Как пишется бета на английском


  • 1

    Sokrat personal > бета

  • 2

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > бета

  • 3

    Русско-английский новый политехнический словарь > бета

  • 4

    Русско-английский словарь по информационным технологиям > бета

  • 5

    Русско-английский научный словарь > бета

  • 6

    Русско-английский физический словарь > бета

  • 7

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > бета-

  • 8

    имя существительное:

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > бета

  • 9

    1. beta

    1. Приставка, обозначающая один из двух или нескольких тесно связанных между собой минералов.
    2. В двуосных кристаллах – промежуточный показатель преломления.
    3. Угол между кристаллографическими осями А и С.
    [Англо-русский геммологический словарь. Красноярск, КрасБерри. 2007.]


    • геммология и ювелирное производство


    • beta

    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > бета

  • 10

    Русско-английский технический словарь > бета

  • 11

    Русско-английский технический словарь > бета-

  • 12

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > бета

  • 13

    * * *



    beta, b

    * * *

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > бета

  • 14

    Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению > бета

  • 15

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > бета

  • 16

    Русско-английский словарь по электронике > бета

  • 17

    Русско-английский словарь по радиоэлектронике > бета

  • 18


    * * *

    * * *



    Новый русско-английский словарь > бета

  • 19

    Русско-английский словарь по нефти и газу > бета

  • 20

    Русско-английский математический словарь > бета


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
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  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • БЕТА-: — БЕТА … [бэ]. Первая часть сложных слов в составе нек рых терминов: бета распад (один из видов радиоактивного превращения атомного ядра), бета частицы (электроны и позитроны, испускаемые радиоактивными веществами при бета распаде), бета лучи (п …   Толковый словарь Ожегова

  • бета-… — БЕТА … [бэ ]. Первая часть сложных слов в составе нек рых терминов: бета распад (один из видов радиоактивного превращения атомного ядра), бета частицы (электроны и позитроны, испускаемые радиоактивными веществами при бета распаде), бета лучи …   Толковый словарь Ожегова

  • Бета — для взаимных фондов мера риска инвестиций по отношению к рынку; показатель колебаний цены акций фонда по отношению к базовому фондовому индексу. По английски: Beta Синонимы: Коэффициент бета, Индекс систематического риска Синонимы английские:… …   Финансовый словарь

  • бета-… — (бэ) ( …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • БЕТА — (/3) ОКСИМАСЛЯНАЯ КИСЛОТА, СН3 СНОН СН2 СООН, встречается в виде левовращающей модификации, преимущественно в крови и моче диабетиков; из последней она была впервые выделена Шта дельманом (Stadelmann). Ее значение при диабетическом ацидозе… …   Большая медицинская энциклопедия

  • бета — ы, ж. bête f. устар. Дурочка. Эта бета без корсета. Считалка. РР 1968 4 26 …   Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка

  • Бета — Бета  (beta, β) — показатель рыночной неустойчивости во времени, свойственной общему доходу (дивиденды плюс или минус повышение или снижение цены ) от отдельной акции относительно рынка в целом. Умножение надбавки за риск для акции в 7,5%… …   Экономико-математический словарь

  • БЕТА — БЕТА, b, вторая буква греческого алфавита …   Современная энциклопедия

  • БЕТА — (?) вторая буква греческого алфавита …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • бета — сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • буква (103) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Бета — Беатриса, Берта Словарь русских личных имен. Н. А. Петровский. 2011 …   Словарь личных имен

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 7 888

y  *

Убрать слово из словаря

амер.  |ˈbeɪtə| Тег audio не поддерживается вашим браузером.  американское произношение слова beta

брит.  |ˈbiːtə| Тег audio не поддерживается вашим браузером.  британское произношение слова beta

Russian  English 



- бета (2-я буква греческого алфавита ß)
- оценка «бета»; ≅ четвёрка с минусом или тройка с плюсом
- унив. бета (символ для обозначения принадлежности студента к группе средней успеваемости)
- астр. вторая по яркости звезда в созвездии
- физ. бета-частица, электрон

Мои примеры


a program that is currently in beta — программа, которая в настоящее время находится в бета-версии  
beta-alpha phase change — фазовый переход бета-альфа  
beta cell — бета-клетка  
beta-cell — базофильный инсулоцит; базофильная клетка  
beta chamber — бета-камера  
beta-cleavage — бета-расщепление  
beta condensation — бета-конденсация  
beta-control — ручное управление шагом винта  
beta corpuscle — бета-частица  
beta counter — счётчик бета-частиц; бета-счётчик  
beta counting — подсчёт бета-частиц; бета-диагностика; бета-радиометрия  

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Перевод «бета» на английский









Последовательность аминокислот соответствует естественному человеческому интерферону бета.

The amino acid sequence is identical to that of natural human interferon beta.

Она состоит из 2 альфа и 2 бета субъединиц.

They consist of 2 alpha sub units and 2 beta subunits.

Частота бета сопряжена со стрессом, от которого все мы хотим избавиться.

Beta frequency is associated with stress, from which we all want to get rid of.

Первоначально бета будет работать так же, как и существующая версия.

Initially, the beta will work the same way as the existing version.

Три из них уже были замечены со времен бета.

Three of these have already been seen from the days of beta.

При увеличении дозы блокирует бета 2-адренорецепторы.

With increasing doses blocks the beta 2 -adrenergic receptors.

Правда, пока первая публичная бета не очень подходит для повседневного использования.

However, so far the first public beta is not very suitable for everyday use.

И даже бета версия игры набирает огромную популярность.

And even the beta version of the game is gaining immense popularity.

Без бета вы не сможете функционировать во внешнем мире.

Without beta you would not be able to function in the outside world.

Но в ближайшей бета версии мы это исправим.

In the next beta version, I will correct this error.

Через пару месяцев вам нужна рабочая бета.

You need a full working beta up in the next few months.

Хлоргидрат изопреналина (51-30-9) симпатомиметическое бета адренэргическое лекарство агониста.

Isoprenaline hydrochloride (51-30-9) is a sympathomimetic beta adrenergic agonist medication.

Альфа, бета, гамма и нейтронное.

There’s alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron.

Продолжать бета испытывая рассказ первой ш…

Continuing the beta testing story of the first broadband sat…

Я просто показал ему бета игровой сайт.

I was just showing him a beta game site.

Эта пусковая ограничена бета предназначен для тестирования не официальный релиз стабильной.

This launcher is limited beta meant for testing not an official stable release.

Но для этого и нужна бета.

But that is what a beta is for.

Рынка или индекса по сравнению присваивается бета 1.

A market or index being compared is assigned a beta of 1.

Эта технология стала возможной благодаря электрической природе альфа и бета распады.

This technology has been made possible due to the electrical nature of alpha and beta disintegrations.

Корабли определялись группой трех букв, начиная с бета символа.

Ships were identified by a three letter grouping beginning with a Beta symbol.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат бета

Результатов: 3112. Точных совпадений: 3112. Затраченное время: 92 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the German eszett, see ß. For the Chinese radical, see 阝. For the Malayalam script, see ദ. For other uses, see Beta (disambiguation).

Beta (, ; uppercase Β, lowercase β, or cursive ϐ; Ancient Greek: βῆτα, romanized: bē̂ta or Greek: βήτα, romanized: víta) is the second letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 2. In Ancient Greek, beta represented the voiced bilabial plosive IPA: [b]. In Modern Greek, it represents the voiced labiodental fricative IPA: [v] while IPA: [b] in borrowed words is instead commonly transcribed as μπ.[1][2] Letters that arose from beta include the Roman letter ⟨B⟩ and the Cyrillic letters ⟨Б⟩ and ⟨В⟩.


Like the names of most other Greek letters, the name of beta was adopted from the acrophonic name of the corresponding letter in Phoenician, which was the common Semitic word *bait (‘house’). In Greek, the name was βῆτα bêta, pronounced [bɛ̂ːta] in Ancient Greek. It is spelled βήτα in modern monotonic orthography and pronounced [ˈvita].


The letter beta was derived from the Phoenician letter beth Beth.

The letter Β had the largest number of highly divergent local forms. Besides the standard form (either rounded or pointed, Greek Beta 16.svg), there were forms as varied as Greek Beta 12.svg (Gortyn), Greek Beta 01.svg and Greek Beta 10.svg (Thera), Greek Beta 03.svg (Argos), Greek Beta 05.svg (Melos), Greek Beta Corinth 1.svg (Corinth), Greek Beta Byzantium 1.svg (Megara, Byzantium), and Greek Gamma C-shaped.svg (Cyclades).[citation needed]


The Greek alphabet on an ancient black figure vessel, with the characteristically angular beta of the time

Algebraic numerals[edit]

In the system of Greek numerals, beta has a value of 2. Such use is denoted by a number mark: Β′.



Beta is used in finance as a measure of (historical; pseudo-implied) financial asset sensitivity to the relevant benchmark index. Conditional on the benchmark index, the resulting beta value can vary considerably (S&P500 vs NASDAQ vs ETF of a specific industry).

Beta should not to be confused with standard deviation (or the semi-variance, which considers only negative returns): the preferred measure of the «riskiness» (historical volatility of returns) of a financial asset or a portfolio in isolation.

Beta can be calculated as the covariance of a financial asset (or portfolio) with its benchmark index, divided by the variance of the benchmark index.
Since the industry of finance gravitates towards return generating activities, typically the historical returns (percentage changes) are used in the calculations Beta values (among others).
There are numerous other methods a financial analyst can employ to derive Beta values if historical prices are not available.
Beta values change over time (company restructuring; industry sentiment; endo/exogenous factors). Beta values also vary, conditional on the time period used in calculating a Beta value.
Beta values can be negative, which infers the existence of financial assets which historically, tended to move in opposite directions to one another by some unit value.
It would seem these are the optimal «hedges» to offset market-draw-downs, during periods of market-stress and poor liquidity Beta values can vary dramatically, and previously low or even negative correlations converge to «1».

A beta of 1.5 implies that for every 1% change in the value of the benchmark index, the portfolio’s value tends to change by 1.5%.
The greater the absolute value, the greater the implied move.

International Phonetic Alphabet[edit]

In the International Phonetic Alphabet, Greek minuscule beta denotes a voiced bilabial fricative [β].

A superscript version may also indicate a compressed vowel, like [ɯᵝ].


Beta has twice been used to name an Atlantic Basin tropical cyclone:

  • Hurricane Beta, in 2005
  • Tropical Storm Beta, in 2020

Mathematics and science[edit]

Beta is often used to denote a variable in mathematics and physics, where it often has specific meanings for certain applications. In physics a stream of unbound energetic electrons is commonly referred to as beta radiation or beta rays. Decays producing electrons or their antiparticles are called beta decays. In regression analysis, ⟨B⟩ symbolizes nonstandardized partial slope coefficients, whereas ⟨β⟩ represents standardized (standard deviation-score form) coefficients; in both cases, the coefficients reflect the change in the criterion Y per one-unit change in the value of the associated predictor X. β is also used in biology, for instance in β-Carotene, a primary source of provitamin A, or the β cells in pancreatic islets, which produce insulin.

β is sometimes used as a placeholder for an ordinal number if α is already used. For example, the two roots of a quadratic equation are typically labelled α and β.

In spaceflight, beta angle describes the angle between the orbit plane of a spacecraft or other body and the vector from the sun.

β is sometimes used to mean the proton-to-electron mass ratio.

Rock climbing terminology[edit]

The term «beta» refers to advice on how to successfully complete a particular climbing route, boulder problem, or crux sequence.[3]


Beta male, or simply beta, is a slang term for men derived from the designation for beta animals in ethology, along with its counterpart, alpha male.[4][5] The term has been used as a pejorative self-identifier among members of manosphere communities, particularly incels, who do not believe they are assertive or traditionally masculine, and feel overlooked by women.[6][7] It is also used to negatively describe other men who are not assertive, particularly in heterosexual relationships.


In statistics, beta may represent type II error, or regression slope.


In some high-quality typesetting, especially in the French tradition, a typographic variant of the lowercase letter without a descender is used within a word for ancient Greek: βίβλος is printed βίϐλος.[8]

In typesetting technical literature, it is a commonly made mistake to use the German letter ß (a s–z or s–s ligature) as a replacement for β. The two letters resemble each other in some fonts, but they are unrelated.[9]

Videotape formats[edit]

«Beta» can be used to refer to several consumer and professional videotape formats developed by Japan’s Sony Corporation. Although similarly named, they are very different in function and obsolescence.

  • Betamax was the name of a domestic videotape format developed in the 1970s and 1980s. It competed with the Video Home System (VHS) format developed by the Japanese Victor Company, to which it eventually succumbed. The Betamax format was also marketed Betacord by (Sanyo); some cassettes were simply labeled «Beta», and the logo was a lower-case beta. Betamax lost in the market and is an oft-used example of a technically superior solution that failed due to market forces.
  • Betacam, including Beta SP and DigiBeta, is a family of professional videotape formats launched in 1982 that was the de facto standard for professional video, advertising, and television production through the 2000s. The formats outlasted analog NTSC television, and their scarcity today is because the industry has moved to HD formats.

Character encodings[edit]

  • Greek Beta
Character information

Preview Β β ϐ
Encodings decimal hex dec hex dec hex dec hex dec hex
Unicode 914 U+0392 946 U+03B2 976 U+03D0 7517 U+1D5D 7526 U+1D66
UTF-8 206 146 CE 92 206 178 CE B2 207 144 CF 90 225 181 157 E1 B5 9D 225 181 166 E1 B5 A6
Numeric character reference Β Β β β ϐ ϐ
Named character reference Β β
DOS Greek 129 81 153 99
DOS Greek-2 165 A5 215 D7
Windows 1253 194 C2 226 E2
TeX beta
  • Coptic Vida
Character information

Encodings decimal hex dec hex
Unicode 11394 U+2C82 11395 U+2C83
UTF-8 226 178 130 E2 B2 82 226 178 131 E2 B2 83
Numeric character reference
  • Latin Beta
Character information

Encodings decimal hex dec hex
Unicode 42932 U+A7B4 42933 U+A7B5
UTF-8 234 158 180 EA 9E B4 234 158 181 EA 9E B5
Numeric character reference
  • Mathematical Beta
Character information

Preview 𝚩 𝛃 𝛣 𝛽 𝜝 𝜷
Encodings decimal hex dec hex dec hex dec hex dec hex dec hex
Unicode 120489 U+1D6A9 120515 U+1D6C3 120547 U+1D6E3 120573 U+1D6FD 120605 U+1D71D 120631 U+1D737
UTF-8 240 157 154 169 F0 9D 9A A9 240 157 155 131 F0 9D 9B 83 240 157 155 163 F0 9D 9B A3 240 157 155 189 F0 9D 9B BD 240 157 156 157 F0 9D 9C 9D 240 157 156 183 F0 9D 9C B7
UTF-16 55349 57001 D835 DEA9 55349 57027 D835 DEC3 55349 57059 D835 DEE3 55349 57085 D835 DEFD 55349 57117 D835 DF1D 55349 57143 D835 DF37
Numeric character reference 𝚩 𝚩 𝛃 𝛃 𝛣 𝛣 𝛽 𝛽 𝜝 𝜝 𝜷 𝜷
Character information

Preview 𝝗 𝝱 𝞑 𝞫
Encodings decimal hex dec hex dec hex dec hex
Unicode 120663 U+1D757 120689 U+1D771 120721 U+1D791 120747 U+1D7AB
UTF-8 240 157 157 151 F0 9D 9D 97 240 157 157 177 F0 9D 9D B1 240 157 158 145 F0 9D 9E 91 240 157 158 171 F0 9D 9E AB
UTF-16 55349 57175 D835 DF57 55349 57201 D835 DF71 55349 57233 D835 DF91 55349 57259 D835 DFAB
Numeric character reference 𝝗 𝝗 𝝱 𝝱 𝞑 𝞑 𝞫 𝞫

These characters are used only as mathematical symbols. Stylized Greek text should be encoded using the normal Greek letters, with markup and formatting to indicate text style.


Look up Β or β in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  1. ^ «UN Romanization of Greek for Geographical Names (1987)». www.eki.ee. Retrieved 2022-11-13.
  2. ^ «Pronouncing the Greek Alphabet». ThoughtCo. Retrieved 2022-11-13.
  3. ^ Rock and Ice (3 October 2016). «Rock & Ice – Climbing Terminology».
  4. ^ Hawley, P. H.; Little, Todd D.; Card, Noel A. (January 2008). «The myth of the alpha male: A new look at dominance-related beliefs and behaviors among adolescent males and females». International Journal of Behavioral Development. 32 (1): 76–88.
  5. ^ Hosie, Rachel (9 May 2017). «The Myth of the Alpha Male». The Independent.
  6. ^ Jones, Callum; Trott, Verity; Wright, Scott (2020). «Sluts and soyboys: MGTOW and the production of misogynistic online harassment». New Media & Society. 22 (10): 1903–1921. doi:10.1177/1461444819887141. ISSN 1461-4448. S2CID 210530415.
  7. ^ Nicholas, Lucy; Agius, Christine (2018). The Persistence of Global Masculinism: Discourse, Gender and Neo-Colonial Re-Articulations of Violence. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-68360-7. ISBN 978-3-319-68359-1. LCCN 2017954971. Archived from the original on 2020-08-11. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
  8. ^ Haralambous, Yannis (1999). «From Unicode to typography, a case study: the Greek script» (PDF). p. 7. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-06-15.
  9. ^ Aguilar Ruiz, Manuel José (2013). ««Las normas ortográficas y ortotipográficas de la nueva Ortografía de la lengua española (2010) aplicadas a las publicaciones biomédicas en español: una visión de conjunto» (PDF). Panace@. 14 (37): 104.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the German eszett, see ß. For the Chinese radical, see 阝. For the Malayalam script, see ദ. For other uses, see Beta (disambiguation).

Beta (, ; uppercase Β, lowercase β, or cursive ϐ; Ancient Greek: βῆτα, romanized: bē̂ta or Greek: βήτα, romanized: víta) is the second letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 2. In Ancient Greek, beta represented the voiced bilabial plosive IPA: [b]. In Modern Greek, it represents the voiced labiodental fricative IPA: [v] while IPA: [b] in borrowed words is instead commonly transcribed as μπ.[1][2] Letters that arose from beta include the Roman letter ⟨B⟩ and the Cyrillic letters ⟨Б⟩ and ⟨В⟩.


Like the names of most other Greek letters, the name of beta was adopted from the acrophonic name of the corresponding letter in Phoenician, which was the common Semitic word *bait (‘house’). In Greek, the name was βῆτα bêta, pronounced [bɛ̂ːta] in Ancient Greek. It is spelled βήτα in modern monotonic orthography and pronounced [ˈvita].


The letter beta was derived from the Phoenician letter beth Beth.

The letter Β had the largest number of highly divergent local forms. Besides the standard form (either rounded or pointed, Greek Beta 16.svg), there were forms as varied as Greek Beta 12.svg (Gortyn), Greek Beta 01.svg and Greek Beta 10.svg (Thera), Greek Beta 03.svg (Argos), Greek Beta 05.svg (Melos), Greek Beta Corinth 1.svg (Corinth), Greek Beta Byzantium 1.svg (Megara, Byzantium), and Greek Gamma C-shaped.svg (Cyclades).[citation needed]


The Greek alphabet on an ancient black figure vessel, with the characteristically angular beta of the time

Algebraic numerals[edit]

In the system of Greek numerals, beta has a value of 2. Such use is denoted by a number mark: Β′.



Beta is used in finance as a measure of (historical; pseudo-implied) financial asset sensitivity to the relevant benchmark index. Conditional on the benchmark index, the resulting beta value can vary considerably (S&P500 vs NASDAQ vs ETF of a specific industry).

Beta should not to be confused with standard deviation (or the semi-variance, which considers only negative returns): the preferred measure of the «riskiness» (historical volatility of returns) of a financial asset or a portfolio in isolation.

Beta can be calculated as the covariance of a financial asset (or portfolio) with its benchmark index, divided by the variance of the benchmark index.
Since the industry of finance gravitates towards return generating activities, typically the historical returns (percentage changes) are used in the calculations Beta values (among others).
There are numerous other methods a financial analyst can employ to derive Beta values if historical prices are not available.
Beta values change over time (company restructuring; industry sentiment; endo/exogenous factors). Beta values also vary, conditional on the time period used in calculating a Beta value.
Beta values can be negative, which infers the existence of financial assets which historically, tended to move in opposite directions to one another by some unit value.
It would seem these are the optimal «hedges» to offset market-draw-downs, during periods of market-stress and poor liquidity Beta values can vary dramatically, and previously low or even negative correlations converge to «1».

A beta of 1.5 implies that for every 1% change in the value of the benchmark index, the portfolio’s value tends to change by 1.5%.
The greater the absolute value, the greater the implied move.

International Phonetic Alphabet[edit]

In the International Phonetic Alphabet, Greek minuscule beta denotes a voiced bilabial fricative [β].

A superscript version may also indicate a compressed vowel, like [ɯᵝ].


Beta has twice been used to name an Atlantic Basin tropical cyclone:

  • Hurricane Beta, in 2005
  • Tropical Storm Beta, in 2020

Mathematics and science[edit]

Beta is often used to denote a variable in mathematics and physics, where it often has specific meanings for certain applications. In physics a stream of unbound energetic electrons is commonly referred to as beta radiation or beta rays. Decays producing electrons or their antiparticles are called beta decays. In regression analysis, ⟨B⟩ symbolizes nonstandardized partial slope coefficients, whereas ⟨β⟩ represents standardized (standard deviation-score form) coefficients; in both cases, the coefficients reflect the change in the criterion Y per one-unit change in the value of the associated predictor X. β is also used in biology, for instance in β-Carotene, a primary source of provitamin A, or the β cells in pancreatic islets, which produce insulin.

β is sometimes used as a placeholder for an ordinal number if α is already used. For example, the two roots of a quadratic equation are typically labelled α and β.

In spaceflight, beta angle describes the angle between the orbit plane of a spacecraft or other body and the vector from the sun.

β is sometimes used to mean the proton-to-electron mass ratio.

Rock climbing terminology[edit]

The term «beta» refers to advice on how to successfully complete a particular climbing route, boulder problem, or crux sequence.[3]


Beta male, or simply beta, is a slang term for men derived from the designation for beta animals in ethology, along with its counterpart, alpha male.[4][5] The term has been used as a pejorative self-identifier among members of manosphere communities, particularly incels, who do not believe they are assertive or traditionally masculine, and feel overlooked by women.[6][7] It is also used to negatively describe other men who are not assertive, particularly in heterosexual relationships.


In statistics, beta may represent type II error, or regression slope.


In some high-quality typesetting, especially in the French tradition, a typographic variant of the lowercase letter without a descender is used within a word for ancient Greek: βίβλος is printed βίϐλος.[8]

In typesetting technical literature, it is a commonly made mistake to use the German letter ß (a s–z or s–s ligature) as a replacement for β. The two letters resemble each other in some fonts, but they are unrelated.[9]

Videotape formats[edit]

«Beta» can be used to refer to several consumer and professional videotape formats developed by Japan’s Sony Corporation. Although similarly named, they are very different in function and obsolescence.

  • Betamax was the name of a domestic videotape format developed in the 1970s and 1980s. It competed with the Video Home System (VHS) format developed by the Japanese Victor Company, to which it eventually succumbed. The Betamax format was also marketed Betacord by (Sanyo); some cassettes were simply labeled «Beta», and the logo was a lower-case beta. Betamax lost in the market and is an oft-used example of a technically superior solution that failed due to market forces.
  • Betacam, including Beta SP and DigiBeta, is a family of professional videotape formats launched in 1982 that was the de facto standard for professional video, advertising, and television production through the 2000s. The formats outlasted analog NTSC television, and their scarcity today is because the industry has moved to HD formats.

Character encodings[edit]

  • Greek Beta
Character information

Preview Β β ϐ
Encodings decimal hex dec hex dec hex dec hex dec hex
Unicode 914 U+0392 946 U+03B2 976 U+03D0 7517 U+1D5D 7526 U+1D66
UTF-8 206 146 CE 92 206 178 CE B2 207 144 CF 90 225 181 157 E1 B5 9D 225 181 166 E1 B5 A6
Numeric character reference Β Β β β ϐ ϐ
Named character reference Β β
DOS Greek 129 81 153 99
DOS Greek-2 165 A5 215 D7
Windows 1253 194 C2 226 E2
TeX beta
  • Coptic Vida
Character information

Encodings decimal hex dec hex
Unicode 11394 U+2C82 11395 U+2C83
UTF-8 226 178 130 E2 B2 82 226 178 131 E2 B2 83
Numeric character reference
  • Latin Beta
Character information

Encodings decimal hex dec hex
Unicode 42932 U+A7B4 42933 U+A7B5
UTF-8 234 158 180 EA 9E B4 234 158 181 EA 9E B5
Numeric character reference
  • Mathematical Beta
Character information

Preview 𝚩 𝛃 𝛣 𝛽 𝜝 𝜷
Encodings decimal hex dec hex dec hex dec hex dec hex dec hex
Unicode 120489 U+1D6A9 120515 U+1D6C3 120547 U+1D6E3 120573 U+1D6FD 120605 U+1D71D 120631 U+1D737
UTF-8 240 157 154 169 F0 9D 9A A9 240 157 155 131 F0 9D 9B 83 240 157 155 163 F0 9D 9B A3 240 157 155 189 F0 9D 9B BD 240 157 156 157 F0 9D 9C 9D 240 157 156 183 F0 9D 9C B7
UTF-16 55349 57001 D835 DEA9 55349 57027 D835 DEC3 55349 57059 D835 DEE3 55349 57085 D835 DEFD 55349 57117 D835 DF1D 55349 57143 D835 DF37
Numeric character reference 𝚩 𝚩 𝛃 𝛃 𝛣 𝛣 𝛽 𝛽 𝜝 𝜝 𝜷 𝜷
Character information

Preview 𝝗 𝝱 𝞑 𝞫
Encodings decimal hex dec hex dec hex dec hex
Unicode 120663 U+1D757 120689 U+1D771 120721 U+1D791 120747 U+1D7AB
UTF-8 240 157 157 151 F0 9D 9D 97 240 157 157 177 F0 9D 9D B1 240 157 158 145 F0 9D 9E 91 240 157 158 171 F0 9D 9E AB
UTF-16 55349 57175 D835 DF57 55349 57201 D835 DF71 55349 57233 D835 DF91 55349 57259 D835 DFAB
Numeric character reference 𝝗 𝝗 𝝱 𝝱 𝞑 𝞑 𝞫 𝞫

These characters are used only as mathematical symbols. Stylized Greek text should be encoded using the normal Greek letters, with markup and formatting to indicate text style.


Look up Β or β in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  1. ^ «UN Romanization of Greek for Geographical Names (1987)». www.eki.ee. Retrieved 2022-11-13.
  2. ^ «Pronouncing the Greek Alphabet». ThoughtCo. Retrieved 2022-11-13.
  3. ^ Rock and Ice (3 October 2016). «Rock & Ice – Climbing Terminology».
  4. ^ Hawley, P. H.; Little, Todd D.; Card, Noel A. (January 2008). «The myth of the alpha male: A new look at dominance-related beliefs and behaviors among adolescent males and females». International Journal of Behavioral Development. 32 (1): 76–88.
  5. ^ Hosie, Rachel (9 May 2017). «The Myth of the Alpha Male». The Independent.
  6. ^ Jones, Callum; Trott, Verity; Wright, Scott (2020). «Sluts and soyboys: MGTOW and the production of misogynistic online harassment». New Media & Society. 22 (10): 1903–1921. doi:10.1177/1461444819887141. ISSN 1461-4448. S2CID 210530415.
  7. ^ Nicholas, Lucy; Agius, Christine (2018). The Persistence of Global Masculinism: Discourse, Gender and Neo-Colonial Re-Articulations of Violence. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-68360-7. ISBN 978-3-319-68359-1. LCCN 2017954971. Archived from the original on 2020-08-11. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
  8. ^ Haralambous, Yannis (1999). «From Unicode to typography, a case study: the Greek script» (PDF). p. 7. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-06-15.
  9. ^ Aguilar Ruiz, Manuel José (2013). ««Las normas ortográficas y ortotipográficas de la nueva Ortografía de la lengua española (2010) aplicadas a las publicaciones biomédicas en español: una visión de conjunto» (PDF). Panace@. 14 (37): 104.

Перевод для «бета» на английский

  • Примеры
  • Подобные фразы

Примеры перевода

  • beta

бета-гексахлорциклогексан (бета-ГХГ)

Beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (beta-HCH)

Химическое название: бета-гексахлорциклогексан (бета-КАС)

Chemical name: beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (beta-HCH)

(1-альфа-, 2-бета, 3-альфа-, 4-бета, 5-альфа-, 6-бета)-гексахлорциклогексан

(1-alpha, 2-beta, 3-alpha, 4-beta, 5-alpha, 6-beta)-Hexachlorocyclohexane

(1-альфа-, 2-альфа-, 3-бета, 4-альфа-, 5-бета, 6-бета)-гексахлорциклогексан

(1-alpha, 2-alpha, 3-beta, 4-alpha, 5-beta, 6-beta)-Hexachlorocyclohexane

Гамма, альфа, бета, бета один, бета два, пре-бета.

gamma, alpha, beta, beta one, beta two, pre-beta.



Гамма вызывает Бету, внимание, Бета.

Gamma calling Beta, attention Beta.

Сигма, бета, шпингалета Сигма, бета, шпингалета

— Sigma Beta, see you latah! — Sigma Beta, see you latah!

— Альфа, Бета, Омега..

— Alpha, Beta, Omega…

Фи Бета Каппа.

Phi Beta Kappa.

Гамма вызывает Бету.

Gamma calling Beta.

Бета-самец, правильно?

Beta dog,right?

Задача состояла в том, чтобы выяснить законы бета-распада.

The problem was to find the right laws of beta decay.

Присутствовавший при этом Кристи поинтересовался: — А какую постоянную бета-распада вы использовали?

Christy, who was there, too, said, “What beta-decay constant did you use?”

Приехав в Калтех, я поинтересовался у тамошних экспериментаторов, какова ситуация с бета-распадом.

When I got back to Caltech, I asked some of the experimenters what the situation was with beta decay.

Возвратившись в Соединенные Штаты, я решил выяснить, что нового стало известно о бета-распаде.

When I came back to the United States, I wanted to know what the situation was with beta decay.

В конце письма говорилось: «Посвященная бета-распаду теория ФГ (Фейнмана-Гелл-Манна) — это, скорее всего, ФиГня».

At the end he wrote, “The F-G (Feynman—Gell-Mann) theory of beta decay is no F-G.”

За год до этого «Фи-бета-дельта» едва не распалось — в нем образовались две разных клики и начался раскол.

The Phi Beta Delta fraternity had almost collapsed the year before, because there were two different cliques that had split the fraternity in half.

Электроны, которым, согласно моей модели, полагалось рождаться при бета-распаде с левой спиральностью, оказывались в некоторых случаях правоспиральными.

The electrons, which in my model would have all come out spinning to the left in the beta decay, came out on the right in some cases.

Он не мог знать, что подавлять чужую волю Форд научился давным-давно, пьянствуя в гиперпространственных портах мадранито-добывающих зон звездной системы Орион Бета.

He didn’t realize that this was because of an old drinking game that Ford learned to play in the hyperspace ports that served the madranite mining belts in the star system of Orion Beta.

Я вспомнил о Дираке, который вывел новое уравнение, описывающее поведение электрона. — вот и у меня было новое уравнение бета-распада, не такое, конечно, важное, как Дираковское, но тоже отнюдь не плохое.

I thought about Dirac, who had his equation for a while—a new equation which told how an electron behaved—and I had this new equation for beta decay, which wasn’t as vital as the Dirac Equation, but it was good.

– Трек Бета. – Есть! Батарея-два, трек Бета.

‘Track beta.“ “Aye aye, sir. Guns Two, track beta.”

– «Бета»? – с подозрением в голосе осведомился он. – Что такое «бета»?

Beta?” he asked, a suspicious overtone in his voice. “What’s Beta?”

У нас тут секция «Бета».

We’re in Beta here.

— Я был на Колонии Бета.

«I’ve been to Beta Colony.

«Но мы, конечно, не в Колонии Бета».

We are not, of course, on Beta Colony.

— Об этом мне тоже нельзя говорить, Бета.

‘I’m not allowed to say, Beta.’

— Бета, не так ли? — спросила она.

Beta, isn’t it?’ she asked.

— Она была так испугана, Бета.

She was so scared, Beta.

– Альфа, бета, гамма…

“Alpha, beta, gamma…”

— Забавная бета-реакция.

Interesting beta reaction.

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