Как пишется аогири

Одноглазый Король и Древо Аогири.

Древо Аогири (アオギリの樹, aogiri no ki, «Древо Фирмианы») — организация гулей, установившая свою власть в 11 районе и противостоящая патрулирующим область следователям CCG.

Большинство членов пришли из 24 района, где организация была впервые учреждена. Захватив 11-ый район, Древо Аогири расположил в нём свою основную базу. Их укрытие было обнаружено и зачищено CCG, после чего организация переместилась в 19-ый район, а спустя несколько лет — на Русиму.

В Древе Аогири состоит несколько сотен гулей от C до A ранга. Также есть несколько «особых солдат», которые обладают огромной силой и делают организацию опасной не только из-за численности. Также в Древе присутствуют внутренние группировки — Белые Костюмы и Клинки, которые укрепляют мощь Аогири.

В ходе зачистки Русимы большая часть состава Древа была уничтожена. Все выжившие члены присоединились к новому Одноглазому Королю, став частью организации «Коза».


Лидером Аогири является Одноглазый Король. При нём служит некоторое количество руководителей, ведущих за собой остальных постоянных членов организации.

Состав организации


  • Одноглазый Король †
  • Это Йошимура — Х / Это / Одноглазая Сова

Подчинённые лидеров

  • Норо †
  • Татара †


  • Аято Киришима — Чёрный Кролик
  • Братья Бин † — Хвостатые Братья
  • Кен Канеки — Глазная Повязка (только в «Tokyo Ghoul √A»)
  • Миза Кусакари — Тройной Клинок / Три Лезвия
  • Наки
  • Хинами Фуегучи — Йоцуме
  • Якумо Оомори † — Ямори / Джейсон


  • Акихиро Кано †
  • Белые Костюмы
    • Шосей Идера
    • Хоогуро
    • Гаги и Гуге †
  • Карао Саеки † — Торсо
  • Клинки
    • Мицушита †
  • Матасака Камиширо † — Шачи / Косатка
  • Сейдо Такизава — Оул
  • Шикорае — Джейл
  • Юмицу Томоэ — Хакатори / Охотник на куинке / Кобин

Пленники и рабы

  • Противогазы ×
    • Казуичи Банджо ×
    • Ичими ×
    • Джиро ×
    • Сантэ ×
  • Тэцу †
  • Моку †
  • Усу ×
  • Кей †
  • Кен Канеки ×
  • Коуто †
  • Шу † (только в аниме «Tokyo Ghoul»)
  • Хару † (только в аниме «Tokyo Ghoul»)

Амбиция и Идеология

Древо Аогири было объединено под идеологией верховенства гулей, которое продвигалось Одноглазым Королем. Аогири стремились сделать гулей доминирующим видом и планировал свергнуть человечество и подняться во все власти. Ризе Камиширо за ней, охотились и отслеживали несколько руководителей и членов организации по неизвестной цели. Нико утверждал, что Аогири, хотят получить Ризе и Доктора Кано, чтобы «раскрыть лжеца».

Цели Аогири, оказалось, совпадали с доктором Кано, как он сам заявил, и что сотрудничество было для них взаимовыгодным. Это дало свои плоды, параллельно и заявив, что целью Аогири было нужно уничтожить «птичьи клетки» и восстановить равновесие с миром. Организация предоставила ему передовые средства и предметы для продолжения исследований по созданию иск одноглазых гулей.



Aogiri mask

Маска членов Аогири (в аниме)


Маска, которую носят члены с низким рейтингом.

Aogiri's symbol

Символ на одежде Аогири (в аниме)

Aogiri meeting

Встреча Аогири в убежище в 11-ом районе

Re meeting

Встреча лидеров.

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Aogiri Tree exists to create a good world for us ghouls, a world in which ghouls can live openly and freely. Our enemy are the Doves of the CCG. However, eradicating the warped root that lurks behind all of this is my true aim.
~ Eto Yoshimura

The Aogiri Tree (in Japanese: アオギリの樹, Aogiri no Ki, lit. Chinese Parasol Tree), also as the «Aogiri«, is the central antagonistic faction of the Tokyo Ghoul series. They served as the main antagonistic faction of Tokyo Ghoul and the first half of it’s sequel Tokyo Ghoul:re, before being disbanded and having it’s members become supporting characters.

Aogiri is an anti-villainous cult-like terrorist organization comprised entirely of Ghouls. This dangerous secret society has usurped the power in the 11th Ward and has started targeting the Ghoul investigators in the ward. These Ghouls are led by the One-Eyed King and Eto who targeted other Ghouls who want a normal life, and they had executives including Ayato Kirishima within their ranks. They are the most powerful ghoul organization and are at odds with the C.C.G. as they seek to overthrow both them and humanity.



Aogiri’s early days are very vague and unknown however, what is known is that the organization’s founder, the One-Eyed King, had attracted countless Ghouls from all the different wards and rallied them under the banner of Ghoul supremacy. Believing that ghouls are the dominant and powerful race, Aogiri grew in size and attracted many more to join and rally to their cause. It’s revealed that Eto Yoshimura had actually been the true founder of the organization.

Search for Rize and Emergence

The Aogiri began to attract public attention sometime in present-day Japan where fellow Aogiri executive, Yakumo Oomori, goes on a man-hunt for the infamous binge-eater ghoul known as Rize Kamishiro. They confront each other one day in a building in the 20th Ward, but Rize escapes and it prompts Yamori to go and seek an associate of his to get a new pair of torture tools for him to use. Meanwhile, Aogiri’s forces begin to take over the 11th Ward and after they manage to wipe out the CCG forces there, they make it their headquarters and set up a base there. The CCG quickly notices Aogiri’s existence ad begin planning on how to deal with them. Ayato Kirishima soon appears looking for Rize and located Anteiku, a cafe and secret ghoul organization, and heads there where he confronts his long-lost sister Touka. They exchange some talk befoe Yamori arrives with his partner Nico and after noticing Kaneki’s «smell», they mess up Anteiku and capture him. 

11th Ward Battle

After Kaneki is captured, he’s brought back to the 11th Ward at the new 11th Ward Base where Aogiri is stationed at. He wakes up in the building surrounded by Ayato and other Aogiri members such as Eto, Tatara, Noro, and the Bin Brothers. Tatara and the others find no use for Kaneki so he’s handed over to Yamori and is put into de-facto enslavement and forced subordination by Aogiri along with Kazuichi Banjou and other ghouls as well. Kaneki joins the ghouls in forming their own little group called Anti-Aogiri and they try to escape, but all of their members are either killed or captured during the attempt and Kaneki even witnesses two of them being slaughtered right in front of him. Eventually however, the CCG arrive and storm the compound. This leads to an intense firefight between CCG Forces and Aogiri Soldiers which ends with Kaneki beating Yamori and the building collapsing in on itself and being destroyed. This marks the first battle between Aogiri Tree and the CCG with both sides suffering heavy losses.

Second Cochlea Raid

During and sometime after the 11th Ward Battle, Eto had lead a small batch of Aogiri troops to storm and attack the ghoul prison known as Cochlea. The Aogiri forces broke in and began ravaging the place taking advantage of the distracted and spreadly-thinned CCG Forces and managed to break out numerous ghouls such as Naki and many others. Kishou Arima had arrived with reinforcements but by then it was too late as the Aogiri Tree had gotten what they wanted and pulled out before his arival.

Search for Kanou

Following the 11th Ward Battle, the Aogiri Tree had started a hunt where they are looking for the known scientist, Akihiro Kanou, who is known for transforming humans into artificial one-eyed ghouls. Naki teams up with Matasaka Kamishiro during their hunt for him and they run into conflict with Kaneki and his group while Tatara and Noro went after Kanou’s staff and assistants from before. Eventually Aogiri finds Kanou’s lab and they fight against Kaneki’s group but in the end manage to find and get him. Kanou agrees to Aogiri and effectively joins them as an official member of the Aogiri Tree and leaves behind his underlings Kurona Yasuhisa and Nashiro Yasuhisa to show his new loyalties toward them.

Owl Suppression Operation

Aogiri forces appear during the CCG’s raid on the 20th Ward sometime following the downfall of Yoshimura, the «Non-Killing Owl», and the destruction of Anteiku. Eto appears in front of the CCG forces and fights them in fierce combat as she begins to decimate the already exhausted and depleted CCG forces and soon signals the other Aogiri forces to arrive and engage. Aogiri has the upper hand at first but is soon overrun when Arima arrives with reinforcements and they begin to suffer heavy losses. This soon prompts them to retreat all with Anteiku in fiery ruins.

Auction Operation

After the time-skip, Aogiri remains at large but has changed. Aogiri’s influence and power have grown at an alarming rate and they now control more territory and greater influence than ever before. Many of their members have blended into society and operate within secrecy. A small band of Aogiri Tree operatives are eventually hired to act as personal security for the Auction that’s supposed to take place and is hosted by the Madam Ghouls and other members of the Ghoul Restaurant. Aogiri members act as both auctioneers and bidders until the CCG comes in and sends in squads of soldiers to capture high-ranking ghouls and kill those who resist. The Aogiri Forces manage to escape and break out before the CCG could subdue them. Seidou Takizawa is then sent in and manages to thin out the numbers of the CCG soldiers who are storming the building while Hinami leads everyone else out.

Ayato manages to save Naki and he and other nearby forces attack and brutally ravage and slaughter the CCG Forces near there location. Meanwhile, Seidou encounters Sasaki (Kaneki) where he and the Quinx Squad are slaughtering both Aogiri Tree troops and other ghouls alike. Sasaki and Seidou get into a fight but Sasaki is unable to beat him in his human form. Kaneki calls within himself to have his ghoul persona be revealed but is rejected as Seidou begins tortuing him. Seidou continues to torture Sasaki but then Hinami comes in and saves Sasaki who then relizes that he’s Kaneki. Hinami tries to fight off Seidou however, she is too weak as Seidou uses his kakuja kagune against her and severely injures her. This then allows Kaneki to come in and saver her and he impales Seidou in his chest and eventually forces him to retreat as Arima and Squad Zero arrive with reinforcments and all of Aogiri’s Forces have effectifvly pulled out. Hinami is left injured and as Arime is about to take her, Sasaki intervenes and says that he cornored her. He requests for special rights over Hinami and he is granted those rights putting her under Sasaki’s (secretly Kaneki) supervision and authority. Post-Auction, Hinami is put in Cochlea but she is kept alive and safe by Sasaki/Kaneki and the two of them have happily reunited but Arime is getting suspicious of Sasaki and might cause future issues. During this time, Ayato is attempting to convince Tatara to invade the Ghoul Detention Facility and rescue Hinami but he rejects and after Seidou mocks and tants Ayato, he makes him mad from bringing up the fact that he fought Hinami. Hinami is also frequently visited by Kaneki whom she still cares about very deeply and knows that Kaneki is still in there.

Tsukiyama Extermination Operation

At this point, Hinami has been abandoned by Aogiri and most likely has been replaced. Sometime later on, Karren von Rosewald hires some Aogiri members to attack and kill the Quinx during an investigation into Kanae himself where they run into the mysterious hooded ghoul who forces them all to retreat along with Kaneki and his squad. Later on, Eto finds Kanae and takes him into Aogiri Custody after abducting him beneath an overpass. Eto then tortures Kanae into whatever she wants him to be, all the while the CCG launches an extermination operation against the Tsukiyama Family. During the CCG Operation against the Tsukiyama Family, Karren returns with w brand new look including a robe and a Noro-like mask. He had killed a small squad of Ghoul Investigators and currently appears to be an unofficial member/subordinate of the Aogiri Tree and goes after Shuu Tsukiyama. During the raid, Noro attacks a small group of Ghoul Investigators resulting in him killing a large portion of them and even severely injures their commander during the Tsukiyama Extermination Operation. During the battle, Noro faces off against the Quinx Squad where he manages to get the upper hand but is distracted by Ginshi Shirazu who sacrifices himself so that his comrade Kuki Urie can deliver the final blow.

Shirazu dies but not before Noro is killed as well with his head and mask being the only known remains following his defeat. Meanwhile, a deranged Sasaki/Kaneki is still fighting and brutalizing Eto while they fight on the rooftop. During the battle, Karren is incapacitated by a newly awakened Kaneki and Eto has her kakuja armor destroyed where she confesses her love to Kaneki which he honors greatly and begins eating the remains of her kakuja. Eto is revealed to have survived thanks to Kaneki but Karren ends up dying after she plummets to her death. Due to the death of Noro, the Aogiri Tree suffers a heavy loss due to how powerful he was and a major blow is dealt to the Aogiri Tree in its first major setback of the series. In the aftermath of the operation, Eto is alive and she ends up retreating where she’s seen bathing with a fully regenerated body wondering if «her thing» will be good for Kaneki. After some time has passed, the Aogiri Tree has stolen Shirazu’s body during an attack on a CCG Transport containing both Shirazu’s and other deceased investigators’ bodies and Urie declares that he’ll go after them to retrieve Shirazu’s body from Kanou. One night, an unknown Aogiri member is tracked down by Kaneki, who’s also known as The Black Reaper, and he’s killed by Kaneki along with his subordinates as well. Six months after the Tsukiyama Operation, Kuki Urie is seen leading the new Quinx Squad where they eliminate an unknown Aogiri Tree officer and his subordinates and the Hachikawa Squad has been deployed to Rushima where it’s suspected to have an Aogiri Headquarters stationed there.

Rushima Landing Operation

Aogiri does in fact have a base in Rushima and in that base, Eto is giving a speech to many Aogiri members who are gathered there along with Ayato and Miza. There, Eto informs everyone that the Aogiri Tree remains strong with thousands of members being part of the organization despite their losses during the Tsukiyama Extermination Operation. She also reveals herself to be the One-Eyed Owl but claims that she isn’t the mysterious One-Eyed King. Eto eventually is caught by Kaneki and Nimura Furuta and she confesses that she’s a ghoul and lets it out all on live TV to all of Japan. Meanwhile, Ayato finds Kazuichi Banjou, a former subordinate of his, where he’s now the current leader of the 6th Ward and asks him to help him save Hinami and break her out of Cochlea before she’s executed. Eto is then stuck at an interrogation room where she ends up calling Furuta «Kanou’s clown». Eventually, the CCG launches an all-out assault on the Aogiri Base on Rushima in an effort to destroy the Aogiri Tree. During the assault on the island, Ayato Kirishima joins up with Kazuichi Banjou and is group, the Gas Masks, where they assault Cochlea during the CCG’s Invasion of Rushima and they begin to ravage the compound. During the raid, Hinami is rescued by Kaneki, who had defected from the CCG to save her. Ayato fights the CCG but then runs into his sister, Touka, where he tells her to save Hinami when Arima arrives and all three fight him only to have Yomo push Touka out of the way and is impaled in the neck. Yomo survives, and escapes along with Ayato and the others. Meanwhile on Rushima, the Aogiri base there has been ravaged with numerous casualties on both sides. Miza is later seen leaning back on a building where she recalls her past as a member of the Aogiri Tree and is then approached by Mitsushita who tries to help her but is then cut down by Hanbee Abara which causes Miza to try to kill him but he strikes her down and grievously injures her. He’s then approached by Kurona Yasuhisa who asks if he’s one of Juuzou’s grunts and then proceeds to fight him.

Third Cochlea Raid

Back at Cochlea, Furuta is seen to have survived being impaled by Hinami and is gathered with V members and closes various pipes together killing numerous Gas Mask members in the process only to have Eto burst in and destroy them. Ayato is revealed to have survived and he escapes along with Hinami, Touka, and the others while Eto slaughters the other V members and fights Furuta who is revealed to be a One-Eyed Ghoul and fights Eto only to have the latter be surprisingly defeated and meets up with Kaneki. She states that the former Anteiku members are alive and that there’s no need for him to kill the One-Eyed King while closing her eyes peacefully. Meanwhile, Ayato is attacked by Ghoul Investigators Kiyoko and Mougan and is severely injured when Touka shows up and saves him. Ayato lays down while Banjou scurries to heal Ayato’s wounds. Meanwhile, Kaneki is seen once more where he has now claimed the title of the One-Eyed King. Meanwhile back at Rushima, Tatara fights off against Houji and the CCG with his kakuja armor and finally has the chance to kill his rival to avenge his fallen brother but the fight is interrupted by Seidou Takizawa who ends up impaling and killing him as well. Shortly afterwards, Takizawa slaughters Houji and his squad before facing down Akira and choking her but Amon comes in and saves her by cutting off Takizawa’s hand. Meanwhile back at Rushima Island, Kurona arrives at a laboratory owned by Akihiro Kanou and demands that he revive Nashiro who she claims is a parasitic entity inside of her. Kanou then states that Nashiro was actually eaten by Kurona and was dead all along prompting Kurona to want to kill Kanou but not before he unleashed his newest creation to have them fight. Amon and Takizawa are also fighting and as it seems that Seidou has beaten Amon, he is stabbed in the eye by an unknown attacker. The attacker is revealed to be Mutuski and she vows to hold of Takizawa until reinforcements can arrive, mainly the Suzuya Squad and Urie Squad.

Meanwhile on another part of the island, Miza wakes up and is revealed to be alive and recovered from her injuries. Upon waking up, she sees Naki with his arms crossed and sitting down. She calls out to him but he coughs up blood and falls to the floor. She calls out his name again and looks outside of the building she’s in only to see the entire outside is covered with the corpses of dead CCG soldiers. She returns to Naki once more and calls out to him again in hopes that he’s still alive. Koori Ui shows up and Miza prepares to fight him when Naki gets up and blocks Ui’s attack and is revealed to still be alive. Shortly afterwards, the rest of the White Suits show up and they begin their fight against Koori Ui once more. Shuu Tsukiyama shows up and fights Koori Ui and meanwhile, Nishiki appears in Kanou’s laboratory where he grabs Kanou, but he’s rescued by Roma Hoito. Eventually however, the landing operation ends and the CCG emerges victorious as the Aogiri Tree suffers a loss of 98% of their members and the remaining survivors had fled and escaped. Despite the members living, the Aogiri Tree is declared to have been destroyed by the CCG, a goal that Tartara and Eto have always wanted.

Post-Rushima Operation

One month after the Rushima Landing Operation, Aogiri Tree had been officially dissolved with all of their leaders dead and 98% of their members as well. The surviving members had regrouped with the Tsukiyama family and the members of :re and soon Kaneki and Squad 0. Numerous other ghouls were there as well, mainly liberated prisoners from Cochlea, and Kaneki pronounced the formation of the Black Goat, an organization that would fight for equality and peace between humans and ghouls and everyone present soon joined in, including the remaining survivors of Aogiri Tree.


Aogiri Tree had left a lasting impact on the CCG and humans in general. They were the first ghoul organization that posed a strong and powerful threat to the CCG and were able to rally numerous ghouls to their cause and have gained large swaves of territory in the process as well. Aogiri had managed to attack the CCG and spread their forces thin even going as far as being able to attack Cochlea, a prison thought to be impossible to storm. After the Rushima Landing Operation, the remaining survivors of the Aogiri Tree had joined up with Kaneki and became members of the Black Goat.



The leader of the Aogiri Tree is the One-Eyed King. Their direct subordinates are Tatara and Noro who act as the secondary leaders of the organization. A number of executives serve under them, and these executives lead the regular members and act as commanding officers. Other members are lower-ranking soldiers who follow the orders of the One-Eyed King and other Aogiri commanders. Tatara is the second-in-command of Aogiri Tree and Noro most likely has a high position of authority as well being one of the organization’s leaders. Eto is an executive, but she’s implied to be a possible higher-up due to her actions and activities which places her in a leadership position. After the Rushima Landing Operation however, all known leaders of the Aogiri Tree had been killed leaving the organization without a leader.


The Aogiri Tree is united under the banner of Ghoul supremacy which is the organization’s main ideology. Aogiri believes that Ghouls are vastly superior to humans and seeks to make Ghouls the dominate species. Aogiri members routinely targets and kill Ghoul Investigators and they were able to exterminate all of them during their takeover of the 11th Ward. Every Aogiri member is a Ghoul except for Akihiro, who is the only known human member of Aogiri. The organization appears to want to have all Ghouls serve under their cause as Ghouls who either oppose or not affiliated with Aogiri, are routinely attacked and killed by Aogiri troops like Eto forcing others to submit to their cause. Aogiri appears to have a Social Darwinist ideology as weak ghouls are enslaved and members who are captured are left behind and abandoned to the CCG.


The Aogiri Tree is very secretive as the CCG had never heard about them until their takeover of the 11th Ward. Ghouls who have an affiliation with Aogiri have sworn complete allegiance to the One-Eyed King who was the organization’s leader. The King is the symbol of the organization and the best members of Aogiri are those who have sworn absolute allegiance. The King is not to be questioned or opposed and all Ghouls must submit to him leaving Non-Aogiri Ghoul to be killed. One major rule about being in Aogiri Tree is that all members must remain members no matter the cost. Anyone who is caught trying to leave the organization are killed on the spot. Social Darwinism appears to be very influential in the Aogiri’s society as weaker ghouls are slaves and stronger ones are soldiers.


The Aogiri Tree would love to see nothing more than all of humanity completely overthrown and to have ghouls ascend to power. The Aogiri believes that ghouls are the superior race compared to humans with ghouls being far more powerful than humans and wants them to become the dominate species. Leaders of Aogiri Tree want to see humans overthrown and forced into submission by the superior ghoul race and members of the Aogiri are attracted towards the ideology of ghoul supremacy that is constantly being preached on a daily basis. Aogiri Tree soldiers and executives will fight to the end to see humanity down on its knees and to have ghouls reign supreme. Rize Kamishiro appears to be a major target for Aogiri Tree as both Yamori and even Ayato along with a few other Aogiri members are seen searching for her. Aogiri’s exact purpose with Rize is unclear but because she’s so powerful and iconic within the ghoul community, it’s most likely they want to recruit her to their cause and kill her if she rejects.


The Aogiri Tree contains various different ghouls with a diverse set of powers and abilities as a result of them banding together for a common cause of ghoul supremacy. Being an organization of ghouls, Aogiri is able to rally countless members to join them to the point of having their lower-ranking members being B Rated Ghouls. Aogiri also contains many S Rated Ghouls to further their power and influence. Aogiri Tree also has many artificial One-Eyed Ghouls in their ranks which is major as they are typically more powerful than average humans and ghouls. Any ghoul that is too weak is also enslaved and is forced to do manual labor in order to survive. The Aogiri is also seen to have access to firearms as demonstrated when many Aogiri Soldiers often carry around guns such as MP5s and other assault rifles. The Aogiri Tree seems to have easy access to new members as they have multiple wards under their control and they haven’t launched a rescue operation for any captured members (with the exception of the Root A anime). Because of this, it is implied that Aogiri has enough membership rates to replace killed and captured members and has no plans to rescue any of them if they get captured by the CCG. In recent events however, the Aogiri Tree has suffered major losses with a loss of membership due to heavy casualties however, Eto reassures them that the Aogiri Tree is still strong and implies that they still have a stable rate of membership. Post-Rushima Operation however, virtually all remaining members were killed leaving Aogiri non-threatening and dissolved.



  • One-Eyed King — True Leader (Deceased)
  • Eto Yoshimura — Founder and Current Leader (Status Unknown)
  • Tatara — Second-in-Command and Direct Subordinate (Deceased)
  • Noro — High-Ranking Member and Direct Subordinate (Deceased)


  • Yakumo Oomori (Deceased)
  • Bin Brothers (Deceased)
  • Ken Kaneki (Anime Only, Defected)
  • Miza Kusakari — Blades’ Leader
  • Ayato Kirishima (Escaped)
  • Naki — White Suits’ Leader

Rank and File

  • Hinami Fueguchu (Abandoned)
  • Hooguro — White Suits Member
  • Shousei — White Suits Member
  • Akihiro Kanou — Human Surgeon (Escaped)
  • Okahira — Quinx Soldier (Escaped)
  • Kimi Nishiro — Human Surgeon (Escaped)
  • Karao Saeki — Taxi Driver (Deceased)
  • Aogiri Soldiers — Personal (Deceased)
  • Matasaka Kamishiro (Defected)
  • Seidou Takizawa (Defected)
  • Yumitsu Tomoe
  • Shikorae


  • Nico — Associate (Defected)
  • Kazuichi Banjou (Defected)
  • Ichimi (Defected)
  • Jiro (Defected)
  • Sante (Defected)
  • Kei (Deceased)
  • Kouto (Deceased)
  • Moku (Deceased)
  • Tetsu (Deceased)
  • Usu (Defected)



The Aogiri Tree Symbol

Emblem of the Aogiri Tree

The Aogiri Tree Society

The Aogiri

The Aogiri



Aogiri Team

342 094405 94418

Tumblr ngfkzt9CfQ1tvasg4o1 500


Aogiri symbol

Symbol of Aogiri Members

Aogiri executives

Executives of the Aogiri Tree.




Ayato showing up


Eto (status unknown)


Noro 1

Bin Brothers

Naki 1




Gagi Guge

Aogiri mask

Aogiri Soldiers

Kaneki arrives

Ken Kaneki (anime only; former)

Takizawa owl


Shigowae intro


Hooguro intro

Hakatori 2

Nico 1

Nico (former associate)

One-Eyed King

Re meeting

Meeting of Aogiri’s leaders

Aogiri meeting

An Aogiri meeting.

Three blades

Miza’s Underlings


  • The majority of the members of the Aogiri Tree are from the 24th Ward and it makes the One-Eyed King supposedly from the same ward as well.
  • On the back of the robes that the average Aogiri member wheres, there’s a bird-like emblem on it which appears to be another one of the Aogiri Tree’s icons.
  • The Aogiri Tree shares many similarities with the Brotherhood of Mutants from the X-Men Trilogy as both are organizations that seek to overthrow humanity and make their species the dominant species in the world.


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Aogiri Tree exists to create a good world for us ghouls, a world in which ghouls can live openly and freely. Our enemy are the Doves of the CCG. However, eradicating the warped root that lurks behind all of this is my true aim.
~ Eto Yoshimura

The Aogiri Tree (in Japanese: アオギリの樹, Aogiri no Ki, lit. Chinese Parasol Tree), also as the «Aogiri«, is the central antagonistic faction of the Tokyo Ghoul series. They served as the main antagonistic faction of Tokyo Ghoul and the first half of it’s sequel Tokyo Ghoul:re, before being disbanded and having it’s members become supporting characters.

Aogiri is an anti-villainous cult-like terrorist organization comprised entirely of Ghouls. This dangerous secret society has usurped the power in the 11th Ward and has started targeting the Ghoul investigators in the ward. These Ghouls are led by the One-Eyed King and Eto who targeted other Ghouls who want a normal life, and they had executives including Ayato Kirishima within their ranks. They are the most powerful ghoul organization and are at odds with the C.C.G. as they seek to overthrow both them and humanity.



Aogiri’s early days are very vague and unknown however, what is known is that the organization’s founder, the One-Eyed King, had attracted countless Ghouls from all the different wards and rallied them under the banner of Ghoul supremacy. Believing that ghouls are the dominant and powerful race, Aogiri grew in size and attracted many more to join and rally to their cause. It’s revealed that Eto Yoshimura had actually been the true founder of the organization.

Search for Rize and Emergence

The Aogiri began to attract public attention sometime in present-day Japan where fellow Aogiri executive, Yakumo Oomori, goes on a man-hunt for the infamous binge-eater ghoul known as Rize Kamishiro. They confront each other one day in a building in the 20th Ward, but Rize escapes and it prompts Yamori to go and seek an associate of his to get a new pair of torture tools for him to use. Meanwhile, Aogiri’s forces begin to take over the 11th Ward and after they manage to wipe out the CCG forces there, they make it their headquarters and set up a base there. The CCG quickly notices Aogiri’s existence ad begin planning on how to deal with them. Ayato Kirishima soon appears looking for Rize and located Anteiku, a cafe and secret ghoul organization, and heads there where he confronts his long-lost sister Touka. They exchange some talk befoe Yamori arrives with his partner Nico and after noticing Kaneki’s «smell», they mess up Anteiku and capture him. 

11th Ward Battle

After Kaneki is captured, he’s brought back to the 11th Ward at the new 11th Ward Base where Aogiri is stationed at. He wakes up in the building surrounded by Ayato and other Aogiri members such as Eto, Tatara, Noro, and the Bin Brothers. Tatara and the others find no use for Kaneki so he’s handed over to Yamori and is put into de-facto enslavement and forced subordination by Aogiri along with Kazuichi Banjou and other ghouls as well. Kaneki joins the ghouls in forming their own little group called Anti-Aogiri and they try to escape, but all of their members are either killed or captured during the attempt and Kaneki even witnesses two of them being slaughtered right in front of him. Eventually however, the CCG arrive and storm the compound. This leads to an intense firefight between CCG Forces and Aogiri Soldiers which ends with Kaneki beating Yamori and the building collapsing in on itself and being destroyed. This marks the first battle between Aogiri Tree and the CCG with both sides suffering heavy losses.

Second Cochlea Raid

During and sometime after the 11th Ward Battle, Eto had lead a small batch of Aogiri troops to storm and attack the ghoul prison known as Cochlea. The Aogiri forces broke in and began ravaging the place taking advantage of the distracted and spreadly-thinned CCG Forces and managed to break out numerous ghouls such as Naki and many others. Kishou Arima had arrived with reinforcements but by then it was too late as the Aogiri Tree had gotten what they wanted and pulled out before his arival.

Search for Kanou

Following the 11th Ward Battle, the Aogiri Tree had started a hunt where they are looking for the known scientist, Akihiro Kanou, who is known for transforming humans into artificial one-eyed ghouls. Naki teams up with Matasaka Kamishiro during their hunt for him and they run into conflict with Kaneki and his group while Tatara and Noro went after Kanou’s staff and assistants from before. Eventually Aogiri finds Kanou’s lab and they fight against Kaneki’s group but in the end manage to find and get him. Kanou agrees to Aogiri and effectively joins them as an official member of the Aogiri Tree and leaves behind his underlings Kurona Yasuhisa and Nashiro Yasuhisa to show his new loyalties toward them.

Owl Suppression Operation

Aogiri forces appear during the CCG’s raid on the 20th Ward sometime following the downfall of Yoshimura, the «Non-Killing Owl», and the destruction of Anteiku. Eto appears in front of the CCG forces and fights them in fierce combat as she begins to decimate the already exhausted and depleted CCG forces and soon signals the other Aogiri forces to arrive and engage. Aogiri has the upper hand at first but is soon overrun when Arima arrives with reinforcements and they begin to suffer heavy losses. This soon prompts them to retreat all with Anteiku in fiery ruins.

Auction Operation

After the time-skip, Aogiri remains at large but has changed. Aogiri’s influence and power have grown at an alarming rate and they now control more territory and greater influence than ever before. Many of their members have blended into society and operate within secrecy. A small band of Aogiri Tree operatives are eventually hired to act as personal security for the Auction that’s supposed to take place and is hosted by the Madam Ghouls and other members of the Ghoul Restaurant. Aogiri members act as both auctioneers and bidders until the CCG comes in and sends in squads of soldiers to capture high-ranking ghouls and kill those who resist. The Aogiri Forces manage to escape and break out before the CCG could subdue them. Seidou Takizawa is then sent in and manages to thin out the numbers of the CCG soldiers who are storming the building while Hinami leads everyone else out.

Ayato manages to save Naki and he and other nearby forces attack and brutally ravage and slaughter the CCG Forces near there location. Meanwhile, Seidou encounters Sasaki (Kaneki) where he and the Quinx Squad are slaughtering both Aogiri Tree troops and other ghouls alike. Sasaki and Seidou get into a fight but Sasaki is unable to beat him in his human form. Kaneki calls within himself to have his ghoul persona be revealed but is rejected as Seidou begins tortuing him. Seidou continues to torture Sasaki but then Hinami comes in and saves Sasaki who then relizes that he’s Kaneki. Hinami tries to fight off Seidou however, she is too weak as Seidou uses his kakuja kagune against her and severely injures her. This then allows Kaneki to come in and saver her and he impales Seidou in his chest and eventually forces him to retreat as Arima and Squad Zero arrive with reinforcments and all of Aogiri’s Forces have effectifvly pulled out. Hinami is left injured and as Arime is about to take her, Sasaki intervenes and says that he cornored her. He requests for special rights over Hinami and he is granted those rights putting her under Sasaki’s (secretly Kaneki) supervision and authority. Post-Auction, Hinami is put in Cochlea but she is kept alive and safe by Sasaki/Kaneki and the two of them have happily reunited but Arime is getting suspicious of Sasaki and might cause future issues. During this time, Ayato is attempting to convince Tatara to invade the Ghoul Detention Facility and rescue Hinami but he rejects and after Seidou mocks and tants Ayato, he makes him mad from bringing up the fact that he fought Hinami. Hinami is also frequently visited by Kaneki whom she still cares about very deeply and knows that Kaneki is still in there.

Tsukiyama Extermination Operation

At this point, Hinami has been abandoned by Aogiri and most likely has been replaced. Sometime later on, Karren von Rosewald hires some Aogiri members to attack and kill the Quinx during an investigation into Kanae himself where they run into the mysterious hooded ghoul who forces them all to retreat along with Kaneki and his squad. Later on, Eto finds Kanae and takes him into Aogiri Custody after abducting him beneath an overpass. Eto then tortures Kanae into whatever she wants him to be, all the while the CCG launches an extermination operation against the Tsukiyama Family. During the CCG Operation against the Tsukiyama Family, Karren returns with w brand new look including a robe and a Noro-like mask. He had killed a small squad of Ghoul Investigators and currently appears to be an unofficial member/subordinate of the Aogiri Tree and goes after Shuu Tsukiyama. During the raid, Noro attacks a small group of Ghoul Investigators resulting in him killing a large portion of them and even severely injures their commander during the Tsukiyama Extermination Operation. During the battle, Noro faces off against the Quinx Squad where he manages to get the upper hand but is distracted by Ginshi Shirazu who sacrifices himself so that his comrade Kuki Urie can deliver the final blow.

Shirazu dies but not before Noro is killed as well with his head and mask being the only known remains following his defeat. Meanwhile, a deranged Sasaki/Kaneki is still fighting and brutalizing Eto while they fight on the rooftop. During the battle, Karren is incapacitated by a newly awakened Kaneki and Eto has her kakuja armor destroyed where she confesses her love to Kaneki which he honors greatly and begins eating the remains of her kakuja. Eto is revealed to have survived thanks to Kaneki but Karren ends up dying after she plummets to her death. Due to the death of Noro, the Aogiri Tree suffers a heavy loss due to how powerful he was and a major blow is dealt to the Aogiri Tree in its first major setback of the series. In the aftermath of the operation, Eto is alive and she ends up retreating where she’s seen bathing with a fully regenerated body wondering if «her thing» will be good for Kaneki. After some time has passed, the Aogiri Tree has stolen Shirazu’s body during an attack on a CCG Transport containing both Shirazu’s and other deceased investigators’ bodies and Urie declares that he’ll go after them to retrieve Shirazu’s body from Kanou. One night, an unknown Aogiri member is tracked down by Kaneki, who’s also known as The Black Reaper, and he’s killed by Kaneki along with his subordinates as well. Six months after the Tsukiyama Operation, Kuki Urie is seen leading the new Quinx Squad where they eliminate an unknown Aogiri Tree officer and his subordinates and the Hachikawa Squad has been deployed to Rushima where it’s suspected to have an Aogiri Headquarters stationed there.

Rushima Landing Operation

Aogiri does in fact have a base in Rushima and in that base, Eto is giving a speech to many Aogiri members who are gathered there along with Ayato and Miza. There, Eto informs everyone that the Aogiri Tree remains strong with thousands of members being part of the organization despite their losses during the Tsukiyama Extermination Operation. She also reveals herself to be the One-Eyed Owl but claims that she isn’t the mysterious One-Eyed King. Eto eventually is caught by Kaneki and Nimura Furuta and she confesses that she’s a ghoul and lets it out all on live TV to all of Japan. Meanwhile, Ayato finds Kazuichi Banjou, a former subordinate of his, where he’s now the current leader of the 6th Ward and asks him to help him save Hinami and break her out of Cochlea before she’s executed. Eto is then stuck at an interrogation room where she ends up calling Furuta «Kanou’s clown». Eventually, the CCG launches an all-out assault on the Aogiri Base on Rushima in an effort to destroy the Aogiri Tree. During the assault on the island, Ayato Kirishima joins up with Kazuichi Banjou and is group, the Gas Masks, where they assault Cochlea during the CCG’s Invasion of Rushima and they begin to ravage the compound. During the raid, Hinami is rescued by Kaneki, who had defected from the CCG to save her. Ayato fights the CCG but then runs into his sister, Touka, where he tells her to save Hinami when Arima arrives and all three fight him only to have Yomo push Touka out of the way and is impaled in the neck. Yomo survives, and escapes along with Ayato and the others. Meanwhile on Rushima, the Aogiri base there has been ravaged with numerous casualties on both sides. Miza is later seen leaning back on a building where she recalls her past as a member of the Aogiri Tree and is then approached by Mitsushita who tries to help her but is then cut down by Hanbee Abara which causes Miza to try to kill him but he strikes her down and grievously injures her. He’s then approached by Kurona Yasuhisa who asks if he’s one of Juuzou’s grunts and then proceeds to fight him.

Third Cochlea Raid

Back at Cochlea, Furuta is seen to have survived being impaled by Hinami and is gathered with V members and closes various pipes together killing numerous Gas Mask members in the process only to have Eto burst in and destroy them. Ayato is revealed to have survived and he escapes along with Hinami, Touka, and the others while Eto slaughters the other V members and fights Furuta who is revealed to be a One-Eyed Ghoul and fights Eto only to have the latter be surprisingly defeated and meets up with Kaneki. She states that the former Anteiku members are alive and that there’s no need for him to kill the One-Eyed King while closing her eyes peacefully. Meanwhile, Ayato is attacked by Ghoul Investigators Kiyoko and Mougan and is severely injured when Touka shows up and saves him. Ayato lays down while Banjou scurries to heal Ayato’s wounds. Meanwhile, Kaneki is seen once more where he has now claimed the title of the One-Eyed King. Meanwhile back at Rushima, Tatara fights off against Houji and the CCG with his kakuja armor and finally has the chance to kill his rival to avenge his fallen brother but the fight is interrupted by Seidou Takizawa who ends up impaling and killing him as well. Shortly afterwards, Takizawa slaughters Houji and his squad before facing down Akira and choking her but Amon comes in and saves her by cutting off Takizawa’s hand. Meanwhile back at Rushima Island, Kurona arrives at a laboratory owned by Akihiro Kanou and demands that he revive Nashiro who she claims is a parasitic entity inside of her. Kanou then states that Nashiro was actually eaten by Kurona and was dead all along prompting Kurona to want to kill Kanou but not before he unleashed his newest creation to have them fight. Amon and Takizawa are also fighting and as it seems that Seidou has beaten Amon, he is stabbed in the eye by an unknown attacker. The attacker is revealed to be Mutuski and she vows to hold of Takizawa until reinforcements can arrive, mainly the Suzuya Squad and Urie Squad.

Meanwhile on another part of the island, Miza wakes up and is revealed to be alive and recovered from her injuries. Upon waking up, she sees Naki with his arms crossed and sitting down. She calls out to him but he coughs up blood and falls to the floor. She calls out his name again and looks outside of the building she’s in only to see the entire outside is covered with the corpses of dead CCG soldiers. She returns to Naki once more and calls out to him again in hopes that he’s still alive. Koori Ui shows up and Miza prepares to fight him when Naki gets up and blocks Ui’s attack and is revealed to still be alive. Shortly afterwards, the rest of the White Suits show up and they begin their fight against Koori Ui once more. Shuu Tsukiyama shows up and fights Koori Ui and meanwhile, Nishiki appears in Kanou’s laboratory where he grabs Kanou, but he’s rescued by Roma Hoito. Eventually however, the landing operation ends and the CCG emerges victorious as the Aogiri Tree suffers a loss of 98% of their members and the remaining survivors had fled and escaped. Despite the members living, the Aogiri Tree is declared to have been destroyed by the CCG, a goal that Tartara and Eto have always wanted.

Post-Rushima Operation

One month after the Rushima Landing Operation, Aogiri Tree had been officially dissolved with all of their leaders dead and 98% of their members as well. The surviving members had regrouped with the Tsukiyama family and the members of :re and soon Kaneki and Squad 0. Numerous other ghouls were there as well, mainly liberated prisoners from Cochlea, and Kaneki pronounced the formation of the Black Goat, an organization that would fight for equality and peace between humans and ghouls and everyone present soon joined in, including the remaining survivors of Aogiri Tree.


Aogiri Tree had left a lasting impact on the CCG and humans in general. They were the first ghoul organization that posed a strong and powerful threat to the CCG and were able to rally numerous ghouls to their cause and have gained large swaves of territory in the process as well. Aogiri had managed to attack the CCG and spread their forces thin even going as far as being able to attack Cochlea, a prison thought to be impossible to storm. After the Rushima Landing Operation, the remaining survivors of the Aogiri Tree had joined up with Kaneki and became members of the Black Goat.



The leader of the Aogiri Tree is the One-Eyed King. Their direct subordinates are Tatara and Noro who act as the secondary leaders of the organization. A number of executives serve under them, and these executives lead the regular members and act as commanding officers. Other members are lower-ranking soldiers who follow the orders of the One-Eyed King and other Aogiri commanders. Tatara is the second-in-command of Aogiri Tree and Noro most likely has a high position of authority as well being one of the organization’s leaders. Eto is an executive, but she’s implied to be a possible higher-up due to her actions and activities which places her in a leadership position. After the Rushima Landing Operation however, all known leaders of the Aogiri Tree had been killed leaving the organization without a leader.


The Aogiri Tree is united under the banner of Ghoul supremacy which is the organization’s main ideology. Aogiri believes that Ghouls are vastly superior to humans and seeks to make Ghouls the dominate species. Aogiri members routinely targets and kill Ghoul Investigators and they were able to exterminate all of them during their takeover of the 11th Ward. Every Aogiri member is a Ghoul except for Akihiro, who is the only known human member of Aogiri. The organization appears to want to have all Ghouls serve under their cause as Ghouls who either oppose or not affiliated with Aogiri, are routinely attacked and killed by Aogiri troops like Eto forcing others to submit to their cause. Aogiri appears to have a Social Darwinist ideology as weak ghouls are enslaved and members who are captured are left behind and abandoned to the CCG.


The Aogiri Tree is very secretive as the CCG had never heard about them until their takeover of the 11th Ward. Ghouls who have an affiliation with Aogiri have sworn complete allegiance to the One-Eyed King who was the organization’s leader. The King is the symbol of the organization and the best members of Aogiri are those who have sworn absolute allegiance. The King is not to be questioned or opposed and all Ghouls must submit to him leaving Non-Aogiri Ghoul to be killed. One major rule about being in Aogiri Tree is that all members must remain members no matter the cost. Anyone who is caught trying to leave the organization are killed on the spot. Social Darwinism appears to be very influential in the Aogiri’s society as weaker ghouls are slaves and stronger ones are soldiers.


The Aogiri Tree would love to see nothing more than all of humanity completely overthrown and to have ghouls ascend to power. The Aogiri believes that ghouls are the superior race compared to humans with ghouls being far more powerful than humans and wants them to become the dominate species. Leaders of Aogiri Tree want to see humans overthrown and forced into submission by the superior ghoul race and members of the Aogiri are attracted towards the ideology of ghoul supremacy that is constantly being preached on a daily basis. Aogiri Tree soldiers and executives will fight to the end to see humanity down on its knees and to have ghouls reign supreme. Rize Kamishiro appears to be a major target for Aogiri Tree as both Yamori and even Ayato along with a few other Aogiri members are seen searching for her. Aogiri’s exact purpose with Rize is unclear but because she’s so powerful and iconic within the ghoul community, it’s most likely they want to recruit her to their cause and kill her if she rejects.


The Aogiri Tree contains various different ghouls with a diverse set of powers and abilities as a result of them banding together for a common cause of ghoul supremacy. Being an organization of ghouls, Aogiri is able to rally countless members to join them to the point of having their lower-ranking members being B Rated Ghouls. Aogiri also contains many S Rated Ghouls to further their power and influence. Aogiri Tree also has many artificial One-Eyed Ghouls in their ranks which is major as they are typically more powerful than average humans and ghouls. Any ghoul that is too weak is also enslaved and is forced to do manual labor in order to survive. The Aogiri is also seen to have access to firearms as demonstrated when many Aogiri Soldiers often carry around guns such as MP5s and other assault rifles. The Aogiri Tree seems to have easy access to new members as they have multiple wards under their control and they haven’t launched a rescue operation for any captured members (with the exception of the Root A anime). Because of this, it is implied that Aogiri has enough membership rates to replace killed and captured members and has no plans to rescue any of them if they get captured by the CCG. In recent events however, the Aogiri Tree has suffered major losses with a loss of membership due to heavy casualties however, Eto reassures them that the Aogiri Tree is still strong and implies that they still have a stable rate of membership. Post-Rushima Operation however, virtually all remaining members were killed leaving Aogiri non-threatening and dissolved.



  • One-Eyed King — True Leader (Deceased)
  • Eto Yoshimura — Founder and Current Leader (Status Unknown)
  • Tatara — Second-in-Command and Direct Subordinate (Deceased)
  • Noro — High-Ranking Member and Direct Subordinate (Deceased)


  • Yakumo Oomori (Deceased)
  • Bin Brothers (Deceased)
  • Ken Kaneki (Anime Only, Defected)
  • Miza Kusakari — Blades’ Leader
  • Ayato Kirishima (Escaped)
  • Naki — White Suits’ Leader

Rank and File

  • Hinami Fueguchu (Abandoned)
  • Hooguro — White Suits Member
  • Shousei — White Suits Member
  • Akihiro Kanou — Human Surgeon (Escaped)
  • Okahira — Quinx Soldier (Escaped)
  • Kimi Nishiro — Human Surgeon (Escaped)
  • Karao Saeki — Taxi Driver (Deceased)
  • Aogiri Soldiers — Personal (Deceased)
  • Matasaka Kamishiro (Defected)
  • Seidou Takizawa (Defected)
  • Yumitsu Tomoe
  • Shikorae


  • Nico — Associate (Defected)
  • Kazuichi Banjou (Defected)
  • Ichimi (Defected)
  • Jiro (Defected)
  • Sante (Defected)
  • Kei (Deceased)
  • Kouto (Deceased)
  • Moku (Deceased)
  • Tetsu (Deceased)
  • Usu (Defected)



The Aogiri Tree Symbol

Emblem of the Aogiri Tree

The Aogiri Tree Society

The Aogiri

The Aogiri



Aogiri Team

342 094405 94418

Tumblr ngfkzt9CfQ1tvasg4o1 500


Aogiri symbol

Symbol of Aogiri Members

Aogiri executives

Executives of the Aogiri Tree.




Ayato showing up


Eto (status unknown)


Noro 1

Bin Brothers

Naki 1




Gagi Guge

Aogiri mask

Aogiri Soldiers

Kaneki arrives

Ken Kaneki (anime only; former)

Takizawa owl


Shigowae intro


Hooguro intro

Hakatori 2

Nico 1

Nico (former associate)

One-Eyed King

Re meeting

Meeting of Aogiri’s leaders

Aogiri meeting

An Aogiri meeting.

Three blades

Miza’s Underlings


  • The majority of the members of the Aogiri Tree are from the 24th Ward and it makes the One-Eyed King supposedly from the same ward as well.
  • On the back of the robes that the average Aogiri member wheres, there’s a bird-like emblem on it which appears to be another one of the Aogiri Tree’s icons.
  • The Aogiri Tree shares many similarities with the Brotherhood of Mutants from the X-Men Trilogy as both are organizations that seek to overthrow humanity and make their species the dominant species in the world.


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Kiryuu Miyazawa ·

Имя Андрей на английском языке

Иностранцам тяжело воспринимать русские имена из-за их кириллического написания. Поэтому для успешной коммуникации принято в документах и при переписке имена переводить. И сегодня в статье мы расскажем, как написать мужское имя Андрей на английском языке. Вообще, в переводах особых трудностей нет, но для разных жизненных ситуаций существуют свои нюансы. Как раз в ходе разбора того, как пишется Андрей по-английски, мы все эти важные детали подробно и обговорим. Присоединяйтесь к чтению, если вам необходимо выполнить верный перевод этого имени для ведения документации или осуществления деловой и личной переписки!

Как пишут имя Андрей на английском

Начнем с небольшого отступления. Как известно, в России используется кириллическая буквенная система, а вот в основе западных языков лежит латиница. Следовательно, чтобы написать «Андрей» по-английски, нам нужно перевести русские буквы в латинские. Такой процесс называется транслитерацией, и проводиться он может несколькими способами. Существует множество систем сопоставления кириллической и латинской письменности, но мы разберем только два интересующих нас стандарта: российский и английский. Начнем с отечественной методики.

Транслитерация для заграничного паспорта

В России чаще всего пишут Андрей английскими буквами, когда оформляют заграничный паспорт. Соответственно главным нашим стандартом будет постановление, принятое Федеральной Миграционной службой. Отметим, что ГОСТ ФМС для транслитерации имен предполагает единый стиль написания, т.е. отхождение от данной нормы невозможно и ей следуют абсолютно все паспортные столы РФ.

Итак, когда мы пишем имя Андрей по-английски, вопрос возникает только в правильном подборе окончания. Предыдущие буквы по произношению совпадают с латиницей, а вот русский согласный «й» западному миру не привычен. Точнее, ему можно найти сразу несколько близких аналогов, но каждый из них будет немного изменять произношение имени Андрей на английском языке. Принятый ФМС ГОСТ транслитерации полагает наиболее близким к русскому произношению следующее написание:

  • Andrei (ANDREI)

Как видно, в данном случае кириллический «й» заменен английской буквой «i». Конечно, сходство звучания здесь можно немного оспорить, тем не менее с точки зрения российского стандарта правильно Андрей по-английски пишется именно так. Поэтому как раз данный вариант перевода мы рекомендуем использовать для ведения документации и деловых переговоров.

Транслитерация русских имен в англоязычных странах

Выше мы уже отметили, что в принципе имя Андрей пишется по английскому языку латинскими буквами. Однако, каждая западная страна имеет свои особенности чтения и произношения слов. Поэтому в данном пункте будет раскрыта для имени Андрей транскрипция именно на английском языке. Это важный момент, поскольку в других европейских странах популярными будут иные переводы.

Итак, в Великобритании и Америке используют международные стандарты транслитерации. Причем какой-либо единой устоявшейся нормы здесь нет: пишут так, как предпочтет носитель имени. Однако, с течением времени сами собой сложились наиболее распространенные варианты перевода. И вот как написать Андрей на английском предпочтет большинство жителей США и Объединенного Королевства:

  • Andrey (ANDREY)

Буква «y» в окончании слов англичанам больше привычна, к тому же ее произношение намного ближе к российскому «й», чем обычная «i» (и). Кстати такой перевод употребляется и в большинстве литературных источников.

Наряду с приведенной выше популярной формой Andrey и русским стандартом Andrei, в англоязычных странах еще обозначают имя Андрей по-английски, как пишется оно по системе ISO 9. Этот международный стандарт транслитерации предполагает замену русского «й» на латинский «j». В итоге получаем следующее написание:

  • Andrej (ANDREJ)

Такой перевод имеет место, но с небольшой оговоркой. Дело в том, что произношение имени Андрей с «j» в английском языке может быть неверным. Англоязычному населению привычнее все же сопоставлять с «j» звук «джей», а не краткий «й».

Перевод имени Андрей на английский язык

До текущего момента мы рассматривали, как пишется имя Андрей по-английски, если его транслитерировать. Однако, это не единственный метод перевода. Если вы планируете переезжать в англоязычные страны на ПМЖ, то можно сменить русское имя на соответствующий английский аналог.

Вообще, именная форма Андрей широко распространена во всем мире, а произошла она от древнегреческого имени Андреас. Естественно, каждая страна немного изменила произношение и написание исходного слова на свой лад. Например, перевод на английский язык имя Андрей получило следующего вида:

  • Andrew [ˈændruː], [эндрю]

Обратите внимание на то, как звучит английский перевод имени Андрей. В отличие от русского языка, слово заканчивается не кратким «й», а протяжным мягким «ю». Кстати, отметьте и момент правописания – использование буквосочетания -ew для выражения звука [uː].

В дополнение заметим, что имя Andrew очень популярно в англоязычных странах. Чуть ли не ежегодно оно попадает в различные рейтинги популярных имен для мальчиков, рожденных в США, Великобритании, Австралии и Канаде. Так что знать, как на английском Андрей пишется и произносится довольно важно, если вы планируете иметь широкие связи в зарубежных странах. Ведь по статистическим данным, с высокой долей вероятности в кругу вашего общения должны появиться мужчины с именем Andrew.

Английские сокращенные формы русского имени Андрей

Что ж, с переводом и транслитерацией полного имени Андрей мы разобрались. Напоследок предлагаем также узнать, как на английском языке пишутся сокращенные формы и уменьшительно-ласкательные обращения. И здесь все как раз зависит от выбранной формы полного имени.

Если вы транслитерируете имя Андрей, то его сокращенные формы записываются таким же методом транслитерации. Заметим, что если с полной формой имени рекомендуется придерживаться российского стандарта, то сокращения лучше писать по англоязычной системе транслитерации. Это связано с тем, что в документах сокращенные и тем более ласковые формы обращений не используются, т.к. это прерогатива разговорного стиля речи. Следовательно, логичнее будет выбрать формат перевода имени, больше распространенный в английском обществе.

Итак, приведем несколько примеров ласковых и сокращенных форм имени Андрей:

  • Андрейка – Andrejka, Andreyka, Andreika;
  • Андрюша – Andriusha, Andryusha, Andrjusha;
  • Андрюха – Andriukha, Andryukha, Andrjukha;
  • Андрейчик – Andreichik, Andreychik, Andrejchik
  • Андрюня – Andriunia, Andryunya, Andrj

Отметим, что поскольку стиль разговорный, допускается любое понравившееся вам написание имени.

В случаях же, когда мужское имя Андрей на английском языке пишется Andrew, т.е. с применением полноценного перевода, сокращения используются исконно английские. В отличие от русского языка, здесь подобных форм всего три: Andy, Drew, Dru. Для личного общения также выбирайте любой пришедшийся по душе вариант.

Пополняйте свои знания и чаще практикуйте английский. Успехов!

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Как пишется аогири на английском


11 ответов:

Как пишется аогири на английском



Имя российского фигуриста Евгения Плющенко пишут как Evgeny Plushenko, а на официальном сайте спортсмена написано Evgeni Plushenko или Yevgeny Plyushchenko.

Более привычное написание «Й» как «Y», поэтому на выбор, или I или Y.

Как пишется аогири на английском



В английском нет аналога букве «Й» В английском языке его заменяют несколько гласных, оканчивающихся звуком «Й». Это «А», «I», «J», «Y»,которые по русски звучат, как «Эй», «Ай», «Джей», «Уай». Они же и дают в словах звучание буквы «Й». Правда не во всех случаях. Но в большинстве.

Как пишется аогири на английском



В английском языке есть немного похожий звук, который в транскрипции обозначается знаком j, но в письменной речи используется буква Y. Этот звук несколько мягче русского, это достигается положением языка. При написании русских слов латиницей чаще используется буква y.

Как пишется аогири на английском



Что интересно, у друга (зовут Сергей) в загранпаспорте написано Sergey, а в водительском удостоверении — Sergei. Теперь вот думает, надо что-то из этого менять или так оставить. А в смсках на транслите я вообще всегда «j» пишу, по привычке.

Как пишется аогири на английском



Как то на заре появления телефонов, когда в смске на русском языке помещалось не более 5 слов, а на английском намного больше все экономисты старались писать русский текст английсмкими буквами, в том числе и я. Так вот тогда мы букву Й заменяли маленькой и большой английской буквой iI, но потом как-то из-за лени оставили только букву i…

Как пишется аогири на английском



Букву «и краткое — (Й)» при транслитерации на русский язык заменяет английская буква «j». Именно она считается правильной заменой «Й» при написании этой буквы латиницей. Все другие варианты написания не желательны.

Как пишется аогири на английском



По правилам транслитерации русская буква й представляется латинской y. Напрмер, Nikolay, Aleksey.

Но в загранпаспорте по новым правилам й пишется через i. То есть будет уже Nikolai, Aleksei. В общем-то понятно, но по мне как-то странно это.

Как пишется аогири на английском



По правилам транскрипции пишется [:j] или j. при письме конечно же используют, как y. то есть при написании каких-либо русских слов мы конечно же используем букву y. Так и пишем и уже практически все привыкли к этому.

Как пишется аогири на английском



J — правильнее, но это для супер образованных, поэтому практически никто не использует такое окончание у нас.

А вообще, от слова зависит! Например, покупай — pokupai, связной — svyaznoy. И даже не надо спорить, я это говорю исходя из многолетней практики работы в PR и маркетинге. Именно такие приёмы наиболее эффективны/понятны для нашего русскоязычного населения.

Как пишется аогири на английском



Ну бывают многие варианты написания. Но все же более рационально писать «j». Именно так при переводе на латиницу в паспорте у меня написано имя. Так что имейте в виду, если ваше имя или фамилия содержит такую букву, оно тоже будет писаться как «j» — можете проверить.

Как пишется аогири на английском



Буква «Й» по-английски обычно заменяется буквой «Y».

Запомнила это благодаря тому, что иногда приходят рекламки на сотовый телефон в виде СМС и там как раз русские слова английскими буквами написаны. И «Й» заменяется именно «Y».

Хотя слышала, что можно еще заменить буквой «i». Но так как — то не привычно для меня.

Читайте также

Как пишется аогири на английском

Любимая- darling (читается далин), один- one (уан), спасибо- Thanks! (сенк)

Как пишется аогири на английском

Русское слово субботник уже давно и прочно вошло в англоязычные словари — subbotnik. Можете проверить это по словарю Merriam-Webster, например.

Также для слова субботник можно использовать следующие слова и словосочетания:

  • litter pick;
  • volunteer clean-up;
  • voluntary Saturday work;
  • clean-up event;
  • community clean-up day

и некоторые другие. (Источник можно найти вот здесь).

По крайней мере, эти слова и словосочетания будут понятны англоязычным, ибо субботники происходят не только в нашей стране, но и за рубежом. Людям, в целом, понятна идея поработать в одну из весенних суббот совершенно бесплатно для уборки и благоустройства близлежащей территории.

Как пишется аогири на английском

Фраза «по твоему усмотрению» на английский язык может переводиться как:

at your convenience, что значит «как вам будет угодно», «в любое удобное для вас время», «на ваше усмотрение», «по вашему желанию».

Также возможны варианты:

it`s up to you («твое дело», «как хочешь»);

at your choice» («на ваше усмотрение»);

according to your wishes, at your pleasure («по вашему желанию»);

as you please» («как пожелаете»).

Как пишется аогири на английском

Есть такая особая категория людей (заметьте, у любой нации), которым, если следовать уже русской поговорке, деньги карман жгут. То есть это такие люди, у которых деньги надолго не задерживаются: они обязательно должны потратить их, как только получают. При этом, они могут потратить привалившие им деньги на что угодно, но не самое необходимое. Не умеют эти люди разумно планировать свои расходы. А как тут суметь это сделать, если в кармане пожар:-)

Про таких людей ещё говорят, что деньги у них не задерживаются. А ещё мне нравится выражение — у него/неё/них в кармане дырка.

Вот, так примерно и будет переводится на русский язык английское выражение-одиома:


Как пишется аогири на английском

Английский язык популярен во всем мире и является одним из популярных языков во всем мире. В основном на нем общаются многие как международный язык и есть слова очень похожие и слово тигр очень похож на написание, только звучит не много не так (tiger)тайгэ произносится эр на конце произносится не четко .

¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤

История организации

¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤

            :black_small_square: Аогири–организация катороя состоит из гулей, создавшая власть в 11 районе и сражающиеся с CCG.Многие гули пришли из 24 района где и была создана организация.

Аогири-[C]¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤
[BC] История организации
[C] ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤
[B]              :black_small_square: Аогири–организация катороя со

Враги нашей организации  

      Штурм базы Аогири— CCG атаковали всеми силами по базе в 11 районе

     19-20 декабря.Так же что бы операция прошла успешно был сформирован спец отряд к которому входили следователи гулей.Также в штурме участвовала полиция численность противников увеличилась до 1000 человек.

Результат:погибло 204 гуля которые принадлежали Аогири включая Джейсона и хвостатых братьев.

Аогири-[C]¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤
[BC] История организации
[C] ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤
[B]              :black_small_square: Аогири–организация катороя со

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Цели организации

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• Сражаться с CCG​ и установить авторитет среди организаций;

• Помощь в создании контента по «Токийский Гуль» (Посты, обзоры, стати и т. д.);

• Поиск новых друзей и приятное общение;

• Помощь новичкам, которые не разбираются в амино (по возможности).

Аогири-[C]¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤
[BC] История организации
[C] ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤
[B]              :black_small_square: Аогири–организация катороя со


✓ Знать и соблюдать Общие правила Аниме Амино

✓ Проявлять дружелюбие к участникам Аогири и людям вне организации;

✓ Не оскорблять членов Организации , также уважать интересы участников организации;

✓ Выполнять поручения Главы;

✓ Не разглашать конфиденциальную информацию

✓ Быть активным

✓Если тебя не будет в сети день или неделю написать об ето главе или заместителю о взятии одгула;

✓Контент18+ Запрещён

✓За отсутствие члена организации в амино за неделю кик исключения(если ты сказал об отсутствии главе или заместителю);

Чтобы попасть в чат организации нужно подписать на главу


Аогири-[C]¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤
[BC] История организации
[C] ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤
[B]              :black_small_square: Аогири–организация катороя со

:warning: Шаблон анкеты :warning:

1. Ваш ник в аниме амино

2. Ваш возраст;

3. Смотрели ли вы аниме «Токийский Гуль»?

4. Какой ваш любимый персонаж из вышеуказанного аниме?

5. Расскажите о себе;

6. Сколько времени вы уделяете амино в день?

7.сколько вам лет(13+);

Аогири-[C]¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤
[BC] История организации
[C] ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤ :black_small_square: ¤
[B]              :black_small_square: Аогири–организация катороя со



:zap: Ранги :zap:

:arrow_right: Мини обзор на организацию :arrow_left:

:black_medium_square: Участники :black_medium_square:

приготовленные онигири

Онигири – это довольно распространенное блюдо Японии, которое готовится из пресного риса. Наряду с суши, оно пользуется большой популярностью. Но считать онигири одним из видов суши, является ошибкой, так как это вполне самостоятельное блюдо со своей историей. Но в ресторанах японской кухни можно встретить суши онигири.

Появились эти рисовые колобки еще в Х веке в период Хэйан, тогда их брали крестьяне с собой в поле в качестве перекуса, а также и солдаты питались ими во время похода. Вы не будете удивлены узнав, что основной ингредиент в рецепте онигири – рис. Выглядят японские онигири как белые объемные треугольники или небольшие шарики, имеющие подложку в виде водорослей Нори. Чаще всего рецепт этих треугольных колобков готовят с начинкой, но можно обойтись и без нее, так как для данного блюда важен сам рис, а не начинка.

рис и ломтики огурца

Как делать онигири самостоятельно знают не все, но приготовить онигири в домашних условиях можно легко и быстро, достаточно знать пошаговый процесс готовки с фото. Благо сегодня можно в любом супермаркете купить и специальный рис для суши и водоросли нори. Даже в домашних условиях это блюдо получается вкусным и сытным, и отлично подойдет в качестве перекуса.

Как приготовить рис для онигири

Правильно приготовленный рис для онигири является уже половиной успеха в готовке.

  • Для японской кухни выбирайте рис круглозернистый, так как именно он содержит больше крахмала, а значит не будет рассыпчатым.
  • Так же в зерне должны отсутствовать всякая шелуха и черные пятна.
  • Перед приготовлением его необходимо тщательно промыть. Японцы промывают его семь раз, не меньше и не больше. Насыпьте его в миску и налейте в нее воды, затем промойте рис и слейте воду. Эту процедуру проделайте семь раз, пока вода не станет прозрачной. Видимо, у японцев это число носит какое-то магическое значение, но тем не менее на восьмой раз вода и в самом деле прозрачная. Если вам этот ритуал не по вкусу, то можете просто положить рис в сито и промыть его под проточной водой.
  • Уже в чистый рис налейте чистую воду и позвольте крупе немного полежать, около получаса. Обычно для приготовления риса, его кладут в холодную воду и затем доводят до кипения, японцы же готовят иначе. Они сначала кипятят воду, и уже в кипящую забрасывают рис, плотно закрывают крышку.
  • Воды должно быть немного больше чем риса, то есть она должна покрывать его на сантиметр.
  • Во время приготовления пар с кастрюли выходить не должен, сначала рис необходимо готовить на среднем огне, через 5 минут кипения убавьте огонь, и варите до готовности.
  • Как только рис будет готов, выключите огонь и дайте еще немного постоять под закрытой крышкой.

фрикадельки и филе

Начинки для онигири

Выбрать начинку вы можете любую, какая вам только нравится.

  • Но вот японцы больше всего предпочитают соленый или малосольный лосось. Особенно хорошо лосось сочетается с огурчиками.
  • Так как Япония страна богатая разнообразием морепродуктов, то и в начинке обычно используется любая рыба (тунец, морской угорь, лосось, форель, креветки, икра).
  • Помимо, рыбы в начинку можно добавлять мясо или сосиски.
  • Также популярны маринованные огурчики и квашеные плоды абрикоса, называемые у японцев – умэбоси.
  • Начинки для онигири очень разнообразны, вы можете положить и курицу, и овощи.

подача японского блюда

Ингредиенты для японского блюда

Чтобы приготовить онигири нам потребуется:

  • Рис для суши – 1 стакан;
  • Водоросли Нори;
  • Малосольная семга, форель или лосось, либо любая понравивгаяся вам начинка.

Приготовление «рисовых колобков»

Предлагаем вашему вниманию инструкцию как сделать онигири самостоятельно в домашних условиях.

  1. Так как рис уже готов, переходим к формированию рисовых колобков. Сам процесс приготовления и название этих рисовых фрикаделек неразрывно связаны между собой. Онигири в переводе с японского означает сжимать. Вот и для того чтобы создать шарики и треугольники, еще теплый рис необходимо будет немного сжать в ладони. Но перед этим в крупу положить начинку. Только не слишком сильно сжимайте рис, иначе он потеряет свои вкусовые качества.
  2. Полученный колобок обмотайте полоской водорослей нори, посыпьте черным и белым кунжутом, и уложите красиво на тарелку. Если вы не будете сразу кушать «колобков», то не стоит их оборачивать в водоросли нори, иначe нори просто размякнут и расползутся.
  3. Если «шарики» вам покажутся пресными, ничего страшного не будет если вы добавите немного соли, хотя в настоящих онигири соль и какие-либо другие приправы не используются.
  4. Для украшения используют кунжут или икру, а также, люди с особенной фантазией, создают маленьких рисовых человечков.

готовка онигири

Хоть это блюдо и простое в приготовлении, но оно очень вкусное, готовить онигири можно к приходу друзей, или просто для перекуса. К этому японскому блюдо подают обычно сакэ. Приятного аппетита!

Видео: Поэтапный процесс готовки Онигири

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