Как пишется арчибальд на английском


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    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > Арчибальд

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    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Арчибальд

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    Новый русско-английский словарь > Арчибальд

  • 4
    предоставлять самому себе

    1) leave smb. to his own resources (devices)

    Старый Арчибальд был предоставлен самому себе наравне с остальными гостями. (А. Бек, События одной ночи) — Old Archibald was left to his own devices on equal terms with other guests.

    2) leave smb. without attendance

    В пыли глиняных дорожек копошатся дети. Они предоставлены самим себе. Их родители на работе. (Н. Тихонов, Рассказы о Пакистане) — Children are swarming in the dust of narrow dirt roads. They are left without attendance. Their parents are at work.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > предоставлять самому себе

См. также в других словарях:

  • Арчибальд — фамилия. Известные носители: Арчибальд, Адамс Джордж (1814 1892) канадский политический деятель. Арчибальд, Стив (р. 1956) шотландский футболист. Арчибальд, Эдвард (1884 1965) канадский легкоатлет …   Википедия

  • Арчибальд Кэмпбелл, 9-й граф Аргайл — Арчибальд Кэмпбелл, 9 й граф Аргайл, с женой Арчибальд Кэмпбелл (англ. Archibald Campbell; около 1629 1685), 2 й маркиз Аргайл, 9 й граф Аргайл государственный деятель Шотландии. Вскоре после казни отца, 1 го маркиза Аргайл, король Карл II… …   Википедия

  • Арчибальд, Адамс Джордж — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Арчибальд. Адамс Джордж Арчибальд Adams George Archibald …   Википедия

  • Арчибальд, Стив — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Арчибальд. Стив Арчи …   Википедия

  • Арчибальд, Уоррен — Уоррен Арчибальд Общая информация …   Википедия

  • Арчибальд, Нейт — Нейт Арчибальд Nate Archibald Завершил карьеру Атакующий защитник Рост: 185 см Вес: 73 кг …   Википедия

  • Арчибальд, Эдвард — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Арчибальд. Олимпийские награды …   Википедия

  • АРЧИБАЛЬД АРЧИБАЛЬДОВИЧ —         Персонаж романа «Мастер и Маргарита», директор ресторана Дома Грибоедова. Прототипом А. А. послужил Яков Данилович Розенталь (1893 1966) (по прозвищу «Борода»), в 1925 1931 гг. –директор ресторанов Дома Герцена (в романе спародирован как… …   Энциклопедия Булгакова

  • Кронин, Арчибальд — Арчибальд Кронин Archibald Joseph Cronin Дата рождения: 19&# …   Википедия

  • Дуглас, Арчибальд, 4-й граф Дуглас — Арчибальд Дуглас Archibald Douglas …   Википедия

  • Дуглас, Арчибальд, 3-й граф Дуглас — Арчибальд Дуглас Archibald Douglas …   Википедия

Транслит мужского имени Арчибальд: Archibal’d

Написание имени Арчибальд в транслите или латиницей (латинскими или английскими буквами). Это может вам пригодиться, например, при написании имени Арчибальд в загранпаспорте, при бронировани билетов, при покупке по интернету и т.д.

Значение имени «Арчибальд»

подлинная храбрость

Значение букв в имени «Арчибальд»

А — властность, сила

Р — самоуверенность, постоянное напряжение

Ч — верность

И — впечатлительность, миролюбие

Б — постоянство, целеустремленность

А — властность, сила

Л — логика, артистичность, мелочность

Ь — способность к анализу, раскладыванию по полочкам

Д — общительность, капризность

Популярные мужские имена

  • Олдус
  • Скот
  • Хоард
  • Слай
  • Гренвилл
  • Абнер
  • Лихнис
  • Остен
  • Марти
  • Тон
  • Алвин
  • Мэтти
  • Глендауэр
  • Одлей
  • Уриах
  • Кейдн
  • Иорик
  • Ленни
  • Вуди
  • Хамиш
  • Кентиджерн
  • Кэйдн
  • Бардолф
  • Морти
  • Сигманд
  • Пит
  • Ранделл
  • Хендрик
  • Брион
  • Томас
  • Адиссон
  • Генри
  • Линдон
  • Силвестр
  • Беренджер
  • Миид
  • Кенни
  • Мулава
  • Кирус
  • Акэль
  • Редмонд
  • Ферги
  • Бриэм
  • Томми
  • Гарфилд
  • Вудроу
  • Вилф
  • Гарей
  • Брентон
  • Трев

Имена по национальностям

  • Абхазские
  • Калмыкские
  • Аварские
  • Китайские
  • Азербайджанские
  • Кхмерские
  • Албанские
  • Литовские
  • Американские
  • Норвежские
  • Английские
  • Осетинские
  • Персидские
  • Арабские
  • Римские
  • Арамейские
  • Румынские
  • Армянские
  • Русские
  • Ассирийские
  • Афганские
  • Сербские
  • Африканские
  • Сирийские
  • Афроамериканские
  • Скандинавские
  • Ацтекские
  • Славянские
  • Бакские
  • Словенские
  • Болгарские
  • Таджикские
  • Бурятские
  • Тайские
  • Ведические
  • Татарские
  • Венгерские
  • Тевтонские
  • Гавайские
  • Тибетские
  • Германские
  • Турецкие
  • Голландские
  • Тюркские
  • Греческие
  • Финские
  • Грузинские
  • Французские
  • Дагестанские
  • Халдейские
  • Хорватские
  • Датские
  • Цыганские
  • Еврейские
  • Чаморро
  • Египетские
  • Чеченские
  • Индийские
  • Чешские
  • Индиш
  • Шведские
  • Индонезийские
  • Швейцарские
  • Иранские
  • Шотландские
  • Ирландские
  • Эсперанто
  • Исландские
  • Якутские
  • Испанские
  • Японские
  • Казахские

Фамилии по национальностям

  • Американские
  • Английские
  • Белорусские
  • Болгарские
  • Еврейские
  • Индийские
  • Испанские
  • Итальянские
  • Казахские
  • Китайские
  • Немецкие
  • Русские
  • Украинские
  • Французские
  • Японские

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:


1 Archibald

2 Baldie

3 baldie

4 Grant, Cary

5 archibald

6 MacLeish, Archibald

7 Archibald

8 Archibald

См. также в других словарях:

Арчибалд Хилл — … Википедия

Арчибалд Кронин — … Википедия

Арчибалд Вивиен Хилл — … Википедия

Хилл, Арчибалд Вивиен — Арчибалд Вивиен Хилл Archibald Vivien Hill выдающийся физиолог, лауреат Нобелевской премии по физиологии и медицине Дата рождения: 26 сентября … Википедия

Хилл Арчибалд — Арчибалд Вивиен Хилл Archibald Vivien Hill выдающийся физиолог, лауреат Нобелевской премии по физиологии и медицине Дата рождения: 26 сентября … Википедия

Хилл Арчибалд Вивиен — Арчибалд Вивиен Хилл Archibald Vivien Hill выдающийся физиолог, лауреат Нобелевской премии по физиологии и медицине Дата рождения: 26 сентября … Википедия

ХИЛЛ Арчибалд Вивиен — Арчибалд Вивиен (1886–1977), англ. физиолог. Цикл работ по термодинамике мышечного сокращения и его связи с метаболизмом мышцы. Ноб. пр. (1922) … Биографический словарь

Кронин Арчибалд Джозеф — (Cronin) (1896 1981), английский писатель. Романы «Замок Броуди» (1931), «Звёзды смотрят вниз» (1935), «Цитадель» (1937), «Памятник крестоносцу» (1956) и др. о противоречиях современного общества. Автобиографические повести; драма «Юпитер… … Энциклопедический словарь

Лоусон Генри Арчибалд — (Lawson) (1867 1922), австралийский писатель. Стихи в духе народных баллад (сборник «Всадники на горизонте», 1910); в сборниках рассказов «Покуда закипит котелок» (1896), «Шапка по кругу» (1907) жизнь простых людей, живые народные характеры. * * … Энциклопедический словарь

Мак-Лиш Арчибалд — (MacLeish) (1892 1982), американский поэт, драматург. Прошёл развитие от экспериментальной до социально ангажированной поэзии. Мифологическая поэма «Конкистадор» (1932); социальный эпос «Вновь обретённая земля» (1930); антифашистская радиопьеса… … Энциклопедический словарь

Хилл Арчибалд Вивиен — (Hill) (1886 1977), английский физиолог. Цикл работ по термодинамике мышечного сокращения и его связи с метаболизмом мышцы. Нобелевская премия (1922). * * * ХИЛЛ Арчибалд Вивиен ХИЛЛ (Hill) Арчибалд Вивиен (26 сентября 1886, Бристол 3 июня 1977,… … Энциклопедический словарь



1 Арчибальд

См. также в других словарях:

Archibald — ist ein männlicher Vorname. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Bedeutung des Namens 2 Variationen 3 Namenstag 4 Bekannte Namensträger … Deutsch Wikipedia

Archibald — [ ɑːtʃɪbəld], Jules François, eigentlich John Feltham Archibald, australischer Schriftsteller, * Geelong (Victoria) 14. 1. 1856, ✝ Sydney 19. 9. 1919; übte als Mitbegründer und Herausgeber der literarischen Zeitschrift »The Bulletin« (seit… … Universal-Lexikon

Archibald — masc. proper name, from O.H.G. Erchanbald, lit. genuine bold, from erchan genuine + bald (see BOLD (Cf. bold)). Archie, British World War I military slang for German anti aircraft fire (1915) supposedly is from black humor of airmen dodging… … Etymology dictionary

Archĭbald — (spr. Ärrdschibahld), Ort im Canton Luzern in Pennsylvanien, durch die Delaware u. Hudson Eisenbahn mit Honesdale verbunden; Kohlengräbereien u. Eisenhandel; 1850: 1500 Ew … Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

Archibald — m Scottish: of Norman French origin, from Continental Germanic, composed of the elements ercan genuine + bald bold, brave. It has always been largely associated with Scotland, where it is in regular use as the English equivalent of Scottish… … First names dictionary

Archibald — [är′chə bôld΄] n. [of Gmc orig. (akin to OHG Erchanbald), prob., nobly bold] a masculine name: dim. Archie, Archy … English World dictionary

Archibald — Infobox Given Name Revised name = Archibald imagesize= caption= pronunciation= gender = meaning = region = origin = related names = footnotes = Archibald is a given name or surname.As a given name (often shortened to Archie ) it may refer to:… … Wikipedia

Archibald — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Archibald est un nom propre qui peut désigner : Sommaire 1 Prénom et son origine 1.1 Variantes … Wikipédia en Français

Archibald — (as used in expressions) Campbell, John Archibald Cronin, A(rchibald) J(oseph) Archibald Alexander Leach MacLeish, Archibald Archibald Lee Wright Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5 conde de Archibald Philip Primrose Tait, Archibald C(ampbell) … Enciclopedia Universal

Archibald — /ˈatʃəbɔld/ (say ahchuhbawld) noun Jules François (born John Feltham Archibald), 1856–1919, Australian journalist; one of the founders of the Bulletin (1880); his will provided for the Archibald Memorial and the Archibald Prize … Australian-English dictionary


Что означает имя Арчибальд: «подлинная храбрость, храбрый вождь».

Происхождение имени Арчибальд: американское.

Разговорные варианты имени: Арчи, Арч.

Имя «Арчибальд» на английском (перевод): Archibald.

Характеристика имени Арчибальд

Положительная характеристика имени: Итак, что касается Арчибальда, то из положительных качеств его характера можно без труда выделить искренность, оптимизм, доброту, практичность, уравновешенность, эмоциональность. Арчибальд всегда жизнерадостен, с оптимизмом смотрит в будущее, что и помогает ему бороться с трудностями.

Для Арчи характерна доброта, и можно с уверенностью говорить о том, что Арчибальд всегда поможет человеку словом и делом, если его попросят о помощи. С близкими людьми мужчина с именем Арчибальд искренен и открыт, но мало кого способен подпустить настолько близко.

Отрицательная характеристика имени: Теперь поговорим о недостатках Арчибальда, которые также имеются. Прежде всего, это неуверенность в собственных силах и возможностях. Это несколько диссонирует с открытостью и оптимизмом Арчибальда, но стоит заметить, что, действительно, чаще всего он может остановиться на половине пути и начать сомневаться в том, правильно ли поступает. Если же имени Арчибальд удастся искоренить все эти недостатки в своем характере, он, безусловно, будет более счастливым. В то же время, он самоуверенен, эгоистичен, честолюбив, бравирует своей независимостью, может совершать импульсивные, непредсказуемые действия только лишь под влиянием настроения и эмоций.

Таланты, профессия, карьера

Выбор профессии: Высокий уровень интеллекта наряду с креативностью позволяет Арчибальду находить себя в творчестве или же, выполняя будничную работу, обязательно привносить в нее что-нибудь яркое. Арчибальд независим, при принятии решений предпочитает руководствоваться только собственными доводами. И это неслучайно, если учесть, что у имени Арчибальд отлично развита интуиция. Он очень активен, постоянно ставит перед собой новые цели и успешно их добивается. Арчибальд практичен и в своей жизни предпочитает совершать поступки, руководствуясь голосом разума.

Благосостояние: В обществе Арчибальд часто становится известен благодаря своим философским взглядам. Из него может получиться вполне неплохой государственный деятель или политик. Главное – чтобы действия и обещания имени Арчибальд совпадали, иначе это вполне может подорвать уровень доверия к его персоне, поскольку общество всегда будет ожидать от Арчибальда реализации сказанного.

День ангела Арчибальда: не отмечается, так как имя Арчибальд не значится в списке православных и католических праздников.

Кроме того, значение имени Арчибальд помогает понять такая наука, как нумерология. В данном случае, Арчибальду покровительствует число 6. Как правило, оно обещает своему владельцу успех в мероприятиях любого типа, если ему удастся завоевать доверие окружающих. Стоит сказать, что Арчибальду сделать это совсем не сложно. Известно, что такие люди обладают энергетикой и харизмой, а потому, вполне способны повести за собой людей и добиться поставленных целей.



1 Archibald

2 Archibald

3 Archibald

4 Archibald

5 Archibald

6 Archibald

7 Archibald

8 archibald

9 Archibald

10 Archibald

11 Archibald

12 Archibald

См. также в других словарях:

Archibald — ist ein männlicher Vorname. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Bedeutung des Namens 2 Variationen 3 Namenstag 4 Bekannte Namensträger … Deutsch Wikipedia

Archibald — [ ɑːtʃɪbəld], Jules François, eigentlich John Feltham Archibald, australischer Schriftsteller, * Geelong (Victoria) 14. 1. 1856, ✝ Sydney 19. 9. 1919; übte als Mitbegründer und Herausgeber der literarischen Zeitschrift »The Bulletin« (seit… … Universal-Lexikon

Archibald — masc. proper name, from O.H.G. Erchanbald, lit. genuine bold, from erchan genuine + bald (see BOLD (Cf. bold)). Archie, British World War I military slang for German anti aircraft fire (1915) supposedly is from black humor of airmen dodging… … Etymology dictionary

Archĭbald — (spr. Ärrdschibahld), Ort im Canton Luzern in Pennsylvanien, durch die Delaware u. Hudson Eisenbahn mit Honesdale verbunden; Kohlengräbereien u. Eisenhandel; 1850: 1500 Ew … Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

Archibald — m Scottish: of Norman French origin, from Continental Germanic, composed of the elements ercan genuine + bald bold, brave. It has always been largely associated with Scotland, where it is in regular use as the English equivalent of Scottish… … First names dictionary

Archibald — [är′chə bôld΄] n. [of Gmc orig. (akin to OHG Erchanbald), prob., nobly bold] a masculine name: dim. Archie, Archy … English World dictionary

Archibald — Infobox Given Name Revised name = Archibald imagesize= caption= pronunciation= gender = meaning = region = origin = related names = footnotes = Archibald is a given name or surname.As a given name (often shortened to Archie ) it may refer to:… … Wikipedia

Archibald — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Archibald est un nom propre qui peut désigner : Sommaire 1 Prénom et son origine 1.1 Variantes … Wikipédia en Français

Archibald — (as used in expressions) Campbell, John Archibald Cronin, A(rchibald) J(oseph) Archibald Alexander Leach MacLeish, Archibald Archibald Lee Wright Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5 conde de Archibald Philip Primrose Tait, Archibald C(ampbell) … Enciclopedia Universal

Archibald — /ˈatʃəbɔld/ (say ahchuhbawld) noun Jules François (born John Feltham Archibald), 1856–1919, Australian journalist; one of the founders of the Bulletin (1880); his will provided for the Archibald Memorial and the Archibald Prize … Australian-English dictionary



1 Archibald

2 Archibald

3 Archibald

4 Archibald

5 Archibald

6 Archibald

7 Archibald

8 archibald

9 Archibald

10 Archibald

11 Archibald

12 Archibald

См. также в других словарях:

Archibald — ist ein männlicher Vorname. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Bedeutung des Namens 2 Variationen 3 Namenstag 4 Bekannte Namensträger … Deutsch Wikipedia

Archibald — [ ɑːtʃɪbəld], Jules François, eigentlich John Feltham Archibald, australischer Schriftsteller, * Geelong (Victoria) 14. 1. 1856, ✝ Sydney 19. 9. 1919; übte als Mitbegründer und Herausgeber der literarischen Zeitschrift »The Bulletin« (seit… … Universal-Lexikon

Archibald — masc. proper name, from O.H.G. Erchanbald, lit. genuine bold, from erchan genuine + bald (see BOLD (Cf. bold)). Archie, British World War I military slang for German anti aircraft fire (1915) supposedly is from black humor of airmen dodging… … Etymology dictionary

Archĭbald — (spr. Ärrdschibahld), Ort im Canton Luzern in Pennsylvanien, durch die Delaware u. Hudson Eisenbahn mit Honesdale verbunden; Kohlengräbereien u. Eisenhandel; 1850: 1500 Ew … Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

Archibald — m Scottish: of Norman French origin, from Continental Germanic, composed of the elements ercan genuine + bald bold, brave. It has always been largely associated with Scotland, where it is in regular use as the English equivalent of Scottish… … First names dictionary

Archibald — [är′chə bôld΄] n. [of Gmc orig. (akin to OHG Erchanbald), prob., nobly bold] a masculine name: dim. Archie, Archy … English World dictionary

Archibald — Infobox Given Name Revised name = Archibald imagesize= caption= pronunciation= gender = meaning = region = origin = related names = footnotes = Archibald is a given name or surname.As a given name (often shortened to Archie ) it may refer to:… … Wikipedia

Archibald — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Archibald est un nom propre qui peut désigner : Sommaire 1 Prénom et son origine 1.1 Variantes … Wikipédia en Français

Archibald — (as used in expressions) Campbell, John Archibald Cronin, A(rchibald) J(oseph) Archibald Alexander Leach MacLeish, Archibald Archibald Lee Wright Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5 conde de Archibald Philip Primrose Tait, Archibald C(ampbell) … Enciclopedia Universal

Archibald — /ˈatʃəbɔld/ (say ahchuhbawld) noun Jules François (born John Feltham Archibald), 1856–1919, Australian journalist; one of the founders of the Bulletin (1880); his will provided for the Archibald Memorial and the Archibald Prize … Australian-English dictionary


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как на английском пишется арчибальд, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как на английском пишется арчибальд», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

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- Archibald  — Арчибальд

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Gender Male
Word/name Germanic
Other names
Short form(s) Archie

Archibald is a masculine given name, composed of the Germanic elements erchan (with an original meaning of «genuine» or «precious»[1]) and bald meaning «bold».

Medieval forms include Old High German Erchambald, Erkanbold, Erkanbald and Anglo-Saxon Eorcenbald.
Erkanbald, bishop of Strasbourg (d. 991) was also rendered Archaunbault in Old French. There is also a secondary association of its first element with the Greek prefix archi- meaning «chief, master», to Norman England in the high medieval period.

The form Archibald became particularly popular among Scottish nobility in the later medieval to early modern periods, whence usage as a surname is derived by the 18th century, found especially in Scotland and later Nova Scotia.

Given name[edit]

English diminutives or hypocorisms include Arch, Archy, Archie, and Baldie (nickname).
Variants include French Archambault, Archaimbaud, Archenbaud, Archimbaud,
Italian Archimboldo, Arcimbaldo, Arcimboldo, Portuguese Arquibaldo, Arquimbaldo and Spanish Archibaldo, Archivaldo.
Archibald is used as the anglicization of the (unrelated) Gaelic given name Gille Easbuig (also anglicized as Gillespie).

The given name Archibald was comparatively popular in the United States in the late 19th century, peaking at rank 290 in 1890, but it rapidly fell out of fashion in the early 20th century, falling below rank 1,000 in popularity during the 1920s.[2]


  • Arikībalili — (Amharic)
  • ‘Arshibalid (أرشيبالد) — (Arabic)
  • Arčybaĺd (Арчыбальд) — (Belarusian)
  • Ārcibalḍa (আর্চিবল্ড) — (Bengali)
  • Арчибалд — (Bulgarian)
  • Āqíbó’ěrdé (阿奇博尔德) — (Simplified Chinese)
  • Āqíbó’ěrdé (阿奇博爾德) — (Traditional Chinese)
  • Archibaldi (არჩიბალდი) — (Georgian)
  • Ārkībalḍa (આર્કીબલ્ડ) — (Gujarati)
  • ארצ’יבלד — (Hebrew)
  • Ārchībālḍ (आर्चीबाल्ड) — (Hindi)
  • Āchiborudo (アーチボルド) — (Japanese)
  • Ārcibālḍ (ಆರ್ಚಿಬಾಲ್ಡ್) — (Kannada)
  • Arçïbald (Арчибальд) — (Kazakh)
  • Achiboldeu (아치 볼드) — (Korean)
  • Arçibald (Арчибалд) — (Kyrgyz)
  • Archibaldum — (Latin)
  • Archibaldas — (Lithuanian)
  • Arkkibāḷḍ (ആർക്കിബാൾഡ്) — (Malayalam)
  • Ārkibālḍa (आर्किबाल्ड) — (Marathi)
  • Armibald (Армибалд) — (Mongolian)
  • Ārcibilḍa (आर्चिबिल्ड) — (Nepali)
  • آرکبالډ — (Pashto)
  • آرشیابالد — (Persian)
  • Ārakībālaḍa (ਆਰਕੀਬਾਲਡ) — (Punjabi)
  • Archibal’d (Арчибальд) — (Russian)
  • Arčibald (Арчибалд) — (Serbian)
  • آرڪٽيڪال (Sindhi)
  • Acikabalḍ (අචිකබල්ඩ්) — (Sinhala)
  • Ārccipālṭ (ஆர்ச்சிபால்ட்) — (Tamil)
  • Ārcibālḍ (ఆర్చిబాల్డ్) — (Telugu)
  • Archybalʹd (Арчибальд) — (Ukrainian)
  • آرکبالڈ — (Urdu)

People with given name[edit]


  • Archibald I, Lord of Douglas (ca. 1198–1238)
  • Archibald (bishop of Moray) (died 1298)
  • Archibald Douglas, 3rd Earl of Douglas (1325–1400), Lord of Galloway
  • Sir Archibald Douglas (died 1333), Guardian of Scotland
  • Archibald Douglas, 4th Earl of Douglas (1370–1424), also Duke of Touraine
  • Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Douglas (1390–1439)
  • Archibald Douglas, Earl of Moray (1426–1455)
  • Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus (1453–1514), Scottish politician and magnate

Early modern[edit]

In the late medieval and early modern period, the given name Archibald became popular among Scottish aristocracy in particular. See Archibald Campbell (disambiguation), Archibald Douglas (disambiguation), Archibald Hamilton (disambiguation), Archibald Montgomerie (disambiguation), Archibald Napier (disambiguation), Archibald Primrose (disambiguation) for lists of individuals with these names.

  • Archibald Douglas of Kilspindie (1475–1536)
  • Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus (1490–1557)
  • Archibald Campbell, 2nd Earl of Argyll (died 1513), Lord Chancellor of Scotland
  • Archibald Campbell, 4th Earl of Argyll (c. 1507–1558), Scottish nobleman and politician
  • Archibald Campbell, 5th Earl of Argyll (1532/7–1573), Scottish politician
  • Sir Archibald Napier (1534–1608), Scottish landowner and official, master of the Scottish mint and Laird of Merchiston
  • Archibald Douglas, 8th Earl of Angus (1556–1588) (also 5th Earl of Morton)
  • Archibald Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyll (c. 1575–1638), Scottish politician and military leader
  • Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll (1607–1661)
  • Archibald Douglas, 1st Earl of Ormond (1609–1655)
  • Archibald Primrose, Lord Carrington (1616–1679), Scottish lawyer, judge, and cavalier
  • Lord Archibald Hamilton (1673–1754), Scottish politician
  • Archibald Cameron of Locheil (1707–1753), leader in the Jacobite uprising
  • Archibald Montgomerie, 11th Earl of Eglinton (1726–1796), Scottish general, and Member of Parliament (MP)
  • Archibald Douglas-Hamilton, 9th Duke of Hamilton (1740–1819), Scottish peer and politician
  • Archibald McBryde (1766–1816), Scottish born US Congressman
  • Lord Archibald Hamilton (1769–1827), son of the above, MP for Lanarkshire.
  • Archibald Murphey (1777–1832), North Carolina politician


  • Archibald Butt (1865-1912), American journalist, United States Army officer, presidential adviser and Titanic sinking victim
  • Archibald Cecil Chappelow (1886–1976), British fine art consultant
  • Archibald Hamilton (1790–1815), officer in the United States Navy
  • Archibald McLean (judge) (1791–1865), Upper Canadian judge
  • John Archibald Campbell (1811–1889), American lawyer
  • Archibald McLelan (1824–1890), colonial Nova Scotian shipbuilder and politician
  • Sir Archibald Geikie (1835 — 1924), Scottish geologist
  • Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery (1847–1929), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during 1894/5
  • Archibald Grimké (1849–1930), American intellectual, journalist, and diplomat
  • Archibald Gracie IV (1859–1912), American writer and RMS Titanic sinking survivor
  • Archibald Keightley (1859–1930), theosophist
  • Archibald Lampman (1861–1899), Canadian poet
  • Archibald Ritchie (British Army officer) (1869–1955), British Army Major-General of World War I
  • Archibald Boyd-Carpenter (1873–1937), British politician
  • Archibald Wavell, 1st Earl Wavell (1883–1950), commander in the British Army
  • Archibald Hill (1886–1977), British physiologist
  • Archibald MacLeish (1892–1982), American modernist writer
  • Archibald Roosevelt (1894–1979), American soldier
  • Archibald F. Bennett (1896–1965) LDS genealogist
  • Archibald Joseph Cronin (1896–1981), Scottish author
  • Admiral Sir Archibald Dickson, 1st Baronet (died 1803), Royal Navy officer
  • Archibald Alexander Leach (1904–1986, stage name Cary Grant), American actor
  • John Archibald Wheeler (1911–2008), American theoretical physicist
  • Archibald Cox (1912–2004), U.S. Solicitor General
  • Archibald Hall (1924–2002), Scottish serial killer
  • Archibald Gemmill (b. 1947) Scottish Football Player (Hero of Mendoza, Argentina 1978)
  • Archie Manning (b. 1949), former National Football League player and father of Peyton Manning and Eli Manning
  • Archie Thompson, (b. 1978), Australian footballer
  • Archibald Wickeramaraja Singham (1932-1991), Sri Lankan Tamil political scientist and historian
  • Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, (b. 2019), British Royal, son of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
  • Archibald W. O. Totten (1809–1867), Justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court
  • Archibald Boyce Monwabisi Mafeje (1936–2007), commonly known as Archie Mafeje, was a South African anthropologist and activist

People with the mononym or pseudonym[edit]

  • Archibald (musician), stage name of Leon Gross (1916–1973), American R&B musician
  • Archibald Peck, 2011 ring name of Robert Evans (wrestler) (b. 1983)
  • Archibald, a pseudonym of Waldemar Łysiak

Fictional characters with the given name[edit]

  • Archie Andrews (comics), the namesake character from Archie Comics
  • Archibald Asparagus, a character from the Christian video series, VeggieTales
  • Archie Bunker, a character in the sitcom All in the Family
  • Archibald Craven, uncle and adoptive father of the protagonist, Mary Lennox, in The Secret Garden.
  • Archie Chapman, guy from the Verdicts.
  • Archie Goodwin, a character in Rex Stout’s mysteries.
  • Archibald Grosvenor, a character in the Gilbert and Sullivan opera Patience
  • Captain Haddock, a character in Hergé’s The Adventures of Tintin.
  • Archibald the Koala, animated children’s television series
  • Archibald «Archie» Mitchell, a character from the television soap opera EastEnders
  • Arcimboldo, a DC Comics character
  • Archie, a character played by Mark Strong in Guy’s Ritchie movie Rock’N’Rolla
  • Archie Wong, a character on Waterloo Road played by Christopher Chung.
  • Archibald Archibaldovich, pirate and maitre d’hotel Griboyedev, minor comic character in The Master and Margarita
  • Archibald Witwicky, the character from Transformers who discovered Megatron in his National Arctic Circle Expedition
  • Archibald MacGregor, a supporting character seen in a few mission in the well-known game by Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption II.
  • Archibald Yronwood, a minor character in George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire fantasy series


Archibald is a modern Anglo-Saxon surname, derived from the given name.

In Renaissance Italy[edit]

Arcimboldo or Arcimboldi was used as a surname in Renaissance Italy—see Arcimboldi

In Nova Scotia, Canada[edit]

It becomes frequent in Nova Scotia by the later 18th century. Early bearers of the name associated with Nova Scotia include:

  • David Archibald (politician) (1717–1795), represented Truro Township
    • Samuel Archibald (politician, born 1742) (1742–1780), son of David Archibald
      • Samuel George William Archibald (1777–1846), politician, son of Samuel Archibald
        • Charles Dickson Archibald (1802–1868), Truro businessman, son of Samuel George William Archibald
        • Sir Edward Mortimer Archibald (1810–1884), diplomat, son of Samuel George
          • Edith Archibald (1854–1936), suffragist and author, daughter of Sir Edward Mortimer
  • Matthew Archibald (1745–1820), politician, son of Samuel
    • Alexander Lackie Archibald (1788–1859), politician son of Matthew Archibald
  • Thomas Dickson Archibald (1813 – 1890), Onslow, Nova Scotia-native, politician
  • Adams George Archibald (1814 – 1892), Truro, Nova Scotia-native, politician
  • Cyril Archibald (1837–1914), South Stormont, Ontario-native, politician
  • Donald Archibald (1840–1908), Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia-native, politician
  • Raymond Clare Archibald (1875–1955), Nova Scotia-native, Canadian-American mathematician and historian of mathematics
  • Edgar Archibald (1885–1968), Yarmouth, Nova Scotia-native, agricultural scientist
  • George W. Archibald (b. 1946), New Glasgow, Nova Scotia-native, American ornithologist

In other places[edit]

The surname becomes more widespread in the English-speaking world in general during the 19th century:

  • Edward Archibald (athlete) (1884–1965), Canadian pole vaulter
  • Frank C. Archibald (Newfoundland politician) (1887–1972), Harbour Grace, Newfoundland native, politician
  • Harry Archibald (1910–1965), Wynot, Saskatchewan native, politician
  • Nancy Archibald (1911–1996), Montreal native, fencer
  • Joan Archibald (1913–2002), Montreal native, fencer
  • Jim Archibald (b. 1961), Craik, Saskatchewan native, ice hockey player
  • Dave Archibald (b. 1969), Chilliwack, British Columbia native, ice hockey player
United States
  • Ben Archibald (b. 1978), American player of gridiron football
  • George D. Archibald (1820– ?), Washington County, Pennsylvania-native, theologian
  • James Archibald (1912–2006), Houlton, Maine native, judge
  • Joey Archibald (1914–1998), Providence, Rhode Island-native, boxer
  • Lynn Archibald (1944–1997), American college basketball head coach
  • Nate Archibald (b. 1948), South Bronx native, basketball player
  • Nolan D. Archibald (b.1943), CEO of Black and Decker
  • Robin Tenney Archibald (born 1958), American tennis player
  • Frank Archibald (died 1975), Aboriginal Australian elder in whose honour the Frank Archibald Memorial Lecture Series was named
  • Jules François Archibald (1856–1919), Australian journalist and publisher
  • William Archibald (politician) (1850–1926), South Australian politician
New Zealand
  • Anna Archibald (b. 1959), alpine skier and Olympian
  • Jeff Archibald (b. 1952), Auckland native, field hockey player
United Kingdom

In the UK, Archibald is mostly found as a Scottish surname.

  • Adam Archibald (1879–1957), Leith native, Victoria Cross recipient
  • Adrian Archibald (b. 1969), Ballymoney native, motorcycle racer
  • Alan Archibald (b. 1977), Glasgow native, football player
  • Bobby Archibald (1894–1966), Strathaven, South Lanarkshire native, association footballer
  • George Archibald, 1st Baron Archibald (1898–1975), British politician
  • George Christopher Archibald (1926–1996), British economist, son of Baron Archibald
  • Jimmy Archibald (1892–1975), Falkirk native, association footballer
  • Jordan Archibald (1897–1946), Glasgow native, British Wrestling Champion 2012-2013
  • Joseph Archibald (died 2014), Saint Kittitian-born British Virgin Islands lawyer and judge
  • Liliana Leah Archibald (1928–2014), English insurance broker
  • Marion Archibald (1936–2016), Scottish numismatist
  • Nicholas Archibald (b. 1975), Scottish cricketer
  • Phyllis Archibald (1880–1947), English sculptor
  • Robert Archibald (1980–2020), Paisley, Renfrewshire native, basketball player
  • Sandy Archibald (1897–1946), Aberdour native, association footballer
  • Steve Archibald (b. 1956), Glasgow native, association footballer and manager

Fictional characters with the surname[edit]

  • Nate Archibald (Gossip Girl), a main character on the TV series Gossip Girl
  • Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, a character in Fate/Zero

See also[edit]

  • All pages with titles beginning with Archibald


  1. ^ cf. Old English eorcnan-stan «precious stone, gem». Pokorny (1959) tentatively grouped the word with
    PIE *arǵ- «glittering, shining», whence Latin argentum «silver»), but Gothic ark- may also represent an early loan from Greek ἀρχι- («arch-«, cf. Ulfilian Gothic arkaggilus for archangelus), i.e. precisely the element with which the first element in this name was again associated by popular etymology in the medieval period. Formerly (Diefenbach 1851) also compared to Sanskrit arh- «to be worthy».
  2. ^ US statistics cited after behindthename.com

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Gender Male
Word/name Germanic
Other names
Short form(s) Archie

Archibald is a masculine given name, composed of the Germanic elements erchan (with an original meaning of «genuine» or «precious»[1]) and bald meaning «bold».

Medieval forms include Old High German Erchambald, Erkanbold, Erkanbald and Anglo-Saxon Eorcenbald.
Erkanbald, bishop of Strasbourg (d. 991) was also rendered Archaunbault in Old French. There is also a secondary association of its first element with the Greek prefix archi- meaning «chief, master», to Norman England in the high medieval period.

The form Archibald became particularly popular among Scottish nobility in the later medieval to early modern periods, whence usage as a surname is derived by the 18th century, found especially in Scotland and later Nova Scotia.

Given name[edit]

English diminutives or hypocorisms include Arch, Archy, Archie, and Baldie (nickname).
Variants include French Archambault, Archaimbaud, Archenbaud, Archimbaud,
Italian Archimboldo, Arcimbaldo, Arcimboldo, Portuguese Arquibaldo, Arquimbaldo and Spanish Archibaldo, Archivaldo.
Archibald is used as the anglicization of the (unrelated) Gaelic given name Gille Easbuig (also anglicized as Gillespie).

The given name Archibald was comparatively popular in the United States in the late 19th century, peaking at rank 290 in 1890, but it rapidly fell out of fashion in the early 20th century, falling below rank 1,000 in popularity during the 1920s.[2]


  • Arikībalili — (Amharic)
  • ‘Arshibalid (أرشيبالد) — (Arabic)
  • Arčybaĺd (Арчыбальд) — (Belarusian)
  • Ārcibalḍa (আর্চিবল্ড) — (Bengali)
  • Арчибалд — (Bulgarian)
  • Āqíbó’ěrdé (阿奇博尔德) — (Simplified Chinese)
  • Āqíbó’ěrdé (阿奇博爾德) — (Traditional Chinese)
  • Archibaldi (არჩიბალდი) — (Georgian)
  • Ārkībalḍa (આર્કીબલ્ડ) — (Gujarati)
  • ארצ’יבלד — (Hebrew)
  • Ārchībālḍ (आर्चीबाल्ड) — (Hindi)
  • Āchiborudo (アーチボルド) — (Japanese)
  • Ārcibālḍ (ಆರ್ಚಿಬಾಲ್ಡ್) — (Kannada)
  • Arçïbald (Арчибальд) — (Kazakh)
  • Achiboldeu (아치 볼드) — (Korean)
  • Arçibald (Арчибалд) — (Kyrgyz)
  • Archibaldum — (Latin)
  • Archibaldas — (Lithuanian)
  • Arkkibāḷḍ (ആർക്കിബാൾഡ്) — (Malayalam)
  • Ārkibālḍa (आर्किबाल्ड) — (Marathi)
  • Armibald (Армибалд) — (Mongolian)
  • Ārcibilḍa (आर्चिबिल्ड) — (Nepali)
  • آرکبالډ — (Pashto)
  • آرشیابالد — (Persian)
  • Ārakībālaḍa (ਆਰਕੀਬਾਲਡ) — (Punjabi)
  • Archibal’d (Арчибальд) — (Russian)
  • Arčibald (Арчибалд) — (Serbian)
  • آرڪٽيڪال (Sindhi)
  • Acikabalḍ (අචිකබල්ඩ්) — (Sinhala)
  • Ārccipālṭ (ஆர்ச்சிபால்ட்) — (Tamil)
  • Ārcibālḍ (ఆర్చిబాల్డ్) — (Telugu)
  • Archybalʹd (Арчибальд) — (Ukrainian)
  • آرکبالڈ — (Urdu)

People with given name[edit]


  • Archibald I, Lord of Douglas (ca. 1198–1238)
  • Archibald (bishop of Moray) (died 1298)
  • Archibald Douglas, 3rd Earl of Douglas (1325–1400), Lord of Galloway
  • Sir Archibald Douglas (died 1333), Guardian of Scotland
  • Archibald Douglas, 4th Earl of Douglas (1370–1424), also Duke of Touraine
  • Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Douglas (1390–1439)
  • Archibald Douglas, Earl of Moray (1426–1455)
  • Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus (1453–1514), Scottish politician and magnate

Early modern[edit]

In the late medieval and early modern period, the given name Archibald became popular among Scottish aristocracy in particular. See Archibald Campbell (disambiguation), Archibald Douglas (disambiguation), Archibald Hamilton (disambiguation), Archibald Montgomerie (disambiguation), Archibald Napier (disambiguation), Archibald Primrose (disambiguation) for lists of individuals with these names.

  • Archibald Douglas of Kilspindie (1475–1536)
  • Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus (1490–1557)
  • Archibald Campbell, 2nd Earl of Argyll (died 1513), Lord Chancellor of Scotland
  • Archibald Campbell, 4th Earl of Argyll (c. 1507–1558), Scottish nobleman and politician
  • Archibald Campbell, 5th Earl of Argyll (1532/7–1573), Scottish politician
  • Sir Archibald Napier (1534–1608), Scottish landowner and official, master of the Scottish mint and Laird of Merchiston
  • Archibald Douglas, 8th Earl of Angus (1556–1588) (also 5th Earl of Morton)
  • Archibald Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyll (c. 1575–1638), Scottish politician and military leader
  • Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll (1607–1661)
  • Archibald Douglas, 1st Earl of Ormond (1609–1655)
  • Archibald Primrose, Lord Carrington (1616–1679), Scottish lawyer, judge, and cavalier
  • Lord Archibald Hamilton (1673–1754), Scottish politician
  • Archibald Cameron of Locheil (1707–1753), leader in the Jacobite uprising
  • Archibald Montgomerie, 11th Earl of Eglinton (1726–1796), Scottish general, and Member of Parliament (MP)
  • Archibald Douglas-Hamilton, 9th Duke of Hamilton (1740–1819), Scottish peer and politician
  • Archibald McBryde (1766–1816), Scottish born US Congressman
  • Lord Archibald Hamilton (1769–1827), son of the above, MP for Lanarkshire.
  • Archibald Murphey (1777–1832), North Carolina politician


  • Archibald Butt (1865-1912), American journalist, United States Army officer, presidential adviser and Titanic sinking victim
  • Archibald Cecil Chappelow (1886–1976), British fine art consultant
  • Archibald Hamilton (1790–1815), officer in the United States Navy
  • Archibald McLean (judge) (1791–1865), Upper Canadian judge
  • John Archibald Campbell (1811–1889), American lawyer
  • Archibald McLelan (1824–1890), colonial Nova Scotian shipbuilder and politician
  • Sir Archibald Geikie (1835 — 1924), Scottish geologist
  • Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery (1847–1929), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during 1894/5
  • Archibald Grimké (1849–1930), American intellectual, journalist, and diplomat
  • Archibald Gracie IV (1859–1912), American writer and RMS Titanic sinking survivor
  • Archibald Keightley (1859–1930), theosophist
  • Archibald Lampman (1861–1899), Canadian poet
  • Archibald Ritchie (British Army officer) (1869–1955), British Army Major-General of World War I
  • Archibald Boyd-Carpenter (1873–1937), British politician
  • Archibald Wavell, 1st Earl Wavell (1883–1950), commander in the British Army
  • Archibald Hill (1886–1977), British physiologist
  • Archibald MacLeish (1892–1982), American modernist writer
  • Archibald Roosevelt (1894–1979), American soldier
  • Archibald F. Bennett (1896–1965) LDS genealogist
  • Archibald Joseph Cronin (1896–1981), Scottish author
  • Admiral Sir Archibald Dickson, 1st Baronet (died 1803), Royal Navy officer
  • Archibald Alexander Leach (1904–1986, stage name Cary Grant), American actor
  • John Archibald Wheeler (1911–2008), American theoretical physicist
  • Archibald Cox (1912–2004), U.S. Solicitor General
  • Archibald Hall (1924–2002), Scottish serial killer
  • Archibald Gemmill (b. 1947) Scottish Football Player (Hero of Mendoza, Argentina 1978)
  • Archie Manning (b. 1949), former National Football League player and father of Peyton Manning and Eli Manning
  • Archie Thompson, (b. 1978), Australian footballer
  • Archibald Wickeramaraja Singham (1932-1991), Sri Lankan Tamil political scientist and historian
  • Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, (b. 2019), British Royal, son of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
  • Archibald W. O. Totten (1809–1867), Justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court
  • Archibald Boyce Monwabisi Mafeje (1936–2007), commonly known as Archie Mafeje, was a South African anthropologist and activist

People with the mononym or pseudonym[edit]

  • Archibald (musician), stage name of Leon Gross (1916–1973), American R&B musician
  • Archibald Peck, 2011 ring name of Robert Evans (wrestler) (b. 1983)
  • Archibald, a pseudonym of Waldemar Łysiak

Fictional characters with the given name[edit]

  • Archie Andrews (comics), the namesake character from Archie Comics
  • Archibald Asparagus, a character from the Christian video series, VeggieTales
  • Archie Bunker, a character in the sitcom All in the Family
  • Archibald Craven, uncle and adoptive father of the protagonist, Mary Lennox, in The Secret Garden.
  • Archie Chapman, guy from the Verdicts.
  • Archie Goodwin, a character in Rex Stout’s mysteries.
  • Archibald Grosvenor, a character in the Gilbert and Sullivan opera Patience
  • Captain Haddock, a character in Hergé’s The Adventures of Tintin.
  • Archibald the Koala, animated children’s television series
  • Archibald «Archie» Mitchell, a character from the television soap opera EastEnders
  • Arcimboldo, a DC Comics character
  • Archie, a character played by Mark Strong in Guy’s Ritchie movie Rock’N’Rolla
  • Archie Wong, a character on Waterloo Road played by Christopher Chung.
  • Archibald Archibaldovich, pirate and maitre d’hotel Griboyedev, minor comic character in The Master and Margarita
  • Archibald Witwicky, the character from Transformers who discovered Megatron in his National Arctic Circle Expedition
  • Archibald MacGregor, a supporting character seen in a few mission in the well-known game by Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption II.
  • Archibald Yronwood, a minor character in George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire fantasy series


Archibald is a modern Anglo-Saxon surname, derived from the given name.

In Renaissance Italy[edit]

Arcimboldo or Arcimboldi was used as a surname in Renaissance Italy—see Arcimboldi

In Nova Scotia, Canada[edit]

It becomes frequent in Nova Scotia by the later 18th century. Early bearers of the name associated with Nova Scotia include:

  • David Archibald (politician) (1717–1795), represented Truro Township
    • Samuel Archibald (politician, born 1742) (1742–1780), son of David Archibald
      • Samuel George William Archibald (1777–1846), politician, son of Samuel Archibald
        • Charles Dickson Archibald (1802–1868), Truro businessman, son of Samuel George William Archibald
        • Sir Edward Mortimer Archibald (1810–1884), diplomat, son of Samuel George
          • Edith Archibald (1854–1936), suffragist and author, daughter of Sir Edward Mortimer
  • Matthew Archibald (1745–1820), politician, son of Samuel
    • Alexander Lackie Archibald (1788–1859), politician son of Matthew Archibald
  • Thomas Dickson Archibald (1813 – 1890), Onslow, Nova Scotia-native, politician
  • Adams George Archibald (1814 – 1892), Truro, Nova Scotia-native, politician
  • Cyril Archibald (1837–1914), South Stormont, Ontario-native, politician
  • Donald Archibald (1840–1908), Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia-native, politician
  • Raymond Clare Archibald (1875–1955), Nova Scotia-native, Canadian-American mathematician and historian of mathematics
  • Edgar Archibald (1885–1968), Yarmouth, Nova Scotia-native, agricultural scientist
  • George W. Archibald (b. 1946), New Glasgow, Nova Scotia-native, American ornithologist

In other places[edit]

The surname becomes more widespread in the English-speaking world in general during the 19th century:

  • Edward Archibald (athlete) (1884–1965), Canadian pole vaulter
  • Frank C. Archibald (Newfoundland politician) (1887–1972), Harbour Grace, Newfoundland native, politician
  • Harry Archibald (1910–1965), Wynot, Saskatchewan native, politician
  • Nancy Archibald (1911–1996), Montreal native, fencer
  • Joan Archibald (1913–2002), Montreal native, fencer
  • Jim Archibald (b. 1961), Craik, Saskatchewan native, ice hockey player
  • Dave Archibald (b. 1969), Chilliwack, British Columbia native, ice hockey player
United States
  • Ben Archibald (b. 1978), American player of gridiron football
  • George D. Archibald (1820– ?), Washington County, Pennsylvania-native, theologian
  • James Archibald (1912–2006), Houlton, Maine native, judge
  • Joey Archibald (1914–1998), Providence, Rhode Island-native, boxer
  • Lynn Archibald (1944–1997), American college basketball head coach
  • Nate Archibald (b. 1948), South Bronx native, basketball player
  • Nolan D. Archibald (b.1943), CEO of Black and Decker
  • Robin Tenney Archibald (born 1958), American tennis player
  • Frank Archibald (died 1975), Aboriginal Australian elder in whose honour the Frank Archibald Memorial Lecture Series was named
  • Jules François Archibald (1856–1919), Australian journalist and publisher
  • William Archibald (politician) (1850–1926), South Australian politician
New Zealand
  • Anna Archibald (b. 1959), alpine skier and Olympian
  • Jeff Archibald (b. 1952), Auckland native, field hockey player
United Kingdom

In the UK, Archibald is mostly found as a Scottish surname.

  • Adam Archibald (1879–1957), Leith native, Victoria Cross recipient
  • Adrian Archibald (b. 1969), Ballymoney native, motorcycle racer
  • Alan Archibald (b. 1977), Glasgow native, football player
  • Bobby Archibald (1894–1966), Strathaven, South Lanarkshire native, association footballer
  • George Archibald, 1st Baron Archibald (1898–1975), British politician
  • George Christopher Archibald (1926–1996), British economist, son of Baron Archibald
  • Jimmy Archibald (1892–1975), Falkirk native, association footballer
  • Jordan Archibald (1897–1946), Glasgow native, British Wrestling Champion 2012-2013
  • Joseph Archibald (died 2014), Saint Kittitian-born British Virgin Islands lawyer and judge
  • Liliana Leah Archibald (1928–2014), English insurance broker
  • Marion Archibald (1936–2016), Scottish numismatist
  • Nicholas Archibald (b. 1975), Scottish cricketer
  • Phyllis Archibald (1880–1947), English sculptor
  • Robert Archibald (1980–2020), Paisley, Renfrewshire native, basketball player
  • Sandy Archibald (1897–1946), Aberdour native, association footballer
  • Steve Archibald (b. 1956), Glasgow native, association footballer and manager

Fictional characters with the surname[edit]

  • Nate Archibald (Gossip Girl), a main character on the TV series Gossip Girl
  • Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, a character in Fate/Zero

See also[edit]

  • All pages with titles beginning with Archibald


  1. ^ cf. Old English eorcnan-stan «precious stone, gem». Pokorny (1959) tentatively grouped the word with
    PIE *arǵ- «glittering, shining», whence Latin argentum «silver»), but Gothic ark- may also represent an early loan from Greek ἀρχι- («arch-«, cf. Ulfilian Gothic arkaggilus for archangelus), i.e. precisely the element with which the first element in this name was again associated by popular etymology in the medieval period. Formerly (Diefenbach 1851) also compared to Sanskrit arh- «to be worthy».
  2. ^ US statistics cited after behindthename.com

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Перевод «арчибальд» на английский

Мистер Арчибальд, её нужно осмотреть.

Mr Archibald, I need to do an internal examination on her.

Нейт Арчибальд с незначительной проблемкой которая стала основным инцидентом.

Nate Archibald with a minor problem that just became a major incident.

Нейт Арчибальд — такой потерянный богатый юноша.

Nate Archibald is this kind of lost rich kid.

Мистер Арчибальд, мне нужно сделать внутреннее исследование.

Mr. Archibald. I need to do an internal examination on her.

Это не твой сосед, Арчибальд.

This isn’t your next-door neighbor, Archibald.

Арчибальд, пора использовать связи твоей семьи.

Archibald, it’s time to make use of those family connections.

Клянусь, Арчибальд, когда свет падает на тебя так…

I swear, Archibald, when the light hits you just right…

Арчибальд пришёл домой пьяным и взвинченным.

Archibald had come home, drunk and belligerent.

Чтобы улучшить свое благосостояние Арчибальд оставляет армию и поступает на высокооплачиваемую должность в колониальную службу.

In order to improve their welfare Archibald left the army and filled a high-paid post in the colonial service.

Среди отцов-основателей города Арчибальд был единственным плантатором, остальные были заняты на хлопкопрядильной фабрике.

Archibald was the only farmer among the founding fathers — the others were involved in the cotton mill.

Мы уже проверили ваши документы, мистер Арчибальд.

We’ve already checked with your carrier, Mr. Archibald.

Натаниэль Арчибальд, Вы арестованы за мошенничество.

Nathaniel Archibald, you’re under arrest for fraud.

Это совершенно неуместно, мистер Арчибальд.

This is completely inappropriate, Mr. Archibald.

Мистер Арчибальд вернулся, и он хочет Вас видет.

Mr. Archibald is back and he wants to see you.

Хирургия здесь практически бессильна, мистер и миссис Арчибальд.

Well, we’re considerably beyond corrective surgery, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald.

Это время для медицины, Г-н Арчибальд.

It’s time for your medicine, Mr. Archibald.

Давным-давно принцесса Би была королевой-девственницей, а её короля звали Арчибальд.

Once upon a time, Princess B. was a virgin queen, and her king was named Archibald.

Встревоженный мятежом вице-король, лорд Арчибальд Уэвелл провозгласил зловещее предупреждение о недовольных солдатах и их дальнейшей ненужности.

Alarmed at the mutiny, the then Viceroy, Lord Archibald Wavell, sounded an ominous warning about disaffected soldiers and their future utility.

Арчибальд Джонс везёт меня в город провести вечер.

Archibald Jones is taking me out on the town for the evening.

Ты такой хороший, Нэйт Арчибальд.

You’re such a good guy, Nate Archibald.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 474. Точных совпадений: 474. Затраченное время: 49 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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