Как пишется абдулла на английском

Транслит мужского имени Абдулла: Abdulla

Написание имени Абдулла в транслите или латиницей (латинскими или английскими буквами). Это может вам пригодиться, например, при написании имени Абдулла в загранпаспорте, при бронировани билетов, при покупке по интернету и т.д.

Значение имени «Абдулла»

раб Божий

Значение букв в имени «Абдулла»

А — властность, сила

Б — постоянство, целеустремленность

Д — общительность, капризность

У — пугливость, интуиция, ранимость

Л — логика, артистичность, мелочность

Л — логика, артистичность, мелочность

А — властность, сила

Популярные мужские имена

  • Маннаф
  • Джалаль
  • Дильдабек
  • Хайям
  • Насреддин
  • Ахмад, Ахмет
  • Дауд
  • Инсаф
  • Мифтах
  • Фируз
  • Рашид, Рашад
  • Джабраил
  • Бахти
  • Шихабутдин
  • Марван
  • Назип
  • Хамид
  • Фахри
  • Аюп, Аюб
  • Мухаммаддарвиш
  • Галым
  • Майсур
  • Канбар, Канбер
  • Айбат
  • Фаик
  • Жами
  • Пахрудин
  • Асим
  • Кабир
  • Альфир
  • Раид
  • Уидад
  • Казбек
  • Чопан
  • Мушариф
  • Хабибуддин
  • Муху
  • Хуссейн
  • Иззутдин
  • Шарап
  • Апанди
  • Назарали
  • Ардаш
  • Кямал
  • Кяусар
  • Фиряль
  • Алиаскар
  • Уисааль
  • Рашад
  • Сейфуддин

Имена по национальностям

  • Абхазские
  • Калмыкские
  • Аварские
  • Китайские
  • Азербайджанские
  • Кхмерские
  • Албанские
  • Литовские
  • Американские
  • Норвежские
  • Английские
  • Осетинские
  • Персидские
  • Арабские
  • Римские
  • Арамейские
  • Румынские
  • Армянские
  • Русские
  • Ассирийские
  • Афганские
  • Сербские
  • Африканские
  • Сирийские
  • Афроамериканские
  • Скандинавские
  • Ацтекские
  • Славянские
  • Бакские
  • Словенские
  • Болгарские
  • Таджикские
  • Бурятские
  • Тайские
  • Ведические
  • Татарские
  • Венгерские
  • Тевтонские
  • Гавайские
  • Тибетские
  • Германские
  • Турецкие
  • Голландские
  • Тюркские
  • Греческие
  • Финские
  • Грузинские
  • Французские
  • Дагестанские
  • Халдейские
  • Хорватские
  • Датские
  • Цыганские
  • Еврейские
  • Чаморро
  • Египетские
  • Чеченские
  • Индийские
  • Чешские
  • Индиш
  • Шведские
  • Индонезийские
  • Швейцарские
  • Иранские
  • Шотландские
  • Ирландские
  • Эсперанто
  • Исландские
  • Якутские
  • Испанские
  • Японские
  • Казахские

Фамилии по национальностям

  • Американские
  • Английские
  • Белорусские
  • Болгарские
  • Еврейские
  • Индийские
  • Испанские
  • Итальянские
  • Казахские
  • Китайские
  • Немецкие
  • Русские
  • Украинские
  • Французские
  • Японские

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abd Allah

Pronunciation [ʕɑbˈdɑl.lɑ, ʕæb-, -ˈdel.læ, ʕæbdʊlˈɫɑː(h)]
Gender Male
Language(s) Arabic
Meaning Servant of God
Other names
Variant form(s) Abdallah, Abdellah, Abdollah, Abdullah and many other

Abd Allah (Arabic: عبدالله, romanized: ʻAbd Allāh), also spelled Abdallah, Abdellah, Abdollah, Abdullah , Abdulla , Abdalla and many others, is an Arabic name meaning «Servant of God». It is built from the Arabic words ʻabd (عبد) and Allāh (الله). Although the first letter «a» in Allāh, as the first letter of the article al-, is usually unstressed in Arabic, it is usually stressed in the pronunciation of this name. The variants Abdollah and Abdullah represent the elision of this «a» following the «u» of the literary Arabic nominative case (pronounced [o] in Persian). Abd Allah is one of many Arabic theophoric names, meaning servant of God. God’s Follower is also a meaning of this name.

Humility before God is an essential value of Islam, hence Abdullah is a common name among Muslims. However, the name of the Islamic prophet Muhammad’s father was Abdullah. The prophet’s father died before his birth, which indicates that the name was already in use in pre-Islamic Arabia.

It is also common among Mizrahi Jews, especially Iraqi Jews and Syrian Jews. The name is cognate to and has the same meaning as the Hebrew Abdiel and, more commonly, Obadiah. There were two Jewish Rabbis in Medina before Islam came; they were Abdullah ibn Salam and Abdullah ibn Shuria. Abdullah ibn Saba was a Yemenite Jew during the spread of Islam.

The variant used in the Russian language is «Абдулла́» (Abdulla) (cf. Fedul, which has similar origins), with «Абду́л» (Abdul) and «Габдулла́» (Gabdulla) often used in Adyghe.[1] The Spanish variant is Abdala.

The Christian Arabic Bible uses the word Allah for God. Presently in the Middle East, the name is sometimes used by Christians as a given or family name.[2]

Given name[edit]

Abd Allah[edit]

  • Abd Allah ibn Muhammad, son of Muhammad
  • Abd Allah ibn Uthman, son of third caliph Uthman
  • Abd Allah ibn Abd Allah, companion of Muhammad
  • Abd Allah ibn Abi Bakr, son of caliph Abu Bakr
  • Abd Allah ibn Saba, Jewish anti-Rashidun rebel
  • Abd Allah ibn Salam, Jewish convert to Islam
  • Abd Allah ibn Ubayy (died 631), leading inhabitant of Medina and contemporary of Muhammad
  • Abd Allah ibn Umar (610–693 CE), narrator of hadith
  • Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr, (died 692), ruler of the 8th-century Zubayrid Caliphate
  • Abd Allah ibn Yazid, an Umayyad prince and Military leader
  • Abd Allah ibn Harun al-Rashid (died 833 CE), better known by his regnal name al-Ma’mun, seventh Abbasid caliph
  • Abd-Allah ibn Musa al-Hadi, an Abbasid prince and son of Caliph Al-Hadi


  • Abdalla El-Masri, Lebanese composer
  • Abdalla Hamdok, most recent Sudanese president, who was deposed in a coup


  • Abdallah Abdalsalam (born 1983), Egyptian volleyball player
  • Abdallah al-Adil (1224–1227), Caliph of Morocco
  • Abdallah Aich (born 1995), Lebanese footballer
  • Abdallah ibn Amir, Rashidun politician and military officer
  • Abdallah Djaballah (born 1956), Algerian politician
  • Abdallah Kamal (1965–2014), Egyptian journalist and politician
  • Abdallah El Maaroufi (1944–2011), Moroccan diplomat
  • Abdallah ibn al-Mu’tazz (861–908), Arab poet
  • Abdallah Saaf (born 1949), Moroccan academic and politician
  • Abdallah ibn Sa’d, Arab administrator and commander
  • Abdallah Shihiri, politician of the Somali Dervish movement
  • Abdallah Somekh (1813–1889), Iraqi rabbi
  • Abdallah El-Yafi (1901–1986), Lebanese politician


  • Abdelilah Saber (born 1974), Moroccan association football player


  • Abdellah Béhar (born 1963), French runner
  • Abdellah Blinda (born 1951), Moroccan association football manager
  • Abdellah Liegeon (born 1957), Algerian association football player
  • Abdellah Ouzghar, Canadian and Moroccan, arrested after attacks of Sept 11, 2001


  • Abdollah Jassbi, Iranian academic
  • Abdollah Mojtabavi, Iranian sport wrestler
  • Abdollah Movahed, Iranian sport wrestler
  • Abdollah Nouri, Iranian reformist politician
  • Abdollah Ramezanzadeh, Iranian academic
  • Abdollah Shahbazi, Iranian researcher
  • Seyyed Abdollah Fateminia, Iranian Cleric
  • Abdollah Javadi-Amoli, Iranian Cleric


  • Abdulai Bell-Baggie, English association football player
  • Abdulai Conteh, Sierra Leonean politician


  • Abdulah Gegić (1924–2008), Yugoslav football coach and doctor of sciences in the veterinary field
  • Abdulah Ibraković, Bosnian professional football manager
  • Abdulah Muhasilović, Bosnian army chaplain
  • Abdulah Mutapčić, Bosnian politician
  • Abdulah Nakaš (1944–2005), Bosnian surgeon
  • Abdulah Oruč, Bosnian professional football manager
  • Abdulah Sidran, Bosnian poet
  • Abdulah Skaka, Bosnian politician


  • Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib (545–570), the father of Muhammad
  • Abdullah I (disambiguation), multiple rulers
  • Abdullah II (disambiguation), multiple rulers
  • Abdullah (Chagatai Khanate) (died 1359), ruler of the Chagatai
  • Abdullah (Ismaili Mustaali Missionary), first Ismaili, Fatimid, mustaali saint to reach India, c. 1067 AD
  • Abdullah ibn Abbas, narrator of hadith
  • Abdullah Abdullah (born 1960), the former foreign minister of Afghanistan
  • Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah (1963–2020), al-Qaeda terrorist
  • Abdullah al-Amiri, judge in the trial of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein who was replaced after allegations of bias
  • Abdullah Anderson (born 1996), American football player
  • Abdullah Atalar (born 1954), Turkish academic
  • Abdullah Avcı (born 1963), Turkish association football manager
  • Abdullah Aydoğdu (born 1991), Turkish Paralympian goalball player
  • Abdullah Yusuf Azzam (1941–1989), Islamist leader, assassinated in 1989
  • Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (born 1939), Prime Minister of Malaysia (2003–2009)
  • Abdullah el Baqui (1886–1952), Bengali Islamic scholar, writer and politician
  • Abdullah Baybaşin, Turkish mob boss
  • Abdullah Bishara (born 1936), Kuwaiti diplomat
  • Abdullah Bughra, Emir of the First East Turkestan Republic
  • Abdullah Cevdet, Turkish physician
  • Abdullah Çatlı, Turkish convicted drug trafficker
  • Abdullah Al Damluji, Iraqi physician and politician
  • Abdullah Demirbaş (born 1966), Turkish politician
  • Abdullah Durak (born 1987), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah Ercan (born 1971), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah Gül (born 1950), Turkish politician and former President
  • Abdullah Halman (born 1987), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah bin Suleiman Al Hamdan (1887–1965), Saudi Arabian politician and businessman
  • Abdullah al-Harari, Islamic scholar
  • Abdullah I of Jordan (1882–1951), Emir of Transjordan (1921–1946) and King of Jordan (1946–1951)
  • Abdullah II of Jordan (born 1962), King of Jordan since 1999
  • Abdullah İçel, Turkish-Belgian futsal player
  • Abdullah Abdul Kadir (1796–1854), early 19th century Malay writer
  • Abdullah Khadr, Canadian ex-prisoner of the «War on Terror»
  • Abdullah bin Ahmad Al Khalifa (1769–1849), ruler of Bahrain between 1821 and 1843
  • Abdullah Khan (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Abdullah Kobayashi, born Yosuke Kobayashi, Japanese wrestler
  • Abdullah al Mahmood, Bengali politician and former minister in Pakistan
  • Abdullah Malallah, Emirati association football player
  • Abdullah al Mamun (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Abdullah Mando, Syrian footballer
  • Abdullah ibn Masud (died 652), a companion of Muhammad
  • Abdullah Mirza (1410–1451), ruler of the Timurid Empire
  • Abdullah Morsi, son of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi
  • Abdullah Muhammad Shah II of Perak, one of the parties to the Pangkor Treaty of 1874
  • Abdullah Abbas Nadwi, Islamic scholar
  • Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, United Arab Emirati politician
  • Abdullah Nangyal, Pashtun human rights activist and one of the leaders of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement
  • Abdullah Al Nuaimi, Emirati engineer and politician
  • Abdullah Oğuz, Turkish film director
  • Abdullah Öcalan (born 1948), Kurdish opposition leader and founder of the Kurdistan Workers Party
  • Abdullah Öztürk (born 1989), Turkish para table tennis player
  • Abdullah of Pahang (b. 1959), King of Malaysia and Sultan of Pahang
  • Abdullah bin Ali Al Rashid (1788–1848), founder of the Emirate of Jabal Shammar
  • Abdullah bin Ghazi (1935–1998), Pakistani religious scholar and founder of Faridia University, Islamabad
  • Abdullah Al Rasi (1929–1994), Lebanese physician and politician
  • Abdullah ibn Rawaha (C. 590–629), general in the Battle of Mut’ah
  • Abdullah bin Saud Al Saud (died 1819), Ruler of the First Saudi State
  • Abdullah bin Faisal Al Saud (1831–1889), Ruler of the Emirate of Diriyah
  • Abdullah bin Faisal Al Saud (1923–2007), Saudi royal and businessman
  • Abdullah bin Thunayan Al Saud (died 1843), Emir of Nejd
  • Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (1924–2015), Former ruler of Saudi Arabia
  • Abdullah bin Muhammad Al Sheikh (1751–1829), Wahhabi scholar
  • Abdullah Elyasa Süme (born 1983), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah Tal (1918–1973), Jordanian soldier
  • Abdullah Al Thani (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ovadia Yosef (1920–2013), Israeli rabbi, born Abdullah Youssef



  • Ahmad Abdalla, Egyptian film director
  • Ali Abdalla, Eritrean long-distance runner
  • Asha Ahmed Abdalla, Somali politician
  • Khalid Abdalla, British actor


  • Sallamah Umm Abdallah, was the spouse of Muhammad ibn Ali and mother of Al-Mansur.
  • Marajil also known as Umm Abdallah. She was the mother of Abbasid caliph Al-Ma’mun.
  • Abu Makhlad Abdallah, Iranian statesman from Tabaristan
  • Ali al-Abdallah, Syrian writer and human rights activist
  • Gene G. Abdallah (1934–2019), American politician
  • Mohamed Abdallah (born Nov 1975), British citizen with African origin, A Chartered Accountant with ACCA and CPA(T)


  • Faye Glenn Abdellah (1919–2017), American nurse
  • Nacer Abdellah (born 1966), Moroccan footballer


  • Clive Abdulah (born 1927), former Bishop of Trinidad


  • Abdul Abdullah (born 1986), Australian artist, brother of artist Abdul-Rahman Abdullah
  • Abdul Rahman Abdullah, Muslim name of Donny Meluda, armed robber
  • Abdul-Rahman Abdullah (born 1977), Australian artist, brother of artist Abdul Abdullah
  • Abdullah Abdullah (born 1960), former foreign minister of Afghanistan
  • Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah (1963–2020), al-Qaeda terrorist
  • Adel Abdullah (born 1984), Syrian association football player
  • Ameer Abdullah (born 1993), American football running back
  • Bilal Abdullah (born 1980), British doctor of Iraqi descent behind the 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack
  • Chelsea Abdullah (fl. 2022), Kuwaiti American novelist
  • Husain Abdullah (born 1985), American football safety for the Minnesota Vikings
  • Khalid Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Majed Abdullah (born 1959), former Saudi Arabian footballer
  • Mohamed Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Farah Zeynep Abdullah (born 1989), Turkish actress
  • Mansoor Abdullah, Singaporean convicted killer
  • Mohammed Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Muhammad Kho Abdullah (1984–2016), Muslim name of Kho Jabing, convicted Malaysian killer
  • Nadhem Abdullah, Iraqi murdered during the Occupation of Iraq
  • Omar Abdullah (born 1970), last Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir
  • Rahim Abdullah (born 1976), former American football player
  • Raja Abdullah bin Raja Jaafar, a participant in the Klang War
  • Salem Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Salwa Abdullah (born 1953), Syrian politician
  • Sheikh Abdullah (1905–1982), known as Sher-e-Kashmir, first Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir
  • Tewfik Abdullah (born 1896), Egyptian footballer

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Abdul Alhazred, sometimes referred to as Abdullah Alhazred
  • Abdullah (comics), from The Adventures of Tintin by Hergé
  • Abdullah the Butcher, born Lawrence Shreve, Canadian wrestler
  • Abdullah ibn al-Wahhab from the Amelia Peabody series, foreman for the Emerson family’s archeological excavation sites
  • Abdullah, main protagonist of Castle in the Air, the sequel to Howl’s Moving Castle

See also[edit]


  • Abdala
  • Abdollah (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah I (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah II (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah Al Mamun (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah Khan (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah Al Thani (disambiguation)
  • Abdullahi
  • Abu Abdullah
  • Khalid Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • King Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Mohamed Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Mohammed Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Raja Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Salem Abdullah (disambiguation)


  • Arabic name
  • Dasa
  • Turkish name
  • List of Arabic theophoric names



  1. ^ Superanskaya, p. 20
  2. ^ MCEACHEN, BEN (January 28, 2021). «LEILA ABDALLAH: ‘IF IT WASN’T FOR MY FAITH, I WOULDN’T BE STANDING WHERE I AM TODAY». Retrieved January 31, 2021.


  • А. В. Суперанская (A. V. Superanskaya). «Современный словарь личных имён: Сравнение. Происхождение. Написание» (Modern Dictionary of First Names: Comparison. Origins. Spelling). Айрис-пресс. Москва, 2005. ISBN 5-8112-1399-9

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abd Allah

Pronunciation [ʕɑbˈdɑl.lɑ, ʕæb-, -ˈdel.læ, ʕæbdʊlˈɫɑː(h)]
Gender Male
Language(s) Arabic
Meaning Servant of God
Other names
Variant form(s) Abdallah, Abdellah, Abdollah, Abdullah and many other

Abd Allah (Arabic: عبدالله, romanized: ʻAbd Allāh), also spelled Abdallah, Abdellah, Abdollah, Abdullah , Abdulla , Abdalla and many others, is an Arabic name meaning «Servant of God». It is built from the Arabic words ʻabd (عبد) and Allāh (الله). Although the first letter «a» in Allāh, as the first letter of the article al-, is usually unstressed in Arabic, it is usually stressed in the pronunciation of this name. The variants Abdollah and Abdullah represent the elision of this «a» following the «u» of the literary Arabic nominative case (pronounced [o] in Persian). Abd Allah is one of many Arabic theophoric names, meaning servant of God. God’s Follower is also a meaning of this name.

Humility before God is an essential value of Islam, hence Abdullah is a common name among Muslims. However, the name of the Islamic prophet Muhammad’s father was Abdullah. The prophet’s father died before his birth, which indicates that the name was already in use in pre-Islamic Arabia.

It is also common among Mizrahi Jews, especially Iraqi Jews and Syrian Jews. The name is cognate to and has the same meaning as the Hebrew Abdiel and, more commonly, Obadiah. There were two Jewish Rabbis in Medina before Islam came; they were Abdullah ibn Salam and Abdullah ibn Shuria. Abdullah ibn Saba was a Yemenite Jew during the spread of Islam.

The variant used in the Russian language is «Абдулла́» (Abdulla) (cf. Fedul, which has similar origins), with «Абду́л» (Abdul) and «Габдулла́» (Gabdulla) often used in Adyghe.[1] The Spanish variant is Abdala.

The Christian Arabic Bible uses the word Allah for God. Presently in the Middle East, the name is sometimes used by Christians as a given or family name.[2]

Given name[edit]

Abd Allah[edit]

  • Abd Allah ibn Muhammad, son of Muhammad
  • Abd Allah ibn Uthman, son of third caliph Uthman
  • Abd Allah ibn Abd Allah, companion of Muhammad
  • Abd Allah ibn Abi Bakr, son of caliph Abu Bakr
  • Abd Allah ibn Saba, Jewish anti-Rashidun rebel
  • Abd Allah ibn Salam, Jewish convert to Islam
  • Abd Allah ibn Ubayy (died 631), leading inhabitant of Medina and contemporary of Muhammad
  • Abd Allah ibn Umar (610–693 CE), narrator of hadith
  • Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr, (died 692), ruler of the 8th-century Zubayrid Caliphate
  • Abd Allah ibn Yazid, an Umayyad prince and Military leader
  • Abd Allah ibn Harun al-Rashid (died 833 CE), better known by his regnal name al-Ma’mun, seventh Abbasid caliph
  • Abd-Allah ibn Musa al-Hadi, an Abbasid prince and son of Caliph Al-Hadi


  • Abdalla El-Masri, Lebanese composer
  • Abdalla Hamdok, most recent Sudanese president, who was deposed in a coup


  • Abdallah Abdalsalam (born 1983), Egyptian volleyball player
  • Abdallah al-Adil (1224–1227), Caliph of Morocco
  • Abdallah Aich (born 1995), Lebanese footballer
  • Abdallah ibn Amir, Rashidun politician and military officer
  • Abdallah Djaballah (born 1956), Algerian politician
  • Abdallah Kamal (1965–2014), Egyptian journalist and politician
  • Abdallah El Maaroufi (1944–2011), Moroccan diplomat
  • Abdallah ibn al-Mu’tazz (861–908), Arab poet
  • Abdallah Saaf (born 1949), Moroccan academic and politician
  • Abdallah ibn Sa’d, Arab administrator and commander
  • Abdallah Shihiri, politician of the Somali Dervish movement
  • Abdallah Somekh (1813–1889), Iraqi rabbi
  • Abdallah El-Yafi (1901–1986), Lebanese politician


  • Abdelilah Saber (born 1974), Moroccan association football player


  • Abdellah Béhar (born 1963), French runner
  • Abdellah Blinda (born 1951), Moroccan association football manager
  • Abdellah Liegeon (born 1957), Algerian association football player
  • Abdellah Ouzghar, Canadian and Moroccan, arrested after attacks of Sept 11, 2001


  • Abdollah Jassbi, Iranian academic
  • Abdollah Mojtabavi, Iranian sport wrestler
  • Abdollah Movahed, Iranian sport wrestler
  • Abdollah Nouri, Iranian reformist politician
  • Abdollah Ramezanzadeh, Iranian academic
  • Abdollah Shahbazi, Iranian researcher
  • Seyyed Abdollah Fateminia, Iranian Cleric
  • Abdollah Javadi-Amoli, Iranian Cleric


  • Abdulai Bell-Baggie, English association football player
  • Abdulai Conteh, Sierra Leonean politician


  • Abdulah Gegić (1924–2008), Yugoslav football coach and doctor of sciences in the veterinary field
  • Abdulah Ibraković, Bosnian professional football manager
  • Abdulah Muhasilović, Bosnian army chaplain
  • Abdulah Mutapčić, Bosnian politician
  • Abdulah Nakaš (1944–2005), Bosnian surgeon
  • Abdulah Oruč, Bosnian professional football manager
  • Abdulah Sidran, Bosnian poet
  • Abdulah Skaka, Bosnian politician


  • Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib (545–570), the father of Muhammad
  • Abdullah I (disambiguation), multiple rulers
  • Abdullah II (disambiguation), multiple rulers
  • Abdullah (Chagatai Khanate) (died 1359), ruler of the Chagatai
  • Abdullah (Ismaili Mustaali Missionary), first Ismaili, Fatimid, mustaali saint to reach India, c. 1067 AD
  • Abdullah ibn Abbas, narrator of hadith
  • Abdullah Abdullah (born 1960), the former foreign minister of Afghanistan
  • Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah (1963–2020), al-Qaeda terrorist
  • Abdullah al-Amiri, judge in the trial of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein who was replaced after allegations of bias
  • Abdullah Anderson (born 1996), American football player
  • Abdullah Atalar (born 1954), Turkish academic
  • Abdullah Avcı (born 1963), Turkish association football manager
  • Abdullah Aydoğdu (born 1991), Turkish Paralympian goalball player
  • Abdullah Yusuf Azzam (1941–1989), Islamist leader, assassinated in 1989
  • Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (born 1939), Prime Minister of Malaysia (2003–2009)
  • Abdullah el Baqui (1886–1952), Bengali Islamic scholar, writer and politician
  • Abdullah Baybaşin, Turkish mob boss
  • Abdullah Bishara (born 1936), Kuwaiti diplomat
  • Abdullah Bughra, Emir of the First East Turkestan Republic
  • Abdullah Cevdet, Turkish physician
  • Abdullah Çatlı, Turkish convicted drug trafficker
  • Abdullah Al Damluji, Iraqi physician and politician
  • Abdullah Demirbaş (born 1966), Turkish politician
  • Abdullah Durak (born 1987), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah Ercan (born 1971), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah Gül (born 1950), Turkish politician and former President
  • Abdullah Halman (born 1987), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah bin Suleiman Al Hamdan (1887–1965), Saudi Arabian politician and businessman
  • Abdullah al-Harari, Islamic scholar
  • Abdullah I of Jordan (1882–1951), Emir of Transjordan (1921–1946) and King of Jordan (1946–1951)
  • Abdullah II of Jordan (born 1962), King of Jordan since 1999
  • Abdullah İçel, Turkish-Belgian futsal player
  • Abdullah Abdul Kadir (1796–1854), early 19th century Malay writer
  • Abdullah Khadr, Canadian ex-prisoner of the «War on Terror»
  • Abdullah bin Ahmad Al Khalifa (1769–1849), ruler of Bahrain between 1821 and 1843
  • Abdullah Khan (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Abdullah Kobayashi, born Yosuke Kobayashi, Japanese wrestler
  • Abdullah al Mahmood, Bengali politician and former minister in Pakistan
  • Abdullah Malallah, Emirati association football player
  • Abdullah al Mamun (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Abdullah Mando, Syrian footballer
  • Abdullah ibn Masud (died 652), a companion of Muhammad
  • Abdullah Mirza (1410–1451), ruler of the Timurid Empire
  • Abdullah Morsi, son of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi
  • Abdullah Muhammad Shah II of Perak, one of the parties to the Pangkor Treaty of 1874
  • Abdullah Abbas Nadwi, Islamic scholar
  • Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, United Arab Emirati politician
  • Abdullah Nangyal, Pashtun human rights activist and one of the leaders of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement
  • Abdullah Al Nuaimi, Emirati engineer and politician
  • Abdullah Oğuz, Turkish film director
  • Abdullah Öcalan (born 1948), Kurdish opposition leader and founder of the Kurdistan Workers Party
  • Abdullah Öztürk (born 1989), Turkish para table tennis player
  • Abdullah of Pahang (b. 1959), King of Malaysia and Sultan of Pahang
  • Abdullah bin Ali Al Rashid (1788–1848), founder of the Emirate of Jabal Shammar
  • Abdullah bin Ghazi (1935–1998), Pakistani religious scholar and founder of Faridia University, Islamabad
  • Abdullah Al Rasi (1929–1994), Lebanese physician and politician
  • Abdullah ibn Rawaha (C. 590–629), general in the Battle of Mut’ah
  • Abdullah bin Saud Al Saud (died 1819), Ruler of the First Saudi State
  • Abdullah bin Faisal Al Saud (1831–1889), Ruler of the Emirate of Diriyah
  • Abdullah bin Faisal Al Saud (1923–2007), Saudi royal and businessman
  • Abdullah bin Thunayan Al Saud (died 1843), Emir of Nejd
  • Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (1924–2015), Former ruler of Saudi Arabia
  • Abdullah bin Muhammad Al Sheikh (1751–1829), Wahhabi scholar
  • Abdullah Elyasa Süme (born 1983), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah Tal (1918–1973), Jordanian soldier
  • Abdullah Al Thani (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ovadia Yosef (1920–2013), Israeli rabbi, born Abdullah Youssef



  • Ahmad Abdalla, Egyptian film director
  • Ali Abdalla, Eritrean long-distance runner
  • Asha Ahmed Abdalla, Somali politician
  • Khalid Abdalla, British actor


  • Sallamah Umm Abdallah, was the spouse of Muhammad ibn Ali and mother of Al-Mansur.
  • Marajil also known as Umm Abdallah. She was the mother of Abbasid caliph Al-Ma’mun.
  • Abu Makhlad Abdallah, Iranian statesman from Tabaristan
  • Ali al-Abdallah, Syrian writer and human rights activist
  • Gene G. Abdallah (1934–2019), American politician
  • Mohamed Abdallah (born Nov 1975), British citizen with African origin, A Chartered Accountant with ACCA and CPA(T)


  • Faye Glenn Abdellah (1919–2017), American nurse
  • Nacer Abdellah (born 1966), Moroccan footballer


  • Clive Abdulah (born 1927), former Bishop of Trinidad


  • Abdul Abdullah (born 1986), Australian artist, brother of artist Abdul-Rahman Abdullah
  • Abdul Rahman Abdullah, Muslim name of Donny Meluda, armed robber
  • Abdul-Rahman Abdullah (born 1977), Australian artist, brother of artist Abdul Abdullah
  • Abdullah Abdullah (born 1960), former foreign minister of Afghanistan
  • Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah (1963–2020), al-Qaeda terrorist
  • Adel Abdullah (born 1984), Syrian association football player
  • Ameer Abdullah (born 1993), American football running back
  • Bilal Abdullah (born 1980), British doctor of Iraqi descent behind the 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack
  • Chelsea Abdullah (fl. 2022), Kuwaiti American novelist
  • Husain Abdullah (born 1985), American football safety for the Minnesota Vikings
  • Khalid Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Majed Abdullah (born 1959), former Saudi Arabian footballer
  • Mohamed Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Farah Zeynep Abdullah (born 1989), Turkish actress
  • Mansoor Abdullah, Singaporean convicted killer
  • Mohammed Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Muhammad Kho Abdullah (1984–2016), Muslim name of Kho Jabing, convicted Malaysian killer
  • Nadhem Abdullah, Iraqi murdered during the Occupation of Iraq
  • Omar Abdullah (born 1970), last Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir
  • Rahim Abdullah (born 1976), former American football player
  • Raja Abdullah bin Raja Jaafar, a participant in the Klang War
  • Salem Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Salwa Abdullah (born 1953), Syrian politician
  • Sheikh Abdullah (1905–1982), known as Sher-e-Kashmir, first Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir
  • Tewfik Abdullah (born 1896), Egyptian footballer

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Abdul Alhazred, sometimes referred to as Abdullah Alhazred
  • Abdullah (comics), from The Adventures of Tintin by Hergé
  • Abdullah the Butcher, born Lawrence Shreve, Canadian wrestler
  • Abdullah ibn al-Wahhab from the Amelia Peabody series, foreman for the Emerson family’s archeological excavation sites
  • Abdullah, main protagonist of Castle in the Air, the sequel to Howl’s Moving Castle

See also[edit]


  • Abdala
  • Abdollah (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah I (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah II (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah Al Mamun (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah Khan (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah Al Thani (disambiguation)
  • Abdullahi
  • Abu Abdullah
  • Khalid Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • King Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Mohamed Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Mohammed Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Raja Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Salem Abdullah (disambiguation)


  • Arabic name
  • Dasa
  • Turkish name
  • List of Arabic theophoric names



  1. ^ Superanskaya, p. 20
  2. ^ MCEACHEN, BEN (January 28, 2021). «LEILA ABDALLAH: ‘IF IT WASN’T FOR MY FAITH, I WOULDN’T BE STANDING WHERE I AM TODAY». Retrieved January 31, 2021.


  • А. В. Суперанская (A. V. Superanskaya). «Современный словарь личных имён: Сравнение. Происхождение. Написание» (Modern Dictionary of First Names: Comparison. Origins. Spelling). Айрис-пресс. Москва, 2005. ISBN 5-8112-1399-9

Абдулла — перевод на английский


Лакнан Абдулла

Laknan Abdullah.

Шейх Абдулла арестован.

Sheik Abdullah has been arrested…

Что у нас сегодня, Абдулла?

What is it tonight, Abdullah?

Показать ещё примеры для «abdullah»…


Абдулла, ты знаешь, как добраться до Дерах?

Abdalla, how do I get to Derah?

Фатен Кхалед и Фатима Абдулла.

Faten Khaled and Fatima Abdalla.

Абдулааззиз, Рашад, Абдулла.

Abulazziz, Rashed, Abdalla.

Абдулла, смотри.

Abdalla, look!

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Просто Абдулла не хозяин в собственном доме.

Abdullah, simply put, is not master of his own house.



Это главный сигнал, — говорит работающий в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах политолог Абдулхалек Абдулла (Abdulkhaleq Abdulla).

That’s the key message,’’ said Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, a U.A.E.-based political analyst.


Словосочетания (5)

  1. Абдулла Абдулла — Abdullah Abdullah
  2. Абдулла Гюль — Abdullah Gül
  3. Абдулла Шахид — Abdulla Shahid
  4. аль Абдулла — al Abdulla
  5. Турки Мубарак Абдулла Ахмад аль-Бинали — Turki Mubarak Abdullah Ahmad al-Binali


Просто Абдулла не хозяин в собственном доме.
Abdullah, simply put, is not master of his own house.

Это главный сигнал, — говорит работающий в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах политолог Абдулхалек Абдулла (Abdulkhaleq Abdulla).
That’s the key message,’’ said Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, a U.A.E.-based political analyst.

И король Абдулла, и президент Салих понимают проблему;
Both King Abdullah and President Salih understand the problem;

Верховенство закона на Мальдивах неуклонно ослабевало, с тех пор как в 2013 году к власти пришёл президент Абдулла Ямин.
The rule of law in the Maldives has been steadily deteriorating ever since President Abdulla Yameen came to power in 2013.

Так почему же Абдулла не выполняет свои обещания?
So why is Abdullah not exercising leadership?


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  • 1

    Новый русско-английский словарь > Абдулла

  • 2
    Мухаммад ибн Абдулла

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Мухаммад ибн Абдулла

См. также в других словарях:

  • Абдулла — Абдулла, Абдулла Абдулла Абдулла перс. عبدالله عبدالله …   Википедия

  • Абдулла — Раб Бога. Мужские мусульманские имена. Словарь значений …   Словарь личных имен

  • Абдулла II — Абдалла ибн Хуссейн араб. عبد الله الثاني بن الحسين‎‎ Абдалла ибн Хуссейн …   Википедия

  • Абдулла, Абдулла — Абдулла Абдулла пушту عبدالله عبدالله …   Википедия

  • Абдулла ибн Масуд — (ум. в 32/653) один из самых известных сподвижников пророка Мухаммада выдающийся мусульманский ученый и правовед. Родился в Мекке. В молодости Абдулла был пастухом. Он одним из первых принял Ислам и после этого не разлучался с пророком. В Мекке… …   Ислам. Энциклопедический словарь.

  • Абдулла ибн Абд аль-Мутталиб — (араб. عبدالله بن عبد المطلب‎‎) Имя при рождении: Абдулла ибн Абд аль Мутталиб Пол: Муж. Рождение: 545(0545), Мекка Смерть: 570 …   Википедия

  • Абдулла ибн Аббас — (ум. в 68/687) известный сподвижник пророка Мухаммада, мусульманский ученый и правовед. Сын Аббаса дяди пророка Мухаммада. Родился в Мекке приблизительно за три года до хиджры. Мальчик рос при пророке Мухаммаде, и с раннего возраста учился у него …   Ислам. Энциклопедический словарь.

  • Абдулла Гюль — Abdullah Gül Абдулла Гюль во время визита в Бразилию 19 января 2005 года …   Википедия

  • Абдулла ибн Омар — (погиб в 74/693) один из самых известных сподвижников пророка Мухаммада, сын Омара ибн Хаттаба. Родился в Мекке приблизительно через три года после начала пророчества Мухаммада, либо за год до этого. Абдулла принял Ислам с ранних лет, и совершил… …   Ислам. Энциклопедический словарь.

  • Абдулла ибн Зубайр — (1/622 73/692) известный мусульманский политический деятель и сподвижник пророка Мухаммада. Сын Зубайра ибн Аввама. Родился в 1 году хиджры. Был знатоком толкования Корана, мусульманского права, хадисов. В его передаче известно свыше 30 хадисов.… …   Ислам. Энциклопедический словарь.

  • Абдулла Ахмад Бадави — Абдулла Ахмад Бадави …   Википедия

Abd Allah (Arabic: عبدالله, romanized: ʻAbd Allāh), also spelled Abdallah, Abdellah, Abdollah, Abdullah , Abdulla , Abdalla and many others, is an Arabic name meaning «Servant of God». It is built from the Arabic words ʻabd (عبد) and Allāh (الله). Although the first letter «a» in Allāh, as the first letter of the article al-, is usually unstressed in Arabic, it is usually stressed in the pronunciation of this name. The variants Abdollah and Abdullah represent the elision of this «a» following the «u» of the literary Arabic nominative case (pronounced [o] in Persian). Abd Allah is one of many Arabic theophoric names, meaning servant of God. God’s Follower is also a meaning of this name.

Abd Allah

Pronunciation [ʕɑbˈdɑl.lɑ, ʕæb-, -ˈdel.læ, ʕæbdʊlˈɫɑː(h)]
Gender Male
Language(s) Arabic
Meaning Servant of God
Other names
Variant form(s) Abdallah, Abdellah, Abdollah, Abdullah and many other

Humility before God is an essential value of Islam, hence Abdullah is a common name among Muslims. However, the name of the Islamic prophet Muhammad’s father was Abdullah. The prophet’s father died before his birth, which indicates that the name was already in use in pre-Islamic Arabia.

It is also common among Mizrahi Jews, especially Iraqi Jews and Syrian Jews. The name is cognate to and has the same meaning as the Hebrew Abdiel and, more commonly, Obadiah. There were two Jewish Rabbis in Medina before Islam came; they were Abdullah ibn Salam and Abdullah ibn Shuria. Abdullah ibn Saba was a Yemenite Jew during the spread of Islam.

The variant used in the Russian language is «Абдулла́» (Abdulla) (cf. Fedul, which has similar origins), with «Абду́л» (Abdul) and «Габдулла́» (Gabdulla) often used in Adyghe.[1] The Spanish variant is Abdala.

The Christian Arabic Bible uses the word Allah for God. Presently in the Middle East, the name is sometimes used by Christians as a given or family name.[2]

Given nameEdit

Abd AllahEdit

  • Abd Allah ibn Muhammad, son of Muhammad
  • Abd Allah ibn Uthman, son of third caliph Uthman
  • Abd Allah ibn Abd Allah, companion of Muhammad
  • Abd Allah ibn Abi Bakr, son of caliph Abu Bakr
  • Abd Allah ibn Saba, Jewish anti-Rashidun rebel
  • Abd Allah ibn Salam, Jewish convert to Islam
  • Abd Allah ibn Ubayy (died 631), leading inhabitant of Medina and contemporary of Muhammad
  • Abd Allah ibn Umar (610–693 CE), narrator of hadith
  • Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr, (died 692), ruler of the 8th-century Zubayrid Caliphate
  • Abd Allah ibn Yazid, an Umayyad prince and Military leader
  • Abd Allah ibn Harun al-Rashid (died 833 CE), better known by his regnal name al-Ma’mun, seventh Abbasid caliph
  • Abd-Allah ibn Musa al-Hadi, an Abbasid prince and son of Caliph Al-Hadi


  • Abdalla El-Masri, Lebanese composer
  • Abdalla Hamdok, most recent Sudanese president, who was deposed in a coup


  • Abdallah Abdalsalam (born 1983), Egyptian volleyball player
  • Abdallah al-Adil (1224–1227), Caliph of Morocco
  • Abdallah Aich (born 1995), Lebanese footballer
  • Abdallah ibn Amir, Rashidun politician and military officer
  • Abdallah Djaballah (born 1956), Algerian politician
  • Abdallah Kamal (1965–2014), Egyptian journalist and politician
  • Abdallah El Maaroufi (1944–2011), Moroccan diplomat
  • Abdallah ibn al-Mu’tazz (861–908), Arab poet
  • Abdallah Saaf (born 1949), Moroccan academic and politician
  • Abdallah ibn Sa’d, Arab administrator and commander
  • Abdallah Shihiri, politician of the Somali Dervish movement
  • Abdallah Somekh (1813–1889), Iraqi rabbi
  • Abdallah El-Yafi (1901–1986), Lebanese politician


  • Abdelilah Saber (born 1974), Moroccan association football player


  • Abdellah Béhar (born 1963), French runner
  • Abdellah Blinda (born 1951), Moroccan association football manager
  • Abdellah Liegeon (born 1957), Algerian association football player
  • Abdellah Ouzghar, Canadian and Moroccan, arrested after attacks of Sept 11, 2001


  • Abdollah Jassbi, Iranian academic
  • Abdollah Mojtabavi, Iranian sport wrestler
  • Abdollah Movahed, Iranian sport wrestler
  • Abdollah Nouri, Iranian reformist politician
  • Abdollah Ramezanzadeh, Iranian academic
  • Abdollah Shahbazi, Iranian researcher
  • Seyyed Abdollah Fateminia, Iranian Cleric
  • Abdollah Javadi-Amoli, Iranian Cleric


  • Abdulai Bell-Baggie, English association football player
  • Abdulai Conteh, Sierra Leonean politician


  • Abdulah Gegić (1924–2008), Yugoslav football coach and doctor of sciences in the veterinary field
  • Abdulah Ibraković, Bosnian professional football manager
  • Abdulah Muhasilović, Bosnian army chaplain
  • Abdulah Mutapčić, Bosnian politician
  • Abdulah Nakaš (1944–2005), Bosnian surgeon
  • Abdulah Oruč, Bosnian professional football manager
  • Abdulah Sidran, Bosnian poet
  • Abdulah Skaka, Bosnian politician


  • Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib (545–570), the father of Muhammad
  • Abdullah I (disambiguation), multiple rulers
  • Abdullah II (disambiguation), multiple rulers
  • Abdullah (Chagatai Khanate) (died 1359), ruler of the Chagatai
  • Abdullah (Ismaili Mustaali Missionary), first Ismaili, Fatimid, mustaali saint to reach India, c. 1067 AD
  • Abdullah ibn Abbas, narrator of hadith
  • Abdullah Abdullah (born 1960), the former foreign minister of Afghanistan
  • Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah (1963–2020), al-Qaeda terrorist
  • Abdullah al-Amiri, judge in the trial of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein who was replaced after allegations of bias
  • Abdullah Anderson (born 1996), American football player
  • Abdullah Atalar (born 1954), Turkish academic
  • Abdullah Avcı (born 1963), Turkish association football manager
  • Abdullah Aydoğdu (born 1991), Turkish Paralympian goalball player
  • Abdullah Yusuf Azzam (1941–1989), Islamist leader, assassinated in 1989
  • Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (born 1939), Prime Minister of Malaysia (2003–2009)
  • Abdullah el Baqui (1886–1952), Bengali Islamic scholar, writer and politician
  • Abdullah Baybaşin, Turkish mob boss
  • Abdullah Bishara (born 1936), Kuwaiti diplomat
  • Abdullah Bughra, Emir of the First East Turkestan Republic
  • Abdullah Cevdet, Turkish physician
  • Abdullah Çatlı, Turkish convicted drug trafficker
  • Abdullah Al Damluji, Iraqi physician and politician
  • Abdullah Demirbaş (born 1966), Turkish politician
  • Abdullah Durak (born 1987), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah Ercan (born 1971), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah Gül (born 1950), Turkish politician and former President
  • Abdullah Halman (born 1987), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah bin Suleiman Al Hamdan (1887–1965), Saudi Arabian politician and businessman
  • Abdullah al-Harari, Islamic scholar
  • Abdullah I of Jordan (1882–1951), Emir of Transjordan (1921–1946) and King of Jordan (1946–1951)
  • Abdullah II of Jordan (born 1962), King of Jordan since 1999
  • Abdullah İçel, Turkish-Belgian futsal player
  • Abdullah Abdul Kadir (1796–1854), early 19th century Malay writer
  • Abdullah Khadr, Canadian ex-prisoner of the «War on Terror»
  • Abdullah bin Ahmad Al Khalifa (1769–1849), ruler of Bahrain between 1821 and 1843
  • Abdullah Khan (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Abdullah Kobayashi, born Yosuke Kobayashi, Japanese wrestler
  • Abdullah al Mahmood, Bengali politician and former minister in Pakistan
  • Abdullah Malallah, Emirati association football player
  • Abdullah al Mamun (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Abdullah Mando, Syrian footballer
  • Abdullah ibn Masud (died 652), a companion of Muhammad
  • Abdullah Mirza (1410–1451), ruler of the Timurid Empire
  • Abdullah Morsi, son of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi
  • Abdullah Muhammad Shah II of Perak, one of the parties to the Pangkor Treaty of 1874
  • Abdullah Abbas Nadwi, Islamic scholar
  • Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, United Arab Emirati politician
  • Abdullah Nangyal, Pashtun human rights activist and one of the leaders of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement
  • Abdullah Al Nuaimi, Emirati engineer and politician
  • Abdullah Oğuz, Turkish film director
  • Abdullah Öcalan (born 1948), Kurdish opposition leader and founder of the Kurdistan Workers Party
  • Abdullah Öztürk (born 1989), Turkish para table tennis player
  • Abdullah of Pahang (b. 1959), King of Malaysia and Sultan of Pahang
  • Abdullah bin Ali Al Rashid (1788–1848), founder of the Emirate of Jabal Shammar
  • Abdullah bin Ghazi (1935–1998), Pakistani religious scholar and founder of Faridia University, Islamabad
  • Abdullah Al Rasi (1929–1994), Lebanese physician and politician
  • Abdullah ibn Rawaha (C. 590–629), general in the Battle of Mut’ah
  • Abdullah bin Saud Al Saud (died 1819), Ruler of the First Saudi State
  • Abdullah bin Faisal Al Saud (1831–1889), Ruler of the Emirate of Diriyah
  • Abdullah bin Faisal Al Saud (1923–2007), Saudi royal and businessman
  • Abdullah bin Thunayan Al Saud (died 1843), Emir of Nejd
  • Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (1924–2015), Former ruler of Saudi Arabia
  • Abdullah bin Muhammad Al Sheikh (1751–1829), Wahhabi scholar
  • Abdullah Elyasa Süme (born 1983), Turkish association football player
  • Abdullah Tal (1918–1973), Jordanian soldier
  • Abdullah Al Thani (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ovadia Yosef (1920–2013), Israeli rabbi, born Abdullah Youssef



  • Ahmad Abdalla, Egyptian film director
  • Ali Abdalla, Eritrean long-distance runner
  • Asha Ahmed Abdalla, Somali politician
  • Khalid Abdalla, British actor


  • Sallamah Umm Abdallah, was the spouse of Muhammad ibn Ali and mother of Al-Mansur.
  • Marajil also known as Umm Abdallah. She was the mother of Abbasid caliph Al-Ma’mun.
  • Abu Makhlad Abdallah, Iranian statesman from Tabaristan
  • Ali al-Abdallah, Syrian writer and human rights activist
  • Gene G. Abdallah (1934–2019), American politician
  • Mohamed Abdallah (born Nov 1975), British citizen with African origin, A Chartered Accountant with ACCA and CPA(T)


  • Faye Glenn Abdellah (1919–2017), American nurse
  • Nacer Abdellah (born 1966), Moroccan footballer


  • Clive Abdulah (born 1927), former Bishop of Trinidad


  • Abdul Abdullah (born 1986), Australian artist, brother of artist Abdul-Rahman Abdullah
  • Abdul Rahman Abdullah, Muslim name of Donny Meluda, armed robber
  • Abdul-Rahman Abdullah (born 1977), Australian artist, brother of artist Abdul Abdullah
  • Abdullah Abdullah (born 1960), former foreign minister of Afghanistan
  • Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah (1963–2020), al-Qaeda terrorist
  • Adel Abdullah (born 1984), Syrian association football player
  • Ameer Abdullah (born 1993), American football running back
  • Bilal Abdullah (born 1980), British doctor of Iraqi descent behind the 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack
  • Chelsea Abdullah (fl. 2022), Kuwaiti American novelist
  • Husain Abdullah (born 1985), American football safety for the Minnesota Vikings
  • Khalid Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Majed Abdullah (born 1959), former Saudi Arabian footballer
  • Mohamed Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Farah Zeynep Abdullah (born 1989), Turkish actress
  • Mansoor Abdullah, Singaporean convicted killer
  • Mohammed Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Muhammad Kho Abdullah (1984–2016), Muslim name of Kho Jabing, convicted Malaysian killer
  • Nadhem Abdullah, Iraqi murdered during the Occupation of Iraq
  • Omar Abdullah (born 1970), last Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir
  • Rahim Abdullah (born 1976), former American football player
  • Raja Abdullah bin Raja Jaafar, a participant in the Klang War
  • Salem Abdullah (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Salwa Abdullah (born 1953), Syrian politician
  • Sheikh Abdullah (1905–1982), known as Sher-e-Kashmir, first Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir
  • Tewfik Abdullah (born 1896), Egyptian footballer

Fictional charactersEdit

  • Abdul Alhazred, sometimes referred to as Abdullah Alhazred
  • Abdullah (comics), from The Adventures of Tintin by Hergé
  • Abdullah the Butcher, born Lawrence Shreve, Canadian wrestler
  • Abdullah ibn al-Wahhab from the Amelia Peabody series, foreman for the Emerson family’s archeological excavation sites
  • Abdullah, main protagonist of Castle in the Air, the sequel to Howl’s Moving Castle

See alsoEdit


  • Abdala
  • Abdollah (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah I (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah II (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah Al Mamun (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah Khan (disambiguation)
  • Abdullah Al Thani (disambiguation)
  • Abdullahi
  • Abu Abdullah
  • Khalid Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • King Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Mohamed Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Mohammed Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Raja Abdullah (disambiguation)
  • Salem Abdullah (disambiguation)


  • Arabic name
  • Dasa
  • Turkish name
  • List of Arabic theophoric names



  1. ^ Superanskaya, p. 20
  2. ^ MCEACHEN, BEN (January 28, 2021). «LEILA ABDALLAH: ‘IF IT WASN’T FOR MY FAITH, I WOULDN’T BE STANDING WHERE I AM TODAY». Retrieved January 31, 2021.


  • А. В. Суперанская (A. V. Superanskaya). «Современный словарь личных имён: Сравнение. Происхождение. Написание» (Modern Dictionary of First Names: Comparison. Origins. Spelling). Айрис-пресс. Москва, 2005. ISBN 5-8112-1399-9

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