Как пишется анодирование

These carabiners have an anodized aluminium surface that has been dyed; they are made in many colours.

Anodizing is an electrolytic passivation process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts.

The process is called anodizing because the part to be treated forms the anode electrode of an electrolytic cell. Anodizing increases resistance to corrosion and wear, and provides better adhesion for paint primers and glues than bare metal does. Anodic films can also be used for several cosmetic effects, either with thick porous coatings that can absorb dyes or with thin transparent coatings that add reflected light wave interference effects.

Anodizing is also used to prevent galling of threaded components and to make dielectric films for electrolytic capacitors. Anodic films are most commonly applied to protect aluminium alloys, although processes also exist for titanium, zinc, magnesium, niobium, zirconium, hafnium, and tantalum. Iron or carbon steel metal exfoliates when oxidized under neutral or alkaline micro-electrolytic conditions; i.e., the iron oxide (actually ferric hydroxide or hydrated iron oxide, also known as rust) forms by anoxic anodic pits and large cathodic surface, these pits concentrate anions such as sulfate and chloride accelerating the underlying metal to corrosion. Carbon flakes or nodules in iron or steel with high carbon content (high-carbon steel, cast iron) may cause an electrolytic potential and interfere with coating or plating. Ferrous metals are commonly anodized electrolytically in nitric acid or by treatment with red fuming nitric acid to form hard black Iron(II,III) oxide. This oxide remains conformal even when plated on wiring and the wiring is bent.

Anodizing changes the microscopic texture of the surface and the crystal structure of the metal near the surface. Thick coatings are normally porous, so a sealing process is often needed to achieve corrosion resistance. Anodized aluminium surfaces, for example, are harder than aluminium but have low to moderate wear resistance that can be improved with increasing thickness or by applying suitable sealing substances. Anodic films are generally much stronger and more adherent than most types of paint and metal plating, but also more brittle. This makes them less likely to crack and peel from ageing and wear, but more susceptible to cracking from thermal stress.


Anodizing was first used on an industrial scale in 1923 to protect Duralumin seaplane parts from corrosion. This early chromic acid–based process was called the Bengough–Stuart process and was documented in British defence specification DEF STAN 03-24/3. It is still used today despite its legacy requirements for a complicated voltage cycle now known to be unnecessary. Variations of this process soon evolved, and the first sulfuric acid anodizing process was patented by Gower and O’Brien in 1927. Sulfuric acid soon became and remains the most common anodizing electrolyte.[1]

Oxalic acid anodizing was first patented in Japan in 1923 and later widely used in Germany, particularly for architectural applications. Anodized aluminium extrusion was a popular architectural material in the 1960s and 1970s, but has since been displaced by cheaper plastics and powder coating.[2] The phosphoric acid processes are the most recent major development, so far only used as pretreatments for adhesives or organic paints.[1] A wide variety of proprietary and increasingly complex variations of all these anodizing processes continue to be developed by industry, so the growing trend in military and industrial standards is to classify by coating properties rather than by process chemistry.


Coloured anodized aluminium key blanks

Aluminium alloys are anodized to increase corrosion resistance and to allow dyeing (colouring), improved lubrication, or improved adhesion. However, anodizing does not increase the strength of the aluminium object. The anodic layer is insulative.[3]

When exposed to air at room temperature, or any other gas containing oxygen, pure aluminium self-passivates by forming a surface layer of amorphous aluminium oxide 2 to 3 nm thick,[4] which provides very effective protection against corrosion. Aluminium alloys typically form a thicker oxide layer, 5–15 nm thick, but tend to be more susceptible to corrosion. Aluminium alloy parts are anodized to greatly increase the thickness of this layer for corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance of aluminium alloys is significantly decreased by certain alloying elements or impurities: copper, iron, and silicon,[5] so 2000-, 4000-, 6000 and 7000-series Al alloys tend to be most susceptible.

Although anodizing produces a very regular and uniform coating, microscopic fissures in the coating can lead to corrosion. Further, the coating is susceptible to chemical dissolution in the presence of high- and low-pH chemistry, which results in stripping the coating and corrosion of the substrate. To combat this, various techniques have been developed either to reduce the number of fissures, to insert more chemically stable compounds into the oxide, or both. For instance, sulphuric-anodized articles are normally sealed, either through hydro-thermal sealing or precipitating sealing, to reduce porosity and interstitial pathways that allow corrosive ion exchange between the surface and the substrate. Precipitating seals enhance chemical stability but are less effective in eliminating ionic exchange pathways. Most recently, new techniques to partially convert the amorphous oxide coating into more stable micro-crystalline compounds have been developed that have shown significant improvement based on shorter bond lengths.

Some aluminium aircraft parts, architectural materials, and consumer products are anodized. Anodized aluminium can be found on MP3 players, smartphones, multi-tools, flashlights, cookware, cameras, sporting goods, firearms, window frames, roofs, in electrolytic capacitors, and on many other products both for corrosion resistance and the ability to retain dye. Although anodizing only has moderate wear resistance, the deeper pores can better retain a lubricating film than a smooth surface would.

Anodized coatings have a much lower thermal conductivity and coefficient of linear expansion than aluminium. As a result, the coating will crack from thermal stress if exposed to temperatures above 80 °C (353 K). The coating can crack, but it will not peel.[6] The melting point of aluminium oxide is 2050°C (2323°K), much higher than pure aluminium’s 658°C (931°K).[6] This and the insulativity of aluminium oxide can make welding more difficult.

In typical commercial aluminium anodizing processes, the aluminium oxide is grown down into the surface and out from the surface by equal amounts.[7] Therefore, anodizing will increase the part dimensions on each surface by half the oxide thickness. For example, a coating that is 2 μm thick will increase the part dimensions by 1 μm per surface. If the part is anodized on all sides, then all linear dimensions will increase by the oxide thickness. Anodized aluminium surfaces are harder than aluminium but have low to moderate wear resistance, although this can be improved with thickness and sealing.



A desmut solution can be applied to the surface of aluminium to remove contaminates. Nitric acid is typically used to remove smut (residue), but is being replaced because of environmental concerns.[8][9][10][11]


The anodized aluminium layer is grown by passing a direct current through an electrolytic solution, with the aluminium object serving as the anode (the positive electrode in an electrolytic cell). The current releases hydrogen at the cathode (the negative electrode) and oxygen at the surface of the aluminium anode, creating a build-up of aluminium oxide. Alternating current and pulsed current is also possible but rarely used. The voltage required by various solutions may range from 1 to 300 V DC, although most fall in the range of 15 to 21 V. Higher voltages are typically required for thicker coatings formed in sulfuric and organic acid. The anodizing current varies with the area of aluminium being anodized and typically ranges from 30 to 300 A/m2.

Aluminium anodizing (eloxal or Electrolytic Oxidation of Aluminium)[12] is usually performed in an acidic solution, typically sulphuric acid or chromic acid, which slowly dissolves the aluminium oxide. The acid action is balanced with the oxidation rate to form a coating with nanopores, 10–150 nm in diameter.[6] These pores are what allow the electrolyte solution and current to reach the aluminium substrate and continue growing the coating to greater thickness beyond what is produced by auto-passivation.[13] These pores allow for the dye to be absorbed, however, this must be followed by sealing or the dye will not stay. Dye is typically followed up by a clean nickel acetate seal. Because the dye is only superficial, the underlying oxide may continue to provide corrosion protection even if minor wear and scratches break through the dyed layer.[citation needed]

Conditions such as electrolyte concentration, acidity, solution temperature, and current must be controlled to allow the formation of a consistent oxide layer. Harder, thicker films tend to be produced by more concentrated solutions at lower temperatures with higher voltages and currents. The film thickness can range from under 0.5 micrometres for bright decorative work up to 150 micrometres for architectural applications.


Anodizing can be performed in combination with chromate conversion coating. Each process provides corrosion resistance, with anodizing offering a significant advantage when it comes to ruggedness or physical wear resistance. The reason for combining the processes can vary, however, the significant difference between anodizing and chromate conversion coating is the electrical conductivity of the films produced. Although both stable compounds, chromate conversion coating has a greatly increased electrical conductivity. Applications where this may be useful are varied, however the issue of grounding components as part of a larger system is an obvious one.

The dual finishing process uses the best each process has to offer, anodizing with its hard wear resistance and chromate conversion coating with its electrical conductivity.[14]

The process steps can typically involve chromate conversion coating the entire component, followed by a masking of the surface in areas where the chromate coating must remain intact. Beyond that, the chromate coating is then dissolved in unmasked areas. The component can then be anodized, with anodizing taking to the unmasked areas. The exact process will vary dependent on service provider, component geometry and required outcome. It helps to protect aluminium article.

Other widely used specifications[edit]

The most widely used anodizing specification in the US is a U.S. military spec, MIL-A-8625, which defines three types of aluminium anodizing. Type I is chromic acid anodizing, Type II is sulphuric acid anodizing, and Type III is sulphuric acid hard anodizing. Other anodizing specifications include more MIL-SPECs (e.g., MIL-A-63576), aerospace industry specs by organizations such as SAE, ASTM, and ISO (e.g., AMS 2469, AMS 2470, AMS 2471, AMS 2472, AMS 2482, ASTM B580, ASTM D3933, ISO 10074, and BS 5599), and corporation-specific specs (such as those of Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Airbus and other large contractors). AMS 2468 is obsolete. None of these specifications define a detailed process or chemistry, but rather a set of tests and quality assurance measures which the anodized product must meet. BS 1615 guides the selection of alloys for anodizing. For British defense work, a detailed chromic and sulfuric anodizing processes are described by DEF STAN 03-24/3 and DEF STAN 03-25/3 respectively.[15] [16]

Chromic acid (Type I)[edit]

The oldest anodizing process uses chromic acid. It is widely known as the Bengough-Stuart process but, due to the safety regulations regarding air quality control, is not preferred by vendors when the additive material associated with type II doesn’t break tolerances. In North America, it is known as Type I because it is so designated by the MIL-A-8625 standard, but it is also covered by AMS 2470 and MIL-A-8625 Type IB. In the UK it is normally specified as Def Stan 03/24 and used in areas that are prone to come into contact with propellants etc. There are also Boeing and Airbus standards. Chromic acid produces thinner, 0.5 μm to 18 μm (0.00002″ to 0.0007″)[17] more opaque films that are softer, ductile, and to a degree self-healing. They are harder to dye and may be applied as a pretreatment before painting. The method of film formation is different from using sulfuric acid in that the voltage is ramped up through the process cycle.

Sulfuric acid (Type II & III)[edit]

Sulfuric acid is the most widely used solution to produce an anodized coating. Coatings of moderate thickness 1.8 μm to 25 μm (0.00007″ to 0.001″)[17] are known as Type II in North America, as named by MIL-A-8625, while coatings thicker than 25 μm (0.001″) are known as Type III, hard-coat, hard anodizing, or engineered anodizing. Very thin coatings similar to those produced by chromic anodizing are known as Type IIB. Thick coatings require more process control,[6] and are produced in a refrigerated tank near the freezing point of water with higher voltages than the thinner coatings. Hard anodizing can be made between 13 and 150 μm (0.0005″ to 0.006″) thick. Anodizing thickness increases wear resistance, corrosion resistance, ability to retain lubricants and PTFE coatings, and electrical and thermal insulation. Type III should not be dyed or sealed to maintain its wear resistance. Sealing will reduce this greatly. Standards for thin (Soft/Standard) sulfuric anodizing are given by MIL-A-8625 Types II and IIB, AMS 2471 (undyed), and AMS 2472 (dyed), BS EN ISO 12373/1 (decorative), BS 3987 (Architectural). Standards for thick sulphuric anodizing are given by MIL-A-8625 Type III, AMS 2469, BS ISO 10074, BS EN 2536 and the obsolete AMS 2468 and DEF STAN 03-26/1.

Organic acid[edit]

Anodizing can produce yellowish integral colours without dyes if it is carried out in weak acids with high voltages, high current densities, and strong refrigeration.[6] Shades of colour are restricted to a range which includes pale yellow, gold, deep bronze, brown, grey, and black. Some advanced variations can produce a white coating with 80% reflectivity. The shade of colour produced is sensitive to variations in the metallurgy of the underlying alloy and cannot be reproduced consistently.[2]

Anodizing in some organic acids, for example malic acid, can enter a ‘runaway’ situation, in which the current drives the acid to attack the aluminium far more aggressively than normal, resulting in huge pits and scarring. Also, if the current or voltage are driven too high, ‘burning’ can set in; in this case, the supplies act as if nearly shorted and large, uneven and amorphous black regions develop.

Integral colour anodizing is generally done with organic acids, but the same effect has been produced in laboratories with very dilute sulfuric acid. Integral colour anodizing was originally performed with oxalic acid, but sulfonated aromatic compounds containing oxygen, particularly sulfosalicylic acid, have been more common since the 1960s.[2] Thicknesses of up to 50 μm can be achieved. Organic acid anodizing is called Type IC by MIL-A-8625.

Phosphoric acid[edit]

Anodizing can be carried out in phosphoric acid, usually as a surface preparation for adhesives. This is described in standard ASTM D3933.

Borate and tartrate baths[edit]

Anodizing can also be performed in borate or tartrate baths in which aluminium oxide is insoluble. In these processes, the coating growth stops when the part is fully covered, and the thickness is linearly related to the voltage applied.[6] These coatings are free of pores, relative to the sulfuric and chromic acid processes.[6] This type of coating is widely used to make electrolytic capacitors because the thin aluminium films (typically less than 0.5 μm) would risk being pierced by acidic processes.[1]

Plasma electrolytic oxidation[edit]

Plasma electrolytic oxidation is a similar process, but where higher voltages are applied. This causes sparks to occur and results in more crystalline/ceramic type coatings.

Other metals[edit]


Magnesium is anodized primarily as a primer for paint. A thin (5 μm) film is sufficient for this.[18] Thicker coatings of 25 μm and up can provide mild corrosion resistance when sealed with oil, wax, or sodium silicate.[18] Standards for magnesium anodizing are given in AMS 2466, AMS 2478, AMS 2479, and ASTM B893.


Niobium anodizes in a similar fashion to titanium with a range of attractive colors being formed by interference at different film thicknesses. Again the film thickness is dependent on the anodizing voltage.[19][20] Uses include jewelry and commemorative coins.


Tantalum anodizes similarly to titanium and niobium with a range of attractive colours being formed by interference at different film thicknesses. Again the film thickness is dependent on the anodizing voltage and typically ranges from 18 to 23 Angstroms per volt depending on electrolyte and temperature. Uses include tantalum capacitors.


Selected colors achievable through anodization of titanium.

An anodized oxide layer has a thickness in the range of 30 nanometers (1.2×10−6 in) to several micrometers.[21] Standards for titanium anodizing are given by AMS 2487 and AMS 2488.

AMS 2488 Type III anodizing of titanium generates an array of different colours without dyes, for which it is sometimes used in art, costume jewellery, body piercing jewellery and wedding rings. The colour formed is dependent on the thickness of the oxide (which is determined by the anodizing voltage); it is caused by the interference of light reflecting off the oxide surface with light travelling through it and reflecting off the underlying metal surface. AMS 2488 Type II anodizing produces a thicker matte grey finish with higher wear resistance.[22]


Zinc is rarely anodized, but a process was developed by the International Lead Zinc Research Organization and covered by MIL-A-81801.[18] A solution of ammonium phosphate, chromate and fluoride with voltages of up to 200 V can produce olive green coatings up to 80 μm thick.[18] The coatings are hard and corrosion resistant.

Zinc or galvanized steel can be anodized at lower voltages (20–30 V) as well as using direct currents from silicate baths containing varying concentration of sodium silicate, sodium hydroxide, borax, sodium nitrite and nickel sulphate.[23]


Colored iPod Mini cases are dyed following anodizing and before thermal sealing

The most common anodizing processes, for example, sulphuric acid on aluminium, produce a porous surface which can accept dyes easily. The number of dye colours is almost endless; however, the colours produced tend to vary according to the base alloy. The most common colours in the industry, due to them being relatively cheap, are yellow, green, blue, black, orange, purple and red. Though some may prefer lighter colours, in practice they may be difficult to produce on certain alloys such as high-silicon casting grades and 2000-series aluminium-copper alloys. Another concern is the «lightfastness» of organic dyestuffs—some colours (reds and blues) are particularly prone to fading. Black dyes and gold produced by inorganic means (ferric ammonium oxalate) are more lightfast. Dyed anodizing is usually sealed to reduce or eliminate dye bleed out. White color cannot be applied due to the larger molecule size than the pore size of the oxide layer.[24]

Alternatively, metal (usually tin) can be electrolytically deposited in the pores of the anodic coating to provide more lightfast colours. Metal dye colors range from pale champagne to black. Bronze shades are commonly used for architectural metals. Alternatively, the colour may be produced integral to the film. This is done during the anodizing process using organic acids mixed with the sulfuric electrolyte and a pulsed current.[citation needed]

Splash effects are created by dying the unsealed porous surface in lighter colours and then splashing darker colour dyes onto the surface. Aqueous and solvent-based dye mixtures may also be alternately applied since the coloured dyes will resist each other and leave spotted effects.[citation needed]


Sealing is the final step in the anodizing process. Acidic anodizing solutions produce pores in the anodized coating. These pores can absorb dyes and retain lubricants but are also an avenue for corrosion. When lubrication properties are not critical, they are usually sealed after dyeing to increase corrosion resistance and dye retention. There are three most common types of sealing.

  1. Long immersion in boiling-hot (96–100°C/205-212°F) deionized water or steam is the simplest sealing process, although it is not completely effective and reduces abrasion resistance by 20%.[6] The oxide is converted into its hydrated form and the resulting swelling reduces the porosity of the surface.
  2. Mid-temperature sealing process which works at 160-180°F (60-80°C) in solutions containing organic additives and metal salts. However, this process will likely leach the colors.
  3. Cold sealing process, where the pores are closed by impregnation of a sealant in a room-temperature bath, is more popular due to energy savings. Coatings sealed in this method are not suitable for adhesive bonding. Teflon, nickel acetate, cobalt acetate, and hot sodium or potassium dichromate seals are commonly used. MIL-A-8625 requires sealing for thin coatings (Types I and II) and allows it as an option for thick ones (Type III).


Anodized aluminium surfaces that are not regularly cleaned are susceptible to panel edge staining, a unique type of surface staining that can affect the structural integrity of the metal.

Environmental impact[edit]

Anodizing is one of the more environmentally friendly metal finishing processes. Except for organic (aka integral colour) anodizing, the by-products contain only small amounts of heavy metals, halogens, or volatile organic compounds. Integral color anodizing produces no VOCs, heavy metals, or halogens as all of the byproducts found in the effluent streams of other processes come from their dyes or plating materials.[25] The most common anodizing effluents, aluminium hydroxide and aluminium sulfate, are recycled for the manufacturing of alum, baking powder, cosmetics, newsprint and fertilizer or used by industrial wastewater treatment systems.

Mechanical considerations[edit]

Anodizing will raise the surface since the oxide created occupies more space than the base metal converted.[26] This will generally not be of consequence except where there are tight tolerances. If so, the thickness of the anodizing layer has to be taken into account when choosing the machining dimension. A general practice on engineering drawing is to specify that «dimensions apply after all surface finishes». This will force the machine shop to take into account the anodization thickness when performing the final machining of the mechanical part before anodization. Also in the case of small holes threaded to accept screws, anodizing may cause the screws to bind, thus the threaded holes may need to be chased with a tap to restore the original dimensions. Alternatively, special oversize taps may be used to precompensate for this growth. In the case of unthreaded holes that accept fixed-diameter pins or rods, a slightly oversized hole to allow for the dimension change may be appropriate. Depending on the alloy and thickness of the anodized coating, the same may have a significantly negative effect on fatigue life. Conversely, anodizing may increase fatigue life by preventing corrosion pitting.

See also[edit]

  • Black oxide



  1. ^ a b c Sheasby & Pinner 2001, pp. 427–596.
  2. ^ a b c Sheasby & Pinner 2001, pp. 597–742.
  3. ^ Davis 1993, p. 376.
  4. ^ Sheasby & Pinner 2001, p. 5.
  5. ^ Sheasby & Pinner 2001, p. 9.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h Edwards, Joseph (1997). Coating and Surface Treatment Systems for Metals. Finishing Publications Ltd. and ASM International. pp. 34–38. ISBN 978-0-904477-16-0.
  7. ^ Kutz, Myer (2005-06-02). «Protective coatings for aluminum alloys». Handbook of Environmental Degradation of Materials. Norwich, NY: William Andrew. p. 353. ISBN 978-0-8155-1749-8.
  8. ^ Son, Seong Ho; Kwon, Dae Chol; Jeong, Do Won (2008). «Development of Free Nitric acid, Non-P Desmut Solution for Surface Treatment Aluminium Alloys». Materials Science Forum. 569: 309–312. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.569.309. S2CID 95989141.
  9. ^ Larry Chesterfield (February 1, 2001). «Smut and Desmutting». Products Finishing. Retrieved September 10, 2021.
  10. ^ Brace, Arthur (1979). The technology of anodizing aluminum. Stonehouse: Technicopy Limited. ISBN 0905228081.
  11. ^ Wernick, S (1987). The surface treatment and finishing of aluminium and its alloys. Ohio Teddington: ASM International Finishing. ISBN 0904477096.
  12. ^ «Anodizing — WELCO Welding & Coating Solutions — Bruck i.d. Opf». www.welco.eu. Retrieved 2021-04-12.
  13. ^ Sheasby & Pinner 2001, pp. 327–425.
  14. ^ «What are the types of anodising and which materials can you anodise?». www.manufacturingnetwork.com. Archived from the original on 2015-11-26. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  15. ^ STAN 03-24/3
  16. ^ STAN 03-25/3
  17. ^ a b US Military Specification MIL-A-8625, ASSIST database Archived 2007-10-06 at the Wayback Machine
  18. ^ a b c d Edwards, Joseph (1997). Coating and Surface Treatment Systems for Metals. Finishing Publications Ltd. and ASM International. pp. 39–40. ISBN 978-0-904477-16-0.
  19. ^ Biason Gomes, M. A.; Onofre, S.; Juanto, S.; de S. Bulhões, L. O. (1991). «Anodization of niobium in sulphuric acid media». Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. 21 (11): 1023–1026. doi:10.1007/BF01077589. S2CID 95285286.
  20. ^ Chiou, Y. L. (1971). «A note on the thicknesses of anodized niobium oxide films». Thin Solid Films. 8 (4): R37–R39. Bibcode:1971TSF…..8R..37C. doi:10.1016/0040-6090(71)90027-7.
  21. ^ «ECM — eCells & Materials Conferences — Open Scientific Discussion» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2011-09-27. Retrieved 2011-06-15.
  22. ^ «AMS2488D: Anodic Treatment — Titanium and Titanium Alloys Solution pH 13 or Higher — SAE International». www.sae.org. SAE International. Retrieved 4 January 2019.
  23. ^ Imam, M. A., Moniruzzaman, M., & Mamun, M. A. ANODIZING OF ZINC FOR IMPROVED SURFACE PROPERTIES. Proceedings of a meeting held 20–24 November 2011, 18th International Corrosion Congress, Perth, Australia, pp. 199–206 (2012), ISBN 9781618393630
  24. ^ «Why is there no white anodized aluminum? (Anodized Aluminum 101)». www.bluebuddhaboutique.com. Retrieved 2020-07-27.
  25. ^ «Anodizing and the environment». Archived from the original on 8 September 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-08.
  26. ^ «Aluminium Anodizing in Dubai, UAE | Anodizing services | أنودة».


  • Davis, Joseph R. (1993). Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys (4th ed.). ASM International. ISBN 978-0-87170-496-2. OCLC 246875365.
  • Sheasby, P. G.; Pinner, R. (2001). The Surface Treatment and Finishing of Aluminum and its Alloys. Vol. 2 (Sixth ed.). Materials Park, Ohio & Stevenage, UK: ASM International & Finishing Publications. ISBN 978-0-904477-23-8.

External links[edit]

  • Hard anodizing – A selection of suitable aluminium alloys
  • Article on Anodising and its applications from Manufacturing Network Knowledge Base
  • The Aluminum Anodizers Council
  • Article on anodizing and dyeing from Coating and Fabrications Magazine
  • Encyclopedia Article
  • Website with useful anodizing information in Layman’s Terms
  • «Titanium in Technicolor», an article on anodizing titanium from Theodore Gray’s How2.0 column in Popular Science
  • «High-density Nanoporous Structures for Enhanced Electrocatalysis», a scientific paper for a method to create a high-density nanopore structure
  • «Anodised Aluminium Care & Maintenance Instructions»
  • «How to anodize and color aluminium DIY (SUB ENG)»

These carabiners have an anodized aluminium surface that has been dyed; they are made in many colours.

Anodizing is an electrolytic passivation process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts.

The process is called anodizing because the part to be treated forms the anode electrode of an electrolytic cell. Anodizing increases resistance to corrosion and wear, and provides better adhesion for paint primers and glues than bare metal does. Anodic films can also be used for several cosmetic effects, either with thick porous coatings that can absorb dyes or with thin transparent coatings that add reflected light wave interference effects.

Anodizing is also used to prevent galling of threaded components and to make dielectric films for electrolytic capacitors. Anodic films are most commonly applied to protect aluminium alloys, although processes also exist for titanium, zinc, magnesium, niobium, zirconium, hafnium, and tantalum. Iron or carbon steel metal exfoliates when oxidized under neutral or alkaline micro-electrolytic conditions; i.e., the iron oxide (actually ferric hydroxide or hydrated iron oxide, also known as rust) forms by anoxic anodic pits and large cathodic surface, these pits concentrate anions such as sulfate and chloride accelerating the underlying metal to corrosion. Carbon flakes or nodules in iron or steel with high carbon content (high-carbon steel, cast iron) may cause an electrolytic potential and interfere with coating or plating. Ferrous metals are commonly anodized electrolytically in nitric acid or by treatment with red fuming nitric acid to form hard black Iron(II,III) oxide. This oxide remains conformal even when plated on wiring and the wiring is bent.

Anodizing changes the microscopic texture of the surface and the crystal structure of the metal near the surface. Thick coatings are normally porous, so a sealing process is often needed to achieve corrosion resistance. Anodized aluminium surfaces, for example, are harder than aluminium but have low to moderate wear resistance that can be improved with increasing thickness or by applying suitable sealing substances. Anodic films are generally much stronger and more adherent than most types of paint and metal plating, but also more brittle. This makes them less likely to crack and peel from ageing and wear, but more susceptible to cracking from thermal stress.


Anodizing was first used on an industrial scale in 1923 to protect Duralumin seaplane parts from corrosion. This early chromic acid–based process was called the Bengough–Stuart process and was documented in British defence specification DEF STAN 03-24/3. It is still used today despite its legacy requirements for a complicated voltage cycle now known to be unnecessary. Variations of this process soon evolved, and the first sulfuric acid anodizing process was patented by Gower and O’Brien in 1927. Sulfuric acid soon became and remains the most common anodizing electrolyte.[1]

Oxalic acid anodizing was first patented in Japan in 1923 and later widely used in Germany, particularly for architectural applications. Anodized aluminium extrusion was a popular architectural material in the 1960s and 1970s, but has since been displaced by cheaper plastics and powder coating.[2] The phosphoric acid processes are the most recent major development, so far only used as pretreatments for adhesives or organic paints.[1] A wide variety of proprietary and increasingly complex variations of all these anodizing processes continue to be developed by industry, so the growing trend in military and industrial standards is to classify by coating properties rather than by process chemistry.


Coloured anodized aluminium key blanks

Aluminium alloys are anodized to increase corrosion resistance and to allow dyeing (colouring), improved lubrication, or improved adhesion. However, anodizing does not increase the strength of the aluminium object. The anodic layer is insulative.[3]

When exposed to air at room temperature, or any other gas containing oxygen, pure aluminium self-passivates by forming a surface layer of amorphous aluminium oxide 2 to 3 nm thick,[4] which provides very effective protection against corrosion. Aluminium alloys typically form a thicker oxide layer, 5–15 nm thick, but tend to be more susceptible to corrosion. Aluminium alloy parts are anodized to greatly increase the thickness of this layer for corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance of aluminium alloys is significantly decreased by certain alloying elements or impurities: copper, iron, and silicon,[5] so 2000-, 4000-, 6000 and 7000-series Al alloys tend to be most susceptible.

Although anodizing produces a very regular and uniform coating, microscopic fissures in the coating can lead to corrosion. Further, the coating is susceptible to chemical dissolution in the presence of high- and low-pH chemistry, which results in stripping the coating and corrosion of the substrate. To combat this, various techniques have been developed either to reduce the number of fissures, to insert more chemically stable compounds into the oxide, or both. For instance, sulphuric-anodized articles are normally sealed, either through hydro-thermal sealing or precipitating sealing, to reduce porosity and interstitial pathways that allow corrosive ion exchange between the surface and the substrate. Precipitating seals enhance chemical stability but are less effective in eliminating ionic exchange pathways. Most recently, new techniques to partially convert the amorphous oxide coating into more stable micro-crystalline compounds have been developed that have shown significant improvement based on shorter bond lengths.

Some aluminium aircraft parts, architectural materials, and consumer products are anodized. Anodized aluminium can be found on MP3 players, smartphones, multi-tools, flashlights, cookware, cameras, sporting goods, firearms, window frames, roofs, in electrolytic capacitors, and on many other products both for corrosion resistance and the ability to retain dye. Although anodizing only has moderate wear resistance, the deeper pores can better retain a lubricating film than a smooth surface would.

Anodized coatings have a much lower thermal conductivity and coefficient of linear expansion than aluminium. As a result, the coating will crack from thermal stress if exposed to temperatures above 80 °C (353 K). The coating can crack, but it will not peel.[6] The melting point of aluminium oxide is 2050°C (2323°K), much higher than pure aluminium’s 658°C (931°K).[6] This and the insulativity of aluminium oxide can make welding more difficult.

In typical commercial aluminium anodizing processes, the aluminium oxide is grown down into the surface and out from the surface by equal amounts.[7] Therefore, anodizing will increase the part dimensions on each surface by half the oxide thickness. For example, a coating that is 2 μm thick will increase the part dimensions by 1 μm per surface. If the part is anodized on all sides, then all linear dimensions will increase by the oxide thickness. Anodized aluminium surfaces are harder than aluminium but have low to moderate wear resistance, although this can be improved with thickness and sealing.



A desmut solution can be applied to the surface of aluminium to remove contaminates. Nitric acid is typically used to remove smut (residue), but is being replaced because of environmental concerns.[8][9][10][11]


The anodized aluminium layer is grown by passing a direct current through an electrolytic solution, with the aluminium object serving as the anode (the positive electrode in an electrolytic cell). The current releases hydrogen at the cathode (the negative electrode) and oxygen at the surface of the aluminium anode, creating a build-up of aluminium oxide. Alternating current and pulsed current is also possible but rarely used. The voltage required by various solutions may range from 1 to 300 V DC, although most fall in the range of 15 to 21 V. Higher voltages are typically required for thicker coatings formed in sulfuric and organic acid. The anodizing current varies with the area of aluminium being anodized and typically ranges from 30 to 300 A/m2.

Aluminium anodizing (eloxal or Electrolytic Oxidation of Aluminium)[12] is usually performed in an acidic solution, typically sulphuric acid or chromic acid, which slowly dissolves the aluminium oxide. The acid action is balanced with the oxidation rate to form a coating with nanopores, 10–150 nm in diameter.[6] These pores are what allow the electrolyte solution and current to reach the aluminium substrate and continue growing the coating to greater thickness beyond what is produced by auto-passivation.[13] These pores allow for the dye to be absorbed, however, this must be followed by sealing or the dye will not stay. Dye is typically followed up by a clean nickel acetate seal. Because the dye is only superficial, the underlying oxide may continue to provide corrosion protection even if minor wear and scratches break through the dyed layer.[citation needed]

Conditions such as electrolyte concentration, acidity, solution temperature, and current must be controlled to allow the formation of a consistent oxide layer. Harder, thicker films tend to be produced by more concentrated solutions at lower temperatures with higher voltages and currents. The film thickness can range from under 0.5 micrometres for bright decorative work up to 150 micrometres for architectural applications.


Anodizing can be performed in combination with chromate conversion coating. Each process provides corrosion resistance, with anodizing offering a significant advantage when it comes to ruggedness or physical wear resistance. The reason for combining the processes can vary, however, the significant difference between anodizing and chromate conversion coating is the electrical conductivity of the films produced. Although both stable compounds, chromate conversion coating has a greatly increased electrical conductivity. Applications where this may be useful are varied, however the issue of grounding components as part of a larger system is an obvious one.

The dual finishing process uses the best each process has to offer, anodizing with its hard wear resistance and chromate conversion coating with its electrical conductivity.[14]

The process steps can typically involve chromate conversion coating the entire component, followed by a masking of the surface in areas where the chromate coating must remain intact. Beyond that, the chromate coating is then dissolved in unmasked areas. The component can then be anodized, with anodizing taking to the unmasked areas. The exact process will vary dependent on service provider, component geometry and required outcome. It helps to protect aluminium article.

Other widely used specifications[edit]

The most widely used anodizing specification in the US is a U.S. military spec, MIL-A-8625, which defines three types of aluminium anodizing. Type I is chromic acid anodizing, Type II is sulphuric acid anodizing, and Type III is sulphuric acid hard anodizing. Other anodizing specifications include more MIL-SPECs (e.g., MIL-A-63576), aerospace industry specs by organizations such as SAE, ASTM, and ISO (e.g., AMS 2469, AMS 2470, AMS 2471, AMS 2472, AMS 2482, ASTM B580, ASTM D3933, ISO 10074, and BS 5599), and corporation-specific specs (such as those of Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Airbus and other large contractors). AMS 2468 is obsolete. None of these specifications define a detailed process or chemistry, but rather a set of tests and quality assurance measures which the anodized product must meet. BS 1615 guides the selection of alloys for anodizing. For British defense work, a detailed chromic and sulfuric anodizing processes are described by DEF STAN 03-24/3 and DEF STAN 03-25/3 respectively.[15] [16]

Chromic acid (Type I)[edit]

The oldest anodizing process uses chromic acid. It is widely known as the Bengough-Stuart process but, due to the safety regulations regarding air quality control, is not preferred by vendors when the additive material associated with type II doesn’t break tolerances. In North America, it is known as Type I because it is so designated by the MIL-A-8625 standard, but it is also covered by AMS 2470 and MIL-A-8625 Type IB. In the UK it is normally specified as Def Stan 03/24 and used in areas that are prone to come into contact with propellants etc. There are also Boeing and Airbus standards. Chromic acid produces thinner, 0.5 μm to 18 μm (0.00002″ to 0.0007″)[17] more opaque films that are softer, ductile, and to a degree self-healing. They are harder to dye and may be applied as a pretreatment before painting. The method of film formation is different from using sulfuric acid in that the voltage is ramped up through the process cycle.

Sulfuric acid (Type II & III)[edit]

Sulfuric acid is the most widely used solution to produce an anodized coating. Coatings of moderate thickness 1.8 μm to 25 μm (0.00007″ to 0.001″)[17] are known as Type II in North America, as named by MIL-A-8625, while coatings thicker than 25 μm (0.001″) are known as Type III, hard-coat, hard anodizing, or engineered anodizing. Very thin coatings similar to those produced by chromic anodizing are known as Type IIB. Thick coatings require more process control,[6] and are produced in a refrigerated tank near the freezing point of water with higher voltages than the thinner coatings. Hard anodizing can be made between 13 and 150 μm (0.0005″ to 0.006″) thick. Anodizing thickness increases wear resistance, corrosion resistance, ability to retain lubricants and PTFE coatings, and electrical and thermal insulation. Type III should not be dyed or sealed to maintain its wear resistance. Sealing will reduce this greatly. Standards for thin (Soft/Standard) sulfuric anodizing are given by MIL-A-8625 Types II and IIB, AMS 2471 (undyed), and AMS 2472 (dyed), BS EN ISO 12373/1 (decorative), BS 3987 (Architectural). Standards for thick sulphuric anodizing are given by MIL-A-8625 Type III, AMS 2469, BS ISO 10074, BS EN 2536 and the obsolete AMS 2468 and DEF STAN 03-26/1.

Organic acid[edit]

Anodizing can produce yellowish integral colours without dyes if it is carried out in weak acids with high voltages, high current densities, and strong refrigeration.[6] Shades of colour are restricted to a range which includes pale yellow, gold, deep bronze, brown, grey, and black. Some advanced variations can produce a white coating with 80% reflectivity. The shade of colour produced is sensitive to variations in the metallurgy of the underlying alloy and cannot be reproduced consistently.[2]

Anodizing in some organic acids, for example malic acid, can enter a ‘runaway’ situation, in which the current drives the acid to attack the aluminium far more aggressively than normal, resulting in huge pits and scarring. Also, if the current or voltage are driven too high, ‘burning’ can set in; in this case, the supplies act as if nearly shorted and large, uneven and amorphous black regions develop.

Integral colour anodizing is generally done with organic acids, but the same effect has been produced in laboratories with very dilute sulfuric acid. Integral colour anodizing was originally performed with oxalic acid, but sulfonated aromatic compounds containing oxygen, particularly sulfosalicylic acid, have been more common since the 1960s.[2] Thicknesses of up to 50 μm can be achieved. Organic acid anodizing is called Type IC by MIL-A-8625.

Phosphoric acid[edit]

Anodizing can be carried out in phosphoric acid, usually as a surface preparation for adhesives. This is described in standard ASTM D3933.

Borate and tartrate baths[edit]

Anodizing can also be performed in borate or tartrate baths in which aluminium oxide is insoluble. In these processes, the coating growth stops when the part is fully covered, and the thickness is linearly related to the voltage applied.[6] These coatings are free of pores, relative to the sulfuric and chromic acid processes.[6] This type of coating is widely used to make electrolytic capacitors because the thin aluminium films (typically less than 0.5 μm) would risk being pierced by acidic processes.[1]

Plasma electrolytic oxidation[edit]

Plasma electrolytic oxidation is a similar process, but where higher voltages are applied. This causes sparks to occur and results in more crystalline/ceramic type coatings.

Other metals[edit]


Magnesium is anodized primarily as a primer for paint. A thin (5 μm) film is sufficient for this.[18] Thicker coatings of 25 μm and up can provide mild corrosion resistance when sealed with oil, wax, or sodium silicate.[18] Standards for magnesium anodizing are given in AMS 2466, AMS 2478, AMS 2479, and ASTM B893.


Niobium anodizes in a similar fashion to titanium with a range of attractive colors being formed by interference at different film thicknesses. Again the film thickness is dependent on the anodizing voltage.[19][20] Uses include jewelry and commemorative coins.


Tantalum anodizes similarly to titanium and niobium with a range of attractive colours being formed by interference at different film thicknesses. Again the film thickness is dependent on the anodizing voltage and typically ranges from 18 to 23 Angstroms per volt depending on electrolyte and temperature. Uses include tantalum capacitors.


Selected colors achievable through anodization of titanium.

An anodized oxide layer has a thickness in the range of 30 nanometers (1.2×10−6 in) to several micrometers.[21] Standards for titanium anodizing are given by AMS 2487 and AMS 2488.

AMS 2488 Type III anodizing of titanium generates an array of different colours without dyes, for which it is sometimes used in art, costume jewellery, body piercing jewellery and wedding rings. The colour formed is dependent on the thickness of the oxide (which is determined by the anodizing voltage); it is caused by the interference of light reflecting off the oxide surface with light travelling through it and reflecting off the underlying metal surface. AMS 2488 Type II anodizing produces a thicker matte grey finish with higher wear resistance.[22]


Zinc is rarely anodized, but a process was developed by the International Lead Zinc Research Organization and covered by MIL-A-81801.[18] A solution of ammonium phosphate, chromate and fluoride with voltages of up to 200 V can produce olive green coatings up to 80 μm thick.[18] The coatings are hard and corrosion resistant.

Zinc or galvanized steel can be anodized at lower voltages (20–30 V) as well as using direct currents from silicate baths containing varying concentration of sodium silicate, sodium hydroxide, borax, sodium nitrite and nickel sulphate.[23]


Colored iPod Mini cases are dyed following anodizing and before thermal sealing

The most common anodizing processes, for example, sulphuric acid on aluminium, produce a porous surface which can accept dyes easily. The number of dye colours is almost endless; however, the colours produced tend to vary according to the base alloy. The most common colours in the industry, due to them being relatively cheap, are yellow, green, blue, black, orange, purple and red. Though some may prefer lighter colours, in practice they may be difficult to produce on certain alloys such as high-silicon casting grades and 2000-series aluminium-copper alloys. Another concern is the «lightfastness» of organic dyestuffs—some colours (reds and blues) are particularly prone to fading. Black dyes and gold produced by inorganic means (ferric ammonium oxalate) are more lightfast. Dyed anodizing is usually sealed to reduce or eliminate dye bleed out. White color cannot be applied due to the larger molecule size than the pore size of the oxide layer.[24]

Alternatively, metal (usually tin) can be electrolytically deposited in the pores of the anodic coating to provide more lightfast colours. Metal dye colors range from pale champagne to black. Bronze shades are commonly used for architectural metals. Alternatively, the colour may be produced integral to the film. This is done during the anodizing process using organic acids mixed with the sulfuric electrolyte and a pulsed current.[citation needed]

Splash effects are created by dying the unsealed porous surface in lighter colours and then splashing darker colour dyes onto the surface. Aqueous and solvent-based dye mixtures may also be alternately applied since the coloured dyes will resist each other and leave spotted effects.[citation needed]


Sealing is the final step in the anodizing process. Acidic anodizing solutions produce pores in the anodized coating. These pores can absorb dyes and retain lubricants but are also an avenue for corrosion. When lubrication properties are not critical, they are usually sealed after dyeing to increase corrosion resistance and dye retention. There are three most common types of sealing.

  1. Long immersion in boiling-hot (96–100°C/205-212°F) deionized water or steam is the simplest sealing process, although it is not completely effective and reduces abrasion resistance by 20%.[6] The oxide is converted into its hydrated form and the resulting swelling reduces the porosity of the surface.
  2. Mid-temperature sealing process which works at 160-180°F (60-80°C) in solutions containing organic additives and metal salts. However, this process will likely leach the colors.
  3. Cold sealing process, where the pores are closed by impregnation of a sealant in a room-temperature bath, is more popular due to energy savings. Coatings sealed in this method are not suitable for adhesive bonding. Teflon, nickel acetate, cobalt acetate, and hot sodium or potassium dichromate seals are commonly used. MIL-A-8625 requires sealing for thin coatings (Types I and II) and allows it as an option for thick ones (Type III).


Anodized aluminium surfaces that are not regularly cleaned are susceptible to panel edge staining, a unique type of surface staining that can affect the structural integrity of the metal.

Environmental impact[edit]

Anodizing is one of the more environmentally friendly metal finishing processes. Except for organic (aka integral colour) anodizing, the by-products contain only small amounts of heavy metals, halogens, or volatile organic compounds. Integral color anodizing produces no VOCs, heavy metals, or halogens as all of the byproducts found in the effluent streams of other processes come from their dyes or plating materials.[25] The most common anodizing effluents, aluminium hydroxide and aluminium sulfate, are recycled for the manufacturing of alum, baking powder, cosmetics, newsprint and fertilizer or used by industrial wastewater treatment systems.

Mechanical considerations[edit]

Anodizing will raise the surface since the oxide created occupies more space than the base metal converted.[26] This will generally not be of consequence except where there are tight tolerances. If so, the thickness of the anodizing layer has to be taken into account when choosing the machining dimension. A general practice on engineering drawing is to specify that «dimensions apply after all surface finishes». This will force the machine shop to take into account the anodization thickness when performing the final machining of the mechanical part before anodization. Also in the case of small holes threaded to accept screws, anodizing may cause the screws to bind, thus the threaded holes may need to be chased with a tap to restore the original dimensions. Alternatively, special oversize taps may be used to precompensate for this growth. In the case of unthreaded holes that accept fixed-diameter pins or rods, a slightly oversized hole to allow for the dimension change may be appropriate. Depending on the alloy and thickness of the anodized coating, the same may have a significantly negative effect on fatigue life. Conversely, anodizing may increase fatigue life by preventing corrosion pitting.

See also[edit]

  • Black oxide



  1. ^ a b c Sheasby & Pinner 2001, pp. 427–596.
  2. ^ a b c Sheasby & Pinner 2001, pp. 597–742.
  3. ^ Davis 1993, p. 376.
  4. ^ Sheasby & Pinner 2001, p. 5.
  5. ^ Sheasby & Pinner 2001, p. 9.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h Edwards, Joseph (1997). Coating and Surface Treatment Systems for Metals. Finishing Publications Ltd. and ASM International. pp. 34–38. ISBN 978-0-904477-16-0.
  7. ^ Kutz, Myer (2005-06-02). «Protective coatings for aluminum alloys». Handbook of Environmental Degradation of Materials. Norwich, NY: William Andrew. p. 353. ISBN 978-0-8155-1749-8.
  8. ^ Son, Seong Ho; Kwon, Dae Chol; Jeong, Do Won (2008). «Development of Free Nitric acid, Non-P Desmut Solution for Surface Treatment Aluminium Alloys». Materials Science Forum. 569: 309–312. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.569.309. S2CID 95989141.
  9. ^ Larry Chesterfield (February 1, 2001). «Smut and Desmutting». Products Finishing. Retrieved September 10, 2021.
  10. ^ Brace, Arthur (1979). The technology of anodizing aluminum. Stonehouse: Technicopy Limited. ISBN 0905228081.
  11. ^ Wernick, S (1987). The surface treatment and finishing of aluminium and its alloys. Ohio Teddington: ASM International Finishing. ISBN 0904477096.
  12. ^ «Anodizing — WELCO Welding & Coating Solutions — Bruck i.d. Opf». www.welco.eu. Retrieved 2021-04-12.
  13. ^ Sheasby & Pinner 2001, pp. 327–425.
  14. ^ «What are the types of anodising and which materials can you anodise?». www.manufacturingnetwork.com. Archived from the original on 2015-11-26. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  15. ^ STAN 03-24/3
  16. ^ STAN 03-25/3
  17. ^ a b US Military Specification MIL-A-8625, ASSIST database Archived 2007-10-06 at the Wayback Machine
  18. ^ a b c d Edwards, Joseph (1997). Coating and Surface Treatment Systems for Metals. Finishing Publications Ltd. and ASM International. pp. 39–40. ISBN 978-0-904477-16-0.
  19. ^ Biason Gomes, M. A.; Onofre, S.; Juanto, S.; de S. Bulhões, L. O. (1991). «Anodization of niobium in sulphuric acid media». Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. 21 (11): 1023–1026. doi:10.1007/BF01077589. S2CID 95285286.
  20. ^ Chiou, Y. L. (1971). «A note on the thicknesses of anodized niobium oxide films». Thin Solid Films. 8 (4): R37–R39. Bibcode:1971TSF…..8R..37C. doi:10.1016/0040-6090(71)90027-7.
  21. ^ «ECM — eCells & Materials Conferences — Open Scientific Discussion» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2011-09-27. Retrieved 2011-06-15.
  22. ^ «AMS2488D: Anodic Treatment — Titanium and Titanium Alloys Solution pH 13 or Higher — SAE International». www.sae.org. SAE International. Retrieved 4 January 2019.
  23. ^ Imam, M. A., Moniruzzaman, M., & Mamun, M. A. ANODIZING OF ZINC FOR IMPROVED SURFACE PROPERTIES. Proceedings of a meeting held 20–24 November 2011, 18th International Corrosion Congress, Perth, Australia, pp. 199–206 (2012), ISBN 9781618393630
  24. ^ «Why is there no white anodized aluminum? (Anodized Aluminum 101)». www.bluebuddhaboutique.com. Retrieved 2020-07-27.
  25. ^ «Anodizing and the environment». Archived from the original on 8 September 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-08.
  26. ^ «Aluminium Anodizing in Dubai, UAE | Anodizing services | أنودة».


  • Davis, Joseph R. (1993). Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys (4th ed.). ASM International. ISBN 978-0-87170-496-2. OCLC 246875365.
  • Sheasby, P. G.; Pinner, R. (2001). The Surface Treatment and Finishing of Aluminum and its Alloys. Vol. 2 (Sixth ed.). Materials Park, Ohio & Stevenage, UK: ASM International & Finishing Publications. ISBN 978-0-904477-23-8.

External links[edit]

  • Hard anodizing – A selection of suitable aluminium alloys
  • Article on Anodising and its applications from Manufacturing Network Knowledge Base
  • The Aluminum Anodizers Council
  • Article on anodizing and dyeing from Coating and Fabrications Magazine
  • Encyclopedia Article
  • Website with useful anodizing information in Layman’s Terms
  • «Titanium in Technicolor», an article on anodizing titanium from Theodore Gray’s How2.0 column in Popular Science
  • «High-density Nanoporous Structures for Enhanced Electrocatalysis», a scientific paper for a method to create a high-density nanopore structure
  • «Anodised Aluminium Care & Maintenance Instructions»
  • «How to anodize and color aluminium DIY (SUB ENG)»

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анодирование — существительное, именительный п., ср. p., ед. ч.

анодирование — существительное, винительный п., ср. p., ед. ч.

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MFA Международная транскрипция


а [а] гласный, безударный
н [н] согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), твердый парный
о [а] гласный, безударный
д [д’] согласный, звонкий парный, мягкий парный
и [́и] гласный, ударный
р [р] согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), твердый парный
о [а] гласный, безударный
в [в] согласный, звонкий парный, твердый парный
а [а] гласный, безударный
н [н’] согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), мягкий парный
и [и] гласный, безударный
е [й’] согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), мягкий непарный
[э] гласный, безударный

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анодирование (именительный падеж, единственного числа)

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  • нарицательное
  • неодушевлённое
  • средний
  • 2-e склонение, на -ие

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  • именительный падеж
  • единственного числа

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Разбор по составу слова «Анодирование»

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корень[анод], суффикс[ир], суффикс[ова], суффикс[ни], окончание[е]

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Синонимы к слову «анодирование»




Предложения со словом «анодирование»

  • Анодирование часто используется и в декоративных целях.

    Александр Павлович Горкин, Энциклопедия «Техника» (с иллюстрациями)

  • Далее сообщалось, что обнаруженные им закономерности сегодня применяются в процессе хромирования, а также анодирования алюминия и множестве других промышленных процессов.

    Ричард Фейнман, Наука, не-наука и все-все-все, 1998

  • У девушек в бригаде, которая производит анодирование деталей, то есть опускает в кислоту, подержит и вынет, теперь вместо шести ванн стоит двенадцать.

    Ксения Букша, Завод «Свобода», 2012

Происхождение слова «Анодирование»

От гл. анодировать, далее от сущ. анод, далее из др.-греч. ἄνοδος «путь наверх, восхождение», из ἀνά «вверху, вверх, обратно» + ὁδός «дорога, путь», из праиндоевр. *ked-/*sed- «ходить». Термин anode «анод» был предложен в 1834 г. преподобным Уильямом Уэвеллом и введен в обиход Майклом Фарадеем в статье [1], где предлагалось разъяснение мнемоники для выбранных терминов ἄνοδος и κάθοδος «катод»: путь восходящего и заходящего Солнца.


Термин на английском
anodising, электрохимическое оксидирование
Связанные термины
адгезия, нановискер, пористый материал , мембрана

электрохимическое окисление поверхности металлов, сплавов и полупроводников


Широко распространена технология анодирования алюминия, титана, тантала, ниобия, кремния, германия, арсенида галлия. Обычно анодирование проводят при постоянном токе в гальваностатическом или потенциостатическом режиме.

В зависимости от вида кислородсодержащей среды, заполняющей межэлектродное пространство, различают анодирование в водных растворах электролитов, в расплавах солей, в газовой плазме, а также плазменно-электролитическое оксидирование.

При анодировании в газовой плазме оксид образуется в результате диффузии анионов кислорода из плазмы. При анодировании в водных растворах продукт представляет собой ориентированный электрическим полем полимеризованный гель оксида металла. Низкотемпературная плазма, образующаяся в непосредственной близости от металла под оксидом, является источником анионов кислорода, необходимых для образования оксида.

В электронной промышленности анодирование в водных растворах электролитов широко применяется при производстве конденсаторов (электролитических, оксидно-полупроводниковых , оксидно-металлических).

Анодирование в расплавах солей применяют для получения оксидных пленок повышенной толщины и микротвердости, в частности, на поверхности меди и железа.

Анодирование в газовой плазме широко применяют в микроэлектронике, так как процесс технологически хорошо совместим с остальными операциями интегральной технологии в едином вакуумном цикле, а также для получения тонкопленочных элементов с туннельным диэлектриком (элементы Джозефсона, триоды с металлической базой, оптоэлектронные элементы), диэлектрика конденсаторов, пассивации поверхности интегральных схем и межкомпонентной изоляции.

Комбинация уникальной пористой структуры (прямые поры управляемого диаметра) с высокой температурной, механической и химической стабильностью делает пленки анодированного оксида алюминия привлекательным материалом для различных применений в области фильтрации и разделения смесей, хранения информации, в сенсорике и для синтеза одномерных наноструктур.

  • Наймушина Дарья Анатольевна
  1. Аверьянов Е.Е. «Справочник по анодированию». «Машиностроение» — М.: Машиностроение, 1988. — 224 с.
  2. Беленький М.А., Иванов А.Ф. Электроосаждение металлических покрытий: Справочник. — М.: Металлургия, 1985. — 288 с.
  3. W. Lee, R. Ji, U. Gosele, K. Nielsch. Fast fabrication of long-range ordered porous alumina membranes by hard anodization // Nature Materials, 2006 — № 5(9) — pp.741-747
  4. Petukhov D.I., Eliseev A.A., Kolesnik I.V., Napolskii K.S., Lukashin A.V., Tretyakov Yu.D., Grigoriev S.V., Grigorieva N.A., Eckerlebe H. Formation mechanism and packing options in tubular anodic titania films // Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2008 — № 114 — pp. 440–447
Мембраны анодированного оксида алюминия (АОА) обладают однородной пористой структурой с гексагональн

Мембраны анодированного оксида алюминия (АОА) обладают однородной пористой структурой с гексагональной упаковкой цилиндрических каналов и узким распределением пор по размерам.

Поперечный скол оксидной пленки. Различными цветами показаны слои, полученные при разных напряжениях анодирования

Источник: Нанометр URL: http://www.nanometer.ru

СЭМ-изображения 3D-структур на основе тонких пористых пленок анодированного оксида алюминия, сшитых

СЭМ-изображения 3D-структур на основе тонких пористых пленок анодированного оксида алюминия, сшитых полимерными нитями

Источник: Нанометр URL: http://www.nanometer.ru

Объемные конструкционные и функциональные наноструктурированные материалы и покрытия (металлы и сплавы, керамика, цементы, композиты и гибриды)

Энциклопедический словарь нанотехнологий. — Роснано.



Смотреть что такое «анодирование» в других словарях:

  • Анодирование — сплавов  электрохимический процесс получения защитного или декоративного покрытия на поверхности различных сплавов (алюминиевых, магниевых, титановых). Например, при анодировании алюминиевых сплавов деталь погружают в кислый электролит… …   Википедия

  • анодирование — анодизация Словарь русских синонимов. анодирование сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • анодизация (1) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин …   Словарь синонимов

  • АНОДИРОВАНИЕ — (электрохимическое оксидирование) электролитическое нанесение оксидной пленки на поверхность металлов, сплавов и полупроводников. Пленка защищает изделие от коррозии, обладает электроизоляционными свойствами, служит хорошим основанием для… …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • АНОДИРОВАНИЕ — АНОДИРОВАНИЕ, электролитический процесс, в ходе которого АЛЮМИНИЙ или МАГНИЙ покрывают тонким слоем оксида для предупреждения коррозии. При этом металл служит АНОДОМ в кислотном растворе. Защитное покрытие нерастворимо и служит хорошей изоляцией …   Научно-технический энциклопедический словарь

  • анодирование — Процесс образования оксидной пленки на поверхности металлич. изделий методом электролиза. При а. изделие, погруженное в электролит, соединяют с положительно заряж. электродом источника тока (анодом). Оксидная пленка толщиной от 1 до 200 мкм… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • АНОДИРОВАНИЕ — электролитическое нанесение оксидной плёнки на поверхности металлических изделий с целью защиты их от (см.) или для декорирования. При (см.) эти изделия служат (см.) …   Большая политехническая энциклопедия

  • Анодирование — [anodizing] процесс образования оксидной пленки на поверхности металлических изделий методом электролиза. При анодировании изделие, погруженное в электролит, соединяют с положительно заряженным электродом источника тока (анодом). Оксидная пленка… …   Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии

  • анодирование — нанесение защитного покрытия на поверхность металлических изделий. Осуществляется в процессе электролиза, когда эти изделия являются анодом. Анодируют, как правило, алюминий и его сплавы, при этом образуются оксидные плёнки толщиной 5 25 мкм,… …   Энциклопедия техники

  • анодирование — (электрохимическое оксидирование), электролитическое нанесение оксидной плёнки на поверхность металлов, сплавов и полупроводников. Плёнка защищает изделие от коррозии, обладает электроизоляционными свойствами, служит хорошим основанием для… …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • Анодирование — Anodizing Анодирование. Формирование покрытия на металлической поверхности путем анодного окисления, наиболее часто применяемое для алюминия. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и… …   Словарь металлургических терминов

… способ окрашивания. Он известен: это анодирование. Суть его в том, что через алюминиевую деталь, погруженную в … служат анодом, процесс и называют анодированием. Оксидная пленка пронизана микроскопическими разветвленными порами, в которых хорошо удерживаются … серебра (5-10). ГАЛЬВАНОСТЕГИЯ После анодирования алюминия естественно будет перейти к очередным электрохимическим опытам, благо под … гальваностегией, а покрытия — гальваническими. Кстати, анодирование алюминия тоже относится к гальваностегии. Сначала поучимся наносить на стальную … вы знаете из опытов с анодированием алюминия. Ложка будет первой деталью будущего выпрямителя тока, а второй …

Ольгин Олег. Опыты без взрывов

… паропровод, и технологический регламент процессов анодирования (будут еще у «фитюльки» с ним неприятности!), и мало ли …

Логинов Святослав. Рассказы

… не заметил нештатную надпись. До анодирования. Зато после некоторые за животы схватились, а начальство за голову …

Прокопьев Сергей. Клизмой по профессионализму

… соответствующим по цвету общей отделке (анодирование) металли- ческих частей винтовки. На основе М 16А 1 фирма «Кольт …

Оружие пехоты 97

… началом технологического процесса. Я занимался анодированием в гальванической ванне обыкновенных сталей, делал сплавы и прессовал их …

Кукаркин Евгений. Рассказы и повести

… и полупроводниковых материалов химическим, электрохимическим (анодирование) или другим способом. Образующаяся оксидная пленка играет защитную (пассивирование), технологическую …

. Современный толковый словарь|. Современный толковый словарь#2

… направлено на него (к катоду). АНОДИРОВАНИЕ (электрохимическое оксидирование) , электролитическое нанесение оксидной пленки на поверхность металлов, сплавов …

. Современный толковый словарь|. Современный толковый словарь#1

… металлическое лез-вие подверглось, конечно, анодированию и стало черным, блестящим был только самый край, острый как …

Клэнси Том. Джек Райян 1-8

… ЭЛЕКТРОХИМИЧЕСКОЕ ОКСИДИРОВАНИЕ , то же, что анодирование. ЭЛЕКТРОХИМИЯ , раздел физической химии, в котором изучаются свойства систем, содержащих …

. Современный толковый словарь|. Современный толковый словарь#3

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Значение слова «АНОДИРОВАНИЕ» найдено в 54 источниках


        электрохимическое оксидирование, образование защитной оксидной плёнки на поверхности металлических изделий электролизом. При А. изделие, погруженное в электролит, соединяют с положительно заряженным электродом источника тока (анодом). Плёнка толщиной от 1 до 200 мкм защищает металл от коррозии, обладает электроизоляционными свойствами и служит хорошей основой для лакокрасочных покрытий. А. применяют для декоративной отделки изделий из алюминия и его сплавов, эмалеподобных покрытий на алюминии и некоторых его сплавах. А. используют также для защиты от коррозии магниевых сплавов, повышения антифрикционных свойств титановых сплавов, для покрытия деталей радиоэлектронной аппаратуры из ниобия, тантала и др.; в самолёто-, ракето- и приборостроении, радиоэлектронике и др.

Лит.: Шрейдер А. В., Оксидирование алюминия и его сплавов, М., 1960; Верник С. и Пиннер Р., Химическая и электролитическая обработка алюминия и его сплавов, пер. с англ., Л., 1960; Анодная защита металлов. Доклады 1-й межвузовской конференции, М., 1964.

В. П. Батраков.

Найдено 2 изображения:

Изображения из описаний на этой странице

анодирование ср. Процесс действия по знач. несов. глаг.: анодировать.

Словарь русских синонимов.
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 1
• анодизация (1)
Словарь синонимов ASIS.В.Н. Тришин.2013.

Термин на английском
anodising, электрохимическое оксидирование
Связанные термины
адгезия, нановискер, пористый материал , мембрана

электрохимическое окисление поверхности металлов, сплавов и полупроводников


Широко распространена технология анодирования алюминия, титана, тантала, ниобия, кремния, германия, арсенида галлия. Обычно анодирование проводят при постоянном токе в гальваностатическом или потенциостатическом режиме.

В зависимости от вида кислородсодержащей среды, заполняющей межэлектродное пространство, различают анодирование в водных растворах электролитов, в расплавах солей, в газовой плазме, а также плазменно-электролитическое оксидирование.

При анодировании в газовой плазме оксид образуется в результате диффузии анионов кислорода из плазмы. При анодировании в водных растворах продукт представляет собой ориентированный электрическим полем полимеризованный гель оксида металла. Низкотемпературная плазма, образующаяся в непосредственной близости от металла под оксидом, является источником анионов кислорода, необходимых для образования оксида.

В электронной промышленности анодирование в водных растворах электролитов широко применяется при производстве конденсаторов (электролитических, оксидно-полупроводниковых , оксидно-металлических).

Анодирование в расплавах солей применяют для получения оксидных пленок повышенной толщины и микротвердости, в частности, на поверхности меди и железа.

Анодирование в газовой плазме широко применяют в микроэлектронике, так как процесс технологически хорошо совместим с остальными операциями интегральной технологии в едином вакуумном цикле, а также для получения тонкопленочных элементов с туннельным диэлектриком (элементы Джозефсона, триоды с металлической базой, оптоэлектронные элементы), диэлектрика конденсаторов, пассивации поверхности интегральных схем и межкомпонентной изоляции.

Комбинация уникальной пористой структуры (прямые поры управляемого диаметра) с высокой температурной, механической и химической стабильностью делает пленки анодированного оксида алюминия привлекательным материалом для различных применений в области фильтрации и разделения смесей, хранения информации, в сенсорике и для синтеза одномерных наноструктур.

  • Наймушина Дарья Анатольевна
  1. Аверьянов Е.Е.»Справочник по анодированию». «Машиностроение» — М.: Машиностроение, 1988. — 224 с.
  2. Беленький М.А., Иванов А.Ф. Электроосаждение металлических покрытий: Справочник. — М.: Металлургия, 1985. — 288 с.
  3. W. Lee, R. Ji, U. Gosele, K. Nielsch. Fast fabrication of long-range ordered porous alumina membranes by hard anodization // Nature Materials, 2006 — № 5(9) — pp.741-747
  4. Petukhov D.I., Eliseev A.A., Kolesnik I.V., Napolskii K.S., Lukashin A.V., Tretyakov Yu.D., Grigoriev S.V., Grigorieva N.A., Eckerlebe H. Formation mechanism and packing options in tubular anodic titania films // Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2008 — № 114 — pp. 440–447

Мембраны анодированного оксида алюминия (АОА) обладают однородной пористой структурой с гексагональной упаковкой цилиндрических каналов и узким распределением пор по размерам.

Поперечный скол оксидной пленки. Различными цветами показаны слои, полученные при разных напряжениях анодирования

Источник: Нанометр URL: http://www.nanometer.ru


СЭМ-изображения 3D-структур на основе тонких пористых пленок анодированного оксида алюминия, сшитых полимерными нитями

Источник: Нанометр URL: http://www.nanometer.ru

Объемные конструкционные и функциональные наноструктурированные материалы и покрытия (металлы и сплавы, керамика, цементы, композиты и гибриды)

(Источник: «Словарь основных нанотехнологических терминов РОСНАНО»)

Рана Раина Радон Радио Радиан Рада Равно Равнина Орн Орионид Орион Оринина Ореид Ореада Орден Орда Орание Орава Оон Онер Одр Одон Одновр Однов Одер Одеон Одаривание Ода Овод Овир Овин Овен Оао Нрав Норов Норд Нора Нона Ново Новина Нирвана Нина Нии Нива Нерон Неровно Нерин Нервно Нерв Нер Неон Недра Недавно Нед Неврон Невро Невр Невод Невар Невада Нева Ндрав Народ Нард Нарва Наравне Наново Нанди Нана Наин Наивно Надир Надин Надвое Навод Наверно Навар Ирон Ирод Ирина Ирида Иран Ираида Иравади Иордан Ионон Ионина Ион Иов Иоанн Инна Индри Индр Индиана Индан Инд Инвар Иена Идо Ида Ивонна Ивина Иванна Иван Ера Енина Ендова Едва Еда Евро Евр Евина Ева Дровни Дрова Дрен Древо Дорнование Дорн Дорин Дора Донор Дон Дно Дионин Дион Динин Динар Дин Диен Диво Дивно Диван Див Дианина Диана Дерновина Дернина Дерн Дер Денно Денара Ден Девон Дева Дворна Двор Двина Дарование Дарина Дари Дарвин Дар Данио Данаев Дан Давно Давание Врио Врид Вредно Вредина Вред Воронин Ворона Ворон Вор Вона Вон Воин Воедино Вод Вне Вирион Вира Вино Вини Винер Вие Видео Вид Виан Верона Верно Верна Верди Верд Веранда Вера Вено Венд Вена Ведро Ведин Веди Веда Варна Варин Вард Варан Вар Вано Ванда Ваер Вади Вад Арон Арно Арион Арин Арида Арианин Ариан Ариаднин Аренда Арен Аредов Арден Аонида Аон Анри Анон Анодирование Анод Аноа Анна Анион Анин Анид Анероид Аневрин Андрон Андриан Андре Анда Анани Аир Аида Адрон Адриано Ранд Рано Рао Рванина Рев Адриан Аденин Аден Риа Рио Родион Рондо Авенид Авар Рон Авенир Авиа Родина Род Ровно Ров Риони Рин Рено Авран Ренин Ада Редина Редан

1) Орфографическая запись слова: анодирование
2) Ударение в слове: анод`ирование
3) Деление слова на слоги (перенос слова): анодирование
4) Фонетическая транскрипция слова анодирование : [над’`иравн’э]
5) Характеристика всех звуков:
а а — гласный, безударный
н [н] — согласный, твердый, звонкий, непарный, сонорный
о [а] — гласный, безударный
д [д’] — согласный, мягкий, звонкий, парный
и [`и] — гласный, ударный
р [р] — согласный, твердый, звонкий, непарный, сонорный
о [а] — гласный, безударный
в [в] — согласный, твердый, звонкий, парный
а а — гласный, безударный
н [н’] — согласный, мягкий, звонкий, непарный, сонорный
и и — гласный, безударный
е й[э] — гласный, безударный

12 букв, 8 звук


нанесение защитного покрытия на поверхность металлических изделий. Осуществляется в процессе электролиза, когда эти изделия являются анодом. Анодируют, как правило, алюминий и его сплавы, при этом образуются оксидные плёнки толщиной 5—25 мкм, которые хорошо защищают металлические изделия от коррозии, обладают электроизоляционными свойствами, а также служат основой для нанесения лакокрасочных покрытий. Анодирование часто используется и в декоративных целях.

Энциклопедия «Техника». — М.: Росмэн.2006.

[anodizing] — процесс образования оксидной пленки на поверхности металлических изделий методом электролиза. При анодировании изделие, погруженное в электролит, соединяют с положительно заряженным электродом источника тока (анодом). Оксидная пленка толщиной от 1 до 200 мкм защищает металл от коррозии, обладает электроизоляционными свойствами и служит хорошей основой для лакокрасочных покрытий. Анодирование применяют для повышения жаро, износостойкости и для декоративной отделки изделий из Al и его сплавов. Анодирование используют также для защиты от коррозии Mg-сплавов, повышения антифрикционных свойств Ti-сплавов, для покрытия деталей радиоэлектронной аппаратуры из Nb, Та и др.


электрическое образование защитного покрытия на поверхности металлических изделий, которые при электролизе служат анодом.

Новый словарь иностранных слов.- by EdwART, ,2009.



Аноди́рование — нанесение защитного покрытия на поверхность металлических изделий. Осуществляется в процессе электролиза, когда эти изделия являются анодом. Анодируют, как правило, алюминий и его сплавы, при этом образуются оксидные плёнки толщиной 5-25 мкм, которые хорошо защищают металлические изделия от коррозии, обладают электроизоляционными свойствами, а также служат основой для нанесения лакокрасочных покрытий. Анодирование часто используется и в декоративных целях.

корень — АНОД; суффикс — ИРОВА; суффикс — НИ; окончание — Е;
Основа слова: АНОДИРОВАНИ
Вычисленный способ образования слова: Суффиксальный

∩ — АНОД; ∧ — ИРОВА; ∧ — НИ; ⏰ — Е;

Слово Анодирование содержит следующие морфемы или части:

  • ¬ приставка (0): —
  • ∩ корень слова (1): АНОД;
  • ∧ суффикс (2): НИ; ИРОВА;
  • ⏰ окончание (1): Е;

Ударение в слове: анод`ирование
Ударение падает на букву: и
Безударные гласные в слове: анод`ирование

anodic coating, anode [anodic] process, anodic treatment

* * *



anodic oxidation, anodization, anodizing, anodic treatment

аноди́рование в (газоразря́дной) пла́зме — (gaseous) plasma anodizing

* * *

anodic oxidation



образование защитного покрытия на поверхности металлич. изделии, к-рые служат в процессе электролиза анодом. Анодируют в осн. алюминий и его сплавы; образующиеся при этом оксидные плёнки (обычно толщ. 5 — 25 мкм) защищают металл от коррозии, служат хорошим основанием для лакокрасочных покрытий и обладают электронзоляц. св-вами. А. используется также в декоративных целях.

АНОДИРОВАНИЕ, электролитический процесс, в ходе которого АЛЮМИНИЙ или МАГНИЙ покрывают тонким слоем оксида для предупреждения коррозии. При этом металл служит АНОДОМ в кислотном растворе. Защитное покрытие нерастворимо и служит хорошей изоляцией. Его можно окрашивать в яркие цвета, которые часто являются стойкими к солнечному свету.


anodizzazione f, ossidazione f anodica

— анодирование в барабане- глубокое анодирование- анодирование под бронзу- сернокислотное анодирование- толстослойное анодирование- цветное анодирование

АНОДИРОВАНИЕ (электрохимическое оксидирование), электролитическое нанесение оксидной пленки на поверхность металлов, сплавов и полупроводников. Пленка защищает изделие от коррозии, обладает электроизоляционными свойствами, служит хорошим основанием для лакокрасочных покрытий, используется в декоративных целях.

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