Как написать xslt преобразование

Корневым элементом, декларирующим документ таблицы стилей XSL, является <xsl:stylesheet> или <xsl:transform>.

Примечание: Элементы <xsl:stylesheet> и <xsl:transform> являются полными синонимами, и для декларации таблицы стилей можно использовать любой из них!

Согласно рекомендации консорциума W3C таблица стилей XSL декларируется следующим образом:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"


<xsl:transform version="1.0"

Чтобы получить доступ к элементам, атрибутам и другим функциям XSLT, необходимо в начале документа декларировать пространство имен XSLT.

Строка xmlns:xsl=»http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform» указывает на официальное пространство имен XSLT консорциума W3C. Если вы используете это пространство имен, то вы также должны указывать и атрибут version=»1.0″.

Начнем с чистого XML документа

Предположим, что нам нужно преобразовать следующий XML документ («cd_catalog.xml») в XHTML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <title>Empire Burlesque</title>
     <artist>Bob Dylan</artist>

Просмотр XML файлов в IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari и Opera: Откройте XML файл (нажмите на ссылку ниже) — XML документ будет отображаться в виде окрашенных в разные цвета корневого и дочерних элементов и их содержимого (кроме браузера Safari). Часто слева от элементов XML дерева выводится знак плюса (+) или минуса (-), при нажатии на который можно развернуть/свернуть структуру элемента. Чтобы просмотреть исходный код документа, нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на XML файл и в контекстном меню выберите пункт «Исходный код» (Opera) или «Просмотреть код страницы» (Chrome)!

Посмотреть «cd_catalog.xml»

Создание таблицы стилей XSL

Теперь создаем таблицу стилей XSL («cd_catalog.xsl») с шаблоном преобразования:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

<xsl:template match="/">
   <h2>My CD Collection</h2>
   <table border="1">
     <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">
     <xsl:for-each select="catalog/cd">
       <td><xsl:value-of select="title"/></td>
       <td><xsl:value-of select="artist"/></td>


Просмотреть «cd_catalog.xsl»

Подключаем таблицу стилей XSL к XML документу

Добавляем ссылку на таблицу стилей XSL в XML документ («cd_catalog.xml»):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="//msiter.ru/cd_catalog.xsl"?>
     <title>Empire Burlesque</title>
     <artist>Bob Dylan</artist>

Если вы используете XSLT совместимый браузер, то вы увидите корректно преобразованный из XML в XHTML документ.

Просмотреть результат

  1. Доступные статьи

  2. XML

  3. XSLT первый шаг

  1. Введение
  2. Валидный XHTML
  3. XSLT-преобразования
  4. Приложение
    • Ссылки на исходный код
    • Использование PHP5 для обработки XSLT
    • Мысли вслух

1. Введение

Не прошло и трёх лет с тех пор, как у меня зародилась мысль о том, что пора изучать XSLT -))). Мысль зародилась, а везде ещё стоял PHP 4 и зверствовал Salbotron, который, мягко говоря, не отличался высокой производительностью. Да и редко какой браузер мог похвастаться поддержкой этого самого XSLT. По этим соображениям изучение столь перспективного направления я отложил до лучших времён. На данный момент можно смело заявить, что эти времена настали, поскольку вышел PHP 5 с поддержкой XSLT и сносной объектной моделью, а все топовые браузеры уже сами уверенно держат преобразования, только подавай XML. :)

Важные ссылки по теме, первоисточники:

  • http://w3c.org — комитет по разработке и продвижению стандартов всемирной паутины Internet. На данный момент он является первоисточником практически всех веб-ориентированных стандартов и рекомендаций.
  • http://www.w3.org/TR/xml — спецификация расширяемого языка разметки XML, который является основой современного веба. На момент написания статьи доступна пятая редакция версии 1.0, а также вторая редакция версии 1.1.
  • http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names — спецификация использования пространств имён в XML.
  • http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath — спецификация по использованию языка поиска частей XML-документа XPath.
  • http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/ — спецификация расширенного языка стилей XSL.
  • http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt — спецификация языка преобразований XSLT.
  • http://validator.w3.org/ — валидатор HTML.
  • http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/ — спецификация XHTML1.0.

Переводы на русский язык:

  • http://www.rol.ru/news/it/helpdesk/xml01.htm — Расширяемый язык разметки XML1.0 (вторая редакция). /Радик Усманов/
  • http://www.rol.ru/news/it/helpdesk/xnamsps.htm — Пространства имен в XML. /Радик Усманов/
  • http://www.rol.ru/news/it/helpdesk/xpath01.htm — Язык XML Path (XPath). /Радик Усманов/
  • http://www.rol.ru/news/it/helpdesk/xslt01.htm — Язык преобразований XSL (XSLT). /Радик Усманов/

Для лучшего понимания всего происходящего я рекомендую читать спецификации в следующем порядке:

  1. XML (это основа!)
  2. пространства имён (механизм разнородного XML-кода в одном файле)
  3. XPath (язык выборки элементов из дерева структуры)
  4. XSLT (преобразования)
  5. XHTML (то, к чему нужно стремиться)

Особо пытливые могут также уделить внимание расширенному языку стилей XSL.

2. Валидный XHTML

Что такое валидный XHTML? В первую очередь, это XML-документ, который должен соответствовать спецификации XML. Во-вторую, почти обычная HTML-страница, к которой все привыкли.

Почему нужен именно XHTML? Исключительно из соображений совместимости и кросс-браузерности. Страница в XHTML будет с большей вероятностью отображаться корректно в популярных браузерах, чем обычный HTML.

Для рядового клепателя страниц словосочетание XML-документ должно означать следующее:

  1. Документ содержит объявление XML-документа в самом начале страницы:
    <?xml ... ?>
  2. Документ содержит один корневой элемент, в котором находятся все остальные.
  3. Все элементы (тэги) должны иметь закрывающую часть (<br />, <p>...</p>).
  4. Атрибуты всегда имеют значение, которое обязательно указывается в кавычках (одинарных или двойных). Например, <input type="radio" disabled="disabled" />.
  5. Управляющие символы &, < и > всегда должны маскироваться. Например, <a href="?a=1&amp;b=2">&amp;</a>. Исключение составляет только <![CDATA[...]]>, внутри которого спецсимволы можно не маскировать.

Также сам XHTML обязывает выполнять следующие условия:

  1. Документ должен объявлять пространство имён, в рамках которого будут использоваться элементы HTML.
  2. Документ должен объявлять DOCTYPE перед корневым элементом и указывать в нём один из типов XHTML и соответствующий DTD.

Пример простого документа XHTML1.0:

Код - валидный xhtml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
<!DOCTYPE html 
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ru" lang="ru">
    <title>Это валидный XHTML!</title>
    <p>Привет, мир!</p>

И так обо всём по порядку.

  1. Объявление XML-документа, в котором указывается его версия и кодировка.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>

    Для большей безопасности кодировку нужно всегда выставлять, иначе могут возникнуть проблемы с невалидными (по отношению к дефолтной кодировке) символами.

  2. Объявление типа документа и его схемы.

    <!DOCTYPE html 
         PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

    Для XHTML 1.0 есть три типа — Strict (строгое соответствие рекомендациям W3C), Transitional (переходный тип) и Frameset (использование фреймов). Для каждого из них предусмотрен отдельный DTD.

  3. Объявление пространства имён и используемого языка.

    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ru" lang="ru">

    Очень важно указывать ссылку именно в таком регистре и никак иначе. Это связано с тем, что в XML имена элементов и содержимое их атрибутов регистрозависимы.

Три версии XHTML1.0 предназначены для лучшей обратной совместимости:

  • Strict — обеспечивает наибольшее соответствие рекомендациям W3C со стороны браузеров. Однако и сам HTML-код должен следовать этим рекомендациям.
  • Transitional — менее строгое соответствие, которое заставляет браузер вести себя так, как если бы это был обычный HTML-документ.
  • Frameset — позволяет использовать фреймы.

Помимо XHTML1.0 на данный момент доступен XHTML1.1:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ru">
    <p>Это валидный XHTML1.1!</p>

XHTML1.1 по сути является тем же XHTML1.0 Strict и призван вытеснить другие версии XHTML1.0. Однако, по сравнению с XHTML1.0 Strict, у него есть ряд отличий:

  1. Удалён атрибут lang, его роль выполняет xml:lang. (Модуль [XHTMLMOD])
  2. Для элементов a и map вместо атрибута name нужно использовать атрибут id. (Модуль [XHTMLMOD])
  3. Доступен набор элементов ruby. (Модуль [RUBY])

Итак, если вам нужна наибольшая кросс-браузерность и совместимость с рекомендациями W3C, то XHTML1.1 самое оно!

Из этих соображений результатом моих преобразований будет именно XHTML1.1.

3. XSLT-преобразования

Что такое XSLT? Это язык преобразований XML-документа, который был разработан как часть расширенного языка стилей (XSL).

Зачем нужен XSLT? Он позволяет реализовать схему, при которой данные хранятся отдельно, а их представление отдельно. То есть, один XML-документ преобразуется с помощью другого XML-документа (XSL, в котором находятся XSLT-шаблоны) в конечный документ. Результатом может быть XML, HTML или текстовый документ любого формата.

Для того, чтобы воспользоваться XSLT-преобразованиями, в первую очередь нужно сформировать правильный стиль XSL и подключить его к XML-файлу.

Валидным XSL-документом является XML-документ, у которого задано пространство имён xsl и присутствует корневой элемент stylesheet. В самом простом случае стиль может выглядеть, например, так:

Файл - test.xsl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">


Этот стиль не содержит каких-либо явных определений шаблонов или других элементов XSL. Однако, его уже можно использовать. Чтобы посмотреть результат, достаточно сформировать произвольный XML-документ и подключить к нему этот стиль:

Файл - test.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='test.xsl'?>
<elements attr1="Главный атрибут">
  <element attr1="мой атрибут1" attr2="мой атрибут2">Один</element>
  <element attr5="Халявный атрибут">Три</element>

За подключение стиля отвечает строка:

<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='test.xsl'?>

Если файлы text.xml и test.xsl созданы и находятся в одной папке, то с помощью любого XSLT-парсера можно преобразовать исходный test.xml в результирующий документ. В качестве парсера могут выступать все популярные браузеры (IE5+, FF2+, Opera9+ и другие), а также модули в языках программирования, например, в PHP. Если вы используете браузер, то достаточно открыть test.xml, и он сразу отобразит примерно такой результат:

При этом кодировка результата будет UTF-8, несмотря на то, что исходный документ был сформирован в windows-1251. К сожалению, браузеры обычно не позволяют просмотреть код результирующего документа, но модуль XSLT в PHP5 даёт возможность передать результирующий код в переменную, которую можно сохранить в файл. Поэтому, используя PHP, я приведу исходный код результирующего документа:

Результат - исходный код
<?xml version="1.0"?>


Этот код не является валидным XML-документом и тем более XHTML1.1. Для того, чтобы сформировать нужный код, я усложню исходный XSL-стиль и добавлю туда необходимые шаблоны и преобразования. При этом исходный XML-документ останется без изменений.

В качестве примера я приведу XSL-стиль, который при помощи XSLT будет выводить список атрибутов исходного XML-документа с их значениями, при этом будет формироваться валидный XHTML1.1. Итак, стиль:

Файл - test.xsl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">

<xsl:output method="xml"
  doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"

<xsl:template match="/">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ru">
  <title>Мой первый XSLT</title>
  <div><xsl:text>Мой список:</xsl:text></div>
    <xsl:for-each select="/descendant-or-self::*/@*">
        <xsl:if test="position() mod 2 = 0">
          <xsl:attribute name="style">background-color: #eee;</xsl:attribute>
        <xsl:value-of select="concat(name(), ' = ', .)" />
    <xsl:text>Разработчик парсера: </xsl:text>
      <xsl:attribute name="href">
        <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor-url')" />
      <xsl:attribute name="title">
        <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor-url')" />
      <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor')" />


Чтобы понять, как он работает, я распишу каждое действие отдельно:

  1. Объявление XML-документа:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>

    Документ сформирован в кодировке windows-1251, о чём сообщается в атрибуте encoding. Версию XML-документа желательно всегда указывать, это рекомендация W3C.

  2. Затем идёт объявление корневого элемента, стиля:

    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">

    Обязательным атрибутом является определение пространства имён xsl через атрибут xmlns:xsl=«http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform».

  3. Следующим шагом в корневом элементе stylesheet объявляется, каким образом нужно формировать результирующий документ:

      doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"

    Основные атрибуты:

    • method=«xml» — метод вывода документа. Результирующий документ будет в формате XML.
    • encoding=«windows-1251» — кодировка результирующего документа.
    • omit-xml-declaration=«no» — пропускать или нет начальное объявление XML-документа (<?xml ... ?>). Может иметь значение «yes» или «no» (актуально только для html).
    • indent=«yes» — формировать отступы согласно уровню вложенности. Может иметь значение «yes» или «no».
    • media-type=«text/xml» — MIME-тип результирующего документа (используется только для метода вывода html).
    • doctype-public=«-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN» — тип результируюшего документа (DOCTYPE)
    • doctype-system=«http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd» — ссылка на DTD

    Если метод вывода объявлен html, то значения атрибутов encoding и media-type будут подставлены в заголовок страницы (<head>...</head>) посредством метатега.

  4. Объявление основного шаблона:

    Именно этот XSLT-шаблон соответствует корню исходного дерева и будет вызван первым для преобразования. Атрибут match принимает значения, которые должны соответствовать языку поиска элементов XPath.

    Остальные шаблоны, если таковые имеются, должны подключаться из этого шаблона при помощи средств XSLT.

  5. Формирование XHTML-страницы. Оно начинается с элемента <html>, у которого указано пространство имён xhtml:

    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ru">

    Атрибут xmlns=«http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml» указывает на пространство имён xhtml, которое будет применено по умолчанию к этому элементу и всем дочерним элементам, у которых оно не задано явно.

    Атрибут xml:lang=«ru» указывает на язык, в котором сформирована страница (будущая).

Эта часть стиля была нужна для формирования атрибутики валидного XHTML1.1 кода.

Теперь что касается XSLT-преобразований:

  1. Вставка простого текста:

    <div><xsl:text>Мой список:</xsl:text></div>

    Текст «Мой список:» будет подставлен в тег <div> с маскированием управляющих символов. В принципе, этот код ничего особенно не делает, а стоит просто, как пример.

  2. Организация цикла по выборке:

    <xsl:for-each select="/descendant-or-self::*/@*">

    Атрибут select принимает выражение XPath, на основе которого делает выборку. Если выборка вернула список узлов, то начинает работать цикл по каждому элементу.

    В данном случае выборка вернёт список атрибутов для этого (корневого) и всех дочерних элементов.

  3. Проверка условия:

    <xsl:if test="position() mod 2 = 0">

    В данном случае проверяется на чётность позиция элемента в списке выборки. Если тест возвращает true (порядковый номер элемента чётный), то срабатывает содержимое этого элемента.

  4. Управление атрибутами вышестоящего элемента:

    <xsl:attribute name="style">background-color: #eee;</xsl:attribute>

    В данном случае, если позиция элемента чётная (определяется вышестоящим if), то в стиль элемента <li> будет прописан серый цвет фона.

  5. Вывод значений элемента:

    <xsl:value-of select="concat(name(), ' = ', .)" />

    Этот код подставит в вышестоящий элемент строку, собранную из имени текущего элемента и его значения. Содержимое атрибута select соответствует XPath.

  6. Вывод ссылки на разработчика парсера XSLT:

        <xsl:text>Разработчик парсера: </xsl:text>
          <xsl:attribute name="href">
            <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor-url')" />
          <xsl:attribute name="title">
            <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor-url')" />
          <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor')" />

    Этот небольшой код XSLT формирует ссылку на разработчика парсера XSLT. Во многих случаях она будет разная и содержать разные значения.

Результатом обработки этого стиля (test.xsl) станет такой код:

Результат - исходный код
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ru">
    <title>Мой первый XSLT</title>
    <div>Мой список:</div>
      <li>attr1 = Главный атрибут</li>
      <li style="background-color: #eee;">attr1 = мой атрибут1</li>
      <li>attr2 = мой атрибут2</li>
      <li style="background-color: #eee;">attr5 = Халявный атрибут</li>
    <div>Разработчик парсера: <a href="http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/" title="http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/">libxslt</a></div>

Этот код соответствует стандарту XHTML1.1 и был сформирован на основе исходного XML-документа. Для проверки можно воспользоваться валидатором от W3C, который расположен по адресу http://validator.w3.org/.

В браузере этот код выглядит примерно так:

IE 6 FireFox 3 Opera 9.02
ie ff3 opera

4. Приложение

Ссылки на исходный код

Файл с данными test.xml доступен по адресу //anton-pribora.ru/articles/xml/xslt-first-step/test.xml.

Файл со стилем test.xsl доступен по адресу //anton-pribora.ru/articles/xml/xslt-first-step/test.xsl.

Исходный код примера на PHP5 //anton-pribora.ru/articles/xml/xslt-first-step/test.phps.

Постоянный адрес статьи //anton-pribora.ru/articles/xml/xslt-first-step/. /Автор: Прибора Антон Николаевич, 2009 год/

Использование PHP5 для обработки XSLT

Для получения результирующего документа при помощи PHP5 я использовал такой код:

Пример - использование XSLT в PHP5
// Вывод кода HTML в виде текста
header('Content-Type: text/plain;');

// Объект исходного XML-документа
$xml = new DOMDocument(null, 'windows-1251');

// Объект стиля
$xsl = new DOMDocument(null, 'windows-1251');

// Создание парсера
$proc = new XSLTProcessor();

// Подключение стиля к парсеру

// Обработка парсером исходного XML-документа
$parsed = $proc->transformToXml($xml);

// Вывод результирующего кода
echo $parsed;

// Запись файла с результирующим кодом
file_put_contents('parsed.html', $parsed);


Дополнительную информацию по использованию XSLT в PHP5 можно найти по адресу http://ru2.php.net/manual/ru/book.xslt.php.

Мысли вслух

«Товарищи, мы стоим на краю огромной пропасти! И я предлагаю сделать большой, решительный шаг вперёд!» 

Первые шаги
Вывод результатов запроса
XSL:IF — фильтр
XSL:IF — улучшение внешнего вида таблиц
формирование атрибутов на примере параметров
ссылки в теге <a>

JavaScript и XML
Заключительные замечания
Контактные координаты


Для того, чтобы работать с данным
документом, вам необходимо располагать как
минимум браузером Internet Explorer версии 5.0 и выше. При
этом будут работать некоторые из приведенных в
тексте примеров.

Для того, чтобы у вас работали все
примеры, необходимо установить XML-парсер версии 3.
Если пример работает только под управлением
XML-парсера версии 3, то в каждом случае это
оговаривается особо. Отметим, что версии IE вплоть
до 5.5 используют более ранние версии парсера,
поэтому устанавливать его все равно придется. О
более старших версиях IE узнайте самостоятельно.
Дистрибутив  XML-парсера версии 3 можно найти по
адресу http://msdn.microsoft.com/ XML/ XMLDownloads/ default.aspx.
После установки парсера вам нужно будет
зарегистрировать его в реестре. Для этого в
командной строке необходимо выполнить команду: regsvr32 msxml3.dll. Затем необходимо
сообщить IE, что вы намерены использовать этот
парсер. Для этого нужно запустить утилиту xmlinst. Утилиту xmlinst
можно найти по адресу http://msdn.microsoft.com/ library/ default.asp?url=/ downloads/ list/ xmlgeneral.asp.
Вы можете также попробовать найти ответы на
вопросы об установке XML-парсера по адресу http://www.netcrucible.com/xslt/msxml-faq.htm.

А теперь перейдем к основной части
нашего документа.


Рассмотрим простой пример XML-файла (ex01.xml).

<?xml version=»1.0″

<title>«Заметки об XSL»</title>
<author>Леонов Игорь Васильевич</author>

Если мы откроем этот файл в браузере
Internet Explorer, то мы увидим тот же самый текст,
который приведен выше, вместе со всеми тегами и
служебной информацией. Но нам не нужны теги и
служебная информация! Мы хотим видеть только ту
информацию, которая относится к делу, а при
помощи тегов — управлять внешним видом этой
информации. Эта задача решается легко и просто:
необходимо к XML-файлу добавить шаблон
преобразования — XSL-файл.

Перепишем наш XML-файл в следующем
виде (ex01-1.xml).

<?xml version=»1.0″

<?xml-stylesheet type=’text/xsl’

<title>«Заметки об XSL»</title>
<author>Леонов Игорь Васильевич</author>

И создадим XSL-файл ex01-1.xsl. Текст
файла приведен ниже.

1.0« xmlns:xslhttp://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl«>
<xsl:template match/«>
<p><strong><xsl:value-of select//title«/></strong></p>
<p><xsl:value-of select//author«/></p>

Если мы теперь откроем файл ex01-1.xsl
в браузере Internet Explorer, то мы увидим, что наша
задача решена, — на экране осталась только
необходимая нам информация, все теги исчезли.
Результат, который вы получите на экране
браузера, приведен ниже.

«Заметки об XSL»

Леонов Игорь Васильевич

Легко также увидеть, что порядок
вывода строк у нас определяется только
содержанием шаблона преобразования — XSL-файла.
При необходимости шаблон можно легко поменять,
абсолютно не меняя наш основной XML-файл.

Перепишем XML-файл. Информационную
часть изменять не будем, а шаблон укажем другой ex01-2.xml.

<?xml version=»1.0″

<?xml-stylesheet type=’text/xsl’

<title>«Заметки об XSL»</title>
<author>Леонов Игорь Васильевич</author>

Создадим XSL-файл ex01-2.xsl. Текст
файла приведен ниже.

1.0« xmlns:xslhttp://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl«>
<xsl:template match/«>
<p><strong><xsl:value-of select//author«/></strong></p>
<p><xsl:value-of select//title«/></p>

Если мы теперь откроем файл ex01-2.xsl
в браузере Internet Explorer, то результат будет другим.

Леонов Игорь Васильевич

«Заметки об XSL»

Отметим теперь момент, который
является ключевым для разработчиков баз данных.
Информация в XML-странице появляется, как правило,
в результате запроса к базе данных. Запрос к базе
данных в многопользовательской среде — это
весьма дорогостоящая операция. Предположим
теперь, что у нас нет XML и мы формируем
стандартные статические HTML-страницы. В этом
случае для решения задачи простого
преобразования внешнего представления
информации, например, для изменения сортировки, у
нас есть два способа решения проблемы: выполнить
запрос и сохранить результаты в каком-либо
временном буфере на сервере или каждый раз при
изменении внешнего представления выполнять
новый запрос и формировать HTML-страницу заново.

Первый способ требует трудоемкого
программирования, второй способ значительно
увеличивает нагрузку на сервер базы данных,
производительность которого часто является
узким местом системы, — пользователю всегда
хочется получать результаты быстрее.

XML и XSL — это исчерпывающее решение
описанной выше проблемы. Фактически XML-страница —
это и есть временный буфер для результатов
запросов. Только вместо нестандартного и
трудоемкого программирования мы теперь
используем стандартный механизм XSL.

Есть и еще одно соображение, которое может быть существенным для разработчиков баз данных. Большинство современных СУБД могут форматировать результаты запроса к базе данных в виде XML-файла. То есть при построении интерфейса пользователя в рамках технологии XML и XSL мы добиваемся определенной независимости от поставщика СУБД. В части организации вывода — практически полной независимости. А эта часть весьма велика в большинстве прикладных систем, ориентированных на работу с базами данных. Конечно, помимо вывода есть еще ввод и серверная обработка бизнес-логики, но здесь вам придется искать какие-то иные решения.

Первые шаги

Разберем теперь более подробно
первый пример. Напомним его текст.

<?xml version=»1.0″

<title>«Заметки об XSL»</title>
<author>Леонов Игорь Васильевич</author>

Первая строка информирует браузер о
том, что файл имеет формат XML. Атрибут version является
обязательным. Атрибут encoding не является обязательным, но если у вас в
тексте есть русские буквы, то необходимо
вставить этот атрибут, в противном случае XML-файл
просто не будет обрабатываться, — вы получите
сообщение об ошибке.

Следующие строки — это тело XML-файла.
Оно состоит из элементов, которые в совокупности
образуют древовидную структуру. Элементы
идентифицируются тегами и могут быть вложены
друг в друга.

Элементы могут иметь атрибуты,
значения которых тоже могут обрабатываться в
соответствии с шаблоном.

На верхнем уровне XML-файла всегда
находится один элемент. То есть файл вида

<?xml version=»1.0″

<title>«Заметки об XSL»</title>
<author>Леонов Игорь Васильевич</author>
<title>«Введение в CSP»</title>
<author>Леонов Игорь Васильевич</author>

не будет обрабатываться браузером.
Для преобразования в корректный XML-файл нужно
добавить теги элемента верхнего уровня, например

<?xml version=»1.0″

<title>«Заметки об XSL»</title>
<author>Леонов Игорь Васильевич</author>
<title>«Введение в CSP»</title>
<author>Леонов Игорь Васильевич</author>

Отметим, что имена тегов
чувствительны к регистру символов. Подробнее об
этом можно прочесть в любой книге по XML —
элементам и атрибутам в этих книгах уделяется
достаточно большое внимание.

Перейдем теперь к шаблону
преобразования — к XSL-файлу. Задача XSL-файла —
преобразовать дерево XML-файла в другое дерево,
которое, например, будет соответствовать формату
HTML и может быть изображено на экране браузера с
учетом форматирования, выбора шрифтов и т.п.

Для того, чтобы браузер выполнил
необходимое преобразование, нужно в XML-файле
указать ссылку на XSL-файл

<?xml version=»1.0″

<?xml-stylesheet type=’text/xsl’

Рассмотрим теперь текст XSL-файла

1.0« xmlns:xslhttp://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl«>
<xsl:template match/«>
<p><strong><xsl:value-of select//title»«/></strong></p>
<p><xsl:value-of select//author«/></p>

Первая строка файла содержит тег
элемента xsl:stylesheet. Атрибуты элемента — номер версии и
ссылка на пространство имен. Эти атрибуты
элемента xsl:stylesheet являются обязательными. В нашем случае
пространство имен — это все имена элементов и их
атрибутов, которые могут использоваться в
XSL-файле. Для XSL-файлов ссылка на пространство
имен является стандартной.

Заметим, что XSL-файл является одной
из разновидностей XML-файлов. Он не содержит
пользовательских данных, но формат его тот же
самый. Файл содержит элемент верхнего уровня xsl:stylesheet, а далее
идет дерево правил преобразования.

В настоящем документе мы не будем
подробно пояснять, что означает каждый элемент
XSL-файла. Мы будем приводить различные примеры и
показывать результат в каждом примере. Читатель
сможет самостоятельно сопоставить различные
элементы XSL-файла и инициируемые этими
элементами преобразования исходного XML-файла с
пользовательской информацией.

В дальнейшем тексты XML- и XSL-файлов мы
будем приводить в черно-белом варианте. Вы всегда
сможете открыть реальный файл и посмотреть все в
цвете. При необходимости закомментируйте ссылку
на XSL-файл. Синтаксис комментария следующий — <!— Текст комментария —>. В текст
комментария нельзя вставлять символы .

В первом примере мы посмотрели, как
с помощью элемента xsl:value-of можно вывести в HTML-формате содержание
элемента (текст, заключенный между тегами).
Теперь мы посмотрим, как при помощи того же
самого элемента можно вывести значение атрибута

Рассмотрим следующий XML-файл ex02-1.xml

<?xml version=»1.0″
<?xml-stylesheet type=’text/xsl’ href=’ex02-1.xsl’?>
<dog caption=»Собака: » name=»Шарик»>
<dogInfo weight=»18 кг» color=»рыжий с черными

В этом файле информация хранится не
в содержании элементов, а в виде значений
атрибутов. Файл ex02-1.xsl
имеет вид

<xsl:stylesheet version=»1.0″
<xsl:template match=»/»>
<P><B><xsl:value-of select=»//dog/@caption»/></B>
<xsl:value-of select=»//dog/@name»/>.
<xsl:value-of select=»//dogInfo/@weight»/>, <xsl:value-of

Обратите внимание на синтаксис
ссылки на атрибут элемента — //dog/@name.
Имя элемента и имя атрибута разделены парой
символов «/@«. В остальном
синтаксис тот же самый, что и для ссылки на
содержание элемента.

Результат имеет следующий вид:

Собака: Шарик. 18 кг,
рыжий с черными подпалинами.

Обратим теперь внимание на
следующий момент. В XSL-файле мы никак не
использовали элемент tutorial. На
самом деле можно было использовать полный путь.
Перепишем наш XML-файл, увеличив глубину дерева (ex02-2.xml)

<?xml version=»1.0″
<?xml-stylesheet type=’text/xsl’ href=’ex02-2.xsl’?>
<dog caption=»Собака: » name=»Шарик»>
<dogInfo weight=»18 кг» color=»рыжий с черными

Файл ex02-2.xsl
имеет вид

<xsl:stylesheet version=»1.0″
<xsl:template match=»/»>
<xsl:value-of select=»//enimals/dog/@name»/>.
<xsl:value-of select=»//enimals/dog/dogInfo/@weight»/>, <xsl:value-of

Результат будет тем же самым.

Собака: Шарик. 18 кг,
рыжий с черными подпалинами.

В этом примере мы использовали
полную ссылку для значений атрибутов. При выводе
одиночных значений оба варианта — полная и
сокращенная ссылка — работают одинаково.

На этом мы закончим разбор примеров
с выводом одиночных значений и перейдем к выводу
табличной информации — к выводу результатов

Вывод результатов

До тех пор, пока мы работаем с
несколькими реквизитами одного и того же
объекта, разницы между XML и HTML практически нет.
Однако стоит нам перейти к информации,
содержащей несколько строк, как выгоды XML
становятся очевидны. Но прежде чем перейти к
выгодам, научимся выводить на экран простую

Рассмотрим следующий XML-файл — ex03.xml. Текст его
приведен ниже.

<?xml version=»1.0″
    <dogWeight caption=»кг»>18</dogWeight>
    <dogColor>рыжий с черными
    <dogWeight caption=»кг»>10</dogWeight>
    <dogColor>белый с черными
    <dogWeight caption=»кг»>2</dogWeight>
    <dogWeight caption=»кг»>25</dogWeight>

Предположим, что это результат
запроса к базе данных и выведем на экран
соответствующую таблицу.

Простая таблица

Первый шаг — это, как всегда,
добавление шаблона преобразования. Модифицируем
наш файл, добавив в него ссылку на шаблон. В
результате получим файл ex03-1.xml.

В этот файл добавлен шаблон
преобразования ex03-1.xsl.

Рассмотрим этот шаблон подробнее.
Вот его текст.

<?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»WINDOWS-1251″ ?>
<xsl:stylesheet version=»1.0″
<xsl:template match=»/»>
<table border=»1″>
<tr bgcolor=»#CCCCCC»>
<td align=»center»><strong>Кличка</strong></td>
<td align=»center»><strong>Вес</strong></td>
<td align=»center»><strong>Цвет</strong></td>
<xsl:for-each select=»tutorial/enimals/dogs/dog»>
<tr bgcolor=»#F5F5F5″>
<td><xsl:value-of select=»dogName»/></td>
<td align=»right»><xsl:value-of select=»dogWeight»/>
<xsl:value-of select=»dogWeight/@caption»/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select=»dogColor»/></td>

Первая строка — новая для вас в
XSL-файле (но не в XML-файлах!). Она говорит о том,
что в XSL-файле нужно нормально воспринимать
русские буквы. Без этой строки браузер не
сможет корректно обработать русский текст
в XSL-файле. Следующие две строки шаблона являются
уже привычными. Следующие шесть строк — это
строка, содержащая заголовки столбцов таблицы.
Конструкция для извлечения текста заголовков
таблицы вам уже знакома. А вот десятая строка
тоже является новой:

<xsl:for-each select=»tutorial/enimals/dogs/dog»>

Этот элемент шаблона позволяет
выбрать и просмотреть все группы информации,
полный путь к которым задается списком тегов «tutorial/enimals/dogs/dog». Обратите
внимание — путь задается полностью, ни один из
тегов опустить нельзя. Далее в ячейки таблицы
помещается информация о наших собаках. В отличие
от первых примеров путь к соответствующей
информации тоже задается полностью. Попробуем,
например, разместить информацию о кличке
чуть-чуть иначе ex03-2.xml:


Если мы в соответствующем XSL-файле
поставим ссылку <xsl:value-of
, то в соответствующем
столбце никакой клички мы не увидим. Ссылка
должна быть полной — <xsl:value-of
. Вы можете
самостоятельно поэкспериментировать с файлом ex03-2.xsl.
Правильный результат приведен ниже.

Кличка Вес Цвет
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами
Бобик 2 кг бело-серый
Трезор 25 кг черный


В предыдущих примерах порядок строк
в таблице полностью соответствовал группам
тегов в XML-файле. Этот порядок можно изменять.
Добавим в тег

<xsl:for-each select=»tutorial/enimals/dogs/dog»>

атрибут order-by

<xsl:for-each select=»tutorial/enimals/dogs/dog»

Наша таблица примет вид (ex03-3.xml, ex03-3.xsl).

Кличка Вес Цвет
Бобик 2 кг бело-серый
Трезор 25 кг черный
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами

Более интересные результаты мы
получим, если попытаемся отсортировать таблицу
по столбцу «Вес». Вначале попробуем сделать
по аналогии с предыдущим примером — атрибут order-by=»dogName» заменим на order-by=»dogWeight». Результат приведен
ниже  (ex03-4.xml,

Кличка Вес Цвет
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами
Бобик 2 кг бело-серый
Трезор 25 кг черный

Таблица действительно
отсортирована по столбцу «вес», но это не
числовая, а строковая сортировка! Для того, чтобы
браузер воспринял значения как числа, ему
необходимо об этом сказать, — вместо order-by=»dogWeight»
необходимо написать order-by=»number(dogWeight)».
Теперь мы получили правильный результат (ex03-5.xml, ex03-5.xsl).

Кличка Вес Цвет
Бобик 2 кг бело-серый
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами
Трезор 25 кг черный

Приведем теперь пример сортировки
по нескольким столбцам. Различные элементы в
атрибуте order-by должны разделяться
символом «;» —   order-by=»number(dogWeight);
Таблица приведена ниже.

Кличка Вес Цвет
Трезор 10 кг черный
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами
Бобик 18 кг бело-серый
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами

Следующий пример работает только
под управлением XML-парсера версии 3. В нем строки
сортируются по одному столбцу — по кличке собаки.
Этот пример уже приводился выше, однако теперь мы
используем новый синтаксис (ex03-7.xml, ex03-7.xsl).

Отметим разницу.

При использовании нового
синтаксиса используется ссылка на другое
пространство имен

<xsl:stylesheet version=»1.0″ xmlns:xsl=»http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform«>

Это очень важный момент, и его
никогда нельзя упускать из виду.

Кроме того, мы убрали атрибут order-by в элементе xsl:for-each
и добавили другой элемент

<xsl:sort order=»ascending»

Если элемент xsl:sort
присутствует в элементе xsl:for-each, то он всегда должен стоять сразу после
элемента xsl:for-each. Синтаксис элемента xsl:sort достаточно
очевиден. В нем используются два атрибута:
атрибут order — способ сортировки
(по возрастанию или по убыванию) и атрибут select — имя поля, по которому
производится сортировка. Если нам нужно
отсортировать по первому элементу, как в данном
примере, то вместо «dogName»
можно было поставить точку — «.«,
для других элементов нужно указывать его имя,
например «dogColor«, если нам
нужно отсортировать записи по цвету собаки. На
самом деле атрибутов может быть пять — select, lang, data-type,
order и case-order, но мы
не будем здесь рассматривать все эти атрибуты,
поскольку здесь мы не преследуем цель дать
полное описание всех элементов, используемых в
XSL, и их атрибутов.

Таблица результатов приведена ниже.

Кличка Вес Цвет
Бобик 2 кг бело-серый
Трезор 25 кг черный
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами

С использованием нового синтаксиса
легко сменить сортировку по возрастанию на
сортировку по убыванию (ex03-8.xml, ex03-8.xsl). Этот пример работает только
под управлением XML-парсера версии 3.

Разница заключается в одной строке

<xsl:sort order=»descending»

Мы изменили значение атрибут order — значение ascending
заменено на descending.

Таблица результатов приведена ниже.

Кличка Вес Цвет
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами
Трезор 25 кг черный
Бобик 2 кг бело-серый

Покажем теперь сортировку по
нескольким полям (ex03-9.xml,
ex03-9.xsl). Этот
пример работает только под управлением
XML-парсера версии 3.

В этом примере у нас фигурируют две
строки с элементом xsl:sort.

<xsl:sort order=»ascending»
select=»number(dogWeight)» data-type=»number»/>
<xsl:sort order=»ascending» select=»dogName»/>

Строки вначале сортируются по весу
собаки, а затем по их кличкам в алфавитном
порядке. Обратите внимание — для того, чтобы
сортировка выполнялась в числовой
последовательности, в элемент xsl:sort мы добавили атрибут data-type. Таблица результатов приведена

Кличка Вес Цвет
Волчонок 3 кг темно-серый
Трезор 10 кг черный
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами
Бобик 18 кг бело-серый
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами

Заменив значение атрибута order by на descending, мы
легко сгруппируем записи о собаках с одинаковым
весом так, что клички будут идти в обратном
алфавитном порядке. Соответствующий пример вы
легко построите сами.

Кличка Вес Цвет
Волчонок 3 кг темно-серый
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами
Трезор 10 кг черный
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами
Бобик 18 кг бело-серый

Элемент XSL:IF — фильтр

Рассмотрим теперь способы
фильтрации строк таблицы. Первый пример
использует старый синтаксис. В нем условие
фильтрации указывается непосредственно в
атрибуте select (ex04-1.xml,

Ниже приведена строка, в которую мы
внесли необходимые изменения.

xsl:for-each select=»tutorial/enimals/dogs/dog[dogWeight$gt$10] » order-by=»number(dogWeight);

И таблица результатов.

Кличка Вес Цвет
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами
Трезор 25 кг черный

Вы видите, что в таблице остались
только те собаки, чей вес превышает 10 кг, причем
первым стоит Шарик, чей вес меньше.

Все дальнейшие примеры в этом
параграфе работают только под управлением
XML-парсера версии 3.

Более гибкие возможности нам
предоставляет новый синтаксис (ex04-2.xml, ex04-2.xsl). Обратите
внимание — в новом синтаксисе атрибут order-by
в элементе xsl:for-each не
поддерживается, вместо него мы вставили два
элемента xsl:sort.

<xsl:sort order=»ascending»
<xsl:sort order=»ascending» select=»dogName»/>

Кроме того, условие фильтра у нас
вынесено в отдельный элемент xsl:if.

<xsl:if test=»dogWeight&gt;10″>

Не забывайте указывать конечный тег
элемента xsl:if.


<tr bgcolor=»#F5F5F5″>
<td><xsl:value-of select=»dogName»/></td>
<td align=»right»><xsl:value-of select=»dogWeight»/>
<xsl:value-of select=»dogWeight/@caption»/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select=»dogColor»/></td>

В этом примере таблица результатов
полностью аналогична предыдущей.

Кличка Вес Цвет
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами
Трезор 25 кг черный

Полностью преимущества нового
синтаксиса проявляются при использовании

Рассмотрим следующий пример (ex04-3.xml, ex04-3.xsl). В этом
примере используется функция position(),
определяющая порядковый номер фрагмента в
исходном XML-файле.

Соответствующий элемент xsl:if.

<xsl:if test=»position()<3″>


Кличка Вес Цвет
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами

Продемонстрируем теперь
использование более интересных функций — start-with(string,startSubstring) и contains(string,anySubstring).
Функция start-with(string,startSubstring)
проверяет, начинается ли строка string с подстроки  startSubstring. Пример — ex04-4.xml, ex04-4.xsl).

Синтаксис элемента xsl:if.

<xsl:if test=»starts-with($varDogName,$varStartWith)»>

В этом элементе мы использовали
переменные. Значения переменных были
инициализированы ранее

<xsl:variable name=»varStartWith»>Т</xsl:variable>
<xsl:for-each select=»tutorial/enimals/dogs/dog»>
<xsl:variable name=»varDogName»><xsl:value-of

Переменная varStartWith
представляет собой подстроку, с которой должны
начинаться требуемые нам клички. Она не меняется,
поэтому инициализируется перед циклом.
Переменная varDogName содержит кличку
собаки, она меняется на каждом шаге цикла и,
соответственно, инициализируется в теле цикла.


Кличка Вес Цвет
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами
Трезор 25 кг черный

Функция contains(string,anySubstring)
проверяет, содержит ли строка string подстроку  anySubstring. Пример — ex04-5.xml, ex04-5.xsl.

Синтаксис элемента xsl:if.

<xsl:if test=»contains($varDogName,$varStartWith)»>

Этот пример полностью аналогичен


Кличка Вес Цвет
Бобик 2 кг бело-серый
Трезор 25 кг черный

Два элемента xsl:if,
вложенные друг в друга, дают нам эффект оператора
AND (ex04-6.xml,

Соответствующий фрагмент XSL-файла.

<xsl:if test=»dogWeight&gt;10″>
<xsl:if test=»dogWeight&lt;20″>



Кличка Вес Цвет
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами

Можно добиться и эффекта оператора
OR. Для этого нам нужно включить два цикла, в
каждом из которых формируется своя выборка   (ex04-7.xml, ex04-7.xsl).

Соответствующий фрагмент XSL-файла.


<xsl:sort order=»ascending» select=»number(dogWeight)»/>
<xsl:if test=»dogWeight&lt;10″>
<tr bgcolor=»#F5F5F5″>
<td><xsl:value-of select=»dogName»/></td>
<td align=»right»><xsl:value-of select=»dogWeight»/>
<xsl:value-of select=»dogWeight/@caption»/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select=»dogColor»/></td>
<xsl:for-each select=»tutorial/enimals/dogs/dog»>
<xsl:sort order=»ascending» select=»number(dogWeight)»/>
<xsl:if test=»dogWeight&gt;15″>
<tr bgcolor=»#F5F5F5″>
<td><xsl:value-of select=»dogName»/></td>
<td align=»right»><xsl:value-of select=»dogWeight»/>
<xsl:value-of select=»dogWeight/@caption»/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select=»dogColor»/></td>


Кличка Вес Цвет
Бобик 2 кг бело-серый
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами
Трезор 25 кг черный

Если сортировка не требуется, то
можно вставить два элемента xsl:if в
один элемент xsl:for-each.

Элемент XSL:IF —
улучшение внешнего вида таблиц

Элемент xsl:if можно
применять не только для фильтрации строк
выборки. Очевидно, что он может быть полезен и во
многих других областях. В этом параграфе мы
разберем пример использования элемента xsl:if для улучшения внешнего вида
таблицы. Заодно мы продемонстрируем реальное
использование функции position(). Мы будем использовать эту функцию для
того, чтобы чередовать цвет четных и нечетных
строк таблицы  (ex04-8.xml,

Фрагмент XSL-файла, который отвечает
за требуемое чередование.

<xsl:if test=»position() mod 2 = 0«>
<xsl:attribute name=»bgcolor»>#CCCCCC</xsl:attribute>

С элементом xsl:if и с
функцией position() мы уже знакомы. Оператор mod
дает нам остаток от деления на 2. А элемент xsl:attribute
позволяет нам динамически подставлять в файл
результатов различные атрибуты. Это очень мощный
элемент, мы разберем еще одно применение этого
элемента в следующем параграфе. А сейчас
приведем для полноты картины таблицу

Кличка Вес Цвет
Шарик 18 кг рыжий с черными подпалинами
Тузик 10 кг белый с черными пятнами
Бобик 2 кг бело-серый
Трезор 25 кг черный

формирование атрибутов на примере параметров
ссылки в теге <a>

Предположим теперь, что в каждой
строке таблицы нам нужно сделать ссылку на
некоторую страницу и передать на эту страницу
два параметра — кличку и вес собаки. Понятно, что
для каждой строки эти параметры — свои, и их
нельзя прописать явно в XSL-файл. Тем не менее
задача легко решается при помощи элемента xsl:attribute.

Мы не будем здесь строить
специальный пример, ограничимся только
соответствующим фрагментом XSL-файла.

<!— Create reference to display details. Parameters — Dog Name
and Dog Weight —>

<a target=»_blank»>
<xsl:attribute name=»href»>DisplayDetails.html?dogName=<xsl:value-of
<xsl:attribute name=»title»>To view some more
details about <xsl:value-of select=»dogName»/> click to dog
<xsl:value-of select=»dogName»/>

В этом примере в ячейке таблицы мы
размещаем ссылку на страницу с подробными
описаниями. Ссылка указывается в атрибуте href тега <a>.
Поскольку  на страницу передаются два
параметра, значения которых берутся из XML-файла,
этот атрибут формируется динамически. Обратите
также внимание — символ &
(амперсанд), разделяющий передаваемые параметры,
записывается в XSL-файле в виде &amp;.
Во втором атрибуте нам нужна всплывающая
подсказка (атрибут title), которая
появляется при наведении курсора мыши на ссылку.
Текст этой подсказки тоже меняется динамически.
Наконец, статический атрибут target
мы разместили непосредственно в теге <a>.

И, наконец, мы ознакомились с
комментариями в XSL-файлах. Это вторая строка
приведенного фрагмента.

<!— Create reference to display details. Parameters — Dog Name
and Dog Weight —>

На этом мы завершим рассмотрение
возможностей чистого XSLT и перейдем к последнему
параграфу в этом документе — к динамическому
изменению содержимого Web-страницы при помощи
возможностей JavaScript и XML/XSLT без каких-либо
дополнительных обращений к базе данных.

JavaScript и XML

Объединим теперь наши знания XML с
возможностями, которые нам предоставляет JavaScript.
Предположим, что нам нужно иметь возможность
динамически изменять сортировку столбцов
таблицы при щелчке на заголовке того или иного
столбца. Понятно, что для этого нам нужно иметь
один XML-файл, содержащий строки таблицы,
несколько XSL-файлов, каждый из которых содержит
требуемую сортировку и нечто, что объединит это
все вместе и заставит работать.

Перейдем к реализации этой

В качестве XML-файла возьмем
привычный нам файл со списком собак — ex05-1.xml. Обратите
внимание — мы убрали из файла ссылку на XSL-файл —
нам нужно менять шаблон преобразования

Создадим также три XSL-файла, в каждом
из которых у нас будет свой элемент xsl:sort,
задающий сортировку строк — ex05-1a.xsl, ex05-1b.xsl, ex05-1c.xsl.

Приведем здесь текст элемента xsl:sort для каждого файла

<xsl:sort order=»ascending»

<xsl:sort order=»ascending»
select=»number(dogWeight)» data-type=»number»/>

<xsl:sort order=»ascending»

Теперь нам осталось только
объединить все это вместе. Ниже мы полностью
приводим текст файла ex05-1.htm, сопроводив его необходимыми

<script language=»JavaScript»>

var source;
var style;

Функция инициализации необходимых
объектов. В этой же функции выводится
первоначальный вариант на экран.

function init() {
Создаем объект для файла —
источника данных.

source = new ActiveXObject(«Microsoft.XMLDOM»);
source.async = false;
Создаем объект для файла с шаблоном
преобразования (для файла стиля).

style = new ActiveXObject(«Microsoft.XMLDOM»);
style.async = false;
Загружаем записи в файл — источник
данных.Записи берем из существующего XML-файла.

Загружаем файл стиля.
Первоначальная сортировка — по цвету.

Теперь нам нужно вывести
информацию на экран. Внимательно
проанализируйте синтаксис и запомните его.

document.all.item(«xslresult»).innerHTML = source.transformNode(style);
return true;

Сортируем записи по кличке.
function orderByNick() {
document.all.item(«xslresult»).innerHTML = source.transformNode(style);
return true;

Сортируем записи по весу.
function orderByWeight() {
document.all.item(«xslresult»).innerHTML = source.transformNode(style);
return true;

Сортируем записи по цвету.
function orderByColor() {
document.all.item(«xslresult»).innerHTML = source.transformNode(style);
return true;

При загрузке страницы создадим все
необходимые объекты и выведем первоначальный
вариант на экран.

<body onLoad=»init()»>
<div id=»xslresult»>
<!— Здесь будет размещаться окончательный
вариант HTML-содержимого  —>

Мы добились своей цели — при щелчке
мышью на заголовке столбца строки сортируются в
соответствии со значениями в выбранном столбце.

В заключение приведем
реальный пример из складской системы. По своим
функциональным возможностям этот пример
полностью аналогичен предыдущему, детали только
в реализации JavaScript-функций и в конкретных данных.

Основная страница — Mgr.html. Эта
страница содержит два фрейма — MgrTop.html (страница
управления, содержащая все JavaScript-функции) и MgrMain.html —
страница-пустышка, в которую в дальнейшем
подставляется результат преобразования XML-файла.
Страница данных — MgrMainXml.xml. Эти данные получены в
результате запроса к реальной базе данных. Для
разработчиков на Cache приведем текст CSP-страницы,
которая служит источником данных — MgrMainXml.csp. Мы пошли на
некоторые ухищрения и вместо реальных страниц
MgrTop.html и MgrMainXml.csp подгружаем их копии с
расширением *.txt для того, чтобы в браузере можно
было увидеть непосредственно исходный код
страницы. Сами страницы MgrTop.html и MgrMainXml.csp тоже
присутствуют в соответствующей директории, при
этом MgrTop.html работает в нашем примере, а MgrMainXml.csp,
естественно, бесполезна без Cache-сервера.

На этом наше введение в
XML-XSLT заканчивается.

Заключительные замечания

В процессе работы над этим
документом использовались примеры Microsoft и
примеры с сайта http://www.zvon.org.
Рекомендую всем, кто интересуется
Web-технологиями, посетить этот сайт. Вы найдете
там полные руководства и большое количество
примеров по HTML, CSS, различным аспектам XML и т.п. Все
материалы на английском языке. Многие документы,
например, XSLT
Reference можно скачать в виде архива и держать под

Книга Эрика Рея «Изучаем XML», Москва, «Символ», 2001. В этой книге — великолепное введение в XML и смежные стандарты (XPath, XSL и т.п.) Объем материала многократно превышает то, что есть в данном обзоре. Плюс качественный разбор основных понятий и идеи возможных применений различных технологий в реальных проектах.

Рекомендую также русскоязычный
перевод спецификации «Язык преобразований XSL
1.0» (XSL Transformations 1.0), расположенный по адресу http://www.online.ru/it/helpdesk/xslt01.htm.

Большое спасибо Radj I. Halfin, который подсказал мне решение проблемы с русскими буквами в XSL-файлах.

Надеемся, что информации,
приведенной в этом документе в совокупности с
вашей фантазией и XSLT Reference, вам будет достаточно
для воплощения в жизнь самых смелых замыслов.

1 Introduction

1.1 What is XSLT?

This specification defines the syntax and semantics of the XSLT 2.0

[Definition: A
transformation in the XSLT language is expressed
in the form of a stylesheet, whose syntax is
well-formed XML [XML 1.0] conforming to the
Namespaces in XML Recommendation [Namespaces in XML 1.0].]

A stylesheet generally includes elements that are defined by XSLT
as well as elements that are not defined by XSLT. XSLT-defined elements are
distinguished by use of the namespace http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform
(see 3.1 XSLT Namespace),
which is referred to in this specification as the XSLT
namespace. Thus this specification is a definition of
the syntax and semantics of the XSLT namespace.

The term stylesheet reflects
the fact that one of the important roles of XSLT is to add styling information
to an XML source document, by transforming it into a document consisting of XSL
formatting objects (see [Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)]),
or into another presentation-oriented format such as HTML, XHTML, or SVG.
However, XSLT is used for a wide range of transformation tasks,
not exclusively for formatting and presentation applications.

A transformation expressed in XSLT describes rules for transforming
zero or more source trees into
one or more result trees. The structure of these trees
is described in [Data Model].
The transformation is achieved by
a set of template rules.
A template rule associates a pattern, which
matches nodes in the source document, with a sequence constructor.
In many cases, evaluating the sequence constructor will cause new
nodes to be constructed, which can be used to produce part of a result tree.
The structure of the result trees can be completely different
from the structure of the source trees.
In constructing a result
tree, nodes from the source trees can be filtered and reordered, and
arbitrary structure can be added. This mechanism allows a stylesheet
to be applicable to a wide class of
documents that have similar source tree structures.

[Definition: A
stylesheet may consist of several
stylesheet modules,
contained in different XML documents.
For a given transformation, one of these functions as the
principal stylesheet module. The complete stylesheet is
assembled by finding the stylesheet modules referenced
directly or indirectly from the
principal stylesheet module using xsl:include and
xsl:import elements: see 3.10.2 Stylesheet Inclusion and
3.10.3 Stylesheet Import.]

1.2 What’s New in XSLT 2.0?

XSLT 1.0 was published in November 1999, and version 2.0 represents a significant increase
in the capability of the language. A detailed list of changes is included in J Changes from XSLT 1.0.
XSLT 2.0 has been developed in parallel with XPath 2.0 (see [XPath 2.0]), so the changes
to XPath must be considered alongside the changes to XSLT.

2 Concepts

2.1 Terminology

For a full glossary of terms, see C Glossary.

[Definition: The software responsible
for transforming source trees into
result trees using an XSLT stylesheet
is referred to as the processor. This is sometimes expanded
to XSLT processor to avoid any confusion with
other processors, for example an XML processor.]

[Definition: A specific product that performs the functions of
an XSLT processor is referred to as
an implementation

[Definition: The term result tree
is used to refer to any tree constructed by instructions
in the stylesheet. A result tree is either a final result tree
or a temporary tree.]

[Definition: A final result tree
is a result tree that forms part of the final output
of a transformation. Once created, the contents of a final result tree are
not accessible within the stylesheet itself.] The xsl:result-document
instruction always creates a final result tree, and a final result tree may also be created
implicitly by the initial template.
The conditions under which
this happens are described in 2.4 Executing a Transformation.
A final result tree may be serialized
as described in 20 Serialization.

[Definition: The term source tree
means any tree provided as input to the transformation. This includes the document containing
the initial context node if any, documents containing
nodes supplied as the values of stylesheet parameters,
documents obtained from the results of functions such as document, docFO,
and collectionFO, and documents returned by extension functions or extension
instructions. In the context of a particular XSLT instruction, the term source tree means
any tree provided as input to that instruction; this may be a source tree of the transformation as a whole,
or it may be a temporary tree produced during the course
of the transformation.]

[Definition: The term temporary tree
means any tree that is neither a source tree
nor a final result tree.] Temporary trees
are used to hold intermediate results during the execution of the transformation.

In this specification the phrases must,
must not, should, should not,
required, and recommended
are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

Where the phrase must, must not,
or required relates to the behavior of the
XSLT processor, then an implementation is not conformant unless it behaves
as specified, subject to the more detailed rules in 21 Conformance.

Where the phrase must, must not,
or required relates to a stylesheet, then the
processor must enforce this constraint on stylesheets by reporting an error
if the constraint is not satisfied.

Where the phrase should, should not,
or recommended relates to a stylesheet,
then a processor may produce warning messages if the constraint is not
satisfied, but must not treat this as an error.

[Definition: In this
specification, the term implementation-defined refers to a feature where the
implementation is allowed some flexibility, and where the choices made by the
implementation must be described in
documentation that accompanies any conformance claim.]

[Definition: The
term implementation-dependent refers to a feature where the
behavior may vary from one implementation to another, and where the vendor is not expected to
provide a full specification of the behavior.] (This might apply, for example, to
limits on the size of source documents that can be transformed.)

In all cases where this specification leaves the behavior implementation-defined
or implementation-dependent, the implementation has the option of providing mechanisms that allow
the user to influence the behavior.

A paragraph labeled as a Note or described as an example is

Many terms used in this document are defined in the XPath specification
[XPath 2.0] or the XDM specification [Data Model]. Particular
attention is drawn to the following:

  • [Definition: The term atomization is defined
    in Section
    2.4.2 AtomizationXP. It is a process that takes as input a sequence of nodes and atomic values, and
    returns a sequence of atomic values, in which the nodes are replaced by their typed values as defined in
    [Data Model].] For some nodes (for example, elements with element-only content),
    atomization generates a dynamic error.

  • [Definition: The term typed value
    is defined in Section
    5.15 typed-value AccessorDM.
    Every node except an element defined in the schema with element-only content has a
    typed value. For example, the
    typed value
    of an attribute of type xs:IDREFS is a sequence of zero or more xs:IDREF values.]

  • [Definition: The term string value
    is defined in Section
    5.13 string-value AccessorDM.
    Every node has a string value. For example, the string value
    of an element is the concatenation of the string values of all its descendant text nodes.]

  • [Definition: The term
    XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is defined in Section
    2.1.1 Static ContextXP. This is a setting in the
    static context of an XPath expression; it has two values, true and false. When the value
    is set to true, the semantics of function calls and certain other operations are adjusted to give a greater degree
    of backwards compatibility between XPath 2.0 and XPath 1.0.]

[Definition: The
term core function means a function that is specified in
[Functions and Operators] and that is in the
standard function

2.2 Notation

[Definition: An XSLT element is an element
in the XSLT namespace whose syntax and semantics are
defined in this specification.] For a non-normative list of XSLT elements, see
D Element Syntax Summary.

In this document the specification of each
XSLT element is preceded by
a summary of its syntax in the form of a model for elements of that
element type. A full list of all these specifications can be found in
D Element Syntax Summary.
The meaning of syntax summary notation is as follows:

  • An attribute that is required is shown with its
    name in bold. An attribute that may be omitted is shown with a question mark following its name.

  • An attribute that is deprecated
    is shown in a grayed font within square brackets.

  • The string that occurs in the place of an attribute value
    specifies the allowed values of the attribute. If this is surrounded
    by curly brackets ({...}), then the attribute value is treated as an
    attribute value template,
    and the string occurring within curly brackets specifies the allowed
    values of the result of evaluating the attribute value template.
    Alternative allowed values are separated by |. A quoted
    string indicates a value equal to that specific string. An unquoted,
    italicized name specifies a particular type of value.

    Except where the set of allowed values of an
    attribute is specified using the italicized name string or char,
    leading and trailing whitespace in the attribute value is ignored.

    In the case of an attribute value template,
    this applies to the effective value obtained
    when the attribute value template is expanded.

  • Unless the element is required to be empty, the model element
    contains a comment specifying the allowed content. The allowed
    content is specified in a similar way to an element type declaration
    in XML; sequence constructor means that any mixture of text nodes,
    literal result elements,
    extension instructions, and
    XSLT elements from
    the instruction category is allowed;
    other-declarations means that any mixture of XSLT
    elements from the declaration category,
    other than xsl:import, is
    allowed, together with user-defined data elements.

  • The element is prefaced by comments indicating if it belongs
    to the instruction category or
    declaration category or both. The category of an
    element only affects whether it is allowed in the content of elements
    that allow a sequence constructor or

This example illustrates the notation used to describe
XSLT elements.

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select = expression
  debug? = { "yes" | "no" }>
  <!-- Content: ((xsl:variable | xsl:param)*, xsl:sequence) -->

This example defines a (non-existent) element xsl:example-element. The element is classified as
an instruction. It takes a mandatory select attribute, whose value is an XPath expression, and
an optional debug attribute, whose value must be either yes or no; the curly
brackets indicate that the value can be defined as an attribute value
template, allowing a value such as debug="{$debug}", where the variable
is evaluated to yield "yes" or "no" at run-time.

The content of an xsl:example-element instruction is defined to be a sequence of zero or more
xsl:variable and xsl:param elements, followed by an xsl:sequence

[ERR XTSE0010] A static error is signaled
if an XSLT-defined element is used in a context
where it is not permitted, if a required attribute is omitted,
or if the content of the element does not correspond to the
content that is allowed for the element.

Attributes are validated as follows. These rules apply to the value of the
attribute after removing leading and trailing whitespace.

  • [ERR XTSE0020] It is a static error
    if an attribute (other than an attribute written using curly brackets in
    a position where an
    attribute value template is permitted) contains a value
    that is not one of the permitted values for that attribute.

  • [ERR XTDE0030] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
    if the effective value of an attribute written
    using curly brackets, in
    a position where an attribute value template is
    permitted, is a value
    that is not one of the permitted values for that attribute.
    If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when
    any XPath expressions within the curly brackets can be evaluated statically), then the processor may
    optionally signal this as a static error.

Special rules apply if the construct appears in part of
the stylesheet that is processed with
forwards-compatible behavior: see 3.9 Forwards-Compatible Processing.

[Definition: Some constructs defined in this
specification are described as being deprecated. The use of this term implies that
stylesheet authors should not use the construct, and that the construct may
be removed in a later version of this specification.] All constructs that are
deprecated in this specification are also (as it happens)
optional features that implementations are
not required to provide.


This working draft includes a non-normative XML Schema for XSLT
stylesheet modules
(see G Schema for XSLT Stylesheets). The syntax summaries described in this section are normative.

XSLT defines a set of standard functions which are additional to those defined
in [Functions and Operators]. The signatures of these functions are described using the
same notation as used in [Functions and Operators].
The names of these functions are all in the
standard function namespace.

2.3 Initiating a Transformation

This document does not specify any application programming interfaces or other
interfaces for initiating a transformation. This section, however, describes the information that is
supplied when a transformation is initiated. Except where otherwise indicated, the information
is required.

Implementations may allow a transformation to run as two or more phases, for example parsing, compilation and
execution. Such a distinction is outside the scope of this specification, which treats transformation as a single
process controlled using a set of stylesheet modules, supplied
in the form of XML documents.

The following information is supplied to execute a transformation:

  • The stylesheet module that is
    to act as the principal stylesheet module for the transformation.
    The complete stylesheet is assembled by recursively
    expanding the xsl:import and xsl:include
    declarations in the principal stylesheet module, as described in 3.10.2 Stylesheet Inclusion and 3.10.3 Stylesheet Import.

  • A set (possibly empty) of values for stylesheet parameters
    (see 9.5 Global Variables and Parameters). These
    values are available for use within expressions in the

  • [Definition: A node that acts as
    the initial context node for the transformation. This node is accessible within the
    stylesheet as the initial value of the XPath
    . (dot) and self::node(),
    as described in Maintaining Position: the Focus

    If no initial context
    node is supplied, then the context item,
    context position, and
    context size
    will initially be undefined, and the evaluation of any expression that
    references these values will result in a dynamic error.
    (Note that the initial context size and
    context position will always be 1 (one) when an initial context node is supplied, and will be undefined if no
    initial context node is supplied).

  • Optionally, the name of a named template which is to
    be executed as the entry point to the transformation. This template must
    exist within the stylesheet. If no
    named template is supplied, then the transformation starts
    with the template rule
    that best matches the initial context node,
    according to the rules defined in
    6.4 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules. Either a named template, or an initial context node,
    or both, must be supplied.

  • Optionally, an initial mode.
    This must either be the default mode,
    or a mode that is explicitly named in the mode attribute of an
    xsl:template declaration within the stylesheet.
    If an initial mode
    is supplied, then in searching for the template rule that best matches
    the initial context node,
    the processor considers only those rules that apply to the initial mode. If no
    initial mode is supplied, the default mode is used.

  • A base output URI. [Definition: 
    The base output URI is a URI to be used as the base URI when resolving a relative URI allocated to a
    final result tree.
    If the transformation generates more than one final result
    tree, then typically each one will be allocated a URI relative to this base URI.
    The way in which a base output URI is established
    is implementation-defined.

  • A mechanism for obtaining a document node and a media type, given an absolute URI. The total
    set of available documents (modeled as a mapping from URIs to document nodes) forms part of the
    context for evaluating XPath expressions, specifically the docFO function.
    The XSLT document function additionally requires the media type of the
    resource representation, for use in interpreting any fragment identifier present within a URI


    The set of documents
    that are available to the stylesheet is
    implementation-dependent, as is
    the processing that is carried out to construct a tree representing
    the resource retrieved using a given URI. Some possible ways of
    constructing a document (specifically, rules for constructing a document
    from an Infoset or from a PSVI) are described in [Data Model].

[ERR XTDE0040] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the invocation of the
stylesheet specifies a template name that does not match the
expanded-QName of a named template defined in the stylesheet.

[ERR XTDE0045] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the invocation of the
stylesheet specifies an initial mode
(other than the default mode)
that does not match the
expanded-QName in the mode attribute of any
template defined in the stylesheet.

[ERR XTDE0047] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the invocation of the
stylesheet specifies both an initial mode and an initial

[ERR XTDE0050] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the stylesheet that is invoked declares a visible
stylesheet parameter
with required="yes" and no value for
this parameter is supplied during the invocation of the stylesheet. A stylesheet parameter
is visible if it is not masked by another global variable or parameter with the same name and higher
import precedence.

[Definition: The transformation
is performed by evaluating an initial template. If a
named template is
supplied when the transformation is initiated, then this is the initial template;
otherwise, the initial
template is the template rule
selected according to the rules of the xsl:apply-templates instruction
for processing the
initial context node in the
initial mode.]

Parameters passed to the transformation by the client application are matched against
stylesheet parameters (see 9.5 Global Variables and Parameters),
not against the template parameters declared within
the initial template.
All template parameters
within the initial template to be executed will take their default values.

[ERR XTDE0060] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the initial template defines a template parameter
that specifies required="yes".

A stylesheet can process further source documents in
addition to those supplied when the transformation is invoked.
These additional documents can be loaded using the functions
document (see 16.1 Multiple Source Documents)
or docFO or collectionFO (see [Functions and Operators]), or
they can be supplied as stylesheet parameters
(see 9.5 Global Variables and Parameters),
or as the result of an extension function
(see 18.1 Extension Functions).

2.4 Executing a Transformation

[Definition: A stylesheet contains a
set of template rules (see 6 Template Rules). A template rule has three parts: a
pattern that is matched against nodes,
a (possibly empty) set of template parameters, and a
constructor that is evaluated to produce a
sequence of items.] In many cases these items are newly constructed
nodes, which are then written to a result tree.

A transformation as a whole is
executed by evaluating the sequence
constructor of the
initial template as described
in 5.7 Sequence Constructors.

The result sequence produced by evaluating the initial template is handled
as follows:

  1. If the initial template has an as attribute, then the result
    sequence of the initial template is checked against the required type in the
    same way as for any other template.

  2. If the result sequence is non-empty, then it is used to construct
    an implicit
    final result tree,
    following the rules described in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content:
    the effect is as if the initial template T were called by an
    implicit template of the form:

    <xsl:template name="IMPLICIT">
      <xsl:result-document href="">
        <xsl:call-template name="T"/>

An implicit result tree is also created when the result sequence is empty, provided
that no xsl:result-document instruction has been evaluated during the course of
the transformation. In this situation the implicit result tree will consist of a document node with no children.


This means that there is always at least one result tree. It also means that if the
content of the initial template is a single xsl:result-document instruction, as in the example
above, then only one result tree is produced, not two. It is useful to make the result document explicit as this
is the only way of invoking document-level validation.

If the result of the initial template is non-empty, and an explicit
instruction has been evaluated with the empty attribute href="", then an error will occur
[see ERR XTDE1490], since it is not possible to create two final result
trees with the same URI.

A sequence constructor is a
sequence of sibling nodes in the stylesheet, each of which is either an
XSLT instruction,
a literal result element,
a text node, or
an extension instruction.

[Definition: An
instruction is either an XSLT instruction
or an extension instruction.]

[Definition: An
XSLT instruction is an XSLT element
whose syntax summary in this specification contains the annotation
<!-- category: instruction -->.]

Extension instructions are
described in 18.2 Extension Instructions.

The main categories of XSLT instruction are as follows:

  • instructions that create new nodes: xsl:document, xsl:element,
    xsl:attribute, xsl:processing-instruction,
    xsl:comment, xsl:value-of, xsl:text,

  • an instruction that returns an arbitrary sequence by evaluating an XPath expression:

  • instructions that cause conditional or repeated evaluation of nested instructions:
    xsl:choose, xsl:for-each, xsl:for-each-group;

  • instructions that invoke templates: xsl:apply-templates,
    xsl:apply-imports, xsl:call-template,

  • Instructions that declare variables: xsl:variable, xsl:param;

  • other specialized instructions: xsl:number, xsl:analyze-string,
    xsl:message, xsl:result-document.

Often, a sequence constructor
will include an xsl:apply-templates instruction, which selects a sequence
of nodes to be processed. Each of the selected nodes is
processed by searching the stylesheet for a matching
template rule
and evaluating the sequence
constructor of that template rule.
The resulting sequences of items are concatenated, in order,
to give the result of the xsl:apply-templates instruction,
as described in 6.3 Applying Template Rules;
this sequence is often added to a result tree. Since the
constructors of the selected
template rules
may themselves contain xsl:apply-templates
instructions, this results in a cycle of selecting nodes,
identifying template rules,
constructing sequences, and constructing
result trees, that recurses
through a source tree.

2.5 The Evaluation Context

The results of some expressions and instructions in a stylesheet may depend on information
provided contextually. This context information is divided into two categories: the static
context, which is known during static analysis of the stylesheet, and the dynamic context, which
is not known until the stylesheet is evaluated. Although information in the static context is
known at analysis time, it is sometimes used during stylesheet evaluation.

Some context information can be set by means of declarations within the stylesheet itself.
For example, the namespace bindings used for any XPath expression are determined by the namespace
declarations present in containing elements in the stylesheet. Other information may
be supplied externally or implicitly: an example is the current date and time.

The context information used in processing an XSLT stylesheet includes as a subset all the context
information required when evaluating XPath expressions. The XPath 2.0 specification defines a static
and dynamic context that the host language (in this case, XSLT) may initialize, which affects the
results of XPath expressions used in that context. XSLT augments the context with additional
information: this additional information is used firstly by XSLT constructs outside the scope of
XPath (for example, the xsl:sort element), and secondly, by functions that are
defined in the XSLT specification (such as key and format-number)
that are available for use in XPath expressions appearing within a stylesheet.

The static context for an expression or other construct in a stylesheet is determined by the place
in which it appears lexically. The details vary for different components of the static context, but in
general, elements within a stylesheet module affect the static context for their descendant elements
within the same stylesheet module.

The dynamic context is maintained as a stack. When an instruction or expression is evaluated, it
may add dynamic context information to the stack; when evaluation is complete, the dynamic context
reverts to its previous state. An expression that accesses information from the dynamic context
always uses the value at the top of the stack.

The most commonly used component of the dynamic context is the
context item. This is an implicit variable whose value
is the item (it may be a node or an atomic value) currently being processed. The value of the
context item can be referenced within an XPath expression using the expression . (dot).

Full details of the static and dynamic context are provided in 5.4 The Static and Dynamic Context.

2.6 Parsing and Serialization

An XSLT stylesheet describes a process that
constructs a set of final result trees from a set of
source trees.

The stylesheet does not describe how a
source tree is constructed.
Some possible ways of constructing source trees
are described in [Data Model].
an implementation will operate in conjunction
with an XML parser (or more strictly, in the
terminology of [XML 1.0], an XML processor), to build a source
tree from an input XML document. An implementation may also provide an application programming
interface allowing the tree to be constructed directly, or allowing it to be supplied in the form of a
DOM Document object (see [DOM Level 2]). This is outside the scope of this specification.
Users should be aware, however, that since the input to the transformation is a tree conforming
to the XDM data model as described in [Data Model], constructs that might exist in the
original XML document, or in the DOM, but which are not within the scope of the data model,
cannot be processed by the stylesheet and cannot be guaranteed to
remain unchanged in the transformation output. Such constructs include CDATA section boundaries,
the use of entity references, and the DOCTYPE declaration and internal DTD subset.

[Definition: A frequent requirement is to
output a final result tree as an XML document (or in other formats such as HTML).
This process is referred to as serialization.]

Like parsing, serialization is not part of the transformation
process, and it is not required that an XSLT processor must be able to perform
serialization. However, for pragmatic reasons, this specification describes declarations
(the xsl:output element and the xsl:character-map declarations,
see 20 Serialization), and attributes on the
xsl:result-document instruction, that allow a
stylesheet to specify the desired properties of a
serialized output file. When serialization is not being performed,
either because the implementation does not support the serialization option, or because
the user is executing the transformation in a way that does not invoke serialization, then
the content of the xsl:output and xsl:character-map
declarations has no effect. Under these circumstances the processor
may report any errors in an xsl:output or xsl:character-map
declaration, or in the serialization attributes of
xsl:result-document, but is not required to do so.

2.7 Extensibility

XSLT defines a number of features that allow the language to be extended by
implementers, or, if implementers choose to provide the capability, by users. These features
have been designed, so far as possible, so that they can be used without sacrificing interoperability.
Extensions other than those explicitly defined in this specification are not permitted.

These features are all based on XML namespaces; namespaces are used to ensure that the
extensions provided by one implementer do not clash with those of a different implementer.

The most common way of extending the language is by providing additional functions, which
can be invoked from XPath expressions. These are known as
extension functions, and are described in
18.1 Extension Functions.

It is also permissible to extend the language by providing new
instructions. These
are referred to as extension instructions,
and are described in 18.2 Extension Instructions.
A stylesheet that uses extension instructions must declare that it is doing so by using
the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute.

Extension instructions and
extension functions defined according to these rules may be provided by
the implementer of the XSLT processor, and the implementer may also provide
facilities to allow users to create further extension instructions and
extension functions.

This specification defines how extension instructions and extension functions
are invoked, but the facilities for creating new extension instructions and extension
functions are implementation-defined.
For further details, see 18 Extensibility and Fallback.

The XSLT language can also be extended by the use of
extension attributes (see
3.3 Extension Attributes), and by means of
user-defined data elements
(see 3.6.2 User-defined Data Elements).

2.8 Stylesheets and XML Schemas

An XSLT stylesheet
can make use of information from a schema. An XSLT transformation can take place
in the absence of a
schema (and, indeed, in the absence of a DTD), but where the source document has
undergone schema validity assessment, the XSLT processor has access to the type
information associated with individual nodes, not merely to the untyped text.

Information from a schema can be used both statically (when the stylesheet is compiled),
and dynamically (during evaluation of the stylesheet to transform a source document).

There are places within a stylesheet,
and within XPath expressions and
patterns in
a stylesheet, where it is possible
to refer to named type definitions in a schema, or to element and attribute declarations.
For example, it is
possible to declare the types expected for the parameters of a function.
This is done using the SequenceTypeXP syntax defined
in [XPath 2.0].

[Definition: Type definitions
and element and attribute declarations
are referred to collectively as schema components.]

[Definition: The
schema components that may be referenced by name in
a stylesheet are referred to as the
in-scope schema components. This set is the same throughout all the modules of a stylesheet.]

The conformance rules for XSLT 2.0, defined in 21 Conformance, distinguish
between a basic XSLT processor and a
schema-aware XSLT processor. As the names
suggest, a basic XSLT processor does not support the features of XSLT that require access to
schema information, either statically or dynamically.
A stylesheet that works with a basic
XSLT processor will produce the same results with a schema-aware XSLT processor
that the source documents are untyped (that is, they are not validated against a schema). However,
if source documents are validated against a schema then the results may be different from the
case where they are not validated. Some constructs that work on untyped data may fail with typed data (for example,
an attribute of type xs:date cannot be used as an argument of the
substringFO function) and other constructs may produce different results depending
on the data type (for example, given the element <product price="10.00" discount="2.00"/>,
the expression @price gt @discount will return true if the attributes have type xs:decimal,
but will return false if they are untyped).

There is a standard set of type definitions that are always available
as in-scope schema components in every
stylesheet. These are defined in 3.13 Built-in Types. The set of built-in types
varies between a basic XSLT processor and a
schema-aware XSLT processor.

The remainder of this section describes facilities that are available only with a
schema-aware XSLT processor.

Additional schema components (type definitions,
element declarations, and attribute declarations) may be added to the
in-scope schema components
by means of the xsl:import-schema declaration in a stylesheet.

The xsl:import-schema declaration may reference an external schema
document by means of a URI, or it may contain an inline xs:schema element.

It is only necessary to import a schema explicitly
if one or more of its schema components
are referenced explicitly by name in the stylesheet; it is not
necessary to import a schema merely because the stylesheet is used to process a
source document that has been assessed against that schema. It is possible to make use of
the information resulting from schema assessment (for example, the fact that a particular
attribute holds a date) even if no schema has been imported by the stylesheet.

Further, importing
a schema does not of itself say anything about the type of the source document that the
stylesheet is expected to process. The imported type definitions can be used for temporary nodes
or for nodes on a result tree just as much as for nodes in source documents.
It is possible to make assertions about the type of an input document by means of tests within the stylesheet.
For example:

<xsl:template match="document-node(schema-element(my:invoice))" priority="2">
. . .

<xsl:template match="document-node()" priority="1">
  <xsl:message terminate="yes">Source document is not an invoice</xsl:message>

This example will cause the transformation to fail with an error
message unless the document element of the source document is valid against
the top-level element declaration my:invoice, and has been annotated as such.

It is possible that a source document may contain nodes whose type annotation
is not one of the types imported by the stylesheet. This creates a potential problem because
in the case of an expression such as data(.) instance of xs:integer the system
needs to know whether the type named in the type annotation of the context node is derived
by restriction from the type xs:integer. This information is not explicitly
available in an XDM tree, as defined in [Data Model].
The implementation may choose one of several strategies for dealing with this situation:

  1. The processor may signal a non-recoverable dynamic error
    if a source document is found to contain a type annotation that is not known to the processor.

  2. The processor may maintain additional metadata, beyond that described in [Data Model],
    that allows the source document to be processed as if all the necessary schema information had been imported
    using xsl:import-schema. Such metadata might be held in the data structure representing the
    source document itself, or it might
    be held in a system catalog or repository.

  3. The processor may be configured to use a fixed set of schemas, which are automatically used
    to validate all source documents before they can be supplied as input to a transformation. In this case
    it is impossible for a source document to have a type annotation that the processor is not aware of.

  4. The processor may be configured to treat the source document as if no schema processing had
    been performed, that is, effectively to strip all type annotations from elements and attributes on input,
    marking them instead as having type xs:untyped and xs:untypedAtomic

Where a stylesheet author chooses to make assertions about the types of nodes or of
variables and parameters,
it is possible for an XSLT processor to perform static analysis of the stylesheet (that is, analysis in the absence of any
source document). Such analysis may reveal errors that would otherwise not be discovered until the
transformation is actually executed. An XSLT processor is not required to perform such static type-checking.
Under some circumstances (see 2.9 Error Handling) type errors that
are detected early may be reported as static errors. In addition an implementation may report any condition found during
static analysis as a warning, provided that this does not prevent the stylesheet being evaluated as described
by this specification.

A stylesheet can also control the type annotations
of nodes that it constructs in a final result tree,
or in temporary trees. This can be done
in a number of ways.

  • It is possible to request explicit validation of
    a complete document, that is, a tree rooted at a document node. This applies
    both to temporary trees constructed using the xsl:document (or xsl:copy) instruction
    and also to final result trees
    constructed using xsl:result-document.
    Validation is either strict or lax, as described in [XML Schema Part 1].
    If validation of a result tree fails
    (strictly speaking, if the outcome of the validity assessment is
    invalid), then the transformation fails, but in all other cases,
    the element and attribute nodes of the
    tree will be annotated with the names of the types to which these nodes conform.
    These type annotations will be discarded if the result tree is serialized as an XML document, but they
    remain available when the result tree is passed to an application (perhaps another stylesheet) for
    further processing.

  • It is also possible to validate individual element and attribute nodes
    as they are constructed. This is done
    using the type and validation attributes of the xsl:element,
    xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, and xsl:copy-of instructions,
    or the xsl:type and xsl:validation attributes of a literal result element.

  • When elements, attributes, or document nodes
    are copied, either explicitly using the xsl:copy
    or xsl:copy-of instructions, or implicitly when nodes in a sequence are attached to a new
    parent node, the options validation="strip" and validation="preserve" are
    available, to control whether existing type annotations are to be retained or not.

When nodes in a temporary tree are validated,
type information is available
for use by operations carried out on the temporary tree,
in the same way as for a source document that has undergone schema assessment.

For details of how validation of element and attribute nodes works,
see 19.2 Validation.

2.9 Error Handling

[Definition: An error that can be detected by examining
a stylesheet before execution starts (that is, before
the source document and values of stylesheet parameters
are available) is referred to as a static error.]

Errors classified in this specification as static errors must be signaled by all
implementations: that is, the processor
must indicate that the error is
present. A static error must be signaled
even if it occurs in a part of the stylesheet that is never evaluated.
Static errors are never recoverable. After signaling a static error, a processor
may continue for the purpose of signaling additional errors, but it must eventually terminate abnormally
without producing any final result tree.

There is an exception to this rule when the stylesheet specifies
forwards-compatible behavior
(see 3.9 Forwards-Compatible Processing).

Generally, errors in the structure of the stylesheet, or in the syntax
of XPath expressions
contained in the stylesheet, are classified as
static errors.
Where this specification states that an element in the stylesheet must or must not appear in
a certain position, or that it must or must not have a particular attribute,
or that an attribute must or must not
have a value satisfying specified conditions,
then any contravention of this rule is a static error unless otherwise specified.

[Definition: An error that is not detected until
a source document is being transformed is referred to as a
dynamic error.]

[Definition: Some dynamic errors are classed as
recoverable errors. When a recoverable error occurs, this specification allows
the processor either to signal the error (by reporting
the error condition and terminating execution) or to take a defined recovery action and continue
It is implementation-defined
whether the error is signaled or the recovery action is taken.

[Definition: If an implementation chooses to recover from
a recoverable dynamic error, it must take
the optional recovery action defined for that error condition in this specification.]

When the implementation makes the choice
between signaling a dynamic error or recovering, it is not restricted in how it makes
the choice; for example, it may provide options that can be set by the user.
When an implementation chooses to recover from a dynamic error, it may
also take other action, such as logging a warning message.

[Definition: A
dynamic error that is not recoverable is referred to as a
non-recoverable dynamic error. When a non-recoverable dynamic error occurs, the
must signal the error, and the transformation fails.]

Because different implementations may optimize execution of the stylesheet in
different ways, the detection of dynamic errors is to some degree
implementation-dependent. In
cases where an implementation is able to produce the final result trees without evaluating a
particular construct, the implementation is never required to
evaluate that construct solely in order to determine whether doing so causes a dynamic error.
For example, if a variable is declared but never referenced,
an implementation may choose whether or not to evaluate the variable declaration, which means that
if evaluating the variable declaration causes a dynamic error, some implementations will signal
this error and others will not.

There are some cases where this specification requires that a construct must not
be evaluated: for example, the content of an xsl:if instruction
must not be evaluated if the test condition is false. This means that an implementation
must not signal any dynamic errors that would arise if the construct were evaluated.

An implementation may signal a dynamic error
before any source document is available, but only if it can determine that the error would
be signaled for every possible source document and every possible set of parameter values.
For example, some circularity errors fall into this
category: see 9.8 Circular Definitions.

The XPath specification states (see Section
2.3.1 Kinds of ErrorsXP)
that if any expression (at any level) can be evaluated during the analysis phase
(because all its explicit operands are known and it has no dependencies on the dynamic context),
then any error in performing this evaluation may be reported as a static error.
For XPath expressions used in an XSLT stylesheet, however, any
such errors must not be reported as static errors in the stylesheet unless they
would occur in every possible evaluation of that stylesheet; instead, they must be
signaled as dynamic errors, and signaled only if the XPath expression is actually evaluated.

An XPath processor
may report statically that the expression 1 div 0 fails with a «divide by zero» error.
But suppose this XPath expression occurs in an XSLT construct such as:

  <xsl:when test="system-property('xsl:version') = '1.0'">
    <xsl:value-of select="1 div 0"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="xs:double('INF')"/>

Then the XSLT processor must not report an error, because the relevant XPath construct
appears in a context where it will never be executed by an XSLT 2.0 processor. (An XSLT 1.0 processor
will execute this code successfully, returning positive infinity, because it uses double arithmetic
rather than decimal arithmetic.)

[Definition: Certain errors are classified as type errors.
A type error occurs when the value supplied as input to an operation is of the wrong type
for that operation, for example when an integer is supplied to an operation that expects
a node.] If a type error occurs in an instruction that is actually evaluated, then it must
be signaled in the same way as a
non-recoverable dynamic error. Alternatively, an implementation
may signal a type error during the analysis phase in the same way as a
static error,
even if it occurs in part of the stylesheet that is never evaluated, provided it can establish
that execution of a particular construct would never succeed.

It is implementation-defined
whether type errors are signaled statically.

The following
construct contains a type error, because 42 is not allowed as an operand of the
xsl:apply-templates instruction. An implementation may optionally signal this as a
static error, even though the offending instruction will never be evaluated, and the type error would
therefore never be signaled as a dynamic error.

<xsl:if test="false()">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="42"/>

On the other hand, in the following example it is not possible to determine
statically whether the operand of xsl:apply-templates will have a suitable
dynamic type. An implementation may produce a warning in such cases, but it must not treat
it as an error.

<xsl:template match="para">
  <xsl:param name="p" as="item()"/>
  <xsl:apply-templates select="$p"/>

If more than one error arises, an implementation is not required to signal any errors
other than the first one that it detects. It is
which of the several errors is signaled. This applies both to static errors and to
dynamic errors. An implementation is allowed to signal more than one error, but if any
errors have been signaled, it must not finish as if
the transformation were successful.

When a transformation signals one or more dynamic errors, the final state of
any persistent resources updated by the transformation is
implementation-dependent. Implementations
are not required to restore such resources to their initial state. In particular, where a transformation
produces multiple result documents, it is possible that one or more serialized result documents may be
written successfully before the transformation terminates, but the application cannot rely on
this behavior.

Everything said above about error handling applies equally to errors in evaluating XSLT
instructions, and errors in evaluating XPath expressions.
Static errors and dynamic errors
may occur in both cases.

[Definition: If a transformation has successfully produced
a final result tree, it is still possible that errors may occur in serializing the result tree.
For example, it may be impossible to serialize the result tree using the encoding selected by the user.
Such an error is referred to as a serialization error.]
If the processor performs serialization, then it must
do so as specified in 20 Serialization,
and in particular it must signal any serialization errors that occur.

Errors are identified by a QName. For errors defined in this specification,
the namespace of the QName is always http://www.w3.org/2005/xqt-errors (and is therefore
not given explicitly), while the local part is an 8-character code in the form PPSSNNNN.
Here PP is always XT (meaning XSLT), and SS is one of SE
(static error), DE (dynamic error), RE (recoverable dynamic error), or
TE (type error). Note that the allocation of an error to one of these categories is purely
for convenience and carries no normative implications about the way the error is handled. Many errors,
for example, can be reported either dynamically or statically.

These error codes are used to label error conditions in this specification,
and are summarized in E Summary of Error Conditions).
They are provided primarily for ease of reference.
Implementations may use these codes when signaling errors, but they are
not required to do so. An API specification, however, may
require the use of error codes based on these QNames.
Additional errors defined by
an implementation (or by an application) may use
QNames in an implementation-defined (or user-defined) namespace without risk of collision.

Errors defined in the [XPath 2.0] and [Functions and Operators] specifications use QNames
with a similar structure, in the same namespace. When errors occur in processing XPath expressions,
an XSLT processor should use the original error code reported by the XPath processor,
unless a more specific XSLT error code is available.

3 Stylesheet Structure

[Definition: A
consists of one or more stylesheet modules, each one forming
all or part of an XML document.]


A stylesheet module is represented by an XDM element node
(see [Data Model]).
In the case of a standard stylesheet module, this
will be an xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element. In the case of a simplified
stylesheet module, it can be any element (not in the XSLT namespace) that has
an xsl:version attribute.

Although stylesheet modules will commonly be
maintained in the form of documents conforming to XML 1.0 or XML 1.1, this specification
does not mandate such a representation. As with source trees,
the way in which stylesheet modules are constructed, from textual XML or otherwise, is outside
the scope of this specification.

A stylesheet module is either a standard stylesheet module
or a simplified stylesheet module:

  • [Definition: A
    standard stylesheet module is a tree, or part of a tree, consisting of an
    xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element
    (see 3.6 Stylesheet Element) together with its descendant nodes and
    associated attributes and namespaces.]

  • [Definition: A
    simplified stylesheet module is a tree, or part
    of a tree, consisting of a literal result element
    together with its descendant nodes and
    associated attributes and namespaces.
    This element is not itself in the XSLT namespace, but it
    must have an xsl:version attribute,
    which implies that it must have a namespace node that
    declares a binding for the XSLT namespace.
    For further details see 3.7 Simplified Stylesheet Modules.

Both forms of stylesheet module (standard and simplified) can exist either as an entire
XML document, or embedded as part of another XML document, typically
but not necessarily a source document that is to be processed
using the stylesheet.

[Definition: A
standalone stylesheet module is a stylesheet module that comprises the whole of an XML document.]

[Definition: An
embedded stylesheet module is a stylesheet module that is
embedded within another XML document, typically the source document
that is being transformed.] (see 3.11 Embedded Stylesheet Modules).

There are thus four kinds of stylesheet module:

standalone standard stylesheet modules
standalone simplified stylesheet modules
embedded standard stylesheet modules
embedded simplified stylesheet modules

3.1 XSLT Namespace

[Definition: The XSLT namespace
has the URI http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform. It is used to identify
elements, attributes, and other names that have a special meaning defined in
this specification.]


The 1999 in the URI indicates the year in which
the URI was allocated by the W3C. It does not indicate the version of
XSLT being used, which is specified by attributes (see 3.6 Stylesheet Element
and 3.7 Simplified Stylesheet Modules).

XSLT processors
must use the XML namespaces
mechanism [Namespaces in XML 1.0] to recognize elements and attributes from this
namespace. Elements from the XSLT namespace are recognized only in the
stylesheet and not in the source document. The complete list of
XSLT-defined elements is specified in D Element Syntax Summary.
must not extend the XSLT
namespace with additional elements or attributes. Instead, any
extension must be in a separate namespace. Any namespace that is used
for additional instruction elements must be identified by means of the
extension instruction
mechanism specified in 18.2 Extension Instructions.

This specification uses a prefix of xsl: for referring
to elements in the XSLT namespace. However, XSLT stylesheets are free
to use any prefix, provided that there is a namespace declaration that
binds the prefix to the URI of the XSLT namespace.


Throughout this specification, an element or attribute that is in no
namespace, or an expanded-QName whose namespace part is an empty sequence, is
referred to as having a null namespace URI.


The conventions used for the names of
XSLT elements,
attributes and functions are that names are all lower-case, use
hyphens to separate words, and use abbreviations only if they already
appear in the syntax of a related language such as XML or
HTML. Names of types defined in XML Schema however, are regarded as single words and are capitalized
exactly as in XML Schema. This sometimes leads to composite function names such
as current-dateTimeFO.

3.2 Reserved Namespaces

[Definition: The
XSLT namespace, together with certain other namespaces
recognized by an XSLT processor, are classified as reserved namespaces
and must be used only as specified in this and related specifications.]
The reserved namespaces are those listed below.

  • The XSLT namespace, described in
    3.1 XSLT Namespace, is reserved.

  • [Definition: The standard function namespace
    is used for functions in the function library defined in
    [Functions and Operators] and standard functions defined in this

  • [Definition: The XML namespace, defined
    in [Namespaces in XML 1.0] as http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace,
    is used for attributes such as xml:lang, xml:space,
    and xml:id.]

  • [Definition: The schema

    http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema is used
    as defined in [XML Schema Part 1]
    ]. In a stylesheet this namespace may be used to refer
    to built-in schema datatypes and to the constructor functions associated with those datatypes.

  • [Definition: The schema
    instance namespace

    http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance is used
    as defined in [XML Schema Part 1]
    ]. Attributes in this namespace, if they appear
    in a stylesheet, are treated by the XSLT processor in the same way as any other attributes.

  • The
    namespace http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ is reserved for use as described in
    [Namespaces in XML 1.0]. No element or attribute node can have a name in this
    namespace, and although the prefix xmlns is implicitly bound to this
    namespace, no namespace node will ever define this binding.

Reserved namespaces may be used without restriction to refer to the names of
elements and attributes in source documents and result documents. As far as the XSLT processor is concerned,
reserved namespaces other than the XSLT namespace may be used without restriction in the names of
literal result elements and
user-defined data elements,
and in the names of attributes of literal result elements or of
XSLT elements:
but other processors may impose restrictions or attach special meaning to them. Reserved namespaces must not
be used, however, in the names of stylesheet-defined objects such as
variables and stylesheet functions.


With the exception of the XML namespace, any of the above namespaces that
are used in a stylesheet must be explicitly declared with a namespace declaration. Although conventional
prefixes are used for these namespaces in this specification, any prefix may be used in a user stylesheet.

[ERR XTSE0080] It is a static error
to use a reserved namespace in the name of
a named template,
a mode,
an attribute set,
a key,
a decimal-format,
a variable or parameter,
a stylesheet function, a
named output definition, or a
character map.

3.3 Extension Attributes

[Definition: An
element from the XSLT namespace may have any attribute not from
the XSLT namespace, provided that the expanded-QName (see [XPath 2.0]) of the
attribute has a non-null namespace URI. These attributes are referred to as extension attributes.]
The presence of an extension attribute must not cause the
final result trees
produced by the transformation to be different from the result trees
that a conformant XSLT 2.0 processor might produce.
They must not cause the processor to fail to
signal an error that a conformant processor
is required to signal. This means that an extension attribute must not
change the effect of any instruction except to the
extent that the effect is implementation-defined
or implementation-dependent.

Furthermore, if serialization is performed using one of the serialization
methods xml, xhtml, html, or text
described in 20 Serialization, the presence
of an extension attribute must not cause the serializer to behave in a way
that is inconsistent with the mandatory provisions of that specification.


Extension attributes may be used to
modify the behavior of extension functions and
extension instructions. They may be used
to select processing options in cases where the specification leaves the behavior
or implementation-dependent.
They may also be used for optimization hints, for diagnostics, or for documentation.

Extension attributes
may also be used to influence the behavior of the
serialization methods xml, xhtml, html, or text,
to the extent that the
behavior of the serialization method is implementation-defined
or implementation-dependent.
For example, an extension attribute might be used
to define the amount of indentation to be used when indent="yes" is
specified. If a serialization method other than one of these four is
requested (using a prefixed QName in the method parameter) then extension
attributes may influence its behavior in arbitrary ways. Extension
attributes must not be used to cause the four standard serialization methods
to behave in a non-conformant way, for example by failing to report
serialization errors that a serializer is required to report. An
implementation that wishes to provide such options must create a new
serialization method for the purpose.

An implementation that does not recognize the name of an extension attribute, or
that does not recognize its value, must perform the transformation as if the extension attribute
were not present. As always, it is permissible to produce warning messages.

The namespace used for an extension attribute will be copied to the
result tree in the normal way if it is in scope for a literal
result element. This can be prevented using the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes

The following code might be used to
indicate to a particular implementation that the xsl:message
instruction is to ask the user for confirmation before continuing with the transformation:

    xmlns:abc="http://vendor.example.com/xslt/extensions">Phase 1 complete</xsl:message>

Implementations that do not recognize the namespace http://vendor.example.com/xslt/extensions
will simply ignore the extra attribute, and evaluate the xsl:message instruction in the
normal way.

[ERR XTSE0090] It is a static error for
an element from the XSLT namespace to have an attribute
whose namespace is either null
(that is, an attribute with an unprefixed name) or the XSLT namespace, other than attributes defined
for the element in this document.

3.4 XSLT Media Type

The media type application/xslt+xml
will be registered for XSLT stylesheet modules.

The proposed definition of the media type is at
B The XSLT Media Type

This media type should be used for an XML document containing a
standard stylesheet module
at its top level, and it may also be used for a
simplified stylesheet module. It
should not be used for an XML document containing an
embedded stylesheet module.

3.5 Standard Attributes

[Definition: There are a number of
standard attributes that may appear on any
XSLT element: specifically
version, exclude-result-prefixes,
default-collation, and use-when.]

These attributes may also appear on a
literal result element,
but in this case, to distinguish them from user-defined attributes, the
names of the attributes are in the XSLT namespace.
They are thus typically
written as xsl:version, xsl:exclude-result-prefixes,
xsl:default-collation, or xsl:use-when.

It is recommended that all these attributes should also be permitted on
extension instructions, but
this is at the discretion of the implementer of each extension instruction. They
may also be permitted on user-defined data elements,
though they will only have any useful effect in the case of data elements that are designed to
behave like XSLT declarations or instructions.

In the following descriptions, these attributes are referred to
generically as [xsl:]version, and so on.

These attributes all affect the element they appear on,
together with any elements and attributes that have
that element as an ancestor. The
two forms with and without the XSLT namespace have the same effect;
the XSLT namespace is used for the attribute if and only if
its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace.

In the case of [xsl:]version,
[xsl:]xpath-default-namespace, and [xsl:]default-collation,
the value can be overridden by a different value for the
same attribute appearing on a descendant element. The effective value of the
attribute for a particular stylesheet element is determined by the innermost
ancestor-or-self element on which the attribute appears.

In an embedded stylesheet module,
standard attributes
appearing on ancestors of the outermost element of the stylesheet module have no effect.

In the case of [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes and
[xsl:]extension-element-prefixes the values are cumulative. For these
attributes, the value is given as
a whitespace-separated list of namespace prefixes, and the
effective value for an element is the combined set of
namespace URIs designated by the prefixes that appear in this
attribute for that element and any of its ancestor elements. Again, the
two forms with and without the XSLT namespace are equivalent.

The effect of the [xsl:]use-when attribute is
described in 3.12 Conditional Element Inclusion.

Because these attributes may appear on any
XSLT element, they are not listed
in the syntax summary of each individual element. Instead

they are listed and
described in the entry for the xsl:stylesheet and
xsl:transform elements only.
This reflects the fact that these attributes are often used on the
xsl:stylesheet element only, in which case they apply to the entire
stylesheet module.

Note that the effect of these attributes does not extend to
stylesheet modules referenced
by xsl:include or xsl:import declarations.

For the detailed effect of each attribute, see the following sections:


see 3.8 Backwards-Compatible Processing and 3.9 Forwards-Compatible Processing


see 5.2 Unprefixed QNames in Expressions and Patterns


see 11.1.3 Namespace Nodes for Literal Result Elements


see 18.2 Extension Instructions


see 3.12 Conditional Element Inclusion


see 3.6.1 The default-collation attribute

3.6 Stylesheet Element

  id? = id
  extension-element-prefixes? = tokens
  exclude-result-prefixes? = tokens
  version = number
  xpath-default-namespace? = uri
  default-validation? = "preserve" | "strip"
  default-collation? = uri-list
  input-type-annotations? = "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified">
  <!-- Content: (xsl:import*, other-declarations) -->

  id? = id
  extension-element-prefixes? = tokens
  exclude-result-prefixes? = tokens
  version = number
  xpath-default-namespace? = uri
  default-validation? = "preserve" | "strip"
  default-collation? = uri-list
  input-type-annotations? = "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified">
  <!-- Content: (xsl:import*, other-declarations) -->

A stylesheet module is represented by an xsl:stylesheet
element in an XML document. xsl:transform is allowed as
a synonym for xsl:stylesheet; everything
this specification says about the xsl:stylesheet element applies
equally to xsl:transform.

An xsl:stylesheet element must have a
version attribute, indicating the version of XSLT that
the stylesheet module requires.

[ERR XTSE0110] The value of the version attribute
must be a number: specifically, it must be a
a valid instance of the type xs:decimal as defined in
[XML Schema Part 2].
For this version of XSLT, the value should normally
be 2.0. A value of 1.0 indicates that the stylesheet module
was written with the intention that it should be processed using an XSLT 1.0 processor.

If a stylesheet
that specifies [xsl:]version="1.0" in the
outermost element of the principal
stylesheet module (that is, version="1.0" in the case of a
standard stylesheet module, or
xsl:version="1.0" in the case of a simplified
stylesheet module) is submitted to an XSLT 2.0 processor, the processor should output
a warning advising the user of possible incompatibilities, unless the user has requested otherwise.
The processor must then process the stylesheet
using the rules for backwards-compatible behavior.
These rules require that if the processor does not support
backwards-compatible behavior, it must
signal an error and must not execute the transformation.

When the value of the version attribute is greater than 2.0,
forwards-compatible behavior
is enabled (see 3.9 Forwards-Compatible Processing).


XSLT 1.0 allowed the [xsl:]version attribute to take any numeric value,
and specified that if the value was not equal to 1.0, the stylesheet would be executed in
forwards compatible mode. XSLT 2.0 continues to allow the attribute to take any unsigned decimal value.
A software product that includes both an XSLT 1.0 processor and
an XSLT 2.0 processor (or that can execute as either) may use the [xsl:]version attribute to
decide which processor to invoke; such behavior is outside the scope of this specification.
When the stylesheet is executed with an XSLT 2.0 processor, the value
1.0 is taken to indicate that the stylesheet module
was written with XSLT 1.0
in mind: if this value appears on the outermost element of the principal stylesheet module then
an XSLT 2.0 processor will either reject the stylesheet or execute it in backwards compatible
mode, as described above.
Setting version="2.0" indicates that the stylesheet is to be
executed with neither backwards nor forwards compatible behavior enabled. Any other value less than
2.0 enables backwards compatible behavior, while any value greater than 2.0
enables forwards compatible behavior.

When developing a stylesheet that is designed to execute under either XSLT 1.0 or XSLT 2.0,
the recommended practice is to create two alternative stylesheet modules,
one specifying
version="1.0", and the other specifying version="2.0"; these
modules can use xsl:include or xsl:import to incorporate
the common code. When running under an XSLT 1.0 processor, the version="1.0" module can
be selected as the principal stylesheet module;
when running under an XSLT 2.0 processor, the version="2.0" module can
be selected as the principal stylesheet module.
Stylesheet modules that are included or imported should specify version="2.0" if they make use of XSLT 2.0 facilities,
and version="1.0" otherwise.

The effect of the input-type-annotations attribute is described
in 4.3 Stripping Type Annotations from a Source Tree.

The default-validation attribute defines the default value
of the validation attribute of all xsl:document, xsl:element, xsl:attribute,
xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, and xsl:result-document instructions,
and of the xsl:validation
attribute of all literal result elements. It also
determines the validation applied to the implicit
final result tree created in the absence of an
xsl:result-document instruction.
This default applies within the stylesheet module:
it does not extend to included or imported stylesheet modules.
If the attribute is omitted, the default is strip.
The permitted values are preserve and strip.
For details of the effect of this attribute, see 19.2 Validation.

[ERR XTSE0120] An xsl:stylesheet element must not have
any text node children. (This rule applies after stripping of
whitespace text nodes as described in
4.2 Stripping Whitespace from the Stylesheet.)

[Definition: An element occurring as
a child of an xsl:stylesheet element is called a
top-level element.]

[Definition: Top-level
elements fall into two categories: declarations, and
user-defined data elements.
Top-level elements whose names are in the
XSLT namespace are declarations.
Top-level elements in any other namespace are
user-defined data elements
(see 3.6.2 User-defined Data Elements)].

The declaration elements
permitted in the xsl:stylesheet element are:
















Note that the xsl:variable and xsl:param elements
can act either as declarations or as instructions.
A global variable or parameter is defined using a declaration; a local variable or parameter using an instruction.

If there are xsl:import elements, these must come before
any other elements. Apart from this, the child elements of the xsl:stylesheet
element may appear in any order. The ordering of these elements does not affect the results
of the transformation unless there are conflicting declarations (for example, two template rules
with the same priority that match the same node). In general, it is an error for a stylesheet
to contain such conflicting declarations,
but in some cases the processor is allowed to recover from the error by choosing the declaration that
appears last in the stylesheet.

3.6.1 The default-collation attribute

The default-collation attribute is a standard attribute
that may appear on any element in the XSLT namespace, or (as xsl:default-collation) on a
literal result element.

The attribute is used to specify the default collation used by all XPath expressions appearing in the attributes
of this element, or attributes of descendant elements, unless overridden by another default-collation attribute
on an inner element. It also determines the collation used by certain XSLT constructs (such as xsl:key and
xsl:for-each-group) within its scope.

The value of the attribute is a whitespace-separated list of collation URIs.
If any of these URIs is a relative URI, then it is resolved relative to the base URI
of the attribute’s parent element. If the implementation recognizes one or
more of the resulting absolute collation URIs,
then it uses the first one that it recognizes as the default collation.

[ERR XTSE0125] It is a static error
if the value of an [xsl:]default-collation attribute,
after resolving against the base URI, contains no URI that the implementation
recognizes as a collation URI.


The reason the attribute allows a list of collation URIs is that collation URIs will often be meaningful
only to one particular XSLT implementation. Stylesheets designed to run with several different implementations can
therefore specify several different collation URIs, one for use with each. To avoid the above error condition,
it is possible to specify the Unicode Codepoint Collation as the last collation URI in the list.

The [xsl:]default-collation attribute does not affect the collation used by xsl:sort.

In the absence of an [xsl:]default-collation attribute, the default collation
may be established by the calling application in an
implementation-defined way. The
recommended default, unless the user chooses otherwise, is to
use the Unicode codepoint collation.

3.6.2 User-defined Data Elements

[Definition: In addition to
the xsl:stylesheet element may contain
any element not from the XSLT namespace,
provided that the
expanded-QName of the element has a non-null namespace URI. Such
elements are referred to as user-defined data elements.]

[ERR XTSE0130] It is a static error
if the xsl:stylesheet element has
a child element whose name has a null namespace URI.

An implementation may attach an
meaning to user-defined
data elements that appear in particular namespaces.
The set of namespaces that are recognized for such data elements is
The presence of
a user-defined data element must not change the behavior of
XSLT elements
and functions defined in this document; for example, it is not
permitted for a user-defined data element to specify that
xsl:apply-templates should use different rules to resolve
conflicts. The constraints on what user-defined data elements
can and cannot do are exactly the same as the constraints on extension
attributes, described in 3.3 Extension Attributes.
Thus, an implementation is always free to ignore user-defined data elements,
and must ignore such data elements without giving
an error if it does not recognize the namespace URI.

User-defined data elements can provide, for example,

  • information used by extension instructions
    or extension functions
    (see 18 Extensibility and Fallback),

  • information about what to do with any final result tree,

  • information about how to construct source trees,

  • optimization hints for the processor,

  • metadata about the stylesheet,

  • structured documentation for the stylesheet.

A user-defined data element
must not precede an xsl:import element within a
stylesheet module
[see ERR XTSE0200]

3.7 Simplified Stylesheet Modules

A simplified syntax is allowed for a stylesheet module
that defines only a single template rule for the document node.
The stylesheet module may consist of
just a literal result element
(see 11.1 Literal Result Elements) together with its contents.
The literal result element must have an xsl:version
attribute (and it must therefore also declare the XSLT namespace).
Such a stylesheet module is equivalent to a
standard stylesheet module whose xsl:stylesheet element contains a
template rule containing the literal result element,
minus its xsl:version attribute;
the template rule has a match pattern of /.

For example:

<html xsl:version="2.0"
    <title>Expense Report Summary</title>
    <p>Total Amount: <xsl:value-of select="expense-report/total"/></p>

has the same meaning as

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
    <title>Expense Report Summary</title>
    <p>Total Amount: <xsl:value-of select="expense-report/total"/></p>

Note that it is not possible, using a simplified stylesheet,
to request that the serialized output contains a DOCTYPE declaration.
This can only be done by using a standard stylesheet module, and using the
xsl:output element.

More formally, a simplified stylesheet module is
equivalent to the standard stylesheet module that would be generated by
applying the following transformation to the simplified stylesheet module,
invoking the transformation by calling the
named template
expand, with
the containing literal result element as the context node:

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"

<xsl:template name="expand">
  <xsl:element name="xsl:stylesheet">
    <xsl:attribute name="version" select="@xsl:version"/>
    <xsl:element name="xsl:template">
      <xsl:attribute name="match">/</xsl:attribute>
      <xsl:copy-of select="."/>


[ERR XTSE0150] A literal result element that
is used as the outermost element of a
simplified stylesheet module must have
an xsl:version attribute. This
indicates the version of XSLT that the stylesheet requires.
For this version of XSLT, the value will normally be 2.0; the
value must be a valid instance of the type
xs:decimal as defined in [XML Schema Part 2].

literal result elements may also
have an xsl:version attribute. When the xsl:version
attribute is numerically less than
2.0, backwards-compatible processing behavior is enabled (see 3.8 Backwards-Compatible Processing).
When the xsl:version attribute is numerically greater than 2.0,
forwards-compatible behavior
is enabled (see 3.9 Forwards-Compatible Processing).

The allowed content of a literal result element when used as a
simplified stylesheet is the same as when it occurs within a
sequence constructor.
Thus, a literal result element used as the document element of
a simplified stylesheet cannot
contain declarations.
Simplified stylesheets therefore cannot use
global variables,
stylesheet parameters,
stylesheet functions,
attribute-sets, or
output definitions.
In turn this means that the only useful way to initiate the transformation is to supply a document node as the
initial context node, to be matched by the
implicit match="/" template rule using the default mode.

3.8 Backwards-Compatible Processing

[Definition: An element
enables backwards-compatible behavior for itself, its
attributes, its descendants and their attributes if it has an
[xsl:]version attribute (see 3.5 Standard Attributes)
whose value is less than 2.0.]

An element
that has an [xsl:]version attribute whose value is greater than or equal to 2.0
disables backwards-compatible behavior for itself, its attributes, its
descendants and their attributes. The compatibility
behavior established by an element overrides
any compatibility behavior established by an ancestor element.

If an attribute containing an XPath expression is processed with
backwards-compatible behavior, then the expression is evaluated with XPath 1.0 compatibility mode
set to true. For details of this mode, see Section
2.1.1 Static ContextXP.
in such an expression any function call for which no implementation is
available (unless it uses the
standard function namespace) is bound to a
fallback error function whose effect when evaluated is to raise a dynamic error
[see ERR XTDE1425] . The effect is that with
backwards-compatible behavior enabled, calls
on extension functions
that are not available in a particular implementation
do not cause an error unless the function call is actually evaluated. For
further details, see 18.1 Extension Functions.


This might appear to contradict the specification of XPath
2.0, which states that a static error [XPST0017]
is raised when an expression
contains a call to a function that is not present (with matching name and
arity) in the static context. This apparent contradiction is resolved by
specifying that the XSLT processor constructs a static context for the
expression in which every possible function name and arity (other than names in
the standard function namespace)
is present; when no other implementation of
the function is available, the function call is bound to a fallback error
function whose run-time effect is to raise a dynamic error.

Certain XSLT constructs also produce different results when backwards-compatible behavior is enabled.
This is described separately for each such construct.

These rules do not apply to the xsl:output element,
whose version attribute
has an entirely different purpose: it is used to define the version of the output
method to be used for serialization.


By making use of backwards-compatible behavior, it is possible
to write the stylesheet in a way that ensures that its results when processed with an XSLT 2.0 processor are
identical to the effects of processing the same stylesheet using an
XSLT 1.0 processor. The differences are described (non-normatively) in J.1 Incompatible Changes.
To assist with transition, some parts of a stylesheet may be processed with backwards compatible behavior enabled,
and other parts with this behavior disabled. All data values manipulated by an XSLT 2.0 processor are defined by
the XDM data model, whether or not the relevant expressions use backwards compatible behavior.
Because the same data model is used in both cases, expressions are fully composable. The result of evaluating
instructions or expressions with backwards compatible behavior is fully defined in the XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0
specifications, it is not defined by reference to the XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0 specifications.

It is
whether a particular XSLT 2.0 implementation supports backwards-compatible behavior.

[ERR XTDE0160] If an implementation does not support backwards-compatible
behavior, then it is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if any element is evaluated that enables
backwards-compatible behavior.


To write a stylesheet that works with both XSLT 1.0 and 2.0 processors, while making
selective use of XSLT 2.0 facilities, it is necessary to understand both the rules for
backwards-compatible behavior in XSLT 2.0, and the rules for forwards-compatible
behavior in XSLT 1.0. If the xsl:stylesheet element specifies
version="2.0", then an XSLT 1.0 processor will ignore XSLT 2.0
declarations that were not defined in XSLT 1.0, for
example xsl:function and
xsl:import-schema. If any new XSLT 2.0
instructions are used (for example xsl:analyze-string or xsl:namespace),
or if new XPath 2.0 features are used (for example, new functions, or syntax such as conditional
expressions, or calls to a function defined using xsl:function),
then the stylesheet must provide fallback behavior that relies on XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0
facilities only. The fallback behavior can be invoked by using the xsl:fallback
instruction, or by testing the results of the function-available or
element-available functions, or by testing the value of the xsl:version
property returned by the system-property function.

3.9 Forwards-Compatible Processing

The intent of forwards-compatible behavior is to make it possible to
write a stylesheet that takes advantage of features introduced in some version of
XSLT subsequent to XSLT 2.0, while retaining the ability to execute the
stylesheet with an XSLT 2.0 processor using appropriate fallback behavior.

It is always possible to write conditional code to run under different XSLT
versions by using the use-when feature described in 3.12 Conditional Element Inclusion. The
rules for forwards-compatible behavior supplement this mechanism in two

  • certain constructs in the stylesheet that mean nothing to an XSLT 2.0
    processor are ignored, rather than being treated as errors.

  • explicit fallback behavior can be defined for instructions defined in a
    future XSLT release, using the
    xsl:fallback instruction.

The detailed rules follow.

[Definition: An element enables
forwards-compatible behavior for itself, its
attributes, its descendants and their attributes if it has an
[xsl:]version attribute (see 3.5 Standard Attributes)
whose value is greater than 2.0.]

An element that has an [xsl:]version attribute
whose value is less than or equal to 2.0
disables forwards-compatible behavior for itself, its attributes, its
descendants and their attributes.
The compatibility behavior established by an element overrides
any compatibility behavior established by an ancestor element.

These rules do not apply to the version attribute
of the xsl:output element, which has an entirely different purpose:
it is used to define the version of the output method to be used for serialization.

Within a section of a stylesheet where forwards-compatible
behavior is enabled:

  • if an element in the XSLT namespace appears
    as a child of the xsl:stylesheet element,
    and XSLT 2.0 does not allow such elements to occur as children of the xsl:stylesheet element,
    then the element and its content must be ignored.

  • if an element has an attribute that XSLT 2.0 does not allow the element to have, then the
    attribute must be ignored.

  • if an element in the XSLT namespace appears as part of a
    sequence constructor, and XSLT 2.0 does not allow
    such elements to appear as part of a sequence constructor, then:

    1. If the element has one or more xsl:fallback children, then no error
      is reported either statically or dynamically, and the result of evaluating the instruction is the concatenation of
      the sequences formed by evaluating the sequence constructors within its
      xsl:fallback children, in document order. Siblings of the xsl:fallback
      elements are ignored, even if they are valid XSLT 2.0 instructions.

    2. If the element has no xsl:fallback children, then a static error is reported in the
      same way as if forwards-compatible behavior were not enabled.

For example,
an XSLT 2.0 processor will
process the following stylesheet without error, although the
stylesheet includes elements from
the XSLT namespace that are not
defined in this specification:

<xsl:stylesheet version="17.0"
  <xsl:template match="/">
            <title>XSLT 17.0 required</title>
            <p>Sorry, this stylesheet requires XSLT 17.0.</p>


If a stylesheet depends crucially on a declaration
introduced by a version of XSLT after 2.0, then
the stylesheet can use an xsl:message element with
terminate="yes" (see 17 Messages) to ensure
that implementations that conform to an earlier version of XSLT will not silently ignore the

For example,

<xsl:stylesheet version="18.0"


  <xsl:template match="/">
      <xsl:when test="number(system-property('xsl:version')) lt 17.0">
        <xsl:message terminate="yes">
          <xsl:text>Sorry, this stylesheet requires XSLT 17.0.</xsl:text>

3.10 Combining Stylesheet Modules

XSLT provides two mechanisms to construct
a stylesheet from multiple
stylesheet modules:

  • an inclusion mechanism that allows stylesheet modules to be combined
    without changing the semantics of the modules being combined,

  • an import mechanism that allows stylesheet modules to override each

3.10.1 Locating Stylesheet Modules

The include and import mechanisms use two declarations, xsl:include and
xsl:import, which are defined in the sections that follow.

These declarations use an href attribute, whose value is a
URI reference,
to identify the stylesheet module to be included
or imported. If the value of this
attribute is a relative URI, it is resolved as described in
5.8 URI References.

After resolving against the base URI, the way in which the URI reference is
used to locate a representation of a
stylesheet module, and the way in which
the stylesheet module is constructed from that representation, are
implementation-defined. In particular,
it is implementation-defined which URI schemes are supported, whether
fragment identifiers are supported, and what media types are supported.
Conventionally, the URI is a reference to a resource containing the
stylesheet module as a source XML document, or it may include a fragment
identifier that selects an embedded stylesheet module within a source XML
document; but the implementation is free to use other mechanisms to locate
the stylesheet module identified by the URI reference.

The referenced stylesheet module
may be any of the four kinds of stylesheet module:
that is, it may be
standalone or
embedded, and it may be
standard or
simplified. If it is a
simplified stylesheet module then
it is transformed into the equivalent standard stylesheet module
by applying the transformation described in 3.7 Simplified Stylesheet Modules.

Implementations may choose to accept
URI references containing a fragment identifier defined
by reference to the XPointer specification (see [XPointer Framework]). Note that if
the implementation does not support the use of fragment identifiers in the URI reference,
then it will not be possible to include an embedded
stylesheet module.

[ERR XTSE0165] It is a
static error if the processor is not able to retrieve the resource
identified by the URI reference, or if the resource that is retrieved does
not contain a stylesheet module conforming to this specification.

3.10.2 Stylesheet Inclusion

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  href = uri-reference />

A stylesheet module may include another stylesheet module using an
xsl:include declaration.

The xsl:include declaration
has a required
href attribute whose value is a URI reference
identifying the stylesheet module to be included. This attribute is used as described
in 3.10.1 Locating Stylesheet Modules.

[ERR XTSE0170] An xsl:include element must be a
top-level element.

[Definition: A stylesheet level
is a collection of stylesheet modules connected
using xsl:include declarations:
specifically, two stylesheet modules A and B are part of the same
stylesheet level if one of them includes the other by means of an xsl:include
declaration, or if there is a third stylesheet module C that is in the same
stylesheet level as both A and B.]

[Definition: The
declarations within a
stylesheet level have a total ordering known
as declaration order. The order of declarations within a stylesheet
level is the same as the document order that would result if each stylesheet module were
inserted textually in place of the xsl:include element that references it.]
In other respects, however, the effect of xsl:include is not equivalent to
the effect that would be obtained by textual inclusion.

[ERR XTSE0180] It is a static error
if a stylesheet module
directly or indirectly includes itself.


It is not intrinsically an error for a stylesheet
to include the same module more than once. However, doing so can cause errors
because of duplicate definitions. Such multiple inclusions are less
obvious when they are indirect. For example, if stylesheet
B includes stylesheet A, stylesheet C
includes stylesheet A, and stylesheet D includes
both stylesheet B and stylesheet C, then
A will be included indirectly by D twice. If
all of B, C and D are used as
independent stylesheets, then the error can be avoided by separating
everything in B other than the inclusion of A
into a separate stylesheet B’ and changing B to
contain just inclusions of B’ and A, similarly
for C, and then changing D to include
A, B’, C’.

3.10.3 Stylesheet Import

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  href = uri-reference />

A stylesheet module may import another
stylesheet module using an xsl:import
Importing a stylesheet module is the same
as including it (see 3.10.2 Stylesheet Inclusion) except that
template rules
and other declarations in the
importing module take precedence over
template rules and declarations in the imported module; this is
described in more detail below.

The xsl:import declaration
has a required
href attribute whose value is a URI reference
identifying the stylesheet module to be included. This attribute is used as described
in 3.10.1 Locating Stylesheet Modules.

[ERR XTSE0190] An xsl:import element
must be a top-level element.

[ERR XTSE0200] The
xsl:import element children must precede all other
element children of an xsl:stylesheet element, including
any xsl:include element children and any
user-defined data elements.

For example,

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
  <xsl:import href="article.xsl"/>
  <xsl:import href="bigfont.xsl"/>
  <xsl:attribute-set name="note-style">
    <xsl:attribute name="font-style">italic</xsl:attribute>

[Definition: The
stylesheet levels
making up a stylesheet are
treated as forming an import tree. In the import tree,
each stylesheet level has one child for each
xsl:import declaration that it contains.] The ordering
of the children is the declaration order
of the xsl:import declarations within their stylesheet level.

[Definition: A declaration
D in the stylesheet
is defined to have lower import precedence than another
declaration E if the stylesheet level containing D would be
visited before the stylesheet level containing E in a
post-order traversal of the import tree (that is, a traversal of the
import tree in which a stylesheet level is visited
after its children). Two declarations within the same stylesheet level have
the same import precedence.]

For example, suppose

  • stylesheet module A imports stylesheet modules B
    and C in that order;

  • stylesheet module B imports stylesheet module

  • stylesheet module C imports stylesheet module

Then the import tree has the following structure:

     |       |
     B       C
     |       |
     D       E

The order of import precedence (lowest first) is
D, B, E, C, A.

In general, a declaration
with higher import precedence takes precedence over a declaration with
lower import precedence. This is defined in detail for each kind of declaration.

[ERR XTSE0210] It is a static error if
a stylesheet module directly or indirectly imports itself.


The case where a stylesheet module with a particular
URI is imported several times is not treated specially. The effect is exactly the same as if
several stylesheet modules with different URIs but identical content were imported. This might or might
not cause an error, depending on the content of the stylesheet module.

3.11 Embedded Stylesheet Modules

An embedded stylesheet module
is a stylesheet module whose containing element is not
the outermost element of the containing XML document. Both
standard stylesheet modules and
simplified stylesheet modules
may be embedded in this way.

Two situations where embedded stylesheets may be useful are:

  • The stylesheet may be embedded in the source document to be transformed.

  • The stylesheet may be embedded in an XML document that describes a sequence of processing
    of which the XSLT transformation forms just one part.

The xsl:stylesheet element may have an id
attribute to facilitate reference to the stylesheet module within the containing document.


In order for such an attribute value to be used as a fragment
identifier in a URI, the XDM attribute node must generally have the
is-id property: see Section
5.5 is-id AccessorDM. This property will typically be set
if the attribute is defined in a DTD as being of type ID, or if is defined in a schema as being
of type xs:ID. It is also necessary that the media type of the containing document should
support the use of ID values as fragment identifiers. Such support is widespread in existing products, and
is expected to be endorsed in respect of the media type application/xml by a future
revision of [RFC3023].

An alternative, if the implementation supports it, is to
use an xml:id attribute. XSLT allows this attribute (like other namespaced attributes)
to appear on any XSLT element.

The following example shows how the xml-stylesheet
processing instruction (see [XML Stylesheet]) can be used to allow a
source document to contain its own stylesheet. The URI reference uses a
relative URI with a fragment identifier to locate the
xsl:stylesheet element:

<?xml-stylesheet type="application/xslt+xml" href="#style1"?>
<!DOCTYPE doc SYSTEM "doc.dtd">
<xsl:stylesheet id="style1"
<xsl:import href="doc.xsl"/>
<xsl:template match="id('foo')">
  <fo:block font-weight="bold"><xsl:apply-templates/></fo:block>
<xsl:template match="xsl:stylesheet">
  <!-- ignore -->
<para id="foo">


A stylesheet module that is embedded in the document to which it is
to be applied typically needs
to contain a template rule that specifies that
xsl:stylesheet elements are to be ignored.


The above example uses the pseudo-attribute type="application/xslt+xml"
in the xml-stylesheet processing instruction to denote an XSLT stylesheet. This usage
is subject to confirmation:
see 3.4 XSLT Media Type.
In the absence of a registered media type for XSLT stylesheets, some vendors’ products
have adopted different conventions, notably type="text/xsl".


Support for the xml-stylesheet processing instruction is not
required for conformance with this Recommendation. Implementations are not
constrained in the mechanisms they use to identify a stylesheet when a transformation is initiated:
see 2.3 Initiating a Transformation.

3.12 Conditional Element Inclusion

Any element in the XSLT namespace may have a use-when attribute whose
value is an XPath expression that can be evaluated statically. If the attribute is present
and the effective boolean valueXP of the
expression is false, then the element, together with all the nodes having
that element as an ancestor, is effectively excluded from the
stylesheet module. When a node
is effectively excluded from a stylesheet module the stylesheet module has the same effect
as if the node were not there. Among other things this means that no static or dynamic errors
will be reported in respect of the element and its contents, other than errors in the
use-when attribute itself.


This does not apply to XML parsing or validation errors, which
will be reported in the usual way.
It also does not apply to attributes
that are necessarily processed
before [xsl:]use-when, examples being xml:space
and [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace.

A literal result element,
or any other element within a
stylesheet module that is not in the XSLT namespace,
may similarly carry an xsl:use-when attribute.

If the xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element itself is
effectively excluded, the effect is to exclude all the children of the
xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element, but not the
xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element or its attributes.


This allows all the declarations that depend on the same condition to be
included in one stylesheet module, and for their inclusion or exclusion to be controlled
by a single use-when attribute at the level of the module.

Conditional element exclusion happens after stripping of whitespace text nodes from the
stylesheet, as described in 4.2 Stripping Whitespace from the Stylesheet.

There are no syntactic constraints on the XPath expression that can be used as the value of the
use-when attribute. However, there are severe constraints on the information provided
in its evaluation context. These constraints are designed to ensure that the expression can be
evaluated at the earliest possible stage of stylesheet processing, without any dependency
on information contained in the stylesheet itself or in any source document.

Specifically, the components of the static and dynamic context are defined by the following two tables:

Static Context Components for use-when Expressions

Component Value
XPath 1.0 compatibility mode false
In scope namespaces determined by the in-scope namespaces for the containing element
in the stylesheet
Default element/type namespace determined by the xpath-default-namespace attribute
if present (see 5.2 Unprefixed QNames in Expressions and Patterns); otherwise the null namespace
Default function namespace The standard function namespace
In scope type definitions The type definitions that would be available in the absence of any
xsl:import-schema declaration
In scope element declarations None
In scope attribute declarations None
In scope variables None
In scope functions The core functions
defined in [Functions and Operators],
together with the functions element-available, function-available,
and system-property defined in this specification, plus
the set of extension functions that are
present in the static context of every XPath expression (other than a use-when expression) within the
content of the element that is the parent of the use-when attribute.
Note that stylesheet functions are
not included in the context, which means that the function function-available will
return false in respect of such functions. The effect of this
rule is to ensure that function-available returns true in respect of functions that
can be called within the scope of the use-when attribute. It also has the effect that
these extensions functions will be recognized within the use-when attribute itself;
however, the fact that a function is available in this sense gives no guarantee that a call on the
function will succeed.
In scope collations Implementation-defined
Default collation The Unicode Codepoint Collation
Base URI The base URI of the containing element in the stylesheet
Statically known documents None
Statically known collections None
Dynamic Context Components for use-when Expressions

Component Value
Context item, position, and size Undefined
Dynamic variables None
Current date and time Implementation-defined
Implicit timezone Implementation-defined
Available documents None
Available collections None

Within a stylesheet module,
all expressions contained in [xsl:]use-when
attributes are evaluated in a single execution scopeFO.
This need not be
the same execution scope as that used for [xsl]:use-when expressions in other
stylesheet modules, or as that used when evaluating XPath expressions appearing
elsewhere in the stylesheet module. This means that a function such as
current-dateFO will return the same result when called in different
[xsl:]use-when expressions within the same stylesheet module, but will not
necessarily return the same result as the same call in an [xsl:]use-when
expression within a different stylesheet module, or as a call on
the same function executed during the transformation proper.

The use of [xsl:]use-when is illustrated in the following examples.

This example demonstrates the use of the use-when attribute to
achieve portability of a stylesheet across schema-aware and non-schema-aware processors.

<xsl:import-schema schema-location="http://example.com/schema"

<xsl:template match="/" 
  <xsl:result-document validation="strict">

<xsl:template match="/">

The effect of these declarations is that a non-schema-aware processor ignores the
xsl:import-schema declaration and the first template rule, and therefore
generates no errors in respect of the schema-related constructs in these declarations.

This example includes different stylesheet modules depending on which XSLT processor
is in use.

<xsl:include href="module-A.xsl" 
<xsl:include href="module-B.xsl" 

3.13 Built-in Types

Every XSLT 2.0 processor includes the following named type definitions
in the in-scope schema components:

  • All the primitive atomic types defined in [XML Schema Part 2],
    with the exception of xs:NOTATION. That is:
    xs:base64Binary, and

  • The derived atomic type xs:integer defined in [XML Schema Part 2].

  • The types xs:anyType and xs:anySimpleType.

  • The following types defined in [XPath 2.0]:
    xs:untyped, and

A schema-aware XSLT processor additionally supports:

  • All other built-in types defined in [XML Schema Part 2]

  • User-defined types, and element and attribute declarations, that are
    imported using an xsl:import-schema declaration
    as described in 3.14 Importing Schema Components. These may include both simple and complex types.


The names that are imported from the XML Schema namespace do not include all the
names of top-level types defined in either the Schema for Schemas or the Schema for Datatypes. The Schema
for Datatypes, as well as defining built-in types such as xs:integer and xs:double,
also defines types that are intended for use only within the Schema for DataTypes, such as
xs:derivationControl. A stylesheet that is designed to process XML Schema documents as its
input or output may import the Schema for Schemas.

An implementation may define mechanisms that allow additional
schema components to be added to the
in-scope schema components for the
stylesheet. For example, the mechanisms used to define
extension functions
(see 18.1 Extension Functions) may also be used to
import the types used in the interface to such functions.

These schema components are the only ones that may be
referenced in XPath expressions within the stylesheet, or in the
[xsl:]type and as attributes of those elements that permit these attributes.

For a Basic XSLT Processor, schema built-in types that are not included in the
static context (for example, xs:NCName) are «unknown types» in the sense of
2.5.4 SequenceType MatchingXP. In the language of that section, a Basic XSLT Processor
must be able to determine whether these unknown types are derived from known
schema types such as xs:string. The purpose of this rule is to ensure that
system functions such as local-name-from-QNameFO, which is defined to return
an xs:NCName, behave correctly. A stylesheet that uses a Basic XSLT Processor
will not be able to test whether the returned value is an xs:NCName, but it will
be able to use it as if it were an xs:string.

3.14 Importing Schema Components


The facilities described in this section are not available
with a basic XSLT processor.
They require a schema-aware XSLT processor,
as described in 21 Conformance.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  namespace? = uri-reference
  schema-location? = uri-reference>
  <!-- Content: xs:schema? -->

The xsl:import-schema declaration is used to identify
schema components (that is,
top-level type definitions and
top-level element and attribute declarations)
that need to be available statically, that is, before any source document is
available. Names of such components used statically within the
stylesheet must refer to an
in-scope schema component,
which means they must either be built-in types as defined in 3.13 Built-in Types,
or they must be imported using an xsl:import-schema declaration.

The xsl:import-schema declaration identifies a
namespace containing the names of the components to be imported
(or indicates that components whose names are in no namespace are to be imported).
The effect is that the names of top-level element and
attribute declarations and type definitions from this namespace (or non-namespace)
become available for use within
XPath expressions in the stylesheet, and within other stylesheet
constructs such as the type and
as attributes of various XSLT elements.

The same schema components are available in all stylesheet modules; importing
components in one stylesheet module makes them available throughout the stylesheet.

The namespace and schema-location attributes are both optional.

If the xsl:import-schema element contains an
xs:schema element, then the schema-location
attribute must be absent, and one of the following
must be true:

  • the namespace attribute of the xsl:import-schema
    element and the targetNamespace attribute of the xs:schema
    element are both absent (indicating a no-namespace schema), or

  • the namespace attribute of the xsl:import-schema
    element and the targetNamespace attribute of the xs:schema
    element are both present and both have the same value, or

  • the namespace attribute of the xsl:import-schema
    element is absent and the targetNamespace attribute of
    the xs:schema element is present, in which case the target namespace
    is as given on the xs:schema element.

[ERR XTSE0215] It is a
static error if an xsl:import-schema
element that contains an xs:schema element has a schema-location attribute,
or if it has a namespace attribute that conflicts with the target namespace
of the contained schema.

If two xsl:import-schema declarations specify the same namespace,
or if both specify no namespace, then only the
one with highest import precedence is used.
If this leaves more than one, then all the declarations at the highest import precedence
are used (which may cause conflicts, as described below).

After discarding any xsl:import-schema declarations under the above rule, the
effect of the remaining xsl:import-schema declarations is
defined in terms of a hypothetical document called the synthetic schema document,
which is constructed as follows. The synthetic schema document defines an arbitrary target namespace
that is different from any namespace actually used by the application, and it contains
xs:import elements corresponding one-for-one with the
xsl:import-schema declarations in the
stylesheet, with the following correspondence:

  • The namespace attribute of the xs:import element is copied from the namespace
    attribute of the xsl:import-schema declaration if it is explicitly present, or is implied by the
    targetNamespace attribute of a contained xs:schema element,
    and is absent if it is absent.

  • The schemaLocation attribute of the xs:import element is copied from the schema-location
    attribute of the xsl:import-schema declaration if present, and is absent if it is absent.
    If there is a contained xs:schema element, the effective value of the
    schemaLocation attribute is a URI referencing a document containing a copy of the xs:schema

  • The base URI of the xs:import element is the same as the base URI
    of the xsl:import-schema declaration.

The schema components included
in the in-scope schema components
(that is, the components whose names are available
for use within the stylesheet)
are the top-level element and attribute declarations and type definitions that
are available for reference within the synthetic schema document. See [XML Schema Part 1]
(section 4.2.3, References to schema components across namespaces).

[ERR XTSE0220] It is a
static error if the
synthetic schema document does not satisfy the constraints described in
[XML Schema Part 1] (section 5.1, Errors in Schema Construction and Structure).
This includes, without loss of generality, conflicts such as multiple definitions of the same name.


The synthetic schema document does not need to be constructed by a real implementation. It is purely
a mechanism for defining the semantics of xsl:import-schema in terms of rules that
already exist within the XML Schema specification. In particular, it implicitly defines the
rules that determine whether the set of xsl:import-schema declarations are
mutually consistent.

These rules do not cause names to be imported transitively. The fact that
a name is available for reference within a schema document A does not of itself make the name available
for reference in a stylesheet that imports the target namespace of schema document A.
(See [XML Schema Part 1] section 3.15.3, Constraints on XML Representations of Schemas.)
The stylesheet must import all the namespaces containing names that it actually references.

The namespace attribute indicates that a schema for the given namespace is required
by the stylesheet. This information may be enough on its own
to enable an implementation to locate
the required schema components. The namespace attribute may be omitted
to indicate that a schema for names in no namespace is being imported. The zero-length
string is not a valid namespace URI, and is therefore not a valid value for the
namespace attribute.

The schema-location attribute is a URI Reference
that gives a hint indicating where a schema document
or other resource containing the required definitions may be found. It is likely that a
schema-aware XSLT processor will
be able to process a schema document found at this location.

The XML Schema specification gives implementations flexibility in how to handle
multiple imports for the same namespace. Multiple imports do not cause
errors if the definitions do not conflict.

A consequence of these rules is that it is not intrinsically an error if no schema
document can be located for a namespace identified in an xsl:import-schema declaration.
This will cause an error only if it results in the stylesheet containing references to names that have not
been imported.

An inline schema document (using an xs:schema element as a child of the xsl:import-schema
element) has the same status as an external schema document, in the sense that it acts as a hint for a source of schema
components in the relevant namespace. To ensure that the inline schema document is always used, it is advisable to
use a target namespace that is unique to this schema document.

The use of a namespace in an xsl:import-schema declaration does not by itself
associate any namespace prefix with the namespace.
If names from the namespace are used within the stylesheet module then
a namespace declaration must be included in the stylesheet module,
in the usual way.

The following example shows an inline schema document. This declares a simple type
local:yes-no, which the stylesheet then uses in the declaration of a variable.

The example assumes the namespace declaration

  <xs:schema targetNamespace="http://localhost/ns/yes-no"
    <xs:simpleType name="local:yes-no">
      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:enumeration value="yes"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="no"/>

<xs:variable name="condition" select="local:yes-no('yes')" as="local:yes-no"/>

4 Data Model

The data model used by XSLT is the XPath 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 data model
(XDM), as
defined in [Data Model]. XSLT operates on source, result and
stylesheet documents using the same data model.

This section elaborates on some particular features of XDM as
it is used by XSLT:

The rules in 4.2 Stripping Whitespace from the Stylesheet and 4.4 Stripping Whitespace from a Source Tree
make use of the concept of a whitespace text node.

[Definition: A whitespace text node
is a text node whose content consists entirely of whitespace characters (that is,
#x09, #x0A, #x0D, or #x20).]


Features of a source XML document that are not represented
in the XDM tree will have no effect on the operation of
an XSLT stylesheet. Examples of such features are entity references, CDATA sections,
character references, whitespace within element tags, and the choice of single or double
quotes around attribute values.

4.1 XML Versions

The XDM data model defined in [Data Model] is capable of representing
either an XML 1.0 document (conforming to [XML 1.0] and [Namespaces in XML 1.0])
or an XML 1.1 document (conforming to [XML 1.1] and [Namespaces in XML 1.1]), and
it makes no distinction between the two.
In principle, therefore, XSLT 2.0 can be used with either of these XML versions.

Construction of the XDM tree is outside the scope of this specification, so XSLT 2.0 places no
formal requirements on an XSLT processor to accept input from either XML 1.0 documents or XML 1.1 documents
or both. This specification does define a serialization capability (see 20 Serialization),
though from a conformance point of view it is an optional feature. Although facilities are described for
serializing the XDM tree as either XML 1.0 or XML 1.1 (and controlling the choice), there is again no
formal requirement on an XSLT processor to support either or both of these XML versions as serialization

Because the XDM tree is the same whether the original document was XML 1.0 or XML 1.1, the semantics
of XSLT processing do not depend on the version of XML used by the original document. There is no reason in principle
why all the input and output documents used in a single transformation must conform to the same version of

Some of the syntactic constructs in XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0, for example the productions CharXML
and NCNameNames, are defined by reference to the XML and XML Namespaces specifications.
There are slight variations between the XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 versions of these productions.
Implementations may support either version; it is
that an XSLT 2.0 processor that implements the 1.1 versions should also provide a mode
that supports the 1.0 versions. It is thus implementation-defined
whether the XSLT processor supports XML 1.0 with XML Namespaces 1.0, or XML 1.1 with XML Namespaces 1.1, or supports both versions at user


The specification referenced as [Namespaces in XML 1.0] was actually
published without a version number.

At the time of writing there is no published version of [XML Schema Part 2] that references the
XML 1.1 specifications. This means that data types such as xs:NCName and xs:ID are
constrained by the XML 1.0 rules, and do not allow the full range of values permitted by XML 1.1.
This situation will not be resolved until a new
version of [XML Schema Part 2] becomes available; in the meantime, it is recommended
that implementers wishing to support XML 1.1 should consult [XML Schema 1.0 and XML 1.1] for guidance.
An XSLT 2.0 processor that supports XML 1.1 should
implement the rules in later versions of [XML Schema Part 2] as they become available.

4.2 Stripping Whitespace from the Stylesheet

The tree representing the stylesheet is preprocessed as follows:

  1. All comments and processing instructions are removed.

  2. Any text nodes that are now adjacent to each other are merged.

  3. Any whitespace text node
    that satisfies both the following conditions is removed from the tree:

    • The parent of the text node is not an xsl:text element

    • The text node does not have an ancestor element that has an
      xml:space attribute with a value of
      preserve, unless there is a closer ancestor element having an
      xml:space attribute with a value of default.

  4. Any whitespace text node
    whose parent is one of the following elements
    is removed from the tree, regardless of any xml:space











  5. Any whitespace text node
    whose following-sibling node is an
    xsl:param or xsl:sort element is removed from the tree, regardless of
    any xml:space attributes.

[ERR XTSE0260] Within an
XSLT element that is required to be empty,
any content other than comments or processing instructions, including any
whitespace text node
preserved using the xml:space="preserve" attribute, is a
static error.


Using xml:space="preserve" in parts of the stylesheet that
contain sequence constructors will cause all text nodes in that part of the stylesheet,
including those that contain whitespace only, to be copied to the result of the sequence constructor.
When the result of the sequence constructor is used to form the content of an element, this can cause errors
if such text nodes are followed by attribute nodes generated using xsl:attribute.


If an xml:space attribute is
specified on a literal result element,
it will be copied to the result tree in the same way as any other attribute.

4.3 Stripping Type Annotations from a Source Tree

[Definition: The term
type annotation is used in this specification to refer to the value returned by the
dm:type-name accessor of a node: see Section
5.14 type-name AccessorDM.]

There is sometimes a requirement to write stylesheets that produce the same
results whether or not the source documents have been validated against a
schema. To achieve this, an option is provided to remove any type annotations
on element and attribute nodes in a source tree,
replacing them with an annotation of xs:untyped in the case of element
nodes, and xs:untypedAtomic in the case of attribute nodes.

Such stripping of type annotations can be requested by specifying
input-type-annotations="strip" on the xsl:stylesheet
element. This attribute
has three permitted values: strip, preserve,
and unspecified. The
default value is unspecified. Stripping of type annotations takes place if
at least one stylesheet module
in the stylesheet specifies

[ERR XTSE0265] It is a
static error if there is a
stylesheet module
in the stylesheet that specifies
input-type-annotations="strip" and
another stylesheet module
that specifies input-type-annotations="preserve".

The source trees to which this applies are the same as those affected by
xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space:
see 4.4 Stripping Whitespace from a Source Tree.

When type annotations are stripped, the following changes are made to the source tree:

  • The type annotation of every element node is changed to xs:untyped

  • The type annotation of every attribute node is changed to xs:untypedAtomic

  • The typed value of every element and attribute node is set to be the same as its string value, as
    an instance of xs:untypedAtomic.

  • The is-nilled property of every element node is set to false.

The values of the is-id and is-idrefs properties are
not changed.


Stripping type annotations does not necessarily return the
document to the state it would be in had validation not taken place. In
particular, any defaulted elements and attributes that were added to the
tree by the validation process will still be present , and
elements and attributes validated as IDs will still be accessible using the
idFO function.

4.4 Stripping Whitespace from a Source Tree

A source tree supplied as input to the
transformation process may contain whitespace text nodes
that are of no interest,
and that do not need to be retained by the transformation. Conceptually,
an XSLT processor makes a copy of the source
tree from which unwanted whitespace text nodes
have been removed. This process is referred to as whitespace stripping.

For the purposes of this section, the term source tree means the document
containing the initial context node, and any document
returned by the functions document, docFO, or
collectionFO. It does not include documents passed as the values of
stylesheet parameters or returned from
extension functions.

The stripping process takes as input a set of element names
whose child whitespace text nodes are to be preserved.
The way in which this set of element names is established using the
xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space declarations
is described later in this section.

A whitespace text node
is preserved if either of the following apply:

  • The element name of the parent of the text node is in the set
    of whitespace-preserving element names.

  • An ancestor element of the text node has an
    xml:space attribute with a value of
    preserve, and no closer ancestor element has
    xml:space with a value of

Otherwise, the whitespace text node
is stripped.

The xml:space attributes are not removed from the

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  elements = tokens />

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  elements = tokens />

The set of
whitespace-preserving element names is specified by
xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space
declarations. Whether an
element name is included in the set of whitespace-preserving names is
determined by the best match among all the xsl:strip-space or
xsl:preserve-space declarations: it is included if and only
if there is no match or the best match is an
xsl:preserve-space element. The
xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space
elements each have an elements attribute whose value is a
whitespace-separated list of NameTestsXP; an element name matches an
xsl:strip-space or xsl:preserve-space
element if it matches one of the NameTestsXP.
An element matches a NameTestXP if and only if the
NameTestXP would be true for the
element as an XPath node test. When more than one xsl:strip-space and
xsl:preserve-space element matches, the best matching
element is determined by the best matching NameTestXP. This is determined in the
same way as with template rules:

  • First, any match with lower import precedence than another
    match is ignored.

  • Next, any match that has a lower
    default priority than the
    default priority of
    another match is ignored.

[ERR XTRE0270] It is a recoverable dynamic error if
leaves more than one match, unless all the matched declarations are equivalent (that is,
they are all xsl:strip-space or they are all xsl:preserve-space).
The optional recovery action is to select, from the matches that are left, the
one that occurs last in
declaration order.

If an element in a source document has a type annotation
that is a simple type or a complex type with
simple content, then any whitespace text nodes among its children are preserved, regardless of
any xsl:strip-space declarations. The reason for this
is that stripping a whitespace
text node from an element with simple content could make the element invalid: for
example, it could cause the minLength facet to be violated.

Stripping of type annotations happens before stripping of whitespace text nodes,
so this situation
will not occur if input-type-annotations="strip" is specified.


In [Data Model], processes are described for constructing an
XDM tree from an Infoset or from a PSVI. Those processes
deal with whitespace according to their own rules, and the provisions in
this section apply to the resulting tree. In practice this means that
elements that are defined in a DTD or a Schema to contain element-only
content will have whitespace text nodes stripped, regardless of the
xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space declarations in the stylesheet.

However, source trees are not necessarily constructed using those processes;
indeed, they are not necessarily constructed by parsing XML documents.
Nothing in the XSLT specification constrains how the source tree is
constructed, or what happens to whitespace text nodes during its construction. The
provisions in this section relate only to whitespace text nodes that are
present in the tree supplied as input to the XSLT processor. The XSLT
processor cannot preserve whitespace text nodes unless they were actually
present in the supplied tree.

4.5 Attribute Types and DTD Validation

The mapping from the Infoset to the XDM data model, described in
[Data Model], does not retain attribute types. This means, for example, that an attribute
described in the DTD as having attribute type NMTOKENS will be annotated in the XDM tree
as xs:untypedAtomic rather than xs:NMTOKENS, and its typed value
will consist of a single xs:untypedAtomic value rather than a sequence of
xs:NMTOKEN values.

Attributes with a DTD-derived type of ID, IDREF, or IDREFS will be marked in the
XDM tree as having the is-id or is-idrefs properties. It is these properties,
rather than any type annotation, that are examined by the functions idFO and
idrefFO described in [Functions and Operators].

4.6 Limits

The XDM data model (see [Data Model]) leaves it to the host language to
define limits. This section describes the limits that apply to XSLT.

Limits on some primitive data types are defined in [XML Schema Part 2].
Other limits, listed below, are implementation-defined.
Note that this does not necessarily mean that each limit must be a simple constant: it may vary depending
on environmental factors such as available resources.

The following limits are implementation-defined:

  1. For the xs:decimal type, the maximum number of decimal digits
    (the totalDigits facet). This must be at least 18 digits. (Note, however, that
    support for the full value range of xs:unsignedLong requires 20 digits.)

  2. For the types xs:date, xs:time, xs:dateTime, xs:gYear,
    and xs:gYearMonth: the range of values of the year component, which must be
    at least +0001 to +9999; and the maximum number of fractional second digits, which must be at least 3.

  3. For the xs:duration type: the maximum absolute values of the
    years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds components.

  4. For the xs:yearMonthDuration type: the maximum absolute value,
    expressed as an integer number of months.

  5. For the xs:dayTimeDuration type: the maximum absolute value,
    expressed as a decimal number of seconds.

  6. For the types xs:string, xs:hexBinary, xs:base64Binary, xs:QName,
    xs:anyURI, xs:NOTATION, and types derived from them: the maximum length of the value.

  7. For sequences, the maximum number of items in a sequence.

4.7 Disable Output Escaping

For backwards compatibility reasons, XSLT 2.0 continues to
support the disable-output-escaping feature introduced in XSLT 1.0.
This is an optional feature and implementations are not required to support it.
A new facility, that of named character maps
(see 20.1 Character Maps) is introduced in XSLT 2.0. It provides similar
capabilities to disable-output-escaping, but without distorting the
data model.

If an implementation supports
the disable-output-escaping attribute
of xsl:text and xsl:value-of,
(see 20.2 Disabling Output Escaping), then the data model
for trees constructed by the processor is augmented with a boolean value
representing the value of this property. This boolean value, however, can be
set only within a final result tree that is being passed to the serializer.

Conceptually, each character in a text node on such
a result tree has a boolean
property indicating whether the serializer is to disable the normal rules
for escaping of special characters (for example, outputting of &
as &amp;) in respect of this character or attribute node.


In practice, the nodes in a final result tree will often be streamed
directly from the XSLT processor to the serializer. In such an implementation,
disable-output-escaping can be viewed not so much a property stored with nodes
in the tree, but rather as additional information passed across the interface between the
XSLT processor and the serializer.

5 Features of the XSLT Language

5.1 Qualified Names

The name of a stylesheet-defined object, specifically
a named template,
a mode,
an attribute set,
a key,
a decimal-format,

a variable or parameter,
a stylesheet function, a
named output definition,
or a character map
is specified as a QName using the syntax
for QNameNames as defined in [Namespaces in XML 1.0].

[Definition: A QName is
always written in the form (NCName ":")? NCName, that is, a local name
optionally preceded by a namespace prefix. When two QNames are compared, however,
they are considered equal if the corresponding
expanded-QNames are the same, as described below.]

Because an atomic value of type xs:QName is
sometimes referred to loosely as a QName, this specification also uses the term
lexical QName to emphasize that it is referring
to a QNameNames in its lexical form rather than its expanded form.
This term is used
especially when strings containing lexical QNames are manipulated as run-time values.

[Definition: A lexical QName
is a string representing a QName in the form
(NCName ":")? NCName, that is, a local name
optionally preceded by a namespace prefix.]

[Definition: A
string in the form of a lexical QName may occur
as the value of an attribute node in a stylesheet
module, or within an XPath expression contained in
such an attribute node, or as the result
of evaluating an XPath expression contained in such an attribute node.
The element
containing this attribute node is referred to as the defining element of the QName.]

[Definition: An
expanded-QName contains a pair of values,
namely a local name and an optional namespace URI. It may also contain a namespace prefix.
Two expanded-QNames are equal if the namespace URIs are the same
(or both absent) and the local names are the same. The prefix plays
no part in the comparison, but is used only if the expanded-QName needs to be converted back
to a string.]

If the QName has a prefix, then the
prefix is expanded into a URI reference using the namespace
declarations in effect on its defining element. The
consisting of the local part of the name and the possibly null URI
reference is used as the name of the object. The default namespace of the defining element
(see Section
6.2 Element NodesDM) is
not used for unprefixed names.

There are three cases where the default namespace
of the defining element
is used when expanding an unprefixed QName:

  1. Where a QName is used to define the name of an element
    being constructed.
    This applies both to cases where the name is known
    statically (that is, the name of a literal result element) and to cases where it is
    computed dynamically (the value of the name attribute
    of the xsl:element instruction).

  2. The default namespace is used when expanding the first argument
    of the function element-available.

  3. The default namespace applies to any unqualified element names
    appearing in the cdata-section-elements attribute of
    xsl:output or xsl:result-document

In the case of an unprefixed QName used as a
NameTest within an XPath expression
(see 5.3 Expressions) , and in certain other contexts, the namespace
to be used in expanding the QName may be specified by means of the
attribute, as specified in 5.2 Unprefixed QNames in Expressions and Patterns.

[ERR XTSE0280] In the case of a prefixed
used as the value of an attribute in the
stylesheet, or appearing within
an XPath expression in the stylesheet,
it is a static error if the defining element has
no namespace node whose name matches the prefix of the QName.

[ERR XTDE0290] Where the result of evaluating an XPath expression (or an
attribute value template) is required to be a lexical QName,
then unless otherwise specified
it is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the defining element has
no namespace node whose name matches the prefix of the lexical QName.
This error may be signaled as a
static error
if the value of the expression can be determined statically.

5.2 Unprefixed QNames in Expressions and Patterns

The attribute [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace
(see 3.5 Standard Attributes) may be used
on an element in the stylesheet to define the namespace that will be
used for an unprefixed element name or type name
within an XPath expression, and in certain other contexts listed below.

The value of the attribute is the namespace URI to be used.

For any element in the stylesheet, this attribute has an effective value, which is the
value of the [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace on that element or on the innermost containing
element that specifies such an attribute, or the zero-length string if no containing element
specifies such an attribute.

For any element in the stylesheet,
the effective value of this attribute determines
the value of the default namespace for element and type names in the
static context of any XPath expression contained in an attribute
of that element (including XPath expressions in
attribute value templates).
The effect of this is specified in [XPath 2.0]; in summary, it
determines the namespace used for any unprefixed type name in the SequenceType production,
and for any element name appearing in a path expression or in the SequenceType production.

The effective value of this attribute similarly applies to any of
the following constructs appearing within its scope:

  • any unprefixed element name or type name
    used in a pattern

  • any unprefixed element name
    used in the elements attribute of the xsl:strip-space
    or xsl:preserve-space instructions

  • any unprefixed element name or type name
    used in the as attribute of an XSLT element

  • any unprefixed type name
    used in the type attribute of an XSLT element

  • any unprefixed type name
    used in the xsl:type attribute of a
    literal result element.

The [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace attribute must be in the
XSLT namespace
if and only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace.

If the effective value of the attribute is a zero-length string,
which will be the case if it is explicitly set to a zero-length string or if it is
not specified at all, then an unprefixed element name or type name refers to a name
that is in no namespace. The default namespace
of the parent element (see Section
6.2 Element NodesDM)
is not used.

The attribute does not affect other names, for example function names,
variable names, or template names, or strings that are interpreted as
lexical QNames during stylesheet evaluation,
such as the effective value of the name
attribute of xsl:element or the string supplied as the first argument to
the key function.

5.3 Expressions

XSLT uses the expression language defined by XPath 2.0 [XPath 2.0].
Expressions are used in XSLT for a variety of purposes including:

  • selecting nodes for processing;

  • specifying conditions for different ways of processing a node;

  • generating text to be inserted in a result tree.

[Definition: Within this specification, the term
XPath expression, or simply expression, means
a string that matches the production
defined in [XPath 2.0].]

An XPath expression may occur as the value of certain attributes on
XSLT-defined elements, and also within curly brackets in
attribute value

Except where
forwards-compatible behavior
is enabled (see 3.9 Forwards-Compatible Processing), it is a
static error
if the value of such an
attribute, or the text between curly
brackets in an attribute value template, does not match the
XPath production ExprXP, or if it fails to satisfy
other static constraints defined in the XPath specification, for example
that all variable references must refer to variables that are
in scope. Error codes are defined in [XPath 2.0].

The transformation fails with a
non-recoverable dynamic error if any XPath
is evaluated and raises a dynamic error.
Error codes are defined in [XPath 2.0].

The transformation fails with a
type error
if an XPath expression raises a type error, or if the result of evaluating
the XPath expression is evaluated and raises a type error,
or if the XPath processor signals a type error during static analysis of an
Error codes are defined in [XPath 2.0].

[Definition: The context within a stylesheet
where an XPath expression
appears may specify the required type of
the expression. The required type indicates the type of the value that the
expression is expected to return.] If no required type is specified, the
expression may return any value: in effect, the required type is then item()*.

[Definition: Except where otherwise indicated, the actual
value of an expression is converted to the required type
using the function conversion rules. These are the rules defined in
[XPath 2.0] for converting the supplied argument of a function call to the
required type of that argument, as defined in the function signature. The relevant
rules are those that apply when
XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is set to false.]

This specification also invokes the
XPath 2.0 function conversion rules
to convert the result of evaluating an XSLT sequence constructor to
a required type (for example, the sequence constructor enclosed in an xsl:variable,
xsl:template, or xsl:function element).

Any dynamic error or
type error that occurs when applying the
function conversion rules to
convert a value to a required type results in the transformation failing, in the
same way as if the error had occurred while evaluating an expression.


Note the distinction between the two kinds of error that may occur. Attempting to convert
an integer to a date is a type error, because such a conversion is never possible. Type errors can be reported
statically if they can be detected statically, whether or not the construct in question is ever evaluated.
Attempting to convert the string 2003-02-29 to a date is a dynamic error rather than a type error,
because the problem is with this particular value, not with its type.
Dynamic errors are reported only if the instructions or expressions that cause them are actually evaluated.

5.4 The Static and Dynamic Context

XPath defines the concept of an
expression contextXP which
contains all the information that can affect the result of evaluating an
expression. The expression context has
two parts, the static contextXP,
and the dynamic contextXP.
The components that make up the expression context are defined in the XPath specification
(see Section
2.1 Expression ContextXP). This section describes the way
in which these components are initialized when an XPath expression is contained within an
XSLT stylesheet.

As well as providing values for the static and dynamic context components defined in the
XPath specification, XSLT defines additional context components of its own. These context components
are used by XSLT instructions (for example, xsl:next-match and xsl:apply-imports),
and also by the functions in the extended function library described in this specification.

The following four sections describe:

5.4.1 Initializing the Static Context

5.4.2 Additional Static Context Components used by XSLT

5.4.3 Initializing the Dynamic Context

5.4.4 Additional Dynamic Context Components used by XSLT

5.4.1 Initializing the Static Context

The static contextXP of an XPath
expression appearing in an XSLT stylesheet is initialized as follows. In these rules,
the term containing element means the element within the stylesheet that is
the parent of the attribute whose value contains the XPath expression in question,
and the term enclosing element means the containing element or any of its ancestors.

  • XPath 1.0 compatibility mode
    is set to true
    if and only if the containing element
    occurs in part of the stylesheet where
    backwards compatible behavior
    is enabled (see 3.8 Backwards-Compatible Processing).

  • The statically known namespacesXP
    are the namespace declarations that are in scope for the containing element.

  • The default element/type namespaceXP
    is the namespace defined by the
    [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace attribute on the innermost enclosing element
    that has such an attribute, as described in
    5.2 Unprefixed QNames in Expressions and Patterns. The value of this attribute
    is a namespace URI. If there is no
    [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace attribute on an enclosing element,
    the default namespace for element names and type names is the null namespace.

  • The default function namespaceXP is the
    standard function namespace,
    defined in [Functions and Operators]. This means that it is not necessary to declare this
    namespace in the stylesheet, nor is it necessary
    to use the prefix fn (or any other prefix) in calls to the core functions.

  • The in-scope schema definitionsXP
    for the XPath expression are the same as the
    in-scope schema components for the
    stylesheet, and are as specified in 3.13 Built-in Types.

  • The in-scope variablesXP are defined by the
    variable binding elements that are in scope
    for the containing element (see 9 Variables and Parameters).

  • The function signaturesXP are the core functions defined
    in [Functions and Operators],
    the constructor functions for all the atomic types in the
    in-scope schema definitionsXP,
    the additional
    functions defined in this specification, the stylesheet
    functions defined in the stylesheet, plus any extension
    functions bound using implementation-defined
    mechanisms (see 18 Extensibility and Fallback).


    It follows from the above that a conformant XSLT processor must implement the
    entire library of core functions defined in [Functions and Operators].

  • The statically known collationsXP are
    However, the set of in-scope collations must always include
    the Unicode codepoint collation, defined in Section
    7.3 Equality and Comparison of StringsFO.

  • The default collationXP is
    defined by the value of the [xsl:]default-collation attribute on the innermost enclosing
    element that has such an attribute. For details, see 3.6.1 The default-collation attribute.

    [Definition: In
    this specification the term default collation means the collation that
    is used by XPath operators such as eq and lt appearing in
    XPath expressions within the stylesheet.]

    This collation is also used by default when comparing strings
    in the evaluation of the xsl:key and xsl:for-each-group
    elements. This may also
    (but need not necessarily) be the same as the default collation used for xsl:sort elements
    within the stylesheet. Collations used by xsl:sort are described in
    13.1.3 Sorting Using Collations.

  • The base URIXP is the base URI of the containing element. The concept
    of the base URI of a node is defined in Section
    5.2 base-uri AccessorDM

5.4.2 Additional Static Context Components used by XSLT

Some of the components of the XPath static context are used also by
XSLT elements. For
example, the xsl:sort element makes use of the collations defined in the static
context, and attributes such as type and as may reference types defined
in the in-scope schema components.

Many top-level declarations in a stylesheet, and attributes on the xsl:stylesheet
element, affect the behavior of instructions within the stylesheet. Each of these constructs is
described in its appropriate place in this specification.

A number of these constructs are of particular significance because they are
used by functions defined in XSLT, which are added to the library of functions available for use in
XPath expressions within the stylesheet. These are:

  • The set of named keys, used by the key function

  • The set of named decimal formats, used by the format-number function

  • The values of system properties, used by the system-property function

  • The set of available instructions, used by the element-available function

5.4.3 Initializing the Dynamic Context

For convenience, the dynamic context is described in two parts: the
focus, which represents the place in the source document that
is currently being processed, and a collection of additional context variables.

A number of functions specified in [Functions and Operators]
are defined to be stableFO, meaning that if they are called
twice during the same execution scopeFO,
with the same arguments, then they return the same results
(see Section
1.7 TerminologyFO).
In XSLT, the execution of a stylesheet defines the execution scope.
This means, for example, that if the function current-dateTimeFO is called repeatedly during
a transformation, it produces the same result each time. By implication, the components
of the dynamic context on which these functions depend are also stable for the duration
of the transformation. Specifically, the following components defined in Section
2.1.2 Dynamic ContextXP

must be stable: function implementations, current dateTime, implicit timezone,
available documents, available collections, and default collection.
The values of global variables and stylesheet parameters are also stable
for the duration of a transformation. The focus is not stable;
the additional dynamic context components defined in 5.4.4 Additional Dynamic Context Components used by XSLT
are also not stable.

As specified in [Functions and Operators], implementations may provide user options that relax the
requirement for the docFO and collectionFO functions
(and therefore, by implication,
the document function) to return stable results. By default, however, the
functions must be stable. The manner in which such user options are provided, if
at all, is implementation-defined.

XPath expressions contained in [xsl:]use-when
attributes are not considered to be evaluated «during the
transformation» as defined above. For details see 3.12 Conditional Element Inclusion. Maintaining Position: the Focus

[Definition: When a
sequence constructor is
evaluated, the processor keeps track of which
items are being processed
by means of a set of implicit variables referred to collectively as the
More specifically, the focus consists of the following three values:

  • [Definition: The context item is the item currently
    being processed. An item (see [Data Model]) is either an atomic value (such as an
    integer, date, or string), or a node. The context item is initially set to the
    initial context node
    supplied when the transformation is invoked (see 2.3 Initiating a Transformation).
    It changes
    whenever instructions such as xsl:apply-templates and xsl:for-each
    are used to process a sequence of items; each item in such a sequence becomes the context item
    while that item is being processed.] The context item is returned by the XPath
    . (dot).

  • [Definition: The context position is the position of
    the context item within the sequence of items currently being processed. It changes whenever the
    context item changes. When an instruction such as xsl:apply-templates or
    xsl:for-each is used to process
    a sequence of items, the first item in the sequence is processed with a context position of 1, the
    second item with a context position of 2, and so on.] The context position is returned
    by the XPath expression

  • [Definition: The context size is the number of items in
    the sequence of items currently being processed. It changes
    whenever instructions such as xsl:apply-templates and xsl:for-each
    are used to process a sequence of items; during the processing of each one of those items, the
    context size is set to the count of the number of items in the sequence (or equivalently, the position
    of the last item in the sequence).] The context size is returned
    by the XPath expression

[Definition: If the context item
is a node (as distinct
from an atomic value such as an integer), then it is also referred to as the context node.
The context node is not an independent variable, it changes whenever the context item changes. When
the context item is an atomic value, there is no context
The context node is returned by the XPath expression
self::node(), and it is used
as the starting node for all relative path expressions.

Where the containing element of an XPath expression is an
or a literal result element,
the initial context item, context position, and context size
for the XPath expression are the same as
the context item,
context position, and
context size for the
evaluation of the containing instruction or literal result element.

In other cases (for example, where the containing element is xsl:sort,
xsl:with-param, or xsl:key),
the rules are given in the specification of the containing element.

The current function can be used within any XPath expression
to select the item that was supplied as the context item to the XPath expression by the XSLT processor.
Unlike . (dot) this is unaffected by changes to the context item that occur within
the XPath expression. The current function is described in
16.6.1 current.

On completion of an instruction that changes the focus
(such as xsl:apply-templates or
xsl:for-each), the focus reverts to its previous value.

When a stylesheet function is called,
the focus within the body of the function is initially undefined. The focus
is also undefined on initial entry to the stylesheet if no initial context node
is supplied.

When the focus is
undefined, evaluation of any expression that
references the context item, context position, or context size results
in a non-recoverable dynamic error

The description above gives an outline of the way the
focus works. Detailed rules for the effect
of each instruction are given separately with the description of that instruction. In the absence
of specific rules, an instruction uses the same focus as its parent instruction.

[Definition: A singleton focus
based on a node N
has the context item (and therefore the
context node) set to N,
and the context position
and context size both set to 1 (one).] Other components of the XPath Dynamic Context

The previous section explained how the focus for an XPath
expression appearing in an XSLT stylesheet is initialized.
This section explains how the other components of the
dynamic contextXP of an XPath
expression are initialized.

  • The dynamic variablesXP are the current values of the in-scope
    variable binding elements.

  • The current date and time represents an
    implementation-dependent point in time
    during processing of the transformation; it does not change during the course of the transformation.

  • The implicit timezoneXP is

  • The available documentsXP,
    and the available collectionsXP
    are determined as part of the process for initiating a transformation (see 2.3 Initiating a Transformation).

    The available documentsXP
    are defined as part of the XPath 2.0 dynamic context to support
    the docFO function, but this component is also referenced by the similar XSLT
    document function: see 16.1 Multiple Source Documents. This variable defines
    a mapping between URIs passed to the docFO or document
    function and the document nodes that are returned.


    Defining this as part of the evaluation context is a formal way of
    specifying that the way in which URIs get turned into document nodes is outside the control of the
    language specification, and depends entirely on the run-time environment in which the transformation
    takes place.

    The XSLT-defined document function
    allows the use of URI references containing fragment identifiers.
    The interpretation of a fragment identifier
    depends on the media type of the resource representation.
    Therefore, the information supplied in
    available documentsXP for XSLT processing
    must provide not only a mapping from URIs to document nodes as required by XPath, but also a mapping
    from URIs to media types.

  • The default collectionXP
    is implementation-defined. This allows options such
    as setting the default collection to be an empty sequence, or to be undefined.

5.4.4 Additional Dynamic Context Components used by XSLT

In addition to the values that make up the focus,
an XSLT processor maintains a number of other dynamic context components that reflect aspects of the evaluation
context. These components are fully described in the sections of the specification that maintain and use them.
They are:

  • The current template rule, which is the
    template rule
    most recently invoked by an xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports,
    or xsl:next-match instruction: see 6.7 Overriding Template Rules;

  • The current mode, which is the
    set by the most recent call of xsl:apply-templates
    (for a full definition see 6.5 Modes);

  • The current group
    and current grouping key,
    which provide information about the collection of items currently being processed
    by an xsl:for-each-group instruction: see 14.1 The Current Group
    and 14.2 The Current Grouping Key;

  • The current captured substrings:
    this is a sequence of strings, which is maintained when a string
    is matched against a regular expression using the xsl:analyze-string instruction,
    and which is accessible using the regex-group function:
    see 15.2 Captured Substrings.

  • The output state: this is a flag whose two possible
    values are final output state and
    temporary output state. This flag indicates whether
    instructions are currently writing to a final result tree
    or to an internal data structure. The
    initial setting is final output state, and it is switched
    to temporary output state by instructions such as
    xsl:variable. For more details, see 19.1 Creating Final Result Trees.

The following non-normative table summarizes the initial state of each
of the components in the
evaluation context, and the instructions which cause the state of the component to change.

Component Initial Setting Set by Cleared by
focus singleton focus based on the
initial context node if supplied
xsl:apply-templates, xsl:for-each,
xsl:for-each-group, xsl:analyze-string
calls on stylesheet functions
current template rule If a
named template is supplied as the entry point
to the transformation, then null; otherwise the
initial template
xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports,
xsl:for-each, xsl:for-each-group, and
and calls on stylesheet functions. Also cleared while
evaluating global variables or default values of stylesheet parameters, and the sequence constructors
contained in xsl:key and xsl:sort.
current mode the initial mode xsl:apply-templates calls on stylesheet functions,
evaluation of global variables and stylesheet parameters, evaluation of the sequence constructor
contained in xsl:key or xsl:sort. Clearing the current mode
causes the current mode to be set to the default (unnamed) mode.
current group empty sequence xsl:for-each-group calls on stylesheet functions
current grouping key empty sequence xsl:for-each-group calls on stylesheet functions
current captured substrings empty sequence xsl:matching-substring xsl:non-matching-substring;
calls on stylesheet functions
output state final output state Set to temporary output state by instructions
such as xsl:variable, xsl:attribute, etc., and by
calls on stylesheet functions

5.5 Patterns

A template rule identifies the
nodes to which it applies by means of a pattern. As well as
being used in template rules, patterns are used for numbering (see
12 Numbering), for grouping (see
14 Grouping),
and for declaring keys (see 16.3 Keys).

[Definition: A pattern specifies
a set of conditions on a node. A
node that satisfies the conditions matches the pattern; a node that
does not satisfy the conditions does not match the pattern. The
syntax for patterns is a subset of the syntax for expressions.]
As explained in detail below, a node matches a pattern
if the node can be selected by deriving an equivalent expression, and
evaluating this expression with
respect to some possible context.

5.5.1 Examples of Patterns

Here are some examples of patterns:

  • para matches any para element.

  • * matches any element.

  • chapter|appendix matches any
    chapter element and any appendix

  • olist/entry matches any entry element with
    an olist parent.

  • appendix//para matches any para element with
    an appendix ancestor element.

  • schema-element(us:address) matches any element that is annotated as
    an instance of the
    type defined by the schema element declaration us:address,
    and whose name is either us:address or the name of another element
    in its substitution group.

  • attribute(*, xs:date) matches any attribute
    annotated as being of type xs:date.

  • / matches a document node.

  • document-node() matches a document node.

  • document-node(schema-element(my:invoice)) matches the document node
    of a document whose document element is named
    my:invoice and matches the type defined by the global
    element declaration my:invoice.

  • text() matches any text node.

  • node() matches any node other than an attribute
    node, namespace node, or document node.

  • id("W33") matches the element with unique ID W33.

  • para[1] matches any para element
    that is the first para child element of its
    parent. It also matches a parentless para element.

  • //para matches any para element
    that has a parent node.

  • bullet[position() mod 2 = 0] matches any
    bullet element that is an even-numbered bullet
    child of its parent.

  • div[@class="appendix"]//p matches any
    p element with a div ancestor element that
    has a class attribute with value

  • @class matches any class attribute
    (not any element that has a class

  • @* matches any attribute node.

5.5.2 Syntax of Patterns

[ERR XTSE0340] Where an attribute is
defined to contain a pattern,
it is a static error if the
pattern does not match the production Pattern.
Every pattern is a legal XPath
expression, but the converse is not true: 2+2
is an example of a legal XPath expression that is not a pattern.
The XPath expressions that can be used as patterns are those that
match the grammar for Pattern, given below.

Informally, a Pattern is
a set of path expressions separated by |,
where each step
in the path expression is constrained to be an AxisStepXP that uses only the
child or attribute axes. Patterns may
also use the // operator.
A PredicateXP within the PredicateListXP
in a pattern
can contain arbitrary XPath expressions (enclosed between square brackets)
in the same way as a predicateXP in a path expression.

Patterns may start with an
idFO or key function call,
provided that the value to be matched is supplied as either a literal or a reference to
a variable or parameter,
and the key name (in the case of the key function)
is supplied as a string literal. These patterns will
never match a node in a tree whose root is not a document node.

If a pattern occurs in part of the stylesheet where
backwards compatible behavior
is enabled (see 3.8 Backwards-Compatible Processing), then
the semantics of the pattern are defined on the basis that the equivalent
XPath expression is evaluated with
XPath 1.0 compatibility mode set to true.

[1]    Pattern    ::=   
| Pattern '|' PathPattern
[2]    PathPattern    ::=   
| '/' RelativePathPattern?
| '//' RelativePathPattern
| IdKeyPattern (('/' | '//') RelativePathPattern)?
[3]    RelativePathPattern    ::=   
PatternStep (('/' | '//') RelativePathPattern)?
[4]    PatternStep    ::=   
PatternAxis? NodeTestXP
[5]    PatternAxis    ::=    ('child' '::' | 'attribute' '::' | '@')
[6]    IdKeyPattern    ::=    'id' '(' IdValue ')'
| 'key' '(' StringLiteralXP ',' KeyValue ')'
[7]    IdValue    ::=   
StringLiteralXP | VarRefXP
[8]    KeyValue    ::=   
LiteralXP | VarRefXP

The constructs NodeTestXP,
LiteralXP, and
StringLiteralXP are part of the XPath expression
language, and are defined in [XPath 2.0].

5.5.3 The Meaning of a Pattern

The meaning of a pattern is defined formally as follows.

First we define the concept of an equivalent expression. In general,
the equivalent expression is the XPath expression that takes the same lexical form as the pattern as written.
However, if the pattern contains a PathPattern that is a RelativePathPattern, then
the first PatternStep
PS of this RelativePathPattern is adjusted to allow it to match
a parentless element or attribute node, as follows:

  • If the NodeTest in PS is document-node() (optionally
    with arguments), and if no explicit axis is specified, then the axis in step
    PS is taken as self rather than child.

  • If PS uses the child axis (explicitly or
    implicitly), and if the NodeTest in PS is not document-node() (optionally
    with arguments),
    then the axis in step PS is replaced by child-or-top, which is defined as follows.
    If the context node is a parentless element, comment, processing-instruction, or text node
    then the child-or-top axis selects the context node; otherwise it selects the children of
    the context node. It is a forwards axis whose principal node kind is element.

  • If PS uses the attribute axis,
    then the axis in step PS is replaced by attribute-or-top, which is defined as follows.
    If the context node is an attribute node with no parent,
    then the attribute-or-top axis selects the context node; otherwise it selects the attributes of
    the context node. It is a forwards axis whose principal node kind is attribute.

The axes child-or-top and attribute-or-top are introduced
only for definitional purposes. They cannot be used explicitly in a user-written pattern or expression.


The purpose of these adjustments is to ensure that a pattern such as person matches any
element named person, even if it has no parent; and similarly, that the pattern @width
matches any attribute named width, even a parentless attribute. The rule also ensures that
a pattern using a NodeTest of the form document-node(...) matches a document node.
The pattern node() will
match any element, text node, comment, or processing instruction, whether or not it has a parent.
For backwards compatibility reasons, the pattern node(), when used without an explicit axis,
does not match document nodes, attribute nodes, or namespace nodes. The rules are also phrased to ensure
that positional patterns of the form para[1] continue to count nodes relative to their parent,
if they have one.

Let the equivalent expression, calculated according to these rules, be EE.

To determine whether a node N matches the pattern,
evaluate the expression
root(.)//(EE) with a
singleton focus based on N.
If the result is a sequence of nodes that includes N, then node N
matches the pattern; otherwise node N does not match the pattern.

The pattern p matches any p element,
because a p element will always be present in the result
of evaluating the expression
root(.)//(child-or-top::p). Similarly, /
matches a document node, and only a document node,
because the result of the
returns the root node of the tree containing the context node if and
only if it is a document node.

The pattern node() matches all nodes selected by the expression
root(.)//(child-or-top::node()), that is, all element, text, comment, and processing
instruction nodes, whether or not they have a parent. It does not match attribute or namespace nodes because the
expression does not select nodes using the attribute or namespace axes.
It does not match document nodes
because for backwards compatibility reasons the child-or-top axis does not
match a document node.

Although the semantics of patterns are specified formally in
terms of expression evaluation, it is possible to understand pattern
matching using a different model. In a pattern, | indicates alternatives; a
pattern with one or more | separated alternatives matches
if any one of the alternatives matches. A pattern such as book/chapter/section
can be examined from right to left. A node will only match this pattern
if it is a section element;
and then, only if its parent is a chapter; and then, only
if the parent of that chapter is a book. When the
pattern uses the // operator, one can still read it from right to
left, but this time testing the ancestors of a node rather than its parent.
For example appendix//section matches every section
element that has an ancestor appendix element.

The formal definition, however, is useful for understanding the meaning
of a pattern such as para[1]. This matches any node selected
by the expression root(.)//(child-or-top::para[1]): that is, any para
element that is the first para child of its parent, or a
para element that has no parent.


An implementation, of course, may use any
algorithm it wishes for evaluating patterns, so long as the result corresponds
with the formal definition above. An implementation that followed the formal
definition by evaluating the equivalent expression and then testing the membership of
a specific node in the result would probably be very inefficient.

5.5.4 Errors in Patterns

Any dynamic error or
type error that occurs during the evaluation
of a pattern against a particular node is treated as a
recoverable error even if the error
would not be recoverable under other circumstances. The
optional recovery action is to treat
the pattern as not matching that node.


The reason for this provision is that it is difficult for the stylesheet
author to predict which predicates in a pattern will actually be evaluated. In the case of
match patterns in template rules, it is not even possible to predict which patterns will be evaluated
against a particular node. Making errors in patterns recoverable enables an implementation,
if it chooses to do so, to report such errors while stylesheets are under development, while
masking them if they occur during production running.

One particular optimization is required by this specification: for a
PathPattern that starts with / or // or with an
the result of testing this pattern against a node in a tree whose root is not a document node
must be a non-match, rather than a dynamic error. This rule applies
to each PathPattern within a Pattern.


Without the above rule, any attempt to apply templates to a parentless element
node would create the risk of a dynamic error if the stylesheet has a template rule specifying

5.6 Attribute Value Templates

[Definition: In an
attribute that is designated as an
attribute value template, such as an attribute of a
literal result element,
an expression can be used by surrounding
the expression with curly brackets ({})].

An attribute value template consists of an alternating
sequence of fixed parts and variable parts. A variable part consists of
an XPath expression enclosed
in curly brackets ({}). A fixed part
may contain any characters, except that a left curly bracket must be written as
{{ and a right curly bracket must be written as }}.


An expression within a variable part may contain an unescaped curly bracket
within a StringLiteralXP or within a comment.

[ERR XTSE0350] It is a static error
if an unescaped left curly bracket appears in a fixed part of an attribute value template without a matching right
curly bracket.

It is a static error
if the string contained between matching curly brackets in an attribute value template
does not match the XPath production ExprXP, or if it contains
other XPath static errors. The error is signaled using the appropriate XPath error code.

[ERR XTSE0370] It is a static error
if an unescaped right curly bracket occurs in a fixed part of an attribute value template.

[Definition: The
result of evaluating an attribute value template is referred to as the
effective value of the attribute.] The effective value
is the string obtained by concatenating the expansions
of the fixed and variable parts:

  • The expansion of a fixed part is obtained by
    replacing any double curly brackets ({{ or }}) by the
    corresponding single curly bracket.

  • The expansion of a variable part is obtained
    by evaluating the enclosed XPath
    expression and converting the resulting value to a string.
    conversion is done using the rules given in 5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content.


This process can generate dynamic errors, for example if
the sequence contains an element with a complex content type (which cannot
be atomized).

If backwards
compatible behavior is enabled for the attribute, the rules for converting the
value of the expression to a string are modified as follows. After
atomizing the result of the expression,
all items other than the first item in the resulting sequence are discarded, and the effective
value is obtained by converting the first item in the sequence to a string.
If the atomized sequence is empty, the result is a zero-length string.

Curly brackets are
not treated specially in an attribute value in an XSLT stylesheet unless the
attribute is specifically designated as one that permits an
attribute value template; in an element syntax summary, the value
of such attributes is surrounded by curly brackets.


Not all attributes are designated as attribute value
templates. Attributes whose value is an
expression or
attributes of declaration elements
and attributes that refer to named XSLT objects are generally not designated as
attribute value templates (an exception is the format
attribute of xsl:result-document). Namespace declarations
are not XDM attribute nodes and are therefore never treated as
attribute value templates.

The following example creates an img result element
from a photograph element in the source; the value of the
src and width attributes are computed using
XPath expressions enclosed in attribute value templates:

<xsl:variable name="image-dir" select="'/images'"/>

<xsl:template match="photograph">
  <img src="{$image-dir}/{href}" width="{size/@width}"/>

With this source

  <size width="300"/>

the result would be

<img src="/images/headquarters.jpg" width="300"/>

The following example shows how the values in a sequence are output
as a space-separated list. The following literal result element:

<temperature readings="{10.32, 5.50, 8.31}"/>

produces the output node:

<temperature readings="10.32 5.5 8.31"/>

Curly brackets are not recognized recursively inside

For example:

<a href="#{id({@ref})/title}">

is not allowed. Instead, use simply:

<a href="#{id(@ref)/title}">

5.7 Sequence Constructors

[Definition: A sequence
is a sequence of zero or more
sibling nodes in the stylesheet that
can be evaluated to return a sequence of nodes and atomic values. The way that the resulting
sequence is used depends on the containing instruction.]

Many XSLT elements,
and also
literal result elements, are defined to take
a sequence constructor as
their content.

Four kinds of nodes may be encountered in a sequence constructor:

  • Text nodes appearing in the stylesheet
    (if they have not been
    removed in the process of whitespace stripping: see 4.2 Stripping Whitespace from the Stylesheet) are copied
    to create a new parentless text node in the result sequence.

  • Literal result elements
    are evaluated to create a new parentless element node,
    having the same expanded-QName
    as the literal result element, which is added to the result
    sequence: see 11.1 Literal Result Elements

  • XSLT instructions produce
    a sequence of zero, one, or more items as their result.
    These items are added to the result sequence. For most XSLT instructions, these
    items are nodes, but some instructions (xsl:sequence and xsl:copy-of)
    can also produce atomic values. Several instructions,
    such as xsl:element, return a newly constructed parentless node (which may
    have its own attributes, namespaces, children, and other descendants). Other instructions, such
    as xsl:if, pass on the items produced by their own nested sequence
    constructors. The xsl:sequence
    instruction may return atomic values, or existing nodes.

  • Extension instructions
    (see 18.2 Extension Instructions) also produce a sequence of items as their
    result. The items in this sequence are added to the result sequence.

There are several ways the result of a sequence constructor may be used.

  • The sequence may be bound to a variable or returned from a stylesheet function,
    in which case it becomes available as a value to be manipulated in arbitrary ways by XPath expressions.
    The sequence is bound to a variable when the sequence constructor appears within one of the
    elements xsl:variable,
    xsl:param, or xsl:with-param, when this
    instruction has an as attribute. The sequence is returned from a stylesheet function
    when the sequence constructor appears within the xsl:function element.


    This will typically expose to the stylesheet elements, attributes, and other nodes that have
    not yet been attached to a parent node in a result tree.
    The semantics of XPath expressions when applied to
    parentless nodes are well-defined; however, such expressions should be used with care. For example, the expression
    / causes a type error if the root of the tree containing the context node
    is not a document node..

    Parentless attribute nodes require particular care because they have no namespace nodes associated
    with them. A parentless attribute node is not permitted to contain namespace-sensitive
    content (for example, a QName or an XPath expression) because there
    is no information enabling the prefix to be resolved to a namespace URI. Parentless attributes
    can be useful in an application (for example, they provide an alternative to the use of
    attribute sets: see 10.2 Named Attribute Sets) but they need to be handled with care.

  • The sequence may be returned as the result of the containing element.

    This happens
    when the instruction containing the sequence constructor is
    or xsl:when

  • The sequence may be used to construct the content of a new element or document node. This
    happens when the sequence constructor appears as the content of a
    literal result element, or of one of
    the instructions xsl:copy, xsl:element,
    xsl:document, xsl:result-document,
    or xsl:message.
    It also happens when the sequence constructor is contained in one of the elements xsl:variable,
    xsl:param, or xsl:with-param, when this
    instruction has no as attribute. For details, see 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content.

  • The sequence may be used to construct the string value
    of an attribute node, text node, namespace node,
    comment node, or processing instruction node. This happens when the sequence constructor is contained
    in one of the elements xsl:attribute,
    xsl:value-of, xsl:namespace,
    xsl:comment, or xsl:processing-instruction.
    For details, see 5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content.


The term sequence constructor
replaces template as used in XSLT 1.0.
The change is made partly for clarity (to avoid confusion
with template rules and
named templates),
but also to reflect a more formal definition of the semantics.
Whereas XSLT 1.0 described a template as a sequence of instructions that write
to the result tree, XSLT 2.0 describes a sequence constructor as something that can be
evaluated to return a sequence of items; what happens to these items depends on the containing

5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content

This section describes how the sequence obtained by evaluating a
sequence constructor
may be used to construct the children of a newly constructed document node,
or the children, attributes and namespaces of a newly constructed element node.
The sequence of items may be obtained by evaluating the
sequence constructor contained in an
instruction such as xsl:copy, xsl:element,
xsl:document, xsl:result-document, or a
literal result element.

When constructing the content of an element, the inherit-namespaces
attribute of the xsl:element or xsl:copy instruction, or the
xsl:inherit-namespaces property of the literal result element, determines whether
namespace nodes are to be inherited. The effect of this attribute is described in the rules that

The sequence is processed as follows
(applying the rules in the order they are listed):

  1. The containing instruction may generate attribute nodes and/or
    namespace nodes, as specified in the rules for the individual instruction. For example,
    these nodes may be produced by expanding an [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute,
    or by expanding the attributes of a literal result element.
    Any such nodes are prepended to the sequence produced by evaluating the
    sequence constructor.

  2. Any atomic value in the sequence is cast to a string.


    Casting from xs:QName or xs:NOTATION to xs:string
    always succeeds, because these values retain a prefix for this purpose. However, there is no guarantee that
    the prefix used will always be meaningful in the context where the resulting string is used.

  3. Any consecutive sequence of strings within the result sequence is converted
    to a single text node, whose string value contains
    the content of each of the strings in turn, with a single space (#x20) used as a separator
    between successive strings.

  4. Any document node within the result sequence is replaced by a sequence containing
    each of its children, in document order.

  5. Zero-length text nodes within the result sequence are removed.

  6. Adjacent text nodes within the result sequence are merged into a single text node.

  7. Invalid namespace and attribute nodes are detected as follows.

    [ERR XTDE0410] It is a
    non-recoverable dynamic error if
    the result sequence used to construct the content of an element node
    contains a namespace node or attribute node that is preceded
    in the sequence by a node that is neither a namespace node nor an attribute node.

    [ERR XTDE0420] It is a
    non-recoverable dynamic error if
    the result sequence used to construct the content of a document node
    contains a namespace node or attribute node.

    [ERR XTDE0430] It is a
    non-recoverable dynamic error if
    the result sequence contains two or more namespace nodes having the same name but different
    string values (that is,
    namespace nodes that map the same prefix to different namespace URIs).

    [ERR XTDE0440] It is a
    non-recoverable dynamic error if
    the result sequence contains a namespace node with no name and the element node being constructed has a
    null namespace URI (that is, it is an error to define a default namespace when the element is in no namespace).

  8. If the result sequence contains two or more namespace nodes with the same name (or no name)
    and the same string value (that is, two namespace nodes mapping the same prefix to the same namespace URI), then
    all but one of the duplicate nodes are discarded.


    Since the order of namespace nodes is undefined, it is not significant which of the duplicates
    is retained.

  9. If an attribute A in the result sequence has the same name as another attribute
    B that appears later in the
    result sequence, then attribute A is discarded from the result sequence.
    Before discarding attribute A, the processor
    may signal any type errors
    that would be signaled if attribute B were not present.

  10. Each node in the resulting sequence is attached as a namespace, attribute, or child
    of the newly constructed element or document node. Conceptually this involves making a deep
    copy of the node; in practice, however, copying the node will only be necessary if the existing node
    can be referenced independently of the parent to which it is being attached. When copying an element
    or processing instruction
    node, its base URI property is changed to be the same as that of its new parent, unless it has an
    xml:base attribute (see [XML Base]) that overrides this.
    If the copied element has an xml:base attribute, its base URI
    is the value of that attribute, resolved (if it is relative) against the base URI of the new parent node.

  11. If the newly constructed node is an element node, then namespace fixup is applied to this node, as described
    in 5.7.3 Namespace Fixup.

  12. If the newly constructed node is an element node, and if namespaces are inherited, then each
    namespace node of the newly constructed element (including any produced as a result of the
    namespace fixup process) is copied to each descendant element of the newly constructed element,
    unless that element or an intermediate element already has a namespace node with the same name
    (or absence of a name) or that descendant element or an intermediate
    element is in no namespace and the namespace node has no name.

Consider the following stylesheet fragment:

  <xsl:attribute name="valign">top</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:value-of select="@description"/>

This fragment consists of a literal result element td, containing
a sequence constructor that consists of two instructions: xsl:attribute and
xsl:value-of. The sequence constructor is evaluated to produce a sequence of two nodes: a
parentless attribute node, and a parentless text node.
The td instruction causes a td element
to be created; the new attribute therefore becomes an attribute of the new td element,
while the text node created by the xsl:value-of instruction becomes a child of the
td element (unless it is zero-length, in which case it is

Consider the following stylesheet fragment:

  <e><xsl:sequence select="1 to 5"/></e>
    <xsl:for-each select="1 to 5">
      <xsl:value-of select="."/>

This produces the output (when indented):

  <e>1 2 3 4 5</e>

The difference between the two cases is that for the e element, the sequence constructor
generates a sequence of five atomic values, which are therefore separated by spaces. For the f
element, the content is a sequence of five text nodes, which are concatenated without space separation.

It is important to be aware of the distinction between xsl:sequence, which returns the value
of its select expression unchanged, and xsl:value-of, which constructs a text node.

5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content

The xsl:attribute, xsl:comment,
xsl:namespace, and xsl:value-of
elements create nodes that cannot have children.
Specifically, the xsl:attribute instruction creates
an attribute node, xsl:comment creates a comment node,
xsl:processing-instruction creates a processing instruction node,
xsl:namespace creates a namespace node, and xsl:value-of
creates a text node.
The string value of the new node is constructed using either
the select attribute of the instruction, or the sequence
constructor that forms the content of the instruction. The select attribute
allows the content to be specified by means of an XPath expression, while the sequence constructor allows
it to be specified by means of a sequence of XSLT instructions. The select attribute
or sequence constructor is evaluated to produce a result sequence,
and the string value of the new
node is derived from this result sequence according to the rules below.

These rules are also used to compute the effective value
of an attribute value template. In this case the sequence
being processed is the result of evaluating an XPath expression enclosed between curly brackets, and the
separator is a single space character.

  1. Zero-length text nodes in the sequence are discarded.

  2. Adjacent text nodes in the sequence are merged into a single text node.

  3. The sequence is atomized.

  4. Every value in the atomized sequence is cast to a string.

  5. The strings within the resulting sequence are concatenated, with a
    (possibly zero-length) separator inserted between successive strings.
    The default separator is a single space.
    In the case of xsl:attribute and
    xsl:value-of, a different separator can be specified using the separator
    attribute of the instruction; it is permissible for this to be a zero-length string, in which case
    the strings are concatenated with no separator. In the case of xsl:comment,
    xsl:processing-instruction, and xsl:namespace, and
    when expanding an attribute value template, the default
    separator cannot be changed.

  6. In the case of xsl:processing-instruction,
    any leading spaces in the resulting string are removed.

  7. The resulting string forms the
    string value of the new attribute, namespace, comment,
    processing-instruction, or text node.

Consider the following stylesheet fragment:

  <xsl:attribute name="e" select="1 to 5"/>
  <xsl:attribute name="f">
    <xsl:for-each select="1 to 5">
      <xsl:value-of select="."/>

This produces the output:

<doc e="1 2 3 4 5" f="12345"/>

The difference between the two cases is that for the e attribute, the sequence constructor
generates a sequence of five atomic values, which are therefore separated by spaces. For the f
attribute, the content is supplied as a sequence of five text nodes, which are concatenated without space separation.

Specifying separator="" on the first xsl:attribute instruction would cause
the attribute value to be e="12345". A separator attribute on the second
xsl:attribute instruction would have no effect, since the separator only affects the way
adjacent atomic values are handled: separators are never inserted between adjacent text nodes.


If an attribute value template contains a sequence of fixed and variable
parts, no additional whitespace is inserted between the expansions of the fixed and variable parts.
For example, the effective value of the attribute
a="chapters{4 to 6}" is a="chapters4 5 6".

5.7.3 Namespace Fixup

In a tree supplied to or constructed by an XSLT processor, the
constraints relating to namespace nodes that are specified in [Data Model]
must be satisfied. For example

  • If an element node has an expanded-QName with a non-null
    namespace URI, then that element node must have at least one namespace
    node whose string value is the same as that namespace URI.

  • If an element node has an attribute node whose
    expanded-QName has a non-null
    namespace URI, then the element must have at
    least one namespace node whose string value is the same as that
    namespace URI and whose name is non-empty.

  • Every element must have a namespace node whose
    expanded-QName has
    local-part xml and whose string value is
    http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. The namespace prefix
    xml must not be associated with any other namespace URI, and the namespace URI
    http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace must not be associated with any other prefix.

  • A namespace node must not have the name xmlns
    or the string value http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/.

[Definition: The rules for the individual XSLT instructions that
construct a result tree (see 11 Creating Nodes and Sequences) prescribe some of the situations
in which namespace nodes are written to the tree. These rules, however, are not sufficient
to ensure that the prescribed constraints are always satisfied. The XSLT processor must therefore
add additional namespace nodes to satisfy these constraints. This process is referred to
as namespace fixup.]

The actual namespace nodes that are added to the tree by the namespace fixup process are
provided firstly, that at the end of the process the above constraints
must all be satisfied, and secondly, that a namespace node must not be added to the tree unless the namespace
node is necessary either to satisfy these constraints, or to enable the tree to be serialized using
the original namespace prefixes from the source document or stylesheet.

Namespace fixup must not result in an element having multiple
namespace nodes with the same name.

Namespace fixup may, if necessary to resolve conflicts,
change the namespace prefix contained in the QName value that holds the name of an element or attribute
node. This includes the option to add or remove a prefix.
However, namespace fixup must not change the prefix component contained
in a value of type xs:QName or xs:NOTATION that forms the typed value
of an element or attribute node.


Namespace fixup is not used to create namespace declarations for xs:QName
or xs:NOTATION values appearing in the content of an element or attribute.

values acquire such types as the result of validation, namespace fixup does not come into play, because
namespace fixup happens before validation: in this situation, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the
element being validated has the required namespace nodes to enable validation to succeed.

Where existing elements are copied along with their existing type annotations
(validation="preserve") the rules require that existing namespace nodes are also
copied, so that any namespace-sensitive values remain valid.

Where existing attributes are copied along with their existing type annotations, the
rules of the XDM data model require that a parentless attribute node cannot contain a namespace-sensitive
typed value; this means that it is an error to copy an attribute using validation="preserve"
if it contains namespace-sensitive content.

Namespace fixup is applied to every element that is constructed using a
literal result element, or one of the
instructions xsl:element, xsl:copy, or xsl:copy-of.
An implementation is not required to perform namespace fixup for
elements in any source document, that is, for a document in the
initial input sequence, documents
loaded using the document, docFO or collectionFO function,
documents supplied as the value of a
stylesheet parameter, or documents
returned by an extension function
or extension instruction.


A source document (an input document, a document returned by the
document, docFO or collectionFO functions,
a document returned by an extension function or extension instruction,
or a document supplied as a stylesheet parameter) is required to satisfy the constraints described in
[Data Model], including the constraints imposed by the namespace fixup process.
The effect of supplying a pseudo-document that does not meet these constraints is undefined.

In an Infoset (see [XML Information Set])
created from a document conforming to [Namespaces in XML 1.0],
it will always be true that if a parent element
has an in-scope namespace with a non-empty namespace prefix, then its child elements will also
have an in-scope namespace with the same namespace prefix, though possibly with a different namespace URI.
This constraint is removed in [Namespaces in XML 1.1]. XSLT 2.0 supports the creation of result
trees that do not satisfy this constraint: the namespace fixup process does not add a namespace node
to an element merely because its parent node in the result tree
has such a namespace node.
However, the process of constructing the children of a new element, which is
described in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content, does cause the namespaces of a parent
element to be inherited by its children unless this is prevented using [xsl:]inherit-namespaces="no"
on the instruction that creates the parent element.


This has implications on serialization, defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization]. It
means that it is possible to create final result trees
that cannot be faithfully serialized as XML 1.0
documents. When such a result tree is serialized as XML 1.0, namespace declarations written
for the parent element will be inherited by its child elements as if the corresponding namespace
nodes were present on the child element, except in the case of the default
namespace, which can be undeclared using the construct xmlns="".
When the same result tree is serialized as XML 1.1, however, it is possible
to undeclare any namespace on the child element (for example, xmlms:foo="")
to prevent this inheritance taking place.

5.8 URI References

[Definition: Within this specification, the term
URI Reference, unless otherwise stated, refers to a string in the lexical space of
the xs:anyURI data type as defined in [XML Schema Part 2].] Note that this
is a wider definition than that in [RFC3986]:
in particular, it is designed
to accommodate Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)
as described in [RFC3987], and thus allows the use of non-ASCII characters
without escaping.

URI References are used in XSLT with three main roles:

As namespace URIs
As collation URIs
As identifiers for resources such as stylesheet modules; these resources are typically accessible
using a protocol such as HTTP.
Examples of such identifiers are the URIs used in the href attributes of xsl:import,
xsl:include, and xsl:result-document.

The rules for namespace URIs are given in [Namespaces in XML 1.0] and [Namespaces in XML 1.1]. Those
specifications deprecate the use of relative URIs as namespace URIs.

The rules for collation URIs are given in [Functions and Operators].

URI references used to identify external resources must conform to the same rules as the locator attribute
(href) defined in section 5.4 of [XLink]. If the URI reference is relative, then
it is resolved (unless otherwise specified) against the base URI of the containing element node, according to the rules of
[RFC3986], after first escaping all characters that need to be escaped to make it a valid
RFC3986 URI reference. (But a relative URI in the href attribute of xsl:result-document
is resolved against the Base Output URI.)

Other URI references appearing in an XSLT stylesheet document, for example the system identifiers of external
entities or the value of the xml:base attribute, must follow the rules in their respective

6 Template Rules

Template rules define the processing that can be applied
to nodes that match a particular pattern.

6.1 Defining Templates

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  match? = pattern
  name? = qname
  priority? = number
  mode? = tokens
  as? = sequence-type>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:param*, sequence-constructor) -->

[Definition: An xsl:template declaration
defines a template, which contains a
sequence constructor
for creating
nodes and/or atomic values. A template can serve either as a
template rule, invoked by matching nodes against
a pattern, or as a named template,
invoked explicitly by name. It is also possible for the same template to serve in both capacities.]

[ERR XTSE0500] An
xsl:template element must have either a match
attribute or a name attribute, or both. An xsl:template element
that has no match attribute must have no mode attribute and no
priority attribute.

If an xsl:template element has a match attribute, then
it is a template rule. If it has a name attribute,
then it is a named template.

A template may be invoked in a number of ways,
depending on whether it is a template rule,
a named template, or both. The result of invoking the template is the
result of evaluating the sequence constructor
contained in the xsl:template element (see 5.7 Sequence Constructors).

If an as attribute is present, the as attribute defines the required type
of the result.
The result of evaluating the
sequence constructor
is then converted to the required type using the
function conversion rules.
If no as attribute is specified, the default value is item()*, which permits
any value. No conversion then takes place.

[ERR XTTE0505] It is a type error
if the result of evaluating the sequence constructor
cannot be converted to the required type.

6.2 Defining Template Rules

This section describes template rules.
Named templates are described
in 10.1 Named Templates.

A template rule is specified using
the xsl:template element
with a match attribute.
The match attribute is a Pattern
that identifies the node or nodes to which the rule applies.
The result of applying the template rule is the
result of evaluating the sequence constructor contained in the
xsl:template element, with the matching node used
as the context node.

For example, an XML document might contain:

This is an <emph>important</emph> point.

The following template rule
matches emph elements and
produces a fo:wrapper element with a
font-weight property of bold.

<xsl:template match="emph">
  <fo:wrapper font-weight="bold" xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">

A template rule is evaluated when
an xsl:apply-templates instruction selects a node that matches the pattern
specified in the match attribute. The xsl:apply-templates instruction
is described in the next section. If several template rules match a selected node, only one of them
is evaluated, as described in 6.4 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules.

6.3 Applying Template Rules

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression
  mode? = token>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort | xsl:with-param)* -->

The xsl:apply-templates instruction
takes as input a sequence of nodes (typically nodes in a source tree), and produces
as output a sequence of items; these will often be nodes to be
added to a result tree.

If the instruction has one or more xsl:sort
children, then the input sequence is sorted as described in 13 Sorting.
The result of this sort is referred to below as the sorted sequence;
if there are no xsl:sort elements, then the sorted sequence is the same
as the input sequence.

Each node in the input sequence is processed by finding a
template rule whose pattern
matches that node. If there is more than one,
the best among them is chosen, using rules described in 6.4 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules.
If there is no template rule whose pattern matches the node, a built-in template rule
is used (see 6.6 Built-in Template Rules). The chosen template rule is evaluated.
The rule that matches the Nth node in the sorted sequence is
evaluated with that node as the context item, with
N as the context position,
and with the length of the sorted sequence as the context size.
Each template rule that is evaluated produces a sequence of items as its result.
The resulting sequences
(one for each node in the sorted sequence) are then concatenated, to form
a single sequence. They are concatenated retaining the order of the nodes
in the sorted sequence. The final concatenated sequence
forms the result of the
xsl:apply-templates instruction.

Suppose the source document is as follows:

<message>Proceed <emph>at once</emph> to the exit!</message>

This can be processed using the two template rules shown below.

<xsl:template match="message">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()"/>

<xsl:template match="emph">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()"/>

There is no template rule
for the document node; the built-in template rule for this node will cause the message
element to be processed. The template rule for the message element causes a p
element to be written to the result tree; the contents of this p element are constructed
as the result of the xsl:apply-templates instruction. This instruction selects
the three child nodes of the message element (a text node containing the value «Proceed «,
an emph element node, and a text node containing the value « to the exit!«).
The two text nodes are processed using the built-in template rule for text nodes, which returns a copy
of the text node. The emph element is processed using the explicit template rule that specifies

When the emph element is processed, this template rule constructs a b element. The
contents of the b element are constructed by means of another xsl:apply-templates
instruction, which in this case selects a single node (the text node containing the value «at once«).
This is again processed using the built-in template rule for text nodes, which returns a copy of the text node.

The final result of the match="message" template rule thus consists of a p element
node with three children: a text node containing the value «Proceed «, a b element that
is the parent of a text node containing the value «at once«, and a text node containing the value
« to the exit!«. This result tree might be serialized as:

<p>Proceed <b>at once</b> to the exit!</p>

The default value of the select attribute is child::node(),
which causes all the children of context node to be processed.

[ERR XTTE0510] It is a
type error if
an xsl:apply-templates instruction with no select attribute is evaluated when
the context item is not a node.

A select attribute can be used to process nodes
selected by an expression instead of processing all children. The
value of the select attribute is an
expression. The expression must
evaluate to a sequence of nodes (it can contain
zero, one, or more nodes).

[ERR XTTE0520] It is a
type error if
the sequence returned by the select expression

contains an item that is not a node.


In XSLT 1.0, the select attribute selected a set of nodes, which
by default were processed in document order. In XSLT 2.0, it selects a sequence of nodes.
In cases that would have been valid in XSLT 1.0, the expression will return a sequence of
nodes in document order, so the effect is the same.

The following example processes all of the given-name children
of the author elements that are children of

<xsl:template match="author-group">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="author/given-name"/>

It is also possible to process elements that are not descendants of
the context node. This example assumes that a department
element has group children and employee
descendants. It finds an employee’s department and then processes
the group children of the department.

<xsl:template match="employee">
    Employee <xsl:apply-templates select="name"/> belongs to group
    <xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor::department/group"/>

It is possible to write template rules that are matched according to
the schema-defined type of an element or attribute. The following example
applies different formatting to the children of an element depending on their

<xsl:template match="product">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>

<xsl:template match="product/*" priority="3">
    <td><xsl:value-of select="name()"/></td>

<xsl:template match="product/element(*, xs:decimal) | 
                     product/element(*, xs:double)" priority="2">  
  <xsl:value-of select="format-number(xs:double(.), '#,###0.00')"/>

<xsl:template match="product/element(*, xs:date)" priority="2">
  <xsl:value-of select="format-date(., '[Mn] [D], [Y]')"/>

<xsl:template match="product/*" priority="1.5">
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>

The xsl:next-match instruction is described in 6.7 Overriding Template Rules.

Multiple xsl:apply-templates elements can be used within a
single template to do simple reordering. The following example
creates two HTML tables. The first table is filled with domestic sales
while the second table is filled with foreign sales.

<xsl:template match="product">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="sales/domestic"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="sales/foreign"/>

It is possible for there to be two matching descendants where one
is a descendant of the other. This case is not treated specially:
both descendants will be processed as usual.

For example, given a source document


the rule

<xsl:template match="doc">
  <xsl:apply-templates select=".//div"/>

will process both the outer div and inner div

This means that if the template rule for the div element processes its own children,
then these grandchildren will be processed more than once, which is probably not what is required.
The solution is to process one level at a time in a recursive descent, by using select="div"
in place of select=".//div"


The xsl:apply-templates instruction
is most commonly used to
process nodes that are descendants of the context node. Such use
of xsl:apply-templates cannot result in non-terminating
processing loops. However, when xsl:apply-templates is
used to process elements that are not descendants of the context node,
the possibility arises of non-terminating loops. For example,

<xsl:template match="foo">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>

Implementations may be able to detect such loops in some cases, but
the possibility exists that a stylesheet may enter a non-terminating
loop that an implementation is unable to detect. This may present a
denial of service security risk.

6.4 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules

It is possible for a node in a source document to match more than one
template rule.
When this happens, only one template rule is evaluated for the node.
The template rule to be used is determined as follows:

  1. First, only the matching template rule or rules
    with the highest import precedence are considered.
    Other matching template rules with lower precedence are eliminated from consideration.

  2. Next, of the remaining matching
    rules, only those with the highest priority are considered. Other matching
    template rules with lower priority are eliminated from consideration. The priority of a template rule is
    specified by the priority attribute on the xsl:template declaration.

    [ERR XTSE0530] The value of this attribute

    must conform to the rules for the xs:decimal
    type defined in [XML Schema Part 2]. Negative values are permitted.

    [Definition: If no priority
    attribute is specified on the xsl:template element, a default
    is computed, based on the syntax of the pattern supplied in the match attribute.]
    The rules are as follows:

    • If the pattern contains multiple alternatives separated by
      | ,
      then the template rule is treated equivalently to a set of template
      rules, one for each alternative. However,
      it is not an error if a node matches more than one of the alternatives.

    • If the pattern has the form /, then the priority is −0.5.

    • If the pattern has the form of a QName
      optionally preceded by a PatternAxis
      or has the form processing-instruction(
      or processing-instruction(
      optionally preceded by a PatternAxis,
      then the priority is 0.

    • If the pattern has the form of an ElementTestXP or
      optionally preceded by a PatternAxis,
      then the priority is as shown in the table below. In this table, the symbols
      E, A, and T represent an arbitrary element name,
      attribute name, and type name respectively, while the
      symbol * represents itself.
      The presence or absence of the
      symbol ? following a type name
      does not affect the priority.

      Format Priority Notes
      element() −0.5 (equivalent to *)
      element(*) −0.5 (equivalent to *)
      attribute() −0.5 (equivalent to @*)
      attribute(*) −0.5 (equivalent to @*)
      element(E) 0 (equivalent to E)
      element(*,T) 0 (matches by type only)
      attribute(A) 0 (equivalent to @A)
      attribute(*,T) 0 (matches by type only)
      element(E,T) 0.25 (matches by name and type)
      schema-element(E) 0.25 (matches by substitution group and type)
      attribute(A,T) 0.25 (matches by name and type)
      schema-attribute(A) 0.25 (matches by name and type)
    • If the pattern has the form of a DocumentTestXP,
      then if it includes no ElementTestXP
      or SchemaElementTestXP
      the priority is −0.5. If it does
      include an ElementTestXP
      or SchemaElementTestXP, then the priority is the same as the priority
      of that ElementTestXP
      or SchemaElementTestXP, computed according to the table above.

    • If the pattern has the form NCNameNames
      or *:
      optionally preceded by a PatternAxis,
      then the priority is −0.25.

    • If the pattern is any other
      optionally preceded by a PatternAxis,
      then the priority is −0.5.

    • Otherwise, the priority is 0.5.


    In many cases this means that highly selective patterns have higher
    priority than less selective patterns. The most common kind of pattern (a pattern that tests for a
    node of a particular kind, with a particular
    or a particular type) has
    priority 0. The next less specific kind of pattern (a pattern that
    tests for a node of a particular kind and an expanded-QName with a
    particular namespace URI) has priority −0.25. Patterns less specific
    than this (patterns that just test for nodes of a given kind)
    have priority −0.5. Patterns that specify both the name
    and the required type have a priority of +0.25, putting them above patterns that
    only specify the name or the type.
    Patterns more specific than this, for example patterns that
    include predicates or that specify the ancestry of the required node,
    have priority 0.5.

    However, it is not invariably true that
    a more selective pattern has higher priority than a less selective pattern.
    For example, the priority of the pattern node()[self::*] is higher than that of
    the pattern salary. Similarly, the patterns attribute(*, xs:decimal) and
    attribute(*, xs:short) have the same priority, despite the fact that the latter pattern matches
    a subset of the nodes matched by the former.
    Therefore, to achieve clarity in a stylesheet
    it is good practice to allocate explicit priorities.

[ERR XTRE0540] It is a
recoverable dynamic error if
the conflict resolution algorithm for template rules
leaves more than one matching template
rule. The optional recovery action is to select, from the matching
template rules that are left, the one that occurs last in
declaration order.

6.5 Modes

allow a node in a source tree to be processed multiple times, each time
producing a different result. They also allow different sets
of template rules
to be active when processing different
trees, for example when processing documents loaded using the document function
(see 16.1 Multiple Source Documents) or when processing
temporary trees.]

[Definition: There is always a default mode
available. The default mode is an unnamed mode, and it is used when
no mode attribute is specified on an xsl:apply-templates instruction.]

Every mode other than the
default mode is identified by a QName.

A template rule is applicable to
one or more modes. The modes to which it is applicable are defined by the mode attribute
of the xsl:template element.
If the attribute is omitted, then the template rule is applicable to the default mode. If the attribute
is present, then its value must be a non-empty whitespace-separated list of tokens, each of which defines a mode
to which the template rule is applicable. Each token must be one of the following:

  • a QName, which is expanded as described
    in 5.1 Qualified Names to define the name of the mode

  • the token #default, to indicate that the template rule is applicable
    to the default mode

  • the token #all, to indicate that the
    template rule is applicable to all modes (that is, to the default
    mode and to every mode that is named in an xsl:apply-templates instruction
    or xsl:template declaration anywhere in the stylesheet).

[ERR XTSE0550] It is a static error
if the list is empty,
if the same token is included more than once in the list, if the list contains an invalid token,
or if the token #all appears together with any other value.

The xsl:apply-templates
element also has an optional mode attribute. The value of this
attribute must either be a QName, which is expanded as described
in 5.1 Qualified Names to define the name of a mode, or the token #default, to
indicate that the default mode is to be used, or the token #current, to indicate that
the current mode is to be used.
If the attribute is omitted, the default mode is used.

When searching for a template rule to process each node selected by
the xsl:apply-templates instruction, only those template rules that are
applicable to the selected mode are considered.

[Definition: At any point in the processing
of a stylesheet, there is a current mode. When the transformation is initiated,
the current mode is the default mode, unless a different initial
mode has been supplied, as described in 2.3 Initiating a Transformation.
Whenever an xsl:apply-templates
instruction is evaluated, the current mode becomes the mode selected by this instruction.]
When a stylesheet function is called, the current mode is set to the default mode.
evaluating global variables and parameters, and the sequence constructor
contained in xsl:key or xsl:sort, the current mode is set to the default mode.

No other instruction changes the current mode.
current mode while evaluating an attribute set
is the same as the current mode of the caller.

On completion of the xsl:apply-templates
instruction, or on return from a stylesheet function call,
the current mode reverts to its previous value. The current mode is used when an
xsl:apply-templates instruction uses the syntax mode="#current";
it is also used by the xsl:apply-imports
and xsl:next-match
instructions (see 6.7 Overriding Template Rules).

6.6 Built-in Template Rules

When a node is selected by xsl:apply-templates and there is no
template rule in the stylesheet that can be used to
process that node, a built-in template rule is evaluated instead.

The built-in template rules apply to all modes.

The built-in rule for document nodes and element nodes
is equivalent to calling xsl:apply-templates with no select
attribute, and with the mode attribute set to #current. If
the built-in rule was invoked with parameters, those parameters are passed on in the implicit
xsl:apply-templates instruction.

For example, suppose the stylesheet contains the following instruction:

<xsl:apply-templates select="title" mode="mm">
  <xsl:with-param name="init" select="10"/>

If there is no explicit template rule that matches the title element,
then the following implicit rule is used:

<xsl:template match="title" mode="#all">
  <xsl:param name="init"/>
  <xsl:apply-templates mode="#current">
    <xsl:with-param name="init" select="$init"/>

The built-in template rule
for text and attribute nodes returns a text node containing the string value of the context node.
It is effectively:

<xsl:template match="text()|@*" mode="#all">
  <xsl:value-of select="string(.)"/>


This text node may have a string value that is zero-length.

The built-in template rule for processing instructions and comments
does nothing (it returns the empty sequence).

<xsl:template match="processing-instruction()|comment()" mode="#all"/>

The built-in template rule for namespace nodes is also to do
nothing. There is no pattern that can match a namespace node, so the
built-in template rule is always used when xsl:apply-templates selects a
namespace node.

The built-in template rules
have lower import precedence than all other
template rules. Thus, the stylesheet author can override a built-in template
rule by including an explicit template rule.

6.7 Overriding Template Rules

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: xsl:with-param* -->

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: (xsl:with-param | xsl:fallback)* -->

A template rule that
is being used to override another template rule
(see 6.4 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules) can use the
xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match
instruction to invoke the overridden template rule. The xsl:apply-imports instruction
only considers template rules in imported stylesheet modules; the xsl:next-match
instruction considers all other template rules of lower import precedence
and/or priority.
Both instructions will invoke the built-in template rule for the node (see
6.6 Built-in Template Rules) if no other template rule is found.

[Definition: At any point in the processing
of a stylesheet, there may be a
current template rule. Whenever a template rule is
chosen as a result of evaluating xsl:apply-templates,
xsl:apply-imports, or xsl:next-match,
the template rule becomes the current
template rule for the evaluation of the rule’s sequence constructor. When an
xsl:for-each, xsl:for-each-group,
or xsl:analyze-string
instruction is evaluated, or when evaluating a sequence constructor contained in
an xsl:sort or xsl:key element, or when
a stylesheet function
is called (see 10.3 Stylesheet Functions), the current
template rule becomes null for the evaluation of that instruction
or function.]

The current template rule is not affected by invoking
named templates (see 10.1 Named Templates) or named attribute
sets (see 10.2 Named Attribute Sets). While evaluating a
global variable
or the default value of a stylesheet parameter
(see 9.5 Global Variables and Parameters)
the current template rule is null.


These rules ensure that when xsl:apply-imports or
xsl:next-match is called, the context item
is the same as when the
current template rule was invoked, and is always a node.

Both xsl:apply-imports
and xsl:next-match search for
a template rule that matches the
context node, and that is applicable to the
current mode
(see 6.5 Modes). In choosing
a template rule, they use the usual criteria such as the priority and
import precedence of
the template rules, but they consider as candidates only
a subset of the template rules in the stylesheet. This subset differs between the
two instructions:

  • The xsl:apply-imports instruction
    considers as candidates
    only those template rules contained in stylesheet levels
    that are descendants in the import tree
    of the stylesheet
    level that contains the
    current template rule.


    This is not the same as saying that the search considers
    all template rules whose import precedence is lower than that of the current template rule.

  • The xsl:next-match instruction
    considers as candidates all those template rules that come after the
    current template rule
    in the ordering of template rules implied by the conflict resolution rules
    given in 6.4 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules. That is, it considers all template rules
    with lower import precedence
    than the current template rule,
    plus the template rules that are at the same import precedence
    that have lower priority than the current template rule. If the processor
    has recovered from the error that occurs when two matching template rules have the
    same import precedence and priority, then it also considers all matching template rules
    with the same import precedence and priority that occur before the current template
    rule in declaration order.


    As explained in 6.4 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules, a template rule whose
    match pattern contains multiple alternatives separated by | is treated equivalently
    to a set of template rules, one for each alternative. This means that where the same node matches
    more than one alternative, and the alternatives have different priority, it is possible for an
    xsl:next-match instruction to cause the current template rule
    to be invoked recursively. This situation does not occur when the alternatives have the
    same priority.

If no matching template rule is found that satisfies these criteria, the
built-in template rule for the
node kind is used (see 6.6 Built-in Template Rules).

An xsl:apply-imports
or xsl:next-match instruction may use
xsl:with-param child elements to pass
parameters to the chosen template rule
(see 10.1.1 Passing Parameters to Templates). It also passes on any tunnel parameters
as described in 10.1.2 Tunnel Parameters.

[ERR XTDE0560] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match is evaluated when the
current template rule is null.

For example, suppose the stylesheet doc.xsl contains a
template rule for example elements:

<xsl:template match="example">

Another stylesheet could import doc.xsl and modify the
treatment of example elements as follows:

<xsl:import href="doc.xsl"/>

<xsl:template match="example">
  <div style="border: solid red">

The combined effect would be to transform an example
into an element of the form:

<div style="border: solid red"><pre>...</pre></div>

An xsl:fallback instruction appearing as a child
of an xsl:next-match instruction is ignored by an XSLT 2.0 processor,
but can be used to define fallback behavior when the stylesheet is processed by an
XSLT 1.0 processor in forwards-compatible mode.

7 Repetition

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select = expression>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort*, sequence-constructor) -->

The xsl:for-each instruction
processes each item in a sequence of items, evaluating the
sequence constructor
within the xsl:for-each instruction once for each item
in that sequence.

The select attribute is required, and
the expression
must evaluate to a sequence,
called the input sequence. If there is an xsl:sort
element present (see 13 Sorting) the input sequence
is sorted to produce a sorted sequence. Otherwise, the sorted sequence
is the same as the input sequence.

The xsl:for-each instruction contains a
sequence constructor.
The sequence constructor
is evaluated once for each item in the sorted sequence,
with the focus set as follows:

  • The context item is the item being processed.
    If this is a node, it will
    also be the context node. If it
    is not a node, there will be no context node: that is, any attempt to
    reference the context node will result in a non-recoverable dynamic error.

  • The context position is the position of this item
    in the sorted sequence.

  • The context size is the size
    of the sorted sequence (which is the same as the
    size of the input sequence).

For each item in the input sequence, evaluating the
sequence constructor produces a sequence
of items (see 5.7 Sequence Constructors).
These output sequences are concatenated; if item Q follows
item P in the sorted sequence, then the result of evaluating the sequence constructor
with Q as the context item is concatenated after the result of evaluating the sequence constructor
with P as the context item.
The result of the xsl:for-each instruction
is the concatenated sequence of items.


With XSLT 1.0, the selected nodes were processed in document order.
With XSLT 2.0, XPath expressions that would have been valid under XPath 1.0 (such
as path expressions and union expressions) will return a sequence of nodes
that is already in document order, so backwards compatibility is maintained.

For example, given an XML document with this structure


the following would create an HTML document containing a table with
a row for each customer element

<xsl:template match="/">
	  <xsl:for-each select="customers/customer">
		<xsl:apply-templates select="name"/>
	      <xsl:for-each select="order">

8 Conditional Processing

There are two instructions in XSLT that support conditional
processing: xsl:if and
xsl:choose. The xsl:if instruction provides
simple if-then conditionality; the xsl:choose instruction
supports selection of one choice when there are several

8.1 Conditional Processing with xsl:if

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  test = expression>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:if element has a mandatory test attribute,
which specifies an expression.
The content is a
sequence constructor.

The result of the xsl:if instruction
depends on the effective boolean valueXP of the expression
in the test attribute. The rules for determining the
effective boolean value of an expression are given in [XPath 2.0]: they
are the same as the rules used for XPath conditional expressions.

If the effective boolean value of
the expression is true, then
the sequence constructor is evaluated
(see 5.7 Sequence Constructors),
and the resulting node sequence is returned as the result of
the xsl:if instruction; otherwise,
the sequence constructor is not evaluated, and
the empty sequence is returned.

In the following example, the names in a group of names are formatted
as a comma separated list:

<xsl:template match="namelist/name">
  <xsl:if test="not(position()=last())">, </xsl:if>

The following colors every other table row yellow:

<xsl:template match="item">
    <xsl:if test="position() mod 2 = 0">
       <xsl:attribute name="bgcolor">yellow</xsl:attribute>

8.2 Conditional Processing with xsl:choose

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: (xsl:when+, xsl:otherwise?) -->

  test = expression>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:choose element selects one among a number of
possible alternatives. It consists of a sequence of one or more
xsl:when elements followed by an optional
xsl:otherwise element. Each xsl:when
element has a single attribute, test, which specifies an
expression. The content of the
xsl:when and xsl:otherwise elements is a
sequence constructor.

When an xsl:choose element is processed, each
of the xsl:when elements is tested in turn
(that is, in the order that the elements appear in the stylesheet),
until one of the
xsl:when elements is satisfied. If none of the
xsl:when elements is satisfied, then the xsl:otherwise element
is considered, as described below.

An xsl:when element is satisfied if
the effective boolean valueXP of the expression
in its test attribute is true. The rules for determining the
effective boolean value of an expression are given in [XPath 2.0]: they
are the same as the rules used for XPath conditional expressions.

The content
of the first, and only the first, xsl:when element
that is satisfied is evaluated,
and the resulting sequence is returned as the result of the
xsl:choose instruction. If no xsl:when
element is satisfied,
the content of the xsl:otherwise element is
evaluated, and the resulting sequence is returned as the result
of the xsl:choose instruction.
If no xsl:when element is satisfied, and no
xsl:otherwise element is present, the result of the
xsl:choose instruction
is an empty sequence.

Only the sequence constructor
of the selected xsl:when or xsl:otherwise
instruction is evaluated. The test expressions
for xsl:when instructions after the selected one are not evaluated.

The following example enumerates items in an ordered list using
arabic numerals, letters, or roman numerals depending on the depth to
which the ordered lists are nested.

<xsl:template match="orderedlist/listitem">
  <fo:list-item indent-start='2pi'>
      <xsl:variable name="level"
                    select="count(ancestor::orderedlist) mod 3"/>
        <xsl:when test='$level=1'>
          <xsl:number format="i"/>
        <xsl:when test='$level=2'>
          <xsl:number format="a"/>
          <xsl:number format="1"/>
      <xsl:text>. </xsl:text>

9 Variables and Parameters

[Definition: The
two elements xsl:variable and xsl:param
are referred to as variable-binding elements

[Definition: The xsl:variable element declares a
variable, which may be a global variable
or a local variable.]

[Definition: The xsl:param
element declares a parameter, which may be a
stylesheet parameter,
a template parameter,
or a function parameter. A parameter
is a variable with the additional property that its value can be set
by the caller when the stylesheet, the template, or the function is invoked.]

[Definition: A variable is a binding between a name and a value.
The value of a variable is
any sequence (of nodes and/or atomic values), as defined in [Data Model].]

9.1 Variables

<!-- Category: declaration -->
<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = qname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:variable element has a
name attribute, which specifies the name of the
variable. The value of the name attribute is a QName, which is expanded as described
in 5.1 Qualified Names.

The xsl:variable element has an
optional as attribute, which specifies the
required type of the
variable. The value of the as attribute is a
as defined in [XPath 2.0].

[Definition: The value of the variable is
computed using the expression given in the
select attribute or the contained sequence constructor,
as described in 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters.
This value is referred to as the supplied value of the variable.]
If the xsl:variable element has a select
attribute, then the sequence constructor must be empty.

If the as attribute
is specified, then the supplied value of the
variable is converted to the required type, using the
function conversion rules.

[ERR XTTE0570] It is a type error
if the supplied value of a variable
cannot be converted to the required type.

If the as attribute is omitted, the
supplied value of the variable is used
directly, and no conversion takes place.

9.2 Parameters

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = qname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type
  required? = "yes" | "no"
  tunnel? = "yes" | "no">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:param element may be used as a child of xsl:stylesheet, to define
a parameter to the transformation; or as a child of xsl:template to define a parameter to a
template, which may be supplied when the template is invoked using xsl:call-template,
xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports
or xsl:next-match; or as a child of xsl:function to define a parameter
to a stylesheet function, which may be supplied when the function is called from an XPath expression.

The xsl:param element has a
name attribute, which specifies the name of the
parameter. The value of the name attribute is a QName, which is expanded as described
in 5.1 Qualified Names.

[ERR XTSE0580] It is a static error if two
parameters of a template or of a stylesheet function have the same name.


For rules concerning stylesheet parameters, see 9.5 Global Variables and Parameters. Local
variables may shadow template parameters and function parameters: see
9.7 Scope of Variables.

The supplied value of the parameter is the
value supplied by the caller. If no value was supplied by the caller, and if the parameter
is not mandatory, then the supplied value is
computed using the expression given in the
select attribute or the contained sequence constructor,
as described in 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters.
If the xsl:param element has a select
attribute, then the sequence constructor must be empty.


This specification does not dictate whether and when the default value
of a parameter is evaluated. For example, if the default is specified as
<xsl:param name="p"><foo/></xsl:param>, then it is not specified whether a
distinct foo element node will be created on each invocation of the template, or whether
the same foo element node will be used for each invocation. However, it is permissible for the default
value to depend on the values of other parameters, or on the evaluation context, in which case the default must
effectively be evaluated on each invocation.

The xsl:param element has an
optional as attribute, which specifies the
required type of the
parameter. The value of the as attribute is a
as defined in [XPath 2.0].

If the as attribute
is specified, then the supplied value of the
parameter is converted to the required type, using the
function conversion rules.

[ERR XTTE0590] It is a type error
if the conversion of the supplied value of a
parameter to its required type fails.

If the as attribute is omitted, the
supplied value of the
parameter is used directly, and no conversion takes place.

The optional required attribute may be used
to indicate that a parameter is mandatory. This attribute may be specified for
stylesheet parameters and for
template parameters;
it must not be specified for function parameters,
which are always mandatory. A parameter is mandatory
if it is a function parameter or
if the required attribute is present and has the value yes. Otherwise,
the parameter is optional. If the parameter is mandatory, then
the xsl:param element must be empty and must not have a select

[ERR XTTE0600] If a default value is given explicitly, that is,
if there is either a select
attribute or a non-empty sequence constructor, then
it is a type error if the default value
cannot be converted to the required type, using the
function conversion rules.

If an optional parameter has no select
attribute and has an empty sequence constructor,
and if there is no as attribute, then the default value of the parameter
is a zero length string.

[ERR XTDE0610] If an optional parameter has no select
attribute and has an empty sequence constructor,
and if there is an as attribute, then the default value of the parameter
is an empty sequence. If the empty sequence is not a valid instance of the required type
defined in the as attribute, then the parameter is treated as a required
parameter, which means that it is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the caller supplies no value for the parameter.


The effect of these rules is that specifying
<xsl:param name="p" as="xs:date" select="2"/>
is an error, but if the default value of the parameter is never used, then the processor has discretion whether
or not to report the error. By contrast,
<xsl:param name="p" as="xs:date"/>
is treated as if required="yes"
had been specified: the empty sequence is not a valid instance of xs:date, so in effect there is no default
value and the parameter is therefore treated as being mandatory.

The optional tunnel attribute may be used
to indicate that a parameter is a tunnel parameter.
The default is no; the value yes may be specified only
for template parameters.
Tunnel parameters are described in 10.1.2 Tunnel Parameters

9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters

A variable-binding element
may specify the supplied value of the variable
or parameter in
four different ways.

  • If the variable-binding element has a select
    attribute, then the value of the attribute must be an
    expression and the supplied value of the variable
    is the value that results from evaluating the expression. In this
    case, the content of the variable-binding element must be empty.

  • If the variable-binding element
    has empty content and has neither
    a select attribute nor an as attribute,
    then the supplied value of the variable is a
    zero-length string. Thus

    is equivalent to

    <xsl:variable name="x" select="''"/>
  • If a
    variable-binding element has no select
    attribute and has non-empty content (that is, the variable-binding element
    has one or more child nodes), and has no as attribute,
    then the content of the
    variable-binding element specifies the supplied value.
    The content of the variable-binding element is a
    sequence constructor; a new
    document is constructed with a document
    node having as its children
    the sequence of nodes that results from evaluating the sequence constructor
    and then applying the rules given in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content.
    The value of the variable is then a singleton sequence containing
    this document node. For further information, see
    9.4 Creating implicit document nodes.

  • If a variable-binding element
    has an as attribute but no select attribute,
    then the supplied value
    is the sequence that results from evaluating the (possibly empty)
    sequence constructor contained within
    the variable-binding element (see 5.7 Sequence Constructors).

These combinations are summarized in the table below.

Effect of Different Attribute Combinations on xsl:variable

select attribute as attribute content Effect
present absent empty Value is obtained by evaluating the select attribute
present present empty Value is obtained by evaluating the select attribute, adjusted to the type required by the as attribute
present absent present Static error
present present present Static error
absent absent empty Value is a zero-length string
absent present empty Value is an empty sequence, provided the as attribute permits an empty sequence
absent absent present Value is a document node whose content
is obtained by evaluating the sequence constructor
absent present present Value is obtained by evaluating the sequence constructor, adjusted to the type required by the as attribute

[ERR XTSE0620] It is a static error if
a variable-binding element has a select
attribute and has non-empty content.

The value of the following variable is the sequence of integers (1, 2, 3):

<xsl:variable name="i" as="xs:integer*" select="1 to 3"/>

The value of the following variable is an integer, assuming that the attribute
@size exists, and is annotated either as an integer, or as

<xsl:variable name="i" as="xs:integer" select="@size"/>

The value of the following variable is a zero-length string:

The value of the following variable is document node containing an empty element as a

<xsl:variable name="doc"><c/></xsl:variable>

The value of the following variable is sequence of integers (2, 4, 6):

<xsl:variable name="seq" as="xs:integer*">
  <xsl:for-each select="1 to 3">
    <xsl:sequence select=".*2"/>

The value of the following variable is sequence of parentless attribute nodes:

<xsl:variable name="attset" as="attribute()+">
  <xsl:attribute name="x">2</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="y">3</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="z">4</xsl:attribute>    

The value of the following variable is an empty sequence:

<xsl:variable name="empty" as="empty-sequence()"/>

The actual value of the variable depends on the supplied value,
as described above, and the required type, which is determined by
the value of the as attribute.

When a variable is used to select nodes by position, be careful
not to do:

<xsl:variable name="n">2</xsl:variable>
<xsl:value-of select="td[$n]"/>

This will output the values of all the td elements, space-separated
(or in backwards compatibility mode, the value of the first td element), because the
variable n will be bound to a node, not a number. Instead, do one of the following:

<xsl:variable name="n" select="2"/>
<xsl:value-of select="td[$n]"/>


<xsl:variable name="n">2</xsl:variable>
<xsl:value-of select="td[position()=$n]"/>


<xsl:variable name="n" as="xs:integer">2</xsl:variable>
<xsl:value-of select="td[$n]"/>

9.4 Creating implicit document nodes

A document node is created implicitly when evaluating an
xsl:variable, xsl:param, or xsl:with-param
element that has non-empty content and that has
no as attribute. This element is referred
to as the variable-binding element. The value of the variable
is a single node, the document node
of the temporary tree. The
content of the document node is formed from the result of evaluating
the sequence constructor
contained within the variable-binding element,
as described in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content.


The construct:

<xsl:variable name="tree">

can be regarded as a shorthand for:

<xsl:variable name="tree" as="document-node()">
  <xsl:document validation="preserve">

The base URI of the document node
is taken from the base URI of the variable binding element in the stylesheet.
(See Section
5.2 base-uri AccessorDM in [Data Model])

No document-level validation takes place (which means, for example, that there is
no checking that ID values are unique). However, type annotations on nodes within the new tree are copied


The base URI of other nodes in the tree is determined by the rules
for constructing complex content. The effect of these rules is that the base URI of a node in the
temporary tree is determined as
if all the nodes in the temporary tree came from a single entity whose URI
was the base URI of the variable-binding element.
Thus, the base URI of the document node will be equal
to the base URI of the variable-binding element; an
xml:base attribute within the temporary tree will change the
base URI for its parent element and that element’s descendants, just
as it would within a document constructed by parsing.

The document-uri and unparsed-entities
properties of the new document node are set to empty.

A temporary tree is
available for processing
in exactly the same way as any source document. For example, its nodes
are accessible using path expressions, and they can be processed using
instructions such as xsl:apply-templates and xsl:for-each.
Also, the key and idFO functions
can be used to find nodes
within a temporary tree rooted at a document node,
provided that at the time the function is called, the context item
is a node within the temporary tree.

For example, the following stylesheet uses a temporary tree as the intermediate
result of a two-phase transformation, using different modes
for the two phases (see 6.5 Modes). Typically, the template
rules in module phase1.xsl will be declared with mode="phase1", while
those in module phase2.xsl will be declared with mode="phase2":


<xsl:import href="phase1.xsl"/>
<xsl:import href="phase2.xsl"/>

<xsl:variable name="intermediate">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="/" mode="phase1"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="$intermediate" mode="phase2"/>



The algorithm for matching nodes against template rules is
exactly the same regardless which tree the nodes come from. If different
template rules are to be used when processing different trees, then unless nodes
from different trees can be distinguished by means of patterns,
it is
a good idea to use modes to ensure that each tree is
processed using the appropriate set of template rules.

9.5 Global Variables and Parameters

Both xsl:variable and xsl:param are
allowed as declaration elements:
that is, they may appear as children of the xsl:stylesheet element.

[Definition: A
top-level variable-binding element
declares a global variable that
is visible everywhere (except where it
is shadowed by another

[Definition: A top-level xsl:param element
declares a stylesheet parameter.
A stylesheet parameter is a global variable with the additional property
that its value can be supplied
by the caller when a transformation is initiated.] As described in
9.2 Parameters, a stylesheet parameter may be declared as being mandatory, or may have
a default value specified for use when no value is supplied by the caller.
The mechanism by which the caller supplies a value
for a stylesheet parameter is implementation-defined.
An XSLT processor
must provide such a mechanism.

It is an error if no value is supplied for a mandatory stylesheet
parameter [see ERR XTDE0050].

If a stylesheet contains more than one
binding for a global variable of a particular name, then the binding with the
highest import
precedence is used.

[ERR XTSE0630] It is a
static error if a
stylesheet contains more than one binding of a global
variable with the same name and same
import precedence,
unless it also contains another binding with the same name and higher import precedence.

For a global variable or the default value of a stylesheet parameter,
the expression or sequence constructor
specifying the variable value is
evaluated with a singleton focus based
on the root node of the
tree containing the
initial context node.
An XPath error will be reported if the evaluation of a global variable or parameter
references the context item, context position, or context size when no initial context node is supplied.
The values of other components of the dynamic context are the initial values
as defined in 5.4.3 Initializing the Dynamic Context and 5.4.4 Additional Dynamic Context Components used by XSLT.

The following example declares a global parameter
which is referenced in an attribute value template.

<xsl:param name="para-font-size" as="xs:string">12pt</xsl:param>

<xsl:template match="para">
 <fo:block font-size="{$para-font-size}">

The implementation must provide a mechanism allowing the user to supply
a value for the parameter para-font-size when invoking the stylesheet; the value 12pt
acts as a default.

9.6 Local Variables and Parameters

[Definition: As
well as being allowed as declaration elements, the
xsl:variable element is also
allowed in sequence constructors. Such a variable
is known as a local variable.]

An xsl:param element may appear as a child of an xsl:template
element, before any non-xsl:param children of that element. Such a parameter
is known as a template parameter. A template parameter is a
local variable with the additional
property that its value can be set when the template
is called, using any of the instructions xsl:call-template, xsl:apply-templates,
xsl:apply-imports, or xsl:next-match.]

An xsl:param element may appear as a child of an xsl:function
element, before any non-xsl:param children of that element. Such a parameter
is known as a function parameter. A function parameter is a
local variable with the additional
property that its value can be set when the function
is called, using a function call in an XPath expression.]

The result of evaluating
a local xsl:variable or xsl:param element (that is,
the contribution it makes to the result of the
sequence constructor it is part of)
is an empty sequence.

9.7 Scope of Variables

For any variable-binding element,
there is a region
(more specifically, a set of element nodes)
of the stylesheet
within which the binding is
visible. The set of variable bindings in scope for an
XPath expression consists of those bindings that
are visible at the point in
the stylesheet where the expression occurs.

A global variable binding element is
visible everywhere in the stylesheet
(including other stylesheet modules) except within the
xsl:variable or xsl:param
element itself and any region where it is
shadowed by another variable binding.

A local variable binding element
is visible for all following siblings and their descendants, with two exceptions:
it is not visible in any region where it is shadowed by
another variable binding, and it is not visible within the subtree rooted at an xsl:fallback
instruction that is a sibling of the variable binding element.
The binding is not visible for the xsl:variable or xsl:param
element itself.

[Definition: A binding shadows another
binding if the binding occurs at a point where the other binding is visible, and
the bindings have the same name.
It is not an error if a binding
established by a local xsl:variable or xsl:param
shadows a global binding. In this case, the global
binding will not be visible in the region of the stylesheet where it
is shadowed by the other binding.

The following is allowed:

<xsl:param name="x" select="1"/>
<xsl:template name="foo">
  <xsl:variable name="x" select="2"/>

It is also not an error if a binding established by a local xsl:variable
element shadows
a binding established by another local xsl:variable
or xsl:param.

The following is not an error, but
the effect is probably not what was intended. The template outputs
<x value="1"/>, because the declaration of the inner
variable named $x has no effect on the value of the outer
variable named $x.

<xsl:variable name="x" select="1"/>
<xsl:template name="foo">
  <xsl:for-each select="1 to 5">
    <xsl:variable name="x" select="$x+1"/>
  <x value="{$x}"/>


Once a variable has been given a value, the value cannot subsequently
be changed. XSLT does not provide an equivalent to the
assignment operator available in many procedural programming languages.

This is because an assignment operator
would make it harder to create an implementation that
processes a document other than in a batch-like way, starting at the
beginning and continuing through to the end.

As well as global variables and local variables, an XPath
expression may also declare range variables
for use locally within an expression. For details, see [XPath 2.0].

Where a reference to a variable occurs in an XPath expression, it is resolved first by reference
to range variables that are in scope, then by reference to local variables and parameters, and finally by reference
to global variables and parameters. A range variable may shadow a local variable or a global variable.
XPath also allows a range variable to shadow another range variable.

9.8 Circular Definitions

[Definition: A circularity is said to exist
if a construct such as a global variable, an
attribute set, or a key
is defined in terms of itself. For example, if the
expression or sequence constructor
specifying the value of a global variable
X references a
global variable Y, then the value for Y
be computed before the value of X. A circularity exists if it
is impossible to do this for all global variable definitions.]

The following two declarations create a circularity:

<xsl:variable name="x" select="$y+1"/>
<xsl:variable name="y" select="$x+1"/>

The definition of a global variable can be circular even if no other variable is involved.
For example the following two declarations (see 10.3 Stylesheet Functions for
an explanation of the xsl:function element) also create a circularity:

<xsl:variable name="x" select="my:f()"/>

<xsl:function name="my:f">
  <xsl:sequence select="$x"/>

The definition of a variable is also circular if the evaluation of the
variable invokes an xsl:apply-templates instruction and the variable is
referenced in the pattern used in the match attribute of any template rule
in the stylesheet. For example the following definition is circular:

<xsl:variable name="x">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="//param[1]"/>

<xsl:template match="param[$x]">1</xsl:template>

Similarly, a variable definition is circular if it causes a call on the key
function, and the definition of that key refers to that variable in its
match or use attributes. So the following definition is circular:

<xsl:variable name="x" select="my:f(10)"/>

<xsl:function name="my:f">
  <xsl:param name="arg1"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="key('k', $arg1)"/>

<xsl:key name="k" match="item[@code=$x]" use="@desc"/>

[ERR XTDE0640] In general, a circularity
in a stylesheet is a
non-recoverable dynamic error.
However, as with all other dynamic errors, an implementation will signal
the error only if it actually executes the instructions and expressions that
participate in the circularity.
Because different implementations may optimize the execution of a stylesheet
in different ways, it is
whether a particular circularity will actually be signaled.

For example, in the following declarations, the function declares a
local variable $b, but it returns a result that does
not require the variable to be evaluated. It is implementation-dependent
whether the value is actually evaluated, and it is therefore
implementation-dependent whether the circularity is signaled as an error:

<xsl:variable name="x" select="my:f(1)/>

<xsl:function name="my:f">
  <xsl:param name="a"/>
  <xsl:variable name="b" select="$x"/>  
  <xsl:sequence select="$a + 2"/>

Circularities usually involve global variables or parameters, but they
can also exist between key definitions (see 16.3 Keys), between
named attribute sets (see 10.2 Named Attribute Sets),
or between
any combination of these constructs. For example, a circularity exists if a
key definition invokes a function that references an attribute set that calls the key
function, supplying the name of the original key definition as an argument.

Circularity is not the same as recursion. Stylesheet functions
(see 10.3 Stylesheet Functions)
and named templates (see 10.1 Named Templates) may
call other functions and named templates without restriction. With careless coding,
recursion may be non-terminating. Implementations are required
to signal circularity as a dynamic error,
but they are not required to detect non-terminating recursion.

10 Callable Components

This section describes three constructs that can be used
to provide subroutine-like functionality that can be invoked from anywhere in
the stylesheet: named templates (see 10.1 Named Templates), named attribute
sets (see 10.2 Named Attribute Sets) and
stylesheet functions
(see 10.3 Stylesheet Functions).

10.1 Named Templates

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = qname>
  <!-- Content: xsl:with-param* -->

[Definition: Templates can be invoked by name.
An xsl:template
element with a name attribute defines a named template.]
The value of the name attribute is a QName,
which is expanded as described
in 5.1 Qualified Names. If an xsl:template element has
a name attribute, it may, but need not, also have a
match attribute. An xsl:call-template
instruction invokes a template by name; it has a required
name attribute that identifies the template to be
invoked. Unlike xsl:apply-templates, the
xsl:call-template instruction does not change
the focus.

The match, mode and priority attributes on an
xsl:template element have no effect when
the template
is invoked by an xsl:call-template instruction. Similarly,
the name attribute on an xsl:template
element has no effect when the template is invoked by an
xsl:apply-templates instruction.

[ERR XTSE0650] It is a static error if
a stylesheet contains an xsl:call-template instruction whose name attribute does
not match the name attribute of any xsl:template in the stylesheet.

[ERR XTSE0660] It is a static error if a
stylesheet contains more than one template with
the same name and the same import
precedence, unless it also contains a template
with the same name and higher import

The target template for an xsl:call-template
instruction is the template whose name attribute matches the
name attribute of the xsl:call-template
instruction and that has higher import precedence
than any other template with this name. The result of evaluating an xsl:call-template
instruction is the sequence
produced by evaluating the sequence constructor
contained in its target template
(see 5.7 Sequence Constructors).

10.1.1 Passing Parameters to Templates

  name = qname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type
  tunnel? = "yes" | "no">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Parameters are passed to templates using the
xsl:with-param element. The required
attribute specifies the name of the template parameter (the variable the value
of whose binding is to be replaced). The value of the
name attribute is a QName, which is expanded as described
in 5.1 Qualified Names.

xsl:with-param is allowed
within xsl:call-template,
xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports,
and xsl:next-match.

[ERR XTSE0670] It is a static error if
a single xsl:call-template,
xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports,
or xsl:next-match
element contains two or more xsl:with-param elements
with matching name attributes.

The value of the parameter is
specified in the same way as for xsl:variable and
xsl:param (see 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters),
taking account of the values of the select and as attributes and
the content of the xsl:with-param element, if any.


It is possible to have an as attribute on the
xsl:with-param element that differs from the as attribute
on the corresponding xsl:param element describing the formal parameters
of the called template.

In this situation, the supplied value of the parameter will first be
processed according to the rules of the as attribute on the
xsl:with-param element, and the resulting value will then be further
processed according to the rules of the as attribute on the xsl:param

For example, suppose the supplied value is a node with type annotation
xs:untypedAtomic, and the xsl:with-param element specifies
as="xs:integer", while the xsl:param element specifies as="xs:double".
Then the node will first be atomized and the resulting untyped atomic
value will be cast to xs:integer. If this succeeds, the xs:integer will
then be promoted to an xs:double.

The focus used
for computing the value specified by the xsl:with-param
element is the same as that used for the
xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports,
xsl:next-match, or xsl:call-template
element within which it occurs.

[ERR XTSE0680] In the case of xsl:call-template,
it is a static error
to pass a non-tunnel parameter named x to a template that does not have a
template parameter named
x, unless backwards
compatible behavior is enabled for the xsl:call-template instruction. This is
not an error in the case of xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports,
and xsl:next-match; in these cases
the parameter is simply ignored.

The optional tunnel attribute may be used
to indicate that a parameter is a tunnel parameter.
The default is no.
Tunnel parameters are described in 10.1.2 Tunnel Parameters

[ERR XTSE0690] It is
a static error if
a template that is invoked using xsl:call-template declares a
template parameter
specifying required="yes" and not specifying
tunnel="yes", if no value for
this parameter is supplied by the calling instruction.

[ERR XTDE0700] In other
it is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the template that is invoked declares a template parameter
with required="yes" and no value for
this parameter is supplied by the calling instruction.

This example defines a named template for a
numbered-block with an argument to control the format of
the number.

<xsl:template name="numbered-block">
  <xsl:param name="format">1. </xsl:param>
    <xsl:number format="{$format}"/>

<xsl:template match="ol//ol/li">
  <xsl:call-template name="numbered-block">
    <xsl:with-param name="format">a. </xsl:with-param>


Arguments to
stylesheet functions are supplied as part of an XPath
function call: see 10.3 Stylesheet Functions

10.1.2 Tunnel Parameters

[Definition: A parameter passed to a template may be
defined as a tunnel parameter. Tunnel parameters have the property that they are automatically
passed on by the called template to any further templates that it calls, and so on recursively.]
Tunnel parameters thus allow values to be set that are accessible during an entire phase of stylesheet processing,
without the need for each template that is used during that phase to be aware of the parameter.


Tunnel parameters are conceptually similar to dynamically-scoped variables in some functional
programming languages.

A tunnel parameter is created by using
an xsl:with-param element that specifies
tunnel="yes". A template that requires access to the value of a tunnel parameter must declare
it using an xsl:param element that also specifies tunnel="yes".

On any template call using an xsl:apply-templates, xsl:call-template,
xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match instruction, a set of
tunnel parameters
is passed from the calling template to the called template. This set consists of any parameters explicitly
created using <xsl:with-param tunnel="yes">, overlaid on a base set of tunnel parameters.
If the xsl:apply-templates, xsl:call-template,
xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match instruction has an xsl:template
declaration as an ancestor element in the stylesheet, then the base set consists of the tunnel parameters that were
passed to that template; otherwise (for example, if the instruction is within a global variable declaration, an
attribute set declaration, or a
stylesheet function), the base set is empty.
If a parameter created using <xsl:with-param tunnel="yes"> has the same
expanded-QName as a parameter in the base set,
then the parameter created using xsl:with-param overrides the parameter in the base set;
otherwise, the parameter created using xsl:with-param is added to the base set.

When a template accesses the value of a tunnel parameter
by declaring it with xsl:param tunnel="yes",
this does not remove the parameter from the base set of tunnel parameters that is passed on to any templates called
by this template.

Two sibling xsl:with-param elements must have distinct parameter names, even if one
is a tunnel parameter
and the other is not. Equally, two sibling xsl:param elements representing
template parameters
must have distinct parameter names, even if one
is a tunnel parameter
and the other is not. However, the tunnel parameters that are implicitly passed in
a template call may have names that duplicate the names of non-tunnel parameters that are explicitly passed
on the same call.

Tunnel parameters are not passed in calls to
stylesheet functions.

All other options of xsl:with-param and xsl:param are available
with tunnel parameters just as with non-tunnel parameters.
For example, parameters may be declared as mandatory
or optional, a default value may be specified, and a required type may be specified. If any conversion is
required from the supplied value of a tunnel parameter to the required type specified in xsl:param,
then the converted value is used within the receiving template, but the value that is passed on in any further template
calls is the original supplied value before conversion. Equally, any default value is local to the template: specifying
a default value for a tunnel parameter does not change the set of tunnel parameters that is passed on in further
template calls.

The set of tunnel parameters that is passed to the
initial template is empty.

Tunnel parameters are passed unchanged through a
built-in template rule (see 6.6 Built-in Template Rules).

Suppose that the equations in a scientific paper are to be sequentially numbered, but that the
format of the number depends on the context in which the equations appear. It is possible to reflect
this using a rule of the form:

<xsl:template match="equation">
  <xsl:param name="equation-format" select="'(1)'" tunnel="yes"/>
  <xsl:number level="any" format="{$equation-format}"/>

At any level of processing above this level, it is possible to determine how the equations will
be numbered, for example:

<xsl:template match="appendix">
    <xsl:with-param name="equation-format" select="'[i]'" tunnel="yes"/>

The parameter value is passed transparently through all the intermediate layers of template rules until it
reaches the rule with match="equation". The effect is similar to using a global variable, except
that the parameter can take different values during different phases of the transformation.

10.2 Named Attribute Sets

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = qname
  use-attribute-sets? = qnames>
  <!-- Content: xsl:attribute* -->

[Definition: The
xsl:attribute-set element defines a named attribute set: that is,
a collection of attribute definitions
that can be used repeatedly on different constructed elements.]

The required
name attribute specifies the name of the
attribute set. The value of the name attribute is a QName,
which is expanded as described
in 5.1 Qualified Names. The content of the xsl:attribute-set
element consists of zero or more xsl:attribute instructions
that are evaluated to produce the attributes in the set.

The result of evaluating an attribute set is a sequence of attribute nodes. Evaluating
the same attribute set more than once can produce different results, because although an attribute
set does not have parameters, it may contain expressions or instructions whose value depends on the
evaluation context.

Attribute sets are used by specifying a
use-attribute-sets attribute on the xsl:element or
xsl:copy instruction,
or by specifying an xsl:use-attribute-sets
attribute on a literal result element. An attribute set may be defined in terms
of other attribute sets by using the
use-attribute-sets attribute on the xsl:attribute-set element itself.
The value of the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets
attribute is in each case a whitespace-separated
list of names of attribute sets. Each name is specified as a QName,
which is expanded as described in 5.1 Qualified Names.

Specifying a
use-attribute-sets attribute is broadly equivalent to adding
xsl:attribute instructions for each of the attributes in each
of the named attribute sets to the beginning of the content of the
instruction with the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute, in the
same order in which the names of the attribute sets are specified in
the use-attribute-sets attribute.

More formally, an xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute is expanded using the
following recursive algorithm, or any algorithm that produces the same results:

  • The value of the attribute is tokenized as a list of QNames.

  • Each QName in the list is processed, in order, as follows:

    • The QName must match the name attribute of one or more xsl:attribute-set
      declarations in the stylesheet.

    • Each xsl:attribute-set declaration whose name matches is
      processed as follows. Where two such declarations have different import
      precedence, the one with lower import precedence is processed first. Where two declarations have
      the same import precedence, they are processed in declaration order.

      • If the xsl:attribute-set declaration has a use-attribute-sets
        attribute, the attribute is expanded by applying this algorithm recursively.

      • If the xsl:attribute-set declaration contains one or more xsl:attribute
        instructions, these instructions are evaluated (following the rules for evaluating a
        sequence constructor:
        see 5.7 Sequence Constructors) to produce
        a sequence of attribute nodes. These attribute nodes are appended to the result sequence.

The xsl:attribute instructions are evaluated using the same
as is used for evaluating the element that is the parent of
the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute forming the initial input to the algorithm. However, the static context
for the evaluation depends on the position of the xsl:attribute instruction in the stylesheet: thus,
only local variables declared within
an xsl:attribute instruction, and global variables, are visible.

The set of attribute nodes produced by expanding xsl:use-attribute-sets may
include several attributes with the same name. When
the attributes are added to an element node, only the last of the duplicates
will take effect.

The way in which each instruction uses the results of expanding the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets
attribute is described in the specification for the relevant instruction: see 11.1 Literal Result Elements,
11.2 Creating Element Nodes Using xsl:element
, and 11.9 Copying Nodes.

[ERR XTSE0710] It is a static error if the value of the
use-attribute-sets attribute of an xsl:copy, xsl:element, or
xsl:attribute-set element, or the xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute of a
literal result element, is not a
whitespace-separated sequence
of QNames, or if it contains a QName that does not match the name
attribute of any xsl:attribute-set declaration in the stylesheet.

[ERR XTSE0720] It is a static error if an
xsl:attribute-set element directly
or indirectly references itself via the names contained in the use-attribute-sets attribute.

Each attribute node produced by expanding an attribute set has a type annotation determined by the
rules for the xsl:attribute instruction that created the attribute node: see
11.3.1 Setting the Type Annotation for a Constructed Attribute Node. These type annotations may be preserved, stripped,
or replaced as determined by the rules for the instruction that creates the element in which the attributes
are used.

Attribute sets are used as follows:

  • The xsl:copy and xsl:element instructions have an
    use-attribute-sets attribute. The sequence of attribute nodes produced by evaluating
    this attribute is prepended to the sequence produced by evaluating the
    sequence constructor contained within the

  • Literal result elements allow an
    xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute, which is evaluated in the same way
    as the use-attribute-sets attribute of xsl:element and
    xsl:copy. The sequence of attribute nodes produced by evaluating
    this attribute is prepended to the sequence of attribute nodes produced by evaluating the attributes
    of the literal result element, which in turn is prepended to the sequence produced by evaluating the
    sequence constructor contained with the
    literal result element.

The following example creates a named attribute set
title-style and uses it in a template rule.

<xsl:template match="chapter/heading">
  <fo:block font-stretch="condensed" xsl:use-attribute-sets="title-style">

<xsl:attribute-set name="title-style">
  <xsl:attribute name="font-size">12pt</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute>

The following example creates a named attribute set
base-style and uses it in a template rule with multiple specifications of the attributes:


is specified only in the attribute set


is specified in the attribute set, is specified
on the literal result element, and in an
xsl:attribute instruction


is specified in the attribute set, and on
the literal result element


is specified in the attribute set, and in an
xsl:attribute instruction

Stylesheet fragment:

<xsl:attribute-set name="base-style">
  <xsl:attribute name="font-family">Univers</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="font-size">10pt</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="font-style">normal</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">normal</xsl:attribute>

<xsl:template match="o">
  <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="base-style"
    <xsl:attribute name="font-size">14pt</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute>


<fo:block font-family="Univers"

10.3 Stylesheet Functions

[Definition: An xsl:function
declaration declares the name, parameters, and implementation of a
stylesheet function
that can be called from any XPath
expression within the stylesheet.]

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = qname
  as? = sequence-type
  override? = "yes" | "no">
  <!-- Content: (xsl:param*, sequence-constructor) -->

The xsl:function declaration
defines a stylesheet function that
can be called from any XPath expression
used in the stylesheet (including
an XPath expression used within a predicate in
a pattern).
The name attribute specifies the name of the
function. The value of the name attribute is a QName,
which is expanded as described
in 5.1 Qualified Names.

An xsl:function declaration can only
appear as a top-level element in a stylesheet module.

[ERR XTSE0740] A
stylesheet function
must have a prefixed name,
to remove any risk of a clash with a function in the default function namespace. It is a
static error if the name has no prefix..


To prevent the namespace declaration used for the function name appearing in the
result document, use the exclude-result-prefixes attribute
on the xsl:stylesheet element: see 11.1.3 Namespace Nodes for Literal Result Elements.

The prefix must not refer to a reserved namespace:
[see ERR XTSE0080]

The content of the xsl:function
element consists of zero or more xsl:param elements
that specify the formal arguments of the function, followed by
a sequence constructor
that defines the value to be returned by the function.

[Definition: The arity of a stylesheet
function is the number of xsl:param elements in the function definition.]
Optional arguments are not allowed.

[ERR XTSE0760] Because arguments to a stylesheet
function call must all be specified, the xsl:param elements within an
xsl:function element must not specify a default value: this means they
must be empty, and must not have a select attribute.

A stylesheet function
is included in the in-scope functions of the static
context for all XPath expressions used in the stylesheet, unless

  • there is another stylesheet function with the same
    name and arity, and higher import precedence, or

  • the override attribute has the value no and there
    is already a function with the same name and arity in the in-scope functions.

The optional override attribute defines what happens if this function
has the same name and arity as a function
provided by the implementer or made available in the static context
using an implementation-defined mechanism. If the override attribute has the value yes,
then this function is used in preference; if it has the value no, then the other function
is used in preference. The default value is yes.


Specifying override="yes" ensures interoperable behavior:
the same code will execute with all processors. Specifying override="no" is useful when writing
a fallback implementation of a function that is available with some processors but not others: it
allows the vendor’s implementation of the function (or a user’s implementation
written as an extension function) to be used in preference to the stylesheet
implementation, which is useful when the extension function
is more efficient.

The override attribute does not affect the rules for deciding
which of several stylesheet functions
with the same name and arity takes precedence.

[ERR XTSE0770] It is a static error for
a stylesheet to contain two or more functions with the same expanded-QName,
the same arity, and the same
import precedence, unless there is
another function with the same expanded-QName
and arity, and a higher import precedence.

As defined in XPath, the function that is executed as the
result of a function call is identified by looking in the in-scope
functions of the static context for a function whose
name and arity matches the name and number of arguments in
the function call.


Functions are not polymorphic. Although the XPath function call mechanism allows two
functions to have the same name and different arity,
it does
not allow them to be distinguished by the types of their arguments.

The optional as attribute indicates the
required type of the result of the function.
The value of the as attribute is a
SequenceTypeXP, as defined in [XPath 2.0].

[ERR XTTE0780] If the as attribute

is specified, then the result evaluated by the
sequence constructor
(see 5.7 Sequence Constructors) is converted to the required type,
using the function conversion rules.
It is a type error
if this conversion fails.
If the as attribute is omitted, the calculated result is used
as supplied, and no conversion takes place.

If a stylesheet function has been
defined with a particular expanded-QName, then a call
on function-available will return true when called with
an argument that is a lexical QName that expands to this
same expanded-QName.

The xsl:param elements define the formal arguments to the
function. These are interpreted positionally. When the function is called
using a function-call in an XPath expression, the first argument supplied is
assigned to the first xsl:param element, the second argument
supplied is assigned to the second xsl:param element, and so on.

The as attribute of the xsl:param element defines the
required type of the parameter. The rules for converting the values of the actual arguments
supplied in the function call to the types required by each xsl:param element
are defined in [XPath 2.0].
The rules that apply are those for the case where
XPath 1.0 compatibility mode
is set to false.

[ERR XTTE0790] If the value
of a parameter to a stylesheet function
cannot be converted to the required type,
a type error is signaled.

If the as attribute is omitted,
no conversion takes place and any value is accepted.

Within the body of a stylesheet function, the
is initially undefined; this means that any attempt to reference the context item, context position,
or context size is a non-recoverable dynamic error.

It is not possible within the body of the
stylesheet function to access the values of
local variables that were in scope in the place where the function call was written. Global
variables, however, remain available.

The following example creates a recursive stylesheet function
named str:reverse that reverses the words in a supplied sentence,
and then invokes this function from within a template rule.


<xsl:function name="str:reverse" as="xs:string">
  <xsl:param name="sentence" as="xs:string"/>
     select="if (contains($sentence, ' '))
             then concat(str:reverse(substring-after($sentence, ' ')),
                         ' ',
                         substring-before($sentence, ' '))
             else $sentence"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:value-of select="str:reverse('DOG BITES MAN')"/>


An alternative way of writing the same function is to implement the conditional
logic at the XSLT level, thus:

<xsl:function name="str:reverse" as="xs:string">
  <xsl:param name="sentence" as="xs:string"/>
    <xsl:when test="contains($sentence, ' ')">  
      <xsl:sequence select="concat(str:reverse(substring-after($sentence, ' ')),
                                ' ',
                                substring-before($sentence, ' '))"/>
      <xsl:sequence select="$sentence"/>

The following example illustrates the use of the as attribute
in a function definition.
It returns a string containing the representation of its integer argument, expressed
as a roman numeral. For example, the function call num:roman(7) will return
the string "vii". This example uses the xsl:number instruction,
described in 12 Numbering. The xsl:number instruction returns a text node,
and the function conversion rules
are invoked to convert this text node to the type declared in the xsl:function
element, namely xs:string. So the text node is
atomized to a string.

<xsl:function name="num:roman" as="xs:string">
  <xsl:param name="value" as="xs:integer"/>
  <xsl:number value="$value" format="i"/>

11 Creating Nodes and Sequences

This section describes instructions that directly create new nodes,
or sequences of nodes and atomic values.

11.1 Literal Result Elements

[Definition: In
a sequence constructor, an element in
the stylesheet that does not belong to
the XSLT namespace and
that is not an extension instruction (see 18.2 Extension Instructions) is classified as a
literal result element.]
A literal result element is evaluated to construct a new element node
with the same expanded-QName
(that is, the same namespace URI, local name, and namespace prefix).
The result of evaluating a literal result element
is a node sequence containing one element, the newly constructed element node.

The content
of the element is a sequence constructor
(see 5.7 Sequence Constructors).
The sequence obtained by evaluating this sequence constructor, after prepending
any attribute nodes produced as described in 11.1.2 Attribute Nodes for Literal Result Elements and namespace nodes
produced as described in 11.1.3 Namespace Nodes for Literal Result Elements, is used to construct
the content of the element, following the rules in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content

The base URI of the new element is copied from the base URI of the literal
result element in the stylesheet, unless the content of the new element includes an xml:base
attribute, in which case the base URI of the new element is the value of that attribute, resolved (if it is a relative
URI) against the base URI of the literal result element in the stylesheet.
(Note, however, that this is only relevant when creating a parentless
element. When the literal result element is copied
to form a child of an element or document node, the base URI of the new copy is taken from that
of its new parent.)

11.1.1 Setting the Type Annotation for Literal Result Elements

The attributes xsl:type and xsl:validation may be used on a
literal result element to invoke validation of
the contents of the element against a type definition or element declaration
in a schema,
and to determine the type annotation that the new element node will carry.
These attributes also affect the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes that have
the new element node as an ancestor.
These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.

The value of the xsl:validation attribute, if present, must be
one of the values strict, lax, preserve, or strip.
The value of the xsl:type attribute, if present, must be a QName
identifying a type definition that is present in the in-scope
schema components for the stylesheet. Neither attribute may be specified as an
attribute value template.
The effect of these attributes is described in
19.2 Validation.

11.1.2 Attribute Nodes for Literal Result Elements

Attribute nodes for a literal result element may be created by including
xsl:attribute instructions within the sequence constructor.
Additionally, attribute nodes are created corresponding to the attributes of the literal result element in the stylesheet,
and as a result of expanding the xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute of the literal result element,
if present.

The sequence that is used to construct the content of the literal result element (as described in
5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content) is the concatenation of the following four sequences, in order:

  1. The sequence of namespace nodes produced as described in 11.1.3 Namespace Nodes for Literal Result Elements.

  2. The sequence of attribute nodes produced by expanding the xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute
    (if present) following the rules given in 10.2 Named Attribute Sets

  3. The attributes produced by processing the attributes of the literal result element itself, other than
    attributes in the XSLT namespace. The way these are processed is described

  4. The sequence produced by evaluating the contained
    sequence constructor, if the element is not empty.


The significance of this order is that an attribute produced by an
xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, or xsl:copy-of
in the content of the literal result element takes precedence over an attribute produced by expanding an attribute
of the literal result element itself, which in turn takes precedence over an attribute produced by expanding
the xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute. This is because of the rules in
5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content, which specify that when two or more attributes in the sequence have
the same name, all but the last of the duplicates are discarded.

Although the above rules place namespace nodes before attributes,
this is not strictly necessary, because the rules in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content
allow the namespaces and attributes to appear in any
order so long as both come before other kinds of node. The order
of namespace nodes and attribute nodes in the sequence has no effect
on the relative position of the nodes in document order once they
are added to a tree.

Each attribute of the literal result element, other than an attribute in the
XSLT namespace, is processed to produce an
attribute for the element in the result tree.

The value of such an attribute is
interpreted as an attribute
value template: it can therefore contain expressions contained
in curly brackets ({}). The new attribute node
will have the same expanded-QName
(that is, the same namespace URI, local name, and namespace prefix)
as the attribute in the stylesheet tree, and its
string value will be the same as the effective value
of the attribute in the stylesheet tree.
The type annotation on the attribute will initially be
xs:untypedAtomic, and the typed value
of the attribute node will be the same
as its string value.


The eventual type annotation of the attribute in the
result tree depends
on the xsl:validation and xsl:type attributes of the parent literal result element,
and on the instructions used to create its ancestor elements.
If the xsl:validation attribute is set to
preserve or strip, the type annotation will be
xs:untypedAtomic, and the typed value
of the attribute node will be the same
as its string value.
If the xsl:validation attribute is set to
strict or lax, or if the xsl:type attribute
is used, the type annotation on the attribute will be set as
a result of the schema validation process applied to the parent element.
If neither attribute is present, the type annotation on the attribute
will be xs:untypedAtomic.

If the name of a constructed attribute is xml:id, the processor must perform
attribute value normalization by effectively applying the normalize-spaceFO function to
the value of the attribute, and the resulting attribute node must be given the
is-id property.

[ERR XTRE0795] It
is a recoverable dynamic
error if the name of a constructed attribute is xml:space and the value is not
either default or preserve.
The optional recovery action is to construct
the attribute with the value as requested.
. This applies whether
the attribute is constructed using a literal result element, or by using the xsl:attribute,
xsl:copy, or xsl:copy-of instructions.


The xml:base,
xml:lang, xml:space,
and xml:id
attributes have two effects in XSLT. They
behave as standard XSLT attributes, which means for example that if they appear on
a literal result element, they will be copied to the result tree in the same
way as any other attribute. In addition, they have their standard meaning
as defined in the core XML specifications. Thus, an xml:base
attribute in the stylesheet affects the base URI of the element on which it appears,
and an xml:space attribute affects the interpretation of
whitespace text
nodes within that element. One consequence of this is that
it is inadvisable to write these attributes
as attribute value templates: although an XSLT processor
will understand this notation, the XML parser will not. See
also 11.1.4 Namespace Aliasing which describes how to use xsl:namespace-alias
with these attributes.

The same is true of the schema-defined attributes
xsi:type, xsi:nil,
and xsi:schemaLocation.
If the stylesheet is processed by a schema processor,
these attributes will be recognized and interpreted by the schema processor, but
in addition the XSLT processor treats them like any other attribute
on a literal result element: that is, their effective value
(after expanding attribute value templates) is copied to the result
tree in the same way as any other attribute. If the result tree
is validated, the copied
attributes will again be recognized and interpreted by the schema processor.

None of these attributes
will be generated in the result tree unless the stylesheet writes them to the result
tree explicitly, in the same way as any other attribute.

[ERR XTSE0805] It is a
static error
if an attribute on a literal result element is in the XSLT namespace,
unless it is one of the attributes explicitly defined in this specification.


If there is a need to create attributes in the XSLT namespace,
this can be achieved using xsl:attribute, or by means of the
xsl:namespace-alias declaration.

11.1.3 Namespace Nodes for Literal Result Elements

The created element node will have a copy of the namespace
nodes that were present on the element node in the stylesheet tree
with the exception of any namespace node whose string value
is designated as an excluded namespace. Special considerations
apply to aliased namespaces: see 11.1.4 Namespace Aliasing

The following namespaces are designated as excluded namespaces:

  • The XSLT namespace URI

  • A namespace URI declared as an extension namespace
    (see 18.2 Extension Instructions)

  • A namespace URI designated by using an [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes
    attribute either on the literal result element itself or
    on an ancestor element. The attribute must be in the XSLT namespace only
    if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace.

    The value of the attribute is either #all,
    or a whitespace-separated
    list of tokens, each of which is either a namespace prefix
    or #default. The namespace bound to each of the
    prefixes is designated as an excluded namespace.

    [ERR XTSE0808] It is a
    static error if a namespace prefix
    is used within the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute and there
    is no namespace binding in scope for that prefix.

    The default namespace
    of the parent element of the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes
    attribute (see Section
    6.2 Element NodesDM)
    may be designated as an
    excluded namespace by including #default in the list of
    namespace prefixes.

    [ERR XTSE0809] It is a
    static error if the value #default
    is used within the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute and
    the parent element of the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes
    attribute has no default namespace.

    The value #all indicates that all namespaces
    that are in scope for the stylesheet element that is the
    parent of the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute
    are designated as excluded namespaces.

    The designation of a namespace as an excluded
    namespace is effective within the subtree of the stylesheet module rooted at
    the element bearing the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute;
    a subtree rooted at an xsl:stylesheet element
    does not include any stylesheet modules imported or included by children
    of that xsl:stylesheet element.

The excluded namespaces, as described above, only affect namespace
nodes copied from the stylesheet when processing a literal result element.
There is no guarantee that an excluded namespace will not appear on the result tree
for some other reason. Namespace nodes are also written to the result tree
as part of the process of namespace fixup (see 5.7.3 Namespace Fixup),
or as the result of instructions such as
xsl:copy and xsl:element.


When a stylesheet uses a namespace declaration only for the
purposes of addressing a source tree, specifying the prefix in the
[xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute will avoid superfluous
namespace declarations in the serialized result tree. The attribute is also useful
to prevent namespaces used solely for the naming of stylesheet functions or extension functions from
appearing in the serialized result tree.

For example, consider the following stylesheet:

<xsl:stylesheet xsl:version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
  <foo xmlns:c="c.uri" xmlns:d="d.uri" xmlns:a2="a.uri" 


The result of this stylesheet will be:

The namespaces a.uri and b.uri are excluded by virtue of the
exclude-result-prefixes attribute on the xsl:stylesheet element, and
the namespace c.uri is excluded by virtue of the xsl:exclude-result-prefixes
attribute on the foo element. The setting #all does not affect the namespace
d.uri because d.uri is not an in-scope namespace for the xsl:stylesheet
element. The element in the result tree does not have a namespace node corresponding to xmlns:a2="a.uri"
because the effect of exclude-result-prefixes is to designate the namespace URI a.uri
as an excluded namespace, irrespective of how many prefixes are bound to this namespace URI.

If the stylesheet is changed so that the literal result element has an attribute b:bar="3",
then the element in the result tree will typically have
a namespace declaration xmlns:b="b.uri"
(the processor may choose a different namespace prefix
if this is necessary to avoid conflicts). The
exclude-result-prefixes attribute makes b.uri an excluded namespace, so
the namespace node is not automatically copied from the stylesheet, but the
presence of an attribute whose name is in the namespace b.uri forces the namespace fixup process
(see 5.7.3 Namespace Fixup) to introduce a namespace node for this namespace.

A literal result element may have an optional xsl:inherit-namespaces
attribute, with the value yes or no. The default value is yes.
If the value is set to yes, or
is omitted, then the namespace nodes created for the newly constructed element are copied
to the children and descendants of the newly constructed element, as described in
5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content. If the value is set to no, then these
namespace nodes are not automatically copied to the children. This may result in namespace
undeclarations (such as xmlns="" or, in the case of XML 1.1, xmlns:p="")
appearing on the child elements when a final result tree
is serialized.

11.1.4 Namespace Aliasing

When a stylesheet is used to define a transformation
whose output is itself a stylesheet module, or in certain other cases where
the result document uses namespaces that it would be inconvenient to use
in the stylesheet, namespace aliasing can be used to declare a mapping
between a namespace URI used in the stylesheet and the corresponding
namespace URI to be used in the result document.

[Definition: A
namespace URI in the stylesheet tree that is being used to
specify a namespace URI in the result tree
is called a literal namespace URI.]

[Definition: The
namespace URI that is to be used in the result tree
as a substitute for a literal namespace URI is called the
target namespace URI.]

Either of the literal namespace URI
or the target namespace URI can be null: this is treated
as a reference to the set of names that are in no namespace.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  stylesheet-prefix = prefix | "#default"
  result-prefix = prefix | "#default" />

[Definition: A stylesheet can use the
xsl:namespace-alias element to declare that a
literal namespace URI is being used as an
alias for a
target namespace URI.]

The effect is that when names in the namespace identified by the
literal namespace
URI are copied to the result tree,
the namespace URI in the result tree will be the
target namespace URI,
instead of the literal namespace URI. This applies to:

  • the namespace URI in the expanded-QName of a literal
    result element in the stylesheet

  • the namespace URI in the expanded-QName of an attribute
    specified on a literal result element in the stylesheet

Where namespace aliasing changes the namespace URI part of the
expanded-QName containing the name
of an element or attribute node, the namespace prefix in that expanded-QName is replaced by
the prefix indicated by the result-prefix attribute of the
xsl:namespace-alias declaration.

The xsl:namespace-alias
element declares that the namespace URI bound to the prefix specified
by the stylesheet-prefix is the
literal namespace
URI, and the namespace URI bound to the prefix specified by the
result-prefix attribute is the
target namespace URI.
Thus, the
stylesheet-prefix attribute specifies the namespace URI
that will appear in the stylesheet, and the
result-prefix attribute specifies the corresponding
namespace URI that will appear in the result tree.

The default namespace (as declared by xmlns) may be specified by
using #default instead of a prefix. If no default
namespace is in force, specifying #default denotes the null namespace URI.
This allows elements that are in no namespace in the stylesheet to acquire a namespace in the result
document, or vice versa.

If a literal namespace URI
is declared to be an alias for multiple different
target namespace URIs, then
the declaration with the highest import precedence is used.

[ERR XTSE0810] It is
a static error if there is more
than one such declaration

with the same literal namespace
URI and the same
import precedence
and different values for the target namespace URI,
unless there is also an xsl:namespace-alias declaration
with the same literal namespace
URI and a higher import precedence.

[ERR XTSE0812] It is
a static error if a value other than #default
is specified for either the stylesheet-prefix or the result-prefix
attributes of the xsl:namespace-alias element when there is no in-scope binding
for that namespace prefix.

When a literal result element is processed, its namespace nodes are handled as follows:

  • A namespace node whose string value is a
    literal namespace URI
    is not copied to the result tree.

  • A namespace node whose string value is a
    target namespace URI
    is copied to the result tree,
    whether or not the URI identifies an excluded namespace.

In the event that the same URI is used as a
literal namespace URI and a
target namespace URI, the second
of these rules takes precedence.


These rules achieve the effect that the element generated
from the literal result element will have an in-scope namespace node that binds the
result-prefix to the target namespace URI,
provided that the namespace declaration associating this prefix with this URI is in scope for
both the xsl:namespace-alias instruction and for the literal result element.
Conversely, the stylesheet-prefix and the
literal namespace URI will not normally appear
in the result tree.

When literal result elements are being used to create element,
attribute, or namespace nodes that use
the XSLT namespace URI, the
stylesheet may use an alias.

For example, the stylesheet


<xsl:namespace-alias stylesheet-prefix="axsl" result-prefix="xsl"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
  <axsl:stylesheet version="2.0">

<xsl:template match="elements">
  <axsl:template match="/">
     <axsl:comment select="system-property('xsl:version')"/>

<xsl:template match="block">
  <axsl:template match="{.}">


will generate an XSLT stylesheet from a document of the form:


The output of the transformation will be a stylesheet such as the following.
Whitespace has been added for clarity. Note that an implementation may output different namespace prefixes
from those appearing in this example; however, the rules guarantee that there
will be a namespace node that binds the prefix xsl to the URI http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform,
which makes it safe to use the QName xsl:version in the content of the generated stylesheet.


<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:comment select="system-property('xsl:version')"/>
<xsl:template match="p">

<xsl:template match="h1">

<xsl:template match="h2">

<xsl:template match="h3">

<xsl:template match="h4">



It may be necessary also to use aliases for namespaces other
than the XSLT namespace URI. For example, it can be useful to
define an alias for the namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance,
so that the stylesheet can use the attributes xsi:type,
xsi:nil, and xsi:schemaLocation on a literal result element, without
running the risk that a schema processor will interpret these as applying to the stylesheet itself.
Equally, literal result elements
belonging to a namespace dealing with digital signatures might cause
XSLT stylesheets to be mishandled by general-purpose security
software; using an alias for the namespace would avoid the possibility
of such mishandling.

It is possible to define an alias for the XML

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:axml="https://www.example.com/alias-xml"

<xsl:namespace-alias stylesheet-prefix="axml" result-prefix="xml"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
  <name axml:space="preserve">
    <xsl:text> </xsl:text>


produces the output:

<name xml:space="preserve"><first>James</first> <last>Clark</last></name>

This allows an xml:space attribute to be generated in the output without
affecting the way the stylesheet is parsed. The same technique can be used for other attributes
such as xml:lang,
xml:base, and xml:id.


Namespace aliasing is only necessary when literal result elements are used. The problem of
reserved namespaces does not arise when using xsl:element and xsl:attribute
to construct the result tree. Therefore, as an alternative to using xsl:namespace-alias,
it is always possible to achieve the desired effect by replacing literal result elements with
xsl:element and xsl:attribute instructions.

11.2 Creating Element Nodes Using xsl:element

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = { qname }
  namespace? = { uri-reference }
  inherit-namespaces? = "yes" | "no"
  use-attribute-sets? = qnames
  type? = qname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:element instruction allows an element to be
created with a computed name. The expanded-QName of the
element to be created is specified by a required
attribute and an optional namespace attribute.

The content of the xsl:element instruction is a
sequence constructor for the
children, attributes, and namespaces of the created element.
The sequence obtained by evaluating this sequence constructor
(see 5.7 Sequence Constructors) is used to construct
the content of the element, as described in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content.

The xsl:element element may have a
use-attribute-sets attribute, whose value is a whitespace-separated list of QNames that identify
xsl:attribute-set declarations. If this attribute is present, it is expanded as
described in 10.2 Named Attribute Sets to produce a sequence of attribute nodes. This sequence is
prepended to the sequence produced as a result of evaluating the
sequence constructor, as described in
5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content.

The result of evaluating the
xsl:element instruction, except in error cases, is
the newly constructed element node.

The name attribute is interpreted as an
attribute value template,
whose effective value
must be a
lexical QName.

[ERR XTDE0820] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the name attribute is not a lexical QName.

[ERR XTDE0830] In the
case of an xsl:element instruction
with no namespace attribute,
it is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the name attribute is a QName
whose prefix is not declared in an in-scope namespace declaration for the xsl:element

If the namespace attribute is
not present then the QName is
expanded into an expanded-QName using the namespace declarations in
effect for the xsl:element element, including any default
namespace declaration.

If the namespace attribute is present, then it too is
interpreted as an attribute
value template. The effective value
must be in the lexical space
of the xs:anyURI type. If
the string is zero-length, then the expanded-QName of the element has a null
namespace URI. Otherwise, the string is used as the namespace URI of
the expanded-QName of the element to be created. The local part of the
lexical QName specified by the
name attribute is used as the local part of the
expanded-QName of the element to be created.

[ERR XTDE0835]
It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the namespace attribute

is not in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI data type
or if it is the string http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/.


The XDM data model requires the name of a node to be an instance of xs:QName,
and XML Schema defines the namespace part of an xs:QName to be an instance of xs:anyURI.
However, the schema specification, and the specifications that it refers to,
give implementations some flexibility in how strictly they enforce these constraints.

The prefix of the lexical QName
specified in the
name attribute (or the absence of a prefix) is copied to the prefix part of the
representing the name of the new element node.
In the event of a conflict a prefix
may subsequently be added, changed, or removed
during the namespace fixup process (see 5.7.3 Namespace Fixup).
The term conflict here
means any violation of the constraints defined in [Data Model], for example the
use of the same prefix to refer to two different namespaces in the element and
in one of its attributes, the use of the prefix xml to refer to a namespace
other than the XML namespace, or any use of the prefix xmlns.

The xsl:element instruction has an optional inherit-namespaces
attribute, with the value yes or no. The default value is yes.
If the value is set to yes, or
is omitted, then the namespace nodes created for the newly constructed element (whether these were
copied from those of the source node, or generated as a result of namespace fixup) are copied
to the children and descendants of the newly constructed element, as described in
5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content. If the value is set to no, then these
namespace nodes are not automatically copied to the children. This may result in namespace
undeclarations (such as xmlns="" or, in the case of XML Namespaces 1.1, xmlns:p="")
appearing on the child elements when a final result tree is serialized.

The base URI of the new element is copied from the base URI of the xsl:element
instruction in the stylesheet, unless the content of the new element includes an xml:base
attribute, in which case the base URI of the new element is the value of that attribute, resolved (if it is a relative
URI) against the base URI of the xsl:element instruction in the stylesheet.
(Note, however, that this is only relevant when creating parentless elements.
When the new element is copied
to form a child of an element or document node, the base URI of the new copy is taken from that
of its new parent.)

11.2.1 Setting the Type Annotation for a Constructed Element Node

The optional attributes type and
validation may be used on the xsl:element
instruction to invoke validation of
the contents of the element against a type definition or element declaration
in a schema,
and to determine the type annotation that the new element node will carry.
These attributes also affect the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes that have
the new element node as an ancestor.
These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.
The permitted values of these attributes and their semantics are described in
19.2 Validation.


The final type annotation of the element in the result tree
also depends on the
type and validation attributes of the instructions used to create the ancestors
of the element.

11.3 Creating Attribute Nodes Using xsl:attribute

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = { qname }
  namespace? = { uri-reference }
  select? = expression
  separator? = { string }
  type? = qname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:attribute element can be used to add
attributes to result elements whether created by literal result
elements in the stylesheet or by instructions such as
xsl:element or xsl:copy.
The expanded-QName of the
attribute to be created is specified by a required
attribute and an optional namespace attribute.
Except in error cases,
the result of evaluating an xsl:attribute instruction
is the newly constructed attribute node.

The string value of the new attribute node may be defined either by using the select
attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the
content of the xsl:attribute element. These are mutually exclusive. If neither is present,
the value of the new attribute node will be a zero-length string. The way in which the
value is constructed is specified in 5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content.

[ERR XTSE0840] It is a static error if
the select attribute of the xsl:attribute element is present unless the
element has empty content.

If the separator attribute is present,
then the effective value of
this attribute is used to separate adjacent items in the result sequence, as described in
5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content. In the absence of this attribute, the default
separator is a single space (#x20) when the content is specified using the select
attribute, or a zero-length string when the content is specified using a
sequence constructor.

The name attribute is interpreted as
an attribute value template,
whose effective value
must be a
lexical QName.

[ERR XTDE0850] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the name attribute
is not a lexical QName.

[ERR XTDE0855] In the case
of an xsl:attribute instruction with no namespace attribute,
it is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the name attribute is the string xmlns.

[ERR XTDE0860] In the case
of an xsl:attribute instruction
with no namespace attribute,
it is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the name attribute is a lexical QName
whose prefix is not declared in an in-scope namespace declaration for the
xsl:attribute instruction.

If the namespace attribute is not
present, then the lexical QName is
expanded into an expanded-QName using the namespace declarations in
effect for the xsl:attribute element, not
including any default namespace declaration.

If the namespace attribute is present, then it too is
interpreted as an attribute
value template. The effective value
must be in the lexical space
of the xs:anyURI type. If the string is zero-length, then the
expanded-QName of the attribute has a null namespace URI. Otherwise,
the string is used as the namespace URI of the expanded-QName of the
attribute to be created. The local part of the lexical QName specified by the
name attribute is used as the local part of the
expanded-QName of the attribute to be created.

[ERR XTDE0865]
It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the namespace attribute

is not in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI data type
or if it is the string http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/.


The same considerations apply as for elements:
[see ERR XTDE0835]
in 11.2 Creating Element Nodes Using xsl:element

The prefix of the lexical QName specified in the
name attribute (or the absence of a prefix) is copied to the prefix part of the
representing the name of the new attribute node.
In the event of a conflict this prefix may subsequently be
added, changed, or removed during the namespace fixup process
(see 5.7.3 Namespace Fixup).
If the attribute is in a non-null namespace and no prefix is specified,
then the namespace fixup process will invent a prefix.
The term conflict here
means any violation of the constraints defined in [Data Model], for example the
use of the same prefix to refer to two different namespaces in the element and
in one of its attributes, the use of the prefix xml to refer to a namespace
other than the XML namespace, or any use of the prefix xmlns.

If the name of a constructed attribute is xml:id,
the processor must perform attribute value normalization
by effectively applying the normalize-spaceFO function to the value
of the attribute, and
the resulting attribute
node must be given the is-id property. This applies whether the attribute is constructed using the xsl:attribute
instruction or whether it is constructed using an attribute of a literal result element. This does not imply any
constraints on the value of the attribute, or on its uniqueness, and it does not affect the type annotation
of the attribute, unless the containing document is validated.


The effect of setting the is-id property is that the parent element
can be located within the containing document by use of the idFO function.
In effect, XSLT when constructing a document performs some of the functions of
an xml:id processor, as defined in [xml:id]; the other aspects of
xml:id processing are performed during validation.

The following instruction creates the attribute colors="red green blue":

<xsl:attribute name="colors" select="'red', 'green', 'blue'"/>

It is not an error to write:

<xsl:attribute name="xmlns:xsl" 

However, this will not result in the namespace declaration
xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" being output. Instead, it will
produce an attribute node with local name xsl, and with a system-allocated namespace
prefix mapped to the namespace URI file://some.namespace. This is because the
namespace fixup process is not allowed to use xmlns as the name of a namespace node.

As described in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content,
in a sequence that is used to construct the content of an element,
any attribute nodes must appear in the sequence
before any element, text, comment, or processing instruction nodes.
Where the sequence contains two
or more attribute nodes with the same expanded-QName, the one that comes last
is the only one that takes effect.


If a collection of attributes is generated repeatedly, this
can be done conveniently by using named attribute sets: see 10.2 Named Attribute Sets

11.3.1 Setting the Type Annotation for a Constructed Attribute Node

The optional attributes type
and validation may be used on the xsl:attribute
instruction to invoke validation of
the contents of the attribute against a type definition or attribute declaration in a schema,
and to determine the type annotation that the new attribute node will carry.
These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.
The permitted values of these attributes and their semantics are described in
19.2 Validation.


The final type annotation of the attribute in the
result tree also depends on the
type and validation attributes of the instructions used to create the ancestors
of the attribute.

11.4 Creating Text Nodes

This section describes three different ways of creating text nodes: by means of
literal text nodes in the stylesheet, or by using the xsl:text and xsl:value-of
instructions. It is also possible to create text nodes using the xsl:number instruction
described in 12 Numbering.

If and when the sequence that results from
evaluating a sequence constructor
is used to form the content of a node, as described in
5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content and
5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content, adjacent text nodes
in the sequence are merged. Within the sequence itself, however, they exist as distinct nodes.

The following function returns a sequence of three text nodes:

<xsl:function name="f:wrap">
  <xsl:param name="s"/>
  <xsl:value-of select="$s"/>

When this function is called as follows:

<xsl:value-of select="f:wrap('---')"/>

the result is:

No additional spaces are inserted, because the calling xsl:value-of
instruction merges adjacent text nodes before atomizing the sequence. However, the
result of the instruction:

<xsl:value-of select="data(f:wrap('---'))"/>


because in this case the three text nodes are atomized to form three strings,
and spaces are inserted between adjacent strings.

It is possible to construct text nodes whose string value is zero-length.
A zero-length text node, when atomized, produces a zero-length string.
However, zero-length text nodes are ignored when they appear in a sequence
that is used to form the content of a node, as described in
5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content and 5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content.

11.4.1 Literal Text Nodes

A sequence constructor
can contain text nodes. Each text node in a
sequence constructor remaining after
whitespace text nodes have been stripped as specified in
4.2 Stripping Whitespace from the Stylesheet will construct a new text node with the same
string value.
The resulting text node is added to the result of the containing sequence constructor.

Text is processed at the tree level.
Thus, markup of
&lt; in a template will be represented in the
stylesheet tree by a text node that includes the character
<. This will create a text node in the result tree
that contains a < character, which will be represented
by the markup &lt; (or an equivalent character
reference) when the result tree is serialized as an XML document,
unless otherwise specified using character maps
(see 20.1 Character Maps) or disable-output-escaping
(see 20.2 Disabling Output Escaping).

11.4.2 Creating Text Nodes Using xsl:text

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  [disable-output-escaping]? = "yes" | "no">
  <!-- Content: #PCDATA -->

The xsl:text element is evaluated to contruct a
new text node. The content of the
xsl:text element is a single text node whose value forms the
string value of
the new text node. An xsl:text element may
be empty,
in which case the result of evaluating the instruction is a text node whose
string value is the zero-length string.

The result of evaluating an
xsl:text instruction is the newly constructed text node.

A text node that is an immediate child of an xsl:text instruction
will not be stripped from the stylesheet tree, even if it consists entirely of whitespace
(see 4.4 Stripping Whitespace from a Source Tree).

For the effect of the deprecated
disable-output-escaping attribute,
see 20.2 Disabling Output Escaping


It is not always necessary to use the xsl:text instruction
to write text nodes to the result tree. Literal text can be written to the result tree by including
it anywhere in a sequence constructor, while
computed text can be output using the xsl:value-of instruction. The principal reason
for using xsl:text is that it offers improved control over whitespace handling.

11.4.3 Generating Text with xsl:value-of

Within a sequence constructor,
the xsl:value-of instruction can be
used to generate computed text nodes. The
xsl:value-of instruction computes the text
using an expression that is specified as the
value of the select attribute, or by means of contained
instructions. This might, for example, extract text from
a source tree or insert the value of a variable.

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression
  separator? = { string }
  [disable-output-escaping]? = "yes" | "no">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:value-of instruction is evaluated to construct a
new text node; the result of the instruction is the newly constructed text node.

The string value of the new text node may be defined either by using the select
attribute, or by the sequence constructor
(see 5.7 Sequence Constructors) that forms the
content of the xsl:value-of element. These are mutually exclusive, and one of them
must be present. The way in which the
value is constructed is specified in 5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content.

[ERR XTSE0870] It is a static error if
the select attribute of the xsl:value-of element is present when the
content of the element is non-empty, or if the select attribute is absent when the
content is empty.

If the separator attribute is present,
then the effective value of
this attribute is used to separate adjacent items in the result sequence, as described in
5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content. In the absence of this attribute, the default
separator is a single space (#x20) when the content is specified using the select
attribute, or a zero-length string when the content is specified using a
sequence constructor.

Special rules apply when
backwards compatible behavior is enabled for the
instruction. If no separator attribute is present, and if the select attribute
is present, then all items in the atomized
result sequence other than the first are ignored.

The instruction:

<x><xsl:value-of select="1 to 4" separator="|"/></x>

produces the output:


The xsl:copy-of element can be used to copy
a sequence of nodes
to the result tree
without atomization. See 11.9.2 Deep Copy.

For the effect of the deprecated
disable-output-escaping attribute,
see 20.2 Disabling Output Escaping

11.5 Creating Document Nodes

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = qname>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:document instruction is used to create a new document node.
The content of the xsl:document element is a
sequence constructor
for the children of the new document node. A document node is created, and
the sequence obtained by evaluating the sequence constructor is used to construct
the content of the document, as described in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content.
The temporary tree rooted at this document node forms the
result tree.

Except in error situations, the result of evaluating the
xsl:document instruction is a single node, the newly constructed document node.


The new document is not serialized. To construct a document that is to form a final result
rather than an intermediate result, use the xsl:result-document instruction described
in 19.1 Creating Final Result Trees.

The optional attributes type and validation may
be used on the xsl:document
instruction to validate the contents of the new document, and to
determine the type annotation that elements and attributes within the
result tree will carry.
The permitted values and their semantics are described in
19.2.2 Validating Document Nodes.

The base URI of the new document node is taken from the base URI of the xsl:document

The document-uri and unparsed-entities properties
of the new document node are set to empty.

The following example creates a temporary tree held in a variable. The use of an
enclosed xsl:document instruction ensures that uniqueness constraints defined
in the schema for the relevant elements are checked.

<xsl:variable name="tree" as="document-node()">
  <xsl:document validation="strict">

11.6 Creating Processing Instructions

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = { ncname }
  select? = expression>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:processing-instruction element is evaluated
to create a processing instruction node.

The xsl:processing-instruction element has a required
name attribute that specifies the name of the processing
instruction node. The value of the name attribute is
interpreted as an attribute
value template.

The string value of the new processing-instruction node may be defined either by using the select
attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the
content of the xsl:processing-instruction element. These are mutually exclusive. If neither is present,
the string value of the new processing-instruction node will be a zero-length string. The way in which the
value is constructed is specified in 5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content.

[ERR XTSE0880] It is a static error if
the select attribute of the xsl:processing-instruction element is present unless the
element has empty content.

Except in error situations, the result of evaluating the
xsl:processing-instruction instruction is
a single node, the newly constructed processing instruction node.

This instruction:

<xsl:processing-instruction name="xml-stylesheet"
  select="('href=&quot;book.css&quot;', 'type=&quot;text/css&quot;')"/>

creates the processing instruction

<?xml-stylesheet href="book.css" type="text/css"?>

Note that the xml-stylesheet processing instruction
contains pseudo-attributes
in the form name="value". Although these have the same textual form
as attributes in an element start tag, they are not represented as XDM
attribute nodes, and cannot therefore be constructed using xsl:attribute

[ERR XTDE0890] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the
effective value of the
name attribute is not both an NCNameNames and a


Because these rules disallow the name xml,
the xsl:processing-instruction
cannot be used to output an XML declaration. The
xsl:output declaration should be used to control this instead (see 20 Serialization).

If the result of evaluating the content of the
xsl:processing-instruction contains the string
?>, this string is modified by inserting a space between the
? and > characters.

The base URI of the new processing-instruction is copied from the base URI of the
xsl:processing-instruction element in the stylesheet.
(Note, however, that this is only relevant when creating a parentless
processing instruction. When the new processing instruction is copied
to form a child of an element or document node, the base URI of the new copy is taken from that
of its new parent.)

11.7 Creating Namespace Nodes

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = { ncname }
  select? = expression>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:namespace element is evaluated
to create a namespace node. Except in error situations, the result of evaluating the
xsl:namespace instruction is
a single node, the newly constructed namespace node.

The xsl:namespace element has a required
name attribute that specifies the name of the namespace node
(that is, the namespace prefix). The value of the name attribute is
interpreted as an attribute
value template. If the
effective value
of the name attribute is a
zero-length string, a namespace node is added for the default namespace.

The string value of the new namespace node (that is, the namespace URI)
may be defined either by using the select
attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the
content of the xsl:namespace element. These are mutually exclusive. Since the string value
of a namespace node cannot be a zero-length string, one of them must be present. The way in which the
value is constructed is specified in 5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content.

[ERR XTDE0905] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the
string value of the new namespace node is not valid in the lexical space of the
data type xs:anyURI,
or if it is the string http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/.

[ERR XTSE0910] It is a static error if
the select attribute of the xsl:namespace element is present when the
element has content other than one or more xsl:fallback
instructions, or if the select attribute is absent when the element
has empty content.

Note the restrictions described in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content
for the position of a namespace node relative to other nodes in the node sequence
returned by a sequence constructor.

This literal result element:

<data xsi:type="xs:integer" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <xsl:namespace name="xs" select="'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'"/>

would typically cause the output document to contain the element:

<data xsi:type="xs:integer"

In this case, the element is constructed using a literal result element, and the namespace
xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" could therefore have been added to the
result tree simply by declaring it as one of the in-scope namespaces in the stylesheet. In practice, the
xsl:namespace instruction is more likely to be useful in situations where the element
is constructed using an xsl:element instruction, which does not copy all the
in-scope namespaces from the stylesheet.

[ERR XTDE0920] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the
effective value of the
name attribute
is neither a zero-length string nor an NCNameNames, or
if it is xmlns.

[ERR XTDE0925] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the xsl:namespace
instruction generates a namespace node whose name is xml and whose string value is
not http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace, or a namespace node whose string value is
http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace and whose name is
not xml.

[ERR XTDE0930] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if
evaluating the select attribute or the contained
sequence constructor of an
xsl:namespace instruction
results in a zero-length string.

For details of other error conditions that may arise, see
5.7 Sequence Constructors.


It is rarely necessary to use xsl:namespace to create
a namespace node in the result tree; in most circumstances, the required
namespace nodes will be created automatically, as a side-effect of writing
elements or attributes that use the namespace. An example where
xsl:namespace is needed is a situation where the required namespace
is used only within attribute values in the result document, not in element or
attribute names; especially where the required namespace prefix or
namespace URI is computed
at run-time and is not present in either the source document or the

Adding a namespace node to the result tree will never change the
expanded-QName of any element or attribute
node in the result tree: that is, it will never change the namespace URI
of an element or attribute.
It might, however, constrain
the choice of prefixes when namespace fixup is performed.

Namespace prefixes for element and attribute names are
initially established by
the rules of the instruction that creates the element or attribute node, and in
the event of conflicts, they may be changed by the namespace fixup process
described in 5.7.3 Namespace Fixup.
The fixup process ensures that an element
has in-scope namespace nodes for the namespace URIs used in the element name and in its attribute names, and the
serializer will typically use these namespace nodes to determine the prefix to use in the serialized output. The fixup
process cannot generate namespace nodes
that are inconsistent with those already present in the tree. This means that it is
not possible for the processor to decide the prefix to use for an element or for any of its attributes
until all the namespace nodes for the element have been added.

If a namespace prefix is mapped to a particular
namespace URI using the xsl:namespace instruction, or by using xsl:copy
or xsl:copy-of to copy a namespace node, this prevents the namespace fixup process (and hence
the serializer) from using the same prefix for a different namespace URI on the same element.

Given the instruction:

<xsl:element name="p:item" xmlns:p="http://www.example.com/p">
  <xsl:namespace name="p">http://www.example.com/q</xsl:namespace>

a possible serialization of the result tree is:

<ns0:item xmlns:ns0="http://www.example.com/p" xmlns:p="http://www.example.com/q"/>

The processor must invent a namespace prefix for the URI p.uri; it cannot use the prefix
p because that prefix has been explicitly associated with a different URI.


The xsl:namespace instruction cannot be used to generate a
namespace undeclaration of the form xmlns="" (nor the new forms of namespace undeclaration
permitted in [Namespaces in XML 1.1]). Namespace undeclarations
are generated automatically by the serializer if undeclare-prefixes="yes"
is specified on xsl:output, whenever a parent element has a namespace node
for the default namespace prefix, and a child element has no namespace node for that prefix.

11.8 Creating Comments

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:comment element is evaluated to contruct a
new comment node. Except in error cases, the result of evaluating the
xsl:comment instruction is a single node, the newly constructed comment node.

The string value of the new comment node may be defined either by using the select
attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the
content of the xsl:comment element. These are mutually exclusive. If neither is present,
the value of the new comment node will be a zero-length string. The way in which the
value is constructed is specified in 5.7.2 Constructing Simple Content.

[ERR XTSE0940] It is a static error if
the select attribute of the xsl:comment element is present unless the
element has empty content.

For example, this

<xsl:comment>This file is automatically generated. Do not edit!</xsl:comment>

would create the comment

<!--This file is automatically generated. Do not edit!-->

In the generated comment node, the processor
must insert a space after
any occurrence of - that is followed by another
- or that ends the comment.

11.9 Copying Nodes

11.9.1 Shallow Copy

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  copy-namespaces? = "yes" | "no"
  inherit-namespaces? = "yes" | "no"
  use-attribute-sets? = qnames
  type? = qname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:copy instruction provides a way of copying
the context item. If the
context item is a node,
evaluating the xsl:copy instruction
constructs a copy of the context node, and the result of the
xsl:copy instruction is this newly constructed node.
By default, the namespace nodes of the
context node are automatically copied as well, but the attributes and
children of the node are not automatically copied.

When the context item is an atomic value, the
xsl:copy instruction returns this value.
The sequence constructor, if
present, is not evaluated.

When the context item
is an attribute node, text node, comment node,
processing instruction node, or namespace node, the xsl:copy instruction
returns a new node that is a copy of the context node. The new node will have the same
node kind, name, and string value as the context node. In the case of
an attribute node, it will also have the same values for the is-id and is-idrefs
The sequence constructor, if
present, is not evaluated.

When the context item is a document node or element node,
the xsl:copy instruction
returns a new node that has the same node kind and name as the context node.
The content of the new node is formed by evaluating the
sequence constructor
contained in the xsl:copy instruction.
The sequence obtained by evaluating this sequence constructor is used (after prepending
any attribute nodes or namespace nodes as described in the following paragraphs) to construct
the content of the document or element node, as described in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content.

The identity transformation can be written using
xsl:copy as follows:

<xsl:template match="@*|node()">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

This template rule can be used to copy any node in a tree by applying template rules to its
attributes and children. It can be combined with additional template rules that modify selected
nodes, for example if all nodes are to be copied except note elements and their
contents, this can be achieved by using the identity template rule together with the template rule:

<xsl:template match="note"/>


The xsl:copy instruction is most useful when copying
element nodes. In other cases, the xsl:copy-of instruction is
more flexible, because it has a select attribute allowing selection of the
nodes or values to be copied.

The xsl:copy instruction has an optional
use-attribute-sets attribute, whose value is a
whitespace-separated list of QNames that identify
xsl:attribute-set declarations.
This attribute is used only when copying element nodes. This list is expanded as
described in 10.2 Named Attribute Sets to produce a sequence of attribute nodes. This sequence is
prepended to the sequence produced as a result of evaluating the
sequence constructor.

The xsl:copy instruction has an optional copy-namespaces
attribute, with the value yes or no. The default value is yes.
The attribute is used only when copying element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or
is omitted, then all the namespace nodes of the source element are copied as namespace nodes for
the result element. These copied namespace nodes are prepended
to the sequence produced as a result of evaluating the
sequence constructor (it is immaterial whether they
come before or after any attribute nodes produced by expanding the use-attribute-sets
If the value is set to no, then the namespace nodes are not copied.
However, namespace nodes will still be added to the result element as
required by the namespace
fixup process: see 5.7.3 Namespace Fixup.

The xsl:copy instruction has an optional inherit-namespaces
attribute, with the value yes or no. The default value is yes.
The attribute is used only when copying element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or
is omitted, then the namespace nodes created for the newly constructed element (whether these were
copied from those of the source node, or generated as a result of namespace fixup) are copied
to the children and descendants of the newly constructed element, as described in
5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content. If the value is set to no, then these
namespace nodes are not automatically copied to the children. This may result in namespace
undeclarations (such as xmlns="" or, in the case of XML Namespaces 1.1, xmlns:p="")
appearing on the child elements when a
final result tree is serialized.

[ERR XTTE0950] It is a
type error to use the xsl:copy
or xsl:copy-of instruction to copy a node that has namespace-sensitive content
if the copy-namespaces attribute has the value
no and its explicit or implicit validation attribute has
the value preserve.
It is also a type error if either of these instructions (with validation="preserve")
is used to copy an attribute having
namespace-sensitive content, unless the parent element is also copied.
A node has namespace-sensitive content if its typed value contains an item of type
xs:QName or xs:NOTATION or a type derived therefrom.
The reason this is an error is because the validity of the content depends on the
namespace context being preserved.


When attribute nodes are copied, whether with
xsl:copy or with xsl:copy-of, the processor does not
automatically copy any associated namespace information. The namespace used in the attribute
name itself will be declared by virtue of the namespace fixup process (see 5.7.3 Namespace Fixup) when
the attribute is added to an element in the result tree,
but if namespace prefixes
are used in the content
of the attribute (for example, if the value of the attribute is an XPath expression) then it
is the responsibility of the stylesheet author to ensure that suitable namespace nodes
are added to the result tree. This can be achieved by copying
the namespace nodes using
xsl:copy, or by generating them using xsl:namespace.

The optional attributes type and
validation may be used on the xsl:copy
instruction to validate the contents of an element, attribute
or document node against a
type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a schema,
and thus to determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or attribute node will carry.
These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element, attribute
or document node.
When the node being copied is an element or document node,
these attributes also affect
the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes that have
the copied element or document node as an ancestor.
These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.
The permitted values of these attributes and their semantics are described in
19.2 Validation.


The final type annotation of the node in the result tree also depends on the
type and validation attributes of the instructions used to create the ancestors
of the node.

The base URI of a node is copied, except in the case of an
element node having an xml:base attribute, in which case the base URI of the new node
is taken as the value of the xml:base attribute, resolved if it is relative
against the base URI of the xsl:copy instruction. If the copied node is
subsequently attached as a child to a new element or document node,
the final copy of the node inherits
its base URI from its parent node, unless this is overridden using an xml:base

When an xml:id attribute is copied, using either the xsl:copy
or xsl:copy-of instruction, it is implementation-defined
whether the value of the attribute is subjected to attribute value normalization (that is, effectively
applying the normalize-spaceFO function).


In most cases the value will already have been
subjected to attribute value normalization on the source tree, but if this processing has not been
performed on the source tree, it is not an error for it to be performed on the result tree.

11.9.2 Deep Copy

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select = expression
  copy-namespaces? = "yes" | "no"
  type? = qname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" />

The xsl:copy-of instruction can be used to
construct a copy of a sequence of nodes and/or atomic values,
with each new node containing
copies of all the children, attributes, and (by default)
namespaces of the original node,
recursively. The result of evaluating the instruction is a sequence
of items corresponding one-to-one with the
supplied sequence, and retaining its order.

The required
attribute contains an expression,
whose value may be any sequence of nodes and atomic values.
The items in this sequence are processed as follows:

  • If the item is an element node, a new element is constructed
    and appended to the result sequence. The new element will have the
    same expanded-QName as the original, and it will have
    copies of the attribute nodes and children of the element node.

    The new element will also have namespace nodes copied from
    the original element node, unless they are excluded by specifying
    copy-namespaces="no". If this attribute is omitted, or takes the value
    yes, then all the namespace nodes of the original element are copied to the
    new element. If it takes the value no, then none of the namespace nodes are
    copied: however, namespace nodes will still be created in the result tree
    as required
    by the namespace fixup process: see 5.7.3 Namespace Fixup. This attribute affects
    all elements copied by this instruction: both elements selected directly by the select
    and elements that are descendants of nodes selected by the select expression.

    The new element will have the same values of the is-id,
    is-idrefs, and nilled properties as the original element.

  • If the item is a document node, the instruction adds a new
    document node to the result sequence; the children of this document node will be one-to-one copies of
    the children of the original document node (each copied according to the rules for its own node kind).

  • If the item is an attribute or namespace node, or
    a text node, a comment, or a processing instruction, the same
    rules apply as with xsl:copy (see 11.9.1 Shallow Copy).

  • If the item is an atomic
    value, the value is appended to the result sequence, as with xsl:sequence.

The optional attributes type and validation may
be used on the xsl:copy-of
instruction to validate the contents of an
element, attribute or document node against a
type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a schema
and thus to determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or attribute node will carry.
These attributes are applied individually to each element, attribute, and document node that is
selected by the expression in the select attribute.
These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element, attribute
or document node.

The specified type and validation apply directly
only to elements, attributes and document nodes created as copies of nodes actually selected by the select expression,
they do not apply to nodes that are implicitly copied because they have selected nodes as an ancestor.
However, these attributes do indirectly affect the type annotation carried by
such implicitly copied nodes, as a consequence of the validation process.

These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.
The permitted values of these attributes and their semantics are described in
19.2 Validation.

Errors may occur when copying namespace-sensitive elements or attributes using
validation="preserve". [see ERR XTTE0950].

The base URI of a node is copied, except in the case of an
element node having an xml:base attribute, in which case the base URI of the new node
is taken as the value of the xml:base attribute, resolved if it is relative
against the base URI of the xsl:copy-of instruction. If the copied node is
subsequently attached as a child to a new element or document node,
the final copy of the node inherits
its base URI from its parent node, unless this is overridden using an xml:base

11.10 Constructing Sequences

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select = expression>
  <!-- Content: xsl:fallback* -->

The xsl:sequence instruction may be used within a
sequence constructor to construct a sequence of nodes
and/or atomic values. This sequence is returned as the result of the instruction.
Unlike most other instructions, xsl:sequence
can return a sequence containing existing nodes, rather than constructing new nodes.
When xsl:sequence is used to add atomic values to a sequence,
the effect is very similar to the xsl:copy-of instruction.

The items comprising the result sequence are selected using the select attribute.

Any contained xsl:fallback instructions are ignored by an
XSLT 2.0 processor, but can be used to define fallback behavior for an XSLT 1.0 processor running
in forwards compatibility mode.

For example, the following code:

<xsl:variable name="values" as="xs:integer*">
    <xsl:sequence select="(1,2,3,4)"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="(8,9,10)"/>
<xsl:value-of select="sum($values)"/>

produces the output: 37

The following code constructs a sequence containing the value of the
@price attribute for selected elements (which we assume to be typed as xs:decimal),
or a computed price for those
elements that have no @price attribute. It then returns the average price:

<xsl:variable name="prices" as="xs:decimal*">
  <xsl:for-each select="//product">
      <xsl:when test="@price">
        <xsl:sequence select="@price"/>
        <xsl:sequence select="@cost * 1.5"/>
<xsl:value-of select="avg($prices)"/>

Note that the existing @price attributes could equally have been added to the $prices sequence
using xsl:copy-of or xsl:value-of. However, xsl:copy-of
would create a copy of the attribute node, which is not needed in this situation, while xsl:value-of
would create a new text node, which then has to be converted to an xs:decimal. Using xsl:sequence,
which in this case atomizes the existing attribute node and adds an xs:decimal atomic value to
the result sequence, is a more direct way of achieving the same result.

This example could alternatively be solved at the XPath level:

<xsl:value-of select="avg(//product/(+@price, @cost*1.5)[1])"/>

(The apparently redundant + operator is there to atomize the
attribute value: the expression on the right hand side of the / operator must
not return a mixture of nodes and atomic values.)

12 Numbering

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  value? = expression
  select? = expression
  level? = "single" | "multiple" | "any"
  count? = pattern
  from? = pattern
  format? = { string }
  lang? = { nmtoken }
  letter-value? = { "alphabetic" | "traditional" }
  ordinal? = { string }
  grouping-separator? = { char }
  grouping-size? = { number } />

The xsl:number instruction is used to create a formatted
number. The result of the instruction is a newly constructed
text node containing the formatted number as its string value.

[Definition: The
xsl:number instruction performs
two tasks: firstly, determining a place marker (this is
a sequence of integers, to allow for hierarchic numbering schemes such as
1.12.2 or 3(c)ii), and secondly,
formatting the place marker for output as a text node in the result sequence.]
The place marker to be formatted
can either be supplied directly, in the value attribute, or
it can be computed based on the position of a selected node within the tree
that contains it.

[ERR XTSE0975] It is
a static error if the value
attribute of xsl:number is present unless the select,
level, count,
and from attributes are all absent.


The facilities described in this section are specifically designed
to enable the calculation and formatting of section numbers, paragraph numbers,
and the like.
For formatting of other numeric quantities, the format-number
function may be more suitable: see 16.4 Number Formatting.

12.1 Formatting a Supplied Number

The place marker
to be formatted may be
specified by an expression. The value attribute contains
the expression.
The value of this expression is atomized using the procedure defined
in [XPath 2.0], and each value $V in the atomized sequence is then
converted to the integer value returned by the XPath expression
The resulting sequence of integers is used
as the place marker to be formatted.

If backwards compatible behavior
is enabled for the instruction, then:

  • all items in the atomized
    sequence after the first are discarded;

  • If the atomized sequence is empty, it is replaced by
    a sequence containing the xs:double value NaN as its only item;

  • If any value in the sequence cannot be converted to an integer
    (this includes the case where the sequence contains a NaN value) then the string
    NaN is inserted into the formatted result string in its proper position. The error
    described in the following paragraph does not apply in this case.

[ERR XTDE0980] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if any undiscarded item in the atomized sequence supplied
as the value of the value attribute of xsl:number
cannot be converted to an integer, or if the resulting integer is less than
0 (zero).


The value zero does not arise when numbering nodes in a source
document, but it can arise in other numbering sequences. It is permitted specifically because
the rules of the xsl:number instruction are also invoked by functions such as
format-time: the minutes and seconds component of a time value
can legitimately be zero.

The resulting sequence is
formatted as a string using the effective values
of the attributes specified in 12.3 Number to String Conversion Attributes; each of these attributes is
interpreted as an attribute
value template. After conversion, the xsl:number
element constructs a new text node containing the resulting string, and returns this node.

The following example numbers a sorted list:

<xsl:template match="items">
  <xsl:for-each select="item">
    <xsl:sort select="."/>
      <xsl:number value="position()" format="1. "/>
      <xsl:value-of select="."/>

12.2 Numbering based on Position in a Document

If no value attribute is specified, then the
xsl:number instruction returns a new text
node containing a formatted
place marker that is based on the position
of a selected node within
its containing document. If the select attribute is present, then
the expression contained in the select attribute is evaluated to determine
the selected node. If the select attribute is omitted, then
the selected node is the context node.

[ERR XTTE0990] It is a
type error if the
xsl:number instruction is evaluated, with no value
or select attribute,
when the context item is not a node.

[ERR XTTE1000] It is a type error
if the result of evaluating the select attribute of the xsl:number
instruction is anything other than a single node.

The following attributes control how the
selected node is to be numbered:

  • The level attribute specifies rules for
    selecting the nodes that are taken into account in allocating a number;
    it has the values
    single, multiple or any. The
    default is single.

  • The count attribute is
    a pattern that specifies
    which nodes are to be counted at those levels. If count
    attribute is not specified, then it defaults to the pattern that
    matches any node with the same node kind as the selected node and, if
    the selected node has an expanded-QName, with the same expanded-QName as
    the selected node.

  • The from attribute is
    a pattern that specifies
    where counting starts.

In addition, the attributes specified in 12.3 Number to String Conversion Attributes
are used for number to string conversion, as in the case when the
value attribute is specified.

The xsl:number element first constructs a sequence of
positive integers using the level, count and
from attributes. Where level is single
or any, this sequence will either be empty or contain a single
number; where level is multiple, the sequence may
be of any length. The sequence is constructed as follows:

Let matches-count($node) be a function that returns true if and only if the given
node $node matches the pattern given in the count attribute, or the implied
pattern (according to the rules given above) if the count attribute is omitted.

Let matches-from($node) be a function that returns true if and only if the given
node $node matches the pattern given in the from attribute,
or if $node is the root node of a tree.
If the from attribute is omitted, then the function returns true if
and only if $node is the root node of a tree.

Let $S be the selected node.

When level="single":

  • Let $A be the node sequence selected by the following expression:


    (this selects the innermost ancestor-or-self node that matches the count pattern)

  • Let
    $F be the node sequence selected by the expression


    (this selects the innermost ancestor-or-self node that matches the from pattern):

  • Let $AF be the value of:

       $A[ancestor-or-self::node()[. is $F]]

    (this selects $A if it is in the subtree rooted at $F, or the empty sequence otherwise)

  • If $AF is empty, return the empty sequence, ()

  • Otherwise return the value of:

       1 + count($AF/preceding-sibling::node()[matches-count(.)])

    (the number of preceding siblings of the counted node that match the count pattern, plus one).

When level="multiple":

  • Let $A be the node sequence selected by the expression


    (the set of ancestor-or-self nodes that match the count pattern)

  • Let $F be the node sequence selected by the expression


    (the innermost ancestor-or-self node that matches the from pattern)

  • Let $AF be the value of

       $A[ancestor-or-self::node()[. is $F]]

    (the nodes selected in the first step that are in the subtree rooted at the node selected
    in the second step)

  • Return the result of the expression

       for $af in $AF return 1+count($af/preceding-sibling::node()[matches-count(.)])

    (a sequence of integers containing, for each of these nodes, one plus the number of
    preceding siblings that match the count pattern)

When level="any":

  • Let $A be the node sequence selected by the expression


    (the set of nodes consisting of the selected node together with all nodes,
    other than attributes and namespaces, that precede the
    selected node in document order, provided that they match the count pattern)

  • Let $F be the node sequence selected by the expression


    (the last node in document order that matches the from pattern and that precedes
    the selected node, using the same definition)

  • Let $AF be the node sequence $A[. is $F or . >> $F].

    (the nodes selected in the first step, excluding those that precede the node
    selected in the second step)

  • If $AF is empty, return the empty sequence, ()

  • Otherwise return the value of the expression count($AF)

The sequence of numbers
(the place marker)
is then converted into a string using the effective values
of the attributes specified in 12.3 Number to String Conversion Attributes; each of these attributes is
interpreted as an attribute
value template. After conversion, the resulting string is
used to create a text node, which forms the result of the
xsl:number instruction.

The following will number the items in an ordered list:

<xsl:template match="ol/item">
    <xsl:text>. </xsl:text>

The following two rules will number title elements.
This is intended for a document that contains a sequence of chapters
followed by a sequence of appendices, where both chapters and
appendices contain sections, which in turn contain subsections.
Chapters are numbered 1, 2, 3; appendices are numbered A, B, C;
sections in chapters are numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; sections in
appendices are numbered A.1, A.2, A.3. Subsections within
a chapter are numbered 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3; subsections within an appendix are
numbered A.1.1, A.1.2, A.1.3.

<xsl:template match="title">
     <xsl:number level="multiple"
                 format="1.1 "/>

<xsl:template match="appendix//title" priority="1">
     <xsl:number level="multiple"
                 format="A.1 "/>

This example numbers notes sequentially within a

<xsl:template match="note">
     <xsl:number level="any" from="chapter" format="(1) "/>

12.3 Number to String Conversion Attributes

The following attributes are used to control conversion of a
sequence of numbers into a string. The numbers are integers greater than
or equal to
0 (zero). The attributes are all optional.

The main attribute is format. The default value for
the format attribute is 1. The
format attribute is split into a sequence of tokens where
each token is a maximal sequence of alphanumeric characters or a
maximal sequence of non-alphanumeric characters. Alphanumeric means
any character that has a Unicode category of Nd, Nl, No, Lu, Ll, Lt,
Lm or Lo (see [Unicode]).
The alphanumeric tokens (format tokens) indicate the format
to be used for each number in the sequence; in most cases the format token
is the same as the required representation of the number 1 (one).

Each non-alphanumeric token is either a prefix, a separator,
or a suffix. If there is a non-alphanumeric token
but no format token, then the single non-alphanumeric token is used as both the prefix and the suffix.

The prefix, if it exists, is the non-alphanumeric token that precedes
the first format token: the prefix always appears exactly once in the constructed string,
at the start. The suffix, if it exists, is the non-alphanumeric token that
follows the last format token: the suffix always appears exactly once in the constructed string,
at the end. All other non-alphanumeric tokens
(those that occur between two format tokens) are separator tokens and are
used to separate numbers in the sequence.

The nth format token
is used to format the nth number in the sequence. If
there are more numbers than format tokens, then the last format token
is used to format remaining numbers. If there are no format
tokens, then a format token of 1 is used to format all
numbers. Each number after the first is separated
from the preceding number by the separator token preceding the format
token used to format that number, or, if that is the
first format token, then by . (dot).

Given the sequence of numbers 5, 13, 7 and the
format token A-001(i), the output will be the string

Format tokens are interpreted as follows:

  • Any token where the last character has a decimal digit value
    of 1 (as specified in the Unicode character property database, see [Unicode]),
    and the Unicode value of preceding characters is one less than the
    Unicode value of the last character generates a decimal
    representation of the number where each number is at least as long as
    the format token. The digits used in the decimal
    representation are the set of digits containing the digit character used
    in the format token. Thus, a format token 1 generates the
    sequence 0 1 2 ... 10 11 12 ..., and a format token
    01 generates the sequence 00 01 02 ... 09 10 11 12
    ... 99 100 101
    . A format token of ١
    (Arabic-Indic digit one) generates the sequence ١ then ٢ then ٣

  • A format token A generates the sequence A
    B C ... Z AA AB AC...

  • A format token a generates the sequence a
    b c ... z aa ab ac...

  • A format token i generates the sequence i
    ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x ...

  • A format token I generates the sequence I

  • A format token w generates numbers written as lower-case words, for
    example in English, one two three four ...

  • A format token W generates numbers written as upper-case words, for
    example in English, ONE TWO THREE FOUR ...

  • A format token Ww generates numbers written as title-case words, for
    example in English, One Two Three Four ...

  • Any other format token indicates a
    numbering sequence in which that token
    represents the number 1 (one) (but see the note below).

    It is implementation-defined which
    numbering sequences, additional to those listed above, are supported.
    If an implementation does not support a
    numbering sequence represented by the given token, it must use a format
    token of 1.


    In some traditional numbering sequences additional signs are
    added to denote that the letters should be interpreted as numbers;
    these are not included in the format token. An example, see also
    the example below, is classical Greek where a dexia keraia
    and sometimes an aristeri keraia is added.

For all format tokens other than the first kind above
(one that consists of decimal digits), there may be
lower and upper bounds on the range of numbers that
can be formatted using this format
token; indeed, for some numbering sequences there may be
intrinsic limits. For example, the formatting token
(circled digit one) has a range of 1 to 20 imposed by the Unicode character repertoire.

For the numbering sequences described above
any upper bound imposed by the implementation must not be
less than 1000 (one thousand) and any lower bound must not be greater than 1.
Numbers that fall outside this range
must be formatted using the format token 1.
The numbering sequence associated with the format token 1
has a lower bound of 0 (zero).

The above expansions of numbering sequences for format tokens such as a and
i are indicative but not prescriptive. There are various conventions in use for
how alphabetic sequences continue when the alphabet is exhausted, and differing conventions for how
roman numerals are written (for example, IV versus IIII as the
representation of the number 4). Sometimes alphabetic sequences are used that omit
letters such as i and o. This
specification does not prescribe the detail of any sequence other than
those sequences consisting entirely of decimal digits.

Many numbering sequences are language-sensitive.
This applies especially to the sequence selected by the tokens w,
W and Ww.
It also applies to other sequences,
for example different languages using the Cyrillic alphabet use different
sequences of characters, each starting with the letter #x410 (Cyrillic
capital letter A). In such cases, the lang
attribute specifies which language’s conventions are to be used; it has
the same range of values as xml:lang
(see [XML 1.0]).
If no lang value is specified, the language that is used is
The set of languages for which numbering is supported is
If a language is requested that is not supported,
the processor uses the language that it
would use if the lang attribute were omitted.

If the optional ordinal attribute is present, and if its value
is not a zero-length string, this indicates a request to output ordinal numbers rather than cardinal
numbers. For example, in English, the value ordinal="yes" when used with
the format token 1 outputs the sequence
1st 2nd 3rd 4th ..., and when used with the format token w outputs the sequence
first second third fourth ....
In some languages, ordinal numbers vary depending on the grammatical context, for example they
may have different genders and may decline with the noun that they qualify. In such cases the value
of the ordinal attribute may
be used to indicate the variation of the ordinal number required.
The way in which the variation is indicated
will depend on the conventions of the language. For inflected languages that vary
the ending of the word,
the preferred approach is to indicate the required ending, preceded by a hyphen: for example in German,
appropriate values are -e, -er, -es, -en.

It is implementation-defined
what combinations of values of the format token, the language, and the
ordinal attribute are supported.
If ordinal numbering
is not supported for the combination of the format token, the language, and the actual value of the
ordinal attribute, the request is ignored and cardinal numbers are generated instead.

The specification format="1" ordinal="-º" lang="it", if supported, should
produce the sequence:

The specification format="Ww" ordinal="-o" lang="it", if supported, should
produce the sequence:

Primo Secondo Terzo Quarto Quinto ...

The letter-value attribute disambiguates between
numbering sequences that use letters. In many languages there are two
commonly used numbering sequences that use letters. One numbering
sequence assigns numeric values to letters in alphabetic sequence, and
the other assigns numeric values to each letter in some other manner
traditional in that language. In English, these would correspond to
the numbering sequences specified by the format tokens a
and i. In some languages, the first member of each
sequence is the same, and so the format token alone would be
ambiguous. A value of alphabetic specifies the
alphabetic sequence; a value of traditional specifies the
other sequence. If the letter-value attribute is not
specified, then it is implementation-dependent how any ambiguity is


Implementations may use
extension attributes on
xsl:number to provide additional control over the way in which numbers are formatted.

The grouping-separator attribute gives the separator
used as a grouping (for example, thousands) separator in decimal numbering
sequences, and the optional grouping-size specifies the
size (normally 3) of the grouping. For example,
grouping-separator="," and grouping-size="3"
would produce numbers of the form 1,000,000 while
grouping-separator="." and grouping-size="2" would produce
numbers of the form If only one
of the grouping-separator and grouping-size
attributes is specified, then it is ignored.

These examples use non-Latin characters which might not display
correctly in all browsers, depending on the system configuration.

Format tokens for use with xsl:number

Description Format Token Sequence
French cardinal words format="Ww" lang="fr" Un, Deux, Trois, Quatre
German ordinal words format="w" ordinal="-e" lang="de" erste, zweite, dritte, vierte
Katakana numbering format="ア" ア, イ, ウ, エ, オ, カ, キ, ク, ケ, コ, サ,
シ, ス, セ, ソ, タ, チ, ツ, テ, ト, ナ, ニ,
ヌ, ネ, ノ, ハ, ヒ, フ, ヘ, ホ, マ, ミ, ム,
メ, モ, ヤ, ユ, ヨ, ラ, リ, ル, レ, ロ, ワ,
ヰ, ヱ, ヲ, ン
Katakana numbering in iroha order format="イ" イ, ロ, ハ, ニ, ホ, ヘ, ト, チ, リ, ヌ, ル,
ヲ, ワ, カ, ヨ, タ, レ, ソ, ツ, ネ, ナ, ラ,
ム, ウ, ヰ, ノ, オ, ク, ヤ, マ, ケ, フ, コ,
エ, テ, ア, サ, キ, ユ, メ, ミ, シ, ヱ, ヒ,
モ, セ, ス
Thai numbering format="๑" ๑, ๒, ๓, ๔, ๕, ๖, ๗, ๘, ๙, ๑๐,
๑๑, ๑๒, ๑๓, ๑๔, ๑๕,
๑๖, ๑๗, ๑๘, ๑๙, ๒๐
Traditional Hebrew numbering format="א" letter-value="traditional" א,
Traditional Georgian numbering format="ა" letter-value="traditional" ა,
Classical Greek numbering (see note) format="α" letter-value="traditional" αʹ,
Old Slavic numbering format="а" letter-value="traditional" А,

Note that Glassical Greek is an example where the format token is not the same as the
representation of the number 1.

13 Sorting

[Definition: A
sort key specification
is a sequence of one or more adjacent xsl:sort elements which together define rules
for sorting the items in an input sequence to form a sorted sequence.]

[Definition: Within a
sort key specification, each
xsl:sort element defines one sort key component.]
The first xsl:sort
element specifies the primary component of the sort key specification, the second xsl:sort
element specifies the secondary component of the sort key specification and so on.

A sort key specification may occur
immediately within an xsl:apply-templates,
xsl:for-each, xsl:perform-sort,
or xsl:for-each-group element.


When used within xsl:for-each,
xsl:for-each-group, or xsl:perform-sort,
xsl:sort elements must occur before any other children.

13.1 The xsl:sort Element

  select? = expression
  lang? = { nmtoken }
  order? = { "ascending" | "descending" }
  collation? = { uri }
  stable? = { "yes" | "no" }
  case-order? = { "upper-first" | "lower-first" }
  data-type? = { "text" | "number" | qname-but-not-ncname }>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:sort element defines a
sort key component. A sort key component
specifies how a sort key value is to be
computed for each item in the sequence being sorted, and also how two sort key values
are to be compared.

The value of a sort key component
is determined either by its select attribute, or by the contained
sequence constructor. If neither is
present, the default is
select=".", which has the effect of sorting on the actual value of the item
if it is an atomic value, or on the typed-value of the item if it is a node. If a select
attribute is present, its value must be an
XPath expression.

[ERR XTSE1015] It is
a static error
if an xsl:sort element with a select attribute has non-empty content.

Those attributes of the xsl:sort elements whose values
are attribute value templates
are evaluated using the
same focus as is used to evaluate the
select attribute of the containing instruction
(specifically, xsl:apply-templates,
xsl:for-each, xsl:for-each-group,
or xsl:perform-sort).

The stable attribute is permitted only on the first
xsl:sort element within a sort key specification

[ERR XTSE1017] It is
a static error
if an xsl:sort element other than the first in a sequence of sibling
xsl:sort elements has a stable attribute.

[Definition: A
sort key specification
is said to be stable if its first xsl:sort element
has no stable attribute, or has a stable attribute whose
effective value is yes.]

13.1.1 The Sorting Process

[Definition: The sequence to be sorted
is referred to as the initial sequence.]

[Definition: The sequence after sorting
as defined by the xsl:sort elements
is referred to as the sorted sequence.]

For each item in the initial sequence,
a value is computed
for each sort key component
within the sort key specification.
The value computed for an item by using the Nth sort key component
is referred to as the Nth sort key value of that item.]

The items in the initial sequence
are ordered into a sorted sequence by comparing their
sort key values.
The relative position of two items A and B in the sorted
sequence is determined as follows. The first sort key value of A is compared
with the first sort key value of B, according to the rules of the first
sort key component. If, under these rules,
A is less than B, then A will precede B
in the sorted sequence, unless the order attribute of this
sort key component specifies
descending, in which case B will precede A
in the sorted sequence. If, however, the relevant sort key values compare equal,
then the second sort key value of A is compared
with the second sort key value of B, according to the rules of the second
sort key component.
This continues until two sort key values are found that compare unequal. If all
the sort key values compare equal,
and the sort key specification
is stable,
then A will precede B in the
sorted sequence if and only if
A preceded B in the initial sequence.
If all
the sort key values compare equal,
and the sort key specification
is not stable, then the relative order of A and
B in the
sorted sequence is


If two items have equal sort key values,
and the sort is stable, then their
order in the sorted sequence will be the same
as their order in the initial sequence, regardless
of whether order="descending" was specified on any or all of the
sort key components.

The Nth sort key value is computed by evaluating either the
select attribute or the contained sequence constructor
of the Nth xsl:sort element, or the expression . (dot) if neither is
present. This evaluation is done with the focus set as follows:

  • The context item is the item in the
    initial sequence whose
    sort key value is
    being computed.

  • The context position
    is the position of that item in the initial sequence.

  • The context size
    is the size of the initial sequence.


As in any other XPath expression, the current function
may be used within the select expression of xsl:sort to refer to the
item that is the context item for the expression as a whole; that is, the item whose
sort key value is being computed.

The sort key values are
atomized, and are then
compared. The way they are compared depends on their data type, as
described in the next section.

13.1.2 Comparing Sort Key Values

It is possible to force the system to compare
sort key values using the rules for a particular
data type by including a cast as part of the sort key component.
For example, <xsl:sort select="xs:date(@dob)"/>
will force the attributes to be compared as dates. In the absence of such a cast, the sort key values are compared using
the rules appropriate to their data type. Any values of type xs:untypedAtomic
are cast to xs:string.

For backwards compatibility with XSLT 1.0, the data-type attribute
remains available. If
this has the effective value
the atomized
sort key values are converted to strings before being compared.
If it has the effective value number, the atomized
sort key values are converted to doubles before being compared.
The conversion is done by using the stringFO or numberFO
function as appropriate. If the data-type attribute has
any other effective value,
then the value must be a lexical QName with a non-empty prefix, and the effect of the
attribute is implementation-defined.

[ERR XTTE1020] If any sort key value, after
atomization and any type conversion required by the
data-type attribute, is a sequence containing
more than one item, then the effect depends on whether the xsl:sort element
is evaluated with backwards compatible behavior.
With backwards compatible behavior, the effective sort key value is the first item in the sequence.
In other cases, this is a type error.

The set of sort key values (after any conversion)
is first divided into two
categories: empty values, and ordinary values.
The empty sort key values represent those
items where the sort key value is an empty sequence. These values are considered for sorting
purposes to be equal to each other, but less than any other value.
The remaining values are classified as ordinary values.

[ERR XTDE1030] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if, for any
sort key component,
the set of sort key values evaluated for all the items in the
initial sequence, after any type conversion requested,
contains a pair of ordinary values for which the result of the
XPath lt operator is an error.


The above error condition may occur if the values to be sorted
are of a type that does not support ordering (for example, xs:QName) or if the
sequence is heterogeneous (for example, if it contains both strings and numbers). The error
can generally be prevented by invoking a cast or constructor function within the sort key

The error condition is subject to the usual caveat that a processor is not required
to evaluate any expression solely in order to determine whether it raises an error. For example, if there
are several sort key components, then a processor is not required to evaluate or compare minor sort key
values unless the corresponding major sort key values are equal.

In general, comparison of two ordinary values is
performed according to the rules of the
XPath lt operator. To ensure a total ordering, the same
implementation of the
lt operator must be used for all the comparisons: the one that is chosen
is the one appropriate to the most specific type to which all the values can be converted by subtype substitution
and/or type promotion. For example, if the sequence contains both xs:decimal and xs:double
values, then the values are compared using xs:double comparison, even when comparing two
xs:decimal values.
NaN values, for sorting purposes, are considered to be equal to each other,
and less than any other numeric value. Special rules
also apply to the xs:string and xs:anyURI
types, and types derived by restriction therefrom,
as described in the next section.

13.1.3 Sorting Using Collations

The rules given in this section apply when comparing
values whose type is xs:string
or a type derived by restriction from xs:string,
or whose type is xs:anyURI
or a type derived by restriction from xs:anyURI.

[Definition: Facilities in
XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 that require strings to be ordered rely on the concept of a named
collation. A collation is a set of rules that determine
whether two strings are equal, and if not, which of them is to be sorted before the other.]
A collation is
identified by a URI, but the manner in which this URI is associated with an actual rule or algorithm
is implementation-defined.

The one collation URI that must be recognized by every implementation is
http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint, which provides the ability
to compare strings based on the Unicode codepoint values of the characters in the string.

For more information about collations, see Section
7.3 Equality and Comparison of StringsFO
in [Functions and Operators].
Some specifications, for example [UNICODE TR10],
use the term «collation» to describe rules that can be tailored or parameterized for various
purposes. In this specification, a collation URI refers to a collation in which all such
parameters have already been fixed. Therefore, if a collation URI is specified, other
attributes such as case-order and lang are ignored.


The reason XSLT does not provide detailed mechanisms for defining collating sequences
is that many implementations will re-use collating mechanisms available from the underlying
implementation platform (for example, from the operating system or from the run-time library
of a chosen programming language). These will inevitably differ from one XSLT implementation
to another.

If the xsl:sort element has a
collation attribute, then the strings are compared according to the rules for the named
collation: that is, they are compared using the XPath
function call compare($a, $b, $collation).

If the effective value of
the collation attribute of xsl:sort is a relative URI, then it
is resolved against the base URI of the xsl:sort element.

[ERR XTDE1035] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the collation attribute of xsl:sort (after resolving against
the base URI) is not a URI that is recognized
by the implementation as referring to a collation.


It is entirely for the implementation to determine whether it
recognizes a particular collation URI. For example,
if the implementation allows collation URIs to contain parameters in the query part of the URI,
it is the implementation that determines whether a URI containing an unknown or invalid parameter
is or is not a recognized collation URI. The fact that this
error is described as non-recoverable thus does not prevent an implementation
applying a fallback collation if it chooses to do so.

The lang and case-order attributes are
ignored if a collation attribute
is present. But in the absence of a collation
attribute, these attributes provide input to an
algorithm to locate a suitable collation:

  • The lang attribute indicates that a collation
    suitable for a particular natural language should be used. The
    effective value of
    the attribute must be a value that would be valid for the
    xml:lang attribute (see [XML 1.0]).

  • The case-order attribute indicates whether
    the desired collation should sort upper-case letters before
    lower-case or vice versa. The
    effective value of
    the attribute must be either lower-first (indicating
    that lower-case letters precede upper-case letters in the collating
    sequence) or upper-first (indicating that upper-case
    letters precede lower-case).

    When lower-first is requested, the
    returned collation should have the property that when two strings differ only
    in the case of one or more characters, then a string in which the first
    differing character is lower-case should precede a string in which the
    corresponding character is title-case, which should in turn precede a string in
    which the corresponding character is upper-case. When upper-first is requested,
    returned collation should have the property that when two strings differ only
    in the case of one or more characters, then a string in which the first
    differing character is upper-case should precede a string in which the
    corresponding character is title-case, which should in turn precede a string in
    which the corresponding character is lower-case.

    So, for example, if lang="en", then A a B b are sorted with
    case-order="upper-first" and a A b B are sorted with case-order="lower-first".

    As a further example, if lower-first is requested, then a sorted sequence might be
    «MacAndrew, macintosh, macIntosh, Macintosh, MacIntosh, macintoshes,
    Macintoshes, McIntosh». If upper-first is requested, the same sequence would
    sort as «MacAndrew, MacIntosh, Macintosh, macIntosh, macintosh, MacIntoshes,
    macintoshes, McIntosh»

If none of the collation, lang or case-order
attributes is present, the collation is chosen in an implementation-defined
way. It is not required that the default collation for sorting should be the same as
the default collation used when evaluating XPath expressions,
as described in 5.4.1 Initializing the Static Context and 3.6.1 The default-collation attribute.


It is usually appropriate, when sorting, to use a strong collation, that is, one
that takes account of secondary differences (accents) and tertiary differences (case) between strings that are
otherwise equal. A weak collation, which ignores such differences, may be more suitable when comparing strings
for equality.

Useful background information on international sorting is provided in
[UNICODE TR10]. The case-order attribute may be interpreted
as described in section 6.6 of [UNICODE TR10].

13.2 Creating a Sorted Sequence

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort+, sequence-constructor) -->

The xsl:perform-sort instruction is used to return a
sorted sequence.

The initial sequence
is obtained either by evaluating the select attribute or
by evaluating the contained sequence constructor (but not both).
If there is no select attribute and no sequence
constructor then the initial sequence
(and therefore, the sorted sequence) is an empty sequence.

[ERR XTSE1040] It is a static error
if an xsl:perform-sort instruction with a select attribute has any content
other than xsl:sort and xsl:fallback instructions.

The result of the xsl:perform-sort instruction is the result of sorting its
initial sequence
using its contained sort key specification.

The following stylesheet function sorts a sequence
of atomic values using the value itself as the sort key.

<xsl:function name="local:sort" as="xs:anyAtomicType*">
  <xsl:param name="in" as="xs:anyAtomicType*"/>
  <xsl:perform-sort select="$in">
    <xsl:sort select="."/>

The following example defines a function that sorts books by price, and
uses this function to output the
five books that have the lowest prices:

<xsl:function name="bib:books-by-price" as="schema-element(bib:book)*">
  <xsl:param name="in" as="schema-element(bib:book)*"/>
  <xsl:perform-sort select="$in">
    <xsl:sort select="xs:decimal(bib:price)"/>
   <xsl:copy-of select="bib:books-by-price(//bib:book)[position() = 1 to 5]"/>


13.3 Processing a Sequence in Sorted Order

When used within xsl:for-each or
xsl:apply-templates, a
sort key specification indicates that
the sequence of items selected by that instruction is to be processed
in sorted order, not in the order of the supplied sequence.

For example, suppose an employee database has the form


Then a list of employees sorted by name could be generated

<xsl:template match="employees">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="employee">
      <xsl:sort select="name/family"/>
      <xsl:sort select="name/given"/>

<xsl:template match="employee">
    <xsl:value-of select="name/given"/>
    <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
    <xsl:value-of select="name/family"/>

When used within xsl:for-each-group, a
sort key specification
indicates the order in which the groups are to be processed.
For the effect of xsl:for-each-group, see
14 Grouping.

14 Grouping

The facilities described in this section are designed to allow
items in a sequence to be grouped based on common values;
for example it allows grouping of elements having the same value for a particular attribute,
or elements with the same name, or elements with
common values for any other expression. Since
grouping identifies items with duplicate values, the
same facilities also allow selection of the distinct values in
a sequence of items, that is, the elimination of duplicates.


Simple elimination of duplicates can also be achieved using the
function distinct-valuesFO in the core function library: see
[Functions and Operators].

In addition these facilities allow grouping based on sequential position, for example
selecting groups of adjacent para elements. The facilities also provide an easy
way to do fixed-size grouping, for example identifying groups of three adjacent nodes,
which is useful when arranging data in multiple columns.

For each group of items identified, it is possible to evaluate
a sequence constructor
for the group.
Grouping is nestable to multiple levels so that groups of distinct items can be
identified, then from among the distinct groups selected, further sub-grouping of
distinct items in the current group can be done.

It is also possible for one item to participate in more than one group.

14.1 The Current Group

current-group() as item()*

[Definition: The evaluation context for
XPath expressions includes a component
called the current group, which is a sequence. The current group is the collection of
related items that are processed collectively in one iteration of the xsl:for-each-group element.]

While an xsl:for-each-group instruction is being evaluated,
the current group will be non-empty. At other times, it will be an empty sequence.

The function current-group returns the current group.

The function takes no arguments.

[ERR XTSE1060] It is a static error if
the current-group function is used
within a pattern.

14.2 The Current Grouping Key

current-grouping-key() as xs:anyAtomicType?

[Definition: The evaluation context for
XPath expressions includes a component
called the current grouping key, which is an atomic value. The current grouping key is
the grouping key
shared in common by all the items within the current group.]

While an xsl:for-each-group instruction with a group-by
or group-adjacent attribute is being evaluated,
the current grouping key will be
a single atomic value. At other times, it will be the empty sequence.

The function current-grouping-key returns the
current grouping key.

Although the grouping keys of all items in a group
are by definition equal, they are not necessarily identical. For example, one might be an xs:float
while another is an xs:decimal. The current-grouping-key function is defined to
return the grouping key of the initial item in the group,
after atomization and casting of xs:untypedAtomic to xs:string.

The function takes no arguments.

[ERR XTSE1070] It is a static error if
the current-grouping-key function is used
within a pattern.

14.3 The xsl:for-each-group Element

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select = expression
  group-by? = expression
  group-adjacent? = expression
  group-starting-with? = pattern
  group-ending-with? = pattern
  collation? = { uri }>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort*, sequence-constructor) -->

This element is an instruction that
may be used anywhere within a sequence constructor.

[Definition: The xsl:for-each-group instruction
allocates the items in an input sequence into
groups of items (that is, it establishes a collection of sequences) based either on common
values of a grouping key, or on
a pattern that the initial or final
node in a group must match.]
The sequence constructor that forms the content of the
xsl:for-each-group instruction is evaluated once
for each of these groups.

[Definition: The sequence of items
to be grouped, which
is referred to as the population,
is determined by evaluating the XPath expression contained in the
select attribute.]

[Definition: The population is treated as a sequence;
the order of items in this sequence is referred to as population order

A group is never empty. If the
population is empty, the number of groups will be zero. The assignment
of items to groups depends on the group-by,
group-adjacent, group-starting-with,
and group-ending-with attributes.

[ERR XTSE1080] These four attributes

are mutually exclusive: it is a static error if none of these
four attributes is present, or if more than one of them is present.

[ERR XTSE1090] It is an error to specify the
collation attribute if neither the
group-by attribute nor group-adjacent attribute is specified.

[Definition: If either of the
group-by attribute or group-adjacent attributes is present, then
grouping keys are calculated for each item in the population.
The grouping keys are the items in the sequence obtained by evaluating the expression
contained in the group-by attribute or group-adjacent attribute,
atomizing the result, and then casting an xs:untypedAtomic value to xs:string.]

When calculating grouping keys for an item in the population,
the expression contained in the group-by or group-adjacent attribute is
evaluated with that item as the context item, with its position
in population order as the
context position, and with the size of the
population as the context size. The resulting sequence is
atomized, and each atomic value in the atomized
sequence acts as a grouping key for that item in the population.

If the group-by attribute is present, then an item in the population
may have multiple grouping keys: that is, the group-by expression evaluates to a sequence.
The item is included in as many groups as there are distinct grouping keys (which may be zero). If the group-adjacent
attribute is used, then each item in the population must have exactly one grouping key value.

[ERR XTTE1100] It is a type error
if the grouping key evaluated using
the group-adjacent attribute is an empty sequence, or a sequence containing
more than one item.

Grouping keys are compared using the rules for the
eq operator appropriate to their dynamic type. Values of type
xs:untypedAtomic are cast to xs:string before the comparison. Two items
that are not comparable using the eq operator are considered to be not equal, that is,
they are allocated to different groups.
If the values are strings, or untyped atomic values,
then if there is a collation attribute
the values are compared using the collation specified
as the effective value of
the collation attribute, resolved if relative against the base URI of the
xsl:for-each-group element. If there is no collation
attribute then the
default collation is used.

For the purposes of grouping, the value NaN is considered equal to itself.

[ERR XTDE1110] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the collation URI specified to xsl:for-each-group
(after resolving against the base URI)
is a collation that is not recognized
by the implementation. (For notes, [see ERR XTDE1035].)

For more information on collations, see 13.1.3 Sorting Using Collations.

[ERR XTTE1120] When the group-starting-with
or group-ending-with attribute

is used, it is a type error if the
result of evaluating the select expression
contains an item that is not a node.

  • If the group-by attribute is present, the
    items in the population are examined, in population order.
    For each item J, the expression in the group-by attribute is evaluated to produce
    a sequence of zero or more grouping key values. For each
    one of these grouping keys, if there is already a group
    created to hold items having that grouping key value, J is added to that group; otherwise
    a new group is created for items with that grouping key value, and J
    becomes its first member.

    An item in the population may thus be assigned to zero, one, or many groups.
    An item will never be assigned more than once
    to the same group; if two or more grouping keys for the same item are equal, then the duplicates are ignored.
    item here means the item at a particular position within the population—if the population contains
    the same node at several different positions in the sequence then a group may indeed contain duplicate nodes.

    The number of groups will be the same as the number of
    distinct grouping key values present in the population.

    If the population contains values of different numeric types that differ
    from each other by small amounts, then the eq operator is not transitive,
    because of rounding effects occurring during type promotion. The effect of this is described
    in 14.5 Non-Transitivity.

  • If the group-adjacent attribute is present, the
    items in the population are examined, in population order.
    If an item
    has the same value for the grouping key as its preceding item within
    the population
    (in population order), then it is assigned to the same group as its
    preceding item; otherwise a new group is created and the item
    becomes its first member.

  • If the group-starting-with attribute is present, then its value must be
    a pattern. In this case, the items in the population must all be nodes.

    The nodes in the population are
    examined in population order. If a node matches
    the pattern, or is the first node in the population, then a new group is created and the
    node becomes its first member. Otherwise, the node is assigned to the same group as its
    preceding node within the population.

  • If the group-ending-with attribute is present, then its value must be
    a pattern. In this case, the items in the population must all be nodes.

    The nodes in the population are
    examined in population order.
    If a node is the first node in the population, or if the previous node in the population matches
    the pattern, then a new group is created and the
    node becomes its first member. Otherwise, the node is assigned to the same group as its
    preceding node within the population.

[Definition: For
each group, the item within the group that is first in
population order
is known as the initial item of the group.]

[Definition: There is an ordering
among groups referred to as the order of first
. A group G is defined to precede a group H in order of first
appearance if the initial item of G precedes the initial item of H
in population order. If two groups G and H have the same initial item
(because the item is in both groups) then G precedes H if the grouping key
of G precedes the grouping key of H in the sequence that results from evaluating the
group-by expression of this initial item.]

[Definition: There
is another ordering among groups referred to as processing order.
If group R precedes group S in processing
order, then in the result sequence returned by the xsl:for-each-group instruction
the items generated by processing
group R will precede the items generated by processing group S.]

If there are no xsl:sort elements immediately within
the xsl:for-each-group element, the processing order of
the groups is the order of first appearance.

Otherwise, the xsl:sort elements immediately within
the xsl:for-each-group element define the processing
order of the groups (see 13 Sorting).
They do not affect the order of items within each group.
Multiple sort key components are allowed,
and are evaluated in major-to-minor
order. If two groups have the same values for all their sort key components,
they are processed in order of first appearance if the
sort key specification
is stable, otherwise in an
implementation-dependent order.

The select
of an xsl:sort element is
evaluated once for each group. During this evaluation,
the context item
is the initial item of the group,
the context position is the position
of this item within the
set of initial items (that is, one item for each group in the
population) in
population order,

the context size
is the number of groups, the
current group is the group
whose sort key value is being determined,
and the current grouping key
is the grouping key for that group. If the xsl:for-each-group instruction uses the
group-starting-with or group-ending-with attributes, then the current grouping
key is the empty sequence.

For example, this means that if
the grouping key is
@category, you can sort the groups in order of
their grouping key by writing <xsl:sort select="current-grouping-key()"/>;
or you can sort the groups in order of size by writing
<xsl:sort select="count(current-group())"/>

The sequence constructor contained
in the xsl:for-each-group
element is evaluated once for each of the groups, in
processing order. The sequences that result are concatenated,
in processing order, to form the result of the xsl:for-each-group
element. Within the sequence constructor, the
context item is
the initial item of the relevant group, the
context position is
the position of this item among
the sequence of initial items (one item for each group)
arranged in processing order of the groups,
the context size is the number of groups,
the current group
is the group being processed,
and the current grouping key
is the grouping key for that group. If the xsl:for-each-group instruction uses the
group-starting-with or group-ending-with attributes, then the current grouping
key is the empty sequence.
This has the effect that
within the sequence constructor, a call on position() takes
successive values 1, 2, ... last().

During the evaluation of a
stylesheet function, the
current group and
current grouping key are set to the empty sequence, and revert to
their previous values on completion of evaluation of the stylesheet function.

On completion of the evaluation of the xsl:for-each-group instruction, the
current group and
current grouping key revert to their previous value.

14.4 Examples of Grouping

The following example groups a list of nodes based on common values. The resulting
groups are numbered but unsorted, and a total is calculated for each group.

Source XML document:

  <city name="Milano"  country="Italia"      pop="5"/>
  <city name="Paris"   country="France"      pop="7"/>
  <city name="München" country="Deutschland" pop="4"/>
  <city name="Lyon"    country="France"      pop="2"/>
  <city name="Venezia" country="Italia"      pop="1"/>

More specifically, the aim is to produce a four-column table,
containing one row for each distinct country. The four columns are to contain
first, a sequence number giving the number of the row;
second, the name of the country, third, a comma-separated
alphabetical list of the city names within that
country, and fourth, the sum of the pop attribute for
the cities in that country.

Desired output:

    <th>List of Cities</th>
    <td>Milano, Venezia</td>
    <td>Lyon, Paris</td>


<table xsl:version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <th>City List</th>
  <xsl:for-each-group select="cities/city" group-by="@country">
      <td><xsl:value-of select="position()"/></td>
      <td><xsl:value-of select="@country"/></td>
        <xsl:value-of select="current-group()/@name" separator=", "/>
      <td><xsl:value-of select="sum(current-group()/@pop)"/></td>

Sometimes it is necessary to use a composite grouping key: for example, suppose the source document
is similar to the one used in the previous examples, but allows multiple entries for the same country
and city, such as:

  <city name="Milano"  country="Italia"  year="1950"   pop="5.23"/>
  <city name="Milano"  country="Italia"  year="1960"   pop="5.29"/>  
  <city name="Padova"  country="Italia"  year="1950"   pop="0.69"/>
  <city name="Padova"  country="Italia"  year="1960"   pop="0.93"/>    
  <city name="Paris"   country="France"  year="1951"   pop="7.2"/>
  <city name="Paris"   country="France"  year="1961"   pop="7.6"/>

Now suppose we want to list the average value of @pop for each (country, name) combination.
One way to handle this is to concatenate the parts of the key, for example
<xsl:for-each-group select="concat(@country, '/', @name)">. A more flexible solution
is to nest one xsl:for-each-group element directly inside another:

<xsl:for-each-group select="cities/city" group-by="@country">
  <xsl:for-each-group select="current-group()" group-by="@name">
    <p><xsl:value-of select="@name"/>, <xsl:value-of select="@country"/>:
        <xsl:value-of select="avg(current-group()/@pop)"/></p>

The two approaches are not precisely equivalent. If the code were changed to output the
value of position() alongside @name then the first approach (a single xsl:for-each-group
element with a compound key) would number the groups (1, 2, 3), while the second approach (two nested
xsl:for-each-group elements) would number them (1, 2, 1).

The next example identifies a group not by the presence of a common value, but rather
by adjacency in document order. A group consists of an h2 element,
followed by all the p elements up to the next h2 element.

Source XML document:

  <p>XSLT is used to write stylesheets.</p>
  <p>XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p>
  <h2>What is a stylesheet?</h2>
  <p>A stylesheet is an XML document used to define a transformation.</p>
  <p>Stylesheets may be written in XSLT.</p>
  <p>XSLT 2.0 introduces new grouping constructs.</p>

Desired output:

  <section title="Introduction">
    <para>XSLT is used to write stylesheets.</para>
    <para>XQuery is used to query XML databases.</para>
  <section title="What is a stylesheet?">
    <para>A stylesheet is an XML document used to define a transformation.</para>
    <para>Stylesheets may be written in XSLT.</para>
    <para>XSLT 2.0 introduces new grouping constructs.</para>


<xsl:template match="body">
	<xsl:for-each-group select="*" group-starting-with="h2"	>
	  <section title="{self::h2}">
	    <xsl:for-each select="current-group()[self::p]">
	      <para><xsl:value-of select="."/></para>

The use of title="{self::h2}" rather than title="{.}" is
to handle the case where the first element is not an h2 element.

The next example illustrates how a group of related elements can be identified
by the last element in the group, rather than the first. Here the absence of the attribute
continued="yes" indicates the end of the group.

Source XML document:

  <page continued="yes">Some text</page>
  <page continued="yes">More text</page>    
  <page>Yet more text</page>
  <page continued="yes">Some words</page>
  <page continued="yes">More words</page>    
  <page>Yet more words</page>        

Desired output:

    <page>Some text</page>
    <page>More text</page>    
    <page>Yet more text</page>
    <page>Some words</page>
    <page>More words</page>    
    <page>Yet more words</page>


<xsl:template match="doc">
  <xsl:for-each-group select="*" 
      <xsl:for-each select="current-group()">
        <page><xsl:value-of select="."/></page>

The next example shows how an item can be added to multiple groups. Book titles
will be added to one group for each indexing term marked up within the title.

Source XML document:

    <title>A Beginner's Guide to <ix>Java</ix></title>
    <title>Learning <ix>XML</ix></title>
    <title>Using <ix>XML</ix> with <ix>Java</ix></title>

Desired output:

    <p>A Beginner's Guide to Java</p>
    <p>Using XML with Java</p>
    <p>Learning XML</p>
    <p>Using XML with Java</p>


<xsl:template match="titles">
    <xsl:for-each-group select="title" group-by="ix">
      <h2><xsl:value-of select="current-grouping-key()"/></h2>
      <xsl:for-each select="current-group()">
        <p><xsl:value-of select="."/></p>

In the final example, the membership of a node within a group is based both on adjacency
of the nodes in document order, and on common values. In this case, the grouping key
is a boolean condition, true or false, so the effect is that a grouping
establishes a maximal sequence of nodes for which the condition is true, followed by a maximal
sequence for which it is false, and so on.

Source XML document:

<p>Do <em>not</em>:
    <li>eat, or</li>
    <li>use your mobile telephone</li>
    while you are in the cinema.</p>

Desired output:

<p>Do <em>not</em>:</p>
    <li>eat, or</li>
    <li>use your mobile telephone</li>
    <p>while you are in the cinema.</p>


This requires creating a p element around the maximal sequence
of sibling nodes that does not include a ul or ol element.

This can be done by using group-adjacent, with a grouping key that is true
if the element is a ul or ol element, and false otherwise:

<xsl:template match="p">
    <xsl:for-each-group select="node()" 
            group-adjacent="self::ul or self::ol">
            <xsl:when test="current-grouping-key()">
                <xsl:copy-of select="current-group()"/>  
                    <xsl:copy-of select="current-group()"/>

14.5 Non-Transitivity

If the population contains values of different numeric types that differ
from each other by small amounts, then the eq operator is not transitive,
because of rounding effects occurring during type promotion. It is thus
possible to have three values A, B, and C among the grouping keys of the
population such that A eq B, B eq C, but A ne C.

For example, this arises when computing

      <xsl:for-each-group group-by="." select="
             xs:double( '1.00000000001')">

because the values of type xs:float and xs:double both compare equal to the
value of type xs:decimal but not equal to each other.

In this situation the results must be equivalent to the results obtained by the
following algorithm:

  • For each item I in the population in population order, for each of the
    grouping keys K for that item in sequence, the processor identifies those
    existing groups G such that the grouping key of the initial item of G is equal
    to K.

  • If there is exactly one group G, then I is added to this group, unless I is
    already a member of this group.

  • If there is no group G, then a new group is created with I as its first item.

  • If there is more than one group G (which can only happen in exceptional
    circumstances involving non-transitivity), then one of these groups is selected
    in an implementation-dependent way, and I is added to this group, unless I is
    already a member of this group.

The effect of these rules is that (a) every item in a non-singleton group has a
grouping key that is equal to that of at least one other item in that group,
(b) for any two distinct groups, there is at least one pair of items (one from
each group) whose grouping keys are not equal to each other.

15 Regular Expressions

The core function library for XPath 2.0 defines three functions that make use of
regular expressions:

  • matchesFO returns a boolean result that indicates whether or not a
    string matches a given regular expression.

  • replaceFO takes a string as input and returns a string obtained by
    replacing all substrings that match a given regular expression with a replacement string.

  • tokenizeFO returns a sequence of strings formed by breaking a supplied
    input string at any separator that matches a given regular expression.

These functions are described in [Functions and Operators].

For more complex string processing than is possible using these functions, XSLT provides an
instruction xsl:analyze-string, which is defined in this section.

The regular expressions used by this instruction, and the flags that control the interpretation
of these regular expressions, must conform to the syntax defined in [Functions and Operators]
(see Section
7.6.1 Regular Expression SyntaxFO), which is itself
based on the syntax defined in [XML Schema Part 2].

15.1 The xsl:analyze-string instruction

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select = expression
  regex = { string }
  flags? = { string }>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:matching-substring?, xsl:non-matching-substring?, xsl:fallback*) -->

  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:analyze-string instruction takes as input a string (the result of evaluating
the expression in the select
attribute) and a regular expression (the effective value of the regex attribute).

If the result of evaluating the select expression is not a string, it is converted
to a string by applying the function conversion rules.

The flags attribute may be used to control the interpretation of the regular expression.
If the attribute is omitted, the effect is the same as supplying a zero-length string.
This is interpreted in the same
way as the $flags attribute of the functions matchesFO, replaceFO,
and tokenizeFO. Specifically, if it contains the letter m,
the match operates in multiline mode. If it contains the letter s, it operates in dot-all mode.
If it contains the letter i,
it operates in case-insensitive mode. If it contains the letter x, then whitespace
within the regular expression is ignored. For more detailed specifications
of these modes, see [Functions and Operators] (Section FlagsFO).


Because the regex attribute is an attribute value template,
curly brackets within the regular expression must be doubled. For example, to match a sequence of one to
five characters, write regex=".{{1,5}}". For regular expressions
containing many curly brackets it may be more convenient to use a notation such as
regex="{'[0-9]{1,5}[a-z]{3}[0-9]{1,2}'}", or to use a variable.

The xsl:analyze-string instruction may have two child elements: xsl:matching-substring
and xsl:non-matching-substring.
Both elements are optional, and neither may appear more than once. At least one
of them must be present. If both are present, the xsl:matching-substring
element must come first.

The content of the xsl:analyze-string instruction must take one of the following forms:

  1. A single xsl:matching-substring instruction, followed by zero or more
    xsl:fallback instructions

  2. A single xsl:non-matching-substring instruction, followed by zero or more
    xsl:fallback instructions

  3. A single xsl:matching-substring instruction,
    followed by a single xsl:non-matching-substring instruction,
    followed by zero or more xsl:fallback instructions

[ERR XTSE1130] It is a
static error if the xsl:analyze-string instruction
contains neither an xsl:matching-substring nor an
xsl:non-matching-substring element.

Any xsl:fallback elements among the children of the
xsl:analyze-string instruction
are ignored by an XSLT 2.0 processor, but allow fallback behavior to be defined when the stylesheet
is used with an XSLT 1.0 processor operating in forwards-compatible mode.

This instruction is designed to process all the non-overlapping substrings of the input string that
match the regular expression supplied.

[ERR XTDE1140] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the
effective value of the regex attribute

does not conform to the required syntax for
regular expressions, as specified in [Functions and Operators].
If the regular expression is known
statically (for example, if the attribute does not contain any expressions enclosed in curly brackets)
then the processor may signal the error as a static error.

[ERR XTDE1145] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the
effective value of the flags attribute

has a value other than the values defined in [Functions and Operators].
If the value of the attribute is known
statically (for example, if the attribute does not contain any expressions enclosed in curly brackets)
then the processor may signal the error as a static error.

[ERR XTDE1150] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the
effective value of the regex attribute

is a regular expression that matches a zero-length string: or more specifically, if the regular expression $r
and flags $f are such that matches("", $r, $f) returns true.
If the regular expression is known
statically (for example, if the attribute does not contain any expressions enclosed in curly brackets)
then the processor may signal the error as a static error.

The xsl:analyze-string instruction
starts at the beginning of the input string and attempts to find
the first substring that matches the regular expression. If there are
several matches, the first match is defined to be the one whose starting
position comes first in the string.
If several alternatives within the regular expression
both match at the same position in the input string, then the match that is
chosen is the first alternative that matches. For example, if the
input string is The quick brown fox jumps and the regular expression
is jump|jumps, then the match that is chosen is jump.

Having found the first match, the instruction proceeds to find the
second and subsequent matches by repeating the search, starting at the first
character that was not included in the previous match.

The input string is thus partitioned into a sequence of substrings, some of which
match the regular expression, others which do not match it.
Each substring will contain at least one character.
This sequence of substrings is
processed using the xsl:matching-substring
and xsl:non-matching-substring child instructions. A matching substring is
processed using the xsl:matching-substring element, a non-matching substring
using the xsl:non-matching-substring element. Each of these elements
takes a sequence constructor as its content. If the element is absent, the effect is the same
as if it were present with empty content. In processing each substring, the contents of the substring
will be the context item
(as a value of type xs:string); the position of the substring within the
sequence of matching and non-matching substrings will be the context position;
and the number of
matching and non-matching substrings will be the context size.

If the input is a zero-length string, the number of substrings will be zero,
so neither the xsl:matching-substring
nor xsl:non-matching-substring elements will be evaluated.

15.2 Captured Substrings

regex-group($group-number as xs:integer) as xs:string

[Definition: While the xsl:matching-substring instruction is active, a set of
current captured substrings is
available, corresponding to the parenthesized sub-expressions of the regular expression.] These captured
substrings are accessible using the function regex-group. This function takes an
integer argument to identify the group, and returns a string representing the captured substring.

The Nth captured substring (where N > 0) is the string matched by the
subexpression contained by the Nth left parenthesis in the regex. The zeroeth captured substring
is the string that matches the entire regex.
This means that the value of regex-group(0) is initially the same as the
value of . (dot).

The function returns the zero-length string if there is no
captured substring with the relevant number. This can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. The number is negative.

  2. The regular expression does not contain a parenthesized sub-expression with the given number.

  3. The parenthesized sub-expression exists, and did not match any part of the input string.

  4. The parenthesized sub-expression exists, and matched a zero-length substring of the input string.

The set of captured substrings is a context variable with dynamic scope. It is initially an empty sequence.
During the evaluation of an xsl:matching-substring instruction it is set to the sequence of matched substrings
for that regex match. During the evaluation of an xsl:non-matching-substring instruction or a
pattern or
a stylesheet function it is set to an empty sequence.
On completion of an instruction that changes the value, the variable reverts to its previous value.

The value of the current captured substrings
is unaffected through calls of xsl:apply-templates, xsl:call-template,
xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match, or by expansion of named
attribute sets.

15.3 Examples of Regular Expression Matching

Problem: replace all newline characters in the abstract element
by empty br elements:


<xsl:analyze-string select="abstract" regex="n">
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>

Problem: replace all occurrences of [...] in the
body by cite elements, retaining the content
between the square brackets as the content of the new element.


<xsl:analyze-string select="body" regex="[(.*?)]">
    <cite><xsl:value-of select="regex-group(1)"/></cite>
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>

Note that this simple approach fails if the body element contains
markup that needs to be retained. In this case it is necessary to apply the regular expression
processing to each text node individually. If the [...] constructs span multiple
text nodes (for example, because there are elements within the square brackets) then it probably
becomes necessary to make two or more passes over the data.

Problem: the input string contains a date such as 23 March 2002.
Convert it to the form 2002-03-23.

Solution (with no error handling if the input format is incorrect):

<xsl:variable name="months" select="'January', 'February', 'March', ..."/>

<xsl:analyze-string select="normalize-space($input)" 
        <xsl:number value="regex-group(3)" format="0001"/>          
        <xsl:number value="index-of($months, regex-group(2))" format="01"/>
        <xsl:number value="regex-group(1)" format="01"/>

Note the use of normalize-space to simplify the work done by the regular expression,
and the use of doubled curly brackets because the regex attribute is an attribute value

16 Additional Functions

This section describes XSLT-specific additions to the
core function library.
Some of these additional functions also make use of
information specified by declarations
in the stylesheet; this section also describes these

16.1 Multiple Source Documents

document($uri-sequence as item()*) as node()*

document($uri-sequence as item()*, $base-node as node()) as node()*

The document function allows
access to XML documents identified by a URI.

The first argument contains a sequence of URI references. The second argument, if present, is
a node whose base URI is used to resolve any relative URI references contained in the first argument.

A sequence of absolute URI references is obtained as follows.

  • For an item in $uri-sequence that is an instance of xs:string,
    xs:anyURI, or xs:untypedAtomic, the value is cast to xs:anyURI.
    If the resulting URI reference is an absolute URI reference then it is used as is.
    If it is a relative URI reference, then it is resolved against the base URI of $base-node
    if supplied, or against the base URI from the static context otherwise
    (this will usually be the base URI of the stylesheet module).
    A relative URI is resolved against a base URI using
    the rules defined in [RFC3986].

  • For an item in $uri-sequence that is a node,
    the node is atomized.
    The result must be a sequence whose
    items are all instances of xs:string, xs:anyURI, or
    xs:untypedAtomic. Each of these
    values is cast to xs:anyURI, and
    if the resulting URI reference is an absolute URI reference then it is used as is.
    If it is a relative URI reference, then it is resolved against the base URI of $base-node
    if supplied, or against the base URI of the node that contained it otherwise.


The XPath rules for function calling ensure that it is a type error if the supplied value
of the second argument is anything other than a single node. If
XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is enabled, then
a sequence of nodes may be supplied, and the first node in the sequence will be used.

Each of these absolute URI references is then processed as follows. Any
fragment identifier that is present in the URI reference is removed, and the resulting absolute URI
is cast to a string and then
passed to the docFO function defined in [Functions and Operators]. This returns
a document node. If an error occurs during evaluation of the docFO function,
the processor may either signal this error in the normal way, or may recover by ignoring the failure,
in which case the failing URI will not contribute any nodes to the result of the
document function.

If the URI reference contained no fragment identifier, then this document node is included in
the sequence of nodes returned by the document function.

If the URI reference contained a fragment identifier, then the fragment identifier is interpreted
according to the rules for the media type of the resource representation
identified by the URI, and is used to select
zero or more nodes that are descendant-or-self nodes of the returned document node.
As described in 2.3 Initiating a Transformation, the media type is available
as part of the evaluation context for a transformation.

[ERR XTRE1160] When a URI reference

contains a fragment identifier,
it is a recoverable dynamic error if the media type is not one that is recognized by the
processor, or if the fragment identifier does not conform to the rules for fragment identifiers
for that media type, or if the fragment identifier selects something other than a sequence of
nodes (for example, if it selects a range of characters within a text node).
The optional recovery action is to ignore the fragment
identifier and return the document node.
The set of media types recognized
by a processor is implementation-defined.


The recovery action here is different from XSLT 1.0

The sequence of nodes returned by the function is in document order, with no duplicates.
This order has no necessary relationship to the order in which URIs were supplied
in the $uri-sequence argument.


One effect of these rules is that unless XML entities or xml:base are used,
and provided that the base URI of the stylesheet module is known,
document("") refers to the document node of the containing stylesheet module
(the definitive rules are in [RFC3986]).
The XML resource containing the stylesheet module is processed exactly as if
it were any other XML document, for example there is no special recognition
of xsl:text elements, and no special treatment of comments
and processing instructions.

16.2 Reading Text Files

unparsed-text($href as xs:string?) as xs:string?

unparsed-text($href as xs:string?, $encoding as xs:string) as xs:string?

The unparsed-text
function reads an external
resource (for example, a file) and returns
its contents as a string.

The $href argument must be
a string in the form of a URI. The URI must contain no fragment identifier, and must
identify a resource that can be read as text. If the URI is a relative URI, then
it is resolved relative to the base URI from the static context.

If the value of the $href argument is an empty sequence,
the function returns an empty sequence.


If a different
base URI is appropriate (for example, when resolving a relative URI read from a source document) then
the relative URI should be resolved using the resolve-uriFO function
before passing it to the unparsed-text function.

The $encoding argument, if present, is the name of an encoding.
The values for this attribute follow
the same rules as for the encoding attribute in an XML declaration. The only values which
every implementation is required to recognize are
utf-8 and utf-16.

The encoding of the external resource is determined as follows:

  1. external encoding information is used if available, otherwise

  2. if the media type of the resource is text/xml or application/xml
    (see [RFC2376]),
    or if it matches the conventions text/*+xml or application/*+xml
    (see [RFC3023] and/or its successors),
    then the encoding is recognized as specified in [XML 1.0], otherwise

  3. the value of the $encoding argument is used if present, otherwise

  4. the processor may use implementation-defined
    heuristics to determine the likely encoding, otherwise

  5. UTF-8 is assumed.


The above rules are chosen for consistency with [XInclude].
Files with an XML media type are treated specially because there
are use cases for this function where the retrieved text is to be included as unparsed XML within
a CDATA section of a containing document, and because processors are likely to be able to reuse
the code that performs encoding detection for XML external entities.

[ERR XTDE1170] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if a URI

contains a fragment identifier, or if it cannot be used to retrieve a resource
containing text.

[ERR XTDE1190] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if a resource

contains octets that cannot be decoded into Unicode characters
using the specified encoding, or if the resulting characters are not permitted XML characters.
This includes the case where the
processor does not support
the requested encoding.

[ERR XTDE1200] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the second argument of the unparsed-text function is omitted and the
processor cannot infer the encoding using
external information and the encoding is not UTF-8.

The result is a string containing the text of the resource
retrieved using the URI.


If the text file contains characters such as < and &,
these will typically be output as &lt; and &amp; when the string is
written to a final result tree and
serialized as XML or HTML. If these characters actually
represent markup (for example, if the text file contains HTML), then the stylesheet can
attempt to write them as markup to the output file using the disable-output-escaping
attribute of the xsl:value-of instruction (see 20.2 Disabling Output Escaping).
Note, however, that implementations are not required to support this feature.

This example attempts to read an HTML file and copy it, as HTML, to the serialized
output file:

<xsl:output method="html"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:value-of select="unparsed-text('header.html', 'iso-8859-1')"
  <xsl:value-of select="unparsed-text('footer.html', 'iso-8859-1')"

Often it is necessary to split a text file into a sequence of lines, representing each line
as a string. This can be achieved by using the unparsed-text function
in conjunction with the XPath tokenizeFO function. For example:

<xsl:for-each select="tokenize(unparsed-text($in), 'r?n')">

Note that the unparsed-text function does not normalize line endings. This
example has therefore been written to recognize both Unix and Windows conventions for end-of-line,
namely a single newline (#x0A) character or a carriage return / line feed pair (#x0D #x0A).

Because errors in evaluating the unparsed-text function are
non-recoverable, two functions are provided to allow a stylesheet to determine whether a call
with particular arguments would succeed:

unparsed-text-available($href as xs:string?) as xs:boolean

unparsed-text-available( $href  as xs:string?,
$encoding  as xs:string?) as xs:boolean

The unparsed-text-available function determines whether a call on
the unparsed-text function with identical arguments would
return a string.

If the first argument is an empty sequence, the function returns false.
If the second argument is an empty sequence, the function behaves as if the second argument
were omitted.

In other cases, the function returns true if a call on unparsed-text with the same
arguments would succeed, and false if a call on unparsed-text with
the same arguments would fail with a non-recoverable dynamic error.


This requires that the unparsed-text-available function
should actually attempt to read the resource identified by the URI, and check that it is correctly
encoded and contains no characters that are invalid in XML. Implementations may avoid the cost
of repeating these checks for example by caching the validated contents of the resource, to
anticipate a subsequent call on the unparsed-text function.
Alternatively, implementations may be able to rewrite an expression such as
if (unparsed-text-available(A)) then unparsed-text(A) else ... to
generate a single call internally.

The functions unparsed-text and
unparsed-text-available have the same requirement for stability
as the functions docFO and doc-availableFO defined
in [Functions and Operators]. This means that unless the user has explicitly stated a requirement
for a reduced level of stability, either of these functions if called twice with the same
arguments during the course of a transformation must return the same results
each time; moreover, the results
of a call on unparsed-text-available
must be consistent with the results of
a subsequent call on unparsed-text with the same arguments.

16.3 Keys

Keys provide a way to work with documents that contain an implicit
cross-reference structure. They make it easier to locate the nodes within a document
that have a given value for a given attribute or child element, and they provide
a hint to the implementation that certain access paths in the document need to
be efficient.

16.3.1 The xsl:key Declaration

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = qname
  match = pattern
  use? = expression
  collation? = uri>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:key
is used to declare keys. The
name attribute specifies the name of the key. The value
of the name attribute is a QName, which is expanded as described
in 5.1 Qualified Names. The match attribute is a Pattern; an xsl:key element
applies to all nodes that match the pattern
specified in the match attribute.

[Definition: A key is defined as
a set of xsl:key declarations in the stylesheet
that share the same name.]

The value of the key may be specified either using the use attribute or
by means of the contained sequence constructor.

[ERR XTSE1205] It is
a static error
if an xsl:key declaration has a use attribute and has non-empty content, or
if it has empty content and no use attribute.

If the use attribute is present, its value is
an expression specifying the
values of the key. The expression will be evaluated with the node that
matches the pattern as the context node.

The result of evaluating the
expression is atomized.

Similarly, if a sequence constructor
is present, it is used to determine the values of the key. The sequence constructor will be evaluated
with the node that matches the pattern as the context node. The result of evaluating the
sequence constructor is atomized.

[Definition: The expression in
the use attribute and the
sequence constructor within
an xsl:key declaration are
referred to collectively as the key specifier. The key specifier determines
the values that may be used to find a node using this key.]


There is no requirement that all the values of a key should
have the same type.

The presence of an xsl:key declaration makes it
easy to find a node that matches the match pattern if any of the values
of the key specifier
(when applied to that node) are known. It also provides
a hint to the implementation that access to the nodes by means of these values needs
to be efficient (many implementations are likely to
construct an index or hash table to achieve this).
Note that the key specifier
in general returns a sequence of values, and any one
of these may be used to locate the node.


An xsl:key declaration is not bound to a specific source
document. The source document to which it applies is determined only when the key
function is used to locate nodes using the key. Keys can be used to locate nodes within any source document
(including temporary trees), but each use of the key function searches one document

The optional collation attribute is used only when
whether two strings are equal for the purposes of key matching. Specifically, two values $a
and $b are considered equal if the result of the function call
compare($a, $b, $collation) is zero.
The effective collation for an xsl:key declaration is the
collation specified in its collation attribute if present,
resolved against the base URI of the xsl:key element,
or the
default collation that is in scope for the
xsl:key declaration otherwise; the effective collation must be the same for all the
xsl:key declarations making up a key.

[ERR XTSE1210] It is a static error if
the xsl:key declaration
has a collation attribute whose value
(after resolving against the base URI)
is not a URI recognized by the implementation
as referring to a collation.

[ERR XTSE1220] It is a static error if there are
several xsl:key declarations
in the stylesheet with the same key name and different
effective collations. Two collations are the same if their URIs are equal under the rules
for comparing xs:anyURI values, or if the implementation can determine that they
are different URIs referring to the same collation.

It is possible to have:

  • multiple xsl:key declarations with the same name;

  • a node that matches the match patterns of several different
    xsl:key declarations, whether these have the
    same key name or different key names;

  • a node that returns more than one value from its key specifier;

  • a key value that identifies more than one node (the key values for different nodes do not need
    to be unique).

An xsl:key declaration with higher
import precedence does
not override another of lower import precedence; all the xsl:key declarations
in the stylesheet are effective regardless of their import precedence.

16.3.2 The key Function

key($key-name as xs:string, $key-value as xs:anyAtomicType*) as node()*

key( $key-name  as xs:string,
$key-value  as xs:anyAtomicType*,
$top  as node()) as node()*

The key function does for keys what the
idFO function does for IDs.

The $key-name argument
specifies the name of the key. The value of the argument must be a
lexical QName, which is expanded as
described in 5.1 Qualified Names.

[ERR XTDE1260] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the value
not a valid QName, or if there is no
namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName, or if the
name obtained by expanding the QName is not the same as the expanded
name of any xsl:key declaration in the stylesheet.
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.

The $key-value argument to the
key function is considered as a sequence. The set of requested
key values is formed by atomizing the supplied
value of the argument, using the standard
function conversion rules.
Each of the resulting atomic values is considered as a requested key value.
The result of the function is
a sequence of nodes, in document order and with duplicates removed,
comprising those nodes in the selected subtree (see below) that
are matched by an xsl:key declaration whose name is the same as the
supplied key name, where the result of evaluating the key specifier contains
a value that is equal to one of these requested key values,
under the rules appropriate to the XPath eq operator for the two
values in question, using the collation
attributes of the xsl:key declaration when comparing strings.
No error is reported if two values are encountered that are
not comparable; they are regarded for the purposes of this function as being not equal.


Under the rules for the eq operator, untyped atomic values
are converted to strings, not to the type of the other operand. This means, for example, that if the
expression in the use attribute returns a date, supplying an untyped atomic value
in the call to the key function will return an empty sequence.

If the second argument is an empty sequence, the result of the
function will be an empty sequence.

Different rules apply when backwards compatible
behavior is enabled. A key (that is, a set of xsl:key declarations
sharing the same key name) is processed in backwards compatible mode if any of the xsl:key elements
in the definition of the key enables backwards compatible behavior. When a
key is processed in backwards compatible mode, then:

  • The result of evaluating the key specifier
    in any xsl:key declaration having this key name is converted after atomization to a sequence of strings,
    by applying a cast to each item in the sequence.

  • When the first argument to the key function specifies this key name, then the value
    of the second argument is converted after
    atomization to a sequence of strings, by applying a cast to each item in the sequence.

  • The values are then compared as strings.

The third argument is used to identify the selected subtree.
If the argument
is present, the selected subtree is the set of nodes that have $top as an ancestor-or-self node.
If the argument
is omitted, the selected subtree is the document containing the context node. This means that the third argument
effectively defaults to /.

[ERR XTDE1270] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
to call the key function with two arguments if there is no context node,
or if the root of the tree containing the context node is not a document node; or to call
the function with three arguments if the root of the tree containing the node supplied in the third
argument is not a document node.

The result of the key function can be described more specifically as follows.
The result is a sequence containing
every node $N that satisfies the following conditions:

  • $N/ancestor-or-self::node() intersect $top is non-empty. (If the third
    argument is omitted, $top defaults to /)

  • $N matches the pattern specified in the match attribute of
    an xsl:key declaration whose name attribute matches
    the name specified in the $key-name argument.

  • When the key specifier of that
    xsl:key declaration is evaluated with
    a singleton focus based on $N,
    the atomized value of the resulting sequence includes a
    value that compares equal to at least one item in the atomized value of the sequence
    supplied as $key-value, under the rules of the eq operator
    with the collation selected as described above.

The sequence returned by the key function will be in document order, with duplicates
(that is, nodes having the same identity) removed.

For example, given a declaration

<xsl:key name="idkey" match="div" use="@id"/>

an expression key("idkey",@ref) will return the same
nodes as id(@ref), assuming that the only ID attribute
declared in the XML source document is:


and that the ref attribute of the context node
contains no whitespace.

Suppose a document describing a function library uses a
prototype element to define functions

<prototype name="sqrt" return-type="xs:double">
  <arg type="xs:double"/>

and a function element to refer to function names


Then the stylesheet could generate hyperlinks between the
references and definitions as follows:

<xsl:key name="func" match="prototype" use="@name"/>

<xsl:template match="function">
  <a href="#{generate-id(key('func',.))}">

<xsl:template match="prototype">
    <a name="{generate-id()}">
      <b>Function: </b>

When called with two arguments, the key function always
returns nodes that are in the same document as the context node. To
retrieve a node from any other document, it is necessary
either to change the context node, or to supply a third argument.

For example, suppose a document contains bibliographic references in the
form <bibref>XSLT</bibref>, and there is a
separate XML document bib.xml containing a bibliographic
database with entries in the form:

<entry name="XSLT">...</entry>

Then the stylesheet could use the following to transform the
bibref elements:

<xsl:key name="bib" match="entry" use="@name"/>

<xsl:template match="bibref">
  <xsl:variable name="name" select="."/>
  <xsl:apply-templates select="document('bib.xml')/key('bib',$name)"/>


This relies on the ability in XPath 2.0 to have a function call
on the right-hand side of the / operator in a path expression.

The following code would also work:

<xsl:key name="bib" match="entry" use="@name"/>

<xsl:template match="bibref">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="key('bib', ., document('bib.xml'))"/>

16.4 Number Formatting

format-number($value as numeric?, $picture as xs:string) as xs:string

format-number( $value  as numeric?,
$picture  as xs:string,
$decimal-format-name  as xs:string) as xs:string

The format-number function formats
$value as a string using the picture string
specified by the
$picture argument and the decimal-format named by the $decimal-format-name argument, or
the default decimal-format, if there is no $decimal-format-name argument.
The syntax of the picture string is described in
16.4.2 Processing the Picture String.

The $value argument may be of any numeric data type (xs:double,
xs:float, xs:decimal, or their subtypes including xs:integer).
Note that if an xs:decimal is supplied, it is not automatically promoted to an xs:double,
as such promotion can involve a loss of precision.

If the supplied value of the $value argument is an empty sequence, the function
behaves as if the supplied value were the xs:double value NaN.

The value of $decimal-format-name
must be a lexical QName, which is expanded as
described in 5.1 Qualified Names. The result of the function is the formatted string
representation of the supplied number.

[ERR XTDE1280] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the name specified as the
$decimal-format-name argument
is not a valid QName, or
if its prefix has not been declared in an in-scope namespace declaration, or
if the stylesheet does not contain a declaration of a decimal-format with a matching
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.

16.4.1 Defining a Decimal Format

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name? = qname
  decimal-separator? = char
  grouping-separator? = char
  infinity? = string
  minus-sign? = char
  NaN? = string
  percent? = char
  per-mille? = char
  zero-digit? = char
  digit? = char
  pattern-separator? = char />

The xsl:decimal-format
element controls the interpretation of a picture string
used by the format-number function.

A stylesheet may contain multiple
xsl:decimal-format declarations
and may include or import stylesheet modules that also contain
xsl:decimal-format declarations. The name of an xsl:decimal-format declaration
is the value of its name attribute, if any.

[Definition: All
the xsl:decimal-format declarations in a stylesheet
that share the same name are grouped into a named decimal format;
those that have no name are grouped into a single unnamed decimal format.]

If a stylesheet does not contain a declaration of
the unnamed decimal format, a declaration equivalent to
an xsl:decimal-format element with no attributes
is implied.

The attributes of the xsl:decimal-format
declaration establish values for a number of variables used as input to
the algorithm followed by the format-number function.
An outline of the purpose of each attribute is given below; however, the definitive
explanations are given later, as part of the description of this algorithm.

For any named decimal format,
the effective value of each attribute is taken from an xsl:decimal-format declaration
that has that name, and that specifies an explicit value
for the required attribute. If there is no such declaration, the default value of the attribute
is used. If there is more than one such declaration, the one with highest
import precedence is used.

For any unnamed decimal format,
the effective value of each attribute is taken from an xsl:decimal-format declaration
that is unnamed, and that specifies an explicit value
for the required attribute. If there is no such declaration, the default value of the attribute
is used. If there is more than one such declaration, the one with highest
import precedence is used.

[ERR XTSE1290] It
is a static error
if a named or unnamed
decimal format contains two conflicting
values for the same attribute in different
xsl:decimal-format declarations having the same
import precedence, unless there is another definition
of the same attribute with higher import precedence.

The following attributes control the interpretation of
characters in the picture string supplied to the format-number
function, and also specify characters that may
appear in the result of formatting the number. In each case the value must
be a single character [see ERR XTSE0020].

  • decimal-separator specifies the character used
    for the decimal-separator-sign; the default value is the period character

  • grouping-separator specifies the character used
    for the grouping-sign, which is typically used as a thousands
    separator; the default value is the
    comma character (,)

  • percent specifies the character used for the
    percent-sign; the default value is the percent character

  • per-mille specifies the character used for the
    per-mille-sign; the default value is the Unicode per-mille character

  • zero-digit specifies the character used for the
    digit-zero-sign; the default value is the digit zero
    (0). This character must be a digit (category Nd in
    the Unicode property database), and it must have the numeric value zero.
    This attribute implicitly defines the Unicode
    character that is used to represent each of the values 0 to 9 in the final
    result string: Unicode is organized so that each set of decimal digits forms
    a contiguous block of characters in numerical sequence.

[ERR XTSE1295] It
is a static error if the character specified
in the zero-digit attribute is not a digit or is a digit that does not have
the numeric value zero.

The following attributes control the interpretation of characters
in the picture string supplied to the format-number
function. In each case the value must be a single character
[see ERR XTSE0020].

  • digit specifies the character used for the digit-sign
    in the picture string; the default value is the number sign character

  • pattern-separator specifies the character used
    for the pattern-separator-sign, which
    separates positive and negative sub-pictures in a picture string; the
    default value is the semi-colon character (;)

The following attributes specify characters or strings that may
appear in the result of formatting the number:

  • infinity specifies the string used for the
    infinity-symbol; the default value is the string

  • NaN specifies the string used for the
    NaN-symbol, which is used to represent the value NaN (not-a-number);
    the default value is the string NaN

  • minus-sign specifies the character used for the
    minus-symbol; the default value is the hyphen-minus character
    (-, #x2D). The value must be a single character.

[ERR XTSE1300] It is a static error if,
for any named or unnamed decimal format, the variables
representing characters used in a picture string
do not each have distinct values. These variables are decimal-separator-sign,
grouping-sign, percent-sign, per-mille-sign,
digit-zero-sign, digit-sign, and pattern-separator-sign.

16.4.2 Processing the Picture String

[Definition: The formatting of a
number is controlled by a picture string. The
picture string is a sequence of characters, in which the characters
assigned to the variables decimal-separator-sign, grouping-sign,
digit-sign and pattern-separator-sign are classified as
active characters, and all other characters (including the percent-sign and
per-mille-sign) are classified as passive characters.]

The integer part of the sub-picture is defined as the part that
appears to the left of the decimal-separator-sign if there is one, or the entire
sub-picture otherwise. The fractional part of the sub-picture is defined as the part that
appears to the right of the decimal-separator-sign if there is one; it is a zero-length
string otherwise.

[ERR XTDE1310] The
picture string

must conform to the following rules.
It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the picture string
does not satisfy these rules.

Note that in these
rules the words «preceded» and «followed» refer to characters anywhere in the string, they
are not to be read as «immediately preceded» and «immediately followed».

  • A picture-string consists either of a sub-picture, or of
    two sub-pictures separated by a pattern-separator-sign. A picture-string
    must not contain more than one pattern-separator-sign. If the picture-string contains two
    sub-pictures, the first is used for positive values and the second for negative values.

  • A sub-picture must not contain more than one decimal-separator-sign.

  • A sub-picture must not contain more than one percent-sign or
    per-mille-sign, and it must not contain one of each.

  • A sub-picture must contain at least one digit-sign or zero-digit-sign.

  • A sub-picture must not contain a passive character that is preceded by
    an active character and that is followed by another active character.

  • A sub-picture must not contain a grouping-separator-sign adjacent to a

  • The integer part of a sub-picture must not contain a zero-digit-sign that is followed by
    a digit-sign. The fractional part of a sub-picture must not contain a digit-sign
    that is followed by a zero-digit-sign.

The evaluation of the format-number function
is described below in two phases, an analysis phase and a formatting
phase. The analysis phase takes as its inputs the picture string
and the variables derived from the relevant xsl:decimal-format declaration,
and produces as its output a number of variables with defined values.
The formatting phase takes as its inputs the number to be formatted
and the variables produced by the analysis phase, and produces as
its output a string containing a formatted representation of the number.


Numbers will always be formatted with the most significant
digit on the left.

16.4.3 Analysing the Picture String

This phase of the algorithm analyses
the picture string and the attribute settings of
the xsl:decimal-format declaration, and has the effect
of setting the values of various variables, which are used in the
subsequent formatting phase. These variables are listed below.
Each is shown with its initial setting and its data type.

Several variables are associated with each sub-picture. If there are
two sub-pictures, then these rules are applied to one sub-picture to obtain the values
that apply to positive numbers, and to the other to obtain the values that apply
to negative numbers. If there is only one sub-picture, then the values for both cases
are derived from this sub-picture.

The variables are as follows:

  • The integer-part-grouping-positions is a sequence of integers
    representing the positions of grouping separators within the integer part of the
    sub-picture. For each grouping-separator-sign that appears within the
    integer part of the sub-picture, this sequence contains an integer that is equal
    to the total number of digit-sign and zero-digit-sign
    characters that appear within the integer part of the sub-picture and to the right of the
    grouping-separator-sign. In addition, if these
    integer-part-grouping-positions are at regular intervals (that is, if they
    form a sequence N, 2N, 3N, …
    for some integer value N,
    including the case where there is only one
    number in the list), then the sequence contains all
    integer multiples of N as far as necessary to accommodate the largest
    possible number.

  • The minimum-integer-part-size is an integer indicating the minimum number of digits that will
    appear to the left of the decimal-separator-sign. It is normally set to
    the number of zero-digit-sign characters found in the integer part of the sub-picture.
    But if the sub-picture contains no zero-digit-sign and no decimal-separator-sign,
    it is set to one.


    There is no maximum integer part size. All significant digits in the integer part of the
    number will be displayed, even if this exceeds the number of digit-sign and
    zero-digit-sign characters in the subpicture.

  • The prefix is set to contain all passive characters
    in the sub-picture to the left of the leftmost active character.
    If the picture string contains only one sub-picture,
    the prefix
    for the negative sub-picture is set by concatenating the minus-sign
    character and the prefix for the positive sub-picture (if any),
    in that order.

  • The fractional-part-grouping-positions is a sequence of integers
    representing the positions of grouping separators within the fractional part of the
    sub-picture. For each grouping-separator-sign that appears within the
    fractional part of the sub-picture, this sequence contains an integer that is equal
    to the total number of digit-sign and zero-digit-sign
    characters that appear within the fractional part of the sub-picture and to the left of the

  • The minimum-fractional-part-size is set to the number of
    zero-digit-sign characters found in the fractional part of the sub-picture.

  • The maximum-fractional-part-size is set to the total number of
    digit-sign and zero-digit-sign characters found
    in the fractional part of the sub-picture.

  • The suffix is set to contain all passive characters to the right of the rightmost
    active character in the fractional part of the sub-picture.


If there is only one sub-picture, then all variables
for positive numbers and negative numbers will be the same, except for
prefix: the prefix for negative numbers will
be preceded by the minus-sign character.

16.4.4 Formatting the Number

This section describes the second phase of processing of the
format-number function. This phase takes as input a number to be formatted
(referred to as the input number), and the variables set up by
analysing the xsl:decimal-format declaration and the
picture string, as described above.
The result of this phase is a string, which forms the return value of
the format-number function.

The algorithm for this second stage of processing is as follows:

  1. If the input number is NaN (not a number), the result is the
    specified NaN-symbol (with no
    prefix or suffix).

  2. In the rules below, the positive sub-picture and its associated variables are used
    if the input number is positive, and the negative sub-picture and its associated
    variables are used otherwise. Negative zero is taken as negative, positive zero as positive.

  3. If the input number is positive or negative infinity, the result is the
    concatenation of the appropriate prefix, the infinity-symbol,
    and the appropriate suffix.

  4. If the sub-picture contains a percent-sign, the number is multiplied
    by 100. If the sub-picture contains a per-mille-sign, the number is multiplied by 1000.
    The resulting number is referred to below as the adjusted number.

  5. The adjusted number is converted (if necessary) to
    an xs:decimal value,
    using an implementation of xs:decimal that imposes no limits on the
    totalDigits or fractionDigits facets. If there are several
    such values that
    are numerically equal to the adjusted number (bearing in mind that if the
    adjusted number is an xs:double or xs:float, the comparison will be done by
    converting the decimal value back to an xs:double or xs:float), the one that
    is chosen should be one with the smallest possible number of digits
    not counting leading or trailing zeroes (whether significant or insignificant).
    For example, 1.0 is preferred to
    0.9999999999, and 100000000 is preferred to 100000001. This value is then
    rounded so that it uses no more than maximum-fractional-part-size digits in
    its fractional part. The rounded number is defined to be the result of
    converting the adjusted number to an xs:decimal value, as described above,
    and then calling the function round-half-to-evenFO with this converted number
    as the first argument and the maximum-fractional-part-size as the second
    argument, again with no limits on the totalDigits or fractionDigits in the

  6. The absolute value of the rounded number is converted to a string in decimal notation,
    with no insignificant leading or trailing zeroes, using the
    characters implied by the choice of zero-digit-sign to represent the ten decimal digits,
    and the decimal-separator-sign to separate the integer part and the fractional part.
    (The value zero will at this stage be represented by a decimal-separator-sign on its own.)

  7. If the number of digits to the left of the decimal-separator-sign is less than
    minimum-integer-part-size, leading zero-digit-sign
    characters are added to pad out to that size.

  8. If the number of digits to the right of the decimal-separator-sign is less than
    minimum-fractional-part-size, trailing zero-digit-sign
    characters are added to pad out to that size.

  9. For each integer N in the integer-part-grouping-positions list,
    a grouping-separator-sign character is inserted into the string immediately
    after that digit that appears in the integer part of the number and has N digits
    between it and the decimal-separator-sign, if there is such a digit.

  10. For each integer N in the fractional-part-grouping-positions list,
    a grouping-separator-sign character is inserted into the string immediately
    before that digit that appears in the fractional part of the number and has N digits
    between it and the decimal-separator-sign, if there is such a digit.

  11. If there is no decimal-separator-sign in the sub-picture,
    or if there are no digits to the right of the
    decimal-separator-sign character in the string, then the
    decimal-separator-sign character is removed from the string (it will be the rightmost
    character in the string).

  12. The result of the function is the concatenation of the appropriate prefix, the
    string conversion of the number as obtained above, and the appropriate suffix.

16.5 Formatting Dates and Times

Three functions are provided to represent dates and times as a string, using the conventions of a selected calendar,
language, and country. Each has two variants.

format-dateTime( $value  as xs:dateTime?,
$picture  as xs:string,
$language  as xs:string?,
$calendar  as xs:string?,
$country  as xs:string?) as xs:string?

format-dateTime($value as xs:dateTime?, $picture as xs:string) as xs:string?

format-date( $value  as xs:date?,
$picture  as xs:string,
$language  as xs:string?,
$calendar  as xs:string?,
$country  as xs:string?) as xs:string?

format-date($value as xs:date?, $picture as xs:string) as xs:string?

format-time( $value  as xs:time?,
$picture  as xs:string,
$language  as xs:string?,
$calendar  as xs:string?,
$country  as xs:string?) as xs:string?

format-time($value as xs:time?, $picture as xs:string) as xs:string?

The format-dateTime, format-date,
and format-time
functions format $value as a string using
the picture string specified by the $picture argument,
the calendar specified by the $calendar argument,
the language specified by the $language argument,
and the country specified by the $country argument.
The result of the function is the formatted string representation of the supplied
dateTime, date, or time value.

[Definition: The three
functions format-date, format-time, and
format-dateTime are referred to collectively as the
date formatting functions.]

If $value is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.

Calling the two-argument form of each of the three functions is equivalent
to calling the five-argument form with each of the last three arguments set to an empty sequence.

For details of the language, calendar, and
country arguments, see 16.5.2 The Language, Calendar, and Country Arguments.

In general, the use of an invalid picture,
language, calendar, or
country argument is classified as a non-recoverable
dynamic error. By contrast,
use of an option in any of these arguments that is valid but not supported by the implementation is
not an error, and in these cases the implementation is required to output the value in a fallback

16.5.1 The Picture String

The picture consists of a sequence of variable markers and literal substrings.
A substring enclosed in square brackets is interpreted as a variable marker; substrings
not enclosed in square brackets are taken as literal substrings.
The literal substrings are optional and if present are rendered unchanged, including any whitespace.
If an opening or closing square bracket
is required within a literal substring, it must be doubled.
The variable markers are replaced in the result by strings representing
aspects of the date and/or time to be formatted. These are described in detail below.

A variable marker consists of a component specifier followed optionally
by one or two presentation modifiers and/or optionally by a width modifier.
Whitespace within a variable marker is ignored.

The component specifier indicates the component of the date or
time that is required, and takes the following values:

Specifier Meaning Default Presentation Modifier
Y year (absolute value) 1
M month in year 1
D day in month 1
d day in year 1
F day of week n
W week in year 1
w week in month 1
H hour in day (24 hours) 1
h hour in half-day (12 hours) 1
P am/pm marker n
m minute in hour 01
s second in minute 01
f fractional seconds 1
Z timezone as a time offset from UTC, or if an alphabetic
modifier is present the conventional name of a timezone (such as PST)
z timezone as a time offset using GMT, for example GMT+1 or GMT-05:00. For this component there is a fixed
prefix of GMT, or a localized
variation thereof for the chosen language, and the presentation modifier controls the representation of the
signed time offset that follows.
C calendar: the name or abbreviation of a calendar name n
E era: the name of a baseline for the numbering of years, for example
the reign of a monarch

[ERR XTDE1340] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the syntax of the picture
is incorrect.

[ERR XTDE1350] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if a component specifier within the picture
refers to components that are not available in the given type of $value,
for example if the picture supplied to the format-time refers
to the year, month, or day component.

It is not an error to include a timezone component when the supplied
value has no timezone. In these circumstances the timezone component will be ignored.

The first presentation modifier indicates the style in which the
value of a component is to be represented. Its value may be

  • any format token permitted in the format string
    of the xsl:number instruction (see 12 Numbering), indicating
    that the value of the component is to be output numerically using the specified number format (for example,
    1, 01, i, I, w, W,
    or Ww) or

  • the format token n, N,
    or Nn, indicating that the value of the component is to be output by name,
    in lower-case, upper-case, or title-case respectively. Components that can be output by name
    include (but are not limited to) months, days of the week, timezones, and eras.
    If the processor cannot output these components by name for the chosen calendar and language
    then it must use an implementation-defined fallback representation.

If the implementation does not support the use of the requested format token, it must
use the default presentation modifier for that component.

If the first presentation modifier is present, then it may optionally be followed by
a second presentation modifier as follows:

Modifier Meaning
t traditional numbering. This has the same meaning as
letter-value="traditional" in xsl:number.
o ordinal form of a number, for example 8th or .
The actual representation of the ordinal form of a number
may depend not only on the language, but also on the grammatical context (for example,
in some languages it must agree in gender).


Although the formatting rules are expressed in terms of the rules
for format tokens in xsl:number, the formats actually used may be specialized
to the numbering of date components where appropriate. For example, in Italian, it is conventional to
use an ordinal number (primo) for the first day of the month, and cardinal numbers
(due, tre, quattro ...) for the remaining days. A processor may therefore use
this convention to number days of the month, ignoring the presence or absence of the ordinal
presentation modifier.

Whether or not a presentation modifier is included, a width modifier may be supplied. This
indicates the number of characters or digits to be included in the representation of the value.

The width modifier, if present, is introduced by a comma. It takes the form:

   ,  min-width ("-" max-width)?

where min-width is either an unsigned integer indicating the minimum number of characters to
be output, or * indicating that there is no explicit minimum, and
max-width is either an unsigned integer indicating the maximum number of characters to
be output, or * indicating that there is no explicit maximum; if max-width
is omitted then * is assumed. Both integers, if present, must be greater than zero.

A format token containing leading zeroes, such as 001, sets the
minimum and maximum width to the number of digits appearing in the format token; if a width
modifier is also present, then the width modifier takes precedence.


A format token consisting of a one-digit on its own,
such as 1, does not constrain the number of digits in the output.
In the case of fractional seconds in particular, [f001] requests three decimal digits,
[f01] requests two digits, but [f1] will produce an
implementation-defined number of digits.
If exactly one digit is required, this can be achieved using the component specifier

If the minimum and maximum width are unspecified, then the output uses as
many characters as are required to
represent the value of the component without truncation and without padding: this is referred to below
as the full representation of the value.
For a timezone offset (component
specifier z), the full representation consists of a sign for the offset, the
number of hours of the offset, and if the offset is not an integral number of hours,
a colon (:) followed by the two digits of the minutes of the offset.

If the full representation of the value exceeds the specified maximum width, then the processor
should attempt to use an alternative shorter representation that fits within
the maximum width. Where the
presentation modifier is N, n, or Nn,
this is done by abbreviating the name,
using either conventional abbreviations if available, or crude right-truncation if not. For example,
setting max-width to 4 indicates that four-letter abbreviations
should be
used, though it would be acceptable to use a three-letter abbreviation if this is in conventional use.
(For example, «Tuesday» might be abbreviated to «Tues», and «Friday» to «Fri».)
In the case of the year component, setting max-width requests omission of high-order
digits from the year, for example, if max-width is set to 2 then the year 2003
will be output as 03. In the case of the fractional seconds
component, the value is rounded to the specified size as if by applying the function
round-half-to-even(fractional-seconds, max-width).
If no mechanism is available for fitting the value within the specified
maximum width (for example, when roman numerals are used), then the value should be
output in its full representation.

If the full representation of the value is shorter than the specified minimum width, then the processor
should pad the value to the specified width.

  • For decimal representations of
    numbers, this should be done by
    prepending zero digits from the appropriate set of digit characters,
    or appending zero digits in the case of the fractional
    seconds component.

  • For timezone offsets this should be done by first appending
    a colon (:) followed by two
    zero digits from the appropriate set of digit characters if the full
    representation does not already include a minutes component and if
    the specified minimum width permits adding three characters,
    and then if necessary prepending zero digits from the
    appropriate set of digit characters to the hour component.

  • In other cases,
    it should be done by appending spaces.


Formatting of timezones is not fully defined by this specification. Some aspects of the formatting
are implementation-dependent.

For component specifier «z», the choice between «GMT+2» and «GMT+02:00» is guided by the width specifier,
as indicated above. The string «GMT» may be localized, for example to «UTC». The representation of the UTC
timezone itself (that is, a timezone offset of zero) is not defined in this specification.

For component specifier «Z» with a numeric presentation modifier, the implementation may optionally
use «Z» rather than «+00:00» to indicate UTC.

Component specifier «Z» with the presentation modifier «N» is used to request timezone names such as
«PST» or «CET». Translation of a timezone offset into the name of a civil timezone can only be done heuristically.
The implementation may use the $country argument as a guide to the civil timezones to match
against; if $value includes a date then the implementation may also use a database of
daylight-savings-time changes to distinguish two timezone names, such as «EDT» and «AST», that have the same
timezone offset.

16.5.2 The Language, Calendar, and Country Arguments

The set of languages, calendars, and countries that are supported in the
date formatting functions is
implementation-defined. When
any of these arguments is omitted or is an empty sequence, an implementation-defined
default value is used.

If the fallback representation uses a different calendar from that requested,
the output string must identify the calendar actually used, for example by
prefixing the string with [Calendar: X] (where X is the calendar actually used),
localized as appropriate to the
requested language. If the fallback representation uses a different language
from that requested, the output string must identify the language actually
used, for example by prefixing the string with [Language: Y] (where Y is the language
actually used) localized in an
implementation-dependent way.
If a particular component of the value cannot be output in
the requested format, it should be output in the default format for
that component.

The language argument specifies the language to be used for the result string
of the function. The value of the argument must be either the empty sequence
or a value that would be valid for the xml:lang attribute (see [XML]).
Note that this permits the identification of sublanguages
based on country codes (from [ISO 3166-1]) as well as identification of dialects
and of regions within a country.

If the language
argument is omitted or is set to an empty sequence, or if it is set to an invalid value or a
value that the implementation does not recognize,
then the processor uses an implementation-defined

The language is used to select the appropriate language-dependent forms of:

names (for example, of months)
numbers expressed as words or as ordinals (twenty, 20th, twentieth)
hour convention (0-23 vs 1-24, 0-11 vs 1-12)
first day of week, first week of year

Where appropriate this choice may also take into account the value of the
country argument, though this should not be used to override the
language or any sublanguage that is specified as part of the language

The choice of the names and abbreviations used in any given language is
implementation-defined. For example,
one implementation might abbreviate July as Jul while another uses Jly. In German,
one implementation might represent Saturday as Samstag while another
uses Sonnabend. Implementations may provide mechanisms allowing users to
control such choices.

Where ordinal numbers are used, the selection of the correct representation of the
ordinal (for example, the linguistic gender) may depend on the component being formatted and on its
textual context in the picture string.

The calendar attribute specifies that the dateTime, date,
or time supplied in the $value argument must be
converted to a value in the specified calendar and then converted to a string using the
conventions of that calendar.

A calendar value must be a valid QName.
If the QName does not have a prefix,
then it identifies a calendar with the designator specified below.
If the QName has a prefix, then the QName is expanded into an expanded-QName
as described in 5.1 Qualified Names; the expanded-QName identifies the calendar;
the behavior in this case is implementation-defined.

If the calendar attribute is omitted an
implementation-defined value is used.


The calendars listed below were known to be in use during the
last hundred years. Many other calendars have been used in the past.

This specification does not define any of these calendars, nor the way that they
map to the value space of the xs:date data type in [XML Schema Part 2].
There may be ambiguities when dates are recorded using different calendars.
For example, the start of a new day is not simultaneous in different calendars,
and may also vary geographically (for example, based on the time of sunrise or sunset).
Translation of dates is therefore more reliable when the time of day is also known, and
when the geographic location is known.
When translating dates between
one calendar and another, the processor may take account of the values
of the country and/or language arguments, with the country
argument taking precedence.

Information about some of these calendars, and algorithms for converting between them, may
be found in [Calendrical Calculations].

Designator Calendar
AD Anno Domini (Christian Era)
AH Anno Hegirae (Muhammedan Era)
AME Mauludi Era (solar years since Mohammed’s birth)
AM Anno Mundi (Jewish Calendar)
AP Anno Persici
AS Aji Saka Era (Java)
BE Buddhist Era
CB Cooch Behar Era
CE Common Era
CL Chinese Lunar Era
CS Chula Sakarat Era
EE Ethiopian Era
FE Fasli Era
ISO ISO 8601 calendar
JE Japanese Calendar
KE Khalsa Era (Sikh calendar)
KY Kali Yuga
ME Malabar Era
MS Monarchic Solar Era
NS Nepal Samwat Era
OS Old Style (Julian Calendar)
RS Rattanakosin (Bangkok) Era
SE Saka Era
SH Mohammedan Solar Era (Iran)
SS Saka Samvat
TE Tripurabda Era
VE Vikrama Era
VS Vikrama Samvat Era

At least one of the above calendars must be supported. It is
implementation-defined which
calendars are supported.

The ISO 8601 calendar ([ISO 8601]),
which is included in the above list and designated ISO,
is very similar to the Gregorian calendar designated AD, but it
differs in several ways. The ISO calendar
is intended to ensure that date and time formats can be read
easily by other software, as well as being legible for human
users. The ISO calendar
prescribes the use of particular numbering conventions as defined in
ISO 8601, rather than allowing these to be localized on a per-language basis.
In particular it
provides a numeric ‘week date’ format which identifies dates by
year, week of the year, and day in the week;
in the ISO calendar the days of the week are numbered from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday), and
week 1 in any calendar year is the week (from Monday to Sunday) that includes the first Thursday
of that year. The numeric values of the components year, month, day, hour, minute, and second
are the same in the ISO calendar as the values used in the lexical representation of the date and
time as defined in [XML Schema Part 2]. The era («E» component)
with this calendar is either a minus sign (for negative years) or a zero-length string (for positive years).
For dates before 1 January, AD 1, year numbers in
the ISO and AD calendars are off by one from each other: ISO year
0000 is 1 BC, -0001 is 2 BC, etc.


The value space of the date and time data types, as defined in XML Schema, is based on
absolute points in time. The lexical space of these data types defines a
representation of these absolute points in time using the proleptic Gregorian calendar,
that is, the modern Western calendar extrapolated into the past and the future; but the value space
is calendar-neutral. The
date formatting functions produce a representation
of this absolute point in time, but denoted in a possibly different calendar. So,
for example, the date whose lexical representation in XML Schema is 1502-01-11
(the day on which Pope Gregory XIII was born) might be
formatted using the Old Style (Julian) calendar as 1 January 1502. This reflects the fact
that there was at that time a ten-day difference between the two calendars. It would be
incorrect, and would produce incorrect results, to represent this date in an element or attribute
of type xs:date as 1502-01-01, even though this might reflect the way
the date was recorded in contemporary documents.

When referring to years occurring in antiquity, modern historians generally
use a numbering system in which there is no year zero (the year before 1 CE
is thus 1 BCE). This is the convention that should be used when the
requested calendar is OS (Julian) or AD (Gregorian). When the requested
calendar is ISO, however, the conventions of ISO 8601 should be followed:
here the year before +0001 is numbered zero. In [XML Schema Part 2] (version 1.0),
the value space for xs:date and xs:dateTime
does not include a year zero: however, a future edition is
expected to endorse the ISO 8601 convention. This means that the date on
which Julius Caesar was assassinated has the ISO 8601 lexical representation
-0043-03-13, but will be formatted as 15 March 44 BCE in the Julian calendar
or 13 March 44 BCE in the Gregorian calendar (dependant on the chosen
localization of the names of months and eras).

The intended use of the country argument is to identify
the place where an event
represented by the dateTime, date,
or time supplied in the $value argument took place or will take place.
If the value is supplied, and is not the empty sequence, then it should be a country code
defined in [ISO 3166-1]. Implementations may also allow the use
of codes representing subdivisions of a country from ISO 3166-2, or codes representing formerly used names of
countries from ISO 3166-3.
This argument is not intended to identify the location of the user
for whom the date or time is being formatted;
that should be done by means of the language attribute.
This information
may be used to provide additional information when converting dates between
calendars or when deciding how individual components of the date and time are to be formatted.
For example, different countries using the Old Style (Julian) calendar started the new year on different
days, and some countries used variants of the calendar that were out of synchronization as a result of
differences in calculating leap years. The geographical area identified by a country code is defined by the
boundaries as they existed at the time of the date to be formatted,
or the present-day boundaries for dates in the future.

16.5.3 Examples of Date and Time Formatting

The following examples show a selection of dates and times and the way they might
be formatted. These examples assume the use of the Gregorian calendar as the default calendar.

Required Output Expression
2002-12-31 format-date($d, "[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01]")
12-31-2002 format-date($d, "[M]-[D]-[Y]")
31-12-2002 format-date($d, "[D]-[M]-[Y]")
31 XII 2002 format-date($d, "[D1] [MI] [Y]")
31st December, 2002 format-date($d, "[D1o] [MNn], [Y]", "en", (), ())
31 DEC 2002 format-date($d, "[D01] [MN,*-3] [Y0001]", "en", (), ())
December 31, 2002 format-date($d, "[MNn] [D], [Y]", "en", (), ())
31 Dezember, 2002 format-date($d, "[D] [MNn], [Y]", "de", (), ())
Tisdag 31 December 2002 format-date($d, "[FNn] [D] [MNn] [Y]", "sv", (), ())
[2002-12-31] format-date($d, "[[[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01]]]")
Two Thousand and Three format-date($d, "[YWw]", "en", (), ())
einunddreißigste Dezember format-date($d, "[Dwo] [MNn]", "de", (), ())
3:58 PM format-time($t, "[h]:[m01] [PN]", "en", (), ())
3:58:45 pm format-time($t, "[h]:[m01]:[s01] [Pn]", "en", (), ())
3:58:45 PM PDT format-time($t, "[h]:[m01]:[s01] [PN] [ZN,*-3]", "en", (), ())
3:58:45 o'clock PM PDT format-time($t, "[h]:[m01]:[s01] o'clock [PN] [ZN,*-3]", "en", (), ())
15:58 format-time($t,"[H01]:[m01]")
15:58:45.762 format-time($t,"[H01]:[m01]:[s01].[f001]")
15:58:45 GMT+02:00 format-time($t,"[H01]:[m01]:[s01] [z,6-6]", "en", (), ())
15.58 Uhr GMT+2 format-time($t,"[H01]:[m01] Uhr [z]", "de", (), ())
3.58pm on Tuesday, 31st December format-dateTime($dt, "[h].[m01][Pn] on [FNn], [D1o] [MNn]")
12/31/2002 at 15:58:45 format-dateTime($dt, "[M01]/[D01]/[Y0001] at [H01]:[m01]:[s01]")

The following examples use calendars other than the Gregorian calendar.

These examples use non-Latin characters which might not display
correctly in all browsers, depending on the system configuration.

Description Request Result
Islamic format-date($d, "[D١] [Mn] [Y١]", "ar", "AH", ()) ٢٦ ﺸﻭّﺍﻝ ١٤٢٣
Jewish (with Western numbering) format-date($d, "[D] [Mn] [Y]", "he", "AM", ()) ‏26 טבת 5763
Jewish (with traditional numbering) format-date($d, "[Dאt] [Mn] [Yאt]", "he", "AM", ()) כ״ו טבת תשס״ג
Julian (Old Style) format-date($d, "[D] [MNn] [Y]", "en", "OS", ()) 18 December 2002
Thai format-date($d, "[D๑] [Mn] [Y๑]", "th", "BE", ()) ๓๑ ธันวาคม

16.6 Miscellaneous Additional Functions

16.6.1 current

current() as item()

The current function, used within
an XPath expression, returns the item that was the context
item at the point where the expression was invoked from the XSLT stylesheet.
This is referred to as the current item.
For an outermost expression (an expression not occurring
within another expression), the current item is always the same as the
context item. Thus,

<xsl:value-of select="current()"/>

means the same as

<xsl:value-of select="."/>

However, within square brackets, or on the
right-hand side of the / operator,
the current item is generally
different from the context item.

For example,

<xsl:apply-templates select="//glossary/entry[@name=current()/@ref]"/>

will process all entry elements that have a
glossary parent element and that have a name
attribute with value equal to the value of the current item’s
ref attribute. This is different from

<xsl:apply-templates select="//glossary/entry[@name=./@ref]"/>

which means the same as

<xsl:apply-templates select="//glossary/entry[@name=@ref]"/>

and so would process all entry elements that have a
glossary parent element and that have a name
attribute and a ref attribute with the same value.

If the current function is used within a
pattern, its value is the node that is being matched
against the pattern.

[ERR XTDE1360] If the current function is evaluated
within an expression that is evaluated when the context item is undefined, a
non-recoverable dynamic error occurs.

16.6.2 unparsed-entity-uri

unparsed-entity-uri($entity-name as xs:string) as xs:anyURI

The unparsed-entity-uri function returns the URI of the
unparsed entity whose name is given by the value of the $entity-name argument, in the
document containing the context node. It returns the
zero-length xs:anyURI if there is no such entity.
This function maps to the dm:unparsed-entity-system-id
accessor defined in [Data Model].

[ERR XTDE1370] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the unparsed-entity-uri function is called when there is no context node,
or when the root of the tree containing the context node is not a document node.

16.6.3 unparsed-entity-public-id

unparsed-entity-public-id($entity-name as xs:string) as xs:string

The unparsed-entity-public-id function returns the public identifier of the
unparsed entity whose name is given by the value of the $entity-name argument, in the
document containing the context node. It returns the
zero-length string if there is no such entity, or if the entity
has no public identifier. This function maps to the dm:unparsed-entity-public-id
accessor defined in [Data Model].

[ERR XTDE1380] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the unparsed-entity-public-id function is called
when there is no context node,
or when the root of the tree containing the context node is not a document node.

16.6.4 generate-id

generate-id() as xs:string

generate-id($node as node()?) as xs:string

The generate-id function returns a string that
uniquely identifies a given node. The unique identifier must consist of ASCII
alphanumeric characters and must start with an alphabetic character.
Thus, the string is syntactically an XML name. An implementation is
free to generate an identifier in any convenient way provided that it
always generates the same identifier for the same node and that
different identifiers are always generated from different nodes. An
implementation is under no obligation to generate the same identifiers
each time a document is transformed. There is no guarantee that a
generated unique identifier will be distinct from any unique IDs
specified in the source document. If the argument
is the empty sequence, the result is the zero-length string.
If the argument is omitted, it defaults
to the context node.

16.6.5 system-property

system-property($property-name as xs:string) as xs:string

The $property-name argument must evaluate to a
lexical QName.
The lexical QName is expanded as described in
5.1 Qualified Names.

[ERR XTDE1390] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the value
not a valid QName, or if there is no
namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName.
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.

The system-property function returns a string
representing the value of the system property identified by the name.
If there is no such system property, the zero-length string is

Implementations must provide the following system properties, which
are all in the XSLT namespace:

  • xsl:version, a number giving the version of XSLT
    implemented by the processor; for implementations conforming to the
    version of XSLT specified by this document, this is the string
    "2.0". The value will always be a string in the lexical
    space of the decimal data type defined in XML Schema (see [XML Schema Part 2]).
    This allows the value to be converted to a number for the purpose
    of magnitude comparisons.

  • xsl:vendor, a string identifying the implementer of the

  • xsl:vendor-url, a string containing a URL
    identifying the implementer of the processor; typically this is the
    host page (home page) of the implementer’s Web site.

  • xsl:product-name, a string containing the name
    of the implementation, as defined by the implementer. This should normally
    remain constant from one release of the product to the next. It should also be
    constant across platforms in cases where the same source code is used to produce
    compatible products for multiple execution platforms.

  • xsl:product-version, a string identifying the version
    of the implementation, as defined by the implementer. This should normally
    vary from one release of the product to the next, and at the discretion
    of the implementer it may also vary across different execution platforms.

  • xsl:is-schema-aware, returns the string "yes" in
    the case of a processor that claims conformance as a schema-aware
    XSLT processor, or "no" in the case of a basic XSLT processor.

  • xsl:supports-serialization, returns the string "yes" in
    the case of a processor that offers the serialization feature,
    or "no" otherwise.

  • xsl:supports-backwards-compatibility, returns the string "yes" in
    the case of a processor that offers the
    backwards compatibility feature,
    or "no" otherwise.

In addition, processors may support the following
system property in the XSLT namespace.
A processor that does not support this property will return a zero-length
string if the property is requested.

  • xsl:supports-namespace-axis, returns the string "yes" in
    the case of a processor that offers the XPath namespace axis even when not in backwards
    compatible mode, or "no" otherwise. Note that a processor that supports
    backwards compatible mode must support the namespace axis when in that mode, so this
    property is not relevant to that case.

Some of these properties relate to the conformance levels and features
offered by the processor:
these options are described in 21 Conformance.

The actual values returned for the above properties
are implementation-defined.

The set of system properties that are supported, in addition
to those listed above, is also implementation-defined.
Implementations must not define additional system
properties in the XSLT namespace.


An implementation must not return the value 2.0
as the value of the xsl:version system property unless it is
conformant to XSLT 2.0.

It is recognized that vendors who are enhancing XSLT 1.0 processors may
wish to release interim implementations before all the mandatory features of this
specification are implemented. Since such products are not conformant to XSLT 2.0, this
specification cannot define their behavior. However, implementers of such products are
encouraged to return a value for the xsl:version system property that
is intermediate between 1.0 and 2.0, and to provide the element-available and
function-available functions to allow users to test which features have
been fully implemented.

17 Messages

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression
  terminate? = { "yes" | "no" }>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:message instruction sends a message in
an implementation-defined way.
The xsl:message instruction causes the creation of a new
document, which is typically serialized and output to an
destination. The result of the xsl:message instruction is an empty

The content of the message may be specified by using either or both of the
optional select attribute and the
sequence constructor
that forms the content of the xsl:message instruction.

If the xsl:message instruction contains a
sequence constructor, then the sequence
obtained by evaluating this sequence constructor is used to construct
the content of the new document node, as described in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content.

If the xsl:message instruction has a select
attribute, then the value of the attribute must be an XPath expression.
The effect of the xsl:message instruction is then the same as if
a single xsl:copy-of instruction with this select attribute
were added to the start of the sequence constructor.

If the xsl:message instruction has no content
and no select attribute, then an empty message is produced.

The tree produced by the xsl:message instruction is not technically
a final result tree.
The tree has no URI and processors are not required to make the tree
accessible to applications.


In many cases, the XML document produced using xsl:message will
consist of a document node owning a single text node. However, it may contain a more complex


An implementation might implement xsl:message by
popping up an alert box or by writing to a log file. Because the order
of execution of instructions is implementation-defined, the order in which such messages appear
is not predictable.

The terminate attribute is interpreted as
an attribute value

If the effective value
of the terminate attribute is
yes, then the processor
terminate processing after sending the message. The default value is no.
Note that because the order of evaluation of instructions is
this gives no guarantee that any particular instruction will or
will not be evaluated before processing terminates.

[ERR XTMM9000] When
a transformation is terminated by use of xsl:message terminate="yes", the effect
is the same as when a non-recoverable dynamic error occurs
during the transformation.

One convenient way to do localization is to put the localized
information (message text, etc.) in an XML document, which becomes an
additional input file to the stylesheet. For example, suppose
messages for a language
are stored in an XML
file resources/L.xml in the form:

  <message name="problem">A problem was detected.</message>
  <message name="error">An error was detected.</message>

Then a stylesheet could use the following approach to localize

<xsl:param name="lang" select="'en'"/>
<xsl:variable name="messages"
  select="document(concat('resources/', $lang, '.xml'))/messages"/>

<xsl:template name="localized-message">
  <xsl:param name="name"/>
  <xsl:message select="string($messages/message[@name=$name])"/>

<xsl:template name="problem">
  <xsl:call-template name="localized-message">
    <xsl:with-param name="name">problem</xsl:with-param>

Any dynamic error that occurs
while evaluating the select expression or the
contained sequence constructor,
and any serialization error
that occurs while
processing the result, is treated as a
recoverable error even if the error
would not be recoverable under other circumstances. The
optional recovery
action is implementation-dependent.


An example of such an error is the serialization error that occurs when
processing the instruction <xsl:message select="@code"/> (on the grounds that
free-standing attributes cannot be serialized). Making such errors recoverable
means that it is implementation-defined whether or not they are signaled to the
user and whether they cause termination of the transformation. If the processor
chooses to recover from the error, the content of any resulting message is

One possible recovery action is to include a description of the error in the
generated message text.

18 Extensibility and Fallback

XSLT allows two kinds of extension, extension instructions and
extension functions.

[Definition: An
extension instruction is an element within a
sequence constructor that is in
a namespace (not the XSLT namespace)
designated as an extension namespace.]

[Definition: An
extension function is a function that is available for
use within an XPath expression, other than a
core function defined
in [Functions and Operators], an additional function defined in this
XSLT specification, a constructor function named after an
atomic type, or a stylesheet
function defined using an xsl:function declaration.].

This specification does not define any mechanism for creating or binding
implementations of extension instructions
or extension functions, and
it is not required that implementations support any such mechanism.
Such mechanisms, if they exist, are
Therefore, an XSLT stylesheet that must
be portable between XSLT implementations cannot rely on particular
extensions being available. XSLT provides mechanisms that allow an
XSLT stylesheet to determine whether the implementation makes particular extensions
available, and to specify what happens if those extensions are
not available. If an XSLT stylesheet is careful to make use of these
mechanisms, it is possible for it to take advantage of extensions and
still retain portability.

18.1 Extension Functions

The set of functions that can be called from
a FunctionCallXP
within an XPath expression may include
one or more extension functions.
The expanded-QName of an extension function
always has a non-null namespace URI.

18.1.1 Testing Availability of Functions

The function-available function
can be used with the
[xsl:]use-when attribute (see 3.12 Conditional Element Inclusion) to
explicitly control how a stylesheet behaves if a particular
extension function is not available.

function-available($function-name as xs:string) as xs:boolean

function-available( $function-name  as xs:string,
$arity  as xs:integer) as xs:boolean

A function is said to be available within an XPath expression if it is present in the
in-scope functionsXP for that expression
(see 5.4.1 Initializing the Static Context). Functions in the static context are uniquely identified
by the name of the function (a QName) in combination with its arity.

The value of the $function-name argument must be a string containing
a lexical QName.
The lexical QName is expanded into an expanded-QName using the
namespace declarations in scope for the expression.
If the lexical QName is unprefixed, then the
standard function namespace
is used in the expanded QName.

The two-argument version of the
function-available function
returns true if and only if there is an available function whose name matches the value of the $function-name argument
and whose arity matches the value of the $arity argument.

The single-argument version of the
function-available function
returns true if and only if there is at least one available function (with some arity)
whose name matches the value of the $function-name argument.

[ERR XTDE1400] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the argument

does not evaluate to a string that is a valid QName,
or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName.
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.

When backwards compatible behavior
is enabled, the function-available function
returns false in respect of a function name and arity for which no implementation is available
(other than the fallback error function that raises a
dynamic error whenever it is called). This means that it is possible (as in XSLT
1.0) to use logic such as the following to test whether a function is
available before calling it:

<summary xsl:version="1.0">
    <xsl:when test="function-available('my:summary')">
      <xsl:value-of select="my:summary()"/>
      <xsl:text>Summary not available</xsl:text>


The fact that a function with a given name is available
gives no guarantee that any particular call on the function will be successful. For example,
it is not possible to determine the types of the arguments expected.


In XSLT 2.0 (without backwards compatibility enabled)
a static error occurs when an XPath expression
references a function that is not available. This is true even in a part of the stylesheet
that uses forwards-compatible behavior.
Therefore, the conditional logic to test whether a function is
available before calling it should normally be written in a use-when attribute (see
3.12 Conditional Element Inclusion).

A stylesheet that is designed to use XSLT 2.0 facilities when they are available, but to fall back
to XSLT 1.0 capabilities when not, might be written using the code:

<out xsl:version="2.0">
    <xsl:when test="function-available('matches')">
      <xsl:value-of select="matches($input, '[a-z]*')"/>
      <xsl:value-of select="string-length(
	                  translate($in, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', '')) = 0"/>

Here an XSLT 2.0 processor will always take the xsl:when branch,
while a 1.0 processor will follow the xsl:otherwise branch.
The single-argument version of the function-available function is used
here, because that is the only version available in XSLT 1.0. Under the rules of XSLT 1.0, the call on
the matches function is not an error, because it is never evaluated.

A stylesheet that is designed to use facilities in some future XSLT version when they are available, but to fall back
to XSLT 2.0 capabilities when not, might be written using code such as the following. This hypothesizes the availability
in some future version of a function pad which pads a string to a fixed
length with spaces:

 <xsl:value-of select="pad($input, 10)" 
               use-when="function-available('pad', 2)"/>
 <xsl:value-of select="concat($input, string-join(
                          for $i in 1 to 10 - string-length($input) 
						  return ' ', ''))"
               use-when="not(function-available('pad', 2))"/>

In this case the two-argument version of function-available is used, because there
is no requirement for this code to run under XSLT 1.0.

18.1.2 Calling Extension Functions

If the function name used in a
within an XPath expression identifies an
extension function, then to evaluate the FunctionCallXP, the processor
will first evaluate each of the arguments in the FunctionCallXP. If the
processor has information about the data types expected by the extension function,
then it may perform any necessary type conversions between the XPath data types and
those defined by the implementation language. If multiple extension functions are
available with the same name, the processor may decide which one to invoke based on
the number of arguments, the types of the arguments, or any other criteria.
The result returned by the implementation
is returned as the result of the function call, again after any necessary conversions
between the data types of the implementation language and those of XPath. The details
of such type conversions are outside the scope of this specification.

[ERR XTDE1420] It is a non-recoverable dynamic
error if the arguments supplied to a call on an extension function do
not satisfy the rules defined for that particular extension function, or if the
extension function reports an error, or if the result of the extension function
cannot be converted to an XPath value.


Implementations may also provide mechanisms allowing extension
functions to report
recoverable dynamic errors, or to execute within an environment that treats some or all
of the errors listed above as recoverable.

[ERR XTDE1425] When
backwards compatible behavior
is enabled,
it is a non-recoverable dynamic
error to evaluate an extension function call if no implementation
of the extension function is available.


When backwards-compatible behavior is not enabled,
this is a static error [XPST0017].


There is no prohibition on calling extension functions that
have side-effects (for example, an extension function that writes data to a file). However,
the order of execution of XSLT instructions is not defined in this specification, so the
effects of such functions are unpredictable.

Implementations are not required to perform full validation
of values returned by extension functions. It is an error for
an extension function to return a string containing characters that are not permitted
in XML, but the consequences of this error are
implementation-defined. The implementation
may raise an error, may convert the string to a string containing valid characters only, or may
treat the invalid characters as if they were permitted characters.


The ability to execute extension functions represents a
potential security weakness, since untrusted stylesheets may invoke code that has
privileged access to resources on the machine where the
processor executes.
Implementations may therefore provide mechanisms that restrict the use of
extension functions by untrusted stylesheets.

All observations in this section regarding the errors that can occur
when invoking extension functions apply equally when invoking
extension instructions.

18.1.3 External Objects

An implementation may allow an extension function to return
an object that does not have any natural representation in the XDM data model,
either as an atomic value or as a node. For example, an extension function sql:connect might
return an object that represents a connection to a relational database; the resulting
connection object might be passed as an argument to calls on other extension functions
such as sql:insert and sql:select.

The way in which such objects are represented in the type
system is implementation-defined.
They might be represented by a completely new data type, or they might be mapped to existing
data types such as integer, string, or anyURI.

18.1.4 Testing Availability of Types

The type-available function
can be used to control how a stylesheet behaves if a particular
schema type is not available in the static context.

type-available($type-name as xs:string) as xs:boolean

A schema type (that is, a simple type or a complex type) is said to be
available within an XPath expression if it is a type definition that is present
in the in-scope schema typesXP
for that expression (see 5.4.1 Initializing the Static Context). This includes built-in types, types imported using
xsl:import-schema, and extension types defined by the

The value of the $type-name argument must be a string containing
a lexical QName.
The lexical QName is expanded into an expanded-QName using the
namespace declarations in scope for the expression.
If the lexical QName is unprefixed, then the
default namespace is used in the expanded QName.

The function
returns true if and only if there is an available type whose name matches the value of the
$type-name argument.

[ERR XTDE1428] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the argument

does not evaluate to a string that is a valid QName,
or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName.
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.


The type-available function
is of limited use within an [xsl:]use-when expression, because the
static context for the expression does not include any user-defined types.

18.2 Extension Instructions

[Definition: The
extension instruction mechanism allows namespaces to be designated as
extension namespaces. When a namespace is designated as
an extension namespace and an element with a name from that namespace
occurs in a sequence constructor,
then the element is treated as an instruction
rather than as a literal result element.] The namespace
determines the semantics of the instruction.


Since an element that is a child of an
xsl:stylesheet element is not occurring in a
sequence constructor
user-defined data elements
(see 3.6.2 User-defined Data Elements) are not extension
elements as defined here, and nothing in this section applies to

18.2.1 Designating an Extension Namespace

A namespace is designated as an extension namespace by using an
[xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute on an
element in the stylesheet (see 3.5 Standard Attributes).
The attribute must be in the XSLT namespace
only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace.
The value of the attribute is a
whitespace-separated list of namespace prefixes. The namespace bound
to each of the prefixes is designated as an extension namespace.

The default namespace (as declared by xmlns) may be designated as an
extension namespace by including #default in the list of
namespace prefixes.

[ERR XTSE1430] It
is a static error
if there is no namespace bound to the prefix on the
element bearing the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute
or, when #default is specified,
if there is no default namespace.

The designation of a namespace as an extension
namespace is effective for
the element bearing the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute
and for all descendants of that element within the same stylesheet module.

18.2.2 Testing Availability of Instructions

The element-available function can be used with the
xsl:choose and xsl:if instructions, or with the
[xsl:]use-when attribute (see 3.12 Conditional Element Inclusion) to
explicitly control how a stylesheet behaves when a particular
XSLT instruction or extension instruction is (or is not) available.

element-available($element-name as xs:string) as xs:boolean

The value of the $element-name argument must be a string containing a QName.
The QName is expanded into an expanded-QName using the
namespace declarations in scope for the expression. If there is a default namespace in scope,
then it is used to expand an unprefixed QName. The
element-available function returns true if and
only if the expanded-QName is the name of an instruction. If the
expanded-QName has a namespace URI equal to
the XSLT namespace URI,
then it refers to an element defined by XSLT. Otherwise, it refers to
an extension instruction. If the expanded-QName has a null namespace URI,
the element-available function will return

[ERR XTDE1440] It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the

does not evaluate to a string that is a valid QName,
or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName.
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.

If the expanded-QName
is in the XSLT namespace, the function returns true if
and only if the expanded QName is the name of an XSLT instruction,
that is,
an XSLT element whose syntax summary in this specification
classifies it as
an instruction.


Although the result of applying this function to a name in the
XSLT namespace when using a conformant
XSLT 2.0 processor is entirely predictable, the function is useful in cases
where the stylesheet might be executing under a processor that implements some
other version of XSLT with different rules.

If the expanded-QName
is not in the XSLT namespace, the function returns true
if and only if the processor has an implementation available of an
extension instruction
with the given expanded QName. This applies whether or not the
namespace has been designated as an extension namespace.

If the processor does not have an implementation of a particular extension
instruction available, and such an extension instruction is evaluated, then the
processor must perform fallback for the element as specified in 18.2.3 Fallback.
An implementation must not signal an error merely because the
stylesheet contains an extension instruction for which no implementation is

18.2.3 Fallback

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The content of an xsl:fallback element is a
sequence constructor,
and when performing fallback, the value
returned by the xsl:fallback element
is the result of evaluating this sequence constructor.

When not performing fallback, evaluating an xsl:fallback element returns
an empty sequence: the content of the xsl:fallback element is ignored.

There are two situations where a
processor performs fallback: when an
extension instruction that is not available is evaluated, and when an instruction
in the XSLT namespace, that is not defined in XSLT 2.0, is evaluated within a
region of the stylesheet for which forwards
compatible behavior is enabled.


Fallback processing is not invoked in other situations, for example
it is not invoked when an XPath expression uses unrecognized syntax or
contains a call to an unknown function. To handle such situations dynamically, the stylesheet should
call functions such as
system-property and function-available to decide what
capabilities are available.

[ERR XTDE1450] When a
processor performs fallback for an
extension instruction that is not recognized,
if the instruction element has one or more
xsl:fallback children, then the content of each of the
xsl:fallback children must be evaluated; it is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if it has no xsl:fallback children.


This is different from the situation with unrecognized
XSLT elements. As explained
in 3.9 Forwards-Compatible Processing, an unrecognized XSLT element appearing within a
sequence constructor is a static
error unless (a) forwards-compatible behavior
is enabled, and (b) the instruction has an xsl:fallback child.

19 Final Result Trees

The output of a transformation is a set of one or more
final result trees.

A final result tree
can be created explicitly, by evaluating an
xsl:result-document instruction.
As explained in 2.4 Executing a Transformation,
a final result tree is also created implicitly if no
xsl:result-document instruction is evaluated, or if the
result of evaluating the initial template is a non-empty sequence.

The way in which a final result tree is delivered to an application
is implementation-defined.

Serialization of final result trees
is described further in 20 Serialization

19.1 Creating Final Result Trees

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  format? = { qname }
  href? = { uri-reference }
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = qname
  method? = { "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | qname-but-not-ncname }
  byte-order-mark? = { "yes" | "no" }
  cdata-section-elements? = { qnames }
  doctype-public? = { string }
  doctype-system? = { string }
  encoding? = { string }
  escape-uri-attributes? = { "yes" | "no" }
  include-content-type? = { "yes" | "no" }
  indent? = { "yes" | "no" }
  media-type? = { string }
  normalization-form? = { "NFC" | "NFD" | "NFKC" | "NFKD" | "fully-normalized" | "none" | nmtoken }
  omit-xml-declaration? = { "yes" | "no" }
  standalone? = { "yes" | "no" | "omit" }
  undeclare-prefixes? = { "yes" | "no" }
  use-character-maps? = qnames
  output-version? = { nmtoken }>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:result-document instruction is used to create a
final result tree. The content of the
xsl:result-document element is a
sequence constructor
for the children of the document node of the tree.
A document node is created, and
the sequence obtained by evaluating the sequence constructor is used to construct
the content of the document, as described in 5.7.1 Constructing Complex Content.
The tree rooted at this document node forms the final result tree.

The xsl:result-document instruction defines the URI
of the result
tree, and may optionally specify the output format to be used for serializing this tree.

The effective value
of the format attribute, if specified, must be a
lexical QName.
The QName is expanded using the namespace declarations in scope for the
xsl:result-document element.
The expanded-QName
must match the expanded
QName of a named output definition in the stylesheet.
This identifies
the xsl:output declaration that will control the serialization of the
final result tree
(see 20 Serialization), if the result tree is serialized. If the
format attribute is omitted, the unnamed
output definition
is used to control serialization of the result tree.

[ERR XTDE1460] It is
a non-recoverable dynamic
error if the effective value
of the format attribute

is not a valid lexical QName,
or if it does not match the expanded-QName of an
output definition in the
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the format attribute
contains no curly brackets), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.


The only way to select the unnamed output definition
is to omit the format attribute.

The attributes method,
use-character-maps, and
output-version may be used to override attributes defined in the selected
output definition.

With the exception of use-character-maps, these attributes
are all defined as attribute value templates,
so their values may be set dynamically. For any of these attributes
that is present on the xsl:result-document instruction, the
effective value of the attribute overrides
or supplements the corresponding value from the output definition. This works in the same way
as when one xsl:output declaration overrides another:

  • In the case of cdata-section-elements, the value of the
    serialization parameter is the union of the expanded names of the elements named in this instruction and the
    elements named in the selected output definition;

  • In the case of use-character-maps, the character maps referenced in
    this instruction supplement and take precedence over those defined in the selected output

  • In all other cases, the effective value of an attribute actually present on this
    instruction takes precedence over the value defined in the selected output definition.


In the case of the attributes method, cdata-section-elements,
and use-character-maps,
the effective value of the attribute contains
one or more lexical QNames. The prefix in such a QName is expanded using the
in-scope namespaces for the xsl:result-document element. In the case of
cdata-section-elements, an unprefixed element name is expanded using the default

In the case of the attributes doctype-system and doctype-public, setting the effective value of the
attribute to a zero-length string has the effect of overriding any value for these attributes obtained from the output definition.
The corresponding serialization parameter is not set (is «absent»).

The output-version attribute
on the xsl:result-document instruction overrides the version
attribute on xsl:output (it has been renamed because version
is available with a different meaning as a standard attribute:
see 3.5 Standard Attributes). In all other cases, attributes correspond if
they have the same name.

There are some serialization parameters that apply to some output methods but not to
others. For example, the indent attribute has no effect on the text output method.
If a value is supplied for an attribute that is inapplicable to the output method, its value is
not passed to the serializer.
The processor may validate the value of such an attribute, but is not required
to do so.

The href attribute is
optional. The default value is the zero-length string.
The effective value of the attribute must be a
URI Reference, which may be absolute or relative.
There may be implementation-defined
restrictions on the form of absolute URI
that may be used, but the implementation is not required to enforce any restrictions.
Any legal relative URI must be accepted. Note that the zero-length string
is a legal relative URI.

The base URI of the document node at the root of the
final result tree
is based on the
effective value of the href attribute.
If the effective value is a relative URI, then
it is resolved relative to the base output URI.
If the implementation provides an API to access final result
trees, then it must allow a final result tree to be identified by means of this base URI.


The base URI of the
final result tree is not
necessarily the same thing as the URI of its serialized representation on disk, if any.
For example, a server (or browser client) might store final result trees only in memory, or
in an internal disk cache.
As long as the processor
satisfies requests for those URIs, it is irrelevant where they are actually written
on disk, if at all.


It will often be the case that one final result tree
contains links to another final result tree produced
during the same transformation, in the form of a relative URI. The mechanism of associating a URI with
a final result tree has been chosen to allow the integrity of such links to be preserved when the
trees are serialized.

As well as being potentially significant in any API that provides access to final
result trees, the base URI of the new document node is relevant if the final result tree, rather than
being serialized, is supplied as input to a further transformation.

The optional attributes type and validation may
be used on the xsl:result-document
instruction to validate the contents of the new document, and to
determine the type annotation that elements and attributes within the
final result tree will carry.
The permitted values and their semantics are described in
19.2.2 Validating Document Nodes.

A processor
may allow a
final result tree to be serialized.
Serialization is described in 20 Serialization.
However, an implementation (for example,
a processor running in an environment with no access
to writable filestore) is not required to
support the serialization of final result trees.
An implementation that does not support
the serialization of final result trees may ignore the format attribute
and the serialization attributes.
Such an implementation
must provide the application with some means of access to the (un-serialized) result tree,
using its URI to identify it.

Implementations may provide additional mechanisms, outside the scope
of this specification, for defining the way in which
final result trees are processed. Such mechanisms
may make use of the XSLT-defined attributes on the xsl:result-document and/or
xsl:output elements, or they may use additional elements or attributes in
an implementation-defined namespace.

The following example takes an XHTML document as input, and breaks it up so that the text
following each <h1> element is included in a separate document. A new document toc.html
is constructed to act as an index:

<xsl:output name="toc-format" method="xhtml" indent="yes"
            doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"/>
<xsl:output name="section-format" method="xhtml" indent="no"
            doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"/>	
<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:result-document href="toc.html" format="toc-format" validation="strict">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
      <head><title>Table of Contents</title></head>
        <h1>Table of Contents</h1>
        <xsl:for-each select="/*/xhtml:body/(*[1] | xhtml:h1)">
          <p><a href="section{position()}.html"><xsl:value-of select="."/></a></p>
  <xsl:for-each-group select="/*/xhtml:body/*" group-starting-with="xhtml:h1">
    <xsl:result-document href="section{position()}.html" 
                         format="section-format" validation="strip">  	
      <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <head><title><xsl:value-of select="."/></title></head>
          <xsl:copy-of select="current-group()"/>


There are restrictions on the use of the xsl:result-document
instruction, designed to ensure that the results are fully interoperable even when processors
optimize the sequence in which instructions are evaluated. Informally, the restriction is that
the xsl:result-document instruction can only be used while writing a final result
tree, not while writing to a temporary tree or a sequence. This restriction is defined formally as follows.

[Definition: Each instruction
in the stylesheet is evaluated in one of two possible output states:
final output state or
temporary output state

[Definition: The first of the two
output states
is called final output state. This state applies when
instructions are writing to a
final result tree.]

[Definition: The second of the two
output states
is called temporary output state. This state applies when
instructions are writing to a temporary tree
or any other non-final destination.]

The instructions in the initial template
are evaluated in final output state.
An instruction is evaluated in the same output state
as its calling instruction, except that xsl:variable, xsl:param,
xsl:with-param, xsl:attribute,
xsl:comment, xsl:processing-instruction, xsl:namespace,
xsl:function, xsl:key, xsl:sort,
and xsl:message always evaluate the instructions in their contained
sequence constructor in
temporary output state.

[ERR XTDE1480] It is a non-recoverable dynamic
error to evaluate the xsl:result-document instruction in
temporary output state.

[ERR XTDE1490] It is a non-recoverable dynamic
error for a transformation to generate two or more
final result trees with the same URI.


Note, this means that it is an error to evaluate more than one xsl:result-document
instruction that omits the href attribute, or to evaluate any xsl:result-document
instruction that omits the href attribute if an initial
final result tree is created implicitly.

Technically, the result of evaluating the xsl:result-document
instruction is an empty sequence. This means it does not contribute any nodes to
the result of the sequence constructor it is part of.

[ERR XTRE1495] It
is a recoverable dynamic
error for a transformation to generate two or more
final result trees
with URIs that identify the same physical resource. The
optional recovery action
is implementation-dependent,
since it may be impossible for the processor to detect the error.

[ERR XTRE1500] It is a recoverable dynamic error
for a stylesheet to write to an external resource and read from the same resource during a single
transformation, whether or not the same URI is used to access the resource in both cases. The
optional recovery action is implementation-dependent:
implementations are not required to detect the error condition.
Note that if the error is not detected, it is undefined whether the document that is read from the resource
reflects its state before or after the result tree is written.

19.2 Validation

It is possible to control the type annotation applied to individual element and
attribute nodes as they are constructed.
This is done using the type and validation attributes of
the xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy,
xsl:copy-of, xsl:document, and xsl:result-document instructions,
or the xsl:type and xsl:validation attributes of a
literal result element.

The [xsl:]type attribute is used to request validation
of an element or attribute against a specific simple or complex type defined in a schema.
The [xsl:]validation
attribute is used to request validation against the global element or attribute declaration
whose name matches the name of the element or attribute being validated.

The [xsl:]type and [xsl:]validation attributes are mutually
exclusive. Both are optional, but if one is present then the other must be omitted. If both
attributes are omitted, the effect is the same as specifying the validation attribute
with the value specified in the default-validation attribute of the containing
xsl:stylesheet element; if this is not specified, the effect is the same as
specifying validation="strip".

[ERR XTSE1505] It is a
static error if both the
[xsl:]type and [xsl:]validation attributes are present on
the xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy,
xsl:copy-of, xsl:document, or xsl:result-document
or on a literal result element.

The detailed rules for validation vary depending on the kind of node being
validated. The rules for element and attribute nodes are given in 19.2.1 Validating Constructed Elements and Attributes,
while those for document nodes are given in 19.2.2 Validating Document Nodes.

19.2.1 Validating Constructed Elements and Attributes Validation using the [xsl:]validation Attribute

The [xsl:]validation attribute defines the validation action to be taken. It determines not only
the type annotation of the node that is constructed by the relevant instruction
itself, but also the type annotations of all element and attribute nodes that have the constructed
node as an ancestor. Conceptually, the validation requested for a child element or attribute node is
applied before the validation requested for its parent element. For example, if the instruction that
constructs a child element specifies validation="strict", this will cause the
child element to be checked against an element declaration,
but if the instruction that constructs its parent element specifies validation="strip",
then the final effect will be that the child node is annotated as

In the paragraphs below, the term contained nodes means the elements and attributes
that have the newly constructed node as an ancestor.

  • The value strip indicates that the new node and each of the contained nodes
    will have the type annotation
    if it is an element, or xs:untypedAtomic
    if it is an attribute. Any previous type annotation present on a contained element or attribute node
    (for example, a type annotation that is present on an element copied from a source document)
    is also replaced by xs:untyped
    or xs:untypedAtomic as appropriate.
    The typed value of the node is changed to be the same as its string value,
    as an instance of xs:untypedAtomic. In the case of elements the nilled property
    is set to false. The values of the is-id and is-idrefs properties
    are unchanged. Schema validation is not invoked.

  • The value preserve indicates that nodes that are copied will
    retain their type annotations, but nodes whose content is newly constructed will be
    annotated as xs:anyType in the case of
    elements, or xs:untypedAtomic
    in the case of attributes. Schema validation is not invoked.
    The detailed effect depends on the instruction:

    • In the case of xsl:element and literal result elements,
      the new element has a type annotation
      of xs:anyType, and the type
      annotations of contained nodes are retained unchanged.

    • In the case of xsl:attribute, the effect is exactly the
      same as specifying validation="strip": that is, the new attribute will
      have the type annotation xs:untypedAtomic.

    • In the case of xsl:copy-of, all the nodes that are copied
      will retain their type annotations unchanged.

    • In the case of xsl:copy, the effect depends on the kind of
      node being copied.

      1. Where the node being copied is an attribute, the copied attribute will retain its
        type annotation.

      2. Where the node being copied is an element, the copied element will have a
        type annotation of xs:anyType
        (because this instruction does not copy the
        content of the element, it would be wrong to assume that the type is unchanged);
        but any contained nodes will have their type annotations retained
        in the same way as with xsl:element.

  • The value strict indicates that type annotations are
    established by performing strict schema validity assessment on the element or attribute
    node created by this instruction as follows:

    • In the case of an element, a top-level
      element declaration is identified
      whose local name and namespace (if any) match the name of the element,
      and schema-validity assessment is carried out
      according to the rules defined in [XML Schema Part 1]
      (section 3.3.4 «Element Declaration Validation Rules», validation rule
      «Schema-Validity Assessment (Element)», clauses 1.1 and 2,
      using the top-level element declaration as the «declaration stipulated by the processor», which is mentioned
      in clause
      The element is considered valid if the result of the
      schema validity assessment is a PSVI in which the relevant element node has a validity
      property whose value is valid. If there is no matching
      element declaration, or if the element is not considered
      valid, the transformation fails [see ERR XTTE1510], [see ERR XTTE1512].
      In effect this means that the element
      being validated must be declared using a top-level declaration in the schema, and
      must conform to its declaration. The process of validation
      applies recursively to contained elements and attributes to the extent
      required by the schema definition.


      It is not an error if the identified type definition is a simple type,
      although [XML Schema Part 1] does not define explicitly that this case is permitted.

    • In the case of an attribute, a top-level
      attribute declaration is identified
      whose local name and namespace (if any) match the name of the attribute,
      and schema-validity assessment is carried out
      according to the rules defined in [XML Schema Part 1]
      3.2.4 «Attribute Declaration Validation Rules», validation rule
      «Schema-Validity Assessment (Attribute)»).
      The attribute is considered valid if the result of the
      schema validity assessment is a PSVI in which the relevant attribute node has a validity
      property whose value is valid. If the attribute is not considered
      valid, the transformation fails [see ERR XTTE1510].
      In effect this means that the attribute
      being validated must be declared using a top-level declaration in the schema, and
      must conform to its declaration.

    • The schema components used to validate an element or attribute may
      be located in any way described by [XML Schema Part 1] (see section 4.3.2,
      How schema documents are located on the Web). The components in the schema
      constructed from the synthetic schema document (see 3.14 Importing Schema Components) will
      always be available for validating constructed nodes; if additional schema components are
      needed, they may be located in other ways,
      for example implicitly from knowledge
      of the namespace in which the elements and attributes appear,
      or using the xsi:schemaLocation attribute of elements within the
      tree being validated.

    • If no validation is performed for a node, which can happen when the schema
      specifies lax or
      skip validation for that node or for a subtree, then the node is annotated as
      xs:anyType in the case
      of an element, and xs:untypedAtomic in the case of an attribute.

  • The value lax has the same effect as the value
    strict, except that whereas strict validation fails
    if there is no matching top-level element declaration or
    if the outcome of validity assessment is a validity property of invalid
    or notKnown,
    lax validation fails only if
    the outcome of validity assessment is a validity property of invalid.
    That is, lax validation does not cause a type error when the outcome is

    In practice this means that the element or
    attribute being validated must conform to its declaration if a top-level declaration
    is available. If no such declaration is available, then
    the element or attribute is not validated, but its attributes and children are validated, again
    with lax validation. Any nodes whose validation outcome is a validity property
    of notKnown are annotated as xs:anyType
    in the case
    of an element, and xs:untypedAtomic in the case of an attribute.


    When the parent element lacks a declaration, the XML Schema
    specification defines the recursive checking of children and attributes as optional.
    For this specification, this recursive checking is required.


    If an element that is being validated has an xsi:type attribute,
    then the value of the xsi:type attribute will be taken into account when performing the
    validation. However, the presence of an xsi:type attribute will not of itself cause an element
    to be validated: if validation against a named type is required, as distinct from validation against a top-level
    element declaration, then it must be requested using the XSLT [xsl:]type attribute on
    the instruction that invokes the validation, as described in section Validation using the [xsl:]type Attribute

[ERR XTTE1510] If the validation attribute
of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute,
xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document
instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute
of a literal result element,
has the effective value strict, and
schema validity assessment concludes that the validity of
the element or attribute is invalid or unknown, a type
error occurs. As with other type
errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.

[ERR XTTE1512] If the validation attribute
of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute,
xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document
instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute
of a literal result element,
has the effective value strict, and
there is no matching top-level declaration in the schema, then a type
error occurs. As with other type
errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.

[ERR XTTE1515] If the validation attribute
of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute,
xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document
instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute
of a literal result element,
has the effective value lax, and
schema validity assessment concludes that the element or attribute is invalid, a type
error occurs. As with other type
errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.


No mechanism is provided to validate an element or attribute against a local declaration
in a schema. Such validation can usually be achieved by applying validation to a containing element
for which a top-level element declaration exists. Validation using the [xsl:]type Attribute

The [xsl:]type attribute takes as its value a QName. This must
be the name of a type definition included in the
in-scope schema components for the stylesheet.
If the QName
has no prefix, it is expanded using the default namespace established using the effective
[xsl:]xpath-default-namespace attribute if there is one; otherwise, it is taken as being a name
in no namespace.

If the [xsl:]type attribute is present, then the newly constructed
element or attribute is
validated against the type definition identified by this attribute.

  • In the case of an element, schema-validity assessment is carried out
    according to the rules defined in [XML Schema Part 1]
    (section 3.3.4 «Element Declaration Validation Rules», validation rule
    «Schema-Validity Assessment (Element)», clauses 1.2 and 2),
    using this type definition as the «processor-stipulated type definition».
    The element is considered valid if the result of the
    schema validity assessment is a PSVI in which the relevant element node has a validity
    property whose value is valid.

  • In the case of an attribute, the attribute is considered valid if
    (in the terminology of XML Schema) the attribute’s normalized value is locally valid
    with respect to that type definition according to the rules for «String Valid»
    ([XML Schema Part 1], section 3.14.4). (Normalization here refers to the process
    of normalizing whitespace according to the rules of the whiteSpace facet for the
    data type).

  • If the element or attribute is not considered
    valid, as defined above,
    the transformation fails [see ERR XTTE1540].

[ERR XTSE1520] It is a static error
if the value of the type attribute
of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy,
xsl:copy-of, xsl:document, or xsl:result-document
instruction, or the xsl:type attribute
of a literal result element, is not a valid QName, or if it uses a prefix that is not defined in an
in-scope namespace declaration, or if the QName is not the name of a type definition
included in the in-scope schema components
for the stylesheet.

[ERR XTSE1530] It is a static error
if the value of the type attribute
of an xsl:attribute instruction refers to a complex type definition.

[ERR XTTE1540] It is a type error if an [xsl:]type
attribute is defined for a constructed element or attribute, and the
outcome of schema validity assessment against that type is that the validity property
of that element or attribute information item is other than valid.


Like other type errors, this error may be signaled statically
if it can be detected statically. For example,
the instruction <xsl:attribute name="dob" type="xs:date">1999-02-29</xsl:attribute>
may result
in a static error being signaled. If the error is not signaled statically,
it will be signaled when the instruction is evaluated. The Validation Process

As well as checking for validity against the schema, the validity assessment process
causes type annotations to be associated with element and attribute nodes.
If default values for elements or attributes are defined in the schema, the validation
process will where necessary create new nodes
containing these default values.

Validation of an element or attribute node only takes into account constraints on the content
of the element or attribute. Validation rules affecting the document as a whole are not applied.
Specifically, this means:

  • The validation rule «Validation Root Valid (ID/IDREF)» is not
    applied. This means that validation will not fail if there are non-unique ID
    values or dangling IDREF values in the subtree being validated.

  • The validation rule «Validation Rule: Identity-constraint Satisfied»
    should be applied.

  • There is no check that the document contains unparsed entities whose names match the values of
    nodes of type xs:ENTITY or xs:ENTITIES. (XSLT 2.0 provides no facility
    to construct unparsed entities within a tree.)

  • There is no check that the document contains notations whose names match the values of
    nodes of type xs:NOTATION. (The XDM data model makes no provision
    for notations to be represented in the tree.)

With these caveats, validating a newly constructed element, using strict or lax validation,
is equivalent to the following steps:

  1. The element is serialized to textual XML form, according to the
    rules defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization] using the XML output method,
    with all parameters defaulted. Note that this process discards
    any existing type annotations.

  2. The resulting XML document is parsed to create
    an XML Information Set (see [XML Information Set].)

  3. The Information Set produced in the previous step is validated
    according to the rules in [XML Schema Part 1]. The result of this step is a
    Post-Schema Validation Infoset (PSVI). If the validation process
    is not successful (as defined above), a type error is raised.

  4. The PSVI produced in the previous step is converted back into the
    XDM data model by the mapping described in [Data Model]
    3.3.1 Mapping PSVI Additions to Node PropertiesDM).
    This process creates nodes with simple or complex type annotations based on the types established
    during schema validation.

Validating an attribute using strict or lax validation requires a modified version
of this procedure. A copy of the attribute is first added to an element node that is created for the purpose,
and namespace fixup (see 5.7.3 Namespace Fixup) is performed on this element node.
The name of this element is of no consequence, but it must be the same as the name of a
synthesized element declaration of the form:

<xs:element name="E">
    <xs:attribute ref="A"/>

where A is the name of the attribute being validated.

This synthetic element is then validated using the procedure given above for validating elements, and if it
is found to be valid, a copy of the validated attribute is made, retaining its type annotation, but detaching it
from the containing element (and thus, from any namespace nodes).

The XDM data model does not permit an attribute node with no parent to have a typed value
that includes a namespace-qualified name, that is, a value whose type is derived from xs:QName
or xs:NOTATION. This restriction is imposed because these types rely on the namespace nodes
of a containing element to resolve namespace prefixes. Therefore, it is an error to validate a parentless
attribute against such a type.
This affects the instructions xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, and

[ERR XTTE1545] A
type error occurs if a type or validation
attribute is defined (explicitly or implicitly) for an instruction that constructs a new attribute node, if the
effect of this is to cause the attribute value to be validated against a type that is derived from,
or constructed by list or union from, the primitive types xs:QName or

19.2.2 Validating Document Nodes

It is possible to apply validation to a document node.
This happens when a
new document node is constructed by one of the instructions xsl:document,
xsl:result-document, xsl:copy, or
xsl:copy-of, and this instruction has a
type attribute, or a validation attribute
with the value strict or lax.

Document-level validation is not applied to
the document node that is created implicitly when a variable-binding element has no
select attribute and no as attribute (see 9.4 Creating implicit document nodes).
This is equivalent to using
validation="preserve" on xsl:document: nodes within such
trees retain their type annotation.
Similarly, validation is not applied to document nodes created using

The values validation="preserve" and validation="strip"
do not request validation. In the first case, all element and attribute nodes within the tree rooted
at the new document node retain their type annotations. In the second case, elements within the tree
have their type annotation set to xs:untyped,
while attributes have their type
annotation set to xs:untypedAtomic.

When validation is requested for a document node (that is, when validation
is set to strict or lax, or when a type attribute
is present), the following processing takes place:

  • [ERR XTTE1550] A
    type error occurs

    unless the children of the document node comprise
    exactly one element node, no text nodes, and zero or more comment and processing instruction nodes,
    in any order.

  • The single element node child is validated, using the supplied values of the validation
    and type attributes, as described in 19.2.1 Validating Constructed Elements and Attributes.


    The type attribute on
    xsl:document and
    xsl:result-document, and
    on xsl:copy and xsl:copy-of when copying a document node, thus refers
    to the required type of the element node that is the only element child of the
    document node. It does not refer to the type of the document node itself.

  • The validation rule «Validation Root Valid (ID/IDREF)» is
    applied to the single element node child of the document node.
    This means that validation will fail if there are non-unique ID
    values or dangling IDREF values in the document tree.

  • Identity constraints, as defined in section 3.11 of
    [XML Schema Part 1], are checked. (This refers to constraints defined using
    xs:unique, xs:key, and xs:keyref.)

  • There is no check that the tree contains unparsed entities whose names match the values of
    nodes of type xs:ENTITY or xs:ENTITIES. This is because there is
    no facility in XSLT 2.0 to create unparsed entities in a result tree. It is possible to add unparsed
    entity declarations to the result document by referencing a suitable DOCTYPE during serialization.

  • There is no check that the document contains notations whose names match the values of
    nodes of type xs:NOTATION. This is because notations are
    not part of the XDM data model. It is possible to add notations to the result document by referencing a
    suitable DOCTYPE during serialization.

  • All other children of the document node (comments and processing instructions)
    are copied unchanged.

[ERR XTTE1555] It is a
type error if, when validating a document
node, document-level constraints are not satisfied. These constraints include
identity constraints (xs:unique, xs:key,
and xs:keyref) and ID/IDREF constraints.

20 Serialization

A processor
may output a
final result tree as a sequence of
octets, although it is not required to be able to do so (see 21 Conformance).
Stylesheet authors can use xsl:output declarations
to specify how they wish result trees to be serialized.
If a processor serializes a final result tree, it must do so
as specified by these declarations.

The rules governing the output of the serializer are defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization].
The serialization is controlled using a number of serialization parameters. The values of these
serialization parameters may be set within the stylesheet,
using the xsl:output, xsl:result-document, and
xsl:character-map declarations.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name? = qname
  method? = "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | qname-but-not-ncname
  byte-order-mark? = "yes" | "no"
  cdata-section-elements? = qnames
  doctype-public? = string
  doctype-system? = string
  encoding? = string
  escape-uri-attributes? = "yes" | "no"
  include-content-type? = "yes" | "no"
  indent? = "yes" | "no"
  media-type? = string
  normalization-form? = "NFC" | "NFD" | "NFKC" | "NFKD" | "fully-normalized" | "none" | nmtoken
  omit-xml-declaration? = "yes" | "no"
  standalone? = "yes" | "no" | "omit"
  undeclare-prefixes? = "yes" | "no"
  use-character-maps? = qnames
  version? = nmtoken />

The xsl:output declaration is optional; if used, it must always
appear as a top-level element within a stylesheet module.

A stylesheet may contain multiple xsl:output declarations
and may include or import stylesheet modules that also contain
xsl:output declarations. The name of an xsl:output declaration
is the value of its name attribute, if any.

[Definition: All
the xsl:output declarations in a stylesheet
that share the same name are grouped into a named output definition;
those that have no name are grouped into a single unnamed output definition.]

A stylesheet always includes an unnamed output definition;
in the absence of an unnamed xsl:output declaration, the unnamed output
definition is equivalent to the one that would be used if the stylesheet contained an
xsl:output declaration having no attributes.

A named output definition is used when its name matches the format attribute
used in an xsl:result-document element. The unnamed output definition is used
when an xsl:result-document element omits the format attribute.
It is also used when serializing the final result tree that is created
implicitly in the absence of an xsl:result-document element.

All the xsl:output
elements making up an output definition are effectively merged.
For those attributes whose values are namespace-sensitive, the merging is done
after lexical QNames have been converted into
expanded QNames.
For the cdata-section-elements attribute,
the output definition uses
the union of the values from all the constituent xsl:output declarations.
For the use-character-maps attribute, the output definition uses
the concatenation of the sequences of expanded QNames values
from all the constituent xsl:output declarations,
taking them in order of increasing import precedence, or where several have the
same import precedence, in declaration order.
For other attributes, the output definition uses the value
of that attribute from the xsl:output declaration with the
highest import precedence.

[ERR XTSE1560] It is a
static error
if two xsl:output declarations within an
output definition specify
explicit values for the same attribute (other than cdata-section-elements
and use-character-maps),
with the values of the attributes being not equal,
unless there is another xsl:output declaration within the same
output definition that has higher import precedence
and that specifies an explicit value for the same attribute.

If none of the xsl:output declarations within
an output definition specifies a value
for a particular attribute, then the corresponding serialization parameter takes a default value. The default
value depends on the chosen output method.

There are some serialization parameters that apply to some output methods but not to
others. For example, the indent attribute has no effect on the text output method.
If a value is supplied for an attribute that is inapplicable to the output method, its value is not passed to the serializer.
The processor may validate the value of such an attribute, but is not required
to do so.

An implementation may allow the attributes of the xsl:output declaration
to be overridden, or the default values to be changed, using the API that controls the transformation.

The location to which final result trees
are serialized (whether in filestore
or elsewhere) is implementation-defined
(which in practice
may mean that it is controlled using an implementation-defined API).
However, these locations must satisfy the constraint that
when two final result trees are both created (implicitly or explicitly) using
relative URIs in the href attribute of the xsl:result-document instruction, then
these relative URIs may be used to construct references from one tree to the other, and such references must remain
valid when both result trees are serialized.

The method attribute on the xsl:output element
identifies the overall method that is to be used for outputting the
final result tree.

[ERR XTSE1570] The value

must (if present)
be a valid QName.
If the QName does not have a prefix, then it
identifies a method specified in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization] and must be one of
xml, html, xhtml,
or text. If the QName has a prefix, then the QName
is expanded into an expanded-QName as described
in 5.1 Qualified Names; the expanded-QName identifies the output
method; the behavior in this case is not specified by this

The default for the method attribute
depends on the contents of the tree being serialized, and
is chosen as
follows. If the document node of the final result tree has an element
child, and any text nodes preceding the first element child of the document
node of the result tree contain only whitespace characters, then:

  • If the expanded-QName of this first element child has local part
    html (in lower case), and namespace URI http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml,
    then the default output method is normally xhtml.
    However, if the version attribute of the xsl:stylesheet
    element of the principal stylesheet module has the
    value 1.0, and if the result tree is generated implicitly (rather than by an explicit
    xsl:result-document instruction), then the default output method
    in this situation is xml.

  • If the expanded-QName of this first element child has local part
    html (in any combination of upper and lower case) and a
    null namespace URI, then the default output method is html.

In all other cases, the default output method
is xml.

The default output method is used
if the selected output definition does not include a
method attribute.

The other attributes on xsl:output provide parameters
for the output method. The following attributes are allowed:

  • The value of the encoding attribute provides the
    value of the encoding parameter to the serialization method.
    The default value is implementation-defined,
    but in the case of the xml
    and xhtml methods it must be either UTF-8 or UTF-16.

  • The byte-order-mark attribute defines whether a byte order mark
    is written at the start of the file. If the value yes is specified, a byte order mark
    is written; if no is specified, no byte order mark is written. The default value
    depends on the encoding used. If the encoding is UTF-16, the default is yes;
    for UTF-8 it is implementation-defined,
    and for all other encodings it is no. The value of the byte order mark indicates whether
    high order bytes are written before or after low order bytes; the actual byte order used is
    unless it is defined by the selected encoding.

  • The cdata-section-elements attribute is a
    whitespace-separated list
    of QNames. The default value is an empty list.
    After expansion of these names using the in-scope namespace declarations
    for the xsl:output declaration in which they appear, this list of
    names provides the value of the cdata-section-elements parameter
    to the serialization method. In the case of an unprefixed name,
    the default namespace (that is, the namespace declared using xmlns="uri")
    is used.


    This differs from the rule for most other QNames used in a stylesheet. The reason
    is that these names refer to elements in the result document, and therefore follow the same
    convention as the name of a literal result element or the name attribute
    of xsl:element.

  • The value of the doctype-system attribute provides the
    value of the doctype-system parameter to the serialization method.
    If the attribute is absent or has a zero-length string as its value, then the serialization
    parameter is not set (is «absent»).

  • The value of the doctype-public attribute provides the
    value of the doctype-public parameter to the serialization method.
    If the attribute is absent or has a zero-length string as its value, then the serialization
    parameter is not set (is «absent»).

    The value of doctype-public must conform to the rules
    for a PubidLiteralXML
    (see [XML 1.0]).

  • The value of the escape-uri-attributes attribute provides the
    value of the escape-uri-attributes parameter to the serialization method.
    The default value is yes.

  • The value of the include-content-type attribute provides the
    value of the include-content-type parameter to the serialization method.
    The default value is yes.

  • The value of the indent attribute provides the
    value of the indent parameter to the serialization method.
    The default value is yes in the case of the html and xhtml
    output methods, no in the case of the xml output method.

  • The value of the media-type attribute provides the
    value of the media-type parameter to the serialization method.
    The default value is text/xml in the case of the xml output method,
    text/html in the case of the html and xhtml
    output methods, and text/plain in the case of the text
    output method.

  • The value of the normalization-form attribute provides the value of the
    normalization-form parameter to the serialization method. A value that is
    an NMTOKEN other than one of those enumerated for the normalization-form
    attribute specifes an implementation-defined normalization form; the
    behavior in this case is not specified by this document. The default
    value is none.

  • The value of the omit-xml-declaration attribute provides the
    value of the omit-xml-declaration parameter to the serialization method.
    The default value is no.

  • The value of the standalone attribute provides the
    value of the standalone parameter to the serialization method.
    The default value is omit;
    this means that no standalone attribute is to be included in the XML declaration.

  • The undeclare-prefixes attribute is
    relevant only when producing output with method="xml" and version="1.1"
    (or later).
    It defines whether namespace undeclarations (of the form xmlns:foo="") should be output
    when a child element has no namespace node with the same name (that is, namespace prefix) as a
    namespace node of its parent element. The default value is no: this means that
    namespace undeclarations are not output, which has the effect that when the resulting XML is
    reparsed, the new tree may contain namespace nodes on the child element that were not there
    in the original tree before serialization.

  • The use-character-maps attribute provides
    a list of named character maps that
    are used in conjunction with this output definition. The way this attribute
    is used is described in 20.1 Character Maps.
    The default value is an empty list.

  • The value of the version attribute provides the
    value of the version parameter to the serialization method.
    The set of permitted values, and the default value,
    are implementation-defined.
    A serialization error will be reported
    if the requested version is not supported by the implementation.

If the processor performs serialization, then it must signal any
non-recoverable serialization
errors that occur. These have the same effect as
non-recoverable dynamic errors:
that is, the processor must signal the error and must not finish as if the
transformation had been successful.

20.1 Character Maps

[Definition: A character map allows
a specific character appearing in a text or attribute node
in the final result tree
to be substituted by a specified string of characters during serialization.]
The effect of character maps is defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization].

The character map that is supplied as a parameter to the serializer is determined from the
xsl:character-map elements referenced from the xsl:output
declaration for the selected output definition.

The xsl:character-map element is a declaration that may appear as a child
of the xsl:stylesheet element.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = qname
  use-character-maps? = qnames>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:output-character*) -->

The xsl:character-map declaration declares a character map with a
name and a set of character mappings. The character mappings are
specified by means of xsl:output-character elements contained either directly
within the xsl:character-map element, or in further character maps referenced
in the use-character-maps attribute.

The required
name attribute provides a name for the character map.
When a character map is used by an output definition or another
character map, the character map with the highest import precedence is

[ERR XTSE1580] It is a static error
if the stylesheet contains two or more character maps
with the same name and the same import
precedence, unless it also contains another character
map with the same name and higher import precedence.

The optional use-character-maps attribute lists the names of further character
maps that are included into this character map.

[ERR XTSE1590] It is a static error if a name in
the use-character-maps attribute of the xsl:output or
xsl:character-map elements does not
match the name attribute of any xsl:character-map in the stylesheet.

[ERR XTSE1600] It is a static error if
a character map references itself, directly or indirectly, via a name in
the use-character-maps attribute.

It is not an error if the same character map is referenced more than once, directly or indirectly.

An output definition, after recursive expansion of character maps referenced via its
use-character-maps attribute, may contain several mappings for the same character.
In this situation, the last character mapping takes precedence. To establish the ordering, the following
rules are used:

  • Within a single xsl:character-map element, the characters defined in character maps
    referenced in the use-character-maps attribute are considered before the characters defined in
    the child xsl:output-character elements.

  • The character maps referenced in a single use-character-maps attribute are considered
    in the order in which they are listed in that attribute. The expansion is depth-first: each referenced
    character map is fully expanded before the next one is considered.

  • Two xsl:output-character elements appearing as children of the same
    xsl:character-map element are considered in document order.

The xsl:output-character element is defined as follows:

  character = char
  string = string />

The character map that is passed as a parameter to the serializer contains a mapping
for the character specified in the
character attribute to the string specified in the string attribute.

Character mapping is not applied to characters for which output escaping has
been disabled as described in 20.2 Disabling Output Escaping.

If a character is mapped, then it is not subjected to XML or HTML escaping.

Character maps can be useful when producing serialized output in a format that resembles,
but is not strictly conformant to, HTML or XML. For example, when the output is a JSP page,
there might be a need to generate the output:

<jsp:setProperty name="user" property="id" value='<%= "id" + idValue %>'/>

Although this output is not well-formed XML or HTML, it is valid in Java Server Pages.
This can be achieved by allocating three Unicode characters (which are not needed for any other purpose)
to represent the strings <%, %>, and ", for example:

<xsl:character-map name="jsp">
  <xsl:output-character character="«" string="&lt;%"/>   
  <xsl:output-character character="»" string="%&gt;"/>
  <xsl:output-character character="§" string='"'/>

When this character map is referenced in the xsl:output declaration,
the required output can be produced by writing the following in the stylesheet:

<jsp:setProperty name="user" property="id" value='«= §id§ + idValue »'/>

This works on the assumption that when an apostrophe or quotation
mark is generated as part of an attribute value by the use of character maps, the serializer will
(where possible) use the other choice of delimiter around the attribute value.

The following example illustrates a composite character map constructed in
a modular fashion:

<xsl:output name="htmlDoc" use-character-maps="htmlDoc" />

<xsl:character-map name="htmlDoc"
  use-character-maps="html-chars doc-entities windows-format" />
<xsl:character-map name="html-chars"
  use-character-maps="latin1 ..." />

<xsl:character-map name="latin1">
  <xsl:output-character character=" " string="&amp;nbsp;" />
  <xsl:output-character character="¡" string="&amp;iexcl;" />

<xsl:character-map name="doc-entities">
  <xsl:output-character character="" string="&amp;t-and-c;" />
  <xsl:output-character character="" string="&amp;chap1;" />
  <xsl:output-character character="" string="&amp;chap2;" />

<xsl:character-map name="windows-format">
  <!-- newlines as CRLF -->
  <xsl:output-character character="
" string="
" />

  <!-- tabs as three spaces -->
  <xsl:output-character character="	" string="   " />

  <!-- images for special characters -->
  <xsl:output-character character=""
    string="&lt;img src='special1.gif' /&gt;" />
  <xsl:output-character character=""
    string="&lt;img src='special2.gif' /&gt;" />


When character maps are used, there is no guarantee that the serialized
output will be well-formed XML (or HTML). Furthermore, the fact that the result
tree was validated against a schema gives no guarantee that the serialized
output will still be valid against the same schema. Conversely, it is possible
to use character maps to produce schema-valid output from a result tree that
would fail validation.

20.2 Disabling Output Escaping

Normally, when using the XML, HTML, or XHTML output method,
the serializer will escape special
characters such as & and <
when outputting text nodes. This
ensures that the output is well-formed. However, it is sometimes
convenient to be able to produce output that is almost, but not quite
well-formed XML; for example, the output may include ill-formed
sections which are intended to be transformed into well-formed XML by
a subsequent non-XML-aware process. For this reason, XSLT defines a
mechanism for disabling output escaping.

This feature is deprecated.

This is an optional feature: it is not required that a XSLT processor that
implements the serialization option should offer the ability to disable output escaping,
and there is no conformance level that requires this feature.

This feature requires an extension to the serializer described in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization].
Conceptually, the final result tree
provides an additional boolean property disable-escaping
associated with every character in a text node. When this property
is set, the normal action of the serializer to escape special characters such as &
and < is suppressed.

An xsl:value-of
or xsl:text element may have a
disable-output-escaping attribute; the allowed values are
yes or no. The default is no;
if the value is yes, then every character in the text node generated by
evaluating the xsl:value-of or xsl:text
element should have the disable-escaping property set.

For example,

<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&lt;</xsl:text>

should generate the single character <.

output escaping is disabled for an xsl:value-of or xsl:text instruction
evaluated when temporary output state is in effect,
the request to disable output escaping is ignored.

If output escaping is disabled for text within an element that would
normally be output using a CDATA section, because the element is listed in the
cdata-section-elements, then the relevant text will not be included in a
CDATA section. In effect, CDATA is treated as an alternative escaping mechanism, which
is disabled by the disable-output-escaping option.

For example, if <xsl:output cdata-section-elements="title"/>
is specified, then the following instructions:

  <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">This is not &lt;hr/&gt; good coding practice</xsl:text>

should generate the output:

<title><![CDATA[This is not ]]><hr/><![CDATA[ good coding practice]]></title>

The disable-output-escaping attribute may be used with
the html output method as well as with the
xml output method. The text output method
ignores the disable-output-escaping attribute, since it
does not perform any output escaping.

A processor will only be able to disable output escaping if
it controls how the final result tree is output. This might not always be the
case. For example, the result tree might be used as a source tree for
another XSLT transformation instead of being output.
It is implementation-defined
whether (and under what circumstances) disabling output escaping is supported.

[ERR XTRE1620] It is
a recoverable dynamic error
if an
xsl:value-of or xsl:text instruction specifies that
output escaping is to be disabled and the implementation does not
support this.
The optional recovery action is to ignore the
disable-output-escaping attribute.

[ERR XTRE1630] It is
a recoverable dynamic error
if an
xsl:value-of or xsl:text instruction specifies that
output escaping is to be disabled when writing to a
final result tree that is
not being serialized.
The optional recovery action is to ignore the
disable-output-escaping attribute.

If output escaping is disabled for a character that is not
representable in the encoding that the processor is using for
output, the request to disable output escaping is ignored in respect of that character.

Since disabling output escaping might not work with all implementations
and can result in XML that is not well-formed, it should be
used only when there is no alternative.


The facility to define character maps for use during serialization,
as described in 20.1 Character Maps, has been produced as an alternative mechanism that can be used
in many situations where disabling of output escaping was previously necessary, without the same


When disable-output-escaping is used, there is no guarantee that the serialized
output will be well-formed XML (or HTML). Furthermore, the fact that the result
tree was validated against a schema gives no guarantee that the serialized
output will still be valid against the same schema. Conversely, it is possible
to use disable-output-escaping to produce schema-valid output from a result tree that
would fail validation.

21 Conformance

A processor that claims conformance with this
specification must claim conformance either as a basic
XSLT processor or as a schema-aware
XSLT processor. The rules for these two conformance levels are defined in
the following sections.

A processor that claims conformance at either of these two levels may additionally
claim conformance with either or both of the following optional features: the
serialization feature, defined in 21.3 Serialization Feature, and the
backwards compatibility feature, defined in 21.4 Backwards Compatibility Feature.


There is no conformance level or feature defined in this specification
that requires implementation of the static typing features described in [XPath 2.0].
An XSLT processor may provide a user option to invoke static typing,
but to be conformant with this specification it must
allow a stylesheet to be processed with static typing disabled. The interaction of XSLT
stylesheets with the static typing feature of XPath 2.0 has not been specified, so the results
of using static typing, if available, are implementation-defined.

An XSLT processor takes as its inputs a stylesheet and one or more XDM trees
conforming to the data model defined in [Data Model]. It is
not required that the processor supports any particular method of constructing
XDM trees, but conformance can only be tested if it provides a mechanism that enables
XDM trees representing the stylesheet and primary source document to be constructed
and supplied as input to the processor.

The output of the XSLT processor consists of zero or more
final result trees. It is
not required that the processor supports any particular method of accessing
a final result tree, but if it does not support the serialization module, conformance can
only be tested if it provides some alternative mechanism that enables access to the
results of the transformation.

Certain facilities in this specification are described as producing
implementation-defined results. A
claim that asserts conformance with this specification must be accompanied by documentation
stating the effect of each implementation-defined feature. For convenience, a non-normative
checklist of implementation-defined features is provided at
F Checklist of Implementation-Defined Features.

A conforming processor
must signal
any static error occurring in the stylesheet,
or in any XPath expression, except where specified
otherwise either for individual error conditions or under the general provisions for
forwards compatible behavior
(see 3.9 Forwards-Compatible Processing). After signaling such an error, the processor may continue for the
purpose of signaling additional errors, but must terminate abnormally without performing
any transformation.

When a dynamic error
occurs during the course of a transformation, the action depends on whether the error is classified as a
recoverable error.
If a non-recoverable error occurs, the processor must
signal it and must eventually terminate abnormally. If a recoverable
error occurs, the processor must either signal it and terminate
abnormally, or it must take the defined recovery action and continue processing.

Some errors, notably type errors,
may be treated as static errors or
dynamic errors at the discretion of the

A conforming processor may impose limits on the processing
resources consumed by the processing of a stylesheet.

21.1 Basic XSLT Processor

[Definition: A basic XSLT processor is an XSLT
processor that implements all the mandatory requirements of this specification with the exception
of certain explicitly-identified constructs related to schema processing.]
These constructs are listed below.

The mandatory requirements of this specification are taken
to include the mandatory requirements of XPath 2.0, as described in [XPath 2.0].
A requirement is mandatory unless the specification includes wording (such as the use of the
words should or may) that clearly indicates that it is optional.

A basic XSLT processor
enforce the following restrictions. It must signal a static
or dynamic error when the restriction is violated, as described below.

[ERR XTSE1650] A basic XSLT processor
must signal a static error if the stylesheet includes an
xsl:import-schema declaration.


A processor that rejects
an xsl:import-schema declaration will also reject any reference to a user-defined
type defined in a schema, or to a user-defined element or attribute declaration; it will not,
however, reject references to the built-in types listed in 3.13 Built-in Types.

[ERR XTSE1660] A basic XSLT processor
must signal a static error if the stylesheet includes an
[xsl:]type attribute, or an
[xsl:]validation or default-validation
attribute with a value other than strip.

A basic XSLT processor
constrains the data model as follows:

  • Atomic values must belong to one of the atomic types listed in
    3.13 Built-in Types (except as noted below).

    An atomic value may also belong to an implementation-defined type that has been added to
    the context for use with extension functions
    or extension instructions.

    The set of constructor functions available are limited to those that construct values
    of the above atomic types.

    The static context, which defines the full set of type names recognized by an XSLT
    processor and also by the XPath processor, includes these atomic types, plus xs:anyType,
    xs:anySimpleType, xs:untyped,
    and xs:anyAtomicType.

  • Element nodes must be annotated with the type annotation
    and attribute nodes with the type annotation

[ERR XTDE1665] A
basic XSLT processor
must raise a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the input to the processor includes a node with a type annotation other than
xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic, or an atomic value
of a type other than those which a basic XSLT processor supports.
This error will not arise if the input-type-annotations attribute is set
to strip.


Although this is expressed in terms of a requirement to detect invalid input, an alternative
approach is for a basic XSLT processor to prevent this error condition occurring, by not providing
any interfaces that would allow the situation to arise.
A processor might, for example, implement a mapping from the PSVI to the data model that loses
all non-trivial type annotations; or it might not accept input from a PSVI at all.

The phrase input to the processor is deliberately wide: it includes
the tree containing the initial context node,
trees passed as stylesheet parameters,
trees accessed using the document, docFO, and
collectionFO functions, and trees returned by
extension functions and
extension instructions.

21.2 Schema-Aware XSLT Processor

[Definition: A schema-aware XSLT processor
is an XSLT processor that implements all the mandatory requirements of this specification,
including those features that a basic XSLT
processor signals as an error. The mandatory requirements of this specification are taken
to include the mandatory requirements of XPath 2.0, as described in [XPath 2.0].
A requirement is mandatory unless the specification includes wording (such as the use of the
words should or may) that clearly indicates that it is optional.]

21.3 Serialization Feature

[Definition: A processor that
claims conformance with the serialization feature
must support the conversion
of a final result tree
to a sequence of octets following the rules defined in 20 Serialization.]
It must respect all the attributes of the xsl:output and xsl:character-map
declarations, and must provide all four output methods, xml, xhtml,
html, and text. Where the specification uses words such as must
and required, then it must serialize the result tree in precisely the way described; in
other cases it may use an alternative, equivalent representation.

A processor may claim conformance with the serialization feature whether or not it supports
the setting disable-output-escaping="yes" on xsl:text, or xsl:value-of.

A processor that does not claim conformance with the serialization feature must not signal
an error merely because the stylesheet contains xsl:output or xsl:character-map
declarations, or serialization attributes on the xsl:result-document instruction.
Such a processor may check that these
declarations and attributes have valid values, but is not required to do so.
Apart from optional validation, these declarations should be ignored.

21.4 Backwards Compatibility Feature

[Definition: A
processor that claims conformance with the backwards compatibility feature
must support
the processing of stylesheet instructions and XPath expressions with
backwards compatible behavior, as
defined in 3.8 Backwards-Compatible Processing.]

Note that a processor that does not claim conformance with the backwards
compatibility feature must raise a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if an instruction is evaluated containing an [xsl:]version attribute that invokes
backwards compatible behavior [see ERR XTDE0160].


The reason this is a dynamic error rather than a static error is to allow stylesheets
to contain conditional logic, following different paths depending on whether the XSLT processor
implements XSLT 1.0 or XSLT 2.0. The selection of which path to use can be controlled by
using the system-property function to test
the xsl:version system property.

A processor that claims conformance with the backwards compatibility
feature must permit the use of the namespace axis in XPath expressions when backwards
compatible behavior is enabled. In all other circumstances, support for the namespace axis
is optional.

A References

A.1 Normative References

Data Model

XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM) (Second Edition),
Anders Berglund, Mary Fernández, Ashok Malhotra, Jonathan Marsh, Marton Nagy, Norman Walsh, Editors.
World Wide Web Consortium,
14 December 2010.
This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2010/REC-xpath-datamodel-20101214/
The latest version
is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-datamodel/.

Functions and Operators

XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators (Second Edition),
Ashok Malhotra, Jim Melton, Norman Walsh, and Michael Kay, Editors.
World Wide Web Consortium,
14 December 2010.
This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2010/REC-xpath-functions-20101214/.
The latest version
is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/.

XML Information Set

XML Information Set (Second Edition), John Cowan and Richard Tobin, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 04 Feb 2004. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-infoset-20040204. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-infoset.

ISO 3166-1

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
Codes for the representation of names of countries
and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country codes
ISO 3166-1:1997.

ISO 8601

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange —
Representation of dates and times.
ISO 8601:2000(E), Second edition, 2000-12-15.


The Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 2003, as updated from time to time by the publication of new versions.
See https://www.unicode.org/unicode/standard/versions
for the latest version and additional information on versions of the standard and of the
Unicode Character Database. The version of Unicode to be used is
but implementations are recommended to use the latest Unicode version.

XSLT and XQuery Serialization

XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization (Second Edition),
Scott Boag, Michael Kay, Joanne Tong, Norman Walsh, and Henry Zongaro, Editors.
World Wide Web Consortium,
14 December 2010.
This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2010/REC-xslt-xquery-serialization-20101214/.
The latest version
is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-xquery-serialization/.

XML 1.0

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition), Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, François Yergeau, et. al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 26 Nov 2008. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xml.

XML 1.1

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition), François Yergeau, Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, et. al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 16 Aug 2006. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xml11/.

XML Base

XML Base (Second Edition), Richard Tobin and Jonathan Marsh, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 28 Jan 2009. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-xmlbase-20090128/. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase/.


xml:id Version 1.0, Jonathan Marsh, Daniel Veillard, and Norman Walsh, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 09 Sep 2005. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2005/REC-xml-id-20050909/. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/.

Namespaces in XML 1.0

Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Second Edition), Richard Tobin, Dave Hollander, Tim Bray, and Andrew Layman, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 16 Aug 2006. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml-names-20060816. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names.

Namespaces in XML 1.1

Namespaces in XML 1.1 (Second Edition), Andrew Layman, Dave Hollander, Richard Tobin, and Tim Bray, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 16 Aug 2006. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml-names11-20060816. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names11/.

XML Schema Part 1

XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition, Henry S. Thompson, Murray Maloney, David Beech, and Noah Mendelsohn, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 28 Oct 2004. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xmlschema-1-20041028/. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/.

XML Schema Part 2

XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, Paul V. Biron and Ashok Malhotra, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 28 Oct 2004. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xmlschema-2-20041028/. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/.

XPath 2.0

XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0 (Second Edition),
Don Chamberlin, Jonathan Robie, Anders Berglund, Scott Boag, et. al., Editors.
World Wide Web Consortium,
14 December 2010
This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2010/REC-xpath20-20101214/.
The latest version
is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/.

A.2 Other References

Calendrical Calculations

Edward M. Reingold and Nachum Dershowitz.
Calendrical Calculations Millennium edition (2nd Edition). Cambridge University Press,
ISBN 0 521 77752 6

DOM Level 2

Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification, Arnaud Le Hors, Mike Champion, Jonathan Robie, et. al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 13 Nov 2000. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Core-20001113. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/.


M. Murata, S. St.Laurent, and D. Cohn.
XML Media Types. IETF RFC 3023.
See https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3023.txt.
References to RFC 3023 should be taken to refer to any document
that supersedes RFC 3023.


T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, and
L. Masinter. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic
. IETF RFC 3986.
See https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt.


XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0 (Second Edition), David Orchard, Jonathan Marsh, and Daniel Veillard, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 15 Nov 2006. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xinclude-20061115/. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xinclude/.


XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, Steven DeRose, David Orchard, and Eve Maler, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 27 Jun 2001. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xlink-20010627/. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/.

XML Schema 1.0 and XML 1.1
XML Stylesheet

Associating Style Sheets with XML documents, James Clark, Editor. World Wide Web Consortium, 29 Jun 1999. This version is https://www.w3.org/1999/06/REC-xml-stylesheet-19990629. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet.

XPointer Framework

XPointer Framework, Norman Walsh, Paul Grosso, Jonathan Marsh, and Eve Maler, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 25 Mar 2003. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-xptr-framework-20030325/. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xptr-framework/.

Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)

Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.0, R. Alexander Milowski, Paul Grosso, Stephen Deach, et. al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 15 Oct 2001. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xsl-20011015/. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/.

XSLT 1.0

XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0, James Clark, Editor. World Wide Web Consortium, 16 Nov 1999. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xslt-19991116. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xslt.

XSLT 2.0 Requirements

XSLT Requirements Version 2.0, Steve Muench and Mark Scardina, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 14 Feb 2001. This version is https://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-xslt20req-20010214. The latest version is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20req.

B The XSLT Media Type

This appendix registers a new MIME media type,

This information is being submitted to the IESG (Internet Engineering Steering Group)
for review, approval, and registration with IANA (the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).

B.1 Registration of MIME Media Type application/xslt+xml

MIME media type name:


MIME subtype name:


Required parameters:


Optional parameters:

This parameter has identical semantics to the charset
parameter of the application/xml media type as
specified in [RFC3023].

Encoding considerations:

By virtue of XSLT content being XML, it has the same
considerations when sent as »
as does XML. See RFC 3023, section 3.2.

Security considerations:

Several XSLT instructions may cause arbitrary URIs to be
dereferenced. In this case, the security issues of
[RFC3986], section 7,
should be considered.

In addition, because of the extensibility features for XSLT,
it is possible that »
may describe content that has security implications beyond those
described here. However, if the processor follows only the normative semantics
of this specification, this content will be ignored. Only in
the case where the processor recognizes and processes the additional
content, or where further processing of that content is dispatched to
other processors, would security issues potentially arise. And in that
case, they would fall outside the domain of this registration

Interoperability considerations:

This specification describes processing semantics that dictate
behavior that must be followed when dealing with, among other things,
unrecognized elements.

Because XSLT is extensible, conformant
» processors can expect
that content received is well-formed XML, but it cannot be guaranteed
that the content is valid XSLT or that the processor will recognize all
of the elements and attributes in the document.

Published specification:

This media type registration is for XSLT stylesheet modules as described by
the XSLT 2.0 specification, which is located at
It is also appropriate to use this media
type with earlier and later versions of the XSLT language.

Applications which use this media type:

Existing XSLT 1.0 stylesheets are most often described using the
unregistered media type

There is no experimental, vendor specific, or personal tree
predecessor to »
reflecting the fact that no applications currently recognize it. This
new type is being registered in order to allow for the expected
deployment of XSLT 2.0 on the World Wide Web, as a first class XML

Additional information:
Magic number(s):

There is no single initial octet sequence that is always present in
XSLT documents.

File extension(s):

XSLT documents are most often identified with the extensions

» or »

Macintosh File Type Code(s):


Person & email address to contact for further information:

Norman Walsh, <Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM>.

Intended usage:


Author/Change controller:

The XSLT specification is a work product of the World
Wide Web Consortium’s XSL Working Group. The W3C has change
control over these specifications.

B.2 Fragment Identifiers

For documents labeled as
the fragment
identifier notation is exactly that for
as specified in RFC 3023.

C Glossary (Non-Normative)


A QName is
always written in the form (NCName ":")? NCName, that is, a local name
optionally preceded by a namespace prefix. When two QNames are compared, however,
they are considered equal if the corresponding
expanded-QNames are the same, as described below.

URI Reference

Within this specification, the term
URI Reference, unless otherwise stated, refers to a string in the lexical space of
the xs:anyURI data type as defined in [XML Schema Part 2].

XML namespace

The XML namespace, defined
in [Namespaces in XML 1.0] as http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace,
is used for attributes such as xml:lang, xml:space,
and xml:id.

XPath 1.0 compatibility mode

The term
XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is defined in Section
2.1.1 Static ContextXP. This is a setting in the
static context of an XPath expression; it has two values, true and false. When the value
is set to true, the semantics of function calls and certain other operations are adjusted to give a greater degree
of backwards compatibility between XPath 2.0 and XPath 1.0.

XSLT element

An XSLT element is an element
in the XSLT namespace whose syntax and semantics are
defined in this specification.

XSLT instruction

XSLT instruction is an XSLT element
whose syntax summary in this specification contains the annotation
<!-- category: instruction -->.

XSLT namespace

The XSLT namespace
has the URI http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform. It is used to identify
elements, attributes, and other names that have a special meaning defined in
this specification.


A stylesheet can use the
xsl:namespace-alias element to declare that a
literal namespace URI is being used as an
alias for a
target namespace URI.


The arity of a stylesheet
function is the number of xsl:param elements in the function definition.


The term atomization is defined
in Section
2.4.2 AtomizationXP. It is a process that takes as input a sequence of nodes and atomic values, and
returns a sequence of atomic values, in which the nodes are replaced by their typed values as defined in
[Data Model].

attribute set

xsl:attribute-set element defines a named attribute set: that is,
a collection of attribute definitions
that can be used repeatedly on different constructed elements.

attribute value template

In an
attribute that is designated as an
attribute value template, such as an attribute of a
literal result element,
an expression can be used by surrounding
the expression with curly brackets ({})

backwards compatibility feature

processor that claims conformance with the backwards compatibility feature
must support
the processing of stylesheet instructions and XPath expressions with
backwards compatible behavior, as
defined in 3.8 Backwards-Compatible Processing.

backwards compatible behavior

An element
enables backwards-compatible behavior for itself, its
attributes, its descendants and their attributes if it has an
[xsl:]version attribute (see 3.5 Standard Attributes)
whose value is less than 2.0.

base output URI

The base output URI is a URI to be used as the base URI when resolving a relative URI allocated to a
final result tree.
If the transformation generates more than one final result
tree, then typically each one will be allocated a URI relative to this base URI.

basic XSLT processor

A basic XSLT processor is an XSLT
processor that implements all the mandatory requirements of this specification with the exception
of certain explicitly-identified constructs related to schema processing.

character map

A character map allows
a specific character appearing in a text or attribute node
in the final result tree
to be substituted by a specified string of characters during serialization.


A circularity is said to exist
if a construct such as a global variable, an
attribute set, or a key
is defined in terms of itself. For example, if the
expression or sequence constructor
specifying the value of a global variable
X references a
global variable Y, then the value for Y
be computed before the value of X. A circularity exists if it
is impossible to do this for all global variable definitions.


Facilities in
XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 that require strings to be ordered rely on the concept of a named
collation. A collation is a set of rules that determine
whether two strings are equal, and if not, which of them is to be sorted before the other.

context item

The context item is the item currently
being processed. An item (see [Data Model]) is either an atomic value (such as an
integer, date, or string), or a node. The context item is initially set to the
initial context node
supplied when the transformation is invoked (see 2.3 Initiating a Transformation).
It changes
whenever instructions such as xsl:apply-templates and xsl:for-each
are used to process a sequence of items; each item in such a sequence becomes the context item
while that item is being processed.

context node

If the context item
is a node (as distinct
from an atomic value such as an integer), then it is also referred to as the context node.
The context node is not an independent variable, it changes whenever the context item changes. When
the context item is an atomic value, there is no context

context position

The context position is the position of
the context item within the sequence of items currently being processed. It changes whenever the
context item changes. When an instruction such as xsl:apply-templates or
xsl:for-each is used to process
a sequence of items, the first item in the sequence is processed with a context position of 1, the
second item with a context position of 2, and so on.

context size

The context size is the number of items in
the sequence of items currently being processed. It changes
whenever instructions such as xsl:apply-templates and xsl:for-each
are used to process a sequence of items; during the processing of each one of those items, the
context size is set to the count of the number of items in the sequence (or equivalently, the position
of the last item in the sequence).

core function

term core function means a function that is specified in
[Functions and Operators] and that is in the
standard function

current captured substrings

While the xsl:matching-substring instruction is active, a set of
current captured substrings is
available, corresponding to the parenthesized sub-expressions of the regular expression.

current group

The evaluation context for
XPath expressions includes a component
called the current group, which is a sequence. The current group is the collection of
related items that are processed collectively in one iteration of the xsl:for-each-group element.

current grouping key

The evaluation context for
XPath expressions includes a component
called the current grouping key, which is an atomic value. The current grouping key is
the grouping key
shared in common by all the items within the current group.

current mode

At any point in the processing
of a stylesheet, there is a current mode. When the transformation is initiated,
the current mode is the default mode, unless a different initial
mode has been supplied, as described in 2.3 Initiating a Transformation.
Whenever an xsl:apply-templates
instruction is evaluated, the current mode becomes the mode selected by this instruction.

current template rule

At any point in the processing
of a stylesheet, there may be a
current template rule. Whenever a template rule is
chosen as a result of evaluating xsl:apply-templates,
xsl:apply-imports, or xsl:next-match,
the template rule becomes the current
template rule for the evaluation of the rule’s sequence constructor. When an
xsl:for-each, xsl:for-each-group,
or xsl:analyze-string
instruction is evaluated, or when evaluating a sequence constructor contained in
an xsl:sort or xsl:key element, or when
a stylesheet function
is called (see 10.3 Stylesheet Functions), the current
template rule becomes null for the evaluation of that instruction
or function.

date formatting function

The three
functions format-date, format-time, and
format-dateTime are referred to collectively as the
date formatting functions.

decimal format

the xsl:decimal-format declarations in a stylesheet
that share the same name are grouped into a named decimal format;
those that have no name are grouped into a single unnamed decimal format.


elements fall into two categories: declarations, and
user-defined data elements.
Top-level elements whose names are in the
XSLT namespace are declarations.
Top-level elements in any other namespace are
user-defined data elements
(see 3.6.2 User-defined Data Elements)

declaration order

declarations within a
stylesheet level have a total ordering known
as declaration order. The order of declarations within a stylesheet
level is the same as the document order that would result if each stylesheet module were
inserted textually in place of the xsl:include element that references it.

default collation

this specification the term default collation means the collation that
is used by XPath operators such as eq and lt appearing in
XPath expressions within the stylesheet.

default mode

There is always a default mode
available. The default mode is an unnamed mode, and it is used when
no mode attribute is specified on an xsl:apply-templates instruction.

default priority

If no priority
attribute is specified on the xsl:template element, a default
is computed, based on the syntax of the pattern supplied in the match attribute.

defining element

string in the form of a lexical QName may occur
as the value of an attribute node in a stylesheet
module, or within an XPath expression contained in
such an attribute node, or as the result
of evaluating an XPath expression contained in such an attribute node.
The element
containing this attribute node is referred to as the defining element of the QName.


Some constructs defined in this
specification are described as being deprecated. The use of this term implies that
stylesheet authors should not use the construct, and that the construct may
be removed in a later version of this specification.

dynamic error

An error that is not detected until
a source document is being transformed is referred to as a
dynamic error.

effective value

result of evaluating an attribute value template is referred to as the
effective value of the attribute.

embedded stylesheet module

embedded stylesheet module is a stylesheet module that is
embedded within another XML document, typically the source document
that is being transformed.


expanded-QName contains a pair of values,
namely a local name and an optional namespace URI. It may also contain a namespace prefix.
Two expanded-QNames are equal if the namespace URIs are the same
(or both absent) and the local names are the same. The prefix plays
no part in the comparison, but is used only if the expanded-QName needs to be converted back
to a string.


Within this specification, the term
XPath expression, or simply expression, means
a string that matches the production
defined in [XPath 2.0].

extension attribute

element from the XSLT namespace may have any attribute not from
the XSLT namespace, provided that the expanded-QName (see [XPath 2.0]) of the
attribute has a non-null namespace URI. These attributes are referred to as extension attributes.

extension function

extension function is a function that is available for
use within an XPath expression, other than a
core function defined
in [Functions and Operators], an additional function defined in this
XSLT specification, a constructor function named after an
atomic type, or a stylesheet
function defined using an xsl:function declaration.

extension instruction

extension instruction is an element within a
sequence constructor that is in
a namespace (not the XSLT namespace)
designated as an extension namespace.

extension namespace

extension instruction mechanism allows namespaces to be designated as
extension namespaces. When a namespace is designated as
an extension namespace and an element with a name from that namespace
occurs in a sequence constructor,
then the element is treated as an instruction
rather than as a literal result element.

final output state

The first of the two
output states
is called final output state. This state applies when
instructions are writing to a
final result tree.

final result tree

A final result tree
is a result tree that forms part of the final output
of a transformation. Once created, the contents of a final result tree are
not accessible within the stylesheet itself.


When a
sequence constructor is
evaluated, the processor keeps track of which
items are being processed
by means of a set of implicit variables referred to collectively as the

forwards-compatible behavior

An element enables
forwards-compatible behavior for itself, its
attributes, its descendants and their attributes if it has an
[xsl:]version attribute (see 3.5 Standard Attributes)
whose value is greater than 2.0.

function conversion rules

Except where otherwise indicated, the actual
value of an expression is converted to the required type
using the function conversion rules. These are the rules defined in
[XPath 2.0] for converting the supplied argument of a function call to the
required type of that argument, as defined in the function signature. The relevant
rules are those that apply when
XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is set to false.

function parameter

An xsl:param element may appear as a child of an xsl:function
element, before any non-xsl:param children of that element. Such a parameter
is known as a function parameter. A function parameter is a
local variable with the additional
property that its value can be set when the function
is called, using a function call in an XPath expression.

global variable

top-level variable-binding element
declares a global variable that
is visible everywhere (except where it
is shadowed by another


The xsl:for-each-group instruction
allocates the items in an input sequence into
groups of items (that is, it establishes a collection of sequences) based either on common
values of a grouping key, or on
a pattern that the initial or final
node in a group must match.

grouping key

If either of the
group-by attribute or group-adjacent attributes is present, then
grouping keys are calculated for each item in the population.
The grouping keys are the items in the sequence obtained by evaluating the expression
contained in the group-by attribute or group-adjacent attribute,
atomizing the result, and then casting an xs:untypedAtomic value to xs:string.


A specific product that performs the functions of
an XSLT processor is referred to as
an implementation


In this
specification, the term implementation-defined refers to a feature where the
implementation is allowed some flexibility, and where the choices made by the
implementation must be described in
documentation that accompanies any conformance claim.


term implementation-dependent refers to a feature where the
behavior may vary from one implementation to another, and where the vendor is not expected to
provide a full specification of the behavior.

import precedence

A declaration
D in the stylesheet
is defined to have lower import precedence than another
declaration E if the stylesheet level containing D would be
visited before the stylesheet level containing E in a
post-order traversal of the import tree (that is, a traversal of the
import tree in which a stylesheet level is visited
after its children). Two declarations within the same stylesheet level have
the same import precedence.

import tree

stylesheet levels
making up a stylesheet are
treated as forming an import tree. In the import tree,
each stylesheet level has one child for each
xsl:import declaration that it contains.

in-scope schema component

schema components that may be referenced by name in
a stylesheet are referred to as the
in-scope schema components. This set is the same throughout all the modules of a stylesheet.

initial context node

A node that acts as
the initial context node for the transformation. This node is accessible within the
stylesheet as the initial value of the XPath
. (dot) and self::node(),
as described in Maintaining Position: the Focus

initial item

each group, the item within the group that is first in
population order
is known as the initial item of the group.

initial sequence

The sequence to be sorted
is referred to as the initial sequence.

initial template

The transformation
is performed by evaluating an initial template. If a
named template is
supplied when the transformation is initiated, then this is the initial template;
otherwise, the initial
template is the template rule
selected according to the rules of the xsl:apply-templates instruction
for processing the
initial context node in the
initial mode.


instruction is either an XSLT instruction
or an extension instruction.


A key is defined as
a set of xsl:key declarations in the stylesheet
that share the same name.

key specifier

The expression in
the use attribute and the
sequence constructor within
an xsl:key declaration are
referred to collectively as the key specifier. The key specifier determines
the values that may be used to find a node using this key.

lexical QName

A lexical QName
is a string representing a QName in the form
(NCName ":")? NCName, that is, a local name
optionally preceded by a namespace prefix.

literal namespace URI

namespace URI in the stylesheet tree that is being used to
specify a namespace URI in the result tree
is called a literal namespace URI.

literal result element

a sequence constructor, an element in
the stylesheet that does not belong to
the XSLT namespace and
that is not an extension instruction (see 18.2 Extension Instructions) is classified as a
literal result element.

local variable

well as being allowed as declaration elements, the
xsl:variable element is also
allowed in sequence constructors. Such a variable
is known as a local variable.


allow a node in a source tree to be processed multiple times, each time
producing a different result. They also allow different sets
of template rules
to be active when processing different
trees, for example when processing documents loaded using the document function
(see 16.1 Multiple Source Documents) or when processing
temporary trees.

named template

Templates can be invoked by name.
An xsl:template
element with a name attribute defines a named template.

namespace fixup

The rules for the individual XSLT instructions that
construct a result tree (see 11 Creating Nodes and Sequences) prescribe some of the situations
in which namespace nodes are written to the tree. These rules, however, are not sufficient
to ensure that the prescribed constraints are always satisfied. The XSLT processor must therefore
add additional namespace nodes to satisfy these constraints. This process is referred to
as namespace fixup.

non-recoverable dynamic error

dynamic error that is not recoverable is referred to as a
non-recoverable dynamic error. When a non-recoverable dynamic error occurs, the
must signal the error, and the transformation fails.

optional recovery action

If an implementation chooses to recover from
a recoverable dynamic error, it must take
the optional recovery action defined for that error condition in this specification.

order of first appearance

There is an ordering
among groups referred to as the order of first
. A group G is defined to precede a group H in order of first
appearance if the initial item of G precedes the initial item of H
in population order. If two groups G and H have the same initial item
(because the item is in both groups) then G precedes H if the grouping key
of G precedes the grouping key of H in the sequence that results from evaluating the
group-by expression of this initial item.

output definition

the xsl:output declarations in a stylesheet
that share the same name are grouped into a named output definition;
those that have no name are grouped into a single unnamed output definition.

output state

Each instruction
in the stylesheet is evaluated in one of two possible output states:
final output state or
temporary output state


The xsl:param
element declares a parameter, which may be a
stylesheet parameter,
a template parameter,
or a function parameter. A parameter
is a variable with the additional property that its value can be set
by the caller when the stylesheet, the template, or the function is invoked.


A pattern specifies
a set of conditions on a node. A
node that satisfies the conditions matches the pattern; a node that
does not satisfy the conditions does not match the pattern. The
syntax for patterns is a subset of the syntax for expressions.

picture string

The formatting of a
number is controlled by a picture string. The
picture string is a sequence of characters, in which the characters
assigned to the variables decimal-separator-sign, grouping-sign,
digit-sign and pattern-separator-sign are classified as
active characters, and all other characters (including the percent-sign and
per-mille-sign) are classified as passive characters.

place marker

xsl:number instruction performs
two tasks: firstly, determining a place marker (this is
a sequence of integers, to allow for hierarchic numbering schemes such as
1.12.2 or 3(c)ii), and secondly,
formatting the place marker for output as a text node in the result sequence.


The sequence of items
to be grouped, which
is referred to as the population,
is determined by evaluating the XPath expression contained in the
select attribute.

population order

The population is treated as a sequence;
the order of items in this sequence is referred to as population order

principal stylesheet module

stylesheet may consist of several
stylesheet modules,
contained in different XML documents.
For a given transformation, one of these functions as the
principal stylesheet module. The complete stylesheet is
assembled by finding the stylesheet modules referenced
directly or indirectly from the
principal stylesheet module using xsl:include and
xsl:import elements: see 3.10.2 Stylesheet Inclusion and
3.10.3 Stylesheet Import.

processing order

is another ordering among groups referred to as processing order.
If group R precedes group S in processing
order, then in the result sequence returned by the xsl:for-each-group instruction
the items generated by processing
group R will precede the items generated by processing group S.


The software responsible
for transforming source trees into
result trees using an XSLT stylesheet
is referred to as the processor. This is sometimes expanded
to XSLT processor to avoid any confusion with
other processors, for example an XML processor.

recoverable error

Some dynamic errors are classed as
recoverable errors. When a recoverable error occurs, this specification allows
the processor either to signal the error (by reporting
the error condition and terminating execution) or to take a defined recovery action and continue

required type

The context within a stylesheet
where an XPath expression
appears may specify the required type of
the expression. The required type indicates the type of the value that the
expression is expected to return.

reserved namespace

XSLT namespace, together with certain other namespaces
recognized by an XSLT processor, are classified as reserved namespaces
and must be used only as specified in this and related specifications.

result tree

The term result tree
is used to refer to any tree constructed by instructions
in the stylesheet. A result tree is either a final result tree
or a temporary tree.

schema component

Type definitions
and element and attribute declarations
are referred to collectively as schema components.

schema instance namespace

The schema
instance namespace

http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance is used
as defined in [XML Schema Part 1]

schema namespace

The schema

http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema is used
as defined in [XML Schema Part 1]

schema-aware XSLT processor

A schema-aware XSLT processor
is an XSLT processor that implements all the mandatory requirements of this specification,
including those features that a basic XSLT
processor signals as an error. The mandatory requirements of this specification are taken
to include the mandatory requirements of XPath 2.0, as described in [XPath 2.0].
A requirement is mandatory unless the specification includes wording (such as the use of the
words should or may) that clearly indicates that it is optional.

sequence constructor

A sequence
is a sequence of zero or more
sibling nodes in the stylesheet that
can be evaluated to return a sequence of nodes and atomic values. The way that the resulting
sequence is used depends on the containing instruction.


A frequent requirement is to
output a final result tree as an XML document (or in other formats such as HTML).
This process is referred to as serialization.

serialization error

If a transformation has successfully produced
a final result tree, it is still possible that errors may occur in serializing the result tree.
For example, it may be impossible to serialize the result tree using the encoding selected by the user.
Such an error is referred to as a serialization error.

serialization feature

A processor that
claims conformance with the serialization feature
must support the conversion
of a final result tree
to a sequence of octets following the rules defined in 20 Serialization.


A binding shadows another
binding if the binding occurs at a point where the other binding is visible, and
the bindings have the same name.

simplified stylesheet module

simplified stylesheet module is a tree, or part
of a tree, consisting of a literal result element
together with its descendant nodes and
associated attributes and namespaces.
This element is not itself in the XSLT namespace, but it
must have an xsl:version attribute,
which implies that it must have a namespace node that
declares a binding for the XSLT namespace.
For further details see 3.7 Simplified Stylesheet Modules.

singleton focus

A singleton focus
based on a node N
has the context item (and therefore the
context node) set to N,
and the context position
and context size both set to 1 (one).

sort key component

Within a
sort key specification, each
xsl:sort element defines one sort key component.

sort key specification

sort key specification
is a sequence of one or more adjacent xsl:sort elements which together define rules
for sorting the items in an input sequence to form a sorted sequence.

sort key value

For each item in the initial sequence,
a value is computed
for each sort key component
within the sort key specification.
The value computed for an item by using the Nth sort key component
is referred to as the Nth sort key value of that item.

sorted sequence

The sequence after sorting
as defined by the xsl:sort elements
is referred to as the sorted sequence.

source tree

The term source tree
means any tree provided as input to the transformation. This includes the document containing
the initial context node if any, documents containing
nodes supplied as the values of stylesheet parameters,
documents obtained from the results of functions such as document, docFO,
and collectionFO, and documents returned by extension functions or extension
instructions. In the context of a particular XSLT instruction, the term source tree means
any tree provided as input to that instruction; this may be a source tree of the transformation as a whole,
or it may be a temporary tree produced during the course
of the transformation.


sort key specification
is said to be stable if its first xsl:sort element
has no stable attribute, or has a stable attribute whose
effective value is yes.

standalone stylesheet module

standalone stylesheet module is a stylesheet module that comprises the whole of an XML document.

standard attributes

There are a number of
standard attributes that may appear on any
XSLT element: specifically
version, exclude-result-prefixes,
default-collation, and use-when.

standard function namespace

The standard function namespace
is used for functions in the function library defined in
[Functions and Operators] and standard functions defined in this

standard stylesheet module

standard stylesheet module is a tree, or part of a tree, consisting of an
xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element
(see 3.6 Stylesheet Element) together with its descendant nodes and
associated attributes and namespaces.

static error

An error that can be detected by examining
a stylesheet before execution starts (that is, before
the source document and values of stylesheet parameters
are available) is referred to as a static error.

string value

The term string value
is defined in Section
5.13 string-value AccessorDM.
Every node has a string value. For example, the string value
of an element is the concatenation of the string values of all its descendant text nodes.


transformation in the XSLT language is expressed
in the form of a stylesheet, whose syntax is
well-formed XML [XML 1.0] conforming to the
Namespaces in XML Recommendation [Namespaces in XML 1.0].

stylesheet function

An xsl:function
declaration declares the name, parameters, and implementation of a
stylesheet function
that can be called from any XPath
expression within the stylesheet.

stylesheet level

A stylesheet level
is a collection of stylesheet modules connected
using xsl:include declarations:
specifically, two stylesheet modules A and B are part of the same
stylesheet level if one of them includes the other by means of an xsl:include
declaration, or if there is a third stylesheet module C that is in the same
stylesheet level as both A and B.

stylesheet module

consists of one or more stylesheet modules, each one forming
all or part of an XML document.

stylesheet parameter

A top-level xsl:param element
declares a stylesheet parameter.
A stylesheet parameter is a global variable with the additional property
that its value can be supplied
by the caller when a transformation is initiated.

supplied value

The value of the variable is
computed using the expression given in the
select attribute or the contained sequence constructor,
as described in 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters.
This value is referred to as the supplied value of the variable.

target namespace URI

namespace URI that is to be used in the result tree
as a substitute for a literal namespace URI is called the
target namespace URI.


An xsl:template declaration
defines a template, which contains a
sequence constructor
for creating
nodes and/or atomic values. A template can serve either as a
template rule, invoked by matching nodes against
a pattern, or as a named template,
invoked explicitly by name. It is also possible for the same template to serve in both capacities.

template parameter

An xsl:param element may appear as a child of an xsl:template
element, before any non-xsl:param children of that element. Such a parameter
is known as a template parameter. A template parameter is a
local variable with the additional
property that its value can be set when the template
is called, using any of the instructions xsl:call-template, xsl:apply-templates,
xsl:apply-imports, or xsl:next-match.

template rule

A stylesheet contains a
set of template rules (see 6 Template Rules). A template rule has three parts: a
pattern that is matched against nodes,
a (possibly empty) set of template parameters, and a
constructor that is evaluated to produce a
sequence of items.

temporary output state

The second of the two
output states
is called temporary output state. This state applies when
instructions are writing to a temporary tree
or any other non-final destination.

temporary tree

The term temporary tree
means any tree that is neither a source tree
nor a final result tree.


An element occurring as
a child of an xsl:stylesheet element is called a
top-level element.

tunnel parameter

A parameter passed to a template may be
defined as a tunnel parameter. Tunnel parameters have the property that they are automatically
passed on by the called template to any further templates that it calls, and so on recursively.

type annotation

The term
type annotation is used in this specification to refer to the value returned by the
dm:type-name accessor of a node: see Section
5.14 type-name AccessorDM.

type errors

Certain errors are classified as type errors.
A type error occurs when the value supplied as input to an operation is of the wrong type
for that operation, for example when an integer is supplied to an operation that expects
a node.

typed value

The term typed value
is defined in Section
5.15 typed-value AccessorDM.
Every node except an element defined in the schema with element-only content has a
typed value. For example, the
typed value
of an attribute of type xs:IDREFS is a sequence of zero or more xs:IDREF values.

user-defined data element

In addition to
the xsl:stylesheet element may contain
any element not from the XSLT namespace,
provided that the
expanded-QName of the element has a non-null namespace URI. Such
elements are referred to as user-defined data elements.


A variable is a binding between a name and a value.
The value of a variable is
any sequence (of nodes and/or atomic values), as defined in [Data Model].


The xsl:variable element declares a
variable, which may be a global variable
or a local variable.

variable-binding element

two elements xsl:variable and xsl:param
are referred to as variable-binding elements

whitespace text node

A whitespace text node
is a text node whose content consists entirely of whitespace characters (that is,
#x09, #x0A, #x0D, or #x20).

D Element Syntax Summary (Non-Normative)

The syntax of each XSLT element is summarized below, together with the
context in the stylesheet where the element may appear. Some elements (specifically,
instructions) are allowed as a child of any element that is allowed to contain a sequence
constructor. These elements are:

  • Literal result elements
  • Extension instructions, if so defined



Category: instruction


  select = expression
  regex = { string }
  flags? = { string }>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:matching-substring?, xsl:non-matching-substring?, xsl:fallback*) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: xsl:with-param* -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  select? = expression
  mode? = token>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort | xsl:with-param)* -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  name = { qname }
  namespace? = { uri-reference }
  select? = expression
  separator? = { string }
  type? = qname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:attribute-set
  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: declaration


  name = qname
  use-attribute-sets? = qnames>
  <!-- Content: xsl:attribute* -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform



Category: instruction


  name = qname>
  <!-- Content: xsl:with-param* -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: declaration


  name = qname
  use-character-maps? = qnames>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:output-character*) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform



Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: (xsl:when+, xsl:otherwise?) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  select? = expression>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  copy-namespaces? = "yes" | "no"
  inherit-namespaces? = "yes" | "no"
  use-attribute-sets? = qnames
  type? = qname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  select = expression
  copy-namespaces? = "yes" | "no"
  type? = qname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" />

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: declaration


  name? = qname
  decimal-separator? = char
  grouping-separator? = char
  infinity? = string
  minus-sign? = char
  NaN? = string
  percent? = char
  per-mille? = char
  zero-digit? = char
  digit? = char
  pattern-separator? = char />

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform



Category: instruction


  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = qname>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  name = { qname }
  namespace? = { uri-reference }
  inherit-namespaces? = "yes" | "no"
  use-attribute-sets? = qnames
  type? = qname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  select = expression>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort*, sequence-constructor) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  select = expression
  group-by? = expression
  group-adjacent? = expression
  group-starting-with? = pattern
  group-ending-with? = pattern
  collation? = { uri }>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort*, sequence-constructor) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: declaration


  name = qname
  as? = sequence-type
  override? = "yes" | "no">
  <!-- Content: (xsl:param*, sequence-constructor) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform



Category: instruction


  test = expression>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: declaration


  href = uri-reference />

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform



Category: declaration


  namespace? = uri-reference
  schema-location? = uri-reference>
  <!-- Content: xs:schema? -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform



Category: declaration


  href = uri-reference />

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform



Category: declaration


  name = qname
  match = pattern
  use? = expression
  collation? = uri>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform




  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:analyze-string



Category: instruction


  select? = expression
  terminate? = { "yes" | "no" }>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element
  • xsl:function



Category: instruction


  name = { ncname }
  select? = expression>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: declaration


  stylesheet-prefix = prefix | "#default"
  result-prefix = prefix | "#default" />

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform



Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: (xsl:with-param | xsl:fallback)* -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element




  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:analyze-string



Category: instruction


  value? = expression
  select? = expression
  level? = "single" | "multiple" | "any"
  count? = pattern
  from? = pattern
  format? = { string }
  lang? = { nmtoken }
  letter-value? = { "alphabetic" | "traditional" }
  ordinal? = { string }
  grouping-separator? = { char }
  grouping-size? = { number } />

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element




  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:choose



Category: declaration


  name? = qname
  method? = "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | qname-but-not-ncname
  byte-order-mark? = "yes" | "no"
  cdata-section-elements? = qnames
  doctype-public? = string
  doctype-system? = string
  encoding? = string
  escape-uri-attributes? = "yes" | "no"
  include-content-type? = "yes" | "no"
  indent? = "yes" | "no"
  media-type? = string
  normalization-form? = "NFC" | "NFD" | "NFKC" | "NFKD" | "fully-normalized" | "none" | nmtoken
  omit-xml-declaration? = "yes" | "no"
  standalone? = "yes" | "no" | "omit"
  undeclare-prefixes? = "yes" | "no"
  use-character-maps? = qnames
  version? = nmtoken />

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform




  character = char
  string = string />

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:character-map



Category: declaration


  name = qname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type
  required? = "yes" | "no"
  tunnel? = "yes" | "no">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform
  • xsl:function
  • xsl:template



Category: instruction


  select? = expression>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort+, sequence-constructor) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: declaration


  elements = tokens />

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform



Category: instruction


  name = { ncname }
  select? = expression>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  format? = { qname }
  href? = { uri-reference }
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = qname
  method? = { "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | qname-but-not-ncname }
  byte-order-mark? = { "yes" | "no" }
  cdata-section-elements? = { qnames }
  doctype-public? = { string }
  doctype-system? = { string }
  encoding? = { string }
  escape-uri-attributes? = { "yes" | "no" }
  include-content-type? = { "yes" | "no" }
  indent? = { "yes" | "no" }
  media-type? = { string }
  normalization-form? = { "NFC" | "NFD" | "NFKC" | "NFKD" | "fully-normalized" | "none" | nmtoken }
  omit-xml-declaration? = { "yes" | "no" }
  standalone? = { "yes" | "no" | "omit" }
  undeclare-prefixes? = { "yes" | "no" }
  use-character-maps? = qnames
  output-version? = { nmtoken }>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: instruction


  select = expression>
  <!-- Content: xsl:fallback* -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element




  select? = expression
  lang? = { nmtoken }
  order? = { "ascending" | "descending" }
  collation? = { uri }
  stable? = { "yes" | "no" }
  case-order? = { "upper-first" | "lower-first" }
  data-type? = { "text" | "number" | qname-but-not-ncname }>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:apply-templates
  • xsl:for-each
  • xsl:for-each-group
  • xsl:perform-sort



Category: declaration


  elements = tokens />

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform




  id? = id
  extension-element-prefixes? = tokens
  exclude-result-prefixes? = tokens
  version = number
  xpath-default-namespace? = uri
  default-validation? = "preserve" | "strip"
  default-collation? = uri-list
  input-type-annotations? = "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified">
  <!-- Content: (xsl:import*, other-declarations) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • None



Category: declaration


  match? = pattern
  name? = qname
  priority? = number
  mode? = tokens
  as? = sequence-type>
  <!-- Content: (xsl:param*, sequence-constructor) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform



Category: instruction


  [disable-output-escaping]? = "yes" | "no">
  <!-- Content: #PCDATA -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element




  id? = id
  extension-element-prefixes? = tokens
  exclude-result-prefixes? = tokens
  version = number
  xpath-default-namespace? = uri
  default-validation? = "preserve" | "strip"
  default-collation? = uri-list
  input-type-annotations? = "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified">
  <!-- Content: (xsl:import*, other-declarations) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • None



Category: instruction


  select? = expression
  separator? = { string }
  [disable-output-escaping]? = "yes" | "no">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element



Category: declaration instruction


  name = qname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:stylesheet
  • xsl:transform
  • xsl:function
  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element




  test = expression>
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:choose




  name = qname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type
  tunnel? = "yes" | "no">
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:apply-templates
  • xsl:apply-imports
  • xsl:call-template
  • xsl:next-match

E Summary of Error Conditions (Non-Normative)

This appendix provides a summary of error conditions that a processor
may signal. This list is not exhaustive or definitive. The errors are numbered
for ease of reference, but there is no implication that an implementation must
signal errors using these error codes, or that applications can test for these codes.
Moreover, implementations are not required to signal errors using the descriptive
text used here.

Static errors


A static error is signaled
if an XSLT-defined element is used in a context
where it is not permitted, if a required attribute is omitted,
or if the content of the element does not correspond to the
content that is allowed for the element.


It is a static error
if an attribute (other than an attribute written using curly brackets in
a position where an
attribute value template is permitted) contains a value
that is not one of the permitted values for that attribute.


It is a static error
to use a reserved namespace in the name of
a named template,
a mode,
an attribute set,
a key,
a decimal-format,
a variable or parameter,
a stylesheet function, a
named output definition, or a
character map.


It is a static error for
an element from the XSLT namespace to have an attribute
whose namespace is either null
(that is, an attribute with an unprefixed name) or the XSLT namespace, other than attributes defined
for the element in this document.


The value of the version attribute
must be a number: specifically, it must be a
a valid instance of the type xs:decimal as defined in
[XML Schema Part 2].


An xsl:stylesheet element must not have
any text node children.


It is a static error
if the value of an [xsl:]default-collation attribute,
after resolving against the base URI, contains no URI that the implementation
recognizes as a collation URI.


It is a static error
if the xsl:stylesheet element has
a child element whose name has a null namespace URI.


A literal result element that
is used as the outermost element of a
simplified stylesheet module must have
an xsl:version attribute.


It is a
static error if the processor is not able to retrieve the resource
identified by the URI reference [ in the href attribute
of xsl:include or xsl:import
] , or if the resource that is retrieved does
not contain a stylesheet module conforming to this specification.


An xsl:include element must be a
top-level element.


It is a static error
if a stylesheet module
directly or indirectly includes itself.


An xsl:import element
must be a top-level element.


xsl:import element children must precede all other
element children of an xsl:stylesheet element, including
any xsl:include element children and any
user-defined data elements.


It is a static error if
a stylesheet module directly or indirectly imports itself.


It is a
static error if an xsl:import-schema
element that contains an xs:schema element has a schema-location attribute,
or if it has a namespace attribute that conflicts with the target namespace
of the contained schema.


It is a
static error if the
synthetic schema document does not satisfy the constraints described in
[XML Schema Part 1] (section 5.1, Errors in Schema Construction and Structure).
This includes, without loss of generality, conflicts such as multiple definitions of the same name.


Within an
XSLT element that is required to be empty,
any content other than comments or processing instructions, including any
whitespace text node
preserved using the xml:space="preserve" attribute, is a
static error.


It is a
static error if there is a
stylesheet module
in the stylesheet that specifies
input-type-annotations="strip" and
another stylesheet module
that specifies input-type-annotations="preserve".


In the case of a prefixed
used as the value of an attribute in the
stylesheet, or appearing within
an XPath expression in the stylesheet,
it is a static error if the defining element has
no namespace node whose name matches the prefix of the QName.


Where an attribute is
defined to contain a pattern,
it is a static error if the
pattern does not match the production Pattern.


It is a static error
if an unescaped left curly bracket appears in a fixed part of an attribute value template without a matching right
curly bracket.


It is a static error
if an unescaped right curly bracket occurs in a fixed part of an attribute value template.


xsl:template element must have either a match
attribute or a name attribute, or both. An xsl:template element
that has no match attribute must have no mode attribute and no
priority attribute.


The value of this attribute
[the priority attribute of the xsl:template element]
must conform to the rules for the xs:decimal
type defined in [XML Schema Part 2]. Negative values are permitted.


It is a static error
if the list [of modes in the mode
attribute of xsl:template
] is empty,
if the same token is included more than once in the list, if the list contains an invalid token,
or if the token #all appears together with any other value.


It is a static error if two
parameters of a template or of a stylesheet function have the same name.


It is a static error if
a variable-binding element has a select
attribute and has non-empty content.


It is a
static error if a
stylesheet contains more than one binding of a global
variable with the same name and same
import precedence,
unless it also contains another binding with the same name and higher import precedence.


It is a static error if
a stylesheet contains an xsl:call-template instruction whose name attribute does
not match the name attribute of any xsl:template in the stylesheet.


It is a static error if a
stylesheet contains more than one template with
the same name and the same import
precedence, unless it also contains a template
with the same name and higher import


It is a static error if
a single xsl:call-template,
xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports,
or xsl:next-match
element contains two or more xsl:with-param elements
with matching name attributes.


In the case of xsl:call-template,
it is a static error
to pass a non-tunnel parameter named x to a template that does not have a
template parameter named
x, unless backwards
compatible behavior is enabled for the xsl:call-template instruction.


It is
a static error if
a template that is invoked using xsl:call-template declares a
template parameter
specifying required="yes" and not specifying
tunnel="yes", if no value for
this parameter is supplied by the calling instruction.


It is a static error if the value of the
use-attribute-sets attribute of an xsl:copy, xsl:element, or
xsl:attribute-set element, or the xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute of a
literal result element, is not a
whitespace-separated sequence
of QNames, or if it contains a QName that does not match the name
attribute of any xsl:attribute-set declaration in the stylesheet.


It is a static error if an
xsl:attribute-set element directly
or indirectly references itself via the names contained in the use-attribute-sets attribute.


stylesheet function
must have a prefixed name,
to remove any risk of a clash with a function in the default function namespace. It is a
static error if the name has no prefix.


Because arguments to a stylesheet
function call must all be specified, the xsl:param elements within an
xsl:function element must not specify a default value: this means they
must be empty, and must not have a select attribute.


It is a static error for
a stylesheet to contain two or more functions with the same expanded-QName,
the same arity, and the same
import precedence, unless there is
another function with the same expanded-QName
and arity, and a higher import precedence.


It is a
static error
if an attribute on a literal result element is in the XSLT namespace,
unless it is one of the attributes explicitly defined in this specification.


It is a
static error if a namespace prefix
is used within the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute and there
is no namespace binding in scope for that prefix.


It is a
static error if the value #default
is used within the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute and
the parent element of the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes
attribute has no default namespace.


It is
a static error if there is more
than one such declaration
[more than one xsl:namespace-alias declaration]
with the same literal namespace
URI and the same
import precedence
and different values for the target namespace URI,
unless there is also an xsl:namespace-alias declaration
with the same literal namespace
URI and a higher import precedence.


It is
a static error if a value other than #default
is specified for either the stylesheet-prefix or the result-prefix
attributes of the xsl:namespace-alias element when there is no in-scope binding
for that namespace prefix.


It is a static error if
the select attribute of the xsl:attribute element is present unless the
element has empty content.


It is a static error if
the select attribute of the xsl:value-of element is present when the
content of the element is non-empty, or if the select attribute is absent when the
content is empty.


It is a static error if
the select attribute of the xsl:processing-instruction element is present unless the
element has empty content.


It is a static error if
the select attribute of the xsl:namespace element is present when the
element has content other than one or more xsl:fallback
instructions, or if the select attribute is absent when the element
has empty content.


It is a static error if
the select attribute of the xsl:comment element is present unless the
element has empty content.


It is
a static error if the value
attribute of xsl:number is present unless the select,
level, count,
and from attributes are all absent.


It is
a static error
if an xsl:sort element with a select attribute has non-empty content.


It is
a static error
if an xsl:sort element other than the first in a sequence of sibling
xsl:sort elements has a stable attribute.


It is a static error
if an xsl:perform-sort instruction with a select attribute has any content
other than xsl:sort and xsl:fallback instructions.


It is a static error if
the current-group function is used
within a pattern.


It is a static error if
the current-grouping-key function is used
within a pattern.


These four attributes
[the group-by,
group-starting-with, and group-ending-with
attributes of xsl:for-each-group
are mutually exclusive: it is a static error if none of these
four attributes is present, or if more than one of them is present.


It is an error to specify the
collation attribute if neither the
group-by attribute nor group-adjacent attribute is specified.


It is a
static error if the xsl:analyze-string instruction
contains neither an xsl:matching-substring nor an
xsl:non-matching-substring element.


It is
a static error
if an xsl:key declaration has a use attribute and has non-empty content, or
if it has empty content and no use attribute.


It is a static error if
the xsl:key declaration
has a collation attribute whose value
(after resolving against the base URI)
is not a URI recognized by the implementation
as referring to a collation.


It is a static error if there are
several xsl:key declarations
in the stylesheet with the same key name and different
effective collations. Two collations are the same if their URIs are equal under the rules
for comparing xs:anyURI values, or if the implementation can determine that they
are different URIs referring to the same collation.


is a static error
if a named or unnamed
decimal format contains two conflicting
values for the same attribute in different
xsl:decimal-format declarations having the same
import precedence, unless there is another definition
of the same attribute with higher import precedence.


is a static error if the character specified
in the zero-digit attribute is not a digit or is a digit that does not have
the numeric value zero.


It is a static error if,
for any named or unnamed decimal format, the variables
representing characters used in a picture string
do not each have distinct values. These variables are decimal-separator-sign,
grouping-sign, percent-sign, per-mille-sign,
digit-zero-sign, digit-sign, and pattern-separator-sign.


is a static error
if there is no namespace bound to the prefix on the
element bearing the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute
or, when #default is specified,
if there is no default namespace.


It is a
static error if both the
[xsl:]type and [xsl:]validation attributes are present on
the xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy,
xsl:copy-of, xsl:document, or xsl:result-document
or on a literal result element.


It is a static error
if the value of the type attribute
of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy,
xsl:copy-of, xsl:document, or xsl:result-document
instruction, or the xsl:type attribute
of a literal result element, is not a valid QName, or if it uses a prefix that is not defined in an
in-scope namespace declaration, or if the QName is not the name of a type definition
included in the in-scope schema components
for the stylesheet.


It is a static error
if the value of the type attribute
of an xsl:attribute instruction refers to a complex type definition


It is a
static error
if two xsl:output declarations within an
output definition specify
explicit values for the same attribute (other than cdata-section-elements
and use-character-maps),
with the values of the attributes being not equal,
unless there is another xsl:output declaration within the same
output definition that has higher import precedence
and that specifies an explicit value for the same attribute.


The value
[of the method attribute on
must (if present)
be a valid QName.
If the QName does not have a prefix, then it
identifies a method specified in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization] and must be one of
xml, html, xhtml,
or text.


It is a static error
if the stylesheet contains two or more character maps
with the same name and the same import
precedence, unless it also contains another character
map with the same name and higher import precedence.


It is a static error if a name in
the use-character-maps attribute of the xsl:output or
xsl:character-map elements does not
match the name attribute of any xsl:character-map in the stylesheet.


It is a static error if
a character map references itself, directly or indirectly, via a name in
the use-character-maps attribute.


A basic XSLT processor
must signal a static error if the stylesheet includes an
xsl:import-schema declaration.


A basic XSLT processor
must signal a static error if the stylesheet includes an
[xsl:]type attribute, or an
[xsl:]validation or default-validation
attribute with a value other than strip.

Type errors


It is a type error
if the result of evaluating the sequence constructor
cannot be converted to the required type.


It is a
type error if
an xsl:apply-templates instruction with no select attribute is evaluated when
the context item is not a node.


It is a
type error if
the sequence returned by the select expression
[of xsl:apply-templates
contains an item that is not a node.


It is a type error
if the supplied value of a variable
cannot be converted to the required type.


It is a type error
if the conversion of the supplied value of a
parameter to its required type fails.


If a default value is given explicitly, that is,
if there is either a select
attribute or a non-empty sequence constructor, then
it is a type error if the default value
cannot be converted to the required type, using the
function conversion rules.


If the as attribute
[of xsl:function
is specified, then the result evaluated by the
sequence constructor
(see 5.7 Sequence Constructors) is converted to the required type,
using the function conversion rules.
It is a type error
if this conversion fails.


If the value
of a parameter to a stylesheet function
cannot be converted to the required type,
a type error is signaled.


It is a
type error to use the xsl:copy
or xsl:copy-of instruction to copy a node that has namespace-sensitive content
if the copy-namespaces attribute has the value
no and its explicit or implicit validation attribute has
the value preserve.
It is also a type error if either of these instructions (with validation="preserve")
is used to copy an attribute having
namespace-sensitive content, unless the parent element is also copied.
A node has namespace-sensitive content if its typed value contains an item of type
xs:QName or xs:NOTATION or a type derived therefrom.
The reason this is an error is because the validity of the content depends on the
namespace context being preserved.


It is a
type error if the
xsl:number instruction is evaluated, with no value
or select attribute,
when the context item is not a node.


It is a type error
if the result of evaluating the select attribute of the xsl:number
instruction is anything other than a single node.


If any sort key value, after
atomization and any type conversion required by the
data-type attribute, is a sequence containing
more than one item, then the effect depends on whether the xsl:sort element
is evaluated with backwards compatible behavior.
With backwards compatible behavior, the effective sort key value is the first item in the sequence.
In other cases, this is a type error.


It is a type error
if the grouping key evaluated using
the group-adjacent attribute is an empty sequence, or a sequence containing
more than one item.


When the group-starting-with
or group-ending-with attribute
[of the xsl:for-each-group instruction]
is used, it is a type error if the
result of evaluating the select expression
contains an item that is not a node.


If the validation attribute
of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute,
xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document
instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute
of a literal result element,
has the effective value strict, and
schema validity assessment concludes that the validity of
the element or attribute is invalid or unknown, a type
error occurs. As with other type
errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.


If the validation attribute
of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute,
xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document
instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute
of a literal result element,
has the effective value strict, and
there is no matching top-level declaration in the schema, then a type
error occurs. As with other type
errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.


If the validation attribute
of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute,
xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document
instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute
of a literal result element,
has the effective value lax, and
schema validity assessment concludes that the element or attribute is invalid, a type
error occurs. As with other type
errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.


It is a type error if an [xsl:]type
attribute is defined for a constructed element or attribute, and the
outcome of schema validity assessment against that type is that the validity property
of that element or attribute information item is other than valid.


type error occurs if a type or validation
attribute is defined (explicitly or implicitly) for an instruction that constructs a new attribute node, if the
effect of this is to cause the attribute value to be validated against a type that is derived from,
or constructed by list or union from, the primitive types xs:QName or


type error occurs
[when a document node is validated]
unless the children of the document node comprise
exactly one element node, no text nodes, and zero or more comment and processing instruction nodes,
in any order.


It is a
type error if, when validating a document
node, document-level constraints are not satisfied. These constraints include
identity constraints (xs:unique, xs:key,
and xs:keyref) and ID/IDREF constraints.

Dynamic errors


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the effective value of an attribute written
using curly brackets, in
a position where an attribute value template is
permitted, is a value
that is not one of the permitted values for that attribute.
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when
any XPath expressions within the curly brackets can be evaluated statically), then the processor may
optionally signal this as a static error.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the invocation of the
stylesheet specifies a template name that does not match the
expanded-QName of a named template defined in the stylesheet.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the invocation of the
stylesheet specifies an initial mode
(other than the default mode)
that does not match the
expanded-QName in the mode attribute of any
template defined in the stylesheet.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the invocation of the
stylesheet specifies both an initial mode and an initial


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the stylesheet that is invoked declares a visible
stylesheet parameter
with required="yes" and no value for
this parameter is supplied during the invocation of the stylesheet. A stylesheet parameter
is visible if it is not masked by another global variable or parameter with the same name and higher
import precedence.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the initial template defines a template parameter
that specifies required="yes".


If an implementation does not support backwards-compatible
behavior, then it is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if any element is evaluated that enables
backwards-compatible behavior.


It is a recoverable dynamic error if
this [the process of finding an xsl:strip-space or
xsl:preserve-space declaration to match an element in the source document]
leaves more than one match, unless all the matched declarations are equivalent (that is,
they are all xsl:strip-space or they are all xsl:preserve-space).

    Action: The optional recovery action is to select, from the matches that are left, the
one that occurs last in
declaration order.


Where the result of evaluating an XPath expression (or an
attribute value template) is required to be a lexical QName,
then unless otherwise specified
it is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the defining element has
no namespace node whose name matches the prefix of the lexical QName.
This error may be signaled as a
static error
if the value of the expression can be determined statically.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if
the result sequence used to construct the content of an element node
contains a namespace node or attribute node that is preceded
in the sequence by a node that is neither a namespace node nor an attribute node.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if
the result sequence used to construct the content of a document node
contains a namespace node or attribute node.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if
the result sequence contains two or more namespace nodes having the same name but different
string values (that is,
namespace nodes that map the same prefix to different namespace URIs).


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if
the result sequence contains a namespace node with no name and the element node being constructed has a
null namespace URI (that is, it is an error to define a default namespace when the element is in no namespace).


It is a
recoverable dynamic error if
the conflict resolution algorithm for template rules
leaves more than one matching template

    Action: The optional recovery action is to select, from the matching
template rules that are left, the one that occurs last in
declaration order.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match is evaluated when the
current template rule is null.


If an optional parameter has no select
attribute and has an empty sequence constructor,
and if there is an as attribute, then the default value of the parameter
is an empty sequence. If the empty sequence is not a valid instance of the required type
defined in the as attribute, then the parameter is treated as a required
parameter, which means that it is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the caller supplies no value for the parameter.


In general, a circularity
in a stylesheet is a
non-recoverable dynamic error.


In other
cases, [with xsl:apply-templates,
and xsl:next-match, or xsl:call-template with tunnel parameters
it is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the template that is invoked declares a template parameter
with required="yes" and no value for
this parameter is supplied by the calling instruction.


is a recoverable dynamic
error if the name of a constructed attribute is xml:space and the value is not
either default or preserve.

    Action: The optional recovery action is to construct
the attribute with the value as requested.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the name attribute [of the
xsl:element instruction] is not a lexical QName.


In the
case of an xsl:element instruction
with no namespace attribute,
it is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the name attribute is a QName
whose prefix is not declared in an in-scope namespace declaration for the xsl:element


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the namespace attribute
[of the xsl:element instruction]
is not in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI data type
or if it is the string http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the name attribute [of an
xsl:attribute instruction]
is not a lexical QName.


In the case
of an xsl:attribute instruction with no namespace attribute,
it is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the name attribute is the string xmlns.


In the case
of an xsl:attribute instruction
with no namespace attribute,
it is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the name attribute is a lexical QName
whose prefix is not declared in an in-scope namespace declaration for the
xsl:attribute instruction.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if
the effective value
of the namespace attribute
[of the xsl:attribute instruction]
is not in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI data type
or if it is the string http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the
effective value of the
name attribute [of the xsl:processing-instruction
instruction] is not both an NCNameNames and a


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the
string value of the new namespace node is not valid in the lexical space of the
data type xs:anyURI,
or if it is the string http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the
effective value of the
name attribute [of the xsl:namespace instruction]
is neither a zero-length string nor an NCNameNames, or
if it is xmlns.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the xsl:namespace
instruction generates a namespace node whose name is xml and whose string value is
not http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace, or a namespace node whose string value is
http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace and whose name is
not xml.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if
evaluating the select attribute or the contained
sequence constructor of an
xsl:namespace instruction
results in a zero-length string.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if any undiscarded item in the atomized sequence supplied
as the value of the value attribute of xsl:number
cannot be converted to an integer, or if the resulting integer is less than
0 (zero).


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if, for any
sort key component,
the set of sort key values evaluated for all the items in the
initial sequence, after any type conversion requested,
contains a pair of ordinary values for which the result of the
XPath lt operator is an error.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the collation attribute of xsl:sort (after resolving against
the base URI) is not a URI that is recognized
by the implementation as referring to a collation.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the collation URI specified to xsl:for-each-group
(after resolving against the base URI)
is a collation that is not recognized
by the implementation. (For notes, [see ERR XTDE1035].)


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the
effective value of the regex attribute
[of the xsl:analyze-string instruction]
does not conform to the required syntax for
regular expressions, as specified in [Functions and Operators].
If the regular expression is known
statically (for example, if the attribute does not contain any expressions enclosed in curly brackets)
then the processor may signal the error as a static error.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the
effective value of the flags attribute
[of the xsl:analyze-string instruction]
has a value other than the values defined in [Functions and Operators].
If the value of the attribute is known
statically (for example, if the attribute does not contain any expressions enclosed in curly brackets)
then the processor may signal the error as a static error.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the
effective value of the regex attribute
[of the xsl:analyze-string instruction]
is a regular expression that matches a zero-length string: or more specifically, if the regular expression $r
and flags $f are such that matches("", $r, $f) returns true.
If the regular expression is known
statically (for example, if the attribute does not contain any expressions enclosed in curly brackets)
then the processor may signal the error as a static error.


When a URI reference
[supplied to the document function]
contains a fragment identifier,
it is a recoverable dynamic error if the media type is not one that is recognized by the
processor, or if the fragment identifier does not conform to the rules for fragment identifiers
for that media type, or if the fragment identifier selects something other than a sequence of
nodes (for example, if it selects a range of characters within a text node).

    Action: The optional recovery action is to ignore the fragment
identifier and return the document node.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if a URI
[supplied in the first argument to the unparsed-text function]
contains a fragment identifier, or if it cannot be used to retrieve a resource
containing text.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if a resource
[retrieved using the unparsed-text function]
contains octets that cannot be decoded into Unicode characters
using the specified encoding, or if the resulting characters are not permitted XML characters.
This includes the case where the
processor does not support
the requested encoding.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the second argument of the unparsed-text function is omitted and the
processor cannot infer the encoding using
external information and the encoding is not UTF-8.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the value
[of the first argument to the key function] is
not a valid QName, or if there is no
namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName, or if the
name obtained by expanding the QName is not the same as the expanded
name of any xsl:key declaration in the stylesheet.
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
to call the key function with two arguments if there is no context node,
or if the root of the tree containing the context node is not a document node; or to call
the function with three arguments if the root of the tree containing the node supplied in the third
argument is not a document node.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the name specified as the
$decimal-format-name argument [ to the format-number function]
is not a valid QName, or
if its prefix has not been declared in an in-scope namespace declaration, or
if the stylesheet does not contain a declaration of a decimal-format with a matching
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.


picture string
[supplied to the format-number function]
must conform to the following rules. [ See full specification.]
It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the picture string
does not satisfy these rules.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the syntax of the picture [used for date/time formatting]
is incorrect.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if a component specifier within the picture [used for date/time formatting]
refers to components that are not available in the given type of $value,
for example if the picture supplied to the format-time refers
to the year, month, or day component.


If the current function is evaluated
within an expression that is evaluated when the context item is undefined, a
non-recoverable dynamic error occurs.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the unparsed-entity-uri function is called when there is no context node,
or when the root of the tree containing the context node is not a document node.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic error
if the unparsed-entity-public-id function is called
when there is no context node,
or when the root of the tree containing the context node is not a document node.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the value
[supplied as the $property-name argument to the
system-property function] is
not a valid QName, or if there is no
namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName.
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.


a transformation is terminated by use of xsl:message terminate="yes", the effect
is the same as when a non-recoverable dynamic error occurs
during the transformation.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the argument
[passed to the function-available function]
does not evaluate to a string that is a valid QName,
or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName.
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic
error if the arguments supplied to a call on an extension function do
not satisfy the rules defined for that particular extension function, or if the
extension function reports an error, or if the result of the extension function
cannot be converted to an XPath value.


backwards compatible behavior
is enabled,
it is a non-recoverable dynamic
error to evaluate an extension function call if no implementation
of the extension function is available.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the argument
[passed to the type-available function]
does not evaluate to a string that is a valid QName,
or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName.
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.


It is a
non-recoverable dynamic error if the
[passed to the element-available function]
does not evaluate to a string that is a valid QName,
or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName.
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is
supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.


When a
processor performs fallback for an
extension instruction that is not recognized,
if the instruction element has one or more
xsl:fallback children, then the content of each of the
xsl:fallback children must be evaluated; it is a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if it has no xsl:fallback children.


It is
a non-recoverable dynamic
error if the effective value
of the format attribute
[of an xsl:result-document element]
is not a valid lexical QName,
or if it does not match the expanded-QName of an
output definition in the
If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the format attribute
contains no curly brackets), then the processor may optionally signal this
as a static error.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic
error to evaluate the xsl:result-document instruction in
temporary output state.


It is a non-recoverable dynamic
error for a transformation to generate two or more
final result trees with the same URI.


is a recoverable dynamic
error for a transformation to generate two or more
final result trees
with URIs that identify the same physical resource. The
optional recovery action
is implementation-dependent,
since it may be impossible for the processor to detect the error.


It is a recoverable dynamic error
for a stylesheet to write to an external resource and read from the same resource during a single
transformation, whether or not the same URI is used to access the resource in both cases.

    Action: The
optional recovery action is implementation-dependent:
implementations are not required to detect the error condition.
Note that if the error is not detected, it is undefined whether the document that is read from the resource
reflects its state before or after the result tree is written.


It is
a recoverable dynamic error
if an
xsl:value-of or xsl:text instruction specifies that
output escaping is to be disabled and the implementation does not
support this.

    Action: The optional recovery action is to ignore the
disable-output-escaping attribute.


It is
a recoverable dynamic error
if an
xsl:value-of or xsl:text instruction specifies that
output escaping is to be disabled when writing to a
final result tree that is
not being serialized.

    Action: The optional recovery action is to ignore the
disable-output-escaping attribute.


basic XSLT processor
must raise a
non-recoverable dynamic error
if the input to the processor includes a node with a type annotation other than
xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic, or an atomic value
of a type other than those which a basic XSLT processor supports.

F Checklist of Implementation-Defined Features (Non-Normative)

This appendix provides a summary of XSLT language features whose effect is
explicitly implementation-defined.
The conformance rules (see 21 Conformance) require vendors to provide documentation
that explains how these choices have been exercised.

  1. The way in which an XSLT processor is invoked,
    and the way in which values are supplied for
    the source document, starting node,
    stylesheet parameters, and
    base output URI,
    are implementation-defined. (See 2.3 Initiating a Transformation)

  2. The mechanisms for creating new extension instructions and extension
    functions are implementation-defined. (See 2.7 Extensibility)

  3. Where the specification provides a choice between signaling a dynamic
    error or recovering, the decision that is made
    (but not the recovery action itself) is implementation-defined. (See 2.9 Error Handling)

  4. It is implementation-defined whether type errors are signaled statically. (See 2.9 Error Handling)

  5. The set of namespaces that are specially recognized by the implementation
    (for example, for user-defined
    data elements, and extension attributes) is implementation-defined. (See 3.6.2 User-defined Data Elements)

  6. The effect of user-defined
    data elements whose name is in a namespace recognized by the implementation
    is implementation-defined. (See 3.6.2 User-defined Data Elements)

  7. It is implementation-defined whether an XSLT 2.0 processor supports
    backwards-compatible behavior. (See 3.8 Backwards-Compatible Processing)

  8. It is implementation-defined
    what forms of URI reference are acceptable in the href
    attribute of the xsl:include and xsl:import elements,
    for example, the URI schemes that may be used, the forms of
    fragment identifier that may be used, and the media types that
    are supported. (See 3.10.1 Locating Stylesheet Modules)

  9. An implementation may define mechanisms, above and beyond xsl:import-schema
    that allow schema components such as type definitions to
    be made available within a stylesheet. (See 3.13 Built-in Types)

  10. It is implementation-defined which versions of XML and XML Namespaces (1.0 and/or 1.1) are supported. (See 4.1 XML Versions)

  11. Limits on the value space of primitive data types, where not fixed
    by [XML Schema Part 2], are implementation-defined. (See 4.6 Limits)

  12. The implicit timezone for a transformation is implementation-defined. (See Other components of the XPath Dynamic Context)

  13. If an xml:id attribute that has not been subjected to attribute value
    normalization is copied from a source tree to a result tree, it is implementation-defined whether
    attribute value normalization will be applied during the copy process. (See 11.9.1 Shallow Copy)

  14. The numbering sequences supported by the xsl:number
    instructions, beyond those defined in this specification, are implementation-defined. (See 12.3 Number to String Conversion Attributes)

  15. There may be implementation-defined upper bounds on the numbers that
    can be formatted by xsl:number using any particular numbering sequence. (See 12.3 Number to String Conversion Attributes)

  16. The set of
    languages for which numbering is supported by xsl:number, and
    the method of choosing a default language, are implementation-defined. (See 12.3 Number to String Conversion Attributes)

  17. If the data-type attribute of the xsl:sort element
    has a value other than text or number, the effect is
    implementation-defined. (See 13.1.2 Comparing Sort Key Values)

  18. The facilities for defining collations and allocating URIs to identify them
    are implementation-defined. (See 13.1.3 Sorting Using Collations)

  19. The algorithm used by xsl:sort to locate a collation,
    given the values of the lang and case-order attributes,
    is implementation-defined. (See 13.1.3 Sorting Using Collations)

  20. The set of media types recognized by the processor, for the purpose of
    interpreting fragment identifiers in URI references passed to the document
    function, is implementation-defined. (See 16.1 Multiple Source Documents)

  21. The set of encodings recognized by the unparsed-text function,
    other than utf-8 and utf-16, is
    implementation-defined. (See 16.2 Reading Text Files)

  22. If no encoding is specified on a call to the unparsed-text function,
    the processor may use implementation-defined
    heuristics to determine the likely encoding. (See 16.2 Reading Text Files)

  23. The set of languages, calendars, and countries that are supported in the
    date formatting functions is
    implementation-defined. If any of these arguments is omitted or set to an empty sequence,
    the default is implementation-defined. (See 16.5.2 The Language, Calendar, and Country Arguments)

  24. The choice of the names and abbreviations used in any given language for
    calendar units such as days of the week and months of the year is
    implementation-defined. (See 16.5.2 The Language, Calendar, and Country Arguments)

  25. The values returned by the system-property
    function, and the names of the additional properties that are recognized, are implementation-defined. (See 16.6.5 system-property)

  26. The destination and formatting of messages written using the
    xsl:message instruction are implementation-defined. (See 17 Messages)

  27. The effect of an extension function returning a string containing
    characters that are not legal in XML is implementation-defined. (See 18.1.2 Calling Extension Functions)

  28. The way in which external objects are represented in the type
    system is implementation-defined. (See 18.1.3 External Objects)

  29. The way in which a final result tree is delivered to an
    application is implementation-defined. (See 19 Final Result Trees)

  30. Implementations may provide additional mechanisms allowing users to define the way in which
    final result trees are processed. (See 19.1 Creating Final Result Trees)

  31. If serialization is supported, then the location to which a
    final result tree
    is serialized is implementation-defined, subject to the constraint that relative URIs used to reference
    one tree from another remain valid. (See 20 Serialization)

  32. The default value of the encoding attribute of the
    xsl:output element is implementation-defined. (See 20 Serialization)

  33. It is implementation-defined which versions of XML, HTML, and XHTML
    are supported in the version attribute of the
    xsl:output declaration. (See 20 Serialization)

  34. The default value of the byte-order-mark serialization
    parameter is implementation-defined in the case of UTF-8 encoding. (See 20 Serialization)

  35. It is implementation-defined whether, and under what circumstances,
    disabling output escaping is supported. (See 20.2 Disabling Output Escaping)

G Schema for XSLT Stylesheets (Non-Normative)

The following schema describes the structure of an XSLT stylesheet module. It does
not define all the constraints that apply to a stylesheet (for example, it does not attempt
to define a data type that precisely represents attributes containing XPath
However, every valid stylesheet module conforms to this schema,
unless it contains elements that invoke

A copy of this schema is available at

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" targetNamespace="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" elementFormDefault="qualified">

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    This is a schema for XSLT 2.0 stylesheets.
    It defines all the elements that appear in the XSLT namespace; it also
    provides hooks that allow the inclusion of user-defined literal result elements,
    extension instructions, and top-level data elements.
    The schema is derived (with kind permission) from a schema for XSLT 1.0 stylesheets
    produced by Asir S Vedamuthu of WebMethods Inc.
    This schema is available for use under the conditions of the W3C Software License
    published at https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software-19980720
    The schema is organized as follows:
    PART A: definitions of complex types and model groups used as the basis 
            for element definitions
    PART B: definitions of individual XSLT elements
    PART C: definitions for literal result elements
    PART D: definitions of simple types used in attribute definitions
    This schema does not attempt to define all the constraints that apply to a valid
    XSLT 2.0 stylesheet module. It is the intention that all valid stylesheet modules 
    should conform to this schema; however, the schema is non-normative and in the event 
    of any conflict, the text of the Recommendation takes precedence.

    This schema does not implement the special rules that apply when a stylesheet
    has sections that use forwards-compatible-mode. In this mode, setting version="3.0"
    allows elements from the XSLT namespace to be used that are not defined in XSLT 2.0.

    Simplified stylesheets (those with a literal result element as the outermost element)
    will validate against this schema only if validation starts in lax mode.
    This version is dated 2007-03-16
    Authors: Michael H Kay, Saxonica Limited
             Jeni Tennison, Jeni Tennison Consulting Ltd.
    2007-03-15: added xsl:document element
                revised xsl:sequence element
                see https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4237         
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
The declaration of xml:space and xml:lang may need to be commented out because
of problems processing the schema using various tools
<xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd"/>

    An XSLT stylesheet may contain an in-line schema within an xsl:import-schema element,
    so the Schema for schemas needs to be imported
<xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.xsd"/>

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    PART A: definitions of complex types and model groups used as the basis 
            for element definitions
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

<xs:complexType name="generic-element-type" mixed="true">
  <xs:attribute name="default-collation" type="xsl:uri-list"/>
  <xs:attribute name="exclude-result-prefixes" type="xsl:prefix-list-or-all"/>
  <xs:attribute name="extension-element-prefixes" type="xsl:prefix-list"/>
  <xs:attribute name="use-when" type="xsl:expression"/>
  <xs:attribute name="xpath-default-namespace" type="xs:anyURI"/>
  <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

<xs:complexType name="versioned-element-type" mixed="true">
    <xs:extension base="xsl:generic-element-type">    
      <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:decimal" use="optional"/>

<xs:complexType name="element-only-versioned-element-type" mixed="false">
    <xs:restriction base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
      <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

<xs:complexType name="sequence-constructor">
  <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
    <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">    
      <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:group name="sequence-constructor-group">
    <xs:element ref="xsl:variable"/>
    <xs:element ref="xsl:instruction"/>
    <xs:group ref="xsl:result-elements"/>

<xs:element name="declaration" type="xsl:generic-element-type" abstract="true"/>

<xs:element name="instruction" type="xsl:versioned-element-type" abstract="true"/>

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    PART B: definitions of individual XSLT elements    
    Elements are listed in alphabetical order.    
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

<xs:element name="analyze-string" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:matching-substring" minOccurs="0"/>
          <xs:element ref="xsl:non-matching-substring" minOccurs="0"/>
          <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="regex" type="xsl:avt" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="flags" type="xsl:avt" default=""/>

<xs:element name="apply-imports" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:with-param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:element name="apply-templates" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
        <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:sort"/>
          <xs:element ref="xsl:with-param"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" default="child::node()"/>
        <xs:attribute name="mode" type="xsl:mode"/>

<xs:element name="attribute" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
        <xs:attribute name="separator" type="xsl:avt"/>   
        <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName"/>
        <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>

<xs:element name="attribute-set" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
        <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:attribute"/>
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets" type="xsl:QNames" default=""/>

<xs:element name="call-template" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:with-param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required"/>

<xs:element name="character-map" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:output-character" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="use-character-maps" type="xsl:QNames" default=""/>

<xs:element name="choose" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:when" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:element ref="xsl:otherwise" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="comment" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>

<xs:element name="copy" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="copy-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
        <xs:attribute name="inherit-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
        <xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets" type="xsl:QNames" default=""/>
        <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName"/>
        <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>

<xs:element name="copy-of" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="copy-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
        <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName"/>
        <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>

<xs:element name="document" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName"/>
        <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>

<xs:element name="decimal-format" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName"/>
        <xs:attribute name="decimal-separator" type="xsl:char" default="."/>
        <xs:attribute name="grouping-separator" type="xsl:char" default=","/>
        <xs:attribute name="infinity" type="xs:string" default="Infinity"/>
        <xs:attribute name="minus-sign" type="xsl:char" default="-"/>
        <xs:attribute name="NaN" type="xs:string" default="NaN"/>
        <xs:attribute name="percent" type="xsl:char" default="%"/>
        <xs:attribute name="per-mille" type="xsl:char" default="‰"/>
        <xs:attribute name="zero-digit" type="xsl:char" default="0"/>
        <xs:attribute name="digit" type="xsl:char" default="#"/>
        <xs:attribute name="pattern-separator" type="xsl:char" default=";"/>

<xs:element name="element" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
  <xs:complexType mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="inherit-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
        <xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets" type="xsl:QNames" default=""/>
        <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName"/>
        <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>

<xs:element name="fallback" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction" type="xsl:sequence-constructor"/>

<xs:element name="for-each" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:sort" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="required"/>

<xs:element name="for-each-group" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:sort" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="group-by" type="xsl:expression"/>
        <xs:attribute name="group-adjacent" type="xsl:expression"/>            
        <xs:attribute name="group-starting-with" type="xsl:pattern"/>            
        <xs:attribute name="group-ending-with" type="xsl:pattern"/>            
        <xs:attribute name="collation" type="xs:anyURI"/>            

<xs:element name="function" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="override" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
        <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type" default="item()*"/>

<xs:element name="if" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="test" type="xsl:expression" use="required"/>

<xs:element name="import">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
        <xs:attribute name="href" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>

<xs:element name="import-schema" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:element ref="xs:schema" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xs:anyURI"/>
        <xs:attribute name="schema-location" type="xs:anyURI"/>                  

<xs:element name="include" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="href" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>

<xs:element name="key" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="match" type="xsl:pattern" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="use" type="xsl:expression"/>
        <xs:attribute name="collation" type="xs:anyURI"/>               

<xs:element name="matching-substring" type="xsl:sequence-constructor"/>

<xs:element name="message" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
        <xs:attribute name="terminate" type="xsl:avt" default="no"/>

<xs:element name="namespace" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>

<xs:element name="namespace-alias" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
        <xs:attribute name="stylesheet-prefix" type="xsl:prefix-or-default" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="result-prefix" type="xsl:prefix-or-default" use="required"/>

<xs:element name="next-match" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
        <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:with-param"/>
          <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback"/>

<xs:element name="non-matching-substring" type="xsl:sequence-constructor"/>

<xs:element name="number" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
        <xs:attribute name="value" type="xsl:expression"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
        <xs:attribute name="level" type="xsl:level" default="single"/>
        <xs:attribute name="count" type="xsl:pattern"/>
        <xs:attribute name="from" type="xsl:pattern"/>
        <xs:attribute name="format" type="xsl:avt" default="1"/>
        <xs:attribute name="lang" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="letter-value" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="ordinal" type="xsl:avt"/>        
        <xs:attribute name="grouping-separator" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="grouping-size" type="xsl:avt"/>

<xs:element name="otherwise" type="xsl:sequence-constructor"/>

<xs:element name="output" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:generic-element-type">
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName"/>
        <xs:attribute name="method" type="xsl:method"/>
        <xs:attribute name="byte-order-mark" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
        <xs:attribute name="cdata-section-elements" type="xsl:QNames"/>
        <xs:attribute name="doctype-public" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="doctype-system" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="encoding" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="escape-uri-attributes" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
        <xs:attribute name="include-content-type" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
        <xs:attribute name="indent" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
        <xs:attribute name="media-type" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="normalization-form" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
        <xs:attribute name="omit-xml-declaration" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
        <xs:attribute name="standalone" type="xsl:yes-or-no-or-omit"/>
        <xs:attribute name="undeclare-prefixes" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
        <xs:attribute name="use-character-maps" type="xsl:QNames"/>
        <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>

<xs:element name="output-character">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
        <xs:attribute name="character" type="xsl:char" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="string" type="xs:string" use="required"/>

<xs:element name="param">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
        <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type"/>
        <xs:attribute name="required" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
        <xs:attribute name="tunnel" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>        

<xs:element name="perform-sort" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:sort" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>

<xs:element name="preserve-space" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
        <xs:attribute name="elements" type="xsl:nametests" use="required"/>

<xs:element name="processing-instruction" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>

<xs:element name="result-document" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="format" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="href" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:QName"/>
        <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>
        <xs:attribute name="method" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="byte-order-mark" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="cdata-section-elements" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="doctype-public" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="doctype-system" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="encoding" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="escape-uri-attributes" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="include-content-type" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="indent" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="media-type" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="normalization-form" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="omit-xml-declaration" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="standalone" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="undeclare-prefixes" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="use-character-maps" type="xsl:QNames"/>
        <xs:attribute name="output-version" type="xsl:avt"/>

<xs:element name="sequence" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
        <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>

<xs:element name="sort">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>  
        <xs:attribute name="lang" type="xsl:avt"/>        
        <xs:attribute name="data-type" type="xsl:avt" default="text"/>        
        <xs:attribute name="order" type="xsl:avt" default="ascending"/>        
        <xs:attribute name="case-order" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="collation" type="xsl:avt"/>
        <xs:attribute name="stable" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>

<xs:element name="strip-space" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
        <xs:attribute name="elements" type="xsl:nametests" use="required"/>

<xs:element name="stylesheet" substitutionGroup="xsl:transform"/>

<xs:element name="template" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:attribute name="match" type="xsl:pattern"/>
        <xs:attribute name="priority" type="xs:decimal"/>
        <xs:attribute name="mode" type="xsl:modes"/>
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName"/>
        <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type" default="item()*"/>

<xs:complexType name="text-element-base-type">
    <xs:restriction base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
      <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

<xs:element name="text" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:text-element-base-type">
        <xs:attribute name="disable-output-escaping" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="no"/>

<xs:complexType name="transform-element-base-type">
    <xs:restriction base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
      <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:decimal" use="required"/>
      <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

<xs:element name="transform">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:transform-element-base-type">
          <xs:element ref="xsl:import" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:declaration"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:variable"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:param"/>              
            <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> <!-- weaker than XSLT 1.0 -->
        <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/>
        <xs:attribute name="default-validation" type="xsl:validation-strip-or-preserve" default="strip"/>
        <xs:attribute name="input-type-annotations" type="xsl:input-type-annotations-type" default="unspecified"/>

<xs:element name="value-of" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
        <xs:attribute name="separator" type="xsl:avt"/>            
        <xs:attribute name="disable-output-escaping" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="no"/>

<xs:element name="variable">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="optional"/>
        <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type" use="optional"/>

<xs:element name="when">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="test" type="xsl:expression" use="required"/>

<xs:element name="with-param">
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:QName" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
        <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type"/>
        <xs:attribute name="tunnel" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>   

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    PART C: definition of literal result elements
    There are three ways to define the literal result elements
    permissible in a stylesheet.
    (a) do nothing. This allows any element to be used as a literal
        result element, provided it is not in the XSLT namespace
    (b) declare all permitted literal result elements as members
        of the xsl:literal-result-element substitution group
    (c) redefine the model group xsl:result-elements to accommodate
        all permitted literal result elements.
    Literal result elements are allowed to take certain attributes
    in the XSLT namespace. These are defined in the attribute group
    literal-result-element-attributes, which can be included in the
    definition of any literal result element.
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

<xs:element name="literal-result-element" abstract="true" type="xs:anyType"/>

<xs:attributeGroup name="literal-result-element-attributes">
  <xs:attribute name="default-collation" form="qualified" type="xsl:uri-list"/>
  <xs:attribute name="extension-element-prefixes" form="qualified" type="xsl:prefixes"/>
  <xs:attribute name="exclude-result-prefixes" form="qualified" type="xsl:prefixes"/>
  <xs:attribute name="xpath-default-namespace" form="qualified" type="xs:anyURI"/>    
  <xs:attribute name="inherit-namespaces" form="qualified" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
  <xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets" form="qualified" type="xsl:QNames" default=""/>
  <xs:attribute name="use-when" form="qualified" type="xsl:expression"/>
  <xs:attribute name="version" form="qualified" type="xs:decimal"/>
  <xs:attribute name="type" form="qualified" type="xsl:QName"/>
  <xs:attribute name="validation" form="qualified" type="xsl:validation-type"/>

<xs:group name="result-elements">
    <xs:element ref="xsl:literal-result-element"/>
    <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
    <xs:any namespace="##local" processContents="lax"/>

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    PART D: definitions of simple types used in stylesheet attributes 
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

<xs:simpleType name="avt">
      This type is used for all attributes that allow an attribute value template.
      The general rules for the syntax of attribute value templates, and the specific
      rules for each such attribute, are described in the XSLT 2.0 Recommendation.
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>

<xs:simpleType name="char">
      A string containing exactly one character.
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:length value="1"/>

<xs:simpleType name="expression">
      An XPath 2.0 expression.
  <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
    <xs:pattern value=".+"/>

<xs:simpleType name="input-type-annotations-type">
      Describes how type annotations in source documents are handled.
  <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
    <xs:enumeration value="preserve"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="strip"/>   
    <xs:enumeration value="unspecified"/>        

<xs:simpleType name="level">
      The level attribute of xsl:number: 
      one of single, multiple, or any.
  <xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
    <xs:enumeration value="single"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="multiple"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="any"/>

<xs:simpleType name="mode">
      The mode attribute of xsl:apply-templates: 
      either a QName, or #current, or #default.
  <xs:union memberTypes="xsl:QName">
      <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
        <xs:enumeration value="#default"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="#current"/>

<xs:simpleType name="modes">
      The mode attribute of xsl:template: 
      either a list, each member being either a QName or #default;
      or the value #all
          <xs:union memberTypes="xsl:QName">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
                <xs:enumeration value="#default"/>
      <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
        <xs:enumeration value="#all"/>

<xs:simpleType name="nametests">
      A list of NameTests, as defined in the XPath 2.0 Recommendation.
      Each NameTest is either a QName, or "*", or "prefix:*", or "*:localname"
      <xs:union memberTypes="xsl:QName">
          <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
            <xs:enumeration value="*"/>
          <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
            <xs:pattern value="ic*:*"/>
            <xs:pattern value="*:ic*"/>            

<xs:simpleType name="prefixes">
  <xs:list itemType="xs:NCName"/>

<xs:simpleType name="prefix-list-or-all">
  <xs:union memberTypes="xsl:prefix-list">
      <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
        <xs:enumeration value="#all"/>
<xs:simpleType name="prefix-list">
  <xs:list itemType="xsl:prefix-or-default"/>

<xs:simpleType name="method">
      The method attribute of xsl:output:
      Either one of the recognized names "xml", "xhtml", "html", "text",
      or a QName that must include a prefix.
      <xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
        <xs:enumeration value="xml"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="xhtml"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="html"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="text"/>
      <xs:restriction base="xsl:QName">
        <xs:pattern value="c*:c*"/>

<xs:simpleType name="pattern">
      A match pattern as defined in the XSLT 2.0 Recommendation.
      The syntax for patterns is a restricted form of the syntax for
      XPath 2.0 expressions.
  <xs:restriction base="xsl:expression"/>

<xs:simpleType name="prefix-or-default">
      Either a namespace prefix, or #default.
      Used in the xsl:namespace-alias element.
  <xs:union memberTypes="xs:NCName">
      <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
        <xs:enumeration value="#default"/>

<xs:simpleType name="QNames">
      A list of QNames.
      Used in the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute of various elements,
      and in the cdata-section-elements attribute of xsl:output
  <xs:list itemType="xsl:QName"/>          

<xs:simpleType name="QName">
      A QName.
      This schema does not use the built-in type xs:QName, but rather defines its own
      QName type. Although xs:QName would define the correct validation on these attributes,
      a schema processor would expand unprefixed QNames incorrectly when constructing the PSVI,
      because (as defined in XML Schema errata) an unprefixed xs:QName is assumed to be in
      the default namespace, which is not the correct assumption for XSLT.
      The data type is defined as a restriction of the built-in type Name, restricted
      so that it can only contain one colon which must not be the first or last character.
  <xs:restriction base="xs:Name">
    <xs:pattern value="([^:]+:)?[^:]+"/>      

<xs:simpleType name="sequence-type">
      The description of a data type, conforming to the
      SequenceType production defined in the XPath 2.0 Recommendation
  <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
    <xs:pattern value=".+"/>      

<xs:simpleType name="uri-list">
  <xs:list itemType="xs:anyURI"/>

<xs:simpleType name="validation-strip-or-preserve">
      Describes different ways of type-annotating an element or attribute.
  <xs:restriction base="xsl:validation-type">
    <xs:enumeration value="preserve"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="strip"/>    

<xs:simpleType name="validation-type">
      Describes different ways of type-annotating an element or attribute.
  <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
    <xs:enumeration value="strict"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="lax"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="preserve"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="strip"/>    

<xs:simpleType name="yes-or-no">
      One of the values "yes" or "no".
  <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
    <xs:enumeration value="yes"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="no"/>

<xs:simpleType name="yes-or-no-or-omit">
      One of the values "yes" or "no" or "omit".
  <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
    <xs:enumeration value="yes"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="no"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="omit"/>


H Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)

This specification was developed and approved for publication by the
W3C XSL Working Group (WG). WG approval of this specification does not
necessarily imply that all WG members voted for its approval.

The chair of the XSL WG is Sharon Adler, IBM, and the W3C staff contact is Carine Bournez.
The XSL Working Group
includes two overlapping teams working on XSLT and XSL Formatting Objects. The
members of the XSL WG engaged in XSLT activities at the time of publication of this second edition (with
their present affiliation) are:

Participant Affiliation
Oliver Becker Invited Expert
Anders Berglund Invited Expert
Scott Boag IBM
Petr Cimprich U-Turn Media Group
Russell Davoli Intel
Nikolay Fiykov Nokia
Edward Jiang Microsoft
Michael Kay Invited Expert
Jirka Kosek Invited Expert
Zarella Rendon PTC-Arbortext
Michael Sperberg-McQueen W3C
Howard Tsoi Intel
Mohamed Zergaoui Innovimax
Henry Zongaro IBM

The Working Group wishes to acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals, who in most cases
are former members of the Working Group. They are listed with their affiliations at the time
they were active participants:

Colin Adams, Invited Expert
James Clark, Invited Expert
K Karun, Oracle
Evan Lenz, XYZFind
Jonathan Marsh, Microsoft
David Marston, IBM
Steve Muench, Oracle
Kristoffer Rose, IBM
Mark Scardina, Oracle
Jeni Tennison, Invited Expert
Joanne Tong, IBM
Henry Thompson, University of Edinburgh
Norm Walsh, Sun Microsystems
Steve Zilles, Adobe

This specification builds on the success of the XSLT 1.0 Recommendation.
For a list of contributors to XSLT 1.0, see [XSLT 1.0].

I Checklist of Requirements (Non-Normative)

This section provides a checklist of progress against the published
XSLT 2.0 Requirements document (see [XSLT 2.0 Requirements]).

Requirement 1

must Maintain Backwards Compatibility with XSLT 1.1
[Read this as «with XSLT 1.0»]

Any stylesheet whose behavior is fully defined in XSLT
1.0 and which generates no errors will produce the same result tree under
XSLT 2.0


See J.1 Incompatible Changes

Requirement 2

must Match Elements with Null Values

A stylesheet should be able to match elements and attributes whose value
is explicitly null.


This has been handled as an XPath 2.0 requirement. A new function
nilledFO is available to test whether an element has been marked
as nil after schema validation.

Requirement 3

should Allow Included Documents to «Encapsulate» Local Stylesheets

XSLT 2.0 should define a mechanism to allow the templates in a stylesheet
associated with a secondary source document, to be imported and used
to format the included fragment, taking precedence over any applicable
templates in the current stylesheet.


The facility to define modes has been generalized, making it easier
to define a distinct set of template rules for processing a particular document.

Requirement 4

Could Support Accessing Infoset Items for XML Declaration

A stylesheet COULD be able to access information like the version and
encoding from the XML declaration of a document.


No new facilities have been provided in this area, because
this information is not available in the data model.

Requirement 5

Could Provide QName Aware String Functions

Users manipulating documents (for example stylesheets, schemas) that have
QName-valued element or attribute content need functions that take a
string containing a QName as their argument, convert it to an expanded-QName
using either the namespace declarations in scope at that point in the
stylesheet, or the namespace declarations in scope for a specific source
node, and return properties of the expanded-QName such as its namespace URI
and local name.


Functions operating on QNames are included in the XPath 2.0
Functions and Operators document: see [Functions and Operators].

Requirement 6

Could Enable Constructing a Namespace with Computed Name

Provide an xsl:namespace analog to
xsl:element for constructing
a namespace node with a computed prefix and URI.


An xsl:namespace instruction has been added: see
11.7 Creating Namespace Nodes.

Requirement 7

Could Simplify Resolving Prefix Conflicts in QName-Valued Attributes

XSLT 2.0 could simplify the renaming of conflicting namespace prefixes in
result tree fragments, particularly for attributes declared in a schema
as being QNames. Once the processor knows an attribute value
is a QName, an XSLT processor should be able to rename prefixes and
generate namespace declarations to preserve the semantics of that
attribute value, just as it does for attribute names.


If an attribute is typed as a QName in the schema, the
new XPath 2.0 functions can be used to manipulate it as required at
application level. This is considered sufficient to meet the requirement.

Requirement 8

Could Support XHTML Output Method

Complementing the existing output methods for html, xml, and text, an
xhtml output method could be provided to simplify transformations which
target XHTML output.


An XHTML output method is now provided: see [XSLT and XQuery Serialization]

Requirement 9

must Allow Matching on Default Namespace Without Explicit Prefix

Many users stumble trying to match an element with a default namespace.


A new [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace attribute
is provided for this purpose: see 5.2 Unprefixed QNames in Expressions and Patterns

Requirement 10

must Add Date Formatting Functions

One of the more frequent requests from XSLT 1.0 users is the ability
to format date information with similar control to XSLT’s
format-number. XML Schema introduces several kinds of date
and time datatypes which will further increase the demand
for date formatting during transformations. Functionality
similar to that provided by java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
A date analog of XSLT’s named xsl:decimal-format may
be required to handle locale-specific date formatting issues.


A set of date formatting functions has been specified:
see 16.5 Formatting Dates and Times

Requirement 11

must Simplify Accessing Id’s and Key’s in Other Documents

Currently it is cumbersome to lookup nodes by id() or key() in documents
other than the source document. Users must first use an xsl:for-each
instruction, selecting the desired document() to make it the current
node, then relative XPath expressions within the scope of the
xsl:for-each can refer to id() or key() as desired.


The requirement is met by the generalization of path syntax in XPath 2.0. It is
now possible to use a path expression such as document('a.xml')/id('A001').

Requirement 12

should Provide Function to Absolutize Relative URIs

There should be a way in XSLT 2.0 to create an absolute URI. The
functionality should allow passing a node-set and return a string value
representing the absolute URI resolved with respect to the base URI of
the current node.


A function resolve-uriFO is now defined in
[Functions and Operators].

Requirement 13

should Include Unparsed Text from an External Resource

Frequently stylesheets must import text from external resources.
Today users have to resort to
extension functions to accomplish
this because XSLT 1.0 only provides the document() function which, while useful,
can only read external resources that are well-formed XML documents.


A function unparsed-text has been added: see
16.2 Reading Text Files

Requirement 14

should Allow Authoring Extension Functions in XSLT

As part of the XSLT 1.1 work done on
extension functions, a proposal to
author XSLT extension functions in XSLT itself was deferred for reconsideration
in XSLT 2.0. This would allow the functions in an extension namespace to be
implemented in «pure» XSLT, without resulting to external programming languages.


A solution to this requirement, the xsl:function element,
is included in this specification. See 10.3 Stylesheet Functions.

Requirement 15

should Output Character Entity References Instead of Numeric Character Entities

Users have frequently requested the ability to have the output of their transformation
use (named) character references instead of the numeric character entity.
The ability to control this preference as the level of the whole document
is sufficient. For example, rather than seeing   in the output,
the user could request to see the equivalent &nbsp; instead.


The serialization specification
gives the implementation discretion on how special characters are output.
A user who wishes to force the use of named character references can
achieve this using the new xsl:character-map declaration.

Requirement 16

should Construct Entity Reference by Name

Analogous to the ability to create elements and attributes, users
have expressed a desire to construct named entity references.


No solution has been provided to this requirement;
it is difficult, because entity references are not defined in the data model.

Requirement 17

should Support for Unicode String Normalization

For reliable string comparison of Unicode strings, users need the ability to
apply Unicode normalization before comparing the strings.


This requirement has been addressed by the provision of the
normalize-unicodeFO function described in
[Functions and Operators]. In addition, a serialization parameter
normalization-form has been added.

Requirement 18

should Standardize Extension Element Language Bindings

XSLT 1.1 undertook the standardization of language bindings for XSLT
extension functions.
For XSLT 2.0, analogous bindings should be provided
for extension elements [now
renamed extension instructions].


The XSL Working Group has decided not to pursue this requirement,
and the attempt to standardize language bindings for extension functions that
appeared in the XSLT 1.1 Working Draft has now been withdrawn. The Working Group
decided that language bindings would be better published separately from the
core XSLT specification.

Requirement 19

Could Improve Efficiency of Transformations on Large Documents

Many useful transformations take place on large documents consisting of thousands of repeating «sub-documents». Today
transformations over these documents are impractical due to the need to have the entire source tree in memory.
Enabling «progressive» transformations, where the processor is able to produce
progressively more output as more input is received, is tantamount to avoiding the need for XSLT processors to have random access to the entire
source document. This might be accomplished by:

Identifying a core subset of XPath that does not require random access to the source tree, or

Consider a «transform all subtrees» mode where the stylesheet
says, «Apply the transformation implied by this stylesheet to each node that
matches XXX, considered as the root of a separate tree, and copy all the
results of these mini-transformations as separate subtrees on to the final
result tree.»


The Working Group observes that implementation techniques for XSLT processing
have advanced considerably since this requirement was written, and that further research developing
new approaches continues both in industry and academia. In the light of
these developments, the Working Group has decided that it would be inappropriate at this stage to identify
language features or subsets designed specifically to enable progressive transformations.

Requirement 20

Could Support Reverse IDREF attributes

Given a particular value of an ID, produce a list of all elements that have an IDREF or IDREFS attribute which refers to this ID.

This functionality can be accomplished using the current <xsl:key> and key() mechanism.


The idrefFO function defined in [Functions and Operators] has been
introduced in response to this requirement.

Requirement 21

Could Support Case-Insensitive Comparisons

XSLT 2.0 could expand its comparison functionality to include support for case-insensitive string comparison.


This is an XPath 2.0 requirement. XPath 2.0 includes
functions to convert strings to uppercase or lowercase, it also includes functions to compare
strings using a named collating sequence, which provides the option of using a collating
sequence that treats uppercase and lowercase as equal.

Requirement 22

Could Support Lexigraphic String Comparisons

We don’t let users compare strings like $x > ‘a’.


This requirement has been addressed in XPath 2.0.

Requirement 23

Could Allow Comparing Nodes Based on Document Order

Support the ability to test whether one node comes before another in document order.


This requirement has been addressed in XPath 2.0, using the operators
<< and >>.

Requirement 24

Could Improve Support for Unparsed Entities

In XSLT 1.0 there is an asymmetry in support for unparsed entities.
They can be handled on input but not on output. In particular, there
is no way to do an identity transformation that preserves them.
At a minimum we need the ability to retrieve the Public ID of an unparsed entity.


A function to retrieve the public identifier of an unparsed
entity has been added. However, no facilities have been provided to include unparsed entities
in a result document.

Requirement 25

Could Allow Processing a Node with the «Next Best Matching» Template

In the construction of large stylesheets for complex documents, it is often
necessary to construct templates that implement special behavior for a particular
instance of an element, and then apply the normal styling for that element.
Currently this is not possible because xsl:apply-templates specifies
that for any given node only a single template will be selected and instantiated.

Currently the processor determines a list of matching templates and then
discards all but the one with the highest priority. In order to support this
requirement, the processor would retain the list of matching templates sorted
in priority order. A new instruction, for example xsl:next-match,
in a template would simply trigger the next template in the list of matching
templates. This «next best match» recursion naturally bottoms out at the
builtin template which can be seen as the lowest priority matching template
for every match pattern.


An xsl:next-match instruction has been added.

Requirement 26

Could Make Coercions Symmetric By Allowing Scalar to Nodeset Conversion

Presently, no datatype can be coerced or cast to a node-set. By
allowing a string value to convert to a node-set, some user «gotchas»
could be avoided.


The availability of sequences of strings or numbers probably
meets most of the use-cases envisaged by this requirement.

Requirement 27

must Simplify Constructing and Copying Typed Content

It must be possible to construct XML Schema-typed elements and
attributes. In addition, when copying an element or an attribute to
the result, it should be possible to preserve the type during the process.


Facilities to validate constructed and copied
element and attribute nodes are defined in this specification; these elements and attributes will
carry a type annotation indicating their XML Schema type. In addition, it is possible to specify when
copying nodes whether type annotations should be preserved or removed.

Requirement 28

must Support Sorting Nodes Based on XML Schema Type

XSLT 1.0 supports sorting based on string-valued and number-valued expressions.
XML Schema: Datatypes introduces new scalar types (for example, date)
with well-known sort orders. It must be possible to sort based on these
extended set of scalar data types. Since XML Schema: Datatypes does not
define an ordering for complex types, this sorting support should only
be considered for simple types.

should be consistent with whatever we define for the matrix of conversion and comparisons.


Sorting based on any schema-defined primitive data type with
a total ordering is included
in this specification.

Requirement 29

Could Support Scientific Notation in Number Formatting

Several users have requested the ability to have the existing
format-number() function extended to format numbers using
Scientific Notation.


Simple scientific formatting is now
available through support for the schema-defined xs:float and xs:double data types;
casting a large or small value of these types to a string produces a representation of the value in
scientific notation. The Working Group believes that this will meet the requirement in most cases, and
has therefore decided not to enhance the format-number further to introduce scientific notation.
Users with more specialized requirements can write their own functions.

Requirement 30

Could Provide Ability to Detect Whether «Rich» Schema Information
is Available

A stylesheet that requires XML Schema type-related functionality
could be able to test whether a «rich» Post-Schema-Validated
Infoset is available from the XML Schema processor, so that
the stylesheet can provide fallback behavior or choose to exit
with xsl:message abort="yes".


This requirement is satisified through the instance of operator in XPath 2.0,
which allows expressions to determine the type of element and
attribute nodes, using information from the schema. The details of
how these expressions behave when there is no schema are defined in the XPath

Requirement 31

must Simplify Grouping

Grouping is complicated in XSLT 1.0. It must be possible for users to group
nodes in a document based on common string-values, common names, or
common values for any other expression

In addition XSLT must allow grouping based on sequential position, for example
selecting groups of adjacent <P> elements. Ideally it should also make it
easier to do fixed-size grouping as well, for example groups of three adjacent nodes, for
laying out data in multiple columns.
For each group of nodes identified, it must be possible to instantiate a template for the group. Grouping must be «nestable» to multiple levels so that groups of distinct nodes can be identified, then from among the distinct groups selected,
further sub-grouping of distinct node in the current group can be done.


A new xsl:for-each-group instruction is provided: see
14 Grouping. In addition, many of the new functions and operators provided
in XPath 2.0 make these algorithms easier to write.

J Changes from XSLT 1.0 (Non-Normative)

J.1 Incompatible Changes

This section lists all known cases where a stylesheet that was valid (produced no errors)
under XSLT 1.0, and whose behavior was fully specified by XSLT 1.0,
will produce different results under XSLT 2.0.

Most of the discussion is concerned with compatibility
in the absence of a schema: that is, it is assumed that the source document
being transformed has no schema when processed using XSLT 1.0, and that no
schema is added when moving to XSLT 2.0. Some additional factors that come into
play when a schema is added are noted at the end of the section.

J.1.1 Tree construction: whitespace stripping

Both in XSLT 1.0 and in XSLT 2.0, the XSLT specification places no constraints on the
way in which source trees are constructed. For XSLT 2.0, however, the [Data Model]
specification describes explicit processes for constructing a tree
from an Infoset or a PSVI, while also permitting other processes to be used.
The process described in [Data Model] has the effect of stripping
whitespace text nodes
from elements declared to have element-only content. Although the
XSLT 1.0 specification did not preclude such behavior, it differs from the
way that most existing XSLT 1.0 implementations work. It is recommended that
an XSLT 2.0 implementation wishing to provide maximum interoperability and
backwards compatibility should offer the user the option either to construct
source trees using the processes described in [Data Model], or alternatively
to retain or remove whitespace according to the common practice of previous
XSLT 1.0 implementations.

To write transformations that give the same result regardless of the
whitespace stripping applied during tree construction, stylesheet authors

  • use the xsl:strip-space declaration to remove
    whitespace text nodes from
    elements having element-only content (this has no effect if the whitespace
    has already been stripped)

  • use instructions such as <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/> that cause only
    the element children of the context node to be processed, and not its text

J.1.2 Changes in Serialization Behavior

The specification of the output of serialization
is more prescriptive than
in XSLT 1.0. For example, the html output method is
required to detect invalid HTML characters. Also, certain
combinations of serialization parameters are now defined to be errors.
Furthermore, XSLT 1.0 implementations were allowed to add
additional xsl:output attributes that modified the behavior of the
serializer. Some such extensions might be non-conformant
under the stricter rules of XSLT 2.0. For example, some XSLT 1.0 processors
provided an extension attribute to switch off the creation of meta elements
by the html output method (a facility that is now provided as standard). A
conformant XSLT 2.0 processor is not allowed to provide such extensions.

Where necessary, implementations may provide additional serialization methods
designed to mimic more closely the behavior of specific XSLT 1.0 serializers.

J.1.3 Backwards Compatibility Behavior

Some XSLT constructs behave differently under XSLT 2.0 depending on whether
backwards compatible behavior is enabled.
In these cases, the behavior may be made compatible with XSLT 1.0 by ensuring that
backwards compatible behavior is enabled
(which is done using the [xsl:]version attribute).

These constructs are as follows:

  1. If the xsl:value-of instruction has no separator attribute, and the
    value of the select expression is a sequence of more than one item, then under XSLT 2.0
    all items in the sequence will be output, space separated, while in XSLT 1.0, all items after the first
    will be discarded.

  2. If the effective value of an
    attribute value template
    is a sequence of more than one item, then under XSLT 2.0
    all items in the sequence will be output, space separated, while in XSLT 1.0, all items after the first
    will be discarded.

  3. If the expression in the value attribute of the
    xsl:number instruction
    returns a sequence of more than one item, then under XSLT 2.0
    all items in the sequence will be output, as defined by the format attribute,
    but under XSLT 1.0, all items after the first will be discarded. If the sequence is empty, then
    under XSLT 2.0 nothing will be output (other than a prefix and suffix if requested),
    but under XSLT 1.0, the output is «NaN». If the first item
    in the sequence cannot be converted to a number, then XSLT 2.0 signals a non-recoverable error,
    while XSLT 1.0 outputs «NaN».

    If the expression in the value attribute of
    xsl:number returns an empty sequence or a sequence including non-numeric values,
    an XSLT 2.0 processor may signal a recoverable error; but with backwards compatibility enabled, it
    outputs NaN.

  4. If the atomized value of the
    select attribute of the xsl:sort element
    is a sequence of more than one item, then under XSLT 2.0
    an error will be signaled,
    while in XSLT 1.0, all items after the first will be discarded.

  5. If an xsl:call-template instruction
    supplies a parameter that does not correspond to any template
    parameter in the template being called, then under XSLT 2.0 a
    static error
    is signaled, but under XSLT 1.0 the extra parameter is ignored.

  6. It is normally a static error
    if an XPath expression contains a call to an unknown function. But when backwards compatible behavior
    is enabled, this is a non-recoverable dynamic error,
    which occurs only if the function call is actually evaluated.

  7. An XSLT 1.0 processor compared the value of the expression in the
    use attribute of xsl:key to the value supplied in the second
    argument of the key function by converting both to strings. An XSLT 2.0 processor
    normally compares the values as supplied. The XSLT 1.0 behavior is retained if any of the xsl:key
    elements making up the key definition enables
    backwards-compatible behavior.

  8. If no output method is explicitly requested, and the
    first element node output appears to be an XHTML document element, then under XSLT 2.0 the
    output method defaults to XHTML; with backwards compatibility enabled, the XML output method
    will be used.

Backwards compatible behavior also affects the results of certain XPath expressions, as defined in
[XPath 2.0].

J.1.4 Incompatibility in the Absence of a Schema

If the source documents supplied as input to a transformation contain
no type information generated from a schema then the known areas of incompatibility are as follows.
These apply whether or not
backwards compatible behavior
is enabled.

  1. A stylesheet that specifies a version number other than 1.0 was defined
    in XSLT 1.0 to execute in forwards-compatible mode; if such a stylesheet uses features
    that are not defined in XSLT 2.0 then errors may be signaled by an XSLT 2.0 processor
    that would not be signaled by an XSLT 1.0 processor.

  2. At XSLT 1.0 the system-property function, when called with a first
    argument of "xsl:version", returned 1.0 as a number. At XSLT 2.0 it returns «2.0»
    as a string. The recommended way of testing this property is, for example,
    <xsl:if test="number(system-property('xsl:version')) &lt; 2.0">, which
    will work with either an XSLT 1.0 or an XSLT 2.0 processor.

  3. At XSLT 2.0 it is an error to specify the mode
    or priority attribute on an xsl:template element having no
    match attribute. At XSLT 1.0 the attributes were silently ignored in this

  4. When an xsl:apply-templates
    or xsl:apply-imports instruction causes a built-in template rule to be
    invoked, then any parameters that are supplied are automatically passed on
    to any further template rules. This did not happen in XSLT 1.0.

  5. In XSLT 1.0 it was a recoverable error to create any node other than
    a text node while constructing the value of an attribute, comment, or processing-instruction; the
    recovery action was to ignore the offending node and its content. In XSLT 2.0 this is no longer
    an error, and the specified action is to atomize the node. An XSLT 2.0 processor will therefore
    not produce the same results as an XSLT 1.0 processor that took the error recovery action.

  6. XSLT 1.0 defined a number of recoverable error conditions which in XSLT 2.0 have
    become non-recoverable errors. Under XSLT 1.0, a stylesheet that triggered such errors would fail
    under some XSLT processors and succeed (or at any rate, continue to completion) under others.
    Under XSLT 2.0 such a stylesheet will fail under all processors. Notable examples of such errors
    are constructing an element or attribute with an invalid name, generating attributes as children of
    a document node, and generating an attribute of an element after generating one or more children
    for the element. This change has been made in the interests of interoperability.
    In classifying such errors as non-recoverable, the Working Group used the criterion
    that no stylesheet author would be likely to write code that deliberately triggered the error and
    relied on the recovery action.

  7. In XSLT 1.0, the semantics of tree construction were described as being
    top-down, in XSLT 2.0 they are described bottom up. In nearly all cases the end result is the same. One
    difference arises in the case of a tree that is constructed to contain an attribute node within a document
    node within an element node, using an instruction such as the following:

    <xsl:template match="/">
          <xsl:attribute name="a">5</xsl:attribute>

    In XSLT 1.0, the xsl:copy did nothing, and the attribute a was then
    attached to the element e. In XSLT 2.0, an error occurs when attaching the attribute a
    to the document node constructed by xsl:copy, because this happens before the resulting
    document node is copied to the content of the constructed element.

  8. In XSLT 1.0 it was not an error for the namespace
    attribute of xsl:element or xsl:attribute to evaluate to an invalid URI.
    Since many XML parsers accept any string as a namespace name, this rarely caused problems. The
    [Data Model], however, requires the name of a node to be an xs:QName, and
    the namespace part of an xs:QName is always an xs:anyURI. It is therefore
    now defined to be an error to create an element or attribute node in a namespace whose name is not
    a valid instance of xs:anyURI. In practice, however,
    implementations have some flexibility in how rigorously they validate namespace URIs.

  9. It is now a static error for the stylesheet to contain two conflicting
    xsl:namespace-alias declarations with the same import precedence.

  10. It is now a static error for an xsl:number instruction to
    contain both a value attribute and a level, from,
    or count attribute. In XSLT 1.0 the value attribute took
    precedence and the other attributes were silently ignored.

  11. When the data-type attribute of xsl:sort
    has the value number, an XSLT 1.0 processor would evaluate the sort key as a string,
    and convert the result to a number. An XSLT 2.0 processor evaluates the sort key as a number
    directly. This only affects the outcome in cases where in XSLT 1.0,
    conversion of a number to a string and then
    back to a number does not produce the original number, as is the case for example with the number
    positive infinity.

  12. When the data-type attribute of xsl:sort
    is omitted, an XSLT 1.0 processor would convert the sort key values to strings, and sort them as strings.
    An XSLT 2.0 processor will sort them according to their actual dynamic type. This means, for example,
    that if the sort key component specifies <xsl:sort select="string-length(.)"/>, an XSLT 2.0 processor will
    do a numeric sort where an XSLT 1.0 processor would have done an alphabetic sort.

  13. When the data-type attribute of xsl:sort
    is omitted or has the value «text», an XSLT 1.0 processor treats a sort key whose value is an empty
    node-set as being equal to a sort key whose value is a zero-length string. XSLT 2.0 sorts the empty
    sequence before the zero-length string. This means that if there are two sort keys, say
    <xsl:sort select="@a"/> and <xsl:sort select="@b"/>, then
    an XSLT 1.0 processor will sort the element <x b="2"/> after
    <x a="" b="1"/>, while an XSLT 2.0 processor will produce the opposite

  14. The specification of the format-number
    function has been rewritten to remove the normative dependency on the Java JDK 1.1
    specification. The JDK 1.1 specification left aspects of the behavior undefined; it is
    therefore likely that some cases will give different results.

    The ability to include
    literal text in the format picture enclosed in single quotes has been removed; any
    stylesheet that uses this feature will need to be modified, for example to display the
    literal text using the concatFO function instead.

    One specific difference between the XSLT 2.0 specification and a JDK-based implementation
    is in the handling of the negative sub-picture. JDK releases subsequent to JDK 1.1 have added
    the provision: If there is an explicit negative subpattern [sub-picture], it serves only to specify
    the negative prefix and suffix; the number of digits, minimal digits, and other characteristics
    are all the same as the positive pattern [sub-picture].
    This statement was not present in the JDK 1.1
    specification, and therefore it is not necessarily how every XSLT 1.0 implementation will behave,
    but it does describe the behavior of some XSLT 1.0 implementations that use the JDK directly.
    This behavior is not correct in XSLT 2.0: the negative sub-picture must be used as written when
    the number is negative.

  15. The recovery action has changed for the error condition where the processor
    cannot handle the fragment identifier in a URI passed as an argument to the document function.
    XSLT 1.0 specified that the entire URI reference should be ignored. XSLT 2.0 specifies that the fragment identifier
    should be ignored.

  16. XSLT 1.0 allowed the URI returned by the unparsed-entity-uri
    function to be derived from some combination of the system identifier and the public identifier
    in the source XML. XSLT 2.0 returns the system identifier as defined in the Infoset, resolved using
    the base URI of the source document. A new function is provided to return the public identifier.

  17. The default priority of the pattern match="/" has
    changed from +0.5 to -0.5. The effect of this is that if there are
    any template rules that specify match="/" with an explicit
    user-specified priority between -0.5 and +0.5, these will now be chosen
    in preference to a template rule that specifies match="/"
    with no explicit priority; previously such rules would never have been

  18. In XSLT 1.0 it was possible to create a processing instruction
    in the result tree whose string value contained a leading space. However, such leading spaces
    would be lost after serialization and parsing. In XSLT 2.0, any leading spaces in the string
    value of the processing instruction are removed at the time the node is created.

  19. At XSLT 1.0 there were no restrictions on the namespaces that could be
    used for the names of user-defined stylesheet objects such as keys, variables, and named templates.
    In XSLT 2.0, certain namespaces (for example the XSLT namespace and the XML Schema namespace)
    are reserved.

  20. An erratum to XSLT 1.0 specified what has become known as «sticky
    disable-output-escaping»: specifically, that it should be possible to use disable-output-escaping
    when writing a node to a temporary tree, and that this information would be retained for use
    when the same node was later copied to a final result tree and serialized. XSLT 2.0 no longer
    specifies this behavior. The
    use cases for this facility have been satisfied by a completely different mechanism, the
    concept of character maps (see 20.1 Character Maps).

J.1.5 Compatibility in the Presence of a Schema

An XSLT 1.0 processor ignored all information about data types that might be obtained from
a schema associated with a source document.
An XSLT 2.0 processor will take account of
such information, unless the input-type-annotations attribute
is set to strip. This may lead to a number of differences in behavior.
This section attempts
only to give some examples of the kind of differences that might be expected when schema
information is made available:

  • Operations such as sorting will be sensitive to the data type of the items
    being sorted. For example, if the data type of a sort key component is defined in the schema
    as a date, then in the absence of a data-type attribute on the
    xsl:sort element, the sequence will be sorted in date order. With XSLT 1.0,
    the dates would be compared and sorted as strings.

  • Certain operations that are permitted on untyped data
    are not permitted on typed data, if the type of the data is inappropriate
    for the operation. For example, the
    substringFO function
    expects its first argument to be a string. It is acceptable to supply an untyped
    value, which will be automatically converted to a string, but it is not
    acceptable to supply a value which has been annotated (as a result of schema
    processing) as an integer or a date.

  • When an attribute value such as colors="red green blue"
    is processed without a schema, the value is considered to be a single string. When
    schema validation is applied, assuming the type is a list type like xs:NMTOKENS,
    the value will be treated as a sequence of three strings. This affects the results
    of many operations, for example comparison of the value with another string.
    With this attribute value, the expression
    contains(@colors, "green") returns true in XPath 1.0 and also in XPath 2.0
    if input-type-annotations is set to strip.
    In XPath 2.0, with a schema-aware processor and with
    input-type-annotations set to preserve, the same expression
    returns false with backwards-compatibility enabled, and raises an error with backwards
    compatibility disabled.

J.1.6 XPath 2.0 Backwards Compatibility

Information about incompatibilities between XPath 2.0 and XPath 1.0
is included in [XPath 2.0]

Incompatibilities in the specification of individual functions in the
core function library are listed in [Functions and Operators]

J.2 New Functionality

This section summarizes the new functionality offered in XSLT 2.0, compared
with XSLT 1.0. These are
arranged in three groups. Firstly, the changes that pervade the entire text. Secondly,
the major new features introduced. And thirdly, a catalog of minor technical changes.

In addition to these changes,
reported errors
in XSLT 1.0 have been fixed.

J.2.1 Pervasive changes

  • There has been significant re-arrangement of the text.
    More terminology definitions have been hyperlinked, and a glossary
    (see C Glossary) has been added. Additional appendices summarize the error conditions
    and implementation-defined features of the specification.

  • The specifications of many features (for example keys, xsl:number,
    the format-number function, the xsl:import
    mechanism, and the description of attribute sets) have been rewritten to make them clearer and more precise.

  • Many changes have been made to support the XDM data model,
    notably the support for sequences as a replacement for the node-sets of XPath 1.0. This
    has affected the specification of elements such as xsl:for-each,
    xsl:value-of, and xsl:sort, and has led to the introduction
    of new instructions such as xsl:sequence.

  • The processing model is described differently: instead of instructions «writing
    to the result tree», they now return sequences of values. This change is largely one
    of terminology, but it also means that it is now possible for XSLT stylesheets to manipulate
    arbitrary sequences, including sequences containing parentless element or attribute nodes.

  • The description of the evaluation context has been changed. The concepts of
    current node and current node list have been replaced by the XPath concepts of context item,
    context position, and context size.

  • With the introduction of support for XML Schema within XPath 2.0, XSLT now
    supports stronger data typing, while retaining backwards compatibility.
    In particular, the types of variables and parameters can now be specified explicitly, and
    schema validation can be invoked for result trees and for elements and attributes in temporary trees.

  • The description of error handling has been improved (see 2.9 Error Handling).
    This formalizes the difference between static and dynamic errors, and tightens the
    rules that define which errors must be signaled under which conditions.

  • The terms implementation-defined and
    implementation-dependent are now defined and used
    consistently, and a checklist of implementation-defined features is provided
    (see F Checklist of Implementation-Defined Features).

J.2.2 Major Features

  • XSLT 2.0 is designed to work with XPath 2.0 rather than XPath 1.0. This brings an enhanced
    data model with a type system based on sequences of nodes or atomic values, support for all the
    built-in types defined in XML Schema, and a wide range of new functions and operators.

  • The result tree fragment data-type is
    eliminated. A variable-binding element with content
    (and no as attribute)
    now constructs a temporary tree, and the value of the variable
    is the root node of this tree (see 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters). With an as attribute,
    a variable-binding element may be used to construct an arbitrary sequence. These features eliminate the need
    for the xx:node-set extension function provided by many XSLT 1.0 implementations.

  • Facilities are introduced for grouping of nodes (the xsl:for-each-group
    instruction, and the current-group() and current-grouping-key() functions).
    See 14 Grouping

  • It is now possible to create user-defined functions within
    the stylesheet, that can be called from XPath expressions. See 10.3 Stylesheet Functions.

  • A transformation is allowed to produce multiple result trees.
    See 19.1 Creating Final Result Trees.

  • A new instruction xsl:analyze-string is provided to process text
    by matching it against a regular expression.

  • It is possible to declare the types of variables and parameters, and the
    result types of templates and functions. The types
    may either be built-in types, or user-defined types imported from a schema using a new
    xsl:import-schema declaration.

  • A stylesheet is able to attach type annotations to elements and attributes in a result
    tree, and also in temporary trees, and to make use of any type annotations that exist in a source tree.
    Result trees and temporary trees can be validated against a schema.

  • A transformation may now be invoked by calling a named
    template. This creates the
    potential for a transformation to process large collections of input documents. The
    input to such a transformation may be obtained using the collectionFO function defined
    in [Functions and Operators], or it may be supplied as a stylesheet parameter.

  • Comparisons between values used for grouping, for sorting, and for keys can be performed
    using the rules for any supported data type, including the ability to select named collations for
    performing string comparison. These complement the new facilities in XPath 2.0, which are also
    invoked automatically when matching template rules.

  • The xsl:for-each instruction is able to process any sequence, not only
    a sequence of nodes.

  • An XHTML output method has been added. The details are described in
    [XSLT and XQuery Serialization].

  • A collation attribute has been added to
    the xsl:sort element to allow sorting using a user-defined collation.

  • A new xsl:next-match is provided to allow multiple
    template rules to be applied to the same source node.

  • A new xsl:character-map declaration is available
    to control the serialization of individual characters. This is intended as
    a replacement for some use-cases where disable-output-escaping
    was previously necessary.

  • Functions have been added for formatting dates and times.
    See 16.5 Formatting Dates and Times

  • The new facility of tunnel parameters
    allows parameters to be set that affect an entire phase of the transformation, without
    requiring them to be passed explicitly in every template call.

  • Many instructions that previously constructed a value using child
    instructions can now alternatively construct the value using a select
    attribute; and conversely, instructions that previously required a select
    attribute can now use child instructions.

  • The xsl:template declaration can now declare
    a template rule that applies to several different modes; and the xsl:apply-templates
    instruction can cause processing to continue in the current mode.

J.2.3 Minor Changes

  • Instead of allowing the output method complete freedom to
    add namespace nodes, a process of namespace fixup is applied to the
    result tree before it is output; this same namespace fixup process is
    also applied to documents constructed using variable-binding elements with
    content (see 5.7.3 Namespace Fixup).

  • Support for XML Base has been added.

  • An xsl:apply-imports element is allowed to have
    parameters (see 6.7 Overriding Template Rules and 10.1.1 Passing Parameters to Templates).

  • Extension functions are
    allowed to return external objects, which do not have any of the builtin
    XPath types.

  • The specification for patterns (5.5 Patterns) has been revised to align it with the
    new XPath grammar. The formal semantics of patterns has been simplified: this became possible because
    of the extra compositionality now available in the expression grammar. The syntax and semantics
    of patterns remains essentially unchanged, except that XPath 2.0 expressions can be used within

  • A backwards-compatible processing mode is introduced. See 3.8 Backwards-Compatible Processing

  • The system-property function now always
    returns a string. Several new system properties have been defined. See 16.6.5 system-property.

  • With <xsl:message terminate="yes">, the processor now

    terminate processing. Previously the word
    used. See 17 Messages.

  • A number of new serialization parameters have been introduced.

  • A new instruction xsl:namespace is available, for creating
    namespace nodes: see 11.7 Creating Namespace Nodes.

  • A new instruction xsl:perform-sort is available, for
    returning a sorted sequence.

  • A new [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace attribute is available to define
    the default namespace for unqualified names in an XPath expression or XSLT pattern.

  • The attributes [xsl:]version, [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes,
    and [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes, as well as the new
    [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace and [xsl:]default-collation,
    can be used on any XSLT element, not only on
    xsl:stylesheet and on literal result elements as before. In particular, they
    can now be used on the xsl:template element.

  • A new unparsed-text function is introduced. It allows the contents
    of an external text file to be read as a string.

  • Restrictions on the use of variables within patterns and key definitions have been removed; in their place
    a more general statement of the restrictions preventing circularity has been formulated. The current
    function may also now be used within patterns.

  • The built-in templates for element and document nodes now pass any supplied parameter values on
    to the templates that they call.

  • A detailed specification of the format-number function is now provided,
    removing the reliance on specifications in Java JDK 1.1.

K Changes since the First Edition (Non-Normative)

The changes made to this document are described in detail in the
Errata to the first edition. The rationale for each erratum
is explained in the corresponding Bugzilla database entry. The following table summarizes
the errata that have been applied.

Erratum Bugzilla Category Description
E1 4237 substantive There are errors in the published schema for XSLT 2.0. The corrected schema has been placed
at https://www.w3.org/2007/schema-for-xslt20.xsd,
overwriting the original, and the version in Appendix G needs to be updated accordingly.

E2 4315 substantive The rules for trimming whitespace from attribute values in the stylesheet are unclear.
E3 4372 substantive The specification does not constrain the value of the serialization parameter
doctype-public to the values that will be accepted in well-formed XML.
The primary place for such rules is the Serialization specification, but this erratum
adds a sentence to the XSLT specification to make it clear that restrictions apply.
The change affects xsl:output and xsl:result-document.
A corresponding change is being made to the Serialization specification: see
Serialization erratum E1.
E4 2321 editorial The specification for format-date and related functions was intended to
give implementations complete freedom to localize messages, but can be read
as being over-prescriptive.
E5 2388 editorial The term «static error» is poorly defined.
The concept is defined in terms of when it is detected,
which is circular, given that the specification goes on to state requirements
on processors to detect static errors before evaluation starts.
E6 4464 substantive There are no rules preventing misuse of the xmlns namespace.
E7 4513 editorial A non-normative note concerning namespace fixup is potentially misleading. This erratum confirms
that the rules for choice of a prefix in xsl:element and xsl:attribute
take precedence.
E8 4589 editorial The specification of xsl:for-each-group does not mention the impact of
stable=»no» when sorting groups. This erratum confirms that stable=»no»
has the expected effect in this situation.
E9 4591 editorial The rules for defaulting of the namespace attribute in xsl:import-schema
are unclear.
E10 4600 substantive The specification does not state that duplicate attributes can be validated
before they are discarded. This erratum clarifies that an error may be reported when
a constructed attribute has an invalid value, even if the attribute is subsequently
discarded as a duplicate.
E11 4620 editorial The scope of a conditional sentence is unclear. It is possible to misread
the paragraph in section 2.4 that starts «If the initial template has
an as attribute…» as if this condition applies to the whole paragraph,
whereas it actually applies only to the first sentence of the paragraph.
E12 4548 substantive Identity constraints are scoped to an element, so they should be applied
when validating at element level. This change is worded as a «should» so that
existing processors remain conformant.
E13 4849 editorial A comma has been doubled in 13.1.2.
E14 4546 substantive This erratum defines a new system property
(‘supports-namespace-axis’) which implementations may choose to
provide to indicate whether they allow use of the namespace axis.
E15 4696 substantive The explanatory text for the type-available function
misrepresents the use cases for this function. The effect of the erratum is to document
its limitations when used in a use-when expression.
E16 3069 substantive Error XTDE0485 should not be listed, as it can never happen. (The change log
in the Proposed Recommendation reported that this error had been
removed, but the decision to delete it was not implemented.)
E17 4878 markup Error XTTE0950 is listed in the wrong section of Appendix E
E18 3336 editorial A change that clarified the namespace fixup rules was agreed during the Candidate
Recommendation phase but was incorrectly applied. (Note: this erratum incorporates
change 5 of Erratum E6.)
E19 4843 substantive Current mode is underspecified: it is unclear what its value should be in
all circumstances.
E20 5278 substantive It is unclear what should happen when errors occur during xsl:message processing
(in particular, serialization errors).
E21 5482 markup There are two full stops after the description of error XTSE0530.
E22 5571 editorial Error in example of format-time call.
E23 5853 editorial Error in example of format-date call using the Islamic calendar.
E24 5309 substantive Examples of format-time use GMT+1 and GMT+01:00 interchangeably,
and it is not clear which should be used when.
E25 5295 substantive The specification of xsl:for-each-group needs to take into account
the non-transitivity of the eq operator.
E26 5324 editorial The description of the case-order attribute in xsl:sort needs to
be clarified.
E27 5667 editorial Add warning that with character maps (as well as disable-output-escaping) there is no
guarantee that the serialized output will be well formed or valid.
E28 6093 editorial Error in example of inline schema. The select expression of the variable needs to
explicitly convert the supplied value to the type defined in the schema; declaring the
type is not enough.
E29 5308 5309 substantive Examples of format-time use GMT+1 and GMT+01:00 interchangeably,
and it is not clear which should be used when. It is also unclear whether «Z» or «+00:00» should be
used for the UTC timezone. (Supersedes erratum E24)
E30 5849 substantive The rule for numbering with level=»any» gives a counter-intuitive result in the case where the
selected node (or another counted node) matches the «from» pattern.
E31 5893 substantive There is no way for an overriding xsl:output or xsl:result-document instruction to indicate that
the serialization parameters doctype-system or doctype-public should take the value «absent», overriding
a previously specified explicit value.
E32 6140 editorial Editorial inconsistencies in the description of disable-output-escaping
E33 6164 editorial The rules determining when a key is evaluated in backwards-compatible mode are unclear
E34 6186 editorial The description of xsl:number contains unspecific references to the Unicode specification
E35 6282 editorial Error in example of xsl:processing-instruction
E36 6231 editorial Nothing is said about the default collation in the absence of the [xsl:]default-collation attribute

Аннотация: Рассматривается генерация кода преобразованиями XSLT. Изучается синтаксис XSLT, особенности применения преобразований, а также выполнение таких операций, как фильтрация, сортировка, выборка по условию в шаблонах. Выполнение трансформации программным путем в C#. Преимущества и недостатки технологии.

Язык преобразований XSLT

Во второй лекции мы уже рассматривали пример с использованием XSLT. В этой лекции мы рассмотрим эту технологию более подробно. XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) переводится как Расширяемый Язык Стилей, и представляет собой язык для создания стилей XML документов. XSLT(XSL Transformations) — это язык преобразований XSL и является его частью. Стиль XSLT предназначен для преобразования иерархической структуры и формата документа XML. Результатами преобразования могут стать XMLфайл, текстовый файл, программный код, HTMLфайл, файл в формате PDF, и так далее. Этот язык предоставляет мощные возможности для манипуляции данными, информацией, текстом в иерархическом виде.

А это как раз то, что нужно для генерации кода. Применение XSLT может существенно помочь в генерации кода. Кроме того, он предоставляет удобную альтернативу технологии шаблонов Т4.

XSLT был разработан консорциумом W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). Первая версия языка XSLT 1.0 стала рекомендацией 16 ноября 1999 года, а версия XSLT 2.0 стала рекомендацией 23 января 2007 года. Обе версии используются достаточно активно, и в этой лекции мы рассмотрим ту базовую функциональность, которая является для них общей. А это значит, что рассматривать будем в основном первую версию. Также упомянем некоторые команды из второй версии.

Как работает XSLT

Модель XSLT включает в себя такие части как:

  • документы XML,
  • стили XSLT,
  • процессор XSLT,
  • выходные документы.

Документы XML являются входными данными, которые нужно преобразовать в другие документы. Документ стиля XSLT является корректным (well formed) документом XML и содержит набор правил для выполнения преобразования. Иными словами, документ стиля является шаблоном.

Процессор XSLT является приложением, которое принимает в качестве входных данных документы XML и стили XSLT. Он выполняет трансформацию, то есть применение набора правил в стилях XSLT к документам XML. Результатом этой работы являются выходные документы.

Процессоры XSLT имеют множество реализаций и встроены во многие браузеры вроде Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera и другие. В Internet Explorer используется инструмент MSXML, разработанный Microsoft. XSLTпроцессор встроен в Internet Explorer, начиная с версии 4.5. Сгенерированный результат примеров данной лекции можно просматривать путем открытия XML-файлов в одном из браузеров. В конце лекции мы рассмотрим возможности запуска трансформации программным путем, используя соответствующие классы языка программирования.


Другой частью технологии XSL является язык XPath, предназначенный для доступа к узлам документа XML путем задания путей и выражений. Язык Xpath используется в файлах стилей для навигации внутри XML-документов, определения частей исходного XML-документа, которые совпадают с одним или более заранее заданными шаблонами. При нахождении совпадения процессор XSLT применит к нему соответствующие правила из файла стиля и преобразует его в часть результирующего документа. В файлах стилей XSLT выражения XPath используются весьма интенсивно.

Применение XSLT

Язык XSLT состоит из множества инструкций, записанных в виде тегов. Имя каждой инструкции обычно начинается с символов xsl. Для выполнения трансформации документ стиля XSLT должен являться корректным документом XML.

Для преобразования документа XML необходимо добавить в начало документа инструкцию, подобную следующей:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="MyStyle.xsl"?>

XSLфайл стилей обычно содержит множество элементов, самым главным из которых является элемент xsl:stylesheet. Именно он указывает, что данный XMLфайл является файлом стилей. Кроме него могут содержаться другие элементы, например xsl:template, xsl:value-of. Документ XML и файл стиля передается в XSLTпроцессор, который обрабатывает данные файлы, выполняет преобразование и выводит результат трансформации.

Ниже представлен документ XML, содержащий список языков программирования.

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="languages.xsl"?>
  <language>Visual Basic</language>

Файл languages.xml

Необходимо вывести этот список в формате HTML. Для этой цели используем инструкцию xsl:for-each, которая будет применять часть шаблона к секциям документа, наименование которых указано в атрибуте select. В нашем случае укажем select=»languages/language».

Файл стилей будет применяться следующий:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
  <xsl:output method="html"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <H4>Мои любимые языки:</H4>
    <xsl:for-each select="languages/language">
      - <xsl:value-of select="."/><BR/>

Файл languages.xsl

Шаблон внутри xsl:for-each выводит содержимое каждого элемента language из languages. Для этой цели используется инструкция xsl:value-of и задаваемый атрибут select=».». Это означает, что процессор должен выбирать текст содержимого текущего элемента в документе. Кроме отражения содержимого можно задавать имена конкретных тегов, а также атрибутов для выборки значений, хранящихся в них. Примеры будут рассмотрены далее.

Откроем XML файл через Internet Explorer или другой браузер. Будет выведен такой текст:

Мои любимые языки:

  • C#
  • Visual Basic
  • Delphi
  • Prolog

Одним из самых главных элементов в стиле является xsl:template. Служит для определения повторно используемого шаблона и содержит правила, по которым будет преобразован документ XML. В атрибуте match содержится выражение для отбора узлов, к которым будет применен шаблон. Также может присутствовать атрибут name. В этом случае есть возможность вызывать шаблон по имени инструкцией xsl:apply-templates.

Для повторения вывода шаблона для каждого элемента документа применяется инструкция xsl:for-each. Шаблон выполняется для каждого элемента, соответствующего условию, указанному в атрибуте select.

Инструкция xsl:value-of служит для вычисления выражения, записанного в атрибуте select с последующим выводом результата в том месте, где расположен сам элемент.


Мы рассмотрели случай, когда считываются значения каждого узла. Однако часто возникает необходимость выбирать только часть данных, то есть их надо фильтровать. Шаблоны XSLT поддерживают два способа фильтрации.

Один из них — это применение атрибута select инструкции xsl:for-each, а второй — применение атрибута match элемента xsl:template. Применение match мы рассмотрим позже, а сейчас рассмотрим select.

Изменим немного файл с данными: добавим атрибут high, обозначающий, является ли язык из нашего списка языком высокого уровня. Также расширим сам список языков.

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="languages4.xsl"?>
  <language high="true">C#</language>
  <language high="true">Visual Basic</language>
  <language high="true">Delphi</language>
  <language high="true">Prolog</language>
  <language high="false">Assembler</language>
  <language high="true">Java</language>
  <language high="true">Perl</language>

Файл languages4.xml

Заметим, что значение false для атрибута high стоит только для значения «Assembler». Изменим немного файл таблицы стилей:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
  <xsl:output method="html"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <H4>Языки высокого уровня:</H4>
    <xsl:for-each select="languages/language[@high='true']">
      - <xsl:value-of select="."/><BR/>

Файл languages4.xsl

В секции [@high=’true’] мы указываем, что выбирать следует только те узлы документа, у которых атрибут high имеет значение ‘true’. Знак @ является символом, указывающим на то, что после него стоит имя атрибута.

Посмотрим на результат:

Языки высокого уровня:

  • C#
  • Visual Basic
  • Delphi
  • Prolog
  • Java
  • Perl

Как видим, значение «Assembler» не отображается в списке языков, то есть процессор XSLT отфильтровал данные согласно заданным условиям.


Кроме фильтрации другой часто применяемой операцией при генерации кода является сортировка. Атрибут order-by инструкции xsl:for-each служит для сортировки результата, для обозначения порядка прохода узлов документа при выполнении трансформации. Сортируемые поля перечисляются через точку с запятой, а также имеют перед своим названием знаки «+» или «-«, означающие сортировку по возрастанию или убыванию.

Рассмотрим немного измененный вариант документа — вместо атрибута high будем использовать элемент level, принимающий значения high или low. А имя языка запишем в элемент name.

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="languages6.xsl"?>
    <name>Visual Basic</name>

Файл languages6.xml

В следующей таблице стилей для инструкции xsl:for-each применим атрибут order-by со значением +name, где знак плюса означает, что надо отсортировать по возрастанию.

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
  <xsl:output method="html"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <H4>Языки высокого уровня:</H4>
    <xsl:for-each select="languages/language[level='high']" order-by="+name">
      -<xsl:value-of select="name"/><BR/>

Файл languages6.xsl

В атрибуте select мы фильтруем по значению элемента level. Также в атрибуте select инструкции xsl:value-of указываем непосредственно имя элемента.

Получается такой результат.

Языки высокого уровня:

  • C#
  • Delphi
  • Java
  • Perl
  • Prolog
  • Visual Basic

Названия языков отсортированы в алфавитном порядке и значение «Assembler» не отображается в списке.

Другим способом сортировки является применение элемента xsl:sort путем вложения в xsl:for-each или в xsl:apply-templates. Элемент xsl:sort имеет атрибуты select и order, которые указывают на элементы, по которым должна осуществляться сортировка и на порядок сортировки соответственно.

Вложенные шаблоны

В сложных случаях возникает необходимость применения вложенных друг в друга шаблонов. Рассмотрим документ, в котором содержатся таблицы и их поля вместе с названиями.

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="multiple.xsl"?>
  <table name="book">
  <table name="author">

Файл multiple.xml

В данном примере у нас будут два шаблона. Один будет основной, для таблиц, а другой будет вызываемым из него, для полей таблиц. Для вызова шаблона используется инструкция xsl:apply-templates.

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
  <xsl:output method="html"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <H4>Таблицы базы данных</H4>
    <xsl:for-each select="database/table">
      <table border="1" width="150">
          <td><b><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></b></td>
        <xsl:apply-templates select="field"/>

  <xsl:template match="field">
          <td><xsl:value-of select="."/></td>

Файл multiple.xsl

XSLT-процессором будет сформирован следующий HTML-код:

<H4>Таблицы базы данных</H4>
  <table border="1" width="150">
  <table border="1" width="150">


При открытии сгенерированного результата в браузере будет показано следующее:

Результат в браузере

Результат в браузере

Инструкция xsl:apply-templates позволяет вызывать определенный шаблон и выполнять его много раз. Кроме того она является более наглядной и удобной альтернативой xsl:for-each.

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