Как называется книга которую написал джирайя

Доконджо Нинден (ド根性忍伝, «Повесть непреклонного Ниндзя») — первая книга, написанная Джирайей. В честь главного героя этой книги назван сын Намиказе Минато и Узумаки Кушины. Джирайя пишет ее в течение всего путешествия в Амегакуре, а имя главного героя придумывает во время поедания рамена.

Известная история

Главной герой романа, шиноби из Конохагакуре Наруто сражается в лесу с Нукенином из неизвестной деревни. Тот, казалось бы имеет преимущество в сражении, однако Наруто использует кемуридама, тем самым нагоняя туман. В этом тумане происходит бой между двумя Шиноби. После того как туман рассеивается, Наруто стоит на коленях перед своим оппонентом и говорит: «Могу я кое-что сказать?», указывая на него кунаем.

Наруто хочет подняться, но вражеский Шиноби таранит его плечом к дереву. Затем он ухмыляется и кричит, что Наруто умрет. Тем не менее Наруто говорит: «Сдавайся…», после чего он оказывается за спиной противника и заканчивает фразу: «… или я тебя заставлю». Затем Наруто наносит сокрушающий удар по врагу. Тем кого прижал враг, оказывается Каге Буншин. Тот падает на землю и говорит, что на его место придут другие, добавляя, что война будет длиться вечно пока существуют Шиноби.

В ответ на эти слова, Наруто говорит, что он найдет способ положить конец этой войне и принесет истинный мир. Вражеский Шиноби спрашивает кто он, на что Наруто отвечает: «Меня зовут Наруто».

Сходства между Узумаки Наруто и Наруто из истории

  • Оба хотят принести мир и положить конец бесконечным войнам.
  • Оба используют Каге Буншин но Дзюцу.
  • Оба борются до самого конца и не сдаются.


  • Возможно Джирайя взял эту историю когда сражался с Шиноби из клана Фума, который позже стал Чикушодо.
  • Эта история показывает сходства между Наруто и Нагато.
  • Минато большой поклонник этой книги.
  • Так как эту книгу почти никто не покупал, Джирайя взялся за писание серии Ича Ича.
  • Когда Наруто, Нагато и Минато читают эту книгу, они представляют себя в качестве главного героя.
  • В Аниме, читая книгу, Наруто представляет себя с усами, когда как в Манге они отсутствуют.
  • Эта книга существует и в реальном мире.

Jiraiya (自来也 or 児雷也, literally «Young Thunder»), originally known as Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki (尾形周馬寛行), is the toad-riding protagonist of the Japanese folk tale Katakiuchi Kidan Jiraiya Monogatari (報仇奇談自来也説話, «The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya»). The tale was originally a Yomihon that was published in 1806–1807,[1] and was adapted into a serialized novel that was written by different authors and published in 43 installments from 1839 to 1868; one of its illustrators was woodblock artist Kunisada. Kawatake Mokuami then wrote a kabuki drama based on the first ten parts of the novel, which premiered in Edo in 1852, starring Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII in the leading role. Since then the story has been adapted into, several films, video games, and manga and has also influenced various other works.[2]

Classic tale – Katakiuchi Kidan Jiraiya Monogatari[edit]

Katakiuchi Kidan Jiraiya Monogatari (報仇奇談自来也説話)  is considered the first novel or Yomihon to be adapted into a kabuki play, the novel was written by Kanwatei Onitake (感和亭鬼武) and was published between 1806 and 1807. The story was later adapted many more times with variations in the story.[1]

Part 1: (books 1–5)[edit]

The tale of Jiraiya starts with a poor, masterless samurai named Isami Gentaro, who’s wrongfully jailed because he could not afford the rent for his farm. His family manages to get the money to pay his bail so Isami’s father, Kirakusai travels alongside his grandson, Tomokichi to pay Isami’s bail. However, on the way to free Isami, Kirakusai is attacked and killed by Master Rokuyaon Gun who kidnaps the two-year-old Tomokichi and abandons him in a valley. During this time, a masterless samurai of the Miyoshi House, Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki, better known as «Jiraiya», happens upon the young Tomokichi and decides to raise him as his son.[1]

Gentaro is later released with the help of other villagers and becomes a vassal of Shiizu Kunihisa after proving his courage as a samurai at the same time as Master Gun. Gentaro and Master Gun then begin working together to capture Jiraiya as he is a wanted criminal. Fortunately, though caught, Jiraiya manages to scheme his way out of jail. Gentaro eventually meets his wife, Soe (who now goes by «Seino») and they discuss the former’s hatred for whoever killed his father and son, both unaware the latter is alive. Master Gun eavesdrops on this conversation and decides to steal their Amulet of Protection, also known as the «Seitensō» (西天草), and proceeds to kill both Gentaro and Soe. Tomokichi—whilst engaged in a duel with Master Gun for Midori, the stepdaughter of Gentaro—learns that it was he who murdered his family. While this allows Tomokichi a chance to exact his revenge, he is unable to take it as Master Gun uses the Amulet of Protection to escape.[1]

Master Gun is chased to Mt. Miyoko by Tomokichi and, upon reaching the mountain, is accosted by the spirits of the dead until he arrives to a grotto where the Immortal Toad Ascetic lives. They converse and the immortal sees all of Master Guns’ sins and even tells him that, since there are dead souls haunting him, he must be a murderer and that he’ll die from his sins. Terrified, Master Gun begs the immortal to save him, to which he agrees but saying he will only help him once. The immortal then uses his magic arts to send Master Gun down the mountain before warning him if he tells anyone of this encounter he will die. However, later that night, after getting drunk with one of Jiraiya’s followers, Master Gun tells him of the events at Mt. Miyoko. The morning after Master Gun leaves, Jiraiya goes to Mt. Miyoko to visit the Immortal. The Toad Ascetic then appears in front of Jiraiya and tells him that, even though he is a bandit who committed innumerable sins, he’ll teach him one magic art as he admires Jiraiya’s loyalty.[1]

Shuma Hiroyuki, later known as Jiraiya, using a heavy gun to defeat a huge snake that preyed on his toads.

While Master Gun and Jiraiya are visiting the immortal, Tomokichi sets out to find them and, upon finally locating Jiraiya, recounts to his stepfather of what has happened to his family. Jiraiya vows to assist Tomokichi in his revenge and will be there to help when he is needed, sending his troops to steal the Seitenso from Master Gun so as to lure him out in order to kill him.[1]

After luring Master Gun to a place called Kagamigaura, Tomokichi and Master Gun then engage in battle. While Tomokichi almost fails, he is able to turn the tide thanks to Jiraiya’s encouragement, announces he’ll avenge his grandfather and parents, and finally cuts off Master Guns’ head, ending part one and the first revenge story.[1]

Part 2: (books 5–10)[edit]

The second part opens up with the immortal on Mt. Miyoko appearing to Jiraiya in his dreams asking for his assistance in return for teaching him more magic arts. Jiraiya sets off towards the mountain to save his master and, when he arrives, sees a monstrous snake fighting his master, who’s taken on the form of a giant toad. Jiraiya manages to kill the snake and is rewarded by the immortal with more magic arts, which he then uses to rob a wealthy man right after learning them. Since Jiraiya is wanted by the government, he became a pirate and started plundering commercial ships, until one night at sea the ghost of his former lord, Miyoshi Nagashige asks him to take revenge on the Ishido family, more specifically Ishido Haruchika. Jiraiya agrees and he soon after saves a vassal of Ishido named Agawa Uneo, and his companion Nagisa, the younger sister of another vassal named Madeno Hamanosuke, to which he tosses Agawa Uneo into the sea and takes Nagisa hostage. Agawa Uneo is then saved by a former member of his group and begins to pursue Jiraiya immedatly after recovering. During this time, Madeno Hamanosuke goes to Mt. Kinki to pray to Benzaiten, a god related to snakes, for the safety of his lord. He is answered by a goddess who appears before him and gives him the Stone Conch, otherwise known as the «Ishihara» (石螺), which holds the power to negate magic arts and repel evil.[1]

Meanwhile, Tomokichi has become a vassal of Shiizu Kunihisa after taking revenge on Master Gun and is ordered to take back the Amulet of Protection from Jiraiya, to which he sets off in search of his adoptive father. After finding Jiraiya, Tomokichi asks him to return the Amulet of Protection to which the former agrees, but only after the next six months as he needs it to complete his revenge. In order to keep this meeting a secret, Jiraiya summons a powerful tsunami to kill all of Tomokichi’s troops despite the latter’s pleads for mercy to his men. After all is said and done, Jiraiya invites Tomokichi to go with him on his revenge quest so that he would not be punished.[1]

Jiraiya then begins his plan, first by robbing betrothal gifts for Ishido Haruchika’s daughter, Tamahitohime, which leads to the death of Nagisa. After sneaking into the Nitsuki House, Jiraiya summons a tsunami to kill all of the servants in order for his troops to pose as them and sneak into the Ishido residence. Jiraiya then finds a mountain hermit who was going to treat one of Ishido Haruchika’s sick daughters and kills him, he then pretends to be the mountain hermit in order to sneak into the Ishido House. After sneaking into Ishido Haruchikas’s room, Jiraiya then cuts off his head.[1]

Afterwards, Jiraiya calls on Tomokichi to return the Amulet of Protection as promised. However, Madeno Hamanosuke shows up and announces the head of the man Jiraiya cut off actually belonged to Agawa Uneo and all of his troops were captured because a member of the Jiraiya’s group, Asazuma was a vassal of Ishido and warned the Ishido house of his plan. Jiraiya tries to use his magic arts to defeat Madeno Hamanosuke, however, Madeno uses the Stone Conch that was given to him by Benzaiten to negate Jiraiya’s magic arts. Jiraiya finally realizes that his death is at hand as he lived a sinful life and this is his justice so, before anyone can kill him, he commits suicide and turns to stone.[1]


Isami Gentaro – Tomokichis’s father who is imprisoned at the beginning of the story, he later becomes a vassal of Shiizu Kunihisa and hunts down the bandit Jiraiya. He is killed by Master Rokuyaon Gun as part of his plot to steal the Amulet of Protection.

Kirakusai Gentaro – Isamis’s father and the grandfather of Tomokichi, he’s killed by Master Rokuyaon Gun whilst on his way to pay his son’s bail.

Soe Gentaro – Isami’s wife and Tomokichis mother, sells herself to a brothel to pay for her husband’s bail. She is later reunited with her husband but is killed alongside him by Master Rokuyaon Gun as part of his plan to steal the Amulet of Protection.

Master Rokuyaon Gun – One of the story’s main antagonists who seeks the Amulet of Protection, he is killed by Tomokichi as part of the first revenge plot that makes up the story.

Tomokichi Gentaro – Jiraiya’s adopted son, he is kidnapped by Master Rokuyaon Gun as a child and left to die but is found by Jiraiya. He grows up and takes revenge on Master Rokuyaon Gun for killing his family.

Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki – Otherwise known as «Jiraiya», he is the titular protagonist of the story.

Shiizu Kunihisa – The head of the Kunihisa household who Master Rokuyaon Gun and Isami Gentaro served before their deaths and who Tomokichi later serves after taking his revenge on Master Rokuyaon Gun.

The Immortal Toad Ascetic – The Immortal Toad Ascetic that lives on Mt. Miyoko and helps Master Rokuyaon Gun escape, he teaches Jiraiya several magic arts throughout the story.

Miyoshi Nagashige – Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki’s late lord, he appears to Jiraiya as a ghost and asks him to take vengeance on the Ishido House, but more specifically on Ishido Haruchika.

Ishido Haruchika – The head of the Haruchika family, he is the second antagonist of the story as he is the one that Jiraiya is asked to kill by his late lord, Miyoshi Nagashige.

Agawa Uneo – A vassal of Ishido Haruchika, he is captured by Jiraiya and tossed into the sea before later being used as a decoy for lord Ishido during Jiraiya’s plan to take revenge.

Madeno Hamanosuke – Another vassal of Ishido Haruchika, his sister is captured by Jiraiya and later dies and so he planned to take revenge on Jiraiya. He is also given the Stone Conch, otherwise known as the «Ishihara» (石螺), which was given to him by the god Benzaiten in order to negate Jiraiya’s magic arts.[1]

  • Jiraiya riding a giant toad, depicted in an 1866 print by Yoshitoshi

    Jiraiya riding a giant toad, depicted in an 1866 print by Yoshitoshi

English translation – Jiraiya, or the Magic Frog[edit]


A popular version of the story was translated by William Elliot Griffis. The story starts with Jiraiya’s father who was a castle lord being killed during one of many civil wars. After he is killed young Jiraiya is hidden by a retainer and is able to escape, but they are attacked by a band of robbers, and the retainer is killed after resisting. Jiraiya goes to a place called Echigo where he spent the rest of his childhood. Jiraiya now led a wandering life in several provinces but wished to restore his family name. Since he was talented at swordsmanship and was exceptionally brave Jiraiya soon become a chief of his own band of robbers, where he would sneak in disguise to the places he robbed to learn where the treasure was stored. He would then come back and rob them later.[3]

One day Jiraiya heard of an old man who lived in Shinano and he started off to rob him. The land was a place full of mountains and was full of snow in the winter. During the journey, he was beset by a great snowstorm and he took refuge in a small house that he happened upon, inside was a beautiful woman who treated him with great kindness. This did not change Jiraiya’s nature as a robber though and after midnight he went to kill her with his sword while she was reading. However, in a flash, her body changed to a very old man who grabbed the heavy steel blade and easily broke it into pieces. He then announces his name as Senso Dojin, and that he is a giant frog that has lived on the mountain for hundreds of years. He pardons Jiraiya after telling him he could kill him easily and then teaches him magic arts. Jiraiya stayed with Senso Dojin for several weeks learning the magic arts of the mountain sprites in order to control the weather as well as to control frogs and change their shape and size at will. After Senso teaches him he forbids him from robbing or injuring the poor and helpless and to instead take from those who use and acquire money dishonestly and to help the needy and suffering. He then turns into a giant frog and hops away.[3]

After this Jiraiya sets out on his journey to help the poor and needy by helping a poor farmer whose crops failed and he could not pay his rent or loan on time. As well whenever a miser was robbed they would say that the young thunder had struck, as Jiraiya was very popular with the poor people of the time.[3]

The image above is of Jiraiya wrestling with Yashagorō[4]

During this time when Jiraiya was helping the poor and needy, a young maiden named Tsunade also lived in the same province of Kiushiu. She was a model daughter and was always obedient and kind. One day during her trip into the mountains for firewood she met a very old man who approached her and told her he had lived in the mountains for hundreds of years and that his body was really that of a snail. He then offers to teach Tsundae the powers of magic he possesses. She gladly accepted and began training daily with the old man. Once she had mastered the magic, she was advised to use her powers to defend the poor and destroy wicked robbers, and to join her powers with Jiraiya in the form of marriage. The old man then turns into a snail and crawls away. Tsunade then remarks that she and Jiraiya with the combination of slug magic and frog magic would be able to destroy a robber named Orochimaru, who was the son of a serpent. Tsunade and Jiraiya eventually met and were married soon after.[3]

Soon after Jiraiya and Tsunade were married war broke out in Japan between the Tsukikage and the Inukage. In the war, the Tsukikage sought out the help of Jiraiya and Tsunade who agreed to help them with the war, while the other clan the Inukage sought the help of Orochimaru otherwise known as Dragon-coil. Orochimaru was known as a very wicked robber whose father was a man and mother was a serpent that lived at the bottom of lake Takura, he was skilled in the magic of the serpent and would spew venom on the strongest of warriors to destroy them.[3]

During a respite between the conflicts, Jiraiya and Tsunade were resting in a monastery. In the monastery, there was also a princess named Tagoto that had fled from Orochimaru as he wanted her to be his bride. She hated Orochimaru and did not want to marry him, however, when Orochimaru upon hearing that Tagoto and Jiraiya were in the same monastery, immediately made his way to the monastery. He then kidnapped the princess Tagoto and poured poisonous venom onto the sleeping Jiraiya and Tsunade. After they are poisoned one of Jiraiya’s pages, Rikimatsu, volunteers to go to India to retrieve the only antidote to cure Jiraiya and Tsunade. Rikimatsu then uses the magic he learned from the Tengus of the mountains he flies to India and back in one day and one night to deliver the antidote. After Jiraiya and his wife recovered the war broke out again, and in a great battle Orochimaru was killed and Tagoto was rescued. Jiraiya was rewarded by being made a daimyo of Idzu.[3]

At this point, Jiraiya had grown tired of war and the hardships that an active life brought, and he was glad to settle down to a peaceful life in Idzu. He spent the remainder of his day in peace and tranquility among his children and his grandchildren.[3]


Ogata — Jiraiyas’s late father was a castle lord in Kiushiu and was slain during a civil war.

Jiraiya – otherwise known as “young thunder”, is the protagonist of the story, his father was a castle laird in Kisushiu but is killed when he is young. He then becomes a bandit who uses his frog magic arts to help the poor and needy.

Tsunade – Jiraiya’s wife, is taught slug magic by an old man whose real body turns out to be a slug. Her magic is strong against snake magic

Senso Dojin – he appears as an old man who teaches Jiraiya frog magic, and later reveals himself to be a giant frog

Orochimaru – otherwise known as Dragon-coil, is the son of a snake and is able to use snake magic which is strong against frog magic. He is the main antagonist of the story.

Rikimatsu – he is one of Jiraiya’s pages, he learns Tengu magic and is instrumental in saving Jiraiya and Tsunade when they are poisoned by Orochimaru.[3]

Popular culture[edit]

The story of Jiraiya inspired three homonymous characters from the manga and anime series Naruto.

A Persona representing the spirit of Jiraiya is summoned by the character Yosuke Hanamura in Persona 4.

The 18th Super Sentai season, Ninja Sentai Kakuranger, features a character named Jiraiya (played by Kane Kosugi) who summons a giant black toad mecha.

The seventh installment of the Metal Hero Series, Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya features ninja student Toha Yamaji who identifies himself as Jiraiya to combat The Sorcerers Clan.

In Urusei Yatsura in episode 179, Cherry summons a giant slug and a giant toad to fight the spirit of a giant snake that possessed Sakura.

In Pokémon, Greninja is a Water/Dark-type Pokémon, the evolved form of Frogadier, and the final evolved form of Froakie, the Water-type starter of the Kalos region. With the appearance and abilities of both a frog and a ninja, pulling inspiration from Jiraiya.

See also[edit]

  • Japanese folklore
  • Jiraiya the Hero
  • The Magic Serpent
  • Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya
  • Susanoo
  • Yamata no Orochi


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Zhang, Jin (2012). The didacticism of Katakiuchi kidan jiraiya monogatari. Arizona State University. pp. 2–46.
  2. ^ Lanka, Logen (2020). FOLKLOREENTERTAINMENT, The Tale Of The Gallant Jiraiya (Original Folklore) – From Edo Period. WayOfTheNinja.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Elliot Griffis, William (1880). Japanese Fairy World: Stories From the Wonder-lore of Japan. Daily union Steam Printing House. pp. 126–140.
  4. ^ Coppola, Brian P. ««Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari» (# 7, pp. 4-5), ca. 1850 | Brian P Coppola». Retrieved 2022-05-03.
  • «The Gallant Jiraiya». 2001-07-13. Archived from the original on July 13, 2001. Retrieved 2013-09-18.
  • Zhang, Jin. The Didacticism of “Katakiuchi Kidan Jiraiya Monogatari” (2012). Web.
  • Griffis, William Elliot (1880). Japanese Fairy World: Stories from the Wonder-Lore of Japan, New York, Steam Printing House pgs. 126–140.
  • Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari» (# 7, pp. 4–5), ca. 1850 | Brian P Coppola». Retrieved 2019-11-13.

External links[edit]

  • Vintage Ninja writeup about the 1921 film Jiraiya
  • 1821 version of the story (in Japanese)

Jiraiya (自来也 or 児雷也, literally «Young Thunder»), originally known as Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki (尾形周馬寛行), is the toad-riding protagonist of the Japanese folk tale Katakiuchi Kidan Jiraiya Monogatari (報仇奇談自来也説話, «The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya»). The tale was originally a Yomihon that was published in 1806–1807,[1] and was adapted into a serialized novel that was written by different authors and published in 43 installments from 1839 to 1868; one of its illustrators was woodblock artist Kunisada. Kawatake Mokuami then wrote a kabuki drama based on the first ten parts of the novel, which premiered in Edo in 1852, starring Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII in the leading role. Since then the story has been adapted into, several films, video games, and manga and has also influenced various other works.[2]

Classic tale – Katakiuchi Kidan Jiraiya Monogatari[edit]

Katakiuchi Kidan Jiraiya Monogatari (報仇奇談自来也説話)  is considered the first novel or Yomihon to be adapted into a kabuki play, the novel was written by Kanwatei Onitake (感和亭鬼武) and was published between 1806 and 1807. The story was later adapted many more times with variations in the story.[1]

Part 1: (books 1–5)[edit]

The tale of Jiraiya starts with a poor, masterless samurai named Isami Gentaro, who’s wrongfully jailed because he could not afford the rent for his farm. His family manages to get the money to pay his bail so Isami’s father, Kirakusai travels alongside his grandson, Tomokichi to pay Isami’s bail. However, on the way to free Isami, Kirakusai is attacked and killed by Master Rokuyaon Gun who kidnaps the two-year-old Tomokichi and abandons him in a valley. During this time, a masterless samurai of the Miyoshi House, Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki, better known as «Jiraiya», happens upon the young Tomokichi and decides to raise him as his son.[1]

Gentaro is later released with the help of other villagers and becomes a vassal of Shiizu Kunihisa after proving his courage as a samurai at the same time as Master Gun. Gentaro and Master Gun then begin working together to capture Jiraiya as he is a wanted criminal. Fortunately, though caught, Jiraiya manages to scheme his way out of jail. Gentaro eventually meets his wife, Soe (who now goes by «Seino») and they discuss the former’s hatred for whoever killed his father and son, both unaware the latter is alive. Master Gun eavesdrops on this conversation and decides to steal their Amulet of Protection, also known as the «Seitensō» (西天草), and proceeds to kill both Gentaro and Soe. Tomokichi—whilst engaged in a duel with Master Gun for Midori, the stepdaughter of Gentaro—learns that it was he who murdered his family. While this allows Tomokichi a chance to exact his revenge, he is unable to take it as Master Gun uses the Amulet of Protection to escape.[1]

Master Gun is chased to Mt. Miyoko by Tomokichi and, upon reaching the mountain, is accosted by the spirits of the dead until he arrives to a grotto where the Immortal Toad Ascetic lives. They converse and the immortal sees all of Master Guns’ sins and even tells him that, since there are dead souls haunting him, he must be a murderer and that he’ll die from his sins. Terrified, Master Gun begs the immortal to save him, to which he agrees but saying he will only help him once. The immortal then uses his magic arts to send Master Gun down the mountain before warning him if he tells anyone of this encounter he will die. However, later that night, after getting drunk with one of Jiraiya’s followers, Master Gun tells him of the events at Mt. Miyoko. The morning after Master Gun leaves, Jiraiya goes to Mt. Miyoko to visit the Immortal. The Toad Ascetic then appears in front of Jiraiya and tells him that, even though he is a bandit who committed innumerable sins, he’ll teach him one magic art as he admires Jiraiya’s loyalty.[1]

Shuma Hiroyuki, later known as Jiraiya, using a heavy gun to defeat a huge snake that preyed on his toads.

While Master Gun and Jiraiya are visiting the immortal, Tomokichi sets out to find them and, upon finally locating Jiraiya, recounts to his stepfather of what has happened to his family. Jiraiya vows to assist Tomokichi in his revenge and will be there to help when he is needed, sending his troops to steal the Seitenso from Master Gun so as to lure him out in order to kill him.[1]

After luring Master Gun to a place called Kagamigaura, Tomokichi and Master Gun then engage in battle. While Tomokichi almost fails, he is able to turn the tide thanks to Jiraiya’s encouragement, announces he’ll avenge his grandfather and parents, and finally cuts off Master Guns’ head, ending part one and the first revenge story.[1]

Part 2: (books 5–10)[edit]

The second part opens up with the immortal on Mt. Miyoko appearing to Jiraiya in his dreams asking for his assistance in return for teaching him more magic arts. Jiraiya sets off towards the mountain to save his master and, when he arrives, sees a monstrous snake fighting his master, who’s taken on the form of a giant toad. Jiraiya manages to kill the snake and is rewarded by the immortal with more magic arts, which he then uses to rob a wealthy man right after learning them. Since Jiraiya is wanted by the government, he became a pirate and started plundering commercial ships, until one night at sea the ghost of his former lord, Miyoshi Nagashige asks him to take revenge on the Ishido family, more specifically Ishido Haruchika. Jiraiya agrees and he soon after saves a vassal of Ishido named Agawa Uneo, and his companion Nagisa, the younger sister of another vassal named Madeno Hamanosuke, to which he tosses Agawa Uneo into the sea and takes Nagisa hostage. Agawa Uneo is then saved by a former member of his group and begins to pursue Jiraiya immedatly after recovering. During this time, Madeno Hamanosuke goes to Mt. Kinki to pray to Benzaiten, a god related to snakes, for the safety of his lord. He is answered by a goddess who appears before him and gives him the Stone Conch, otherwise known as the «Ishihara» (石螺), which holds the power to negate magic arts and repel evil.[1]

Meanwhile, Tomokichi has become a vassal of Shiizu Kunihisa after taking revenge on Master Gun and is ordered to take back the Amulet of Protection from Jiraiya, to which he sets off in search of his adoptive father. After finding Jiraiya, Tomokichi asks him to return the Amulet of Protection to which the former agrees, but only after the next six months as he needs it to complete his revenge. In order to keep this meeting a secret, Jiraiya summons a powerful tsunami to kill all of Tomokichi’s troops despite the latter’s pleads for mercy to his men. After all is said and done, Jiraiya invites Tomokichi to go with him on his revenge quest so that he would not be punished.[1]

Jiraiya then begins his plan, first by robbing betrothal gifts for Ishido Haruchika’s daughter, Tamahitohime, which leads to the death of Nagisa. After sneaking into the Nitsuki House, Jiraiya summons a tsunami to kill all of the servants in order for his troops to pose as them and sneak into the Ishido residence. Jiraiya then finds a mountain hermit who was going to treat one of Ishido Haruchika’s sick daughters and kills him, he then pretends to be the mountain hermit in order to sneak into the Ishido House. After sneaking into Ishido Haruchikas’s room, Jiraiya then cuts off his head.[1]

Afterwards, Jiraiya calls on Tomokichi to return the Amulet of Protection as promised. However, Madeno Hamanosuke shows up and announces the head of the man Jiraiya cut off actually belonged to Agawa Uneo and all of his troops were captured because a member of the Jiraiya’s group, Asazuma was a vassal of Ishido and warned the Ishido house of his plan. Jiraiya tries to use his magic arts to defeat Madeno Hamanosuke, however, Madeno uses the Stone Conch that was given to him by Benzaiten to negate Jiraiya’s magic arts. Jiraiya finally realizes that his death is at hand as he lived a sinful life and this is his justice so, before anyone can kill him, he commits suicide and turns to stone.[1]


Isami Gentaro – Tomokichis’s father who is imprisoned at the beginning of the story, he later becomes a vassal of Shiizu Kunihisa and hunts down the bandit Jiraiya. He is killed by Master Rokuyaon Gun as part of his plot to steal the Amulet of Protection.

Kirakusai Gentaro – Isamis’s father and the grandfather of Tomokichi, he’s killed by Master Rokuyaon Gun whilst on his way to pay his son’s bail.

Soe Gentaro – Isami’s wife and Tomokichis mother, sells herself to a brothel to pay for her husband’s bail. She is later reunited with her husband but is killed alongside him by Master Rokuyaon Gun as part of his plan to steal the Amulet of Protection.

Master Rokuyaon Gun – One of the story’s main antagonists who seeks the Amulet of Protection, he is killed by Tomokichi as part of the first revenge plot that makes up the story.

Tomokichi Gentaro – Jiraiya’s adopted son, he is kidnapped by Master Rokuyaon Gun as a child and left to die but is found by Jiraiya. He grows up and takes revenge on Master Rokuyaon Gun for killing his family.

Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki – Otherwise known as «Jiraiya», he is the titular protagonist of the story.

Shiizu Kunihisa – The head of the Kunihisa household who Master Rokuyaon Gun and Isami Gentaro served before their deaths and who Tomokichi later serves after taking his revenge on Master Rokuyaon Gun.

The Immortal Toad Ascetic – The Immortal Toad Ascetic that lives on Mt. Miyoko and helps Master Rokuyaon Gun escape, he teaches Jiraiya several magic arts throughout the story.

Miyoshi Nagashige – Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki’s late lord, he appears to Jiraiya as a ghost and asks him to take vengeance on the Ishido House, but more specifically on Ishido Haruchika.

Ishido Haruchika – The head of the Haruchika family, he is the second antagonist of the story as he is the one that Jiraiya is asked to kill by his late lord, Miyoshi Nagashige.

Agawa Uneo – A vassal of Ishido Haruchika, he is captured by Jiraiya and tossed into the sea before later being used as a decoy for lord Ishido during Jiraiya’s plan to take revenge.

Madeno Hamanosuke – Another vassal of Ishido Haruchika, his sister is captured by Jiraiya and later dies and so he planned to take revenge on Jiraiya. He is also given the Stone Conch, otherwise known as the «Ishihara» (石螺), which was given to him by the god Benzaiten in order to negate Jiraiya’s magic arts.[1]

  • Jiraiya riding a giant toad, depicted in an 1866 print by Yoshitoshi

    Jiraiya riding a giant toad, depicted in an 1866 print by Yoshitoshi

English translation – Jiraiya, or the Magic Frog[edit]


A popular version of the story was translated by William Elliot Griffis. The story starts with Jiraiya’s father who was a castle lord being killed during one of many civil wars. After he is killed young Jiraiya is hidden by a retainer and is able to escape, but they are attacked by a band of robbers, and the retainer is killed after resisting. Jiraiya goes to a place called Echigo where he spent the rest of his childhood. Jiraiya now led a wandering life in several provinces but wished to restore his family name. Since he was talented at swordsmanship and was exceptionally brave Jiraiya soon become a chief of his own band of robbers, where he would sneak in disguise to the places he robbed to learn where the treasure was stored. He would then come back and rob them later.[3]

One day Jiraiya heard of an old man who lived in Shinano and he started off to rob him. The land was a place full of mountains and was full of snow in the winter. During the journey, he was beset by a great snowstorm and he took refuge in a small house that he happened upon, inside was a beautiful woman who treated him with great kindness. This did not change Jiraiya’s nature as a robber though and after midnight he went to kill her with his sword while she was reading. However, in a flash, her body changed to a very old man who grabbed the heavy steel blade and easily broke it into pieces. He then announces his name as Senso Dojin, and that he is a giant frog that has lived on the mountain for hundreds of years. He pardons Jiraiya after telling him he could kill him easily and then teaches him magic arts. Jiraiya stayed with Senso Dojin for several weeks learning the magic arts of the mountain sprites in order to control the weather as well as to control frogs and change their shape and size at will. After Senso teaches him he forbids him from robbing or injuring the poor and helpless and to instead take from those who use and acquire money dishonestly and to help the needy and suffering. He then turns into a giant frog and hops away.[3]

After this Jiraiya sets out on his journey to help the poor and needy by helping a poor farmer whose crops failed and he could not pay his rent or loan on time. As well whenever a miser was robbed they would say that the young thunder had struck, as Jiraiya was very popular with the poor people of the time.[3]

The image above is of Jiraiya wrestling with Yashagorō[4]

During this time when Jiraiya was helping the poor and needy, a young maiden named Tsunade also lived in the same province of Kiushiu. She was a model daughter and was always obedient and kind. One day during her trip into the mountains for firewood she met a very old man who approached her and told her he had lived in the mountains for hundreds of years and that his body was really that of a snail. He then offers to teach Tsundae the powers of magic he possesses. She gladly accepted and began training daily with the old man. Once she had mastered the magic, she was advised to use her powers to defend the poor and destroy wicked robbers, and to join her powers with Jiraiya in the form of marriage. The old man then turns into a snail and crawls away. Tsunade then remarks that she and Jiraiya with the combination of slug magic and frog magic would be able to destroy a robber named Orochimaru, who was the son of a serpent. Tsunade and Jiraiya eventually met and were married soon after.[3]

Soon after Jiraiya and Tsunade were married war broke out in Japan between the Tsukikage and the Inukage. In the war, the Tsukikage sought out the help of Jiraiya and Tsunade who agreed to help them with the war, while the other clan the Inukage sought the help of Orochimaru otherwise known as Dragon-coil. Orochimaru was known as a very wicked robber whose father was a man and mother was a serpent that lived at the bottom of lake Takura, he was skilled in the magic of the serpent and would spew venom on the strongest of warriors to destroy them.[3]

During a respite between the conflicts, Jiraiya and Tsunade were resting in a monastery. In the monastery, there was also a princess named Tagoto that had fled from Orochimaru as he wanted her to be his bride. She hated Orochimaru and did not want to marry him, however, when Orochimaru upon hearing that Tagoto and Jiraiya were in the same monastery, immediately made his way to the monastery. He then kidnapped the princess Tagoto and poured poisonous venom onto the sleeping Jiraiya and Tsunade. After they are poisoned one of Jiraiya’s pages, Rikimatsu, volunteers to go to India to retrieve the only antidote to cure Jiraiya and Tsunade. Rikimatsu then uses the magic he learned from the Tengus of the mountains he flies to India and back in one day and one night to deliver the antidote. After Jiraiya and his wife recovered the war broke out again, and in a great battle Orochimaru was killed and Tagoto was rescued. Jiraiya was rewarded by being made a daimyo of Idzu.[3]

At this point, Jiraiya had grown tired of war and the hardships that an active life brought, and he was glad to settle down to a peaceful life in Idzu. He spent the remainder of his day in peace and tranquility among his children and his grandchildren.[3]


Ogata — Jiraiyas’s late father was a castle lord in Kiushiu and was slain during a civil war.

Jiraiya – otherwise known as “young thunder”, is the protagonist of the story, his father was a castle laird in Kisushiu but is killed when he is young. He then becomes a bandit who uses his frog magic arts to help the poor and needy.

Tsunade – Jiraiya’s wife, is taught slug magic by an old man whose real body turns out to be a slug. Her magic is strong against snake magic

Senso Dojin – he appears as an old man who teaches Jiraiya frog magic, and later reveals himself to be a giant frog

Orochimaru – otherwise known as Dragon-coil, is the son of a snake and is able to use snake magic which is strong against frog magic. He is the main antagonist of the story.

Rikimatsu – he is one of Jiraiya’s pages, he learns Tengu magic and is instrumental in saving Jiraiya and Tsunade when they are poisoned by Orochimaru.[3]

Popular culture[edit]

The story of Jiraiya inspired three homonymous characters from the manga and anime series Naruto.

A Persona representing the spirit of Jiraiya is summoned by the character Yosuke Hanamura in Persona 4.

The 18th Super Sentai season, Ninja Sentai Kakuranger, features a character named Jiraiya (played by Kane Kosugi) who summons a giant black toad mecha.

The seventh installment of the Metal Hero Series, Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya features ninja student Toha Yamaji who identifies himself as Jiraiya to combat The Sorcerers Clan.

In Urusei Yatsura in episode 179, Cherry summons a giant slug and a giant toad to fight the spirit of a giant snake that possessed Sakura.

In Pokémon, Greninja is a Water/Dark-type Pokémon, the evolved form of Frogadier, and the final evolved form of Froakie, the Water-type starter of the Kalos region. With the appearance and abilities of both a frog and a ninja, pulling inspiration from Jiraiya.

See also[edit]

  • Japanese folklore
  • Jiraiya the Hero
  • The Magic Serpent
  • Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya
  • Susanoo
  • Yamata no Orochi


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Zhang, Jin (2012). The didacticism of Katakiuchi kidan jiraiya monogatari. Arizona State University. pp. 2–46.
  2. ^ Lanka, Logen (2020). FOLKLOREENTERTAINMENT, The Tale Of The Gallant Jiraiya (Original Folklore) – From Edo Period. WayOfTheNinja.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Elliot Griffis, William (1880). Japanese Fairy World: Stories From the Wonder-lore of Japan. Daily union Steam Printing House. pp. 126–140.
  4. ^ Coppola, Brian P. ««Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari» (# 7, pp. 4-5), ca. 1850 | Brian P Coppola». Retrieved 2022-05-03.
  • «The Gallant Jiraiya». 2001-07-13. Archived from the original on July 13, 2001. Retrieved 2013-09-18.
  • Zhang, Jin. The Didacticism of “Katakiuchi Kidan Jiraiya Monogatari” (2012). Web.
  • Griffis, William Elliot (1880). Japanese Fairy World: Stories from the Wonder-Lore of Japan, New York, Steam Printing House pgs. 126–140.
  • Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari» (# 7, pp. 4–5), ca. 1850 | Brian P Coppola». Retrieved 2019-11-13.

External links[edit]

  • Vintage Ninja writeup about the 1921 film Jiraiya
  • 1821 version of the story (in Japanese)

Ича Ича (яп. イチャイチャ, Ича Ича) — это серия бестселлеров эротических романов, написанных Джирайей. Мало, что известно о сюжете романа, но поскольку Джирайя является автором этой книги, он всегда использует ее в качестве предлога для наблюдения за купающимися красивыми женщинами, говоря, что он должен заниматься исследованиями и собирать идеи для своей новой книги. Они предназначены для людей старше 18 лет. Какаши Хатаке — большой поклонник книги. Он иногда читает её даже во время боя.

Спустя два года, после событий Четвёртой Мировой Войны Шиноби, Гаара, узнав об отношениях Темари и Шикамару Нара, решил прочесть серию, чтобы узнать что-то о любви.[1] В какой-то момент, была выпущена экранизация серии, съёмки которой проходили между Конохагакуре и Югакуре.[2]

Известные книги

  • Ича Ича Рай (яп. イチャイチャパラダイスИча Ича Парадайсю) — это первая книга серии. Она была настолько знаменита, что был создан фильм, основанный на ней, в главной роли Юкие Фуджикайзе (Коюки Казахана).
  • Ича Ича Насилие(яп. イチャイチャバイオレンス, Ича Ича Байорэнсю) — вторая книга серии, которая также стала фильмом, как показано в эпизоде 101.
  • Ича Ича Тактика (яп. イチャイチャタクティクス, Ича Ича Такутикусу) — третья книга серии, которую Наруто Узумаки передал Какаши, когда он вернулся в Коноху, через 2 с половиной года его отсутствия. Это был самый последний взнос за несколько лет. Когда Джирайя передал секрет Пейна Конохе, он использовал первое слово из разных страниц этой книги, чтобы расшифровать его сообщение: «Настоящего среди них нет». В результате смерти Джирайи, эта книга стала последней из серии.
  • Эро Эро Парадигма (яп. エロエロパラダイム, Эро Эро Парадаймю) — книга, которую можно увидеть у Какаши на обложке главы 531.
  • Также существует неофициальный роман, написанный Наруто Узумаки в 177 эпизоде. Наруто закончил рукопись Джирайи (чтобы тот снова начал тренировать его) и случайно отправил его в Страну Клыков. Книга была ошибочно принята за мирный договор, так как Даймё этой страны был большим поклонником серии Ича Ича, что положило конец войне между Страной Когтей и Страной Клыка.


  • В видеоигре Naruto Ultimate Ninja Play Station 2 Какаши может использовать книгу Ича Ича Парадигма для восстановления здоровья. 


  1. Гаара Хиден: Мираж Песчаной Бури
  2. Коноха Шинден: Паровые Свитки Ниндзя


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Jiraiya Shinobi Handbook: The Tale of Naruto the Hero (自来也忍法帳〜ナルト豪傑物語, Jiraiya Ninpōchō ~ Naruto Gōketsu Monogatari) is an arc of the Naruto: Shippūden anime. It covers episodes 432 to 450. This arc focuses on a novel written by Jiraiya in a dream within Tsunade’s Infinite Tsukuyomi dream. In the novel, key aspects of Konohagakure and the shinobi world are different. It takes place early in-between the Kaguya Ōtsutsuki Strikes arc.


Tsunade is caught in the Infinite Tsukuyomi. In it, she falls asleep and dreams of being given Jiraiya’s latest work and recalls when he was still writing it. She begins reading it.

Part One

In the novel, Naruto lives in Konohagakure and is a member of Team Kakashi. His parents did not die during the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox’s Attack, in which the half of the Nine-Tails was sealed into him while the other half is sealed within his mother. The villagers dislike Naruto, but show him some respect as he is the Fourth Hokage’s son. People often accuse Naruto of favouritism due to this, which angers him. The Uchiha Clan Downfall also never happened as Minato and Hiruzen were able to succeed in negotiations; as such Itachi never defected the village, nor did Sasuke. Naruto begins to learn how to use the Nine-Tails’ chakra, and Nagato did not die from attacking Konoha and both he and Konan join Naruto later on. The Nine-Tails’ also had no interest in getting out of Naruto, but was helping to guide him to learn how to control its power, even telling Naruto it is too soon for him to wield its power or during his battle with the Six Paths of Pain that he is too angry to control its power properly.

Naruto and Neji confront the masked man.

Team Kakashi, Team Kurenai, Team Asuma, and Team Guy are given a mission to find experienced shinobi who have gone missing, under the assumption that as they’re recent Academy graduates, they won’t be targeted by whoever is behind the abductions. During the mission, the jōnin leaders are kidnapped. Akatsuki is revealed to be behind the abductions, and Team Asuma briefly battles Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato. The Konoha genin discover an abandoned village. In the village, Teams Kakashi and Guy briefly see their kidnapped allies, Naruto and Neji give chase, and end up meeting a masked man who possesses the Byakugan. Team Jiraiya goes down a sinkhole to rescue two children, who came back to the village, and end up fighting a couple of creatures in an underground lair.

Team Asuma aids Team Jiraiya in rescuing the children from the underground creatures. Chōji is attacked by one of them, and is saved by Nagato. The two teams return the children to their mother. Team Jiraiya thanks Team Asuma for coming to their aid, and surmises they also share some of Jiraiya’s values. Team Jiraiya asks them to join, but Team Asuma refuses, wanting to find Asuma. Shikamaru deduces Team Jiraiya does not want them dead, and is following orders from someone else. They prepare to fight again, but Team Jiraiya leaves just before they’re joined by Team Kurenai. Shikamaru does not tell them about Team Jiraiya, and decides they need to both report to Konohagakure and regroup with Teams Kakashi and Guy. Lee and Sasuke discuss about returning to the village or keep looking from their vanished team-mates and sensei. The masked man takes Naruto and Neji through a gate, where they are shown images from the Hyūga Affair. The three discuss the events witnessed, and the masked man asks Neji to join him and force change in Konohagakure. Elsewhere, Jiraiya finds one of Orochimaru’s compounds.

Being asked, Neji questions the masked man’s motives. He says that by changing how a village such as Konohagakure operates, the other hidden villages will follow, changing the world for the better. The masked man requests Neji to see what he means. Neji agrees to hear him out, and when Naruto tries to interfere, the masked man paralyses him. Neji promises to return to Naruto once he has seen what the masked man wants, and the two depart. Jiraiya ventures into Orochimaru’s hideout, and comes across a bandaged individual. Team Jiraiya reports to the masked man about the incident with the children, including how the Konoha genin eventually helped them, despite the directives of their mission. The masked man ponders about it, and instructs them to resume surveillance. Neji asks if the Konoha genin are his team-mates, which the masked man confirms, and asks Neji if he wants to see if they can change the future of shinobi. Naruto tries in vain to access the Nine-Tails’ chakra. Sasuke and Sakura discuss the mission’s situation. Lee and Tenten search for Neji and Guy, which Kiba smells from a distance. Hinata spots Neji and the masked man observing Sasuke and Sakura, as well as Sasori. Sasuke detects Sasori’s presence and attacks, and Sasori begins to fight the two. Teams Asuma and Kurenai head out towards Sasuke and Sakura. Lee and Tenten are attacked with explosive tags, directing them towards the same location. Sasori lands a hit on Sasuke, poisoning him. The Nine-Tails tries to convince Naruto to open the seal so it can use its chakra to aid Naruto. Jiraiya suddenly appears to Naruto.

The Konoha genin fighting against Sasori’s puppets.

During the battle against Hiruko, the masked man prevents Neji from coming to Sasuke and Sakura’s aid, assuring him he won’t let them be killed, insisting Neji watch the battle to witness their true selves. The masked men reminds Sasori of the mission, and Sasori begins attacking Sakura, who manages to dodge his attacks and land one of her own, causing Sasori to retreat. She proceeds to treat Sasuke, removing the poison in his system. The masked man tells Neji there is more to come. Jiraiya clears Naruto’s blocked tenketsu. Naruto asks him why he’s there, and he explains he’s searching for someone, and when he heard of what was happening, he had Minato transport him there using the sealing formula incorporated in Naruto’s seal. Jiraiya tells Naruto to try summoning a toad, but it fails. Jiraiya recalls Naruto’s training, and Naruto recalls training with Minato. Jiraiya offers to weaken the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style a bit. Lee and Tenten stop running, Tenten noticing they’re no longer under attack. They’re met by teams Asuma and Kurenai. The two update them on what has happened with Neji and Naruto. Kiba smells Sasuke and Sakura nearby, and Hinata spots Sasori near them. While Sakura heals him, Sasuke thinks back to his childhood. Sasuke looked forward spending time with Itachi, but Itachi was summoned by Minato, so he suggests Sasuke spend time with their father, who compares him unfavourably to Itachi when he tries the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique for the first time. Sasuke detects Sasori, who approaches them again and brings out his hundred puppets. The other genin reach the two, and the masked man retreats with Neji. Sasuke intends on getting reinforcements from Konoha. Team Jiraiya watches from afar, discussing the situation. Jiraiya weakens Naruto’s seal, causing him to develop four tails.

He then battles the four-tailed Naruto, who destroys his Chakra-Suppressing Seal. He manages to immobilise Naruto. Jiraiya thinks back to Gamamaru’s prophecy. Sasuke thinks back to being unfavourably compared to Itachi by their father and begins fighting Sasori’s puppets. The other genin join the fight to protect Sasuke. Team Jiraiya observes the fight. The masked man and Neji debate on the genin’s motivation to fight. Sasori reveals spare puppets. Naruto thinks back to his Rasengan training with Minato, and manages to suppress the Nine-Tails’ chakra. Jiraiya retreats, and sends Naruto to help his team-mates. Naruto manages to use the Rasengan, and uses it and several clones to dispatch Sasori’s puppets, causing him to retreat. The genin congratulate Naruto, and decide to look for their kidnapped team leaders. Neji asks the masked man if his test has yielded the results he expected, and surprises him by calling him father.

Hizashi is revealed to be the masked man.

Neji asks about the kidnapped shinobi, and the masked man tells him Team Jiraiya will take him there. The masked man leaves Neji to reunite with his comrades. The Konoha genin join as one team, and discuss how to find the kidnapped shinobi. They’re joined by Neji. The masked man appears to Team Jiraiya, Hidan, Kakuzu, and Sasori, telling them the test is over. Hidan, Kakuzu, and Sasori leave, while ordering Team Jiraiya to take the evacuated villagers back to their homes, as well as one other thing. Neji finishes explaining the nature of the experiment they participated in. Konan creates paper butterflies to lead the genin to the captured shinobi, and leaves with her team. The genin find the captured shinobi and release them. Kurenai asks them about the recent events, and the masked man arrives, offering to explain it himself. He removes his mask and bandages, revealing himself as a reincarnated Hizashi Hyūga. Neji explains the Hyūga Affair, and Hizashi explains how he was reincarnated by a bandaged man, and orchestrated the incident to ascertain if his death had effects on how Konohagakure handles its affairs. Hizashi and Neji discuss Neji’s motivations, and how there were changed after fighting Naruto. Neji’s words allow Hizashi to let go of his attachments, and his soul is released. Yahiko sets off to the village to return Komichi his teddy bear Kenta. An explosion suddenly wipes out the village, and Nagato spots Kenta damaged, and grows furious, believing Yahiko to have been killed.

Part Two

Minato teaching Naruto the enhancement of the Rasengan.

After retrieving their team leaders, the genin teams return to the village and Minato decides not to punish them for disobeying orders because their actions resulted in the mission’s success. After being scolded by his father and having a talk with his brother about the relation between the Uchiha and the village, Sasuke starts training with Kakashi to learn the Chidori. At the same time, Naruto undergoes training with Jiraiya and Minato to enhance the Rasengan. Increasingly jealous of Naruto becoming stronger, Sasuke starts treating his team-mates with disdain and, after being stopped by Minato while having a fight with Naruto, asks his father to have him transferred from Team 7 to the Konoha Military Police Force. Determined to become stronger to gain Sasuke’s acknowledgement, Naruto leaves to train with Jiraiya while Sakura undergoes training with Tsunade. Meanwhile, Orochimaru meets with Danzō, who promises to find someone as a suitable vessel for the former. Three years pass as the members of Team 7 continue their training and return to Konoha. After hearing of Sasuke’s increased prowess and performance rivalling the likes of Itachi and Shisui, Fugaku gives his son a rank of lieutenant in the Konoha Police Force.

Sasuke and Naruto engage in battle.

In the following weeks, Sasuke and his unit drastically reduce crime and disorder throughout the village, however they do so through exceedingly strict and aggressive means, causing an equal drop in morale throughout the villagers as the people grow nervous and distrusting of them. While Minato and Hiruzen are unsure of how to approach this as officially Sasuke’s unit has done nothing wrong, Naruto soon returns to the village after completing his training with Jiraiya. Upon his arrival, he stops Sasuke’s unit from harassing a old woman for opening up her shop too early. Eager to finally settle things with Naruto, Sasuke engages Naruto in battle. Their scuffle is quickly ended by the arrival of Danzō, who notes that Naruto has grown strong and that Sasuke is lacking what he could become.

As word begins spreading throughout the village about how Sasuke’s unit backed off from Naruto’s intrusion of their duties, Sasuke’s men began fearing that they lost the people’s respect and decided to arrest Naruto. They quickly intruded into Naruto’s home and threatened Kushina. This unauthorised act resulted in themselves being arrested. Fugaku, greatly displeased as Sasuke’s lack of maturity and morals, removed Sasuke from the Police Force completely. Further embittered by from getting no respect, Sasuke approached Danzō about his earlier words. The elder explained that he didn’t trust Naruto wielding the power of the Nine-Tails and wanted a good countermeasure against him. To which, he told Sasuke about Orochimaru, a Sannin like Naruto’s teacher Jiraiya, and where to find him. As Danzō contacted Orochimaru about his new potential host body in Sasuke, Sasuke made his choice to leave the village, knocking out the guards. He is then confronted by Kakashi, who questions his actions. Sasuke explains that while he is grateful of Kakashi, he is not satisfied with his progress and is going to «the other Sannin» to gain power before knocking Kakashi out with genjutsu. After waking up in the hospital, Kakashi informs Tsunade, along with Minato and Hiruzen, of Sasuke leaving to meet with Orochimaru. Wanting to avoid putting the Uchiha clan in a worse position, Minato orders an emergency lockdown and makes preparations to find Sasuke. Unknown to them, Sakura overhears everything and goes to tell Shikamaru, who asks the rest of Konoha 11 to meet in their old classroom.

Root blocking Sasuke’s rescue team.

Knowing Orochimaru only wants Sasuke as his next vessel and Sasuke is unaware of this, they agree to bring him back no matter what. Naruto and Shikamaru, the only ones required for the task, use a Kiba and Akamaru’s secret escape tunnel to sneak out of the village. Before leaving, Naruto promises to Sakura that he will bring Sasuke back. Kushina alerts Minato that Naruto snuck out of the house and his friends are acting suspicious, but Minato calms her down and assures her that Naruto is likely training elsewhere. Danzo sends four members of the Anbu out to stop Naruto and Shikamaru from reaching Sasuke, even giving them command to kill the two and anyone else who interferes. As Naruto and Shikamaru are attacked, Team Guy arrive to be a back-up. Seeing the Anbu is trying to kill them, including Naruto, Shikamaru realises these Anbu don’t serve Minato and Neji says he heard rumours of a secret faction of the Anbu called Root being led by someone else. The group decides to split up and allow Neji, Tenten, and Rock Lee deal with some of the Anbu while giving Naruto and Shikamaru time to catch up with Sasuke. Meanwhile, some members of the Akatsuki regroup after Deidara kills a group of Sand shinobi. It is revealed that Deidara was responsible for the explosion that killed Yahiko and Sasori lied to Nagato and Konan that Minato and Konoha were the culprits. Enraged, Nagato vowed revenge against the village and joined the Akatsuki.

Sage Naruto vs. Curse Mark Sasuke.

By the time they reach the tower Sasuke is at, Shikamaru orders Naruto get inside while he deals with another Anbu. Sasuke meets Orochimaru and demands power, which Orochimaru grants him by inflicting him with the Cursed Seal of Heaven. Naruto is stopped by another Anbu who possesses the Wood Release and a frustrated Naruto starts to fall under the Nine-Tails’ influence, forming four tails in the process. The Anbu tries to hold his transformation back but the desire to stop Sasuke allows Naruto to overcome the Nine-Tails and defeats the Anbu. When he finds Sasuke, who is already adapting to his new powers, Naruto is angry at Orochimaru for what he’s done to Sasuke, who challenges Naruto to a fight to test his new powers. Naruto enters Sage Mode and begins to fight him while vowing to bring Sasuke back with force if necessary. Sasuke summons Kirin and is able to impale Naruto, while confessing that he always hated Naruto for getting stronger. Naruto, shocked by Sasuke’s actions, admits that he always felt they were alike because they grew up in their fathers’ shadows and he always like being friends with Sasuke. Using the Nine-Tails’ chakra to heal himself, Naruto throws Sasuke his headband and Sasuke puts it on, acknowledges Naruto as an equal, and mocks Naruto he won’t be able to scratch it. Naruto subconsciously starts to use the Nine-Tails’ chakra while Sasuke enters his cursed seal second stage, and the two prepare to finish the battle with Chidori and Rasengan. Much to their shock, Itachi suddenly appears in the middle and is struck by Sasuke’s Chidori, asking Naruto to get along with his brother and pokes Sasuke’s forehead before disappearing as he «dies». Their attacks collides and Sasuke emerges as the winner as Naruto lays unconscious on the ground. Orochimaru picks up Sasuke’s headband and comments how entertained he is, and Sasuke leaves with Orochimaru while remembering his brother and awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Naruto is later found by his friends and learns that Sasuke got away. He, however, reaffirms his promise to Sakura and learns from Shikamaru that the Anbu retreated once Sasuke escaped, which makes him suspect that their mission was to make sure Sasuke got to Orochimaru. Back in Konoha, Tsunade informs Minato that Kakashi will be supervising during the night. Shizune alerts them that someone has entered in the village and they are confronted by Pain, whom Tsunade realises looks like Yahiko. When asked what he wanted, Pain declares his intent to make the village suffer for the pain it put him through by destroying the village that killed Yahiko, but Minato, Tsunade, and Shizune don’t know what he’s talking about. He uses True: Chibaku Tensei to encase the entire village in a satellite. By morning, Naruto and the others return to find the village has disappeared. They meet with Sakura, who explains she was on a mission and doesn’t know what happened. Neji uses his Byakugan and says the villagers are alive in the satellite. Naruto wants to rescue them but Sakura insists that he needs to recover from his injuries and heals him. They are confronted by the Six Paths of Pain and fight Naruto, who enters in Sage Mode. When normal jutsu doesn’t work, Minato comes up with a plan for him, Kushina, Hiruzen, and Tsunade to use the Four Red Yang Formation to prevent the walls from crushing them and buy them time. Naruto is able to take down all but one of the Pains until he is pinned down by Deva Path when the limit for Sage Mode runs out. Hinata enters the battlefield and declares she is not afraid to die protecting Naruto. However, she is easily defeated and impaled by Pain. Enraged by this, Naruto transforms into the six tailed stage and goes on a rampage against Pain, who tries to trap him in another Chibaku Tensei.

Naruto, Kushina, and the two halves of Nine-Tails join forces.

Sensing that the Nine-Tails’ chakra is unstable, Kushina and the others believe something is wrong with Naruto. Ino contacts Shikamaru and he informs them of Naruto’s situation. Kushina decides to meet with her son in his subconscious and transfer her half of the Nine-Tails into him, even though Minato warns her that it will kill her. Naruto vents his anger for Pain for what he’s done and asks the Nine-Tails for more chakra, but the beast points out Naruto is not able to properly control his powers. Naruto is surprised that Kushina is able to meet him and she explains how, when the Nine-Tails attacked the village, Minato sealed half of it into her and the other half into him because they had faith Naruto could control his powers. After explaining her decision to transfer her half of the Nine-Tails power into him to help him gain control of both Nine-Tails, Naruto initially protests because she will die but he decides to have faith in his mother.

Before doing so, the two Nine-Tails halves note that only giving half of Yin-Kurama’s chakra to Naruto will be more than enough to aid Naruto without sacrificing Kushina’s life. Agreeing to these terms, the mother and son bump fists, transferring the extra chakra into Naruto. Naruto then proceeds to enter an incomplete Tailed Beast Mode to break free of the Chikabku Tensei before enters in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode and charges at Pain. Rather than killing him, Naruto uses one of Pain’s Black Receiver to locate Nagato’s hideout. When they meet, Nagato justifies his actions as part of seeking to avenge Yahiko from Konoha, but Naruto insists Konoha always believed it was Nagato and his comrades who destroyed the village Yahiko died in. Nagato says he no longer cares who was responsible because it won’t bring back Yahiko. Naruto says he understands the pain of losing a comrade because Sasuke is in danger of becoming Orochimaru’s vessel but he truly believes they can reach an understanding because they are friends. Naruto also asks Nagato to let him join Team Jiraiya because not only he is a student of Jiraiya but he wants to cooperate with all the shinobi. Nagato is shocked of how similar Naruto’s words are to those Yahiko once spoke and releases the True Chibaku Tensei. The village is restored and everyone is unarmed, and Nagato and Konan disappear.

Sasori turns the Raikage, Mizukage, and Tsuchikage into puppets.

Minato thanks Fugaku for his service in protecting the village but says there are no leads on Itachi’s and Sasuke’s whereabouts. Fugaku feels guilty for neglecting Sasuke in favour of Itachi, but Minato assures him they are still likely getting along. At Orochimaru’s hideout, Sasuke attacks Orochimaru and kills him before collapsing and passing out from poison. When he wakes up, he recognises Sasori, who asks Sasuke why did he kill his brother and Sasuke looks at him sadly. Sasori goes on to say those who deserved to die didn’t and Sasuke decides it should have been Naruto who died rather than Itachi. As Sasori offers to have the Akatsuki help him, Sasuke announces his goal to destroy Konoha in order to get revenge on the village for controlling the Uchiha clan.

At Konoha, Tsunade informs Konoha 11 that Sasuke killed Orochimaru and is allying with the Akatsuki, as well as that the organisation has been attacking the other hidden villages and kidnapping several high ranking shinobi. With the intel Jiraiya has gathered, Naruto and his friends set out to the Akatsuki’s hideout. Sasori brings Hidan, Deidara, Kakuzu, Zetsu, and Sasuke to show them his puppet army which he says he amassed to rule the world. Sasuke seems doubtful of his decision and when Sasori confronts him, Sasuke explains he doesn’t want to destroy Konoha but he simply wants to change the ninja system. He also says he never agreed to join the Akatsuki. Sasori and the others learns Konoha 11 have reached the area and go out to confront them. Sasuke is shocked when he sees Itachi appear in front of him. Itachi says he actually survived from his injuries and he came back to make Sasuke realise the wrong path he was following before disappearing.

Team 7 faces Sasori and his Kage puppets.

Sasori, Deidara, Hidan, Kakuzu, and Zetsu face off against Konoha 11. Deidara places numerous explosives in the group, but Sasuke arrives and uses lightning to deactivate them, surprising Naruto and Sakura. Sasuke explains he still doesn’t consider them comrades but he will help them. Sasori reveals his true face and uses his puppet collection to fight them, but Minato, who had come back from a Kage Summit, arrives on the scene with Gaara and numerous other shinobi of the other villages to help. They seal away the puppets and Sasori faces off against Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Revealing that he turned the Raikage, Mizukage, and Tsuchikage into puppets, Sasori says he lost so much military strength for it and he had sought out Sasuke to make up for the loss, leading Sakura to realise Sasuke is innocent on the allegation of joining the Akatsuki. All three use the Summoning Technique, but Aoda is defeated. Jiraiya arrives with Nagato and Konan to assist, and say Naruto will be the new member of Team Jiraiya. Sasuke tries to fight alone, but Itachi arrives and saves Sasuke from the Mizukage’s Lava Release, berating him for not working with his comrades. The brothers both use their respective Susanoo and defeat the Kage puppets. Naruto tells Sasori that all he needs is his comrades before finishing him off with a combination of Rasenshuriken and Sasuke’s Kagutsuchi. With the battle over, Naruto asks Sasuke to return to the village so they can start over and be friends. Sasuke agrees to return, but says he will change the world in his own way.

Naruto and Sasuke’s final battle.

Back at the tower, Naruto reaffirms his vow to bring Sasuke back and they begin their battle. Sasuke explains they were destined to fight since they first met at their Academy entrance ceremony, but Naruto rebuffs this. Sasuke goes on that he had started wanting to surpass Naruto when the latter jumped in a river to save a puppy while Sasuke was too afraid of drowning, and this made Sasuke feel he was weak and prompted him to use any means to get stronger than Naruto. However, Sasuke also admits that while he hated the village for ostracising the Uchiha clan, he came to respect the Hokage for saving the clan from revolting and he started to acknowledge Naruto, which disgusts him now. Naruto uses shadow clones but Sasuke uses Susanoo and destroys the clones, except for one that is gathering chakra for Naruto to enter in Sage Mode. Naruto trades blows with Sasuke with his Rasenshuriken but their attacks destroy the tower and send them flying to the ground. Realising Sasuke is serious about killing him, Naruto asks the Nine-Tails to lend him some power and learns the beast’s name is Kurama. In Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, Naruto uses Tailed Beast Ball against Sasuke’s attacks but this drains them of chakra. They then punch each other in the face and are knocked down. Sasuke admits he was always jealous of Naruto and Naruto takes Sasuke’s hand, saying he will always be there as a friend. After this, Sasuke admits defeat, returns to the village, and all of Konoha 11, with Minato, Nagato, Konan, and Gaara pose for a photograph.

Tsunade dreams of being surrounded by her loved ones.

Tsunade is half-sleep and says it was a good ending. When she wakes up, she is surprised to see Jiraiya but it turns out to be Dan, who is wearing the Hokage hat. He tells her they are going to be late for the Five Kage Summit, and as they are walking down the hall, she sees Orochimaru and Jiraiya with Nawaki. She becomes enraged at Jiraiya for trying to give her brother a dirty book. In reality, Tsunade is trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi.


# Episode Title Japanese Airdate English Airdate
432 «The Loser Ninja» 1 October 2015 1 May 2018
433 «The Search Mission» 8 October 2015 1 May 2018
434 «Team Jiraiya » 15 October 2015 1 May 2018
435 «Order of Priority» 22 October 2015 1 May 2018
436 «The Masked Man» 5 November 2015 1 May 2018
437 «The Sealed Power» 12 November 2015 1 May 2018
438 «The Rules or a Comrade» 19 November 2015 1 May 2018
439 «The Child of Prophecy» 26 November 2015 1 May 2018
440 «The Caged Bird» 3 December 2015 1 May 2018
441 «Returning Home» 10 December 2015 1 May 2018
442 «The Mutual Path» 17 December 2015 1 May 2018
443 «The Difference in Power» 24 December 2015 1 May 2018
444 «Leaving the Village» 14 January 2016 1 May 2018
445 «Pursuers » 21 January 2016 28 August 2018
446 «Collision» 28 January 2016 28 August 2018
447 «Another Moon» 4 February 2016 28 August 2018
448 «Comrade» 11 February 2016 28 August 2018
449 «The Shinobi Unite» 18 February 2016 28 August 2018
450 «Rival» 25 February 2016 28 August 2018

Jiraiya Shinobi Handbook: The Tale of Naruto the Hero (自来也忍法帳〜ナルト豪傑物語, Jiraiya Ninpōchō ~ Naruto Gōketsu Monogatari) is an arc of the Naruto: Shippūden anime. It covers episodes 432 to 450. This arc focuses on a novel written by Jiraiya in a dream within Tsunade’s Infinite Tsukuyomi dream. In the novel, key aspects of Konohagakure and the shinobi world are different. It takes place early in-between the Kaguya Ōtsutsuki Strikes arc.


Tsunade is caught in the Infinite Tsukuyomi. In it, she falls asleep and dreams of being given Jiraiya’s latest work and recalls when he was still writing it. She begins reading it.

Part One

In the novel, Naruto lives in Konohagakure and is a member of Team Kakashi. His parents did not die during the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox’s Attack, in which the half of the Nine-Tails was sealed into him while the other half is sealed within his mother. The villagers dislike Naruto, but show him some respect as he is the Fourth Hokage’s son. People often accuse Naruto of favouritism due to this, which angers him. The Uchiha Clan Downfall also never happened as Minato and Hiruzen were able to succeed in negotiations; as such Itachi never defected the village, nor did Sasuke. Naruto begins to learn how to use the Nine-Tails’ chakra, and Nagato did not die from attacking Konoha and both he and Konan join Naruto later on. The Nine-Tails’ also had no interest in getting out of Naruto, but was helping to guide him to learn how to control its power, even telling Naruto it is too soon for him to wield its power or during his battle with the Six Paths of Pain that he is too angry to control its power properly.

Naruto and Neji confront the masked man.

Team Kakashi, Team Kurenai, Team Asuma, and Team Guy are given a mission to find experienced shinobi who have gone missing, under the assumption that as they’re recent Academy graduates, they won’t be targeted by whoever is behind the abductions. During the mission, the jōnin leaders are kidnapped. Akatsuki is revealed to be behind the abductions, and Team Asuma briefly battles Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato. The Konoha genin discover an abandoned village. In the village, Teams Kakashi and Guy briefly see their kidnapped allies, Naruto and Neji give chase, and end up meeting a masked man who possesses the Byakugan. Team Jiraiya goes down a sinkhole to rescue two children, who came back to the village, and end up fighting a couple of creatures in an underground lair.

Team Asuma aids Team Jiraiya in rescuing the children from the underground creatures. Chōji is attacked by one of them, and is saved by Nagato. The two teams return the children to their mother. Team Jiraiya thanks Team Asuma for coming to their aid, and surmises they also share some of Jiraiya’s values. Team Jiraiya asks them to join, but Team Asuma refuses, wanting to find Asuma. Shikamaru deduces Team Jiraiya does not want them dead, and is following orders from someone else. They prepare to fight again, but Team Jiraiya leaves just before they’re joined by Team Kurenai. Shikamaru does not tell them about Team Jiraiya, and decides they need to both report to Konohagakure and regroup with Teams Kakashi and Guy. Lee and Sasuke discuss about returning to the village or keep looking from their vanished team-mates and sensei. The masked man takes Naruto and Neji through a gate, where they are shown images from the Hyūga Affair. The three discuss the events witnessed, and the masked man asks Neji to join him and force change in Konohagakure. Elsewhere, Jiraiya finds one of Orochimaru’s compounds.

Being asked, Neji questions the masked man’s motives. He says that by changing how a village such as Konohagakure operates, the other hidden villages will follow, changing the world for the better. The masked man requests Neji to see what he means. Neji agrees to hear him out, and when Naruto tries to interfere, the masked man paralyses him. Neji promises to return to Naruto once he has seen what the masked man wants, and the two depart. Jiraiya ventures into Orochimaru’s hideout, and comes across a bandaged individual. Team Jiraiya reports to the masked man about the incident with the children, including how the Konoha genin eventually helped them, despite the directives of their mission. The masked man ponders about it, and instructs them to resume surveillance. Neji asks if the Konoha genin are his team-mates, which the masked man confirms, and asks Neji if he wants to see if they can change the future of shinobi. Naruto tries in vain to access the Nine-Tails’ chakra. Sasuke and Sakura discuss the mission’s situation. Lee and Tenten search for Neji and Guy, which Kiba smells from a distance. Hinata spots Neji and the masked man observing Sasuke and Sakura, as well as Sasori. Sasuke detects Sasori’s presence and attacks, and Sasori begins to fight the two. Teams Asuma and Kurenai head out towards Sasuke and Sakura. Lee and Tenten are attacked with explosive tags, directing them towards the same location. Sasori lands a hit on Sasuke, poisoning him. The Nine-Tails tries to convince Naruto to open the seal so it can use its chakra to aid Naruto. Jiraiya suddenly appears to Naruto.

The Konoha genin fighting against Sasori’s puppets.

During the battle against Hiruko, the masked man prevents Neji from coming to Sasuke and Sakura’s aid, assuring him he won’t let them be killed, insisting Neji watch the battle to witness their true selves. The masked men reminds Sasori of the mission, and Sasori begins attacking Sakura, who manages to dodge his attacks and land one of her own, causing Sasori to retreat. She proceeds to treat Sasuke, removing the poison in his system. The masked man tells Neji there is more to come. Jiraiya clears Naruto’s blocked tenketsu. Naruto asks him why he’s there, and he explains he’s searching for someone, and when he heard of what was happening, he had Minato transport him there using the sealing formula incorporated in Naruto’s seal. Jiraiya tells Naruto to try summoning a toad, but it fails. Jiraiya recalls Naruto’s training, and Naruto recalls training with Minato. Jiraiya offers to weaken the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style a bit. Lee and Tenten stop running, Tenten noticing they’re no longer under attack. They’re met by teams Asuma and Kurenai. The two update them on what has happened with Neji and Naruto. Kiba smells Sasuke and Sakura nearby, and Hinata spots Sasori near them. While Sakura heals him, Sasuke thinks back to his childhood. Sasuke looked forward spending time with Itachi, but Itachi was summoned by Minato, so he suggests Sasuke spend time with their father, who compares him unfavourably to Itachi when he tries the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique for the first time. Sasuke detects Sasori, who approaches them again and brings out his hundred puppets. The other genin reach the two, and the masked man retreats with Neji. Sasuke intends on getting reinforcements from Konoha. Team Jiraiya watches from afar, discussing the situation. Jiraiya weakens Naruto’s seal, causing him to develop four tails.

He then battles the four-tailed Naruto, who destroys his Chakra-Suppressing Seal. He manages to immobilise Naruto. Jiraiya thinks back to Gamamaru’s prophecy. Sasuke thinks back to being unfavourably compared to Itachi by their father and begins fighting Sasori’s puppets. The other genin join the fight to protect Sasuke. Team Jiraiya observes the fight. The masked man and Neji debate on the genin’s motivation to fight. Sasori reveals spare puppets. Naruto thinks back to his Rasengan training with Minato, and manages to suppress the Nine-Tails’ chakra. Jiraiya retreats, and sends Naruto to help his team-mates. Naruto manages to use the Rasengan, and uses it and several clones to dispatch Sasori’s puppets, causing him to retreat. The genin congratulate Naruto, and decide to look for their kidnapped team leaders. Neji asks the masked man if his test has yielded the results he expected, and surprises him by calling him father.

Hizashi is revealed to be the masked man.

Neji asks about the kidnapped shinobi, and the masked man tells him Team Jiraiya will take him there. The masked man leaves Neji to reunite with his comrades. The Konoha genin join as one team, and discuss how to find the kidnapped shinobi. They’re joined by Neji. The masked man appears to Team Jiraiya, Hidan, Kakuzu, and Sasori, telling them the test is over. Hidan, Kakuzu, and Sasori leave, while ordering Team Jiraiya to take the evacuated villagers back to their homes, as well as one other thing. Neji finishes explaining the nature of the experiment they participated in. Konan creates paper butterflies to lead the genin to the captured shinobi, and leaves with her team. The genin find the captured shinobi and release them. Kurenai asks them about the recent events, and the masked man arrives, offering to explain it himself. He removes his mask and bandages, revealing himself as a reincarnated Hizashi Hyūga. Neji explains the Hyūga Affair, and Hizashi explains how he was reincarnated by a bandaged man, and orchestrated the incident to ascertain if his death had effects on how Konohagakure handles its affairs. Hizashi and Neji discuss Neji’s motivations, and how there were changed after fighting Naruto. Neji’s words allow Hizashi to let go of his attachments, and his soul is released. Yahiko sets off to the village to return Komichi his teddy bear Kenta. An explosion suddenly wipes out the village, and Nagato spots Kenta damaged, and grows furious, believing Yahiko to have been killed.

Part Two

Minato teaching Naruto the enhancement of the Rasengan.

After retrieving their team leaders, the genin teams return to the village and Minato decides not to punish them for disobeying orders because their actions resulted in the mission’s success. After being scolded by his father and having a talk with his brother about the relation between the Uchiha and the village, Sasuke starts training with Kakashi to learn the Chidori. At the same time, Naruto undergoes training with Jiraiya and Minato to enhance the Rasengan. Increasingly jealous of Naruto becoming stronger, Sasuke starts treating his team-mates with disdain and, after being stopped by Minato while having a fight with Naruto, asks his father to have him transferred from Team 7 to the Konoha Military Police Force. Determined to become stronger to gain Sasuke’s acknowledgement, Naruto leaves to train with Jiraiya while Sakura undergoes training with Tsunade. Meanwhile, Orochimaru meets with Danzō, who promises to find someone as a suitable vessel for the former. Three years pass as the members of Team 7 continue their training and return to Konoha. After hearing of Sasuke’s increased prowess and performance rivalling the likes of Itachi and Shisui, Fugaku gives his son a rank of lieutenant in the Konoha Police Force.

Sasuke and Naruto engage in battle.

In the following weeks, Sasuke and his unit drastically reduce crime and disorder throughout the village, however they do so through exceedingly strict and aggressive means, causing an equal drop in morale throughout the villagers as the people grow nervous and distrusting of them. While Minato and Hiruzen are unsure of how to approach this as officially Sasuke’s unit has done nothing wrong, Naruto soon returns to the village after completing his training with Jiraiya. Upon his arrival, he stops Sasuke’s unit from harassing a old woman for opening up her shop too early. Eager to finally settle things with Naruto, Sasuke engages Naruto in battle. Their scuffle is quickly ended by the arrival of Danzō, who notes that Naruto has grown strong and that Sasuke is lacking what he could become.

As word begins spreading throughout the village about how Sasuke’s unit backed off from Naruto’s intrusion of their duties, Sasuke’s men began fearing that they lost the people’s respect and decided to arrest Naruto. They quickly intruded into Naruto’s home and threatened Kushina. This unauthorised act resulted in themselves being arrested. Fugaku, greatly displeased as Sasuke’s lack of maturity and morals, removed Sasuke from the Police Force completely. Further embittered by from getting no respect, Sasuke approached Danzō about his earlier words. The elder explained that he didn’t trust Naruto wielding the power of the Nine-Tails and wanted a good countermeasure against him. To which, he told Sasuke about Orochimaru, a Sannin like Naruto’s teacher Jiraiya, and where to find him. As Danzō contacted Orochimaru about his new potential host body in Sasuke, Sasuke made his choice to leave the village, knocking out the guards. He is then confronted by Kakashi, who questions his actions. Sasuke explains that while he is grateful of Kakashi, he is not satisfied with his progress and is going to «the other Sannin» to gain power before knocking Kakashi out with genjutsu. After waking up in the hospital, Kakashi informs Tsunade, along with Minato and Hiruzen, of Sasuke leaving to meet with Orochimaru. Wanting to avoid putting the Uchiha clan in a worse position, Minato orders an emergency lockdown and makes preparations to find Sasuke. Unknown to them, Sakura overhears everything and goes to tell Shikamaru, who asks the rest of Konoha 11 to meet in their old classroom.

Root blocking Sasuke’s rescue team.

Knowing Orochimaru only wants Sasuke as his next vessel and Sasuke is unaware of this, they agree to bring him back no matter what. Naruto and Shikamaru, the only ones required for the task, use a Kiba and Akamaru’s secret escape tunnel to sneak out of the village. Before leaving, Naruto promises to Sakura that he will bring Sasuke back. Kushina alerts Minato that Naruto snuck out of the house and his friends are acting suspicious, but Minato calms her down and assures her that Naruto is likely training elsewhere. Danzo sends four members of the Anbu out to stop Naruto and Shikamaru from reaching Sasuke, even giving them command to kill the two and anyone else who interferes. As Naruto and Shikamaru are attacked, Team Guy arrive to be a back-up. Seeing the Anbu is trying to kill them, including Naruto, Shikamaru realises these Anbu don’t serve Minato and Neji says he heard rumours of a secret faction of the Anbu called Root being led by someone else. The group decides to split up and allow Neji, Tenten, and Rock Lee deal with some of the Anbu while giving Naruto and Shikamaru time to catch up with Sasuke. Meanwhile, some members of the Akatsuki regroup after Deidara kills a group of Sand shinobi. It is revealed that Deidara was responsible for the explosion that killed Yahiko and Sasori lied to Nagato and Konan that Minato and Konoha were the culprits. Enraged, Nagato vowed revenge against the village and joined the Akatsuki.

Sage Naruto vs. Curse Mark Sasuke.

By the time they reach the tower Sasuke is at, Shikamaru orders Naruto get inside while he deals with another Anbu. Sasuke meets Orochimaru and demands power, which Orochimaru grants him by inflicting him with the Cursed Seal of Heaven. Naruto is stopped by another Anbu who possesses the Wood Release and a frustrated Naruto starts to fall under the Nine-Tails’ influence, forming four tails in the process. The Anbu tries to hold his transformation back but the desire to stop Sasuke allows Naruto to overcome the Nine-Tails and defeats the Anbu. When he finds Sasuke, who is already adapting to his new powers, Naruto is angry at Orochimaru for what he’s done to Sasuke, who challenges Naruto to a fight to test his new powers. Naruto enters Sage Mode and begins to fight him while vowing to bring Sasuke back with force if necessary. Sasuke summons Kirin and is able to impale Naruto, while confessing that he always hated Naruto for getting stronger. Naruto, shocked by Sasuke’s actions, admits that he always felt they were alike because they grew up in their fathers’ shadows and he always like being friends with Sasuke. Using the Nine-Tails’ chakra to heal himself, Naruto throws Sasuke his headband and Sasuke puts it on, acknowledges Naruto as an equal, and mocks Naruto he won’t be able to scratch it. Naruto subconsciously starts to use the Nine-Tails’ chakra while Sasuke enters his cursed seal second stage, and the two prepare to finish the battle with Chidori and Rasengan. Much to their shock, Itachi suddenly appears in the middle and is struck by Sasuke’s Chidori, asking Naruto to get along with his brother and pokes Sasuke’s forehead before disappearing as he «dies». Their attacks collides and Sasuke emerges as the winner as Naruto lays unconscious on the ground. Orochimaru picks up Sasuke’s headband and comments how entertained he is, and Sasuke leaves with Orochimaru while remembering his brother and awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Naruto is later found by his friends and learns that Sasuke got away. He, however, reaffirms his promise to Sakura and learns from Shikamaru that the Anbu retreated once Sasuke escaped, which makes him suspect that their mission was to make sure Sasuke got to Orochimaru. Back in Konoha, Tsunade informs Minato that Kakashi will be supervising during the night. Shizune alerts them that someone has entered in the village and they are confronted by Pain, whom Tsunade realises looks like Yahiko. When asked what he wanted, Pain declares his intent to make the village suffer for the pain it put him through by destroying the village that killed Yahiko, but Minato, Tsunade, and Shizune don’t know what he’s talking about. He uses True: Chibaku Tensei to encase the entire village in a satellite. By morning, Naruto and the others return to find the village has disappeared. They meet with Sakura, who explains she was on a mission and doesn’t know what happened. Neji uses his Byakugan and says the villagers are alive in the satellite. Naruto wants to rescue them but Sakura insists that he needs to recover from his injuries and heals him. They are confronted by the Six Paths of Pain and fight Naruto, who enters in Sage Mode. When normal jutsu doesn’t work, Minato comes up with a plan for him, Kushina, Hiruzen, and Tsunade to use the Four Red Yang Formation to prevent the walls from crushing them and buy them time. Naruto is able to take down all but one of the Pains until he is pinned down by Deva Path when the limit for Sage Mode runs out. Hinata enters the battlefield and declares she is not afraid to die protecting Naruto. However, she is easily defeated and impaled by Pain. Enraged by this, Naruto transforms into the six tailed stage and goes on a rampage against Pain, who tries to trap him in another Chibaku Tensei.

Naruto, Kushina, and the two halves of Nine-Tails join forces.

Sensing that the Nine-Tails’ chakra is unstable, Kushina and the others believe something is wrong with Naruto. Ino contacts Shikamaru and he informs them of Naruto’s situation. Kushina decides to meet with her son in his subconscious and transfer her half of the Nine-Tails into him, even though Minato warns her that it will kill her. Naruto vents his anger for Pain for what he’s done and asks the Nine-Tails for more chakra, but the beast points out Naruto is not able to properly control his powers. Naruto is surprised that Kushina is able to meet him and she explains how, when the Nine-Tails attacked the village, Minato sealed half of it into her and the other half into him because they had faith Naruto could control his powers. After explaining her decision to transfer her half of the Nine-Tails power into him to help him gain control of both Nine-Tails, Naruto initially protests because she will die but he decides to have faith in his mother.

Before doing so, the two Nine-Tails halves note that only giving half of Yin-Kurama’s chakra to Naruto will be more than enough to aid Naruto without sacrificing Kushina’s life. Agreeing to these terms, the mother and son bump fists, transferring the extra chakra into Naruto. Naruto then proceeds to enter an incomplete Tailed Beast Mode to break free of the Chikabku Tensei before enters in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode and charges at Pain. Rather than killing him, Naruto uses one of Pain’s Black Receiver to locate Nagato’s hideout. When they meet, Nagato justifies his actions as part of seeking to avenge Yahiko from Konoha, but Naruto insists Konoha always believed it was Nagato and his comrades who destroyed the village Yahiko died in. Nagato says he no longer cares who was responsible because it won’t bring back Yahiko. Naruto says he understands the pain of losing a comrade because Sasuke is in danger of becoming Orochimaru’s vessel but he truly believes they can reach an understanding because they are friends. Naruto also asks Nagato to let him join Team Jiraiya because not only he is a student of Jiraiya but he wants to cooperate with all the shinobi. Nagato is shocked of how similar Naruto’s words are to those Yahiko once spoke and releases the True Chibaku Tensei. The village is restored and everyone is unarmed, and Nagato and Konan disappear.

Sasori turns the Raikage, Mizukage, and Tsuchikage into puppets.

Minato thanks Fugaku for his service in protecting the village but says there are no leads on Itachi’s and Sasuke’s whereabouts. Fugaku feels guilty for neglecting Sasuke in favour of Itachi, but Minato assures him they are still likely getting along. At Orochimaru’s hideout, Sasuke attacks Orochimaru and kills him before collapsing and passing out from poison. When he wakes up, he recognises Sasori, who asks Sasuke why did he kill his brother and Sasuke looks at him sadly. Sasori goes on to say those who deserved to die didn’t and Sasuke decides it should have been Naruto who died rather than Itachi. As Sasori offers to have the Akatsuki help him, Sasuke announces his goal to destroy Konoha in order to get revenge on the village for controlling the Uchiha clan.

At Konoha, Tsunade informs Konoha 11 that Sasuke killed Orochimaru and is allying with the Akatsuki, as well as that the organisation has been attacking the other hidden villages and kidnapping several high ranking shinobi. With the intel Jiraiya has gathered, Naruto and his friends set out to the Akatsuki’s hideout. Sasori brings Hidan, Deidara, Kakuzu, Zetsu, and Sasuke to show them his puppet army which he says he amassed to rule the world. Sasuke seems doubtful of his decision and when Sasori confronts him, Sasuke explains he doesn’t want to destroy Konoha but he simply wants to change the ninja system. He also says he never agreed to join the Akatsuki. Sasori and the others learns Konoha 11 have reached the area and go out to confront them. Sasuke is shocked when he sees Itachi appear in front of him. Itachi says he actually survived from his injuries and he came back to make Sasuke realise the wrong path he was following before disappearing.

Team 7 faces Sasori and his Kage puppets.

Sasori, Deidara, Hidan, Kakuzu, and Zetsu face off against Konoha 11. Deidara places numerous explosives in the group, but Sasuke arrives and uses lightning to deactivate them, surprising Naruto and Sakura. Sasuke explains he still doesn’t consider them comrades but he will help them. Sasori reveals his true face and uses his puppet collection to fight them, but Minato, who had come back from a Kage Summit, arrives on the scene with Gaara and numerous other shinobi of the other villages to help. They seal away the puppets and Sasori faces off against Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Revealing that he turned the Raikage, Mizukage, and Tsuchikage into puppets, Sasori says he lost so much military strength for it and he had sought out Sasuke to make up for the loss, leading Sakura to realise Sasuke is innocent on the allegation of joining the Akatsuki. All three use the Summoning Technique, but Aoda is defeated. Jiraiya arrives with Nagato and Konan to assist, and say Naruto will be the new member of Team Jiraiya. Sasuke tries to fight alone, but Itachi arrives and saves Sasuke from the Mizukage’s Lava Release, berating him for not working with his comrades. The brothers both use their respective Susanoo and defeat the Kage puppets. Naruto tells Sasori that all he needs is his comrades before finishing him off with a combination of Rasenshuriken and Sasuke’s Kagutsuchi. With the battle over, Naruto asks Sasuke to return to the village so they can start over and be friends. Sasuke agrees to return, but says he will change the world in his own way.

Naruto and Sasuke’s final battle.

Back at the tower, Naruto reaffirms his vow to bring Sasuke back and they begin their battle. Sasuke explains they were destined to fight since they first met at their Academy entrance ceremony, but Naruto rebuffs this. Sasuke goes on that he had started wanting to surpass Naruto when the latter jumped in a river to save a puppy while Sasuke was too afraid of drowning, and this made Sasuke feel he was weak and prompted him to use any means to get stronger than Naruto. However, Sasuke also admits that while he hated the village for ostracising the Uchiha clan, he came to respect the Hokage for saving the clan from revolting and he started to acknowledge Naruto, which disgusts him now. Naruto uses shadow clones but Sasuke uses Susanoo and destroys the clones, except for one that is gathering chakra for Naruto to enter in Sage Mode. Naruto trades blows with Sasuke with his Rasenshuriken but their attacks destroy the tower and send them flying to the ground. Realising Sasuke is serious about killing him, Naruto asks the Nine-Tails to lend him some power and learns the beast’s name is Kurama. In Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, Naruto uses Tailed Beast Ball against Sasuke’s attacks but this drains them of chakra. They then punch each other in the face and are knocked down. Sasuke admits he was always jealous of Naruto and Naruto takes Sasuke’s hand, saying he will always be there as a friend. After this, Sasuke admits defeat, returns to the village, and all of Konoha 11, with Minato, Nagato, Konan, and Gaara pose for a photograph.

Tsunade dreams of being surrounded by her loved ones.

Tsunade is half-sleep and says it was a good ending. When she wakes up, she is surprised to see Jiraiya but it turns out to be Dan, who is wearing the Hokage hat. He tells her they are going to be late for the Five Kage Summit, and as they are walking down the hall, she sees Orochimaru and Jiraiya with Nawaki. She becomes enraged at Jiraiya for trying to give her brother a dirty book. In reality, Tsunade is trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi.


# Episode Title Japanese Airdate English Airdate
432 «The Loser Ninja» 1 October 2015 1 May 2018
433 «The Search Mission» 8 October 2015 1 May 2018
434 «Team Jiraiya » 15 October 2015 1 May 2018
435 «Order of Priority» 22 October 2015 1 May 2018
436 «The Masked Man» 5 November 2015 1 May 2018
437 «The Sealed Power» 12 November 2015 1 May 2018
438 «The Rules or a Comrade» 19 November 2015 1 May 2018
439 «The Child of Prophecy» 26 November 2015 1 May 2018
440 «The Caged Bird» 3 December 2015 1 May 2018
441 «Returning Home» 10 December 2015 1 May 2018
442 «The Mutual Path» 17 December 2015 1 May 2018
443 «The Difference in Power» 24 December 2015 1 May 2018
444 «Leaving the Village» 14 January 2016 1 May 2018
445 «Pursuers » 21 January 2016 28 August 2018
446 «Collision» 28 January 2016 28 August 2018
447 «Another Moon» 4 February 2016 28 August 2018
448 «Comrade» 11 February 2016 28 August 2018
449 «The Shinobi Unite» 18 February 2016 28 August 2018
450 «Rival» 25 February 2016 28 August 2018

Дзирайя тяжёлым ружьём сокрушает огромную змею, охотившуюся на жаб. Работа Утагавы Куниёси

Запросы «Дзирайя», «Цунадэ» и «Оротимару» перенаправляются сюда. О персонажах аниме и манги «Наруто» см. Дзирайя (Наруто), Цунадэ (Наруто), Оротимару (Наруто).

Сказание о храбром Дзирайе (яп. 児雷也 豪傑 譚 Дзирайя го:кэцу моногатари?) — японская серия рассказов, создававшаяся разными авторами на протяжении нескольких десятков лет в конце периода Эдо. Главным героем серии является Дзирайя, ниндзя, владеющий магией и способный призывать жаб.


Огата Сюма Хироюки (яп. 尾形 周馬 弘行?), молодой потомок могущественного рода, владеющего землями на Кюсю, вынужден спасаться бегством после нападения врагов на за́мок его семьи. Оказавшись в провинции Этиго, Огата, или Дзирайя, становится преступником. Он пытается напасть на бессмертного отшельника, живущего на вершине горы Мёко (яп. 妙高山?), но тот легко избегает нападения. Отшельник обучает Дзирайю призывать жаб — по его просьбе жабы увеличиваются в размерах и могут перевозить большие грузы, — а также превращаться в жабу. После этого Дзирайя становится благородным разбойником: вместе со своими людьми грабит богатых и помогает бедным. Он женится на Цунадэ (яп. 綱手?), молодой красавице, способной вызывать или превращаться в большую улитку. Позже одного из разбойников Дзирайи, Ясягоро (яп. 夜叉五郎?), околдовывает змея, и он сам получает способность превращаться в огромного змея. Ясягоро, или Оротимару (яп. 大蛇丸?, от «ороти» — огромный змей), нападает на Дзирайю. Тот обороняется вместе с женой, но оба падают без сознания от змеиного яда. Другой разбойник, преданный Дзирайе, приходит ему на помощь. На этом месте история, не закончившись, обрывается.

Интересно отметить, что основными возможностями волшебников японцы полагали вызов или превращение в жаб, змей, улиток, птиц или пауков, причём эти способности сочетались как в игре «камень, ножницы, бумага»[1].

История создания

Первое упоминание о персонаже по имени Дзирайя появляется в книге «Дзирайя моногатари» (яп. 自来也 説話?, «История о Дзирайе», встречается также чтение Дзирайя сэцува), которую написал Канватэй Онитакэ (яп. 感和亭 鬼武). Главным героем книги был благородный разбойник по имени Дзирайя. По ней была создана постановка для японского кукольного театра дзёрури[2]. «Сказание о храбром Дзирайе» было основано на этой работе; в период с 1839 по 1868 год несколько авторов написали 43 главы «Сказания», однако на момент прекращения оно не было завершено. «Сказание» пользовалось популярностью среди читателей: в библиотеке Эдо оно было вторым по количеству имевшихся экземпляров[3].

Драматург Каватакэ Мокуами (яп. 河竹 黙阿弥?) поставил одноимённую пьесу для театра кабуки, впервые демонстрировавшуюся в эдоском театре Каварадзаки-дза в июле 1852 года. Главную роль Дзирайи исполнял актёр Итикава Дандзюро VIII (англ.)[4], а роль его противника Оротимару — отец актёра, Итикава Дандзюро VII (англ.)[5]. Утагава Кунисада, один из известнейших художников укиё-э, изображал этих актёров, играющих роли персонажей «Сказания о храбром Дзирайе», на своих гравюрах[6]. В 1921 году режиссёр Сёдзо Макино (англ.) снял фильм «Гокэцу Дзирайя» (яп. 豪傑 児雷也?), главную роль в котором исполнял Мацуносукэ Оноэ (англ.)[7]. Персонажи «Сказания о храбром Дзирайе» продолжают оказывать влияние на современную японскую мангу и компьютерные игры.


  1. The Gallant Jiraiya  (англ.). Kiseido.com.(недоступная ссылка — история) Проверено 9 сентября 2009.
  2. Andrew Lawrence Markus The willow in autumn: Ryūtei Tanehiko, 1783-1842. — Harvard Univ Asia Center, 1992. — С. 37. — 290 с. — ISBN 9780674953512
  3. Markus, С. 243
  4. Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII  (англ.). Kabuki21.com. Архивировано из первоисточника 7 апреля 2012. Проверено 9 сентября 2009.
  5. Ichikawa Ebizô V  (англ.). Kabuki21.com. Архивировано из первоисточника 7 апреля 2012. Проверено 9 сентября 2009.
  6. Scenes from Kabuki plays from 1852 Triptychs part 3  (англ.). Kunisada.de. Архивировано из первоисточника 7 апреля 2012. Проверено 9 сентября 2009.
  7. 豪傑児雷也. JMDB. Архивировано из первоисточника 7 апреля 2012. Проверено 12 сентября 2009.

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