Как пишется аято на английском

Spoiler warning!
This article may contain plot details about the game, anime and other media.

Ayato Sakamaki (逆巻 アヤト Sakamaki Ayato) is the third son (biologically the fifth) of the Sakamaki household. Ayato along with Laito and Kanato, are the triplet sons of Cordelia, first wife of Karlheinz, the Vampire King.



Ayato in Haunted Dark Bridal



Ayato is a slender young man with unruly, reddish-colored hair spiked at the ends, narrow green eyes, and a fair complexion. He also wears a black stud on his right ear.

In Haunted Dark Bridal, he usually wears a white shirt that has brown bordering the top and bottom of the shirt with a black jacket and brown scarf. He wears it with blue jeans with a belt attached to both sides of his pants that hang down and go around his pants.

In MORE BLOOD, he wears a black jacket with a red hoodie underneath. Under the hoodie is a white shirt with a black V collar. He wears it with black pants. He also wears a chain necklace. 

His school uniform consists of the typical black school blazer with an unbuttoned white dress shirt and an undone red tie around his neck and the right collar of the shirt. He dons black pants, the right leg rolled up to his knees, and a pair of red and black sneakers.


Ayato is a narcissistic prankster who has an obsession of being the best due to his upbringing by his mother. Known as the troublemaker of the household, Ayato is an attention seeker and loves mischief. He looks down on others and loves to bully and tease people, bragging about himself and sometimes commanding everyone to call him «Ayato-sama». He refers to himself most of the time as “Ore-sama” (Yours Truly in the English Dub) and refers to Yui as «Chichinashi» 「チチナシ」 (Breastless or Pancake in the English Dub).

Ayato is very energetic and loves sports; basketball being his favorite. Ayato has stated that anything is fine as long as there’s a goal to reach for and that sports is his strong point. He also has a passion for torture devices; such as the Iron Maiden that can be found in his room, which he uses as a bed (the spikes are removed). It is also noted that he eats a lot (only if it is his favorite food takoyaki and gets very angry if someone eats his food), although Ayato stated that vampires need to drink blood to savor the taste.

However, he can be quite the rebel, using vulgar language and tends to be arrogant as he always calls himself the strongest and the best. Ayato would insult his mother (even after her death), his father, and his brothers by telling them off and calling them names such as calling Kanato a «hysteric» and Reiji, «shichisan megane» («Tableware Otaku» in English). He hates being told what to do and is easily impatient. When he wants something, he will spare no time to get it. Whenever things go his way, he acts unsurprised.

Ayato has a hard time expressing his feelings and tends to hide them with insulting words. He also quickly gets jealous of anything, such as Yui being around the other vampires. He is sadistic and possessive towards Yui, and in some cases, can be perverted. However, he claims that he doesn’t care for someone like her and that he enjoys torturing her just for fun of it. Despite Ayato’s villainous traits throughout the series, he eventually redeems himself, showing real affection and love for Yui in the end.


Ayato is the oldest triplet, with Laito being the youngest and Kanato being the middle. Even though the first to be born is Laito, the order of the triplets is determined by an old Japanese tradition where the last one to be born is considered the oldest. The Diabolik Lovers’ universe seems to follow that and it is considered that Ayato is the third son in the Sakamaki family and the eldest triplet.

Ayato was the one who got the most attention from his mother especially as a child, and arguably endured the most of his mother’s abuse towards him, at first not even trying to bother with the things Cordelia was doing to him. Cordelia strictly raised Ayato to the point of punishment so he could become the best in order for her to regain her role as the most important woman in Karlheinz’s life. The most notable was in the first game, where Ayato had a flashback of his own mother drowning him in the lake as a punishment and that he won’t get up until she told him to. In the other games, Ayato was slapped by her for destroying a flower given to her by Karlheinz. Then in another, he built a sandcastle to show off to Cordelia, but she only destroys it and tells him that it was not worth showing it if it wasn’t real. Even if Ayato got the most attention, he was strictly being hurt by her as per her selfish wishes of making him the heir of the Sakamaki. Those things that she did to him led to him thinking of trying to kill her, thus fueling that hatred.



Ayato offering to help Kanato with Laito.

Ayato seemed to be close to Kanato and Laito when they were younger. The three were shown to get along together, as shown in a flashback in which a bat that Kanato just caught escaped. All three attempted to catch the bat together. Ayato’s relationship with his brothers changes slowly due to their endless competition over the attention of their mother, which she was mostly refusing them equally. Still, Ayato sees himself as an older brother to Kanato and Laito and feels them far closer than his half brothers. Even though he would insult his triplet brothers easily, he can also show care for them sometimes. He is not too close with the rest of his siblings.

In the DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅱ Vol.1 Ayato VS Laito cd It is revealed that Ayato had an idea about what was happening to Laito (The triples would often sleep together in the same bed and Ayato would notice Laito disappear), and feels guilty for not helping him. He also admired Laito for being so strong, but always felt angry when Laito wasn’t honest with him especially about what was his mother doing to him.


Ayato with Teddy

Tải xuống (1)


Cordelia slaps Ayato

Ayato has a very complicated relationship with his mother. As a child, he hoped to get her affection and acknowledgement and endured her mistreatment to a growing resent. As an adult, he usually speaks ill of her and played an important role in her murder.


Ayato has always despised Karlheinz and usually calls him “rotten old fool” even in his presence. All that Ayato knows from his father is his neglect and cruelty towards Cordelia that reflected towards him and his brothers. He does fear him as a superior, but knowing that he is the cause of all their misery leads to Ayato disliking Karlheinz. This is especially in the end of both in More,Blood and Dark Fate, Ayato realizes that Cordelia is not to blame but Karlheinz is and cannot forgive him. Ayato usually kills Karlheinz in most of the AU versions of the story (Game and Fandisc) .


Karlheinz’s younger brother, Richter, is Ayato’s, along with all the other Sakamaki brother’s uncle. Ayato doesn’t seem to have any positive feelings toward Richter. Richter is called an «old man» by Ayato. Ayato never really viewed Richter as a threat until the truth about his mother was revealed. It is revealed that Richter is the main reason why the Sakamaki triplets’ attempted murder of Cordelia failed, causing him to be a hindrance to Ayato. In the first game and anime adaptation, they both fight over the awakened Cordelia in Yui’s body, and Ayato later stabs him.

Yui Komori

At first Ayato’s treatment towards Yui was more of «food and prey» and he’s fond of teasing her, frequently calling her nicknames. He grew fond of her as time passed (this is shown throughout his route in the first game) and vows to protect her when Karlheinz attempts to take her. Yui always looks out for Ayato’s wellbeing even though he has repeatedly harmed and threatened her claiming that she is not afraid of him. As a result, Ayato grew to have feelings for Yui, growing attached to her and even stating that he loves her. He has married her in almost all of the Diabolik Lovers games.

Ruki Mukami

He plays the antagonistic role in Ruki’s MORE BLOOD route. Ayato was furious when Yui «left» him for the Mukami’s. He tried to take her back when she was finally allowed to attend school, but Ruki intervened and told him to not lay a hand on Yui. In the Ecstasy story, Ayato manages to find the Mukami’s whereabouts. He flies in one night and punches Ruki after he took Yui out of the dungeon for a brief moment. When Ayato was about to fly off with Yui, Ruki stopped him and told Ayato that he will let him take Yui back, but he wants to know if he’s reclaiming her because he loves her. Hearing this, Ayato scoffs and responds saying that Yui’s blood is the best prompting Ruki to order him to leave without her. He knocks Ruki out again and sets his mansion on fire before escaping with Yui. However, in the Brute and Manservant Endings, Ruki kills Ayato due to his jealousy towards the Sakamaki’s (Brute) or in order to reclaim Yui for himself (Manservant). In the second season of the anime, Ruki allowed Ayato to reclaim Yui when he realized that he and his brothers were incapable of becoming «Adam». Though in the final episode of the anime’s second season, they discuss an unlikely alliance to protect Yui from the Tsukinami’s.

In Ayato’s MORE BLOOD route, Ayato considered Ruki a threat and got irritated every time he saw him with Yui. He also got annoyed when Ruki kept trying to persuade Yui to come to him instead. Ayato was also aware that Ruki had sucked Yui’s blood behind his back which was used to taunt and provoke him. In his Ecstacy chapter, Ruki provoked him which caused Ayato to stab him in a fit of rage. In his Brute Ending, Ayato kills Ruki after catching him biting Yui to satisfy her masochistic desires (having had been told by Laito).


By drinking Yui’s blood, Ayato’s abilities grow stronger. In general, as a vampire he has an inhuman strength as well as increased speed, increased vision and hearing, and smell. Being a vampire, he also has fast healing and healing saliva.


He appears to be capable of teleporting from nowhere in an instant.


During a full moon, he can fly.


He has swordsmanship talent, as seen when he fights with Richter in the anime.


He can control and summon familiars.

Since he is a pure born vampire, he can only die if his head is cut off, however if his body is too damaged to heal fast enough it might also be life-threatening even if not directly.


  • Ayato’s surname Sakamaki means «reverse winding» (逆巻).
    • It can also mean «inverted, reverse, opposite, wicked» (逆) (saka) and «volume, roll, reel, book» (巻) (maki) separately.


  • He is left-handed.
  • His foot size is 26.5cm.
  • He has claimed to know how to tie a tie, but ties the one on his school uniform in a different and unusual fashion.
  • His favorite takoyaki is the one which outside has to be crisp while the inside is really soft.
  • According to his character interview, the first place he checks when looking at a girl are the breasts.
  • He isn’t very good with studies in general.
  • He is afraid of bees.
  • His Japanese voice actor, Hikaru Midorikawa, has his own collection of key chains of Ayato.
  • Ayato has a rabbit plush that was given to him by Karlheinz. He used to sleep with his rabbit when he was a kid.[1]
  • Ayato hates raw cuttlefish and calls them disgusting.
  • He’s so good at dancing he actually impressed Kou and Ruki.[2]
  • He doesn’t remember when and why he started liking takoyaki.
  • He has admitted he likes takoyaki which have a piece of octopus inside but hates actual octopuses.
  • He knows how to rap. In his official song «Arcadia», he raps some parts.
  • Ayato once went all the way to the North Pole to search for Santa Claus.
  • If he has to use another nickname besides ‘Chichinashi’ it would be ‘Chibimushi’ which means small bug since he thought it was cute.
  • He would hide in a closet as a child in order to not be found by Cordelia. To this day, he still uses that closet as a hiding spot.
  • He once wore a dress and high heels since he had to dress up as Cinderella for a Halloween Party.
  • In an Official Rejet Poll he placed 4th place as “Rejet Character you shouldn’t introduce to your parents.”
  • He once used Takoyaki sauce as a massage cream.
  • He has admitted to like rock music.
  • He actually held Teddy once.
  • In Chaos Lineage, he is a member of the Orange Family.


  1. 靴下を探してin逆巻家~開けてはならないパンドラボックス~ Drama CD
  2. 華麗なる非日常への誘い ~誘惑はたこ焼きと共に~ Drama CD


Heroine Yui Komori
Sakamaki Brothers Ayato Sakamaki • Kanato Sakamaki • Laito Sakamaki • Shu Sakamaki • Reiji Sakamaki • Subaru Sakamaki • Kino
Mukami Brothers Ruki Mukami • Kou Mukami • Yuma Mukami • Azusa Mukami
Tsukinami Brothers Carla Tsukinami • Shin Tsukinami
Others Karlheinz • Beatrix • Cordelia • Christa • Richter • Seiji Komori

Ayato Sakamaki (Sakamaki Ayato) is the third son (biologically the fifth) of the Sakamaki household. Ayato along with Laito and Kanato, the triplets, are the sons of Cordelia and Karlheinz, the Vampire King.


Ayato is a slender young man with unruly, reddish-colored hair spiked
at the ends, narrow green eyes, and a fair complexion. He also wears a
black stud on his right ear.

In Haunted Dark Bridal, he usually wears a white shirt that has
brown bordering the top and bottom of the shirt with a black jacket and
brown scarf. He wears it with blue jeans with a belt attached to both
sides of his pants that hang down and go around his pants.

In MORE BLOOD, he wears a black jacket with a red hoodie
underneath. Under the hoodie is a white shirt with a black V collar. He
wears it with black pants. He also wears a chain necklace. 

His school uniform consists of the typical black school blazer
with an unbuttoned white dress shirt and a undone red tie around his
neck and the right collar of the shirt. He dons black pants, the right
leg rolled up to his knees, and a pair of red and black sneakers.


Known as the troublemaker of the household, Ayato is an attention
seeker and loves mischief. He looks down on others and loves to bully
and tease people. He refers to himself most of the time as «Ore-sama»
(«translated as «Yours Truly») and he calls Yui 「乳なし」 («No breasts» in

Ayato is quite the rebel and has a passion for torture devices;
such as the Iron Maiden and a device like that can be found in his room,
which he uses instead a bed (the spikes are removed). He is also the
type who always brags about himself; sometimes commanding everyone to
call him Ayato-sama. It is also noted that he eats a lot (though only if
it is his favorite food). Ayato stated that vampires need to drink
blood to savor the taste. His favorite food is takoyaki and gets very
angry if someone eats his food.

Ayato uses vulgar language at times. Ayato would insult his
mother (even after her death), as well as his father, and his brothers
by telling them off and calling them names (always giving others
nicknames) such as calling Kanato a hysteric and Reiji, «shichisan
megane». He also tends to be arrogant as he always calls himself the
strongest and the best. And whenever things go his way, he does not act
surprised. And when he wants to do so, he will make a prank on anybody.

Ayato is very energetic and loves sports; basketball being his
favorite. Ayato has stated that anything is fine as long as there’s a
goal to reach for and that sports is his strong point.

Ayato has a hard time expressing his feelings and he tends to get
quickly jealous of anything. That is because in his childhood he would
do anything to gain Cordelia’s affection just like his brothers, but
usually was ignored or disproved by her. Ayato tends to hide his true
feelings with insulting words. He usually speaks ill about his deceased

Ayato, along with his brothers Kanato and Laito, were raised by
Cordelia when they were kids, completely neglected by their father,
Karlheinz. Karlheinz’s cruel games led to Cordelia failing to love her
children properly and when the triplets grew up they murdered her.


Ayato is the oldest triplet, with Laito being the youngest and Kanato
being the middle. Even though the first to be born is Laito, the order
of the triplets is determined by an old Japanese tradition where the
last one to be born is considered the oldest, in a multiple birth,
making him the third son. Ayato was the one to get the most attention of
his mother.

He was the one who endured the most of his mother’s abuse towards
him, at first not even trying to bother with the things Cordelia was
doing to him. The most notable one was in the first game, where Ayato
had a flashback of his own mother drowning him in the lake as a
punishment and that he won’t get up until she told him to. In the other
games, Ayato was slapped by her for destroying a flower given to her by
Karlheinz. Then in another, he built a sandcastle to show off to
Cordelia, but she only destroys it and tells him that it was not worth
showing it if it wasn’t real. Even if Ayato got the attention, he was
strictly being hurt by her as per her selfish wishes of making him the
heir of the Sakamaki. Those things that she did to him led to him
thinking of trying to kill her, thus fueling that hatred.

Ayato has the strongest hate towards Cordelia out of his brothers
and was the first to turn against her when he and his brothers grew up,
and it lead to her death.

On Yen Sid’s Team[]


By drinking Yui’s blood, Ayato’s abilities grow stronger. In general,
as a vampire he has an inhuman strength as well as increased speed,
increased vision and hearing, and smell. Being a vampire, he also has
fast healing and healing saliva.


He appears to be capable of teleporting from nowhere in an instant.


During a full moon, he can fly.


He has swordsmanship talent, as seen when he fights with Richter.


He can control and summon familiars.

Since he is a pure born vampire, he can only die if his head is cut off, however if his body is too damaged to heal fast enough it might also be life threatening even if not directly.


  • He is left-handed.
  • His foot size is 26.5cm.
  • He has said to know to tie a tie, but ties his tie on his school uniform a different style.
  • His favorite takoyaki is the one which outside has to be crisp while the inside is really soft.
  • According to Character Interview, the first place he checks when looking at a girl are the breast.
  • He isn’t very good with studies in general.


Queen of mean

Ayato Sakamaki (Sakamaki Ayato) is the third son (biologically the fifth) of the Sakamaki household. Ayato along with Laito and Kanato, the triplets, are the sons of Cordelia and Karlheinz, the Vampire King.


Ayato is a slender young man with unruly, reddish-colored hair spiked
at the ends, narrow green eyes, and a fair complexion. He also wears a
black stud on his right ear.

In Haunted Dark Bridal, he usually wears a white shirt that has
brown bordering the top and bottom of the shirt with a black jacket and
brown scarf. He wears it with blue jeans with a belt attached to both
sides of his pants that hang down and go around his pants.

In MORE BLOOD, he wears a black jacket with a red hoodie
underneath. Under the hoodie is a white shirt with a black V collar. He
wears it with black pants. He also wears a chain necklace. 

His school uniform consists of the typical black school blazer
with an unbuttoned white dress shirt and a undone red tie around his
neck and the right collar of the shirt. He dons black pants, the right
leg rolled up to his knees, and a pair of red and black sneakers.


Known as the troublemaker of the household, Ayato is an attention
seeker and loves mischief. He looks down on others and loves to bully
and tease people. He refers to himself most of the time as «Ore-sama»
(«translated as «Yours Truly») and he calls Yui 「乳なし」 («No breasts» in

Ayato is quite the rebel and has a passion for torture devices;
such as the Iron Maiden and a device like that can be found in his room,
which he uses instead a bed (the spikes are removed). He is also the
type who always brags about himself; sometimes commanding everyone to
call him Ayato-sama. It is also noted that he eats a lot (though only if
it is his favorite food). Ayato stated that vampires need to drink
blood to savor the taste. His favorite food is takoyaki and gets very
angry if someone eats his food.

Ayato uses vulgar language at times. Ayato would insult his
mother (even after her death), as well as his father, and his brothers
by telling them off and calling them names (always giving others
nicknames) such as calling Kanato a hysteric and Reiji, «shichisan
megane». He also tends to be arrogant as he always calls himself the
strongest and the best. And whenever things go his way, he does not act
surprised. And when he wants to do so, he will make a prank on anybody.

Ayato is very energetic and loves sports; basketball being his
favorite. Ayato has stated that anything is fine as long as there’s a
goal to reach for and that sports is his strong point.

Ayato has a hard time expressing his feelings and he tends to get
quickly jealous of anything. That is because in his childhood he would
do anything to gain Cordelia’s affection just like his brothers, but
usually was ignored or disproved by her. Ayato tends to hide his true
feelings with insulting words. He usually speaks ill about his deceased

Ayato, along with his brothers Kanato and Laito, were raised by
Cordelia when they were kids, completely neglected by their father,
Karlheinz. Karlheinz’s cruel games led to Cordelia failing to love her
children properly and when the triplets grew up they murdered her.


Ayato is the oldest triplet, with Laito being the youngest and Kanato
being the middle. Even though the first to be born is Laito, the order
of the triplets is determined by an old Japanese tradition where the
last one to be born is considered the oldest, in a multiple birth,
making him the third son. Ayato was the one to get the most attention of
his mother.

He was the one who endured the most of his mother’s abuse towards
him, at first not even trying to bother with the things Cordelia was
doing to him. The most notable one was in the first game, where Ayato
had a flashback of his own mother drowning him in the lake as a
punishment and that he won’t get up until she told him to. In the other
games, Ayato was slapped by her for destroying a flower given to her by
Karlheinz. Then in another, he built a sandcastle to show off to
Cordelia, but she only destroys it and tells him that it was not worth
showing it if it wasn’t real. Even if Ayato got the attention, he was
strictly being hurt by her as per her selfish wishes of making him the
heir of the Sakamaki. Those things that she did to him led to him
thinking of trying to kill her, thus fueling that hatred.

Ayato has the strongest hate towards Cordelia out of his brothers
and was the first to turn against her when he and his brothers grew up,
and it lead to her death.

On Yen Sid’s Team[]


By drinking Yui’s blood, Ayato’s abilities grow stronger. In general,
as a vampire he has an inhuman strength as well as increased speed,
increased vision and hearing, and smell. Being a vampire, he also has
fast healing and healing saliva.


He appears to be capable of teleporting from nowhere in an instant.


During a full moon, he can fly.


He has swordsmanship talent, as seen when he fights with Richter.


He can control and summon familiars.

Since he is a pure born vampire, he can only die if his head is cut off, however if his body is too damaged to heal fast enough it might also be life threatening even if not directly.


  • He is left-handed.
  • His foot size is 26.5cm.
  • He has said to know to tie a tie, but ties his tie on his school uniform a different style.
  • His favorite takoyaki is the one which outside has to be crisp while the inside is really soft.
  • According to Character Interview, the first place he checks when looking at a girl are the breast.
  • He isn’t very good with studies in general.


Queen of mean

Полное имя

Аято Сакамаки

Английский перевод

Ayato Sakamaki

Японское письмо

逆巻 アヤト; Sakamaki Ayato (романдзи)

Прозвища или псевдонимы

Выпендрежник (от Шу и Субару)





День рождения

22 марта

Знак зодиака


Чистота крови

Нечистокровный (отец чистокровный вампир; мать наполовину демон, наполовину первая кровь)


17 лет по человеческим меркам, около 200 по вампирским



Антропометрические данные


Мужской пол


174 см.


62 кг.

Группа крови


Цвет глаз


Цвет волос


Профессиональная статистика


Студент престижной старшей школы «Рётэй», обучающийся на втором году


Клан Сакамаки, семья Сакамаки

Личная информация


Минэ (бабушка по материнской линии)

Бурай (дедушка по материнской линии)

Кронэ (двоюродная бабушка по материнской линии)

Гисбах (двоюродный дедушка по материнской линии)

Карла (двоюродный дядя по материнской линии)

Шин (двоюродный дядя по материнской линии)

Криста (двоюродная тетя по отцовской линии/мачеха)

Рихтер (родной дядя по отцовской линии)

Карлхайнц (отец)

Корделия (мать)

Беатрикс (мачеха)

Шу (старший сводный брат)

Рейджи (старший сводный брат)

Райто (родной старший брат)

Канато (родной старший брат)

Субару (младший сводный брат)

Кино (незаконнорожденный сводный брат)

Хобби и увлечения

Баскетбол, спортивные игры

Любит :

дразнить людей;

пугать людей;

уплетать такояки;

превосходить кого-то в чем-то

Не любит

перец обычный и зеленый;


звук из наушников;

личностей, которые бросают ему вызов

Любимая еда


Первое появление

В игре

Дьявольские возлюбленные. Невеста, преследуемая тьмой (Пролог)

В аниме

Эпизод 1

В манге

Дьявольские возлюбленные. Антология (глава вторая. Упрямство)

Актеры озвучивания

Японская озвучка

Мидорикава Хикару (игры, drama CD, аниме, character song)

Английская озвучка

Крис Паттон (аниме)

Аято Сакамаки является третьим по старшинству из братьев. Тройняшки Аято, Канато и Райто — сыновья Корделии, дочери Повелителя демонов, и Карлхайнца, Короля вампиров. В аниме-адаптации Аято — третий ребенок в семье.

Аято старше Райто на два дня и Канато на день. В отличие от братьев, Аято не мог получить любовь, свободу и поощрение в достаточной мере из-за вражды его матери с Беатрикс, матерью Шу, будущего наследника семьи и титула Короля вампиров. Поскольку, Карлхайнц имел трёх жен, каждая женщина стремилась перехватить лакомый кусочек и доказать возлюбленному, что только она достойна его любви, воспитывая из сына достойного преемника. Тем не менее, Шу поддерживал с матерью хорошие и теплые отношения, и, вероятно, уважал ее. Со стороны Корделии лишь резкие слова, побои и высказывания, принижающие достоинство.

Мать Аято пыталась заполучить внимание любимого супруга попыткой сотворить из старшего сына благородного продолжателя рода, чтобы в будущем тот помог ей победить «ту женщину», Беатрикс. Корделия свято верила, что у старшего Сакамаки нет шансов против ее Аято. Со стороны может показаться, что подобными жестокими методами мать тройни добивается влиятельного будущего для ее ребенка, но это был всего лишь отвлекающий маневр.

Вряд ли детство юноши можно назвать счастливым, несмотря на его беззаботные и веселые игры в компании Райто и Канато.


  1. 5 ★ персонажи (легендарки)
  2. 4 ★ персонажи (эпики)
  3. Видео: Что значат имена героев

Так как в Геншин импакт героин напрямую связаны с регионом, олицетворяющим ту или иную реальную страну или регион, то и имена у них соответствующие.

В большинстве случаев русский вариант не является прямой транслитерацией, следовательно, очень важно знать, как правильно пишутся имена всех персонажей Genshin Impact на английском. Ведь это может в итоге много где понадобиться.

5 ★ персонажи (легендарки)

Для начала стоит поговорить об именах персонажей Геншин на английском, которые относятся к легендарным, то есть к 5 ★:


Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеИтэр (мужской вариант) — Aether

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеЛюмин (женский вариант) — Lumine

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеПаймон — Paimon

Регион Мондштадт

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Дилюк — Diluc

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Эола — Eula

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Кли — Klee

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеДжинн — Jean

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Венти — Venti

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке

Альбедо — Albedo

Регион Ли Юэ

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеМона — Mona

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Тарталья — Tartaglia

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Чжун Ли — Zhongli

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Гань Юй — Ganyu

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Сяо — Xiao

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Ху Тао — Hu Tao

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Ци Ци — Qiqi

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Кэ Цин — Keqing

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Шэнь Хэ — Shenhe

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Е Лань — Yelan

Регион Инадзума

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеСёгун Райдэн — Raiden Shogun

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеЯэ Мико — Yae Miko

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Камисато Аяка — Kamisato Ayaka

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеКамисато Аято — Kamisato Ayato

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Сангономия Кокоми — Sangonomiya Kokomi

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Ёимия — Yoimiya

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Каэдэхара Кадзуха — Kaedehara Kazuha

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеАратаки Итто — Arataki Itto

Регион Сумеру 

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеТигнари — Tighnari

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Сайно — Cyno

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеНилу — Nilou

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Нахида — Nahida

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Странник — Wanderer

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Фарузан — Faruzan

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Аль-Хайтам — Alhaitham


Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Элой — Aloy

4 ★ персонажи (эпики)

Теперь рассмотрим имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке для самой многочисленной группы — эпических героев, то есть 4-звездочников:


Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Беннет- Bennett

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Эмбер — Amber

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Кейа — Kaeya

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Лиза — Lisa

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Барбара — Barbara

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Ноэлль — Noelle

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеДиона — Diona

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Фишль — Fischl

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Рэйзор — Razor

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Розария — Rosaria

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Сахароза — Sucrose

Регион Ли Юэ

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Нин Гуан — Ningguang

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Сян Лин — Xiangling

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Син Цю — Xingqiu

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Янь Фэй — Yanfei

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Чун Юнь — Chongyun

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Бэй Доу — Beidou

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Юнь Цзинь — Yun Jin

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Синь Янь — Xinyan

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеЯо Яо — Yaoyao


Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Саю — Sayu

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеТома — Thoma

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеГоро — Gorou

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеКудзё Сара — Kujou Sara

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеКуки Синобу — Kuki Shinobu

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеСиканоин Хэйдзо — Shikanoin Heizou


Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языкеКоллеи — Collei

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Дори — Dori

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Кандакия — Candace

Имена персонажей Геншин импакт на английском языке Лайла —  Layla

Видео: Что значат имена героев

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Перевод «Аято» на английский

Аято переходит в новую школу, надеясь на новый старт.

Ayato transfers into a new school, hoping for a fresh start.

Перед этим, незадолго до конца фильма есть сцена у озера, в которой Аято объясняет ситуацию «перенастройки» Харуке.

Beyond this, near the end of the movie there is a scene by a lake in which Ayato explains the situation of the «re-tuning» to Haruka.

Это история о том, как Аято получил коробку шоколадных конфет от неизвестного на День святого Валентина и пытается узнать, кто же послал её.

The story is about Ayato receiving a box of chocolates as an anonymous Valentine’s Day gift, and the quest to find out who sent it.

Аниме-сериал показывает Мэгуми, соревнующуюся с Харукой за расположение Аято, а в манге эта роль отдана Рэйке.

The anime series shows Megumi competing with Haruka for Ayato’s affections, while this role is taken by Reika in the manga.

«Мы можем найти больше членов семейства филовирусов по всему миру», — считает вирусолог Аято Такада из Университета Хокайдо в Саппоро, Япония.

«We may find more members of the filovirus family elsewhere in the world,» says virologist Ayato Takada of Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan.

Два японских мифа недвусмысленно упоминаются в сериале: Аято сравнивает себя с Урасимо Таро, а профессор Рикудо сравнивает Майю с принцессой Кагуей.«Унесение призраками» (камикакуси) случается сразу и в обратном, и в традиционном для японского фольклора направлении.

Two Japanese folk tales are explicitly mentioned in the series: Ayato compares himself to Urashima Tarō, and professor Rikudoh compares Maya to Princess Kaguya.»Spiriting away» (kamikakushi) happens both in reverse and in the way common to Japanese folklore.

Так и герой Аято Амагири, приехал в город по призыву президента студенческого совета академии Сэйдокан, Клаудии Энфилд.

Among them was Ayato Amagiri, who arrived in the city at the invitation of the president of the student council Seydokan Academy, Claudia Enfield.

Сюрреалисты утверждают, что художники должны выражать подсознательное, свободное от сознательных мыслей и причин, и тогда вымышленный мир подсознательного будет более реальным, чем настоящий мир — он будет сюрреальным. Аято перенастроил мир в соответствии со своим представлением.

Surrealists said that artists should express the subconscious uninhibited by conscious thought and reason, and that the dream world of the subconscious was more real than the real world — surreal. Ayato re-tunes the world based on his desires.

Аято самый справедливый и добрый, несмотря на самовлюбленность.

He remained faithful and merciful despite their idolatry.

Аято переходит в новую школу, надеясь на новый старт.

Madeleine is moving to college, hoping for a new start.

Загадочная девушка, которая периодически появляется рядом с Аято.

A mysterious girl that appears often in front of Hayato.

В противоположность Дороти, Аято покидает устроенный мир Токио Юпитера и отправляется в «настоящий» мир.

«Мы продолжим исследования для того, чтобы как можно скорее начать его широкое применение», — цитирует агентство Киодо профессора университета Хоккайдо Аято Такаду.

We will continue our research in order as soon as possible to start its widespread use, comments on the results of Agency Kyodo Professor, Hokkaido University Added Takada.

Аято призывает всех двигаться дальше.

Doris encourages everyone to keep on.

Аято призывает всех двигаться дальше.

Monoleo urges everyone to follow.

霧嶋 絢都 Кирисима Аято) — младший брат Токи, рос вместе с ней в двадцатом районе, но внезапно исчез.

One among them was shared with Veerasimha Mannadiar (Jayaram), his younger brother.

Аниме-сериал показывает Мэгуми, соревнующуюся с Харукой за расположение Аято, а в манге эта роль отдана Рэйке.

The anime series shows Megumi competing with Haruka for Ayato’s affections, while this role is taken by Reika in the manga.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 17. Точных совпадений: 17. Затраченное время: 100 мс


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Подробная информация о фамилии Аято, а именно ее происхождение, история образования, суть фамилии, значение, перевод и склонение. Какая история происхождения фамилии Аято? Откуда родом фамилия Аято? Какой национальности человек с фамилией Аято? Как правильно пишется фамилия Аято? Верный перевод фамилии Аято на английский язык и склонение по падежам. Полную характеристику фамилии Аято и ее суть вы можете прочитать онлайн в этой статье совершенно бесплатно без регистрации.

Происхождение фамилии Аято

Большинство фамилий, в том числе и фамилия Аято, произошло от отчеств (по крестильному или мирскому имени одного из предков), прозвищ (по роду деятельности, месту происхождения или какой-то другой особенности предка) или других родовых имён.

История фамилии Аято

В различных общественных слоях фамилии появились в разное время. История фамилии Аято насчитывает несколько сотен лет. Первое упоминание фамилии Аято встречается в XVIII—XIX веках, именно в это время на руси стали распространяться фамилии у служащих людей и у купечества. Поначалу только самое богатое — «именитое купечество» — удостаивалось чести получить фамилию Аято. В это время начинают называться многочисленные боярские и дворянские роды. Именно на этот временной промежуток приходится появление знатных фамильных названий. Фамилия Аято наследуется из поколения в поколение по мужской линии (или по женской).

Суть фамилии Аято по буквам

Фамилия Аято состоит из 4 букв. Фамилии из четырех букв говорят об уме и практичности. Такие люди отличаются спокойствием и уравновешенностью, что всегда производит самое выгодное впечатление. То же касается и их внешнего облика – ничего вычурного, кричаще безвкусного. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в фамилии Аято можно понять ее суть и скрытое значение.

  • А — самая сильная и яркая буква кириллицы. Личности, обладающие такими буквами в фамилии, всегда стремятся к лидерству. Нередко они соревнуются с самим собой. Указывает на желание что-то изменить, достичь наивысшего уровня комфорта в физическом проявлении и в духовном.
  • Я — достижение желаемой цели, обладают чувством собственного достоинства, добиваются любви и признания окружающих. Умственные способности. Умение обернуть ситуацию в свою сторону. Лидерство и активность.
  • Т — творческие, чувствительные люди; обладают высокой интуицией, находятся в постоянном поиске правды. Часто желания не совпадают с возможностями. Стремятся сделать все быстро, не откладывая на завтра. Требовательность к окружающим и к себе. Стремление к поиску истины. Переоценка своих возможностей.
  • О — стремятся к самопознанию, способны испытывать сильные чувства. Желают постичь своё истинное предназначение. Желание совершенствоваться и совершенствовать мир. Высокая интуиция, правильно распоряжаются деньгами. Стремление к совершенству. Переменчивость настроения от восторга к унынию.
  • Значение фамилии Аято

    Фамилия является основным элементом, связывающим человека со вселенной и окружающим миром. Она определяет его судьбу, основные черты характера и наиболее значимые события. Внутри фамилии Аято скрывается опыт, накопленный предыдущими поколениями и предками. По нумерологии фамилии Аято можно определить жизненный путь рода, семейное благополучие, достоинства, недостатки и характер носителя фамилии. Число фамилии Аято в нумерологии — 7. Представители фамилии Аято достаточно образованные люди, наделенные врожденной интуицией. Они обожают загадки, паззлы, сложные задания и нестандартные ситуации. Носители фамилии с цифрой 7 великолепно чувствуют своих собеседников и могут находить нужные в данные момент слова.
    Они являются интеллектуально развитыми людьми с непреодолимой жаждой новых знаний. Их влечет все сложное, неизведанное и загадочное. Порой, люди с фамилией Аято наполняют свою жизнь мистикой и с головой уходят в изучение оккультных наук.

  • Жизненный путь рода и фамилии Аято.
    В обычной жизни людей с фамилией Аято считают чудаками: они могут с головой погружаться в свой внутренний мир и не замечать окружающих событий. Именно эти люди разрабатывают сложные изобретения, необычные машины или альтернативные источники получения энергии. Носители фамилии Аято проходят сложный жизненный путь, посвященный высоким целям. Они годами набивают шишки, ищут верное направление и следуют внутренним идеалам. С окружающими людьми их отношения складываются по двум сценариям: носителей фамилии Аято либо принимают в коллектив, либо сразу же сторонятся и определяют в дальний угол. При этом самих представителей фамилии Аято эти процессы совершенно не волнуют. Они являются добрыми людьми, а потому не могут пройти мимо чужого горя и несправедливости. Этим активно пользуются новоявленные религиозные секты, мошенники и обычные попрошайки.
  • Семейная жизнь с фамилией Аято.
    Носители фамилии Аято требуют особых семейных отношений. Они будут счастливы только со своим соратником или человеком, который разделяет их высокие взгляды. Семью создают в достаточно зрелом возрасте и долго выбирают кандидата. Не терпят насмешек и ежедневных требований и часто закрываются в своей комнате для работы.
    Решение бытовых проблем возлагают на своего спутника жизни, а свободное время тратят на работу, которая и является единственным хобби. Детей признают и уважают, но при этом не проявляют особой любви или нежности.
  • Рекомендуемые профессии для фамилии Аято.
    Обладатели фамилии Аято – потенциальные ученые, мыслители и философы. Они обожают точные науки, сложные теории и неразрешимые задачи. Это прирожденные детективы, эксперты по криминалистике, сотрудники диагностических лабораторий. Способность сострадать позволяет им выбирать для себя профессию медицинского работника.
  • Достоинства характера человека с фамилией Аято.
    К ним относится целеустремленность, работоспособность, усидчивость и упрямство в хорошем смысле слова.

    Как правильно пишется фамилия Аято

    В русском языке грамотным написанием этой фамилии является — Аято. В английском языке фамилия Аято может иметь следующий вариант написания — Ayato.

    Склонение фамилии Аято по падежам

    Падеж Вопрос Фамилия
    Именительный Кто? Аято
    Родительный Нет Кого? Аято
    Дательный Рад Кому? Аято
    Винительный Вижу Кого? Аято
    Творительный Доволен Кем? Аято
    Предложный Думаю О ком? Аято

    Видео про фамилию Аято

    Вы согласны с описанием фамилии Аято, ее происхождением, историей образования, значением и изложенной сутью? Какую информацию о фамилии Аято вы еще знаете? С какими известными и успешными людьми с фамилией Аято вы знакомы? Будем рады обсудить фамилию Аято более подробно с посетителями нашего сайта в комментариях.

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