Как пишется аликорн


Deleted Scene — My Little Pony-Опенинг Кино

Источник сведений о мистических навыках.

Аликорны — лат. alae (крыло) + cornu (рог) — уникальный вид пони, представители которого отличаются наличием и крыльев, подобно пегасам, но природно аэродинамичнее, чем у пегасов[1] и рога, как у единорогов[2], но рога аликорнов гораздо длиннее обычных пони. Все известные аликорны очень сильны в магии и обладают особенным мистическим навыком…

…благодаря чему занимают высокое положение в обществе. В сериале известно лишь о пяти аликорнах.

Слово «аликорн» впервые используется в серии «Магическая дуэль».

Правящие сёстры

Изображение сестёр из летописей Эквестрии

Принцесса Селестия и её сестра принцесса Луна впервые появляются в серии «Магия дружбы, часть 1». В повествовании говорится:

«…давным-давно волшебной страной Эквестрией правили две сестры. Вместе они создали гармонию во всем королевстве».
«…старшая сестра использовала свой волшебный рог, чтобы Солнце поднималось каждое утро, а младшая сестра заботилась о том, чтобы ночью сияла Луна…»

Принцесса Каденс

Принцесса Каденс с кристальной пони в Кристальной империи

«Её особый дар — мирить и сплачивать пони, пробуждать в них любовь».

В сериале не раскрывается её становление аликорном и появление метки[3]; известно лишь, что она племянница Селестии. Каденс впервые появляется в качестве няни Искорки, после выходит замуж за её брата — Шайнинг Армора. С возвращением Кристальной империи и спасением жителей от оборотней Каденс с мужем становятся правителеми империи.

Сумеречная Искорка

Становление Искорки аликорном

С первых серий Искорка показана единорогом. И хотя она считает себя «вполне обычным единорогом», героиня не раз проявляла себя в различных приключениях и ситуациях.

«С тех пор, как ты пришла в Понивилль, ты проявляла милосердие, сострадание, преданность, честность, оптимизм и качество лидера — как и подобает настоящей принцессе».

Возможность стать аликорном она получила в эпизоде «Загадочное волшебное лекарство», закончив заклинание Свирла Бородатого[4]. В последних двух сериях четвёртого сезона она получает свой замок и титул принцессы дружбы.

Флурри Харт

Alicorn Baby Flurry Heart revealed - episode version S6E1.png

Принцесса Флурри Харт — первый и единственный родившийся аликорн за всю историю Эквестрии. Дочь принцессы Каденс и Шайнинг Армора. С рождения имеет большие размеры крыльев и рога, а также обладает гораздо большей магической силой, чем обычные единороги. Впервые появляется в первой серии шестого сезона.

Господская биомеханика

Визитная карточка пяти канонизированных Принцесс — парящие орлиные, особо изящные, длинные, обтекаемые, за счёт чего принимающие меньшее сопротивление от воздуха и при одинаковом усилии на взмах и манёвры, физически явлющиеся наиболее эффективными среди всех крылатых пони, крылья. В то время, как у пернатых[5] пегасов наблюдаются эллиптические крылья.[6].

Уместно провести сравнение

пегасьих ястребиных эллиптических крыльев

Somnambula ID S7E18

Она же в походном.

Mr. Shy ID S6E11

Mrs. Shy 'Zephyr Breeze has his...' S6E11

…и в окружении супруги, дочери и её подруги, все четверо в походном положении.

и аликорньих парящих орлиных

240px-Princess Celestia

Принцесса Селестия; походное


Принцесса Луна; походное

235px-Princess Cadance

Принцесса Каденс; походное

Twilight's new crown cropped S4E02

Принцесса Сумеречная Искорка; походное

Princess Celestia ID S4E01

Принцесса Селестия; боевое

Princess Luna ID S5E04

Принцесса Луна; боевое

Kadens perzapuskaet kristallnoe serdtse

Принцесса Каденс; боевое

Принцесса Сумеречная Искорка; боевое

Flarri hart ishet

Spoliers princess flurry heart by shaynellelps-d9poj1t

…и в боевом

По роду своей деятельности принцессы не сосредотачиваются на оттачивании своих лётных навыков. Бесспорно, это пегасы — наилучшие лётчики, так как у их подвида, мастерство летать является частью физического воспитания: каким бы превосходством не обладали аликорны, профессиональные летуны все равно останутся лучшими в своем деле.

Ибо известна фраза Принцессы Каденс:

Другие аликорны

В сериале, журналах, играх и среди игрушек встречаются упоминания других аликорнов. Чаще всего это костюмы, временные заклинания или просто ошибки авторов.

  • В серии «Нулевой урок» в воспоминаниях Искорки принцесса Эррория появляется в виде аликорна (вероятнее всего, ошибка аниматоров).
  • В серии «Свадьба в Кантерлоте. Часть 1» также в воспоминаниях Искорки появляются три кантерлотских стражника-аликорна (с большой долей вероятности тоже ошибка).
  • В серии «День сердец и копыт» меткоискатели читают книгу, где изображены безымянные принцесса-аликорн и земной принц-пони[7].
  • В эпизоде «Загадочное волшебное лекарство» Пинки Пай ненадолго наряжается аликорном[8].
  • В серии «Таинственный защитник» мистическая пони в разных ситуациях использует и рог единорога, и крылья пегаса (хотя никогда не появлялась с обоими одновременно).
  • В эпизоде «Звуковая радуга» Раpити временно достаются магические крылья, сделанные из паутинки и утренней росы[9].
  • В эпизоде «Снятся принцессам волшебные овцы?» в осознанном сновидении Большой Макинтош превращается в аликорна.
  • Аликорном называют принцессу Скайлу, включённую в серию игрушек So Soft Newborn Toys.
  • Во французском журнале My Little Pony, изданном Panini, у принцессы Селестии и короля Лео есть боковой родственник (достоверно неизвестно, но и принцессе, и королю он приходится точно одинаково) по имени Леон (фр. Léon) — четырёхлетний аликорн.
  • В игре My Little Pony от Gameloft Флёр Дис Ли по ошибке стала аликорном.
  • В эпизоде «Королевство Искорки. Часть 1» Дискорд наряжается аликорном, воображая себя принцессой.
  • В эпизоде «Радужные водопады» появляется Лемони Гем с крыльями пегаса и рогом единорога (вероятно, ещё одна ошибка).
  • Королева Кризалис, как и другие оборотни имеет и рог и крылья

Амулет аликорна

Амулет аликорна

Амулет огромной мистической силы с изображением аликорна, дарующий владельцу громадную магическую силу, но отравляющий ему разум[10]. Снять амулет может только его владелец.
В эпизоде «Магическая дуэль» Трикси использует Амулет, чтобы стать «единорогом высшего уровня». Из заносчивой и надменной она стала жестокой и властной: Трикси не просто изгнала Искорку из города, но и захватила весь Понивилль. Героям удаётся провести её, хитростью заставив поменять свой амулет на подделку.


Book illustration pegasus unicorn love poison S2E17

Безымянная принцесса-аликорн

Pinkie Pie Alicorn Party Declaration S3E13

Пинки Пай переодетая в аликорна

S02E08 - The Mysterious Mare Do Well

Таинственный защитник

Rarity's wings S01E16

Рарити с временными крыльями

Trixie about to use magic on Rainbow S3E05

Трикси под воздействием Амулета аликорна

A magic duel at Town Square S3E5

Трикси под воздействием Амулета аликорна

Аликорн Коузи

Интересные факты

  • Изначально аликорном называли рог единорога.
  • По-другому аликорнов называют «пегарогами».
  • Оборотни, как и аликорны, имеют и рог, и крылья. Несмотря на это, никто из них, за исключением королевы Кризалис, не может использовать магию, как пони.
  • Одна из игрушек Hasbro — малышка-аликорн принцесса Скайла.
  • У Hasbro есть короткое видео с Флурри Харт.
  • Так как ни один из аликорнов не родился таким (за исключением Флурри Харт), аликорнов нельзя назвать биологическим видом.


  1. Визуально бросается в глаза сразу же.
  2. По задумке Лоурен Фауст, «аликорны воплощают черты всех трёх видов пони: земных, пегасов и единорогов».
  3. В книге Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell Каденс утверждает, что родилась пегасом и лишь потом стала аликорном.
  4. Книга Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell описывает в первой главе (A Crown Achievement) новый статус Искорки.
    Искорка получила собственный набор крыльев пегаса и стала пони-аликорном. Это означает, что теперь Искорка может использовать магические силы единорога, полёт пегаса, и силы земной пони.
  5. Ибо известны и перепончатокрылые.
  6. Неоднозначное исключение — летописная иллюстрация Полковника Хюррикэйна, где он изображён с уникальными крыльями буревестникового маха, чья единственная в своём роде для пони конструкция динамического парения (феноменально большие число маховых крыльев 2-го порядка, плюс ширина кистей крыльев и атипичные суставы) и должна была позволять ему сверхнизкие полёты с огибанием рельефа и воды без затрат внимания на опасность задеть препятствие; то есть в случае волны та поднимает воздух, и только Командера столь тонкий слой смог бы поднять вверх: остальные в такой ситуации приводнятся на грудь и промочат крылья.
  7. Иллюстрация к истории «о потерянных влюблённых».
  8. Пинки предлагает устроить вечеринку аликорнов.
  9. Крылья Рарити аналогичны крыльям флаттер-пони из первого поколения (G1).
  10. Амулет аликорна не наделяет хозяина безграничными возможностями, а также не превращает его в аликорна. Неизвестно, какой эффект он оказывает на неединорогов.

S2E11 equestria banner.png

Аликорны — слово, относящееся ко вселенной «My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic» и имеющее два значения:

  • Разновидность пони, сочетающая признаки земнопони, единорогов и пегасов, то есть имеющая и рог, и крылья — например, принцесса Селестия. Аликорнами становятся обычные пони при определённых условиях.
  • Пони и подобные им существа, имеющие и крылья, и рог, даже если они не относятся к этой расе — например, королева Кризалис. В этом значении употребляется только в фэндоме.

В предыдущих поколениях MLP крылатые единороги не встречались, кроме одного, показанного в «My Little Pony Tales» в фантазиях; и серии игрушек «Unicorn Ponies with Magic Wings» из второго поколения.


  • 1 Этимология
  • 2 Аликорны как разновидность пони
    • 2.1 Субканон
    • 2.2 Список
  • 3 Другие крылатые единороги
  • 4 Ошибки художников
  • 5 Неканонические персонажи
  • 6 В фэндоме
    • 6.1 Фанатские теории
      • 6.1.1 Аликорны и общество
      • 6.1.2 Другие аликорны
    • 6.2 Персонажи в виде аликорнов
    • 6.3 Фанатские персонажи
  • 7 Примечания


Классическое значение слова «аликорн» — это рог единорога и субстанция, из которого он состоит[1]. Среди поклонников единорогов это слово также употребляется как обозначение крылатого единорога[2][3]. Другие названия крылатого единорога — пегакорн[4], юнипег и юнис (юнисус). Всё это объединения слов pegasus «пегас» и unicorn «единорог». Однако не всегда крылатые единороги объединяют черты единорога и пегаса: в романе Пирса Энтони «Демоны не спят» (одно из ранних появлений термина «аликорн» в этом значении) это были гибриды единорогов с грифонами. Когда крылатый единорог является гибридом единорога и пегаса, его также могут назвать рогатым или однорогим пегасом.

Официальное употребление слова «аликорн» в цикле MLP:FiM относится к третьему сезону (эпизод «Magic Duel»), однако фанаты называли так крылатых единорогов и ранее. До понятия «аликорн» официальные материалы называли этих персонажей «пегасами-единорогами».

Аликорны как разновидность пони[править]

Как правило, говорят о трёх расах (народах) пони: земных, единорогах и пегасах — не включая в перечень не только аликорнов, но и кристальных пони, зебр и другие реже упоминаемые разновидности пони. Хотя аликорнов могут подразумевать в списке трёх рас как воплощение всех трёх.

В мультсериале MLP:FiM неизвестно других аликорнов кроме Селестии, Луны, Кэденс, Твайлайт и ребёнка Кэденс — Флурри Харт. Их крылья больше и изящнее, чем у пегасов, рост выше, а пропорции — элегантнее, чем у обычных пони (даже Твайлайт, когда стала аликорном, немного прибавила в росте и длине шеи). Однако встречаются и обычные пони с пропорциями, подобными аликорнам, например Fleur Dis Lee, единорог-супермодель. В подцикле Equestria Girls персонажи-люди могут принимать черты пони, а в фильме «Friendship Games» двое показаны в виде аликорнов: Твайлайт и Сансет Шиммер. В отличие от обычных понифицированных людей, у аликорнов крылья и рог — не физические, а магические и состоят из света.

Книга «Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell» утверждает, что аликорны не только владеют «магией единорогов и полётом пегасов», но и «честной силой земных пони»[5], что, возможно, подтверждается эпизодом «The Hooffields and McColts», где Твайлайт с лёгкостью несёт сумки, которые едва поднимает Флаттершай.

Аликорнами становятся обычные пони, как Твайлайт. Согласно серии «The Crystalling», рождение готового аликорна — невиданное дело, находящееся за гранью понимания[6]. Кэденс стала аликорном, будучи изначально пегасом-сиротой, которую воспитали земные пони, а затем была принята Селестией как названная племянница[7]. Эти события описаны в той же книге «Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell», сведения из которой ранее подтверждались в анимации[Нужен источник][?]. История становления Селестии и Луны и их судьба до аликорнизации неизвестна.

Неизвестно также, связан ли как-то статус аликорна с правящим титулом (принцессой). В анимации упоминается только одна пони-принцесса, не являющаяся аликорном: принцесса Платина, правитель расы единорогов до основания Эквестрии. Флурри Харт, дочь Кэденс и Шайнинг Армора, родилась с титулом принцессы, но скорее это связано с правящим статусом в Кристальной империи её родителей. Кэденс и Твайлайт, однако, до аликорнизации не были принцессами, хотя Кэденс была дальним потомком основательницы Кристальной империи.


Согласно книге «Дневник двух сестёр», аликорны представляют собой расу, представители которой рождаются на свет. Аликорны живут гораздо дольше других пони и позднее получают метки. Их магическая традиция отличается от магии единорогов — как заклинания и подходы, так и сами законы магии. Например, в то время как единороги тратят собственные жизненные силы и магический запас на движение светил, аликорнам эта процедура, наоборот, возвращает силы. Действительно, у всех аликорнов в анимации кроме Кэденс имена относятся к небесным светилам или атмосферным явлениям (впрочем, как и у всех талантливых волшебников). Однако хотя первоначально «Дневник» был написан сценаристом мультсериала с участием Лорен Фауст, сведения из книги противоречат информации, добавленной в канон в начале шестого сезона в серии «The Crystalling», где сказано, что рождение аликорна — невиданное дело.


В анимации:

  • Принцесса Селестия (также её ипостась Дэйбрэйкер)
  • Принцесса Луна (также её ипостась Найтмер Мун)
  • Принцесса Кэденс — впервые появилась в конце второго сезона.
  • Принцесса Твайлайт Спаркл — прошла аликорнизацию в конце третьего сезона.
  • Принцесса Флурри Харт — родилась сразу аликорном в начале шестого сезона.
  • В фильме «Friendship Games» из подцикла Equestria Girls Сансет Шиммер некоторое время выступает антропоморфным аликорном, однако в четвёртом фильме «Legends of Everfree» у неё пони-черты обычного единорога.
  • Твайлайт Спаркл из подцикла Equestria Girls также становится антропоморфным аликорном в финале того же фильма, а в четвёртом фильме подтверждается, что её пони-черты имеют крылья (в отличие от Сансет).
  • В ранней версии сценария «My Little Pony: The Movie» фигурировал «брат Космос», предположительно злой брат Селестии и Луны и, возможно, аликорн или единорог.
  • Санни Старскаут, аликорн в новом сериале после аликорнизации в (втором) полнометражном фильме. Вроде бы теперь это не наросшие конечности, а нечто вроде твёрдого света — возможно она продолжит быть земным пони в обычных ситуациях. Как у Сансет Шиммер в форме Daydream. А у игрушек соответственно, наверно съёмные аксессуары из полупрозрасного пластика.

В литературе и комиксах:

  • Трикси из альтернативной, вывернутой наизнанку вселенной (сюжет «Reflections»). Не участвует в комиксе, но показана на витраже в Кантерлоте. В этой же вселенной существуют альтернативные версии трёх принцесс (Твайлайт — не аликорн).
  • Малыш Леон, далёкий брат Селестии из лицензированного французского журнала «My Little Pony». Его цвета и стиль похожи на принца Блублада, который указывается далёким племянником Селестии.

В игрушках:

  • Принцесса Скайла — аликорн-малыш. Из-за её сходства с принцессой Кэденс и их с Шайнинг Армором решением завести ребёнка многие считают, что им и станет принцесса Скайла.
  • Принцесса Стерлинг (Чистое Серебро)
  • Принцесса Голд Лили (Золотая Лилия). Подтверждено, что она не планируется к появлению в анимации.

В анимации и комиксах периодически показываются статуи, картины и другие изображения аликорнов, но неизвестно, подразумеваются ли настоящие персоны мира пони или же это просто художественный образ.

Другие крылатые единороги[править]

Во вселенной MLP:FiM встречаются пони и подобные существа, имеющие и рог, и крылья, но не относящиеся к расе Селестии и Луны. По большей части это временные явления: например, Рэрити под действием заклинания, позволяющего перемещаться по Клаудсдейлу и дающего бабочкины крылья; или образ Бигмака в виде аликорна — боевой формы в сне Луны, пародия на «Сейлор Мун».

Раса ченджлингов обладает и рогом, и крыльями в своей обычной форме, однако не ясно даже, следует ли считать их пони. Так или иначе, некоторые предлагают считать аликорном не всю расу, а именно королеву Кризалис — из-за её королевского статуса и похожих пропорций. Это даже проникло в официальные материалы в форме шутки: в комиксе «Friends Forever» № 8 показана гора Рашмор с Селестией, Луной, Кэденс и свежим добавлением — Твайлайт; рядом стоит табличка с петицией за добавление барельефа Кризалис.

Ошибки художников[править]

Анимация для четвёртого поколения пони создаётся в Adobe Flash, а не рисуется от руки. Это значит, что наличием у пони того или иного рога, тех или иных крыльев управляют настройки, которые во время подготовки сцены можно в спешке установить неправильно, особенно при обилии фоновых персонажей. Подобные ошибки на производстве происходят довольно часто, например, одна из них породила взгляд Дерпи Хувс.

Ошибки встречаются и в рисованном формате, поскольку художникам часто приходится работать в скором темпе: например, обычный пони изображён с рогом и крыльями в раскадровке эпизода «The Cutie Map». В комиксах в виде аликорнов появляются Флеш Сентри и Лира (причём цвета Лиры были приданы этому персонажу художником-колористом[п] по собственному решению, поскольку изображённый нераскрашенный персонаж напомнил ей Лиру; действие панели происходит за тысячу лет до событий MLP:FiM).

Неканонические персонажи[править]

Самый известный неканонический персонаж — Фаустикорн, сильно занятый аликорн, в виде которого Лорен Фауст изобразила себя. Персонаж очень полюбился фанатам, проникнутым восхищением к создательнице MLP:FiM, и его изображают очень часто — в особенности в качестве матери и наставницы Селестии и Луны.

Помимо Фаустикорна, в виде аликорна изображают Бонни Захари, создательницу всего MLP. Бонникорна часто представляют матерью и наставницей Фаустикорна.

В комиксах и, реже, в анимации среди фоновых и эпизодических пони можно встретить персонажей, выдуманных авторами, их друзьями, их семьёй или другими людьми (например, Stellar Eclipse — пони-инвалид, придуманный мальчиком-инвалидом, чьё желание было исполнено фондом Make-A-Wish Foundation). Среди них обычно не встречаются аликорны, поскольку авторы и фанаты стараются соблюдать особый статус аликорнов в мире пони. Однако один раз такой персонаж появился на плакате — принцесса Глиттер Панч (однако в кадре не были видны её крылья, и цвета показаны неправильно из-за того, что колористу не предоставили модели).

В фэндоме[править]

Фанатские теории[править]

Аликорны и общество[править]

То, что все аликорны в анимации и игрушках носят титул принцессы, также является основой для фанатских теорий о несправедливости общества пони: земные пони пашут за всех в прямом смысле, пегасы занимаются бессмысленным устройством погоды (включая непогоду), единороги занимаются престижными, избыточными профессиями, а аликорны всем заправляют, «якобы» выполняя важные функции мироздания, такие как управление небесными светилами. Подобная теория широко распространена среди так называемых сталлионградских брони, поклонников социализма в Эквестрии.

В противовес этой теории существует иная версия, которую можно назвать теорией раздельного труда — каждый пони занят определённым делом, к которому у него есть способности, отражённые его кьютимаркой (при этом нужно заметить, что значение рисунка на крупе столь расплывчато, что пегас с облачком на крупе способен к выполнению около десятка различных профессий). В качестве доказательства раздельного труда предлагаются времена Виндиго — период до основания Эквестрии, когда военизированные пегасы и сильные в магии единороги эксплуатировали земнопони (так его интерпретируют брони) — лишь с приходом принцесс установилось равенство среди пони (но в субканоне основание Эквестрии и заступление на трон сестёр не совпадают). Также в качестве доказательства равенства пони и независимости от аликорнов ставится тот факт, что Селестия, выполняя законодательные функции, не выполняет никаких исполнительных: высокоморальная жизнь пони в большинстве случаев не требует вмешательства государственного аппарата для разрешения конфликтов в обществе.

Другие аликорны[править]

Некоторые фанатские теории подозревают существование других аликорнов в сериале: Сомбру и Стар Свирла, которые обычно носят мантию, и поэтому крылья на их спине были бы не видны[8]. Оба единорога обладают могущественной магией, превышающей то, что доступно простым единорогам. Сомбра также носит правящий титул, и Стар Свирл тоже вхож по двору. Оба имеют имена, относящиеся к атмосферным явлениям (слово sombra на испанском означает тень).

Для Сомбры есть прямое опровержение в анимации: когда мантия Сомбры завевается в эпизоде «The Cutie Re-Mark», под ней не остаётся места даже для крыльев пегаса, не говоря уже о больших крыльях аликорна. Что касается Стар Свирла, во время аликорнизации Твайлайт о нём Селестия сказала:

Сегодня ты совершила кое-что, никогда прежде не виданное. То, чего не смог сделать даже такой великий единорог как Стар Свирл Длиннобородый, ведь он не понимал дружбу как ты. Уроки, которые ты выучила здесь, в Понивиле, многое дали тебе.

Это заявление крайне неоднозначно: не ясно, что именно не получилось у Стар Свирла — стать аликорном, завершить заклинание, использовать магию дружбы… Так или иначе, ничто не подтверждает его статус аликорна.

Персонажи в виде аликорнов[править]

Аликорнизация — представление пони в виде аликорна. Это распространённый тип фанарта, применяемый обычно к основной шестёрке. Учитывая возможность стать, а не родиться аликорном, неопределённость условий такого преображения и особый статус шестёрки как носителей элементов гармонии, этот образ может быть вполне правдоподобным. Также в качестве шутки фанаты-художники часто превращают в аликорна Биг Мака, при этом меняя ему пол (в отличие от официального появления в мультсериале, где Бигмак-аликорн остался мужского пола).

Фанатские персонажи[править]

Ещё два популярных неканонических персонажа-аликорна — королева Галаксия и король Космос, родители Селестии и Луны. Они были созданы художником Spyro the Fox, который разрешил их внешность к использованию в любом творчестве при условии упоминания его авторства. Удачно созданные персонажи с ярким характером распространились по фанатскому творчеству.


  1. По сведениям Википедии, со ссылкой на Linda S Godfrey (2009). Chelsea House Publishers. p. 28. ISBN 978-0-7910-9394-8.
  2. Примеры употребления alicorn в Викисловаре (англ.)
  3. Пример употребления alicorn в комиксе «Friendship is Dragons»
  4. Употребление pegacorn на Викисловаре (англ.)
  5. Twilight had received her very own set of wings. Real Pegasus wings! She was officially a part of a special breed of pony called an Alicorn. This meant that Twilight was now able to harness the magical powers of the Unicorns, the flight abilities of the Pegasi, and the strength of a good, true heart of an Earth Pony.
  6. Селестия говорит «Подобного в Эквестрии не случалось», но понятно, что в данном случае под Эквестрией подразумевается весь мир пони.
  7. Amy Keating Rogers (писатель, сценарист и автор песен в сериале) в Твиттере
  8. Когда пегасов рисуют в одежде, закрывающей крылья — например, Флаттершай в костюме ниндзя (эпизод «Magic Duel»), их крылья так же не видны, как если бы они были земными пони.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Core 7 Twilight Sparkle • Applejack • Fluttershy • Pinkie Pie • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Spike
Аликорны Принцесса Селестия • Принцесса Луна • Принцесса Кэденс • Принцесса дружбы • Flurry Heart

Найтмер Мун • Дискорд • Король Сомбра • Королева Кризалис • Лорд Тирек •

Старлайт Глиммер • Сансет Шиммер • Трио сирен • Темпест Шэдоу • Коузи Глоу

Фоновые Derpy Hooves • Vinyl Scratch • Octavia Melody • Lyra Heartstrings • Dr. Hooves • другие

Земные пони • Пегасы • Единороги • Аликорны • Кристальные пони • Зебры

Бризи • Бэтпони • Умбры • Чейнджлинги • Морские пони/Гиппогрифы • Мермары

Другие Драконы • Грифоны • Яки • Ослы • Олени • Быки • Кирины
Комиксы Friendship is Magic • Micro-Series • Friends Forever • FIENDship is Magic • Legends of Magic • The Movie: Prequel
Списки Песни • Эпизоды • Книги • Уроки дружбы: 1 сезон, 2 сезон, 3 сезон
Фэндом Equestria Daily • FIMFiction.net • MLP Wiki • derpibooru • everypony.ru • Творчество: Fallout: Equestria

A stylized depiction of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the two regal sisters of Equestria

Alicorns are pony characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, My Little Pony: Pony Life, and other material, who have both a unicorn horn and Pegasus wings[1] and, depending on the depiction, also have Earth pony power. They are styled as royalty. They are referred to as Princess Ponies in Hasbro’s toy line,[2] as Pegasus Unicorns in Little Brown’s book Mini Pony Collector’s Guide, and, once, as Pegasus unicorns on Hasbro’s My Little Pony Facebook page.[3] Meghan McCarthy, Friendship is Magic‘s head writer, says that the title of «princess» is one that is earned in Equestria.[4]

The third season episode Magic Duel marks the first use of the term «Alicorn» in the series, and in Magical Mystery Cure the term is used for the first time to directly refer to winged unicorns, previously referred to as unicorns in earlier seasons’ episodes Friendship is Magic, part 1 and A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1.

The regal sisters

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, previous rulers of Equestria.

Princess Celestia and her younger sister Princess Luna are introduced in the first episode in a series of medieval-like drawings with a narration that says there were «two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land,» and that «the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night.» Lauren Faust commented that Princess Celestia was originally supposed to be Queen Celestia, the highest authority with no parents who outrank her. Her status was later changed to «princess» at Hasbro’s request.[5] Faust has stated that Celestia embodies the traits of all three pony kinds: Earth, Pegasus, and unicorn.[6] In Enterplay’s trading card series, Series 1 lists the sisters’ pony type as both Pegasus and unicorn but not Earth,[7] and Series 2 lists their pony type as all three[8] and also refers to them as «immortal alicorns»;[9][10] a writer and consultant for both series has stated that the inclusion of Earth was «an intentional improvement» they made on Series 2, «based on feedback and it being one of those ‘could be canon’ sorts of things that just plain makes sense.»[11] Faust has suggested that there is more to Princess Celestia than has been depicted of her in the series, and that she wanted Celestia to be «mysterious and hard to understand».[12]

Princess Cadance

Princess Cadance with a Crystal Pony in the Crystal Empire.

The first half of the second season finale, A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1, introduces Princess Cadance. She is Twilight Sparkle’s foal-sitter in Twilight’s flashback, and she becomes her sister-in-law after marrying Shining Armor in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2. Various promotional materials, including a New York Times ad,[13] A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1’s Hubworld, iTunes, and Netflix summaries, the back cover of the DVD Royal Pony Wedding, and the home page of Treehouse TV’s Royal Wedding Contest site,[14] state that she is the niece of Princess Celestia. A blurb on one of the toy sets featuring Cadance says that she and Shining Armor «lead the Crystal Empire together!» Indeed, Bright Smile proclaims her as «The Crystal Princess!» at the end of The Crystal Empire — Part 2. In Enterplay’s trading card series, Series 1 lists her pony type as both Pegasus and unicorn but not Earth,[7] and Series 2 lists her pony type as all three;[8] a writer and consultant for both series has stated that the inclusion of Earth was «an intentional improvement» they made on Series 2, «based on feedback and it being one of those ‘could be canon’ sorts of things that just plain makes sense.»[11]

The books Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell and Princess Cadance and the Spring Hearts Garden and Amy Keating Rogers state that Cadance was born a Pegasus and became an Alicorn later.[15]

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle as an Alicorn.

Twilight Sparkle is introduced in Friendship is Magic as a unicorn, and she even calls herself a «regular old unicorn» in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1, to which Princess Cadance replies «You are anything but a regular old unicorn.» According to Meghan, «princess [in Equestria] is a designation that’s earned, not freely given and though princesses have specific leadership roles in pony society, being one really means ‘being a good pony who shares the gifts that they have been given with others.'»[4] Twilight becomes a princess and gains wings in the episode Magical Mystery Cure. On April 14, 2013, McCarthy was asked «As an alicorn, will Twilight be immortal and forced to outlive all of her friends?» and answered «Twilight will not outlive her friends».[16] However, on October 12, 2019, in response to Twilight not aging in The Last Problem while her friends are, Jim Miller said, «That was never said on the show. We don’t know how long everyone lives, Twilight included.»[17] He then added, «We honestly never discussed it. Her friends have been exposed to a LOT of special magic over the years, so who knows how it’s affected them?»[18]

Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell

The chapter book Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell describes Twilight’s new status in chapter 1, «A Crown Achievement»: «Twilight had received her very own set of wings. Real Pegasus wings! She was officially a part of a special breed of pony called an Alicorn. This meant that Twilight was now able to harness the magical powers of the Unicorns, the flight abilities of the Pegasi, and the strength of a good, true heart of an Earth Pony.»

Queen Chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis, previous ruler of the Changelings.

Queen Chrysalis, first seen in the episode A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1 impersonating Cadance before revealing her true form in Part 2, was described in her debut episode’s script as «a GANGLY BLACK PEGACORN with a gnarled black horn.»[19][20] This same description, «a gangly black pegacorn,» is used in a comic version of the story featured in Signature Publishing’s My Little Pony Annual 2013.[21] She and the other changelings were designed by Rebecca Dart, the main character designer for season two.[22] Rebecca was inspired by the work of manga artists Junko Mizuno and Hideshi Hino, and after reading the name «Chrysalis», she «figured [Chrysalis] should be insect-like.»[20][23] The changelings are referred to as a different species in Friendship is Magic and also as ponies on page 53 of the guidebook The Elements of Harmony.

Flurry Heart

Flurry Heart in her first appearance in The Crystalling — Part 1.

Flurry Heart is an Alicorn filly born to Shining Armor and Princess Cadance in the season six premiere. Some materials title her the «first»[note 1] Alicorn baby, with Gameloft’s mobile game adding the qualifier «in all of time and space», though a So Soft Newborn toy of Princess Skyla, another Alicorn, was released years beforehand, and the book The Journal of the Two Sisters and Jim Miller suggest that Celestia and Luna, as well as other Alicorns, were born as Alicorns too.[24] In The Crystalling — Part 1, Celestia comments, «The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen!» Her horn and wings are larger than either of those of the Cake foals and of other baby ponies featured in Friendship is Magic and in other official material(s). When Twilight and her friends see Flurry Heart for the first time, they are taken aback by her unfurled wings.

Cozy Glow

Cozy Glow transformed into an Alicorn by Grogar’s magic.

In The Ending of the End — Part 1, Pegasus filly Cozy Glow transforms into an Alicorn after absorbing the power of Grogar’s Bewitching Bell. She briefly turns into a giant Alicorn with bat wings when she absorbs Discord’s magic, but she quickly turns back when she is unable to control his chaos. She is reverted back into a Pegasus in Part 2 after her defeat.

Sunny Starscout

In the Generation 5 film My Little Pony: A New Generation, Earth pony Sunny Starscout manifests a magical, translucent horn and wings, giving her the appearance of an Alicorn, after she brings the three pony races together in friendship again. In subsequent G5 media, she can change back and forth between her Earth pony and Alicorn forms.

Opaline Arcana

In the hour-long special My Little Pony: Make Your Mark, an Alicorn named Opaline Arcana witnesses the return of magic in Maretime Bay. In the subsequent series of the same name, she is stated by a recording of Twilight Sparkle to have attempted to steal all of Equestria’s magic in the past until Twilight stopped her by creating the Unity Crystals and erecting a magic barrier around Equestria. In the episode Have You Seen This Dragon?, when Opaline absorbs some of Sparky Sparkeroni’s magic dragonfire, her horn and wings obtain a pale blue fiery glow. In the My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale short Dragon Dad, Opaline refers to herself as a Fire Alicorn.[25]

Other winged unicorns

«Princess Erroria» as an Alicorn in Lesson Zero.

Friendship is Magic includes other Alicorns and crew members of the show have explained at least some of them as animation errors. These include «Princess Erroria» in Twilight’s imagination having both wings and a horn in Lesson Zero,[26] three royal guards in one of Twilight’s flashbacks having both wings and horns in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1,[27] Neon Lights having wings in Rarity Takes Manehattan, Lemon Hearts having wings in Rainbow Falls, Rarity having wings in Pinkie Pride, «Princess Erroria» in Sweetie Belle’s imagination again having both wings and a horn in Twilight Time, S05E01 Unnamed Pegasus Mare #4 having a horn in The Cutie Map — Part 2, Fleur de Lis having wings in Canterlot Boutique, Rose having both wings and a horn in Newbie Dash, Pumpkin Cake having wings in A Flurry of Emotions, «Rivet»[28][29][30] and Steam Roller each having both wings and a horn in Grannies Gone Wild, «Mulberry Flowers» having wings in A Matter of Principals, Lyra Heartstrings having wings in The Washouts, and «Mulberry Flowers» again having wings in What Lies Beneath.

There is an illustration that shows an Alicorn princess mare and an Earth pony prince stallion in the book that the Cutie Mark Crusaders read in Hearts and Hooves Day.

Book illustration: Hearts and Hooves Day

Pinkie Pie briefly dresses up as an Alicorn in the episode Magical Mystery Cure. In The Mysterious Mare Do Well, the masked Mare Do Well is shown to have a unicorn horn and Pegasus wings, convincing Rainbow Dash that she’s an Alicorn. However, it should be noted that she is never seen with both her horn and wings at the same time.

In the episode Sonic Rainboom, Rarity is given wings by a magic spell temporarily, made of gossamer and morning dew. These wings are similar to those of the flutter ponies from Generation 1.

Discord replaces his wings and antlers with giant pink wings and a giant horn to mock Twilight in Twilight’s Kingdom — Part 1.

In the movie My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, during the climactic battle between the Dazzlings and the Rainbooms, a giant spiritual Alicorn is summoned by Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, and the human counterparts of Twilight’s Ponyville friends through the magic of friendship. The Alicorn blasts the astral projections of the Dazzlings’ true siren forms to dust and shatters their power sources, stripping them of their powers and leaving them to flee in shame and disgrace from the furious students and faculty.

In Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Big McIntosh turns into an Alicorn during Ponyville’s shared dream.

Two Alicorns on a vase illustration.

In The Crystalling — Part 1, two female Alicorns are depicted in portrait on a Crystalling vase, bearing resemblances to Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance.

In Stranger Than Fan Fiction, one of seven doors in the inner sanctum of the Temple of Chicomoztoc depicts an Alicorn.

In Dragon Dropped, a sometimes-horizontally-flipped picture includes two Alicorns.

In the My Little Pony: Pony Life episodes Pie vs. Pie; Superb Six and The Shows Must Go On, Alicorn background ponies appear.​[​specify​]​ When the unicorn Potion Nova first appears in Potion Mystery, she is shown with wings; other unicorns shown with wings include Trixie in Friendship Gems, Sweetie Belle in Dol-FIN-ale, and Rarity in Pony Surfin’ Safari, Zound Off, and Sportacular Spectacular Musical Musak-ular.

In My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale#Clip Trot and sometimes My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale#Puphunt, Pegasus.[31][32]​[​specify​]​


The book The Journal of the Two Sisters recounts parts of Princess Luna’s and Princess Celestia’s diaries. Luna tells of «the Alicorns» who taught Luna and Celestia when they were foals. Celestia tells of Star Swirl the Bearded who is familiar with Alicorns, and how Alicorns age differently than other ponies, which is why Luna and Celestia remained without cutie marks well into adulthood.

In Beyond Equestria: Rainbow Dash Rights the Ship, Rainbow Dash explains to Captain Celaeno and her crew that the Good Fortune Garnet was given to the founders of Cloudsdale by a mysterious and powerful Alicorn.

In Ponyville Mysteries: Journey to the Livewood, Auntie Eclipse uses the Helm of Shadows to briefly transform into a Nightmare Moon-like Alicorn, dubbing herself «Eclipse Destiny».

IDW comics

In the IDW comics, an Alicorn mare appears on page 18 of My Little Pony Micro-Series Issue #2, Sunset Shimmer sees herself as an Alicorn in the Crystal Mirror on page 3 of The Fall of Sunset Shimmer, an alternate universe Trixie is shown to be an Alicorn in a stained glass window on page 12 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #19, Star Swirl the Bearded is imagined as an Alicorn on page 20 of the same issue, Lyra Heartstrings appears as an Alicorn on page 3 of My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #7, Flash Sentry appears as an Alicorn on page 2 of Issue #9, Princess Glitter Punch is shown from the neck up in a picture on page 9 of My Little Pony Annual 2014, Twilight Sporkle depictions appear in The Root of the Problem, Paper Hearts’ silhouette is shown in a picture on cover RI of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #36 and sewn depiction is shown from the neck down on cover RI of Issue #43, Goldcap, Decepticolt, and Zappityhoof use wings in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #25, and making Alicorn eyes is mentioned on page 1 of Issue #28. Regarding the fifth of these, colorist Heather Breckel stated on July 9, 2014 «Tony drew it, I just thought it looked like her»[33] and «I have no idea if it was intentional or not, and was in the zone when I colored it so I didn’t think anything of it. I just like putting Lyras everywhere :yay:»,[34] and editor Bobby Curnow stated on July 10, 2014 «That would be a mistake!»;[35] regarding the sixth of these, colorist Heather Breckel stated on July 13, 2014 «I think the crowd should be nothing but alicorn Flash Sentrys bwahahaha»[36] and artist Tony Fleecs stated in late January 2020 «I accidentally made Flash Sentry an Alicorn.»[37]

My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #32 features the legend of Queen Parabola, who is depicted as an Alicorn with zebra stripes. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #53 also features a depiction of Shadow Lock’s ancestor, who has both wings and a horn but is also demonic in appearance. In Issue #57, Pinkie Pie uses the magic of Discord’s realm to briefly turn herself into an Alicorn. In Issue #64, another Alicorn appears. In Issue #74, yet another Alicorn appears. In My Little Pony/Transformers Issue #3, an Alicorn with Sunset Shimmer’s mane style appears. In My Little Pony: Generations Issue #1 page 14 panel 9, Starlight Glimmer appears as an Alicorn. On My Little Pony (2022 comics) Issue #6’s B cover, Sprout has an Alicorn figurine.


The Glimmer Wings toys include a similarly butterfly-winged Rarity, packaged with a butterfly; according to this release’s descriptions, Rarity «imagines having beautiful wings just like her butterfly friend.»[38][39]

An Alicorn called Princess Skyla is included in the So Soft Newborn toys.[40] On April 1, 2013, Meghan McCarthy wrote on Twitter «Episode 404 is called “Meet Princess Skyla”.» #brony #MLPFIM #MLPseason4″[41] as part of an April Fools’ Day joke. In January 2015, Jim Miller was asked «Hope Im[sic] not bothering but, will Princess Skyla ever be real? pic.twitter.com/Z5OpkGi0tu» and replied «Anything is possible! But no current plans.»[42] In November 2018, Miller was asked «Who is your favorite of the Alicorn princesses?» and answered «Skyla.»[43]

The Rainbow Power and Cutie Mark Magic Playful Ponies toys each include adult Alicorns called Princess Sterling and Princess Gold Lily, packaged respectively with Fluttershy and with Pinkie Pie. In mid-May 2014, M. A. Larson wrote on Twitter «Come on, two days into the hiatus and they’ve already spoiled Princess Sterling AND Princess Gold Lily?!? There go my first two episodes.»[44] On November 25, 2014, Jim Miller stated regarding the Rainbow Power package of Princess Sterling & Fluttershy «No spoilers there either, I’m afraid. Just a toy.»[45]

The Pony Life toys include two Alicorns sharing Twilight Sparkle’s design; one of them is called Fizzleshake and resembles Fizzy, particularly G1 My Little Pony The End of Flutter Valley Part 4 error Alicorn Fizzy.


In Gameloft’s mobile game, magic wings of the same design as in Sonic Rainboom are temporarily given to any non-Pegasus for the flying minigame, including the unicorns DJ Pon-3, Fancy Pants, Flam, Flim, Forsythia, Joe, Lovestruck, Lyra Heartstrings, Magnum, Minuette, Prince Blueblood, Rarity, Shining Armor, Snails, Snips, Sunset Shimmer, Sweetie Belle, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet, Twilight’s Dad, Twinkleshine, Unicorn Guard, and Upper Crust.

The player-designed ponies in Adventures in Ponyville, who can only be mares, can be Earth ponies, Pegasi, or unicorns, and for the Rainbow Dash’s Cloud Bump minigame, Twilight Sparkle uses magic to give a player-designed pony and an unnamed Earth pony each a set of Pegasus wings temporarily; thus, if the player-designed pony is a unicorn, she will be an Alicorn for the minigame. The player-designed ponies in PonyMaker and its Rarity’s Bridal Boutique version, who can be of any sex, can be Earth ponies, Pegasi, unicorns, or Alicorns.

Gameloft’s mobile game formerly included a Changeling assuming the identity of Fleur Dis Lee but pretending to be an Alicorn, who the game identified as the unicorn Fleur Dis Lee[46][47] until an update replaced this Changeling with Fleur Dis Lee herself. A model sheet for the game includes «Sweetiebelle[sic]» as an Alicorn.[48] The «Crowns and Chaos» event also introduced variants of several characters-notably including Shining Armor, Princess Amore, and Rain Shine-who appear as Alicorns with bat-like wings after being transformed by chaos magic.


In a French My Little Pony magazine story, Celestia has a cousin named Léon, a four-year-old Alicorn. The Haunting of Equestria features Princess Argent and Princess Solar, counterparts of Luna and Celestia from the Shadow Realm.

Leon in the French My Little Pony magazine cropped


DoctorHoovesTARainbow DashISshirtAlicorns

A Doctor Who weeping angels parody


Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash with horns

WeLoveFine’s merchandise designs have included several Alicorn depictions:

  1. «Rarity Fabulous Bag» and «Flight of the Ponies» also depict Rarity with wings of gossamer and morning dew.
  2. «Dr. Hooves Line», «Dr. Hooves», «Hooves Scribble», and «Dr[sic] Hooves» include Alicorn mares similar to Weeping Angels from Doctor Who
  3. «Grown Up Ponies» included Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash both as Alicorns;[49] «Engineered Alicorn» and «Steampunk Trixie» respectively included and include Twilight Sparkle[50] and Trixie each equipped with steampunk wings; «All Dem Ponies» included six Alicorns, three of them mares and three of them stallions, with one of the stallions resembling Discord;[51] «Iconic Print» included an Alicorn mare[52] who is to appear as a unicorn in My Little Pony: The Castles of Equestria[53][54] and who was originally created by Lauren Faust;[55][56] and «We’re All Doomed» includes Derpy as an Alicorn.

A display, used at EAG International 2015, has included Pony Creator[note 2] artwork of an Alicorn mare with a similar color scheme to Starlight Glimmer and the non-siren forms of Aria Blaze,[57] named «Evening starlite», made by Dana Reynolds.[58] In mid-February 2015, Jim Miller was asked regarding Evening starlite’s resemblance to Starlight Glimmer and replied about him having no idea who Evening starlite is and them being not the same as far as he can tell.[59]

The Alicorn Amulet

The Alicorn Amulet is an amulet which features the image of an Alicorn. In the episode Magic Duel, Trixie uses it to become a «highest level unicorn», gain immense magical powers, and antagonize the citizens of Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle finds out that only the wearer can remove the amulet and tricks Trixie into removing it with a fake amulet of her own in a magic duel.

Other examples

LF pony sepia

Original sketch by Lauren Faust of the Alicorn who later appeared on a WeLoveFine T-shirt.

Rarity's wings S01E16

Rarity with magic wings of gossamer and morning dew in Sonic Rainboom.

Cadance walks away S02E25

Spike sees an alicorn horse statue S4E03

Big McIntosh becomes an Alicorn S5E13

Watermelody painting an Alicorn EG3

Pinkie, Twilight, and Rarity proud of themselves EGDS1

Las Pegasus hot-air balloon port S8E5

Twilight showing artifacts to the students S8E15

Rarity watches Spike leave the room S9E19

S5 animatic 94 The townsponies

Princess Skyla Toy

So Soft Newborn Princess Skyla, a toy-exclusive Alicorn.

Rainbow Power Princess Sterling & Fluttershy

Princess Sterling, a toy-exclusive Alicorn.

Rainbow Power Princess Gold Lily & Pinkie Pie

Princess Gold Lily, a toy-exclusive Alicorn.

MLP Annual 2013 Alicorn Sunset

Comic issue 64 credits page

My Little Pony (2022) issue 6 cover B

Queen Parabola ID Gameloft

Flying minigame score MLP Game

Twilight Sparkle with magic wings in Gameloft’s mobile game.

Fleur Dis Lee Alicorn MLP Mobile App

A changeling disguised as Alicorn Fleur Dis Lee in Gameloft’s mobile game.

My Little Pony mobile game - Master file 3D model renderings

Alicorn Sweetie Belle in the 3D master file of Gameloft’s mobile game.

Leon is introduced in the French My Little Pony magazine

Léon, an Alicorn foal, in a French My Little Pony magazine.

Chrysalis the Dark Queen art print WeLoveFine

«The baby in egg is… alicorn. And maybe… male alicorn?»[60]


Celestia and Luna form a Yin and Yang-like symbol S1E01.png

Princess Celestia image gallery
Princess Luna image gallery
Princess Cadance image gallery
Queen Chrysalis image gallery
Twilight Sparkle image gallery
Flurry Heart image gallery
Cozy Glow image gallery

See also

  • Wikipedia:Winged unicorn
  • Alicorns on the Fan Wiki
  • Earth ponies
  • Unicorns
  • Pegasus ponies
  • Crystal Ponies
  • Foals
  • Forum:Speculation/Alicorns


  1. Compare other promotional material titling her parents’ wedding the «first ever» pony wedding despite multiple couples of already married pony characters being introduced earlier.
  2. Not to be confused with PonyMaker.


  1. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Our Shows. Hasbro Studios. Retrieved on 2015 January 15. “a powerful Alicorn princess — a Unicorn with wings” “Alicorn (part-Unicorn/part-Pegasus)”
  2. My Little Pony Crystal Princess Ponies Collection Pack. Retrieved on 2013 February 13.
  3. Post by Hasbro’s My Little Pony Facebook page (2011-05-19). Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  4. 4.0 4.1 ‘My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic’ exclusive: Twilight’s becoming a princess!. EW.com (2013-01-29). Retrieved on 2013 April 29.
  5. Lauren Faust comments about «Princess» Celestia on her DeviantArt page (2010-12-21). Retrieved on 2011 September 13.
  6. Lauren Faust (2010-12-24). My Little NON-Homophobic, NON-Racist, NON-Smart-Shaming Pony: A Rebuttal. Retrieved on 2013 February 1.
  7. 7.0 7.1 A selection of Series 1 trading cards including Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Nightmare Moon cards. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  8. 8.0 8.1 A selection of Series 2 trading cards including Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance gold cards. Retrieved on 2013 April 17.
  9. A selection of Series 2 trading cards including a Princess Celestia & Princess Luna card. Retrieved on 2013 April 17.
  10. A selection of Series 2 trading cards including a Princess Celestia & Princess Luna foil card. Retrieved on 2013 April 17.
  11. 11.0 11.1 IntenseDebate comment on Equestria Daily (2013-04). Retrieved on 2013 April 17.
  12. Lauren Faust discussing Celestia’s powers on deviantArt comments section (2011-12-18). Retrieved on 2011 December 20.
  13. Hillary Busis (2012-04-13). Saddle up: You’re invited to a ‘My Little Pony’ royal wedding. PopWatch. Retrieved on 2012 April 14. Archived locally
  14. My Little Pony Royal Wedding Contest. Retrieved on 2012 October 6.
  15. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-06-11). @Pixel_Grip94 Well Cadance was a Pegasus orphan raised by Earth ponies and later adopted by Celestia as her niece.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2016 May 4.
  16. Meghan McCarthy (2013-04-14). “@WanWeengedAnjil: As an alicorn, will Twilight be immortal and forced to outlive all of her friends?” Twilight will not outlive her friends. Twitter. Retrieved on 2016 November 8.
  17. Jim Miller (2019-10-12). That was never said on the show. We don’t know how long everyone lives, Twilight included.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2019 October 13.
  18. Jim Miller (2019-10-12). We honestly never discussed it. Her friends have been exposed to a LOT of special magic over the years, so who knows how it’s affected them?. Twitter. Retrieved on 2019 October 13.
  19. Meghan McCarthy (2012-04-27). @jordanolling «QUEEN CHRYSALIS, a GANGLY BLACK PEGACORN with a gnarled black horn.» @R_Dart gets all the credit. Retrieved on 2012 August 21.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Interview with Rebecca Dart — Queen Chrysalis Designer. Equestria Daily (2012-08-20). Retrieved on 2012 August 21.
  21. My Little Pony Annual 2013
  22. Jayson Thiessen (2012-04-24). Shoutout to @R_Dart for the awesome design of Queen Chrysalis and her minions. Not to mention all the rest of her design work on #MLP. Retrieved on 2012 April 25.
  23. Rebecca Dart (2012-04-27). @jordanolling With a name like Chrysalis I figured she should be insect-like, and my inspiration was the work of manga artist Hideshi Hino.. Retrieved on 2012 April 28.
  24. Jim Miller (2016-05-02). @jadedjynx Nope. They say Alicorns have never been born IN EQUESTRIA.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2019 October 10.
  25. My Little Pony Dolls Opaline Arcana Wing Surprise, 5-Inch Toy Alicorn with Accessories, Toys for 5 Year Old Girls and Boys. Amazon.com. Amazon (2022). Retrieved on 2022 December 3. “Connect Cutie Mark-inspired Fire Alicorn charms to the soft fabric of Opaline Arcana’s wings. […] Opaline is a Fire Alicorn villain who tries to steal ponies’ Cutie Marks in the My Little Pony: Make Your Mark show. Connect the colorful charms to Opaline’s beautiful wings to imagine she’s growing her Fire Alicorn magic!”
  26. FiM layout artist on the «baby alicorn» in Twilight’s imagination sequence. “The baby alicorn there was a mistake, the wings aren’t supposed to be there.” Archived locally.
  27. FiM layout artist on some of the royal guards in Twilight’s flashback sequence. “That would be a layout/animation error.” Archived locally.
  28. Jim Miller (2018-04-15). Oh, I’ve heard. It’s a mistake.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2018 April 16.
  29. Jim Miller (2018-04-15). It is.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2018 April 16.
  30. Jim Miller (2018-04-14). Mistakes.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2018 April 16.
  31. My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale | Clip Trot | Full Episode. YouTube (2022-04-28). Retrieved on 2022 April 28.
  32. My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale | Puphunt | Full Episode. YouTube (2022-09-01). Retrieved on 2022 September 1.
  33. Heather Breckel (2014-07-09). Re: Friends Forever #7: Princess Luna & Pinkie Pie. The Round Stable. Retrieved on 2014 July 9.
  34. Heather Breckel (2014-07-09). Re: Friends Forever #7: Princess Luna & Pinkie Pie. The Round Stable. Retrieved on 2014 July 9.
  35. Bobby Curnow (2014-07-10). Re: Hello from the My Little Pony editor! (Ask Question thre. IDW Publishing Forums. Retrieved on 2014 July 10.
  36. Heather Breckel (2014-07-13). @TonyFleecs @Bluewolf2020 haha I’m used to it. I think the crowd should be nothing but alicorn Flash Sentrys bwahahaha. Twitter. Retrieved on 2021 October 24.
  37. Tony Fleecs (2020-01-25). @askbrambledive4 They told me this meant something back when the issue came out— literally had NO Idea. Also I accidentally made Flash Sentry an Alicorn.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2021 October 24.
  38. English-only packaging of Glimmer Wings Rarity. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  39. Trilingual packaging of Glimmer Wings Rarity. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  40. My Little Pony So Soft Newborn Princess Skyla Doll. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  41. Meghan McCarthy (2013-04-01). Episode 404 is called “Meet Princess Skyla”. #brony #MLPFIM #MLPseason4. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 May 13.
  42. Jim Miller (2015-01-21). @alienofpizza Anything is possible! But no current plans.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 January 21.
  43. Jim Miller (2018-11-24). Skyla.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2018 November 24.
  44. M. A. Larson (2014-05-13). Come on, two days into the hiatus and they’ve already spoiled Princess Sterling AND Princess Gold Lily?!? There go my first two episodes.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 May 13.
  45. Jim Miller (2014-11-25). @Murrisson No spoilers there either, I’m afraid. Just a toy.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 December 16.
  46. Welcome Equestria’s New Alicorn: Fleur Dis Lee!. Equestria Daily (2013-03-28). Retrieved on 2013 March 28.
  47. Aa73diQ.png (2013-03-28). Retrieved on 2013 March 28.
  48. Master file type02&04_pony guide.jpg (2012-11-11). Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  49. Grown Up Ponies. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  50. Engineered Alicorn. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  51. All Dem Ponies. Retrieved on 2013 March 1.
  52. Iconic Print. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  53. My Little Pony: The Castles of Equestria: An Enchanted My Little Pony Pop-Up Book. Retrieved on 2015 February 27.
  54. Gillian M. Berrow (2015-05-09). @MatthewReinhar1 has captured the beauty of Equestria’s castles through his amazing pop-ups. The book is out on 6/2!. Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 May 12.
  55. Exclusive Season 1 Retrospective Interview with Lauren Faust. Equestria Daily (2011-09-16). Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  56. Lauren Faust (2011-09-16). Interview for Equestria Daily by *fyre-flye on DeviantArt. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  57. Desirée Skylark (2015-01-22). My Little Ponies at the EAG International and London Toy Fair 2015. YouTube. Retrieved on 2015 January 24.
  58. Dana Reynolds (2011-12-30). Evening starlite. My Little Pony: FIM Fan Characters. Fanpop. Retrieved on 2015 January 24.
  59. Jim Miller (2015-02-12). @Murrisson I have no idea who that character is in the toy photo. Not the same as far as I can tell.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 February 12.
  60. Damian Ziomek (2012-04-29). Chrysalis The Dark Queen. DeviantArt. Retrieved on 2017 April 19.

A stylized depiction of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the two regal sisters of Equestria

Alicorns are pony characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, My Little Pony: Pony Life, and other material, who have both a unicorn horn and Pegasus wings[1] and, depending on the depiction, also have Earth pony power. They are styled as royalty. They are referred to as Princess Ponies in Hasbro’s toy line,[2] as Pegasus Unicorns in Little Brown’s book Mini Pony Collector’s Guide, and, once, as Pegasus unicorns on Hasbro’s My Little Pony Facebook page.[3] Meghan McCarthy, Friendship is Magic‘s head writer, says that the title of «princess» is one that is earned in Equestria.[4]

The third season episode Magic Duel marks the first use of the term «Alicorn» in the series, and in Magical Mystery Cure the term is used for the first time to directly refer to winged unicorns, previously referred to as unicorns in earlier seasons’ episodes Friendship is Magic, part 1 and A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1.

The regal sisters

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, previous rulers of Equestria.

Princess Celestia and her younger sister Princess Luna are introduced in the first episode in a series of medieval-like drawings with a narration that says there were «two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land,» and that «the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night.» Lauren Faust commented that Princess Celestia was originally supposed to be Queen Celestia, the highest authority with no parents who outrank her. Her status was later changed to «princess» at Hasbro’s request.[5] Faust has stated that Celestia embodies the traits of all three pony kinds: Earth, Pegasus, and unicorn.[6] In Enterplay’s trading card series, Series 1 lists the sisters’ pony type as both Pegasus and unicorn but not Earth,[7] and Series 2 lists their pony type as all three[8] and also refers to them as «immortal alicorns»;[9][10] a writer and consultant for both series has stated that the inclusion of Earth was «an intentional improvement» they made on Series 2, «based on feedback and it being one of those ‘could be canon’ sorts of things that just plain makes sense.»[11] Faust has suggested that there is more to Princess Celestia than has been depicted of her in the series, and that she wanted Celestia to be «mysterious and hard to understand».[12]

Princess Cadance

Princess Cadance with a Crystal Pony in the Crystal Empire.

The first half of the second season finale, A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1, introduces Princess Cadance. She is Twilight Sparkle’s foal-sitter in Twilight’s flashback, and she becomes her sister-in-law after marrying Shining Armor in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2. Various promotional materials, including a New York Times ad,[13] A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1’s Hubworld, iTunes, and Netflix summaries, the back cover of the DVD Royal Pony Wedding, and the home page of Treehouse TV’s Royal Wedding Contest site,[14] state that she is the niece of Princess Celestia. A blurb on one of the toy sets featuring Cadance says that she and Shining Armor «lead the Crystal Empire together!» Indeed, Bright Smile proclaims her as «The Crystal Princess!» at the end of The Crystal Empire — Part 2. In Enterplay’s trading card series, Series 1 lists her pony type as both Pegasus and unicorn but not Earth,[7] and Series 2 lists her pony type as all three;[8] a writer and consultant for both series has stated that the inclusion of Earth was «an intentional improvement» they made on Series 2, «based on feedback and it being one of those ‘could be canon’ sorts of things that just plain makes sense.»[11]

The books Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell and Princess Cadance and the Spring Hearts Garden and Amy Keating Rogers state that Cadance was born a Pegasus and became an Alicorn later.[15]

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle as an Alicorn.

Twilight Sparkle is introduced in Friendship is Magic as a unicorn, and she even calls herself a «regular old unicorn» in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1, to which Princess Cadance replies «You are anything but a regular old unicorn.» According to Meghan, «princess [in Equestria] is a designation that’s earned, not freely given and though princesses have specific leadership roles in pony society, being one really means ‘being a good pony who shares the gifts that they have been given with others.'»[4] Twilight becomes a princess and gains wings in the episode Magical Mystery Cure. On April 14, 2013, McCarthy was asked «As an alicorn, will Twilight be immortal and forced to outlive all of her friends?» and answered «Twilight will not outlive her friends».[16] However, on October 12, 2019, in response to Twilight not aging in The Last Problem while her friends are, Jim Miller said, «That was never said on the show. We don’t know how long everyone lives, Twilight included.»[17] He then added, «We honestly never discussed it. Her friends have been exposed to a LOT of special magic over the years, so who knows how it’s affected them?»[18]

Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell

The chapter book Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell describes Twilight’s new status in chapter 1, «A Crown Achievement»: «Twilight had received her very own set of wings. Real Pegasus wings! She was officially a part of a special breed of pony called an Alicorn. This meant that Twilight was now able to harness the magical powers of the Unicorns, the flight abilities of the Pegasi, and the strength of a good, true heart of an Earth Pony.»

Queen Chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis, previous ruler of the Changelings.

Queen Chrysalis, first seen in the episode A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1 impersonating Cadance before revealing her true form in Part 2, was described in her debut episode’s script as «a GANGLY BLACK PEGACORN with a gnarled black horn.»[19][20] This same description, «a gangly black pegacorn,» is used in a comic version of the story featured in Signature Publishing’s My Little Pony Annual 2013.[21] She and the other changelings were designed by Rebecca Dart, the main character designer for season two.[22] Rebecca was inspired by the work of manga artists Junko Mizuno and Hideshi Hino, and after reading the name «Chrysalis», she «figured [Chrysalis] should be insect-like.»[20][23] The changelings are referred to as a different species in Friendship is Magic and also as ponies on page 53 of the guidebook The Elements of Harmony.

Flurry Heart

Flurry Heart in her first appearance in The Crystalling — Part 1.

Flurry Heart is an Alicorn filly born to Shining Armor and Princess Cadance in the season six premiere. Some materials title her the «first»[note 1] Alicorn baby, with Gameloft’s mobile game adding the qualifier «in all of time and space», though a So Soft Newborn toy of Princess Skyla, another Alicorn, was released years beforehand, and the book The Journal of the Two Sisters and Jim Miller suggest that Celestia and Luna, as well as other Alicorns, were born as Alicorns too.[24] In The Crystalling — Part 1, Celestia comments, «The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen!» Her horn and wings are larger than either of those of the Cake foals and of other baby ponies featured in Friendship is Magic and in other official material(s). When Twilight and her friends see Flurry Heart for the first time, they are taken aback by her unfurled wings.

Cozy Glow

Cozy Glow transformed into an Alicorn by Grogar’s magic.

In The Ending of the End — Part 1, Pegasus filly Cozy Glow transforms into an Alicorn after absorbing the power of Grogar’s Bewitching Bell. She briefly turns into a giant Alicorn with bat wings when she absorbs Discord’s magic, but she quickly turns back when she is unable to control his chaos. She is reverted back into a Pegasus in Part 2 after her defeat.

Sunny Starscout

In the Generation 5 film My Little Pony: A New Generation, Earth pony Sunny Starscout manifests a magical, translucent horn and wings, giving her the appearance of an Alicorn, after she brings the three pony races together in friendship again. In subsequent G5 media, she can change back and forth between her Earth pony and Alicorn forms.

Opaline Arcana

In the hour-long special My Little Pony: Make Your Mark, an Alicorn named Opaline Arcana witnesses the return of magic in Maretime Bay. In the subsequent series of the same name, she is stated by a recording of Twilight Sparkle to have attempted to steal all of Equestria’s magic in the past until Twilight stopped her by creating the Unity Crystals and erecting a magic barrier around Equestria. In the episode Have You Seen This Dragon?, when Opaline absorbs some of Sparky Sparkeroni’s magic dragonfire, her horn and wings obtain a pale blue fiery glow. In the My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale short Dragon Dad, Opaline refers to herself as a Fire Alicorn.[25]

Other winged unicorns

«Princess Erroria» as an Alicorn in Lesson Zero.

Friendship is Magic includes other Alicorns and crew members of the show have explained at least some of them as animation errors. These include «Princess Erroria» in Twilight’s imagination having both wings and a horn in Lesson Zero,[26] three royal guards in one of Twilight’s flashbacks having both wings and horns in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1,[27] Neon Lights having wings in Rarity Takes Manehattan, Lemon Hearts having wings in Rainbow Falls, Rarity having wings in Pinkie Pride, «Princess Erroria» in Sweetie Belle’s imagination again having both wings and a horn in Twilight Time, S05E01 Unnamed Pegasus Mare #4 having a horn in The Cutie Map — Part 2, Fleur de Lis having wings in Canterlot Boutique, Rose having both wings and a horn in Newbie Dash, Pumpkin Cake having wings in A Flurry of Emotions, «Rivet»[28][29][30] and Steam Roller each having both wings and a horn in Grannies Gone Wild, «Mulberry Flowers» having wings in A Matter of Principals, Lyra Heartstrings having wings in The Washouts, and «Mulberry Flowers» again having wings in What Lies Beneath.

There is an illustration that shows an Alicorn princess mare and an Earth pony prince stallion in the book that the Cutie Mark Crusaders read in Hearts and Hooves Day.

Book illustration: Hearts and Hooves Day

Pinkie Pie briefly dresses up as an Alicorn in the episode Magical Mystery Cure. In The Mysterious Mare Do Well, the masked Mare Do Well is shown to have a unicorn horn and Pegasus wings, convincing Rainbow Dash that she’s an Alicorn. However, it should be noted that she is never seen with both her horn and wings at the same time.

In the episode Sonic Rainboom, Rarity is given wings by a magic spell temporarily, made of gossamer and morning dew. These wings are similar to those of the flutter ponies from Generation 1.

Discord replaces his wings and antlers with giant pink wings and a giant horn to mock Twilight in Twilight’s Kingdom — Part 1.

In the movie My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, during the climactic battle between the Dazzlings and the Rainbooms, a giant spiritual Alicorn is summoned by Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, and the human counterparts of Twilight’s Ponyville friends through the magic of friendship. The Alicorn blasts the astral projections of the Dazzlings’ true siren forms to dust and shatters their power sources, stripping them of their powers and leaving them to flee in shame and disgrace from the furious students and faculty.

In Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Big McIntosh turns into an Alicorn during Ponyville’s shared dream.

Two Alicorns on a vase illustration.

In The Crystalling — Part 1, two female Alicorns are depicted in portrait on a Crystalling vase, bearing resemblances to Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance.

In Stranger Than Fan Fiction, one of seven doors in the inner sanctum of the Temple of Chicomoztoc depicts an Alicorn.

In Dragon Dropped, a sometimes-horizontally-flipped picture includes two Alicorns.

In the My Little Pony: Pony Life episodes Pie vs. Pie; Superb Six and The Shows Must Go On, Alicorn background ponies appear.​[​specify​]​ When the unicorn Potion Nova first appears in Potion Mystery, she is shown with wings; other unicorns shown with wings include Trixie in Friendship Gems, Sweetie Belle in Dol-FIN-ale, and Rarity in Pony Surfin’ Safari, Zound Off, and Sportacular Spectacular Musical Musak-ular.

In My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale#Clip Trot and sometimes My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale#Puphunt, Pegasus.[31][32]​[​specify​]​


The book The Journal of the Two Sisters recounts parts of Princess Luna’s and Princess Celestia’s diaries. Luna tells of «the Alicorns» who taught Luna and Celestia when they were foals. Celestia tells of Star Swirl the Bearded who is familiar with Alicorns, and how Alicorns age differently than other ponies, which is why Luna and Celestia remained without cutie marks well into adulthood.

In Beyond Equestria: Rainbow Dash Rights the Ship, Rainbow Dash explains to Captain Celaeno and her crew that the Good Fortune Garnet was given to the founders of Cloudsdale by a mysterious and powerful Alicorn.

In Ponyville Mysteries: Journey to the Livewood, Auntie Eclipse uses the Helm of Shadows to briefly transform into a Nightmare Moon-like Alicorn, dubbing herself «Eclipse Destiny».

IDW comics

In the IDW comics, an Alicorn mare appears on page 18 of My Little Pony Micro-Series Issue #2, Sunset Shimmer sees herself as an Alicorn in the Crystal Mirror on page 3 of The Fall of Sunset Shimmer, an alternate universe Trixie is shown to be an Alicorn in a stained glass window on page 12 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #19, Star Swirl the Bearded is imagined as an Alicorn on page 20 of the same issue, Lyra Heartstrings appears as an Alicorn on page 3 of My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #7, Flash Sentry appears as an Alicorn on page 2 of Issue #9, Princess Glitter Punch is shown from the neck up in a picture on page 9 of My Little Pony Annual 2014, Twilight Sporkle depictions appear in The Root of the Problem, Paper Hearts’ silhouette is shown in a picture on cover RI of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #36 and sewn depiction is shown from the neck down on cover RI of Issue #43, Goldcap, Decepticolt, and Zappityhoof use wings in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #25, and making Alicorn eyes is mentioned on page 1 of Issue #28. Regarding the fifth of these, colorist Heather Breckel stated on July 9, 2014 «Tony drew it, I just thought it looked like her»[33] and «I have no idea if it was intentional or not, and was in the zone when I colored it so I didn’t think anything of it. I just like putting Lyras everywhere :yay:»,[34] and editor Bobby Curnow stated on July 10, 2014 «That would be a mistake!»;[35] regarding the sixth of these, colorist Heather Breckel stated on July 13, 2014 «I think the crowd should be nothing but alicorn Flash Sentrys bwahahaha»[36] and artist Tony Fleecs stated in late January 2020 «I accidentally made Flash Sentry an Alicorn.»[37]

My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #32 features the legend of Queen Parabola, who is depicted as an Alicorn with zebra stripes. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #53 also features a depiction of Shadow Lock’s ancestor, who has both wings and a horn but is also demonic in appearance. In Issue #57, Pinkie Pie uses the magic of Discord’s realm to briefly turn herself into an Alicorn. In Issue #64, another Alicorn appears. In Issue #74, yet another Alicorn appears. In My Little Pony/Transformers Issue #3, an Alicorn with Sunset Shimmer’s mane style appears. In My Little Pony: Generations Issue #1 page 14 panel 9, Starlight Glimmer appears as an Alicorn. On My Little Pony (2022 comics) Issue #6’s B cover, Sprout has an Alicorn figurine.


The Glimmer Wings toys include a similarly butterfly-winged Rarity, packaged with a butterfly; according to this release’s descriptions, Rarity «imagines having beautiful wings just like her butterfly friend.»[38][39]

An Alicorn called Princess Skyla is included in the So Soft Newborn toys.[40] On April 1, 2013, Meghan McCarthy wrote on Twitter «Episode 404 is called “Meet Princess Skyla”.» #brony #MLPFIM #MLPseason4″[41] as part of an April Fools’ Day joke. In January 2015, Jim Miller was asked «Hope Im[sic] not bothering but, will Princess Skyla ever be real? pic.twitter.com/Z5OpkGi0tu» and replied «Anything is possible! But no current plans.»[42] In November 2018, Miller was asked «Who is your favorite of the Alicorn princesses?» and answered «Skyla.»[43]

The Rainbow Power and Cutie Mark Magic Playful Ponies toys each include adult Alicorns called Princess Sterling and Princess Gold Lily, packaged respectively with Fluttershy and with Pinkie Pie. In mid-May 2014, M. A. Larson wrote on Twitter «Come on, two days into the hiatus and they’ve already spoiled Princess Sterling AND Princess Gold Lily?!? There go my first two episodes.»[44] On November 25, 2014, Jim Miller stated regarding the Rainbow Power package of Princess Sterling & Fluttershy «No spoilers there either, I’m afraid. Just a toy.»[45]

The Pony Life toys include two Alicorns sharing Twilight Sparkle’s design; one of them is called Fizzleshake and resembles Fizzy, particularly G1 My Little Pony The End of Flutter Valley Part 4 error Alicorn Fizzy.


In Gameloft’s mobile game, magic wings of the same design as in Sonic Rainboom are temporarily given to any non-Pegasus for the flying minigame, including the unicorns DJ Pon-3, Fancy Pants, Flam, Flim, Forsythia, Joe, Lovestruck, Lyra Heartstrings, Magnum, Minuette, Prince Blueblood, Rarity, Shining Armor, Snails, Snips, Sunset Shimmer, Sweetie Belle, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet, Twilight’s Dad, Twinkleshine, Unicorn Guard, and Upper Crust.

The player-designed ponies in Adventures in Ponyville, who can only be mares, can be Earth ponies, Pegasi, or unicorns, and for the Rainbow Dash’s Cloud Bump minigame, Twilight Sparkle uses magic to give a player-designed pony and an unnamed Earth pony each a set of Pegasus wings temporarily; thus, if the player-designed pony is a unicorn, she will be an Alicorn for the minigame. The player-designed ponies in PonyMaker and its Rarity’s Bridal Boutique version, who can be of any sex, can be Earth ponies, Pegasi, unicorns, or Alicorns.

Gameloft’s mobile game formerly included a Changeling assuming the identity of Fleur Dis Lee but pretending to be an Alicorn, who the game identified as the unicorn Fleur Dis Lee[46][47] until an update replaced this Changeling with Fleur Dis Lee herself. A model sheet for the game includes «Sweetiebelle[sic]» as an Alicorn.[48] The «Crowns and Chaos» event also introduced variants of several characters-notably including Shining Armor, Princess Amore, and Rain Shine-who appear as Alicorns with bat-like wings after being transformed by chaos magic.


In a French My Little Pony magazine story, Celestia has a cousin named Léon, a four-year-old Alicorn. The Haunting of Equestria features Princess Argent and Princess Solar, counterparts of Luna and Celestia from the Shadow Realm.

Leon in the French My Little Pony magazine cropped


DoctorHoovesTARainbow DashISshirtAlicorns

A Doctor Who weeping angels parody


Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash with horns

WeLoveFine’s merchandise designs have included several Alicorn depictions:

  1. «Rarity Fabulous Bag» and «Flight of the Ponies» also depict Rarity with wings of gossamer and morning dew.
  2. «Dr. Hooves Line», «Dr. Hooves», «Hooves Scribble», and «Dr[sic] Hooves» include Alicorn mares similar to Weeping Angels from Doctor Who
  3. «Grown Up Ponies» included Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash both as Alicorns;[49] «Engineered Alicorn» and «Steampunk Trixie» respectively included and include Twilight Sparkle[50] and Trixie each equipped with steampunk wings; «All Dem Ponies» included six Alicorns, three of them mares and three of them stallions, with one of the stallions resembling Discord;[51] «Iconic Print» included an Alicorn mare[52] who is to appear as a unicorn in My Little Pony: The Castles of Equestria[53][54] and who was originally created by Lauren Faust;[55][56] and «We’re All Doomed» includes Derpy as an Alicorn.

A display, used at EAG International 2015, has included Pony Creator[note 2] artwork of an Alicorn mare with a similar color scheme to Starlight Glimmer and the non-siren forms of Aria Blaze,[57] named «Evening starlite», made by Dana Reynolds.[58] In mid-February 2015, Jim Miller was asked regarding Evening starlite’s resemblance to Starlight Glimmer and replied about him having no idea who Evening starlite is and them being not the same as far as he can tell.[59]

The Alicorn Amulet

The Alicorn Amulet is an amulet which features the image of an Alicorn. In the episode Magic Duel, Trixie uses it to become a «highest level unicorn», gain immense magical powers, and antagonize the citizens of Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle finds out that only the wearer can remove the amulet and tricks Trixie into removing it with a fake amulet of her own in a magic duel.

Other examples

LF pony sepia

Original sketch by Lauren Faust of the Alicorn who later appeared on a WeLoveFine T-shirt.

Rarity's wings S01E16

Rarity with magic wings of gossamer and morning dew in Sonic Rainboom.

Cadance walks away S02E25

Spike sees an alicorn horse statue S4E03

Big McIntosh becomes an Alicorn S5E13

Watermelody painting an Alicorn EG3

Pinkie, Twilight, and Rarity proud of themselves EGDS1

Las Pegasus hot-air balloon port S8E5

Twilight showing artifacts to the students S8E15

Rarity watches Spike leave the room S9E19

S5 animatic 94 The townsponies

Princess Skyla Toy

So Soft Newborn Princess Skyla, a toy-exclusive Alicorn.

Rainbow Power Princess Sterling & Fluttershy

Princess Sterling, a toy-exclusive Alicorn.

Rainbow Power Princess Gold Lily & Pinkie Pie

Princess Gold Lily, a toy-exclusive Alicorn.

MLP Annual 2013 Alicorn Sunset

Comic issue 64 credits page

My Little Pony (2022) issue 6 cover B

Queen Parabola ID Gameloft

Flying minigame score MLP Game

Twilight Sparkle with magic wings in Gameloft’s mobile game.

Fleur Dis Lee Alicorn MLP Mobile App

A changeling disguised as Alicorn Fleur Dis Lee in Gameloft’s mobile game.

My Little Pony mobile game - Master file 3D model renderings

Alicorn Sweetie Belle in the 3D master file of Gameloft’s mobile game.

Leon is introduced in the French My Little Pony magazine

Léon, an Alicorn foal, in a French My Little Pony magazine.

Chrysalis the Dark Queen art print WeLoveFine

«The baby in egg is… alicorn. And maybe… male alicorn?»[60]


Celestia and Luna form a Yin and Yang-like symbol S1E01.png

Princess Celestia image gallery
Princess Luna image gallery
Princess Cadance image gallery
Queen Chrysalis image gallery
Twilight Sparkle image gallery
Flurry Heart image gallery
Cozy Glow image gallery

See also

  • Wikipedia:Winged unicorn
  • Alicorns on the Fan Wiki
  • Earth ponies
  • Unicorns
  • Pegasus ponies
  • Crystal Ponies
  • Foals
  • Forum:Speculation/Alicorns


  1. Compare other promotional material titling her parents’ wedding the «first ever» pony wedding despite multiple couples of already married pony characters being introduced earlier.
  2. Not to be confused with PonyMaker.


  1. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Our Shows. Hasbro Studios. Retrieved on 2015 January 15. “a powerful Alicorn princess — a Unicorn with wings” “Alicorn (part-Unicorn/part-Pegasus)”
  2. My Little Pony Crystal Princess Ponies Collection Pack. Retrieved on 2013 February 13.
  3. Post by Hasbro’s My Little Pony Facebook page (2011-05-19). Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  4. 4.0 4.1 ‘My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic’ exclusive: Twilight’s becoming a princess!. EW.com (2013-01-29). Retrieved on 2013 April 29.
  5. Lauren Faust comments about «Princess» Celestia on her DeviantArt page (2010-12-21). Retrieved on 2011 September 13.
  6. Lauren Faust (2010-12-24). My Little NON-Homophobic, NON-Racist, NON-Smart-Shaming Pony: A Rebuttal. Retrieved on 2013 February 1.
  7. 7.0 7.1 A selection of Series 1 trading cards including Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Nightmare Moon cards. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  8. 8.0 8.1 A selection of Series 2 trading cards including Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance gold cards. Retrieved on 2013 April 17.
  9. A selection of Series 2 trading cards including a Princess Celestia & Princess Luna card. Retrieved on 2013 April 17.
  10. A selection of Series 2 trading cards including a Princess Celestia & Princess Luna foil card. Retrieved on 2013 April 17.
  11. 11.0 11.1 IntenseDebate comment on Equestria Daily (2013-04). Retrieved on 2013 April 17.
  12. Lauren Faust discussing Celestia’s powers on deviantArt comments section (2011-12-18). Retrieved on 2011 December 20.
  13. Hillary Busis (2012-04-13). Saddle up: You’re invited to a ‘My Little Pony’ royal wedding. PopWatch. Retrieved on 2012 April 14. Archived locally
  14. My Little Pony Royal Wedding Contest. Retrieved on 2012 October 6.
  15. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-06-11). @Pixel_Grip94 Well Cadance was a Pegasus orphan raised by Earth ponies and later adopted by Celestia as her niece.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2016 May 4.
  16. Meghan McCarthy (2013-04-14). “@WanWeengedAnjil: As an alicorn, will Twilight be immortal and forced to outlive all of her friends?” Twilight will not outlive her friends. Twitter. Retrieved on 2016 November 8.
  17. Jim Miller (2019-10-12). That was never said on the show. We don’t know how long everyone lives, Twilight included.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2019 October 13.
  18. Jim Miller (2019-10-12). We honestly never discussed it. Her friends have been exposed to a LOT of special magic over the years, so who knows how it’s affected them?. Twitter. Retrieved on 2019 October 13.
  19. Meghan McCarthy (2012-04-27). @jordanolling «QUEEN CHRYSALIS, a GANGLY BLACK PEGACORN with a gnarled black horn.» @R_Dart gets all the credit. Retrieved on 2012 August 21.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Interview with Rebecca Dart — Queen Chrysalis Designer. Equestria Daily (2012-08-20). Retrieved on 2012 August 21.
  21. My Little Pony Annual 2013
  22. Jayson Thiessen (2012-04-24). Shoutout to @R_Dart for the awesome design of Queen Chrysalis and her minions. Not to mention all the rest of her design work on #MLP. Retrieved on 2012 April 25.
  23. Rebecca Dart (2012-04-27). @jordanolling With a name like Chrysalis I figured she should be insect-like, and my inspiration was the work of manga artist Hideshi Hino.. Retrieved on 2012 April 28.
  24. Jim Miller (2016-05-02). @jadedjynx Nope. They say Alicorns have never been born IN EQUESTRIA.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2019 October 10.
  25. My Little Pony Dolls Opaline Arcana Wing Surprise, 5-Inch Toy Alicorn with Accessories, Toys for 5 Year Old Girls and Boys. Amazon.com. Amazon (2022). Retrieved on 2022 December 3. “Connect Cutie Mark-inspired Fire Alicorn charms to the soft fabric of Opaline Arcana’s wings. […] Opaline is a Fire Alicorn villain who tries to steal ponies’ Cutie Marks in the My Little Pony: Make Your Mark show. Connect the colorful charms to Opaline’s beautiful wings to imagine she’s growing her Fire Alicorn magic!”
  26. FiM layout artist on the «baby alicorn» in Twilight’s imagination sequence. “The baby alicorn there was a mistake, the wings aren’t supposed to be there.” Archived locally.
  27. FiM layout artist on some of the royal guards in Twilight’s flashback sequence. “That would be a layout/animation error.” Archived locally.
  28. Jim Miller (2018-04-15). Oh, I’ve heard. It’s a mistake.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2018 April 16.
  29. Jim Miller (2018-04-15). It is.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2018 April 16.
  30. Jim Miller (2018-04-14). Mistakes.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2018 April 16.
  31. My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale | Clip Trot | Full Episode. YouTube (2022-04-28). Retrieved on 2022 April 28.
  32. My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale | Puphunt | Full Episode. YouTube (2022-09-01). Retrieved on 2022 September 1.
  33. Heather Breckel (2014-07-09). Re: Friends Forever #7: Princess Luna & Pinkie Pie. The Round Stable. Retrieved on 2014 July 9.
  34. Heather Breckel (2014-07-09). Re: Friends Forever #7: Princess Luna & Pinkie Pie. The Round Stable. Retrieved on 2014 July 9.
  35. Bobby Curnow (2014-07-10). Re: Hello from the My Little Pony editor! (Ask Question thre. IDW Publishing Forums. Retrieved on 2014 July 10.
  36. Heather Breckel (2014-07-13). @TonyFleecs @Bluewolf2020 haha I’m used to it. I think the crowd should be nothing but alicorn Flash Sentrys bwahahaha. Twitter. Retrieved on 2021 October 24.
  37. Tony Fleecs (2020-01-25). @askbrambledive4 They told me this meant something back when the issue came out— literally had NO Idea. Also I accidentally made Flash Sentry an Alicorn.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2021 October 24.
  38. English-only packaging of Glimmer Wings Rarity. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  39. Trilingual packaging of Glimmer Wings Rarity. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  40. My Little Pony So Soft Newborn Princess Skyla Doll. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  41. Meghan McCarthy (2013-04-01). Episode 404 is called “Meet Princess Skyla”. #brony #MLPFIM #MLPseason4. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 May 13.
  42. Jim Miller (2015-01-21). @alienofpizza Anything is possible! But no current plans.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 January 21.
  43. Jim Miller (2018-11-24). Skyla.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2018 November 24.
  44. M. A. Larson (2014-05-13). Come on, two days into the hiatus and they’ve already spoiled Princess Sterling AND Princess Gold Lily?!? There go my first two episodes.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 May 13.
  45. Jim Miller (2014-11-25). @Murrisson No spoilers there either, I’m afraid. Just a toy.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 December 16.
  46. Welcome Equestria’s New Alicorn: Fleur Dis Lee!. Equestria Daily (2013-03-28). Retrieved on 2013 March 28.
  47. Aa73diQ.png (2013-03-28). Retrieved on 2013 March 28.
  48. Master file type02&04_pony guide.jpg (2012-11-11). Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  49. Grown Up Ponies. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  50. Engineered Alicorn. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  51. All Dem Ponies. Retrieved on 2013 March 1.
  52. Iconic Print. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  53. My Little Pony: The Castles of Equestria: An Enchanted My Little Pony Pop-Up Book. Retrieved on 2015 February 27.
  54. Gillian M. Berrow (2015-05-09). @MatthewReinhar1 has captured the beauty of Equestria’s castles through his amazing pop-ups. The book is out on 6/2!. Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 May 12.
  55. Exclusive Season 1 Retrospective Interview with Lauren Faust. Equestria Daily (2011-09-16). Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  56. Lauren Faust (2011-09-16). Interview for Equestria Daily by *fyre-flye on DeviantArt. Retrieved on 2013 February 4.
  57. Desirée Skylark (2015-01-22). My Little Ponies at the EAG International and London Toy Fair 2015. YouTube. Retrieved on 2015 January 24.
  58. Dana Reynolds (2011-12-30). Evening starlite. My Little Pony: FIM Fan Characters. Fanpop. Retrieved on 2015 January 24.
  59. Jim Miller (2015-02-12). @Murrisson I have no idea who that character is in the toy photo. Not the same as far as I can tell.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 February 12.
  60. Damian Ziomek (2012-04-29). Chrysalis The Dark Queen. DeviantArt. Retrieved on 2017 April 19.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Alchemists working for royal families and nobles used alicorn in their production of spagyrically (super charged) plant medicines.

Алхимики, работающие на королевские семьи и дворян, использовали «аликорн» в производстве спагетрических (сверхзаряженных) растительных лекарств.

The spiral horn of the unicorn was called alicorn.

Спиралевидный рог единорога назывался аликорн.

She is a female unicorn pony who transforms into an Alicorn and becomes a princess in Magical Mystery Cure.

Она — пони женского единорога, который превращается в Аликорн и становится принцессой в магической тайне Cure

At the very least you will know what an Alicorn is…

Ниже вы узнаете, что такое скальпинг, как…

Used to be called «Alicorn Gas.»

Princess Celestia is an Alicorn and co-ruler of Equestria alongside her younger sister, Princess Luna.

Принцесса Селестия (англ. Princess Celestia) — пони-аликорн и правитель Эквестрии вместе со своей младшей сестрой — Принцессой Луной.

We must get the Alicorn back.

Мы должны вернуть рог.

I guess they feel that since there’s an alicorn

Я могу предположить, что, поскольку они находятся в кошель

But a thousand years is a long time, even for an alicorn.

If the scorpion stayed within the circle, it was considered a genuine alicorn.

Если скорпион оставался в пределах круга, рог считался настоящим.

The gleaming, magical horn that’s captured our hearts is officially called an alicorn.

Сверкающий, Волшебный рог, который захватил наши сердца, официально называется alicorn.

To do this, the eldest used her alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night.

Чтобы сделать это, старший использовал ее единорог полномочий поднять солнце на рассвете, младший достал луну, чтобы начать ночи.

When Elysion is invaded by the Dead Moon Circus, Helios is sealed in the body of an alicorn, Pegasus (一角天馬 (ペガサス), Pegasasu), and placed inside a cage.

Когда Элизион был захвачен цирком Мертвой Луны, Гелиос оказался запечатан в теле лошади, Пегаса, и помещён в клетку.

When Elysion is invaded by the Dead Moon Circus, Helios is sealed in the body of an alicorn, Pegasus (一角天馬 (ペガサス), Pegasasu),and placed inside a cage.

Когда Элизион был захвачен цирком Мертвой Луны, Гелиос оказался запечатан в теле лошади, Пегаса, и помещён в клетку.

There’s one charity here, Alicorn International.

Example from Alicorn: I avoid learning politicians’ positions on gun control, because I have strong emotional reactions to the subject which I don’t endorse.

Пример от Аликорн: Я избегаю изучать мнение политиков по поводу контроля оружия, потому что оно вызывает у меня сильную эмоциональную реакцию, которая мне не нравится.

«Doesn’t the Alicorn of Awesomeness remember his feats?»

He was mentioned by the Greek historian and physician Ctesias, who said that the rulers of India were so afraid of being poisoned that they used alicorn to neutralize the alleged poisons in their food.

О нем упоминал греческий историк и врач Ктесий, говоривший, что правители Индии настолько боялись быть отравленными, что использовали аликорн для…

A unicorn horn, also known as an alicorn, is an object of legend whose reality was accepted in Western Europe throughout the Middle Ages.

Рог единорога, так же известный как аликорн — артефакт из легенд Западной Европы.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 21. Точных совпадений: 21. Затраченное время: 69 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


No image (u)

Sapient? Yes


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The alicorn, princess pony, Princess, etc. is a race of pony.

Alicorns are so-far-female-only ponies who boast the basic traits of all three pony races — the strength and durability of the earth pony, the magic of the unicorn, and the flight of the pegasus.

Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight Sparkle are the only canonical alicorns, indicating that the condition is particular to the royal family’s females and can be granted by some sort of karmic adopt-a-child system.

As all known Princesses have important roles and enhanced magical powers to some degree, the state of being an alicorn / Princess may play a role in magical potential or in destiny and fate and such.

Or it could just be a quick sales hook to sell colorful toys to innocent little girls.

Name issues[]

  You have entered the Twilight Zone.The following section is trivial nitpicking about technical inaccuracy nobody cares about.  

The names «alicorn» and «winged unicorn» are unsuitable for this race for several reasons:

  1. «Winged unicorn» implies that the individual is simply a unicorn with wings, ignoring their other pegasus abilities and earth pony traits;
  2. «Alicorn» in its modern usage is only a synonymous term for a winged unicorn, with the problems above, and has the added bonus of being a deviation of its original definition; alicorn is actually the mythical material that supposedly composes a unicorn horn, similar to «ivory» constituting such things as elephant tusks. This newer, incorrect usage was popularized by the author Piers Anthony in the 1984 novel Bearing an Hourglass, in which is was used for a singular creature, depicted as a winged unicorn.

List of princess ponies[]

Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight Sparkle are the only canonical alicorns.

Players are discouraged from creating Alicorn OC’s, as they, by nature, tend to be Mary Sue-ish.


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The alicorn, princess pony, Princess, etc. is a race of pony.

Alicorns are so-far-female-only ponies who boast the basic traits of all three pony races — the strength and durability of the earth pony, the magic of the unicorn, and the flight of the pegasus.

Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight Sparkle are the only canonical alicorns, indicating that the condition is particular to the royal family’s females and can be granted by some sort of karmic adopt-a-child system.

As all known Princesses have important roles and enhanced magical powers to some degree, the state of being an alicorn / Princess may play a role in magical potential or in destiny and fate and such.

Or it could just be a quick sales hook to sell colorful toys to innocent little girls.

Name issues[]

  You have entered the Twilight Zone.The following section is trivial nitpicking about technical inaccuracy nobody cares about.  

The names «alicorn» and «winged unicorn» are unsuitable for this race for several reasons:

  1. «Winged unicorn» implies that the individual is simply a unicorn with wings, ignoring their other pegasus abilities and earth pony traits;
  2. «Alicorn» in its modern usage is only a synonymous term for a winged unicorn, with the problems above, and has the added bonus of being a deviation of its original definition; alicorn is actually the mythical material that supposedly composes a unicorn horn, similar to «ivory» constituting such things as elephant tusks. This newer, incorrect usage was popularized by the author Piers Anthony in the 1984 novel Bearing an Hourglass, in which is was used for a singular creature, depicted as a winged unicorn.

List of princess ponies[]

Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight Sparkle are the only canonical alicorns.

Players are discouraged from creating Alicorn OC’s, as they, by nature, tend to be Mary Sue-ish.

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