Как пишется акуна матата на английском

Все мы в детстве любили мультфильмы Диснея и напевали знакомые мелодии, зачастую не совсем понимая, о чем же идет речь. Пришло время приоткрыть завесу тайны! Давайте сегодня узнаем, о чем поют Тимон и Пумба в мультфильме «Король Лев» (The Lion king).

акуна матата король Лев

История песни «Акуна матата»

Песня “Hakuna matata” на русский язык транскрибируется как «Акуна матата» или «Хакуна матата» и переводится с языка суахили как «без забот». Именно такой стиль беззаботной жизни и пропагандируют Тимон и Пумба. Музыку к этой песне написал сам Элтон Джон, а слова – Тим Райс. Эта песня из мультфильма заняла 99-ую позицию среди лучших песен в истории кинематографа.

Песня про «акуна матата» звучит не только в фильме «Король Лев». Ее несколько раз перепевали и даже использовали в других фильмах (к примеру, в мультфильме «История игрушек»). Ну а сама фраза «акуна матата» уже давно стала девизом тех, кто живет без проблем.

Давайте узнаем, о чем же действительно поют Тимон и Пумба.

Текст песни «Акуна Матата»

Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata! Ain’t no passing craze
It means no worries for the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Hakuna Matata?
Yeah. It’s our motto!
What’s a motto?
Nothing. What’s a-motto with you?
Those two words will solve all your problems

That’s right. Take Pumbaa for example
Why, when he was a young warthog…
When I was a young wart hog

Very nice

He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
He could clear the savannah after every meal

I’m a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned
And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind
And oh, the shame
He was ashamed
Thought of changin’ my name
What’s in a name?
And I got downhearted
How did ya feel?
Everytime that I…

Hey! Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids!
Oh. Sorry

Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata! Ain’t no passing craze

It means no worries for the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

It means no worries for the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Слова и выражения на английском для перевода песни

хакуна матата слова песни

  • Problem-free philosophy – философия свободы от проблем.
  • Motto – девиз, лозунг.
    Акуна Матата (Hakuna Matata) – это и есть девиз этой заводной парочки, который они объясняют будущему королю.
  • What’s a motto with you?
    Тут Тимон играет с фразой “What’s the matter with you?” – «Что с тобой?». Ему кажется, что слово “motto” по звучанию похоже на слово “matter” (дело, предмет). Если вы хотите литературно перевести этот кусочек, то надо хорошенько подумать. Некоторые авторы даже предлагают рифму «Девиз-удивись!»
  • Craze – увлечение, мания.
    Правда, у Тимона и Пумбы это увлечение не проходит. Вот они и поют – no passing craze (не проходящее увлечение, вечная причуда).
  • Take Pumba for example – Возьмите Пумбу в качестве примера.
    Ну или «возьмите, к примеру, Пумбу». Take me for example – возьмите, к примеру, меня.
    Warthogбородавочник, вид африканской дикой свиньи. Именно к этому виду и принадлежит Пумба.
  • Aroma – приятный запах, благоухание.
    Однако в этом контексте Тимон просто иронизирует и немного смягчает ситуацию Пумбы.
  • Appeal – это очень многозначное слово.
    Его можно перевести по-разному: от «призыва» до «привлекательности». В контексте песни «appeal» переводится как «привлекательность». He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal – Он обнаружил, что его аромату не хватает некой привлекательности.
  • Savannah – саванна.
  • To clear – очищать, убирать, опорожнять.
  • Sensitive soul – чувствительный, очень нежный, обидчивый (Sensitive soul – нежная душа).
  • Thick-skinned – толстокожий.
  • I’m a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned.
    Тут происходит интересная языковая игра. «Thick-skinned» имеет такие же значения, как и наше слово «толстокожий», то есть «неэмоциональный». Но как мы уже поняли, это не про Пумбу. У него-то как раз «sensitive soul» («нежная душа»). В данном случае слово «thick-skinned» имеет буквальное значение – «толстая кожа». И это не удивительно, ведь речь идет о свинье. Так что вся фраза будет переводиться как: «У меня ранимая душа, хоть и толстая кожа».
  • Downwind/Upwind – по ветру / против ветра.
  • To be ashamed of – стыдиться чего-либо; He was ashamed – Ему было стыдно.
  • Thought of changin’ my name – Я думал поменять имя (changin’ = changing).
  • What’s in a name?
    Этой фразой Тимон иронически цитирует Шекспира. Помните отрывок из «Ромео и Джульетта», где главный герой доказывает возлюбленной, что его фамилия совсем не важна? Только там дальше по тексту говорилось, что роза будет пахнуть розой вне зависимости от названия (“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” – «А что есть имя? Роза будет пахнуть розой, хоть розой назови ее, хоть нет»). Тут речь, конечно, тоже идет о запахах. Правда, более прозаических.
  • Downhearted – упавший духом, унылый.
  • Not in front of the kids! – Не перед детьми!
  • It means no worries for the rest of your days – Это означает, что не надо беспокоиться до конца своих дней.

Девиз Тимона и Пумбы

Выучите слова текста песни «Король Лев» и вспоминайте эту зажигательную мелодию из мультфильма Диснея каждый раз, когда у вас плохое настроение. Тимон и Пумба обязательно поднимут вам настроение.

Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata! Ain’t no passing craze
It means no worries for the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Ну и для закрепления эффекта, обязательно повторите это еще раз и на русском языке:

Акуна матата! Какая замечательная фраза!
Акуна Матата! Постоянная причуда!
Это означает: никаких забот до конца дней!
Это наша философия свободы от проблем.
Акуна Матата!

Теперь вы точно знаете, о чем поют Тимон и Пумба на английском. Подпевайте вместе с ними. Акуна Матата!

Узнать, какие английские фразы скрыты в песне из мультфильма «Холодное сердце», перейдя на эту статью.


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Hakuna matata» is a Swahili phrase, meaning «no trouble» or «no worries» and «take it easy». (literally hakuna: «there is no/there are no»; matata: «worries».) The 1994 Walt Disney Animation Studios animated film The Lion King brought the phrase to Western prominence in one of its most popular songs, in which it is translated as «no worries». The song is often heard at Disney’s resorts, hotels, and amusement parks.

Boney M. song[edit]

In 1983, German group Boney M. released «Jambo—Hakuna Matata», an English-language version of the song Jambo Bwana by Kenyan group Them Mushrooms. Liz Mitchell provided the song’s lead vocals, backed by Reggie Tsiboe, Frank Farian, Cathy Bartney, Madeleine Davis and Judy Cheeks. The single performed poorly, reaching number 48 in the German charts and causing it to be omitted from the group’s seventh album Ten Thousand Lightyears, released in 1984.

The Lion King song[edit]

In 1994, the Walt Disney Feature Animation animated film The Lion King brought the phrase international recognition, featuring it prominently in the plot and devoting a song to it. A meerkat and a warthog, Timon and Pumbaa, teach Simba that he should forget his troubled past and live in the present. The song was written by Elton John (music) and Tim Rice (lyrics), who found the term in a Swahili phrasebook.[1] It was nominated for Best Original Song at the 1995 Academy Awards, and was later ranked the 99th best song in movie history by the American Film Institute on a list of 100.[2]


In 2003, Disney was granted a trademark protecting the phrase from being used on clothing and footwear.[3] Prior to the release of the 2019 Lion King remake, the trademark caused controversy in East Africa. More than 280,000 people have signed a petition on Change.org asking Disney to drop the trademark.[4]

See also[edit]

  • Ataraxia
  • No worries
  • Ubuntu philosophy


  1. ^ Interview with Tim Rice, BBC News, 13 September 2011, BBC One
  2. ^ «AFI’s 100 Years…100 Songs». Archived from the original on 2006-08-14. Retrieved 2006-08-15.
  3. ^ «HAKUNA MATATA Trademark of Walt Disney Company, The — Registration Number 2700605 — Serial Number 74558335 :: Justia Trademarks». trademarks.justia.com. Retrieved 19 December 2018.
  4. ^ Ratcliffe, Rebecca (19 December 2018). «Disney accused of colonialism over ‘hakuna matata’ trademark». The Guardian. Retrieved 19 December 2018.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Hakuna matata» is a Swahili phrase, meaning «no trouble» or «no worries» and «take it easy». (literally hakuna: «there is no/there are no»; matata: «worries».) The 1994 Walt Disney Animation Studios animated film The Lion King brought the phrase to Western prominence in one of its most popular songs, in which it is translated as «no worries». The song is often heard at Disney’s resorts, hotels, and amusement parks.

Boney M. song[edit]

In 1983, German group Boney M. released «Jambo—Hakuna Matata», an English-language version of the song Jambo Bwana by Kenyan group Them Mushrooms. Liz Mitchell provided the song’s lead vocals, backed by Reggie Tsiboe, Frank Farian, Cathy Bartney, Madeleine Davis and Judy Cheeks. The single performed poorly, reaching number 48 in the German charts and causing it to be omitted from the group’s seventh album Ten Thousand Lightyears, released in 1984.

The Lion King song[edit]

In 1994, the Walt Disney Feature Animation animated film The Lion King brought the phrase international recognition, featuring it prominently in the plot and devoting a song to it. A meerkat and a warthog, Timon and Pumbaa, teach Simba that he should forget his troubled past and live in the present. The song was written by Elton John (music) and Tim Rice (lyrics), who found the term in a Swahili phrasebook.[1] It was nominated for Best Original Song at the 1995 Academy Awards, and was later ranked the 99th best song in movie history by the American Film Institute on a list of 100.[2]


In 2003, Disney was granted a trademark protecting the phrase from being used on clothing and footwear.[3] Prior to the release of the 2019 Lion King remake, the trademark caused controversy in East Africa. More than 280,000 people have signed a petition on Change.org asking Disney to drop the trademark.[4]

See also[edit]

  • Ataraxia
  • No worries
  • Ubuntu philosophy


  1. ^ Interview with Tim Rice, BBC News, 13 September 2011, BBC One
  2. ^ «AFI’s 100 Years…100 Songs». Archived from the original on 2006-08-14. Retrieved 2006-08-15.
  3. ^ «HAKUNA MATATA Trademark of Walt Disney Company, The — Registration Number 2700605 — Serial Number 74558335 :: Justia Trademarks». trademarks.justia.com. Retrieved 19 December 2018.
  4. ^ Ratcliffe, Rebecca (19 December 2018). «Disney accused of colonialism over ‘hakuna matata’ trademark». The Guardian. Retrieved 19 December 2018.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «акуна матата» на английский

Петь «Акуна Матата«, как восьмилетняя девчонка?

Вероятно, большинство из нас слышали о поговорке «Акуна Матата», что означает «не беспокойтесь» на суахили.

Probably most of us have heard of the saying ‘Hakuna Matata‘, which means ‘no worries’ in Swahili.

Я помню, как рядом с нашей машиной бежал бородавочник и один из людей в группе начал петь песню «Акуна Матата».

I remember when a warthog ran by our safari vehicle, one of the people in our group started singing ‘Hakuna matata‘.

Симба растет в джунглях со своими двумя новыми друзьями и другими животными, живя беззаботной жизнью под девизом «Акуна Матата» («никаких забот» на суахили).

Simba grows up in the oasis with his two new friends and other animals, living a carefree life under the motto «hakuna matata» («no worries» in Swahili).

Акуна Матата была у нас до Симбы, осталась она и теперь!

We had hakuna matata before Simba… and we’ve still got it now.

«Решение зарегистрировать в качестве торговой марки»Акуна матата» основывается исключительно на алчности и является оскорблением не только духа народа суахили, но также и всей Африки», — говорится в петиции.

«The decision to trademark ‘Hakuna Matata‘ is predicated purely on greed and is an insult not only to the spirit of the Swahili people but also Africa as a whole,» it said.

Кажется, мы слишком расслабились с предохранением, Акуна Матата!

I guess we were a little Hakuna Matata about protection.

Прежде всего, желание путешествовать, помните, что это — Африка, «Акуна Матата«. Основной багаж должен весить не более 20 кг. Ручная кладь должна иметь такой размер, чтобы поместиться в отсек над сиденьем в самолете.

First of all, your desire and a flexible attitude — remember this is Africa, «Hakuna Matata«. Main luggage should not exceed 20 kg. Hand luggage should be small enough to fit in compartment above the seat on the plane.

Фраза «Акуна Матата» (которую вы, возможно, слышали в диснеевском фильме «Король Лев») на суахили, официальном языке Кении и Танзании, означает «не переживай, наслаждайся жизнью».

The phrase «Hakuna Matata» (which you may know from the Disney movie, The Lion King), meaning «don’t worry and enjoy life» is actually Swahili, which is the official language of both Kenya and Tanzania.

В первом выпуске DisneyMania они записали песню «Акуна Матата» из мультфильма «Король Лев».

On the first DisneyMania, they recorded «Hakuna Matata» from The Lion King.

Все вокруг говорят про «акуна матата».

Everyone is talking about aero kit.

И Акуна Матата ушла вместе с ними.

А название саундрека к мультфильму «Акуна Матата» переводится с суахили как «нет проблем».

And the name of the soundtrack for the cartoon «Akuna Matata» is translated from Swahili as «no problem».

Пока дядя правил железной лапой, принц вырастает за пределами саванны, живёт по философии «Акуна Матата», что означает «никаких проблем».

While the uncle rules with an iron paw, the prince grows up beyond the Savannah, living by a philosophy: No worries for th

Нужно отвечать: «И на тебя Акуна матата

Он покидает прайд и живет вместе с бородавочником Пумбой и сурикатом Тимоном, они его учат новой философии «Акуна матата», что означает «Нет никаких проблем».

He leaves the pride and lives with the Pumbaya warthog and the surikat Timon, they teach him the new philosophy of Akuna Matata, which means «There are no problems».

Тимон! Но без Симбы это уже не Акуна Матата!

Вот и всё, что мы знаем: пять месяцев спустя, утром 6 июля, «Акуна Матата» отошла от гавани в столице Таити и направилась на остров Раиатеа.

Here is what we know: FIve months later, on the morning of July 6, the Hukuna Matata departed from a harbor in Pape’ete, the capital of Tahiti, bound for the island of Raiatea, 20 hours away, and from there to Hawaii.

Он снял множество сиквелов, в том числе Покахонтас 2: Путешествие в Новый Свет, Горбун из Нотр Дама 2 и Король Лев 3: Акуна Матата.

He has directed numerous sequels including Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World, The Hunchback of Notre Dame II, The Lion King 11/2.

Акуна матата меня подвела.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 23. Точных совпадений: 23. Затраченное время: 80 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

[Timon:] Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
[Pumba:] Hakuna Matata!
Ain’t no passing craze

[Timon:] It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

When he was a young warthog
[Pumba:] When I was a young warthog
[Timon:] He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
He could clear the savannah after ev’ry meal
[Pumba:] I’m a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned
And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind

And, oh, the shame
Thought-a changin’ my name
And I got downhearted
Ev’rytime that I…
[Timon:] Hey, not in front of the Kids
[Pumba:] Oh, sorry.
[Both:] Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain’t no passing craze

[Simba:] It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free philosophy

[All:] Hakuna Matata!

Hakuna…it means no worries
For the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free philosophy

Тимон: Хакуна Матата!
Какая чудесная фраза!
Пумба: Хакуна Матата
Это не проходящее безумство

Тимон: Это означает никаких тревог
До конца твоих дней
Это наша беззаботная философия
Хакуна Матата

Когда он был молодым бородавочником
Пумба: Когда я был молодым бородавочником
Тимон: Он понял, что его аромату не хватало определенной привлекательности
Он мог очистить саванну после каждого обеда
Пумба: Я — чувствительная душа, хотя я и кажусь толстокожим
И было больно, когда мои друзья никогда не становились по ветру

И, о, стыд
Думал изменить свое имя
И я унывал
Каждый раз, когда я…
Тимон: Эй, не при детях
Пумба: Ой, извини.
Оба: Хакуна Матата
Какая чудесная фраза
Хакуна Матата
Это не проходящее безумство

Симба: Это означает никаких тревог
До конца твоих дней
Это наша беззаботная философия

Все: Хакуна Матата

Хакуна… это означает никаких тревог
До конца твоих дней
Это наша беззаботная философия

«Hakuna Matata» is an Academy Award-nominated song from The Lion King, the musical, and The Lion King 1½. It is sung by Simba, Pumbaa and Timon.



Hakuna Matata.
What a wonderful phrase.


Hakuna Matata!
Ain’t no passing craze!


It means no worries
For the rest of your days.
It’s our problem-free
Hakuna Matata!



Hakuna Matata?


Yeah, it’s our motto!


What’s a motto?


Nothing. What’s a-motto with you?


You know kid, these two words will solve all your problems.


That’s right. Take Pumbaa for example.


Why, when he was a young warthog!


When I was a young warthog!


Very nice.




He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal.
He could clear the savannah after every meal.


I´m a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned.
And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind.
And, oh, the shame.


He was ashamed.


Thought of changing my name.


Oh what’s in a name?


And I got downhearted.


How did you feel?


Everytime that I-


Hey, Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids.


Oh, sorry.


Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase.
Hakuna Matata!
Ain`t no passing craze.


It means no worries
For the rest of your days


Yeah, sing it kid!

Simba and Timon:

It`s our problem-free




Hakuna Matata!



Welcome, to our humble home


You live here?


We live wherever we want


Yup, home is where your rump rests


It’s beautiful


(Burps) I’m starved!


I’m so hungry I could eat a whole zebra


Ah heh, we’re fresh out of zebra


Got any antelope?






Nope. Listen kid, if you live wth us, you gotta eat like us… Hey! this looks like a good place to rustle up some grub


Ew what’s that?


A grub, what’s it look like?


Ew gross!


Tastes like chicken


Slimy, yet satisfying


These are rare delicacies… Piquant, waith a very pleasant crunch


You’ll learn to love ’em


I’m tellin’ ya kid, this is the great life, no rules, no responsibilities,

OOH the little cream filled kind! And best of all, no worries,

well, kid?


Oh, well, Hakuna Matata

Slimy, yet satisfying


That’s it!


Timon and Pumbaa:

Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!


It means no worries
For the rest of your days.


It’s our problem free



Hakuna Matata


(Hakuna, Matata, Hakuna, Matata, Hakuna, Matata, Hakuna, Matata!)


Hakuna Matata


Hakuna Matata


Hakuna Matata


Hakuna Matata


(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, Ooh-ooh, Ooh-ooh-ooh, Ooh-ooh-ooh, Ooh-ooh-ooh, Ooh-ooh-ooh, Ooh-ooh-ooh, Ooh-ooh)


Hakuna Matata


Awoooo-na Matata

Hakuna Matata










Composer(s): Elton John
Lyrics By: Tim Rice


  • «Hakuna Matata» is based on a song called «Warthog Rhapsody,» which was written early in the production stage of The Lion King. Although the two songs shared the same message and position in the film, when Elton and Tim began working on the music, the song was completely rewritten and eventually evolved into «Hakuna Matata». «Warthog Rhapsody» was eventually re-produced and released on the Rhythm of the Pride Lands CD, as well as rewritten as «That’s All I Need», which was used in The Lion King 1½.
  • It was nominated for Best Original Song at the Academy Awards in 1995, but lost to «Can You Feel the Love Tonight».
  • An earlier concept of the song began with Timon singing a verse about, «When I was a young meerkat….», but the filmmakers decided that the song would work better if it were shorter and got to the point right away, so they cut Timon’s verse. This was referenced in The Lion King 1½.
  • In 2004, the American Film Institute (AFI) placed Hakuna Matata at #99 on the list of AFI’s 100 Years….100 Songs.
  • A different version of «Hakuna Matata» appears in Rhythm of the Pride Lands, sung by reggae singer Jimmy Cliff and Lebo M. This version of the song was slightly modified (especially concerning the instruments used), but remains very similar to the original version.
  • In one of Disney’s many self references, the song, «Hakuna Matata», can be heard briefly in Toy Story, in which it was played inside Andy’s mom’s car while Molly sees Woody and Buzz Lightyear through one of the side view mirrors.
  • A remixed version of «Hakuna Matata» was used in the spinoff tv series Timon & Pumbaa, but it was shortened and most of the lyrics were removed.


When I was a young warthog!

Pumbaa Timon Simba

Hakuna Matata!

It’s our problem-free philosophy!


File:Hakuna Matata (English) — (HQ 720p 16 9) — The Lion King

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«Hakuna Matata»
Hakuna Matata single cover.jpg

Cover of the Jimmy Cliff & Lebo M version

Song by Nathan Lane, Ernie Sabella, Jason Weaver and Joseph Williams
from the album The Lion King
B-side «He Lives in You»
Released 1994
Length 3:33
Label Walt Disney
Composer(s) Elton John
Lyricist(s) Tim Rice
  • Jay Rifkin
  • Fabian Cooke
  • Mark Mancina
Audio sample

Jimmy Cliff & Lebo M — «Hakuna Matata»

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«Hakuna Matata» is a song from Disney’s 32nd animated feature The Lion King.[1] The music was written by Elton John with lyrics by Tim Rice. The song is based on Timon and Pumbaa’s catchphrase in the movie, Hakuna matata, a Swahili phrase meaning «No worry(s)». It is characterized by its simple 4/4 time, upbeat message and catchy lyrics.


The song’s music and melody were composed by Elton John, with lyrics by Tim Rice. In the film the song is sung by Timon the Meerkat (voiced by Nathan Lane), Pumbaa the Warthog (voiced by Ernie Sabella), and Simba, a young lion voiced by Jason Weaver (singing voice as a cub) and Joseph Williams (singing voice as an adult). Taking place after the death of Mufasa, it features Timon and Pumbaa, the two main comedy characters in the film, talking to Simba about moving forward from their troubled pasts and forgetting their worries, and Simba grows from cub to adult as the song progresses. The song also provides a backstory for Pumbaa, explaining that he was ostracized from animal society for his excessive flatulence. It makes use of a large proportion of the orchestra as well as many other more unusual instruments including an elaborate drum kit. Rice is said to have got the idea for the lyrics for the song from watching the comedy series Bottom and at one point wanted the show’s stars Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson to play Timon and Pumbaa.

A second version of the song, produced for the companion album Rhythm of the Pride Lands, was performed by Jimmy Cliff featuring Lebo M. This version has a slightly modified, previously unreleased verse focusing on Timon’s past. It was partially rewritten with a different instrument arrangement, but remains very similar to the original. This version of the song was released as a single with «He Lives in You» as a B-side and was ultimately used in the Broadway theatrical version of The Lion King.


«Hakuna Matata» replaced another song written early on in the production stage, titled «Warthog Rhapsody». This song was eventually recorded and released on Rhythm of the Pride Lands, along with several other songs that did not appear in the finished film. The vocal melody of «Warthog Rhapsody» was later used for the song «That’s All I Need» in the spinoff film The Lion King 1½.


Hakuna matata is a phrase in Swahili that is frequently translated as «no worries». In a behind-the-scenes segment on The Lion King Special Edition DVD, the film’s production team claim that it picked up the term from a tour guide while on safari in Kenya. It was then developed into an ideology that, along with the seemingly antithetical value of duty to the monarchy, is central to the moral content of the film.

The title phrase is pronounced with American English phonology within the song, including a flapped «t», rather than as it is pronounced in Swahili.

Critical reception[edit]

«Hakuna Matata» has become one of Disney’s most celebrated and popular songs, establishing itself as one of the studio’s greatest and most iconic. The song was nominated for Best Song at the 67th Academy Awards but lost to «Can You Feel the Love Tonight», one of three Lion King song nominations (the third one was «Circle of Life»).[2] It was also ranked 99th in the AFI’s list of the 100 best American movie songs of all time, Disney’s seventh and last entry of songs on the list (the others being «When You Wish Upon a Star» from Pinocchio at #7, «Some Day My Prince Will Come» from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at #19, «Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious» from Mary Poppins at #36, «Wind Beneath My Wings» from Beaches at #44, «Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah» from Song of the South at #47, and «Beauty and the Beast» from Beauty and the Beast at #62).[3]

A shortened version of «Hakuna Matata» was used as the theme song of the spinoff Timon & Pumbaa TV series. Another shortened version of «Hakuna Matata» was used in the TV series The Lion Guard in the first-season episode «Bunga and the King» (2016), sung by the cast members.

The film’s 2019 photorealistic CGI remake features a new version performed by Billy Eichner as Timon, Seth Rogen as Pumbaa, JD McCrary as young Simba, and Donald Glover as adult Simba.

In popular culture[edit]

  • Alvin and the Chipmunks covered the song in their 1995 album When You Wish Upon a Chipmunk, with Alvin and Simon performing Timon and Pumbaa’s parts, respectively, and replacing «warthog» with «chipmunk».
  • In Mouse Hunt, Ernie Smuntz (played by Nathan Lane, the voice of Timon) says «hakuna matata» to a guest at the house auction.
  • In one of Disney’s many self references, the «Hakuna Matata» song can be heard briefly in the 1995 Disney·Pixar film Toy Story, in which it was played in Andy’s mother’s car while Molly sees Woody, Buzz Lightyear and Slinky Dog through one of the side-view mirrors. «Hakuna Matata» is referenced in Aladdin and the King of Thieves when Genie turns into Pumbaa and says, «Hakuna Matata».
  • In the Seinfeld episode «The Merv Griffin Show», Elaine says that she was caught in the office singing «Hakuna Matata».
  • An instrumental version of this song appears in Mannheim Steamroller’s 1999 album Mannheim Steamroller Meets the Mouse. It ends with the phrase «You Got a Problem with That».
  • The song was covered by Bahamian group Baha Men for the first Disneymania album.
  • The song was covered by Debby Ryan for the Disneymania 7 album.
  • The 2012 Japanese album Disney — Koe no Oujisama vol. 2, which features various Japanese voice actors covering Disney songs, includes a version of «Hakuna Matata» sung by Hiro Shimono and Nobuhiko Okamoto. A subsequent album with a similar concept, Disney — Koe no Durimu Dyuetto (2014), includes a version sung by Mitsuki Saiga and Katsuyuki Konishi, whereas an additional version by Tasuku Hatanaka is featured on the 2018 album Disney Koe no Ōji-sama Voice Stars Dream Selection.
  • A parody of the song, Hasa Diga Eebowai, features in the musical The Book of Mormon[4]

Track listings[edit]

CD single

  1. «Hakuna Matata» — 4:24
  2. «He Lives in You» — 4:51

CD maxi

  1. «Hakuna Matata» (radio version) — 3:50
  2. «Warthog Rhapsody» by Nathan Lane & Ernie Sabella — 3:06
  3. «Hakuna Matata» (album version) — 4:24




  1. ^ King, Alex P. (2004). Hit-parade — 20 ans de tubes (in French). Paris: Pascal. p. 339. ISBN 2-35019-009-9.
  2. ^ Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. «Academy Awards Database». Retrieved 2008-05-02.[permanent dead link]
  3. ^ American Film Institute (2004). «The Top Movie Songs of All Time» (PDF). Retrieved 2008-05-22.
  4. ^ Mueller, Max Perry. «A Cringe-worthy Depiction of Africa». Harvard Divinity Bulletin. 40, Nos. 3 & 4 (Summer/Autumn 2012). Retrieved 8 March 2021.
  5. ^ «Jimmy Cliff & Lebo M. – Hakuna Matata» (in Dutch). Ultratop 50.
  6. ^ «Jimmy Cliff & Lebo M. – Hakuna Matata» (in French). Ultratop 50.
  7. ^ «Eurochart Hot 100 Singles» (PDF). Music & Media. Vol. 12, no. 30. July 29, 1995. p. 12. Retrieved June 4, 2021.
  8. ^ «Jimmy Cliff & Lebo M. – Hakuna Matata» (in French). Les classement single.
  9. ^ «Jimmy Cliff & Lebo M. – Hakuna Matata» (in German). GfK Entertainment charts.
  10. ^ «Íslenski Listinn Topp 40 (15.4. ’95 – 21.4. ’95)». Dagblaðið Vísir (in Icelandic). April 12, 1995. p. 62. Retrieved June 4, 2021.
  11. ^ «Nederlandse Top 40 – week 28, 1995» (in Dutch). Dutch Top 40.
  12. ^ «Jimmy Cliff & Lebo M. – Hakuna Matata» (in Dutch). Single Top 100.
  13. ^ «Jimmy Cliff & Lebo M. – Hakuna Matata». Swiss Singles Chart.
  14. ^ «Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles». Billboard. May 27, 1995. p. 109. Retrieved April 6, 2020.
  15. ^ «Hot Adult Contemporary for the Week Ending April 29, 1995». Billboard. April 29, 1995. p. 90. Retrieved April 6, 2020.
  16. ^ «Rapports annuels 1995» (in French). Ultratop. Retrieved June 4, 2021.
  17. ^ «Tops de L’année | Top Singles 1995» (in French). SNEP. Retrieved June 4, 2021.
  18. ^ «Árslistinn 1995». Dagblaðið Vísir (in Icelandic). January 2, 1996. p. 25. Retrieved June 4, 2021.
  19. ^ «Single top 100 over 1995» (PDF) (in Dutch). Top40. Retrieved April 17, 2010.
  20. ^ «French single certifications – Jimmy Cliff – Hakuna Matata» (in French). Syndicat National de l’Édition Phonographique. Retrieved June 4, 2021.
  21. ^ «British single certifications – Nathan Lane – Hakuna Matata». British Phonographic Industry. Retrieved June 4, 2021.
  22. ^ «American single certifications – Ernie Sabella, Jason Weaver, Joseph Williams, Nathan Lane – Hakuna Matata». Recording Industry Association of America. Retrieved August 29, 2022.

External links[edit]

  • http://www.lionking.org/lyrics/OBCR/HakunaMatata.html

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