When the Qing conquered Dzungaria in 1759, they proclaimed that the new land was absorbed into Dulimbai Gurun in a Manchu language memorial.[30][31][32] The Qing expounded on their ideology that they were bringing together the «outer» non-Han Chinese like the Inner Mongols, Eastern Mongols, Oirat Mongols, and Tibetans together with the «inner» Han Chinese, into «one family» united in the Qing state, showing that the diverse subjects of the Qing were all part of one family, the Qing used the phrase «Zhōngwài yījiā» (中外一家; ‘China and other [countries] as one family’) or «Nèiwài yījiā» (內外一家; ‘Interior and exterior as one family’), to convey this idea of «unification» of the different peoples.[33] A Manchu language version of a treaty with the Russian Empire concerning criminal jurisdiction over bandits called people from the Qing as «people of the Central Kingdom (Dulimbai Gurun)».[34][35][36][37] In the Manchu official Tulisen’s Manchu language account of his meeting with the Torghut Mongol leader Ayuki Khan, it was mentioned that while the Torghuts were unlike the Russians, the «people of the Central Kingdom» (dulimba-i gurun/中國; Zhōngguó) were like the Torghut Mongols, and the «people of the Central Kingdom» referred to the Manchus.[38]

Mark Elliott noted that it was under the Qing that «China» transformed into a definition of referring to lands where the «state claimed sovereignty» rather than only the Central Plains area and its people by the end of the 18th century.[39]

Elena Barabantseva also noted that the Manchu referred to all subjects of the Qing empire regardless of ethnicity as «Chinese» (中國之人; Zhōngguó zhī rén; ‘China’s person’), and used the term (中國; Zhōngguó) as a synonym for the entire Qing empire while using «Hàn rén» (漢人) to refer only to the core area of the empire, with the entire empire viewed as multiethnic.[40]

Joseph W. Esherick noted that while the Qing Emperors governed frontier non-Han areas in a different, separate system under the Lifanyuan and kept them separate from Han areas and administration, it was the Manchu Qing Emperors who expanded the definition of Zhongguo (中國) and made it «flexible» by using that term to refer to the entire Empire and using that term to other countries in diplomatic correspondence, while some Han Chinese subjects criticized their usage of the term and the Han literati Wei Yuan used Zhongguo only to refer to the seventeen provinces of China and three provinces of the east (Manchuria), excluding other frontier areas.[41] Due to Qing using treaties clarifying the international borders of the Qing state, it was able to inculcate in the Chinese people a sense that China included areas such as Mongolia and Tibet due to education reforms in geography which made it clear where the borders of the Qing state were even if they didn’t understand how the Chinese identity included Tibetans and Mongolians or understand what the connotations of being Chinese were.[42] The Treaty of Nanking (1842) English version refers to «His Majesty the Emperor of China» while the Chinese refers both to «The Great Qing Emperor» (Da Qing Huangdi) and to Zhongguo as well. The Treaty of Tientsin (1858) has similar language.[4]

In the late 19th century the reformer Liang Qichao argued in a famous passage that «our greatest shame is that our country has no name. The names that people ordinarily think of, such as Xia, Han, or Tang, are all the titles of bygone dynasties.» He argued that the other countries of the world «all boast of their own state names, such as England and France, the only exception being the Central States.»[43] The Japanese term «Shina» was proposed as a basically neutral Western-influenced equivalent for «China». Liang and Chinese revolutionaries, such as Sun Yat-sen, who both lived extensive periods in Japan, used Shina extensively, and it was used in literature as well as by ordinary Chinese. But with the overthrow of the Qing in 1911, most Chinese dropped Shina as foreign and demanded that even Japanese replace it with Zhonghua minguo or simply Zhongguo.[44] Liang went on to argue that the concept of tianxia had to be abandoned in favor of guojia, that is, «nation,» for which he accepted the term Zhongguo.[45] After the founding of the Chinese Republic in 1912, Zhongguo was also adopted as the abbreviation of Zhonghua minguo.[46]

Qing official Zhang Deyi objected to the western European name «China» and said that China referred to itself as Zhonghua in response to a European who asked why Chinese used the term guizi to refer to all Europeans.[47]

In the 20th century after the May Fourth Movement, educated students began to spread the concept of Zhōnghuá (中華/中华), which represented the people, including 56 minority ethnic groups and the Han Chinese, with a single culture identifying themselves as «Chinese». The Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China both used the title «Zhōnghuá» in their official names. Thus, Zhōngguó became the common name for both governments, and «Zhōngguó rén» for their citizens, though Taiwanese people may reject being called as such. Overseas Chinese are referred to as huáqiáo (華僑/华侨), «Chinese overseas», or huáyì (華裔/华裔), «Chinese descendants» (i.e., Chinese children born overseas).

Middle Kingdom[edit]

The English translation of Zhongguo as the «Middle Kingdom» entered European languages through the Portuguese in the 16th century and became popular in the mid-19th century. By the mid-20th century the term was thoroughly entrenched in the English language to reflect the Western view of China as the inwards-looking Middle Kingdom, or more accurately the Central Kingdom. Endymion Wilkinson points out that the Chinese were not unique in thinking of their country as central, although China was the only culture to use the concept for their name.[48] The term Zhongguo was also not commonly used as a name for China until quite recently, nor did it mean the «Middle Kingdom» to the Chinese, or even have the same meaning throughout the course of history (see above).[49]

«Zhōngguó» in different languages[edit]
  • Burmese: Alaï-praï-daï[citation needed]
  • Catalan: País del Mig (The Middle’s Country/State)
  • Czech: Říše středu («The Empire of the Center»)
  • Dutch: Middenrijk («Middle Empire» or «Middle Realm»)
  • English: Middle Kingdom, Central Kingdom
  • Finnish: Keskustan valtakunta («The State of the Center»)
  • French: Empire du milieu («Middle Empire») or Royaume du milieu («Middle Kingdom»)
  • German: Reich der Mitte («Middle Empire»)
  • Greek: Mési aftokratoría (Μέση αυτοκρατορία, «Middle Empire») or Kentrikí aftokratoría (Κεντρική αυτοκρατορία, «Central Empire»)
  • Hmong: Suav Teb (𖬐𖬲𖬤𖬵 𖬈𖬰𖬧𖬵), Roob Kuj (𖬌𖬡 𖬆𖬶), Tuam Tshoj (𖬐𖬧𖬵 𖬒𖬲𖬪𖬰)
  • Hungarian: Középső birodalom («Middle Empire»)
  • Indonesian: Tiongkok (from Tiong-kok, the Hokkien name for China)[50]
  • Italian: Impero di Mezzo («Middle Empire»)
  • Japanese: Chūgoku (中国; ちゅうごく)
  • Kazakh: Juñgo (جۇڭگو)
  • Korean: Jungguk (중국; 中國)
  • Li: Dongxgok
  • Lojban: jugygu’e or .djunguos.
  • Manchu: ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ (Dulimbai gurun) or ᠵᡠᠩᡬᠣ (Jungg’o) were the official names for «China» in Manchu language
  • Mongolian: ᠳᠤᠮᠳᠠᠳᠤ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ (Dumdadu ulus), the official name for «China» used in Inner Mongolia
  • Polish: Państwo Środka («The State of the Center»)
  • Portuguese: Estado Central («Central State»)
  • Russian: Срединное Царство (Sredínnoye Tsárstvo; «Middle Kingdom»)
  • Slovak: Ríša stredu («The Empire of the Center»)
  • Spanish: País del Centro (The Middle’s Country/State)
  • Swedish: Mittens rike (The Middle’s Kingdom/Empire/Realm/State)
  • Tibetan: Krung-go (ཀྲུང་གོ་), a PRC-era loanword from Mandarin; the normal Tibetan term for China (proper) is rgya nak (རྒྱ་ནག), lit. the «black country.»
  • Toki Pona: ma Sonko
  • Uighur: جۇڭگو, romanized: Junggo
  • Vietnamese: Trung Quốc (中國)
  • Yi: ꍏꇩ(Zho guop)
  • Zhuang: Cunghgoz (older orthography: Cuŋƅgoƨ)
«Zhōnghuá» in different languages[edit]
  • Indonesian: Tionghoa (from Tiong-hôa, the Hokkien counterpart)
  • Japanese: Chūka (中華; ちゅうか)
  • Korean: Junghwa (중화; 中華)
  • Kazakh: Juñxwa (جۇڭحوا)
  • Li: Dongxhwax
  • Manchu: ᠵᡠᠩᡥᡡᠸᠠ (Junghūwa)
  • Tibetan: ཀྲུང་ཧྭ (krung hwa)
  • Uighur: جۇڭخۇا, romanized: Jungxua
  • Vietnamese: Trung hoa (中華)
  • Yi: ꍏꉸ (Zho huop)
  • Zhuang: Cunghvaz (Old orthography: Cuŋƅvaƨ)


The name Huaxia (華夏/华夏; pinyin: huáxià) is generally used as a sobriquet in Chinese text. Under traditional interpretations, it is the combination of two words which originally referred to the elegance of the traditional attire of the Han Chinese and the Confucian concept of rites.

  • Hua which means «flowery beauty» (i.e. having beauty of dress and personal adornment 有服章之美,謂之華).
  • Xia which means greatness or grandeur (i.e. having greatness of social customs/courtesy/polite manners and rites/ceremony 有禮儀之大,故稱夏).[51]

In the original sense, Huaxia refers to a confederation of tribes—living along the Yellow River—who were the ancestors of what later became the Han ethnic group in China.[citation needed] During the Warring States (475–221 BCE), the self-awareness of the Huaxia identity developed and took hold in ancient China.

Zhonghua minzu[edit]

Zhonghua minzu is a term meaning «Chinese nation» in the sense of a multi-ethnic national identity. Though originally rejected by the PRC, it has been used officially since the 1980s for nationalist politics.

Tianchao and Tianxia[edit]

Tianchao (天朝; pinyin: Tiāncháo), translated as «heavenly dynasty» or «Celestial Empire;»[52] and Tianxia (天下; pinyin: Tiānxià) translated as «under heaven,» are both phrases that have been used to refer to China. These terms were usually used in the context of civil wars or periods of division, with the term Tianchao evoking the idea of the realm’s ruling dynasty was appointed by heaven;[52] or that whoever ends up reunifying China is said to have ruled Tianxia, or everything under heaven. This fits with the traditional Chinese theory of rulership in which the emperor was nominally the political leader of the entire world and not merely the leader of a nation-state within the world. Historically the term was connected to the later Zhou Dynasty (c. 1046–256 BCE), especially the Spring and Autumn period (eighth to fourth century BCE) and the Warring States period (from there to 221 BCE, when China was reunified by the Qin state). The phrase Tianchao continues to see use on Chinese internet discussion boards, in reference to China.[52]

The phrase Tianchao was first translated into English and French in the early 19th century, appearing in foreign publicans and diplomatic correspondences,[53] with the translated phrase «Celestial Empire» occasionally used to refer to China. During this period, the term celestial was used by some to refer to the subjects of the Qing dynasty in a non-prejudicial manner,[53] derived from the term «Celestial Empire». However, the term celestial was also used in a pejorative manner during the 19th century, in reference to Chinese immigrants in Australasia and North America.[53] The translated phrase has largely fallen into disuse in the 20th century.

Translations for Tianxia include:

  • Russian: Поднебесная (Podnebésnaya; lit. «under the heaven»)

Jiangshan and Heshan[edit]

Jiangshan (江山; pinyin: Jiāngshān) and Heshan (河山; pinyin: Héshān) literally mean «rivers and mountains». This term is quite similar in usage to Tianxia, and simply refers to the entire world, and here the most prominent features of which being rivers and mountains. The use of this term is also common as part of the phrase Jiangshan sheji (江山社稷; pinyin: Jiāngshān shèjì; lit. «rivers and mountains, soil and grain»), suggesting the need to implement good governance.


The name Jiuzhou (九州; pinyin: jiǔ zhōu) means «nine provinces». Widely used in pre-modern Chinese text, the word originated during the middle of Warring States period of China (c. 400–221 BCE). During that time, the Yellow River region was divided into nine geographical regions; thus this name was coined. Some people also attribute this word to the mythical hero and king Yu the Great, who, in the legend, divided China into nine provinces during his reign. (Consult Zhou for more information.)


This name means Divine Realm[54] or Divine Land (神州; pinyin: Shénzhōu; lit. ‘divine/godly provinces’) and comes from the same period as Jiuzhou meaning «nine provinces». It was thought that the world was divided into nine major states, one of which is Shenzhou, which is in turn divided into nine smaller states, one of which is Jiuzhou mentioned above.


This name, Four Seas (四海; pinyin: sìhǎi), is sometimes used to refer to the world, or simply China, which is perceived as the civilized world. It came from the ancient notion that the world is flat and surrounded by sea.


Chinese name
Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
Hanyu Pinyin Hàn
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Hàn
Bopomofo ㄏㄢˋ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Hann
Wade–Giles Han⁴
IPA [xân]
Romanization Hoe
Romanization Hon5
Romanization Hon55
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Hon
Jyutping Hon3
IPA [hɔ̄ːn]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Hàn
Tâi-lô Hàn
Teochew Peng’im Hang3
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Háng
Middle Chinese
Middle Chinese xanC
Vietnamese name
Vietnamese alphabet Hán
Chữ Hán
Korean name
Revised Romanization han
Japanese name
Kana かん
Romanization kan

The name Han (/; pinyin: Hàn) derives from the Han dynasty (206 BC–AD 220), who presided over China’s first «golden age». The Han dynasty collapsed in 220 and was followed by a long period of disorder, including Three Kingdoms, Sixteen Kingdoms, and Southern and Northern dynasties periods. During these periods, various non-Han ethnic groups established various dynasties in northern China. It was during this period that people began to use the term «Han» to refer to the natives of North China, who (unlike the minorities) were the descendants of the subjects of the Han dynasty.

During the Yuan dynasty, subjects of the empire was divided into four classes: Mongols, Semu or «Colour-eyeds», Hans, and «Southerns». Northern Chinese were called Han, which was considered to be the highest class of Chinese. This class «Han» includes all ethnic groups in northern China including Khitan and Jurchen who have in most part sinicized during the last two hundreds years. The name «Han» became popularly accepted.

During the Qing dynasty, the Manchu rulers also used the name Han to distinguish the natives of the Central Plains from the Manchus. After the fall of the Qing government, the Han became the name of a nationality within China. Today the term «Han Persons», often rendered in English as Han Chinese, is used by the People’s Republic of China to refer to the most populous of the 56 officially recognized ethnic groups of China. The «Han Chinese» are simply referred to as «Chinese» by some.


Chinese name
Hanyu Pinyin Táng
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Táng
Bopomofo ㄊㄤˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Tarng
Wade–Giles Tʻang²
IPA [tʰǎŋ]
Romanization Daon
Romanization Tong
Romanization Tong11
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Tòhng
Jyutping Tong4
IPA [tʰɔ̏ːŋ]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tông/Tn̂g
Tâi-lô Tông/Tn̂g
Vietnamese name
Vietnamese alphabet Đường
Chữ Hán
Korean name
Revised Romanization dang
Japanese name
Kana とう (On), から (Kun)
Romanization (On), kara (Kun)

The name Tang (; pinyin: Táng) comes from the Tang dynasty (618–690, 705–907) that presided over China’s second golden age. It was during the Tang dynasty that South China was finally and fully Sinicized; Tang would become synonymous with China in Southern China and it is usually Southern Chinese who refer to themselves as «People of Tang» (唐人, pinyin: Tángrén).[55] For example, the sinicization and rapid development of Guangdong during the Tang period would lead the Cantonese to refer to themselves as Tong-yan (唐人) in Cantonese, while China is called Tong-saan (唐山; pinyin: Tángshān; lit. ‘Tang Mountain’).[56] Chinatowns worldwide, often dominated by Southern Chinese, also became referred to Tang people’s Street (唐人街, Cantonese: Tong-yan-gaai; pinyin: Tángrénjiē). The Cantonese term Tongsan (Tang mountain) is recorded in Old Malay as one of the local terms for China, along with the Sanskrit-derived Cina. It is still used in Malaysia today, usually in a derogatory sense.

Among Taiwanese, Tang mountain (Min-Nan: Tn̂g-soaⁿ) has been used, for example, in the saying, «has Tangshan father, no Tangshan mother» (有唐山公,無唐山媽; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Ū Tn̂g-soaⁿ kong, bô Tn̂g-soaⁿ má).[57][58] This refers how the Han people crossing the Taiwan Strait in the 17th and 18th centuries were mostly men, and that many of their offspring would be through intermarriage with Taiwanese aborigine women.

In Ryukyuan, karate was originally called tii (, hand) or karatii (唐手, Tang hand) because 唐ぬ國 too-nu-kuku or kara-nu-kuku (唐ぬ國) was a common Ryukyuan name for China; it was changed to karate (空手, open hand) to appeal to Japanese people after the First Sino-Japanese War.

Dalu and Neidi[edit]

Dàlù (大陸/大陆; pinyin: dàlù), literally «big continent» or «mainland» in this context, is used as a short form of Zhōnggúo Dàlù (中國大陸/中国大陆, Mainland China), excluding (depending on the context) Hong Kong and Macau, and/or Taiwan. This term is used in official context in both the mainland and Taiwan, when referring to the mainland as opposed to Taiwan. In certain contexts, it is equivalent to the term Neidi (内地; pinyin: nèidì, literally «the inner land»). While Neidi generally refers to the interior as opposed to a particular coastal or border location, or the coastal or border regions generally, it is used in Hong Kong specifically to mean mainland China excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Increasingly, it is also being used in an official context within mainland China, for example in reference to the separate judicial and customs jurisdictions of mainland China on the one hand and Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan on the other.

The term Neidi is also often used in Xinjiang and Tibet to distinguish the eastern provinces of China from the minority-populated, autonomous regions of the west.

Official names[edit]

People’s Republic of China[edit]

People’s Republic of China
PRC (Chinese characters.svg

«People’s Republic of China» in Simplified (top) and Traditional (bottom) Chinese characters

Chinese name
Simplified Chinese 中华人民共和国
Traditional Chinese 中華人民共和國
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ   ㄏㄨㄚˊ
ㄖㄣˊ   ㄇㄧㄣˊ
ㄍㄨㄥˋ   ㄏㄜˊ   ㄍㄨㄛˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Jonghwa Renmin Gonqhergwo
Wade–Giles Chung¹-hua² Jên²-min²
Tongyong Pinyin Jhonghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó
Yale Romanization Jūnghwá Rénmín Gùnghégwó
MPS2 Jūnghuá Rénmín Gùnghéguó
IPA [ʈʂʊ́ŋ.xwǎ ɻə̌n.mǐn kʊ̂ŋ.xɤ̌.kwǒ]
other Mandarin
Xiao’erjing ﺟْﻮﺧُﻮَ ژٌمٍ ﻗْﻮحْقُوَع
Dungan Җунхуа Жынмин Гунхәгуй
Sichuanese Pinyin Zong1 hua2 Zen2 min2
Gong4 hwe2 gwe2
Romanization tson gho zin min
gon ghu koh
Romanization Chungfa Ninmin Khungfokoet
IPA /tan33 go13 ŋin13 min13
gan45 gu13 kwɛ24/
Romanization dung24 fa11 ngin11 min11
kiung55 fo11 gued2
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-fà Ngìn-mìn
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Jùng’wàh Yàhnmàhn Guhng’wòhgwok
Jūng’wàh Yàhnmàhn Guhng’wòhgwok
Jyutping Zung1waa4 Jan4man4 Gung6wo4gwok3
IPA [tsôŋ.wȁː jɐ̏n.mɐ̏n kòŋ.wɔ̏ː.kʷɔ̄ːk̚]
[tsóŋ.wȁː jɐ̏n.mɐ̏n kòŋ.wɔ̏ː.kʷɔ̄ːk̚]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-hôa Jîn-bîn Kiōng-hô-kok
Tâi-lô Tiong-huâ Jîn-bîn Kiōng-hô-kok
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-huà Ìng-mìng
Pu-Xian Min
Hinghwa BUC De̤ng-huá Cíng-míng
Northern Min
Jian’ou Romanized Dô̤ng-uǎ Nêng-měng
Tibetan name
Tibetan ཀྲུང་ཧྭ་མི་དམངས་སྤྱི
Wylie krung hwa mi dmangs spyi mthun rgyal khab
Tibetan Pinyin Zhunghua Mimang Jitun Gyalkab
Vietnamese name
Vietnamese alphabet Cộng hoà Nhân dân Trung Hoa
Chữ Hán 共和人民中華
Thai name
Thai สาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีน
Zhuang name
Zhuang Cunghvaz Yinzminz Gunghozgoz
Mongolian name
Mongolian script ᠪᠦᠭᠦᠳᠡ
SASM/GNC Bügüde nayiramdaqu dumdadu arad ulus
Uyghur name
Uyghur جۇڭخۇا خەلق جۇمھۇرىيىتى
Latin Yëziqi Jungxua Xelq Jumhuriyiti
Yengi Yeziⱪ Junghua Həlⱪ Jumⱨuriyiti
SASM/GNC Junghua Hälk̂ Jumĥuriyiti
Siril Yëziqi Җуңхуа Хәлқ Җумһурийити
Manchu name
Manchu script ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ
Romanization Dulimbai niyalmairgen gunghe’ gurun

The name New China has been frequently applied to China by the Chinese Communist Party as a positive political and social term contrasting pre-1949 China (the establishment of the PRC) and the new name of the socialist state, Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó (in the older postal romanization, Chunghwa Jenmin Konghokuo) or the «People’s Republic of China» in English, was adapted from the CCP’s short-lived Chinese Soviet Republic in 1931. This term is also sometimes used by writers outside mainland China. The PRC was known to many in the West during the Cold War as «Communist China» or «Red China» to distinguish it from the Republic of China which is commonly called «Taiwan», «Nationalist China» or «Free China». In some contexts, particularly in economics, trade, and sports, «China» is often used to refer to mainland China to the exclusion of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

The official name of the People’s Republic of China in various official languages and scripts:

  • Simplified Chinese: 中华人民共和国 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó) – Official language and script, used in mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia
  • Traditional Chinese: 中華人民共和國 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó; Jyutping: Zung1waa4 Jan4man4 Gung6wo4gwok3) – Official script in Hong Kong and Macau, and commonly used in Taiwan (ROC)
  • English: People’s Republic of China – Official in Hong Kong
  • Kazakh: As used within the Republic of Kazakhstan, Қытай Халық Республикасы (in Cyrillic script), Qıtay Xalıq Respwblïkası (in Latin script), قىتاي حالىق رەسپۋبلىيكاسى (in Arabic script); as used within the People’s Republic of China, جۇڭحۋا حالىق رەسپۋبليكاسى (in Arabic script), Жұңxуа Халық Республикасы (in Cyrillic script), Juñxwa Xalıq Respwblïkası (in Latin script). The Cyrillic script is the predominant script in the Republic of Kazakhstan, while the Arabic script is normally used for the Kazakh language in the People’s Republic of China.
  • Korean: 중화 인민 공화국 (中華人民共和國; Junghwa Inmin Gonghwaguk) – Used in Yanbian Prefecture (Jilin) and Changbai County (Liaoning)
  • Manchurian: ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠯᠮᠠᡳᡵᡤᡝᠨ ᡤᡠᠨᡥᡝ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ (Dulimbai niyalmairgen gunghe’ gurun) or ᠵᡠᠩᡥᡡᠸᠠ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠯᠮᠠᡳᡵᡤᡝᠨ ᡤᡠᠨᡥᡝᡬᠣ (Junghūwa niyalmairgen gungheg’o)
  • Mongolian: ᠪᠦᠭᠦᠳᠡ ᠨᠠᠶᠢᠷᠠᠮᠳᠠᠬᠤ ᠳᠤᠮᠳᠠᠳᠤ ᠠᠷᠠᠳ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ (Bügüde nayiramdaqu dumdadu arad ulus) – Official in Inner Mongolia; Бүгд Найрамдах Хятад Ард Улс (Bügd Nairamdakh Khyatad Ard Uls) – used in Mongolia
  • Portuguese: República Popular da China – Official in Macau
  • Tibetan: ཀྲུང་ཧྭ་མི་དམངས་སྤྱི་མཐུན་རྒྱལ་ཁབ, Wylie: krung hwa mi dmangs spyi mthun rgyal khab, ZYPY: Zhunghua Mimang Jitun Gyalkab – Official in PRC’s Tibet
    • Tibetan: རྒྱ་ནག་མི་དམངས་སྤྱི་མཐུན་རྒྱལ་ཁབ, Wylie: rgya nag mi dmangs spyi mthun rgyal khab – Official in Tibet Government-in-Exile
  • Uighur: جۇڭخۇا خەلق جۇمھۇرىيىت (Jungxua Xelq Jumhuriyiti) – Official in Xinjiang
  • Yi: ꍏꉸꏓꂱꇭꉼꇩ (Zho huop rep mip gop hop guop) – Official in Liangshan (Sichuan) and several Yi-designated autonomous counties
  • Zaiwa: Zhunghua Mingbyu Muhum Mingdan – Official in Dehong (Yunnan)
  • Zhuang: Cunghvaz Yinzminz Gunghozgoz (Old orthography: Cuŋƅvaƨ Yinƨminƨ Guŋƅoƨ) – Official in Guangxi
  • Polish: Chińska Republika Ludowa — Official in Poland

The official name of the People’s Republic of China in major neighboring countries official languages and scripts:

  • Japanese: 中華人民共和国 (ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく, Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku) – Used in Japan
  • Russian: Китайская Народная Республика (Kitayskaya Narodnaya Respublika) – Used in Russia and Central Asia
  • Hindi: चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य (Cheenee janavaadee ganaraajy) – Used in India
  • Urdu: عوامی جمہوریہ چین (Awami Jamhoriya Cheen) – Used in Pakistan
  • Burmese: တရုတ်ပြည်သူ့သမ္မတနိုင်ငံ (Tarotepyishusammataninengan) – Used in Myanmar
  • Vietnamese: Cộng hòa Nhân dân Trung Hoa (共和人民中華) – Used in Vietnam
  • Thai: สาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีน (S̄āṭhārṇrạṭ̄h Prachāchn Cīn) – Used in Thailand
  • Khmer: សាធារណរដ្ឋប្រជាមានិតចិន – Used in Cambodia
  • Lao: ສາທາລະນະລັດປະຊາຊົນຈີນ (Sathalanalad Pasasonchin) – Used in Laos
  • Nepali: जन गणतान्त्रिक चीन (Jana Gaṇatāntrika Cīna) – Used in Nepal

Republic of China[edit]

Republic of China
ROC (Chinese characters).svg

«Republic of China» in Traditional (top) and Simplified (bottom) Chinese characters

Chinese name
Traditional Chinese 中華民國
Simplified Chinese 中华民国
Postal Chunghwa Minkuo
Literal meaning Central State People’s Country
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá Mínguó
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ   ㄏㄨㄚˊ
ㄇㄧㄣˊ   ㄍㄨㄛˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Jonghwa Min’gwo
Wade–Giles Chung¹-hua² Min²-kuo²
Tongyong Pinyin Jhonghuá Mínguó
Yale Romanization Jūnghwá Mín’gwó
MPS2 Jūnghuá Mínguó
IPA [ʈʂʊ́ŋ.xwǎ mǐn.kwǒ]
other Mandarin
Xiao’erjing ﺟْﻮ ﺧُﻮَ مٍ ﻗُﻮَع
Romanization tson gho min koh
Romanization tung1 fa4 min4 koet7 or
Chungfa Minkoet
Romanization dung24 fa11 min11 gued2
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-fà Mìn-koet
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Jùng’wàh Màhn’gwok or
Jūng’wàh Màhn’gwok
Jyutping Zung1waa4 Man4gwok3
IPA [tsôŋ.wȁː mɐ̏n.kʷɔ̄ːk̚] or
[tsóŋ.wȁː mɐ̏n.kʷɔ̄ːk̚]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-hôa Bîn-kok
Tâi-lô Tiong-huâ Bîn-kok
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-huà Mìng-guók
Chinese Taipei
Traditional Chinese 中華臺北 or
Simplified Chinese 中华台北
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá Táiběi
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ   ㄏㄨㄚˊ
ㄊㄞˊ   ㄅㄟˇ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Jonghwa Tairbeei
Wade–Giles Chung¹-hua² Tʻai²-pei³
Tongyong Pinyin Jhonghuá Táiběi
Yale Romanization Jūnghwá Táiběi
MPS2 Jūnghuá Táiběi
IPA [ʈʂʊ́ŋ.xwǎ tʰǎɪ.pèɪ]
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-fà Thòi-pet
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Jùng’wàh Tòihbāk or
Jūng’wàh Tòihbāk
Jyutping Zung1waa4 Toi4bak1
IPA [tsôŋ.wȁː tʰɔ̏ːi.pɐ́k̚] or
[tsóŋ.wȁː tʰɔ̏ːi.pɐ́k̚]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-hôa Tâi-pak
Tâi-lô Tiong-huâ Tâi-pak
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-huà Dài-báe̤k
Separate Customs Territory of
Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu
Traditional Chinese 臺澎金馬
Simplified Chinese 台澎金马
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Tái-Péng-Jīn-Mǎ
Gèbié Guānshuì Lǐngyù
Bopomofo ㄊㄞˊ   ㄆㄥˊ   ㄐㄧㄣ   ㄇㄚˇ
ㄍㄜˋ   ㄅㄧㄝˊ
ㄍㄨㄢ   ㄕㄨㄟˋ   ㄌㄧㄥˇ   ㄩˋ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Tair Perng Jin Maa
Gehbye Guanshuey Liingyuh
Wade–Giles Tʻai² Pʻêng² Chin¹ Ma³
Ko⁴-pieh² Kuan¹-shui⁴ Ling³-yü⁴
Tongyong Pinyin Tái Péng Jin Mǎ
Gèbié Guanshuèi Lǐngyù
Yale Romanization Tái Péng Jīn Mǎ
Gèbyé Gwānshwèi Lǐngyù
MPS2 Tái Péng Jīn Mǎ
Gèbié Guānshuèi Lǐngyù
IPA [tʰǎɪ pʰə̌ŋ tɕín mà]
[kɤ̂.pjě kwán.ʂwêɪ lìŋ.ŷ]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tâi Phîⁿ (or Phêⁿ) Kim Bé
Kò-pia̍t Koan-sòe (or Koan-sè) Léng-he̍k (or Léng-e̍k)
Tâi-lô Tâi Phînn (or Phênn) Kim Bé
Kò-pia̍t Kuan-suè (or Kuan-sè) Líng-hi̍k (or Líng-i̍k)
Traditional Chinese 臺灣 or 台灣
Simplified Chinese 台湾
Postal Taiwan
Literal meaning Terraced Bay
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Táiwān
Bopomofo ㄊㄞˊ   ㄨㄢ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Tair’uan
Wade–Giles Tʻai²-wan¹
Tongyong Pinyin Táiwan
Yale Romanization Táiwān
MPS2 Táiwān
IPA [tʰǎɪ.wán]
other Mandarin
Dungan Тэван
Romanization The-uae
[d̥e uɛ]
IPA dwɛ13 ua44
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Thòi-vàn or Thòi-vân
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Tòihwāan
Jyutping Toi4waan1
IPA [tʰɔ̏ːi.wáːn]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tâi-oân
Tâi-lô Tâi-uân
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dài-uăng
Portuguese: (Ilha) Formosa
Traditional Chinese 福爾摩沙
Simplified Chinese 福尔摩沙
Literal meaning beautiful island
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Fú’ěrmóshā
Bopomofo ㄈㄨˊ   ㄦˇ   ㄇㄛˊ   ㄕㄚ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Fwueelmosha
Wade–Giles Fu²-êrh³-mo²-sha¹
Tongyong Pinyin Fú’ěrmósha
Yale Romanization Fúěrmwóshā
MPS2 Fúěrmóshā
IPA [fǔ.àɚ.mwǒ.ʂá]
Yue: Cantonese
Jyutping Fuk1ji5mo1saa1
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Hok-ní-mô͘-sa
Republic of Taiwan
Traditional Chinese 臺灣民國 or 台灣民國
Simplified Chinese 台湾民国
Postal Taiwan Minkuo
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Táiwān Mínguó
Bopomofo ㄊㄞˊ   ㄨㄢ
ㄇㄧㄣˊ   ㄍㄨㄛˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Tair’uan Min’gwo
Wade–Giles Tʻai²-wan¹ Min²-kuo²
Tongyong Pinyin Táiwan Mínguó
Yale Romanization Táiwān Mín’gwó
MPS2 Táiwān Mínguó
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Thòi-vàn Mìn-koet or Thòi-vân Mìn-koet
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tâi-oân Bîn-kok
Tâi-lô Tâi-uân Bîn-kok
Tibetan name
Tibetan ཀྲུང་ཧྭ་དམངས་གཙོའི།
Wylie krung hwa dmangs gtso’i rgyal khab
Vietnamese name
Vietnamese alphabet Trung Hoa Dân Quốc
Chữ Hán 中華民國
Zhuang name
Zhuang Cunghvaz Minzgoz
Korean name
Hangul 중화민국
Hanja 中華民國
Revised Romanization Junghwa Minguk
Mongolian name
Mongolian Cyrillic Дундад иргэн улс
Mongolian script ᠳᠤᠮᠳᠠᠳᠤ
SASM/GNC Dumdadu irgen ulus
Japanese name
Kanji 中華民国
Kana ちゅうかみんこく
Romanization Chūka Minkoku
Uyghur name
Uyghur جۇڭخۇا مىنگو
Latin Yëziqi Jungxua Mingo
Yengi Yeziⱪ Junghua Mingo
Siril Yëziqi Җуңхуа Минго
Manchu name
Manchu script ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ
Romanization Dulimbai irgen’ Gurun

In 1912, China adopted its official name, Chunghwa Minkuo (rendered in pinyin Zhōnghuá Mínguó) or in English as the «Republic of China», which also has sometimes been referred to as «Republican China» or the «Republican Era» (民國時代), in contrast to the empire it replaced, or as «Nationalist China«, after the ruling Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang). 中華 (Chunghwa) is a term that pertains to «China» while 民國 (Minkuo), literally «People’s State» or «Peopledom», stands for «republic».[59][60] The name had stemmed from the party manifesto of Tongmenghui in 1905, which says the four goals of the Chinese revolution was «to expel the Manchu rulers, to revive Chunghwa, to establish a Republic, and to distribute land equally among the people.(Chinese: 驅除韃虜, 恢復中華, 創立民國, 平均地權; pinyin: Qūchú dálǔ, huīfù Zhōnghuá, chuànglì mínguó, píngjūn dì quán).» The convener of Tongmenghui and Chinese revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen proposed the name Chunghwa Minkuo as the assumed name of the new country when the revolution succeeded.

With the separation from mainland China in 1949 as a result of the Chinese Civil War, the territory of the Republic of China has largely been confined to the island of Taiwan and some other small islands. Thus, the country is often simply referred to as simply «Taiwan«, although this may not be perceived as politically neutral. (See Taiwan Independence.) Amid the hostile rhetoric of the Cold War, the government and its supporters sometimes referred to itself as «Free China» or «Liberal China», in contrast to People’s Republic of China (which was historically called the «Bandit-occupied Area» (匪區) by the ROC). In addition, the ROC, due to pressure from the PRC, was forced to use the name «Chinese Taipei» (中華台北) whenever it participates in international forums or most sporting events such as the Olympic Games.

Taiwanese politician Mei Feng had criticised the official English name of the state «Republic of China» fails to translate the Chinese character «Min» (Chinese: English: people) according to Sun Yat-sen’s original interpretations, while the name should instead be translated as «the People’s Republic of China,» which confuses with the current official name of China under communist control.[61] To avoid confusion, the Chen Shui-ban led DPP administration began to put an aside of «Taiwan» next to the nation’s official name since 2005.[62]

The official name of the Republic of China in various official languages and scripts:

  • English: Republic of China – Official in Hong Kong, commonly used by the United States until 1979, Chinese Taipei – official designation in several international organizations (International Olympic Committee, FIFA, Miss Universe, World Health Organization), Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu – World Trade Organization, Governing authorities on Taiwan – Official name used by the United States from 1979
  • Traditional Chinese: 中華民國 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Mínguó; Jyutping: Zung1waa4 Man4gwok3), 中華臺北 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Táiběi), 臺澎金馬個別關稅領域 (pinyin: Tái-Péng-Jīn-Mǎ Gèbié Guānshuì Lǐngyù), 臺灣 (pinyin: Táiwān) – Official script in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and the islands controlled by the ROC
  • Simplified Chinese: 中华民国 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Mínguó), 中華台北 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Táiběi), 台澎金马个别关税领域 (pinyin: Tái-Péng-Jīn-Mǎ Gèbié Guānshuì Lǐngyù), 台湾 (pinyin: Táiwān) – Official language and script, used in Mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia
  • Kazakh: As used within Republic of Kazakhstan, Қытай Республикасы (in Cyrillic script), Qıtay Respwblïkası (in Latin script), قىتاي رەسپۋبلىيكاسى (in Arabic script); as used within the People’s Republic of China, Жұңxуа Республикасы (in Cyrillic script), Juñxwa Respwblïkası (in Latin script), جۇڭحۋا رەسپۋبليكاسى (in Arabic script). The Cyrillic script is the predominant script in the Republic of Kazakhstan, while the Arabic script is normally used for the Kazakh language in the People’s Republic of China.
  • Korean: 중화민국 (中華民國; Junghwa Minguk) – Official in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture
  • Manchurian: ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ
    (Dulimbai irgen’ gurun)
  • Mongolian: ᠳᠤᠮᠳᠠᠳᠤ
    Дундад иргэн улс (Dumdadu irgen ulus) – Official for its history name before 1949 in Inner Mongolia and Mongolia; Бүгд Найрамдах Хятад Улс (Bügd Nairamdakh Khyatad Uls) – used in Mongolia for Roc in Taiwan
  • Portuguese: República da China – Official in Macau, Formosa – former name
  • Tibetan: ཀྲུང་ཧྭ་དམངས་གཙོའི་རྒྱལ་ཁབ།, Wylie: krung hwa dmangs gtso’i rgyal khab, ZYPY: Zhunghua Mang Zoi Gyalkab, Tibetan: ཐའེ་ཝན།, Wylie: tha’e wan – Official in PRC’s Tibet
    • Tibetan: རྒྱ་ནག་དམངས་གཙོའི་རྒྱལ་ཁབ, Wylie: rgya nag dmangs gtso’i rgyal khab – Official in Tibet Government-in-Exile
  • Uighur: جۇڭخۇا مىنگو, romanized: Jungxua Mingo – Official in Xinjiang
  • Yi: ꍏꉸꂱꇩ (Zho huop mip guop) – Official in Liangshan (Sichuan) and several Yi-designated autonomous counties
  • Zaiwa: Zhunghua Mindan – Official in Dehong (Yunnan)
  • Zhuang: Cunghvaz Mingoz (Old orthography: Cuŋƅvaƨ Minƨƅoƨ) – Official in Guangxi

The official name of the Republic of China in major neighboring countries official languages and scripts:

  • Japanese: 中華民国 (ちゅうかみんこく; Chūka Minkoku) – Used in Japan
  • Korean: 중화민국 (中華民國; Junghwa Minguk) – Used in Korea
  • Russian: Китайская Республика (Kitayskaya Respublika) – Used in Russia and Central Asia
  • Hindi: चीनी गणराज्य (Cīna Gaṇrājya) – Used in India
  • Urdu: جمہوریہ چین (Jumhūriyā Cīn) – Used in Pakistan
  • Burmese: တရုတ်သမ္မတနိုင်ငံ (Tarotesammataninengan) – Used in Myanmar
  • Vietnamese: Trung Hoa Dân Quốc (中華民國), Cộng hòa Trung Hoa (共和中華), Đài Loan (臺灣), Đài Bắc Trung Hoa (臺北中華) – Used in Vietnam
  • Thai: สาธารณรัฐจีน (S̄āṭhārṇrạṭ̄h Cīn) – Used in Thailand (during 1912–1949)
  • Khmer: សាធារណរដ្ឋចិន – Used in Cambodia
  • Lao: ສາທາລະນະລັດຈີນ (Sathalanalad Chin) – Used in Laos
  • Nepali: गणतन्त्र चीन (Gaṇatāntrika Cīna) – Used in Nepal

Names in non-Chinese records[edit]

Names used in the parts of Asia, especially East and Southeast Asia, are usually derived directly from words in one of the languages of China. Those languages belonging to a former dependency (tributary) or Chinese-influenced country have an especially similar pronunciation to that of Chinese. Those used in Indo-European languages, however, have indirect names that came via other routes and may bear little resemblance to what is used in China.

Chin, China[edit]

Further information: Chinas

English, most Indo-European languages, and many others use various forms of the name China and the prefix «Sino-» or «Sin-» from the Latin Sina.[63][64] Europeans had knowledge of a country known in Greek as Thina or Sina from the early period;[65] the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea from perhaps the first century AD recorded a country known as Thin (θίν).[66] The English name for «China» itself is derived from Middle Persian (Chīnī چین). This modern word «China» was first used by Europeans starting with Portuguese explorers of the 16th century – it was first recorded in 1516 in the journal of the Portuguese explorer Duarte Barbosa.[67][68] The journal was translated and published in England in 1555.[69]

The traditional etymology, proposed in the 17th century by Martin Martini and supported by later scholars such as Paul Pelliot and Berthold Laufer, is that the word «China» and its related terms are ultimately derived from the polity known as Qin that unified China to form the Qin Dynasty (, Old Chinese: *dzin) in the 3rd century BC, but existed as a state on the furthest west of China since the 9th century BC.[65][70][71] This is still the most commonly held theory, although the etymology is still a matter of debate according to the Oxford English Dictionary,[72] and many other suggestions have been mooted.[73][74]

The existence of the word Cīna in ancient Indian texts was noted by the Sanskrit scholar Hermann Jacobi who pointed out its use in the Book 2 of Arthashastra with reference to silk and woven cloth produced by the country of Cīna, although textual analysis suggests that Book 2 may not have been written long before 150 AD.[75] The word is also found in other Sanskrit texts such as the Mahābhārata and the Laws of Manu.[76] The Indologist Patrick Olivelle argued that the word Cīnā may not have been known in India before the first century BC, nevertheless he agreed that it probably referred to Qin but thought that the word itself was derived from a Central Asian language.[77] Some Chinese and Indian scholars argued for the state of Jing (, another name for Chu) as the likely origin of the name.[74] Another suggestion, made by Geoff Wade, is that the Cīnāh in Sanskrit texts refers to an ancient kingdom centered in present-day Guizhou, called Yelang, in the south Tibeto-Burman highlands.[76] The inhabitants referred to themselves as Zina according to Wade.[78]

The term China can also be used to refer to:

  • a modern state, indicating the People’s Republic of China (PRC) or the Republic of China (ROC), where recognized;
  • «Mainland China» (中國大陸/中国大陆, Zhōngguó Dàlù in Mandarin), which is the territory of the PRC minus the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau;
  • «China proper», a term used to refer to the historical heartlands of China without peripheral areas like Manchuria, Inner Mongolia, Tibet, and Xinjiang

In economic contexts, «Greater China» (大中華地區/大中华地区, dà Zhōnghuá dìqū) is intended to be a neutral and non-political way to refer to Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Sinologists usually use «Chinese» in a more restricted sense, akin to the classical usage of Zhongguo, to the Han ethnic group, which makes up the bulk of the population in China and of the overseas Chinese.

Barbuda’s 1584 map, also published by Ortelius, already applies the name China to the entire country. However, for another century many European maps continued to show Cathay as well, usually somewhere north of the Great Wall

List of derived terms[edit]

  • Afrikaans: Sjina, spelling now obsolete and spelled as China (pronunciation is the same) (pronounced [ˈʃina])
  • Albanian: Kinë (pronounced [kinə])
  • Amharic: Chayna (from English)
  • Armenian: Չինաստան (pronounced [t͡ʃʰinɑsˈtɑn])
  • Assamese: চীন (pronounced [sin])
  • Azeri: Çin (IPA: [tʃin])
  • Basque: Txina (IPA: [tʃina])
  • Bengali: চীন (pronounced [ˈtʃiːn])
  • Burma: တရုတ် (pronounced [θˈjəʊt])
  • Catalan: Xina ([ˈ(t)ʃi.nə])
  • Chinese: 支那 Zhīnà (obsolete and considered offensive due to historical Japanese usage; originated from early Chinese translations of Buddhist texts in Sanskrit)
  • Chinese: 震旦 Zhèndàn transcription of the Sanskrit/Pali «Cīnasthāna» in the Buddhist texts.
  • Czech: Čína (pronounced [ˈtʃiːna])
  • Danish: Kina (pronounced [ˈkʰiːnɑ])
  • Dutch: China ([ʃiːnɑ])
  • English: China
  • Esperanto: Ĉinujo or Ĉinio, or Ĥinujo (archaic)
  • Estonian: Hiina (pronounced [hiːnɑ])
  • Filipino: Tsina ([tʃina])
  • Finnish: Kiina (pronounced [ˈkiːnɑ])
  • French: Chine ([ʃin])
  • Galician: China (pronounced [ˈtʃinɐ])
  • Georgian: ჩინეთი (pronounced [tʃinɛtʰi])
  • German: China ([ˈçiːna] and [ʃiːnɑ], in the southern part of the German-speaking area also [ˈkiːna])
  • Greek: Κίνα (Kína) ([ˈcina])
  • Gujarati: Cīn ચીન (IPA [ˈtʃin])
  • Hindustani: Cīn चीन or چين (IPA [ˈtʃiːn])
  • Hungarian: Kína ([ˈkiːnɒ])
  • Icelandic: Kína ([cʰiːna])
  • Indonesian: Cina ([tʃina])
  • Interlingua: China
  • Irish: An tSín ([ənˠ ˈtʲiːnʲ])
  • Italian: Cina ([ˈtʃiːna])
  • Japanese: Shina (支那) – considered offensive in China, now largely obsolete in Japan and avoided out of deference to China (the name Chūgoku [tɕɯɡokɯ] is used instead); See Shina (word) and kotobagari.
  • Javanese: ꦕꦶꦤ Cina (low speech level); ꦕꦶꦤ꧀ꦠꦼꦤ꧀ Cinten (high speech level)
  • Kapampangan: Sina
  • Khmer: ចិន ( [cən])
  • Korean: Jina (지나; [t͡ɕinɐ])[citation needed]
  • Latvian: Ķīna ([ˈciːna])
  • Lithuanian: Kinija ([kʲɪnʲijaː])
  • Macedonian: Кина (Kina) ([kinə])
  • Malay: Cina ([tʃina])
  • Malayalam: Cheenan/Cheenathi
  • Maltese: Ċina ([ˈtʃiːna])
  • Marathi: Cīn चीन (IPA [ˈtʃiːn])
  • Nepali: Cīn चीन (IPA [ˈtsin])
  • Norwegian: Kina ([ˈçìːnɑ])
  • Pahlavi: Čīnī
  • Persian: Chīn چين ([tʃin])
  • Polish: Chiny ([ˈçinɨ])
  • Portuguese: China ([ˈʃinɐ])
  • Romanian: China ([ˈkina])
  • Serbo-Croatian: Kina or Кина ([ˈkina])
  • Sinhala: Chinaya චීනය
  • Slovak: Čína ([ˈtʂiːna])
  • Spanish: China ([ˈtʃina])
  • Somali: Shiinaha
  • Swedish: Kina ([ˈɕîːna])
  • Tamil: Cīnam (சீனம்)
  • Thai: จีน (RTGS: Chin [t͡ɕiːn])
  • Tibetan: Rgya Nag (རྒྱ་ནག་)
  • Turkish: Çin ([tʃin])
  • Vietnamese: Chấn Đán 震旦 ([t͡ɕən ɗǎn] or Chi Na 支那 ([ci na])(in Buddhist texts).
  • Welsh: Tsieina ([ˈtʃəina])

Seres, Ser, Serica[edit]

Sēres (Σῆρες) was the Ancient Greek and Roman name for the northwestern part of China and its inhabitants. It meant «of silk,» or «land where silk comes from.» The name is thought to derive from the Chinese word for silk, (/; Middle Chinese , Old Chinese *slɯ, per Zhengzhang). It is itself at the origin of the Latin for silk, «sērica«. See the main article Serica for more details.

  • Ancient Greek: Σῆρες Seres, Σηρικός Serikos
  • Latin: Serica
  • Old Irish: Seiria, as seen in Dúan in chóicat cest[79]

This may be a back formation from sērikos (σηρικός), «made of silk», from sēr (σήρ), «silkworm», in which case Sēres is «the land where silk comes from.»

Sinae, Sin [edit]

A mid-15th century map based on Ptolemy’s manuscript Geography. Serica and Sina are marked as separate countries (top right and right respectively).

Sīnae was an ancient Greek and Roman name for some people who dwelt south of the Seres (Serica) in the eastern extremity of the habitable world. References to the Sinae include mention of a city that the Romans called Sēra Mētropolis, which may be modern Chang’an. The Latin prefixes Sino- and Sin- as well as words such as Sinica, which are traditionally used to refer to China or the Chinese, came from Sīnae.[80] It is generally thought that Chīna, Sīna and Thīna are variants that ultimately derived from Qin, which was the westernmost state in China that eventually formed the Qin Dynasty.[66] There are however other opinions on its etymology (See section on China above). Henry Yule thought that this term may have come to Europe through the Arabs, who made the China of the farther east into Sin, and perhaps sometimes into Thin.[81] Hence the Thin of the author of the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, who appears to be the first extant writer to employ the name in this form; hence also the Sinæ and Thinae of Ptolemy.[65][66]

Some denied that Ptolemy’s Sinae really represented the Chinese as Ptolemy called the country Sērice and the capital Sēra, but regarded them as distinct from Sīnae.[66][82] Marcian of Heraclea (a condenser of Ptolemy) tells us that the «nations of the Sinae lie at the extremity of the habitable world, and adjoin the eastern Terra incognita». The 6th century Cosmas Indicopleustes refers to a «country of silk» called Tzinista, which is understood as referring to China, beyond which «there is neither navigation nor any land to inhabit».[83] It seems probable that the same region is meant by both. According to Henry Yule, Ptolemy’s misrendering of the Indian Sea as a closed basin meant that Ptolemy must also have misplaced the Chinese coast, leading to the misconception of Serica and Sina as separate countries.[81]

In the Hebrew Bible, there is a mention of a faraway country Sinim in the Book of Isaiah 49:12 which some had assumed to be a reference to China.[66][84] In Genesis 10:17, a tribes called the Sinites were said to be the descendants of Canaan, the son of Ham, but they are usually considered to be a different people, probably from the northern part of Lebanon.[85][86]

  • Arabic: Ṣīn صين
  • French/English (prefix of adjectives): Sino- (i.e. Sino-American), Sinitic (the Chinese language family).
  • Hebrew: Sin סין
  • Irish: An tSín
  • Latin: Sīnae
  • Scottish Gaelic: Sìona


This group of names derives from Khitan, an ethnic group that originated in Manchuria and conquered parts of Northern China early tenth century forming the Liao dynasty, and later in the twelfth century dominated Central Asia as the Kara Khitan Khanate. Due to long period of domination of Northern China and then Central Asia by these nomadic conquerors, the name Khitan become associated with China to the people in and around the northwestern region. Muslim historians referred to the Kara Khitan state as Khitay or Khitai; they may have adopted this form of «Khitan» via the Uyghurs of Kocho in whose language the final -n or -ń became -y.[87] The name was then introduced to medieval and early modern Europe through Islamic and Russian sources.[88] In English and in several other European languages, the name «Cathay» was used in the translations of the adventures of Marco Polo, which used this word for northern China. Words related to Khitay are still used in many Turkic and Slavic languages to refer to China. However, its use by Turkic speakers within China, such as the Uyghurs, is considered pejorative by the Chinese authority who tried to ban it.[88]

  • Belarusian: Кітай (Kitay, [kʲiˈtaj])
  • Bulgarian: Китай (Kitay, IPA: [kiˈtaj])
  • Buryat: Хитад (Khitad)
  • Classical Mongolian: Kitad[89]
  • English: Cathay
  • French: Cathay
  • Kazakh: Қытай (Qıtay; [qətɑj])
  • Kazan Tatar: Кытай (Qıtay)
  • Kyrgyz: Кытай (Kıtaj; [qɯˈtɑj])
  • Medieval Latin: Cataya, Kitai
  • Mongolian: Хятад (Khyatad) (the name for China used in the State of Mongolia)
  • Polish: Kitaj ([ˈkʲi.taj]; now archaic)
  • Portuguese: Catai ([kɐˈtaj])
  • Russian: Китай (Kitay, IPA: [kʲɪˈtaj])
  • Serbo-Croatian: Kitaj or Китај (now archaic; from Russian)
  • Slovene: Kitajska ([kiːˈtajska])
  • Spanish: Catay
  • Tajik: Хитой («Khitoy»)
  • Turkmen: Hytaý («Хытай»)
  • Ukrainian: Китай (Kytai)
  • Uighur: خىتاي, romanized: Xitay
  • Uzbek: Xitoy (Хитой)

There is no evidence that either in the 13th or 14th century, Cathayans, i.e. Chinese, travelled officially to Europe, but it is possible that some did, in unofficial capacities, at least in the 13th century. During the campaigns of Hulagu (the grandson of Genghis Khan) in Persia (1256–65), and the reigns of his successors, Chinese engineers were employed on the banks of the Tigris, and Chinese astrologers and physicians could be consulted. Many diplomatic communications passed between the Hulaguid Ilkhans and Christian princes. The former, as the great khan’s liegemen, still received from him their seals of state; and two of their letters which survive in the archives of France exhibit the vermilion impressions of those seals in Chinese characters—perhaps affording the earliest specimen of those characters to reach western Europe.


The word Tabgach came from the metatheses of Tuoba (*t’akbat), a dominant tribe of the Xianbei and the surname of the Northern Wei emperors in the 5th century before sinicisation. It referred to Northern China, which was dominated by part-Xianbei, part-Han people.

  • Byzantine Greek: Taugats
  • Orhon Kok-Turk: Tabgach (variations Tamgach)


Nikan (Manchu: ᠨᡳᡴᠠᠨ, means «Han/China») was a Manchu ethnonym of unknown origin that referred specifically to the ethnic group known in English as the Han Chinese; the stem of this word was also conjugated as a verb, nikara(-mbi), and used to mean «to speak the Chinese language.» Since Nikan was essentially an ethnonym and referred to a group of people (i.e., a nation) rather than to a political body (i.e., a state), the correct translation of «China (proper)» into the Manchu language is Nikan gurun, literally the «Nikan state» or «country of the Nikans» (i.e., country of the Hans).[citation needed]

This exonym for the Han Chinese is also used in the Daur language, in which it appears as Niaken ([njakən] or [ɲakən]).[90] As in the case of the Manchu language, the Daur word Niaken is essentially an ethnonym, and the proper way to refer to the country of the Han Chinese (i.e., «China» in a cultural sense) is Niaken gurun, while niakendaaci- is a verb meaning «to talk in Chinese.»


Japanese: Kara (から; variously written in kanji as or ). An identical name was used by the ancient and medieval Japanese to refer to the country that is now known as Korea, and many Japanese historians and linguists believe that the word «Kara» referring to China and/or Korea may have derived from a metonymic extension of the appellation of the ancient city-states of Gaya.

The Japanese word karate (空手, lit. «empty hand») is derived from the Okinawan word karatii (唐手, lit. «Chinese/Asian/foreign hand/trick/means/method/style») and refers to Okinawan martial arts; the character for kara was changed to remove the connotation of the style originating in China.


Japanese: Morokoshi (もろこし; variously written in kanji as or 唐土). This obsolete Japanese name for China is believed to have derived from a kun reading of the Chinese compound 諸越 Zhūyuè or 百越
Bǎiyuè as «all the Yue» or «the hundred (i.e., myriad, various, or numerous) Yue,» which was an ancient Chinese name for the societies of the regions that are now southern China.

The Japanese common noun tōmorokoshi (トウモロコシ, 玉蜀黍), which refers to maize, appears to contain an element cognate with the proper noun formerly used in reference to China. Although tōmorokoshi is traditionally written with Chinese characters that literally mean «jade Shu millet,» the etymology of the Japanese word appears to go back to «Tang morokoshi,» in which «morokoshi» was the obsolete Japanese name for China as well as the Japanese word for sorghum, which seems to have been introduced into Japan from China.


1837 map of Mongol Empire, showing Mangi in southern China

From Chinese Manzi (southern barbarians). The division of North China and South China under the Jin dynasty and Song dynasty weakened the idea of a unified China, and it was common for non-Han peoples to refer to the politically disparate North and South by different names for some time. While Northern China was called Cathay, Southern China was referred to as Mangi. Manzi often appears in documents of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty as a disparaging term for Southern China. The Mongols also called Southern Chinese Nangkiyas or Nangkiyad, and considered them ethnically distinct from North Chinese. The word Manzi reached the Western world as Mangi (as used by Marco Polo), which is a name commonly found on medieval maps. Note however that the Chinese themselves considered Manzi to be derogatory and never used it as a self-appellation.[91][92] Some early scholars believed Mangi to be a corruption of the Persian Machin (ماچين) and Arabic Māṣīn (ماصين), which may be a mistake as these two forms are derived from the Sanskrit Maha Chin meaning Great China.[93]

  • Chinese: Manzi (蠻子)
  • Latin: Mangi

See also[edit]

  • Little China (ideology)
  • Chinese romanization
  • List of country name etymologies
  • Names of the Qing dynasty
  • Names of India
  • Names of Japan
  • Names of Korea
  • Names of Vietnam
  • Île-de-France, similar French concept



  1. ^ Bilik, Naran (2015), «Reconstructing China beyond Homogeneity», Patriotism in East Asia, Political Theories in East Asian Context, Abingdon: Routledge, p. 105
  2. ^ a b Wilkinson 2015, p. 191.
  3. ^ Esherick (2006), p. 232–233
  4. ^ a b Zarrow, Peter Gue (2012). After Empire: The Conceptual Transformation of the Chinese State, 1885-1924. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. ISBN 9780804778688., p. 93-94.
  5. ^ Zuozhuan «Duke Min — 1st year — zhuan» quote: «諸夏親暱不可棄也» translation: «The various Xia are close intimates and can not be abandoned»
  6. ^ Du Yu, Chunqiu Zuozhuan — Collected Explanations, «Vol. 4» p. 136 of 186. quote: «諸夏中國也»
  7. ^ Zuozhuan «Duke Xiang — 4th year — zhuan» quote: «諸華必叛» translation: «The various Hua would surely revolt»
  8. ^ Du Yu, Chunqiu Zuozhuan — Collected Explanations, «Vol. 15». p. 102 of 162 quote: «諸華中國»
  9. ^ Ban Wang. Chinese Visions of World Order: Tian, Culture and World Politics. pp. 270–272.
  10. ^ Tackett, Nicolas (2017). Origins of the Chinese Nation: Song China and the Forging of an East Asian World Order. Cambridge University Press. pp. 4, 161–2, 174, 194, 208, 280. ISBN 9781107196773.
  11. ^ Classic of Poetry, «Major Hymns — Min Lu» quote: «惠此中國、以綏四方。…… 惠此京師、以綏四國 。
    » Legge’s translation: «Let us cherish this centre of the kingdom, to secure the repose of the four quarters of it. […] Let us cherish this capital, to secure the repose of the States in the four quarters.»
  12. ^ Zhu Xi (publisher, 1100s), Collected Commentaries on the Classic of Poetry (詩經集傳) «Juan A (卷阿)» p. 68 of 198 quote: «中國京師也。四方,諸夏也。京師,諸夏之根本也。» translation: «The centre of the kingdom means the capital. The four quarters mean the various Xia. The capital is the root of the various Xia.»
  13. ^ Shiji, «Annals of the Five Emperors» quote: «舜曰:「天也」,夫而後之中國踐天子位焉,是為帝舜。» translation: «Shun said, ‘It is from Heaven.’ Afterwards he went to the capital, sat on the Imperial throne, and was styled Emperor Shun.»
  14. ^ Pei Yin, Records of the Grand Historian — Collected Explanation Vol. 1 «劉熈曰……帝王所為中故曰中國» translation: «Liu Xi said: […] Wherever emperors and kings established their capitals is taken as the center; hence the appellation the central region«
  15. ^ Shiji, «Annals of Emperor Xiaowu»
  16. ^ Shiji «Treatise about the Feng Shan sacrifices»
  17. ^ Zuo zhuan, «Duke Xiang, year 26, zhuan» text: «楚失華夏.» translation: «Chu lost (the political allegiance of / the political influence over) the flourishing and grand (states).»
  18. ^ Huan Wen (347 CE). «Memorial Recommending Qiao Yuanyan» (薦譙元彥表), quoted in Sun Sheng’s Annals of Jin (晉陽秋) (now-lost), quoted in Pei Songzhi’s annotations to Chen Shou, Records of the Three Kingdoms, «Biography of Qiao Xiu» quote: «於時皇極遘道消之會,群黎蹈顛沛之艱,中華有顧瞻之哀,幽谷無遷喬之望。»
  19. ^ Farmer, J. Michael (2017) «Sanguo Zhi Fascicle 42: The Biography of Qiao Zhou», Early Medieval China, 23, 22-41, p. 39. quote: «At this time, the imperial court has encountered a time of decline in the Way, the peasants have been trampled down by oppressive hardships, Zhonghua has the anguish of looking backward [toward the former capital at Luoyang], and the dark valley has no hope of moving upward.» DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2017.1379725
  20. ^ Fourmont, Etienne. «Linguae Sinarum Mandarinicae hieroglyphicae grammatica duplex, latinè, & cum characteribus Sinensium. Item Sinicorum Regiae Bibliothecae librorum catalogus… (A Chinese grammar published in 1742 in Paris)». Archived from the original on 2012-03-06.
  21. ^ Jiang 2011, p. 103.
  22. ^ Peter K Bol, «Geography and Culture: Middle-Period Discourse on the Zhong Guo: The Central Country,» (2009), 1, 26.
  23. ^ Esherick (2006), pp. 232–233
  24. ^ Hauer 2007, p. 117.
  25. ^ Dvořák 1895, p. 80.
  26. ^ Wu 1995, p. 102.
  27. ^ Zhao (2006), p. 7.
  28. ^ Zhao (2006), p. 4, 7–10, 12–14.
  29. ^ Mosca 2011, p. 94.
  30. ^ Dunnell 2004, p. 77.
  31. ^ Dunnell 2004, p. 83.
  32. ^ Elliott 2001, p. 503.
  33. ^ Dunnell 2004, pp. 76-77.
  34. ^ Cassel 2011, p. 205.
  35. ^ Cassel 2012, p. 205.
  36. ^ Cassel 2011, p. 44.
  37. ^ Cassel 2012, p. 44.
  38. ^ Perdue 2009, p. 218.
  39. ^ Elliot 2000, p. 638.
  40. ^ Barabantseva 2010, p. 20.
  41. ^ Esherick (2006), p. 232
  42. ^ Esherick (2006), p. 251
  43. ^ Liang quoted in Esherick (2006), p. 235, from Liang Qichao, «Zhongguo shi xulun» Yinbinshi heji 6:3 and in Lydia He Liu, The Clash of Empires: The Invention of China in Modern World Making (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004), pp. 77–78.
  44. ^ Douglas R. Reynolds. China, 1898–1912: The Xinzheng Revolution and Japan. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1993 ISBN 0674116607), pp. 215–16 n. 20.
  45. ^ Henrietta Harrison. China (London: Arnold; New York: Oxford University Press; Inventing the Nation Series, 2001. ISBN 0-340-74133-3), pp. 103–104.
  46. ^ Endymion Wilkinson, Chinese History: A Manual (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Rev. and enl., 2000 ISBN 0-674-00247-4 ), 132.
  47. ^ Lydia He. LIU; Lydia He Liu (30 June 2009). The Clash of Empires: the invention of China in modern world making. Harvard University Press. pp. 80–. ISBN 978-0-674-04029-8.
  48. ^ Wilkinson, p. 132.
  49. ^ Wilkinson 2012, p. 191.
  50. ^ Between 1967 and 2014, «Cina»/»China» is used. It was officially reverted to «Tiongkok» in 2014 by order of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono due to anti-discriminatory reasons, but usage is unforced.
  51. ^ 孔穎達《春秋左傳正義》:「中國有禮儀之大,故稱夏;有服章之美,謂之華。」
  52. ^ a b c Wang, Zhang (2014). Never Forget National Humiliation: Historical Memory in Chinese Politics and Foreign Relations. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-2311-4891-7.
  53. ^ a b c «‘Celestial’ origins come from long ago in Chinese history». Mail Tribune. Rosebud Media LLC. 20 January 2011. Retrieved 25 November 2019.
  54. ^ Hughes, April D. (2021). Worldly Saviors and Imperial Authority in Medieval Chinese Buddhism. University of Hawaii Press. p. 103. Attesting Illumination states that two saviors will manifest in the Divine Realm (shenzhou 神州; i.e. China) 799 years after Śākyamuni Buddha’s nirvāṇa.
  55. ^ Dillon, Michael (13 September 2013). China: A Cultural and Historical Dictionary. Routledge. p. 132. ISBN 9781136791413.
  56. ^ H. Mark Lai (4 May 2004). Becoming Chinese American: A History of Communities and Institutions. AltaMira Press. pp. 7–8. ISBN 9780759104587.
  57. ^ Tai, Pao-tsun (2007). The Concise History of Taiwan (Chinese-English bilingual ed.). Nantou City: Taiwan Historica. p. 52. ISBN 9789860109504.
  58. ^ «Entry #60161 (有唐山公,無唐山媽。)». 臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典 [Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan]. (in Chinese and Hokkien). Ministry of Education, R.O.C. 2011.
  59. ^ 《中華民國教育部重編國語辭典修訂本》:「以其位居四方之中,文化美盛,故稱其地為『中華』。」
  60. ^ Wilkinson. Chinese History: A Manual. p. 32.
  61. ^ 梅峯.«中華民國應譯為「PRC」». 开放网.2014-07-12
  62. ^ BBC 中文網 (2005-08-29). «論壇:台總統府網頁加注»台灣»» (in Traditional Chinese). BBC 中文網. Retrieved 2007-03-12. 台總統府公共事務室陳文宗上周六(7月30日)表示,外界人士易把中華民國(Republic of China),誤認為對岸的中國,造成困擾和不便。公共事務室指出,為了明確區別,決定自周六起於中文繁體、簡體的總統府網站中,在「中華民國」之後,以括弧加注「臺灣」。
  63. ^ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed (AHD4). Boston and New York, Houghton-Mifflin, 2000, entries china, Qin, Sino-.
  64. ^ Axel Schuessler (2006). ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese. University of Hawai’i Press. p. 429. ISBN 978-0824829759.
  65. ^ a b c Yule (2005), p. 2–3 «There are reasons however for believing the word China was bestowed at a much earlier date, for it occurs in the Laws of Manu, which assert the Chinas to be degenerate Kshatriyas, and the Mahabharat, compositions many centuries older that imperial dynasty of Ts’in … And this name may have yet possibly been connected with the Ts’in, or some monarchy of the like title; for that Dynasty had reigned locally in Shen si from the ninth century before our era…»
  66. ^ a b c d e Samuel Wells Williams (2006). The Middle Kingdom: A Survey of the Geography, Government, Literature, Social Life, Arts and History of the Chinese Empire and Its Inhabitants. Routledge. p. 408. ISBN 978-0710311672.
  67. ^ «China». Oxford English Dictionary (1989). ISBN 0-19-957315-8.
  68. ^ Barbosa, Duarte; Dames, Mansel Longworth (1989). ««The Very Great Kingdom of China»«. The Book of Duarte Barbosa. ISBN 81-206-0451-2. In the Portuguese original, the chapter is titled «O Grande Reino da China».
  69. ^ Eden, Richard (1555). Decades of the New World: «The great China whose kyng is thought the greatest prince in the world.»
    Myers, Henry Allen (1984). Western Views of China and the Far East, Volume 1. Asian Research Service. p. 34.
  70. ^ Wade (2009), pp. 8–11
  71. ^ Berthold Laufer (1912). «The Name China». T’oung Pao. 13 (1): 719–726. doi:10.1163/156853212X00377.
  72. ^ «China». Oxford English Dictionary.ISBN 0-19-957315-8
  73. ^ Yule (2005), p. 3–7
  74. ^ a b Wade (2009), pp. 12–13
  75. ^ Bodde, Derk (26 December 1986). Denis Twitchett; Michael Loewe (eds.). The Cambridge History of China: Volume 1, The Ch’in and Han Empires, 221 BC — AD 220. pp. 20–21. ISBN 9780521243278.
  76. ^ a b Wade (2009), p. 20
  77. ^ Liu, Lydia He, The clash of empires, p. 77. ISBN 9780674019959. «Scholars have dated the earliest mentions of Cīna to the Rāmāyana and the Mahābhārata and to other Sanskrit sources such as the Hindu Laws of Manu.»
  78. ^ Wade (2009) «This thesis also helps explain the existence of Cīna in the Indic Laws of Manu and the Mahabharata, likely dating well before Qin Shihuangdi.»
  79. ^ «Seiria». eDIL — Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language. 2013.
  80. ^ «Sino-«. Merriam-Webster.
  81. ^ a b Yule (2005), p. xxxvii
  82. ^ Yule (2005), p. xl
  83. ^ Stefan Faller (2011). «The World According to Cosmas Indicopleustes – Concepts and Illustrations of an Alexandrian Merchant and Monk». Transcultural Studies. 1 (2011): 193–232. doi:10.11588/ts.2011.1.6127.
  84. ^ William Smith; John Mee Fuller, eds. (1893). Encyclopaedic dictionary of the Bible. p. 1328.
  85. ^ John Kitto, ed. (1845). A cyclopædia of biblical literature. p. 773.
  86. ^ William Smith; John Mee Fuller, eds. (1893). Encyclopaedic dictionary of the Bible. p. 1323.
  87. ^ Sinor, D. (1998), «Chapter 11 – The Kitan and the Kara Kitay», in Asimov, M.S.; Bosworth, C.E. (eds.), History of Civilisations of Central Asia, vol. 4 part I, UNESCO Publishing, ISBN 92-3-103467-7
  88. ^ a b James A. Millward and Peter C. Perdue (2004). S.F.Starr (ed.). Xinjiang: China’s Muslim Borderland. M.E. Sharpe. p. 43. ISBN 9781317451372.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
  89. ^ Yang, Shao-yun (2014). «Fan and Han: The Origins and Uses of a Conceptual Dichotomy in Mid-Imperial China, ca. 500-1200». In Fiaschetti, Francesca; Schneider, Julia (eds.). Political Strategies of Identity Building in Non-Han Empires in China. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. p. 23.
  90. ^ Samuel E. Martin, Dagur Mongolian Grammar, Texts, and Lexicon, Indiana University Publications Uralic and Altaic Series, Vol. 4, 1961
  91. ^ Yule (2005), p. 177
  92. ^ Tan Koon San (15 August 2014). Dynastic China: An Elementary History. The Other Press. p. 247. ISBN 9789839541885.
  93. ^ Yule (2005), p. 165


  • Cassel, Par Kristoffer (2011). Grounds of Judgment: Extraterritoriality and Imperial Power in Nineteenth-Century China and Japan. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0199792122. Retrieved 10 March 2014.
  • Dvořák, Rudolf (1895). Chinas religionen … (in German). Vol. 12, Volume 15 of Darstellungen aus dem Gebiete der nichtchristlichen Religionsgeschichte (illustrated ed.). Aschendorff (Druck und Verlag der Aschendorffschen Buchhandlung). ISBN 0199792054. Retrieved 10 March 2014.
  • Dunnell, Ruth W.; Elliott, Mark C.; Foret, Philippe; Millward, James A (2004). New Qing Imperial History: The Making of Inner Asian Empire at Qing Chengde. Routledge. ISBN 1134362226. Retrieved 10 March 2014.
  • Elliott, Mark C. (2001). The Manchu Way: The Eight Banners and Ethnic Identity in Late Imperial China (illustrated, reprint ed.). Stanford University Press. ISBN 0804746842. Retrieved 10 March 2014.
  • Hauer, Erich (2007). Corff, Oliver (ed.). Handwörterbuch der Mandschusprache (in German). Vol. 12, Volume 15 of Darstellungen aus dem Gebiete der nichtchristlichen Religionsgeschichte (illustrated ed.). Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 978-3447055284. Retrieved 10 March 2014.
  • Esherick, Joseph (2006). «How the Qing Became China». Empire to Nation: Historical Perspectives on the Making of the Modern World. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Perdue, Peter C. (2009). China Marches West: The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia (reprint ed.). Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0674042025. Retrieved 10 March 2014.
  • Wade, Geoff (May 2009). «The Polity of Yelang and the Origin of the Name ‘China’» (PDF). Sino-Platonic Papers. 188. Retrieved 4 October 2011.
  • Wilkinson, Endymion (2012), Chinese History: A New Manual, Harvard University Asia Center for the Harvard-Yenching Institute
  • Wilkinson, Endymion (2015). Chinese History: A New Manual, 4th edition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center distributed by Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674088467.
  • Wu, Shuhui (1995). Die Eroberung von Qinghai unter Berücksichtigung von Tibet und Khams 1717 — 1727: anhand der Throneingaben des Grossfeldherrn Nian Gengyao (in German). Vol. 2 of Tunguso Sibirica (reprint ed.). Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 3447037563. Retrieved 10 March 2014.
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  • Zhao, Gang (2006). «Reinventing China Imperial Qing Ideology and the Rise of Modern Chinese National Identity in the Early Twentieth Century». Modern China. Sage Publications. 32 (1): 3–30. doi:10.1177/0097700405282349. JSTOR 20062627. S2CID 144587815.
China (Chinese characters).svg

«China» in Simplified (top) and Traditional (bottom) Chinese characters

Chinese name
Traditional Chinese 中國
Simplified Chinese 中国
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōngguó
Literal meaning Middle or Central State[1]
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōngguó
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ   ㄍㄨㄛˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Jonggwo
Wade–Giles Chung¹-kuo²
Tongyong Pinyin Jhongguó
Yale Romanization Jūnggwó
MPS2 Jūngguó
IPA [ʈʂʊ́ŋ.kwǒ]
other Mandarin
Xiao’erjing ﺟْﻮﻗُﻮَع
Dungan Җунгуй
Sichuanese Pinyin Zong1 gwe2
Romanization Tson-koh
Romanization Tung-koe̍t
IPA Tan33-kwɛ24/
Romanization Dung24-gued2
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-koet
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Jùnggwok or Jūnggwok
Jyutping Zung1gwok3
IPA [tsôŋ.kʷɔ̄ːk̚] or [tsóŋ.kʷɔ̄ːk̚]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-kok
Tâi-lô Tiong-kok
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-guók
Pu-Xian Min
Hinghwa BUC De̤ng-go̤h
Northern Min
Jian’ou Romanized Dô̤ng-gŏ
Common name
Traditional Chinese 中華
Simplified Chinese 中华
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ   ㄏㄨㄚˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Jonghwa
Wade–Giles Chung¹-hua²
Tongyong Pinyin Jhonghuá
Yale Romanization Jūnghwá
MPS2 Jūnghuá
IPA [ʈʂʊ́ŋ.xwǎ]
other Mandarin
Xiao’erjing ﺟْﻮ ﺧُﻮَ
Romanization tson gho
Romanization tung1 fa4 or
Romanization dung24 fa11
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-fà
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Jùng’wàh or Jūng’wàh
Jyutping Zung1waa4
IPA [tsôŋ.wȁː] or [tsóŋ.wȁː]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-hôa
Tâi-lô Tiong-huâ
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-huà
Tibetan name
Tibetan ཀྲུང་གོ་
Tibetan Pinyin Krung-go
Zhuang name
Zhuang Cungguek
Mongolian name
Mongolian script ᠳᠤᠮᠳᠠᠳᠤ
SASM/GNC Dumdadu ulus
Uyghur name
Uyghur جۇڭگو
Latin Yëziqi Junggo
Manchu name
Manchu script ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ
Romanization Dulimbai gurun

The names of China include the many contemporary and historical appellations given in various languages for the East Asian country known as Zhōngguó (中國/中国, «middle country») in its national language, Standard Mandarin. China, the name in English for the country, was derived from Portuguese in the 16th century, and became common usage in the West in the subsequent centuries.[2] It is believed to be a borrowing from Middle Persian, and some have traced it further back to Sanskrit. It is also thought that the ultimate source of the name China is the Chinese word «Qin» (Chinese: ), the name of the dynasty that unified China but also existed as a state for many centuries prior. There are, however, other alternative suggestions for the origin of the word.

Chinese names for China, aside from Zhongguo, include Zhōnghuá (中華/中华, «central beauty»), Huáxià (華夏/华夏, «beautiful grandness»), Shénzhōu (神州, «divine state») and Jiǔzhōu (九州, «nine states»). Hàn (/) and Táng () are common names given for the Chinese ethnicity, despite the Chinese nationality (Zhōnghuá Mínzú) not referencing any singular ethnicity. The People’s Republic of China (Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó) and Republic of China (Zhōnghuá Mínguó) are the official names for the two contemporary sovereign states currently claiming sovereignty over the traditional area of China. «Mainland China» is used to refer to areas under the jurisdiction of the PRC, usually excluding Hong Kong and Macau.

There are also names for China used around the world that are derived from the languages of ethnic groups other than the Han; examples include «Cathay» from the Khitan language and «Tabgach» from Tuoba.

Sinitic names[edit]



The brocade armband with the words «Five stars rising in the east, being a propitious sign for Zhongguo (中國)», made in the Han dynasty.

The Nestorian Stele 大秦景教流行中國碑 entitled «Stele to the propagation in Zhongguo (中國) of the luminous religion of Daqin (Roman Empire)», was erected in China in 781 during Tang dynasty.

The most important Korean document, Hunminjeongeum, dated 1446, where it compares Joseon’s speech to that of Zhongguo (中國) (Middle Kingdom; China), which was during the reign of Ming dynasty at the time. Korean and other neighbouring societies have addressed the various regimes and dynasties on the Chinese mainland at differing times as the «Middle Kingdom».

Zhōngguó (中國) is the most common Chinese name for China in modern times. The earliest appearance of this two-character term is on the bronze vessel He zun (dating to 1038–c. 1000 BCE), during the early Western Zhou period. The phrase «zhong guo» came into common usage in the Warring States period (475–221 BCE), when it referred to the «Central States»; the states of the Yellow River Valley of the Zhou era, as distinguished from the tribal periphery.[3] In later periods, however, Zhongguo was not used in this sense. Dynastic names were used for the state in Imperial China and concepts of the state aside from the ruling dynasty were little understood.[2] Rather, the country was called by the name of the dynasty, such as «Han» (), «Tang» (), «Great Ming» (Da Ming 大明), «Great Qing» (Da Qing 大清), as the case might be. Until the 19th century when the international system came to require a common legal language, there was no need for a fixed or unique name.[4]

As early as the Spring and Autumn period, Zhongguo could be understood as either the domain of the capital or used to refer the Chinese civilization (zhuxia 諸夏 «the various Xia»[5][6] or zhuhua 諸華 «various Hua»[7][8]), and the political and geographical domain that contained it, but Tianxia was the more common word for this idea. This developed into the usage of the Warring States period when, other than the cultural-civilizational community, it could be the geopolitical area of Chinese civilization, equivalent to Jiuzhou. In a more limited sense it could also refer to the Central Plain or the states of Zhao, Wei, and Han, etc., geographically central amongst the Warring States.[9] Although Zhongguo could be used before the Song dynasty period to mean the transdynastic Chinese culture or civilization to which Chinese people belonged, it was in the Song dynasty when writers used Zhongguo as a term to describe the transdynastic entity with different dynastic names over time but having a set territory and defined by common ancestry, culture, and language.[10]

There were different usages of the term Zhongguo in every period. It could refer to the capital of the emperor to distinguish it from the capitals of his vassals, as in Western Zhou. It could refer to the states of the Central Plain to distinguish them from states in outer regions. The Shi Jing defines Zhongguo as the capital region, setting it in apposition to the capital city.[11][12] During the Han dynasty, three usages of Zhongguo were common. The Records of the Grand Historian uses Zhongguo to denote the capital,[13][14] and also uses the concept zhong («center, central») and zhongguo to indicate the center of civilization: «There are eight famous mountains in the world: three in Man and Yi (the barbarian wilds), five in Zhōngguó.» (天下名山八,而三在蠻夷,五在中國。)[15][16] In this sense, the term Zhongguo is synonymous with Huáxià (華夏/华夏) and Zhōnghuá (中華/中华), names of China that were first authentically attested since Warring States period[17] and Eastern Jin period,[18][19] respectively.

«Middle Kingdom’s Common Speech» (Medii Regni Communis Loquela, Zhongguo Guanhua, 中國官話), the frontispiece of an early Chinese grammar published by Étienne Fourmont in 1742[20]

From the Qin to Ming dynasty literati discussed Zhongguo as both a historical place or territory and as a culture. Writers of the Ming period in particular used the term as a political tool to express opposition to expansionist policies that incorporated foreigners into the empire.[21] In contrast foreign conquerors typically avoided discussions of Zhongguo and instead defined membership in their empires to include both Han and non-Han peoples.[22]


Zhongguo appeared in a formal international legal document for the first time during the Qing dynasty in the Treaty of Nerchinsk, 1689. The term was then used in communications with other states and in treaties. The Manchu rulers incorporated Inner Asian polities into their empire, and Wei Yuan, a statecraft scholar, distinguished the new territories from Zhongguo, which he defined as the 17 provinces of «China proper» plus the Manchu homelands in the Northeast. By the late 19th century the term had emerged as a common name for the whole country. The empire was sometimes referred to as Great Qing but increasingly as Zhongguo (see the discussion below).[23]

Dulimbai Gurun is the Manchu name for China, with «Dulimbai» meaning «central» or «middle,» and «Gurun» meaning «nation» or «state.»[24][25][26] The historian Zhao Gang writes that «not long after the collapse of the Ming, China [Zhongguo] became the equivalent of Great Qing (Da Qing)—another official title of the Qing state», and «Qing and China became interchangeable official titles, and the latter often appeared as a substitute for the former in official documents.»[27] The Qing dynasty referred to their realm as «Dulimbai Gurun» in Manchu. The Qing equated the lands of the Qing realm (including present day Manchuria, Xinjiang, Mongolia, Tibet and other areas) as «China» in both the Chinese and Manchu languages, defining China as a multi-ethnic state, rejecting the idea that China only meant Han areas; both Han and non-Han peoples were part of «China». Officials used «China» (though not exclusively) in official documents, international treaties, and foreign affairs, and the «Chinese language» (Manchu: Dulimbai gurun i bithe) referred to Chinese, Manchu, and Mongol languages, and the term «Chinese people» (中國人; Zhōngguórén; Manchu: Dulimbai gurun i niyalma) referred to all Han, Manchus, and Mongol subjects of the Qing.[28] Ming loyalist Han literati held to defining the old Ming borders as China and using «foreigner» to describe minorities under Qing rule such as the Mongols, as part of their anti-Qing ideology.[29]

Chapter China (中國) of «The Manchurian, Mongolian and Han Chinese Trilingual Textbook» (滿蒙漢三語合璧教科書) published in Qing dynasty: «Our country China is located in East Asia… For 5000 years, culture flourished (in the land of China)… Since we are Chinese, how can we not love China.»

When the Qing conquered Dzungaria in 1759, they proclaimed that the new land was absorbed into Dulimbai Gurun in a Manchu language memorial.[30][31][32] The Qing expounded on their ideology that they were bringing together the «outer» non-Han Chinese like the Inner Mongols, Eastern Mongols, Oirat Mongols, and Tibetans together with the «inner» Han Chinese, into «one family» united in the Qing state, showing that the diverse subjects of the Qing were all part of one family, the Qing used the phrase «Zhōngwài yījiā» (中外一家; ‘China and other [countries] as one family’) or «Nèiwài yījiā» (內外一家; ‘Interior and exterior as one family’), to convey this idea of «unification» of the different peoples.[33] A Manchu language version of a treaty with the Russian Empire concerning criminal jurisdiction over bandits called people from the Qing as «people of the Central Kingdom (Dulimbai Gurun)».[34][35][36][37] In the Manchu official Tulisen’s Manchu language account of his meeting with the Torghut Mongol leader Ayuki Khan, it was mentioned that while the Torghuts were unlike the Russians, the «people of the Central Kingdom» (dulimba-i gurun/中國; Zhōngguó) were like the Torghut Mongols, and the «people of the Central Kingdom» referred to the Manchus.[38]

Mark Elliott noted that it was under the Qing that «China» transformed into a definition of referring to lands where the «state claimed sovereignty» rather than only the Central Plains area and its people by the end of the 18th century.[39]

Elena Barabantseva also noted that the Manchu referred to all subjects of the Qing empire regardless of ethnicity as «Chinese» (中國之人; Zhōngguó zhī rén; ‘China’s person’), and used the term (中國; Zhōngguó) as a synonym for the entire Qing empire while using «Hàn rén» (漢人) to refer only to the core area of the empire, with the entire empire viewed as multiethnic.[40]

Joseph W. Esherick noted that while the Qing Emperors governed frontier non-Han areas in a different, separate system under the Lifanyuan and kept them separate from Han areas and administration, it was the Manchu Qing Emperors who expanded the definition of Zhongguo (中國) and made it «flexible» by using that term to refer to the entire Empire and using that term to other countries in diplomatic correspondence, while some Han Chinese subjects criticized their usage of the term and the Han literati Wei Yuan used Zhongguo only to refer to the seventeen provinces of China and three provinces of the east (Manchuria), excluding other frontier areas.[41] Due to Qing using treaties clarifying the international borders of the Qing state, it was able to inculcate in the Chinese people a sense that China included areas such as Mongolia and Tibet due to education reforms in geography which made it clear where the borders of the Qing state were even if they didn’t understand how the Chinese identity included Tibetans and Mongolians or understand what the connotations of being Chinese were.[42] The Treaty of Nanking (1842) English version refers to «His Majesty the Emperor of China» while the Chinese refers both to «The Great Qing Emperor» (Da Qing Huangdi) and to Zhongguo as well. The Treaty of Tientsin (1858) has similar language.[4]

In the late 19th century the reformer Liang Qichao argued in a famous passage that «our greatest shame is that our country has no name. The names that people ordinarily think of, such as Xia, Han, or Tang, are all the titles of bygone dynasties.» He argued that the other countries of the world «all boast of their own state names, such as England and France, the only exception being the Central States.»[43] The Japanese term «Shina» was proposed as a basically neutral Western-influenced equivalent for «China». Liang and Chinese revolutionaries, such as Sun Yat-sen, who both lived extensive periods in Japan, used Shina extensively, and it was used in literature as well as by ordinary Chinese. But with the overthrow of the Qing in 1911, most Chinese dropped Shina as foreign and demanded that even Japanese replace it with Zhonghua minguo or simply Zhongguo.[44] Liang went on to argue that the concept of tianxia had to be abandoned in favor of guojia, that is, «nation,» for which he accepted the term Zhongguo.[45] After the founding of the Chinese Republic in 1912, Zhongguo was also adopted as the abbreviation of Zhonghua minguo.[46]

Qing official Zhang Deyi objected to the western European name «China» and said that China referred to itself as Zhonghua in response to a European who asked why Chinese used the term guizi to refer to all Europeans.[47]

In the 20th century after the May Fourth Movement, educated students began to spread the concept of Zhōnghuá (中華/中华), which represented the people, including 56 minority ethnic groups and the Han Chinese, with a single culture identifying themselves as «Chinese». The Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China both used the title «Zhōnghuá» in their official names. Thus, Zhōngguó became the common name for both governments, and «Zhōngguó rén» for their citizens, though Taiwanese people may reject being called as such. Overseas Chinese are referred to as huáqiáo (華僑/华侨), «Chinese overseas», or huáyì (華裔/华裔), «Chinese descendants» (i.e., Chinese children born overseas).

Middle Kingdom[edit]

The English translation of Zhongguo as the «Middle Kingdom» entered European languages through the Portuguese in the 16th century and became popular in the mid-19th century. By the mid-20th century the term was thoroughly entrenched in the English language to reflect the Western view of China as the inwards-looking Middle Kingdom, or more accurately the Central Kingdom. Endymion Wilkinson points out that the Chinese were not unique in thinking of their country as central, although China was the only culture to use the concept for their name.[48] The term Zhongguo was also not commonly used as a name for China until quite recently, nor did it mean the «Middle Kingdom» to the Chinese, or even have the same meaning throughout the course of history (see above).[49]

«Zhōngguó» in different languages[edit]
  • Burmese: Alaï-praï-daï[citation needed]
  • Catalan: País del Mig (The Middle’s Country/State)
  • Czech: Říše středu («The Empire of the Center»)
  • Dutch: Middenrijk («Middle Empire» or «Middle Realm»)
  • English: Middle Kingdom, Central Kingdom
  • Finnish: Keskustan valtakunta («The State of the Center»)
  • French: Empire du milieu («Middle Empire») or Royaume du milieu («Middle Kingdom»)
  • German: Reich der Mitte («Middle Empire»)
  • Greek: Mési aftokratoría (Μέση αυτοκρατορία, «Middle Empire») or Kentrikí aftokratoría (Κεντρική αυτοκρατορία, «Central Empire»)
  • Hmong: Suav Teb (𖬐𖬲𖬤𖬵 𖬈𖬰𖬧𖬵), Roob Kuj (𖬌𖬡 𖬆𖬶), Tuam Tshoj (𖬐𖬧𖬵 𖬒𖬲𖬪𖬰)
  • Hungarian: Középső birodalom («Middle Empire»)
  • Indonesian: Tiongkok (from Tiong-kok, the Hokkien name for China)[50]
  • Italian: Impero di Mezzo («Middle Empire»)
  • Japanese: Chūgoku (中国; ちゅうごく)
  • Kazakh: Juñgo (جۇڭگو)
  • Korean: Jungguk (중국; 中國)
  • Li: Dongxgok
  • Lojban: jugygu’e or .djunguos.
  • Manchu: ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ (Dulimbai gurun) or ᠵᡠᠩᡬᠣ (Jungg’o) were the official names for «China» in Manchu language
  • Mongolian: ᠳᠤᠮᠳᠠᠳᠤ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ (Dumdadu ulus), the official name for «China» used in Inner Mongolia
  • Polish: Państwo Środka («The State of the Center»)
  • Portuguese: Estado Central («Central State»)
  • Russian: Срединное Царство (Sredínnoye Tsárstvo; «Middle Kingdom»)
  • Slovak: Ríša stredu («The Empire of the Center»)
  • Spanish: País del Centro (The Middle’s Country/State)
  • Swedish: Mittens rike (The Middle’s Kingdom/Empire/Realm/State)
  • Tibetan: Krung-go (ཀྲུང་གོ་), a PRC-era loanword from Mandarin; the normal Tibetan term for China (proper) is rgya nak (རྒྱ་ནག), lit. the «black country.»
  • Toki Pona: ma Sonko
  • Uighur: جۇڭگو, romanized: Junggo
  • Vietnamese: Trung Quốc (中國)
  • Yi: ꍏꇩ(Zho guop)
  • Zhuang: Cunghgoz (older orthography: Cuŋƅgoƨ)
«Zhōnghuá» in different languages[edit]
  • Indonesian: Tionghoa (from Tiong-hôa, the Hokkien counterpart)
  • Japanese: Chūka (中華; ちゅうか)
  • Korean: Junghwa (중화; 中華)
  • Kazakh: Juñxwa (جۇڭحوا)
  • Li: Dongxhwax
  • Manchu: ᠵᡠᠩᡥᡡᠸᠠ (Junghūwa)
  • Tibetan: ཀྲུང་ཧྭ (krung hwa)
  • Uighur: جۇڭخۇا, romanized: Jungxua
  • Vietnamese: Trung hoa (中華)
  • Yi: ꍏꉸ (Zho huop)
  • Zhuang: Cunghvaz (Old orthography: Cuŋƅvaƨ)


The name Huaxia (華夏/华夏; pinyin: huáxià) is generally used as a sobriquet in Chinese text. Under traditional interpretations, it is the combination of two words which originally referred to the elegance of the traditional attire of the Han Chinese and the Confucian concept of rites.

  • Hua which means «flowery beauty» (i.e. having beauty of dress and personal adornment 有服章之美,謂之華).
  • Xia which means greatness or grandeur (i.e. having greatness of social customs/courtesy/polite manners and rites/ceremony 有禮儀之大,故稱夏).[51]

In the original sense, Huaxia refers to a confederation of tribes—living along the Yellow River—who were the ancestors of what later became the Han ethnic group in China.[citation needed] During the Warring States (475–221 BCE), the self-awareness of the Huaxia identity developed and took hold in ancient China.

Zhonghua minzu[edit]

Zhonghua minzu is a term meaning «Chinese nation» in the sense of a multi-ethnic national identity. Though originally rejected by the PRC, it has been used officially since the 1980s for nationalist politics.

Tianchao and Tianxia[edit]

Tianchao (天朝; pinyin: Tiāncháo), translated as «heavenly dynasty» or «Celestial Empire;»[52] and Tianxia (天下; pinyin: Tiānxià) translated as «under heaven,» are both phrases that have been used to refer to China. These terms were usually used in the context of civil wars or periods of division, with the term Tianchao evoking the idea of the realm’s ruling dynasty was appointed by heaven;[52] or that whoever ends up reunifying China is said to have ruled Tianxia, or everything under heaven. This fits with the traditional Chinese theory of rulership in which the emperor was nominally the political leader of the entire world and not merely the leader of a nation-state within the world. Historically the term was connected to the later Zhou Dynasty (c. 1046–256 BCE), especially the Spring and Autumn period (eighth to fourth century BCE) and the Warring States period (from there to 221 BCE, when China was reunified by the Qin state). The phrase Tianchao continues to see use on Chinese internet discussion boards, in reference to China.[52]

The phrase Tianchao was first translated into English and French in the early 19th century, appearing in foreign publicans and diplomatic correspondences,[53] with the translated phrase «Celestial Empire» occasionally used to refer to China. During this period, the term celestial was used by some to refer to the subjects of the Qing dynasty in a non-prejudicial manner,[53] derived from the term «Celestial Empire». However, the term celestial was also used in a pejorative manner during the 19th century, in reference to Chinese immigrants in Australasia and North America.[53] The translated phrase has largely fallen into disuse in the 20th century.

Translations for Tianxia include:

  • Russian: Поднебесная (Podnebésnaya; lit. «under the heaven»)

Jiangshan and Heshan[edit]

Jiangshan (江山; pinyin: Jiāngshān) and Heshan (河山; pinyin: Héshān) literally mean «rivers and mountains». This term is quite similar in usage to Tianxia, and simply refers to the entire world, and here the most prominent features of which being rivers and mountains. The use of this term is also common as part of the phrase Jiangshan sheji (江山社稷; pinyin: Jiāngshān shèjì; lit. «rivers and mountains, soil and grain»), suggesting the need to implement good governance.


The name Jiuzhou (九州; pinyin: jiǔ zhōu) means «nine provinces». Widely used in pre-modern Chinese text, the word originated during the middle of Warring States period of China (c. 400–221 BCE). During that time, the Yellow River region was divided into nine geographical regions; thus this name was coined. Some people also attribute this word to the mythical hero and king Yu the Great, who, in the legend, divided China into nine provinces during his reign. (Consult Zhou for more information.)


This name means Divine Realm[54] or Divine Land (神州; pinyin: Shénzhōu; lit. ‘divine/godly provinces’) and comes from the same period as Jiuzhou meaning «nine provinces». It was thought that the world was divided into nine major states, one of which is Shenzhou, which is in turn divided into nine smaller states, one of which is Jiuzhou mentioned above.


This name, Four Seas (四海; pinyin: sìhǎi), is sometimes used to refer to the world, or simply China, which is perceived as the civilized world. It came from the ancient notion that the world is flat and surrounded by sea.


Chinese name
Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
Hanyu Pinyin Hàn
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Hàn
Bopomofo ㄏㄢˋ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Hann
Wade–Giles Han⁴
IPA [xân]
Romanization Hoe
Romanization Hon5
Romanization Hon55
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Hon
Jyutping Hon3
IPA [hɔ̄ːn]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Hàn
Tâi-lô Hàn
Teochew Peng’im Hang3
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Háng
Middle Chinese
Middle Chinese xanC
Vietnamese name
Vietnamese alphabet Hán
Chữ Hán
Korean name
Revised Romanization han
Japanese name
Kana かん
Romanization kan

The name Han (/; pinyin: Hàn) derives from the Han dynasty (206 BC–AD 220), who presided over China’s first «golden age». The Han dynasty collapsed in 220 and was followed by a long period of disorder, including Three Kingdoms, Sixteen Kingdoms, and Southern and Northern dynasties periods. During these periods, various non-Han ethnic groups established various dynasties in northern China. It was during this period that people began to use the term «Han» to refer to the natives of North China, who (unlike the minorities) were the descendants of the subjects of the Han dynasty.

During the Yuan dynasty, subjects of the empire was divided into four classes: Mongols, Semu or «Colour-eyeds», Hans, and «Southerns». Northern Chinese were called Han, which was considered to be the highest class of Chinese. This class «Han» includes all ethnic groups in northern China including Khitan and Jurchen who have in most part sinicized during the last two hundreds years. The name «Han» became popularly accepted.

During the Qing dynasty, the Manchu rulers also used the name Han to distinguish the natives of the Central Plains from the Manchus. After the fall of the Qing government, the Han became the name of a nationality within China. Today the term «Han Persons», often rendered in English as Han Chinese, is used by the People’s Republic of China to refer to the most populous of the 56 officially recognized ethnic groups of China. The «Han Chinese» are simply referred to as «Chinese» by some.


Chinese name
Hanyu Pinyin Táng
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Táng
Bopomofo ㄊㄤˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Tarng
Wade–Giles Tʻang²
IPA [tʰǎŋ]
Romanization Daon
Romanization Tong
Romanization Tong11
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Tòhng
Jyutping Tong4
IPA [tʰɔ̏ːŋ]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tông/Tn̂g
Tâi-lô Tông/Tn̂g
Vietnamese name
Vietnamese alphabet Đường
Chữ Hán
Korean name
Revised Romanization dang
Japanese name
Kana とう (On), から (Kun)
Romanization (On), kara (Kun)

The name Tang (; pinyin: Táng) comes from the Tang dynasty (618–690, 705–907) that presided over China’s second golden age. It was during the Tang dynasty that South China was finally and fully Sinicized; Tang would become synonymous with China in Southern China and it is usually Southern Chinese who refer to themselves as «People of Tang» (唐人, pinyin: Tángrén).[55] For example, the sinicization and rapid development of Guangdong during the Tang period would lead the Cantonese to refer to themselves as Tong-yan (唐人) in Cantonese, while China is called Tong-saan (唐山; pinyin: Tángshān; lit. ‘Tang Mountain’).[56] Chinatowns worldwide, often dominated by Southern Chinese, also became referred to Tang people’s Street (唐人街, Cantonese: Tong-yan-gaai; pinyin: Tángrénjiē). The Cantonese term Tongsan (Tang mountain) is recorded in Old Malay as one of the local terms for China, along with the Sanskrit-derived Cina. It is still used in Malaysia today, usually in a derogatory sense.

Among Taiwanese, Tang mountain (Min-Nan: Tn̂g-soaⁿ) has been used, for example, in the saying, «has Tangshan father, no Tangshan mother» (有唐山公,無唐山媽; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Ū Tn̂g-soaⁿ kong, bô Tn̂g-soaⁿ má).[57][58] This refers how the Han people crossing the Taiwan Strait in the 17th and 18th centuries were mostly men, and that many of their offspring would be through intermarriage with Taiwanese aborigine women.

In Ryukyuan, karate was originally called tii (, hand) or karatii (唐手, Tang hand) because 唐ぬ國 too-nu-kuku or kara-nu-kuku (唐ぬ國) was a common Ryukyuan name for China; it was changed to karate (空手, open hand) to appeal to Japanese people after the First Sino-Japanese War.

Dalu and Neidi[edit]

Dàlù (大陸/大陆; pinyin: dàlù), literally «big continent» or «mainland» in this context, is used as a short form of Zhōnggúo Dàlù (中國大陸/中国大陆, Mainland China), excluding (depending on the context) Hong Kong and Macau, and/or Taiwan. This term is used in official context in both the mainland and Taiwan, when referring to the mainland as opposed to Taiwan. In certain contexts, it is equivalent to the term Neidi (内地; pinyin: nèidì, literally «the inner land»). While Neidi generally refers to the interior as opposed to a particular coastal or border location, or the coastal or border regions generally, it is used in Hong Kong specifically to mean mainland China excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Increasingly, it is also being used in an official context within mainland China, for example in reference to the separate judicial and customs jurisdictions of mainland China on the one hand and Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan on the other.

The term Neidi is also often used in Xinjiang and Tibet to distinguish the eastern provinces of China from the minority-populated, autonomous regions of the west.

Official names[edit]

People’s Republic of China[edit]

People’s Republic of China
PRC (Chinese characters.svg

«People’s Republic of China» in Simplified (top) and Traditional (bottom) Chinese characters

Chinese name
Simplified Chinese 中华人民共和国
Traditional Chinese 中華人民共和國
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ   ㄏㄨㄚˊ
ㄖㄣˊ   ㄇㄧㄣˊ
ㄍㄨㄥˋ   ㄏㄜˊ   ㄍㄨㄛˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Jonghwa Renmin Gonqhergwo
Wade–Giles Chung¹-hua² Jên²-min²
Tongyong Pinyin Jhonghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó
Yale Romanization Jūnghwá Rénmín Gùnghégwó
MPS2 Jūnghuá Rénmín Gùnghéguó
IPA [ʈʂʊ́ŋ.xwǎ ɻə̌n.mǐn kʊ̂ŋ.xɤ̌.kwǒ]
other Mandarin
Xiao’erjing ﺟْﻮﺧُﻮَ ژٌمٍ ﻗْﻮحْقُوَع
Dungan Җунхуа Жынмин Гунхәгуй
Sichuanese Pinyin Zong1 hua2 Zen2 min2
Gong4 hwe2 gwe2
Romanization tson gho zin min
gon ghu koh
Romanization Chungfa Ninmin Khungfokoet
IPA /tan33 go13 ŋin13 min13
gan45 gu13 kwɛ24/
Romanization dung24 fa11 ngin11 min11
kiung55 fo11 gued2
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-fà Ngìn-mìn
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Jùng’wàh Yàhnmàhn Guhng’wòhgwok
Jūng’wàh Yàhnmàhn Guhng’wòhgwok
Jyutping Zung1waa4 Jan4man4 Gung6wo4gwok3
IPA [tsôŋ.wȁː jɐ̏n.mɐ̏n kòŋ.wɔ̏ː.kʷɔ̄ːk̚]
[tsóŋ.wȁː jɐ̏n.mɐ̏n kòŋ.wɔ̏ː.kʷɔ̄ːk̚]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-hôa Jîn-bîn Kiōng-hô-kok
Tâi-lô Tiong-huâ Jîn-bîn Kiōng-hô-kok
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-huà Ìng-mìng
Pu-Xian Min
Hinghwa BUC De̤ng-huá Cíng-míng
Northern Min
Jian’ou Romanized Dô̤ng-uǎ Nêng-měng
Tibetan name
Tibetan ཀྲུང་ཧྭ་མི་དམངས་སྤྱི
Wylie krung hwa mi dmangs spyi mthun rgyal khab
Tibetan Pinyin Zhunghua Mimang Jitun Gyalkab
Vietnamese name
Vietnamese alphabet Cộng hoà Nhân dân Trung Hoa
Chữ Hán 共和人民中華
Thai name
Thai สาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีน
Zhuang name
Zhuang Cunghvaz Yinzminz Gunghozgoz
Mongolian name
Mongolian script ᠪᠦᠭᠦᠳᠡ
SASM/GNC Bügüde nayiramdaqu dumdadu arad ulus
Uyghur name
Uyghur جۇڭخۇا خەلق جۇمھۇرىيىتى
Latin Yëziqi Jungxua Xelq Jumhuriyiti
Yengi Yeziⱪ Junghua Həlⱪ Jumⱨuriyiti
SASM/GNC Junghua Hälk̂ Jumĥuriyiti
Siril Yëziqi Җуңхуа Хәлқ Җумһурийити
Manchu name
Manchu script ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ
Romanization Dulimbai niyalmairgen gunghe’ gurun

The name New China has been frequently applied to China by the Chinese Communist Party as a positive political and social term contrasting pre-1949 China (the establishment of the PRC) and the new name of the socialist state, Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó (in the older postal romanization, Chunghwa Jenmin Konghokuo) or the «People’s Republic of China» in English, was adapted from the CCP’s short-lived Chinese Soviet Republic in 1931. This term is also sometimes used by writers outside mainland China. The PRC was known to many in the West during the Cold War as «Communist China» or «Red China» to distinguish it from the Republic of China which is commonly called «Taiwan», «Nationalist China» or «Free China». In some contexts, particularly in economics, trade, and sports, «China» is often used to refer to mainland China to the exclusion of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

The official name of the People’s Republic of China in various official languages and scripts:

  • Simplified Chinese: 中华人民共和国 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó) – Official language and script, used in mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia
  • Traditional Chinese: 中華人民共和國 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó; Jyutping: Zung1waa4 Jan4man4 Gung6wo4gwok3) – Official script in Hong Kong and Macau, and commonly used in Taiwan (ROC)
  • English: People’s Republic of China – Official in Hong Kong
  • Kazakh: As used within the Republic of Kazakhstan, Қытай Халық Республикасы (in Cyrillic script), Qıtay Xalıq Respwblïkası (in Latin script), قىتاي حالىق رەسپۋبلىيكاسى (in Arabic script); as used within the People’s Republic of China, جۇڭحۋا حالىق رەسپۋبليكاسى (in Arabic script), Жұңxуа Халық Республикасы (in Cyrillic script), Juñxwa Xalıq Respwblïkası (in Latin script). The Cyrillic script is the predominant script in the Republic of Kazakhstan, while the Arabic script is normally used for the Kazakh language in the People’s Republic of China.
  • Korean: 중화 인민 공화국 (中華人民共和國; Junghwa Inmin Gonghwaguk) – Used in Yanbian Prefecture (Jilin) and Changbai County (Liaoning)
  • Manchurian: ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠯᠮᠠᡳᡵᡤᡝᠨ ᡤᡠᠨᡥᡝ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ (Dulimbai niyalmairgen gunghe’ gurun) or ᠵᡠᠩᡥᡡᠸᠠ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠯᠮᠠᡳᡵᡤᡝᠨ ᡤᡠᠨᡥᡝᡬᠣ (Junghūwa niyalmairgen gungheg’o)
  • Mongolian: ᠪᠦᠭᠦᠳᠡ ᠨᠠᠶᠢᠷᠠᠮᠳᠠᠬᠤ ᠳᠤᠮᠳᠠᠳᠤ ᠠᠷᠠᠳ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ (Bügüde nayiramdaqu dumdadu arad ulus) – Official in Inner Mongolia; Бүгд Найрамдах Хятад Ард Улс (Bügd Nairamdakh Khyatad Ard Uls) – used in Mongolia
  • Portuguese: República Popular da China – Official in Macau
  • Tibetan: ཀྲུང་ཧྭ་མི་དམངས་སྤྱི་མཐུན་རྒྱལ་ཁབ, Wylie: krung hwa mi dmangs spyi mthun rgyal khab, ZYPY: Zhunghua Mimang Jitun Gyalkab – Official in PRC’s Tibet
    • Tibetan: རྒྱ་ནག་མི་དམངས་སྤྱི་མཐུན་རྒྱལ་ཁབ, Wylie: rgya nag mi dmangs spyi mthun rgyal khab – Official in Tibet Government-in-Exile
  • Uighur: جۇڭخۇا خەلق جۇمھۇرىيىت (Jungxua Xelq Jumhuriyiti) – Official in Xinjiang
  • Yi: ꍏꉸꏓꂱꇭꉼꇩ (Zho huop rep mip gop hop guop) – Official in Liangshan (Sichuan) and several Yi-designated autonomous counties
  • Zaiwa: Zhunghua Mingbyu Muhum Mingdan – Official in Dehong (Yunnan)
  • Zhuang: Cunghvaz Yinzminz Gunghozgoz (Old orthography: Cuŋƅvaƨ Yinƨminƨ Guŋƅoƨ) – Official in Guangxi
  • Polish: Chińska Republika Ludowa — Official in Poland

The official name of the People’s Republic of China in major neighboring countries official languages and scripts:

  • Japanese: 中華人民共和国 (ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく, Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku) – Used in Japan
  • Russian: Китайская Народная Республика (Kitayskaya Narodnaya Respublika) – Used in Russia and Central Asia
  • Hindi: चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य (Cheenee janavaadee ganaraajy) – Used in India
  • Urdu: عوامی جمہوریہ چین (Awami Jamhoriya Cheen) – Used in Pakistan
  • Burmese: တရုတ်ပြည်သူ့သမ္မတနိုင်ငံ (Tarotepyishusammataninengan) – Used in Myanmar
  • Vietnamese: Cộng hòa Nhân dân Trung Hoa (共和人民中華) – Used in Vietnam
  • Thai: สาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีน (S̄āṭhārṇrạṭ̄h Prachāchn Cīn) – Used in Thailand
  • Khmer: សាធារណរដ្ឋប្រជាមានិតចិន – Used in Cambodia
  • Lao: ສາທາລະນະລັດປະຊາຊົນຈີນ (Sathalanalad Pasasonchin) – Used in Laos
  • Nepali: जन गणतान्त्रिक चीन (Jana Gaṇatāntrika Cīna) – Used in Nepal

Republic of China[edit]

Republic of China
ROC (Chinese characters).svg

«Republic of China» in Traditional (top) and Simplified (bottom) Chinese characters

Chinese name
Traditional Chinese 中華民國
Simplified Chinese 中华民国
Postal Chunghwa Minkuo
Literal meaning Central State People’s Country
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá Mínguó
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ   ㄏㄨㄚˊ
ㄇㄧㄣˊ   ㄍㄨㄛˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Jonghwa Min’gwo
Wade–Giles Chung¹-hua² Min²-kuo²
Tongyong Pinyin Jhonghuá Mínguó
Yale Romanization Jūnghwá Mín’gwó
MPS2 Jūnghuá Mínguó
IPA [ʈʂʊ́ŋ.xwǎ mǐn.kwǒ]
other Mandarin
Xiao’erjing ﺟْﻮ ﺧُﻮَ مٍ ﻗُﻮَع
Romanization tson gho min koh
Romanization tung1 fa4 min4 koet7 or
Chungfa Minkoet
Romanization dung24 fa11 min11 gued2
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-fà Mìn-koet
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Jùng’wàh Màhn’gwok or
Jūng’wàh Màhn’gwok
Jyutping Zung1waa4 Man4gwok3
IPA [tsôŋ.wȁː mɐ̏n.kʷɔ̄ːk̚] or
[tsóŋ.wȁː mɐ̏n.kʷɔ̄ːk̚]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-hôa Bîn-kok
Tâi-lô Tiong-huâ Bîn-kok
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-huà Mìng-guók
Chinese Taipei
Traditional Chinese 中華臺北 or
Simplified Chinese 中华台北
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Zhōnghuá Táiběi
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ   ㄏㄨㄚˊ
ㄊㄞˊ   ㄅㄟˇ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Jonghwa Tairbeei
Wade–Giles Chung¹-hua² Tʻai²-pei³
Tongyong Pinyin Jhonghuá Táiběi
Yale Romanization Jūnghwá Táiběi
MPS2 Jūnghuá Táiběi
IPA [ʈʂʊ́ŋ.xwǎ tʰǎɪ.pèɪ]
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-fà Thòi-pet
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Jùng’wàh Tòihbāk or
Jūng’wàh Tòihbāk
Jyutping Zung1waa4 Toi4bak1
IPA [tsôŋ.wȁː tʰɔ̏ːi.pɐ́k̚] or
[tsóŋ.wȁː tʰɔ̏ːi.pɐ́k̚]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-hôa Tâi-pak
Tâi-lô Tiong-huâ Tâi-pak
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-huà Dài-báe̤k
Separate Customs Territory of
Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu
Traditional Chinese 臺澎金馬
Simplified Chinese 台澎金马
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Tái-Péng-Jīn-Mǎ
Gèbié Guānshuì Lǐngyù
Bopomofo ㄊㄞˊ   ㄆㄥˊ   ㄐㄧㄣ   ㄇㄚˇ
ㄍㄜˋ   ㄅㄧㄝˊ
ㄍㄨㄢ   ㄕㄨㄟˋ   ㄌㄧㄥˇ   ㄩˋ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Tair Perng Jin Maa
Gehbye Guanshuey Liingyuh
Wade–Giles Tʻai² Pʻêng² Chin¹ Ma³
Ko⁴-pieh² Kuan¹-shui⁴ Ling³-yü⁴
Tongyong Pinyin Tái Péng Jin Mǎ
Gèbié Guanshuèi Lǐngyù
Yale Romanization Tái Péng Jīn Mǎ
Gèbyé Gwānshwèi Lǐngyù
MPS2 Tái Péng Jīn Mǎ
Gèbié Guānshuèi Lǐngyù
IPA [tʰǎɪ pʰə̌ŋ tɕín mà]
[kɤ̂.pjě kwán.ʂwêɪ lìŋ.ŷ]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tâi Phîⁿ (or Phêⁿ) Kim Bé
Kò-pia̍t Koan-sòe (or Koan-sè) Léng-he̍k (or Léng-e̍k)
Tâi-lô Tâi Phînn (or Phênn) Kim Bé
Kò-pia̍t Kuan-suè (or Kuan-sè) Líng-hi̍k (or Líng-i̍k)
Traditional Chinese 臺灣 or 台灣
Simplified Chinese 台湾
Postal Taiwan
Literal meaning Terraced Bay
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Táiwān
Bopomofo ㄊㄞˊ   ㄨㄢ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Tair’uan
Wade–Giles Tʻai²-wan¹
Tongyong Pinyin Táiwan
Yale Romanization Táiwān
MPS2 Táiwān
IPA [tʰǎɪ.wán]
other Mandarin
Dungan Тэван
Romanization The-uae
[d̥e uɛ]
IPA dwɛ13 ua44
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Thòi-vàn or Thòi-vân
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Tòihwāan
Jyutping Toi4waan1
IPA [tʰɔ̏ːi.wáːn]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tâi-oân
Tâi-lô Tâi-uân
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dài-uăng
Portuguese: (Ilha) Formosa
Traditional Chinese 福爾摩沙
Simplified Chinese 福尔摩沙
Literal meaning beautiful island
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Fú’ěrmóshā
Bopomofo ㄈㄨˊ   ㄦˇ   ㄇㄛˊ   ㄕㄚ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Fwueelmosha
Wade–Giles Fu²-êrh³-mo²-sha¹
Tongyong Pinyin Fú’ěrmósha
Yale Romanization Fúěrmwóshā
MPS2 Fúěrmóshā
IPA [fǔ.àɚ.mwǒ.ʂá]
Yue: Cantonese
Jyutping Fuk1ji5mo1saa1
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Hok-ní-mô͘-sa
Republic of Taiwan
Traditional Chinese 臺灣民國 or 台灣民國
Simplified Chinese 台湾民国
Postal Taiwan Minkuo
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Táiwān Mínguó
Bopomofo ㄊㄞˊ   ㄨㄢ
ㄇㄧㄣˊ   ㄍㄨㄛˊ
Gwoyeu Romatzyh Tair’uan Min’gwo
Wade–Giles Tʻai²-wan¹ Min²-kuo²
Tongyong Pinyin Táiwan Mínguó
Yale Romanization Táiwān Mín’gwó
MPS2 Táiwān Mínguó
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Thòi-vàn Mìn-koet or Thòi-vân Mìn-koet
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tâi-oân Bîn-kok
Tâi-lô Tâi-uân Bîn-kok
Tibetan name
Tibetan ཀྲུང་ཧྭ་དམངས་གཙོའི།
Wylie krung hwa dmangs gtso’i rgyal khab
Vietnamese name
Vietnamese alphabet Trung Hoa Dân Quốc
Chữ Hán 中華民國
Zhuang name
Zhuang Cunghvaz Minzgoz
Korean name
Hangul 중화민국
Hanja 中華民國
Revised Romanization Junghwa Minguk
Mongolian name
Mongolian Cyrillic Дундад иргэн улс
Mongolian script ᠳᠤᠮᠳᠠᠳᠤ
SASM/GNC Dumdadu irgen ulus
Japanese name
Kanji 中華民国
Kana ちゅうかみんこく
Romanization Chūka Minkoku
Uyghur name
Uyghur جۇڭخۇا مىنگو
Latin Yëziqi Jungxua Mingo
Yengi Yeziⱪ Junghua Mingo
Siril Yëziqi Җуңхуа Минго
Manchu name
Manchu script ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ
Romanization Dulimbai irgen’ Gurun

In 1912, China adopted its official name, Chunghwa Minkuo (rendered in pinyin Zhōnghuá Mínguó) or in English as the «Republic of China», which also has sometimes been referred to as «Republican China» or the «Republican Era» (民國時代), in contrast to the empire it replaced, or as «Nationalist China«, after the ruling Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang). 中華 (Chunghwa) is a term that pertains to «China» while 民國 (Minkuo), literally «People’s State» or «Peopledom», stands for «republic».[59][60] The name had stemmed from the party manifesto of Tongmenghui in 1905, which says the four goals of the Chinese revolution was «to expel the Manchu rulers, to revive Chunghwa, to establish a Republic, and to distribute land equally among the people.(Chinese: 驅除韃虜, 恢復中華, 創立民國, 平均地權; pinyin: Qūchú dálǔ, huīfù Zhōnghuá, chuànglì mínguó, píngjūn dì quán).» The convener of Tongmenghui and Chinese revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen proposed the name Chunghwa Minkuo as the assumed name of the new country when the revolution succeeded.

With the separation from mainland China in 1949 as a result of the Chinese Civil War, the territory of the Republic of China has largely been confined to the island of Taiwan and some other small islands. Thus, the country is often simply referred to as simply «Taiwan«, although this may not be perceived as politically neutral. (See Taiwan Independence.) Amid the hostile rhetoric of the Cold War, the government and its supporters sometimes referred to itself as «Free China» or «Liberal China», in contrast to People’s Republic of China (which was historically called the «Bandit-occupied Area» (匪區) by the ROC). In addition, the ROC, due to pressure from the PRC, was forced to use the name «Chinese Taipei» (中華台北) whenever it participates in international forums or most sporting events such as the Olympic Games.

Taiwanese politician Mei Feng had criticised the official English name of the state «Republic of China» fails to translate the Chinese character «Min» (Chinese: English: people) according to Sun Yat-sen’s original interpretations, while the name should instead be translated as «the People’s Republic of China,» which confuses with the current official name of China under communist control.[61] To avoid confusion, the Chen Shui-ban led DPP administration began to put an aside of «Taiwan» next to the nation’s official name since 2005.[62]

The official name of the Republic of China in various official languages and scripts:

  • English: Republic of China – Official in Hong Kong, commonly used by the United States until 1979, Chinese Taipei – official designation in several international organizations (International Olympic Committee, FIFA, Miss Universe, World Health Organization), Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu – World Trade Organization, Governing authorities on Taiwan – Official name used by the United States from 1979
  • Traditional Chinese: 中華民國 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Mínguó; Jyutping: Zung1waa4 Man4gwok3), 中華臺北 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Táiběi), 臺澎金馬個別關稅領域 (pinyin: Tái-Péng-Jīn-Mǎ Gèbié Guānshuì Lǐngyù), 臺灣 (pinyin: Táiwān) – Official script in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and the islands controlled by the ROC
  • Simplified Chinese: 中华民国 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Mínguó), 中華台北 (pinyin: Zhōnghuá Táiběi), 台澎金马个别关税领域 (pinyin: Tái-Péng-Jīn-Mǎ Gèbié Guānshuì Lǐngyù), 台湾 (pinyin: Táiwān) – Official language and script, used in Mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia
  • Kazakh: As used within Republic of Kazakhstan, Қытай Республикасы (in Cyrillic script), Qıtay Respwblïkası (in Latin script), قىتاي رەسپۋبلىيكاسى (in Arabic script); as used within the People’s Republic of China, Жұңxуа Республикасы (in Cyrillic script), Juñxwa Respwblïkası (in Latin script), جۇڭحۋا رەسپۋبليكاسى (in Arabic script). The Cyrillic script is the predominant script in the Republic of Kazakhstan, while the Arabic script is normally used for the Kazakh language in the People’s Republic of China.
  • Korean: 중화민국 (中華民國; Junghwa Minguk) – Official in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture
  • Manchurian: ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ
    (Dulimbai irgen’ gurun)
  • Mongolian: ᠳᠤᠮᠳᠠᠳᠤ
    Дундад иргэн улс (Dumdadu irgen ulus) – Official for its history name before 1949 in Inner Mongolia and Mongolia; Бүгд Найрамдах Хятад Улс (Bügd Nairamdakh Khyatad Uls) – used in Mongolia for Roc in Taiwan
  • Portuguese: República da China – Official in Macau, Formosa – former name
  • Tibetan: ཀྲུང་ཧྭ་དམངས་གཙོའི་རྒྱལ་ཁབ།, Wylie: krung hwa dmangs gtso’i rgyal khab, ZYPY: Zhunghua Mang Zoi Gyalkab, Tibetan: ཐའེ་ཝན།, Wylie: tha’e wan – Official in PRC’s Tibet
    • Tibetan: རྒྱ་ནག་དམངས་གཙོའི་རྒྱལ་ཁབ, Wylie: rgya nag dmangs gtso’i rgyal khab – Official in Tibet Government-in-Exile
  • Uighur: جۇڭخۇا مىنگو, romanized: Jungxua Mingo – Official in Xinjiang
  • Yi: ꍏꉸꂱꇩ (Zho huop mip guop) – Official in Liangshan (Sichuan) and several Yi-designated autonomous counties
  • Zaiwa: Zhunghua Mindan – Official in Dehong (Yunnan)
  • Zhuang: Cunghvaz Mingoz (Old orthography: Cuŋƅvaƨ Minƨƅoƨ) – Official in Guangxi

The official name of the Republic of China in major neighboring countries official languages and scripts:

  • Japanese: 中華民国 (ちゅうかみんこく; Chūka Minkoku) – Used in Japan
  • Korean: 중화민국 (中華民國; Junghwa Minguk) – Used in Korea
  • Russian: Китайская Республика (Kitayskaya Respublika) – Used in Russia and Central Asia
  • Hindi: चीनी गणराज्य (Cīna Gaṇrājya) – Used in India
  • Urdu: جمہوریہ چین (Jumhūriyā Cīn) – Used in Pakistan
  • Burmese: တရုတ်သမ္မတနိုင်ငံ (Tarotesammataninengan) – Used in Myanmar
  • Vietnamese: Trung Hoa Dân Quốc (中華民國), Cộng hòa Trung Hoa (共和中華), Đài Loan (臺灣), Đài Bắc Trung Hoa (臺北中華) – Used in Vietnam
  • Thai: สาธารณรัฐจีน (S̄āṭhārṇrạṭ̄h Cīn) – Used in Thailand (during 1912–1949)
  • Khmer: សាធារណរដ្ឋចិន – Used in Cambodia
  • Lao: ສາທາລະນະລັດຈີນ (Sathalanalad Chin) – Used in Laos
  • Nepali: गणतन्त्र चीन (Gaṇatāntrika Cīna) – Used in Nepal

Names in non-Chinese records[edit]

Names used in the parts of Asia, especially East and Southeast Asia, are usually derived directly from words in one of the languages of China. Those languages belonging to a former dependency (tributary) or Chinese-influenced country have an especially similar pronunciation to that of Chinese. Those used in Indo-European languages, however, have indirect names that came via other routes and may bear little resemblance to what is used in China.

Chin, China[edit]

Further information: Chinas

English, most Indo-European languages, and many others use various forms of the name China and the prefix «Sino-» or «Sin-» from the Latin Sina.[63][64] Europeans had knowledge of a country known in Greek as Thina or Sina from the early period;[65] the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea from perhaps the first century AD recorded a country known as Thin (θίν).[66] The English name for «China» itself is derived from Middle Persian (Chīnī چین). This modern word «China» was first used by Europeans starting with Portuguese explorers of the 16th century – it was first recorded in 1516 in the journal of the Portuguese explorer Duarte Barbosa.[67][68] The journal was translated and published in England in 1555.[69]

The traditional etymology, proposed in the 17th century by Martin Martini and supported by later scholars such as Paul Pelliot and Berthold Laufer, is that the word «China» and its related terms are ultimately derived from the polity known as Qin that unified China to form the Qin Dynasty (, Old Chinese: *dzin) in the 3rd century BC, but existed as a state on the furthest west of China since the 9th century BC.[65][70][71] This is still the most commonly held theory, although the etymology is still a matter of debate according to the Oxford English Dictionary,[72] and many other suggestions have been mooted.[73][74]

The existence of the word Cīna in ancient Indian texts was noted by the Sanskrit scholar Hermann Jacobi who pointed out its use in the Book 2 of Arthashastra with reference to silk and woven cloth produced by the country of Cīna, although textual analysis suggests that Book 2 may not have been written long before 150 AD.[75] The word is also found in other Sanskrit texts such as the Mahābhārata and the Laws of Manu.[76] The Indologist Patrick Olivelle argued that the word Cīnā may not have been known in India before the first century BC, nevertheless he agreed that it probably referred to Qin but thought that the word itself was derived from a Central Asian language.[77] Some Chinese and Indian scholars argued for the state of Jing (, another name for Chu) as the likely origin of the name.[74] Another suggestion, made by Geoff Wade, is that the Cīnāh in Sanskrit texts refers to an ancient kingdom centered in present-day Guizhou, called Yelang, in the south Tibeto-Burman highlands.[76] The inhabitants referred to themselves as Zina according to Wade.[78]

The term China can also be used to refer to:

  • a modern state, indicating the People’s Republic of China (PRC) or the Republic of China (ROC), where recognized;
  • «Mainland China» (中國大陸/中国大陆, Zhōngguó Dàlù in Mandarin), which is the territory of the PRC minus the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau;
  • «China proper», a term used to refer to the historical heartlands of China without peripheral areas like Manchuria, Inner Mongolia, Tibet, and Xinjiang

In economic contexts, «Greater China» (大中華地區/大中华地区, dà Zhōnghuá dìqū) is intended to be a neutral and non-political way to refer to Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Sinologists usually use «Chinese» in a more restricted sense, akin to the classical usage of Zhongguo, to the Han ethnic group, which makes up the bulk of the population in China and of the overseas Chinese.

Barbuda’s 1584 map, also published by Ortelius, already applies the name China to the entire country. However, for another century many European maps continued to show Cathay as well, usually somewhere north of the Great Wall

List of derived terms[edit]

  • Afrikaans: Sjina, spelling now obsolete and spelled as China (pronunciation is the same) (pronounced [ˈʃina])
  • Albanian: Kinë (pronounced [kinə])
  • Amharic: Chayna (from English)
  • Armenian: Չինաստան (pronounced [t͡ʃʰinɑsˈtɑn])
  • Assamese: চীন (pronounced [sin])
  • Azeri: Çin (IPA: [tʃin])
  • Basque: Txina (IPA: [tʃina])
  • Bengali: চীন (pronounced [ˈtʃiːn])
  • Burma: တရုတ် (pronounced [θˈjəʊt])
  • Catalan: Xina ([ˈ(t)ʃi.nə])
  • Chinese: 支那 Zhīnà (obsolete and considered offensive due to historical Japanese usage; originated from early Chinese translations of Buddhist texts in Sanskrit)
  • Chinese: 震旦 Zhèndàn transcription of the Sanskrit/Pali «Cīnasthāna» in the Buddhist texts.
  • Czech: Čína (pronounced [ˈtʃiːna])
  • Danish: Kina (pronounced [ˈkʰiːnɑ])
  • Dutch: China ([ʃiːnɑ])
  • English: China
  • Esperanto: Ĉinujo or Ĉinio, or Ĥinujo (archaic)
  • Estonian: Hiina (pronounced [hiːnɑ])
  • Filipino: Tsina ([tʃina])
  • Finnish: Kiina (pronounced [ˈkiːnɑ])
  • French: Chine ([ʃin])
  • Galician: China (pronounced [ˈtʃinɐ])
  • Georgian: ჩინეთი (pronounced [tʃinɛtʰi])
  • German: China ([ˈçiːna] and [ʃiːnɑ], in the southern part of the German-speaking area also [ˈkiːna])
  • Greek: Κίνα (Kína) ([ˈcina])
  • Gujarati: Cīn ચીન (IPA [ˈtʃin])
  • Hindustani: Cīn चीन or چين (IPA [ˈtʃiːn])
  • Hungarian: Kína ([ˈkiːnɒ])
  • Icelandic: Kína ([cʰiːna])
  • Indonesian: Cina ([tʃina])
  • Interlingua: China
  • Irish: An tSín ([ənˠ ˈtʲiːnʲ])
  • Italian: Cina ([ˈtʃiːna])
  • Japanese: Shina (支那) – considered offensive in China, now largely obsolete in Japan and avoided out of deference to China (the name Chūgoku [tɕɯɡokɯ] is used instead); See Shina (word) and kotobagari.
  • Javanese: ꦕꦶꦤ Cina (low speech level); ꦕꦶꦤ꧀ꦠꦼꦤ꧀ Cinten (high speech level)
  • Kapampangan: Sina
  • Khmer: ចិន ( [cən])
  • Korean: Jina (지나; [t͡ɕinɐ])[citation needed]
  • Latvian: Ķīna ([ˈciːna])
  • Lithuanian: Kinija ([kʲɪnʲijaː])
  • Macedonian: Кина (Kina) ([kinə])
  • Malay: Cina ([tʃina])
  • Malayalam: Cheenan/Cheenathi
  • Maltese: Ċina ([ˈtʃiːna])
  • Marathi: Cīn चीन (IPA [ˈtʃiːn])
  • Nepali: Cīn चीन (IPA [ˈtsin])
  • Norwegian: Kina ([ˈçìːnɑ])
  • Pahlavi: Čīnī
  • Persian: Chīn چين ([tʃin])
  • Polish: Chiny ([ˈçinɨ])
  • Portuguese: China ([ˈʃinɐ])
  • Romanian: China ([ˈkina])
  • Serbo-Croatian: Kina or Кина ([ˈkina])
  • Sinhala: Chinaya චීනය
  • Slovak: Čína ([ˈtʂiːna])
  • Spanish: China ([ˈtʃina])
  • Somali: Shiinaha
  • Swedish: Kina ([ˈɕîːna])
  • Tamil: Cīnam (சீனம்)
  • Thai: จีน (RTGS: Chin [t͡ɕiːn])
  • Tibetan: Rgya Nag (རྒྱ་ནག་)
  • Turkish: Çin ([tʃin])
  • Vietnamese: Chấn Đán 震旦 ([t͡ɕən ɗǎn] or Chi Na 支那 ([ci na])(in Buddhist texts).
  • Welsh: Tsieina ([ˈtʃəina])

Seres, Ser, Serica[edit]

Sēres (Σῆρες) was the Ancient Greek and Roman name for the northwestern part of China and its inhabitants. It meant «of silk,» or «land where silk comes from.» The name is thought to derive from the Chinese word for silk, (/; Middle Chinese , Old Chinese *slɯ, per Zhengzhang). It is itself at the origin of the Latin for silk, «sērica«. See the main article Serica for more details.

  • Ancient Greek: Σῆρες Seres, Σηρικός Serikos
  • Latin: Serica
  • Old Irish: Seiria, as seen in Dúan in chóicat cest[79]

This may be a back formation from sērikos (σηρικός), «made of silk», from sēr (σήρ), «silkworm», in which case Sēres is «the land where silk comes from.»

Sinae, Sin [edit]

A mid-15th century map based on Ptolemy’s manuscript Geography. Serica and Sina are marked as separate countries (top right and right respectively).

Sīnae was an ancient Greek and Roman name for some people who dwelt south of the Seres (Serica) in the eastern extremity of the habitable world. References to the Sinae include mention of a city that the Romans called Sēra Mētropolis, which may be modern Chang’an. The Latin prefixes Sino- and Sin- as well as words such as Sinica, which are traditionally used to refer to China or the Chinese, came from Sīnae.[80] It is generally thought that Chīna, Sīna and Thīna are variants that ultimately derived from Qin, which was the westernmost state in China that eventually formed the Qin Dynasty.[66] There are however other opinions on its etymology (See section on China above). Henry Yule thought that this term may have come to Europe through the Arabs, who made the China of the farther east into Sin, and perhaps sometimes into Thin.[81] Hence the Thin of the author of the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, who appears to be the first extant writer to employ the name in this form; hence also the Sinæ and Thinae of Ptolemy.[65][66]

Some denied that Ptolemy’s Sinae really represented the Chinese as Ptolemy called the country Sērice and the capital Sēra, but regarded them as distinct from Sīnae.[66][82] Marcian of Heraclea (a condenser of Ptolemy) tells us that the «nations of the Sinae lie at the extremity of the habitable world, and adjoin the eastern Terra incognita». The 6th century Cosmas Indicopleustes refers to a «country of silk» called Tzinista, which is understood as referring to China, beyond which «there is neither navigation nor any land to inhabit».[83] It seems probable that the same region is meant by both. According to Henry Yule, Ptolemy’s misrendering of the Indian Sea as a closed basin meant that Ptolemy must also have misplaced the Chinese coast, leading to the misconception of Serica and Sina as separate countries.[81]

In the Hebrew Bible, there is a mention of a faraway country Sinim in the Book of Isaiah 49:12 which some had assumed to be a reference to China.[66][84] In Genesis 10:17, a tribes called the Sinites were said to be the descendants of Canaan, the son of Ham, but they are usually considered to be a different people, probably from the northern part of Lebanon.[85][86]

  • Arabic: Ṣīn صين
  • French/English (prefix of adjectives): Sino- (i.e. Sino-American), Sinitic (the Chinese language family).
  • Hebrew: Sin סין
  • Irish: An tSín
  • Latin: Sīnae
  • Scottish Gaelic: Sìona


This group of names derives from Khitan, an ethnic group that originated in Manchuria and conquered parts of Northern China early tenth century forming the Liao dynasty, and later in the twelfth century dominated Central Asia as the Kara Khitan Khanate. Due to long period of domination of Northern China and then Central Asia by these nomadic conquerors, the name Khitan become associated with China to the people in and around the northwestern region. Muslim historians referred to the Kara Khitan state as Khitay or Khitai; they may have adopted this form of «Khitan» via the Uyghurs of Kocho in whose language the final -n or -ń became -y.[87] The name was then introduced to medieval and early modern Europe through Islamic and Russian sources.[88] In English and in several other European languages, the name «Cathay» was used in the translations of the adventures of Marco Polo, which used this word for northern China. Words related to Khitay are still used in many Turkic and Slavic languages to refer to China. However, its use by Turkic speakers within China, such as the Uyghurs, is considered pejorative by the Chinese authority who tried to ban it.[88]

  • Belarusian: Кітай (Kitay, [kʲiˈtaj])
  • Bulgarian: Китай (Kitay, IPA: [kiˈtaj])
  • Buryat: Хитад (Khitad)
  • Classical Mongolian: Kitad[89]
  • English: Cathay
  • French: Cathay
  • Kazakh: Қытай (Qıtay; [qətɑj])
  • Kazan Tatar: Кытай (Qıtay)
  • Kyrgyz: Кытай (Kıtaj; [qɯˈtɑj])
  • Medieval Latin: Cataya, Kitai
  • Mongolian: Хятад (Khyatad) (the name for China used in the State of Mongolia)
  • Polish: Kitaj ([ˈkʲi.taj]; now archaic)
  • Portuguese: Catai ([kɐˈtaj])
  • Russian: Китай (Kitay, IPA: [kʲɪˈtaj])
  • Serbo-Croatian: Kitaj or Китај (now archaic; from Russian)
  • Slovene: Kitajska ([kiːˈtajska])
  • Spanish: Catay
  • Tajik: Хитой («Khitoy»)
  • Turkmen: Hytaý («Хытай»)
  • Ukrainian: Китай (Kytai)
  • Uighur: خىتاي, romanized: Xitay
  • Uzbek: Xitoy (Хитой)

There is no evidence that either in the 13th or 14th century, Cathayans, i.e. Chinese, travelled officially to Europe, but it is possible that some did, in unofficial capacities, at least in the 13th century. During the campaigns of Hulagu (the grandson of Genghis Khan) in Persia (1256–65), and the reigns of his successors, Chinese engineers were employed on the banks of the Tigris, and Chinese astrologers and physicians could be consulted. Many diplomatic communications passed between the Hulaguid Ilkhans and Christian princes. The former, as the great khan’s liegemen, still received from him their seals of state; and two of their letters which survive in the archives of France exhibit the vermilion impressions of those seals in Chinese characters—perhaps affording the earliest specimen of those characters to reach western Europe.


The word Tabgach came from the metatheses of Tuoba (*t’akbat), a dominant tribe of the Xianbei and the surname of the Northern Wei emperors in the 5th century before sinicisation. It referred to Northern China, which was dominated by part-Xianbei, part-Han people.

  • Byzantine Greek: Taugats
  • Orhon Kok-Turk: Tabgach (variations Tamgach)


Nikan (Manchu: ᠨᡳᡴᠠᠨ, means «Han/China») was a Manchu ethnonym of unknown origin that referred specifically to the ethnic group known in English as the Han Chinese; the stem of this word was also conjugated as a verb, nikara(-mbi), and used to mean «to speak the Chinese language.» Since Nikan was essentially an ethnonym and referred to a group of people (i.e., a nation) rather than to a political body (i.e., a state), the correct translation of «China (proper)» into the Manchu language is Nikan gurun, literally the «Nikan state» or «country of the Nikans» (i.e., country of the Hans).[citation needed]

This exonym for the Han Chinese is also used in the Daur language, in which it appears as Niaken ([njakən] or [ɲakən]).[90] As in the case of the Manchu language, the Daur word Niaken is essentially an ethnonym, and the proper way to refer to the country of the Han Chinese (i.e., «China» in a cultural sense) is Niaken gurun, while niakendaaci- is a verb meaning «to talk in Chinese.»


Japanese: Kara (から; variously written in kanji as or ). An identical name was used by the ancient and medieval Japanese to refer to the country that is now known as Korea, and many Japanese historians and linguists believe that the word «Kara» referring to China and/or Korea may have derived from a metonymic extension of the appellation of the ancient city-states of Gaya.

The Japanese word karate (空手, lit. «empty hand») is derived from the Okinawan word karatii (唐手, lit. «Chinese/Asian/foreign hand/trick/means/method/style») and refers to Okinawan martial arts; the character for kara was changed to remove the connotation of the style originating in China.


Japanese: Morokoshi (もろこし; variously written in kanji as or 唐土). This obsolete Japanese name for China is believed to have derived from a kun reading of the Chinese compound 諸越 Zhūyuè or 百越
Bǎiyuè as «all the Yue» or «the hundred (i.e., myriad, various, or numerous) Yue,» which was an ancient Chinese name for the societies of the regions that are now southern China.

The Japanese common noun tōmorokoshi (トウモロコシ, 玉蜀黍), which refers to maize, appears to contain an element cognate with the proper noun formerly used in reference to China. Although tōmorokoshi is traditionally written with Chinese characters that literally mean «jade Shu millet,» the etymology of the Japanese word appears to go back to «Tang morokoshi,» in which «morokoshi» was the obsolete Japanese name for China as well as the Japanese word for sorghum, which seems to have been introduced into Japan from China.


1837 map of Mongol Empire, showing Mangi in southern China

From Chinese Manzi (southern barbarians). The division of North China and South China under the Jin dynasty and Song dynasty weakened the idea of a unified China, and it was common for non-Han peoples to refer to the politically disparate North and South by different names for some time. While Northern China was called Cathay, Southern China was referred to as Mangi. Manzi often appears in documents of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty as a disparaging term for Southern China. The Mongols also called Southern Chinese Nangkiyas or Nangkiyad, and considered them ethnically distinct from North Chinese. The word Manzi reached the Western world as Mangi (as used by Marco Polo), which is a name commonly found on medieval maps. Note however that the Chinese themselves considered Manzi to be derogatory and never used it as a self-appellation.[91][92] Some early scholars believed Mangi to be a corruption of the Persian Machin (ماچين) and Arabic Māṣīn (ماصين), which may be a mistake as these two forms are derived from the Sanskrit Maha Chin meaning Great China.[93]

  • Chinese: Manzi (蠻子)
  • Latin: Mangi

See also[edit]

  • Little China (ideology)
  • Chinese romanization
  • List of country name etymologies
  • Names of the Qing dynasty
  • Names of India
  • Names of Japan
  • Names of Korea
  • Names of Vietnam
  • Île-de-France, similar French concept



  1. ^ Bilik, Naran (2015), «Reconstructing China beyond Homogeneity», Patriotism in East Asia, Political Theories in East Asian Context, Abingdon: Routledge, p. 105
  2. ^ a b Wilkinson 2015, p. 191.
  3. ^ Esherick (2006), p. 232–233
  4. ^ a b Zarrow, Peter Gue (2012). After Empire: The Conceptual Transformation of the Chinese State, 1885-1924. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. ISBN 9780804778688., p. 93-94.
  5. ^ Zuozhuan «Duke Min — 1st year — zhuan» quote: «諸夏親暱不可棄也» translation: «The various Xia are close intimates and can not be abandoned»
  6. ^ Du Yu, Chunqiu Zuozhuan — Collected Explanations, «Vol. 4» p. 136 of 186. quote: «諸夏中國也»
  7. ^ Zuozhuan «Duke Xiang — 4th year — zhuan» quote: «諸華必叛» translation: «The various Hua would surely revolt»
  8. ^ Du Yu, Chunqiu Zuozhuan — Collected Explanations, «Vol. 15». p. 102 of 162 quote: «諸華中國»
  9. ^ Ban Wang. Chinese Visions of World Order: Tian, Culture and World Politics. pp. 270–272.
  10. ^ Tackett, Nicolas (2017). Origins of the Chinese Nation: Song China and the Forging of an East Asian World Order. Cambridge University Press. pp. 4, 161–2, 174, 194, 208, 280. ISBN 9781107196773.
  11. ^ Classic of Poetry, «Major Hymns — Min Lu» quote: «惠此中國、以綏四方。…… 惠此京師、以綏四國 。
    » Legge’s translation: «Let us cherish this centre of the kingdom, to secure the repose of the four quarters of it. […] Let us cherish this capital, to secure the repose of the States in the four quarters.»
  12. ^ Zhu Xi (publisher, 1100s), Collected Commentaries on the Classic of Poetry (詩經集傳) «Juan A (卷阿)» p. 68 of 198 quote: «中國京師也。四方,諸夏也。京師,諸夏之根本也。» translation: «The centre of the kingdom means the capital. The four quarters mean the various Xia. The capital is the root of the various Xia.»
  13. ^ Shiji, «Annals of the Five Emperors» quote: «舜曰:「天也」,夫而後之中國踐天子位焉,是為帝舜。» translation: «Shun said, ‘It is from Heaven.’ Afterwards he went to the capital, sat on the Imperial throne, and was styled Emperor Shun.»
  14. ^ Pei Yin, Records of the Grand Historian — Collected Explanation Vol. 1 «劉熈曰……帝王所為中故曰中國» translation: «Liu Xi said: […] Wherever emperors and kings established their capitals is taken as the center; hence the appellation the central region«
  15. ^ Shiji, «Annals of Emperor Xiaowu»
  16. ^ Shiji «Treatise about the Feng Shan sacrifices»
  17. ^ Zuo zhuan, «Duke Xiang, year 26, zhuan» text: «楚失華夏.» translation: «Chu lost (the political allegiance of / the political influence over) the flourishing and grand (states).»
  18. ^ Huan Wen (347 CE). «Memorial Recommending Qiao Yuanyan» (薦譙元彥表), quoted in Sun Sheng’s Annals of Jin (晉陽秋) (now-lost), quoted in Pei Songzhi’s annotations to Chen Shou, Records of the Three Kingdoms, «Biography of Qiao Xiu» quote: «於時皇極遘道消之會,群黎蹈顛沛之艱,中華有顧瞻之哀,幽谷無遷喬之望。»
  19. ^ Farmer, J. Michael (2017) «Sanguo Zhi Fascicle 42: The Biography of Qiao Zhou», Early Medieval China, 23, 22-41, p. 39. quote: «At this time, the imperial court has encountered a time of decline in the Way, the peasants have been trampled down by oppressive hardships, Zhonghua has the anguish of looking backward [toward the former capital at Luoyang], and the dark valley has no hope of moving upward.» DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2017.1379725
  20. ^ Fourmont, Etienne. «Linguae Sinarum Mandarinicae hieroglyphicae grammatica duplex, latinè, & cum characteribus Sinensium. Item Sinicorum Regiae Bibliothecae librorum catalogus… (A Chinese grammar published in 1742 in Paris)». Archived from the original on 2012-03-06.
  21. ^ Jiang 2011, p. 103.
  22. ^ Peter K Bol, «Geography and Culture: Middle-Period Discourse on the Zhong Guo: The Central Country,» (2009), 1, 26.
  23. ^ Esherick (2006), pp. 232–233
  24. ^ Hauer 2007, p. 117.
  25. ^ Dvořák 1895, p. 80.
  26. ^ Wu 1995, p. 102.
  27. ^ Zhao (2006), p. 7.
  28. ^ Zhao (2006), p. 4, 7–10, 12–14.
  29. ^ Mosca 2011, p. 94.
  30. ^ Dunnell 2004, p. 77.
  31. ^ Dunnell 2004, p. 83.
  32. ^ Elliott 2001, p. 503.
  33. ^ Dunnell 2004, pp. 76-77.
  34. ^ Cassel 2011, p. 205.
  35. ^ Cassel 2012, p. 205.
  36. ^ Cassel 2011, p. 44.
  37. ^ Cassel 2012, p. 44.
  38. ^ Perdue 2009, p. 218.
  39. ^ Elliot 2000, p. 638.
  40. ^ Barabantseva 2010, p. 20.
  41. ^ Esherick (2006), p. 232
  42. ^ Esherick (2006), p. 251
  43. ^ Liang quoted in Esherick (2006), p. 235, from Liang Qichao, «Zhongguo shi xulun» Yinbinshi heji 6:3 and in Lydia He Liu, The Clash of Empires: The Invention of China in Modern World Making (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004), pp. 77–78.
  44. ^ Douglas R. Reynolds. China, 1898–1912: The Xinzheng Revolution and Japan. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1993 ISBN 0674116607), pp. 215–16 n. 20.
  45. ^ Henrietta Harrison. China (London: Arnold; New York: Oxford University Press; Inventing the Nation Series, 2001. ISBN 0-340-74133-3), pp. 103–104.
  46. ^ Endymion Wilkinson, Chinese History: A Manual (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Rev. and enl., 2000 ISBN 0-674-00247-4 ), 132.
  47. ^ Lydia He. LIU; Lydia He Liu (30 June 2009). The Clash of Empires: the invention of China in modern world making. Harvard University Press. pp. 80–. ISBN 978-0-674-04029-8.
  48. ^ Wilkinson, p. 132.
  49. ^ Wilkinson 2012, p. 191.
  50. ^ Between 1967 and 2014, «Cina»/»China» is used. It was officially reverted to «Tiongkok» in 2014 by order of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono due to anti-discriminatory reasons, but usage is unforced.
  51. ^ 孔穎達《春秋左傳正義》:「中國有禮儀之大,故稱夏;有服章之美,謂之華。」
  52. ^ a b c Wang, Zhang (2014). Never Forget National Humiliation: Historical Memory in Chinese Politics and Foreign Relations. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-2311-4891-7.
  53. ^ a b c «‘Celestial’ origins come from long ago in Chinese history». Mail Tribune. Rosebud Media LLC. 20 January 2011. Retrieved 25 November 2019.
  54. ^ Hughes, April D. (2021). Worldly Saviors and Imperial Authority in Medieval Chinese Buddhism. University of Hawaii Press. p. 103. Attesting Illumination states that two saviors will manifest in the Divine Realm (shenzhou 神州; i.e. China) 799 years after Śākyamuni Buddha’s nirvāṇa.
  55. ^ Dillon, Michael (13 September 2013). China: A Cultural and Historical Dictionary. Routledge. p. 132. ISBN 9781136791413.
  56. ^ H. Mark Lai (4 May 2004). Becoming Chinese American: A History of Communities and Institutions. AltaMira Press. pp. 7–8. ISBN 9780759104587.
  57. ^ Tai, Pao-tsun (2007). The Concise History of Taiwan (Chinese-English bilingual ed.). Nantou City: Taiwan Historica. p. 52. ISBN 9789860109504.
  58. ^ «Entry #60161 (有唐山公,無唐山媽。)». 臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典 [Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan]. (in Chinese and Hokkien). Ministry of Education, R.O.C. 2011.
  59. ^ 《中華民國教育部重編國語辭典修訂本》:「以其位居四方之中,文化美盛,故稱其地為『中華』。」
  60. ^ Wilkinson. Chinese History: A Manual. p. 32.
  61. ^ 梅峯.«中華民國應譯為「PRC」». 开放网.2014-07-12
  62. ^ BBC 中文網 (2005-08-29). «論壇:台總統府網頁加注»台灣»» (in Traditional Chinese). BBC 中文網. Retrieved 2007-03-12. 台總統府公共事務室陳文宗上周六(7月30日)表示,外界人士易把中華民國(Republic of China),誤認為對岸的中國,造成困擾和不便。公共事務室指出,為了明確區別,決定自周六起於中文繁體、簡體的總統府網站中,在「中華民國」之後,以括弧加注「臺灣」。
  63. ^ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed (AHD4). Boston and New York, Houghton-Mifflin, 2000, entries china, Qin, Sino-.
  64. ^ Axel Schuessler (2006). ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese. University of Hawai’i Press. p. 429. ISBN 978-0824829759.
  65. ^ a b c Yule (2005), p. 2–3 «There are reasons however for believing the word China was bestowed at a much earlier date, for it occurs in the Laws of Manu, which assert the Chinas to be degenerate Kshatriyas, and the Mahabharat, compositions many centuries older that imperial dynasty of Ts’in … And this name may have yet possibly been connected with the Ts’in, or some monarchy of the like title; for that Dynasty had reigned locally in Shen si from the ninth century before our era…»
  66. ^ a b c d e Samuel Wells Williams (2006). The Middle Kingdom: A Survey of the Geography, Government, Literature, Social Life, Arts and History of the Chinese Empire and Its Inhabitants. Routledge. p. 408. ISBN 978-0710311672.
  67. ^ «China». Oxford English Dictionary (1989). ISBN 0-19-957315-8.
  68. ^ Barbosa, Duarte; Dames, Mansel Longworth (1989). ««The Very Great Kingdom of China»«. The Book of Duarte Barbosa. ISBN 81-206-0451-2. In the Portuguese original, the chapter is titled «O Grande Reino da China».
  69. ^ Eden, Richard (1555). Decades of the New World: «The great China whose kyng is thought the greatest prince in the world.»
    Myers, Henry Allen (1984). Western Views of China and the Far East, Volume 1. Asian Research Service. p. 34.
  70. ^ Wade (2009), pp. 8–11
  71. ^ Berthold Laufer (1912). «The Name China». T’oung Pao. 13 (1): 719–726. doi:10.1163/156853212X00377.
  72. ^ «China». Oxford English Dictionary.ISBN 0-19-957315-8
  73. ^ Yule (2005), p. 3–7
  74. ^ a b Wade (2009), pp. 12–13
  75. ^ Bodde, Derk (26 December 1986). Denis Twitchett; Michael Loewe (eds.). The Cambridge History of China: Volume 1, The Ch’in and Han Empires, 221 BC — AD 220. pp. 20–21. ISBN 9780521243278.
  76. ^ a b Wade (2009), p. 20
  77. ^ Liu, Lydia He, The clash of empires, p. 77. ISBN 9780674019959. «Scholars have dated the earliest mentions of Cīna to the Rāmāyana and the Mahābhārata and to other Sanskrit sources such as the Hindu Laws of Manu.»
  78. ^ Wade (2009) «This thesis also helps explain the existence of Cīna in the Indic Laws of Manu and the Mahabharata, likely dating well before Qin Shihuangdi.»
  79. ^ «Seiria». eDIL — Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language. 2013.
  80. ^ «Sino-«. Merriam-Webster.
  81. ^ a b Yule (2005), p. xxxvii
  82. ^ Yule (2005), p. xl
  83. ^ Stefan Faller (2011). «The World According to Cosmas Indicopleustes – Concepts and Illustrations of an Alexandrian Merchant and Monk». Transcultural Studies. 1 (2011): 193–232. doi:10.11588/ts.2011.1.6127.
  84. ^ William Smith; John Mee Fuller, eds. (1893). Encyclopaedic dictionary of the Bible. p. 1328.
  85. ^ John Kitto, ed. (1845). A cyclopædia of biblical literature. p. 773.
  86. ^ William Smith; John Mee Fuller, eds. (1893). Encyclopaedic dictionary of the Bible. p. 1323.
  87. ^ Sinor, D. (1998), «Chapter 11 – The Kitan and the Kara Kitay», in Asimov, M.S.; Bosworth, C.E. (eds.), History of Civilisations of Central Asia, vol. 4 part I, UNESCO Publishing, ISBN 92-3-103467-7
  88. ^ a b James A. Millward and Peter C. Perdue (2004). S.F.Starr (ed.). Xinjiang: China’s Muslim Borderland. M.E. Sharpe. p. 43. ISBN 9781317451372.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
  89. ^ Yang, Shao-yun (2014). «Fan and Han: The Origins and Uses of a Conceptual Dichotomy in Mid-Imperial China, ca. 500-1200». In Fiaschetti, Francesca; Schneider, Julia (eds.). Political Strategies of Identity Building in Non-Han Empires in China. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. p. 23.
  90. ^ Samuel E. Martin, Dagur Mongolian Grammar, Texts, and Lexicon, Indiana University Publications Uralic and Altaic Series, Vol. 4, 1961
  91. ^ Yule (2005), p. 177
  92. ^ Tan Koon San (15 August 2014). Dynastic China: An Elementary History. The Other Press. p. 247. ISBN 9789839541885.
  93. ^ Yule (2005), p. 165


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2) zhōngyì Китай и Италия, китайско-итальянский

中意词典 китайско-итальянский словарь


3) [китайский] императорский двор; центральная власть; при дворе, у власти

4) уст. Китайское государство, Срединная империя (в японских источниках − Японская империя)

7) сокр. Китай и Северная Корея, китайско-корейский


2) ист. партия конституционной монархии (1898–1912 гг., Китай)


中国是世界经济火车头 Китай – локомотив мировой экономики

蛮夷猾夏 дикие варвары тревожат Китай


* Срединное царство, Китай


p. Богдо-Ула, Богдо-Ола, Богдошань (в системе Тяньшань, Китай)


p. Жемчужная, Чжуцзян (Южн. Китай)


Северный Китай

华北地台 Северо-Китайская платформа

华北油田 Северо-Китайский нефтегазоносный бассейн


p. Коси (Китай, Непал, Индия)


Центральный Китай (пров. Цзянсу, Чжэцзян, Аньхой, Цзянси, Хубэй и Хунань)


* царство Ци (также обр. в знач.: Китай)


Баркуль-Казахский автономный уезд (Синьцзян-Уйгурский автономный район, Китай)

惠孚中国 доброта его охватила весь Китай; его щедроты распространились на весь Китай


хр. Малый Хинган (Россия, Китай)


2) материковый Китай (не включая Гонконг и Макао)


1)* Высокое государство (напр. Китай по отношению к зарубежным странам)


2) уст. Китай, китайская империя


2) уст. Юго-Восточный Китай (провинции Цзянсу, Чжэцзян, Аньхой, Фуцзянь, Цзянси)


1) букв. быть союзником Неба (о китайском государстве)

上党之国 Китай


стар. пушки рыжих варваров (о голландских пушках, завезенных в Китай в XVIXVII в.в.)


Китай и Советский Союз, КНР и СССР; китайско-советский

中苏友谊(好)协会 Общество китайско-советской дружбы


сталь, сваренная местным способом (Китай)


1) Китай и Россия; китайско-российский, китайско-русский


ист. пять варварских племен севера (匈奴, 羯, 鲜卑, 氐, 羌, нападавшие на Китай в IV — V вв.)


1) Китай

3) Шэньчжоу (назв. территории Китая в эпоху Чжаньго)


Китай строит своё бытие на земледелии


Китай и Япония; китайско-японский


говорить, имея в виду Китай


сигареты марки «Китай»


Китай и некитайские народы


Китай и иностранные державы установили взаимные торговые связи; внешняя торговля Китая


12 областей; весь Китай


он бывал [в Китае], он приезжал [в Китай]


доброта его охватила весь Китай; его щедроты распространились на весь Китай


ВВС Республики Китай организовывали разбрасывание агитационных листовок над территорией имперской Японии


дикие варвары тревожат Китай


[c][i]ист.[/c] [/i]конференция Юга и Севера ([i]Китай, 1919[/i])

美国不承认中国, 中国也决不会垮

Китай не рухнет оттого, что США его не признают


Китай с его большой территорией и многочисленным населением


[c][i]ист.[/c] [/i]«боксёрская» контрибуция ([i]контрибуция, наложенная на Китай империалистическими державами после подавления движения ихэтуаней[/i])


[c][i]уст.[/c] [/i]Внутренний (Собственно) Китай

中国, 地大人众

Китай с его большой территорией и огромным населением…


так как коммунистический Китай до настоящего времени не оказался от ускорения объединения посредством применения силы

中国, 东亚之最大国也

Китай ― крупнейшее государство Восточной Азии


поздняя династия Цинь ([i]по фамилии царствовавшего дома,[c] сев.-зап.[/c] Китай, 386―418 гг. н. э.[/i])


и тогда ([i]Китай[/i]) овладел Великим (далёким) Востоком


Китай нацелен на тесное сотрудничество с Монголией, на продолжение позитивного сотрудничества в сфере организации совместных учений и тренировок вооруженных сил двух стран, борьбы с терроризмом и т. д.


мы (Китай) должны неуклонно расширять внешние связи


Китай всегда поддерживал усилия стран юга Африки по совместному стремлению вперёд, поддержанию мира и укреплению сотрудничества.


Расширение внешних связей на основе опоры на собственные силы — это курс, которого Китай должен долгое время придерживаться.


Сегодня Китай как никогда приблизился к цели возрождения китайской нации.


Какова ваша основная цель визита в Китай?


Китай расположен в юго-восточной части Азии


прибыть в Китай с дружественным визитом


Китай по-прежнему является наиболее привлекательным реципиентом инвестиций


Почему Китай закрыл youtube?


Китай предпринимает различные меры для облегчения обеспокоенных радиационной опасностью граждан


В связи со сложившейся обстановкой, Китай предложил новую концепцию международных отношений «доброжелательность, искренность, взаимовыгодность и инклюзивность»


Китай разделяется на семь регионов.


Ассоциация государств Юго-Восточной Азии плюс Китай, Япония и Республика Корея (Группа АСЕАН +3)


Пекинский саммит в рамках Форума сотрудничества «Китай — Африка»


спутник дистанционного зондирования земных ресурсов (Китай и Бразилия)


Декларация Пекинского саммита в рамках Форума сотрудничества «Китай — Африка»


Группа 77 и Китай


Группа семидесяти семи; Группа 77; Группа 77 и Китай


старший капитан (Китай)


Симпозиум по вопросам континентальной сейсмичности и прогнозирования землетрясений (Китай)


На этой неделе премьер-министр Индии Нарендра Моди в далекой Монголии стрелял из лука, играл на музыкальных инструментах, а также получил в подарок от приглашающей стороны скаковую лошадь. Простой ответ на вопрос, почему он это делал: Китай


Прежде всего Цзян Цзэминь горячо приветствовал Ельцина, в третий раз прибывшего с визитом в Китай, а также выразил радость по поводу проведения ими пятой встречи на высшем уровне


всё больше россиян выбирает Китай для получения высшего образования


Китай занимает первое место в мировом рейтинге


Соглашение о сотрудничестве по строительству и эксплуатации газопровода Казахстан-Китай


Я не профессиональный челнок, до введения ограничений [на количество в багаже] провозил не больше 4-6 банок молочной смеси за раз [из Гонконга на материковый Китай; популярный товар у челноков].


занимающийся торговлей с Китаем или совершающим туристические поездки в Китай с целью приобретения товаров


с опорой на Шанхай, ориентируясь на весь Китай и выходя на международный рынок


таможенный переход Дулати [i](автомобильный переход Китай-Казахстан)[/i]

有人以为没有皇帝,中国就算是民主国家,百事大吉, 天下太平了。

Некоторые люди считают, что если нет императора, Китай считается демократической страной, повсюду мир и благополучие.


Сейчас Китай по-прежнему находится на начальном этапе построения социализма.


Китай является одним из членов-основателей Организации Объединённых Наций.


Президент посетит Китай в ближайшее время.


Китай ни в коем случае не применит первым ядерное оружие.


Никогда и ни при каких условиях Китай не применит первым ядерное оружие.


Представитель пресс-службы МИДа Цзян Юй заявил на очередной пресс-конференции:
По приглашению министра иностранных дел Ян Цзечи, министр иностранных дел Северной Кореи Пак Ый-чун посетит Китай с официальным визитом с 26 по 29 апреля.


пригласить делегацию посетить Китай


Наконец-то сбылась его мечта посетить Китай.


Китай переживает важный период трансформации


посетить Китай (приехать, находиться) в Китае со специальным визитом


Китай стал вторым по популярности направлением для россиян


Китай находится к западу от Тихого океана.


Китай стал процветающей страной.


Он в одиночку поехал в Китай.


Я доволен уже тем, что смог посетить Китай.


что позволить кому стать одним из окон в Китай,


Мы очень тронуты горячим приемом, оказанным нам в этой поездке в Китай.


В настоящее время цена СИФ на сжиженный природный газ (СПГ), импортируемый в Китай из Катара, уже взлетела до 18 долларов США за миллион британских тепловых единиц.


Китай планирует разработку закона о борьбе с терроризмом и одновременную с этим переработку закона о государственной безопасности


В Азии возник новый треугольник: Россия — Монголия — Китай


Китай используя Северную Корею как стратегическую фигуру в игре, оказывает давление на Америку


Сунь Цзы первоначально был жителем королевства Ци конца периода весны и осени, после отправился в королевство Ву, там усердно изучал военное дело, одновременно результаты наносил на бумагу, это и есть имеющее огромное влияние на древний и нынешний Китай и весь мир произведение по военному делу «Военное искусство Сунь Цзы».


Цинь Шихуан объединяет Китай.


В 1271 году внук Чингиз-хана Хубилай в Пекине утвердил Юаньскую династию, через 8 лет объединил Китай.


Тебе повезло, что компания направила тебя в Китай


Ты также сможешь попутешествовать и увидеть настоящий Китай


Китай уже не хочет снова идти по «старой» дороге власти от Бога, и одновременно с этим не желает следовать «порочным» путем публичной власти от имени народа


Китай строит для Монголии 8 школ


Китай настаивает на прекращении безосновательной критики Японии по вопросу Южно-китайского моря


Китай уже всеми силами развертывает работу по спасению заложников


Китай в настоящее время изыскивает пути производства собственных безопасных смартфонов в целях избежания контроля средств сотовой связи со стороны США


Китай не вытеснил военный корабль США, направленный в целях крейсирования в район 12-мильной зоны от китайских искусственных островов


В четверг Китай впервые подтвердил наличие планов по строительству в восточно-африканском государстве Джибути пункта материально-технического снабжения военно-морского флота Китая


Китай принял санкции в отношении американских предприятий, осуществивших продажи оружия на Тайвань


Китай обнародовал первую Белую книгу по вопросам быстрого реагирования на чрезвычайные происшествия в ядерной энергетике


в процессе попыток возвращения с запада в принудительном порядке коррупционеров и возврата активов Китай столкнулся с многочисленными трудностями


В открытии внешнему миру Китай устранил некоторые преграды как «стеклянные» и «самозакрывающиеся» двери.


Китай в настоящее время предпринимает попытки расширения влияния в Швейцарии


Взаимовыгодная и взаимовыигрышная стратегия открытости.
Китай будет неизменно придерживаться взаимовыгодной и взаимовыигрышной стратегии открытости, посредством углубления сотрудничества стимулировать интенсивный, устойчивый и сбалансированный рост мировой экономики.


путь мирного развития
Китай идет по пути мирного развития, другие страны также должны идти этим путем. Только тогда все смогут совместно развиваться и мирно сосуществовать.

(н. Междуречье)中国城(梅日杜列奇耶)

Китай Город


Китай избавился от некоторых шаблонных методик и применяет общие методы международной торговли

中国的开放政策不是收 要继续放

Китай будет по-преженму осуществлять политику расширения внешних связей и не отступит от нее


Чем ещё туристам может быть интересно путешествовать в Китай?

Мы зовем его Китай, американцы – Чайна, итальянцы Чина, и
только сами себя они называют внезапно … Джонггуо. Отчего вдруг? И как тогда
называют Россию?

Европейские страны на китайском

Франция: 法国 fǎguó. Здесь наблюдается
созвучие fa и «Франция», сам же иероглиф 法 переводится
как «закон, право, метод, способ, приём».

Германия:  德国 déguó. Созвучно с
немецким словом “Deutsch” (от Deutschland – Германия) и означает добродетель,

Англия: 英国 yīngguó. Либо «Храбрая земля»,
либо «Великая страна», сейчас иероглиф 英 все чаще является
сокращением от «Англия/английский».

Беларусь: 白俄罗斯 bái’éluósī.
«Белая Россия», буквальный перевод на китайский.

Черногория: 黑山 heīshān. Снова попадание в
точку со смыслом – «черная гора».

Швейцария: 瑞士 ruìshì – «Счастливый
джентльмен». Это название вызывает интерес, так как оно явно не имеет
фонетического сходства с обычным китайским, но на кантонском диалекте, где
транслитерация, вероятно, имела место, очевидно, что транслитировалось слово

Венгрия: 匈牙利 xiōng yá lì. «Гунн, зубы,
прибыль». На кантонском диалекте 匈 xiōng произносится как
hung (гунн), а 牙 yá произносится как nga. Таким образом
получается созвучие английскому названию страны – Hungary. Еще, возможно это
как-то связано с мифом, что венгры произошли от гуннов.

Италия: 意大利 yì dà lì. «Надежда/ожидание
больших прибылей». Созвучие с Italy налицо.

Испания: 西班牙 xī bān yá. «Зубы западного
класса». Как предполагается, фонетически сходно слову Hispania.

Греция: 希腊 xīlà. «Надежда на копчёности».
Если не нравится такой кулинарный вариант, можно перевести 腊,
как «двенадцатый месяц лунного календаря», а значит Греция – это «надежда на
двенадцатый месяц». На самом деле xīlà — образовалось от
древнегреческого «λλ» (Hellás), которое в конечном итоге превратилось
в «Ελλδα» (Эллада, самоназвание Греции) в современном греческом

Названия стран на китайском

Страны Азии на китайском

Китай: 中国 и произносится zhongguo. 中
– zhong – середина, 国 – guo – государство. Получается, что буквально 中国
zhongguo – “срединное государство”. Китай как бы в середине мира, а остальные –

Япония:  Несмотря на сложную совместную
историю Японию китайцы видят романтично и называют ласково -日本
– riben, где 日 – ri – “солнце”, 本 – ben – “основание,
начало”. Стало быть, Япония – “Страна Начала солнца”. И не фигурально, как у
нас – а прям сразу в титуле.

Корея: 高丽 gāolí.
От корейского “Goryeo” или Корё (сокр. от Когурё). Это название одного из
древних племён, населявших данную область.

Южная Корея: 韩国 hánguó. Это самоназвание

Северная Корея: 北朝鲜 běi
cháoxiǎn. «Северный Чосон». Чосон – так называлась Корея с 1392 по 1897 год.
Также считается, что на этой территории в 2333 году до н. э. было основано
государство Древний Чосон.

Австралия: 澳大利亚 ào
dà lì yǎ. «Большая бухта, так себе прибыль». Беда 🙂

Индия: 印度 – yindu. 印 – yin
– переводится как “печать”, 度 – du – “мера, степень”. Индия такая
вся из себя мисс “Мера печати” получается. Что разумеется тоже просто картинки
для – а так очевидно, что 印度 yindu и Индия – созвук

Вьетнам: 越南 yuènán. «Южнее». Расположение
Вьетнама относительно Китая явно говорит об этом.

Израиль: 以色列 yǐ sè liè. «Список по цвету».

Названия стран на китайском

Россия на китайском

Россия – 俄罗斯
– eluosi – читается как элуосы. Иероглиф 饿
– e – можно перевести как “внезапный”, 罗
– luo – сачок для ловли бабочек, 斯 – si – этот. Так что Россия – “этот
внезапный сачок для ловли бабочек”. Побуквенный разбор в данном случае – просто
игра в кубики – Элуосы возникло по созвучию с Россия, произнесенное китайским
ртом, не умеющим выдавать “р”. Хотя…. будучи китайцем и зная всю подоплеку про
сачки и бабочки сложно не воспринимать Россию внезапным сачком. Как-то так они
нас и видят мне кажется – внезапные, ска, как сачок – будем дружить.

Названия стран на китайском

Страны Африки на китайском языке

Южная Африка: 南非 nánfēi. Fei здесь от слова
«Африка» 非洲 fēizhōu. Буквальный перевод: южная Африка.

Египет: 埃及 āijí. «Догонять пыль».

Намибия: 纳米比亚 nà mǐ bǐ yà.
«Сравнивая чрезвычайно малую прибыль».

Названия стран на китайском

Америка на китайском

Канада: 加拿大 jia na da. «Добавить,
схватить большой». Бессмыслица. Просто созвучие.

Мексика: 墨西哥 mò xī gē. «Чернильный запад
старший брат».

Гаити: 海地 hǎidì. «Морская земля».

Гватемала: 危地马拉 wēi
dì mǎ lā. «В опасной стране лошадь тащит». Это транслитерация, используемая в
материковом Китае. Тайваньцы пишут 瓜地马拉:
«В земле дынь лошадь тащит». Видимо, дыни и тащит.

США: 美国 měiguó. «Красивая страна» –
первый иероглиф, означает «красота» сам по себе, поэтому многие думают, что
китайцы считают Америку красивой, но опять же, не обольщайтесь, американцы –
все дело лишь в созвучии 美 měi и «мер».

Названия стран на китайском

Упражнение для проверки знаний

Дайте перевод страны или города с русского на китайский:

  • Мексика
  • Греция
  • Индия
  • Китай
  • США
  • Россия
  • Франция
  • Белоруссия
  • Канада
  • Израиль

Дайте перевод страны или города с китайского на русский:

  • 危地马拉
  • 越南
  • 高丽
  • 希腊
  • 中国
  • 法国
  • 英国
  • 意大利
  • 印度
  • 日本

Древнейшая цивилизация подарила миру «Четыре великих изобретения» и сохранила множество загадок. При близком знакомстве, привычное для россиян наименование в корне не соотносится с тем, как китайцы сами называют Китай. Великая держава прошла историю длиной пять тысяч лет и имеет рекордное количество названий.

Закон в Китае о рождении детей

Как китайцы называют свою страну

Сами жители Китайской Народной Республики традиционно используют два самоназвания страны – Чжунго и Хань. Термин «Чжунго» уходит корнями в важные вехи истории. «Хань» созвучно наименованию основной народности государства. Этническая группа ханьцев занимает первое место среди народов планеты.

«Чтобы завоевать уважение жителей КНР, ознакомьтесь с историей государства»

Два исконных варианта названия страны имеют значительный смысл для могущества нации. Исторически прижившиеся наименования заложили прочную основу, объединяющую огромное государство.


Непривычное россиянам Чжунго [zhongguo] переводится как «zhong» – центр и «guo» – государство, нация. Что образует термин «центральная империя». Часто встречается вариант перевода — «Срединное государство». Так или иначе, термин Чжунго долгие годы стоял в основе культурной концепции. Он обозначает единую великую нацию.

Чжунго категорически отделяет территорию от остальных земель и нарекает особым статусом центра цивилизованного мира.


Второе распространенное самоназвание КНР — Хань. Этимология ведет к одноименной императорской династии, прогремевшей Великой эпохой расцвета. Она просуществовала дольше любой другой империи древнейшего государства.

Закон в Китае о рождении детей

Эта могущественность и сейчас отражается в названии.

Численность ханьцев в мире:
КНР 1 200 000 000
другие страны Азии 28 800 000
Северная Америка 5 100 000
Европа 945 000
Океания 564 000
Африка 126 000

Хань самая значительная по численности этническая группа в мире. Они составляют 1/5 населения земли, то есть каждый пятый человек на планете является ханьцем.


Популярная в настоящем надпись «made in China» — еще один вариант употребления названия Китая. Термин «China» впервые встречается в 16 веке в работах португальского путешественника Ричарда Идена. Этимология слова China теряется в веках и прочерчивает путь до нашей эры, до времен санскрита и древнейших индуистских писаний.

«Во множестве иностранных языков Китай называют по имени правящих династий древней цивилизации»

По утверждению ряда историков, значение china тесно связано с именем правящей династии Цинь, объединившей древнее государство и начавшей строительство Великой китайской стены. Именно этот вариант называния получил распространение в английском, немецком языках и Центральной Европе.

Производные названия China в разных языках:

  • Кийна;
  • Кива;
  • Тсин;
  • Джина;
  • Чин и другие.

Китай и Катай

Этноним «кидани» является источником появления еще одного варианта обозначения КНР. Древние кочевые племена кидани досаждали народам Восточной Азии и в описаниях путешественников фигурировали на английском написании как «catai» или «cathay». В русской транскрипции это произносится как катай. В очерках путешественника Марко Поло термин Хитай и Катай используется при описании Северного Китая, находящегося во власти кочевых племен.

Закон в Китае о рождении детей

Почему «синология»?

Наука, открывающая путь к секретам Китая, называется совсем не китаеведеньем, а синологией. Причиной появления загадочного названия служит термин «sina», что тоже является названием страны. Сина — греческое и римское обозначение древних земель восточной части Азии.

«Наука по изучению Китая зародилась в Российской империи еще во времена Петра Первого».

Варианты Сина, Тина, Шина произошли от династии Цинь. Правители Цинь совершили кардинальные повороты в Период сражающихся Царств и увековечили имя в названии государства.

Страна шелка или Серика

В древних Греции и Риме широкое распространение получило название Серика или Сирика, от латинского serico – «шёлк». Эксклюзивное ремесло по производству удивительной ткани многие столетия было подвластно только Китаю. Люди этого государства получили прозвище seres – шелковые люди. Часть ученых относят происхождения термина «сина» не к династии Цинь, а именно к шёлку.

Как правильно называется Китай

Официальное название государства на русском звучит как «Китайская народная республика». На китайском языке правильным является наименование Чжунго или Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo. Это настоящее имя КНР, используемое народом и ассоциируемое с государственностью.

Закон в Китае о рождении детей

Аналогом понятий «русский», «немецкий», «итальянский» в КНР предстает термин «хань» или «ханьцы» по имени основного народа страны.

Происхождение слова Китай

Привычное для россиян обозначение «Китай» в реальности имеет татарско-тюркские корни. Китаями, хитаями, катаями и киданями в разных диалектах называли могущественное племя кочевников из Маньчжурии. Откуда долгие годы они диктовали порядки в части Восточной Азии.

По сей день в казахском, киргизском, татарском языках эта страна обозначается как «Кытай».

Почему Китай назвали Китай

Название страны Китай в славянских языках произошло от известной в Европе словоформы «Катай». Именно это название древней страны фигурировало в «Книге о разнообразии мира» итальянского купца и путешественника Марко Поло. Подконтрольные воинственным кочевникам китаям или киданям земли Северного Китая приобрели со временем их имя.

Великая земля стала называться в иностранном языке как племя воинствующих кочевников, а не так как было принято в самой стране. Эта случайность укоренилась в веках до настоящего времени.

От кого произошли китайцы

В реальности такого народа как «китайцы» не существует. Правильное называние жителей КНР – ханьцы или ханьжэнь. Народность хань по численности превосходит любые другие этносы в мире и составляет более 1, 3 миллиарда человек.

Бизнес с Китаем на перепродаже

«При общении с жителями КНР называть их «китайцами» категорически неприемлемо».

Первые летописные записи о происхождении китайцев – ханьцев связаны с их легендарным предком Желтым императором. Правитель Хуан-ди — прародитель китайцев, создатель даосизма и ряда важных интеллектуальных традиций.

По современным научным свидетельствам, предки хань переселились с разнообразных земель, включая Древний Египет и Монголию.

Как переводится Китай на разные языки

Отличительным оттенком развития китайской цивилизации является то, что она формировалась в изолированности от остальных древних цивилизаций. Откуда и происходит ключевая черта обособленности от мира, которая отразилась в названиях Китая.

Древние варианты названий:

  • Тянься;
  • Хуася;
  • Сихай;
  • Шэньчжоу;
  • Табгач;
  • Манги;
  • Хан;
  • Морокоши и другие.

Старейшее имя «Тянься» переводится как Поднебесная, где «тянь» — небо», а «ся» — внизу. Это название происходит из традиционной концепции правления. Император, сын неба, правитель всего мира «под небом», а не только отдельного государства.

Историческое имя Китая «Хуася» имеет значение «грандиозное великолепие». Составная частица «ся» происходит от древней легендарной династии Ся.

Еще одно название Китая «Сихай» означает «четыре моря». Древняя страна очерчивала свои границы четырьмя морями. Два из которых, в современности вовсе не моря, а озера – Байкал и Цинхай.

Закон в Китае о рождении детей

Что означает Китай на славянском языке

Группы славянских языков переводят Китай в разных вариантах Кина, Кийна, Цейна, Хайтай. Всё это одно и то же название, распространившееся на обозначение целой страны.

Еще одна любопытная теория утверждает, что «Китай» — древний русский термин. Его правильно начальное написание — «Кий-Тай». Где «кий» — стена из дубин», а «тай» — окончание или вершина. Таким образом, «кий-тай» — законченная стена или крепость. В качестве аргументации приводится «Китай-город» в Москве, который, по утверждению историков, назван так вовсе не из-за китайцев, а мощной крепостной стены.

Сколько диалектов в китайском языке?

Китайский язык засвидетельствован и обозначен Книгой рекордов Гинесса одним из самых трудных в мире. Разновидностей его языковых вариаций великое множество.

Диалектные группы китайского языка:

  • традиционная типология:
  • гань
  • северные диалекты
  • хакка
  • минь
  • у
  • сян
  • юэ
  • неквалифицированные, общепризнанные:
  • аньхойский
  • цзинь
  • пинхуа

Во время крупных войн коренные жители, владеющие редкими диалектами, использовались наподобие «живых шифровальных машин». Их говор был абсолютно непонятен с точки зрения традиционного китайского языка и неподвластен чужестранным переводчикам.

Закон в Китае о рождении детей


Этимология названия древней цивилизации, развившейся в могущественное государство, открывает завесы массы исторических тайн. Происхождение термина «Китай» ярким примером доказывает как «чуждое» понятие укореняется в веках. Многонаселенная, шумная, неповторимая страна каждым названием рисует новый портрет, переливающийся особым национальным колоритом.

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