Как пишется аристотель

Аристо́тель (др.-греч. Ἀριστοτέλης; 384 год до н. э., Стагира, Фракия — 322 год до н. э., Халкида, остров Эвбея) — древнегреческий философ. Ученик Платона. С 343 года до н. э. — воспитатель Александра Македонского. В 335/4 годах до н. э. основал Ликей (др.-греч. Λύκειον Лицей, или перипатетическую школу). Натуралист классического периода. Наиболее влиятельный из философов древности; основоположник формальной логики. Создал понятийный аппарат, который до сих пор пронизывает философский лексикон и стиль научного мышления.

Все значения слова «Аристотель»

  • Платонсоотносил душу с идеей, Аристотель считал душу формой.

  • Аристотель написал книгу, где собрал методы лечения камнями, применявшиеся в его время.

  • Аристотель утверждал, что к истине можно прийти путём логических суждений, определений и оценок, основанных на прошлом опыте.

  • (все предложения)
  • древнегреческий философ
  • идеальное государство
  • о частях животных
  • объективный идеализм
  • эпоха эллинизма
  • (ещё синонимы…)
  • философ
  • философия
  • мыслитель
  • геометрия
  • физика
  • (ещё ассоциации…)


Aristotle Altemps Inv8575.jpg

Roman copy in marble of a Greek bronze bust of Aristotle by Lysippos, c. 330 BC, with modern alabaster mantle

Born 384 BC

Stagira, Chalcidian League

Died 322 BC (aged 61–62)

Chalcis, Euboea, Macedonian Empire

Education Platonic Academy
Notable work
  • Organon
  • Physics
  • Metaphysics
  • Nicomachean Ethics
  • Politics
  • Rhetoric
  • Poetics
Era Ancient Greek philosophy
Region Western philosophy
  • Peripatetic school
Notable students Alexander the Great, Theophrastus, Aristoxenus

Main interests

  • Logic
  • Natural Philosophy
  • Metaphysics
  • Ethics
  • Politics
  • Rhetoric
  • Poetics

Notable ideas


Theoretical philosophy

  • Aristotelian logic, syllogism
  • Four causes
  • Genus and differentia
  • Hylomorphism, substance, essence, accident
  • Hypokeimenon
  • Potentiality and actuality
  • Theory of universals
  • Unmoved mover

Natural philosophy

  • Aristotelian biology
  • Aristotelian physics
  • Common sense
  • Eternity of the world
  • Five wits
  • Horror vacui
  • Theory of elements, aether
  • Rational animal

Practical philosophy

  • Aristotelian ethics
  • Catharsis
  • Deliberative, epideictic and forensic rhetoric
  • Enthymeme and Paradeigma
  • Family as a model for the state
  • Golden mean
  • Kyklos
  • Magnanimity
  • Mimesis
  • Natural slavery
  • Intellectual virtues: sophia, episteme, nous, phronesis, techne
  • Three appeals: ethos, logos, pathos
  • Views on women


    • Plato
    • Socrates
    • Heraclitus
    • Parmenides
    • Empedocles
    • Phaleas
    • Hippodamus
    • Hippias


  • Averroism, Avicennism, Literary Neo-Aristotelianism, Maimonideanism, Objectivism, Peripatetics, Scholasticism (Llullism, Neo, Scotism, Second, Thomism, etc.), additionally Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism.

    See: List of writers influenced by Aristotle, Commentaries on Aristotle, Pseudo-Aristotle

Aristotle (;[1] Greek: Ἀριστοτέλης Aristotélēs, pronounced [aristotélɛːs]; 384–322 BC) was an Ancient Greek philosopher and polymath. His writings cover a broad range of subjects including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, drama, music, rhetoric, psychology, linguistics, economics, politics, meteorology, geology, and government. As the founder of the Peripatetic school of philosophy in the Lyceum in Athens, he began the wider Aristotelian tradition that followed, which set the groundwork for the development of modern science.

Little is known about Aristotle’s life. He was born in the city of Stagira in Northern Greece during the Classical period. His father, Nicomachus, died when Aristotle was a child, and he was brought up by a guardian. At seventeen or eighteen years of age he joined Plato’s Academy in Athens and remained there until the age of thirty-seven (c. 347 BC). Shortly after Plato died, Aristotle left Athens and, at the request of Philip II of Macedon, tutored his son Alexander the Great beginning in 343 BC. He established a library in the Lyceum which helped him to produce many of his hundreds of books on papyrus scrolls.

Though Aristotle wrote many elegant treatises and dialogues for publication, only around a third of his original output has survived, none of it intended for publication. Aristotle provided a complex synthesis of the various philosophies existing prior to him. It was above all from his teachings that the West inherited its intellectual lexicon, as well as problems and methods of inquiry. As a result, his philosophy has exerted a unique influence on almost every form of knowledge in the West and it continues to be a subject of contemporary philosophical discussion.

Aristotle’s views profoundly shaped medieval scholarship. The influence of physical science extended from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages into the Renaissance, and were not replaced systematically until the Enlightenment and theories such as classical mechanics were developed. Some of Aristotle’s zoological observations found in his biology, such as on the hectocotyl (reproductive) arm of the octopus, were disbelieved until the 19th century. He also influenced Judeo-Islamic philosophies during the Middle Ages, as well as Christian theology, especially the Neoplatonism of the Early Church and the scholastic tradition of the Catholic Church. Aristotle was revered among medieval Muslim scholars as «The First Teacher», and among medieval Christians like Thomas Aquinas as simply «The Philosopher», while the poet Dante called him «the master of those who know». His works contain the earliest known formal study of logic, and were studied by medieval scholars such as Peter Abelard and John Buridan. Aristotle’s influence on logic continued well into the 19th century. In addition, his ethics, though always influential, gained renewed interest with the modern advent of virtue ethics.


In general, the details of Aristotle’s life are not well-established. The biographies written in ancient times are often speculative and historians only agree on a few salient points.[A]

Aristotle was born in 384 BC[B] in Stagira, Chalcidice,[2] about 55 km (34 miles) east of modern-day Thessaloniki.[3][4] His father, Nicomachus, was the personal physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. While he was young, Aristotle learned about biology and medical information, which was taught by his father.[5] Both of Aristotle’s parents died when he was about thirteen, and Proxenus of Atarneus became his guardian.[6] Although little information about Aristotle’s childhood has survived, he probably spent some time within the Macedonian palace, making his first connections with the Macedonian monarchy.[7]

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, Aristotle moved to Athens to continue his education at Plato’s Academy.[8] He probably experienced the Eleusinian Mysteries as he wrote when describing the sights one viewed at the Eleusinian Mysteries, «to experience is to learn» [παθείν μαθεĩν].[9] Aristotle remained in Athens for nearly twenty years before leaving in 348/47 BC. The traditional story about his departure records that he was disappointed with the Academy’s direction after control passed to Plato’s nephew Speusippus, although it is possible that he feared the anti-Macedonian sentiments in Athens at that time and left before Plato died.[10] Aristotle then accompanied Xenocrates to the court of his friend Hermias of Atarneus in Asia Minor. After the death of Hermias, Aristotle travelled with his pupil Theophrastus to the island of Lesbos, where together they researched the botany and zoology of the island and its sheltered lagoon. While in Lesbos, Aristotle married Pythias, either Hermias’s adoptive daughter or niece. She bore him a daughter, whom they also named Pythias. In 343 BC, Aristotle was invited by Philip II of Macedon to become the tutor to his son Alexander.[11][12]

Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon. During Aristotle’s time in the Macedonian court, he gave lessons not only to Alexander but also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Cassander.[13] Aristotle encouraged Alexander toward eastern conquest, and Aristotle’s own attitude towards Persia was unabashedly ethnocentric. In one famous example, he counsels Alexander to be «a leader to the Greeks and a despot to the barbarians, to look after the former as after friends and relatives, and to deal with the latter as with beasts or plants».[13] By 335 BC, Aristotle had returned to Athens, establishing his own school there known as the Lyceum. Aristotle conducted courses at the school for the next twelve years. While in Athens, his wife Pythias died and Aristotle became involved with Herpyllis of Stagira, who bore him a son whom he named after his father, Nicomachus. If the Suda – an uncritical compilation from the Middle Ages – is accurate, he may also have had an erômenos, Palaephatus of Abydus.[14]

This period in Athens, between 335 and 323 BC, is when Aristotle is believed to have composed many of his works.[12] He wrote many dialogues, of which only fragments have survived. Those works that have survived are in treatise form and were not, for the most part, intended for widespread publication; they are generally thought to be lecture aids for his students. His most important treatises include Physics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Politics, On the Soul and Poetics. Aristotle studied and made significant contributions to «logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics, biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance, and theatre.»[15]

Near the end of his life, Alexander and Aristotle became estranged over Alexander’s relationship with Persia and Persians. A widespread tradition in antiquity suspected Aristotle of playing a role in Alexander’s death, but the only evidence of this is an unlikely claim made some six years after the death.[16] Following Alexander’s death, anti-Macedonian sentiment in Athens was rekindled. In 322 BC, Demophilus and Eurymedon the Hierophant reportedly denounced Aristotle for impiety,[17] prompting him to flee to his mother’s family estate in Chalcis, on Euboea, at which occasion he was said to have stated: «I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against philosophy»[18][19][20] – a reference to Athens’s trial and execution of Socrates. He died in Chalcis, Euboea[2][21][15] of natural causes later that same year, having named his student Antipater as his chief executor and leaving a will in which he asked to be buried next to his wife.[22]

Theoretical philosophy


With the Prior Analytics, Aristotle is credited with the earliest study of formal logic,[23] and his conception of it was the dominant form of Western logic until 19th-century advances in mathematical logic.[24] Kant stated in the Critique of Pure Reason that with Aristotle logic reached its completion.[25]


One of Aristotle’s types of syllogism[C]

In words In
In equations[E]
    All men are mortal.

    All Greeks are men.

∴ All Greeks are mortal.

M a P

S a M

S a P

Modus Barbara Equations.svg

What is today called Aristotelian logic with its types of syllogism (methods of logical argument),[26] Aristotle himself would have labelled «analytics». The term «logic» he reserved to mean dialectics. Most of Aristotle’s work is probably not in its original form, because it was most likely edited by students and later lecturers. The logical works of Aristotle were compiled into a set of six books called the Organon around 40 BC by Andronicus of Rhodes or others among his followers.[28] The books are:

  1. Categories
  2. On Interpretation
  3. Prior Analytics
  4. Posterior Analytics
  5. Topics
  6. On Sophistical Refutations

The order of the books (or the teachings from which they are composed) is not certain, but this list was derived from analysis of Aristotle’s writings. It goes from the basics, the analysis of simple terms in the Categories, the analysis of propositions and their elementary relations in On Interpretation, to the study of more complex forms, namely, syllogisms (in the Analytics)[31][32] and dialectics (in the Topics and Sophistical Refutations). The first three treatises form the core of the logical theory stricto sensu: the grammar of the language of logic and the correct rules of reasoning. The Rhetoric is not conventionally included, but it states that it relies on the Topics.[33]


The word «metaphysics» appears to have been coined by the first century AD editor who assembled various small selections of Aristotle’s works to the treatise we know by the name Metaphysics.[34] Aristotle called it «first philosophy», and distinguished it from mathematics and natural science (physics) as the contemplative (theoretikē) philosophy which is «theological» and studies the divine. He wrote in his Metaphysics (1026a16):

if there were no other independent things besides the composite natural ones, the study of nature would be the primary kind of knowledge; but if there is some motionless independent thing, the knowledge of this precedes it and is first philosophy, and it is universal in just this way, because it is first. And it belongs to this sort of philosophy to study being as being, both what it is and what belongs to it just by virtue of being.[35]


Aristotle examines the concepts of substance (ousia) and essence (to ti ên einai, «the what it was to be») in his Metaphysics (Book VII), and he concludes that a particular substance is a combination of both matter and form, a philosophical theory called hylomorphism. In Book VIII, he distinguishes the matter of the substance as the substratum, or the stuff of which it is composed. For example, the matter of a house is the bricks, stones, timbers, etc., or whatever constitutes the potential house, while the form of the substance is the actual house, namely ‘covering for bodies and chattels’ or any other differentia that let us define something as a house. The formula that gives the components is the account of the matter, and the formula that gives the differentia is the account of the form.[36][34]

Immanent realism

Like his teacher Plato, Aristotle’s philosophy aims at the universal. Aristotle’s ontology places the universal (katholou) in particulars (kath’ hekaston), things in the world, whereas for Plato the universal is a separately existing form which actual things imitate. For Aristotle, «form» is still what phenomena are based on, but is «instantiated» in a particular substance.[34]

Plato argued that all things have a universal form, which could be either a property or a relation to other things. When one looks at an apple, for example, one sees an apple, and one can also analyse a form of an apple. In this distinction, there is a particular apple and a universal form of an apple. Moreover, one can place an apple next to a book, so that one can speak of both the book and apple as being next to each other. Plato argued that there are some universal forms that are not a part of particular things. For example, it is possible that there is no particular good in existence, but «good» is still a proper universal form. Aristotle disagreed with Plato on this point, arguing that all universals are instantiated at some period of time, and that there are no universals that are unattached to existing things. In addition, Aristotle disagreed with Plato about the location of universals. Where Plato spoke of the forms as existing separately from the things that participate in them, Aristotle maintained that universals exist within each thing on which each universal is predicated. So, according to Aristotle, the form of apple exists within each apple, rather than in the world of the forms.[34][37]

Potentiality and actuality

Concerning the nature of change (kinesis) and its causes, as he outlines in his Physics and On Generation and Corruption (319b–320a), he distinguishes coming-to-be (genesis, also translated as ‘generation’) from:

  1. growth and diminution, which is change in quantity;
  2. locomotion, which is change in space; and
  3. alteration, which is change in quality.

Coming-to-be is a change where the substrate of the thing that has undergone the change has itself changed. In that particular change he introduces the concept of potentiality (dynamis) and actuality (entelecheia) in association with the matter and the form. Referring to potentiality, this is what a thing is capable of doing or being acted upon if the conditions are right and it is not prevented by something else. For example, the seed of a plant in the soil is potentially (dynamei) a plant, and if it is not prevented by something, it will become a plant. Potentially beings can either ‘act’ (poiein) or ‘be acted upon’ (paschein), which can be either innate or learned. For example, the eyes possess the potentiality of sight (innate – being acted upon), while the capability of playing the flute can be possessed by learning (exercise – acting). Actuality is the fulfilment of the end of the potentiality. Because the end (telos) is the principle of every change, and potentiality exists for the sake of the end, actuality, accordingly, is the end. Referring then to the previous example, it can be said that an actuality is when a plant does one of the activities that plants do.[34]

For that for the sake of which (to hou heneka) a thing is, is its principle, and the becoming is for the sake of the end; and the actuality is the end, and it is for the sake of this that the potentiality is acquired. For animals do not see in order that they may have sight, but they have sight that they may see.[38]

In summary, the matter used to make a house has potentiality to be a house and both the activity of building and the form of the final house are actualities, which is also a final cause or end. Then Aristotle proceeds and concludes that the actuality is prior to potentiality in formula, in time and in substantiality. With this definition of the particular substance (i.e., matter and form), Aristotle tries to solve the problem of the unity of the beings, for example, «what is it that makes a man one»? Since, according to Plato there are two Ideas: animal and biped, how then is man a unity? However, according to Aristotle, the potential being (matter) and the actual one (form) are one and the same.[34][39]


Aristotle’s immanent realism means his epistemology is based on the study of things that exist or happen in the world, and rises to knowledge of the universal, whereas for Plato epistemology begins with knowledge of universal Forms (or ideas) and descends to knowledge of particular imitations of these.[33] Aristotle uses induction from examples alongside deduction, whereas Plato relies on deduction from a priori principles.[33]

Natural philosophy

Aristotle’s «natural philosophy» spans a wide range of natural phenomena including those now covered by physics, biology and other natural sciences.[40] In Aristotle’s terminology, «natural philosophy» is a branch of philosophy examining the phenomena of the natural world, and includes fields that would be regarded today as physics, biology and other natural sciences. Aristotle’s work encompassed virtually all facets of intellectual inquiry. Aristotle makes philosophy in the broad sense coextensive with reasoning, which he also would describe as «science». However, his use of the term science carries a different meaning than that covered by the term «scientific method». For Aristotle, «all science (dianoia) is either practical, poetical or theoretical» (Metaphysics 1025b25). His practical science includes ethics and politics; his poetical science means the study of fine arts including poetry; his theoretical science covers physics, mathematics and metaphysics.[40]


The four classical elements (fire, air, water, earth) of Empedocles and Aristotle illustrated with a burning log. The log releases all four elements as it is destroyed.

Five elements

In his On Generation and Corruption, Aristotle related each of the four elements proposed earlier by Empedocles, earth, water, air, and fire, to two of the four sensible qualities, hot, cold, wet, and dry. In the Empedoclean scheme, all matter was made of the four elements, in differing proportions. Aristotle’s scheme added the heavenly aether, the divine substance of the heavenly spheres, stars and planets.[41]

Aristotle’s elements[41]

Element Hot/Cold Wet/Dry Motion Modern state
of matter
Earth Cold Dry Down Solid
Water Cold Wet Down Liquid
Air Hot Wet Up Gas
Fire Hot Dry Up Plasma
Aether (divine
(in heavens)


Aristotle describes two kinds of motion: «violent» or «unnatural motion», such as that of a thrown stone, in the Physics (254b10), and «natural motion», such as of a falling object, in On the Heavens (300a20). In violent motion, as soon as the agent stops causing it, the motion stops also: in other words, the natural state of an object is to be at rest,[42][F] since Aristotle does not address friction.[43] With this understanding, it can be observed that, as Aristotle stated, heavy objects (on the ground, say) require more force to make them move; and objects pushed with greater force move faster.[44][G] This would imply the equation[44]

{displaystyle F=mv},

incorrect in modern physics.[44]

Natural motion depends on the element concerned: the aether naturally moves in a circle around the heavens,[H] while the 4 Empedoclean elements move vertically up (like fire, as is observed) or down (like earth) towards their natural resting places.[45][43][I]

Aristotle’s laws of motion. In Physics he states that objects fall at a speed proportional to their weight and inversely proportional to the density of the fluid they are immersed in.[43] This is a correct approximation for objects in Earth’s gravitational field moving in air or water.[45]

In the Physics (215a25), Aristotle effectively states a quantitative law, that the speed, v, of a falling body is proportional (say, with constant c) to its weight, W, and inversely proportional to the density,[J] ρ, of the fluid in which it is falling:;[45][43]

{displaystyle v=c{frac {W}{rho }}}

Aristotle implies that in a vacuum the speed of fall would become infinite, and concludes from this apparent absurdity that a vacuum is not possible.[45][43] Opinions have varied on whether Aristotle intended to state quantitative laws. Henri Carteron held the «extreme view»[43] that Aristotle’s concept of force was basically qualitative,[46] but other authors reject this.[43]

Archimedes corrected Aristotle’s theory that bodies move towards their natural resting places; metal boats can float if they displace enough water; floating depends in Archimedes’ scheme on the mass and volume of the object, not, as Aristotle thought, its elementary composition.[45]

Aristotle’s writings on motion remained influential until the Early Modern period. John Philoponus (in the Middle Ages) and Galileo are said to have shown by experiment that Aristotle’s claim that a heavier object falls faster than a lighter object is incorrect.[40] A contrary opinion is given by Carlo Rovelli, who argues that Aristotle’s physics of motion is correct within its domain of validity, that of objects in the Earth’s gravitational field immersed in a fluid such as air. In this system, heavy bodies in steady fall indeed travel faster than light ones (whether friction is ignored, or not[45]), and they do fall more slowly in a denser medium.[44][K]

Newton’s «forced» motion corresponds to Aristotle’s «violent» motion with its external agent, but Aristotle’s assumption that the agent’s effect stops immediately it stops acting (e.g., the ball leaves the thrower’s hand) has awkward consequences: he has to suppose that surrounding fluid helps to push the ball along to make it continue to rise even though the hand is no longer acting on it, resulting in the Medieval theory of impetus.[45]

Four causes

Aristotle suggested that the reason for anything coming about can be attributed to four different types of simultaneously active factors. His term aitia is traditionally translated as «cause», but it does not always refer to temporal sequence; it might be better translated as «explanation», but the traditional rendering will be employed here.[48][49]

  • Material cause describes the material out of which something is composed. Thus the material cause of a table is wood. It is not about action. It does not mean that one domino knocks over another domino.[48]
  • The formal cause is its form, i.e., the arrangement of that matter. It tells one what a thing is, that a thing is determined by the definition, form, pattern, essence, whole, synthesis or archetype. It embraces the account of causes in terms of fundamental principles or general laws, as the whole (i.e., macrostructure) is the cause of its parts, a relationship known as the whole-part causation. Plainly put, the formal cause is the idea in the mind of the sculptor that brings the sculpture into being. A simple example of the formal cause is the mental image or idea that allows an artist, architect, or engineer to create a drawing.[48]
  • The efficient cause is «the primary source», or that from which the change under consideration proceeds. It identifies ‘what makes of what is made and what causes change of what is changed’ and so suggests all sorts of agents, non-living or living, acting as the sources of change or movement or rest. Representing the current understanding of causality as the relation of cause and effect, this covers the modern definitions of «cause» as either the agent or agency or particular events or states of affairs. In the case of two dominoes, when the first is knocked over it causes the second also to fall over.[48] In the case of animals, this agency is a combination of how it develops from the egg, and how its body functions.[50]
  • The final cause (telos) is its purpose, the reason why a thing exists or is done, including both purposeful and instrumental actions and activities. The final cause is the purpose or function that something is supposed to serve. This covers modern ideas of motivating causes, such as volition.[48] In the case of living things, it implies adaptation to a particular way of life.[50]


Aristotle describes experiments in optics using a camera obscura in Problems, book 15. The apparatus consisted of a dark chamber with a small aperture that let light in. With it, he saw that whatever shape he made the hole, the sun’s image always remained circular. He also noted that increasing the distance between the aperture and the image surface magnified the image.[51]

Chance and spontaneity

According to Aristotle, spontaneity and chance are causes of some things, distinguishable from other types of cause such as simple necessity. Chance as an incidental cause lies in the realm of accidental things, «from what is spontaneous». There is also more a specific kind of chance, which Aristotle names «luck», that only applies to people’s moral choices.[52][53]


In astronomy, Aristotle refuted Democritus’s claim that the Milky Way was made up of «those stars which are shaded by the earth from the sun’s rays,» pointing out correctly that if «the size of the sun is greater than that of the earth and the distance of the stars from the earth many times greater than that of the sun, then… the sun shines on all the stars and the earth screens none of them.»[54]

Geology and natural sciences

Aristotle was one of the first people to record any geological observations. He stated that geological change was too slow to be observed in one person’s lifetime.[55][56]
The geologist Charles Lyell noted that Aristotle described such change, including «lakes that had dried up» and «deserts that had become watered by rivers», giving as examples the growth of the Nile delta since the time of Homer, and «the upheaving of one of the Aeolian islands, previous to a volcanic eruption.»‘[57]
Aristotle also made many observations about the hydrologic cycle and meteorology (including his major writings «Meteorologica»). For example, he made some of the earliest observations about desalination: he observed early – and correctly – that when seawater is heated, freshwater evaporates and that the oceans are then replenished by the cycle of rainfall and river runoff («I have proved by experiment that salt water evaporated forms fresh and the vapor does not when it condenses condense into sea water again.»)[58]


Among many pioneering zoological observations, Aristotle described the reproductive hectocotyl arm of the octopus (bottom left).

Empirical research

Aristotle was the first person to study biology systematically,[59] and biology forms a large part of his writings. He spent two years observing and describing the zoology of Lesbos and the surrounding seas, including in particular the Pyrrha lagoon in the centre of Lesbos.[60][61] His data in History of Animals, Generation of Animals, Movement of Animals, and Parts of Animals are assembled from his own observations,[62] statements given by people with specialized knowledge such as beekeepers and fishermen, and less accurate accounts provided by travellers from overseas.[63] His apparent emphasis on animals rather than plants is a historical accident: his works on botany have been lost, but two books on plants by his pupil Theophrastus have survived.[64]

Aristotle reports on the sea-life visible from observation on Lesbos and the catches of fishermen. He describes the catfish, electric ray, and frogfish in detail, as well as cephalopods such as the octopus and paper nautilus. His description of the hectocotyl arm of cephalopods, used in sexual reproduction, was widely disbelieved until the 19th century.[65] He gives accurate descriptions of the four-chambered fore-stomachs of ruminants,[66] and of the ovoviviparous embryological development of the hound shark.[67]

He notes that an animal’s structure is well matched to function, so, among birds, the heron, which lives in marshes with soft mud and lives by catching fish, has a long neck and long legs, and a sharp spear-like beak, whereas ducks that swim have short legs and webbed feet.[68] Darwin, too, noted these sorts of differences between similar kinds of animal, but unlike Aristotle used the data to come to the theory of evolution.[69] Aristotle’s writings can seem to modern readers close to implying evolution, but while Aristotle was aware that new mutations or hybridizations could occur, he saw these as rare accidents. For Aristotle, accidents, like heat waves in winter, must be considered distinct from natural causes. He was thus critical of Empedocles’s materialist theory of a «survival of the fittest» origin of living things and their organs, and ridiculed the idea that accidents could lead to orderly results.[70] To put his views into modern terms, he nowhere says that different species can have a common ancestor, or that one kind can change into another, or that kinds can become extinct.[71]

Scientific style

Aristotle inferred growth laws from his observations on animals, including that brood size decreases with body mass, whereas gestation period increases. He was correct in these predictions, at least for mammals: data are shown for mouse and elephant.

Aristotle did not do experiments in the modern sense.[72] He used the ancient Greek term pepeiramenoi to mean observations, or at most investigative procedures like dissection.[73] In Generation of Animals, he finds a fertilized hen’s egg of a suitable stage and opens it to see the embryo’s heart beating inside.[74][75]

Instead, he practiced a different style of science: systematically gathering data, discovering patterns common to whole groups of animals, and inferring possible causal explanations from these.;[76][77] This style is common in modern biology when large amounts of data become available in a new field, such as genomics. It does not result in the same certainty as experimental science, but it sets out testable hypotheses and constructs a narrative explanation of what is observed. In this sense, Aristotle’s biology is scientific.[76]

From the data he collected and documented, Aristotle inferred quite a number of rules relating the life-history features of the live-bearing tetrapods (terrestrial placental mammals) that he studied. Among these correct predictions are the following. Brood size decreases with (adult) body mass, so that an elephant has fewer young (usually just one) per brood than a mouse. Lifespan increases with gestation period, and also with body mass, so that elephants live longer than mice, have a longer period of gestation, and are heavier. As a final example, fecundity decreases with lifespan, so long-lived kinds like elephants have fewer young in total than short-lived kinds like mice.[78]

Classification of living things

Aristotle recorded that the embryo of a dogfish was attached by a cord to a kind of placenta (the yolk sac), like a higher animal; this formed an exception to the linear scale from highest to lowest.[79]

Aristotle distinguished about 500 species of animals,[80][81] arranging these in the History of Animals in a graded scale of perfection, a nonreligious version of the scala naturae, with man at the top. His system had eleven grades of animal, from highest potential to lowest, expressed in their form at birth: the highest gave live birth to hot and wet creatures, the lowest laid cold, dry mineral-like eggs. Animals came above plants, and these in turn were above minerals.[82][83] He grouped what the modern zoologist would call vertebrates as the hotter «animals with blood», and below them the colder invertebrates as «animals without blood». Those with blood were divided into the live-bearing (mammals), and the egg-laying (birds, reptiles, fish). Those without blood were insects, crustacea (non-shelled – cephalopods, and shelled) and the hard-shelled molluscs (bivalves and gastropods). He recognised that animals did not exactly fit into a linear scale, and noted various exceptions, such as that sharks had a placenta like the tetrapods. To a modern biologist, the explanation, not available to Aristotle, is convergent evolution.[84] Philosophers of science have generally concluded that Aristotle was not interested in taxonomy,[85][86] but zoologists who studied this question recently think otherwise.[87][88][89] He believed that purposive final causes guided all natural processes; this teleological view justified his observed data as an expression of formal design.[90]

Aristotle’s Scala naturae (highest to lowest)

Group Examples
(given by Aristotle)
Blood Legs Souls
Man Man with blood 2 legs R, S, V Hot, Wet
Live-bearing tetrapods Cat, hare with blood 4 legs S, V Hot, Wet
Cetaceans Dolphin, whale with blood none S, V Hot, Wet
Birds Bee-eater, nightjar with blood 2 legs S, V Hot, Wet, except Dry eggs
Egg-laying tetrapods Chameleon, crocodile with blood 4 legs S, V Cold, Wet except scales, eggs
Snakes Water snake, Ottoman viper with blood none S, V Cold, Wet except scales, eggs
Egg-laying fishes Sea bass, parrotfish with blood none S, V Cold, Wet, including eggs
(Among the egg-laying fishes):
placental selachians
Shark, skate with blood none S, V Cold, Wet, but placenta like tetrapods
Crustaceans Shrimp, crab without many legs S, V Cold, Wet except shell
Cephalopods Squid, octopus without tentacles S, V Cold, Wet
Hard-shelled animals Cockle, trumpet snail without none S, V Cold, Dry (mineral shell)
Larva-bearing insects Ant, cicada without 6 legs S, V Cold, Dry
Spontaneously generating Sponges, worms without none S, V Cold, Wet or Dry, from earth
Plants Fig without none V Cold, Dry
Minerals Iron without none none Cold, Dry



Aristotle proposed a three-part structure for souls of plants, animals, and humans, making humans unique in having all three types of soul.

Aristotle’s psychology, given in his treatise On the Soul (peri psychēs), posits three kinds of soul («psyches»): the vegetative soul, the sensitive soul, and the rational soul. Humans have a rational soul. The human soul incorporates the powers of the other kinds: Like the vegetative soul it can grow and nourish itself; like the sensitive soul it can experience sensations and move locally. The unique part of the human, rational soul is its ability to receive forms of other things and to compare them using the nous (intellect) and logos (reason).[91]

For Aristotle, the soul is the form of a living being. Because all beings are composites of form and matter, the form of living beings is that which endows them with what is specific to living beings, e.g. the ability to initiate movement (or in the case of plants, growth and chemical transformations, which Aristotle considers types of movement).[11] In contrast to earlier philosophers, but in accordance with the Egyptians, he placed the rational soul in the heart, rather than the brain.[92] Notable is Aristotle’s division of sensation and thought, which generally differed from the concepts of previous philosophers, with the exception of Alcmaeon.[93]

In On the Soul, Aristotle famously criticizes Plato’s theory of the soul and develops his own in response to Plato’s. The first criticism is against Plato’s view of the soul in the Timaeus that the soul takes up space and is able to come into physical contact with bodies.[94] 20th-century scholarship overwhelmingly opposed Aristotle’s interpretation of Plato and maintained that he had misunderstood Plato.[95] Today’s scholars have tended to re-assess Aristotle’s interpretation and have warmed up to it.[96] Aristotle’s other criticism is that Plato’s view of reincarnation entails that it is possible for a soul and its body to be mis-matched; in principle, Aristotle alleges, any soul can go with any body, according to Plato’s theory.[97] Aristotle’s claim that the soul is the form of a living being is meant to eliminate that possibility and thus rule out reincarnation.[98]


According to Aristotle in On the Soul, memory is the ability to hold a perceived experience in the mind and to distinguish between the internal «appearance» and an occurrence in the past.[99] In other words, a memory is a mental picture (phantasm) that can be recovered. Aristotle believed an impression is left on a semi-fluid bodily organ that undergoes several changes in order to make a memory. A memory occurs when stimuli such as sights or sounds are so complex that the nervous system cannot receive all the impressions at once. These changes are the same as those involved in the operations of sensation, Aristotelian ‘common sense’, and thinking.[100][101]

Aristotle uses the term ‘memory’ for the actual retaining of an experience in the impression that can develop from sensation, and for the intellectual anxiety that comes with the impression because it is formed at a particular time and processing specific contents. Memory is of the past, prediction is of the future, and sensation is of the present. Retrieval of impressions cannot be performed suddenly. A transitional channel is needed and located in past experiences, both for previous experience and present experience.[102]

Because Aristotle believes people receive all kinds of sense perceptions and perceive them as impressions, people are continually weaving together new impressions of experiences. To search for these impressions, people search the memory itself.[103] Within the memory, if one experience is offered instead of a specific memory, that person will reject this experience until they find what they are looking for. Recollection occurs when one retrieved experience naturally follows another. If the chain of «images» is needed, one memory will stimulate the next. When people recall experiences, they stimulate certain previous experiences until they reach the one that is needed.[104] Recollection is thus the self-directed activity of retrieving the information stored in a memory impression.[105] Only humans can remember impressions of intellectual activity, such as numbers and words. Animals that have perception of time can retrieve memories of their past observations. Remembering involves only perception of the things remembered and of the time passed.[106]

Senses, perception, memory, dreams, action in Aristotle’s psychology. Impressions are stored in the sensorium (the heart), linked by his laws of association (similarity, contrast, and contiguity).

Aristotle believed the chain of thought, which ends in recollection of certain impressions, was connected systematically in relationships such as similarity, contrast, and contiguity, described in his laws of association. Aristotle believed that past experiences are hidden within the mind. A force operates to awaken the hidden material to bring up the actual experience. According to Aristotle, association is the power innate in a mental state, which operates upon the unexpressed remains of former experiences, allowing them to rise and be recalled.[107][108]


Aristotle describes sleep in On Sleep and Wakefulness.[109] Sleep takes place as a result of overuse of the senses[110] or of digestion,[111] so it is vital to the body.[110] While a person is asleep, the critical activities, which include thinking, sensing, recalling and remembering, do not function as they do during wakefulness. Since a person cannot sense during sleep they cannot have desire, which is the result of sensation. However, the senses are able to work during sleep,[112] albeit differently,[109] unless they are weary.[110]

Dreams do not involve actually sensing a stimulus. In dreams, sensation is still involved, but in an altered manner.[110] Aristotle explains that when a person stares at a moving stimulus such as the waves in a body of water, and then looks away, the next thing they look at appears to have a wavelike motion. When a person perceives a stimulus and the stimulus is no longer the focus of their attention, it leaves an impression.[109] When the body is awake and the senses are functioning properly, a person constantly encounters new stimuli to sense and so the impressions of previously perceived stimuli are ignored.[110] However, during sleep the impressions made throughout the day are noticed as there are no new distracting sensory experiences.[109] So, dreams result from these lasting impressions. Since impressions are all that are left and not the exact stimuli, dreams do not resemble the actual waking experience.[113] During sleep, a person is in an altered state of mind. Aristotle compares a sleeping person to a person who is overtaken by strong feelings toward a stimulus. For example, a person who has a strong infatuation with someone may begin to think they see that person everywhere because they are so overtaken by their feelings. Since a person sleeping is in a suggestible state and unable to make judgements, they become easily deceived by what appears in their dreams, like the infatuated person.[109] This leads the person to believe the dream is real, even when the dreams are absurd in nature.[109] In De Anima iii 3, Aristotle ascribes the ability to create, to store, and to recall images in the absence of perception to the faculty of imagination, phantasia.[11]

One component of Aristotle’s theory of dreams disagrees with previously held beliefs. He claimed that dreams are not foretelling and not sent by a divine being. Aristotle reasoned naturalistically that instances in which dreams do resemble future events are simply coincidences.[114] Aristotle claimed that a dream is first established by the fact that the person is asleep when they experience it. If a person had an image appear for a moment after waking up or if they see something in the dark it is not considered a dream because they were awake when it occurred. Secondly, any sensory experience that is perceived while a person is asleep does not qualify as part of a dream. For example, if, while a person is sleeping, a door shuts and in their dream they hear a door is shut, this sensory experience is not part of the dream. Lastly, the images of dreams must be a result of lasting impressions of waking sensory experiences.[113]

Practical philosophy

Aristotle’s practical philosophy covers areas such as ethics, politics, economics, and rhetoric.[40]

Virtues and their accompanying vices[15]

Too little Virtuous mean Too much
Humbleness High-mindedness Vainglory
Lack of purpose Right ambition Over-ambition
Spiritlessness Good temper Irascibility
Rudeness Civility Obsequiousness
Cowardice Courage Rashness
Insensibility Self-control Intemperance
Sarcasm Sincerity Boastfulness
Boorishness Wit Buffoonery
Shamelessness Modesty Shyness
Callousness Just resentment Spitefulness
Pettiness Generosity Vulgarity
Meanness Liberality Wastefulness


Aristotle considered ethics to be a practical rather than theoretical study, i.e., one aimed at becoming good and doing good rather than knowing for its own sake. He wrote several treatises on ethics, most notably including the Nicomachean Ethics.[115]

Aristotle taught that virtue has to do with the proper function (ergon) of a thing. An eye is only a good eye in so much as it can see, because the proper function of an eye is sight. Aristotle reasoned that humans must have a function specific to humans, and that this function must be an activity of the psuchē (soul) in accordance with reason (logos). Aristotle identified such an optimum activity (the virtuous mean, between the accompanying vices of excess or deficiency[15]) of the soul as the aim of all human deliberate action, eudaimonia, generally translated as «happiness» or sometimes «well-being». To have the potential of ever being happy in this way necessarily requires a good character (ēthikē aretē), often translated as moral or ethical virtue or excellence.[116]

Aristotle taught that to achieve a virtuous and potentially happy character requires a first stage of having the fortune to be habituated not deliberately, but by teachers, and experience, leading to a later stage in which one consciously chooses to do the best things. When the best people come to live life this way their practical wisdom (phronesis) and their intellect (nous) can develop with each other towards the highest possible human virtue, the wisdom of an accomplished theoretical or speculative thinker, or in other words, a philosopher.[117]


In addition to his works on ethics, which address the individual, Aristotle addressed the city in his work titled Politics. Aristotle considered the city to be a natural community. Moreover, he considered the city to be prior in importance to the family, which in turn is prior to the individual, «for the whole must of necessity be prior to the part».[118] He famously stated that «man is by nature a political animal» and argued that humanity’s defining factor among others in the animal kingdom is its rationality.[119] Aristotle conceived of politics as being like an organism rather than like a machine, and as a collection of parts none of which can exist without the others. Aristotle’s conception of the city is organic, and he is considered one of the first to conceive of the city in this manner.[120]

Aristotle’s classifications of political constitutions

The common modern understanding of a political community as a modern state is quite different from Aristotle’s understanding. Although he was aware of the existence and potential of larger empires, the natural community according to Aristotle was the city (polis) which functions as a political «community» or «partnership» (koinōnia). The aim of the city is not just to avoid injustice or for economic stability, but rather to allow at least some citizens the possibility to live a good life, and to perform beautiful acts: «The political partnership must be regarded, therefore, as being for the sake of noble actions, not for the sake of living together.» This is distinguished from modern approaches, beginning with social contract theory, according to which individuals leave the state of nature because of «fear of violent death» or its «inconveniences».[L]

In Protrepticus, the character ‘Aristotle’ states:[121]

For we all agree that the most excellent man should rule, i.e., the supreme by nature, and that the law rules and alone is authoritative; but the law is a kind of intelligence, i.e. a discourse based on intelligence. And again, what standard do we have, what criterion of good things, that is more precise than the intelligent man? For all that this man will choose, if the choice is based on his knowledge, are good things and their contraries are bad. And since everybody chooses most of all what conforms to their own proper dispositions (a just man choosing to live justly, a man with bravery to live bravely, likewise a self-controlled man to live with self-control), it is clear that the intelligent man will choose most of all to be intelligent; for this is the function of that capacity. Hence it’s evident that, according to the most authoritative judgment, intelligence is supreme among goods.[121]

As Plato’s disciple Aristotle was rather critical concerning democracy and, following the outline of certain ideas from Plato’s Statesman, he developed a coherent theory of integrating various forms of power into a so-called mixed state:

It is … constitutional to take … from oligarchy that offices are to be elected, and from democracy that this is not to be on a property-qualification. This then is the mode of the mixture; and the mark of a good mixture of democracy and oligarchy is when it is possible to speak of the same constitution as a democracy and as an oligarchy.

— Aristotle. Politics, Book 4, 1294b.10–18

To illustrate this approach, Aristotle proposed a first-of-its-kind mathematical model of voting, albeit textually described, where the democratic principle of «one voter–one vote» is combined with the oligarchic «merit-weighted voting»; for relevant quotes and their translation into mathematical formulas see.[122]


Aristotle made substantial contributions to economic thought, especially to thought in the Middle Ages.[123] In Politics, Aristotle addresses the city, property, and trade. His response to criticisms of private property, in Lionel Robbins’s view, anticipated later proponents of private property among philosophers and economists, as it related to the overall utility of social arrangements.[123] Aristotle believed that although communal arrangements may seem beneficial to society, and that although private property is often blamed for social strife, such evils in fact come from human nature. In Politics, Aristotle offers one of the earliest accounts of the origin of money.[123] Money came into use because people became dependent on one another, importing what they needed and exporting the surplus. For the sake of convenience, people then agreed to deal in something that is intrinsically useful and easily applicable, such as iron or silver.[124]

Aristotle’s discussions on retail and interest was a major influence on economic thought in the Middle Ages. He had a low opinion of retail, believing that contrary to using money to procure things one needs in managing the household, retail trade seeks to make a profit. It thus uses goods as a means to an end, rather than as an end unto itself. He believed that retail trade was in this way unnatural. Similarly, Aristotle considered making a profit through interest unnatural, as it makes a gain out of the money itself, and not from its use.[124]

Aristotle gave a summary of the function of money that was perhaps remarkably precocious for his time. He wrote that because it is impossible to determine the value of every good through a count of the number of other goods it is worth, the necessity arises of a single universal standard of measurement. Money thus allows for the association of different goods and makes them «commensurable».[124] He goes on to state that money is also useful for future exchange, making it a sort of security. That is, «if we do not want a thing now, we shall be able to get it when we do want it».[124]

Rhetoric and poetics

The Blind Oedipus Commending his Children to the Gods (1784) by Bénigne Gagneraux. In his Poetics, Aristotle uses the tragedy Oedipus Tyrannus by Sophocles as an example of how the perfect tragedy should be structured, with a generally good protagonist who starts the play prosperous, but loses everything through some hamartia (fault).[125]

Aristotle’s Rhetoric proposes that a speaker can use three basic kinds of appeals to persuade his audience: ethos (an appeal to the speaker’s character), pathos (an appeal to the audience’s emotion), and logos (an appeal to logical reasoning).[126] He also categorizes rhetoric into three genres: epideictic (ceremonial speeches dealing with praise or blame), forensic (judicial speeches over guilt or innocence), and deliberative (speeches calling on an audience to make a decision on an issue).[127] Aristotle also outlines two kinds of rhetorical proofs: enthymeme (proof by syllogism) and paradeigma (proof by example).[128]

Aristotle writes in his Poetics that epic poetry, tragedy, comedy, dithyrambic poetry, painting, sculpture, music, and dance are all fundamentally acts of mimesis («imitation»), each varying in imitation by medium, object, and manner.[129][130] He applies the term mimesis both as a property of a work of art and also as the product of the artist’s intention[129] and contends that the audience’s realisation of the mimesis is vital to understanding the work itself.[129] Aristotle states that mimesis is a natural instinct of humanity that separates humans from animals[129][131] and that all human artistry «follows the pattern of nature».[129] Because of this, Aristotle believed that each of the mimetic arts possesses what Stephen Halliwell calls «highly structured procedures for the achievement of their purposes.»[132] For example, music imitates with the media of rhythm and harmony, whereas dance imitates with rhythm alone, and poetry with language. The forms also differ in their object of imitation. Comedy, for instance, is a dramatic imitation of men worse than average; whereas tragedy imitates men slightly better than average. Lastly, the forms differ in their manner of imitation – through narrative or character, through change or no change, and through drama or no drama.[133]

While it is believed that Aristotle’s Poetics originally comprised two books – one on comedy and one on tragedy – only the portion that focuses on tragedy has survived. Aristotle taught that tragedy is composed of six elements: plot-structure, character, style, thought, spectacle, and lyric poetry.[134] The characters in a tragedy are merely a means of driving the story; and the plot, not the characters, is the chief focus of tragedy. Tragedy is the imitation of action arousing pity and fear, and is meant to effect the catharsis of those same emotions. Aristotle concludes Poetics with a discussion on which, if either, is superior: epic or tragic mimesis. He suggests that because tragedy possesses all the attributes of an epic, possibly possesses additional attributes such as spectacle and music, is more unified, and achieves the aim of its mimesis in shorter scope, it can be considered superior to epic.[135] Aristotle was a keen systematic collector of riddles, folklore, and proverbs; he and his school had a special interest in the riddles of the Delphic Oracle and studied the fables of Aesop.[136]

Views on women

Aristotle’s analysis of procreation describes an active, ensouling masculine element bringing life to an inert, passive female element. The biological differences are a result of the fact that the female body is well-suited for reproduction, which changes her body temperature, which in turn makes her, in Aristotle’s view, incapable of participating in political life.[137] On this ground, proponents of feminist metaphysics have accused Aristotle of misogyny[138] and sexism.[139] However, Aristotle gave equal weight to women’s happiness as he did to men’s, and commented in his Rhetoric that the things that lead to happiness need to be in women as well as men.[M]


More than 2300 years after his death, Aristotle remains one of the most influential people who ever lived.[141][142][143] He contributed to almost every field of human knowledge then in existence, and he was the founder of many new fields. According to the philosopher Bryan Magee, «it is doubtful whether any human being has ever known as much as he did».[144] Among countless other achievements, Aristotle was the founder of formal logic,[145] pioneered the study of zoology, and left every future scientist and philosopher in his debt through his contributions to the scientific method.[2][146][147] Taneli Kukkonen, writing in The Classical Tradition, observes that his achievement in founding two sciences is unmatched, and his reach in influencing «every branch of intellectual enterprise» including Western ethical and political theory, theology, rhetoric and literary analysis is equally long. As a result, Kukkonen argues, any analysis of reality today «will almost certainly carry Aristotelian overtones … evidence of an exceptionally forceful mind.»[147] Jonathan Barnes wrote that «an account of Aristotle’s intellectual afterlife would be little less than a history of European thought».[148]Aristotle has been called the father of logic, biology, political science, zoology, embryology, natural law, scientific method, rhetoric, psychology, realism, criticism, individualism, teleology, and meteorology.[150]

On his successor, Theophrastus

Aristotle’s pupil and successor, Theophrastus, wrote the History of Plants, a pioneering work in botany. Some of his technical terms remain in use, such as carpel from carpos, fruit, and pericarp, from pericarpion, seed chamber.[151]
Theophrastus was much less concerned with formal causes than Aristotle was, instead pragmatically describing how plants functioned.[152][153]

On later Greek philosophers

The immediate influence of Aristotle’s work was felt as the Lyceum grew into the Peripatetic school. Aristotle’s students included Aristoxenus, Dicaearchus, Demetrius of Phalerum, Eudemos of Rhodes, Harpalus, Hephaestion, Mnason of Phocis, Nicomachus, and Theophrastus. Aristotle’s influence over Alexander the Great is seen in the latter’s bringing with him on his expedition a host of zoologists, botanists, and researchers. He had also learned a great deal about Persian customs and traditions from his teacher. Although his respect for Aristotle was diminished as his travels made it clear that much of Aristotle’s geography was clearly wrong, when the old philosopher released his works to the public, Alexander complained «Thou hast not done well to publish thy acroamatic doctrines; for in what shall I surpass other men if those doctrines wherein I have been trained are to be all men’s common property?»[154]

On Hellenistic science

After Theophrastus, the Lyceum failed to produce any original work. Though interest in Aristotle’s ideas survived, they were generally taken unquestioningly.[155] It is not until the age of Alexandria under the Ptolemies that advances in biology can be again found.

The first medical teacher at Alexandria, Herophilus of Chalcedon, corrected Aristotle, placing intelligence in the brain, and connected the nervous system to motion and sensation. Herophilus also distinguished between veins and arteries, noting that the latter pulse while the former do not.[156] Though a few ancient atomists such as Lucretius challenged the teleological viewpoint of Aristotelian ideas about life, teleology (and after the rise of Christianity, natural theology) would remain central to biological thought essentially until the 18th and 19th centuries. Ernst Mayr states that there was «nothing of any real consequence in biology after Lucretius and Galen until the Renaissance.»[157]

On Byzantine scholars

Greek Christian scribes played a crucial role in the preservation of Aristotle by copying all the extant Greek language manuscripts of the corpus. The first Greek Christians to comment extensively on Aristotle were Philoponus, Elias, and David in the sixth century, and Stephen of Alexandria in the early seventh century.[158] John Philoponus stands out for having attempted a fundamental critique of Aristotle’s views on the eternity of the world, movement, and other elements of Aristotelian thought.[159] Philoponus questioned Aristotle’s teaching of physics, noting its flaws and introducing the theory of impetus to explain his observations.[160]

After a hiatus of several centuries, formal commentary by Eustratius and Michael of Ephesus reappeared in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries, apparently sponsored by Anna Comnena.[161]

On the medieval Islamic world

Islamic portrayal of Aristotle, c. 1220

Aristotle was one of the most revered Western thinkers in early Islamic theology. Most of the still extant works of Aristotle,[162] as well as a number of the original Greek commentaries, were translated into Arabic and studied by Muslim philosophers, scientists and scholars. Averroes, Avicenna and Alpharabius, who wrote on Aristotle in great depth, also influenced Thomas Aquinas and other Western Christian scholastic philosophers. Alkindus greatly admired Aristotle’s philosophy,[163] and Averroes spoke of Aristotle as the «exemplar» for all future philosophers.[164] Medieval Muslim scholars regularly described Aristotle as the «First Teacher».[162] The title was later used by Western philosophers (as in the famous poem of Dante) who were influenced by the tradition of Islamic philosophy.[165]

On medieval Europe

With the loss of the study of ancient Greek in the early medieval Latin West, Aristotle was practically unknown there from c. AD 600 to c. 1100 except through the Latin translation of the Organon made by Boethius. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, interest in Aristotle revived and Latin Christians had translations made, both from Arabic translations, such as those by Gerard of Cremona,[167] and from the original Greek, such as those by James of Venice and William of Moerbeke. After the Scholastic Thomas Aquinas wrote his Summa Theologica, working from Moerbeke’s translations and calling Aristotle «The Philosopher»,[168] the demand for Aristotle’s writings grew, and the Greek manuscripts returned to the West, stimulating a revival of Aristotelianism in Europe that continued into the Renaissance.[169] These thinkers blended Aristotelian philosophy with Christianity, bringing the thought of Ancient Greece into the Middle Ages. Scholars such as Boethius, Peter Abelard, and John Buridan worked on Aristotelian logic.[170]

The medieval English poet Chaucer describes his student as being happy by having

at his beddes heed
Twenty bookes, clad in blak or reed,
Of aristotle and his philosophie,[171]

A cautionary medieval tale held that Aristotle advised his pupil Alexander to avoid the king’s seductive mistress, Phyllis, but was himself captivated by her, and allowed her to ride him. Phyllis had secretly told Alexander what to expect, and he witnessed Phyllis proving that a woman’s charms could overcome even the greatest philosopher’s male intellect. Artists such as Hans Baldung produced a series of illustrations of the popular theme.[172][166]

The Italian poet Dante says of Aristotle in The Divine Comedy:

L’Inferno, Canto IV. 131–135

vidi ‘l maestro di color che sanno
seder tra filosofica famiglia.
Tutti lo miran, tutti onor li fanno:
quivi vid’ïo Socrate e Platone
che ‘nnanzi a li altri più presso li stanno;

I saw the Master there of those who know,
Amid the philosophic family,
By all admired, and by all reverenced;
There Plato too I saw, and Socrates,
Who stood beside him closer than the rest.

Besides Dante’s fellow poets, the classical figure that most influenced the Comedy is Aristotle. Dante built up the philosophy of the Comedy with the works of Aristotle as a foundation, just as the scholastics used Aristotle as the basis for their thinking. Dante knew Aristotle directly from Latin translations of his works and indirectly through quotations in the works of Albert Magnus.[173] Dante even acknowledges Aristotle’s influence explicitly in the poem, specifically when Virgil justifies the Inferno’s structure by citing the Nicomachean Ethics.[174]

On medieval Judaism

Moses Maimonides (considered to be the foremost intellectual figure of medieval Judaism)[175] adopted Aristotelianism from the Islamic scholars and based his Guide for the Perplexed on it and that became the basis of Jewish scholastic philosophy. Maimonides also considered Aristotle to be the greatest philosopher that ever lived, and styled him as the «chief of the philosophers».[176][177][178] Also, in his letter to Samuel ibn Tibbon, Maimonides observes that there is no need for Samuel to study the writings of philosophers who preceded Aristotle because the works of the latter are «sufficient by themselves and [superior] to all that were written before them. His intellect, Aristotle’s is the extreme limit of human intellect, apart from him upon whom the divine emanation has flowed forth to such an extent that they reach the level of prophecy, there being no level higher».[179]

On Early Modern scientists

In the Early Modern period, scientists such as William Harvey in England and Galileo Galilei in Italy reacted against the theories of Aristotle and other classical era thinkers like Galen, establishing new theories based to some degree on observation and experiment. Harvey demonstrated the circulation of the blood, establishing that the heart functioned as a pump rather than being the seat of the soul and the controller of the body’s heat, as Aristotle thought.[180] Galileo used more doubtful arguments to displace Aristotle’s physics, proposing that bodies all fall at the same speed whatever their weight.[181]

On 18th/19th-century thinkers

The 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche has been said to have taken nearly all of his political philosophy from Aristotle.[182] Aristotle rigidly separated action from production, and argued for the deserved subservience of some people («natural slaves»),[183] and the natural superiority (virtue, arete) of others. It was Martin Heidegger, not Nietzsche, who elaborated a new interpretation of Aristotle, intended to warrant his deconstruction of scholastic and philosophical tradition.[184]

The English mathematician George Boole fully accepted Aristotle’s logic, but decided «to go under, over, and beyond» it with his system of algebraic logic in his 1854 book The Laws of Thought. This gives logic a mathematical foundation with equations, enables it to solve equations as well as check validity, and allows it to handle a wider class of problems by expanding propositions of any number of terms, not just two.[185]

Charles Darwin regarded Aristotle as the most important contributor to the subject of biology. In an 1882 letter he wrote that «Linnaeus and Cuvier have been my two gods, though in very different ways, but they were mere schoolboys to old Aristotle».[186][187] Also, in later editions of the book «On the Origin of Species’, Darwin traced evolutionary ideas as far back as Aristotle;[188] the text he cites is a summary by Aristotle of the ideas of the earlier Greek philosopher Empedocles.[189]

James Joyce’s favoured philosopher was Aristotle, whom he considered to be «the greatest thinker of all times».[190] Samuel Taylor Coleridge said: Everybody is born either a Platonist or an Aristotelian.[191] Ayn Rand acknowledged Aristotle as her greatest influence[192] and remarked that in the history of philosophy she could only recommend «three A’s»—Aristotle, Aquinas, and Ayn Rand.[193] She also regarded Aristotle as the greatest of all philosophers.[194]
Karl Marx considered Aristotle to be the «greatest thinker of antiquity», and called him a «giant thinker», a «genius», and «the great scholar».[195][196][197]

Modern rejection and rehabilitation

«That most enduring of romantic images, Aristotle tutoring the future conqueror Alexander».[147] Illustration by Charles Laplante [fr], 1866

During the 20th century, Aristotle’s work was widely criticized. The philosopher Bertrand Russell
argued that «almost every serious intellectual advance has had to begin with an attack on some Aristotelian doctrine». Russell called Aristotle’s ethics «repulsive», and labelled his logic «as definitely antiquated as Ptolemaic astronomy». Russell stated that these errors made it difficult to do historical justice to Aristotle, until one remembered what an advance he made upon all of his predecessors.[12]

The Dutch historian of science Eduard Jan Dijksterhuis wrote that Aristotle and his predecessors showed the difficulty of science by «proceed[ing] so readily to frame a theory of such a general character» on limited evidence from their senses.[198] In 1985, the biologist Peter Medawar could still state in «pure seventeenth century»[199] tones that Aristotle had assembled «a strange and generally speaking rather tiresome farrago of hearsay, imperfect observation, wishful thinking and credulity amounting to downright gullibility».[199][200]

By the start of the 21st century, however, Aristotle was taken more seriously: Kukkonen noted that «In the best 20th-century scholarship Aristotle comes alive as a thinker wrestling with the full weight of the Greek philosophical tradition.»[147] Alasdair MacIntyre has attempted to reform what he calls the Aristotelian tradition in a way that is anti-elitist and capable of disputing the claims of both liberals and Nietzscheans.[201] Kukkonen observed, too, that «that most enduring of romantic images, Aristotle tutoring the future conqueror Alexander» remained current, as in the 2004 film Alexander, while the «firm rules» of Aristotle’s theory of drama have ensured a role for the Poetics in Hollywood.[147]

Biologists continue to be interested in Aristotle’s thinking. Armand Marie Leroi has reconstructed Aristotle’s biology,[202] while Niko Tinbergen’s four questions, based on Aristotle’s four causes, are used to analyse animal behaviour; they examine function, phylogeny, mechanism, and ontogeny.[203][204]

Surviving works

Corpus Aristotelicum

The works of Aristotle that have survived from antiquity through medieval manuscript transmission are collected in the Corpus Aristotelicum. These texts, as opposed to Aristotle’s lost works, are technical philosophical treatises from within Aristotle’s school.[205] Reference to them is made according to the organization of Immanuel Bekker’s Royal Prussian Academy edition (Aristotelis Opera edidit Academia Regia Borussica, Berlin, 1831–1870), which in turn is based on ancient classifications of these works.[206]

Loss and preservation

Aristotle wrote his works on papyrus scrolls, the common writing medium of that era.[N] His writings are divisible into two groups: the «exoteric», intended for the public, and the «esoteric», for use within the Lyceum school.[208][O][209] Aristotle’s «lost» works stray considerably in characterization from the surviving Aristotelian corpus. Whereas the lost works appear to have been originally written with a view to subsequent publication, the surviving works mostly resemble lecture notes not intended for publication.[210][208] Cicero’s description of Aristotle’s literary style as «a river of gold» must have applied to the published works, not the surviving notes.[P] A major question in the history of Aristotle’s works is how the exoteric writings were all lost, and how the ones now possessed came to be found.[212] The consensus is that Andronicus of Rhodes collected the esoteric works of Aristotle’s school which existed in the form of smaller, separate works, distinguished them from those of Theophrastus and other Peripatetics, edited them, and finally compiled them into the more cohesive, larger works as they are known today.[213][214]




Aristotle has been depicted by major artists including Lucas Cranach the Elder,[215] Justus van Gent, Raphael, Paolo Veronese, Jusepe de Ribera,[216] Rembrandt,[217] and Francesco Hayez over the centuries. Among the best-known depictions is Raphael’s fresco The School of Athens, in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace, where the figures of Plato and Aristotle are central to the image, at the architectural vanishing point, reflecting their importance.[218] Rembrandt’s Aristotle with a Bust of Homer, too, is a celebrated work, showing the knowing philosopher and the blind Homer from an earlier age: as the art critic Jonathan Jones writes, «this painting will remain one of the greatest and most mysterious in the world, ensnaring us in its musty, glowing, pitch-black, terrible knowledge of time.»[219][220]

  • Aristotle by Paolo Veronese, Biblioteka Marciana. Oil on canvas, 1560s

    Aristotle by Paolo Veronese, Biblioteka Marciana. Oil on canvas, 1560s

  • Roman copy of 117-138 AD of Greek original. Palermo Regional Archeology Museum

    Roman copy of 117-138 AD of Greek original. Palermo Regional Archeology Museum


The Aristotle Mountains in Antarctica are named after Aristotle. He was the first person known to conjecture, in his book Meteorology, the existence of a landmass in the southern high-latitude region and called it Antarctica.[221] Aristoteles is a crater on the Moon bearing the classical form of Aristotle’s name.[222]

See also

  • Aristotelian Society
  • Conimbricenses
  • Perfectionism



  1. ^ See Shields 2012, pp. 3–16; Düring 1957 covers ancient biographies of Aristotle.
  2. ^ That these dates (the first half of the Olympiad year 384/383 BC, and in 322 shortly before the death of Demosthenes) are correct was shown by August Boeckh (Kleine Schriften VI 195); for further discussion, see Felix Jacoby on FGrHist 244 F 38. Ingemar Düring, Aristotle in the Ancient Biographical Tradition, Göteborg, 1957, p. 253
  3. ^ This type of syllogism, with all three terms in ‘a’, is known by the traditional (medieval) mnemonic Barbara.[26]
  4. ^ M is the Middle (here, Men), S is the Subject (Greeks), P is the Predicate (mortal).[26]
  5. ^ The first equation can be read as ‘It is not true that there exists an x such that x is a man and that x is not mortal.’[27]
  6. ^ Rhett Allain notes that Newton’s First Law is «essentially a direct reply to Aristotle, that the natural state is not to change motion.[42]
  7. ^ Leonard Susskind comments that Aristotle had clearly never gone ice skating or he would have seen that it takes force to stop an object.[44]
  8. ^ For heavenly bodies like the Sun, Moon, and stars, the observed motions are «to a very good approximation» circular around the Earth’s centre, (for example, the apparent rotation of the sky because of the rotation of the Earth, and the rotation of the moon around the Earth) as Aristotle stated.[45]
  9. ^ Drabkin quotes numerous passages from Physics and On the Heavens (De Caelo) which state Aristotle’s laws of motion.[43]
  10. ^ Drabkin agrees that density is treated quantitatively in this passage, but without a sharp definition of density as weight per unit volume.[43]
  11. ^ Philoponus and Galileo correctly objected that for the transient phase (still increasing in speed) with heavy objects falling a short distance, the law does not apply: Galileo used balls on a short incline to show this. Rovelli notes that «Two heavy balls with the same shape and different weight do fall at different speeds from an aeroplane, confirming Aristotle’s theory, not Galileo’s.»[45]
  12. ^ For a different reading of social and economic processes in the Nicomachean Ethics and Politics see Polanyi, Karl (1957) «Aristotle Discovers the Economy» in Primitive, Archaic and Modern Economies: Essays of Karl Polanyi ed. G. Dalton, Boston 1971, 78–115.
  13. ^ «Where, as among the Lacedaemonians, the state of women is bad, almost half of human life is spoilt.»[140]
  14. ^ «When the Roman dictator Sulla invaded Athens in 86 BC, he brought back to Rome a fantastic prize – Aristotle’s library. Books then were papyrus rolls, from 10 to 20 feet long, and since Aristotle’s death in 322 BC, worms and damp had done their worst. The rolls needed repairing, and the texts clarifying and copying on to new papyrus (imported from Egypt – Moses’ bulrushes). The man in Rome who put Aristotle’s library in order was a Greek scholar, Tyrannio.»[207]
  15. ^ Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics 1102a26–27. Aristotle himself never uses the term «esoteric» or «acroamatic». For other passages where Aristotle speaks of exōterikoi logoi, see W.D. Ross, Aristotle’s Metaphysics (1953), vol. 2 pp= 408–410. Ross defends an interpretation according to which the phrase, at least in Aristotle’s own works, usually refers generally to «discussions not peculiar to the Peripatetic school», rather than to specific works of Aristotle’s own.
  16. ^ «veniet flumen orationis aureum fundens Aristoteles«, (Google translation: «Aristotle will come pouring forth a golden stream of eloquence»).[211]
  17. ^ Compare the medieval tale of Phyllis and Alexander above.


  1. ^ Collins English Dictionary.
  2. ^ a b c Aristotle (Greek philosopher).
  3. ^ McLeisch 1999, p. 5.
  4. ^ Aristoteles-Park in Stagira.
  5. ^ Borchers, Timothy A.; Hundley, Heather (2018). Rhetorical theory : an introduction (Second ed.). Long Grove, Illinois. ISBN 978-1-4786-3580-2. OCLC 1031145493.
  6. ^ Hall 2018, p. 14.
  7. ^ Anagnostopoulos 2013, p. 4.
  8. ^ Blits 1999, pp. 58–63.
  9. ^ Evans 2006.
  10. ^ Aristotle 1984, pp. Introduction.
  11. ^ a b c Shields 2016.
  12. ^ a b c Russell 1972.
  13. ^ a b Green 1991, pp. 58–59.
  14. ^ Smith 2007, p. 88.
  15. ^ a b c d Humphreys 2009.
  16. ^ Green 1991, p. 460.
  17. ^ Filonik 2013, pp. 72–73.
  18. ^ Jones 1980, p. 216.
  19. ^ Gigon 2017, p. 41.
  20. ^ Düring 1957, p. T44a-e.
  21. ^ Britton, Bianca (27 May 2016). «Is this Aristotle’s tomb?». CNN. Retrieved 21 January 2023.
  22. ^ Haase 1992, p. 3862.
  23. ^ Degnan 1994, pp. 81–89.
  24. ^ Corcoran 2009, pp. 1–20.
  25. ^ Kant 1787, pp. Preface.
  26. ^ a b c Lagerlund 2016.
  27. ^ Predicate Logic.
  28. ^ Pickover 2009, p. 52.
  29. ^ School of Athens.
  30. ^ Stewart 2019.
  31. ^ Prior Analytics, pp. 24b18–20.
  32. ^ Bobzien 2015.
  33. ^ a b c Smith 2017.
  34. ^ a b c d e f Cohen 2000.
  35. ^ Aristotle 1999, p. 111.
  36. ^ Metaphysics, p. VIII 1043a 10–30.
  37. ^ Lloyd 1968, pp. 43–47.
  38. ^ Metaphysics, p. IX 1050a 5–10.
  39. ^ Metaphysics, p. VIII 1045a–b.
  40. ^ a b c d Wildberg 2016.
  41. ^ a b Lloyd 1968, pp. 133–139, 166–169.
  42. ^ a b Allain 2016.
  43. ^ a b c d e f g h i Drabkin 1938, pp. 60–84.
  44. ^ a b c d e Susskind 2011.
  45. ^ a b c d e f g h i Rovelli 2015, pp. 23–40.
  46. ^ Carteron 1923, pp. 1–32 and passim.
  47. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 88–90.
  48. ^ a b c d e Lloyd 1996, pp. 96–100, 106–107.
  49. ^ Hankinson 1998, p. 159.
  50. ^ a b Leroi 2015, pp. 91–92, 369–373.
  51. ^ Lahanas.
  52. ^ Physics, p. 2.6.
  53. ^ Miller 1973, pp. 204–213.
  54. ^ Meteorology, p. 1. 8.
  55. ^ Moore 1956, p. 13.
  56. ^ Meteorology, p. Book 1, Part 14.
  57. ^ Lyell 1832, p. 17.
  58. ^ Aristotle (1952). Meteorologica, Chapter II. Translated by Lee, H.D.P. (Loeb Classical Library ed.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. p. 156. Retrieved 22 January 2021.
  59. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 7.
  60. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 14.
  61. ^ Thompson 1910, p. Prefatory Note.
  62. ^ «Darwin’s Ghosts, By Rebecca Stott». independent.co.uk. 2 June 2012. Retrieved 19 June 2012.
  63. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 196, 248.
  64. ^ Day 2013, pp. 5805–5816.
  65. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 66–74, 137.
  66. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 118–119.
  67. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 73.
  68. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 135–136.
  69. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 206.
  70. ^ Sedley 2007, p. 189.
  71. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 273.
  72. ^ Taylor 1922, p. 42.
  73. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 361–365.
  74. ^ Leroi 2011.
  75. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 197–200.
  76. ^ a b Leroi 2015, pp. 365–368.
  77. ^ Taylor 1922, p. 49.
  78. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 408.
  79. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 72–74.
  80. ^ Bergstrom & Dugatkin 2012, p. 35.
  81. ^ Rhodes 1974, p. 7.
  82. ^ Mayr 1982, pp. 201–202.
  83. ^ Lovejoy 1976.
  84. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 111–119.
  85. ^ Lennox, James G. (2001). Aristotle’s Philosophy of Biology: Studies in the Origins of Life Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 346. ISBN 0-521-65976-0.
  86. ^ Sandford, Stella (3 December 2019). «From Aristotle to Contemporary Biological Classification: What Kind of Category is «Sex»?». Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory. 22 (1): 4–17. doi:10.33134/rds.314. ISSN 2308-0914. S2CID 210140121.
  87. ^ Voultsiadou, Eleni; Vafidis, Dimitris (1 January 2007). «Marine invertebrate diversity in Aristotle’s zoology». Contributions to Zoology. 76 (2): 103–120. doi:10.1163/18759866-07602004. ISSN 1875-9866. S2CID 55152069.
  88. ^ von Lieven, Alexander Fürst; Humar, Marcel (2008). «A Cladistic Analysis of Aristotle’s Animal Groups in the «Historia animalium»«. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. 30 (2): 227–262. ISSN 0391-9714. JSTOR 23334371. PMID 19203017.
  89. ^ Laurin, Michel; Humar, Marcel (2022). «Phylogenetic signal in characters from Aristotle’s History of Animals». Comptes Rendus Palevol (in French). 21 (1): 1–16. doi:10.5852/cr-palevol2022v21a1. S2CID 245863171.
  90. ^ Mason 1979, pp. 43–44.
  91. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 156–163.
  92. ^ Mason 1979, p. 45.
  93. ^ Guthrie 2010, p. 348.
  94. ^ On the Soul I.3 406b26-407a10. For some scholarship, see Carter, Jason W. 2017. ‘Aristotle’s Criticism of Timaean Psychology’ Rhizomata 5: 51-78 and Douglas R. Campbell. 2022. «Located in Space: Plato’s Theory of Psychic Motion» Ancient Philosophy 42 (2): 419-442.
  95. ^ For instance, W.D. Ross argued that Aristotle «may well be criticized as having taken [Plato’s] myth as if it were sober prose.» See Ross, William D. ed. 1961. Aristotle: De Anima. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The quotation is from page 189.
  96. ^ See, e.g., Douglas R. Campbell, «Located in Space: Plato’s Theory of Psychic Motion,» Ancient Philosophy 42 (2): 419-442. 2022.
  97. ^ On the Soul I.3.407b14–27. Christopher Shields summarizes it thus: «We might think that an old leather-bound edition of Machiavelli’s The Prince could come to bear the departed soul of Richard Nixon. Aristotle regards this sort of view as worthy of ridicule.” See Shields, C. 2016. Aristotle: De Anima. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The quotation is from page 133.
  98. ^ There’s a large scholarly discussion of this dialectic between Plato and Aristotle here: Douglas R. Campbell, «The Soul’s Tool: Plato on the Usefulness of the Body,» Elenchos 43 (1): 7-27. 2022.
  99. ^ Bloch 2007, p. 12.
  100. ^ Bloch 2007, p. 61.
  101. ^ Carruthers 2007, p. 16.
  102. ^ Bloch 2007, p. 25.
  103. ^ Warren 1921, p. 30.
  104. ^ Warren 1921, p. 25.
  105. ^ Carruthers 2007, p. 19.
  106. ^ Warren 1921, p. 296.
  107. ^ Warren 1921, p. 259.
  108. ^ Sorabji 2006, p. 54.
  109. ^ a b c d e f Holowchak 1996, pp. 405–423.
  110. ^ a b c d e Shute 1941, pp. 115–118.
  111. ^ Holowchak 1996, pp. 405–23.
  112. ^ Shute 1941, pp. 115–18.
  113. ^ a b Modrak 2009, pp. 169–181.
  114. ^ Webb 1990, pp. 174–184.
  115. ^ Kraut 2001.
  116. ^ Nicomachean Ethics Book I. See for example chapter 7.
  117. ^ Nicomachean Ethics, p. Book VI.
  118. ^ Politics, pp. 1253a19–124.
  119. ^ Aristotle 2009, pp. 320–321.
  120. ^ Ebenstein & Ebenstein 2002, p. 59.
  121. ^ a b Hutchinson & Johnson 2015, p. 22.
  122. ^ Tangian 2020, pp. 35–38.
  123. ^ a b c Robbins 2000, pp. 20–24.
  124. ^ a b c d Aristotle 1948, pp. 16–28.
  125. ^ Kaufmann 1968, pp. 56–60.
  126. ^ Garver 1994, pp. 109–110.
  127. ^ Rorty 1996, pp. 3–7.
  128. ^ Grimaldi 1998, p. 71.
  129. ^ a b c d e Halliwell 2002, pp. 152–159.
  130. ^ Poetics, p. I 1447a.
  131. ^ Poetics, p. IV.
  132. ^ Halliwell 2002, pp. 152–59.
  133. ^ Poetics, p. III.
  134. ^ Poetics, p. VI.
  135. ^ Poetics, p. XXVI.
  136. ^ Aesop 1998, pp. Introduction, xi–xii.
  137. ^ See Marguerite Deslauriers, «Sexual Difference in Aristotle’s Politics and His Biology,» Classical World 102 3 (2009): 215-231.
  138. ^ Freeland 1998.
  139. ^ Morsink 1979, pp. 83–112.
  140. ^ Rhetoric, p. Book I, Chapter 5.
  141. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 8.
  142. ^ Aristotle’s Influence 2018.
  143. ^ Garner., Dwight (14 March 2014). «Who’s More Famous Than Jesus?». The New York Times. Archived from the original on 1 April 2021.
  144. ^ Magee 2010, p. 34.
  145. ^ Guthrie 1990, p. 156.
  146. ^ Durant 2006, p. 92.
  147. ^ a b c d e Kukkonen 2010, pp. 70–77.
  148. ^ Barnes 1982, p. 86.
  149. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 352.
  150. ^ * «the father of logic»: Wentzel Van Huyssteen, Encyclopedia of Science and Religion: A-I, p. 27
    • «the father of biology»: S. C. Datt, S. B. Srivastava, Science and society, p. 93.[149]
    • «the father of political science»: N. Jayapalan, Aristotle, p. 12, Jonathan Wolff, Lectures on the History of Moral and Political Philosophy, p. 48.
    • the «father of zoology»: Josef Rudolf Winkler, A Book of Beetles, p. 12
    • «the father of embryology»: D.R. Khanna, Text Book Of Embryology, p. 2
    • «the father of natural law»: Shellens, Max Solomon (1959). «Aristotle on Natural Law». Natural Law Forum. 4 (1): 72–100. doi:10.1093/ajj/4.1.72.
    • «the father of scientific method»: Shuttleworth, Martyn. «History of the Scientific Method». Explorable., Riccardo Pozzo (2004) The impact of Aristotelianism on modern philosophy. CUA Press. p. 41. ISBN 0-8132-1347-9
    • «the father of psychology»: Margot Esther Borden, Psychology in the Light of the East, p. 4
    • «the father of realism»: Russell L. Hamm, Philosophy and Education: Alternatives in Theory and Practice, p. 58
    • «the father of criticism»: Nagendra Prasad, Personal Bias in Literary Criticism: Dr. Johnson, Matthew Arnold, T.S. Eliot, p. 70. Lord Henry Home Kames, Elements of Criticism, p. 237.
    • «the father of meteorology»:«What is meteorology?». Meteorological Office.«94.05.01: Meteorology». Archived from the original on 21 July 2016. Retrieved 16 June 2015.
    • «the father of individualism»: Allan Gotthelf, Gregory Salmieri, A Companion to Ayn Rand, p. 325.
    • «the father of teleology»: Malcolm Owen Slavin, Daniel H. Kriegman, The Adaptive Design of the Human Psyche: Psychoanalysis, Evolutionary Biology, and the Therapeutic Process, p. 292.

  151. ^ Hooker 1831, p. 219.
  152. ^ Mayr 1982, pp. 90–91.
  153. ^ Mason 1979, p. 46.
  154. ^ Plutarch 1919, p. Part 1, 7:7.
  155. ^ Annas 2001, p. 252.
  156. ^ Mason 1979, p. 56.
  157. ^ Mayr 1985, pp. 90–94.
  158. ^ Sorabji 1990, pp. 20, 28, 35–36.
  159. ^ Sorabji 1990, pp. 233–724.
  160. ^ Lindberg 1992, p. 162.
  161. ^ Sorabji 1990, pp. 20–21, 28–29, 393–406, 407–408.
  162. ^ a b Kennedy-Day 1998.
  163. ^ Staley 1989.
  164. ^ Averroes 1953, p. III, 2, 43.
  165. ^ Nasr 1996, pp. 59–60.
  166. ^ a b Phyllis and Aristotle.
  167. ^ Hasse 2014.
  168. ^ Aquinas 2013.
  169. ^ Kuhn 2018.
  170. ^ Lagerlund.
  171. ^ Allen & Fisher 2011, p. 17.
  172. ^ Aristotle Phyllis.
  173. ^ Lafferty, Roger. «The Philosophy of Dante», pg. 4
  174. ^ Inferno, Canto XI, lines 70-115, Mandelbaum translation.
  175. ^ «Moses Maimonides». Britannica.
  176. ^ Levi ben Gershom, The Wars of the Lord: Book one, Immortality of the soul, p. 35.
  177. ^ Leon Simon, Aspects Of The Hebrew Genius: A Volume Of Essays On Jewish Literature And Thought (1910), p. 127.
  178. ^ Herbert A. Davidson, Herbert A. |q (Herbert Alan) Davidson, Professor of Hebrew Emeritus Herbert Davidson, Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works, p. 98.
  179. ^ Menachem Kellner, Maimonides on Judaism and the Jewish People, p. 77.
  180. ^ Aird 2011, pp. 118–29.
  181. ^ Machamer 2017.
  182. ^ Durant 2006, p. 86.
  183. ^ Deslauriers & Destrée 2013, pp. 102, 106–107.
  184. ^ Sikka 1997, p. 265.
  185. ^ Boole 2003.
  186. ^ Wilkins, John (2009). Species: a history of the idea. Berkeley: University of California Press. p. 15. ISBN 978-0-520-27139-5. OCLC 314379168.
  187. ^ Pasipoularides, Ares (2010). The heart’s vortex: intracardiac blood flow phenomena. Shelton, Connecticut: People’s Medical Publishing House. p. 118. ISBN 978-1-60795-033-2. OCLC 680621287.
  188. ^ Darwin 1872, p. xiii
  189. ^ Aristotle, Physics, translated by Hardie, R. P. and Gayle, R. K. and hosted by MIT’s Internet Classics Archive, retrieved 23 April 2009
  190. ^ O’Rourke, F. (2009). Philosophy. In J. McCourt (Ed.), James Joyce in Context (Literature in Context, pp. 320-331). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511576072.029
  191. ^ William Robert Wians, Aristotle’s Philosophical Development: Problems and Prospects, p. 1.
  192. ^ Burns 2009, p. 2.
  193. ^ Sciabarra 1995, p. 12.
  194. ^ James P. Sterba, From Rationality to Equality, p. 94.
  195. ^ F. Novotny, The Posthumous Life of Plato, p. 573
  196. ^ Matt Vidal, Tony Smith, Tomás Rotta, Paul Prew, The Oxford Handbook of Karl Marx, p. 215.
  197. ^ Judith A. Swanson, C. David Corbin, Aristotle’s ‘Politics’: A Reader’s Guide, p. 146.
  198. ^ Dijksterhuis 1969, p. 72.
  199. ^ a b Leroi 2015, p. 353.
  200. ^ Medawar & Medawar 1984, p. 28.
  201. ^ Knight 2007, pp. passim.
  202. ^ Leroi 2015.
  203. ^ MacDougall-Shackleton 2011, pp. 2076–2085.
  204. ^ Hladký & Havlíček 2013.
  205. ^ Barnes 1995, p. 9.
  206. ^ Aristotelis Opera.
  207. ^ When libraries were 2001.
  208. ^ a b Barnes 1995, p. 12.
  209. ^ House 1956, p. 35.
  210. ^ Irwin & Fine 1996, pp. xi–xii.
  211. ^ Cicero 1874.
  212. ^ Barnes & Griffin 1999, pp. 1–69.
  213. ^ Anagnostopoulos 2013, p. 16.
  214. ^ Barnes 1995, pp. 10–15.
  215. ^ Lucas Cranach the Elder.
  216. ^ Lee & Robinson 2005.
  217. ^ Aristotle with Bust 2002.
  218. ^ Phelan 2002.
  219. ^ Held 1969.
  220. ^ Jones 2002.
  221. ^ Aristotle Mountains.
  222. ^ Aristoteles.


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  • Shields, Christopher (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle. OUP USA. ISBN 978-0-19-518748-9.
  • Shields, Christopher (2016). «Aristotle’s Psychology». In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2016 ed.).
  • Shute, Clarence (1941). The Psychology of Aristotle: An Analysis of the Living Being. Columbia University Press. OCLC 936606202.
  • Sikka, Sonya (1997). Forms of Transcendence: Heidegger and Medieval Mystical Theology. SUNY Press. ISBN 978-0-7914-3345-4.
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  • Sorabji, R. (2006). Aristotle on Memory (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 54. And this is exactly why we hunt for the successor, starting in our thoughts from the present or from something else, and from something similar, or opposite, or neighbouring. By this means recollection occurs…
  • Sorabji, Richard (1990). Aristotle Transformed. Duckworth. ISBN 978-0-7156-2254-4.
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  • Sciabarra, Chris Matthew (1995). Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press. ISBN 978-0-271-01440-1.

Further reading

The secondary literature on Aristotle is vast. The following is only a small selection.

  • Ackrill, J. L. (1997). Essays on Plato and Aristotle, Oxford University Press.
  • Ackrill, J.L. (1981). Aristotle the Philosopher. Oxford University Press.
  • Adler, Mortimer J. (1978). Aristotle for Everybody. Macmillan.
  • Ammonius (1991). Cohen, S. Marc; Matthews, Gareth B (eds.). On Aristotle’s Categories. Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-2688-9.
  • Aristotle (1908–1952). The Works of Aristotle Translated into English Under the Editorship of W.D. Ross, 12 vols. Clarendon Press. These translations are available in several places online; see External links.
  • Bakalis, Nikolaos. (2005). Handbook of Greek Philosophy: From Thales to the Stoics Analysis and Fragments, Trafford Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4120-4843-9.
  • Bocheński, I. M. (1951). Ancient Formal Logic. North-Holland.
  • Bolotin, David (1998). An Approach to Aristotle’s Physics: With Particular Attention to the Role of His Manner of Writing. Albany: SUNY Press. A contribution to our understanding of how to read Aristotle’s scientific works.
  • Burnyeat, Myles F. et al. (1979). Notes on Book Zeta of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Oxford: Sub-faculty of Philosophy.
  • Cantor, Norman F.; Klein, Peter L., eds. (1969). Ancient Thought: Plato and Aristotle. Monuments of Western Thought. Vol. 1. Blaisdell.
  • Chappell, V. (1973). «Aristotle’s Conception of Matter». Journal of Philosophy. 70 (19): 679–696. doi:10.2307/2025076. JSTOR 2025076.
  • Code, Alan (1995). Potentiality in Aristotle’s Science and Metaphysics, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 76.
  • Cohen, S. Marc; Reeve, C. D. C. (21 November 2020). «Aristotle’s Metaphysics». Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2020 ed.).
  • Ferguson, John (1972). Aristotle. Twayne Publishers. ISBN 978-0-8057-2064-8.
  • De Groot, Jean (2014). Aristotle’s Empiricism: Experience and Mechanics in the 4th century BC, Parmenides Publishing, ISBN 978-1-930972-83-4.
  • Frede, Michael (1987). Essays in Ancient Philosophy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Fuller, B.A.G. (1923). Aristotle. History of Greek Philosophy. Vol. 3. Cape.
  • Gendlin, Eugene T. (2012). Line by Line Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima Archived 27 March 2017 at the Wayback Machine, Volume 1: Books I & II; Volume 2: Book III. The Focusing Institute.
  • Gill, Mary Louise (1989). Aristotle on Substance: The Paradox of Unity. Princeton University Press.
  • Guthrie, W.K.C. (1981). A History of Greek Philosophy. Vol. 6. Cambridge University Press.
  • Halper, Edward C. (2009). One and Many in Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Volume 1: Books Alpha – Delta. Parmenides Publishing. ISBN 978-1-930972-21-6.
  • Halper, Edward C. (2005). One and Many in Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Volume 2: The Central Books. Parmenides Publishing. ISBN 978-1-930972-05-6.
  • Irwin, Terence H. (1988). Aristotle’s First Principles (PDF). Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-824290-5.
  • Jaeger, Werner (1948). Robinson, Richard (ed.). Aristotle: Fundamentals of the History of His Development (2nd ed.). Clarendon Press.
  • Jori, Alberto (2003). Aristotele, Bruno Mondadori (Prize 2003 of the «International Academy of the History of Science»), ISBN 978-88-424-9737-0.
  • Kiernan, Thomas P., ed. (1962). Aristotle Dictionary. Philosophical Library.
  • Knight, Kelvin (2007). Aristotelian Philosophy: Ethics and Politics from Aristotle to MacIntyre, Polity Press.
  • Lewis, Frank A. (1991). Substance and Predication in Aristotle. Cambridge University Press.
  • Lord, Carnes (1984). Introduction to The Politics, by Aristotle. Chicago University Press.
  • Loux, Michael J. (1991). Primary Ousia: An Essay on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Ζ and Η. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Maso, Stefano (Ed.), Natali, Carlo (Ed.), Seel, Gerhard (Ed.) (2012) Reading Aristotle: Physics VII. 3: What is Alteration? Proceedings of the International ESAP-HYELE Conference, Parmenides Publishing. ISBN 978-1-930972-73-5.
  • McKeon, Richard (1973). Introduction to Aristotle (2nd ed.). University of Chicago Press.
  • Owen, G. E. L. (1965c). «The Platonism of Aristotle». Proceedings of the British Academy. 50: 125–150. [Reprinted in J. Barnes, M. Schofield, and R.R.K. Sorabji, eds.(1975). Articles on Aristotle Vol 1. Science. London: Duckworth 14–34.]
  • Pangle, Lorraine Smith (2002). Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511498282. ISBN 978-0-511-49828-2.
  • Plato (1979). Allen, Harold Joseph; Wilbur, James B (eds.). The Worlds of Plato and Aristotle. Prometheus Books.
  • Reeve, C. D. C. (2000). Substantial Knowledge: Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Hackett.
  • Rose, Lynn E. (1968). Aristotle’s Syllogistic. Charles C Thomas.
  • Ross, Sir David (1995). Aristotle (6th ed.). Routledge.
  • Scaltsas, T. (1994). Substances and Universals in Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Cornell University Press.
  • Strauss, Leo (1964). «On Aristotle’s Politics«, in The City and Man, Rand McNally.
  • Swanson, Judith (1992). The Public and the Private in Aristotle’s Political Philosophy. Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-2319-2.
  • Veatch, Henry B. (1974). Aristotle: A Contemporary Appreciation. Indiana University Press.
  • Woods, M. J. (1991b). «Universals and Particular Forms in Aristotle’s Metaphysics». Aristotle and the Later Tradition. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. Vol. Suppl. pp. 41–56.

External links

Greek Wikisource has original text related to this article:

  • Aristotle at PhilPapers
  • 2553 Aristotle at the Indiana Philosophy Ontology Project
  • At the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
    • Aristotle (general article)
    • Biology
    • Ethics
    • Logic
    • Metaphysics
    • Motion and its Place in Nature
    • Poetics
    • Politics
  • At the Internet Classics Archive
  • From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
    • Aristotle (general article)
    • Aristotle in the Renaissance
    • Biology
    • Causality
    • Commentators on Aristotle
    • Ethics
    • Logic
    • Mathematics
    • Metaphysics
    • Natural philosophy
    • Non-contradiction
    • Political theory
    • Psychology
    • Rhetoric
  • Turner, William (1907). «Aristotle» . Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 1.
  • Wikisource-logo.svg Laërtius, Diogenes (1925). «The Peripatetics: Aristotle» . Lives of the Eminent Philosophers. Vol. 1:5. Translated by Hicks, Robert Drew (Two volume ed.). Loeb Classical Library.
Collections of works
  • Works by Aristotle in eBook form at Standard Ebooks
  • At Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Works by Aristotle at Project Gutenberg
  • Works by or about Aristotle at Internet Archive
  • Works by Aristotle at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)
  • Works by Aristotle at Open Library
  • (in English and Greek) Perseus Project at Tufts University
  • At the University of Adelaide Archived 15 February 2017 at the Wayback Machine
  • (in Greek and French) P. Remacle
  • The 11-volume 1837 Bekker edition of Aristotle’s Works in Greek (PDF · DJVU)


Aristotle Altemps Inv8575.jpg

Roman copy in marble of a Greek bronze bust of Aristotle by Lysippos, c. 330 BC, with modern alabaster mantle

Born 384 BC

Stagira, Chalcidian League

Died 322 BC (aged 61–62)

Chalcis, Euboea, Macedonian Empire

Education Platonic Academy
Notable work
  • Organon
  • Physics
  • Metaphysics
  • Nicomachean Ethics
  • Politics
  • Rhetoric
  • Poetics
Era Ancient Greek philosophy
Region Western philosophy
  • Peripatetic school
Notable students Alexander the Great, Theophrastus, Aristoxenus

Main interests

  • Logic
  • Natural Philosophy
  • Metaphysics
  • Ethics
  • Politics
  • Rhetoric
  • Poetics

Notable ideas


Theoretical philosophy

  • Aristotelian logic, syllogism
  • Four causes
  • Genus and differentia
  • Hylomorphism, substance, essence, accident
  • Hypokeimenon
  • Potentiality and actuality
  • Theory of universals
  • Unmoved mover

Natural philosophy

  • Aristotelian biology
  • Aristotelian physics
  • Common sense
  • Eternity of the world
  • Five wits
  • Horror vacui
  • Theory of elements, aether
  • Rational animal

Practical philosophy

  • Aristotelian ethics
  • Catharsis
  • Deliberative, epideictic and forensic rhetoric
  • Enthymeme and Paradeigma
  • Family as a model for the state
  • Golden mean
  • Kyklos
  • Magnanimity
  • Mimesis
  • Natural slavery
  • Intellectual virtues: sophia, episteme, nous, phronesis, techne
  • Three appeals: ethos, logos, pathos
  • Views on women


    • Plato
    • Socrates
    • Heraclitus
    • Parmenides
    • Empedocles
    • Phaleas
    • Hippodamus
    • Hippias


  • Averroism, Avicennism, Literary Neo-Aristotelianism, Maimonideanism, Objectivism, Peripatetics, Scholasticism (Llullism, Neo, Scotism, Second, Thomism, etc.), additionally Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism.

    See: List of writers influenced by Aristotle, Commentaries on Aristotle, Pseudo-Aristotle

Aristotle (;[1] Greek: Ἀριστοτέλης Aristotélēs, pronounced [aristotélɛːs]; 384–322 BC) was an Ancient Greek philosopher and polymath. His writings cover a broad range of subjects including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, drama, music, rhetoric, psychology, linguistics, economics, politics, meteorology, geology, and government. As the founder of the Peripatetic school of philosophy in the Lyceum in Athens, he began the wider Aristotelian tradition that followed, which set the groundwork for the development of modern science.

Little is known about Aristotle’s life. He was born in the city of Stagira in Northern Greece during the Classical period. His father, Nicomachus, died when Aristotle was a child, and he was brought up by a guardian. At seventeen or eighteen years of age he joined Plato’s Academy in Athens and remained there until the age of thirty-seven (c. 347 BC). Shortly after Plato died, Aristotle left Athens and, at the request of Philip II of Macedon, tutored his son Alexander the Great beginning in 343 BC. He established a library in the Lyceum which helped him to produce many of his hundreds of books on papyrus scrolls.

Though Aristotle wrote many elegant treatises and dialogues for publication, only around a third of his original output has survived, none of it intended for publication. Aristotle provided a complex synthesis of the various philosophies existing prior to him. It was above all from his teachings that the West inherited its intellectual lexicon, as well as problems and methods of inquiry. As a result, his philosophy has exerted a unique influence on almost every form of knowledge in the West and it continues to be a subject of contemporary philosophical discussion.

Aristotle’s views profoundly shaped medieval scholarship. The influence of physical science extended from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages into the Renaissance, and were not replaced systematically until the Enlightenment and theories such as classical mechanics were developed. Some of Aristotle’s zoological observations found in his biology, such as on the hectocotyl (reproductive) arm of the octopus, were disbelieved until the 19th century. He also influenced Judeo-Islamic philosophies during the Middle Ages, as well as Christian theology, especially the Neoplatonism of the Early Church and the scholastic tradition of the Catholic Church. Aristotle was revered among medieval Muslim scholars as «The First Teacher», and among medieval Christians like Thomas Aquinas as simply «The Philosopher», while the poet Dante called him «the master of those who know». His works contain the earliest known formal study of logic, and were studied by medieval scholars such as Peter Abelard and John Buridan. Aristotle’s influence on logic continued well into the 19th century. In addition, his ethics, though always influential, gained renewed interest with the modern advent of virtue ethics.


In general, the details of Aristotle’s life are not well-established. The biographies written in ancient times are often speculative and historians only agree on a few salient points.[A]

Aristotle was born in 384 BC[B] in Stagira, Chalcidice,[2] about 55 km (34 miles) east of modern-day Thessaloniki.[3][4] His father, Nicomachus, was the personal physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. While he was young, Aristotle learned about biology and medical information, which was taught by his father.[5] Both of Aristotle’s parents died when he was about thirteen, and Proxenus of Atarneus became his guardian.[6] Although little information about Aristotle’s childhood has survived, he probably spent some time within the Macedonian palace, making his first connections with the Macedonian monarchy.[7]

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, Aristotle moved to Athens to continue his education at Plato’s Academy.[8] He probably experienced the Eleusinian Mysteries as he wrote when describing the sights one viewed at the Eleusinian Mysteries, «to experience is to learn» [παθείν μαθεĩν].[9] Aristotle remained in Athens for nearly twenty years before leaving in 348/47 BC. The traditional story about his departure records that he was disappointed with the Academy’s direction after control passed to Plato’s nephew Speusippus, although it is possible that he feared the anti-Macedonian sentiments in Athens at that time and left before Plato died.[10] Aristotle then accompanied Xenocrates to the court of his friend Hermias of Atarneus in Asia Minor. After the death of Hermias, Aristotle travelled with his pupil Theophrastus to the island of Lesbos, where together they researched the botany and zoology of the island and its sheltered lagoon. While in Lesbos, Aristotle married Pythias, either Hermias’s adoptive daughter or niece. She bore him a daughter, whom they also named Pythias. In 343 BC, Aristotle was invited by Philip II of Macedon to become the tutor to his son Alexander.[11][12]

Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon. During Aristotle’s time in the Macedonian court, he gave lessons not only to Alexander but also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Cassander.[13] Aristotle encouraged Alexander toward eastern conquest, and Aristotle’s own attitude towards Persia was unabashedly ethnocentric. In one famous example, he counsels Alexander to be «a leader to the Greeks and a despot to the barbarians, to look after the former as after friends and relatives, and to deal with the latter as with beasts or plants».[13] By 335 BC, Aristotle had returned to Athens, establishing his own school there known as the Lyceum. Aristotle conducted courses at the school for the next twelve years. While in Athens, his wife Pythias died and Aristotle became involved with Herpyllis of Stagira, who bore him a son whom he named after his father, Nicomachus. If the Suda – an uncritical compilation from the Middle Ages – is accurate, he may also have had an erômenos, Palaephatus of Abydus.[14]

This period in Athens, between 335 and 323 BC, is when Aristotle is believed to have composed many of his works.[12] He wrote many dialogues, of which only fragments have survived. Those works that have survived are in treatise form and were not, for the most part, intended for widespread publication; they are generally thought to be lecture aids for his students. His most important treatises include Physics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Politics, On the Soul and Poetics. Aristotle studied and made significant contributions to «logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics, biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance, and theatre.»[15]

Near the end of his life, Alexander and Aristotle became estranged over Alexander’s relationship with Persia and Persians. A widespread tradition in antiquity suspected Aristotle of playing a role in Alexander’s death, but the only evidence of this is an unlikely claim made some six years after the death.[16] Following Alexander’s death, anti-Macedonian sentiment in Athens was rekindled. In 322 BC, Demophilus and Eurymedon the Hierophant reportedly denounced Aristotle for impiety,[17] prompting him to flee to his mother’s family estate in Chalcis, on Euboea, at which occasion he was said to have stated: «I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against philosophy»[18][19][20] – a reference to Athens’s trial and execution of Socrates. He died in Chalcis, Euboea[2][21][15] of natural causes later that same year, having named his student Antipater as his chief executor and leaving a will in which he asked to be buried next to his wife.[22]

Theoretical philosophy


With the Prior Analytics, Aristotle is credited with the earliest study of formal logic,[23] and his conception of it was the dominant form of Western logic until 19th-century advances in mathematical logic.[24] Kant stated in the Critique of Pure Reason that with Aristotle logic reached its completion.[25]


One of Aristotle’s types of syllogism[C]

In words In
In equations[E]
    All men are mortal.

    All Greeks are men.

∴ All Greeks are mortal.

M a P

S a M

S a P

Modus Barbara Equations.svg

What is today called Aristotelian logic with its types of syllogism (methods of logical argument),[26] Aristotle himself would have labelled «analytics». The term «logic» he reserved to mean dialectics. Most of Aristotle’s work is probably not in its original form, because it was most likely edited by students and later lecturers. The logical works of Aristotle were compiled into a set of six books called the Organon around 40 BC by Andronicus of Rhodes or others among his followers.[28] The books are:

  1. Categories
  2. On Interpretation
  3. Prior Analytics
  4. Posterior Analytics
  5. Topics
  6. On Sophistical Refutations

The order of the books (or the teachings from which they are composed) is not certain, but this list was derived from analysis of Aristotle’s writings. It goes from the basics, the analysis of simple terms in the Categories, the analysis of propositions and their elementary relations in On Interpretation, to the study of more complex forms, namely, syllogisms (in the Analytics)[31][32] and dialectics (in the Topics and Sophistical Refutations). The first three treatises form the core of the logical theory stricto sensu: the grammar of the language of logic and the correct rules of reasoning. The Rhetoric is not conventionally included, but it states that it relies on the Topics.[33]


The word «metaphysics» appears to have been coined by the first century AD editor who assembled various small selections of Aristotle’s works to the treatise we know by the name Metaphysics.[34] Aristotle called it «first philosophy», and distinguished it from mathematics and natural science (physics) as the contemplative (theoretikē) philosophy which is «theological» and studies the divine. He wrote in his Metaphysics (1026a16):

if there were no other independent things besides the composite natural ones, the study of nature would be the primary kind of knowledge; but if there is some motionless independent thing, the knowledge of this precedes it and is first philosophy, and it is universal in just this way, because it is first. And it belongs to this sort of philosophy to study being as being, both what it is and what belongs to it just by virtue of being.[35]


Aristotle examines the concepts of substance (ousia) and essence (to ti ên einai, «the what it was to be») in his Metaphysics (Book VII), and he concludes that a particular substance is a combination of both matter and form, a philosophical theory called hylomorphism. In Book VIII, he distinguishes the matter of the substance as the substratum, or the stuff of which it is composed. For example, the matter of a house is the bricks, stones, timbers, etc., or whatever constitutes the potential house, while the form of the substance is the actual house, namely ‘covering for bodies and chattels’ or any other differentia that let us define something as a house. The formula that gives the components is the account of the matter, and the formula that gives the differentia is the account of the form.[36][34]

Immanent realism

Like his teacher Plato, Aristotle’s philosophy aims at the universal. Aristotle’s ontology places the universal (katholou) in particulars (kath’ hekaston), things in the world, whereas for Plato the universal is a separately existing form which actual things imitate. For Aristotle, «form» is still what phenomena are based on, but is «instantiated» in a particular substance.[34]

Plato argued that all things have a universal form, which could be either a property or a relation to other things. When one looks at an apple, for example, one sees an apple, and one can also analyse a form of an apple. In this distinction, there is a particular apple and a universal form of an apple. Moreover, one can place an apple next to a book, so that one can speak of both the book and apple as being next to each other. Plato argued that there are some universal forms that are not a part of particular things. For example, it is possible that there is no particular good in existence, but «good» is still a proper universal form. Aristotle disagreed with Plato on this point, arguing that all universals are instantiated at some period of time, and that there are no universals that are unattached to existing things. In addition, Aristotle disagreed with Plato about the location of universals. Where Plato spoke of the forms as existing separately from the things that participate in them, Aristotle maintained that universals exist within each thing on which each universal is predicated. So, according to Aristotle, the form of apple exists within each apple, rather than in the world of the forms.[34][37]

Potentiality and actuality

Concerning the nature of change (kinesis) and its causes, as he outlines in his Physics and On Generation and Corruption (319b–320a), he distinguishes coming-to-be (genesis, also translated as ‘generation’) from:

  1. growth and diminution, which is change in quantity;
  2. locomotion, which is change in space; and
  3. alteration, which is change in quality.

Coming-to-be is a change where the substrate of the thing that has undergone the change has itself changed. In that particular change he introduces the concept of potentiality (dynamis) and actuality (entelecheia) in association with the matter and the form. Referring to potentiality, this is what a thing is capable of doing or being acted upon if the conditions are right and it is not prevented by something else. For example, the seed of a plant in the soil is potentially (dynamei) a plant, and if it is not prevented by something, it will become a plant. Potentially beings can either ‘act’ (poiein) or ‘be acted upon’ (paschein), which can be either innate or learned. For example, the eyes possess the potentiality of sight (innate – being acted upon), while the capability of playing the flute can be possessed by learning (exercise – acting). Actuality is the fulfilment of the end of the potentiality. Because the end (telos) is the principle of every change, and potentiality exists for the sake of the end, actuality, accordingly, is the end. Referring then to the previous example, it can be said that an actuality is when a plant does one of the activities that plants do.[34]

For that for the sake of which (to hou heneka) a thing is, is its principle, and the becoming is for the sake of the end; and the actuality is the end, and it is for the sake of this that the potentiality is acquired. For animals do not see in order that they may have sight, but they have sight that they may see.[38]

In summary, the matter used to make a house has potentiality to be a house and both the activity of building and the form of the final house are actualities, which is also a final cause or end. Then Aristotle proceeds and concludes that the actuality is prior to potentiality in formula, in time and in substantiality. With this definition of the particular substance (i.e., matter and form), Aristotle tries to solve the problem of the unity of the beings, for example, «what is it that makes a man one»? Since, according to Plato there are two Ideas: animal and biped, how then is man a unity? However, according to Aristotle, the potential being (matter) and the actual one (form) are one and the same.[34][39]


Aristotle’s immanent realism means his epistemology is based on the study of things that exist or happen in the world, and rises to knowledge of the universal, whereas for Plato epistemology begins with knowledge of universal Forms (or ideas) and descends to knowledge of particular imitations of these.[33] Aristotle uses induction from examples alongside deduction, whereas Plato relies on deduction from a priori principles.[33]

Natural philosophy

Aristotle’s «natural philosophy» spans a wide range of natural phenomena including those now covered by physics, biology and other natural sciences.[40] In Aristotle’s terminology, «natural philosophy» is a branch of philosophy examining the phenomena of the natural world, and includes fields that would be regarded today as physics, biology and other natural sciences. Aristotle’s work encompassed virtually all facets of intellectual inquiry. Aristotle makes philosophy in the broad sense coextensive with reasoning, which he also would describe as «science». However, his use of the term science carries a different meaning than that covered by the term «scientific method». For Aristotle, «all science (dianoia) is either practical, poetical or theoretical» (Metaphysics 1025b25). His practical science includes ethics and politics; his poetical science means the study of fine arts including poetry; his theoretical science covers physics, mathematics and metaphysics.[40]


The four classical elements (fire, air, water, earth) of Empedocles and Aristotle illustrated with a burning log. The log releases all four elements as it is destroyed.

Five elements

In his On Generation and Corruption, Aristotle related each of the four elements proposed earlier by Empedocles, earth, water, air, and fire, to two of the four sensible qualities, hot, cold, wet, and dry. In the Empedoclean scheme, all matter was made of the four elements, in differing proportions. Aristotle’s scheme added the heavenly aether, the divine substance of the heavenly spheres, stars and planets.[41]

Aristotle’s elements[41]

Element Hot/Cold Wet/Dry Motion Modern state
of matter
Earth Cold Dry Down Solid
Water Cold Wet Down Liquid
Air Hot Wet Up Gas
Fire Hot Dry Up Plasma
Aether (divine
(in heavens)


Aristotle describes two kinds of motion: «violent» or «unnatural motion», such as that of a thrown stone, in the Physics (254b10), and «natural motion», such as of a falling object, in On the Heavens (300a20). In violent motion, as soon as the agent stops causing it, the motion stops also: in other words, the natural state of an object is to be at rest,[42][F] since Aristotle does not address friction.[43] With this understanding, it can be observed that, as Aristotle stated, heavy objects (on the ground, say) require more force to make them move; and objects pushed with greater force move faster.[44][G] This would imply the equation[44]

{displaystyle F=mv},

incorrect in modern physics.[44]

Natural motion depends on the element concerned: the aether naturally moves in a circle around the heavens,[H] while the 4 Empedoclean elements move vertically up (like fire, as is observed) or down (like earth) towards their natural resting places.[45][43][I]

Aristotle’s laws of motion. In Physics he states that objects fall at a speed proportional to their weight and inversely proportional to the density of the fluid they are immersed in.[43] This is a correct approximation for objects in Earth’s gravitational field moving in air or water.[45]

In the Physics (215a25), Aristotle effectively states a quantitative law, that the speed, v, of a falling body is proportional (say, with constant c) to its weight, W, and inversely proportional to the density,[J] ρ, of the fluid in which it is falling:;[45][43]

{displaystyle v=c{frac {W}{rho }}}

Aristotle implies that in a vacuum the speed of fall would become infinite, and concludes from this apparent absurdity that a vacuum is not possible.[45][43] Opinions have varied on whether Aristotle intended to state quantitative laws. Henri Carteron held the «extreme view»[43] that Aristotle’s concept of force was basically qualitative,[46] but other authors reject this.[43]

Archimedes corrected Aristotle’s theory that bodies move towards their natural resting places; metal boats can float if they displace enough water; floating depends in Archimedes’ scheme on the mass and volume of the object, not, as Aristotle thought, its elementary composition.[45]

Aristotle’s writings on motion remained influential until the Early Modern period. John Philoponus (in the Middle Ages) and Galileo are said to have shown by experiment that Aristotle’s claim that a heavier object falls faster than a lighter object is incorrect.[40] A contrary opinion is given by Carlo Rovelli, who argues that Aristotle’s physics of motion is correct within its domain of validity, that of objects in the Earth’s gravitational field immersed in a fluid such as air. In this system, heavy bodies in steady fall indeed travel faster than light ones (whether friction is ignored, or not[45]), and they do fall more slowly in a denser medium.[44][K]

Newton’s «forced» motion corresponds to Aristotle’s «violent» motion with its external agent, but Aristotle’s assumption that the agent’s effect stops immediately it stops acting (e.g., the ball leaves the thrower’s hand) has awkward consequences: he has to suppose that surrounding fluid helps to push the ball along to make it continue to rise even though the hand is no longer acting on it, resulting in the Medieval theory of impetus.[45]

Four causes

Aristotle suggested that the reason for anything coming about can be attributed to four different types of simultaneously active factors. His term aitia is traditionally translated as «cause», but it does not always refer to temporal sequence; it might be better translated as «explanation», but the traditional rendering will be employed here.[48][49]

  • Material cause describes the material out of which something is composed. Thus the material cause of a table is wood. It is not about action. It does not mean that one domino knocks over another domino.[48]
  • The formal cause is its form, i.e., the arrangement of that matter. It tells one what a thing is, that a thing is determined by the definition, form, pattern, essence, whole, synthesis or archetype. It embraces the account of causes in terms of fundamental principles or general laws, as the whole (i.e., macrostructure) is the cause of its parts, a relationship known as the whole-part causation. Plainly put, the formal cause is the idea in the mind of the sculptor that brings the sculpture into being. A simple example of the formal cause is the mental image or idea that allows an artist, architect, or engineer to create a drawing.[48]
  • The efficient cause is «the primary source», or that from which the change under consideration proceeds. It identifies ‘what makes of what is made and what causes change of what is changed’ and so suggests all sorts of agents, non-living or living, acting as the sources of change or movement or rest. Representing the current understanding of causality as the relation of cause and effect, this covers the modern definitions of «cause» as either the agent or agency or particular events or states of affairs. In the case of two dominoes, when the first is knocked over it causes the second also to fall over.[48] In the case of animals, this agency is a combination of how it develops from the egg, and how its body functions.[50]
  • The final cause (telos) is its purpose, the reason why a thing exists or is done, including both purposeful and instrumental actions and activities. The final cause is the purpose or function that something is supposed to serve. This covers modern ideas of motivating causes, such as volition.[48] In the case of living things, it implies adaptation to a particular way of life.[50]


Aristotle describes experiments in optics using a camera obscura in Problems, book 15. The apparatus consisted of a dark chamber with a small aperture that let light in. With it, he saw that whatever shape he made the hole, the sun’s image always remained circular. He also noted that increasing the distance between the aperture and the image surface magnified the image.[51]

Chance and spontaneity

According to Aristotle, spontaneity and chance are causes of some things, distinguishable from other types of cause such as simple necessity. Chance as an incidental cause lies in the realm of accidental things, «from what is spontaneous». There is also more a specific kind of chance, which Aristotle names «luck», that only applies to people’s moral choices.[52][53]


In astronomy, Aristotle refuted Democritus’s claim that the Milky Way was made up of «those stars which are shaded by the earth from the sun’s rays,» pointing out correctly that if «the size of the sun is greater than that of the earth and the distance of the stars from the earth many times greater than that of the sun, then… the sun shines on all the stars and the earth screens none of them.»[54]

Geology and natural sciences

Aristotle was one of the first people to record any geological observations. He stated that geological change was too slow to be observed in one person’s lifetime.[55][56]
The geologist Charles Lyell noted that Aristotle described such change, including «lakes that had dried up» and «deserts that had become watered by rivers», giving as examples the growth of the Nile delta since the time of Homer, and «the upheaving of one of the Aeolian islands, previous to a volcanic eruption.»‘[57]
Aristotle also made many observations about the hydrologic cycle and meteorology (including his major writings «Meteorologica»). For example, he made some of the earliest observations about desalination: he observed early – and correctly – that when seawater is heated, freshwater evaporates and that the oceans are then replenished by the cycle of rainfall and river runoff («I have proved by experiment that salt water evaporated forms fresh and the vapor does not when it condenses condense into sea water again.»)[58]


Among many pioneering zoological observations, Aristotle described the reproductive hectocotyl arm of the octopus (bottom left).

Empirical research

Aristotle was the first person to study biology systematically,[59] and biology forms a large part of his writings. He spent two years observing and describing the zoology of Lesbos and the surrounding seas, including in particular the Pyrrha lagoon in the centre of Lesbos.[60][61] His data in History of Animals, Generation of Animals, Movement of Animals, and Parts of Animals are assembled from his own observations,[62] statements given by people with specialized knowledge such as beekeepers and fishermen, and less accurate accounts provided by travellers from overseas.[63] His apparent emphasis on animals rather than plants is a historical accident: his works on botany have been lost, but two books on plants by his pupil Theophrastus have survived.[64]

Aristotle reports on the sea-life visible from observation on Lesbos and the catches of fishermen. He describes the catfish, electric ray, and frogfish in detail, as well as cephalopods such as the octopus and paper nautilus. His description of the hectocotyl arm of cephalopods, used in sexual reproduction, was widely disbelieved until the 19th century.[65] He gives accurate descriptions of the four-chambered fore-stomachs of ruminants,[66] and of the ovoviviparous embryological development of the hound shark.[67]

He notes that an animal’s structure is well matched to function, so, among birds, the heron, which lives in marshes with soft mud and lives by catching fish, has a long neck and long legs, and a sharp spear-like beak, whereas ducks that swim have short legs and webbed feet.[68] Darwin, too, noted these sorts of differences between similar kinds of animal, but unlike Aristotle used the data to come to the theory of evolution.[69] Aristotle’s writings can seem to modern readers close to implying evolution, but while Aristotle was aware that new mutations or hybridizations could occur, he saw these as rare accidents. For Aristotle, accidents, like heat waves in winter, must be considered distinct from natural causes. He was thus critical of Empedocles’s materialist theory of a «survival of the fittest» origin of living things and their organs, and ridiculed the idea that accidents could lead to orderly results.[70] To put his views into modern terms, he nowhere says that different species can have a common ancestor, or that one kind can change into another, or that kinds can become extinct.[71]

Scientific style

Aristotle inferred growth laws from his observations on animals, including that brood size decreases with body mass, whereas gestation period increases. He was correct in these predictions, at least for mammals: data are shown for mouse and elephant.

Aristotle did not do experiments in the modern sense.[72] He used the ancient Greek term pepeiramenoi to mean observations, or at most investigative procedures like dissection.[73] In Generation of Animals, he finds a fertilized hen’s egg of a suitable stage and opens it to see the embryo’s heart beating inside.[74][75]

Instead, he practiced a different style of science: systematically gathering data, discovering patterns common to whole groups of animals, and inferring possible causal explanations from these.;[76][77] This style is common in modern biology when large amounts of data become available in a new field, such as genomics. It does not result in the same certainty as experimental science, but it sets out testable hypotheses and constructs a narrative explanation of what is observed. In this sense, Aristotle’s biology is scientific.[76]

From the data he collected and documented, Aristotle inferred quite a number of rules relating the life-history features of the live-bearing tetrapods (terrestrial placental mammals) that he studied. Among these correct predictions are the following. Brood size decreases with (adult) body mass, so that an elephant has fewer young (usually just one) per brood than a mouse. Lifespan increases with gestation period, and also with body mass, so that elephants live longer than mice, have a longer period of gestation, and are heavier. As a final example, fecundity decreases with lifespan, so long-lived kinds like elephants have fewer young in total than short-lived kinds like mice.[78]

Classification of living things

Aristotle recorded that the embryo of a dogfish was attached by a cord to a kind of placenta (the yolk sac), like a higher animal; this formed an exception to the linear scale from highest to lowest.[79]

Aristotle distinguished about 500 species of animals,[80][81] arranging these in the History of Animals in a graded scale of perfection, a nonreligious version of the scala naturae, with man at the top. His system had eleven grades of animal, from highest potential to lowest, expressed in their form at birth: the highest gave live birth to hot and wet creatures, the lowest laid cold, dry mineral-like eggs. Animals came above plants, and these in turn were above minerals.[82][83] He grouped what the modern zoologist would call vertebrates as the hotter «animals with blood», and below them the colder invertebrates as «animals without blood». Those with blood were divided into the live-bearing (mammals), and the egg-laying (birds, reptiles, fish). Those without blood were insects, crustacea (non-shelled – cephalopods, and shelled) and the hard-shelled molluscs (bivalves and gastropods). He recognised that animals did not exactly fit into a linear scale, and noted various exceptions, such as that sharks had a placenta like the tetrapods. To a modern biologist, the explanation, not available to Aristotle, is convergent evolution.[84] Philosophers of science have generally concluded that Aristotle was not interested in taxonomy,[85][86] but zoologists who studied this question recently think otherwise.[87][88][89] He believed that purposive final causes guided all natural processes; this teleological view justified his observed data as an expression of formal design.[90]

Aristotle’s Scala naturae (highest to lowest)

Group Examples
(given by Aristotle)
Blood Legs Souls
Man Man with blood 2 legs R, S, V Hot, Wet
Live-bearing tetrapods Cat, hare with blood 4 legs S, V Hot, Wet
Cetaceans Dolphin, whale with blood none S, V Hot, Wet
Birds Bee-eater, nightjar with blood 2 legs S, V Hot, Wet, except Dry eggs
Egg-laying tetrapods Chameleon, crocodile with blood 4 legs S, V Cold, Wet except scales, eggs
Snakes Water snake, Ottoman viper with blood none S, V Cold, Wet except scales, eggs
Egg-laying fishes Sea bass, parrotfish with blood none S, V Cold, Wet, including eggs
(Among the egg-laying fishes):
placental selachians
Shark, skate with blood none S, V Cold, Wet, but placenta like tetrapods
Crustaceans Shrimp, crab without many legs S, V Cold, Wet except shell
Cephalopods Squid, octopus without tentacles S, V Cold, Wet
Hard-shelled animals Cockle, trumpet snail without none S, V Cold, Dry (mineral shell)
Larva-bearing insects Ant, cicada without 6 legs S, V Cold, Dry
Spontaneously generating Sponges, worms without none S, V Cold, Wet or Dry, from earth
Plants Fig without none V Cold, Dry
Minerals Iron without none none Cold, Dry



Aristotle proposed a three-part structure for souls of plants, animals, and humans, making humans unique in having all three types of soul.

Aristotle’s psychology, given in his treatise On the Soul (peri psychēs), posits three kinds of soul («psyches»): the vegetative soul, the sensitive soul, and the rational soul. Humans have a rational soul. The human soul incorporates the powers of the other kinds: Like the vegetative soul it can grow and nourish itself; like the sensitive soul it can experience sensations and move locally. The unique part of the human, rational soul is its ability to receive forms of other things and to compare them using the nous (intellect) and logos (reason).[91]

For Aristotle, the soul is the form of a living being. Because all beings are composites of form and matter, the form of living beings is that which endows them with what is specific to living beings, e.g. the ability to initiate movement (or in the case of plants, growth and chemical transformations, which Aristotle considers types of movement).[11] In contrast to earlier philosophers, but in accordance with the Egyptians, he placed the rational soul in the heart, rather than the brain.[92] Notable is Aristotle’s division of sensation and thought, which generally differed from the concepts of previous philosophers, with the exception of Alcmaeon.[93]

In On the Soul, Aristotle famously criticizes Plato’s theory of the soul and develops his own in response to Plato’s. The first criticism is against Plato’s view of the soul in the Timaeus that the soul takes up space and is able to come into physical contact with bodies.[94] 20th-century scholarship overwhelmingly opposed Aristotle’s interpretation of Plato and maintained that he had misunderstood Plato.[95] Today’s scholars have tended to re-assess Aristotle’s interpretation and have warmed up to it.[96] Aristotle’s other criticism is that Plato’s view of reincarnation entails that it is possible for a soul and its body to be mis-matched; in principle, Aristotle alleges, any soul can go with any body, according to Plato’s theory.[97] Aristotle’s claim that the soul is the form of a living being is meant to eliminate that possibility and thus rule out reincarnation.[98]


According to Aristotle in On the Soul, memory is the ability to hold a perceived experience in the mind and to distinguish between the internal «appearance» and an occurrence in the past.[99] In other words, a memory is a mental picture (phantasm) that can be recovered. Aristotle believed an impression is left on a semi-fluid bodily organ that undergoes several changes in order to make a memory. A memory occurs when stimuli such as sights or sounds are so complex that the nervous system cannot receive all the impressions at once. These changes are the same as those involved in the operations of sensation, Aristotelian ‘common sense’, and thinking.[100][101]

Aristotle uses the term ‘memory’ for the actual retaining of an experience in the impression that can develop from sensation, and for the intellectual anxiety that comes with the impression because it is formed at a particular time and processing specific contents. Memory is of the past, prediction is of the future, and sensation is of the present. Retrieval of impressions cannot be performed suddenly. A transitional channel is needed and located in past experiences, both for previous experience and present experience.[102]

Because Aristotle believes people receive all kinds of sense perceptions and perceive them as impressions, people are continually weaving together new impressions of experiences. To search for these impressions, people search the memory itself.[103] Within the memory, if one experience is offered instead of a specific memory, that person will reject this experience until they find what they are looking for. Recollection occurs when one retrieved experience naturally follows another. If the chain of «images» is needed, one memory will stimulate the next. When people recall experiences, they stimulate certain previous experiences until they reach the one that is needed.[104] Recollection is thus the self-directed activity of retrieving the information stored in a memory impression.[105] Only humans can remember impressions of intellectual activity, such as numbers and words. Animals that have perception of time can retrieve memories of their past observations. Remembering involves only perception of the things remembered and of the time passed.[106]

Senses, perception, memory, dreams, action in Aristotle’s psychology. Impressions are stored in the sensorium (the heart), linked by his laws of association (similarity, contrast, and contiguity).

Aristotle believed the chain of thought, which ends in recollection of certain impressions, was connected systematically in relationships such as similarity, contrast, and contiguity, described in his laws of association. Aristotle believed that past experiences are hidden within the mind. A force operates to awaken the hidden material to bring up the actual experience. According to Aristotle, association is the power innate in a mental state, which operates upon the unexpressed remains of former experiences, allowing them to rise and be recalled.[107][108]


Aristotle describes sleep in On Sleep and Wakefulness.[109] Sleep takes place as a result of overuse of the senses[110] or of digestion,[111] so it is vital to the body.[110] While a person is asleep, the critical activities, which include thinking, sensing, recalling and remembering, do not function as they do during wakefulness. Since a person cannot sense during sleep they cannot have desire, which is the result of sensation. However, the senses are able to work during sleep,[112] albeit differently,[109] unless they are weary.[110]

Dreams do not involve actually sensing a stimulus. In dreams, sensation is still involved, but in an altered manner.[110] Aristotle explains that when a person stares at a moving stimulus such as the waves in a body of water, and then looks away, the next thing they look at appears to have a wavelike motion. When a person perceives a stimulus and the stimulus is no longer the focus of their attention, it leaves an impression.[109] When the body is awake and the senses are functioning properly, a person constantly encounters new stimuli to sense and so the impressions of previously perceived stimuli are ignored.[110] However, during sleep the impressions made throughout the day are noticed as there are no new distracting sensory experiences.[109] So, dreams result from these lasting impressions. Since impressions are all that are left and not the exact stimuli, dreams do not resemble the actual waking experience.[113] During sleep, a person is in an altered state of mind. Aristotle compares a sleeping person to a person who is overtaken by strong feelings toward a stimulus. For example, a person who has a strong infatuation with someone may begin to think they see that person everywhere because they are so overtaken by their feelings. Since a person sleeping is in a suggestible state and unable to make judgements, they become easily deceived by what appears in their dreams, like the infatuated person.[109] This leads the person to believe the dream is real, even when the dreams are absurd in nature.[109] In De Anima iii 3, Aristotle ascribes the ability to create, to store, and to recall images in the absence of perception to the faculty of imagination, phantasia.[11]

One component of Aristotle’s theory of dreams disagrees with previously held beliefs. He claimed that dreams are not foretelling and not sent by a divine being. Aristotle reasoned naturalistically that instances in which dreams do resemble future events are simply coincidences.[114] Aristotle claimed that a dream is first established by the fact that the person is asleep when they experience it. If a person had an image appear for a moment after waking up or if they see something in the dark it is not considered a dream because they were awake when it occurred. Secondly, any sensory experience that is perceived while a person is asleep does not qualify as part of a dream. For example, if, while a person is sleeping, a door shuts and in their dream they hear a door is shut, this sensory experience is not part of the dream. Lastly, the images of dreams must be a result of lasting impressions of waking sensory experiences.[113]

Practical philosophy

Aristotle’s practical philosophy covers areas such as ethics, politics, economics, and rhetoric.[40]

Virtues and their accompanying vices[15]

Too little Virtuous mean Too much
Humbleness High-mindedness Vainglory
Lack of purpose Right ambition Over-ambition
Spiritlessness Good temper Irascibility
Rudeness Civility Obsequiousness
Cowardice Courage Rashness
Insensibility Self-control Intemperance
Sarcasm Sincerity Boastfulness
Boorishness Wit Buffoonery
Shamelessness Modesty Shyness
Callousness Just resentment Spitefulness
Pettiness Generosity Vulgarity
Meanness Liberality Wastefulness


Aristotle considered ethics to be a practical rather than theoretical study, i.e., one aimed at becoming good and doing good rather than knowing for its own sake. He wrote several treatises on ethics, most notably including the Nicomachean Ethics.[115]

Aristotle taught that virtue has to do with the proper function (ergon) of a thing. An eye is only a good eye in so much as it can see, because the proper function of an eye is sight. Aristotle reasoned that humans must have a function specific to humans, and that this function must be an activity of the psuchē (soul) in accordance with reason (logos). Aristotle identified such an optimum activity (the virtuous mean, between the accompanying vices of excess or deficiency[15]) of the soul as the aim of all human deliberate action, eudaimonia, generally translated as «happiness» or sometimes «well-being». To have the potential of ever being happy in this way necessarily requires a good character (ēthikē aretē), often translated as moral or ethical virtue or excellence.[116]

Aristotle taught that to achieve a virtuous and potentially happy character requires a first stage of having the fortune to be habituated not deliberately, but by teachers, and experience, leading to a later stage in which one consciously chooses to do the best things. When the best people come to live life this way their practical wisdom (phronesis) and their intellect (nous) can develop with each other towards the highest possible human virtue, the wisdom of an accomplished theoretical or speculative thinker, or in other words, a philosopher.[117]


In addition to his works on ethics, which address the individual, Aristotle addressed the city in his work titled Politics. Aristotle considered the city to be a natural community. Moreover, he considered the city to be prior in importance to the family, which in turn is prior to the individual, «for the whole must of necessity be prior to the part».[118] He famously stated that «man is by nature a political animal» and argued that humanity’s defining factor among others in the animal kingdom is its rationality.[119] Aristotle conceived of politics as being like an organism rather than like a machine, and as a collection of parts none of which can exist without the others. Aristotle’s conception of the city is organic, and he is considered one of the first to conceive of the city in this manner.[120]

Aristotle’s classifications of political constitutions

The common modern understanding of a political community as a modern state is quite different from Aristotle’s understanding. Although he was aware of the existence and potential of larger empires, the natural community according to Aristotle was the city (polis) which functions as a political «community» or «partnership» (koinōnia). The aim of the city is not just to avoid injustice or for economic stability, but rather to allow at least some citizens the possibility to live a good life, and to perform beautiful acts: «The political partnership must be regarded, therefore, as being for the sake of noble actions, not for the sake of living together.» This is distinguished from modern approaches, beginning with social contract theory, according to which individuals leave the state of nature because of «fear of violent death» or its «inconveniences».[L]

In Protrepticus, the character ‘Aristotle’ states:[121]

For we all agree that the most excellent man should rule, i.e., the supreme by nature, and that the law rules and alone is authoritative; but the law is a kind of intelligence, i.e. a discourse based on intelligence. And again, what standard do we have, what criterion of good things, that is more precise than the intelligent man? For all that this man will choose, if the choice is based on his knowledge, are good things and their contraries are bad. And since everybody chooses most of all what conforms to their own proper dispositions (a just man choosing to live justly, a man with bravery to live bravely, likewise a self-controlled man to live with self-control), it is clear that the intelligent man will choose most of all to be intelligent; for this is the function of that capacity. Hence it’s evident that, according to the most authoritative judgment, intelligence is supreme among goods.[121]

As Plato’s disciple Aristotle was rather critical concerning democracy and, following the outline of certain ideas from Plato’s Statesman, he developed a coherent theory of integrating various forms of power into a so-called mixed state:

It is … constitutional to take … from oligarchy that offices are to be elected, and from democracy that this is not to be on a property-qualification. This then is the mode of the mixture; and the mark of a good mixture of democracy and oligarchy is when it is possible to speak of the same constitution as a democracy and as an oligarchy.

— Aristotle. Politics, Book 4, 1294b.10–18

To illustrate this approach, Aristotle proposed a first-of-its-kind mathematical model of voting, albeit textually described, where the democratic principle of «one voter–one vote» is combined with the oligarchic «merit-weighted voting»; for relevant quotes and their translation into mathematical formulas see.[122]


Aristotle made substantial contributions to economic thought, especially to thought in the Middle Ages.[123] In Politics, Aristotle addresses the city, property, and trade. His response to criticisms of private property, in Lionel Robbins’s view, anticipated later proponents of private property among philosophers and economists, as it related to the overall utility of social arrangements.[123] Aristotle believed that although communal arrangements may seem beneficial to society, and that although private property is often blamed for social strife, such evils in fact come from human nature. In Politics, Aristotle offers one of the earliest accounts of the origin of money.[123] Money came into use because people became dependent on one another, importing what they needed and exporting the surplus. For the sake of convenience, people then agreed to deal in something that is intrinsically useful and easily applicable, such as iron or silver.[124]

Aristotle’s discussions on retail and interest was a major influence on economic thought in the Middle Ages. He had a low opinion of retail, believing that contrary to using money to procure things one needs in managing the household, retail trade seeks to make a profit. It thus uses goods as a means to an end, rather than as an end unto itself. He believed that retail trade was in this way unnatural. Similarly, Aristotle considered making a profit through interest unnatural, as it makes a gain out of the money itself, and not from its use.[124]

Aristotle gave a summary of the function of money that was perhaps remarkably precocious for his time. He wrote that because it is impossible to determine the value of every good through a count of the number of other goods it is worth, the necessity arises of a single universal standard of measurement. Money thus allows for the association of different goods and makes them «commensurable».[124] He goes on to state that money is also useful for future exchange, making it a sort of security. That is, «if we do not want a thing now, we shall be able to get it when we do want it».[124]

Rhetoric and poetics

The Blind Oedipus Commending his Children to the Gods (1784) by Bénigne Gagneraux. In his Poetics, Aristotle uses the tragedy Oedipus Tyrannus by Sophocles as an example of how the perfect tragedy should be structured, with a generally good protagonist who starts the play prosperous, but loses everything through some hamartia (fault).[125]

Aristotle’s Rhetoric proposes that a speaker can use three basic kinds of appeals to persuade his audience: ethos (an appeal to the speaker’s character), pathos (an appeal to the audience’s emotion), and logos (an appeal to logical reasoning).[126] He also categorizes rhetoric into three genres: epideictic (ceremonial speeches dealing with praise or blame), forensic (judicial speeches over guilt or innocence), and deliberative (speeches calling on an audience to make a decision on an issue).[127] Aristotle also outlines two kinds of rhetorical proofs: enthymeme (proof by syllogism) and paradeigma (proof by example).[128]

Aristotle writes in his Poetics that epic poetry, tragedy, comedy, dithyrambic poetry, painting, sculpture, music, and dance are all fundamentally acts of mimesis («imitation»), each varying in imitation by medium, object, and manner.[129][130] He applies the term mimesis both as a property of a work of art and also as the product of the artist’s intention[129] and contends that the audience’s realisation of the mimesis is vital to understanding the work itself.[129] Aristotle states that mimesis is a natural instinct of humanity that separates humans from animals[129][131] and that all human artistry «follows the pattern of nature».[129] Because of this, Aristotle believed that each of the mimetic arts possesses what Stephen Halliwell calls «highly structured procedures for the achievement of their purposes.»[132] For example, music imitates with the media of rhythm and harmony, whereas dance imitates with rhythm alone, and poetry with language. The forms also differ in their object of imitation. Comedy, for instance, is a dramatic imitation of men worse than average; whereas tragedy imitates men slightly better than average. Lastly, the forms differ in their manner of imitation – through narrative or character, through change or no change, and through drama or no drama.[133]

While it is believed that Aristotle’s Poetics originally comprised two books – one on comedy and one on tragedy – only the portion that focuses on tragedy has survived. Aristotle taught that tragedy is composed of six elements: plot-structure, character, style, thought, spectacle, and lyric poetry.[134] The characters in a tragedy are merely a means of driving the story; and the plot, not the characters, is the chief focus of tragedy. Tragedy is the imitation of action arousing pity and fear, and is meant to effect the catharsis of those same emotions. Aristotle concludes Poetics with a discussion on which, if either, is superior: epic or tragic mimesis. He suggests that because tragedy possesses all the attributes of an epic, possibly possesses additional attributes such as spectacle and music, is more unified, and achieves the aim of its mimesis in shorter scope, it can be considered superior to epic.[135] Aristotle was a keen systematic collector of riddles, folklore, and proverbs; he and his school had a special interest in the riddles of the Delphic Oracle and studied the fables of Aesop.[136]

Views on women

Aristotle’s analysis of procreation describes an active, ensouling masculine element bringing life to an inert, passive female element. The biological differences are a result of the fact that the female body is well-suited for reproduction, which changes her body temperature, which in turn makes her, in Aristotle’s view, incapable of participating in political life.[137] On this ground, proponents of feminist metaphysics have accused Aristotle of misogyny[138] and sexism.[139] However, Aristotle gave equal weight to women’s happiness as he did to men’s, and commented in his Rhetoric that the things that lead to happiness need to be in women as well as men.[M]


More than 2300 years after his death, Aristotle remains one of the most influential people who ever lived.[141][142][143] He contributed to almost every field of human knowledge then in existence, and he was the founder of many new fields. According to the philosopher Bryan Magee, «it is doubtful whether any human being has ever known as much as he did».[144] Among countless other achievements, Aristotle was the founder of formal logic,[145] pioneered the study of zoology, and left every future scientist and philosopher in his debt through his contributions to the scientific method.[2][146][147] Taneli Kukkonen, writing in The Classical Tradition, observes that his achievement in founding two sciences is unmatched, and his reach in influencing «every branch of intellectual enterprise» including Western ethical and political theory, theology, rhetoric and literary analysis is equally long. As a result, Kukkonen argues, any analysis of reality today «will almost certainly carry Aristotelian overtones … evidence of an exceptionally forceful mind.»[147] Jonathan Barnes wrote that «an account of Aristotle’s intellectual afterlife would be little less than a history of European thought».[148]Aristotle has been called the father of logic, biology, political science, zoology, embryology, natural law, scientific method, rhetoric, psychology, realism, criticism, individualism, teleology, and meteorology.[150]

On his successor, Theophrastus

Aristotle’s pupil and successor, Theophrastus, wrote the History of Plants, a pioneering work in botany. Some of his technical terms remain in use, such as carpel from carpos, fruit, and pericarp, from pericarpion, seed chamber.[151]
Theophrastus was much less concerned with formal causes than Aristotle was, instead pragmatically describing how plants functioned.[152][153]

On later Greek philosophers

The immediate influence of Aristotle’s work was felt as the Lyceum grew into the Peripatetic school. Aristotle’s students included Aristoxenus, Dicaearchus, Demetrius of Phalerum, Eudemos of Rhodes, Harpalus, Hephaestion, Mnason of Phocis, Nicomachus, and Theophrastus. Aristotle’s influence over Alexander the Great is seen in the latter’s bringing with him on his expedition a host of zoologists, botanists, and researchers. He had also learned a great deal about Persian customs and traditions from his teacher. Although his respect for Aristotle was diminished as his travels made it clear that much of Aristotle’s geography was clearly wrong, when the old philosopher released his works to the public, Alexander complained «Thou hast not done well to publish thy acroamatic doctrines; for in what shall I surpass other men if those doctrines wherein I have been trained are to be all men’s common property?»[154]

On Hellenistic science

After Theophrastus, the Lyceum failed to produce any original work. Though interest in Aristotle’s ideas survived, they were generally taken unquestioningly.[155] It is not until the age of Alexandria under the Ptolemies that advances in biology can be again found.

The first medical teacher at Alexandria, Herophilus of Chalcedon, corrected Aristotle, placing intelligence in the brain, and connected the nervous system to motion and sensation. Herophilus also distinguished between veins and arteries, noting that the latter pulse while the former do not.[156] Though a few ancient atomists such as Lucretius challenged the teleological viewpoint of Aristotelian ideas about life, teleology (and after the rise of Christianity, natural theology) would remain central to biological thought essentially until the 18th and 19th centuries. Ernst Mayr states that there was «nothing of any real consequence in biology after Lucretius and Galen until the Renaissance.»[157]

On Byzantine scholars

Greek Christian scribes played a crucial role in the preservation of Aristotle by copying all the extant Greek language manuscripts of the corpus. The first Greek Christians to comment extensively on Aristotle were Philoponus, Elias, and David in the sixth century, and Stephen of Alexandria in the early seventh century.[158] John Philoponus stands out for having attempted a fundamental critique of Aristotle’s views on the eternity of the world, movement, and other elements of Aristotelian thought.[159] Philoponus questioned Aristotle’s teaching of physics, noting its flaws and introducing the theory of impetus to explain his observations.[160]

After a hiatus of several centuries, formal commentary by Eustratius and Michael of Ephesus reappeared in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries, apparently sponsored by Anna Comnena.[161]

On the medieval Islamic world

Islamic portrayal of Aristotle, c. 1220

Aristotle was one of the most revered Western thinkers in early Islamic theology. Most of the still extant works of Aristotle,[162] as well as a number of the original Greek commentaries, were translated into Arabic and studied by Muslim philosophers, scientists and scholars. Averroes, Avicenna and Alpharabius, who wrote on Aristotle in great depth, also influenced Thomas Aquinas and other Western Christian scholastic philosophers. Alkindus greatly admired Aristotle’s philosophy,[163] and Averroes spoke of Aristotle as the «exemplar» for all future philosophers.[164] Medieval Muslim scholars regularly described Aristotle as the «First Teacher».[162] The title was later used by Western philosophers (as in the famous poem of Dante) who were influenced by the tradition of Islamic philosophy.[165]

On medieval Europe

With the loss of the study of ancient Greek in the early medieval Latin West, Aristotle was practically unknown there from c. AD 600 to c. 1100 except through the Latin translation of the Organon made by Boethius. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, interest in Aristotle revived and Latin Christians had translations made, both from Arabic translations, such as those by Gerard of Cremona,[167] and from the original Greek, such as those by James of Venice and William of Moerbeke. After the Scholastic Thomas Aquinas wrote his Summa Theologica, working from Moerbeke’s translations and calling Aristotle «The Philosopher»,[168] the demand for Aristotle’s writings grew, and the Greek manuscripts returned to the West, stimulating a revival of Aristotelianism in Europe that continued into the Renaissance.[169] These thinkers blended Aristotelian philosophy with Christianity, bringing the thought of Ancient Greece into the Middle Ages. Scholars such as Boethius, Peter Abelard, and John Buridan worked on Aristotelian logic.[170]

The medieval English poet Chaucer describes his student as being happy by having

at his beddes heed
Twenty bookes, clad in blak or reed,
Of aristotle and his philosophie,[171]

A cautionary medieval tale held that Aristotle advised his pupil Alexander to avoid the king’s seductive mistress, Phyllis, but was himself captivated by her, and allowed her to ride him. Phyllis had secretly told Alexander what to expect, and he witnessed Phyllis proving that a woman’s charms could overcome even the greatest philosopher’s male intellect. Artists such as Hans Baldung produced a series of illustrations of the popular theme.[172][166]

The Italian poet Dante says of Aristotle in The Divine Comedy:

L’Inferno, Canto IV. 131–135

vidi ‘l maestro di color che sanno
seder tra filosofica famiglia.
Tutti lo miran, tutti onor li fanno:
quivi vid’ïo Socrate e Platone
che ‘nnanzi a li altri più presso li stanno;

I saw the Master there of those who know,
Amid the philosophic family,
By all admired, and by all reverenced;
There Plato too I saw, and Socrates,
Who stood beside him closer than the rest.

Besides Dante’s fellow poets, the classical figure that most influenced the Comedy is Aristotle. Dante built up the philosophy of the Comedy with the works of Aristotle as a foundation, just as the scholastics used Aristotle as the basis for their thinking. Dante knew Aristotle directly from Latin translations of his works and indirectly through quotations in the works of Albert Magnus.[173] Dante even acknowledges Aristotle’s influence explicitly in the poem, specifically when Virgil justifies the Inferno’s structure by citing the Nicomachean Ethics.[174]

On medieval Judaism

Moses Maimonides (considered to be the foremost intellectual figure of medieval Judaism)[175] adopted Aristotelianism from the Islamic scholars and based his Guide for the Perplexed on it and that became the basis of Jewish scholastic philosophy. Maimonides also considered Aristotle to be the greatest philosopher that ever lived, and styled him as the «chief of the philosophers».[176][177][178] Also, in his letter to Samuel ibn Tibbon, Maimonides observes that there is no need for Samuel to study the writings of philosophers who preceded Aristotle because the works of the latter are «sufficient by themselves and [superior] to all that were written before them. His intellect, Aristotle’s is the extreme limit of human intellect, apart from him upon whom the divine emanation has flowed forth to such an extent that they reach the level of prophecy, there being no level higher».[179]

On Early Modern scientists

In the Early Modern period, scientists such as William Harvey in England and Galileo Galilei in Italy reacted against the theories of Aristotle and other classical era thinkers like Galen, establishing new theories based to some degree on observation and experiment. Harvey demonstrated the circulation of the blood, establishing that the heart functioned as a pump rather than being the seat of the soul and the controller of the body’s heat, as Aristotle thought.[180] Galileo used more doubtful arguments to displace Aristotle’s physics, proposing that bodies all fall at the same speed whatever their weight.[181]

On 18th/19th-century thinkers

The 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche has been said to have taken nearly all of his political philosophy from Aristotle.[182] Aristotle rigidly separated action from production, and argued for the deserved subservience of some people («natural slaves»),[183] and the natural superiority (virtue, arete) of others. It was Martin Heidegger, not Nietzsche, who elaborated a new interpretation of Aristotle, intended to warrant his deconstruction of scholastic and philosophical tradition.[184]

The English mathematician George Boole fully accepted Aristotle’s logic, but decided «to go under, over, and beyond» it with his system of algebraic logic in his 1854 book The Laws of Thought. This gives logic a mathematical foundation with equations, enables it to solve equations as well as check validity, and allows it to handle a wider class of problems by expanding propositions of any number of terms, not just two.[185]

Charles Darwin regarded Aristotle as the most important contributor to the subject of biology. In an 1882 letter he wrote that «Linnaeus and Cuvier have been my two gods, though in very different ways, but they were mere schoolboys to old Aristotle».[186][187] Also, in later editions of the book «On the Origin of Species’, Darwin traced evolutionary ideas as far back as Aristotle;[188] the text he cites is a summary by Aristotle of the ideas of the earlier Greek philosopher Empedocles.[189]

James Joyce’s favoured philosopher was Aristotle, whom he considered to be «the greatest thinker of all times».[190] Samuel Taylor Coleridge said: Everybody is born either a Platonist or an Aristotelian.[191] Ayn Rand acknowledged Aristotle as her greatest influence[192] and remarked that in the history of philosophy she could only recommend «three A’s»—Aristotle, Aquinas, and Ayn Rand.[193] She also regarded Aristotle as the greatest of all philosophers.[194]
Karl Marx considered Aristotle to be the «greatest thinker of antiquity», and called him a «giant thinker», a «genius», and «the great scholar».[195][196][197]

Modern rejection and rehabilitation

«That most enduring of romantic images, Aristotle tutoring the future conqueror Alexander».[147] Illustration by Charles Laplante [fr], 1866

During the 20th century, Aristotle’s work was widely criticized. The philosopher Bertrand Russell
argued that «almost every serious intellectual advance has had to begin with an attack on some Aristotelian doctrine». Russell called Aristotle’s ethics «repulsive», and labelled his logic «as definitely antiquated as Ptolemaic astronomy». Russell stated that these errors made it difficult to do historical justice to Aristotle, until one remembered what an advance he made upon all of his predecessors.[12]

The Dutch historian of science Eduard Jan Dijksterhuis wrote that Aristotle and his predecessors showed the difficulty of science by «proceed[ing] so readily to frame a theory of such a general character» on limited evidence from their senses.[198] In 1985, the biologist Peter Medawar could still state in «pure seventeenth century»[199] tones that Aristotle had assembled «a strange and generally speaking rather tiresome farrago of hearsay, imperfect observation, wishful thinking and credulity amounting to downright gullibility».[199][200]

By the start of the 21st century, however, Aristotle was taken more seriously: Kukkonen noted that «In the best 20th-century scholarship Aristotle comes alive as a thinker wrestling with the full weight of the Greek philosophical tradition.»[147] Alasdair MacIntyre has attempted to reform what he calls the Aristotelian tradition in a way that is anti-elitist and capable of disputing the claims of both liberals and Nietzscheans.[201] Kukkonen observed, too, that «that most enduring of romantic images, Aristotle tutoring the future conqueror Alexander» remained current, as in the 2004 film Alexander, while the «firm rules» of Aristotle’s theory of drama have ensured a role for the Poetics in Hollywood.[147]

Biologists continue to be interested in Aristotle’s thinking. Armand Marie Leroi has reconstructed Aristotle’s biology,[202] while Niko Tinbergen’s four questions, based on Aristotle’s four causes, are used to analyse animal behaviour; they examine function, phylogeny, mechanism, and ontogeny.[203][204]

Surviving works

Corpus Aristotelicum

The works of Aristotle that have survived from antiquity through medieval manuscript transmission are collected in the Corpus Aristotelicum. These texts, as opposed to Aristotle’s lost works, are technical philosophical treatises from within Aristotle’s school.[205] Reference to them is made according to the organization of Immanuel Bekker’s Royal Prussian Academy edition (Aristotelis Opera edidit Academia Regia Borussica, Berlin, 1831–1870), which in turn is based on ancient classifications of these works.[206]

Loss and preservation

Aristotle wrote his works on papyrus scrolls, the common writing medium of that era.[N] His writings are divisible into two groups: the «exoteric», intended for the public, and the «esoteric», for use within the Lyceum school.[208][O][209] Aristotle’s «lost» works stray considerably in characterization from the surviving Aristotelian corpus. Whereas the lost works appear to have been originally written with a view to subsequent publication, the surviving works mostly resemble lecture notes not intended for publication.[210][208] Cicero’s description of Aristotle’s literary style as «a river of gold» must have applied to the published works, not the surviving notes.[P] A major question in the history of Aristotle’s works is how the exoteric writings were all lost, and how the ones now possessed came to be found.[212] The consensus is that Andronicus of Rhodes collected the esoteric works of Aristotle’s school which existed in the form of smaller, separate works, distinguished them from those of Theophrastus and other Peripatetics, edited them, and finally compiled them into the more cohesive, larger works as they are known today.[213][214]




Aristotle has been depicted by major artists including Lucas Cranach the Elder,[215] Justus van Gent, Raphael, Paolo Veronese, Jusepe de Ribera,[216] Rembrandt,[217] and Francesco Hayez over the centuries. Among the best-known depictions is Raphael’s fresco The School of Athens, in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace, where the figures of Plato and Aristotle are central to the image, at the architectural vanishing point, reflecting their importance.[218] Rembrandt’s Aristotle with a Bust of Homer, too, is a celebrated work, showing the knowing philosopher and the blind Homer from an earlier age: as the art critic Jonathan Jones writes, «this painting will remain one of the greatest and most mysterious in the world, ensnaring us in its musty, glowing, pitch-black, terrible knowledge of time.»[219][220]

  • Aristotle by Paolo Veronese, Biblioteka Marciana. Oil on canvas, 1560s

    Aristotle by Paolo Veronese, Biblioteka Marciana. Oil on canvas, 1560s

  • Roman copy of 117-138 AD of Greek original. Palermo Regional Archeology Museum

    Roman copy of 117-138 AD of Greek original. Palermo Regional Archeology Museum


The Aristotle Mountains in Antarctica are named after Aristotle. He was the first person known to conjecture, in his book Meteorology, the existence of a landmass in the southern high-latitude region and called it Antarctica.[221] Aristoteles is a crater on the Moon bearing the classical form of Aristotle’s name.[222]

See also

  • Aristotelian Society
  • Conimbricenses
  • Perfectionism



  1. ^ See Shields 2012, pp. 3–16; Düring 1957 covers ancient biographies of Aristotle.
  2. ^ That these dates (the first half of the Olympiad year 384/383 BC, and in 322 shortly before the death of Demosthenes) are correct was shown by August Boeckh (Kleine Schriften VI 195); for further discussion, see Felix Jacoby on FGrHist 244 F 38. Ingemar Düring, Aristotle in the Ancient Biographical Tradition, Göteborg, 1957, p. 253
  3. ^ This type of syllogism, with all three terms in ‘a’, is known by the traditional (medieval) mnemonic Barbara.[26]
  4. ^ M is the Middle (here, Men), S is the Subject (Greeks), P is the Predicate (mortal).[26]
  5. ^ The first equation can be read as ‘It is not true that there exists an x such that x is a man and that x is not mortal.’[27]
  6. ^ Rhett Allain notes that Newton’s First Law is «essentially a direct reply to Aristotle, that the natural state is not to change motion.[42]
  7. ^ Leonard Susskind comments that Aristotle had clearly never gone ice skating or he would have seen that it takes force to stop an object.[44]
  8. ^ For heavenly bodies like the Sun, Moon, and stars, the observed motions are «to a very good approximation» circular around the Earth’s centre, (for example, the apparent rotation of the sky because of the rotation of the Earth, and the rotation of the moon around the Earth) as Aristotle stated.[45]
  9. ^ Drabkin quotes numerous passages from Physics and On the Heavens (De Caelo) which state Aristotle’s laws of motion.[43]
  10. ^ Drabkin agrees that density is treated quantitatively in this passage, but without a sharp definition of density as weight per unit volume.[43]
  11. ^ Philoponus and Galileo correctly objected that for the transient phase (still increasing in speed) with heavy objects falling a short distance, the law does not apply: Galileo used balls on a short incline to show this. Rovelli notes that «Two heavy balls with the same shape and different weight do fall at different speeds from an aeroplane, confirming Aristotle’s theory, not Galileo’s.»[45]
  12. ^ For a different reading of social and economic processes in the Nicomachean Ethics and Politics see Polanyi, Karl (1957) «Aristotle Discovers the Economy» in Primitive, Archaic and Modern Economies: Essays of Karl Polanyi ed. G. Dalton, Boston 1971, 78–115.
  13. ^ «Where, as among the Lacedaemonians, the state of women is bad, almost half of human life is spoilt.»[140]
  14. ^ «When the Roman dictator Sulla invaded Athens in 86 BC, he brought back to Rome a fantastic prize – Aristotle’s library. Books then were papyrus rolls, from 10 to 20 feet long, and since Aristotle’s death in 322 BC, worms and damp had done their worst. The rolls needed repairing, and the texts clarifying and copying on to new papyrus (imported from Egypt – Moses’ bulrushes). The man in Rome who put Aristotle’s library in order was a Greek scholar, Tyrannio.»[207]
  15. ^ Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics 1102a26–27. Aristotle himself never uses the term «esoteric» or «acroamatic». For other passages where Aristotle speaks of exōterikoi logoi, see W.D. Ross, Aristotle’s Metaphysics (1953), vol. 2 pp= 408–410. Ross defends an interpretation according to which the phrase, at least in Aristotle’s own works, usually refers generally to «discussions not peculiar to the Peripatetic school», rather than to specific works of Aristotle’s own.
  16. ^ «veniet flumen orationis aureum fundens Aristoteles«, (Google translation: «Aristotle will come pouring forth a golden stream of eloquence»).[211]
  17. ^ Compare the medieval tale of Phyllis and Alexander above.


  1. ^ Collins English Dictionary.
  2. ^ a b c Aristotle (Greek philosopher).
  3. ^ McLeisch 1999, p. 5.
  4. ^ Aristoteles-Park in Stagira.
  5. ^ Borchers, Timothy A.; Hundley, Heather (2018). Rhetorical theory : an introduction (Second ed.). Long Grove, Illinois. ISBN 978-1-4786-3580-2. OCLC 1031145493.
  6. ^ Hall 2018, p. 14.
  7. ^ Anagnostopoulos 2013, p. 4.
  8. ^ Blits 1999, pp. 58–63.
  9. ^ Evans 2006.
  10. ^ Aristotle 1984, pp. Introduction.
  11. ^ a b c Shields 2016.
  12. ^ a b c Russell 1972.
  13. ^ a b Green 1991, pp. 58–59.
  14. ^ Smith 2007, p. 88.
  15. ^ a b c d Humphreys 2009.
  16. ^ Green 1991, p. 460.
  17. ^ Filonik 2013, pp. 72–73.
  18. ^ Jones 1980, p. 216.
  19. ^ Gigon 2017, p. 41.
  20. ^ Düring 1957, p. T44a-e.
  21. ^ Britton, Bianca (27 May 2016). «Is this Aristotle’s tomb?». CNN. Retrieved 21 January 2023.
  22. ^ Haase 1992, p. 3862.
  23. ^ Degnan 1994, pp. 81–89.
  24. ^ Corcoran 2009, pp. 1–20.
  25. ^ Kant 1787, pp. Preface.
  26. ^ a b c Lagerlund 2016.
  27. ^ Predicate Logic.
  28. ^ Pickover 2009, p. 52.
  29. ^ School of Athens.
  30. ^ Stewart 2019.
  31. ^ Prior Analytics, pp. 24b18–20.
  32. ^ Bobzien 2015.
  33. ^ a b c Smith 2017.
  34. ^ a b c d e f Cohen 2000.
  35. ^ Aristotle 1999, p. 111.
  36. ^ Metaphysics, p. VIII 1043a 10–30.
  37. ^ Lloyd 1968, pp. 43–47.
  38. ^ Metaphysics, p. IX 1050a 5–10.
  39. ^ Metaphysics, p. VIII 1045a–b.
  40. ^ a b c d Wildberg 2016.
  41. ^ a b Lloyd 1968, pp. 133–139, 166–169.
  42. ^ a b Allain 2016.
  43. ^ a b c d e f g h i Drabkin 1938, pp. 60–84.
  44. ^ a b c d e Susskind 2011.
  45. ^ a b c d e f g h i Rovelli 2015, pp. 23–40.
  46. ^ Carteron 1923, pp. 1–32 and passim.
  47. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 88–90.
  48. ^ a b c d e Lloyd 1996, pp. 96–100, 106–107.
  49. ^ Hankinson 1998, p. 159.
  50. ^ a b Leroi 2015, pp. 91–92, 369–373.
  51. ^ Lahanas.
  52. ^ Physics, p. 2.6.
  53. ^ Miller 1973, pp. 204–213.
  54. ^ Meteorology, p. 1. 8.
  55. ^ Moore 1956, p. 13.
  56. ^ Meteorology, p. Book 1, Part 14.
  57. ^ Lyell 1832, p. 17.
  58. ^ Aristotle (1952). Meteorologica, Chapter II. Translated by Lee, H.D.P. (Loeb Classical Library ed.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. p. 156. Retrieved 22 January 2021.
  59. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 7.
  60. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 14.
  61. ^ Thompson 1910, p. Prefatory Note.
  62. ^ «Darwin’s Ghosts, By Rebecca Stott». independent.co.uk. 2 June 2012. Retrieved 19 June 2012.
  63. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 196, 248.
  64. ^ Day 2013, pp. 5805–5816.
  65. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 66–74, 137.
  66. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 118–119.
  67. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 73.
  68. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 135–136.
  69. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 206.
  70. ^ Sedley 2007, p. 189.
  71. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 273.
  72. ^ Taylor 1922, p. 42.
  73. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 361–365.
  74. ^ Leroi 2011.
  75. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 197–200.
  76. ^ a b Leroi 2015, pp. 365–368.
  77. ^ Taylor 1922, p. 49.
  78. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 408.
  79. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 72–74.
  80. ^ Bergstrom & Dugatkin 2012, p. 35.
  81. ^ Rhodes 1974, p. 7.
  82. ^ Mayr 1982, pp. 201–202.
  83. ^ Lovejoy 1976.
  84. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 111–119.
  85. ^ Lennox, James G. (2001). Aristotle’s Philosophy of Biology: Studies in the Origins of Life Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 346. ISBN 0-521-65976-0.
  86. ^ Sandford, Stella (3 December 2019). «From Aristotle to Contemporary Biological Classification: What Kind of Category is «Sex»?». Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory. 22 (1): 4–17. doi:10.33134/rds.314. ISSN 2308-0914. S2CID 210140121.
  87. ^ Voultsiadou, Eleni; Vafidis, Dimitris (1 January 2007). «Marine invertebrate diversity in Aristotle’s zoology». Contributions to Zoology. 76 (2): 103–120. doi:10.1163/18759866-07602004. ISSN 1875-9866. S2CID 55152069.
  88. ^ von Lieven, Alexander Fürst; Humar, Marcel (2008). «A Cladistic Analysis of Aristotle’s Animal Groups in the «Historia animalium»«. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. 30 (2): 227–262. ISSN 0391-9714. JSTOR 23334371. PMID 19203017.
  89. ^ Laurin, Michel; Humar, Marcel (2022). «Phylogenetic signal in characters from Aristotle’s History of Animals». Comptes Rendus Palevol (in French). 21 (1): 1–16. doi:10.5852/cr-palevol2022v21a1. S2CID 245863171.
  90. ^ Mason 1979, pp. 43–44.
  91. ^ Leroi 2015, pp. 156–163.
  92. ^ Mason 1979, p. 45.
  93. ^ Guthrie 2010, p. 348.
  94. ^ On the Soul I.3 406b26-407a10. For some scholarship, see Carter, Jason W. 2017. ‘Aristotle’s Criticism of Timaean Psychology’ Rhizomata 5: 51-78 and Douglas R. Campbell. 2022. «Located in Space: Plato’s Theory of Psychic Motion» Ancient Philosophy 42 (2): 419-442.
  95. ^ For instance, W.D. Ross argued that Aristotle «may well be criticized as having taken [Plato’s] myth as if it were sober prose.» See Ross, William D. ed. 1961. Aristotle: De Anima. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The quotation is from page 189.
  96. ^ See, e.g., Douglas R. Campbell, «Located in Space: Plato’s Theory of Psychic Motion,» Ancient Philosophy 42 (2): 419-442. 2022.
  97. ^ On the Soul I.3.407b14–27. Christopher Shields summarizes it thus: «We might think that an old leather-bound edition of Machiavelli’s The Prince could come to bear the departed soul of Richard Nixon. Aristotle regards this sort of view as worthy of ridicule.” See Shields, C. 2016. Aristotle: De Anima. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The quotation is from page 133.
  98. ^ There’s a large scholarly discussion of this dialectic between Plato and Aristotle here: Douglas R. Campbell, «The Soul’s Tool: Plato on the Usefulness of the Body,» Elenchos 43 (1): 7-27. 2022.
  99. ^ Bloch 2007, p. 12.
  100. ^ Bloch 2007, p. 61.
  101. ^ Carruthers 2007, p. 16.
  102. ^ Bloch 2007, p. 25.
  103. ^ Warren 1921, p. 30.
  104. ^ Warren 1921, p. 25.
  105. ^ Carruthers 2007, p. 19.
  106. ^ Warren 1921, p. 296.
  107. ^ Warren 1921, p. 259.
  108. ^ Sorabji 2006, p. 54.
  109. ^ a b c d e f Holowchak 1996, pp. 405–423.
  110. ^ a b c d e Shute 1941, pp. 115–118.
  111. ^ Holowchak 1996, pp. 405–23.
  112. ^ Shute 1941, pp. 115–18.
  113. ^ a b Modrak 2009, pp. 169–181.
  114. ^ Webb 1990, pp. 174–184.
  115. ^ Kraut 2001.
  116. ^ Nicomachean Ethics Book I. See for example chapter 7.
  117. ^ Nicomachean Ethics, p. Book VI.
  118. ^ Politics, pp. 1253a19–124.
  119. ^ Aristotle 2009, pp. 320–321.
  120. ^ Ebenstein & Ebenstein 2002, p. 59.
  121. ^ a b Hutchinson & Johnson 2015, p. 22.
  122. ^ Tangian 2020, pp. 35–38.
  123. ^ a b c Robbins 2000, pp. 20–24.
  124. ^ a b c d Aristotle 1948, pp. 16–28.
  125. ^ Kaufmann 1968, pp. 56–60.
  126. ^ Garver 1994, pp. 109–110.
  127. ^ Rorty 1996, pp. 3–7.
  128. ^ Grimaldi 1998, p. 71.
  129. ^ a b c d e Halliwell 2002, pp. 152–159.
  130. ^ Poetics, p. I 1447a.
  131. ^ Poetics, p. IV.
  132. ^ Halliwell 2002, pp. 152–59.
  133. ^ Poetics, p. III.
  134. ^ Poetics, p. VI.
  135. ^ Poetics, p. XXVI.
  136. ^ Aesop 1998, pp. Introduction, xi–xii.
  137. ^ See Marguerite Deslauriers, «Sexual Difference in Aristotle’s Politics and His Biology,» Classical World 102 3 (2009): 215-231.
  138. ^ Freeland 1998.
  139. ^ Morsink 1979, pp. 83–112.
  140. ^ Rhetoric, p. Book I, Chapter 5.
  141. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 8.
  142. ^ Aristotle’s Influence 2018.
  143. ^ Garner., Dwight (14 March 2014). «Who’s More Famous Than Jesus?». The New York Times. Archived from the original on 1 April 2021.
  144. ^ Magee 2010, p. 34.
  145. ^ Guthrie 1990, p. 156.
  146. ^ Durant 2006, p. 92.
  147. ^ a b c d e Kukkonen 2010, pp. 70–77.
  148. ^ Barnes 1982, p. 86.
  149. ^ Leroi 2015, p. 352.
  150. ^ * «the father of logic»: Wentzel Van Huyssteen, Encyclopedia of Science and Religion: A-I, p. 27
    • «the father of biology»: S. C. Datt, S. B. Srivastava, Science and society, p. 93.[149]
    • «the father of political science»: N. Jayapalan, Aristotle, p. 12, Jonathan Wolff, Lectures on the History of Moral and Political Philosophy, p. 48.
    • the «father of zoology»: Josef Rudolf Winkler, A Book of Beetles, p. 12
    • «the father of embryology»: D.R. Khanna, Text Book Of Embryology, p. 2
    • «the father of natural law»: Shellens, Max Solomon (1959). «Aristotle on Natural Law». Natural Law Forum. 4 (1): 72–100. doi:10.1093/ajj/4.1.72.
    • «the father of scientific method»: Shuttleworth, Martyn. «History of the Scientific Method». Explorable., Riccardo Pozzo (2004) The impact of Aristotelianism on modern philosophy. CUA Press. p. 41. ISBN 0-8132-1347-9
    • «the father of psychology»: Margot Esther Borden, Psychology in the Light of the East, p. 4
    • «the father of realism»: Russell L. Hamm, Philosophy and Education: Alternatives in Theory and Practice, p. 58
    • «the father of criticism»: Nagendra Prasad, Personal Bias in Literary Criticism: Dr. Johnson, Matthew Arnold, T.S. Eliot, p. 70. Lord Henry Home Kames, Elements of Criticism, p. 237.
    • «the father of meteorology»:«What is meteorology?». Meteorological Office.«94.05.01: Meteorology». Archived from the original on 21 July 2016. Retrieved 16 June 2015.
    • «the father of individualism»: Allan Gotthelf, Gregory Salmieri, A Companion to Ayn Rand, p. 325.
    • «the father of teleology»: Malcolm Owen Slavin, Daniel H. Kriegman, The Adaptive Design of the Human Psyche: Psychoanalysis, Evolutionary Biology, and the Therapeutic Process, p. 292.

  151. ^ Hooker 1831, p. 219.
  152. ^ Mayr 1982, pp. 90–91.
  153. ^ Mason 1979, p. 46.
  154. ^ Plutarch 1919, p. Part 1, 7:7.
  155. ^ Annas 2001, p. 252.
  156. ^ Mason 1979, p. 56.
  157. ^ Mayr 1985, pp. 90–94.
  158. ^ Sorabji 1990, pp. 20, 28, 35–36.
  159. ^ Sorabji 1990, pp. 233–724.
  160. ^ Lindberg 1992, p. 162.
  161. ^ Sorabji 1990, pp. 20–21, 28–29, 393–406, 407–408.
  162. ^ a b Kennedy-Day 1998.
  163. ^ Staley 1989.
  164. ^ Averroes 1953, p. III, 2, 43.
  165. ^ Nasr 1996, pp. 59–60.
  166. ^ a b Phyllis and Aristotle.
  167. ^ Hasse 2014.
  168. ^ Aquinas 2013.
  169. ^ Kuhn 2018.
  170. ^ Lagerlund.
  171. ^ Allen & Fisher 2011, p. 17.
  172. ^ Aristotle Phyllis.
  173. ^ Lafferty, Roger. «The Philosophy of Dante», pg. 4
  174. ^ Inferno, Canto XI, lines 70-115, Mandelbaum translation.
  175. ^ «Moses Maimonides». Britannica.
  176. ^ Levi ben Gershom, The Wars of the Lord: Book one, Immortality of the soul, p. 35.
  177. ^ Leon Simon, Aspects Of The Hebrew Genius: A Volume Of Essays On Jewish Literature And Thought (1910), p. 127.
  178. ^ Herbert A. Davidson, Herbert A. |q (Herbert Alan) Davidson, Professor of Hebrew Emeritus Herbert Davidson, Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works, p. 98.
  179. ^ Menachem Kellner, Maimonides on Judaism and the Jewish People, p. 77.
  180. ^ Aird 2011, pp. 118–29.
  181. ^ Machamer 2017.
  182. ^ Durant 2006, p. 86.
  183. ^ Deslauriers & Destrée 2013, pp. 102, 106–107.
  184. ^ Sikka 1997, p. 265.
  185. ^ Boole 2003.
  186. ^ Wilkins, John (2009). Species: a history of the idea. Berkeley: University of California Press. p. 15. ISBN 978-0-520-27139-5. OCLC 314379168.
  187. ^ Pasipoularides, Ares (2010). The heart’s vortex: intracardiac blood flow phenomena. Shelton, Connecticut: People’s Medical Publishing House. p. 118. ISBN 978-1-60795-033-2. OCLC 680621287.
  188. ^ Darwin 1872, p. xiii
  189. ^ Aristotle, Physics, translated by Hardie, R. P. and Gayle, R. K. and hosted by MIT’s Internet Classics Archive, retrieved 23 April 2009
  190. ^ O’Rourke, F. (2009). Philosophy. In J. McCourt (Ed.), James Joyce in Context (Literature in Context, pp. 320-331). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511576072.029
  191. ^ William Robert Wians, Aristotle’s Philosophical Development: Problems and Prospects, p. 1.
  192. ^ Burns 2009, p. 2.
  193. ^ Sciabarra 1995, p. 12.
  194. ^ James P. Sterba, From Rationality to Equality, p. 94.
  195. ^ F. Novotny, The Posthumous Life of Plato, p. 573
  196. ^ Matt Vidal, Tony Smith, Tomás Rotta, Paul Prew, The Oxford Handbook of Karl Marx, p. 215.
  197. ^ Judith A. Swanson, C. David Corbin, Aristotle’s ‘Politics’: A Reader’s Guide, p. 146.
  198. ^ Dijksterhuis 1969, p. 72.
  199. ^ a b Leroi 2015, p. 353.
  200. ^ Medawar & Medawar 1984, p. 28.
  201. ^ Knight 2007, pp. passim.
  202. ^ Leroi 2015.
  203. ^ MacDougall-Shackleton 2011, pp. 2076–2085.
  204. ^ Hladký & Havlíček 2013.
  205. ^ Barnes 1995, p. 9.
  206. ^ Aristotelis Opera.
  207. ^ When libraries were 2001.
  208. ^ a b Barnes 1995, p. 12.
  209. ^ House 1956, p. 35.
  210. ^ Irwin & Fine 1996, pp. xi–xii.
  211. ^ Cicero 1874.
  212. ^ Barnes & Griffin 1999, pp. 1–69.
  213. ^ Anagnostopoulos 2013, p. 16.
  214. ^ Barnes 1995, pp. 10–15.
  215. ^ Lucas Cranach the Elder.
  216. ^ Lee & Robinson 2005.
  217. ^ Aristotle with Bust 2002.
  218. ^ Phelan 2002.
  219. ^ Held 1969.
  220. ^ Jones 2002.
  221. ^ Aristotle Mountains.
  222. ^ Aristoteles.


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Further reading

The secondary literature on Aristotle is vast. The following is only a small selection.

  • Ackrill, J. L. (1997). Essays on Plato and Aristotle, Oxford University Press.
  • Ackrill, J.L. (1981). Aristotle the Philosopher. Oxford University Press.
  • Adler, Mortimer J. (1978). Aristotle for Everybody. Macmillan.
  • Ammonius (1991). Cohen, S. Marc; Matthews, Gareth B (eds.). On Aristotle’s Categories. Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-2688-9.
  • Aristotle (1908–1952). The Works of Aristotle Translated into English Under the Editorship of W.D. Ross, 12 vols. Clarendon Press. These translations are available in several places online; see External links.
  • Bakalis, Nikolaos. (2005). Handbook of Greek Philosophy: From Thales to the Stoics Analysis and Fragments, Trafford Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4120-4843-9.
  • Bocheński, I. M. (1951). Ancient Formal Logic. North-Holland.
  • Bolotin, David (1998). An Approach to Aristotle’s Physics: With Particular Attention to the Role of His Manner of Writing. Albany: SUNY Press. A contribution to our understanding of how to read Aristotle’s scientific works.
  • Burnyeat, Myles F. et al. (1979). Notes on Book Zeta of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Oxford: Sub-faculty of Philosophy.
  • Cantor, Norman F.; Klein, Peter L., eds. (1969). Ancient Thought: Plato and Aristotle. Monuments of Western Thought. Vol. 1. Blaisdell.
  • Chappell, V. (1973). «Aristotle’s Conception of Matter». Journal of Philosophy. 70 (19): 679–696. doi:10.2307/2025076. JSTOR 2025076.
  • Code, Alan (1995). Potentiality in Aristotle’s Science and Metaphysics, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 76.
  • Cohen, S. Marc; Reeve, C. D. C. (21 November 2020). «Aristotle’s Metaphysics». Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2020 ed.).
  • Ferguson, John (1972). Aristotle. Twayne Publishers. ISBN 978-0-8057-2064-8.
  • De Groot, Jean (2014). Aristotle’s Empiricism: Experience and Mechanics in the 4th century BC, Parmenides Publishing, ISBN 978-1-930972-83-4.
  • Frede, Michael (1987). Essays in Ancient Philosophy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Fuller, B.A.G. (1923). Aristotle. History of Greek Philosophy. Vol. 3. Cape.
  • Gendlin, Eugene T. (2012). Line by Line Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima Archived 27 March 2017 at the Wayback Machine, Volume 1: Books I & II; Volume 2: Book III. The Focusing Institute.
  • Gill, Mary Louise (1989). Aristotle on Substance: The Paradox of Unity. Princeton University Press.
  • Guthrie, W.K.C. (1981). A History of Greek Philosophy. Vol. 6. Cambridge University Press.
  • Halper, Edward C. (2009). One and Many in Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Volume 1: Books Alpha – Delta. Parmenides Publishing. ISBN 978-1-930972-21-6.
  • Halper, Edward C. (2005). One and Many in Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Volume 2: The Central Books. Parmenides Publishing. ISBN 978-1-930972-05-6.
  • Irwin, Terence H. (1988). Aristotle’s First Principles (PDF). Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-824290-5.
  • Jaeger, Werner (1948). Robinson, Richard (ed.). Aristotle: Fundamentals of the History of His Development (2nd ed.). Clarendon Press.
  • Jori, Alberto (2003). Aristotele, Bruno Mondadori (Prize 2003 of the «International Academy of the History of Science»), ISBN 978-88-424-9737-0.
  • Kiernan, Thomas P., ed. (1962). Aristotle Dictionary. Philosophical Library.
  • Knight, Kelvin (2007). Aristotelian Philosophy: Ethics and Politics from Aristotle to MacIntyre, Polity Press.
  • Lewis, Frank A. (1991). Substance and Predication in Aristotle. Cambridge University Press.
  • Lord, Carnes (1984). Introduction to The Politics, by Aristotle. Chicago University Press.
  • Loux, Michael J. (1991). Primary Ousia: An Essay on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Ζ and Η. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Maso, Stefano (Ed.), Natali, Carlo (Ed.), Seel, Gerhard (Ed.) (2012) Reading Aristotle: Physics VII. 3: What is Alteration? Proceedings of the International ESAP-HYELE Conference, Parmenides Publishing. ISBN 978-1-930972-73-5.
  • McKeon, Richard (1973). Introduction to Aristotle (2nd ed.). University of Chicago Press.
  • Owen, G. E. L. (1965c). «The Platonism of Aristotle». Proceedings of the British Academy. 50: 125–150. [Reprinted in J. Barnes, M. Schofield, and R.R.K. Sorabji, eds.(1975). Articles on Aristotle Vol 1. Science. London: Duckworth 14–34.]
  • Pangle, Lorraine Smith (2002). Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511498282. ISBN 978-0-511-49828-2.
  • Plato (1979). Allen, Harold Joseph; Wilbur, James B (eds.). The Worlds of Plato and Aristotle. Prometheus Books.
  • Reeve, C. D. C. (2000). Substantial Knowledge: Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Hackett.
  • Rose, Lynn E. (1968). Aristotle’s Syllogistic. Charles C Thomas.
  • Ross, Sir David (1995). Aristotle (6th ed.). Routledge.
  • Scaltsas, T. (1994). Substances and Universals in Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Cornell University Press.
  • Strauss, Leo (1964). «On Aristotle’s Politics«, in The City and Man, Rand McNally.
  • Swanson, Judith (1992). The Public and the Private in Aristotle’s Political Philosophy. Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-2319-2.
  • Veatch, Henry B. (1974). Aristotle: A Contemporary Appreciation. Indiana University Press.
  • Woods, M. J. (1991b). «Universals and Particular Forms in Aristotle’s Metaphysics». Aristotle and the Later Tradition. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. Vol. Suppl. pp. 41–56.

External links

Greek Wikisource has original text related to this article:

  • Aristotle at PhilPapers
  • 2553 Aristotle at the Indiana Philosophy Ontology Project
  • At the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
    • Aristotle (general article)
    • Biology
    • Ethics
    • Logic
    • Metaphysics
    • Motion and its Place in Nature
    • Poetics
    • Politics
  • At the Internet Classics Archive
  • From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
    • Aristotle (general article)
    • Aristotle in the Renaissance
    • Biology
    • Causality
    • Commentators on Aristotle
    • Ethics
    • Logic
    • Mathematics
    • Metaphysics
    • Natural philosophy
    • Non-contradiction
    • Political theory
    • Psychology
    • Rhetoric
  • Turner, William (1907). «Aristotle» . Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 1.
  • Wikisource-logo.svg Laërtius, Diogenes (1925). «The Peripatetics: Aristotle» . Lives of the Eminent Philosophers. Vol. 1:5. Translated by Hicks, Robert Drew (Two volume ed.). Loeb Classical Library.
Collections of works
  • Works by Aristotle in eBook form at Standard Ebooks
  • At Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Works by Aristotle at Project Gutenberg
  • Works by or about Aristotle at Internet Archive
  • Works by Aristotle at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)
  • Works by Aristotle at Open Library
  • (in English and Greek) Perseus Project at Tufts University
  • At the University of Adelaide Archived 15 February 2017 at the Wayback Machine
  • (in Greek and French) P. Remacle
  • The 11-volume 1837 Bekker edition of Aristotle’s Works in Greek (PDF · DJVU)

Аристо́тель (Ἀριστοτέλης) (384 до н. э., Стагира, п-ов Халкидики – 322 до н. э., Халкида о. Эвбея), древнегреческий философ и учёный-энциклопедист, ученик Платона, основатель перипатетической школы.

По масштабу влияния на последующее развитие философской мысли Аристотель не имеет себе равных во всей истории философии. Созданный Аристотелем понятийный аппарат обогатил мировой философский и интеллектуальный лексикон (понятия «материи и формы», «возможности и действительности», «теории и практики» и другие созданы Аристотелем); сам стиль современного научного мышления (история вопроса, «постановка проблемы», аргументы за и против, «решение» и т. д.) восходит к методологии Аристотеля.


Жизнь Аристотеля разделяется на четыре основных периода: детские и юношеские годы в Македонии (384–367), 1-й афинский период (367–347), годы странствий (347–335) и 2-й афинский период (335–323). Его отец Никомах происходил из рода Асклепиадов (потомков Асклепия, покровителя греческих медиков) из г. Стагира (отсюда прозвище Аристотеля Стагирит) и был придворным врачом македонского царя Аминты III, отца Филиппа II и деда Александра Македонского. Это определило живой интерес Аристотеля к биологии и миру природы, а также во многом его будущую судьбу, круг знакомств и интерес к политике. Детские годы он, вероятно, провёл в кругу аристократических сверстников в резиденции македонских царей в Пелле. Рано осиротев, в 17 лет (367) был отправлен своим опекуном Проксеном из Атарнея для учёбы в Афины; там он становится членом Платоновской Академии, в которой остаётся в течение 20 лет до смерти Платона в 347 г. Платон, по преданию, выделял Аристотеля среди других учеников, именуя его «умом» аудитории, и в то же время иронически называл жилище Аристотеля в Академии «домом читателя»: Аристотель собрал одну из лучших научных библиотек своего времени, тогда как сам Платон предпочитал живой диалог книжной учёности. После смерти Платона Аристотель вместе с Ксенократом покидает Афины и отправляется в Троаду в Малой Азии, где симпатизирующий Академии Гермий, тиран Атарнея, поселяет их в г. Ассос. Там Аристотель женится на родственнице Гермия Пифиаде. В 344 г. Аристотель перебирается из Троады в Митилену на о. Лесбос, где его преданным учеником и другом становится Теофраст из Митилены. Фауна Троады и Лесбоса нашла отражение в биологических сочинениях Аристотеля. В 343 г. Аристотель по приглашению Филиппа II возвращается в Македонию и становится наставником молодого принца Александра до 340 г. В 335 г. Аристотель приезжает в Афины и основывает собственную философскую школу, известную как Ликей (по названию рощи Аполлона Ликейского и одноимённого гимназия) или Перипатос («крытая галерея», в которой Аристотель читал лекции). В 323 г., когда смерть Александра Македонского вызывает взрыв антимакедонских настроений в Афинах, Аристотель вынужден бежать в имение своей матери в Халкиде, где вскоре умер.

Логика, методология и теория познания

Аристотель различает три вида знания и соответствующих наук и искусств: теоретическое (ϑεωρία – «созерцание», или «умозрение»), практическое (πρᾶξις – «действие») и пойетическое, или творческое (ποιεῖν – «делать, творить»). К сфере теоретического знания относятся «первая философия», или метафизика, физика, математика; к сфере практического знания – этика и политика; к сфере пойетического знания – риторика, поэтика, а также все прикладные искусства или ремёсла (например, медицина). Различным сферам знания соответствуют различные когнитивные способности: способностью созерцать и познавать первые причины вещей обладает теоретический разум (νοῦς), способностью вырабатывать правильное решение обладает практический разум, или здравый смысл (φρόνησις). Объектом теоретического разума является необходимое и неизменное (например, законы природы) – то, что не зависит от нашей воли. Объектом практического разума является возможное – события, которые могут быть предопределены нашим выбором. Практическое знание не может претендовать на математическую точность, т. к. в сфере возможного (т. е. человеческой деятельности) существует фактор непредсказуемости. И в практической, и в пойетической сфере знания огромную роль играет опыт (ἐμπειρία); в 1-й книге «Метафизики» даже знание первых причин, т. е. знание теоретическое, также выводится из опыта: чувственные восприятия порождают память, акты памяти – опыт, или эмпирические представления, а обобщение их приводит к научному (ἐπιστήμη) или творческому (τἐχνη) знанию. Объекты теоретических наук делятся на: 1) существующие отдельно (т. е. реально) и изменяющиеся – физические тела; 2) существующие реально и неизменные – бог; 3) не существующие реально и неизменные. Первыми занимается метафизика или теология, вторыми – физика, третьими – математика. Вопреки Платону, признававшему математические объекты (числа, линии, геометрические фигуры и т. д.) онтологическими сущностями, занимающими промежуточное положение между умопостигаемым и чувственным мирами, Аристотель считал их «абстрактными» (понятие абстракции или «отвлечения» – ἀφαίρεσις впервые ввёл в философию Аристотель), т. е. «отвлечёнными» мыслью от физических тел.

Признавая ценность математики как специальной науки, Аристотель считал её бесполезной для изучения «изменяющегося» природного бытия. У Платона высшей формой философского знания была диалектика. Аристотель низвёл её до уровня вспомогательной дисциплины, введя различение между диалектическим умозаключением, исходящим из «вероятных», непроверенных посылок (ἔνδοξα), и аподиктическим, или доказательным, умозаключением (силлогизмом), исходящим из истинных посылок и приводящим к точному знанию (ἐπιστήμη). Это различение послужило фундаментом, на котором Аристотель впервые построил стройную систему формальной логики, изложенную в «Органоне» – своде логических сочинений. В «Категориях» рассматриваются простые термины (субъекты и предикаты), соединение которых образует суждения. В трактате «Об истолковании» (правильнее «О выражении») рассматриваются сами суждения, в «Первой Аналитике» показано, как суждения соединяются в аподиктические силлогизмы (умозаключения) и анализируются их формы (фигуры), «Вторая аналитика» содержит теорию доказательств, «Топика» представляет собой практическое руководство по диалектике (искусству диспута), и, наконец, в примыкающих к ней «Софистических опровержениях» классифицируются типы логических ошибок в диспутах. Хотя силлогистика Аристотеля имеет строго дедуктивный характер, первые начала доказательств, по Аристотелю, недоказуемы и усматриваются либо путём индукции («наведения» – ἐπαγωγή), т. е. обобщением на основе частных случаев, либо путём интеллектуальной интуиции (διὰ νοός).

Учение о природе

Понятие «природы» или «естества» (φύσις, откуда τὰ φυσιϰά – «то, что относится к природе», т. е. «физика») у Аристотеля отнюдь не является синонимом «мира». Это онтологическая категория, указывающая, во-первых, в рамках оппозиции «естественное/искусственное» на то, что не создано руками мастера, а, во-вторых, в рамках оппозиции «естественно/насильственно» на «внутренний», невынужденный источник движения. В отличие от мира неподвижных артефактов, созданных «искусством» (τέχνη), природное бытие характеризуется «прирождённой» способностью к движению и изменению. Соответственно, Аристотель определяет «природу» как «принцип движения и покоя». Понятие «движения», или «процесса изменения» (греч. ϰίνησις), таким образом, оказывается центральной проблемой теоретической физики. Изменение возможно в четырёх категориях: относительно сущности (возникновение и уничтожение), относительно свойств (качественное изменение), относительно количества (рост и убыль) и относительно места (пространственное перемещение). Вопреки представителям элейской школы и платонизма, считавшим движение логически невозможным и потому нереальным, Аристотель в «Физике» (I.5–7) объясняет изменение исходя из трёх факторов: субстрат изменения, или материя (то, что остаётся неизменным в его процессе), отсутствие формы (или качества) и форма (или качество), появляющаяся в процессе изменения. Таким образом, изменение состоит в том, что субстрат приобретает новую форму или качество (например, Сократ из необразованного становится образованным), или, по-другому, в переходе от возможного к действительному. Аристотель не признаёт существование пустого пространства и поэтому оперирует только понятием «места», которое понимается как «крайняя граница окружающего тела»: соответственно, всякое перемещение оказывается «взаимозамещением» тел. Время определяется как «число движения относительно более раннего и более позднего».

Природа является также принципом целесообразности («бог и природа ничего не делают напрасно»), но телеологизм Аристотеля не имеет ничего общего с провиденциализмом или креационизмом, т. к. ставит своей основной целью объяснить вечность биологических видов: целевой причиной оказывается реализация формы (вида). В своих сочинениях о животных (составляющих около четверти всего аристотелевского свода) Аристотель заложил основы научной зоологии, сочетая дескриптивно-эмпирический подход («История животных») с телеологическим объяснением морфологии и физиологии животных («О частях животных», «О рождении животных», «О движении животных»).

В космологии Аристотель твёрдо придерживается геоцентрической модели и утверждает конечность мира (вопреки атомистической теории бесконечности Вселенной) и его вечность – вопреки платоновскому «Тимею» и ионийским космогониям. Мир делится на подлунный, состоящий из четырёх элементов (огня, воздуха, воды и земли), и надлунный (светила и сфера неподвижных звёзд, состоящие из «пятого», божественного элемента – эфира, или квинтэссенции). Каждый из четырёх подлунных элементов характеризуется сочетанием двух первичных свойств; огонь – горячее + сухое, воздух – горячее + влажное, вода – влажное + холодное, земля – сухое + холодное. По традиционной интерпретации, первичные свойства имманентны бескачественной «первоматерии» – субстрату, что объясняет возможность их взаимопревращения: например, утрачивая свойство горячего и приобретая свойство холодного, огонь становится воздухом, и т. д. Двум лёгким элементам (огню и воздуху) присуще «естественное» движение вверх, двум тяжёлым (воде и земле) – «естественное» движение вниз; надлунному эфиру присуще естественное движение по кругу, объясняющее видимое вращение неба. Неизменность эфира и его вечное круговращение гарантируют вечность мира. Единственный вид изменения в надлунном мире – пространственное перемещение, подлунный мир подвержен всем четырём видам изменения. Эта дуалистическая космология, вдохновлённая мифологическими представлениями о «горнем» мире богов, была серьёзным регрессом по сравнению с ионийской и атомистической физикой, утверждавшей единство физических законов и однородность Вселенной.


Аристотель различает естественно-научную и моральную психологию. Первая изложена в трактате «О душе» и рассматривает «душу» (псюхэ) в биологическом контексте – как носительницу различных «органических» функций в животном царстве (от растений до человека); вторая изложена в 1-й и 6-й книгах «Никомаховой этики» и фокусируется на психологической основе морального характера человека (разум и эмоции, добродетель, слабоволие и т. д.). Аристотель отвергает как материалистические концепции «души» ранних ионийских философов (душа – воздух и т. д.), так и пифагорейско-платоновский дуализм (душа – бессмертная божественная субстанция) и определяет душу как форму, или энтелехию (конечную реализацию), тела. Душа относится к телу как форма к материи и как актуализация к потенциально обладающему жизненными функциями. В подлунном мире потенциально живыми являются «органические» (т. е. обладающие функциональными органами) тела растений, животных и человека; душа определяется как их «первая энтелехия», которая относится ко «второй» как обладание знанием – к его реализации в научном исследовании. Таким образом, душа и тело – не две различные вещи, а два аспекта психофизического единства.

Простейшие функции души – питание и размножение – реализуются на низшей ступени царства живого – в растениях; душа животных, кроме того, обладает функциями движения и чувственного восприятия; душа человека, помимо растительных и животных функций, обладает также разумом (логосом). Все функции души связаны с телесными органами и потому смертны: единственное исключение – «активный интеллект» (ум-нус), «привходящий извне» и потому не имеющий материального субстрата и бессмертный (аристотелевская уступка дуализму). В рамках моральной психологии в «Никомаховой этике» Аристотель делит человеческую душу на рациональную и иррациональную части. Иррациональная подразделяется на растительно-репродуктивную, совершенно лишённую разума и не имеющую отношения к моральной деятельности, и более высокую (эмоциональную, вместилище «страстей»), «причастную разуму» постольку, поскольку она способна «слушать» разум, как «сын – отца». В свою очередь рациональная часть души делится на «научную», или «теоретическую» (нус), и «вычисляющую», или «вырабатывающую решения» (способность «здравого смысла» – φρόνησις). Как рациональная, так и иррациональная части наделены своим особым видом «желания», или «стремления». Воля человека понимается как «желающий разум», или «разумное желание». Ощущение (αἴσϑησις) Аристотель объясняет как ассимиляцию органа чувств объекту восприятия: воспринимая тепло, рука нагревается, воспринимая цвет, глаз окрашивается и т. д. Такая ассимиляция происходит благодаря пропорциональному смешению базисных противоположностей в органе (например, горячего и холодного): чувственное восприятие, таким образом, подобно моральной добродетели в этике, есть «середина» между двумя полюсами: слишком сильный и слишком слабый стимулы не воспринимаются. В отличие от питания, при котором происходит усвоение материи пищи, ощущение воспринимает только чувственную форму объекта, но не его материю. Наряду с отдельными ощущениями Аристотель признавал наличие «общего ощущения» (ϰοινὴ αἴσϑησις, лат. sensus communis), ответственного за восприятие «общих сенсорных данных» (таких как размер, форма, длительность, покой или движение, единичность или число воспринимаемых объектов), за осознание факта восприятия и за различение объектов восприятия разных органов чувств. Животная душа отличается от растительной способностью к «воображению» (φαντασία), или ментальному воспроизведению чувственного образа вещи после акта восприятия; из этой способности выводятся память, воспоминание и сновидения. Двигательная функция души зависит от наличия желания или влечения к объекту желания, данному либо в непосредственном ощущении, либо в чувственном образе, т. е. выводится из ощущения или воображения. Чистая мысль, или интеллект (нус), воспринимает умопостигаемые формы вещей подобно тому, как ощущение воспринимает их чувственные формы. Чтобы воспринимать любые формы, интеллект должен быть сам свободен от любых форм и не связан с материей. При этом «душа никогда не мыслит без образов»: интеллект мыслит чистые формы через образы; невозможно мыслить непротяжённый или вневременной объект.


Термин «метафизика» происходит от названия «то, что идёт после (греч. μετά) физики», под которым Андроник Родосский в 1 в. до н. э. объединил сочинения Аристотеля по «первой философии», поместив их в своём издании «после» сочинений по физике. Сам Аристотель называл эту философскую дисциплину также «мудростью» (софия) и иногда – «теологией». Неоплатонические комментаторы (Симпликий) впервые истолковали слово «после» в смысле трансцендентности, сверхприродности. В отличие от отдельных наук, «отсекающих» в качестве своего предмета отдельный род бытия, первая философия изучает «бытие как таковое», а также конечные причины и «первоначала» (ἀρχαί) всего сущего. Такое определение «первой философии» как общей онтологии даётся в 4-й книге «Метафизики» и соответствует схоластически «общей метафизике» (metaphysica generalis). Наряду с этой концепцией метафизики в текстах Аристотеля признаётся и другая, согласно которой метафизика изучает особый вид бытия, а именно бытие «обособленное» и неподвижное, т. е. божественное. Эта вторая концепция соответствует схоластической «специальной метафизике» (metaphysica specialis), или теологии. (Согласно теории немецкого учёного В. Йегера, это расхождение объясняется эволюцией взглядов Аристотеля от платонической веры в сверхчувственное бытие к физикализму).

Онтология Аристотеля включает: 1) учение о категориях сущего, или теорию субстанциального и акцидентального бытия; 2) теорию сущности; 3) учение о четырёх причинах и началах бытия; 4) учение о возможности и действительности, или потенциальном и актуальном бытии. Учение о категориях («предикатах») формально представляет собой классификацию всех возможных значений глагола «быть» и типов предикации, соответствующих различным родам бытия. Основная мысль Аристотеля состоит в том, что в высказывании «Сократ есть человек» термин «есть» имеет другое значение, нежели в высказывании «Сократ есть белый», т. к. выражает сущность, а не качество, и, следовательно, указывает на другой род бытия. Таких «категорий» Аристотель устанавливает 10: 1) сущность (например, «человек»); 2) количество («два»); 3) качество («белый»); 4) отношение («вдвое больший»); 5) место («в Ликее»); 6) время («вчера»); 7) положение («лежит»); 8) состояние («вооружён»); 9) действие («бьёт»); 10) страдание («его бьют»). Первая категория обозначает субстанциальное, или независимое, бытие; категории 2–10 – бытие акцидентальное, или «привходящее». Качества, количества и т. д. реальны («есть») лишь постольку, поскольку определяют сущность или «имманентны» ей. (Как указал Э. Бенвенист, категории Аристотеля являются классификацией частей речи: сущность – существительное, качество – прилагательное, количество – числительные, отношение – сравнительная степень прилагательного, действие и страдание – активный и пассивный залоги глагола и т. д.) Только сущность может существовать самостоятельно, в отличие от акцидентальных, или зависимых, родов бытия.

В «Категориях» первичными сущностями (т. е. наиболее реальными) признаются единичные вещи («этот конь»), тогда как универсалии (роды и виды) квалифицируются как «вторые сущности», поскольку они «сказываются» (предицируются) о первичных сущностях, но не наоборот. Однако в 7-й книге «Метафизики» «первая сущность» отождествляется со «чтойностью», или формой вещи. Поскольку всё, что «сказывается об x», онтологически зависимо от x, универсалии (такие как роды и виды) не могут быть первыми сущностями – вопреки платоновской теории идей. Если категориальный анализ нацелен на «сущее», то каузальный анализ имеет своим предметом сущность, или реальное бытие. Знать для Аристотеля означает знать первые причины или начала вещи или явления. Таких причин четыре: форма (или «чтойность»), материя («то, из чего»), движущая или производящая причина («то, под действием чего») и целевая причина («то, ради чего»). В мире артефактов производящая причина (мастер) всегда внеположна вещи; в мире живых организмов движущая, формальная и целевая причины могут совпадать: «человек рождает человека». Форма не может существовать без материи, как и материя без формы: это учение об их нераздельности известно как гилеморфизм. Синтез материи и формы образует единичную, или конкретную, вещь («вот это нечто»). Материя – это чистая возможность бытия, форма – её реализация, или действительность (энергия, в биологии – энтелехия). Актуально сущее возникает из потенциально сущего под действием предсуществующего актуально сущего. Таким актуально сущим для всего мира в целом является неподвижный первый двигатель, или божественный ум-нус, приводящий в движение сферу неподвижных звёзд как объект эроса.


Аристотель отвергает идеалистическую этику Платона с её идеей абсолютного блага, избегая при этом софистического релятивизма и стремясь объективно обосновать её в самой человеческой природе. Этика Аристотеля – часть политической науки, которая исследует моральный характер человека в связи с поведением, эмоциями («страстями») и достижением счастья (эвдемонии). Это практическая наука, цель которой – «действие» (праксис). В отличие от теоретических наук, этика и политика не могут притязать на безошибочную точность. Чисто теоретическое знание этики бесполезно: слушатели лекций по этике должны уже быть морально воспитаны и знать, что хорошо и что предосудительно (фактологическое знание); только в этом случае они могут подняться на теоретический уровень и понять, почему это так (научное знание причин). Вопреки платоновской концепции единого абсолютного блага (идеи добра) Аристотель признаёт множественность благ, которые являются конечными целями различных наук и практических искусств. Наивысшее благо для человека – счастье (эвдемония), которое понимается одними как наслаждение (жизнь ради удовольствия), другими – как честь и слава (практическая жизнь политика), третьими – как созерцание-теория (созерцательная жизнь философов). Счастье есть деятельность (энергия) души, согласная с добродетелью, которая определяет моральный выбор (προαίρεσις). Для полного счастья недостаточно одного обладания добродетелью: необходим минимум «внешних» благ (таких как социальный статус, здоровье, красота, наличие детей и т. д.). Необходимым условием счастья является дружба, которая бывает трёх видов: 1) ради удовольствия, 2) ради пользы и 3) ради благородства; только в благородной дружбе друг является не средством, а целью и становится «другим Я», которому желают добра «ради него самого». Добродетели делятся на этические (добродетели характера) и дианоэтические (интеллектуальные); первые соответствуют иррациональной (эмоциональной) части души, вторые – рациональной. Этические добродетели представляют собой «установки», или «навыки» (ἕξις), а не знания (вопреки Сократу), и воспитываются через упражнение (ἄσϰησις): мы становимся добрыми, совершая добрые дела, как становятся кифаристами, играя на кифаре. Дианоэтические добродетели приобретаются через обучение. Этическая добродетель представляет собой «середину» между двумя крайностями – избытком и недостатком определённой эмоции. Так, мужество – это «середина» между безрассудством и трусостью; целомудрие – середина между распущенностью и бесчувственностью и т. д. «Золотая середина» определяется «правильным принципом» (логосом): таким образом, моральное совершенство основано на согласии между разумом и чувствами. В 6-й книге «Никомаховой этики» правильный принцип отождествляется со «здравым смыслом», или моральной разумностью (φρόνησις). «Нельзя быть добрым, не будучи разумным, как и нельзя быть разумным, не будучи добрым». Здравый смысл является дианоэтической добродетелью практического разума, мудрость – дианоэтической добродетелью теоретического или научного разума. В итоге Аристотель размывает границы между этическими и дианоэтическими добродетелями и сближается с сократовским интеллектуализмом. Этика Аристотеля – это этика самореализации человека, понимаемой как претворение на деле его «предназначения», или «дела» (эргон), т. е. рациональной деятельности. Такая самореализация возможна только в гражданской общине, или полисе.


Политическая наука стремится к практическому достижению общего блага, как этика – блага индивидуального. Индивидуальное и общественное благо, по Аристотелю, совпадают, но общее благо имеет ценностный приоритет (как «более божественное»); политика, следовательно, оказывается «архитектонической» наукой, определяющей целесообразность и статус всех других наук и искусств. Первичной формой социальной организации является семья, семьи объединяются в сельские общины, а сельские общины в гражданскую общину, или город-государство (полис), – высшую форму социальной организации. Гражданский статус определяется правом участия в политической и судебной практике. Полис существует «по природе», и человек по природе является «полисным животным», т. е. существом, не способным жить в одиночестве и естественно образующим общины. Как семья основана на добровольном подчинении жены и детей мужу-отцу, так полис основан на подчинении управляемых управляющим. В правильных формах правления, или конституциях (политиях), правители правят ради общего блага, в извращённых – ради собственного. К правильным относятся монархия (правление одного), аристократия (правление немногих) и политии (правление многих). Извращённая форма монархии – тирания, аристократии – олигархия, политии – демократия. Формы правления различаются по своим ценностным установкам, которые определяют условия допуска граждан к должностям. Олигархия основана на принципе богатства, аристократия – на принципе доблести, демократия – на принципе свободы. «Желательный», или идеальный, государственный строй («Политика», кн. 7–8) может быть охарактеризован как «аристократия» в изначальном смысле слова («правление лучших» – «Политика», 1293 b 5 слл.). В нём сословная дифференциация социальных функций (Платон) заменяется возрастной: в молодости граждане идеального полиса выполняют военную функцию, в старости – собственно политическую («совещательную»), физический труд (земледелие, ремесло) и торговля – удел рабов; отличительный признак свободного гражданина – «досуг» (схолэ), необходимый для реализации эвдемонии в эстетической или умозрительной деятельности. Рабство, по Аристотелю, существует «от природы», отношение «раб – господин» – такой же необходимый элемент структуры полиса, как «жена – муж» – в семье; рабами должны быть не греки («варвары»). Исходя из учения о «золотой середине», Аристотель выдвигает в качестве условно-образцового государственного устройства, легче всего реализуемого для большинства полисов в реальных условиях, политию (смешение олигархии и демократии), в которой поляризация бедных и богатых снимается преобладанием зажиточных средних слоёв.

Поэтика и риторика

Вопреки Платону, осуждавшему поэзию как препятствующую моральному воспитанию граждан в идеальном полисе, Аристотель в «Поэтике» попытался доказать воспитательную ценность поэзии с помощью теории катарсиса, или очищения: сопереживание страстям героя не распаляет страсти слушателя, как считал Платон, а, наоборот, приводит к благотворному «очищению» от жалости и страха, тем самым восстанавливая душевную гармонию и благотворно влияя на этос.

Риторика Аристотеля, как и поэтика, – творческая наука, прикладная диалектика, цель которой – формализация и нахождение способов убеждения массовой аудитории независимо от конкретного повода. Риторика делится на три рода: совещательную, или политическую (в народном собрании), касающуюся принятия решений относительно будущего; судебную, касающуюся законности или незаконности действий, совершённых в прошлом; эпидейктическую, которая трактует события, как бы имеющие место в настоящем и подлежащие моральному одобрению или осуждению. Три основных средства убеждения: характер оратора; эмоциональное состояние аудитории; доводы, содержащие реальные или кажущиеся доказательства. Наиболее действенным средством убеждения Аристотель признаёт либо доводы, основанные на примерах (риторический аналог индуктивного доказательства), либо риторический силлогизм, или энтимему. Энтимема исходит из посылок, верных по большей части, и опускает посылки, которые аудитория легко восполнит сама как очевидные.

Дата публикации:  9 декабря 2022 г. в 12:47 (GMT+3)


Морфологические и синтаксические свойства[править]

падеж ед. ч. мн. ч.
Им. Аристо́тель Аристо́тели
Р. Аристо́теля Аристо́телей
Д. Аристо́телю Аристо́телям
В. Аристо́теля Аристо́телей
Тв. Аристо́телем Аристо́телями
Пр. Аристо́теле Аристо́телях


Существительное, одушевлённое, мужской род, 2-е склонение (тип склонения 2a по классификации А. А. Зализняка).Аристо́тель

Имя собственное (личное имя).

Корень: -Аристотель-.


  • МФА: ед. ч. [ɐrʲɪˈstotʲɪlʲ], мн. ч. [ɐrʲɪˈstotʲɪlʲɪ]

Семантические свойства[править]


  1. греческое мужское имя ◆ В Ассе при дворе тирана Гермия Атарнейского некоторое время жил философ Аристотель. «Древний мир», 2003 г.




  1. имя


Родственные слова[править]

Ближайшее родство


Происходит от др.-греч. Ἀριστοτέλης, от др.-греч. ἄριστος «лучший», из праиндоевр. *ar- «подходить, быть годным» + τέλος «конец; результат; налог»

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания[править]


Список переводов
  • Английскийen: Aristotle
  • Арабскийar: أرسطو м. (’arisʈū)
  • Армянскийhy: Արիստոտել (Aristotel)
  • Белорусскийbe: Арыстоцель м.; тарашкевица: Арыстотэль м.
  • Венгерскийhu: Arisztotelész
  • Грабарxcl: Արիստոտէլ (Aristotēl)
  • Греческийel: Αριστοτέλης м. (Aristotélis)
  • Грузинскийka: არისტოტელე (Aristotele)
  • Древнегреческийgrc: Ἀριστοτέλης м. (Aristotélēs)
  • Исландскийis: Aristóteles м.
  • Испанскийes: Aristóteles м.
  • Итальянскийit: Aristotele м.
  • Корейскийko: 아리스토텔레스 (Ariseutotelleseu)
  • Кхмерскийkm: អារិស្តត្ថល (aaristɑɑttʰal)
  • Македонскийmk: Аристотел м.
  • Немецкийde: Aristoteles м.
  • Норвежскийno: Aristoteles
  • Персидскийfa: ارسطو (Arestu)
  • Польскийpl: Arystoteles м.
  • Португальскийpt: Aristóteles м.
  • Словенскийsl: Aristótel м.
  • Турецкийtr: Aristoteles, Aristo
  • Украинскийuk: Аристотель м.
  • Урдуur: ارسطو м. (Arastu)
  • Финскийfi: Aristoteles
  • Французскийfr: Aristote м.
  • Хиндиhi: अरस्तु м. (Arastu)
  • Чешскийcs: Aristoteles м., Aristotelés м.
  • Шведскийsv: Aristoteles (sv)
  • Японскийja: アリストテレス (Arisutoteresu)


Разбор слова «аристотель»: для переноса, на слоги, по составу

Объяснение правил деление (разбивки) слова «аристотель» на слоги для переноса.
Онлайн словарь Soosle.ru поможет: фонетический и морфологический разобрать слово «аристотель» по составу, правильно делить на слоги по провилам русского языка, выделить части слова, поставить ударение, укажет значение, синонимы, антонимы и сочетаемость к слову «аристотель».

Деление слова аристотель

Слово аристотель по слогам


  • 1 Слоги в слове «аристотель» деление на слоги
  • 2 Как перенести слово «аристотель»
  • 3 Синонимы слова «аристотель»
  • 4 Ударение в слове «аристотель»
  • 5 Фонетическая транскрипция слова «аристотель»
  • 6 Фонетический разбор слова «аристотель» на буквы и звуки (Звуко-буквенный)
  • 7 Предложения со словом «аристотель»
  • 8 Значение слова «аристотель»
  • 9 Как правильно пишется слово «аристотель»
  • 10 Ассоциации к слову «аристотель»

Слоги в слове «аристотель» деление на слоги

Количество слогов: 4
По слогам: а-ри-сто-тель

По правилам школьной программы слово «аристотель» можно поделить на слоги разными способами. Допускается вариативность, то есть все варианты правильные. Например, такой:

По программе института слоги выделяются на основе восходящей звучности:

Ниже перечислены виды слогов и объяснено деление с учётом программы института и школ с углублённым изучением русского языка.

  • а — начальный, неприкрытый, открытый, 1 буква
  • ри — средний, прикрытый, открытый, 2 буквы
  • сто — средний, прикрытый, открытый, 3 буквы
    с примыкает к этому слогу, а не к предыдущему, так как не является сонорной (непарной звонкой согласной)
  • тель — конечный, прикрытый, закрытый, 4 буквы
  • Как перенести слово «аристотель»


    Синонимы слова «аристотель»

    Ударение в слове «аристотель»

    аристо́тель — ударение падает на 3-й слог

    Фонетическая транскрипция слова «аристотель»


    Фонетический разбор слова «аристотель» на буквы и звуки (Звуко-буквенный)

    Буква Звук Характеристики звука Цвет
    а [а] гласный, безударный а
    р [р’] согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), мягкий р
    и [и] гласный, безударный и
    с [с] согласный, глухой парный, твёрдый, шумный с
    т [т] согласный, глухой парный, твёрдый, шумный т
    о [] гласный, ударный о
    т [т’] согласный, глухой парный, мягкий, шумный т
    е [и] гласный, безударный е
    л [л’] согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), мягкий л
    ь не обозначает звука ь

    Число букв и звуков:
    На основе сделанного разбора делаем вывод, что в слове 10 букв и 9 звуков.
    Буквы: 4 гласных буквы, 5 согласных букв, 1 буква не означает звука.
    Звуки: 4 гласных звука, 5 согласных звуков.

    Предложения со словом «аристотель»

    Аристотель написал книгу, где собрал методы лечения камнями, применявшиеся в его время.

    Олег Панков, Лечение зрения при помощи камней и их светового спектра. Уникальные упражнения по методу профессора Олега Панкова.

    Платонсоотносил душу с идеей, Аристотель считал душу формой.

    Группа авторов, Философия: конспект лекций.

    Аристотель утверждал, что к истине можно прийти путём логических суждений, определений и оценок, основанных на прошлом опыте.

    Валентин Штерн, Тренировка мозга для генерации золотых идей. Школа Эдварда де Боно, 2011.

    Значение слова «аристотель»

    Аристо́тель (др.-греч. Ἀριστοτέλης; 384 год до н. э., Стагира, Фракия — 322 год до н. э., Халкида, остров Эвбея) — древнегреческий философ. Ученик Платона. С 343 года до н. э. — воспитатель Александра Македонского. В 335/4 годах до н. э. основал Ликей (др.-греч. Λύκειον Лицей, или перипатетическую школу). Натуралист классического периода. Наиболее влиятельный из философов древности; основоположник формальной логики. Создал понятийный аппарат, который до сих пор пронизывает философский лексикон и стиль научного мышления. (Википедия)

    Как правильно пишется слово «аристотель»

    Правописание слова «аристотель»
    Орфография слова «аристотель»

    Правильно слово пишется:

    Нумерация букв в слове
    Номера букв в слове «аристотель» в прямом и обратном порядке:

    Ассоциации к слову «аристотель»

    • Платон

    • Сократ

    • Гомера

    • Птолемей

    • Философ

    • Цицерон

    • Этика

    • Трактат

    • Мыслитель

    • Галилей

    • Комментатор

    • Философия

    • Порфирий

    • Кант

    • Учение

    • Сенека

    • Последователь

    • Афины

    • Фома

    • Физика

    • Ньютон

    • Сочинение

    • Логик

    • Воззрение

    • Комментарий

    • Афина

    • Августин

    • Гораций

    • Бюст

    • Богословие

    • Эйнштейн

    • Афинянин

    • Тирания

    • Астрономия

    • Толкование

    • Физик

    • Интерпретация

    • Субстанция

    • Логика

    • Македония

    • Подражание

    • Греков

    • Доктрина

    • Плотина

    • Бытие

    • Грамматик

    • Мышление

    • Древность

    • Греция

    • Эллин

    • Очищение

    • Изложение

    • Иудаизм

    • Леонардо

    • Средневековье

    • Мудрец

    • Данте

    • Богослов

    • Материя

    • Добродетель

    • Трагедия

    • Изречение

    • Противоположность

    • Ученик

    • Грек

    • Спарта

    • Познание

    • Цитата

    • Теория

    • Аналитик

    • Концепция

    • Метафора

    • Умозаключение

    • Афинский

    • Древнегреческий

    • Македонский

    • Античный

    • Этический

    • Философский

    • Богословский

    • Греческий

    • Александрийский

    • Успенский

    • Солёный

    • Эстетический

    • Средневековый

    • Логический

    • Формальный

    • Единичный

    • Арабский

    • Латинский

    • Цитировать

    • Приписывать

    • Опровергать

    • Ссылаться

    • Восходить

    • Критиковать

    • Заимствовать

    • Сформулировать

    • Комментировать

    Правильное написание слова аристотель:


    Криптовалюта за ходьбу!

    Количество букв в слове: 10

    Слово состоит из букв:
    А, Р, И, С, Т, О, Т, Е, Л, Ь

    Правильный транслит слова: aristotel

    Написание с не правильной раскладкой клавиатуры: fhbcnjntkm

    Тест на правописание

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