Как пишется аутлук на английском почта

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A Dim Outlook for Trumponomics

Тусклые перспективы Трампономики




Is their buoyant outlook warranted?

Обоснован ли такой жизнерадостный взгляд?




Perhaps the conflicting headlines reflect the relatively balanced outlook that Fed Chair Janet Yellen presented.

Возможно, противоречивые новости отражают относительно сбалансированное мировоззрение, представленное председателем Федеральной резервной системы Джанет Йеллен.




But social mobility is also a precondition for creating a modern outlook.

Но социальная мобильность — это также и необходимое условие формирования современного кругозора.




You don’t schedule an eight-hour meeting with Outlook.

Вы не планируете восьмичасовой митинг с помощью Аутлука.




другие переводы 3






IM someone, right from Outlook.

Отправляйте мгновенные сообщения прямо из Outlook.


Словосочетания (38)

  1. bearish outlook — пессимистический прогноз
  2. bullish outlook — оптимистический прогноз
  3. business outlook — перспективы деловой активности
  4. economic outlook — экономические перспективы
  5. healthy outlook — здоровое восприятие
  6. long term outlook — долгосрочная перспектива
  7. longterm outlook — долгосрочная перспектива
  8. microsoft outlook express — Microsoft Outlook Express
  9. ms outlook — MS Outlook
  10. narrow outlook — узкий кругозор



IM someone, right from Outlook.
Отправляйте мгновенные сообщения прямо из Outlook.

A Dim Outlook for Trumponomics
Тусклые перспективы Трампономики

Is their buoyant outlook warranted?
Обоснован ли такой жизнерадостный взгляд?

Perhaps the conflicting headlines reflect the relatively balanced outlook that Fed Chair Janet Yellen presented.
Возможно, противоречивые новости отражают относительно сбалансированное мировоззрение, представленное председателем Федеральной резервной системы Джанет Йеллен.

Although the crisis that began in the United States in 2007 has since spread worldwide, the outlook for the US economy is clearly crucial to eventual global recovery.
Хотя кризис, который начался в Соединенных Штатах в 2007 году, с тех пор распространился по всему миру, виды на будущее у экономики США вполне определенные – окончательное глобальное экономическое оздоровление.


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Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook

• 2010 (14.0) (Windows)
• 2011 (14.1.0) (Mac OS X)
(15 июня 2010 (Windows),
12 апреля 2011 (Mac OS X))

Microsoft Outlook (Ма́йкрософт Аутлу́к) — персональный информационный менеджер с функциями почтового клиента и Groupware компании Майкрософт, входящий в пакет офисных программ Microsoft Office.

Помимо функций почтового клиента для работы с электронной почтой, Microsoft Outlook является полноценным органайзером, предоставляющим функции календаря, планировщика задач, записной книжки и менеджера контактов. Кроме того, Outlook позволяет отслеживать работу с документами пакета Microsoft Office для автоматического составления дневника работы.

Не следует путать Outlook с продуктом Outlook Express. Outlook Express — это клиент электронной почты, встроенный в большинство версий Windows, выпущенных в период с 1998 по 2003 годы.



Outlook может использоваться как отдельное приложение, так и выступать в роли клиента для почтового сервера Microsoft Exchange Server, что предоставляет дополнительные функции для совместной работы пользователей одной организации: общие почтовые ящики, папки задач, календари, конференции, планирование и резервирование времени общих встреч, согласование документов. Microsoft Outlook и Microsoft Exchange Server являются платформой для организации документооборота, так как они обеспечены системой разработки пользовательских плагинов и скриптов, с помощью которых возможно программирование дополнительных функций документооборота (и не только документооборота), не предусмотренных в стандартной поставке.

Дополнения и надстройки

«Диспетчер деловых контактов» — надстройка для MS Office Outlook 2003, поставляемая вместе с Microsoft Office System 2003. В «Диспетчере деловых контактов» можно управлять деловыми контактами, счетами и возможными продажами, также могут содержаться дополнительные сведения (например, вложения, рисунки, деловые заметки и сведения о продукции) — это помогает объединять сведения о деловых контактах со сведениями о встречах, задачах, напоминаниях, а также взаимодействовать с другими программами Microsoft Office, например Office Excel 2003.

Microsoft office outlook#preview — программа просмотра (интерфейс разработан специально для Windows Phone 8 и Windows 8)


Версии на платформе Windows:

Microsoft также выпустила несколько версий Outlook под Mac OS. После выхода Outlook 98, на платформе Mac его заменял Microsoft Entourage. Но теперь Microsoft в Microsoft Office:mac 2011 снова заменяет Entourage на Outlook.


Аналогами Microsoft Outlook являются:

Все программы по функциональности и интерфейсу схожи.

См. также



Скриншот Microsoft Outlook 2010 в среде Windows
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Смотреть что такое «Microsoft Outlook» в других словарях:

Microsoft Outlook — Microsoft Outlook/Entourage Basisdaten Entwickler Microsoft Aktuelle Ve … Deutsch Wikipedia

Microsoft Outlook — Développeur Microsoft Dernière version 2010 (v.14) sous Windows … Wikipédia en Français

Microsoft Outlook — es un programa de organización ofimática y cliente de correo electrónico de Microsoft, y forma parte de la suite Microsoft Office. Puede ser utilizado como aplicación independiente o con Microsoft Exchange Server para dar servicios a múltiples… … Wikipedia Español

Microsoft Outlook — es un programa de agenda ofimática y cliente de email de Microsoft, y forma parte de la suite Microsoft Office. Puede ser utilizado como aplicación independiente, o junto con Microsoft Exchange Server para dar servicio a múltiples usuarios dentro … Enciclopedia Universal

Microsoft Outlook — Microsoft Outlook, Outlook … Universal-Lexikon

Microsoft Outlook — Персональный информационный менеджер с функциями почтового клиента и Groupware компании Майкрософт, входящий в пакет офисных программ Microsoft Office Словарь бизнес терминов. Академик.ру. 2001 … Словарь бизнес-терминов

Microsoft Outlook — For the e mail and news client bundled with certain versions of Microsoft Windows, see Outlook Express. Microsoft Office Outlook … Wikipedia

Microsoft Outlook — A popular e mail application from Microsoft, which also includes scheduling and calendar functions, a contact management module, and a simple project management tool … Dictionary of networking

Microsoft Outlook Express — Outlook Express Outlook Express 6 unter Windows XP, eine E Mail mit dem Inhalt Lorem Ipsum verfassend Basisdaten Entwickler … Deutsch Wikipedia

Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector — Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Add Account window Developer(s) Microsoft Stable release 14.0 (14.0.5139.5001) / May 12, 2011 … Wikipedia


Microsoft Outlook

Общайтесь, организовывайте работу и выполняйте поставленные задачи с помощью бесплатной личной электронной почты и календаря.

Все необходимое для максимально продуктивной работы и связи — дома, в пути и в любом другом месте

Электронная почта и календарь в одном удобном интерфейсе

Отправляйте и получайте электронные письма и управляйте ими. Следите за встречами и событиями с помощью встроенного календаря Outlook.

Спокойно работайте и общайтесь благодаря надежным средствам безопасности

Полный контроль над данными с вашей стороны

С Outlook вы сможете самостоятельно следить за конфиденциальностью своих данных.

Мы предоставляем простые инструменты и понятные варианты выбора, чтобы вы могли взять ситуацию под контроль.

Мы предоставляем абсолютно прозрачную информацию о сборе и использовании данных, на основании которой вы можете принимать осознанные решения.

Мы не используем содержимое вашей электронной почты, календаря или другие личные материалы для демонстрации вам целевой рекламы.

Когда мы собираем данные, мы делаем это в ваших интересах и для вашего удобства.

Безопасность корпоративного класса

Outlook обеспечивает круглосуточную защиту данных.

Средства защиты, которые Майкрософт использует для бизнес-клиентов.

Шифрование данных в вашем почтовом ящике, а также после отправки сообщений.

Автоматическая деактивация небезопасных ссылок, содержащих фишинговые сообщения, вирусы или вредоносные программы.

Обнаружение программ-шантажистов и восстановление для важных файлов в OneDrive.

Упорядоченная работа в динамичном темпе

Outlook теперь может больше, а значит и вы будете больше успевать.

Ваш интеллектуальный помощник

Находите требуемые сообщения, контакты и документы с помощью функции поиска Outlook.

Организованная работа и удобные средства связи

Упростите планирование, предоставляя сведения о вашей доступности.

Полный и постоянный контроль

Microsoft To Do поможет правильно расставить приоритеты.

Бесплатный доступ к приложениям Office

Работайте вместе со всеми удобствами в Word, PowerPoint и Excel. Общайтесь в реальном времени в Skype прямо из учетной записи Outlook.

Максимальная доступность для любого пользователя

Приложение Outlook изначально создавалось как самый доступный почтовый ящик для всех и каждого, поэтому в нем реализованы такие функции, как интуитивно понятная голосовая навигация, поддержка самых разных вспомогательных устройств и многое другое.


Скачайте бесплатное приложение Outlook для своего телефона

На этом сайте используются файлы cookie для аналитики, персонализированного содержимого и рекламы. Продолжая просматривать этот сайт, вы соглашаетесь с таким использованием.


Подключитесь. Наведите порядок. Работайте эффективно.

Бесплатные почта и календарь Outlook

Все необходимое, чтобы эффективно решать задачи и всегда оставаться на связи — дома, в дороге и где угодно.

Бесплатные почта и календарь Outlook

Все необходимое, чтобы эффективно решать задачи и всегда оставаться на связи — дома, в дороге и где угодно.

Скачайте бесплатное приложение Outlook для своего телефона.

Электронная почта и календарь в одном удобном приложении

Всегда будьте в курсе важных событий и сохраняйте доступ к сообщениям.

Электронная почта one-place-interface-icon-calendar

Отправляйте, получайте и упорядочивайте электронную почту.

Планируйте и организовывайте встречи, собрания и мероприятия.

Просматривайте сведения о контактах, наводя указатель мыши на имя.

Определяйте приоритетность задач с помощью Microsoft To Do.

Находите сообщения, людей и документы.

Защита корпоративного класса

Outlook круглосуточно защищает вашу конфиденциальность и предотвращает получение спама.

    Защита с помощью тех же средств Майкрософт, которые используются для корпоративных клиентов. Шифрование данных в почтовом ящике и после отправки электронной почты. Автоматическая блокировка небезопасных ссылок, которые связаны с фишингом, вирусами и вредоносными программами. Premium Обнаружение программ-шантажистов и восстановление важных файлов в OneDrive. Premium

Доступ к Office. Бесплатно.

Поддерживайте порядок в делах

Встроенный календарь Outlook с широкими возможностями поможет вам отслеживать встречи и планировать собрания.

Еще больше специальных возможностей

Мы разработали Outlook.com, чтобы они были доступны для всех пользователей, с интуитивной навигацией в системе управления, поддержкой нескольких специальных устройств и многое другое.

Ищете Hotmail?

Вот он! Hotmail превратился в Outlook, но это по-прежнему лучшая бесплатная служба электронной почты и календарей.

Вас приветствует Outlook

Электронная почта, календарь и многое другое.

Расширьте возможности Outlook

Мы разработали набор расширенных возможностей Outlook для людей, которые активно работают с электронной почтой и календарем. Оформите подписку на Microsoft 365, чтобы получить доступ к интерфейсу без рекламы, использованию личных доменов, расширенным функциям обеспечения безопасности, полной классической версии Office и 1 ТБ облачного хранилища. Сведения о премиум-возможностях Outlook, доступных по подписке на Microsoft 365


существительное ↓

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



She has a healthy outlook on life.

Она здраво смотрит на жизнь.

The outlook for tomorrow is rain.

Завтра ожидается дождь.

The outlook for the future is bright.

Будущее представляется прекрасным.

He has a mature outlook on life.

У него зрелый взгляд на жизнь.

She has a cheerful outlook on life.

Она весело смотрит на жизнь.

He’s got a good outlook on life.

У него хорошее отношение к жизни.

There was a picturesque outlook on all sides.

Со всех сторон открывался живописный вид.

Exercise will improve your looks and your outlook.

Физические упражнения улучшат как вашу внешность, так и отношение к жизни.

The outlook for sufferers from this disease is bleak.

Перспективы людей, страдающих от этого заболевания, безрадостны.

He had a coherence of outlook and thought.

Он обладал связностью кругозора и мысли. (Имеется ввиду взаимосвязь внешней и внутренней составляющей его личности)

Brigitta has such a cosmopolitan outlook on life.

Бригитта очень космополитична в своих взглядах на жизнь.

She still has an optimistic outlook for the future.

Её взгляд на будущее по-прежнему оптимистичен.

Education is an important determinant of one’s outlook on life.

Образование является важным фактором, определяющим взгляды человека на жизнь.

They had a sharp expression of outlook and readiness.

Их лица выражали настороженность и готовность к действию.

The loss of both her parents at an early age distorted her outlook on life.

Потеря в раннем возрасте обоих родителей исказила её взгляды на жизнь.

The students all seemed to have the same outlook.

Похоже, у всех студентов были одинаковые взгляды на жизнь.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The outlook for the weekend is unsettled, with periods of heavy rain.

Despite our differences in outlook, we got along together very well.

John’s outlook has always been anchored in the political mainstream.



1 outlook

виды на будущее;
a good outlook for trade хорошие перспективы развития торговли outlook вид, перспектива

виды на будущее;
a good outlook for trade хорошие перспективы развития торговли

точка зрения trade

2 outlook

to adopt the scientific world outlook — принимать / утверждать научное мировоззрение

to broaden one’s outlook — расширять свой кругозор

to spread the scientific outlook — распространять / внедрять научное мировоззрение

3 outlook

long-range / long-term outlook — долгосрочные перспективы

short-range / short-term outlook — краткосрочные перспективы

The outlook for the future is bright. — Будущее представляется прекрасным.

The outlook for tomorrow is rain. — Завтра ожидается дождь.

negative / pessimistic outlook — негативное, пессимистическое мироощущение

optimistic / positive outlook on life — оптимистическое, позитивное восприятие жизни

to have an outlook on smth. — воспринимать что-л. определённым образом, придерживаться определённой точки зрения на что-л.

She has a healthy outlook on life. — Она здраво смотрит на жизнь.

dismal / gloomy outlook — мрачный вид

There was a picturesque outlook on all sides. — Со всех сторон открывался живописный вид.

They had a sharp expression of outlook and readiness. — На их лицах выражались настороженность и готовность к действию.

4 outlook

5 outlook

6 outlook

wan shapes outlooking from the greenness of the woods — неясные очертания, выделяющиеся на фоне зелёного леса

7 outlook

8 outlook

Investors in US treasuries are now taking a slightly more neutral position on the outlook for the market. — Инвесторы в американские казначейские бумаги занимают сейчас несколько более нейтральную позицию в отношении перспектив рынка.

9 outlook

10 outlook

11 outlook

12 outlook

13 outlook

a good outlook for trade хоро́шие перспекти́вы разви́тия торго́вли

14 outlook

15 outlook

16 outlook


[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]



расстояние (от наблюдателя)

[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]


17 outlook

18 outlook

19 outlook

20 outlook

См. также в других словарях:

Outlook — or The Outlook may refer to: In computing Microsoft Outlook, an e mail and personal information management software product from Microsoft Outlook Express, an e mail and news client bundled with certain versions of Microsoft Windows In printed… … Wikipedia

outlook — out‧look [ˈaʊtlʊk] noun [singular] the way things are expected to develop in the future: • Given the current economic outlook, the group expects its media businesses to generate increased earnings over the next five years. outlook for • The… … Financial and business terms

Outlook — [dt. »Aussicht«], ein Anwendungsprogramm von Microsoft, das eine Kombination aus E Mail Programm, Organisator für persönliche Belange (PIM, Personal Information Manager) und Groupware anbietet. Es ist Bestandteil aller Versionen des Office… … Universal-Lexikon

Outlook — Outlook: Microsoft Outlook персональный информационный менеджер с функциями почтового клиента, входящий в пакет офисных программ Microsoft Office. Outlook Express программа для работы с электронной почтой и группами новостей от… … Википедия

Outlook — puede referirse a: Microsoft Outlook, programa de agenda ofimática y cliente de correo electrónico de Microsoft, de la suite Microsoft Office. Outlook Express, un cliente de correo electrónico. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos… … Wikipedia Español

Outlook — Outlook, MT U.S. town in Montana Population (2000): 82 Housing Units (2000): 43 Land area (2000): 1.304985 sq. miles (3.379896 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.304985 sq. miles (3.379896 sq. km) … StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

Outlook, MT — U.S. town in Montana Population (2000): 82 Housing Units (2000): 43 Land area (2000): 1.304985 sq. miles (3.379896 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.304985 sq. miles (3.379896 sq. km) FIPS code:… … StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

outlook — [n1] point of view angle*, attitude, direction, frame of mind*, headset*, mind set*, perspective, routine, scope, side, size of it*, slant*, standpoint, viewpoint, views, vision; concepts 410,689 Ant. indifference outlook [n2] probable future… … New thesaurus

outlook — I noun angle, aspect, attitude, emotional tone, field of view, frame of mind, frame of reference, observation, perspective, point of observation, point of view, position, posture, regard, slant, stand, standpoint, viewpoint, way of thinking II… … Law dictionary


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется аутлук на английском почта, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется аутлук на английском почта», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

  • 1




    Their house has a wonderful outlook.


    He has a strange outlook (on life).

    نَظْرَةٌ إلى الأمور، وُجْهَة نَظَر


    The weather outlook is bad.

    دَلائِل المُسْتَقْبَل القَريب

    Arabic-English dictionary > outlook

  • 2

    Spanish-English dictionary > Outlook

  • 3


    anticipation: anticipating; expectation: In anticipation of a cold winter, we ordered a large supply of coal. expectation: (the act of) expecting; what one expects: His exam results fulfilled my expectations. In expectation of guests, she prepared a special meal. outlook: the general look of the probable future: The outlook for tomorrow’s weather is dry and sunny.

    Arabic-English glossary > outlook

  • 4


    chance: possibility. We have no chance of winning. expectation: (the act of) expecting; what one expects: His exam results fulfilled my expectations. In expectation of guests, she prepared a special meal. likelihood: probability. outlook: the general look of the probable future: The outlook for tomorrow’s weather is dry and sunny. patience: being patient. possibility: a chance: Is there a possibility of rain?. probability: likelihood; a probable chance: In all probability (most probably) he’ll win the race. prospect: to hope, probability: We have no prospect of success.

    See Also
    توقع (تَوَقُّع)، إمكانية (إمْكانيّة)، تجلد (تَجَلُّد)، فرصة (فرصة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > outlook

  • 5


    fortune: chance; fate (usu. good): Fortune favours the bold. By good fortune, I was at home when he came. horoscope: a plan of the position of the important stars at sb.’s birth (or at other special times), from which his character, life and future are sometimes calculated. omen: sth. that is regarded as a sign of good or bad fortune: To meet a black cat is sometimes believed to be a good omen. outlook: the general look of the probable future: The outlook for tomorrow’s weather is dry and sunny.

    See Also
    حَظّ (سعيد)، فأل (فَأْل)، نَذِير أو بَشِير

    Arabic-English glossary > outlook

  • 6

    المُسْتَقْبَل المُرتَقَب

    outlook: the general look of the probable future: The outlook for tomorrow’s weather is dry and sunny.

    Arabic-English glossary > outlook

  • 7


    outlook: view: the outlook from my window. scene: a view; what one sees in a view: Spring flowers in the garden make a pretty scene, one of the shorter divisions of a play Hamlet is killed in Scene 2 of Act 5 of the play. scenery: the general look of the countryside (of its hills, woods, etc.): mountain scenery; desert scenery. sight: sth. that is seen, or is worth seeing: The spring flowers in the public gardens are a wonderful sight. We are going to Rome to see the sights. spectacle: a sight; a show: a shameful spectacle; a splendid spectacle. view: a sight: From my window I had a view of the coast. The house came into view as we turned the corner.

    See Also
    مَشْهَد (من مسرحيّة)، فرجة (فُرْجَة)، مرأى (مَرْأى)، شيءٌ حَرِيٌّ بالنظر

    Arabic-English glossary > outlook

  • 8


    Abbreviation: OTLK

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > outlook

  • 9
    Outlook Express

    1) Information technology: OE

    2) Software: OE

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Outlook Express

  • 10
    Outlook For Hospitals

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Outlook For Hospitals

  • 11
    Outlook Group Corporation

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Outlook Group Corporation

  • 12
    Outlook Helper

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Outlook Helper

  • 13
    Outlook Rules Wizard files

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Outlook Rules Wizard files

  • 14
    Outlook Survival Kit

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Outlook Survival Kit

  • 15
    Outlook Web Access

    1) Information technology: OWA

    2) Network technologies: OWA

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Outlook Web Access

  • 16
    Microsoft Outlook


    Microsoft Outlook, MS Outlook, Outlook.

    Spanish-English dictionary > Microsoft Outlook

  • 17
    MS Outlook


    MS Outlook, Microsoft Outlook.

    Spanish-English dictionary > MS Outlook

  • 18
    Диспетчер контактов для Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Диспетчер контактов для Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

  • 19
    Диспетчер контактов для Outlook

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Диспетчер контактов для Outlook

  • 20
    автоматически получать настройки оповещения об отсутствии на работе из Outlook

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > автоматически получать настройки оповещения об отсутствии на работе из Outlook


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Outlook — or The Outlook may refer to: In computing Microsoft Outlook, an e mail and personal information management software product from Microsoft Outlook Express, an e mail and news client bundled with certain versions of Microsoft Windows In printed… …   Wikipedia

  • outlook — out‧look [ˈaʊtlʊk] noun [singular] the way things are expected to develop in the future: • Given the current economic outlook, the group expects its media businesses to generate increased earnings over the next five years. outlook for • The… …   Financial and business terms

  • Outlook —   [dt. »Aussicht«], ein Anwendungsprogramm von Microsoft, das eine Kombination aus E Mail Programm, Organisator für persönliche Belange (PIM, Personal Information Manager) und Groupware anbietet. Es ist Bestandteil aller Versionen des Office… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Outlook — Out look , n. 1. The act of looking out; watch. [1913 Webster] 2. One who looks out; also, the place from which one looks out; a watchower. Lyon Playfair. [1913 Webster] 3. The view obtained by one looking out; scope of vision; sight; appearance …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Outlook — Outlook: Microsoft Outlook  персональный информационный менеджер с функциями почтового клиента, входящий в пакет офисных программ Microsoft Office. Outlook Express  программа для работы с электронной почтой и группами новостей от… …   Википедия

  • Outlook — puede referirse a: Microsoft Outlook, programa de agenda ofimática y cliente de correo electrónico de Microsoft, de la suite Microsoft Office. Outlook Express, un cliente de correo electrónico. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Outlook — Outlook, MT U.S. town in Montana Population (2000): 82 Housing Units (2000): 43 Land area (2000): 1.304985 sq. miles (3.379896 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.304985 sq. miles (3.379896 sq. km) …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Outlook, MT — U.S. town in Montana Population (2000): 82 Housing Units (2000): 43 Land area (2000): 1.304985 sq. miles (3.379896 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.304985 sq. miles (3.379896 sq. km) FIPS code:… …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • outlook — [n1] point of view angle*, attitude, direction, frame of mind*, headset*, mind set*, perspective, routine, scope, side, size of it*, slant*, standpoint, viewpoint, views, vision; concepts 410,689 Ant. indifference outlook [n2] probable future… …   New thesaurus

  • Outlook — Out*look , v. t. 1. To face down; to outstare. [1913 Webster] To outlook conquest, and to win renown. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To inspect throughly; to select. [Obs.] Cotton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outlook — I noun angle, aspect, attitude, emotional tone, field of view, frame of mind, frame of reference, observation, perspective, point of observation, point of view, position, posture, regard, slant, stand, standpoint, viewpoint, way of thinking II… …   Law dictionary

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Office Outlook (2018–present).svg
Microsoft Outlook.png

An email inbox in Outlook (365-only UI version), running on Windows 10

Developer(s) Microsoft Corporation
Initial release January 16, 1997
Stable release(s)
Office 365 2107 (Beta Channel) (16.0.13901.20462) / June 8, 2021; 20 months ago
One-time purchase 2021 / October 5, 2021; 16 months ago[1]
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Type Personal information manager
License Trialware
Website products.office.com/outlook Edit this on Wikidata
Microsoft Outlook for Mac

Outlook for Mac 2016 screenshot.png

Outlook for Mac 2016

Developer(s) Microsoft Corporation
Stable release

16.70 (Build 23021201)
/ February 14, 2023; 17 days ago[2]

Operating system macOS
Type Personal information manager
License Proprietary commercial software
Website www.microsoft.com/mac/outlook
Microsoft Outlook for Android

Outlook Mobile Android screenshot.png

Outlook for Android

Developer(s) Microsoft Corporation
Stable release

/ December 14, 2021; 14 months ago[3]

Operating system Android 7 and later
Type Personal information manager
License Proprietary commercial software
Website products.office.com/en-us/outlook-mobile-for-android-and-ios
Microsoft Outlook for iOS

Developer(s) Microsoft Corporation
Stable release

/ February 28, 2023; 3 days ago[4]

Operating system iOS 15 or later
iPadOS 15 or later
watchOS 8 or later
Type Personal information manager
License Proprietary commercial software
Website products.office.com/en-us/outlook-mobile-for-android-and-ios

Microsoft Outlook is a personal information manager software system from Microsoft, available as a part of the Microsoft Office and Microsoft 365 software suites. Though primarily an email client, Outlook also includes such functions as calendaring, task managing, contact managing, note-taking, journal logging and web browsing, and has also become a popular email client for many businesses.

Individuals can use Outlook as a stand-alone application; organizations can deploy it as multi-user software (through Microsoft Exchange Server or SharePoint) for such shared functions as mailboxes, calendars, folders, data aggregation (i.e., SharePoint lists), and appointment scheduling. Apps of Outlook for mobile platforms are also offered.

Web applications[edit]

Outlook.com is a free webmail version of Microsoft Outlook, using a similar user interface. Originally known as Hotmail, it was rebranded as Outlook.com in 2012.

Outlook on the web (previously called Exchange Web Connect, Outlook Web Access, and Outlook Web App) is a web business version of Microsoft Outlook, and is included in Office 365, Exchange Server, and Exchange Online.


Outlook has replaced Microsoft’s previous scheduling and email clients, Schedule+ and Exchange Client.

Outlook 98 and Outlook 2000 offer two configurations:

  • Internet Mail Only (aka IMO mode): A lighter application mode with specific emphasis on POP3 and IMAP accounts, including a lightweight Fax application.
  • Corporate Work group (aka CW mode): A full MAPI client with specific emphasis on Microsoft Exchange accounts.

Perpetual versions of Microsoft Outlook include:

Name Version number[i] Release date[5] Notes
Outlook 97 8.0 January 16, 1997 Included in Office 97 and bundled with Exchange Server 5.0 and 5.5
Outlook 98 8.5 June 21, 1998 Freely distributed with books and magazines for coping with the newest Internet standard such as HTML email.[6] Outlook 98 setup was based on Active Setup which also installed Internet Explorer 4.[7]
Outlook 2000 9.0 June 27, 1999 Included in Office 2000 and bundled with Exchange 2000 Server.
Outlook 2002 10 May 31, 2001 Included in Office XP
Outlook 2003 11 November 20, 2003 Included in Office 2003 (incl. Standard Edition for Students and Teachers) and bundled with Exchange Server 2003
Outlook 2007 12 January 27, 2007 Included in Office 2007, except Office Home and Student edition
Outlook 2010 14 July 15, 2010 Included in Office 2010 Home and Business, Standard, Professional and Professional Plus
Outlook 2011 for Mac 14 October 26, 2010 Included in Office for Mac 2011 Home and Business
Outlook 2013 15 January 29, 2013 Included in Office 2013, except Home & Student edition
Outlook for Mac 15.3 October 31, 2014 Included in Office 365, except some[which?] commercial editions
Outlook 2016 16 September 22, 2015 Included in Office 2016 and Office 365
Outlook 2016 for Mac 15.12 September 25, 2015 Included in Office 2016 and Office 365
Outlook 2019 16 September 24, 2018 Included in Office 2019 and Office 365
Outlook 2019 for Mac 16.17 September 24, 2018 Included in Office 2019 and Office 365
Outlook for Phones & Tablets 1.3 2015 Included in Office 365, except some[which?] commercial editions

Includes iOS and Android support

Microsoft Outlook[edit]

Microsoft Outlook is a part of Office Suite that can be used as a standalone application. It helps you to access Microsoft Exchange Server email. Additionally, it provides contacts, calendaring, and task management functionality. This advanced email application is widely used for business purposes. Many organizations integrate Outlook with the Microsoft Sharepoint platform for sharing crucial file data. Also, It stores a local copy of the information on your system, when you configure an email account with Outlook.

Outlook 2002[edit]

Outlook 2002 introduced these new features:[8]

  • Autocomplete for email addresses
  • Colored categories for calendar items
  • Group schedules
  • Hyperlink support in email subject lines
  • Native support for Outlook.com (formerly Hotmail)
  • Improved search functionality, including the ability to stop a search and resume it later
  • Lunar calendar support
  • MSN Messenger integration
  • Performance improvements[9]
  • Preview pane improvements, including the ability to:
    • open hyperlinks;
    • respond to meeting requests; and
    • display email properties without opening a message
  • Reminder window that consolidates all reminders for appointments and tasks in a single view
  • Retention policies for documents and email
  • Security improvements, including the automatic blocking of potentially unsafe attachments and of programmatic access to information in Outlook:
    • SP1 introduced the ability to view all non-digitally signed email or unencrypted email as plain text;[10]
    • SP2 allows users to—through the Registry—prevent the addition of new email accounts or the creation of new Personal Storage Tables;[11]
    • SP3 updates the object model guard security for applications that access messages and other items.[12]
  • Smart tags when Word is configured as the default email editor. This option was available only when the versions of Outlook and Word were the same, i.e. both were 2002.

Outlook 2003[edit]

Outlook 2003 introduced these new features:[13]

  • Autocomplete suggestions for a single character
  • Cached Exchange mode
  • Colored (quick) flags
  • Desktop Alert
  • Email filtering to combat spam
    • Images in HTML mail are blocked by default to prevent spammers from determining whether an email address is active via web beacon;[14]
    • SP1 introduced the ability to block email based on country code top-level domains;[15]
    • SP2 introduced anti-phishing functionality that automatically disables hyperlinks present in spam[16]
  • Expandable distribution lists
  • Information rights management
  • Intrinsic support for tablet PC functionality (e.g., handwriting recognition)
  • Reading pane
  • Search folders
  • Unicode support

Outlook 2007[edit]

Outlook 2007 with options for text message composition. The left-hand side depicts a preview of how the message will appear on the recipient’s phone.

Features that debuted in Outlook 2007 include:[17]

  • Attachment preview, with which the contents of attachments can be previewed before opening
    • Supported file types include Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, and Word files. If Outlook 2007 is installed on Windows Vista, then audio and video files can be previewed. If a compatible PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat 8.1 is installed, PDF files can also be previewed.[18]
  • Auto Account Setup, which allows users to enter a username and password for an email account without entering a server name, port number, or other information
  • Calendar sharing improvements including the ability to export a calendar as an HTML file—for viewing by users without Outlook—and the ability to publish calendars to an external service (e.g., Office Web Apps) with an online provider (e.g., Microsoft account)
  • Colored categories with support for user roaming, which replace colored (quick) flags introduced in Outlook 2003[19]
  • Improved email spam filtering and anti-phishing features
    • Postmark intends to reduce spam by making it difficult and time-consuming to send it
  • Information rights management improvements with Windows Rights Management Services and managed policy compliance integration with Exchange Server 2007
  • Japanese Yomi name support for contacts
  • Multiple calendars can be overlaid with one another to assess details such as potential scheduling conflicts
  • Ribbon (Office Fluent) interface
  • Outlook Mobile Service support, which allowed multimedia and SMS text messages to be sent directly to mobile phones[20]
  • Instant search through Windows Search, an index-based desktop search platform
    • Instant search functionality is also available in Outlook 2002 and Outlook 2003 if these versions are installed alongside Windows Search[21]
  • Integrated RSS aggregation
  • Support for Windows SideShow with the introduction of a calendar gadget[22]
  • To-Do Bar that consolidates calendar information, flagged email, and tasks from OneNote 2007, Outlook 2007, Project 2007, and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 websites within a central location.
  • The ability to export items as PDF or XPS files
  • Unified messaging support with Exchange Server 2007, including features such as missed-call notifications, and voicemail with voicemail preview and Windows Media Player[22]
  • Word 2007 replaces Internet Explorer as the default viewer for HTML email,[19] and becomes the default email editor in this and all subsequent versions.

Outlook 2010[edit]

Features that debuted in Outlook 2010 include:[23]

  • Additional command-line switches
  • An improved conversation view that groups messages based on different criteria regardless of originating folders
  • IMAP messages are sent to the Deleted Items folder, eliminating the need to mark messages for future deletion
  • Notification when an email is about to be sent without a subject
  • Quick Steps, individual collections of commands that allow users to perform multiple actions simultaneously
  • Ribbon interface in all views
  • Search Tools contextual tab on the ribbon that appears when performing searches and that includes basic or advanced criteria filters
  • Social Connector to connect to various social networks and aggregate appointments, contacts, communication history, and file attachments
  • Spell check-in additional areas of the user interface
  • Support for multiple Exchange accounts in a single Outlook profile
  • The ability to schedule a meeting with a contact by replying to an email message
  • To-Do Bar enhancements including visual indicators for conflicts and unanswered meeting requests
  • Voicemail transcripts for Unified Messaging communications
  • Zooming user interface for calendar and mail views

Outlook 2013[edit]

Features that debuted in Outlook 2013, which was released on January 29, 2013, include:

  • Attachment reminder
  • Exchange ActiveSync (EAS)
  • Add-in resiliency
  • Cached Exchange mode improvements
  • IMAP improvements
  • Outlook data file (.ost) compression
  • People hub
  • Startup performance improvements

Outlook 2016[edit]

Features that debuted in Outlook 2016, include:[24]

  • Attachment link to cloud resource
  • Groups redesign
  • Search cloud
  • Clutter folder
  • Email Address Internationalization
  • Scalable Vector Graphics

Outlook 2019[edit]

Features that debuted in Outlook 2019, include:[25]

  • Focused Inbox
  • Add multiple time zones
  • Listen to your emails
  • Easier email sorting
  • Automatic download of cloud attachments
  • True Dark Mode (version 1907 onward)


Microsoft also released several versions of Outlook for classic Mac OS, though it was only for use with Exchange servers. It was not provided as a component of Microsoft Office for Mac but instead made available to users from administrators or by download. The final version was Outlook for Mac 2001, which was fairly similar to Outlook 2000 and 2002 apart from being exclusively for Exchange users.

Microsoft Entourage was introduced as an Outlook-like application for Mac OS in Office 2001, but it lacked Exchange connectivity. Partial support for Exchange server became available natively in Mac OS X with Entourage 2004 Service Pack 2. Entourage is not directly equivalent to Outlook in terms of design or operation; rather, it is a distinct application that has several overlapping features including Exchange client capabilities. Somewhat improved Exchange support was added in Entourage 2008 Web Services Edition.

Microsoft Outlook for Mac 2011

Entourage was replaced by Outlook for Mac 2011, which features greater compatibility and parity with Outlook for Windows than Entourage offered. It is the first native version of Outlook for MacOS.

Outlook 2011 initially supported Mac OS X’s Sync Services only for contacts, not events, tasks or notes. It also does not have a Project Manager equivalent to that in Entourage.[26] With Service Pack 1 (v 14.1.0), published on April 12, 2011, Outlook can now sync calendar, notes and tasks with Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010.

On October 31, 2014, Microsoft released Outlook for Mac (v15.3 build 141024) with Office 365 (a software as a service licensing program that makes Office programs available as soon as they are developed). Outlook for Mac 15.3 improves upon its predecessors with:[27]

  • Better performance and reliability as a result of a new threading model and database improvements.
  • A new modern user interface with improved scrolling and agility when switching between Ribbon tabs.
  • Online archive support for searching Exchange (online or on-premises) archived mail.
  • Master Category List support and enhancements delivering access to category lists (name and color) and sync between Mac, Microsoft Windows and OWA clients.
  • Office 365 push email support for real-time email delivery.
  • Faster first-run and email download experience with improved Exchange Web Services syncing.[27]

The «New Outlook for Mac» client, included with version 16.42 and above, became available for «Early Insider» testers in the fall of 2019, with a public «Insider» debut in October 2020.[28][29] It requires macOS 10.14 or greater and introduces a redesigned interface with significantly changed internals, including native search within the client that no longer depends on macOS Spotlight.[30] Some Outlook features are still missing from the New Outlook client as it continues in development.[31]

To date, the Macintosh client has never had the capability of syncing Contact Groups/Personal Distribution Lists from Exchange, Microsoft 365 or Outlook.com accounts, something that the Windows and web clients have always supported.[32] A UserVoice post created in December 2019 suggesting that the missing functionality be added has shown a «Planned» tag since October 2020.[33]

Phones and tablets[edit]

First released in April 2014 by the venture capital-backed startup Acompli, the company was acquired by Microsoft in December 2014. On January 29, 2015, Acompli was re-branded as Outlook Mobile—sharing its name with the Microsoft Outlook desktop personal information manager and Outlook.com email service.[34] In January 2015, Microsoft released Outlook for phones and for tablets (v1.3 build) with Office 365.[35]
This was the first Outlook for these platforms with email, calendar, and contacts.

On February 4, 2015, Microsoft acquired Sunrise Calendar;[36] on September 13, 2016, Sunrise ceased to operate, and an update was released to Outlook Mobile that contained enhancements to its calendar functions.[37][38]

Similar to its desktop counterpart, Outlook mobile offers an aggregation of attachments and files stored on cloud storage platforms; a «focused inbox» highlights messages from frequent contacts, and calendar events, files, and locations can be embedded in messages without switching apps. The app supports a number of email platforms and services, including Outlook.com, Microsoft Exchange and Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) among others.

Outlook mobile is designed to consolidate functionality that would normally be found in separate apps on mobile devices, similarly to personal information managers on personal computers. is designed around four «hubs» for different tasks, including «Mail», «Calendar,» «Files» and «People». The «People» hub lists frequently and recently used contacts and aggregates recent communications with them, and the «Files» hub aggregates recent attachments from messages, and can also integrate with other online storage services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.[39][40][41][42][43] To facility indexing of content for search and other features, emails and other information are stored on external servers.[44]

Outlook mobile supports a large number of different e-mail services and platforms, including Exchange, iCloud, GMail, Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), Outlook.com, and Yahoo! Mail.[45][46] The app supports multiple email accounts at once.[47]

Emails are divided into two inboxes: the «Focused» inbox displays messages of high importance, and those from frequent contacts. All other messages are displayed within an «Other» section.[44][48] Files, locations, and calendar events can be embedded into email messages. Swiping gestures can be used for deleting messages.[41][49][50][51]

Like the desktop Outlook, Outlook mobile allows users to see appointment details, respond to Exchange meeting invites, and schedule meetings. It also incorporates the three-day view and «Interesting Calendars» features from Sunrise.[52]

Files in the Files tab are not stored offline; they require Internet access to view.


Outlook mobile temporarily stores and indexes user data (including email, attachments, calendar information, and contacts), along with login credentials,[53] in a «secure» form on Microsoft Azure servers located in the United States.[54] On Exchange accounts, these servers identify as a single Exchange ActiveSync user in order to fetch e-mail. Additionally, the app does not support mobile device management, nor allows administrators to control how third-party cloud storage services are used with the app to interact with their users. Concerns surrounding these security issues have prompted some firms, including the European Parliament, to block the app on their Exchange servers.[55][56][57] Microsoft maintains a separate, pre-existing Outlook Web Access app for Android and iOS.[57]

Outlook Groups[edit]

Outlook Groups was a mobile application for Windows Phone, Windows 10 Mobile, Android and iOS that could be used with an Office 365 domain Microsoft Account, e.g. a work or school account. It is designed to take existing email threads and turn them into a group-style conversation. The app lets users create groups, mention their contacts, share Office documents via OneDrive and work on them together, and participate in an email conversation. The app also allows the finding and joining of other Outlook Groups. It was tested internally at Microsoft and launched September 18, 2015 for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10 Mobile users.[58]

After its initial launch on Microsoft’s own platforms they launched the application for Android and iOS on September 23, 2015.[59]

Outlook Groups was updated on September 30, 2015, that introduced a deep linking feature as well as fixing a bug that blocked the «send» button from working.[60] In March 2016 Microsoft added the ability to attach multiple images, and the most recently used document to group messages as well as the option to delete conversations within the application programme.[61]

Outlook Groups was retired by Microsoft on May 1, 2018.[62]
The functionality was replaced by adding the «Groups node» to the folder list within the Outlook mobile app.[63]

Internet standards compliance[edit]

HTML rendering[edit]

Outlook 2007 was the first Outlook to switch from Internet Explorer rendering engine to Microsoft Word 2007’s. This meant that HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) items not handled by Word were no longer supported. On the other hand, HTML messages composed in Word look as they appeared to the author.[64] This affects publishing newsletters and reports, because they frequently use intricate HTML and CSS to form their layout. For example, forms can no longer be embedded in an Outlook email.

Support of CSS properties and HTML attributes[edit]

Outlook for Windows has very limited CSS support compared to various other e-mail clients. Neither CSS1 (1996) nor CSS2 (1998) specifications are fully implemented and many CSS properties can only to be used with certain HTML elements for the desired effect.[65] Some HTML attributes help achieve proper rendering of e-mails in Outlook, but most of these attributes are already deprecated in the HTML 4.0 specifications (1997).[66] In order to achieve the best compatibility with Outlook, most HTML e-mails are created using multiple boxed tables, as the table element and its sub-elements support the width and height property in Outlook. No improvements have been made towards a more standards-compliant email client since the release of Outlook 2007.[67]

Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format[edit]

Outlook and Exchange Server internally handle messages, appointments, and items as objects in a data model which is derived from the old proprietary Microsoft Mail system, the Rich Text Format from Microsoft Word and the complex OLE general data model.[68] When these programs interface with other protocols such as the various Internet and X.400 protocols, they try to map this internal model onto those protocols in a way that can be reversed if the ultimate recipient is also running Outlook or Exchange.[69]

This focus on the possibility that emails and other items will ultimately be converted back to Microsoft Mail format is so extreme that if Outlook/Exchange cannot figure out a way to encode the complete data in the standard format, it simply encodes the entire message/item in a proprietary binary format called Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) and sends this as an attached file (usually named «winmail.dat») to an otherwise incomplete rendering of the mail/item. If the recipient is Outlook/Exchange it can simply discard the incomplete outer message and use the encapsulated data directly, but if the recipient is any other program, the message received will be incomplete because the data in the TNEF attachment will be of little use without the Microsoft software for which it was created.[69] As a workaround, numerous tools for partially decoding TNEF files exist.

Calendar compatibility[edit]

Outlook does not fully support data and syncing specifications for calendaring and contacts, such as iCalendar, CalDAV, SyncML, and vCard 3.0. Outlook 2007 claims to be fully iCalendar compliant; however, it does not support all core objects, such as VTODO or VJOURNAL.[70] Also, Outlook supports vCard 2.1 and does not support multiple contacts in the vCard format as a single file. Outlook has also been criticized for having proprietary «Outlook extensions» to these Internet standards.

.msg format[edit]

Outlook (both the web version and recent non-web versions) promotes the usage of a proprietary .msg format[71] to save individual emails, instead of the standard .eml format. Messages use .msg by default when saved to disk or forwarded as attachments. Compatibility with past or future Outlook versions is not documented nor guaranteed;[72] the format saw over 10 versions released since version 1 in 2008.[71]

The standard .eml format replicates the format of emails as used for transmission and is therefore compatible with any email client which uses the normal protocols. Standard-compliant email clients, like Mozilla Thunderbird, use additional headers to store software-specific information related e.g. to the local storage of the email, while keeping the file plain-text, so that it can be read in any text editor and searched or indexed like any document by any other software.

Security concerns[edit]

As part of its Trustworthy Computing initiative, Microsoft took corrective steps to fix Outlook’s reputation in Office Outlook 2003. Among the most publicized security features are that Office Outlook 2003 does not automatically load images in HTML emails or permit opening executable attachments by default, and includes a built-in Junk Mail filter.[73] Service Pack 2 has augmented these features and adds an anti-phishing filter.[74]

Outlook add-ins[edit]

Outlook add-ins are small additional programs for the Microsoft Outlook application, mainly purposed to add new functional capabilities into Outlook and automate various routine operations. The term also refers to programs where the main function is to work on Outlook files, such as synchronization or backup utilities. Outlook add-ins may be developed in Microsoft Visual Studio[75] or third-party tools such as Add-in Express. Outlook add-ins are not supported in Outlook Web App.

From Outlook 97 on, Exchange Client Extensions are supported in Outlook. Outlook 2000 and later support specific COM components called Outlook Add-Ins. The exact supported features (such as .NET components) for later generations were extended with each release.

SalesforceIQ Inbox for Outlook[edit]

In March 2016, Salesforce announced that its relationship intelligence platform, SalesforceIQ, would be able to seamlessly integrate with Outlook.[76] SalesforceIQ works from inside the Outlook inbox providing data from CRM, email, and customer social profiles. It also provides recommendations within the inbox on various aspects like appointment scheduling, contacts, responses, etc.

Hotmail Connector[edit]

Hotmail Connector setup screen

Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector (formerly Microsoft Office Outlook Connector), is a discontinued and defunct free add-in for Microsoft Outlook 2003, 2007 and 2010, intended to integrate Outlook.com (formerly Hotmail) into Microsoft Outlook. It uses DeltaSync, a proprietary Microsoft communications protocol that Hotmail formerly used.[77]

In version 12, access to tasks and notes and online synchronization with MSN Calendar is only available to MSN subscribers of paid premium accounts. Version 12.1, released in December 2008 as an optional upgrade, uses Windows Live Calendar instead of the former MSN Calendar. This meant that calendar features became free for all users, except for task synchronization which became unavailable. In April 2008, version 12.1 became a required upgrade to continue using the service as part of a migration from MSN Calendar to Windows Live Calendar.[78]

Microsoft Outlook 2013 and later have intrinsic support for accessing Outlook.com and its calendar over the Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) protocol,[79] while older versions of Microsoft Outlook can read and synchronize Outlook.com emails over the IMAP protocol.[80]


Outlook Social Connector was a free add-in for Microsoft Outlook 2003 and 2007 by Microsoft that allowed integration of social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Windows Live Messenger into Microsoft Outlook.[81] It was first introduced on November 18, 2009.[82] Starting with Microsoft Office 2010, Outlook Social Connector is an integral part of Outlook.[83]

CardDAV and CalDAV Connector[edit]

Since Microsoft Outlook does not support CalDAV and CardDAV protocol along the way, various third-party software vendors developed Outlook add-ins to enable users synchronizing with CalDAV and CardDAV servers. CalConnect has a list[84] of software that enable users to synchronize their calendars with CalDAV servers/contacts with CardDAV servers.

Importing from other email clients[edit]

Traditionally, Outlook supported importing messages from Outlook Express and Lotus Notes. In addition, Microsoft Outlook supports POP3 and IMAP protocols, enabling users to import emails from servers that support these protocols. Microsoft Hotmail Connector add-in (described above) helps importing emails from Hotmail accounts. Outlook 2013 later integrated the functionality of this add-in and added the ability to import email (as well as a calendar) through Exchange ActiveSync protocol.[79]

There are some ways to get the emails from Thunderbird; the first is to use a tool[85] that can convert a Thunderbird folder to a format that can be imported from Outlook Express. This method must be processed folder by folder. The other method is to use a couple of free tools that keep the original folder structure.[86] If Exchange is available, an easier method is to connect the old mail client (Thunderbird) to Exchange using IMAP, and upload the original mail from the client to the Exchange account.[87]

See also[edit]

  • Address book
  • Calendar (Apple)—iCal
  • Comparison of email clients
  • Comparison of feed aggregators
  • Comparison of office suites
  • GNOME Evolution
  • Kontact
  • List of personal information managers
  • Personal Storage Table (.pst file)
  • Windows Contacts



  1. ^ The version numbers follows the Office numbers.


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  87. ^ «How to Merge PST Files | PST Merge Tool». www.howtomergepstfiles.com. Retrieved 2020-10-12.

External links[edit]

  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata
  • Outlook Developer Center

Email and calendar, together in one place

Stay on top of your most important messages and events.

Backed by enterprise-grade security

Outlook works around the clock to help protect your privacy and keep your inbox free of clutter.

  • Protection delivered by the same tools Microsoft uses for business customers.
  • Data encryption in your mailbox and after email is sent.
  • Automatic deactivation of unsafe links that contain phishing scams, viruses, or malware. Premium
  • Ransomware detection and recovery for your important files in OneDrive. Premium

Access to Office. For free.

Collaborating is easy with Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. You can chat in real time with Skype—right from your inbox.

Keep your busy life organized

Use Outlook’s powerful built-in calendar to keep track of your appointments and schedule meetings with others.

Simplify scheduling by sending your availability

Easily check in to upcoming flights

Anne, a nonsighted person, uses an assistive device with her laptop

More accessible than ever

We’ve designed Outlook.com to be everyone’s most accessible inbox, with intuitive voice-controlled navigation, support for multiple assistive devices—and more.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Совет 1: как в outlook сделать переадресацию

Task 1 — Create a meeting in Outlook

как создать красивый html шаблон в outlook 2013

How to Send an HTML Email from Outlook 2013

«На 2010 год мы имеем позитивный outlook.

We have an optimistic outlook for 2010.

«На 2010 год мы имеем позитивный outlook.

We have a positive outlook for 2013.

Мы рекомендуем Вам зарегистрировать outlook email.

We suggest you register an outlook email.

И наконец, лучше всегда начинать день с позитивным внешним видом (англ. positive outlook).

Lastly, it is always best to start the day with a positive outlook.

Пользователь заходит в SharePoint, в то время как клиент outlook загружает электронную почту (e-mail) и пользователь работает над документом.

The User logs onto SharePoint while the outlook client downloads the e-mail and the user works on a document.

Если вы испытали тусклым результат с многих различных диеты капсулы на рынке Усть-Ордынский Россия, вам придется изменить ваш outlook, потому что есть один новый вариант, который кажется будет сделать много шума.

If you have experienced a poor outcome with the many different diet programs pills on the market in Wanganui New Zealand, you’ll have to transform your outlook given that there is one new alternative that seems to be making a bunch of noise.

Об этом говорится в апрельском отчете «World economic outlook«.

This was stated in the fund’s October report ‘World Economic Outlook‘.

Аккаунты Skype в соцсетях атакованы Сирийской электронной армией Не используйте почту Microsoft (hotmail, outlook).

Nevertheless, the hackers wrote today on Skype’s blog: Don’t use Microsoft emails (hotmail, outlook).

World economic outlook (за соответствующие годы).

World Economic Outlook (December).

Медитация с лимонный кварц будет способствовать сосредоточиться на ваших целей с четким и ярким outlook, чтобы сделать ваше будущее, как вы хотите!

Meditation with lemon quartz will enhance focus on your goals with a clear and bright outlook to make your future the way you want it to be!

Это завоевание изменило всю outlook Англии, принимая народ, который смотрел в сторону Скандинавии, особенно в возрасте до трех датских королей, и фиксируя ее в партнерство и борьба с Францией, что было в прошлом на протяжении веков.

This conquest altered the whole outlook of England, taking a nation that had looked towards Scandinavia, especially under three Danish kings, and locking her into a partnership and a struggle with France that was to last for centuries.

Рейнольдс, в выступлении на конференции Agra Europe outlook, оценила мировое производство кукурузы в 2012/13 на уровне 880 млн. тонн по сравнению с 864 млн. тонн в предыдущем сезоне.

Reynolds, in a presentation at the Agra Europe outlook conference, put the 2012/13 global maize crop at 880 million tonnes, up from 864 million in the prior season.

World economic outlook (за соответствующие годы).

In World Economic Outlook (October).

Лучший результат НИТУ «Миссис» показал в категории «Международное взаимодействие» (International outlook), в котором оцениваются такие индикаторы как: соотношение иностранных и российских сотрудников и студентов, а также доля научных статей, написанных в сотрудничестве с иностранными вузами.

NUST MISIS showed the best result in the International Outlook category, which assesses such indicators as the ratio of international to Russian staff and students, as well as the ratio of science articles published jointly with representatives of international universities.

Еврокомиссия обнародовала прогноз ЕС по сельскому хозяйству на 2018-2030 годы («EU agricultural outlook for markets and income 2018-2030»).

European Committee (2017) «EU agricultural outlook for the agricultural markets and income, 2017-2030″.

Доклад исследования рынка оборудования производства микроэлектромеханических систем (MEMS) анализирует тенденции глобального принятия, потенциал будущего роста, ключевые драйверы, конкурентоспособной outlook, ограничений, возможностей, ключевые проблемы, рынок экосистемы, и анализ цепочки создания стоимости.

The Microfiber Cleaning Cloths market research report analyzes global adoption trends, future growth potentials, key drivers, competitive outlook, restraints, opportunities, key challenges, market ecosystem, and value chain analysis.

Далее Следующая запись: outlook 2010/2013 ошибка 0x8004010F при попытке отправить или получить почту

Microsoft Outlook: Error 0x8004010F when you try to send or receive email in Outlook

«Vienna Insurance Group AG» является явным лидером на своих основных рынках в Европе, имеет высокую оценку финансовой стабильности — «Standard&Poor’s» А+ (stable outlook), а его акции котируются на Венской и Пражской биржах.

Vienna Insurance Group AG is a clear leader in its core markets in Europe maintaining high rating of financial stability — Standard&Poor’s A+ (stable outlook), with a listing on the Vienna and the Prague Stock Exchange.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат outlook

Результатов: 2430. Точных совпадений: 2430. Затраченное время: 79 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

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Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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